#I don’t not like metal obv I just don’t really listen to it outside of ghost
catboy-joyfriend · 2 years
what other bands do you listen to besides ghost?
I like Will Wood and the Tapeworms, Dazey and the Scouts, The Oozes, the Scary Bitches, Sarah and the Safe Word, etc. :) Yk that one post about Ghost being metal for ppl who don’t like metal? Yea
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kookygranger · 5 months
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Top five, most memorable kisses of all time
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Corroded Coffin move to Chicago and find their people. Eddie finds you behind the counter at Championship Records. He thinks you're cool. You think he's gorgeous. Life outside of Hawkins might just be worth fighting for.
Warnings: swearing, kissing (obvs), fluff, fem!reader, mostly Eddie's POV, our boy has no rizz, alcohol consumption, I don't think anything else, too many high fidelity references?
Word count: 4k
Author's note: This is a one-shot, that has been sitting in my drafts since last Halloween and thanks to a wip game has finally seen the light of day! Find the playlist that inspired the fic below.
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One pill makes you larger,
And one pill makes you small
The bell above the door jingles as Eddie steps through the threshold, his shoulders relaxing as the warmth seeps back into him and he scans the racks of records before him. Perking up as he notices the music playing over the speakers, he was still getting used to how much cooler things were in Chicago than back home – and shit, how much cooler people were.
Eddie clocks you sitting on top of the counter with one leg crossed under you, the other swinging down the side as you sticker a stack of vinyl. You mouth along with the music, not even noticing him slip through the aisles as he stops in a random section with a perfect view of you across the small store.
He’d only come in here to kill some time between soundcheck and the gig tonight at a venue down the street. The rest of the band had gone to find some food, but Eddie wanted to check out the record store they passed on the drive in. And boy, was he glad he did.
He mindlessly flicks through the records in front of him, trying to come up with a good conversation starter. It wasn’t that often that he missed Steve Harrington, but he could sure use one of the boy’s famous pep talks right about now. Fuck, what was it about pretty girls that got him so tongue-tied? Probably the pretty part.
But you weren’t just pretty, you were obviously very cool, and he certainly wasn’t used to girls sharing the same interests as him – but he’d met a lot of them since he’d moved to Chicago a couple of months ago.
Just as he’s thinking about what albums he could pick out to impress you, the bell above the door jingles again. A guy around his age walks in, his short hair spiked, nose and ears pierced and tattoos peeking out from a crisp white t-shirt. He walks with confidence to where you sit and makes you jump slightly as he greets you boisterously.
“Shit, you scared me.”
He snickers and starts rummaging through a crate of cassettes by the counter.
“Yeah, you look like you were in the zone. Did you even notice you had a customer?”
You turn your head in Eddie’s direction just as he ducks his down, continuing to flick through the disco section. Wait, shit where’s the metal?
“Shit.” You whisper under your breath and turn your attention back to the other guy, not quite lowering your voice enough so Eddie couldn’t eavesdrop. “No, but in my defence this song is a banger.”
Severin, Severin, speak so slightly
Severin, down on your bended knee
“What the fuck are you listening to anyway?”
“I made a pre-Halloween mix. Music that led to goth before goth was a thing.” You frown as you try to unstick a bright red sticker from the price gun you’d been tapping on the pile of vinyl.
Eddie smiles to himself as he continues to pretend he’s browsing and not tuning into your conversation.
“Are you coming to The Allied tonight? There’s some new band from Indiana or something playing. Apparently, they do a sick cover of Master of Puppets.”
Eddie pauses in his faux perusing for a second as he awaits your reply.
“I wasn’t really planning on it, no.”
The guy huffs, “No? What was your plan, going home to sulk to The Velvet Underground?”
“I don’t sulk–“
“You do when you listen to The Velvet Underground.”
“What do you want me to do? Pogo to Heroin? Anyway, I was gonna work on an article actually.”
“Why don’t you write about this band tonight? Tim says they’re pretty good. He saw them a couple of weeks ago at the Metro.”
“Tim said that about that god-awful noise band that played at De Salle’s. It was the worst four hours of my life. I thought my ears were actually going to bleed.”
“Whatever, you say that like you’re not currently playing the most depressing German synth music that nobody in their right mind would listen to.” He points his hand in the air, drawing your attention to the new song playing from the speakers behind you.
“First of all, this is David Bowie’s Low. And if you knew as much about music as you claim to, you’d know that this was his seminal work in his Berlin era and an ambient soundscape masterpiece. Secondly–“
“I like it.”
Both of your heads shoot up at Eddie’s interruption. He blushes and clears his throat as you catch his eye and the corner of your mouth quirks up. “Sorry, I just–it’s a good mixtape. I like the theme.” He frowns and shakes his head at himself, he doesn’t know what came over him. Who is this guy that’s bothering you, anyway? You have amazing taste and he’s now sure you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. You gesture in his direction and look back at the guy that’s teasing you.
“The customer is always right, Simon.”
Eddie moves quickly to the B section and finds the album you were talking about before heading over to you.
“Did you find everything you need?” You smile at him sweetly as you hop off the counter and take the record from him. “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before. Customer service isn’t exactly my strongest skill.”
The guy, Simon, snorts. Eddie can’t take his eyes off the way your face lights up quietly when you realise what album he picked.
“What are your strongest skills?” That was such a weird question Munson, what the hell?
You look up at him a little taken aback, before a small smile creeps up on you.
“Talking about music…or” you shake your head in contemplation, “writing about it actually.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Maybe it’s not so much a skill, more like an obsession.”
“She’s actually kind of good.” Simon butts in with a shrug and you roll your eyes.
“Such a high compliment cuz.”
You were cousins. He still had a shot.
“You write for magazines?”
“Zines mostly,” you point to a stack of xeroxed pamphlets on the counter, “but I’ve published a few reviews with Spin and The Face.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows, “That’s pretty cool.”
You breathe out a laugh and take the cash he hands you, collecting his change. “Thanks.”
“Wait, you're Eddie, right?” He turns to Simon, almost forgetting he was there. “Your band’s playing at The Allied tonight? I met your drummer Gareth at a show last week.”
“Uh yeah, that’s me. We’re called Corroded Coffin.”
“Cool name.” You smirk and hand him his record wrapped in paper. Eddie tucks it under his arm, his dimples showing as he smiles back at you.
“You’re from Indiana then?” You call back to Simon’s earlier statement, as Eddie doesn’t make a move to immediately leave.
He rubs the back of his neck as he nods, “Yeah. Just moved here a couple of months ago with my band.”
“Welcome to Chicago, Eddie.” You smile and introduce yourself, “Let me know if there’s ever anything I can do for you…vinyl wise I mean.”
“Thanks,” he scratches the stubble on his jaw before stepping away from the counter. “Maybe I’ll see you tonight at the show?” He tries to keep his voice casual, but there’s a hint of hope in there.
You bite your lip and shrug, “Yeah, maybe you will.”
Eddie nods and takes his queue to leave, the bell jingling again as he steps back out into the cold.
“Yeah, maybe you will.” Simon mocks you in a breathy imitation and you roll your eyes. “So now that you know the singer is cute are you coming?”
“Obviously! You better get me on the door list, or I swear to god I’m telling Aunt Carol about the stash in your underwear drawer.”
“Hey, Carlos.” You greet your friend at the door of The Allied, who waves you in without payment. “That Darondo record came in, I put it aside for you.” You call back on your way in, hearing a muffled thanks as the music from inside hits your eardrums.
There’s a decent crowd tonight, and you have to push past a few people to reach the sticky top bar.
“Oh, she showed up! Surprise, surprise.” Simon makes his way over to you, ignoring the calls of indignance as he passes other customers. He slings a rag over his shoulder, which makes you bite your lip, attempting to hold in a laugh, remembering how he’d practised that move in the mirror when he turned twenty-one and landed the second most coveted job of your teenage selves.
You shrug nonchalantly, despite your cousin knowing the exact reason you’re here. “I ended up doing inventory ‘till late. Thought I may as well drop by before catching the L.”
Simon flicks your nose, your retaliating slap missing him as he moves to pour your drink. You thank him with a forced smile when he slides it across the bar, picking it up and turning to find a spot in the crowd.
“No tip?”
You call over your shoulder, “Yeah, take it easy on the cologne.” You smirk, not even having to turn around to know he’s probably sniffing his shirt.
You take your usual spot leaning against the wall, up the back and away from most of the crowd. Your rule was front row or back. None of that squished in the middle, view blocked by the tallest guy you’d ever seen crap. Either it was front and centre, immersed in the moment, or your own space with a view of it all.  
You’d never be up front for a band you didn’t know, and tonight was no exception, no matter how large the butterflies in your stomach at the prospect of seeing him again.
You don’t know what it was about Eddie, apart from the obvious fact that he was gorgeous. Maybe it was something in his presence. But when he walked up to the counter earlier with a record you’d just been talking about and a shy smile on his face – you were a goner.
The murmurs of the crowd quieten when the house lights are switched off, a yellow glow on the stage and above the bar now the only sources of light.
There are a few enthusiastic cheers when the band appear from a door behind the stage and a smattering of applause as they take their place. You take a sip of your drink, ignoring the feeling in your chest when Eddie steps up to the mic and adjusts his red Warlock guitar. He smiles and you duck your head, trying not to look too much like the girl who’s just fallen for a lead singer when he addresses the crowd.
“Evening. Hope you brought your earplugs, this one’s new.” The quiet, reservedness of his introduction and the boy you’d met earlier is undone with the first crashing of cymbals and thrash of power chords.
Stage Eddie isn’t what you were expecting, but still somehow makes total sense. He’s more comfortable, more himself up there as he thrashes back and forth, hair whipping wildly. And they’re good. Really good.
Maybe you’d write about them after all.
The band are almost through their set when he spots you. Your back straightens as his eyes lock onto yours. Normally you hate making eye contact with someone on stage, but you can’t seem to look away when his chocolate-brown gaze twinkles over the heads of the rest of the crowd. In between songs, he gives you a wave, and you nod, returning his small smile.
When they finish, you move back to the bar. Waiting for the lingering fans to clear over a rum and coke. You’re only on your second sip when you feel a burning hot presence behind you.
“You made it.”
You turn around, and Eddie leans an arm on the bar beside you, moving in closer as the growing line pushes him forward.
“I did.” You nod, taking another sip of your drink.
He clears his throat, pushing his sweaty bangs away from his forehead.
“So, uh, what did you think?”
You smile, “I think you’re going to fit in very well here.”
“I hope that’s a good thing,” he chuckles.
“Oh, it is. You’re one of us now. Welcome to the dark side, Eddie.”
His eyebrows raise, the ghost of a smirk kicking up when you’re interrupted by your cousin.
“Man, that was sick! What can I get ya?”
Eddie thanks Simon, then looks back at you, “What are you having?” He holds up two fingers when you answer, signalling for another round, then starts playing with a beermat while you wait. Your eyes are trained to the glint of silver on his fingers.
“How are you liking Chicago so far?”
Eddie looks back at you and puffs his cheeks up as he exhales. “Honestly?... I didn’t know life could be this good.”
You feel a sharp tingling in your nose as your eyes well up a little for the boy standing in front of you, his cheeks dusted with pink as he tries to hold back a smile.
“Trust me, things are only gonna get better from here.”
“Yeah?” He beams at you then and you inhale deeply as you fight the urge to reach out and wrap your arms around him.
Eddie had seen you a few times since the gig at The Allied. Dropping into the record store when he could. In small crowds at gigs in the city. You’d greet him with a hug or a squeeze to the arm that never failed to get his heart rate going.
Today, he’d gotten off early from his temporary new gig at the auto shop and he found himself parked outside the record store.
It was overcast, but there was no bite to the air. A balmy wind tousling his hair as he ran across the street to the hole-in-the-wall coffee shop, avoiding the fat drops of rain that had begun to fall sporadically.
He spots you through the window when he makes his back to the store, bobbing your head along to whatever’s playing as you fill the racks. The now familiar bell jingles and he smiles when he recognises Joy Division over the speakers. He’d seen you in their shirt on more than one occasion.
He meets you as you're walking back to the counter.
“Oh, hey Eddie.” You smile and do a double take, taking in his greasy coveralls, and suddenly he’s wishing he’d gone home and showered. Even if it was an hour out of his way.
“Hey.” He places a coffee on the counter along with a white paper bag. “Thought you might like a mid-afternoon pick me up. I’ve uh, I’ve seen you with one of those cinnamon things before.”
Your eyes light up as you inspect the inside of the bag. “Oh my god, you’re my hero! Thank you, that’s so sweet.”
He shrugs, taking a step back from the counter, his own black coffee still clutched in his hands.
“So, this is the day job then huh?” You gesture to his outfit.
He scratches the back of his neck, “Yeah for now. Until the music starts paying off. If the music starts paying off.”
You nod, taking a bite of your cinnamon scroll and he can’t help but smirk at the way your eyes quickly roll to the back of your head. “It will.”
His free hand goes to his pocket, face hidden slightly by his hair as he tucks into himself at your confident statement.
“Thanks.” He turns around to start perusing the aisles.
“Oh, we will be getting the new Metallica album on the day of release by the way. I’ll put a tape aside for you.”
“Thank you.” He offers you a smile over his shoulder, and you tip your coffee to him.
He takes his time flicking through the rows, a few customers coming and going as he does, although he knows exactly what he’s looking for. Once the store is quiet again, he walks back over to you, selection in hand.
“Lee Hazelwood?” You take the record from him with a look of surprise.
He nods, “Yeah, I liked that song on that pre-goth mixtape you gave me. It’s like the kind of thing my uncle would listen to but…”
You smile, “It’s cool isn’t it? You know he actually wrote These Boots Are Made For Walkin’. Helped save Nancy Sinatra’s career after the teeny-bopper thing didn’t work out. They made a couple of albums together actually, and you know the first time he retired from the music industry was because the success of The Beatles’ made him depressed.”
He leans his arms on the counter as you talk. “Wow, you really are a wealth of knowledge for this stuff huh?”
You shrug, “What else is there?”
“Apart from books.”
You nod, “Good movies.”
He smiles, “Pizza.”
You frown, “That nerdy board game?”
“No, uh d–dumplings like you said, and uh– dough–doughnuts?”
You scrunch up your face, “Okay,” and giggle at Eddie’s strained smile.
“So uh, what–would you–“ Not screwing this up at all Munson. “Would you maybe wanna do that together sometime? The pizza and dumplings, or probably one or the other I guess, and a movie, good music–“ he blows out a puff of air, scrunching up his face.
“Are you asking if I wanna go see a movie?”
“Yes,” he nods enthusiastically, “that and dinner. If you want.”
“I do like both those things.” You smile. “How about Thursday? I finish closing up at six.”
“Yeah. Cool. Thursday sounds good.” The guys and their weekly standing appointment for band practice would not agree.
Thursday rolls around faster than Eddie’s prepared for. Predictably, his bandmates all made fun of him for cancelling practice for you. But he just ignored the high-pitched ooohs and went to make sure his lucky Sabbath shirt was washed before he needed it.
He’s wearing it now as he paces outside the movie theatre, twisting his rings, oblivious to you sneaking up behind him until it’s too late.
“Jesus Christ.” He jumps and twists around, your hands that had reached out to scare him still on his hips, his arms float in the air for a second before landing on your shoulders.
“You’re on edge,” you tease before your face sets a little more seriously. “You okay?”
“Y-yeah. Yeah, just uh, you wanna head in? It starts in like five minutes.”
You nod, your hands leaving his waist as his fall back to his sides. “What are we seeing anyway?” You look up at the black lettering above you, smiling just as Eddie reveals your viewing choice for the night.
“Thought we could see Young Frankenstein. Saw they were doing an old-school horror weekend here in the paper.”
“That sounds great.”
He lets out a breath of relief when you bump his shoulder affectionately, and you begin walking into the theatre side by side.
“Now the real important question Eddie Munson. What are your go-to movie snacks?”
His hand twitches when it accidentally brushes the back of yours.
“Well, popcorn obviously.”
“Obviously.” You nod.
“Sour Patch Kids and you gotta add a packet of Reese’s Pieces in there too.”
“Wait, in there as in–?”
“In the popcorn bucket. All of it. Like a good version of a trail mix.”
You grin, “Very interesting.”
“Just wait till you try it, sweetheart, you’ll never do it any other way.”
You laugh, “Okay, lead the way.”
He bows, gesturing his hand towards the confection stand. “After you m’lady.”
Your giggle, Eddie quickly finds out is his new favourite sound. When it appears again in the movie theatre, he can’t seem to keep his eyes on Gene Wilder, only watching you light up with laughter.
He can’t quite believe how well it’s all going. That is until you’re sharing a large pepperoni, on the bench outside the place you insisted served the best “pies” in all of Chicago, and your confusion stops his heart for a second.
He groans when he takes the first bite of cheesy dough.
“Good right?”
He nods, chewing and swallowing quickly. “My uncle told me pizza wasn’t a first date kind of meal, but we don’t have anything like this back in Hawkins.”
You’re sitting so close that he notices you still right away.
“Wait, this is a date?”
“Oh,” he swears his heart drops to his stomach as he sees the surprise on your face. “Oh well, yeah I thought it was but I guess I–it doesn’t have to be, sorry.”
You reach out to grab his arm when he instinctively moves away, “No! I just didn’t realise you were asking me out, out. You kinda just kept listing food.” He scoffs, shaking his head at himself. “I want it to be a date.”
He bites his lip, looking back at you with eyebrows raised, “Really?”
“Yes,” you laugh, squeezing the arm still in your hold. “Of course. I would love to…be on a date with you right now.”
He beams, “Well, it’s your lucky night sweetheart.”
The date (once it’s established as one), goes so well Eddie finds himself back at your apartment, admiring your wall lined with records while you find the both of you a drink.
His eyebrows marry together when he notices Dusty Springfield next to the Sex Pistols.
“What’s the system here?” You hand him a beer when you reappear by his side. “Not by genre?”
“No. Autobiographical.”
“Well,” you step forward, reaching out to pick a plastic sleeve as if from memory, “if I want to find the song Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, I have to remember that I bought it for someone in the fall of 1983 but didn’t give it to them…for personal reasons.” You show him the white cover of the album.
“That sounds…”
He nods slowly, “Yes.”
“It is.”
God, you’re weird. And cute. And cool. And, shit he was going for it, you said you wanted to be on a date with him. You invited him back to your place. No one’s ever done that before. He should go for it. He’s going for it–
Your lips feel even softer than he imagined, and he can’t help but give himself a mental high-five when you immediately move closer to him, face melting into the hand that cradles your cheek. You taste almost vanilla-y with the combo of rum and coke still sitting on your tongue when his meets yours. He places his beer down on the coffee table, and your lips follow him when he has to dip down slightly before his free hand comes to sit on your waist.
You part for a breath, “Didn’t realise vinyl categorisation would get you so hot.” You tease him, lips plump and eyes slightly glazed over, and he’s never wanted anything more in his life than to keep you looking at him like this.
“Yeah uh, really love that Dewey Decimal system.” He leans close to capture your lips again, but you pull back, leaving him to chase you.
“The Dewey Decimal system is for books.” You shake your head.
Eddie huffs, “I really don’t care.” He finally finds your lips again and he swears they taste even sweeter the second time, despite being tainted by his own.
You guide him back to slowly sit on the couch, bodies falling a little clumsily together before you situate yourself in his lap, legs straddling his. You both stay like that for what could be hours for all Eddie cares, lips clicking in the silence.
“Fuck, I could kiss you all night.” He leans his forehead against yours, heavy breathing synced with your own, as you finally come up for air.
You shake your head, eyes soft and reassuring.
“I’m not going anywhere, Eddie.”
God dammit, is he glad he left Hawkins.
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Tagging: @storiesbyrhi (I hope you like the coffee shop across from the record store 😉), @bettyfrommars (I finished it!)
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rhaaclaws · 1 year
How I go about making [Original] character playlists
someone in a server asked for some help on making OC playlists and I made a think piece basically on how I do it and realized this could help people outside the server so 👍
This is a long post, 1.6k words so it's under a read more.
for character playlists, I make a Venn diagram of like
“Would this character listen to this song vs does this character Actually listen to this genre vs what story is this song telling”
If a song is important to a character/influenced a lot in their making absolutely add it in
that's very obvious but ummm let me use an example song
ok this one. I'm gonna be relating it to Nikki's playlist since it's on there
Would this character listen to this song? Nikki has a darker aesthetic with a lot of gothic influences, both in how they act, dress, and decorate their own house. in this case, Nikki Would listen to this song because it has that general 'dark' theme 
Does this character actually listen to this genre? while Nikki has been around for 500ish years, they do listen to modern music and also prefer longer pieces. Nikki does listen to gothic music as they frequent lots of clubs that would play stuff like this. Also, she's canonically a type o negative fan
What story is this song telling? obvs this depends on your interpretation of the song and how this could relate to the character since lalala whole analysis thing I'm not gonna get into. but its generally about a (vampire) woman on Halloween/eve and just how she is. also the whole "loving you was like loving the dead'' thing that relates to another character I'm not gonna mention
The last part that I forgot to talk about but kinda goes into the last one: could you relate this song to that character and have it make sense? both in how it sounds and in lyrics. bc I've found songs that lyrically fit someone Perfectly but then it sounds like shit or it just doesn't fit the character
like ex: Disturbia by Rhianna with Chimera
sound wise it's not like the rest of its playlist but I do have my reason for putting it on there: lyrics that they relate to and because her best friend listens to pop music and would show her this sort of stuff.
I try to have a general Sound for a playlist but obvs there are some outliers 👍
Unfortunately, some songs fit a character really well but they wouldn't exactly listen to it/does nottt fit the general theme of their playlist
example: ayumu's playlist. it has a lot of just Glam music and it features mostly van halen, judas priest, kiss, etc just stuff like that 
there's one song, somewhat damaged by Nine Inch Nails, that fits him exceptionally well in terms of lyrics that relate to his backstory and how it's a slow progression with a climax at the very end. but I don’t have it on there because sound wise it would stick out like a sore thumb
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Of course, not everyone is gonna have One Set Genre and Sound
and some characters I focus more on different categories
Ex1: Dani's playlist is fully made up of what he listens to and I did that on purpose because she's a character who is veryyyy focused on music [specifically metal] and also one who Makes music in canon. so I focused more on the sound aspect and what he actually listens to but still tried to vaguely match the lyrics to her backstory [and unsurprisingly, a lot of them are about anger in one way or another. while Dani isn't an angry person anymore, she still goes back to it since its an outlet] 
Ex2: going back to Nikki's playlist, it's made up of 3 parts. 
In the first part, the thing I focused on the most was How people perceive her/how she wants to be perceived. so I tried to go for more 'seductive' songs and also tried to keep a general darker sound. 
The second part is stuff that relates to her past/highly personal aspects, which is why its more hidden within, and probably wouldn't notice it if you quickly scrolled; in this one, I stuck to lyrics [and it mostly lined up to what Nikki listens to since their top modern band is Depeche Mode all the way through and for good reason]. 
The third part is made up of instrumentals, mostly classical music bc well this is what Nikki listened to for most of her life, so I wanted to reflect on it a bit. so here my biggest focus was Sound and trying to fit her theme
Ex3: Andros' playlist
while I of course tried to have a general sound, I purely focused on lore. the order of each song on here is purposeful because it's meant to tell his entire life story within a playlist. kinda hard to talk about it minimally because the only other way is literally sending that director's cut document I have explaining each song and why it's on there in that placement
this was the hardest route imo for a character playlist since its Hard to find stuff that relates to specific experiences, but it's very worth it if you have a character you have a full-on story for 👍
now for actually finding music
One of the first things I figure out when making a character is "If they had a character theme what would it sound like" and/or what bands/genre do they listen to
When I have a theme I usually go off on what I already know and try to see "ok what artist comes up the most for this" and then go to their discography or similar bands [ill send my fav resource for it in a sec]
if you already have a stand name/namesake though, try to stick to that [you don’t have to but its a base you can use]
Here’s my thought process using all that to make a playlist, with our playlist of choice being Jing’s.
Their stand is called I Talk To The Wind, which is a song made by king crimson. so my first thoughts were "ok I’m gonna go through their songs and see what's similar/what I could put on this" and I really only felt like putting Moonchild up next. 
next, I was like “ok what's the theme of this character”. The first thing I came up about them was being able to see ghosts so "ok I’m gonna find songs that relate to death, ghosts, and just that general theme" So now I got came back haunted, ghosting, La Mer, I'm looking forward to joining you finally, Bela Lugosi's dead, Otherside, and (don't fear) the reaper. for sounds, I also went on this Halloween ambient noise playlist and added Laila pt1, black venom, and scary spirits
ok, what would they listen to? well, I know that their fav bands are King Crimson, but i also want to add in New Order and someee Bauhaus. so I put in ceremony, procession, burn, etc
and now lore stuff. how do these lyrics relate to their character/what would it mean to them? this usually requires some general lore in hand but you can just listen to songs and be like. hm. it'd be interesting to make this relate to a character so then you go off that. on this category I added: new feeling, macro, introspectre, i get wild/ wild gravity, and who is she ?
obvs your thought process depends on your character and the music you already know
I am insane because I am constantly playing music or otherwise I’d die so I have a lottttttt of music in my mind catalog basically so I usually go off on that
if you want to know more songs and such or know a character would listen to this genre that you're nottt super familiar with here's what i do
try searching for general terms so you pull up playlists on spotify
if you have a song already you can put that bad boy in something like spotalike or any alternative you like
thissss beautiful website https://everynoise.com/
every noise at once lets you scroll through basically every single genre ever and if you click on it you get bands that are part of that genre
something you can also do is use the find artist search engine and see what genres they belong to so you can find similar stuff
obvs theyre not exact butttttt
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say i wanna look in the industrial rock genre. if i double-click on it i get to this page
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you can use the scan button at the top to get a general sense of the artist [since you egt a sample] and you can go in deep into an artist's discography
i used that website a lotttttttt for tyhis one playlist that is purely sound based/what this character would listen to 100%
but yeah this is my general process on making a character playlist 👍 I’m veryyyy thorough with it and you can literally ask me about any song on any character playlist and i can tell you exactly why i put it on there
is it a little excessive? sure but this is my way of doing it
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kikyan · 1 year
Hiya, hope you're having a lovely day^^
Haven't done one of these before, so I hope I don't mess up (And that my request is still valid in-terms of the event end date).
I'd like to request a yan. mash up for TWST & ObeyMe!
I'm 18, my pronouns are they/them, I'm a Cancer and INTJ. I'm a pretty anxious person. Having social anxiety, agoraphobia, being a homebody and just being an overall introvert, I tend to keep to myself and avoid going outside much. Im an over-thinker and a night owl. When I'm around people that I don't feel comfortable with, I'm very much a quiet, shy, jumpy, awkward, paranoid, tired lookin' loner. But when I get comfortable and l'm with close friends or family, I'm quite the opposite. I'm bold, sarcastic, and have a witty sense of humor, I’m a cocky little shit that likes to tease the hell outta people (obv because that's how I show love ^ ^) | can also be reckless at times given the right environment. But aside from that I’m a pretty chill person. I love to learn and indulge in other people’s interests. At times I can be extremely overconfident and daring yet insecure and cautious^^ im also really loyal to everyone I care about, I value community and trust, caring and supportive, the list goes on. As for some of my (debatably) negative traits, I can be quite blunt and straight forward (I don’t like sugar coating ), defensive if I’m proven wrong, I can occasionally be indifferent, passive aggressive, reclusive and aloof if I get pissed/sad (even if it’s for something small). I’ve been told i have rbf •_•). I like cleanliness and neatness, but I can also be somewhat messy when I procrastinate cleaning. Hobbies: I love drawing, I have a crap ton of sketchbooks that are filled with drawings front to back, and some that have never seen a pencil before ^^; (I have my fair share of twst and obey me fan art =w=). Reading, reading, and ReaDing! I’m a book worm^^ i mostly read horror, thrillers, and mystery novels. Also, I’m incredibly obsessed with gothic literature and poetry (I’m a bit of a writer myself). I live for horror! Movies, books, shows, etc. I specifically like psychological, cosmic, and gothic horror. Music wise, I listen to rock, metal, alternative, indie rock, post-punk, and new wave. Though I’ve recently been more into 80’s post-punk (as of right now my fav band is Caifanes, definitely recommend them). Style: I don’t usually care much for the way that I look, i prefer comfort over style most of the time. I usually ware black, anime t-shirts, baggy jeans, leather jackets or oversized hoodies, and my go-to converse or docs. I dunno what else to include, so I guess I’ll talk about what kind of person I like. I like it when people can be honest and voice their feelings, concerns, wants and needs. I definitely appreciate a proper and mature way of communicating. My receiving and giving love language is quality time and physical affection, so having someone who loves to receive and give both is an immediate green flag in my book. I personally like clingier personalities to a healthy degree, I swear ^^; I definitely love people who are openly lovey and romantic, I find it adorable, especially cause I’d do the same right back. A person who loves to try new things, and who loves spicy food (cuz being a picky eater,,, that’s a deal breaker). I like someone who shares my same hobbies and is just as ambitious as me. And if not, that they at least support and encourage me to do what I like. Personality wise, I like a person who is soft and caring, romantic, honest, noble, creative, humble, cautious, a night owl (so that me can both stay up late into the night) someone more mentally stable then me (that or just as mentally unstable as me =^=) and lastly someone who would also indulge in my hobbies with me. I hope I added enough of the right things for this request and that it’s not confusing >x< it’s long I know. Anyways, thank you so much for your work, I love everything you write, hope to see more of it. Take care love ^,^)/♡
I have no words to explain why this took months. I don't know, but better late than never. . .right? You probably heard this before and it won't come as a surprise but I match you with Idia (TWST) and Levi (OM!)! 
When it comes to what I gathered from your personality, you probably relate to them more instead of simping but I see you with them! Side note, I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND OMG YOU SOUND SO COOL?? I ALSO WANT TO SEE THE ART PLS! PLS LET'S BE FRIENDS! 
Moving forward...I see how they would both love you. You love their hobbies but understand them like nobody else. With Idia, his love for you starts when you start to open up about your hobbies. He probably starts to think about you but not in the best way at first. When he notices you like the same things but he probably wouldn't see them as a reason to get closer. He may find it as an excuse to not approach you because he's not sure if you're a casual fan or a fan-fan. Would you be disgusted with him? Find him as one of those cringe fans who bring the fandom down. Are you a casual enjoyer who wouldn't understand his passion? Though he would love to share his passion, would you look down upon him like everyone else? I'm not quite sure if I included this in my headcanons, but Idia is an observer. Which I think makes him open up to you because he can see the real you. I want to say that if we follow the story of the game, you probably don't meet Idia until after you established some friends with Ace and Deuce. He probably has some image of you already established, no doubt you're very social. When you mentioned how you were someone very shy and quiet when first meeting someone, you probably do it to be nice or at the very least, respectful. He probably sees that side of you at first and doesn't think much of it. He probably thinks that his likes and dislikes would scare you away until he overhears maybe Deuce or Ace talk, "You like that? I never would have expected you to like that, [Reader]?" That's when he gains a little boost, you like the same thing he does. Not to mention you're a shy thing, so no harm in at least trying. I think once he finally does talk to you, he can see all the unique things about you as well as how similar you both are. Idia is the same, spoilers for the phantom bride card but he hated the whole ordeal. In his vignette, the rest of the students hyped him up so much that he kinda got overconfident making everyone regret saying anything. He didn't do it to be a bitch, but rather he said it because he was comfortable around the others. Who wouldn't? So he would return that sarcastic humor. He would probably love teasing the hell out of you. Stay up all night gaming with you, exchanging messages left and right, etc. I can already imagine the list of recommendations that both of you exchange. He would love seeing your art and hype you up, maybe even propose writing a story together. Of course, this is yandere so what is yandere without the horror aspect? Idia wouldn't exactly show you off but he would be so content with calling you, his. His friend, his S/O, his partner, his gaming buddy, etc. He's not like Leona who would strut into the room with his arm around your shoulder, but he would love it when you say, "Oh yeah, sorry I can't tonight. I'm hanging out with MY partner tonight." Of course, don't tell the others it's him because right now he can't handle that feeling! He would love spending quality time, he's not at all picky with what is being done as long as it's with you. Watching anime together? Done deal. He's gaming and you're working on something else across from him? God imagine he looking up to see you so focused, he just smiles lightly at the idea of you spending time with him and then you look up and see him. His face is BEAT RED, stuttering and looking back at his PC while his headphones have his online friends yelling at him to pay attention and to assist them. He's clingy to a not-so-healthy degree and will often set up scenarios to gain pity so you have to cancel and hang with him. I want to say that while his heart cannot handle the affection IRL he would love the idea of holding your hand and cuddling against you. Imagine he's pouting because he maybe received the worst news, but you're there to comfort him? His world is perfect if your attention and affection remain on just him and him only. 
Okiedoki, now Levi. They're the same but so different.  As I started to play Obey me again and literally from the beginning, I love their family dynamic. Though they all love each other, they're not afraid to tell each other their faults either. I think with Levi it's no surprise that he sees himself as inferior to his siblings. I mean Mammon is scummy but he's a model. Asmo has a vlog and is well-loved even if it gets to his head. Satan is hella studious and has a temper, Belphie is just there and Beel; he has a good heart but his stomach knows no bounds. No need to point out Lucifer, he's polished and pristine, with no flaws that he can vocalize without being strung upside down.
I mean why would you want to be with him? Like Idia, when he finds out you like the same content he does he's probably on the skeptical side as well. I mean, really? Do you like that? When he finally does talk to you about it, he wants to prioritize your time. "[Reader], did you want to-? Oh sorry, you probably already have plans huh?" It's no doubt he assumes you rather want to do anything else other than be with him. When you take him up on his offer, he's so overcome with joy. A blush on his face as he excitedly takes your hand rushing to his room to do the equivalent of setting up the table but rather dinner, setting up an anime marathon. He is smitten with you, another one with a not-so-healthy clingier personality. Another one who just wants to spend time with you, it doesn't have to be anything specific either. I think as time goes on he can become confident too, sometimes even challenging you, He becomes sarcastic, occasionally laughing at memes and sending them to you with a simple "reminded me of you". I think the biggest thing is that Levi could be 100% honest with you. At first, he may not want to voice his feelings, but when you reassure him, he just lets it all out. Though Levi may not love horror himself, he loves your style and appreciates your passion as well. He thinks you're so cool and to be able to stand next to you, gosh you have ways of getting to him. He would proudly march his ass to a movie theater to watch the scariest film as long as he can hold your hand during the entire movie. Let's talk about yanderes, he's the same with Idia where he would 100% say something that forces you to drop what you're doing to spend time with him. Another is, I like to think Levi has been on some sketchy websites, spreading rumors about people who approach you. When those rumors as well as "proof" start circling, you should stay away from them. I stand by the idea that the brother would help one another to keep their S/O trapped. Levi may ask of Asmo's services when digging up gossip and possibly Belphie's to stalk the victim in their sleep and torture them from the inside. While all this happens, Levi will continue to play the role of the perfect boyfriend. 
I hope you enjoyed your matchup!! Thank you for your continuous support, have a wonderful day!
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iiwontgiveuponmilkk · 3 years
My Soldier. Bucky Barnes.
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a/n: this is an edit off of my old wattpad! sorry for the shitty summary. also maybe a pt 2?? obv. pre-snap. may edit
summary: y/n and bucky used to work together at hydra. bucky saves her when her profile is leaked (thanks natasha), and she later returns the favour.
word count: 1,926
warnings: mentions of violence? female pronouns? mentions of blood
There she stood, one of the most gorgeous dames he had ever seen. (Y/n) Beetrove, agent of Hydra. She was sinfully beautiful in his mind, and to many others. That is why she was such a successful agent. Her hair was always perfectly pinned and curled, her lips always pouting with a sultry red, her lashes darkened and elongated by a coat or two of mascara. He could never take his eyes off of her. She had a smile that warmed up the cold rooms in the Hydra building. He couldn't help but fall for her. Everything he knew told him that what he was feeling was wrong. Fraternization was strictly prohibited, but that never stopped them from sharing looks that were a moment too long. Or from gentle touches lingering when they were somewhat alone, mainly with those who wouldn't notice. Sweet nothings whispered when prying eyes weren't watching. Little did he know, she wasn't who he thought she was. She was feeding hydra's enemy information, soon to become SHIELD. A double agent. His enemy.
Their last mission together was both of their last missions for quite sometime. It was a massive failure, which always lead to punishment. This time, he was the one met with physical pain, and she was thrown into a cryo-tube for a long freeze. He saw her being dragged into the room by her hair. Her dainty hands grasping the wrist of the agent dragging her along the floor. She didn't fight him, yet he could see her cheeks were damp with tears. Their eyes locked for one final moment before the doctor shut the door and turned to Bucky. His punishment was shorter than expected, but he was ordered to go to the cryo-room. He shared the same fate as his dear (y/n).
The thaw was always the worst part. Bucky always found himself feeling stiff. His metal arm was also slow to activate. There was always a delay after he woke up from a long freeze. He found himself still in his tube. He pressed his hands to the glass, pushing it open with surprising ease. He stepped out, looking around the room. He took a few steps, walking to the station next to him. He tapped the screen, waking it to view the information. He closed his eyes, trying to remember where he had last seen her. What tube was she in? He made his way through the room, checking each station. He froze in his tracks when he heard her.
Her screams echoed through the halls. Her screams were loud enough to wake the dead. She wouldn't go down easily. Bucky had no idea what was happening. He could hear grunts, her screams, and thuds. Bucky didn't know that she had been unfrozen due to her profile being leaked. She was to be killed, slowly and painfully. But she wasn't going down without a fight, she never did.
Another Hydra agent grabbed her arm, she pulled him close to her and slammed her head into his. She heard a sickening cracking of his nose as he let go of her to grab his face. She soon swiped his legs out from under him and began to run before she heard the thud of his body hit the floor. She didn't make it very far before she was caught. Another scream escaped her pale pink lips as she was dragged back to the room she came from.
Bucky found himself unguarded, taking the opportunity to search for her. He could hear her screams, slowly leading him closer to the source. But then it all stopped. James Barnes was very confused as he wandered through the halls. He kept listening for any sound to lead him closer. Time ticked on with no more screams, just silence and the occasional sound of footsteps. And then, her scream echoed through the corridors. His pace quickened as he practically ran to find the source. His mind was clouded with thoughts. He should be paying no mind to what he was hearing. He definitely shouldn't be trying to find her, but something inside him told him he had to.
"Help me." A female voice shrieked. He knew it was her, it was (y/n). And she was fighting for her life. He threw the doors open, and there she was. The memory of her was like a dream, she was so bright and vivid before they froze her. Now she had paled. Her lips were barely pink, her skin looked dull and lifeless. Her lip was bleeding, and she was covered in bruises. Seeing her like this made him tick. Something in him snapped as he watched a fellow agent kick her in the stomach. Within minutes, he had taken down the room full of hydra agents.
She watched with wide eyes as he kneeled in front of her.
"P-please, don't hurt me." She let out a frail whisper from her blood stained lips. Bucky reached out, gently touching her face, shaking his head. His (y/n), the dame who took care of him during the experiments, was now laying in front of him beaten to a pulp.
"I would never hurt you, (y/n), you know that." he said in a gentle tone as he lightly brushed her blood soaked hair out of her face. "I'm going to get you out of here." He watched as she relaxed. He reached down to pick her up, noticing her wince.
She was alone in a big city, she hadn't seen Bucky since he saved her. She hadn't really seen anyone she knew. Everyone she knew was dead. Her family, her friends, and the people she worked with. The only people she knew that were still alive were Steve and Peggy. She had visited Peggy a few times, but she barely remembered her. She ran into Steve once. He remembered her face, she was a nurse who was there for his experiment. She was good with comforting people, he always assumed that's why she was assigned that job. They only talked for a few minutes. He gave her his phone number, told her to reach out if she ever needed anything.
Today, she was going to visit Peggy. She tried to check in on her, even if Peggy barely remembered her. She stayed with Peggy for an hour, talking in a hushed voice. Peggy told her that Steve still came to see her. (Y/n) found herself sitting on the bench outside of the nursing home, thinking back to everything that had happened to her. And James. He always found his way back to her mind.
"(Y/n)," she heard Steve's voice, snapping out of an endless daydream of memories. "I need your help."
She followed Steve into a small house out in the middle of no where. They had been in the car for hours. Steve told her that it wouldn't take long, but it was a six hour drive. (Y/N) was almost thankful when Steve pulled into a long, stone driveway. She stepped out of the car, slowly following Steve to the small house. She looked around, not sure what to expect or why she was needed. She then heard the soft patter of bare feet on the wooden floor. Her eyes landed on a man with a silver arm, a man who she nursed, the man who saved her. He looked shocked to see her, he didn't know what had happened to her after he helped her escape. Her mouth fell agape, staring at James.
"I need you to help him." Steve's voice broke the silence. She nodded in response, never taking her eyes off of Bucky. She had no idea he was still alive. She assumed he would've been killed for saving her. She owed him her life.
"Trust me, you can do it." (Y/n) coaxed Bucky as he stepped towards her. He stopped in his tracks and shook his head. She held her hand out to him, hoping he would take her hand. He had refused to get close to her for weeks, afraid he would lose control and hurt her. "You said you would never hurt me, I trust you." She said softly, looking at him with soft eyes.
"I can't." He roared, crushing the glass he held in his metal hand. She walked towards him.
"Buck-". She was cut off as he stormed away from her. She let out a soft sigh, hearing a door slam. She knew Bucky had stormed off to his room, trying to avoid her. He seemed to get frustrated with her so quickly, even when he knew she was just trying to help. She began to follow him, but found herself immobile after stepping on the shattered glass. She yelped out in pain, tears welling in her eyes. She could feel glass cutting into her foot.
"B-Bucky." She stuttered out, calling for him. Her right hand reached to grasp the counter top to help support her weight and regain her balance. She held a hand gently to her foot, trying to keep the bleeding under control. She was so shocked. It had been a long time since she had been hurt, or seen an injury of this magnitude on anyone. Bucky came quickly, looking down at her. He soon realized what had happened.
"I'm so sorry, doll." He said, slightly panicked as he picked her up. He carried her to the bathroom, letting her cry against his grey t-shirt. He sat her on the sink, looking at her foot. He let out a sigh, looking up at her. He hated seeing her hurt. It brought flashbacks of the day he saved her. The pain she was in, what Hydra was doing to her. He took a deep breath, looking back to her foot.
"This is goin' to hurt, doll." He said as he gently began to pick the glass out of her foot. She whimpered as he plucked the last piece out, the biggest piece. "That's more like my lil' soldier." He smiled as she wiped tears from her eyes. He hadn't seen her cry since Steve had told her about Peggy's condition. He placed a kiss on her forehead and smiled. He reached up behind her, grabbing the first aid kit. He dug through the kit, trying to find some gauze and bandages. He took out everything he needed. He cleaned her cuts with peroxide, frowning a bit as she winced at the stinging.
"You'll be okay." He assured her as he began to wrap her foot. He stopped for a minute when he noticed her staring at him. He raised an eyebrow, returning her gaze. He noticed the playful smile that played on her lips. She was always so beautiful. He reached up to wipe the remaining tears from her cheeks. His eyes never left hers, his touches were so gentle.
"Are you just going to stare or are you going to kiss me, soldier?" She asked, with a devious smirk he hadn't seen since the first time she laid that line on him back in the 40's. He grinned before gently placing his lips against hers. The kiss was soft and sweet, but he soon pulled away. He felt a chuckle rise in chest as a pout formed on her lips.
"I've got to finish dressing your foot, darlin'." He mumbled, placing a quick kiss to her lips causing a whine to leave her lips.
"James, you haven't kissed me properly in nearly sixty years."
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oswildin · 5 years
Frustrations ~ Dhawan!Master x Reader
Request: Oof these angsty master x reader are hitting hard 😭 can i request a funny / fluffy one? I had the idea that the master kidnaps the reader from the fam and he like handcuffs them together so the doctor can't hurt him without putting the reader at risk? And they both get more and more annoyed with each other, but the master realises he's actually beginning to reply like them? Even better if it ends with like kissing but IDK up to you obvs 😂 Thanks in advance! ☺ ( @resonate-concrete )
Warnings: Just pure crack. Honestly.
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You paced around the space station, listening to the Doctor’s ranting as she did what she always does. Get distracted. The fam were watching her with amused glances as you took a look around the station, taking it all in. You were definitely in the future, that was for sure. You took a glance out one of the windows as you saw debris floating around outside. The planet you were on had a purple surface, as the deep night sky encased it. Peering back, you realised the others had disappeared, as you sighed to yourself. Every time. You mumbled annoyances as you stepped back from the window. They couldn’t have gotten far.
You began to search the base, calling out for your friends as you began to grow tired of looking. You sighed to yourself, before deciding to try calling them with your phone. As you pulled it out, you felt a hand grip round your mouth, muffling your yelps as you tried to struggle away. You instantly went into flight mode, as you kicked your leg back, hitting whoever was trying to keep ahold of you as you heard them hiss. However, their hand was still over your mouth as you narrowed your eyes, deciding to try your luck. Hey, it worked in the movies. You managed to shuffle your head slightly, in a way that their hand slipped, causing their finger to be over your mouth as you instantly bit it. Hard. The person yelled in pain as you flew forwards, falling to the floor. You gasped, as you turned around, looking up at your potential kidnapper.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” You exclaimed, seeing it was in fact the Master. He looked very angry. He was clutching his finger with his free hand as he glared down at you.
“What is wrong with you humans?” He hissed, waving his hand about as he took a step towards you, towering over you.
“You’re the one who tried to kidnap me!” You furrowed your brows.
“Doesn’t mean you had to bite me!” He growled, before kneeling down towards you, a small smirk on his lips. “Although, if that’s what you’re into.” He wiggled his brows suggestively as you pulled a disgusted face.
“In your dreams, psycho.” You spat, as his smirk fell at your words. Oh, it never fails to entertain you. Bringing down a mans ego. Alien or human. He reached into his pocket, revealing some sort of device as you looked at it in confusion.
“What’s your plan?” You asked, voice quiet as you stared into his dark eyes. He smirked once more.
“This.” Before you could flinch away, he quickly managed to place the device on your wrist as it bolted around your wrist, another part grasping around his own.
“Handcuffs?!” You exclaimed, trying to pull your wrist away from his, but he was too strong. “Wow you really are into power dynamics aren’t you?” You commented as he rolled his eyes, getting up as he yanked you with him. You hissed at the pressure on your wrist. “Right so, what now?” You asked calmly, seemingly bored of his antics already. “You better have a key for these things.” You gestured to the handcuffs.
“Like I’d tell you.” He sneered as you pulled a face at him. “You are insufferable.”
“Yup. Been told that before.” You replied, looking happy with yourself.
“Perhaps I made the wrong choice of captive.” He commented, tugging you along as you walked moodily next to him.
“My mum always said that if I got kidnapped they would return me.” You shrugged casually as he tried not to grow annoyed with your pointless rambling.
It had been ages since you had lost the others. Part of you worried they’d gotten into some trouble. Of course they had. It was the Doctor after all. You began to grow tired of walking about as you stopped, causing the Master to peer over at you, irritated.
“What now?” He huffed, exasperated.
“My feet hurt.” You whined like a child.
“Not my problem.” He gave you a tight, wicked smile as you glared at him.
“Also you owe me a new phone.” You pouted, looking down at the device in your free hand.
“I’m sure you’ll live without it for a few hours.” He rolled his eyes. God was this what it was like to have humans tag along with you? It was exhausting.
“Brand new model as well.” You muttered as he began to walk once more, pulling you along. You whined as you had to follow him, your feet begging you to stop. “So what was the plan? Handcuff yourself to me then what?”
“Well, if you’re with me, and I’m the only one who can release the handcuffs, then the Doctor wouldn’t risk putting you in harms way.” He told you as you narrowed your eyes.
“That’s a stupid plan.” You mumbled as he clenched his jaw. “I mean, come on!” You laughed. “Aren’t you meant to be like some sort of evil genius who comes up with these great big extravagant plans?” You asked, raising a brow as he gave you an amused glare.
“You try doing this for thousands of years.” He retorted as you pulled a face of ‘fair enough’.
Eventually, he let you rest, both of you sitting down on the metal floor of the station as you leant against the wall. You pursed your lips before clicking your tongue to fill the silence.
“Don’t you stop for two seconds?” He grumbled as you gave him a wide smile. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Ugh where is she?” You whined. “How big is this place?”
“Too big. Apparently.” He dragged a hand down his face in exasperation as he was beginning to grow tired of his own plan. Was it even worth putting up with you?
“That’s what she said.” You joked to yourself, as he groaned, hitting his head on the wall behind him as you furrowed your brows. “Why are you doing that?”
“It’s distracting me from the pain you’re making me endure.” He said lowly as you rolled your eyes at him. Finally he stopped as you raised a brow.
“Better?” You asked.
“Much.” He sneered, clenching his jaw as he looked ahead. He had to admit, certain traits of yours reminded him of his last regeneration, Missy. You had that sarcasm, playfulness and didn’t seemed to be too scared.
“Okay this is impossible.” You groaned, trying hard to keep up with the Timelord. “She’s obviously got herself in some trouble. Knowing my luck they’re all dead and I’m stranded here.” You commented as he raised a brow at you.
“You’re a cheery one.” He smirked.
“If they’re dead, you’re taking me home.” You told him sternly. “It’s all your fault I didn’t find them in the first place, deciding to jump me like that, I mean, did no one ever teach you any manner-“ Before you could finish, you found yourself pinned against one of the walls, as the Master looked down at you with a tired expression.
“You are one of the most unbearable humans I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.” He sneered. “Oh your pointless ramblings, your empty words, and your god awful annoying personality.” You hissed as you looked unpaused at him. He wasn’t expecting that. It only annoyed him more.
“Sounds to me like you’ve got a crush.” You told him cheekily as he growled in frustration. Nothing phased you did it?
“Do you ever shut up? Do you always have a retort to everything?!” He exclaimed, his eyes searching your own.
“Just about, yeah.” You nodded, as you felt yourself blush being in such close proximity to the alien. You couldn’t help it. He was a bad boy. A very handsome, crazy bad boy. You swear the bad guys always look good on purpose. Before you could register what was happening, the Master had closed the gap between the two of you, crashing his lips to your own. He hated to admit it, but you were annoyingly chaotic. It was an energy he couldn’t help but be drawn to. You raised your brows in surprise as you allowed yourself to sink into the kiss.
As quickly as it had started, it ended. As you looked up at the man in confusion, before planting a smug expression on your face.
“So... The handcuffs, is that what you’re into?” You questioned, as he slowly blinked, calming his breath.
You both shot your head in the direction of the Doctor’s voice calling your name. You were almost disappointed she had resurfaced. No more action for you. You sighed.
“Now she finds me.” You groaned, as the Master smirked at you, before lifting your wrist up with his own as he placed a code into his handcuff, allowing it to fall off your wrists and to the floor. You looked at him confused. “What are you doing?”
“Leaving.” He told you, stepping back, before beginning to walk away.
“Hold on!” You called after him. “You can’t just leave!”
“Yes I can.” He said smugly. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.” He gave you a small smirk. “Maybe next time I’ll bring the handcuffs again.” He winked, as you felt hot under his gaze. Before you knew it, he was gone, disappearing out of sight as you sighed, deciding it was home time.
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rocketmanmadden · 5 years
Thanks Sheriff
Requested by @l0ve-0f-my-life
Hey me again lol, could u plssss do a Jim hopper x younger!fem!reader smut? She’s of legal age (obvs) She’s hanging out with the party (cause she’s Dustin’s sister) and Billy’s there and tries to flirt with her, but she ends up with hopper somehow?
A/N- woah. This is my first time writing for Hopper and I thought I was gonna be awful at writing him but I honestly think this may be one of the best/ better ones I’ve ever written. (I hope you guys like it now since I hyped myself up lmao) Anyways, enjoy!
Warnings- Smut, filth, mostly all dirty shit, swearing, age gap, cop kink/rp? I don’t know if that’s what it’s described as, it's the middle of the night when I finished this so my brain is shut down
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You’re standing outside a store at the mall waiting for your brother Dustin and his friends to come out when Billy Hargrove walks up to you and begins harassing you with his shitty pick up lines.
“Hey tie your shoes, I wouldn’t want you falling for someone else” he says running a hand through his hair with his ‘I’m the coolest guy in the world’ smile.
“Nice try Billy, I hate to break it to you though, I’m wearing sandals, and in order to fall for someone else I think I’d have to of fallen for you first.” You try to shut him up but he keeps going. “Let me try again then, I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you” but all you do is say “still not any better” and you can see the look of frustration begin to grow on his face.
He huffs, “fine, I’ll step it up a notch then. Is that mirror in your pocket?” He looks at your ass. “Cause I can see myself in your pants” he says getting closer and slaps your ass before you push him off. “Get the fuck off of me Hargrove, I’m not interested!” You yell before hearing the voice of the sheriff.
“What’s going on here?” He sternly says walking up to the two of you. “Causing more trouble Hargrove aren’t you?” To which Billy shakes his head, not trying to be in trouble with the police again. “No sir I’m not, I was actually just leaving” he says before quickly walking away from the two of you
“Thanks Hopper, um what's the backpack for?” You look at the pink bag he’s holding. “Oh, uh yeah, it’s for El. She’s spending the night a Max’s and forgot it at home, she told me she thought you were taking them to the mall so I figured I’d check here.” He explains
“Well you checked the right place” you giggle. “I can take that off your hands, they’re just inside the store so I’ll give it to her when she comes out” you say, taking the backpack out of his hands and swing it on to your back.
“Thanks a lot Y/N. So I saw Billy was getting a little handsy, what a prick” he scoffs. “Do you want me to catch up and uh do something to him, about what just happened? Hopper whispered to you.
You don’t know what it is about him, he’s El’s dad for Christ sake, but just the way he wanted to protect you from Billy made you feel so safe- and turned on. You’ve always liked an older man, not in a weird way but the way of they’re mature, and have more experience with life, and other things… You’ve never been one to shoot your shot like you’re about to do, but you’re 18 which is legal age and the worst he could say is no.
“I think there’s someone else I rather have you do things to” you whisper as you subtly bite your lip. “W-who?” He asks as his face blushes, but he already knows what the answer is. “Me. I’ll meet you at your house, 7 tonight” you say as you go to turn to walk in the store. “But El” You turn back to look at him, “but El is sleeping at Max’s, we’ll have the house all to ourselves. See you then” you smirk and wink at him before entering the store.
And that’s exactly what you did, you met him at his house at 7 that night, in a short skirt and a tank top, underneath it being a matching lacy bra and panty set.
You knock on the door and wait for him to answer, a look of shock on his face as he opened it. “Wow… you actually came, uh come in, please come in” he welcomes you into his house. “Did you take me for a liar?” You ask
“I- uh- no, I didn’t, I just wasn’t fully sure if you were joking or not, but I’m really glad you’re not” he reassures you. “Why don’t you show me how glad you are?” You smirk
He leads the way into the bedroom, the two of you exchanging kisses on any place you could get to. Necks, lips, jaws, wherever you could find.
“Take you clothes off” he orders you, but you decide to be a brat, “Hm, why should I?”, to which he rolls his eyes and strictly says “because I’m an officer, and you listen when a cop tells you to do something, understand?”
“Yes sheriff” you smirk and stand up, pulling your shirt over your head and your skirt down your legs, leaving you in just your bra and panties, not for long though because those were quickly removed too.
You climb on the bed sitting up after removing your clothing, Hopper still in his uniform.
“Put your hands above your head” he instructs as he unbuttons his top and throws it to the floor. “Don’t know if I can do that sheriff” you innocently say to him before he starts walking towards you. “Well I can” he says pushing you back into the bed and pinning your hands about your head before roughly kissing you
“You know people who don’t follow rules and listen to the officer tend to get in more trouble” he says after breaking the kiss. “Maybe that’s something I’m willing to risk” you whisper as he quickly flips you over placing you so you’re lying on your stomach. “Get on your knees, face down, ass in the air” he directs and you do so, deciding to follow his rules this time
“Maybe some handcuffs will teach you a lesson ay?” He says before quickly grabbing you arms and placing them behind your back, locking your hands in the metal cuffs. “That’s better” he speaks, letting go of your cuffed hands and slapping your bare ass. “I think it’s time someone puts you in your place”
You can’t physically see what he’s doing, but you can hear the metal on his belt coming undone and dropping to the floor, his pants following.
He walks up behind you and pushes his clothed erection against your ass. “You feel what you do to me? What should I do about this?” He asks. “I think you should fuck me” you answer getting wetter at the touch of his hard erection. “I think that’s the smartest thing you said all night” he says before pulling down his underwear and teasing your entrance with his tip.
“God you’re so fucking wet for me, makes it so easy for me to just slide right in” and not even a second later, he roughly slams into you, causing a roaring moan to escape your mouth.
He grabs onto the cuffs on your hands placed behind your back for support as he begins to pound into you- not going easy, heavy breathing and whispering “fuck” under his breath.
You on the other hand, could barely get the word fuck out of you mouth. You just took it and moaned like you never have before, he didn’t give you anytime to build your moans up, he started fast and it felt fucking incredible, something you never felt before.
He continues slamming you, but this time slapping your ass and gripping it to keep balance, before he begins to move and reposition himself slightly, almost as he was looking for something.
“W-what are you -oh fuck- doing?” You moan out. “You’ll see” he slaps your ass hard, causing you to yelp.
He repositions himself one last time before thrusting into your g spot hard, causing you to scream out a moan, with the sound of you and slapping skin filling the air. “Found it” he smirks.
He repeatedly pounds into your g spot as you repeatedly scream out many different phrases, “Fuck officer you feel so good” “I love having you inside me, you fill me up so well” and many- many- moans, until you feel yourself getting close.
“F-fuck” you moan out. “S-so close” you whimper. “You wanna cum babygirl? You want to cum all over a police officers cock like a dirty girl?”
“Y- yes please!” You moan out in pleasure. “Then do it, cum all over my dick like a little slut”
And as soon as he said that, that’s what you did, you let the knot in your stomach go and you moaned as loud as you can as your whole body was shaking along to the pretty noises coming out of your mouth. He kept thrusting as you came down from your messy moaning high, but not for long though, quickly pulling out of you.
He grabs you by the handcuffs and pulls you up to a sitting position on your knees, your hands still tight behind your back being unable to use them before placing himself in front of you.
“That mouth sure likes to speak like a brat so show me what else it can do” he shoves his cock in your mouth and begins to thrust in and out as you suck and lick his cock. “That’s it princess, god you take me so fucking good, all mine, not that fucking Hargrove kid, mind” he says before placing a hand on the back of your head, pushing it down to take him further as he face fucks you.
“I’m getting really fucking close- really close. I’m gonna-“, that’s all he could say before you ran your tongue up on the vein along his length, making his cock twitch in your mouth, causing him to explode and shoot his hot cum down your throat, you swallowing it all.
He takes a few seconds to cool off and get his breathing back under control before standing up and walking to the back of you to unhook your handcuffs.
He finally sets your arms free as you get up and run a hand down his chest, “wow sheriff, I think I might have to be a bad girl more often” you smirk
“Watch it, you might get yourself locked up here for a night with that mouth” he slaps your ass one last time
“If what we just did will always be my punishment, I don’t think I’d mind being locked up here for a night” you shrug your shoulders. “Tonight was amazing, thanks sheriff” you wink
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secondscratch17 · 5 years
weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? All of them. I drink tea in coffee mugs and teacups. I love drinking wine. I like that I can recycle soda cans
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? chocolate
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? bubblegum if the flavor lasts long
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? the stereotypical quiet, obedient, smart, goody-two-shoes kid
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? somehow I like the aesthetic from soda bottles
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? hONESTLY I can dO ALL OF THE ABOVE in the span of days. Went to work one day wearing beach-y clothes for spirit day. Returned to pick up a friend to go see a metal concert in VERY metal concert attire. I own short, sweet summery floral dresses and gothic dresses, too
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuds, they allow me to be more mobile
8. movies or tv shows? movies
9. favorite smell in the summer? Fresh cut grass. The smell of the ocean. Churros at the fair
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Soccer, obvs. Somehow would always last until the end of the game in dodgeball tho because I was small and no one could hit me
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist? Don’t have one. 
13. lanyard or key ring?  Key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Smarties!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? I remember re-reading Holes over and over just to make my book reports easier since I knew the boo so well. The Kite Runner was phenomenal and unforgettable
16. most comfortable position to sit in? idk?? I really can’t sit still in one position for too long
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? Currently my hiking/outdoorsy shoes. Also my black Nikes that I play pickup in and wear to the gym
18. ideal weather? Sunny and 65. Maybe one or two clouds. The tiniest of faint breezes to cool me down. 
19. sleeping position? Any I can get into and fall asleep in quickly
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Laptop. I can edit easier.
21. obsession from childhood? Probably any cheesy show on Animal Planet. The Most Extreme, Meerkat Manor, Big Cat Diary, etc
22. role model? I have a lot of different ones. Role models for athletics, role models for career and ambition choices, artistic role models...can’t pick just one
23. strange habits? Spelling words with the tips of my fingers
24. favorite crystal? Aquamarine
25. first song you remember hearing? how in the FUCK am I supposed to remember that. I do remember my parents playing The Beatles for me when I was a toddler
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Soccer! (futbol) 
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Sledding, making hot chocolate, or playing indoor soccer haha
28. five songs to describe you? Who I am Hates Who I’ve Been by Relient K, Proud by the Icarus Account, Land of the Dead by Voltaire, Always Leaving by Mayday Parade, Wavin’ Flag by K’naan
29. best way to bond with you? Listening to my favorite music with me or watching the US Women’s national soccer team with me
30. places that you find sacred? Belfast, Maine. Gold Camp Road. Newport Beach
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Tight jeans with holes in them, fishnets, and a crop top
32. top five favorite vines? Vines still exist?
33. most used phrase in your phone? “tbh”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? O O O O REILLYYYYYY’S autoparts
35. average time you fall asleep? around 9
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? I don’t remember
37. suitcase or duffel bag? suitcase
38. lemonade or tea? Is it warm outside? Lemonade. Is it cold outside? tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? PIE!
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Zombie hunting or my professor cutting lab a half an hour short to go look at some Cedar waxwings
41. last person you texted? I think it was Robert
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Pants pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Jean jacket
44. favorite scent for soap? Anything fruity
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy. It depends on how good the sci-fi movie is
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? as little as possible lmao
47. favorite type of cheese? Parmesan
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? A raspberry
49. what saying or quote do you live by? A great amount of good is always evened out by a great amount of bad
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Honestly Daniel knew how to make me laugh better than anyone. There are a couple of memories with him that I don’t remember entirely but I know that I ended up cry-laughing so hard that my head hurt. There was a time during my orientation camping trip when a bunch of us were playing ultimate Frisbee, and Jesse went to catch the frisbee in the most perfectly lateral horizontal position and the expression of focus just frozen on his face had me laughing so hard that I couldn’t see
51. current stresses? Sam. Jobs that I can apply for starting in May of 2020. Sam. STUDENT LOANS. Bills. Car payments. Wondering how fucked up my car has gotten since I’ve lived here on this ranch. Sam. 
52. favorite font? Anything that looks fancy and sarcastic
53. what is the current state of your hands? Need to be washed. 
54. what did you learn from your first job? The world is cruel and bad things happen without warning
55. favorite fairy tale? Uh....the Pied Piper?
56. favorite tradition? when my family visits for Christmas, eating lots of traditional Chinese food with them
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Heartbreak. Staggering rejection from the field I majored in. Probably a lot of body image struggles in there as well
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Writing, futbol, adaptability, flexibility. I think the last two are just traits but I don’t have a lot of talents I can invest in
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Let’s make like a baby and head out
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? No idea
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Though we are far apart, our spirits share the same earth and the same sky
62. seven characters you relate to? Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit, Data from The Goonies, Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, Eliza Thornberry from The Wild Thornberries, Raven from Teen Titans, Isaac from Teen Wolf
63. five songs that would play in your club? ANYTHING by Within Temptation. I wouldn’t be a good club owner. The catchy and pump-up songs from Hamilton.
64. favorite website from your childhood? Wasn’t allowed much computer time. I was allowed to visit educational sites and occasionally the Disney site
65. any permanent scars? some self-harm scars. Probably the one on my right leg that I got from CO parks and wildlife. I stepped on a barbed wire fence that had been plastered to the ground, but the metal sprang up when I stepped on it and ripped through my skin
66. favorite flower(s)? Plumerias
67. good luck charms? I’m not sure if I have any. 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? earthworm flavor from Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? uh...Something about not being able to spray silly string on Halloween in Hollywood
70. left or right handed? Right handed
71. least favorite pattern? wtf
72. worst subject? anything math related, I really struggled in GIS.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I...have no idea
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 2. I’m a baby
75. when did you lose your first tooth? I was 6
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? chips and fries
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? a succulent
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? sushi from a grocery store, the quality can surprise you
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Both are terrible
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? I hate bugs
82. pc or console? PC
83. writing or drawing? Writing, I’m terrible at drawing
84. podcasts or talk radio? Not into either
84. barbie or polly pocket? I had both
85. fairy tales or mythology? God!!!! Like hearing about both but mythology I guess
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cookies
87. your greatest fear? Being forgotten. I also have a terrible, horrible fear of drowning
88. your greatest wish? In the times I’ve struggled I often find myself wishing for peace. Not only for myself, but for others to easily feel peace with everyone else
89. who would you put before everyone else? Sierra
90. luckiest mistake? Mistake? There’s been lucky accidents but I don’t think any of my mistakes have been lucky
91. boxes or bags? It depends on what I’m packing and where I’m going
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight
93. nicknames? T, Tear, Tear-tear, T-Dog, Miss T..a few of my recent favorites from soccer: Ronaldinha and Thierry Chun
94. favorite season? Fall! Shit, especially in New England
95. favorite app on your phone? I don’t know
96. desktop background? A picture of a simple dock leading out to sea
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? My parents’ and brother’s
98. favorite historical era? Victorian era, for sure
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2020 review
Disclaimer: You won’t hear much about the virus in this. I’m not a denier, I know the damage and destruction covid19 has caused and the death toll, therefore I am not yet cold enough not to realise this is going to sound completely selfish, but that is my decision.  My reviews focus on MY year. Just so you’re aware. “I accept chaos, I’m not sure whether it accepts me.” Bob Dylan.
2020... What can I say?
This was the year I decided to officially identify as Non-Binary, not that anyone actually cares or believes me or things i'm "(insert stereotype at will)" enough. except for those very VERY rare people who do and who actually listen and hear me when I speak
Anyway -It has been a trashcan fire of a year since February/March February when I saw the Hu and Counterfeit alongside Ally. And I say February/March because that was the weekend I say my year ended...the good part anyway. Because it was that weekend when I got the ultimate honour, privilege and miracle of meeting Jason Carter, After that it was like a Dementor had French kissed the year and I can’t be the only one who thought it? Conventions and gigs postponed, rescheduled and ultimately cancelled, masks, social distancing, lockdowns the works. And can I just say - I didn’t clap, and I don’t feel in the slightest bit ashamed for it. Despite or maybe because I have friends and a few family who work in the NHS I couldn't bear to be a part of the hypocritical BS idea. I live in a country that will clap for their 'beloved' life saving NHS but then stand silent when Pay rises are frozen and when the NHS is in danger, we as a country expect a lot but don't lift a finger to gave back, clapping doesn’t pay bills. But...Bright points in the year let’s try staying positive and leaving the crap outside shall we...well... The main one has got to be that the US finally found their sense and President Elect Joe Biden will b sworn in January 20, 2021. After that... I’ll have to get back to you. Oh...no..no that’s not one... seriously I’ll have a think and get back to you. Conventions: Just one this year, for me, because of the obvious... But what a convention FCD Events presents 2258 a Babylon 5 Conventions: Where, as well as finally being among actual self confessed fans and being able to tick a b5 convention off my bucket list after starting cons way too late to attend the OG cons I did the impossible... I MET JASON CARTER... have I mentioned this? Have I? Should I say t again? I MET JASON CARTER!!! Also Mira Furlan, Tracy Scoggins and Patricia Tallman, but I met him! Finally! And... Just a reminder I did warn you guys, several times that it was likely hell would freeze over if I ever got that particular honour, do not say I didn’t. I’d never done an FCD before, I’d meant to, even bought a ticket but it just never seemed to happen, but the second someone said b5 con, I was so there! Karan Robinson made my year by making me the Anla’Shok uniform. And Nadine added the cherry on top by making the belt buckle that ONLY Marcus and Entil’Zha Sinclair wear: D (for the record: Velcro still hates me) David one of the organisers of FCD kept randomly shouting “We live for the one.” And when people other than m actually knew the response and responded... dude kick in the feels I kid you not. Next Year (Angel Willing) Adam and I are attending the Teen Wolf conventions entitled “Howl at the Moon 4” in Paris, France... which is cool on so many levels not least of which being I get to meet JR Bourne and Daniel Sharman again and get to visit the church of St Julian of the poor. And yes, there are cons planned here in the UK. But... well. It’s already looking Grey, and not the good kind. Music and Gigs: Two gigs one after the other at the 02 Ritz in Manchester. The First:
The Hu a Mongolian band who Ally really likes and I think are pretty cool. They are amazing live there’s no doubt, can hold their own in England even in a room of idiots. The 2nd :
Counterfeit (also with Ally) I went VIP and got to meet the boys again, and listen to a Q&A with them. I will forever love them, not just because of Jamie’s acting side despite what people say. Didn’t realise how special until recently though because;  after keeping fans going and hyping up new singles during lockdowns, they recently decided to go their separate ways. Jamie’s gone solo and he’s put three songs out on YouTube. _ I was meant to be attending a one off gig by Ruelle and Fleurie both of who had music used on Shadowhunters, even talked my friend Lou into it, but it was a victim of the lockdowns and things and I’m not the optimistic type so I doubt it’ll ever happen now, will be lucky if even one of the ladies comes over here if I’m honest. Recently I’ve rediscovered a love for Black Veil Brides and their leader Andy Black’s solo stuff. Olivia Hyde of Bad Pollyanna recently killed everyone in her black unicorn’s fanbase with an amazing solo album, me included. Ally has introduced me to a few interesting bands this year, *Wingtips – very 80s Goth, very Ally (translation: very cool.) *Allegiance Reign – a Japanese Samurai metal band,  not sure what Ally actually thinks of these guys, she found them while perusing YouTube and thought of me :D Suggestions greatly accepted, I am always up for giving new stuff a try. Hopefully next year things will even out and gigs will be able to be put on again. TV and Fandom’s: *We FINALLY got Roswell: New Mexico in the UK, and ITV blitzed through 2 seasons in less than a month, but it was enough for me to decide I loved it, maybe more than I did the original. Alex is my fave, but obv Michael isn’t half bad, nor is Max when he’s not making goo-goo eyes at Liz. * Finally got to see 9-1-1 Lone Star and I absolutely love it, (I kinda knew I would from all the talk) * Decided to give the Charmed reboot a 2nd look and it’s proved addictive, now waiting for s2 to be downloadable on Amazon or something. *In march I was so, so excited for the return of The Expanse and the fact the main cast were coming to a con in the UK, then.. The verse went to hell. I still Love the Expanse, but I’m not as die hard as I was, not for lack of trying. Still love it for Anna of course, any excuse to see her. *After 15 years Supernatural finally ended in 2020 with season15: I stopped watching religiously at the end of season 6 but that does not mean I stopped liking the show just that I didn’t like the direction (like with The Expanse recently) I loved watching the reaction of the fans, and how much they (we if I’m counted) mean to the cast. * I have to mention Cursed... If only to say HOLY HELL DANIEL! 𝑴𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑻𝑽 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒐𝒇 2020 Cursed 9-1-1 Lone Star & 9-1-1 Warrior Nun Prodigal Son Penny Dreadful: City of Angels Doctor who (Officially season12) Roswell s1&2 (it counts cos ITV only just got the reboots) Charmed s1&2(it counts cos E4 only just got the reboots) Call the Midwife (s9 btw) Our Girl Strike Back: Vendetta Friends: “Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
My understanding of "friendship." is skewed, and I’m not saying that to be "Vulcan." it’s honest, and anyone who wants to know how or why just has to ask. But let’s leave it at that for this. It makes some things more stark... and I've said this recently, but this binfire has made even me more aware of who’s out there in my verse, whose pack, who’s potential, and who’s just pathetic. The last I’m not going to waste my breath on. The first two: Pack and Potential (read: new acquaintances /potential friends) Pack: Yes I go on about friends as 'Pack like a person whose OD'd on Teen Wolf... because I am so :P My pack as a whole are varied, and spread out across this country with a few dotted around Europe and Aus. hopefully they know who they are because I don't do mushy crap as they know. But if they do know, they know I'm there when I'm needed and more than willing to sod off when not. Yorkshire brass makes me frank and I’d hope fair. There are 2...mayb 3 who sit above the rest, in special place for the things they've done and things they've been through with me. I make no denial of that. But everyone is important to me. I wouldn't change them for anything.... Ok... tell a lie, maybe 1 or 2 when they do my box in, but that’s only like for a week maybe less. I've spent too many years and got too many scars and burned too many photos and bridges because of fake people and users to not be honest to a fault. It’s who I am. Potential: the Counterfeit gig in Manchester, 2258 and yes even Tiktok have given me the opportunity to make some interesting acquaintances this year, and some I hope will become friends in the real in the future, but for now I will say - "I am defensive, stand off ish, sometimes bull headed and of course opinionated, but I am by no means blind. Or blinkered despite what may be said of me. I am there when needed, if I can be of use, just poke me."   Ave Atqua Vale This section has its own post these days. Sadly. Pictures Will try and make one of my “a year in ten pics.” Posts later. Final words While I am not fond of this time of year, Enjoy your celebrations whatever for they may take, I will be watching The Magicians / Call the Midwife and plotting 202? Cosplays. I will be here when (fk knows why) I'm needed. Otherwise-  Compliments of the season, now go get a beer, i'm sure you need it after reading this crap.
in the words of The one and only Jason Carter  “Hindsight is 2020″
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theofficialcunt · 7 years
short prompt: danny drunk and cold after a gig in ny, making his way to roy's house 4 cuddles and luv. ♡
Sorry if I didn’t get hypothermia right, I’m not sure if it’s suppossed to be colder outside for it to happen or what but here is some fluff. Enjoy!
“Thank you New York City!”
Adore waved to the crowd and skipped off stage back to her dressing room to de-drag. She had a long run of shows, and this was the last one of the year. Christmas was coming up, and Adore was not used to this bone chilling cold that New York had welcomed her with.
Danny de-dragged quickly, and made his way out of the club into the snow covered streets. To his surprise, it wasn’t as cold as he imagined; but all of the Fireball he had consumed on stage probably helped keep his insides warm.
Speaking of keeping his insides warm, he thought about Roy. He hadn’t seen very much of him since he started touring and filming his new show Not Today Bianca. He really missed him, and he knew the time apart was probably for the best, especially since he had had the biggest crush on him for so long now.
He realized just then he was stumbling idly around the city, and had no idea where his hotel was anymore. Being outside in the cold was starting to get to him, either that or the Fireball was wearing off. Danny reached into his coat pocket, bringing out a small flask. He then pressed his lips to the cold metal and felt the contents slip down his throat smoothly. Danny wasn’t usually one for pricey liquors, but when it came to vodka he preferred drinking Grey Goose over any other brand.
He grabbed his phone and decided that he wanted to see Roy. After a few failed attempts of calling the right number, he finally got the right one.
“You realize it’s 2 am in New York right?” The older man barked sleepily through the phone.
“Obvs, Roy. I’m in New York and it’s fucking cold. I don’t know where I’m going!” Danny slurred as he parked his ass on a cold bench. He shoved one hand in his pocket as he shivered.
“Where are you?” Roy asked, concern tainting his usually brass voice.
Danny looked around for a sign of a street sign or intersection.
“I’m on the corner of 7th and..I don’t know, somewhere.” Danny replied.
“Okay, I’ll be right there.” Roy said, sounding wide awake now.
Before Danny could respond, the line went dead and he leaned his back against the coldbench as he waited. New York was beautiful, but his anxiety was through the roof here especially with all of the people still walking around. Danny could hardly get away from fans in West Hollywood, here in New York it was damn near impossible.
Just for a second, Danny closed his eyes and imagined the warm summer sun. Maybe imagining warmer weather would help him survive this unbearable cold.
Soon he felt white hot hands on his shoulders, shaking him rapidly. Go away, he murmurred holding his arms closer to his chest. He started hearing a voice, first it sounded like it was coming from the end of a tunnel; very soft and muffled. Danny ignored it for a little, thinking to himself how annoying that they wouldn’t come closer so he could actually hear him. Soon he felt his body shaking, idly thinking he was in an earthquake. The voice became clear as day as it rang loudly in his ear startling him.
“Danny, wake up! Your hands are practically blue!” Roy shook with urgency, rattling him awake.
Danny jumped up, realizing he wasn’t in California, but on a park bench in the middle of winter in New York city.
“Shit, how long was I asleep?” Danny asked disoriented.
“I have no idea, but we have to get you warm. It’s only 2 degrees outside right now.” Roy grabbed Danny’s hand and dragged him into a nearby cab. How long had he been trying to wake him up?
“52nd please and make it quick!” Roy shouted, throwing a crisp $100 bill at the cab driver. The tab was already up to $15 dollars, which meant Roy had been here for awhile.
“I’m so sorry Roy.” Danny said, finally looking him in the eyes. It was unbearably warm in the cab, he felt his whole body stinging with the new sensation of being warm again.
Roy grabbed both of Danny’s hands and gripped them tightly in his. Even though Danny had been wearing gloves, his hands still felt like icicles under Roy’s radiating hands.
“Don’t scare me like that again please. My old brittle heart can’t take it.” Roy smiled weakly, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. Danny knew he was just trying to make light of the situation, it was his way of coping with it. The cab driver was going rather quickly just as Roy ordered, like a yellow blur throughout the city that never slept. Danny felt terrible for what he was putting Roy through, sometimes he really didn’t know how he put up with his bullshit. He didn’t deserve a friend like him, and he’d be lucky if he ever got a boyfriend that did half of the shit Roy did for him.
Before Danny could look up to see where they were at, the cab came to a screeching halt on what must have been 52nd street. Roy gave the cab driver another $50 and thanked him politley as he got out of the car. Roy ran around to the other side before Danny could even unbuckle his seatbelt, helping him out and holding his hand again as they walked up the steps to Roy’s apartment building.
Once they got inside Roy’s apartment, Danny grabbed the nearest blanket draped across Roy’s couch and covered himself in it.
“I’ll get you some tea.” Roy muttered, shooing the dogs away into the bedroom down the hall.
Danny let his head sink into the back of the couch as he shivered, his body still not used to the warmth. He looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was after 5 am. Shit. He had been on that bench for quite awhile, given that his directions were incredibly vague and the street he was on was long- it probably took Roy awhile to find him.
He shut his eyes for just a few minutes, or so he thought.
“Shit, you still aren’t warming up.” Roy said worriedly as he took his hand away from his forehead.
“Well, I don’t know why. I’m in like a million blankets.” Danny whispered.
“Your lips are blue.” Roy observed, touching his lips softly with his fingertips.
“What do we do?” Danny asked.
“Y-you know there’s something we could do but I don’t know how comfortable you’d be with it.” Roy stuttered.
“Bianca del Rio stumbling over her words? I’m listening.” Danny smiled flirtatiously.
“We could, you know get naked. Being naked helps transfer heat the fastest.” Roy had his hands in his pockets now, not making eye contact.
If Danny had any heat left in his body, it would have all gone to his face. He had often fantasized about being with Roy, especially after drag race and when they were on BOTS together. But, when Roy had paraded his ex boyfriend around him every chance he got, Danny got the message loud and clear.
“I’d do anything to be warm again.” Danny finally responded.
“Okay.” Roy said. He sat down on the couch and moved so that he was sitting next to Danny. He slowly moved his way underneath the blanket, holding his hand for a few minutes so that they could get used to each others touch. He then started taking off his shirt first, very slowly until it was off and on the floor.
“Do you need help?” Roy asked, staring into the younger mans eyes concerned.
“I got it.” Danny replied weakly, lifting up his own shirt and throwing it on the ground. He began shivering violently, causing Roy to press himself close to him quickly.
“In order for this to work, we have to be touching.” Roy murmurred seriously. Danny was staring at his bottom lip, which was now incredibly plump after he got fillers put in. He nodded in understanding, cringing at the heat Roy was emitting from his body but letting himself relax.
Next, Roy stood up pulling Danny and the blanket up with him as he began sliding down his pants. He kicked them off to the side, and then unbuttoned Dannys pants. Danny let them fall and then stepped out of them, kicking his weg socks off as he did.
Roy was turning red, as they huddled together standing up.
“I-I know this isn’t ideal for you but I have to take my underwear off too.” Roy finally said.
“I don’t know why that wouldn’t be ideal, you’re fucking hot.” Danny blurted out.
Roy looked at him surprised and then raised an eyebrow.
“You think an old hag like me is attractive?”
“I’ve always thought that.” Danny whispered, eyes fluttering underneath his massive eyelashes. “Inside and out.”
Roy smiled and then removed the last of his clothing, letting his underwear hit the hardwood with a thud. Danny pulled his boxers down and soon the two of them were standing up, cuddled in a blanket naked.
“Well then, this shouldn’t be too difficult then.” Roy responded. They sat back down, Roy gently pushing Danny all the way down on the couch.
“I’m going to climb on top of you, it might be a bit of a shock at first; but I have to stay on top of you to keep you warm.” Roy warned.
Roy climbed on him slowly, trying to let Danny acclamate to his body heat as quickly as possible. Danny shuddered with every move Roy made, especially when his balls finally settled on his stomach.
Soon Roy was all the way on him, and Danny felt like his body was on fire. Roy smelled so good, almost intoxicating as he inhaled his cologne.
“Your lips are still blue.” Roy whispered.
“What will help with that?” Danny asked innocently.
Roy leaned in and their mouths pressed together. Danny felt like his lips were on fire at first, startled by the contact but then it felt like it was warm bliss. The kiss was innocent, but soon Danny was begining to feel warmth everywhere again. It became more desperate, each kiss becoming longer and longer before soon they were making out; tongues dancing around in each others mouths. Danny wrapped his leg around Roy’s torso, throwing the blanket off and letting himself feel the cold air of the apartment again. The sun was peaking through the window but Danny didn’t even care. He was kissing the one he had wanted for so long. Nothing else mattered.
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imaginegladions · 8 years
Hoodoo Boy here we go. I’m just doing the skaters I remember.
Yuuri (Precious KatsuChild)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: outside he plays nice, is ruthless on the ice ;)worst quality: poor angel child has low self esteemship them with: Victor Nikiforov and no one elsebrotp them with: Yuri Plisetsky, and probably Phichit Chulanont bc obvneeds to stay away from: ?? alcohol ??misc. thoughts: at first he was seriously bland for me but then he grew and i cry and also i want to see him in Russia living with victor doing pair skating touring around with Yura let me have this
Victor (Sinningforov)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: the weirdest craziest dork is actually super inspiring and encouragingworst quality: his flamboyance sometimes makes me also want to set myself on fireship them with: His Hubby Yuuri ofcbrotp them with: Chris (THE SIN TWINS FOREVER!!!)needs to stay away from: ?? alcohol ??misc. thoughts: he’s the gayest and we love him for it
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (if he was 18)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: is rude but if you’re rude to his clique he WILL BITE YOUworst quality: cannot emotions XDship them with: … uh, me?brotp them with: Yuuri and Otabek probably (Victor is too much of a dad)needs to stay away from: JJ *triggered*misc. thoughts: Aaaaghhhh do I love this boy, let me tell you how much I adore his determination and his love for skating and his love for his family (even his skating one) and his cat and his awkwardness and and his stubbornness and his sentimentality and his supportiveness of his friends (even if it’s unorthodox) and his care for his fans and his honesty as a character and his awareness of his flaws and of his struggle to fit in but not look like he’s trying and of the pressure he feels to consistently perform better than his last. Let me tell you how brave and fierce and sensitive this boy is, he’s only 15 and he handles himself and his life like a CHAMP. 
I could write a sonnet on Yuri Plisetsky.
Otabek (most innocent angel boy)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: potential for a LOT MORE CHAR DEVELOPMENTworst quality: only appeared near the very end of the anime :(ship them with: ?? no one ??brotp them with: Yuri Plisetsky (these boys need friendship)needs to stay away from: ?? anxiety ??misc. thoughts: you know what they say about slytherin/hufflepuff friendships? otayuri is that friendship.
Phichit (Cutie Pie of the Century)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: best of all best friends everworst quality: sO EXTRA ISTGship them with: ?? brotp them with: Yuuri needs to stay away from: everything bad in this worldmisc. thoughts: he’s so pure pls protect him keep him safe from harm *prays for it*
Christophe (Sinningforov the Second)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: that face he makes when Phichit announces Victuuri engagementworst quality: the mOST EXTRA IN THE WORLD WHEN ON ICEship them with: lol Minakobrotp them with: HIS SIN TWIN VICTOR SINNINGFOROVneeds to stay away from: any kind of metal polemisc. thoughts: (me at episode 10) is it just me or is he groWING ON ME???
JJ (ohmygoodddddshutupppppp)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his confidenceworst quality: his confidence ( TT^TT)ship them with: his beautiful and amazing long-suffering girlfriend the shiniest gem of all ultimate respect bow down to this womanbrotp them with: ????needs to stay away from: ?? anxiety ??misc. thoughts: the theme of king jj is a form of mind control and if you listen to it you will have never-ending lss damn it miyano mamoru for giving jj your voice ;-;
Michele (does not deserve what happens to him)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: best onii-chanworst quality: just an onii-chan XDship them with: Emil (fyt me)brotp them with: All them skaters tbhneeds to stay away from: Emil (lol)misc. thoughts: he needs to get away from his sister and get some Emil individuality
Emil (needs more screen time than is given to him)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: a bright ray of sun in our desolate gay livesworst quality: not enough screen time ;-;ship them with: Michelebrotp them with: alllll the skaters in his bracket XDneeds to stay away from: ????misc. thoughts: I don’t really have thoughts besides that he needs more sCREEN TIME AND HUGS.
Georgi (just wants to be LOVED)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: so fabulousworst quality: always heartbroken :”(ship them with: um, no one?brotp them with: Mila and Yuri P lolololol protect himneeds to stay away from: his evil freakin exmisc. thoughts: HE DID NOT DESERVE????????
Mila (shipper mom on deck)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she’s such a mom friendworst quality: ;w; not enough character developmentship them with: Sarah *hides*brotp them with: Also Sarah, I’m a sucker for besties falling in love. Oh, and Yura and Georgi she has to mom them. XDneeds to stay away from: ????misc. thoughts: she needs like… a background it’s like she just exists?
Sarah (also known as: Michele Pls)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: wants that independenceworst quality: TOO MUCH INDEPENDENCE GO HUG YOUR NII-CHANship them with: Mila lolbrotp them with: Mila, hahahaha. And Yuuri. She’s like the little sis of them all tbh.needs to stay away from: …men?misc. thoughts: i bet all the skaters are like… michele extensions now… if she talks to guy who isn’t a skater she’s got like Phichit gasping and instagramming it with Michele tagged on the photo and Yura forwarding the picture to Mila and Victor giving these guys thE LOOK and maybe Emil low key interrogating them while smiling creepily
Poor Sarah. XD
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widovv · 8 years
wait what are the sadder sherlock fics
oh man anon this is a can of worms okay… i’ve been away from sherlock fic for some time now (i’m currently lost in stucky hell, but i sense the johnlock hell beckoning again) but the ones that have really struck me will always stay with me soooooooo here goes!!!
i’m gonna rec 10 because that’s how many i mentioned in the post also i’m gonna rank them by angst level because FIGHT ME i’m the angst queen
most of these are sherlock-pov (my url used to be piningholmes SORRY that’s just the way it is) also also also i don’t like sick!fics very much because i feel kinda like that’s cheating??? on the angst level so i’m almost exclusively omitting those just psa
10. if nobody speaks of remarkable things by darcylindbergh - Maybe that was why: you only get the one miracle.
this one is john-pov and so, so lovely. sherlock’s pining is palpable and having it from an outsider’s perspective really makes it seem even more real. unfortunately i don’t sympathize with john as much as i do with sherlock, which is why this is so far down the list, but it’s very angsty for a john fic.
9. Ease Your Way into Occupied Spaces by joolabee - One thing’s certain: this wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen.
it’s mainly the title that makes me bang my hands on the table shouting ANGST!!! ANGST!!! ANGST!!! but joolia’s writing is gorgeous and it’s angsty in ways other than characterization and plot, if that makes sense. it’s sad mainly because the sadness is unexpected.
8. Vena Cava by SilentAuror - Sherlock has been shot in the chest; John has been shot in the heart. Though everything is broken, they do their best to heal the wounds that Mary left on them both.
okay this is another john-pov but it’s literally all pining!john and not a lot of post-mary john angst (like “if nobody speaks of remarkable things”) and there’s a lot of sherlock getting hurt and john freaking out, a lot of aborted declarations of love, and a lot of codependency (so basically, a lot of everything i live for)
7. settling of the dust by thosewhowant - After the inevitable confrontation with Moriarty, John leaves.
i have a bit of a soft spot for fics in which john leaves, not only because i know that’s what would hurt sherlock the most, probably even more than john hating him with both maintaining mutual coexistence, but also because of what exactly this fic explains. that sherlock is aware of john’s existence somewhere else but he can’t reach him.
6. Where I Cannot Find You by withoutawish - When Hamish is diagnosed with cancer, his parents have two entirely separate ways of coping.
okay this is the exception to the sick!fic rule because it works so well and yeah, hamish’s illness is what sends sherlock and john into their respective modes of operation but the fic is based on them as a unit and individuals dealing with this, making the illness a vehicle for angst instead of the angst itself (also UUUUGH at the title just wait till you read it in context because it nearly killed me)
5. Software Malfunction by tiger_in_the_flightdeck - “You think I can’t love you? Just because you’re made with metal, and detailed programming?”
this one is sherlock as a sexbot and LOOK OKAY I KNOW IT SOUNDS WEIRD BEAR WITH ME because it’s one of the saddest fics i’ve ever read (obv, if it’s on this list) but it’s also one of the most unique. the payoff is worth any confusion/discomfort that comes from this fic, i promise. (also the podfic is so so so good! i don’t usually like podfics but i highly recommend listening to that instead of reading it, because the technological noises really make the fic come to life.)
4. Lacuna by colored ink - God, it must have been terrible, to think that he would never have this again.
okay the problem with this one (and by problem i mean incredible thing that makes it so angsty) is sherlock like. he’s savage, desperate, and 100% believable. he’s so in love that it nearly kills him and he does something so unforgivable but he can’t help himself and he’s trying his best and he’s so wanting and. help
3. Apokalypsis by songlin - There were things I never told you because I thought we had time. There is no time left in the world anymore.
okay like… usually i like to reread angsty fics because i have this weird draw to emotional masochism, but this is one i touched a second time and probably never will again. it’s not angsty in the same way as the second fic on this list is angsty (just wait), but it’s just really emotionally draining and. it’s so good, like. so very good. but make sure you’re prepared for it. the writing is lovely and the setup is interesting and overall it’s just a damn good fic and a damn good weapon of mass destruction, if that mass destruction is happening exclusively in your soul.
2. Burn Down by augustbird - When love isn’t enough.
just read the desc and tell me you don’t wanna die. it’s post-trf and jenny spares nothing in her characterization of sherlock. this a sherlock very similar to the one in “lacuna.” this fic was The Saddest™ for so long and still remains such a close second, if i have to rank them, but it’s always going to be the one that sticks with me the most. i’ve never read a sherlock exactly like this one and even though it could have totally happened after trf, it’s not a sherlock i ever want to see become canon (because canon should never hurt as much as angst fic, no matter how good the angst fic is)
1. Oxidation by abbykate - As oil paintings dry, the process is not evaporation as there is no water in the paint to disappear; instead, the oils in the paint are oxidised causing them to harden over years in a process that never really stops.
fuck me fucking up we’re not even. talking about this one. i told y’all “burn down” was the angstiest fic i had ever read for so long, and it’s still probably my fave in the sherlock fandom, but this one. this one. i read this all in one day and i was broken afterward. i sent it to all my friends and they wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole after i told them in the 4th chapter sherock says “you’re my soulmate, i know you are, please love me back.” (wanna kill yourself beforehand? reblog this bitch of a gifset) this one is more emotionally draining than “apokalypsis.” honestly read this one at your own risk. i don’t know if any sherlock fic will ever hurt me this much again.
basically anon what i’m saying is that aotw might have hurt me coming into the sherlock fandom like “omg sherlock and john!!! wow!!!” but as a johnlock fanfic vet (as i’m sure so many of you guys can relate) i’ve come to find that aotw isn’t even the beginning. it’s just not even on the board.
hugs and kisses and prayers for your peace of mind if you try reading all of these at once!!!
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