#I didn't know those tags changed to their pride colors when used
willofasherah · 2 years
Sometimes when I get dressed to go out...I actually do end up going out
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Wonders Unceasing
Prologue =-= Past =-= Next
Author's note: Zaarius next part in Husbandry.
Warnings: Let me know if I need to add anything.
Summary: Zaarius meets his Bonded Human.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Zaarius is walking along one of Ancient Terra's sandy beaches, the ocean's water lapping at his feet a little as he let his mind water as his eyes gaze out accross the waves and beaches. It's pretty on Terra, at least, in this point in time. Before War, Greedy, and whatever else it was in the future-past that destroyed this agri-like world into the shit-hole that it had become. Part of him wondered if them being on Ancient Terra would change things, or if things were going to go the way they had because they'd shown up. Or-
His mind stops thinking along those lines as he rips off his helmet, his nose bleeding a little. Ow. This was why Psyker-type brothers and cousins were best when dealing with Warp Nonsense, regardless of the fact that he's a Chaos Marine, and has been one for a long, long time. Sometimes it's better to stop prying into things that are Too Much for a person. Figuring that out is the trick of it all. He is glad, mostly, to be on Ancient Terra, to see how it had once been, before things got Bad.
He's been looking out, searching for his Bonded, not all Space Marines have a bonded, but some do, three of his current War Band do. And while he's happy for them, he gets seethingly jealous as well. How sweet and unafraid the Bonded Human is of their Chaos Marine. No matter how twisted and inhumane they trully are in appearance. The human will just coo lovingly, flaterringly about them.
He unclenches his hands, gently shaking his claws a little. He's glad that they aren't uncontrollably drippoing poison any more. That had been a pain in the ass to get resolved. The Little shit hadn't apologized, no matter how long he was stuck inside the base. It was almost impressive, even if it was annoying. Hura would tell him to not nurse his wounded pride. He would point out to Hura that, for some reason, he likes the Little Bastard Son of Dorn.
Then again, Zaarius doesn't really get what's going on in that head of his. Death Guard… even more Chaos were an odd bunch. They've become even more strange over the ensuing ten thousand years. He's chasing new sensations and experiences, things tend to be more vibrant and colorful. Rather than how experiences, following after The God of Excess had slowly emptied him out and made him more hollow, despite seeking out more and more intense experiences to get to feel Something. Anything.
That is one good thing about Ancient Terra, despite its many, many drawbacks. Playing nicey-nice with the Renegade and Loyalists sometimes chafes his hide. But. at least he's mostly used to that. With the occasional scuffles with some of the Uppity among them. Or when new arrivals first show up and decide to try and Murder Them First. Fucking over-zealous bastards the lot of them!
He usually didn't volunteer for finding new arrivals, as they tended to take being on Terra, Ancient Terra, poorly in some way to begin with. While it's fun to see the anguish and torment on the faces of the Loyalists, well. Even that gets boring if he has to deal with it for too long or too often. He spots someone staring out at the ocean, a base line human, they seem to be leaning on a cane.
He tilts his head as he heads closer to the base line human, bored and wanting to see if he can pester a reaction out of a base line human sounds like a grand time to him. Besides, so long as he stays within the rules there is plenty of give and loop holes that he can worm his way through if need be.
"Greetings human," He calls out to them in a sing song way in High Gothic.
The human turns to stare at him, shifting back a little as they crane their neck to stare up at him fully. Base line humans tend to be far less skittish of them on Ancient Terra than back in his home Era. Or any Era where Astartes are created to serve and protect.
"Hello there," They reply with a slight twitch of their lips, in the common tongue of the base line humans in this area.
He can understand more of the language than he can speak it, mostly so he understand what the base line humans are saying, rather than an urge or desire to interact with them, most of the time. There is a warm, tugging sensation, that envelops his soul as he continues to speak with this base line human that he's not felt before. Curious to know what the feeling is and why he's feeling it he continues to follow after the human talking to them and listening to them respond, as they sound increasingly more confused until he decides to put them out of their misery, for not at least and says in the local dialect very clearly and carefully in his enunciation.
"You and I," He says as the words roll of his tongue like sweet caramel, "Bonded."
"Oh!" The human says with a gasp, eyes widening in surprise, and a mixture of other emotions. "It's oh. I'm glad to meet you. I'm ---."
"A lovely name for a lovely human," He purrs, "Call me Zaarius."
They mouth his name to themselves a couple of times before saying it out loud. And oh- what a rapturous experience to hear his newly bonded human say his name. He purrs more loudly at that. Pleased that they are almost correct on the pronunciation after a couple of times. He continues to follow after his lovely human, sending a message to the rest of his War Band that he's found his human. They all congratulate him for finding his human, his Captain, who's being unusually nice, has decided to allow him a month or two off to get to know and bond with his human more. The sends a thank you back before continuing to trail after his human.
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taiturner · 9 months
rules: unburden yourself from the abandoned WIPS collecting dust in your folder and share 5 gifs, then tag five people. (tagged by @yenvengerberg, thank you i feel like i can do something useful with these things now 💖)
tagging with no pressure of course: @wyllhalsin, @capinejghafa, @cardvngreenbriar, @seance, @ayoedebiris, @ughmerlin, @craintheodora, @lottiemilfews, @natscatorrcio (yeah miles i'm tagging you to be funny i know what you did with those psds)
these are all from projects that i have in a folder titled "on the bench" that i want to pretend i'll come back to, but.... some of these have been benched for so long and they're no longer fresh in my head so i fear they'll be abandoned forever. should also be mentioned that a lot of projects on the bench are literally just me making all the typography first and then losing inspo when i actually wanted to gif things.... usually by the time i do start, i change my mind about the type anyway. i also have so many abandoned gifs from other gifsets i've already posted but i'm not even sure where to begin searching so... here are some things!
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one of the many gifs i already created for a prompt from @yellowjacketsoctober to put the show in a different genre. ironically, a prompt that i came up with for the event specifically to make this gifset but didn't even complete. i spent so many hours and so many days trying to gif this entire arc for these three with the intent to make it a heist drama set but after so long i realized i was just giffing exactly what happened in the show and it started to feel pointless. but at least here's a preview of something that i'll never finish. my trio of all time, can they commit more crimes together please! (should also be said that this folder is 44gb because i already saved all the caps + because these psds are so heavy... new years clean up for real)
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i don't know what it is about lydia that makes it so hard for me to finish any set for her, but every time i try i seem to always lose the drive eventually (probably because twd in general just feels really uninteresting for me to blend, for some reason). from a 2022 spotify wrapped meme, i'm pretty sure i restarted this specific gifset so many different times, unhappy with the colors and the blends and the text and everything -- which is why there are two very different examples here. my girl of all time though i will finish something for her eventually (and maybe even this one, because this song is still so good for her).
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one of the many gifs that were abandoned by my scream vi set for favorite slasher in october. when tumblr first changed the image upload limit to 30, i promised myself to never take advantage of that too much, but i severely underestimated how many moments i would want to include for this movie and i made so many other gifs for this set but ultimately cut them so i could try to tone it down - 18 gifs in this set still feels like a lot but i spent so much time on this set that it was hard to part with many more. anyway here's sam being the hottest final girl in the world and correct about everything.
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i don't know how long this has been on the bench but it was definitely a project i started way before season 2 even aired. i think i just got stuck and wasn't sure where to go with it, but anyway her!
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extra spoiler for @wyllhalsin but this was supposed to be a pride edit in june for one of my favorite lgbt characters of all time. this show's camera movements nearly makes it impossible to blend anything so i lost the drive, but i will come back for felix someday (and for coty, obviously this set was for him).
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michaels-reality · 1 year
I just wanna make a post now cus it seems that people misunderstand my stance when I say the hl//vrai fandom is racist.
I couldn't give two shits if I never got notes or the tags didn't pick up my art or if I had 50 followers or 5000. I'm not calling the fandom racist because I didn't get the attention I wanted. I'm calling the fandom racist because of how I was treated within that fandom.
As a black artist, I've gotten racist remarks about my designs, I've gotten people woobifying or talking down to the characters cus of my designs, and I have a bunch of white people marveling at me because of my designs. It also became apparent to me as where I stood in the fandom, as someone who has been referred to as an "og" or "one of the big hl//vrai blogs". It just became too much for me too bear being in this majority white and nonblack fandom that would constantly uphold this racist atmosphere.
I don't think it's crazy for me to say that all or most of the popular artists in the fandom right now are white. And the designs they have for the science team are all white save for Gordon, who is usually ambiguously tan or drawn inaccurately to be black or a person of color, or maybe Coomer, who has the same issues of Gordon. And when people make only Gordon or Coomer tanner or a person of color, they usually accentuate their more aggressive traits, which is you guessed it! Racist! And I thought it would get better over time but people still favor those designs and I find my work and a lot of other black artist's work getting ignored and not as much attention as those white artists.
Also I've gotten people being very weird about my black designs before :(. I've gotten people wanting to pet, brush the hair, hug, play with the hair, etc my designs because I draw them as black people :|. People ask me why I draw them the way I do? And maybe these comments and questions are people with the best intentions! Maybe they don't wanna cause harm! But that doesn't change the fact that it was racist! Don't ask to pet people's characters or designs because you like their big kinky hair! Don't ask to pet people's black characters! Don't call their hair "floofy" or "fluffy" like we're sheep! Especially if you're white, and I could tell these were coming from white people.
Also I don't wanna create art for this fandom anymore because it is so white. My intention has never been to make art for you guys. My art is meant to reach black people and other people of color! It's always been that! To represent those people who don't see themselves in art often! If creating for this fandom is gonna get me a bunch of white people thinking I'm great for drawing flat black men or white people who look at my art cus "oh! I just think it's pretty!" then I definitely don't wanna be here anymore. I feel like a monkey in a cage, like you're show monkey. I was a token black artist in this fandom and people hold me up and say I'm so great, but I rarely see this greatness in action. For a big hl//vrai artist, I don't get asks about headcanons, I don't get people asking for my art to use as icons, I don't people asking to use my art in amvs or edits, I don't get people asking for my art to use for stimboards or anything like that. I know what I am to a lot of you! Your fucking show monkey! People don't think of me when they think of hl//vrai! I'm just a token! And maybe some of this is my pride talking and me wanting attention but shit! I'm done with it and I'm never making hl//vrai art ever again. I've said before I'll think about it if two comes out but I'm not sure about that even.
I love hl//vrai and I still do. The characters forever mean a lot to me. I don't regret joining this fandom, all my closest friends I met through this fandom and I love them so much! I don't hate white people or anything like that. I think white people can still follow me. But if you read this post and feel like I'm personally attacking you and your friends then maybe reflect on that. Why do you feel called out when people call out racism?
If you only want hl//vrai art from me then consider unfollowing me. I don't make art for you. Thank you.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Tagged by @la-pheacienne, thank you!
What book are you currently reading? The Count of Mounte Cristo
What's your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? Didn't go out to see any movies yet, so none
What do you usually wear? Sweaters, leggings, boots/flats, and sweater dresses. When it gets warm, Tshirts, overalls, sweatpants. Unless I can barely feel them, I don't like to wear form fitting clothes. And they tend to be dark colors. Except the random white Tshirt.
How tall are you? 5 feet, 7 inches (170.2 cm).
What is your Star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Taurus, and not that I know of.
Do you go by your name or your nickname? My full name, which I very much like and put too much pride in.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? No, and I didn't know what I wanted either until I was around 13. Which was to be a writer.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? Very, very single. No crushes. Unless it's on fictional character/celebrity Daemon/Matt Smith. I tend to go for unconventionally attractive men. Or people might say are "ugly" to "ugly-captivating".
What's something you're good at versus something you're bad at? I don't have anything that I am particularly good at. Maybe multitasking? I am bad at chess.
Dogs or cats? Dogs. Cats are cute, too, but dogs have my heart.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc from something you created this year? I don't create anymore. Used to draw. My favorite subjects were women and supernatural, classy creatures. (Just in case the TMI was welcome)
What's something you'd like to create content for? Nothing at this moment.
What's something you're currently obsessed with? Daemyra, Matt Smith...and quietly imagining a society similar to GRRM's with a ruling, incestuous dragonriding family (this time in a society where only the ruler could have an official spouse (who is their oldest sibling) and a hierarchy of concubines who can give birth to trueborns but those kids will always be behind the living ones by the official spouse [that will change and reform in structure, candidacy, and levels over the family's rule] that only the ruler can have; each major clan/house having very distinct, cultural practices [but no concubines who could be the parent of the "trueborn"'s trueborn child for them by doctrine, just lovers] since the ruling dragonriders have only just conquered them 3 generations ago); and primogeniture).
What’s something that you were excited about that turned out disappointing this year? If this was 2022, I’d say HotD, but otherwise nothing. The Last of Us is turning out wonderfully.
What's a hidden talent of yours? None.
Are you religious? More spiritual than religious, but with every year I lose the sense for it.
What's something you wish to have at this moment? The ability to consume food and not develop diabetes or other serious health problems.
Tagging @darklinaforever.
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shadowsinger11 · 4 years
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Requested by anon: Could you do a Fred Weasley imagine where he falls in love with Harry’s younger sister. (Maybe a after the war where he lives)
Word Count: 3.3k (my hand slipped oops)
Genre: Fluff, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining etc.
Warnings: Slight innuendo, Fred being cute and hot simultaneously
Tags: @self-ship-love @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hufflexpuff @neovannii @jenniweasley @elf-punk @heart-of-tempered-steel @itseatyourdamnapples
Message me if you'd like to be added!
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Ottery St Catchpole, Devon, England, July 16, 2000
It was a chilly Sunday evening. The summer air buzzed with excitement and the tender aroma of magnolia as tiny white and pink petals were gracefully falling from the huge cherry trees, carried by the light breeze. Twilight painted the horizon in liquid gold and fiery red, soon followed by mellow shades of dark blue that brought countless sparkling stars.
It was getting the slightest bit colder, but it did not matter; nothing else mattered but the loud cheers and cheerful music, celebrating the official bond between a Potter and a Weasley under the wide night sky.
You couldn't have been happier for your older brother, Harry, who was currently dancing with Ginny, his now wife - now and for the rest of his, hopefully, but not really likely, peaceful life. For the longest time you've been wondering how he'd always manage to get into trouble even as a small First year with no experience in the wizarding world whatsoever. Or, perhaps, that was the exact reason as to why evil-battling and rule-breaking were such common practices when hanging out with him.
However, there was no fighting that day. There was no room for worry and fear when the entire Weasley family and their loved ones were gathered on the clearing in front of the Burrow, chatting, laughing, dancing, singing, drinking, celebrating and living for what seemed to be the first time since Lord Voldemort's fall. Danger was practically nonexistent in that blissful moment which was frozen in time, once having looked agonizingly distant and impossible to hope for. But that dream was no longer just a foolish fantasy to heal wounded hearts. It was there, and it was happening in the most beautiful way imaginable.
And suddenly, all those clichés of a married life weren't even clichés. They were simply humble wishes of people who had witnessed far too many horrors in such a short period of time, and only craved stability among the massive chaos. So when you glanced at Ginny, a twirling blur of flaming red hair and a gorgeous wedding dress, you didn't feel the need to comment on how banal the color white was. You genuinely smiled, admiring the pure, exuberant joy, visible in her eyes and scarlet cheeks. Harry looked just as, if not even happier than his wife, dancing in the ridiculous but wholehearted way that only he could, and old memories of him winning the golden egg, training Dumbledore's Army and kissing Ginny in the common room for the very first time flooded into your mind.
It had truly been a long time since you had seen Harry careless and free like that.
You yourself had spent an ungodly amount of hours preparing the yard for the ceremony all day; rearranging chairs, decorating, making sure everything was going by schedule, only to then dance your tired feet off, and though you wanted to continue having fun with Hermione, Luna and the rest of the girls waiting for you, you really needed a break. And a drink.
Excusing yourself to leave the particularly interesting conversation you were having with distant Weasley relatives, you slipped off your black flats that, despite looking absolutely stunning, hurt your feet terribly after an entire day of fussing over the color of napkins and flower bouquets. Barefoot on the grass, you walked over to a chair next to a table which seemed to have been occupied, but judging by the mostly empty glasses and plates, the guests weren't coming back anytime soon.
You tossed your shoes aside with a sigh and rushed to rub your aching toes, hissing from how sore they were.
How has Ginny been dancing like that for hours?
"Enjoying the party, I see?" a familiar deep, slightly husky voice commented, causing you to look up.
It was none other than Fred Weasley, dear friend from childhood, staring down at you, his ever-present charming smirk resting on features and hands shoved into the pockets of his dragonskin suit. But it was his flaming red hair that made your eyes widen - it was carefully smoothed back, shining under the moonlight like liquid iron.
Fred's eyes still contained their famous, loveable mischief, except now slightly tamer and calmer. His firm biceps had visibly grown in size, stretching out the fabric of his coat just a bit to give you a prominent silhouette that caught you off guard.
It had been two years; he had changed so much.
And you were afraid to admit you had too.
You blinked in surprise, processing his uncharacteristically sophisticated appearance before realizing what he had asked you.
"Would've enjoyed it far more if my legs weren't killing me," you groaned half-heartedly and leaned back on your chair. "What's with your hair?"
"What's with your feet?"
"I asked you first," you cut him off. "I bet Ginny is responsible for this."
"Actually…" Fred trailed off, and, whether on purpose or not, ran a hand through the ginger locks to keep them in place, unaware of how you suddenly wished the hand doing the graceful motion wasn't his. "Mum insisted that I looked my best. What can I say, it's not like George and I usually listen to her, but we thought we'd make an exception this time; our sister doesn't get married every day. But honestly, Ginny couldn't care less about how we looked as long we showed up."
"So like usual, you mean?" you giggled. "Showing up is an achievement for you even if you're underdressed?"
Fred beamed, pearly white smile complementing his formal outfit. You wondered if he used that exact smile to effortlessly allure costumers and business partners at work.
He rested an elbow on the table as he leaned forward.
"Come on now, darling. I know you find my messy hair irresistible either way."
His cockiness only caused you to laugh, though Fred was quick to spot the flash of nervousness in your eyes; it brought him immense pride to know he was the one to turn you from confident to adorably bashful and flustered in the matter of seconds.
He was looking at you intensely, expectantly waiting for you to deny his flirty accusation despite your shyness.
"Nah, Weasley. It only reminds me that even at twenty-two you still do not know how to use a comb."
Fred's eyebrows shot straight up to his hairline, mouth agape. For the first time, he actually needed a second to form a reply.
"Didn't see that coming, I give you that. Courageous one, you are."
Your heart fluttered with joy and you openly grinned, shrugging in half-hearted humbleness.
"Perhaps I am."
Speaking to him felt unusually energizing, as though you had jumped headfirst into a chilly lake. It was unfamiliar and it set your nerves on fire, causing your stomach to twist and turn with sensations that left you dizzy, but unbelievably thrilled. And you wanted more of it, you wanted more of him.
"Fancy a drink?" Fred offered, already pouring champagne into a glass before handing it to you, and you keenly took it.
"Thanks, I've been thirsty with all the preparations I was doing."
"Is that why your legs are killing you?"
"Exactly, I've been running around all day, making sure everything was in order… you know, a lot of organizing and the like."
"It must hurt quite a bit then," Fred commented with a pained grimace. "But I absolutely get you, Georgie and I are just like that when it comes to the shop. It's a lot of accounting if I'm being honest, though I admit he's way better at it. We need to be completely precise; we can't allow any mistakes."
"Woah," you laughed. "Control freak much?"
He wettened his lips, never breaking eye contact.
"Perhaps I am."
You tilted your head to the side, gaze piercing into his in hopes of finding out what those gorgeous brown eyes were hiding. The tiny playful flames in them were eloquent.
Shifting slightly in your seat, you smoothed out your bridesmaid dress and raised your glass, the ghost of a smirk playing on your lips.
"Cheers to us control freaks then."
Fred mirrored your smug expression and your glasses met with a clink. The bubbly liquid tingled your throat, undoubtedly refreshing you and cooling you off. You glanced at the people dancing in the centre of the clearing and giggled - Ginny had apparently thrown away her white shoes long ago, bare feet stepping elegantly on the grass.
"You see, I'd like to chat a bit more with you, but I'm afraid it's a bit too loud here. What about we go to the pond across the field?" Fred suggested, pointing at the woods behind his back. You had visited them countless times when staying with Harry at the Burrow during holidays years ago; the tall trees and the glistening waters had never ceased to bring you comfort.
The noise started to become bothersome, and you felt it even more necessary to continue your conversation somewhere private, the unknown causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. Fred's presence could only be compared to a shot of whiskey, or the sensation of anticipating a tidal wave to crash into you in less than a second. It was wild and the tiniest bit terrifying, but oh so tempting as it pulled you in.
"I'd love that, but… you know," you grinned and playfully swang your sore feet. "Can't really walk."
But this didn't at all seem like a problem to Fred Weasley who only shrugged and stood up, "You don't have to. I'll carry you."
"Merlin, no! Please, it's not necessary."
Fred frowned, but his confused expression was soon replaced by an amused one.
"You said it yourself that your feet hurt like hell. And even if carrying you around isn't necessary, it doesn't mean I don't want to."
You attempted to tame the butterflies.
"No, no! You seriously don't have to, I promise," you frantically protested as you held up your hands in front of you to reassure him, but he only gave you a weird look. "I can walk on my own. I'll be too heavy for you."
"There's only one way to find out."
Fred walked over to you and leaned down, one hand sneaking around your waist and the other slipping under your knees. You shrieked in terror, arms flying to clutch at his shoulders, and heat rose to your cheeks from the abrupt contact. Your chests were pressed together, and you were afraid he'd be able to feel your racing heart. His skin was warmer than you had thought, and it successfully fought off the night summer chill.
"Are we going?" Fred whispered down at you, lips so close to yours that you recognized the nuance of champagne in his breath, mixing unbelievably well with the scent of cinnamon and sandalwood of his cologne.
Not only is he sinfully attractive, but he smells heavenly too?
"Yes," you breathed and let Fred effortlessly walk across the meadow with you in his arms. They brought this new, odd, yet familiar sense of security, and you allowed your head to rest against his chest, nervous gaze wandering off into the distance in hopes of not meeting his. Nevertheless, curiosity eventually took the best of you, and your eyes would occasionally flicker to his, which were now completely black under the night sky. They could swallow you whole, you swore.
Minutes later, you found yourselves in the company of old, enormous willows which surrounded the pond you so vividly remembered from your teenage years. You thanked Fred as he carefully let you down, and took a few steps forward to look around and drench in the misty moonlight that enveloped the area. The waters were crystal clear and completely still, reflecting the moon and its majestic silver glow. The bushes had grown significantly over the time you were away, and you fondly looked back at the moments when you would pick up colorful wildflowers in the summer before your fourth year.
"Shall we sit?" Fred asked quietly from right behind your shoulder, and you followed him with a nod. You found a comfortable spot on the fresh grass to sit, a few feet away from where the water met the soil and moved back and forth ever so slightly.
"It's more beautiful than I remember," you noted, lips curled up in a barely visible smile. Fred hummed in agreement.
"That's why I always make sure to come here every chance I get when I return. But, unfortunately, that's very rare in my case."
For a moment, there was only the chirping of crickets and the soft bubbling of water.
Fred turned to you.
"Remember when mum used to call for us to de-gnome the garden and we'd hide here? We could stay in the bushes for hours before we eventually came back," he recalled, seeming deep in thought. It was an extraordinary sight; for once the playful spark in his eyes was more mellow, there was no cockiness seeping into the way he was holding himself. He was just Fred, the man who was currently thinking with so much adoration and love about his childhood, the most significant memories of it being marked by you.
You wondered, given you ever had the chance to spend with Fred as much time as your older brother did, if the charismatic prankster would have fallen for you like you had done. You wondered, given the chance you had let Fred get to know you better all those summers ago, if his heart would have belonged to you by now just like yours did to him.
Had you possibly missed your chance?
"Oh, I do," you sighed, the tension in your chest vanishing as warm nostalgia crept in like an old friend. "I also remember when I got this really bad nightmare that night. I was so terrified that you took me on a ride with your broom in the middle of the night to cheer me up."
"That's true! My parents don't know about it to this day," he replied smugly. "I can still hear you screaming like a lunatic."
You jokingly smacked his arm, "I was twelve!"
Fred's grin grew wider.
This only caused you to stare at him in disbelief and cross your arms, managing your most serious expression, but Fred was aware you were on the verge of failing to keep your stern facade. He squinted his eyes as a teasing attempt to provoke you, smile threatening to split his face in two.
"Alright then, that's enough about me," you announced, and Fred nodded in mock agreement as he studied your playful pretence. "If you're so much better than me, Mr Darcy, what else do you do aside from stealing ladies away?"
"Stealing their hearts," he said confidently, flashing you a seductive smirk, reserved only for special girls back in your Hogwarts days. You giggled, finding his antic utterly ridiculous, but you hated to admit that it still turned your blood into liquid fire. Fred apparently saw right through you, because when your eyes landed on his, they appeared completely dark once again, but, you suspected, for a reason other than the lack of light.
Your throat went dry, and you found it hard to swallow down the lump that cut your breath short.
He ran a hand through his ginger hair as he began to explain, "I'm kidding, you know. But to answer your question, George and I have been working on this potion that should be able to change the color of the eyes and hair. Fun for those who enjoy experimenting with their appearance, but it can also be useful to the Ministry. They're actually going to send a team of a couple of aurors to visit us next month so we can update them on our progress and negotiate the details."
"Wow! That's certainly exciting!"
"Is it? I mean, it probably is, but I've been having second thoughts lately if I'm being honest." He scratched the back of his neck, and you realised you had only witnessed him being anxious when it came to his greatest passion. "I'm afraid we might not be done on time, there's still plenty left to improve."
You put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention, and said, "I'm sure you'll figure it all out eventually. Keep working as you normally do, try not to stress too much over the deadline, and even if things go wrong at some point, don't go too hard on yourself. It wouldn't take away any progress you've made so far."
Fred's body relaxed just a bit and he looked down at you. He couldn't deny the sense of serenity that he felt only when he was with you. Even as a careless young boy, he was able to pinpoint the way his midriff would clench every time you'd laugh at his jokes or ask him to play with you, without knowing what it all meant.
But now, as a grown man, he had a word to describe the bittersweet fire within.
"You know what?" He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "I could really benefit from having someone like you around to give me motivation."
"Motivation, huh?" you raised an eyebrow, fighting back a smile. Fred sneaked a hand around your waist and pulled you closer.
"Yes, motivation."
"Motivation for what?"
"Marketing strategies, work projects…" he shrugged nonchalantly, "...among other things."
You quickly caught on, suddenly becoming way too self-aware of the way you were practically cuddled into Fred's side, hand resting on his shoulder while his were wrapped around your waist. But his shining confidence seemed to rub off on you, because you asked.
"What's with you offering me a job all of a sudden?"
His bottom lip was tucked between his teeth as he took his sweet time devouring you with his darkened gaze. You didn't know whether you wanted to hide from it, or expose yourself even further to the way it burned its way straight to your core.
"Well…" Fred dragged out in his low, hoarse voice, and caressed your cheek with his thumb before slipping it under your chin to guide it towards his face. You could nearly taste the remaining flavour of champagne on his lips. "I've certainly been feeling…"
Fred went quiet as he got lost in the way you fit so perfectly in his arms; you had always meant to be there, he realised. His mouth crashed into yours, hands tightly gripping your waist, and you let out a gasp. Fred's lips were soft, although slightly chapped, and they moved gently but firmly against yours, turning you into their slave. Your palms naturally slid up his chest and he closed any remaining distance between your bodies by placing you to straddle his lap. The kiss was a dance of pushing forward and pulling back, two lovers having finally found their rhythm after years of living in fearful desire. You were positively drunk on his taste, on him, and you wished to never become sober.
When your need for air overcame the one for physical contact, you pulled away. Your chests were heaving with rapid, shallow breaths, hearts beating in synch like they had always done. You let a finger tenderly trace his cheekbone down to his jawline, then it came back up to draw different affectionate patterns on his face.
"What were you saying?" you asked, clearly out of breath. "How were you feeling?"
He fondly took your hand that was caressing his skin, and lifted it up to press feather-light kisses on your knuckles. His lips retraced their path until they reached the tips of your fingers, and he kissed those with the gentlest of touch.
You heart ached pleasurably from the way he was handling you with such care, much more than you ever believed he was capable of.
After minutes of worshipping you by the moonlit lake, Fred looked back at you as though you were his entire world. And replied with a smile.
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
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sudoscience · 2 years
Thanks for the tag, @prodigaldaughteralice!
Favorite color: I've always liked black and red, but purple's been growing on me, lately. TBH, I really like the ace pride flag (black, gray, white, and purple), which is fortunate for me, an asexual. Like, I could easily put together an outfit with all of those colors, look damn good in it, and I feel like most people wouldn't suspect anything.
Currently reading: Tragically, I haven't read any books in a long time. I own several that I at one point intended to read, but never got around to. It's gotten to the point that I've pretty much stopped asking for books for Christmas/my birthday because I know they'll just take up space and go unread. I should change this.
Last song: "Who Can It Be Now?" by Men at Work. This is also the song I currently use as my alarm, so I'll probably hear it again in a few hours if I don't sleep through it. Not enough songs with sax solos these days.
Last series: I'm currently watching the second season of Amphibia. I just finished the episode with Kermit Crumpet the Frog and Stan Pines Ponds. I love it, but it still hasn't gotten to the point where I'm binge watching it because I absolutely must know what happens next. I've also been watching Westworld and Better Call Saul, but I'm caught up on those.
Last movie: I'm pretty sure the last movie I watched was They/Them. It wasn't very good. I think the last movie I watched in theaters was On The Count Of Three (TW for suicide if you decide to look that up), which probably tells you how often I go to the movies since it came out in May. I enjoyed that one, but the trailer led me to believe it was going to be funnier than it actually was. I'm not saying it was unfunny, but it's more of a dramedy than a pure comedy. I guess there's a limit to how funny a movie about two guys who want to kill themselves can be. No, iPhone, I did not want to write "Jill themselves". Why would anyone want to write that?
Sweet/spicy/savory: In order of preference, sweet, savory, then spicy. I tend to gravitate towards sweet foods, but if I ever have cravings for something, it's usually for savory foods. I feel like I used to do better with spice, but lately I'll see spicy food and just think, "That doesn't sound very good." I'm sure if I ate it, I'd enjoy it, but it's always like this mental block. I feel like part of it is that it tends to give me acid reflux now when it didn't use to, so I have to know in advance so I can take a Prevacid or something.
Currently working on: I've got a song, but I don't have a good title for it yet. Working title is "Village at Night" or "Peaceful Theme". My overarching goal is to create an album that could plausibly be a video game soundtrack, and the idea for this one was to be the main menu theme. I'd include a clip, but I don't want to bother with turning on my computer right now, so I'll just say it reminds me of "Home" from Undertale and "See You Tomorrow" from OMORI, neither of which is the main menu theme for their respective games, but that doesn't really mean my song couldn't be the hypothetical main menu theme of its nonexistent game. I also always feel like my songs are too short and/or don't have conclusive endings, forgetting that the main feature of video game music is that it (usually) loops indefinitely.
Other things I'm working on include getting to bed earlier. Since it's currently 4am, you can see how well that's going. (I went to bed at 5am last night, so I guess technically I am moving in the right direction, but my goal was to be in bed closer to 2am.)
I'll tag @sukifoof, @asgore-agenda, @sleebyjam, and @momxu, but no pressure. Anyone else who wants to do this can, too.
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detroitbydark · 4 years
Crossed Connections: Part 7
Pairing: Tech x Togruta!Reader, Wrecker/OC
Characters: The Bad Batch, Ik'aad (Reader)
Warnings: None
Summary: Someone’s in for a bigger surprise than expected
A/N: So this was supposed to be the basorexia prompt and I failed. I'll be giving that one a shot again in the not so distant future. Also, would y'all like these two to finally heat things up a bit? I know I would. 
Previous Parts and Extended Universe can be found here
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It's been too long and I've got to apologize. It's been a lot adjusting to the new base but I feel like I'm finally getting my footing. I've taken your advice. I've been working on making friends. I feel like it's going well for the most part. Some are a little standoffish but it's nothing I can't overcome, right?
In other news, I did a thing. I think you'll be surprised! You like surprises right? So....anyway...I passed my FAS test!. You know how hard I’ve been studying? Honestly, I was scared. I really could have used a study buddy but this really nice guy I know gave me some extra study materials and they were perfect. Now all I have to do is brush up at the range and I'm good to go! Can you believe that? It's like a dream!
While I'm on the subject of dreams... I've been thinking about you. Well, you and me. Us? I guess what I'm trying to say is I think I deserve a reward for all my hardwork and I really want to see you. Please? Pretty please?
I know I won't have leave for a while but my new roommate has a holoprojector and maybe we could just do that? I don't want to push but I've been so patient and...
You know what? Nevermind. I don't want to push. Just write back soon, ok?
It’s hard to look at her sometimes Tech thinks as he, again, reads her latest message spread through his visor. It's a rambling note that makes his heart squeeze tight and his eyes dart to his left guiltily after each line. Now that he knows her he can hear her voice, how she emphasized certain words, how her smile dazzled when she turned in on him full force.
Yeah, it's hard to look at her when she does that.
It's even harder not too when she's sitting just feet from him, ribbing at Crosshair who is attempting and failing to hide his amusement.
“So exactly how far away would I have to get before you couldn’t peg me with this fork?” She asks holding up the utensil.
Wrecker chokes out a laugh, “Please, Ik’aad. Don’t ever say that again.”
“Say what?” Her brows knit together in soft confusion.
I want to see you. Please?
“Shut up, Wrecker.” The sniper growls as he himself bites off a laugh. Ik’aad shoots a worried look between the pair, pulling her lower lip between her teeth and worrying it in a way Tech finds incredibly distracting.
“Don’t act like you weren’t thinking-“
I've been thinking about you
“Could one of you explain what’s so funny?” She asks, exacerbation creeping into her voice as she sets her mug down. Caf sloshes against the sides of it.
“It’s nothing Ik’aad” Crosshair tries to sooth her. He’s shit at it. Regardless she bites back a shy smile.
Tech wonders when their sniper had started thawing to the medic. He’d watched the other day as he’d walked a few steps behind her from the mess back to the med bay with Echo. He’d seen the sharp looks he’d given to the few Regs who’d given their little medic appreciative looks and how his hand had hovered over his blaster in threat. Tech wondered how much of it had to do with the his request to tag his mystery woman a week prior.
“How did your test go?” Crosshair asks changing the topic with a practiced nonchalance.
I passed my FAS test! I think I deserve a reward. You know how hard I’ve been studying!
Any residual confusion falls away and her face lights up. She's radiant and Tech has to bite his tongue from telling her as much.
“Passed with flying colors.” Her chest puffs with pride as his vode make a big show of it. Hunter gives her a soft congratulations.
Crosshair pats her back and mentions something about letting her get her hands on Sweetie.
Wrecker wraps a meaty arm around her shoulders and pulls her tight. The tiny Togruta leans into his embrace happily. Than they all look at Tech, his vode with knowing looks and Y/N with a bright smile.
Some are a little standoffish but it's nothing I can't overcome, right?
He hates it when she does that. Well- hate isn’t exactly the correct word. He would pay his entire monthly stipend to get lost in those pale blues. Like a cloudless sky on Yavin-4 they’re bright and hopeful and- they’re everything .
And he is still just Tech.
Why did who he was bother him? He hasn't felt like this since Kamino, not since he'd found his vode and his place in the world. Maybe with Ik'aad he didn't know where he fit. With his brothers he knew where he stood. He had purpose. He was the problem solver, the one that thought outside the box to make sure the mission was a success. Ik'aad wasn't a mission. He didn't need to fix her. She was perfect just the way she was and-
“Tech gave me the study guide.” She explains not looking away from him. He'd gotten too caught up in his own thoughts. He flips his visor up. It would be rude not too and he can see Hunter giving him a look. He swallows his nerves and offers a half smile she’ll never see through his helmet.
“It was nothing.” He brushes it off.
I really could have used a study buddy but this really nice guy I know gave me some extra study materials and they were perfect.
All eyes are on him. Wrecker leans forward like he’s waiting for the younger clone to say something else, anything.
He watches her wait  for a few beats. She wants him to say something more and he lets her down by flipping his visor down and turning back to the letter she'd sent him.
Like a coward.
He’ll lay in his rack later, when everyone else is asleep and replay this. He’ll rewrite the script and this time he’ll be smooth and say the right things. Be the right guy. He won't make the mistake a second time. Next time he will seize the day..
Hey Sweetheart. Let me start by saying how proud of you I am. I knew you could do it. You're ability to adapt and thrive has always amazed me. You're truly so much more than meets the eye. I've put much thought into your proposition. I also have access to a holoprojector and I would love to see you too. There's so many things I need to tell you. There are things you need to know about me. I look forward to hearing from you with bated breath.
Taglist: @skdubbs  @my-own-oracle @underworldqueen13​ @obiorbenkenobi​  @daniellajocelyn​ @cxptain-rex​ @imahardcase​ @lady-tano​
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my knight in shinning armor (joe mazzello X black reader)
an: okay doing this request thing so i hope you enjoy it!
summary; you and joe are dating and you are getting hate for dating him
for/by: @nyikondlovu
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You and Joe started dating about six months ago. You kept it private because you wanted to enjoy one another without the attention of public. But once you decided to go public you wanted it be special. Both you and Joe love comedy so you decided to do a video on his instagram. You took Cardboard Ben as well. Well he's a star of Joe's insta so why not include him as well! The idea was that you're gonna be behind cardboard Ben and Joe will say something among lines: ,,Ben it's time to end this." And he'll throw him down on the ground and you will show up and give Joe a kiss on his cheek. You found a free saturday afternoon and you did the video. You were pretty proud of it so Joe posted it. You both watched the video over and over again. None of you could get over the fact that your relationship is now public. The comments and reactions were super positive. The Bohemian Rhapsody cast commented as well, supporting you as always. But then few hours later the thing you were scared of came. Haters. Jealous comments, hate comments, people who ship Ben and Joe so much that are actually commenting you to kill yourself. Joe tagged you in a post, of course, so the hate went over to your account now. Commenting under every picture of you saying that you're not pretty enough, that Joe is out of your league. You both ignored it and moved on with your life. You started going out to public together holding hands, sharing kisses, lunches and of course there were papparazzi's. Some celebrity accounts shared those pictures and talked about how beautiful couple you are. And they were also people talking how beautiful you are. Some Joe's fans dm-ed you nice stuff and you loved answering those. Some even made edits of you being beautiful and they were saying how amazing it is to see Joe dating a girl of a color.
After few months of being public, the award season came around. Joe decided that it is time to take you there. He wants to show you off how much he can. You went out in the most beautiful dress and everybody on red carpet loved you. Except those haters. You wanted to show much you enjoyed it so you posted pictures on your instagram. Comments of Bo Rhap cast and some amazing fans changed again. I don't believe Joe's dating you, you look awful, Ew you're disgusting, Why don't you just kill yourself? This made you cry. You felt the tears in your eyes so you excused yourself from living room where you sat with Joe and went to yout shared bedroom. You started crying and you tried to think of the worst. It would probably all go away if you just break up. You love Joe but this hate makes you sad and anxious.
,,Hey babe what's going on?" Joe came in and looked at your dark silhouette on the edge of the bed.
,,Nothing. Everything is fine." You said trying to hide your crying voice.
,,Oh come on, I know something's going on." He sat next to you and put his hand around your hips.
,,Alright. Um. How do I say this. I think we should break up."
,,What? What are you saying? Y/N is there anything I did that make you upset?" He said worried.
,,It's not you. You didn't do anything. It's just us. When we're out in public there are people who are not happy as we are and those people are coming after me and after you. And more and more we're in this relationship then more and more they hate and I don't feel good when they hate. So maybe if we stop going out as a couple they'll stop." You said, crying again.
,,Hey, look at me. We won't break up because of some morons who are trying to take me away from you. I will take care of everything. Honey I promise you, everything will be alright. I love you and I will not let anyone harm you, okay?" He looked you straight into your eyes and wiped away your tear.
,,I'd love to be alone for a bit, would you mind?" You pointed at the door.
,,Of course, I'll give you as much alone time as you wish. I love you don't forget that." He smiled and left.
,,I love you too." You said as he was in door.
Joe went downstairs to living room. He took his phone and opened instagram. He went over to your page and looked at the comments. He was boiling with anger at the point when he got to the end of the comment section. He knew he has to do something with it. He can't let you suffer and he can't look at you suffering. He went to his gallery and picked the most beautiful picture of you. It was picture from your first vacation in Europe. He smiled when he looked at it. He opened instagran again. He started typing a caption under the picture of you. He posted it and threw phone at the other side of the couch.
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You got a notification on your phone. You looked at it and saw that Joe posted. You opened it and started reading the caption. You started crying again but now not from sadness but from happiness and pride. You were proud that your boyfriend is not afraid to protect you. You went downstairs and saw Joe sitting on couch fidgeting his fingers and tapping his leg. He was obviously supee nervous. You understood. He just did something he never imagined he had to deal with.
,,Hey." You said when you sat next to him.
,,Hi. I saw that you saw that post." He said.
,,Yeah. I am very proud of you. And I really really love you. You stood up against the haters. I'm also sorry you had to go through this, but let's just hope it's over now. I hope everything will be over because of your post. I love you Joey."
,,I love you too. I had to do it. I felt really uncomfortable at first but then I remembered that I have to protect you no matter what so I did it. And now you see that you are better and I feel better."
,,Joey, my knight in shinning armor!" You said and you played with a strand of his hair.
,,Well than I am I could've saved the princess!" He kissed you, stood up and took you into his hands and caried you the room.
,,I love you more than anything!" You kissed him on the tip of his nose.
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