#I don't think sw is 'for kids' so much as it's 'for everyone' but that's what the man says
a-killer-obsession · 2 months
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Whoops, you got hit by a bus, and now you're in the world of One Piece. But not everything is quite as you remember it...
General Tags: afab reader, she/her reader pronouns, isekai, monsterfucker reader, vampire!kid, werewolf!killer, wyrm!heat, minotaur!wire, everyone has a human form, smut heavy, unhealthy relationships, dubious consent, serious violence, spoilers for Wano arc, starts pre-timeskip. There will be a lot of more intense kinks, please check AO3 for all current tags.
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Chapter 1 - All in One Piece
A bad day gets infinitely worse.
WC: 2.5k
Masterlist | AO3
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A/N: This fic will include a multitude of more intense kinks and fantasy themes such as watersports, heavy BDSM, forced painful eggpreg, bloodplay, knotting, non-human dicks, somnophillia, and of course considerable amounts of monster fucking. If you're not good with those, then this isn't the fic for you sorry! More tags will be added to A03 as the fic goes, so please see what's currently listed there before you start, but those are the tags I know for sure will be included that may deter some people. This one is for my freaks! (affectionate). It won't be as long as Wavelengths but this is definitely a longer series than Pitching Tents~
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Cold dirty water leaked through the hole in your worn boot as you accidentally stepped in a puddle much deeper than you'd originally anticipated. You cursed to yourself and shook your foot uselessly, your socks were fucking drenched. An awful end to an awful day. Work had been fucking draining, and if one more customer asked if you could ‘check in the back’ you were going to start killing people. Ma'am, what fucking ‘back'? It's a damn boutique, we don't even have our own private toilet! The cherry on top was the classic Karen with that classic boomer lead poisoning stare who absolutely refused to leave when you were supposed to be finished ten minutes ago. You were about ready to hit her with the wooden sandwich chalkboard as you pulled it inside if she took one more fucking second. God, all this pent up anger was getting close to boiling over, you needed to get laid, bad. Ye olde silicone dick just wasn’t going to hit the spot tonight, even if you did have a fun new one shaped like an imagining of a dragon’s cock.
You opened your phone as you walked, music blasting in your ears, blocking out the sounds of the bustling rush hour city around you while you sighed to yourself and opened a dating app in utter despair. Swipe, swipe, swipe, oh a message, ew ugly dick pic no thanks, swipe, swipe. You were at least thankful that the rain had let up for your short walk home, but if one of these men didn't reply with enthusiasm to your need for a lay you were going to scream so loud they'd hear it at the city outskirts.
Swipe, swipe, sw-
Hang on.
What the fuck just happened.
Everything was so.
Where did the lights of the city go? Was it a blackout, caused by the weather? The rain hadn’t been that bad today had it? A moment ago you'd seen the bright neon colours of illuminated billboards and shop displays reflecting in the scattered shallow puddles, the red of the no crossing pedestrian light, the bright headlights of an oncoming bu-
You got hit by a bus didn't you? God fucking dammit. Well that's fucking annoying. A real fucking inconvenience to be honest.
But hey, no time to think about that, because all of a sudden it's so bright your eyes have to squint to see, and with all the force of a body that was… just hit by a bus… you were soaring horizontally through the air. It was dark again but this time… just your body? Something encompassed you, shiny and metallic, a dark reflective surface covering what you could see of your skin. Something hit your back hard, or maybe you hit it? There was a crack of wood splintering from somewhere behind you and you slumped down, sitting against… a deck? Your head throbbed with ache but you seemed to be in one piece, blinking at your surroundings to try and figure out what had happened, where you had landed. Against some sort of food truck maybe? Directly under a bright streetlight? Surely that would explain it. Voices were calling out around you, the vibrations of heavy, frantic footsteps over wood able to be felt where your hands touched the ground, but you couldn't hear anything except the buzzing in your ears, like white noise turned up far too loud, your eyes having trouble focusing through the bright light.
Something warm closed around your neck and you were dragged to stand, then further, your feet hovering above the ground as you choked, pressed against something solid behind you. You blinked again. No, that can't be right? Must be a dream, hopefully a sexy one, you must have been knocked unconscious. Scarlet red hair sticking up like a wildfire, squared googles worn like a headband, thick eyeliner, lips painted in the same shade as his hair. Oh please, please, please let this be a sexy dream. No scars though, curious. Pre timeskip then? His mouth was moving but you still couldn't hear, ah, not quite a completely detailed dream you guessed. Lucid though? Your ability to scan your eyes down at will told you perhaps yes. Ah, there it is, two flesh arms, yup we're going pre timeskip. Just as well, you'd never been keen on the idea of the metal arm touching you; a strong, calloused, fleshy hand would feel far nicer on your body.
You vaguely registered the brief feeling of weightlessness as you were pulled away from the strong thing behind you and slammed back again. The mast perhaps? Ow, that one kinda hurt. I think? Surely not, it's a dream. His mouth was moving again, but this time words were starting to form, the fog of the white noise slowly fading to a more bearable hum.
“-re you doing on my fucking ship?” He barked, flicks of spittle splashing against your face.
You blinked again, hmm, could you talk in this dream? No time like the present to try I guess?
“Tryna get laid?” You coughed, your voice strained from the hand around your throat. Something unrecognisable flashed in his eyes. Anger? Confusion? He leaned back a little to pull something from his bandolier, his grip on your neck loosening for a moment before being replaced by something sharp and cold, metallic perhaps? It was hard to tell from the thin edge.
“Wanna try that one again little mouse?” He gave you a toothy grin, his canines sharp and dangerous, and something about the dark look in his amber eyes sent a shiver down your spine. Fear or lust, you weren't sure, both perhaps? “I'll put it in plain words: What. Are. You. Doing. On. My. Fucking. Ship?”
Hmmm, prisoner turned lover type scenario huh? You'd read more than your fair share of fanfiction, your best bet to getting this sexy dream to go somewhere was act confident, right? What was he gonna do, kill you? It's just a dream anyway. Probably a weird coma dream, given the bus. Oh, maybe you'd be one of those crack medical cases of people who live a whole life in their coma dream. Shout out to your brain for picking this world to live it out in, you wondered if the machines on the outside would beep with a heighted heart rate every time one of these pirates fucked you in the dream. You wiggled your toes to check you were in control, all systems go captain, initiate stage one of ‘badass bitch gets laid’. You swung your legs up and wrapped them around his waist, and his brows, or lack thereof, shot up in surprise.
“Did I stutter, captain?” You purred, “You are the big bad captain of the Kid Pirates, correct? I thought a guy like you would be overjoyed to be presented with a hot, willing lay, or do you prefer to pay for those services?”
Someone coughed out a wheezed laugh, it sounded strained and suppressed. Ah, Killer must be nearby. Well, at least if Kid hated your jokes maybe you could turn your attention to the masked man, he was your favourite afterall.
“So what, you just crashed onto my ship outta butt fuck nowhere, naked as the day you were born, for a quick fuck?” Kid scowled, “How did you get here? Devil fruit?”
“Uh, I think I got hit by a bus actually,” you pondered, able to speak a little easier now that his hand wasn't so tight on your throat, though the metal was still pressed to it, some sort of knife you assumed. “Hang on, did you just say I'm naked?”
“Are you stupid?” Kid squinted. He let you go all of a sudden and you fell to the deck with an unceremonious thump. Ow, that one definitely hurt. “Kil, throw her overboard, if she ain't gonna talk we'll prove for ourselves she has a fruit, fish her out before she drowns too much though, she's interesting. I wanna know how she got here”
You turned to the quiet footsteps of the approaching first mate, in his button up polka dot shirt. Cute. You gave him a sweet smile but he ignored it, scooping you up, throwing you over his shoulder, and absolutely yeeting the shit out of you straight into the drink.
Icy water closed in around you as your body dropped down several metres under the surface at the impact. You felt no exhaustion though, no pull of the deep. Well, at least now you knew there was no devil fruit for you in this dream, too bad, it'd be sick to turn into a big fuck off bear or something. Sighing internally, you swam your way back to the surface, doing your best Little Mermaid impression and flicking your hair back as you broke through to air. Several scowling faces looked down at you from the deck, and you bobbed awkwardly in the gentle waves, staring back up at them. Fuck it was cold, could someone put a blanket over your comatosed ass irl please? Jeez.
“Uh, can someone help me up?” You shouted up to the ship, “I'm not a good climber”. Honestly, you weren't a bad climber, you were just sure this was gonna turn into one of those running but getting nowhere situations if you tried.
Kid let out a tsk and suddenly heavy chains were wrapping around you, enclosing around your neck and nearly hanging you as they pulled you back to deck, dropping you back to the wood with a wheeze.
“That wasn't-” you let out a choked cough, “that wasn't very nice of you. This dream sucks, actually”
“Dream?” Killer asked. Oh god his voice was even better in person. But it sounded more to the pitch of the Japanese voice actor, hang on did that mean you were speaking Japanese? Dreams are weird man.
“Yeah I mean..” you looked up at him, crossing your legs, not bothering to cover your nude body. What did it matter, this was just like one of those giving a presentation in school kinda dreams, but nudity had never bothered you. “I got hit by a bus, so this is just some weird coma dream. Sucks though, usually they're sexy by now. What a disappointment”
“Yeah? You have sex dreams about us often?” Kid smirked.
“You, not so much,” Kid's smirk very quickly turned to a frown and he looked like he was gonna hang you again, “aye, easy big guy, they exist, I just prefer dreaming about Killer or Heat is all”
Someone nearby choked on air, and there was the audible sound of a palm slapping a back and the faint whisper of “get it to-fucking-gether Heat, fuck”
“Anyway, this dream sucks,” you hummed, stretching out your legs, bored, “so either make with the orgy or turn into a face eating demon or some shit so I spook awake, I'm bored.”
Kid rushed towards you, knife still in hand, and you wondered for a split second if he was actually going to do one of the two, before the piercing pain of a knife through your rib cage cut right through that line of thinking. It was searing, white hot like you were being branded from the inside out, you'd broken your arm once but this might have hurt more. Your world stopped for a moment before you let out a blood curdling scream that forced those closest pirates to you to cover their ears, and you gagged and as you looked down at the knife sticking out of you.
“Oh shit, oh fuck,” you finally stuttered as your scream settled, your throat sore and strained, pained tears rolling down your cheeks, “that hurts. Oh god, oh god, not a dream, not a fucking dream”
“No fucking shit, dumb cow,” Kid reached for the knife and you smacked his hand away, holding the hilt protectively.
“Don't fucking touch it, asshat” you bit, “oh fuck what if you got something important, just my fucking luck I get fucking isekai'd to the resident ship of the Grandline's biggest fucking asshole and now I'm gonna die again. Twice in one day, that's gotta be a record for sure.” Kid growled and tried to pull the knife with his powers, but once again your hands turned metallic and held the hilt steady. Realisation hit you like a… bus… hmmm, too soon?
“Oh, fuck yeah, HAKI!” you yelled triumphantly, “I always knew I was a strong willed bitch, ha, take that Captain Stupid Pants!”
You lifted a hand to flip him off. Ah, well, you'd never claimed to be smart. Moving your hand halved the strength against his pull, and the dagger shook and yanked itself out from your chest.
“Now who's stupid?” He smirked, dangling the dagger as he squatted in front of you, a shit eating grin on his face.
“Okay, admittedly, maybe me,” you would probably laugh if it didn't hurt so damn much. “Hey, what if I make you a deal, I'll uhh… I'll let you freeuse me if you let me live”
“Back at it again with the sex! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Kid yelled.
“A lot, probably,” you sighed, blood pouring freely from between your fingers. You squinted at Kid before reaching forward and yanking his sash off, “gimme that.” Much to his dismay, you pressed the fabric to your wound to slow the bleeding, though the effects of blood loss were quickly becoming apparent. “Cute that you wear each other's colours,” you mumbled drowsily, holding the royal blue sash to your wound, which was quickly turning a dark red as your blood soaked into it. “Whoops, looks like it's your colour now though, Kiddo. Hey, before I die, can someone tell me how Heat's fire breathing works?”
“Really? Minutes to live and that's what you wanna know?” Kid frowned.
“Call me curious,” you gave him a drunk looking smile, “they never explained it in the manga”
“Who the fuck is they?” Kid tilted his head curiously, “and what the fuck is manga?”
“It's like a comic book, boss,” Heat spoke up. Ha, you always had him pegged as a fucking weeb.
Life was quickly draining from you, red spilling out over the wooden deck, your eyelids drooping more with every minute. If this was real, a thought occurred to you. Maybe there was a real reason behind this. Maybe you really were dead, and this was some sort of test to be a guardian angel or some shit. Alternate universe type deal, perhaps all fiction was just flickers of a view into another universe. Deep. Ah, no time to really ponder that thought though. You let go of the sash to grab Kid's arm with a weak, blood drenched hand.
“Don't- don't fight Shanks,” you mumbled, “and don't make an alliance with Apoo or Hawkins. And don't-” your head spun as you tried to push out the most important stuff, “don't let Killer eat the SMILE fruit”
The last thing you saw was a look of confusion on Kid's pale face, before everything spun and once again you were tossed into darkness. But hey, at least you weren't wearing wet socks anymore.
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[Next Chapter]
Taglist: @chershire23 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth
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anxious-dumpling · 6 months
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♡ Fandoms: BTS!
♡ Genre: SFW Littlespace, One-shot, Fluff!
One day, you're invited onto a shoot with BTS called, 'BTS Meets a Little for the First Time'.
(2,300 words.)
Notes: In this universe, Littlespace is permanent. If you don't know much about Littlespace, please research the topic elsewhere, since this story doesn't reflect how Littlespace functions in real life! Thank you!
When the director's countdown reaches zero, Kim Namjoon puts on a pleasant smile and begins greeting the camera in English.
"Hello, everyone! We are-!"
"Bangtan Sonyeondan!"
"And today we are gunna be meeting a Little for the very first time."
The interviewer watches them from behind the camera, holding a clipboard of simple questions for the seven K-Pop stars. When Hello82 first contacted BTS's managers and proposed an interview with them, they knew they had to accept. The concept of Littlespace has been getting more attention on the internet recently after a celebrity mentioned it during a live show, so they're hopping on the trend.
"How much do you know about Littlepsace?" The interviewer asks in English.
Namjoon translates quickly.
Hoseok pulls a cheeky grin and exaggeratedly points down at Taehyung.
"Him!" He says in English. "Him. Yeah."
Namjoon chuckles, his cheeks punctuated with two charming dimples. "Yes. Taehyung has been doing a lot of extensive googling about this topic before we got here."
"Little bit." Taehyung smiles shyly, pinching his fingers together.
"I think he would be the most knowledgeable out of all of us, to be honest. He loves kids, you know, so this is like his time to shine."
"And you guys have never met a Little before, right?"
"That's right."
"Are you excited?"
Namjoon repeats the question in Korean, and all seven members answer with varying degrees of enthusiasm, from Jimin and Taehyung clapping with cheesy grins, to Yoongi and Jungkook just smiling mildly.
"Okay, great. Well, today we have a very special guest who has kindly come from the Seoul Littlespace Care Centre with her Caregiver, Park Jongsuk, to see you." They give a small round of applause. "And to make things interesting, we are going to be putting you into three groups and giving you some challenges to complete." Ah, Jinjja?, Jungkook mutters. "You will have to attempt to feed her her favorite food, receive a hug from her, and make her laugh. The group to succeed in all three of these challenges will win."
"Woooow," They all exclaim, looking around at one another.
Jimin raises his hand, speaking in Korean. "I think she will like me the most."
"Yah," Seokjin leans forward. "I don't want to hear an amateur speaking on this matter. I deal with you guys all day, so how should this be much different? Tsk. Exactly. No doubt I'll win her over."
Hoseok barks a laugh, grabbing Jimin's shoulders while he doubles over with embarrassed giggles.
"He-" Namjoon laughs, trying to translate his bandmates' silliness, "He's saying he will win because he has experience dealing with the younger ones in the group."
"Shall we bring her out?"
He smiles. "Yeah, let's do it."
Be calm, you think to yourself, Jongsuk said they're nice!
Your caregiver leads you around the corner and into the filming studio. You squeeze his hand, using your other to tug nervously on your piggy tail. All of a sudden, three men in front of the camera greet you with bright smiles and exclamations of Gwiyeooo.
He leads you to sit on the fluffy white rug with them and sets you in his lap.
"Hello," Jongsuk says softly in Korean, bowing slightly.
The men copy his greeting. You eye them curiously, tilting your head. The one sitting closest to you and your caregiver is Kim Seokjin. You recognise him from the photocards the studio gave you to prepare for today. In the picture, he had brown hair, but you see now that he actually has pink hair! Wow. You want to reach out and touch it to see if it feels as soft as cherry blossoms, so that's exactly what you do.
He rises from his bow with a shocked chuckle.
"Aish, sweetie, hands to yourself." Jongsuk gently chides, pulling your hand back into your lap. "I guess that's her way of greeting you."
"Hello." Jin mutters sweetly, giving you a small wave. He tilts his head toward you, letting you tug on his hair again.
The two other men scoot forward, offering you some more greetings. The one in the middle is Hoseok, and he's got a lovely smile. The one beside him is Namjoon, and he's big and scary and has muscles, but he's also got a lovely smile, so you don't get up and run away just yet. Jongsuk promised you that his new friends are all very nice, remember!
You let go of Jin's hair and nervously fiddle with your sweater, making them laugh.
"You're scaring her already!" Hoseok jokingly scolds Namjoon. "Don't ruin our chances!"
"She's shy around new people." Jongsuk explains, grabbing your hands and bouncing them around playfully. "Isn't that right?"
You nod, staring Namjoon down. 
"Has she done anything like this before?" He asks.
"We've actually worked with Baby Cloud on a few videos in the past, but this is her first proper interview-style video."
"And she speaks...?"
"Korean and English." He answers.
"Ah. Korean and English."
"Hi." Hoseok smiles at you in English.
"Say hi." Jongsuk encourages you.
"Hi, Hoseok-Samchon." You obidiently greet, using the title Samchon just like Jongsuk taught you, which roughly means Uncle.
You didn't think it was possible, but Hoseok looks even happier when you say that. You think he might've swallowed the sun for breakfast this morning. "Aaaah. Hi!"
"Hi, Seokjin-Samchon." You continue, offering a small bow. "Hi, Namjoon-Samchon."
"Hi," They both respond excitedly.
"Are you hungry, Jagiya?" Seokjin asks you. "We hear you like banana bread."
That's one of your favourite treats!
"Banana bread?!"
"Yeah!" He reaches behind him and pulls a packaged slice of banana bread from the coffee table, carefully tearing it open.
Jongsuk suggests, "You wanna go sit with Seokjin-Samchon?"
You think about it for a second. Hm. Then you nod. You like Jin's hair and he has a tasty snack for you, so of course you'll sit with him. You rise from Jongsuk's lap and plop down in Seokjin's instead, which is very spacious and comfy, opening your mouth eagerly.
"Aaaaah," He mirrors you, popping a piece of bread on your tongue. "Mmmmm. Good?"
You nod enthusiastically, grabbing for more.
"Aigooo, finish the piece in your mouth first." He exclaims, making you giggle.
"He's a natural." Hoseok exclaims in surprise.
"So, what does she normally eat?" Namjoon asks.
"Well, we feed her according to her mental age, which mostly ranges from two to six," Jongsuk answers, "So, you know, mashed fruits, boiled vegetables, yoghurts, but sometimes bigger meals. Meat, rice, stews. And tteokbokki. She loooooves tteokbokki."
"She doesn't have trouble using chopsticks?"
"Hmm... Sometimes. Her motor skills are mostly that of an adult's, but applying them can be challenging when you're in the mental state of a two or six year old, you know, so we sometimes have to help her with that. Or we get her children's chopsticks."
"Some people think she might have poor hand-eye coordination or something like that, but she doesn't."
Hoseok listens with interest. "So, physically, she's not on par with a child?"
"Correct. Unless you count chemicals and hormones in the brain," He jokes.
"And her height," Giggles Namjoon.
"Hey. Can Seokjin-Samchon have a hug?"
Without even thinking, you wrap your arms around Seokjin and he returns it, hugging you tightly.
"Gwiyeooooo," They all say at the same time.
Then Hoseok tries feeding you the banana bread while Seokjin and Namjoon ask Jongsuk some more questions. They're curious, because you're not like them. You're as tall as an adult, you look like an adult, but you know you're not really an adult. You like to play with stuffed animals and watch cartoons. You can't drive a car, get a job, or use a bank card. You don't even live in a normal house!
Not until you find a family, at least. But most people don't want a Little. They want a real child.
Once you've taken a piece of bread from each of them, they all clap lightly, making you smile around your stuffed cheeks.
"Well, team Hyung," The interviewer says, "I think you succeeded in all three challenges."
Hoseok gives you a gentle double high-five.
Jongsuk was right! These new friends are great. They're friendly, they're gentle, and one of them even has pink hair!
The second group comes out after the first leaves, making you a little sad.
"Hi, Yoongi-Samchon," You shyly greet them as they sit on the rug, "Hi, Jimin-Samchon."
Yoongi gives a shallow bow, while Jimin grins and leans forward, offering you a high five like Hoseok did. Ah! His face is suuuuper close to yours! You shrink back into Jongsuk, shaking your head nervously. The poor man giggles and turns red at your rejection, covering his face.
"Aigoo," He exclaims, "I'm sorrrrrryyyy!"
Yelling?! Why's he yelling? His loud voice disturbs you even more, and just like that, your eyes are stinging and filling with tears.
"No, no, no, please don't cry," Jimin panics. "Oh, no. We just sat down!"
"Jimin-ah," Yoongi laughs, "You're awful at this."
"It's okay," Your caregiver laughs along with him as he wipes your eyes. "Oh, it's okay. Jimin-Samchon didn't mean it."
Jimin tells you in English, "I'm sorryyyy."
"Here, you want some yoghurt? Strawberry yoghurt?" Yoongi reaches behind him for a small tub of pink yoghurt and a spoon. He rips the seal off and Jongsuk pushes you off his lap, encouraging you to go over to Yoongi. "Here. Come here."
Sniffling, you kneel down beside Yoongi. He opens his mouth and you copy him.
"Shuuuuuuu," He does the areoplane with the spoon, and you eat the yoghurt with no problems.
"Aish," Jimin flops onto his back dramatically. "Hyung, what's your secret?"
Jongsuk pats him on the shoulder.
As Jimin sits back up, he opens his arms and wiggles his fingers, asking for a hug.
You get back up and run behind the camera.
"Aigoooooo," Yoongi hits him with the spoon. "Look what you've done."
The interviewer chuckles. "Okay, I think we should move onto the next group."
"I'm sorry, Jagiyaaaaa." Jimin pouts.
Seokjin cackles at him from the back of the room.
The final group is Taehyung-Samchon and Jungkook-Samchon. When they enter, they make sure to keep their voices low and their movements small, not wanting to make Jimin's mistake of being too loud. Taehyung's smile almost takes up his whole face.
"Helloooo," He says in English as the two of them sit down. "My name is Taehyungie. Nice to meet you."
"Hi, Taehyungie-Samchon." You mutter. "Hi, Jungkook-Samchon."
"Hello." Jungkook also says in English.
They offer polite greetings to Jongsuk as well, and then Taehyung pulls a watermelon flavored lollipop from his shirt pocket and takes the plastic off, offering the candy to you with a warm expression. How did he know that's your favorite flavor of candy?
You take it from him and pop it in your mouth, making him clap giddily and pet your knee. "Yaaaay."
Jungkook laughs. "Hey, you can't bribe her with candies!"
Tae ignores him, keeping all his attention on you.
The interviewer asks, "Taehyung, was this part of your research?"
"I watched all the Baby Cloud videos she's been in," He explains, "And I saw that the watermelon candies were always her favorite."
"Smart." Jongsuk praises him.
While you suck on the candy, Taehyung shows you a stuffed animal plush that was on the coffee table, and Jungkook asks, "So, is this what her everyday life is like? She doesn't ever... I don't know, behave like an adult?"
"Right. Her brain is perfectly healthy, and she's perfectly smart, but she'll always function within the emotional range of a child."
"Ah. Okay."
"It can take a bit of getting used to, can't it?"
He hesitates for a moment, not wanting to say anything offensive. "Uuhhh. A little bit."
"I understand that. I mean, it can be hard to grasp the fact that she's not pretending or exaggerating. But this is just how her brain works."
"Do people think she's pretending?"
"All the time. They keep waiting for her to snap out of it or drop the act, but of course, it won't ever happen."
"Mmm." He hums thoughtfully, gazing at you.
"Can Taehyungie-Samchon have a cuddle, Jagiya?" He asks you nicely, opening his arms.
You scoot over to him and give him a short, loose hug just to be nice, because he gave you a candy.
"Aaah, thank youuuuuu."
"You're welcome, Taehyungie-Samchon."
"Good manners, Jagiya." Your caregiver smiles at you. "What about Jungkookie-Samchon? Does he get a hug?"
"Mmmm...." You look at Jungkook's heavily tattooed arm and his facial piercings, shaking your head. "No."
All three of them laugh at your blunt answer.
"Alright, I think that concludes this segment."
Taehyung waves goodbye to the camera with you. "Buh-byeeeeee."
"So, what did you guys think of this experience?"
"So cute!" Hoseok exclaims, his Korean accent thickening under his excitement. "Her- Her face. Awww. So cute! Right?"
"Well, Jimin wouldn't know anything about that," Jin sasses, turning to his junior, "Because you made her cry, didn't you?!"
"Aigo," He groans, "I didn't mean to."
"Can you believe this guy?"
The interviewer swiftly cuts off their shenanigans. "Team three - Taehyung and Jungkook - managed to get two points during their segment. Taehyung expertly charmed her with a candy, and received a hug. Team two, however..."
Laughter breaks out among the seven members.
"Only received one point. They impressed us by upsetting her in record time, but Yoongi saved it with the strawberry yoghurt."
The mentioned man gives the camera a smug thumbs up, while the younger of the two continues to fake-sob dramatically.
"That leaves team three as our winner!"
"That's right!" Jin shouts suddenly in English, clapping loudly. "That's right! What I tell you, huh?!"
"After a small hiccup in the beginning, she managed to overcome her nervousness thanks to the help of her charming Jin-Samchon, and happily ate some banana bread with all three members. They also made her laugh and received a hug! Well done!"
"Well done," Namjoon repeats with a smile, clapping along with everyone. "Thank you for letting us meet her."
"Thank you, Hello 82!" 
"Thank you!"
As they bow and wave goodbye to ARMY, the video comes to an end.
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altraviolet · 2 months
Question! In TEG, Skywarp mocks Soundwave because he doesn’t think he will ever get laid (😂), so now I have to know: Is Soundwave HOT in his dimension? What are his dimension’s standards of beauty and hotness? I know he loves Roddy’s chromepipes (🔥) and how shiny they are, but that doesn’t tell me much hahaha
The curiosity torments me! 🙉
😄 ah Soundwave. everyone wants you hehe
this is a very interesting set of questions! I tried to make TEG as canon compliant as possible, so to answer "Is SW hot in his own dimension?" we look at the TFP tv show. which was for kids. so there's not a whole lot of data xD I don't remember the whole show obv but I recall the Autobots were extremely weirded out by SW when they captured him, and even the Decepticons on the Nemesis found him creepy. so I'm gonna go with: no, he's not hot in his own dimension. I kept the number of his gladiatorial bedmates pretty low for this reason
Same kinda deal with "What are his dimension's standards of beauty and hotness?" Well, TFP gave us Knockout, who's bright, shiny, red, fast... a car... and the mechs generally did seem to think that his appearance was agreeable, so maybe Rodimus aligns with the TFP beauty standard, and we can support that with the show xD
since the answers to these questions didn't come up in the fic, I didn't think deeply about them, hence why I'm defaulting to what little we get from TFP
that might not be a satisfactory answer, but I don't have any strictly TEG related answers. one of the main reasons SW was attracted to Rodimus was because he was fascinated by him. SW usually only deigns to deal with things that interest him. once he saw Rodimus's fire ability, he was impressed by that hidden power. it was the first time he saw Rodimus as being worthy of being captain, and it went from there. Rodimus's physical aspects intrigue him. I always tried to fall back to Rodimus being described as fascinating or worthy of attention and loyalty, not flat-out hot or beautiful
thanks for the ask! :)
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Debunking the "The Jedi are Evil" Theory Made by The Film Theorists PT 9
Point 9 - The Final Part of That Godforsaken Video
Matthew quote:
"We all grew up watching these movies thinking the Jedi were the heroes, the movies outright frame them to be the heroes, but if you look at how the Jedi become Jedi in the first place--their legacy isn't one of freedom and doing the right thing. It's about putting toddlers into slavery, deceiving their parents, and then brainwashing those little kids so they become unquestioning members of their little cult."
I'm not going to go into detail all over again because I've already responded to all of this in the other parts, but let's do a quick recap:
1. The Jedi are free to leave at any time, nothing about the Jedi Order matches up with the actual definition of slavery.
2. Shmi is the one who wanted Anakin to go to the Order and the Order only inducts children into the Order with the permission of their parents, except in very select situations where they don't have parents and/or their lives are in danger.
3. The Jedi Order isn't a cult, it doesn't even come close to fitting the definition of a cult.
and 4. We're literally shown time and time again that Jedi leave, disagree with each other, have different opinions and ideas on their philosophies, they're encouraged to ask questions, etc--"unquestioning" my ass.
And, believe it or not, the Jedi's legacy is one of freedom and doing the right thing.
They stretch themselves thin and literally lay down their lives to fight for democracy, to protect the people of the galaxy from people like the Separatists and the Empire (who are literally meant to be allegories for Nazis btw), and to just plain help people. Throughout all of Star Wars, that is what we're shown the Jedi do. We're shown and told consistently that they're empathetic and care about others and, at their very core, just want to help people. That the best way to hurt the Jedi is to harm the innocent.
So forgive me if I'm not willing to buy into the bullshit take that "actually the empaths that care so much about the people of the galaxy that they're willing to fight and die, while receiving nothing in return and even being ridiculed for doing so, just to protect them are the evil bad guys."
Matthew finishes off his theory by saying that the people of the galaxy, and us as the audience, should be glad that the Jedi got genocided and are all but extinct by the end of the Sequels. And then he talks about how the Jedi are to blame for their own genocide and the fall of the Republic.
Which, again, sounds like fascist rhetoric.
He says that "the Jedi are the heroes if you turn off your brains," but to me it seems like you have to ignore 90% of SW media and refuse to contextualize the other 10% and read it in bad-faith in order to think that the Jedi are the bad guys.
Which is what he did to prove himself right, because his video wasn't about looking at the Jedi "objectively" at all.
Now, obvious disclaimer: don't go being jackasses and doxxing this guy or anything. That's not what any of this was about. This was just about me defending my comfort characters and going back to the thing that had me feeding into the anti-Jedi bullshit to take it apart and, in doing so, make myself feel better.
For everyone that made it all the way to this part, thanks for reading!
I hope this was as therapeutic for you as it was for me.
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Every Opportunity Pokemon Missed by not having Drew in Destiny Deoxys: A Non-Comprehensive But Still Long-Ass list
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Art above- credit to the lovely @salon-maiden-anabel ! So. This is a topic that, if my sister mentions, she knows I will go off about it at the dinner table while my mother stares on confusedly. This is a topic I feel very strongly about, and I decided to put it into words for this post-and I KNOW I'm not the only one with strong feelings about this topic! @raich-raichu I know you showed interest in this topic when I said I'd do it so hope you don't mind if I @ you! THIS GOES FOR EVERYONE: PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE REBLOG WITH YOUR OWN OPINIONS AND/OR ADDITIONS ON THIS. I thrive on hearing everyone's takes and opinions. Images are included which makes it kind of long, each number on my list has a corresponding image below. For funsies. Also, I imagine this happening right before the last grand festival, though I know that’s incorrect. It just gives me more developed characters to work with since advanced and battle frontier Drew are pretty different development wise. This is with late AG Drew.
Some background. Why do I think Drew should be in Destiny Deoxys (which will be referred to as DD for the sake of my carpal tunnel)? What is the connection? Why DD and not, say Temple of the Sea? The key is the location. Drew is canonically from LaRousse City. And DD is the ONLY time we ever get to see it. Connection has been established. So... what would he even do in the movie? I'm glad you asked! Let's get into it. A numbered list of every missed opportunity the writers had by not including him.
1.) Character building through backstory. We know little to nothing about Drew's backstory, and this would have been a really natural way to learn more about it. We could have had a scene where we learn, oh, this is the flower shop his mother worked at and he grew up helping tend to the plants or whatever. This is the garden where he met budew. Just little things here and there would have been fascinating, and this movie's setting was a PERFECT opportunity for it. Plus, here's the vision. We get a semi emotional, nostalgic scene with his favorite place as a child, right? Rare Drew emotional moment, maybe sharing it with May and co.? And then, later in the movie, we see that place destroyed by the conflict in the city and we get an emotional sad moment there!!!! And in the ending credits with the song??? WE SEE HIM AND HIS POKEMON STAYING BEHIND IN THE CITY AND STARTING TO REBUILD IT (after waving at Ash and co. on the train back to mainland Hoenn). Guys, my vision is CLEAR AS DAY. Greenhouse time.
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2.) Seeing him interact with other characters. Drew isn't the most extroverted guy out there, and we only ever really see him talk to Ash, May, Solidad, Harley, and Brianna. Also, May is the only consistent one in that list. That's literally five people, for those of you keeping count at home. In DD? A large cast of interesting characters for him to interact with, possibly childhood acquaintances that know him! We have Rebecca, purple hair metagross trainer who likes her computer more than most people. Sid, a human golden retriever. Rafe, who's basically Drew but with brown hair and none of the redeeming qualities. The two twins, whose names are never spoken and are only in the credits as Audrey and Kathryn (one of them also has a masquerain iirc, or at least a Surskit!). And Tory, kid who is scared of pokemon and tbh I wouldn't change Tory's role or screen interactions much. I would, however, say the others have a lot of potential for interactions with Drew. Rafe taunting both Ash and Drew at the same time? Rebecca and Drew getting along well because they're the only two who appreciate silence as a form of hanging out? Audrey and Katherine taking little sibling roles, possibly? Tons of possibilities here.
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3.) Shamelessly plugging the contestshipping agenda here, but why else do you all follow me? Anyways, Sid from Destiny Deoxys has a sweet but entirely blatant crush on May (who actually knows and does not give much of a shit, though they get along well anyways). Now, I usually do not like jealousy tropes. I think they're easy to do poorly and for them to come across as posessive, which I am not a fan of. HOWEVER, I am a fan of Drew being all moody and bitchy /affectionate. I can see it going either one of two ways: one, we get asshole Drew back from season one of Advanced, who makes snide remarks at Sid who would likely brush it off as fun banter, further annoying Drew who literally cannot get under Sid's skin due to Sid's overwhelming optimism, or two, we get the Drew that has all of his walls up, hiding behind this cool facade of professionalism and aloofness, sort of emotionally overcompensating for trying to hide how much it irks him. Either way, would have been fun. Could have been used for comedy, too, since May is dumb as shit with the guy who has genuine feelings for her, but clocks the puppy love crush from Sid immediately. Would I have trusted the pokemon company to do this trope well? No, but it could have been funny as hell in the right hands.
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4.) On that note, THE PASSPORT PHOTO SCENE. May isn't the most photogenic person in the world. Does he tease her about it? Does he make some offhand remark about how he thinks she looks nice before aloof-ly and deftly moving on from the topic, leaving her with the rare compliment as she tries to figure out if he was serious or not (or was it for her beautifly)? Does he show her how to retake it? DOES SHE GENUINELY SMILE IN THAT RETAKE PHOTO, LOOKING AT HIM BEHIND THE CAMERA ROBOT THING???????ASDFGHJKL so much potential with this already gold scene.
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5.) More location-based character building. LaRousse City is home to the (or at least a) Battle Tower, and no mention of contests. This means, likely, that LaRousse is a very battle-enthusiast city. Did this make Drew feel like an outcast as a kid, being interested in something different from his peers? Could have been interesting.
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6.) Let Drew have his hero moment. Let's be honest- most of the times that we see him, he's being either a jerk (affectionate), head-over-heels in love, or pathetic (see: Who What When Where Wynaut drowning incident). And in what I would categorize as an adventure anime, he has remarkably... little adventuring, save for a traipse in the woods with On Cloud Arcanine. This can be his moment to actually shine! He's obviously a great battler, though he prefers contest-oriented formats. He beat Ash with a type disadvantage. He's a strong trainer- let him put it to use and try to hold off the Deoxys clones (bonus points if he's holding them off from May, not that she needs him to save her ass).
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7.) Forced togetherness with the crew. We know Drew has no issue spending time with May, and he's at the very least quite tolerant of Ash. But... Brock? Max? Fun fact, Brock CANONICALLY does NOT like Drew. At all. Calls him nails on a chalkboard. Makes this face at him (pictured below). Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want more of that. Tell me to my face that you don't want more of him having to socialize and of Brock being... like this. Shit's hilarious.
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Look at him.
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I need more of this in my life.
8.) The angst. He has his entire city destroyed, let him have a grieving moment for it. Hell, let him have a moment where May tries to reach out and he has to decide if he's going to let her in or shut her out. Does he snap, like he did in May, We Harley Drew'd Ya? Does he let her in, like The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing? Do the other LaRoussians reach out to him and let him know, hey, we're in this together? DO THE PLUSLE AND MINUN TRY TO CHEER HIM UP??????
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9.) Let him get separated from the group, or let the group get separated from him. Let him have panic, uncertainty, worry for his newfound friends. Humanize him a little bit for casual viewers who know him as 'that asshole with the roses'. You know how Pokemon loves shots of people reaching out to save someone? Give me that. Let him not reach their hand in time as Deoxys clones pull them away or as they get lost in a swarm of security bots. Give me a Drew that thinks he’s failed, that it’s his fault. It isn’t of course, I just like putting him through it. Then… give me a reunion scene. An “oh my god, you’re all safe, I thought I had lost you” scene. Did you guys know we don’t get a single contestshipping hug????? Ever???? No, her keeping him from drowning doesn’t count. I think that’s a crime and I think a “thank god you’re alive” hug, from either end, would be amazing. Ship mode activated. Imagine. May, spotting him from across the city plaza once the dust settles, and sprinting to him, nearly knocking him over with a hug that he hesitantly returns, before realizing he doesn’t want to let go. Alternately, the other way around: he lets his walls down long enough to hug her, to feel safe to break down for a minute in her arms because he was so fucking worried. May, short-circuiting slightly because wait, is this really the same rival that she accidentally threw a frisbee at and hated so long ago? Give me Sid reacting forlornly in the background too fhdhhf. I love Sid, he’ll be ok. (Also: Brock having a moment of “Oh. You’re still alive. Great.” Kidding, mostly.) also… Brock giving Sid a “yeah, I know how it feels” pat on the back???? Just a concept.
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10.) More Roselia teasing him. She's the biggest contestshipper out there. I love this little green rose gal. We need more of her being snarky to her trainer. She had so much personality with so few appearances, I love her. GIVE HIS OTHER POKEMON PERSONALITIES TOO!!!! Give them time to shine! My own takes here, but I like to think Absol is over Drew's bullshit 24/7 and is the serious one of the group. Flygon? no thoughts head empty, like most reptiles. Ft. a picture of my own no thoughts head empty reptile, who made friends with a cricket in his cleaning bowl below under Roselia gif. The others, no idea but there's my takes.
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notanotherockstar · 11 months
so annoying go through the recent posts on the olivia rodrigo tag and see it flooded with swifties critising her every move. i hate how olivia is seen as the villian in their so called "feud" when taylor (or her team) is the one who demanded 50% writing credits for deja vu despite not being anywhere near the writers room bc it maybe sounded similiar to one of her songs and olivia listened to t swift as a kid. this is a multi-millionaire who saw the success of a young, upcoming filipino artist and thought to herself, "how can i profit off this?" if this was taken to a court of law, i am certain olivia would not have had to pay that much (if she had to pay anything at all) but bc she didn't know the industry, now 50% of her profits on deja vu are directly lining swift's pockets. taylor absolutely took advantage of olivia's inexperience for a quick buck. it's just greed, plain and simple.
okay, so, i honestly don't know enough about the credits for deja vu since everyone says different things about how it went about with jack antonoff saying he didn't know anything about it (but he just comes off as so sleazy to me so i take everything he says with a pinch of salt) but that being said i feel like taylor, st vincent and antonoff should've declined such a large potion of the profits
now on to sw*fties hating on her: i have this conspiracy theory that the only reason they hate her as much as they do is because olivia's the only artist who actually has a shot at matching taylor's level of fame, i mean, she's only twenty with two albums and selling out large stadiums. that's the reason the swifties adore artists like sabrina carpenter (cringy asf lyrics - calling herself a little girl and then asking to put something big in her 'pusita'??? - on songs that only seem to be hits on tiktok) and gracie abrams (zionist nepobaby who's made peod-y remarks about finn wolfhard) who will never be able to match taylor's fame
at the end of the day i think it's become kinda obvious that olivia isn't on good terms with taylor anymore (which is fine idk why people make such a big deal about it) and distance herself from her rabid fanbase but what i do find funny is that the moment taylor is treated the way she treats other people (writing slanderous songs about them and then being coy when asked about it) they can't stand it
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classicanalyzer · 4 months
The Acolyte - Lost/Found and Revenge/Justice Thoughts
"The Jedi live in a dream. A dream they believe everyone shares. If you attack a Jedi with a weapon, you will fail. Steel or laser are no threat to them. But an Acolyte...An Acolyte kills without a weapon. An Acolyte... kills the dream." Stranger Dark Side user
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I totally guessed that Indara would bite the dust based on how little we saw her in the trailers.
While Mae is cruel for her goal, she isn’t heartless when she spares the bartender after she sees his kid.
I'm so glad the Neimodian voices are not the racist accents from the PT in this show (though I will admit after hearing those voices for so long and in the iconic memes, it feels weird to hear non-racist voices...but nonetheless it's very good it's not present). I applaud Lucasfilm for doing this. Also my shameless advertising of Brotherhood, that book did a lot of justice to the Neimodian race. It's also just an amazing SW novel in general.
I love Sol and Osha a lot. Sol (played by Lee Jung-jae who did an amazing job at portraying Sol, he even learned English for the show! I'm so happy to see a great Korean Jedi Master. I feel represented and it's a great feeling) truly represents the best of the Jedi and is clearly disturbed by the direction of the Jedi Order's current path. I also like how Osha despite no longer being a Jedi still holds out for the best of them. Her funny banter with Pip also gives her some levity in an otherwise dark story.
Yord represents the dogma of the future PT Jedi Order while Jecki represents the emotion suppression of the PT Jedi. However, I like how the two just like Sol quickly caught on that Mae is definitely alive and is doing the crimes when Sol told them about her.
The Polan is such an amazing ship design and I love the Hyperspace ring-based craft that carried it.
I very much appreciate that Sol believed her rather even hesitating for a moment. It shows how much Sol is different from the other Jedi who were more ready to place judgment on Osha.
We also see the beginnings of the Jedi Order of the HR Era to the PT Era with the Jedi becoming concerned with emotions leading to attachment (ironically missing the point that emotions can also make people stronger through their bonds but they must make sure emotions don't lead to attachment) and their reputation to the greater public. Even visually, the Jedi Temple of the HR Era is shown to be much higher than the Temple in the PT Era where the levels of Coruscant expanded upwards kinda pulling the Jedi down.
The production value behind this show is simply incredible. All the practical sets and on-site location shooting are present. I love seeing the diverse array of aliens in this show including a Zygerrian Jedi (we also got a prominent one in the HR Era comics as well). As much as I love Andor a lot, I will admit that the lack of aliens in that show is noticeable.
I also absolutely love the Dark Side figurer's speech to the Acolyte at the end of the episode.
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I really like how Sol is concerned about Osha falling to a dark side. With what is implied with Torbin's vague last statement, there's something bigger with Sol's concerns for Osha and desire to help Mae beyond failing them both.
Qimir is a squirmy little vendor. I feel there might be more to the guy than we think.
Master Torbin killing himself was one of the most unexpected dark turns I didn't see coming. I get a feeling the four Jedi might've been involved in the destruction of the Aniesya twins family although I highly doubt they were personally involved in the destruction but might've accidentally led to it.
I also love how the HR Jedi that Mae targets never attack her (except for Indura who decided to finally use her Lightsaber). The entire time Sol was fitting Mae he was more focused on asking her and disarming her weapons. A true Jedi never attacks first but to disarm and to try to prevent a conflict by non-violent means first.
Also very interesting that Mae didn't know Osha was alive. It's going to be quite an interesting conversation between Mae and her master when they reunite. That look when Mae finally sees her sister alive is amazing acting (you almost forget that they're portrayed by the same person which is how great Amandla Stenberg, Osha and Mae's actress, is).
I can't wait to figure out what's Kelnacca's deal next week.
The music done by Michael Abels is phenomenal and I cannot wait to analyze more into the score once the soundtrack comes out.
Overall, I really love this show. Leslye Headland and her team absolutely cooked and I need to talk more about the mysterious Dark Side figure's speech and how it related to their plan in the show.
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the-viking-goddess · 1 year
This is super salty re: the 'New Jedi Order' film, so be warned. I have tried my absolute ALL to avoid even thinking about this announced forthcoming film and am desperately trying to pretend it doesn't exist with every fiber of my being. However, I've been letting in my TROS grief and anger a little bit recently (I mostly keep it boxed away but every now and then I have to let myself feel it a little bit) and it unfortunately got me thinking about this new film. And you know what? I hope it fucking bombs. I hope it is diabolical and crashes and burns at the box office. I don't have anything against Daisy Ridley or the potential team involved (the creative team) but I fucking despise DLF for what they did/allowed to happen with TROS and most specifically Ben Solo and the Skywalkers and I want them to SUFFER as much as possible for it. I want it to be obvious to them after this film loses eye-watering sums of money that killing Ben and just the absolute travesty of TROS was a mistake they can't sweep under the rug or come back from, not in this timeline with these same characters. I want the film to do terribly because, surprise, no Ben, no Skywalkers and the annihilation of Rey's character into a flat, empty OP superhero-cutout who stole Ben's life and identity is not an interesting character to build a new film around.
But of course, life isn't fair and I'm sure this film will make bank and a shit ton of people will see it because it's SW. But I can still HOPE. I mean hope is what it's all about, right? I hope this film is a travesty and is torn to pieces by everyone in every way possible.
And like... I'm trying to be mean and peppy and zingy about this and I meant it, but genuinely the idea that they'll make a new film off the back of TROS without Ben and after every knife in the heart that film delivered... and make money and do well? It actually makes me feel broken. It breaks my heart to think of a new film with 'Rey Skywalker' happily teaching kids with uncle Finn popping in (and ye gods if she has moved on romantically I will kill someone) like Ben never existed and the Skywalkers, Han and Leia didn't all suffer and die for nothing. It makes me FERAL with anger that the films and characters I loved are going to be desecrated even worse than before and this film will be a dance on the grave of everything that TFA and TLJ was.
Anywayyyyy, that's my rant and now I'm going back to trying to pretend it doesn't exist.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
Do you think the SW Sequels Era did anything right? I've seen a lot of backlash in regards to what they did wrong, but I'm genuinely curious to see what some people think were positives ideas to come out of the whole ordeal. (Luke's characterization, Reylo canonicity completely sidelining Finn and Poe, and Disney/Execs overall throwing their POC cast to the wolves when they weren't happy with conditions were decisions that should have never been made in my own opinion btw)
This is one of those topics that might stir up a wasp's nest depending on who you ask, but honestly the Sequels Era as a whole wouldn't be so bad if the executive decisions behind them weren't such a disrespectful trash fire.
But yeah Anon, I getcha. We've all seen people's (rightfully) negative opinions of the Sequels Era and how much squandered potential the trilogy turned out to be. That said I do think there are some positives. Mostly in the form of ideas that DO still have potential so long as they're approached with care and consideration.
With that said, what I think they did right:
The Force Awakens - It's just a straight up good movie that opened the door to a lot of possibilities. Good OST, good cast, interesting alien and creature designs, combined some pretty dark elements that could very easily be explored more deeply by anyone who's interested in sparking a debate about willing conscription vs forced indoctrination and how to tell the two apart, etc. I still consider it a part of mine and @lost-on-kamino 's Forceful Intervention AU Verse because honestly it's a movie that paid excellent homage to both the original and prequels trilogies.
Star Wars Resistance - A lot of people consider it a subpar show, which honestly I don't see. It has so many interesting themes, from privileged kids that want to actually do good instead of sitting pretty while the world burns around them, the dangers of targeted propaganda and how it's specifically used on youths that are dealing with trauma left behind by war, trying to make your way in a galaxy that isn't always friendly but that can offer you community if you know where to look, and more. The cast is fun, the style isn't the worst I've seen in terms of animation, and overall I feel like it's a breath of fresh air to focus on characters that aren't inherently connected to the Force.
Kix Lives - There is absolutely so much potential behind the reveal that Kix was not only frozen in stasis by Dooku, but also found 50 years in the future after everyone he knew and held dear to his heart have been dead and gone for a long while now. The amount of survivor's guilt and trauma would be immeasurable, if not torturous, and I feel like the writers at least owe it to Kix to help him find some legacy his brothers might have left behind. Be it artifacts or even entire lineages they might have been able to start. If not that, then at least show us some of his adventures with the crew of the Meson Martinet.
Barghests - They added a new kind of space doggo that I absolutely love the design of, and want to see in action so badly. Just look at these absolute creatures of all time:
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Delightful beasts! Friend shaped! Worthy of as much esteem as the humble Massiff, the zesty Charhound or the beefy Corellian Hound!
And that's about it on my list of things that the Sequels Era did right. If only the rest wasn't an absolute mess... We could have definitely had something really good to work with.
Ah well... Nothing like rolling up the proverbial sleeves and getting to work exploring all the wasted potential yourselves!
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marciabrady · 1 year
I'm seeing so much disdain for the OG Snow White (film but mostly heroine) in discussions about the remake. I'm floored, almost every popular Disney film has issues, even the beloved 90s era, and they continue to go without much criticism but people are acting like SW is Gone With the Wind level problematic. Even saying Snow White doesn't have fans??
I'm just convinced these are zoomers who have a tendency to think bc something isn't popular with them it's not popular with anyone else. Snow has been beloved for 70+ years, people who got to meet Adriana were excited, Snow has merch and little girls like her toys. This people must live in a bubble.
And unsurprisingly a lot are men who think any woman who does housekeeping and likes romance is a useless drip.
Sorry Marcia but I had to vent 😭 nobody I know fights for Snow like you. Even Cinderella gets more respect than Snow and I'm happy she gets some but Snow White went through literal murder and being on the run. Could any of the badass princesses handle that?
First off, thank you so much for calling out that "nobody I know fights for Snow like" me because I've literally considered it my life's work and it's frustrating that so many creators have stolen my intellectual content and made a huge audience off of it, while only stealing some of my points and not understanding the heart of what I'm saying and what I've been saying for my entire life (which is well documented on this blog; contrary to what certain people are saying about Snow White defenders, no, I didn't just selectively start to care to cosign on outrage on Rachel; I literally had a reaction to her horrible takes when they came out last year and made several posts about it).
People are defending Rachel in a way that, I feel, is infantilizing her and removing autonomy from a literal millionaire adult in her 20s. A grown woman made harmful comments and was disrespectful about a film whose historical impact is extremely profound (again, feel free to IM me about this because I have so many thoughts and don't love when they're stolen, so I'm being more guarded about what I'm saying now). And instead, people are turning around and excusing her hateful comments- which have even gotten the son of the original director of Snow White to speak out, at 91, saying his father and Walt Disney would be "rolling in their graves"- and they're saying things like "Rachel's just a 22 year old kid, guys, who's parroting what Disney is telling her! Don't blame her for what she's saying, she doesn't even know what she's saying!" and "she's right! Snow White IS old and outdated and awful and no one cares about Snow White!" Which is...
Most of the people speaking out on this and defending Rachel don't like Snow White, so why should their opinion matter? They're displaying that they have no insight or understanding of the source material and then they want to step on the people that actually do like the character by saying we aren't valid. First off, it's no secret I don't like Belle- did you see me running my mouth about how she was misinterpreted by Emma Watson? No, because she isn't my Princess and I'm not a fan of hers. I wasn't telling everyone "who cares, Belle is obviously the worst princess and CLEARLY has no fans" because that's not right and it's not my place. Us Snow White fans have literally always had to deal with people hating on her and misunderstanding her. She's perpetually maligned and the butt of the joke and I think that's why it's all the more imperative that we got someone who understood the character and was her protector, her defender, and brought her value and respect upon her legacy to a whole new generation of people who had been hating on her for years. And instead...we get Rachel who wants to change everyone about the character, admittedly didn't like her growing up, is misinterpreting the source material to an alarming degree (saying the Prince was a stalker is soooo wrong and even her implications that women aren't valid if they are romantic is sickening and misunderstands the movie; it's not called Snow White and the PRINCE it's called Snow White and the Seven DWARFS), and inspiring people to claim the only reason critiques are happening about the horrible comments she made is because the world, in 2023, can't handle a successful woman...like cut me a break
Let me start off by saying this. To all the people who think Rachel's comments are funny and never liked Snow White in the first place, and are calling her just a dumb cartoon character, she is the product of a legacy Adriana Caselotti upkept her entire life. She is the product of blood, sweat, and tears- the basis for which this entire company was built upon. It's one of the most culturally impactful films of all time- without Snow White, there are no Disney Princesses, there is no Disney Parks, there are no Disney Live Action Remakes- there's no Disney. And guess what? She has more value than just being an "outdated classic." In her original movie, she does display leadership qualities, survives years of abuse and forced labor, homelessness, misogyny, multiple murder attempts, and she endures. Both her character and her legacy. No one can deny her, the first female animated character to have a star on the Hollywood walk of fame, her impact on the film industry, on the Disney company, and on multiple generations of fans- from bonafide Hollywod A-Listers like Clark Gable and Carole Lombard who literally CRIED at a "stupid cartoon character"'s death and countless youngsters trying to get by during the depression, to adults who see themselves in Snow White to this day and a whole new crop of youngsters who find joy in Snow White's song. She isn't just a thing of history and of inks and paints- she is a product of so many people's talented labor and love and input, and if she wasn't, she- like any other material property- would've faded away with the passage of time, long ago.
Again, as much as I'd love to continue going into this, my creative content has gotten stolen so many times. But I do have more to say and I'm planning on doing it in a special project, on a much larger platform. I'll update you all on it when it's ready to be shared, but I'm doing something that will hopefully resurrect love and reverence for Snow White to the mainstream and will make all of the hard work and research and studying I've accomplished, over my entire life, come to fruition in a way I'm so excited about 💗
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3. FBT - Scarlet's Orchard
Description: After putting the pieces together, Wanda takes a step back.
Warning: Angst? I think so. A sprinkle of violence, forced kiss.
Ps. I haven't done all my "grammar" steps this time. Hopefully, some of you can still enjoy it.
Word Counter: 2.7k
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 (this)| Part 4*
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You haven't heard from Wanda for the rest of the week. Some substitute came to teach her classes and the corridor gossip didn't give you any real motive about what happened:
"Maybe she was called back to the Avengers! Like a big green sticky dude that they need her help with!"
"Don't be silly. Everyone knows about the Starks November party. I bet Potts kept the tradition"
"Maybe she just decided to move out? She didn't stay long in the other school she taught..."
Unfortunately you didn't know any better. She wasn't responding to your texts or picking up you calls. She had vanished leaving you with no goodbye and you missed her.
That Saturday night, after you placed the kids in bed, you floped down the couch with an overfilled glass of wine. Just when your lips touched the liquid, you heard a zipping sound followed by a step behind you.
"Y/N. I am sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you" - you heard a male voice
Your heart twisted in fear as you let the wine spill and quickly go up in a very clumsy defense pose.
" WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" You looked around trying to figure out a scape plan to what you where sure to be a home assault.
"I am sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!" A tall lean guy wearing funny clothes said raising his hands in a show of no-harm
"Who-how-What ARE YOU?" You trembling raised the now empty wine glass as a weapon
"I am Stephen - Dr. Strange" He said adjusting his stand a little offended that you didn't recognize his title "I am Wanda's friend"
"Wanda?" You let your arm down "Do you know where she is?" you asked trying not to show how worried you were.
"She is in trouble and we need your help. So let's go, shall we?" Dr. Strange wasn't known for his public skills, as he harshly approached you opening a portal to the Avengers compound with little to no explanation.
"Ok. It was very nice to meet you. But I am not about to jump into the Eye of Sauron just because you mentioned to be Dr. Stitch - Wanda's friend" You said crossing the living room to your kitchen leaving a fumming Stephen behind.
"First, it is Dr. Strange! God, haven't you heard of the Avengers? Thanos? The snap?" He rolled his eyes
"Oh. You are the green one?" You asked him while passing through him to mop the floor where you spilled the wine.
"DOCTOR STRAN... You know what? It doesn't matter" He took a deep breath " Look, Wanda needs help and I think you are the key to save her. Would you mind coming with me?" He pointed towards the portal with a grin full of sarcasm.
"Ok. Send me address I will go there tomorrow"
"Not tomorrow! Right now!" He exasperated
"Ok, Doc. And who is going to look after my kids?" You crossed your arms mocking.
"Wong" he said already summoning a new portal that showed a confused Wong
"Who is this?" Bith of you asked
" I am the Sorcerer Supreme.. Not a baby sitter, Stephen" Wong crossed the portal
"Life or death. Now come" Stephen said pulling you into the portal and closing a pissed off Wong behind.
"(...)Wanda has been the vessel to the Scarlet Witch for sometime now. She has trained to keep her imprisioned inside of herself until we can figure out how to kill or ademonish her for good(...)." Stephen was rambling while guiding you through one of the Avenger's Coumpound corridors. "(...)And she was just fine, stronger than ever - not even a hint of SW showing for months. But last Sunday she came in demanding to be imprisioned again because she was 'losing control'" he spat
"Last sunday?" It was the same day she left town with no explanation.
"Yes. And I didn't think much of it, because we all know she is stronger then Scarlet on her good state of mind. What brings me to you." He looked at you puzzled
"Me? I didn't do anything" You said stopping in your tracks "Why does that have anything to do to me? We are just friends"
"She loves you" he said plainly like he was just stating a ordinary fact.
You laughed. Wanda Maximoff? Yes, she became your frined, you had one or two nights taking some wine together, but she had never said or done anything to you to suggest any romantic interest. Not that you haven't tried once ou twice after meeting her closed reaction and obediently retracting to your 'friend zone'. Right?
"She doesn't love me" You scoffed
"Don't argue with me" he turned to you with a hard gaze "Come".
You finally reached a massive door with a observant glass window that showed a dark red and black dusty cloud. Near the window was Bruce and Steve discussing something on a low tone.
"Steve. Bruce. This is Y/N" Stephen introduced you
"Hi, Y/N" Bruce said friendly as Steve looked sternly to Stephen "I told you no"
"Well, do you have any other plan? This is the best one we have" Stephen retracted to analyze the midst
"What plan?"
Bruce answered: "You see that midst there?" You noded "That is Wanda"
"Wanda is in there?" You gasped
"No" Steve interrupted "Scarlet Witch is in there".
You gulped. You knew nothing about SW besides that she was supposely a demon that possesed Wanda in the pass, as Stephen had told you just know. But just the sight of the dark cloud sent shivers down your spine - how could anyone be stronger than that?
"I don't see where I can help" You said staring down the cloud looking for any shadow or movement that hinted Wanda's location.
"She loves you. You are the only one who can convice her to fight again and get SW under control" Stephen murmured
"We are just friends" You said between your teeth. That Stephen was getting into your nerves.
" You just need to get in there and called out for her" Stephen said reaching for the door
"Are you crazy?" You and Steve Rogers shouted
"I will not get anywhere!" You said stepping back.
You weren't the bravest person on Earth. That was true. You would shamelessly run away from a little bug if it came too close to you. But your refusal had nothing to do with that. You liked Wanda, truly. She was amazing and she made you feel all mushy and at peace - being frienzoned or not. But you were not just Y/N, anymore. You couldn't be selfish with your own life - you were now a mom. And you wouldn't put Tommy and Billy's mom at risk ever again - for crying out loud, the first thing you did was to sell your motocycle! Imagine getting inside the ring of hell with the demon herself to call out Wanda?
"I can't" You said crossing your arms in front of you and starting to walk back the corridor
"I am sorry. This is the only way" Dr. Strange said pushing you inside the room.
------- Dr. Strange point of view
"STEPHEN!" Steve shouted pushing Stephen away and forcing the door trying to go inside- now locked with more then just Jarvis AI. The three heros got shivers down their spine as they heard the sinister laugh that followed.
"How could you do that? We need to get her out of there- help me unlock the door, Bruce!" He kept pushing the handle
"We can't" The Hulk didn't agree with Dr. Strange actions, but he couldn't think of another solution to prevent the chaos from ever leaving that tiny room.
"The thing is that Wanda didn't lose control." Stephen slowly started to explain himself " She is in control of all that." He pointed towards the picture of chaos" if she wasn't, Scarlet would have already breached - don't be naive. We are not strong enough to contain her, you know that, Steve"
"I don't follow" Steve looked puzzled but stopped forcing the handle
"When she searched for me on Sunday, she had finally understood what me and America had already known for awhile." He breathed out "She always asked herself why she didn't have her 'Billy and Tommy' in this multiverse, giving that all other Wanda's had theirs." He stopped as a light flashed from the cloud followed by a loud sound "The thing she missed all this years, is that we have various ways to becoming parents - something that she had never considered. She always thought Billy and Tommy were hers and Vision kids. But no. They have nothing to do with Vision. They are her kids. And kids are not just the ones born from one's womb, are they?"
"What does that have to do with Y/N?" Steve looked puzzled
"Y/N's kids.. Are Wanda's Billy and Tommy" Bruce realized.
"And Wanda is trying to protect them, from herself" Stephen concluded
"... By convincing us to lock her away" Steve concluded "This is all happening because she wants it to. She wants to force our hand."
---------- Back to Y/N POV
You don't know what hitted you first. The ground, as you clumsy landed on all fours. The phosfor stench. Or the burn in your eyes as your sight was filled with a dense and hot air.
Your surrounding looked very much like an orchard. If the trees had any leaves and apples in them, it could even be a beatiful sight. As you catched your breath you heard a sinister laugh echooing from everywhere at once. Your heart was pouding as you desperately tried to find back the door that had vanish replaced by the ilusion in front of you.
You walked around that place for what it seemed to be hours. You haven't seen anyone yet, as the orchard extended for infinite lenghts. You were starving, thirsty and tired. The more you walked, the more you thought you would never find your way out of it, and the more you got anxious and desperate to get back to your kids. Suddenly appeared a white house down the hill, and you could swear you saw a shadow by the window.
When you reached the house, you soon realized how folish you were to literaly come knocking in the demons lair.
"tsc tsc tsc. I thought you were the smart one" Wanda's voice came from behind you with a reprimanding tone. You quickly turned and saw her. But not as her. She held her hair the redder it has ever been, dark circles around her eyes, black fingers and big red horns caming out of her forehead.
"Ste-Stephen " You sttutered walking backwards away from the witch
"Don't talk about him" She hissed crossing the ward and grabing your throat in a fury "He ruined everything!" She said through her teeth with a hard gaze. You whimped barely able to breathe through her hold.
"So-orry. I-I am not supposed to be here"
She tilted her head in confusion with a small smile "Haven't you come to save your precious little Wanda?" She loosened her hold on your throat and her eyes sparkled red as she read your thoughts "HA!" She laughed "Poor Wanda.. Not even her little human-pet came to save her!" She mocked "You have more important stuff to do, right, kitten?" She let go of you with a humorous laugh
"Will you let me go?" You dared to ask
"I could.. But you know.. You are pretty, aren't you? I might keep you for a bit." She turned and walked back to you slowly checking you out bitting her lower lip " I think I will just dumb you down, turn off that little brain of yours and use you to have some fun. Would you like that?" She said "I will keep you as my personal pet as I rise as the Master of Chaos" She gripped your cheeks strongly as you wiggled trying to get loose from her
"No, please. I need to get back" You begged
"How pathetic little girl you are, aren't you?" She smirked "You know what is the cherry on top of this? Our little Wanda loves you, but didn't have the gut to tell you about it." She smiled mischieveously " But she didn't even read your thoughts did she? She couldn't know you love her back" She laughed "And I am the one who is going to have you". She crashed her lips into yours. You could push her away with all your strenght and it wouldn't be enough: she was at least a thousand times stronger and you were powerless in her grasp.
And then she came.
"Leave her alone" Wanda's voice echoed loud and strong coming from the house. Scarlet smiled immediately detaching herself from you and pushing you aside in the ground.
"Well, well, well. The rabbit is out the hole, isn't it?" She held a wicked smile as Wanda calmly got herself in your direction
"You shouldn't have come, Y/N" She said extending you her hand and giving SW her back as she meant no threat at all
"Go inside the house and I will come for you" She said keeping her expression closed and avoiding your eyes
"That is a lovely reunion" SW said with a mocking tone "But I will have to cut in, you know? I think we have things to settle, Wanda" She said harshly sending a joltz of red light into Wanda’s back. The energy, though, dissipated before reaching her skin.
Wanda smirked "don't be silly, Scarlet"
SW growled sending another blast that ricochet back to her hitting her shoulder in an electrical pain.
"Argh!" She shouted and kept trying to reach Wanda growing beastial and frustrated at the lack of effectiveness of her attack.
While SW lost her control, Wanda calmly took you back to the house and closed you inside - apparently a fortress where SW hasn't been able to crack since Sunday.
As soon you were safe, Wanda felt relief washing her whole body. She didn't know you had come into the illusion when you did. She didn't think that was possible, so she just meditated and waited for her friends to be convinced of how dangerous she was. Maybe then they would be persuaded to take her out of her misery. But all plans came down in ruins when she heard your begging and saw SW holding you. At that moment she knew you wouldn't be safe without her, and that maybe she being in your storyline would be good for you - not just for her.
"How dare you touch Y/N?" She barked turning her red eyes to face an angry SW "How dare you try to hurt her?" Wanda stepped close hands ablaze with red fire...
As soon Wanda shutted the door, you were absorbed in another illusion. The world seemed to dim and turn Black and white. Old music was playing out of nowhere and you could hear a TV show on the back. The smell of fresh cookies and cut grass filled your senses still involved in the stench of the demon's orchard, completing the enchanted scenario. You felt at peace and at home, like inside a safe 50s TV show. You couldn't see the fight going on between Wanda and Scarlet outside, the window showed you a pristine garden and a row of suburban houses bathed in the early morning sun. Cars passing by eventually and birds singing could make you forget about anything else.
As you walked through what you assumed to be your home, you notice some photo frames on the table next to the couch. The picture showed a family of four, a blurred 4th person you couldn't quite place as a male or female, Wanda motherly hugging two little kids. Two little kids you knew awfully well.
The faint of recognition of the kids identities passed by you as the world trembled, lights flickered and the whole illusion shredded slowly. Bright lights hit your eyes in a painful intrusion as you blinked repeatedly trying to adjust. When you finally got to yourself, the photo was gone, and in front of you with a worried glance was a sweaty, flustered and tired Wanda.
"Let's get you home"
.... to be continued on part 4
About part 4, I am between the smut and the fluff final. I have already written them liked both. If you have an opinion, voice it.
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mischievouschan4 · 11 months
For the writers ask game, 17 and 30!
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
OMG LOLLLL I literally don't know how to put my desires into words here...
maybe a Cottage Core!AU where everything is soft and everyone is happy? I really really like fluffy fics where plot is secondary
maybe a Bodyguard!AU where the person being protected is actually pretty badass, so they're like "I'LL BE FINE, I DON'T NEED AN OAF LIKE YOU DEFENDING ME. I CAN DO IT BETTER MYSELF" but then shit goes down and the 'big oaf' risks their life to safe the other person because over the course of the protective detail they've become really fond of their charge (despite the disparaging comments), and the person being protected finally realizes 1) big oaf is actually really good at their job, and 2) their life would be much sadder with out them. So they angst a little from the injuries but then get rid of the bad guys and live happily ever after lol (I feel like this isn't the most original because there is Harry Potter fic that fits this perfectly, but IDC I LIKE IT OKAY)
this isn't really an AU, but I also LOVE fics where I have to suspend my disbelief from canon? I have a few fics that super tickled my fancy here:
Toews/Kane (hockey RPF): Every Little Thing He Does (is magic) the world building and the use of magic in this is EPIC
Lan Zhan/Wei Ying (MDZS): Atlas the crossover with Tian Guan Ci Fu is pure genius
THERE WAS A SW ONE that was Jango Fett/Obi-Wan where Jango was a bounty hunter and Obi-Wan was an omega pleasure slave (he somehow left the order?) who Jango visits a few times (the smut was to die for) before saving up enough to buy off Obi-Wan's debt, they run off to live in a cottage and have some kids, in the end Quinlan finds Anakin (their kid) who is overflowing with the Force and Obi-Wan who he believed to be dead this whole time. Anyways that's all I can remember from the fic, but I THINK IT GOT TAKEN DOWN. If anyone has it saved, PLEASE LINK ME THANK YOU
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
I am definitely a visualizer when I write and a lot of the time I need to put myself in the situation (how would I feel if this happened?, is this position natural for me?, etc.), which is challenging in 2 situations: 1) when the scene is super sensory and foreign, and 2) long-fic where the future ideas are still kind of nebulous
For situation 1: definitely Ch 3 (and Ch 4, which is in the works) of How Anakin Got his Groove Back. I'm uhhhhhh NOT experienced in BDSM irl at all, so trying to imagine some of the scenes took a lot of brain power and/or visual reference (lmao)... sometimes I got distracted... BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY it was a really tough exercise of translating feeling into words in a tangible way. I'm not sure what the effect is yet... time will tell, I think I still need more practice at it.
For situation 2: Transference is the ongoing struggle. Tackling a work that I think is going to be around 150k as someone who had never written more than 10k before was SO daunting. It's taught me a lot about pacing, planning, and coming to terms with the fact mistakes ARE OKAY!
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spikevirgo · 2 years
Happy Valley ep5 thoughts;
Very much a slow burn this episode which scares me even more for the finale next week
Someone correct me if I'm being slow here, but with a mafia leader like Darius I just don't see how he'd let TLR even have a chance of bringing that much focus on them if he tried to kill Catherine. It'd be bad for business and possibly get them all caught.
Richard is again taking far too many chances, I'm standing by my prediction that he'll die.
"You're just a pissed up noo-noo" had me howling
As brutal as it was I felt glad that Ann finally told off Ryan. There's been too many ppl tiptoeing around the truth for him and it doesn't help. Yes it's incredibly frustrating that this kid makes the worst decisions you've ever seen but if no one tells him WHY everyone hates TLR then he's unable to fully get it.
Truly wonderful acting from Charlie Murphy. Such a short scene and so powerful.
Speaking of great acting: every single scene with Sarah Lancashire and Siobhan Finneran is amazing. Heartbreaking, and you don't really know if they can ever come back from this. I hope so (given both survive). It's also a testament to SW's writing that after the betrayal you can see how alone they each are without each other.
Will TLR find Catherine or will she come for him first? He said something about waiting till Monday I believe, so maybe her going on the offensive will take him by surprise.
Will Ryan drag his head out of his ass?
I think the youngest daughter who always wears her jacket will be the one to take down Hepworth. He might not have killed Joanna but he was still an abusive asshole, so good riddance.
Faisal will get caught bc of the diazepam.
Will the enforcer guy get married? Guessing not.
Will the Knezivices get taken down? I don't think we have time for all that with one episode left. :(
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raayllum · 1 year
there's such an unfortunate pattern of people pushing to age up characters of colour, black kids in particular for shipping and more mature purposes - there's alot of reasons behind why people do it subconsciously and I don't think you mean ill but as a Black tdp it's an uncomfortable across-fandom habit I thought tdp would escape, so far everyones been lovely so im hoping this is taken the right way, cause like I get it Tumblr is a lawless land for ships but that doesn't mean you can't be wary of anti Blackness accidentally worming it's way into how you treat young Black characters, you're usually pretty sound in how you treat Ez compared to some people here so I'm just asking you be wary of this as a Black tdp fan ✌🏾
Hey, thank you for bringing this in in good faith! I have definitely seen what you're talking about happen time and time again. Darker skinned characters of colour (and Black characters in particular) so often get like, pushed into mentorship/parental roles with very little else awarded to them (hi Allura from VLD, a fave who deserved better), sidelined with their plot lines (Finn from SW, Bow from She-Ra, Gus from TOH - all other faves who deserved better), or like... idk fans can definitely get weird about Black characters and have been weird about Ezran (and Harrow dear god) so I get (I hope) where you're coming from!
For me I stumbled into aged up Claudiez ship (when they're both in their 20s) as a crack ship, and then as something more genuine precisely, honestly, because of how it expands both of them, but mainly Ezran, as a character. Ezran I think because he's king and a child walks this line of overt maturation and subsequent infantilization (the fact he very much registers as Autistic to me, another Autistic, probably doesn't help with this facet of it either).
When I write canon compliant Ezran, I usually focus on the fact that however wise, he is still a child and deserves to be treated and respected as one (drabbles here: X, X, X) because the alternative that the fandom can lean towards sometimes is acting like Ezran can't have significant internal problems or messy emotions and subsequently not a fully developed interiority given to his brother (whose lighter skinned) or Rayla / the mage fam (who are white) under the guise of "well he's just too good and selfless".
The other side of it, though, is the infantilization of "well he's a bad king just because he's a kid" even though he's not a bad king, and as though youth means children's feelings/opinions can't or shouldn't be respected. Ezran is often the most level headed of the trio, he has a tried and true moral compass, and his gentleness/compassion are often times a conscious choice, not just naivety. I love Callum, but especially in arc 1 (during which my notions of Claudiez were born), he can have a tendency to unfairly infantilize his brother.
Thus I was drawn to aged up Claudiez because to me, it brought an interesting way to reconcile these two sides of Ezran (through fanon, of course - they're never gonna be 'endgame' and that's hardly the point).
On the one hand, you have the grown king - who's a man now, who's been on the throne for half his life, who needs something that's for him. Not for his kingdom, not for his council, not for his brother, but for himself. Ezran being with someone none of them would approve of - a disgraced former enemy turned die hard loyal high mage - was a way for him to righteously 'selfish' and prioritize something he wants, no matter what anyone else thinks. Claudia is goofy and can help him lighten up and sees the throne in the same way he does ("You're [being king] to help everyone" / "Maybe I can help the world better from a throne") as well as uniquely sharing in Ezran's burden of the younger sibling saddled with your father's mantle in ways your older brother just doesn't have to think and/or worry about. Claudia to me is someone who can honour his inner child and help him keep that kid part of himself - having an easier adulthood than they did childhood / adolescence.
Then on the other hand, you have how it curbs the infantilization. One of the reasons I was drawn to the ship was simply because I didn't think there was a world where Callum would take it well, and I've always liked the idea of Ezran asserting that he's king and doesn't need his brother's permission to do anything, especially if Callum's tendencies to sometimes infantilize Ezran continued in adulthood. He's capable, he does know what he's doing, and he's allowed to choose his own support system. I feel like sometimes fans can take any opportunity where there's a 'sheltered' Black character (whatever that means per context) as an excuse really infantilize them and need a white or lighter skinned character to Teach them about the world and - no thank you please. Ezran is everything that Claudia needs to learn (morality, animals, dark magic wise, etc), not the other way around.
Hopefully that gives a bit more clarity as to how the ship manifests (in my head at least) and why! If it's still uncomfortable (for a lot of people the age gap is the deal breaker, which is understandable) the ship is always tagged accordingly it can be easily filtered/blocked out; if you'd like to have more of a discussion, I'll happily listen to whatever else you have to say here in my inbox or my DMs (whatever's more comfortable for you), either about this topic or about any other. I'm glad to know I'm pretty sound and generally on the right track, but I know I can probably always be doing better! I appreciate you bringing your concern to me and please always feel free to do so - I do my best to keep my eyes peeled and any biases in check, but I'm bound to miss things from time to time.
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magdasabs · 1 year
My pleasure and kinda "duty" to tell about fun stuff as a long time Sweden fan ;)
Ok so this was before Julia had met Emma and before she'd signed for then Kopparbergs/Göteborg (the team later became part of Häcken when the club took them in). I think she was the only one left who played for a Stockholm based team. Nattis, Ippe, Anna Oscarsson and Tove Almqvist played for other clubs than AIK, Djurgården and Hammarby. Tove definitely did, she played in Linköping with Magda, Pernille, Frido and Stina among her team mates and then she went to Vittsjö. Ippe left Hammarby for Linköping after season 2017 and Julia left for Gothenburg in the summer transfer window 2018 (yes I googled it lol). So it was probably within this time frame their little travel mishap transpired. It also fits with when Instagram started with stories in 2016. This group was in the 2015 U19 Euro squad that won the gold and they were good friends already then. But it can't have been before 2016 because their little incident was shared in insta stories.
The four of them visited Julia in Stockholm (Johanna wasn't there, probably had a league game or something and Tove's best friend Stina wasn't even in Sweden). They'd went with Ippe to buy a new iPhone. Someone shared a story when they were on the subway train and Ippe unpacked her new phone. She made a huge deal of it of course lmao and was over excited. I kid you not, it was like "Omg omg omg!" and shrieks of excitement and joy from her. Tove sat next to Ippe and almost cried from laughter.
A while later Anna shared a story when they were at a platform and waited for the subway train. It was outdoors and I recognised it as the station Globen near the Globe arena (now named Avicii arena). They were laughing so much they bent forward and held their stomaches. All but Nattis who wasn't the least amused. She could be seen in the background standing with her arms crossed and a annoyed look on her face like "I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit".
Anna could barely speak when she asked Tove to come help her tell what had happened. And what had happened was they'd somehow managed to get on the right subway train - heading in the wrong direction. They didn't notice they were heading in the wrong direction for fifteen (15) minutes. They'd passed several stations before anyone reacted. The most hilarious is that everyone but Tove had lived and played in Stockholm for several years and had just very recently left for other clubs. Julia even still lived and played in Stockholm! As someone who doesn't live in Stockholm but has been there much, I can tell you it's fairly easy to find your way around the subway map in comparison to London where I've also visited.
When their subway train, this time in the right direction lmao, arrived Anna said "Idiots on world tour" about them. It became very fitting as this group went on vacations together regularly for a couple of years. Some were in the U23 national team and naturally got to travel to other countries together that way. Once Anna posted a story when she and Tove were at a player hotel. They were in a public area like the hotel lobby or near the dining room. Anna filmed Tove when she made a kick forward. Her flip flop flew through the air and almost hit one of the Dutch U23 players. Whoops. In a added story Anna had frozen the footage and zoomed in on Tove's face when she followed the flight of her flip flop towards the Dutchies. She did a funny caption to it but I don't remember what. Tove's face was priceless anyway as she watched her flip flop in horror. Of course the two of them broke down in fits of laughter afterwards.
Others have been called up to the senior national team for looks in training games or for competitive games and championships. At one camp Ippe was Anna's roomie. They were chilling in their hotel room laying on their beds. Anna checked her phone. An apparently very bored Ippe posted a story when she first had her back towards Anna. The collar of her Sweden training jacket covered half her face so you could only see her eyes. Then she quickly turned around and hit Anna hard on the arm or leg. Anna exclaimed "Ouch! Cut it out Filippa!" and hit Ippe back on her leg but stopped herself halfway so she wouldn't hit her full force. Then she returned to checking her phone and Ippe rolled back so she was turned away from Anna again. Still with the collar covering half her face. Through all of this Ippe didn't utter a sound. Didn't laugh, didn't giggle and didn't say anything. She just got an idea to film when she was being a little shit to Anna and wanted to do something eh creative.
The members of the Idiots on world tour have changed slightly it seems but the core group is the same. I think last time they as a big group of friends went on a December vacation after season was in 2019. Julia had met Emma, Anna hadn't met Matilda, Elena hadn't met Benni, Ippe had met Megan, Nattis was either single or with that male Djurgården ice hockey player, Stina was probably single as she had still to meet her bf whom she met after she'd moved to Gothenburg and she didn't move there until 2020.
And now with this recent boat ride the Idiots are on world tour again. Some of them will get to travel half way around the the world in less than one months time when Sweden fly out to the base camp in Wellington, NZ.
Thank you for taking the time to share all of that! It's really cool that you remember it
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
what’s your OTP when it comes to your muse?
A Little Turtle Talk || Accepting
Bri. Briiiiiiiiiii. I know you did this on purpose. You saw a pot and you just haaaaaaaad to stir it, didn't you? Well, what if I counter with...define the verse/fandom for your request. Because I too am the devil. <grin> Okay, just kidding. But what isn't kidding is that I don't have the same view as some people when it comes to the whole OTP thing. I think they exist. I know muns have their favourites, in and out of verse/fandoms. I am equal opportunity here, whether the pairing is romantic or platonic. In that spirit... Onto the OTPs: @multi-mused with Zarek Morrians, the Greek Demigod husband and Father of Beth's child, Styxx. This is Beth's first love. The most tragic and triumphant of them, the most complicated one I've written for ~checks with Kitmun~ six years, and two generations of muses. Currently Kit's super busy with real life, but she knows I am always here. @ronmanmob with Ron Kray, the younger gangster twin. This was a surprise to me because I've never before played with a fictional character that was also a real person. And the core of this pairing is the comfort of knowing, when you are a person with disabilities, that you have someone who understands you so completely, so doesn't make you feel othered, and is accepting. It's beautiful. @mynameisanakin with Anakin Skywalker. I love they're take so much. I have never once disagreed with a story, interpretation, plot, HC, or verse. I never intended to do SW on here, and yet, I will move the stars for Shady, for Anakin, and I love every verse we write together in. Also Shady may actually be the only person I know that can out salt me on the regular without even trying. @lokitheliesmith with...you guessed it... Loki. Now I am fully aware of rules as written. I honour and respect them. Beth on the other hand did what she eventually wanted to. I love the writing, I love the story. I love Hela. I love Bucky. I really just love writing with Z and am glad to be a partner in whatever way the story goes. Regardless of what happens here, I am absolutely with them until the end of the line, and I mean that in the most visceral way possible. But I would say... Loki could do much worse than having a friend like Beth. @whosxafraid with Luka. And Lorcan. We have spent years building up an alternate celtic mythology with one another, adapting the story as it goes. They don't always end up happy together, and sometimes those relationships shift in the verse but that makes things interesting. And as for Lorcan? I do not even know what to say. Crow and I will swear they cannot be left unattended for a single second with each other before there's fire, blood, screaming...and biting. And neither of us can say those are bad things. @rugini with Baz. Crow stares at me. I stare at them. All of our various muses stare anywhere but at each other. Everyone is extremely uncomfortable about the heavy silence between us. This has been going on six years. In one verse, they may actually go out on their first date. In another, they might not kill each other. In a third...it will never be, no matter how hard everyone tried, but then again, isn't that the poignancy of a real life? @goodlawman With all of the Marshals. This might have to do with the fact that I absolutely adore Kmun with all my heart. They are also my Danny Williams. They are also my Martin Riggs. Every muse they've written feels like home, so comfortable, charming, troubled, and perfect. I love our verses. I love how we've managed to interconnect them in ways that are beautiful, and in other ways the stand-alone nature of the writing is equally fun, equally perfect. @tangleweave with...one could say all of the gentlemen on this blog, as we write stories with all of them, some interconnected, some separate. As I've said before a million times, the very first thing I noticed is that Matt is the only other person in all of this place that I've seen mention Beta Ray Bill, one of my longest held comic book loves, muchless play him as a muse. Taking a glance down the list, there isn't a single muse here that I, as a mun, don't love with every fibre of my being. That said, everyone probably expects me to say Stephen Strange. Especially those that suffered through casting changes melt-downs I had, the insistence of seeing it opening night some 45 miles away from where I live, and the years of subsequent velociraptor screeching. What can I say, I love my wizards. But my OTP here that took me by utter surprise was actually Eddie Brock. Maybe I should call it an OT3, because Beth doesn't love the alien symbiote any less than his human host.  Matt writes a beautiful, compelling antihero, and I live for this. We are also both convinced the muses started shipping themselves before we even noticed.
@thebiggestlies Oh you minx. I know you did it on purpose with Mischa. You gave me a beautiful, broody, and demented Malkavian. We write in verse, both our own and in other poetry. I would actually consider allowing you to carry out his plot to drive Andy to the brink and maybe nudge him off if there was a way that Beth would never know. And you took this tragedy of a story and you iced it with Larry, quite possibly my favouritest, funnest NOtp to ever exist. Damn you.
@therealgamble. With Brian. And part of this may be a mun otp, too. I think you're awesome, and you just GET it, although to be honest, there have been several times in our history as friends where I've actually had to consult other people as to whether or not you were being funny/snarky/ic or ooc. Tabs has always had your back on this, lol. And like Loki, I don't know if it's fair to call this an OTP, because 99% of the time I don't know that it is romantic, as opposed to what feels more natural, and that's a deep and all encompassing friendship that just has some questionable edges that blur over the line. Does Beth love Brian? Absolutely. Is Brian in love with her? The world will likely never know. But they would murder for each other, and do very questionable things for one another, so there's that. And between you and me? Thank you. {regarding Andy, and I don't have to explain}.
~*~ This is not exhaustive. I love all my partners, all our stories. Some of us are just starting out. Some of us have drifted apart. But Beth and I are alway here, and we are open to discussion, at the very least.
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