#I don’t know what counts as self taught anymore since a lot of young artists have watered it down to tracing and whatnot
victorckk · 5 months
Art tips
that I posted to my discord server, but decided to share here for anybody who might want or need them.
I’ve been drawing since the middle/near end of 2014 and while most of it was ugly MLP stuff, I’ve definitely improved a lot since then.
I don’t have a lot of my old art anymore, but if I can find my sketchbook from my high school art class (around 2019-ish) then I’ll update this post with pictures of some of the doodles tomorrow.
I’ll probably add on to this list eventually but for now I am really tired so,, whoopsies
Anyway, on to the tips!
Even if you think it’s ugly, DRAW !! That’s the only way you’ll improve. Draw what you might think looks horrible, only to come back to it later and see what you want to change or what might need to be changed. This helps you understand what parts of your styles and/or techniques you might want to change/use/stylize/etc.
STEP OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!!!! This one is IMPORTANT. If you keep drawing the same things in the same ways over and over again, it’ll catch up to you and burn you out eventually. Those things you’ve always wanted to draw of a specific media/fandom/etc. but always forced yourself not to because of your followers being from one specific fandom or something? DRAW IT. It’ll feel refreshing, trust me.
Just go crazy. Slap colors on a random doodle. Eventually you’ll either come up with a new character or inspiration for one. Use flowers, gemstones, other parts of nature, etc. as reference. I actually fell victim to this and now quite a few of my OCs are flower themed 💀
Make use of your sketchbook. Find some snazzy ways to make it stand out. If you want to make a collage of nothing but magazine clippings or your favorite characters? Go ahead. Your sketchbook is supposed to be personalized to YOUR liking. It’s like a home you can always come back to
Doodle in pen when you want to step out of your comfort zone,, oh my goodness I can’t explain how good this feels. ESPECIALLY colored ink with highlighters. It also trains you to learn how to draw without erasing mistakes, teaching you to learn to accept those mistakes as you go on. Most of my sketchbook doodles throughout the years have always been in pen and it’s my favorite medium 100%
Who cares if your paper is ripping from highlighters or countless layers of markers? Find a way to make use of that ripping and warping of the paper. Cut out a shape in that area that shows part of a doodle on the next page, sort of like a little window. Have fun with it! Your work doesn’t need to be or look professional. It’s all about having fun as you go
If there’s art supplies you never use that collect dust then start using them. I guarantee they’ll come in handy eventually + when used right they can definitely make your sketches and doodles stand out. I am a victim of this as well.. we don’t talk about my um decade old stash of sharpies 😕
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1. What color are your socks?
All of my socks are either completely black or black and gray. Lol.
2. Have you ever lied about your age? Why?
Only once when I was like, 12 or 13 making a second Youtube account lol.
3. What is something you regret in the past month?
Becoming distant and isolating myself from most of my friends. Quarantine has not been good for my mental health tbh.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Honestly? Not sure. Part of me doesn’t, and part of me does. Can’t really get either part to agree one way or the other.
5. When was the last time you wrote someone a letter on paper? Definitely well over a decade ago. Honestly can’t remember.
6. How old were you when you first learned how to ride a bike? Who taught you?
I was 11 or 12, and it was my older brother Jack who taught me. He also taught me how to drive lol.
7. Do you get along with your parents? Why or why not?
We get along well enough. Now that they’re retired the house is a much calmer environment.
8. What’s your favorite season?
Spring. I love seeing everything in bloom—the colors are very pleasing to me. I love seeing lots of green, and lots of lush plantlife.
9. Do you currently like someone?
Hmm, not entirely sure about that one. I guess I don’t really have any strong feelings for anyone in particular. Maybe. 👀👀
10. Have you ever used an Ouija board?
Nope, and I don’t plan on it.
11. What’s the last song you sang?
It was a song for choir this past semester, though I don’t remember the title that well or the composer.
12. What’s your favorite scent?
Never really had a favorite scent, honestly. My sense of smell has been pretty dull/weak for as long as I can remember and I’ve never really given much thought to any favorite scent.
13. What’s your favorite urban legend?
The Roswell UFO incident of 1947. It sparked my interest in aliens and UFOs at a very young age, and is probably responsible for a good deal of my love for sci-fi.
14. What’s a bad habit that you have?
Poor self control when it comes to time management. I tend to let myself get absorbed in things.
15. What’s a strange habit that you have?
Hmm. Totally blanked and could only come up with “making noises and pretending to be a mech of some sort when moving around my house”. That’s all I got.
16. What’s the first instrument you learned to play?
Piano. I started learning at 8 years old.
17. How would you describe your ‘type’?
Y’know funny enough I’ve never really thought I had a type. However reaching my mid-twenties has made me realize that my ‘type’ is kind, compassionate, goofy, and nerdy/geeky.
18. Would you rather stay in or go out?
Depends on the company, I guess. Though, usually I prefer to stay in anyway.
19. What was the last thing you said to your mom?
“I’m taking Dax out.” When I went for a walk with my dog lol.
20. Do you want to get married someday?
Definitely didn’t used to. I’m at the point where I’d be down if my partner wanted to, though I’m not sure I’d wanna spend a shitload of money on a wedding. Guess it depends on financial status at the time and the preferences of my partner.
21. Have you ever snuck out?
Nah, though I never needed to. My parents typically let me leave house whenever I wanted to as long as I told them who I’m with and when-ish I’m going to be home.
22. Can you sing well?
I can match pitch pretty well, but I can’t produce pitch un-aided. Usually. So kinda. I’m ok at best, all things considered.
23. What’s an embarrassing thing that happened this week?
I went off on some of my friends over something kinda silly because my mental state as of late hasn’t been all that great.
24. When was the last time you went sledding?
Uhhh, definitely more than ten years ago.
25. Have you ever liked/do you like someone you know you can never be with?
You kidding me? That’s like, all of my crushes ever. Maybe that’s an exaggeration but honestly it’s certainly FELT that way each time.
26. Do people often mispronounce your name?
No, though I have known a few people throughout my life that said “Bin” rather than “Ben”. I eventually realised it was an accent thing and stopped giving a shit very early.
27. Would you like to live in another country?
Yes, actually. For no small number of reasons. I’ve always wanted to live in Italy ever since I visited when I was 15.
28. Do you like to watch ghost hunting shows?
I definitely used to. I don’t really watch tv much in general anymore, though.
29. Who was the last person you said “I love you” too?
My mom.
30. What’s something you’d like to be better at?
Social interaction. Speaking in general. I’m MUCH more articulate in writing/typing than I am speaking.
31. Have you ever stayed up with someone who was sad?
Yes, and I’m always willing to do so.
32. What was the last thing you cooked?
I helped my good friend prepare some bomb ass ramen a few months back. I guess that counts.
33. Do you think you’d make a good parent?
I’d like to think so, yeah. I would make sure my children know I’m always there for them and will support the hell out of them.
34. Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
I don’t, but my dipshit body does.
35. Where is your best friend right now?
All of them are either playing video games or asleep.
36. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Factoring in every aspect of the morning ritual, about 40 minutes. That’s if I’m going somewhere like work or school. If I’m staying home then there’s no getting ready for anything but sitting on my ass lol.
37. How late do you usually stay up at night?
Depends on the time of year/what I’m doing the next day. Right now during quarantine I average anywhere between 2am and 6am. I’m trying to fix that currently.
38. When was the last time you cried and why?
The last time I truly cried was sometime in 2015. I was listening to Breaking Benjamin’s latest album and feeling exceedingly lonely/depressed. It wasn’t a great day.
39. Have you ever won a contest?
None that I can remember, honestly.
40. Can you draw well?
Lol. No. I have very little visual artistic talent or skill.
41. Would you ever date someone you met on tumblr/the internet?
Definitely, though obviously I wouldn’t just jump right in. I’m down for long distance relationships, too. But obviously mutual trust and emotional connection would have to be established first.
42. What was the last thing you ate?
Some brownie fudge M&Ms lol.
43. Do you think you’re/you’d make a good boyfriend?
I don’t really know. Never been in a relationship so I don’t have anything go off of. On the one hand I’m super understanding, laid back, and accepting of boundaries. I just want to make sure people feel comfortable and safe around me. On the other hand I’m also forgetful and very selfish when it comes to my time. I also obviously have plenty of emotional trauma/baggage (who doesn’t?) that tends to impede how I interact with people, so. 🤷🏼‍♂️
44. Have you ever had a near death experience?
Not that I can remember, and I hope I never do. The closest I think I ever came was when I fell off a ropeless bridge into a dry riverbed at 4 years old. Got a concussion from that.
45. What do you think people think of you?
Well, my anxiety tells me I’m annoying and boring. The logical side of me tells me most people in my life enjoy my company, so I guess there’s that.
46. What is your middle name and do you like it?
Don’t feel like sharing my middle name here, but I will say I don’t dislike it. Kinda neutral.
47. Are you close with either of your parents?
Kinda. My parents were often emotionally distant/abusive to my brothers and me growing up, and it’s left me rather stunted emotionally, and generally unwilling to establish a deeper relationship with them. We’re a bit closer than we were when I was a teenager, but honestly not much.
48. Do you like yourself?
Generally speaking? No. There are parts of me I’m proud of, but honestly I often find myself wishing I was someone else. I’m far from the self-loathing I experienced when I was younger, though.
49. State five facts about your appearance—
1. I’m 6’1”-ish.
2. Definitely just a bit chubby.
3. Blue eyes.
4. Currently sporting longer hair because I haven’t had a haircut since about September.
5. I have a number of faded scars on my arms from various self inflicted/work related injuries. All of them were caused by extreme clumsiness/poor spacial awareness.
50. State five facts about your personality—
1. I’m super goofy—I make lots of weird noises and motions.
2. I tend to ramble about things I’m interested in, particularly hyper fixations.
3. I like to think I’m a pretty compassionate human being.
4. Extremely awkward, but strangely that doesn’t show because I’m apparently a social chameleon.
5. I’m an observer, but also an overthinker.
Whew, that was a lot! Thank you, friend!
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ANNA CALVI INTERVIEW: ‘Rock ‘n’ roll isn’t over – male rockers are’ - 12.08.2018
DAILY TELEGRAPH - Text By Neil McCormick - Photos by Rii Schroer
Five years after the 37-year-old British singer-songwriter’s second album of noirish art rock earned her a second successive Mercury Prize nomination, Anna Calvi is back with a third album.“I have long felt frustrated at the limitations of what a woman is allowed to be, on a very basic level,” says Calvi. 
“Perfect, smiling, accommodating. Why do I have to live up to these ideals because of my anatomy?” Fierce and sensual, timely in its grappling with gender stereotypes and female visibility, it is her most striking work to date. She called it Hunter, she tells me, because “I like the idea of a woman going into the world and just taking what she wants”.
The evening before we meet, Calvi is onstage in the West End nightclub Heaven, dressed in a black designer suit, wielding a red Stratocaster guitar, goading and provoking the audience.She sinks to her knees as she plays, then on to her back, abandoning herself to the strange sounds erupting from her instrument.Anna Calvi: ‘It just has to come out like this hurricane’
During a virtuoso rendition of gender-bending anthem Don’t Beat the Girl Out of My Boy, she releases an operatic wail that convulses her whole body. It is the mesmerising, powerful performance of a woman in her rock’n’roll element.
The next day, in the shabby south London offices of independent record company Domino, Calvi seems an entirely different creature: petite, demure and self-contained. Her speaking voice is high and soft. “I was very quiet as a child,” she says “and I really liked that the guitar could be my voice instead of me.” 
When I ask if her raucous performance style has helped banish her essential shyness, she laughs. “I’ve been waiting for years for that to happen,” she says. “But maybe that’s a good thing. Being introverted means that you have all this energy that’s building and building, like it’s a ball of fire and you don’t know how to release it. Then it just has to come out like this hurricane. For me, that is what being creative is.”
Calvi was obsessed with music from a very young age, yet struggled to identify any female role models. “If you are a woman wanting to find yourself in music, you have to project yourself on to the male story,” she says. “It’s the same for films, books, art, the same for any kind of culture. Women have been made invisible.” 
While writing her latest set of songs, Calvi imagined that her listener was her younger self, being confronted “with a more realistic depiction of the multifaceted woman, the animalistic, primal woman, the messy woman, the queer woman, the woman seeking pleasure without any shame.”
Calvi talks quietly but passionately, in long, carefully articulated sentences. She says that the period since her last album – One Breath, in 2013 – involved a lengthy process of self-examination. “So much of our gender is performed, I feel, it’s very limiting for both sexes,” she says. “As a woman, you’re made to feel your appearance is what you are. It’s what you look like [that counts] and not what you do.
 “And for men, to always be strong, to not be vulnerable or show emotions or talk about how you feel, is such an unrealistic expectation of a human being. It’s literally the opposite of what being human is.”
Calvi’s self-titled 2011 debut contained a track titled I’ll Be Your Man. Her new album opens with As a Man, in which she sings “If I was a man in all but my body/ Oh would I now understand you completely?/ If I was walking and talking as a man.”
“I never felt completely comfortable with being a girl,” she admits. “I found puberty really hard, having a woman’s body suddenly impose itself. As I grew up I came to accept it – I don’t feel trans – but at different times I feel more masculine or more feminine. My sense of identity is quite fluid. Maybe the answer is just not to have labels.”
Calvi was born in Twickenham, to an English mother and Italian father, both of whom are therapists. Her first instrument was violin, and she graduated in 2003 from the University of Southampton with a degree in music. Her inner rocker, though, had been unleashed years earlier when, at the age of eight, she saw footage of Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock, giving a performance that just “looked and sounded like freedom”. She also cites the Belgian-born jazz composer Django Reinhardt – “who taught me about arpeggios” – and West African music, “which taught me about sweet picking”. 
Anna Calvi: 'Maybe the answer is just not to have labels.’
Until recently, there have been few prominent female guitarists in popular music, something Calvi blames on cultural stereotypes. “I don’t think the guitar is a gendered instrument,” she says. “It’s like cooking – it’s about taste. It’s not like you need giant muscles to whip an egg.” Indeed, she goes so far as to propose that the future of rock will be female. “There is all this talk about the death of rock and the end of the guitar. What I think is dead is this kind of very one-toned thing of straight white men in bands singing about f—ing girls. “A lot of the guitarists making waves now are female and that may be partly because there isn’t a history of the female guitar hero, so there is something fresh that twists and subverts the story. I like to see women playing guitar. Courtney Barnett and St Vincent are doing really interesting things.”
 The real watershed moment will only come, she says, “when we don’t use the term ‘female artist’ anymore. Because women are a gender, they’re not a genre.”
In pop terms, Calvi was a late developer – she didn’t release a solo record until her 30s. She had “a phobia” about her voice and didn’t sing at all until her 20s when a fascination with Maria Callas helped her to develop a powerful, almost operatic, range. “Now, my guitar and my voice both speak for me, and on Hunter they are trying to express a sense of freedom and wildness and something visceral, this idea of breaking through any kind of restraint.”
At school, she wondered whether she was gay, but thought perhaps her feelings related to “having no boys around”. Then, at university in Southampton she had “a few boyfriends” followed by her “first experience with a woman”. It was a confusing time. “We were literally the only queer people that I had ever seen, just me and my partner in the whole college, that was it. I wish I could have experienced those feelings without questioning what it means. And worrying that it [was] wrong, and feeling shame, and dealing with all these external forces that aren’t actually to do with the relationship.” 
She has never hidden her sexuality but admits to “feeling nervous” before her first album came out. “I felt it was incredibly queer and I just didn’t want to be defined in that way. But to my surprise, no one seemed to pick up that all my songs were about women.” 
One Breath was written just as an eight-year relationship was coming to an end. “I was hiding behind the lyrics a little, I didn’t want to talk about our break-up, which isn’t really the best thing when you are trying to write songs. But this time I was like: have it all!”
 While working on Hunter, Calvi began a new relationship with a French woman, living in Paris and Strasbourg. (They are now in Clapham, south London.) “It was a new beginning, in all kinds of ways. After a really long relationship, you have to kind of rebuild yourself. The music came through that.”
The album is peppered with images of Eden and Paradise. “I was trying to find a way of being happy after a trauma,” says Calvi. “Eden represents the idea of utopian love.” She laughs, as if she finds this thought inherently ridiculous. “In a way, belief in love is belief in God. It’s very optimistic to imagine that somebody can save you from yourself, but we all believe it and I find that tragically beautiful, because I believe it too. When I see my girlfriend, just seeing her makes me feel more hopeful about things, but the truth is, everything gets worse and we die.”
Calvi’s best songs strike an unusual balance between opposing qualities, plucking something life-affirming out of cynicism, nihilism and fatalism. Those opposites are also evident in Calvi herself; so quiet and intense offstage, so wild and free onstage. 
“Maybe this is a bit fatalistic but I always think ‘if this is the last thing I ever do, the last record I ever make, the last performance I ever play, how do I want to go out? How do I want to leave it?’” she says. “There is a bit in Don’t Beat the Girl Out of My Boy that I have to sing very high and very loud and I can’t do that without completely surrendering myself, where there is absolutely no space left to think or be anything other than that note.
 “And that is what I want music to be. It is really liberating and exhausting. And a bit worrying. After I sang it the first time, I thought, ‘S—, now I have to do that every night. What will be left of my body and mind by the end of this?’”
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moralityblurred · 6 years
from dusk til dawn s1 starters
send a number 1-120 or ‘🐍’ for a random starter, or send a sentence below the cut
“Sometimes you just get up, and you just know it’s gonna be one of them days. Open your eyes and you look and nothing but bad road.”
“Seeing how I’m stuck between no place and nowhere, the only folks come in here are the a strange ones.“
“You add it up, you see how you’re spending your life from sunup to sundown, and you make the most of that time. ‘Cause it fleets.”
“You think that I can’t get us out of this situation, like I’m some kind of amateur. I brought you into the profession.“
“It’s just you and me now. We are it, all right? And, hey, brother that is a beautiful thing.”
“You shouldn’t call people stuff! You know?! It’s rude!”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Are you looking to redecorate this place - in shades of red?”
“Let me ask you a question, huh? You got a wife and kids, people that love you that are gonna hate seeing you all stitched together like a sock puppet in the local morgue? Then why don’t you put that weapon down and come on out from behind there, hero? 'Cause us, we ain’t got nothing to lose.”
“I don’t care if he’s banging the first lady, okay? Get him on the line!”
“She’s not a secretary, and she hates to be called that.”
“Trust him because he sees things you don’t.”
“Now, you’re not gonna make me count to 3, are ya? 'Cause I can’t count that high.”
“I didn’t get shot so these sons of bitches could ride off into the sunset.”
“The only mistake that I’ve made is stopping my train of thought to listen to this bullshit.”
“I’ll see you on the other side, cabrón.”
“Even if you have to follow them to the gates of hell, you kill them for me.”
“You had five years to improve yourself, and you played dominos. Is that why I risked my ass to bust you out of that prison transfer?”
“If it had been you in there, you would have got shivved on your first day on account of your piss-poor people skills.”
“I don’t need people skills. I’m a prodigy.“
“Do not dismiss the importance of becoming self-sufficient. Look at the world around you, brother. It’s coming apart.”
“And the man who cannot build his own shelter or gut his own food is just courting disaster.”
“Well, I’m about to apply my fist to your goddamn face, okay?“
“Just because I live in the woods doesn’t mean that I can’t plan a job anymore.”
“Here’s to getting rich and fat. And dying in the arms of a beautiful woman.”
“You’re like a classic Freudian test case, you know that?“
“The border’s still an hour and a half away. By the time we get there, it’ll be swarming with badges.”
“You know, whenever I heard stories in the clink about you losing your edge, living out in the woods like grizzly Adams, I never really believed them.“
“Something’s coming. Something bad, and you and the rest are just a bunch of sheep sleepwalking to the slaughter.”
“Look, I know you like to grieve like you’re alone on an island sometimes, but you’re not.”
“Something happened in that bank, something that got you killing, and you haven’t stopped since.“
“Souls are like… popsicles. Some are sweet, some are bitter, some are strong, and some are weak. There’s a whole rainbow of kinds. Might as well come in a variety pack.”
“We’ll stop. All right? We’ll stop, we’ll, uh, we’ll ditch the car, we’ll get rid of the teller. And whatever’s going on with you… We’ll fix it. Okay?“
“You touch her, I will personally make sure you spend so much time in the hole, your own brother won’t recognize you when you get out.”
“The world never gave you anything. All the world ever did was take.“
“But right now, I need you to trust in the pagan power of technology and please look up that border crossing.”
“This is an ancient weapon used in ritual sacrifice. It’s been written about. Never seen. This should not exist.“
“Well, the eye-in-hand motif appears in codices going back 3,000 years. Represents the two most important gifts a God can bequeath on a man… The ability to see and the ability to take action.”
“You know, I’m not just some dipshit triggerman who screams at bank tellers to open their drawers. I am a scientist, a master tactician. I am a lock artist.“
“Did you forget that I cased that bank for three weeks? That I knew every teller’s schedule upside down, inside out? That I knew that they would be stocking that ATM when you pushed your way in?”
“You’re playing some kind of game with me. You’re trying to play a trick on me. You think that I can’t hear your voice inside me head?!”
“Yeah, I’d say this, uh, little adventure you’re on might be cut a whole hell of a lot shorter than you think.“
“She was consumed and transformed and became a mistress of the night, a harbinger of the next realm.”
“I hear things inside my head, and sometimes she talks to me!“
“This is not who we are. This is not who you are.”
“ This is all gonna be a memory when we get to El Rey. It’s gonna be blue agave… Sunshine, and beaches. Just you and me, buddy. It’s you and me.“
“For so many of us, the journey is one of solitude. We tell ourselves we must walk this arduous road alone. Face whatever comes, no matter how terrible.”
“You see, our eyes are the source of our energy. You can always feel somebody’s eyes on you, but what you’re actually feeling is their energy directed right at you. Now, what happens if you close your eyes? You cut off your energy. If you can just shut down, not only will people not see you, but they’ll see through you.“
“My daddy says a lot of things.”
“It was like you were bleeding, like you were hurting inside.”
“ Everyone should have their hero switch in the ‘off’ position. I make the plan. Everybody executes it, or I execute you. Simple as ‘Sesame Street.’"
“I’ve tuned in to something. And it is showing me the way.“
“You’re part of the last line of defense between chaos and order.”
“We’re gonna survive this 'cause we’re a family.“
“You got nothing to say, huh? That’s funny. I could have sworn you gave me an "f. u.” look.“
“My mistake. Maybe it wasn’t an "f. u.” look. Maybe it was an “I’m gonna make a move” look.“
“You see, you point at what you want to die. You pull the little trigger. Little bullet comes out here. Little bullet hits you right there. Then you don’t look like Bruce Lee anymore.”
“I didn’t know you were capable of not talking.“
“I’m a professional thief, not a killer.”
“That is the third time you’ve disobeyed my direct orders, and nearly got two more men killed for it.“
“Maybe… I’m hoping we hit 17 potholes. So I can empty this entire mag in that smartass mug of yours.”
“Look, I don’t want to have to do this, but I’m gonna have to kill 'em, okay? It’s the only way.“
“Okay, for a while now, I’ve been getting these… signals, I guess you could call them.”
“Guys like that, need to be reminded that power shifts. And as soon as I get the chance, I’m gonna shift it right up that whack job’s ass.“
“You know, a life of looking over his shoulder – isn’t gonna bring him any peace.”
“You take that gun off my brother before the ounce of forgiveness that I have on reserve goes away…“
“Now, I know that you thought you could. I do. But that was before you had your finger on the trigger, wasn’t it? You see, now that you do, you’re worried about the consequences, whereas I am not. That’s why your hand’s shaking and mine’s steady as a rock.”
“Look, if I don’t kill everybody in here, we are never gonna make it.“
“Well, maybe that’s what the voices are telling you, but they’re not calling the shots right now, okay?”
“You three stay out here with the devil’s rejects, have your own little altamont.”
“You do not close a deal behind enemy lines, [name]. You do it on neutral ground.“
“And you think you’re better than me? You too good to have a drink with a common thief?”
“Now, like it or not, we are a family… A broken, messed up, sad excuse for a family.“
“We ain’t got to shoot anybody in the back to make a statement.”
“You just sat down to the table. It’s a little early to fold your hand.“
“You kept saying somebody was calling you here, right? What did you mean by that?”
“Rinche, you’re early to the party, and I don’t remember seeing your name on the list.“
“Obsidian. So much more than steel. It’s a dark mirror. It showed you things, didn’t it?”
“I want you to see this place for what it really is. I want you to feel what I’m feeling.“
“I’m your goddamn brother, and you treat me like I’m the ugly stepkid in the attic.”
“Let me ask you this. Is this really where we belong?“
“No. I’ve seen them in a vision, but I have no clue what these things are.”
“Turns out, you’ve been a part of this club before I even knew it existed.“
“We’re standing on sacred ground.”
“I could feel her inside my head, and she was pulling me close. And, yeah, I think it was to this place.“
“You need a PhD to figure that out?”
“You’re one rude little bastard.”
“35. You did the last one without me, big papa, and it got you tossed in the can.“
“You’re so up your own ass right now.”
“Trick is to find the light again, share it with those you love before it’s too late for all of us.“
“Do you honestly think that I would be here if I was gonna bail on you?”
“So that’s what she taught you to do with your little knife. Back-stab.”
“I’m getting real sick of you calling me a traitor.”
“I wanted to show you who I was on my own terms.“
“You’re stronger now. I’ve drawn that out of you… steel sharpening steel.”
“That was a cruel and ugly thing to do to an innocent girl.“
“These stories are just ancient history to most people. But I always believed the power they spoke of was true.”
“Now, I can do ‘Temple of Doom’, man, but ‘Crystal Skull’, I’m out.“
“There’s nothing but death and misery that way.”
“Time’s like a ribbon… Finds a way of knotting itself into a bow.“
“You’ll be an immortal among mortals, a king among men. You’ll have everything you’ve ever wanted. All you have to do is ask.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard this story before… young girl plays lost and afraid, hooks a guy, and he falls in love with her. He’ll do anything to protect her. Next thing he knows, he’s lying face down in a swimming pool, reading his own narration.“
“You’ll become more than you ever were… Beyond fire and water… Beyond light and dark… Beyond dusk and dawn.”
“Sorry, brother. Things are about to get a little weird.“
“Whoever has the purity of mind to withstand the trials will be deemed worthy.”
“You made it personal, and that’s why you blew it.“
“You don’t believe he can be saved, do you?”
“We were gonna keep you around for inside information, but there’s been a change in plans. You’re going to serve a higher purpose.“
“You have no idea what I live with day in, day out.”
“Sooner or later, we all dance with the reaper.“
“I think our trickster brothers are trying to pull a fast one.”
“The serpent is filled with her blood. She’s inside me now, [name].”
“I don’t know who you are anymore. I don’t know what you are.“
“[name], something evil and vicious has taken hold of you.”
“When you bite someone, it’s like… it’s like you can feel their life run right through you.“
“I could never hate you as much as you hate yourself.”
“How can I imprison someone when I’ve been in chains my whole life?“
“Do you think it’s possible for someone to change their fate?”
“You know, it’s funny this whole thing kind of reminds me of this job that we pulled about seven years ago in Cheyenne. Yeah, it didn’t just go sideways. It went three ways. We pulled it off, though, didn’t we, brother? You remember Cheyenne, don’t you?“
“You taste like sh1t, by the way.”
“You ever find that beach and blue agave, you let me know. Maybe I’ll come join you.“
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