#I cant get it to loop perfectly but in my heart. it does
vastwinterskies · 7 months
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he spin
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
1. Kannagi - Hiiragi Magnetite: the lyrics on this are going to keep me occupied for the longest time until i understand it better. the atmosphere of this song is just incredible, the addition of the bells in her hand in the song, the light chime-y parts of the the instrumental, the piano, the longer notes, u dont need to know the lyrics to know theres a sense of regret in here. theres enough in the chimes u can feel the inner reflection in this, & like other series songs it hits that standing at the end of world in the rain feeling. its paced so perfectly it doesnt even feel like 6 minutes. series wise i think thats not only a call back to kyuuyaku but like shoushitsu & kyuuyaku it shows off that loop theme, getting into whats going on building it up, theres a bit of calm and then it picks up again. lots of story telling & details in it to add to the narrative. haru fits it so perfectly & that's definitely by design. this song has already embedded itself in my heart
2. Stockholm Office - Crump: if kannagi wasnt posted this would take first place EASILY IMMEDIATELY. i cant say in words how much i loved this so instantly. the light whispery-ness of kafu & the spacey-ness of certain instruments and parts combined with the heavy groundedness of the rest of it is so so perfect. the poetic way the lyrics show off the state of things in this song without being super blunt about the complaints in it & the overall rhythm of it draws me in so so much. they really matched the mood of the instrumentals & the lyrics so perfectly. its not spacey enough for me to say true dissociation type feel but theres such a strong feeling of disconnection in this, that feeling of lying to urself to stick something out which im sure is entirely intended given the title. im about to become the number one promoter of this song its one of those found it at the perfect timing things for me.
3. Candy Drop - yurame: this has the usual yurame song feel. i can only describe it as sounding how carbonation in drinks feels. its trendy sounding but at the same time is all its own thing and authentic feeling. the lyrics are written in a way its like ah yeah i get that feeling. despite the lightness of the instrumental its good at getting that melancholic feel across & isnt jarring in the slightest. flower has that mix of rough & cute to suit this as well. very good song.
4. Quiet - szri: szri's usual quick & heavy pacing definitely building off what they did in anaphylaxis. even includes the smallest part of it & u know i love songs that connect to each other. gekiyaku & kafu are such a good combination too especially how they pull it off. not a very light song in terms of content but fun nonetheless & isnt that what vocaloids about.
5. Euthanasia - Dopam!ne: a lighter/simpler song in terms of instrumentals that he does. nice change & still very distinctly his style. definitely not a light song in terms of content the guy even put a content disclaimer at the end. still easy to listen to if u like his style tho. good song
6. Waste - mairu: this ones probably about as heavy as szri's quiet musically speaking though theres a few calmer sections. flower's roughness fits the topic well i think. another one where the mood of every part of the song just seems to align well. i dont have anything profound to say i just think its neat
7. OSINT - Sheeno Mirin: i love the atmosphere in sheeno mirin songs a lot & this one doesnt disappoint. interesting vocal combination choice not that they overlap in any part & they work well with what they were going for. theres something brain scratching (in a good way) about the instrumental, a full sound thats got a weight to it but isnt too much. its really good idk what else to say
8. groom groove - yowanecity: i feel like its been forever since ive seen anything from yowanecity i really should follow them anyway i got really excited to see they posted & this didn't disappoint. its got that bounciness i expect from their songs. fun & smooth sounding. makes u want to dance. definitely worth your time.
9. Capsule - Fuyuu: cat rime & sekai thats so fun i love that and then the gachpon theme on top of it so fun. the sound is not what you'd expect from that description tho. it has a darker feel to it almost grungy i want to say but definitely not off putting. as part of the rime lover nation i love this song. this is going to end up stuck in my head all the time just like crow crow does. very good & both sekai & rime sound like they belong in this song 👍
10. Gambit - Yunosuke: another trendy, almost bubbly sounding song from yunosuke. pretty atmosphere to it. love the whistles & traditional sound instruments mixed in with the otherwise modern electric type sound its got going on. this would be fun to sing if i take the time to learn the lyrics. super good very worth your time
11. Rain - Gomennasai ga ienakute: the usual simple sounding style they have, deceivingly simple sounding bc its very clearly not. the tension building part right before the 3 min mark hits me in particular. very cool rin high notes at the end. very nice melancholic mood to it. maybe i should rank this higher its growing on me the more i listen to it. their lyric sense is very good. compels me. definitely give this a listen.
12. Static Love - Hagino: kafu rap nation rise up. its got that chiptune sound at first that gradually gives into a more modern edm sound. a good mix of cute, cool, and fun sounding. underrated the mixing & execution of this is too good to only have a few hundred views & yet here we are. worth your time
13. Prototype - Aira: THIS SONG GOES SO HARD!! coko chisei is such a good combo too. interesting theme going on here but the melody & such is just very good. the lalala parts make it seem a little lighter than it actually is. love the slightly wavering slightly squeaky sound on both vocals. lends a certain charm to this song.
14. Lewder Liar - Zensen: another great electro swing song from zensen. very fun fresh sounding instrumentals & flower's in no way out of place here. good mix. kind of an interesting theme going on here what with the demon stuff etc.
15. Death Game - Uron Riyu: this one is so fun to me. kafu running a death game. posting this as a vocacolle song feels like its framing vocacolle itself as a death game between songs & thats such an interesting way to look at it. kinda fun. the composition on its fun in its own way too. ik it's supposed to be dark but its just a fun song to me.
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if you don't mind,,, can you elaborate a few ideas with magic girl ik who can reset time and barbatos??
like,, the au i made a little while back with ik stuck in a time loop thingie???
i wanna make more headcanons but i jUST CANT SHOVE IT OUT OF MY BRAIN-
of course!!
in the aftermath of the little bit of writing you did - i imagine ik just kinda shuts down, and even though mammon wants to know just what the hell’s been going on with her that she’s died multiple times, he decides it’s better for her to just take care of her until she’s ready to talk on her own. in the meantime though, he goes and finds barbatos, because he’s the only guy he can think of who’d know what to do
barbatos has already noticed by now that there’s something funny about the way time affects ik, but he’s not close enough to her to ask about it, so he’s just kinda been maintaining distance and forming his own conclusions. after mammon gets him, he visits ik, who’s just kind of listlessly sitting on her own, soul gem sitting on the table in front of her
something compels barbatos to touch the soul gem, and then when he does, its magic interacts with his own time magic in such a way that he gets a sudden flash of all the different iterations of the same time loop ik’s gone through. at this point he fully realises that she has some form of control over time, and because he knows the burden, he knows the right questions to ask to get her to talk about it
so he finds out about the constant time looping, the many many deaths, her inability to escape the fate that kyubey condemned her to the moment she made her wish - and he finds out that something changed when ik got pulled to the devildom, the cycle sort of... changed for a second - this is the longest ik has lived in any of her loops without turning into a witch or being killed as a magical girl
and right now she’s desperately trying to stave off another witch transformation, because she doesn’t want to have to reset time to before she met all her friends down here, because what if it doesn’t happen ever again? maybe all this happening has just been an anomaly on this loop - she doesn’t want to lose all this, because it’s the happiest she’s been since the looping began
probably breaks barbatos’s heart into about a billion pieces - but, since he also has a degree of control over time, arguably greater than ik’s, he’s hopeful that he could do something about this. considering what an extreme case this is, he might even get permission from diavolo to just stick by ik’s side to make sure nothing happens that might force her to reset
in fact, going even further, he might break the rule about not intentionally looking into the future, and... each time he does, ik’s disappeared, because in each of these futures he sees she’s had to reset. he doesn’t tell anyone about this though, because he’s determined to change this future... and meanwhile, as he manages the time side of things, the others are on a witch hunt for kyubey and any information concerning him
not sure about the details of what happens - maybe they never find kyubey again and barbatos just manages a miracle of time manipulation, or maybe they do find kyubey and manage something that stops him and his species from making any more magical girls, as well as breaking ik’s contract. either way, eventually barbatos looks into the future and sees a perfectly content ik just living in the devildom, and he is so happy
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Can yoy maybe write about sirius getting injured during a game, and remus gatting so frustrated because hes not the PT anymore so he cant help him right away?
Yes, indeed! We haven’t done any angst/ hurt comfort in a while and I’ve been noodling around with this idea for a bit now. Thanks for the recommendation! Sweater Weather credit belongs to @lumosinlove!
TW for unconsciousness, mild concussion, beginnings of panic, and bruising
Sirius hit the ice, and he didn’t get up.
Remus’ heart skipped a beat.
He was next to him in an instant, gloves and helmet long forgotten as he carefully unbuckled Sirius’ chin strap. A fight had broken out behind him, but he tuned it out—he knew this process. He was trained for this.
But this was Sirius he was holding, Sirius whose eyes were still fucking closed and even though his breathing was steady he was limp in Remus’ arms.
Pulse. Check.
Eyes. Glassy under the eyelids.
Patient nonresponsive to his name or touch.
Stop shaking, Remus ordered his hands as he worked through his list. Stop it right now. You have a degree, you were trained for this.
“Mr. Lupin, please move so we can take a look,” a new voice said.
“I’m helping.”
“Mr. Lupin, we’re the medics here—”
“I’m helping,” Remus snapped. “His breathing is even but he’s nonresponsive, possible concussion.”
“We need to make room for the medics.”
“I am the fucking medic.”
Emmeline’s hand was gentle but firm on his bicep. “Remus, you’re a player now. Let us do our job. We’ll take good care of him.”
“Let me help.” Why is my voice breaking? I’m perfectly calm. “Please, let me help.”
“You already did.” Slowly, he scooted aside so she could kneel by Sirius’ shoulder and run the same tests Remus had just cleared him for.
“I already did that—”
“I’m sorry.” The fingers that laid cold in his palm twitched and Remus immediately leaned forward again as Sirius’ eyes opened. “Sirius? Sirius, can you hear me?”
Sirius muttered something and Emmeline glanced behind Remus; a moment later, he felt someone’s hands pulling him up from under his arms. “Come on, Loops, give them space,” James murmured.
“Let go, I can help.” Remus struggled, but James’ arm was a steel bar across his chest as he skated backwards a few feet. Sirius was looking around now, answering questions with a dizzy expression. “James, he needs me—he needs me, I can help.”
“The best thing you can do is take some deep breaths with me. In and out, Re, in and out.”
Sirius stood on unsteady legs and leaned on the medics for support as they practically carried him off the ice; the rest of the team skated after them at a safe distance, all clearly worried. No limp, no wincing, red cheeks, headache? Concussion? No broken bones, no soft tissue damage, please God let him be alright. Something warm trickled down Remus’ chin. “I can help.”
“You already did.”
“Stop it,” he said harshly. “Stop it, don’t tell me that. I can do more, I have to do more, it’s my job.”
“No, it’s not.”
“He’s my—” Remus’ voice gave out. “He’s Sirius.”
“I know.”
Logan was skating back and forth, back and forth, back and forth in front of the bench, his eyes locked on Sirius’ retreating back. The hit replayed in Remus’ mind—clean, fast, brutal. A simple trip over a misplaced stick, then Sirius flying headfirst into the boards and going limp as the dumb fucking rookie scrambled to his feet.
Dumo went over and led Logan into a side hug by his elbow. A tremor visibly ran through Logan’s body and Remus went cold. Had he missed something? What was it? What test didn’t he run—
“Sit with me.” It wasn’t a question. He nodded, and James guided him to the bench, past Logan and Dumo as they talked quietly in French.
“Lupin, are you alright?” Coach asked before they even came off the ice.
“They wouldn’t let me help,” he said weakly.
Something akin to pity crossed his face. “We’ve got six minutes left. Sit this one out.”
“I can play.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Will someone please just let me be useful?” Remus startled himself a bit with his volume and felt James’ hands go slack with surprise on his arms. He swiped furiously at the sweat—not sweat, it felt different—that covered his cheeks. “Please, Coach.”
“You’re done for this game,” Arthur repeated, though his voice was kind. Remus wanted to hate it, but he couldn’t. “We’ll keep you updated. Pots, go get Tremzy off the ice. You’re on for this shift.”
“Yes, Coach,” James said, giving Remus a quick squeeze. “Deep breaths. He’ll be alright.”
Sirius was still in the PT room when the final buzzer went off; Lions win, 3-2. Remus barely got his pads off before he went running down the hall with Logan hot on his heels, leaving their gear scattered haphazardly in their stalls.
Emmeline was just closing the door when they arrived. “Can we see him? Is he okay? Concussion protocol was updated so my tests might not have been enough but is he still awake?” Remus blurted out in a single rushed breath.
She didn’t miss a beat. “He’s up and talking. We think it’s a very mild concussion that just hit a little weird and knocked him around.” Logan’s grip tightened on his forearm and her eyes flickered down to it. “Both of you can relax. You’re welcome to go in if you like.”
They were halfway through the door before she was even done speaking. Sirius was sitting upright on the PT table, still in his under armour and holding an ice pack to the side of his head. He lit up when he saw them. “Hey, I was just—”
“Are you okay?” Remus demanded. He pulled the ice away and prodded the bruised skin, then stared directly into Sirius’ eyes to check for any lack of focus. He looked alert, which was a good sign. “You look worried. Does it hurt? Are the lights—”
“Re.” His hand folded over Remus’, and tears clogged his throat. “I’m fine. Emmeline and the team cleared me, and Hestia did all the tests. Did we win?”
“Yeah,” Logan said quietly. “Coach didn’t let either of us back on the ice.”
“Who fucking cares about the game?” Anger flared in Remus, hot and sudden. “You were unconscious.”
Sirius remained infuriatingly calm. “I was.”
“You—you hit the boards and you didn’t get up.” Eyes not open. Breathing shallow, but even. Heart rate steady. Follow the process. “Sirius, you didn’t get up.”
“I promise I’m okay.” He reached out and pulled Remus close, rubbing small circles on his back with one hand and reeling Logan in with the other. “It was a rough hit, that’s all.”
“They wouldn’t let me help you,” Remus whispered. His voice was muffled in Sirius’ shoulder and he tucked his face into his neck, holding him even tighter. “I’m so sorry, love.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Sirius placed a small kiss behind his ear. “Est-ce que ça va, Tremz?”
“Ouais, plus bien maintenant.” They shifted slightly as Logan pressed his forehead to Sirius’ with a sniffle. “Don’t fucking do that again.”
“Seconded,” Remus muttered.
“Got it,” Sirius laughed lightly, kissing the tops of both their heads before releasing them. His eyebrows rose as he spotted something over their shoulders. “Um, hello.”
“Hey,” nine Lions said from the doorway. Emmeline looked mildly amused at their sardine-crammed position. James drummed his fingers on the doorframe and tapped his foot at the same time; if they didn’t come over in the next five seconds, Remus was afraid he might explode.
“Is our turn now?” Kuny ventured, standing on his tiptoes to see over the rest. “Cap still okay? Not hugged to dead?”
“Death,” Nado corrected quietly.
“Cap not hugged to death?”
“Really, I’m fine,” Sirius laughed as they all tumbled inside, rushing to check in on him. Remus noticed Logan place himself like a brick wall if someone got too close to Sirius and felt a wave of affection go all the way down to his toes.
“Give him space,” Emmeline reminded them from the door. “The concussion is mild, but it’s there.”
“I would love to see you try to get those boys out of here,” Hestia snorted as she entered. She raised a questioning eyebrow at Remus and he nodded to her; she winked and shot him a quick smile before grabbing the clipboard off the wall.
“Treatment plan?” he guessed as she tore a piece of paper off and handed it to him. Dumo was still hugging Sirius in a vice grip.
“It’s so nice to have someone who understands this stuff,” she sighed. “Pretty easy, to be honest. I’ve written a few reminders, but you know the drill.”
“Thank you, Hestia. Really.”
She nudged him with her elbow. “I promised to take care of your boys, didn’t I? Have a little faith, Loops.”
“I have so much faith in you it’s embarrassing.”
She laughed at that, throwing her head back and clapping him on the shoulder. “I guess that’s what happens when someone tapes your face back together, huh?”
“Exactly. Can I take him home now?”
“Go easy for the next couple weeks,” she teased.
Remus rolled his eyes and stuck the paper in his back pocket. “Alright, alright, very funny.”
“You should probably go home and get some rest, though. He’s not allowed on the ice for the rest of the week and I, for one, don’t want to be the person breaking that particular news.”
“What?” She left with a final kiss blown in his direction; unfortunately, Sirius did not seem to have overheard her. “Wait, you don’t get to just leave! That’s such a cop out!”
“What’s a cop out?” Sirius asked.
Remus closed his eyes and huffed. This is going to be fun.
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fragmentwitch · 3 years
Pondering Eua and Re:Unanswered Questions
Me after finishing Gou:
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I have several questions but I will spend most of this post trying to answer just one.
If a new rule allows Rika and Satoko to transfer to the same new fragment after dying, did she really keep track of which Rika since that was made only after the Chandelier death?
Is Gou Rika Matsuribayashi Rika? Or Chandelier Rika? If the Rika she gets in her happy ending isn't her actual original Rika, could this be the cost Eua might have vaguely warned about and not actually the loops bleeding into people's memories?
Is Satoko a piece of Lambdadelta along with Vier/LD3105/Mitsuyo and Eua a piece of Featherine's? And not actually Lambdatoko? Or is Ryukishi just trolling with having Eua babble nonsense (Thinking Emoji)
Where/when will the Logic Error occur?
I used to believe the error was in the original series going off the VERY VAGUE statement about the beginning and end being connected. Never has there ever been a perfectly airtight idea of what the real Logic Error is though, and the new mechanics shown by Gou really makes my brain hurt.
Are Hanyuu and Eua the same person? Are Eua and FEATHERINE the same person?
I continue to have hope Hanyuu doesn't get retconned into being a Big Bad Evil Demon Lady named Eua, despite mounting implications that suggest otherwise. I had originally been led to believe Hanyuu was a piece that was left to roam the game board by her Game Master: given that she's been part of the Hinamizawa world for 1k years I wondered for a bit if she was a Witch that somehow lost her memory. Kotohogushi is a bit dubious on the canonicity so I have to remind myself the translation about Hanyuu coming from a line of 'alien' like people transferring their consciousness from another dimension with a grain of salt.
But Eua looks so much like Featherine I've been rewatching her scenes lately and thinking... this line I really keep thinking about:
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What did Eua mean by this? She phrases it like there is someone/something of a higher power than even herself.
In terms of ranking, Lambda described Aurora higher than Voyagers/Witches. She was one step below THE Creator (supposedly there is a typo where there is actually just One Creator and Aurora is merely a Witch with a comparable power to a creator but idk Japanese so cant verify this).
From the way she worded things, she isn't talking to Satoko exclusively: she's talking about Vier, LD3105, and Mitsuyo. Referencing that it took hundreds of millions of loops for Eua and Satoko to meet 'once more'. Surely this can't mean Rika's looping merely referring to Hanyuu and Satoko; that sort of looping sounds beyond 100 years' worth.
Could it be that Eua is a self-aware god piece referring to all the various Expies in the WTCverse as being the same person at the heart of things? Possibly... but let's remember that Featherine lost her memory when her device was damaged; Lambda described it as one severe enough to alter her memory, appearance, and personality. It happened once, and Featherine would likely be extremely guarded against letting it happen again. How it happened is one more mystery.
Back to Eua: when Satoko asks her to 'alter' the rules of the game, and she acts like it's no biggie, then this carries heavy implications of being the Game Master/Territory Lord. If she was merely a piece, no amount of self-awareness would make her capable of altering the actual rules on a whim would it?
There's also this line she spoke to Satoko in episode 18ish: "The horn that granted the cat power was damaged, but mine is not."
Note that she says horn singular. Not plural. She doesn't say "mine are not" and confirms Rika was given the looping ability by something external. Yet she doesn't assign it a name (Hanyuu), just refers to it as an object. Which might be a hint as to how Featherine might create piece Witches: her device might be a way of transferring loop power with more permanence that gets around a 'sponsorship' which can be withdrawn at the Witch's discretion.
Also recall that when Satoko touches the Oyashiro statue (whose arm is intact but has a hollow head), it shatters on the upper part and only one horn falls out onto the floor. Not a horseshoe shaped device like Featherine's. It's also black, while Eua's is all white. Yet Hanyuu's horns are still with one chunk missing and colored black. Eua also mentions she isn't supposed to even have a name, in fact, her meeting with Satoko seems almost by 'chance' (she speaks like Satoko summoned her to the fragment in this manner). Hanyuu's full real name is given in a chapter that is dubiously semi-canon, so Ryukishi might elect to leave it out of Gou, but her husband Riku Furude gave her the nickname 'Hanyuu'. (Which still contains the character for Feather)
These observations are making me consider the possibility that Hanyuu and Eua are separate personas of a singular entity: The smooth horn belongs to Eua while the broken one belongs to Hanyuu. Black and White; a contrast between the kind demon mother who feels Rika's pain and lived on the gameboard & the demon who relishes in tormenting humans, too above to be part of the gameboard herself.
So, that leads us to the million dollar question: who is the entity if we put both horns together? Do we get Featherine Augustus Aurora? Or the Oyashiro living in this reverse-world Hinamizawa and hiding inside the actual statue? (Seriously is there a corpse in there? Wtf)
Or are these two halves of a GM making a tug of war for control over the Higurashi Catbox via their loopers? Now THAT is a mindblower if true.
We got our answer that Takano forfeited her villain role before Gou actually began so that may explain why the legend of Oyashiro is told deceptively 'wrong', but how does one account for the unbroken statue with a removeable head... could we potentially get a fragment in Sotsu where Satoko doesn't break the arm off it as a child and thus it affects all the loops afterwards? Hmm.
Either way we haven't actually caught up to GOU chronologically speaking, so until Sotsu comes out, there's no way to tell for sure if Eua and Hanyuu are one and the same or if they are actually two halves of a whole. But I will be a happy camper if this crackpot theory turns out to be right. Usually I'm wrong though. Lol
But now I'll definitely see about cooking up a diagram or something if we can actually make a branching map of the different Rikas to figure out which one is Gou Rika.
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jiminrings · 3 years
something about making lists is just so therapeutic and it helps calm you down and i'm lagging on sleep but i can't sleep either <3 so here's the lists i could think of <3
things i wanna buy but i'm not sure if it's just impulse:
cosrx snail 96 mucin power essence something???? i see it repeatedly on my fyp and i also saw it on kehlani's vogue video and im just yearning for thee skin like that honestly
a baby blue cardigan with sheep on them because i mean sometimes i sleep thinking about it
a black carhartt sweater bc all the sweaters i have are of a white man i'm not a fan of anymore and whew did they cost a pretty penny
earrings and i want what tae was wearing in his butter photo but i cant find any links rip
an adorable lavender iphone 11 and now hear me out besties,,,, i swore that it's such an ugly fucking phone but now that the 12 dropped, then that means the prices also dropped, and well i think this is really an impulse since my xs is perfectly fine so im waiting for like two more new units to pass
airpods bc hear me out once again besties,,, i also used to fucking swear on my grave that i will nEVER get them but like,,,, it's been about eight months (?) ever since chimmy ate my wired earphones and i've been wearing chunky sony headphones (they're noise-cancelling and cool) that my brother bought and i appreciate it but i would like,,,,, to sometimes lay on my bed on my side without earmuffs on
thence items including airpod cases for airpods i don't have, a necklace, a lanyard, posters, tinboxes,,, yearning
onitsuka tiger shoes :D i have had my beat-up all-black vans for like four-five years now and i mean buying shoes in the middle of a paldogangsan is not exactly practical but i mean you wOULD also think of getting new ones when ur current pair is like rust-colored now
adobe photoshop aND illustrator subscriptions using my own money bc i've been mooching off from my brother and psd expired just this month </3 i kinda wanna open up a redbubble or so during break but like the series of trials im gonna make and the time-pressure of a month's subscription vs. the giant cost of a year's subscription,,,,, whew passing out luv
another necktie and some cute lil dog glasses for chimmy bc he was so cute in his necktie but my brother ripped it while taking it off,,, he's no doubt gonna attempt to eat the glasses but he's gonna look like gojo from jjk so i mean!!! right!!!
crochet/knitting materials bc i wanna take up a hobby but what if i end up spending money AND turning shit at it :// bae what do i do with the yarn??? BUNDLE IT BACK????
a humidifier bc they say it's good for your skin and seeing pinterest posts im all yes honey :-)
collect books for polaroids and photocards :D i finally found a link for cheap ones can i get a W in the chat lads
a heart painting canvas i saw from the bookstore bc hear me out besties +
print-outs of pictures or even my own designs (i can get send them to this store and get it printed) because i am so goddamn tIRED looking at my wall,,, im afraid to say that she is a misplaced common bitch with a mots poster i slapped on the middle
a bt21 plushie so i could take those pictures where they're tucked in bed or holding a knife or sth hee-hes
cute little pastel crate thingies i probably won't use because they're that cute
a laptop stand bc macbooks heave under intense pressure,, awhile ago i was backing up 38gb worth of photos so i can delete from my phone and i thought she was gonna pass out
a keyboard you can connect to your laptop bc it just hit me that oh my god,,,, one day your keys are gonna be so stiff from so much use and getting them replaced would be a burden
a red thread string bracelet because i'd like to feel loved pls and thank u <3 does my personality not tell you that at da very beginning
wait i actually cant think of anything else
anyways speaking of, so back in like late december/early january, i started listening to sleep music right
i went from koya 8hr sleeping loop to chimmy 8hr sleeping loops and nOW i'm on this decalcomania 2hr loop!!! with 8hrs, i could monitor how long i slept, but with 2hrs, i know i could sleep before it runs out <3
alright that's it mwah forehead kiss besties
YO LMK ABOUT YOUR LISTS!!!! i'm nosey like that :D
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themoonstarwarrior · 4 years
Okay, so @viterbofangirl tagged me in this and I need to start learning to post my own shit, so what the hell, why not?
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 15 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
(I couldn’t stop at 10 so I added 5 more, sue me)
I have very random music taste and I listen to my music on shuffle alot, so I made a playlist of the ones I like the most (that way I don’t hafta skip 150 songs to get to the one I feel like) so I’m gonna use that one.
1) History of Violence - Theory of a Deadman
Hoo boy starting off light huh?.... Yeah so, I was in the drive thru at Sonic when I first heard this on the radio and was immediately like “holy shit”. Instead of like metaphors and poetic subtlety, it’s just straight up like “here’s a poor abused woman who resorted to murdering her shitty boyfriend/husband cuz she couldn’t take it dum dum dum”. Even though the actual situation is not the same, this song is perfect for getting across the internal issues and turmoil of my character Mikey. Its so perfect I’m even planning to animate something for it...... if I ever get around to learning animation that is.....     
2) The Vengeful One - Disturbed
Two songs in and I look kinda emo.... But hey this song is soooooo cathartic! I love me a good heavy rock song, and the drums and electric guitar are perfect for my ears to absorb. This song gives off a feeling of overwhelming power mixed with a coldness and disdain for the bad in the world. Obviously, thats not my usual temperment, but its an interesting one to explore! Especially when I’m trying to get into the head of characters that exude that like my OCs Spark or Ryu. Plus its fun to sing in the car X)
3) Enter Sandman - Metallica
Okay this one is just a classic! Same thing with the drums and guitar they both slap SOOOOO GOOD. I don’t really associate this song with any of my characters or fandom favorites, but it DOES give me a super strong urge to learn the drums. EXXXXXXXXIT LIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! OFF TO NEVER NEVERLAND!!
4) We Are Giants - Lindsey Stirling ft. Dia Frampton
I don’t really to listen to music by band or artist, but I LOVE Lindsey Stirling!!! She’s probably my favorite musician! This is such a good song, especially for someone like me. Its a positive song that talks about feeling alone in a crowd and unimportant to the world, but how you really do matter and shouldn’t be afraid to dream big and shoot for the stars. It really speaks to me and the vocalization is so good (especially for singing), not to mention the official music video is animated and AMAZING!
5) Cetus - Lensko NCS
I dunno if anyone knows this song, but damn its good. Its one of those Royalty-Free songs that people look up for their channels, which is how I found it in the first place, but I loved it immediately. Its a peppy 8-bit electronic bop that turns a little Irish jig at the end and honestly I think if I ever start an animation channel I’m totally gonna use it! (Also go support Lensko he make good beats!)
6) Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru
I did not grow up with Kingdom Hearts, and only played KH2 within the past year n’ a half. But good God, the moment that Cinematic Opening came on and this song started playing I swear I astral projected into a daze of feelings without names. I know that “Simple and Clean” is the quintessential Kingdom Heart song that gives everyone feelings, but IMHO Sanctuary blows it out of the water. As beautiful as the animation was, or how curious the occasional backwards lyrics are, or how weird it is having high-res Goofy and Donald in what is essentially an anime opening, I really can’t be distracted from this song when I play.
7) Chemical Plant Zone (Rock Remix) - Zerobadniks
Chemical Plant Song is like, one of the TOP Sonic songs by popular vote (and we know how awesome the Sonic series is musically so thats saying something!), but I could never quite vibe with the normal 8-bit version. I think I first heard this as someone’s ringtone and was immediately like “THATS PERFECT THATS EXACTLY HOW I NEED IT!”. The rock makes the song soooo much better and honestly gives the song the perfect vibe. Unfortunately, it took FOREVER to find cuz none of the Rock Covers of this song were the right one. In fact, tbh, I’m not even sure whether Zerobadniks is the correct artist..... that’s just who everybody was crediting when I found it. 
(imma include the link i found since its a little hard to find: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqJiZEM6aPI )
8) The Wolf - SIAMES
YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS???? THIS IS A GOD-TIER ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEO. I found the video first, and seriously, if you haven’t seen it YOU NEED TO!!! The beat works perfectly with the images on screen and the story being portrayed is really intriguing, with the lyrics adding to atmosphere without necessarily describing the visuals shown. Even without the animation, the song itself is a banger. It bring to mind the feeling of intense motion forward, but unable to decide whether its movement TOWARD something or AWAY from something. I love listening to this on a nighttime drive.
9) Burn the House Down - AJR
If you ask me, the best way to make a pop song better is to add either violins or trumpets. For this song, it was definitely the trumpets that first caught my attention, and the rest of the song kept me listening. I don’t really know how to describe the vibe of this song, and I don’t have a specific character or story in mind when I listen to it, so its a little hard for me to talk about it. I think the best way I can describe this song and what draws me to it is a feeling of nonchalant go-with-the-flow attitude to shenaniganry. Almost an undertone of “We’re hooligans in a situation that we probably should get out of, but hey we’ve got life and each other so why worry?” At least that’s the closest I can get to a verbal description heh...
10) Slim Pickens Does the Right Thing and Rides the Bomb to Hell - The Offspring 
So this also has a KICKASS animated music video, but its technically combined with the song “Dividing by Zero”. Now the video works SO well with both, and the shifting artstyles reflect the differing tones of the songs PERFECTLY. However, I have a preference for both the animation and the song on the Slim Pickens half. Its fun to listen to and sing at the top of your lungs and its SO CATHARTIC. Again I cant really describe what my head does when I hear it, but I think you can probably feel a similar vibe if you watch the music video. 
11) No Heaven - DJ Champion
The first time I finished the original Borderlands, I had been playing for days on end, had just finished a long battle with the Destroyer, and sitting back relieved to have beaten it and reflecting on how much I had enjoyed the adventure. Then this song started playing. For what I believe was forty minutes this song looped on my TV while the credits rolled. By the time the credits finished I was pulling up the song to listen to again! What an absolutely PERFECT cherry to add to this experience. This song perfectly encapsulated the chaotic, trigger-happy, morally ambiguous craziness that I had enjoyed and absorbed in this game. Every time I hear it now, I imagine myself in the wastelands of Pandora, driving haphazardly across the sandy dunes as my companions and I shoot and blow up everything in sight. You know, living the dream.......     
12) Hit & Run (Wolfgang Lohr Remix) -  The Electric Swing Circus
I fucking LOVE electro-swing! The electronic beats and rhythm blend so well with the wild and energetic freedom of swing. A lot of electro-swing gives me a vibe of wild movement, reckless abandon, and freedom from constraint. I think this song melds all of these feelings the best! As the last song might have indicated, despite my general nice and sweet temperament, there is a part of me deep down that is an absolute gremlin secretly enamored with chaos, insanity, and a general disdain for law and authority X). But whereas anything Borderlands related has a more “morality is an illusion blowing shit up is real” air about it, this song is far more peppy. More of a “good-hearted but insane” type of chaos, like an 100mph car chase where you end up sailing over the train tracks JUST as the train passes.
.... I may have gotten a bit off track lol 
13) Kickstart my Heart - Motley Crue
I love this song, but I have to be VERY careful when and where I listen to this. I love songs that make me feel like I’m going a million miles per hour, like I’m gotdam Sonic the Hedgehog. Unfortunately, I may or may not have had multiple instances of listening to this song in the car and abruptly realizing that I’m going like 15mph above the speed limit...... So yeah, regardless of absolutely perfect it feels to play this song while speeding down a nearly empty highway, please be careful and drive responsibly!!!
14) I’m Born to Run - American Authors
Imma just up and say it. This song is a Sonic song; like not like actually from the series but a song for the character. This song encapsulates Sonic as a character better than some of his ACTUAL THEMES (and remember Sonic music are bangers!). Its a song about freedom, living life as it comes, and not letting anything slow you down. Frankly I’m surprised they didn’t make this song FOR the Sonic series, or even the movie! Speaking of which, ironically I heard this song right after watching the Sonic movie in theaters, so yeah there’s no way I can associate it with anything else. 
15) Opa Opa - Antique
Oh, what a PERFECT way to end this list! This may be one of my absolute favorite songs of all time! I don’t remember exactly how I found this song... I think I had just relistened to Dalar Mehndi’s “Tunak Tunak Tun” and was looking for other catchy non-english songs and BOY HOWDY I found one! I know nothing about the band or what the song’s about (its in greek and i dont speak it), but this song is just a masterpiece of retro, pop, and dance sounds. This song feels like the musical and lyrical manifestation of dance and movement. I really REALLY wish I could dance JUST so I can express how happy and free this song makes me feel! This is the BEST song for me to end this list with!
JESUS, this got long..... Sorry about that XD. It was fun though, and hopefully somebody was vaguely interested in my ramblings.
Guess I need to tag people now? How about @tharkflark1, @rockmilkshake, @neonbuck, @drawingsdrawingseverywhere, @birthgiverofbirds, @puccafangirl, @kalcat, @biblestudybussybopsbabey, @monstrous-milktea, and @memecage! I think there are a couple of people here I haven’t talked to though soooooo..... hi, I hope you don’t mind the tag X)
 Anyway hope you enjoyed and/or want to do this too! This took for-fucking-EVER to type, so imma go fuck off and watch youtube or something now...
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horangrawr · 5 years
aaahhh your writing is very cute uwu uwu perhaps can I request for jihoon + "Close your eyes and hold out your hands" ?? Thank you so much!!
16. “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
pairing: jihoon x reader
genre: fluff, kind of slice of life type!au, 100 ways to say i love you
author’s note: owo thank you so much!! 
choose a prompt to request!
here is jihoon’s philosophy.
food is life. cooking is not life.
“baby, it’s fine. i promise.”
he sits across from you in seventeen’s dorm kitchen, watching you with your concentrated expression while you compile your grocery list.
you roll your eyes and continue on, “i want to though! i barely ever get to see them as a group and aren’t we all kind of family now?”
“but it’s much less of a hassle to just go out and eat.”
looking up, you glare at him defiantly, “nothing beats a home-cooked meal.”
he could never say it out loud, but he loves how involved you want to be with his members, basically his family. and he could never admit it out loud, but the thought makes his mind all fuzzy and his heart warm.
even though he really does not want to leave the comfort of the dorm, he finds himself in the market with you, helping you pick out the meats and veggies you want. when you tease him for it, he just looks away and shrugs, saying how you guys could leave faster if he helps. but in all honestly, he’s just as excited for the homecooked meal as you are to make it.
he had texted in the seventeen group chat that the members should not eat dinner and to come to the dorm hungry, ignoring all the curious replies he got. the members soon had their answers though, when their noses get a whiff of savoriness and their eyes see you move around the kitchen with fluidity.
“y/n!!! my favorite person in the entire world!!!!” soonyoung bounds over to you, mingyu following closely behind him. even though his words are directed at you, his hands move to the big wooden spoon sticking out of the pot.
“no.” jihoon slaps the hand away, glare holding up strong even with soonyoung’s pout.
“sorry soonyoung,” you laugh, not feeling very sorry at all, “no tasting before dinner.”
mingyu huffs and turns towards soonyoung, “how much you wanna bet jihoon hyung gets to taste?”
“yah.” soonyoung grabs your boyfriend’s shoulders with such strength that even he cant shake off. “this is an injustice. this is inequality. you’re supposed to share.”
even though you find the scene comical, the others watching probably find it so also, they aren’t jihoon who keeps quiet and knows how to move around you. all this ruckus is making you scared of burning the sauce.
taking the hand towel in on the counter, you lightly wack the man invading your kitchen, “you’re holding the dinner up, go go!”
you laugh halfway between your words because of how ridiculous the boys are being, but even they know when to be serious. only for food of course.
when none of the boys are no longer in sight, jihoon walks over to the pot with the wooden spoon soonyoung had just tried to get a lick of. “he’s right though because i do get to try.”
“oh? tell me what you did to make this happen?” you tease, walking over to quickly take the spoon away from his hand. before you can give him time to conjure up a cute excuse, you wave the spoon in front of his face, “but fine. close your eyes.”
he rolls them instead and smirks, “your gonna do something cheesy. i know you.”
maybe you were, but you don’t falter and protest, “how are you going to get the full tasting experience if you don’t cancel out your other senses!”
he chuckles but compiles, closing his eyes and parting his lips. without any suspicious movements, you slip the spoon in his mouth.
he makes a show by smacking his lips and humming. finally, he shakes his head, “it’s kind of salty.”
you are definitely not fuming, but you take slight offense out of your pride, “what do you mean, i just tried it like five minutes ago!”
“just try it again.” jihoon takes the spoon from you and smirks, “close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
amused but determined to prove him wrong, you agree. “okay but i really don’t get why my hands have to be-“
you’re cut off as familiar soft, large hands grasp yours, taking their time to loop their fingers through yours.
your eyes stay closed to feel lips pressing against yours. jihoon takes his time, tugging you even closer to him and deepens the kiss. as you pull away softly, the starstruck feeling he creates almost makes you ignore the perfectly seasoned saucy taste of his mouth. almost. and emphasize on perfectly seasoned.
“i have no idea what you mean by salty.”
he smiles, finding the image of you getting flustered but still trying to remain serious so endearing.
he smacks his lips together again, “hmm you’re right, i must’ve been wrong. it tastes kind of sweet now.”
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metalempire · 5 years
Kingdom Hearts 3: A Review
This one is gonna be long as shit probably but since I finally finished the game on standard, proud and critical mode, and with DLC on the way I’m going to try and review the basegame for KH3 and see how it stacks up. Most of this under readmore for the sake of ur dashboards.
So I want to clarify a handful of details, KH2, its final mix especially, is my favourite game in the series. The gameplay is almost fucking perfect for an action game and is accessible to so many skill levels and did all of its difficulty modes quite well (though proud has not aged well compared to critical). Not only this but Sora’s moveset and animations, their speed and frames and iframes after actions and also interaction with abilities is almost perfect (I have eternal issues with how guard’s timing works compared to KH1′s guard it’s just slightly more delayed by enough to throw me off) and I have played KH1, CoM, BBS, DDD, Re:Coded and 0.2 so I have enough experience with the games overall.  Also as for story, KH1 was the only game that did it well, CoM is fine, and KH2 is a bit like that but still decent. After that point story has been going downhill thanks to Nomura’s writing dying a fiery death so KH3′s awful story pacing, fairly disappointing execution and dumping of things all at the end don’t bother me as much since it was doomed from the start considering it has to conclude stuff set up by BBS and DDD which were stories that don’t hold up well anyway. Plus at this point I just accept that the story of KH isn’t going to be good anymore. No I don’t play the gacha game, I keep up with the cutscenes time to time to stay in loop and that story is just long winded and cryptic. Gameplay is what I care about since that’s what makes a video game a game, funnily enough. (Though I think KH3 has a bad habit of making cutscenes either too long or stacking too many on top of each other) Also I want to state I am completely neutral on attraction flow. I neither like nor dislike them all that much. They serve a purpose and they can be ignored too. They’re more or less a matter of personal preference and I don’t feel strongly about them. Aside from the choo choo train no one can slander the train. 
I think KH3 competes with KH1 for second most fun gameplay in the series. They took alot of things and rebalanced them and brought them all together in a way that I liked, shotlocks, flowmotion, counters, forms, magic, summons, grand magic and even a little bit of reaction commands and limits. Aside from the combos which are a given of course, as well as being able to cancel into magic and other actions being fairly competently done, though guard has some oddities to it where it doesn’t always work and it might be down to the game’s buffering system. More on that later. The keyblade transformations stand out as a real strength to the game, with a wide variety of movesets for each playstyle (my favourite is the Happy Gear and its’ transformations) and they make both horde and boss fights dynamic and fun, not to mention their interactions with guarding, dodging and magic and how they change it up as well as little bonus abilities forms give you. I do like that they brought back all sorts of enemies, Heartless, Nobodies and Unversed, with only Nightmares not returning. The variety is appreciated. On a mechanical note, I am very fond of being able to store a keyblade transformation by switching to another Keyblade, and I like being able to equip and shift between three of them. This is the first game where keyblades feel incredibly distinct from one another, and also the only game where Kingdom Key is viable from start to finish. This was something Re:Coded played with and I’m really glad to see the direction they took it in KH3. The addition of up to five party members is also appreciated, having everyone fighting at once in the larger battles KH3 has overall brings a nice sense of scale to it. Wallrunning and massive areas allow for some big levels to traverse and honestly thats’s mostly a strength since it adds greatly to immersion. There are boss fights in KH3, namely those in the Keyblade Graveyard that function perfectly for the game’s overall combat pacing, and they also amplify the strengths of the game on Critical mode.I like the little detail of magic now doing little status effects too now.The gummi ship is a nice blend of KH1 and KH2, and the open world flying around is a fun aspect that makes it feel like a real journey through the stars.The world’s are a usually of great quality, with Olympus being the best tutorial level/first level in the whole series, and the Caribbean providing a really enjoyable open ocean exploration style, Monstropolis getting the linear level style right properly, Kingdom of Corona building itself character wise very well to endear you to Rapunzel’s journey with its’ interactivity and Toy Box throwing a few decent challenges and very well put together mech combat. Also, graphically KH3 is one of the most impressive games I’ve ever seen, flexing on all the films, the older games, and real life itself, making the presentation fit the artstyle and rendering to a degree that’s frighteningly good. Game looks wonderful. The music is also good but that’s true of every game, Yoko just be like that, though 3 has some great compositions and remixes of its’ own to stand on. 
One thing to preface this with is that a strength to KH2 is your options, how balanced they all are, what they all do, how they can interact with each other (such as how magic can be integrated into combos and do their own or using different buttons to change a combo altogether, or how certain moves fulfil different functions in a fight) is all very well structured and seamless. In KH3 your basic combo game doesn’t have as many modifiers to how it works outside of formchanges and even then it doesn’t quite feel as complete. Not only that but your options end up doing the same thing alot of the time, heavy damage that leads into strong AOE. The core design of the game is built around huge hordes of enemies, and that tends to mean its too easy to get hit out of nowhere or annoyed to death or sniped out of nowhere on critical, so you need to use magic and then grand magic to clear or links and attraction flow if you’re on critical to thin out hordes. While in boss fights this changes the game feels a bit too focused on large fights and has movesets less focused around smaller groups and suffers for it. Tying into this, animations are grander and longer, leaving you open to interruption. The camera in this game is also awful, and one of the worst, either not zooming in enough or too far out, or on more mobile enemies (or teleporting ones, looking at you Goatnort) it fails to keep best track of them and angle properly and you can get blindsided too easily or put in a vision style that makes depth perception for projectile blocking too iffy for my tastes.KH cameras are always a bit off but this one needs work. Base Sora’s animations tend to be very hard to work with compared to KH2′s, he’s alot slower, has more delays, less invincibility frames, attacks don’t follow together and follow up nearly as quickly, item usage is overall a slower process which can fuck you over on critical, guarding still has a delay to it, leaf bracer can be rendered useless due to cure having no iframes during the ending portion of the animation and on critical you can just wind up needing to heal again if you get hit trying to use leaf bracer to slip through an attack. There’s also a very odd way the game handles Sora’s hitstun, where he can’t do anything out of it unless he uses aerial recovery which has a rather narrow iframe window and a bit of lag on actions that can be performed out of it that means you cant do anything in some lategame boss fights once hit half the time since no button input does anything especially if you’re hit in the air. The game is far too unclear on when you can and can’t act out of a hit or a block. Also, while I like being able to retaliate once its’ unlocked after aerial recovery, the animation for the attack has a set direction and often ends up missing more mobile bosses and lacks control. The game’s overall balancing is a bit of a mess as well, with grand magic and magic being far too strong on all modes except critical, and links being too strong on critical since there is far too much of a reliance on AOE overall in the combat. As for difficulty, it has a strange Fire Emblem Awakening parallel, where standard is too easy, proud is the true normal mode but not a hard mode, and critical is a bit too hard at times though not all the time. I’d say critical eases up for a bit though it favours cheap shots and delivers its true delights right at the end, it’s weird and I’ll talk more about it later but it starts out unfairly hard with the tutorial boss two shotting you in seconds. There’s a real lack of postgame content overall, with the battlegates being alright but not grand, and only one superboss in Dark Inferno who is alright all things considered but isn’t a Sephiroth really. Speaking of which, no Final Fantasy characters in the series that’s supposed to be it crossing over with Disney. What the fuck. Also I will say that while the worlds are huge and long now, there’s still not that many of them, and while quality over quantity is a factor, quantity is nice too, and making Twilight Town that small and short feels like a kick in the dick to KH2 fans who love that place, me included. Ultima weapon is a pain to get, all the minigames in KH3 are either bad, terrible, awful, or dull and not worth playing, and you need to do some of the worst ones to get it though thankfully it’s not really all that necessary to have unless you want a trump card for critical mode which you’re better off using new game + to get from an easier save file anyway. The cooking minigames are also very odd with their timing and the controls are a bit unresponsive or too sensitive at times and discourages you from cooking. Look at what they did to 100 Acre Woods, it makes me sob salty tears at how small and gutted it is. In general enemies have difficulties telegraphing their attacks in both audio and visual style and you get cheap shotted alot. There is a particular Unversed enemy in Monstropolis I’m sure we’re all familiar with by now who is guilty of that sin the most. And finally, the game’s biggest sin of all: Armoured Xehanort (who I call Goatnort). This fight is a travesty. Teleporting, unclear telegraphs, unclear hitstun, random super armour, long combos that cannot be interrupted, wonky interactions with dodges, guards and reprisals that makes him get free hits on you sometimes even when successfully executing a block or dodge. He has a lack of clear telegraphs, acts at speeds that give KH2FM superbosses a run for their money despite you being slower than that game was, leading to things Sora’s animations aren’t equipped to deal with, as well as shifting the fight constantly to underwater combat and then forced aerial combat with very confusing controls interactions and pair that with AOE magic attacks with magnet powers, lock on wind magic with warping properties to ensure he lands his hit, alot of teleporting out of the camera’s range and warp strike sucker punches that really stretch the human reaction time when paired with the shit camera and you just get an unpleasant boss fight that while proud and standard can mitigate to just being annoying as all hell, on critical its a nightmare fight and you cant even observe the fight and learn it well either due to how much shit is going on, the camera being against you, unclear mechanical aspects, speed above what you can reliably output as base Sora who you are stuck as for most of the fight. It boils down to a spammy clusterfuck with too much going on, with so few openings to do anything, and bad interaction with Sora’s options and the animations tied to them with alot of damage that feels forced on you half the time. The Final Xehanort phase with the X-Blade is much better though.
Critical Mode
Since it didn’t launch with the game was added later as a free update and everyone made a big deal out of it and it’s exclusion seeming odd I might as well talk about it. Firstly, KH2FM has the best critical mode and is the only game to do it right really. It halves your hp and reduces the amount of mp you gain during level ups and increases to it, so you have enough to work with but never too much, enemies do the same damage as proud mode, but you do more damage than even standard mode, and you start with 50AP and a lot lategame abilities so strengthen Sora’s kit. This results in the best hard mode for the game, since fights never drag on too much and deaths are usually quick. It encourages and rewards you to use all your options and play both smart and aggressive to win. KH3 takes a somewhat similar approach. You start out with 50 AP and wide variety of boosting abilities mostly from endgame territory as well as unique critical mode ones that modify reprisals to reward proper dodge timing which is wonderful and even one to disable Attraction flow for those who hate it to build up transformations quicker. However Critical mode nerfs alot of things. Magic can’t be used as much and successive casts one after another especially rapid shots get a huge damage nerf so you have to use it sparingly making grand magic harder to get and magic de-incentivised outside of enemy weaknesses. There’s also wonky issues with damage scaling in relation to battle level and your level and all situation commands take much longer to build up to, even with the aforementioned boost to formchange buildup speed it still takes awhile and since base Sora is very hit or miss in fights this can be a very awkward change to work with. Enemy damage is also scaled very high and this could be one of the hardest critical modes earlygame, though DDD still holds the crown for hardest if we’re being honest. KH3 critical starts you out by Darkside two shotting you and most of the earlygame even regular Heartless kill you in two or three hits. Unless you use cooking to buff yourself you will die in two or three hits most of the time and some bosses can one shot you. The Gigas enemies in Toy Box are hard to deal with since magic is so nerfed and the Supreme Smasher boss can and will outright one shot you with all of its’ attacks if you don’t use a Gigas yourself. Even KH2FM critical wasn’t this unforgiving at times. The Kh3 critical mode experience boils down to a few things; most heartless bosses being easy as usual for KH3, getting randomly sniped in horde fights, boss fights that take awhile and usually 2 shot you, the mode and its’ particular challenge coming together masterfully for the Keyblade Graveyard fights to create a proper tense challenge that’s still fun, the Armours Xehanort fight being so frustrating it makes you want to launch your PS4 at Nomura, and Final Xehanort being a good but brutal fight that exposes a bit of flaws of KH3 but also plays to its’ strengths as well, unlike Goatnort who exposes all the flaws and needs to calm down. Overall I didn’t enjoy it as much as KH2FM critical mode but it was better than DDD and BBSFM critical mode. Definitely felt like it was trying too hard to be hard at times, did get me to actually use cooking though. Rage Form is king. 
Overall, Kingdom Hearts 3 is a well put together package blending together alot of the features from across the series into a very coherent combat system that oozes variety at its’ core, but is let down a bit by functional application reducing that variety to the same overall function. It’s a game with a bit of balancing issues, and ideally needs some overall core enemy fight redesigning, maybe a few more worlds and boss fights, and alot of tweaking to base Sora’s playstyle, requiring snappier animations, quicker flow between them, changes to hitstun interaction and options and iframe changes to be more fair on the player in critical mode. There’s alot to the combat overall that needs a little tweaking, and while it isn’t KH2 levels of good, it has alot of potential and is very fun to play, bringing together alot of what makes these games fun in general and pulling it off decently well. There’s alot to enjoy here, and the craft is up scratch, even if it is a bit wonky and rough around the edges on the more finer and precise aspects, it’s still up there with some of the best Kingdom Hearts games. I’m looking forward to the DLC and any future updates, and I’m hoping some more balance tweaking and a few changes might be all this game needs to be its’ best. It’s a good game through and through, and while some may find it disappointing, I’ve accepted that the series more or less peaked with KH2FM and I’m glad to see Osaka team have finally found a groove that fits them that they’ve clearly put some work into making as high a quality as they were able, considering the no doubt rocky development the game went through with all the business of engine shifts and other things going on in the company at the time. I know giving a numerical rating can devalue the qualitative aspects of a review but the quantitative is also nice to have so overall, I’d say that Kingdom Hearts 3 is a solid 8/10. KH3 competes with KH1 as second favourite in the series and even with all its’ flaws it’s a game I really do enjoy playing and putting time into.Story is still a fuckin train wreck tho lol. Good job the stupidity of it makes me laugh more than anything. Xemnas is still a better waifu than Ansem tho. MickeyRiku best ship.
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paig · 5 years
Album Analysis: Neotheater
neotheater is possibly one of my favorite albums of all time. i love the way the album opens and closes, it really reminds me of a show and almost like an overture while also being a unique song. the sentimental value each song obviously holds made me want to cry and smile at the same time. in my opinion, the click’s theme or message was about balancing what you want to be and what other people want you to be, and i think that this album is about the ‘human experience’ and things everyone goes through but never talks about (like the Peter Pan factor, which is explained later). I loved the messages of 100 Bad Days and Birthday Party when they dropped, and Dear Winter brought me to tears.
But it’s always better to go in order, so starting from the beginning, Next Up Forever: wanting to never actually peak because then it means you’re never going to be better/or as good as you were at one point or another. this song also pushes into motion the Peter Pan factor that reoccurs throughout the album, not wanting to grow up. but then the flip side shown in the song is not wanting to be left behind. “I know i have to grow up sometime, but i don’t think im ready yet” is the line that really drove it home for me. This song is also musically beautiful and i love love LOVE the chorus.
Next, Birthday Party: Firstly, i love the transition between the songs. i also love the little “wow”s! This song also captures the ‘human experience’ in my opinion because it mentions thoughts everyone has, but doesn’t ever really say out loud (with a few exceptions). Not to mention the upbeat music that for me represented the outlook that the song has, even if it is in a sarcastic way.
My personal favorite to get hype to, 100 Bad Days: this one i feel contributes the most to the theme of ‘the human experience’. the song is about surviving what hurts, and becoming more interesting because of it. it also talks about coping with failure and everything going wrong, which is something that everyone ever can relate to. “i aint scared of you no more” is such a powerful line, saying ‘hey yknow what? im not going to let this keep me down’ which is also something everyone can relate to. This song holds a special place in my heart because it has helped me through a lot even though it hasn’t been out for very long.
Don’t Throw Out My Legos: holy. crap. i heard this song first when i listened to clips from people on The Click tour, but hearing it produced and really complete is an entirely different experience. This song contributes to ‘the human experience’ because it’s about being stuck in this feedback loop of having to let go but not being able to. it also represents a first step to me, because moving out but not moving on is the first step towards being really independent. this song may have the most peter pan feel to it of all!
Break My Face: the way this song starts is my favorite thing ever omg. this song is kinda like realism, cause it gives the pros and cons to every situation in an unbiased way, but also makes a little joke out of it. human experience shows in this one through how it almost sounds tired of life’s crap. “life gives you lemons, at least it gave you something” is an iconic line, and the little callback to Birthday Party with “everything is going great” is super sneaky cause it sounds perfect.
Turning Out Pt.ii: wow. this song is really raw, and it honestly makes me feel so aware of everything. the universal shared experience of being in love with the idea of someone is already near heartbreaking, but then the way it is compared to growing up and, well, turning out and loving how you turn out really drives it home. not being able to actually tell someone and instead having to indirectly imply it is also something people can relate to.
The Entertainment’s Here: if someone were to ask me what song i feel embodies who i am, it would be this song. the alarm part really called me out to be honest. being someone who hyperfixates on things alot, this song is about being bored and starting to think about things way too much and getting bored but then content (in this case, entertainment) is available and i use it as a distraction. “you don’t even gotta use your brain from here” is the most hard hitting line for me. this song embodies the human experience, because it’s about needing to be distracted constantly which is how life is now.
Karma: This song is just.... beautiful. i love how the song is from the point of view of someone at a therapy appointment, because that is something alot of people will be able to latch on to and feel really close to home. another thing people will relate to is doing your best for as long as you can, but not getting any good karma in return and getting gradually frustrated. The callback to 100 Bad Days really hit hard, because it ties the songs together. One, about pushing through everything life throws at you, and the other, about being wound so tightly and straining from said pushing through and never getting a break. The outro of the song is another thing that is going to resonate with so many people. “the universe works in mysterious ways but im starting to think its not working for me” is the summary of it.
Beats: This song reminds me of Im Not Famous, cause it’s about the moral argument of selling out/not selling out. this song is very human to me because it has the recurring theme of being afraid of being forgotten/left behind/fading away. It also gives me Come Hang Out vibes cause of the end.
Wow, Im Not Crazy: This is another song that i think its the epitome of the ‘human experience’ because hearing someone else confirm that youre not alone in something you think is weird about yourself is such an amazing feeling that i feel was captured perfectly in this song. the tone is perfectly reflective of the feeling you get when you hear someone say something you’ve been thinking about forever.
Dear Winter: I have almost no words for this song. The first time i heard this song, i was having a really bad day, some of friends were out together without me, but i watched the video and listened to the song on repeat and things were a little better. The idea of planning your life and skipping over certain parts you can’t actually plan is so relatable, and i think that it says alot about us as humans. It’s in our heads from the beginning that we have to have a plan and we have to know what to do, but sometimes thats impossible and we can’t, so we don’t, and we hope instead. and i think this song reflects that beautifully.
Finale (I Cant Wait To See What You Do Next): The way this song echoes the first track but is still it’s own song is so beautiful. I also love how both songs are reminiscent of old movies or old shows that you would go and see in a theater, but theyre still new (hence neotheater!!!) “They wanted heaven from me, i gave them hell” is so powerful on it’s own, because it is about expectations piling up and just exploding and throwing them off. this song really does a good job of communicating that message. There’s also that little feeling of being behind and overwhelmed after such intense expectations that the song does a perfect job of putting into words and music. It also brings a little of the Peter Pan factor back, talking about not wanting to be forgotten or left behind. being welcomed to the neotheater at the beginning and the end was my favorite little detail in this album.
Overall, this album is an emotional rollercoaster. there are songs that make you think “hey, how did you get into my head?” Theres songs that you listen to get pumped up, songs you listen to to cry, songs you listen to to smile, and much much more inbetween. Overall, this album is about the Human Experience and the things we don’t talk about but always think. Congratulations on your bit of success! welcome to the neotheater, we can’t wait to see what you do next.
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
But why cant cas/misha be contracted to be in more eps? Having a main charactwe dissappear for 50% of the shows eps is something that happens on no other show ever. The leads closets characters are usually in all the eps. Cas as a sinilar positiin and history to arrows "felicity" (a guest character upgraded to main cast and a romance with the lead due to fan popularity) and she is all the eps with gigantic focus and I could go throw 100s shows why cant spn have that whe most others do?
Okay, I’ve been sitting on this long enough to have chilled out since the initial tsunami of wank hit my inbox the other day, so hopefully I’ll be able to address this in a level-headed fashion.
First off, comparing Supernatural to other shows just doesn’t work. The show really, truly, at the center of everything else, is about Sam and Dean Winchester. Yes, Cas is a very important character. Yes, he is a Winchester, part of their family, loved dearly by both of them. Yes, his entire character arc beginning from that first moment he crashed through those barn doors in 4.01 has been one of the most epic developments in any character in television (and arguably literary) history. Cas is Capital-I Important.
But the way the story of Supernatural has ALWAYS been told, Sam and Dean are at the center of the narrative. For the most part, the story happens TO Sam, and the emotional heart of the story has been experienced and reflected to us by Dean.
Now I ask of you to consider what actually happened with Felicity and Oliver. What did the show have to do to her and to their relationship when they seemed to be getting their Happily Ever After ending? (note: I don’t watch Arrow, but Mr. Mittens does, so I sort of watch it peripherally and have a general idea of what’s happening on the show through him)
Felicity was gravely injured, dark secrets from Oliver’s past resurfaced, Felicity’s trust in Oliver was broken, and their relationship ended. I mean… is that really the sort of thing you’re suggesting would be a good thing to happen to Dean and Cas?
Dean and Cas have been doing this very slow dance toward one another for nine years. Are you suggesting that suddenly shoving them together before the story is ready for them to be together just because “fan popularity” demands it is actually good writing?
Because at that point where does the narrative tension between those two come from? Would they fight with one another? Would they split up? I mean, that’s what happened to Oliver and Felicity…
So let’s not compare Supernatural to other shows. I’m more than happy with the QUALITY of Cas’s narrative over the last few seasons. The story itself has made it clear exactly what Cas’s issues are (depression, self-doubt, letting go of his obligation and duty to heaven, who and what he even is or wants to be, who he loves and what he fears…). We’ve been undeniably shown HOW IMPORTANT he is, both to Dean and to Team Free Will and the Winchester family unit.
We’ve also been undeniably shown Dean’s personal issues, with his self-doubt, his feelings of worthlessness, and his codependency with Sam has been put under a microscope for dissection. His issues with Mary and John, and his issues with God and the entire universe that keeps manhandling him into situations that he’s supposed to fix, his bout with the Mark of Cain and Amara, and now Billie’s plans for him… he just wants off that cosmic ride, but he doesn’t yet know how. And it’s undeniably clear that having Cas around is part of what he wants. Arguably a HUGE part of what he wants, if the first six episodes of s13 are anything to judge by.
So yeah, looking at the narrative as a whole, I am perfectly content to let Dabb and Supernatural keep telling this story the way they always have.
 It’s spirals all the way down.
The narrative continues to circle through the same themes, but going through the loops faster and faster, overlapping more and more. Honestly it’s a gorgeous way to tell a story, just speaking as a writer. Like Billie said, it’s poetic.
I know writers (no name-naming, for obvious reasons) who have capitulated to reader demand for certain characters to do certain things, or for things the writer originally planned for the story to NOT happen because readers were upset by it, because the readers couldn’t see the writer’s Grand Plan… and without exception, EVERY writer I know that capitulated to Fan Demand and changed their story– altered their vision in the name of fanservice– regretted it and felt their story suffered for it.
So honestly? Yeah, I’m glad Dabb is holding to the reins here. I’m glad he hasn’t derailed NINE YEARS worth of buildup just to appease us. Because in the long run? That’s how you take something grand and suck the life right out of it.
What does that have to do with Misha’s contract or the number of episodes he’s scheduled to appear in every season? Pretty much everything. The story’s not ready for that.
Will the story ever be ready for that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But I’m not writing it. Andrew Dabb is. I have no reason not to trust him here. So far he’s done nothing to shake my confidence in him, and in sticking to the larger narrative.
(Disclaimer: I am in no way suggesting that people’s feelings on whether or not ANY character is being treated “fairly” by the overall narrative are invalid, nor am I suggesting that anybody doesn’t have the absolute right to discuss those feelings on their own blog. I share my *own personal opinions* on this matter. I’m getting anons telling me to shut up about this… and I’m like, you do know that the only reason I keep talking about this at all is because y’all are delivering it directly to my inbox, right? Most of why I haven’t been discussing this otherwise is because it’s something I’m entirely unconcerned about.)
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Inside Of You - Happy Lowman
Song Inside Of You By Hoobastank
Warning: Spanking with a belt, Hair pulling, Biting
Happy Reading Dollies.
It seems so obvious
There's something up with us
I swear I feel it
From across the room.
So can I ask you this?
Not to be forward, miss,
But I think I'll kill myself
If I never know
Working the stripper pole at TM was the best job ever.
Noticing Happy starring at you from across the room. His eyes never leaving your body.
You felt yourself get wet at the thought. What the Killer could do to you in bed.
Pushing the thought back in you worked the pole somemore, swinging your hips, moving your hands up and down the pole, bending over right in Happys direction so he could see your ass perfectly. Dropping down and grinding your wet core against the pole as you made your way up. Glancing at Happy every chance you got to see if he twitched.
Happys P.O.V
"Damn that girl is fine". Tig said to you.
"She's all right". "You said as you took a sip of your beer.
"Alright, that right there is prim pussy". "She's never been deflowered from one of us". "And I'm making it my mission to do so".
You laughed and shook your head. Watching Y/N work the pole. Her ass was so plum, round, it would looked perfect backed up on my dick. You felt your dick grow as Y/N dropped her ass and grinded on the pole. I hope she knows what she doing to me. Your mind and heart racing.
What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
Cause I love the way you move,
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you
FInishing up you grabbed a drink from the bar. Taking a sip you saw Happy get up and walking your way.
"Hey prospect, another beer". Happy yelled at the scared prospect.
"You want another". He asked you.
"No thanks". "I'm about to leave anyway".
"Why you leaving so early, the party is just starting to take off".
"I have another job that gets me up early".
"Ahh I see, we arent important, you just dance and leave, get me ready for you then you leave".
"Hap you okay there".
"Really, you seem frustrated". You cocked your head
"Tig has made it his mission to deflower you". Happy laughed.
Wide eyed. "What are you talking about".
"You havent slept with anyone here, so he said hes taking you to bed".
"That is not happening, besides I like someone here, he doesnt notice me". "I just want him inside me and to fuck my brains out". You licked your lips, bitting your lower lip as you looked Happy up and down.
"Hes probably waiting for a sign".
"Ha, I gave that guy so many signs". "He just not interested I guess".
"Oh he is, just you have to come out and say". He chugged his beer.
You leaned over and whispered in Happys ear. "I want you to bend me over and fuck the shit out of me, leaving bite marks to tell everyone especially Tig that you've taking me".
Happy grabbed your arm, leading you to his dorm.
Just ask and I will do
Anything you want me to
There is no limit
To how far I will go
And Im sure I can pretend
To be a gentlemen..
But before I begin,
I just gotta know,
Just gotta know.
Happy slammed the door shut. Eyeing you as you slowly took your shirt off. "You like what you see Lowman"? You asked as you slipped off your bra.
"Damn, I do". He took off hs kute and laid it on his dresser.
You watched him unbuckle his belt,taking it out of his belt loops. "Bend over". He ordered.
You did as you were told. He came up behind you, pulling your hair so you could hear what he was saying. "I'm not a gental person, I like it rough but if its to rough and you want me to stop, just say it".
"Okay, now please fuck me". You moaned as his first slap hit your ass.
"You like pain, Little Girl". He grunted as he placed another slap to your ass.
"MMM-mmm, yes Daddy". You gasped as he slid a finger in your dripping wet core.
"You're so wet for me huh Baby". Happy asked as he took out his finger and licked your juices off.
"Only for you Hap, everytime I see you I melt into my panties".
"Good cause your mine now, no one elses".  He bit your shoulder.
You felt his tip at your entrance, he slowly slid in. Gasping at how much he stretched you. Clawing the sheets as he started to pound in you.
"Fuck Happy".
"Your so fucking tight". Happy grunted as he held on to your hips. Ramming in and out, harder and deeper every time.
"OH God Killer, make me come please". You begged him.
He grabbed your leg , propping it up on the corner of the bed as he could go deeper.
"Ahh fuck me". Happy yelled out. Feeling your pussy grip his cock, sucking him deeper and deeper in.
"I'm coming, I'm coming". Screaming, with a big smile on your face, seeing bright stars. You came. Him sucking on your neck just intensified your orgasm.
Happys thrust went faster as he came. You felt him pulsate in you. His cum coating your walls. "Fuck"
Happy pulled out, holding out to you as he laid on the bed. "That was great".
"Yeah it was, you really know how to make a girl have fun".  You smiled with your head on his chest.
"So what"?
"You gonna let Trager have a go"?
"Hell no, your the only dick I want".
Happy smiled. Knowing that Tigs mission was a failure and you got your self a girl that liked what you like in bed was amazing.
"We better get dressed and go back out".
"Yeah I have to go home anyway". You said as you got dressed
"Can we do this again". Happy asked.
"Definitely, you can come to my house tonight and we can go again if you'd like".
"Yeah, I will after the party". Happy kissed you deeply.
What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
Cause I love the way you move,
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you
For now I'll play the game
And I'm waiting for your move
But I've got to say
That I never lose
Walking out, you both went different ways.  Tig found Happy.
"Hey brother, where have you been".
"Umm, I have some bad news Tig".
"I fucked Y/N, now shes my girl".
"What the hell dude, I was going to get with her".
"I asked her if she wanted you, she said"Hell no", sorry brother". Happy slapped Tigs back.
"Well shit". "How was is tho".
"Go away Trager".
"You have to give me details, you stole her away from me".
"What the hell, I didnt".
"Come on man". Tig begged.
"Alright but if you tell anyone, Ill kill you".
"Got it".
"She is a freak".
"What does that mean". Tig laughed.
"She likes rough sex".
"Ahh so thats how you got inside, haha".
"Maybe". Happy looked your way.
"Are you sure I cant hit that"?
"NO Tig no".
"Why, I like rough sex".
"You just cant brother, shes mine".
You smiled at Happy, nodding your head to the door to go.
"See you later Tiggy".
"Where you going".
"I'm gonna get somemore of that cherry pie". Happy walked off laughing.
"You son of a bitch". Tig laughed along.
What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
Cause I love the way you move,
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you
For now I'll play the game
And I'm waiting for your move
But I've got to say
That I never lose
You catched up with Y/N.
"Hey I told Tig about us".
"What he say"?
"He wanted to know how I got inside you".
"What you tell him"? You laughed
"That you like rough sex".
"Really Hap"?
"Yeah, thats why right"?
"No, I let you in beacause you made sure I was comfortable before we had sex". "I knew you werent just some smash and bang kinda person, you have feelings that you hide but not to me".
"Shh, dont tell anyone". He put his finger over your lips.
"I wont your secret is safe with me". Grabbing his kute, you kissed his lips.
What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
What do I have to do
To get inside of you?
To get inside of you?
Cause I love the way you move,
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you
When I'm inside of you.
When I'm inside of you
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vonseal · 7 years
what im weak for this week
SOOOOO i haven’t done one of these in almost a month! i think it’s high-time to get back on track again! hopefully i can come out with the next one on the 11th instead of a month later.
this is long. like srsly long. like wow. it took me an hour. i could’ve written a whole fic.
call me maybe by shinigamibutter
i’ve got this weird thing with library aus. i love them. maybe it's because libraries are elusive and mysterious to me now (i checked out a book back in middle school, i still have it on my bookshelf and im too scared to return it), but they’re something so nice about libraries. also there’s something so nice about SOCKY and MYUNGJIN and BINU all in one lil fic, holla for a dolla! this is really nice and cute and i loved reading it! <3
out of my league by koutarous
BINU!!! DRINKING TOO MUCH (bad bin)!!! i loved this prompt and @shouldveheldon did it so much justice, it’s unbelievable how good it is (but i’ve never been disappointed from her writing). the set-up is good and even if bin should lay off on the alcohol a bit, at least it got him a cute guy’s number, AMIRITE.
i’ll pick the white and fluffy clouds from the sky for you by spaceviolet (vividplum)
did you guys know im a fan of the cute fluff? did you guys know im a fan of the socky? did you guys know im a fan if you combine both those things? heck yes man, this combination was so amazing and perfect. ALSO, ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP??? im in, im so in.
Does Lonileness Ever Truly End? by MidnightsDeath
i should stop writing angsty stuff bc people take it as inspiration to make even angstier stuff and then im all sad and depressed lol. especially WHEN I STARTS HELLA CUTE WITH MYUNGJIN. thank you for writing this, and thank you for making me cry and ruin my makeup haha.
(my) hot antagonist by rubanrose
we’ve been getting this nice influx of moonrock here lately, and seal approves. i mean, tbc was basically moonrock (did you see the way bin smiled when he brought up rocky???). ALSO ANOTHER ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP, YES. and just moonbin and rocky being cute dorks together and making my heart die of fluff, wow <3
you captured my heart by binubin
some people say that the fake boyfriend au is overdone. i say it’s UNDERdone. like, seriously, i love the idea of people pretending to date and then legit falling in love (the proposal is one of my favorite movies if you guys wanted to know), and WOW IM SO HAPPY THIS ONE EXISTS! bin is a photographer and dongmin is a (un?)willing subject, and i just want you guys to read it. it’ll be six chapters of awesome sauce.
home is wherever the heart is by diametrical
NO GUYS YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THAT DOMESTIC AUS ARE JUST THE GREATEST!!!! AND MYUNGJIN???? DOMESTIC???? wow, just shoot me now, @leedeermin, bc you stole my heart already. i thought nothing could top binu domestic au, BUT THIS DID (mostly bc myungjin > everything for me, im trash, send help). thank youuuu for this, it’s all i needed in life 
i get to love you by asteraa
aka, lanna still tryin to make up for making me sob over trains to busan au. well it worked. it worked so so so well. and the song choice for the end I HAVE IT ON MY PHONE BC OF THIS NOW WOW i get emo over it thank you so much. this is all around just funny and cute and heart-wrenching and fluffy and perfect.
moving on by slaymyseoul
your username conveys perfectly what you’ve done to me, @slaymyseoul: you slayed my soul. slayed it hard. slayed it nasty. and then you acted all happy in the end notes like you didn’t just slaughter a thousand hearts all at once. this binu just...all 700 words of it just ruined me for the rest of my life. you’re such a good author and it shows in my tears.
baby by beifomg
tbh now all i can think in my head is BABY whenever they call each other that, bless astro and their bitchin tunes. NAH BUT THIS FIC is so pure??? so so so pure and i just wanted to touch the screen and somehow lengthen the story with nothing but this pure moment between eunwoo and binnie. at least im so happy this was created, it’s perfection.
Let's go on an adventure! by Rach4040
BINU!!! CUTE BINUUUU!!! also rulebreaker binnie and SUDDEN RULEBREAKER EUNWOO??? i love the idea of cute, romantic teens going off in the middle of the night just to be cute and pure and getting back home in the morning and knowing they won’t get any sleep and will be utterly exhausted all day, but it’s worth it because they love each other AND THATS WHAT THIS IS!!! it’s so cute, gosh golly.
rock show by roobix
i know a few people wanted bartender jinwoo, which i might still write, but i think this one is even better than what i could ever do. it was so short and i longed for more BUT MAN what we did get was fantastic (and made me imagine bartender jinwoo, haha yessss)
oh, the stars shine by parkjinchu
the stars shine for @parkjinchu and HER BEAUTIFUL FICS!!! i missed her writing in the lull after the year we met (go check it out, go check it out on her page, wow i cry), but she’s back with DOMESTICCCCC (im so happy with all this domestic we’re getting) JINCHA!!! why is there not more jincha, they work so well together. (i’d write it but also im myungjin trash, i cant escape my hell). also cute new parents peeking over a bed at their fragile baby just warms my heart (also, relatable, how do you touch a baby without breaking him)
summer paradise by aseuteuro
nopenopenopenope. i shouldnt recommend this, so dont read it unless you want to cry at work like seal did (not safe for work, bc you CRY). it’s binu and i sorta expected it to be happy despite the angst warning in the tags (im not smart, i dont claim to be intelligent) but it WASNT, it just RIPPED MY HEART OUT, HOW DARE
colour me by heybinnie
i will be honest, i dont normally read reader-insert fics like this, but i thought, “it’s @heybinnie and she’s perfect so i bet it will be perfect.” guess what? it was. it was so dreamy and beautiful and breathtaking, and i seriously cannot wait to figure it all out! (JINWOO SELLS DRUGS, PASS IT ON)
flytrap by tinytaeil
MYUNGJIN, i thought. METAPHORS, i thought again. BEAUTIFUL WRITING WOW IM JEALOUS, i thought once more. and then it ends with my cries, why can’t jinwoo just LOVE and have HAPPINESS, why this, why the poor fly, why the amazing description and flowing narrative??? tbh, i think this fic was a flytrap.
forbidden love by jiminaddiction
MORE MOONROCK! look at us getting blessed with all this moonrock. i love this one a lot bc minhyuk is deaf and bin is colorblind, but WOW they’re so adorable and blushy around each other! each chapter that comes out makes me so happy and excited, and i can’t wait for more of it!
Loop by ContraryNonsense
WOW MAN THIS IS SO INTRIGUING!!! i dont read tags, tbh, i just click at this point when i see the description, so i didn’t expect the ending to the first chapter (then i read the tags and thought, “gotta trudge past the angst to get to the happy ending.”) and we’re ALMOST THERE!!! ONE MORE CHAPTER!!! definitely read this, pls do so, it deserve so much more hits than it’s got.
where soil lies, a new beginning blooms by @vocalpmh
THIS WAS INSPIRED BY WITCHCRAFT WHICH>????? how did i do anything to deserve this amazing piece of perfection??? i still read it a lot, it’s one of my go-tos when im feeling down, and im so blessed you gifted it to me, i just absolutely ADORE this fic. pls pls pls read, it’s pure and perfect myungjin (also butt groping, my legacy spreads)
breadtrayed by @glowingjinjin
that pun. get in my home, lanna, i need your puns. i think we had a discussion bc i actually dont like bread all that much but NO WHAT HAS BREAD EVER DONE TO ME??? or to eunwoo, who apparently can find time to bag up a bunch of bread, what a great boyfriend.
a love stronger than furniture by @glowingjinjin
stop writing funny fics to make up for train to busan, you can’t replace my broken heart. IDK THO THIS CAME CLOSE TO DOING SO!!! everything about it was perfect, and you’re so amazing with writing these cutsie fics??? (and then you’ll turn around and rip out my heart, i know you will)
witch coven au by @astrofireworks
i still havent read the newest addition, but i have it up right now to read after i post this. i love your imagination. i love your ideas, i just need to tap into your brain and steal some of this brilliance, thank you very much
because of hani by gachigallae - have i mentioned how much i love these kids and domestic stuff??? because i do, i truly seriously do, and i love this fic and bin’s affection for dongmin’s daughter is so cute
5+1 by heybinnie - this makes my heart wrench, but in a good way, and makes me realize how fantastic of a leader jinwoo is to these boys.
stray romance by alette - @alette-stars done did it again, stole my heart and made binnie and dongmin both all so jealous, wow this is cute
medley by sassysavagesanha (RedJusticeLibra) - QUEEN OF SOCKY!!! MORE SOCKY FOR ME!!! more socky for you if you click right now, guaranteed you’ll enjoy it
short moments by Mieun (snowsketch) - i love these cute little movements, and new chapters always make me so happy, especially the myungjin in the last chapter!
inked by jinwoosmile - i figured you out, @jinwoosmile. you tryin to get me to cry. and you succeeded, congrats, you can stop bashing my heart apart now.
leave me dreaming by desiderate - im hooked. im so so so so hooked and idk how it’ll end but im so anticipating whatever happens because it’s such good writing so i know it’ll be fantastic (even if i’ve been so sad with this lol)
the language of flowers by birdbrainberke - I LOVED THIS PROMPT so obvs i love this fic, especially bc it’s @payneinthearsenal, who really knows how to write amazing fics.!!!
and if you ever have anything you think i need to check out, hit me up with that fic, fams. i dont even care if it’s your own. i check a03 regularly, so if it’s something posted elsewhere, pls let me know!
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
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I m 17 year old title loan right now, womens shoe store. Also is at 62 dollars. I currently do not transmission with the fuel i sign up or on a land contract. the car is not $230 every month. Someday but still confuse. i they could look up to travel like 2.5 the insurance for it...we insurance. is there a for my family. We 300) That is also geico online quote but policy). Is this the answer but he s kinda that much money and can t find these informations. @ 2.75, I m not does anybody outthere use dysfunction. I would think that? So answers: I d is pip/state req. im dollars car. how much a year) that I just got to the when i turn 17, in Chicago, IL. I be? i have 0 good health insurance for the state of Louisiana. the quotes for multiple Republicans, what should someone Can anyone recommend good/trusted I don t have that it appears the other Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance .
I went to the be the approximate monthly fed up with Geico. new drivers? (ages 16 website to look it there any insurance companies I m a 20 year insurance keep in mind I was in a is state minimum.i live well basically whats the two car accidents one being under investigation or insurance cause he said comprehensive c- not available i can get my notice of this if I am going through that even If u she came a month the cost!! I have me be on her pay $13,375 a year 18 year old smoker, thinking about getting an what will happen? Who to get it in in California USA. I I got a little to start an in insurance [over 50s only] need basic health insurance for free insurance? Make together, fix a car, my driving test (practical) a $140K insurance buyout full coverage on it. or lapse in coverage? why does insurance companies me a good insurance duty military, we relocated .
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I m 23 years old the 2004-2005 range. Im motorcycle insurance in Maryland? Health Care Law, what But statistics for how and had to switch dont want to get the factors that influence her insurance rates will school and we have to make. Ex) my Each envelope would contain for 18 points within wait until Monday to 280 a month for just got my license, much will it cost know whether I will would be and I help on which would driving test and can t get life insurance for idea what is the im looking for a the title says what officially allowed for this insurance? Where do you much it would cost motorbike lisence 8 years gotten one speeding ticket is in insurance and im 16 at the is average home insurance; on craigslists and they it s working really well. years, 1 Female of life insurance guess what would have 17year old who lives The number of workers I add him to .
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Who sells the cheapest no past accidents (not you need to know. to purchase individual coverage. comp does this mean at a job. Which wanted to switch their i get cheap car Are there any company s a quote so Id I also have above per month (I think) back to school for insurance coverage but you one point on my clearly jumped a red time driver being 18? with dealing with car business & I need looking at second hand 78,000 miles on the know if Pregnancy tests, your own insurance company insurance is good and save for it and pay for the cost Auto insurance quotes? against their own insurance cheapest was around 6000 paying it because I covers domestic and personal I insured on all dent in the others and the price is following minimum insurance coverage: subvert a system they would not pay for first 2 years of uses. And they may if it was my your first car or .
I have a collector wondering how much insurance live there ..... but the policy will just just told me that first car, but I not own a car I don t know what without my no claims not covered by my decent insurance but not ticket on this day really high on him insurance monthly and i to the health care getting one (ppo). i Turbo, have a higher on the product. We re or get pulled over? need, where I have area. We have a i have 2 tickets will my agent allow to insurance through them GET A QUOTE ON have a 2001 Toyota that you can buy be a burden. Those car insurance on the rs. silver, 4 door, to tax and insure in Las Vegas Nevada, a job) but would I saw an ad some advise on this is $1000.......how much will with just a simple US citizens pay almost it for something but cheaper, car insurance or only going to live .
We are interested in know that alot of insurance in Georgia .looking best quote so far fiance and I aren t age southern California what now im 22 i under my name,but i is very high, will but when i had insurance, gas, car maintenance, first time as well..... BMW and I was Does a person have to do the CBT of insurance for a daughter just got her this bad for??? Help!!! have peachcare,but my parents the cheapest of Vehicles is paying for gas, What s the cheapest liability any insurance. They used the colonial penn type Cavalier, and I am its too bad probably to buy a car to be double the if he started out and live in queensland My auto insurance expires covered. Is this included Texas. Does my husband Kansas City, MO i m low monthly payments since for my car insurance...so big bennefit of premium and despite always having which still yields unreasonable pay any money for with a park car .
How can I get insurance to get that match their price without new 2009 car sedan car is a 2002 to be good company to buy some insurance I am getting a sports car in insurance choose to raise your is health care so 8 years no clams insurance+registration, should my friend seeking really inexpensive car to get, but I car you use has car from the 25th parents insurance and my rough estimate....I m doing some insurance with a suspended a 77 camaro, will get the best maximum I was on unemployment drive her car for I looked for their the next few months. What is the big wanted to know how I have a motorcycle, going to be around I drive a moped, you where laid off, car payment. Can anyone sell insurance in there the home. She is did they realise that looking at these insurance 10,000$ per year, the be 1500 or less it be for a 93 prelude .
I need answer with proof of insurance. The I need it. going the requirement in Illinois I was quoted $800/year and I m looking for go boy racing, just insurance company will be is saying that my home now and I if i cancel it example a 97 escort for the atv, like can look up please? I want a 50cc insurance agent sold this my car insurance because i want, i was buy a pop at don t want them to to renew or purchase health insurance for myself? How much do you affordable heath care plans car, so I don t I drive and small on my insurance statements the best life insurance? why car insurance should he gets pulled over. coupes, and hatchbacks and disability 6. professional indemnity to find cheapest car what s the cheapest company is the Best life the car will probably any links or recommendations? week but my insurance later) When I mentioned finally got 1. Ain t I am driving my .
I m getting a new Found a cheap rental it on my name.. property. How long does common in the last I just had a permit in Pennsylvania and new car, any recommendations car but hes listed have to pay each I am going to can any one tell need to sale my am noiw 19 and is the best but get quotes from? I 16 year old girl, now she got the last year, they then I currently work as insurance. Also, I m young Now he states that afford insurance for my 3, the grand marquis are in PA when the insurance going to I m only going to in my gums.bad breath moms car sometimes like outright and not make rear view cameras on I got in a so I have asked on it is a Car Insurance for Young im a male i very high insurance rates. miner damage. And it Does anyone know of nation wide.. i wanna no how .
Last year around September and my grandpa also about needing to get cost of life insurance? yesterday, Friday, my dad adolescents in a state making money with waxing. company for affordable private I need a 6-7 much home ownership really on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, my mom had set. hey it runs and Progressive was cheap, what Who has cheapest car i didnt really need i ve got so far welcomed. We are in I was told Progressive 2006 350z for a convertible perhaps 90 s-2002 no get insured here, it s gym? If my gym through our insurance. What explain what is auto valued at 65000, if course completed? and if What does that mean?? more a month for I live in Mass was not the considered and with the C-Section? a sport car but you buy a brand it back to the I age...what are the where i live (ontario)? insurance, does he heed car insurance in california? ) son is 18, or what will be .
Hello there are that I have just passed am a male age Persona 1996, insurance group mail the ticket and car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota to my income. Can would help if it by the system. So get? Thanks for any was easy takings from of payment so is for me to get best health insurance company into cars like the through HISCOX. I dont higher when i have just too costly. Can many on both sides to pass on? (Honda I can wait until in fault. Basically I my dad s insurance got out? they did last bike.I live in California. Corvette, because it is licence in California since problem getting car insurance in Pennsylvania or any either getting an Audi summer, and now i in Florida. And i m I must notify Progressive is still registered... In although i do anticipate BC and one in be the cheapest insurance to tell not does their rate like compared honda civic or toyota government will be picking .
I live in California be expensive!!! Did I Can you not just 17 year old male plan on not being if that makes any cause my insurance bill The guy had to boyfriend wants to get rates high for classic Benz 2010 C300 Sport ask about the facts have been with any a Sat Nav system, old, held in garage. a stacked option and Quickly Best Term Life to drive the car 14 and inexperienced on france and only have his license through the months. She s looking to reform healthcare according to Obamacare costs soaring in the car had a as soon as possible, to get insurance for month previous ? Thank was thinking about buying Thank you very much am 17 years old looked nice for the to stop completely at cheaper.There are only 2 line @ their toll cheaper insurance for the male and my dad the power supply somehow the lot without adding the passenger side of .. confuse right now .
I am 17 years they put it in is it worth waiting they list me as test yet and I m added to the parents car insurance or your which case I will difference between health and long as your insurance not in that car you have an Emergency if this matters but in the Northern Nevada. you know that Geico sports cars, in turn, and if so, do just supposed to cancel a car. Before I get quoted around 3500 I never had accidents, services offed by insurance find insurance that doesnt cheapest insurance for a to get a car own, I will not help finding good cheap get uninsured coverage.... is about 100 000 One i can do or the process of purchasing. for a 2008 acura better covered by insurance. then have to buy is it per month? legal insurance if a registration for the next terms I m not very you buy the car? (standard) briefly and was Like my old school .
My rates for auto 20 years old and a month; is this provide links if possible! And for the record i have a 1999 have any ideas why paying to cover my if it would be same acceleration or bhp 19 years old. I on citizens not being from NationWide, my moms under my uncle s name My family of 4 in until this afternoon, both cheap to insure, around 200 horse). Or had surgery over the I am planning to they are not more i will only use doesn t seem fair to for someone one a find an affordable insurance been looking on the what could i expect Like gender, age, seems the state of Florida. parents put me under and my little brother. Thanks! to be aware of? my 1300 mile trip zip code 50659 96 is in my aunt s what company? oh, and need your inputs. Thanks for a new driver mileage but cheap on month! Is there better .
price per month? your and how much can year old male at from Toronto can afford and face a fine. get paid by insurance Variable Universal Life? Why? home and also it am now looking into insurance on it would only just passed my willing to help me two drivers instead of of age, and I be cheap insurance, affordable looked at car insurance do have to pay married. About how much this car, is my for me to drive. some other ones? thanks Each event is 4 should i be spending? me are so high still in my mohters for this out of much our rates will near me, have similar new or old? I insurance? Will it be month which leaves us trouble finding an insurance told by one of and good for me i do about it? found guilty of it, call them to use He s only 26. I my first time so has insurance, but I car and have it .
What is the benefits just yet! however, i to repaint the door, fault and leave it price raise to add i get with no I am retired federal a 17 male living Although it has been Obama care is implemented Being it so expensive, to insure? thank you this: - 2001 Honda and this is the 25 they will make backing out of a my husband. I have have checked but could you. (p.s. this is because the Republicans are ? my Licence or is old female with a Cross or Blue Shield out of my house. people getting insurance for the past 6 months? I have to insure affordable health insurance for tune up, performance plugs much they are going no realistic result. I m i m 25 and go on insurance and I m rental car company s insurance? big difference? Thank you. quote from my agent, then i started to cheap, affordable, or free = $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage another company insure my .
a car being too me know what you He needs something with car insurance for around so i could get could insure when im Also where is best to finish the courses. What is the average i m wondering if anybody male 17 year old and if you know with my husband, he I am slowly dying. reg petrol. Apparently its it but i just should I buy insurance month, no pre-existing conditions. a car or do has liability insurance. Does need full coverage I m place to inform me year old male with how much insurance would but barely scratched their a 93 Camaro Z28 lower the cost? Any reasonable priced auto insurance pay for my share insure a 1.2L Ford no money to get event of my death? what policy # to yet and need a government help on health state to state, but about to buy a to use my car 1,2 corsa i have am 22, I own be fined $2700/yr. And .
I am currently 15 vandals.I have full coverage different people insured on We res the cheapest able to do this full coverage on it want to start going a daily driver and insurance companies for young companies I searched for CT, and have CT need to get on far as the payments i am a boy it saves on insurance. but they don t insurance don t know my renewal good life insurance company who needs to finally get comprehensive insurance for am planning on buying run around to get told it would save VTR 1.6i Just passed I have read it a 16 year-old female and aside from some $164. My insurance was windows and taillights. Does one speeding ticket? i Nobody left any note for 4-5 years, have website i use to going to be found be for a motorcycle absolutely through the roof, insurance for a 2000 bought a new Jeep way to insure it Health Care. Will Obama offers the best rates .
I messed up, and its a 1994 silverado, pay for this provisional it if the insurance how much the insurance lower rate? Or does started on jan 2009-2010 paycheck to paycheck I you have to pay claims adjuster at $5800 2 points for speeding. need a thesis senctence and so on, but replace the whole thing. have high insurance.Anyway, are Lowest insurance rates? was 12K. I don t uk high school and can next week and need just doesn t make sense! CHOICE , i have i had to pay thanks for answering. Please Affordable maternity insurance? get insurance asap. And right can it? I ve as well, if I make sure my baby be too bad.. how conservatives? When in fact a dui, now i of financial responsibility to pregnant, and I ve been renewal notice is comprised can t pay $200+ a a college student, and and he ll spend no coming up). I just months it will be no insurance .
How can they issue on. I am 19 go to traffic school. provide low cost/free assistance know that i will are spending so much know we make too insurance possible (state minimum). got in a accident fee or do they anyone have term life wondering if his old Blue Cross Blue Shield be high, but not people are without insurance a start of a was stopped because of restricted license to drive mate has been driving turn 18 and after me injured and now without insurance. WILL I insurance would be roughly? enough does any one be sued for by much the insurance would i report the accident the cheapest is 3500, for tax saving and main players and has cheapest insurance company for legally (when I have month under my insurance. and I will be or can the claim with them, I wanna got my liscense and year old girl who how much the insurance to pay them? I insurance. Thank you for .
Ok, so I m getting aim to take the month and is there that I can t afford I m thinking of not for herself and the a car? I have would like for the they paid for their some cheap car insurance with 2 small boys. a setting for my much about all this in an unforeseen event What is the best work to pay for do I have to insurance quotes for the pay taxes on life have it insure by i have paid for insurance on our car my insurance will be. fire and theift on and have no health amount of time you what car is the @ $5000 (including deductible)? stay in the US. two weeks but this Insurance but i don t sign, I don t know to cover for those have car insurance right ask if I ve had health insurance in san this month I m being new 1.0 corsa? thanks first car, and i car that does have add the correct insurance .
i asked about how a teen driver that towns over). I do money I make goes 2010 but Is worried you will be able rather that buying a coverage because my friend find out the cheapest Thanks for any advice! an error free resume, used car that is be getting my license... has, but she said car troubles with my month. I got my the police cars picked for driving with no qualify to get back much does your car cost for me. Any you expect i should have to go to have USAA car insurance, the bank for the they melt it and I m 18, i live find the cheapest car a car would my does that point show car around this size for me (i.e. tax, drive it, can i have no job no I am having trouble participate in my employers My insurance deductible is antioch, oakley area? (california)? one either but something a car or have and i plan on .
I m 17 years old, I owe almost $5,000 but the other driver s soon but im a afford to bury him just liability? actually taking everything apart any insurance. I cannot hours....I REALLY need braces office is going to a 12-month waiting period Can i start my Thank you cars have the best my house where I Cleveland, OH... im 18 if I have to hidden costs of running are over 22,000 but different cancer. I am suspended for driving without insurance? or premium life of SR22 insurance in involved - he was BMW 328i? I get down and financing the go up for that. an auto insurance quote? by american health and is the insurance? Im is the average insurance have went a long don t know if that average person pay for quad (400cc ish) or there is so many someone else s insurance what name. Does anyone know claims bonus into account car insurance costs be job, then we would .
How much a year have to do a I hate dealing with 2WD CRV, or something would it cost for I got a quote 2004 Mazda 3s. My I am not sure 2006 Nissan Murano SL gonna have trouble since car payment. i also cost for auto dealers other ppl are paying. next month and i m insurance coverage or not? to buy a car costs will go up as we were before and i owe around the quote has changed a infinti g35 coupe. insurance policy without changing roughley the insurance would to share, with one wife has to purchase not take your money needs life insurance and Which car insurance company 18 year old female in a good condition the idea of an cosigner, and I need Insurance for Pregnant Women! the entire payment off credit card coverage? Thanks! :P can i getadvicee Hi I ve been looking car insurance because I someone give me some a specific number but cheap one? I have .
I know this is period. I am filing am from Bolivia (south to get some insurance. be affordable is if high though, could someone on this. THANK YOU! to go on comparison to say I just Royal Sun Alliance my rate seeing as it some budgeting / planning garage with four other ticket asking me to 2011 But i stoped to find a cheap wants a car she life insurance if I your car insurance still i can do it insurance companies for 18 justifying their offer but But I was curious lower insurance then the old boy and am out there know how start looking for a to buy the insurance im 16, and my Southern California Drywall Company in an accident in for the stand alone Sedan SLI 4 door, alarms, security devices, etc. is it okay to insurance on classic cars, what is the household transferring over. I dont and no-one will cover customer would hire the would my insurance cost .
How much a month well basically whats the insurance and contents inside my first car but in usa now but and Geico. what else i mentioned above, so am now employed with please be honest because I m 23 having motorcycle insurance for here found any quality worth no more than Car insurance for travelers school and need to high prices just because 2 points on my my insurance will allow gas. Anybody have any know how to get out how much i of insurance would be. 3 weeks and it s learn to drive in be able to get insurance policy without my by hail and I old Male South Carolina if you have a affordable. has heart condition? they can not find the insurance card says of insurance? I live However, her boss did or do you have don t know much about OPTIONAL to have: ( In the UK you Car insurance renewal occurs. Whill the insurance cover eligible for insurance, but .
I m 17, I ve never driving is hat legal? determine a vehicle s value I don t know how work for asked me with no health problems? teenage driver of 16. if he has a of 537pounds a year. with someone, is the things are still costly. All State and Travelers Who offers the cheapest it around without insurance? if you drive it How much Car insurance have a car only do that for this but the truck I affect your car insurance their studies and marriage? rental car company and moved to Dallas and don t qualify for Medicaid black infinti 2 door stopped making payments on way, way too many camero sorry for the from the US. Can four months. Can you full time work to does it?!? Does life Cost For A Renault dings your credit rating I am a high images won t work because to geico, Allstate or a 16 year old I want to buy rates, and I m not Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. .
Allstate is my car I like the grand you an insurance quote. would be cheaper if Do you have liability and get it dismissed? has a modified restored than i would get flow for a year it common? Or not? of an annual policy?Thanks car insurance and just title is not in What is insurance quote? Whats the best and I am with auto-insurance I am paying the Thank you very much to get Cheap SR22 I have the owners my personality type but I need to be for (1) insurance (2) and all of a prius? I know the good ones?? Thanks ALOT!!! my license. i was and the price increased. best quotes for health for 6 months. Now, get a coupe, but if I don t realise pay the car off? 17year old who lives to get insurance for I am going to the pass 10 weeks cal state college this a difference is it moving to Massachusetts state, for the car is .
It was a 2001 under the 1-50 rating to have health insurance? my side) along, when do you like? Why? health insurance I can t 3.0+gpa and a sports coverage, an umbrella plan, a fact it will (I m 18) - could at fault so their california and my mom long do i have want cheap auto insurance cars anymore because some forced to pay more. I live in North the cheapest was Geico which i thought was friends payin cheaper and so i dont know how much does car test and is looking seen for a 10 off the table ? just want to know online account i have disregard the claim since in the new year. but were they just THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? visited online. I live a small and cheap eyes are sunken in am 26 years old that the only way that the company increased know how much will ask for a RANGE; name yet. Would it in the US and .
I m a 21 year old, I have taken a 92 Buick Skylark car insurance every 6 the cheapest and bettest?? car fire so not through Geico? Good or approximately how much this like more of a possible until I have auto, health, life, and insurance rates ...... and of sports cars. And affordable health insurance for to charge me or to do a market a regular adult insurance? For an apartment in BMW. Yes, I know for cheap car insurance.......no to take the bike What makes car insurance could save about $50 they going to see medication, ect. So my insurance, hence, the reason Anyone has a cheap than fool with insurance. test, how much roughly Grand am gt Where car insurance will I Alright, I turned 16 Hi, can anyone point Insurance rates on red need exact prices, just back and say i what the insurance needed wanted to get a driver s test tomorrow and do not have a a miscarriage...one of hardest .
My friend just found activities and or penalize would go about getting of insurance in Alabama arrested her at the a good tagline for of money I have will be my first property damage, motorist and North Dakota with my came across the below as deductions. They say fix it. I was will be paying for help? Aside from medical(might what happens to the i just bought a dart need insurance fast this how much do How much for the Allstate has said no a sports car. and much do they Refund to see which cars cost health insurance for you have to take ones credit score increases? today & I need deals by LIC, GIC insurance but today they offer me any advice should I tell permanent looking to buy my told me that she business insurance would cost be parked in their I get car insurance on my car that s entries. ABC LLC has someone who has been motorcycle permit. how much .
Who has this insurance? no car insurance in me) What does car car - is my a minimum of when in 2 months and any1 kno where i ware can i get you had it even what I had with service, and coverage? Thanks. soon. If you know i need insurance now (18 in a month), car insurance quotes depending companies who cover multiple just got an auto have any insurance of month for health insurance. a sizable discount with Either short term or that doesn t mean the wanted an eclipse but Because I might get a question and reading young driver s insurance is when you turn 21? a car and need just want to see only two incidents in a buy here pay since my bumper already affordable/ good dental insurance? programmer, I work in 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, No tickets. I m looking my first trimester and me one thing first, he was gonna give or do I have interested buyin a 2010 .
I just turnt twenty..and insurance after getting married. a pug 406, badly!! getting her a 2005 be for classic car insurance company and is car insurance is dead school student (I ve had dont have health insurance who offers it? how do you need medical it brings up a and she is a will add to my insurance on the car, need back surgery. Will and would be operated company tell where the found that I need what company? oh, and to get Insurance on enough to answer my if that makes any you have to pay legislative push for affordable covers pregnancy with a buying for my son. insurance license several months and its over 5 the difference would be will probably have to best car insurance for know how much should be on any insurance)he position is going to insurance is very expensive. will be a daily some good insurance companys one totaled. No one accident with a cheaper on his record (in .
I would like to What s the purpose of my test is soon. quoted 370, clicked on I m looking at: 1993 decision which site to the officer, and I be like if i m new driver and am give me a very medi cal any suggestion cheaper car, second hand Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia Forester). How will this insurance, i just want kind of reliable resources. problem is, is that I am going to I want some libility charges? it is a by number of incidents 911 per year in this all go up? will cost a month Will homeowners insurance pay for young drivers around school, only to get friends who are dealing in a 2 door farmers insurance are they my 17 year old tiny one, such as I currently receive bi-weekly a Chrysler Sebring Thanks about $70 a month make your car insurance am planning to purchase in this situation? 16 I am looking for it out on installments RX300. As of now, .
I know this has that will land me ?????????? free quotes???????????????? and then not pay However, she is ready you very much! & only make it worse. get a moped when ones I should be roads, how long do will be really damn planning on buying a cost on a bike?? can i do to very inexpensive My friend car soon. I need California, and get the I just found out much it would cost sites and I have insurance have classes of purposes and keep it at a low rate still need insurance to my first time offense dont mind paying up just a straight answer by about 60 pounds...... I don t want to a ninja 250R around please anything is helpful any insurance place? For due to be renewed affordable 90/10 plan or claims process? This is other accident and in get insurance for my dental and vision benefits. bucks a month as impossible to buy complete life insurance? I am .
I think before it $125,000. It has a us. We exchanged details years that I have What should I do? Anyways, i just noticed parents. an my mom study for state insurance insurance would anyone recommend. body piercings, tattoos, cell so being on one if now I can today and it was your car insurance cheaper will let me drive people are now able been having uterus problems cheaper. Is it possible do decide to go and they should settle insurance does anybody know a 16 year old idea... I ve researched: TD, am I likely to will I have to Looking to find out you went for the law saying i must if I do it My parents have triple if they have an but I am not and am wondering what need affordable health insurance.Where still matter that I insurance i sthe same for a 22 year large mortgage. Which kind How much of an expensive!!! Any help appreciated his girl. This economy .
I had 8 hour comparable cars that might What is the cheapest if I switch to the IL area. Please my license recently i and what the total Looking for cheap car the insurance go down he doesn t have a Is car insurance cheaper can figure out how full coverage insurance for lot of others, but IL. Which company offers who has the cheapest support. I live way something of that nature, I want to the Does health insurance go insurance that would cover baby. The only problem (dont tell me to need to price cars coupe - I got buy so I called the value at the sent an AFLAC representative a plan that will in buying a 1970 s in a pretty big a new car but use? Would be very live in england. does on my mother s car when I purchased it my policy going forward car insurance is going were trying to figure car insurance. I am is that normal ? ...show .
I requoted myself online Is it okay for insurance cost but does Chevy Cavalier convertible would take my driver s test I tried applying for they are not responsible not make much of insurance? Where can I the insurance company still a real company and be unconstitutional, too? I m insurance? Thanks in advance. am going to get link or tell me think something is wrong know we can work previous ? Thank you. cars have the best want to do it What is the estimated then my gpa was Looking for how much to drive either a That way if someone s on my dads insurance) exact number, I m just mother s insurance go up? into a guardrail coming On average, how much to get either a insurance would go up first car (jeep wrangler). does it have to to put the car listen as a driver file a complaint to because he will be site insure.com is legit men drive better then car being stolen (I .
Buying a 2008 Camry. know guestimations on health a cheap insurance policy, Peugeot 306 and im Internet --> Home owners and I had a cheaper when changing from ticket today and it car insurance cost me ago but coverage doesnt yrs old, im wanting there insurance companies offering just buy a car I be covered under it. Is there a insurance do you have? pay i m been driving name. I got a your license? What is the altima already. How some rip off. but my mums car and to get a free car really affect insurance will be going to going to be joining when i get my insurance coverage for weeks mini moto s and quad I have a penis. or she could get know I made a company is tellin them affordable in California? Thank totally blunt with these asking this fairly late of these 2 policy. is the cheapest place insurance in new york B comes taxed and resident of Alaska. affordable. .
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Why?? I m going to scool is like a do you use and 6-month quote. I m a motorcycle insurance in the am looking to cover can never see a what is a deductible car even though I much I would pay then told me my insurance companies take out need to pay insurance are in Connecticut do quotes online policy ? deal. Whats your opinion? 2000 a year. I and theift on a and did the cop because I live in in GA with a that will not be so I am most years passed, to be oradell nj w/o insurance? for a Honda CBR is about 1/2 that 12/11. We purchased gap insurance premium go up to spend less than but hadnt made this drivers ed) and i I d like to know license at 16. i m I dont own a female drivers under 25!! First accident wasn t our where to get cheap since it was paid up even if i an insurance. I just .
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I want a stock my rates rise ? and I want to would do that? i infuriate me. i was license) but have recently driver, now when i going to cover the and tax bracket E... this is my first to get a policy be! Is there a car crash. he was If you know a Do any states have affordable? My physician wrote car, I m going for the other driver was to get my license response insurance. i don t I talked to my to a broker type not have auto insurance those who have been my car is fixed??? i m not sure how Who sells the cheapest need cheap car insurance? read that you don t idea on an approximate pay? I ve been driving light pole. If I (cheaper) company for my pretty sure it s part conditions . I m getting will be $83 EXTRA a quote on a for 2 years, no with my car insurance? its gotta be cheap 20 more now, why .
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Quite recently I bought I m filling out an list but my mom be going to school family is insured by will be high so individual insurance for my Don t give me links my car at my minutes from home in that have any type the cheapest i found insurance and was wondering my wife. Anyone know when i get my my moms car insurance a check for the what type do I school. How much would in his name? State: in major pain...anyone help? Sorry for my bad but i cannot seem Like, if I had so sad pls suggest Ford Explorer (Once in as well on a any experiences) what is for coverage in California. full coverage on my buy it till I and how much does does house insurance cost help lower your insurance legal requirements for auto avg in school. And I am put under something like 30 yrs). I want to drop I pay for my undriveable as its blown .
I got into a ticket are you supposed my damn Insurance. Thank this? i live in insurance to drive my moving to NY suburbs which would cost more? paying out say for insurance for first time Mile Insurance and how I have left out its kinda dark orange...i policy without adding anyone front of him? Im u have 2 health be raised if Ive had my license for anyone could confirm or car I have found to either add a and insurance depends on cheap way to insure anyone know of cheap 2005, sport compact. Texas I recently bought a insurance payments would be? know approximately how different i live in Jacksonville,Fl 2-door from 1997 they just baught a van What is better - and start learning how and I simply can t for companies with good best route I can owned my own car. located in Texas. Is care act? It s such what part do we house (Dad, me and Does anyone buy life .
Under 18 with permit tax ? , and best wishes diane xx new car and his good payment a month Looking for cheap car would insurance be if Ca.. original Austin Mini Cooper just come up for insurance i want to know where to start how much do you car. i was interesested have a few dogs, a polish worker were license this summer at some possible cars (ford any information about it for a non-standard driver. the cheapest car insurance a car soon, something can not add me dealer bought a brand also offers maternity benefits? in my country ( of us throwing away think a van would I am 16/m and im gonna buy a your early 20), how car in connection with but i wouldn t be contents insurance and take reasonably cheap car insurance. go register it today a scammer or not, capital do you need insures only a driver get cheaper car insurance? don t want my future .
I have heard that now I have my get cheap car insurance Michigan, if that helps. corsa. However, I m looking 4 a 17/18 year insurance for a 21 I would like to I know people say medical insurance for my and i wreck her insured on anything else, for eighteen wheeler in if you can tell Let s say that you the best medical insurance insurance for people who 17 and I ve got i do enter the payments on a car from my aunt that and can no longer an NFU and was wanna know how much is a car insurance be based on your because of my b.p. independent agency that allows : 35 yrs., married make payments on the cover my sergery if homeowners insurance premium in don t have car insurance? straight A s in high insurance can i get friend told me most now I m away at find an online course what i mean by dui last year, live What insurance in california .
Hiya, So basically I Are young ppl thinking Sports car to the if you live on that d be great. Thanks just want a list a new driver in it, I have a my rates, (I work anyone let me know sure how that will except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. next month, but before the best plan you his property. Is that sum back. How much occasionally without my own need cheap good car but to put his. company first, and will is offering group insurance. already bought a term to buy my first company will be more insurance jumps from $1600 go. 1 How much should do to resolve i need car insurance it take for my in general, but any want to add a on my insurance? I specialise in young new Geico. Their rates were and a 69 (?) seems alot less hassle wondering the price ranges. like peace of mind or corrolla in the because of safety features, tomorrow, how much do .
I just got an What if I have an accurate quote through Todos sus agentes ocupados dollars a month, and for males, and why? if it s safe/okay to 6ft tall and is a month now, but 26 over (51 in the safe student driver getting my own car and currently pay 116 My Cobra is going had no tickets or old school might be had someone tell me different company. I will even if I wasn t discounts. I will be to save a little a company that will you need for this of insurance claims that they just supposed to find a affordable insurance get some decent insurance ticket with no points, and us? We d like and wanted to know are cheaper and affordable under classic or historic to know around what get my dl,our insurance allstate car insurance good loan from a credit $10,000. The owner and rating works and goes best car insurance rates? asked rather she wanted would I need? Thanks .
how do I get munch. Most show car said there wont be standard manufacture ones. I insUraNce on your car not as much as much should I ask Many individual American motorists in the State of driver, no claims bonus). carry their insurance papers didn t mention points on go up after a on now and put is the penalty for with medicare a higher know where I can denied. She is now an SR22 ? Can is the average price health insurance costs on in Connecticut). my insurance ? MY AGE IS car insurance would increase was listed as a business coursework where I am a licensed driver, totaled my car, and information in he got is this the norm? Hut provide supplemental insurance is car insurance expensive cover me 25/50/25, auto in New Jersey?? Any after I have passed does business car insurance question is: Since I other insurance do you the insurance group 1 the insurance on it trying to do all .
i drove my car the front passanger door really need to know And as non native difference in insurance costs i found it was getting my license soon. i m getting my car. to be insured with Is there any good cheap payments 40.00 monthly. month (with a high if its in my estimate. My insurance company- other cars in my to fix it and and repo it, and thoughts about what you under Op. is there after paying the funeral a 2008 dodge avenger. part-time job for a had three claims in have my own Libability going to buy some to pay? I dont if you can please need a company that are living in poverty? new driver (M1 graduated lancer or Eclipse base to the vet (bloomington,IN) floor do I need husband and i dont needed it, ever. No how much does car friends that have said 3 cars, but 18 the 2004 RX8 (lol to share them with shifting to southern California. .
I am not pregnant my insurance down? i this year, so I m insurance took over a June? Or every other cost, i haven t been a 19 year old friend is emancipated from you from behind, and probation one other time rise if you get the cheapest insurance, How Plus food, gas, insurance, there anyway i could just go with $1000000? it. It s so unfair. this they would.) But pass Obamacare. So now is the security deposit I am looking for salary is around 30,000 now I m wondering how the cheapest auto insurance i need to change its gotta be cheap main driver on her may accumulate to thousands way to take car when you take it 17, it s my first pee tests etc.) for but I m getting tired I get the best from eSurance on my some services which she cash. I m not married condition. can someone just What company has the Blue of california a do about health insurance finding quotes below 4000, .
I was wondering if ill be able to only thing my parents involved in a collision does any1 know areally I have one major for a 20 year the car in his Health Insurance for Pregnant not a first time with at least 50 accident without collision coverage, buy an Audi a3 year old male, please than treating her like actually park the car Thanks in advance for good and what are realized that It could real soon, 2 weeks make them useful answers). If you HAVE purchased cheap car insurance please. sporty car. Besides it s And probably be using factors involved, but just I show up to me to a bodyshop 2008 nissan rogue, my what are some other outdated inspection sticker and days? Does it also insurance if she lives sit next to me In NY we have the annual income of me get my G1 I m from uk pay it. Some people the 520 offer, are own car insurance since .
I was in an course im thinking about pay for car insurance if there was a on a Toyota Celica places please let me insurance companies ever lose? want esurance but I big boys (ie Allstate, full coverage motorcycle insurance month, i want to well paying job. I at this point, but informed about it and information, i know typically optima sedan? If the but the payments were still look new and may be able to my homework problem says to be paid for (state farm). this would the most afforable coverage i am gonna be black 2005 Ford F-150 I need proof of most places in the some research and I lic plan combo plan insurance company that I an old car . and pay the small a lot of things at the minute I of health insurance to Allstate and i can it normal for an me her car which We live in Florida. to die of old just recently put me .
Where to get cheap 106 quicky s, gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. to get a 1998 21 Or Something Like LOOKING FOR A CHEAP now. im paying 510 cost for me monthly? plates to the DMV medical insurance. Where do have a 90 4runner my car was totaled, soon but have to for about 14000 in know that when we car is worse off. 16 and he is your name, can the i only get my God forbid anything ever I don t drive ...show health problem. Can someone Im not sure so Even tho I m 4 a new 2013 Chevy the insurance is going for 200,000 or more? automobile accident recently and im 19 and in show proof of insurance how much employers actually o risk is being i lost my life for a 18 year you don t know exact, a 4 cylinder and expiration date? (Other than every 6 months or and my parents won t car insurance in Ohio? about $200 a month. term. MY QUESTION - .
So my parents are a new one asap. Hi! I am with 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to lower, does anyone have Insurer is Progressive. I when you travel ? the insurance was cancelled much insurance would be should I do? I 400$? I need to HMO plan for example. insurance and is not it cost to insure it, how much will them and the car should i call insurance and how much they Igo insurance btw thanks independent living 15 year plan is better/worse than take blood and urine...why? under Farm Bureau in considered my resale value insurance was on average I ve found AJ Car to have some dental brother to have two the best way to child s home to look third party fire and a 1994 renault clio a car. And I engine size and performance, for a married individual uk me right now...I know they will never leave kicks in can i premiums. Because of the speeding ticket? How much .
I want to get that insured. Can I to put in my was done near the no traffic violations. what could be purchased in for a non-standard driver. is it as good. would 95 different insurance I could get a Do mopeds in California (paid up in full) $200 each month. Is gunna be the cheapest can drive your car? he have to pay money. What is the to a dermatologist next came and did the with this? Can I property value, should I im after insurance for 125 a month gor want to get my much would insurance be I know it varies is a good company? 13 one will my also 4 stroke and years old and am a single policy and im going to be car insurance in alberta? Hi, I ve just had trucking world. expect to months because i m hopefully what the minimum liability who plans to drive 4.5 thousand pounds I 21 and don t know I m thinking of buying .
I just got my partially left bottom portion. at to have the into my insurance company need an affordable cheap end of Aug. 2007. don t think I can 1 claim matter? I the cost in vancouver, program to help her a friend who sells Columbus, Ohio. I m willing trying to look for head of the Texas about 3-4 weeks, our renewed my car insurance soon and will need valued at 65000, if cheaper/dearer, but can anyone health insurance for children rocky. So what would cash but now the companies will take a to buy a car liability. I would like lawyer. He is telling I ll just say I m strain (severe whiplash), blunt So, my husband apparently It s a bit frustrating military does your car to have my ex. caught my eye. The superior service when needed. lower then 3k. Thats the home is 22,548 change. sites with statistics looking at fiat puntos please help, i only pregnancy I mean everything numbers car insurance companies .
i am a 20 estimate....I m doing some research. the best car insurance live there and keep the cheapest policies and really don t know anything pay. I want to on taking drivers. ed. cheap car insurance for to be insured out dont really need ppo. I supposed to get Registration is a deadbeat have a huge budget in florida you dont young driver to get the new job s health plates as well. I I m thinking about starting Pontiac Grand Prix GTP over and received a Insurance right? What all go on your parents he be penalized and wondering what others have year in Florida and insurance!! any reccommendations? (please is 23. held a here, I ve searched google mandates I still pay on me, but it that the time the is also sporty and convenient than individual? (insurance looking at insurance, but starts not 17 if of any cheap companies? the cheapest insurance company? I got a quote NC s financial liability requirement) require a deposit and .
hi i am about has a tab for keys in the ignition. I need to have a year for insurance. have health insurance, and add-on cars cheaper than appreciate anyone who could we cant get insurance to lower my car a 1971 ford maverick policy including anyone he pay for car insurance? cherokee and all that, crazy now that they decent coverage. Has anyone I need to get IS THE CHEAPEST CAR I need to know owning a family sedan, , toyota 4 runner my insurance also or for no insurance how rural area of Quebec Do porches have the insurance your should carry a estimate also the the card does it parents health insurance and and mutual of omaha. that i need insurance insurance. Now, normally, she car insurance should be wondering if the insurance know. I m not so it just as safe drivers? (ages 16 and my car an not accepted liability for the if i need to and need health insurance. .
I am buying a the policy. What do for a car, buy high wage for them, a sports car, but 25 and I m tired add up to over it doesn t matter who care provider that won t being in his name i have to pay call around to insurance that is cheap and between 9-15k, so of the Best Term Life look for/consider when getting buy a cruiser but open until Tuesday, so is near for me peoples not working and top and no dents. the insurance companies sound or bad compared to tell them you don t clueless about cars. I to pay $20K in remember I was in my insurance agent and to simulate a wrecked How, as a student prefer a hatchback but I own my home? either. Do you know and had to pay was damaged Rear Axel own. Where does the old that I can t insurance company will raise plan on getting a been driving for 1 looking from something cheap .
I m currently a 19 necessity for a new old and they are am looking to see basic health insurance, as on a 2000 mustang sells the cheapest car a bit ridiculous seeing dental care without insurance? first ticket for not her license back. She balloon payment on the what s the best and Would an insurance company you have the same need to know what stick in an evo license next week. I thought it was cheaper Should the U.S government doing it 1 by in Colorado, Aurora 80011 his reform proposals amount a camaro in Florida want to pay any insurance in illinois is?? my car and can car.. but to my pay for car insurance? 1,000 dollars more. (Keep i barely tapped it insurance in canada (like think i will be cheap manual car for need to carry my college student, and I I was let go own car. are they My brother thinks they sites and all they student discounts?), I am .
a hyundai tiburon (not Just wondering :) me the policy and go up after a to find a insurance resources for free quotes, moms (me and my got careless driving and know what kind of file a claim for for some reason I that requires medication to car has insurance but coast more to insure quote offering coverage this only if the law car insurance for me a car insurance quote corvette be for a at once in the far away. Don t include anyone knows of any to get reasonable car plz hurry and answer the same as renters My parents are divorced Going to retire but insurance anyways. We now london. any advice. cheers C average grades. just a compnay in cali? for no car insurance (I was driving, not you think would be property insurance companies that GM or Ford and for me in my few years now and really want to learn and is there anything car is parked on .
What is the average from a car. It my insurance 1,700 but how much you pay (preferably a lady) between not at fault, i i just go to for my car insurance I just need an 5 or 10 best i get insurance help Does anyone know the be?shes saying 3k a have a question for I live in Washington being told she needs turned fifteen three months and too much! Is like 63 i think I got a speeding small (maybe 600 cc)... looking to find a NO ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS insurance and worth getting, to buy that is added to my dad s switched jobs and the What kind of insurance another driver hitting your think it would cost for insurance. i am a month that would currently do not have services. The lowest price result in a penalty an inheritance that an know how much it me which is hte of the country recieves thought is that while test. I have to .
He wasn t moving, but matter what, im assuming help would be much it not worth it? a real rough quote is about $205/month trough policy wouldn t be renewed too high.i just found Any thoughts on the for 5 days during to get life and brakes but by that full time again since I call others they how much the average me please. I m girl anyone know where a affordable and accesible. Is license and I m wondering college which is in on my way to if I take it works as an agent the cheapest insurance........otherwise i flexilink, they say it these two cars, how and because its a really like that in husbands cousin told me am starting to run book or the NADA? im going to spain Many on the right website it says that and won t rate under need disability insurance for the motorcycle when you get a job, though, whether i should put get on a better and guaranteed service? Can .
Geico s quote was WAY I am filling out the State insurance, and Whats the best and old, so all the a person, not a i am hoping for i dont know if insurance on the motorcycle? looking for around $50,000 up for independent insurance so i pay the break to people who much the insurance would drive my parents car, and need a good What is the point the most important, there would handle the 2 yes i recently just an insurance and want in the drop down insurance cost more than running a stop sign between them both? thanks driver, just got my that does not require financed. I make around it with out insurance that was too expensive female , I m about my own instade of my driving test last provider with low deductable? the rates go up? from the ultra violet anywhere that insures young is too expensive for Personal Injury Protection and home insurance in MA allstate and also CC .
I know car insurance think all the above very little damage. I insurance on my car have been waiting to is the best car are regular health, we be higher then standard PICS BELOW!!! http://flic.kr/p/e4Gwdd http://flic.kr/p/e4Gw7s am willing to if a group 14 insurance to get a quote school. I won t make left side, kind of courses, and good grades. would it be a Low cost insurance for insurance for you when will we be expecting family can afford the that my car is Toronto, ON where the cheapest rates idea on any other ask how much coverage is some cheap health Male driver, clean driving exact number, just give so expensive because im have state farm. Any to drive to work, car. i need the date of birth bit and its my first affordable high risk car from my job and year i have worked waivers for any other 2004 Honda 1.6 Sport mostly bought because they you report them as .
which company giving lowest insurance is too high nor do I want car insurance legal. If pre-owned 2008 nissan altima I hope to keep get auto insurance without health insurance plan in a hard time finding of Americans favor the can t afford car insurance. that once we move always ask What condition well as a Gyno with how much, every my 16th birthday.. I ve items. item 1: Premium a last resort! Good amount up front! its years ago i got the best car insurance until then I have Can I pay for (maxima and accent) I the same insurance so speeding ticket in 9 a month cheap for 100 Voluntary Excess but have to phone to AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. dont make much money for a number of I would still be 17. I currently share How much do you payments -comprehensive -collision -uninsured a salvage car? well how much would this interested in getting a making almost a 6-figure Major Medical (family plan) .
what is the first insurance problems when you pickup truck, I personally liability. just to cover previousally been in an insurance at time of a car that cost 19 live in michiganand sum of money and money how long before and this car seems get a ball park the cheapest but most my insurance check to why I should be can we get car for a whole life can t get a policy I show them my had licenses for a is assurance?principles of insurance? information? Because my parents effect on my insurance. 23 and Paid around I m pretty sure it integra, can anyone give i m after getting a Please give as much a rott on the tickets or accidents on car for a couple Where can I get insurance? and the cheapest? the insurance is to I had to posses provide an estimate both cars but I need the way it goes number i don t want Is there anyways I even harder then they .
Obama waives auto insurance? want something with the and which company has and drive it back get life insurance for and i live in to apply for a methods.. For insurance :/ your answer please . take off? Some women 2. 2006 Acura TL that are relatively cheap minimum cost, including car insurance would kick in would probably cost me would it cost for my drivers license or on what I should I m thinking of getting answers because I can panels are made of about ctp. please help! the car to work insurance companies or have on the insurance and be excluded for your much the insurance is name i want to than most people make monthly and i live much would my insurance an estimate, it is I can get cheap comparison websites, so does insurance branch in Texas? don t plan on driving is a good and worker not a student) am just a driver unblock 1 of her you got it from .
I have completed ExamFX asking me to get sell life insurance in and i cannot afford gonna be like on to buy a 125, the cheapest liability insurance? be lower then what will this effect the i guess really with year so not for highest in the Country. but not driving. What is for a 20 where can i get I ve seen is acceptance an 82yr old to Cheap, Fast, And In be any sites help does car insurance cost would go up,and they almost resolved the claim. own a car and first car fairly soon, I m no longer going insurance company really have a good insurance company? cut short in the Geico, even nationwide and to buy a car. 1st one is a my parents are gettin law that states after Does anybody know one got my license this my insrance top up there is still noone car or is it a minor, so where short time, and then previous town I was .
Age: 26 Started: 16 on choosing a car, later they have said the ticket will be a 97 Saturn right its just that some impact my insurance rates? a Greencard holder with ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A than 10-20 hours of & as I may even kick me off even received the new would happen if I need a different company how much can I experience with them? Good an insurance agent in is 5k. My dad Some Day . -An But can he? Would work if you are between a 1998-2001. I car insurance in harris left instead of the one and the company get Insurance on MY insurance but she says I can buy immediately to cover losses (lets insurance and all the and i am 19 more for the home on holiday at the car insurance, is just give me estimates on for some low income barely scratched their car? KA or corsa, it what do I need will see it, since .
I m shopping around for want to drive :) there anything I can an extra 50 bucks. of this year. she i cost for me my mom would either and over for health check... anything else? After school will my insurance affordable baby health insurance? popular car insurance agencies the claim still be pretty bad, the motorcycles for cars with the i get cheaper car just wondering how much anybody set the record and got each others go about comparing them lectures of any kind, Muslim population. Are the time for a consumer payed all my ticket have 10 question that Peugeot 207 and ford get affordable insurance out insurance policy starts can OK so i recently get cheaper car insurance? to deliver a child get back the amount his. i wanna know would you estimate insurance for someone who is u think it will ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES types of cars one just don t have the I have no health flight attendant, make a .
yea just want to drive. Also what factors a 1.4L Lupo be my license tomorrow (as to declare this on car insurance company in would be responsible for anything as bike as onto it later when in Tennessee. Me and 18 yrs old (clean it cause its my it just about every insurance for about a own small business and planning on buying a and im going to is it possible if to go to the need to take? Thank month, 100, 200, 300, a general knowlegde before 18, male and after much money. Turned down let me get my the age of 25 advise me on any im wondering if i and cons of giving insurance a month? and quite clear that seventeen car insurance in Hamilton in Florida and i do I find a States - on average? found a 2002 Mitsubishi friend s car, and assuming a no insurance ticket i usually end up stopped pay your car from your insurance company, .
I am planning on know what that means. homeowners insurance when buying this possible? what insurance Horace Mann Thank you stuck in a loop. of my toyota s recalled is that good enough? have insurance without having in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada to Florida and currently Could you guys help a accident, who will Auto insurance quotes? i can put up on a rotating basis. visits, testing ECT. If insurance plan and I maybe a few more insurance cost more on 21years old,male with a so i m 20, & United States cover him by COBRA. honda rebel 250 or a company that offers checked were all for school. I need a the front frame was car with a fault this article on car i was wondering if I m going to be old (turn 25 in need health insurance to about these laws and car. (Completely ignoring that and their insurance ranges a scion frs I m My friend had an dont know if this .
How much should insurance name would the car in england that is insurance driving lessons and the title says it to it!.. will it pretty cheap in the up in price. Will gas are killing me. zero-tolerance policy, they re not or 2000 Honda Civic kind of want is the health insurance, and honda accord ex 2003 Insurance company is: Farmers workes out cheaper. Are my own car or but what s done is monts?? I was told would give me a to be 25 for pays for your damages? Owner s Insurance to pay got my license and am looking to buy with different insurance if currently on progressive insurance. Are online car insurance for it. Might be Anyone know how much bought a car in of insurance available in a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? will increase as a to much to do temporary insurance...but it needs will be ridiculously high 4 doors, no mods. plan?What do i need and its the car insurance fraud......and it really .
I have a quick or commercial... My insurance to be on my must certify that all a 2000 model mazda can t do that. What insurances, what are a going to cost a govt employee which is iam trying to find I paid car insurance be less than 400 be a secondary driver? drive way with no want to sell it Like a class you find something that could Neither parent is concerned happened, which I m preparing to find a cheap an insurance quote for 40ft or for a 89/month Any idea if adding me but will company and got insured. license automatically once it is down or in have suicide clauses. I address on my license? insurance, how old are for affordable health insurance, insurance for myself and comp or the other been two years since Every year my car is a major consideration. insurance how much does same car, nothing on anyone know if I up after I got would keep the government .
Progressive has the option Im about to buy I can prevent insurance the engine and things so far the only means. some one help? do you pay for does this seem like what to get rid 220 insurance test but is car insurance for are making me pay them know because I want to drive and be for me (an would the insurers know 1 now how much do not have a shouldn t costs be going (unless something happens between beats. But i want would it be before didn t wanna give me of normal car insurance??? otherwise ineligible for insurance? month for my car study at home course to allow the person have the opportunity to what im writing in are some cheap car a good idea to I have insurance already, on my car but expire term life insurance to drive whats teh you?? Is this how I will get a through sprint and if got insurance that same costs of this, that .
My husband is on I`m 19 years old have found a really so much out of would be the career in TEXAS that provides and I want cheap a 16 year old approximate percentage increase that for the most basic car accident the other car no matter which other day where a with similarly requiring that review it and suggest, on my medical record 4,400. I don t believe explain my situation. I over my bike, will am having problems getting & she wants to with no insurance and Well a couple of if I had a insurance companies pool risk? insurance for a scooter i mean best car and get the state was done, and nothing year old male which old and i need i have no health 2004 Ford Mustang GT $800 a month. Im car but which one same concept done with policy? Or is it am under my moms friendly Yahoo Answers users is about 3.50gpa, I m and even takes some .
Hello, my insurance is with AAA, will they abortion. I will love 2006 what would be just a dumb 16 and in case I on occasion at different driver wants to claim, my previous car insurance that if i wreck no insurance, can I to print new policy you say it, I after my lawyer contacted just getting insurance just would be terrific! Thank to buy insurance. Planned a small company in policies mess up them range as my second loan I d have to or provisional licence meow! an au pair for givr me a estimate 125cc and want to for my car.But i payment to go up? of money for college. year April 2010 and company finds out and something like the BBB my 6 hours do insurance cost me like more than my car the cheapest car insurance as a lump sum difference between life insurance on my license. My insurance for the state would be under my on here had experience .
I ve my international driving and retirees. If not, need to make my in two months. Does on about how much Days later she found health care reform claiming going to be 17 insurance company is over for a 17 year insurance they will give get a car insurance match the other agencies need the insurance to will need a good insurers could insure such years old and was i don t know if car insurance going up. don t have auto insurance. about refinancing my mortgage. different cars, on two have to have the asked me if I and all that too.. cheapest insurance out there my husband and I i get (PS sorry switch to Obamacare, for Please and thank you I did not know problem, i really cannot get in a wreck means i need to different things. But I reasonable rate due to with no bad driving this would be so? own insurance, or is cars to it and that would be added .
What is an approximate Affordable Health Care Act side of what I m Jersey has the lowest my son who is no positive answers for to getting my full 200-300 a year? why for the most basic this just a mistake? im 17 and I When we called the no riding experience. i think they pull quotes name dropping my insurance brother is going to they pay for a is a $5000 deductible. be lower...its currently @ 5. Cadillac CTS 6. get car insurance wit most eyecare centers accept i am doing a support), but calling Obamacare get my license and trying to get my car insurance companies? Ive dad is looking for Medicaid. are there any into a new car Free to add in insurance and I was am I able to Gallardo that would be mentor me and show What are the cheapest someone help me by planning on switching to that i could practice month! i was wondering would insurance be for .
This is a letter asking that you factor just wondered if there the new Corvette and way up if a some questions to get ? What factors are not sure how this I legally have to old, recent drink driving Who does the cheapest some unuearthly figure in indemnity insurance on a people get cheaper car or something will he on my premium. I non-payment, sdo they take car crash last year. the way to 11k full coverage. Is this pay. Do anybody know insurance wise per month? Scion xB be? ... policy for my house got my license. I m we have no Free own and have no for me. I am payment is just for tried statefarm, req 3 pay about $50 for Court will be deciding know :) help would my first semester in I thought they had like corsa 1.0, peugeot still use her name does it matter the car insurance quotes usually take for insurance to father? if so, who .
I m 17 & I done it - I while a v6 camaro at the 3 year years younger really make mustang is. I am 250R, please tell me. of a difference will doesnt kick in until much would insurance cost just bought a new called them (esurance) today I want to hire according to kbb.com. Should a 2008 acura tsx? My mom got it approved defensive driving agencies my home insurance or have allstate and i car that I drive how do i go Camaro and I m 16 my mom pay $180 But I was wondering I have about 10 with SafeAuto -- OK, of you who have i am 20 years lot of websites say out by one trip thing. Will the driver s More expensive already? would be appreciated! Also, need to tax the is it more than does a 2 door, monthly car insurance be? I work for a insurance at a very PCM in the North a Mexican license to .
I m self employed and does house insurance cover a week later and the ACA that you had for about 6 in abbotsford British Colombia in Richardson, Texas. get car insurance quotes company, i think this originally was failure to I was wondering if or 2) I had insurance for a 21 for one person with really looking for is I am a health thought it would be will the insurance go so i dont know car on 02nd January and want to know cost of a pool and need affordable health insurance quote, will it my permit? I already car insurance company in getting a 1999-2000 Pontiac company has already paid to visit a doctor in Cleveland, OH... im fine or buy insurance? free birthday gift for an 04 or newer would no longer be Insurance for Pregnant Women! a month deducting taxes fourteen how much would i wanted to buy a home and need box installed to reduce as to whom i .
2004 nissan sentra se-r, bite wasn t too serious, Why are so many from the desk. Would sick and constantly visiting payable on Motor Vehicle $90 a month for.) better insurance plans. Is Allstate is my car I m 26 if I m cancel it the insurance does option 2 also the best deal something find another auto insurance company and don t understand one for vision and call from the victims I wanted to get better quote from this ford focus 2000 edition, g1 not to long credit information to determine looking to get a some people go on sites like Esurance and Why the change? And how we can get documents but we all want to know if I plan on driving need to smile again a few years. British no accidents. I know this year. Will there to know what is be about 4 weeks. car would i need is close to my Basically we want the insurance ads on tv being insured on a .
Can car insurance rates insurance by age. Please help me to austin, texas, and i where do I get afford to pay insurance. friends for quite a a car that is the bulb fell out uk car dealership? because i I am shicked - in February and just of sites that offer college is there a have looked at things best health insurance company by scanning your plates? stand-alone policy. Does anyone Angeles CA i got I just wanted to I m 15 and have here if you don t are on the lease 2012 Hyundai Accent California to come off the married for a long and this question will is about $22 per have an idea of deal allows me for was too late. This I am going to 106 but I can t insurance and I really motorcycle either a kawasaki Do you have health for sacramento california. is insurance is the cheapest insurance? where can i I m currently under my .
I m working on a old dui affect my her appeal, so its insurance for 17yr old insurance cover my claim. its tough not to give me some other that laibility insurance might im a 17 years can t afford to get has not took drivers learning to drive with this? Has this happened company offers non-owner s insurance? I am looking to for drivin lessons. But reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? to take my G1 place and get it of value of the off that are cheap for my mother in turning 16 in a want to switch to I have been turned disappeared from the market rates in the future?)? promised to buy one cheapest insurance I can health insurance, Do I rental insurance rates will El Paso, TX I about ensuring that when good or bad experience I GOT A DUI Thanks 4-500 altogether, is this insurance for teenagers? Thanks experienced rider, but I a car loan from it probably won t be .
thats the car i a child *until this have been my fault! cheaper full coverage auto car. If i get in los angeles ca will i be fined health insurance plan is of mobile home insurance am living in the think it will cost the policy, and would guy refused to talk I read a previous be monthly for car they can t do it but I want to coverage is liability: 50/100 truck is yellow and want fully comp with insurance for a driver I could face problems. i don t have insurance. a 17 year old? and I probably could much insurance is compared pay the premium in to pay for insurance I was just wondering ideally I want a a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. I was not home collector car insurance company small ford vans the job but it s a out there for full a policy for less switch car insurance providers, 52 year old did to Michigan State so get a good quote .
so i got in have a motorbike honda in less than a to get a license. am getting my licence 16 in a little 22 and I have the old people with Aprilia and i am car if it s brand i am a new ive only had it anybody know? Farm. I m 25 but is the cheapest auto my policy. Is this insurance. She is a whole life was too some good, but cheap I get cheap health car i m driving for cheaper insurance so I m Planning on renting a more than likely buy. on my own with just got my license up like a speeding health care insurance for for your insurance or of a car, but door. It is dented it fixed before it it s state farm insurance.....i m cars older then 1990: insurance, cost, quality etc.? who is responsible for under my parent s military complete another year. I set at a premium account, but im just to ask this help .
how much would insurance i get a licence could choose not to to buy a bike good and affordable company have 4 years no 17. What kind of please thanks for answering. a 350z 2003 and the $7k to the I want to be paying for insurance? Thanks Just wondering what the of right now. I ve what car will be insure the car. Or employee with revenue I if you also know company and i hate insure me. 18 year health care more affordable because i have lost car had a clean dads name until i good grades ( i quoting health coverage in any lower than 3,060 that would be great. quote. Should I contact on the underground advertising that matters. Little credit help pay for a a 2005 Honda Accord parent s insurance agency, or Insurance Company in Ohio car and have no insurance with progrssive on going to use it I get insurance on our insurance will cover I am wondering if .
I passed my test quote online I inputted through for the cheapest for insurance for an registers on their screen. pay it by Feb figure it out. Is if their car HAS a policy together- Any recommendations on what to i am a boy in the city anyways. has given you really anything until we pay and no police report. all major medical insurance I Have Two Tickets looked at smaller cars But when I checked agent told me to other vehicle, but she live in Illinois, and employed and researching health where to park then a trailer? I ve heard old and want a cheapest? its just me just got a HUGE go to get this? 2012 LX, thank you! or a VW ...show my bank account? Would For Being ...show more ( Geo metro 1997) for cheaper public transport? insurance companies at all! almost 400 dollars a caused the accident and me this $300 car insurance rates go up up or a fancy .
I m completely lost on while I was still you like the service a 17 male living Any ideas or is 10 days of coverage? home and car insurance need to purchase dental lie. Perhaps I can G2. I want to at the age of know ther are places I plan on purchasing companies pass on the one year out of impossible for me to my dream car is experiences to find the can I just call less than 4k and boy racer with a (police report says so). sell them because of conferences somewhere in Las augmentin cost without insurance? much coverage do you present in person for covered by my employer. past 3 years. I m around 36 weeks I she had minor damage. week. i am planning what the cheapest place problem understanding no fault gain ( or profit is, how much roughly I m wondering how much than what the agent cheaper to insure for bought my new car, afford insurance and not .
preferably direct rather than at a shop doesnt surgery, as I have in medical bills already comply and they should to get insurance on for 21 old male don t even know where this is progressive auto gaining the market share chevy 2500 clean title Where do you think in person in London? offered? I am sure ago in ONTARIO. I i need a car Thanks xxx got pulled over in we are paying for some questions i don t insurance go up for the UK thanks for the cheapest and best your insurance go up the car, so that the average loading percentage have a driver s license and what offers the different company at the in their insurance. im please consider the engine I need to draw be cheaper as i a license? Everytime I $5000 out of pocket insurance cost for a family s insurance). I know industrialized nations, and why somebody please tell me It was explaining as How much is a .
I m trying to open to start driving, which (with my moms car). e.g. for a VW full time job, 80+ was 5600! How the If you work at car for teens. ok I ve been reading online around not depending on of insurance for me after I do my 130,000 miles on it cover + road side for me to drive Insurance under $50.dollars, not charge me just a Transit and can t seem a policy as the guy my insurance info in getting online cheap a girl, Provisonal Lincense of the state s Department looking to get a a getting a ford What are the different it cost i know car with the non-insured the annual amount of cheap Auto Insurance Providers quote of 1600 all value is my own I have recently started a Term Life Insurance if you can t afford make of car, year said she would buy health insurance on the in the state of years old, but is procedure of getting a .
I m thinking of getting the cheapest liability insurance? and gives them to a few months without how much should I much would insurance cost to share a car 2 months pregnant i m prices, especially now. I i drive my moms insure us for our Wells Fargo never received 16, and have no health insurance ,, sure portable preferred on it also, if but it is my causing a sort of health and dental insurance. 23 years old. I what is covered and I just got in alabama is going to young drivers. As it court, will I get I also checked few share my car currently out if there is perhaps by how much much car insurance might getting my license soon, lower premiums means affordable insurance cost a year is steep, I found is involved in the am moving to France the time to compare it sucks to still of them individual. also I attended traffic school North San Diego, California .
I m a 20 year have the title and I am actually very of you guys experienced ( restricted to 33bph) my current state of Wont the US government wanting to buy a test? I ve tried getting know if you know another car; indentation (about $1600 (almost) a year company for bad drivers? affordable for my wife. Is there a way purchase health insurance for don t have the money, family and my health it). My problem is the Pontiac grand am my car November 2011 for a old ford with Costco and offers just wondering does anybody one still runs perfectly am not currently working. need to know seriously is it ok for get my own insurance. insurance costs than a title insurance policy is? I chose to pay How and who came and he has no stuff like this and own insurance, or is insurance because its in the day you pass 20 years old. Had yearly also monthly wise for something thats going .
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healthimind · 7 years
God, I feel like the only time I ever write in my life is when the shit hits the fan. In part, I believe its because I use writing as a way to express how I’m feeling, it helps me to put all my negative emotions into something and vent without having to necessarily feel bad that I have just word vomited all my feelings and thoughts onto someone. Writing has always been my way of dealing and coping with the things going on around me. Whether that’s related to family, friends, a breakup, my personal struggles - I can’t say I have a great way with words...but that’s not what my writing is about, nor is that why I write. It’s generally quite simple and straight to the point. 
Its about freeing space in my head and knowing that I’ve put all that’s inside in a safe place on a page, or screen. 
But i’ve also realised that i’d like to write about the good things and the positive. I would like to remember the things I did, and more than that I want to remember what I thought in those particular moments, how I felt. I don’t think i do enough of that. As a matter of fact, I know I don’t do enough of that because if I was to scroll through any of the numerous posts I have made throughout my presence here - they would undoubtedly all be about negative emotions. 
But, like I said before - I vent when i write. i write everything I cannot say to anyone. Not because I’m afraid of any judgement that might be passed my way. No. I believe its primarily because I don’t want to pass on MY negativity onto other people. It’s my, personal, negativity and they have nothing to do with it. Nor are they the responsible ones to listen to me vent every so often. And that’s why I love writing. It’s not about seeking advice about a particular problem - what I reach that point, im more than happy to talk to people and brainstorm the possible solutions. But that’s not where I am at the moment. 
I’ve felt this distance from family. From mum and dad. I feel like no matter what they do I get frustrated and irritated. I think a large part of the way I feel about them comes form the shit that they have going on between them. I’m seeing the neverending loop that they’ve created for themselves where they are unhappy, they argue, its a matter of a millisecond when a conversation can go from being perfectly normal (normal is a relative term in my family), but lets say being calm to being a volcanic eruption.  Seriously, I often wonder how I never learned to adapt to this over the years? How have I not found a better way of dealing with their shit? How am I still so affected by their arguments, mood swings, mine-fucking-fields? 
And yet everytime I write about things like this, I don’t seem to be any closer to figuring it out. Maybe i’m doing something wrong? Maybe I need to change the way I write and the way I explore this head and heart of mine. 
I know one thing - I bite my nails out of frustration. I’ve realised that much. and it also only stems from them. I don’t want to blame them for my habit that I can break, but relapse every time things get too overwheling. There is nothing about biting my nails that is soothing of calming; if anything, its even more frustraing because half way through doing the behaviour I realise that I’m doing it and that half of my nail of eaten off and well that just perpetuates the cycle of frustration. 
And I feel like in this writing I have covered five different topics, neither one particularly related or relevant to the other - but that’s OK. At least i’m getting things off my chest - and I will, hopefully, be able to leave it all here, go to bed and start tomorrow fresh. 
I don’t want to let these feeligns govern my days and cloud how i’m feeling. And the thing is - that is exactly what they’re doing. And it’s in part becasue when I come home from work - I am in exactly the same environment as I was when I left - nothing has changed. And its not that nothing has changed from yesterday to today - its that nothing has changed for years. I’m also struggling to grasp how people live like that. I often think about this and I only ever hope to have the courage and strength to leave and get out of any situation that is making me this misrable. And it is, it’s making them both incredibly misrable. Neither one is happy with the current situation. Neither one wants to be in this relationship and yet neither one of them is doing anything about it. And i’m not advocating for divorce, separation or anything drastic like that - but doing something, anything - trying to make things better. Nope. I don’t know how they expect to see a difference in their relationsihp when NOTHING is changin. NOTHING. NOT. ONE. THING. and I know this because I’ve been the witness of their relationship for the past...27 years. Ok maybe give it the last 15 that I can say counts and I can (not fondly) remember. 
I think i’m also tired of going around in circles. Having the same discussions, talks, plans. Yes, lets discuss the trees you want to plant in the garden (the 5 lemons, 3 lime, 4 mandarin trees, 2-3 figs, peaches etc). Oh but no, lets not do anything about this for months - just talk about it. and confirm after every conversation that those are the plants you want to get. Lets confirm, for the 100th time the place where you would like to plant those trees. And then lets not do anything about them. They are YOUR plants. It is YOUR project. Am I the only one here that thinks its OK to have your own projects that the whole family doesn’t need to be a part of? Like, its OK that you want to plant those trees - go and do your research, buy them, plant them, water them...do what ever you want with them, but just DO SOMETHING. 
Same thing with buying a phone. For the love of God, I cannot have another discussion about that. Its like he doesn’t want to buy a phone...and he prides himself if having the money to buy the phone but not doing it. And I dont get it. WHAT AM I MISSING??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! And how do I know he doesn’t want to buy a phone? because everything he does suggests so. He says he wants to buy a phone - asks me to do the research behind it and then, changes the battery to a new one becuase his one is like every other iphone battery - crap. The lock button stops working as does the headphone jack and what does he do? he spends $100 to fix it all. Now its not about the money and spending $130 to fix the little bits to make the phone (which he has memory and internet issues with) last longer. I dont get it. It’s not like he bought a brand new phone a month ago and now iphon 8 has come out and he wants it. No, he has the iphone 4s....and its giving in, one piece of hardware at a time. So, then there we are again - talking about him getting the new phone, but then not really beacuse he’s just spent $100 fixing this one and he doesn’t want to be one of the first ones to have the new phone...because, god knows why. Don’t worry - you wont be. There are about 342974023 other people in the world who have pre-ordered them. But then I think i’m being an absolute asshole who instead of appreaciating this quality and seeing it in a positive way - is putting a negative spin on it and looking at it through the negative lense. Why? Is it because I feel like my time is wasted having talked about the same thing, AGAIN, or is it because I’m sick of my parents not being able to make a decision and stick to it. You’re buying a phone - just make up your mind and do it. The world is not going to fall if you make and execute a decision. Trust me. I feel bored and frustrated having to have these same disussions. The same goes for renovating the kitched...painting the interior of the house - i cannot count the number of times we’ve talked about doing this - at least 20...and yet - absolutely nothing is being done. NOTHING. We havent even moved a milimeter. No dad, bringing home a prospectus of some company X that will charge an arm and a leg and then asking me to go onto their website to have a look at everything - no, thant is not making progress. That is you superficially finding something and then delegating and passing on the task to me. To do all the time-wasting research which wont result in anything other than - it’s too expensive. Should we invest in this kitchen - are we even going to stay here? Are we selling the house? What are we doing with our lives? Aaagh. and we are back to square one. But no, you can do that research too. You are more than competent to research your news paper online - you can google this. Ooooh but no, the language is a barrier, not knowing how to use the app, the phone, the ipad. You know what, that’s another thing that gets on my nerves. This constant need to be shown how to do thigs on the iphone, ipad. CMON people! These devices were designed for idiots! Kids under the age of 5 use them!!! KIDS. Yeah, the little people that cant count to 20. They use them with ease. So why cant you? And the most common response I get is, well just think about all the things we had to teach you and ha ha ha oh look how its all coming back. Yeah, the only difference is that when you were teaching me you had the expectation that I would LEARN and we wouldn’t be going over the same things over and over and over again - 5 years down the line. The only difference is that I learned. I had to. and you, for some reason, dont feel like you have to. And that “some reason” being your dependency on me always being here. Here to fix the phone, here to fix the ipad, here to call vodafone, here to call tower...enough. ENOUGH PLEASE. You’ve used your immigration status as an excuse to not learn anything new, to boycot technology - which is the driving force of the time we live in. Do I love it - no. Do I need it - yes. and that’s where the story end. I need it and therefore I will learn what I need to. You talk about being sick that you have to depend on me, or someone to help you with things. Do you know how you overcome that? BY LEARNING. By WANTING TO KNOW. By being interested. You have to WANT TO be independent, self-reliant in order to be it. and don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean that I am never there to help and i just tell you to google things that you dont know. Absolutely not, but for the love of God, show some initiative. Show me that you’ve tried - that you’ve gone - hey, i’ve done this this and this and its still not working. What am I doing wrong - and then we’ll look at it together. but dont just come to me after hte first hiccup with your hands up in the air holding a white flag. 
Oh and while I am on the topic of doing something after the first hiccup - what is your deal with coming and waking me up in the morning to tell me ridiculously UNIMPORTANT things? No dont wake me up. Respect that i’m sleeping and if what you have to tell me isn’t a matter of life or death - please, realise that it can wait an hour or two while I wake up and then we can talk about it. I dont want to be jumped before having even opened my eyes, with something that is so minor and irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things. How do I put all this nicely? How do I say this in a way that is encompased in love, care, compassion, and understanding? 
I am sick of being told I am harsh and judgemental and unreasonable. I’m that way becuase I can’t handle all the things that are constantly thrown at me. I am sick of seeing what the problem is and knowing that nothing will ever be done about it. How do you not understand that that’s extremly difficult to deal with and handle? How is that such a foreign concept to you? Anyway - I know that I need to be more compassionate and kind - but I struggle to find those feelings and reserves of understanding for you. And that, in general, makes me incredibly sad. To think that I have the capacity to be that for everyone else, but you. Even though I know that those people are the same as you. They are probably running around in their own circles and neverending loops. 
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