#yandere haytham kenway
yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hi, can you do a concept for platonic haytham kenway from assassins creed with a reader that isn’t a templar and just a civilian.
I'm not done with the game but I did do some research! If anything is out of character, my apologies, I can fix it if I need to. I do like his character a lot!
Yandere! Platonic! Haytham Kenway with Civilian! Darling
Assassin's Creed III
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Stalking, Murder, Indoctrination, Threats, Violence, Blood mention, Stalking.
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Haytham is a bit hard to see platonic, but it can be done.
He did have a son (even if he thought of killing him for his beliefs) so he has some sort of paternal love.
He'd probably feel platonic care for a fellow Templar.
Although... a civilian?
Haytham seems like the type of guy to care for someone who has importance to him.
He's actually rather arrogant to those he feels are lower than him.
He'd probably meet you by chance.
Maybe you helped him somehow (knew a little about the artifacts, helped him find a target, healed a wound...).
He brushed you off after, not caring about you status.
Yet he does compensate you for the help.
Point is, you'd have to prove useful to him as a civilian to kickstart his obsession.
After that he decides to keep you in mind.
You've earned his gratitude... perhaps you aren't just some civilian.
Haytham's feelings take awhile to form.
He keeps in mind where you reside and watches over you.
For some reason you keep occupying his mind.
He wants to see you safe in return for your aid.
Safe to say you are under Templar protection.
He isn't sure why...
But the idea of you falling into Brotherhood hands disturbs him.
So he'll do whatever he can to prevent that.
You won't know but Templar members are all around your area.
They are assigned by Haytham to report to him about your well-being.
These feelings are not romantic... more like a close friend or parental figure.
He feels as a reward for your help... he will teach you the ways of his Templar ideals.
He waits until he's ready to take you in.
Haytham feels you two can be closer this way.
If you are around his age he'll teach you as a dear friend.
If you are younger than him then he'll teach you as though you are a child of his.
Haytham sees you more than a civilian so while he talks to you he is softer and kinder compared to his arrogant behavior towards you before.
Granted there's still some arrogance but he's willing to give you a chance.
Haytham invites you to a meeting and you have no idea what it's about.
You helped him once... why does he wish to meet again?
That's when he reveals his fanatical beliefs plan.
He wants you to become a Templar.
He's dripping with charisma, saying how the Brotherhood will harm you for helping a Templar out.
He manipulates you with threats.
You have no idea what choice to make.
It isn't until he says one thing that you decide to at least be in compliance...
"After this meeting I could always kill you for not accepting my offer. You'd know too much."
To keep you in line he doesn't mind threats.
Even if you aren't entirely with the Templar, he's happy you at least comply to being at their aid.
Haytham doesn't care if he has to kill those around you or threaten your death either.
Sure, he cares for you.
But killing your family and friends makes you reliant on him...
Plus, fear is an emotion you can use to get people to listen to you.
He's a terrifying yandere both platonic and romantic.
Normally platonics are softer than their romantic counterpart.
Not the case with Haytham.
He's intense and cruel in both ways.
He kills for you, blood on his outfit, and he smiles.
Smiles because he knows, deep down...
You feel guilty for getting others killed.
Your kindness is easily abused as a civilian.
Which lead to Haytham dragging you into the order against your will.
He comforts you when you feel upset about the murders.
He says it's for your own good.
It's also for the good of the Templar Order.
Haytham cares for you and even shows paternal love towards you despite what he's caused you.
He says he cares for you.
But does he really?
You may never know for sure.
All you know is you've been dragged into a hole you can't dig yourself out of by Haytham.
If you aren't careful, he'll make it your grave.
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axolotlart · 4 months
my favorite video game characters :v
I do not know what I did
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teecupangel · 1 year
so I have an idea what if Haytham Kenway is a yandere because of his desire of no longer wanting to lose things precious to him that started after being left by Ziio and goes full on platonic yandere for Ratohnhaké:tön,  when he learns he is his and Ziio’s son and we could also add adewale to the mix of someone he doesn’t want to lose because he is the only living connection left of his father
I feel like we would need a catalyst for this because if he was already a yandere before he met Kaniehtí:io then it wouldn’t make sense that he’ll let Kaniehtí:io go.
So in this case, the catalyst would be the aftermath of saving Jennifer. Not only did he lose one of the few people he actually trusted, Jim Holden. During the funeral, Jennifer hammered in the final coffin and told Haytham that they shouldn’t be stay close and that they were much too broken to become a family once more.
As well as…
“You became one of them, Haytham. The very people who ordered our father’s death and destroyed our family. No matter what kind of man you are underneath that cape of yours, you still choose to remain part of their Order. I cannot…” Jennifer stared at her younger brother…
At the Grand Master of the Templar Order.
“I care for you as my brother but… I also wish I could strangle you…” She placed her hands on Haytham’s neck, “To snuff out the rot of the Kenway name.”
Haytham stayed still, lips curving into a small mirthless smile, as he asked, “Am I truly the rotten one, Jenny?”
“We both are, Haytham.” Jennifer said with a sad smile void of any hope. She dropped her hands and turned away as she said, “Our blood has rot beyond any hope of salvation. Stained by the corruption of the Order and the festering corpse of the Brotherhood.”
“If we truly wish to protect this world…” Jennifer began to walk away as she said, “We would let our blood end with us.”
And the tragedy of it is that Haytham actually believed that Jennifer was right.
The Kenway family was filled with tragedy. Even the happiness he must have had as a child felt like a dying dream.
But, at the same time, he also wanted his life to mean something.
His loyalty to the Order wasn’t because of Birch, it was because he truly did believe in the Order’s ideology.
And he would keep pushing forward…
Until it was time for him to die.
Shay was a tool that needed to be guided to be used effectively.
Or perhaps Haytham was simply pushing such thoughts to keep himself from remembering how the villages refused to let him come even near the forest. He had not seen Ziio at all, could not even ask any of the villagers to deliver his message or to give Ziio the letter he had penned.
Shay was a distraction…
The Colonial Brotherhood was a distraction.
But then…
Adéwalé stayed with them and protected them to the best of his ability.
How cruel his words had been.
“He would be ashamed to see what you have become.”
His father would be ashamed of who he had become… probably.
But his father was dead.
Adéwalé was a part of his father that was still alive.
It was hard to keep him alive. Adéwalé fought knowing it could be his last. Stubborness formed from desperation that left no other choice but to take him down until he was an inch away from death.
Shay had thought he had truly killed Adéwalé.
Haytham let him think that but he kept Adéwalé alive.
Charles didn’t say anything. He was foolishly loyal like that.
And so…
Once Adéwalé was stable, he had him shipped to Jennifer in London.
Jennifer would know what Haytham wanted even if he did not give her any letters at all.
The Colonial Brotherhood was destroyed.
And time marches on.
Haytham still tried.
He tried for so long.
Yet the village remained close to him.
So many times, Haytham had wanted to destroy the village just so it would open its gates.
But Ziio would not want that.
Then again…
Ziio didn’t want to see him at all.
She must hate him.
But Haytham was fine with that.
He was used to being hated.
All he wanted…
… was to have Ziio with him once more.
To hold her in his arms and to protect her.
If she hated him so much, he will build the most beautiful cage for her.
There she will be safe and protected.
That’s when he saw him.
The boy with Achilles.
He looked…
He looked too similar to him to be a coincidence.
Too similar to Ziio.
It had to be…
Why wouldn’t Ziio tell him?
Why would Ziio hide him?
There was no reason to be agitated.
There was no reason to lose all sense of calm.
“Yes, Master Kenway?”
“Capture the child next to Achilles Davenport.” Haytham ordered without looking at their direction. Charles followed him and pretended not to see them, listening as Haytham continued.
“Alive and unharmed. Do I make myself clear, Charles?”
“Of course, Master Kenway.”
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
Heyaa Kiaaaa (its wyy btw <3) just wanna ask if you're up for some Haytham headcanons with what he'd be like as a yandere or just some romantic things he'd do (or both) for his s/o. Just ignore this if you're not up for it haha ^^
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: ok I've had some writing juice (aka: a whole bottle of vodka and lemonade to myself ♡. 18 to drink here btw before anyone comes at me) and sooooo here we go with some headcanons hehe
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: Haytham Kenway
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: canon-typical violence, yandere-typical content
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。・:*˚:✧。haytham kenway
�� Haytham was raised to be a gentleman and so this is exactly how he presents himself to you: he's courteous and kind, always ready to protect or defend you whether that be with his sharp sword or his even sharper tongue.
♡ he insists on offering you his arm to hold when you walk around together, will give you his cloak no matter how much you protest when it's cold and he'll always leave the carriage first to offer you a hand getting out or his hands are around your waist to help you dismount your horse, even if you don't need the assistance.
♡ he'll speak out against anyone who speaks ill of you and there have been times where he's challenged a man to a duel to defend your honour (of course, knowing that he would come out the victor)
♡ you're spoiled rotten by him at every opportunity too. If you so much as look at something in a shop for too long, he's buying it for you. It makes him satisfied to know he can provide these things for you.
♡ now, it's because he was raised a gentleman that all of these chivalrous actions are so important to him, especially considering the shameful, shameful thoughts he has about you.
♡ the duels weren't just out of gentlemanly duty but because no one should ever speak to you or of you in such a manner. They didn't deserve to keep their tongues, let alone their lives. You were a precious being and, even if you're capable of defending yourself, Haytham wants to protect you from any evil that this terrible, terrible world holds, no matter how great or small.
♡ more often than he could ever bring himself to voice aloud, he's thought of just taking you away, keeping you locked up from this awful world. You make him strive to be a better man and he's sure he could give you everything you could ever need. He wants your world to revolve around him as much as his revolves around yours because this must be love, right?
♡ he relishes in every interaction between the two of you: the feeling of your fingers squeezing his arm as you walk around town together, the way you once snuggled up to him to chase away the cold when you had to camp outdoors while travelling and he spent the night intoxicated by your scent, the times your touch has been so tender while patching up his injuries.
♡ he begins to realise that he's no longer working because the Order's ideology says so but because if he can control the masses with the apple then he can keep everyone away from you and have you all to himself.
♡ oddly, you also terrify him. He's lost nearly every independent part of himself to you. Sure, he can make his way in the world but he could never live without you, only exist.
♡ Haytham's a very intelligent man and he learns how to lure you in closer to him. You sleep in his bed now and carding his hair through your hair puts the finest silks from the east the shame. Your smile outshines the sun, the moon and her stars. Your laughter is a melody that composers aspire to craft but never could. Maybe these gods from a previous civilisation do exist and, if so, you must be one of them because you are far superior to any creature he has ever seen.
♡ He won't need to take you away in the end and that relieves the part of him that knows he should never think of such things and he should always treat you like a princess. Why would he ever need to kidnap you when he knows how to orchestrate every event in your life to make you depend on him?
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demigoddessqueens · 3 months
Masterlist 11
Writing Drabbles
avert your eyes
SFW writings
Match up pairings - Valkyrie // Trevor Belmont // Alucard // multi-fandom pairing //
Song 🎶 fics - Vax fic // Percy fic // Grog // Caleb // Cadeuces // Grog - fic 2 //
Song fic: multi-party - Pike/Jester/Laudna // Wild 😜 Ones //
Pretty Little Liars 💋/Original Sin 🔪- being mouse’s sibling //
Genshin Impact - Neuvillette flirting //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon 🐉- aegon + writing prompt // aemond headcanons // incorrect quotes // jock 💪 aemond //
Ewan Mitchell - Martin (in the modern world) //
The Decameron - Dr Dioneo fluff // Dioneo and the artist //
Hades - making out with Moros //
MCUniverse - Namor + female general // Paradox ⚡️ headcanons // incorrect quotes // incorrect quotes 2 // incorrect quotes 3 // incorrect quotes 4 // incorrect quotes 5 //
Werewolf by Night - Jack Russell fluff //
X-Men - relationship headcanons //
Bridgerton - Benedict SFW (+ NSFW) //
Fallout - found family + Lucy //
Dune - Chani + sister!figure //
Ultraman Rising - kenji x male!reader //
A Quiet Place: Day One - dating Eric //
Monkey Man - writing prompt ask //
Blood of Zeus ⚡️- ares x Hindu!god!reader // Dionysus with pregnant!reader + twins // hard to get Ares // can’t carry a tune 🎶 // Hermes and Apollo twins // sneaking with Poseidon // childhood friend // rise of Venus 💕 // friends of monsters // plus size reader //
Critical Role 🎲
Vox Machina - thicc thighs // (my darling) yandere // grog + sorcerer!reader // Percy + harpy kiss // yandere Vax and Percy // bard oc + scanlan // kidnapped?! // wild witch 🧙// domestic + affectionate //
Mighty Nein - hold my ale // you get separated //
Bell’s Hells - constellation Druid //
Other -
Dungeon Meshi - toshiro headcanons //
Castlevania/Nocturne 🌙 - once upon a December // Fae healer lover // fall asleep on their shoulder // Trio + modern au // lover’s voice kink // divine paladin, cleric //
Assassins Creed - Kenway friend // drunk Haytham // Connor and author s/o // the cuddling type // gyaru reader // altair and day off // Altair and eagles // Malik headcanons // markings of Eden //
Codexmonthly prompts
July “magic”
August “rooftop”
September “leap”
Baldurs Gate - linking pinkies // peck 💋 on lips // practicing “I love you” // Gale + insecure!body reader //
Batstarion 🦇 Week 2024 - day 6 // day 7
Star Wars - Rey skywalker + reader with anxiety //
NSFW writings
Twisters 🌪️ - sweet darlin //
Trap (2024) - bonnie and Clyde //
Critical Role 🎲
Multiparty - match freak //
Vox Machina - lover & giver // ride of your life //
Mighty Nein - your reward + round 2 //
Bell’s Hells - braius fic //
Castlevania - you taste good (ft C.R.) //
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sangheilihoes · 6 months
I'm Sorry
Warnings: Rape, yandere!Haytham, obsession at first sight. Dead Dove. Do Not Eat.
❣️ @wyyvernn @ladysaturnsdust @psybrepunk @bloodhaven99 @heiress-prime @haytham-loves-chocolate @konnisart @bookworm-with-coffee @demigoddessqueens @memoriesofafallen @amefuyuu @anli-rambles @grandmaster-haytham-kenway @dairsmuids ❣️
A/N: This one is dark guys so please heed the warning. Also I plan on having another ending to this, a sweeter one.
When you met him, he was charming, charismatic and handsome but for whatever reason, you felt creeped out. There were no red flags that you had noticed, it was more his aura, like he was dangerous and it made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. He obviously was in a place of power, his attitude, how he dressed, the men around him and how they listened intently to whatever he was talking about, you may have even heard one of them refer to him as “Grandmaster”. What you failed to notice was his glances toward you and how he held his mug just a little bit tighter, his knuckles going white. You also failed to notice him following you out of the pub, keeping his distance while following you.
He contemplated not going through with his dark thoughts, dragging you into a secluded spot, ripping your clothes off, sliding his c-
He shook his head, trying desperately to rid himself of his depraved thoughts but he kept trailing behind you, now speeding up.
“Excuse me, miss?” A voice calls out to you, startled, you turned around to see the man from the pub again. “Yes, can I help you?” you ask, wary of him automatically, your hairs standing up again, this isn't right you think to yourself.
“I apologize for scaring you, it was not my intention.” He extends his hand out to you with a smile “The names Haytham Kenway.” You hesitantly put your hand out to shake his, he takes it, bringing it up to his face, giving the top a chaste kiss, you yank away, wrapping your arms around your torso, almost as if your trying to protect yourself.
“Y/N. What do you want?”
“I simply was going to escort you back to your place, if you wish, I witnessed some of the other men in the pub staring and I didn’t want any of them to follow you.” Haytham lies, he was the one staring and he’s the only one following you
“I appreciate the concern but I’m almost home, just another block or two away.”
“Please, I insist!”
“No!” You flatly tell him, turning around to walk away, quickly.
You didn’t get 5 steps away before you felt a hand go over your mouth, Haytham’s other hand grabbing your wrists with alarming strength, preventing you from fighting or screaming.
“You could have made this easier on yourself but no, you just needed to have an attitude toward someone who was just trying to help. But if you don’t struggle much, I’ll be nice and won’t hurt you, too much.”
You felt your feet lift off the ground as he picked you up, taking you away further away from your home, from safety.
“I will say, I like a feisty woman, makes me want you that much more.” You felt your heart sink, he wasn’t thinking of raping you, was he? You thought as the panic rose even more.
It suddenly got dark, too dark as Haytham stepped into an alleyway, the lights illuminating the summer night becoming more faded as he turned a corner to a dead end where two barrels sat.
“I am going to let you go, if you try to fight, I won’t hesitate to hurt you, darling but if you cooperate, I’ll be done and let you go, do we have a deal?” You nodded frantically
He released you from his grasp and you went for the barrels, trying to keep distance from Haytham. Even in the dark, you could see his once gray-blue eyes going dark as he looked you up and down.
“I want you to strip, and I’m not asking.”
“Haytham, Sir, please, I’m begging you, please please please don’t do this pl-”
“I. Said. Strip. Now!” He interrupted you, closing the space between you both a little bit
“No! I don’t want to, please.” The tears started flowing down your face
“Fine. Then I will.” He closed the space completely, pinning you against the barrels. His hand came up, a blade unsheathing from the wrist.
Taking your clothing in his other hand, the blade went through the fabric effortlessly, the cool air hitting your bare skin.
“Y/N, please, don’t cry, all I want is to feel you for a few minutes. You brought this upon yourself after all, the way you were dressed… tantalized me.”
Forcing you to sit on the barrel, he then cut your panties off and gripped your knees, spreading your legs open, your pussy exposed to him
“My god, you look delicious.” He dipped his head down, his tongue licking you making you jolt in your place. “Tasty..” He voice lowly whispers.
He started rustling with his breeches, his cock popping out, hard and dripping wet. Your eyes widened, “Nononononono no please I’m begging you please stop I can’t take that please don’t do this!” His only response was to look you in the eye and bring up a finger to his lips, a quiet “shh” coming out. Stroking himself, he lined up to your hole and slowly pushed in, stretching you open with his thick cock. You tried to cry out but a hand covered your mouth, tears streaming down your cheeks
“F-FUCK! You feel so good, so tight, wet, perfect. I want to ruin you for any other man, stretch your cunt to fit me and only me, my beautiful Y/N, such a whore, begging to be fucked, to be ruined, just look at you.”
You were full on sobbing at this point, you begged him to stop even with his hand over your mouth. You felt so stretched and full, you couldn’t help but feel pleasure. It was only your body but you felt betrayed. Why did your body like this? You still fruitlessly tried to fight back but Haytham was too strong, keeping you pinned, your back against the wall, sat on the barrels with your legs wide open. He leaned into you, nearly folding your body. His hot breath was now on your neck, his panting accompanied with curses and your name spilling out of his mouth.
“Maybe… maybe I’ll take you home, to keep you, to use you whenever I desire.” You shook your head, your fear spiking more than you thought possible. “Oh, don’t be scared, I won’t hurt you much, I think you’d be a perfect cock sleeve for me. And you’ll live a life of luxury, you should be honored.”
The mere thought of having you all to himself was almost too much, his cock started to throb as he got closer to his edge. His thrusts became more frantic, his panting turning into moans.
“I’m close, I’m so close. And you’re going to take my entire seed. I’m going to fill you, get you home and do this all over again until I can’t anymore. So perfect for me.”
You felt an orgasm quickly approaching, you tried to fight it but it was hopeless, despite your mind, you convulsed around him, your body shaking. He gave slow, hard, deep thrusts as his own climax hit him. Burying himself in you, he filled you to the brim with his load.
There was little relief as he finally pulled out, his cum leaking out of your pussy. “I was serious about taking you home.” Was all he said. You wanted to fight back, to run, to wash him off of you until your skin turned red but you knew that was hopeless, he had power and could find you easily and possibly kill you. All you could do now was pray and find a way to escape but not today.
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wyyvernn · 1 year
Wyy's Assassin's Creed Masterlist
Note: Excuse the Haytham brainrot yes I am very obsessed
Requests: Open but for Haytham and Shay only. I write for several reader options, including gender neutral and male readers but I mostly write with a female reader in mind. That being said, please be clear with the type of reader you want me to write for in your request!
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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✧ ˚ · . Haytham Kenway
Vampire! Haytham - Part 1 (Headcanons)
Vampire! Haytham - Part 2 (NSFW - Headcanons)
Vampire! Haytham x Spy! Reader
Injured! Haytham x Templar! Reader
Stranded - Haytham x Templar! Reader
City Chase - Haytham x Templar! Reader
Older! Mentor! Haytham x Student! Reader (Headcanons + Oneshot)
Older! Mentor! Haytham x Student! Reader (NSFW - Fingering)
Older! Mentor! Haytham x Student! Reader (NSFW - Thigh Riding)
Older! Mentor! Haytham x Student! Reader (NSFW - Wall Sex)
Yandere! Haytham Headcanons
Haytham x NB! Reader
Haytham x Doubtful! Reader
✧ ˚ · . Shay Patrick Cormac
Shay x Catwoman! Reader
Vampire! Shay (Headcanons)
✧ ˚ · . Various
How they kiss you - Connor, Haytham, Shay, Evie, Jacob (Headcanons)
SFW Headcanons - Shay & Haytham (Bonus Poly)
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
Connor Kenway: Celebratory Birthday Headcanons- Part 3
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A/N: Alrighty y’all, here’s part 3 of the Connor-canons! For those who are just joining us, first of all, welcome! We’re doing celebratory Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor Kenway birthday headcanons! There’s been two other parts thus far, the Yandere!TOKW au relationship headcanons and the non-yan canonical au relationship headcanons. These will simply be the modern!au non-yan headcanons w/o the relationship aspect. I hope you all enjoy! Also, please feel free to send in Connor related asks and requests. I’d be more than happy to gush about him to anyone willing to listen and share. (Also this is a long one, so buckle up folks.🙃)
Modern!Connor Kenway Headcanons
Right off the bat this man loves pizza
It’s like his favorite food
He also a big fan of eggs and different kinds of meat, so he likes that he can have both on a pizza, i.e a breakfast pizza
(The Palmeros ones from Walmart are really nice actually so if y’all like breakfast pizza and haven’t tried ‘em you should 👀)
He’s also quite fond of hearty soups, but I think we all coulda figured that out
Idk why but I always feel like Connor takes good care of his hands
I mean, he takes very good care of his hygiene overall but I feel that his hands are particularly important to him
Canonically, he’s only supposed to be like 6’0 but I don’t think any of us in the community accept that so let’s say that he’s actually more like 6’5 😂
I say that because since he has such an imposing figure, he recognizes that people might be wary of him upon first glance
Also, being as big and built as he is, he sweats a fair amount (not like, abnormally, just probably more than the average sized man) 
He takes such good care of himself because A.) that’s what you’re supposed to do and B.) he’s very conscious about the way he smells and presents himself to others 
Of course we know that Ratonhnhaké:ton is Native American and the Mohawk people in particular aren’t fond of being touched by people they aren’t familiar with, as is demonstrated by Ratonhnhaké:ton throughout the game 
But I maintain that he is still of mixed race, and so, as he’s been exposed to American society at large, he’s become only marginally more comfortable touching and being touched by others 
What I mean to say, is that he definitely won’t be going in for a hug if he’s only just met you, but he’s slightly more willing to accept and return a cordial handshake
As far as further physical contact goes, the most he’s got is a clap on the shoulder for his homies and a bear hug if you’re his lady
I’m not super sure where my mind is in terms of age for Con-Con man for this set of headcanons, but I’m thinkin’ he’s late college age, so like 22 onward
That being said, Connor attended Dartmouth College and earned his Bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering 
He also minored in zoology, his focus being on canines, namely wolves 
(I really wanted to say that he did something a little less rigid and attended a trade school, but I couldn’t reconcile that with his intended degree/career path 😭)
Taking into account his degree, I’d say Connor’s favorite subjects in school were…well, environmental science and, perhaps surprisingly, home economics 
He was skilled at math and reasoning but wasn’t very fond of the curriculum, though he enjoyed the skill application aspect, and he was a very strong reader but just preferred to be more active and hands-on, so reading was done more so out of necessity for him instead of enjoyment 
English is still his second language, but he speaks it better than a number of his peers
Since this is a modern!au, he’s comfortable enough with English to use contractions and rarely does he omit them from his speech
Connor has very pretty teeth, and a stunning smile
When he chooses to show it 🙃
You see it most often if you’re his best friend or his girlfriend
His mother sees it often as well
He has a somewhat strained relationship with his father, Haytham
He and Connor’s mother were married for a time but divorced when Connor entered adolescence
The split was amicable, and both Haytham and Ziio still hold love for each other 
Connor, however, knows that the reason for the split is that Haytham was far too ambitious to ever settle down fully and live the life of a family man
Though still young when he and Ziio got married and had Connor, Haytham got antsy as both he and Connor grew older and Connor became more independent, and the older man couldn’t reconcile his desire to “be free” with his married home life
Connor resents him for that, as his mother, though she hid it well, was clearly heartbroken by the decision to divorce, even though it was mutual
Haytham does still provide for Ziio as she doesn’t work, and hasn’t for Connor’s entire life
He also offered to pay for Connor’s schooling, but it was fully covered by grants and scholarships so he declined
He didn’t want to owe his father anything anyway
So, in this modern!au, where does the name Connor originate from?
Well, Connor is an Irish name, derived from the word Conchobar, meaning “lover of hounds”
When Ziio was pregnant with Ratonhnhaké:ton and living with Haytham, they rescued an older dog that had been left injured and abandoned on the side of the road
Ziio, probably due to pregnancy hormones, felt an extreme call to help the poor animal and insisted that Haytham at least carry him to the vet
Begrudgingly, Haytham agreed, not wanting to upset his already delicate wife further
After getting the pup to the vet and following his treatment, Ziio decided she wanted to adopt the dog, as it seemed to have grown fond of her, in particular her belly, in the short time they’d spent in each other’s presence
Bringing the dog home, who the vet determined was a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and about 7 years old at that point, Ziio and Haytham named him Noble
Noble kept by Kaniehtí:io’s side for the rest of her pregnancy and stayed close even as she gave birth at home 
He immediately took to protecting and interacting with baby Ratonhnhaké:ton and the baby seemed completely unafraid of the pup 
This inspired Haytham, who suggested the name Connor to Ziio, as he’d heard the name during one of his previous excursions overseas and thought it fitting for his common name
Ziio agreed, and the name has stuck ever since 
Whew, now that we got that all squared away, back to Connor’s actual headcanons 🙃
You know, I don’t think Connor would be a stoner stoner, he would try a couple times and decide he likes the calming after-effect, but not the lack of alertness associated with the high
While we’re on the topic, he prefers brownies over cookies 
Also, while Connor is a chocolate person, he prefers overall savory foods over sweet ones 
Dark chocolate will always be his guilty pleasure treat though 
Connor likes antiques and old cars, and so he drives a ‘76 Chevrolet Scottsdale that he bought from one of his mom’s friends, an older war veteran by the name of Achilles Davenport 
Achilles acts as Connor’s pseudo-grandfather, and Connor spent many summers in his teenage years helping Mr. Davenport fix up his house- a large manor on the Massachusetts hillside- and, by way of Mr. Davenport’s tutelage, learning how to repair vehicles and hunt/track animals
Connor also worked a lot in his teenage years, and still continues to support himself, more out of a simple desire to be self-sufficient than anything else 
When he wasn’t helping Achilles, he did some odd jobs here and there, before finally settling for some time as an apprentice for a land surveyor
Connor was quick to learn the skills associated with land surveying and impressed his boss so much that the man wrote him a stellar letter of recommendation when he applied to Dartmouth 
He even offered to employ Connor full time once he graduated, but Connor politely declined the offer, saying that he wanted to do a little more job exploration before settling at one place 
(The man was very understanding and assured Connor that if he ever decided he wanted to come back, there would always be a position open for him)
While in grade school, Connor was that guy that everyone loved and who was very, genuinely kind and helpful, but who also took no shit from anyone and would beat up bullies 😂
Everyone also knew he had a strong aversion to being touched and had a pretty severe case of RBF, but his puppy dog eyes and willingness to lend a helping hand was so precious they loved him anyway 😭
Speaking of RBF, his mom and dad both have serious cases as well, and that’s where he gets it from
He also just naturally has an extremely low tolerance for BS and it shows 
Now ladies and gents, a rapid fire round of headcanons for Connor to wrap everything up in a neat little bow 😁
Rapid Fire Connor-Canons
He really enjoys karaoke
None of his friends have ever seen him with his hair down
Once when he was little, Connor wandered off on his own and followed a wolf back to her den, where he was subsequently amazed upon witnessing her tend to her cubs
He got in a whole heap of trouble upon being found and was forbidden from going outside period for like 3 months and couldn’t go outside unattended for a further 6 
He thinks pineapple on pizza should be a crime punishable by an ass whoopin’
Learned parkour from A.) a lot of trial and error and B.) watchin’ a bunch a guys do tricks and stuff on Youtube
Tends to swear at people in his native language 
Doesn’t like how jittery coffee makes him feel 
Is ambidextrous but favors his left hand to throw and his right hand to write
At Haytham’s behest, Connor took archery and horseback riding classes from the ages of 10-13
He never competed, but was noted for his skill at both 
Isn’t at all ashamed about the fact that he gets mani-pedis
Is teaching himself how to play the acoustic guitar 
His favorite drink is the Arnold Palmer with unsweet tea
Lowkey cried the first time he watched Forrest Gump
Rage quits his video games 🙃
Is actually very civil when playing board games, and he loves Monopoly (he prefers the version with cash instead of card) 
Has never screamed (like, as in a frightened scream, he yells at people all the time 🙃)
Adores dogs
And dogs are inexplicably drawn to him as well
Has a budget and sticks to it (like a baddie 💁🏾‍♀️💅🏾)
Overall, modern!Connor is a very respectable, well-rounded young man with bright prospects and a positive outlook 😁
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storybookstalker · 5 years
Haytham Keneay with the letter P from the alphabet
P- Prize: Would they consider this a game?
A younger Haytham would not, unless his obsession tried to make it a game, but even then he’d be extremely hesitant. Though an older Haytham is a lot more likely to view it that way! It would depend on who you are/the situation, but he’s a lot more likely to overall when he’s older.
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Hey out of curiosity are you able to do some charater with another character ( not pairing but pletonicly ) in your blog?
I'm asking because I wanna know of an scenario if Connor Kenway is born a girl and Haytham took her in on what happened and he raised her but the fear of loosing her liked how he lost his wife( I think wife but they could be something as divorce parents with a child ) and became a pletonic Yandere twords them
Broken Truth: A Female Connor Kenway - So, Caroline Kenway - and Platonic-Yandere Haytham Kenway. That sounds interesting enough to make. Now, let the words weave together.
Haytham knew that life was hard and sometimes unfair to those that didn't deserve it - he realized this when his wife - Ziio - decided to divorce him because of his line of work and his lack of presence in his family.
He always realized how unfair it was to his daughter - Caroline - when his ex-wife was taken away from her in a shooting near the store that had nothing to do with her. Haytham got the call one late morning explaining that the mother of his child was gone and he needed to collect his daughter - he took the day off work and went to the police station to get Caroline.
When he took her home that night, the girl wouldn't stop crying for her mother, and that alone broke Haytham's Heart more than the day Ziio said she wanted a divorce from him but that made him realize just how unfair life was to his daughter and him, he was going to do something about it make sure that it was never unfair to her again or take anything else from her.
He pulled her out of school and explained that he would be homeschooling her from now, as well as asking for his job for work that he could do at home so that he could keep an eye on Caroline at all times; he wanted to be able to play with, to make her meals, to pick out her clothes, and make sure he knew who his daughter was going around with during her one hour outside.
In the mornings, Haytham would make Caroline's breakfast, put out her outfit for the day, do her hair to look like his, and then he would school her on multiple programs before the two of them went to the park for an hour but Haytham was always on the alert when it came to his daughter playing with other kids and when he felt like she was getting to close to one of them, he would cut the playtime short and return home with Caroline; she would always be upset with that but the two of the would bake cookies to calm her down.
When Ziio's Parents heard about their daughter's death, they wanted to see Caroline because she was there and witnessed everything; they caught the man that pulled the trigger but the girl was forever traumatized and they thought they could give her some kind of happiness, better than a father who was always consumed is his work and attempted to sue for Grandparent's rights but it never went through because they had no proof that Caroline was being abused or mistreated in any kind of way. They tried talking to Haytham to at least let them see their granddaughter but he never gave in.
Caroline Kenway belonged to him and him alone and he was going to raise his daughter without the interference of other people; if anyone tried to take her away from him, he was going to show them why you should never mess with a Kenway.
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ruyichanjoartz · 2 years
*warning, pink bl00d* female yandere Haytham au
"No where to hide.."
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
Hi hope you're doing well! Was just wondering if you'd ever consider writing for any of the Assassin's Creed games?
🐋~ anon
I believe I did here:
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queen-0f-the-nerds · 6 years
New headcanon: Charles Lee is a yandere. Haytham Kenway is his senpai. Thank @nightzilla333 for this
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kiatheinsomniac · 3 years
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  queue name: resting in the café theatre
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。・:*˚:✧。 encyclopaedia, the realms, the myths
masterlist of posts
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la’ahad
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ altaïr ibn-la’ahad
five times you almost kissed and one time that you did
cinnamon and lavender 
dry your eyes | ko-fi reward
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。・:*˚:✧。 ezio auditore
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  ezio auditore
undercover escape
come to bed
rooftop confessions
Ezio as a jealous lover headcanons
the party
when the party’s over
away from the parties
seeing you in a tank top and shorts headcanons
Ezio comforting your insecurity
innocence and experience  | smut
5 times you almost kissed and the time that you did
feeling good | smut
feeling good II | smut
gods au: Ezio
gods au: Ezio II | smut
gods au: Ezio III 
yandere! Ezio headcanons
I know that face (strange though it seems)
branches of the brotherhood
a welcoming embrace
consequences of an affair 
that four-letter acronym  | modern AU, dad! Ezio, daughter! Reader)
If you need me, I’ll be there 
I hate knowing that you’re hurt and there’s nothing I can do
Ezio meets a hijabi! reader | headcanons
show my face?  | gn! reader
more than earned it | smut
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。・:*˚:✧。 connor kenway | ratonhnhaké:ton, haytham kenway
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  connor kenway | ratonhnhaké:ton
first times | smut
sub! Connor | headcanons, smut
I don’t ever want to leave this cave  | smut
homestead skillsets 
Connor with a musical s/o | headcanons
rut | wolf hybrid! Connor, smut
day’s hunt | ko-fi reward
breaking down walls
of sailors, of mer | lunar raffle, mermaid! reader
this life is mine | smut
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  haytham kenway
coming home late
yandere, romantic! Haytham | headcanons
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。・:*˚:✧。 edward kenway, james kidd | mary read, 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  edward kenway
thine honour 
the cruise  | smut
gods au: Edward
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  james kidd | mary read
just the two of us
just go back to sleep, I promise to be here when you wake up
just go back to sleep II
what a day
the diver  | mermaid! reader
you can keep it down | smut
a siren’s song | smut, x oc
a siren’s song II | smut, x oc
little boat | ko-fi reward
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。・:*˚:✧。 shay cormac
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  shay cormac
the precursor scholar  | Egyptian! reader
reuniting with daughter! reader | headcanons, angst
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。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  arno dorian
caring for you while you’re sick headcanons
modern au work headcanons
gods au: Arno
soulmate au
versailles tryst | smut
Arno x musketeer! Reader
bonne anniversaire
moments like this | smut
cuddles & forehead kisses
nightmares & music boxes | smut
seeing you in a tank top and shorts headcanons
yandere! Arno headcanons
so much for an early night  | smut
I never stopped loving you
no one’s ever touched me like this  | smut
Arno with a modern s/o  | headcanons
I promise to be here when you wake up
gods au: Arno II
je ne parle pas français
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。・:*˚:✧。 evie frye, jacob frye
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  evie frye
Evie slowly falling for another female assassin  | headcanons
you’ve stolen my heart
12 red tulips | ko-fi reward
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  jacob frye
ransom | pirate! au
the type of person he’d hate  | headcanons
spontaneity  | smut
yandere Jacob drabble
Jacob with a tall s/o | headcanons
always on my mind
Jacob with an s/o who’s struggling with anorexia  | headcanons/ tw: mentions of ED but only in a sense of comforting + supporting recovery
Jacob with a cold s/o who’s only tender around him  | headcanons
meeting in the Schoolyard
being the big spoon with Jacob | headcanons
Jacob with a goth s/o  | headcanons
deep breaths honey, you’re okay now, you’re safe  | daughter! reader
tea and cake
Jacob with an s/o who has depression  | headcanons/ tw: mentions of depression but only in the sense of supporting recovery
night thoughts 
warming up on a rainy day | smut
bonfire night | ko-fi reward
marry me? (broken as I am) | smut
upon thames | ko-fi reward
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。・:*˚:✧。 alexios of sparta, kassandra of sparta
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  alexios of sparta
Acteon  | smut
how he shows affection  | headcanons
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  kassandra of sparta
can’t take my eyes off you
sweet treats part I
sweet treats part II | smut
nervous Kassandra w/ an oblivious crush headcanons
breathless at a misthios’ hand | smut
a weapon and her heart | Deimos! Kass, smut
seashells | ko-fi reward
scarred kisses
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。・:*˚:✧。 eivor varinsdottir, eivor varinsson, basim ibn ishaq
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  basim ibn ishaq
basim with eivor’s cousin! reader | headcanons 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  eivor varinsdottir
hunt gone wrong
the red scarf
second chance | modern! au, ft. Kassandra)
flirting with a shy s/o  | headcanons
‘take me instead’ 
fire and chamomile 
sleepy cuddles 
the shield-maiden and the selkie | au
the woman in red | au
deep breaths honey, you’re okay now, you’re safe 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥  eivor varinsson
under his eyes | smut
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highschool au featuring various assassin’s creed characters
vampire au! ezio auditore x reader
ezio auditore x reader
a collaborative event with @itseivwhore​
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wyyvernn · 2 years
Yandere haytham kenway HHHRFF
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Uncategorized Fic Masterlist
A list for fics that currently have no masterlist
- Yandere! Inspector Concept (Papers Please) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Elias "Blitz" Kötz Concept (Rainbow 6 Siege) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Genderbend! Monika (Monaco) Concept (DDLC) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Senpai Concept (Friday Night Funkin) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Male! Wednesday Addams with Shy! Darling (Wednesday) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Carmen Sandiego Concept (Carmen Sandiego) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Kiana Kaslana with Valkyrie! Darling (Honkai Impact) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Haytham Kenway with Civilian! Darling (Assassin's Creed) (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Angela Concept (Lobotomy Corporation) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Ratchet with Lombax! Darling (Ratchet & Clank) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Carl Crimes with Reckless! Darling (The Walking Dead) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Khun Aguero Agnis Concept (Tower of God) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Mama Bear Concept (Dark Deception) (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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