#I did try to think of something with just Scriabin and Jake but I really couldn't imagine them without Edgar at least supervising lol
sysig · 2 years
Hey! For requestober, would you please draw something cute with Jake and Scriabin (once Scri gets his own body)? Maybe in a Wish Fulfilment kind of AU where Jake sticks around for Edgar/Scri? I just love the idea of a setting where they get to really meet and have it go well, esp after reading Scri's reaction to Jake in Convalescence. <3 If Edgar was involved in the piece too, that would be lovely, but I'd really appreciate it with just the two, as well. Thanks so much!
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Day 1 - Satisfaction
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vargaslovinghours · 11 months
Requestober 2023: Vargas Edition
The playlist has returned for this year! There will be a few in between, but it should be updating at least once a week on either Wednesday or Friday or both - keep an eye out for your req(s)!
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I considered a couple different lines for day 1 - there are just so many Narrator lines that could work for Scriabin! Any of the many times where the Narrator is being sadistic, it all just works. Plus, it’s fun to imagine Scriabin trapping Edgar in the same way, just shoops a wall right into his path haha
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But in the end I went for one of the tags I left myself on the original TSP/Vargas crossover doodles, it does still live in my head rent-free after all. You can see in the background that those “invisible” tears were intended from the beginning as well :3c
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There’s also something funny to me about Scriabin using the word “rubbish” haha ♪ How posh
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Edgar, as usual, getting blame for something that was definitely his Narrator, I mean Scriabin’s fault lol
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I really wasn’t sure what to do with day 2 at first - I’m too scared to watch any of the SAWs, or look them up on YouTube >~< I tried finding transcripts with stage direction or people describing them in text online but I couldn’t really find anything, I really do appreciate my friend for telling me about one haha. Even with that though, I still had to do a lot of guesswork! Something about wrists, fear, not doing well - Scriabin is very cute hiding behind Edgar but it’s still not very obvious what the theme is, huh?
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I was able to find a very brief animation of I think? the trap that had been described to me but even that was a bit much for me :’D I was a very wimp that day! I didn’t even have it in me to draw the trap itself in the sketch! There’s something a bit ominous about not being able to see into the trap completely, only the blood pooling at the bottom ♪ But I’m still happy I went with what I did in the end, though I did have to change Scriabin’s dialogue from fear to accusation - though that tracks for him haha
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Day 3 was silly and therefore easy to whip up haha ♪ The angst is done, the blood is done, this leaves only kisses! Any opportunity to use my pencils to make kiss-marks, I will take lol. Clearly this is what the prompt was pointing at! Obviously! Lol
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If you look, Jake’s lips are painted pink and Scriabin’s red, and they have each other’s lipstick marks on their faces lol - I am attention to detail when it comes to kisses ♪
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I did still end up making an alt even after pretty much decided on the first one, it’s still fun to think about Scriabin interacting with Jake before he gets his own body ♫ He’s so smug lol, at least they’re easy to cover! Ish! Mostly! Probably itch tho lol
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Day 5, yaaay some Biblical Edgar <3 I have been out of practice drawing wings lately so they’re basically just Big Shapes here lol, it’s all about blocking out the space they’ll take for when it’s cleaned! I am quite happy with how he turned out digitally, his cute face ♥
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Day 7 got a couple passes as well before settling! It’s a theme lol, though there were both kidverse! The prompt mentioned “brothers” but that doesn’t necessarily mean when they were kids - they can be silly and sibling-like even After, they have the range. Still, Edgar pushing him on the swing as a kid was a cute idea so I’m glad I at least scratched it down haha. Why’s he so heavy? He’s dense ♪
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The alt was the winner tho! I love how much like a bug Scriabin looks here haha, how could he have possibly seen this coming??
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Day 8′s sketch was done outside in the dark actually, stargazing very appropriate!  You can kinda see me go back and forth on their clothes in the moment lol, Edgar’s striped shirt visible on his upper arms underneath his long sleeves and I still ended up going with a scarf! I also planned to make their breath clouds but I forgot them in the end, that background took up a lot of my focus lol. Also how come Edgar’s feet turned out better here than in the final version >:P
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Gaster! A warmup for Day 9 since it’s been a bit since I’ve drawn him, especially with the cracks in his face! Scriabin is annoying his offscreen so it still totally counts as being Vargas-themed lol
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Their poses were a bit subdued initially so I knew I wanted to try again, but at the same time there are a lot of elements here that I liked! Especially their hands, Gaster holding his hands in fists at his sides rather than speaking to Scriabin through sign language, and Scriabin with his flourish-opened palm, inviting ♪
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Actual pose skeletons lol, though Gaster’s was a bit top-heavy. It all worked out in the end at least :)
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Day 11 was a very fun concept! Turning Scriabin into an Enderman was an especially fun idea if Edgar could figure/find out that he could hide from him using a pumpkin mask, though I’m sure that would make Scriabin mad as well once he found him haha. Just sneeaaak quietly behind him, he’ll never know! Also the pumpkin having Edgar’s glasses, goatee, and scars carved into it haha <3
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All the same, I’m glad I went with what I did - Scriabin’s pose is so much more dynamic! Very fun! His hands and his legs, and the way his coat flares out! Plus putting his Ender teeth on display was a lot of fun haha ♪ Poor Edgar can’t catch a break no matter what world he’s in, at least I didn’t actually turn him into a sheep lol
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Day 12, yaaaay I finally got to Uncle Jake! So nervous <3 Don’t break the baby, don’t hurt him don’t move too much ahhh! Haha, terribly cute ♥ I do still really love how confident Edgar is here - he’s usually so nervous around Jake, but oh how the tables! Dadgar with a support system <3 His FWB comes to say hi to his son, it’s very wholesome hehe ♪
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Day 13 was actually drawn way of out of order, between several of the later days and even day 12 I think lol, it’s so hard to convince my brain to listen to new music haha. It was quite a lot of fun making the text not look like it’s “spoken,” outside of a text bubble hehe, I don’t do that too often! And of course still deeply inspired by his palette challenge, it is too pretty to not pull from every not and again <3
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Honestly I initially had no ideas for day 14, and yet this was still the only sketch I ended up with! My earworm at the time came in clutch, honestly do listen to Everything In You it’s such pretty yearning starcrossed song ah <3 All these musical doodles haha ♪ Sweetness sweetness <3
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And of course when they’re that close there has to be a kiss! Scriabin is surprised, but how much? :3c Edgar giving Scriabin kisses of his own accord 💖 That theme never really left me either hehe
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Day 27, the last Vargas day! Had to get in one Snake Charmer before the end huh haha ♪ It’s too bad my Ladyverse!Naga idea was a bit too long or I would’ve done that, but I’ll never turn down the potential for pretty clothes! And spiders for that matter haha, I went with the Acanthoscurria Geniculata - Brazilian Whiteknee again :) As much as I love Scriabin as a Bold Jumper, tarantulas just have such gorgeous proportions! And of course, I always enjoy drawing Lady!Scriabin, so it was doubly fun to draw her as a spider :)
That’s all of this year’s Vargas sketches! A fun bunch! And it was fun to mix a few others in as well :D
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zarla-s · 3 years
Hi, Zarla! I already see your character Jake several times and he seems to me very interesting and nice guy. But I didn't find much information about him. Please tell us about Jake and thank you)
Ah, poor Jake. He’s really a fairly minor character all things considered, he really only shows up in one sidefic and a pwp, but he cameos sometimes in other Vargas things.
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I have a doodle of him somewhere that has “dim, but sweet” next to it, and that’s about as quick a sum-up as you can get, haha. Jake’s a friendly, extroverted dude who spends most of his time looking for fun and taking it easy. In particular he loves sex and has had a lot of relationships with men and women alike, some that went well and some that didn’t. He can be flakey at times, likes the idea of being artsy more than actually putting in the work to be so, and he’s not very ambitious or responsible. Kind of a slacker, really... he has vague pie-in-the-sky dreams of being an actor but he never actually pursues them seriously (although he does work out enough to have a nice body) and he doesn’t really have any kind of long-term life goals or plans. He usually hangs out with a bohemian/artsy crowd, although he can’t really follow a lot of their philosophical discussions. He’s very into body modification, thus all the piercings! That was one reason why Edgar intrigued him, he thought the scars on his face were done on purpose as a body mod.
Jake might not really have his life together and he’s not exactly a critical thinker let’s say, but he is very empathetic and attentive, and he’s very kind and patient with others. He tends to be drawn to shy or neglected people - if someone’s in trouble or seems to need him, then it’s hard for him to resist trying to help. This has gotten him into trouble a few times when he’s gotten in WAY over his head and really had no idea what he was doing. Edgar was one of those cases - he felt bad for him since he’d clearly come out of an abusive relationship (well he thought he had, Edgar lied about still being in one. well, two if you want to get technical) and he wanted to make him feel better (with sex). And he did genuinely like him! If Edgar had shut him down or said no at some point during the night, he would have given him his number if he needed someone to talk to and left it at that.
Unfortunately Jake just completely read Edgar’s signals wrong the whole time, he really thought Edgar was down for it. And then when he kissed him, Edgar only got like a few seconds of !!! before Scriabin took over and Scriabin DEFINITELY was down, so from Jake’s perspective everything was fine until out of nowhere Edgar said he was an entirely different (and kind of scarily intense) person, which was way more than he signed up for, haha. He ended up panicking and bailing, which was definitely not a good way to react, but like I said... sometimes he gets in way over his head and makes bad decisions.
The real tragedy of it is that Jake actually would probably be good for Edgar, even if just as a friend. He’s very affectionate and open and honest, and he’d try very hard to make sure Edgar felt safe. Scriabin actually also likes Jake, so they’d have something they’d agree on, and it’s possible Jake would be able to mediate between them, or at least tell Scriabin to stop being a jerk sometimes and have him listen.
Of course, this assumes that Johnny isn’t around to shank Jake, haha. And Jake absolutely wouldn’t want Edgar hanging around with Nny, since he (correctly) thinks their relationship is abusive. I think I mentioned before that thinking about scenarios where Jake sticks around and he and Nny have to deal with each other get really complicated really fast... not to mention the whole waste lock business...
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