#I could talk about fate seven ways to Sunday but I’ll let this speak for itself
sassmill · 2 years
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I asked “are you okay with me introducing your queerness into the museum’s official narrative? Is that term alright with you? Does it resonate with your experience when you lived?” And these cards all came flying out of the deck. Lizzo’s “about damn time” came into my head right when the three of wands came out, too. I feel like I’m going to start crying.
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luxekook · 4 years
bangtan host club ❯ part i
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❯ pairing: ot7 x reader
❯ genre: ouran au, college au, crack, smut
❯ summary: when you had decided to take summer lessons at your college, you hadn’t factored in the impending presence of seven insufferably attractive and arrogant boys… the bangtan host club. 
❯ word count: 2.1k
❯ warnings: 18+, cursing, suggestive language, terrible pet names, excessive dramatics
❯ banner by: maggie @kimtaehyunq​
a/n: while this fic is loosely based off of the anime version of ouran highschool host club, it is set in university - meaning that all of the boys are of age (at least 21 years old)
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host club members
❯ Kim Namjoon as “Kyoya Ootori” ❯ Kim Seokjin as “Tamaki Suoh” ❯ Min Yoongi as “Takashi ‘Mori’ Morinozuka” ❯ Jung Hoseok as “Mitsukuni ‘Honey’ Haninozuka” ❯ Park Jimin as “Hikaru Hitachiin” ❯ Kim Taehyung as “Kaoru Hitachiin” ❯ Jung Jungkook as “Haruhi Fujioka”
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Taking summer classes had never been on my agenda, my studies having been mapped out in detail since the day I arrived on campus three years ago. And then the university’s president suddenly has this utterly groundbreaking epiphany and adjusts the curriculum to “ensure that all students will leave Bangtan University well-rounded”. 
Screw that. My ass is already well-rounded enough, thank you very much.
But despite my best efforts (i.e. begging President Kim to make an exception followed by crafting a petition that gained over ten thousand signatures), I have found that there is no avoiding the dastardly new physical education requirement. And since my schedule for my upcoming senior year has been planned and set for literal years, I’ve been forced to enroll in the sole summer physical education class offered at Bangtan University - Introduction to Weight Lifting.
I wish I was kidding.
To say that I am dreading the start of class tomorrow would be an extreme understatement. I’ll be lucky to escape this summer without physical injury or the loss of my dignity. Athletics have never been my strong suit, and I’ve only entered our campus gym to go to the smoothie bar.
Groaning at just the mere thought of working out and being graded for it, I trek down the streets of outer campus towards the library, swearing under my breath and sweating profusely.
It’s a blazing hot, blue-skied Sunday in July. Typically, I would be lying on a beach somewhere with a drink in my hand, soaking in the warmth of the sun with joy. But instead, here I am, sweltering and desperate for air conditioning after my ancient window unit wheezed its final breath last night. The comfortable chill of the library is my only hope aside from my landlord who promised to fix my air conditioning by tomorrow.
My frustration builds as I turn onto the block lined with imposing and picturesque estates in which the upper echelon of Bangtan University resides. I’d bet the very last ice-pack in my freezer that these houses have unfailing central air.
I pick up my pace, worn Doc Marten platform sandals slapping against the hot pavement. The pristine mansions seem to mock my distress as they exude the coolness of unbothered wealth. Despite there being no Greek life here at Bangtan University, the lack of letters emblazoned on the numerous estates I pass does not symbolize a lack of status. 
This block is home to the athletic teams who throw massive parties whenever they happen to be in the off-season. It’s also home to the legacy clubs - the exclusive groups of current students who are relatives of past alumni.
And last but not least, this block is home to the infamous Bangtan Host Club, a small group of idle rich boys with exceptionally good looks and a penchant for entertaining. 
The aforementioned group’s house comes into view as I draw nearer to campus. The host club’s mansion sits on the corner lot right across the street from campus. Typically, students are wary of such proximity - but not those boys. No, they’re un-phased, throwing massive parties every weekend without fail and without repercussion.
During my first semester, I had been confused as to why their parties had never been shut down; but now I know better. The host club’s president Kim Seokjin is the son of none other than the fucking president of the university - the very same man who damned me to my weight lifting fate.
In fact, almost the entire host club is related to someone with influence - either at the university or within the surrounding community. The only exception to the wealth factor is Jeon Jungkook, who attends Bangtan University on a scholarship not unlike myself.
About 99% of the university are host club stans. As for me? I don’t subscribe to that bullshit. And I do mean literally ‘subscribe’. They have newsletters, merch and everything. I would say I don’t understand it at all, but a small part of me does.
They’re fucking gorgeous. Like I’m talking Tom Ford at New York Fashion Week gorgeous. Armani catalogue centerfold gorgeous. Goddamn Sports Illustrated Men’s Swimsuit Edition gorgeous. 
In fact, I’m pretty sure Kim Seokjin actually does model in his spare time. With his long limbs, broad shoulders and pillowy lips, Seokjin certainly has the features for it. My freshman year roommate bought so many posters of Seokjin from the host club’s merch website I think I could identify him from a hundred yards away in the dark. 
“Hey!” The bellow emanates from the porch of the host club’s house and jolts me from my memories, “Hey, princess!”
I let out a snort. Whoever that pet name is directed at needs to shut that down immediately. I mean, ‘princess’? In this economy? Please. I need off this block ASAP.
“Hello? I’m talking to you, angel!” 
The voice sounds closer now, and my eyes squeeze shut. Oh god, this person cannot be talking to me, can they?
Princess? Angel?
The sheer absurdity pushes me onward, and I do not spare a single glance in the direction where the inane greetings originated. Alas, I barely make it two feet before a tall figure screeches to a halt in front of me, panting like he had just run a marathon. 
I blink as I take in the very boy who just crossed my mind a minute earlier. Kim Seokjin looms over me, chest heaving and smile gleaming.
“Cupcake, hello!” his smile grows wider, “Why didn’t you answer me? I was talking to you.”
My brain is trying to wrap itself around the unfathomable phenomenon I’m currently witnessing. The host club president is beaming down at me like I’m the last custom Rolex ever made. His white t-shirt that probably costs more than my rent stretches across his shoulders in a way that has to be illegal. 
A bead of sweat drips down my back between my shoulder blades. I don’t have time for this attractive detour; I only have time for a long sip of iced water and a seat under an air conditioning vent somewhere deep within the recesses of the quiet library.
“Were you?” I shrug, looking over his illegally broad shoulder and plotting my escape, “I didn’t realize, considering my name isn’t princess, angel or cupcake.”
I inwardly cringe at my tone. I have a tendency to be irritable when the weather is hot, and it seems like today is no exception.
Seokjin stares down at me, his cocky expression wavering for a split second before snapping back into place. “Well, tell me your name then, sunshine, so that I may cordially invite you to the host club’s latest summer extravaganza!” His dark brown eyes sparkle as he remains seemingly impervious to my building ire, beaming down at me.
“No, thank you,” I shake my head decisively and attempt to sidestep around him. 
None of my friends are on campus for the summer, and there is no way I'm going alone to a party full of strangers. That just screams bad decisions, just like the time I willingly ate the dining hall’s “Mystery Meat Special” during my second semester.
Seokjin cuts off my path yet again, and my scowl intensifies as I glare up at him, “Could you move, please?”
Seokjin gapes back at me, “D-don’t you want to come to our party?” I stare at him with eyebrows raised. He continues at a higher decibel, “Don’t you know who I am?”
The nerve of this boy. My eyes scrunch shut as I send a quick plea to anyone out there in the universe to send me patience and then internally count backwards from ten. 
“Yes, I know who you are, Kim,” I finally say, completely exasperated, “And no, I still don’t want to go to your party.”
Seokjin is gobsmacked, looking like he’s seen a ghost as he stands before me open-mouthed. For a second, I allow myself to indulge one more time in his attractiveness, my eyes wandering along his toned torso, his muscular arms, his high cheekbones, his messy brown hair. 
And then he bounces back, snapping his fingers, “Aha! I know what this is. You’re playing hard to get! Okay, I can play along with you, sunshine.”
It’s my turn to gape at him this time, watching as he mumbles to himself about how I must want him to beg for me and how he would just love to do so. I’m about to put a stop to this madness when he spreads his arms wide and announces loud enough for the entire block to hear, “Sunshine, please, attend our party! My heart longs for your presence, and I will only be happy if I can have your arm in mine next Friday night...”
I’m honestly beginning to worry about the boy in front of me. Is he completely unhinged? Am I being Punk’d right now? 
Seokjin prattles on, “So, my sun, my moon, my stars, will you please do me the honor of joining me for a night of fun courtesy of the host club? No guest has yet to be disappointed and—!”
I finally just reach up and cover his mouth with my palm, steadfastly ignoring how plush his lips feel against my skin. “Kim Seokjin!” I hiss, “I promise I am not playing hard to get. I simply do not want to go to your party. Now, please, for the love of god, let me walk by you in peace.”
Loud bursts of laughter sound immediately after I finish speaking, and I whip around to locate the source. Two boys jog over to where Seokjin and I are standing on the pavement. Their laughter doesn’t subside with their approach. If anything, it grows louder.
“Oh, come on, pres,” the pink-haired boy who I know to be Park Jimin jeers, his melodic giggles punctuating each word. “Is this how you plan on handling your first rejection?”
My eyebrows pull together in confusion as I turn to face Seokjin, only to find him lying dramatically on the lawn in front of his house with one arm throw over his face.
“Go away, Jimin,” Seokjin groans, ripping out a handful of grass and throwing it at the other boy. Obviously, he doesn't calculate for the wind and sputters when the grass blows back in his face.
“Boss, you’ve really hit a new low,” the blue-haired boy - Kim Taehyung - grins as he looks back and forth between me and the over-the-top performance happening on the lawn. All Seokjin does in return is flip Taehyung off, seeming to have learned from his grass-throwing lesson.
Well, there’s no need for me to stay a second longer within this realm of crazy.
I turn on my heel and head off towards the library, renewed in my desperation for the relief of blissfully cold air.
Alas, I don’t get too far before the two boys with colorful hair are in front of me - each with an arm thrown over the other’s shoulders. 
“Well, well, well… I must say,” Taehyung drawls.
“You’re quite an intriguing little thing,” Jimin cocks his head, looking me up and down. I try in vain to steel myself against the heated assessments both boys are giving me.
I’d heard a lot about these two - most of it being completely outlandish and borderline unbelievable. Do they really do everything together?
It’s as if that thought is written all over my face as the smirks grow on the faces of Jimin and Taehyung. “If you don’t want to come to our party for Jin-hyung…”
“Will you come for us?” Taehyung finishes Jimin’s thought, and I am almost certain that he intended for that question to be as suggestive as it sounded.
Before I can even attempt to answer, Seokjin launches up from the ground and barges in between the two boys. “Yah! That is no way to speak to a lady! Have I taught you nothing? Don’t you fools remember lesson number fifty-two on being a good host?”
“We didn’t say anything inappropriate, pres,” Taehyung shrugs, looking pleased with how riled up the older boy is growing. His pink-haired counterpart grins, “If anything, you’re the one with the dirty mind, twisting our innocent words into such filth.”
It’s as if Seokjin is struck by lightning - his shock turning him pale as a ghost before the redness overtakes him. I cannot tell if it’s due to embarrassment or anger. All I know is that I need to bounce.
When Mt. Seokjin finally erupts, I slink away and practically jog across the street to campus. Ah, free at last...
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a/n: this is part one in my host club series! originally i was going to make this a giant one-shot but i figured i would just break it up into smaller pieces so that i could get some content out uwu
© luxekook do not repost, edit or translate
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
All Of Our Lifetimes — Five: Requiem
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Pairing — Taehyung x Reader
Tags — boyfriend!Taehyung, husband!Taehyung reincarnation au, lovers to strangers and to lovers again, established relationship, implied soulmate au
Genre — fluff, angst, crime (ish)
Word Count — 2.5k
Summary — Does love ever truly end, or does it simply take another form in a new life? The cycle is like clockwork: your lives end and you’re reborn again. You’ve lived it over and over. Each cycle, one of you loses your memories and is tragically unaware until the other finds and awakens their lover. After all these eons, all these lifetimes, is it possible to find each other again—even when neither of you awakens with your memories?
Part — 5 / 15
Warnings — language
A/N — Taglist is open! Comment, message, or ask and I’ll add you to the roster :) (Also I’m a freakin’ moron and forgot to post on Wednesday night like usual, which was yesterday. So enjoy this late chapter lol!)
Previous — Next
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The first person you text is Namjoon. To you, he was the obvious choice. Friendly, open, and the first of the members to accept you into their enclave. It wasn't anything in particular, just saying hi and reminding him of who you are and that you were looking forward to tomorrow.
Not two minutes later, he replies and invites you to join a group chat he'd just created for you and all seven members.
"This way, we can all keep in touch!" he says. "DMs are fine, of course, but if we all wanna get to know each other, group chats can be a lot of fun."
He wasn't wrong. The remainder of Sunday evening is spent texting the members. On the way home, while you cook a quick dinner, and when you're relaxing before bed. They're flooding your messages with all kinds of hilarity. Jungkook and Hoseok are a fan of memes, while Yoongi seems to prefer the straightforward communication that gifs provide. Jimin and Namjoon adore emojis, and Jin sticks to his usual bad dad jokes. Taehyung replies to a question every now and then, but for the most part, he's absent from the conversation.
"You're awfully quiet, Taehyung-ssi," Jimin teases half-way through a conversation on whether or not mint ice cream is edible.
"I'm working, but you guys are blowing up my phone so it's hard to concentrate."
A sigh slips out as you reply, "You can put your phone on vibrate, Taehyung. Really, we won't mind. Or at least I certainly won't."
His response is speedy. "Okay. I'll talk to you all tomorrow."
Namjoon sends you a private message. "Don't let him bother you. He can get like this when he's focused. He doesn't do well with things distracting him."
"Yeah...you're probably right."
"Oh, I definitely am!"
"Hey, thank you again for everything. Except for Kim Taehyung, I really feel at ease with everyone. I feel like we're going to get along great at the set tomorrow."
"My pleasure, [Y/n]. I really wanted to avoid you feeling like more of an outsider than you probably already do. Being in a new country, even if you speak the language, can be scary. I've been to enough of them to know that there's no place like home...but maybe we can make it a bit easier."
A smile spreads across your face at his genuine spirit and pure kindness. "You have, big time! Each of you is really fun to be around. Honestly? I can't wait for 'Run' tomorrow! Can I ask where we're going? I didn't see a production report yet, and Director Hyeon hasn't responded to my email."
"We'll probably knock out a few episodes in one night, and I think we're closing down the Seoul Museum of Art. They're going to close a bit early so we can have it to ourselves. The games we have planned will happen there!"
You turn your eyes away from your cell phone at the mention of the museum. Recalling what happened over the weekend, returning to that place doesn't seem like a terrific idea. But then again, if you are there with Taehyung, maybe the two of you can finally talk about what you see in your dreams.
Maybe, just maybe, you can get those answers.
Your resolve strengthens a little bit, and a new message comes through, one not from the group chat or Namjoon. You click out of your conversation with the leader and check the notification.
"Who are you?"
The question is blunt and straightforward, coming from the second-youngest member via a private chat. You open the message, and your fingers hover above the keyboard for a few moments.
"Hi Taehyung. What do you mean?"
"I know we've met before. I can't remember where."
You bite your lip at his statement. So you were right; he does have some sort of familiarity with you, too. Now, to figure out just how much.
"Have you been to a concert before? Or a fan-sign? Maybe you worked on the set of Hwarang?"
"None of those. I actually didn't listen to much of your music before recently, and I've never been to a concert or fan-sign. And I've never worked on any set before."
"You weren't a fan of BTS? Even though you applied to Big Hit?"
"Nope. Actually, my roommate Milo was the Bangtan superfan. I heard of you guys through her, and then of Big Hit. I applied because I wanted to live in Seoul. It's been my dream all my life. Big Hit just happened to have the job I wanted in the ideal location. Call it fate, I guess."
A half-truth, but it will have to do for now.
"I know. I remember. Your gut feeling."
You pause, your fingers halting mid-type. How did he already know about that? You hadn't mentioned it in either the group chat or in the earlier conversation. In fact, the only person you'd mentioned the gut feeling about Seoul to was—
"I have to go, sorry. I'll see you at the museum tomorrow. I think you know the way."
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The museum looks almost spooky after the sun begins to set over the buildings that touch the sky. Downtown Seoul is as beautiful as ever as the bright oranges and pastel pinks bathe the exteriors of each in brilliant colors. If it weren't for the thirty or so Big Hit employees rushing about, you might've stood at the entrance for much longer than thirty seconds.
But the moment you're on-scene, you go to work. One of the producers flags you down, offers a brief introduction, and tells you where to hide the English words.
"Have you seen what we did a few episodes back, eighty-seven and eighty-eight?" he asks, shoving a stack of stickers into your hands. "When we put Hangul all over the Oil Tank Culture Park?"
You shake your head, offering a sheepish smile. "I haven't...exactly watched too much 'Run.'"
The producer waves it off. "Just run around the building and stick these wherever you think seven boys may or may not find them. Feel free to go crazy. We have fifteen minutes to get everything set before filming starts. The boys should be here soon. So, go! Once you're done, come back here. While they're running around, you can help me with the grading system."
"Grading system?"
"They're going to make sentences with the words they find. Since you know English the best, you can award points to each word based on difficulty in using."
A smile spreads across your face. "Got it! Sounds fun."
You speed off into the museum, weaving past the sound and lighting crew that are attempting to set up. Several of the museum staff have also stayed behind to give guidance, and you're relieved that the boys and company have the entire building to themselves. This wouldn't be possible during daytime hours when the public is here.
You begin sticking several dozen stickers along the walls, on the frames of pieces of art, on the marble floor. Basically, anywhere you can reach. You cover the Van Gogh exhibit with difficult words like "effervescence" and "halcyon," along with colorful words like "lilac" and "vermilion."
The further into the building you move, the fewer and fewer people you see. Once you've passed the room of modern art and approach the Winged Victory of Samothrace, there's no one in sight. Down to your last few words, you slip into the dimmed hallway and turn the corner.
Winged Victory is just as you remember. Tall and beautiful and haunting. The statue is still so familiar to you. Looking at the base, you can almost see the body of the woman from your dream. Right before you and Taehyung started running for your lives, this was where a murder occurred.
You flinch at the memory of the blood, but something else inside you is pulling you out of the room and towards the fountain. Last time you saw it, you ran from the room and left the friendly acquaintance behind. Part of you wonders what he must've thought. Surely, you looked like you'd seen a ghost.
But you might as well have.
Your feet tip-toe on the marble. The boys have most certainly arrived, and the filming has started from the sound of it. Their crazed and excited laughter fills the echo-y halls. Seeing as there aren't any stickers this far into the museum, you take your chances and continue moving deeper in. The producer could wait just a few more minutes, couldn't he?
The last of the sunlight ricochets across each panel of glass in the dome ceiling, greeting you with shards of light skewed in every direction. Like fireflies dancing together, they bring an almost magical aura to the open space, one very different from the horrors of your nightmares. The columns are made of ever-moving fire, and the fountain is made of glittery stars.
As you stand in the doorway, your throat drys and tightens. Seeing this place again, no matter how different, brings back the memories you can't explain. Are they even memories? Surely, that has to be what they are. But from when or from whom, you can't explain. They're a requiem for someone you hardly know.
Does Taehyung know the answers? Does he know more than you about this event you keep playing over and over in your mind? He's been in your dreams ever since you were a child, as a version much older than you were then and even older than you are now. Who has just one dream their whole lives, unless the explanation is that he has that dream, too?
You shake your head at the absurdity of it all. "What am I doing here?" you murmur, running your hand through your hair.
"Are you okay?"
The deep voice behind you causes you to jump and spin, eyes wide as you spot a familiar face at the entrance to the fountain. Taehyung stands with his hands in the pockets of his pants, his head tilted as he observes you.
"Holy shit, don't sneak up on people!"
The brunet smirks a little and shrugs. "Didn't mean to, sorry. You were staring off into space and didn't even hear me walk down the hallway. And it's hard to be quiet on marble floors."
"God, sorry, I didn't mean to snap." You run your hands over your face. "This museum has...some strange memories for me. I thought coming back here would help, but I think I've made it worse."
"How do you mean? I thought you hadn't been to Seoul before?"
"I haven't. It's complicated." Your eyes flicker to the corridor behind him. "Where's your cameraman?"
"I ditched him, told him I was running off to the restroom. But I didn't see you anywhere, so I figured you'd be back here."
Eyebrows pulling together, you reply, "How'd you figure that?"
"Well, you seemed really freaked out last weekend. You ran out of here like a ghost was chasing you. I was honestly worried until I saw you at Big Hit the next day, and you seemed fine, so..."
He trails off, and the realization of his words hits you. "Wait...shit, were you the one I was talking to both times I visited here this week? The one in the hoodie and mask?"
Taehyung nods, though there's a tiny line between his brows that shows he's as confused as you are. "Yes? I thought you knew that from day one, when you spoke to me at the Van Gogh exhibit."
Shaking your head fervently, you spout, "No! Not at all. I had no idea, honest to god. I just thought you were shy or introverted or maybe had a tough time talking to girls. I never, ever thought you were..." You gesture to all of him.
His brown eyes widen as he steps closer and out of the doorway. "Wait, really? You had no idea."
He chuckles softly, turning to gaze at the fountain as the sunlight fades to soft blues of night. "I'd assumed you knew who I was. You were so open and friendly to a perfect stranger. I thought you'd recognized me."
"Not at all," you retort. "I was being nice and friendly because there was something about you that was so damn familiar. Kind of like this whole place, actually. I don't know. I can't explain it."
Taehyung nods and runs a hand through his curly locks. "I won't lie, there's something off about this place for me, too." He shifts his attention from the fountain to you. "You weren't lying about anything you said before, were you? About you being called to Seoul and not knowing why?"
You lock eyes with him as you reply, "I promise, everything I said was true."
"Then why did you run away?"
A heavy sigh slips out, and you sit down on the water fountain's edge. Looking into the water to your side, you run various ways to go about this disclosure. Blunt truth? A comforting lie? A bit of both?
"I've had this...nightmare, ever since I was a little girl. Ever since I could remember. It's always the same. I'm running for my life with someone I know that I care deeply about. We're trying to escape a murderer who's closing in behind us. He's just slaughtered one of our friends and he's coming for us."
You pause to take a breath, and Taehyung takes that pause to sit beside you. He doesn't say a word, only waist patiently for you to continue.
"We're eventually trapped. The man with me tells me to run while he distracts the murderer. Of course, I don't listen. There's a fight. We're both injured. And we both die."
There's a pregnant pause in the air before Taehyung hangs his head and murmurs, "That sounds horrible."
"I haven't told you everything," you reply. "I'm afraid I shouldn't...but what the hell." You gesture to the space around you. "In my dream, the entire thing is set here, in the Seoul Museum of Art. Our friend was killed at the base of Winged Victory. The fight happens among these columns. And the man and I, we die in this very fountain, bleeding out from gunshot wounds."
You turn to face the man beside you, seeing his eyes shift from his feet to yours as his head tilts slightly. "And every time, it's the same three people besides me. The same woman at the base of Winged Victory, the same murderer with a gun, the same man that this nightmare-version of me loves. I have no idea who the first two are..."
In your hesitation, Taehyung says, "But you know the last one."
Nodding, your knuckles turn white as you drip your knees. Here it goes. All or nothing. No turning back now.
"I do. He's—"
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Taglist — @just-call-me-trash-can​, @jaienn​
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sapphicambitions · 5 years
A Day in the Life of the Coldwater-Waughs (pt.1)
Part of the Happy Little Fantasy Series. Read on Ao3 here: (x).
Quentin usually wakes to the rising sun, always before Eliot, and today is no different. It’s a sleepy awakening, where the dawning light pulls him out of fuzzy dreams he doesn’t remember. It’s a warm awakening, with Quentin on his back and Eliot curled up into him and Eliot’s long arm draped across him. Eliot would never admit it, but he was such a cuddler. And he loved wrapping himself up in Quentin’s arms, feeling safe and warm. Quentin liked holding him, too, getting to provide a safe home for his lover after everything they’ve been through.
These thoughts are all way too emotional for a man that hasn’t had his first cup of coffee, so he presses a chaste kiss to Eliot’s forehead and slips out from underneath him. Eliot moans softly at the loss of his pillow and his pillow’s warmth, but it take two seconds for him to roll over onto his actual pillow and fall asleep again. Quentin lightly tucks their comforter over Eliot’s shoulders and watches the steady rise and fall of Eliot’s chest.
Quentin quietly shuts their bedroom door behind him, and is instantly greeted by Mini Margo-rita rubbing against his feet. He leans down and scratches behind her ears before allowing her to lead him to her food bowl. Just as needy as the real Margo , he thinks fondly while filling up the bowl with kitty kibble. He hasn’t talked to Margo in a while. Maybe he’ll send her a bunny and invite her to the barbecue they’re hosting this weekend. It’s for Quentin’s work, a bunch of agents, publishers, editors, and other book type people are coming over to celebrate Quentin landing an actual publishing deal.
He makes the mental note while he brushes his teeth and combs his hair. He’s got quite a bit of scruff going right now, but he resists the instinct to shave it off. He likes the change. Besides, Quentin is growing his hair long again, and the scruff looks good with the long hair. And he’s growing it out not because he’s hiding behind it anymore, but just because he likes the way it looks. He thinks it looks good in his little man bun and when it’s down it makes him look queer, and he likes expressing that part of himself. And he likes it with Eliot plays with it. And pulls it.  Today it goes up in the bun.
Quentin pulls out one of his nice button downs that Eliot got him and gets dressed for the day. He’s got a meeting with his publishing company this afternoon, so he wants to look sharp. And it’s a nice shirt, a sold forest green and a smooth material. He knows next to nothing about clothing, but Eliot always seems to get him the perfect clothing. (Except that one time he thought Quentin would look good in a beret. They don’t talk about that.)
Breakfast is next. Since Quentin normally got up before El, he normally made their morning meal. Not that he would trust Eliot to make it, anyway. Eliot is a fantastic cook when it comes to complex five star and five course meals that require expensive ingredients and are photograph worthy. Eliot can make food that would make professional chefs jealous, but he has no idea how to cook just like….normal food. Risotto? Check. Lobster? Done. Scrambled eggs and toast? Not a chance.
But that’s where Quentin excels.
As someone who has been dealing with depression for most of his life, Quentin knows how to make bare minimum meals taste amazing. There were points in his life where he could barely get out of bed, so feeding himself had to be as low effort as possible. As he’s gotten better over the years, he’s been able to take what he’s learned and improve it so that it’s better than undergrad dorm food. This means that he makes the world’s best mac and cheese and various breakfast foods.
This morning, Quentin puts his culinary skills to the test, for no other reason than….he wants to. He whips out the bacon, the sunny side up eggs, the toast, and the blueberries, just for the hell of it. He’s cooking up a whole spread of goodness when his sleepy husband stumbles into the kitchen. Eliot comes up behind Quentin and wraps his arms around him, resting his head on his husband’s shoulder and hums a good morning. Quentin laughs and entwines one hand with Eliot’s and uses the other to keep poking the bacon.
“You woke up to the bacon smell, didn’t you?” Quentin says, and Eliot makes an agreement noise. Eliot couldn’t (wouldn’t?) speak until he had his first cup of coffee for the day, so most mornings were practically one sided conversations in the most adorable way. “Your coffee is on the counter, El,” Quentin whispers, nuzzling back into his love. Eliot makes a noise of excitement and appreciation. He squeezes Quentin’s hand three times (“I love you”) before letting him go and groggily going over to the coffee.
There’s a comfortable silence in the kitchen as Eliot sits at their island and Quentin dishes up their breakfast. He takes his seat next to Eliot and they eat. Eliot hums his approval of the food, and Quentin responds by brushing hair out of Eliot’s face. It’s a small moment shared between them, but one that strikes Quentin in the chest with a happy little twinge. If you had told him ten years ago that he would be a Magician cooking breakfast for his husband , he would have laughed. Magic being real? A life of domesticity? Someone good and true loving him? It all sounds too good to be true, like a happy little fantasy. But now, this was his reality. His normal. And he wouldn’t trade it for the world, because it is his world.
“Are you still good for dinner tonight with Julia?” Quentin asks while popping a blueberry in his mouth. Eliot hums a positive response through a bite of toast and Quentin nods.
“Today is our Sunday Lunch at the shelter,” Eliot speaks for the first time this morning.
“Right. Need me to be there?” Quentin asks, and Eliot shakes his head.
“No, I don’t think so. You got the paper plates at the store the other day, right?”
“Yeah, they’re in the living room next to the couch,”
Eliot sips his coffee. Quentin cuts into his eggs.
Quentin chuckles to himself. Eliot raises an eyebrow.
“It’s just….” Quentin says, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards, “Five years ago, we were worried about the fate of the world. And now…” He shrugs, and the smile becomes more prominent. “I gotta say, I like this better,”
“Someone’s feeling nostalgic today,” Eliot comments, pointing his fork.
“Damn right,” Quentin swoops in and gives Eliot a quick peck before clearing his dishes to sink. “I gotta go if I’m gonna make it to my meeting on time,” Quentin begins putting away the mess in the kitchen, but Eliot waves his hand.
“I’ll take care of it, Q. You cooked, I’ll clean,” Eliot shoves the last bit of bacon down before clearing his own dishes to the sink while Quentin grabs his jacket and keys. “What time is dinner tonight? Seven?”
“Yeah, but I’ll be home before then,” Quentin slings his messenger bag over his shoulder.
Eliot leans in to kiss Quentin deeply before he leaves, not letting him get away with one little peck. Eliot’s gonna kiss his husband right before sending him off into the world. Quentin rubs his thumb on Eliot’s check and they grin at each other the way they do when it’s early in the morning and neither of them are fully awake. Eliot’s heart flutters at the love in Quentin’s eyes. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get over it.
Quentin pulls away and heads towards their magic door to New York City.
“Peaches!” He calls over his shoulder (“I love you.”)
“Plums!” Eliot calls back. (“I love you, too.”)
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markgallacher · 6 years
A week before my best friend M– died, I had a dream where I was travelling somewhere with unidentified friends. We were flying somewhere and the last call for the boarding gate was announced over the public announcement system. But we were not at an airport; we were in Glasgow Central Station. The boarding gate was behind some sort of large internal building structure that was accessed through a small walkway. My companions had reached the walkway. They briefly called to me before they moved on with their hand luggage. I knew where to go - just over there. Over there. But the floor was polished and it curved. I kept slipping and trying to stand up. An alarm began to sound, like the sound effect from the LOST TV series, its volume and frequency increasing. I repeatedly tried to get my footing and then despair hit me, as I knew I wasn’t going to make it. I WASN’T GOING TO MAKE IT! – and then I woke up.
A week later, M– was dead. He was 46 years old. It had taken cancer two years to kill him.
M–’s illness started with terrible pain in his arm that turned out to be lung cancer – a tumour creeping from the top of his lung into the plexus of nerves near his neck. The doctors eventually managed to kill that tumour, but not before the cancer had metastasised to his liver. The cancer was aggressive. Eventually M– had tumours other places and his liver was gone. Along the way, he suffered all the physical distress, mental anguish and humiliation a fatal disease and its treatment can bring to bear on one person. It says something about the man that in those two years, he married, visited Germany, France and Italy. He renovated a house in the country in Denmark, went to music festivals, applied for citizenship for him and his kids, and kept his family and friends from total despair. I don’t know if he kept despair at bay for himself. I sometimes imagined he was like a boxer on the ropes in the 11th. Heroic and slowly failing in that cruel light. I imagined he was agile enough so that the worst of it failed to land the knockout blow. But there were callous uppercuts that hurt. The bell was never going to sound. And though we tried to hide it, there were gasps and anguished moans from the darkened stands, our distance to the ring dictated by the bonds that bind, the circumstances of our lives or just by how much suffering at close quarters we could stand.
It says a lot about M– that he threw a small party for his close friends two months before he died - when he knew he would die in a matter of months. There were seven of us. It was an idyllic summer in Denmark. Record-breaking summer days. Sunsets and sunrises ablaze. Time slow and lazy like a slack river. M– made a speech beforehand; we were gathered around the kitchen worktop where he was preparing the meal. He told us the end was coming and there was nothing we could do about it. He wasn’t upset about his mortality. He was really upset about leaving his wife and children behind. But he had lived a fuller life than most. He’d seen the world. And he was lucky that it would be the liver that would go first. He’d fall into a coma and not wake up. Not the worst way to go. No pain. ‘Now,’ he said voice strong. ‘Let’s have a party.’ And that’s what we did. Just laughter, wine, seafood, good music and those strange floating smiles people make when they are immensely happy and their hearts are breaking at the same time.
Just weeks before he died, M– took his wife and kids to Italy. In the photographs, he looks like a healthy, happy father. He does not look like a man who is dying and who will die very soon. Planned as a last trip with his kids, he was forced to cut the holiday short because basically, his body was done. But not his mind. Not yet.
Still, pain, meds, exhaustion. When he came back, the sense that things would go fast.
M– left a 13-year-old daughter, an 11-year-old son, a widow who’d only met him four years ago, his parents, a sister, an ex-wife and mother to his children who’d known him for 25 years, near friends, far friends, work associates and all those people who couldn’t help but like him. Circles of loss of decreasing intensity, expanding out from his disrupted timeline.
Fate so cruel, you wanted to throw rocks at it.
I had told M– repeatedly we would grow old together. Our sons would drive us to some cosy café where we would drink expensive beers in late afternoon sunshine and take satisfaction from our ordinary lives, discuss all the books we had read, the movies we had seen together. Then at some point, one of our sons would come back and drive us home. When M– was first diagnosed with cancer, I told him that I had written a letter of complaint and mailed it. He asked me for the address. M– told me about some of the treatment choices he was having to make. ‘Hard-core decisions,’ he called them. He was still defiant then. Angry. ‘Fuck cancer.’ There was no question of his dying. Two years later at 2 am at that last party, I embraced my friend and asked him how much time did he want – take it from me. A week, a month, two years. It’s yours. ‘I’ll take as much as you can spare,’ he said and smiled wanly. One by one, we were all embracing M– .
But now when I look back to those moments, I think the giving was all the other way.
In the days after his death, it’s me asking M– for strength. FB pictures, text messages, Messenger threads, brief smartphone film clips. Nothing is banal. All of it is rendered precious, poignant. It has become prophetic. Digital ghosts haunting my grief-stricken now. Even his music playlists take on significance that takes the breath away. Why’d he have to pick that song Waiting’ Around To Die? The desperate search for one more recording I’ve never seen or heard. One more message. One more SMS. One more digital illusion. In those first days after his death, I desperately followed M–’s stats: It’s now been 24 hours since M– logged onto FB. It’s now been three days since he played a song on Spotify. Months since his last SMS. A world ago since his last post on Messenger. I was aware that I could be losing my mind. That I actually believed, I was going to find a Ted Talk from Beyond the Grave delivered by M–.
For days, I hunted down pictures of M–. In many of them, he looks over his shoulder at the camera, easy smile, glass of wine, preparing a meal or about to speak.
The strange compulsion that you could travel back in time. Send a warning.
You could map M–’s decline by the frequency of my visits. Once every couple of weeks. Once a week. Once every three days. M–’s last week went fast. His life force seemed like a country-sized shelf of ice that threatening to cleave for two years, cleaves from the main body. His last hours a drift of coma and delirium, watched over by his wife and nurse. I visited him on what turned out to be his last Monday. He said how tired he was. I visited him on the last Wednesday, he could still hold a conversation but he was like a man behind a waterfall. I wasn’t always sure if I was only seeing the shape of him. His mind submerged, sank, and came back again, paler than before. Like the fading light in the gathering darkness of a coming storm. When I drove back home, my heart broke. I wept for M– and his wife and children. And I wept for myself because I was losing my best friend.
On the last Friday, I asked my wife to drive out with me, afraid I would not be able to drive back. M– refused to see us, his wife tearful at the door, with some boxes of old children’s toys and clothes we were to take to the charity shop. She couldn’t stand at the door for long. M– could not be left alone. Not now. We heard him call her name.
He died about midnight that Sunday.
I miss my friend.
- September 2018
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authoralicesprings · 8 years
Twilight’s Love Volume One: It Begins
by Stormbringer
         PROLOGUE: The Skein of Time
There are many parts of my youth that I'm not proud of. There were... loose threads - untidy parts of me that I would like to remove.  But when I... pulled on one of those threads - it unraveled the tapestry of my life.
         -Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation; Episode: Tapestry.
It’s theorized that with each decision we make, it may split the fabric of space-time.  So one version goes off under the first choice and a second goes on the other.  An infinite multiverse of universes.
This story starts the Friday before Magical Mystery Cure.  We all know Twilight would receive Star Swirl the Bearded’s spell book on Sunday  night.  The one containing his unfinished ‘Master Piece’. Twilight would inadvertently switch her friends’ cutie marks and it would take all her power, knowledge, skill and friendship to restore her friends and ultimately finish Star Swirl’s spell.  
Doing so, the Elements of Harmony would project Twilight to a plane of magic. There she’d be met by Princess Celestia who’d initialize the process of elevating Twilight from a Unicorn to an Alicorn Princess.  
Yadda, yadda, yadda!  
They dance, they kiss, they schmooze, they carry on, they go home happy.  
And the rest is, as they say, history.
What if Twilight wasn’t home that fateful Sunday night?  What if there was a choice that split reality into two versions?  The one we all know and an alternate one.
We’ll follow the choice less known and see where it might’ve lead.
We find when we do the smallest of things; such as going left when you’d normally go right, having the soup instead of the salad or deciding to take the chance  nopony would’ve expected you to ever do.  These can change our lives and the lives of those around us in ways which can only be imagined.
This alternate is history based on two ponies doing just that….
‘Time is like bread,’ said Dahood.  ‘The loaf of bread is the shape it is because it has been formed and baked.  The shape was chosen by the baker.  
That’s the past, unchangeable.  
But the future is like the dough unbaked.  It’s still bread, but it has yet to be shaped and will not be shaped until the baker is ready to bake it.  At that time the baker will choose the shape based on what has happened up to then.  Everything is there that can happen.  But the slightest thing can change the future.’
‘Do you always speak in metaphor my friend?’ thought Zecora with a smile.
‘Yes,’ said Dahood, Zecora could feel his smile, ‘it makes me sound wise.’
-Dialogue between Zecora and her spirit guide From: The Derpy I Know And Love Volume 4; Part Two, Chapter Seven: Echoes Of The Past And Present - By Stormbringer
PART ONE: A Lonely Mare
It was like any other Friday night in Ponyville for Twilight and her friends.  They occupied their favorite table at the Golden Cider Trough Pub.  As always, they started their drinks and laughs together, but one by one some stallion would ask somepony to dance, then another, then another until they were all dancing or sitting at another table talking with some other pony.  
That is, all but Twilight.
Twilight was nursing her glass of wine slowly; she didn’t want to get too distracted and have her Friday night cry start before she got home.  She’d always hope that her one dream would come true and she could laugh and dance and leave with the pony of her dreams.  But time after time, it wasn’t to be.  But she continued to come on these Friday nights so she could interact with her friends…
But most of the time it hurt.  
Twilight looked out at the gathering, watching her friends and what they were doing.  Then she let her attention go back to her glass.  Somehow, this was the hardest part of now having close friends.
‘Perhaps, when I get another glass of wine,’ thought Twilight, ‘I’ll go sit with Mini, Bon-Bon and Lyra.’
Rarity was in the corner sitting with the artist Claude Ponet.  They were laughing and holding hooves.
Fluttershy was sitting with AJ’s cousin Red Delicious.  They were talking low and blushing.
Pinkie Pie had left earlier with Davenport, the pony from the Quill and Sofa shop.
AJ was on the dance floor.  There were several stallions vying for her attention.  From her smile, she was well aware of this.
Rainbow Dash was making time with Dr. Time-Turner Hooves.  After several drinks, some dancing and small talk, Rainbow was sure Time-Turner was going to be one lucky stallion this evening:
“So Time-Turner, let me go to the ‘Little Filly’s Room’ and then we can blow this haysicle stand.  We can have a few drinks at your place and talk about, whatever pops up,” said Rainbow with a look in her eyes and a hoof on his hind leg, almost to his crotch which told Time-Turner he was hearing what he wanted to hear.
But just as Rainbow was returning from the bathroom, a messenger pony walked up to Time-Turner’s table and levitated a note to him.
As Rainbow got back to the table, Time-Turner was getting up, he looked sheepish.  
“I’m sorry Rainbow,” apologized the stallion, “there’s an emergency and I’m needed right away.  Can I get a ‘rain check’ on those drinks?”
Rainbow, extremely disappointed, just nodded her head.
Time-Turner kissed her on the cheek and left.
Rainbow cursed under her breath and was about to leave.  To get this aroused and then to be left cold meant another evening with a bottle of whisky and ‘rosy hoof’.  She was about to head to the door when she noticed Twilight hadn’t moved from the same spot as when they started.
‘Come to think about it,’ thought Rainbow, ‘I don’t remember Twi ever talking, dancing and most certainly never leaving with anypony.  Maybe she’ll go and sit with Minuette, Bon-Bon and Lyra but that’s all.’
Rainbow looked at the door, then back to her friend.  A friend she couldn’t think of any time she wasn’t there when Rainbow needed her.  Twilight was looking at her wineglass.  Was that a tear Rainbow saw rolling down Twilight’s cheek?
It was decided; Rainbow’s ‘pity party’ could wait.  She had to check on Twilight.
As Rainbow approached the table, Twilight looked up and smiled, in fact her entire face brightened up.
“I thought you were with Time-Turner,” said Twilight.
“He got called away,” replied Rainbow with a chuckle, “just when it was about to be his lucky day.”
Twilight blushed and appeared to be a bit disappointed then looked back at her glass.
“What’s eatin’ ya?” asked Rainbow, “we come here almost every week and I can’t think of once when you’ve talked or danced or left with any stallion.”
Twilight blushed even more.  Then a thought hit Rainbow.
“You’ve never been with a stallion, have you?”
Twilight, still looking at her wineglass, weakly shook her head to say she hadn’t.
“Is that all?” asked Rainbow. “You afraid of the first time?  It really isn’t that bad, and it’s worth it in the end.”
Twilight looked up at her friend.
“That’s not it.”
“Then what?” asked Rainbow sitting down across from her friend, “I’ve seen several stallions come by to talk to you almost every night.  But they don’t stay long, even Fluttershy ‘gets lucky’.  Are you afraid of getting involved?”
“No,” said Twilight, her eyes becoming misty.
“Then tell me what it is,” pleaded Rainbow, “you’re my best friend.  I want to help.”
Rainbow reached out a hoof and placed it on Twilight’s.
Twilight looked at Rainbow’s hoof then into the crimson eyes of the Pegasus.  Twilight was deciding if she really wanted to let Rainbow know the truth.  How would she react to the truth?  If she reacted negatively then all her hopes…
Her world would be crushed.  
Twilight decided she had to share at least some of it or she'd never know.
Twilight’s horn glowed for a moment, a book appeared in front of her, and she pushed it to Rainbow.
“This is currently my favorite book.” Said Twilight.
The cover had two mares seated at a café table; they were drinking wine and laughing.  It was surprising to Rainbow that Twilight’s favorite book was a paperback.  What wasn’t surprising was Rainbow didn’t recognize the title or author.  She did notice there were several places pages were folded in to mark passages.  
Rainbow drew back her hoof and took the book.  It was counter to her nature but she reasoned this could have her answer so she opened the book to one of the marked passages and started to read.
It was a shock to Rainbow, it wasn’t the type of book she thought Twilight would own, much less read.  It was what ponies would call a ‘Trashy Love Novel’.  
More surprisingly the passage was about a mare having passionate love made to her.  It described in extreme detail what her lover was doing to her.  To tell the truth, it was getting Rainbow more than a little aroused.  
Then she realized something; she turned back a page before the marked section and reread the passage.  
The mare’s lover was another mare.
Rainbow looked back at Twilight, there were tears in Twilight‘s eyes.
“Are you saying you’re a mare-lover?” asked Rainbow.
Twilight looked away to hide the tears which were flowing, she nodded her head weakly.
“Is that all?  It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” said Rainbow.  “Listen, I’ve heard it said there are at least ten mares for every one stallion in Equestria.  With those statistics, there’s no reason a single mare can’t seek out the company of another mare.
Look at your friends Bon-Bon and Lyra Heartstrings over there in the corner.  Everypony knows they’ve been a couple since they graduated school.  
And there’re plenty of mares here every night by themselves.  Just go and strike up a conversation.  You’ll find out fast enough if they’re interested or not.  I could even help make some introductions if you’re unsure at first.  I know for certain Sea Swirl and Candy Mane share your tastes.  I’m not the best judge of it but I think they’re a couple of fairly attractive mares.”
“I do appreciate what you’re saying Rainbow,” said Twilight, “but it isn’t that easy.”
“What then?” asked Rainbow, starting to get frustrated.
“I’m in love with a pony who I know isn’t a mare-lover, I’ve been in love with her for a long time now,” said Twilight, “you know the old saying;
There’s nothing sadder than unrequited love.”
“Un-re-what’d love?” asked Rainbow.
“Unrequited, it’s when a pony loves another pony and the pony doesn’t know it or doesn’t care,” said Twilight.
“That stinks,” said Rainbow, “tell me who she is and I’ll have words with her.”
“No Rainbow,” said Twilight looking back at her glass, “she has no idea and I’ve never tried to let her know how I feel.  Plus I have no idea how she’d react.”
“Hey,” said Rainbow, “an open-minded single mare probably wouldn’t care if she was being approached by another mare.  Heck, with the mare to stallion ratio, she might be happy that somepony was interested in her.”
Twilight got a ‘far away’ look on her face.
“Sometimes I lay awake at night just thinking of her.  I start wishing I could hold her hoof in public, kiss her without caring what pony might be around.  A pony I’d want to take back to the library and we’d do the things in the book.  
Those nights I just cry myself to sleep.”
Twilight started to have tears flow, she looked deep into Rainbow’s eyes and she started to reach a hoof out to Rainbow.
“I truly, truly love y...
Uh, her.”
Twilight cleared her throat as she thought what to say next.
“Until now, my family and Princess Celestia are the only other ponies I’ve told.”
“Do they know who the pony is?”
“What do they suggest?”
“Princess Celestia says to tell her and that way I’ll know if there is any chance or if I should move on.”
Rainbow thought about it while Twilight went back to looking at her glass.
“Listen Twi, it isn’t going to get any easier or better until you approach this mare and tell her.  
Promise me you’ll say something to her tomorrow.  I’ll drop by later in the evening to see what happened.  I’ll be there for you,” Rainbow stopped and got that roguish smile of hers.
“That is unless I’ll be interrupting anything.”
“I... I don’t know,” stammered Twilight.
“Promise me this.  As your best friend, do this for me.”
Twilight thought a moment.  There was no way she could do this.  
What if she failed?  What if she was laughed at?  Or worse, what if the mare became angry and never talked to her again?  She’d never be able to face anypony in Ponyville again.  She might as well pack up and move to Saddle Arabia or Tim-Buck-Too.
Twilight looked at Rainbow.  
“I…” said Twilight, about to tell Rainbow she couldn’t promise.  
Twilight got the strangest feeling as if this decision was the most important decision of her life.  
Then something clicked; circumstances might have given her this one and only chance.  A chance at a life with the love and happiness she’d always hoped for.  Or at least the knowledge it was only just a dream and she’d have to take the princess’ advice and move on.
Twilight knew she could never go back on a promise to her friends, especially to her best friend Rainbow Dash.  This was the motivation she’d been looking for.  
She realized this was stepping way outside of her Comfort Zone.  But she reflected that her Comfort Zone was filled with tears, lonely nights and yearning for love.  
Where was the comfort in that Comfort Zone?
The Comfort Zone be damned, she had to try at least once.
Twilight drank down her glass of wine and nodded her head.
“I… I promise Rainbow,” said Twilight weakly, she looked up at Rainbow and smiled a bit.
“That’s my girl,” said Rainbow.  
Rainbow gave Twilight a hug and left.  
Twilight watched as Rainbow left the pub; she let out a deep sigh.  But she then broke out in a cold sweat as she realized what she’d just promised.  
But her fear was quickly checked and became a thrill of what might happen.  A happiness she longed for.  A happiness she deserved.
“I’ll do it,” Twilight said out loud to herself.
Twilight got up, ordered another glass of wine and was soon sitting with and laughing with Minuette, Lyra and Bon-Bon.
She smiled knowing if nothing else, she wouldn’t be crying herself to sleep this Friday night.
PART TWO: A Confused Mare
Rainbow went home and got ready for bed.  Her talk with Twilight had driven away all the sexual frustration she’d experienced with Time-Turner taking off on her.  
Knowledge that she’d had pretty much had any colt she wanted in the past put into perspective just how lucky she was when she thought about her best friend’s dilemma.  
Rainbow like sex a lot, it was just her nature.  But she realized it was more recreation than relationship.  And that a relationship was what Twilight was wanting.  Somehow, it made her sad to know her friend was hurting such, but a little sad for herself that she too lacked this in her life as well.  It put into perspective how alone she was, even surrounded with friends.  And the ‘fun’ of sex appeared, in this light, an empty pursuit.
She was content now to just turn in and do some reading.  She was reading the newest Daring Do book, Daring Do and the Path to Elysium.  This time her book gave her odd dreams.  In her dream she was Daring Do as usual (or in her case, Daring Dash).  She’d found an ancient scroll in a prehistoric tomb which showed a secret path to a Utopian valley deep in the Crystal Mountains.  It was said that the ultimate treasure was hidden there.
It was an arduous and exhausting trip.  Pitfalls were everywhere.  Along the way, there were  stallions who said they were there to help her, only to find they were out for what they could get from her, physically.  And they didn’t care how they got it.  Daring Dash had to fight for more than just her life.  What had been fun in the past, she didn’t like at all in this context.  The few that overcame her left her feeling shame, soiled and empty.  Her heart and soul were hurting.  It was worse than the vicious tribes of Hottentrots that were trying to catch and eat her.  
But every time she overcame any obstacle, there Twilight Sparkle would be waiting, dressed all in white.  Twilight would try to take her hoof and tell her to come with her, that there was an easier way to true happiness.  But Rainbow, like most of the time Twilight would try to instruct her, just passed on by, never knowing why her decision each time made her that much more sad.
After many trials and tribulations, and almost to the end of her endurance, Daring Dash eventually found the hidden valley; it was dominated by a modest temple.  Entering the temple, she was surprised; it was immaculately clean, there were no booby-traps, no hidden trapdoors, no deadfall traps.  Not even the obligatory mass of spider webs.  
(Why did it always have to be spiders!)
There were no diamond idols on gold altars.  
The was only one thing there.  
Illuminated by torch light and the moon streaming in through an opening in the roof, was a simple bed.  Reclined on the bed was a pony, Twilight Sparkle, still in white.  Who upon seeing Rainbow smiled the most angelic of smiles.
“Blessed are you at overcoming all your obstacles.  You’re tired and weary, but the rest from your labors is at hoof.  You’ve earned the greatest reward life can give you,” said Twilight.
“What’s that?” asked Daring Dash.  She was imagining riches beyond measure.  But what Twilight said next touched an emptiness deep inside her.
“Your soulmate,” said Twilight with a smile, “me, I’m yours forever, my beloved.”
Twilight changed form, she was now an immortal Alicorn but so was Rainbow.
Twilight held out her forelegs, her aura drew Rainbow to herself and she embraced Rainbow kissing her with great passion.  
The kissing led to the greatest love making session Rainbow had ever dreamed.  Rainbow had dreamed about sex before, but never like this.  It was so real, so detailed, and with a mare.  But there was ecstasy beyond description.  
The dream started to fade, but it didn’t entirely go away like other dreams.
Rainbow awoke from the dream;
“Twilight?” said Rainbow reaching a hoof out to the other side of the bed, half expecting Twilight to be in bed with her, she was even disappointed that Twilight wasn’t.  
Never had one of her Daring Do dreams go anything like this.  She was actually deeply disheartened that it was just a dream.
Usually her Daring Do dreams ended in riches, adulation and slave stallions which served her fore and hind hoof.  However she, at the deepest level, was more moved and aroused by this dream than any she could remember.  So much so, she wasn’t sure if it excited her that much or she’d wet the bed.
It really disturbed her; she’d never had a friend’s troubles bother her to this level.  Nor had she ever dreamt of one of her friends like this...
Especially like this.  
It was all Rainbow could do to get ready for the day without thinking of her dream.  The dream still wasn’t fading like other dreams had.  
She could still feel the touch of Twilight, her warmth and passion.  She could feel Twilight’s tongue in her own marehood.  Rainbow could still smell the wonderful aroma of Twilight’s body, the taste of her lips, and of Twilight’s marehood.
Rainbow decided she needed help, ‘professional’ help.  There was only one pony for the job.
Rainbow Dash wasn’t a romantic.  She knew what she liked and had no problem expressing it.  But this called for a real ‘swept off her hooves and carried away’ romantic.  
That pony was Rarity.  
Rainbow had some chores to take care of as far as the weather went.  It was early afternoon when she was done.  Then after a quick shower she headed to Carousel Boutique.  
Rainbow was met at the door by a still somewhat bedraggled Rarity; apparently she’d had a long and eventful night and had only come home recently.  Rarity invited Rainbow in and excused herself to make herself presentable.  
They were now at Rarity’s kitchen table drinking tea.
“So what’s the important matter Darling?” asked the white Unicorn.
“Rare, I need advice of the heart.  I need sensitivity and I’m not the pony for the job,” said Rainbow.
Rarity was intrigued; anything to do with affairs of the heart would always capture Rarity’s attention.
“Things getting deep with Time-Turner?” said Rarity with a smile.
“For once, what I have to say isn’t about me,” said Rainbow with a smile.
Both ponies chuckled.
“I need to talk to somepony about this so I can help a friend.  But I need you to swear you won’t say anything to anypony.”
“I swear to be silent,” said Rarity, it sounded like it was going to be juicy.
“Pinkie Pie swear.”
Rarity giggled.
“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” said Rarity, going through the motions.
“It’s Twilight,” said Rainbow nervously, “I asked her last night why she just sits at our table on Friday nights and never mingle with stallions, when there are plenty of stallions who ask her.”
“Well of course she doesn’t silly,” said Rarity with another giggle, “Twilight is a mare-lover.”
At that moment, you could have knocked Rainbow over with one of her smallest pinfeathers.
“Twi said she’d never told anypony other than her family and the princess.”
“She didn’t have to,” said Rarity.  “As you said, she’s never with any stallion.  When not at the library reading or studying, she hangs out with five mares.  And when not with one or all us, she’s having tea with Minuette or over spending time with Bon-Bon and Lyra at Bon-Bon's sweet shop.  
I don’t think our friend is a stallion hater, but she’s defiantly more comfortable around mares.
You may not have noticed, but I’ve seen on occasion she’ll drop her guard and checks out some mare’s flanks as they pass, one mare in particular.”
“Who’s the mare?” asked Rainbow, “all Twilight’s told me is she’s suffering from un-reacquainted love.  But she wouldn’t tell me who the mare is, only that she isn’t a mare-lover.”
“Unrequited love Darling,” said Rarity with a giggle, “I didn’t know it was to that level.  Perhaps I should say something to her.”
“No,” said Rainbow, “I don’t want her to know I talked to you... Just yet.  I did offer to help her make an introduction but she declined.”
“I can understand that,” said Rarity.  
Rainbow just looked questioningly at Rarity but continued.
“But she told me the princess had told her she needed to say something to the pony to see if there was anything there or she could know to move on.”
“Good advice, but that goes without saying, coming from the princess.”
“I did get her to promise me she’d say something to the pony today,” said Rainbow, starting to think she may have pushed too hard.  
“I told her I’d drop by this evening to see how it went.  I’m about to go over there now.”
“Really?  She really promised?  That’s great,” said Rarity, “but I must warn you to be prepared you might get an answer you aren’t ready for.”
Then Rarity got an odd gleam in her eye.
“Rainbow Darling,” said Rarity getting up from the table, “before you go, would you give me your opinion of something?”
“Of course Rare,” said the blue Pegasus.
Rarity left the kitchen and Rainbow heard Rarity go upstairs to her living quarters, she returned soon levitating a small atomizer.
“This is a new perfume I just acquired in Canterlot;” said Rarity, “tell me what you think of it.”
Before Rainbow could tell Rarity she wasn’t the pony to make a judgement on such things, Rarity sprayed a small amount of the flowery smelling stuff on either side of Rainbow’s neck.
“Hey!” exclaimed Rainbow.
“What do you think, Darling?”
“I think I smell like Lilly, Rose and Daisy’s flower shop,” said Rainbow annoyed, “but I guess it smells nice.”
“Good,” said Rarity, “well, you’ve a job to do.  If you need any help, just let me know.”
Just then, Spike came in the room.
“I got all the bolts of cloth sorted, My Lady,” said the smitten dragon bowing.
“What’s with Spike?” asked Rainbow.
“Oh, Spikey-Poo was sent by Twilight to give me a hoof with some of my chores.  She asked if he could stay the night here."
Spike smiled as Rarity tussled the spikes on top of the little dragon’s head.
“Something about an important guest,” said Spike.
“Good,” said Rainbow; “maybe she did what she promised.”
Rainbow turned to leave, so she didn’t see the large knowing smile on Rarity’s face.
Rainbow flew the short distance to the library.  The lights were low and the closed sign was on the door.  Rainbow knocked and Twilight was there immediately to let her in.
“You’re here!” said Twilight excited.  She hugged Rainbow a very friendly hug, Rainbow thought she could feel a little tremor in Twilight’s embrace.  Then Twilight remarked, “you smell really nice Rainbow.”
“Oh that, Rarity sprayed me with some of her perfume to see what I thought of it.”  Said Rainbow, almost embarrassed.
“Well I like it,” said Twilight with a blush, “it kind of suites you.”
It was Rainbow’s turn to blush.
“I hope you haven’t eaten,” said Twilight, “I was about to eat and there’s plenty.”
“That’d be good,” said Rainbow knowing how good a cook Twilight was, “we can eat and talk about what you did today.”
Twilight blushed a little more and led Rainbow to the kitchen eating area.  The lights were dim, the table was set for two and there was wine and candles on the table.
“Oh,” said Rainbow with a smirk; “you were expecting somepony I see.  I’ll just go.”
“NO!” said Twilight almost panicked, “no Rainbow, it’s alright.  Please join me.”
They sat at the table and ate.  The meal was what Rainbow hoped Twilight would serve when she and her friends were invited over to dinner, Eggplant and Cheese Lasagna.  There was a salad, fruit and the wine was from Celestia’s own private stock.  
Twilight made small talk, but every time Rainbow tried to bring up the subject of Twilight approaching the mare in question, she was told to enjoy the meal and they’d talk about that later.  
The meal was great, when done Twilight suggested they take the wine into the front room to talk.  When there, Twilight levitated a coffee table in front of a sofa.  The wine and glasses settled on it.  With another glow of Twilight’s horn, the lights dimmed and the fire in the fireplace lit.  Twilight motioned to the sofa and Rainbow sat down.
“Is it okay if I sit with you Rainbow?” asked Twilight timidly.
“Of course Twi.” Said Rainbow slightly amused Twilight would even ask.
Twilight sat close, not too close.
Twilight levitated the wine and filled their glasses; they sipped the excellent wine for a few moments.  As Rainbow was about to ask, Twilight broke the silence.
“Did I make the meal to your liking?” asked Twilight, “I made it just for you; I know it’s your favorite.”
“It was very good, thank you,” said Rainbow.  “Are you stalling or do you not want to talk about what you promised?”
Twilight looked down and fidgeted her hind hooves.
“Rainbow,” said Twilight, “I haven’t done what I’ve promised... Just yet.  It isn’t easy for me.  
The mare I’ve spoken of, I’ve been attracted to since the first day I arrived here.  I didn’t try to do anything about it because I thought I was going to be leaving the next day.  But as I got to know her, I started to become even more attracted to her but yet intimidated, she represents everything I’m not.  
Then when I got to stay here and I thought there might be a chance to get to be with her.  But as time went by, I grew closer to her, but as a friend.  However, I’ve always hoped I’d be able to tell her one day just how deeply I truly care for her and how much she’s meant to me.”
Twilight took a large swallow of wine, and then looked at Rainbow.
“But tonight will be the night.”
“You really should Twi.” Said Rainbow, she drained her wine and started to get up.  “So I’ll go and let you do it,”
Twilight looked at Rainbow, took her hoof and gently sat her back down.  She continued to hold Rainbow’s hoof.  There were tears in her eyes.
“What’s wrong?” asked Rainbow.
Twilight looked deep into the beautiful crimson eyes of the blue Pegasus.  
Rainbow saw something she’d seen only once before, it was the same look Twilight gave her at the end of her dream.  
Twilight took a deep breath.
                             I’m in love with you Rainbow, I’ve been in love with you since we first met.”
Rainbow was in a complete state of shock.  She suddenly realized the signs were all there and she’d blindly (or more likely, stupidly) missed every one of them:  
The closeness that Twilight tried to maintain between them, always being there for Rainbow at a moment’s notice.
The talk at the bar, especially when Twilight was reaching out and started to say:
‘I truly, truly love y… uh her’,
‘You! She was going to say You, you thick headed mare!’ Rainbow’s inner mind was chastising herself.  ‘What’d you think she was going to say?  Yogurt?’
Rarity’s hints, and not wanting to disclose who the mare was and her remark:
‘I must warn you to be prepared you might get an answer you aren’t ready for’.
The special candlelight dinner.  
Even her dream was telling her this.
‘Why is my inner self so much smarter than my outer self?’ thought Rainbow.
The greater shock was when Twilight embraced Rainbow and gently pulled her closer then passionately kissed her.
Rainbow wasn’t ready for this and wasn’t sure what to do.  Never the less, Rainbow felt as if she was in her dream again.  She was returning the kiss and matching the passion, it was better than the end of her dream because it was real.  Rainbow never experienced a kiss like this before.  There was an honest wholesome hunger she’d never felt before, not lust, but love.  It didn’t matter if a mare was delivering the kiss; it was the most awesome kiss ever.  
Twilight definitely knew what the tongue was for, Rainbow found no fault with her technique.  
After a moment, Twilight broke the kiss and looked at Rainbow, she was breathing deeply and her face was beaming.  But a shadow fell over it when Twilight saw the look of shock return to Rainbow’s face.  
Twilight took it as a bad sign.  Her fragile heart lost all hope and broke right there.
“I’m so sorry!” said Twilight starting to cry.  She couldn’t even look at Rainbow.
“Twilight,” called Rainbow, not sure what she was going to say next as Twilight got up and bolted up the stairs.  
Rainbow was left there more confused than ever.  
Something in Rainbow was telling her to be her normal self and leave now!  
                   Get out!  
                             Don’t get involved!
Sensitivity was never her strong suit.  Rainbow was sure it would be doing Twilight a favor to leave; all she’d do is make things worse.  
Rainbow told herself Twilight would have a good cry and come to the realization it was all some silly crush or fantasy.  It’d vanish with the light of day, Twilight would quickly get over it and they’d share a laugh in the morning.  
Rainbow stood up and headed to the door.
As she stood before the door, ready to open it and take to the sky, she heard Twilight crying; crying loud enough to be heard clearly down here.  Then she remembered what she had said to Twilight just the previous night.  
Were her own words coming back to ‘bite’ her?
‘Hey, an open-minded single mare probably wouldn’t care if she was being approached by another mare.  Heck, with the mare to stallion ratio, she might be happy that somepony was interested in her.’
As she looked back to the stairs, her eye caught a glint from her Element of Harmony in the glass case by the stair.  
The Element of Loyalty.  
She walked over to the case.  
‘Is running out after hurting my best friend being loyal?’ Rainbow thought, ‘especially with it being unintentional?’  
As she looked at the case, her eyes focused on her own reflection in the glass.  It shocked Rainbow, she didn’t realize she could look so terrified.  
‘Am I really afraid of being a supportive friend?’ she thought.  ‘Would Twi run out on me?’
Something told Rainbow she needed to be the friend she always claimed to be.  A friend Twilight always was for her!  A friend Twilight needed now.
Rainbow got the strangest feeling as if this decision was the most important of her life.  
She swallowed hard, and thought:
‘If Twi really does love me, then Twi deserved to have me work this through with her.’
Rainbow looked at the stairs and then at the door.
“No,” said Rainbow resolutely, “I just can’t do it.”
Rainbow collected her wits and went up the stair after Twilight.
PART THREE: A Loving Mare
Rainbow found Twilight on her bed, facing the wall and crying harder than she’d ever seen a pony cry.  For Rainbow, it was heartbreaking knowing she’d caused Twilight this much pain.
Rainbow sat on the edge of the bed and put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder.
“Twilight…’ started Rainbow.
“I’m so sorry Rainbow,” sobbed Twilight.  “I’m sorry I embarrassed you.  I knew I’d make a fool of myself!  
I was an idiot to think that such a popular, important and beautiful mare like you would ever be interested in a nopony like me.”
The sobs came harder.
Rainbow was again in shock.  
‘Popular,’ thought Rainbow, ‘I can see that.  Maybe important but beautiful?’  
Here was the most powerful Unicorn in Equestria, confidant to royalty and perhaps the smartest and bravest pony she’d ever known.  And she was placing Rainbow so far above herself and considering herself not worthy.  Never had anypony ever described Rainbow in those terms.  
It was humbling, which for Rainbow, was a new experience.
“I’m sorry Twi,” said Rainbow, “I just wasn’t expecting it, I hadn’t any clue.  But you and the others have always said I’m clueless.”
Twilight turned facing Rainbow and chuckled a little, the tears were slowing.  
Rainbow reached out her hoof and stroked Twilight’s mane.  Twilight’s eyes half-closed in rapture.  Rainbow had never, until now, noticed how beautiful Twilight’s eyes really were.  
Rainbow had always secretly envied Rarity and Twilight’s almond shaped eyes, they were so exotic.
“You know,” said Rainbow, “just because I’ve never thought about being with a mare, it doesn’t mean I’m not open to being with a mare...
Especially you.”
“I don’t want your pity Rainbow Dash!” Said Twilight; there was a defiant tone in her voice.  This side of Twilight actually was exciting to Rainbow.
‘That’s my girl,’ thought Rainbow.
Rainbow just smiled, here was a pony who was every bit the match for herself.  Strong and independent if insecure.
Twilight looked hopefully into Rainbow’s eyes.  Rainbow climbed onto the bed, she lay beside Twilight and pulled her close.  Rainbow was a little hesitant about kissing a mare, but with the way Twilight had just kissed her, and remembering her dream, she found it easy to look past romantically kissing another girl.  So Rainbow decided she’d show Twilight she knew all about passionate kisses.  
Through her closed eyes, Rainbow saw the glow of a purple magic aura.  The lights went out and a small fire lit in the fireplace.
Twilight had read her books well.  She turned Rainbow on her back and was soon playing Rainbow’s body like a fine instrument.  
Twilight started by kissing Rainbow and working her way down her muscular neck and chest, she was in no hurry as if she wanted to make sure she kissed every square inch of Rainbow.  
At her navel, Twilight lingered with her tongue licking deep; truthfully it was making Rainbow very wet as if it was directly connected to her marehood.  Twilight continued down and spent some time stimulating Rainbow’s ample nipples and breasts.  Twilight was surprised by how large they were for a mare who’d never nursed.  Twilight found these very sexy and arousing.
No stallion had ever spent this much time in foreplay, but Twilight was taking her time as if she was enjoying this as much or more than Rainbow was...
Which she was.
Twilight then worked her way down to Rainbow’s marehood.  Oddly enough, Twilight gave some exploratory licks and kisses but she continued kissing down Rainbow’s left hind leg, along the inner aspect.  
Rainbow had been watching Twilight with fascination.  Soon Twilight reached her hoof.  Now Twilight looked up at Rainbow, gave a wicked smile and started to lick her hoof.  Where was the aversion Rainbow always felt when somepony even touched her hooves?  This was more erotic than any stallion had ever done for her; Rainbow was eating it up.
Then Twilight gently rolled Rainbow over onto her belly and started back up her right hind leg.  
As the kisses worked back up, Twilight came to Rainbow’s ‘bottom’ again, this time Twilight started licking and kissing Rainbow’s anus!  Never had any stallion done this to her, she’d heard of it but it kind of creeped her out.  But now, by Celestia, she’d never felt so aroused.  Plus Rainbow was glad she’d taken a shower before going to see Twilight.
Then Twilight went back to kissing; she worked up to her tail, then around to her flanks.  She spent equal time on both.  She even took time to kiss and lick around each of Rainbow’s cutie marks.  
Twilight worked up along her back to her wings.  Then she gently and cautiously straightened the wings out and took time to kiss from wing tip to wing tip, every primary feather along the way.  Then it was the same with her fore legs; she kissed from hoof tip to hoof tip.  
Finally she continued kissing along Rainbow’s neck, following her mane to the very top of her head.  She then repositioned Rainbow on her back and continued the kissed down her forehead, kissing both eyes, then down the muzzle to Rainbow’s lips.  Rainbow grabbed Twilight and kissed her more passionately than she’d ever kissed anypony.  
How long they kissed, Rainbow didn’t know or care.  But when they broke the kiss, Twilight looked deep into Rainbow’s eyes.  The look Twilight was giving her was the most tender yet hungry look anypony had ever given her.  
Rainbow was about to say something to her lover but Twilight put her fore hoof to Rainbow’s lips.
“Shh,” whispered Twilight with the most beautiful of smiles.  Rainbow understood that no words were needed.
Twilight then slid down the bed to between Rainbow’s hind legs.  She put her own forelegs under Rainbow’s flanks to give herself better access to Rainbow’s marehood.  Then using her magic to spread the lips, she proceeded to pick up where she left off earlier.  Never had anypony performed oral sex like she was receiving now.  When the orgasm hit, it was so intense, Rainbow thought she’d pass out.
Rainbow was sure it couldn’t get any better than this, she was shown wrong.  Twilight continued repositioning Rainbow, on her knees, on her side and so on.  This went on almost all night and every orgasm was at least as great as the last.
The morning light shown in the window above the headboard of Twilight’s bed.  Rainbow awoke slowly, warm and comfortable.  Every bit of her body in an afterglow of intense lovemaking.  It was like nothing Rainbow could ever remember.  
She felt like slapping every colt and stallion she’d ever had sex with before, she’d been cheated!
She’d ‘slept with’ stallions in the past.  Actually, most of them would leave in the middle of the night.  Usually without even a note on her pillow saying ‘had a good time, will call on you soon’, which most of the time they wouldn’t anyway.  Or she’d sneak out after a night of fun to go home to be alone.
But this was completely awesome, her lover was still close and warm. Twilight’s foreleg draped across her and Twilight’s head resting against Rainbow’s chest so even in sleep, Twilight wanted close contact with Rainbow.
‘Sex with a mare, and Twilight no less,’ thought Rainbow with a smile.  
Never in all her years had she even considered it.  But now, the thought of the night changed her view of many things.  
Twilight had instructed Rainbow in the past.  Most of the time, Rainbow didn’t even listen.  But last night Twilight taught Rainbow the greatest lesson of her life.  Rainbow was taught what love really was.
As Rainbow opened her eyes she saw Twilight cuddling up in her forelegs.  A smile of complete contentment on her lovely face.  
For the first time, Rainbow considered just how cute her friend really was as she leaned over and kissed Twilight on the cheek.  Twilight shifted slightly, smiled a bit more and snuggled closer to Rainbow.  Rainbow did something she’d never done with any other lover in the past.  A sign of the closest affection and trust for a Pegasus, she draped her wing over Twilight.
As Rainbow lay there, just looking at Twilight, the thoughts of last night’s events came streaming back.  For a pony Rainbow had considered a ‘cold fish’, Twilight’s lovemaking was without exaggeration, the best she’d ever had.  She could confidently say she’d never climaxed so many times in one night ever.
Then something else struck her, it was all Twilight!  Twilight hadn’t given Rainbow the chance to reciprocate, aside from kissing.  This bowled her over, never had anypony ever been in bed with Rainbow and not expected their fair share.
Twilight was intent on showing Rainbow just how honest and deep her feelings for her really were.  
‘Oh sweet Celestia!’ Rainbow thought, ‘Twilight didn’t want sex; she wanted me.  She really does love me!’
As Rainbow thought about it she was now sure she could really be comfortable with Twilight, in more than just a friend.  Rainbow had never had any desire for a mare before, but now, she could see herself and Twilight as companions...
At least.  
But she realized that this wasn’t about mares. It was about Twilight.
Now, like Twilight felt for her, Rainbow wanted Twilight.  It wasn’t she ‘didn’t get enough’.  Far from it, Rainbow was still in ecstasy but she was now craving just to touch Twilight in the most personal and intimate of ways, to make that connection.  Even with the previous night of lovemaking with a mare, Rainbow was still a little amazed that she wanted to touch another mare’s marehood.
Rainbow reached out her hoof and started to stroke Twilight’s mane, it was so soft.  Then she slowly worked her way down her back stroking her fine soft coat until she reached Twilight’s dock.  But just as she was about to explore Twilight, a hoof gently moved her hoof away.
Rainbow saw Twilight was awake and was looking at her.  There was the slightest trace of sadness on her face.
“I’m sorry Rainbow,” said Twilight, “I can’t let you.”
“After last night, the greatest love making I’ve ever had, why not?”
Twilight smiled at the praise.
“I promised myself nopony could ever touch me there, or make love to me unless they’re a pony who loves me completely.  Less chance of getting hurt or abused.  
Even though I know you could never do that to me.”
“Then what about last night?” asked Rainbow confused.
“I made love to you,” said Twilight, kissing Rainbow. “I’m sure of my love for you.  But I don’t want you to feel you have to do for me just out of some sense of fairness.
Don’t get me wrong Rainbow; I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anypony or anything.  Your body is all I dreamt of last night.  I really do want you to touch me and to make love to me.  And I can tell you I’d be happy to live the rest of my life just making you happy.  
Last night, the books came nowhere close in telling me the deep pleasure I felt while making love to you.  It was more than I ever imagined.”
Rainbow pulled Twilight close and kissed her with all her soul.  Rainbow felt tears in her own eyes.  
Twilight saw them and appreciated the pony she was in love with really did have tender feelings.  Twilight had always seen through the tomcolt personality which made other ponies assume Rainbow was a secret mare-lover.  And despite Twilight being one, she didn’t love Rainbow because she was a mare; she loved her because of who she was.
Rainbow wished she could do like Twilight had done and go back in time.  She’d go back to the day Twilight first arrived and tell herself just how important this new mare was.
Then she’d have her past self kick her present self silly for all the years she’d been around Twilight and yet she’d chased after other ponies for meaningless carnal pleasures.  She’d deserve it for not realizing the real thing had always been only a foreleg’s reach away.  Especially now knowing how much pain she’d put Twilight through.
Rainbow now knew the true difference between having sex and making love.  She had thought love was always a sappy word bandied around too often and had never really meant anything, except maybe from her parents.  But now...
“Twilight,” said Rainbow, “last night started, at least on my part, as a way to comfort you and let you do what you dreamed, I freely admit it.  But something happened along the way, something I never expected.  
I had a pony love me in a way I’d never knew was possible.  A pony who unselfishly gave and gave and gave without the slightest thought for herself.  A pony who has taught me what love and loving is really all about.”
Rainbow paused, she didn’t believe she’d ever say to somepony, much less a mare, what she was about to say to Twilight.
Twilight had hope, and yes, fear in her eyes, as Rainbow took Twilight’s hooves in hers.
“Twilight, I really do want to be the pony you find pleasure in just holding her hoof in public.  You kissing without caring what pony is around.  A pony you can’t wait to take back home to make love with.  Because I feel that way for you now.
You won’t need those books anymore; we’d discover ways of loving the authors hadn’t thought of.  You’ve shown me such love it’s awakened something inside me.  Something I never expected, something I’ve never felt before.  
How could I not love you?
There! I said it! Something I’ve never told anypony outside of family before.
I love you Twilight Sparkle!  I’ve never ever felt for another pony like the way I feel for you now.
And I’ll do whatever it takes to convince you of it.  I’m not just saying it because of the promise of sex.  I want you always in my life. ��No matter what, I can’t have you as just a friend anymore.  You say you want to live to make me happy?  I swear I’ll do all I can to make you happy.”
Twilight was about to burst!  She could tell Rainbow was being totally honest.  She’d never heard the blue Pegasus talk like this.
“Can we talk about it tonight at your place?” asked Twilight, the tears in her eyes were from joy this time.
“I live in a cloud-home, remember?”
“And don’t you remember The Best Young Flyers Competition?  Rarity’s wings were only for three days, but the walk on clouds spell was permanent.”
The two just lay there for the next couple hours.  They were just kissing and pillow talking.  
Rainbow had never felt such happiness just being with and holding a pony.  
For Twilight, it was as if Rainbow had known all her secret dreams and was acting them out for her.  The kisses they’d share were fantastic.  Rainbow never thought kissing a mare would make her feel like this.  
Twilight felt like writing her favorite author and letting her know she wasn’t even close to describing the ecstasy a mare could feel kissing the mare of her dreams.
Finally they had to get up, neither wanted to.  But they agreed to meet at Rainbow’s that evening.  Being it was Sunday, neither had any plans for the day and they decided to keep quiet about their relationship until they could talk more that night.
PART FOUR: A Mare’s Loving
Rainbow Dash did what she could to get a passable dinner ready for Twilight’s visit.  It was a salad with greens, nuts, cheese and some fruits.  It was the best she could manage; she wasn’t a good cook.
For a non-Pegasi, the interior of Rainbow’s cloud-home, or any cloud-home would have been a shock.  Aside from furniture made from the cloud itself, there were items with magic properties to allow them to exist and work in the cloud-home.  Such as stoves, refrigerators, water processors, fireplaces and most importantly an entire bathroom set with showers/bathtubs, sinks and toilets.  One of Rainbow’s prize possessions was an antique table and chair set Twilight herself put the spell on for it to be used in the sky.  
The bed itself was a marvel.  The absolute softness of cloud put all terrestrial mattresses to shame.  There were luxurious sheets made to be as soft as the cloud yet keep the moisture of the clouds out, and with the warm fluffy blankets it was a luxury the ground based ponies seldom, if ever, got to experience.  Rainbow was looking forward to sharing this experience with Twilight.
From the moment Rainbow had flown home from the library, she couldn’t stop thinking of the friend who was now the most important pony in her life.  No, the most important pony in the world.  
Twilight had startled Rainbow with the confession she’d been in love with Rainbow from the first day she’d arrived in Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration.  
Now after the magnificent night of lovemaking by Twilight, Rainbow wished she had just ‘taken’ Twilight right then when she’d plowed into Twilight, sending the two of them into the mud.
“Rainbow?” came Twilight’s voice from outside, “are you home?”
Twilight’s here!  Rainbow’s heart skipped a beat.  Rainbow was slightly amused at herself.  She was acting in a manner she’d chided other ponies in the past for acting.  But who cares, Twilight’s here!
Walking would be too slow.  Rainbow flew straight through a wall and to the front door.  There waiting outside was Twilight, she had her saddlebag on, some flowers and a bottle of wine were protruding from it.
Rainbow and Twilight hugged and gave each other a very deep kiss.  It was just getting better the two of them thought.  
Rainbow also smelled the perfume Twilight was wearing; it did something for her.  She now understood why Twilight had commented about the perfume Rarity had sprayed her with the night before.  Maybe there was something to this perfume stuff after all.
‘Damn that Rarity,’ thought Rainbow with a smirk, ‘that mare knows everything when it comes to this stuff, there’ll be no living with her now.’
The two entered the cloud-home and Twilight was amazed at what she saw.  Cloudsdale was impressive, but now this was truly a new experience.
“I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you, Lover-Pony!” said Rainbow, not caring how sappy she sounded.
Twilight both smiled and blushed at the endearment.  
“I have a dinner, such as it is, waiting for us.” said Rainbow, “please don’t judge my new found love of you on my cooking.  Otherwise I’ll die a very lonely pony.”
Both Twilight and Rainbow laughed and kissed again.
Twilight put the flowers in a vase on the dining table, which did lighten up the room.  She carefully made sure they didn’t block the view of the other pony across the table.
Despite Rainbow’s assessment of her culinary prowess, the dinner was delicious.  The wine helped loosen up apprehensions and the two were talking about everything.  But they were staying away from the big topic...
For now.  
Neither pony wanted to appear to the other as if they were trying to rush to bed.  But truth be told, they both were finding it hard not to take the other pony by the hoof and lead the other in that direction.  
After several hours of talking about everything from favorite music to the latest Daring Do book.  They eventually ran out of topics to talk about.  For several minutes, they just looked across the table at each other; they were holding hooves and smiling.  
Twilight was enraptured looking into the crimson eyes of the pony she’d been in love with for several years.  She was now so real and close.  Rainbow had pledged her heart to Twilight; all her dreams were coming true.  
From the first day, Twilight had yearned to be close to this attractive mare.  After all, Rainbow was so strong of body and spirit; forward, brash and perhaps a bit arrogant.  It was intimidating and yet exciting!  From almost the first moment, Twilight wanted to be held in those strong forelegs and be protected like when she was a little filly and her daddy held her until she was sure the Boogie-Pony was no longer under her bed.
Rainbow looked at Twilight and thought about the friend who’d always been there for her.  Now Rainbow knew why the purple Unicorn was always there to support her, it wasn’t like Twilight wasn’t there for their other friends.  But thinking back, Twilight had always been especially ready to help and guide Rainbow.  
Rainbow was now sure nopony had ever loved her like Twilight did.  Rainbow had always hoped for a mate one day, one who’d complete her.  She never, in her wildest imagination, thought a mare would fill the position.  
Now there was no other pony who could.
Twilight and Rainbow leaned across the table and kissed passionately.  Nothing more had to be said.  They both tried walking and kissing at the same time.  Rainbow was gently leading Twilight to the bedroom.  Once there, they broke the kiss and held each other for a moment.
Twilight looked deep into Rainbow’s eyes; Rainbow could tell Twilight had something important to say:
“Where’s the bathroom?”
The two just stood there in silence for a moment then burst into laughter.
“Down the hall on the right,” said Rainbow.
Twilight kissed Rainbow again and then said:
“Keep that thought,” as she went in the direction of the bathroom, her saddlebag floated after.  Rainbow watched the movement of Twilight’s flanks.  Part of her mind still was trying to come to terms with checking out another mare’s flanks.  But the sight of Twilight’s flanks was making Rainbow tingle ‘down there’.
Rainbow sat on the edge of the bed.  She couldn’t remember ever being this excited waiting on a lover.
She heard Twilight moving around in the bathroom and brushing her teeth.
Twilight appeared in the doorway, slowly, for dramatic effect.  
It was evident Twilight had made a stop at Rarity’s shop.  She was wearing a very sheer white negligée and a new fashion item, panties, sheer white lace panties.  
Rainbow was again reminded of her dream.
“See My Love,” said Rainbow with a large smile, “because you’ve taken so long, I’ve died while waiting and now an angel has come for me to take me to Elysium.”
Twilight walked up to Rainbow and kissed her.
“I love you so very much Twilight.  I never knew I could love anypony this much.”
Twilight kissed Rainbow again and purred.
“Then show me how much.”
With that, the last reservation Rainbow had concerning being intimate with and loving a mare went out the window.  
All her teachers were wrong, Earth wasn’t the center of Celestia’s universe, Twilight Sparkle was.
Twilight and Rainbow kissed again, a very deep and passionate one, Rainbow put her forelegs around Twilight’s neck and carefully pulled her onto the bed.  They lay there for a moment, on their sides still kissing.
Rainbow felt Twilight’s hoof at her marehood; it was such a thrill!  The smell of Twilight was making her heart pound.  Not just the hint of perfume, but the pheromones her body was emitting.  
Twilight broke the kiss but continued to kiss Rainbow’s cheek.  She worked her way up to Rainbow’s ear where she had her tongue deeply inserted.  A shudder flashed through Rainbow’s body.  It was clear Twilight knew what buttons to push.
Rainbow heard the words she’d been hoping for since she’d left the library this morning, ever so softly in her ear;
“Make love to me, my Darling Rainbow.  Just please be gentle, you’re my first.”
Rainbow kissed Twilight.
“I am so honored to be the first.  I also want to be the last.  I now know that you’re the only pony I could ever love and I’ll never want anypony else, ever.”
Rainbow rolled Twilight over to her back.  There was fear, passion and innocence on her face.  Rainbow smiled and looked into Twilight’s eyes.
“My Darling, Darling Twilight,” said Rainbow softly, stroking Twilight’s mane, “if you’re not ready, I’d understand.  And I’d think no less of you and I’d still love you as much.”
Twilight’s response was a blushing smile and a glow from her horn.  All the ties on the negligée untied at once, the garment fell open leaving the panties in place.  Rainbow was in no hurry and to tell the truth, the panties made this so much more exciting.  
Rainbow was so happy it was her turn to show Twilight passion.  She started with a deep kiss and was in no hurry to break it.  Then she worked her way down Twilight’s lovely neck to her chest.  While kissing her chest, Twilight started to squirm and snicker slightly, Twilight was ticklish!  
This promised fun for the future.  
As Rainbow made it between Twilight’s hind legs to Twilight’s nipples, the concrete reality of what she was doing hit her.  
A stallion’s nipples are barely visible and are seldom stimulated for erotic exhilaration.  But here she was at a mare’s larger and more sensitive nipples.  She knew the pleasure she felt whenever some stallion took the time to do this for her.  The thought drove Rainbow to do her best, and she could tell Twilight was enjoying this.  
The moans and hip movements were telltale signs Rainbow was doing this right.  She lingered a bit as to work up the courage to continue.  But really, Rainbow was just as excited to do this.  
As she started to move the kisses down, she came to the panties; Rainbow kissed a bit on the outside of the panties, almost to Twilight’s marehood.
“A little help,” said Rainbow.
Twilight giggled and rolled on her belly.  Rainbow saw the bow just above the tail.  This helped to keep the panties up and allowed the tail to pass through.  Rainbow knew what she needed to do.  With her teeth she took one end of the ribbon which made up the bow and pulled.  The bow untied and the back of the panties became loose.  Twilight rolled back over and spread her hind legs a bit.
“What are you waiting for?” purred Twilight.
Rainbow reached down with her teeth to the crotch of the garment and gently secured it with her teeth.  It was then she caught the personal musk of a mare’s clean marehood.  It wasn’t an unpleasant smell and it did something Rainbow didn’t expect.  She noticed herself becoming quite wet.
Rainbow pulled and the garment came loose, Twilight bent her legs to help facilitate the removal.  Rainbow, with a flick of her neck tossed the garment aside and looked back.  
There the most private part of Twilight was laid bare for Rainbow.  Twilight’s love organ, which no other pony had been allowed to approach, was before Rainbow’s muzzle, glistening from the dampness of arousal and anticipation.  Wanting Rainbow to be the first to explore and experience Twilight’s most private self.  
Rainbow had never really cared to pay attention to any filly or mare’s marehood in the past.  Her own was ‘out of sight and out of mind’ (although her hoof was intimately aquatinted with it).  
Evolution had caused the outer ‘lips’ to be tight together at most times and therefore, not normally visible.  But the mare was able to relax the muscles for the benefit of a lover.  This was the first time she’d seen anypony’s this up close and personal, it fascinated her.
‘I don’t know if this is right,’ thought Rainbow, ‘and I’m sure it’s the circumstances, but by Celestia!  That has to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!’
This was it, Rainbow had a fear in the back of her mind if she got this far with Twilight, could she go on.  It was nothing she’d ever thought of before.  
She’d had sex with colts while still in high school and discovered she liked it.  Since then, she wasn’t what you’d call a lose pony or whore.  
Okay, maybe a slut to a very minor level.  But she liked her fun and that’s all sex had been up until Twilight had shown her what sex and loving was really all about.  
Now she was about to cross the line she had at times almost belittled.  Because of her prior mindset, she had considered her friends Bon-Bon and Lyra to be not quite normal (she made a mental note to apologize to them when Twilight and she go public with their relationship).  
Could Twilight sense her hesitation?  Would it be taken as an unwillingness to love her completely?  Rainbow thought reasoning things out was never her style.  And whether this made her a mare-lover or not, she wanted Twilight.  She wanted to show Twilight just how much she did now love her.
Rainbow spread Twilight’s marehood with her fore hooves, closed the few remaining inches and plunged her tongue into Twilight.  Twilight’s hips jumped and she gave out a gasp.
“Oh Rainbow!”  
The reaction enforced the rightness of what she was doing.  Rainbow started to explore, slightly amused now she could see what past lovers had done to her.  And remembering those times, she knew exactly what to do despite being the first time loving a mare.
As Rainbow concentrated now on Twilight’s clitoris, the moans and hip pumping became more intense.  Rainbow felt Twilight stroking the top of her forelock, as if she needed more physical contact with her lover.
Suddenly and not long from starting (after all, it was her first) Twilight started to squeal and then her hips arched and she called out;
“O Faust!  I’m coming Rainbow! AHHHHHH...”
Twilight collapsed to the bed, panting.
Rainbow slid up Twilight’s belly and kissed her deeply.  When the kiss broke, Rainbow saw Twilight crying.
“I’m so sorry!” said Rainbow, ready to cry as well, “I pushed you too hard, didn’t I?  You weren’t ready, were you?”
“It isn’t that,” said Twilight, giving Rainbow a small kiss then a fore hoof caressing Rainbow’s cheek, “it was perfect, it was all I ever dreamed of...
With you.”
Rainbow smiled as she realized the love Twilight was expressing.  It felt so good!
Twilight and Rainbow continued to kiss.  Then Twilight broke the kiss and put her head against Rainbow’s neck, she was still breathing heavy.
“Can we try something I read once?” whispered Twilight.
“Lover-Pony,” said Rainbow, “as long as it doesn’t require whips and chains, go for it!”
“Whips and chains?” asked Twilight.
“Talk to Pinkie Pie sometime,” said Rainbow with a snicker, “just make sure you’ve had a couple drinks first.”
Twilight looked at Rainbow and they both laughed.
“So what do I need to do?” asked Rainbow.
“Just lay back and I’ll tell you what to do.”
Rainbow lay back as Twilight scooted down the bed and turned to have her legs in Rainbow’s direction.  Then she scooted closer and put one leg over one of Rainbow’s and one of hers under Rainbow’s, like two scissors meshing together.  
Rainbow thought she might’ve heard of this position in the past, but being it was a position she heard Pinkie talk about between mares, it meant nothing to her at the time.  
Twilight then closed the distance between the two until their marehoods touched.  It was amazing, Twilight’s was so warm, soft and moist.  If Rainbow was unsure of how this worked, her hips weren’t.  Immediately the two gently rubbed their love organs together, both clitorises were being fully stimulated.  Rainbow was ecstatic; here was something totally new for her.  She looked at Twilight and saw Twilight looking back at her with the look of total desire and love on her face, Rainbow was sure Twilight was seeing the same.  Rainbow reached out a hoof and started to stroke Twilight’s nipples.  Twilight half-closed her eyes, if it were possible, she smiled even more.
The orgasm hit almost at the same time for the two.  They continued until it had passed, then just collapsed to their backs, still touching, and lay there as they caught their breath.
Then Rainbow pulled Twilight up with her a just lay there on their sides facing each other, their forelegs around the other, gazing into the others eyes.
“Oh Sweet Celestia!” said Rainbow, “I never knew it could be like this.  So deep, so satisfying, so close.  I’ve never connected this deep with anypony.  And I’m glad it’s with you, I don’t know if it makes me a mare-lover or not, I don’t care.  If anything, I’m now a Twilight-lover.”
Twilight pulled Rainbow close and started kissing.  Rainbow broke the kiss and had a sly gleam in her eye.
“I know one,” said Rainbow.
She rolled Twilight on her back then she moved and straddled Twilight’s head with her marehood just in front of Twilight’s muzzle.  Then she leaned forward to Twilight’s marehood and started to stimulate her again as Twilight put her tongue deep into Rainbow’s.  The classic ‘69’ position never felt this good before.
By now Rainbow was embracing the pleasure of making love to Twilight, it didn’t matter she was having oral sex with a mare.  She started to wonder if she’d always been a more-lover and not known it.  But when she thought about if she could do this with Fluttershy, Rarity, AJ or Pinkie Pie.  It just wasn’t there.  The feelings she was having was for and about Twilight only.
For the second night in a row, Twilight made love to Rainbow, but this time Rainbow was able to reciprocate.  
The loving went on through most of the night.
There were few lights on at the Golden Oak Library, but the delivery pony had been instructed; all attempts must be made to deliver the package.  
It was the first time he’d met face to face with Princess Celestia, and he wasn’t going to let her down.
He knocked at the door and waited for a reply, he knocked again.
Spike was in the middle of one of his seven hour bubble-baths and didn’t hear the knocking.  
Twilight had told him she would be spending the night at Rainbow’s home and she trusted him to watch things for the night.  So spike indulged himself with one of the guilty little pleasures Twilight would chide him over if she was home.
After a good five minutes of knocking, he was absolutely sure nopony was home.  He started to leave the package by the front door when he remembered:
‘This is a priceless relic, it’s absolutely irreplaceable.’ Said Princess Celestia, ‘it must be delivered into Twilight Sparkle’s hoofs only.  If she isn’t home, then it must be brought back here to be attempted again at another time.  Do I make myself absolutely clear?’
‘Very clear, Your Highness,’ said the delivery pony.
The princess softened her stern look and smiled.
‘Very good,’ she said, ‘then go.’
The pony turned away from the library and headed back to the train station to take the late train back to Canterlot.
PART FIVE: Exploring A New Way Of Life
This time Twilight awoke first, it was still early.  There was a familiar voice calling from outside.
“Rainbow, Rainbow Dash!  Are you home?”
“Honey,” said Twilight gently shaking Rainbow awake, “were you expecting anypony?”
A smile came over Rainbow’s face because of the endearment; no pony ever had a ‘pet name’ for Rainbow.  Twilight would call her just ‘Dash’ in the past, it was just a quicker way of addressing her.  Other ponies would call her ‘Dashie’, but it was more of a nickname.
“Huh?” replied Rainbow, “No why?”
The voice came again.
“Rainbow Dash!  It’s important.”
“That sounds like Derpy,” said Rainbow.
“Her name is Muffins,” said Twilight, as the two ponies were getting out of the bed.
“It is?”
“She gets pretty hurt at that name and ‘Ditzy Do’,” said Twilight.
“How do you know that?” replied Rainbow.  By now they were walking toward Rainbow’s front door.
“We have tea and play chess sometimes.”
“She isn’t the dummy a lot of ponies think she is.” Said Twilight, then she stopped.
“What’s wrong,” asked Rainbow.
“Would you rather nopony see me here yet?”
Rainbow’s reply was a kiss.
“I want the world to know.”
The smile on Twilight’s face would have been visible in the dark.  
Rainbow opened the door and there stood the blue-gray Pegasus mare in her mail carrier hat and vest, her mailbag around her neck to keep clear of her wings.  It was always hard to tell which direction Muffins was paying attention to but with the smile that crossed her face, it was clear she understood the meaning of Twilight being in Rainbow’s cloud-home, this early in the morning with a foreleg around Rainbow.
“What can I do for you Der... Uh, Muffins,” said Rainbow with a small sideways glance at Twilight.  Twilight smiled at the gesture, as did Muffins.
“I am so sorry, Rainbow Dash,” said Muffins, looking sheepish.  “I guess the mail sorters missed this on Friday, and it was marked Very Urgent.  
I’m glad to see you Twilight, there’s one for you, it saves me a trip.”
They took the notices; they were from Raven, Princess Celestia’s secretary.  The summons said they were to attend government supervisor’s mandatory training in Canterlot for a three-week course on a new way to handle paperwork.  They looked at Rainbow’s mantel clock; they had just four hours to make it to Canterlot.
“Holy Horseshoes!” exclaimed Rainbow.  “I better get moving!”
“We do,” said Twilight, “I got a summons too.  But mine says there’ll be one of the princess’ carts to take me.  We could ride together, if you don’t mind.”
Rainbow smiled at the silly question.  Muffins turned to leave.
“Wait Muffins,” said Twilight, “would you take a note to Rarity for me?”
“You know I will Twilight,” replied Muffins with a smile.
Twilight wrote a short message to the friends they would be gone for three weeks for training for government personal.  She apologized for the short notice, but promised some good news on their return.  She also got Muffins to promise not to tell anypony Twilight was found with Rainbow, just yet.  They wanted to be the ponies to share the good news.
“No problem,” said Muffins who gave Twilight a quick hug and to her surprise, Rainbow received one as well.  “I can’t tell you how happy I am for the two of you.”
Then Muffins flew off.
Rainbow gathered a few items and the two lovers went to the library.  Sure enough, there was a cart waiting for Twilight.  Twilight gathered a few items.  Then they dropped Spike off with Pinkie Pie, who loved having the little guy around.
It was about ten minutes later and the two were flying to Canterlot, thanks to Princess Celestia.  Usually Rainbow would’ve flown herself, but this gave her time to hold Twilight’s hoof and get a little kissing in.
“Hey Lover-Pony,” whispered Rainbow in Twilight’s ear, “did you bring the negligée?”
“You bet,” said Twilight, “I like the motivation it gave you.”
They kissed again; the light talk and kissing made the time go by quickly.  They were approaching Canterlot to land before either of them knew it.  The cart took them straight to the castle.  
In front was a line of ponies waiting to check in and be given their bedding assignment at the Gifted Unicorn School’s dormitory, it was a school break and so it was empty at this time.
The cart approached the castle’s outer gates and was going to go right through, but the guards motioned for them to stop.  They told Twilight that she needed to talk to Raven.  Twilight and Rainbow got off the cart and went over to Raven.
“Hello Raven,” said Twilight, walking up and giving her teacher’s secretary a hug.
“Twilight,” said Raven, “it’s good to see you, you don’t have to check in and your tower is always in reserve for you, but Princess Celestia asked if I saw you to tell you to see her as soon as you got here.”
“Thanks Raven,” replied Twilight, “I was wondering if you’d do me a favor and check in Rainbow Dash, head of the Ponyville Weather Team for me?  She isn’t going to need a dorm assignment.”
“Sure thing Twilight,” said Raven with a knowing smile and a wink, “I’ll make sure she’s taken care of…  
As I’m sure you will too.”
“Thanks Raven,” said Twilight, giving the official pony another hug.
Rainbow and Twilight climbed on the cart and they were whisked to the massive front doors of the castle.  Twilight thanked the guard and the two ponies went into the castle.  
The way to the throne room was well known to both ponies and they navigated the corridors with ease.  They found the throne room doors open and Princess Celestia on her throne looking a little bored, when she saw Twilight she perked up.
“Twilight Sparkle,” said the princess, “so good to see you, thank you for coming to see me.”
“Even if Raven hadn’t told me you were expecting me, I would’ve come anyway.”
“I’m pleased to hear it,” said the princess, then turning to Rainbow, “Ms Rainbow Dash, a pleasure as well.”
“Thank you, Your Highness,” said Rainbow bowing.
“And thank you for coming,” said the princess, “I’m sure this training is going to make your jobs easier.  Today is mostly getting settled in, getting the schedule and finding the sleeping arrangements.  Tomorrow the real training begins.  With your knowledge, Twilight, of Canterlot Castle, today is unnecessary for you.  Your tower is always open and you know the castle dining room is at your disposal.  You don’t need to eat at the school cafeteria.”
“Thank you Highness,” said Twilight, “and speaking of my tower, you’ve always told me it’s there for my use.  But I feel obliged to ask you something before I just take it upon myself.”
“And what’s that child?”
“Remember when I told you of my feelings for Rainbow?”  Twilight said, Celestia nodded in acknowledgement and glancing at Rainbow Dash, “we had that talk and to my great joy, Rainbow’s heart is now mine and mine hers!  So I was wondering if it’d be alright for Rainbow to share my tower as well.”
“There’s only one bed,” said the princess, raising one eyebrow.  Twilight and Rainbow both blushed brightly.  
“I see...
Well, I must inform Raven of this change of plans for Rainbow.  You know how she gets if one item is out of place.  I think you picked that up from being around her so much in the past.  So if you don’t mind, Twilight, would you go and ask her to come here?”
“Of course, Your Highness,” said Twilight.  She’d already told Raven, but Twilight wasn’t a pony to contradict her teacher, mentor, ruler and friend
Twilight and Rainbow turned to go.
“Rainbow Dash, would you please stay here,” said the princess.
Twilight and Rainbow looked at each other, Twilight gave Rainbow a nod and left.  As Twilight turned the hall, there was a golden aura around the throne room doors, which shut tight.  Rainbow heard the bolts on the doors click into place.
Celestia came down off the dais and walked up to Rainbow.  There were concerned looks on both mares’ faces.
“Rainbow Dash.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
Rainbow somehow felt the absolute difference in body style and mass with the princess looming over her.  
“I know you’ve always been a rough-and-tumble personality.  Taking risks, being aggressive and being quite forward.  And forgive me for saying, a bit loose on the morals side.  I don’t mean any insult, it’s who you are.
But Twilight is none of that; she’s always been focused and motivated to meet any goals and demands I’ve placed upon her.  She has a destiny, though she doesn’t know what it is yet, but she knows it’s out there.”
Celestia paused to let her words sink in.
“I know it’s been your desire to join the Wonderbolts.  You’ve been through most of the application process and I understand from Spitfire you did excellent at the training academy and even proved yourself an outstanding leader.
I don’t know if you know this or not but no matter how good a pony does in the process, I have the last say in who makes it and who doesn’t.”
Rainbow was starting to be concerned; she’d never heard the princess talk this seriously.
“Twilight is the greatest student I’ve ever had the honor of teaching.  She’s like a daughter to me.  And I take it extremely seriously.”
Rainbow was becoming uncomfortable.  As the princess was talking, Celestia was inching forward.  She was now standing over Rainbow, looking down on her.
“So I’m going to make this easy for you, Rainbow Dash.  When Raven gets here, I’m going to draft a letter of acceptance for you to the Wonderbolts.”
Rainbow couldn’t believe her ears; she’d made it!
“I can’t wait to tell Twi, she’ll be so happy.”
“No Rainbow,” said Celestia with a bit of threat in her voice, “you’ll leave now.  You’ll go directly to the Wonderbolt Headquarters for induction, before they get back here.  I’ll have the letter sent directly.”
Celestia’s magic opened a window, apparently a suggested exit for Rainbow.
“I don’t get to tell Twilight goodbye?”
“No! Twilight will be told you were given the opportunity to become a Wonderbolt and you accepted without concern for her, your friends or for Ponyville.  
It's what you’ve wanted.  Had you never considered once a Wonderbolt, you’d not be around your Ponyville friends that often...
Or ever?”
Rainbow was taken aback, Celestia was right.  She’d never thought about it.  The glamour, prestige and the adulation were the only things she’d ever considered.  
Rainbow was ashamed.  Celestia noticed the confirmation on Rainbow’s face.
“That alone shows me your wants and wishes were always only for yourself!” the princess continued, almost disgusted, “why the Elements of Harmony chose you as the Spirit of Loyalty is beyond even me.
Therefore, you’ll leave here now and never threaten her stability again.  I’ll make sure she’ll get over you quickly enough.  I don’t want Twilight to be hurt by being the trophy of some conquest of yours.  
It’s bad enough you’ve seduced and deflowered a loving and trusting pony who believed you could possibly have feelings for somepony other than yourself.
Your very presence here is starting to make me ill.”
Rainbow couldn’t believe her ears; she was being offered her heart’s desire only to keep her from the love she’d just discovered.  And was being accused of being insincere in her feelings and love for Twilight.  Each accusation stung as if it were being delivered on the tip of a dagger.
She never thought the wise and gentle Princess Celestia could be so cruel.  Perhaps Luna had been justified when she rebelled as Nightmare Moon.
Rainbow no longer cared about appearing cool; the tears were streaming down her face.  Her new perfect and loving world was falling apart right before her eyes.  
All she could think of was Twilight would think she’d given up the love she’d confessed for something to meet her own selfish wants.  Or worse, Rainbow had lied just to seduce Twilight and get what she wanted from her.  That Rainbow hadn’t been worthy to receive Twilight's trust and virginity.  
Twilight’s words came back to her:
‘I promised myself nopony could ever touch me there, or make love to me unless they’re a pony who loves me completely.  Less chance of getting hurt or abused.  
Even though I know you could never do that to me.’
‘Oh sweet Mother of Faust,’ thought Rainbow, ‘Twilight will hate me forever!’  
Rainbow could see in her mind’s eye Twilight’s adorable face contorted by pain and betrayal.  She was sure Twilight would be crushed, and perhaps never trust another pony ever.
Rainbow was feeling sick herself.
“If you don’t leave now,” said Celestia, her voice becoming more threatening and louder, “I’ll have no choice but to make you immortal and banish you to the moon for ten thousand years!  Century after century of dust, dust and more dust.  The earth hanging in the sky to remind you what your selfish wants caused you to give up!  
Shall I summon my sister so she could tell you just how much fun that’ll be?  And she was only there for one thousand!
Rainbow tried to think, but it was hard because all she could think of was ten thousand years of crying over the loss of her only chance at real love.  And Twilight thinking Rainbow had lied, used and abandoned her.
“If you’re going to send me to the moon, then please…
At least let me tell Twilight goodbye and kiss her one last time,” pleaded Rainbow bowing low before the princess in supplication.
“You’d do that? You’d give up your dreams,” said the princess, “face ten thousand years of banishment to the moon...
And all for Twilight?”
“Yes Your Highness,” said Rainbow, still crying, “I know she and I’ve only been together a very short time but she’s all the world to me now.  
You might as well get it over with and kill me outright; it wouldn’t matter if you made me immortal.  If I could never be with my Lover-Pony again, I’d die the first day.”
Forget decorum and proper etiquette before a monarch, Rainbow collapsed to the floor and cried harder than Celestia could ever remember a pony doing before her.
What happened next, Rainbow wasn’t expecting.  A golden aura encased her and she was lifted to Celestia who embraced her, Celestia was crying just as hard.  The window exit closed as well.
“Please forgive me Rainbow Dash.  As I said, I think of Twilight like a daughter and I love her as well as any mother would.  
But I see you love her more than I do.  
To think only of her is the mark of true love.  Please forgive my testing you so brutally.”
A purple and red aura surrounded the doors, the bolts unlocked and the doors opened. Raven and Twilight entered to see Celestia embracing Rainbow and the both crying.
“Highness?” said Twilight, a bit confused.
Celestia let Rainbow down and she smiled at Twilight.
“I’m sorry, but out of concern for you, my beloved student,” said Celestia, wiping away the tears in her eyes, “I’m afraid I tested Rainbow quite harshly.  
But I was the pony put to shame.  
I assumed Rainbow didn’t have your best interests at heart.  I know now Rainbow really does love you and is the best pony you could ever love.”
Then with a small mischievous twinkle in her eye and smile forming on her lips.
“As far as your request for Rainbow to share your tower, just remember there’ll be respectable ponies around there that’ll be trying to get some sleep.  So keep the noise down.”
Rainbow rushed to Twilight and embraced her tightly; Celestia smiled warmly at the affection Rainbow was showing Twilight.
“Are you okay, My Love,” asked Twilight.
“I will be, Lover-Pony,” said Rainbow getting her crying under control.
They tightened their embrace.  Celestia smiled at the endearments.
“Now go put your things away,” said Celestia, “I expect you both to have dinner with me this evening.”
Celestia and Raven watched as Rainbow and Twilight left, walking so close they were touching.  After the lovers left, Celestia materialized an old manuscript, it was levitated to Raven.  
“Highness, aren’t you going to give this to Twilight?” asked Raven.
“No Raven,” said Celestia with a smile, “I’ve changed my mind.”
“You’re not going to test Twilight then?” asked the secretary.
“Yes, but I’ve had a better idea,” said the princess.
“As you wish, Highness.  I’ll return this to the secure archives,” said Raven as she took the manuscript with her aura and left out a private entrance as Princess Luna entered.
Luna had heard everything from the adjoining room.  She looked questioningly at her sister.  Celestia closed all the doors with her magic.
“You can be such the hard flanks,” said Luna, “would you’ve really have sent Rainbow to the moon for ten thousand years?”
Celestia looked at her sister with a smirk.
“I know that look Tia,” said Luna.
“I think this might be more fun than what we’d planned,” answered Celestia.
Both princesses looked at each other and smiled.
“Who’d have thought it Lu,” said Celestia looking back at where Twilight and Rainbow had exited.  “Twilight Sparkle in a romantic relationship.”
“I thought it,” said Luna smiling, “and that’s two bits you owe me Tia.”
“You never let me get away with anything Lu.” said Celestia chuckling.
“You’d act the same if I had of sent you to the moon for a thousand years.”
“You still gnawing at that bone?” said Celestia chuckling and levitating two bits to her sister.  “And you did send me to the moon.”
“For not even one day,” said Luna, “but thanks to Twilight we both were freed.”
Both sisters laughed.
A little later, Twilight and Rainbow were putting things away in Twilight’s tower.  Rainbow had never been here.  The large glass dome for observation, rows and rows of books and scientific instruments, many of which Rainbow had no idea of their use, Rainbow was in awe.  Up on a platform, with the sky above, was the sleeping quarters.  The beautiful bed was larger than even her own cloud bed.
“Wow!” said Rainbow, she was looking at the sleeping quarters, “this is your tower?”
“Yes,” said Twilight, “I was given this when I graduated from school and started my advanced studies.  I’ve done a lot of study and research here but I’m eager to do some different research!”
Twilight nudged Rainbow in the direction of the stairs to the bed.  Rainbow well understood and wasn’t about to disappoint Twilight.  
“If this is ‘study and research’,” said Rainbow to Twilight, “I regret dodging so much of it when I was in school.”
“I think we can remedy that,” said Twilight.
Twilight was in front Rainbow going up the stair.  Suddenly Twilight felt Rainbow’s tongue at her marehood.
“We can stop here and ‘do it’ on the stair,” said Twilight with a chuckle, “but the bed is more comfortable.”
“Then hurry up, “ said Rainbow.  “After what the princess put me through, I want you so badly right now.”
There was a purple aura and a flash.  The next thing Rainbow knew was they were now on Twilight’s bed.  The second thing was Twilight’s tongue deep in Rainbow’s marehood.
“Why did we wait this long,” said Rainbow as her own tongue found Twilight’s clitoris.
That evening a guard came by to announce dinner would be ready in about a half-hour.  Rainbow and Twilight showered and went to join the princess for dinner.
As they entered the formal dining room, the two lovers saw not only Princesses Celestia and Luna, but also Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.  Cadence got up and rushed to hug her sister-in-law, Shining came over too.
“You all remember Rainbow Dash?” said Twilight.  The two nodded to Rainbow in greeting and to say they did remember.
“You did that marvelous Sonic Rainboom at our wedding.  I never got to thank you for that,” said Shining.
Rainbow smiled at the praise.
“Aunt Celestia said you had an announcement,” said Cadence to Twilight.
“Something important,” said Shining.
“Come sit down first,” called out Celestia.
They all took their seats, Twilight was about to tell the good news but Celestia spoke first.
“Let’s eat first,” said the princess, “we don’t want this marvelous meal to get cold.”
It was understood by Twilight and Rainbow the princess wanted to hold off the announcement until after the meal was done.  Small talk was allowed and it was discovered Cadence and Shining were there for the same reason Twilight and Rainbow were.  
Cadence told how the Crystal Ponies were all settled into the present and getting used to many of the modern convinces the present ponies have taken for granted.  Cadence also let Twilight know Amethyst Maresbury, the librarian at the Crystal Empire Library, was there and wanted to say hello if Twilight had the time.
The meal finished with a delicious apple pie and ice cream.  Just as they’d finished, Twilight realized why the princess wanted to wait on the announcement.  The doors to the dining room opened and in walked Night Light and Twilight Velvet, Twilight and Shining’s parents.  Celestia asked them to join them and had the wine-steward pour everypony a glass of the best wine from Celestia’s private stock.
“Sweetie, Princess Celestia said you’ve something important to tell us,” said Twilight Velvet.
The princess nodded to say it was okay to make her announcement now.
Twilight looked around, all eyes were on her, she was about to become nervous but Rainbow patted her leg below the table to assure her it was okay and she was there for her.
“Mom, Dad, everypony,” said Twilight trying to start, “many of you know there was a pony I fell in love with when I went to Ponyville.  It finally took Rainbow to convince me to share my feelings with that pony.  What she didn’t realize at the time was, she was that pony.”
Rainbow blushed; Twilight took Rainbow’s hoof and held it on the table.
“When I did tell her, it was a shock to her.  But through some...
Exploration of our feelings,” Twilight and Rainbow blushed.  It was enough everypony understood what was not being said, “I’ve found the pony I want to live the rest of my life with.”
“How do you feel about this, Rainbow,” asked Twilight Velvet.
It was almost creepy the way Twilight (her love) resembled Twilight (the mother).  Because of her newfound feelings for Twilight the younger, she was finding the elder Twilight oddly attractive.
“I admit I’ve had, how should I say, a very active ‘love life’ in the past.  Although I know now it had nothing to do with love.  I’ve been with several stallions in the past.  I’d no inclination to be in a serious relationship with anypony, especially with a mare.  
But Twilight has taught me what love truly is and the only thing important about loving a pony is to love a pony.”
Rainbow paused; she saw the smiles from all the ponies at the table.
“Because of the love Twilight has shown and shared with me, I now know love isn’t what I’ve experienced in the past...
Nothing like it.  
Twilight shares love with me without reserve or condition.  How could I not love her?
I’ve let her know I’ve now dedicated my life to make her happy.  I want her in my life forever.”
With that, the two kissed in public for the first time.
“I love you Twilight,” said Rainbow without any concern to who was watching or listening.  It was easier than she thought it’d be.
“And I love you too Rainbow.”
The two kissed again, this time deeper.
“Okay you two,” said Twilight Velvet smiling, “I expect you two to visit in the evening when the daily training is over.”
“Yes,” said Night Light, “we need to get to know this mare you love.”
“Mom, Dad,” said Twilight, with a smile, “I really want you to get to know Rainbow.  I think, I hope, she and I are going to be together for a very long time.”
“I think it’s great,” said Cadence, “perhaps we all can get together the first weekend and have a family day.”
“Well,” said Celestia, “it’s getting late and everypony needs to get some rest.  They have a lot of information coming in the morning and they’ll need to be able to pay attention to it all.”
Everypony said goodnight to Princess Celestia and Luna.  Then Shining, Cadence, Twilight Velvet and Night Light hugged Twilight and Rainbow and said their goodnights.
Later in Twilight’s tower, the two were settling in for the night.  The bed was comfortable and warm as the two lovers basked in their afterglow.  Rainbow and Twilight were lightly embracing, just looking at the other.
“Lover-Pony,” said Rainbow, “do you think your family will like me?”
“My family loves me, they trust me,” said Twilight, “and if I say you’re the best pony for me, then they’ll believe me unless you do something to prove me wrong.  
Which I don’t believe you could ever do.”
Rainbow shuddered a bit remember the testing Celestia had done and how she feared that Twilight would have seen it had Rainbow failed.
Twilight saw the look in her love’s eyes and gave Rainbow a small kiss, Rainbow relaxed.
“That’s all well and good,” said Rainbow with a smirk, “but do you think they’ll like me?  
After all, I’ve come in the picture; I steal away their precious daughter and deflowered their darling baby girl?”
Twilight giggled.
“Is that what you call it?  I thought you were getting me back after I showed you what a mare’s tongue was really for.”
Twilight gave Rainbow an extra-large kiss.  They broke the kiss and looked into each other’s eyes.
“And anyway, I wouldn’t worry about it.  
After all, my possessive, large and extremely strong big brother who still commands all the royal guard would only reduce you to a twitching pile of flesh if he thought you ever hurt me.”
“Lover-Pony!” exclaimed Rainbow; “you’re scaring me!”
“Rainbow Dash? Scared?” laughed Twilight, “I thought Rainbow Dash wasn’t afraid of anything.”
“Creepy Castles, Changeling Queens, Ancient Evil Kings, Spirits of Chaos are one thing!  But angry BIG brothers with thousands of troops at his command?  That’s another thing!”
Twilight grabbed Rainbow and kissed her deeply then broke the kiss and laughed, Rainbow joined the mirth.
“My family will love you.” said Twilight, “but what of yours?  Will they have a problem with you being with an ‘egg-head’ mare?”
Rainbow got quiet.
“What’s wrong Honey?” asked Twilight.
“I don’t have much of a family,” said Rainbow, looking sad, “not anymore.  All I have left, after an accident where my mom and pop worked is an older sister.  
And she and I haven’t spoken in years.”
“Oh Darling,” said Twilight, holding Rainbow close as Rainbow fought (unsuccessfully) her tears.  “You’ve a family now, even if it’s only me.”
“Lover-Pony,” said Rainbow, looking in Twilight’s eyes, “you’re all the family I need.”
Twilight and Rainbow kissed deeply for a while and then just held each other as they drifted off to sleep.
PART SIX: Building A Family
Rainbow and Twilight sat in the conference room together.  
Twilight was fascinated at the logic of the new paperwork handling system.  She could see how the efficiency would make things much easier.  
However, Twilight was worried Rainbow was going to get ‘whiplash’ with her head drooping and then her snapping it back as she tried to stay awake.  Although she couldn’t help but laugh when her lover started to drool.
Raven asked Twilight if Rainbow would have a problem with the test at the end of the three weeks to get her certification.  But Twilight assured Raven she’d make sure Rainbow would get all the extra instruction she’d need to pass.
After the first day’s orientation, study materials and assignments were given, and then put away in their tower, Rainbow and Twilight walked to short distance to the Sparkle home.  
As Twilight opened the door, they could tell they were expected.  The smell of cooking wafted through the house.  The two entered and Twilight called out.
“Mom! Dad! Anypony home?”
Twilight Velvet and Cadence came into the front room.  They both appeared excited.  
“Sweetheart, you’re here,” said the mother.
The two mares came up to Twilight and Rainbow and gave them both warm hugs.
“How did you enjoy today’s training?” asked Cadence to Rainbow.
“I’m afraid it bored me silly,” said Rainbow sheepishly.
“I promised Raven I’d tutor Rainbow, she’ll pass,” said Twilight, “even if it kills her.”
“You can tell how much Twilight loves me,” said Rainbow with a chuckle.  “She’s now threatening to kill me and she told me earlier just how much her brother will tear me apart if I ever hurt her.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about any of that.” Said Twilight Velvet; “Twilight would never choose a pony who’d ever hurt her.  And besides, I wouldn’t worry about Shining Armor, if you ever did anything to Twilight...”
There was a pause, Twilight Velvet looked at the fireplace, there was what was left of a partially burnt log.  There was a glow from the older Twilight’s horn and a bolt of violet struck out and the log ripped in two.
Then Cadence looked at the fireplace, Cadence’s horn glowed and a bolt of light blue struck out.  The split log instantly vanished in a puff of vapor.
“Perhaps I should go back and study in our tower,” said Rainbow to Twilight, turning to leave.
Both of the Twilights and Cadence burst into laughter and hugged Rainbow.
“Honey,” said Twilight, “this is how my family plays with family.  If they didn’t like you then they’d be polite and standoffish.”
“If Twilight loves you,” said Twilight Velvet, “then we love you.”
Two stallions then came in from the outside.  It was Night Light and Shining Armor.  They saw the mares in a group hug and chuckled.
“It figures, we’re outside working,” said Night Light, “and the women folk are in here just kidding around.”
“Hey,” said Shining, “Ms Most Powerful Unicorn in Equestria!  Come outside and lend us a hoof, or should I say, a horn.  We’re trying to get the Crystal Empire Coach back together and we need more than two Unicorns to manage it.”
Twilight turned to Rainbow and asked.
“Do you mind Honey?”
“I don’t mind as long as your mother and Princess Cadence don’t threaten to send me to the moon for ten thousand years.”
“You’re not starting to feel ‘picked on’,” asked Twilight Velvet, “are you?"
All the ponies laughed.  Rainbow and Twilight kissed and then she followed her father and brother outside.
“Sit down Rainbow and let’s talk,” said Twilight Velvet.
“Thank you Mrs. Sparkle,” said Rainbow.
“I’ll get some tea for us,” said Cadence, “Would you like some Rainbow?”
“That’d be nice princess,” answered Rainbow.
Both Cadence and Twilight Velvet looked at each other, and then Twilight Velvet spoke up as Cadence left to get the tea.
“Listen Rainbow,” said the elder Twilight, “it’s a sign of true character to be polite.  But I think under the circumstances, I’d really like it if you’d call me mom.  And I’m sure Night Light would rather you call him dad.  If you’re really serious about wanting to spend the rest of your life with Twilight.”
Cadence had come back in levitating a tea service tray.  She had heard most of what her mother-in-law had said.
“And I want you to know to my family and close friends, I’m Cadence.  I’ll tell you what I told Twilight years ago, only under very formal circumstances, would you call me princess.  If you call me princess any other time, I’ll shove my tiara up your muzzle!  It’s bad enough I have to wear this thing.”
Rainbow smiled and sat with her tea looking at the two mares.  Two mares who were now family, a family beyond what she’d ever hoped for.  
Rainbow was touched beyond words.
“Ladies,” said Rainbow, “I’m so happy to now have a family like you.  I can see why my Lover-Pony is so special and where she gets it from.”
Twilight Velvet and Cadence smiled at the complement.
“I wonder if I could ask a favor?” continued Rainbow, looking a little sheepish.
“Anything Dear,” said Twilight Velvet.
“I’ve always been a forward pony, a little bit on the tomcolt side...
A lot on the tomcolt side.  And I know Twilight loves me for me.  But I can also tell from things she reads and the things she’s hinted at she’d like it if I were a bit more...
The night I came to her to see if she’d told the pony she had feeling for, not knowing it was me, our friend Rarity sprayed me with some perfume.  I think she already knew about Twilight’s feelings for me.  Twilight reacted quite happily when she smelled it on me.
I want to be me for her, but I also want to appeal to her mare-lover side.  I never knew I’d ever be involved with another mare, many ponies thought I was a mare-lover because of my tomcolt personality, but I’d never considered a mare for a partner.  I still don’t want to be with mares, I just want to love and be loved by Twilight.
So I want to continue to reach out to Twilight and be more desirable to her.  She’s worth the effort, I’m just unsure how to do it.”
“Rainbow my Dear,” said Cadence, “I can see why Twilight loves you.  Aside from being a strong personality and an attractive mare, you’ve a heart full of love.  Aunt Celestia told me how she tested you.  Don’t feel bad, Shining Armor still wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat from what she put him through when he came to ask to marry me.”
“I think I can imagine!” chuckled Rainbow.
The three mares laughed.
“I think we can help,” said Twilight Velvet, “but answer me one thing and be truly honest.”
“Anything, mom,” said Rainbow, Twilight Velvet smiled at the gesture.
“You said you want to live the rest of your life with Twilight, and Twilight has said pretty much the same.  Are you speaking metaphorically or are you serious?”
“I told Princess Celestia, when she was torturing...
I mean, testing me, I couldn’t live a day without my Lover-Pony.  I don’t mean we have to be in the same room forever, but if I could never be with her again, I couldn’t see any good reason to go on living.  
That’s how important she is to me now.”
Twilight Velvet and Cadence smiled at Rainbow’s attitude.  They could tell Rainbow was speaking from her heart.
“As Cadence said earlier,” said the mother Twilight, “we’ll get together this weekend and have a family day.  
Go out to eat, do some shopping, just have some family fun.”
“Shopping is fun?” asked Rainbow.
“It is if you are going to be more girly for Twilight,” said Cadence.
“Oh-Boy! Shopping,” said Rainbow, trying to act excited.
“How else are we going to find your perfume?” said Twilight Velvet.
“Good point, mom,” said Rainbow happily.  
“And makeup,” said Cadence.
“Makeup?” said Rainbow, “isn’t that a little too much, too soon?”
“How far are you willing to go to make Twilight happy?” asked Twilight Velvet.
“I suppose hoof polish is included in that,” asked Rainbow, about to say something about her not liking anypony to touch her hooves.  But she remembered how aroused she became when Twilight was actually licking her hooves.  
“I guess I can handle it.”
All three mares chuckled at Rainbow’s surrendering to the girly side.
The two stallions and Twilight came back in.
“There’s our mares,” said Night Light, “just hanging out and looking beautiful, eh?”
“Mine’s best,” said Shining, nudging his father. “I got a princess.”
“What!? Like that matters,” said Night Light to Shining, “without mine, you two wouldn’t have yours!”
“Well, I know that mine’s the prettiest,” said Twilight, “no offence mom and Cadence.”
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” said Rainbow, “don’t get me involved!  I’m still trying to fit in without being killed or exiled.  
I have to watch myself, all you ponies can do magic, I can’t even do a card trick.  I’ve no way to defend myself.”
All the ponies laughed as the three who just came in and gave their mate a large kiss.
The family went into the dining room and enjoyed a fantastic meal.  Rainbow could see where her Lover-Pony got her cooking skills.
Afterwards, there was much laughter and kidding around.  
But it was getting later into the evening and Cadence and Shining, had to go to Shining’s official Canterlot housing.  And Rainbow and Twilight to Twilight’s tower at Canterlot Castle Grounds.  They really did need to study the assignments and get ready for the next day.  All said their good-bye’s and left the parents to have a quiet evening of their own.
Rainbow was suspiciously able to follow what Twilight was explaining about the day’s info.  Twilight wasn’t sure if Rainbow had actually followed what had been taught or if it was the one bit of motivation for Rainbow the instructor didn’t have; Rainbow was assured (only half-seriously) if she didn’t pay attention there was a nice large couch on the observatory floor.  
Cuddling with Twilight was worth the boredom of learning new paperwork.
The next few days went by well enough.  Besides the conferences, there was time with Princess Celestia and Luna, along with afternoons with the Sparkles and study sessions which often turned into lovemaking sessions.
Rainbow was becoming quite comfortable with Twilight’s family, a family accepting her as one of their own.  It actually was getting hard to leave the Sparkles and return to their tower.
PART SEVEN: The Girling of Rainbow Dash
Saturday morning dawned and Twilight was awakened to a barrage of kisses.
Twilight was amused at Rainbow because she actually woke up early on a day she could’ve slept in.  
“Lover-Pony! You goin’a sleep the day away?” said Rainbow excited; “mom, dad, Cadence and Shining are expecting us!”
“Honey?” asked Twilight, “what’s got you so excited?”
“We get to spend the whole day with the family,” said Rainbow, “and go shopping!”
“Shopping?” asked Twilight amused. “Who are you?  And what have you done with my Rainbow Dash?  
Are you a Changeling?”
“Would a Changeling do this?” asked Rainbow.
She quickly dove her head under the blankets and soon had her tongue deep in Twilight’s love organ.  Twilight reached out with her forelegs and moved Rainbow’s hips over her own face, then Rainbow lowered herself to Twilight’s muzzle.
Soon enough the two mares were laying on top of the blankets, trying to catch their breath.
“To answer your question,” said Twilight with a smirk, “if Changelings did that, I don’t think we would’ve fought them very seriously.  They might have even won the battle.”
“I don’t know,” giggled Rainbow, “Pinkie Pie probably would’ve worn them all out, including Chrysalis.  They’d all probably still be following Pinkie around like little puppies.”
Both mares broke out laughing.  
“Okay Honey, we better take a shower,” said Twilight, “we can get something to eat at my parents’ house.”
The two got up and started to the bathroom, Rainbow stopped in her tracks with an odd expression.
“What’s wrong Honey?” asked Twilight.
“I just remembered something from when I was very young,” said Rainbow, “before my parents died.
I haven’t thought about it in years.  And now, our relationship has brought it back.”
“What’s that My Love?”
“My mother used to call my father ‘Honey’,” said Rainbow with a tear rolling down her cheek.
“I’ll stop if it’s too painful,” said Twilight, concern was written across her face.
A smile slowly started to form on Rainbow’s face.
“Please don’t,” said Rainbow walking up to Twilight and giving her a hug, “I think I like it even more.  
And Twilight...”
“Yes,” replied the purple Unicorn.
“I love you.”
Every time Twilight heard those words from Rainbow, it felt as if her heart would burst with joy.
“I love you too,” replied Twilight.
The two tightened their embrace and kissed again.
“Let’s take that shower...
Honey,” said Twilight.
The two just looked at each other and smiled.
Rainbow and Twilight walked the short distance from the castle to the Sparkle home, or at least Twilight walked, Rainbow hovered alongside.  They arrived just as Cadence and Shining’s carriage pulled up.  As Shining dismissed the Crystal Guard, Cadence came up and gave Twilight a hug.  Then she hugged Rainbow and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“We outsiders need to stick together,” laughed the princess.
The group went inside to find a breakfast of waffles, juice, tea and coffee waiting for them.
Rainbow had never spent too much time in the business district of Canterlot.  The shops were certainly different from the shops in her home town of Cloudsdale or her present home of Ponyville.
A lot of the fixtures and doors were geared to manipulation by magic.  Rainbow was starting to feel the awe and displacement her companions had felt when they had visited Cloudsdale for The Best Young Flyers Competition.  
Just as they’d felt at a loss being non-flying ponies in a city built for flyers, she was feeling out of place being a non-magic pony in a city for magic ponies.  The look on her face didn’t go unnoticed.  
Cadence and Rainbow were walking behind everypony else, talking quietly.
“I think I know what you’re feeling,” said Cadence noticing the look on Rainbow’s face.  “I don’t know if you know it, but before I was adopted by Aunt Celestia and Luna, I was a Pegasus.”
“You were?” said Rainbow, almost in disbelief.  Cadence nodded her head.
“In spite of being a Pegasus, I was showing great talent at magic.”  Said the princess, “I had no parents and was raised by Earth Ponies.  The family I grew up with found me in the woods alone, they were unsure how long I was out there, and I was too young to give them any idea of how long and where I may’ve come from.  It was never known if I had gotten lost or abandoned there.  It was also conjectured I may’ve had a ‘magic spirt’ and teleported there.  But there was never any Pegasi families reporting a missing foal.
After a time, the family contacted Canterlot when they noticed I was doing things the other foals couldn’t.  I could make toys appear and I always had and was sharing sweet treats with the other children when none had been given.
I soon found myself at the School for Gifted Unicorns.  
Because I had wings and lacked a horn, the other children laughed at first.  Especially one bully, that is until I caused her hooves to be stuck to the ceiling.  The teacher walked in and saw me flying around her and taunting her face to face.  Being able to fly does have advantages.”
“Sounds like something I would’ve done,” said Rainbow chuckling.
Cadence smiled a wicked grin.
“It was the first time I met with Aunt Celestia.” Said Cadence, “I was told I had a lot of talent but it needed to be properly developed through focused study and discipline.  I was made her personal protégé and student.”
“That sounds kind of like what Twilight said she was told when she first came to the school,” said Rainbow, then more thoughtfully.  “The princess hinted at a destiny for Twilight.  Is being an Alicorn princess what she was saying?”
Cadence glanced ahead at the rest of the family; Shining was entertaining them with a story of how at first, some of the Crystal Ponies were almost superstitious about the train and the workings of it.
“You can’t say anything to her, and I know Pegasus to Pegasus you’ll keep this between us, but it’s exactly what she was saying.  Twilight will one day be ‘elevated’.  She’ll become an Alicorn, but only when she’s earned it.  Being a princess is never just given.  
Things will be totally different when it happens, I was younger, and I didn’t even have a family or coltfriend to help me get through the change of responsibilities and lifestyle.  
Twilight’s abilities had been made known to Aunt Celestia.  It’s why I was made an unofficial nanny to Twilight.  I think Aunt Celestia put me in touch with the Sparkles so I might help guide Twilight until she could go to school.  But it was also to my advantage because I then had a family to help me, plus there was a cute colt I fell in love with.”
“Oh,” said Rainbow kidding, “what ever happened to him?”
Both Mares laughed so loud the rest of the family looked back at them to see what was so funny.
Then Cadence continued;
“You can’t understand now how much Twilight will need you.  And I’m so happy she’ll have a pony like you to give her love and support.  She’s a lot older than I was so she’ll have so much more to deal with.”
Rainbow had always liked Cadence, but now she loved her as if she were her long lost sister.  And being she was a Pegasus, down deep, it made her that much closer.
Then it hit Rainbow.
“Wait a minute,” said Rainbow, “how were you able to do magic as a Pegasus?”
“It’s possible,” said Cadence, “for anypony to do magic, it’s just easier for Unicorns.  Just look at Earth Ponies, they’re able to make things grow better than any other race of ponies, I’ve see some even using knitting needles without any aids to their hooves.  And Pegasi, yes we fly with wings, but we manipulate and walk on clouds and control the weather.  That’s all passive magic we don’t even know we’re doing.”
“You think you might be able to teach me something?”
“Anything in particular?”
Rainbow leaned forward and whispered in Cadence’s ear.
“And by the end of the seminar?” finished Rainbow out loud.
“If you’re sure,” said Cadence. “You’ll have to study and practice hard, if you want to be able to try it before the seminar is over.”
“I think it’d show Twilight just how far I’m willing to go to please her.”
The two mares hugged.
“What’s going on back there?” asked the younger Twilight.
“It’s a Pegasus thing,” said Cadence, “you couldn’t possibly understand it.”
Rainbow and Cadence both laughed.  The rest of the family just rolled their eyes or shook their heads.
“Unicorn snobs,” whispered Cadence to Rainbow, they laughed even louder.
It wasn’t long before they reached the shopping district which mostly catered to the needs of mares.  There was one shop especially frequented by Twilight Velvet and Cadence.  They stopped at the entrance.
“Okay Sweetie,” said Twilight Velvet to her daughter, “you go with the stallions while we girls do some shopping.”
Twilight got a very confused look on her face; she put her head down between her front legs and looked toward her rear.  
Then she looked at Rainbow and asked.
“Did you find something you aren’t telling me about?”
Everypony, including Twilight laughed.
“Just because I like mares doesn’t mean I’m ‘one of the guys’!”
“Twilight,” said Cadence, “there is nothing wrong with you, and you’re every inch a mare.  But mom and I would like to have some time with Rainbow; we want to surprise you.  Shining and dad will make sure you aren’t bored.”
Twilight looked confused but she gave Rainbow a kiss and went off with the guys.
“Hey!” said Night Light; “the sports shop has some new hoofball gear!  We can check it out!”
“Great!” said Shining, “let’s go!”
Rainbow and the rest of the mares broke out laughing when they heard Twilight go:
Rainbow was ushered into the shop.  It was nothing like she’d ever been to before.  Dresses, shoes, lingerie, makeup and perfumes.  There was a ‘day spa’ and salon in the rear of the store.  
She’d been out with her friends before when they’d gone into such shops; but Rainbow always found something else to do.  
Now she was in a state of fascinated shock.  By her accepting she needed to be more feminine and wanting to do so for Twilight, she was all of the sudden excited to explore this new world.  
As Rainbow was looking around in awe, a store employee came up to the little group, after a quick bow to the princess she said:
“Princess Cadence, Twilight Velvet, so very good to see you again.  How may I help?”
“Star Shine, this is Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight Velvet, motioning to the blue Pegasus, “she’s my daughter’s marefriend and partner.  Rainbow is wanting to shed some of her tomcolt ways and be more in tune to her inner mare.”
“I can see why,” said Star Shine, “I know mares who’d kill for a mane and tail like hers.”
“I know,” said Cadence, “I thought three colors were niece, but Rainbow’s mane and tail puts us all to shame.”
Rainbow blushed, she’d never thought of her coloration as anything other than ‘flashy’. She hadn’t thought of it as a sign of some beauty.
“How about we start with facials for all of us,” said Twilight Velvet,  “then some makeup tests, a very minor mane cut and set followed by a salon preening for the winged ponies, a horn filing for the horned ponies and finally a hooficure.  
Then some new dresses, shoes, lingerie and finally she’s looking for a particular perfume.”
“Excellent!” said Star Shine.  “This way to the salon.”
The clerk lead the way to the back of the store to the day spa.  Rainbow’s head was spinning.
“Mom,” whispered Rainbow, “I can’t afford all of that, I don’t think I brought enough bits with me.”
“It’s on me,” said Twilight Velvet.
“And me,” said Cadence.  “You’ve made Twilight so very happy, you deserve something special.”
“I have Twilight,” said Rainbow, “I can’t think of anything more special, can you?”
All the mares smiled at that.
Rainbow was amazed at how relaxing the entire treatment was, even the hooficure.  She just had to realize her entire ‘not liking anypony to touch her hooves’ thing was a control issue.  But now she really was loosening up.  She knew she’d always be the same Rainbow Dash, even with a mane style, dress and makeup.  If you change the package it still only mattered what the contents were.
“Now what is the perfume you’re looking for Miss Dash?” asked Star Shine.
“I’m not really sure,” said Dash, “a friend sprayed some on me, she said it was new.  It smelled like a bunch of flowers, and it was in a blue one of those squeeze spray bottles.”
The other mares just chuckled.
“That eliminates,” said Cadence, “about, oh...”
“None.” Replied Twilight, Cadence and Star Shine.
“I’m sorry,” said Rainbow, “I didn’t ask Rarity the name.”
“Rarity!” exclaimed Star Shine, “the fabulous designer from Ponyville?”
“That’s her.”
“Why didn’t you say that in the beginning?”  Star Shine turned and looked at the wall of perfumes.  Then with an orange glow from her horn, an atomizer Rainbow recognized immediately came floating forward.  “May I?”
“Please,” said Rainbow, not believing she was allowing somepony to spray her with perfume.  Not just allowing, asking for it.
“Rarity is one of my biggest customers,” said Star Shine, spraying a light amount on Rainbow’s neck.  “She got this very perfume a little over a week ago.”
The smell was what Rainbow remembered.
“That’s it,” said Rainbow with a smile.
“Good,” said Twilight Velvet, “take one of the dresses into the dressing room and get dressed, remove the tags and come back here.  Don’t look in the mirror yet, please.”
“Alright mom,” said Rainbow giving the motherly Twilight a hug.
“And while you do,” said Cadence, “I’ll go across the street and pick something up at the bookstore.”
They all went their ways and in about five minutes they were back in the main part of the store.
Cadence had returned with a small bag and met her mother-in-law and Star Shine.  Rainbow was just emerging from the dressing room.  She was looking slightly embarrassed.  She’d always liked to be the center of attention, but this was entirely different.
When the three mares saw her, they were all smiles, Cadence actually gasped.  
“Oh Sweet Celestia!” said the store pony (Cadence was always amused when somepony used her aunt’s name in an oath), “what a beautiful mare!”
“Come here Rainbow and look in the mirror,” said Cadence.
Rainbow’s fear was with all the mane style, makeup, hoof polish and the girly dress, she’d look like an entirely different pony.  Not the pony Twilight was in love with.
She walked up to the group then turned to look into a full length mirror.  
It was Rainbow’s turn to gasp.  There in the mirror wasn’t a complete stranger, it was herself but much lovelier, Rainbow wondered why she’d fought this for so long.  
There were tears starting to form in her eyes.  Cadence summoned a tissue and dabbed Rainbow’s eyes.
“Don’t cry,” said Cadence, “your makeup will run.”
“I don’t know what to say,” said Rainbow, “it’s nothing like I’d imagined.  I look girly but I don’t look like some other pony I’m not.  
Thank you all so much.”
Rainbow hugged the store clerk, Twilight Velvet and Cadence.
“I have a book for you,” said Cadence, “don’t be offended that it’s a children’s book.  We’ll talk about it tonight at home.”
Rainbow knew what Cadence was telling her.
Twilight, Shining and Night Light had gone to the pre-agreed restaurant; they’d ordered drinks and appetizers and were waiting on the ‘girls’.  Shining noticed the headwaiter was leading Twilight Velvet and Cadence in, he alerted the others.  Twilight Velvet and Cadence were side by side so Rainbow was blocked from view.  The restaurant patrons started to stand in the presence of Princess Cadence.
“Please everypony,” said Cadence, “go back to what you were doing!”
Shining, Night Light and Twilight Sparkle continued standing.
“We’ve somepony we’d like you to meet,” said Twilight Velvet to Twilight and the boys.
Cadence and Twilight Velvet split to reveal Rainbow Dash, who stepped forward.
Twilight Sparkle could hardly breathe.  She broke out in a cold sweat, and sat down so she wouldn’t faint.
“Wow,” said Shining and Night Light together.
“I... I... I...” stammered Twilight.
Rainbow walked over to Twilight.
“Do you like?” asked Rainbow with ‘that look’ in her eyes.
“I... I’ve... I’ve never seen a more beautiful pony ever!  Rarity is going to be so jealous, and I’m going to have to fight off the stallions all the time!”
Rainbow gave Twilight a small kiss.
“I’d never do this for any other pony in the world,” said Rainbow, “and as far as stallions, what’s a stallion?  Only my Lover-Pony is worth the effort.”
“And I thought I was doing good to get you a new Wonderbolts cap.”
Everypony laughed, everypony sat down and dinner was ordered.  Twilight could hardly eat; her eyes were glued on Rainbow.
The rest of the evening went well.  As they walked through Canterlot, it was apparent the group of four very lovely mares was attracting some attention.  Rainbow wondered jokingly to herself how Rarity put up with it, but she remembered the white Unicorn thrived on such attention.
They took in a play and had some drinks before returning home.  Because of the  hour, it was decided they all would stay the night at the Sparkle home.
Before going to their rooms, Cadence took Rainbow into another room for about an hour.  Afterwards, the two returned to the rest of the family.  They were smiling even though Rainbow mentioned having a slight headache behind her eyes.
As they were settling in for the night in Twilight’s old room, Rainbow started looking uneasy.
“What’s wrong Honey,” asked Twilight.
“Don’t be mad at me,” said Rainbow, “I have to keep a couple things secret from you at this time.  I don’t feel right about it but I also want you to know they’re innocent and will make you happy.”
“Don’t worry Honey,” said Twilight, “I love surprises.”
Rainbow walked to Twilight and gave her a respectable kiss.
“Thank you, My Love,” said Rainbow, “now if you’ll help me with this dress, I think we should go to bed.”
“It was a long day,” said Twilight, “we could use some sleep.”
“Who said anything about sleep?” said Rainbow.  
With the makeup and new persona, the roguish smile was much more alluring.  
PART EIGHT: Love, The Way It Should Be
The rest of the training went smoothly as the weeks progressed.  Rainbow made a startling transformation.  She was still the same brash Rainbow Dash all knew, but around family and especially Twilight, she blossomed into a genteel and refined lady.  Twilight had to admit to Rainbow this side of Rainbow was quite arousing.  So much so there were times Rainbow didn’t have the dress all the way off before Twilight was all over her.  
Rainbow was liking this!
Princesses Celestia and Luna also were truly moved by Rainbow’s transformation.  Rainbow wasn’t wearing dresses every day, but she took time to put on some makeup and perfume for her love.  Twilight would dress up on those days as well, they made quite the pair.
However this did entice several of the stallions to come over to Rainbow and Twilight at break times and ask if they were available for dinner.  
At one of the class breaks, Twilight and Rainbow were going to the lunchroom to get a snack when two ponies approached them.
“Hey girls,” said a large green Pegasus stallion, he had a yellow Earth Pony at his side. “Rock Crusher and I are free for dinner.  We’d really like it if you’d allow us to take you out tonight.”
“I’m sorry to hear that…” Twilight paused.
“Rain Bringer,” said the Pegasus in introduction.
“Sorry to hear that, Rain Bringer,” said Rainbow, “but I’m afraid Twilight and I have plans.”
“Oh, are your coltfriends in town?” asked Rock Crusher.
“We don’t have coltfriends,” said Twilight, she was about to laugh, but she controlled it.  “But Rainbow and I have plans.”
“Come on,” said Rock Crusher, “why can’t you let us take you out.  Or at least have a late drink?”
“Would it be too much to ask?” asked Rain Bringer.  “We really don’t like to take no for an answer without a very good reason.”
“It’s like this,” said Rainbow, who turned to Twilight and the two exchanged a passionate and long kiss.
When they broke the kiss, the boys were gone.  
The two lovers laughed long.
But whenever they saw them around campus, the boys tried to avert their eyes and not look embarrassed.
It wasn’t the only attempt, a lot of stallions hearts were broken after that, Rainbow was almost enjoying it.  But she always stuck close to Twilight.  It made it harder for the stallions to be insistent when Rainbow would turn and kiss Twilight.  
The next week passed much as the first.  Rainbow was getting very comfortable with all the Sparkles, especially Cadence.  A friendship was blooming between them which almost matched Cadence’s attachment to Twilight.
The second Weekend wasn’t as involved as the first.  Rainbow and Twilight spent all Saturday at a park just outside of Canterlot with the rest of the Sparkles.  They brought a picnic lunch and just had fun being with family.  
Sunday they took in a hoofball game, Twilight wasn’t into it, but Rainbow wanted to go.  It made a little bit of (good natured) rivalry within the family because it was the Crystal Empire Crystals vs. Canterlot Knights.  To make things worse, Rainbow was cheering with Cadence for the Crystal Empire while, Twilight’s father made Twilight cheer for Canterlot.  Whether she intended to or not, Twilight got into the game, and by the end Twilight was trying to out yell Rainbow.  
It might have been a family dividing event had it not ended in a tie.
As the conferences continued, it would’ve been hard for anypony who had known Rainbow from the past to have even recognized her.  Rainbow was attentive, studious and focused on the work.  
It even shocked Twilight at first, but Rainbow told her lover she wanted to be the kind of pony who didn’t look out of place at Twilight’s side.  Twilight told her it wasn’t necessary, but she appreciated the effort.
On the last Wednesday afternoon, Twilight was called to see Princess Celestia during a break in the class.
“Twilight, because of my responsibility to you, I’m afraid I’m going to have to test yours and Rainbow’s love.  Don’t worry,” said the princess with a chuckle. “nopony is going to the moon.”
“I’m always available for you,” said Twilight, “and I’ll always do my best.”
“I know that,” said Celestia with a warm smile.  “Do you know where we are?”
“Isn’t this your Crown Jewels vault?”
“It is,” said the princess, “Luna and I’ve collect these over a multitude of pony lifetimes.  Please follow me in.”
The door opened and Twilight was led into rooms with display case after display case.  Celestia’s horn glowed and the protective fields which protected the precious items for when tourist were allowed in, disappeared.  
Some of the items, Twilight recognized like Celestia and Luna’s Crowns of State.  Also there were magical gems such as Meadowbrook’s ‘Eye of Far Seeing’.  There were others which were more or less mementos.  But all looked valuable.  At the back of the room were some very old pieces.  One, a diamond ring sat on a pedestal; it looked like a ring Rarity would sell everything, including her soul to own.  The ring was of the Pegasus design, made to go on the fingerlike structure at the end of the wing.
Gems like rubies, emeralds and sapphires were common stones in Equestria.  They’re beautiful and make fine jewelry and decorations.  But with the exceptions of special ones like fire rubies, all were not of much monetary worth.  But for no good explanation, diamonds were rare and so, very valuable.  Even Rarity, with her special talent, had unearthed very few diamonds in the past.
“This ring was given to me by Commander Hurricane, the last Queen of the Pegasus Tribe.”
“Ooh, pretty!” remarked Twilight.
“Yes it’s very beautiful,” said Celestia with a smile, she always appreciated Twilight’s almost childlike wonder of things.  “If I had a son, and that son was in love and needed to have a ring for his bride, I would give him this.”
Twilight gazed admiringly at the ring.
Celestia’s golden aura encased the ring and it floated to Twilight.  Twilight just looked confused.
“I want you to keep this safe and secret for me...
Not even Rainbow is to know that you have it.” Said the princess with a smile, “consider that as part of the test.  I’m not asking you to be deceitful or to lie to your love.  Call this a favor for me.  You’ll know when I’ll want you to reveal it.”
Twilight and Rainbow were having lunch with the princesses and Shining Armor during the day.  And they were going to Twilight’s parents in the evenings.  Rainbow loved the family interactions.  When they went back to their room at the castle, they took an hour to study and then would take an hour to read.  Rainbow wouldn’t let Twilight see what she was reading and told her if she truly loved her, she’d trust her.
The only odd thing to happen, during the last week, was when Twilight started to notice the equipment stored on the very high shelves often looked like it had been moved.  Twilight mentioned it to Rainbow, she said she thought maybe the cleaning staff was coming by and dusting.
Rainbow had quickly become quite good at the new paperwork techniques.  Twilight wondered if the ‘dumb act’ was just Rainbow’s old ways of trying to look cool.  But with her being in love with an intelligent pony and giving in to the girly side, it was now okay to show she wasn’t some ‘dumb mare’.  
She even slipped up and displayed her knowledge when Twilight and Night Light were playing chess and Rainbow told Twilight she’d made a bad move and:
‘Dad will have you mate in two.’
Rainbow’s prediction was spot on, Twilight was dumbfounded.
In the evenings, the family would talk of the day’s activities and what Night Light was up to in his job.  But there was about an hour or two every evening Cadence and Rainbow would excuse themselves to go into Shining’s room away from the rest of the family.
The last few days, both mares would come back to the family all smiles.  Twilight would ask what they were up to but Cadence told Twilight it was a Pegasus thing and she didn’t want to make it a Royal Command for Twilight to be patient.
It was Thursday evening; the next day was the final test to see if the ponies had understood all the information.  Twilight had little doubt Rainbow would pass without any issues.  
Tonight, when Rainbow and Cadence went back to Shining’s old room, Twilight Velvet went also.
Twilight the younger wasn’t a paranoid pony, but she had the oddest feeling they were talking about herself.  But she went ahead and finished the dishes and tried not to think about it.  She also was wondering what the princess was talking about when she said she was going to test them.  Did she have to be worried?  What if she failed?  
And why exactly did Celestia give her the ring.
Back in Shining’s old room, Rainbow and Cadence were finishing up.  Twilight Velvet just watched and smiled.  
“Very good Rainbow,” said Cadence, “I think you have it.  Just remember to use this often or you could lose it.  You’ll be surprised but you’ll find now you’re mastering this, it’ll be easier to learn other skills.”
Then as they were finishing up, Twilight Velvet said she had something for Rainbow.
“Rainbow,” said the motherly pony, “I want to give you something.  Something personal and something I’d only give to family.”
Twilight Velvet levitated it to Rainbow.  Rainbow held out a hoof and it settled on it.
“It’s beautiful, mom.” Said Rainbow, “but I can’t accept this, it’s too valuable.”
“Rainbow,” said Twilight Velvet, “this is my first, Night Light has given me newer ones on special wedding anniversaries.  Now it’s my hope you’ll use it.”
“I don’t think I could use it, it’s for a Unicorn...”
Rainbow stopped and realized what she’d just said.  
“Are you saying what I think you are saying?”
Twilight Velvet and Cadence both looked at Rainbow with large smiles on their faces.  Then an identical smile started to grow on Rainbow’s face.
“I’ll hold it for you for now, ” said Cadence levitating the object to herself, “you’ll know when to use it.”
It was Friday afternoon; the test for certification was easier than most of the class thought.  There was a nice lunch/reception with a lot of cakes and other goodies.  After followed the final gathering for final words and acknowledgements.
Rainbow and Twilight were so excited to be going back to Ponyville to tell all their friends about their good news.  Twilight’s mom had suggested the two wear nice dresses so when they got to Ponyville their good news would be much more fun if they both looked stunning.
Princess Celestia spoke on the stage a quick thanks for all who attended and appreciated them for taking time out of their busy lives to be there.  Then she turned things over to Raven and left the stage.
On the stage in front of the gathered ponies, Raven walked out levitating a small table with a box of certificates.
“Thank you everypony,” said Raven, “it was the other instructors and my pleasure to teach you this new method.  It’s our hope you’ll go back to your jobs and teach those under you this new method as well.
Now, as I call out your names, please come forward to receive your certification credentials and then exit out to the left.  Thank you again for coming.
Alfalfa, Apple Tree, Bluebell...”
The names went on alphabetically, by first name for those with more than one name, it was apparent when they came to the R’s and the T’s, two names were missing.  
“Willow, Yellow Daisy, Zodiac.”  
With the last name called out, and the last recipient had left the room, Raven smiled as she glanced at the two.  Then she levitated the table and left the stage.  Twilight and Rainbow just looked puzzled at each other across the row which divided then; they’d been sitting in alphabetical order.
After a moment of being in the room alone, Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor walked into the room just in front of the stage.  From the back of the room came Night Light and Twilight Velvet.
The two lovers weren’t sure what to think.  Then Princess Celestia spoke up.
“I’m afraid there were two participants who’re needing to have an additional test administered.  It’s an oral examination so please come up here.”
Twilight and Rainbow walked up and stood in front of the princess.
“I’ve spoken with the ponies gathered because it was important to agree on which of you are the more dominate personality, so I adjusted the test to facilitate this.”
Celestia looked at the two intently, although it almost appeared a smile was trying to show on her face.  The gathered family also was trying not to smile; Twilight Velvet did have a tear on her cheek.
“Are you two ready?  Be warned, once done there’s no backing out and this will affect your lives forever!”  Said the princess ominously.
Rainbow and Twilight looked at each other and then at the princess and nodded their understanding and consent.  
“Good, Rainbow, take Twilight’s right hoof with your right hoof,” Rainbow did this, “I’ll start with you, Rainbow Dash...
“Rainbow Dash...”
There was a moment’s pause.
“Do you take Twilight Sparkle to be your wedded wife?  To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?”
Rainbow was in shock, the same shock showed on Twilight’s face.  It was apparent what Twilight’s family had been hinting at.  From the look on Twilight’s face, it was apparent everypony, save herself and Twilight, was in on it.
“I do,” Rainbow said with tears welling in her eyes.
“Twilight Sparkle, do you take Rainbow Dash to be your wedded wife?  To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, to love and to cherish, until death do you part?”
“I do Your Highness, I truly do!”
“Please levitate the rings to me.” Said Celestia.
Twilight produced a ring like Rainbow had only seen in books, Cadence held out a ring.  It looked strangely like her mother’s wedding ring.  Twilight looked over to where he mother was standing.  Twilight Velvet nodded her head.  Twilight’s aura started to appear around the ring Cadence was holding, but Cadence covered the ring.  
Celestia spoke up;
“No Twilight, if Rainbow truly loves you, it’s something she must do for herself.
This is the test.”
Twilight was concerned, was Celestia again trying to make sure Rainbow and herself were kept apart?  If so it was more cruel than what Rainbow had told her about the ordeal Celestia had put her lover through.
But then she noticed no other pony, not even Rainbow looked concerned.
Twilight then saw Rainbow’s eyes glowing with a red/yellow/blue shifting light.  She looked over at Cadence and the ring.  
A red/yellow/blue aura encased the ring and it floated to Celestia.
“Well done Rainbow Dash!” said Celestia.
Celestia’s golden magic aura took the rings, they vanished and then appeared on the proper bride.
“In the name of the Crown” said Celestia.  “And Our Regal Self.  We declare you wed.”
“What We join together,” said Celestia, “let no pony sunder.”
“You may kiss your Bride.”
“May I be the first to introduce Mrs. Rainbow and Mrs. Twilight Dash.”  Said the princess with a smile.
Twilight was overjoyed at the name, she hadn’t even thought anything like it would ever happen.  But now it sounded oh so right.
Rainbow was just as ecstatic.  She’d found true love with a pony who’d been there with her for years.  Never had Rainbow thought of marriage, she was happy just to be with Twilight.  But now she found in her heart that this is what she truly wanted, for that partnership to be made complete and permanent.
The princesses and Twilight’s family closed in on them.  There were hugs and kisses from all.
FINAL PART: Two Happy Mares
It was another Friday night at the Golden Cider Trough Pub.  It’d been quiet without Rainbow and Twilight.  
Or at least without Rainbow.  
The evening was just starting.  The first round of drinks were finished and a second was ordered.  The girls were looking around to see what stallions were there tonight.  
It was the same old crowd.
Soon they noticed the front door open and in walked Rainbow and Twilight.  Both were in very nice dresses, Rainbow’s mane was styled and not just ‘windblown’.  They were laughing and playfully bumping flanks.  Twilight said something to Rainbow and walked in the direction of the ‘Little Filly’s Room’.  Rainbow walked to the bar and ordered, then went to the table with her friends and took her usual place.
“Wha’ ’sup girls?” said Rainbow with a very large smile.  “Anything new since I was in Canterlot?”
They all saw right away that Rainbow was also wearing blush, eye shadow and mascara as well as the dress.
“Well Darling,” said Rarity, as always she had a knowing smile on her face, “we might ask you the same thing.  Get a lot done in Canterlot?”
“Yes Sugar Cube, you two disappeared so quickly and mysteriously.” said AJ, “and now look at you!  A dress and makeup!  Are you sure you’re the Rainbow Dash?”
“What? A girl can’t try to look her best for her friends?” asked Rainbow innocently.
Pinkie sniffed and asked.
“Are you wearing perfume Dashie?”
Rarity sniffed and smiled.
“Ponā No.5,” said Rarity with a wicked smile, “now where have I smelled that before?”
Rainbow smiled and blushed but she dodged the question.
“To answer your first question Rare, we did get a lot done.  It was a long class on a new way of handling paperwork.  Twilight ate it up, I snored through most of it.” Rainbow paused and then continued.
“However, Twilight and I managed to have some fun.”  
“You spent a lot of time with Twilight?” said Rarity who already knew the answer.
Rainbow smiled at Rarity, she was about to burst with the news.
“I spent all my time with Twilight and her family,” said Rainbow, about to drop the bombshell.
Before she could say anything else, Time-Turner came up to the table.
“Excuse me ladies,” said the stallion to everypony, then turning to Rainbow, “Wow Rainbow, you look very nice tonight.”
“Why, thank you Time-Turner,” said Rainbow, uncharacteristically gracious.  “That’s very kind of you to notice.”
“I’m so sorry for taking off on you the last time,” said the Stallion, obviously checking out the more fancy Rainbow Dash.  “If you’re game, I’d like to take you up on that ‘rain check’ for drinks at my place.”
Rainbow looked at everypony; there was a strange smile on her face.  Rarity looked intensely at Rainbow; this could confirm her suspicions.
“I’m sorry Time-Turner, things have changed since then,” said Rainbow, “I’m afraid it’s going to be impossible from now on.”
Rainbow stuck out her left wing and there on the finger-like structure at the end of the wing, was a huge, gorgeous and sparkling diamond ring.
Time-Turner was taken aback, but was polite and congratulated Rainbow and then excused himself.
However the four at the table had just as shocked looks on their faces.  The stone on the ring was starting to make Rarity drool.  This was beyond what Rarity had suspected.
“You’re engaged?” exclaimed the gathered friends.  
“I’m not engaged,” Rainbow just smiled a large smile.  
“Then what’s the ring for?” asked Fluttershy.
“You usually exchange rings when you get married,” Said Rainbow with a smile from ear to ear.
If possible, the friends were even more shocked.
“Married!” they all exclaimed.
“When, how, who?” asked Pinkie Pie sounding hurt, “and why weren’t we invited?”
Just then, over at Minuette, Bon-Bon and Lyra’s table, there was joyful squealing.  All looked over and Twilight had been talking to them. Minuette, Bon-Bon and Lyra got up and the four of them were jumping up and down in a group hug.  
Twilight started to walk over to join the rest of her friends.  
“When, is while in Canterlot,” said Rainbow continuing her large smile, “how is we discovered our feelings for each other and wanted to be together and make it permanent.”
“Rainbow,” called the bartender, “your drinks are ready.”
There appeared a red/yellow/blue light in Rainbow’s eyes, she looked toward the bar and two glasses of wine were levitated from the bar to their table, there was a red/yellow/blue multi colored aura around the glasses as they floated to the table.
All of the ponies eyes popped open wide and their jaws hung down.
“Showoff!” snickered Twilight, approaching.  Rainbow smiled at Twilight.
Twilight sat by Rainbow, put one of her forelegs around Rainbow’s neck and with the free hoof, turned Rainbow’s face to hers and kissed her quite passionately.  
The four friends were now about to fall out of their seats.  It was amazing the change in Rainbow in just three weeks.
Rarity saw the gleam of another ring on the base of Twilight’s horn, just barely showing from under her bangs.  She was about to squeal and jump up and down just like Minuette, Bon-Bon and Lyra.
Rainbow and Twilight broke the kiss and looked at their friends.
“And the who is my sweet Lover-Pony right here,” said Rainbow.
“Mrs. Twilight Dash,” said Twilight, parting her bangs her with her magic to show the ring while still lightly embracing Rainbow and resting her head on Rainbow’s shoulders.
“It was small private ceremony by Princess Celestia,” said Rainbow, “to prove the honesty of our love.  
But we’re wanting a public ceremony and we could use some bride’s maids.”
There was a long moment of dead silence from the table, then as if to outdo Minuette, Lyra and Bon-Bon, the four friends rushed the new couple and hugged and kissed and cried for what felt like an eternity.  After they all sat back down, they were amused when Rainbow took Twilight’s hoof and held it on the table, open and unashamed.
“Twilight Dash, eh?” said Rarity with a smirk.  “I’m just so glad it’s all out in the open.  Now we can meet on Friday without you brooding all night.”
“I’m afraid Rarity knew all along how you felt about me,” said Rainbow to Twilight.
“I would’ve been surprised if she hadn’t.” Said Twilight, giving Rainbow another small kiss.  
“So Rainbow, after all those stallions...” started AJ.
“ALL those stallion?” asked Rainbow, looking incredulous, but all giggled.
“After all those stallions,” continued AJ with a smirk, “when did you discover you’re a mare-lover?”
“She isn’t,” said Twilight, “I’m a mare-lover, I’ve always been.  But Rainbow loves me, not mares.  You have to understand to love a pony is to love a pony, mare or stallion.  And I love her so very much, and from the first day I came to Ponyville.”
“Darlings,” said Rarity to her friends, “love is always what’s important.  And I’ve suspected Twilight has been in love with Rainbow for a long time.  I was always afraid nothing would come of it and Twilight would always be lonely.  But now I’m as glad as they are.  All I want is my friends to be happy.”
They all gathered for another group hug.
The group of friends were joined by Minuette, Lyra and Bon-Bon.  The mares stayed together at their table.  This night, the stallions could wait, everypony wanted to know how this all came about.  About the trip to the boutique, how Rainbow was able to do levitation, the surprise wedding, and every detail of the whirlwind romance.  
After a few hours, Rainbow and Twilight said they had to go home, it was their wedding night after all.
At the library Spike was floored by the announcement.  But he was happy for Twilight and Rainbow.  He also understood he had to sleep in the library this evening and they’d make up his own room tomorrow.
At Rainbow’s suggestion, Twilight took a shower first, then while Rainbow was taking hers (Rainbow insisted on them taking separate showers for this evening only) Twilight got out a bottle of very good wine and two glasses.  She extinguished the lights and lit a low fire.  Then she placed candles in the room and lit them.  
Finally she put on the white negligée and panties then lay on the bed in her best alluring pose.  
Twilight nearly passed out from the shock when Rainbow entered the room.  She’d fixed up her mane and touched up her makeup and perfume.  She was also wearing something she’d kept hidden from Twilight for a surprise.  
Rainbow was also wearing a sheer negligée and panties of her own.  Rainbow’s was black lace, the sight of Rainbow so totally transformed and yet the same Rainbow made Twilight instantly wet.  Had Twilight ever seen Rainbow like this before their declaration of feelings, she wouldn’t have been able to control herself and would’ve spilled her heart to Rainbow, or perhaps not even waited to tell Rainbow and just ‘taken’ her.
Rainbow looked deep into Twilight’s eyes, kissed her lightly on the muzzle and said.
“I hope you weren’t planning on getting much sleep tonight, Mrs. Dash.”
Twilight’s response was a passionate kiss as she pulled Rainbow on to the bed.
Rarity’s mind was always busy before she actually woke up; it’s a Unicorn trait.  
Rarity thought about what a night it was for her and her friends.  After Rainbow and Twilight or Mrs. and Mrs. Dash left for their wedding night, the rest of the friends stayed together and drank late into the night to celebrate the new couple.  As the alcohol worked it’s magic, the talk got bawdy and very silly as they theorized what was going on at the library.  
‘Applejack Darling, show me you know what a mare needs.’
‘Where’d that thought come from?’ wondered Rarity.  
Her mind went back to her previous thoughts:
It was no surprise to anypony, Pinkie Pie could speak authoritatively about mare with mare intimacy.  What shocked the ponies was Fluttershy could also, she’d blush and glance at Pinkie.
‘Oh! Applejack, right there!  I’m so close already!  Do me good Darling!’
‘What the what?’ Thought Rarity, almost wondering if she was having some kind of a dream, or was still drunk.
Rarity forced her thoughts to return to the other matters.  To tell the truth, the drinks and the talk made Rarity quite aroused, but she knew she was coming into the fertile part of her cycle.  So she wisely chose to steer clear of the stallions for the night.
‘Spread ‘em Darling, I want to taste your marehood so badly Applejack,’
The thought had returned, but this time Rarity could see herself plunging her tongue into AJ’s marehood!
‘What is wrong with me!?’ thought Rarity.
As she became more awake, the first thing she started to notice was an odd almost salty taste in her mouth.  She also noticed the smell of marehood in her nose.
‘I guess I really need a shower before I go out today,’ thought Rarity to herself.
‘Darling promise me your marehood is only for me from now on, Applejack.’
‘Sweet mother of Celestia and Luna!’ thought Rarity.  ‘What the Tartarus is going on in my head?’
Then she noticed she was quite warm.  Then she felt she was being embraced from behind.  She could tell the forelegs around her and the chest pressed against her back were very muscular.  She also noticed the afterglow ‘down there’, evidence of what had happened.
‘Oh horse-apples!’ thought Rarity in a panic, ‘what have I done?  The last thing I need is a foal!’
Then she felt the pony holding her was kissing her neck and ear.  If she wasn’t in a distressed frame of mind, it would’ve been quite pleasant.  
The biggest shock came when she got up the nerve to open her eyes and turn over to see with whom she’d committed this laps of good judgement.  
“Applejack!” exclaimed Rarity, now knowing where the stray thoughts were coming from.  They were memories fighting to the surface.
“Mornin’ Sugar Cube.  I thought you were goin’a sleep all day.”
Applejack gently pulled Rarity closer and kissed her with a lot of passion.
Suddenly, all the memories worked themselves past the alcohol induced haze.  A night of passionate lovemaking flooded in.  
Passion was Rarity’s forte and despite the shock of waking up with a mare and Applejack no less, she closed her eyes, gave into the kiss and enjoyed it as any she had received from any stallion, and her forelegs wrapped around Applejack and pulled her closer.  
Perhaps she enjoyed it more because Applejack was a pony she’d been around all her life and trusted without question.
Giving in totally, she reached out and stroked Applejack’s marehood.  Applejack tightened her embrace and redoubled the passion of the kiss.
After another round of lovemaking, Rarity understood the thoughts that had wandered through her mind, the taste in her mouth and the smell on her muzzle.  
As they lay there holding each other, Rarity felt compelled to ask a few questions.
“Applejack Darling, not that I’m complaining, but how did we end up like this?”
Applejack chuckled.
“First Sugar Cube,” said Applejack with a smirk, “it was your idea.  
Second, to tell the truth, I’ve wanted to do this since Twilight’s slumber party.”
“Why’ve you never said anything?” said the white Unicorn.
Applejack blushed a bit.
“I was always ‘fraid to say anythin’, ‘fraid you’d be so repelled by me wantin’ to be with you that you’d never talk to me again,” said Applejack.  “But as we talked last night, we ended up bein’ the last two ponies at the table.  You sat there for a while just lookin’ at me funny, then you licked your lips and said;
‘I bet you and I could out do what Twilight and Rainbow are doing right now.’
‘What do you mean?’ I asked.
Your answer was you scooting’ closer to me, your hoof in my lap, slowly sliding to my marehood.  You looked into my eyes and gave me a large smile and a look that would’ve aroused a stone statue.
I don’t know why, maybe it was the drinks or maybe it was because it was something I’d wanted for a long time.  But despite bein’ in a public place I let you rub me.  It felt so awesome, nothin’ like anypony else’s touch.  It was all I could do not to grab and start kissin’ you right then and there.  I did start rubbin’ you however.  I’ve never touched another mare’s marehood ever.  But with you rubbin’ me and the feelin’ of you starting to squirm as I rubbed you, well it didn’t take much convincin’ for either of us to leave.
So I asked if you were sure to which you answered...”
“I’ve wanted to do this for oh so long,” said Rarity finishing Applejack's sentence.  
The rest of the night came pouring back.  The truth was Rarity wanted to do this since the slumber party also.
“You said Carousel Boutique was closer and more private than Sweet Apple Acres, so we trotted off to here.  Actually, by the time we got here, we were at a full gallop!  I think if your bed was just five feet further from the door, we would’ve ‘done it’ on the floor.”
Applejack paused, she was smiling as she thought of the night’s activities, and Rarity’s smile was just as large.
“As I said, it’s somethin’ I’ve been wantin’ to do.  But I was ‘fraid it was only the alcohol talkin’, but I was also ‘fraid I’d never get the chance again.”
The two just lay there looking into each other’s eyes.  Never had they felt this way for anypony.  And never would they have imagined they’d feel this way for each other...
Or did they?
“So what do we do now Sugar Cube?” asked Applejack.
“About what,” asked Rarity.
“’bout us,” said Applejack looking almost fearful, as if she didn’t want to hear the answer, “or was it just the alcohol and there really isn’t an us?”
Rarity thought about what Applejack just asked.  After all, Applejack and she were just friends...
And it was a just pleasant ‘roll in the hay’, that’s all it was...
But she had wanted Applejack for some time.  To Rarity, it didn’t matter if Applejack was a mare, Applejack was in almost every aspect the opposite of herself, Applejack truly did complete her.  Applejack’s manners, the way she dressed and most of all, her almost brutal honesty, Applejack was a pony Rarity could trust no matter what.  
As she thought, it was like Twilight and Rainbow, two opposite ponies that balanced the other, opposites attracting.
And there was something she’d never admitted, Rarity had always thought Applejack was a very attractive mare in a rustic way.  It really did excite Rarity being around her friend, even when they were arguing.  
Applejack had known she’d want to get this far with Rarity.  At some level Applejack had always wanted to be with the beautiful Unicorn.  She was everything Applejack thought she could never be.  
Plus every time she was in the position of being behind her friend, the sight of Rarity’s succulent rump would do things to her own marehood.
Both ponies were starting to understand Rainbow and Twilight’s explanation of in spite of Twilight being a mare-lover and Rainbow not, they loved the other pony for who they were, not what gender the other pony was.  
Perhaps with their friends being open and up front with their feelings and relationship, it made it easier for Applejack and Rarity to be honest to themselves about their buried feelings.
“I tell you what Darling,” said Rarity with a smile, sliding closer, “it’s alright with me if there’s an ‘us’, until we find that there isn’t.”
“And we can be public with this?” asked Applejack, closing the distance between their muzzles.
“We can be public with this,” said Rarity.
Applejack didn’t get to say anything else.  Rarity’s tongue was already half way down Applejack’s throat.
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dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Sunday, december 6 of 2020 with Proverbs 6 and Psalm 6, accompanied by Psalm 76 for the 76th day of Autumn, and Psalm 41 for day 341 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 3rd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 6]
My son, if you will risk your family’s future to put up collateral for the debts of an acquaintance,
if you seal a commitment with a handshake to someone without first knowing the value of his word,
Then your words may well be the trap that snares you,
and your promise may seal your fate.
You can’t be sure to whom you hitched your future.
So, my son—save yourself! Here’s what you need to do:
go to that person who became your master with a handshake,
humble yourself, and plead your case.
Do not sleep;
don’t even rest your eyes until you deal with this.
Get out as quickly as possible,
as a gazelle runs from the hand of the hunter,
as a bird takes off from the grip of the fowler.
Take a lesson from the ant, you who love leisure and ease.
Observe how it works, and dare to be just as wise.
It has no boss,
no one laying down the law or telling it what to do,
Yet it gathers its food through summer
and takes what it needs from the harvest.
How long do you plan to lounge your life away, you lazy fool?
Will you ever get out of bed?
You say, “A little sleep, a little rest,
a few more minutes, a nice little nap.”
But soon poverty will be on top of you like a robber;
need will assault you like a well-armed warrior.
Someone who struts around taking advantage of unsuspecting souls
and deceiving others is to be avoided.
With a wink of his eye, a quick shuffle of his feet,
and a slight gesture with his hand, he signals his roguish treachery.
With a warped mind and twisted heart, he constantly looks for his own gain at others’ expense,
causing friction everywhere he goes.
But you watch: his actions will bring sudden disaster!
In an instant, his life will be shattered,
and there will be nothing to save him.
Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates;
no, make it seven He abhors:
Eyes that look down on others, a tongue that can’t be trusted,
hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that conceives evil plans,
feet that sprint toward evil,
A false witness who breathes out lies,
and anyone who stirs up trouble among the faithful.
So, my son, follow your father’s direction,
and don’t forget what your mother taught you—
Keep their teachings close to your heart;
engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck.
Their instruction will guide you along your journey,
guard you when you sleep,
and address you when you wake in the morning.
For their direction is a lamp; their instruction will light your path,
and their discipline will correct your missteps,
sending you down the right path of life.
They will keep you far from the corrupted woman,
away from the smooth talk of a seductive woman.
Do not lose yourself in desire for her beauty
or let her win you over with her painted eyes,
For you can buy a harlot with a loaf of bread,
but sex with another man’s wife will cost you your life.
Can you carry fire right next to your body
and keep your clothes from burning?
Can you walk over fiery coals
and keep your feet from blistering?
Take another man’s wife, and you will find out—
whoever touches her will be found guilty.
People don’t despise a thief
who only steals to fill his hunger;
Still if they catch him, he must repay seven times over—
he could end up losing everything he owns!
By contrast only a fool would commit adultery
since by his action he loses not only his possessions but also his own life.
He will suffer injury and be disgraced;
dishonor will leave a permanent mark on his life.
For jealousy sparks a husband’s rage—
when he gets his revenge, he’ll show no mercy.
He will not be paid off or appeased;
no bribe or gift will set things right.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 6 (The Voice)
[Psalm 6]
For the worship leader. A song of David accompanied by the lyre.
O Eternal One, don’t punish me in Your anger
or harshly correct me.
Show me grace, Eternal God. I am completely undone.
Bring me back together, Eternal One. Mend my shattered bones.
My soul is drowning in darkness.
How long can You, the Eternal, let things go on like this?
Come back, Eternal One, and lead me to Your saving light.
Rescue me because I know You are truly compassionate.
I’m alive for a reason—I can’t worship You if I’m dead.
If I’m six feet under, how can I thank You?
I’m exhausted. I cannot even speak, my voice fading as sighs.
Every day ends in the same place—lying in bed, covered in tears,
my pillow wet with sorrow.
My eyes burn, devoured with grief;
they grow weak as I constantly watch for my enemies.
All who are evil, stay away from me
because the Eternal hears my voice, listens as I cry.
The Eternal God hears my simple prayers;
He receives my request.
All who seek to destroy me will be humiliated;
they will turn away and suddenly crumble in shame.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 6 (The Voice)
[Psalm 76]
Awe-Inspiring Power
To the Pure and Shining One
Asaph’s poetic tune, a song of smiting
God is well known in the land of Judah.
He is famous throughout Israel,
making his home in Jerusalem, living here on Mount Zion.
That’s where he smashes every weapon of war
that comes against him.
That’s where he uses the broken arrows
as kindling for his mighty bonfire.
Pause in his presence
God, you are so resplendent and radiant!
Your majesty shines from your everlasting mountain.
Nothing could be compared to you in glory!
Even the mightiest of men have been paralyzed by your presence.
They were so stunned and lifeless,
not even the strongest one could lift a hand.
When Jacob’s God roared his rebuke,
soldiers and their steeds all fell to the ground,
stunned and lying still.
No wonder you are greatly feared! You are the awe-inspiring God!
For who could ever stand before your face
when your fierce anger burns and live to tell about it.
As the earth itself holds its breath in awe before you,
judgment is decreed from heaven.
You arise to punish evil and defend the gentle upon the earth.
Pause in his presence
You have power to transform man’s futile anger into praise.
The fury of your enemies only causes your fame to increase.
So you’d better keep every promise you’ve ever made
to the Awesome One, Jehovah-God!
Let all people bring their extravagant gifts to him alone.
He is famous for breaking the spirit of the powers that be.
And the kings of the earth will know him as the Fearsome One!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 76 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 41]
I Need You, Lord
King David’s poetic song for the Pure and Shining One
God always blesses those who are kind to the poor and helpless.
They’re the first ones God helps
when they find themselves in any trouble.
The Lord will preserve and protect them.
They’ll be honored and esteemed
while their enemies are defeated.
When they are sick, God will restore them,
lying upon their bed of suffering.
He will raise them up again and restore them back to health.
So in my sickness I say to you,
“Lord, be my kind healer.
Heal my body and soul; heal me, God!
For I have confessed my sins to you.”
But those who hate me wish the worst for me, saying,
“When will he die and be forgotten?”
And when these “friends” come to visit me
with their pious sympathy and their hollow words
and with hypocrisy hidden in their hearts,
I can see right through it all.
For they come merely to gather gossip about me,
using all they find to mock me with malicious hearts of slander.
They are wicked whisperers who imagine the worst for me,
repeating their rumors, saying,
“He got what he deserved; it’s over for him!
The spirit of infirmity is upon him and
he’ll never get over this illness.”
Even my ally, my friend, has turned against me.
He was one I totally trusted with my life,
sharing supper with him,
and now he shows me nothing but betrayal and treachery.
He has sold me as an enemy.
So Lord, please don’t desert me when I need you!
Give me grace and get me back on my feet
so I can triumph over them all.
Then I’ll know you’re pleased with me
when you allow me to taste of victory over all my foes.
Now stand up for me and don’t let me fall,
for I’ve walked with integrity.
Keep me before your face forever.
Everyone praise the Lord God of Israel, always and forever!
For he is from eternity past
and will remain for the eternity to come.
That’s the way it will be forever.
Faithful is our King! Amen!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 41 (The Passion Translation)
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violetsystems · 6 years
I met up with my mom at the train yesterday and hung out for her birthday in my neighborhood for Day of the Dead.  She turned 69 and has been letting her hair grow out white.  She looks very pretty these days and seemed really happy to be taking pictures of the parade with her kindle.  I grew up dancing with her to old disco records and sometimes I can tell you it was torture.  I literally had to learn dance steps over and over by rote so she could practice for dancing in the club with my dad.  There was some famous song in Spanish that was not Despacito playing from a open trunk in the procession.  She would bounce around every once and awhile.  I remember she was really into this band when we all visited Jamaica together when I was twelve.  I was less than enthused back then.  Now it’s nice to see everything just kind of fit in place in the open here.  Like I’m not hiding some dark secret somewhere.  I never was.  People just like to talk shit about people like they have nothing better to do.  I go out and shop for groceries like anybody else.  I ran into Beau Wanzer in the supermercado.  We talked about how we played Vancouver together awhile back.  I hung out in Richmond.  I told him I felt Richmond was the closest I could get to China legally and that I really loved China.  That’s no lie.  I was in the elevator the other day and somebody was talking about socialism.  I just outright said I was communist.  Maybe it was the other way around.  Either way it was in context of knowing the drill sometimes.  I often like to quote the Joker when he says we live in a society.  I actually don’t know if the joker said that or if it was a meme.  After a run this week I passed by some asshole reciting lines as the Joker in some monologue on the street at seven am.  Insult to injury, he went on to explain that he was not the Joker.  The nerve of that asshole.  Chicago is free enough to do that I guess.  But I live in a community.  And the many onion layers of those communities that trust me enough to be myself have their own expectations of me.  Some of them are realistic.  Some of them cross the line.  Some of them I stomach because nobody is resisting.  But privacy is something I’ve always held the line with.  Because the grim truth is the only person who knows what’s going on with me most of the time is me.  And sometimes even then I have no clue.  How is that even safe?  For me it generally isn’t in some situations and I have no choice but to act accordingly to make it so.  And for me it’s to not react and walk away.  Everybody wants to get a reaction out of you these days for sure.  The truth is you get a reaction from me.  Almost every week.  
For some people closest to my heart, you get a reaction from me instantly.  And for some people who don’t even care enough to understand I’m a human being, you get nothing but static.  To quote a fading undercover shirt I bought in Tokyo years ago at this point “We like noise. It’s our choice.”  How that static or noise is created for myself the last few years has been through street wear.  I’ve lived to see enough iterations of it and amassed quite a large collection of Japanese centric pieces.  I wear them out.  Literally.  Until they crack, lose their context, fall out of fashion and back into it again.  Undercover is one of the worst and cruelest jokes for me.  I often reference that Daul Kim was the first person to call out Jun for lack of casting diversity.  Everybody knows I care very deeply about Daul from a sociopolitical and feminist perspective.  She is still a strong voice thanks to the internet and places like this.  Years ago I saw somebody I admired and was inspired by that ended her life too soon.  Always fighting something.  Always feeling alone in the process.  That to me was a sign of resistance that I did not understand.  I used her as an anchor to understand Korea in a very different way.  It led me on my travels to meet people and hear their suggestions of what I should pay attention to.  It was a long and often arduous journey.  Starting in the basement of the comfort women museum in Seoul and ending somewhere lost in a Day of the Dead parade with very little changing.  The statements are always there.  Maybe the person saying them changes a bit.  But people still don’t listen.  They still don’t want to believe.  They still don’t want to let you speak for yourself.  Because it contradicts things and brings up the delicate balance between exploitation and making an artistic statement about the real problem.  It all follows me around like a ghost sometimes.  Like I’m a curry stained container that took a joke way too far.  Or maybe I’m just a very genuine and focused person that has been abused day in and day out for a series of months.  Years maybe.  Just like some of the women I most admire and am inspired by to be something better for myself.  Better for them.  Better for everyone.  But definitely not a victim.  I’m not really a victim anymore.  To tell the truth I don’t think anybody really knows what I am anymore.  My mom said my apartment was starting to look like a real adult lived there.  She then proceeded to point out exactly how many magic cards I had collected since we last spoke.  I told her I needed to amass a strong army to fight the coming darkness.  Which makes me sound like some type of legendary Warlock from the Underworld growing vines in my kitchen to protect what I hold dear.
It’s not satire or performance anymore that I do actually care.  It’s also not a far stretch to understand that not too many people are capable of caring about me.  Circumstances being as extraordinary as they are and the powers I resist seamlessly day to day without much of a yawn I also don’t see myself caving in or stopping anytime soon.  That’s the grim reality people start to see when the cold creeps in.  That I’ve survived so many winters alone at this point that I’ve become the living embodiment of Kurt Russell in the Thing.  This apartment filled with plants is my sole outpost.  I’ve really been happy focusing on stuff I planted years ago now indoors.  I get to see the cycle up close and personal in my kitchen with the occasional house centipede challenging my view.  I can get anywhere in the city by train in a moment’s notice.  I took the train home the other day to drop off the rent.  I ran into the same people on the way back.  Sometimes that’s fate.  Sometimes that’s fucked up.  Either way this is Chicago.  I live in America.  I keep myself free.  I stay accountable and apparently sometimes people like to feel what it’s like to be around it in public.  So much so that I don’t know that I feel all that out of place flying to New York on a Saturday and visiting all the places I haven’t been to in ages.  Then fly back home on a Sunday evening and head back to work on a Monday like nothing ever happened.  Maybe even Monday morning.  I’ve done it before.  A couple of times.  And I still have thirty six vacation days left that I have no idea how or where to spend until next July.  If I can just survive whatever alien invasion exists just out of reach.  Where you don’t know who is friend or foe.  I don’t know that I actually care too much these days.  It’s easy enough to tell in my dash.  I don’t have a lot of existential dread other than what gets reflected here.  People seem to not mind too terribly.  I wake up every day and do it over again.  I still think just as much if not more about you.   I know it’s all sort of obtuse.  All I know is being consistent has patterns to it much like visions.  Wherever my mood has been trending all the winter is going to do is amplify the warmth of it.  I’ll spend most of it watching things grow in the window of my kitchen.  I’ll also spend a good portion of it in my down fit nike jacket from Switzerland.  All wrapped up like a present.  Air tight and solid as fuck.  <3 Tim
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deadcactuswalking · 6 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 23rd September 2018
Listen, sorry if I come off as miserable and exhausted, but, yeah, that’s because I am. It’s late, I’m tired, but I have to get this out before Friday so I can finish that BLAST TO THE PAST episode on Snoop Dogg. Hopefully once I move the timeslot back to Sundays I’ll have more time and passion to do these, but for now, here is a shorter, slap-dash episode of REVIEWING THE CHARTS, where I’ll end up somehow rambling despite not having much to say. Enjoy.
Top 10
It’s not exactly an over exaggeration here to say nothing really changed in the top 10, or the top 40 as a whole. This is a pretty routine and chill week so hopefully we can get through this rather quickly. “Promises” by Calvin Harris and Sam Smith stays at the number-one spot this week, which should be a depiction of the charts right now: kind of odd yet still dreary and not worth bothering with.
Also not moving from last week is “Eastside” by benny blanco, Halsey and Khalid. I’m still impressed by this song’s longevity.
I’m even more impressed, however, by how Lil Pump and Kanye West’s “I Love It” featuring Adele Givens has kept its place at number-three on its second week. This track has actually transcended the meme at this point. It has massive streaming and you better believe the recently-implemented YouTube rules are helping this one out quite a bit.
“Body” by Loud Luxury and brando doesn’t move an inch at number-four.
“Happier” by Marshmello and Bastille isn’t making me any happier as it jumps up a space to number-five. Joy.
“Taste” by Tyga and Offset is expectedly down a space to number-six.
Thanks to the video, “Lucky You” by Eminem featuring Joyner Lucas has increased two spots to number-seven.
“In My Mind” by Dynoro and Gigi D’Agostino has crept into the top 10 as it’s up six spots to number-eight, and, listen, I’m not mad these guys are charting, in fact, all power to them, but what is basically a sloppily-made mash-up shouldn’t be in the top 10 of any country.
“Girls Like You” by Maroon 5 and Cardi B is down two spaces to number-nine.
Finally, “Electricity” by Silk City and Dua Lipa is up five spaces to #10, being our second top 10 entry this week. Now for our climbers:
There were just a few this week. We have fine-position increases for “This is Me” by Keala Settle and the Greatest Showman Ensemble somehow up to #35, “Be Alright” by Dean Lewis up to #22, and “Don’t Leave Me Alone” by David Guetta and Anne-Marie entering the top 20 at #18, but that’s it other than a whopping (and unexpected) 16-space increase for “RAP DEVIL” by Machine Gun Kelly at #15. It really makes me wonder how “KILLSHOT” will fare, if all, next week.
Naturally, Eminem suffered a bit this week with “Fall” featuring Justin Vernon fittingly falling five spots to #13, and “The Ringer” decreasing seven spaces to #17, but we also have some other big fallers for songs that have lasted a hell of a while, due to the streaming cuts that they received after being in the charts for long enough. “In My Feelings” by Drake featuring City Girls is down five spaces to #26, while other tracks that suffered much worse fates were “God is a woman” by Ariana Grande down a 17-space rollercoaster all the way to #30, and “Lucid Dreams” by Juice WRLD falling close behind at #31 after a 15-spot leap. Otherwise, there’s nothing to see here.
No returning entries this week, so we just have two inconsequential drop-outs that were pretty expected to worry about, which are “Baby Shark” by Pinkfong out from #34 and “Jackie Chan” by Tiesto and Dzeko featuring Preme and Post Malone out from #38. Now I suppose it’s straight into the new arrivals, where we only have two, meaning it’ll be pretty slim pickings for the titles this week. Let’s listen, shall we?
#37 – “Just Got Paid” – Sigala, Ella Eyre and Meghan Trainor featuring French Montana
I think this is just Sigala’s song featuring the artists but it’s credited strangely on BBC’s website so I’ll just go with that because there must be some rhyme or reason to how they’ve ordered this foursome. Oh, speaking of the artists here: what an all-star cast of mediocre UK Top 40 fodder. Sigala is an EDM producer who... sure knows how to make a beat, that’s for definite, but lacks any real uniqueness, while Ella Eyre is a pretty great raspier-voiced singer who often lands on the wrong production in her charting singles. We also have some American imports here, including Meghan Trainor, polarising pop singer who I personally really like, for the record, and French Montana. Let’s just not talk about French Montana. So, what does this hodgepodge of artists make?
Something actually pretty great. Yeah, so it starts with a really brief but pretty great strings solo, before cutting out to Ella Eyre laying her multi-tracked vocals perfectly over the slick guitar strumming, while it slowly builds up with cash-register sounds accentuating the beat, leading into a drop that is incredibly fun and worth the wait, with not only the orchestral elements but what I believe are trumpets? Yeah, the horn section really adds a lot to this track... you know who doesn’t? Mr. French Montana, whose two best songs are either handled by Swae Lee or literally a meme-worthy interlude on a Kanye album, so you know what we’re in for. Meghan Trainor isn’t as great as Eyre but she doesn’t sound as awful as French, with subtle autotune and pathetic bars. Look, I don’t expect Kendrick Lamar from a French Montana feature on an EDM song, but put some bloody effort into your rhymes, because constantly showing up on otherwise pretty decent songs and throwing up all on them for a brief 30 seconds cannot be a great long-term business model. Frenchie here doesn’t last for long though, and he soon drifts off into the distance, allowing me to enjoy that pounding drop one more time. God, this is so good for the most part, so it’s unfortunate that Meghan Trainor doesn’t have much involvement and French Montana is... well, French Montana, because we could have some pop perfection on our hands. Props to Sigala and Ella Eyre; I love this.
#33 – “Goodbye” – Jason Derulo and David Guetta featuring Nicki Minaj and Willy William
Oh, hey, another popstar foursome of two singers, a producer and rapper, instead here we have two male singers and a female rapper. It’s like these songs are simultaneously the same and the polar opposite. Now, I love Jason Derulo to death and I’ve made that clear before when I gushed over “Swalla” (also featuring Nicki Minaj) in my 2017 best list and when I mentioned “Tip Toe” (also featuring French Montana) way back in the first few episodes. He’s made some trash in the past, but, God, he’s improved so much since. Hell, I can say the same about David Guetta here, who’s come far from the days of “Sexy Chick” to say the least. Nicki Minaj, I’ve said enough on in recent episodes, but Willy William is someone who I have only briefly reviewed when he added nothing but an annoying bleating sound to “Mi Gente” (which landed onto my 2017 worst list), so I have no idea what he’s going to bring to the table. So, what does this hodgepodge of artists make?
Well, it’s listenable. That’s a good start. There are a lot of things I like about this track but nothing I really love. All the good ideas are kind of in a cluttered pile and they don’t develop or shine. I like Nicki’s multi-tracked and autotuned intro, it sounds pretty interesting but it soon drowns out into a reggaeton beat where, yes, Derulo sounds fantastic and full of swagger as always (even with some of his dumbest lyrics), but that vocal sample (and Derulo’s pitch-shifted line in the pre-chorus) is kind of grating and I feel like the drop is a bit anti-climactic, and in the first verse, completely non-existent. Wily William doesn’t add much either other than a verse that goes pretty fast and some brief ad-libs. Nicki’s verse is nice, actually, I like when she dips into Patois, but it’s not exactly different from what she does usually, with some sex bars and such, although the Roman flow was a nice touch. The synth in the outro is blaring and awful, though, which is unfortunate because I like Derulo’s vocals there. It ends with Nicki Minaj rolling an ‘R’ seductively, and wow, where was Willy William here? He’s not exactly the best artist here, far from it, but come on, he was there for just 20 seconds, while Nicki and Jason basically duet, even though Nicki is supposedly just a feature. Ugh, well, the production’s tolerable enough, Nicki’s okay, Jason’s great and Willy’s... barely existent, so it’s not like it’s bad, I just feel it could have used a bit more stripping down to really make it work.
Two songs, eight artists, all of which I’ve said my peace on before in my end-of-year lists and older episodes of REVIEWING THE CHARTS. Yeah, you see why I was late to this one? Best of the Week obviously goes to Sigala, Ella Eyre, Meghan Trainor and unfortunately French Montana for “Just Got Paid” but I don’t think the other song is good or bad enough to achieve either title. See ya next time, on a Sunday, for BLAST TO THE PAST and REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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flauntpage · 7 years
Your Tuesday Morning Roundup
Is this what it feels like to enjoy being a sports fan?
Less than 24 hours after the Eagles crushed the Cowboys 37-9 on national television, the Sixers earned a commanding 107-86 win over the Utah Jazz on Monday night in front of a large crowd at the Wells Fargo Center. Ben Simmons led all scorers with 27 points to go along with his 10 rebounds. Additionally, Joel Embiid was a game-time decision, but did give it a a go. He played 27 minutes and dropped 15 points and 11 rebounds.
It’s the first time the Sixers swept the Jazz in a season since the 1987-88 campaign.
He also made this happen:
Joel Embiid, ladies and gentlemen. http://pic.twitter.com/qkI6PbS3Bo
— NBC Sports Philadelphia (@NBCSPhilly) November 21, 2017
You just have to love him.
Philly is now 9-7 and they’ll host the Portland Trail Blazers on Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Off the court, the Sixers debuted Meat Pies at the Wells Fargo Center. ESPN’s Darren Rovell tried it and got ripped on Twitter for how incorrectly he ate it. Maybe our Kevin Kinkead will post his own review today?
Also, we posted about the guy who won everyone in Wells Fargo Center a Chick-fil-A biscuit for his tremendous shooting skills at Saturday’s game. Many thought he deserved more from that feat, and he got more:
The story behind the shot.
You all saw Sixers fan Mike Shelly hit the half court shot, but he's got a story bigger than basketball. http://pic.twitter.com/NlnNPKNUgi
— NBC Sports Philadelphia (@NBCSPhilly) November 21, 2017
The crowd got loud for Shelly’s shot on Saturday, but that near capacity crowd last night at the Jazz game got loud for another non-Sixers reason as well. E-A-G-L-E-S:
Philadelphia is excited about its 9-1 football team. http://pic.twitter.com/xoqDxR8ieZ
— Rich Hofmann (@rich_hofmann) November 21, 2017
Fly Eagles Fly.
The Roundup:
To the birds…honestly, I think the day after a win over the Cowboys is actually better than right after the game.
This is the perfect example of why. Be honest, a lot of you had interactions just like this yesterday:
Cowboys fans http://pic.twitter.com/YPIiiEfAMZ
— Adam Lefkoe (@AdamLefkoe) November 20, 2017
This Eagles roster is well-rounded, but a lot of the credit for this team’s success has to go to Doug Pederson. Man, have we come a long way with Doug P. Our Tim Reilly explains, part of his longer piece on Doug’s progression:
Instead, let’s marvel at the progression of Eagles’ head coach Doug Pederson. Pederson, who arrived in Philadelphia after the Chip Kelly saga, was so unheralded as a coaching candidate that no other organization interviewed him for the top job. He was perceived as a fall-back option for the Eagles after top coordinator candidates Ben McAdoo and Adam Gase went off the market and a quixotic pursuit of John Harbaugh failed. Pederson’s willingness to collaborate with Howie Roseman also was believed to play a role in the hiring decision.
Speaking of the old ball coach, he said kicker Jake Elliot could return on Sunday, but it’s just too early to tell. That’s what he said on Monday; watch what he said on Sunday in the locker room after the win. It’s just so good.
Following a Dallas beatdown, you know Kyle’s Morning Wood was strong:
We expected this. Once Ezekiel Elliott went out and the Cowboys were certain to be without their starting left tackle, we expected the Eagles to dominate dem boyz. We expect them to win on Sunday. That would mean the Eagles will most likely be heading into that Seahawks game in two weeks having not played a truly contested game in four weeks. This is where the season will be decided. They’ve locked up the NFC East. Right now it’s all about seeding and homefield advantage.
Our Kevin Kinkead did have a minor critique of Doug Pederson’s play calling and decision making in his observations from the win:
The play calling after the first drive left a lot to be desired. There was a shotgun draw play for Blount and a third and 10 draw play near midfield, something from the old Andy Reid “we’re gonna punt anyway” playbook. Not all of the struggles were on Pederson, obviously, as Torrey Smith had a big drop and Carson Wentz simply misfired on a number of throws. I would have tried to get Zach Ertz more involved somehow early on.
Aside from that, the only other thing I can think of is Doug’s decision to put Wentz back in the game with 6:00 left in the fourth quarter. Just place him in the bubble wrap and call it a day.
The newest Crossing Broadcast came out Monday morning and of course talked about the Dallas game.
I mean, things are going so well, even Colin Cowherd said something positive about the Eagles:
BEST SEGMENT OF THE DAY: Carson Wentz is a transformative talent http://pic.twitter.com/PpOtNgeO5m
— Herd w/Colin Cowherd (@TheHerd) November 20, 2017
And the numbers back it up. Things are going really well:
Not to get @KNegandhiESPN and Philadelphia too excited, but…. http://pic.twitter.com/3zbgp5Iax6
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) November 20, 2017
As Alshon Jeffery said so eloquently, “Shit, ain’t nobody fucking with us. We’re the best. We know we’re the best. That’s how we feel in this locker room.”
We Eagle fans have a lot to be thankful for this year.
In non-Birds NFL news, the Cleveland Browns can still make the playoffs…if these 46 things happen.
The Georgia Dome is officially no more:
The Georgia Dome has just been demolished http://pic.twitter.com/kd8v3LDzTC
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) November 20, 2017
And Week 11 wrapped up with a wild Monday Night Football game where the Falcons held on for a 34-31 win over the Seahawks. Seattle’s game-tying field goal attempt with seconds left fell just short.
To the Phillies now, as the team made a slew of roster moves on Monday, including designating Mark Appel for assignment.
Also, the team announced its 2018 Spring Training schedule:
The Phillies are reportedly interested in Carlos Santana. Our BWanksCB tries to make sense of it:
Obviously, the Phillies are thinking… actually, I’m not sure what the hell they’re thinking, but their link to Santana may reveal a bit about the team’s offseason plans. The 31-year-old played seven games in the outfield in 2017, but is best suited to play first base or DH. The Phillies would have to play him exclusively at first, a spot that would seemingly belong to Rhys Hoskins, who memorably mashed 18 home runs in 170 at-bats last season after his August call up.
So what gives?
In non-baseball news, the initial report from Roy Halladay’s deadly crash reveals that he was flying erratically before the fateful end.
Lavar Ball went on CNN last night to talk about why he didn’t thank President Trump for helping get his son and two other UCLA basketball players out of a Chinese jail. It went exactly how you would have expected:
Here are some, uh, highlights of Chris Cuomo's long CNN interview with LaVar Ball. "Tell Donald Trump to have a great Thanksgiving!" "Cuomo? Chromo? Like Google, the Google Chrome?" "Stay in your lane!" "You wound up tight!" and a long discussion of thank yous. http://pic.twitter.com/d0nfViHKMr
— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) November 21, 2017
In yesterday’s roundup, I talked about how Chip Kelly may be getting back into coaching. Another unemployed coach may have a new job too. Who? Jeff Fisher.
The Flyers…remember them? They host the Canucks tonight at 7pm.
Jon Dorenbos was back on The Ellen Show yesterday. He danced with a reindeer and gave away a lot of stuff:
The #12Days of Giveaways starts RIGHT NOW. Wanna win today’s giveaways? Enter here! https://t.co/G178rHTkjn http://pic.twitter.com/hFObZtI97w
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) November 20, 2017
It took overtime, but the Celtics extended their winning streak to 16 games last night.
In non-sports news…
Eight women are accusing Charlie Rose of sexual harassment.
KFC is selling a pod that blocks the internet. The price? $10,000
And I’ll leave you with this Japanese game show clip. Why is this not in America yet? It would get higher ratings than Donald Trump:
can someone explain why japanese game show 'slippery stairs' hasn't made its way to our part of the world yet http://pic.twitter.com/cd1BHvvoKl
— juan (@juanbuis) November 20, 2017
Your Tuesday Morning Roundup published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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