#I enjoy other large media universes with varying degrees of understanding of the source material
thelonelywhale · 1 year
I know there have been varying degrees of opinions regarding the appearances of C1 and C2 PCs (and NPCs) in C3, and I’ll admit my own opinion has wavered back and forth on this as well.
Ultimately I came to the realization that highly powerful former PCs like Keyleth, Percy, Caleb, and Beau interacting with the Hells feels very similar to the high level NPCs from C1 - Allura, Kima, Gilmore, Drake, Assum, etc. These were former adventurers with former lives whose past actions were influencing the events of the world, who interacted with the party and provided support and guidance. While their full backstories may not have been explicitly detailed on stream, it was very clear they were fleshed out people with past experiences, post-adventure lives, and ties to the plot. They just happened to come from Matt rather than the players.
And I think that’s SO COOL that this group gets to play in a world state they actively influence. They get to create characters that become the next Alluras and Kimas and Gilmores. To me as a player that feels like such an amazing reward, and shows a level of respect and understanding for collaborative storytelling and worldbuilding from both the DM side and the player side.
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funnydove-blog · 4 years
It Is What You Know: Education
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It Is What You Know f you only read one chapter in this book, read this one. It is critical. I’ve referenced ‘being prepared for this journey’. Education is the vital aspect of preparation because it involves the development of your mind, your most prized possession in this world.
The importance of an education cannot be overstated. Education may be the key, fundamental experience that enables you to elevate and transform your life. It matters not what your skin color is, what religion you practice, how old you are, or where you live in the world—the effects of education are universal.
Education is your way up. It is your way out. It is your weapon. It is your shield. It is your light. It is your fire. Get it and use it. Education is yours forever. Once you have it, it can never be taken away.
Education may be described as the process by which you are introduced to new information and ideas through experience and instruction. It is also the manner in which you understand and apply new knowledge. When we refer to ‘education’ in this book, we will most often refer to the formal, structured system of classroom education that takes place in schools and universities. Education is often provided by teachers in a classroom. Learning is what you do for yourself throughout your lifetime.
In the United States, education is often taken for granted because of the easy access to public schools. However, in less developed regions around the world, parents work long hours in horrendous conditions doing miserable jobs in order to scrape together the money to send their children to school. They do this in India, where many families live on sixty dollars a week. Think about that. They do this in China, where a multigenerational family of six may be living in a two bedroom apartment. Think about that. They do this in Africa, where children study by kerosene lamps at night, after working all day. Think about that.
They do this because they often live in a world of crushing poverty that can be deadly. The difference between starvation and a living wage is often the margin between ignorance and education: the acquisition of basic skills and applied knowledge. The skills and knowledge that lift people out of poverty and into the middle class are almost always developed through education. The fact that people most hard-pressed to survive prioritize education should tell you something about its importance.
To fully appreciate the value of an education today—and where it can take you tomorrow—it might be good to remember where women were in the not too distant past. Throughout history, men have been able to maintain power over women because women have not been able to be self-sufficient. Generations of women have been denied an education, treated like property, unable to own property, excluded from financial decisions, and generally oppressed and cloistered by ‘men-made’ traditions.
Women have lived with legislation they did not help draft and that they did not vote into law. They have been marginalized, silenced, and relegated to being the bearer of children and performer of household chores, an object of beauty and a source of pleasure, and put on a pedestal that soon resembles a cage.
Women have had to fight and fight hard to be able to vote, to be allowed to attend schools, to work outside the home and in decent conditions, to be paid a fair (but rarely equal) wage, and to be in sole possession of their own fortunes, personal and financial.
What we call the modern world is, for you as a woman, largely a product of that fight. It is a fight that is not completely won, but society is a much-improved place. In the United States, many of the obstacles that faced previous generations of women are gone. In other countries, the rights and privileges of women still vary considerably. Wherever you live, know that today, at this moment, so much is yours for the taking.
It is imperative that you discover, embrace, and honor the past work of heroic women by making the most of your life. It is imperative that you get an education, first and foremost. Don’t squander this gift.
Remember this: the scariest thing in the world for some men is a woman with her own mind and her own money. That’s exactly what you want to be. Education is the quickest way to get, and keep, both.
Whether you’re going to work at a brokerage firm on Wall Street or a hardware store on Main Street, an education is going to serve you well throughout your life. So, if there’s any way possible, take the opportunity to be a student if you can, when you can, where you can.
Wouldn’t your life be richer if you exposed yourself to just a small part of the knowledge that has been articulated, preserved, and handed down over the past few thousand years? Consider and digest the wisdom of the ages. Marvel at the latest technological developments, innovations, and inventions that so often burst forth on college campuses. How could you change your life and world if you had the chance to build your skill set for employment and entrepreneurial opportunities? How might you enhance your understanding of current events if you had the chance to learn about history from a different, more nuanced perspective?
Study the mechanics of politics and money in order to make sure you aren’t manipulated or victimized. Expand your mind. Deepen your understanding. Broaden your horizons.
Take advantage of what I call the Big Benefits of Education.
Big Benefit Number 1: Knowledge for Its Own Sake. This enriches your life as you explore math, science, literature, art, politics, and history. You may not be an actor, but reading and appreciating Shakespeare or contemplating Rumi will deepen your understanding of the world.
Big Benefit Number 2: Better Quality of Life. (Notice I didn’t say ‘standard of living’.) Quality of life requires a sufficient income to meet your material needs, but also includes an understanding of how best to manage your career, business and investment opportunities, personal life, financial assets, and leisure. You can make a great deal of money, but without an education to learn how to manage and enjoy your wealth, you may have a very low quality of life.
Big Benefit Number 3: Maximizing Opportunities. Give yourself the ability to identify and act upon opportunities to make this world a better place to live, for you and other people, for generations to come. This means volunteering, giving to charity, or going into public service. If you don’t get a sufficient education or a quality education, you may spend all of your time and all of your energy simply surviving. You can’t help anyone else if you can barely take care of yourself. And you can’t really understand and address problems that affect others if you’re unable to digest information and see things in context.
Big Benefit Number 4: Creating Generational Wealth. Increase your ability to leave something to your children or to the world in the form of an inheritance or a legacy. Leaving a legacy gives other people more than money: it offers them options. That can be life-changing for them, and emotionally rewarding for you. You can facilitate social change. You can leave your mark. Consider the impact that Warren Buffet, Bill and Melinda Gates, and Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter have had on the world. Follow their lead.
You may be artistically or technically inclined. That’s fine. I still encourage you to seek out a college education. Here are some of the differences a college education can make in your life:
College graduates have more income earning potential;
College graduates have more options in their careers;
College graduates are less likely to divorce;
College graduates enjoy better health;
College graduates live longer.
Once again: the college experience is invaluable. Often, you enroll as an insecure teenager with no idea about the world. More often than not, you graduate as a young adult with a certain amount of perspective, knowledge, and skills under your belt to face the world with a degree of confidence and competence. Hopefully, you will also possess a heightened awareness of what is expected of you as a global citizen.
The challenges in getting an education are many. On the financial front there is the expense of tuition and often room and board. Student debt is daunting, even for middle-class families. If you have to work part-time or full-time, you’ll need the commitment and discipline to push through early mornings at class and late nights at the job.
You’ll need to look past friends your age who have ‘good jobs’ and spending money right now. You’ll need to hold focus on your goals and postpone gratification. You’ll need to ignore those in the media who tell you a college education may not be worth the effort and expense. Remember, most of these articles are written by pundits who have a college education and are published by executives with a college education.
The truth is that as you pursue and obtain an education, you will have set a worthwhile goal and accomplished it, which is key for your self-esteem. You will have something that cannot be taken away. It will last a lifetime. Its effects will bleed into every aspect of your life and nourish you in ways you can’t imagine.
You will have documented certification of a certain level of competence and  understanding. If your career path requires technical expertise, you will have verifiable proof of possessing that expertise. You will have a network of alumni to draw upon as you go forward into the workplace. You will be qualified for many more jobs, even if your field of study does not apply directly to your work.
Again, you will have entered an institution of higher learning as a teenager, with limited understanding, and graduated as a young adult, full of promise. You will be more empathetic, more mature, more prepared. These are just a few of the rewards of getting an education. If you did not have the opportunity to get an education immediately after high school, fear not. You can go to school or go back to school at any age. You can take classes online. You can take classes at night.
There is an abundance of resources to help you get an education. People of all ages, all over the world, know the value of an education and desperately want to learn.
A world of support and assistance is waiting. Loans and grants are available. Online courses are constantly on offer. Professional guidance about where and how to start, continue, or finish your education is there for anyone who wants it.
A word of caution about for-profit colleges: research their programs, prices, and promises carefully before putting your future in the hands of a company that is in business to make money. Private, state, and community colleges are your most reliable sources for getting the education, qualifications, and skills you need to succeed.
Business owners and public officials support and believe in education because there is a constant need for skilled workers and a preference for an educated populace. One ensures a society’s prosperity. The other ensures its democracy. Each student’s reasons are their own, but the blessings of education are universal: a better you, a better family, a better world.
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kyzer-aqueron · 7 years
Fandoms - A weird rambling of sorts
Fandoms. A unity of people who share a common like or interest in a game, movie or any other form of media. A way to bring people together under a common banner. Whenever a new series or game amasses popularity suddenly a fandom is born from it. Examples include Mario, Sonic, Star Wars, Megaman, Homestuck, Undertale, Steven Universe, so many different shows, movies and games all filled to the brim with fans who enjoy these art forms in varying degrees. Whats saddening about this is that there will always be those who feel these fandoms are overrated, are childish, or are a form of "Cancer". An interesting word choice to refer to a fandom isnt it? Cancer. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary Cancer is defined as " A malginant tumor of potentially unlimited groth that expands locally by invasion and systemically by metastasis", "An abnormal bodily state marked by tumors", or "Something evil or malignant that spreads destructively". I've seen this word being used quite a lot to describe things people dont enjoy or think are of a lower quality than what they expect. My question for that is: Why? Why do people think that a fandom, generally a place of positive energy, acceptance and understanding is something that is considered canserous? Of course not all fandoms are perfect and there will be arguments and disagreements and even hate amongst fans for differing opinions but why must we go so far to hate in the first place?
The idea that a fandom can be labled as a "cancer" seems a tad preposterous to me since cancer is a life threatening disease. A fandom isnt out to kill anybody or hurt anyone but rather to unite people and show that people have similar interests.  The notion that something could cause a person to cringe does make sense but if that is the reaction a person knows that they are going to have then why bother delving into said fandom in the first place? Are they just trying to get their two cents of negativity i or are they just trying to inform the people they dislike something? If thats the case make it more constructive and say "I dont enjoy this form of media and heres why". One does not need to throw negative criticism around to be spiteful. One could easily make a point with their criticisms by being constructive. I bring this up in the wake of the Undertale fandom gaining a bit of a resurgence. As someone who has been a part of the fandom for a while I can say that, while not perfect, Undertale is a thriving and creative community with some of the most unique creations I have ever seen. This is due to the game itself being an enjoyable experience that not only connected with a lot of people but also gave its fans the keys to creating what they wanted by having the games story be that of a multiple universe story. If resets can allow for different possibilites and time lines why not make a universe where characters are reverse personalities, or have them be corrupted and evil, or maybe even have them be children altogether? The possibilites have no limits because the game itself gave no limits to begin with.
It has been almost two years since the game came out and it has certainly faded from the public consciousness as most fandoms tend to do which lead to many people within the fandom leaving or declaring it "dead". Fastforward to E3 of 2017 and suddenly Undertale has a port coming out for the PS4 and the fandom is starting to rise back up again in excitement which is great. Something I noticed, however, was the rather large amounts of comments in a recent video uploaded to Pshattuckproductions called "Axetale" that referred to it as "Cancer" or "Cringe". So an artist, taking time out of their day to write and draw their own universe from a game that allows multiverse theories to flow and then people putting voices and sounds and music to said creative work is considered something destructive? Its something that makes a person reel back in disgust? Then I have a simple solution for that:
Dont. Watch. Or. Read. It.
If you do not enjoy a fanwork or a piece of media that someone else has made then dont interact with it. A person is not obligated to watch and see every piece of fan material made or even enjoy the original source. If you dont like Undertale or its fandoms then dont watch em, play em or read any of the fan literature. If you do like the original source but do not like the fan work then enjoy the original and avoid the fan work. We dont need to push our negative feelings out onto people who are just trying to enjoy things that are being made.
If Undertale, or any fandom, were truly a "Cancer" onto the world then why do so many people enjoy it? Why are so many people invested in the fan-comics, animations, musical covers and other forms of media associated with it? How come we have so many creative individuals who stand alongside their fandoms even when the original source material is at its worst? It is simply for the fact that a fandom is not a disease, nor is the source of those fans either. The definition and use of "Cancer" in today's day and age has been overused and for the wrong reason I believe. Cancer is a life threatening disease, not a group of creative individuals enjoying what they love.
TL:DR - Fandoms are a place of creativity and fun. Sure there are bad moments in them but ultimately they try to do something worthwhile. If you don’t like a fandom or its source just walk away and let people enjoy what they love. Simple.
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Effectively, before transferring forward, just for the sake of the articles, return to an era when the online world wasn't so much popular. What can you see? How would you entry facts through an era the place cell phones, computers and Access to the internet weren't offered? We would be searching for the correct resources to collect the mandatory information and facts. These resources had been mainly individuals of bigger expertise or from the same area of guides, magazines, libraries, universities etcetera. And these figured out people from relevant domains have been the main source for support connected with facts collection and software. What I would like to point out is The actual fact, that in Each and every of the scenarios you are attempting to make a decision the authority.
In essence, it is focused on acquiring by far the most authoritative respond to from by far the most trusted source. That is certainly exactly where the trick lies. While using the introduction from the Web, it grew to become The most crucial repository for human know-how. World wide web became the first resource for not only info and also for products and services, leisure and products. For this reason, the necessity for search engines like yahoo just acquired greater and increased. Search engines Perform a vital function in connecting us, the buyers and site visitors, with authoritative resources to reply our queries and wishes. Things become a great deal additional convincing and much easier when it comes to information seeking or service requesting.
Earlier, there were attempts to categorize and index the Web content depending on specific filters. Having said that, fashionable-working day serps deal with working with many more elaborate algorithms to go through, ascertain and discover the relevance of Web content. Appropriately, they will match Those people web pages with search queries to sort out the data and deliver the same as per the request. In simple terms, search engines like google and yahoo are usually within the verge of determining essentially the most related and authoritative resources to match the query. Consumers usually assume search engines like google and yahoo to redirect them to by far the most reliable webpages related to their queries. Ultimately, all of it arrives right down to the search engines assessing electrical power for relevance and authority.
What are the processes being carried out by search engines like yahoo to evaluate the authority?
Thinking about the truth, the trendy working day search engines like yahoo deal with several variables To guage the relevance and authority of your web pages. Nonetheless, boiling down these variables into two main groups would seem to be ideal. Let's have a look:
To start with, the search engine really should browse, fully grasp, and examine the actual information coupled with other functions over the webpage. After accomplished, the engine will start associating one of the most suitable topics With all the page.
During the early times, the thought of on-webpage assessment factors finished there. But currently, the various search engines are becoming quite a bit additional organized and complex in analyzing a website page's framework, feature, and language. It has become easier to determine things such as; how effective it would be in addressing a topic, or how helpful It will probably be in dealing with the visitor queries and search requests.
When the internet search engine figures out the written content and theme of a webpage, it simply just adds it towards the index after which turns beside pinpointing the external signals that Participate in a helping purpose in gauging and validating the authority degree For each web site on each and every specified matter.
With the introduction of Web page Rank, the concept of inbound links is becoming essentially the most very important signal used for the assessment. Search engines like google concentration and rely upon incoming hyperlinks intensely. Links are getting used by engines like google very similar to the way we address the scholarly citations. But Having said that, the trustworthiness and authority of every of such citing sources ought to arrive into Enjoy largely.
Why Backlinks are most vital until date On the subject of webpage position?
In the event you area a link on your internet site, it might result in creating the consumer get redirected to a different website, causing leaving your web site. This routinely occurs while you are linking to some 3rd bash web-sites. But Google has other Thoughts contemplating this state of affairs. For each redirection, your site will receive a vote of many thanks or endorsement, which ultimately functions in favor of your internet site. The more redirection taking place from the site in the link, improved the authoritative ingredient your internet site will be regarded by engines like google. That's why, the position variable will improve past your creativeness.
Passing PageRank
An important bit of the Preliminary Google algorithm was according to the concept of PageRank, a method for evaluating which pages are A very powerful based on scoring the hyperlinks they acquire. This Plainly suggests the fact, that a webpage possessing a massive quantity of important one-way links remaining pointed in direction of it, will love better web site rank and that may also have an impact on the scoring part as well.
Are all backlinks established equally? Certainly not!
Yes, not each of the links are produced equally. Hence, additional votes will probably be an even better proposition. But then, your situation is usually far more difficult than it seems on paper. The page rank scores vary from a base worth of one to a thing further than trillions. The higher webpage rank web pages can have several PageRank to go, than Individuals decrease web site rank internet pages. What is actually much more astounding is the fact, that a link from one webpage can easily be lots worthy compared to quite a few hyperlinks from A different web page.
Knowledge Relevance
It is completely required to continue being suitable to the provided matter. If your website is about providing tv sets, you should not write content material or get it linked to a web site providing washing equipment. Mainly, relevance is an important aspect and defines the boundaries from the linking power like a ranking part. The truth is, relevance impacts an entire good deal on defining the valuation with the hyperlink. Basically, the relevance variable of a linking web site, together with the linking site plays a significant position in impacting your entire predicament as well as the performance of the location. How beneficial the connection may possibly properly be, is one area worthy of contemplating.
The potentiality of anchor texts
The anchor textual content plays a major position in figuring out the content material with the web site and confirming it to Google, relevant to the sort of link being been given. Anchor textual content plays an important function in assessing equally the authority and relevance with the page. Simultaneously, Google may even deal with the signals that are being manually applied to govern hyperlinks for better position goal.
The belief variable
Belief is crucial, Potentially The main Portion of the procedure. You should Examine the connection excellent and this is where the have confidence in aspect will come into consideration. It is recommended to utilize 'dependable hyperlinks' principles to assess the trustworthiness of the web site as currently being the supply of a website link. You should keep the eyes open up. Center on irrespective of whether back links are being bought to Some others, not focusing A great deal on information high quality, can not be mentioned as reputable. Nonetheless, you might want to realize that Google has other approaches to guage the rely on issue. They may not estimate your situation just like the way you do. Even so, some places could correlate but that is it. The general solution will differ from how you are considering.
How social media may help?
If you're able to leverage a stable social networking presence, it will become feasible in exposing the articles to A much bigger quantity of men and women. But that said, it all is determined by how you incorporate the have confidence in issue. Making a constructive image While using the audience is essential. Optimistic and healthful interactions absolutely are a required Element of the method. Simultaneously, how you put into practice the influencing sources also take a steady function in dealing with the conditions.
Remaining text
The perfect mixture of authority, relevance and rely on; Engage in their element in defining the accurate pillars of SEO. Be sure you are specializing in the best techniques and as a result, cope with the situation appropriately. Factors have to be managed According to the proceedings. But be mindful with Google. Any Completely wrong action so you may just reduce the trick.
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Move #3: Examine your internet site efficiency. Resolve the mistake and enhance web-site effectiveness.
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