#I do actually think Shamura is cool I promise ok
espighty · 7 months
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Imma be honest with you man. It's over for you dawg. We're putting you in the retirement home. Now, legally, I can't say what happens in the retirement home, uh, but I can say that we're putting you inside of it. And... it's- it's over man. It's done.
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mister13eyond · 2 years
I just want to say that I think your latest COTL fic might be one of the best fic i've read this year! the confession booth is such a good prompt that i haven't seen anyone wrote about (yet) and i'm glad that you're the first one who tried it!
i really loved the personality you gave to both narinder and lamb. your interpretation of them felt very accurate and fleshed out, including the bishops who weren't even present! the fact that narinder still have his pride despite losing his status and lamb genuinely enjoying getting to know people + managing community is such a good dynamic between them. i like how they're casual too, but with a hint of appreciation for each other. genuinely, your fan depiction of them might be my most favourite.
i hope you'll keep on writing cool things! i'd love to write more compliments but i don't want to spam you lol. i hope you'll have a nice day
WHOAH CAN I JUST SAY FIRST: THANK YOU SO MUCH these are such kind and insightful words... it makes me really happy to hear? I'm so so grateful it resonated with you and that it's a depiction that you love, ahhh!!! That's so wonderful??? And THANK YOU A TON... Honestly I love confessionals (well, and really, all kinds of sexy blasphemous religious iconography, hence why COTL landed so hard with me- hell YEAH i eat up the aesthetic) and I feel like there's something... I dunno, I love the dichotomy of intimacy & separation it gives. It's the perfect setting for where I set the Lamb and Narinder in their relationship at that time: a weird liminal space where they DO have a lot of fondness and closeness and building trust/understanding but ALSO there's still obstacles, hurdles and tender spots they haven't learned to tread into yet? That's something I really love about the two of them: they automatically have a connection to each other that's going to be DIFFERENT than how they're able to relate to anyone else; the Lamb has spent life being a mortal and a devotee, and Narinder has spent life being a patient god pulling the strings, but now- with the tables turned- they maybe understand each other's position more than anyone else COULD; no one else has really lived in BOTH of these worlds the same way?
I feel like the Lamb, depending how you play them, just feels perfectly like this well-intentioned meddler. Like they genuinely care for their followers! They enjoy having a flock of their own! They're also.... quite willing to be unethical about the MEANS they use to protect, charm, convince, gaslight gatekeep girlboss their flock, but you know... They do it out of love <3 And I think that gives a fun dynamic with Narinder, who sees through that pretty easily BECAUSE he was the god promising fortune and protection and whatever it took to convince the Lamb to do his work. So they get to be a LOT more honest now on this footing? OK LAST THING THEN I'LL STOP RAMBLING ABOUT MY THOUGHTS ABOUT THE FIC/THE CHARACTERS BUT ALSO the bishops are so good and fascinating and interesting to me, ESPECIALLY Shamura, because I really feel like there was a mutual respect between Shamura and Narinder and it feels like they didn't WANT to condemn him, they simply felt they had no other choice. It feels like they're the one he actually grieves, from his post-game mission dialogue, and also that they're the one he's the MOST angry with- because their betrayal would, of course, hurt the most. ANYHOW THAT'S ENOUGH RAMBLING.... thank you so so much for sharing your thoughts and giving me such kind words!!! I'm so so happy you enjoyed the fic!
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