#I enjoy making Roll more feminine ok bye
gregorybacon · 2 years
Gregory headcanons!!
SO I WAS ORIGINALLY GONNA PUT CHRISTOPHE ON HERE BUT THE POST GOT TOO LONG SO ENJOY AHA <3 LOL eff you tumblr GREGORY!! - Trans (FtM) and Bisexual! Usually he does not have a lot of struggles with body dysphoria, but only when someone tries to force femininity onto him which his parents do a lot. Christophe tries to help him out by feeling more masculine and giving compliments that are considered masculine as well. (ex: handsome) - He has high testosterone naturally which makes him feel more confident in his voice and appearance. ^^
-Gregory struggles with Autism, ADHD, and PTSD. His Autism makes it harder for him to handle loud noises or overwhelming moments. His PTSD sadly developed through his childhood with his parents. - As you can tell, Gregory's parents aren't the greatest. They push him into becoming perfect and overstress him to become successful no matter what, not really caring for him in general. Gregory would always gets scared if he gets something below a high grade and would speak "professionally" around people because he was taught that way by his parents and was forced onto him. - He's an outdoor kid, he sees the outdoors as a safe place away from his home, he spends most of his day in the neighborhood or in the woods with Christophe or other friends. - His first ever long-term friend was Wendy, him and Wendy were really close before Gregory met Stan, which disappointedly ended after Stan thought he was trying to get with her. - Gregory is the reason why Christophe found the nickname "Ze Mole"!! He figured it'll fit him, and he kept it as a nickname for other people to use. - Gregory was born in South Park actually, he only went to Yardale (which is in the UK) for a year because of a business trip his parents had to make. His family is originally from the UK which explains his accent. - Gregory's last name is Harrison! Gregory is actually Gary Harrison's cousin, who Gregory soon moved into his house after being taken away by his parents due to what they have done. - He doesn't care about getting dirty at all, he prefers to roll in the mud if he wants to tbh - Gregory has 4 pet snakes! He has a huge fixation on snakes, which is his favourite animal <3 The pet snakes names are: Spicy, Snoopy, Batter, and Basil - Gregory is in LOVE with Military Planes, he knows a lot about them, mostly the Spitfires (the UK military planes!) He will ramble to you if you asked him about it - Gregory likes to bother Christophe by knocking on his window at 3AM <:] - Gregoryufjf is ddating chrisotphe..... kd[spad;p[s....... he was actually confused by his feelings towards Christophe before he confessed to him, completely realising that he was gay all along - He can't fucking cook for shit. - You have no idea how many times he has injured himself or broken a bone... (He has scars to prove it) - Gregory owns a tree house that he shares with Christophe! He calls it their "base" and would go in there with Christophe to plan things out or to simply use as a hang out spot. - He likes to pass out randomly if he's tried.. just for no reason, and it doesn't help that he stays up at night a lot OK THATS ENOUGH FOR NOW I HAVE A SHIT TON I'M SO SORRY. I hoped you like it though .. <33 It means a lot aha ok bye bye
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axiddrops · 3 years
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Been doing some experimenting
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skz-bangchan · 5 years
First meeting // Bang Chan
Word count: 1670 Warnings: none A/N: Hi guys! This is my first little fic for SKZ, it’s based on a cliché prompt “They cover the small amount of change you are short on for a purchase”. Enjoy!
This unplanned visit to the grocery store was gonna be more expensive than I had initially thought. The little basket I had picked up at the entrance was almost full. All I needed, really, were some tampons and pads but the sight of beautiful fruit had made me remember that I barely ever ate fruit, the smell of fresh bread had been too strong, and the temptation of the Black Forest cake had been too much.
I was now in the feminine hygiene aisle, moving my head to the beat of the song blasting in my headphones (my eardrums will probably make me pay in a few years) and picking up packs and packs of normal pads, tampons and panty liners in my arms. Better to stock up on all of that so I don’t have to think about it for the next few months. I managed to put a couple of packs in the basket, but it clearly was too small to carry everything, so I carefully started to stack the pads in one arm, resting my chin on top of the pile. Once that was done, I bent slowly and carefully to pick up the basket, trying to keep everything in balance in my arms.
Checking the aisle one last time, making sure I didn’t need anything else, I made a step back and turned, but as I did, I violently bumped into a strong chest, making me bounce back and almost trip, barely catching myself. Which couldn’t be said of the stack of pads I previously had in my arms.
“I’m so sorry,” a male voice apologised as I bent down to quickly pick up my things.
Without looking at him I started stacking the pads again, shaking my head. “No, it’s my fault, I wasn’t watching were I was going,” I said.
He held me a couple packs and as I was reaching for them I looked up with a polite smile on my face. “Thank y-,” the words got stuck in my throat when my eyes met his handsome face.
His golden hair was braided on one side of his head, showing a pierced ear, while it was down and slightly wavy on the other side, bangs almost covering his left eye. A kind smile was stretching his full lips and gentle dark eyes were staring at me. It felt like the world had paused for a couple minutes, allowing me to take in the beauty of an angel. In reality, I probably just froze for a couple seconds too much.
Blinking my stupor away, I grabbed the pack he was handing me and scrambled to my feet. “Thank you.”
The young man stood up after me and smirked. “You’re preparing for a war?” he teased, eyebrow cocked, pointing at my provisions of pads and tampons.
I felt heat warm up my cheeks as I laughed, a bit embarrassed. “No, I just like to stock up so I don’t need to worry about it for a few months,” I explained.
He nodded. We stared at each other for a bit, none of us saying anything. Cute dimples carved his smiley face and I felt shy being under the gaze of such a pretty boy.  He was dressed all in black, jeans ripped at the knees and plain hoodie. My heart was beating strongly in my chest, the pulsations vibrating through my whole body. Oh my, I rarely ever felt like this for a stranger. Was this man some kind of sorcerer?
“Do you need help carrying things?”
If it wasn’t for his plump lips moving, I don’t think I would have noticed him talk. Shaking my head in hopes to get my thoughts straight, I declined. “I’m practically done but thanks for asking.”
“Ok,” he nodded.
“I-I better get going,” I stammered. “I apologize again for bumping into you.”
“Don’t worry,” he shrugged and smiled at me. I smiled back and started walking backwards towards the register. “You should look where you’re going,” the pretty stranger teased with a smirk when I kept walking backwards, not able to tear my eyes off him.
My face burned in embarrassment and I quickly turned around, thankfully not running into anyone. I heard him chuckle as I walked away, and I grimaced. Why did I have to be so awkward? I hate myself. But is it really a surprise that I embarrassed myself in front of a cute boy? Not really, I should be used to it by now. On my way to the register, I picked up more cake, because I needed it to recover from that shame. I patiently waited in line for my turn and when I finally reached the cashier, the young man didn’t even greet me or smile.
“Bag?” he asked gruffly.
Ok, this dude definitely woke up on the wrong foot. “No, I have one, thank you,” I said politely taking out a tote bag from my purse. As he scanned my product, I progressively put them in the bag.
“Cash or card?”
“Card,” I said automatically, but when I looked into my wallet, I didn’t find it. Actually, I had no cards at all in it and I remembered it was because I had taken them all out to sort them and had forgotten to put them back. I smile awkwardly to the rude cashier. “Hmm, actually it’s gonna be cash.”
He rolled his eyes in annoyance, but I ignored him. I was too preoccupied with hoping to have enough cash on me to pay for all of this. I gave him all my notes and all my change, quickly doing the math and thanking the gods for having enough money.
The cashier did the math too but instead of putting the money in the register he held his free hand to me. “You’re missing some change.”
I started at him in disbelief. “But I counted-.”
“You counted wrong,” he interrupted, counting out loud to prove it and, indeed, I didn’t give him enough.
Shit. I sighed and rubbed my eyes in frustration. For just small change, he could have been nice and let me go, but nice wasn’t in this man’s vocabulary. I was about to grab something from my tote bag to give back when someone stepped next to me and gave money to the cashier.
“I’ll pay what’s missing, just add this please.”
It was the cute boy.
I stared at him wide-eyed and mouth slightly opened. What was he doing here? Was he just behind me all this time? When my brain finally registered what he was doing I tried to stop him, but the transaction was done and he was saying bye to the cashier, gently grabbing my shoulders and pushing me towards the exit. Still not believing what just happened, I let myself be guided by him.
When the late spring sun kissed our skins outside of the store, he let go of me. He smiled and was about to leave, but I grabbed his sleeve. “Wait,” I said. “You didn’t have to do this.”
He smiled wide at me, the vision of his cute dimples accelerating the beating of my heart. “It’s ok, it was just some change.”
“Thank you, you were my savior today,” I smiled. “How can I repay you?”
He stared at me intently and cocked his head to the left. “You could have coffee with me,” he replied.
I raised an eyebrow. “You seem to forget I don’t have any money on me.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s on me,” he shrugged.
“Shouldn’t I be the one buying you coffee?” I laughed.
“You’ll pay next time,” he said with a wink.
I blushed. Was he asking me out? And did he just wink at me? Could this man be any more attractive, I’m was about to melt. Should I accept? A sudden breeze of wind flew in my hair, putting it in my face, but before I made a gesture to sweep it off, the beautiful young man brushed it out delicately. Our eyes met and I noticed his dilated pupils. His fingers lingered on my cheek and my gaze fell on his lips. They were full and seemed soft, perfectly kissable.
“What do you say?” he asked in a low voice, almost in a whisper, the warmth of his hand leaving my face.
Without hesitating I nodded slowly. “Ok,” I smiled.
He smiled back. “Perfect! I know a nice coffee shop not far from here,” he said, starting to walk in its direction.
I followed him, giggling because he seemed excited like a child and because I couldn’t believe I was going on a date with a stranger. A very good-looking and nice stranger at that.
He suddenly stretched his hand to me. “I’m Chan by the way.”
It’s true that we hadn’t introduced ourselves. “y/n,” I said, shaking his hand. Which was surprisingly soft compared to mine who probably was drier than the Sahara Desert.
“Do you need help with your bag?” he asked, pointing to the tote bag on my shoulder.
“No I’m fine, thanks,” I smiled. An idea suddenly came to my mind. “Oh I bought tons of cake, we could share if you want?” I proposed.
He smirked. “Are you trying to buy me so we don’t go out for coffee a second time?”
“Would you be disappointed?” I teased.
He dramatically brought his hand to his chest, sighing desperately. “It would break my heart.”
I laughed at that. What a dork. “Don’t worry, I’ll buy you coffee next time,” I promised, hand solemnly up, making him laugh.
As we made our way to the coffee shop, talking about our favourite desserts, my mind was still trying to process this meeting. I thought things like that only happened in movies and novels, but guess life always has a way of surprising us.
As I listened to Chan’s voice and admired his contagiously happy smile, I hoped that this would be the start of something beautiful.
I hope you liked it! Please do tell me what you thought :), also I already have a few other ideas lmao, I hope to write them soon!
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