#and diablo as well. help
reformedmercymain · 8 months
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Hey has anyone gotten videogame in infinite craft btw? I'm trying so hard to make videogame because I've got ninja & such but I'm so fucked so far 😭😭😭
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windfighter · 1 month
Twitch has been refusing to load videos for the last few days, help me vault hunters-tumblr you're my only hope of keeping updated
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bratdotcom · 28 days
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Froyo to Go !
( Stan Pines x reader || taking Dipper and Mabel to get froyo )
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You try to hide the smile on your face as you look out the window at the passing scenery. It was a slow day at the Mystery Shack. Stan decided to be nice and take you and the twins out to beat the heat with froyo because the freezer broke.
You look at the twins in the rear view mirror. Mabel was absolutely over the moon, talking almost everyone's ear off about which flavor she was going to get with corresponding toppings while Dipper seemed to be talking to himself on how to get the most frozen yogurt without overfilling it to the brim.
Stan pulls El Diablo into the parking lot.You gaze up at the giant, visibly sun-bleached cup of froyo in a perpetual spinning motion on top of the shop's roof as the car roars to a stop. You can hear Mabel gasp in awe as she spots the giant spinning froyo cup from the passenger's seat. Unsurprisingly, because of the heat, there was a small line forming right outside the door.
You all collectively step out of the car, Dipper retches, clutching his mouth. He must've gotten carsick from reading while Stan was driving. Mabel rushes to grab onto the man's arm. He smiles playfully at her when he raises his bicep up to carry her a couple inches off of the ground. You knew he'd probably complain about the joint pain later, but it was worth it to see Mabel smile. "Twenty dollars's all I got. Take it or leave it." Stan holds up a crisp, twenty dollar bill in between his fingers like a playing card as he speaks to his great niece, lowering her back onto the ground as you all group into the line.
"You really give it your all for those kids." you say quietly to him, cocking your head to the side slightly as you speak into his ear. You both watch as they play fight each other, Dipper flips his sister's hair over her back to cover her face as some sort of way to block her punches. "Our kids." he corrects, holding you close by hooking his arm around your waist.
You stumble against him at the sudden pull, making him chuckle to himself. "But you ain't wrong about what you said." he adds, adjusting his glasses against the bridge of his nose. His eyes seemed to soften as the glare of the sun reflected off of the lenses of his glasses.
"Remember when you made me pour all my beer cans out back?" he asks, already knowing the answer to his question. "Yes, I remember it clearly, Stanley." you reply softly, poking his beer gut. "You probably got a soda gut now, huh? Mr.Pitt soda Pines."
Stanley snorts to himself, playfully slapping your wrist away, which makes you laugh as well. "Will you two hurry up?" Dipper's voice cracks slightly as he calls out for the two of you. "The line's already moving, c'mon, people!" He says, as if he was the one who drove the car all the way here.
"You got two senior citizens breakin' their backs for ya, kid. Don't try your luck." Stan says as he holds you close to him, making you move forward as he does the same to catch up with the kids.
You're hit with the cold air of an AC above your head as you go inside. The amount of neon colors used to decorate the frozen dessert shop hurt your eyes badly.
Stan pats the small of your back, letting go of your waist. "Make sure they don't go crazy or somethin'. I'll find us a seat." He says gruffly, allowing you to follow and watch over the twins.
Stanley clutches his hip as he sits down with a sigh.
He leans his weight against the table, with a perched elbow he watches as you talk to the kids, making sure neither of them felt left out as you helped them pick out froyo flavors and toppings.
"Grunkle Stan!" The twins say in unison, Mabel turns around to look for the man himself. With a small heave, he uses the table for support to lift himself back onto his feet.
"Alright, alright. You don't need to holler to get me, y'know. I'm not that old." Stan says, making you stifle a laugh. He pulls out his wallet, handing a twenty dollar bill to the cashier.
"Uhm, sir," the cashier's strained voice makes his words somewhat hard to hear for both you and Stan's ears. "You're one dollar off." He says, pointing at the customer display, which showed that he owed exactly twenty-one dollars. Which he did not have.
Stan gives you the look that you were oh-so-familiar with. "Listen here, kid." He leans the side of his arm against the counter.
Stan was trying to impress you. As if he hadn't won you over for almost a decade.
"How about I give you a couple of Mystery Bucks? Get ya a couple dollars off whatever you buy from the Mystery Shack. How's that sound?" He does his signature smile, pointing a finger gun at the cashier.
Judging by the cashier's almost dead-eyed stare, he wasn't buying it. "...do you have the dollar or not?" He asks, waiting for Stan's answer.
"No. I don't." Stan's smile never falters as he speaks. Oh. You knew where this was going now.
Subtly, you grab a couple of spoons from the cup near the register. You stuff them into your pocket as you slowly drag the cups of froyo off of the weighing scale. You could tell which cup belonged to who, by the weight of each cup alone.
Stan slaps a couple of coupons onto the counter. "Go! Go! Go!" He quickly says, bolting for the door.
He holds the door long enough for the three of you to run out as well. Stan slides over the hood of his car, hurriedly opening the driver's side and jingling his keys into the ignition.
He pops the passenger’s side door open from the inside, letting you in. Mabel, followed by Dipper, jumps into the back seat with a bounce.
Dipper is completely out of breath as the car screeches out of the froyo shop parking lot. He murmurs a breathless thank you when you hand him his cup.
You weren't even surprised to see Mabel not affected in the slightest as you passed the girl her froyo cup. You had to use two hands to give it to her. She gives you an enthusiastic grin and a thank you as well. She buckles her brother's seatbelt on as he catches his breath.
As the car stops at a red light, Stan slouches forward in the driver's seat. "I think I'm gonna be bedridden for a couple of days." Stan says, rubbing his back with a groan. You rub his back with a chuckle as he begins the drive back home.
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luxthestrange · 4 months
TTIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#58 Fail Boy-Oni
Gabiru: Why do you look like that?
Benimaru*Laying face down on the floor*Like what?
Gabiru: Like you're dead
Benimaru: It's because I'm dying! Leave me here to perish
Diablo*snickering at Benimaru for his weak resolve in romancing You...unlike him* Sir Benimaru accidentally called Y/n-sama a cutesy name in front of a group of people today~
Benimaru screams into the floor but What really happened...The group was enjoying harvesting the new crops and you spotted a deer in the distance
Y/n*Marvelling at the cute creature*Deer!
Benimaru*Whom in his dreams fantasized about you always calling him that, looking up at you* Yes Honey?-...
The Gang*Side-eyed Benimaru quick comment*...
Y/n*Looks at Benimaru in shock*...
Shuna*Smilling at her brother, wanting to laugh at his... fail moment but her maternal side saw a chance*...Y/n-Sama, Can you help me with dinner tonight at our home? it seems my brother isn't sleeping well...maybe some of your cooking will make him sleep better~
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thesupernaturalhouse · 6 months
Vaggie: Alastor can you watch the eggs their being....eggs and I have to- just take them off my hands
Alastor: ooo i certainly will....
Vaggie:.....in a peaceful manner. Alastor.
Alastor: mmm well that's less fun, also why should I watch them?
Vaggie: well you're going to some meeting and I have to help charlie-
Alastor: didn't she excuse you from your duties for today?
Vaggie:...why would she- why would I ask for that??
Alastor: why, you have to come to this meeting to my dear!
Vaggie: no I dont?? It's an overlord meeting I'm not an overlord-
Alastor: but you are!
Vaggie: if anything charlie should probably be going with you rather then me- what what??
Alastor: I'll explain on the way! *just fucking leaves*
Vaggie: wha- alastor! Alastor I swear to the lord you better explain!
Alastor: hmmm, well you're an overlord my dear I don't think there's anything else TO explain
Vaggie: right...but I'm NOT an overlord??
Alastor: I beg to differ, I knew there was something off about you but couldn't place it until Charlie said something
Vaggie: Charlie- what does- okay you know what? You're insane. I'm going to go talk to Charlie myself!
Alastor grabs her shirt collar like a kitten: ah-ah-ah you have a meeting to attend my dear! It's be bad manners if you skipped it, whoch I suppose you've been skipping them for the past 5 or so years?
Vaggie: No, I haven't! and let go of my you asshole!
Alastor: hmmm no I don't think I will~ come on now! We're already half way there!
Vaggie: ugh, at least tell me how you and xharlie think I'm an overlord- which I'm NOT by the way!
Alastor: well...do you remember that sinner you saved? The one you had a slat with and ended uo teaching self defense?
Vaggie: how do you-....ah, charlie- what does that have to do with anything??
Alastor radio noise of displeasure: well, APPARENTLY they told more demons, you DO remember the large influx of demons who came to you right?
Vaggie: I.....I um....yeah....
Alastor: well they said they owed you 'favors' correct?
Alastor: they gave you their souls until said favor is called upon! You not using it has apparently given you the reputation of a very lenient overlord, a defensive and protective one at that! So more people cane to you, you trianed them in defense and most gave you their souls so you could call upon them for a favor at a time of your choosing!
Vaggie: going through the 5 stages of grief trying to process it all
Alastor: On top of that, the other overlords seem to be threatened by the fact you have so many souls and demons going to you WILLINGLY, you not showing up to meetings and beong little morningstars girlfriend doesnt help that either!So this will be a fun first meeting~
Vaggie: no no no no no nope! Alastor, you let me go right this second! I am not- no! Alastor! Alastor!!!
Zestial: Alastor and...oh the defensive Overlord nice to meet you again nd to finally meet you
Vaggie: ¿¡Quién diablos es esta araña joder!? (Who the hell is this spider fuck!?)
Part 1 | Part 2(here!!) | Part 3
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slasherx · 4 months
Hey 👋🏽
Can you do the Sinclair twins with a female s/o who was like in a relationship before they killed their father and she left town but like years later they found her again and like kidnaped her so they can be together again
Ooo Diablo you always come up with the most scrumptious ideas *rubs hands together evilly*
Content: Bo SInclair x fem!Reader, Vincent SInclair x fem!Reader (separate)
Warnings: Kidnapping, Bo slaps you across the face
Notes: My first time writing Bo and second time writing Vincent...I hope I did okay!
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❥Bo Sinclair
Bo found you in a grocery store in the next town over. When had you come back to Louisiana? He remembers the day you broke up with him - you were going out of state to college and didn't want to do long distance with him.
So much has changed since then. He's changed so much since then. He waited for you to check out, then abandoned any cart or food he hand in his hands to follow you out to your car. Luckily you parked in the back so nobody saw him knock you out and drag you to his car, which also coincidentally wasn't far from yours.
Stuffing you in the back seat, he used the seatbelts to tie your hands up and began driving back home. When he arrived there, he called for Vincent to help him bring you in. Vincent was surprised to find you instead of groceries in the backseat. He signed to Bo, "What is this?"
"Well it damn sure ain't groceries, Vince. Now help me get her up to my room."
Vincent cringed at that but decided to help him anyway. He held you by your ankles and Bo held you by your wrists as they brought you upstairs, where Bo promptly tied you to the bed. He shooed Vincent out of his room before sitting next to you.
You looked so peaceful, and in his deranged mind he thought you knew he was with you, and thats why you seemed so peaceful. Smiling, Bo leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Welcome back home, darlin."
You woke up shortly after, in a familiar room, but not one you thought you'd see ever again. It didn't help that Bo was sitting right next to you. "Bo...? What...?"
You tried to move but the restraints wouldn't allow you. The situation settled into your brain - you were in Bo's room, and you couldn't move. The last thing you remember is being at the grocery store, loading your groceries into your car. You had been kidnapped, and Bo was your captor.
"Bo, let me go." You looked at him.
"Sorry sweetheart. I can't really do that."
"Bo let me go now!" You thrashed against your restraints.
"Its no use darlin. I let you go before but, after some careful consideration I realized I never wanna let you go again. So, now you're back here, with me and Vinny and Lester! Ain't that great?" Bo got close to you, a smile spread on his face.
You spat in his face. Bo then promptly slapped you across the face out of reflex. "Now darlin I'm sorry for slappin you, but you need to re-learn some manners it seems. College ruined you, but it's okay. I'm a patient man, we can figure this out."
"What are you talking about?" You looked up at him, tears in your eyes.
"I'm talking about how you're mine forever. Your place is here, in Ambrose, beside me. I want no other woman, Y/n." Bo caressed your face.
"You're fucking crazy."
"For you." Bo smiled again.
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❥Vincent Sinclair
Bo had called for him from the upstairs level, something he rarely does unless there's people. Begrudgingly he left his sketchbook on the table and came upstairs.
"I got somethin for you." Bo grinned. "I think you'll really like it."
His brother led him out to his truck, and when he opened the back seat, he saw a person laying there. But not just any person, it was you. You who he had lost when your family decided to move out of Ambrose years ago.
He never forgot you. In fact, he hadn't been with anyone else since you had left. He'd always had a feeling you would come back. But, he felt bad that this was how you'd been brought back to him. He had hoped the attraction would open up Ambrose again and you would come back, just like you said you would.
He signed a thank you to Bo and immediately started to pull you out of his truck. Bo watched quizzically, not bothering to help just yet. When Vincent had pulled you out of the truck, he didn't account for your upper half and you promptly slid to the ground.
Bo hissed between his teeth. "That's gonna hurt. Need some help getting her downstairs?"
Vincent nodded, and the brothers uncharacteristically worked together to bring you downstairs. Bo helped tie you up to his bed and then gave Vincent a pat on the back. "Do what you want with her, but wrap it up, if you know what I mean."
Vincent rolled his eye at his brothers implications. Bo just patted his shoulder and then turned to leave. As he left, you stirred. Opening your eyes, you looked around. You were in a familiar place, but not a place you'd been to in some years.
Seeing movement, your eyes focused onto the man before you. You instantly recognized him. "Vincent?"
He nodded. You moved to try to hug him, but the restraints kept you in place. You then realized what was happening. You had been kidnapped, and Vincent was keeping you here. Your expression turned sad. You never thought your Vinny could be capable of something like this.
"Its okay," he signed. "I'll take care of you, and you don't have to do anything in return."
"Take care of me? Vinny, this isn't a permanent thing, I have to get back to my family."
"You are family. You are mine. I won't let you go again. Ever." He got closer to you as he signed.
"Vincent, you cannot keep me here forever." You tried to keep your soft tone but you were beginning to freak out as the reality set in.
"Watch me."
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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nmakii · 7 months
Hey! So I saw your arcana event post (I'm not sure how it works) but I'd like to see what you'd think of platonic!Charlie and/or platonic! Lucifer where (Reader) is Charlie's sibling but they feel like they aren't appreciated as much and they feel resentment/Jealousy towards them. Because of that (Reader) doesn't really talk to them anymore and Charlie/Lucifer tries to find out why. Well, it doesn't have to be plantonic if you rather it be something else, I wouldn't mind.
Right, to get straight to the point, I'd like a segment inspired by the Judgement prompt. With either Charlie and Lucifer. Maybe it it starts it angst to fluff, but you're the writer, so whatever you're comfortable with. No pressure! You may feel free to move over with this idea.
YOU’RE LOSING ME - Judgement Upright & Reversed
— rekindling your bond with your father and sister, lucifer and charlie morningstar
— tags: gn!reader, small father husk x reader, alcohol, family jealousy, ill wishes, angst to fluff
— join in! the major arcana - decide your fate
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as one of the heirs to the throne of hell, you’d worked your hardest to earn the respect of the sinners. commanding them with decisivness and elegance, often reminding many (especially your father) of your mother, lilith.
with your strong personality, lucifer hid himself in his private sector of the palace, doing who knows what in there until dinner came, in which he’d sit at the opposite side of the table. giving quick and quiet responses to your attempts at conversation.
and it’s because of that— the lack of excitement and conversation in the palace, that you decided to join your sister’s deluded dreams of redemption at her ‘Happy Hotel’.
in all honesty, the hotel was not too shabby at all. minimal pests thanks to the housekeeper, niffty; generally cozy decor provided by the radio demon himself; and decent drinks provided by husk the bartender
the only real thing that kept you from truly enjoying the hotel was charlie herself. it was true, you loved charlie and would do anything to make her happy, even if it meant saying something you didn’t believe was true. but, the difference in the ways everyone treated her and you!
everyone treated her like a leader, albeit the occasional poke at her convincing skills. not to mention the amount of blind faith that vaggie and alastor put in her, pushing themself to their emotional limits and fulfilling bizarre requests just to see her succeed. in turn, they treated you like an old pal and attempting to befriend you, don’t they see you as charlie’s equal?
it was never a thought you’d ever dare to say out loud; but, at times you wished she’d cease to exist, or even never existed at all. if she wasnt here, no one would compare you two anymore.
your resentment grew by the time charlie had invited your father to the hotel. standing on the sidelines as lucifer did his best to prove to charlie he was much more helpful than alastor.
“dad— um, maybe you’d want me to give you a tour around the hotel? i could show you around, i practically know it like the back of my hand!” you grinned, trying to impress him. lucifer glared at alastor before turning to face you softly and responding, “my dear, i think it’d be better if charlie was the one to give me a tour!”
you noticed that lucifer was glaring at alastor, so you had tried your best not to take it to heart. “oh… alright, dad” you bared a forced smile. don’t think though for a second that your father didn’t notice. his spiteful grin fell as he saw the disappointment on your face. though, as much as he wanted to say something about it, he was too much of a coward to say anything about it.
as lucifer, charlie and alastor left to their tour, you sat down at the bar, husk noticing your sullen mood, mixing you an ‘el diablo’, quite ironic. “now what’s got you so down in the dumps, ah? got some daddy issues?” he smiled softly at you, leaning over the bar counter to listen, tuning out whatever nonsense mimzy was spouting. quite different from the usual grumpy cat. “what are you on about? i don’t… have daddy issues” you scowled as husk poured the crimson drink into a tall glass. “really now?” he raised an eyebrow. “well… whatever shit you’ve got going on, you gotta face it head on, instead of shoving it down. trust me, i’ve been in your shoes before” he smiled as he shook the hair on your head. “look… i gotta go do something for a second, just… sit tight, got it?” he said as you nodded before leaving the counter to who knows where.
halfway to the end of the glass, a bang struck out, resonating through the entire hotel. “oh, shit…” mimzy cursed out as she hid behind the counter. those minutes were a blur, ignoring the world surrounding, engulfed by husk’s words. “whatever you’re going through, you have to face it head on.” you frowned, the tequila clouding your thoughts.
you turned your back to see lucifer gripping charlies back in a loving hug. your eyes narrowed in on them, rolling them as you snarl. lucifer heard, slowly letting go of charlie before walking to you, cupping your back, spine hunched on the counter.
“hey, kiddo… what’s gotcha looking so pissed..?” he asked awkwardly, most likely aware of the source for you hate. “what does charlie have that… what makes her so much better than me?” your lip trembled, tears threatening to fall out before overflowing down your cheeks.
your dad and charlie listened to your insecurities, as well as looking in hindsight at the events of today. guilt growing in the pit of his stomach, he turned the stool to face him as he embraced you in a warm hug, stroking you back softly as charlie joined from behind.
“kiddo… im so sorry if i ever made you feel like you werent good enough. i…i just got so happy that i got to see you two again. i guess i also got too caught up in trying to help with the hotel, i overlooked you and im sorry. i never meant to do that, could you find it in your precious heart to forgive your old man?” his eyes softening as he kissed the top of your head.
charlie spoke up too “im sorry too… i got too focused on trying to prove that the hotel works, i didnt even think that you probably want to spend time with dad too…” she pouted. as her grip on you tightened. “it’s okay, let’s just promise to be more open with each other… you two are the only family i’ve got left now that mom’s disappeared…” you smiled, arms wrapping around your father and sister.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Charlie: “Whhhew...! That was-”
Vaggie: “A lot?”
Charlie: “-better than expected!”
Vaggie: “No kidding. If I’d known inviting your dad here would get Alastor looking like a wet cat, I’d’ve pushed for it sooner.”
Charlie: “I’m just glad you pushed when you did.” (smooch) “Thank you. I’ve missed him.”
Vaggie: “Looks like he’s really missed you too, babe.”
Charlie: “Mm. Not enough to call, though.”
Vaggie: “Ehh, calling can be scary. Good thing you’re plenty brave.”
Charlie: “Only when you’re holding my hand!”
Vaggie: “Husk would say that’s an act of fucking bravery all on it’s own, letting yourself get grabbed by the small, mean, grumpy lady. Remind me not to help him out at the bar again ever. I think there’s vodka in my hair.”
Charlie: “I’ll try, but you know you’re gonna help anyway.” (second smooch) “Can I get a ‘you’re welcome’?”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “Charlie, I didn’t do anything.”
Charlie: “You do lots.”
Vaggie: “And thank hell Angel Dust isn’t around to hear that…”
Charlie: “I’m serious! You got me to call dad in the first place!”
Vaggie: “I just suggested it, you’re the one who did it, and you two worked things out together like a real father-daughter team.”
Charlie: “And we’re a great team too.”
Vaggie: “Well I’m definitely a pretty big fan of us. Although…. Sir Pentious and Keekee are giving us a run for our money. And the Niffty plus a lock of Lucifer’s hair combo might just have us beat.”
Charlie: “Blegh! She actually got that in the end? I thought her scissors couldn’t even cut it!”
Vaggie: “They didn’t. She used my spear.”
Charlie: “She WHAT-”
Vaggie: “And asked your dad very nicely to please take off his hat so she could trim off a piece without ruining the rest of his hair.”
Charlie: (sigh) “I guess as long as she ASKED…”
Vaggie: “D’you think her whole room is just a shrine to quote unquote bad boys?”
Charlie: “Oh don’t say that. We need to introduce her to some boybands or something.”
Vaggie: “We?”
Charlie: “Yes ‘we’, little miss likes making lesbian covers of the songs normally sung by teenage boys while you’re in the shower and think the sound of running water can in any way drown out your beautiful, heart stopping voice-”
Vaggie: “I- you- You’ve been listening!?”
Charlie: “Eeeev-er-y morning yep! Heheh~”
Vaggie: “Diablo mio… I need a drink.”
Charlie: (giggling) “To go with the vodka hair?” (nibbles Vaggie’s fringe) “Nom nom nom. Delicious~”
Vaggie: “Scratch that- clearly WE need some SLEEP.”
Charlie: “How can I sleep at all tonight, though? Vaggie- we’re gonna get a meeting with the top angels of creation! We’re gonna be on cloud nine! Literally! In HEAVEN!!”
Vaggie: “And sleep won’t be enough to prepare me for that but you definitely need it.”
Charlie: “It’s impossible! I need to SING!!!!!”
Vaggie: “You need to go shuck off those shoes and get in your ruby slippers while I put in your fav movie so we can get some rest.”
Charlie: “If you put in the Wizard of Oz you know I’m 100% gonna sing anyway right.”
Vaggie: “Yeah, but you’ll be singing in bed so you can keep watching the movie, and that’s good enough for me.”
Charlie: “I love youuuu~”
Vaggie: “Love you too sweetie. Slippers. Bed. Z’s. Now.”
Charlie: (kicks off shoes) “Ta da! There’s no place like home!"
Charlie: (clicks hooves together)
Charlie: "Heheheheh...!”
Vaggie: “I meant on the bed in your pajamas and under the actual covers- vaya, whatever. Scoot. Don’t go running off to Oz without me.”
Charlie: (snuggling vaggie in a hug instead) “I’m never going anywhere without you, Vaggie. Including heaven.”
Vaggie: (awkward laugh) “Great…”
Charlie: “Wanna know whyyyy?”
Vaggie: (smiles) “I make a great hand-holder, apparently.”
Charlie: “Yes. And, you’re home.”
Vaggie: “….yeah? I’m here? This is our room?”
Charlie: (snorting) “Vaggie-”
Vaggie: “In our hotel??”
Charlie: “Vaggie nooo- Anywhere else would be home too, with you there.”
Vaggie: “…..”
Vaggie: (deep breath)
Vaggie: “…... Charlie-”
Charlie: “You gonna press play?”
Vaggie: “-huh? Oh. Yeah.”
Charlie: (snuggling her) “This has been an amazing day. Wish every day could be like this, forever.”
Vaggie: “Yeah.” (hoarse) (curling up as close to charlie as she can) "Me too.”
-101 minutes of Oz later-
Vaggie: "Charlie?"
Charlie: "... nnnoooo..."
Vaggie: "Charlie, c'mon, at least let's get your coat off."
Charlie: "Mmrrr... mi mi mi..."
Vaggie: "You can go 'snork mi mi mi' afterwards. Work with me here, Dorothy- I can't get you settled into Oz without help."
Charlie: "Hmmheheheh... so im Dorothy..?"
Vaggie: "Definitely. You've got the ruby slippers on and everything."
Charlie: "I love that you call my hooves that~ Thats so silly. You're so silly, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "And you're already half asleep. Suspenders next, okay?"
Charlie: "Remove the suspenders... delete the suspenders..."
Vaggie: "Get your horns tangled in the suspenders somehow, wait, hold on-"
Vaggie: "Alright, good enough. That's all the annoying stuff gone anyway. You should be good like that, right?"
Charlie: "Sleeeeeepy. Snuggles?"
Vaggie: "Snuggles right after I change, give me one sec okay."
Charlie: "Mmm."
Charlie: "...vaggie."
Vaggie: "That was half a second."
Charlie: "Vaggiiiiie."
Vaggie: "I'm right over here, stop making grabby hands."
Charlie: "Vaggggiiiiiiiee...!"
Vaggie: (huffs) "Fine, fine..." (snuggles) "Not like my nightie would cover much anyway. But if we end up having to get up in the middle of the night for something exploding again, you're going out first, and I'm stealing your jacket."
Charlie: "You look good in my clothes."
Vaggie: "I look like a ten year old. The sleeves have to be rolled back to the elbow just so I have hands."
Charlie: "I like your hands..."
Vaggie: "Thanks." (kiss) "Go to sleep, Charlie."
Charlie: "Wait- heheheh- wait, Vaggie-"
Vaggie: "What?"
Charlie: "Vaggie, Vaggieeee~!"
Vaggie: "Giggling into my boobs isn't helping me understand what you're saying, babe."
Charlie: "Vaggie. If I'm Dorothy, and youuuu are GAY, then.."
Vaggie: "Little scared to see where this is going, not gonna lie."
Charlie: "Does that make-" (snickers) "Does that make you a girlfriend of Dorothy's?"
Vaggie: "............."
Charlie: "Vaggie~?"
Vaggie: "...Charlie. Please."
Vaggie: "Go the fuck to sleep."
Charlie: "HEH!"
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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Guy Crimson & Diablo ‐ Flirty Himbo Male Reader
Okay! So after many many months, I have rewatched 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime' so that I can finally write and post this ask. If I'm being completely honest I'm pretty sure Guy wouldn't be too affected by flirting. Diablo too, probably. I'm sorry this took so long, I hope you like this, I did my best. —Benny🐰
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👹 Well aren't you easy on the eyes. Consider this Primordial Demon Lord very interested. Guy can't help but wonder how in the world you're so muscular. He himself is quite physically fit, but you? Give him some tips will you, maybe you can work out together. Guy definitely won't mind the meal his eyes will be feasting on during that endeavor. Huh? Leon who? Not important at the moment, he's too busy getting an eye full of this hot ass man in front of him.
👹 Guy certainly noticed that you aren't the sharpest sword in the armory and he finds it kind of hot. Don't get him wrong, he likes having intelligent conversation with people, but the way that you look at him when you have absolutely no idea what he's staying just does things to him. Guy can't really explain it too well, but having a handsome empty-headed boyfriend to go to in his free time is wonderful way to take a break.
👹 Your lack of intellect also has him assuming that you don't actually mean the words that you say in they way that he interprets them. Guy doesn't think that you understand quite how much he's holding himself back from doing as he pleases with you. Usually he just watches you in amusement as you "tease" him, chuckling at how truly bold you were to behave in this way towards Guy of all people.
👹 I don't believe that Guy is the flirting type. He's a strait foreword guy so even if a wild himbo appears and starts to flirt, he would get his message across pretty easily, no flirting needed. If he's interested, which in this case he would be, you would definitely know. To be honest, Guy wouldn't be fazed... Like, at all; considering how direct he is with Leon about how he's down to fuck. He would be really happy that someone that he thought was interesting was reciprocating for once, though.
👹 You want to do him favors? Why? Guy has maids and underlings for something like that. However, he just chalks it up to being your love language and just let's you do simple things that he could easily do on his own. Like getting him something to eat or grabbing him that book off the shelf over there. Your his boyfriend, Guy's not really keen on sending you away to deal with anything major, he'll do that on his own.
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🦇 Ah? Why hello there, handsome sir. Aren't you a sight for this primordial demon lord's eyes. Give him a little twirl so he can get a better look at you. But Diablo is a gentleman, so he will only permit himself to look respectfully. Very intensly; but respectfully. You don't mind, do you? Diablo really can't keep his gaze away no matter how hard he fights it. So forgive him, okay?
🦇 So you're a bit on the dim side? That's okay! Diablo will sit you down and describe anything you need him to in heavy detail. You don't need to worry your pretty little head about anything at all, he'll take care of it for you. Anything for you! Diablo wouldn't want you to think too hard, now. He doesn't want you to strain yourself. Just let him serve you as he does Lord Rimuru.
🦇 Now, Diablo knows he's handsome. It's not hard to understand considering the lingering gazes he gets from many people on the daily. However, this poor primordial demon lord was not prepared when the handsome man he had his eyes on started to flirt with him. Diablo couldn't help but be flustered; it was you who was showering him with compliments and innuendos instead of the other way around, after all.
🦇 While Diablo is a gentleman, he can certainly lay it on thick with the words of affirmation and occasional innuendos, but only when it comes to you. I like to think that he'd only return the favor in a private setting, he has an image to uphold. Such uncouth behavior is unbecoming of a butler like himself. But in all honesty, Diablo can let loose some raunchy shit when the time is right; the shit that comes out of this man's mouth could make even Guy Crimson blush a little.
🦇 No. He will not allow you to do any tasks or favors for him, that's his job; Diablo lives to serve and serving you is no exception. However, he will let do a few of the smaller tasks with him if you continue to insist. Acts of service are his love language so he prefer to do everything on his own, but if you sit him down and explain it to him Diablo will give you very small and simple things to do whenever he can.
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assortedvillainvault · 8 months
Hi! I'm so happy to see your requests are open, I loved your Maleficent x shy reader hcs and I would love more for her. Can I request Maleficent x touch starved reader headcanons, where the reader is uncomfortable being touched at first bc she isn't used to it, then realizes she's starved for it and starts to crave it? Thank you <3
Good Evening Anon, please accept this humble offering! Love me some denial and a crumbling will when it comes to touch starved shenanigans, y'know?
PSA I can never remember whether it's Diaval or Diablo for the name of her raven, but Diaval sounds cooler. Regardless this is very much meant to be the animated original 1950's Maleficent, not the live action - no hate to it just not my cup of tea. Though it can probably be read either way so if you prefer live acton then power to you m'lord.
Maleficent x TouchStarved!Reader
Ah yes, her favourite game.
Her fingers are cold, and her nails thick like the claws they’re pretending not to be. The way you jolt at even the slightest contact is a facinating little game to her and Diaval.
You want to think that your snappishmess at being touched is offputting. Like you’re a caged animal, snarling away before you rip off some fingers. The harsh way you flinch from elegant (and unexpected) hands on your face and shoulders and hair gives you tension headaches and sore shoulders.
But from a dragons perspective it’s akin to petting a dewey eyed, fluffy little creature. Squeaky and trembling. A kicked-puppy sort of Cuteness.
It’s no wonder her nickname for you is Morsel.
T’would bloody help if she would stop appearing silently in your personal bubble and scaring the living daylights out of you.
She’s so tall her horns clip the ceiling how is she so QUIET-
Half the fucking indecency is that she’ll run the back of her fingers down your arm or your cheek to ‘soothe’ you. You know. Like she does to her BIRD-
Are you a pet or a partner honestly.
If you actually ask that she’ll smirk. Archly, slowly, you can physically feel her gaze travelling up and down over you and you know what you (and your erratic heart rate) don’t need that question answering thanks you’ll just go ok bye-
Dear you’re part of the dragons hoard, she’ll consume you regardless. The lines between pet, partner and meal really aren’t all that well defined.
The worst part will be when you finally get used to the looming, heavy, weighted blanket feel of her presence in the room. Because when she’s not there, you’ll miss it. And it will hurt. It will feel like someone removed one of the walls without asking, and you’re exposed. You’ll run your own nails over your arms and it won’t feel the same.
Eventually, the lack of those condescending, brief, addicting touches will leave you wracked and achy.
When she returns, the sheen of desperation she can taste in the air has her grinning maliciously, and one elegant finger will beckon you to her idly.
You’ll swipe at Diaval’s smug chattering later, you want her to stroke your hair and damn the conseqeunces. Maybe you’ll forgo all dignity and climb into her lap. Who knows??
She knew. And now that you've stopped being so silly about it, she's going to keep you exactly where you are. Really little one, did you expect to belong anywhere else?
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oneforthemunny · 9 months
i love your writing honey💗
tw talks about a pet being hurt. nothing graphic or severe and ends well ofc but i want to add that just in case!
"He's gonna be alright." Eddie whispers into the dark room. The light from the hallway pouring in, illuminating his frame.
Your eyes are raw, chest hiccuping with tears that seemed never ending, clutching Diablo close to you, nose buried in his fur.
It happened so quick, so fucking quick. You and Eddie in town, the boys with you, all on their leashes. You'd been talking, aimlessly window shopping with Eddie. You didn't see it, the shattered glass on the sidewalk.
Lucifer was leading the pack, he always was, ears perched and on alert. A yelp of alarm had you and Eddie both jumping, Eddie drawing the glock from his hip, pushing you behind him protectively.
Lucifer's yelp turned into a hum of whimpers, paw lifted, limping and raising frantically, a trail of blood pooling out. Your gasp had Eddie and the rest of the boys on edge, a cold prick of panic coursing through Eddie's veins.
He hissed at the other boys to stand back, scooping Lucifer up, all of you jogging to the car, tearing away to the vet.
They put Lucifer under, removing all the glass, stitching him up swiftly. You were nearly inconsolable, sobbing into Eddie's shoulder at the vet, the vet tech and vet sweating nervously when they'd give you both an update.
They'd let him wake up, put him in a cone, wrapped his paw in a cast, and sent you home with antibiotics.
"He might be uncomfortable for the next few days. A little sore from the stitches and how deep it cut into the tissue." You had wailed when the vet told you that. Eddie considered killing him for upsetting you.
Lucifer had to sleep in his cage, to keep the other dogs from licking his wound, messing with his stitches. He had whined once when Eddie was putting him in, and another wave of tears washed over you.
"He's already asleep, baby. They gave him medicine so he'll just rest." Eddie cooed gently, turning on the light, your watery eyes shining back at him.
"I know," Your breath stuttered in your chest, the three dogs in your bed sticking their noses in your face in alert. "I just- I don't like that he got hurt, and-and he was bleeding."
"I know." Eddie hummed sweetly, stepping towards you. "I didn't either. I just saw blood. I thought he'd been-" Eddie stopped himself from finishing his sentence, your wide eyed scared look making him pause.
"But he's alright, baby. The vet's gonna come check him every day until he feels better, alright? I'll make sure of it." Eddie was one step ahead, always. He knew you'd worry that he was hurt, that it was infected, anything, so he had Gareth ask the vet to come. They were more than happy to help out.
"I wish he could sleep in here." You pouted, lip trembling. "He's down there all alone." Your voice squeaked, throat closing with tears that had Eddie cringing.
Eddie sighed heavily, opening the door back. "Hades." He commanded, the dog springing to his feet. "Here. Come on."
When Eddie returned, you were still sniffling, but no sign of tears- thankfully. "Hades is down there with him."
That seemed to satisfy you. "You put their blankets on them?"
"Yes, baby." Eddie bit back a smile, unfastening his watch, slinging it in his jewelry box.
A pause.
"And their toys? The stuffed animals. Lucifer has to have the lion, and Hades has the bat-"
"-I got it." Eddie looked at you through the mirror. "They'll be alright. Ok? Don't worry. Let me take care of it. I'll make sure they're alright."
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thicctails · 1 month
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@thundersteel this one's for you~ Thanks for giving me an excuse to blabber 'bout this au! This post really got away from me lol, kinda becoming a mini fic for a while there.
So, the catalyst for I Grow Maddened (with grief) happens between The Last Mabelcorn and Dipper and Mabel vs The Future, with the twins dying before the Rift gets broken by Bill. Ford captures the creature (not sure what exactly it will be yet, but something with large claws for sure) likely while they're gone on the road trip, and it escapes and attacks Stan, Dipper, Mabel and Soos while he is down in his lab trying to figure out what to do about the Rift.
He only realizes something is wrong when Stan barges in, holding his bleeding stomach and screaming for Ford to come and help. Any anger at being disturbed by his brother is immediately drowned out when Stan collapses, clearly very hurt. His multiverse survival skills get him upstairs in record time, but he's too late: the damage has already been done. Soos is knocked unconscious and the twins are sprawled unmoving on the blood-soaked floor. The creature takes advantage of his shock and manages to catch his right eye with two of its claws before Ford recovers and manages to kill it. He tries everything to save Dipper and Mabel, but their injuries are too severe.
Ford panics when he realizes what's happened, knowing that losing the twins will kill Stan. They are his brother's closest family members, and Ford has just allowed his work to kill them. When Stan finds out, Ford knows that whatever fractured bond they have now will shatter irreparably.
Which is why Stan can not find out.
That absolute truth kickstarts Ford to action, running on autopilot while his mind tries to force what he has just seen into a little box to unpack later. He rushed back down to his lab and finds Stan slumped over, bloodied almost as much as the kids were, yet still breathing. Stan rolled the dice and landed a saving throw, it seems.
Years of living in monster-filled Gravity Falls and even more years spent being a multidimension-hopping criminal has left Ford with incredible first aid skills, and he manages to get Stan to a state where he wont, you know, die when Ford moves him to his bunker. Its a struggle; his twin has quite a bit of pudge and even more muscle, but Ford manages to drag him up to the main floor and out to good ol' El Diablo without injuring him further. The dark night sky masks his shameful, selfish act well, and he freezes Stan without issue, if you don't count his minor breakdown and bout of vomiting that occurs when he catches sight of the form a frozen Shifty has taken.
Soos is awake when he returns. Ford knows because he can hear the young man sobbing and screaming hysterically from well outside the Shack. He's almost mirroring Ford's earlier actions, frantically trying to stop any more blood from escaping the now cooling, tiny bodies. He catches Ford's gaze, and instantly begs for the elder Pines twin to help him.
Coward that he is, Ford can only give the handyman a deeply remorseful look as he slowly shakes his head.
It takes nearly an hour to convince Soos to let him get near the bodies once he realizes that it was Ford's captured creature that stole the life from his grand niblings. The man was closer to them than Ford had realized, and it only makes the gaping wound in his heart deepen as he watches him hold Dipper and Mabel close to him, uncaring that his shirt is now more red than green. He only allows Ford to take them when he points out that they will begin to rot if they stay where they are. As Ford leaves, he fishes one of those cellular mobile phones out of his pocket and shakily begins to dial someone's number.
It's not the police, not with the way Soos hesitates for so long before pressing the call button.
There is a large freezer within his lab, used for storing perishable specimens and the occasional popsicle. He lays Dipper and Mabel there for now; he will scour the valley for the perfect resting place when he has the mental capacity to grasp that they are truly gone.
When he returns, Soos is leaning against a doorframe, one hand holding his bleeding cheek as the other holds his device. Ford can faintly hear a feminine voice shouting on the other end, and he faintly recognizes it as the red headed cashier girl, Boyish Dan's daughter, if he remembers correctly.
In what seems to be his next breath, pain erupts across his jaw as someone delivers a powerful left hook directly into his face. There is screaming, the same as before but much louder now. He must have disassociated, because the girl is standing over him now, tears streaming down her face. Soos is beside her in a moment, pulling her into a hug as they both cry into each other's shoulder.
Ford cries as well, but the other two could care less. It is only what he deserves.
Yeesh, sad yet? I was originally just going to focus on Ford (and he's still my main focus) but then i realized that pretty much no one includes Wendy and Soos in AU's like these (heavy emphasis on Soos, my mans is done dirty) so i workshopped them in.
Soos is Ford's companion in the multiverse, coming along mostly to be a familiar face to whatever Dipper/Mabel they decide to 'adopt/rescue', but also to make sure Ford doesn't kill himself through neglect. He knows what happened was an accident, and he knows how badly Ford has been affected by everything, but a small part of him remains angry at the scientist. Dipper and Mabel were like younger siblings to him after the whole Globnar situation, and Stan is like a father to him. He leaves his handyman hat behind "until he can fix this" and instead sports a protective bandana and Dipper's Pterodactyl tooth.
Wendy absolutely blames Ford for what happened, and only doesn't enact lumber-justice because she also wants Dipper and Mabel back. She has taken up the role of Waddle's caretaker and occasional helper to McGucket, who is monitoring both the portal and Stan. The man feels he owes it to Dipper and Mabel to help, since they helped him get his memory back. She can usually be seen sporting the Huggy Wuvvy Tummy Bundle for Waddles and one of Mabel's sweaters wrapped around her waist. She and her friends also help keep the Shack functional, though she can't bring herself to go into the "incident room."
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bamtorin · 3 months
⋆˚࿔ 𝑻𝑿𝑻 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
𓍢ִ໋🀦 genre: headcanon, fluff, crack, comedic death
𓄃 wc: 800 approx
𓃶 note: new acc, im still unhinged.
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𝑌𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑗𝑢𝑛 /ᐠ ̥ ̣̮ ̥ ᐟ\ノ
"Do you think my tie looks too tight?"
"Do you think beige napkin goes well with our food?"
"Do you think it's the perfect tempature in our guest's bathroom?"
"Should we go for turquiose blue or ocean blue for the cushion?"
"Would it be too much if I french kissed you after the vows?" -yeonjun
Hyper concious about everything. Nothing goes without him double checking, sniffing and nagging how it could be more perfect if you guys did something else.
Stressing about you, your mom even your dead great great uncle if he could.
Fixing the bedsheets you two will be fucking on later. Anxious, fidgety. Writes the wedding script 78 times but still isn't satisfied. Treats the wedding like a diablo final boss.
Finally when the venue is all set, you walking down the aisle with your beloved father's hand in your hand, you find... Yeonjun's missing. He eloped with his guy friend he told you not to worry about (happy pride month yall)
𝑆𝑜𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑛 (=˘ϖ˘=)
You had to console him thrice on the video call not to panic so much and everything would go well. But that man is shivering. Had a nightmare about the day about a month ago. Can't shake that feeling off his chest. He saw that his dead grandma is dancing on a bar, repeatedly telling him he would have 30 years of misfortune if he married you.
"Soobin? Listen to me? It's gonna alright bby"
"Yeah.. I love you.." *cuts the video call*
Still nervous and shaky. His gaze lingers upon that one champagne his friends bought him for the wedding and decides one sip wouldnt hurt.
And another sip.. yet another sip. Till he gets completely wasted on the 7th sip.
*phone buzzes with 127 missed call and 35 texts*
Arrives half a day late to the wedding.
𝐵𝑒𝑜𝑚𝑔𝑦𝑢 ʕ º ᴥ ºʔ
Your relationship with beomgyu has always been makeshift. Not in a bad way. Everytime a trouble comes, you guys power through it by laughing. You broke your nose? He gets you nasal spray as a joke. He lost his apartment due to bankrupcy? You get him a minecraft house. You both got a F on the assignment? You two still have a competition of who got the lowest mark on math. It's great, you guys got each other's back all the time, even in joking the love is present.
The wedding was reflection of this as well when you saw 2 adult bulked up men with beards and black suit spreading flowers from their cute mini buckets at everyone in the spot of your flower girls. Beomgyu whispers "The flower girls cancelled the last moment, so I got my workout jjang friends to fill in.. I swear this was our only option" You laugh, so did everyone.
But another problem rose as you cut the cake. The color looked amazing for a lemon cake. Bright, yellow..wait yellow? Then you taste it and it's durian. You ordered the cake and they completely messed up the order. You become instantly sad, eyes brimming with water threatening to fall with the bitter exotic flavour going into your mouth but Beomgyu gets a brilliant idea. "$100 for anyone who eats the most cake!" He shouts. So boy does everyone jump that cake and it was soon finished in moments. The fastest any cake has been devoured. Your face changes to a bright smile and a big laugh when beomgyu takes up on the challenge himself, and the day gets memorable.
𝑇𝑎𝑒ℎ𝑦𝑢𝑛 ( ⓛ ﻌ ⓛ *)
The picture perfect wedding. Everybody clapping, you happily walking down the aisle. He looks up at you with the most breathtaking watery boba eyes. Flushed cheeks and sweet smile. The vows he wrote in his one hand. You stand in front of him, giggling that the dream has come true. The priest asks you to recite your vows,
"I love that you let me think I'm the funny one in the relationship. And I love that you always help me find my keys, my wallet or phone; anything after I misplaced it. I promise to grow alongside you and I vow to love and cherish not only who you are but who you will become" -you
He looks shocked for a moment and then he starts reciting his own with a giggle,
"I'll start by saying something obvious. Between the two of us, you're the funny one in our relationship" He looks up at you to see your reaction, how your vows matched even though no one had it planned from before. He starts again with a smile,
"I promise to always find your keys, your wallet or your sunglasses" mouthing after how it's exactly the same. "And I vow to always cherish you for who you are and stand right beside you"
After a long day of everything going well, you bid farewell to your parents and the guests. The moment you try to get in the car, a bus crashes right into Taehyun who was leading the way. Surprise! That's the canon.
𝐻𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑎𝑖 (๑ŏ⋖⋗ŏ)
You might wanna sit down for this one. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.
First of all he messed up the venues for the wedding and went to southwest 34 instead southwest 35. Then didn't notice it because there was another wedding happening there at the same time. He arrives several hours late, again finding the right address. Much furious arguements and cries later, you two finally get down to business.
Finding he lost the wedding rings. It was right in his pocket, could've left in the car or something.
He goes back to the car, he grabs it and closes the door but right then a part of his tuxedo gets stucks in the car door and it rips trying to get it out.
Your patience runs really low seeing him in that state, making puppy eyes at you. You stare at your clock, anxiously thinking why the caterers and photographers aren't here yet.
Well, hueningkai the man he is, texted the wrong address to them as well... then there's an unexpected typhoon that's making them impossible to arrive at your place. Several hours later, it's almost 9pm when the cateres arrive. Food cold and half drenched. You are counting down the ways you could've said no when hueningkai first proposed to you.
All's well that ends well, you chant this golden mantra and try to girlboss it, wait.. you didn't notice this before. IS THAT HIS FUCKING EX WEARING WHITE TO YOUR WEDDING?
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taglist: @itgirlgyu @shutupheathersorryheatherr
(drop an ask if you want to be in the taglist bbies :>)
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andaboop · 2 years
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El Diablo Dulce, part-time bounty hunter and occasional bull rider. Great gunslinger that handles himself extremely well in duels and the like with the help of another dangerous fella :)
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elenauaurs · 7 months
bird boy
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Name: Diaval Corvo
daiavaru koruvo (JP)
Grade/Class: Junior/Class D (No. 6)
Age: 167
Height: 173
Dominant hand: Left
Homeland: Briar Valley
Club: Board game
Best Subject: Flying/History of Magic
Hobbies: Read ancient writings
Pet Peeves: DOGS
Favorite food: Wagyu beef
Least favorite food: Rotten food
Likes: Malleus, food, big ruins
Dislike: Hunters, swim, thunder
Birthday: November 3rd
Talent: Draw maps
Diaval is a reserved and introverted individual, but also very careful and a kind person by nature.
With subjects that arouse his curiosity or interest, he can prove to be a talkative person and easy to talk to.
Diaval also has a great ability to command people in diverse situations (as a strategist) and is also a good diplomat. Due to being great observer, he can easily create useful strategies for difficult situations. However, upon realizing that the situation is out of control, Diaval may act more desperate, nervous AND TOTALLY RESTLESS, especially in cases where he knows from the beginning that everything will go wrong, which makes him a bit of a chatterbox until the situation is resolved.
Despite being a kind person, he also acts sarcastic as hell in situations where he wants to irritate someone or when he is irritated, and can also reveal a somewhat sadistic side, mocking and enjoying the pain of someone he doesn't like.
Overall, Diaval takes on a more parental/caregiving attitude towards those he cares about(even with humans, with whom he has more difficulty befriending with), being a big worrier if something dangerous happens.
Diaval is based on Diablo from sleeping Beauty and a bit of... Diaval... from maleficent
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Diaval is a raven/crow fae
Diaval is Malleus' closest servant, which is why he is known as "Malleus' wings" in Briar Valley. He has known Malleus since he was a child
For some reason, Diaval has maps of the entire NRC
Diaval is a person very well informed about what happens at school, he loves... gossip... and investigating the latest topics
For this reason (mentioned in the previous topic), he has a love-hate relationship with Azul, especially because in book 3 he prevented a large number of diasomnia students from being caught in contracts.
He definitely doesn't like participating in swimming lessons. According to him, his wings are too heavy to swim properly.
Diaval definitely doesn't like going near the Savanaclaw dorm, but why? Simple, there are a good number of beastmen with canine characteristics (like Jack) in Savanaclaw, and well... He doesn't like dogs very much…
At some point in his life, Diaval helped babysit Silver. The first thing little Silver called Diaval was "pretty little bird"
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Diaval has short, very dark blue (almost black) hair, with a long fringe on the left that covers his eyepatch. His eyes are pink, he has a mole below his eye and on his neck (and other non-visible places on his body), he wears black earrings in both ears.
His dorm uniform are a little modified. He has a neck stole made of feathers and wears a 'scarf' around his neck instead of a tie, his black coat hangs below his shoulders, he has a gold claw ring on his fingers and some part of the back of his outfit is open to his wings.
. . .
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slasherx · 4 months
Hello again 👋🏽, Congratulations on passing your exam 🎉!!!, and I don't mind you calling me Diablo
Gurl your write Thomas so well like I can't help but ask for more 😌
Can you do just general Sfw or NSFW (or both 👀) head cannon for my man Tommy, I just love that man to much 😍
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Look at this man right here and tell me he isn't a full meal right there
Ah, hello again! Thank you Diablo! I did write some SFW headcanons for Thomas here, but so many people asked for a part two, so I suppose I'll indulge and give the people what they want <3
Content: Thomas Hewitt x gn!Reader
Warnings: This post contains NSFW, so 18+. Minors DNI
Notes: I'm thinking about doing this with Jason...hmm...
• ───────────────── •
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Piggybacking off of this, I feel like Thomas is a huge family man
He would expect kids from you or some form of offspring, like a pet if you can't have or don't want children
Doesn't really care if you don't get along with Katherine (tea lady), or Henrietta. He's not particularly close with either of them, though he was close with Henrietta as kids since they're close in age
I feel like everybody but Thomas knows he's adopted, just nobody says anything. And when they let you in on that secret, don't you dare tell him either
He's definitely the big spoon while cuddling
He also takes his shirt off for bed and just wears old basketball shorts. The heat gets to him during the day and he can't wait to strip for bedtime
Definitely listens to metal music when it becomes a thing, he's a huge metal head. It allows him to vent all of his frustrations in one sitting
I feel like he would take more care of himself once you two get into a relationship. More showers, more brushing of his teeth, etc.
He wants to be squeaky clean for you
Below is for if you can have/want kids
Once you two have children, Henrietta is going to be super jealous. Not because she wants your man (ew, thats her cousin), but because SHE wants kids
She'd offer to help watch them if you and Thomas ever need some time alone, but you often entrust your children to Luda Mae
Tommy is SUPER excited to be a dad. He thought for a long time that he would never become a father, and that saddened him. He needed to continue the Hewitt bloodline, since Hoyt and Monty pretty much had no interest doing so
He would also be afraid that they would come out looking like him
He'd sew them all kinds of clothing, especially as they grow older
Let's say you have one boy and one girl - he would sew shirts and pants for the boy and dresses for the girl
But once they grow older and develop themselves a little more, he can sew clothes to their liking, no matter what Hoyt or Monty say
I don't see him using physical discipline like his family did growing up. He would probably consider it since it's all he knows, but once you start buying parenting books and he reads through a few of them, he realizes there's more ways to parent
When the actual babies are born/adopted, he has no idea what to do, and admittedly neither do you. All those parenting books did not prepare you in the slightest
But he knows one thing is for sure, he loves you and he loves the babies you created/adopted together, so he's going to try his hardest to be the best husband and father out there
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Definitely a dom at first, but the more comfortable he gets with sex the more he'll become a switch
LOOOOVES when you suck him off
Will fuck your throat all day if he had the chance, just be careful of your teeth if he ever takes over. He likes to move a lot
He loves having his hand in your hair, it makes him feel in control, and when he's not in control? Your hand in his hair. He will grab your hand and move it to his hair for you to grab
The sexiest thing he can do (if you like his hands) is when he grips surfaces hard, and you can see his veins pop out. Oh how you wish they were around your throat, or on your chest, or anywhere else you like them on you
Doesn't like giving oral as much as he likes receiving. But make no mistake, that doesn't mean he's a selfish lover. No, it's the opposite
Thomas always makes sure you cum at least once before he cums, or at least cum with him. He doesn't like it if you edge yourself but make him cum, or just make him cum first in general
Which was why he didn't understand in the beginning, how you were lasting so much longer than him. But soon he built stamina and could match you
I feel like Tommy would have a pregnancy kink, and a breeding kink. He loves stuffing you full of his cum at any chance he gets, even going so far as to go multiple rounds in a night
There was even a time where he went on and on before you finally cried and begged for him to stop, your hole was so raw
His favorite positions are one where he can see your face, but he's not opposed to fucking you hard in doggy
Speaking of hard, he's going to be gentle with you in the beginning of your sex life. But once he gets more accustomed to it, he'll go harder for you, if you wish
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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