#cartoon theory
severepink · 7 months
Understanding Death in Hazbin Hotel
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There seems to be a lot of misconceptions around what exactly angelic weapons do and how death works in the Hazbin Hotel universe. I want to explain my thoughts on this with everyone using the information that we know.
We first need to look at what species we know that exist in the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss universe. Because this is where I believe most of the confusion around death in the show comes from.
As of right now we have three different types of beings.
Angels, Humans, and Hellborns. Angels live in the realms they created or helped to create (god hasn't been mentioned much in the shows at all outside of a few 'oh gods'). They existed before Humans and Hellborns. Angels can fall and become powerful beings in hell.
Humans were created by angels. Originally three were created and they had different purposes before Eve ate the Apple and they were intended to be immortal (by biblical story telling). They exist on Earth. When they die, they are sorted into being angelic type beings or sinful beings, their souls are sent to either Heaven or Hell.
Hellborns were creatures born in hell. We do not know their full range of their lore of how they were created, but the speculation so far is that Lilith likely birthed at least some of them or they were created by the Seven Deadly Sins. Either way, they are mortal to one another unless they are the Ars Goetia. Humans are very different from Angels or Hellborns. They are born on Earth and the content of their souls and their actions are judged by an unknown source (as of right now). When they are judged, they are sent to either Heaven or Hell. Adam is not an Angel in the same way that Sera or Emily are angels. He was a human soul who got sent to heaven. He is a human soul that has been imbued with more angelic/divine soul than others we've seen so far. This is an important thing to remember. People seem to think that when anything is killed with an angelic weapon that it just disintegrates a soul entirely when that's not how it works. Sinners are confined to the Pride Ring of hell and are not allowed within the realms of the Hellborn because hell is over-populated and must be cleansed, only because Sinners can not kill one another in a traditional way, unlike the Hellborn who can do it naturally themselves without the need for angelic weapons. Hellborn entities can kill one another just fine unless they are of the Ars Goetia. This is telling me that they have unique properties unlike the other Hellborn. My guess is they were created by the Seven Deadly Sins amongst one another, so while they are technically hellborn, they likely have those residual angelic energies from their creators making them less capable of dying by an attack. However, we can see that they do age and likely do die of old age, as there is a generational component. The Seven Deadly sins have always been other angels that were cast down alongside Lucifer, meaning they used to be Angels in the same vein that Sera and Emily are angels. Hellborn entities like Imps or Hellhounds can grow old and die within hell. When they die, they become one with the energy of Hell. Vivziepop has expressed this before. If a Sinner is killed and has not made an honest effort to repent, they find the same fate and their energy is imbued into hell itself. It's why there are eyes, mouths, seemingly sentient flora and fauna in hell. Hell itself is like a living creature that feeds and regurgitates in an endless cycle for the hellborn. Angelic weapons really seem to be confusing people too, because you're assuming that Adam's blast of energy to Sir Pentious is not the same as the weapons, when it more than likely is. Angelic weapons have to be created with the same kind of energy blast as Adam has shown. He's unique in that he's the only human soul shown so far who can do this. He could have been an angelic weapon himself. Lute and the other exorcists were likely humans themselves. That is why they can be killed the same way that Sinners can be killed. They are human souls, they are being killed and subsequently rejudged by whatever entity (god probably) is doing the judging. Heaven probably has its own systems of life and death for it's naturally born denizens. Remember this billboard in Welcome to Heaven?
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This is an old lady. More than likely a naturally born Denizen of Heaven. Everyone in heaven is supposed to be hot and healthy, right? It's probably just the human souls. This could also just be a gag, but I think Hell and Heaven are more or less inversions, especially considering the Cherubs are an inversion of imps.
What's interesting is in the episode with the Cherubs, they're refused re-entry to heaven because their actions resulted in the death of a human, a human that goes to hell, a human they were trying to keep from killing himself and find beauty in nature and love. Sera talks about they have their own souls to protect as well. Human souls are unique in some form or fashion that means their deaths are different from what Angels or Hellborns experience. They have the capability of immortality within heaven or hell, just like they would have had on Earth if Eve didn't eat the apple. That's why Sir Pentious is in heaven instead of being dead despite an angelic blast. That's why we'll likely see Adam return as a demon. Human souls are important to the being giving judgement, they are more or less immortal for some reason unless divine intervention is at play. When humans make deals with one another in hell, they gain more power. They bargain with their souls. Souls are power. Humans are naturally generating sources of souls. I believe, eventually, the show will dip its toes into concepts like reincarnation outside of shifting between heaven or hell. If it doesn't, then it's more than likely going to be how Heaven and Hell are in a constant state of trying to collect as many souls as possible for the power that they infuse into each respective dimension. Lilith gained more and more power with the more souls sent into hell. Heaven fights those souls with the exorcists who are also more than likely human souls. That's my speculation anyways!
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doofsimp · 2 years
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1st picture: Farmer's couple in Hamster & Gretel. 2nd picture: Farmer's couple in Phineas and Ferb. Hamster and Gretel seems to take place in the future of pnf and mml timeline.
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marine-indie-gal · 2 months
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I've been developing some ideas lately that would've been added to the Lore behind "Space Goofs" that being that a Show that could've have had its own Lore compare to the Other Successors that tend to have its own Little World Building within a Cartoon.
What kinda questions Me is how is there a Planet with a "B" next to it as if there were to be Another Planet with the Same Name out there in Space that has never been established before?
Because in the Show, the Goofs' Home Planet is called "Zigma B" in which "B" in Key Words would equal to "Second", so if there is a Second Home-Planet, then where would the First One be somewhere in the Galaxy?
Which then blends Me to a surprise that there might be some Secret Lore within the Species of where the Five Aliens' extraterrestrial habits might've come from that perhaps that there are only TWO Planets within the Same Name but each has their own Different Unique Environment. So, here I am to be the Very First Person in the Fandom to ever do so if I were to write my own Zigma Lore.
Introducing my very own Personal Sub-Species of Alien within "Zigma A" only instead of having the Goofs' Counterparts be in the Exact Same Size, I thought why not pull over...The Opposite Way around.
Because since that if the Straitened Aliens on Earth were meant to be based off within the Whole "Cartoonish Creatures through a Adolescent's Imagination" Trope (like with Pixar's "Monsters Inc"), why not have the Sub-Species of the Goofs be more on a Sapient-based level while also having each of their own Kind in the First Homeland to be way more "Gigantic"?
So if you guys tend to remember where Last Month, I drew Bolok as an Alien. Technically, the Design that I did for Him was based off of a Certain Theory that I had in mind for awhile which I'd figure would now be the Best Time to share within my own Personal Headcanon Alien Lore behind "Space Goofs".
I'd figure that if the Aliens from what we see were in Human Size, I'd thought why not have a Race of Different Size Aliens while still playing as the Complete Opposite towards the Small Invaders' Nature.
Mainly inspired by "Ava's Demon", "Fantastic Planet", and even "The BFG" (which is where I got the inspirations from behind these Personal Alien OC Designs).
Introducing the Space Goofs' Species' Cousins from Another Home Planet ("Zigma A"), the Gigazines (a Portmanteau Blend between Two Words; "Gigantes" (Greek for "Giants") and even "Zinzins" (which is French for "Goofs")), which serve to be the Universe's Giants from one of the Planets across the Galaxy where they have their own Domination within a Giant Planet populated by their own Species of Giants, in which, each of their own Race (similar to the Smaller Goofs and the Humans) inhabit Many of the Lands of Zigma A.
Oh, they also have their own Space Animals (which are also Gigantic).
Unlike the Smaller Goofs, the Gigazines are somewhat Neutral (despite some of them being Tyrannical while Others seem to remain more Peaceful), being that they are the Complete Opposite to most Smaller Aliens from around the Worlds, as they tend to act more just like the Humans while also serving their own Personal Natural Environments to their World. They all come in Shapes and Sizes in terms of being more "Humanoid", raging from Space, Elemental, or even More Beastly of Anthro-Based.
Their own Mythology behind the Lore behind Two Different Planets shares a brief connection to their own Identical Smaller Species (in which both of their Planets happened to share the Same Religions despite each of them having their own Different Beliefs compare to the Humans on Earth).
Long ago, a Galaxy Deity by the Name, "Zagami" created Many Different Planets across the Universe, but One Certain Planet however remained to be Split Apart into Two Completely Different Planets (that being the Planet, "Zigma"). In Zigma, Two Different Species of the Family once lived together. It was all once peaceful until the Day when the Giants start to becoming more Evil day by day, not caring to what Other Creatures are trying to thrive for in order to survive as the Gigazines took the Planet as their World. Desperate to have the Lands back, the Small Counterparts decided to declare a War between both the Giants and the Small Ones to receive their own lands back but as long as the Great War went on, the Goofs failed to receive their own Lands back in the Hands of the Giants' own Great Gigazine King.
When the War ended miserably, the Small Aliens prayed to their God to receive their own Lands. While the Gigazine King didn't listen a word to what Zagami said when the Creation Deity convinced the Gigazines to change their own mind to share the World with their Small Counterparts, Zagami decide to teach them a lesson by "Splitting" The World into Halves of Two Worlds (Zigma A and Zigma B). Because of this Decision of Splitting Each Other apart, the Giants had to live on their own Planet on their own while the Small Aliens received such Joy and Happiness into their Lives when they finally got their own Home Planet to themselves without any Evil Giants around.
By the Time when Humans came around from Earth ever since the Beginning, the Aliens have recently discovered on how to use Technology in which the Gigazines decide to find Some New Species to capture and even use them as Animals (either for Science or to have Pets). When the Humans were gaining the Attention towards the Giants, the Gigazines decided to capture the Earth's Domination of Humans and even take them to Earth where they treated each of them like Animals to spare within a New Species of Creature. As things were already bad from the Start, the Rest of the Humans had enough of being kept as Animals to in which they decide plot a Rebellion against the Aliens who kept them as Prisoners from all these Years as they managed to Escape the Alien World (despite some of them who have died along the Way) far away from the Gigazines (just as soon as they were about to exterminate the rest of their own Population when the Betrayal came during the Revolution).
When the Humans are somewhat now being helped by the Gigazines' Tiny Counterparts after being accidentally crashed into Zigma B, the Good Aliens contacted Peace with the Humans as they manage to create a Solar Alarm which would Trigger a lot of the Gigazines for a Loud Sound that would hurt their own Ears for the sake of Karma for kidnapping One Planet's Dominated Species for the sake of it.
Wanting for Peace when having enough of the Rebellion, the Gigazines decided to apologize to the Humans for what they have done to force them as their own New Animals through a Radio Signal in Space as they were sent out in Zigma B to retrieve the Humans to put them back to their True Homeland where all of the Dominated Species of their own Planets return to Peace and Harmony once and for all as they started to build their own Towns and Cities around each Country of Earth as the Gigazines have learned to never kidnapped Another World's Species ever again. Which all explains the Whole Truth of why Gigazines are so different from All Small Aliens (even their own Counterparts, the Goofs).
I'll probably later do some more Designs of Other Gigazine Species since the Very First Ones that I drew were meant to be some Digital Concept based off of Sci-Fi Media like I've mentioned before.
Despite the fact that Fantastic Planet's Alien Characters were one of my Inspirations for these Aliens, The Whole Inspiration behind my own Lore for these Counterparts of the Space Goofs' species is also loosely based on the Concept behind Fantastic Planet (that being Gigantic Aliens vs. Humans against the Future), though while the Story itself (despite being a Futuristic Version of the Biblical Story of Moses) contains a much more Darker tone, my version behind the Concept itself takes an even more "Lighter" tone compare to its Literary Counterpart.
Also, I have no certain HC on what the Aliens on Zigma B's own species might be called since I haven't figured it out yet, but since I'm only referring to them as "Smaller Counterparts" compare to my Alien Species OC, I'll just still end up calling them "Goofs" just because of the Franchise's own title while still rhythming that might have something to do with either "Goofs" or "Aliens".
Zigma A, Gigazines (Giant Alien Theory and their own Designs) (c) Me
Space Goofs (c) Xilam
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Nostalgia for A Cartoon Theory #1
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I felt nostalgia so I watch one of those top 10 craziest cartoon theories and got reminded of this one. I.e. professor utonium and samurai jack being the same person through time shenanigans. I did a drawing of the girls based on this concept.
In this AU jack is approached by this old sorcerer who claims they have a way to defeat who using his own essence against him in the form of a super serum labed something like the "Elixir X". And then this person like tasks him with collecting all these items (the whole sugar spice everything nice). Basically making Jack do the heavy lifting in the process then-BOOM!!
"the three perfect little girls!!"
Nothing like what he was expecting at all. Turns out the sorcerer was the evil High priestess of Aku the whole time ( Ashi's mom). The Powerpuff girls would be Aku's daughters made by Jack's hand. Long story short Jack defeat her and takes the girls to raise them as his own. And they would join him in his fight against Aku filling in that place of student mentor and daughter father figure. I tried to based the girls design on onna-bugeisha(term for female samurai) attire. They came out in a rough sketch that could be better.
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 1 year
Does MatPat know what creative liberties and cartoonish writing is?
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a-fix-of-muses · 1 year
Currently Listening To: "Legends Never Die" by Morgan Thomaso, Victor Borba, Hugo Bringart, Cartoon Theory
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dakooftacos · 4 months
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Happy JWCT Premiere Week! Here are the rest of the Nublar 6 from Chaos Theory, wearing their outfits from Camp Cretaceous! :D
See P1 with Darius, Ben, and Sammy here!
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sunofpandora · 1 month
This just in guys, last night on D23, avatar 3 has an official title “fire and ash”
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We are so back guys 🤭💙🩵
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swan2swan · 4 months
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Yasammy: Reunited
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sophiathetrainwreck · 2 years
god i wished i lived in the timeline where companies respected animation
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skaldish · 1 year
Look, I get people with higher privileges are more likely to be jackasses, but being straight, or cis, or white, etc. doesn't automatically make someone "problematic" because core identity is never the source of problematic behavior.
As soon as you've decided someone must be problematic because of a feature about their identity, you've lost. You've walked straight into Nazi logic.
There's only one point of measurement that matters when it comes to determining if someone's being problematic: Their behavior.
And then, before you decide that person's evil for behaving a certain way, you investigate why they're behaving the way they are, because malice isn't always the reason. Problematic behavior can also come from places such as ignorance, stress, or brainwashing.
I'm sorry, but we don't live in a world where people are categorically good or bad based on character tropes.
We just don't.
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linalisss · 17 days
Hello bug fans
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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rednblacksalamander · 5 months
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Campus security officer Pepe Silvia was unavailable for comment.
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orengejoshi · 4 months
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morning cat yoga (yeah those 🏳️‍⚧️ colors were chosen like this on purpose)
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paprikaries · 3 months
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"The sincere friend" _ WIP UPDATE Fanart: Blitz(o)/Mox(xi) From: HelluvaBoss (Spindlehorse studio / Vivziepop)
If the dialogues sound a bit odd it's because I probably suck at english and I didn't correct the lines yet. 🤣😅 Jeez, I'm lazy...
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