victorckk · 3 days
Because you all seem to really love my UTM No Heart design (which is still blowing up) I decided to make an info post for him !!
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He’s still in development, since.. you know, UTM has less darker themes than the Nelvana series did. So it is a bit difficult to kinda keep that threatening aspect of his.
Hmm.. I also don’t remember a lot of UTM lore (my memory is bad) so if I’m forgetting anything, feel free to remind me!!
I also want to flesh him out more, since the shows didn’t really do a good job other than having him be “big scary bad guy ooOoOoOoOo” and I’m not really a huge fan of blank slate villains.
I love them developed 😈
So I’m willing to accept some headcanons and ideas for him!
Keeping the concept of him being the ruler of the Silver Lining.
He used to be widely respected and loved, but grew colder and more aggressive after various incidents.
No Heart’s goal is to rid the entire Silver Lining of Caring and Love. Others fear him, so nobody is willing to stand up to him. Those who have in the past were turned into different creatures that worked under his rule.
I can’t draw him because my art skills won’t allow me to, but Beastly was probably one of them.
I also want to give No Heart a reasoning for his motives. It could range from anything to heartbreak (being betrayed by those he cared about and grew bitter) being taken advantage of as a ruler, or anything else that could have resulted in him taking on his alias as No Heart.
He pretends to be cold, callous, merciless, and whatever else one could describe him as, to hide the pain and suffering in the heart that he claims not to have.
Also straying from the “turned into a bunny” thing, because what the heck was that??? He’s not stupid and wouldn’t fall for that at all.
Instead of vanishing by falling for some useless trick, No Heart started to spread hatred and other negative emotions from the shadows. He used this technique so nobody would ever find him as the culprit; it kept his identity hidden.
Trivia / Headcanons :
His favorite color is hot pink.
He is asexual biromantic, perhaps..?
He would definitely have a badass villain song. 100%
To be added..
Voice Claim :
Because I do NOT like his voice in UTM (and I’m sure everyone can agree) I’m giving him a voice claim.
All I could think of so far are :
Keith Silverstein - (Gabriel Agreste / Hawkmoth, Zhongli, etc.) - The reason for this choice is the fact that Keith can sound aggressive, terrifying, and authoritative when needed for certain character types. Fit for the ruler of an entire realm.
Ben Diskin - (Keldor/Skeletor, Shirou Ogami, etc) - The reason for this one is because of Ben’s deep voice as Keldor and Shirou, and sounding downright terrifying as Skeletor. His voice can range from authoritative and deep, to high pitched and manic. Fit for villains.
I’m definitely leaning more towards Keith, though.
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victorckk · 7 days
Just got BOMBARDED by a whole bunch of handsome Belos art after not opening Tumblr for a few days!! You’re all killing me with the good shit!!
I’m sjust staring at my feed like :
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I see this as an absolute WIN you all get crowns 👑👑👑👑
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victorckk · 13 days
Got addicted to the Black Cauldron after watching it for a second time. The first time I watched it, I made the mistake of watching it at 1-3 AM in a dark ass room and it nearly blinded the heck out of me.
So I’m not doing that ever again
Also I don’t know shiz about the Chronicles of Prydain books. So it’s Black Cauldron AU time. Might read the books someday in the future whenever I get the chance
This was.. inevitable. While the Horned King is great (and I love him no matter what) I really like this concept design specifically of Arawn a lot
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I am a huge sucker for robed non-human villains,, have I made it obvious yet 😭
Also some OC info??
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His backstory isn’t entirely figured out yet, but the taller fellow’s name is Zsigmond.
Some OC / AU ideas I have :
Sun x Moon dynamic. Perhaps. Maybe
Zsigmond is either the creator of the Cauldron, or was the guardian of it at one point. He is very familiar with the Cauldron’s power and has tried to keep it away from humanity (despite Arawn getting his hands on it eventually)
Arawn is the master of dad jokes. Just casually saying goofy dad things while monologuing to the protagonists, or to Zsigmond even
Zsigmond is a deity that Arawn made a deal with for power and (unfortunately for him) ended up being stuck with for pretty much the rest of his life. He says he hates it, but it’s obvious that Zsigmond’s presence relaxes him
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victorckk · 14 days
Some Blytebane info because I’m like,, trying to redevelop their dynamic a little??
Also these doodles ft. my inconsistent art style
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Blythe and Belos becoming a merciless, horrible couple was actually foreseen by the oracles in Blythe’s family. Blythe didn’t believe that it was true, understandably.. since his father’s family was known for their manipulation.
They tried to sacrifice Blythe to save the future of the Boiling Isles, only for Blythe’s aunt to step in and get him out of that situation.
His father’s family are two faced, worshipping the Emperor but also going behind his back and spreading treasonous propaganda.
Anyway, they originally married each other for political purposes. With Belos being the Emperor, and Blythe being a descendant of an Archivist, it was bound to draw attention and (much more) respect to the Emperor’s Coven.
Only for them to realize that they’re both gay as hell and actually really do have feelings for each other, but majority of the time they deny it because that shit is so embarrassing to them.
They are so secretly devoted to each other that it’s ridiculous. Just kiss already, damn.
They have a son who’s owned by a friend on Discord but idk if they have a Tumblr or not oopsies. It’s so funny to me though because like.. even before the pilots were leaked???
Their son’s name is OBRON of all things. It makes me giggle
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victorckk · 14 days
Watch me lose energy and get exhausted later but
WHOOO expect some Blytebane the next few days because hell yeah
I have a few doodle ideas in mind + Belos keeps on dragging me back to the abyss no matter how much I think I’ve escaped his gay ass grasp
For now you all just get this old Roblox screenshot
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victorckk · 15 days
Advice for my fellow folks that are considering getting an autism/ADHD diagnosis whenever possible / self diagnosers who want to track their potential symptoms for whenever needed :
Put down any and all symptoms that you’ve noticed, that other people have noticed, etc.
Put down any childhood memories that could potentially have been symptoms, but were overlooked for whatever reason.
Color code that shit in any way you want. I personally color code by How Bad Said Thing Fucked Me Up -> How Bad Said Thing Caused Me To Mask Even More and so on.
Also add notes to different categories that you think might need some explaining (this could just be me overthinking things 9999 times worse than what I already do but it’s worth a shot). Highlight those things so they stand out from the questions.
Copy and paste Autism / ADHD assessment questions with the checkbox format and check off each one that fits you.
Put down how many you got out of total for each category.
Separate the pasted questions by Autism, ADHD, etc.
This way, you have proof that you can show your doctor, therapist, etc.
It also helps you understand yourself better along the way, and can also help you realize that a lot of things that you thought were normal kid things actually weren’t.
A few examples from my own Google Doc below (that took HOURS to make look less atrocious and clunky)
Feel free to make yours however you want, though!!! It’s entirely up to you as it’s YOUR Google Doc which also counts as a space just for you.
I just have a tendency to organize things in a way that aren’t messy or over decorated because it’s too much on my brain and eyes
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Created this post to distract myself from a massive migraine that’s been torturing me for the past few days,, ghggghdbfbfbsgdvfbfbfb
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victorckk · 19 days
I KNOW ALL MY POSTS KEEP SWITCHING BETWEEN FANDOMS BUT I AM VERY INDECISIVE and my brain has a million tabs open and it’s like multiple different Amtrak trains crashing into each other because there’s only one track
I have a He-Man/She-Ra OC that I’ve been wanting to post here for a while now but never got around to doing it,, but I am now ehe
Making a tag for her to keep track of all of her stuff because my memory be so bad 😔
The first variation of her that I’m going to post is her SPOP design. Even though she needs a redesign, I’m keeping this one for now
I’ll post her information for MOTU later once I get all of that information sorted out and everything
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Basically… her backstory changes for each franchise, but majority of the details stay the same.
Her SPOP backstory is obviously different, considering that the Netflix reboot is in no way associated with MOTU, which is what she was originally created for. So her backstory for SPOP is still a huge work in progress.
In the (Netflix)SPOP universe, her name is Zenith.
She was was created by Horde Prime to help him in his quest to rule various planets, galaxies, and universes. She was given her own name by the galactic dictator, and allowed freedom that no other clone has ever been given.
Primarily due to the fact that Zenith was meant to be the next vessel for Horde Prime, and because she was a successful prototype of a hybrid clone that he practically created for fun.
While Zenith refers to him as Father, Horde Prime refers to her as daughter. Even though they act more like salty siblings than anything.
With the combination of technology and magic, she is able to change forms at will. Zenith is able to disguise herself to gain the trust of the inhabitants of different planets, before allowing Horde Prime to finish them off.
When her ascension to being Prime’s next vessel was supposed to occur, nobody from Prime’s fleet actually knows. Not even Zenith herself. Horde Prime kept all information regarding the events to himself, and away from the Hivemind.
She ended up staying on Etheria to learn more about its history, culture, and to try to unlearn a lot of the things that she was subjected to under Horde Prime’s teachings.
A lot of this information is subjected to change since her MOTU counterpart is more developed than anything.. but yeah.
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victorckk · 20 days
Making an info post because I know that I should probably have one of these in the self ship/ficto community. Just in case. Also because,, so people can get to know me a bit? Something like that?
Tried to format it the best I could
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。・゚゚・ ABOUT ・゚゚・。
Victor | He/Him | 21 | OC/selfship blog..
I don’t mind Vic being used as a nickname !!
Honestly? I don’t really have a lot of hobbies.. aside from playing some video games, drawing, and sleeping if that counts. Also, sometimes researching various historical things at random hours of the night that I forget the next day.
I am a very stubborn and (according to some people) intimidating person. But I am trying my best to not be so stubborn and scary. Don’t be afraid to interact with me or anything. As long as you’re not on my DNI and I’m not on yours, I don’t mind at all.
I should mention though that I get distracted and exhausted a lot, so I might not respond to everything right away.
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。・゚゚・ F/O(s) ・゚゚・。
I am not comfortable with sharing any romantic f/os. This goes for X Canon ships as well.
Familial f/os I’m comfortable with sharing, though!!
Romantic :
Emperor Belos / Argenti / No Heart / Enjou / to be added because I forgot… 💀
Familial :
Skeletor (this makes me giggle)
。・゚゚・ BYF / DNI ・゚゚・。
If you are a proshipper / comshipper / neutral / etc.
If you’re anti-selfship or fictophobic. Seriously, what are you doing in the self ship / ficto tags, buddy?
If you have the same romantic f/os. If you’re okay with sharing, that’s wonderful !! But unfortunately I am a very jealous person and don’t want that to ruin anything.
I do not want to see anyone using any sort of slurs on my profile or on any reposts of my content. This especially goes for q—r. Not everyone is comfortable reclaiming slurs, especially if they have trauma / negative experiences tied to them! Reposts with slurs will be deleted and the reposter will be blocked.
I also don’t want to see anyone using transphobic terms such as h*rm, f*mboy, tr*p, etc. anywhere, either.
Most of my OCs are LGBT and characters of color. It should not make you upset at all because our world is a very diverse place. But if it does make you upset for whatever reason, then this is not the profile for you.
。・゚゚・ Ship Tags ・゚゚・。
#Blytebane (Blythe x Emperor Belos / Philip Wittebane)
#🌹 SweetHeart 🔮 (Sweetbrier/Aiglantin x No Heart)
#❄EquesShipping🌹 (Faris x Argenti) {wont let me link to it,, rip}
#Zsarawn (Zsigmond x Arawn)
To be added..
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victorckk · 21 days
Sweetbrier and his clumsy bi ass vampire boyfriend
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I promise I’ll make a ref sheet of Valentino’s UTM design eventually,, I’ve just been so low on energy
The idea for UTM Valentino (gonna just call him Val) is that he was part of the Bad Crowd. He says he hates the Care Bears but he is a LIAR !! and secretly loves fuzzy adorable creatures. He ended up getting kicked out of the Bad Crowd after sneaking out to go hang out with Sweetbrier and the Care Bears
Also considering making a polycule of these dumb 3 idiots because I think it would be so funny
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victorckk · 21 days
The worst part about being ficto AND a self shipper is having to block/filter countless ship tags that include your f/o(s) x any canon characters
Like.. as much as I would love to not get jealous, I am a very jealous person due to certain negative childhood experiences and it fucks with my thoughts terribly
And seeing hate towards a f/o is the other half of the worst part
I mean, yeah.. villain f/os are sort of understandable, as much as I despise seeing any sort of hate for my villain f/os anyway
But the amount of people I’ve had to block for the sake of my own comfort and peace for this reason is just,, exhausting and it makes me really question my self worth
This is just a little ramble because I need to distract myself from a headache,, uhhhhhgggfffffffggggggvb
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victorckk · 22 days
Going to ramble a bit here because this is something that a lot of people don’t understand if they don’t have to experience any of it.
Unfortunately, a lot of people for whatever reason (majority of them are family members most of the time, I’m not going to sugarcoat it) are trapped in the mindset that you’re “too young” to know if you’re not 40+ years old, or that if your pain is invisible and on the inside then you surely “can’t” have anything wrong with you because they “would have noticed” which is utter bullshit because half of the time, a lot of things are only noticeable to those who feel it. It’s not always physically on the outside.
That’s why a lot of people end up with trauma in every which way. Because the people who they were taught to trust end up neglecting them and ignoring their pain just because they don’t think it’s actually there, or because it might be something else.
For nearly 22 years now I’ve lived with a curved spine, tilted hips, and a leg that healed wrong after it was pulled out of my hip socket during birth, all because of a doctor’s mistake that his colleagues that tried to pass off as something else to cover it up so he wouldn’t get in trouble for it. A chiropractor diagnosed me with leg length discrepancy because my right leg is longer than my left and spine looked so fucked up from it during x-rays.
A chiropractor diagnosed me. Not a professional doctor. But a chiropractor who didn’t have to do x-rays, but did so regardless.
I’m thankful he did, otherwise I would’ve just kept believing the pain was normal and just something that was a “quirk” of mine.
As for undiagnosed ADHD/undiagnosed autism, a lot of my diagnosed friends think I have both. A family friend believes I have both, and I trust her (and my own friends) more than anyone because she took classes for it for her own child. Yet again, my family refused to get me tested for any of it because of heavy masking, or being passed off as the violent anger issue problem child instead of my family maybe wondering if the outbursts were meltdowns, or maybe wondering if my “problems” were the result of not understanding why I was being bullied or why the world worked differently than how I perceived it to work.
Even though my leg length discrepancy has been diagnosed, I still try to pass it off as growth spurts since I was led to believe that’s what they were.
Even though I fit most of the ADHD/autism symptoms, I still tell myself that while I may be broken it’s not because I’m possibly neurodivergent. I still convince myself that I’m just not meant to exist in the world as it is, because I’m too weird and unnatural for it and everyone else in it.
Because that’s what I was led to believe through years of bullying, reprimanding, verbal abuse, and so on from teachers, adults, and my peers.
And it hits even worse when you finally meet other people like you. People who have had similar experiences to you and that you can relate to. You finally start to feel accepted and welcomed, because you don’t fit in anywhere else, but you finally fit in with them.
Only for them to tell you that you can’t be like them and that you’re not allowed to feel the pain from years of suffering and bullying, all because you don’t have a piece of paper that tells you that you have what they have.
That’s when you really start to question if your entire life, all of your experiences, and all the suffering was fake. And that’s when you also start to question what the hell is actually wrong with you, only for you to start masking everything again and putting on a false persona to appear as normal as you could possibly imagine.
It fucks you up so bad to the point that you don’t know what’s real and what isn’t about yourself. You feel like a shell of something or someone, but you aren’t sure what or who. You ignore everything and as a result, it makes things even worse.
Wasn’t sure how to end this but,, just know that none of y’all are alone in this. If you have to start being a bitch just for people to listen to you, then that’s just what it’s going to have to take.
I’ll admit, I used to be the sweetest kid growing up. But I had to become a blunt and aggressively intimidating bitch just for people to start listening to me. That’s just how you have to be in this world, unfortunately.
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victorckk · 23 days
I planned on making a HSR OC when I was in the beta testing before the game’s release, but I didn’t have an idea at the time (nor did I want to spoil the game for anyone else obviously)
He’s been a WIP for a while now, but I’ve finally come up with a design and backstory for him.
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His name is Faris.
His path is Nihility and his element is Ice.
Also yes, that is a cat pin/button on his coat. He may be an adult but he’s still a child at heart.
This is just me rambling out any ideas I have.. but it’s also the general idea for his backstory.
He’s a former Knight of Beauty who was taken in by a small group of Knights when he was still a child. They raised him and eventually trained him in their ways of Beauty.
Unfortunately though, once he reached his teen years they began to test on him. The small group that he considered his family planned on using him to “resurrect” Idrila and turn him into their reincarnation. It was referred to as the Idrila Restoration Project.
The group worked with a few employees from the IPC who planned to create a superhuman, with the few employees using the resurrection concept as a disguise for their true intentions.
Faris was injected with the substances from Antimatter Legion monsters as the employees had planned to see if a human were able to exhibit the same powers to use as a weapon.
At some point while being tested on by them, he fell into a coma for awhile. He describes it feeling as if his body was plunged into an endless pit, and he did have thoughts about
He told the group to get some potential answers, but it only made them even more cautious and secret about what they were doing.
They still tried to brainwash him into thinking it was Idrila, but any non-Knights and his newfound colleagues believe that he may have possibly encountered the Aeon of Nihility.
The project was eventually leaked and reported by an undercover employee, and the IPC’s higher ups took action. The corporation took Faris in to mainly keep an eye on his symptoms, but to also use his newfound Antimatter abilities to their advantage.
He can communicate with Antimatter Legion monsters and shares some of their abilities, but the substance is slowly killing him.
Faris travels on the path of Nihility to meet IX again so he can get some answers, and all while planning to live out the rest of the days he has left in any way he possibly can.
And because I’m OC x Canon cringe? Hell yeah
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Also made a one of those banner things because for some reason there’s a lot of hostility in the Argenti tags towards any content that isn’t Argenti x Canon/Argenti x a woman?
Just quit your yapping Argenti has two hands and he superglued me to one of them you can have his other hand
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victorckk · 24 days
Based on a comment under someone else’s post that I can’t find anymore (I am deranged about it)
Anyway,, I really need to start drawing these two more often
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Realized I never really talk much about the books Blythe writes
Well,, all of it is gay as hell but idk I never put much thought into it oopsies
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victorckk · 26 days
I finally have a (rushed) reference sheet for Sweetbrier !! Took a bit longer than expected to actually finish this because I have a cold 💀
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Also some information about him, because I have GOT to talk about him and get some thoughts out. I don’t remember a lot of the UTM lore or anything so hopefully this all makes sense?
Sweetbrier is part of a shapeshifting plant species, but he’s the only known member of his kind. His role was to create new flowers (his petals caused flowers to sprout when they fell out) and to just keep an eye on the Silver Lining’s ecosystem in general.
He had a clash with No Heart and ended up being locked away in the sorcerer’s amulet, with No Heart pretty much stealing some of Sweetbrier’s powers (including shapeshifting). I’ll talk more about them a different day though.
Anyway, Sweetbrier ended up isolating himself for a while on a mountain and never left it until the Care Bears found him. He only started shapeshifting as a human after hearing stories about it from the Care Bears, and decided to just stay shifted as a human. It’s more comfortable and easier for him.
That last part could actually be a potential trans allegory. Personally? I’m not opposed to it at all.
If anyone headcanons him as trans then it’s 100% canon.
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victorckk · 26 days
Because everyone seemed to love him so much, I am offering more doodles of my UTM No Heart redesign
They’re all shitpost things because it’s all I’ve had the energy for lately so I apologize
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ft. Sweetbrier 🫠
I still have to make a ref sheet of him oopsies
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victorckk · 29 days
Hello Care Bears fandom (again)
So,, I know how a lot of y’all feel about No Heart’s overall character in UTM
And ngl,, as someone who’s literally been so in love with him since I was like 4 or 5 💀 yeah I can heavily relate to seeing my favorite childhood bbg acting and sounding like he hit puberty instead of the scary old man that he’s supposed to be
Anyway I wanted to come up with my own redesign for him for fun and while I don’t really like the color scheme.. I’m going to post it anyway
even if it is a little rushed
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he kinda looks like Shadow Weaver or Grim from Billy and Mandy but idc he slays I think?
Also these doodles because why not
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bro got hit with the bisexual beam because I say so
I plan on fleshing him out and doodling him more so expect some stuff tomorrow or whenever I actually have the energy
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victorckk · 1 month
Art tips
that I posted to my discord server, but decided to share here for anybody who might want or need them.
I’ve been drawing since the middle/near end of 2014 and while most of it was ugly MLP stuff, I’ve definitely improved a lot since then.
I don’t have a lot of my old art anymore, but if I can find my sketchbook from my high school art class (around 2019-ish) then I’ll update this post with pictures of some of the doodles tomorrow.
I’ll probably add on to this list eventually but for now I am really tired so,, whoopsies
Anyway, on to the tips!
Even if you think it’s ugly, DRAW !! That’s the only way you’ll improve. Draw what you might think looks horrible, only to come back to it later and see what you want to change or what might need to be changed. This helps you understand what parts of your styles and/or techniques you might want to change/use/stylize/etc.
STEP OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!!!! This one is IMPORTANT. If you keep drawing the same things in the same ways over and over again, it’ll catch up to you and burn you out eventually. Those things you’ve always wanted to draw of a specific media/fandom/etc. but always forced yourself not to because of your followers being from one specific fandom or something? DRAW IT. It’ll feel refreshing, trust me.
Just go crazy. Slap colors on a random doodle. Eventually you’ll either come up with a new character or inspiration for one. Use flowers, gemstones, other parts of nature, etc. as reference. I actually fell victim to this and now quite a few of my OCs are flower themed 💀
Make use of your sketchbook. Find some snazzy ways to make it stand out. If you want to make a collage of nothing but magazine clippings or your favorite characters? Go ahead. Your sketchbook is supposed to be personalized to YOUR liking. It’s like a home you can always come back to
Doodle in pen when you want to step out of your comfort zone,, oh my goodness I can’t explain how good this feels. ESPECIALLY colored ink with highlighters. It also trains you to learn how to draw without erasing mistakes, teaching you to learn to accept those mistakes as you go on. Most of my sketchbook doodles throughout the years have always been in pen and it’s my favorite medium 100%
Who cares if your paper is ripping from highlighters or countless layers of markers? Find a way to make use of that ripping and warping of the paper. Cut out a shape in that area that shows part of a doodle on the next page, sort of like a little window. Have fun with it! Your work doesn’t need to be or look professional. It’s all about having fun as you go
If there’s art supplies you never use that collect dust then start using them. I guarantee they’ll come in handy eventually + when used right they can definitely make your sketches and doodles stand out. I am a victim of this as well.. we don’t talk about my um decade old stash of sharpies 😕
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