#I didn’t know there was a guy w a creepy demon arm that shoots fire just casually patrolling the city ok
canarydraws · 2 years
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I don’t think I ever shared my Curse of Strahd character here! I’m playing Dex, a dhampire ranger and so far I have been the trouble maker of the group lol. For example, just last session my friends had to get me out of jail because I had managed to enrage every guard on the city wall because I was trying to cause a distraction.
(Said distraction involved spider climbing up the wall and swearing at all the guards. …hey it worked? They just thought Dex was the devil or something)
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 years
King Takes Knight (Part 6)
Eleanor has a choice.
(Part One)
(Part Two)
(Part Three)
(Part Four)
(Part Five)
“Okay. If you’re gonna do this. You need to have a plan.”
Eleanor closes the door to Michael’s office. Funny, she still thinks of it as his, even when she’s spent more time occupying it alone so far this year. She tries to avoid being here alone. It’s far too painful to sit in the big chair and watch the door, wishing with all her heart that the dumb demon will waltz back in, safe and sound, at any moment.
She walks across the room and around the desk. His jacket is still thrown over the back of the chair from when he quickly got changed between Mindy’s and the train station. The stains from Glenn’s goo seem to have evaporated. 
There’s a tug in her chest as she strokes the fabric.
“I have a plan! I’m gonna lift the barricade up, disguise myself as a Bad Janet, go in, find Michael and get him out. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Fun fact, a man named John White invented the lemon squeezer because they’re not easy to squeeze at all-.”
“Okay, no, that plan sucks. It’s exactly what they’ll expect because it’s what you already did. You can’t go in there on your own.”
Janet frowns; “Are you going to suggest you guys come too? Because as you said, that’s the last thing Michael would want, for you guys to be put in danger. I’m not mortal, the threat to my wellbeing is less of a risk, and you can always ask the Judge for a reset in the event of a second capture.”
“I wasn’t going to suggest that...But we’re not your only option.” Eleanor says, looking over to Derek in the corner, licking a light bulb like a popsicle.
Her hands pick the jacket up. She holds it close to her front, inhaling the scent in the collar. That strange smell she always picked up whenever near to Michael, like something out of an old attic and yet sweeter than chocolate and warm like a nearby bonfire tickles her nose.
Fingers curl tightly into the grey wool. She doesn’t want this to be the most she has left of him anymore. She wants him back.
The doofus had one job to do for her and he couldn’t...
Eleanor sighs and slips her arms into the jacket before taking a seat in the chair. It’s far too big for her, almost like an overcoat or a bathrobe. She wraps it tight around her frame as she slumps back in the seat. Something about wearing it makes her feel as if he’s there, the same reason why she always takes one of Chidi’s sweaters to bed with her, like a needy kid with a security blanket.
All her life she secretly dreamed of having at least one person to truly love her. Then two come along at once and they both end up sacrificing themselves. 
Couldn’t she have fallen in love with someone as selfish as her?
“Hey Eleanor.” Janet bings in front of the desk.
She jumps, starting a little, pulling her face out of the collar she had been close to crying into.
“I wasn’t doing anything.” She hurriedly covers, sitting up straight, attempting some semblance of dignity; “W-what’s up?”
“I’ve finished making enough Janet babies I need to take with me. They’re all boarded on the train, including the clones of you guys. Even I gotta say, they’re pretty creepy. But great idea!” 
Eleanor just nods, fingers tapping the desk. If she couldn’t come with Janet on the rescue mission then the best she could do was lend her strategic skills. 
“And the demon exploders?” Thanks for that, Bad Janet.
“I think I was able to improve on the design after examining the one Michael handed to me before he...” She cuts herself off, “We’ll be fine, Eleanor. I made quite a few in case they rumble us.”
“If you have to, be sure to burst a few for me, won’t you.” She tells her sexy not-robot friend; “And please...be safe, babe.”
And bring him back, she doesn’t say, almost as if it was asking too much.
It doesn’t need saying. 
“We’ll be back before you know it. Literally, because you won’t be alerted of my train coming in with me gone and Derek’s sensor is busted.”
She bings out of the room. Eleanor sits back again, arms wrapped around herself and the jacket. Now she’s back to where she was a few months ago, wishing for her friends safe return, while the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. She has no choice. She has to stay. Put the experiment first. It’s what Michael and Chidi both sacrificed themselves for. It would be insulting them if she were to make it all for nothing.
It must be a trick.
They’ve got bored of the freezing and the hooks and the violent fish. Now they wanna screw up his head. He already hallucinates, isn’t that enough? He would normally think this was just another one of those but...Nicole’s goo drips from his nose. Yep, she definitely blew up.
And there, almost a yard behind her, is....the Impossible.
Eleanor stands with Bad Janet’s demon exploder clutched in her hand, arms straightened in front of her, blue goo from other demons staining her red sweater and the black leather jacket he hasn’t seen her wear in a while. Sneaky little so-and-so. Did she really come all the way down here, shooting her way through immortal guards, to...rescue...him...?
He would laugh, if the wave of exhaustion wasn’t crushing him down, as well as the wires in his mouth. It’s too much. He’s held out for far too long and now his mind has snapped. 
Don’t fall for it, Mike. Don’t give them the satisfaction of hoping.
She wanted him gone. Out of her hair for good. She wanted him to-
His body goes slack in his ice chains as the underworld goes dark.
He loves you.
He lied.
He loves you.
He tortured them for centuries and lied about it, over eight hundred times.
He loves you.
He didn’t trust her enough to say what he really was underneath the suit. He thought she was shallow enough to not want to be friends with him after finding out he’s some giant flaming squid. He was supposed to be her best friend! Did he think so little of her? After all those weeks of supporting her, encouraging her, giving her a shoulder to cry on, followed by a gentle kick up the ash to get her shirt together?
And as if she was going to be all soft and reassure him of how much he meant to her after the crab he put her through that night. He expected her to be the one to apologise!?
He loves you.
You must know that. You’re not an idiot.
Oh...the stupid demon loves her enough to disobey her one order and not come back safe! The stupid demon offers to blow himself up in order to give her peace of mind when she doesn’t trust him and leave her in charge of this shirt show on her own. The dumb, reckless ash-hole stayed behind to be tortured, again, for their sakes...Not for the first time. 
Fork. She is an idiot!
Eleanor shrugs off the jacket and grabs her own leather one off the back of the door. She has a train to catch.
Damn it, why didn’t she take a better coat with her? Or a scarf? Or gloves?
The chamber she discovers Michael in is like a huge igloo. Every surface seems to be made of ice except, thank Kim, the floor, or else she’d be falling flat on her ass as soon as she strode in after taking out the slutty demoness who had been messing with Michael. Eleanor steels herself, braving the cold and letting the adrenaline warm her up after having snuck her way down here, taking out a few necessary obstacles on the way with her new favorite toy.
Her heart beats terribly fast as she spots Michael chained up, pale as a ghost, slumped in the shackles they’ve put him in. His clothes are ragged and torn up, the wounds from where he’s been recently cut and sliced and scalded all too evident to the naked eye.
“Michael...!” She breathes his name as she reaches him, finding no response as his head rolls forward; “Michael, I’m here! Wake up!”
She puts her hands to his chin and tries to lift it up, cringing at the awful sight of what they’ve done to his mouth. Jesus! 
Digging around in what remains of the slutty demon’s goo and dress fragments, she eventually finds the key to the shackles. She fumbles with it in the locks as she works to set him free. 
As she works to open the second one, she drops it. Fuck! Get it together, Shellstrop! They could come in at any moment!
She scoops it up and turns it in the blisteringly cold metal. 
Michael tumbles to the ground in a heap of long limbs.
“Shit, shit, shit!” Eleanor curses as she fails to catch up, the dumb tree too much for her to attempt to lift upright on her own. She kneels over him; “Dude, c’mon! Come on, get up! Michael!”
Her fingers brush against her cheek and-
“FUCK!” She curses, pulling her hand back.
He’s almost too cold to touch. There’s flecks of snow on his eyelashes and in his white hair, lines on his face deeper than she remembers, skin sunken in, littered with black and purple marks. 
Eleanor places one hand on his back, the other on his chest, just barely able to keep hold of him with the remnants of his shirt beneath her palms.
She wishes she could feel his heartbeat, if he had one.
Just some sign, anything, anything at all...that he’s going to open his eyes again. That she wasn’t too late.
“Michael, you need to get up! You can’t bail on me now, please, not after I finally got here! You gotta come home, dude....I can’t do this without you. Just wake the fuck up before-.” Her teeth start to chatter as she hears footsteps racing from outside.
Someone’s coming. More guards? The Janet baby army? A couple were lost on the way, marbleised, before Eleanor was able to zap the guards. Then she had to abandon the rest in order to get to the location Janet sent over the intercom to one of her baby’s, Ralfio’s, mouth. 
Eleanor has no idea what’s about to come through that door. Friend or foe. Janet(s) or demons. 
She’s not giving up now.
Keeping hold of Michael on her lap, she sets her jaw, getting out the demon exploder from her jacket pocket, firing it up.
“I won’t let them touch you, bud. Not again.” She whispers, clutching his lifeless skinsuit close to her front; “That’s a promise.”
Her hand is steady around the weapon, her eyes glaring with hellfire at the entrance. She forgets about the cold.
Just try to take him away from me again, demon scum. Just try it.
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(illustration by @star-pepper​ xx)
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goldstonegolem64 · 5 years
Monster and Mana Defenders of Aurita  Session two
In the rec room 
Coran, Allura, Pidge , Lance, Keith , Shiro, Matt , Adam and Jay were sitting around the Holo table looking over character sheet waiting forcoran to set up as well as waiting for  Hunk to get there with the snacks 
“ So dose anyone remember where we last left of “ Jay asked as he rubbed sleep from his eyes he had just walking up from a nap
“ W were about to fight some big demon or devil “ Allura said 
“ok  “ Jay said 
“ Do we know which one though are we fighting a devil of a demon because it’s a big different between those two “Adam said 
“ I Think it’s a bone devil “ Shiro replied 
“But what if it’s a bone demon” Keith said 
“ I’m willing to give up my left foot” Pidge said as she waved her prostatic foot 
“ And my left hand” Jay said
“ And my right arm “ Shiro added 
The group laughed at the joke for a bit then before matt spoke
“So before we start I have to ask just to be sure Demons, Devil and fiends take half damage from non-magical attacks and fire damage. An Silvered weapons, enchanted weapons and magic do normal and Holy magic dose double right?” Matt asked with a small note book in hand
“ Yeah right “ Jay said As they did Hunk entered the room with a tray of cookies, drinks and other snacks 
“  Sorry I'm later but I took a wrong turn and found myself in the training room”  Hunk said as he placed the tray down on an empty seat before sitting next to pidge 
“  It’s fine now lets get ready “Coran said as they clapped their hands together .The group all moved around the table.” Last time We met Meklaver the dwarven fighter, Block the eleven Sorcerer, Quill the kenku monk, Jiro the Human Paladin, Allister the Yantai Warlock , Thunder storm Darkness the Dragon born Ranger , Kraig the Cleric , Valayun The High elf Ranger , and Pike the Tabaxi rouge.
We start off with Meklaver, Block and quill on their way back to the tavern the call a temporary home and finding out that magical amulet they found was made by the dark Mage Dakin and learned that two other people were heading to Dakin’s hide out. After talking to about their next move the decided to find more people to help in their quest just in case the two going after Dakin weren’t going to let them join them. That is where they meet Jiro , Allister And Thunder storm Darkness. Else where Valayun And Kraig were making there way to fort Caleb and ran into a Mother and daughter being chased by a group of Spine devils. After a quick fight with help from an unseen ally. They learned that fort cabel  was under attack  sent off the mother and daughter back to the town they had come from. Then Kraig moved towards the tree line and Found their hided friend and found it to be a Tabaxi named Pike. An with some  coaxing from Valayun and the threat of physical violates from Kraig Pike joined them . 
Back with Meklaver and the other . They discussed how each group met and why they became adventures . After running into the same Mother and daughter that Kraig and Valayun rescued. They learned that Fort Caleb was under attack and made their way there and after dealing with a band of bandits. The two group final met and after a short talk the party was finally together. An moved towards fort Caleb as they did they heard a battle raging on. They then watched as two figures flow off one towards the Country of Gale Ford while the other one looked around then spotted the party and landed right in front of them. Now let the battle begin
The Bone devil roared Then spoke in common “  So your the one that I could smell “the looked at  Valayun and a creepy smile can on his face.” I always wonder what one of their blood line would tasted like “
Valayun Step back. Then Kraig  stepped in front of her weapon raised “ You will have to get past me before you can even get to my lady now Goddess guild my strike .”  Kraig said as pointed his weapon at the devil and a divine bolt of energy flow out of his War pick and slammed into the beasts face. The bone devil recoiled then looked back at Kraig then notice that it’s body was glowing
After Kraig’s Attack Block was Next. They ran up to Jiro chanted a spell then pleased his hand on his shoulder ‘ Time to see how this one works” then with a glow of arcane light Jiro started to double in size along with his armor and equipment ‘ Do your best ‘ Block said as he moved back a bit 
Next was Meklaver turn She booked it straight toward the devil and swung her Ax . The first strike couldn’t cut the devils think skin Then the second one did the same or it would have if the didn’t have a sudden Surge of holy power followed through her body allowing her to cut deep into the Bone devils skin. Her axe the cut the top lay of skin leaving a small cut that started to bleed “ Ok this guy is really tough “ She yelled
Then came Valayun stepped passed Kraig casted the spell hunter’s mark twist cause a small lion’s head appeared on the bone devils body  then she unleashed two arrows .Both arrow flow across the sky. The first Arrow slammed into the devil's body followed by a strong chemical smell as acid started to burn the devils skin causing it to yell in pain as it scratched at the burn area. Then came the second arrow hit it’s mark and burst into a cloud of green smoke that no effect 
the Bone devil to cough up for a bit before it launched it’s tail forwards Aiming for Valayun but  Kraig was in the way. Kraig raised his shield to block the Tails strike but was to slow as the tail stabbed into his chest plate then into  his breast bone. Kraig gritted his teeth as he pushed passed the pain but then his body started to fell like it was set a blaze as poison started to enter his body. He fell to one knee as the Devil pulled it’s tail out . Then it swung both clawed hands At Meklaver The Swing missed do to her jumping to the Side But the second one slashed across into her Armor leaving a  blood gash across her chest.
After watching his two new found teammate being attack Jiro charge forward raised his blade over his head  he the brought the blade down as he did it started to  glowed with holy fire. The Blade cut deep into the Bone devils back causing it to scream in pain as the holy flame burned it worse then the Swords cut did. Jiro the Took another swing only for the bone devil to slap the blade way from them.
“ Hey you big imp take this “Pike said as they throw a bright red dagger. It spun as it flow in the air and caught nicked the devils neck leaving burn mark where the blade had cut but the flame didn’t seem to  “ And this “ Pick throw a dart and it completely missed it’s mark. The bone devil then turn to look at him . “ Oh that’s not good” Pike said as he quickly throw down a smoke bomb and disappeared into woods. 
“ SSSorry about this if this hits you Jiro or you Meklaver. My  Mastersssss Hungerss and you will feed him well SSScum “ Allister said as he pointed his blade at the Devil in front of him and tares in reality opened up and dozens bladed serpent heads shoot  out and bit down on the devil and started to rip chunks out of it.    
“ I will gut all of you mortals for this “ The bone devil yelled 
“ Oh just shut up “ Quill Said as he moved forwards an landed a flurry of blows that don’t do much but the last strike allow him to gain some insight on their foe” The thing is call a bone devil it resistances to cold and physical attacks and is a is immune to fire and poison” Quill yelled to the rest of the group
“ Ok then lets try this then “ Stormy said as he reached into their bag of holding and pulled out a Lighting javelin and throw it the javelin slammed into the Bone devil’s shoulder and sent a lighting bolt worth of energy through the it’s body. It screamed in pain as it fell to the Ground Barely holding on 
Kraig tried to push through the pain and poison but failed to dose and caught up bleed but was still standing “Oh that hurt so much happy I bought this “ They said to themself and pulled out a Cure poison potion and chugged it then pointed his War pick again “ Burn in holy hell fire “ But the holy flame had no effect on devil “ Ok i’m done now” Kraig then fell to the ground and just rested 
“ Kraig are you alright “ Valayun said as she Lowered herself to check on here teammate.” 
“I’m good “ Kraig said weakly “ Just let me rest for a bit’ as he said that Block ran over to him and slammed his back and stayed
“ Feel better buddy”  Block said as he casted cure wounds level three
‘ Thank you “Kraig said as the started to get back on their feet 
“Your welcome “
Meklaver took another two swung but both missed as the Devil started to take to the sky “ Somebody stop it from getting away “ She yelled as Valayun fire off two arrows only for on to miss and the other one split apart into a hail of thorns which hurt the Devil but it was still flying and launched it  tail this time at Jiro onlt to hit his shield then it tried to claw at him and again the shield took the blows  
Then Jiro dropped his shild dual gripped his blade and yelled “ GO back to what ever hell you belong to!!!” Jiro Swung his blade one last time and cleaved the devils head of it’s shoulder. The devil body high the ground and then erupted in flames and descended back to the hell it came from leaving the lighting javelin and the arrows the were in it before it died “Ok who needed healing ”Jiro asked as he started to return to his normal size
“ I Do” Meklaver said as they leaned on their axe as  Valayun walked over to her a healed her. The Wound on her chest closed up  “ Thank you guys”
“ Your welcome I didn’t  we were properly introduced I’m Lady Valayun of Danafor “
“Meklaver “
“ Introductions later we have something more pressing matters at hand “ Kraig said as they moved towards the fort Caleb 
‘ He’s not wrong “ Jiro said as he picked up his shield then the lighting Javelin and tossed it back to stormy 
‘ Wait just a second I need to find my Knife “Pike said as he checked te area where he last saw his flame tongue  dagger “ I wish I knew that it was fire proof before I throw it”
“Sorry everyone started moving before I could learn what it was”  Quill yelled.
“ It’s fine because I found it. But next time we fight something can we learn what it is first so we don’t lose the cool stuff we’ve bought, Earned, or found “ 
“ Or stolen” Stormy said to the Rogue 
“ Hey the guy was a dick and lost the right to wield this beautiful weapon” pike said as he sheathed the dagger 
“ Can’t argue with that ‘ Block said 
“If were all done talking lets get  move on” Jiro said as they started to move towards Fort Caleb 
‘ Alright lets go then ‘ Valayun said as she and the other followed Jiro towards the fort .
“Ssso Any ideas what were going to be face when we get there Jiro?” Allister asked the they ran along side Jiro
“Don’t know but if it was as easy as the last one then we have nothing to fear then again it was nine on one so lets be ready for anything just to be safe “ Jiro said as the Fort Caleb got closer 
“ Stay close to me Lady Valayun” Kraig said as he tightened his grip on his war pick 
“I Will and stay safe yourself” Valayun said
“ I’ll try” Kraig replied 
“ You two ready for what ever comes next?” Quill asked 
“ Always am” Meklaver said 
“ Ready as I'll ever be” Block said 
“ Why the hell did I agree to help this people were running straight towards a war Zone” PIke said as he started to contemplate his life chooses
“  Then why are  you still here?”  Stormy asked 
“ The big guy scares me and The Girl was very conniving when she asked me for help “ Pike replied 
“ And  that’s why your here” Stormy replied with a smile on his face 
As the group got closer towards Fort Caleb the sound of battle could no longer be heard. They all slowed down and creeped toward the town nearest to the Fortress. They saw smoke coming from the buildings and could see people moving through out the town they couldn’t tell if they were Civileans,  border Gaurds or invaders. So they all moved out of the middle of the road and into the tree line    
“ Pike your up ‘ Valayun said
“On it ‘Pike said as he moved forward towards the town 
’“ Stormy go with” Jiro orded
“ Got it “ Stormy replied as they followed Behind PIke
The Two creeped through the Forest line an sneaked into the town. The two found them in an ally way and slowly moved towards the entres to the ally.But as they moved toward the Entres. Stormy bumped in To Pike who had suddenly stopped pushing him into an empty barrel causing it to fall over and making a thuding sound
“  What was that “ A Voice said 
“ Some one check that ally it might be a strageller “ Another voice yelled 
“Shit “Pike said as he looked around the area for a hiding spot then he looked up “ To the roofs “ They said as they jumped on to the stormdrain of the building they were next to and climb onto the roof then put their hand out to help Stormy get up. Stormy jumped and grabbed onto pikes hand and quickly was pulled up onto the roof just as someone turned the corner. Both men looked down and saw a man in armor
“   Did you find anything “ Another voice said 
The man looked around then and moved to the edge where the wood meet the town and checked for around area “ All clear ‘ The Guard said as they walked out of the Ally
Both Pike and Stormy looked over the Edge and watched as the person walked out. Both were looking at the Armor trying to see what symbols were on the Armor. Pike couldn’t see the symbol on the armor .But Stormy So it the Symbol Of a Rising sun told him that this were town guard.
“ Ok this place is safe lets get back to the others“ Stormy said as he started climbing down 
“ Wait I have a way to tell them with out leaving this spot” Pike said as he pulled out a small spool of copper wire and casted the only spell he knew Sending and sent a message to Valayun “Town is safe Meet you there you can reply to this message” 
Back with the others 
Valayun heard pikes voice in the back of her mind { Town is safe meet you there you can reply to this message } At first she was confused but this and replied with out think” Ok see you there” She said out loud which caused everyone to look at her with a confused look on their faces expect for Kraig because he was still on watch.” Oh um Pike just sent me a message telling us the town is safe and they will meet us there” Valayun sad as they rubbed the back of her head.
‘ Alright then lets get a move on then “ Meklaver said
The party moved out of their cover and moved towards the town again and as they did this they notice a small platoon of Gaurds were moving towards them
“  Halt” The captain of the Platoon order the party “State your business “  
“ I am Lady Valayun and this is my Party and we wish to cross over to Galeford “Valayun said 
“ After that attack both we will not be allowing entre into Galeford until All demonic  attacker have been dealt with ‘ The Captain of the guard noticed the gash in Meklaver armor and the puncture in Kraig's armor “ My I ask what happened to your friends “ The captain asked 
“ We ran it to some trouble getting here” Kraig said 
“ What kind of trouble ?” 
“Bandit “ Allister said 
“ And a few Devils on the way here” Kraig added they leaned on Jiro to keep his balance 
“ Wait what kind of devils sir” The platoon leader asked
“ Don’t know didn’t ask I just fought.  Ask the kenku his knows more then me Also there was a mother and daughter that were being attacked as they tried to flee Me and Lady Valayun told them to go to the nearest town and wait for guards to come get them. Know if none of you mind I will go find lodging for us if you allow my lady ?” Kraig asked as he straightened up and started walking  
“ Yes you may “Valayun replied
‘ Thank you “ Kraig said as they walked into town
“ I’ll go with him” Block said as he followed Behind Kraig 
The two walked into town. They saw  bodies of peoples ogres, orcs humans Goblins , scorch marks were an infernal being was slain. They   watched as people were putting out fires others were working on rebuilding  destroyed building, other were comforting  friends or family member as they stood in front of a white blanket that covered a dead body of lost loved ones 
“ This is bad if only we could have gotten here sooner “  Block said as looked at the destruction around them
“  I Fell the same but there is no dwelling on the past we most focus on the future now I wonder what is happening . ‘ Kraig asked as they pointed towards   a tavern that had a crowd of people at the front door
“Don't know But I'm curious about it but should we be looking for a place to rest. “
“Were going to a tavern their might have some spear rooms there for us to rest in also we do need to find Pike and Stormy .Also I didn’t catch your name before that Bone devil showed up “ Kraig said as they started walking towards the Tavern 
“ I’m Block Green wind “
“ Kraig Crock Pot” Kraig said as the two Made it to the back of the crowd. As they did the people notice how Big and intimidating Kraig was and started to part ways to let him and Block in
“ Crockpot that's a strange name “ 
“ I know but that was what my fathers clan was called so I wear with pride”  
As the two entered the Tavern they saw Pike standing on the Table with a crowd of people while Stormy talking to the bar tender 
“ And then the snake man Slammed his Blade into the Ground and ripped hole in reality ann” As he was talking he noticed Kraig and the Elf he just meet.”  AH Kraig and the other guy You got my message Come Sit down and help me tell this people about are daring fight with the bone devil. “ Pike said as the crowd around him looked at the odd duo that just walked in.  
“ No “ Kraig said as he walked over to the Bar 
“ I will also my name is Block “ Block said as he walked to the Table that Pike was standing on 
Kraig walked up to the Bar and next to Thunder storm darkness
“ So that is three rooms four nine people that will be fifteen gold.”   The bar tender said 
Stormy reached into his coin bag and counted out fifteen gold pieces and placed it on the table “ Thank you for your time “ Stormy said as turned to face Kraig” Hello Kraig “
“ Hello Stormy Was it  “ Kraig said as he sat down in one of the seats “Bar keep your strongest drink please “ Kraig said and as the bar keep went to get his drink Valayun and the others walked in 
“ And There is the rest of my party “ Pike yelled as he pointed a finger towards the others. 
“ Hi guys “Block said 
“ Ah Lady Valayun we have succeeded in getting lodging for the night “ Kraig said 
“ So have you too found anything else about what happened here?” Jiro asked as he walked over to the bar 
“ No I haven’t “ Kraig said as he picked up the mug of dragon whisky 
“ I have. Sorry lady and gentle men it’s time of the heroes to take  “Pike said as the crowd dispersed to let Pike and Block set up a table for the party to talk at. What there next move was  and to actually get to know each other
“ So have I “ Stormy said as he moved towards the table
“ we are going to need a waiter or waitress” Kraig said to the barkeep  then followed stormy with his mug in hand 
“Can do lad”  The bar keep said
The party filled in the table 
“So before the we start can we finally at least know each other and the reasons were here “   Pike said 
“ Yes that is true we had just met and most of use don’t know each others names so I will start I am Jiro Stillwell Paladin of Avan and I am here to bring justice to those who do wrong and to look for the man who killed my master and twin brother Shiro and Nero ” 
“ I’m Meklaver Jitan  and I'm looking for my family's Jewel that was stolen by a dragon cult”  
“ My name isss Allister farewell and my quest is to find the missing parts of my patron and in return I will be turn back in to a human”  
“ Quill swift wing like all kenku we wish to fly again . I’m looking for my father after he was taken by the same cult as Meklaver family Jewel”
Thunderstorm Darkness and I'm trying to find my clan after I was separated after we were attacked by a Red and Blue Dragon. ‘    
“ Pike Flint fingers legendry treasure hunter in the making .” Pike said as he winked at Meklaver then to Valayun. 
“ I’m Kraig Crock pot the unmovable Cleric of the clock work Goddess Oreyara  son of Fjord Crockpot the unkillable and Willow stone jaw.”   Kraig removed his helmet to reveal a Gray skinned Hob Goblin with gears tattooed along his face “And my job is to protect Lady Valayun”  
“ I’m Lady Valayun Amara of Draco-Rite daughter of the High Priestess and I’m traveling the world “
“ And I’m Block Greenwind and I've spent the last decade look for Dakin after he cursed my entire Village after he drain all of the magic for the forest I called home “
Everyone went quite for a moment 
“ Well there is defiantly no chance now for Dakin getting out of this alive”  pike said 
“Like there was any other choose but to die once we sssshowed up” Allister said 
“ Ok before we start saying were going to Kill A powerful Dark Mage. We first fine where Dakin is currently” Jiro said as he pulled out a map of Galeford he had gotten from one of the border guards he ran into earlier and laid it out on the tab “Now pike Stormy what have you found out” 
Stormy spoke first “ Well I've learned that the border has been constantly attacked for the past six month by an huge bandit clan that recently were being helped by Dakin. So todays attack was “ 
“ And the reason the bandits are attacking this town is because besides it being next to a border it also a mining town  for a rare stone that is only found in the moutains here in Dayruin. The stone is used to make those cute little magical animal statue that have weird effects depending on what animal you get at a magic shop “   
“ Wait so this bandit clan was trying to steal these stones for a while then out for some or another. I’m guessing for gold or make magic weapons.Then out of no where Dakin showed up and gave them devils to invade “  Kraig said 
“ No the devil were already working under the bandits before Dakin showed up. “Then Pike reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar looked green stone then throw it on the table  “ This is what Dakin gave to them as well as the Bone devil seeing as that one was new from what the people here told me “
“ Oh that’s not good “ Meklaver said as she then Kraig pulled out a the green stones as well
“ I’m going to say that the magical stones that Dayruin is mining is used to make this” Valayun asked 
“ No Those are made out Jade ‘Pike said as he pulled out a small book “In my travels I've seen many of this kinds charms they are easy to make  normally they just boost the wears strength stamina and durability. Both this they just double the strength of the wear and sends them into a blind rage or that's the ones that the bandits had   “
“Ok now that we know what Dakin gave the bandit and why they attacked but why did he help them if he had been watching bandits throw themselves at the fort Caleb for months then for some reason he then helped them. It makes no sense unless he wanted something from them and what could he possible want from then in return”
“ Test subjects for his enchantment equipment. But then why would he need devils if he had an army of bandits . Unless he was using the bandits as a distraction while he did something else “Block said 
The party spent the next  few hour throwing out ideas of what Dakin would have wanted  for the bandit. As they did food and drink was brought to them.As they ate the conversion switched from What Dakin was planning to talking about each others lives
“ So Kraig your a half Hob-Goblin and goliath. How did your parents meet and  what did you do before being sent out   to protect lady Valayun “ Jiro asked 
“ First my  mother was a golith who won my father’s heart after killing a bear with only her hands. Second I was a smith and made the  weapons and armor for the High priestess’s and lady Valayun’s personal guard. Also I build the Armor I'm wearing right now made to be as scary as possible. Now Allister what were you before meeting your patrons “ Kraig said with a hint of personality to his voice that wasn’t there before” 
“ I wassss a SsSailor for the Blue Dragon shipping company . It wasss a good job paid well going from conation to conation. Beautiful Beach towering cities  good life I misss it at timesss. But then again if I didn’t take my last job for the company I wouldn’t be able to do this”  Allister pointed his blade at the roof an then fired off an eldritch blast “ Ok Pike your turn.”
“ Alrighty then I worked in my family's magic shop that’s why I have this “ Pike tapped on the book for a second before grabbing  his wrist again and rubbing it like he was always did Stormy Quill and Allister noticed it”  I decide to leave home become a treasure hunter and found my self here. Now if you don’t know “Yawn “ I’m going to hit the hay which room is mine again stormy” Pike asked 
“ Your in room two With Me Allister and Block”  Stormy said as he got up “ I’m going to bed as well.”
“ Same here  room three right “Jiro said as he packed up the map 
“ Yes you Quill and Kraig” Stormy said as he tossed Jiro a key 
“ Don’t lock me out I'm going to drink a little bit more before going to bed” Kraig said as everyone else besides Valayun after a few minutes of watching the others leave the table .Kraig and Valayun were left alone.
“ So Lady Valayun do you think they will be helpful in are quest “
“If what my mothers and my visions are true then we will need as much help as we can. To stop the oncoming storm” Valayun said unaware that something was watching her and kraig 
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