#we were trying to get into town and in my defense every single person had failed their persuasion check
joanie-88 · 1 year
Hey guys! sooo… I thought i could write judge sans’s story! So…. Here it it!
It all begins with a regular Undertale run.. A Neutral route for that matter. The player kills some monsters yet spares others; therefore, they do not meet the requirements of either the True Pacifist Route or the Genocide Route.
The player wanted to experiment on the game, knowing that a lot of possibilities are doable. The human didn’t kill papyrus nor sans and left the other monsters alive. Sans and papyrus are the only bosses still on foot. Seeing that nothing in particular happened during the game doing so, they left.
Sans wasn’t happy with that ending. He wanted.. happiness and freedom.
But with the ending the player gave him.. he had to stick to a title. The title being not only papyrus’s brother but also the the king’s judge.
Papyrus had to Himself take the king’s trone. With that role, comes with a lot of responsibilities. Papyrus is always out of energy.
And when sans is trying to make him laugh, he doesn’t responds as he used to. He just looks at him.. and then.. continues to watch over the underground from the castle. It’s been three months now..
Sans needs the human to remembrer. To come back. But, nobody came.
No one ever came.
Sans tries to get the things right by joking around with the royal guards, but all he gets is a simple..
« Seriously sans, your the king’s brother. Be more serious about this. »
Be more serious they say.
He then stopped joking around with them but he still does it with his brother.
Sans couldn’t keep believing that the player would ever come back. Things would never gonna go back to what it used to be. Unless he does something for it to happen, but what?
With all the stress and responsibilities sans had on his back..
He came to his brother to kneel and admit how tired he actually is. Papyrus wanting to help, gently proposed for him to take a walk, giving him a comforting smile.
After his walk it was now around 12 am, papyrus was almost sleeping on his trone. His eyes where fighting against him.
So sans came to him and said:
« Woah, looks like your coffee goes right trough you today, am I right? »
« Yes sans, very nice.. »
« Aww I’m flattered! It’s like I have butterflies in my stomach. »
« Sans, we don’t have stomachs. »
« That’s right! But I do have butterflies tough! »
« Wh- »
Sans opens his jacket to let free 4 butterflies.
« SANS! Omg! Don’t you see that I’m not in the mood for your profanities! »
«  Relax I just wanted to make you laugh a bit, u looked like a dead body. »
« Get a life sans! »
« I-… I…. » He looks down. « Im gonna let u to your work.. u seem busy. »
« Sans i didn’t- »
« Don’t sweat it.. it’s fine. Try to get some sleep tough ok? »
Sans has now no one he can interact with without getting pushed away.
His own brother now dismisses him. He loses hope on every angle.
He wants it to be over. To go back to when things were better.
When the player…
Sans starts a new mission, completely erasing the number one mission he had for a long time now, to be there for papyrus.
His new mission is called:
Make the player come back. No matter what it takes.
Sans began his journey of L.O.V.E.
Without any emotions, he killed the Snowdin town’s people.
He reassured himself saying that it’s gonna work, it’s worth it, he needs to. Things like that.
He checks their attacks and defenses, and makes the maximum damage from what he now knows from them.
After some time, tears started falling down, only for him to swipe it up with his dusty hands.
Then.. he heard a laugh behind the trees.
He turned suddenly to see Killer standing in front of him.
« Heyyy.. the boss wants your service. He said you still have your judgment skill. So he wants you to help him with his mission. For every single person in the multiverse to be negative, and erase positive feelings from existence. »
« Well, I was going to get the player to get here so that- »
« I’m stopping you right here my friend. The player is not coming back. Wanna know why? »
« Yes! For Asgore’s sake just tell me! »
« The player uninstalled the game by boredom and frustration, they are never coming back. »
« Then how come am I still here ? »
« Simple! They uninstalled it, they didn’t.. Delete it! =) »
« Why are you smiling like that? »
« Cause it’s funny that you thought you had a chance to bring them back by killing people lol »
« I had no other choice! »
« You did, you could have.. I don’t know, dealt with the ending you ended up with? Not blaming you, the team and I did the same.»
« I-.. ugh.. ok.. let’s say that it was fine in the beginning but.. »
« Oh, don’t let your energy run out just telling me what I already know. »
« Y-You know? »
« We all do. Now! Are you coming or what? »
« Well I don’t want to get the positive feeling to completely die, but… I don’t want to die here all alone either. Wait, what about papyrus? »
« Don’t worry the boss will inform him of your departure! »
« Uh..ok? I mean it’s super not convincing coming from a guy like you but.. i won’t make a big deal out of it.»
« Neat! Now come, take my hand. It’s better so you don’t slip into a random AU. We don’t have a good reputation. » Killer says, winking.
« Good to know? » Judge follows melancholically.
So? What do you think?
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The reason I am not ACAB is because I’m prior military. Are there bad cops? Yes. Are there good cops? Yes. Are there bad laws? Yes. Are there good laws? Yes. But there are risks to being an officer. And contrary to popular belief without police, we have anarchy. Or just people taking justice into their own hands which if it’s not self defense or immediate defense of others, it’s vigilantism. 
This isn’t “boot licking”. There are AWFUL cops out there. There are AWFUL state troopers out there. There are AWFUL sheriffs out there. But you can’t believe that “One ruins all” Because no matter how much good one officer does for a Precinct or a community, they will be overshadowed by the bad. But if they try to come forward the unions and often the DA’s, Judges, and higher ups at their precinct will go out of their way to either cover stuff up, or destroy the person coming out. 
And if you are married with kids, that sort of risk is not worth it for you. More over if they are mostly corrupt, and coordinate to throw the accusations of corruption on to you to use you as a scapegoat. Believe me when I tell you that if a good cop exists in a place, even surrounded by bad cops, You will be thankful that he never quit his job. Because when he shows up, rather than one of the corrupt cops, you will thank your lucky stars he was there. 
Sadly though, if you say anything good about cops you get called a fascist. You get called a statist. You get called a boot licker. You get called everything under the sun. But how many lives have police and law enforcement saved over the last century? Countless. And who thanks them? No one. Example: Me and a friend group one time were approached by a man while we were in High School. He was very loud and aggressive. It was me and 2 other guys smaller than me, and 4 girls. This man was much bigger and he would not leave us alone. We started back to our friends house because it was close by but he kept following us. Eventually one of the girls screamed at him because he was making all of us uncomfortable and following very close behind. At which point he ran up and grabbed her by the neck, prompting me and one other guy to rush him. He fought with us for a moment but we were not going to last very long. Cop rolls up, 2 officers in the car and they rush out  separate us and ask what happened. We express what was going on and they bring us all to the station after a second car showed up. Turns out that man was suspected in the rape of potentially 2 other women in the town, and would camp out at night waiting for people to pass by for him to follow them. And also turns out he was armed with an illegal weapon, as he had prior charges. Those cops probably saved our lives. And very much risked their own to save us. Unknowing to them. They got us to the station before searching him so we never saw what happened to him and only the parents of the girl he assaulted were asked if they wanted to press charges. They did. 
My point is. If a cop does a shitty job? Call them out. If they break the law? Call them out. Demand accountability. If a cop is doing their job and things go south, understand that it sucks but it’s the risk they face every single day. For context, here is a video to make you understand how hard it is to be a cop. Especially in a world that now thinks ALL cops are evil racists. And no, they are not “Judge Jury and Executioner. Nor do most want to be. Sometimes though. They don’t have a choice. And that’s just a fact. 
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
It's 3:30 AM.
Today was... difficult.
It was going fine, then my mom called right after I got my delivery. I was a bit overwhelmed today, just... didn't really feel like going out and getting groceries the day after Christmas. Delivery is fine. And I kinda earned it, considering the only people who acknowledged I'm even alive on Christmas was my mom and my older brother who I barely talk with. So, in fighting the Christmas blues, I decided to treat myself.
It's a shame my food was cold. Because within 10 minutes of the conversation starting, she got insanely defensive. And again, so that I keep this journal about my shit and not others'... let's just say that we identified that it was a panic attack of one sort or another, but only after an hour of me being treated very roughly. And I did literally nothing. So, again, just trying to speak about my experience because I really feel uncomfortable talking about other peoples' shit. I'm struggling after it. I went from super energetic and really excited to take on a project... I have a bloodstone that I wanted to wire wrap tonight and maybe see if I can find other smaller pieces or some of the wooden beads to pair it with. It was gonna be a whole thing. After the conversation, I shit you not, I felt more tired than I did when I got back from skating the other day. Like I started nodding off. Not even remotely exaggerating.
I tried to watch some tutorials and videos to get myself inspired again, no dice. I have all my tools and the stone still out on my desk right now, like 5 hours later. This is how it goes for me. And for the past few years, it has been this several times a week. Every week. It has disabled me. Like... I have my own issues on top of this, right? I'm single and in my mid-30's, I've never really been in a healthy relationship to the point where I'm terrified to get into one because I'm afraid I won't be able to tell if it's unhealthy, or even know how to walk away from it if I realize it is. I have no official work history over the past... almost 10 years, nothing documented. I've never paid taxes and at this point, I'm afraid to ask how. I have no friends, the only friends I had were kinda just using me to brag and flex their interests or whatever, treating me like a show-off older brother or something, literally none of them looked up to me, admired me or asked for my advice on shit, and the kicker? I am like 5-6 years older than all of them. I just moved, alone, in winter. I have like no furniture, I had to part with a very big portion of my personal possessions (aka my memories). My cat is sick. Like... I've got enough on my plate, right? XD Then I just get the shit kicked out of me and... it just knocks me out. Then I get like one or two days of recovery and - if I'm lucky - positivity... Then I get kicked right down again.
What happens is... the acute stuff like what happened to day is much more bold and underlined so it gets all of my energy and attention to recover from it. And recovery requires low-energy expenditure, rest. So the rest of my life shit ends up neglected. Stray hairs start piling up in the bathroom. Cardboard boxes pile up in the living room. Trash and dishes start piling up. That trip into town gets put off another week, until I feel like I have the emotional fortitude to brave the public world alone again. And they all grow and grow and grow. And when you're going alone, and all your problems just continually grow, you only have the energy reserves and resources of one person to face these things. So it's gonna take a long-ass time. It's like you're peeling ivy off of the walls of your brick house before the ivy consumes it and tears it apart, but you can only peel it back one leaf per day. And you pray you have the energy to outpace it. Like the slowest neck-and-neck race in history. Like two snails on a racetrack with a photo finish. It's such a shit feeling.
And for years, I have been telling people - verbatim - "you have no idea how much of an impact literally any assistance with just everyday shit would make in my life." And people just... don't really process it, I guess. Maybe they think I'm bullshitting to like... "trick them" into doing my dishes for me? That's my best guess, something suspicious, right? What they really don't realize - and let me be really clear, the majority of these "they" in this context were mental health professionals, okay? - what they don't realize is that helping me, or helping me find someone to help me, with these everyday things... to help peel back the ivy... Where I have only enough spare energy (because I'm healing and recovering), they have enough energy for like... a foot-long branch. And it's like, nothing to them. And the impact that would make in my life would be like... buying me two weeks of time to recover. For like... no cost to them.
But every fucking time. Every fucking time. Denied. Evaded. Excused as like... "teaching me how to do it myself", as though I don't know how to wash dishes or pay bills or fill out a resume. Fuck, I could probably do that shit better than them!
I'm actually getting stressed out hearing myself vent about this. I'm walking away from this line of thought. I want to curl up under the comforter with my cat and listen to generic boring piano music and smell the essential oil diffuser with some weird sweet fruity oil that can't possibly be Bamboo and Teak, but is labeled as that. And try my best to reset my mental vibes so I don't end up in a surreal hellscape the second my conscious mind goes into recharge-mode.
So... let me get a head-start, since I'm heading right there. Good vibes. Hmm... Well, I witnessed my mom have a breakthrough today. And as hard as that is, and scary as that is, and how big the cost was... it was really important, and memorable. And I hope it lasts. And I hope she gets the help she needs to be the happy person she deserves to be. She has earned being happy. She still has work to get there, but she has support from a veteran who has been in the trenches full-time for over 5 years. And she got the ball rolling with Betterhelp, she's just looking for someone closer to her age to make her more comfortable... and that's super important in therapy. You have to feel comfortable talking about what you're dealing with. So, I really fucking hope she gets a good match soon.
Ugh, do I have better vibes than that? I polished a piece of smoky quartz tonight, it's almost completely transparent, that was pretty cool. And dinner wasn't bad. And I had a cookie, that was pretty good. You know what. Okay, here it is. I listened to Coheed and Cambria's In Keeping Secrets album in the shower today. That was my album when I was in high school. They were 100% my favorite band back then. And just singing along in a falsetto at like... metered volume so the neighbors wouldn't hear me too loud? That sensation brought me back to a period of like... at least 5 years of some of the most creative and personal growth of my entire life. It brought me right back. And I have been avoiding nostalgia for a while because... trauma... and yeah, just getting freaked out about getting old. Like Coheed is basically classic rock now. Which is so fucking weird to me. Like that Coheed album came out in like 2002 I think, something like that. So that equivalent today... would be an album that came out in 1982 back then. So, like... back then the oldest thing I was listening to that was like... "cool" was probably Master of Puppets by Metallica, and I wasn't like... huge into Metallica, I actually wasn't really a big fan, but I had a lot of important memories attached to that album. My fencing teacher used to play it when we would practice and warm up, it was very energizing and nostalgic. So I guess this album is like that for people today. It's really hard to process that. Like, time is really hard for me to process in general, but like... just the idea that so much time has passed. I just don't have the words.
Anyway, I looked over at my guitar when I said "You know what." My acoustic, to be specific. Delilah. She's the same guitar I had in college. I got her as a Christmas gift (I think) in... 2005, maybe? She's been to both coasts. She kept me company when my bandmate invited me to drive 2.5 hours down to visit him in his dorm room during summer break and he got drunk and invited a chick over for the night and I slept 2 hours on his common room couch while he presumably banged this not very attractive young woman, then once the sun came up, spent a good chunk of the morning out in the courtyard chainsmoking with Delilah and playing until my fingers couldn't move. She was my go-to break when me and my friend Aimee were sharing her art studio to pull all-nighters to finish our projects. She kept me company when my drug-dealing (figured that out after the fact, I thought it was just weed and like occasional recreational pills) roommate threatened my life because I played the drums in the house when I thought no one was home, and he and his girlfriend were in the next room skipping class because they were detoxing off of heroin. Delilah and I spent the whole night laying on the floor of the painting studio practicing Laser Speed by Between the Buried and Me over and over and over until we had to hide in the bathroom to dodge getting kicked out by security, because I was too scared to go back to the house and had nowhere else to go. She has a sticker on her from a local mexican food chain that went out of business like 3 years ago. XD I love her a lot. And I think I'm going to spend a little time playing some music before bed to reset the vibes. I'm glad I looked over there, these are hard memories, but we survived. And we're stronger for it. And no matter how dark shit got in my life, she always helped me find a way to make something beautiful out of it. <3
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herunstablelogic · 11 years
Dear Baby,
I forgot how hard it was for me to be single. I have the urge to flirt with every guy I see and it’s extremely hard to ignore. I’ve been talking to Collin again and I suddenly had dreams about our good memories together; it made me miss him. However, he is still not the person I had fallen in love with.
I am trying to forget men and concentrate on God, but it’s been so hard. I feel so lonely and though I will remain like this forever and never have the opportunity to raise you, know you. I spent time with Stephanie yesterday and her friends and went to into town and walked around for a bit. I bought everyone pizza. I didn’t want to, but I felt bad only buying something for me… so I did anyways. They appreciated it so I guess it was worth it.
I joined ChristianMingle.com out of curiosity but because you can’t interact with the members unless you subscribe for $30 a month, I just got to learn that there are very few Christian singles in my area and only one that I match with… just my luck, huh baby?
I’m worried about work. I was told that my anxiety may be a problem. Someone tried stealing cigarettes but my co-worker, the only other employee in the store other than me, caught him and told him to empty his pockets and never enter the store again; him and four others hung around the store, so we called the cops. There were also some suspicious transactions but all in all, the events that night made my anxiety spark and my performance suffered. I bought lavender to calm me down, chamomile tea, and tiger balm for my aching back in hope it may help me keep my job. I may have to swift to day shift which I don’t want to because it will mean less hours and more days a week.
Baby, because I feel so weak and now that I am single, I feel the need to learn some sort of self-defense. Apparently, my uncle knows someone who owns a Kung Fu school and he owes him classes. He told me that if we meet there tomorrow at 1645 that he will try to get the classes for me. I am nervous and excited at the same time. It’s the same class Collin took when we were dating. Collin told me that he wants to come back and earn his black belt. He also said that he never responses to anyone who messages him anymore; but he did respond to me. What does that mean?
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canarydraws · 2 years
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I don’t think I ever shared my Curse of Strahd character here! I’m playing Dex, a dhampire ranger and so far I have been the trouble maker of the group lol. For example, just last session my friends had to get me out of jail because I had managed to enrage every guard on the city wall because I was trying to cause a distraction.
(Said distraction involved spider climbing up the wall and swearing at all the guards. …hey it worked? They just thought Dex was the devil or something)
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formulawrite · 2 years
Romantic Gateway // F.D.
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Summary: Felipe has a different idea of romance than his girlfriend 
Warnings: None
"I can't believe you just said that" he said almost offended 
"It's a fact, Paris is more romantic than Venice" i shrugged
Felipe and I were having dinner at the restaurant at his hotel, summer break was around the corner and we were planning a romantic getaway for a week, but of course we turned into a competition
"Paris is not that great, Is too crowded, the food is not that great, and i don't speak french" he pointed at me with his fork
"yes it has it's down side like everything does, and i also don't speak italian but i still go to your house there." I said finishing my wine “but please tell me a more romantic scenario than dinner on top the Eiffel Tower with the view of the entire city lights."
"a nice lunch by the Italian shore, the best gelato in town, boat ride down the canal, then i'll take you back to our hotel room and..." he started to whisper on my ear
"okay let me stop you there cause i’m terrified of that boat thing, plus we both know i'll say i'm not going to eat to much ice cream but then i eat too much ice cream and feel too stuffed to do anything else"  
we start to get up heading to the elevators
"it's not ice cream is gelato" 
"same thing" I leaned against the room door as we reached the floor
"it really isn't"
"fine, but i still had a better time in Paris one time I’ve been there than every single Venice visit" I said throwing myself in his bed his room
"It’s not the place babe is the person, speaking of... who took you to such an incredible romantic journey in Paris that anything else sounds dreadful?" he sat next to me
"babe don't start"
"i'm not starting anything, i just want to know who turned you into number one Paris public defense attorney."
I close my eyes thinking if i should tell him
"...Lando. When we first started dating."
"really? the ex that broke up with you over an instagram dm on your finals week? really?"
I shouldn’t have told him, i roll my eyes starting to get up but he pulls me back to the bed
"no no no i'm sorry i'm just messing with you" laughing and caresses his thumb on my cheek "ok how about we meet halfway and do both."
"you want to go to Paris and Venice?" raising my eyebrows
"yes" he shrugged “why not?”
"can't we just go somewhere else? like Portugal? Greece? or Brasil? you're already going there i could join" i was whining, there’s no way i’m packing a bag three times 
"i'm going on a business lecture for my sponsor and São paulo is not romantic, c'mon i'm sure we can do both in a week"
"if you were born 3 days earlier we wouldn't be having this conversation" this time i managed to get up and get my washbag for a shower
"Not everything has to do with me being a gemini, i promise i'll plan everything to perfection"
"fine, but if it's not romantic we're breaking up" 
"yes ma’m"
I stop before entering the bathroom
"this has nothing to do with you wanting to outdo whatever happened in my trip with Lando right?" 
"c'mon do you really think i'm that competitive?" he responded trying to sound innocent 
"you just turned this conversation into a competition love" I shouted already inside the room
"you started" he shouted back
He really wasn’t kidding when he said perfection, the hotel was amazing with a breathtaking view to the ocean
"i told you, it's not the place it's the person" he was putting our luggage around the room “but the place does help”
"it was one wow because we have a nice view, i'm not sold yet" turning around to wrap my arms around his neck
"you will be by the end of the night" he wrapped his around my waist
"you seem confident"
"i am, i prepared the perfect date for my perfect date"
"you're so cheesy" i smiled giving him a quick kiss "i love you"
"I love you too, we have a few hours until our reservation at the reastaurant maybe we can take a bath and relax a little"
"we?" i raised my eyebrows at his suggestion 
"i only said we should have a bath, you're the one with the dirty mind here" walking me to the bathroom
He was right, the dinner was perfect, candle light by the shore, the walk to the gelateria was even better, the simple street lights illuminating the cobble stone street, we talked and laughed about stupid things while Felipe walked with his arm around my shoulder the whole path kissing my forehead from time to time. it really was perfect.
"oh my god"
He was right again, gelato and ice cream are very different things 
"i know, you should start listening to me a bit more" 
he laugh as I punched him on the arm
"you ruined me for ice cream for life"
I was suddenly startled by a voice next to me 
"un bel fiore per una bella ragazza?"*
the man who approached us was holding a basket with roses offering me one, i looked at Felipe for help, i had no idea what this man just said. he started to get his wallet chuckling at my expression
"la sua bellezza merita un intero campo di fiori, forse glielo regalerò un giorno."** handing him some money and taking the rose "grazie" the man left nodding with his head at us and walking to next couple sitting a few table from us.
"what was that about?"
"nothing, just agreeing how beautiful you are" he said smiling and handing me the flower. 
we left the shop and sat at a bench near the pier with my head in his shoulder while he caressed my arm. it was silent. comfortable silence. i could spend the rest if my life like this.
"you were right, this was perfect"
"i'm glad you like princesa" I smiled, i always do when he calls me that "i like seeing you smiling like that"
"i like it when you make me smiled like that" i reached for his lips
"i was thinking... maybe we don't need to go to Paris... maybe we could stay here a bit more" i looked at him with hope
"we can stay here the whole month if you ask me" he said burying his face on my neck
"now that's a little dramatic"
"not if it's true"
"how about we go back to the hotel and finish what we started in the bath" I got up pushing him with me to press his body against mine 
"i never been more in love with you" we kissed before he practically dragged me to find a cab 
Guess Venice is not that bad after all
* -  a beautiful flower for a beautiful girl
** - her beauty deserves a whole field of flowers, maybe i'll give her that some day, thank you
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
Run Run Run - Seoul Town Road (Part 3)
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A zombie apocalypse breaks out and you’re stuck on a plane with none other than…BTS! Oh, you thought because you were an Army that would help you survive? Girl think again.
OT7 BTS Zombie Apocalypse AU / BTS member x reader slow burn
Ready for a roadtrip with the boys?! How much could go wrong? We’re starting to get really angsty now, but there’s some fun stuff too! Enjoy! <3
Warnings: death, monsters, blood, fighting, killing, gory details, angst, kissing
Word Count: 10.7k
“Who knows, maybe every single zombie movie in existence had it wrong.” Yoongi laughs, proving to be your favorite again. “If you guys are headed to Seoul, then I’ll go too.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
You sit atop the guard tower with Jimin, it’s the last time you’ll ever do this. It’s a bittersweet feeling once you realise this. You had begun looking forward to your night shifts, where time seemed to slow down to a crawl, the hours stretching, as far across as the starry sky. It was a needed change from the nights you spent moving forward alone.
It was somehow easier talking to the former idols in the dead of night, one-on-one, half asleep, prying intimate details about each other's lives as an excuse to stay alert. You became closer to each of them in this way. The quiet respite, the company they offered, the calmness of the night, you really didn’t want it to end. But tomorrow morning you'll leave this place for good, headed for Seoul.
“Yeah, shoot.” You roll your shoulders, licking your lips, the skin still cut and healing from Minho’s hit.
“Did you really kiss Minho first?” When you raise your eyebrow at him, Jimin quickly adds, “It doesn’t make what he did to you right at all!” He puts his hands out, shaking them frantically, his worried expression too cute for you to be angry at him.
“But why did you kiss him?” Jimin sat next to you, patiently waiting for your answer.
You snort, “I don’t know, I guess I found him attractive? In a last-available-man-on-earth sort of way?” you sigh, staring down at the tree line, too embarrassed to look at Jimin.
Jimin nods. “He’s your type-”
“No way!” you balk at him. “I was just...lonely...” You swallow down the anxious tension growing in the back of your throat, bravely adding, “You’re my type.”
You instantly regret saying that, you’re not brave, you’re an idiot. “I-I mean, the type of p-person I would like, would be someone like you, not you!” You stare far off into the distance, ignoring the silence from your guard partner. The night’s quiet stillness now felt taunting rather than soothing.
Jimin laughs softly, prompting you to glance over at him. You’re acutely aware of the warmth on your arm from Jimin’s proximity to you, the way he leans his body towards you.
“If I am your type, why didn’t you kiss me instead?” he doesn’t look at you when he asks the question and it makes you wonder why he keeps pressing the matter.
“I-What? I...don’t understand.”
“Why him out of all of us?” Jimin turns his body to you, running a hand through his unwashed hair. You can tell he is struggling with the words, as if he wanted to say more.
“All of you, w-what? I t-thought he was my only option.” You didn’t try to make your answer sound defensive on purpose, but you couldn’t help the prickly pitch in your tone.
“Your only option?” he repeats, laughing. “What made you think that?”
You scoff, ‘Everything.’ “You call me Noona. You don’t even know how old I am!”
“You refuse-”
“And you all treat me like I’m just another one of the guys, the last time we were at the lake you all started undressing right in front of me!”
“I-It was just our shirts, we go shirtless all the time!”
“Yeah, you do!” Your face feels hot thinking about it, how does Jimin not see how that might affect you? “Sometimes I think you forget I’m a woman, you know.”
“That’s not true!” Jimin stares at you incredulously. “We know you’re a - we like that you’re...”
“Uh huh the last time Jin joked that I was Jungkook’s girlfriend he looked at me like he had just been electrocuted.”
“But you threw him off you and yelled ‘gross’-”
“I d-did not!”
“Doesn’t ‘ew’ mean disgusting in English?”
“I said ‘ugh,’ he was heavy! He shouldn’t have tried to save me from falling,” you huff, “And that’s not the point!”
“What is the point?”
“You’re all just...I don’t know! You’re-” you look over to Jimin again, staring at his handsome and soft features. Even if it felt like lifetimes ago, you can easily picture him just the way he was before, bleached hair, makeup, expensive performance outfit instead of tattered clothes, a mirage of his past life sitting next to you instead, “-very out of my league.”
Jimin shakes his head. He wanted to correct you, but he didn’t know how to tell you that they had dealt with so much loss that every member had been scared to get too close to you. That they made a deal amongst themselves not to complicate things, to leave it up to you if you wanted more, but you never asked for more, you never asked for anything from them. You were so independent and guarded, a mystery none of them could solve.
“That’s not true. You have - what did you call it? ‘options’...” Jimin studies your weary eyes, contemplating upon the brief moment of weakness he witnessed, it was very unlike you. So he decides to be brave instead.
Jimin leans in closer to you, head moving towards yours. You jerk away from him. Only slightly. Only enough to keep your lips from touching.
The logical part of your brain is telling you that Jimin is only reacting this way because you’re the last woman for miles who doesn’t want to chomp on his brains, that this would never happen under any normal circumstance, that you’d never have a chance if it weren’t for the world literally ending-
The illogical part of your brain says to kiss him. Not because he is someone you used to idolize, but after everything you’ve been through...the chaos at the airport, the brutal reality you fought against during supply runs, the laughs during group dinners, the guard nights like tonight where you talked like old friends, you realize, Jimin is a good man. And you want to kiss him too.
So fuck it, you’re touch starved and needy and the way Jimin is looking at you has your ego soaring through the roof.
You lean into him before he has a chance to question your hesitation. He slowly presses his lips on yours, his lips so soft and smooth and better than you could have ever imagined. And oh, you did imagine. You however didn’t factor in your busted lip-
“Ow!” you wince.
“I’m sorry! I shouldn’t-”
“I didn’t say stop!” You shift your body, kissing him again, adamant to keep his attention.
You’ve built up so many walls and you just wanted one small victory, to just feel a connection with someone again, to have a lifeline in the dark ocean of uncertainty you have been wading in for so long. In that moment you hope it's Jimin who reaches you finally.
Jimin deepens the kiss and your lips move against his own despite the pain, despite your insecurities telling you he’s only kissing you now because you’re the last available woman left here, it’s okay...The pain of Jimin’s lips pressed tightly against your own is added to the list of things that makes you feel alive.
Your heart races, goosebumps bloom in the places Jimin runs his hands along, and your body feels ignited against his warmth. You take the opportunity to run your fingers through his hair, pull him closer and let the pain turn into pleasure, listening to his soft sighs against your lips. It’s been so long...
Over a year at least since you’ve kissed someone like this. You’re pent up, that’s for sure, and by the way Jimin eagerly pulls you closer to him, moving you into his lap, legs straddling his strong thighs, breathlessly kissing you as neither of you are willing to pull away from each other, you’re sure he’s just as needy as you. Your breath hitches, rolling your hips down purposefully onto his lap, so he can-
“Shift change - Oh shit!” Taehyung yelps, almost falling off the ladder.
Your soul leaves your body.
You jump away from Jimin like a scared cat, so far you almost fall backward off the platform. Jimin looks at Taehyung with a mixture of shock and anger as you scramble onto your feet, practically yanking Taehyung’s whole body onto the platform and out of your way, leaving before you have to face either man.
You jump down, falling backward into Yoongi, who came to relieve Jimin. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” You’re totally not fine, “I’m great,” You were great, now you feel like throwing up, “Why wouldn’t I be okay?” You’re being suspicious, get it together! “Don’t answer that, I-I’m fine, I'm fine,” you say trying to calm yourself down.
Yoongi holds your shoulders to steady you. Yoongi's hands are still on your arms as you ramble, thumbs rubbing circles into your skin absentmindedly. Jimin’s words run through your mind, ‘...options,’ and you panic, turning on your heel, leaving a confused Yoongi behind.
You feel like running away. Instead you run back inside, not willing to lose the opportunity to sleep in a bed for the last time. Your humiliation could just not compete with down feathers, not in this economy!
You slip under the covers and settle into bed with Jungkook and Hoseok, resting on Hoseok's side.
You’re used to the members pulling you closer into them by now, if only for body warmth on cold nights without heat. But now...now you can’t help but feel paralyzed by Hoseok’s closeness. You bury your face in your hands, your lips still vibrating from Jimin’s touch.
“What's wrong, did something happen?” Hoseok murmurs groggily against your stiff body and you grunt out a no. “Rest. Tomorrow is the big day,” he says, yawning and holding you gently.
How can you sleep now, when all you’re thinking about is your kiss with Jimin and Hoseok’s warmth against you? Has Hoseok always drummed his fingers against your side? When he sighs, nose against your neck, you see all the potential ‘options’ in your mind. How would Hoseok react if you turned your body around? If you pressed your face into his chest, ran your lips across his collar bone? Left soft kisses up his neck? Would he kiss you back? Would he touch you? Would he-
Oh shit. This wasn’t supposed to happen...
The fear of lurking zombies pale in comparison to the fear coursing through you right now, because in this very moment, you realize you’re starting to develop very inconvenient ‘optional’ feelings for certain members of BTS!
Despite that asshole Dev’s pleading, you and the group ready yourselves for the trip ahead. You didn’t need to do much, you already had everything you ever needed consolidated into your backpack. As it turned out, decluttering your life became super easy in the post apocalyptic era.
Kangho did give you a tiny collection of cooking tools to take with you. The old man had refused the group’s offer of joining the road trip, unable to leave the home that held so many memories for him, unable to leave the graves of his late wife and two deceased daughters.
You didn’t know if by choosing to stay behind, he was being smarter than all of you or choosing a death sentence, but you hoped he would be safe here, relatively hidden away from zombies. You really hoped the best for that old man, that he’d live the rest of his life out in peace. Unlike the other man staying behind, the bodyguard, who you hoped would be eaten alive by fire ants, if not zombies.
“Are they okay?” you ask Namjoon who secures the last of the supplies to the hood of the car. You noticed Taehyung and Hoseok missing, the pair solemnly standing in silence in front of headstones off in the distance.
“Yeah,” he says softly, “They are just saying goodbye. Kangho told you he had a daughter?” You nod. “She and Taehyung were close...” You caught the hidden meaning of his words.
“Was Hoseok, um, close to the other daughter?”
Namjoon shakes his head, “We buried our staff out there too, we thought it was wrong to leave them-” Namjoon swallows hard at the memories, “There was a stylist, she and Hoseok had been err close, as well.”
“I’m sorry. It must have been so difficult to lose them. I can’t imagine,” you whisper, trying to keep your emotions from surfacing.
“It was...I’m just happy my brothers survived. We’re still seven, even after all of this,” he smiles weakly.
You offer him a small smile in return, “I guess it’s a good thing I don’t really have anything here to lose,” pointing to yourself, “foreigner.”
His fingers find yours. “You’ll find your family.”
You hum, silencing your doubts. “You’ll find the rest of your family too,” Squeezing his hand tighter, you add, “But first, let's get you all to Seoul. Then we’ll work on getting me out of Seoul, yeah?”
Minho scoffs, walking up to the both of you, eyeing the place where your hands meet, displeasure evident. “I’ll give you one last chance,” he addresses Namjoon only, “let me go with you, you’ve never been without my help and you’re going to need it.” You resist the urge to tell him off. He had a point. He is the biggest and strongest one here, and he was loyal, even if he was a giant ass.
“We’re not stopping you from going to Seoul, but you’re not traveling with us,” Namjoon says, demeanor harsh and unforgiving.
Minho heaves a sigh, now looking directly at you. “If your precious idols die, it will be all your fault.”
Namjoon pulls you away before Minho can say anything more. “You should be more worried about yourself, Minho,” you yell. “It’s not so easy to survive on your own, I would know!”
You stare at Namjoon’s fingers tightly wound around yours and back at his face, anger evident, and you can’t help but feel guilt bubbling in the pit of your stomach.
You pass by Jimin, and the way Jimin watches silently as his leader drags you along, eyes searching yours for answers, hurt apparent because you’ve been ignoring him all day; the way he looks at you has your guilt magnifying tenfold. You hate to admit it, but Minho was only parroting what you already felt deep down inside. Minho was right.
“What now?!” Namjoon looks irate, running towards the rest of the group. You run behind him, watching the scuffle of men, bodies tangled and hands pulling others apart.
“He’s trying to take the keys!” Jungkook yells.
“You didn’t find this car, Minho!”
“Yeah, the person who did is dead!”
“Ugh, has he always been this annoying?” you ask yourself.
The members dogpile on the bodyguard.
“You can’t do this to me! After everything we’ve been through! A couple months with this bitch-”
“ENOUGH!” Everyone turns to look at the elderly man, axe in his hands. “Enough, I said. Stop!”
Everyone stops fighting, slumping down after Kangho’s scolding.
“If we can’t stop ourselves from tearing each other apart, what will those monsters have left to do, eh?”
Minho grunts, shaking off the others, walking past Namjoon. “The next time we meet, you’ll regret it.” You watch the exchange, unable to stop the gnawing sense of deja vu at his words.
“Something is off about you, I’ll prove it.” he whispers lowly at you. You frown, letting Minho shove you out of the way without retaliation. It didn’t feel good to watch him walk away like a wounded dog, because you’re reminded of the wounds you endured. You bite your tongue watching as he goes, he’s still a giant ass.
Now if you all would kindly get off my property,” the old man yells.
You laugh and think, ‘Good for him.’
With one final goodbye to Kangho, you’re all ready. “We are definitely not all going to fit in that tiny car,” you sigh.
Namjoon hesitates and then asks, “Can I, um, ride the bike then?”
You chew on your lip. You know you’ve been pretty mean to him regarding your bicycle, always shooing Namjoon away when you noticed him admiring it, refusing him bluntly every time he asked to use it.
It was petty, you knew it, but your bicycle had been your escape from the hell of the airport, something that could have been avoided if they just let you ride with them in the first place! It still made you angry, so you didn’t want to give Namjoon the satisfaction, the kindness he hadn’t extended to you on that day.
But now after everything, after watching the exchange between Minho and Namjoon...for now at least, you’ll let it go.
You nod. “If I can ride with you,” you add, “I will kill any zombies that come close to us,” so he doesn’t get any wrong ideas.
His face lights up, smiling brightly at you. You don’t think you’ve seen the leader so happy since arriving. You try to ignore the elation blossoming in the pit of your stomach watching Namjoon’s excitement.
He cycles in circles around you like a happy child. “You better not break anything,” you mutter under your breath, crossing your arms, so he’ll never know the happiness he caused to flutter inside of you.
Namjoon takes off with you on the handlebars, you steady yourself by leaning back against his wide chest. The two of you were the lead. Hoseok steers the car behind you, the small four-door is cramped with seven men. Hoseok, Jungkook and Jin in the front, and Yoongi, Jimin, that asshole Dev, and Taehyung in the back. The group did not go for your idea of throwing Dev in the trunk.
You wanted to leave during the night, but traveling in such a large group would have made it impossible. However, you can’t help but smile at how freeing it feels to travel during the day, the sun feels nice, the wind feels nice, Joon’s comforting presence feels nice. Listening to Namjoon hum a song out of happiness behind you has you full of positivity for once, and you think, it’s going to be a good day...
But are there any good days when zombies are around?
“Not at all.” Namjoon leans over, pressing closer to you as he picks up his pace.
“Hey, don’t push yourself!” You smile, and then you come across a road block.
With zombies everywhere.
The bike screeches to a halt as the monsters notice your approach.
“I know this is going to sound crazy, but keep biking.”
“Just do it.” You pull out a knife from your back pocket. “Bike straight towards them, Joon.” You can hear the car come to a slow stop behind you. “They’re slower in the sun, look at them. I can kill them, I used to do this at night, and they were faster then. We can’t always run away if we want to make it to Seoul. Every zombie we leave behind can and will follow us.” You plead with him to believe you. You can hear him take a sharp inhale, chest heaving against your back.
Joon bikes straight for them, and you do what you’ve learned to do, you survive.
The group leaves the car to move the crashed vehicles out of the way while you use water and a rag to wash the gore from your skin. You walk over to Namjoon who sits on the ground, face covered in blood and shaken. Crouching down in front of him, “You’re a fast learner,” you say softly, wiping off the blood from his cheek. He hands you your knife. Half way through your fight you had jumped off the bike, giving him an extra knife to protect himself. ‘Are you okay?”
He nods, “Yeah, that was just a lot,” he swallows, “of killing.”
You exhale, sitting next to him. “Yeah, well I can’t tell you it will get any easier,” you mutter, going back to cleaning yourself.
Dev comes up to the pair of you. “I’m sorry, y/n, for what happened at the airport! I’m so sorry, I hope you can forgive me. You know after getting to know you these past weeks, I would never ever betray you like that again, I consider you one of my friends, you know that right?” he grovels out of fear for what he just witnessed.
‘Ugh calm down, what do you think I’m going to do, you weirdo?!”
“Dev, just go away.” Namjoon mutters, prompting you to turn your head, unable to hide your smile as Dev stumbles away stuttering out apologies.
“Still wanna ride the bike? I can do it alone-”
“You think I’m going to give up so easily?” He cracks his knuckles, stretching out his sore body. “I finally got you to let me ride it!”
You laugh, using the rag to wipe off the blood staining his neck. “Okay, but don’t get too comfortable! You break it, you buy it, and you cannot afford my price, that’s my baby.”
Namjoon grips your wrist before you can pull away. He stares at you, eyes sorrowful, “I’m sorry...you had to go through that before, and alone...I’m sorry.”
You have flashbacks of the airport. Rooms filled with bodies, corridors of horrors, swarms of rotting flesh for days. You shake the grotesque memories away, pulling Namjoon to his feet. “Let’s help them so we can keep moving. Nowadays, the real monsters out there aren’t the ones that want to eat your brains.”
You raid a gas station while the two oldest members siphon gas from one of the pumps.
“I found a flashlight!”
“Any batteries?”
“Any soju?”
You look for lipstick, your tube was running out. You pout when you only find lip balm, but grab it anyways. “Nice bat,” you tell Jungkook.
“I found it! I can use it to help you fight-”
“Oh, look what I found!” you say, pulling an unopened bottle of kombucha from your pack, “You like this stuff, right? Does it go bad?”
“I don’t think so,” he says, pocketing the drink. “Thank you, y/n.” Jungkook pulls you into a hug. “What you did earlier, that was amazing. You were like, Rambo!”
You laugh against his chest, “I like to think I’m cuter than Rambo.”
“You are!” his hand finds your cheek, holding you softly. “I didn’t mean it like that, you’re a very cute WOMAN version of Rambo. No, you’re like Blackwidow! Not a man. I don’t think you’re a man at all, I-”
“Err have you been talking to Jimin?” you narrow your eyes at the flustered singer, pulling his hand from your face. He tells you a very unconvincing no. “Uh huh. Well come on then, Negan.”
“Really?! And mine is so much more accurate!” You laugh, pulling Jungkook along. He takes the opportunity to drape his arm around you, pulling you closer. You laugh together exiting the gas station, unaware of the tension the two of you were walking into.
In front of the gas station, another car sat parked. Two groups stand hesitant and silent, the rest of BTS and a group of strangers you’ve never seen before.
You hear one of the strangers whisper to another, and you’re sure you heard her whisper the word, ‘Bangtan.’
Namjoon is the first to speak, bowing, “Hello, we’re just passing through,” he starts hesitantly, “We’re not looking for any trouble.”
“We have a farm! It’s getting dark soon, you could stay there with us!” one of the strangers speaks up.
Silence fills the air again. You look over at the group of strangers, there are three women and three men. Two of the men look around your age and one looks much older, the same can be said for the women.
Could they be a family? There are really no similarities between them, however family in present circumstances are bonded by a different kind of blood, forged from trauma and shared struggles. They look like a family, you conclude.
The strange group is rough around the edges, tattered clothes, hair in tangles, and when the older man speaks he has an accent. “It’s true, we do have a farm,” he says hesitantly, eyeing one of the younger women who spoke first. “We have fresh vegetables, we could trade you? And you could stay the night in exchange for supplies?”
You keep quiet. You don’t trust them. But you also recognize you have issues trusting anyone. So when Namjoon turns to you and asks in English, “What do you think?” you stare back at him incredulously, at a loss for words.
“What do you think?”
“We need to find a home to stay in before night time,” Yoongi adds.
“I knew it, I knew you spoke English well!”
“Focus, we also need fresh food,” Yoongi mumbles.
“So, yes?” Seokjin asks.
You turn to Namjoon, “It’s your decision, Leader,” and you add, “If anything goes wrong, we do outnumber them.”
Namjoon nods. Looks like you’ll have a place to stay tonight!
Unfortunately, they never made it to the farm.
“Hey, psst, is that BTS?” One of the girls looks at you, wide eyed and brimming with excitement.
“Yes! What are the odds, huh?” you whisper.
“Really?! Is that seriously Jeon Jungkook…with a bat.” She sways on her feet, in awe, hiding her blush with her hands.
“I know, right? He likes to be referred to as Negan now.”
“Oooh,” she gasps, “Really?” You nod furiously.
“Who are you?” she studies your foreign features and demeanor, “A, um, translator?”
“Yeah, let’s go with that. My name is y/n, what’s your name?”
Her words are cut short by a piercing scream inside the gas station, by then it was too late to make friends.
As the other group were looking for supplies in the gas station, one of the young men opened the door to the back room, and in that back room stood a man whom never clocked out from his last shift.
The worker, body decaying, growling at his first new customer in months, takes a large bite from the young man’s neck. He shrieks for help as the worker takes his lunch break.
If there were a hierarchy of zombie kind, newly turned zombies are the worst kind. Newly turned zombies are the fastest and most blood thirsty. They run instead of amble, they screech and growl and foam at the mouth at a chance to feed. Their muscles haven’t had a chance to atrophy, their eyes are still sharp, their teeth haven’t rotted yet and fallen out. If someone were to encounter a human just turned zombie, your advice would always be to run!
“Get in the car!”
“Where’s Hobi?!”
You hear screaming inside the gas station. You turn to Jungkook and ask, “Still got that bat?!”
Jungkook swings it over his shoulder, catching the end of the bat with his other hand. “Let’s go!”
Inside the gas station Hoseok knocks a shelf into one of the zombies, pulling the crying woman along with him.
You and Jungkook run into the gas station, followed closely by Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung. All of them willing to fight for their friend.
“Misun!” The older woman yells. The other young man rushes forward with a long shovel, beating what was once the old man, now a snarling monster. Jungkook aims his bat for the slower zombie worker, taking off his head.
Another scream echoes from outside. No, why her! Why couldn't it have been Dev?! You watch through the glass as your fellow Army friend cradles her leg, a large chunk missing from her calf. She’s already turning, hopping towards Dev with newfound purpose.
“Hey! Over here!” You bang on the glass, making as much noise as you can to draw the zombies away from Hoseok and Misun and ugh, Dev.
“Jungkook! Over here!” Taehyung gestures for the bat and Jungkook rolls it over to his bandmate.
Taehyung spins the bat in the air impressively before hitting the zombie man in the chest, but the zombie quickly animates to his feet. Taehyung hits him again, with a loud crack of bones, aimed perfectly at his jaw. You launch yourself at at the undead man, aiming for the hole in his mouth. Yoongi pulls you to your feet while the others escape outside, taking care of the last zombie.
Misun won't stop crying, and when you finally catch your breath you see why. On Misun’s arm is a large bite print, swollen and turning purple. Dammit! Where the fuck is Dev?
The older woman hugs her close, wailing. You try to pull her away but she refuses. You don’t know what to do, you didn’t know them, but you felt her pain so viscerally it hurt too much to watch.
You look around at the group, the men look on horrified. It could have been you, crying over one of them, no, that wasn’t an option for you. That’s why you can’t kiss Jimin again. Wait, wasn’t there one more stranger? Who had bitten the girl outside?
It happened so fast...
Before you could turn your head fully, Yoongi shoves you to the ground, pushing you far away. You hit the dirt so hard, your head bounces and the wind is knocked out of you. Disoriented, your vision blurs and when you can finally focus you see Yoongi on the ground next to you yelling. The man who swung the shovel, now a zombie, lying on top of him, snarling, growling, mouth opening wide!
Watching as he fights for his life you want to scream, or cry, or do anything other than lay there feeling the weight of the world crush you to the ground. Your surroundings moved at the pace of quicksand and yet you were still too slow to react, eternity in a few moments, your fear compounding upon itself as you watched your worst nightmare unfold.
And then a bat is swung and the zombie is gone by the time you can twist your body around and find footing again.
You scramble to his side, searching Yoongi’s body for the tell tale mark of death. Yoongi winces, “I’m alright.”
Even in that moment of relief, your stomach turns and your heart bleeds and you fall onto him crying. He was so close to dying, and you couldn’t save him, it should have been you!
“I’m okay,” he whispers, holding your shaking shoulders. And then you hear more growling, turning your head to see Misun slowly turning in the older woman’s crying embrace.
You can’t witness anymore. You’ve had enough. You wipe your tears away and stand up and go to the pair. Using all your strength to separate the women, you drag the older woman away by her hair. You don’t hold back as you stab Misun through the eye, ending the gas station nightmare.
You ran then. You must have looked horrible in those moments, like a monster as well. Yoongi almost died because of you. You couldn’t face those truths any longer, so you ran.
You ran until you felt grass, and then you fell to your knees and cried, pulling the blades out with your fists, letting the smell of the earth overtake the copper smell covering you. You cry and cry, until you hear footsteps coming close.
You turn around and see the man who caused you to lose your composure, and where you laid on the edge of grief quickly shifted into anger.
Min Yoongi annoyingly stands over you, his big annoying feet at your head, his concerned face looking down at you annoyingly. And when he crouches down and lays a hand on your shoulder soothingly, you annoyingly start crying again.
You throw the clump of dirt clenched in your fist at him. “Hey! Why are you so upset? I’m fine!” How can you explain it to him, when you don’t even fully understand what you’re going through yourself.
“Never do that again!” you scream through sobs. “Never risk your life like that for me. Promise me right now!”
“Answer my question first, would you have done the same for me?!” But you can’t answer him, you can’t speak, all you can do is cry into his chest.
“Y/n...” He holds you close. “We’re all in this together.”
“No,” you cry bitterly, “We were never in this together.”
You can’t stand the thought of him in danger trying to protect you again, but you can’t stand the thought of leaving him either. Minho’s words echo cynically in your head. You feel selfish falling into Yoongi’s embrace.
Yoongi exhales, “Will you ever forgive us for that? Do I have to save you a hundred times before you have faith in us again?” he says, mistaking your doubts.
“I don’t want you to save me. I don't want to be the reason you die, Yoongi. I can’t - I’ve already forgiven you, but I’ll never forgive you if you die!” You bury your head into his chest, too ashamed to look him in the eyes. He tenses, feeling shy from your words and your tenderness, wordlessly embracing you tighter.
Should you trust him? Should you tell him the truth?
Jimin runs over to you, falling by your side. “Jimin! I-” you cry harder as Jimin shushes you, holding both Yoongi and you in a tight embrace. You feel the others’ embrace surrounding you, warm bodies piled on your back, a welcoming change.
“Alright alright, you’re all going to crush us!” Yoongi yells annoyed.
You walk together back to the car guarded by Dev, at a conveniently safe distance from the fight, you notice. Of course he's perfectly fine.
“Where's the old lady?” You ask. You wanted to apologize to her.
“I gave her directions to Kangho’s house. I figured now they could use each other’s company.” Taehyung says. “She’s his type, trust me,” he winks. You vaguely remember a family photo sitting in the corner of his kitchen, a beautiful wife and two daughters smiling next to a younger Kangho. Now that you think about it, the old woman did hold a vague resemblance to his wife.
“So, where are we going to sleep?” Jungkook whines.
“Did she give you a location on the farm?”
Taehyung smiles, “She did.”
The farm was small, but had enough greens and potatoes to feed a small army. It was very tempting to stay there, but you only took what you needed and left in the morning.
“...I don't see no open cars, no open bars. It's not bad, I'm all alone on this road. The hearts of people are floating like an island. The night that might never come, walk and roll across the horizon to the vanishing point that we chose.”
You wait, leaning against Namjoon’s shoulder. “You’re a better singer than me, keep going.”
“Aww c’mon! And that’s not true at all! If you are sad...c’mon!” you whine.
“Let's go ride a bicycle.”
“Let's leave the wind beneath our four feet. Oh, let's ride a bicycle with arms opened freely,” Namjoon sings softly, playfully cycling to the left and right, voice deep and soothing in your ear.
You and Namjoon notice the car slow and an argument escalating inside the vehicle. Namjoon slows his pace as well, moving towards the driver’s window.
“Joon, let’s stop there!” You see Seokjin point at the next exit, marked ‘ALPACA WORLD.’
The group begins bickering again.
“Is there some place important you need to be right now? Are we late for a meeting?” he argues against the group’s protests.
You gasp. HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO ALPACAS? “He’s got a point.”
“We need to stay on route to Seoul,” Namjoon's deep voice is heard behind you.
“It is on route, that sign doesn't say, 'Alpaca World, three exits back to where you came from,' it's the next exit!” Seokjin argues.
“We also need to rest. We've been lucky, but sleeping alongside the road is too dangerous. The park might have some food too!” You turn your body to the best of your ability, startling Namjoon as the bike sways, looking back to him pleadingly. “Also, how can you resist alpacas? They’re so cute,” you pout.
“We can’t just survive, we should live a little too. Let me pet an alpaca before I die!” Seokjin yells.
“I also would like to pet an alpaca before death,” you have the eldest’s back on this one.
Namjoon sighs defeatedly. No one wants to challenge Seokjin, and with you on board too...“Fine.”
You and the group walk through the abandoned park. The entrance is hauntingly beautiful. Nature didn’t waste any time overtaking the human-made facility. Unattended shrubbery and vine snaked around plastic and wood, the last imprints of human life became hidden, covered in green. The park was left dirtied and forgotten like the rest of humanity. Yet, the serene scene felt hopeful, in a way, in only a year's time nature was healing from the destruction civilization caused.
“Can we talk?” Jimin walks beside you.
“Of course, what about?” you try to act unaware of his intentions, like you don't know exactly what he wants to talk about.
He sighs, “You know what…”
“I do?”
Jimin stares at you, eyebrows arching. “You’ve been ignoring me ever since it happened,” Jimin says dejectedly.
“I didn’t mean to ignore you,” you sigh. “I’m sorry, I was just worried, I would try to, um, do it again.”
Jimin laughs, pulling on your shoulder to stop you from walking any further. “Wait, so you want to kiss me?”
“I thought - I thought that was obvious?” you tilt your head in his direction.
“I thought you regretted it!”
You huff, heading towards the pasture. “I do regret it. I shouldn’t have done it, but in my defense the moon was shining on you and your lips looked very kissable,” you smirk. You turn around, facing him, tone more serious, “I think it’s better if we remain friends, it’s too dangerous right now.”
Jimin steps closer to you, his chest brushing against your shoulder, “Shouldn’t we be living life without regrets? I don’t want to just be friends with you.”
You were surprised by his bluntness, so you offer him your candid opinion as well. “You’re only saying that because I’m the only woman around.”
Jimin sighs, fingers carding through his hair while he thinks. Then he flicks you on the head.
“Ow, what the fuck, Jimin!”
“I can’t believe I have feelings for someone so stupid.”
“You have feelings for what? Wait, I’m not stupid!”
“Yeah, you’re stupid,” he says, taking the opportunity to flick you on the head again. Jimin’s affection sure hurts. You hit him in the shoulder, rubbing your forehead.
“You’re the stupid one,” you mutter. “You think you have feelings for me. I’m telling you it’s because I am the only person left to have feelings for.”
“I can have feelings for a man too. I am not settling for you, if that’s what you think.”
“Oh, well, good point,” you massage your head slowly, nursing the sting on your skin. “Well maybe I just don’t have feelings for you then.”
“Yeah?” He stares as you shift awkwardly, challenging your words. Jimin stands so closely you can feel his heart beating rapidly against your chest. Oh no, that means he can feel your pounding heartbeat too. “Do you normally kiss a person you have no feelings for like that?” He dips his head lower, teasingly breathing out against your lips. You could so easily move your head closer, experience how good he tastes again. It was so quiet you could hear his short breaths of air against the rustle of the breeze through the trees and your escalating heart rate, daring you to move.
“There! Look! I knew it! Right there!” The eldest member rushes past you excitedly and you and Jimin's stalemate ends for now as you both follow along.
In the distance, like a tiny cumulus cloud from heaven trotting down the pasture, is the fluffiest alpaca you’ve ever seen!
It trots right in front of Seokjin. If only you had your phone, and it worked, you would have taken a video of this moment and replayed it for the rest of your life. The way Seokjin gently touches the alpaca's fluff, the older idol accidentally bumping into the alpaca, causing the animal to startle, causing Seokjin to really startle, flinching and yelling in fright, startling the alpaca even more. The cute pair managing to terrify one another within an instant of meeting.
“It’s so cute!” Hoseok says, poking the alpaca's giant fur coat. It is cute, you want, no, need to pet it.
“We should eat it,” Yoongi says. WHAT.
He looks at your horrified expression. “I’m just saying, that would feed us for a while, probably easy to catch too. Look at it!” The alpaca is currently trying to eat the hem of Taehyung's jacket.
You all stare at each other in defeaning silence, and then back at the happy alpaca.
No nope ande nada no no! There was no way you were going to murder a cute fluffy alpaca, you’ll stick to canned foods.
"You're going to kill him after I just named him?!" you cry.
"That was your first mistake, you never give them a name," Yoongi chastises.
"Well too late, Alcast P is here to stay."
Yoongi narrows his eyes at you, "You just made that up right now to spite me." Obviously, but you’re not backing down.
"Nah, you can't see how swaggy that alpaca looks? Alcast P is a survivor."
“Can’t we catch another animal? I saw some rabbits in the field,” Taehyung says.
“Why do all our killing choices have to be so cute?!” you cry. “I’m gonna go raid the gift shop.”
You sigh, fingertips running along the dusty wood table. What you’d give for a cold coffee. Or a pastry! One with cheese and fruit, glazed and shiny and sweet. Or whip cream, caramel drizzle, you’d take even a plain old ice cube at this point.
“Oh hey,” you’re pulled from out of your fantasy coffee date, back to the empty shop, accumulating dust and heat thick in the air.
“Hey, Jimin,” you say, turning around. “Come here,” you move his hair out of his eyes, “Why is there grass in your hair?”
“Tae and Jungkook tackled me.”
“What?! Why would they do that? Are you sure you didn’t just fall down?” you laugh.
“They found a ball that wasn’t too deflated, we’re playing a game in one of the fields.”
“Why aren’t you with them?”
“I wanted to be with you.”
“I thought we were going to forget-”
“I don’t want to forget.”
You sigh and you take a seat, “Sit down…please?” gesturing to the empty chair across from yours. He obliges you, sitting quietly. You reach across the table and hold his hands in yours. “You probably didn’t get to go on a lot of coffee dates as an idol.”
“No, not really. I bought out a whole restaurant once...I only did it once, it was so stressful, ” he laughs.
“I’m jealous! You know what I never got to try? Omakase…wonder how many sushi chefs made it.”
“It’s okay, nothing beats good barbecue,” he smiles, playing with your fingers.
“I never got to try it,” you shrug your shoulders, sighing wistfully. “The closest I had was a worker's leftovers in one of the employee fridges at the airport.”
“Maybe once we’re in Seoul, we’ll find some.”
“I hope so! Maybe your parents can make us some good food?”
Jimin nods, fingers tightening around yours. “You believe they will actually be alive?” he says softly, words filled with doubt.
You pause in thought, “Why wouldn’t they be? They have a ton more resources in Seoul than you guys did in Yangyang and you all made it, didn't you?”
“Part of me doesn’t want to go back there,” Jimin struggles, “If I find them as monsters, I don’t think I could handle it,” he confesses. “I think it's why we stayed so long at Kangho’s, we were all too scared to face the truth. And now we’re risking our lives again, and it could all be for nothing. I don’t know, is all this worth it? Maybe we’re better off trying to make new lives here in the country.” Jimin lowers his head, resting his forehead atop your intertwined fingers. You can feel his limbs shaking.
You sigh. “You know I hoped for a long time that what was happening here to me was an isolated incident, that my family and friends were safe outside of Korea. But you know if that were the case, we’d probably all be dead right now? Probably nuked to hell,” you scoff bitterly. “If other countrys were able to reach us, wouldn’t they have done it by now, if not only to save themselves from our nightmare?” You continue, “I’ve, um, accepted that the chance to see my home, m-my family, again is long gone...but you still have a chance, Jimin, however small it is. We can get you home-”
“And if I come home, and everyone I love is dead, and I have to kill them again?” he chokes out.
“You won’t have to do that, I promise,” you whisper.
“This is not worth it, it’s not.” He shakes his head, unraveling. “We almost died at the gas station.”
You felt yourself unraveling with him. “Fuck...if it wasn’t for me, you would still be at Kangho’s. I’m sorry Jimin, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”
Jimin lifts his head at that, “What? No, it’s not!” he argues. “We all unanimously agreed to leave in the end. I guess, like you, I’ve just accepted I’ll never see them again. The family I have now is what’s important to me, and I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t lose them, you’ve made it this far.” ‘And I’ll make sure you make it to Seoul, I won’t let any of you down.’
“And you, y/n, I don’t want to lose you.”
You scoff, “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me! This date took a really bad turn, by the way.”
“Maybe you’re right not to like me,” he laughs softly, “It’s a selfish reason why I want to have you for myself. When we met again, that day, I felt like my old self. You just make everything better. You make this bearable, in your own aggravating way,” he smirks.
“You’re aggravating.”
“You’re beautiful.”
“Okay, now you’re just saying what I want to hear. It won’t work.”
“Beautiful and so stupid.”
“And now you’re describing yourself,” you sigh.
You and Jimin never let go of each other’s hand during the whole conversation, so Jimin now used his hold on you to his advantage. “Is that so?” He yanks you closer, pulling you over the table.
“Ya! Oof.” Jimin pulls you over his shoulder. “Jimin! Wait! Ahh!” Jimin threw you, that’s right, threw you, to the ground. You fully expected to crack your skull, but you ended up on a pile of fluffy stuffed alpacas. You pull one from underneath you, the cute stuffed toy stares back at you with its big black bead eyes. It’s not as cute as the official RJ merch, but it gets an A+ for realism. Jimin stands over your Alpaca covered body laughing. “Have you always been this evil?!”
“Yes,” he crosses his arms. You throw the stuffed alpaca at his face, and he has the audacity to catch it in mid air. Ugh, evil and hot, the worst combination.
“I’m glad we came, thanks for convincing Joon.”
You giggle quietly, “Me too, but I can't take the credit, he was just too afraid to go against his big bro,” you whisper.
“No, you definitely have him wrapped around your finger,” Seokjin teases.
“Shh, go to sleep Jin,” Jungkook mumbles from the other side of Seokjin.
You all were sleeping outside tonight, in one of the alpaca pens, using the fencing to keep things out instead of in. The stuffed alpaca toys actually made pretty comfy pillows.
“Y/n?” Jin whispers your name, and you open your eyes, turning to his side.
“I’m happy you ended up with us after all.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m happy too, traitor.”
“Sor-” You put your pointer to his lips. Not wanting to hear him at first, but the soft skin of his mouth makes you realize your intimate gesture, leaving you flustered. “Don’t start that again or I’ll request dancing from you next.”
“I’d be happy to give you a lap dance.”
“Don’t tempt me,” You kept your voice to barely a whisper not wanting to wake the others. Not realizing Jungkook was fully awake on the other side of Jin.
“Are you tempted?”
“Hmm..” You look up to the sky, “Just curious to see what moves you got,” you whisper.
“Well, I owe you, I'll be here whenever you want to come collect,” he whispers back.
“What if I asked for an apology kiss instead?” you teased.
“Now you’re tempting me, my brothers will get jealous.”
You snort. “Go to sleep, World Wide Handsome.” Lying on the end the row, you scoot closer to Seokjin, shutting your eyes. He places an arm gently over you and you try to steady your breathing.
“You're still awake,” Seokjin whispers after a short time. “I can tell, because you usually snore,” he jokes.
You open your eyes, ready to protest, but you see how close his face is to yours. He looks tired after running around trying to pet the remaining alpacas you found together, but Seokjin looks content. His hair is long and pulled into a bun like Jungkook's now. His brows are thicker now too, his skin unfairly bright and smooth without makeup, he really is one of the most handsome men you've ever met. So close to him, you can't help but be enamored by his looks.
“What do you want now?” you mumble.
“Jimin told us you think we don't see you as a woman?” he confesses, confused why you'd come to such conclusion.
“Why are you guys talking about me when I'm not around?!” you hiss, covering your face with your hands. Seokjin takes the opportunity to pull you closer into his embrace. You freeze, momentarily forgetting how to breath.
“Also, I would like to make it known that I am single.” He doesn't answer your question. “And ready to mingle.” You can't help but shake with concealed laughter.
“No way, impossible, you single?” you whisper against his broad chest, “With that face, I don't believe it.”
He pulled you closer, enjoying your inviting warmth. Jin didn't want to ruin the moment. He made peace with the fact that his girlfriend in Seoul had probably moved on, if she had even made it out alive at all. He had spent months grieving his lost love, but now his heavy heart felt lighter listening to your soft laughter.
“You know you're cute when you're not taking down hordes of zombies.”
“Shut up,” you whisper, “I'm always cute. Especially when taking down hordes of zombies.”
“You are,” he hums. “But if you don't start breathing normally you're going to pass out,” Seokjin snuggles closer to you, satisfied, sleepy.
“Then go to sleep already.” You keep yourself hidden in his embrace, processing his words. In his own lighthearted way, Seokjin had thrown you another lifeline. Seokjin has you rethinking everything now.
You’ve come to an impasse.
Specifically, a tunnel through the mountains. Long and dark, who knows how many zombies are hidden inside.
You can hear them. You wonder if it’s just your imagination, sick and twisted visions from your past nightmares or if the tunnel really amplifies what lurks in the shadows, soft faint growls echoing from within the darkness.
You grimace at the thought of what awaits your group ahead. There is no way to tell how long the tunnel runs, and no way around without abandoning the car.
“I’ll go first.” Namjoon holds your shoulder, ‘hell no’ written all over his face. “Listen, I am the best at killing them. You know that.”
“Jungkook and I will go with you.”
“Over my zombified dead body.”
“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of,” Namjoon grumbles.
You roll your eyes, “Trust me, it’s not gonna happen.”
“What if we lure them out?” Yoongi offers.
Namjoon thinks it over, “No, It’s going to take too long, the sun is already headed back down, and then we’ll have even bigger problems.”
“We could barrel through them with our car?” Jungkook says.
“We have no idea what else is inside. If we aren’t careful we could crash into something and then we’ll be swarmed,” Jimin argues.
A large growl emits from inside the darkness, making Hoseok, that asshole Dev, and Seokjin flinch away. You clasp your hands together with a plan, “This is what we’re going to do. I’m going to go first, give me five minutes! Just five, and then you follow me in. We can clear the tunnel. Deal?”
No deal, none of them agree with you. “Just trust me please?” you whine, swinging a leg over your bike.
Jungkook stands in your path, arms holding your handlebars tightly. “We’re not sacrificing you! What kind of men would that make us?!”
“I’m not trying to bruise your ego, but I’m really the best at killing them!” you argue.
“I don’t care about that, I care about you!” he yells.
“We will all go together, that’s how it should be,” Yoongi says, moving closer to the tunnel.
You grip his arm, pulling him back. “No! No-” you’re two seconds from pulling your hair out. You shake your head, you wouldn’t let Minho be proven right. “Let me go first at least, please!” you beg Namjoon. “Look, you want me to trust you, but you won’t trust me!”
“I’m faster than her!” Jungkook argues.
“So?! How many times have you gone into a dark room swarming with zombies, huh Jungkook? Zero, right? I know what I’m doing!”
On the other end, Jimin is pleading with Namjoon to not let you go.
“I'll go with you, y/n. I can’t let you go in there alone,” Namjoon says.
No, you have to do it alone, you'll worry too much about him if he goes with you. “Five minutes. Then follow?” you plead, “Do I have to get on my knees and beg you?” You stare at the group resolutely, struggling to speak the uncomfortable thoughts you’re holding within. “If anything happens to you, I can’t have your blood on my hands.”
“And how am I supposed to live? No, my hands are already covered in red, too many people have died for me, not you, I need you,” Namjoon says, eyes glassy.
Your chest tightens, pierced by his words. No, you need him to live. Yoongi almost dying had you too close to the edge. You’re not as strong as you thought, you’re a porcelain egg ready to crack, unwilling to be put back together if you do, and this argument has gone on for entirely too long, you think, no more wasting time.
You have to make Namjoon understand.
You grab his hand and pull him away, past the car, far away from the group and stand in front of him so his large back covers you from the rest of the men. With his hand still in yours you place his palm on your heart. You take a deep breath and then you drag it down.
“W-What are you doing?”
“Just wait,” you’re insistent, looking over his shoulder to make sure no one sees, gripping his wrist tighter, you move his hand again, his fingertips trailing underneath the hem of your shirt.
But you don’t stop, you have to make him understand, moving his fingers over your skin slowly. “Let me protect you?” you ask again. His eyes widen, staring at you, limbs frozen and led by your movements.
They’re angry at Namjoon. They’ll get over it, you think.
“Take this.” Taehyung gives you the ball they were playing with earlier, rope wrapped around the globe. And a lighter. You admire the makeshift weapon. Flaming ball of death? Sure why not.
The ball rolls, lighting a path. The group watches as glimpses of bone and flesh illuminate, sluggishly swaying around the small globe of fire. You stand in the entrance trying to calm your racing heart. It’s not like you wanted to go in there, you hated this part.
“It’s not too late to ask for help,” Jimin whispers solemnly, red eyes pleading with you.
You turn around, looking at the dejected men. “I will have help, won’t I?” You give them a weak smile, holding your palm up to them, five fingers splayed out, and then place your thumb down, turning swiftly following the fiery light.
They were much much slower, thankfully, from months without anything to feed on. You didn’t want to leave any bodies able to catch the men behind you, but there was so many, and no light at the end of the tunnel.
You moved through the darkness, using the lighter sparingly. Click. Clouded eyes and decaying faces. Blood splattering as you swung your knife around you. Click. Feet dragging along the pavement, roaring off in the distance, they were searching for you. Click. Bodies coming closer, you move back and forth gouging out eyes, ending their purgatory. Click. Loud growls, bones breaking under movement, looking to find food. Click.
You set fire to one, a human torch, and move through the crowd as fast as you can. It was exhausting. You were afraid, you couldn’t kill them all.
Their bodies block the exit as they swarm your bike. You run. You crouch and hide and attack when you can. They screech and hiss, their horrible noises echoing throughout the tunnel and it feels like you’ll never reach the end.
Five minutes have passed long ago and you hoped you made a sufficient path. You hear distant yelling in the back and luminescent from flashlights. So you yell, earning the attention of the rest of the zombies and run and run, your knife slicing anything close, your body moving on instinct, so tired you drop when you finally make it out to the other side.
You fall to the ground, sun in your eyes, zombies snarling over you. Aiming for an eye you finish off one, another zombie appears in his place, heavy body pressing closer to your face.
Then, when you’re about to give up, a bat swings from the left. Jungkook pulls you up, but your legs cannot hold you up any longer.
“Took you long enough,” you wheeze, tired, skin caked in blood. You’re at least ninety-five percent sure none of it is yours. “Just give me a minute, and I’ll go through it again.”
“I don't care what Joon says, I'm going to tie you up if you try to move again. We can handle the rest, okay?! We’re not helpless, y/n.”
You nod, falling back on the ground. Jungkook lifts you in his arms. You just needed to rest a bit, then you’ll go back in with him-
You felt something wet on your neck, and your clothes being pulled away from your shoulder. You immediately reach for what is touching you. Hoseok yelps. “What are you doing?” you groan.
“Cleaning off the blood.” You’re in the back seat of the car with Jungkook and Hoseok. “I thought zombies were scary, flaming zombies, definitely worse,” He adds with a soft smile. The other men surround the car. You’re relieved they all made it, even Dev. Did you have a concussion? You groan, trying to stretch your sore joints.
“You’re not doing that again,” Namjoon declares from the window.
“Did it work?” you grunt.
“Barely,” Jungkook mumbles, playing with your hair. The way he looks now, bruised and clothes torn, reminds you of the idol you helped at the airport, who helped you, until he betrayed you. You close your eyes, but the sounds of the dead roar back to life in your consciousness. Fuck, you wished you could just go back to sleep.
“Why aren’t we moving?” you ask.
“We have a problem,” Namjoon sighs.
“Was someone hurt?!” you struggle to move, but Jungkook holds you still, pulling you close to him. Namjoon opens the door, helping you to your feet, pointing far into the distance.
Eyes casting down the road, you could see a…tunnel. Ugh.
You created a system. You used what you could find in the abandoned cars and set it on fire. The light created openings. You still made sure to go in first, drawing them along so the men could sneak in behind them. Everyone was working together this time, everyone was getting better at fighting them off.
You came upon tunnel after tunnel, until the sun finally set. The darkness pulled the zombies out of the tunnels. It thinned the crowd inside, but had you and the men hiding, inside the car, stacked inside like tetris pieces.
You had an idea. “I need air,” you declare, sandwiched against Namjoon and Seokjin, searching for a door handle, skirting dangerously close to body parts.
Namjoon stops your movement, gripping your wrist in warning.
You yank your other arm up, grabbing Namjoon's chin, turning him to the window. “Look,” you raise your eyebrows, “construction poles.”
“We need to rest, we've been fighting all day, how are you not exhausted, woman?” You couldn’t deny him, your limbs ached, food and water in limited supply, your head pounded from sleep deprivation, but how could you rest with the undead circling your location like buzzards?
“There’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to sleep like this,” Jimin complains, crouched in a ball on the floor between the front seat and backseat, Taehyung’s body lying awkwardly above him.
“What if we go out in pairs so the others can rest?” you offer. “But I get paired first!” The men groan at your unwavering enthusiasm.
You’re truly drained. There were just too many of them and only nine of you. You stand on the hood of the car with Jungkook, using the poles you found to spear any creature that comes close to the car with your friends inside.
“I was supposed to have an office job, spear throwing was definitely not one of the qualifications,” you whine.
Jungkook grunts, pulling his spear out from another skull. “I could never work inside an office, but A/C sounds amazing right about now.”
“You have no idea!” You hear Jin’s muffled yell from inside the car.
“Well I don’t know about you, but I wish I had one of those nice office chairs, with the back support.” You place your foot on your capture, your spear irritatingly caught on something inside of him, you don’t want to think too much about the logistics, swiftly kicking him off your pole.
“Our studio chairs were the best,” he grunts.
“Well, I'm going there first then. I better get a tour of the Golden Closet after all this,” you huff.
Then in the distance, you see a series of headlights light up the road, blinding you and the others.
Fuck. It’s definitely not zombies driving those vehicles.
Just some team building exercises in the form of killing zombies NBD. So many zombies and we haven’t even gotten to Seoul, oh no. More characters, are they good or bad? >:D Don't forget to vote on my member poll linked in my masterlist or comment to give a lifeline to your favorite member <3.
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nebulablakemurphy · 3 years
Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Part Five)
Jacob Black x Fem!Vampire!Swan!Reader
Summary: Jacob Black, alpha of his pack, would never fall in love with a bloodsucker, much less imprint on one. The problem is that Y/N Swan was human…until she wasn’t anymore.
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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The bike works for a while, Bella can see Edward; until she gets good at operating the vehicle. After that the danger is gone and so is any version of him.
Jacob and Y/N are hunting Victoria. Charlie is hunting the wolves, who he still believes to be bears, responsible for the killings around town.
Bella’s alone again.
She decides to try something new, to get that rush of adrenaline. Cliff jumping is about as stupid as it is recreational. But Edward is there, begging her not to jump. So she does, anything to make him stay.
“She’s freezing cold. I can’t touch her.”
“Relax. Human hot box, remember? I hope you don’t mind, I’m gonna have to give her mouth to mouth.”
“Jake,” thwack.
Beyond the voices, Bella can feel pressure. Like someone is pounding on her chest, commanding her heart to beat.
“Come on Bella. Breathe.”
With a sputtering inhale she chokes up the water that invaded her lungs.
The brunette opens her eyes just in time to see her sister reach for her and then remember her temperature, dropping both hands back to her sides.
“I’m ok,” Bella tells her, through chattering teeth.
“What the hell were you doing?” Y/N demands, tossing a blanket around her shoulders.
Jacob lifts Bella from the sand to lean against him, soaking up his warmth.
“I just wanted to see something.” Bella looks away from Y/N. The venom has eaten away her contacts and she can see her now for what she truly is.
“We’ve gotta get her home.” Jacob says, lifting Bella with ease.
“Your eyes,” Bella tries to warn her.
“It’s ok,” Y/N shakes her head. “Dad’s not home. He’s over at the Clearwater’s.”
“Did something happen?” Bella wonders.
“Harry had a heart attack.” Jacob breathes, the words striking like a hot iron. “He didn’t make it.”
“I’m so sorry.” Bella whispers to no one in particular.
“Let’s go,” Y/N jerks her chin in the direction of the road.
“I’ll run her,” the wolf offers.
“My truck,” Bella pushes feebly against his chest.
“I got it,” Y/N sighs, taking the keys. “You go, keep her warm.”
“On it.” Jacob nods, breaking into a sprint.
Y/N heads back to the truck, opening the door and waiting as it rattles to life. Her fingers curl over the steering wheel harshly, distorting it with the force of her grasp.
The phone buzzes to life in her pocket, not a number she recognizes. “Hello?”
“Y/N, it’s Edward.”
“Edward…” The Y/H/C nearly short circuits.
“Is Bella alright?” He asks immediately.
How did he know? “Now you care what happens to Bella?”
“Y/N please-“
“No,” she cuts him off. “Edward, you left. You left and you didn’t care. I mean where the hell have you been? Where were you while I was here picking up the pieces?”
“I’m sorry.” Edward grovels, the way she had on the front lawn of the Cullen’s home after Bella’s birthday party. “It was a mistake.”
“Your sorry means nothing to me.” Y/N ends the call. Tossing the phone to the passenger seat. Her foot pressing the gas pedal to the floor.
Arriving home at record speed, she finds a black car in the driveway. Carlisle’s car. Parking the truck, she jots through the front door.
Alice, Jacob and Bella are deep in conversation.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asks Alice.
“I had a vision of Bella jumping off a cliff. I didn’t see her get pulled out of the water-“ Alice breaks off. Her eyes fluttering, then she gasps.
“What now?” Jacob runs a hand over his face.
“It’s Edward, he thinks Bella’s dead.” Alice chokes out. “He’s going to the Volturi, he wants to die too.”
“What?” Bella’s entire body lurches forward.
“Rosalie told him why I came here. Then Y/N-“
“You spoke to him?” Bella cuts Alice off. “What did you say?”
“I told him to screw himself. Not kill himself.” Y/N says defensively.
“Y/N!” Bella is hysterical.
She never meant for this to happen. “Tell me where he is and how to get there.”
“What are you gonna do?” Jacob leans in, his fingers closing around her wrist.
“I have to go,” Y/N rolls her eyes at the ridiculous nature of the situation, “save Edward.”
Jacob’s face falls into a scowl, “no, no way in hell.”
“The Volturi, isn’t that some kind of vampire judge and jury situation? The ones you’re so afraid of that you can’t even tell Charlie what happened to you?” Jacob can put up with a lot, and he has. But this…
“Jacob, I know that this sucks.” Y/N pulls him away from Alice and Bella for a shred of privacy. “But it’s my fault. I have to make it right.”
“Stop blaming yourself for his shitty decisions!” Jacob roars, “it’s not your fault that he left, it’s not your fault that he didn’t come back and it’s not your fault that you told him to shove it where the sun don’t shine.”
Y/N takes step back, “please don’t.”
“Please don’t what?” Jake snarls, closing the distance between them. “Tell you the truth?”
“Please don’t hate me for what I’m about to do.” Y/N pleads, allowing his fingers to sear her skin.
“If you die…” he strokes her jaw reverently, “I’ll kill you.”
“I love you so much,” she turns into his palm and presses gentle kisses there.
Jacob lets his hand fall away as they break apart. “What do you want me to tell Charlie?”
“Last minute girls trip or something,” Y/N shrugs.
“How long will you be gone?” Jacob wants to say it back. That he loves her.
Y/N looks to Alice.
“Three days, round trip.” The pixie tells them.
Bella has already gone up to pack.
“Perfect,” Jacob acknowledges. Keeping the words to himself.
The plan ride to Italy is tense. Bella hardly sleeps, she is a nervous wreck.
Alice is flooded with vision after vision as she watches Edward and the Volturi’s decisions.
Y/N plucks anxiously at the wolf charm on her wrist.
The car Alice steals is a beautiful canary yellow color. It shifts gears like butter and glides over the road.
“The Volturi refused him.” Alice says, surprise and relief in her voice.
“Should you be driving?” Y/N wonders, there’s no way she can concentrate with the future flashing before her eyes.
“You can channel for me” Alice offers. There is no time to stop.
Y/N closes her eyes, willing the visions to come to her. “He’s waiting until noon, when the sun’s at it’s highest. Then he’s going to reveal himself to the humans.”
“Alice, you gotta hurry up.” Bella pleads, tugging at the roots of her hair.
“Bella,” Alice coos, “breathe.”
Y/N opens her mind, but Edward is decided, so nothing changes. Until something unexpected appears.
Jacob. He’s seated on their living room couch, shooting the breeze with Charlie. Clearly waiting for something as his eyes flicker to the clock repeatedly. Her, Y/N realizes, he’s waiting for her.
“What did you see?”
“It wasn’t Edward, don’t worry.” Y/N drawls. Just her letting down the most important person in her life…again.
The crowd surrounding Volterra is massive, Alice cuts through as much as she can with the stolen Porsche, but eventually Bella has to make a run for it. To the clock tower at the center of the festival before Edward exposes himself in the sunlight. She is the only one Edward can’t see coming.
“So, what now?” Y/N demands.
“What did you see?” Alice asks instead.
“Doesn’t matter.” The Y/H/C shakes her head. “We can’t just sit here-“
“You saw him, didn’t you?” Alice steals a glance at her. “Jacob?”
“Does he always look so miserable in your visions,” she wonders.
“I can’t see him.” The other vampires admits, “the wolves are a blind spot.”
“I’m not sure.” Alice’s brows furrow, the visions are back in her own head. “We have to go.”
The two of them weave through the festival, skin covered from the sun that shines bright overhead. Finally taking shelter in a door off the alley way.
“Come on guys,” Alice pulls the scarf from her head as they enter. “Wouldn’t want to cause a scene.”
The ‘guys’ in question have glowing red eyes, their diet is strictly human blood.
Bella is against the wall, with Edward between her and the two men wearing black cloaks.
“No we certainly wouldn’t.” The shorter blonde man purrs. “Aro requests your presence.”
“Bella,” Edward addresses her, “why don’t you go back out and enjoy the festival?”
“All of you,” the larger man clarifies.
A third vampire joins them, a girl with blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun. “Aro sent me to see what’s taking so long.”
“So no festival?” Y/N cocks her head to the side.
“I’m afraid not.” The girl gives her a tight lipped grin. “Right this way.”
The four of them are led down a long corridor to a stair case, then to an elevator.
Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
Edward’s eyes, dark with thirst, cut to Y/N. Bella tucked securely beneath his arm.
‘Sorry,’ she mentally shoots back.
He turns his gaze ahead as the elevator doors open onto a checkered marble floor. The ceilings are high, adorned with paintings that put the Sistine chapel to shame.
“Don’t be afraid,” Edward whispers to Bella.
“Are you?” Bella stares up at him.
“No,” he lies.
They land at double doors, pushed open to reveal three more men, seated in high back chairs that resemble thrones.
The one in the center moves to stand, the other brunette and blonde vampires can’t be bothered.
“What a happy surprise!” The man rejoices, “Bella is alive after all. And you’ve brought a friend.”
“I’m just here for moral support.” Y/N explains, jerking her thumb at Bella, “she’s my sister.”
Aro looks her over, “welcome…”
“Y/N,” she introduces herself.
Aro steps forward then, taking Edward’s hand from Bella’s into his own.
“Aro can read every thought I’ve ever had with a single touch.” Edward tells them.
“You are quite a soul reader yourself Edward. Although you can’t hear Bella’s thoughts.” Aro remarks, “would you do me the honor?” He extends a hand to Bella.
Warily she steps forward, allowing him to encase her hand with both of his.
“How strange,” Aro pulls away after a moment. “I see nothing. I wonder if…let us see if she is immune to all our powers, Jane.”
“No,” Edward protests, jumping in front of Bella.
“Pain,” the blonde girl murmurs, a satisfied smirk spreading across her features as Edward falls to the ground. He writhes silently at Bella’s feet.
“Stop! Please.” Bella yells, “stop hurting him.”
Aro watches her in fascination, allowing the torture to continue for a moment. “Jane.”
“Master?” The girl says.
Edward relaxes with a grunt.
“Go ahead my darling,” Aro motions to Bella.
“This might hurt just a little,” Jane warns.
But Bella feels nothing.
“Remarkable.” Aro marvels, “she confounds us all. So, what do we do with you now?”
“She knows too much, she’s a liability.” The blonde man on the right croons, from his chair.
“That’s true.” Aro replies, “Felix.”
“No,” Edward flips Bella behind him, having read his thoughts.
Alice seen Aro’s decision to have Bella killed.
And Y/N catches on quickly enough. Stepping in front of her sister.
Alice is restrained by the short blonde haired guard and Edward is wrestling with the larger vampire, which eventually leaves Edward on the ground.
Y/N’s never engaged in combat, but fight or flight is still a thing. She’s stronger and faster than anyone in the room, perks of being a newborn. She uses it to her advantage.
Fending off every attack the guard throws at her. But she is wreckless, untrained in her youth. Eventually she is restrained, with a hand at her throat.
The exchange gives Edward enough time to recover, he comes back swinging. For Bella. Anything for her.
Felix is strong. Edward is going to lose and her sister is going to die.
Y/N does the only thing she can do, “pain.”
The large man twists inhumanly at the crippling pain coursing through him.
Aro’s mouth sits slightly agape, watching in wonder as Edward returns to his feet.
“Call him off and I’ll stop,” Y/N jerks her chin toward Felix.
“Let us discuss this in a civilized manner.” Aro tries to defuse the situation.
“Tell your men to stop trying to kill my sister,” Y/N tosses the guard’s hand from her neck. “Then we discuss.”
“Felix, stand down.” Aro orders.
Y/N releases the man from her clutches, hearing him struggle to regain composure.
“You have the most peculiar scent.” Aro comments, “come.” He holds a hand out, “let me see.”
Y/N steps toward him, allowing his palm to rest under hers.
His eyes fall closed as he weaves through the facets of her memories. From birth to death and after life. “Ahh,” Aro coos.
Y/N resists the urge to pull away.
“Your gift is…untouched.” The things she could do, if only- “I can teach you.”
“Let my sister go,” Y/N repeats.
“So young, so much control.” Aro remarks. “To have resisted her blood twice within the first year. You are magnificent.” He smiles, drunk on the idea of harnessing the power she possesses. “You could join us.”
“I have someone waiting for me.” Y/N declines the offer.
“The child of the moon.” Aro recalls the boy from her mind. Dark hair, bright smile, “you love him impossibly so, against everything in your nature. It makes my heart ache.”
“Consorting with a werewolf?” Caius rushes to his feet. “Our sworn enemy?”
“This is different brother,” Aro stops him. If only he earns the young vampire’s trust, all that power will be his. “They have no qualms with us, nor each other. Misfortune has befallen them, much like our young friends Bella and Edward. This is a sadness.”
“You already know what you’re going to do, Aro. Let us be done with this.” Marcus motions dismissively.
“If only it were your intention to change her.” Aro addresses Edward now.
“Bella will be one of us.” Alice interrupts, “I’ve seen it. I’ll change her myself.”
Aro steps away from Y/N, to where Alice stands. Whatever she shows him must be proof enough. They’re free to go. For now.
The plane ride home is awkward. Both better and worse that the flight there.
“Thank you, for what you did.” Edward breaks the silence, as Bella sleeps peacefully against his shoulder. “Only it wasn’t smart. Aro has taken interest now, he’ll try to win you over.”
“Better men have tried.” Y/N turns her nose up at the idea, and him.
“I’m not going to push for your forgiveness. Or hers.” He looks over at Bella, “I’m going to earn it.”
“Sure.” The Y/H/C crosses her arms, “holding my breath.”
“Good thing you don’t need air.” Edward cracks a smile.
“Can you not pick my brain right now? I need to think.” Y/N tries to refocus. “Alone.”
“Jacob will forgive you.” Edward ignores her comment.
“Jacob always forgives me.” She whispers, “I want to deserve it this time.”
Edward nods in understanding. “I’ll leave you to your thoughts.”
If he hears anything else he doesn’t comment on it. Falling into a comfortable silence.
Y/N is largely on autopilot until they make it home.
Charlie rushes out onto the porch at the sound of a car engine. “There you are.”
“Hi, Dad.” Y/N steps up to hug him.
Charlie kisses the top of her head, returning the embrace. “Jacob said it was a girls trip.” He’s not thrilled to see Edward.
“It was supposed to be,” Y/N pulls away. “He surprised us.”
“She does look better though, doesn’t she?” Charlie notes, seeing Bella.
“Yeah,” as much as Y/N hates to admit it, she agrees.
“Go on. He’s been waiting for ya.” Charlie nods toward the house. “I’m gonna have a word with Edward.”
“Ok,” Y/N takes the stairs two at a time. “Don’t be too hard on him though.” She calls after her father. “He’s been through hell too.”
Charlie squints at her, hoping she will elaborate but knowing she won’t.
“Honey, I’m home.” Y/N sings into the living room.
Jacob doesn’t say a word. Just makes his way to her and wraps her up in his arms. Inhaling the scent at the crook of her neck, deeply. “Never thought I’d miss your stink.”
Y/N takes a whiff of her own. “The wet dog and earthy tones are starting to smell like home.”
“Yeah.” He feels it too.
“Can I ask you something?” She murmurs against his shoulder.
“Sounds like a loaded question already.” Jacob can hear it in her voice.
“How much of you staying here is because of the imprint? How much of it is your soul needing mine? And how much of it is just Jake?”
“I guess I-“ he breaks off. “I’ll never really know for sure. But I think the Jacob I’ve been my whole life would stay. Imprint Jacob would have no choice but to please you. And my soul just wants to be close to yours, anyway it can.”
“Do you ever wish you could un-imprint?” If that’s even a word. “I hate the thought of you chipping away parts of yourself…to please me.”
Jacob nuzzles her forehead with his own. “I’m lucky that I got to imprint on someone who loves me. Someone I didn’t have to change for. Being with you is easy, like breathing.”
“I want to give you more than I take.” Y/N tells him.
“I can feel you,” heart and soul, “how much you love me.”
“You can,” the vampire tenses, “feel me?”
“I know how guilty you feel for leaving, how scared you are that you’ll have to do it again.” Jacob places her hand over his heart. “I’ll wait.”
“You shouldn’t have to,” she argues. “You’re already giving away too much.”
“Stop beating yourself up. I can handle you. Have little faith.”
“I have faith in you.” That was never the problem.
“Give yourself some credit too.” He taps her chin, “quit brooding.”
“I’ll try.”
“Good,” Jacob holds Y/N at arms length, “now tell me everything. What’d I miss on the trip of a lifetime?”
“Well Alice stole a car.” She starts with the fun part. “Porsche I think, crazy fast. You would’ve loved it.”
The night they return from Italy, Bella insists that her mortality be put up for a vote. The Cullens gather around the staircase in their home, calling for Y/N and Jacob as well.
“You are part of this family, Y/N.” Carlisle rests a hand on her shoulder. “Jacob is your mate. Bella is your sister. You have a say in this.”
Jacob votes no.
Y/N votes not to vote. Only expressing her opinion based on her own experience. “I know what it feels like to have your choices taken away. I won’t do it to you.”
Life goes on. Y/N visits the reservation often. Like Jacob promised, everyone is coming around.
Graduation is right around the corner. Bella is waiting until after to become a vampire. Hoping it’ll be easier on Charlie.
He’s definitely not going to let it go a second time. He’ll demand answers that they won’t be able to give. They’ll have to leave. All of them.
Billy can see how much Y/N is wrestling with the decision. “In your heart you know that this is the best thing for everyone. Why are you hellbent on torturing yourself?”
“I’m not,” she shakes her head.
“You and Jake will get each other through.” Billy isn’t worried about that.
“What about my Dad?” He’ll be devastated.
Billy sighs, resting a hand on her shoulder. “What’d you want me to say kid?”
“Give me another choice.” She covers his fingers with her own.
“You having a pity party without me?” Jacob catches them, leaning heavily against the doorframe of his childhood kitchen.
“You were sleeping.” Y/N sniffs, breaking away from Billy. “I made you breakfast. Pancakes, French toast, eggs, bacon, sausage and-“
“And?” Jacob perks up.
“Chocolate chips muffins for dessert.”
“You’re trying to butter me up, huh?” Jacob grins, making his way to the breakfast table. “It’s working. Just give it to me straight.”
“I’ll leave you to it,” Billy excuses himself.
“The Cullens are having a graduation party for Bella.” Y/N watches the wolf take a bit of food from each dish.
“Just Bella?” Jacob arches a brow.
She huffs, reaching into her bag for the formal invite.
‘Congrats Grad!’
‘Please join us to celebrate, Alice, Jasper, Bella, Edward, Y/N and Jacob.’
‘R.S.V.P. To Alice or Esme Cullen.’
“Wow,” Jacob takes it all in. “They shouldn’t have.”
“They gave them to half of Forks high school.” Y/N explains, “most of my senior class remembers you as my hot boyfriend from a different school.”
“I am your hot boyfriend from a different school.” There is no denying it.
Y/N bites her lip. “They gave me a handful of invites for you too. If you want…”
“Really trying to push the whole ‘happy family’ agenda.” Jacob takes the stack of envelopes.
“It’ll only get worse if we indulge them.”
“In a few months they’ll be the only people we know.” Jacob reminds her. “Should probably get used to it.”
Y/N nods, turning her gaze out the window. “The younger we start out in a new place the longer we get to stay.”
“So high school again.” Jacob laughs humorlessly. “Can’t wait.”
“I want to stay in Forks.” Y/N forces out the words. “I want to stay with my Dad.”
“Baby,” Jacob breathes. That’s one thing he can’t give her.
“But it doesn’t matter what I want. Bella has to turn. We have to move on.” Y/N squares her shoulders. “Just let me sulk a little.”
“Sulk away, beautiful.” Jacob takes a bite of scrambled eggs. “Just pass the salt first.”
Series Taglist: @remembered-license @itscheybaby
Part 6
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diedbutterflies69 · 3 years
Will you stay?- Bang Chan imagine.
Contains: friends to lovers au. , Divorce, smut, fluff, blindfolding, oral sex, explicit sexual stuff etc . Minors don't interact.
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Never once on your life, you thought you could get your shit together and laugh genuinely at the worst in world. falling out of love is worse but it's even more worse if it's your it's not you who fell out of love. Married at 22 and the honeymoon phase hardly lasted for a year and by the age of 26 got yourself labelled as a woman who sabotaged her own marriage in thirst of money. Your ex husband was bitter about your success even before you got married. He thought as a woman, you just did bare minimum and got yourself a high positioned rank by sleeping with one of the rich rags. You tried hard enough to hold on to that rotten red string , but he had the scissors and just cut you off. You weren't willing to sacrifice your career just because of his Immature mindset, yes you loved him, but can't a women love her own hard achieved success more? That's the question you wished to ask everyone who pointed there fingers at you. After divorce you didn't feel pain just numbness. Your self-hatred coming more stronger than ever, even hating the job, you tried Saving since years, getting life on track seemed impossible and at the end just quitted. Moved out of the city just to move back to your home town, the root of your real pain. It wasn't really a town but rather a more flashy city, expensive shits which you were unable to afford in childhood but now it wasn't any big deal. Earth is round and sometimes precious people find you all by themselves. Your highschool friend, the only friend you had throughout your lifetime because of your anti social tactics.
Bang Chan, the social butterfly who almost knew every single student in whole school, he was the hottest guy you ever saw in your life and also the kindest. You had crush on him even before you both were friends, he was your senior,used to help you with those shitty math sums, crack jokes every now and then and scolded you whenever you procrastinated. He came to congratulate you even on your graduation day, even though there were many more students whom he met you were still glad atleast someone bought you a beautiful bouquet of tulips and bellflower. The last time you saw him was before you moved out in search of cheap collages without informing him, as you thought you were just one of many friends he had and won't ever notice someone like you existed.
But god, how much wrong you were.
You met Chan after almost 9 years in convince store and his reaction was almost priceless , like finding treasure. He was now more handsome, beautiful and god-like even after all this years his style of dressing didn't Changed much, he still looked like Kim Kardashian at 2021 met Gala. nevertheless his smile still had those healing properties with his Cresent moon eyes. He was absolutely stunning.
The first sentence he spoke after confirming your identity was 'I missed you' and then tons of lectures and questions . Knowing how narrow-minded you were he gasped dramatically. Cheesiest ways of saying how could I forget my best friend and so on. That day was probably the best day of your life and maybe even the day after years you really smiled. You both exchanged numbers and addresses and his home was just 10 minutes away from yours. Destiny indeed.
Now it's been over 7 months since you met Chan again and he never made you felt like you were just one of his 109 friends. Chan made you feel special, after knowing what kind of disaster you faced he was even more supporting of you, you both used to spend weekend together watching variety of shows and movies going to stargazing, best friend goals. After many years you knew even if Chan had many people to confide with he never really did. He was alone, just a night owl obsessed with work. You were happy. And he was happy too. Being just friends was enough for you, but not for him . He was slowly trying to find courage to confess his love to you. He liked you fuck from highschool days. He found you once randomly staring at him across the room and when you suddenly disappeared all his fantasies were scattered, he knew your dreams and was willing to help you with your every step. knowing how messed up your household was from your neighbours he felt guilty for not being able to give you happiness. He loved you, but was helded by his own insecurities.
Not anymore though, he wasn't the same coward who just stared at the love of his life from distance. Being the extra human he was, he bought you one of the most expensive restaurant of the whole country, man was loaded. After driving for almost 5 hours you both finally reached there .
Now a nervous Chan sitting infront of you. You being oblivious to the fact that he has a beautiful diamond ring and a confession to make. Chan handed you the menu card and every single dish had an extraordinary name, without much thought you placed the order.
"atleast tell me now, why are we here?" You asked the man infront of you who was behaving extra weird today, he looked sick and was occassionally asking you random questions.
"No reason, I was in mood for long drives and... You know have a nice meal" Chan said fidgeting with his fingers he was acting like a flustered high school guy it was clearly indicating that he was lying but you didn't really care, Chan was weird sometimes.
"Sounds fake, but okay. By the way you aren't sick right?" You asked Chan out of pure concern as he was sweating profusely even in an cold AC room.
"I am fine, just feeling a little hot. Don't worry", Chan said it was more like he was convincing himself that he was fine and shouldn't worry. He wasn't a teenager but a human with responsibilities who once again fell for someone out of his league, he used to think that and he still sees you as a literal goddess. While he was lost deep in his thoughts, the waiter came with food , and this was his opportunity to shoot his arrow. You both started eating and talked like being in paradise.
"did you liked anyone in highschool?", Chan asked you out of blue making you almost choke on food. The only person whom you liked throughout your highschool days was the guy sitting infront of you and you didn't really remembered much guys and the best answer was probably saying a lie with little truth.
"no one lol", you answered trying to sound chilled but since highschool crush topic was out you weren't able to keep your curiosity with yourself.
"What about you, liked someone?", You asked trying to sound nonchalant and not desperate and bitter.
This was the Exactly the conversation that Chan planned in his mind. And here started his way to either heaven or pit of rejection.
"I loved someone", Chan said and you this time you really choked from the depth of your heart, you thought Chan was anti romantic type of guy as he never talked about of his female friends with you or bragged about his non existent dating life. Trying again to not sound jealous or bitter you spoke again.
" Who was that lucky bit-- I mean girl yes girl? Who was she?", You asked, almost letting out the bitch loudly. You weren't sure but you saw Chan smiling cheekily, he was really getting old acting weird more and more everyday.
"Well... Someone from our school",Chan said and you swear you didn't made a disgusting face showing pure jealousy. The best human in your life and your first ever crush had crush on somebody, you didn't knew why you were feeling so fucking bitter but you weren't able to handle the curiosity anymore.
"Tell me her damn name", you asked Chan in a frustrating tone not being able to keep jealousy to yourself.
"Why you being angry", Chan asked followed by his small laugh.
"I am angry, just the food was a little spicy you answer me now, her name?", You answered Chan with your defenses up and still sticking with your previous question.
Chan in response got a little serious now,you thought he was being childish now, he wasn't a kid who was given a dare to name out his crush yet he was acting like one.
"You won't leave me right, I mean after I answer your question?", Chan asked you and you didn't knew what to say in response you were now a little sus about him.
"fine don't answer, keep secrets", you said and continued eating. The next thing Chan said made you now choke and die on food.
"I loved you and I still love you" Chan said looking down at the table head hanging down like his teenage self just confessed he watched porn infront of his parents. You were shocked, frozen and the your heartbeat 10x faster, you didn't knew how to react and tried to find humor in this extraordinary situation.
"Chan, you kidding right?", You asked Chan with a nervous smile on your face. Chan looked up at you , his eyes trying to find yours but you avoided the eye contact.
"I am serious, I liked you from HighSchool times, I saw you for the first time in library when you were looking at me, I swear you were so beautiful and even now after all this years after seeing you I can't, I can't help but fall for you all over again, sorry"
Chan confessed, his voice filled with sincerity and vulnerability his sentences were scattered here and there and incomplete explanation but still you understood everything he really poured his heart to you, you felt like crying even if you both weren't such stupid cowards back then, then today you won't have turned out a divorced women and Chan a guy who grew out lonely even if he had a world for him.
"What should I say Chan?", You asked Chan you were sounding like a girl whose bf told her to breakup even if the situation was exact opposite. Even if you love Chan , you didn't think about him reciprocating same feelings back to you. You were beyond insecure with your love emotions. One thing was sure you won't be able to love Chan without being a bundle on him. Your emotion Baggage was too big and you didn't want Chan to get his heart too with your stupid emotions.
"I love you and I will be really really good to you. Please try staying with me I will try really hard to earn space in your heart, please?" His confession was like literally begging. You weren't able to believe if he was real or not, if it was a dream that will end as soon as cruel morning comes, this felt like fantasy. Chan was a amazing man, he had everything money ,honour ,beauty a nice heart. He was like a character written by women so perfect so delicate yet strong, and he loves you this fact was enough for to lose your mind. but you thought you were a taint to his beauty, you were a character full of inferior complexes and a person too easy to dislike thats what illusion you made about yourself. A random extra in her own story.
"I will pay the bill, let's talk later", you said and walked away immediately to pay the bill leaving a clueless and disheartened human behind. Chan was able to see how you stopped yourself from saying love you too and throwing yourself in his arms. He wasn't same from HighSchool a guy who gets overwhelmed by his own emotions and gets unable to see others. He knew you had atleast a small space for him in your heart and to make a big room for himself he had to throw out all your insecurities and self hatred. He followed you like a lost puppy and he wanted to pay for food but you already did and now you were already out of restaurant searching for his car to get back.
Chan sitted beside you, without doing anything silence and awkward air surrounding you both.
"start the car", you said breaking down the silence, you were extremely worthless and trash as you made the only one person whom you love feel like nothing.
"Just answer me, will you try dating me please", Chan said his voice again passing draggers into your heart. Trying to form any logical explanation you spoke again.
"I am not looking for relationship right now, see Chan you are amazing, but I can't make you happy now and did you forgot that I am divorced, please understand" you said expressing your real insecurities and fear, fear of not being able to keep a man happy.
"you don't want relationship because you divorced that fucking trash of a man?", Chan asked he was getting frustrated you thought but he just wanted to make you happy and not deny what your heart wants.
"my mind isn't stable, I might just irritate you everytime with my mood, you will will get tired of me and leave me -- I don't want to be alone again I will die if you leave me", you confessed tears threatening to fall out of your eyes there wasn't any doubt that you loved Chan he filled the void in you in just months made you happy but you didn't wanted to just take and take and give nothing in return. Chan's hand found yours interlocking your fingers with so much delicateness that you might cry.
"you think so low of me, just stay by my side I will make you so happy that you will hardly get time to think about your past, trust me", Chan said his fingers slightly lifting your chin up to look into your eyes, you looked in his eyes filled with so much care and this was your last straw before breaking down in his arms.
"I love you, I love you so fuckin much, you were my first love my only friend, my everything, please-- please love me", you confessed tightening your arms around Chan, his scent making you feel safe and like home, his one caressing your hair and other wiping away the tears. Even though the scene was more like a dramatic clique scene whatever emotions you both felt was unexplainable.
"So you my girlfriend now hmm?"Chan asked you for first time in night his voice containing pure happiness and excitement.
"I have a sexy boyfriend", you said smiling from ear to ear against Chan's chest. The label boyfriend making your heart flutter, you didn't knew happiness like this can even exist.
"My love", Chan said his voice sweeter than honey, suddenly the night was more starry."now can we go home?" You asked Chan finally breaking the hug, reality hitted you now Home was 3- 4 hours away.
"I made a reservation in hotel, we gonna spend night there", Chan casually said making your heart jump out of your chest.
"pervert, you planned everything seriously", you said dramatically and giving him a playful digusting look.
"I booked two rooms", Chan said now starting the engine making you feel embarrassed. "Who is pervert now~" Chan said in air teasing you more.
The rest of the ride you both talked about anything and everything. Confessing how you used to find ways to always be in each others vision etc. Both of you finding a new thirsty side of each other. Nothing felt uncomfortable, it was happiness those inhumane laughs crazy tricks you both used to pull everything was heaven. After some time you both reached infront of a gaint hotel , it looked expensive af but regardless Chan knew how to waste money and you were tired of lecturing him about savings.
"let's go", Chan said removing your seatbelt and getting out of car to open the door for ya. He was being so cheesy gentleman and you were enjoying every minute.
"room 42 and 43" Chan said to the receptionist and she handed two keys to him. Thanking her then getting on elevator, you were a little disappointed that you weren't sharing room with Chan, yes you were pervert and total simp for Chan, he was too hot and your sexual drive was getting higher each passing second. The elevator doors opened and you got off. Chan handed you the room key and softly kissed your forehead, both you wished it was your lips.
"if you want anything, just knock okay?" Chan said in his lovely tone, I want you you internally screamed, nevertheless you gave him a nod and got inside that expensive room .
Starring at the ceiling while lying on the bed your mind was full of Chan, you knew he wasn't probably sleeping and was wasting time in watching random shit on internet and you were hungry, hungry for Chan, it wasn't your fault that Chan was so hot. Trying to fall asleep and fidgeting here to there you finally decided to knock on Chan's room door. A danger zone. You noticed how the door flunged open in less than few seconds.
"Hi" you said scratching back of your head and trying to think what next to say.
"Hi..?"Chan said being confused.
"there is cockroach in my room, let me stay with you" you said a clear white lie. Taking impulsive action were never good for you.Chan sighed before opening the door fully and signalling you to come. This was your happiest day ever.
"whY you lying", Chan asked you as you plopped yourself on sofa besides bed. He asked the sentence in a sarcastic way.
"Do you you wanna kiss me?", You asked Chan with a straight serious face catching him off-guard, you didn't wanted to waste more time, you wanted to do everything with Chan, yes fucking on first day of dating was a little too early but you fantasized about this gorgeous man since ages, in your eyes he looked total dom but his reaction to your question was making you doubt your thoughts.
"Are you sure", Chan asked you clearing his throat.
"Are you virgin?"you asked Chan, he was being too nervous.
"Obviously not"Chan answered you in duh tone, rolling his eyes. And it was getting awkward.
"The cockroach must have gone by now I should go, bye", you blabbered and got up ready to leave, you were about to open the door but Chan grabbed your hand and before you knew anything his hands were on your cheeks cupping them softly and his lips so close to yours, Chan's eyes were looking straight in your orbs , your heartbeat stronger than ever.
"Can I?", Chan asked your consent his thumb softly brushing against your lower lip. This man had totally made you insane, something stirred inside you. Chan was perfect he was everything you wished. You gave him a small nod and slowly his lips touched against yours, you wanted to cry, his lips felt so good, he didn't rushed his movements everything was happening in slow motion, he holded you with such a vulnerability like he was afraid that you will go, your hand reached his head, fingers moving through his soft locks. You felt his tongue inside your mouth , you felt a electricity run down your body when the kiss deepened.
We kiss again. The next kiss is the kind that breaks open the sky. It steals my breath and gives it back. It shows me that every other kiss I’ve had in my life has been wrong.
Breaking the kiss Reluctantly in need of air, Chan rested his forehead against yours. He was hot almost like burning, sweating.
"Why are you so nervous, Chan?", You asked Chan hugging him tightly clinging like the last leaf to the tree.
"I am scared, I just love you", He said engulfing you in his arms. And you Finally felt, what real love feels like.
"Love you too", you replied softly.
"Do you wanna continue..?"Chan asked you his tone little less scared.
"Off course", you said looking at him with smile, something inside you told it was okay to let out your freaky side infront of Chan. Chan smiled back and suddenly turned you around , the large bed infront of you.
"Lie down there",Chan whispered in your ears , his low register sending shivers down your spine. This was exactly how you pictured Chan to be, your inner submissive almost died. You followed Chan's word and laid on your back on the bed, now you were feeling like a virgin. His eyes roaming through the room in search of something.
"Are you okay with being blindfolded?", Chan asked you as he came back with the tie he wore today and was rolling it slightly in his palms, and you swear you never saw a man so hot in your entire life. Getting blindfolded was one of your unfulfilled kinks.
"ye- yes", you replied your tone filled with thrill and excitement. Chan came back to you standing near you, his hand softly cupped your cheeks , before bringing the tie to use it in sinistrous way tonight. The cloth felt strange to your eyes, his cologne smell hitting you and Chan caught your shy smile, His heart felt so fluffy. Tieing a comfortable knot Chan sat on bed near your waist. His hands slowly crept near your stomach leaving a direct lingering touch on the sensitive skin, eventually going upwards while giving a little squeeze to add stimulation, his hands reached your boobs, you didn't wore bra, and he wasn't surprised maybe your nipples perked up enough to get noticed, his middle and index finger Rolling your sensitive bundle of nerves, the blindfold making his every touch more intense, your breath was heavy you let out a suprised moan when Chan gropped your right boob in an erotic way, this sole action increasing your wetness down there you were getting impatient. You moaned his name a little loudly when his lips came in contact with your sensitive neck, sucking in a painful way, inorder to leave a hickey.
"Should I touch you here", Chan asked you as his hand reached to your area where you needed him to the most, hands going directly inside your panties ,but not touching he was a teaser.
"yes please", you moaned almost breathlessly too tired of intense foreplay. You just wanted Chan to rip off your clothes and fuck you till sunrise. Getting satisfaction with your answer Chan finally removed every clothing of your lower body, leaving you completely bare, all at his mercy. His finger moved up and down on your opening , the wetness making Chan easily slip his one finger deep inside you.
" my baby is so wet, because of who?", Chan asked you as his finger was moving slowly inside of you and thumb rubbing circles on the bundle of nerves.
"because of.. you", you admitted without any hesitation trying to grind yourself on his hand, begging for more.
"Good", Chan said and without saying anything he added another finger inside you moving a little faster inside your cunt, rubbing your walls with a little pressure, scissoring them inside you painfully and making way for a third finger too and by then you were a complete moaning mess, his fingers were pleasure yet torture the blindfold making your senses weak. Mind full of whatever Cham was giving you. Your legs were shaking sign of your orgasm approaching you, by one hand Chan holded your thighs tightly to their place fingers now moving more faster to make you reach the peak of pleasure.
"Chan.. I--I-I-- wanna cum please", you moaned your little squeaks and begs almost making Chan's cock cum right inside boxers. With some final thrust of his fingers, you cummed the hardest you could imagine, squeaky sounds coming as Chan was fingering you through your orgasm, you almost crying from overstimulation. Moaning his name like a chant.
"you did well",Chan praised you finally removing his fingers from you leaving you empty, but it won't have last wrong. Chan removed your blindfold , the bright lights hurting your eyes, you adjusted your vision and the image of Chan sucking his wet fingers coated with your liquid came directly in front of your eyes. Letting out a helpless whine.
Chan plopped himself on knees on either side of your thighs, finally letting his cock out, leaking with precum, and he was big, thick , you didn't thought he could get even hotter.
"Ready baby?", Chan asked you as he fully undressed himself as well as removing your top, your mind hazey . The scene which you pictured since highschool finally happening.
"yes", you replied Chan, he came down to kiss you passionately and slowly entering inside you. You moaned painfully, tears pulling your vision, it was a painful pleasure. Chan kissed away your tears and hand interlocking with yours after finally being fully inside you he started to move at slow pace.
"you feel so good Chan", almost screaming from pleasure, your whines were fuel to Chan's ego and he increased the pace. Body slapping sound filling the room, his groans were most sexy thing you ever heard. Again and again his tip hitting your deepest spots.
"I am close", you moaned out breathlessly, pleasure becaming too much to handle .you released around his cock, reaching the peak second time at night.
After giving a few more thrusts Chan cummed at your stomach, he was still sane enough to not curse you with kids while being lost in pleasure."I love you", he said as he settled beside you hugging you tightly. This was heaven.
"love you too", you said , your voice a little hoarse.
"by the way I forgot that I bought a ring to propose you", Chan said, realisation hitting him, that he forgot to say the long ass paragraph that he was supposed to say while sitting on one knee. You smiled at his guilty face.
"don't worry, propose me after having shower", you said heart filled with pure joy and happiness . Happiness of knowing that You love someone who will always love you back.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Valentine’s Day Blues
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: In the midst of planning Valentine’s Day and his brothers party, Tom forgets your birthday
happy birthday to @bluelilly21 !! 🥳
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The first time you met Tom, you were crashing his brothers birthday party. In your defense, it was Valentine’s Day, as well as your birthday, and you didn’t want to be alone. So when your best friend said she was going with her boyfriend to some party, you tagged along.
“Hey mate. Thanks for the party. We’re gonna be heading out soon.” Tuwaine shouted over the music of Harry and Sam’s birthday party.
“Thanks so much for coming.” Tom said as he pulled him into a hug. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“You too, mate. Wait one second.” Tuwaine turned around and found his girlfriend in the crowd. “I want you to meet my girlfriend”.
“Hi. I’m Yara.” A girl came from behind Tuwaine and put her hand out to shake Tom’s.
“And I’m bored.” You announced as you stumbled into Yara’s arms. “Can we go, please?”
“In a minute.” She laughed as she held you up. “I haven’t said goodbye to everyone yet.”
“But I did and if I stick around it’ll be awkward.” You whined in her ear, making Tom laugh. Yara gave Tom a look that told him this wasn’t her first time having to take care of you.
“I said my goodbyes already. I could stay with you until Yara is done.” Tom offered. You picked your head off of Yara’s shoulder and squinted at Tom, finally noticing that he was standing there.
“Yeah. Why don’t you stay with Tom?” Yara spoke in a motherly tone as she helped you stand up straight.
“But I don’t know him.” You whispered to her, just loud enough for Tom to hear. He understood you not wanting to be left alone with a stranger while drunk, so he didn’t take any offense to it.
“He’s Tuwaine’s best friend.” She assured you. “I wouldn’t leave you alone with someone I didn’t trust.”
“Okay.” You sighed before facing Tom. “But don’t try anything. I have a gun.”
“She doesn’t.” Yara whispered behind her hand. “Play nice.”
“Bite me.” You nipped at her, making her laugh.
“I will.” She smiled and pulled you into a hug. “Love you, girl.”
“Love you.” You mumbled before letting her go. She disappeared back into the crowd, leaving you alone with Tom. You were a little too drunk to remember your manners, so you just stared at him, unapologetically sizing him up.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Tom.” Tom reached out to shake your hand.
“Y/n.” You told him as you dapped him up. Tom laughed a little at your movement and checked you out.
“How come I haven’t seen you before?” He asked, taking a step closer so you could hear him over the music.
“Excuse me.” You put on a voice. “I am homeless. I am gay. I have AIDS. And I’m new in town.”
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” Tom frowned. “Do you need a place to sleep tonight?”
“Dude, I’m joking.” You laughed in shock. “Haven’t you heard of John Mulaney?”
“No.” Tom shook his head. “Is he your friend?”
“He’s a comedian.” You said like it was obvious. “Don’t they have comedy in England?”
“Our teeth are pretty funny looking.” Tom shrugged, making you smile.
“Hm.” You looked him up and down. “Cute and funny.”
“So how much of what you just told me was true?” Tom asked as he took a sip of his drink.
“Nothing except for the fact that I’m new in town.” You seemed to sober up a little. “But Yara and I go way back.”
“Same with me and Tuwaine.”
“I know. He’s been talking you up to me for a year now.” You chuckled as you pulled a water bottle out of your bag.
“Has he?” Tom raised an eyebrow. “What did he say?”
“That what you lack in height you make up for in charm.” You insulted him flirtatiously.
“What’s the verdict?” Tom stepped closer again. “Was he right?”
“You’d really let me sleep at your place if I was homeless?” You questioned him and you decided whether you liked him or not.
“I would.”
“Well, then he was right.” You batted your eyelashes and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “You’re definitely short.”
“Damn.” Tom shook his head as you pulled away laughing.
“I’m sorry.” You chuckled. “But you’re pretty charming as well.”
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.” Tom flirted.
“Guess what?” You went up on your tip toes to whisper in his ear. “It’s my birthday today.”
“Is it really?” He asked. “It’s my brothers birthday too.”
“Isn’t this their party?” You realized, and Tom nodded. “I hope you don’t mind I tagged along with Yara. I just broke up with my boyfriend and I didn’t want to be alone.”
“I don’t mind at all.” Tom told you. “I’m sorry about your breakup. Now that I know you’re single, you know what it really makes me want to do?”
“What’s that?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Get you a cab and make sure you get home safe.” Tom smiled softly as you as he gave you a comforting squeeze on your arm.
“That would be lovely.” You said in appreciation. You took Tom by the hand and began to walk with him towards the exit. “I’m glad I met you Tom.”
“I’m glad I met you too, darling.”
You didn’t kiss him that night, though you wanted to. It took about a month of knowing each other for you to finally kiss him. But once you did, you were inseparable.
It was a full year since the party, meaning yours and the twins birthday had come around again. It was also Valentine’s Day, your very first one with Tom. You woke up before him and walked into the kitchen, smiling at the dozen roses he had set on the table. Next to the roses was a box of chocolates at your spot at the kitchen table, but no birthday card. You furrowed your eyebrows a little but didn’t have time to think about it when your phone rang. You answered it and thanked the person for the birthday wishes as Tom entered the room.
“Sorry.” You smiled as you put your phone down. “I had a phone call.”
“Good morning. Happy Valentine’s days.” Tom’s voice was husky with sleep as he pulled you into a long kiss.
“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too.” You smiled against his lips before kissing him again.
“I have to call my brothers before I forget.” Tom kissed your forehead before pulling away. “Then I’ll make you breakfast.”
“Yeah.” You narrowed your eyes at him to see if he was joking. “You wouldn’t want to forget a birthday.”
Tom didn’t take the hint as your phone began to ring again.
“Your phone is ringing again?” He raised his eyebrows. “Someone’s popular.”
“I guess I am.” You mumbled, realizing that he had indeed forgotten. You took your phone call and tried to give Tom the benefit of the doubt. It was his brothers birthday, after all. Maybe he was just waiting to say it to them first. You came back to the kitchen after the call just as Tom was putting pancakes on the table.
“There you are.” He grinned and made grabby hands at you. “I want to spend every second together until the party. It kinda sucks our first Valentine’s Day together is also my brothers birthday. I’d rather spend the day with you.”
“It’s okay.” You shrugged sadly. “Birthdays are important.”
“I know.” He ironically agreed. “Maybe we can leave early and have some alone time.”
“Sure baby.” You faked a smile. “Let’s just eat, okay?”
You didn’t want to fight with him, especially on Valentine’s Day, so you made peace and sat down with him to eat breakfast. You were hurt that he had forgotten your birthday, but he at least remembered Valentine’s Day. You decided that that was better than nothing and tried to push it from your mind.
Tom had a few last minute errands to run before his brothers party, which you were slightly relieved about. You didn’t really want to spend the day with him after he forgot your birthday. He kissed you goodbye multiple times, harping on how sorry he was to leave you on Valentine’s Day. You sighed deeply once he left, feeling tears threaten your eyes in his absence. Every time he mentioned the party or Valentine’s Day, you were reminded that he had forgotten about you.
Tom came home once you had already started getting ready. You had your dress on and were talking a phone call as he got dressed.
“Are you almost ready to go, love?” Tom asked as he buttoned his shirt.
“One minute.” You mouthed as you pointed to your phone. The conversation finished up quickly and you hung up.
“Did someone leak your phone number or something?” Tom wondered. “It’s been going off all day.”
“Oh, you know.” You shrugged, not wanting to start something. “It’s a special occasion.”
“Valentine’s day is not that special.” He laughed as he came behind you to look in the mirror. “But you look beautiful.”
“Thank you.” You smiled tightly as you put in your earrings. Tom went in to kiss you, but you moved so he’s only get your cheek. He clocked your strange behavior but shrugged it off as he grabbed his keys.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!” Yara screamed from across the room when she saw you at the party. She ran to you and threw her arms around you, squeezing you tightly. She kissed both your cheeks before placing a tiara on your head.
“There. So everyone knows you’re the birthday girl.” She smiled proudly as she fixed your hair.
“Thank you.” You grinned as you squeezed her hands. “I appreciate you.”
“Well it’s my best friends birthday. I had to do something.” She shrugged playfully. “What did Tom get you?”
“Tom forgot.” You blurted, trying to keep a straight face. “He hasn’t said anything yet.”
“What?” Yara’s face fell. “He threw his brothers this party but didn’t even wish you a happy birthday?”
“There’s a lot going on today.” You tried to defend him. “He wished me a happy Valentine’s Day. And he got me roses.”
“It’s your birthday.” She didn’t let up. “It is his girlfriends birthday. He should know that.”
“It’s okay.” You shrugged it off, but she could tell you were upset.
“It’s not.” She didn’t let up. “Where is he now?”
“Last time I saw him, he was with Tuwaine.” You told her. “I didn’t really want to be around him right now.”
“Good.” Yara nodded as she fixed your hair. “Leave him be until he figures it out.”
“Is that the birthday girl?” A familiar voice came from behind you, making you smile.
“Happy birthday, you two.” You greeted Sam and Harry as you handed them separate birthday cards.
“Happy birthday to you too, princess.” Harry teased as he flicked your tiara. They pulled you into a group hug that lingered while Sam rubbed your back.
“This is for you.” Sam handed you a card.
“And this is from us.” Harry winked as he handed you a small black box.
“Thanks guys.” You smiled in appreciation. “I put your gifts in the back room. Should I get them?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Sam waved his hand. “Open it.”
You opened the box and found a thin black brackets with a straight metal pendant. The pendant had dots and lines going across it, making you look at the twins in confusion.
“It says “Holland” is Morse code. We have them too.” Harry explained as he showed you his matching bracelet.
“It’s to show that you’re part of our family now.” Sam added. “So people know you’re our sister.”
“Thats…” ,you stared at the bracelet for a moment, feeling sentimental tears coming to your eyes, “that’s really sweet, guys. Thank you. That means a lot to me.”
You pulled them into another group hug before letting them get back to their party.
“They remembered.” Yara gave you a pointed look.
“I should probably get back to the party.” You changed the subject, not wanting to sit in self pity. “Thank you for the tiara. You’re the best best friend I could ask for.”
“You’re welcome.” Yara told you as she hugged you tightly. “Happy birthday. I’m sorry your boyfriend is dumb.”
You gave her a look before heading back to the main area of the party. The second you saw Tom, you felt a disappointment in your stomach. He was laughing and having a good time while you were upset. You wished you didn’t care as much as you did, but you were hurt. He had forgotten your birthday and didn’t seem to care.
“Hey. There you are.” Tom smiled when he spotted you, already tipsy as he tried to hug you. “Are you enjoying the party?”
“Yeah.” You said flatly and moved away from him. “I’m gonna go get a drink.”
Tom pouted briefly at your odd behavior as Yara and a friend of yours approached him.
“Where’s your girlfriend?” Your friend, KC, shouted over the music.
“She just left to get a drink.” Tom told her. “She’ll be back soon.”
“Good.” KC nodded. “I have to wish her happy birthday. I called her first thing this morning but I want to tell her in person.”
“It’s my brothers birthday, actually.” Tom corrected her. “They’re over by the pool table.”
“I know.” She laughed shortly. “But it’s Y/n’s birthday too.”
“She’s a Valentine’s baby.” Yara said sweetly while shooting daggers at Tom. “Isn’t that so cute?”
“What?” Tom jutted his head back. “It’s not her birthday. Her birthday is-“
“Today.” KC raised an eyebrow at Tom. “Did you not know?”
“I think he knew.” Yara stated with a hand on her hip. “He just forgot.”
“Oh no. I’m such an asshole.” Tom covered his mouth with his hand. “I can’t believe I forgot her birthday.”
“She couldn’t believe it either.” Yara shrugged. “You’re not gonna live this one down. This is exactly what happened last time.”
“Don’t say that.” KC said in a hushed tone, making Tom grow concerned.
“What do you mean?” Toms eyes darted between the two of them. “What happened last time?”
“Her ex did this last year and she was totally devastated.” KC told him. “He texted her “happy v day” and did nothing all day. They didn’t last a day after that.”
“Really? That’s why they broke up?” Tom began to panic. He knew about the ex, but you had never told him why you broke up.
“Yeah. She felt ignored.” Yara said unsympathetically towards Tom. “She was crying at my apartment until I brought her to your brothers party. That’s when you met, dummy.”
“Oh no.” Tom whined and looked around for you. “Do you think she’ll forgive me?”
“I’m not so sure.” KC shook her head.
“Why do you say that?” Tom panicked at her confidence.
“Because I’m pretty sure she just left.” KC said as she pointed behind Tom. Tom wiped around right as you walked out the door. Harry and Sam were standing near by, still waving to you as you left. Tom rushed over to them, already seeing the disappointment on their faces before he got there.
“Dude, what did you do?” Harry asked, a little annoyed with Tom. “You didn’t wish Y/n a happy birthday?”
“You literally met on her birthday last year.” Sam added. “How could you forget that?”
“I don’t know!” Tom groaned, angry with himself. “It completely slipped my mind. I got her chocolates and roses though.”
“For Valentine’s Day.” Harry interjected. “Not her birthday. You’ve been together for almost a year and you didn’t wish her happy birthday. That’s cold, mate.”
“What did she say to you guys?” Tom asked. “Was she upset?”
“She was crying.” Sam told him, making Tom hang his head in shame.
“I gotta go.” Tom decided. “I have to make it up to her.”
“You can try.” Harry shrugged. “I don’t really think she wants to talk to you.”
“And I don’t really blame her.” Sam mumbled under her breath. Tom let out another sigh before getting his things and leaving the party. He stopped by the store to get a few things before driving home to you.
Once Tom got home, he peered around a wall and found you sitting on the couch reading a book. He took a deep breath before putting on his most apologetic smile.
“Happy birthday.” Tom said weakly as he presented you with a cupcake. He sat down on the couch next to you but you didn’t budge.
“Who told you?” You asked without looking up. Tom sighed and set the cupcake on the coffee table so he could talk to you.
“Yara.” He admitted, and you nodded like you were expecting that. You continued to read your book, putting a nervous feeling in Toms stomach.
“I’m so sorry, princess.” He apologized as he put a hand on your knee. “I completely forgot.”
“I noticed.” You replied coldly, removing his hand.
“How can I make it up to you?” He asked sweetly, hoping you’d give a little.
“It’s fine.” You sighed. “There was a lot going on today. It’s Valentine’s Day and it’s your brothers birthday. And hey, at least you remembered those.”
“It’s not fine.” He frowned. “I can tell you’re upset. I’m so sorry.”
You finally put your book down and stared straight ahead, not knowing what you wanted to say yet.
“I am upset.” You said, like you were admitting it to yourself. “And I’m not sure why.”
“Because I forgot your birthday.” Tom reminded you quietly.
“But it’s only your first offense.” You thought out loud. “This is just strike one.”
“What?” Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “I’m not following, love.”
“I’m trying to say that you’ve been a really good boyfriend so far.” You finally looked at him. “You pay attention and communicate your feelings and go out of your way to make me happy. You have been a picture perfect boyfriend for the past year and all the sudden…”
“I fucked up.” Tom finished your sentence for you. You laughed softly and nodded.
“Yeah.” You agreed. “So I’m not sure how to react. On the one hand, you forgot my birthday. On the other hand, you were busy all day getting me roses and chocolates and throwing an amazing party for your brothers because that’s the kind of guy you are. Should I be mad that you’re so thoughtful that you took too much on?”
“Are you asking me?” He laughed a little.
“I am.” You softened up and smiled at him. “Because I don’t know what to do. I’m upset you forgot my birthday, but I also know why you forgot. So I’m at a bit of a crossroads right now.”
“Well, the party was no excuse to forget.” Tom didn’t let himself off the hook. “I should have remembered.”
“Yes, you should have.” You agreed. “But this has happened to me before. And the last time it happened, I didn’t get an apology and a cupcake.”
“Yara told me about your ex.” Tom said softly as he put his hand on your knee again. This time, you let him. “I’m not like him.”
“I know you’re not.” You smiled weakly. “You’ve spent the past year proving to me that you’re nothing like him. So yes, I’m upset. But I’m also ready to forgive you.”
“You are?” He asked hopefully, leaning closer to silently ask for a kiss.
“I am.” You accepted his kiss and he smiled in relief. “Just don’t do it again.”
“I won’t.” He promised. “Thank you for forgiving me. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled at him. “Now give me that cupcake.”
Tag List 🏷
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 13 - Trouble [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Fights can be inevitable.
Series Masterlist
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Oh God damn it.
This mission was not supposed to include anything from your real life, and it certainly was not supposed to include your real life ex-boyfriend.
Not only was this going to make things very, very complicated, it also put the entire operation in danger. No part of the background that was specifically created for your cover had any details on your ex relationships and you didn’t think you would have to come up with something now.
Well. For what it was worth, you weren’t the one who came up with it.
“Just joking man. I’m her ex-boyfriend but no worries, I pose no danger.”
Bucky didn’t even dignify that with an answer and you heaved a sigh, trying to control the anger bubbling in your stomach.
“Yeah,” you managed to say, “Yeah, we used to—um, we used to date.”
Bucky frowned, “Didn’t you say you moved here two months ago?”
“I did move here two months ago.”
“We used to date back in Oregon,” Julian explained and Bucky huhed.
“Yet here you are.”
“Yeah you know, the big apple,” Julian motioned around you, “I just got a job here and I figured I could come and see Y/N. Small town people have to look out for each other, you see.”
You gritted your teeth, watching him with narrowed eyes.
“She took you there yet?” Julian asked Bucky “Cannon Beach?”
“No,” you answered on his behalf and Julian clicked his tongue.
“I guess you could take him with you when you visit next month,” he said, “Surely you are visiting next month?”
“I don’t think I am.”
“Come on, no way.” he said, his voice filled with disbelief. “It’s sand castles contest time, you love that contest!”
Julian had always been the best at playing the civilian and memorizing the back story of any cover. He was great at lying and that was why every mission you had gone on with him was that easy, he could fool anyone.
Including you.
“She came in fourth place two years ago, she made this dragon castle, you should’ve seen it.” He told Bucky, and you rolled your eyes.
Fourth place.
Easy enough to make someone believe, hard enough to find a trace of on the internet.
Julian was an asshole for sure, but he was a great spy and now you were beginning to remember why though every mission with him was a success, you had still avoided it even before your break up.
This was what he did, he took over every single assignment, no matter who was the leader.
Not this time. This was your mission and your mission only.
“Y/N, did you….” Julian let out a chuckle, “Did you tell him about the time your grandma caught us at the—“
“It was good so see you,” you cut him off, glaring at him “But you should probably go now, I’m kind of busy.”
Julian paused only for a moment before holding up his hands, gesturing surrender.
“Okay,” he said, “It was nice to see you too. Again.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“It was nice to meet you Bucky,” he said, “Take care of yourself, Y/N.”
He walked away from you and you closed your eyes for a moment, leaning your head back to the wall.
“Fuck this shit,” you murmured under your breath without even realizing it wasn’t something your cover would say, and opened your eyes to look up at Bucky.
“Was he bothering you or something?” he asked you and you scoffed.
“Please,” you muttered but then pulled yourself together. “He’s not…that type no. Just annoying, that’s all.”
“Are you sure? Because I can—“
“No,” you shook your head fervently, “No, please don’t. It’s fine, it’s just— who he is.”
How dare he?
How dare he try to take over your mission? You had put so much thought into this, coming up with multiple strategies, trying to convince yourself that-
That you were doing the right thing. Even if you felt yourself getting lost in this cover, it didn’t mean that Julian could swoop in and take this over as if you were a rookie agent in need of help.
This whole assignment belonged to you, not to anyone else.
If you were going to betray Bucky’s trust and feel like the most terrible person in the world, the least you could do was not let Julian take the credit.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” you attempted to change the subject and Bucky tilted his head.
“Come on Y/N, don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“You don’t have to pretend like it’s fine,” he shrugged his shoulders, “I mean you don’t have to pretend, ever.”
Okay, this was too much. You could almost feel your defenses going up, the whole hangover and stress and anger and now Bucky being able to tell you were faking something, it was all getting the best of you and if you weren’t careful, you would say something you would regret later.
“I’m sorry?”
“I just,” he took a deep breath, “Sometimes you’re like…too good to be true, you know? And Sam has this theory that you’re—you’re somehow you’re doing this for me or the people around you but you don’t have to.”
“You think I’m pretending?” you asked, your voice coming out way too defensive for your own cover but you could hardly care.
You were slipping, and you didn’t have the luxury to slip. It seemed to take Bucky by surprise because for the first time since you had met, you were-
Aggressive. That was the word. Less like your cover and more like your real self.
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” he said and you let out a bitter chuckle, nodding.
“Yeah,” you said, “Okay. I’m kind of busy you see, I have so much to do at the shop so I should probably go back inside.”
“Y/N—“ he started but you pushed yourself off the wall.
“No it’s fine,” you managed to say, “This is me not pretending, for the record. I’ll see you later I guess.”
With that, you walked past him and went back to the milkshake shop, fury still poisoning your insides.
You could hardly wait until you could go back to the base. Even though you thought that by then you would have calmed down, that didn’t seem to be the case.
You were fucking good at your job, and you were going to prove it to anyone and everyone. Without any help.
“Is he here yet?” you asked Chloe who rushed to greet you as soon as you stepped out of the elevator into the base and she cleared her throat.
“Don’t even, I know you heard what happened,” you cut her off and she shifted her weight.
“Yeah. I read his report.”
“Exactly. Where is he?”
“Okay, before I tell you where he is I feel like it’s important that you remember we’re not supposed to kill our own agents,” she said, “The paper work is a nightmare.”
“Where is he?”
“Keith says it’s considered rude to kill your team members.”
“Chloe,” you looked her in the eye “Where is he?”
She heaved a sigh, “In the training room.”
“Great, more weapons to use,” you muttered as you walked away from her to walk downstairs to the training room. Anger was pulsing through your veins and you kicked the door open, making the pair currently trying to hit each other stop.
“Get out,” you nodded at the other agent and Julian let out a small chuckle before he wiped his face with the towel. The agent rushed out of the room and you narrowed your eyes at Julian.
“You look upset,” he commented, “Want to exercise it out of your system?”
“What the fuck was that?”
Julian uncapped his water bottle to take a huge sip. “Come on, I saw an opening-“
“You made that opening,” you cut him off, “And crossed the line.”
“Oh please,” he waved a hand in the air, “It worked out perfectly fine.”
You could barely control your voice now, “You almost blew my fucking cover!”
“I would never,” he said, “Trust me, if anything I did you a favor.”
You dug your fingernails into your palms, “A favor?”
“Yeah. Guys love competition, an ex-boyfriend being in the picture will even speed up the process.”
“This is my mission.” You said through your teeth, “You don’t get to make spontaneous decisions without running them by me first.”
“When was the last time you had a proper fight?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You always get cranky if you haven’t had a good challenge in a while,” he stated, “A good fight. I take it your boyfriend doesn’t tire you out enough?”
The innuendo wasn’t lost on you and you let out a small chuckle.
“You couldn’t tire me out if you tried.”
He tilted his head, “Is that a promise?”
You shot him a look and lunged but he easily dodged you, scowling.
“Come on Y/N,” he taunted you, “I won’t hold back, you shouldn’t either.”
“Oh don’t worry, I won’t hold back.” you grinned at him and darted to grab at him but he twisted your hand to push you back, making your back hit the wall. You pulled your hair into a ponytail and jumped to wrap your legs around his neck, spinning in the air to shove him to the ground. As soon as you both fell, you straddled him and pulled the dagger out of your boots to raise it and slam it to the ground right next to his head. A sly grin pulled at his lips as if he was having the time of his life.
“Look at you babe,” he said, “You got even better.”
You were very, very aware of the position you had both found yourself in. You used to find this whole thing hot, it was like foreplay to you. Mock fighting, training, all of it -especially with Julian- it used to be your second favorite activity.
Now, all you could think about was just how much more fun it would be with Bucky.
Maybe Julian was right. Maybe you were just a wild card.
A smirk curled your lips and you leaned in slightly to lock your eyes with his, looking down at him.
“My mission,” you growled. “Not yours. The next time you try to control what’s mine, I won’t be so nice.”
You pushed the dagger into your boot again and got off of him before storming out of the training room, still trying to keep your anger in check.
For some reason, you had a feeling it wouldn’t work.
No matter what you did for the rest of the evening, it just wasn’t enough to calm you down. Now to think of it, it wasn’t even completely about Julian and his nonsense, it was because—
You didn’t want Bucky to think you were pretending, even if you were.
Just because it was a cover, didn’t mean your reactions and the happiness you felt with him was fake as well. But he could still tell something was off— Sam could still tell something was off despite your best efforts.
You poured wine into your glass and changed the channel, trying to decide whether you should go and bug Keith or not. You heaved a sigh and tore your eyes from the screen to lean your head back, nibbling on your lip.
Dealing with feelings was much more difficult than taking down a target.
You groaned to yourself and took a huge sip of your wine, but before you could grab your phone you heard the doorbell ring. Your head shot up and you grabbed your gun to walk to the door, but as soon as you looked through the peephole to avoid yet another mistake like actually opening the door to Julian, you froze.
“Um- just a second!” you called out before rushing to your room to hide your gun, then quickly looked around the apartment to see if there was anything that could tip him off. Overall, it looked perfectly civilian and you ran a hand over your face to pull yourself together.
Your cover was supposed to be angry at him.
You threw your shoulders back and walked to the door to open it, then leaned sideways to the doorframe, your lips pulled into a slight pout.
“Hi,” you murmured and his gaze lingered on your shorts and flimsy tank top before he looked away for a moment.
Compared to 1940s, it was almost the same as you opening the door in your underwear.
“Hey,” he said and held up a small box of bagels. “Listen, I know you’re angry but um…I was hoping we could talk?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Keith’s door opening and he stepped out but as soon as he caught the sight of Bucky on your doorstep, his eyes widened and he froze. He quickly fixed his jacket so that it would cover his gun tucked into the back of the waistband of his jeans and gawked at you.
“What the fuck?” he mouthed and you got momentarily distracted, causing Bucky to follow your gaze over his shoulder to Keith.
And Keith, the badass spy, probably the only spy in the whole division who could give you a hard time in a fight, whom you had seen take down five armed soldier by himself with no weapons-
He waved at Bucky.
“Hi- hi neighbor,” he stammered as he turned to you and you shot him a forced smile.
“Thanks for the cookies, I was going to bring you your plate the other day,” he said, “Do you need it now?”
Translation: Do you need back up?
“No, no,” you shook your head, “No worries, it’s fine.”
“Alright then. See you later.”
You cleared your throat and took the box from Bucky.
“Come in,” you turned around to walk to the living room, hearing him close the door behind him. It didn’t take him long to step into the living room and his eyes darted around as if trying to take in as much as he could. You figured it was natural, homes always gave clues about who their owners were.
Not to mention, as an ex-assassin he was automatically finding the nearest exits and things to use as weapons.
You would know. You did the same thing whenever you were in a new place.
You peeked into the box and frowned.
“What is this?”
“To be honest with you, I have no idea,” Bucky admitted, “It’s supposed to be a bagel. I just asked the guy to give me the most modern and weirdest combination.”
“Is this—is this glitter?”
“He said it was edible glitter, yeah. With lavender and cheese with honey.”
“Why is there two of them?”
He put his hands into his pockets. “I figured I could try one.”
You blinked a couple of times, “You want to try a lavender cheese honey bagel with edible glitter.”
Even the sound of it seemed to be painful for him but he pressed his lips together and nodded fervently. “Mm hm.”
You tried to stop the smile threatening to warm your face and put the box on the coffee table before looking up at him.
“Bucky, listen—“
“I’m sorry,” he cut you off, “That comment back there, it was so uncalled for.”
You crossed your arms, “Why did you say that though?” you asked, “Is that—is that what you think?”
“No,” he shook his head fervently, “Of course not.”
“I don’t know if I can give an explanation without it sounding incredibly weird to you.”
“Try me.”
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way,” he said “It’s like— the way you are, it’s like someone somehow looked into my whole life back in 40s before everything and saw every single detail of what I wanted and made you.”
Yeah. That was exactly what you and the division had done.
“I’m not used to…” he motioned at you, “This. It’s like you’re too good to be true, like you’re perfect, does that make sense?”
A dull pain flipped your stomach and you stared up at him, trying to ignore your throat tightening before you went to sit down on the couch.
“I’m not,” you rasped out, “I’m not perfect. You’ll see it sooner or later.”
That right there was as honest as you could be with him. You rubbed at your eyes and grabbed the wine glass to take a huge sip as he sat down beside you, his gaze fixated on you.
“I’m sorry too,” you said, “It was an overreaction, it’s just… Julian’s effect on me.”
He stayed silent for a couple of seconds as if he had no idea how to approach the topic.
“Rough break up?”
“You could say that,” you scoffed a laugh, looking down at your glass, “I mean….you think you know a person, right? And they have no problem with proving you otherwise, prove that you didn’t know them at all. They—they betray your trust and everything was a lie all along and—“
And just like that, the realization hit you like a ton of bricks, making you stop talking.
You were doing exactly the same. It was just another version of the betrayal you had seen from Julian, and you were doing the same thing to Bucky.
He thought he knew you, and you would prove him otherwise, and betray his trust and walk away when this mission was over. In fact, by the time it was over, he would hate you even more than you hated Julian.
You cursed under your breath and took another sip of your wine, trying to ease the crushing guilt making you feel almost breathless.
“Sorry,” you managed to say, “I didn’t mean to unleash it on you, I just don’t want him anywhere near me.”
“I could pay him a visit if you want?”
You pulled your brows together, distracted for a moment before you tilted your head to the side.
“To warn him to stay away from you.”
“Uh, I appreciate the chivalry,” you said, “But I can take care of myself.”
“Never said you couldn’t,” he pointed out, “It’s just the old-fashioned thing.”
“Oh the old-fashioned thing?” you repeated with a smile and he shrugged his shoulders.
“Yeah,” he said, “You know, taking care of my girl.”
You thought your heart would leap out of your throat as the warmth spread through you before the idea of betraying him hit you once again. The words felt like they were trying to escape from your mouth, the urge to come clean getting heavier and heavier before you leaned in to brush your lips against his, making him wrap his arms tight around you to pull you closer. You settled in his embrace, the back of your eyes burning but you blinked a couple of times to get rid of tears. He nuzzled into your hair, inhaling your scent.
“Can we stay like this for a while?” you asked and he smiled, pressing a kiss on top of your head.
“Sure thing,” he said and nodded at the TV screen, “What is this movie about?”
“I don’t know, it has cars and criminals,” you said, the guilt making you feel almost nauseous, “Bucky?”
He would never understand what your confession actually meant, but you felt as if you would choke if you didn’t say it.
“I like who I am when I’m with you.”
A chuckle rumbled in his chest before he reached out to caress your cheekbone.
“Makes two of us darling,” he murmured, “I like who I am when I’m with you too.”
A bitter smile curled your lips and you bit inside your cheek to control yourself, sniffling inaudibly before you closed your eyes, enjoying his warmth.
Chapter 14
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
how the evans would act when they have a crush on u ^^
How The Evans Act When They Have A Crush On You & How They React When You Tell Them You Like Them Too
Award for the longest title goes tooooo... me!
Two other requests-
Could I please request how the Evans would react to their best friend (reader) admitting they're in love with them? 
Heyo! I’m not sure how this would go but how would the Evan’s react to a nervous/insecure reader confessing to them?
-I hope this is satisfactory, even though I don’t think it’s what you two wanted<3
Enjoy! :)
-Would always just be interested in you
-Wanting to help you, watch you, talk to you, just constantly be around you
-But he’d also be insecure whether he was annoying you, so occasionally he would make himself invisible and just watch you
-Whatever hobbies you had, he’d love to watch you do them, paint, draw, write, play games
-If you played any instrument he would love to lay on your bed and listen to you, no matter how good or bad you were
-He would leave little sweet messages on the chalkboard and leave little post-it notes for you to find
-They would have fun little facts about birds or other trivial stuff but you would find them cute
-The occasional fact about something romantic, like ‘Every time you kiss somebody, your heart beat increases by 10-15 beats per minute’
-He might go a little far and leave a message like ‘Your dress looked pretty’, which you would find creepy since you didn’t know Tate was a ghost
-He thought of ways to tell you how he felt but because it seemed like your family was gonna live in the murder house for a while, cause you were all settling in well, he didn’t want to risk losing his friendship with you, since you were the only ghost with whom he really got along
-You walked down to the basement and said his name in a sing song voice, “Tateeeee”, “Come out come out wherever you are!”
-He showed up and you asked him if he wanted to go out on a real date
-He was obviously nervous, because you didn’t know yet that he was a ghost, but when he hesitated and you looked upset, he said yes right away
-You ran up and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, making him blush and laugh, and whilst you were at school, he got some things ready and got candles and a table cover so make your kitchen look like a restaurant
-He ordered McDonalds delivery and got your chicken nuggets under a serving platter for effect
- “We are dining on, nuggets of the chicken”
-Although you were a little disappointed and wanted to go out on a real date with him, you found his effort cute
-He definitely played footsie with you under the table the whole date
-Definitely walked you to your room
- “Well… this is me…”
- “Just wanted to make sure you got home safe”
-Kissed you
oh my god I got so carried away
-You would first meet Kit when you first come and move to Massachusetts
-One day you want to venture out and get an taxi to go to town, only a few minutes later to realise you don’t have your wallet
-You awkwardly tell the driver that if takes you back home quickly, you can get money and you will pay him right away
-But since Boston men aren’t usually so sweet, he just kicks you out, leaving you to wander the motorway alone late at night, far away from your home and hoping to quickly find somewhere to go
-Eventually you stumble upon a gas station, and as you walk up, a hand appearing on your shoulder makes you automatically turn around and push whoever touched you to the ground
-The man in blue uniform gets up slowly with his hands up defensively, “Hey hey, didn’t mean to startle ya, miss”
-You apologise, feeling stupid for this kind of encounter, but he doesn’t seem to mind as much as you’d think
- “It’s always nice to see a woman able to protect herself”, he smiles
-He offers to drive you home, and you thank him dearly, explaining to him that you don’t have a car yet, having only just moved here
-He offers to take you to buy one, knowing an awful lot about cars, and to convince you further, tells you that any man working in a car salon will try to sell a single lady a piece of junk for a high price
-You agree, thinking that the offer is sweet, and he takes you to buy yourself a car, to make the date even more fun, Kit tells you to pretend you’re an old married couple
- “Miss Walka over here needs a car, good Sir”
-At some point while looking at cars, Kit holds your hand and you don’t even notice
-He negotiates a good deal with the salesman, and you get a car together
- “Your husband just got you an awfully good deal, Madam, he’s a man who deserves a good meal and a cold beer if I’ve ever seen one”, the salesman laughs, signing the last of the papers before handing Kit the keys to your car. “Oh, he’ll get more than that”, you say to tease Kit, before smiling at him sweetly. Kit blinks at you, before turning back to the salesman and shaking his hand. As the two of you walk away, Kit looks at you in disbelief, the thought of your dirty words clearly plastered in his mind. “Did ya mean what you said back there?”. He says, as he opens the car door for you. “Whatever do you mean?”, you act stupid. “I was just pretending to be your wife, Mr Walka”
-When he has a crush on you, he gives you sooo many compliments
-Little dirty innuendos
-Would definitely call you and talk to you late night on the phone until one of you fell asleep (house phone if they had them)
-He’s the kind of person to tell you that he got a visit from a cute dog earlier at the gas station and it made him think of you
-Every time you go to get gas from Kit, he gives you only a little amount, so you have a reason to keep coming back
-One time when you go get gas from him, you forget your wallet again, and he teases you about it
-He lets you off and pays for your gas
- “I owe you, Mr Walka”
- “How about a date?”
-You smile at how confident he is, and nod excitedly, having been waiting for him to ask you for a while now
-Kit winks at you and waves as you drive off, completely melted inside about finally getting his girl
-Even though he’s always confident, he’s still a little shy and awkward around you when he sees you in class
-If all of his friends are in a class messing around, throwing stuff, being loud, and you walk it, he tells everybody to shut up because there’s a lady present
- “Hey careful, make sure you don’t throw it at her”
-It’s not until he sees you at a huge party, that he’s confident enough to go up to you
-Even though he’s more than happy to flirt, he’s just not confident enough to do that last step and ask you out somewhere
-He’ll bring you a drink and  talk and flirt with you, and you’ll definitely get the hint
-He slowly lifts his arm up and stretches it over you, trying to do the classic yawn move, hoping you won’t notice or mind. You look over at him and narrow your eyes in fake suspicion.
- “Didn’t you come here with a movie star? Surely you get handsome men bringing you drinks all the time?”, he says, motioning to the drink in your hand.
“You calling yourself handsome?”, you tease him. Kyle laughs a breathy awkward laugh and nods. “Well yeah”
-When you do ask him for a date, he insists that he take the initiative to plan what you two do
-Clearly wanting to make a good first impression, he’d take you somewhere interesting
-Aquarium, in which he’ll make up clearly fake facts about the fish just to make you laugh
-Bowling, just so he can tease you about how much you suck
-Mini golf, so, even though you know how to play, he can wrap his arms around you and help you put
-And if he does take you to the movies, you aren’t spending a dime
-He’ll also wrap his arm around you not-so subtly
Franken Kyle
“Whatcha doin there, hm?”. Kyle leans into your ear and whispers.
“Just in case you get scared, you can cuddle up to me”
“Kyle we’re watching the Lego movie”
-You’re a witch at the academy, and with Kyle’s very slow progress to getting better, both Zoe and Madison are getting slightly tired of having to constantly take care of him
-But you don’t mind, finding his Frankenstein state cute
-Whenever he stumbles into the kitchen by himself you always help him make food
-If he’s ever struggling with anything, he usually comes to you, knowing you’re the most patient out of them all
-Then, one night, all the teens in the academy go to a party, while you lay in bed
-But when the rain starts to get really heavy and the first thunder growls, Kyle rushes into your room, before slowly knowing and peaking his head out, clearly scared
-You let him come and lay with you, rubbing his back to calm him down
-Although no real words are spoken, it’s from that moment that you decide to take on all responsibilities relating to Kyle, the good and the bad
-He’s admired you from afar for a very long time, ever since the first time you joined the circus
-You were incredibly flexible, and always showing off to everyone and practicing on stage
-He would always come and watch you practice, cheering you on more than anybody else
-You called Jimmy ‘my cheerleader’
-It made him blush every time
-Amazon Eve always told him to just ask you for dinner, but the only thing that stopped him was the thought that you wouldn’t want to go out and be seen with a freak like him, especially since your body looked so normal that you didn’t have to hide anything
-Eve and Paul reminded Jimmy that it’s him who’s always the most confident in going out into the real world, and he mustn’t be scared
-When they all plan to go to a diner together, as a protest to being shunned from society, you find his leadership charming and happily go with them
-Even though you all get kicked out, you calm Jimmy down and take care of him when his dad beats him up
-You wipe the scars on his face and tell him how brave you think he is
- Trying to gain confidence, you take a deep breath before making the move. “Maybe the two of us should go to that diner”. Jimmy looks up at you, as if he expects you to keep talking. When the nerves hit you all at once, you begin rambling. “You know cause if the two of us go and they’re okay with that then maybe we can start going with the others one by one, and then you know we’ll ease our way back into society and stuff”. You laugh a breathy laugh, but Jimmy says nothing. With every silent second passing, your heart begins to break. But luckily for you, Jimmy speaks up. “Wait, are you asking me out? Like… on a date? To the diner?”. “What if I were?”, you quietly reply. He smiles wide and pulls you closer to him, “I’d love that”.
-James is definitely the least subtle
-Constantly giving you compliments, kisses and gifts
-Opening every door for you and listening very carefully to everything you say
-He doesn’t want you to even think about another man, so he overwhelms you with every way he can show you he likes you
-I can imagine him organising a big ball or event at the hotel just so the two of you can dress up and go together
-He is also the most confident out of them all, although he is a softie around you, he has no trouble asking you anything he wants to you
-He’ll kiss your hand a lot and you’ll eventually get the hint
- “I would be most delighted if we were to make our relationship more official, and vow fully loyalty to one another”
-You agree and he is over the moon
-Once the two of you are in a relationship, the compliments, kisses and gifts don’t stop
-He will give you your space without him, but when the two of you are in the same room together, he treats your precious time together as if it’s sacred
-He will approximately 43 seconds into your relationship begin planning how he’s gonna kill you
-You can tell Kai likes you when he’s harsher on you than he is on other members of the cult
-He’ll be pissed at you for being a distraction for him
-He’ll definitely tell you when he’s impressed with you, when you murdered somebody or helped him plan something
-Even though he definitely would not want it
-If you proved to be smarter than him in any aspect, he’d be furious
-You’d be sat on his sofa while he’s talking to you about having to kill Sally because she’s getting in the way of him winning city council
- “Samuels looked at where she lives, and it has no back doors, no nothing, it’ll be impossible to get in her house without smashing windows and causing attention”
“Why don’t you get Ally to go to her first? If Meadow convinces her to go to Sally to talk about the cult, then the front door will be open”. Kai looks at you with angry eyebrows. “We’ll sit in the car and wait for a few seconds, she’ll let Ally in, won’t lock the door straight after her, and then let them talk for a minute before we just walk right in”
-His ego won’t let him take suggestions from somebody below him, so even though he wants to be proud of you for being smart, he’s mad
-He’ll sit for hooours trying to think of any other solution he physically can think of, to not go with what you suggested
-Around the cult, he’d treat you like everybody else though
- “Y/N’s idea was brilliant, Ally just walked in and they walked straight to sit down, she didn’t lock the door”
-He’d praise you to encourage you to think of ideas, which he would later be mad that you have
-You’d find out how he felt about you during pinky power
-After being suspicious that he may have feelings for you for a while, you realised this is the only way to truly find out how he feels without him trying to manipulate you
-He’d ask you about something deep, and you’d latch on after he finishes a sentence to ask him your question
- “I have a question for you”
“Go ahead”
“How do you feel about me?”
Kai stays silent and continues to look you in the eye, taken aback by the question but not wanting to show it.
“When you’re with me, how do you feel?”
“I think you have real potential, you’re strong-”
“I’m not asking the Divine Ruler, I’m asking Kai, Kai Anderson”
He takes a deep breath before unintentionally breaking eye contact for a few seconds to think. You wait anxiously for the answer, and with every second passing you know what it will be.
“You’re special”, he starts, looking you in the eye again. “You’re valuable to the group, and to me. And I think you’d be a great… mother”. The last catches you off guard, not expecting Kai to be a family man or to think about this with you.
“You… you want me to… have your children?”
“I think our children would be indestructible, strong, powerful, decisive. They would be the seed of the better future”. Although it was a little forward for somebody you’ve never even kissed, you were beyond flattered, knowing how specific Kai is with traits in people.
“Let’s make a baby”, Kai says.
“Whoa whoa”, you laugh and unlink your pinky with his. “We’re not even dating, Kai”
“Why date if children is the ultimate purpose?”
“Then don’t look at is as dating… look at it… as getting to know the mother of your future children”
-Kai would love this and you’d soon end up dating
-And have like 6 kids
@milly-louise  @amourtentiaa  @kitwalker02  @tatestripedsweater  @therenlover  @maria-akira         @tatesimper  @thxc0untessesgl0ve  @mossybank  @ahsxual  @mxlti-fand0m-imaginess  @mrs-march-ahs-biggest-fan  @kitwalkerangel  @kitisagoldenretrieverboy @darlingkitt  @blackbat2020@elaineygrace @kaiandersonskoolaid  @undeadcortez @whiiiiplaaaaash
As usual, if you wanted to be added or taken away, dm me or comment!! I won’t mind! <3
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strayen-fx · 3 years
》 HHJ x reader
》 angst, vampirish theme
》 warnings: mentions of blood, hints of physical assault
》 2.1k words
》 a/n: short and simple, after months of writing break. Hope you guys enjoy regardless :)
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“Stay away from them, my dear. Save your blood from the horrors of their fangs. Be wary of solitude, and be wary of the crowd.”
It was a day not unlike any other. My morning kicked off lazily, with me waking up almost an hour later than a college freshman was supposed to. Nothing unusual there. I did my usual morning prep, took a cup of grandma’s tea in one gulp, and went my way. I was already late for the train—I had to run after a departing bus with an exceptional speed that would put Olympiads to shame. I got in the room just in time as the bell rang for first period. I came in huffing like an old man, but it’s alright. Way better than walking through the early jam-packed hallways.
The first aberration in my daily humdrum existence happened on my way to fourth period. A student from another department stopped me on my tracks. I knew him; he was a member of the student council. Was I in some sort of trouble?
He introduced himself as Han Jisung, then proceeded to ask if I have seen his friend.
“He’s tall,” Jisung explained. “But like, not super tall. Not the towering-over-people kind. He has a mole under his eye. He’s got black—no wait, I think he dyed his hair again the other day. Anyway, have you seen someone like him? He���s noticeably handsome. I guess. I’m more handsome, though, but you know what I mean.”
The whole school would know who he is talking about. The one and only Hwang Hyunjin: champion swimmer, council member, and just a general talk of the town. The Prince. Even if I did see him around, though, I wouldn’t know. I never pay attention to the people I walk by.
I shook my head and muttered a soft sorry. I did feel bad for Jisung. He looked so worried and dejected, and I can’t blame him—not after after the incident with Seungmin. I can’t really take it against him to worry about his friends. I sauntered off to my next class, my mind still stuck on the fact that a normal person in my school has actually talked to me, and I was able to keep my composure.
Fifth period: P.E. I don’t even know why we still have this subject in college. I opted to take a stroll instead. You see, a huge, dense forest is situated right behind the main school grounds. You could say that the school itself lies within the bosom of greeneries. Unkempt bushes and rows of towering trees stretched over several miles deep, starting from the edge of the campus to god-knows-where. It is my goal to scout the whole area before graduation.
Weighed down by my personal monstrous beast, I trudged through. I walked for at least fifteen minutes before I finally reached the spot—my spot. Sheet of decaying leaves cushioned a huge gray boulder, standing at least ten feet tall, shaped like an odd piece of egg smashed against the forest floor. Against it stood a larger stone, this one dotted with moss and weathered with cracks. They were propped against each other for support, as if stopping one another from tumbling to the ground.
There was a smaller rock at the foot of the smaller stone, and I use it as leverage to climb up and sit on top of the largest boulder. It was my favorite place. Most times I could just pretend that I was alone in my own tiny bubble, at the center of that clearing that nobody else ventures but me. I don’t feel the breath of people suffocating me with every step that I take. I don’t feel my heart thumping with the sight of anyone else. I don’t need to hold back. Here, I don’t feel weird.
But today felt somehow different.
It was awfully silent. The wind felt sharper and colder. Electricity was humming in the air, leaving my skin prickling with discomfort. There was a tension in my veins that I couldn’t quite explain—it felt like an omen of an incoming disaster.
Time ticked slow. A couple hours could have passed—or maybe it has only been five minutes—when a nearby rustling perked up my senses.
Trying to keep my movements as quiet as possible, I hopped down and took up a defensive position, which wasn’t easy to do for a student with no actual weapon aside from an almost-empty bag and a worn-out calligraphy pen. My instincts told me to take cover—but my feet seemed glued to the ground. Sweat trickled from my forehead. My hands started to feel clammy.
And then, just as I was about to scamper away, a figure crashed into view from behind the nearest oak tree. I almost threw my bag towards the person’s direction, until I had a clear view of the intruder’s face.
It was Hwang Hyunjin, wide-eyed and disoriented, with his cheeks and uniform smudged with traces of blood.
“Help me.”
His voice came out as a tiny croak, as if his throat was filled with acid. He stumbled towards me, reaching out his hand for support. I wasn’t able to move an inch—and who could blame me? The situation was way too hard to process.
Hwang Hyunjin, the university prince, was hunched huffing before me, his clothes caked with mud and dried blood, his hair a nest of mess on his head. He had a cut on his cheek, I noticed. His breathing was heavy and labored, as if the mere act of standing on his own two feet required all the effort he could muster.
“Help me,” he repeated.
“What happened to you?” I managed to blurt out. My initial thought was that some random outsiders kicked his butt for stealing their girlfriends. But no—someone like Hyunjin would have been able to handle that. Plus, something in his eyes showed an elaborate fear—something only a beast would be capable of instilling. I should know.
My heart began thumping faster, a colossal drum barreling in my chest.
Just as my schoolmate was about to open his mouth and explain, a loud rustling broke the stillness of the air. Before I could process what was happening, Hyunjin grabbed my hand and bolted away, dragging me with him.
“Don’t look back!” he warned.
I did.
At least a dozen feet behind us was another male, probably as old as Hyunjin. He was sporting our school uniform, walking casually under the shades of trees as if time wasn’t of any matter. What puzzled me, though, was the fact that we can’t seem to distance ourselves from him despite the heavy efforts Hyunjin had been exerting to drag us both away from this newcomer.
I took another glance behind me, and to my surprise, the young man wasn’t there anymore. Nowhere behind us, as if he dissipated without a single trace.
Hyunjin took a sudden stop, causing me to bump my head against his back. I was about to call him out for stopping, but then I saw the looming figure a few meters in front of us.
“You…?” I began, my mind a juggle of unanswered questions. How on earth did that happen? How is he—
Hyunjin's friend, Kim Seungmin, stood before us in his dirty school uniform. He looked pale, his eyes bloodshot, but he was standing there in full grace, very much alive, giving us a toothy grin. “You’re hurting my feelings, Hyun. Why are you running away from me?”
Hyunjin’s grip on my hand went tighter. “Seungmin...”
“Friends are supposed to help each other, am I right?” Seungmin continued, faux dismay dripping in his voice. He bared his fangs, its tips dripping with fresh blood. “So help me, Hyunjin.”
I felt my body run cold. I wanted to scream, run, anything—anything to get away from this. From him. From the two of them. From everything. But Hyunjin's hand remained strong around my wrist, and my legs were close to turning jelly. I could start to feel the fullness in my mouth, the pointy ends of my incisors. Something that only happens when I'm in an extreme hunger or danger.
“Stay away from them,” grandma said. “We are the same kind, but we are different. Weaker. They see us as preys, as special commodities. They can smell your blood despite my concoctions, my dear, remember this!”
Seungmin tilted his head to one side, finally regarding my presence. “And you, over there. I’ve never tried drinking such special blood.” He grinned. “Satiate my thirst.”
The last thing I knew, a strong hand was pressing tightly around my neck, turning my vision green.
“Have you heard of the news?”
“What news?”
“Kim Seungmin was safe! They found him in the forest yesterday.”
“Thank goodness! Was he hurt?”
“He had a few gashes, but he’s fine. Hyunjin found him and brought him to the hospital right away.”
Students filled the corridor, everyone bustling and hustling about the news: after his sudden disappearance, Seungmin was finally found by his best friend, Hyunjin. The latter saw him in the forest, hungry and disoriented. They went straight to the hospital to treat his minor wounds, and that was that—nobody bothered to ask how he managed to lose himself in the wilderness, or how we managed to survive seven days on his own. Nobody asked him stupid and unnecessary questions. Seungmin was safe, and that was all that mattered.
I brushed my way past the milling crowd, flinching at every accidental touch. I kept my eyes on the ground, forcing my mind into silence. I was expecting everyone to be in their respective classrooms at this time of the day, but apparently, the news of Seungmin’s return has become enough reason for everyone to wander about and neglect their individual duties. It was a grand miscalculation on my part—I hadn’t braced myself for this huge number of people.
Not here. Not now. Not ever.
I just have to get back home, and then it’ll be over. My insides would stop churning once I’ve drunk grandma’s tea—that has worked for 18 years now. I can stop this. I can stop me.
I made a run towards the comfort room. To my luck, nobody was inside. I washed my face over and over, as if doing so would cleanse me from the impurity stamped on every drop of my blood. The face on the mirror horrified me—I had to stop myself from punching the glass over and over.
The moment I stepped out, I felt his presence.
He was there, leaning against the wall, lurking behind the shadows. There was a faint gleam of terror in his eyes, but at the same time, I can feel it: the hunger. Lust for meat. Thirst for blood.
“Don’t be like him, Hyunjin,” I pleaded. “Don’t be like us.”
He shook his head in resignation. “It’s too late.”
He took a step closer. Another. He kept on walking until he stood right in front of me, too close I can feel him breathe.
Too close I can see the faint traces of blood on his lips.
“I’m still hungry,” he sobbed. “I’m still hungry…”
Fear was apparent in his eyes—fear of what would happen to him, fear of what he had become. “You will be fine,” I offered, taking his hand in mine. “Trust me on this. It will be fine.”
And then I felt it, stronger this time—the hunger he was talking about. The thirst. My stomach growled in protest at the sight of Hyunjin’s pale flesh. I can smell his blood—I can feel its steady rhythm as it flowed through his pulsing veins.
I need to get home. Maybe my grandma could do something about Hyunjin, too. Maybe she could produce a stronger tea, and both of us wouldn’t have to worry about our instincts anymore.
We stood next to each other for a full minute before he broke the silence.
“We need each other to survive,” Hyunjin whispered. “If we drink the blood of our own kind, we can last for a month without feeding on others.” He freed his hand from my hold and gripped my shoulders tightly. “I need you. And you need me, too.”Hyunjin leaned down until we were staring at each other at eye level. He closed the distance between us. I closed my eyes, and for the first time, I allowed my monster to take ove.
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buckleysims · 3 years
...Aaaand there goes my self respect.
I made out with him. It was the sexiest, most out of character thing I have ever done in my entire life. He lifted me onto the desk in his office and kissed me the way every woman deserves to be kissed. And I’m ashamed to admit that we probably would have done much, much more if I wasn’t such a coward.
But let me start over. I need to clarify a couple of things before I tell you guys about what a fucking disaster I am.
On Wednesday, he and I were scrolling through his phone looking at pictures of his dogs when a very beautiful, very naked woman appeared on the screen. He laughed and told me that she was just some model he likes. It didn’t bother me; I believed him, and we ended up having a really nice time together.
Later that afternoon, however, I let it get into my head. So I texted him to ask about her. Again he reassured me that he’d never met the woman, and he teased me for being intimidated by a porn star. But really, who wouldn’t be? I tried to brush off my embarrassment by saying something along the lines of, “Well, I never outright asked you if you're single, so I just wanted to be sure.”
He paused.
Then he admitted that he’d started talking to his ex again and they’re going out for lunch on Friday. He also insisted that he was going to tell me about it before anything more happened between the two of us.
I replied that I thought he should get back together with her. “There’s obviously some real history there, and you and I just met. I don’t want to get in the way.” He proceeded to make a joke about threesomes and how much this other woman would “like” me, and at that point I kind of lost my temper. I told him in no uncertain terms that he should definitely reconcile with his (ex) girlfriend as she is obviously a much more generous and giving person than I am because I would never consider sharing my boyfriend with another woman like that.
Later that night, he announced that we couldn’t talk/text anymore starting the day that his (ex) girlfriend gets back to town. I was confused and hurt and probably a bit defensive, and he reacted by boasting that he’d taken my advice and it was thanks to my encouragement that the two of them might still have a chance.
I should note, to his credit, that by this point on Wednesday he’d already offered to take me out to dinner three times, and I’d refused them all. (On Saturday, I was too nervous about us being caught by my boss (which is a whole other story). On Tuesday, he had prior obligations until late in the evening, and I couldn’t wait that long. On Wednesday, I was too upset to go out with him.) So yeah, he was more than a little frustrated with me.
Anyway, that brings me up to Thursday.
When we made out. And more.
I know it was wrong. Believe me, I do. But here’s what happened. He greeted me in the lobby that morning, and I snapped at him. I said something about how I was hoping I wouldn’t be forced to see his face today. (It was an awful thing to say. I know, I know. As irritated as I was, he was trying to be sweet by waiting to walk me to my office.) He chuckled and said something about how much he likes feisty girls early in the morning. I don’t remember his exact remark now, but that’s close enough.
Moving on. I felt guilty that I’d been so rude to him. The night before, he’d told me that we could still be acquaintance-y friends, and I’d agreed that we should try. My jab was anything but friendly.
So I went to his office late that afternoon to apologize. He was leaving for the gym and wearing one of those loose sleeveless shirts that showed off his muscular arms and sexy tattoos. I should have taken one look at him and walked the other way. But I didn’t, and one thing led to another. And within minutes I found myself sprawled beneath him on his desk with my legs wrapped around his waist.
Of course, me being me, I panicked when he tried to take it a step further. I shoved him off of me, jumped down from the table, fled out the door and ran straight back to my office. A short while later he texted me and asked me to come over to his place for dinner. (He also told me that I could pack a bag and stay the night if I wanted to. I think he was kidding, but still. *eye roll*) Once again, I refused.
I didn’t see him at all today. I spent the entire morning and most of the afternoon attempting to convince myself that I was fine with how things ended and happy that I didn’t have to interact with him anymore now that his (ex) girlfriend is back in town. I tried everything I could to stop thinking about him, and by four o’clock this afternoon my mind was finally, for the most part, elsewhere.
But then...
He came to my office. I know it was him because we were joking around earlier this week, and he created a special tapping “code” that he claimed he was going to use when he walked by my door and wanted to say hi without my boss knowing about it.
Tap. Tap. Slide. Slide. Tap.
He did it twice, a couple of minutes apart. I pretended not to hear, and by the time I left this afternoon he was already gone.
I’m a mess. :(
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
through the looking glass
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“Please don’t kill me!” you begged from the floor, your hands raised, trying to get this psycho to leave you alone. “I-I-I don’t think I taste that good? I’ve tried my blood before, and it’s disgusting, true fact! Mosquitos don’t even like me that much!” “I don’t eat humans, I—” the psycho samurai man tried to speak, but you were far from done pleading for your life.
— Or in which you cross paths with Shinazugawa Sanemi and nothing is ever the same again.
pairing: shinazugawa sanemi x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, nsfw, fluff, cursing, an instance of demon slaying, mirror sex, vaginal fingering, blowjob, slight breeding kink, unprotected sex, cursing, praise kink, this is my first time writing for this fandom oh no
word count: 8,420
a/n: I fell asleep while editing this, good reminder to maybe not lay in a comfy blanket when trying to get shit out on time????? i love sanemi sm tho, please enjoy!
kinktober day 15 main kink: mirror sex | kinktober masterlist
The sky was always prettier at night.
It wasn’t anything against the sky during the day! As a matter of fact, you also loved the light blue sky just at noon. You loved it wholly! You loved the way the sweet smell of crops of the earthy dewy scent traveled in the morning, and you loved how every creature in existence seemed to hum with life. The morning sky and earth were always busy.
But, you always found the deep dark blue-purple, nearly black night sky to be ethereal.
If you closed your eyes and listened closely, the nighttime, silent with white noise hanging through every quiet move of wind, felt like another world. Out near the countryside, not quite the city and not quite the farmlands, you were able to live a life where you felt safe, felt normal. You and your friends were always screaming and chasing each other through the streets following the setting sun. Your curfew hours pushed back for the night, letting you relax.
You loved to sit just at the edge of the farmed roads, right where the light from the town just disappeared into blackness. You would sit there, eyes bright, fingers pointed at the sky as you took in the irreplicable night sky. At sixteen years, you had decided to venture out on your own; your friends said that they wouldn’t be able to join you because of their own busy schedule and insisted that you don’t go on account of the few vanishing people the past few nights.
But, you were never one to pay mind to others’ opinions; your own mind set on seeing the supposed asteroid shower that night in tandem with the full blue moon was to be a sight you couldn’t miss. So, you laughed, scratching the back of your neck as you sigh. 
“Fine, I won’t go,” you lied to them, and they smiled in gratefulness.
But, like the liar that you are, you found yourself rushing out of your home, your fingers clutching at your kimono as you run. The sun had already set, and if you were to make sure that you would make the sighting, you were going to need to get there now.
Eventually, you made it to that pathed dirt road, your eyes scanning the darkened sky with intense focus as you began to search for the asteroid shower you were promised. With the bright, beautiful moon in the sky, your feet stamping onto the road with your impatience and excitement, you listened to the whistling wind and chirping bugs as you waited.
Nothing abnormal or out of the ordinary.
It was tranquil, quiet, calm.
And finally, when the backdrop of the night sky served as the background to the beautiful shower of asteroids, a single sound that you’ve never heard before echoed from before you and immediately made your stomach sicken. 
Someone was eating in the fields right before you, the sound of a person, maybe an animal, eating something as if it was starving. Slowly, the air filled with fickle laughter, a noise that had your heart racing as you stood up. Your attention no longer focused on the beautiful night sky, but instead, two pairs of yellow and red eyes staring at you.
“Oh? Would you look at that! Two humans already, and it's only three hours into the night!” a voice cackled, and even with the shroud of darkness brought by the hours of the night, you recognized what the not humans were eating.
It was a person.
Unable to scream due to fear, the horror burned through your veins as you tried to scramble to your feet and run away, only to find that you couldn’t even move. You began to cry instead. Fat tears welling down your cheeks as they stalked toward you at a speed you couldn’t start to believe was human or animal, and you curled into yourself, eyes unable to gaze up at the sky one last time.
“So this is where you shithead demons have been fucking hiding?!” a voice practically roared behind you, and it was then you shrieked when a burst of wind exploded over you and a man dressed in a weird black uniform with a white haori with the kanji for ‘kill’ printed on it. 
What the fuck was fucking going on?!
You pinched your skin, wondering if, by chance, the gods had cursed you at the very moment and forced you to hallucinate some strange reality. 
“T-That’s a Hashira,” one of the not-human humans gasped, arm tugging at his friend. “We don’t stand a chance!”
What the fuck was a Hashira?!
“Like hell, we don’t!” the other snarled in defensive anger. You managed to push yourself onto your forearms, your knees still too weak to carry your standing weight. “Look at all his scars, gotta be hanging by a damn thread. He’s not even looking at us!”
You were taken back by that statement. Why wasn’t the third lunatic looking at them?! You snapped your attention from the non-human humans to look at the white-haired man who was staring at you. Your jaw dropped in your shock and slight embarrassment at the way his scarred face took you off-guard for a moment. Why was he looking at you and not the non-human humans?!
And in horror, you watched the psycho scarred man in front of you unsheathed a katana.
A katana.
The ringing of metal loud in your ear as you scrambled to your feet, this man was genuinely insane. Who still carried such weapons in this time period?! The samurai were no longer around, and he was dressed in something that looked weaker than your own kimono!
“Ni no kata: Sousou-Shina to Kaze,” the psycho samurai man spat, and if you hadn’t already believed you weren’t hallucinating already, you definitely did now. Jagged, solid apparitions of claw marks appeared from the air as the psycho man shot forward, the glinting menace of his katana tearing through the necks of both the non-human humans with such horrifying ease. You screamed. 
The terrified scream didn’t stop afterward, only seems to increase in horror when you watched the bodies crumble into smoke and ash, their voices still muttering last words, bitter and abhorrently angry at being murdered. The psycho samurai had beheaded these non-human humans at such power and strength he had destroyed their living bodies! 
Was this because you hadn’t thanked your aunties for adding that one extra meat bun when you noticed after going home?! No, it had to have been for breaking that perverted boy's nose the other day, and this was the curse he placed on you. Physical violence was never the answer; you vehemently prayed to your gods as you begged for forgiveness. Please spare your pathetic life.
Your jaw dropped as you watched the psycho samurai man, with what seemed like proficient knowledge and experience, flick his blade. Blood splattered off the blade, onto the floor, disintegrating too. And well, fuck the gods.
Spinning on your heel, you ran as fast as you possibly could, your chest heaving and nerves entirely shot because if you were hallucinating this badly, you needed to get home. Maybe that candy you ate earlier today from the snot-nosed brat was some weird drug. City kids could never be trusted.
“Are you okay?” a voice gruffed by your ear, and you shrieked, seeing the psycho man seemingly appear beside you. His footsteps were silent as he so obviously ran to catch up to you, and through your frightening horror, you found yourself tripping and falling onto your ass. Staring up at the wholly scarred man in front of you. 
You had initially thought it was just his face that was scarred, but no, it was obviously more. There were jagged, ugly cuts lining his pectorals, abdomen, and if you weren’t making it up, you noticed some on his arms. Every piece of exposed flesh was lined with intense scars.
“Please don’t kill me!” you begged from the floor, your hands raised, trying to get this psycho to leave you alone. “I-I-I don’t think I taste that good? I’ve tried my blood before, and it’s disgusting, true fact! Mosquitos don’t even like me that much!”
“I don’t eat humans, I—” the psycho samurai man tried to speak, but you were far from done pleading for your life.
“My mom says I have a thick neck! Called me an ox or something! I’m sure you don’t want to cleave off my head like you did the others?! Oh my god, am I gonna die?!” you squeaked, your fingers digging crescent shaped wounds into your arms as you began to cry. “I don’t wanna die!” you wailed, and then just the slightest bit pathetically: “I just wanted to see the asteroid shower.”
The psycho man seemed to grow irritated, his lips pulling back into a small snarl before he rolled his eyes. With tears in your eyes, you watched as the man threw his katana to the side, much too far away from him to use on you, and in the dim lights of the town behind you, you watched the shadows grow on his face as he sat down before you.
Not close enough to make you panic, but not far enough you were squinting to see him.
“My name is Shinazugawa Sanemi,” the psycho samurai man explained, and your eyes narrowed.
“That’s not a god or demon I’m aware of,” you muttered under your breath, but it seemed he heard it by the sour glare he gave you. You stilled under his weighted ton glare, your face warming as you averted your gaze. 
“I’m not a god,” he spoke firmly, his arms folding underneath his chest. There was the chance he was a demon, you couldn’t help but think. “Nor am I demon.” You wilted.
“Rabid mountain boy?” you guessed, your nerves and adrenaline are still pounding way too heavy for you to filter your words.
He huffed, “No.”
“Well then—”
“Just let me explain,” he stressed, an eyebrow raised at you, and you stilled. It took a bit, but eventually, you nodded. “My name is Shinazugawa Sanemi, and I am a part of an organization called the Kisatsutai.”
Kisatsutai, the Demon Slayer Corps.
It rang an old bell in your memories, something distant, aged. Maybe a tall tale your grandparents had told you.
“It’s exactly as you think it to be,” he spoke, and you found your gaze rising to meet his. You realized even with the dull, yellowing light of the faraway lanterns, his eyes were a clouded purple. “Those two shitheads that tried to attack you are — were — demons. Yes, demons still exist,” he followed immediately as if knowing what stupid question you were going to ask next. Your mouth closed, and a chill ran down your spine knowing that non-human demon creatures that ate humans actually existed in this world. How had you been so unaware? “I’m a Hashira though, the wind Hashira to be exact. You’re living in my section of the territory I’m assigned to keep safe, so don’t worry. Demons don’t come out during the day; the sun kills them, so keep indoors at night, and you won’t have any issues.”
You remained silent, your mind twisting and turning as you tried to digest his words that seemed to rip apart your life. Sure, there was always a chance of being murdered in life; you weren’t that naive of an idiot to think so. But you never would have guessed that the potential murder you would have was a demon. It just seemed childish.
“T-That’s why they disintegrated?” you eventually babbled, your mind and consciousness entirely overloaded. “Are you some sun blooded person? How did you kill them?”
Sanemi stared at you but grunted. He rose to his feet and offered you a hand, “Top secret, can’t tell you.”
That wasn’t a good enough answer, and your mouth opened, ready to retaliate. 
“I’m not trying to be a jerk,” Sanemi spoke, his hand tensing yet again in apparent effort to get you to grab it. “I’ll explain to you the bullshits of the reality of life later, but fortunately, this wasn’t the only area with demons nearby. So, unless you want me leaving you out here alone.”
A frown curled on your face, but with an unspoken level of trust, you grabbed his hand. You tried not to show how shocked and just awed you were at the calloused, entirely strong palms he had. You had no doubt in mind that he was a master swordsman, that title of Hashira seemed to be a big thing too, and the strength and power and callousness of his palm proved it.
“I’ll walk you home, pipsqueak; let’s get a move on it.”
Nodding your head quickly, you tore your hand from his and walked.
The walk was silent, and you could feel his presence lingering behind you like a hot coal in your pocket. You looked behind to see if he was still there several times, and each time he was staring straight ahead, eyes focused on something far away.
“You’ll be back tomorrow, Shinazugawa-san?” you ask as you made your way to the entrance of your home. You weren’t moving to go in, trying to figure out what he meant by explaining it all later.
“Tomorrow evening before I work,” Sanemi confirms, arms folding again.
You nod, “How old are you, Shinazugawa-san?”
He narrows his eyes but eventually rolls them, “Eighteen.”
Only two years older than you were, yet his hands felt like those of a war-veteran elder. It almost seemed like you and he grew up in entirely different worlds. You nod some more, absorbing his words and skills with better clarity as you finally begin to retreat past the gates. “Well, thank you for saving my life, Shinazugawa-san. I’ll leave—”
“You can watch it tomorrow night,” he said, face void of emotions.
You blink, “What?”
Sanemi rolls his eyes, looking entirely unimpressed. “The asteroid shower? The one you were watching or wanted to watch? Tomorrow night, another one will be happening.”
“O-Oh,” you felt warm, a smile spreading across your face as you nodded. “Thank you for letting me know!”
He nods too, a sharp inhale whistling through the air before his shoulders relax, the tension leaving his body altogether. “Well, until tomorrow evening.”
“Goodnight, Shinazugawa-san,” you politely bow. “Stay safe tonight.”
“...you too.”
And when you pull up from the bow, he’s gone. 
The next evening, Sanemi shows up again. The sun is still in the sky, barely on its decline, and the summer day's warmth is slowly cooling down. As promised, Sanemi answers all of your questions, or well, tries to answer it. Some questions you have, he roughly snarks that those are stupid questions that shouldn’t ever be asked again (i.e., you asking if he was a child of the sun and that's why the demons had died, you asking if he had grown up in the woods and that’s why he was so scarred, you asking if it was only him in this supposed corps). He makes it pretty clear and unmistakable right away that all demons are evil. That he has the power to kill most demons as he is now and is continuing to train himself daily to ensure that he will one day help eradicate the strongest demon. That had turned into a slight argument on how you seriously doubted an eighteen-year-old possessed the power to murder a thousand-year-old demon who has yet to be killed despite the numbers who have tried.
But Sanemi, for all that was worth speaking of, was strangely enticing. Whenever your family or friends peeked their nosy heads in to try and hear your conversations with the psychotic looking stranger, his rather brash and abrasive tone of talking melded away into one of perfect formality and intelligence you quickly forgot he had. It was almost devious of him to have charmed your mother as soon as he did despite his rather inappropriate getup — he refused to cover up.
Faster than you would have liked, the setting sun began to turn scarlet red and royal purple against the sky, and you watched one of the nine apparent Hashira walking away, his body disappearing in the crowds of people that were moving about in the town. But, he was taller than most of them, and with that head of white hair, you watched him leave until you could no longer. 
“Come back again, please, Shinazugawa-san?” you had asked right before he left, your heart hammering in your chest.
He looked at you, unsure, a million emotions flashing through his clouded eyes. Ignoring the way your family and friends were watching you through the obvious crack in the door, you looked at Sanemi, who rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll see.”
That was good enough for you.
Better yet, the asteroid shower returned that night, and as you took it in with a star dazed smile, you thanked Sanemi, wherever he was.
It seemed to become some sort of ritual for both of you.
Sanemi showing up, both of you talking in the courtyard of your home for a few minutes. Some days he showed up with enough time to eat dinner with your family, who were intrigued to know who he was. Some days your friends refused to leave your side, so Sanemi would as calmly as he could interact with them. Turns out a few of them reminded him of his own friends, and a sense of kinship formed between them all.
But as the sunset and you wished him well and luck, you always asked for him to return.
Sanemi would always respond with uncertainty. But the next day, he was there.
Some days he had more bandages on his body; some days, he looked straight up sick. There were scary days where he wouldn’t appear at all, and he’d be back in two days apologizing. He had come across a few Lower Moons and was hospitalized then had a meeting, he would explain. There were some days he’d let you grab his hand as he explained that he wouldn’t be back for a few days; there was a meeting in Headquarters, and it took a day to get to and a day to return from. Three days have gone from his usual postings, so he would have to spend an additional four days heavily working to make up for his disappearance. 
“Fuckers aren’t as strong as they should be anymore,” Sanemi gruffed as you rested your head against his shoulder, his softly resting against yours. “Idiot trainers letting them take the test without their breathing techniques being strong.”
You laughed your finger, raising and pressing against his proud scar on his chest. It had been a year since you had first met him at that point, and now at seventeen, you knew he was proud of his scars, showing them off like the farmers showed off their prized crops, how senseis and masters showed off their awards. 
“They can’t even fucking use the Water Breathing techniques correctly,” he spoke angrily, almost bitterly. “That’s the easiest breathing to learn! They had no fucking skill; they don’t use the breathes they should be using!”
“Mm,” you agreed, not really invested in their strengths or if the trainers were blind fucking bats, and your hand rested on his chest. His heartbeat under your fingertips, and you looked at his dark purple eyes. Despite the weird angle, his eyes were beating with the slightest bit of anger. “They sound like the worst.”
You had never known Sanemi to freeze up or startle, but you saw the way his eyes dropped to your lips, the way they drank them in, but he pulled away. His heartbeat suddenly frantic as he stood. 
“It’s getting late; I gotta go if I’m going to make the town thirteen kilometers from here,” he grumbled, strapping his katana to his waist and standing up. You quietly followed after Sanemi, listening to him talk about how there was a case this morning but that the supposed demon was an actual cannibal.
As the two of you passed to the front gate, the warm smell of cracked dirt and sweet weeds filled the air. The sun was still high in the sky, just enough for your practically superpowered friend, not a friend, to make it to his suspected town just as the sunset.
He turned to you, falling quiet, obviously waiting for your typical farewell. But, you were trying something new tonight, and maybe from here on out. Sanemi watched with wide eyes as you stepped before him, your lips pressing sweetly against his battle-hardened skin, just kissing the corner of his mouth.
“Stay safe,” you grinned, pulling away, finding the pink in his cheeks and ears as a sign of victory. And as you made your way back into the doors of your home, Sanemi’s hands grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you near once again.
“I didn’t know you were a fucking Water User,” he snaps, and before you could smoothly input, you were not a Breathe user on account of your very serious childhood asthma, his lips pressed against yours, and it suddenly made sense.
The sky during the day was, for the most part, repetitive and boring. But when Sanemi pulled away from you, your lips humming with electricity and pumping blood from your excitement, the backdrop of the sky on the man who held your heart could outmatch even the asteroid shower you had seen. 
“Come back again, please, Sanemi?” you slowly spoke, the smile on your face ear-splitting and pure.
“Fuck off!” Sanemi flushed bright red, and he turned on his heel and stormed away.
He listened to your bell-like laughter as he rounded the corner. Well, until he seemingly reappeared before you again, his hands pressing to your cheeks and kissing the laughter from your throat before he pulled away. His voice was gruff, and his body language screamed he was doing everything not to look away from you right now, “I’ll see.”
And it was good, so very, very good.
By the time you were eighteen, you had moved in with Sanemi.
Despite the lack of a formal proposal, how both of you agreed not to marry yet, your parents allowed you to move in with Sanemi. They knew the reason why both of you had decided not to wed and accepted it as long as Sanemi took all responsibility for what would happen to him should anything happen to you. 
You still remember Sanemi showing up in the only kimono he owned. It was a bit — okay, try way — too tight against his arms and chest. His katana or usual uniform nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t that you hadn’t been expecting this to happen; the two of you had discussed this future together plentifully. But seeing him on his knees, a bow that was so low, respectful, and formal, had sent your skin simmering with blazing heat as Sanemi asked to officially court you and if he could also bring you home with him.
Tears welled in your eyes at his beautifully spoken request, and your parents, who may or may not have interrupted a handful of too many gentle, sweet, full kisses between you and Sanemi in the gardens of your home, had expected it. 
That sunset, you had watched Sanemi pull his katana and uniform from underneath a tatami mat in your room, and you screeched about how he had hidden it there. He didn’t bother responding as he changed into his needed uniform, and you had politely looked away while he changed. You may or may not have caught sight of his muscled, toned, and scarred legs, though, and you may or may not have thought about it for every second after he had left.
He kissed you wholly before he left that night, his thumb rubbing your cheekbone just softly enough to make you putty in his hands.
“I’ll be back in the morning to help you move in,” he promised, and you nodded your head impatiently, your lips seeking his again. 
As promised, Sanemi showed up the following morning, and with the help of the wagon your parents owned, all of your items were carefully exported to Sanemi’s home. A home that was way more than you had imagined. Your fiancé, not quite a fiancé, was always clean, he never showed up covered in dirt or blood, so while you weren’t necessarily expecting him to live in a crate at the side of the road, you were also expecting that from him.
It was a large home with a large courtyard, garden, and training spaces. Sanemi had easily carried your trunks into your (Sanemi and your’s) room, and you had hugged your parents tightly before they left. Their smiles drowned out into the bright sunlight as they went.
The adjustment to living with Sanemi wasn’t as hard as you thought it was going to be. For sure, the most challenging thing was getting your body accustomed to being awake during the night so that you could sleep with him and then spend his waking hours with him. It was perfect, blissful, and wonderful. You’d spend sundown to sunrise doing chores and doing drills with a wooden sword and dummy — Sanemi was teaching you how to handle a katana in case he wasn’t around. You’d write down lists of what you would need when he came home. Thirty minutes after sunrise, nearly without fail, Sanemi would stumble into the house, calling out his greeting.
You helped him bathe the night's blood and grime away, and with gentle hands and coaxing words, dragged him to sleep. At three in the afternoon, both of you would wake, and the day would begin with a sweet kiss good morning. Both of you would go and finish the day's errands, the vendors soon becoming familiar with your face and person. It was a great community, and everyone seemed to hold Sanemi in high regard.
But your relationship changed yet again when Sanemi slammed through the doors one day after sunrise. His eyes were wide, faint pink, already healed over scars risen on his skin as you came to the front door to see your husband, not a husband, discarding his shoes on the floor. 
“What’s going on?!” you asked, partially because you were scared and partly because you were slightly exhausted and ready to drag him into bed with you. But it seemed that Sanemi had that same exact mindset, but with a whole other meaning.
The kiss he pressed on your lips was blistering hot; you arched against the intensity of his kiss, your fingers touching the dirt of his face and feeling the heat of his skin.
“I need you,” he simply stated, over and over, his words coiling and festering under your skin until you could do nothing but let out a shaking moan. Exhaustion had burned out of your bloodstream, and a gentle, building warmth sank through your loins as slowly you agreed.
I need you,” you repeat as the sliding doors close behind your shifting bodies, the both of you losing yourselves to the heat and the passions of the early morning lust.
It had been approximately a year since you and Sanemi began to indulge in your shared sexual desires. Your relationship was deep, it was full, and as everything human, had its flaws. There were mornings where he would come home and needed to sleep in a separate room, evenings when he would leave, and his words would be cold and haunting. His life up until now had been a hard one, and you were no fool to believe that your presence would make him forget that. 
But in spite of it all, you were always happy when Sanemi would pull off of you, the streams of golden morning light whisping into the room, your body aching with the intensive pleasurable waves as the both of you would ease into sleep. It was perfect, you thought so, at least.
Sanemi, however, always claimed that you were a sight to be seen when he was bottomed out in you. His words were sweet in your ears as his lips brushed your skin, his praises were endless, but even when the drunken hue of the passions of the early morning faded, he swore you were a sight to be taken in at its full glory. Through every praise, every small moment where he would kiss you afterward as the smell of sex and dewy grass wafted into the room, Sanemi wanted you to see how beautiful you were when he fucked you.
You had no idea how that was to work; there was nothing that gave off a good enough reflection. But one late spring day, your eyes at the table you were using, carefully shuffling the funds Sanemi had acquired and placed them out accordingly, the front door was thrown open. 
“I’m home,” Sanemi grunted from the first room in the home, and you strained your ears, not hearing the door shut behind him.
“Welcome home!” eventually came your response, your body pressing up from the floor, fingers smoothing down your purple kimono before walking to where Sanemi stood. 
By the time you entered the room, Sanemi had already closed the door. But you were less focused on the time interval it took him to enter the home and more interested in the large, covered, and almost ominous rectangular object resting on the wall. 
“Whatcha got there?” you asked, head tilting in your curiosity, eyes focused on the large rectangle.
“The obaa-san gave me free smoked salmon because she heard that apparently, we’re trying for a kid. She said eating salmon before having sex will guarantee a strong male heir. So I figured we could make some nigiri,” Sanemi stated, purposefully ignoring your question if the way his lips pulled into a sardonic smile had anything to say about it.
“You’re an asshole,” you laugh, your hand smacking his shoulder only for him to thread his fingers in yours and pull you in for a sweet kiss. You hummed against his soft lips, your fingers running through his hair until the entire sentence he just told you sparked back into your memory. You tugged the ends of his hair just sharp enough for him to grunt in the back of his throat. “Idiot, don’t let them think we’re trying for a kid just yet.”
Sanemi snorts, pulling away from the kiss, “Maybe you should stop talking about your cravings in public — especially with that gossiping vendor.”
“Period cravings are a thing!”
“Yah yah,” Sanemi grunted, his hand waving you off as he gathered his rectangle thing and started making his way off with it. It was enormous though, you noticed as he carried it. It was longer than both of your heights, and if you were to stand at his shoulder, it seemed like it could still be wider than the both of you. “Stop breathing down my neck, weirdo.”
“You’re the one not telling me what that is!” you complain, following Sanemi with enough distance that you weren’t stepping on his heels. “Come on, ‘nemi, tell me what it is?”
“What do you think it is?”
“I hope it isn’t Mitsuri-chan’s present from Iguro-san,” you grumbled, knowing that last Christmas, you had to keep Mitsuri’s present hidden from the lovely Love Breathe wielder. “I can’t handle him showing up in the middle of the day, demanding to see it again. Why didn’t his own home work?”
“Kanroji shows up occasionally, and he only brings her into the best rooms depending on the day,” Sanemi grunted, resting the rectangle onto the wall by your tatami mats. “He won’t confess; she’s dumber than a rock, it’s all annoying. But he’s still… a friend.”
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re finally admitting to being friends with your fellow Hashira!” you chirped, your arms circling his neck, your grin complete and authentic as Sanemi looked at you unimpressed, his lips in a pout, not a pout, but a pout. You had the privilege of meeting all the Hashira Christmas morning, and they were all lovely people you got along with quite well. “Now, are you and Tomi—”
“That water bastard can choke on my foot and die!” Sanemi snapped, his face fuming, eyebrows narrowing, but his warm arms remaining relaxed and warm around your waist. “I’ll kill him and his stupid ‘I’m-better-than-you’ personality.”
“And you don’t get along with someone like that?” you feign surprise, utterly delighted with the way his eyes sparkled dangerously at you. And well, you didn’t ever hesitate to take a bite out of Sanemi. “Guess there’s only enough room for an ‘I’m-better-than-you’ personality even in the Hashira, and if it isn’t you… oops.”
Sanemi choked, and you laughed loudly, face nuzzling into his stiff neck as he attempted to escape from your stubborn hold. 
“You’re a real jerk,” Sanemi said as monotonously, allowing his much stronger body to be bent down as your lips peppered against his skin and eventually on his relaxed lips that didn’t bother returning your kisses.
“Kiss me back,” you whined, your lips pressing with a more significant, more profound fervor against his mouth.
“I’m sorry!” you giggled with no actual apologies in your tone, enjoying the way that Sanemi’s lips slowly began to press back against yours. “Tomioka-san is obviously not the holder of the ‘I’m-better-than-you’ personality title!”
“You damn brat,” Sanemi growled, his fingers pinching and pulling at your cheeks, paying no mind to your cries of mercy. “To think that I bought this for you too!”
“You haven’t even shown it to me yet!” you complain, unable to pout on account to his fingers, still pulling your cheeks apart. “You left me in the dark!”
Sanemi grunted, letting go of your cheeks, his purple eyes darkening and narrowing as he slammed a hand over your eyes and twisted you around in a swift movement. You resisted the small gasp hanging at the tip of your tongue when you felt his broad chest pressing into your back, and he moved forward, commanding you to move without a word. 
“Is this when you confess you’ve been a demon this entire time and trap my soul into Hell with all your other sexy wives?”
“Would you shut up?!”
Sanemi’s hand tore away from your eyes, and even though you were ready to argue with him just to hear the flaring annoyance on his tongue, you stilled when you saw your reflection perfectly. This had to be a mirror, an invention made in the west a few years ago, and finally, it was here. You weren’t oblivious to the fact that you were smaller than Sanemi, but the mirror made that difference alarmingly apparent. 
“I told you I wanted you to be able to look at yourself as I fucked you,” Sanemi whispered against your neck, breaking your attention away from its transfixion on the precise observation you finally had on yourself. “Turns out Tokyo got some imported, and I had to go get one myself.”
“Sanemi,” you whimpered, the canines of his teeth dragging against the tender flesh of your neck that was exposed from your kimono. Your eyes took in the sight of how his eyes stared at your face through the mirror's reflection, they were dark, murkier like this, and when his teeth slowly sank into your flesh, a ripple of pleasure and pain bubbling against your skin, you moaned. 
“Look at yourself,” Sanemi purred, his arms circling around your waist, and you felt him slowly beginning to undo the fastenings and fabrics of your kimono. “I need you to understand just how crazy you make me feel when I touch you, when I fuck you.”
The words were hot cinders in your lower stomach, festering and twisting in its warmth as his words buzzed in your ears. Your eyes dragged over to your reflection, and you could feel the beginning steam come out of your ears at the sight of yourself. Your eyes were lidded, perfectly hooded to give off the obvious desire that was growing in your body, your lips swelling with how your teeth tore into them, stopping the small moans that went unheard, and the flush that radiated off your features and glowed in your eyes.
It was a sight that you had never expected to see, and the pure unadulterated lust radiating off your features embarrassed you. The embarrassment only seemed to grow more as the kimono slipped from your shoulder, exposing more of your tender flesh for Sanemi’s mouth and teeth to mark, and your head dipped backward at the lewd scene.
“Look at you, angel,” Sanemi smirked against your skin, his eyes glinting dangerously even though the reflection as you weakly, just barely managed to return your gaze onto your review. You looked even more wrecked as the kimono dropped to the floor, the white undergarments you wore making you look saintly in the reflection and warm light of the streaming sun. “So beautiful, so perfect, and all mine.”
Your fingers fisted into the pants of his uniform. Your knees feeling weak with the possessiveness that came with his words. Unsure as to what to do, all the embarrassment and shamelessness in the world dancing like falling leaves as you pondered what you could do. Usually, you would move with him against him. You didn’t exactly fall into a pillow princess category, but feeling the intensity of his gaze through a mirror, and the way that your body behaved exactly as he had always claimed it had, made your head spin.
You gasped loudly when his hips rutted slowly against your ass, his scarred hands continuing to undress you more, each fabric of clothing that separated your naked body from the mirror disappearing until you were completely nude. And you mewled.
“Look at yourself, angel,” Sanemi laughed against the shell of your ear, his head now against yours, keeping you from even attempting to look away. His large, rough hands glided across your much softer skinned body, watching as his fingers rolled your nipples between his fingers, massaging your tender flesh in his hands. 
You saw the way your head dipped backward as you moaned, your eyes fluttering as you did so. Undoubtedly, both of you painted an erotic scene, but it was something you hadn’t ever expected to be confirmed. “You look so beautiful moaning against my touch; I wonder if you’ll like the way your face scrunches up when I fuck your pretty little pussy, or even when I touch it.”
Slight fear shot through your nerves as suddenly, Sanemi dropped to the floor, taking you with him. No pain went through your body as he made impact with the floor. You figured out why immediately, your ass was against his hard crotch, his clothed outer thighs pressing against your naked inner thighs, and you made sight with the mirror and keened at the picture of your spread slick pussy. 
Sanemi shifted behind you, and although you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes away from how your cunt glistened in the light, you shook when you saw his bare arms, felt his bare chest against your back. 
“You drive me utterly fucking insane,” Sanemi growled hotly against your ear, crotch grinding up into your ass, and you pathetically looked at your flushed face as you ground back downwards onto him in return. A slow groaned out moan resonated from his mouth, and you shivered and gasped at the noise, your cunt clenching at nothing as Sanemi positioned your arms as he wanted them to be. Clutched into his hair, absolutely revealing your naked body to the mirror, denying you no salacious angle of your body. “I want you to watch me make you feel good, angel. Don’t look away, promise?”
“I p-promise,” you stammer, the slight glint of his eye that you can still see, making your toes curl.
And he began.
Sanemi’s finger slowly traced down your knees, the heat from his flesh nearly burning as you tremble in his hold. Your instincts fight whether to look at him from the mirror or normally. 
You keep your eyes onto the mirror. “Good job, you’re doing such a good job,” Sanemi voices, his fingers becoming feather-soft strokes against the inside of your legs that make you arch against his chest. a sharp inhale was what he was rewarded with as his fingers make small circles centimeters from where you crave him most. “I haven’t seen you react this intensely in so long. Is it because you’re watching your pretty face enjoy the praise?”
Unsure what to say, your head nods rapidly, your tongue falling dead in your mouth when his left-hand drags up your abdomen, scratching the underneath of your breasts until you can shake no more. “SANEMI!” you shriek, unable to take the teasing touches and watching your embarrassingly turned on face anymore. “SOMETHING! DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING, PLEASE!”
“Aw, you cracked so fast,” he chuckles against your ear, and you melt into a euphoric victory when his thick, rough fingers plunge into your cunt.
Immediately, your hips snap up to greet him, your body shifting in quick, fast snaps as you watch your soaked cunt fuck against his fingers, desperately, greedily taking him in more and more. The sight of his fingers disappearing into your cunt through the mirror, the way your teeth tore into your lips to keep your singing praises at a minimum, and how you could feel and swear you could see the heat pounding from your body take shape through the mirror.
You had never felt this tight yet undone. Your lust hazed eyes shifting from your almost too lewd facial expressions to the way Sanemi jaw flexed with his growled endless praises, to how your cunt greedily sucked him in, further and further until the pounding of your heart couldn’t even drown out the wet, squelching of your cunt.
“Fuck!” Sanemi cursed, his hips grinding further, harder into your ass, and you keened at the massive hard length that poked into your back. “Look at you, you’re so fucking hot, angel. So needy, so fucking greedy for everything that I’m giving you.”
“I want m-more!” you sob, your body hyper-aware of how fast his curled fingers were pounding into you. You craved the way his battle-scarred fingers dragged against your puffy inner walls, hips bucking so his fingers would drag against the spongy divots, sending your mind spiraling and your jaw falling in your wordless beg for more. You understood why Sanemi craved you like this, why he insisted you needed to see the way you looked when he fucked you because as the hand that was kneading and pulling on your breasts and nipples shot down to make sure your trembling thighs didn’t smash together in your building climax. How he continued to press sloppy, wet, hot, and bitten kisses against your neck, you were a perverts fantasy. “M-More ‘nemi, please give me more!” you practically wailed.
“You gonna cum around my fingers, angel?”
“I needa cum, I wanna cum!”
“I want you to cum around my fingers, look at yourself for me when you do,” Sanemi commanded, and you, in your lust-driven mindset, agreed. Your eyes were looking on your lewd face, and everything crumbled when the growing clenches of your cunt became a tight vice grip.
But the heated pressure between your legs had been festering for too long, the included visuals that sent your brain into putty had you cumming around his fingers, your hips bucking wildly, barbarically against his still conquesting fingers. “Yes, yes yesyesyeysyes, that was so good… your fingers are so good,” you babbled, your eyes crossing, unable to look at yourself anymore. The elation of the orgasm flooding your mind and muscles. But you hadn’t been fucking the man who could pound you for multiple rounds without tiring without picking up a thing or two. 
Twisting around your lips that were swollen from your biting and smooth with your saliva crashed against his. Sanemi didn’t resist your kiss, his lips crashing and moving without any hesitation against yours. You moaned when his fingers left your heat, and you slipped your tongue into his mouth as you ground your ass against his still throbbing hard-on. “I want your cock still, ‘nemi. I want you to fuck me with your cock, please fuck me.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, okay!” Sanemi snarled, and his thighs slammed shut. 
You crawled off his lap, watching as the slick stained spot on his uniform glistened in the light. Frowning, not wanting to disturb him, you couldn't help but lick against the wet area, voice moaning deeply at the musky, sweet scent of your slick against the fabric.
“Y/n!” Sanemi weakly got out, his hips instinctively bucking towards your lapping tongue. 
You worked with him to get his uniform off his hips, your body not waiting for him to undress entirely before your mouth enveloped his thick veiny cock. The salty pre-cum invaded your senses, your tongue lapping up the underside of his cock before your mouth took in his swollen red head. You hollowed out your cheeks as you sucked his cockhead, your tongue swiping and moving at his leaking slit as Sanemi cursed the heavens for you, his hands grabbing onto your head and pulling you off him right when that shivering twitch of his cock pressed to your tongue.
Gasping, you looked at Sanemi’s nearly black eyes, disappointment heavy on your features.
“‘Nemi—” you pout, but Sanemi doesn’t let you finish.
You’re back almost straddling his waist, your back flush against his chest. He holds a strong, sturdy hand against your waist, keeping your waiting, wet cunt from lowering onto his hard cock. Your feet on the mats feel weak as you try to hold your weight above him, but when his teeth sink into the back of your neck, a spot that makes your body collapse without reason, you garble a scream when his cock sheathes completely within you.
Heavy, hot pants escape both of your mouths as you’re completely seated on his cock, the nearly inhumane girth of his cock making you dizzy at the surprise entrance. But you were much, much more fascinated with the way your pretty little pussy was stretched out so wide for his cock. He was buried in you, and even though it didn’t hurt to have him in you. The reflection showed how your lips pulled and stretched to fit him in, the small bulge of his cock in you was seen, and you cried in ecstasy.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” you begged, hips long gone from obeying any command Sanemi could try to give you as you fucked yourself against his length. “God, your cock is so good, ‘nemi! You look so good filling out my pretty fucking pussy!”
That is what makes Sanemi lose it, his hands that rest on your hips tightening with a bruising grip as he begins slamming into you. The wet noises of his cock entering and exiting of your sloppy, wet cunt at an even faster speed in which you were fucking him make your nails dig into his thighs, your eyes crossing, breathes hot and heavy. 
Twisting, curling pleasure thrums deep within your womb, tightening and warming with each successive thrust that sends Sanemi’s cock rubbing against your inner velvet walls. You cry his name, eyes dazed and dripping with want and need as you watch the slicked shine of his cock pounding into your without mercy. 
“You’re so fucking tight like this, angel, so fucking hot. You like the way you look like when I fuck you, huh, look at how godly you appear,” he snaps, his arms hugging your hips, his thrusting becoming short, deep, fierce snaps. 
You can’t look at yourself anymore, the heat of the sex and the electric pleasure that rides with every lick of his cock against your cervix, sending your hot, wet lips in search of his. Sanemi meets you halfway, open mouth moans and groans being exchanged between your open mouths as your tongues intermixed and pressed sinfully against each other. The noises that leave your wet sexes only fuel the raging fire in your cunt that has reignited to a hire flame than before.
“Cum in me,” you find yourself begging against his lips. “Please cum in me, don’t pull out, ‘nemi, please don’t pull out.”
“Fuck, fuck, you sure?” Sanemi grunted, his body heaving you both forward so that you were on your knees, and he was absolutely wrecking you from behind.
“Yes!” you affirm over and over again. your mind high off of him and how you looked in the mirror. “I want you in me, all of you in me!”
He let out a guttural whine, a sound that had you shaking beneath him and screaming when the coil in your cunt finally snapped.
Another orgasm crashed through you, and your spinning high echoed in your ears and curled your toes as you whimpered Sanemi’s name. With the sound of his hips slapping against your ass, and with his teeth burying into the nape of your neck, you felt the hot, liquid ropes burst from his cock, filling you up. The both of you remained there, panting as your sweat and slick covered bodies collapsed to the floor. 
“So…” he gasped, collapsing onto the mat beside you, pulling you into his chest so that you could rest against his scarred chest. “Did you like the mirror?”
“...I guess,” you antagonize, grinning when he frowns. “It was hot; you make me look hot.”
Sanemi snorted, his lips pressing to your sweat-covered forehead.
“I don’t do shit; that’s how you are.”
You chuckled, warm grogginess settling under your skin as you merely hum in agreement.
“The Hashira meeting is tomorrow, so I’ll be gone for two days,” Sanemi murmurs, reminding you of the dreaded two days alone. It wasn’t as if you had forgotten; you never do.
“Think anything interesting will happen?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary, hopefully.”
You giggle, snuggling in closer to his chest. Yeah, hopefully.
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in-ky · 3 years
An Old Scent [2] - Negan x Reader (A/B/O AU)
Summary: During summer break, you decide to come back home to visit your dad, Rick. Over the course of your stay, you realize that your dad's friend is pretty hot.
Warnings: Eventual smut, A/B/O dynamics, cheating, angst, age gap, Negan, a bit of gore if you squint
A/N: ok so everything is written i'm just gonna stagger posting a little bit :') 2.7k words
The first thing I woke up to in the morning was a dull ache in my lower abdomen. Great. My heat was starting up again. Growing up, Bee always asked why I never went on suppressants. I always got a bad vibe from them. Then, a few years ago, a large brand got recalled because it was shown to cause cancer in a lot of different patients. Now suppressants were harder to come by, more regulated, and needed a doctor's prescription. A lot of omegas took the hit hard, but out of it came an influx of at-home ways to take care of your heats by yourself. Super helpful for a single girl like me. When my heats started to get really bad around my junior year of high school, Bee took me out on a shopping spree and got me a bunch of toys to try and satisfy myself. It worked for a while, but they got worse as the years passed. By my age, a lot of omegas were already claimed and had an alpha to help them through their heats. I was still relying on the toys Bee had bought me. The box was tucked neatly under my bed, waiting for me. I rolled over with a small groan and sighed. The heat wouldn't be in full swing for another few days or so, so I could still go to the courthouse with my dad. Speaking of, I heard Rick shuffling down the hall and slid out of bed, gathering my bathroom stuff and walking out of my room into the small tiled room to start the day.
"So you weren't at the garage on the night of the eight?" Negan hummed, leaning against the railing in front of the tv. His eyes were glued to the face of the man sitting on the stand. The poor guy was drenched in a nervous sweat, tight blue shirt sucking at his chubby neck. He swallowed thickly and leaned forward to the microphone.
"That's correct," he croaked.
"Oh, Jeremy," Negan chuckled, shaking his head and looking at his feet. "Don't you know perjury is a criminal offense?"
"I-I'm not lying!"
"Is that so?" The alpha held up the remote to the TV "I have some footage here that directly contradicts your story, man. One last chance." He wiggled the remote teasingly and raised his eyebrows. Jeremy held his ground. "Alrighty then, let's see what we have here." He took a step back and furrowed his brow at the remote and pressed a button. The screen in front of him came to life. I had to lean forward in order to see the video, but in reality it wasn't the security tape I was watching. It was him. I couldn't look away. He had dominated the room for the past hour and a half. His deep voice was never raised, but it still carried a commanding tone that had every person sitting on the stand shaking in their boots. My eyes trailed down his body. His suit clung to him in every perfect way. His hair was slicked back in its iconic style and the way his glasses perched on his face made my insides burn. Part of me regretted seeing him like this so close to my heat, but another part couldn't imagine if I hadn't. Rick leaned over and tapped my elbow.
"We've got him now for sure." He whispered in my ear. A smile formed on my lips as I nodded to him. There was a child-like joy on his face. He really did appreciate my presence. I turned my attention back to the video screen. The footage was fuzzy, but there was a clear figure of a woman standing still hunched over what I presumed was her phone. She was texting away, fingers flying over her screen. Suddenly a large figure, who had the same height and build as Jeremy, slunk out from the shadows. He slowly approached the woman from behind and raised a crowbar high above his head. He swung it down with brutal force. There were small gasps of horror from the jury and the crowd as the crowbar connected solidly with the woman's head. She collapsed in a heap, but Jeremy didn't stop beating her until she was a pile of mush. Negan clicked the TV off.
"Well, shit, Jeremy," He boomed "I do in fact think you are lyin' to me." He tossed the remote down on his table top and gave a grim scoff. "Everyone just saw you turn poor Miss Parker's head into your personal punching bag. You still wanna claim you were no where near there?" All of the color had drained from Jeremy's round face. He swallowed again, tugging at his restricting collar. But soon, his face turned a deep shade of pink and he slammed his beefy palms on the flat surface of the box he was sitting in.
"That bitch deserved it!" He howled, gasping for air. "She had no business-" He stopped when Negan raised his hand silently.
"I really don't care," He sighed, turning around and grinning broadly when he saw the defense team resting their heads in their hands in defeat. "I'll let the jury do the rest, your honor."
"Yes, thank you, Mr. Smith." The judge said, voice prickling with annoyance. Negan returned to his bench and pulled out his seat. But before he sat down he gave Rick a small thumbs up. And I could have sworn that he flashed me a little smile as well.
"You were incredible in there!" I cheered, giving Negan a high five. The contact made my skin tingle, but I passed it off as the consequences of the impact. "You really made that guy tremble like a kid!"
"It's what I do," Negan chuckled deeply. He looked around me and furrowed his brow. "Where's your dad?"
"He's pulling the car around," I said "I just figured I should let you know how good you did before I leave." He was so close. He smelled so good. The same combination of whiskey and campfire that could get me drunk in a few breaths. I was so focused on his intoxicating musk that I didn't notice the group of alphas that were headed our way. Negan did, though. I heard a rumbling from his chest and felt a hand clasp around my shoulder. Confusion clouded my mind and I looked up to him for some answers.
"The next case is starting soon," He said smoothly "Let's go wait for your dad outside." I agreed and he steered me out onto the steps of the courthouse. The short skirt and heels I was wearing weren't exactly comfortable for walking down stairs, so I held onto Negan's forearm as he guided me down to street level. There was a small breeze and I saw his jaw tense as a soft gust of wind swirled up from behind me and into his body. It no doubt carried my scent on it, and an alpha like Negan could probably tell what state I was in.
"So," I sighed, looking to engage him further "What's next?"
"Well," He tilted his head and ran a hand over his bear-covered chin. "Jeremy goes to jail. Your dad and the department get praise. And I get to go to the bar for a celebratory drink." He paused for a moment, looking me up and down quickly. "You want to join me?" I opened my mouth to say something. To be honest, I wasn't sure what I was going to say. I didn't really drink, but I was willing to do absolutely anything that Negan wanted. But it was then that Rick rounded the corner and gave the horn a little honk.
"I would love to," I settled on "But dad has a full day of father-daughter fun times planned, and I don't really want to keep him waiting." I gestured awkwardly to where Rick was sitting in the car, bopping his head gently to incoherent music.
"Totally understand, doll." He grinned.
"Maybe another time, though?"
"For sure."
"See you around, Negan."
"Bye, doll, have fun. And be safe"
Negan was pleasantly buzzed, as per usual. He got off his motorcycle and hung his helmet on the handlebar before lightly stumbling into the house from the dark garage. The sight he saw he did not expect. There sat his fiancé in the living room, arms crossed over her chest with a pissed expression on her face. And beside her was a woman he knew all too well.
"The hell is goin' on here?" He asked, slurring his words slightly.
"I could ask you the same thing, Negan."
"Lucille, what the fuck is she doing in our house?"
"Oh, so you know her?" Lucille growled. Negan just licked his lips and flicked his gaze between the two women sitting in front of him. "Of course you do. You have been fucking her after all." Negan groaned, rubbing his eyes.
"Baby, please-" He started, but Lucille cut him off.
"Don't you dare," She hissed, jumping to her feet and balling her hands into fists "You don't get to call me that after what you've done, Negan. You slept with another woman. Hell, maybe more than one. You ruined our relationship." Negan took a step forward but Lucille raised her hand and pointed to the kitchen table. "Don't take another step. Your stuff is in that box." Negan looked to see a cardboard box sitting alone in the dark kitchen, his belongings poking out of the top. "I never want to see you in my house again."
"Lucille, can't we just talk about this? You don't understand." He pleased, extending a hand to her. She batted it away.
"There's nothing to talk about." She spat "You cheated on me, Negan! What is there to understand? How can you expect me to forgive you for that?" A moment of silence passed between them. The other woman shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Negan glared at her before turning his eyes back to his now ex-fiancé.
"I have no where to stay." He whispered.
"That's not my problem." Lucille said boldly "Take your shit and leave. Don't come back. We're done."
I stirred the pot of spaghetti while humming a song I heard on a radio earlier. The father-daughter activities had consisted of driving around town and revisiting old spots we used to go to when I was younger. We got ice cream at the shop down the street and then watched the sun set at the park that we used to picnic at. It was nice. College did really fix our relationship. The TV in the next room hummed quietly and Rick was talking on the phone with someone. I heard him hang up and walk into the kitchen.
"Think there's enough in there for three?" He asks with a sigh, looking over my shoulder.
"Should be, why?" I return, meeting his gaze. He takes a deep breath and scratches his neck.
"Um, well, Negan's fiancé kicked him out of the house. Apparently she found out he was cheating on her. He doesn't have anywhere to stay." He mumbled "He's gonna be sleeping here for a bit." I stopped stirring. The water started to bubble too close to the top, but I blew a gust of air to push it down.
"Why here?" was all I could muster.
"He really helped me with your mom. It's the least I can do."
I just hummed in acknowledgement and returned to my cooking. So Negan was engaged. And he CHEATED on his fiancé? Maybe I didn't know Negan as well as I thought I did...
"I just can't believe she kicked me out!" Negan seethed, shoveling a spoonful of spaghetti into his mouth. He was still chewing when he continued. "She didn't even give me a chance to explain myself!"
"I hate to say it, but you did cheat on her, buddy," Rick said carefully, not wanting to poke the angry alpha in the wrong way "She's upset."
"I was in a rut." Negan growled.
"For four months?"
I was making a plate for myself, listening to the conversation from across the room. Rick's phone buzzed on the kitchen table and he picked it up.
"Sorry, I have to take this." He sighed, shaking his head and standing to his feet. He left the room and suddenly it was just me and Negan. I took my plate to the opposite head of the table, watching Negan wolf down his dinner.
"This shit is really good, sweetheart," He groaned. Normally, the noise would have sent me over the moon. But there were so many other emotions clouding my mind. "You ever consider changing your major to culinary arts?" I didn't say anything, just twirled my fork in my serving of pasta.
"Why'd you do it?" I said quietly, almost in a whisper. Negan paused instantly.
"Why'd you cheat on her?" My eyes never left my plate but I could hear him shifting in his seat, rubbing his face while trying to answer my question.
"I don't know," He said. His voice was soft, sincere. Something I had never heard from him before. My eyes drifted up and met his. They were the same tawny color, but there was something else behind them. Something I couldn't distinguish. "I thought...Something was off in our relationship. I guess I thought that I could fix it by trying something different. I ran into Tanya at a bar a few months ago. She's a beta, just like Lucille. Wanted to be with an alpha. I gave in. Just for a quick fuck, didn't mean anything. I didn't like her. I told her that but...she...she wanted more, I guess. She fucking threatened me. Threatened to ruin my life unless I kept seeing her. I chose to do it. I don't know if that decision was the right one or not but it's the one I made. I texted her last night to tell her it was over. Never fucking thought she would come to my home." I was chewing the inside of my cheek the whole time he was speaking. I didn't know how much of his story was true, but he sounded like he was hurting.
"Why did you break it off?" I whispered.
"That's your damn question?" He scoffed, giving a short smile. He looked in my eyes. I knew the answer. Or at least I thought I did. He opened his mouth, but Rick reentered the room before he could say anything.
"Alright, sorry about that guys," He said, slipping back into his seat. "What did I miss?"
Negan was set up in the bedroom next door to mine. Our doors faced each other from across the hall. We would have to share a bathroom. Rick didn't seem to have a problem with it, but with my heat starting I wasn't too sure about the whole arrangement. I felt more cramps riddle my body. I was ready to bed, ready to curl up in a ball and go to sleep, but something called me across the hall. Curiosity got me and I turned slightly, walking up and leaning on the doorframe. There was Negan, clad in grey sweatpants and a black tank top, unpacking his things.
"Hey," I said quietly, not wanting to startle him. He turned around. He looked older like this, hair unkempt and his glasses on. When he saw me his lips curled in a smile. Any trace of vulnerability I had seen earlier was now gone.
"Hey to you."
"I just want to apologize for earlier," I said "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm also sorry that you have to be subjected to me and my dad for the foreseeable future." He let out a snicker and shook his head.
"Don't worry about it, doll. And you're not that bad. I appreciate Rick; he's a good man." He scratched his beard and looked over at the clock next to the bed. "It's late, you should get some rest." He took a deep breath and I nodded. I turned to leave but he called my name softly. "You know I meant what I said last night, you are looking good." I smiled but didn't say anything and crossed the hall, shutting my door and hopping into bed.
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