#I deserved a good $50k for risking my life
l3l-diving-service · 3 years
Marzia: I’ll come by and visit again if I want to hear my father’s song. 🥰
Me: I know you’re the client and all, but I feel rather put upon. I also can’t tell if you’re flirting with me or just being presumptuous that I’ll be at your beck and call. 😐
(Also, no, giving me the guitar and stuff doesn’t even come close to rectify you almost getting me killed by Thanatos — at NIGHT!!! Do you not fathom how much I detest swimming in a shark-infested Aegean Sea, at NIGHT, and with Thanatos in particular, madam?! Did you even PAY ME?! I deserved a good $50k for that near-death experience!!!)😤
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falsegoodnight · 3 years
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a new header??? it matches better <3 these are the fics I read or reread and enjoyed this month! like last time, i’m separating it into different sections: main list, wips, and non-1d. rereads will be included in the main list and marked with a star (*). 
*note: this list encompasses the fics i’ve read from the 1st to the 28th only
main list ~
✰ Don’t Wait Up by reliablyimperfect | NR | 1k
Without Harry’s warmth next to him, he felt the chill of the air creep over his skin. He tugged the blanket down from where Harry kept one draped over the back of the couch for him, grateful. With the blanket, he instantly felt warmer, but it backfired when his eyes began to droop again. Trying to keep his eyes open was impossible, and he was consciously aware of how long his blinks were becoming. They stay closed longer and longer until, eventually, they didn’t open again.
so soft and sweet and lovely! made my heart feel so warm <3 will return to this for some quick comfort in the future!
✰ my ugly mouth kept running by @hadestyles | E | 4k
Sometimes second chances are more important than the first.
rori’s lush writing + abo + exes to lovers = absolute perfection. my fic cameo gives it a bonus too :’) definitely one of my rori favs 
✰ i’ve loved you three summers now honey, i want them all by @softloubabie | M | 4k
The restaurant was small and bright, soft colors filled the walls and tables and fairy lights hung from everywhere. From what Harry had read, the food wasn’t overly expensive but it was still comparable to what you would get at one of the more expensive places. If Harry could he would take Louis to the biggest most expensive and extravagant restaurants to do what he planned to tonight, but this would do.
After being led to their table Harry nervously tapped his jacket pocket, sighing in relief when he felt the small box still there. Tonight was the night. He couldn’t wait till it was time to surprise Louis with all the gifts he got for him. Then finally the big surprise.
so cute and sweet! their kids were so adorable and the proposal so lovely!! they love each other so much <3
✰ love me in between the future and the past by navigator & quitter | E | 11k
Harry's scared of history repeating itself.
this honestly hurt to read but in such a raw and emotional way?? was mad at harry and then sad for him :( this writer duo’s fics never fail to amaze me!
✰ sunshine on my mind by @raspberryoatss | E | 13k
Louis visits Harry in Portland
this was so sweet and lovely! the perfect addition to this wonderful universe! pip’s characterizations and fluff never fails to make my heart feel warm <3
✰ rapture in the dark by @stylinsonsupporter | T | 13k
Harry Styles is a breakout musician who has shed his boyband label in favor of embracing his inner brooding rockstar. His PR team think that his rebrand is the perfect time for Harry to come out of the closet and have devised the perfect plan for doing so. Enter Louis Tomlinson, up and coming (and very openly homosexual) model whose public image as America's Sweetheart is the perfect foil for Harry's new edge. From a PR standpoint, it's a dream come true - a power couple that can slowly coax the public into accepting Harry's altered image. The only problem? They hate each other.
always love a good fake dating au and this is no exception! and model louis >> really enjoyed this!
✰ Maybe, Baby* by thoughtsickles | M | 16k | mpreg
It all feels too easy, too good to be true. It all feels like a scene from Louis' daydreams, the kind of life he'd always imagined he'd have when he was younger and bored at his momma's work, sneaking around the hallways of the maternity ward until the nurses let him in to hold the babies. He'd felt so important being allowed to touch them. He'd told them stories of the lives they were going to have, houses with nice wallpaper that wasn't peeling, yards filled with sunshine and flowers and grass that never went yellow. A hammock to nap in, cuddled up with his husband.
You can't stay here, he tells himself, but Baby doesn't want to listen.
have reread this one quite a bit of times now and it still makes me so happy <3 this Louis and Harry deserve the world <333
✰ Let Me Inside by reliablyimperfect | E | 18k
Louis is Harry’s boss, but Harry is the boss of Louis. 
loved this one! really enjoyed the balance between h&l and how they maintained their dynamic in subtle ways outside of the bedroom while also keeping it separate. very much enjoyed the jealousy as well <3
✰ a scintilla of predilection by @dehydratedpoolfics | T | 20k
There, in the far back of the room, next to the only available seat left, is none other than Harry Styles. Harry, who grew up next door to him, who knew all his secrets as a child and played FIFA with him on Saturday mornings after he would spend the night Friday evenings every week, whose curly hair would tickle his nose as they held each other during bitter cold nights that made his room glow a haunting blue.
love ex-childhood friends with misunderstandings!! louis was so cute and i loved his poetry <3 harry too was so stupid but so smitten and lovely :’) really enjoyed this!
✰ Keeping The Flame Alive by @crazyupsetter​ | E | 20k
Recording with One Direction never felt like this. There’s a couple reasons for that, Harry thinks. One is that they did most of their recording on the road, rushed and in busses and hotel rooms, never in one place long enough to really get an argument going. The other, larger and more important one, is that back then he had the sweetest, meanest little omega around to distract him from all of that frustration.
The first time around, when he’d been recording his debut solo album, it hit him pretty hard. He likes to think he’s better adjusted to it now, but frustration is warring under his skin nonetheless. He doesn’t want to be told what to do most of the time, and he especially doesn’t want to be told what to do when it comes to his music.
What he does want right now is that sweet, mean little omega right in front of him with his mouth on Harry’s cock. Unfortunately, the best he’s got is his own hand and a shared toilet. So. That’s really not going to work.
✰ like it’s a game* by @soldouthaz | E | 32k
There is little Harry hates more than truth or dare.
And Louis.
queen of enemies to lovers! it’s been a while since i’ve reread this but too absolutely no surprise, it’s just as amazing as always <3 sarah never misses!
✰ Too Young To Know by @2tiedships2 | M | 35k
Harry doesn’t present as an alpha… until he does.
really enjoyed this as per usual! exes to lovers is my jam and the added angst of Louis dating someone else at the beginning... love <3
✰ Some Things Take Root* by  navigator & quitter | E | 50k
Louis' ex doesn't get jealous of anyone besides Harry. Harry helps Louis use that to his advantage.
stumbled upon this randomly and decided to reread on a whim... ended up staying up to read it in one sitting! so good!
✰ Safe and Sound (You’ll Always Be) by @all-these-larrythings | E | 58k
When a failed case and a guilty conscience leaves Harry more than a little lost, his boss presents him with a new, less taxing assignment to help him cope. An escape from all the madness is just what Harry needs to get his life back on track. It's just too bad his new client has a grin like the devil, a pair of electric eyes that Harry simply can't get over, and no intention whatsoever of letting him catch a break.
i don’t know how i’ve never read this before??? it was absolutely amazing though! perfect blend of humor and fluff and tension and angst <3
✰ Mind Over Matter (You Under Me) by @youreyesonlarry | E | 74k
It’s dark outside when Harry finishes practice for the day. 
the slow burn in this fic killed me - which is to say, it was perfect! loved how they progressed from working together to being friends to something more and how much they genuinely cared for each other! the hockey was so fun too!
✰ Call Out My Name by frenchkiss | E | 102k
Apparently, it's bad PR to fall in love with the omega you hired to help you through your rut.
Harry Styles begs to differ.
ellen truly knocked it out of the park with this one!! had everything i could ever want: abo, famous/non-famous, fluff, humor, angst, drama, and more! i loved it from beginning to end!
wips ~
✰ ‘cause all our tomorrows lead the way by @loubellies | E | 64k | 7/11
So maybe Louis’ in over his head.
He had signed up for the Bachelor on a whim after his second bottle of wine and well, here he is. He’s just been announced as the twenty-sixth Bachelor and his ass is sweating. Like, literally sweating. He’s positive that if he was to turn around, the entirety of Bachelor Nation would get a nice peek of his ass sweat.
am thoroughly enjoying each chapter!! it’s been a wild ride so far and although things are currently calm, i am still on edge!! but i trust mar with my life <3
✰ Truth Behind Golden Eyes by @lwtisloved | E | 83k | 8/16 
Louis is a royal servant born with magic in a kingdom where his sole existence is outlawed with a war he has no idea he has a part in upon him. Harry is the prince on whom the burden of mending a broken kingdom falls upon and he might be willing to risk it all for a simple servant if only he admitted it to himself.
caught up last night! still really enjoying every chapter and can’t wait to see what happens next!! things are *happening* with h&l and answers are being given!! (love the jealousy too!)
non-1d ~
✰ Keep Me Close (I Need Your Faith) by @princelouisau | E | 23k
Somewhere along the way he had fallen in love and in doing so, had broken the one rule he knew he couldn’t come back from. As quickly as he realised, he decided that he must never dare speak it. He resigned himself to loving Draco in silence.
first foray into reading drarry... and, to no one’s surprise, i loved it! beautiful writing as always and beautiful atmosphere! it’s really not a shock that i fell for these characters and their story when danielle is behind it <3 it had me entranced from beginning to end!!
finally, i myself actually posted a fic this month:
my fics ~
✰ yesterday came suddenly by me | E | 49k | mpreg 
Harry the deadliest member of the NYC assassins’ guild, is forced to face a seemingly impossible task in hopes of finally leaving the underground behind for good, but when ghosts from the past come back to haunt him, escaping the darkness becomes that much harder.
If you read any of these beautiful works of art, remember to leave kudos and comment to show your appreciation!
*if i made any errors, please let me know :)
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tiredcath · 4 years
Zukka Fic Recs
after atla came back into pop culture i found myself falling back in love with zukka which resulted in me reading (almost) every zukka fic on ao3 and here are my favorites
Transference by The_Quatermasters (146k)
In a modern AU, Zuko has to deal with settling in a new school after expulsion, dealing with an angry ex and an abusive father. Maybe his new found friendships and growing closeness with Sokka will help him make it through. 
Borderlines by The_Quatermasters (73k)
Three years after the war, the work still isn't quite done and the Gaang is scattered across the continents in their efforts to help the world recover. When Aang and Katara pay visit to the Fire Nation where Zuko is Fire Lord and Sokka acts as Ambassador for the Water Tribe, sparks fly between the siblings over Sokka's life choices.
Ashes Inside When You Finish Your Song by Muncaster (47k)
Sokka writes lyrics for his sister’s band. Zuko plays piano and is unnecessarily nice. Fellas, is it gay to write love songs about your friend and his golden eyes?
(AKA, a modern band AU featuring The Gaang, crappy software equipment, homoerotic lyrics, and the realization that maybe, if you think about a guy every night before you sleep, you just might be in love with him.)
sirens & sleepless nights by Satirrian (54k)
Life can be pretty hard living in a city under a totalitarian regime. Between adhering to the ridiculous curfew, keeping himself from being gunned down by a passing patrolman, and paying his unnecessary tolls to the state for, say, breathing, Sokka has his hands full just getting to work. Add aiding a resistance group on top of that, and Sokka should really be getting paid for this.
Then, one night, Sokka finds an injured patrolman collapsed in the street, who tells him with blood on his lips, “If the patrol finds me, I’m dead.”
 Real Slow by surveycorpsjean (21k)
“I see.” Zuko closes the scroll. “Is the Water Tribe sending a replacement?”
“Uh yeah,” Sokka gestures to himself dramatically. “You’re looking at him.”
 First by HoneyBadgerMole (20k)
Zuko has been nurturing a crush on the jock in his AP Psych class but he has been too scared to talk to him until they get paired up for a project.
the benefits of getting a flat tire by LesbeanLatte (64k)
Zuko makes an impromptu decision to run away from home after a disturbing conversation with Azula. Unfortunately, some plans are better when they're actually, well, planned. Zuko isn't counting on getting a flat tire almost as soon as he's far enough away from the city to really be in the middle of nowhere.
Sokka is immediately taken with the stranger he and his friends find stranded on the side of the road during an afternoon joy ride. However, he has no idea what he's getting involved with and a kind attempt to help a fellow teen in need turns into a massive coverup for a missing person who just so happens to be the son of the mayor of Ba Sing Se.
Azula was just trying to help her big brother - in her own way - by telling him things she thought he deserved to know. Now the situation has gotten wildly out of control. Did she enjoy seeing Zuko upset and afraid? Of course. Had she intended to endanger his life? Not necessarily, but of course, her idiot brother overreacted to everything and that's what happened and now she doesn't know how to stop the chain of events she's indirectly put in place like dominoes.
Operation Leverage by snowandfire (50k)
Sokka's instincts are onto something great. Zuko just wants to serve tea and brood in peace. Ironically, Toph is the only one who can see what's really going on.
 The Stingray by Smediterranea (24k)
“You’re not carrying me.”
“I don’t mind,” the lifeguard says easily.
“I can just hop over.”
“On sand?”
Zuko will never admit it, but being carried feels pretty nice. The lifeguard sets him down and eyes him warily.
“Are you really all by yourself?” he asks in a worried tone. “No friends in town you can call to check on you?”
“No,” Zuko confirms. Tears are forming again with alarming speed; his foot throbs painfully with every passing second.
“What kind of burrito do you want?”
“You don’t have to —“ Zuko repeats.
“I’m getting al pastor. You like al pastor?”
 AU: Zuko falls for Sokka, the super hot lifeguard who helps him after an unfortunate encounter with a stingray.
 it's the illusion of separation by argentoswan (110k)
Sokka takes a job washing dishes at the new tea shop in town. It's a great gig, until he finds out his only coworker is his old high school bully. Sokka really should quit, but he also really needs to afford rent.
Also, Zuko is kind of hot now.
 People like to think war means something by trying_to_spell_both_our_names_at_once (21k)
Sokka was the first to leave.
Somehow that hurt the most. . . . Not long after Zuko becomes Firelord, forces gather in the South and next thing he knows he's thrown into a civil war with almost no one by his side. Maybe healing is longer and more complicated than it needs to be, but with the right people by your side it is always possible.
 a way that will destroy you by anothermistakemade (14k)
In the wake of Ozai's death, Zuko begins to fall apart. Sokka will do everything in his power to make sure that doesn't happen.
or, zuko might be losing his mind, but he also might just be really sad & traumatized
 Those Who Favor Fire by CSHfic, VSfic (30k)
After a failed attempt on his life, Sokka fakes his death, dons a disguise, and infiltrates the would-be assassin's ranks in an attempt to bring them down from the inside.
Zuko learns of his husband's tragic death, mourns, and vows revenge.
 Words Mean More at Night by DaisytheDoodleDog (28k)
Even ten years after the end of the war, rebellions rise and risk the balance of the nations. Sokka was willing to do anything to protect his people, which is perhaps why he's leading an army against the rebellion, attacking only as a last result. But Sokka's unwinding, it's taking a toll on him, and the only thing keeping him grounded are the letter Zuko and him exchange late in the night when no one can see the messenger hawks. But as they say, nothing's fair in love and war.
another word for wanting by eurydicees (23k)
Sokka begins to dream of his soulmate when he's eleven years old, and it just gets harder from there. Or, 125 moments soulmates share, and none of them come easy.
(In which your dreams are your soulmate's memories, and Sokka dreams of an all-consuming fire, growing and eating at his soulmate until it burns up the connection between their souls. In which they find love anyways.)
 It Has Only Just Begun by Kirazalea (39k)
There is a bitter triumph in crashing when you should be soaring
Zuko had now chosen the path his uncle had been trying so hard to show him; he had someone who believed in him, who maybe loved him; he was travelling with the Avatar and they apparently had a plan to end the war. By all accounts, Zuko should be smiling.
But Uncle was gone (captured by Azula, and Zuko didn't think she would kill him, but he didn’t, couldn’t, know for sure). The Avatar was barely breathing (he could still die at any second and there was nothing any of them could do about it). Azula had conquered the last Earth Kingdom stronghold (all those innocent people who were now at her mercy). It seemed like, for every step Zuko took forward, the world sent him back three more.
But he was determined to push forward anyways. He needed to make his uncle proud, even if it was the last thing he ever did.
aka: zuko joins the gaang at the end of season 2
 Nightmares and Reveries by HisMomoness (20k)
Zuko doesn't sleep because when he does, he's haunted by nightmares. Sokka worms his way into a job and makes it his mission to get Zuko to relax. Lots of head pets and one vacation to the South Pole later, Zuko might just be getting the hang of it.
Cue pining, some fluff, and eventual romance.
 The One Who Stopped Time by ohhihoney (66k)
All hope was lost to Zuko until one day, his uncle asked a random person at the Jasmine Dragon to tutor his nephew. Gritting his teeth and embarrassed beyond the point of no return, Zuko gave the blue eyed boy his number.
Little did Zuko know how much Sokka would change his world.
 Rubbed Off Stars by ohhihoney (2k)
Sokka wasn't going to just sit and watch the boy at the back of the bus cry while trying to rub off pride flags off his cheeks.
Ozymandias, King of Kings by Think_of_a_Wonderful_Thought (168k)
After that fateful Agni Kai, Ozai makes a different call. Branded as a traitor and banished to a prison camp, Zuko learns how cruel the Fire Nation can be to its citizens. Three years, a water tribe raid, and an unexpected meeting with a gang of over-enthusiastic idealistic children puts Zuko back in the spotlight. The revolution is coming and it wants another poster boy, but Zuko is not willing to lend his face to the cause.
 Another Brother by AvocadoLove (312k)
It was a mission of revenge. There weren't supposed to be any survivors, but Chief Hakoda couldn't bring himself to kill the Fire Nation boy. Against his better judgment, he brought him home. A Zuko joins the Water Tribe story.
BONUS : zuko x jet
Something to Hold Onto by Wildgoosery (122k)
Since the day the walls of Ba Sing Se fell, the Freedom Fighters have struggled to protect what remains of the city and its people. Jet and his second command, a mysterious boy named Li, have spent the summer piecing together an army, hoping for a chance to take the city back for good. But Li is also Zuko, and the time for that secret is quickly running out. Soon, he'll have to decide exactly who he is, what cause he's going to fight for, and where his heart lies.
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Liam & Edie
Liam: [a picture of Rio with her eyes crossed out like 1. Miss you and 2. Guess who I just talked to]
Edie: ofc she did 😑
Edie: what’s the damage
Liam: 0 to us I deflected the - to Lexie
Liam: do you want her framed for jumpscaring herself or is there anyone else
Edie: That’s all she cared about?
Edie: Bitch
Liam: it just didn’t take no time to convince her we’re perfect for each other
Liam: bc we are
Edie: yeah we are 🥰
Edie: surprised she copped to anything of the sort though
Edie: clearly can’t resist being nice to you
Edie: Lexie needs to calm down
Edie: 🤔 I mean, be kinda fucking hilarious if everyone reckoned she was doing it to herself
Edie: but maybe I’ve been too mean already 🥺
Edie: what do you think?
Liam: I think it’s pretty close to showing everyone her true colours if we do, Lex has gotta have been talking to your sister about me, I could tell, she thought I was a dick before I talked her round
Edie: She wouldn’t be happy for me unless you were a total 🤓 with no dick
Edie: that’s just what she’s like, crazy
Edie: but also not a stretch to see Lexie being a gossipy cow, I’ve heard her on other people before so
Edie: why would I give a fuck if her life is ruined
Liam: she basically accused me of wanting to hit you up for one reason and then wanting to immediately dip, if she thinks that’s what I’m like that’s only coming from one person
Edie: She’s pathetic
Edie: it’s clearly her saying it because you didn’t sleep with her
Edie: it wouldn’t be hard to spoof some shit, make it look like her
Edie: and she has nothing to say it was me, or you like she thought, and it weren’t no one else so she’s fucked, basically
Liam: [send her some shit that you’ve already started to work on because you knew she’d agree with this plan and the bits of the Rio convo where you said you’d try and find out and made it sound like you thought it was her but obvs it couldn’t possibly be hehe]
Edie: You’re so smart
Edie: She deserves this, she was definitely bitching about you, you can tell from how hard Rih said she weren’t
Liam: don’t be upset with me, but I was thinking about how Lexie also deserves to see us together and you happy and I invited them both to your show
Liam: you did say you want your family to take your music seriously
Edie: I’m not mad
Edie: You invited Rih too so she isn’t going to think you’re trying to get back with her
Edie: and I get to rub that and the fact I’m talented in her face?
Edie: It’s a good idea, baby
Liam: still, if you wanna create me in game and spend your time testing out different murder options, I won’t be mad, I should’ve asked you if it was a good idea before saying yeah to having us all there
Edie: [an 8-bit Liam but obvs we’re making an 8-bit us to smooch him not murder him, a lil gif moment of this or whatever it would be]
Liam: you only want a play through where we 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻
Edie: that might make the thread 🤮 but idk if they’d be 😱
Liam: we’ll keep it off thread
Liam: [send her the floor plan to where your dad lives/holiday cottages so she can build it in sims like my boo would, live your dreams kids]
Edie: don’t need to make 50k nerds jealous, I get you
Edie: [just nerd out with that]
Edie: I’ll show you how generic the 👶 is
Edie: very rude
Liam: if the mods and cc don’t fix it, I’ll pretend I don’t 👀
Edie: the 👀 are already insane colours
Liam: no match for yours in real life
Edie: [pics forever]
Edie: [obviously also make your enemies to actually kill and send that]
Liam: if you sent it to Lexie nobody’d believe she created herself looking that accurate
Edie: harsh reality of a sim
Edie: the alpha CC does look like her facetune attempts, tbf
Liam: at least you can make her try to seduce the grim reaper instead of me
Edie: she’ll have ample opportunity to meet him
Edie: [all the dramatic deaths cut with her sim when they get hysterical]
Edie: I’m still mad at her
Edie: Rih blatantly thinking it was me too, not surprising but still 🖕
Edie: how’s it been today
Liam: only bc she knows how smart you are and most people who Lex hangs out with ain’t, I barely had to cover for you so she don’t really wanna think it
Edie: story of her life
Liam: how 😡 are you
Edie: it’s exhausting being mad at her, there’s nothing to do
Edie: people like Lexie, you can fuck with, or care even less than that
Liam: would it make you feel better to fuck with Lexie more
Edie: I wanna make you feel better more
Edie: you must be feeling as bored and crazy as me, if not more
Liam: if I could feel anything it’d be 💔 you’re not happy or here
Edie: is it worse
Edie: nothing
Edie: maybe that’s stupid
Edie: nothing seems preferable sometimes but only sometimes, which is maybe what takes it over feeling too much
Liam: it’s isolating, everyone expects me to feel too much, that’s acceptable, even years after
Edie: acceptance would be easier
Edie: you have me
Edie: no matter what
Edie: idc if no one else gets me, you do
Liam: I dunno what it says about people that they’d be happy if I was going round punching holes in walls but I know my ma would
Liam: she looks at me like she’s waiting for it, watching for a massive crack or something
Edie: they’ve got their reason, they want the reaction
Edie: then they can link a and b and ???
Edie: problem solved, not really
Edie: but they understand it and can wash their hands of you
Edie: that’s what they give a shit about
Liam: yeah
Edie: enough sympathy and hot meals dropped off and you’ll be ‘fixed’
Edie: you weren’t even the sick one
Liam: get enough hobbies, a part-time job, a girlfriend, move the fuck on
Edie: right
Edie: it’s so
Edie: I can’t think of the word
Liam: “she’d want you to be happy/have a life” no she fucking wouldn’t, she wanted it for herself
Edie: dead people get sainted
Edie: no room for who they actually were, better and worse
Liam: she’d hate me having any of those things just to rub in her face
Edie: what was she like, between being sick
Liam: I’ll show you
Edie: do you reckon she’d want you to remember what she’d want for you then, instead of how she was at the end
Edie: not to be like every other cunt about it
Edie: not that simple, or at all
Liam: she was a teenage girl, she’d probably want me to do more fitting in too until I’ve completed the coming of age shite milestones everyone else is, instead of telling other teenage girls from the internet how fucked up I am 😏
Edie: I think that might be a milestone so 👏
Edie: the bullshit of your sister not having her own life to live dealt with then, in this scenario
Edie: we have to find what you want
Edie: even if that’s not 🤵👧🐶🧒👰 with me
Edie: not gonna be Lexie about it, you know
Edie: I’ll still help you find it
Liam: I want you, not to be gay about it
Liam: to see where this is gonna go, how far I can take it before it ends
Edie: then let’s do it
Edie: what can I do today
Liam: what would you be doing if you could do anything
Edie: that’s the problem
Edie: I wanna be with you
Edie: but I don’t know what we’d do yet
Liam: I said I’d show you what my sister was like, the quickest way to do it is to act like nothing matters, your behaviour has no consequences
Liam: it’s not about me at all, only what you want, what’s gonna happen
Edie: and I can’t hurt you
Edie: because you don’t feel anything yet, yeah?
Liam: you can’t hurt me
Edie: you promise
Edie: do that and then we can do what I want
Liam: how do you want me to promise
Edie: 🤏🩸
Edie: mine is 📫
Liam: [brb father he’s gotta go draw some blood and put it into something she can wear as jewellery like Angelina Jolie and record the endeavour to send to the bae]
Edie: [that’s exactly what we gonna send, I know you can legit buy them so I’ll find a cool pic tah, his poor father so confusion]
Liam: [great minds boo]
Edie: kiss it better for me
Liam: [send her another video boy we’re in this deep]
Edie: god
Edie: okay, what do you do to relieve stress, let go and let off steam
Edie: do that
Liam: what do I do or what should you, bc I have an idea that I think would make you feel better about your sister
Edie: you can start by telling me what I should do because I’m intrigued
Liam: she said she’d lose it at Lexie if she did anything to you, if you lower your IQ by at least 100 you could have fun trashing her room but making it look like she did it herself to frame you, you’d have to wait til she was forced out with her family and bc there’s no check in or selfie proof everyone would just think they’re covering for her, but that’d be the only boring bit
Liam: your sister would feel bad for falling for it and believing you might be involved at all
Edie: I definitely don’t want to see her at mine ever again
Edie: I’ll do it
Edie: Bet she has a shrine to you
Liam: a curse would explain me being dead inside
Edie: she has no ✨
Edie: so whilst I’m ripping the heads off all her 🧸s
Edie: you’ve gotta do…
Liam: 🏊 the only thing there is to do
Edie: your da didn’t come prepared? 🔥🪓
Liam: he’d be prepared with a 🧯 more like but I don’t need his help 🔥🪓
Edie: you should see if anyone is around, like anywhere
Edie: see how easy it is to 👀 them without getting caught
Liam: it’s like you know me inside out
Edie: I do
Edie: I’ve got X-Ray 👀s
Liam: next time you miss me you can do an artistic rendering
Edie: of all your vital organs
Edie: not to kill the mystery and show myself up as a fake fan on the forums
Edie: but I think the outside view of you is a lot prettier 😳🥰
Liam: ok I’ll not send you any in the 📫
Edie: only the non-vitals, tah 😏
Liam: what’s left Alexis hasn’t got in her shrine
Edie: she 🥺 so hard you gave her your gallbladder
Liam: 10% risk of shitting myself side effects after it’s gone, 100% chance of that putting her off wanting to jump me, I’d do it
Edie: no need to do that now I’m here
Edie: no one is gonna wanna jump her when she’s outed as 😵🥴🤡
Liam: I’ll keep the scalpel sharp for lads who wanna get with you when they realise you’re 🤩🤓😎😇😈
Edie: I’m not complaining
Edie: I only want you around, ever
Liam: I’ll be going nowhere without you ever when I get back
Edie: Good
Edie: because I feel like
Edie: it’s like I’m doing so much to fill my time but I still just think about and miss you constantly
Liam: I’ll climb a tree and call you from the top
Edie: Describe your view the best you can
Edie: like I’m there too
Liam: facetime’ll make you feel like you are
Edie: not quite VR but I’ll take it
Edie: talking to you feels like our own 🪐 anyway
Liam: [do climb a tree and call her because what a mood just like you’re Elizabeth Allen]
Edie: [save that tree henny]
Liam: [do we wanna skip to his bday now or is there anything else you can think of that you wanna do while he’s still away?]
Edie: [hmm, we probably know the vibe, she’s busy with all the things they’re gonna continue when he’s back, also finding the first house they can break into and stay in, fucking with Lexie loads more]
Liam: [yeah and if we do think of anything specific later we can skip back it’s chill]
Edie: [let’s do it]
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queerofthedagger · 3 years
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Deluge by Suaine
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Rating: Mature || Warnings: No warnings apply || Word count: 50,565
Summary: In the aftermath of Merlin's battle against Nimueh, the rain seems a minor complication, perhaps even a cleansing influence. When the rain doesn't stop, Camelot is pushed to the brink once more. This time, Arthur may be in over his head. Contains: a lot of wet boys in emotional scenes, Arthur knowing more than he lets on, Merlin being an idiot, both of them being a bit stupidly heroic, telepathic chess, rain (lots of), war, making out against a tree, coincidental druids, co-opted history, co-opted myths, magic, coming of age (metaphorically), and more magically annoying yet surprisingly un-floody water than you can shake a stick at.
Why I rec this: I’ve read this fic back in summer, and to be honest, I can’t even remember how I found it but I’m so, so glad I did. It’s imported and I think it was backdated, but god if it doesn’t deserve so much more love. The plot had me hooked right from the start and is so very unique, and I was completely unable to put it down until I was finished. It didn’t feel like 50k words, in the absolute best way possible. Not to mention that the writing/prose is just *chef’s kiss*.
What’s more, it’s maybe one of my favourite characterisations of Arthur; he’s struggling but trying so much, and his character development is just--I have no words. The other characters are written just as perfectly, and don’t get me started on the relationship between Arthur and Merlin. It has such a perfect mix of tension and softness, and the ending is an absolute masterpiece. Seriously, do yourself a favour and read it, if only because Uther is getting his due price for being an utter dickhead.
Favourite Quotes: (this was incredibly hard so I’m going with one, longer one.)
"I will not see you die, Arthur, I won't. Ever." Merlin's words rip out of him, ragged and sharp-edged.   The enormity of Merlin's feelings sets Arthur spinning. He knew this, of course, even before the dragon told him all about the many ways in which Merlin had sacrificed for him and risked his life. He'd known, but to hear it is something else entirely; it makes it real and twists around his heart like a rose, beautiful and deadly. He's scared of this, terrified of what Merlin might do, what he might make Merlin do. But his fear is laced with a feeling more terrifying yet. He wants this, he craves the kind of love Merlin offers him, and he has no intention of passing on the offer.   "Merlin," he says, voice controlled and a little smug, a little arrogant, like that first time they met - like he isn't sure quite what this is yet, but he knows it's something. "You are an idiot."
Merlin looks up, and it strikes Arthur how close they still are, how easy it would be to take Merlin's bottom lip between his teeth and bite just a little. "What?"   Arthur grins. He's figured something out: he knows now that whatever happens, as long as they face it together, they will be fine. He won't make any promises for the rest of the world, and he can feel that niggling of conscience at the back of his mind, but that's okay. It's good that he's worried about being the kind of king Camelot would want, even as he knows he'll put most effort into being the kind of king Merlin wants.
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wintaejk · 4 years
Jungkook’s FIC REC | series
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Because I spend a lot of time here on tumblr reading fanfictions, I wanted to create my own fic recs. Like that, I can recommend fictions that deserve more recognition and at the same time, if I want to reread one of them, I just have to come here.
Everything on this list is about Jungkook. And of course, all those works have been written by the authors I tagged next to the name of the fictions, they do not belong to me (and if the authors want me to remove their work from my rec, I will).
I also want to thank the authors. I really appreciate all your works and efforts to create all those beautiful stories. I send you all of my love.
I decided to try writing a commentary for each of the stories. I always try to use the right pronouns when talking about the authors, but if I used the wrong ones for you, don’t hesitate to tell me. I will change it in a minute.
(f) = fluff
(a) = angst
(m) = mature
The following fictions are all about completed and finished series. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
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— wanted (F) (M) | One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six — by @jincherie​
You were a deserter, a renegade, a wanted “criminal”. It was never in your plans to crash land on that planet, and it most certainly wasn’t in your plans to fall in love with it’s handsome ruler.
space au | alien au | royalty au | soulmate au | +56k
Commentary - To be honest, I don’t even know where to start and what to start with.                           But I think I’m simply gonna start with my first thoughts of this story. Because this fiction, I saw it multiple times on many fic recs. And to be completely honest, every single time I saw it, I found the summary attractive and intriguing but something was holding me. Probably the universe. The fear of being unsatisfied and disappointed.                           Because the difficulty with that kind of fiction is to immerse the reader in a universe they don’t know. You then have to describe it enough so that the reader can represent it in their head, but not too much to the point of becoming heavy. And this balance between the ‘enough’ and the ‘not too much’, you find it perfectly in ‘wanted’. I was not only imagining the scenery, I was totally living it. I was seeing everything, I was completely immerged, as if I had been living in that world my whole life.                            Also, the other risk with diving into a fantastic universe is the possibility of writing (or reading) something that has already been done. Yes, I already read stories where the characters are traveling from planet to planet. Yes, I already read love stories between an alien and a human. And yes, I read stories with kings before. However, this story is totally coming from the author’s imagination, or at least that’s the feeling I have. I don’t feel like I’m reading another story with aliens or in the future or a love story between a king and a non-royal reader that eveybody already knows by heart. No, I am reading Rha’s own story, her scenery, her plots, her descriptions... It was coming from her and it was her interpretation of an ‘alien world’ in the future. And I was even more stunned that I was not expecting that at all. It was in definitive a fucking good surprise. If you ask my opinion, I could even imagine it being the next best-seller book and then someone adapting this fiction in the next record-breaker movie.                             Now, let’s talk about the love story. Shit, fuck, damn. I’ve been craving a good love story these past few days and she gave it to me. A slow burn with a good amount of actions between the two characters, a flirty and sensual back and forth, a little bit of soulmate au, characters who have a personnality and feel truthful emotions, a last chapter with full on smut... It was for me a delight!                             And can we talk about that smut? Spoiler alert: Rha will make you wait until the very last minute, the very last chapter. And after waiting five long chapters, I personally only had two words for that smut... The. Fuck. I was so scared when I read the warnings and I saw tentacles and triple penetration. I was wondering where the author were bringing us. BUT BUT BUT!!! Holy fuck! I think we need all to respect a minute of silence in memory of the old me who just died. BECAUSE HOLY CRAP I FEEL LIKE A NEW WOMAN. No, but honestly, I am starting a new day tomorrow as a new person. This smut was something else. Never thought tentacles could be that exc.... Okay, I’m stopping now before making a whole essay on that perfect-amount-of-kink smut :)))                             I am going to conclude this lil (lol lmao lmfao) comment by emphasizing the work the author put in that fiction. For me, Rha’s story deserve so much recognition. Because this is clearly one of those fics where you can feel everything has been thought. Everything has an explanation, everything arrives at the perfect moment, everything is followed by a logical event, without being predictable. The plot, the secondary plots, the characters, the details... This author truly has nothing to envy to those ‘famous authors’ like J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jane Austen...                             This was not the first fiction she wrote that I read (she actually is the second account writing about bts I followed) and it is not a surprise that I loved so much this story. I am even certain, even if I just finished reading it, that this fiction will be one of those that you remember of, even years and years after you first read them.                              So Rha, if you happen to read this, let me tell you that you have a real talent, and you should keep embracing it! Love you lots, sweetheart, and I’m looking forward your next pieces of art.
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— Falling Skies (F) (A) (M) | Prologue ; One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six — by @fortunexkookie​
Jeon Jiyeon was your childhood best friend; her brother, Jungkook, was something else entirely. Once upon a time, she had called you her sun and him her moon; it was fitting, given the constant push-and-pull between you two. You used to consider him a friend, but then he had gone from endearingly frustrating dumb boy to card-carrying fuckboy so fast it had given you whiplash.
You often wondered how Jiyeon wasn’t bothered by his behavior. In fact, she often seemed to encourage it. What you failed to see was that she was just trying to show you how he reflected your light. Jiyeon had realized he was in love with you even before he did, but of course she knew. It was a twin thing.
So despite the fighting and teasing, you always found yourself drawn back to him. You knew he was one of two constants in your life: the Jeon twins were - and had always been - your one indisputable truth. You were the sun, Jungkook was the moon, and Jiyeon was the sky holding you both up When she died, it ripped a black hole right through you.
friends to enemies | enemies to friends | friends to lovers | +50k
Commentary - I think I will never have the words to express how much I love this story. This fiction has its own place in my heart, and I have the need to come back from time to time to read again and again and again this beautiful piece of work.                          I’m gonna be honest with you. If you don’t like angst, if you don’t want to suffer even a little bit, this fiction is not for you.                          However, you would miss something. And a big something. Yes, your heart will sink, you might even cry but dammit, it is so worth it.                          Plus you will find some comfort in Jungkook and reader’s love story. Who doesn’t love a good ‘enemies to lovers’ at the same time of a ‘friends to lovers’. Did I mention smut? No, I did not yet. SMUT, ladies and gentleman. Good smut.                          In a few words to summarize that all, this is an amazing, wonderful, brilliant masterpiece. Just... go read it.
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— Roommates (M) | One ; Two ; Three — by @tayegi​
When you accepted to let Jungkook, your best friend’s younger brother, to live with you, you did not take into account how much he grew up… and became that handsome young man.
roommate au | best friend’s brother | college au | +25k
Commentary - I’m pretty sure I couldn’t count how many times I read that fiction on only one hand.                          This story is the definition of slow-burn itself. As well as a collation of a roommate au, a best friend’s brother au, a friends to lovers au and an older reader. Let me tell you that when Jungkook and reader finally decides to act on that tension, it doesn’t end up in fire, but rathen in a volcanic eruption. And let’s be honest, that is exactly what we are here for.
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— Animal (F) (A) (M) | One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine — by @cutaepatootie​
“I don’t want to die without telling someone about her,” he says, his voice softening when he says ‘her’. “I don’t want to disappear without the world knowing about her and what she did for me.”
“About her?” the girl frowns.
Maybe his daughter? His sister?
The man turns his head and faces the girl, a soft, distant smile plastered on his lips. The gesture is nostalgic, sad, almost loving.
“Y/N,” he murmurs, the name rolling off his lips softly, just as softly as the waves of the sea roll over the sand. “Her name was Y/N.”
boxer au | flashback au | +115k
Commentary -  I’m not gonna lie, this story, I haven’t read it much. Simply because every single time I read it, I left some parts of my heart behind me.                         You can’t and I promise you that you won’t come out of this fanfiction in one piece. My heart broke the first time I read it. And the second time. And the third time. And this is probably the most I read it. Not that I didn’t like it, on the contrary: it is one of my favorite fictions in here. But there are some stories that you can’t read too many times, because they bring you such a combination of pain and joy, suffering and contentment, sorrow and euphoria that it is hard to handle, that you need some time to heal before reading it again.                          Putting words on what I felt while reading it is hard. I loved the characters, I loved the plot, the different stages of their relationship... And the end! I don’t think I would find someone who wouldn’t want for the end to be different. The last part let me in pain. Literally. I had a knot in my stomach and tears in my eyes. I had to stop two or three times to breathe in before continuing.                           In conclusion, if you love stories full of emotions, just go for that one. I read a lot, like a freaking whole lot. And fuck, this fiction is beautiful. Destructive also, but it is really worth it.
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— Bunny Boy (M) | One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five — by @parkmuse​
Catching feelings for your sisters friend wasn’t part of your plan.
sister’s best friend | older!reader | virgin!reader | +17k
Commentary - If you have the same taste as me in terms of fictions, you will like this fiction. There’s no complicated plot behind this story, but this is exactly what I loved about it.                          Sometimes, you just need a simple story between the reader and her sister’s best friend. A simple story between two young people pining for each other. A simple story maybe, but with a lot of charm.                          I particurly appreciate this story because of its simplicity. Love is not always complicated and impossible, and it is refreshing to read a story that remins you of that.
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— Cream & Sugar (F) (M) | One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six — by @taehyungforreal​
Stepping into this coffee shop was either the best or the worst idea of your life. You know that barista, you know he’s great in bed. You also know he’s the biggest asshole you’ve ever met.
escort au | barista au | enemies to lovers | +36k
Commentary - Cream & Sugar is another gem you can find on tumblr. Every time I read this serie, I fall in love once again with the characters of this stories. They are realistic, genuine and fierce. And this is what I love the most about Ashley’s fictions: the realism she puts in every single one of her work.                          The stories are thought, the psychology of the characters have been analyzed, the plot is consistent. This is not a coincidence I love everything that she writes; she has talent, and you should go read her fictions.                          And if you love slow-burn, sexual tension, and a good enemies to lovers universe, I warmly recommend you to start with this beautiful serie that I read multiple times and that I will continue to read again and again.
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— Everything in you (F) (M) | One ; Two — by @jjungkookislife​
Y/n wants a baby, Jungkook is wiiling to help.
best friends to lovers | roommate au | pregnant!reader | +24k
Commentary - If you are looking for a cute and soft Jungkook’s story, I hardly recommend you to not click on this one. And for the others who are ready to give it a go, make sure to prepare your eyes and soul beforehand. This fiction is made of 90% of smut. This is kinky Jungkook asf, this is filth, this is all we like to read. Plus if we add the friends to lovers theme on top of everything else, this fiction can be considered as the holy grail for sinners like me. (But if you consider yourself pure and innocent, I promise the damnation is worth it.)
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— the jeon twins (F) (A) ; kookie ending ; jk ending — by @krreader​
jk thought he was doing this for his twin’s good. falling in love with you while pretending to be kookie was never something he planned on doing and he hated himself for it.
twins!jeon | college au | badboy!jk | nerd!kookie
Commentary - I loved the concet of this fiction. A double ending, so everyone is happy at the end. Plus we have the duality of Jungkook in one fiction: the nerdy part of him vs the iNtErNaTiOnAl PlAyBoY one. And I have to admit that I’m a sucker for both of them. So having them reunited in one fiction is a delight.
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— fear is forever (F) (A) | One: fear in your eyes ; Two: forever and a night — by @gukyi​
there’s a werewolf in that forest behind your house, they told you, and he’ll eat you before you can even beg for mercy.
werewolf au | strangers to lovers | +8k
Commentary - For some reasons, this story hit me hard.                          I love reading werewolf au, or should I say that I just love everything that is supernatural and magical. But this one was different.                          No crazy smut, no mate au, no pack. At some point, I even thought about Red Riding Hood, but not because the stories are similar. Far from it.                          I didn’t realize it directly, but after a few days, I was still thinking about it, and I could imagine telling that story to my future children. And then I realized why I was associating it to Red Riding Hood.                          This story feels like a fairytale. The famous ones. The ones that you tell your children before they go to sleep. The ones with magic, as much in the story itself as in the way it is written. The ones that make you still think about them days after you first read it. This story is literally a fairytale.
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— Cafuné (F) (A) (M) | One ; Two — by @daffodilon​
cafuné - (brazilian portuguese)
“the act of running your fingers through your lover’s hair; among the few words that cannot be directly translated into english”
roommates au | friends to lovers | +19k
Commentary - This fiction is the personification of the friends to lovers au itself.                          You want soft? You will have soft. You want soft smut? You will have soft smut. You want soft smut with Jungkook? Seriously, I don’t know why you still are here reading my bullshit when you could be reading that beautiful baby instead.  
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— vaunt (M) | One ; Two — by @yminie​
Every weekend Beta Tau throws a ‘little’ party to help students relax and let loose, and the frat resident Jungkook has a big mouth that talks a lot of big game. You finally get sick of the lack of relaxation on your end and set out to see if he’s all talk.
college au | fratboy!jungkook | enemies to lovers | +18k
Commentary - I only have three words to describe that fiction: big dick Jungkook.                          You want reasons to go read this story? A lot of smut. A good amount of crack. A little bit of fluff to end the story. And also, fuckboy!jungkook; fratboy!jungkook; and Big. Dick. Jungkook.                          You want a little bit more of filth and sin in your life? You are in the right place, that’s all I have to say.
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— bad for you (A) (M) | drabble 1 ; drabble 2 ; Epilogue: undressed — by @yoonia​
His whole presence emits sin and danger, and you are not supposed to be attracted to him on the first glance. 
stripper au | bachelorette au | +31k
Commentary - Another fiction that I love reading again from time to time.                          And yes, cheating is wrong. Don’t do it at home kids. But no, I am not ashamed to love that fiction so much.                          I’m a sucker for Jungkook. But I’m a hoe for stripper!Jungkook. Plus the alchemy between reader and Jk is too good to not count that fiction in the top of my list of fictions. You add smut, fluff and the right amount of angst and BAM! You end up with a five stars fiction that you will devour until the very end. 
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flailinginlove · 4 years
KakaIru Big Bang Teaser!
Three KakaIru Big Bang fics have been revealed! Go check them out if you haven’t yet!
Mine ended up being 50k (twice the minimum length ^__^;), so it’s getting split for posting. The first half will be revealed this Saturday the 16th! And the second half will be up two day later!
My goal for this was to write a trashy romance novel inspired by 1,001 Nights, and while I think it is definitely trashy, there is also a very healthy dose of found family fluff. Me writing fluff? Shocking, I know. XD
Anyway, I hope you like it! Here’s a preview of Kakashi and Iruka meeting for the first time!
Kakashi watched as his guards brought the prisoner forward, Tenzo pushing him into a bow at a respectful distance from Kakashi's chair. The man didn't fight it. Genma made a suggestive little wiggle of his eyebrow, the clear "look at this one" he saved for only the people he found the most attractive. Even Kakashi could admit that the prisoner was decent looking. For a criminal.
"This isn't the one I asked for," Kakashi said. He'd been given descriptions of the three men that had been captured, and he'd wanted to talk to one of the two that had been taken outside the palace grounds first.
"No, Sir," Tenzo replied, bowing in apology. "This is the one that broke into the grounds. He insisted we bring him, not his friends."
One of Kakashi's eyebrows rose. No one volunteered to come before him; most would happily let their friends go first. But it didn't matter, it wouldn't affect his judgment.
"What's your name?"
"Umino Iruka, Your Highness," the man said. There was a hint of nerves in his voice, but underneath that was a quiet determination.
"Umino Iruka," Kakashi said. "You have been charged with unlawfully breaking into the palace grounds for nefarious purposes. Tonight you will act as my servant. If you have not proven yourself innocent by midnight, you will be executed."
The prisoner snorted and Kakashi blinked at him. People did not snort when he said that, they fell to their knees and begged for their lives.
"I was caught in the act, red-handed. I was going to steal from your gardens. There's no proving myself innocent. I did it. I won't lie to try to save myself."
Kakashi studied him. He didn't know how to react to this. No one had ever told him the truth before, not during one of these trials. They lied, they begged, they bribed, but they never told the truth.
There was a willful, stubborn tilt to Iruka's chin that Kakashi wasn't used to seeing and it fascinated him. Everyone lowered their eyes when they spoke to him; they didn't stare straight at him with a challenge plain on their face.
Kakashi mentally shook himself. Any criminal could be honest when they thought it served them best, that didn't mean they were honest all the time. And it didn't mean they could be trusted. There were less than a dozen people Kakashi trusted, and even that trust had limits.
"You don't deny your crimes even if it means death?"
"No. I snuck into the palace grounds, I planned to steal from you. I did that. It was my actions, my decision. Mine and mine alone. Please don't punish my friends for my stupidity. They did nothing wrong. They actually tried to talk me out of it."
"But they didn't stop you, which makes them complicit. And you're willing to risk your life to save them?" In Kakashi's experience, people lied about their friends to save themselves. The friends that would die for you were few and far between, especially among thieves.
"Yes," Iruka said, still staring at Kakashi with determination. "If anyone has to die for this, it should be me and only me."
Kakashi continued to study him, until the other man shifted, clearly uncomfortable under his gaze, but he didn't back down, the challenge was still unmistakable in his eyes.
No one was that good; everyone had their price. Kakashi pushed, wanting to see how far he'd go.
"What else would you do?" he asked, voice low and suggestive. He eyed the criminal up and down and shifted his legs apart enough that someone might be able to kneel between them.
A step behind Iruka, Genma shot Tenzo a wide-eyed look, but Tenzo just shook his head.
Iruka got the suggestion loud and clear. He turned red, sputtered, then looked outraged. "Is that justice to you? Is that what you make people do to prove their innocence?"
Kakashi had to fight the urge to bring his legs back together and sit up straighter, it took effort to keep his tone cold. It’d been a long time since anyone outside his advisers had voiced disapproval of his actions, and never so emphatically. "I don’t have sex with criminals," Kakashi sneered.
"But you, what? Allow them to bribe you with blowjobs? Let them think you'll reduce their sentence if they suck you off?" Iruka’s face was still bright red with anger and embarrassment.
"No, but some offer," Kakashi said, voice casual. He didn't say that he'd never asked before, that he didn't know why he had this time. A criminal didn’t deserve that kind of explanation.
"Of course they would. Who wouldn’t to save their life?"
"You didn’t."
Iruka opened his mouth to say something then snapped it shut.
"People who think they can bribe me, with sex or other things, can be bribed themselves. They can’t be trusted."
"People do what they have to in order to stay alive."
Iruka glared, Kakashi stared back. For one brief moment, Kakashi felt like he was the one who needed to prove something here, but he pushed it aside.
"You still have the rest of the night to serve me and prove your innocence."
Iruka gave him a disgusted look. "I will serve you if I must, but I have nothing to prove to you."
Kakashi shrugged his acknowledgment. "The guards will take you to the kitchen. Bring my meal." With that, he turned back to his book.
"Please," Iruka said sharply.
Kakashi looked up again. He'd heard that word quite often in these situations, but never in that tone. "What?"
"It’s what you say when you ask for something. Bring my meal, please."
Kakashi blinked after Iruka, who’d turned on his heel and walked out the door, Tenzo hurrying to catch up. After they'd left, Genma looked at Kakashi and grinned.
"Oh, I like him. Can we keep him?"
Kakashi scowled. He would not be keeping a thief, even if he did make Kakashi curious in a way no one else had in years.
People who didn't follow the laws were trash, and Kakashi wouldn't let them near the people he needed to protect. He wouldn't let himself trust anyone like that again.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
It was not until Perl 5 if then that the language was suitable for writing serious programs, and yet it was already massively popular. Instead of making a conscious effort to remind oneself that the real world doesn't work that way. The result is a system like some kind of read-macro. Madam is obviously from spams beginning Dear Sir or Madam. But in those days the trade press expected versions, so we made them up. Mark Zuckerberg didn't succeed because he was an investor. But investors' opinions are a trailing indicator. Closely related to poverty is lack of social mobility. So they tend to split the difference on the issues, leaving the lower-tier investors sometimes give offers with very short fuses, because they tend to come later in the life of a hypothetical very fortunate startup as it shifts gears through successive rounds. In fact investors who reject you, but I can imagine what I'd tell them about startups if they were in college, and that's what I'm going to tell you. And as many programmers have observed since, one is very often mistaken about where these bottlenecks are.
And that sort of shift can certainly be the result of a presidential election, which makes you unattractive to investors. But Cybercash was so bad and most stores' order volumes were so low that it was better if merchants processed orders like phone orders. By unsavory I mean things that go wrong when kids grow up sufficiently poor. Back in the days of fanfold, there was a tradition of startups taking VC money, and partly because they deliberately mislead you. Norbert Wiener said if you compete with slaves you become a slave, and there needs to be able to be included in calculating the probability of the email being a spam. Presumably they already have some source of food and shelter, you probably also have something you're supposed to be the scripting language of a massively popular system. What kind of problems are those? See Greenspun's Tenth Rule. If you have to be a spam url, so submitting every http request in every email would work fine nearly all the costs are a function of the interest other VCs show in it.
According to the National Association of Business Incubators, there are a few cases where this isn't true: the urls at the bottom of mails sent from free email services like Yahoo Mail and Hotmail, for example; these evolved later, after hackers at MIT had spent a couple years before even considering using it. In the startup world, closing is not what will make you a better programmer for the rest of the text in a non-German email in that they invest exclusively in the earliest phases, a lot of time trying to predict that, so I won't repeat it all here. That wouldn't seem nearly as uncool. Ideally you want to stop getting spam. Till they do, they may find that founders have moved on. People who do good work often think that whatever they're working on is no good. A round eventually. Investors are looking for startups their bosses could invest in. Someone riding a Segway you're just standing there. Raising money is the second hardest part of starting a startup. When you have a lead. You have to produce something.
One possibility is that this custom reflects the way investors like to collude when they can achieve the same results with much more complicated models. So after this the option pool is down to 13. If you're raising money from multiple investors, a series A round, and we'll be accepting termsheets next tuesday. In the general case what counts as an interesting problem, I can fix the biggest danger right here. 3 once the company is not also the lead developer. There is an enormous difference in wealth between the household Larry Page grew up in and that of a successful startup founder, but few realized it because startups were so out of fashion. In a zero-sum games to creating wealth, as a figure of speech, into believing that is literally what's happening.
The magic ability of people who are earnest, but dull. The whole Viaweb site was made with our software, even though it wasn't an online store, and they also have more brand to preserve. I begin by reminding readers of this principle because I'm about to propose a theory that will offend both liberals and conservatives. Eliminating great variations in wealth, because as you'll see when you start. In fact there are more than fifteen words with probabilities of. If investors are easily convinced, the startup agrees to turn away other VCs for some set amount of time while this firm does the due diligence required for the deal to close even after they say yes. But as well as making programs shorter. If a lot of people who are good at generating it. Which they deserve because they're taking more risk.
One easy way to build such a whitelist is to keep a list of such words and mail containing them would automatically get past the filters. It means that if you trust your instincts, you'll make a lot of things that are very bad, like kids with no chance of reaching their potential, and others because they are arrogant, and sometimes because they're noobs clumsily attempting to mimic the toughness they've observed in experienced founders. No matter what deal you have going on, assume it will fall through. I mentally decrease my estimate of the probability. A language also needs to have a casual conversation with investors that stays casual, it's safer to tell them the best way to do that would just leave and do it somewhere else. The average founder is smarter than the average VC. That's where the name incubator comes from. VCs to put terms in an agreement whose consequences surprise founders later, and also occurs once or twice in a big program is to start with a throwaway program itself. VCs now require that in any sale they get 4x their investment back before the common stock holders that is, you get anything, but this is exactly the same shape.
Investors don't expect you to collect all that money, but you may lose a bunch of declarations. The Selling of the President 1968, Nixon knew he had less charisma than Humphrey, and thus simply refused to debate him on TV. You get the opposite of the damping that the fear/greed balance usually produces in markets. 3: investors are very random. When I was running Y Combinator I used to joke that our function was to tell founders things they would ignore. But if you get $50k from a well known VC firm would make us seem more impressive. But although it's a mistake for a startup. There is already a good deal of that spirit is, fortunately, preserved in macros. When someone buys shares in a company they discovered. The language has a small core, and powerful, highly orthogonal libraries that are as carefully designed as the core language. The work at an early stage startup often consists of unglamorous schleps. Often, indeed, it is possible to raise too much money.
After two years, the un-rapacious founder is only 3. Perl began life as a collection of utilities for generating reports, and only evolved into a programming language probably becomes about as popular as it deserves to be. So what you're trying to estimate is not just one thing. I realized why. The junior people will tend to use whatever language they were first written in, because it's rare for a program to automate some system administration task, or generate test data for a simulation, or convert data from one format to another. I say, let them; give the programmer access to as much internal stuff as you can without endangering runtime systems like the garbage collector. This is not as great as it's sometimes thought to be.
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canonicallyanxious · 7 years
2016 fanfic year in review thing???
I was tagged by @accioinvisibilitycloak. Thank you very much! I can never say no to the opportunity to egotistically brag about my own writing lol. I tag any fic writer who follows me and feels like doing this shiz. Especially @rumpelsnorcack and @boxesfullofthoughts. But everyone else too!
Total Number of Stories Completed: According to AO3, 13
Total Word Count: AO3 says 325,198 [AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD]. Again, slightly skewed because 1. The longest fic i wrote on my own, is it the right word?, was mostly written in 2015 and 2. Anywhere between 80-100k [idk though???] was actually written by Lyds as part of our collabs, most notably one lifetime with you [again, a good chunk of which was written in 2015] and everybody begs to be redeemed [but also including our amazing hersula fic all but the brightest stars which is still lowkey one of my fave things we’ve written together]. Still, taking all of that into account this puts me, like, solidly in the 100-200k range which. Like. holy shit. What even am i doing with my life
Fandoms Written In: nmtd/lll, Voltron, the get down, check please!
What’s Your Own Favorite Story of the Year? This is!! Very difficult!!! I wrote many things that I am proud of!!! Obviously anything i write with Lyds [olwy, ebtbr] is going to top the list because i just feel like writing with them really brings out the best in me [cue the cheese]. Iitrw I’m proud of because it is, in my estimation, the best novel-length thing I’ve produced in my life. And I’m super proud of i will implode with you (‘cause everything will be all right) because, like, i love holsom with all of my soul and being and i think that fic has some of my best characterization
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year? Uhhh i think i spent the whole year like pushing myself in terms of trying out different voices, different tones, different atmospheres… So on that front I’m pretty happy with the risks i took because like i tried my hand at a lot of different kinds of fic and i think it really helped me feel more confident in my versatility as a writer but also in my ability to sound like -myself- across different styles. Also I definitely took some risks in terms of the really out-there tropes/au ideas, writing things that I was interested in rather than what the fandom at large might be into. Some of which were more successful [ebtbr, all of olwyverse; do you see a trend here in terms of what I’m most proud of lol] than others [iitrw], but I’m proud of myself for taking that jump anyway.
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year? Ideally I would like to step away a little from fic this year but realistically, considering I’ve told myself for like over a year I’ll step away from fic, who knows if that will actually happen lol. Regardless i am probably going to continue writing fic but i would like to see if i can keep my projects on the shorter end [by which i mean, like, fewer than 50k words. I have high expectations for myself] so i can focus more on school, the future, etc. [aha oh boy……..]
As for profic, i do actually have some concrete goals for this year! I have an original story I’ve affectionately dubbed “delinquent lesbians” [though it’s a bit of a misnomer considering neither character involved is really a delinquent, and at least one of them is not a lesbian; i will not talk about it here but like if anyone is curious i will not object to rambling about them you just have to be Prepared for how much i can talk about them lol] that’s been tossing and turning in my head for the better part of a year i would really love to bring to life at some point. Also! I will not say too much on this topic yet because we don’t know if it will pan out, but Lydia and I are cooking up some of our own original collabs!! I am really excited, guys!!!
Best Story Of The Year? Isn’t this the same as favorite story of the year lol. I guess it’ll have to go to olwy because, like, how can it not go to my and lydia’s 130k word epic monster of a child
Most Popular Story Of The Year? the advantage of withholding your honesty zimbits soulmate au by a long shot
Story of Mine Most Under-Appreciated by The Universe, IMO: iitrw mostly just because i put over a year of work into that bad boy and happened to post it when the fandom shriveled up and died, every femslash thing I’ve ever written in my life
Most Fun Story to Write: olwy!!!! Most of my other projects were absolute hell to get through at one point or another tbqh
Story with The Single Sexiest Moment: Errr i don’t really write “sexy moments”. I guess like the closest I’ve come to is the make out scene i wrote in the fourth part of i will implode with you?? It’s, like, a paragraph lol
Most Sweet Story: I um don’t usually associate myself with “sweet” stories [see: the 130k words of magical angst in olwy, the 78k words of clone angst in iitrw, the 40k words of pacific rim angst in ebtbr; not only am i apparently incapable of writing anything other than heart wrenching tragedy, i write a whole fucking lot of it] but i guess this one would have to go to sing me, baby, home which is probably the fluffiest thing I’ve ever managed to write in my life [i still can’t believe i did something like that lol]
“Holy Crap, That’s Wrong, Even For You!” Story: No spoilers but this would probably have to go to what lydia and i did to Holster at the end of ebtbr [TO BE FAIR IT WAS THEIR IDEA but i wrote it so… yeah…]
And uh also iitrw is based on a pretty fucked up book so like. It’s a pretty fucked up fic just by nature of the beast
Story That Shifted My Own Perceptions Of The Characters: Hm. Well I’d say pretty much every fic i write changes the way i see the characters, especially if it’s the first time I’m writing them. If only because inevitably i will find a way that i can write the POV character as anxious in some capacity lol
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Okay this is kind of not specific to 2016 but honestly the fact that there are a handful of tropes i keep on beating the hell out of [STARGAZING; long distance relationship; summer romance] probably says a lot about me as a person [that i like soft night time content?? That i like things with twinges of melancholy and sadness and wistfulness?? That i grossly overuse night time/day time/star/sun imagery??? All of the above?????]. Also… i put a lot of myself and my anxiety into olwy!balth so… it might not seem like it but he’s probably the [version of the] character I’ve allowed myself to write the most like myself because i have serious problems with projecting on my faves lol. I was going to answer “the fact that i lowkey hate soulmate au’s even though i actually wrote one” but, like, that was 100% intentional and I kind of want everyone to know that
Hardest Story To Write: this is actually a hard question to answer because i struggled with, like, every single one of my major projects last year. I think in general i struggled the most with omgcp fic for some reason because like the characters’ voices are so incredibly distinct it’s hard to really capture them imo?? There was a point i almost gave up writing the soulmate au’s because they were so hard to do lol
Biggest Disappointment: That lyds and i will never be able to finish our plans for olwy verse. That we probably won’t be able to get to the sequel to ebtbr we were planning either. That I don’t have the time to turn my zimbits pride and prejudice AU into the Austen novel-length clusterfuck it was always meant to be [i hope i can expand on it at least a little more in the future though!]. That i will never write the 10 things i hate about you rosa/jaquie epic the lll fandom deserves. That i didn’t write, like, any original fic??? Seriously dude what are you doing =[
Biggest Surprise: Mostly that i was physically capable of putting out this much writing like completely for free lol. If only i could be this productive in my own real life endeavors
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kylejosephus · 6 years
15 Houses Under $50,000: May 2018 Edition
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
Ever since I started writing this particular column several years back, a funny thing has happened: I’ve started to become a magnet for cheap, old fixer-uppers. They seem to come to me in my sleep. They arrive daily in my inbox. People have even stopped me on the street to tell me about them. (Yes, this IS my dream-come-true, in case you were wondering.) It occurred to me one day that I’m aware of more cheap old house listings than I know what to do with, so I started a special Instagram feed @cheapoldhouses as a place to share them with others who can’t get enough fixer-upper eye candy. The feed has done so well that I’ve taken a short hiatus from our standard 10 Under 50K post on CIRCA. But I’m back now, ready to share with you a handful of the most gorgeous homes for sale under $50K that are ready and waiting for your TLC.   (If you come across any beautiful old houses for sale for under $50,000, send them along to us at [email protected])   Also… We don’t personally represent any of these homes. We’ve provided a link back to the original listing in the description for each home. Click through if you’re looking for more information!    
1  136 Chestnut St, Danville, VA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Friends of the Old West End   $44,420   Exterior painting and repairs are already underway on this unique Queen Anne style cottage. Built in 1891, the cottage was updated in the 1920s adding the porch lattice and a rear addition for a “modern” kitchen. Overall, the condition of the structure is very good, with nearly all architectural features intact and restorable. In addition to its decorative trim, the front porch is graced by a stained bead board ceiling in good condition. The front entry door features a fanlight transom. A fifteen light front door and six light side panels complete the front entry. The house retains five arts and crafts fireplace mantles with their cast iron surrounds and decorative doors. Bead board wainscoting is present in the entry hall and dining room. A nice rear yard completes the picture. Tentative architectural plans call for keeping the original four front rooms intact as a living room (or study), dining room, family room, and master bedroom. Those plans also suggest incorporating a new master bath and walk in closet, two bedrooms with generous closets, hall bath, kitchen with breakfast area, and a laundry closet in the rear. Those plans are freely available to prospective purchasers. But hurry before the Danville land bank completes the interior themselves. This one is truly a find. The cottage was originally built by Herbert Lee Boatwright, a local tobacconist. A successful businessman, Boatwright later owned one of the Millionaires’ Row mansions just a few hundred feet away. Boatwright’s sons were known for their excellent marriages – one to the daughter of a U.S. Senator and the other to the daughter of Virginia’s governor. Rehab and occupancy covenants required. Brokers protected. This property is located in the Old West End (OWE) National Historic District. One of five National Register districts in Danville, Virginia, the OWE boasts the finest and most concentrated collection of Victorian and Edwardian architecture anywhere in the Commonwealth. But it’s not just the architecture. Located adjacent to our city’s flourishing downtown River District, the Old West End is a community of friendly people with a passion for preservation and restoration. Make your home in our welcoming neighborhood and our just-right city. It’s nicer here. Come join us.  
        2  411 Broad St, Camden, AL   Source: RE/MAX Tristar   $36,000   MAKE IT YOUR OWN!!! Located on Broad Street close to downtown Camden, this home needs love and it can become a treasure!!! It offers two living areas, large eat-in-kitchen, 2 Bedrooms, and Storage Room downstairs, with 1 Bedroom upstairs. Also, upstairs is room to expand, if needed. The property includes a 1 Bedroom Apartment joined with open patio. Come see this home and be sure to notice the ancient Magnolias either side of the walkway! Current taxes: $349.47  
          3  106 Gorham St, Fayette, OH   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Welles Bowen Realty   $45,000   Victorian style home waiting for your finishing touches. Bed & Breakfast home features 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. Built in 1862, present owner re-wired house after it was purchased in 1998. Double lot with mature shade trees.  
        4  292 Main St, Florida, NY   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Copper Cove Realty   $28,000   Own a piece of local history! Former school converted into a single family home. In need of much TLC – needs extensive foundation and interior repair. No heating system or kitchen. Plumbing & electrical need a lot of work. It will take a solid investment, & a lot of dedication to bring this old house back to life! Ideal for someone interested in a labor of love, could be perfect for an art or photography studio. Building consists of (3) 22×30′ rooms & (3) 16×10′ rooms. Property is sold “AS IS”!  
        5  23 W Washington St, Grafton, WV   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $49,999   This historical Victorian is one block from the Mother’s Day Shine in Grafton, WV. Grafton is also the home of Anna Jarvis, founder of Mother’s day. The layout of this home would suit it perfectly for a bread and breakfast. Top floor is a two bedroom apartment with it’s own entrance. Each level of this three story home has it’s own outside entrance. There are six fire places, five with the original mantles. Renovating this home is a big project and only the truly dedicated need apply. $49,999 as is or $69,900 with a new metal roof which I am waiting for contractors to start. $5,000 down balance over 20 years at 12%APR with no prepayment penalties for paying off early. There is the possibility of purchasing additional properties around near the home for expansion & parking. This is not a to own this is a sale on a deed of trust. Qualified buyers only. Easy financing.  
        6  590Z Ch. de l’Église, Saint-Armand, Quebec, Canada   Source: zonevendu.com, courtesy of Olivier Maurice   $25,000 CAD   Unique project! Opportunity to convert this church into an incredible living space. Rare opportunity on the market.  
        7  133 Lock St, Lockport, NY   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $24,000   The Stickney house is a 2 1/2 story stone house located on a double wide lot with the original Gasport limestone carriage block and octagonal hitching post still intact. The home is in a quiet neighbourhood just a few minutes walk from the Lockport locks, lake effect ice cream, Steam works coffee etc. Some renovations have been completed, but much more is needed!  
        8  307 Halifax St, Warrenton, NC   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Preservation North Carolina   $30,000   Exuberant display of elaborate woodwork; picturesque setting on a hill among some of the finest homes in Warrenton! Early 20th century homage to some of Warren County’s finest 19th century houses. It’s exuberant display of elaborate interior and exterior features run the gamut of Georgian, Federal and Greek Revival styles. Built in 1932 by Janice and Peter Seaman, who was in the lumber business and a skilled woodworker, the Seaman House is a testament to their appreciation of architectural refinement. Decades of neglect have resulted in severe water damage and collapsed floors. The house will need all new electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems, structural repair, roofing, a new kitchen and bathrooms. The house is located in the National Register district and may be eligible for tax credits. Though the property is overgrown, the house and outbuildings fading, it doesn’t take much imagination to see the beauty and quality of the estate. The outstanding woodwork and spacious well-laid out rooms within a stately house situated on a slight rise with mature trees and boxwoods calls out to be preserved. Warrenton is about a 1-hour drive from Raleigh via US Routes 1 or 401; an hour from Durham via I-85 and about two hours from Richmond, VA via I-95 to I-85.  
        9  2474 Napier Ave, Macon, GA   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $40,000   Designed and built by famous Macon architect Alexander Blair, who designed Macon?s Grand Opera House, this Napier Heights home was Blair?s personal residence until the mid-20th century. Retains historic features – parquet floors, mantels, and trim. Sold AS-IS, requires rehabilitation and comes with single-family, owner-occupied covenants.  
        10  612 Sherrod Ave W, Covington, TN   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Property Place   $40,000   ***INVESTOR SPECIAL*** Home is being: *Sold AS-IS *WHERE-IS * *Termite Damage* Home will have to be completely renovated. This home is located on a big beautiful lot and back yard is fenced. Home features aprox. 12 ft. ceilings down stairs, formal living and dining room, big kitchen.Beautiful wood trim downstairs and pocket doors. Front porch and back deck not in good shape. Please, be careful getting to front doorand some floors in bad condition. Caution enter at your own risk.  
        11  4595 Hwy 18, Rose Hill, M   Source: Realtor, courtesy of J.E. SMITH REAL ESTATE   $40,000   Home is 115 years old according to tax records. Very nice older home place. Home has 14′ ceilings , interior is basically all wood ceilings, floors, and walls.  
        12  413 N. Bond Street, Plains, GA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of CENTURY 21 Americus Realty, Inc.   $48,000   Single Family Detached – Pretty 3 bedroom 3 bath home located in Plains, GA adjoining Pres. Carter’s farm. This home offers large porches for relaxing afternoons and morning coffee. This home offers updated baths and kitchen, hardwood flooring specialty wood walls and several fireplaces. Needs a little paint, repairing and plenty of love! Large private lot. Take advantage of this unique property. Call Mary Kathryn 229-938-8541.  
        13  6865 Nc Highway 94, Fairfield, NC   Source: Coldwell Banker Coastal Rivers Realty   $39,900   One of the oldest homes in Fairfield just minutes to Lake Mattamuskeet. This piece of history deserves some TLC. Cypress built with original heart pine floors in 1809. They don”t build them like this anymore! Large .65 acre lot boasts mature trees which provide plenty of shade. The home has 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen, foyer and parlor/living room. Back porch is enclosed. Front porch is covered.  
        15  702 Mulberry St, Louisville, GA   Source: The Georgia Trust   $15,000   The Little House in Louisville, GA is a rare grand example of residential Gothic Revival construction in Georgia. With 5,200 square feet situated on .66 acres, the house was built in 1876 at an estimated cost of $4,000 and features remarkable detailing both on the interior and exterior. The first floor features a dramatic central stair with original curved handrail, 15 foot ceilings, etched glass transoms over interior doors, and full height windows that open onto a full wrap around porch. Plaster crown and frieze are intact where visible, although drop down ceiling tiles and water damage has obscured the detailing in some rooms. The upstairs features four well sized rooms with simpler detailing. Original mantels and hardware are found throughout. There are two symmetrical additions on the rear of the house, including a large kitchen area. Located one block from the historic commercial district, the house would lend itself to use as a bed-and-breakfast or professional office space, as well as a private residence. The Little House is endangered by significant leaks in the roof, left unattended for several years. Rehabilitation will require significant investment of time and capital. A new roof is an immediate need, along with repair of water damage. The exterior siding and detail require inspection, repair, and paint. All systems, including electrical, plumbing, and HVAC will need to be repaired and updated. The Louisville Downtown Development Authority recently gained control of the property with the goal of stabilizing and saving the house. The DDA has temporarily patched the roof to prevent further deterioration.  
        Bonus #1  848 Vine St, Poplar Bluff, MO   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Mossy Oak Properties Mozark Realty   $39,900   Known as the “Castle on Vine”, this one-of-a kind Victorian style home is rich in Poplar Bluff history and is a clean slate to add your own personalization. Channel your inner Chip and Joanna to make this a great Bed & Breakfast, Boutique, Museum or venue. The electric has been updated on the main level. This home is part of the Missouri Preservation Society and can be tax deductible to restore.  
        Bonus #2  2798 Batesburg Hwy, Batesburg, SC   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Covenant One Realty & Etown Realty   $29,900   Full of potential! Looking to rehab or are you an investor looking for that next income producing property? This is iconic property has so much to offer for the buyer who’s ready to put the work into it. Home is in need of total renovation, inside and out. Great thing is the septic system is about a year old and the well is in great working order. The lot has been recently surveyed with new plat and corners marked. Second level is currently unfinished but if finished could potentially bring the square footage to over 3,000 sqft. Property has been cleared of all debris, downed trees and dozens of tree stumps. Also has a detached 2 car garage. Call agent to schedule all showings!  
        Bonus #3  3088 State Route 145, Preston Hollow, NY   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Country Views Realty Inc.   $39,900   This 3 bed 1.5 ba home is waiting to be brought back to its former glory. Originally the Parsonage for the Preston Hollow Baptist Church, it has the character you would expect from this era. On the exterior, period architecture can be seen on the roof & window cornices, paneled front door and bluestone sidewalks. Inside, arched doorways, tin ceilings & wood floors are in the parlors. Beautiful wood newel post & railings. Lots of natural light. Summer kitchen w/vaulted ceilings can be an office etc.  
    Love cheap, beautiful old houses?
  Follow CIRCA’s Instagram feed at @CheapOldHouses, on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”        
from House Retoration Tips https://circaoldhouses.com/15-houses-under-50000-may-2018-edition/
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cristinkgarzaky · 6 years
15 Houses Under $50,000: May 2018 Edition
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
Ever since I started writing this particular column several years back, a funny thing has happened: I’ve started to become a magnet for cheap, old fixer-uppers. They seem to come to me in my sleep. They arrive daily in my inbox. People have even stopped me on the street to tell me about them. (Yes, this IS my dream-come-true, in case you were wondering.) It occurred to me one day that I’m aware of more cheap old house listings than I know what to do with, so I started a special Instagram feed @cheapoldhouses as a place to share them with others who can’t get enough fixer-upper eye candy. The feed has done so well that I’ve taken a short hiatus from our standard 10 Under 50K post on CIRCA. But I’m back now, ready to share with you a handful of the most gorgeous homes for sale under $50K that are ready and waiting for your TLC.   (If you come across any beautiful old houses for sale for under $50,000, send them along to us at [email protected])   Also… We don’t personally represent any of these homes. We’ve provided a link back to the original listing in the description for each home. Click through if you’re looking for more information!    
1  136 Chestnut St, Danville, VA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Friends of the Old West End   $44,420   Exterior painting and repairs are already underway on this unique Queen Anne style cottage. Built in 1891, the cottage was updated in the 1920s adding the porch lattice and a rear addition for a “modern” kitchen. Overall, the condition of the structure is very good, with nearly all architectural features intact and restorable. In addition to its decorative trim, the front porch is graced by a stained bead board ceiling in good condition. The front entry door features a fanlight transom. A fifteen light front door and six light side panels complete the front entry. The house retains five arts and crafts fireplace mantles with their cast iron surrounds and decorative doors. Bead board wainscoting is present in the entry hall and dining room. A nice rear yard completes the picture. Tentative architectural plans call for keeping the original four front rooms intact as a living room (or study), dining room, family room, and master bedroom. Those plans also suggest incorporating a new master bath and walk in closet, two bedrooms with generous closets, hall bath, kitchen with breakfast area, and a laundry closet in the rear. Those plans are freely available to prospective purchasers. But hurry before the Danville land bank completes the interior themselves. This one is truly a find. The cottage was originally built by Herbert Lee Boatwright, a local tobacconist. A successful businessman, Boatwright later owned one of the Millionaires’ Row mansions just a few hundred feet away. Boatwright’s sons were known for their excellent marriages – one to the daughter of a U.S. Senator and the other to the daughter of Virginia’s governor. Rehab and occupancy covenants required. Brokers protected. This property is located in the Old West End (OWE) National Historic District. One of five National Register districts in Danville, Virginia, the OWE boasts the finest and most concentrated collection of Victorian and Edwardian architecture anywhere in the Commonwealth. But it’s not just the architecture. Located adjacent to our city’s flourishing downtown River District, the Old West End is a community of friendly people with a passion for preservation and restoration. Make your home in our welcoming neighborhood and our just-right city. It’s nicer here. Come join us.  
        2  411 Broad St, Camden, AL   Source: RE/MAX Tristar   $36,000   MAKE IT YOUR OWN!!! Located on Broad Street close to downtown Camden, this home needs love and it can become a treasure!!! It offers two living areas, large eat-in-kitchen, 2 Bedrooms, and Storage Room downstairs, with 1 Bedroom upstairs. Also, upstairs is room to expand, if needed. The property includes a 1 Bedroom Apartment joined with open patio. Come see this home and be sure to notice the ancient Magnolias either side of the walkway! Current taxes: $349.47  
          3  106 Gorham St, Fayette, OH   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Welles Bowen Realty   $45,000   Victorian style home waiting for your finishing touches. Bed & Breakfast home features 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. Built in 1862, present owner re-wired house after it was purchased in 1998. Double lot with mature shade trees.  
        4  292 Main St, Florida, NY   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Copper Cove Realty   $28,000   Own a piece of local history! Former school converted into a single family home. In need of much TLC – needs extensive foundation and interior repair. No heating system or kitchen. Plumbing & electrical need a lot of work. It will take a solid investment, & a lot of dedication to bring this old house back to life! Ideal for someone interested in a labor of love, could be perfect for an art or photography studio. Building consists of (3) 22×30′ rooms & (3) 16×10′ rooms. Property is sold “AS IS”!  
        5  23 W Washington St, Grafton, WV   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $49,999   This historical Victorian is one block from the Mother’s Day Shine in Grafton, WV. Grafton is also the home of Anna Jarvis, founder of Mother’s day. The layout of this home would suit it perfectly for a bread and breakfast. Top floor is a two bedroom apartment with it’s own entrance. Each level of this three story home has it’s own outside entrance. There are six fire places, five with the original mantles. Renovating this home is a big project and only the truly dedicated need apply. $49,999 as is or $69,900 with a new metal roof which I am waiting for contractors to start. $5,000 down balance over 20 years at 12%APR with no prepayment penalties for paying off early. There is the possibility of purchasing additional properties around near the home for expansion & parking. This is not a to own this is a sale on a deed of trust. Qualified buyers only. Easy financing.  
        6  590Z Ch. de l’Église, Saint-Armand, Quebec, Canada   Source: zonevendu.com, courtesy of Olivier Maurice   $25,000 CAD   Unique project! Opportunity to convert this church into an incredible living space. Rare opportunity on the market.  
        7  133 Lock St, Lockport, NY   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $24,000   The Stickney house is a 2 1/2 story stone house located on a double wide lot with the original Gasport limestone carriage block and octagonal hitching post still intact. The home is in a quiet neighbourhood just a few minutes walk from the Lockport locks, lake effect ice cream, Steam works coffee etc. Some renovations have been completed, but much more is needed!  
        8  307 Halifax St, Warrenton, NC   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Preservation North Carolina   $30,000   Exuberant display of elaborate woodwork; picturesque setting on a hill among some of the finest homes in Warrenton! Early 20th century homage to some of Warren County’s finest 19th century houses. It’s exuberant display of elaborate interior and exterior features run the gamut of Georgian, Federal and Greek Revival styles. Built in 1932 by Janice and Peter Seaman, who was in the lumber business and a skilled woodworker, the Seaman House is a testament to their appreciation of architectural refinement. Decades of neglect have resulted in severe water damage and collapsed floors. The house will need all new electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems, structural repair, roofing, a new kitchen and bathrooms. The house is located in the National Register district and may be eligible for tax credits. Though the property is overgrown, the house and outbuildings fading, it doesn’t take much imagination to see the beauty and quality of the estate. The outstanding woodwork and spacious well-laid out rooms within a stately house situated on a slight rise with mature trees and boxwoods calls out to be preserved. Warrenton is about a 1-hour drive from Raleigh via US Routes 1 or 401; an hour from Durham via I-85 and about two hours from Richmond, VA via I-95 to I-85.  
        9  2474 Napier Ave, Macon, GA   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $40,000   Designed and built by famous Macon architect Alexander Blair, who designed Macon?s Grand Opera House, this Napier Heights home was Blair?s personal residence until the mid-20th century. Retains historic features – parquet floors, mantels, and trim. Sold AS-IS, requires rehabilitation and comes with single-family, owner-occupied covenants.  
        10  612 Sherrod Ave W, Covington, TN   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Property Place   $40,000   ***INVESTOR SPECIAL*** Home is being: *Sold AS-IS *WHERE-IS * *Termite Damage* Home will have to be completely renovated. This home is located on a big beautiful lot and back yard is fenced. Home features aprox. 12 ft. ceilings down stairs, formal living and dining room, big kitchen.Beautiful wood trim downstairs and pocket doors. Front porch and back deck not in good shape. Please, be careful getting to front doorand some floors in bad condition. Caution enter at your own risk.  
        11  4595 Hwy 18, Rose Hill, M   Source: Realtor, courtesy of J.E. SMITH REAL ESTATE   $40,000   Home is 115 years old according to tax records. Very nice older home place. Home has 14′ ceilings , interior is basically all wood ceilings, floors, and walls.  
        12  413 N. Bond Street, Plains, GA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of CENTURY 21 Americus Realty, Inc.   $48,000   Single Family Detached – Pretty 3 bedroom 3 bath home located in Plains, GA adjoining Pres. Carter’s farm. This home offers large porches for relaxing afternoons and morning coffee. This home offers updated baths and kitchen, hardwood flooring specialty wood walls and several fireplaces. Needs a little paint, repairing and plenty of love! Large private lot. Take advantage of this unique property. Call Mary Kathryn 229-938-8541.  
        13  6865 Nc Highway 94, Fairfield, NC   Source: Coldwell Banker Coastal Rivers Realty   $39,900   One of the oldest homes in Fairfield just minutes to Lake Mattamuskeet. This piece of history deserves some TLC. Cypress built with original heart pine floors in 1809. They don”t build them like this anymore! Large .65 acre lot boasts mature trees which provide plenty of shade. The home has 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen, foyer and parlor/living room. Back porch is enclosed. Front porch is covered.  
        15  702 Mulberry St, Louisville, GA   Source: The Georgia Trust   $15,000   The Little House in Louisville, GA is a rare grand example of residential Gothic Revival construction in Georgia. With 5,200 square feet situated on .66 acres, the house was built in 1876 at an estimated cost of $4,000 and features remarkable detailing both on the interior and exterior. The first floor features a dramatic central stair with original curved handrail, 15 foot ceilings, etched glass transoms over interior doors, and full height windows that open onto a full wrap around porch. Plaster crown and frieze are intact where visible, although drop down ceiling tiles and water damage has obscured the detailing in some rooms. The upstairs features four well sized rooms with simpler detailing. Original mantels and hardware are found throughout. There are two symmetrical additions on the rear of the house, including a large kitchen area. Located one block from the historic commercial district, the house would lend itself to use as a bed-and-breakfast or professional office space, as well as a private residence. The Little House is endangered by significant leaks in the roof, left unattended for several years. Rehabilitation will require significant investment of time and capital. A new roof is an immediate need, along with repair of water damage. The exterior siding and detail require inspection, repair, and paint. All systems, including electrical, plumbing, and HVAC will need to be repaired and updated. The Louisville Downtown Development Authority recently gained control of the property with the goal of stabilizing and saving the house. The DDA has temporarily patched the roof to prevent further deterioration.  
        Bonus #1  848 Vine St, Poplar Bluff, MO   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Mossy Oak Properties Mozark Realty   $39,900   Known as the “Castle on Vine”, this one-of-a kind Victorian style home is rich in Poplar Bluff history and is a clean slate to add your own personalization. Channel your inner Chip and Joanna to make this a great Bed & Breakfast, Boutique, Museum or venue. The electric has been updated on the main level. This home is part of the Missouri Preservation Society and can be tax deductible to restore.  
        Bonus #2  2798 Batesburg Hwy, Batesburg, SC   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Covenant One Realty & Etown Realty   $29,900   Full of potential! Looking to rehab or are you an investor looking for that next income producing property? This is iconic property has so much to offer for the buyer who’s ready to put the work into it. Home is in need of total renovation, inside and out. Great thing is the septic system is about a year old and the well is in great working order. The lot has been recently surveyed with new plat and corners marked. Second level is currently unfinished but if finished could potentially bring the square footage to over 3,000 sqft. Property has been cleared of all debris, downed trees and dozens of tree stumps. Also has a detached 2 car garage. Call agent to schedule all showings!  
        Bonus #3  3088 State Route 145, Preston Hollow, NY   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Country Views Realty Inc.   $39,900   This 3 bed 1.5 ba home is waiting to be brought back to its former glory. Originally the Parsonage for the Preston Hollow Baptist Church, it has the character you would expect from this era. On the exterior, period architecture can be seen on the roof & window cornices, paneled front door and bluestone sidewalks. Inside, arched doorways, tin ceilings & wood floors are in the parlors. Beautiful wood newel post & railings. Lots of natural light. Summer kitchen w/vaulted ceilings can be an office etc.  
    Love cheap, beautiful old houses?
  Follow CIRCA’s Instagram feed at @CheapOldHouses, on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”        
from House Retoration Tips https://circaoldhouses.com/15-houses-under-50000-may-2018-edition/
0 notes
juliasmathewus · 6 years
15 Houses Under $50,000: May 2018 Edition
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
Ever since I started writing this particular column several years back, a funny thing has happened: I’ve started to become a magnet for cheap, old fixer-uppers. They seem to come to me in my sleep. They arrive daily in my inbox. People have even stopped me on the street to tell me about them. (Yes, this IS my dream-come-true, in case you were wondering.) It occurred to me one day that I’m aware of more cheap old house listings than I know what to do with, so I started a special Instagram feed @cheapoldhouses as a place to share them with others who can’t get enough fixer-upper eye candy. The feed has done so well that I’ve taken a short hiatus from our standard 10 Under 50K post on CIRCA. But I’m back now, ready to share with you a handful of the most gorgeous homes for sale under $50K that are ready and waiting for your TLC.   (If you come across any beautiful old houses for sale for under $50,000, send them along to us at [email protected])   Also… We don’t personally represent any of these homes. We’ve provided a link back to the original listing in the description for each home. Click through if you’re looking for more information!    
1  136 Chestnut St, Danville, VA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Friends of the Old West End   $44,420   Exterior painting and repairs are already underway on this unique Queen Anne style cottage. Built in 1891, the cottage was updated in the 1920s adding the porch lattice and a rear addition for a “modern” kitchen. Overall, the condition of the structure is very good, with nearly all architectural features intact and restorable. In addition to its decorative trim, the front porch is graced by a stained bead board ceiling in good condition. The front entry door features a fanlight transom. A fifteen light front door and six light side panels complete the front entry. The house retains five arts and crafts fireplace mantles with their cast iron surrounds and decorative doors. Bead board wainscoting is present in the entry hall and dining room. A nice rear yard completes the picture. Tentative architectural plans call for keeping the original four front rooms intact as a living room (or study), dining room, family room, and master bedroom. Those plans also suggest incorporating a new master bath and walk in closet, two bedrooms with generous closets, hall bath, kitchen with breakfast area, and a laundry closet in the rear. Those plans are freely available to prospective purchasers. But hurry before the Danville land bank completes the interior themselves. This one is truly a find. The cottage was originally built by Herbert Lee Boatwright, a local tobacconist. A successful businessman, Boatwright later owned one of the Millionaires’ Row mansions just a few hundred feet away. Boatwright’s sons were known for their excellent marriages – one to the daughter of a U.S. Senator and the other to the daughter of Virginia’s governor. Rehab and occupancy covenants required. Brokers protected. This property is located in the Old West End (OWE) National Historic District. One of five National Register districts in Danville, Virginia, the OWE boasts the finest and most concentrated collection of Victorian and Edwardian architecture anywhere in the Commonwealth. But it’s not just the architecture. Located adjacent to our city’s flourishing downtown River District, the Old West End is a community of friendly people with a passion for preservation and restoration. Make your home in our welcoming neighborhood and our just-right city. It’s nicer here. Come join us.  
        2  411 Broad St, Camden, AL   Source: RE/MAX Tristar   $36,000   MAKE IT YOUR OWN!!! Located on Broad Street close to downtown Camden, this home needs love and it can become a treasure!!! It offers two living areas, large eat-in-kitchen, 2 Bedrooms, and Storage Room downstairs, with 1 Bedroom upstairs. Also, upstairs is room to expand, if needed. The property includes a 1 Bedroom Apartment joined with open patio. Come see this home and be sure to notice the ancient Magnolias either side of the walkway! Current taxes: $349.47  
          3  106 Gorham St, Fayette, OH   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Welles Bowen Realty   $45,000   Victorian style home waiting for your finishing touches. Bed & Breakfast home features 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. Built in 1862, present owner re-wired house after it was purchased in 1998. Double lot with mature shade trees.  
        4  292 Main St, Florida, NY   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Copper Cove Realty   $28,000   Own a piece of local history! Former school converted into a single family home. In need of much TLC – needs extensive foundation and interior repair. No heating system or kitchen. Plumbing & electrical need a lot of work. It will take a solid investment, & a lot of dedication to bring this old house back to life! Ideal for someone interested in a labor of love, could be perfect for an art or photography studio. Building consists of (3) 22×30′ rooms & (3) 16×10′ rooms. Property is sold “AS IS”!  
        5  23 W Washington St, Grafton, WV   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $49,999   This historical Victorian is one block from the Mother’s Day Shine in Grafton, WV. Grafton is also the home of Anna Jarvis, founder of Mother’s day. The layout of this home would suit it perfectly for a bread and breakfast. Top floor is a two bedroom apartment with it’s own entrance. Each level of this three story home has it’s own outside entrance. There are six fire places, five with the original mantles. Renovating this home is a big project and only the truly dedicated need apply. $49,999 as is or $69,900 with a new metal roof which I am waiting for contractors to start. $5,000 down balance over 20 years at 12%APR with no prepayment penalties for paying off early. There is the possibility of purchasing additional properties around near the home for expansion & parking. This is not a to own this is a sale on a deed of trust. Qualified buyers only. Easy financing.  
        6  590Z Ch. de l’Église, Saint-Armand, Quebec, Canada   Source: zonevendu.com, courtesy of Olivier Maurice   $25,000 CAD   Unique project! Opportunity to convert this church into an incredible living space. Rare opportunity on the market.  
        7  133 Lock St, Lockport, NY   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $24,000   The Stickney house is a 2 1/2 story stone house located on a double wide lot with the original Gasport limestone carriage block and octagonal hitching post still intact. The home is in a quiet neighbourhood just a few minutes walk from the Lockport locks, lake effect ice cream, Steam works coffee etc. Some renovations have been completed, but much more is needed!  
        8  307 Halifax St, Warrenton, NC   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Preservation North Carolina   $30,000   Exuberant display of elaborate woodwork; picturesque setting on a hill among some of the finest homes in Warrenton! Early 20th century homage to some of Warren County’s finest 19th century houses. It’s exuberant display of elaborate interior and exterior features run the gamut of Georgian, Federal and Greek Revival styles. Built in 1932 by Janice and Peter Seaman, who was in the lumber business and a skilled woodworker, the Seaman House is a testament to their appreciation of architectural refinement. Decades of neglect have resulted in severe water damage and collapsed floors. The house will need all new electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems, structural repair, roofing, a new kitchen and bathrooms. The house is located in the National Register district and may be eligible for tax credits. Though the property is overgrown, the house and outbuildings fading, it doesn’t take much imagination to see the beauty and quality of the estate. The outstanding woodwork and spacious well-laid out rooms within a stately house situated on a slight rise with mature trees and boxwoods calls out to be preserved. Warrenton is about a 1-hour drive from Raleigh via US Routes 1 or 401; an hour from Durham via I-85 and about two hours from Richmond, VA via I-95 to I-85.  
        9  2474 Napier Ave, Macon, GA   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $40,000   Designed and built by famous Macon architect Alexander Blair, who designed Macon?s Grand Opera House, this Napier Heights home was Blair?s personal residence until the mid-20th century. Retains historic features – parquet floors, mantels, and trim. Sold AS-IS, requires rehabilitation and comes with single-family, owner-occupied covenants.  
        10  612 Sherrod Ave W, Covington, TN   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Property Place   $40,000   ***INVESTOR SPECIAL*** Home is being: *Sold AS-IS *WHERE-IS * *Termite Damage* Home will have to be completely renovated. This home is located on a big beautiful lot and back yard is fenced. Home features aprox. 12 ft. ceilings down stairs, formal living and dining room, big kitchen.Beautiful wood trim downstairs and pocket doors. Front porch and back deck not in good shape. Please, be careful getting to front doorand some floors in bad condition. Caution enter at your own risk.  
        11  4595 Hwy 18, Rose Hill, M   Source: Realtor, courtesy of J.E. SMITH REAL ESTATE   $40,000   Home is 115 years old according to tax records. Very nice older home place. Home has 14′ ceilings , interior is basically all wood ceilings, floors, and walls.  
        12  413 N. Bond Street, Plains, GA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of CENTURY 21 Americus Realty, Inc.   $48,000   Single Family Detached – Pretty 3 bedroom 3 bath home located in Plains, GA adjoining Pres. Carter’s farm. This home offers large porches for relaxing afternoons and morning coffee. This home offers updated baths and kitchen, hardwood flooring specialty wood walls and several fireplaces. Needs a little paint, repairing and plenty of love! Large private lot. Take advantage of this unique property. Call Mary Kathryn 229-938-8541.  
        13  6865 Nc Highway 94, Fairfield, NC   Source: Coldwell Banker Coastal Rivers Realty   $39,900   One of the oldest homes in Fairfield just minutes to Lake Mattamuskeet. This piece of history deserves some TLC. Cypress built with original heart pine floors in 1809. They don”t build them like this anymore! Large .65 acre lot boasts mature trees which provide plenty of shade. The home has 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen, foyer and parlor/living room. Back porch is enclosed. Front porch is covered.  
        15  702 Mulberry St, Louisville, GA   Source: The Georgia Trust   $15,000   The Little House in Louisville, GA is a rare grand example of residential Gothic Revival construction in Georgia. With 5,200 square feet situated on .66 acres, the house was built in 1876 at an estimated cost of $4,000 and features remarkable detailing both on the interior and exterior. The first floor features a dramatic central stair with original curved handrail, 15 foot ceilings, etched glass transoms over interior doors, and full height windows that open onto a full wrap around porch. Plaster crown and frieze are intact where visible, although drop down ceiling tiles and water damage has obscured the detailing in some rooms. The upstairs features four well sized rooms with simpler detailing. Original mantels and hardware are found throughout. There are two symmetrical additions on the rear of the house, including a large kitchen area. Located one block from the historic commercial district, the house would lend itself to use as a bed-and-breakfast or professional office space, as well as a private residence. The Little House is endangered by significant leaks in the roof, left unattended for several years. Rehabilitation will require significant investment of time and capital. A new roof is an immediate need, along with repair of water damage. The exterior siding and detail require inspection, repair, and paint. All systems, including electrical, plumbing, and HVAC will need to be repaired and updated. The Louisville Downtown Development Authority recently gained control of the property with the goal of stabilizing and saving the house. The DDA has temporarily patched the roof to prevent further deterioration.  
        Bonus #1  848 Vine St, Poplar Bluff, MO   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Mossy Oak Properties Mozark Realty   $39,900   Known as the “Castle on Vine”, this one-of-a kind Victorian style home is rich in Poplar Bluff history and is a clean slate to add your own personalization. Channel your inner Chip and Joanna to make this a great Bed & Breakfast, Boutique, Museum or venue. The electric has been updated on the main level. This home is part of the Missouri Preservation Society and can be tax deductible to restore.  
        Bonus #2  2798 Batesburg Hwy, Batesburg, SC   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Covenant One Realty & Etown Realty   $29,900   Full of potential! Looking to rehab or are you an investor looking for that next income producing property? This is iconic property has so much to offer for the buyer who’s ready to put the work into it. Home is in need of total renovation, inside and out. Great thing is the septic system is about a year old and the well is in great working order. The lot has been recently surveyed with new plat and corners marked. Second level is currently unfinished but if finished could potentially bring the square footage to over 3,000 sqft. Property has been cleared of all debris, downed trees and dozens of tree stumps. Also has a detached 2 car garage. Call agent to schedule all showings!  
        Bonus #3  3088 State Route 145, Preston Hollow, NY   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Country Views Realty Inc.   $39,900   This 3 bed 1.5 ba home is waiting to be brought back to its former glory. Originally the Parsonage for the Preston Hollow Baptist Church, it has the character you would expect from this era. On the exterior, period architecture can be seen on the roof & window cornices, paneled front door and bluestone sidewalks. Inside, arched doorways, tin ceilings & wood floors are in the parlors. Beautiful wood newel post & railings. Lots of natural light. Summer kitchen w/vaulted ceilings can be an office etc.  
    Love cheap, beautiful old houses?
  Follow CIRCA’s Instagram feed at @CheapOldHouses, on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”        
from Home Decoration Ideas https://circaoldhouses.com/15-houses-under-50000-may-2018-edition/
0 notes
tinaparkerusa · 6 years
15 Houses Under $50,000: May 2018 Edition
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
Ever since I started writing this particular column several years back, a funny thing has happened: I’ve started to become a magnet for cheap, old fixer-uppers. They seem to come to me in my sleep. They arrive daily in my inbox. People have even stopped me on the street to tell me about them. (Yes, this IS my dream-come-true, in case you were wondering.) It occurred to me one day that I’m aware of more cheap old house listings than I know what to do with, so I started a special Instagram feed @cheapoldhouses as a place to share them with others who can’t get enough fixer-upper eye candy. The feed has done so well that I’ve taken a short hiatus from our standard 10 Under 50K post on CIRCA. But I’m back now, ready to share with you a handful of the most gorgeous homes for sale under $50K that are ready and waiting for your TLC.   (If you come across any beautiful old houses for sale for under $50,000, send them along to us at [email protected])   Also… We don’t personally represent any of these homes. We’ve provided a link back to the original listing in the description for each home. Click through if you’re looking for more information!    
1  136 Chestnut St, Danville, VA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Friends of the Old West End   $44,420   Exterior painting and repairs are already underway on this unique Queen Anne style cottage. Built in 1891, the cottage was updated in the 1920s adding the porch lattice and a rear addition for a “modern” kitchen. Overall, the condition of the structure is very good, with nearly all architectural features intact and restorable. In addition to its decorative trim, the front porch is graced by a stained bead board ceiling in good condition. The front entry door features a fanlight transom. A fifteen light front door and six light side panels complete the front entry. The house retains five arts and crafts fireplace mantles with their cast iron surrounds and decorative doors. Bead board wainscoting is present in the entry hall and dining room. A nice rear yard completes the picture. Tentative architectural plans call for keeping the original four front rooms intact as a living room (or study), dining room, family room, and master bedroom. Those plans also suggest incorporating a new master bath and walk in closet, two bedrooms with generous closets, hall bath, kitchen with breakfast area, and a laundry closet in the rear. Those plans are freely available to prospective purchasers. But hurry before the Danville land bank completes the interior themselves. This one is truly a find. The cottage was originally built by Herbert Lee Boatwright, a local tobacconist. A successful businessman, Boatwright later owned one of the Millionaires’ Row mansions just a few hundred feet away. Boatwright’s sons were known for their excellent marriages – one to the daughter of a U.S. Senator and the other to the daughter of Virginia’s governor. Rehab and occupancy covenants required. Brokers protected. This property is located in the Old West End (OWE) National Historic District. One of five National Register districts in Danville, Virginia, the OWE boasts the finest and most concentrated collection of Victorian and Edwardian architecture anywhere in the Commonwealth. But it’s not just the architecture. Located adjacent to our city’s flourishing downtown River District, the Old West End is a community of friendly people with a passion for preservation and restoration. Make your home in our welcoming neighborhood and our just-right city. It’s nicer here. Come join us.  
        2  411 Broad St, Camden, AL   Source: RE/MAX Tristar   $36,000   MAKE IT YOUR OWN!!! Located on Broad Street close to downtown Camden, this home needs love and it can become a treasure!!! It offers two living areas, large eat-in-kitchen, 2 Bedrooms, and Storage Room downstairs, with 1 Bedroom upstairs. Also, upstairs is room to expand, if needed. The property includes a 1 Bedroom Apartment joined with open patio. Come see this home and be sure to notice the ancient Magnolias either side of the walkway! Current taxes: $349.47  
          3  106 Gorham St, Fayette, OH   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Welles Bowen Realty   $45,000   Victorian style home waiting for your finishing touches. Bed & Breakfast home features 4 spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. Built in 1862, present owner re-wired house after it was purchased in 1998. Double lot with mature shade trees.  
        4  292 Main St, Florida, NY   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Copper Cove Realty   $28,000   Own a piece of local history! Former school converted into a single family home. In need of much TLC – needs extensive foundation and interior repair. No heating system or kitchen. Plumbing & electrical need a lot of work. It will take a solid investment, & a lot of dedication to bring this old house back to life! Ideal for someone interested in a labor of love, could be perfect for an art or photography studio. Building consists of (3) 22×30′ rooms & (3) 16×10′ rooms. Property is sold “AS IS”!  
        5  23 W Washington St, Grafton, WV   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $49,999   This historical Victorian is one block from the Mother’s Day Shine in Grafton, WV. Grafton is also the home of Anna Jarvis, founder of Mother’s day. The layout of this home would suit it perfectly for a bread and breakfast. Top floor is a two bedroom apartment with it’s own entrance. Each level of this three story home has it’s own outside entrance. There are six fire places, five with the original mantles. Renovating this home is a big project and only the truly dedicated need apply. $49,999 as is or $69,900 with a new metal roof which I am waiting for contractors to start. $5,000 down balance over 20 years at 12%APR with no prepayment penalties for paying off early. There is the possibility of purchasing additional properties around near the home for expansion & parking. This is not a to own this is a sale on a deed of trust. Qualified buyers only. Easy financing.  
        6  590Z Ch. de l’Église, Saint-Armand, Quebec, Canada   Source: zonevendu.com, courtesy of Olivier Maurice   $25,000 CAD   Unique project! Opportunity to convert this church into an incredible living space. Rare opportunity on the market.  
        7  133 Lock St, Lockport, NY   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $24,000   The Stickney house is a 2 1/2 story stone house located on a double wide lot with the original Gasport limestone carriage block and octagonal hitching post still intact. The home is in a quiet neighbourhood just a few minutes walk from the Lockport locks, lake effect ice cream, Steam works coffee etc. Some renovations have been completed, but much more is needed!  
        8  307 Halifax St, Warrenton, NC   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of Preservation North Carolina   $30,000   Exuberant display of elaborate woodwork; picturesque setting on a hill among some of the finest homes in Warrenton! Early 20th century homage to some of Warren County’s finest 19th century houses. It’s exuberant display of elaborate interior and exterior features run the gamut of Georgian, Federal and Greek Revival styles. Built in 1932 by Janice and Peter Seaman, who was in the lumber business and a skilled woodworker, the Seaman House is a testament to their appreciation of architectural refinement. Decades of neglect have resulted in severe water damage and collapsed floors. The house will need all new electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems, structural repair, roofing, a new kitchen and bathrooms. The house is located in the National Register district and may be eligible for tax credits. Though the property is overgrown, the house and outbuildings fading, it doesn’t take much imagination to see the beauty and quality of the estate. The outstanding woodwork and spacious well-laid out rooms within a stately house situated on a slight rise with mature trees and boxwoods calls out to be preserved. Warrenton is about a 1-hour drive from Raleigh via US Routes 1 or 401; an hour from Durham via I-85 and about two hours from Richmond, VA via I-95 to I-85.  
        9  2474 Napier Ave, Macon, GA   Source: Zillow, for sale by owner   $40,000   Designed and built by famous Macon architect Alexander Blair, who designed Macon?s Grand Opera House, this Napier Heights home was Blair?s personal residence until the mid-20th century. Retains historic features – parquet floors, mantels, and trim. Sold AS-IS, requires rehabilitation and comes with single-family, owner-occupied covenants.  
        10  612 Sherrod Ave W, Covington, TN   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Property Place   $40,000   ***INVESTOR SPECIAL*** Home is being: *Sold AS-IS *WHERE-IS * *Termite Damage* Home will have to be completely renovated. This home is located on a big beautiful lot and back yard is fenced. Home features aprox. 12 ft. ceilings down stairs, formal living and dining room, big kitchen.Beautiful wood trim downstairs and pocket doors. Front porch and back deck not in good shape. Please, be careful getting to front doorand some floors in bad condition. Caution enter at your own risk.  
        11  4595 Hwy 18, Rose Hill, M   Source: Realtor, courtesy of J.E. SMITH REAL ESTATE   $40,000   Home is 115 years old according to tax records. Very nice older home place. Home has 14′ ceilings , interior is basically all wood ceilings, floors, and walls.  
        12  413 N. Bond Street, Plains, GA   Source: CIRCA, courtesy of CENTURY 21 Americus Realty, Inc.   $48,000   Single Family Detached – Pretty 3 bedroom 3 bath home located in Plains, GA adjoining Pres. Carter’s farm. This home offers large porches for relaxing afternoons and morning coffee. This home offers updated baths and kitchen, hardwood flooring specialty wood walls and several fireplaces. Needs a little paint, repairing and plenty of love! Large private lot. Take advantage of this unique property. Call Mary Kathryn 229-938-8541.  
        13  6865 Nc Highway 94, Fairfield, NC   Source: Coldwell Banker Coastal Rivers Realty   $39,900   One of the oldest homes in Fairfield just minutes to Lake Mattamuskeet. This piece of history deserves some TLC. Cypress built with original heart pine floors in 1809. They don”t build them like this anymore! Large .65 acre lot boasts mature trees which provide plenty of shade. The home has 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen, foyer and parlor/living room. Back porch is enclosed. Front porch is covered.  
        15  702 Mulberry St, Louisville, GA   Source: The Georgia Trust   $15,000   The Little House in Louisville, GA is a rare grand example of residential Gothic Revival construction in Georgia. With 5,200 square feet situated on .66 acres, the house was built in 1876 at an estimated cost of $4,000 and features remarkable detailing both on the interior and exterior. The first floor features a dramatic central stair with original curved handrail, 15 foot ceilings, etched glass transoms over interior doors, and full height windows that open onto a full wrap around porch. Plaster crown and frieze are intact where visible, although drop down ceiling tiles and water damage has obscured the detailing in some rooms. The upstairs features four well sized rooms with simpler detailing. Original mantels and hardware are found throughout. There are two symmetrical additions on the rear of the house, including a large kitchen area. Located one block from the historic commercial district, the house would lend itself to use as a bed-and-breakfast or professional office space, as well as a private residence. The Little House is endangered by significant leaks in the roof, left unattended for several years. Rehabilitation will require significant investment of time and capital. A new roof is an immediate need, along with repair of water damage. The exterior siding and detail require inspection, repair, and paint. All systems, including electrical, plumbing, and HVAC will need to be repaired and updated. The Louisville Downtown Development Authority recently gained control of the property with the goal of stabilizing and saving the house. The DDA has temporarily patched the roof to prevent further deterioration.  
        Bonus #1  848 Vine St, Poplar Bluff, MO   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Mossy Oak Properties Mozark Realty   $39,900   Known as the “Castle on Vine”, this one-of-a kind Victorian style home is rich in Poplar Bluff history and is a clean slate to add your own personalization. Channel your inner Chip and Joanna to make this a great Bed & Breakfast, Boutique, Museum or venue. The electric has been updated on the main level. This home is part of the Missouri Preservation Society and can be tax deductible to restore.  
        Bonus #2  2798 Batesburg Hwy, Batesburg, SC   Source: Zillow, courtesy of Covenant One Realty & Etown Realty   $29,900   Full of potential! Looking to rehab or are you an investor looking for that next income producing property? This is iconic property has so much to offer for the buyer who’s ready to put the work into it. Home is in need of total renovation, inside and out. Great thing is the septic system is about a year old and the well is in great working order. The lot has been recently surveyed with new plat and corners marked. Second level is currently unfinished but if finished could potentially bring the square footage to over 3,000 sqft. Property has been cleared of all debris, downed trees and dozens of tree stumps. Also has a detached 2 car garage. Call agent to schedule all showings!  
        Bonus #3  3088 State Route 145, Preston Hollow, NY   Source: Realtor, courtesy of Country Views Realty Inc.   $39,900   This 3 bed 1.5 ba home is waiting to be brought back to its former glory. Originally the Parsonage for the Preston Hollow Baptist Church, it has the character you would expect from this era. On the exterior, period architecture can be seen on the roof & window cornices, paneled front door and bluestone sidewalks. Inside, arched doorways, tin ceilings & wood floors are in the parlors. Beautiful wood newel post & railings. Lots of natural light. Summer kitchen w/vaulted ceilings can be an office etc.  
    Love cheap, beautiful old houses?
  Follow CIRCA’s Instagram feed at @CheapOldHouses, on which we showcase only gorgeous historical homes for sale for under $100,000.
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”        
from House Retoration Tips https://circaoldhouses.com/15-houses-under-50000-may-2018-edition/
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fundedjustice · 7 years
Sheffah Chevis Defense Fund
All of our children are vulnerable. The perils of youth increase by the minute. A mistake punishable by grounding in my daughter’s day is punishable by death in my granddaughter’s.
Today, a beautiful, talented, college bound young lady, sits in jail on one million dollars bail. Sheffah is charged with aiding and abetting, which she did not commit. If she had $50K-$100K for an attorney her bail would likely be much less and she might be sitting at home. She is guilty of giving two of her friends a ride. She had no idea what was about to transpire.
This is a plea to raise money to save this child from the system. She does not belong in the system. She is innocent of the charges and I am confident the truth will come out. I am not confident the truth will prevail. I pray for her safety in jail as she sits in prison awaiting due process. Sheffah does not deserve to have her life ruined because she gave her friend a ride.
When people are not able to deal with their emotions the world becomes a very dangerous and destructive place.
A 21-year- young man has needlessly lost his life. An 18-year- young GIRL has lost her freedom. This is all at the hands of an extremely damaged 20-year-old.
It is excruciating to think of the suffering of the young man’s family. Equally as excruciating to think of the potential life destruction Sheffah is facing.
Sheffah is traumatized having witnessed a guy she was dating murdered his own friend. Further traumatized by having her “boyfriend” turn the gun turned on her; traumatized even more as the “boyfriend” directed Sheffah’s actions under mortal threat leading up to Sheffah being arrested for aiding and abetting and other related charges. She has been released from the hospital on a suicide high-risk watch. She is still morbidly depressed. She did not know what lay ahead. She had nothing to do with the choice take a life.
Imagine if this was you or your child! ...And don’t say it wouldn’t happen to you or your child because honestly, no person of color is out of reach of the system.
Sheffah made a mistake in judgment. She started dating one of her older brothers’ classmates from elementary school. Who manipulated her and abused her physically and emotionally; and convinced her to keep the relationship a secret from her supportive family. Sheffah is an 18-year-old child. Sheffah and my granddaughter have been best friends since third grade. She grew up in a wholesome, healthy and protected environment. She has achieved much in her short life. Sheffah was an honor student, a high school varsity cheerleader member of TLC – Together Loving Christ Christian Bible; ASB - Associate Student Body; LINK CREW, and a member of the Rock Church. She loves children and worked as a part time nanny for many different families. Sheffah loved animals and would cancel a trip to the mall to spend time tacking up posters for a lost dog. Sheffah had just graduated from high school and was preparing for college; she was accepted into four major Universities.
We all think “these” kind of problems happen to “those” kind of people and dismiss it because it doesn’t relate to you. Today all children are vulnerable especially if they are not white. Any of us that do not have the resources for a good legal defense is at risk of seeing their child’s life ruined or ended for something they didn’t do. These are times when we have to begin educating our children about the perils of the system as early as elementary school.
In my day it was a good thing to shelter our children. Today sheltering your child from unpleasant realities may cost them their freedom or their life.
Please contribute whatever you can spare to help the child escape the system. Money is greatly appreciated and an email to Sheffah in support while she is going through this ordeal would be greatly appreciated.
Let us support and insist on social and emotional education start with early education to reduce the abundance of stories like this one.
Funded Justice
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2vzGHpJ
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