#I didn't fully get it bc I never saw the show
ro-is-struggling · 8 months
so... I finally watched defending jacob (late, I know) and OH MY GOD I completely understand all the andy barber girlies now
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zosanbrainrot · 1 month
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part 05!!
01 02 03 04 05 06
It's been a while since I last worked on this comic, I've been busy
☘️🦋☀️ experiencing summer ☀️🦋☘️
which was and still is a lot of fun!
ANYHOW, I feel like when I stop drawing for a while it usually does me good, like, I'm very happy with my art quality in these panels and I didn't change much since the first draft (I still overthink some of the decisions but not as much as with the last part lmao).
It's like when in games you have a separate bar for running/stamina and it can only fill back up fully once you go slow and just walk for a while, but if you insist on running all the time it's never really at full capacity. Can't think of a better analogy, but lmk if you feel the same!
One of the things I maybe would have done differently is to have Yonji take the spear out of Zoro's shoulder, maybe?? It was so good when I first saw people draw a parallel between Zoro and Yonji because of their hair color and that maybe Sanji subconsciously has thought about this too ever since he and Zoro met. Not a meaningful thing for their relationship but more of an offhand thought that would surface from time to time. Him carrying the memories of his childhood all the time with him.
But! The upside of me not picking Yonji is that both Ichiji and Niji have the goggles so without their eyes visible they feel kinda distant emotionally and that works both bcs of who they are and also bcs the comic is not about them, in that panel where Niji has Sanji in a headlock the emotional focus is solely on Sanji.
And also Yonji just turned out so good there that I didn't wanna go back and change him lmao
I admit, when I was coming up with the plot of this comic in a frenzy right after watching these eps I kinda forgot about Nami slapping Sanji lmao I only recently remembered :' ) Don't wanna dwell on it too much though.
This part feels maybe more distant overall - I don't have any closeup shots (except the spear!) and the last moment you see Sanji's face fully is when he looks at Zoro. Zoro who got hurt. Again. Because of him.
I can't remember what I'd been thinking while boarding these, it'd been mostly vibes based, but I think the function of this part ended up being about showing a sequence of events rather than focusing on the emotions. It's pushing the plot forward and I think if I added closeups to the Vinsmokes then it'd be derailing a bit, again, it's not about them.
On the other hand it also works for Sanji shutting his emotions off, once his brothers and Judge enter the scene he has no leeway, he can't let his true feelings show. He's already shown too much. And what did it lead to? Everyone getting even more hurt. He let himself slip up during his fight with Zoro and Judge quickly put him back in his place. As long as the Strawhats were on the island they weren't truly safe. So he turns on his heel and walks back to the carriage, not looking back, he can only hope that Zoro's gonna pull through. He always does, he's been through worse, right? Right? They've never fought like this before though... The burn marks will take long to heal... And Luffy, has he woken up yet? No, no, no, he can't look back. And Nami...
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So that's that! I got part 06 half finished already, so that should be out soon <333
as a bonus thing - some of the refs I've used for this part
3D models posed in Magicposer!
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velvetydream · 8 months
꒰ :🥀 [ Hells greatest Demon ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : You've had quite a rough day, so Alastor tries his best to cheer you up with some food and a broadcast.
Pairing : Alastor x Reader
Word count : 1305
Genre : Sweet Fluff
Warnings ➵ Hinting of cannibalism (Alastor)
a/n : Very self-indulged bcs Alastor is my comfort chara rn and I'm currently having a rather hard time.. Also I'm very very new to Hazbin Hotel, so I'm so sorry if smth doesn't match up or seems out of character! Decided to write this simply for comfort!♡
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It was another hellish day, like always work was keeping you on your toes, Charlie had yet another plan and of course activity everyone at the hotel had to join in. Niffty was keeping you busy more than any other day, it was slowly getting to you. On top of that, your ex had to show up at your workplace today.
So with all this happening, you decided to get a bit of peace with a tea in the kitchen, but your mind was running a race, ending in simply resting your head on the kitchen table and closing your eyes for a second, trying to tune out Angels and Husks banter at the bar.
"Greetings my dear!" A cheerful, yet accompanied by a radio static sound, voice sounded behind you, you wanted to groan but swallowed it down again. It's not like you despised Alastor, quite the opposite, he was rather lovely and nice to you, shocking. But he sometimes loves to play into someone's despair and you're no exception. "Oh darling, you look rather doomed, haha, why don't you smile, you know you're never fully dressed without one!" Alastor walked past you, shrugging off his coat and laying it onto the back of one of the chairs, his sleeves being pushed up by his hands now. "I'm not really in the mood for smiling right now.." He took a quick glance at you, which you didn't notice of course, before he turned around again to the stove. His staff was now leaning against the kitchen cupboard, soft jazz music was now playing, which was calming you down a bit more.
"Mind sharing your thoughts darling? You look rather lost in them." It was weird for Alastor to care for others problems, yet he asked you, still his back turned to you, your eyes open yet again, following his movements. Getting ready to cook, probably his favorite, Jambalaya. "It's just been a really hard day, Niffty almost got me killed, my boss just dumped a week's extra load onto me which I shall finish in three days, and then on top of this all my stupid fucker of an ex decided to show up at my work." At the last words, just slightly, barely noticeable, the red-haired demon tensed up a bit. "That does seem like a rough day my dear, how about I make you some nice new tea and when I finish cooking you'll get the first plate." Turning to you now, his signature smile was planted on his face, you doubt you ever saw him without one, it can be unsettling at times, but mostly it was fine. Alastor grabbed your teacup, and set up a cattle with fresh water, as he scooped some tea into your cup, all the while starting to prepare to cook. It was calming, he was calming. Despite hearing the others all around the hotel, the jazz music, and the soft sounds of Alastor cooking, you could swear you also heard him hum softly to the music but you didn't dare mention it to him, were drowning everything out.
A hot steaming cup was swiftly set in front of you, the tea a different one now than you had before, but it still gave of a soothing and calming smell. With a thank you, you took a sip of the porcelain cup.
It was quiet in the kitchen for the time being, only the soft music and Alastors cooking, you two were merely enjoying the presence of the other, it was calming your mind and you finally felt your shoulders relaxing. Soon a plate was placed in front of you, it was Jambalaya, which you already ate countless times since staying at the hotel, Alastor loved to make it often. He himself now sitting down beside you at the table with a plate of his own, coat still on the chair, sleeves still pushed to his elbows.
"Thanks!" Thanking him for the plate, you immediately dig in, the taste was amazing like always, Alastor truly is a master at cooking. Soon the others joined in the kitchen, the kitchen was now booming with voices and laughter, but this time it didn't bother you, it was nice to eat all together. Laughing at some joke Angel just made, before talking with Charlie about some idea how to get new guests for the hotel. All the while the eyes of a certain demon were on you.
After the good meal, everyone together started cleaning their dishes, Nifty almost threw her fork at an insect on the floor, but Husker took the fork away before she could accidentally harm someone. In the end, it was just you and Alastor left, as you put away all the clean plates now, Alastor putting his coat back on, as he took his microphone staff.
"So how are you feeling dear? Better now?" Jumping a little bit at how close his voice suddenly was, turning your head just slightly, noticing how Alastor was now standing behind you and leaning over your shoulder. "Y-Yes! Thanks a lot again!" Stepping away from him, he simply watched you with his usual smile. "Splendid! How about you join me for my broadcast?" Eyes going wide now at his offer, he never allowed anyone to join him when he goes on air, hell, if someone were to disturb him they shall never be seen again. So to say you were stunned was an understatement.
"I would love to but.. are you sure?" You often listened to his broadcast when you had time, or sometimes put it on when you go to sleep, but to listen to him live? That would be amazing. "Well of course my dear, if I wasn't sure I wouldn't have offered! Well then! Let's get going!" A big smile was now stretched on his face, as he was leaving the kitchen in tow with you.
Arriving at his radio tower, which you never saw from the inside before, so you're actually a bit hyped to join him. Holding the door open for you like the gentleman he is, you enter and immediately start looking around. Walking over to the big windows, you could see the city below, from up here it looked so small, it was amazing. "Well my dear, do take a seat wherever you like, we're soon going on air." Looking back at Alastor with a smile now as you nod, taking a seat on the couch on the wall. Overall the room wasn't that big, his room, which you saw before a few times, was definitely bigger than this. Leaning against the wall a bit, you wait for Alastor to start his broadcast.
"Salutation hell, good to be back on the air today..." You were listening closely, he was playing some soft music in the background while talking. Slowly the exhaustion from today was creeping on you more with every minute that passed. And before you knew it, your consciousness slipped away intdreamlandnd.
Alastor kept the broadcast going, ending it after a good one or two hours, looking over at you, his dear darling. A smile wide on his face, as he puts everything he used away to his original place. Slow steps were made over to you, as he was shrugging his coat off and laying it over your body carefully. "Sleep well darling, hope you liked my broadcast." A strand was pushed behind your ear, that fell in front of your face.
Turning to the door now, the soft smile he wore for you, slowly turned into a sinister smile. "Now to that ex of yours.." Leaving the room, he closes the door behind him, and let's just say, he had a nice midnight snack this time and your ex to your surprise never showed up at your workplace again.
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midniiights-garden · 9 months
Mizu realising she's in love/a lesbian [Headcanons!!]
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(A/N: I feel like this is like... already a given but please remember that these are HEADCANONS!! She does not have a canon sexuality. And I know it's mostly the lesbians who haven taken over the show but my content is available for everyone to see and I wanted to remind everyone that I am not going to tolerate slander or trash talking because of a personal opinion. You are entitled to your thoughts and I am entitled to mine.)
Possible TWs!!: Mentions of sex and sexual encounters, M*kio (you cannot stop me from putting this man as a warning I hate him sm), Canon typical violence, Racisim, Homophobia, Mysogyny (did I spell that right??)
Firstly I wanna address her relationship with Mikio in order to fully understand my headcanons.
Personally I do not believe that Mizu actually "loved" Mikio in the romantic sense. She thought she was in love, but in the end it wasn't.
Speaking as someone with a lot of personal trauma regarding relationships myself I realised that I couldn't differentiate between romantic and platonic love. Basically, for me, all I saw was that someone was treating me nicely for once and now I'm attached to them. And for the longest time I thought that was what love was.
And I think Mizu experienced something similar.
Basically, when Mikio treated her like a fucking human being she was like "oh, hey this is nice. This is weird, but it's nice. So I guess I'm in love, right?"
Like, no, baby. You aren't. That's just called emotional trauma.
That's also why she thought she was straight for the longest time because she genuinely cannot tell when she likes someone romantically.
As I often restate it'll take a while for her to fully understand the extent of her emotions, but she'll get there.
Now onto the fluffier stuff :))
How does she realise she's in love? What's her reaction to it?
I think she gets hit with the realisation as if it were a train crashing into her.
It's just a normal evening, she's probably at a ramen shop with her future S/O with her and then as she's taking a bite of her ramen she looks over at you and thinks: "Huh... I wonder what it would be like if I got to hold them?"
And then it's just a record scratch moment for her where she's like wtf where did that come from.
It's either just normal domestic moment like I mentioned or her future S/O sparring with her (which may or not freak her out bc of the fucking Mikio incident).
But when Mizu successfully pins her S/O down they just laugh and smile, knowing Mizu would never hurt them on purpose.
That made Mizu's heart flutter more than anything Mikio had ever done for her.
She's going to be in denial about it for a long time. Like... a really, really long time. Cue the "but we're just friends"!
How does she react when she realises she's into girls?
Due to the internalized homophobia instilled within her as a child and other such thoughts she starts to think she may be going crazy.
She'll start to pull away out of fear, not truly understanding her emotions.
Which, of course, will hurt her future S/O and cause them to worry.
Seeing her future S/O so distraught kind of triggers something in her. She realises that there's nothing inherently wrong with her, that she's still a person and the person she likes is still a person and that there shouldn't be anything wrong with liking her S/O. She also just didn't like seeing you worry over her, it hurt her more than any blade that she's been stabbed with.
Now onto her actual physical attraction.
Once the whole emotional side of it is somewhat sorted in her mind she finds herself not so subtly staring at her S/O's tatas.
She doesn't strike me as someone with high libido or anything despite what I've seen a lot of headcanons say. But I think shes the kind of lover to enjoy getting her S/O off a lottttt
I don't believe she was ever really attracted to Mikio sexually but seeing her S/O's kimono slip off their shoulder to reveal some titty has her red and hot.
She likes that it's soft. She really likes the softness of her S/O's body.
(A/N: That's all!! I feel like I was terribly self-indulgent with this one but there are a lot of aspects in which I relate to Mizu with. Which is probably why I care a lot about representing her correctly. As usual, feel free to comment or send asks to my inbox!! I hope y'all enjoyed <33)
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spideysbruh · 9 months
summary- yn and shawn mendes break up. things get a little messy. timothee comes into the picture.
a/n- i can make shawn mendes a lil mean in this idc idc!!! also, ~~~ means time has passed
@popbase tweeted-
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BREAKING NEWS: Actress Y/N L/N and popstar Shawn Mendes have officially broken up after three years together.
@ynsperfectlywrong replied- WHAT NOOOO💔💔💔💔 MY PARENTS
@sabrinasyn replied to @ynsperfectltwrong- guess your @ is real now...
@spideysyn replied- TOO SOON 😭💔💔
@ynscinderella replied- you can tell they've been broken up for a while bc they used to alwayssss post each other and then it just Stopped.
@yngoddess replied- I wonder why... he did seem a little off towards the end
@whenyoureyn replied to @yngoddess- you don't know them.
@rodrigoyn replied- he's been detached from everything recently. she can only help him so much. I hope he gets better.
@lauriesrings replied to @rodrigoyn- fr maybe he'll write an album about it LMAO
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liked by melissabarrera, tchalamet, madisonbeer and 2,887,398 others
y/n alexa, play dangerous by madison beer
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ynssocks OOOOF
madisonbeer great song 👍
y/n liked
chalshalamet has timmy always liked her posts ???
spideyyn bro's making a move 💀💀
shawnsyn that song though.... what did he to our girl😭😭😭
@celebritynews tweeted-
Shawn Mendes has recently spoken up about his and y/n l/n's breakup in a recent interview. "we were both just really wrong for eachother. towards the end, i felt like we were just completely different people. It wasn't like my previous relationships, it was almost suffocating."
He continued to say that the relationship was a great "learning experience", but still mentions his ex. "Our relationship was, for the most part, amazing, at the time it was a breath of fresh air. But it just wasn't how I imagined and previously experienced."
There are no comments yet from y/n on this.
@ynsgoldfish replied- oh so he's still in love w his ex.... and was constantly comparing the two girls and the two different relationships?? okay. got it. fuck this guy lol
@chappellyn replied- bro he's still obsessed with his ex im dead. didn't they date for like. one year barely 💀💀
@midnightyn replied- it wasn't like he "previously experienced" ummm maybe that's a good thing??? he's so fucking stupid.
@sunriseyn replied- remember when she had made a silly little tiktok about how she thought taron egerton was rly cute in Kingsman and Shawn then posted a video of him singing some sad song and also another tiktok showing how jealous he was LMAOOO sore loser. he doesn't know how good he had it with her.
@girlyyn replied to @sunriseyn- this^^^ like there were soooo many red flags w him but we were all just so in love w the idea of the relationship nobody saw it coming fr
@y/n tweeted-
my kink is karma
@popbase tweeted-
Shawn Mendes has just announced a new single! Releasing at the end of the month, titled 'Miss You More Than Anything'
@ynsgf replied- sooo embarrassing 💀💀
@fiveyn replied- bro realized too late LMAOOO sucks for him.
@chalametyns replied- it'd be sooooo funny if it was bad 💀
@bluecurtains replied- oh it will be 💀
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh, dovecameron and 2,236,366 others
y/n feeling like a feather
view all 67,282 comments
ynsbabe her post breakup journey has been so beautiful to watch tbh. I hope she finds someone who loves her fully
beachyyn 'post-breakup' it's been like almost a year already
tchalamet pretty
y/n 🫶💕
blankieyn UMMMM ??!?!!!
laurieslaurence wait- WAITTTTT
loveryn rue, when was this??
@popnews tweeted-
'Miss You More Than Anything' by Shawn Mendes has been out for several months, and is still the singers lowest grossing song ever.
@sabrinayn replied- the shadeeee 💀💀
@pinkyn replied- FOR Y/N UNITED WE STAND
@thankfulyn replied- I listened and... it's definitely a song with lyrics and a beat 😁
@warmyn replied- he'll never be loved by the masses again, it's crazy. almost sad... almost
@cineyn replied- "still" is so funny I cant
@timotheeyn replied- that's why she's with timothee now 💀
@sunnyyn replied to @timotheeyn- wait, it's confirmed?!???
@timotheeyn replied- not by them, but it's pretty obvious LMAO
tchalamet just posted a story!
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@y/n tweeted-
not a lot going on at the moment, but life is good 🙏🏼🙏🏼
@ynsgirlfriend replied- you're so funny girl I love you
@y/n replied- why am I funny? im just vibing fr
@ynsautumn replied- she's living her best life fr
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liked by tchalamet, shawnmendes, sabrinacarpenter and 3,287,272
y/n come with me... and you'll see...
view all 198,937 comments
rachelzegler literally the prettiest girl ever
y/n liked
y/n I literally love you so much.
ynsdinonuggets shawn liking is crazy 💀 SHE DONT WANT YOUU 🗣🗣🗣
piercetheyn imagine fumbling y/n 💀💀..... @shawnmendes IMAGINE 💀💀💀
tchalamet a worlddd of pure imagination !!!!
y/n omg youre my favorite actor hmu 😍
florencepugh so beautiful I miss you!!!
y/n liked
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liked by y/n, francesa.scorsese and 4,847,727 others
tchalamet one year with you is crazy. best year of my life. you're the sunlight on my darkest days and just what I need on the good ones. you are everything I've ever wanted in one person and even more than I ever imagined. I miss you even when I'm right beside you, but especially when I'm not. I Love you, Y/n L/n.
view all 322,727 comments
laurieslaurence BROOOOOO
y/n im crying in this panda express omg
tchalamet liked
y/n you make me feel so special and so so loved. happy one year, timmy 🩷
tchalamet you are loved. happy one year, my love
alessiacara yall are too cute omg
ynscurtains BRO ONE YEARRRRR !?!!
kylesballs ellos son mis padres 😁
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- 💕💕
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liked by madisonbeer, tchalamet and 3,186,616 others
y/n I love you. you are the best thing to ever happen to me. you came during a confusing, heartbreaking, tumultuous time in my life that I was sure I would never get through. but I did and you were my reward. god, what a reward. I am forever grateful for you and everything you've taught me, and are continuing to teach me. happy one year my beautiful Man.
view all 122,282 comments
ynsmotivation okay I may be delusional but 'Man' being capitalized... maybe cause shawn was, and still is, acting like a boy LMAOOO
tchalamet I love you my pretty, talented, inspiring, strong, beautiful girl.
liked by y/n
harpyn and NOTHING for shawn 🤭🤭 funny how things work out.
rachelzegler we gotta have a double date soon!!
liked by y/n
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luddlestons · 5 months
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I was surprised and delighted to see so much interest in the notes on the last post I did about my silly little AU where everything is perfect and Orym gets so many boyfriends
For those curious about the 'plot' of this AU:
Orym and Will have been married for 15 years; they got married at 21 and moved out of Zephrah to Emon for a bit before moving to Jrusar, where everybody's at nowadays
Orym and Will meet Ash when Fearne invites Ash to Jrusar's local kink club (bc this is FULLY self-indulgent). And of COURSE Ashton is into letting this extremely hot little man tie them up while his husband watches. Orym & Will are poly but have never had another romantic partner before, and they spend a couple months just fooling around with Ash before asking to Actually Date.
Dorian is an old friend of Orym's from when they were living in Emon. He got to know Orym while he was in college, but after graduation, he moved back to his family in the Silken Squall. Much like in canon, he didn't wanna stay there, and he ends up moving to Jrusar as well. He stays in Will and Orym's house for a few weeks while he's getting settled, and meets Ashton at that point (and spends a while trying to ignore that he's slightly jealous that Orym and Will got a boyfriend and it's not him.)
Eventually Dorian moved in w/ Fearne and gets a job at a coffeeshop that's owned by Opal & Ted's dad (Dariax also works there, and eventually Fyr'a and Morri do too probably idk). It's close to where Ashton works, so they get to know each other completely outside of the Orym/Will situation that's going on
Dorian starts dating Ash way before the other two, but after some amount of months I did not determine, they do all end up together. This is mostly orchestrated by Will, who has known about Orym's crush on Dorian for years now (and has been teasing him about it forever) and Ashton, who saw that shit a mile away.
Cyrus also shows up to be his dumbass self
Orym's mom visits one (1) time and decides she is adopting Ashton
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atalana · 16 days
so i finally got the chance to read the book of bill! and man those journal 3 pages, i could write a million essays on those, but the principle one that i can't get out my head is the new insight on ford's whole fucked up paradigm of what love is
like, neither of the stan twins really know how to experience unconditional love, because they never really had it. their dad was constantly comparing the two of them and really just stamping down stanley's self worth at any given moment. and even for ford who was praised, he's not an idiot, he saw how stan got treated all the time, and their dad was very explicit as to why. ford's praise and attention hinged on him being the family genius who could make them all a lot of money, and he knew very well if he failed to live up to that, he would also lose his father's love
and you see this in stan in his desperate need for everyone to like him, but also how he doesn't really believe anyone ever truly could love him, so whenever he gets the chance with anyone he clings onto that relationship as tight as he can, terrified it's going to disappear at any second
ford, meanwhile. the more direct threat to him was the bullies and the people that made him feel lesser for being abnormal. and no kid likes feeling like that, we know it's a spike buried deep in his psyche, which gave him a reason for the dichotomy he ends up forming.
when he was a kid, people tended to fall into two categories - those who were really impressed with him and his potential, and those who saw him as a freak and wanted to drag him down for it. the love he got and the hate he got are directly related to both.
and as a result ford is constantly looking for people who will give him intellectual gratification (what he thinks love is), and he categorises everyone else as "unimportant obstacles in my way" (because that's how he thinks about those bullies, so their words won't hurt anymore)
stanley was the first category, until he sharply became the second
and splitting the world into those two categories makes him an absolutely horrible person! like, one hand yeah, you do have sympathy for ford bc that is straight up torture bill put him through and no one should have to experience it (and i do wanna make clear this is not a ford hate post, he does have good qualities im just interested in the bad rn)
on the other hand though, god, i'm always struck by just how hateful he is towards so many unimportant things (just one of many examples, christmas songs are fake and stupid bc rudolph didn't burn santa's workshop to the ground as revenge for ostracizing him like jesus christ dude)
or the bit where he sees one of stan's shitty product ads and considers calling him and pretending to be a cop just to scare him, because in ford's mind that's a punishment he deserves for daring to look so stupid while sharing ford's face
and it just drills in how much ford is not willing to see stan's side of this in any way, because what do you think would happen if you went through with that plan? don't you know stan's already scared enough? you saw him get kicked out, you saw the ultimatum that came with it, and hell thanks to the book of bill we know you were also scared to go home until you had something to show for it. he's trying his best, and you understood that once. but then stan throws your journal back in your face and you yell that you're giving him the chance to do the first worthwhile thing in his life.
everything he did to try and make something of himself, to try and prove himself worthy of literally any love at all, you didn't care about that. now he's in a position to help you, so of course he should just drop everything and obey your orders to the letter without question. that's the only way to redeem himself for getting in your way, why won't he take it?
by the time bill shows up ford felt fully justified in going "this isn't about me, and therefore it's stupid and unimportant and should be destroyed". and i know exactly why, it's because again you think intellectual gratification and love are the same thing and you're running low on both right now so you're trying to make up the difference by affirming how right you are in your goddamn diary, but right does not make you good or kind or wise
and that makes it kind of a self fulfilling prophecy, because loving you is hard, and the one person genuinely willing to do so unconditionally you're keeping at a very aggressive arms length. but you fall for bill so easily, because he understands how important you are, which must be love, and all of these other people worried about you just aren't smart enough to get it
and not even realising bill's lies could cure him of that one. hell, 30 years spent dimension hopping didn't cure it. when ford gets back he is still just as self righteous, and still willing to categorise dipper as "will give me intellectual gratification" and the rest of them as intrinsically less valuable
which is why dipper can't take the deal ford offered him. if he had, he would have turned out exactly like ford, stuck in his own echo chamber unable to tell the difference between love and praise
mabel says at one point in the comics that the reason the two grunkles are bad at looking after kids is because they still are kids, and that's a really accurate insight. that old wound cut so deep neither of them had the chance to actually move past their childhood, and discover what it was they were missing
stan never stopped wanting his brother back, but ford didn't realise that was what he needed too, until he saw mabel and dipper working as a team against bill. he's acknowledged his mistake in trusting bill before now, but "we used to be like that" is his first time acknowledging that his whole approach to people is wrong.
you've always had one source of unconditional love. you didn't need to be better than him to be worthy of it. and now you've got an entire new family, hopefully you'll realise that can come from multiple fronts
(and it's okay stan shall have his revenge for how you treated him by commiting just. so much tax fraud in your name)
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dwindlinghaze · 1 year
Hi :)) im wondering if you could write a Remus fic with a suuuuper shy!reader? Reader loves him but poor baby can't even look at him omg. Love your fics darling🌙
hi lovelyyy,, thanks for requesting !! yes ofc i could :) i hope you like this !! ☁️🪽🫧🫧
one spoon for two
(remus lupin x reader)
contents : fluffy, shy reader, mentions of twoz book series bcs my ozian ass is obsessed with them😭🙏, not proofread
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
it wasn't a secret that you were shy.
you don't talk much. you usually let the others do the talking and you listen. despite your lack of voice, your ears are fully open. which is not so much of a convenience really.
sometimes you worried that your friends get bored of you because you have nothing to say. it's not like you don't care, you do. you just don't quite know the right words to express what you think.
you only talk when it's necessary. when people talk to you first. that's why you've been getting frustrated lately.
sitting on the grass with a book open on your lap, you were focused on the neatly printed pages and illustrations on your book along with the sound of soft winds and dried leaves. well- that was until you saw the infamous marauder, james and sirius trotting on the ground while throwing a snitch at each other to catch.
you don't want to look at them. although every part of you wanted to steal a glance towards the kindhearted marauder, remus lupin.
he's the perfect combination of every good things in the world.
he is smart, funny, witty, caring, and so much more.
it takes everything in you to keep your little pupils away from his face. if you look at him, you were sure you'd blush and that would be embarrassing.
you got up slowly, escaping whatever you're feeling right now.
there he goes, averting his eyes to your moving figure. he frowns a little, knowing that you were quite shy in front of people and prefer being in the company of your own.
"whatcha looking there moony? your girl?" sirius quipped.
"she wouldn't even look at me," he shook his head. he wondered if you knew his feelings and were terrified.
"she's just shy, moony," james said, almost missing the snitch sirius threw.
the next time you were in the same room with him was in potions. you noticed how his hair flops in the prettiest way possible with the perfect shade of golden.
then the next second, he turned his head so you reluctantly look away immediately. thankful that he was turning to look at james and not you.
and god does the universe loves seeing you nervous!
your were partnered up with remus and james to brew a potion together.
the two boys walked towards your table. james skipping like a child while remus tried to keep his cool.
"hey darlin' i will be getting the ingredients yeah, and you and remus can set up the table," james grinned a friendly grin.
you nodded, whispering a 'yeah'. it wasn't loud, but remus heard it just as clear.
as you set up the table, remus tried talking to you, to hopefully get you comfortable and to show that he is a good person.
you didn't need him to do things just to prove he is a good person. you already knew that of course. he is nice to everyone. he's selfless and caring.
"hey, you alright?" he noticed your timid movements.
"yeah, m'fine," you said to him in such a quiet voice. you couldn't look at him, you're too shy to do so.
it was the middle of brewing when your hand brushed his while you were crushing pearls. "sorry," you mumbled.
"no need to apologise..." he frowned, confused as to why you were so... away from here yet you were in the same room. "you sure you're alright?" he continued, reaching for your palms.
he was shocked at himself. he just touched your hand? he's never done that to anyone except his marauders. but he didn't regret it though, your skin was so much softer than his. he felt like he's holding a ball of cotton.
your cheeks turned red when his hand grasped yours. your heart beating twice as fast. "remus, i'm promise im okay...," you answered.
remus squeezed your knuckles, sending a confused look to james in which he returned with a teasing grin that made remus rolled his eyes.
maybe he liked you. well- who's he kidding, of course he does! he saw you almost everyday, and you look so enchanting the entire time.
he thinks your hair is perfect. you styled it in the way that makes your pretty face prettier. your energy (or lack of energy) is cute too. you fumble with your words when people talk to you. and he thinks it's adorable and attractive at the same time.
the way you pushed your hair away from your eyes as you crushed those pearls. it was absolutely angelic.
"i think y/n likes you moons," james said when they were all sprawled on their dorm at the end of the day.
"i think so too" sirius agreed, chuckling as he threw a piece of crumpled up paper.
"me too." he said.
everyone stayed silent after that. mouth wide open. they never thought remus would be so confident saying that someone likes him (although it's not a bad thing, just out of remus' usual self deprecation).
"wha- no!" remus shook his head in disbelief. "i mean i like her too," he corrected shyly, his cheeks flushing.
"we know," the three of them said at the same time and bursted into laughter the next moment.
"it's quite obvious moony!" james said, "especially this morning when you held her hand. you never do that! let alone let us touch your little shoulder."
"it's different!"
"oh we know! you never look at me like you want to kiss my face off but you do look at y/n that way," james said.
"she always steals a millisecond to look at you y'know?" sirius snickered. enjoying the embarrassment his best friend is experiencing currently.
"don't lie, pads. she didn't even look at me the whole potions class," remus sighed.
"she's just shy, moony," sirius rolled his eyes. "if you really really and i mean really feel like you two can work out together, my advice is that you should reach out and talk to her. slowly but surely she'll be less nervous with you!"
and remus took sirius' advice. usually his advices are absurd and obnoxious but sirius has girls and boys falling for him left and right. surely he knows how to treat a girl right?
he saw you sitting at the library one evening. nose buried in your book. the only features he can see are your hair, forehead, and eyebrows.
and they all look pretty. your brows would furrow when you read something weird in the book.
it's hard to compose himself when you were there. just sitting peacefully with no care about the things surrounding you. you weren't even doing anything and he is smitten.
you heard shuffling besides you and you look up almost instantly, meeting a pair of honey green eyes in the colour like a comet in the sky.
you look away immediately, focusing on your book, growing nervous under his stare.
he smiled, "is it okay f'me to sit here?"
"yeah," you replied. you cringed at how short it was. you don't want to come off as rude or cold or anything but it's hard to speak a sentence.
"what're you reading there?" he asked, his voice sweet like candy.
"uh," you flipped your book around, to read off the title. "the road to emerald city of oz," you replied, tilting your chin towards him as you smile gently but still keeping your eyes firmly on the page.
"is it like a series? i heard about the wonderful wizard of oz somewhere," remus replied.
"it is," you nodded. it's hard to read when he's beside you like this. when you're the only thing in his view right now. when you're the only one in his head.
"do you have all the books?" he asked, just wanting to hear voice.
"i do," you finally flickered your eyes at him for a good two seconds before returning them back to your book. you blushed when you look at him. he was radiating comfort and care but you were too much in your feelings. eye contact is your weakness.
"can i borrow them?"
"you want to read them?" you looked at him again, this time a little longer and a little more confused. confused as to why anyone would be interested in what you like.
"why not? don't you like it?" he asked.
"i do," you replied. "i'm on the seventh book," you looked down again.
remus let out a soft chuckle, gazing at you like you're the most precious human being ever.
"huh?" you furrowed your brows. looking at his sweater instead of his face.
"you're so dear you know," he smiled.
your cheeks flushed red at his compliment. you didn't reply. didn't know how to.
"i'll get the book for you," you scrambled out of the library, heading to your dorm to give remus the first book in the series.
while being away from him, you collected yourself, taking deep breaths because he's so breathtaking that close. you've never been this close to him. he smells so good.
you were back in a jiffy, only to find out that remus has scooted more in the middle, making your legs touch when you sit down.
"oh yeah! just like what i heard "the wonderful wizard of oz," he nodded.
"sorry, it's a children's book," you replied in embarrassment, just realising that you were reading a book for children!
"oh i don't mind! i read cringy werewolf romance books and that makes you so much better than me," he laughed, seeing the small smile that appeared on your pretty lips.
the next time he was talking to you this close again was when he finished the first copy of your book. he had finished it in just two days, leaving you in surprise.
he read it so fast so he can find an excuse to spend time with you again. the story was quite alright, but he would not tell that to you.
"hi," he plopped down next to you in the library. same exact spot as last time. "i finished it!" he held up the book.
"oh that's great," you replied, surprised he was sitting here again next to you "did you like it?"
"i loved it! i can't believe the wizard of oz is just an old basic man! not even magic," he huffed childishly, making you giggle.
the sound is simply spa music to his ears.
"what's your favourite character?" remus asked.
"oh the witch... from the south?"
"yeah," you replied.
"next book?" he questioned.
you had it in your bag, ready to give it to him anytime. "i've got it here," you pulled it out.
remus smiled as your fingertips brushed past his in a quick incandescent touch.
this routine continued so and so until he noticed a few changes within yourself. you weren't that shy nor timid anymore. you still couldn't hold eye contact with him for more than five seconds but that's alright for him.
during those five seconds he is sure he has fallen in love. he couldn't help it. you're his crush since forever, it's bound to happen.
"hey, i finished glinda of oz!" remus cheered, putting down the book on his lap as he took in your appearance.
this was not at the dark library that shadows off your features. you were sitting on grass in the afternoon, making your skin glow under the golden rays of sunshine. he can see your pretty face clear now.
you smiled at him as he took a seat beside you, you actually feels secure enough around him to look at his face.
"that means you finished the whole series, rem," you let out a soft and proud but light chuckle.
"i now know why you love it so much!" remus smiled. he realised he always smiles when he's with you. you must have super powers.
"do you like glinda?" you asked.
"my favourite character is the tin wood man. he's funny, but yeah. since you like glinda so much then i guess she can be a favourite of mine too!" remus replied, rubbing circles in your knuckles.
just that little gesture he did made you shy all over again, unable to look at him like the first time you two were talking.
remus smiled again, gently taking your other hand with his other. "i want to ask you something, lovie," remus looked into your beautiful eyes.
your head is fuzzy. he called you 'lovie'. a nickname. you're sure you were warm in the face.
remus brushed his fingers on your left cheek with the softest touch known to men. "love..."
"the next hogsmeade trip is this saturday.... do you want to er- like share the trip together- i mean as a date?" he looked at you with such fondness in his eyes.
"yes you, lovie, look at me yeah?" remus gently cupped your cheeks.
you two were so close to the point that you can feel remus warmth radiating off of him.
"what do you say?"
"yeah," you nodded. embarrassment washing you again when all you said was just a 'yeah'.
"yeah yes or yeah no?" remus asked, a smile playing on his lips.
"yes i'll go with you," you were a blushing mess, trying to look away from his eyes but his soft hands kept tugging you back.
remus felt the heat from your cheeks in his palm. it was absolutely a fuzzy feeling knowing that you were showing likeness towards him.
he wanted to kiss you. doesn't have to be on the lips. he'd love to plant small kisses on your red cheeks. but he didn't of course. boundaries.
"settled then yeah? i'll be waiting at our common room, darling," he smiled.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Could you write something with short reader x Helion? Someting cute? Thank you!
Love your stories😍
Helion x short!reader headcanons
A/n: thank you anon! I hope you don’t mind I did it as a hc
Warnings: some nsfw (18+ only pls)
We all know Helion is big
I like to think he’s the tallest high lord
He’s also super muscular and like has a super defined chest
He's obsessed with how much smaller you are than him
Like you barely come up to his biceps
This male absolutely has a size kink
He loves that he can easily (but gently) manhandle you (he's not ready to let that side of him fully show yet)
You go dumb when he fucks you bc you're so distracted by how his body cages you in
It's exhilarating just watching his muscles as he thrusts into you. He would catch you staring and he'd coo at you “Aww my little baby, I know you love how big I am. Makes you go dumb huh?”
It's just so easy to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder
He loves carrying you everywhere
When you want a piggyback ride he has to kneel down so you can jump on his back
It always makes you laugh when he's working out and you're with him and he just starts doing bench presses with you
Other workouts you love to sit with him are push-ups, you just lay on his back, and he holds you while doing lunges. Helion likes to bring you up to kiss him after each one
He towers over you and when he holds your smaller hand in his large one he swoons
Helion lives to protect you, not only bc you're his mate but bc you're smaller than other fae
He's scared something could happen to you or you could easily get hurt
Has a million nicknames for you, little love, short stack, teeny, tiny, etc.
Whenever you can't reach something high up Helion’s always there to get it for you
He moves things to higher shelves on purpose
From your shoes to your favorite snacks everything seems to be moving up
“Helion, are you moving my stuff?” He'd look at you shocked, hand on his chest, “Y/n, I would never” he would say dramatically
Bc you are shorter you became an expert at climbing, it started when you were a kid and the habit carried over into adulthood
The first time Helion caught you climbing a shelf to reach a book his heart almost jumped out of his chest
You were looking through Helion's personal little library by your shared bedroom when you noticed a book on the top shelf that you'd been wanting to read
Helion was busy and you didn't like bothering him for small things
So you moved an armchair closer to the bookcase and started lifting yourself up the shelves
Helion walked in right as you were about to grab the book
His eyes almost popped out of his head as he rushed over to grab you by your waist and pull you down
“Y/n what are you doing!?” “I saw this book I've been wanting to read so I was just trying to grab it.” he'd flip you to hold your bridal style and sigh. “My little love please don't do that again. You scared the shit out of me.”
“I can't stand the idea of you getting hurt for something I can do for you. Please ask me next time no matter what.”
He pulled the book down for you and handed it to you placing a kiss on you're forehead
You looked up at him with an innocent, hopeful look and asked, “Can we read together for a bit?” He chuckled, “Absolutely we can.” “can I sit in your lap?” “Always my little love, always.”
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momowoah · 4 months
Okay but I really think that the worst part is that this is season seven. Unless they're planning to turn 9-1-1 into the new Grey's Anatomy the chances of us being already in the final half of the show are huge. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any drama, but the characters should've started to go forward, and yet nearly all of them feel stuck in the same place they have been for several seasons. Or should I say 2-3 seasons?
tldr: all/most S7 storylines were either useless in the long run or recycles. The only characters who had storylines on the good side of the scale (as in, they helped the characters develop and move to a new place in their lives) were Maddie and Chimney (and maybe Buck but he's on thin ice). All the characters are back to the same place they were in s4/s5. It's probably TM's fault. This shouldn't be happening in a 7th season.
(really long post under the cut but worth it imo)
Bobby and Athena had a whole seven episodes for their storylines and yet it didn't significantly change anything about them or their relationship. The doubts of how they are when they're at peace that were brought up in ep1 ended up not being addressed at all. We started the season with what was supposed to be this huge thing in their relationship and it was just never brought up again! Instead they put bathena through distress again just for the sake of being dramatic. And while I'm extremely glad we got Amir and think there were several high points in his storyline, what difference did it make in the long run? Yes, it brought up interesting things to Bobby's storyline, such as more insight into his childhood and the chance for him to explore another side of the fire he caused, but is it going to change anything? No! Bobby will be reinstated in S8 bc that's just how these things go, and I doubt they'll put any effort to continue the survivors storyline. I'd bet it'll just be ignored in the next seasons.
Hen and Karen have been trying for YEARS AND YEARS to adopt a child and they just can't let them! As a wlw, do you know how awful that is to watch? Seeing them fail time and time again and have their family broken up once again just because??? It was one thing with Nia, she got a happy ending, but that wasn't the case with Mara. The best thing for everyone involved would be for her to stay with Hen and Karen, but they blew it up. I know she's with Madney, but it's not the fucking same. Why do they have to go through this again? Why can't they finally get the family they've spent years fighting for? Why can't the drama be about anything else, why does it have to be about failed adoptions? I've seen this enough times before. Why not let them be able to adopt???? Why? I'm genuinely upset abt this btw, probably more than about anything else that went down.
Buck got to finally come out and it was great but instead of taking it as an opportunity to let him grow into himself they just threw him right back into the hamster wheel of dating people who are either not fully into him or who he's not fully into. (if you like bt probably skip the rest of this paragraph but I'd also be upset about how they're handling them if I liked the ship bc I liked the previous bt and they did something similar to them lol) Tommy's behavior could be explained away at first, but I feel like time and time again the show goes the extra mile to make him uninterested in Buck or just straight up an asshole to him? Instead of taking the small opportunities of portraying them as a healthy happy couple they just consistently screw up their relationship? They're not the couple I support but even then I wanted them to be good together bc I want Buck to be happy, and yet all we get is this?
I don't even have words about Eddie, especially considering what rg has said about him destroying his life and possibly reverting back to military no emotions mode next season. WHY CAN'T HE BE HAPPY? We already saw him break down, WE'VE ALREADY HAD A STORYLINE ABOUT HIM REBUILDING HIS LIFE, but happiness is boring so now he has to ruin his relationship with his son too right? It just pisses me off how they go about his character sometimes. I liked that they were bringing back the Shannon storyline because he was supposed to be able to finally move on, but this wasn't about that. No, it was about retraumatizing Eddie and Chris and splitting them up at a time when they should be leaning on each other and healing, because Chris has also been suffering with the Shannon stuff. We saw it in fucking ep 1. Don't even get me started on the Marisol stuff because idek why she was there at all. Literally don't get it. We had an off-screen breakup anyways. She wasn't relevant at all to anything that happened. Why was she even there? I'm genuinely asking. The only Eddie arc that has some positive potential for next season is him dealing with his relationship with religion (especially if they tie it to the military and the way he lives his life for others' expectations), but tbh I don't trust them not to fuck it up.
Finally, I don't have complaints about madney, except for why tf was Maddie so absent this season? The wedding episode was all about Chimney (who was also maybe kinda missing tbh), and although I love him and his backstory and the opportunity to see Kevin again, I really wanted it to be about their relationship, since it was their wedding, yk. Dispatch was also severely under utilized. We did get the 7x07 Maddie plotline and it might've been bc it was a shortened season but yeah, I'm still not that satisfied.
So, we have all the characters stuck in places they've been before. More specifically, in the place they were in season 4/5. Bathena relationship problems followed by a life threatening situation? Check. Henren struggling with adoption? Check. Buck getting into what was supposed to be a good relationship only for it to end up going really bad? Check. Eddie struggling with relationships and his mental health going to hell? Check. Madney in a good place with a new child and about to have an awful fucking time? Hopefully just check for the first part. And you know which question this makes me ask? It's whether Tim Minear is just reverting everyone to their s4 state out of spite for the seasons he was away. And even if it is a genuine attempt at getting the show back on the track he wanted out of good intentions, it still sucks, because it doesn't change the fact that it is just a repeat of old storylines. I actually complained at this before the show even aired, but (iirc) I ended up deleting my post because I thought that I was just overreacting. Guess what? I fucking wasn't, bc that's EXACTLY what they did.
Now, going back to the start of this post, the reason why all these storylines suck so much is not that they are bad. It's not even that they aren't original. No, it's the fact that we're doing storylines that belong in the fourth or fifth season of a show in its seventh season. Even the Gerrard plotline, which is new to 9-1-1, feels like it came too late, because the split up crew/villain captain storyline tends to happen much sooner in procedurals, and for a reason. Besides the fact that this was never really a big bad type of show and I don't get why they are making it one all of a sudden, and ignoring the fact that Gerrard being brought back as captain, especially to the 118 of all places, makes no fucking sense, that kind of plotline is one that it's obviously always temporary. No one believes he'll still be the captain by the end of 8A, much less by the end of the season. He'll hardly survive the first 3-5 episodes. That's ultimately a filler storyline. It helps the show go on for longer, it might even help in the development of a couple characters, but at the end of the day it doesn't change anything, which appears to be a recurring theme when it comes to 9-1-1 storylines.
The reason I have a problem with this is that we don't need a filler storyline, because no one knows whether the show has the luxury of taking its sweet time. Yeah, it has a huge audience and it is doing good numbers, but it is still a fucking money pit that was already cancelled once and it's unsustainable on the long run. It might not end that soon, but is it honestly going to reach season 14? Does anyone truly think that we've only seen half of it (or less) so far? Because I don't. Not many shows make it that far, and there's a reason for that. We have three huge names who are extremely important to the show. What happens if they get tired? What happens if someone gets a better offer? What happens if we're still revisiting old storylines when that happens? Do we get an incomplete story or a rushed one?
The show should be moving forward, even if there are no plans for it to end soon. We have the drama of the huge disasters 9-1-1 loves. We have the drama of the cases. We have a myriad of new possible dramatic storylines for the characters that show development without being too final. Athena could have so many different job related storylines (from moving up in her career to abandoning it), and her and Bobby's storyline from the beginning of the season about being boring together can be played in a good and dramatic line. Henren and Madney have a whole world of parenting issues that they could go through. Buck and Eddie both still need either an endgame love interest (whether it's each other or not) or to get to the point where they are fine not having one, and we have all of the relationship trouble that comes with that. This show can give us new things, storylines that are good for the characters, without losing the dramatic factor (which, if I'm being honest, would not be a deal breaker for me). Yet, it refuses to, and probably not for a good reason, because it comes down to either Tim wanting to rewrite history or just trying to drag this show for as long as possible (which apparently he only knows how to do by refusing to make the characters happy). And you know what? I'm fucking mad about it, and I think you should be too.
Btw, this is not to say the whole season sucked. We got Madney and Henren together multiple times which was great. We finally got Bi Buck. There were several amazing acting moments for both the main and recurring actors. As a standalone season, it was good. It just doesn't work when you look at the bigger picture.
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eroticdarling · 10 months
Song Fic
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Kakucho × Reader
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☆ Cw — ♡ Poc!Reader ♡ Pussy Eating ♡ Vaginal Fingering ♡ Soft Smut ♡ Pet Names (Darling × My Love × Love × Baby × Honey) ♡ Light Choking ♡ Hair Gripping ♡ Praising Kink ♡ Tongue Fucking ♡ Begging Kink ♡ Loud Moaning ♡ Sir Kink ♡
♡ A/n — ☆ Gonna start doing these song fics when I wanna match a song with a character bc I swear every time I listen to a song I think of a certain character nd then wanna make a fic 😩✨️. Nd yes, another pussy eating fic because there's something about it that makes me melt... Bleh idc.
Bonnie and Clyde by Tink
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Kakucho had been in love with you for as long as he could remember. From the moment y'all met, he knew he had found his soulmate. You had an intoxicating energy that he found irresistibly attractive. He loved how you were always fun-loving, open-minded, and never held your tongue for no one.
With you around, his days seemed brighter.
When you both got married, it was like heaven opened the pearly gates for this man. He was in tears when he saw you walk down the aisle with your beautiful white dress. When y'all made your vows, it came from the heart, and promised through sickness and in health, you both would love each other.
Not only was your marriage great, but the sex was as well. Every time he got home from work or when he was off, he would greet you by going behind you and gently grab your waist while kissing your soft melanin skin that smelled like (Your favorite fragrance).
Or when you're sitting down, he would hover over you while holding your hips and kissing your lips all the way down to your chest.
It instantly made you get butterflies in your stomach, and it didn't matter where you were or what you were doing. If he wanted to show you how much he loved or missed you, then trust and believe he would.
You were bending over the kitchen counter on your phone when you were met with familiar hands gripping your waist with his lower abdomen pressing up against your ass.
"Hey Baby," you greeted your husband with a smile as you put your phone down and sat up straight.
His lips then started to plant soft kisses on your moisturized skin.
"Hey my love," He said as he moved one of his hands up to your neck and lightly grabbed it to make you look at him so he could kiss you.
Your lips connected with his, and the kiss was deep and passionate but also desperate. He wanted you so much, and you could tell by the way he kissed you.
His hand let go of your neck, and you broke the kiss for a second to fully turn around and kiss him again with your hands, now palming his warm, blushed face.
The kiss broke once more when Kakucho lifted you up and sat you down on the counter. He kneeled down in between your legs, inches away from your pussy and looked up at you.
"May I, Darling?" He asked for your permission, even though he already knew the answer.
"Of course you can, love." you said, giving him the warmest smile.
His hands unbuttoned your jean pants and pulled them off, "what are you doing this time?" You questioned him because everytime this happened he would either fuck you or eat you out.
"Eating what's mine." He said in a soft tone.
He didn't waste any time in pulling your silky panties off with his teeth while making eye contact.
The way he did this sent tingles from your stomach to your cunt which had your juices dripping down your thighs.
He took the panties from in between his teeth and threw them on the floor before taking your legs and putting them on both of his shoulders.
Kakucho dipped his head down and started off by giving your sweet pussy kitten licks. His tongue slid between your folds then swirled your clit.
While he had his tongue work on your clit, his fingers made its way to your hole dipping his middle and index fingers inside since he didnt need to wet them cause you were already wet. The feeling made you put both hands on his head and gripped his jet black hair.
He was sending you Euphoria how he was multitasking with your pussy. Other than his love, this was another feeling you wanted to feel forever. You loved your husband, and there was no other man that could make you feel like how he made you feel.
"Fuck~ Baby, your tongue feels so good." You moaned out in praise.
He acted like he didn't like it when you praised him, but in reality, he loved it. Every time you praised him, it made him feel like he won a trophy.
He removed his fingers from your abused hole and replaced them with his tongue. When he inserted his tongue, he wasted no time in fucking it into you at a fast speed.
You wrapped your legs around his neck for more support and gripped his hair a bit tighter from the ecstasy. Your head went back, and your body was heating up because of him.
You could also feel the tears form from the corners of your eyes cause of how good he was tongue fucking you with your sweet moans and wet noises filling the kitchen area.
Of course, you weren't the only one who was feeling good because Kakucho was too. The way the sounds combined together was like music to his hears, and his cock was feeling even tighter in his boxers.
He wanted to stop everything he was doing to pull out his dick and pound into you to the point where you couldn't walk for days, but he held himself back.
He wanted to wait until you finally came to do it because he wanted to pleasure you first.
His fingers moved up to your clit and roughly circled it once more making you feel a tight knot in your stomach that was aching to be released.
"Honey, slow down, It's too much!" You moaned out, earning a smirk from your husband.
His first priorities now were making a mess of you and hearing you beg. Some things he also secretly enjoyed, seeing you beg for him to slow down and speed up while you came all over his face or cock was perfect to him.
Your whining and begs for him to slow down only made him go faster. As your moans got louder, his fast pace stayed the same.
Sweat beads were forming from your foreheads, and you could also feel yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm.
Your walls were clenching onto Kakucho tongue which gave him the impression of you getting ready to cum.
"Cum on my tongue, Princess." He pulled his tongue out to say to you.
"Yes, sir." You moaned with your face all blushed out.
His tongue went back in your pussy and he continued where he had left off, but this time found a way to also add a finger in at the same time and it made you go insane.
The way his tongue and fingers worked inside of you edged your orgasm on, and you physically couldn't take it.
"I'm about to cum, Kaku!" You said as you felt like the knot in your stomach was about to untie.
Kakucho went faster, pushing you closer and closer to your climax. It only took him to put his free hand to work and softly circled your clit which made you cum hard.
You coated his tongue, fingers, and the bottom half of his face, which made his dick twitch.
He couldn't stop here, so when you both finally caught your breaths and calmed down, he picked you up from the counter.
"Sorry, princess, but we're not done yet." He stated as you wrapped your legs and arms around his hips and neck, then laid your head on his shoulder.
"Can we go out for dinner tonight then?" You asked remembering you had to cook before he came home but was too busy procrastinating.
"Anything for you, Darling." He said, making his way upstairs to y'all shared bedroom.
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"I'll Be Your Bonnie"
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p4nishers · 11 months
loki really said he BELONGS with mobius. im dead on the floor
no but actually can we talk about that. like the choice to not only exclusively show lokius' conversation when they cut the others short (in other words, shifting the focus COMPLETELY onto mobius, bc even with sylvie, it wasn't about her or trying to get her back. we only fully saw loki's devotion to mobius and that is. sickening .) but then they make loki have this whole conversation with sylvie (which i absolutely adored btw such a brilliant scene in a every way) with no romantic underlying tones from them, not even talk about them as a couple but the first thing they do in the scene is argue about MOBIUS. like. what. and sylvie leds loki to admit that they dont want to be alone and they dont know where they belong with their friends back on time line, WHEN JUST A MOMENT BEFORE THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT MOBIUS BEING BACK ON THE TIMELINE AND LOKI SELFISHLY WANTING TO GIVE HIM THE CHOICE TO CHOOSE. like they really genuinely said they dont belong without mobius and actually can we talk about THAT for a second?? how their whole life, they felt like they didn't belong. they were in thor's and odin's shadow, living in a place that never truly accepted them. and then they get brought to the tva, where they are SUPPOSED to be pruned but are saved by mobius. just the fucking subtext of that ALONE. but then u think about the fact that no one outside mobius really wanted loki there and u have to sit down for a minute bc mobius made them feel like they belong for the first fucking time ever. like. oh my god. mobius loves them to the point of BEING someone to belong to. im flatlining.
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lacystar · 1 month
some of my favorite and least favorite details from royal:
when you go with sumire to the shrine and bump into the rest of the thieves, they basically say they all agreed to go together. this is backed up by futaba saying she's going in the morning. this means they specifically went out of their way to not invite you. either theyre shady as fuck towards joker or they knew you were gonna be on a date and didn't want to bother you, but I think its funnier to go with the first one
most of the people in Tokyo's dreams coming true bc of the actualization are met with some doubt or confusion from family members, as seen in passing conversations and the loading screens. this is to show the cracks in the plan and how the actualization hasn't been . well. fully actualized yet. however, the phantom thieves told maruki what they want directly and therefore have their realities so tailor made to them that you have to go out of your way to break them out of it. this includes Morgana. but the only ppl who can hear Morgana are people with personas. this means that some time between Christmas and new years, maruki heard Morgana saying he wanted to be a human and decided to go "fuck it, sure, the cat that the weird kid owns but that ive never met can have his wish too". this tracks because maruki has a persona and is not shocked or confused when he sees Morgana in the metaverse.
Yusuke did not wish for his dead mom to be alive again. just for her painting to hit the trending tab 😭
even if you are dating sumire, like I was, she will not say goodbye to you or give you a parting gift. this creates the awkward situation of her saying goodbye to you at the station with an unusual coldness and disassociation from you, even if you and her are boyfriend and girlfriend. I actually hate this. why the fuck isn't my girlfriend saying goodbye to me.
the winter outfits are the best designed outfits in the game. ann and makoto are in ugly 2010's H&M shit for 90% of the game and then get a fresh wardrobe for the new years.
in contrast, maruki's villain outfit is so fucking ugly. he looks like a golden toenail. the final villain in your game and you have him looking like that? come on man.
not royal exclusive, but Morgana has a talking sprite of himself in his cat form. for some reason, they refused to use this until the end of the game when he "loses" his metaverse form. this makes absolutely no sense, as the talking sprites of every other character changes on their clothes/appearence. why doesn't Morgana's change to his cat version in the real world and why doesn't he just have his "true" form in the metaverse. for some reason, this frustrates me to no end.
when you date sumire, she will not shut the fuck up about her dead sister. also, 90% of your relationship with her is based around her false identity she assumed of her dead sister. you are basically dating this girl's dead sister.
^^^ this is not helped by the fact that her "sumire" sprite looks ugly as fuck and she only looks cute when she's cosplaying as her dead sister. the devs even knew this and changed her back to her Kasumi sprite as soon as they justifiably could 😭
speaking of, royal REALLY REALLY makes it obvious that they see joker x sumire as the canon romance. in the base game I think they saw it as makoto or Haru, but in royal its uncanny how much they push you into dating her. however, she's objectively the worst girl to date because you can only date her at the very end of the game, and therefore only get to experience valentines and white day with her, whereas with most of the other girls you get Hawaii, Christmas, the school fair, etc.
^^^ however, this makes sense, as the realization that you were never dating sumire and instead were instead dating her dead sister would probably come as an uncomfortable surprise to the player. atlus had no choice but to wait until the truth came out to let you date her. they wrote themselves into a corner and then were unable to show off the character who has the biggest model on the poster 😭
when you go around and get goodbye gifts, you cannot say goodbye to certain phantom thieves members if you haven't maxed them out. this resulted in a weird situation where I hadn't maxed out makoto, Haru, and ann, and therefore joker, despite that in universe having helped them through trauma and loss and difficult times, did not say goodbye to some of of his closest friends and teammates . I understand not getting a goodbye gift from them, but its SUPREMELY weird that you dont get a one-on-one goodbye if you dont max their confidants 😭
not royal exclusive, but shinya Oda's voice acting (English) is so fucking terrible its actually laughable. in a game with outstanding voice acting, the fact that this 12 year old sounds like a 50 year old woman really sticks out. this is unfortunate, because Oda is one of my fav confidants and makes him hard to take seriously, but also fortunate because its fucking hilarious.
Akechi's evil Loki costume is ugly as fuck, but is saved singlehandedly because he's wearing thigh-high boots. if you dont believe me, look closely at his thighs. you'll see it.
maruki looks like wilbur soot and it really unsettles me.
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15-lizards · 3 months
ASOIAF ATLA Au bc I saw a JJK one and was mesmerized
Dany is the avatar this is not up for debate. Born into the disgraced former imperial family of the fire nation, she shows signs of being able to bend other elements but never acts on them because her opinion of herself is too low and she doesn't believe she could be the protector of the world. After Drogo dies she fully unlocks her earth bending during his funeral ceremony while creating the pyre and everyone's like omg Miss Avatar. Then continues on with her heroes journey/bad roadtrip to take back her throne. The zuko parallels are everything to me. Yes she still brings back the dragons cause they were (thought to be) extinct in ATLA too
Jon who thinks he's a non bender (and Ned prays he is) until him and Robb are play fighting in the yard one day as kids and he accidentally burns his brother's eyebrows off. Still goes to the Wall bc could the fire and ice symbolism even be more in ur face. Most of the wildlings distrust him for his destructive abilities but he learns to control himself and becomes a symbol of light and life instead of destruction when he becomes a leader (Zuko parallels AGAIN babey).
Arya is a water bender who completely rejects learning about healing because she thinks it's so fucking boring. Syrio starts to train her and she starts to develop her shifty and quick fighting style that most trained benders find confusing. Learns ab blood bending while on the run and is Understandably Horrified. The faceless men force her to learn how to heal. They also force her to use her blood bending more so she's not having a great time rn.
Sansa is an incredibly talented healer for her age, but has no idea how to fight because "ladies aren't supposed to do that sort of thing." Forced to heal Lannister soldiers while stuck in the capital, though she just wishes she could let them die. ALSO unlocks blood bending due to this and is also quite unnerved. Forced to pose as a non bender in the Vale.
Bran the water bender who is devastated when it can't be used to heal him after his fall. Starts getting really into the spirit world, increasingly noticing raven spirits that no one else can see. Meera and Jojen (she's the swamp bender kind of water bender and he's a highly spiritual non-bender) take him north of the wall where the harmonic convergence takes place
Robb is an earth bender like his dad (Starks were originally a purely water bending family but started to marry a lot of earth benders) and he's well trained and good for his age, but that doesn't save him from being 15 and making poor decisions. Really heartbreaking as this desperate teenager tries to keep up with more experienced enemies as they attack him from all angles at the Red Wedding
Tyrion is now both a non-bender and a dwarf, which makes him doubly disgraced in Tywins eyes. Has to prove himself through his intelligence, being useful on the battlefield by creating the plans for benders and soldiers. Always has a lot of snarky comments about benders but always dreamed of being an air bender
Jamie and Cersei are both fire benders. Cersei used to spar with Jamie as children but Tywin quickly put an end to that and she was essentially forbidden from using her bending. Jamie is one of the best benders of his generation, and even years after the fact, Cersei still deeply resents him for being the prodigy she never had the chance to become
Cat is a water bender who was a pretty decent healer who patched men up after the war, but didn't really use her powers too much once she got married, because she didn't have much reason too. This bites her in the ass during the Red Wedding when she can't properly defend herself, and once Lady Stoneheart rises, she becomes a blood bender who is going to use her powers to their full extent this time around.
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elrielffs · 4 months
I wanted to touch on the BC (yes, AGAIN, for the millionth time) because...
The Azriel PoV BC is treated special, like it matters more than any other BC that SJM has ever done and here's the thing...it doesn't.
The BC's are canon, that is a fact. They aren't deleted scenes or things that SJM didn't intend. They are just as they are stated. Bonus Chapter/Content.
Now, as a bonus that inherently means it's a cherry on top of the story. A fun little extra. It can forshadow, show character intentions in a deeper light, be fun, be smutty, have conflict but at the end of the day it is not important to the story and it is not needed. Even the BC where two characters get married--it is not needed. We know the couple are together and have already gone thru their journey. We never saw Feyre and Rhysand's mating ceremony--again something that we didn't need but would have been nice to have.
A lot of people have put much stock into the Azriel BC because of shipping wars, some even saying it should be in the book proper because how will the story continue without people knowing what happened?
But...that's just it. If this chapter was as important as people like to say it is--surely it would have at least been more widespread?? Included in all standard editions of ACOSF?? Instead it was released in two countries, in the US and Brazil, in copies only from one store.
You can't even get it anymore unless it's secondhand.
So many people in fandom don't even know this BC exists.
Now, to the contents of the BC proper.
I fully believe this BC was intended to cement Elain and Azriel's feelings and showcase that Gwyn has more going on power wise than first shown.
And guess what? We don't need that as readers.
We don't NEED a scene between Azriel and Elain because we know that the feelings are there due to the past books. (There are so many post detailing the Elain and Az scenes and people have eyeballs and supposedly read the books other than ACOSF.)
We know Gwyn has more going on power wise that has not been revealed. Her interactions with Nesta in ACOSF and Nesta herself describing Gwyn having something under the surface and the secret of Gwyn's parentage. Azriel's reactions to Gwyn are similiar to Nesta's. Even in the bc itself is a callback to Azriel's interaction with Elain--a thing of secret lovely beauty is used in BOTH scenes (which people conveniently forget).
It's was all laid out in ACOSF. We do not need this BC.
The BC takes place in the middle of the book--roughly. And nothing changes. Gwyn and Azriel's relationship to each other doesn't deepen, Azriel is still pining after Elain. Is the chapter still canon? Yes, but it is not integral to the story.
The only thing I can think of that might be important is Rhysand's conversation with Azriel but even that could be explained in a sentence or two or rehashed into a new scene which SJM could easily do if she felt like it.
I just don't think SJM intended the BC to blow up as it did. People can think differently, sure and I could be wrong but with it's limited availability and the fact that it was not included in the book proper and the story moves on without it---I just don't see how it's important as it's made out to be.
Edit to add: Yes the BC is available online but people would have to know it exists first to know to look for it and it’s only online due to fans. Neither Bloomsbury or SJM have published the BC online or pointed to it for understanding the next book.
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
Can I request yandere sae and Rin itoshi where the reader is sae's gf, but they do not share her instead they're rivals bc of that reason?
| Of course Anon! For this reader is a famous interviewer. | Feel free to send me some more requests! |
Famous Interviewer!Reader With Rin And Sae
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You, Y/n are an extremely professional and popular interviewer. You had charm in every interview, Always held that gentle but funny smile. You always got the people you talked with to open up and express their feelings. You also spent time with several outside! Wether it was a simple breakfast or a movie premiere. The public adored you and you were always trending when you hosted a new guest.
You had interviewed famous athletes of course, Just not some like these two. Their constant cold and annoyed behavior. You tried to get to know them but you decided to give them your patience and respect. Hey, they're just as human as you right? They adored that. Your cute warm smile, Your patience, Your kindness and laughter. You were warm. They were cold. They felt themselves smile slightly when you just sat with them alone and smiled. No way were they sharing? The other is not worth you the brothers believed. They were going to win you over.
Rin tried to spend more time with you. Being as greedy as he wanted, Taking you places but Sae quickly sent gifts and letters filled with affirmations. The gifts were always expensive. Expensive Bags, Clothes, Hell even sweet treats. They were pissed off at the other glaring harshly telling the other to back off and that you didn't need some second rate man. Rin arguing that the fact he shows up is what makes him best and sae rejecting the thought explaining harshly how gifts mean more and speak through any love language.
It tough to juggle the brothers and your career, And they saw that even more than you did. When you laughed and talked cheerfully with other celebrities. It pissed them off in a different way soccer ever had. The other trying to prove that they were better It was a never ending spin of arguments and trash talk.
But sae and itoshi could agree that your job was making it hard to reach their goal, And we know these two. They will do what it takes to make it where they want. So when they started to have their agents lower your views and attention it crushed your spirit. You barely had anything left of it and it kept you in bed for several days. You felt awful. What are you going to rely on now..
Soon there was banging on the door. "Go away!" You shouted tears pricking your eyes. The banging didn't end and it got violent. You covered your ears with your hands. Then one final BANG! The door fell flat in front of the intruders. You hid under the covers of your bed. Consumed by despair for your career. The men stayed at the foot of your bed staring. They looked at one another and nodded as they ripped the covers from your body. You were in shock until you saw their faces, Turning your head away. You didn't want them to see you in this defeated stance. They climbed in grabbing your in their arms and warping themselves around you in some kind of knot between the two of them. Completely sandwiched.
This was it. After they had this time they were going to make your theres. Fully.
| This felt short but I'd be happy to do a part 2 if it was requested! |
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