#I don’t want to have the stupid ass “but then whitewashing is ok!!” debate because be serious
ironunderstands · 4 months
Genuinely I think headcanon edits are extremely fun, I just think people should stop trying to fight against the original art style like their life depends on it. Some great ideas get absolutely ruined when this happens. Like at least personally, I think drawing a semi-realistic nose on a cartoony face just won’t look good or make sense no matter how nice that nose looks disconnected from the whole drawing because it doesn’t suit the proportions of the original art.
Like be confident, make your own fanart! Your style is great, and trying to glue it to a different one does not do it justice at all! I understand drawing is hard, trust me I’m ass at it, but like, yall have talent, stop weighing yourselves down by the limitations of the original piece. Fuck it, redraw the face entirely, you can do better, I know you can :)
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