#I can maybe still run a vaccum over the first floor and wipe down the kitchen counters
doublesidedgemini · 1 year
So I eatied a little bit and drank a bunch of coffee
A storm is going to roll through in about half an hour
I haven’t seen my horse since Tuesday so I’m jetting out to the barn to pick out her feet at least cos it’s been muddy as hell and her feet were thrushy on Tuesday :( I put medicine on them then but I hope it didn’t get too bad over this week…
Anyway then I’m going to come right on home and drinky some wine and MAYBE make myself ramen or something and watched the virgin suicides and girl, interrupted for the 20th time hahaha <3 and if I have the energy I’ll take a bubble bath :)
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msiopao · 4 years
The One with the Polaroids
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pairing: jungkook x nobi
summary: whilst cleaning their closet, nobi stumbles upon a box that she thought she lost 5 years ago
to say the least, it was dirty.
ever since they moved in 2 years ago, the dorm hasn’t been properly cleaned because they were either too busy with touring or too lazy to do it. but it has gotten to the point where they actually were willing to clean everything. part of the reason might’ve been the boredom and the need to do something productive and the other reason could be that they would like to grab something without dusting it off first.
nobi and jungkook first started cleaning their room and around their beds. with having the biggest room in the dorm, they took a while to fully dust, vaccum, and throw away random garbage they found either under their beds or under their desks.
“ew, kook, why is there a banana milk box here?” she whined in disgust when she saw it under his bed.
jungkook merely shrugged and continued wiping the windows. “i don’t know. probably had a late snack.”
“dear god, jeon jungkook, we have a trash can for a reason!” she chided but he just turned to give her a grin.
sighing, she got up from the floor and fluffed up the millions of pillows on her bed before grabbing the broom to sweep under her own bed. there was just paper balls and socks in the mix but she noticed a hoodie that she thought she really lost forever ago.
“oh my god!” nobi squealed and picked it up, examining it. it looked the same except it just had dust bunnies. “my stussy jacket!”
jungkook finished his job and looked over to what she was squealing for and gave her a look. “you mean my stussy jacket?”
laughing at his question, nobi walked over to him and patted his cheek. “sharing is caring, bub.”
a knock from their bedroom door made her go and answer it, finding jin at the other side.
“just saying that we have all the washers running so you might wait a while to run your guys’ stuff,” jin explained causing her to pout.
“this is why i keep saying that we should buy another. it’s a hassle with only 5 washers,” she pouted. jin smiled before ruffling her hair.
“once one of them is done, i’ll tell you.”
jungkook picked up a striped sock before tossing it to his laundry basket so that it could be washed. it baffled him of how many socks he has, considering he walks around the house barefoot.
once jin left, nobi went to their closet and opened the door, revealing the tons of clothing hanging on both top and bottom. it was split into 2 sections with jungkook’s and her clothing separate. but honestly, there was no use as she used his clothing most of the time. 
“hey, jungkook, should we wash all of our clothes? i mean, some of these haven’t been washed in several months. probably, since we moved,” she said.
he followed her inside and went to the very back of the closet, noticing that there was actually dust on the shoulder of one of his jackets. he took it off the long bar and examined it, forgetting he even owned it.
“do you remember this jacket, bub?” he asked making nobi look at him.
she looked at it and furrowed her eyebrows before shaking her head no. “i don’t think i’ve seen it before.”
“hm, maybe we should donate some of our clothes that we don’t own anymore. its good to give to those who need it rather than letting it sit here.”
nobi looked at him, shocked. “wah, jeon jungkook! you sounded so mature just now!”
he rolled his eyes and shoved her shoulder to hide the redness of his cheeks. “shut up. i’m always mature.”
she grabbed a big laundry basket for them to put their clothes in and they placed the hangers back on its place. nobi was amazed at how big their closet was and how small it felt when they it used to cramped with clothing. as they neared the end of the line, she saw a few boxes on the very back corner that looked like its never been touched.
she crouched in front of it and inspected it to see her handwriting, ‘2015′. lifting the boxes individually, she placed it by the foot of her bed and got out a pocket knife to cut through the packing tape that sealed it shut. jungkook noticed her with the boxes and sat on her bed as she wrenched the cardboard box open.
inside, there were many little trinkets from what looked to be tickets to a movie, a shonen jump magazine, a red jacket, and a smaller box at the bottom. carefully placing the stuff on top of her bed, she pulled out the black box and she felt a familiarity with it.
“ah! that box!” jungkook pointed. she looked at him in confusion.
“this?” she held up before lifting the lid open, finding an old polaroid camera with different pictures.
nobi held up the black and white object and blew the dust away, making jungkook cough as it was directed as his face. he made a sound of surprise but she paid him no mind, fingers reaching for the polaroids that were a mix of colored and black and white.
“did i... did i forget about these?” she whispered, hurt and angry at herself for not remembering about these precious memories.
“to be honest, i even forgot about it. maybe the members too,” he reassured.
there was one from her birthday. in the bottom, it was written, ‘nov 7 2014′ while the picture was of her with icing all over her face and carrying the birthday cake. she had a wide grin on her face and a party hat on her head.
“oh my god.. i remember these now,” she quietly stated. “this was one of the things that i took with me when i became a trainee. it was originally my mum’s.”
jungkook softly smiled at her and he gently grabbed her hand to sit on the bed where she was situated between his legs with her back against his chest. he rested his chin on her shoulder while she sifted through several more pictures.
one of her and tae in the restaurant they used to go to.
one of her and jimin in the dancing studio.
one of jin cooking.
one of hobi as he smiled widely.
one of namjoon in LA.
one of yoongi playing the piano.
one of her and jungkook as they clutched the music show trophy.
all of these were the memories of her youth yet they were sealed away in a box, only to be found years later.
as much as there were pictures of her members, jungkook was in most of them. from the simplest things like catching him staring at the camera to the happier things like their picnic in Han river that one night. he was present in almost all of the pictures and the camera lens was most familiar of his face.
nobi took a minute to fully look at this picture of her and kook where they were both lounging on her top bunk with their backs against the wall and her head on his shoulder while his rested on top of hers. the light hit them perfectly and the white walls shined the setting sun behind them. she remembered asking tae to take the picture and them fearing for their lives when their combined weight rattled the bed with the slightest movement. they both wore white and both of their hair was as messy as it could be.
it was labeled, ‘may 8 2014′, in black sharpie marker.
“god, my bare face was so bad back then.” her complaints made jungkook gently pinch her side.
“you were and have never been ugly.”
she turned her head to look at him, “yah, remember when i forgot to wash my face for 2 days and suddenly acne popped out of nowhere?”
he laughed and hugged her tighter. “you were forgetful. actually, still is. and you were too busy practicing in the studio to remember that you needed to take care of yourself too.”
a sad smile slowly replaced her grin, “but when i did remember, there was no cleanser left. i didn’t have money to buy more so i just endured it.”
“i think i used it all up. does my apology still count today?” he playfully asked to lighten her mood.
but the pain didn’t leave. “i remembered begging my parents for money. i wanted to have enough money to take care of all of us and put the company’s money to the music video.”
jungkook grew silent as she relived the time in their past where they struggled financially. it was a time where they almost disbanded because of their lack of money and not being financially stable enough to create their mv.
“i took the last bit of money i had to go to Jeju and i threw all my shame out of the window by asking them for more money. taehyung cried because he was hungry but we already spent our food money for the month. the imo from the restaurant has fed us so many times and never asked anything in return. that was when i knew i had to do something,” said nobi. “our manager was already doing so much for us and i didn’t want to ask for more.”
she never told him or the members this so he stared at her, sad and slightly upset that she burdened herself so early on. jungkook could faintly remember her disappearing for a few days and turning up a few days later with food from the convenience store. the angry outburst from yoongi being so worried for her still echoes in his memory to this day.
“i didn’t want all of our hard work to go to waste. i knew if we didn’t have any money, we would be forced to break up and i didn’t want to leave you guys. even if they didn’t help us, i wanted to think that i did everything i can to keep us together and i fought every battle with my all. we were just starting and the thought of it ending so quickly scared me.”
“we fought those battles and we won them all, nobi. we won them together,” he soothed. jungkook could feel her relax into his chest and he placed a kiss on her hair to remind her that he is there for her.
“god, i just brought the mood down, didn’t i?” she laughed. jungkook shook his head no.
“hm, no. you’ve always kept these things to yourself and never speak out whenever you have troubles. so, hearing you talk about this makes me happy because i feel like you’re finally opening up to me, bub.”
nobi swung her legs so she was able to look at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, softly tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck. jungkook looked down at her with a curious smile while he rested his hand on her knee, caressing it gently.
“nah, i like keeping these things to myself. it gives me the mysterious vibes that i want. when people get curious about you, that’s when they instinctively stick around to try and figure you out. it’s like i’m running away and you’re after me to finally figure me out. i try to play hard to get,” she countered.
he chuckled before bumping her forehead with his. “is that why i’m still with you?”
“the chase is not over yet, jeon jungkook-ssi.”
“then i’ll chase you till it is.”
with their cleaning tools scattered around the floor and previous intention of laundry wiped from their minds, they spent the next few hours using up the leftover film in the camera. nobi tried to make it as aesthetically pleasing as possible with her posing on the bed with a fake rose or jungkook standing by the window. 
“wah, i feel bad for ARMY who can’t have these pictures. maybe we should post them?” she curiously asked while waiting for the picture to develop. he blanched at her question.
“yah, these are too intimate to be revealed to hundreds of millions of people in the internet!” he bursted causing her to laugh out loud. he sat up from the bed as he was previously laying, thinking of different picture ideas.
“i know. im just teasing. its cute to see you so jealous,” she smirked.
jungkook pouted and tutted. “i’m not jealous. i just try to help and look out for your innocent image.”
nobi walked towards him from the window and stood between his legs, jungkook loosely holding her hips. she pushed the hair that was covering his forehead and placed a soft kiss on it.
“i think we all know that concept has been out of the window since we turned legal.”
a/n: the moods in this one is just everywhere
additional: sorry for the total silence these past few days bc this girl has been binging on haikyuu
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Gone - Part Three
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It looked like someone had left in a hurry. The carpet hadn’t been cleaned, and was still the bright tan color of a freshly shampooed carpet under the places Inias’ furniture used to be. Castiel felt frozen in the doorway, his hand still on the doorknob. What the fuck is going on?
“Hello?” Dean called, stepping through the threshold.
“Dean, wait,” Castiel said, reaching a hand out for him. Could it be a crime scene they were walking into? Inias seemed to be missing for God sakes. Maybe the two men should tread a little more lightly as they stomped through the abandoned apartment.
“Inias?” Dean poked around the apartment, shining his phone flashlight in the empty rooms. “When was the last time you were here, Cas?”
He opened his mouth to answer, but it felt like the words were plucked from his tongue. When was the last time? It felt like a second ago-- a day, a week? Hell, he wasn’t sure of much anymore. “Wasn’t that long,” he decided. Couldn’t be. He wasn’t that out of it, right?
“Well no one is here now.”
“I just talked to him.” Castiel’s voice broke, and he shoved his hand into his pocket, fingering the plastic bottle.
“Hey,” Dean said softly as he walked to him. He placed a hand on Castiel’s elbow. “We’re gonna figure this out, man.
“I want to believe you.” I want a lot of things.
“Then do it.” Dean grinned at him, the skin around his eyes crinkling in a way that was incredibly charming. “Come on. Take a look around. You’re his friend, so I bet you’d notice if something was off in here.”
“Other than all of his belongings being gone?”
“Yeah.” Dean scratched the back of his head with an awkward, half smile. “Other than that.”
He would humor Dean because he wasn't sure what else to do. He pulled out his cellphone and clicked on his flashlight. The walls were scuffed from furniture scraping against the paint. The light scanned the floor as he looked for anything weird.
Other than a frayed cable wire - he had mice - he and Dean didn’t find anything noteworthy. Inias couldn’t have left that quickly because the place was cleaned out. The carpet wasn’t vaccumed and it was pretty fucking obvious that Inias had never cleaned the bathtub in the entire time he’d lived in the apartment. If something had happened there Castiel would’ve seen it, right? He had to. He worked in forensics for fuck sakes!
It wasn’t until he got to the bedroom that something twisted inside of him. It was a nervous feeling, a nauseous swirling inside of his stomach. He opened the closed door slowly, not sure what he was expecting to find exactly. Dean was still shuffling through the kitchen, looking in the cabinets and making a real ruckus.
The closet doors were pulled closed, which felt weird, because Inias was messy. He’d always had the doors wide open. Castiel didn’t even realize they could close. His fingers twitched for the folding doors of the closet. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip, wetting his chapped skin. He slid his phone back in his pocket.
His hands shook as his fingers curled around the knobs on the closet doors. He pulled them open slowly and it was like pulling apart an old accordion. It creaked angrily, groaning at the pressure. It was sort of the sound old bones made when he cranked their chests apart.
Unlike the rest of the apartment, clothing still hung in the closet. Thick fabric obstructed his view of the back wall. Why wouldn’t he take his clothes? Unless it wasn’t Inias who packed the place up… Castiel shook off the thought and reached forward into the closet to move the clothing out of the way, but instead of Inias’ scratchy wool coat scraping against his fingers, he felt something else. It was smooth, almost an ultra soft leather. He touched it again, slower with focus. It was almost fleshy in consistency, almost warm. It was a little too familiar. He pinched at a thread, tugging slightly and the skin on his arms perked up in goosebumps. His mouth went dry as he remembered where he recognized the feeling. He pulled harder at the strand, releasing it from the fabric. A warm, thick liquid pooled where the thread was before.
He was all too familiar with blood. It started the first time he scraped his knee as a child the blood percelating on his skin, the red stark against his pale skin, and progressed when he sliced open Lumpy’s stomach on his porch and felt the warm heat run between his fingers, and continued still every time he was elbow deep in a chest cavity as it pooled and congealed around his latex covered fingers. His hand hovered there, outstretched, and frozen. He couldn’t move as the hot blood rolled across his hand and down his arm. He took his spare hand, trembling, and reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. He felt the coat - the skin - twitch under his touch and turn, long bony fingers wrapping around his wrist and grabbing it tightly. He gasped out in pain, but he couldn’t call for Dean. He couldn’t speak. All he could do was fumble with the buttons on his phone for the light.
There was a hot wet breath on his skin, like a tongue pressed against the back of his neck. He could almost feel the saliva accumulate and roll down his neck, through the collar of his shirt, and between his shoulder blades. He gagged as his light finally clicked on. It took a moment for his hand to stop shaking and his light to steady and stop swaying back and forth.
Castiel would’ve thought that his eyes were betraying him if they weren’t burning from being open so wide, from the dryness of the autumn air in the empty apartment. As the light stopped shaking, he turned it up to the coat he’d been touching to find a naked upper body that looked too familiar to him. Scrawny arms with translucent skin pulled tight against sharp jutting shoulders that were bluing along the lines of his bones.
The knobs of his spine rolled as his head, his hair falling into his hollow, empty eyes as he stared at Castiel. He opened his mouth, his teeth bloody and rotting. “Castiel,” Inias hissed from his rotting, black maw. His arm reached up for Castiel, blackened fingers gripping. The skin pulled tighter at his shoulder exposing the blue plastic of a hanger shoved in a bleeding hole at the base of his neck. “Castiel.”
Castiel backed up, stumbling away from reaching fingers, his phone clattering to the floor. It fell to the hardwood of the closet with a deafening crack.
“Cas? Hey I think I found something.”  
He hadn’t felt himself fall to his knees, but as Dean’s light settled on him, his hands were wrapped around himself, covering his head as he cowered at the floor of the closet.
“Are you good?” Dean asked in a voice of heavy concern. He crouched next to Cas and pressed a hand on his shoulder.
“I…” He looked up into the closet. Even in the low light of Dean’s flash light glowing at his knees he could see that it was only coats hanging in the closet. There was no blood on his hands, no corpse hanging in the closet, and his friend was nowhere to be seen. “Yes, I’m fine.”
Dean’s eyebrows came together, and he looked at Castiel as if he wasn’t too convinced, but he offered a hand nonetheless. Cas took his hand and squeezed it as Dean helped him stand on shaking knees. “Come with me. I think I found something.” Cas glanced back at the closet, feeling a deep unease at the quiet normality of the inside of the closet. It was almost like a weight in the room, heavy and smothering.
He turned back to Dean and followed him back into the kitchen.  “What did you find?”
“I think there’s something stuck in the sink. I was hopin’ you could shine the light while I try to take it apart.”
“Oh, uh, alright.” He clasped his hands together, wringing them and trying to get them to stop trembling. Dean handed Cas his phone and he held it with two hands, pointing it under the sink as Dean crouched and started to unscrew the pipe from its place. “How did you know to look in the sink?”
“I’m a detective, Cas. It’s kinda my job.” He let out a grunt as he twisted the pipe again.
Right. “Of course.”
Dean stuck out his tongue as he tried to focus. He must’ve had strong hands to try to manipulate the pipe without any tools, and the thought sent a chill up Castiel’s spine-- which felt honestly really fucked up after the day he’d had. It wasn’t the place or the time to be thinking about the detective in that way. It was highly likely that he was losing his fucking mind, or something much worse.  
“Fuck, it’s really stuck.”
“Is there something I can do?” Castiel asked, not that he knew anything about tools or anything of the sort. He was more inclined to move than do any kind of plumbing work himself.
“Nah, I think I’ve almost got it.”
His face was reddening, a vein popping out in his neck as he strained. A bead of sweat rolled down his temple, and he let out a huff of breath as the pipe released. He wiped his sweat with the back of his hand. “Got it,” Dean glanced back at him with a proud grin.
He wanted to offer a smile back, but the sick feeling he had previously had returned. His gut twisted, and he pressed his lips closed to keep himself from getting sick.
“Let’s see what's hiding in here.” Dean reached his hand up under the sink and grabbed. He made a face.
“What is it?” Castiel leaned forward to get a better look.
“I don’t… fuck what is this?” Dean pulled his hand back, his fingers twisted in wet, black matted hair.
No. The hair wasn’t black, it just looked black from the sticky liquid twisted in it.
“What the fuck?” He looked at his hand, turning it over exposing a pink and grey piece of flesh. The hair was connected to one end, the other covered in wiggling white maggots that ate away at the bloody piece of scalp. Dean recoiled at the sight, shaking his hand violently to get the hair untangled from his fingers.
Castiel wanted to help, to reach out to Dean, but as the detective screamed out in horror all Castiel could do was turn around, rest his hands on his knees and retch onto the kitchen floor.
Castiel was inclined to call the police, well at least until Dean pointed out that he was the police. Something was really wrong. After there was nothing left inside of him to throw up, and Dean bagged the scalp to take back to the precinct to test, they rushed out of the apartment and back into the night.
They ended up back at Dean’s place. Considering the circumstances, neither of them really wanted to be alone. Dean brewed a big pot of coffee, and Cas went into the bathroom to splash his face. He took the water in his cupped hands and splashed his face a few times.
He kept looking at the ripped piece of scalp connected to Dean’s fingers hoping he could blink it away like everything else, but it just wouldn’t disappear. It was real. He didn’t know what was worse-- the vivid nightmare or reality.
The man who stared back at him in the mirror was a far more tired version of himself. Bloodshot eyes, messy hair, and black circles under his eyes. He feared that sleep would tug at him and pull him deeper into the fear that was grappling him. He gripped the sides of the sink with white knuckles. He tried to recapture his breath, but he couldn’t.
His eyes focused and unfocused, the edges of his vision blurring. He reached into his pocket haphazardly and pulled out his plastic bottle with trembling hands. He didn’t want to do it, but he needed to focus. He needed to escape.
He shook out two little pills and swallowed them, sticking his mouth under the sink and taking in water. It went warm down his throat, making him sick to his stomach. He hadn’t slept, and he was afraid to.
A few quick raps came to the door. “You good in there, man?”
He wasn’t.
“Yeah.” It came out shaky and unsure.
“Let me in.”
“It’s unlocked.” Castiel lowered himself to the floor and pressed his back against the wall.
Dean stepped in, his eyes tracking down to Cas. “Scoot.”
He moved to allow Dean to sit next to him in the cramped space. Their thighs brushed sending a chill up Cas’ spine. “I know things are bad,” Dean began. “But we are gonna figure it out. I was thinkin’ maybe we should go to the crime scene. See if there’s anything we missed.”
Cas just nodded, because he feared his voice would betray him.
“For the record, I’m glad you’re here. I thought I was going crazy.”
“I know the feeling.” Cas’  voice was barely a pained whisper. “Who can you trust if you can’t even trust your own mind?”
“We can trust each other.”
“You don’t even know me, Dean.”
“I know enough.” He sounded confident. Maybe he knew something that Castiel didn’t. “I’ve got an eye for people.”
“You do? What do you see when you look at me?”
“I see,” Dean’s voice trailed off for a moment. It was as if he was looking through the wall out into space. “I see a guy that’s been hurt. Not sure by what yet. Maybe it’s the system, somebody you trusted, or yourself. You don’t have it in you to lean on somebody, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be that shoulder. I learned a lot in my life, and the biggest is that you have to have somebody that you can lean on. If not, then what’s the fucking point of it all?”
Then Dean looked at him. He looked at Castiel like he was the only other person in the world, and damn it he was too beautiful for words. Even with the purple, exhausted half moons under his eyes that seemed to weigh him down. Even after everything they’d seen and the pain they were bound to endure, Dean still managed to smile and brush Castiel’s knee with the softest touch of gun-calloused fingers.
“We’ve just gotta be careful, Cas. Seems like it’s just me and you… I don’t think the captain wants me poking around in this. Can’t take too many risks.” Dean’s hand was resting completely on Cas’ knee now, making something deep within him throb and ache.
In the growing haze from the pills dancing around his pocket Cas felt an overwhelming urge to take Dean by his collar and kiss him. The day still felt so close, like the hot breath against his neck, but somehow he knew that Dean could quiet his demons. His eyes flickered to Dean’s hand on his knee. He already felt so anchored just by the simple touch.
Dean started to stand up, probably due to Cas’ complete lack of response. He reached out and put his hand over Dean’s on his knee and squeezed it gently.
His head was starting in on the familiar swimming feeling, floating on top of water. He didn’t know what was happening. He didn’t know where his friend was, or what happened to the girl’s body or why he was seeing nightmares come to life. All he knew was that he wanted it all to stop for just a moment. For the first time in his life, he didn’t want to be alone. “Stay,” Cas said weekly.
Dean settled back down and reached out, brushing his cheekbone with his thumb. “I’m not going anywhere, Sweetheart.”
Castiel’s stomach leaped when Dean leaned in to kiss him. It was like falling over the edge on a roller coaster. His heart was racing, climbing up and up until Dean’s lips brushed his in a quiet moment, a breath before everything faded to darkness.
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Part Four
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thepaperpanda · 6 years
Roomba Fighter || Bucky x Reader
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Summary: You move to a new house with Bucky. When you both start cleaning, something unexpected happens. Bucky meets Roomba vacuum cleaner for the very first time
Warnings: None, just scared Bucky.
Words: 1105
Authors: Cass & Toro
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You sighed deeply looking around the flat.
You loved to share your life with Bucky but you had to admit that he wasn't the type of cleaner at all.
You went to meet him at upper floor of your new, common flat and looked at him with serious face. "Bucky... It's time to clean." You said firmly, crossing arms over your chest.
He was still in bed. Bucky opened his eyes and gave you a lazy glance. "Can't we do this a bit later? It's only..." he checked the clock at the nightstand, "it's only 8am, Y/N! I am not used to get up at such early hour and you know this."
Bucky took your pillow and put it onto his face, hiding under it.
"Bucky! No, we can't! We need to do this now. The sooner we start, the sooner we will finish." You said taking the pillow off his face. "Come on now, move your sexy ass."
Bucky growled loudly. He got up reluctantly, running hand through his hair. "What with breakfast? I'm hungry." He grunted lazily, yawning shortly after.
You smiled and kissed his cheek. "So go grab a snack. The fridge is full, sweetie. Go and I will plan our work here. House is big and there are only two of us." You explained.
Bucky rolled his eyes and went to a drawer. He pulled out too big T-shirt and put it on. He decided to not change his sweatpants though. "Okaaay. Let it be. But I won't be vacuuming, ya know I hate it." He shrugged and went downstairs.
You looked at him and bit your lips, admiring his features. "Oh! I know. Don't worry about this. I will take care of it for you." You waved your hand and followed him. "You know, I think I'll take the bottom part of house and you will clean the upper one. What do you think?"
"Whatever suits you." Bucky replied as he opened the fridge.
He grabbed a sausage and took a bite. "I can clean our bedroom. And wash floors. I don't know." He responded with full mouth as he was chewing.
You rolled your eyes. "First swallow, then talk, Buck. You know, no talking with a full mouth." You smiled at him. "I'm glad you're so eager to clean, sweetie! So we do as I say. You take top and I take bottom. Just do everything that needs to be done on the upper part."
He shrugged as he swallowed. "Yea. I know, m'kay? Imma big boy, I kinda now how to tide flat up, yea?" He patted your arm. "Don't ya worry, child, you'll be happy with my work."
He smiled briefly at you, then he simply left kitchen to go upstairs.
You sighed heavily and shrugged. "Well, if you say so, old guy." You shook your head and also left the kitchen. You quickly went upstairs to find your new Roomba cleaner. "Bucky's gonna love this little robot. He hates vacuuming. Hope you will do your job, little buddy." You giggled and turned it on, putting it onto floor.
Bucky ended cleaning your common bedroom and bathroom. "Hmmm. What's next?" Bucky rubbed his beard as he was thinking what to do next. It was when Barnes heard some strange noises from the corridor.
You hummed a happy tune while cleaning shelves from the dust.
When you were done, you looked around. "Okay, shelves are done. What now... What now?" You questioned yourself, snapping your fingers.
Bucky slowly made it to the door. He slowly half-opened them and sticked his head out, taking a look.
His heart stopped for a second when he spotted little form on the floor, several feets away.
He instinctively closed the door and leaned his back over them. He was breathing loudly. "What the fuck..." He whispered as he heard the noises got closer to his door.
You continued to hum your tune, walking around the living room and cleaning whatever you could find.
"Wonder how Bucky is doing up there. He and little robot. I think I'm gonna name it." You thought out loudly, cleaning the coffee table.
Meantime, Bucky found a courage and opened the door again. He walked out of the room when noises vanished.
He slowly walked along corridor. Suddenly, he stopped. Bucky heard some humming noise behind his back. He slowly turned his head around and paled.
The little thing he have seen a moment before has just driven out of the guest room. Not only that, it was going slowly directly in his direction!
Bucky looked around and grabbed only thing he found - a mop.
"You little fucker!" He yelled and hit metal surface with the stick. "Y/N! Come here now! I think someone's spying us with some creepy device!"
You blinked and quickly ran to Bucky. "WHAT?! What, happened? Who is spying? What creepy device?!" You asked these questions, looking around, confused.
You bursted with a loud laugh when you saw the robot. "Bucky... Sweetie. Really?" You asked, wiping tears away.
"What's so funny, huh?!" Bucky yelled. He patted the device with the stick. "I bet someone's spying on us. Maybe someone from Hydra came here when we were gone and left this little machine." Bucky suggested seriously as he knelt down and took the thing in his hands. "Such a hellish device..."
You laughed and took the device from him. "You know, this 'hellish device' is ours and it's not spying on you. It's cleaning all dirt and crumbs that you left on this floor, sweetie." You explained and looked at him, turning the device off. "Bucky, meet the Roomba cleaner."
"Roo... Room-what?" He cocked his brows, tilting his head. "What do you mean by OURS? Why haven't I seen this shit before?" He started to wave his hands. "I almost had a heartattack!"
"Roomba cleaner. Our little robot that vaccum the floor. You said you hate vacuuming. So I decided to buy it as a surprise for you." You shrugged and giggled. "Nah! Don't be so dramatic, handsome." You said before kissing his cheek.
"Next time, just don't do such a things to me without informing me." Bucky giggled shorty. "Roomba cleaner... Hah! I have a better name for it. Vacuuming monster."
"I was thinking about naming it Sam. I mean, you already hate it and you hate him, so maybe?" You shrugged and giggled. "I'll never forget how scared you were. All because of this little thing." You shook your head.
Bucky rolled his eyes, laughing and running fingers through his long hair. "Ah, you." He giggled. "I'll never be cleaning again!"
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