#I didn't really pay much attention to the show clearly 🤣
saxifactumterritum · 1 year
Well I guess compulsively drawing gay little turlough in his gay little shorts is a pastime
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luniidae · 8 months
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Chapter III
TW: Violence, blood.
Note: I'm pretty happy with this drawing. I had to redraw it entirely last night because my software crashed 🤣 but this new version is far more better ! Anyway, this chapter is very long compared to the others, but I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it !
It had been about two years now that Luvia had her horns regularly trimmed. It wasn't very pleasant, it was sometimes even painful, but she could handle it for the one who gave her everything, right ?
In the meantime, the little girl had noticed the presence of another child. A boy, older than her, with messy dark hair and clearly in an unenviable state, at the sight of the bruises he had on him. Raphael didn't wish to say more about him, except that he was "nothing important” and that she shouldn't pay any attention to him.
If the young girl always blindly followed her "father's" instructions, her curiosity pushed her to learn more about this mysterious resident.
Where did he come from ? Who was he ? Why didn't he wear nice clothes like her ? Where did these bruises come from ? And above all, how come she didn't notice him sooner ? Luvia wanted answers.
But it wasn't an easy task.... Because no one was willing to talk to her about him, not even Hope. As if Raphael had ordered them all not to say anything.
She could try to talk to him, but as surprising as it may seem, Luvia was too shy to attempt an approach. So she was content to observe him from afar when she had time and he was busy cleaning certain parts of the House. Besides, the poor boy was still in a bad condition.
Intrigued by his presence, Luvia also felt a certain sadness towards the young boy. She wanted to help him, to show him that he wasn't alone, if she couldn't stop him from getting hurt. Because yes, she ended up thinking that he was just very clumsy.
One day, while he was near the fireplace, Luvia plucked her courage and approached slowly, so much so that the boy only saw her at the last moment and jumped. At first, it was fear that could be read on his face, but he quickly frowned, as if he was trying to hide it as quickly as possible. He didn't immediately notice the apple that the little girl was holding in her hands.
His eyes were dark, tired. He was dressed in rags and had several bruises and scratches all over him.
The two children looked at each other for a few seconds. He looked up, examining her horns and visibly intrigued as to why one of them was shorter than the other.
Then he got back to himself and met her gaze again.
"What do you want ?", He finally asked in a tone that was both annoyed and worried.
Luvia felt like she was melting on the spot. She had never heard him speak and didn't expect him to. She had already made a big effort to come to him, and although her face displayed a friendly pout (at least she hoped), it was impossible for her to say a word.
So she just handed him the apple.
"What is ....."
The boy looked at the fruit with astonishment, he didn't understand why this girl about whom he knew almost nothing suddenly came to offer him... This. An Apple. Especially since she wore the colors of his tormentor, which didn't give him trust.
However, he had to admit that the fruit really appealed to him. Raphael had deprived him of food for almost five days and he was starving.
Then a worrying thought came to his mind..... What if she had been sent by the devil to test him ? No one would be suspicious of a child. From the looks of it, she seemed a little younger than him. He scanned the surroundings out of the corner of his eye, as if to check that no one was hiding somewhere, ready to pounce on him as soon as he touched that damn apple.
"Is that.... A trap... ?", He dared to ask without hoping for an honest answer.
Luvia shook her head, a little confused. Why would this be a trap ? Did he expect it to explode in his face ? She thought. The boy seemed to think for a few seconds before adding:
"No, it'll be fine, I don't want it...."
The girl frowned. It was not necessary to have exceptional hearing to hear the gurgling noises emanating from his stomach. So why did he refuse ? Why did he doubt her ? Because of the horns ? She only had one and a half after all, maybe that didn't make her very credible to him..... Which made her stress out more.
She was there, in front of him, her arm outstretched, holding an apple that he had just declined. Both upset and embarrassed, the little girl decided it was time for her to slip away.
So still without saying a word, she advanced towards the young boy, arm still outstretched, until the apple collided with his chest.
By reflex, he grabbed it with one hand and Luvia then took the opportunity to leave it to him and turn on her heel. She began to walk away at a rapid pace, her face as red as the fruit she had just given, but proud of her good deed. Luvia didn't have a friend of her age in the House of Hope, she hoped he would understand that she meant him no harm, so they could play together.
However, she had learned nothing about him. She didn't know his favorite color, where he lived before arriving here and why.... She also didn't dare ask him his name, in which case she would have learned that it was Enver.
But she never asked him and he always did the same. Failing to dare speak to him, Luvia regularly gives him food in secret. Mostly fruit or cakes. It was small and easy to carry.
Unfortunately, Raphael ended up learning about it and came to find Luvia. There was no way he was going to let his protégé get involved with this lesser person.
“Today you are going to learn a very important lesson,” he announced to Luvia, “Our classroom will be just slightly different from other days, but I hope there will not have a next time.”
Luvia nodded and didn't ask any questions. She never asked questions, not to Raphael. He said, she did. And she began to follow him to the prison.
There was Enver down there, on his knees, with a jailer standing beside him. The children looked at each other, one was confused, and the other knew perfectly well what was going to happen. It wouldn't be the first time for him... And it certainly wouldn't be the last.
"Luvia, my child, it is time for you to understand that in this world and on all plans of existence, there are two categories of individuals. The weak....", he looked at the boy with contempt, his voice borrowed from a certain disgust, ".... And us", he finished with a slightly more cheerful intonation and placing his hands on the young girl's shoulders.
“And we have no compassion for the weak. They are there to serve us, sometimes to entertain us, but above all to obey us”
The little girl wasn't sure to understand, or if she wanted to understand. She knew that Raphael wasn't thrilled with the idea of her spending time with his little prisoner, but she didn't know how much it had annoyed him.
The devil made a brief gesture with his hand towards the jailer who first punched the young boy in the face and he fell to the ground. Luvia took a step back which was interrupted by Raphael who was standing behind her, crouching at her height.
Luvia turned her head so she couldn't see anything, but he grabbed her chin to force her to look. Shocked, the young girl was unable to close her eyes, and tears soon began to flow down her cheeks, then onto Raphael's hand.
"He's not like you, Luvia. He's just a worm whose pathetic existence hangs by a thread. You must never have the slightest sympathy for these things."
The blows rained down on the poor boy who groaned in pain. He tried to protect himself with his arms but the jailer was so diligent in their task that it made no difference.
And this spectacle became more and more unbearable.
"S.... Stop..." she finally said, her voice trembling. But Raphael ignored her, visibly absorbed by the scene.
All this blood... She had never seen so much. And the seconds, which became minutes, seemed to last forever.
Luvia grabbed the devil's hand which was still holding her face with her two small hands. Was it to try to get rid of it ? To find comfort ? Both ? In any case her voice grew louder.
“I beg you, make it stop !” she cried desperately.
He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, then gave a brief nod towards the jailer who stopped. Their hands were bloody. Out of breath, they walked away from the boy who was lying on the ground still conscious, his face bloody and his nose broken. He looked at Luvia who was staring back at him, horrified.
“We’re done”, Raphael said. And with these words, he took the young girl in his arms to carry her, "Put him back to his cell", then they both left the prison.
Luvia didn't take her eyes off the boy until she lost sight of him. She no longer spoke, no longer reacted, she was feeling like numbed. She wasn't sure she understood what had just happened, but she was gripped by an inner conflict.
She felt terribly guilty. Her only "friend" had been molested because of her, but she had also disappointed her father. Her dear father...
She had interacted with this other child when he had forbidden her to do so, but she had not been able to handle his punishment either. While they were in the corridors of the House, she buried her head in his neck to hide her face there, ashamed.
“I’m sorry”, she whispered, her voice shaking again.
Raphael didn't answer her, he just placed his free hand behind her head and stroked her hair.
To be continued....
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xplrvibes · 3 months
waiting for your review
Ok, I'm finished!
Here's my review:
It sucked.
I'm kidding, don't throw tomatoes lol.
No, actually, I did not mind this video at all! I have a few critiques, but honestly, I feel like it was kind of a throwback to some of their 2022 content in a way, so it hit that nostalgic button in my brain just right.
Let me break down a little bit about each person that appeared in this video before I get into anything else:
1. Jake
Now, any of you who have been around me long enough know that I wasn't a huge fan of Jake in the 2019 haunted videos (and I loved Jake in his own videos at the time, I just felt like he derailed everything and could get downright disrespectful in the paranormal stuff). I haven't really been paying attention to him at all since his murderbilia days, so I really have very little frame of reference as to how much he's changed over the years.
And wow - he's changed a lot.
I have to give him props for being more open to doing this stuff than I feel he used to be, and I do think it was kind of endearing to watch him get all excited and over explain the Estes Method and everything he was hearing.
I am curious as to why his voice sounds so different, though. Why does he talk like a game show host now? 😭
2. Johnnie
I gotta give Johnnie props as well. He was clearly scared, but he went for it without any peer pressure almost every single time. Good for him.
I am curious about the "ring" like figure he saw towards the beginning of the video; was that him psyching himself up to the point of hallucination, or something real? Interesting either way, but I do wonder.
3. Adam
This dude...
Where do I begin? I know we've met Adam before, but I don't remember him being this animated and excited in the past? Bro was high on life (and other things) during this whole thing and, while that is a bit suspicious, it was also kind od endearing.
Dude loves his job. Can't hate him for that.
Anyway, when he started getting into his little theory (which I did not like cause I hate anything involving time travel cause it makes me brain HURT), I swear to God he sounded exactly like my friend from high school's boyfriend. This guy used to smoke a blunt, turn on the Doors, and start sentences with things like, "What if we're haunting the future already and the future's manipulating the past?"
So that was also nostalgic to me.
Do I buy his theory? No. Do I think it was interesting that they kept hearing things that people are now saying sounded like Sam and Colby talking to one another all night? Sure. That's fun. We like fun.
4. Sam
I didn't like the Kansas City barbecue thing at all - and not because it was offensive or whatever, cause it did not personally offend me (although if it did you, cool).
It felt scripted. I don't want scripted. Idk. Just come by being a weirdo naturally or don't do it at all.
Other than that, I have to give Sam props for climbing through that rusty ass old power station in those shoes and jeans without falling and breaking his back (again). That was daunting.
5. Colby
This motherfucker.
Why does Colby always wait until he's off by himself to start talking about his intuitive feelings?
Ok, with that out of the way, here's what I thought about the video itself.
"I don't feel welcome here" and "I feel like we're invading their privacy." Why does he only hit us with shit like this sporadically and off-hand? Goddannit, Colby! Give aussie anon and I what we want!
While I honestly don't think that much happened from a paranormal sense, I do think it was fun to watch snc take some time to do some old school abandoned type content. That was a great way to infuse the old style in with the new in a way that wouldn't cost them their careers 🤣.
Once again, I find it funny when other people do the Estes Method, cause it's interesting to see that it really isn't something that everyone can do without issues. Jake, of course, explained later that he was weeding out anything that he didn't hear crystal clear - which I actually kind of fucked with, cause there was a lot less filler in the answers he was providing - but it is interesting that Johnnie and Sam could hear words even through his headphones that Jake just wasn't saying out loud.
Also, I have to give Jake props for doing somethjng that I don't even know if snc themselves have ever done, and that's putting the emf detector up to his phone to see if that was making it spike. I appreciate that.
And this is a total aside, and nothing do with snc or Jake and Johnnie themselves, but is a personal tangent (can't say why, but just know that this bugs me on a fundamental level). Seeing the records and papers and patient data that was just casually left behind to rot and for anyone to pick through in these buildings - holy fucking lawsuit express, USA. Jesus. Wowza. The laws being broken there. I was getting anxious even seeing it all (and praying they never showed anything on camera, which thank GOD they didn't). It's amazing that companies used to get away with shit like that, like holy geez.
Anyway! You've all listened to my ramblings long enough, so let me just end this by saying that this was probably one of the better videos in terms of personalities involved in a long time (even if I don't think there was much paranormal to it, but I personally don't mind that) and I'm kind of glad now that they brought Jake and Johnnie.
I'll rate this one a solid 7.8/10!
Let me know your thoughts/ratings!
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kimnjss · 3 years
I just... Imagine how much Thotjoon gets curved just to see that as a challenge. YN could probably kick him in the balls and tell him to fuck off and he'd still pursue. Part of me is in awe of his persistence while I also want to slap him upside the head the first chance I get.
Speaking of YN, I have come to realize I wouldn't hate if she slept with him. He's a fucking sleeze, but like if she wants to then she wants and should. My issue would probably come if she did it at like this phase of things and somehow started to expect more from him. Then I'm gone have to call her out her name. But seeing as she's seemingly into something casual with San, if she wants more we don't know, I trust her to not catch feels immediately. Though I imagine he's going to be oddly nice during the studio session so.... 🙄
Anyway.... NOT JIN SNITCHING ON HIMSELF 🤣🤣. Like idk why they didn't put 2 and 2 together when clearly Joon doesn't commit and Yoon is showing interest in Jimin. Like yeah he coulr know someone on staff, but to get a job like that for YN it was unlikely yo be anyone else LOL
surprisingly yn is one of the few woman that actually has curved him - he's not used to trying for it though ., girls are usually throwing themselves at him so he's basically useless when it comes to spitting proper game . which is why he comes off as such an asshole bc he just assumes that everyone wants him nd goes with that .
joon hasn't done anything to get yn to think that he'd want more than what he's been saying so clearly - to sleep with her . so hopefully she has that worked out in her head before she's letting anything more happen between them . despite the fact that she finds joon attractive ., she still knows the type of guy that he is . nd everything that sleeping with him comes with - so we can trust that she'll act accordingly . buuut ! the man says that he has a plan ., nd depending on whatever that is - yn might be a little more willing to change her mind when it comes to him . honestly !! the studio session is gonna be a real game changer for them - especially since it's the first time they're hanging out alone !
LMAO !! he really didn't have to say a thing ., could've just let the messages go through his phone without a sound . buuut it was pretty obvious if they were trying to figure it out ., yn is not going to get a job working directly under one of the biggest rappers without a single interview??? think the only one that really wanted to know what jungkook - nd he pays attention to them like every other week .
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