#I could never watch cartoon series to the very end since... I can't even explain why
tapakah0 · 9 months
Quick question, how did you get into drawing and making your amazing animations? Is there a story behind it or have you just always loved drawing?
Thank you for your amazing work! 💙💜❤️🧡
Oh I've been drawing since I was little... pretty common beginning for almost all artists)
But! Almost all this time it was feeling kind of... pale? I was drawing just because wanted to draw, making stories and all that, was in a few fandoms, but it didn't last long since I was losing interest usually after 3-4 months (there are stories that I've been following for longer, but they are not the ones that were making me create), nothing of it was giving me something that could make me obsessed, very happy, stupidly happy with a feeling of never letting my pen ever again and spend sleepless nights creating something. You see, I'm pretty picky when it is about stories, if they don't move something in my head - I will stop reading them or will enjoy just as a watcher. Around 5 months ago I've found in this place one comic that introduced me to that secret word "obsession" ~ When your hands are shaking at nights because you want to see it moving, you have it in your head and wanna show, mostly because this comic by itself is already moving. I think I did improve a little in animation since then thanks to that obsession and I think I owe that person a lot for lightning that little fire in me for the first time in my life. I always loved animating but could never find something that I truly wanted to show, something that felt enough and complete for me myself. It might sound too mushy, but it is
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"Sometimes the first villain that we love when we're a kid will remain one of our favorite villains when we're an adult. It might also cement your archetype for how you prefer your villains to be (me preferring them rather goofy than threatening.)" (Me.)
How many of you remember the first villain that you loved when you were a kid? The one that changed the way that you saw as "different" from all the others? For me, I remember mine. He's been a major comfort character of mine since I was five when the show was airing and I watched it with both my mom and my babysitter Natalie. Kim Possible as most of the fans would say it's a very special show. It was different from everything that was on at the time and it dealt with the trails and tribulations of teenage-hood differently too. But we're not here to talk about that. We are here to talk about the villains on Kim Possible. The villains were all equally creative and unique in their own rights, most people would say that there favorite was Shego, but if I'm being entirely honest if somebody forced my hand and made me pick between her or her copartner I would ALWAYS pick Dr Drakken.
Ever since I was a kid I've always preferred villains that were more comedic than an actual threat on cartoons. The start of that for me was with Dr Drakken. Whenever he wasn't the main villain in an episode I was so upset. He was the best part of the show when I was a kid. For some reason he was always the thing that stood out to me because I could maybe I could see him in that episode. Part of it was because he was just this childish character always having temper tantrums. It led to my favorite running gag on the show whenever he would get so mad that he ceased to remember words. (The other one being that you never actually figured out how his skin turned blue in the first place. The best thing that we know as the audience is that it happened on a Tuesday before the ending theme interrupted him.)
When I went back and rewatched the show when I got a little bit older I found that it was better than just having Drakken as the main villain. I found that I had a soft spot for Ron as well. But that never meant that my favorite character had changed. Drakken was always special for me. I never really loved villains when I was a kid I always rooted for the heroes. But in the case of Kim Possible I just loved every second that he was on screen. Whether that be him interacting with Shego, him explaining his dastardly plan knowing what would happen afterwards but just not being able to help himself, or just the daily antics that he would get into. My favorite was on the day that Shego took a vacation day he spent the entire day trying to open a jar of pickles. The entire day. And that scene gets funnier every time that I watch it. Now whenever I can't open something and I take it to my dad, even if it isn't a jar of pickles I still call it Operation Gerken. He never watched the show with me and I think that one day somebody will understand that reference and I'll be funny.
I loved that Drakken was allowed to be not *entirely* evil. He had childish interests. From the cocoa moo incident, to the time that both him and Ron loved the same childish Christmas special. He wasn't just your typical evildoer. But then he'd come back the next week doing the same shtick. When you meet the rest of his family you find that he actually might be the smartest person there. I mean he had a ditzy mom and an idiot for a cousin so that's not really saying a lot. I like to think that when he was Drew he was autistic. It's just a little HC that I have that I have a soft spot for.
When we talk about voice acting in animation one of the few that I mention first is John DiMaggio. He's one of animations biggest talents and has a really long list of credentials that make him the fantastic powerhouse that he is. If you've ever watched Futurama he was Bender, if you watched Adventure Time or Jake Long American Dragon he was talking dogs in both of those as Jake and Fu. Growing up I heard him everywhere it cartoons because in the early 200s he was on the top of the world. The entertaining factor was that it was always something different. Ever since I was a kid though I've always loved Drakken the most out of all his other roles. It was the most different sounding from his natural way of speaking. I've had Futurama on my list because I'm also a moderate Billy West fan as well and I know that show is where he really shines. DiMaggio's voice for Drakken is something that I never really forgot. It's a voice that stuck with me as a child whether it be randomly remembering a line of dialogue or his shampoo rap it's a voice that stuck with me. Also, Drakken has one of my favorite villain laughs of all time. I love just how crazy it sounds and it's one of my favorite things that I could listen to on a loop.
I'm currently just starting to rewatch Kim Possible for the fourth time and every time that I come back and rewatch the series I remember how much I love Dr Drakken. It was why Dr Doofenshmirtz always sort of bugged me because it felt like they were low key taking from KP. I love both of them because they are unique in their own rights but the similarities weren't going over my head when I was growing up. Throughout my childhood Drakken was the only villain that I loved and that is still true to this day. While I have found other villains that I loved nobody has ever come close to touching the best of them all in my opinion Drew Lipski or Dr Drakken.
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beomglocks · 4 years
colors ; k.th
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part of the badlands series!
colors: “you’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece.”
based off halsey’s badlands album.
warnings and other: museum curator!taehyun, old money!y/n, mentions of depression and grass smoking, little bit of angst i guess??
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taehyun sighed as he took down the 11th painting this week. the museum hadn't been very busy in the past couple of weeks, maybe because the weather was getting colder. one part of him figured that many people just wanted to be bundled up at home watching holiday themed movies and drinking warm drinks rather than appreciating enchanting artworks.
he couldn't fool himself though, he knew the truth. today's generation didn't care about the fine arts anymore. a shame, seeing as everything around them seemed to be inspired by it.
kang taehyun worked at his local museum. he had been offered the position by the owner one night while roaming the place. this should've been a red flag looking back. the owner seemed desperate for someone to fill in the position since the previous employee had left without notice. nonetheless, taehyun took the job and didn't regret it one bit.
open 24/7, the red haired boy was always working on the clock. not that there was much to do seeing as most of the people his age or even a bit older didn't hang around museums purely for the joy of it. actually, his only job was to exhibit the newly arrived collections, clean and dust them off, and conduct regular tours and workshops for the public. due to this and the fact that not many people even came by he would take regular breaks.
once in a while you'd see the occasional old person or art expertee roaming around the small museum. if you were lucky, you'd see the local edgy teens posing next to a piece they didn't understand just to get an aesthetic picture. taehyun would also have the unfortunate job of shooing them away or scolding them for getting just a bit too close.
recently his boss, who was the museum manager and maybe the only other person besides taehyun that worked there, had informed him that due to funds and unfortunate unforeseen events, the museum would be closing down in about a month from now. this caused taehyun to fall deep into a depression since this was his only job and he loved it here. the museum was like his second home. he found comfort in the silent images displayed throughout the building. they always told him a story and when new pieces came in he would sit and stare attentively at the new anecdote being told to him.
taehyun smiled sadly at the piece he had just taken down. it was a painting of 2 people kissing however both of their faces were covered by white cloths. this was his favorite and he didn't even have a clue as to why. probably because of the uncertainty of what the other was feeling or because of the fact that the other couldn't see each other's faces through the cloth, that would've made the kiss more exciting in his opinion.
he stepped out of the museum and into the frosty air of the outside world. it was only autumn so why was it so cold? he thought to himself. he discreetly pulled out a prerolled blunt and his white lighter from his pocket. he lit it and stuck in between his slightly chapped lips.
maybe smoking dope wasn't the healthiest thing in the world, especially for a boy so young, barely 19, but it helped taehyun get his mind off the inevitably of losing his job and being homeless for the winter. he shuttered at the thought. he would have to room with one of his friends, he sighed shaking his head. no, he didn't want to be a burden, yeonjun had helped him enough as it is.
he looked at his surroundings taking in the cold autumn afternoon. the trees had long lost their leaves and were bare. the sky was a murky gray color as if it were threatening to rain any time soon. he noticed a girl bundled up in winter clothes near the entrance of the building glance at him. he smiled at her and she jumped at the eye contact, thinking that he wouldn't catch her. taehyun chuckled as he watched her rush into the museum. "back to work," he said out loud to himself.
once the blunt had been almost gone, he smoked what was left of it and headed back into the empty museum. he was feeling light-headed, the effects of the blunt finally taking action, but taehyun was used to it so it barely affected him as much.
he made his way to the girl who was now starting to take off her jacket and scarf. taehyun tapped on the girl's shoulder to get her attention. "hi," he smiled at the girl, showing off his dazzling smile. "if you'd like, i could give you a tour of the museum." well what's left of it anyways, he thought to himself.
"oh...no thank you," said the girl. she smiled warmly at the worker. "well not to be invasive of your decision but it's sort of in my job description," taehyun replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. the girl sighed in defeat, "i guess i have no choice then."
taehyun laughed as he took her coat and scarf to hang up in the public closet, "yep, trust me. they say im not that bad of a tour guide, im quite fun to be around if i do say so myself. i promise not to bore you too much." the girl nodded, not entirely convinced. "if i do end up bored i will hold you accountable..." she took a moment to take a peek at taehyun's name tag, "kang taehyun," she joked.
as they walked through the museum the girl couldn't help but notice that it was fairly empty. "why are there almost no paintings in here?" she laughed hesitantly. "i thought this was a museum?" taehyun stopped walking, turning to her with a sad expression on his face.
"the museum is expected to close in about a month or so," he stated simply. "oh...that's terrible. may i ask why?" the girl responded. "my boss says we've run out of funds or something like that," taehyun chuckled bitterly. "people don't really give a shit about good art these days anyways."
"that's a shame..."
they continued to look through the various paintings that were still up and occasionally the girl would ask to see the ones that were taken down and left on the floor. it seemed the two were lost in each other's company as night started to approach.
"thank you for the tour of this lovely museum taehyun. it was fun but it's a shame such a nice museum like this is closing down," the girl said softly. taehyun nodded solemnly, he just wanted to get this day over with and crash at his apartment. he didn't blame the girl before him but talking to her reminded him of his harsh reality. a notification coming from the girl's bag made both of them jump as they were both lost in their thoughts.
"ah, that must be my father. he's kind of annoying when it comes to my curfew," she chuckled, digging her phone from her bag. taehyun watched her with a bored expression until his eyes reached her bag. he hadn't noticed this earlier but she had been carrying a louis vuitton bag. his eyes bulged at the expensive item that was so close to him, they got even larger when she fished out the latest iphone from it.
taehyun wasn't poor per se, he had just enough to get by since he was living paycheck to paycheck. however, he had never been in such close proximity to any luxury items. he suddenly felt weird being this close to this girl.
"what do you mean by curfew?" taehyun asks hesitantly. the girl sighs, "my father is one of south korea's richest chaebol's, maybe one of the big three at his point." she rolled her eyes as if this information was nothing. "he's super strict with me because i guess i'm just his show pony daughter whom he can show off to say he's a good father."
taehyun gulped, had he just been casually hanging out with the daughter of one of the richest men in korea? he felt sick at this. she looked up at taehyun's uneasy expression, "oh my god im sorry i just dumped that all on you! i just needed to catch a break so i came here, i didn't mean to drag you into my life story."
taehyun fixes his face, laughing nervously, "no- no its fine really. we all need a break sometimes right? im glad you got to have that time here." the girl smiled up at him, completely misreading his nervous laughter, "im glad i got to spend it here with you taehyun."
"oh before i go!" taehyun watched her pull out a checkbook from her bag and his stomach dropped. he silently watched her scribble some stuff onto the slip and tear it out, handing it to him.
"there's not too much i can take out of my account without my father flipping out but i hope this helps even just a little. whether it be in your personal life or with the museum."
taehyun eyes the check and chokes when he sees 50,000 dollars written neatly on the black line. he swears he can feel sweat going down his face like in the cartoons. "i- i cant possibly take this from you." he moves to hand the check back but the girl refuses to take it back. "taehyun, you love this museum with your entire being. i see the way to look at the paintings and the passion with which you explained them to me. i'd hate to see that taken away."
"plus, if you're gone who's gonna give me the tour when i come back?" she laughs as if this is something casual. taehyun's hands shake as he pockets the check, "i seriously cannot thank you enough...you don't know how much you just helped the museum and m-"
the girls phone dings again and she grumbles, "ugh why can't he just leave me alone. sorry but i think i really gotta go for real before he tracks my location or something crazy like that."
taehyun nods wistfully at the mention of her having to leave. he was really starting to enjoy her company.
"oh by the way," the girl giggles as she pulls her coat on hurriedly.  "was that you smoking weed at the corner of the museum earlier?" the girl chuckled to herself again just remembering it. taehyun furrowed his eyebrows, "why would you say that kind of thing at out loud and at my job?!" he scolded in a playful hushed voice.
"i just thought it was funny and you also smelled of weed the entire tour, i didn't mind though so don't worry," the girl concluded. she was starting to walk away towards out the door now. "i'll walk you out," taehyun offers. "such a helpful employee. is this in the job description too?" the girl jokes, turning to him while a smile on her lips. "well, not exactly," taehyun says smoothly.
she shakes her head, "i'll see you soon taehyun." he watches her walk off into the darkness of the night when he suddenly remembers something.
"hey what's your name by the way?" he shouts after the girl. for some reason taehyun really was hopeful of seeing her again.
"y/n!" came the disembodied voice of the girl he had just met.
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felestina-stilton · 4 years
Cartoon Analysis: "Pinky Malinky" Explained
DISCLAIMER! Yes, I do watched all 60 episodes of this show and cheked everything I possibly could about it (the show itself, two pilots, wikipedia and "nick animation podcast #48") before diving into this. So yeah, I know what I'm talking about, and yeah, this post got some heavy spoilers, so go away if you don't wanna see them.
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First of all, I must say that this show is 50/50 thing. Some people like it and some people don't, it's fine and I totally get it. I just don't wanna hear any hate under this post. Let's all be respectful and kind 🐱
So, yesterday somebody asked me if "Pinky Malinky" has any plot. And I told that yes, yes it is. But of course "yes" isn't good enough if you here for the information, so let's discuss the whole thing in this long post. This series plot divided into three main arcs (there are some other arcs but they're not really important for the plot tho), which of course, lead into the bigger plotline. Today, I'm gonna fold all pieces of this plot puzzle and tell what this show basically is about
The beginning: Sackenhack and Mayor Happ arc
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For those of you who don't know - Sackenhack is a town, where most of this show characters live. This is basically the most important thing to know, so let's start off with it. I found all this information in episodes "Hater" and "Pinky". The old Mayor of the town, Mayor Happ wanted to make this town as precious as possible. He started "Snow Games" (kinda on Olympic-game-thing in this universe) and also began a plan of building a lot of different constructions. Everything was good, until everyone realised that Sackenhack is a desert town. There NEVER was any snow or what so ever. The "Snow Games" were cancelled, many buildings and other structures were left unfinished, and the town fell into decay. Understanding his fault in all this mess, Mayor Happ vanished. Living nowadays in forest as a hermit, he once had a chance to meet Pinky in the episode "Hater". At first, he was pretending to be a Sackenhack hater called Mr. Sackenwack, which seemed very mean for Pinky, since he really likes his own town. Later, with the help of JJ's "creep app" they found his location. After a big reveal, Pinky finally realised that Mayor Happ and Mr. Sackenwack is the same person, and that he's beloved hero is also his hater. Some events after, the group was sitting in silence, until Happ said only one thing to Pinky: "I used to have such big dreams for this town. Now everything about it just reminds me of my failure...That's why I wanted you to delete your account. Everytime you posted something happy about Sackenhack it just made me... Sacken-Sad. So, what it's like to find out that your hero...is just some lame internet hater?" with a reply "Well, you're not what I expected, but, you're still really inspiring to me. I've got a lot of big ideas and not a lot of people understand them...I think I might run out of this town someday too)" Pinky goes home with his friends, and that's the end of Sackenhack/Mayor Happ ark.
Moving on to: Malinky's family arc
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So, I guess, the first question you ask yourself when it comes to this particular show - why is Pinky a hotdog while both of his parents are just regular humans? Well, diving into this theme, let's discuss Malinky's family arc in general. We got most information about it in episodes "Pinky" and "Dreams", but there are also many cute facts about them in other episodes (which I'm not gonna discuss here because that's leads pretty much nowhere). So, before becoming a couple, Eric and Valerie were singers. They've done some singles and merchandise and were dreaming about a starry career. However, after some time they decided to become a family and raise a kid. The awful truth was then revealed - one of the members of Malinky's family, called Sasagio was an antro sausage, and Eric'c and Valerie's child probably gonna have the same mutation. This was a clearly hard thing to accept, but Valerie and Eric still wanted to have a kid and this didn't stopped them. Well, now they do have a son, but it's definitely not a regular kid. Raising the child in one, but raising a mutant-shapeshifter wiener is completely another. That's why they had to abandon their singers career. After founding all this information out on the old cassets left in the attic of Malinky's house in the episode "Dreams" Pinky realises - he literally crashed his parents dreams. Feeling guilty, he tries to bring them back to business, but only makes a bigger mess. Feeling even more sad and guilty, Pinky says to his parents that it's all his fault and no matter how, he'll do everything to fix the mess he made and make them singers, just as they dreamed. Eric and Valerie then just tell him that the real dream the've ever had - is to become a family, and raise the most sweet, cute and precious child, and that they love him no matter what. This brings an end to the Malinky's arc.
Finally, about main character: Pinky Malinky's arc
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So, as you now know - Pinky was born an antropomorphic wiener. However - it doesn't bother him though. He thinks that being different is cool, and allways sees a better side in everything, literally spreading positivity and happiness. With the help of his two human friends, Babs and JJ, he tries to climb up to the career ladder. Anyways, something that weird and interesting still brings other people's attention, and one day Pinky being asked by some group of people (who allways being called just "camera guys") if they can make a documentary about him. Pinky agrees, and that's technically is a beginning of the series (which however was showed only in the last episode of season two, "Pinky"). In this episode also reveals how he became the new mascout and raised new "Snow Games". So, basically Pinky want's to organise "Snow Games" again, just like in old good times. But for this, also needs a mascout - The Snowball. That's why he starts a some kind of "vote for me as a mascout thing"...which fails. Sad Pinky goes to his schools principal to ask why everything failed. She tells him that that's because there never snowed in Sackenhack. Pinky says that he'll make it snow tonight, to become a mascout. Which of corse, wasn't for serious, but by accident, everyone in school heard that. Now Pinky really HAS to make it snow but the thing is he don't know how. With the help of JJ, Babs and Bob he tries to do this...and fails again. But then the truck with popcorn (JJ got him for sponsoring some company) blows up and...yeah, popcorn kinda looks like snow so technically Pinky becomes a new mascout. At the end of season three, in the episode "Wiener" goes a big reveal - the camera crew filmed him just to know enough information about him because he was going to participate in UMC (Ultimate. Mascout. Championship). However, Helga Hilltop from UMC says that he CAN'T participate. Competitions are only for human boys and girls, and Pinky clearly isn't one of them. He's a twisting, bending, shapeshifter sausage. Pinky says that if he can't participate because of his powers, he'll just try not to use them. At first, everything goes under the controll, but then Pinky fails miserably. After calling him a "filthy wiener" Helga disqualifys him. Sad and humilated, Pinky starts crying and thinking that he really doesn't belong anywhere and probably everything would be better off without someone not normal like him. But then some students along with JJ, Babs and Principal Phan are telling him that it's a complete nonsence, and who the hell decides who is and not normal. Besides, it's what on the inside that counts. After this, Pinky came up with the idea - that's really in the rules of the UMC that's what in the inside that counts. He comes back to the stage and perform as good as he can, not holding himself back anymore. After this, he lies that he was just the costume, and Babs and JJ are the ones who were the real mascouts. Helga says that it doesn't counts and no matter what other jujes think, he didn't won anything. But then everyone just disqualifys Helga because hell yeah, everything she said today sounded like a clear rasism, what the actual hell. Then Principal Phan says that now Pinky is an official mascout. Not the Snowball, just him themself, since he's the most inspiring person in the whole Sackenhack. This leads an end to the Pinky's arc and the series themself.
So this what it all is about. I hope I made everything in this post clear enough)
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I Can't Believe It's Over
Summary: Steven watches his favorite series come to an end and talks to Connie about it.
Notes: Look it's fluff. That's it it's just some comfort that's still very much needed even if it has been over a week now. Also it's around 1800 words.
 Steven was fixated on the screen before him, dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep. The first rays of sunlight shined through the window as one of multiple alarms rang. 
 'It's almost here! It's almost here!' he thought as he turned off almost all of the 10 alarms. It was the final episode of his favorite series, Crying Breakfast Friends! 
 Well, technically CBF! ended a few years ago and this was its epilogue series, but still, it was practically the sixth season of the show.
 He usually woke up at this time, but he's been up all night, theorizing how Spilled Milk could solve all of their problems, especially with Glum Glass (who he shipped them with.)
 He was just so excited that he stayed up all night. He kept floating anyway, so it's not like he could sleep on the ceiling. He was up all night, sharing his theories and headcanons while looking through some of the fanart that have come from the episode that was released last week.
 He still couldn't believe it was the last episode, it's been running for years. He can still remember the first episode like it was yesterday.
 One last alarm rang as he opened a streaming app that made him watch with fellow fans, whatever happens next he's sure it would be good.
 An hour and many, many tears later, Connie was calling him for their bi-weekly breakfast together. However Steven was still in bed, a river of tears streaming down his face as the credits rolled.
 He was literally crying over Spilled Milk, but that really isn't important right now.
 He wiped his tears on the sleeves of his pajamas and went downstairs to wash his face. His eyes were still a bit puffy, but maybe Connie wouldn't notice.
 Steven went back toward the bed, sinking a bit. He took a few deep breaths, and finally answered her call.
 "Good morning, Steven!" Connie greeted. She was in a diner, judging by the tables and chairs behind her. It was close to full and people were having different conversations, but it wasn't too loud that he couldn't hear her.
 "Morning, Connie," he yawned right after greeting her, hoping to mask his sadness with tiredness.
 It didn't work. Connie has started to be concerned, "Steven? Are you alright?"
 "Yeah I'm fi—"
 The universe has a cruel sense of irony, it seems. As he was only midsentence as he saw the glass of milk and the plate filled with fried eggs and crispy bacon and started to sob again.
 "I-I can't believe it's over!"
 He shuts his mouth, was that too loud? He covers his face with the pillows until he hears Connie talking. She's awkwardly explaining to the people around her; he wipes some of the tears with his sleeve while he apologizes for shouting.
 Connie goes back to her seat, visibly relieved. Whether it's because she doesn't have to talk to another stranger or because she knows what's happening with him, it's unknown to him. Maybe it's a little bit of both.
 She turns to Steven and asks one question with a knowing look in her eye, "Your favorite series just ended, didn't it?"
 "Wait... how- how did you know?" 
 "I know how that feels," she ate some of her bacon and continued, "I've read so many novels, The Spirit Morph Saga was just one of many books I've obsessed for years!"
 Steven listened to her every word as she gushes about some of her favorite books. It's been years since he heard of it, he still remembered Connie introducing him to the saga. He still loves the ending to this day, though he doesn't know if she still feels the same about the ending years later.
 "Oh, sorry I got into a tangent there."
 "It's okay, I love hearing you being so passionate."
 There was a slight blush on her cheeks; she proceeded to drink the milk to hide it. "So..Anyways, what was the name of the series that just left you in tears today?"
 Now it was his turn to be embarrassed, how exactly is he going to explain that he's been watching a cartoon for the past six years? He doesn't know what kind of shows she's watched!
 But she wouldn't judge him for that, so might as well just say it, "It's Crying Breakfast Friends."
 "I thought that show ended years ago?"
 "Well, yes, but technically no, so the original show, Crying Breakfast Friends did end a few years ago, but its epilogue series, Bawling Brunch Friends ended today."
 "So... were you satisfied with the ending?"
 She was answered with more tears, "It was so bittersweet!"
 Okay, now she needed to be there with him. "I'm going to finish up here, okay? I'll be there in a minute!"
 Connie ended the call, finished her breakfast, tipped the waitress, and ran outside to Lion all under one minute.
 A portal opened up in the beach house's living room with Connie and Lion going out from it.
 "Thanks, Lion," she said while giving his mane a few pats. He gave a cute little smile and proceeded to sleep near the sofa. 
 Of course she had to give him some pets, besides it was only a few seconds till a full minute passes and she ran up the stairs.
 She knows the feeling, sure she wasn't as sentimental when some of her favorite series ended, but she knows how empty it feels at first.
 She wonders how Steven's handling it.
 Just the sight of his bed tells it all.
 It's a bit messy and tear-stained, the impression of Steven has been there for a while making the teen that was on the bed sink even further into it. Near the pillows were some toys and old plushies of the characters in the show, Steven himself holding two of them in his arms while under his comforter.
 He was clutching the plushies of a carton of milk and a glass, keeping them close together. He hasn't noticed that she's here, but to be fair she hasn't spoken a word since she came up.
 "Hi, Steven." He freezed up for a second, but he was still silent. "Mind if I join you in there?"
 She saw his head nodding and making some space for her; she joined him under the covers.
 He was looking at some fanart of all the characters together, waving goodbye at the audience as the words, "Thank you Samantha Pepper!" appear above them.
 "So.. I remembered seeing a few episodes." Connie shifted closer to Steven, "It looked like a fun, silly cartoon from some of the episodes I've seen."
 He chuckled at that, a bit too much judging by Connie's confused reaction.
 "It was a fun, silly show at first. I rewatched the whole series preparing for this, and wow, there was a lot of stuff that went over my head."
 "Just how serious this show is after the first season, all of the foreshadowing, each character's arc and how much they've changed compared to now!"
 "I want to tell you everything, but at the same time I don't want to spoil stuff." Steven's started to float while he was talking and he hasn't noticed yet. "There's just so much that's better appreciated when it hasn't been spoiled and I haven't even talked about—"
 "Steven, the ceiling!"
 He looks up and floats in place, just inches away from hitting his head. "Thanks Connie." Steven starts to float down.
 "No problem."
 "Why didn't you stop me when I was starting to float?"
 Now it's her turn to fluster him, she gave a shy smile and said, "Sorry Steven, I was distracted with how cute you are when you're passionate."
 He was so flustered that his powers failed him at that moment and he fell on the bed, bouncing both him and Connie a few times.
 They were both giggling as they laid together on the bed. Steven teasing Connie about using the line he used earlier... until they notice the mess that was made and cleaned it up.
 "This show means a lot to you, huh?" she says as she collects the toys that fell onto the floor.
 "Yeah... I miss it," Steven helps in collecting the plushies. He grabs the Spilled Milk and Glum Glass plushies and keeps them together.
 They both help each other in fixing the comforter on the bed and laid back on it.
 Connie can hear him sniffling right next ro her. Guess he's skipped the other stages of grief and went headfirst to depression.
 "Why did it only sink in now? I'll never see these characters again!"
 Okay, that's it. She needs to tell him this. She turns Steven around, looking him in the eyes.
 "You can always rewatch the show, right?" A nod.
 "You can always make your own fanart, right?" Another nod.
 "And there's also other people's fan creations. Sure, the show's over, but people would still create more stories and art with these characters." Tears have stopped.
 "You can love and appreciate all of the content creators in that fandom and their creations, right?" A small smile. She's getting to him.
 "And even if it's over, you know that the show would always be with you, right?"
 "Connie, I thought you didn't like being saccharine?"
 "Steeeven," she was teasing him, and she knows he is too, "I'm trying to comfort you."
 "I know, just wanted to hear you say it, because you like me." They were giggling again, but when they were finished he was staring at her with a smile, "Thanks Connie."
 "You know I'll always help you, Steven," she smiled back at him.
 "Yeah, even with your college prep, you still—"
 "Wait, don't you have more stuff to do?" Steven asked, looking a bit worried. 
 "Today's Saturday, Steven." Connie reminded him.
 "Oh... yeah," he rubbed his eyes, "thought it was still Friday."
 "You stayed up all night, didn't you?"
 "Can't blame me for being excited, besides I'm not that tired."
 A yawn escapes him at the end and he settles at the bed.
 "Ok maybe I'm a little bit tired. Talk to you later?"
 "You know the usual time," she gives him a kiss on the forehead, "see you later, Steven." 
 "I'll see you soon, Connie."
 And she goes down to Lion, who just woke up.
 As Steven hears the roar of Lion's portal go out, he opens his phone and looks back on the picture of everyone in the show again.
 Connie's right, it's a part of him now. Every memory, every laugh, and especially every tear that's shed—of sorrow and of joy.
 "Thanks for giving me tears to the very end."
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