#I even have cyberninja and such. god
reformedmercymain · 8 months
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Hey has anyone gotten videogame in infinite craft btw? I'm trying so hard to make videogame because I've got ninja & such but I'm so fucked so far 😭😭😭
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seidanguard · 2 years
I feel like I should just start posting the headcanons/theories I haven’t had a chance  to incorporate into threads and have just told everybody on discord repeatedly. Here are a few.
It wasn’t Darrius who hired Dairou to assassinate Hotaru. It was the Senate.
Hotaru has started to investigate politicians for corruption, and/or he is becoming too popular.
The elder gods allow Seido to invade chaosrealm because long ago Seido won in ten Mortal Kombat tournaments against Chaosrealm -
- by default, because Chaosrealm refused to participate in a tournament bound by rules.
Havik is Pod Lazek.
If you talk to the people in Chaosrealm in Konquest, they mention that Pod Lazek is the one who established Seido’s presence in Chaosrealm and built the prison. They also mention it took “centuries” for Havik to become chaotic.
(By the way, the name comes from John Podlazek, who worked on the game lol)
Dairou was the commander before Hotaru.
This one is obvious.
Kano/the Black Dragon, and maybe even the cyberninjas, got their technology from Seido.
Darrius’s resistance traded Seido’s bionic implant technology to the Black Dragon for material projectile weaponry.
Darrius and Hotaru were probably best friends in the Seidan Guard Academy.
Also obvious.
The land/ground of Seido, while lush and pristine, is mainly uninhabitable.
Long ago, the split nations of what the realm was before it was known as Orderrealm had a great world war. Some horrible magic (or nuclear bombs idk) were used. The water is undrinkable by humanoids. There are probably a few cities left though ... And if there are, they're cyberpunk.
Hotaru who will also be possessed by the soul of one of the Dragon King’s great generals. Sort of.
Hotaru’s soul actually is Onaga’s demon general. After Onaga was defeated and the general committed suicide, the oni ended up back in the Netherrealm, where he found the Kriss, and purified himself over centuries to the point where he was reborn as Hotaru. This is why he has his beautiful white hair, each strand is a soul of a purified demon. (He doesn’t know this.) This also explains his lava, and explains the combo he has named “demonic warrior.”
Update, I wrote a story about this:
It's slightly homoerotic
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robo-cryptid · 6 years
11 - just fuck me up
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I’m not sure how much of the “Hiding/hoping not to be caught” got into this, but I managed to combine 52. Accidentally witnessed kiss with 11. “I almost lost you” kiss. Also, this is not angst. It is instead a sequel to the superhero AU drabble, now with even more camp and even more cheese. SFW, McHanzo. Or Cyberninja and Mystery Man, I guess. 
“You should have joined us when you had the chance, Mr. Shimada.”
Hanzo blinked, bleary-eyed and head swimming, until the source of the sound came into focus. Doomfist. Of course. Hanzo jerked forward but was caught from behind, metal clanging and yanking him back.
“Rude to attack a man on his morning run,” he answered, tongue feeling thick in his mouth. Arms locked behind his back, he tested the restraints, but they’d even covered his hands. Clever. Between that and the lingering effects of whatever they’d knocked him out with, he couldn’t call the dragons. It seemed the only strategy presently available had to come straight from the superheroics handbook: “What is your plan here?”
Doomfist’s face lit up. “I thought you’d never ask.” Hanzo suppressed an eyeroll and settled in for the lecture.
Coming off the drugs they’d used, it was a little difficult to follow, the whole thing alarmingly elaborate, but the gist was clear. Hanzo was bait to be dangled – literally, in a few moments – in order to capture a man Talon presumed to be his boyfriend.
It took longer than it should have for him to put their assumptions together. That stupid kiss. He had unmasked for it, and Talon must have had eyes on them. It had only happened once, but he and Mystery Man had saved each other more times than they could count in the few months since Hanzo had arrived in the city. It wasn’t an unreasonable conclusion, if Talon had also seen the kiss. Hanzo’d second-guessed that kiss a hundred times in the days that followed, but never as much as he did right that minute.
“While I appreciate your flair for the dramatic, Akande,” said a woman’s voice behind Hanzo, “we must finish our preparations.” Her accent gave her away: Talon’s very own mad scientist, Professor Stardust.
“Is the acid boiling yet?” Doomfist asked.
“Simmering,” she said, and Hanzo felt the chain behind him start to tug him slowly upward. “Close enough. We must hurry. The target will be here soon.”
“Correction! Your target’s already here.” Mystery Man’s deep voice rang in the warehouse as he stepped fully into view.
The cranking stopped, leaving Hanzo hanging about a foot off the ground, just high enough that his feet dangled uselessly. He jerked against his restraints, which resulted only in a meager, gentle swaying. It was somehow more humiliating than if they’d actually gotten him hoisted over the vat of simmering acid.
“Did you come alone?” Doomfist asked.
“Naturally,” Mystery Man answered, and he tipped his hat. Hanzo wanted desperately for this all to be a dream.
“And you brought the blueprints?”
“Nah,” Mystery Man said. “Just wanted to meet this boyfriend you thought I had.” Doomfist paused and glanced suspiciously back at Hanzo. “I’ve never seen that face in my life. Real cute though. I’m flattered you think I could land a guy like that.” Hanzo may have imagined it from the distance, but Mystery Man seemed to wink at him.
“We have evidence of your dalliance with this man,” Doomfist insisted.
Mystery Man snorted. “Joke’s on you, suckers! I ain’t been on a date in years.”
Hanzo could hear Professor Stardust mutter, “This idiot has outsmarted us how many times?”
“Oh my god, just shoot them,” Hanzo finally snapped, the force of his full-body jerk causing him to sway on his chain again.
Mystery Man had the gall to laugh, but he did pull his gun. “You know what time it is?” he asked.
“Please don’t,” Hanzo said quietly, unable to stop himself.
“It’s high noon.”
Hanzo rolled his eyes as both Doomfist and Professor Stardust dove for cover. He could no longer count the number of times he’d given Mystery Man his lecture on announcing his attacks so blatantly. Strangely, though he never got the shot off, gunfire suddenly filled the warehouse.
Hanzo thrashed again in his restraints, doing his best to get a good look at the commotion behind him. Slowly his feet returned to the floor, then Mystery Man was behind him, unhooking him from the chains and working to unfasten the strange contraption that bound his arms.
“What’s happening?” Hanzo asked, rolling his shoulders now that they were free.
“Nothin’ a civilian needs to see. Let’s get you outta here.”
“But–” Hanzo started, then pressed his lips tight together. Doomfist and his scientist may have known who Hanzo was, but it did no good to reveal himself further. If Mystery Man was truly so clueless, it would be for the better in the end. Hanzo let himself be rushed out of the warehouse, but he caught a glimpse of other known Overwatch members on the way out.
Well away from the warehouse, in yet another back alley, Mystery Man slowed down, seemed to deem it safe enough. “Need me to get you home?” he asked.
Hanzo didn’t have an answer for that. Talon had snatched him on his run; they may not know where he lived, but they had hints about the general vicinity. Besides, if he was meant to keep these identities separate, it seemed terribly messy to let Mystery Man see his home. “I don’t know,” he admitted.
Mystery Man leaned in close – invitingly, inappropriately close – and Hanzo could not name the sudden spike of feelings it caused. “Could think it over together if you wanted. Maybe over dinner.”
“I do not think so,” Hanzo said stiffly.
“How ’bout a kiss then, for the guy who saved your life?”
The hot, toxic feeling surged, and Hanzo suddenly recognized it as jealousy. He was jealous. Of himself, ridiculous as that was. And he was angry with Mystery Man for it; they’d had nothing but a kiss and some prior flirtation, nothing promised or owed, and yet Hanzo felt betrayed. “Do you proposition everyone you rescue?” he bit out.
Mystery Man laughed. “Only the ones I’ve been flirtin’ with for months,” he said with an exaggerated, dreamy sigh that brought Hanzo’s escalating anger to a stuttering halt. “I haven’t stopped thinkin’ about that kiss, you know, or worryin’ that you really left the city this time.”
“You knew,” Hanzo breathed.
“You think I can’t put two and two together?” Mystery Man chuckled, low and quiet. “Besides,” he said fondly, a gloved thumb running light over Hanzo’s cheek, “I’ve been tryin’ to picture this face for a while now.”
Hanzo gave him a quick smile, did his best not to look too smug or expectant. “And?” he asked.
Mystery Man let out a long breath. “I knew you’d be handsome. Didn’t know you could outdo my imagination, though.” Hanzo laughed and leaned back, shoulders pressed to the wall behind him. Mystery Man’s eyes were crinkled at the edges, crow’s feet disappearing behind the eye mask, and Hanzo could easily picture his smile this time. “Woulda been a real shame to lose a face like that, ’specially the first and only time I got to see it. Not sure I’d take it so well.”
His tone was still light and teasing, but there was a frisson of something underneath, something that dropped the smile from Hanzo’s face and made his breath catch. He nodded dumbly for a moment before he found his voice again. “I think I can understand,” he said in a rush, then before he could lose his nerve, he tugged the bottom half of Mystery Man’s mask down just enough to kiss him.
The first one had been a careful exploration, but this one was something else entirely. It started like a question, the tiniest hesitation, but it quickly unraveled into a grasping, needy thing, a surge of relief and pent up adrenaline and desire. Hanzo was exhausted with working alone, with keeping a thousand secrets and facing off against increasingly silly people in increasingly silly costumes, with pretending he wanted to return to Japan without this man. He had no words to say any of those things, so Hanzo pushed against him and poured it all out through his kisses instead.
It was Mystery Man who broke it, breathing sharp and heavy into the space between their mouths, his nose still bumping along Hanzo’s cheek. “Jesus,” he murmured, and Hanzo had to smile.
“Yes,” Hanzo said, then pressed another, drier kiss to his mouth. “The answer’s yes, I want you to take me home. I can pick up dinner, we can have drinks. I want to see your face and talk about our real lives and–” Hanzo ran out of words, stumbled a little, so he kissed him again to buy time, then pulled back again. “My name is Hanzo,” he said on a laugh. It seemed so backwards now.
Mystery Man nodded quickly, laughing right along with him. “Nice to meet you, Hanzo. Name’s Jesse.”
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royal-writer · 6 years
unused speeches and pre-planned things just in case~ @cyberninjas I know you wanted to see these sunshine
“*Stop*. We don’t need to be bickering or at each other’s throats. Listen: we’re all tired, a bit fed up of each other, frustrated, dirty, hungry, and sick of these unfortunate encounters; but this is *just* the sort of behavior and infighting that others can take advantage of. *Particularly* madmen that are stalking and prying on our every move. Yeah, the path we picked set us up with a nasty conflict but we *survived* and we *handled it*. Who’s to say we wouldn’t have had a lot of run-ins with thugs on the road, too? The more we sit around griping, the more time we waste. Or is everyone forgetting we are not the only ones in danger, but all of Etheron?”
She inhales deeply, holding the bridge of her nose. After letting it out, her eyes appear drained as she glances around.
“I’m sorry everyone’s exhausted, and you feel wrongly dragged into this situation and every other we’ve had up until now. I’m sorry that you’re hurting. We still need to work on functioning as a *team*. And every team has to start somewhere. Scream your bloody grievances, but *don’t* take it out attacking each other like this. We need to keep moving forward. Let’s crowd into the wagon, air our frustrations on the ride, and get far away from here.”
As the questions and curiosities of the others continue to pummel her, the scaly woman goes rigid. She chews on her lip; worrying it until skin is peeling. Her eyes carry to the direction of Sulhadur helplessly. *Fearfully*.
“These bone nagas are the destroyers of this civilization. I heard them they… spoke abyssal. That’s why none of you could understand them,” she states uncomfortably.
She swallows, continuing on, “The people who resided here, once, were Yuan-Ti. An ancient race; one created by the experimentation of old ancestors. They were human once; bred and fused with snakes, until they were no longer man, and no longer beast. They were… *different*. From their appearances to their power, the race varied greatly. They began to multiple over time; an infestation that created many variation of the species from the Abominations and Anathemas, to the Malisons and the Purebloods.”
To anyone who studies keenly enough (with a roll), they might notice the slight tremor in Essie’s stance at the word Purebloods before she continues.
“They became violent,” she rasped. “Seeing themselves as the true form and divine race with the only right to rule, their culture changed. They began to hunt and destroy everything in their path. Devouring man, turning them into more Yuan-Ti, following demons and dark gods. Their appetite for destruction could not be quenched. The perfect form only mattered; ranking those with the most serpent-like appearances at the top of the hierarchy and everyone else falling lower and lower into society’s views. You were meaningless and sacrificial if you were not *enough*.”
Her eyes dart over the area, finishing off tiredly, “These people either had a run in with, summoned, or at one time were working beside these nagas, more than likely. It… ended badly for them… in the end.”
As she finishes explaining what she knows, the woman seems to shrink into herself visibly, licking her lips. Essatha seems to be awaiting for the attention to divert or drift, or ready to run at a moment’s notice...
Slowly, Essatha glances to Amon. She holds her breath, expels it, and does so again in a sign of internal struggle. After a moment, she speaks softly, her face turned mostly away from him but her words clearly directed at him: “I didn’t realize they had expanded so far west… I’m sorry for the wrong they may have caused your people. Even if it was yesterday, or a century ago. *I’m sorry*.”
Her words waver a bit at the end. Heavy with… guilt.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 7 years
My idea for a Transformers Series
So I’ve been running this idea in my head off and on for a number of years, changing it up here and there based upon whatever toys I had at the time.  It’s gone by a number of different names, but these days, I like to call it Transformers: ‘Till All Are One, because the title fits, and stealing from the comics’ titles seems to be a thing these days.
Though there’d be a lot of guest stars, it would primary focus on two groups.  The Autobots (Orion Pax, Kup, Perceptor, Springer, Blaster, Arcee, Blurr, and Hot Rod) and the Destrons (Megatron, Cyclonus, Soundwave, Blitzwing, Scourge, Crasher, Skywarp, and Slipstream).
Millions of years ago, the planet Cybertron was a war-torn world, until one brave Autobot discovered the lost Matrix of Prima, the first Prime, and formed the Council of 13.  This ushered in an era of peace.  Cybertronians colonized many worlds throughout the universe, and their peacekeeping and exploration arm, the Autobots, were renowned throughout for their heroism.  This is a universe where, if you’re being invaded, plagued by natural disasters, or even need a diplomat, you call in the Cybertronians.  You’re happy when they show up.
The greatest of these were brothers-in-arms, Orion Pax and Megatron.
On a mission to protect an alien world from deadly invaders, Orion and Megatron lead their teams into battle, alongside other Autobots.  During this conflict, Megatron is blasted into a chasm, seemingly lost.  Orion and the others press on, but are stymied against the invaders.  Fortunately, Megatron did not die, and makes his reappearance saving the others.  The day is saved.  But something about Megatron seems different… he’s colder, harder, more brutal.  Orion writes it off as a temporary side effect of his near death experience.
Later, Pax and Megatron’s teams are acting as security for a peace conference for another pair of alien species.  But just because the peace agreement can be signed, Megatron kills both rulers, declaring that both were weak and unfit.  His team stands with him and battles Pax’s’s team, until they make their escape.
This would cover the first half of the series, with Pax’s pursuing Megatron’s, and both sides gaining new allies from other Autobot teams. One major conflict would see Pax alone, fighting Megatron’s specialized troops, the Combatrons and their combined form, before eventually being rescued by the Technobots. Other highlights would include Science Station Alpha (home to numerous scienecy Autobots like Jetfire and Wheeljack), the Wreckers (led by Ultra Magnus), and the Mayhems (led by Bludgeon).
Another mission would see Pax’s team, having lost Megatron’s trail, responding to another distress call from an Autobot team, the Dynobots.  On that planet, they would discover monstrous robotic creatures hunting them, and the remains of the Dynobots’ ship.  They would eventually discover those creatures ARE the Dynobots, now the Dinobots, reformatted to survive this hostile world and its hostile creatures.
Eventually, Pax and his side would capture Megatron and his followers, and bring Megatron to trial before the Council of Thirteen.  Led by Sentinel Prime, with the rest made up of Star Saber, Victory Leo, Metalhawk, Fortress, the Minicon Sparkplug, Dail Atlas, Shockwave, Scorponok, Ratbat, Thunderwing, and the paired generals, Obsidian and Strika.  Megatron would make an impassioned speech about the rightful peace of tyranny over the lesser species… and the Council would break over it, with Shockwave, Scorponok, Ratbat, Thunderwing, Obsidian, and Strika siding with him.  Full conflict would escalate, and Sentinel Prime would be killed.  Soon, it would seem as though the whole Cybertronian race has erupted in Civil War. 
Alpha Trion, however, would reveal what has happened to Megatron, by first telling the origin of their race.  In the beginning, the Light Gods warred with the Dark God Unicron, until only one remained.  The Light God Primus destroyed Unicron, scattering his essence to the cosmic winds.  His energy mostly depleted, Primus transformed himself into a world, Cybertron.  From that, he breathed life into 13 beings…
Prima, keeper of the Matrix, and the first Prime.
Liege Maximo, the Warrior
Megatronus, the Gladiator
Artemis, the Hunter
Vector, Master of Time
Micronus, the Explorer and first minicon
Onyx, the first beast
Nexus, the first combiner
Amalgus, the first multi-changer
Solus, the Maker
Loci, father of the Titans
Inquirius, the Seer
…and Apha Trion himself.
It was these 13 who began Cybertronian civilization.  Primus had charged them with creating a new race to guard the universe in his place, and to that end, Solus crafted Vector Sigma, to which they each contributed a portion of their sparks, so that Cybertronians descended from each of them would be born.
But even in destroying Unicron, some small part of his dark energies remained with Primus, and he passed these dark energies to Liege Maximo and Megatronus.  It corrupted them, turned them against the others.  They killed Solus and set the civilization of Cybertron to war.  One by one, the Thirteen died or left Cybertron, until only Alpha Trion remained.  Worse, the dark energies of Unicron had spread throughout the universe when he was destroyed, leaving little hidden pockets of corruption throughout it.  To most beings, they were harmless.  But to the 2/13th’s of the Cybertronian population descended from Liege Maximo and Megatronus…  they were instantly corrupting, bringing out the very worst in them.  And worse, acting like a virus, spreading one from host to any other receptive beings.  Beings like Megatron and his followers.  On that alien world, Megatron had plunged into a wellspring of this energy, and come out with his worst impulses and desires brought to the surface.
And now, Alpha Trion declares, the Cybertronian race will need a new leader.  He bestows the Matrix upon Orion Pax… transforming him into Optimus Prime.
From here, the conflict only escalates, taking teams of Autobots and Destrons to the far corners of the galaxy, awakening the lost Titans Omega Supreme and Trypticon, encountering the sinister Quintessons and rescuing the wildboy Cybertronian Wheelie, finding the lost Autobot Colony of Junkion, the hidden school of Cyberninjas and the warriors Drift and Nightbird…
Until the conflict finally reaches the planet that was directly below when Primus destroyed Unicron, the place that holds the bulk of his essence.  A massive battle wages, with Optimus Prime taking on Megatron personally. Losing, he desperately reaches out to his brother in arms, his friend.
For a moment, Megatron is himself again.  But it matters little.   Bringing so many Cybertronians who hold a part of him to this world has awakened Unicron.  He drains the dark energy from the Destrons, freeing them, and transforming the world to his familiar form.  The Cybertronians flee into space…
But Megatron and Prime are trapped within.  They battle to the core of Unicron, brothers in arms once more.  There, they realize that they could destroy Unicron, but it would cost them their lives.  Prime could open the Matrix, while Megatron holds off Unicron’s defenses…
Instead, Megatron rips the Matrix from Prime, and hurls him from Unicron. Megatron knows that, however corrupted he was by Unicron, the impulses were still his, the plans for tyranny still his, his weapons that slaughtered many.  There can be no forgiveness for him.  He begs the universe, begs Primus, to let him have enough good left in him for this.  He opens the Matrix…  And sacrifices himself to destroy the Dark God…
The universe is saved, but the reputation of the Cybertronians may have been irreparably damaged, the Matrix is seemingly gone, and Orion Pax has lost his brother…
@cryoverkiltmilk, @thefingerfuckingfemalefury, @alchemyprime, you’re my TF buddies on Tumblr.  What do you think?
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SOMEONE ELSE WHOS LOW KEY INTO LUCIO/REIN LMAO FINALLY anyway maybe zarya, zenyatta and hanzo for the ask meme? :^)c (they all have Z in their name gasp)
KDFJHSDJFDS i know i love their dynamic its so cute omg
Zarya- how often I play them - again, i have other go-to tanks so i rarely play her, but she’s a lot of fun even tho she’s pretty hard!- which maps I like to use them on - kings row and volskaya industries!- which skin I currently have equipped - I JUST GOT THE CHAMPION SKIN YAY so thats the one i have!!- who I ship them with - ....i ship her with myself lmao but mei and pharah!
Zenyatta - already answered!
Hanzo- how often I play them - my god i fucking love playing hanzo but im too scared you know?? i have 4 hours on him but im on my way to becoming a hanzo main- which maps I like to use them on - eichenwalde!- which skin I currently have equipped - i have all of his legendary skins and i change them so often sdfsdfs but i usually stick to cyberninja!- who I ship them with - MCCREE aaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love mchanzo!! also... maybe just a little bit with reaper and reinhardt sfsdf... love those grandpa ships...
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