#I couldn’t even read yet but I signed it anyway lmao
summershouto · 2 years
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just sibling things
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bigmack2go · 2 months
Ok so it’s been two days so i think I’ve finally processed everything enough to talk abt it
(Lmao that sounds like trauma. It actually about meeting sky)
Yk he texted me to meet him infront of the bar. I read AT the bar so i didn’t see him for a while (i didnt realise this until today) and the. He came in instead. He was rly confused for a second and didn’t see me. He looked around and the other person other than me (besides the bartenders) was some rly old man. Mind you: i told him what i looked like and that was NOT it and he looked a little lost but in an abnormaly adorable way (he was fidgeting with his hands and ahh. Sometimes i forget he’s human(💀) so that was a very beautiful reminder of that)
Anyway so i went to him and i he still didn’t notice me for another few seconds. My mind was blank though so i just stood there like 🧍 until he saw me. The next few seconds are just gone from my memory. (I have extreme memory loss and i didn’t take my meds that day so any second i wasnt hyper aware of what was happening, is just,,, gone. And since i have adhd too, that happens a lot)
well anyway so i said “i made something… well they’re not done yet but” and i took the shoes i made out. I asked if he could sign them and he was just like really in shock. He was really flashed by the shoes but also that i wanted him to sign them. He just looked at them for a while and kept complementing them (i died btw) and then at some point he just stopped mid sentence and was like “wait- hold up, did you say you want me to sign those?!” Like he was Not Prepared ForThat At All. Like bro was so flashed and then i think that thing that i wanted him to sign it hit him off guard idk. I magically had a pencil apear (i hid it in my sleeve before that bc for some reason i thought that was a good idea) and he was like doinh a double take at something he didn’t even look away from? Idk. Well so he signed them and he was like,,,, spelling it aloud and it was adorable and i wanna die. (He also really didn’t wanna sign anywhere he shouldn’t and he was rly unsure and askee a few times”
“Okay lets see where do i— where do you want me— there, i’ll sign there is that okay? Okay. Okay so….. there. S. Mhm. K… oh that’s a weird K. And Y. There. Sky. Thats my name” (thats word by word what he said) (how cute do u wanna be? Him: yes.) and then he gave them back to me and there was A LITTLE HEART BEHIND HIS NAME AND WHEN I TELL YOU I ALMOST SCREAMED IN HIS FACE. It doesn’t look like a heart. More like a defirmed triangle but the intention is clear…
Well the. I asked if we could take a foto. Mind you, my phone has one if thos protection thingys where you cant see the display when you lopl from the side. Anyway i dint remember what he said or when he put his arm around me but the next thing i remember his arm was around my shoulder and his face was like…. Touching mine(?) (that sounds creepy as hell wtf) i was really shaking and i couldn’t see the display i just say that he was frowning a little after not taking another foto. I didn’t think anything of it in the moment and just thought he was still suprised i wanted a foto.
Well now this part i remember VIVIDLY. We were tlking a bit more and i was shaking even more now on account of I WAS LITTERALY HAVING one of SKY FLAHERTYS ARMS AROUND ME TWO SECONDS EARLIER.
Well he noticed i was shaking and put a hand on my shoulder (i double died) and then he like hugged me. (I got revived) It wasn’t like a side hug but also not a face to chest hug, but something inbetween. It was slighty awkward but at the same time not at all and ig even felt sort of casua? This time i was caught of guard and i was just staring at the air. (The bardender saw it and she winked at me and i did like a little silent scream with my face and she chuckled) well that all happened in like three seconds tops. So when we pulled apart (sounds like we were kissing WTF) i was like, ‘ok this felt like a good bye hug, this is a good time to leave’ (i regret that with every part of me.) and i started to leave. (He looked a bit confused. He probably thought i was gonna stay a bit longer, conciddering how we talked earlier)
Now this is where the bad thing happened.
Okay so Sky like,,, realises i’m leaving and he’s like “oh okay, uhm well, again, rly like the shoes and… nice meeting you!”
Now what did i do? The logical thing would be (not to leave at all ever again ever. why did i do that???) to say “thanks, nice to meet you too!” But no. Brain-less little me walked backwards (almost tripped) nodded and said “Guten Appetit” IN GERMAN. (For the record sky does not soeak german. And if he did, what i said was “bon apetit” in german. He was NOT about to eat) he looks at me like the moron i am. Like he looks at me like a literal moron like i’m a crazy idiot or smt. He literally did the Albert face when Race says “I’m famous!”(but i’m pretty sure that was just pure confusion. It didn’t look like an action he had any control over)
Anyway so i blush. Turn around and just,,, get away as fast as possible. When he gained back his composure (which was a lot faster than me obviously) he was like “Wait i still have your magic— oh whatever” (i pretended i didn’t hear it cause i was so embarrassed ydek) well it turns out he still had my pencil.
Anyway so then i texted him like this that “what i meant was nice to meet you too. Sorry. Got nervous” and he said “your fineeeeee” and i didn’t know what to answer but i had already read the message. So i take a screen (no tume for copy paste) and send a message to everyone person i can think of with the question of what to say. (Shoutout to @chaosfairy18 who saved me from an actual breakdown there. She answered rly rly fast)
I ended up saying thanks again and that it was rly cool. Then for some reason i said “also my mom says hi” (she didn’t. Idk why i did that. I legitimately do not remember.)
And thats it. I’ve said most stuff before but you wanted to know what exactly happened so here it is ig
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atlabeth · 1 year
Hey! I saw your requests were open so I was wondering if I could get an angsty/sad Anthony Lockwood x reader? Maybe they're friends or work together, and there's pining? Ending up to you :) Anyways, thank you for your time! Have a wonderful day!
are we too young for this? - anthony lockwood
summary: there was the illusion when you were younger, that you would be together forever. the day you walk back into 35 portland row, you know that illusion is broken.
a/n: thank you for the request! this definitely is angsty and there's not really a happy ending lol. this idea popped into my head as soon as this came into my inbox and i think it's an interesting one so hopefully you all like it. it's like "what if lockwood had any normal non-ghost hunting friends" and the result is sadness. thank you again for the request i hope you like it! title from softcore by the neighborhood
wc: 3.3k
warning(s): childhood friends to lowkey strangers with a hint of very sad possible lovers lmao </3 angst, pining that goes nowhere, not a happy ending it just kind of. ends. mentions/discussions of familial death, some crying, just sad all around. this gif is you all kicking me for writing this
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You couldn’t help the haste with which you hurried down the sidewalk with. Night was steadily falling, your arms ached with the weight of your bags, and you were sure you were going to be late for dinner. Of course, it wasn’t your brightest idea to head out on errands so late, but it also wasn’t your fault that the bus was so late. 
As you continued down the sidewalk at a pace rivaling the slowest of racers, your eyes darted around your surroundings as an instinct. The ghost lamps hadn’t turned on yet, the Ainsworths were walking their dog together, the light was on at 35 Portland Row. 
You almost didn’t even question it, almost continued walking, but then you froze in your steps. 
The light was on at 35 Portland Row? 
You nearly dropped your groceries as you ran up the steps, furiously knocking on the door until it swung open. You weren’t met by Anthony—instead, a boy wearing glasses with dark, messy curls stared at you. 
“Can I help you?” he asked, rather tartly. He looked down at the bag in your hand. “Are you Arif’s girl?” 
You shook your head, though it took you a moment to gather your bearings. “No, I’m not. Um— does Anthony Lockwood still live here?” 
“Did you see the sign outside the door?” he asked, pointing a finger at the fence. 
You blinked. “No.” 
He just stood there, brows raised, and you realized that he wanted you to go down and look. With a sigh, you went down the steps and over to the fence, and your jaw dropped when you read it. 
A.J. Lockwood & Co., Investigators
After dark, ring bell and wait beyond the iron line. 
“He started an agency?” you asked incredulously. 
“You know him?” the boy asked in turn. He seemed incredibly bored with this conversation. 
“Is he in right now?” You paced back up the stairs, trying to peer behind the boy inside the house. “I have to talk to Anthony.” 
The boy studied you for a moment before he sighed and stepped aside. “He’s in the basement. Take a seat wherever—I’ll get him.” 
You nodded thankfully as you walked in, and he shut the door behind you. It had been a while since you’d stepped inside the house, and everything felt different and the same at once. 
It was a lot more of a mess than it used to be. As soon as you stepped in you noticed there were granules of salt scattered near the entrance, telltale signs of salt bombs. A stray rapier laid on the kitchen table, over a large white tablecloth that seemed to have words and symbols scribbled haphazardly all over it. You nearly tripped over a bucket of water, housing boots with glowing green stains on them, and everywhere you looked there seemed to be artifacts of every kind. 
It was as busy as you remembered, as crowded as you remembered, but it was crowded with the mess of underage agents rather than the organized chaos of researchers. 
It really had been a long time. 
“Um— may I ask who you are?” You introduced yourself as a middle ground, offering a slight smile to the boy. 
“George Karim,” he said. “I’m Lockwood’s deputy.” 
Lockwood. Not Anthony— Lockwood. 
You nodded, perhaps a few times too many, and you took a seat on the couch. Your spot, actually, as it always had been whenever you were over at his house. You noticed with delight that the pillow you’d crocheted for his mother still sat against the side. It was your personal thanks to her for letting you spend so many nights at their house, and though the yarn was slightly worn and a few loose ends stuck out, it was in remarkably good shape. Especially considering the state of the rest of the house. 
“What are you here for?” George asked, rather bluntly. “Are you a client?” 
“Not a client,” an achingly familiar voice answered, “a friend.” 
You whirled around, immediately shooting up from your seat and breaking into a smile at the sight of Anthony. “You’re back.” 
“That I am.” He smiled back at you, and though it was like the thousands of times he’d smiled at you before, there was something heavier in it. You couldn’t help but notice the bags under his eyes. 
“She just showed up at the door,” George said. “Asked to see you by name. She wouldn’t leave.” 
“Good.” Anthony quickly closed the distance and pulled you into a hug, one you returned with vigor. It had been far too long since you were in his arms, and it wasn’t long enough when you both pulled away. “What’s brought you here?” 
You laughed shakily. “Um, the sign on your door. Actually, I saw the light was on first, and it hadn’t been on in a while, so I thought I would—” you cleared your throat, your eyes flicking away for a moment. “See if you were here. Still.” 
Understanding passed through Anthony’s eyes, and he nodded. “I finished my grades recently, and I decided it was time to go out on my own.” 
“Your own,” you repeated. 
He nodded again and, a credit to his intelligence, didn’t let you continue in that vein. “Where have you been? I feel like it’s been forever.” 
“It sort of has,” you said with a slight laugh. “I’ve been busy at school. My parents— they sent me to boarding school.” 
“Boarding school?” Both boys spoke at the same time, but where Anthony was surprised, George was almost disgusted. 
You nodded. “Boarding school.” 
“You’ve got no Talent,” George realized. 
You blinked at his bluntness, but he wasn’t wrong. “Guilty.” 
“George,” Anthony said, eyes never leaving your face, “could you give us a moment alone?” 
“Gladly,” he mumbled. George walked off, and then it was just the two of you. 
You, a star pupil at boarding school with the boring aspirations of becoming a solicitor. Anthony, a star seer starting his own agency so he could better march headfirst into death. 
“You’re still alive.” It had been what you wanted to say the moment he walked back into your life, but only now could you find the courage. 
“I’m still alive,” he agreed. 
“You’re starting your own agency.” You looked around, brows slightly creased. A position they’d been stuck in since the moment you read the sign on the railing. “Where are your supervisors? Where— where are the rest of your agents?” 
“It’s just us,” Anthony said. “George and I. Two is really all you need for most cases.” 
“Just you and George?” You continued to look around, gesturing with your hand for no reason at all. “It— it can’t just be you and George. It can’t be just you and George against every ghost in London.” 
“Technically, it’s not every ghost in London,” he said. “Just the ones ailing our clients.” 
“That’s not what I mean, Anthony!” You let out a frustrated sigh, using your gesturing hand to rake it through your hair. “It can’t just be the two of you.” 
“I don’t see why not.” 
“Because entire teams die out in the field, Anthony,” you ground out. “Entire teams, from Fittes and Rotwell and Tendy’s and— and Grimble, they die out in the field. They’ve got adults, they’ve got backup, they’ve got every bloody thing they need at their disposal, and you think—” Your voice broke, and you took a deep breath. “And you think you can do it alone?”
“I’m not alone,” Anthony said. “I’ve got George.” 
“You really don’t get it,” you whispered with a pained laugh, “do you?” 
“Can I get you some tea?” Anthony offered that smile again, and it should’ve been the same but it wasn’t. 
“I don’t want tea, I want you to see what the hell you’re doing!” you exclaimed. “We had this exact same conversation when you went off to do your grades with— with that freelancer. I woke up every morning and wondered if you hadn’t. I went to bed every night and wondered if you hadn’t. It drove me insane, Anthony, and it’s part of the reason my parents sent me so far off for boarding school! I couldn’t stop thinking about you and what you were doing, and now you’re telling me that you’re not only going to be an agent, but you’re doing it with one other boy as young as you are?” 
“I don’t know what else I can tell you except that it’s going to be okay!” Anthony ran a hand through his hair, letting out a frustrated sigh. “I told you I would be okay when I went off with Sykes, and I was. Why can you not just trust in my ability— trust in me?” 
“You know why I can’t just trust,” you uttered. “We’ve both been through this before, Anthony.” 
He opened his mouth to say something, but it just shut as he stared at you with desperation in his eyes. It took him a moment to gather himself. 
“I…” Anthony sighed, looking at you fully. “I thought about you every day that I was gone, same as you. Wondering how you were doing, what I would say when I got back. Because I knew I would come back.” 
You bit your lip. Whereas you’d shrunk into yourself after you lost your brother, Anthony forced himself to be more confident, more sure of anything and everything when he found himself on his own. You supposed he had no other choice. 
And right now, it felt like you didn’t have one either. 
“I have to go,” you murmured absently. “It’s getting late.” 
You picked up your bags from the couch, your lips pressing into a sad excuse for a smile as you walked past him. Anthony said your name, the pleading of it all almost enough to make you stop, but you continued on your way. 
“Have a good night, Anthony,” you said. 
And then you walked out. 
Dinner with your parents was hollow. They talked and joked around you, tried to include you in conversation, but you felt none of the usual warmth. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about Anthony and his fated stubbornness, about that stupid sign on the railing and his stupid agency, and try as you might, you couldn’t stop thinking about your brother. 
Your parents were kind enough not to ask any questions behind the cursory ‘are you okay’s, leaving you to your own devices when they retired for the night. You wondered if they knew that Anthony was back, and if so, if they knew all this agency business. 
Maybe they did. Maybe they just thought it would be better to not tell you, because they knew you would act exactly the way you were acting. 
You just sat on the couch, staring at the required reading on your lap as the whir of the washing machine filled your ears, unable to absorb any of the words. 
You grew up next door to Anthony, and it didn’t take long for the two of you to become friends. You bumped into each other on walks with your family, you saw each other at the supermarket, and soon enough you were knocking on each other's doors begging the other’s parents to allow for hangouts. You became the best of friends with the biggest aspirations for life, aspirations that the world was sure to crush. 
Tragedy struck a multitude of times, first in your brother, then his parents, and lastly his sister. You lost count of the nights you spent sleeping over with each other when you couldn’t stand to be alone—in the first few months after his parents, he practically lived at your house—sometimes talking through the late hours, sometimes crying through them. Either way, you did it together.
You did everything together, and then Anthony went where you couldn’t follow. 
After Jessica’s death, he withdrew into himself. It took a while to break through, and it felt like just as you did, Anthony was telling you his decision to go off and study under a freelancer that went by the Gravedigger of all names. You questioned if you would ever see him again, and he assured you with a smile that of course you would. 
How many nights you spent staring at the ceiling questioning why you had been born without talent, you couldn’t remember.
And now Anthony was back, and he was throwing himself even further into his work, into danger, and it was like you were reliving the empty months all over again.
The knock on the door rang out, jarring you from your thoughts, and you knew who it was immediately. You still took a moment of pause before you pushed the book off your lap and walked over to the door, your lips pressing into a thin line when you opened it and saw Anthony. 
“Can we talk?” he asked bluntly.
You stepped aside wordlessly, adjusting the iron charm that hung over the door after you closed it. 
“I like what you’ve done with the place,” Anthony said. 
“I haven’t done any of it,” you said. “I only got back the other day. My parents did all the holiday decorating while I was away.” 
“Ah.” He still smiled. “It looks lovely either way. Very festive.”  
“They’ll be happy to hear it.” 
Anthony sighed, finally turning to look back at you and your crossed arms. “Has it really been that long?” 
You glanced away. “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“Long enough that we’ve been reduced to niceties.” He shrugged. “We’ve always known what each other meant without even having to ask. We could have entire conversations just with eye contact, and now you can hardly even look at me.” 
“I guess it has been that long,” you murmured. “You’ve been off training to become an agent, and I’ve been off doing schoolwork.” 
“That’s never stood in the way before.” Anthony gestured with his hand, his laugh strained. “Remember what we said when we were younger? That we would always be friends, that— that we would always be together.” 
“That was before everything changed,” you said quietly. 
“Before my parents,” he said bluntly. “Before our siblings.” 
You blinked away tears, turning away so he couldn’t see. It had been years and the simple mention of him was still enough to open the wound again. Maybe it never really closed. 
“I just don’t understand how you want to be an agent after everything that’s happened,” you said. 
“I don’t expect you to understand it,” Anthony said. “I just know that it was what I was meant to do.” 
That got you. You turned around, disbelief painted on your face, and you shook your head. “How can it be what you’re meant to do, Anthony? People— children— die every single goddamn day! How can anyone be meant for that?” 
“Because I’m able to help people,” he said. “I’ve got what some people call the best Sight they’ve seen in a long time, and if I can use it to help innocent people be rid of Visitors, I’m going to.” 
“Why does it have to be you?” You gave up trying to hide your emotion, your voice cracking in full force. “Why does it have to be you on your own?” 
“Fittes and Rotwell…” he shook his head. “They’ve lost sight of what this is all meant for. They don’t care. Lockwood and Co will care.” 
“You’re needlessly reckless,” you said. “I mean— you don’t even see it! You’ve been on your own for so long with only ghosts for company that you’ve forgotten there are still people out there that care about you.” You wiped away a loose tear in frustration. “People like me, Anthony.” 
He stayed silent. 
“You will never have any respite,” you continued. “People make errors in their jobs every day and they move on— if you make an error, that’s it. A— am I going to find out you’re dead the same way I found out about all this? I’m going to come home for the holidays, I’m going to see that sign on your fence is gone, someone new has moved into 35 Portland Row, and that’s going to be it.” 
“That’s not going to happen,” he said. 
“And how can you be so sure?” 
“I’m better with a rapier than any agent in London, my Sight has only grown more powerful, and I’ve got connections,” Anthony said. “George used to work with Fittes, he’s an all-rounder, and he is the best researcher I’ve ever seen. We’re going to be fine.” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “That’s exactly what my brother told me.” 
Anthony’s face softened, and you felt like you were ten again. Sitting on the floor of the living room with him, watching some old-timey movie your parents had on DVD as you passed a bowl of popcorn between you two. The door rang, you ran over to get it, and you were met by two stone-faced men. 
“Are your parents home, miss?” 
Anthony said your name, but you shook your head. 
“I already lost him,” you said quietly. “I’m not going to sit around and watch as you throw yourself into danger and lose you too.” 
“Then I guess this is it,” Anthony said. 
Your throat burned. “I guess it is.” 
The two of you stared at each other for a good long while—it was like Anthony was trying to call your bluff, trying to see if you were going to fold. But you meant every word. You loved him too much to watch him face death on every job, not when you couldn’t do a single thing about it. 
You let Anthony pull you into a hug, and try as you might you just couldn’t. The dam broke inside of you and you wrapped your arms around him as tight as possible, a silent goodbye that meant everything. 
Perhaps it was selfish, pushing him away on your own terms because you couldn’t stand to watch him meet his fate. Throwing away a decade of friendship all because you were too weak to wait with bated breath every time he went on a job, to go back to staring at pictures of you two together when you were kilometers away at school wondering if he was still alive. 
But you wouldn’t— you couldn’t— go through it again. You had no Talent, so you had no choice but to stand idly by as children better and braver than you went out into the field to keep the streets of London safe. As Anthony risked his name showing up in the obituaries every day. 
You wondered every day if things would have been different had you been different, if you had been able to follow your brother to Grimble. And now, if you were able to join Anthony’s agency to make sure he didn’t lose himself. Your brother had been facing his death without fear for five years until it finally caught up to him, and the darkest part of you couldn’t help but think when it would catch up to Anthony as well. 
He pressed a kiss to your forehead before he pulled away, and you could have dissolved into tears right there. You always wondered if he knew how you felt about him. It was a shame you’d never get to see what could have been. 
“I promise that everything will be okay,” he murmured. “My door will always be open to you.” 
Don’t make promises you can’t keep, you wanted to say. You’re the same age as he was and I can’t stop thinking about it. 
But instead, you just nodded. “Stay alive.” 
There was a glimmer of sadness in his smile. “I couldn’t do anything less with you around.” 
You managed a watery laugh, and you bit down hard on your lip. You couldn’t cry anymore. 
“I’ll see you soon,” Anthony said, stopping in the doorway after he opened it. A promise to himself more than you. 
“I hope so,” was all you could say. 
Anthony bowed his head to you, closed the door behind him, and then he was gone. 
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scienter · 22 days
My thoughts on Wind and Truth Chapters 10 & 11:
I had a crazy thought a few days ago, but now I don't think it's so crazy.
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Is Syl the author of Knights of Wind and Truth?
I reviewed the Wind and Truth epigraphs released so far and the one from chapter 2 caught my attention:
 “I first knew the Wind as a child, during days before I knew dreams. What need has a child of dreams or aspirations? They live, and love, the life that is.” – From Knights of Wind and Truth, page 3
It reminded me of something Syl said in Oathbinger:
Syl walked up to him in the air. “They’re like I remember them.” “Remember them?” Kaladin whispered. “Syl, you never knew me when I lived here.” “That’s true,” she said. “So how can you remember them?” Kaladin said, frowning. “Because I do,” Syl said, flitting around him. “Everyone is connected, Kaladin. Everything is connected. I didn’t know you then, but the winds did, and I am of the winds.” “You’re honorspren.” “The winds are of Honor,” she said, laughing as if he’d said something ridiculous. “We are kindred blood.” “You don’t have blood.” “And you don’t have an imagination, it appears.” She landed in the air before him and became a young woman. “Besides, there was … another voice. Pure, with a song like tapped crystal, distant yet demanding…”
And in chapter 10 Syl appoints herself as Kaladin's scribe?? 🤨
I think Syl is the author of the epigraphs. That's my new theory.
Chapter 10: I loved everything about this chapter!
Kaladin followed Syl into a section of the tower with lower ceilings. They had to stop flying and walk, and soon entered the scribes’… uh, supply depot? That wasn’t what they called it, but Kaladin of course couldn’t read the sign. Scribes didn’t have a quartermaster. Storms, what did they call the place? A long, low-ceilinged room full of bookcases and puttering ardents, bald heads reflecting the glowing lights embedded into the stone. The scents of paper and hogshide leather filled the air.
So basically:
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Syl bobbed right up to the counter. “Do you have my things?” She waved at Kaladin. “I brought a pack human.” “A what?” Kaladin said.
LMAO. Kaladin is Syl's "pack human."
"She squinted at Kaladin. “You’re not going to teach him to read it, are you?” “What if I did?” Syl said, going up on her tiptoes and projecting confidence. “Dalinar reads.”
“What is it?” Kaladin said, flipping through the pages. “The Way of Kings,” Syl said. “Your own copy! I got it for you, since I’m your scribe.”
Syl got Kaladin a copy of The Way of Kings . . . 🤔 Now why would she want him to have that book? Does she think Kaladin will find Nohadon's writing useful as Dalinar's heir? And how does Syl even know about that book?
Btw - I love that we've come full circle with that book.
Syl leaned forward conspiratorially across the counter. “I could never figure out why these humans were so shy about the spot between their legs! Strange to my uncultured spren mind. Then I figured it out! Must be something pretty ugly down there, for everyone to be so afraid to show it! The ugliest thing I know of is a chull head. So when I made this body, I put one there.” woman stared at Syl, and seemed to be trying very hard not to look. “… Chull head,” the woman finally said. “Chull head,” Syl replied. “Down… there.” “Down there.” Syl held the woman’s eyes with an unblinking stare, before adding, “I feed it grass sometimes.”
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I love how Syl loves to screw around with people.
“Do you even exist?” he said, saying it before he thought through the words. “Under the clothing? I mean, are the clothes your skin, or…” She leaned toward him. “Wanna see?” “Oh, storms no,” he said, imagining her vanishing her clothing right there in the middle of the book-quartermaster depot-place, fully visible to everyone. Or perhaps worse, just to him—to make him blush. Storms, she could do that at any time, in the middle of a meeting with Dalinar. She’d probably find it as funny as sticking his feet to the floor. One would think, after all this time, he’d have learned to keep his storming mouth shut. “Still wondering how much detail I have, aren’t you?” she said, leaning up against him. “No,” he said forcefully. “You’re going to find a way to embarrass me. So no.” She rolled her eyes. “We are as we were imagined, Kaladin,” she said. “Basically human—but with certain enviable improvements. You can assume that if a human has it, I do too—unless it’s icky.”
I picked up shipper vibes from this interaction. Although I don't ship Syladin, I'm not opposed to it either. A romance between them wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. Syladin is preferable to killing either character. Just saying.
“Look,” Kaladin said, “you need to talk to someone about your problems. Not me; I’m just some stranger. But find someone. Talk. Grow. It’s worth the effort, all right?”
Yes, Brandon! Give us more of this! I love therapist-Kaladin. It suits him so well.
“I assume,” Kaladin said under his breath, “most book-quartermasters aren’t so terrible.”  “Wait, what did you call her?” “Um… book-quartermaster? Who works at the scribes’ supply depot?” “The head librarian,” she said, “at the library?” “Oh, right. Yeah, that’s the word.” “You are absolutely adorable sometimes.
BOOK-QUARTERMASTER!? 😂😂 Oh, Kaladin. Syl's right. You are absolutely adorable sometimes.
For while the contest of champions was to happen in the East, a different contest was to happen in Shinovar. And one that the Wind swore was equally vital. Perhaps more so. —From Knights of Wind and Truth, page 8   
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Oh, really!? The stuff going down in Shinovar is more important than the contest of champions? Well, I feel justified in giving Kaladin's storyline disproportionate attention. lol
“You have learned substantiation? I thought your kind had forbidden that skill.”
Shallan’s using forbidden skills, huh?  That tracks. I wonder why it's forbidden though . . .
 “I said reality could be what I imagine it to be, but I don’t actually want that. That would be… terrifying…”
Yes, Shallan. Yes, it would be.
“This device points to something far in the distance. Something the Sibling called ‘the Grand Knell, source of the Current, the death of a god.’ ”
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And Gallant is bonded to a musicspren?? Hm.
“That spren…” Adolin said. “It was familiar somehow. Its eyes… I’ve seen it somewhere before…”
. . . is this musicspren, Sureblood? I can’t recall Adolin interacting with a musicspren before.
I wonder if the musicspren are connected to Roshar’s rhythms or the flute Wit gave to Kaladin.
“That’s thousands of assault troops,” Adolin whispered from inside his illusion. He righted Gallant’s saddle after handing off his greatsword to one of Drehy’s squires. The scabbard was gone, and the equipment boxes had been knocked free—Adolin grimaced as his hand lingered on the now vacant saddle hooks. “They have patrols watching to make sure no one spots them,” Shallan said. “It’s a secret strike force.” “They’re sailing straight for Azimir,” Drehy said. “Storms… they probably came all the way from the Horneater Peaks, and the perpendicularity there. They must have been planning this for months.” “Agreed,” Adolin said. “Drehy, you have to get us to Azimir as quickly as possible.”
Uh-oh. Aren't Kaladin, Szeth, and Syl stopping at Azimir before arriving at Shinovar? I guess we know when Kaladin will be picking up the spear again . . .
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imagionationstation · 5 months
Okay so I wanna make a 2012 separated au but I wanna add a rise villain lol
Leo’s raised by Splinter
Raph’s raised by Shedder
Donnies raised by BM
and Mikey’s raised by April or the Kraang idk yet
mainly I think it’d be funny if BM spoiled Donnie and you just get spoiled rich boy Donnie idk lmao
— ♊️
(I am so, so sorry, this has spiraled over the last few days. I am weak. Resistance was futile.)
Okay, so, like 2012 universe but Yokai exist…
So I’m going to assume right off the bat that Leo&Mikey don’t know about the Hidden City because they’re being raised by a human (Kirby) and a previous human (Splinter). How these two managed to get their hands on baby mutant turtles, I couldn’t tell you.
Okay, so I’m going to assume Leo&Mikey meet first. Both living as vigilantes in the human world, they’re bound to run into each other at some point. I doubt Splinter would let Leo travel to the surface solo. So maybe Splinter starts taking him up earlier because he deems keeping the tike with him is safer than leaving him alone.
So they get to know the surface early on. Mikey, because he sneaks out whenever he can, and Leo, because Splinter introduced it to him.
They besties who think it’s neat that they look like twins.
And then they come across Raph.
Now, a twin package is coincidence but a triplet turtle who looks scarily similar to them? That’s sus.
In fact, it’s the only reason that Raph doesn’t immediately kill them on site. He’s affronted, frustrated, and admittedly a little curious. So he decides to settle the mystery by taking them down to the Hidden City for a Mystical Relative test. (They are a thing because I say so.)
He knows the Hidden City exists because Shredder has dealings with Big Mama. They work out deals, where Raph fights in her Nexus and Shredder gets trinkets from the Hidden City.
Leo and Mikey are in awe, but also, they had a City that they could walk freely in beneath their feet the whole time?!
Then they take the test and- huzzah, they’re brothers!
And, oopsy, the witch lets it slip that they have another brother??
They press for more, but all she knows is that Big Mama will be their key to finding him.
So Leo and Mikey are determined to look and Raph is none to satisfied to learn that, not only is his family expanding and they’re both dorks, but now he has to deal with one of the biggest mob leaders in the City? No thank you. He did not sign up for that risk.
He tries to brush them off but Leo is adamant that he help- especially if he knows who she is and how they can arrange a talk with her. Even if it’s a long shot, they have to try.
So, Raph gives in to get them off his back.
And he introduces them to the best chance that they’re going to get to receiving an audience with her- And wouldn’t you know it?
That liaison is Donatello!
Of course, everyone knows that Donnie is of pure Yokai descendancy. Big Mama would never adopt some lost soul off the street. Rumors float about but no one knows for sure how he came into her care. The only truth that the Yokai know for certain is that he’s a genius, one in charge of all kinds of equipment for Big Mam’s Battle Nexus.
But, anyway, Donnie doesn’t fit into the brothers’ physical quota.
Normally, nobody can get close to Donatello, but the minute Raph strolls into the Nexus and asks to speak with him- the genius spawns. Body guards are shooed away at the request for privacy as the intelligent turtle eagerly brings them to his workshop.
It quickly becomes clear why Raph was so reluctant. To say that Donnie was ecstatic to see him was an understatement.
Unfortunately for the loner turtle, he’d become a lock for Donnie’s OCD. And similar to how he sees April in canon, he’s (PLATONICALLY) smitten. His obsessive side makes Raph into his idol and his compulsions lead him to do everything possible to try and build a friendship. Even if that means disregarding every single one of his Mother’s rules when it comes to interacting with fighters.
Raph hates the attention, but Donnie’s their best shot.
And Donnie doesn’t hesitate to promise them a meeting.
I’m dying imaging them going on a hunt for a long-lost brother, and Donnie’s standing right there the whole time- 🤣
Assisting every step of the way in the search for himself, with everyone being 100% sure that it cannot possibly be him because Big Mama is good a sewing lies.
Donnie is absolutely a rich kid. He’s utterly mortified when he finds out that Leo actually lives in the sewers of all places.
This AU would be all the more hilarious if Donnie slowly starts to realize that Raph isn’t the perfect person that he thought he was, and the obsession calms, but then he finds out that he’s Raph’s brother and completely loses his ever loving mind.
It would be brilliant.
I imagine Big Mama to be a fun mix of self-centered but genuinely loving. I think that would be an interesting take for her to spend his lifetime using every available opportunity to take advantage of his skills and manipulate his actions… But also, she would wipe out everyone in the entire Hidden City for him in a heartbeat if she thought they posed him any real danger.
On that same note, I think about the episode where the RISE first meet her, and like, how she would react if Draxum came and launched vines not only at her, but at Donnie too. And she instantly loses her cool.
“I may have a revision to do. Big Mama has two rules. One does not steal from Big Mama, and NO ONE touches her tottering TURTLE.” 
I just think she’d be great.
I keep coming back to this-
So I keep envisioning this moment somewhere in the future where the Kraang or somethin’ pose this huge threat, and Donnie (as manipulative as his mother when he wants to be, which isn’t often) is basically like “We are not making deals. I will find a way to go on this mission and I will probably die if you don’t give me reinforcements. You can support me and I’ll keep building for you, or you don’t and you’ll lose your heir.”
Not exact words but you get the gist.
He’s so stubborn in the show. I want to enhance that.
I just want him to bob between innocent and confident. His pride shatters at the slightest negativity, but he also knows exactly what to say to get what he wants. He’s a good boy, but he’s not a pushover to anyone but Raph and his Mother. He’s not a big fan of changing the terms at the last second, but that’s not to say he hasn’t before.
The very first time that Donnie saw a Battle Nexus fight, he’d been the ripe age of four years old.
His mother was sitting in her private viewing area, perfect as ever, as he stared down in the arena in awe. He’d been ecstatic to see the fights that his mother spoke so fondly of, studying the fighters curiously as they faced on another. 
He quickly fell into the excitement, encouraged by his Mother’s laughter, cheering along with the crowd. That is, until he watched the gorilla Yokai pin it’s opponent to the ground and tear it’s arm clean off.
The scream of agony was drowned in the hollars of the crowd. 
He feel silent, a cry tangled in his lungs for another reason altogether. He looked back at her, as she smiled and watched the crowd go nuts, and then sunk in her lap. He squeezed his eyes as shut as they could be, fists over them, and blood painted behind his lids. He moved his fists to the sides of his head, but he could still hear screams.
He could remember it so clearly. His mother turned him to look at her, peeling his fists away from where they pressed against skull. She had seemed disappointed, looking down on him. Then her expression relaxed as she cooed, “Is it to loud for my whisperous turtle?” 
He nodded, desperately, as she waved one of her assistants over.
They took him to his room. He locked himself in the bathroom to sob, unable to erase the image of gore stains from his mind. He’d passed out, right there on cold tiles, and woke up pressed against his mother. Granted, he woke up screaming, sobbing, and certain he was drenched in his own blood, but she rocked him, calmed his fears, and sang him back to sleep. He slept uneasily in the safety of her hold.
He spent the next week refusing to leave the room.
Eventually, his Mother encouraged him out. A year later, she took him back to the Battle Nexus. The results didn’t change. It repeated for a few more years. The nightmares got progressively more gory.
When he was ten years old, she promised him that he never had to watch the fights if he didn’t want to. He waited until she was out of sight to crumble under the weight of relief and self-loathing, her frown permanently etched in his mind.
From that day on, Donnie made it his life’s mission to support her like she always supported him. He might not understand the arena, but everyone who visited the Hotel loved it. There was no end to the complements and requests that she received when they were attending to matters outside it. She lit up under the attention. He saw no harm in making weapons and armor for the fighters, rewarded with his mother’s glowing smile and proud laughter.
She loved to show him off. The sun to her earth, helping give life to what she’d created. He gave what she asked for, sprinkling his own inventions here and there. He preferred to focus on the defensive wear; she loved the offensive weaponry.
He actively did his best to avoid the arena.
…Until the first time he glimpsed Ribenji on her screens.
Ribenji means vengeance in Japanese. Because Shredder is obsessed with it. And Raph will be his ultimate warrior of vengeance against anyone who crosses his path. Hehe. I think I’m cool.
I don’t pretend to fully understand Big Mama. I just love writing her.
Does Donnie’s name change? Perhaps.
Though I suppose I could see Big Mama having an interest in the Renaissance. That might be something up her alley…
“Donnie dearest.” Donnie doesn’t look up from his work, wielding the last of the armor in place. He’s down on one knee and it allows his mother easy access to the top of his head, planting a kiss before stepping back to let him finish. “How’s my lil’ turtley-boo doing with Mama’s big project?”
“Almost finished.” He promises, turning off the wielder. She’s never pleased when he works and talks. She claims it makes her feel less to his work, and he’d never want to make her feel insecure. 
A hand is on his shoulder, keeping him on the ground as she knocks against the metal with deceptively delicate knuckles. “Did you add the mystic fiddeydoodles that I so graciously found for you and you so endlessly prodded me for?”
Donnie feels a blush creep up his cheeks. He hadn’t wanted them at first, but after she’d mentioned how influential they were to putting on a perfect show, he couldn’t resist a couple of requests. “Not yet, Mother. I’m working on it. I swear. It will be ready when you need it.”
He studies her face, imploring, and she smiles down at him. She lifts her hand. “I know you will, my little genius. You always keep your promises.” 
“I’m taller than you.” He points out as he stands, rather than acknowledge the twist of nerves which reminds him that even one failure could tear at her trust in him. 
“Perhaps in this form.” She taps her broach and then she’s hovering over him, smirking with a flair that makes him rolls his eyes. “But you’ll always be my little teensie weensie tottering turtley-boo.” 
“Mother.” He mumbles as he takes off his goggles. His face grows hot, glad for the seclusion of his lab. “I’ll be fifteen in three days.”
“That you will.” She hums, brushing his cheek with one of her smaller appendages. “My magnifferent, brilliant boy.”
She turns away to examine another of his projects. The only reason that she visits the lab is to get a run down of his latest one. He loves that she has a genuine interest in his work, even if she’s not particularly interested in the construction itself. She supplies his needs and works with his wants. What more could a turtle ask for? 
At the same time that Donnie wants to shrivel up and hide when under her undivided affection, he can’t help but appreciate the attention. He never knows when he’ll get to have her doting every hour or if he’ll find himself isolated for a month. 
Donnie quickly reprimands himself. They spoke about his intrusive thoughts. He shouldn’t think that way. He’s not completely secluded with the Hotel staff taking care of him and Gus hanging around. It’s all in his best interest. He’s safer within the hotel than out with the rif-raff in the bar or on the streets. 
…It is nice to be noticed, though. 
He steps closer to her, fiddling with the goggles. “Mother.” 
“Yes, little one?”
She lifts one of his weapons from the table. He hopes she doesn’t test it. It’s not nearly to her fine expectations. “Have you- have you had any dealings with Saki, by chance?” 
“Oh, my dormy genius. You know Mama hates talking business when we’re together.”
“Yes, Mother, of course.” He deflates a bit, watching her sigh.
“If you want to ask after his feisty Yokai pet, all you have to do is say it.”
“Have you seen Ribenji?” Donnie blurts eagerly. “Has he fought recently?”
“I don’t see your fascination with the Yokai when he barely gives you the time of day.”
“I know, Mother, I apologize for being this way.” He says, because it’s what she wants to hear. “But it’s been itching at my brain for some time. I was working on something for him, a side-project that could greatly improve his performance, not that it’s not good already, he’s a brilliant fighter, more than that, he’s inspiring and swift and he handles himself really well, which makes since for a Yokai Foot ninja, but I thought he might appreciate-”
“Donnie, dearest.” Mother sets his weapon down, and he quiets, running the strap along his hand. “I know you idolize the warrior, but please, no more side projects. Focus on your list. I don’t want you getting tuckered out.”
“But Mother-”
“Mama knows what’s best for you.” She tsks as she disappears behind her human form, a whirlwind of magic before she sets a hand in his arm. “This obsessing is unhealthy.”
“I was merely wondering if I could see some clips-”
“A wondering mind is a mind of worries.” She’s not scolding him, but it sure feels like it. The need to plead is still tangling in his airways, kept caged by the calm of her stare. “Refocus it on what’s important. Like your fantablous weaponry! And Mother will worry about her business with Saki.”
“But you always say that I should tell you when something bothers me.” He reminds quickly, ignoring her sharp look. “And it really bothers me that I haven’t been able to check in with one of your champions. Isn’t the arena meant to be mine one day?”
“Not for a good while yet.” She warns. “Until then, Mama would like to keep you away from the fiddlefaddles that bore you so.”
“Bore might not be the right word-”
“So you would like to resume your studies, then?” She looks at him, hand over her heart. “Why, you could have simply said so.”
He sighs, “You’re twisting again, Mother.”
“Do you or do you not want to give up your little hobby?”
“Oh, of course, I want to give up the one thing in the endless hotel that brings me any joy. I dream about it every night.”
“Always with the sarcasm.”
“Mother, please.”
“Mama has given her final word. A proper son knows when to debate and when to obey.”
He nods, shoulders slumping, and she considers him. She sets a gentle hand over the fist that holds his goggles, “Oh, my dear, you know it hurts me to see you disappointed. What if you were to finish your contrabulations and your beloved Mama were to see if she could get you some footage of the latest shows?”
“Oh, would you?” He breathes, daring to believe it. 
She leans against him, on her toes to plant a kiss on his chin. “I will leave you to your work.”
Mother turns to leave, and he beams after her. “Thank you!”
A smooth backward wave. “Anything for my turtley-boo!”
I like to think she’d call him little to remind him of his place, tease him about the fact that he’s taller than most Yokai his age, and she sincerely still thinks of him as the tiny, weak turtle that she adopted more than a decade ago. She’s an excellent multitasker.
Anyway! Thank you for the dopamine! Sorry for the spiral!
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timetoeatthebread-blog · 11 months
Wow that's actually putting a lot of thought into it, that was actually such a cool way of looking at it and I do agree that the SB skin line is basically myths with stand in figures of the characters but about the seeing a clone of himself or getting possessed it technically couldn't be possible since FOR NOW that the major lore update isn't here yet, the skin lines are still like AUs basically
Idk i just know I'd absolutely devour whatever it is you write lmao, slow burns are so satisfying but stand alone one shots are pretty good to give yourself a break and enjoy a more direct romance again write whatever you enjoy since sometimes writers forget to count themselves as readers
Idk idk reading how you think just made me squeal like a little girl, I love the lore and seeing people actually interested in it is so KAAJLNDAL yk?
Thats so sweet, thank you! Waited with chapter 5 just to send it (Almost) directly to you ;)
Anyways here's the chapter!
Aphelios x Reader - Dreaming of You (Part 5)
Truth be told, you didn’t get to ask any questions that day. Or the day after that.  
Right now, you were on your third night of travels, as you and Aphelios continued on with your way towards Weh’le. Admittedly, you were only one third of the way, so you still had a long way before reaching your destination.  
The night was still young. With the cloudless sky, the moon shone brightly as you and Aphelios walked along the river.  
The River of Navori. It was, in reality, multiple branches of water that eventually all connected and created one, big branch.  
As the luck might have it, you were able to spend the night at an inn close to the Placidium of Navori, where you were able to rest your legs and finally take a bath. You were even able to eat a normal meal while at the inn! And now, you were walking along the river, feeling refreshed because of the rest beforehand.  
The area was slowly becoming more unfamiliar. It was different from the green, lush views before you that you were already used to. 
Currently, the scene was taking shape of a more mountainous area. The mountains were still a good while away. But that didn’t stop the slopes of land appearing before you. Steep terrain was becoming a challenging hike for you. Still, not so challenging for Aphelios. Curse him and his long legs. Again. 
The man was walking like it wasn’t the most intense walk you’ve had in the past few days. At the current trail, the ascend was the most tiring you experienced so far.  
You were already worried about the more grueling hikes you’ll have to take soon. With a deep breath, you collected as much vigor as possible to follow Aphelios’ lead.  
Nothing much happened after your adventures during your first night at the unfamiliar place. Your hand was long healed. And no other problems appeared. 
Meanwhile, Aphelios’ didn’t experience any more mishaps with the noctum poison. He was still regularly taking the distilled concoction. But he didn’t have the same reaction as he did the first time. Instead, Aphelios would only cough a few times. Secondly, he would experience some level of dizziness.  Lastly, he also would experience some kind of paralyzing effect. Luckily all of the symptoms went away almost as fast as they came, disappearing after a few minutes.  
Each time he drank the poison, Alune would appear close to him. You would greet her warmly. When you asked her how her day went, you were sure to tell her about what you experienced so far. In as many details as possible.  
It seemed to make her quite happy. Being the curious girl she was, she had no problem picking up on the little words and asking about them, hoping to gain even more details of living in Ionia, or the terrain surrounding it.  
When she saw the Shuang Yue blades at your side, she was mesmerized. She couldn’t stop admiring the blades, which had delicate signs of the Lunari on them. The handles of the blades were made out of wood that was similar to rosewood. To the delicate wood were attached two crescent blades each. They almost reminded you of knuckle dusters. The metal was made out of moonsilver and moonstone, blended perfectly together.  
Alune was obviously knowledgeable on them. Not necessarily on how to use them. But she seemed to think it was a gift from Mother Moon. Given specially to you to help you on the journey.  
She also helped to explain that the flowers you saw that day in the cave were noctum flowers. No wonder they hurt like a bitch when you touched them. The Seer went into great detail as she explained how they came to be and how they only bloom during the night.  
At some point you had to stop her from talking, albeit gently. The main reason was that you saw the same mist as you did during your first day. You called out to Aphelios, catching his attention. He turned his head and glanced at you, waiting for you to continue.  
“I see the mist. Do you see it too?” 
He looked in the direction you motioned with your hand. Then he looked back at you and shook his head. A silent ‘no’ was your answer, it seems. All you did was notion for him to follow your lead. You were the one walking in the front and leading the way now. 
Nearby, behind the big hill, was a small shack. The trees, which were small, twisted and turned in various ways, creating the building before you. With how the Ionians lived, it wasn’t surprising that the trees were very much still alive. It’s no doubt that the woodweaver, who convinced the tree spirits to grow into such a shape, was talented. 
The mist was leading you towards the shack and you silently followed. Aphelios obediently after you. Alune was on your side, silently flying in the air, observant. 
A gentle light was coming out of the opening in the wall. Instead of a door, a material hung loosely where a door would have been. Even in the darkness, soft colors of orange, blue and pink could be seen under the bright moonlight. They were leaves of the trees, creating a living roof on top of the building, accentuating the house’s beauty.  
Aphelios’ first reaction was to retrieve one of his weapons, no hesitation could be found in his movements. His presence was almost suffocating as he nearly loomed over your form as he followed you. Movement was calculated and confident; he straightened out his back and maintained a clear vision on the shack before him. 
And then there was you, the complete opposite of him. Your back was slightly slouched, breathing was uneven, and you looked everywhere and anywhere curiously. Everything about your form screamed relaxed or harmless, compared to Aphelios.  
Hence, it was no surprise that when you wanted to knock on the wooden frame and call out to check if someone was inside, Aphelios stopped you. He grabbed your hand firmly and gently tugged you backwards.  
As your eyes met his, he gave you a shake of his head, a silent plea for you to wait. Feeling like you don’t have much of a choice, you stood quietly, observing his movement and intentions.  
As he left you there to stand on your own, your hand felt strangely cold all of a sudden. 
Aphelios and Alune went around the shack, trying their best to check their surroundings. Admittedly, it was quite easy for Alune to just float around in the air and check, but Aphelios felt the need to make sure. 
He came back shortly after. Aphelios casted a short look on your form, before nodding at you. Giving you a small signal to continue.  
You came up to the entrance and knocked on the wall. A shuffling sound could soon be heard, and you could see a pair of feet peeking through the material before you.  
A wrinkly and elegant hand grabbed the material and pulled it to the side. The woman was standing before you, her silver hair was illuminated in the moonlight and her obsidian eyes stared back at you, curious. You felt suddenly awkward. For some reason you expected something... Different. Definitely not a person.  You put on your best, friendly smile. 
“Hello, are you a Lunari, perhaps?” 
Aphelios’ face was priceless as he stood behind you. He was stunned. His form became instantly stiff as he looked at you, cranking his neck down at your form. Aphelios was fighting against his whole body to restrain his need to lift up his arms in defeat. 
The tan woman hid slightly behind the doorframe as she examined you and Aphelios. Upon seeing Aphelios, however, her demeanor changed completely. She noticed his clothes and the markings on his scarf. The woman stepped out and you could see her whole wardrobe.  
A moon crest necklace hung loosely around her neck, with a purple gemstone in the middle. Her clothes, which consisted of a mix of black and silver, hung loosely. As a finishing touch there was a silver rope with a bell at the end, which held her outfit together securely in place. Her gaze moved from Aphelios to you. 
“That’s... Correct. Is there anything you need?” 
You tried to explain it as briefly as possible, “The Aspect of the Moon needs our help. We need the people. Please come to mount Targon.” 
Obviously, the woman raised her brow at that, not believing you completely.  
How were you supposed to persuade her? The situation was terrible already. And Aphelios can’t help you because he can’t talk right now. One way or another, in the midst of you trying to explain why it was so important, it seemed like she finally understood the weight of the situation.  
It took quite a lot of time to explain the whole history. Starting from Aphelios and Alune, the children of destiny. To the celestial cycles and finally, to the Aspect of the Moon herself, Diana. It was a sign to change the tide of the battle. All in favor of the Lunari.  
The whole situation dawned on her, it seems. All the woman did was nod, only a few words leaving her lips as she spoke, “I understand. I’ll let our brothers and sister know.” 
Elderly woman went inside her little shack. A shuffling sound could be heard as she rummaged around in her small home. Eventually, she came out, a water pouch in her hand. She put it in your hand, her gentle touch grazing your hand. 
“You might need this, child. Take it. May you be safe on your travels.” 
And with that, you and Aphelios started to walk back towards the original road. Throughout the whole time Alune was quiet, but now, with the situation out of the way, she went back to her curious personality. 
“I didn’t expect you to carry so much knowledge, Little Light. Who taught you?” 
It made you freeze a little. Maybe you could talk about it another day? 
After imagining the conversation in your head for the past few days, you were so sure you had your perfect little conversation ready, all the way from point A to point B. But now, with the occasion right in front of you. You suddenly felt like a fish out of water. 
How were you going to explain this? Should you just lie? 
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mrs-gauche · 2 years
At last, the synopsis of volume 4 of "The Missing" is out (the final volume!) and I have a few thoughts! (Do NOT read further if you haven't read the preview of volume 1 yet and don't want to get spoiled! 🙂)
(Here's my comment/speculations on the previous three synopses btw, of which a lot has actually already been answered/debunked by the first five pages of the first volume. lol)
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Ok so, first things first: Hey, looks like Solas is apparently NOT at the White Spire after all! 😂 So much for people's speculations. lol What's kinda funny to me though, is how Varric and Harding, instead of (what we suspected) going further east, seem to go all way back to Tevinter now, to get to the capital. lol Let's hope the long journey wasn't completely for naught then. Though what's up with this seemingly never ending "cat-and-mouse" game here? 😂 You think that maybe Solas knows about them searching for him and has been purposefully leading them astray this whole time? lol
"After many close encounters and more signs of a Venatori stalking them (...)"
So, for anyone who has read the preview of volume 1, were you also instantly reminded of the shadowy person seen in the last panel? Especially with how it mentions "many close encounters", I think it's very likely that this could refer to whoever was already watching them while walking the Deep Roads? Hmm..
"This time, it seems they're hot on his heels"
(See, it's funny because Solas doesn't like wearing shoes lol)
So, after Varric and Harding couldn't track down Solas in neither the Deep Roads, Vyrantium OR the Arlathan Forest, he has now apparently hit the big city.
Remember how we kept joking about Solas just going to Tevinter and walking the streets of Minrathous completely unrecognized, when most of Tevinter doesn't actually know what he looks like (as far as we know)? lmao Well, joke’s on us? 😂 So, who in Minrathous, aside from maybe Dorian, would even be able to "spot" him then? lol Watch Solas pull another "Bard" on us and disguising himself as the most ridiculous Venatori Lord Anus McEvilus. lol So, what's Solas doing there? And who is this "trusted informant"? I think the most obvious answer here would be Dorian? Perhaps even Mae (we know her and Varric are super close! 👀👀)?
"The duo find they have a tough decision to make - and they'll need to make the right call fast."
Alright, so why the urgency now? And what does this "tough decision" entail? Seeing as this is the final volume of this comic that has been marketed to directly tie into the plot of DA4, what's interesting to note here is that, with Antoine and Evka now making an appearance in volume 1, it seems as though every faction shown in the 2020 teaser trailer and the concept art will feature in each volume now, meaning the Wardens (Evka and Antoine) in volume 1, the Crows (Teia and Viago?) in volume 2, the "Veil Jumpers" (Irelin and Strife?) in volume 3 and now, back in Minrathous, a Tevinter... Siccari in volume 4 then? Or maybe one of the guys in this short story? Seeing as the short stories from DA Day 2020 also all happen to perfectly line up with the four factions in the comic/teaser/concept art? 👀
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It definitely raises the chances for these four factions to be potential "career paths" for our new protagonist and maybe the "tough decision" involves Varric having to choose which of these factions to contact in order to further pursue Solas or something (or what if that decision is then left to the players at the start of DA4 and we get to choose which of those four factions will be part of our "origin story"?)
And btw, can I just mention how my initial speculation over a year ago or so, was that one of those four factions would be part of an infiltration mission at the start of the game for our next protagonist (who is actually a Lord of Fortune) hired by Varric in order to obtain vital information about the red lyrium idol? 😂 If this turns out to be the case somehow, I'll eat my hat. lmao
Anyway, while I have read the preview of volume 1 (and I already have a ton of thoughts on this as well!), I would like to wait for the full volume to come out on the 25th to post a comment and cover the whole thing. That being said, I can't wait to read all of it, seems very promising so far! 😁
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razzlee-meow · 2 years
hehehe,, lee! deimos,,, *smiles* anyways. i wrote this because i love this show and uhhh,,, i love deimos. haha.
deimos smokes a whole fuckin' twelve pack on a mission. sanford takes "drastic" measures to make sure that it never happens again. despite that, it seemed that deimos would have the last laugh. haha, literally.
warnings, this has a lot of deimos smoking. there is mentions of addictions.
it's also not proof read and might be all over the place. lmao.
To say that Deimos’ job was “easy” was a mistake a lot of people made when he introduced himself as the technician of the group. He was amazing with technology, coding and hacking into the AAHW with no problem, and fighting wasn’t all that terrible either. The only thing he wasn’t too good at was dealing with his stress in a healthy way. 
“Deimos, c’mon man,” Sanford called out to him as he hopped out of the car, wielding his hook in his right hand. The other put his finger up to signal that he needed a minute, and not even a few seconds later, he heard the click of the man’s thumb lighting yet another cigarette. He put it up to his lips, inhaling it as if he needed it to survive. Sanford only gave a concerned look, frowning. “That is the third one you’ve lit today, Dei. You sure you’re good?” 
Deimos finally hopped out of the car, exhaling a puff of smoke in the opposite direction. “...’m alright.”  He replied in a low tone, different from the usual one he gave. Sanford shook his head - did he honestly think he couldn’t see through that blank facade of his? He decided to hold off on responding about it, however, considering they were right outside of the AAHW with all the stuff they needed to complete their mission. He also had assumed that this would be one of the last ones he smoked. 
Boy was he wrong. 
A few rooms in. Click. In one of the main hallways. Click. Their destination, a room with a large computer that he needed to hack. Click. The way Deimos continued to inhale those cigarettes the entire mission was starting to piss him off. How exactly could one man even go through that many? Especially when it had only been an hour and a half since they set out for this mission. It was like the younger man was becoming addicted. Well, more than he already was. 
“San, ‘m done,” Deimos said through a slight wheeze, having a small coughing fit as he put his stuff away. He lifted all his technology on his back, returning to the taller one’s side. He hadn’t even realized it had been roughly ten minutes with everything that he was thinking. Sanford shook his head, regaining his focus and rushing out of the building back to the car. They were both quiet considering everything that went down, and while they should’ve been celebrating that they got crucial information needed for Hank’s mission, the demolitionist could only think about just how many cigarettes he smoked.
Sanford got into the driver’s seat, noticing Deimos’ focus out the window. He had wondered why he hadn’t lit another cigarette in a couple of minutes only to look down and find the entire pack empty. Wait, empty? Didn’t he just buy those? Those were the only things that Sanford thought, putting the key into the ignition and driving down the road. Something twinged inside of his stomach, and the awful feeling slowly started to creep up on him. It soon turned to annoyance, but it wasn’t out of anger or anything. He wanted to get to the bottom of why he smoked that entire pack in … give or take, two hours. 
The car ride home was quiet. This was an issue they needed to fix, and quickly. 
Deimos quickly hopped out of the car when they got home. Sanford took a minute to collect all his thoughts, grabbing the empty cigarette carton and holding it in his hand. Before he’d even realized it, the shorter one went inside the base. He probably already knew he was in for a mouthful. “Where is Deimos?” Sanford asked, looking around the living room. There was no sign of anyone except for Hank, who was lounging on the couch. “Room,” Hank replied, pointing in the general direction of the member’s rooms. “Thanks.” Sanford nodded, heading straight for the technician’s room, finding him sprawled out on his bed with almost a dazed look on his face. 
“Deimos.” Sanford’s tone was low. Everyone knew what that tone meant. Something was about to go down. “Would you like to explain what this is?” The cigarette carton’s silver wrapping jingled a little inside the box as he shook it. Dei gave an awkward smile, knowing that he was definitely in for it now. “Uhh, no. I would not like to explain what it is. It should seem very obvious, considering you’re holding it. Read it.” It was a wonder how the other man could still be so sassy, especially when he was damaging himself like this. 
“Dei, you smoked all of these in less than two hours!” Sanford cried out, sounding exasperated. The other shrugged, laying back down on his bed with a prolonged sigh. There was a moment of silence between them. He suddenly let out a huff, realizing that the demolitionist wasn’t leaving his room if he just ignored him. “Fine, you win.” Deimos sat up, narrowing his eyes down to the floor. “I smoke when I’m stressed, yeah? Typically, missions aren’t stressful… but this was a big one, y’know? I had to do it perfectly” His gaze softened upon hearing his explanation, sighing. 
“We’re human, Deimos. We all get stressed. You should’ve told me this, man,” he shook his head, throwing the empty carton in the trash can by his door. Deimos only shrugged. “Wouldn’t have changed anything. I’ll still smoke when I’m stressed.” 
“Oh, hell no you won’t.” Sanford raised an eyebrow. Deimos’ face changed quickly to one of confusion. “What, you’re gonna stop me?” Suddenly, the tint in Sanford’s eyes changed. It wasn’t one of anger but instead one of… playfulness? The other launched himself at the one laid out on the bed, wrestling around a bit as he tried to pin Deimos down to his bed. He was still a little dazed so their normal roughhousing - which would’ve taken a lot longer if he had the strength to fight back - didn’t last very long. The end result was Sanford sitting on top of Deimos’ waist, holding both hands above his head. “Yes, you’re indeed right. I’m gonna stop you. You’re not gonna stress smoke on another mission, you hear?” 
“Sanford, it’s not tha- w–wait, what are you dOING?! SANFORD, NO!” Deimos yelled out, writhing underneath him in an attempt to get out of this situation. The most surprising thing is that he wasn’t even doing anything, he just happened to lay his hand right by underneath his arm, knowing that may or may not be one of his most ticklish spots. “What? What am I doing Dei?” Sanford shot back teasingly, watching the poor technician get so anxious. There was already a wide grin on his face, and somehow, he was already giggling up a storm even though he really wasn’t even doing anything. “D-Dohohohn’t, San, p-plehease,” he choked out, squirming underneath him as the demolitionist continued to tease him. 
“What am I doing, Deimos? What’s wrong with my hands being there? Does it hurt? Is that why you’re so fidgety?” Deimos’ grin couldn’t get any wider as he shook his head, knowing how embarrassed he got when it came to this stuff. The red tint splotched all over his face, neck, and ears happened to be solid proof of it. “Nohohoho! Yohohohou ass! Stohohohop teheheasing!” 
“Oh, so you’d rather me just tickle you, huh?” Sanford’s eyes narrowed to his armpit, using a single finger to circle around the sensitive spot. There was an attempt to hold back his own giggles by biting the inside of his cheek, his eyes shutting tightly. The technician’s legs kicked out weakly behind him, hitting the soft mattress. He was truly refusing to give out any sort of reaction. That couldn’t happen - it wouldn’t happen, more like. The poor guy was so ticklish, it was hard to believe that simple taps didn’t tickle him. Sanford was going to get a reaction out of him, whether he wanted it or not. 
“Aww, c’mon, Dei. You know you want to laugh. And I want you to stop smoking. How about I kill two birds with one stone?” Sanford suddenly came dangerously close to the smaller one’s ear, his breath hitting the outer shell. “And you know you like this.” It was the last few words that cracked him. Maybe it was the fact that he was so flustered by the fact that he knew he liked being tickled without ever saying it to anyone (he’d rather curl up in a hole and die) or maybe it was the way his breath was tickling his ear. Maybe it was a combination of both. But the minute Deimos broke, Sanford found himself grinning alongside his childish, rough laughter. 
Sanford noticed the way his cheeks turned a darker red, his own quiet laughter turning louder. His nimble and fast fingers continued scratching at his underarm with only one finger, watching his reactions carefully. The wobbly smile, his beautiful laughter, the way his body was squirming away from his grasp but unable to due to Sanford’s brute strength from holding him down. It was all… endearing to say the least. “Snrk- S-SahahHAHAHn! S-stohohohop! I swHEHEAR! Nonononono!” Deimos snorted, his embarrassment rising by tenfolds. 
“Dei, did you just snort? My god, that was the cutest thing,” Sanford commented, chuckling as he added more fingers to the mix, his entire hand poking and prodding away at the hyperactive nerves. The technician’s body bucked upwards, but not enough to throw the stronger man off of him as his laughter grew louder, the roughness of his voice now turning squeaky. “D-DOHOHOHN’T SAHAHAHY ANYTHING! aHAHAHA- P-PLEHEHEASE S-STOP!” Deimos was trying so hard to keep himself together, but they both knew that he was way too goddamn ticklish for that. “You know the way to get this to stop, Deimos,” he said, leaning down closer once more. “You’re going to promise me - and then go through with the promise - that you will not stress smoke again on a mission. You smoke one or two? Fine. You are not smoking a twelve-pack!” The other suddenly dug into his underarm, his fingers forming a claw shape. 
“NAHAHAH- SAHAHAHANFORD! F-FUHUHUCK, I-IHIHIHTS SO BAD!” Deimos yelled, throwing his head back against his pillow as tears started to form in his eyes from how much he was laughing. It still seemed that the demolitionist wasn’t going to stop until he said he was going to stop stress-smoking. But how could he even do that?! It was part of his routine to smoke when he was stressed, he couldn’t just quit it overnight. But at the same time, he wasn’t sure how much more he could take. His nerves felt like they were on fire, and even though he liked it (he would still rather die than admit that), there was always a limit to how much one person could take. “S-SAHAHAHAN! P-PLEHEHEEASE!” 
“Please what? Please tickle you more?” Sanford grinned, leaning down to his sensitive neck as he gently nibbled on the skin there, leaving the poor boy in hysterics. “Man, you sure do like this, huh? Is that why you haven’t been actively fighting back? You like being tickled that much?” 
The teasing was about to be too much, his face was seemingly radiating warmth. 
“SH-SHUHUHUT UHUHUHP!! P-PLEHEHEASE, MEHEHEHERCY!” Sanford took a moment, giving his neck a few more nibbles as he leaned backward, coming within about an inch of his face. “I wanna hear it.” That was the only thing he said as he looked at the poor boy’s face. He almost felt kind of bad, watching him wipe the tears from his eyes. His nose was slightly scrunched up, and soft giggles continued to pour out of his mouth. “I w-wohohon’t smohohoke.. I p-promise.” 
Sanford flashed a smile, patting the other on his head as he let go of his wrists, letting him finally get up. "About time you gave up." The other stretched upward, his back cracking as he got off the bed. Deimos continued to lay there, one hand on his chest as he watched the other man go on with his day like he didn't just tickle him to death! His breath was jagged, but it quickly returned to normal. He spoke up again. "How did you know... I, uh, ... y'know." Deimos' face flushed slightly, looking away from the demolitionist.
Sanford shook his head, chuckling slightly. "You think I don't notice the way you react when you're having tickle fights with Hank? Or even with 2BDamned, for that matter? You're always looking for trouble or for a reason to get someone to tickle you. I assumed that you liked it. B-But don't worry, it's not weird or anything. At least, I don't think so. It's kind of cute."
"Oh." That was the only thing able to come out of his mouth as he stared upwards, the embarrassment of him saying all this stuff out loud finally getting to him. "Aw, c'mon man, you're turning so red. Lighten up a lil'." He pulled the other to the edge of the bed, pulling him off to get him up and ready. "Let's go get somethin' to eat, yeah?"
Deimos flashed his usual grin after a split second of silence, nodding. "My treat, since you tortured me."
"Call it a forceful promise."
It worked, though, as Deimos had to this day never broken that promise.
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amanjinka · 1 year
Movement One
(A/N: The prelude and first movement took me 20 days to finish [I used to be able to write 2k words in less than a week] Absolutely wild from start to finish, had both a lockdown due to a potential bomb and a shooting threat at my school. Hope everyone has fun.)
The first week back in school was pretty average for me. Even though we started on the 6th, nothing happened until the 11th. That was the day of that big subway crash.
I remember I couldn’t sleep very well the night before, so I got up early to get ready. That was also the day that I emailed my boss to make sure my work schedule got changed.
“Thank you very much in advance,it was a pleasure to speak with you, [l/n] [y/n].”
After a quick read through, [y/n] rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and hit the enter key to send off her email. She pushed back from her simple desk and stood up, stretching deeply to further wake herself up. 
After quickly shutting the lid of her laptop, she crossed her room to don her school’s uniform and prepare for the day. ‘Did Hanabi ever bring back those nail gems of mine?’ She wondered, inspecting her faded manicure as she slipped on her ivory coloured socks.
For a brief minute, she debated styling her hair differently from normal, but after a failed attempt or two, she sighed and fell back on her usual look. A couple more layers, a bit of mascara and a spritz of perfume later and she was all ready to head out. Luckily, the walk from dorm to school building wasn’t intensive, and the mid-spring breeze kept her from feeling the slight discomfort of her new shoes as they rubbed up against her ankle. Less than five minutes later, she stood in front of the front entrance to Kosei High School. 
It was only a few minutes into the first class of the week and already [y/n]’s phone was being bombarded by chats from her friends. Quietly, she slipped her phone out of her bag and began to read up on all she had missed. 
☆Momo 7.57 - There’s a criminal in my class this year. 😶
☆Hanabi 8.01 - ?? WDYM 
☆Momo 8.01 - I mean theres a kid with a criminal record who’s gonna transfer to Shujin this semester. 
☆Momo 8.01 - That’s what I heard at least but he hasn’t showed up yet so I wonder if Mishima was just trying to scare us lol.
☆Yuna 8.01 - You have Mishima in your class? And the transfer student???
☆Momo 8.02 - Yeah, he looks like he went to hell yesterday. What’s going on in your guys’ practices???
☆Yuna 8.02 - He just sucks lmao. Gets hit all the time.
☆Hanabi 8.03 - Which one was Mishima again? Did we see him at the tournaments last year?
☆Yuna 8.03 - He’s the kid with the short dark hair. He never got to play so you probably never saw him. Not like you went to watch the boys match anyway. 
☆Momo 8.03 - Yeah he was at the tournaments.
☆Hanabi 8.04 - He didn’t go to middle school with us, did he??
☆Momo 8.04 - Nah, I think he went to one in a different district. 
☆Yuna 8.04 - Thankfully!
☆Momo 8.05 - Thankfully?
☆Yuna 8.05 - Hes a total kiss ass.
☆Hanabi 8.05 - Yuck.
☆Momo 8.05 - Oh yeah..
☆Yuna 8.06 - I stayed up way too late last night, about to pass out in homeroom.
☆Hanabi 8.06 - Teacher is here, one sec.
☆Yuna 8.09 - Did [y/n] fall into a pit on her way to school or something? How come she hasnt said anything..
☆Hanabi 8.10 - Lol she’s probably just actually paying attention.
☆Momo 8.10 - Omg speaking of [y/n] I still need to send her the dates for the concert lol.
☆Yuna 8.11 - Why didn’t she just ask the director?
☆Momo 8.12 - 🤷‍♀️
☆Momo 8.13 - Is Shiho in class today? I meant to ask her about her birthday plans but didn’t see her this morning. ☹️
☆Yuna 8.13 - Nah, she’s out today for a funeral. 
☆Momo 8.13 - Oh. My bad... Well I’ll text her later then.
☆[y/n] 8.20 → ☆Momo [🤷‍♀️] - I don’t know the director’s email address.
☆Momo 8.21 - It was on the sign up sheet and the like every other paper we’ve gotten.
☆[y/n] 8.21 - I don’t have any of those with me, they’re at my mom’s house.
☆Momo 8.21 - then text your mom??
☆[y/n] 8.22 - :( 
☆Momo 8.22 - Whatever. It’s the 28th, 29th, and 30th of April.
☆[y/n] 8.23 - Thank you Momo, I love you <33
“[l/n] [y/n]?” A male voice rang out from beyond [y/n]’s screen. She quickly jolted in her seat, shoving her phone into her desk and looking up to acknowledge her teacher.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you said,” [y/n] said, her voice fading as her embarrassment set in.
“I can tell,” He responded, crossing his arms. “I just asked if you could could tell me what it is called when we do geometric calculations on a non-flat surface. ”
“That’s non-euclidean, I think..” She whispered. 
“Yes. Thank you very much Miss [l/n]. It would do you good to turn off your phone before class starts next time so you could answer the first time I ask,” he reprimanded, then turned to move away from her desk and back to the front of the room. 
Shifting down further into her seat, [y/n] focused her gaze to her legs so her peers would not see how red in the face she was. What a great start to the day…
“[y/n] are you working this weekend?” Hanabi asked as the two walked the halls during lunch time. 
“Yeah but I’m going to be Sundays only for the first couple weeks back,” [y/n] responded then took a quick sip of her drink.
“So you're free Friday afternoon? Cause I was thinking we could go and get our nails done professionally instead of just doing them ourselves."
"I have rehearsal right after school but I'd be free after 17."
"The salon I looked at closes at 20 so we're totally fine,” Hanabi smiled,”It’s only like a 7 minute walk from the station so I’ll just wait for you there.”
After a short silence, [y/n] sighed,“I’m so not ready for that performance.”
“Momo said there was gonna three nights of it, is that for real?”
“Yeah, I’m really not looking forward to it.”
“My brothers going to be back in town pretty soon so I might take him to watch you two.”
“You’d be better off watching a bunch of crickets hop around. It would probably be more to your liking anyway.”
“Yeah well the more you say that the more I want to go.”
“Aww Hanabi, come on!”
“Oh what’s that? Is the bell ringing? Well I guess i’ll get a head start and order my tickets on the way to class! See you [y/n]!”
All I could do was sigh and head back to my class. That concert ended up pretty good, but it was overshadowed by all that stuff with Mister Kamoshida.
The rest of that day was pretty uneventful. I just met all of my teachers and walked back to my dorm after school ended. Hanabi wanted me to run over to the store with her, but I was still pretty tired so I skipped out on it. 
After changing into a more comfortable outfit, [y/n] fell down onto the edge of her mattress and laid her head back as she let her body sink into the soft blankets and comforting scents. Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment, before a loud and obnoxious buzz reverberated throughout her body.
Groaning, she turned over and pulled out her phone, turned it to silent then skimmed through the notifications.
“Detective Prince Akechi on Mental Shutdowns: ‘It could happen to anyone’”
“Everything to know before watching ‘The Cake Knight Rises’”
“4 dead in subway accident, more injured. Driver comatose.”
None of it was interesting in the slightest. 
Clear, clear, and clear!
Finally, [y/n] opened up her messages and scrolled up to check just how much she had missed after the morning.
☆Momo 13.12 - He’s real.
☆Momo 13.13 - Transfer student came in after lunch, hes honestly kind of scary looking. Like disheveled almost. He didn’t even introduce himself either.
☆Yuna 13.14 - Kizana said she saw him come into the school with Sakamato. He still hasn’t showed up to class though so maybe he’s getting chewed out.
☆Momo 13.14 - Oh so he really is a delinquent. You think they were up to something or what?
☆Yuna 13.14 - No clue, but she said the same stuff you did. Told me he looked like he was gonna snap at any moment. 
☆Momo 13.15 - 😗
☆Yuna 13.15 - stop that.
☆Momo 13.15 - 🎱
☆Yuna 13.15 - About to come over to your class and tell your teacher to kick you out. 
☆Momo 13.16 - 😱
☆Hanabi 15.36 → ☆Momo[He’s real.] - Did you ever find out what he did? 
☆Momo 15.45 - Only rumours.
☆Hanabi 15.46 - boo.
☆Momo 15.46 - Not like hes just gonna show up and say “Hi, I’m your new classmate, I’m on probation for armed robbery” or something.
☆Hanabi 15.47 - I wouldve.
☆Momo 15.47 - Sure.
☆Hanabi 15.53 - They’re all out of the good brand of rice crackers.
☆Hanabi 16.04 - Hey @[y/n] do you want me to get some of your [favorite drink UwU]? They have your flavor here.
☆[y/n] 16.07 - yes please 
☆Hanabi 16.08 - Alright. It’s buy two get one so I got a new type too.
☆[y/n] 16.08 - You’re my number one Hanabi. Forever and always baby <3
☆Hanabi 16.09 - So you’ll pay for the nail salon?
☆[y/n] 16.09 - I can if you really want me to.
☆Hanabi 16.09 - <3
☆Momo 16.10 - Thought I was your number one forever and alwats 😞
☆[y/n] 16.10 - Alwats.
☆Hanabi 16.10 - Alwats
☆Momo 16.11 - Alright what if I died in a plane crash tomorrow and that was the last thing you ever said to me.
☆Hanabi 16.11 - Then I’d be [y/n]’s number one forever and always for true and real and always and alwats
☆Momo 16.12 - Okay then bye I’m going to go die. [y/n] I will always love you, not Hanabi though she’s my enemy.
☆Hanabi 16.12 - Absolutely.
☆[y/n] 16.17 - I’m going to go do my homework you guys. 
☆Momo 16.17 - Loser.
☆Hanabi 16.17 - booo.
The rest of that week went by really quickly. I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary really. I did my best in class, did my best in practice, did my best to talk to the people around me. It felt like the year was going to be really uneventful to be honest, but all I really had to do was wait until that friday and everything really kicked off.
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imaslutforcuddles · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @painisforsundays! ❤️
Tea or coffee? I’m not even going to hesitate when i say coffee, coffee is bitter and strong and perfect for drinking while contemplating my life in the morning.
Dogs or cats? I’ve always had dogs. I love cats but i have zero experience with taking care of them, i’m sorry adorable fur balls but i’m going to have too sick to my stinky babies.
Can you play an instrument? I kinda know how to play a guitar and i took piano lessons for at least a year or two when i was younger, completely forgot most of it, but it still counts somehow.
What’s your sign? I’m a Virgo, i used to be a cusp until they changed the dates. I also am not as nearly clean and collected as they pin virgos to be, i’m a big fucking mess.
Favorite lyrics that pop into your head: “I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation” or, “What happened to us? We used to be best friends.”
Do you have tattoos? Not yet, but i’m definitely getting some at some point in time.
Favorite place you’ve ever traveled: I’m not really a travel person, i tend to get sick anytime i leave my house anyway lmao.
What’s the last movie you watched? Kick ass 2, i had just finished the first one and couldn’t resist finishing the second one.
What languages do you speak? I speak mainly english with a little german and of course i’m a huge fan of avatar, so i picked up the na’vi language as-well!
Do you have any hobbies? Reading, writing, baking, cooking, crocheting,  i like everything to do with art and i try to volunteer when i can.
You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? This is definitely a hard question to answer but i would have to think about who is the most fun, probably enjolras from les miserables! I would love to talk about our passion for equality. i feel like we might get along.
Compliment yourself: I am empathetic and kind-hearted.
No pressure tags: @infinite-orangepeel @hellfireeddiemunson @storiesbyrhi @srgntjamesbuckybarnes 
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minetteenfers · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 94 characters
#pretty sure she's why i wanted to be a librarian and still would love to in an old library lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
I don’t normally ask for a favor... lol
But if anyone wants to and has time... you don’t have to read them... but can some people review my books on Webnovel? It helps push them further up the algorithm. I need at least 11 reviews to make a star rating show up. ^-^ Some of the first chapters are free and you can watch ads to unlock about 2-3 a day for free. But I’m not even asking for that. lol If you could just say something in the review area that would be greatly appreciated and I would be so happy! lol I respond to the reviews too like I do on AO3 comments. ^-^
I appreciate you all and I am so thankful for you all! Remember to be yourself no matter what mean things people say and that you are amazing! <3
Captured by a Mafia Boss
The Vampire’s Tainted Mate
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10 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
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Logan hasn’t derived satisfaction from a mortal in centuries. He craved something more. Gwendolyn doesn’t shy away from danger. She walks into his nightclub in search of the gorgeous man she’s only seen in photos. Her scent alone is enough to bring him to his knees at her feet. However, her passion for life makes him afraid of ruining her by bringing her into his lifeless world.
“You don’t want to get mixed up with me, trust me, you’re too full of life. I’ll only bring you death and chaos and no one wants that,” Logan leaned on the bar, “most that is.”
“And if I do?”
“Then I gotta say you must have lost your d*mn mind, darling.” 
Now, Logan must fight his primal urges to protect his prey from a vicious werewolf stalker, who broke the treaty between wolves and vampires by encroaching on his home, and more importantly, his soulmate.
Will Logan choose to ruin Gwen, or will he hand her over to the wolves?
Age Suggestion: 18+
Content Warnings: Mentions of Suicidal Thoughts, Sexual Content, Blood, Kidnapping, and Drugs
The Vampire’s Tainted Mate is created by Minette Enfers, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
Read it on Webnovel here!
10 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
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I sketched/drew @katieykat513 Mafia AU ;) 
I couldn’t resist! XD Damn you, woman! LMAO
17 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Update 2022!
Hello and Happy New Year!
I wanted to update you all that I just got signed on with a publisher! This means that I’m going to need a little extra patience with updates on my fanfics because publishing takes a lot of work and I’m new to it. I will update fanfics when I have time to, so don’t worry. :) This being said, I want to thank you all so much for supporting me and reading my writing! Without you all I would have never had the courage to post my fanfics online, self-publish myself, or try for a publisher! Because of you all, I conquered my anxiety about posting my writing and my art! You are all amazing and I appreciate you more than you all know! <3
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20 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Someone, yet again, used my public email to make a dating profile. This time I was a 65 year old woman with no kids! LMFAO! I blame @chimpukampu for this comic. LMAO Anyway, it’d be cool if people would stop making me random people. LMAO
40 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cherryeol04 · 1 year
Action! | Ch. 24
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Genre: Humor, Romance, Slice of life?, Crackheadedness
Pairings: BaekRen, MinRon
Work Count: 2.7K
Summary:  From the moment he was casted, Ren wasn't sure if he had what it would take to be a pop idol. Losing faith in himself, he was going to give up the future he had always wanted, but one person stood by his side and renewed his faith. After a hot debut and rapid growth of stardom, Ren started to notice that maybe this person, his close friend, was something more. But how could a straight man even remotely think of a homosexual relationship?
Warnings: Homophobia, some smut (chapters will be marked)
A/N: I wrote this series back in 2012 and used OCs and over the top writing style for arguments. Whoops. Lmao it’s pretty decent though, so I hope you enjoy!
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Ren’s POV
I know I’m being a burden on these people, and I hate it. My hyungs are so nice though, accepting me into their dorm, feeding me. I never meant to be gone for so long, but I just can’t go back. Baekho would be there and he’s probably so happy with Uee noona. Which I’m happy for him, I just wish he didn’t have to rub it in my face like he had.
That’s what hurt the most.
Days turned into weeks and every day I got a call either from Minhyun, JR, or Aron, all begging me to come back. But never from Baekho. The piercing pain I felt at the end of each day as I laid down to sleep, knowing that once again, the call was never going to come, I honestly thought I would die each and every time. I sleep horribly, I feel horrible, and I must look horrible. I suppose that’s why the other’s forced me up, dressed and literally dragged me from the home.  Why couldn’t I just stay and mope around some more?
Adrian-hyung was no fun.
Staring up at the large planetarium, I was in awe. I never knew one even existed, yet alone resided in South Korea. This was going to be interesting to say the least. It was certainly something I haven’t gone to before. Looking back, I stared at the others who were sharing my same awe.
“It’s bigger than I thought.” Kai said and laughed softly.
“Everything’s bigger than you think.” Chiko muttered with a pout. “Just like our last dinner you ordered fed all of us and the staff.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault!” he protested with a shake of his head.
“Alright children.” Adrian spoke, wrangling in his dongsaes. “Let’s go.” Walking into the building, we were greeted by such eerie silence that panic grew inside me. I looked around carefully, even over my shoulders. It was something straight out of a horror film. I liked horror and all that, but not when I had to be a part of it.
“Where is everyone?” I asked, noticing just how empty it was inside.
“I have no clue.” Adrian said and frowned. “In fact, all I got this morning was this letter telling us to be here. It was signed ‘A Friend’.” He explained and pulled the letter from his pocket. JaeMin took the letter and read it over briefly before sighing.
“It’s probably like some sort of hidden camera variety show.”  JaeMin said.
“Then why am I here?” I asked as I stared at them.  They all looked at me as if they just realized I was there. I don’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Probably bad considering the fact that they just realized I wasn’t even a part of their group, yet I was brought anyway and no one even mentioned that I shouldn’t go in.
“Uh….” They were all at a loss for words. I don’t blame them, I felt the same way.
“Hey look.” We turned and watched as Kouji moved over to a welcome table a picked up an envelope titled ‘For Ren’. “I think this really isn’t for us.” He said.
“Apparently.” Adrian said as he walked over, took the envelope and opened it. Pulling out the thick card, he read it over. “For all the pain he caused, for all the days you’ve been a way, there will be many more to make up for them.” He read. “Within this building, there are three special locations you need to visit. Each will give you a clue to where you need to go next until you’ve reached your final destination. Your first clue ‘He has to be from another planet.’ Mission start!” he read before snorting.
“Oh boy, they need new writers.” Kai said with a smirk.
“So this is all…for me?” I asked, confused. Why would they do this? From the sounds of the letter, it seems that my friends are trying to cheer me up and get me to go back home. But I don’t want to. Not if Baekho is going to be there and continues to act like he does. A part of me is actually hoping though, that this is Baekho’s way of asking for forgiveness; that this whole thing was orchestrated by him. But I don’t want to get my hopes up. I doubt it is.
“Looks like it.” Adrian said and smiled. It was a knowing smile and I had to wonder if he had a hand in all this.
“Oh a quest! Sounds like fun! Let us help?” Chiko asked.
“No, we can’t help.” Adrian said. “This is for Ren, let him do it.” He said and nodded.
“Aw poo.” Chiko pouted cutely and we laughed. He was a maknae for a reason after all.
I sighed. Alright, looks like I’m on my own for this. No worries though, I’ve done many variety shows like this. I can solve this and figure out what’s going on too. “Okay, the first clue is ‘He has to be from another planet’. Who would be from another planet?” I asked myself. There was JR, but he wasn’t crazy. There was Aron, but he wasn’t that crazy. It certainly isn’t Baekho and if this was done by him, he wouldn’t be the first clue, so then…Minhyun? Realization slowly came to me. Minhyun was a bit out there, even when he was trying to be straight and narrow. He was silly really. So it’s Minhyun I’m looking for but how do I find him?
‘Okay Ren think. Whenever we tease Minhyun we say he’s an alien. And I know we’ve even said which planet he was from, so which planet? Which planet was it?’ Even though there wasn’t a time limit, I felt extreme pressure. We always joked about Minhyun being from the planet...?
‘Jupiter! That’s right, it’s the largest planet in our solar system, next to the sun of course. Because Minhyun is so tall, we tease him he came from the largest planet in the solar system because they made their aliens tall there.’ Alright, alright, so now I knew where to go. I looked around the lobby for a moment before finding the blaring map kiosk. Making my way over, I searched for any room or floor that had anything to do with Jupiter.
“Let’s see.” I said, running my fingers through the different rooms and after a while I finally found it. “Third floor!” I announced happily. Alright! I did it!
“Good then go.” Adrian said and shooed me off towards the elevators. With a grin I stepped in and pressed the ‘3’ button and the doors slid shut. I was nervous and excited at the time. I loved playing games, but what awaited me at the end is what was nerve-racking.
When the doors opened, I stepped out and looked around. Images were hung all through the small hall, all of the planet Jupiter. Most included facts and information about it. Turning to my right, I started down, looking for Minhyun. The other was my clue, the person I was supposed to find, and with him being so damn tall, it shouldn’t be too hard to find him.
The hall opened up into this large room and right in the middle of it stood a large statue of the planet Jupiter and standing in front of it was a smiling Minhyun. I walked over to him, grinning and he pounced, wrapping me up in his arms, squeezing me.
“Minki!” he said happily and I was sure I heard tears in his voice. “I’ve missed you so much.” He said. When he let go of me, we pulled back and I stared at him. My heart broke seeing my best friend crying like that. I hated knowing I was the one who was making him cry like that.
“Minnie.” I said and hugged him again, rubbing his back. “I’ve missed you too.” I told him and pulled back. “After this is done, maybe we can hang out?” I asked.
“Of course!” Minhyun said happily. “We have so much to catch up on!” he told me before handing me the card. “Have fun alright? I’ll see you at the end!” he said.
I nodded and watched him walk off before sighing. It was so good to see my friend once again. I hadn’t meant to cause them so much pain by leaving. Maybe soon things could go back to slightly normal and I could return home.
Looking at the card, I turned it over and read the back. “He speaks alien better than our language.” I laughed at that simple clue. It was easy to know who it was referring to. Aron still had trouble speaking our language, even after being here for so many years. And I knew he was from the planet Mars because Mars was the ‘real’ planet that had aliens speaking weird tongues coming from.  Finding the map on the floor, I searched until I found which floor Mars was on.
Getting back on the elevator, I headed up to the fourth floor. One would think this building would be ordered according to positions of the planets in the solar system, but apparently it wasn’t. When the doors opened, I stepped out and was greeted instantly by Aron, who drew me into a bear hug. I laughed and returned it, glad to see the other.
“Damn Minki.” He whispered as he pulled back and looked me over. “Still sexy as ever, don’t change.” He said. I blushed hotly at his comment and smacked him lightly.
“Stop it!” I said and smiled at him.
“Never.” He said before handing over the card. “I hope you come home soon, it’s not the same without you. We’re not the same without you.” He said.
“Maybe…one day soon.” I said, a little unsure.  He nodded and hugged me once more before turning and walking off to go join Minhyun, wherever he was. Sighing, I flipped the card over and read the next clue.  “When he’s at his best, his passion shines brightly like this star.” I frowned. Well it was either JR or Baekho and though I was hoping I would see Baekho next, I was pretty sure it wasn’t him. In fact, I was almost sure he wasn’t a part of this. He had Uee noona, why would he need to be here? Even if it was his entire fault.
So then it was JR and it was the sun that was the brightest star in the solar system, the one that burned the most. So after finding the map and locating the Sun room, I headed up to the ninth floor. When the doors opened, I wasn’t ambushed like last time. Instead, I actually had to wander around a bit. It wasn’t a large room like Jupiter.  Everything known about the sun was very little. I was going to give up, not sure if I would ever find JR. After walking around the corner of the hall into a smaller room, I found him standing next to the window.
“JR.” I called as I walked over to him. He turned to me and a grin spread across his face. He waited until I was close enough before hugging me.
“Minki. I’ve missed you.” He said. I almost cried at that. All my friends had missed me and I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t think I was honestly that important to them. But I was and that made me feel so loved inside. So maybe I didn’t need Baekho. Sure, having the other love me would have been wonderful, but I had friends that loved me just the same, that should be enough for me. And well…it was going to be enough for me. After this, I am going home!
“I missed you too.” I said and smiled at him as I pulled back. “Can I have the card please?” I asked.
“Sure.” He said and handed it to me. But he didn’t let go. Instead, he held tight and stared into my eyes. “Minki, Nu’est is not the same without you. We can’t go on. Please…come back. We need you more than you’ll never know.” He said. It was the leader talking, trying to keep all his members together, but at the same time I knew it was my friend talking, wanting us to be back together and whole once more.
“I know.” I said and nodded. “Very soon…I’ll be back home.” I told him. He nodded and released the card, and with a pat on my shoulder, left me alone too. Smiling to myself, I flipped the card and read it, my breath leaving me.
“He didn’t know what he had until it ran away. He didn’t know what he needed until it was told to him. Now he needs his Minki back and in his life. Under the planet signifying love, you’ll find him.” I had to take a few breaths. Baekho…was he really here? Did he really need me? I wasn’t sure, and I knew I should have been more cautious. I had been hurt once, I didn’t need it again. But damn it if I couldn’t help it. After finding the map to find out what floor Venus was on, I bypassed the elevator and took the stairs.
Taking them two by two, I ran up to the eleventh floor, which thankfully wasn’t that far up from the sun. Slamming opening the door, I looked around frantically, searching. I ran through the whole hall and room, but I didn’t see him. Baekho wasn’t there. My heart broke once more and I felt like crying and I almost did.
All this, for nothing.
I was heading for the elevator when I heard soft music coming from a closed door. It was a room I hadn’t checked before.
Moving to the door, I pushed it open and stepped in. Romantic music was playing and hearts lit up all around the walls of different colors. And in the middle of the room hung the planet Venus and underneath it was…
“Baekho.” I whispered.
“Minki.” He said and smiled at me. “I’ve missed you.” He said. My heart was suddenly healed and bursting with joy. I’ve never felt this happy in my life, not even when I was picked to become a trainee. I ran to him and threw my arms around him. I was a bit worried he would be caught off guard and we would go tumbling down, but we didn’t. He caught me and held me tight in his arms, his face pressing against my neck.
“I’m so sorry Minki.” He whispered. “I was such a dumb idiot. I should have realized sooner just how important you are to me.” The tears fell from my eyes this time. I couldn’t hold them back. I was just so damn happy.
“It’s okay. I forgive you.” I knew I shouldn’t have forgiven him so easily, but I couldn’t stop myself. Here was, in front of me, holding me again. He had planned this whole thing, just for me. How could I not forgive him? He pulled back and stared down at me, grinning.
“I’m glad you do. I was a fool and I’m sorry.” He apologized once more. “Minki, I love you.” The squeal left me before I could contain myself. Those words were ones I have longed to hear for so long now. And he said them. Baekho finally said them!
“You fool!” I said and tapped the side of his head lightly. “I love you too.” The arms tightened around me, pulling me closer. Soft lips pressed against mine. This was our first kiss and it was magical! I stood there, clinging to him, pressing to him, returning his kiss with such passion, never wanting it to end. And though I heard the cheers of the others who were watching us, I could have cared less. The world faded away from around us and all that was left was Baekho and I and the kiss we were sharing.
This is how it should have been all along. And though I wished this would have happened months ago, I was glad it happened now. I knew our future was bright. I was coming home and going to be Baekho’s boyfriend.
Nu’est was back!
0 notes
kageyamatobiyogurt · 3 years
haikyuu boyfriends and suddenly seeing you with short hair pt. 2 
a/n: this is one of my favorite wholesome ideas ngl. once again, take this as a sign to do what you want to your hair lol 
includes: ushijima, tendou, tsukki
part 1 part 3
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you were a little nervous about what your boyfriend would say, or rather, what he wouldn’t
he didn’t have big reactions to many things and he was just like that, calm and solemn
what if you were just making a big deal out of nothing?
it’s just hair, after all. it grows back eventually 
you two had your weekly park date to meet up for, he liked being outdoors and near nature
you texted him to meet you at your usual spot at the edge of the park, near the small pond ducks tended to wallow in
by the time you arrived, he had already laid out your checkered blanket and was in the middle of taking out your snacks 
you took a deep breath before approaching him, “hi toshi”
you settled yourself on your knees to help him take everything out 
he hadn’t glanced at you yet as he was in the middle of taking out your sandwiches 
“hi baby-” he began, stopping mid sentence when he finally looked up at you 
you felt red as you scanned his face for a reaction, a small panic was building in your stomach when you couldn’t read his expression
“why did you do that?” he asked
you felt your face burn more at his words 
“well uh, i wanted to try something new y-you know?” you stuttered, “you don’t like it?”
he let out a small chuckle before smiling, “you look like a new kind of pretty” 
“o-oh,” you said, pleasantly surprised 
he even moved so he could scoot a little closer to you, so the side of his thigh touched yours, “can i touch your hair?” you nodded 
his eyes followed his hand as it gently pushed a couple strands away from your forehead before running gently through the back of your hair 
“it’s a good different, babe” he told you, placing a gentle kiss to you cheek 
your boyfriend always had fun reactions to things, but you couldn’t help but feel a small amount of nerves showing him your new hair 
you totally didn’t mention it to him lmao 
he was coming over with this movie he wanted to show you (he actually couldn’t believe you’ve never seen it so he insisted on watching it asap)
you heard the knock on the door and you had called out from your kitchen that it was open 
mans literally almost walked past the kitchen because he didn’t realize that it was you from behind at first 
“oh, hi i’m y/n’s-” he began, for some reason assuming you were a cousin or something 
but you turned around and his brain short circuited for a second PLS 
“oh, hi baby,” you said softly, shifting your weight from the balls of your feet to your heels back and forth 
his mouth dropped and he brought a hand to cover it
then this dramatic boy brought his hands to his eyes to cover them, peeking through his fingers when he opened them anyway 
“so... what do you think?” you asked softly 
he couldn’t even reply he was so surprised, “is that really you?” he asked, eyes wide 
you came closer to him, gently tugging the elbow of his hoodie, “baabe,” you pressed, “what do you think” 
his mouth was agape again as he kept looking down at you, you felt smaller for a moment 
his hands came to your shoulders and he peered even closer
you rolled your eyes half-heartedly at his antics, playfully slapping his chest, “satori! what do you think”
“you wanna know what i think?” he asked, dramatically raising his eyebrows and tilting his head 
“yes!” you replied impatiently
he leaned down so his mouth was right next to your ear, “babyiloveit” he grinned, finally ending his teasing 
you sighed in relief as he pulled you into him for an embrace, “of course i always think you’re beautiful, the new hair’s so damn lovely” 
will definitely ruffle your hair a few extra times later just because he wants to touch it and he’s just in awe 
you knew he had the tendency to be sarcastic, but this time you were a little concerned about the sarcasm coming out 
so you two met up for a casual study date
you got to the library first, your foot tapped as you waited for him a little anxiously 
you tried to start your reading for your class but honestly could not concentrate in your anticipation 
gosh he literally walked past the table you were sitting at because he thought you were a random boy 
he only whipped around when you whisper shouted at him 
mans pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose just to double check it was actually you 
“you look like a boy,” he whispered back at you as he pulled out his chair to sit down
you really looked at him just like, pursing your lips 
“thanks,” you muttered, honestly not knowing what you expected
so you returned to your work, your mind was eased a bit more
hey, at least he didn’t hate it, you figured 
you were finally able to concentrate on your readings, sinking back into your seat
tsukki took out his things too, getting ready to annotate something himself but he could not for the life of him understand what the hell he was reading 
he seemed a lot more nonchalant on the outside but in reality, his head was reeling over how different, but pretty, you looked 
his brain was really just: shorthairshorthairnewhairshorthair
he kept glancing up at you as you worked, not noticing him 
he really liked the way these couple of strands framed your face and how your cheeks looked a little more defined and just ugh 
“y/n” he whispered, even going to the lengths of tapping your paper with the edge of his pen, “i like it” 
the corners of your lips quirked but you tried to keep an unbothered face
“i thought you said i looked like a boy” 
he didn’t look you in the eye because he felt a little shyer, but muttered, “well i change my mind. you look pretty” 
“so you like it?” 
he nodded, “very much” 
so you smiled because even kei could be sweet 
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billyrussohaven · 3 years
Billy moves in with you and hears you hooking up with your ex and decides you deserve better
May or may not be inspired by me hooking up with my ex last night after too many tequilas and let’s just say it was still as disappointing a year after our break up lmao
Dear anon, I hear ya… Everytime I drink Tequila shit happens...but I love Tequila #SueMe I hope you enjoy this! xo
Just for tonight
Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, Smut, more smutses and hobbitses...
A/N: Went with something a lil' different. It's Marine!Billy. So he just joined up the Marine and became buddies with Frank. 
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"Shitshitshit...Please be late, please be late," you mumbled on your bike going way faster than it was safer in NYC. The asshole taking over at your job showed up late which made YOU late to get home in time. You cut corners and made a few drivers swear loudly but time was of the essence. You've been looking for a new roommate since you dumped your ex-asshole and this Billy guy was the first one to seem decent enough to consider. The thought of living with someone you didn't really know made you anxious but you just couldn't afford the place alone. You hated moving out and the place was perfect. You really didn't want to let it go...so random roommate it was!
You turned the last corner and cursed under your breath when you saw someone sitting on the stairs in front of the door waiting. You hit the brakes hard and the bike came to a full stop with a loud squeal.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! The asshole taking over at work showed up late and I swear every fucking cab in the city tried to run me over on my way home," you apologized, not really looking up at him yet. You locked your bike safely, still mumbling about your luck these days and finally looked up to properly greet him. You weren't sure what you were expecting but definitely not Mister tall, dark and handsome army guy. He was wearing the usual green army uniform and it fitted him like a glove. You stared at him, speechless, like a fucking idiot...you couldn’t help it.
"It's alright, I was a bit early anyway," he said with a shrug, a small smirk on as he looked at you. He stood up and offered his hand politely. You shook it, giving him a firm handshake back and a bashful smile.
"It was kind of you to wait for me, private Russo," you teased him, reading his name on his uniform.
He snorted, shaking his head looking down at his brand new uniform. 
"Yeah, just signed up a few months ago actually. Reason why I'm lookin' for a place in the area," he said casually, leaning over the railing looking at you. He had seen your ad in the paper the other day and called you last evening to see if it'd be possible to visit and all. You seemed like an easy-going gal and he definitely didn't mind how your ass looked in those tight jeans when you turned around to unlock the door.
"Really? I tried to join the airforce a few years back but I didn't pass medical," you said a bit embarrassed,
"Anxiety and all," you added, opening the door and turning to welcome him inside.
"Come, let me give you the tour," you proposed with a bright smile. Your smile was contagious, making him smile back at you. He nodded in thanks and followed in behind you, closing the door shut. You kicked your shoes off by the door and was glad to see he was already toeing off his combat boots without needing you to ask. You didn't like when people wore their shoes inside, it felt dirty and you were always barefooted at home so it was a big no-no.
"Alright! So!" You exclaimed after putting your bag on a hook by the door and throwing your keys in a glass bowl.
"Open floor plan, living room, kitchen is on this side with the dining table, got some stools if you wanna eat at the breakfast counter instead. One bathroom sadly but it's roomy enough for two people," you said walking around and showing him the rooms one by one. He remained quiet, taking in the place. It was perfect so far, he really wouldn't find something this nice in the city and at this price too. He liked the way you had decorated and how welcoming it felt. He would definitely enjoy living here.
"Your room would be over here. It's mostly all furnished like I explained yesterday on the phone. Queen sized bed, nightstand, desk, drawers, closet, small TV….My room is on the other side of that wall sooo put a silencer on them partners. I don't wanna hear how good of a lay you are at 4AM," you said chuckling. He joined you with his wonderful laugh, shaking his head at you. You'd definitely wouldn't mind knowing how good of a lay he'd be for yourself but you put the lewd thoughts away for now. You walked him back to the kitchen area.
"What do you say? 400$ with utilities. We get our own food but we can share stuff too. I'd appreciate a little heads up if you're thinking of moving out eventually. Hum...Oh yeah, feel free to enjoy the patio. I'm cool with you bringing company over, I'm okay with parties just don't trash the fucking place and be respectful," you said lastly, not thinking of anything else to mention.
He looked at you ramble on with a smile. He already knew he was gonna say yes the moment he looked around. He had a good feeling about this.
"I say when do you want me to move in?" He asked, leaning back on the kitchen counter. He raised an eyebrow at you with a cheeky grin. He really liked the place and he felt very comfortable with you already. You were beautiful, friendly, kind, very authentic, like you weren't trying to be someone else. He watched you grin back at him, your eyes sparkling and relief etching on your face.
"Anytime really! You can move in this week or tomorrow even," You suggested moving to the living room to put some background music on to muffle some of the city noise outside. You turned to look at him and swore you caught him checking your ass out.
"I'll go round up my stuff and I should move in tomorrow," he said, taking his wallet out to give you the first payment in cash.
"Oh wow, you could have waited for tomorrow," you said feeling a bit uncomfortable at taking his money already. He insisted and you took it with a thankful smile.
"Here you go then," you said, throwing him his set of keys. He caught them like a hawk, not a trace of surprise on his face. You made an impressed face at his reflexes and he smirked.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, roommate," he teased, taking his car keys out of his jacket.
You snorted and rolled your eyes at him, walking him to the door politely. You definitely checked his perfect ass as he bent down to put his boots back on. You looked away quickly, your cheeks giving you away like the traitors they were.
"I'll be home all day so feel free to show up whenever!" You said opening the door for him. He passed by quite close to you when he left and the scent of his cologne hit you hard. It sent a jolt of arousal right to your core, a small gasp leaving your lips. You waved him goodbye and closed the door, leaning back on it.
"Oh fuck me," you said, hitting your head back on the door with a small curse. This was going to be very interesting...
He showed up the next day in the afternoon with a big army duffle bag and two boxes. He didn't have much, all his possessions fit in his car. He was used to it, always moving around, carrying his stuff in trash bags houses to houses growing up in the system. That's all he knew really. But he had plans. He wouldn't live like this forever. Joining the marines was gonna change his life, he was sure of it.
He spent a while in his room settling down and you let him do his things, not wanting to hover or annoy him already. You read on the couch in the living room, answering his questions here and there. He finally flopped down on the other couch sighing loudly, he was fucking famished. He groaned, knowing very well he had no food in the fridge yet and really didn't feel like doing groceries. He turned his head watching you read for a while. You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow wondering what was on his mind.
"Pizza night?" He suggested, his belly already growling at the thought of it. He could always just jog it off tomorrow.
"Yeah! Sure. I got some cold ones in the fridge too," you said, closing your book. It'd definitely be a good plan to chat and get to know each other a bit too.
He raised his arms, shaking his fists in victory. It made you snort loudly. You picked your phone on the coffee table to check where you'd be ordering from.
A couple of hours and beers later you were both well fed and dying of laughter in the living room.
"You seriously have to go through that to prove your manliness or something?" You sniggered listening to his Marine stories.
"Fuck yeah we do! Went in head first, Castle followed right behind. Got to the other side covered in mud and fuckin' bruises. I live for a good fight," he said smirking, his dark eyes sparkling at the thought of it.
"Sounds like you get along pretty well with that buddy of yours," you said with a smile. You wished you had a best friend still. It turned out dating your cheating best friend wasn't quite a good idea.
"Frankie? Yeah, I love that motherfucker. He's my brother," Billy said finishing up his beer.
"A brother who's gonna kick my ass if I'm late for our run tomorrow morning," he added stretching, back arching into it. You might have enjoyed that as you finished your own drink. He rubbed his tired face and blinked at the empties on the coffee table.
"Naa, go to bed, I got this," you said waving at the empty bottles and leftover pizza on the table. You didn't mind cleaning up this time, he paid for the pizza so you could definitely do that for him.
"Alright, thanks Y/N, night," he yawned standing up to get ready for bed.
"Good night Billy," you said, watching him go with a smile.
It had been a few weeks since Billy had moved in and things had been going well. You got along great and he really liked hanging out with you on the couch after a long day of PT.
He was getting home from a night out with Frank, had a couple of beers with him and Maria at a pub not too far from your flat. He liked Maria a lot, she had a very motherly aura about her that just made you feel loved and welcomed. He unlocked the door and kicked his boots by the door before shrugging his coat off.
He walked to his bedroom and stopped abruptly hearing voices from your bedroom. An indecent grunt followed by the lewd sounds of you getting railed by a guy filled the hallway. Billy quietly walked to his room, closing the door behind him. The sounds were a little muffled in his room but he could still hear your little mewling sounds. He groaned, thinking about how sexy you'd be all sweaty and panting under him. He couldn't help himself when he walked to the back wall to listen in. He put his ear against it and moaned at the sounds you made. He undressed quickly and reached down to fist himself at the same pace you were getting fucked. Billy's grunting and moans mixed with your own on the other side of the wall. He could hear the change of tone in your voice, knowing you were getting close to your climax. The other guy let a loud guttural groan out and Billy made a disgusted face, staring at the wall like he could see through it. He stopped fisting himself and couldn't believe what he was hearing.
The guy came hard and just stopped fucking you. Billy was furious the bastard didn't even bother making you come or anything. Just another selfish asshole chasing his own climax and stopping right when he's done using you. You were very silent and Billy felt guilty at listening in on you but he couldn't help it at this point.  
Billy sighed and moved away to flop down on his bed, staring at the ceiling fan. He scooted a bit, making himself comfortable with one arm behind his head. He closed his eyes and resumed his late night play. He hummed, lazily jerking himself to get back into the mood. He licked his top teeth, opening his eyes again. He needed much more than his hand tonight. Plain old handjob wasn't gonna cut it. He could call one of his usual fucks but he was one to enjoy a relaxing solo session here and there too. He rolled over to open up his nightstand's drawer, taking out some lube and his favorite stroker. This baby was quite the simple toy but fuck if it didn't feel amazing. He lubricated himself and the inside of the sleeve, his body thrumming with anticipation already. He let out a long quiet moan at the feel of it.
"Attagirl," he said with a wicked smirk. That was exactly what he needed. Your warm wet imaginary cunt all tight around his dick, your bare breasts bouncing up and down as you fucked yourself on his cock. He fisted himself hard and fast, chasing his climax with impatience.
"Such a good girl," he whispered, feeling the tingling feeling build up inside him. He bared his teeth with a low growl, he was so fucking close. His back arched up and he came hard thinking of your sweet angelic face. He gasped, breathing heavily, blinking hard to focus his vision. He made a fucking mess, there was no way he could just roll over and sleep. He laid there a few more minutes, basking in the blissful feeling of his post-orgasm. He sighed loudly and sat up to clean himself the best he could before putting a pair of sweatpants on to use the bathroom down the hallway.
He was cleaning his toy when he heard loud voices coming out of your room. He kept an ear out as he finished rinsing it thoroughly and rolled it inside a clean towel. He went back to his room leaving the door ajar, feeling protective of you and wanted to make sure you'd be alright. 
He laid back on top of his bed still wearing his sweatpants when you yanked open your bedroom door.
"I dunno what the fuck I was thinking agreeing to this shit," you said angrily.
"Ah come on, Y/N! Don't be like that," the guy said.
"Don't be like what? The crazy bitch who was dumb enough to think you'd change? Or the sexually frustrated ex who thought you'd be a good lay for once?!" You snapped back at him marching to the living room with him trailing behind you like a puppy.
Billy snorted at your insult, clearly the guy was an ex boyfriend who ended up dipping his dick somewhere else when they had dated you. He shook his head thinking just how much better you deserved. Assholes like him were food scraps, you could have a 5 star meal if you wanted. 
"I said, Get. Out!" You screamed at your ex. Billy frowned hearing the guy's pleas.
"Fuck this noise," Billy muttered getting up to kick the asshole out himself. He marched to the living room, towering behind the asshole and giving you a quick look. You seemed relieved and embarrassed at the whole situation.
"I believe the lady asked you to leave," Billy said coldly behind the guy who whirled around to look up at him surprised. The guy took a few steps back and raised his hands in surrender. Billy smirked coldly, enjoying seeing the sparkle of fear in his eyes.
"Alright man, I'm going. I'm going," he said, giving you one last longing look before finally getting the fuck out.
You sighed loudly and flopped down on the nearest couch. Billy went to lock the door and looked at you, stiffening. You were wearing only lace panties with a very tight tank top, not leaving much to the imagination. He rolled his shoulder looking away, adjusting himself in his pants.
"You uh… you okay?" He asked, trying very hard not to look at you. You turned your head to look at him and sighed.
"Yeah, just had a few drinks out tonight, crossed paths with the ex and thought it'd be a good idea to let him fuck me," you said before snorting loudly,
"Still disappointing as ever!" You added shaking your head. You groaned, feeling frustrated and uncomfortable. You looked at him standing there all handsome
"I just wanna have a good fuck for once," you said boldly with a long sigh. You clearly didn't care admitting it out loud after all he had heard. It wasn't like you were trying to be quiet knowing he wasn't home...until he was. He looked at you curiously, licking his lips like he was considering something. You raised a curious eyebrow at him, wondering what he was thinking about.
"Clearly you deserve better than...that," he said, waving a hand dismissively at the front door. You scooted over on the couch still sitting down to take a good look at him just standing there. You scoffed, shaking your heads amused at his form of compliment.
"And where would I happen to find someone worthy of me?" You asked with an amused tone. He looked at you with a sly grin and shrugged, rolling his shoulder.
"Really...?" You asked, smirking at how cocky he acted. He was hot yeah, but to pretty much say it out loud like that was bold. The mood in the room changed abruptly, palpable tension filled the air around you both.
He closed the distance between the two of you, reading your signs of consent all over your face and body. He stopped in front of you, looking down and enjoying the sight of you barely dressed.
He caged you between his arms, leaning down to hover above your lips.
"Just need to ask politely, sweetheart," he whispered, nuzzling your nose with his. Your breath caught in your throat as you stared back at him, desire eating at you.
"Please, show me what I deserve."
He almost came undone right there at your words. He gripped your jaw, tilting your head up and kissed you hungrily. Your lips felt even better than he imagined and wondered if he'd have the chance to feel them around his cock sometime. But tonight was gonna be all about you and your pleasure. He wanted to make you come over and over until you begged him to stop.
"With pleasure," he chuckled, breaking the kiss to drop down to his knees between your legs. He ran his hands up your thighs to your panties, sliding them down your perfect legs and pocketing them. You giggled at him stealing your panties and bit your lips feeling excitement thrumming inside of you. He gently pushed your legs wide open and hummed seeing your perfect glistening pussy ready for him to devour. He spread out your folds with his thumb and bit his lower lip.
"Such a pretty pussy you got," he said absentmindedly, circling your clit with the pad of his thumb.
You moaned, closing your eyes at the feeling. You rested your head back on the couch and sighed pleasingly, finally feeling some proper relief. Billy yanked you closer to the edge of the couch by the hips and nipped playfully at the inside of your thigh. He gave your folds a kitten lick, teasing you, wanting to hear you beg for it.
You whined, your hands disappearing in his dark hair.
"Please," you whispered, your face already flushed by his ministrations.
He chuckled, diving in to devour your perfect cunt. He tasted latex at first, a sour reminder of the asshole who treated you like a whore. It made him growl. The taste of it quickly dissipated and the sweet taste of you filled his mouth. He moaned, all thoughts of your ex forgotten as he lapped at you clit hungrily.
You moaned loudly, rubbing yourself on his face making needy little noises. You've never been given oral sex like this before and it was absolutely mind-blowing.
"Fuuuuuuuck…," you said, gripping hard at his hair, already feeling your climax building.
"That's it, sweetheart," he encouraged, sliding two fingers inside you. He fingered you fast and hard lapping quickly at your clit.
It barely took a minute and you were clenching down on his fingers, screaming and pulling at his hair. He groaned, looking up at you as you came undone. He hummed, appreciating the view and eased you through your high. He didn't pull his fingers out of your pussy just yet, he wasn't done with you. He gave you a few minutes to catch your breath before slowly resuming fingering you. He went at it slow and sensually, warming you up once more.
 You looked down at him wondering what he was up to since he just made you cum. He smirked, leaning to kiss you and moved next to you on the couch. He looked like he was kneeling to propose to you but from the couch, one hand still buried in your pussy. You were highly confused, looking at him with a questioning look. He grinned, curving his fingers to that sweet spot inside you and you gasped.
"Oh God!" You exclaimed feeling a very intense but different pleasure build inside. He licked his top teeth, tilting his head to one side, drinking in your reactions.
"Yeah?" He asked, building up speed and pressure on the same spot over and over making your legs shake. He fucking loved the little sounds you made between pants and he was rock hard inside his pants. Deciding you were ready for more, he furiously fucked your G-spot with his fingers, putting his entire arm and shoulder into it. You gasped and felt like you were dripping down your legs.
"Attagirl. Let it go, baby," he encouraged you, seeing the uncertainty in your eyes. You've clearly never squirted before and he understood it could be confusing at first. You looked up at him and decided to trust him with this. You let go and an orgasm hit you so deep inside it took all the air from your lungs. It was like liquid fire spreading through your entire body and you've never ever experienced something like it before.
He chuckled darkly, watching you truly well done for now. He licked his fingers and kissed you deeply. He took his time to explore the kiss, giving your cunt a moment of respite. You were absolute jello as you kissed him back sleepily.
"I don't think I'll be able to stand anytime soon," you said chuckling, drunk on the two orgasms he gave you in such a short time. He moved to pick you up bridal style and walked you to your bedroom. He placed you down on the bed and leaned over to kiss you.
"I'll be back sweetheart," he said, nuzzling your face tenderly. You hummed incoherently, raising a hand sloppily. He snorted and quickly went to clean the mess he had you make in the living room. He brought a clean wet towel to the bedroom and cleaned you with it, not wanting to leave you uncomfortable for the night. You smiled feeling the warm cloth on your inner thighs, enjoying how considerate and caring he was. He sat next to you on the bed and caressed your body in featherlight touches. He wanted you. He really fucking wanted to rail you hard but he wanted your consent. It was all fun and games but he didn't want to step over the roommates boundaries even more than he already did if you weren't sure.
You turned your head to look at him and felt a purring desire wake inside your core. You bit your lower lip suggestively and smiled at him. A sly grin appeared on his face and he chuckled darkly, leaning over to kiss you. He broke the kiss to take his sweatpants off in one swoop motion and pounced on top of you. 
You devoured each other, hands touching every inch of skin and roughly kissed. You gasped feeling how hard and thick he was as he rubbed his cock against your pubis. You gasped for air and reached for condoms on the nightstand. He quickly grabbed one with a growl, tearing the packaging and rolling it over his throbbing erection. He moved back between your legs, sitting back on his heel and roughly pulling you closer by the bruising grip he had on your hips.
You squealed in surprise and giggled at how easily he maneuvered you higher on his legs. He aligned himself to your opening and slid all the way inside your tight pussy with a long moan. He gasped, a deep frown on his face at how fucking good you felt around his dick. He gave a few lazy thrusts for you to adjust to him and set a rough pace.
You moaned loudly, back arching up, completely losing yourself at the feeling. He was gonna ruin you for any other man on the planet, you just knew it. You gasped when he thrusted harder, fucking you like a rabid animal. He glared down at you with a deliciously dark hunger that made your insides purr.
"You gonna cum all over my dick, princess?" He asked, panting and grinning down at you, moving your legs to his shoulders. You whined loudly nodding and made the little noises he loved hearing coming out of you. He held on to your legs tightly, thrusting deep inside and groaning at how well your cunt was taking him. He let go of your legs and rolled over bringing you with him. You chuckled, now straddling his lap and leaned down to nip his lower lip playfully. You rolled your hips teasingly over his cock and rode him at a steady pace.
"Look at you fuckin' yourself on my cock," he groaned, gripping at your ass as you bounced up and down. You giggled and exaggerated your movements, channeling the porn star inside of you. He reached upwards to knead your breasts, giving them playful slaps as they bounced around. He reached down to rub your clit and thrusted up meeting your hips hard. You faltered as he grabbed on to your hip and fucked you at a furious pace.
You gasped, moaned and almost sobbed coming undone a third time, your nails digging at his chest. He followed suit with a loud groan, spilling his load a second time that night for you. He pulled you down to rest on his chest, both breathing heavily. You felt lightheaded, satisfied and sated. He enjoyed the feel of your body on top of his a little while longer before kissing you and gently moving you next to him. He went to the bathroom to get rid of the condom and brought back a glass of water for you. You smiled warmly at him, taking the glass and drinking half of it in one go. He placed the glass on your nightstand and tucked you in, laying on his side over the blankets. He wasn't planning on sleeping in your room, he just didn't like leaving like a thief after a one night stand. He liked to stay long enough to make sure his partners were cared for and feeling good.
You watched him through your sleepy eyes looking at you, his head resting on one hand and the other moving your hair away from your face. You gave him a warm smile, closing your eyes and falling asleep as he played with your hair.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Twin Bed (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
are u taking requests rn? 🥺 ive read ur tsukki fics and i know to myself ur the only one who can write this request amazingly: tsukki sneaking in to his s/o’s room at night bc he misses her and he saw how cute she is in her pajamas but couldnt help getting turned on as well bc she is wearing shorts and an oversized shirt it also didnt help that her bed is for one person only ;) UR AN AMAZING AUTHOR AND NEVER STOP WRITING TSUKKI OR HAIKYUU SCENARIOS COS THE PPL NEED U
Word Count: 2,475
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: SMUT, my shit writing, bad language
Yoooo this is was legit so fun to write lmao. I hope I did your request justice anon and I appreciate your kind words!!! I know I have other requests sitting in my inbox and I will try and to get to them soon. I might be a bit inactive the next couple of weeks, I will be going vacation (I definitely fucking need it lol) this week and then I start classes again. RIP. I hope you guys enjoy this one and let me know what you think!:) I literally am at a lost for words with how amazing you guys are and how unproblematic you guys have been considering the bullshit that’s been going around in the community. I just want to reiterate that this is a safe and fun place for everyone, it is never my intention to make anyone uncomfortable and if I do please let me know so that I can apologize correctly for it! But to make things clear I will not tolerate any fuckery on this blog, I don’t have the energy nor the patience to deal with shit like that. We are all capable of being decent human beings to each other. No drama, no bullshit, just a fun and safe place for everyone that wants to be part of it. ANYWAY, enough of my ranting, please enjoy this filth and my shit writing lmao 😘😘😘💕💕💕💕
You frowned slightly as you looked at your phone, your eyes squinting against the harshness of the light. 
 Tsukishima had texted you, multiple times - at two in the morning - in fact. While you dearly adored your boyfriend of only five months, you didn’t exactly adore the fact that he woke you up at this time.
 Especially considering you had to be up in about five hours to get ready for an exam.
 You sighed through your nose as you tugged your blankets from your body and made your way to your door. 
 “Kei… it’s two in the morning…” You yawned, looking up at your tall boyfriend with sleepy eyes. “The dorm manager is going to get mad at me if she catches you here.” 
 “Well let’s not get caught then.” he drawled out, gold eyes flickering over your body. A blonde eyebrow arched up; “is that my shirt?”
 You blinked at him for a moment, not fully registering what he had just asked before a soft blush began to coat your cheeks.
 You were definitely wearing one of his shirts, a green Sendai Frogs shirt that was way too big for your body, given his tall stature. He had left the shirt at your dorm two weeks ago, and naturally you wore it to bed almost every night. 
 “No.” You said in a small voice, carefully playing with your fingers as you looked up at him through your lashes.
 A soft blush covered Tsukishima’s cheeks before he scoffed, his slender fingers reaching up to push his glasses back up his nose. “You’re a terrible liar. Looks good on you though.” he said, brushing past you to get into your room.
 You turned to see him plop himself onto your bed, and you couldn’t help but stare. It was a strange sight to see to say the least. His 6’4 frame was just a tad out of place in your room, especially sitting on your incredibly small bed. But more so he was out of place because, well, your boyfriend was beautiful. It was like a Greek god decided to pay you a secret visit before the sun came up, ready to disappear at any moment. 
 Tsukishima’s hair was tousled perfectly, the tight black shirt he wore complimented him perfectly, emphasizing his broad shoulders and thick biceps. You felt your mouth go dry as you realized that he was wearing grey sweatpants, clinging low on his hips.
 How could someone look so good at two in the morning?
 “Are you just going to stare at me the entire time?” He called out, his back leaning against the wall your bed was pushed up against, his phone in hand. 
 “You’re the one that wanted to come over.” you frowned, locking your door before making your way towards the bed. “You’re taking up all the space.” You whined. 
 He rolled his eyes before his long legs parted, creating a space on the bed. “Come here.” 
 You felt your face burn even more, a strange shyness overtaking you at the intimate position he wanted you in. 
 It wasn’t like you had never been close to Tsukishima before, you guys had been intimate, many times... but then why were you so nervous all of a sudden?
 “What are you waiting for?” he asked, a blonde eyebrow quirked up.
 “Shut up.” you grumbled, carefully climbing over one of his long legs. You settled yourself against him, your upper body fitting easily between his legs, your back resting against his stomach and your head gently pressing into his strong chest.
 Resting against Tsukishima was far better than resting in your tiny bed. 
 One of his arms carefully wrapped around your waist, his large hand gently pressing against your stomach, the other hand held his phone in front of both of you, a volleyball game overtaking the screen.
 It was silent for a moment, both of you absorbed in the video. It had only been fifteen minutes into the game when Tsukishima began looking over your body. His gold eyes taking in your bare legs before flickering up. He zeroed in on the exposed skin of your hip, the shirt you wore had been pulled up slightly. 
 He swallowed thickly, arousal beginning to spike in his blood. Christ, it wasn’t like you were naked right now; it wasn’t like you were wearing anything incredibly enticing, but… fuck. Tsukishima began wracking his brain for when the last time it was that he had seen you. That’s right, it had been a while, a little over two weeks in fact. 
 His sudden desire was because he had just missed you right? He couldn’t possibly be turned on from the simple fact that you were in the shortest shorts known to man, or the fact that you were in his shirt and you weren’t…. Christ, you weren’t wearing a fucking bra. 
 He could see your hardened nipples through the shirt despite how baggy it was on your small body. 
 “Can you hold the phone, my arm is getting tired.” he said quietly, hoping that you hadn’t felt his hardening member against your back just yet. 
 “Really Kei?” you rolled your eyes but took his phone nonetheless, your eyes completely glued to the screen. The game was just beginning to get interesting.
 It was silent again.
 But this time, Tsukishima trailed his hand down to your exposed skin, carefully sliding his fingers under your shirt, gently tracing against your soft skin.
 You sighed softly at his touch, your body wiggling slightly against him to get more comfortable. Tsukishima took that as a good sign, his hands traveling further up, the rough pads of his fingers felt incredible against your skin; goosebumps erupting over your body.
 You shivered slightly, desire spiking in the pit of your stomach as his long fingers began moving further up, until they rested just below your breasts. Your breath hitched, your heart thumping loudly in your ears now. 
 His fingers carefully dragged against the soft underside of your breasts. You felt Tsukishima shift, his upper body sitting up slightly, his lips brushing gently against the shell of your outer ear, hot breath rustled your hair. 
 “Who’s winning?” he murmured, lips grazing against your ear before carefully brushing down towards your neck.
A soft whimper tore through your lips. “It’s uhmm… uh - o-oh Kei.” your eyes fluttered shut as his tongue darted across your skin, tasting you before biting down softly. You could feel your cunt clenching at his actions, your bundle of nerves suddenly throbbing to be touched.
 “What was that?” he teased softly, the hand that was gently caressing the underside of your breasts suddenly moved up, carefully cupping your entire breast, long fingers gently tugging at your hardened nipple.
 You moaned loudly before immediately dropping his phone, both hands clasping your mouth shut tightly.
 “Oh, that’s right, if your dorm manager caught me here, she would be furious right? I don’t want you getting in trouble, so you best be quiet hmm?” he murmured softly against your skin before pinching your nipple hard between two fingers.
 Your breath hitched, your eyes squeezing shut as pleasure rippled through your body.
 “But you make the cutest noises when you're turned on.” he said, his voice incredibly quiet and calm, despite the growing hardness that was pressing into your back now. “You’re in quite the dilemma, aren’t you?”
 His other hand suddenly trailed down, his fingers curling against your through your shorts. 
 “Fuck… you’re soaked.” he groaned quietly, feeling your arousal leaking through your panties and staining your shorts.
 He suddenly leaned back once again, your head once again resting against his strong chest. But despite his composure, his heart was racing just as much as yours. 
 He suddenly bucked his hips up, his cock rubbing against your back. A soft sigh escaped his lips, the hand that was groping your breast pulled out of your shirt and tangled into your hair, gently tugging and forcing you to arch your neck, staring up at the blonde male now.
 His gold eyes held nothing but lust now as he stared down at you with half-lidded eyes. 
 You had never seen a more gorgeous man in your entire life. 
 “What do you want?” he asked, his voice deep with arousal. But before you could say anything, the hand that was grasping you through your clothes suddenly tugged your shorts and panties to the side, long fingers brushing softly against your weeping slit.
 Tsukishima exhaled loudly, his cock jumping against your back as he felt just how wet you were. 
 “Fuck…” he whispered quietly, and carefully slid his finger to the top of your cunt, his finger gently pressing down against your clit.
 A jolt of pleasure erupted through your body, your mouth falling open in a silent plea as your eyes fluttered shut.
 He began rubbing delicate circles against you, a soft pleasure beginning to build up in your lower stomach, your hips rocking up carefully with his movements.
 “K-Kei…” you trembled, your hand reaching down and grasping at his forearm helplessly. 
 “Are you close?” he asked, his finger pressing down just a little bit harder, but that was all that you needed to get your legs shaking.
 The way he touched you… the way that he took care of you… it was no wonder you were completely head over heels for him.
 He was just too good.
 You nodded helplessly against his chest, and then suddenly he pulled his hand away from your dripping cunt, a soft cry of distress tearing through your lips. Why did he… but you were so close…
 “Can you move away for a second?” he asked quietly, gently pushing you forward. You shakily scooted away from him and heard the rustling of sheets and clothes. You twisted your head to look back and - your mouth went dry.
 Tsukishima was still resting against the wall, his lower body easily sprawled out against your bed as you still sat between his long legs, but this time… this time… he laid with one hand behind his head, the other was easily grasping his member, lazily sliding up and down his shaft. His grey sweatpants were bunched up around the tops of his thighs, his black shirt pulled up slightly, exposing his lower stomach and the perfect lines of his Adonis belt.
 “Come here.” he demanded, you turned to crawl over to him, fully intending on taking him into your mouth- his hand flew up, halting your movements. “No. I want to be inside you.”
 Your lips parted slightly as you nodded in a daze, your cunt squeezing around nothing at his words. But before you could sink down on top of his cock, he stopped you once more. 
 “Turn around.” he commanded. Your lips trembled softly, your hands gripping his upper thighs as you situated yourself on top of him, you could feel his fingers tugging your shorts and underwear to the side again, and then something blunt and thick began rubbing up and down your soaked entrance. 
 “Don’t tease me Kei, please.” you whimpered out, but before you could plead further, he grabbed your hips, forcing you to sink all the way down onto his member in one movement.
 You gritted your teeth tightly, biting back the loud shout that wanted to escape your throat at the sudden intrusion, at the force of him already hitting the most devastating depths within you.
 Fuck you had never been quite this full, never had someone quite this deep until you met Tsukishima.
 “Shit.” he cursed, growling slightly, his grip on your hips tightening as his eyes fluttered shut as your tight heat engulfed him completely.
 He could never get used to this. 
 After a moment of adjusting to the new intrusion you began rocking your hips, carefully sliding back and forth, your lips forming into a silent o as pleasure jolted through your body at each drag of his cock against your walls.
 A soft whimper tore through your lips as he began grabbing handfuls of your ass, his fingers gripping tightly at the soft flesh, kneading and pulling your cheeks apart. Before his hand settled on pulling your shorts and underwear further away, his eyes taking in the obscene way your cunt swallowed his cock.
 The quiet room was filled with the sound of rustling sheets, the wet noises of your arousal leaking through your stuffed cunt as Tsukishima slid in and out of you, the soft and breathless moans that escaped your lips, and the soft grunts of Tsukishima as he fought back his release. He couldn’t cum yet, not until you did.
 But he could tell that you were close by the desperate way you rocked your hips, faster, sloppier, chasing for a release.
 “Cum for me.” he demanded, his large hand cracking down against your ass. Your hand came up, stifling the loud gasp that wanted to escape your lips, your cunt clenching tightly around him. You could feel it then, the pleasure mixed with the sharp pain, the tightness in your lower stomach finally releasing. 
 “Fuck that’s it.” He murmured, watching as you trembled above him, his hands coming down to grip at your waist, forcing you to move faster against him as he began chasing his own release.
 Tsukishima gritted his teeth tightly before carefully shoving you off of his member, a soft cry escaping your lips as you collapsed on top of his legs. He gripped his member tightly, shooting thick ropes of his warmth all over your raised bottom, staining your shorts completely.
 “Shit hold on.” he panted slightly, carefully moving himself from under you. He tucked his softening member back into his sweatpants before moving towards your closet, grabbing a towel and making his way back to you. His gentle hands easily cleaning you up before tugging your shorts and panties off, replacing them with fresh ones.
 You looked up at him sleepily as he began situating you both on your small body, half of your body resting on top of his as he drew the blankets over your guys’ form. 
 “You suck Kei. If I fail this exam because I’m too tired to focus, you have to buy me ramen.” you mumbled against his chest, your eyes drooping as sleep began to tug at your mind.
 “If you fail this exam just because you’re tired then that just proves you didn’t actually study for it. You should’ve been able to retain that information regardless.” he said, fingers gently running through your hair.
 “You suck.” you sighed again, softly nuzzling your face into his chest.
 A smile tugged at his lips, but he didn’t say anything else. 
 Not that you would have listened anyway, considering that you were knocked out now. 
 Tsukishima’s body was definitely more comfortable than your twin bed. 
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wastingstarsss · 2 years
Hurricane: rumbelle
A/N: so it’s supposed to be smut but I think it reads more poetically. First time writing smut tho so that’s prolly why lmao 😭 anyway, take that with a pinch of salt
Warnings: as said above^^ also angst!
Word count: 709, it’s a ficlet folks!
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“This is a one time thing” is what he said two months ago, yet here they were again, two heaving bodies entangled in peach coloured sheets. The sun had set hours ago, but the blood in their veins had bubbled and boiled until they could hardly stand it, and suddenly a hurricane had gone through the rather elegant room. His shirt and tie had been tossed carelessly on the stairs, her blouse and skirt kicked somewhere under the bed. A one time thing- the memory of his voice saying that kept ringing through her mind. Husky and delicious, she had gotten drunk on it and suddenly once became twice until the hurricane had blurred their lives together. They had become this heaving mess, but a content mess they were. Too content, Gold thought.
He sighed, letting his eyes close and his head settle into the pillow. “We can’t keep doing this.” His chest was still heaving from the comedown and the memory of her against his mouth still felt so very alive. These moments were times when clocks would stop ticking and people outside didn’t matter, the energy in the room had been drawn to the bed magnetically. It was almost therapeutic to both of them. An outlet, a perfect little secret outlet, to themselves. But Mr Gold knew it couldn’t continue, she had burrowed her way into his mind and suddenly his thoughts were too fuzzy in the day. He couldn’t appreciate solitude anymore, not when his mind constructed what she might joke about, sat on the counter giggling softly to herself. Work had become a drain, it was so quiet and musty compared to the liveliness of Belle who Rumple felt he didn’t even deserve to talk to. Yet here he was, leaving his fingerprints against her thighs and hips. God it had to stop.
“What do you mean?” Belle moved to lay on her side, propping herself up on her elbow. Her hair had fallen over her chest in the process and the window was directly behind her, bathing her in the light of the moon. How did an angel spend so much time dedicating herself to a beast? She was smiling so softly at him, but there were an underlying layer of nerves behind that happy veil.
“You know what I mean.” His voice had become quiet as he averted his eyes from her gaze. Gold knew if he faced her, he’d never be able to pull himself away. He’d be sucked into the hurricane too.
Belle inhaled harshly, smacking her lips together. In a movement so quick the sheets fell from her, she sat up. How angry, how furious, how beautiful. “Oh I know exactly what you mean. You mean,” she turned to look at him “you mean that you’re too much of a coward to continue.”
“Belle I-“
“No. No I get it. Find a pretty girl, get her undressed. Who was the last girl, huh? Did you break up with her in her own bed too?”
“Get out.” The eye of the hurricane.
And suddenly time had started again. The clock against the wall ticked by agonisingly slow as he picked his scattered clothes up, feeling the librarians glare towards him all the while. The stairs which had felt so electric now were painted in shades of blue and grey. His car felt miles away when in reality it was only a few steps, and god who saw? Who saw this walk of shame? Surely the marks against his neck were becoming visible now, a dead sign of passion beneath his loose tie. Belle French, an enigma wrapped in short skirts and high heels. How had she tangled the emotions of the infamously cruel Mr Gold up so quickly? He didn’t know, and he didn’t care. All he cared about, as he sat empty in the driving seat of his Cadillac, was the ice in her voice. Since the moment they met, he was sure she hadn’t a bad bone in her body. Belle was naturally a warm person, so full of fire and love. That sudden ice had sent shivers down his spine. Driving away, he heard his voice again in his head.
“A one time thing.”
A deceased thing.
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