#I don't think I've seen that Elijah photo before
kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Full Episode Commentary
2x14: Crying Wolf
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I prefer Slater over Stevie, but okie.
This show does a lot of alternate meanings. Not just in dialogues, but in episode titles. Crying Wolf means raising a false alarm. It'd be like pulling the fire alarm when there is no fire. I'll show the "Crying Wolf" when I get there. Because this show has werewolves, we could've actually seen a wolf cry.
I see at least 5 dead bodies in this opening scene. That's how many werewolves Damon and Stefan dropped on a moment's notice. This is the torture episode, and if you haven't seen me say this before, know that I love it when people torture Damon. Understand that I'm not talking Whitmore torture, I'm talking characters like Bonnie and Mason, Rebekah and Jules. Damon's high tolerance for pain is fun to watch. It's nothing compared to Enzo's tolerance for pain, but it's good enough. Both can endure pain because of the Whitmores.
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"We can't let them do that, even if we have to kill every last vampire in this town." Brady couldn't even survive Damon, he needed Jules to cover his ass. He's certainly not gonna survive Stefan. I mean, Stefan killed three werewolves before they even got the drop on him. "Uh, this has everything to do with that." Elena tells Stefan she wants to get as far away from Mystic Falls as possible. She's like Damon, she runs away from her problems. I think it's hilarious that Elena doesn't take him to the lake house for the sole purpose of a romantic getaway. She takes him to the lake house to run from her problems.
"And you're falling hard." Damon compels Andie. To be a distraction from Elena, he needs it to be as real as possible. He didn't do this with Caroline because he wasn't using her as a distraction. He only had one purpose with her, and she fulfilled it in 1x3 when Elena invited him into her house. I do think he was the same with the vamp-stuff, though. Like Andie, Caroline couldn't say that he bit her or drank her blood. Obviously, the last thing he'd want is for Caroline to tell her mother. "I want to know his endgame before I kill him, but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met." Damon is lying to Alaric. He's totally gonna kill Eiljah at this tea party lol. Bonnie has a plan to find out the truth of Elijah's plan for the ritual, and she plans to get that truth from Luka. Caroline is digging a few holes. Matt knows she wasn't with Bonnie. In truth, she was recooperating from being tortured. If I were her, Matt would've been compelled to move on just like Isobel did with Alaric. That would be the kind thing to do.
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"That's Elena Gilbert. I've known her my whole life." They pull Tyler into the mix and show him a photo of Katherine. They're basically using his standing in Mystic Falls to find the doppelganger in Mystic Falls. He's gonna realize who his friends are. They're talking about breaking the moon curse so that he doesn't have to turn at all, but fail to tell him Elena has to die to make that happen. Tyler just can't catch a break with people, for real. From Mason to Caroline to Brady, they can't stop lying to him. I don't know why Caroline is fighting this. She should compel Matt to move on. If she truly cared about him, she would. I mean, it's not like she's choosing to be honest with him. Tyler purposefully runs into Caroline to grab her phone, and does this so they can get a location on Elena. As much as I feel sorry for him, he also flip flops too much with his trust. He just had Caroline taken and tortured, now he's gonna put Elena's life at risk. "The two of you want to get together, fine, there's nothing I can do about it. But do me a favor, and both of you stop lying about it." Caroline is lying to them and to herself. That's why she's so hurt by Tyler's betrayal in the previous episode.
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They do certain repeats with Delena, and the Gilbert lake house is one of them. I refuse to ignore the fact that she's planning to self-sacrifice, and Stefan has no idea. No one does road trips like Delena does road trips, but I do love Stefan's cherry red car.
Elena: You don't have to wait out there. I'm all good. Stefan: Oh, that's great because I'm, uh… I'm stuck.
Stefan needs to be invited into the lake house. Know what "stuck" means for Elena in 3x11.
"Oh, my god. You can't get in. Stefan, I can't. My parent's left this place to John Gilbert. He's the only one who can invite you in. I'm sorry. I - I completely forgot."
Elena is getting very good at this lying thing, which becomes a huge thing in seasons 3 and 4. Their kiss in the kitchen here, this is where their season 5 Markos vision comes in.
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"Thanks for introducing us, Jenna." Damon is sweet to Jenna., and to be fair, she likely hooked them up to stop him from putting his paws on Elena lol
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Caroline: She's giving him the sex smile. Jeremy: Alright, Caroline. I get it.
Jeremy's jealousy doesn't drive him like Stefan's does. He's actually quite chill about it all. It certainly doesn't take much with body language. You can tell by Caroline's that she knows about Jeremy's feelings for Bonnie. When you combine Elena's ability to lie to Stefan about the lake house invite with Caroline's body lanuage here with Jeremy's feelings for Bonnie, you basically have season 3 and season 4 Elena. Even though Elena lies about her feelings for Damon, it can be seen in her body language as well as everyone elses.
So it's made clear that Bonnie roofied the drink she handed to Luka, and it didn't take much to drop him. From what I saw, just one sip. "Do you ever think about us, what our future will be like, our memories?" Elena opened the box, the coffin because she plans to close it with her inside. Something to hold onto when she dies. Makes me wonder what she holds onto when she dies in 3x22. This part of her lake house trip should be remembered when she takes Damon because, unlike with Stefan, her and Damon are completely open with each other.
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So I'm gonna dive into these initial scenes. Damon is working on the other side of Bonnie, trying to get information from Elijah just as Bonnie is trying to get information from Luka. The difference is real simple. Bonnie doesn't trust Elijah, so she doesn't trust Luka. Damon doesn't trust anyone, so he's going straight to the source. It should also be known that while Damon is afraid of Elijah, he refuses to give him his fear. He's all heart, all courage, and this is despite his knowing that Elijah could kill him in an instant.
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The context of Elijah's comment makes this scene altogether funny to me. He has no idea who he's talking to. "I'm an Original. Show a little respect." He's basically speaking as a parental figure, as a father vampire, and demanding Damon's respect. Yeah, he doesn't know Damon.
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Respect isn't given, it's earned. That's the difference between respect and dignity. Damon would no sooner respect Elijah than he'd respect his sperm donor of a father. That's why this scene is funny to me.
"Does Jenna know about your extracurricular activities? Maybe it's time we tell her." John is going after Alaric's relationship with Jenna because he's trying to kill Damon. He wants Alaric off his game. "You're a dick." lol… this is coming from Damon's friend. John pulls with Alaric and Jenna what Damon pulled with Stefan and Elena in the first season. It's their continued Katherine-Isobel parallel. Some of their Alaric parallels are for Damon and Katherine and some are for Stefan and Katherine. That's how most of their ship parallels work.
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Stefan and Elena find a secret storage space in her parents' closet. This is how Damon would hide his humanity in his bedroom. That's why he has storage lockers. He keeps his cares hidden away. That's where Damon hides his tracking on Stefan in season 3... his closet. One could walk into Damon's bedroom and have no idea what he cares about. He hides those "cares" because they would be his weaknesses. He's basically protecting his friend in New York by hiding the photo of them in his storage locker.
"He is so crushing on you." lol… Caroline is trying to play matchmaker with Jeremy and Bonnie. Caroline can't begin to understand Delena if she can't begin to understand Bonnie's connection to Luka. Traitor or not, he understands her. Caroline says they're not in any position to judge because she's a vampire and Bonnie is a witch. As if not being a vampire and not being a witch would put them in the position to judge. At any rate, this sounds hilarious coming out of Caroline's mouth because that's all she does is judge their relationships. Like girl is only cool with her friends dating the boys she wants them to date. She's cool with Bonnie dating Jeremy because she tells her to, but she's not cool with Bonnie dating Ben or Shane. She's cool with Elena dating Stefan because she tells her to, but she's not cool with Elena dating Damon. And while she judges everyone else, she hates it when she herself gets judged. She judges so badly that Stefan has to confront her about it in season 5. "Caroline, how would you like to be judged solely based on what you're attracted to?" All the more hilarious because when he confronts her about it, she's judging Elena for being with Damon after she just slept with Klaus. That's how bad Caroline is.
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Damon: Ooh. She's got spunk, huh? Alaric: Just don't kill her, please.
That's one of the things Damon likes about Elena. Her spunk. This is now the second time Alaric died with the Gilbert ring on. I think he dies like twice more before he starts going mad on it. 3x4 with Damon and 3x10 to save Jeremy.
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"Whew! Damn, you're strong. It took the whole syringe." Damon is strong, but he's not the stronger brother. This scene is like 1x5, "I'm stronger than you think." That's why he escaped the cellar. He's strong af. Even more so in the fact that they've been building their tolerance to vervain. I don't consider Damon power hungry like Klaus. He's fine being a regular vampire, but he wants to be as strong as he can be as a vampire… if that makes sense. That's why he's building his tolerance to vervain. It's all about survival for him.
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Elena finds more of Johnathon Gilbert's journals. An entire season for her to read about how Stefan is a bigger monster than Damon. And it'll take another season for her to accept that truth. Yes, Stefan has her that blind. "I always knew you were lax with them, but I didn't think you were negligent." I hate to say it, but John is spot-on with Jenna. If she weren't the least bit, she'd already know Elena is dating a vampire. I mean, the woman has never been compelled. "He's a liar, Jenna. Did he ever tell you what happened to his wife?" I hate how blind she is to everything going on. However, John is completely alienating the entire team that's protecting Elena, at a time when he should be using them. Damon, Stefan, Alaric. These are wars he could've started after the ritual. John is literally diggng his own grave.
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"And that ring that Isobel gave you, that's mine. I'm gonna want that back." The audience already knows that Alaric has a Gilbert ring and he's wearing it. Here, they're showing Damon's concern for his friend. They want you to know he's purposefully looking for that Gilbert ring to make sure his friend is wearing it. The one thing he didn't know when he killed Jeremy in 2x1, so you see how his character shifts ever so slightly as the episodes move along.
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A high tolerance for pain. Not as high as Enzo's, but good enough to make me laugh while they try to torture him for information. A true torturer would know their victim, and they clearly don't know Damon. If they did, they would've kept Alaric alive and used him to torture Damon. Damon is literally laughing at Jules here, and this is despite knowing they can cause him more pain with just one pull. That's why his torture scenes are fun to watch. He endures them because they have no idea how to torture him. Rebekah is the only one that comes close.
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Damon doesn't just laugh in Jules' face. He uses Mason's death to taunt them. Again, he does this despite knowing they can cause him more pain with just one pull. "Let me tell you how this is gonna go: You're gonna torture me, I don't talk, someone loses a heart." Damon is telling it like it is. And as I've said many times before, most of their foreshadows sit with his character. Someone will lose a heart.
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Just look at the way he endures it, the way he fangs in response. "Actually, it seems that dog has slipped its collar." Damon can handle a great deal of pain, but this… I felt it was the right time to mention Sybil's comment. They have a dog theme in the show.
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Some episodes end opposite the open, so you get neck spikes with Damon and Elijah. Elena really thought she could keep this ritual secret. Jeremy, Caroline, and Bonnie are flipping their lids. Lukas just told them that Elijah's deal requires Elena die. Brady shoots Stefan with a wooden bullet. He has Tyler guarding him with the gun and a stake while he goes after Elena. I swear, some of these characters don't think. This was Brady's single mistake. Elena would trust Tyler before she'd trust him. I mean, why the hell would this girl trust Brady when he's at her family's cabin in the middle of nowhere and shouldn't have any clue as to its location? And Stefan would be screwed out of an escape with Brady because he doesn't give a shit about Elena, but Tyler does. I mean, Tyler just got done telling them that he's known Elena his entire life, you really think he's gonna let you kill Elena? lol... if I were Brady, I would've guarded Stefan and had Tyler get his hands on Elena. That would've been the smarter move.
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"In order to break the curse, Elena has to die." Tyler's face lol. Any one of Elena's friends would suffer the pain of breaking their bones every full moon just to keep her alive. Tyler is no exception. Brady doesn't need an invite. He's a werewolf. Unfortunately for him, Elena has the home field advantage. More so with that recently discovered closet full of goodies. lol… Elena stabs Brady in the gut, then gets him in her closet full of goodies. This girl is taking on a werewolf by herself lol. "I just… I don't want to be like this anymore." I can list a lot of reasons to love Elena. Her understanding is at the top of my list.
Damon and Elena are written opposite each other in their strengths and weaknesses in such a way that they complete each other. Just thought I should mention that while I'm here.
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"Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it." I can't stop laughing at Damon because Jules has no idea who she's torturing. She's talking to him about how buckshots work. He's like… And?
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I also love his reaction when Elijah walks in.
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"Let me tell you how this is gonna go: You're gonna torture me, I don't talk, someone loses a heart." Three hearts gone in an instant. Jules takes off running, she doesn't feel like dying tonight lol. Stevie tries to hide in his jacket, which is hilarious af. Elijah severs his spine without decapitation.
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There's something insanely sexy about Elijah pulling those chains off Damon. "So you realize this is the third time I've saved your life now?" Elijah underestimates Damon. I'm not saying Damon wants to die because he doesn't, but when he gets himself into situations such as this one, he is prepared to die. Elijah won't see Damon until he walks in to see the Salvatores fighting. That's when he knows he'll have to kill Damon to kill Elena.
"I know the deal I made, Stefan. Elijah's very careful with his words. He promised to protect my friends. He never said a word about me." Bonnie called Damon to inform him, then Damon called Stefan to inform him. Elena knows how real this is because of Rose and Trevor.
"Elena, how… how could you stand out there earlier with me, talking about making plans for our future when you don't even expect to have one?"
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Because she didn't expect to have one. She wanted something to hold onto when she died. It's kinda like Bonnie lying to Jeremy, then calling him as she's about to die with Damon. It's hilarious to me that Stefan expected more from Elena when their entire relationship has been a dishonest one. They lie to each other, and constantly. "No. What you're doing is you're being a martyr." This is Stefan's problem in season 3, and the reason he loses Elena. He thinks he's keeping her safe, but he's not. As Damon clearly and honestly states, he's being an insufferable martyr. "Because I've already lived. 162 years I have lived, and you've barely begun. And now you want to let yourself get killed? That's not heroic. It's tragic." This line of dilogue is perfectly suited for Damon in the series finale. The difference between living and existing, thus, the difference between Stefan and Damon.
I also think it's hilarious that they basically shat on every conversation Stelena had about the future.
"You think I'm hot?" Like Damon and Elena and his most attractive look, Bonnie thinks Jeremy is hot. I hate this ship, but I'm happy that they're happy. Tyler is saying his goodbyes. This is the perfect time for him to break from the group to learn more about himself, and I do like Jules. It was always about Tyler for her, and I think that's why I like her more than I like Mason. I love Tyler's moment of honesty with Matt. Perfect for a love triangle, and something you don't see with Stefan. In fact, Tyler's moment of honesty with Matt is every bit Damon's honesty about Stefan.
"No more lies." Jules is gonna have one hell of a crash. She just lost another 5 werewolves all because of a lie Klaus spun for the sake of triggering his werewolf gene. All she has is Tyler. Given how they're written, I'm thinking Mason was the leader of their pack. Not saying he was, but that's my guess.
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As I said before, some episodes end opposite the open. That's what they did with the alternate meaning of the title, Crying Wolf.
Stevie: They're putting everything in place to break the curse. Stefan: No. I swear to you. We don't want to break the curse, Tyler. We don't want to do that.
The false alarm of the episode.
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elejah-wonderland · 9 months
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Love is in the Air
_a tvd fanfic_part 3
a/n: first of all
Thank you 🎈🤗
for reading and liking.
_this is a little light-hearted love story, set in Rome, Italy.
"Elena!" Elijah muttered looking at the woman somewhat dumbfounded. She was the last person in this world that he thought would meet. A feeling of strange warmth splayed across his chest as her hand now moved in a single wave followed by a little smile. "Hello, there"
"Hello," Elena uttered with a surprised gulp, her heart lurched in an excited rhythm, "Elijah"
"Uhm - sorry that I am so" Elijah found himself gapping.
"Speechless?" Elena teased a little, finding it completely unusual that she could be so forward with a man she had seen such a long time ago, and yet, it felt like it was yesterday.
"Yes - I guess - it's just - yesterday I read an article about you - and - well, I knew you were in Italy filming, but never could I've imagined I'd meet you - right - uhm - how are you?"
"Me? Fine. Busy - and fine. Taking an incognito holiday." Elena said.
"Sorry, what?" Elijah shook his head a bit.
"I finished shooting - which was exhausting, though no one would believe it - and at the end of it - I said - this is it! I am taking a couple of weeks of and escape. And here I am in Rome." Elena explained."You?"
"Me? Research - for a new book - a sequel, actually. I don't know if you know - a historical mystery thriller." Elijah said.
"Let me guess- Burning Wings sequal? Yes, I know - but why are you standing? Please take a seat it down - unless you are waiting for someone-"
"No - not waiting for anyone" Elijah said and finally sat down, "I don't really mean to intrude if you are here - with - someone"
"What?" Elena slipped, and quickly understood that he meant if she was with someone. Chuckling a bit, she shot at him quite cutely,"Well, yes, I am with an imaginary fiancé here actually, but - it really has to stay under the radar."
"Yes. No other fiancé. And the imaginary one broke it off with me anyway. And so, I am on my own here, sipping wine and - thinking that this town is and its romantic thing just a myth."
Elijah smiled broadly now. He thought of pinching himself. Could this be real? Was she sitting there next to him, her chestnut beaming at him charmingly? Her whole being shining like a sun.  The photos he had seen didn't do her justice, he thought. She was more beautiful, than he remembered. 
If it wasn't for the waiter arriving to ask what he would have liked to drink, he would have been lost gazing at her forever.
"Yes, red - Merlot is fine. And square pizza romana with mozzarella- I have not had anything substantial to eat since I arrived.".Elijah said.
"Wow - the real thing." Elena chimed.
The waiter now turned to Elena and asked if she was going to eat anything.
"I am fine. Just another glass of the same."the brunette replied. 
"You can have a slice," Elijah offered,"unless - pizza is a no- no."
"Pizza is usually a no-no- but since I am on holiday it is a yes-yes. I had a carbonara for lunch, and before I came here, one of those chocolate and pistachio biscotti and now will pass. Thank you. When I go back home, my personal trainer will not be happy, and will definitely put me on a really tough training schedule."
"Where is home now? Still L.A?" Elijah asked.
"Thinking of moving to New York, actually." Elena said.
"I am in-between houses, cities - I've got nothing really set up. Uhm- just got divorced a few months back"
"Oh - sorry."
"It's fine. We have not been together for two years now. It just got final. And I don't have an imaginary fiancé either." Elijah joked a little.
"Noted." Elena said and then swayed to another topic-"so, you are setting the plot for the sequel in Rome?"
"Yes, I am." Elijah replied and then retrieved the memory that she knew about the first book,"did you read my book?"
Elena nodded slightly. "I started it. And I can tell you that I got hooked on it straight away. Angel is one feisty woman. They way she stood up to her father, who wanted to put her into a convent. It's going to be quite interesting to play her."
"Play her?" Elijah looked at Elena a tad bit shell-shocked.
"Yes. You will not believe it, but I got the book a couple of days ago. My agent is talking to the producer of The Creed. They want to get the rights, and if and when they do - I said yes to playing Angel. I guess, you don't know anything about it?"
"Well- my agent has mentioned that she is in talks with potential movie deal - wow- this is incredible!" Elijah looked at Elena shaking his head a bit, feeling like this meeting was not a coincidence, that there was a higher power working - something.
"Knowing my team- I have a feeling that this is gonna happen"
"OMG - suddenly I feel under pressure - for an unexplained reason."
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"Yes- just - everything is - all this - us meeting is so extraordinary."
Elijah turned away seeing a couple take to the dance floor, as a very old song came on the radio.
Swaying his look to Elena, he put a hand out, "Dance?"
Elena smiled and now took his hand, and they walked to the small free area next to the bar.
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pricescigar · 2 years
Welcome to my Blog!
My MasterList
You might know me for my Virtual Photography photos, my OC writing or from a friend of a friend. Either way... Welcome to my page!
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I noticed that so many of you guys are following me now which I'm internally grateful for, so why don't I make an introduction post about myself? If you're new here, or an old follower of mine hell, you'll get to know more about me!
So here we go...
My Social Media's
General Facts
I'm a 2003 baby, I know I may probably make some of you older people feel a little old lmao. But hey, the stuff I grew up with is golden and forever will be in my heart
My personalty is a INTP. I think at this point the amount of times you've seen me write, my brain is creative enough...
I'm British init? 🇬🇧 🤪
I'm bisexual, do what you will with this information.
I listen to music 24/7, some way I can escape from this shit hole of a world 💀
I have the same birthday as Will Pouter and Elijah Wood (28th of January)
My name Brooke is Gender-neutral name of English and German Orgin "Water" Or small "Stream"
(But really I was named after Brooke Shields) 💀
I love reading and writing, self explanatory with all of the things I've written lmao
My Special Interests
I started playing COD around 2017? My first game was Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, then it was Call of Duty Modern Warfare remastered, then around Christmas of 2020 was when I got Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 and the first time I played Multiplayer! Then Febuary 2021 ... I fell down the Rabbit Hole with Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War.
(Fun fact my dad got me into the Call of Duty games do I thank him for that)
I love Resident Evil, I played RE7 a few days before RE8 came out. Brought that too, and played all the other games later on when I had the opportunity. I've played RE 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 so far.
I play other games of course, depends what interests me and doesn't interest me.
I also love Dead by Daylight, a game my friends got me into and let me just say... They fully convinced me right off the bat, and I've loved playing it ever since.
Survivor mains on dbd: Jeff, Leon, Vittorio, Cheryl. Ect.
Killer mains on Dbd: Wesker, Pyramid Head, Pinhead.
Disclaimer pt 1
Recently got into God of War too, such an amazing game! Also planning to play GOWIII at some point.
I tend to not to talk about politics too much, just keep it to a minimum please!
Don't be a dickhead and get me involved in drama, I don't really need it I already have enough shit going on lmaoo
If I do something wrong, PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME AND I WILL FIX IT don't talk behind my back, we're all adults here okay?
Just in general don't be mean
Be kind 🖤
Disclaimer pt 2
I'm always up for a chat always! Given the fact of timezone differences I may reply immediately or later on when I'm awake ect
Hell even send me random asks and all of that I don't care
Or when Tumblr finally decides to show messaging notifications even though I have all of them on 🤨
Want a writing Request, pop in an send and ask and I'll get onto it, as long as it meets my guide lines
With writing comissions that requires money DM me for that
And in general I'm always up for chatting and hell becoming friends, and even game with you all 🖤
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matchingvnecks · 6 years
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slashersrus · 4 years
Loki x Reader - She Wolf
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A/N - This is a crossover with The Originals but it's pretty self explanatory so you don't need to have seen the show.
A lone wolf, forgotten and abandoned, ran through the trees, leaping over fallen logs and dodging branches. This wolf, so alone and broken, was no normal wolf. This she-wolf was so much more.
Her name was Y/N Mikaelson.
When Loki arrived on Earth, having been away from it for 1000 years, he knew it would be different to what it was and she would not be there, yet his heart still ached. Leading the attack on New York was almost therapeutic for him, to destroy the beautiful city that his beloved could never lay eyes on, out of bitter resentment. Going back to Asgard, being torn away from her resting place, he didn't argue. He saw no point in arguing, no mortal could live 1000 years and survive. He had said he would return, she had said she would wait forever. The bitter thought of her waiting her entire life for him to come back, only to die alone tormented him daily, he knew logically it wasn't his fault and yet he still took the blame. Her love had left his heart empty, the guilt could help replace the sour emptiness.
Running through the woods, her messy hair hit her face as she spun giddily, her arms spread as she danced in the freshly fallen leaves. He stood watching with a wide smile, a genuine smile, as he leaned against a nearby tree.
"You're going to make yourself dizzy, Darling." Loki spoke gently, an air of humour in his voice as he watched.
"No I'm not!" Y/N giggled, spinning faster as he shook his head amusement, "see! Perfectly not dizzy!"
"Perfectly not dizzy?" Loki laughed, the mocking gentle and kind unlike his usual harsh behaviour to his brother.
She hummed in agreement unconvincingly, her eyes shut as she stopped spinning, clearly wobbling on her feet. He raised an eyebrow at her, moving from the tree just in time to catch her as the dizziness took over and she fell into his waiting arms. Scooping her up bridal style, he grinned down at her as he began the walk back to her village.
Loki raked his hand through his hair, trying to block out the memories that assaulted him as he watched his adopted brother talk to his team mates. Memories of Y/N never left him, always reminding him of what he had lost. Flicking his eyes up to see the group in front of him, a weary sigh fell from his chapped lips as he watched them discuss and strategise for the next mission. He didn't feel remorse for his actions, he couldn't when his bitter resentment still resided in his heart, but he did feel guilt that lives had been lost and so joining the Avengers helped to right his wrongs, Thor called it 'redemption'.  He didn't want redemption, he only wanted her.
Klaus Mikaelson walked through the forest, his eyes keen and ears alert as the bushes rustled and wildlife fled. He was in her territory , her terrain, the she-wolf. With practiced, slow movements he continued to walk. He didn't bother searching, she would find him.
A beautiful, white wolf stepped out from the bushes, her fur a shocking contrast to her burning golden eyes. Stepping closer to him, she lowered her head to show she meant no harm, he was pack.
"Hello, love."
"Loki!" Tears stained her red cheeks, her dress had multiple cuts and gashes, the fabric torn beyond repair. Blood red clung to the bottom of the dress, leaving a crimson trail behind her as she ran towards him.
"Y/N? Y/N! What happened?" As soon as he saw her, the state she was in, he dropped the book he was reading and dashed towards her. Catching her as she collapsed in despair, he shushed her and he gently stroked her tangled hair. Sobbing, she buried her head into his green tunic as he held her close.
"I-I killed him! I didn't mean to! I j-just he was..I-"  her voice was muffled by his chest, her words barely legible through her hiccuping and stuttering.
"It's alright darling, shh." Loki shushed her softly, his voice low and calming as he rubbed her back in comfort.
"I triggered it." She barely managed to get those words out, but he knew exactly what she meant. Her curse, the werewolf genes, she had triggered it by murdering someone and by doing so would become the monster she feared. The wolf.
"I'll be here, I can help." A frown was clear on his face as he felt pity towards her, it wasn't her fault that she had these genes.
Every full moon since they had met, she would curl up to his side and whimper as the wolves howled and snarled. Her father, Niklaus Mikaelson had been a werewolf before his vampirism, meaning she had the genes within her and had always know it was a possibility. The thought of losing her humanity terrified her and in that moment, Loki promised her that he would never let that happen.
"Loki? Loki, are you even listening?" Stark sighed in annoyance at the sight of Loki sat gazing out of the window, his eyes glazed over as he remembered the past, "Thor, I think your brother is broken."
"Brother?" Thor frowned, watching the far away look in Loki's eyes as he shook his shoulder, a bit too roughly.
"What?" Snapping out of his own head, Loki glared at the Avengers around him, all staring at him.
"We asked if you had any information that could help on this mission. We've never encountered anyone with these abilities before." Steve spoke up when Tony narrowed his eyes at the God.
Looking to him expectantly, Loki raised an eyebrow, "well?"
Seeing the picture on the big screen, Loki felt his heart stop. The others were speaking again, but he didn't care, his focus solely on the man in the photo, impossible.
"This man, he's been in hundreds of photos dating back centuries, he's not human. We can link him to multiple mass murders, death seems to follow him. Most recently seen in Mystic falls and New Orleans."
"Brother, is that?" Thor trailed off, his eyes wide in shock.
Only one thought ran through Loki's head; if he was alive, could Y/N be?
"We must leave, SHIELD have already caught wind that we are residing here, we all know of your reputation with them." Elijah Mikaelson, clad in his familiar suit, stood over looking the bustling streets of New Orleans.
"We are not running from those humans, have some self respect Elijah." Klaus chuckled, shaking his head at his brother as he took of sip of his bourbon.
"If they involve the Avengers, we will no doubt get press. Do you really want paparazzi stalking you, brother dear?" Elijah didn't turn to look at Klaus as he spoke, leaning against the railing of the balcony.
"Ah the Avengers! Worlds mightiest heroes!" Klaus raised his glass in mock toast, "oh how scary."
"This is serious Niklaus." Rebekah spoke from her spot on the luxury sofa, rolling her eyes at her brothers mocking tone.
"I know, but it always fun to annoy stuck up Elijah." Klaus smirked, finishing his drink before speaking again, "you saw the news, what happened in New York, Loki. If he's here on Earth, then by all means let him come to us, I can finally murder him for abandoning my daughter."
Loki stood in the dense forest outside of the village with Niklaus, watching as Y/N completed her first transformation into a werewolf. He hated to see her in pain during the transformation , but he knew there was nothing he could do about it.
Where Y/N once stood, now stood a magnificent white wolf, eyes like the finest of gold. She was beautiful.
Once seeng her through the transformation, Niklaus smiled proud before leaving the pair alone. She whined slightly, moving unsteady on her new paws as she walked towards Loki and brushed up against his leg. Loki smiled, rubbing her head before stepping away. Hearing her whine again, he quickly reassured her by using his magic to take the form of a midnight black wolf.
The white wolf yipped happily, bumping her snout into the black wolf who seemed to be smirking before turning and running off into the trees. Loki followed after her immediately, he said he would be there for her, and he would, even if it meant taking the form of a wolf. This way, he could make sure her wolf mind didn't hurt anyone, he vowed to not let her lose her humanity.
Loki stood on top of a building in New Orleans, scanning the crowd for enemies as the Avengers dispersed into the parade to find the people they were looking for, their mission, the Mikaelsons. It was no surprise to him that Thor had easily told them about the family and their connection to the Asgardians, this meant he had to find them first. He needed answers. Was she alive?
Hearing footsteps behind him, he spun to come face to face with an angry Klaus Mikaelson. He was shocked, he knew of their vampirism, but he never expected them to survive so long.
"Is she alive?" He didn't bother with manners, instead asking the question that had been eating him alive.
Klaus snarled, his eyes burning golden and his fangs coming out as his anger grew, "I've been waiting for you to show your lying face again, it will be a relief to finally kill you."
Loki's eyes widened, ducking as Klaus swiped at him before moving backwards with his hands up in surrender, "what?"
"You left and it destroyed her." Klaus spat with venom, using his supernatural speed to rush at Loki, grabbing his neck in a grip which would kill a human.
"I didn't have a choice!" Loki gasped, the grip surprising tight, so tight even he couldn't break out with his Asgardian strength.
"Niklaus, put him down." Elijah spoke from behind them, a quick rush of wind being the only thing to announce his arrival.
"Why should I?" Klaus tightened his grip, watching with sick pleasure as Loki fought to break free. Once upon of times, they were friends, but his fatherly insist to protect his daughter beat friendship.
"She would not want you to." Klaus froze, his grip loosening as Elijah spoke calmly, "do not be the one to take him from her again."
A growl rose from his chest before he dropped Loki, letting him breathe. Loki didn't bother retaliating, he believed he deserved it for leaving her.
"Odin made sure I could never return," loki coughed once, rubbing his throat as he stood up straighter, "please, I need to see her. Is she alive?"
"Her life is tied to mine, so long as I breathe so does she, so I would call of the little Avengers search party if I was you."Klaus backed away as he spoke, allowing Elijah to walk closer.
"If memory serves, you have magic." Elijah spoke, drawing Loki's attention, "she could really use it."
"Y/N Mikaelson, will you marry me?" Loki was knelt on the ground, his hands clasped around hers.
"Yes!" Y/N squealed in delight, hugging Loki close as he smiled, "oh my gods yes!"
"What's wrong with her?" Loki spoke with urgency, his eyes panicked as he took in Elijah's words.
"It would seem even from the dead our mother continues to haunt us." Elijah's voice was calm, collected as usual, hiding the true anger he felt.
"The witch cursed her." Klaus spat at Loki's confused face, "linked her to me, granted her immortality and permanent trapped her as an animal."
"What?" Loki's voice was quiet, disbelief in his tone as he realised what Klaus meant.
"She is stuck in her wolf form, we have tried countless witches and none can break my mothers spell. I hope your magic may be able to break the curse given you are not from here." Elijah started to walk away, Klaus and a shell shocked Loki following him.
"How long?" The sentence was nothing but a broken whisper as Loki clenched his fist, he wasn't there to protect her.
Seeing the glance Elijah and Klaus exchanged, his worry grew, "How long?!"
"A thousand years, give or take."
"I must return home, I intend to tell my mother about you. Thor, the giant oaf, has already met you but I would love for my mother to meet my fiancé." Loki spoke softly, they lay curled up in the darkened, peaceful room.
"Will you be long?" A frown graced her blissful features, tilting her head to gaze up at him from her place laying on his chest.
"No more than a day my love, I promise." He cupped her cheeks, placing a gentle kiss on her lips as he made the promise.
Klaus and Loki walked through the forest in tense silence, sadness seemed to penetrate their beings. They stopped at a clearing, at which point Klaus silently nodded and walked away. Standing in the centre, Loki called out her name, his eyes flashing around him frantically.
Hearing movement, hope blossomed in his chest. Turning to the bush that the sound had come from, he slowly kneeled down on the grassy floor and called out to her again. Seeing her white snout peer through the bushes, he had to stop the tears from flowing out. He lost the internal battle as she stepped out of the bushes, the tears flowing freely as he smiled at her, she was alive.
She sniffed the air a couple times, hesitant as she carefully walked towards his crouched form. She stopped a couple feet away from him, her head titled to the side in confusion. To her animalistic brain, he smelled like pack, he smelled like her mate, like Loki. Seeing the hesitation and confusion, Loki very slowly raised a hand towards her snout, stopping inches from touching her and letting her cautiously sniff his hand before nudging into it with a low whine.
"It's okay." A grin broke out onto his face, no matter the circumstances or the past, she was here in front of him and alive and that's all that mattered.
She let him wrap his arms around her wolf body, his hold gentle as he buried his face into her fur and cried.
It was much later when they broke apart, both content with the contact. She was sat on the ground, rubbing her head against his side lovingly as he stroked her fur. 
"I promise, I'll free you." Loki spoke softly, the forest dead silent as the lovers reunited for the first time in one thousand years, "I'll give you your humanity back."
He made a promise, and he intend to keep it. He would free her, no matter what.
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
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Fanfic /Part 2
Elijah Mikaelson x reader
a/n: just a little fanfic drabble in the spirit of Valentine's 💘
Thanks for reading and liking 🤗😘💕💕
@rissyrapp20 @elejahforever @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @hides2000 @missnmikaelson
Several months later, Elijah met up with his friend for lunch. It was Thursday.
"So you moved back to your apartment in the city. What are you going to do about the house?"- Marcel asked.
"We agreed to put it on the market."- Elijah replied.
"Seriously- one moment you are redecorating a house and then you break up. It's over that blog-girl right?!"
"Blog girl?!"- Elijah repeated chuckling a bit.
"Y/N. I've seen you reading it when you were in the meetings. Klaus told me that you were meeting someone. It's not like you to have an affair- or?"
Elijah walked into the house one thursday evening when he returned from the city. Hayley was writing something on her tablet.
"Ah, you are back. Want a glass of wine?"- the woman said standing up from the armchair.
"No, thank you."- Elijah said seriously.
"What is it? Something happened? "
"What are we doing here, Hayley?Playing house"- Elijah then said.
"What?"- she said confused as to where he was going with his conversation.
"Yeah, well- I can't go on pretending that this relationship is real. Not anymore."- Elijah said.
  "No - not it's not. You are right."- Hayley said.
"No."- Elijah said.
And they both knew that his heart was somewhere else.
"I know- Hayley said- "because-  you have been different for a while- there is someone else, isn't there?"
Elijah sighed a little and gulping, he admitted-"Yes. I - I met somebody- but it's nothing like you think it is. "- Elijah said.
"No-" - Hayley sighed as well-"it's- much worse"
"Worse?"- he didn't quite understand what she meant by it.
The brunette looked at him calmly.
"It's love, right?!"- Hayley uttered.
Elijah swallowed hard and then nodded.
"Cuz I know - I - also met this guy"
Now at the restaurant
"It wasn't an affair."- Elijah said to Marcel- "we- we would just meet before the train- and talked- that's all."
"Don't tell me you haven't even kissed her?!"- Marcel joked a bit now.
"No. I didn't even kiss her."- Elijah said with regret in his voice.
"So, it's the old-fashioned kind of a thing? You fell in love with a woman - and for some crazy loyalty to a relationship that was more like a habit than anything resembeling love- you let it go. You and Hayley were so incompatible, that we all wondered what you were doing with her all these years. And then she went off with Jackson"
"Yes,  I got the wedding invitation the other day. They are getting married. Hayley is pregnant."- Elijah said.
"Right. Well, that proves it. But - now - what are you going to do about your blog-girl then?"- Marcel asked.
"She is in New Orleans at the moment. We e-mail eachother."- Elijah said.
"You e-mail?! Elijah, WTF- You should take the first plane to NOLA! I don't get you at times., seriously"- Marcel said.
"I go over there- and what? Anyway - didn't you see the blog. She has met someone as she was travelling"
"I serioulsy can't believe you?! You will let this girl go because she met someone. You design amazing buildings, houses-  but when it comes to women- you are hopeless."
"Can we just leave it."- Elijah now looked at his watch and then got up-
"See you later. I got to meet a client"
They left the conversation about Y/N at that, as Marcel had to leave.
Elijah finished his lunch, going back to Y/N's blog, and read the latest she had written.
A few days later
In New Orleans, Y/N had met up with her best friend Caroline, who jetted over to the city for a short holiday.
"What do you want to do first?"- Y/N asked her friend.
"Let's have brunch. I want to hear about the latest-  all about Mason. and where do you plan to go next?"
"First- about Mason- it was just a thing and that's it. There is nothing there."
"Wait- don't tell me you are still hanging on- Elijah?!"- Caroline looked at her friend's sad face.
"Yes. I think about him everyday- last thought before I fall asleep and  first thought when I awake-  I love him-  and you know what is crazy- we discuss my blog over e-mails-  and -  I don't know why I am letting this go on."
"Because you fell in love with him and that's that-  why don't you just tell him how you feel-  write to him."
"Caroline, you are just so-  I can’t"- Y/N said
"I know. The romantic you! Too old-fashioned. It is the 21st century, you know. Y/N, you have to act. Someone will snatch him before you know it and - you miss on a great thing."
“Act - what did you say? Why would someone snatch him? Isn’t he- ?”
“No. I overheard Camille talking about Elijah -”
Y/N now cut Caroline in the middle of the sentence-
“Camille knows Elijah?”
“No. She knows his ex-fiancé. Well, she was there in the bar with her husband to be- and it was not Elijah”- Caroline now said.
“You lost me now”- Y/N shook her head, looking at her friend wide-eyed.
A few months later
Y/N/ wrote in her blog-
"Maybe I will believe that there is this fairy or angel that walks among us and waves with the magic wand. Maybe it is the universe- or maybe it is  Cupid - or maybe it is just one of those things that are meant to be. Two people were supposed to meet  and have their always and forever. The story started some time ago-  and it is still going. And everything feels so different and new."
Y/N stopped there for a second flashing back as she looked at a photo
A few days after Elijah met  Marcel for lunch
Y/N walked into the Cafe at the New Orleans Airport. She stood still as she saw a very familiar face sitting at a table.
She walked to the man.
"Elijah"- she said.
"Y/N"- the man said standing up.
"How- are you here?! Why-  "- she uttered faintly.
"I - well- this is - ok- now that - "- Elijah got all flushed for some reason, but then waited no longer to say this-
"There is something I didn't tell you-  a year ago-  and then you left-"- he now sighed a little, stepping forward.
"Tell me- what?"- Y/N said with thousand butterflies raising up in her stomach.
"I love you"- Elijah said dearly.
Y/N looked at the man in completely astonished, though it was utterly silly to react like that.
"I love you! I do!"- he repeated.
Y/N now smiled, tearing up now. 
“Oh- I love you, too.”
Both now floating away in each other’s arms, into the most zealous, loving kiss.
The people around them watching the scene would say that it was like something out of the movies.
💌Y/N now continued writing-
"But as you, who are reading this, now know that there is this one more person on the photographs and you always read his generous contribution about things. So I hope you will enjoy it- Ah, I didn't introduce him. It's my husband- Elijah Mikaelson."
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