#I dont even ship rarijack
burgerpawjob · 2 months
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Old art. Light rarijack!
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My Rating of the (mono) Mane 6 ships:
Twishy - 4/10
Rarishy - 9/10
Rarijack - 10/10
Appledash - 3/10
Pinkiedash - 6/10
Raritwi - 8/10
Flutterjack - 5/10
Raridash - 1/10
ApplePie - 0/10
Twijack - 0/10
Flutterdash - 1/10
Raripie - 6/10
Twidash - 2/10
Flutterpie - 7/10
Twipie - 7/10
Keep in mind i dont actively ship any of them a majority of the time. It’s more of a “if i see this ship, i will react like this” kinda thing. Here’s the rating scale,
6 - 10: actively positive
3 - 5: passively neutral
1 - 2: actively negative
0 - cant even see it
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candyredterezii · 3 years
you fucking understand nothing. you're out of your fucking league kiddo. you dont understand the warriors bond.
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aqvamarin · 5 years
we may not have gotten rarijack but we got lyrabon at least
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tezzbot · 3 years
Random hot take ppl only ship rarijack because it’s like. They see the gender roles very clearly there even though it’s a gay relationship idk
i do hate to keep bringing it up cus i dont like being Too negative but thats what ive been saying!!! its a Comfortable For Straight People Gay Ship especially bc of the clear masculine and feminine presence, and its not a BAD thing neccessarily it just squicks me out personally :/ plus theres the whole like. theres a certain lack of respect for one another?? idk its just got bad energies to me GJDSFGS idk how to explain it
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stevetwisp · 5 years
Thoughts/headcannons for rarijack (if you like that ship)?
i do like that ship!! 
AJ and Rarity are part of that group that like grew up in Ponyville so I like to imagine they have a TONNNN of history
i also kinds headcanon that AJ and the rest of the Apples (aside from Apple Bloom) were home schooled so
i imagine their first meeting being something along the lines of Rarity having to go to the farm to get something either for her parents or class or for a project and when she gets there she seems Applejack workin the farm and is like???? who’s that????? why doesn’t she go to class with the rest of us???? 
Rarity, i imagine, also maybe starts out as more unappreciative of “unfashionable” ponies... she’s interested in this other young filly she’s never seen before but she’s a farm worker... so uncouth! 
eventually Rarity has to talk to AJ for whatever reason and they probably don’t get along at first I like to think that Rarity eventually needs help from AJ, maybe she falls into a mud pit, or she need s project done for school and the Apple family offers to help
something that changes the way Rarity sees Sweet Apple Acres and it’s impact on the rest of Ponyville, something that steers Rarity into the direction of business as well as creative design 
their teenage years are awkward but full of growing moments,
Rarity shows up to pick up some food or supplies and AJ is having trouble with the animals and Rarity is willing to get a little dirty to help a friend out
the farm has a tough winter, and Rarity is more than happy to offer some business ideas to help them through the season 
Granny Smith even helps Rarity learn to cook when she finally moves out and AJ finds excuses to drop off leftovers at her place 
they have a falling out though, Rarity opens her first boutique, it’s small but it’s successful and ponies love her designs 
but for whatever reason things are becoming complicated between AJ and Rarity- with both being so busy with their respective jobs, they stop seeing eye to eye and eventually lose touch on the bases of their lives being just too different 
cue Twilight Sparkle coming to town, while AJ and Rarity don’t spend quality time together, they have mutual friends between them and are willing to get along
but it isn’t until Twilight’s sleepover do they both realize how silly they’ve been
the next morning, Rarity walks with AJ back to her farm and apologizes for the way she’s been acting the last year or so and AJ returns the apology they want to be friends again and they really did miss each other
that night, both of them sigh quietly and contently to themselves, feeling like a missing piece has finally been put back into place 
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takeru-minamoto · 6 years
oh and i dont want to ask too many but how about tetrox/cyanthia? :o
(Sorry, I fell asleep last night halfway through writing this 😓)
I think I’ll call this ship… BubbleZooka (subject to change)
1. My take on their canon relationship: Cyanthia doesn’t seem to be very interested in being friends with anybody, the only exceptions being Bella (her crush is more than obvious 😜) and Arnick (they’re like siblings, FFS! the goth version of the Pines Twins 😆). Tetrox is, at first, just her teammate (at best), but her teasing nature, and the fact she seems to be always on Bella’s good side, seem to start making some dents on the Ice Queen’s heart… being Tetrox the trickster she is, she might find out about Cyanthia’s crush on Belladonna… they might even try something silly like pretending to date in order to catch Bella’s attention, but in the end, Tetrox’s loyal and cheerful nature really will get under Cy’s skin
2. Do I ship them: Kinda, I mean… I’ve only been considering how they would work together for a few days, not even a week… it’s a fun idea, and not the first time I see the elegant girl paired up with an energetic one with a southern accent 😜
3. Reasons why I do/don’t ship them: well.. I’m a brony, you guys do the math… the RariJack ship is one of the most populars (and with a lot of canon to support it)… while Cyanthia is not as fashion-oriented as Rarity, and Tetrox is way more laid-back than Applejack, the chemistry between them is very similar in my humble opinion… but that aside, I can see Tetrox is very flirty and carefree… she likes to tease and joke, but she has a past, she knows how hard things can get, and she would offer Cyanthia the emotional support she doesn’t know she needs (when someone is as cold towards others, it’s because she’s been hurt in some way, and the coldness is a defense mechanism), allowing her to lower her guard and finally enjoy life a little more 😁
4. Headcanon, if any: if they get together, I can see Cyanthia being less tolerant of Arnick’s assholish behavior, as she wouldn’t appreciate him trying to prove her gf is some sort of spy… she could even go as far as to offer Tetrox to move to her home (after talking it with her parents, that is)… Tetrox would have a bigger bedroom, all for herself, and they would definitely go shopping frequently… being Tetrox an orphan, Cy would spoil her rotten as her girlfriend, and Tetrox would help Cy loosen up and be more open about her feelings 😄
5. How much do I ship (%): I’d say about 45%… it’s cute, and it’s growing on me, but I have to get over the immense crush Cyanthia has on Bella to actually begin to consider it (doesn’t help that I love Bellanthia 😜)
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