#I feel like he'd be more willing to accept other forms of compensation
yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hi, can you do a concept for platonic haytham kenway from assassins creed with a reader that isn’t a templar and just a civilian.
I'm not done with the game but I did do some research! If anything is out of character, my apologies, I can fix it if I need to. I do like his character a lot!
Yandere! Platonic! Haytham Kenway with Civilian! Darling
Assassin's Creed III
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Stalking, Murder, Indoctrination, Threats, Violence, Blood mention, Stalking.
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Haytham is a bit hard to see platonic, but it can be done.
He did have a son (even if he thought of killing him for his beliefs) so he has some sort of paternal love.
He'd probably feel platonic care for a fellow Templar.
Although... a civilian?
Haytham seems like the type of guy to care for someone who has importance to him.
He's actually rather arrogant to those he feels are lower than him.
He'd probably meet you by chance.
Maybe you helped him somehow (knew a little about the artifacts, helped him find a target, healed a wound...).
He brushed you off after, not caring about you status.
Yet he does compensate you for the help.
Point is, you'd have to prove useful to him as a civilian to kickstart his obsession.
After that he decides to keep you in mind.
You've earned his gratitude... perhaps you aren't just some civilian.
Haytham's feelings take awhile to form.
He keeps in mind where you reside and watches over you.
For some reason you keep occupying his mind.
He wants to see you safe in return for your aid.
Safe to say you are under Templar protection.
He isn't sure why...
But the idea of you falling into Brotherhood hands disturbs him.
So he'll do whatever he can to prevent that.
You won't know but Templar members are all around your area.
They are assigned by Haytham to report to him about your well-being.
These feelings are not romantic... more like a close friend or parental figure.
He feels as a reward for your help... he will teach you the ways of his Templar ideals.
He waits until he's ready to take you in.
Haytham feels you two can be closer this way.
If you are around his age he'll teach you as a dear friend.
If you are younger than him then he'll teach you as though you are a child of his.
Haytham sees you more than a civilian so while he talks to you he is softer and kinder compared to his arrogant behavior towards you before.
Granted there's still some arrogance but he's willing to give you a chance.
Haytham invites you to a meeting and you have no idea what it's about.
You helped him once... why does he wish to meet again?
That's when he reveals his fanatical beliefs plan.
He wants you to become a Templar.
He's dripping with charisma, saying how the Brotherhood will harm you for helping a Templar out.
He manipulates you with threats.
You have no idea what choice to make.
It isn't until he says one thing that you decide to at least be in compliance...
"After this meeting I could always kill you for not accepting my offer. You'd know too much."
To keep you in line he doesn't mind threats.
Even if you aren't entirely with the Templar, he's happy you at least comply to being at their aid.
Haytham doesn't care if he has to kill those around you or threaten your death either.
Sure, he cares for you.
But killing your family and friends makes you reliant on him...
Plus, fear is an emotion you can use to get people to listen to you.
He's a terrifying yandere both platonic and romantic.
Normally platonics are softer than their romantic counterpart.
Not the case with Haytham.
He's intense and cruel in both ways.
He kills for you, blood on his outfit, and he smiles.
Smiles because he knows, deep down...
You feel guilty for getting others killed.
Your kindness is easily abused as a civilian.
Which lead to Haytham dragging you into the order against your will.
He comforts you when you feel upset about the murders.
He says it's for your own good.
It's also for the good of the Templar Order.
Haytham cares for you and even shows paternal love towards you despite what he's caused you.
He says he cares for you.
But does he really?
You may never know for sure.
All you know is you've been dragged into a hole you can't dig yourself out of by Haytham.
If you aren't careful, he'll make it your grave.
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loominggaia · 11 months
If every FGG could choose to turn into any other species other than their own what would they choose?
That's a good question. I had to think about this for a while...I'm excluding beasts here, because I think I already answered a similar question about what animals they would be. I'm assuming you mean other peoples only.
Evan: A heavyweight species, probably an ogre. Bigger and stronger is always better, in his opinion. But I think he would also worry about his werewolf form, Bigbad, who would also become bigger and stronger...
Lukas: Dude has magic-envy and a bit of an affinity towards elves, so probably an elf.
Glenvar: Maybe a dworf, because if people are going to call him one anyway, he may as well have the perks that go with it, like super strength and night-vision. Alternatively, he'd choose centaur for their height, strength, and speed.
Alaine: Human. I mean, she's already a human, but she would choose to shake off her mermaid's curse and be an unafflicted human. Sure the curse offers her some perks, but the downsides are just too many for her.
Jeimos: Jeimos likes being an elf. I don't think they would want to change that. All they want to change is their sex, as they find being female-sexed too burdensome.
Isaac: Isaac hopes he is human, but he doesn't know for sure...
Linde: Sirene or maenad, because she's envious of their natural beauty.
Balthazaar: Gnome, so he could live a simpler life away from society and magic all his problems away. Or so he thinks...
Skel: Elf. Not just an elf, but a female elf. More specifically, an elven princess...basically what I'm saying is, he wants to be Jasenia. He has always envied her, and this envy has grown into a creepy obsession with time. Honestly though, he hates being a goblin so much that I think he'd accept damn near anything else...
Javaan: Javaan has lamented being a centaur a few times throughout the series, explaining that non-centaur women are afraid of him and he has to make an extra effort to be appear non-threatening to make friends. He compensates by having great charisma, but I think putting on this extra charm all the time wears him out. He might want to be a smaller species instead. Not something easily pushed over like a human or elf, but maybe a roshava. Roshava are strong, but they're not as threatening as ogres, cecaelia, or gorgons. It would be the best of both worlds for him...not to mention he's already used to having six limbs!
Elska: I don't think Elska would change her species. She's already used to being a centaur and she hates change.
Mr. Ocean: Definitely a human. For one, it would allow him to explore and understand Terria better. But also, he just thinks they're neat! He developed a fascination with humans from a young age and it never really faded. Actually becoming one would answer a lot of questions he's too afraid to ask.
Zeffer: He's willing to become literally anything if it just takes his vampirism away...
Zacry: Zacry has said that it cannot want for anything, being a machine and all. But I think it does wonder, and it probably wonders what it would feel like to be a person from time to time. Its computer-brain calculates through predictive scenarios, but it can't find a concrete answer until it experiences this for itself. Any species will do.
Lore Masterpost
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
Got more Fortune (Yuu) in Twisted Wonderland under the cut cause the Twst brainrot is real lol 😂
Right now, I’m thinking about those final exams that everyone takes in book 3 and what Yuu did to prepare for them. 
In a previous post, I mentioned that Yuu did well since she has always been the type to do well academically. However, in this scenario, she wouldn’t have done well just through sheer book smarts.
That’s because she’s dealing with so many new subjects that she has zero experience with. Being magicless puts her at a real disadvantage compared to everyone else.
As a result, Yuu has to work her butt off to do well at NRC. She’s always very attentive in class and takes good notes, always does her homework, and studies like crazy for tests.
Thanks to her hardworker mindset and all the time she’s willing to put into her studies, Yuu does pretty well for someone who’s a total newb in comparison to everyone else, so she never really has to worry about failing anything.
She also does rather well with Vargas’s flight class, even though she obviously can fly without magic, since she can handle running laps thanks to her great stamina. While she’s not an expert at all forms of exercise (she sucks at pull-ups and sit-ups thanks to her zero upper body strength lol), she’s able to get by overall and earn Vargas’s approval. 
Vargas likes that she has some muscles on her, but he thinks she could use some more so he’s all about encouraging her to get more buff which she’s not really opposed to since being more muscular would be to her advantage in an environment where all she can rely on to protect herself are her two fists and her Quirk.
(All of the staff members end up taking a strong liking to Yuu since she’s a good, hardworking student that never gives them any trouble. No one was too fond of the idea of a magicless girl being stuck in an all boys’ school, but since there really wasn’t anything else that could be done with her, they just do their best to look out for her when they can.)
Going back to Yuu’s studies, she does well enough that she doesn’t have to worry about failing, but she isn’t satisfied with just passing. She wants to do the best she can because being under Tokumei’s tutelage and always trying and failing to impress him with her great grades led to her becoming an overachiever. 
Plus, since she’s a two-in-one student with Grim, Yuu is worried about how the grading will be done for them. While they both have to take the exams separately, it’s possible the grades will be all rolled into one, and since Grim does so poorly with his studies, Yuu feels it’s her responsibility to make the best possible grades to keep the two of them afloat.
That’s why Yuu works extra hard when she’s studying for final exams. She also tries to get Grim/Ace/Deuce to do the same but isn’t very successful. (cause the idiots went and made a contract with Azul lol)
After countless failed attempts to get the idiot trio to study, Yuu gives up and assumes that she’ll be stuck helping them with last minute cramming, so she should just focus on herself so that she’ll be ready when they finally start asking for help.
This doesn’t mean that Yuu ends up doing all her studying alone, however. That’s because Yuu is a very smart girl who knows how to use her resources wisely.
Whenever Yuu has any trouble with a subject, Yuu goes to an upperclassmen she knows and asks them for help. Obviously, because this is NRC, these guys aren’t all going to just help out of the goodness of their heart, which Yuu totally expects, which is why she is ready and willing to bribe them if necessary lol
In the case of Riddle, Trey, & Cater, Yuu doesn’t really need to bribe them. Riddle helps her because he approves of anyone willingly trying to improve themselves, and he basically sees her as his responsibility cause of her help with his Overblot and all the other things she has done for his dorm.
That’s why Trey helps her out as well and cause he just feels pity for everything she goes through cause of Ace & Deuce lol However, I could see him having her help him around the kitchen as a form of payment, even though he doesn’t really make her do a lot.
Cater helps Yuu out in exchange for allowing him to keep the picture he unconsciously took of her when she was unintentionally using the puppy dog eyes on the three upperclassmen while she was asking them to help her with her studies lol 😂
The use of bribes really comes into play with Savanaclaw cause Ruggie doesn’t do anything for free. Thankfully, he’s easy enough to convince. Give him food, and he’ll give whatever study tips he has available lol
Leona is tougher to deal with, but eventually, Yuu manages to wear him down with promises of steak, chess, and anything else she can think of along with lots of compliments about his intellect lol He mostly gives in to get her to leave him alone but also cause he’s got a little soft spot for her, not that he’d ever admit it haha
Kalim & Jamil end up helping Yuu when Kalim spots her in the library and approaches her. Kalim is all too eager to help when she asks for pointers, but in the end, it’s mostly Jamil that does the helping, which he does since he knows Kalim won’t let the two of them leave without helping her.
During one of her nighttime teatime chats with Malleus, Yuu gets the idea of asking for his advice since he seems very smart. He’s very surprised since he’s not used to anyone asking for his help like this and might even say as much, which surprises her since he’s so nice and easy to talk to.
Malleus ends up being a big help during their little impromptu study session and even goes a step further by later preparing some notes for Yuu which he asks Lilia to pass along to Yuu the next day.
(I just really love the thought of Malleus being really happy about being depended on by Yuu like this and her thinking he’s easy to talk to. He’d probably soak up all the positive attention she gives him during their study time like a sponge. I love these two positive attention-starved cuties so much 😭)
Malleus’s desire to further help Yuu leads to Lilia and Silver lending her a hand with her studies since they both came to deliver the notes on behalf of “Tsunotarou”. 
Lilia wants to help her out as thanks for making Malleus so happy, and he brings Silver, who also wants to help once he hears the whole story, along for the ride.
They’re both helpful with giving out pointers/advice, although Silver ends up falling asleep at one point. Thankfully, Yuu has some mint-flavored gum which she shares with him to help keep him awake.
At this point, Yuu has gotten a lot of help, more than she expected, so she intends to stop actively seeking study help since she’s already gotten so much good help and she doesn’t wanna bother the upperclassmen she’s already studied with further. 
Her plans of not seeking more help end up changing when Floyd happens upon her one day and snatches her up, demanding that she do something fun with him. 
Initially, she’s very reluctant since there’s no telling what Floyd will have her do and just how long he’ll make her his current source of entertainment. 
Of course, she also doesn’t want to put Floyd in a bad mood. While she can handle his usual squeezes, she doesn’t wanna find out just how strong they can become lol
This leads to Yuu making a deal with Floyd. In exchange for entertaining him, she wants him to provide some study advice/pointers since she has heard about him being a genius, even if it all depends on his mood. She’s hoping that by putting him in a good mood that he’ll be very helpful with studying.
Floyd’s amused since she’s sounding like Azul by wanting to make a deal with him. He’s also confused by why she doesn’t just make a deal with Azul to get his special study notes.
Yuu explains that she wants to get good grades by her own efforts. Yes, she’s willing to seek out others for help, but she has no intention to make anyone do the work for her. She doesn’t want Azul’s notes that she knows will guarantee her a good grade.
In the end, Floyd accepts the deal since he wants to play with her, and that’s what they do for the next several hours, much to Yuu’s internal distress lol
Even with her good stamina, Yuu is exhausted by the time Floyd has had his fill of entertainment, which ranged from basketball to every other activity under the sun that he could think of.
However, she’s not so exhausted that she forgets about having him uphold his end of the deal, and since he’s in a good mood by this point, he doesn’t mind helping her out.
Of course, this doesn’t stop Floyd from wanting more entertainment, so to keep himself from getting bored, he picks Yuu up and plops her into his lap so he can squeeze and poke her the whole time he’s going over the study materials lol
At this point, Yuu’s too tired to really care. Plus, him bracing her keeps her tired body from falling over, and his actions actually keep her from getting distracted since they keep her alert when she’d normally be pretty lethargic after everything he put her through.
All in all, it’s a somewhat productive study session. Yuu still thinks Floyd got the better end of the deal, but it’s not like nothing good came out of it so she won’t complain, especially when Floyd’s wearing quite the big grin when they finally part ways.
The encounter with Floyd leads Yuu to wondering if she should try to approach Jade for advice too since he seems like the type who does well with his studies.
Obviously, like his brother, Jade wouldn’t just do this for free, so Yuu would need to have something to give him in exchange.
Which leads to Yuu coming up with the idea of harvesting some wild mushrooms since she knows how much Jade likes them. Having heard from Jade about his exploits in the Mountain Lovers Club, Yuu knows about the mountain near NRC, which is where he goes to collect mushrooms, which is where she decides to head.
Since there could be wild animals there, Yuu decides to ask Jack to accompany her for protection purposes. Plus, she thought she could make this into a training exercise for herself since it involves hiking, and she figured Jack might be interested. 
In the end, Jack agrees since, while he won’t outright admit it, he doesn’t want her going up the mountain on her own, which is what would happen since Grim/Ace/Deuce have no interest in accompanying her even after she offered to share her study notes with them.
Much to her surprise, Jack invited Epel to join the two of them since he figured Epel would enjoy this kind of activity. Plus, since Yuu is willing to share her notes with whoever helps her, Jack thought Epel would jump on that opportunity.
(Jack was right on all counts, but what he didn’t expect was Epel to show up at the meeting spot excited at the prospect of fighting off wild animals lol 😂)
This is Yuu’s first time really interacting with Epel since they’re not in the same class. She doesn’t mind him being there, though, since the more help with mushroom picking she gets, the better.
One of her first thoughts upon seeing him is how pretty he is, but she quickly gets distracted from that train of thought by Epel’s enthusiasm about fighting off wild animals which he for some reason thought was one of the main goals of this excursion lol
Thanks to that, Yuu realizes he is a good example of don’t judge a book by its cover. While it’s not obvious just from looking at him, Epel has a rowdy side to him and is more manly than he looks.
Since Yuu is familiar with dealing with those kinds of guys, she doesn’t have much difficulty interacting with Epel, and they end up hitting it off pretty well since Epel likes that she treats him like a regular guy and doesn’t bring any attention to his pretty looks.
Thanks to Epel & Jack, the mushroom hunting trip is successful, even though there were some bumps along the way. Because they were so helpful, Yuu promises to share all her notes with them, not just whatever she gets out of Jade, which is what they were initially expecting, so they end up making plans to hold study groups together, which ends up happening throughout the remainder of the time leading up to final exams.
When it comes time to approach Jade, Yuu goes to the Mostro Lounge and presents what she refers to as an offering, much to his amusement. His amusement turns into delight when he sees the large of array of mushrooms she, Epel, & Jack managed to find.
Since he’s clearly pleased with the offering, Yuu asks Jade for study help, and he agrees, both because of the offering and because he heard from Floyd how much fun he had with her the other day which piqued his interest.
While he has her take a seat in the lounge, Jade goes to put away the mushrooms and prepare some tea for them. Not long after Jade leaves, she hears a yell of dismay coming from the kitchen which signals that Floyd has seen the present she brought for Jade, which leads to her internally apologizing to Floyd lol 😂
At this point, the Mostro Lounge isn’t officially open yet. Yuu got in since she works part-time there, so as a result, Jade is able to dedicate some time to her since he doesn’t have any other work matters he needs to attend to at the moment.
Floyd ends up joining them cause he wants to complain about the mushrooms and mess with Yuu in retribution lol
Eventually, Azul shows up on the scene, which leads to him finding out what Yuu has been up to. As expected, he’s quick to bring up his amazing study guide, but Yuu politely declines and gives him the same explanation she gave Floyd.
Azul accepts her reasoning but looks noticeably displeased, which, to her, makes sense considering he’s all about making deals. 
What she doesn’t realize is that he’s quietly sulking over the fact that he’s now the only one she hasn’t asked for help which bothers him more than he’d like to admit lol
Jade & Floyd realize this immediately and have no issue with exposing him. Azul adamantly denies their claims, but Yuu gets the feeling he’s not being completely honest, considering how flustered he now is. 
Plus, she can understand why he would feel left out if he was the only one she didn’t ask for help, so she apologizes for that since it wasn’t her intention to be mean/rude. She just doesn’t want to ask for help if it means signing a contract/giving up money/having someone else do all the work for her.
At that moment, Yuu takes notice of how tired Azul looks and gets the idea of offering to let him using her magic lap pillow in exchange for his help with her studies.
(Like in TABF, Yuu’s lap pillow has the power to put just about anyone to sleep within seconds once they lay their head down. Floyd was the first person to discover this secret ability of hers, and it was entirely by accident. He had just plopped into her lap and almost immediately dozed off. He quickly pulled away from her once he realized what was happening, thinking sleeping magic was somehow being used, but once he realized that wasn’t the case and having reconfirmed that Yuu can’t use magic, Floyd ended up plopping back down cause her lap’s comfy and fell asleep lol
While Jade found the whole situation very amusing, Azul was less than thrilled with this turn of events since this could basically be considered sexual harassment which would not look good for business. He tried to get Yuu to sign a NDA to ensure that she wouldn’t make any reports about this to Crowley, and she almost agreed, since she really didn’t see this as sexual harassment, before realizing she should try to get something in exchange.
In the end, in exchange for promising to not make any sexual harassment reports against the Mostro Lounge, Yuu asked for Azul’s written agreement that she would be protected from sexual harassment and physical harm at the hands of the students of his dorm since a girl in her situation needs all the protection she can get. Plus, thanks to this, she felt more comfortable about asking for a part-time job at the lounge, which really caught Azul off guard lol)
After hearing Yuu’s offer, Azul splutters and turns bright red much to Jade and Floyd’s delight. They are enjoying every minute of his embarrassment.
Since Azul vehemently refuses her lap pillow as a form of payment, Yuu asks what else she could offer in exchange for his advice that wouldn’t involve paying him/signing a contract.
In the end, Azul probably has her help clean up the lounge or some other task that would benefit him but not greatly inconvenience her. He does this, claiming he’s feeling generous and inspired by his underclassman’s thirst for knowledge, but the twins know that he just doesn’t want to be the only one whom Yuu didn’t rely on since it’s a stab at his pride lol
(By this point in time, Yuu hasn’t really interacted with Ortho and the upperclassmen in Pomefiore and Ignihyde, so she wouldn’t have gotten any help from them. That’s why I won’t include them in this scenario.)
Thanks to all the help she received, Yuu ends up doing very well with her exams. She might have even gotten into the top fifty, considering all the expert advice she received, but if she did, she would’ve been near the very bottom of the ranking.
All in all, it’s a very productive exam period. Unfortunately, Yuu doesn’t get to bask in her great accomplishment for long thanks to a certain idiot trio who gets themselves into trouble that she has to bail them out of lol
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