#I finished this in like august then forgot to post it I'm so sorry my son...
adaume · 2 years
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Gnawing at the only Shou crumb in the op
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loving-august · 6 months
practicing him for your return demonstration!!
pairings. nursing student reader x various
notes. hi hi hi! first off, I don't know on what other nursing schools would do this but I tried my best to align this on what happened in my school. every institutions are different on their ways of teaching and procedures! if you are an actual nurse and youa re reading this...I hope u enjoy hehehe
btw @uravichii your mention last time made me write this 😧 (I'm heavily inspired)
+ it's been so long that i forgot how to write. (I joined the publication club in order for my writing skills to be more improved) and !! I'm planning to be posting here and there but not like i used to post here few years ago. Especially I'm a med student— I love and hate my course with a passion ❤️
links. navigation | taglist
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IMAGINE being a nursing student and you don't have someone to demo on....
Your ever so supportive boyfriend is there to be your patient for a while until you finish your practice on the return demonstrations. it's kind of funny when you try to say out loud the greetings and pretending that you are talking to him as if he's a patient and he will snort or make fun of you. A smack on his arm whenever he makes fun of you and you would start again from the very beginning.
"Stop laughing!"
"Sorry, you're just too funny."
You pouted, you replied in an annoyed tone, "how am I supposed to finish this with you looking at me like that." His gaze became more playful. He knows that you're annoyed. "What face?"
"Like that!"
He did it again.
"I swear I hope i'll make a mistake when trying intramuscular injection with you."
He raised both of his hands in the air playfully to show his surrender yo you. "Alright, alright. I'll stop this time, I promise."
And he did kept his promise.
With your words stuttering and couple of cussing of you forgetting the definition that you memorized, you finally finished saying the procedures. And to the fun part, the actual procedure to be done on your boyfriend.
You kept in mind that you still talking to him as if it's your actual patient.
"Sir, good morning, I am y/n l/n, a nursing student. Today i'll be administering the inject to you, is that okay with you sir?"
He nodded.
You prepared your 3cc syringe with your Plain NSS to be injected to him.
"Sir, I want you to relax your muscles sir. This will be quick," you began to inject him, and it was quicker than you expected. After that, you placed a dry cotton ball to the affected area and secured it with a transpore, and you began to clean up the equipments and the trash.
You approached to him and asked, "how was it? Was my hand heavy while injecting you?"
You were worried if you have hurted him since you were just a beginner and a bit nervous when doing this kind of thing.
"Not bad, you were gentle. Although you're kind of shaking before you injected me but after that? you were smooth." He answered.
You were thankful that he allowed you to be your 'patient' for your practice. "Thank you for trusting me. It means a lot to me, you know?"
"No problem. I'm glad I could help."
You can't help but hug and peppered his face with kisses.
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© 2024 loving-august. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize. Do not share on other platforms. Will get slapped if u do.
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daka-d3monb0y · 4 months
Eclipse's Birthday:
Human AU. Eclipse shares(/shared) a room with Moon. They use their character names, that'll be explained when the full AU releases.
(One day the whole AU will be posted somewhere, just to anxious. So let's take advantage of me having confidence!!)
Earth knocked on Eclipse's bedroom door, which was rarely closed when Moon was gone. "Eclipse?" she asked.
"Come in," she heard him say.
She opened the door, finding him curled up in a ball on his bed.
“Good afternoon,” his sister said with a smile. “How are you doing?”
He didn't respond, just stared daggers at her.
“Not good, I take it? Would you like to talk about it?”
He was silent for a moment, then looked to the side. “Five days,” he said.
“It's been five days. Nobody said a word.”
“What happened? I'm not understanding.”
“Does anyone check a damn calendar in this house?! I expected this from those assholes but I thought you cared?!”
“Eclipse I-”
“June 1st was my birthday. I was completely ignored. Nothing. Not even ‘Hey you're older, hope you die faster.’.”
“Oh. I didn't know.”
“It's on the challender, in your therapy files, I even gave hints.”
“I'm so sorry. I can bake you a cake-”
“I don't care about cake or presents. I just wanted some attention. I know I'm not the best person but I got Sun and Moon gifts on March 24th, I for you a gift on April 29th, I visited Solar's grave with you all when it was his birthday, Bloodtwins’ birthday is July 16th, Lunar's is August 11th! Fuck I didn't do shit but I know Monty's is April 3rd! Is it that hard to remember something like a birthday?! To acknowledge the existence of someone who lives with you?”
“I'm so sorry-”
“Thank you, but kindly, fuck off.”
Earth’s eyes watered. She felt so bad for forgetting a birthday.
“I'm sorry… I'll leave.”
“Do whatever. I'm going back to arguing with some punk on Reddit.”
(I had to take my medication during Eclipse's rant and I forgot where I was going with this.)
Explanation: Eclipse has ruined every relationship he has that nobody cares about him anymore. He's slowly building relationships back up after disappearing for three years but they're all still hurt.
Originally the plan for his birthday was only Miku cared so she showed up at like 2 am to say happy birthday and plan their whole day. He goes along with her after her constant whining and they have fun. But I didn't finish it in time and I decided to go with something more depressing.
Happy pride everyone!
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Human Eclipse Gacha design holding a pride flag:
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Choices August Challenge 2023
This month's challenge will be a little different. The previous host had to back out so I am taking over... however, I was already planning on hosting 2 celebration weeks in August, which with the 2 book clubs would leave me with 5 events, and that's too much, even for me. So we're making August a combination month!
PlayChoice Game's 7th birthday is August 17th, so instead of having a birthday week, I'm including prompts for this event below and it'll run through the entire month of August.
There will also be prompts for Hollywood U + High School Story, as it's been one year since PB pulled those games. Without their success, we might not have gotten Choices.
Also, I've rescheduled sibling appreciation week a few times, so let's just add that in.
I also have some August holidays and summer prompts.
And lastly, similar to @choicesprompts, if you have a WIP from a previous challenge or event from this year that you really want to finish, feel free to submit it here too (regardless of the prompt). Let's clean out some WIPs.
Any of the prompts below can be used with any story/characters. They do not have to be used in the context of the "theme" they're posted under.
Happy Birthday, Choices!
In addition to the prompts below, posts celebrating Choices and your favorites (MCs, LIs, Friend Groups, Books, etc), will be accepted regardless of if a specific prompt is used
baking a cake
blowing out candles / making a wish
the perfect gift
surprising them with their favorite flowers
surprise party
spa break
"I'm sorry did you just call my/your birthday my 'womb escape'??"
“Are you crying? Please don’t cry, I didn’t think the gift was that bad-"
"I never liked celebrating my birthday."
"I don’t think fighting for my life is an acceptable way to celebrate my birthday"
"I’d rather eat you than cake."
"Put down the frosting!"
Hollywood U + High School Story Appreciation
Just like last year's event, any and all HWU and HSS content will be accepted regardless of if a specific prompt is used
movie premiere / red carpet
behind the scenes
coffee (all the coffee)
library dates/sneaking around in the stacks
falling asleep watching a movie
classes at HWU related to your MC's field of study
"Does a ninety minute movie really warrant this amount of snacks?"
"Your taste in movies is so bad"
"I love you but I'm not watching _____ again" -----
High School Reunion / Where are they now?
school clubs
skipping class together
putting secret notes into the other's locker
being paired up for a project/presentation
"I accidentally grabbed your notebook" (What do they find, doodles, writings, poems, songs, little hearts with their initials?)
"It's finals week and you forgot we have a history exam?"
Sibling Appreciation
Any and all content that is focused on siblings in the fandom will be accepted regardless of if it fits a specific prompt
teaching their sibling about/how to do something
teasing each other
being overly protective of sibling
"Could you just stop talking for once?!"
"Don't blame it on me!"
"Thanks for being there"
"Can you pick me up?"
Siblings would help you bury a body, but they wouldn’t bring out the trash for you, no matter how nice you ask.
August Days
any August holiday
August 4: International Beer Day ; National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
August 5: Sandcastle Day
August 6: National Friendship Day
August 9: Hold Hands Day
August 10: National S’mores Day
August 12-20: National Heritage Week
August 18: National Couple's Day
August 26: National Dog Day
August 27: National Just Because Day
August 30: National Beach Day
Summer Prompts:
sidewalk chalk
fruit picking
iced coffee
Making summer playlists for each other
“it’s absolutely sweltering, how can you still want to cuddle?!”
“do we have any ice cream left?”
"Summer's almost over…"
“I couldn’t help myself… All the ice-cream flavours looked so good!”
Remember, you can also submit any WIP you have that are based on previous prompts from any 2023 event.
2023 Monthly Challenge Prompt Lists:
January ❤️ February ❤️ March ❤️ April ❤️ May ❤️ June ❤️ July
Guidelines + Rules
Submitted works will be featured on a weekly masterlist
Every form of creative work can be submitted: fanfiction, drabbles, moodboards, edits, drawings, poems, songs, sketches, and more—all are welcomed.
Work from any book and story from the Choices (and Pixelberry) universe are welcome (new and old alike)!
You can participate as many times as you want during the month
Clearly list the prompt your used
You can combine submissions for this event and others
Please add a cut to avoid long posts and exposing other fans to triggering/disturbing content.
If your work is NS*W please label it as such and use appropriate warnings. Adult content should be hidden under the page break.
You can get creative with the prompts. It can be a variation of the word and/or concept. It doesn’t have to be exact or literal. If the word inspires a train of thought that led you to something different, put that in the notes and send it in! Have fun with it! Make them work for you! The ultimate goal is just to find joy in creating!
Please tag @choicesmonthlychallenge​​ and if you’d like to add me you can do so as well~ @lovealexhunt​​​ (feel free to DM me your work too since Tumblr tags are fickle)
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year
(this got way too long i'm sorry lol) don't even get me started on the timeline there's so much that doesn't make sense!! i've tried to map it out because i am insane but i am definitely putting more thought into this than cc herself. like, in the days past 1900 chapter cordelia mentions that she's 13, when it's literally impossible for her to be 13 that year ????
and lowkey i am just very excited to see someone else mention the mess that it is the timeline because i've been thinking about when alastair and thomas must have gone on their travel year (and also during that travel year when thomas must have gone to paris because they wouldn't just give him a holiday immediately right, like it must have been december 1902 they met, yes i am overthinking this) for years lol
my best guess is that charles arranged to marry ariadne in early 1901 but it wasn't officially announced?? it was just an arrangement/promise and then he went to paris and met alastair later that year (though i think they'd already met yikes) and they dated sometime in 1901 (where alastair would have been 16-17 /yikes/), for any of this to work i think we just have to accept that shadowhunters can go on their year abroad before they turn 18, or maybe alastair wanted to get out of the house :( and then maybe charles told alastair of the engagement a little bit into their relationship?? don't even get me started on thomas' travel year, we know it lasted 9 months, was from 1902 to 1903 and he had come back fairly recently in august (and tbh i'm gonna stretch that definition of recent and just say the thieves are all being dramatic when they're still toasting him coming back at the beginning of chog). but he also took two weeks holiday in 1902 and saw alastair (who i have to assume was secretly visiting charles since if he was still on his travel year, he could have just said that instead of being cryptic and hilarious lol) anyways in conclusion the timeline is a mess
i thought cordelia's birthday must be really late in the year but i did not realise this means it would be impossible for her to have her parabatai ceremony lol, okay i can't work out that one unless everyone's straight up lying or don't know their own birthdays
anyways i clearly think about this way too much, sorry for rambling in your inbox, you did not ask for this lmao i have just had many thoughts about timelines from like two years ago that all bubbled up to the surface when i saw your post
okay I am finally answering this, I am so so sorry about the wait </3
honestly when it comes to timelines, I think cc just kinda says things vaguely enough that it makes sense as long as you don't think about it too hard lmao. Also I did not know Cordelia said she was 13 in 1900... In order for that to be possible she'd have to be born in either 1886 or 1887. I wonder if cc just forgot she had said Cordelia was born in 1885? that seems like the only viable option here 😭
Paris 1902 is so bad because a lot of the things that contradict it are in the same book 💀 like with other stuff at the very least you can give cc the benefit of the doubt that she forgot between writing short stories and whatnot. but the same book!! insanity!!
I don't think there's any way to twist it in order for it to make sense? like something has to be wrong. best I've got is Thomas turned 18 in Jan, went on travel year for roughly 8 months meaning he gets back to London right before the start of ChoG in August. He met Alastair in Paris in like, March or April 1903 when he was finishing up his travel year and Alastair was being cryptic just because. Charles and Alastair met in Sept. 1902 when Alastair went on his travel year to Paris; Charles and Ari are already engaged by this point (technically) and every other conflicting detail gets throw out the nearest window lmao. for me at least, shadowhunters going on their travel year before turning 18 defeats the purpose, which is to go on patrol and fight demons in a different country. and if they were able to at 17, I think there's several characters who would be currently on their travel year, like James and Matthew, and who obviously aren't.
The parabatai ceremony thing is annoying because cc actual reconned it :) in the codex it says you have be in childhood to become parabatai, and this is supported by Jem in clockwork prince. however, in tfsa, Simon is still able to become parabatai with Clary despite already turning 18, so now shadowhunters are considered children up until 19 but this only applies to the parabatai ceremony because in every other aspect of life they become adults at 18. this makes sense (not). personally i am of the option that Cordelia turning 18 and being unable to become parabatai with Lucie would have been more interesting, and added some stakes that chot desperately needed. plus it would be funny if they still became parabatai in the end because Will and Jem pulled some strings (the benefits of nepotism 😌)
the timeline of tlh is one of my great enemies at this point and I've held my tongue about it for far too long, so don't feel bad about rambling! (even if it takes me 3 months to reply 🫣)
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 months
Okay so confession i was going through your lovely (and great) tag that you have for juyeon and i-
The noise that I made when I saw this picture-
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I blushed so hard, covered my hand with my mouth, took a deep breath to try to calm down, then laughed cuz dude he's just- and I'm-
My brain was evil and decided to go: this is what he'd probably look like getting out of the shower. Cue me, blushing like crazy and suddenly thinking of trying to wake up in the morning and him being the middle of the shower, and while trying to get a beverage in the kitchen suddenly the bathroom door opens and he comes with a plush towel all wrapped and tucked around his waist and saying "sorry darling, forgot I was out of soap" gently while grabbing the new bottle off the counter, pausing to give the most tender cheek kiss and him giving the most amused grin as he heads back to go finish the shower like-
Anyways, juyeon is a problem<3
OHHHHH THIS PHOTO 😭😭😭😭 SO FUN FACT I OWN THIS VERSION OF THAT ALBUM (phantasy pt. 1 christmas in august) Did I know what it was gonna be like prior- a bit- but seeing it in person had me floored- there's way too many good photos in that album and I'm unwell 😭😭😭 *anyways let me get back to the topic here :) (i could talk about juyo for ages)*
I'm so glad you enjoy my 'another day another juyo post' and got to indulge in it too 🤭🤭 seeing this photo as I'm typing is giving me heart palpitations... 😭😭 I felt that in my bones sm- he's just ?!?!?
OOOOHHH I love your little brain moment- you're so right- thank you- now that won't leave my head- but then- this was 🫣😳💖 I'm in love with this little scenario- he's just so soft and cute ebhbhah and 😭😭😭 the tender cheek kiss and the most amused grin?!?! and I just 😭😭😭 this has absolutely floored me- how am I supposed to move on 😭😭😭 you're so right and I just... I'm 😭💖💖💖 I love how he got you writing 🤭🤭🤭 that's the power of mr. juyo~
But lastly as he says like cobie- in Whisper "i'm a big problem" 😌 but he's the best problem to have 😌💖
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sunnysunoo · 3 years
Love Letters ; Sim Jake
Pairing: Jake X Reader
warnings: explicit language and cursing
word count: 3k words
genre: friends to lovers au! fluff with tiny pieces of crack lmao
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Jake was always known for being this perfect guy in school. I mean, they're not wrong. They always described him as if he's this walking piece of art in the hallways. People would stop to just stare at him. You'd stare at him all day too, but you set priorities first: writing him love letters.
You're no Lara Jean, but I guess you can say that she's what inspired you to write Jake letters. Who needs Peter Kavinsky when Jake Shim exists anyways?
note: Not me completely disappearing off of tumblr for like months and then showing up again suddenly lol. I got really busy the past few months since I was completing requirements for school, and I really didn't have the motivation to do anything at the time so I took so time off to take care of myself first so I hope you understand :) But now since it's summer break, I am given at least 2 more months until I go back to school in August :)) Here's the long-awaited Jake imagine that I completely forgot about lmao hope you enjoy <3
P.S I finished writing this at 1:26 am so please excuse the really shitty plot and grammar ill rewrite it once i wake up
tag list: @cha-raena ( sorry for the rlly late post bestie )
Dear Jake, First of all, I will never call you Jaeyun because calling you by your English name makes me feel like I'm your friend. Calling you by your Korean name makes us feel like we're cold strangers to one another and I don't want that. I want us to be something more than that, but it's hard when you don't even know who I am. I'm surprised how you don't grow tired of me just dropping letters right into your locker every time you open it, and that's one of the things I love about you. You don't just throw away people's efforts and you treasure them with care. It makes my heart beat so fast as if I ran miles away from here.
We're already one year left until we graduate high school, and I don't want to end my high school years without you realizing my feelings for you. I know for sure that you would never reciprocate the feelings that I have towards you, so I want to treat this as closure in case we do forget about each other in the future. Yours truly,
"How is this person not over you? That's like the tenth one this month," Jay said, looking over Jake as he reads the letter from his secret admirer. Jake has always been receiving these letters from the same person everyday for the past four months. He's thankful for the letters because they definitely make his day better, knowing that there's someone out there who loves him as who he is regardless of looks. He's not gonna lie that these little notes and letters make his heart race too. "Do you have any plans with finding the person behind the letters?" Jay asked as he watches his best friend trying to hide the small smile that's been growing. No one really knows who this mysterious person is and why they decided to name themselves the moon, but we don't judge anyone in here. If they want to be the moon in their next life, then so be it. "I really want to find the person who's making these letters," Jake shoved the letter in his backpack, trying to not wrinkle it. "But I don't know where to start." "Who's finding who?" A voice popped suddenly beside the presence of the two boys. You leaned beside the locker beside Jake's, watching him as he grabs his books from his locker. "Did Moon drop your daily letter today again?" "They did as usual," Jake wasn't even surprised. He would expect the letters every time he enters the school in the morning. He would open his locker to see the usual small letter placed inside his locker. He usually arrives at seven or earlier, but he's surprised that he could never even catch a glance of this anonymous sender around the campus. "Should I go to school at five in the morning?" "Five in the morning? Isn't that a bit too early?" You questioned, followed by a shaky breath. "The school doesn't even open until six." "I could just walk to that nearby convenience store I always pass by to grab a coffee." He argues, closing his locker shut before walking towards his classroom.
You and Jay followed beside him, and you sneered under your breath, "You don't even wake up to your alarm clock."
"Why don't you even want me to go early anyway?" He glances as you try to give him an answer. But before you could say something, Jay replies first.
"You’re probably hiding something." He said. You rolled your eyes and narrowed your eyes at him. "You are so weird." You grunted, before walking ahead of them. You feel panicked because you were scared that you made yourself obvious to them.
You were inside your classroom sitting on your desk. There were only fifteen minutes left before lunch, but you had eaten your packed meal before instead of going to your school cafeteria. You were fidgeting in your place, conflicted about Jake finding his secret admirer, not knowing that it was you who's been sending him letters the past few months. You're not scared of him finding out that the letters were from you; that was the entire reason why you wrote him letters in the first place. You're scared of how he was gonna confront you about it. Would he like you back? Would he hate you? Would he avoid you?
Your mind was full of scenarios but you were suddenly brought back to reality when a hand planted itself on your desk. You look up and saw Jay standing in front of you, eating sushi with his other hand. His face kinda looks like he knows something, and it's freaking you out a bit.
"What?" You asked, suddenly flustered over how his eyes stared right into you. He took the seat in front of your desk and flipped it so it was facing you. He sat down and blurted the phrase that you were dreading to hear from anyone.
"So, you like Jake?"
You suddenly feel like punching him in the face with his sushi.
"What??" Your body felt like, and you were left a nervous mess. Your heart like it was going to pump right out of your chest any minute, and your hands started to sweat.
Jay's mouth formed into a smirk. He caught you. "Jake may be a bit oblivious, but I can totally see right through you."
“Haha...no you don’t,” You tried to deny, but it was all useless when his expression looked unconvinced.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you all red? You look like a bursting tomato.”
“You don’t know that," You leaned further into your seat, playing with the strings of your hoodie.
“C’mon Y/N, you’re not even trying. Just give up and admit it,” Jay was trying to help you confess your feelings for Jake. Frankly, he knew it was you sending him letters this whole time—how can Jake not see it?
With a heavy sigh, you slumped and laid your head on your desk, embarrassed. “Fine. I like him, okay? Are you happy now?”
The smirk on his face grew wider, feeling proud of himself. You are not dealing with his annoying crap this early in the morning. He grinned and munched on his half-eaten sushi. “I knew it.”
“Congratulations,” It was muffled because you hid your red face away from him. All that was on your mind now was how you could book yourself a flight all the way across the world.
“But seriously, since when did you have a crush on him?” You raised your head to face him, giving him a look that could kill, except Jay finds it entertaining rather than intimidating.
“I started having a crush on him when we were in fifth grade. It was at a friend's birthday party, and he saw me being all quiet and lonely. Honestly, I forgot who’s birthday that was.” You told him the very first time you had discovered feelings.
“He saw how sad I looked so he accompanied me the whole time. He was even trying to feel more included in the games and stuff.” You felt a smile ghosting on your lips as you can still vividly remember how you felt your heart tug the first time. “It was kinda like I fell in love at first sight.”
Jay faked a gag, so you lightly punched him in the shoulder. He may be a bit of an asshole, but he’s one the most caring and kind people you’ve ever met. It honestly felt good spilling out your feelings about Jake to him.
Speaking of, Jake was watching you two play around and laugh at Jay's little jokes from outside, and he felt something burning from inside him. Was it that he felt jealous of you and Jay?
No, he can’t be...right?
Maybe it was because of how he felt separated from you and Jay because of him being a separate class.
Yeah, maybe it's because of that.
Dear Jake,
I just had the most bizarre day today, and I felt like telling you about it.
It was chemistry period, and we had to be partnered with someone for a lab project. I ended up getting paired with Yeojin. We kinda created this unexpected friendship, which I love. We would crack jokes at each other, tell funny stories, it was so fun to be with her that we had completely forgotten about our project. So now, we both got a detention slip for making an accidental explosion.
How about you? How was your day? I hope it was just as fun as mine. If you feel like the day just wasn't as happy or you're feeling down, just now that it's okay to feel that way because days like these just lasts for 24 hours. It will be all over before you know it and you'll be greeted by another day. Maybe it will be different, and you would be all happy again just like how my day went. Maybe being with you would be my happiest day yet, and I couldn't wait for that day to come. See you soon :)
"Yeojin!" Jake called, seeing her walk down the opposite way. "Hey, mind if I ask you something?"
"Hey Jake," She greeted him with a smile. "Sure, go ahead."
"Could you perhaps give me any information about your partner in Chemistry?" He had hopes of getting any kind of description about his mysterious sender, but he was instead given a sad frown on Yeojin's face.
"Sorry Jake, but that person told me not to tell you about their information." She gave an apologetic smile. "I wish you all the best in finding them!"
Jake muttered a small "okay," and sighed before walking away, feeling defeated.
Yeojin knew that he was gonna ask about Moon the moment he called her from across the hall. She couldn't wait to tell you about this.
"Hey Y/N," A voice said from behind. You turned around to see Jake with his backup hung on his shoulder. He brought his hand up and raked his hair, and you felt your face grow red. Jake is like a gift from the gods. How can someone look so ethereal even if they're just standing there? You could stare at him all day. You couldn't even understand a thing he said until he started waving his hands in front of you.
"Hello?" You blinked multiple times as you were brought back out to reality. You saw Jake's face grow into concern. "Are you okay? spaced out."
"O-oh..No, I'm completely fine." You reassured him, feeling embarrassed. "What were you saying again?"
"I was asking you if you wanted to go to school with me early tomorrow."
Well, shit.
Your eyes started to go wide, and your hands started to go clammy.
"Tomorrow?" You repeated, voice trembling.
'Well, yeah." He pouted his lips, and you felt like melting into a small puddle in your place. Your heart started to pound heavily.
Oh my fucking god, he is so adorable.
"Okay, sure I can go with you tomorrow," You weakly smiled at him, slightly tense.
How we're you going to give him the letter now?
"Good Morning," Jake said as he watches you close the gates of your house. It was past five in the morning, and you were a mess.
"Morning," You replied back before running your fingers through your hair, getting rid of any flyaways.
As you started walking your way to the bus stop, Jake kept on glancing towards you from time to time. He knew you were pretty, but since when did you become really beautiful in his eyes?
The walk was pretty quiet, but it was a comfortable silence. For him, mostly.
Meanwhile, you couldn't stop freaking out. You had written a letter the night before, but you don't know how you were going to slip it into his locker without him taking notice. If he saw you, he would know.
"Are you sure you're okay? You've been like this since yesterday," Jake blurted. You looked at him before heaving a sigh.
"It's nothing," You mouthed, suddenly feeling anxious and gloomy.
"Something on your mind?"
"Something like that." It was hopeless. I guess he would have to miss this letter today. It was the first time you skipped a day, and you're feeling guilty that you would have to see Jake's face sadden that he wouldn't receive it today.
As you two stop at the bus stop, Jake looked slightly panicked as he was rummaging through the pockets of his blazer before looking through his bag. "Hey, do you have an extra pen? I left mine at home and I have a quiz today."
You snickered, "Out of all the days, Sim Jake. The same day you have a quiz is the same day you forget your pen."
"Very funny." He scoffed.
As you unzipped your bag to grab your pencil case, a folded piece of paper fell out without you realizing it. When Jake went to pick it up, he notices that it was folded the same way as the letters in his locker. It looked so identical.
Once you already got your pencil case out, you were about to hand it to him when you saw what he was holding that made your body freeze with your hand holding the case in the air.
"Why were one of my letters inside your bag?" He glanced at you, waiting for you to reply.
If you were freaking out before, this is a whole other thing. The thing that you were fearing the most is happening right before you.
"Maybe it fell into my bag yesterday..." You stammered, making up an excuse to look like it was an accident. You were tightly holding onto your pencil case, chanting many curse words in your head as you watch Jake unfold the letter.
"I don't think I've received this one yet," He said before he opened the letter and read it.
You watch as his expression formed into confusion as he reads through the paper. It only took a few moments before something in him clicked that it was you sending him the letters.
"Y/N," He began, and you started quivering in fear.
You should've known this would happen, but you didn't expect it to happen this sooner. In fact, you believed that this wouldn't happen at all. But it did.
"Let me explain," You eventually gave up and accepted fate and watch as your identity as "Moon" be revealed to your crush. You're now exposed so you didn't have any other choice but to explain everything. "Yes, I am Moon. I was the one writing you the letters that you've been getting in your locker."
Jake's face was unreadable. He looked bewildered and puzzled. He was trying to comprehend what was happening right now. All this time, it was you?
"I started crushing on you when we attended that birthday party before. I didn't want to confess my feelings for you because I was scared that you were going to harshly reject me, so I started writing down letters as a way to tell you how I feel about you without making you feel awkward around me." You continued, eyes suddenly taking an interest in your shoes. They were brand new too.
Jake was silent, and you felt your heart crack into pieces. You were mad at yourself for being so careless about it that he ended up finding out about you as his secret admirer. You wanted nothing else but to run back home, lock yourself in your room and cry with your sad playlist on loop.
You were expecting a harsh rejection coming from him, but what surprised was how he took dangerous steps towards you, minimizing the gap between you two. He placed his hand under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"I don't plan on rejecting you Y/N," You stare into his eyes as it reflects the sunlight of the early morning. "I'm actually happy that it was you."
You look at him, puzzled. He lowly chuckles under his breath before leaning over to place his lips against yours. It was a light, quick kiss, but it brought you feeling ecstatic. You've dreamed of this moment before, and now that it happened, you thanked your clumsiness.
As he pulled away, you were sure your face was a red mess.
"Thank you," His smile was as bright as the stars in the sky. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. "Thank you for making me like I'm special to someone."
You felt flustered over his words. You were scared that he could hear the sound of your heart pounding loudly. The butterflies in your stomach were going wild, and you felt like this was all a dream.
"So, what am I to you now?" You broke into a smile as he grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
Jake acted as if he was thinking, "Hm..maybe my best friend still?"
He bursts into a fit of giggles as he sees your smile slowly disappear, replacing it with a look of disbelief. You removed your hand from his and walked at a faster pace away from him.
He ran to match your pace beside you before holding your hand again, "I'm sorry, I won't ever do that again. Is my girl mad at me?"
"Oh my god, it's only five-fifty, Jake." You too broke into laughter over his cheesiness, but your heart fluttered over the thought of Jake calling you his.
HERE’S A LITTLE BONUS! since I've made you guys wait for 4 months :(
"What the fuck?" Was the first thing You heard from Jay as you and Jake entered the classroom. All of your classmates were staring at your and his hands intertwined together.
Jay stood in front of you two, crossing his arms together. "Can one of you explain when this happened?" he motioned towards your linking hands. You and Jake smiled at each other before walking away, leaving Jay in a fit of joy, and confusion.
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Chapter 1
A/N- I've teased y'all for so long I hope this series is going to live up to expectations, I'm confident it will though because I'm addicted and it's been super easy for me to write - I'm up to chapter 3 so far so updates can be on time! There's a slight age gap between my professor Hemsy and OC Jess but she's twenty and completely legal. You know this is gunna be a giant tease fest for the first couple of chapters cos that sexual tension is fucking gold 🥵
Summary- Jess meets the man of her dreams and then stupidly leaves without getting his number. Will fate bring them together again?
Word count- 1.5 K
Pairing- Professor!Chris Hemsworth x OC
Warnings- Swearing, age gap
18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 5th August 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
@skyfullofsong123 @swaggysposts
Chapter 2
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I pulled out a chair at the last available table in the unusually busy coffee shop, I thought I might've caught a break choosing the one outside of campus but alas I was wrong.
I was about to sit down when the chair opposite me slid out from under the table, my eyes lifted to meet with the most sparkly blue eyes i'd ever seen. The sight of him took my breath away. Literally.
I stood staring, frozen on the spot, my mouth slightly ajar as I looked him up and down. He was tall, so tall, definitely over 6ft and built like a dream. Thick thighs straining against his fitted trousers, wide muscular shoulders and I just knew there was a six-pack hiding behind that tight t-shirt. 
"Sorry. You were here first, I'll just grab a take-out." He smirked a side smile, amused at how I was so obviously checking him out but his sexy Australian accent distracted you from anything else.
"It's fine, I'm on my own. I don't mind if you want to sit there too." I mentally face palmed myself, drawing attention to the fact I was alone wasn't the best idea but then again he was alone too. "I don't bite." I added trying my best to flirt.
It seemed to work, he smiled at me as he sat down and I took the time to admire his handsome face. He was quite clearly a lot older than me, the laughter lines around his eyes a tell tale sign but he was still quite possibly the best looking man I'd ever laid eyes on. His hair was fair and the short beard framed his face perfectly but the one thing that stood out the most were those piercing ocean-blue eyes.
"So do you come here often?" I cocked my eyebrow at him over my coffee cup making him laugh at my reaction. "Sorry, it's been a while." He said nervously, running his hand through his hair.
"It's been a while since you spoke to a stranger or…?" I questioned casually.
"It's been a while since I spoke to an attractive woman." He finished, his eyes sparkling as he watched me almost choke on my drink.
"Oh, I err…. I don't think you're doing too badly." I absentmindedly circled my finger around the rim of my cup, crossing my leg over my other and accidently rubbing my foot up his leg. My cheeks felt hot and flushed as I looked up into his eyes and saw him smiling slyly.
"Evidently. We're already playing footsie under the table." He smiled widely, a genuine smile that stretched the corners of his mouth. I smiled back at him shyly, thinking of something to say to change the subject before I ended up looking like a tomato.
"What part of Australia are you from?"
"I'm originally from Melbourne but I lived in Byron Bay before I came to America." 
"Awesome. I've always wanted to go to Australia, the Spiders put me off though." 
"Yeah I think they put most people off but in heavily populated areas they stay pretty much hidden, I think it's the size that scare people." How have I made this conversation go from flirting to talking about spiders? And how do I get back to flirting?
"Are we still talking about spiders?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly and laughed at the innuendo, flicking my hair over my shoulder. I noticed something in his eyes when I did so, a hunger, just a little flash and then it was gone again. I'm sure I didn't imagine it though because his eyes lingered on my exposed shoulders.
I checked my watch subtly, not wanting him to think he was boring me but I had to get to class and couldn't be late again, not when this semester had only just started.
"I'm really sorry, I'm gonna have to run, I'm going to be late. It was really nice meeting you." I gathered up my bags, ready to leave.
"Already? You've only just got here." He looked disappointed, his smile fading. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something else and then closed again when he saw I was ready to leave. "It was really nice to meet you too, hopefully I'll see you again." His eyes sparkled as he looked into mine, standing from his chair to get the door for me. I felt fireworks when his hand brushed against the small of my back and his face lingered close to mine. The tension was unreal, like we were the only people in the room as his eyes hungrily stared into my soul, undressing me with his eyes. My heart stopped beating when his face moved closer to mine so I could feel his breath on my lips, the smell of coffee and his aftershave filling my nostrils. I paused, my feet routed to the spot, I wanted him to kiss me so badly but I moved away at the last minute. Surely he wasn't actually going to kiss me, we'd only just met, that would be ridiculous. Wouldn't it?
I spent most of class daydreaming about my tall handsome stranger and the way he looked at me but most of all how I didn't even get his name. Or his number.
Now I was feeling sorry for myself because it would just be my luck to meet the man of my dreams and then never see him again. So I'd moped about all day and avoided the invitations for drinks after class. Instead I'd
gotten home early, changed into some sweats and settled myself in front of the TV for the night.
"What's up with your face?" My roommate, Ellie said as she walked into our room, throwing her bags onto her bed.
"What're you talking about?" 
"Your face. Looks like you're chewing on a wasp."
"Feeling sorry for myself." I pout pathetically.
"Why, what've you done now?" She rolled her eyes, kicking off her shoes and throwing her legs up onto the bed. I felt so lucky to have a roommate like Ellie, during our freshman year she'd become my best friend practically straight away and now after two years together we were practically sisters.
I sat up in bed cross legged and faced Ellie, getting myself ready to spill my misfortunes of the day with her.
"Well, I went to Impresso's this morning to get my morning coffee before class." She nodded, showing her enthusiasm by also sitting cross legged on her own bed, facing me. "And it was packed full of students, there was only one table left. So I went to grab it as soon as I could." She raised her eyebrow at me, wondering where I was going with the story. "And I kid you not, the most attractive man I have ever seen, pulls out the chair opposite me." 
"Oh my god! No way. Did you talk? Oh my god, this is like the perfect chick flick. Carry on." I smiled at her excitement.
"I told him I didn't mind if he sat there, I mean of course I didn't mind, you should've seen him El. Oh, oh, oh I almost forgot" I flapped my hands, bouncing on the spot. "He was fucking Australian."
"Fuck off, you're lying. Drop dead gorgeous with the sexiest accent ever. How is this even real? Now remind me why you're sat there with a face like a slapped arse?" 
"I panicked when I had to leave, didn't want to be late for class and I didn't get his number, didn't even give him chance to ask for mine." 
"Wow! Ok, now I understand. What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't thinking, I was panicking and you know what I'm like when I panic." You sulk.
"It's ok, maybe you'll bump into him again."
"Yeah, right. I should be so lucky."
"Cheer up." she says throwing a cushion at me. "There's a party at Alpha Kappa this weekend, I'm sure we can find you someone to help get over your mystery man. Or under should I say?" She raised her eyebrow at me, smiling slyly and making me laugh. She always did know how to cheer me up and maybe a party is what I needed.
There must be some good looking boys around campus that could make me forget about my Australian hunk. Surely? I thought about the guys I'd seen around campus, the guys I'd seen at frat parties and that's definitely not what I wanted. How could a twenty year old boy match to the masculine, experienced man I met this morning. My mind was set, I'd dipped my feet ever slightly into the mature pool and that's what I wanted more than anything. There was always something missing with previous boyfriends and I was tired of all the game playing. I wanted someone who knew what they wanted and wasn't afraid to get it.
The only thing was, he didn't know I was only twenty and I had no way of finding him again. If fate did bring us back together, would he mind that I was still a student? That I couldn't even drink when we went on dates? 
Who am I kidding? Of course he would mind, he could get any woman he wanted, why would he want me?
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bryan360 · 3 years
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2021 Traditional Remake - 🐶👑⭐️Wanda’s Dog Life Begins
Here's my note before we can get started....
Hey guys! I’m here to bring you my lastest art post exclusive to my Tumblr blog before this month of August (aka the last month of Summer) coming to an end. Once again though that I’m back with this related “Wanda in Sparky’s Body” post; like I can’t help myself after checking the “Country Clubbed” episode since years ago. ☺️ However, thought I wanted to bring this as a remake from my original August. 31st, 2020 entry about what if her dog life continues. Ya know, some kind of my doodle digital art about her. ^^* Link Here
There is one missing from my original entry is that I forgot to put her wings during my art progress and after finishing it a year ago; even though I completely forgot to added to her wings by mistake. So sorry about from my errors and I wanted to fixed it by saving a remake I made from the beginning of August 13th; the same day where I brought my second related “Jellystone!” artwork through my DeviantArt page. Link Here #2
However, it's a different remake instead of doing in digital edited again like I did from last time. Instead, I did in traditional way after using some pencils, sharpener, and color pencils for good old fashioned drawing. It does came out good at the end; especially I added to her wings this time as of fixing. Nice! 🙂👍🏼 I do have one more new addition to this remake is when she’s on sniffing stuff for clues or someone’s cooking up some delicious meals. I got inspiration from the episode screenshot I took from “Weirdos on a Train” in which showing Sparky sniffing stuff as well. Just hoping that I can change this with Wanda and looks cute as expected to be. ☺️
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Though I got it done on a big piece of paper, I just needed time to take pictures without any shades that blocks me from doing good quality stuff; even I'm in my room or entire house. Thankfully that I have it while opening my window curtains to let the sun shine on my drawing brighter. I'm hoping I can get my own scanner to scan my artworks just as easily than taking pics on my traditional drawings because of shading problems. Since I only had my tablets though, I would have to check out some other scanners if it works on tablets as much for computers. Too bad I didn't my own computer or my laptop anytime soon. Anyways, hope you'll enjoy this last art post for August 2021 and for me when my September 2021 plans come to place.
👑⭐️Wanda (in 🐶👑⭐Sparky's Body) - The Fairly OddParents (2001-2017) created by Butch Hartman, based on Oh Yeah! Cartoons shorts, produced by Frederator Studios, Nickelodeon Animation Studios, and Billionfold Inc.
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belovedgamers · 3 years
heyo! idk if you remember me, I was the one who asked if I could use your Foolish design for a cosplay a bit ago.
update: it is not quite finished, making clothes is hard, but I am making progress! I just finished the green tunic-vest today, and I've been making a trident for the cosplay, too! I also plan to use a bit of Late-August's Foolish design bc I really like the cloak in their newest animatic
while I'm here: foolish headcanons? love that funky shark man
also, I totally forgot to ask last time I sent an ask, but can I be added to the art taglist please and thank you?
sorry for the long ask, you're just really cool!
Of course I remember you! I see you around a lot and I try to remember people like you! Your original ask made me very happy <3
Oh goodness, take your time! Cosplay takes time for sure, I know it used to take me a lot to get ready. Even more so when you make everything yourself! Highest respects to you!! Please know I am cheering you on! As the wonderful Technoblade once said... ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
My brain is Spent right now but I Did want to answer your ask so! Compromise! I’ll make a post on head canons soon and I'll be sure to tag you in it! :D
And of course! I’ll make sure to add you now! Thank you so much for the interest on my art!! That’s always so sweet to hear TwT
No worries! I love long asks! YOU are cool!! Have a beautiful day!
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rosyandraw · 3 years
Okay but you said Berry is a Dom soo now that I think about it 🤔 the real question here is how many times has Berenger wish he could spank Ancel's bratty ass until it gets warm and tender under his hands? 💦🔥💦🔥💦 also Ancel using a collar or a harness beacuse they are fashionable now and Berenger going 🤯 and ⬆️
Hahaha I promise this time I will be short.. about our last gossip I'm like "ohhhh!! You are totally right if Berry was a Lord they would know him" buut that made me think that if he is rich and old money he could have met Auguste in college and I guess he could keep the family business ✨horses✨ like in canon Haha ok no I'm joking about all of this.. my point was that I totally get what you are doing with him so do as you want beacuse I know I will love it 💖💖💖
Ps: I just saw the new fic you post I'm like omg yeeess I need to get home and read it as soon as possible 💫💞💫💞
Ps2: I just realize I never apologize for any grammar mistake or spanish word that could go in the mix Haha I'm not an english native so not only do I suck at grammar but also my phone is in spanish so sometimes it changes words without me noticing it 🙈 Sorry!! 😊
First of all your English/grammar is fucking AMAZING and never apologise (esp to a native english speaker like me because do you know the extent of my spanish??? it is Not Good) My dear you're incredible. So please please don't apologise. You're totally smashing it and I love that for you!
But yes! Spanking for SURE.
He’s thought about it so many times! I think Berenger has so much going on and he’s definitely got some plans for Ancel. I don’t want to give too much away but he has his fantasies for SURE.
I LOVE THAT! I totally forgot about the horses so that is definitely going in. I can’t wait to post it/finish writing it, it’s so much fun! It won’t be as long as NMFY because i think a lot of the pre-relationship has been done in the background and Ancel’s character is pretty well established so we can just jump right in!
I hope you love it! At this point this fic is OUR baby haha, you’ve given me so many cool ideas and you’ve really brought it to life and I love it so much!
OMG haha it’s just something an anon mentioned the other day and was in my head so needed to come out... it’s a bit full on so not to everyone’s tastes hahaha
As always thanks lovely  💕💕
0 notes
a3yumeblog · 4 years
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"I just hope he likes this.." you said under your breath, finishing up your portrait of him. You stretched your arms upward as you straighten your back.
"Oh wow, it's already past noon, and my back is killing me! I have to sleep as I have a date to look forward to." and humming to yourself. You just washed your hands and plopped yourself to bed as you were painting for two (2) days. Getting the details is difficult and requires lots of layers to emphasize a portrait.
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8:00 am
*ding* (1) text message
"Good morning, my sunshine! ~♪☆"
8:02 am
*ring* incoming call
You're still half asleep as you took your phone wondering who's calling so early in the morning
"hmm.. hello? who.. is this..?" you said in a raspy tone
"It's me.. don't tell me you forgot to set your alarm again? Usually, you're not like this... are you okay?" he asked in a concerned tone over the phone.
As soon as you heard Kazunari's voice, you became fully awake and rose immediately, answering:
"Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Kazunari! I-I'll prepare now! I'll see you in a bit!"
"Sure! No rush dear, take your time to prep! See you in a bit!" he excitingly said.
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"Here we are! This is my first time going here since I asked my followers what cafe I should go to on a date." he smiled and opened the door for you.
"You first, my pretty lady~" he gestures like a butler but with a wink and you giggled at him as you enter.
"Wow, I am now in love with this cafe!" you exclaimed as you turn around slowly to see countless artworks posted on the walls, surrounding the primary entrance of the cafe.
"It has more of a vintage kinda vibe to it! ~ I can see historical ones up to modern style. I like it here too!" Kazunari added.
A cafe attendant approached the both of you and said, "Welcome to Artist cafe where you can stay here and paint all day until closing time! Do you perhaps have a reservation, dear guests?"
Kazunari hands over the reservation card to the Cafe attendant.
"As expected of our Communication Guy here~ plans ahead!" you whispered and nudge him at his side, and he winked as his response to you, "It is what I have been looking forward to, going out on a date with you!~"
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You two spend the entire day at the cafe facing and making a portrait of each other like artists do in a class, except with snacks and beverages beside both of you this time.
"Oh~! nice painting (y/n)! ~ This is my first time seeing your artwork." he said as he studies it, "I love this! Can I keep it?"
"I'm not too confident on this one, I want to improve it though before I can give this to you.." you said and sighed.
"No no no, look at how the details you got here, here and here, and the shading, you got it all right! I love it!"
You nervously laugh inside your head as you have been making a portrait of him in secret at your studio during your free time.
"But let's trade," you said
"Anything coming from you~ yay memento from my (y/n)! Let's take a pic with our artworks, I'll post this on my Instablam! Say cheese!"
"Cheese!!" you smiled as you two held your artworks below your faces.
"I'll walk you home since it's getting dark." He said with a gentle tone as he looked at you.
"Thank you, Kazunari." you said and smiled at him.
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You asked Kazunari to come over at your place in the meantime, as you have something to show to him. Unbeknownst to him, his birthday gift is waiting inside...
*At your mini studio*
Kazunari was astounded after you opened the door to your studio as countless artworks and work in progress are all over your studio, revealing to him another side of you. But there is one eye-catching artwork that stands with an easel in the center of the studio. He has been eyeing at your painting and stares at it for seconds now. You stood beside him, trying to break the silence by speaking first.
"Happy Birthday Kazunari! This is my birthday gift to you! I hope you like it." you gestured your hands at your artwork and smiled at him.
"I'm.. impressed! Wait, how did you get this? Where's your reference?"
"Aha.. that, I asked Omi some pictures he took of you. There were a ton, but I picked this out of all. I can feel that you are enjoying what you are doing there." as you said those words, you looked at your piece empathetically. He steps closer right in front of it and held it, brushing his fingers along with the same look, and you can't help but stare at him in awe.
"Your paintings feel so real! Like each of your paintings here has life in it. Somehow it pulls me in and I can't get my eyes off of them. I love all of your artworks, I love this portrait of mine..and.." he said in a serious tone and stops brushing his fingers at the portrait, "I love... you." as he said the last line, he looks at you solemnly and faces you. You thought to yourself, /Kazunari is not usually like this, he is like another person in front of me/. You back off instinctively, unable to respond because of how flustered and how bewildered you were to what Kazunari just said. He gently grabs you by the hand to stop you from backing off.
"I mean it.. I'm glad I met you and.. I love you. I want to know more about you." He reaches to brush your hair away from your face and cups your face in his hand as he leans closer. You were showing signs that you are nervous, but he assured you it will be fine as his lips are getting closer until both of you kissed. This is your first time being kissed and the euphoric feeling hits you all over your body, and as he parted his lips, he rested his palms on your waist, being wrapped up in the arms of Kazunari, you felt that his arms are warm, calming your throbbing heart instantly.
"These are the best birthday gifts ever" he said. You both smiled and giggled, standing together, holding each other closely with your foreheads touching.
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// there's really a café called "Artist Café" in Qatar, the official page followed me on IG and for a cafe hopper like me, I can't resist, so I checked their timeline.
I have been wanting to go there for years, even though I usually go to Qatar whenever there's a family vacation. So I'll let you guys know soon..? 👀
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queenangst · 6 years
More Than Friends
by: achievingelysium Summary: A classic, two-part throwback to "mortals-meet" fics. Part one: Annabeth's having a no good, very bad day. Percy swings by to help. Things go about as well as can be expected. Post-TLO, Annabeth's POV. / Part two: Much to his friends' chagrin, Percy tends to show up late to class and flakes out on a meetup, until they meet his elusive girlfriend. Post-HoO, mortal's POV.
Read on AO3 | FFN
Her phone buzzed.
Buzzed, then buzzed again.
Annabeth snarled under her breath, eyeing the teacher whose back was turned to the class, and then snatched the phone from her pocket. Whoever was texting her had better have something important to tell her, or gods help her—
It was Percy.
Despite herself, Annabeth smiled. The annoyance didn't fade—no, from this morning to that stupid brat earlier—she'd just about had it with the day. She'd only come back to school for a week, but already she ached to leave and go back to camp where she belonged.
Percy, 11:14 AM  hows it going babe me and grvoer r headed for the beach
Percy, 11:16 AM  wait grover and i?
You, 11:17 AM  you got it.
Annabeth ducked her head and grinned. She caught Lydia's attention in the seat next to her, her friend's eyes widening almost comically as she leaned over to see.
"You're texting in class?" Lydia hissed.
"Shh," she whispered back, batting Lydia away. Still, the girl was hooked, far too interested in what Annabeth was doing.
There was a noise from the front of the room, and the two of them froze, glancing up.
"False alarm," Lydia whispered as Ms. Martin kept writing on the board.
"You should all be writing this down," Ms. Martin said. "See, this is why you guys aren't doing well. I can only do so much, but if you want to learn, you have to be paying attention in class. It's not as hard as you think it is. Is anybody writing?"
Annabeth gritted her teeth, glaring across the room before looking pointedly at her open notebook. Scrawled on the page were notes, though Annabeth hadn't finished writing down everything. Her dyslexia wasn't helpful, nor was the way Ms. Martin organized her thoughts on the board, completely different from Annabeth's.
There was a general grumbling from the class. Furtive glances were cast around the room.
"Yeah, if only she would teach us," Michael muttered from two seats up. Annabeth and Lydia snorted.
It was no secret that no one in their school liked Ms. Martin. She was a hit-or-miss teacher, and she often berated her students on their less-than-stellar work in her class—even though that had always been a result of her teaching.
"There she goes again," Lydia said, sighing as she jotted down another line.
Annabeth wasn't paying attention, though.
Percy, 11:18 AM soo? good day [IMG _FILE] look at this cool shell grover said the pattern makes it look like its frowning but i don't see it
You, 11:24 AM  tell grover I don't see it either. also today's been awful
Percy, 11:24 AM  what wht why
You, 11:25 AM  ugh Helem got mad at me this morning. Again. *Helen
Percy, 11:25 AM she's too hard on u I thought u 2 were getting better
You, 11:26 AM yeah but last week I took off my necklace so I could go shower she almost threw it away. didn't know what it was
Percy, 11:27 AM she WHAT
You, 11:27 AM I guess it's not totally her fault but she should know by now right not to touch my stuff I hate it when people touch my stuf *stuff and I got really upset about it
Percy, 11:29 AM  u didn't tell me :(( ims orry
You, 11:30 AM its fine now I guess I got it back forgot about it when you called a couple days ago
Percy, 11:31 AM  what were u saying about this morning
You, 11:32 AM  UGH
You, 11:32 AM I came home yesterday [Unsent]
You, 11:32 AM went back yesterday at 2am because I ran into a couple monsters took care of everything but I got a little blood and monster dust on the carpet and in the bathroom was too tired to clean up got yelled at this morning for it
Percy, 11:33 AM ur fine right? ugh it wasn't ur fault
You, 11:34 AM I know she hates monsters and really wants to look out for the boys but she just and earlier I saw this girl talking about this kid in the bathroom and she was so rude I
Percy, 11:35 AM  did u get in trouble
You, 11:35 AM almost did I was about to punch her I was so mad and now I'm in English and I hate English and Martin
Percy, 11:42 AM hey… u have lunch next period i'll swing by with grover and take u out we can get those curly fries u like
Annabeth groaned. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate Percy, but her friends had been pestering her about her boyfriend since she'd gotten back to school.
They were just scraping two months from the war; Annabeth had decided to go back with Percy and Sally's encouragement. She'd missed about a month—school had started late August, but Annabeth had wanted to spend more time with the other campers and with Percy before leaving.
Now Annabeth was currently drowning in work to catch up, but Percy seemed to have managed just fine starting in mid-September. He'd gone back to Goode, surprisingly, and had bounced between home, school, and camp.
They had some kind of parent-teacher conferences this week, or maybe a holiday, which meant Percy had four days of weekend instead of two. It made Annabeth insanely jealous.
Percy, 11:44 AM so what do you say
Percy's text brought her back to the present. Lydia had gotten back to leaning over, but Annabeth blocked her friend's attempt to read the screen, furiously typing back.
You, 11:44 AM no you cant my frien [Unsent]
"Miss Chase. Miss Faris."
Annabeth's fingers froze over the keyboard just as her heart stopped. She fumbled to turn off her phone, looking up to see Ms. Martin with crossed arms.
"Ma'am," she replied, feeling her heart start to pound against her ribs. She cast a frantic look towards Lydia.
Monsters, Titans, fire-breathing Chihuahuas… Annabeth had seen them all. Still, there was something about teachers that sent them to a completely different level.
The class had gone quiet, broken only by Jay.
"Ooooh," he sang quietly, and the class tittered.
"Would you like to share what you're looking at instead of what you should've been learning in class?"
Annabeth ground her teeth together. She needed to text Percy back to tell him not to come, wanted to keep talking to him, wanted desperately to leave the classroom and find something she could break. The anger and annoyance that had hounded her came back; Percy had been cooling it off, but now something had snapped again.
"Learning," she said deliberately. Someone audibly sucked in a breath at her tone.
Ms. Martin arched an eyebrow.
"Indeed, Miss Chase. Something you would know to do if you want to do well in my class."
This was dumb. This was dumb, and Annabeth hated it, hated the way her skin was crawling like spiders were climbing across her front. She hated Ms. Martin with her stupid voice, who'd failed her first assignment even after Annabeth had worked on it for three days straight.
Hated the way the teacher was looking at her, like she was dumb.
"Maybe if you were teaching us something, I'd pay attention," Annabeth said hotly, standing up. Her fists clenched at her side.
The classroom, which had been filling with whispers and murmured conversation, went silent. Lydia couldn't seem to decide if she wanted to gape at Annabeth or cower in her seat with the way Ms. Martin was glaring at them.
Ms. Martin strode forward.
"Phone," she said, holding her hand out. "I want to see you after class."
Annabeth glanced at her phone, shutting it off and handing it over. They stood off for another moment before Annabeth forced herself to slowly sit down.
It wasn't worth it, she reminded herself, but a little part of her whispered that it had. Ms. Martin had turned around, marching back to the front of the classroom. People had erupted into conversation.
"Girl," Lydia exploded once she'd sat down. "Wow. You… wow."
"Shouldn't have done that, should I?" Annabeth grumbled, sliding lower in her seat.
"Maybe," Lydia offered, "but that was the most badass thing I've ever seen. Just wait until lunch. Everyone's going to be all over you."
"Oh, gods," Annabeth said. She covered her hands with her hands for a moment and then lowered them, sending a satisfied grin at her friend. "Well… I guess that was a pretty good line, huh?"
The remaining time in English passed quickly. Ms. Martin went back to lecturing them, occasionally interjecting with a comment about their work ethic as she glared vaguely in Annabeth's direction. Everyone went back to taking notes, but there was a restless energy that lasted until the bell rang.
"Dismissed," Ms. Martin called, and the students surged for the door, yelling over each other and chatting. Lydia shoved her stuff into her bag.
"I'll save you a spot," she told Annabeth. She glanced at Ms. Martin. "Good luck."
Annabeth took her time putting her things away. She wasn't a terribly organized person, but today she made sure everything had a place. While she worked, she reminded herself that she couldn't afford to have Ms. Martin hate her. Any more, and she'd be failing English.
Not to mention phone calls. The minute Helen heard a word about what had gone down, she'd go off on Annabeth. What little relationship they'd been carefully building would come crumbling down. She'd be the unruly, good-for-nothing demigod.
She took a deep breath and forced herself towards Ms. Martin's desk.
"I'll have you remember that I tolerate no disrespect, Annabeth," Ms. Martin said. "I don't like it when any student uses their phone in class, and if you have constructive criticism, I'd like you to bring it up to me in a more helpful way."
Annabeth held her tongue. She could tell Ms. Martin meant it, but it didn't make Annabeth feel any less unhappy.
"I'm… sorry," she said.
Ms. Martin made a noncommittal noise. "Are we on the same page?"
Annabeth glanced at the clock.
"Yes, ma'am."
"If this happens again, Annabeth, I can call your parents." Here, Annabeth's lip curled in distaste. "And I will send you out of class. You know that."
"Yes, ma'am."
Ms. Martin sighed. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, and though Annabeth didn't like her one bit, she thought maybe she was starting to understand where the teacher was coming from.
"It won't happen again," Annabeth offered quietly. She wanted to leave and slam the door.
"Be sure of it." Ms. Martin nodded, reaching over to a drawer and handing Annabeth's phone over. "You can go."
Annabeth left without saying goodbye, darting out into the hall and sighing.
"That could've gone better," she muttered, heading towards the cafeteria. She was five minutes late, give or take a few—the lunch line would be packed, and she'd have to wait longer to get food.
Annabeth stopped, suddenly remembering why she'd gotten into trouble in the first place. She checked her phone and found a number of missed texts and a call from Percy.
"Oh, gods."
"Annabeth!" a voice yelled before she could check it.
As she pushed her way towards her friends at the table in the corner, she caught sight of a small crowd. Over the din, she could hear a loud voice chattering away.
"What's Beatrice up to?" Annabeth said, sliding into her spot. Lydia lit up.
"Annabeth! You made it out alive!"
"Lydia told us all about it," Samarth said. He passed her a soda can. "Bought this from the vending machine as a gift, you brave, brave soul."
"Uh, thanks," Annabeth said.
"I still can't believe you said that," Jay crowed. "Did you see the look on her face?"
"What'd she say? Spill."
"It was fine," Annabeth muttered. "So what's all the commotion about?"
"Oh," Lydia said, slamming her water bottle down in excitement. "Queen Bea found a new guy to drool over."
Annabeth wrinkled her nose. "I'm sure."
Beatrice was nice enough, but she reminded Annabeth of Aphrodite kids. Cool, but sometimes overwhelming… and maybe a little too obsessed with getting a boyfriend.
She was pretty forward and could get a little bossy, hence the nickname Queen Bea. Still, the few times she'd seen her outside of being boy-crazy had admittedly impressed Annabeth. She was driven and smart. Med school, if she remembered correctly, though Annabeth never knew if that was her own ambition or if maybe she was fishing for a good-looking doctor in her future. Probably both.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
Annabeth yelped, pulling her phone from her pocket.
"It's her boyfriend," Lydia said immediately. The table oohed.
"It's not," Annabeth said, hitting reply. It was Percy.
Percy, 12:21 PM hey its lunch but i don't see u i could use some help um u can probably tell where i am theres kind of a crowd is this normal
"Shit," Annabeth said. No doubt the "new guy to drool over" was Percy.
"Annabeth?" Jay called after her as she crossed the cafeteria. "Woah, wait, did we upset you?"
She shoved through the crowd, and there he was.
"Look, I'm sorry, I'm just here to find someone," Percy was saying. Beatrice was unsurprisingly talking to him, too close for both Percy and Annabeth's liking.
"Well, you found me," Beatrice said. She leaned a little closer. "Wanna go to lunch together?"
"Uh," Percy said. He looked nervous, eyes darting around the group of people surrounding him. There weren't actually that many people, maybe twelve in total, but they were all excitedly chattering about the new guy. With their small school and class size, everybody knew everybody, and anyone remotely new got people excited.
He tried to step away.
"I'm sorry," he said again. "I'm gonna go."
"Hey, wait, what's your name?"
"Percy," he replied. He was starting to get jittery, Riptide appearing in his hands as he twisted the cap like he did when he got nervous. "And I'm looking for—"
Annabeth finally pushed through.
"Looking for me?"
Percy and Beatrice both turned at the sound of her voice.
"Annabeth," Percy said, obviously relieved. She'd been his best friend for years, knew the way he ticked, knew what every look meant. It made her stomach flip when his eyes lit up, his lips lifting in that crooked, troublemaker grin.
He held out his hand, and Annabeth took it.
"Oh my God," she heard distantly. "That's gotta be him. The boyfriend. Samarth, get a picture."
Annabeth wasn't paying attention.
"Hey, Percy," she said, not fighting as he wrapped an arm around her and daring to press his lips to her forehead. She closed her eyes for a moment. "What are you doing here?"
He grinned, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Curly fries, remember? I promised."
"Do you two… know each other?"
Beatrice looked like her dreams were being crushed slightly. Annabeth felt bad, then remembered she'd been flirting with her boyfriend and felt a little better.
Before Annabeth could open her mouth, Percy beat her to the punch. "I'm Annabeth's boyfriend."
It was a little silly, but it made her smile. Every time she got to call him her boyfriend, it sent warmth through her body.
Annabeth ducked her head to hide her blush, and Percy tightened his arm around her.
"Oh," Beatrice said. "Um. Sorry."
Now she was blushing, looking a little embarrassed.
"It's cool, I guess. Flattering, but I'm taken," Percy said. "Uh, sorry?"
Annabeth couldn't help but roll her eyes. Her friends took the moment to press in like predators hunting prey.
"So you're Annabeth's boyfriend," Lydia said triumphantly. She was grinning as she stuck a hand out. "Nice to meet you."
"That's Lydia," Annabeth said, sighing. They'd never let her get the end of it. "Samarth and Jay over there."
"Oh, man," Jay said. "Liv is going to be so mad she missed this. Uh, nice to meet you, man."
Percy shook hands with Jay, then Lydia, then Samarth.
"I guess Annabeth talks about me, huh?"
"Oh, she never shuts up," Lydia said. Annabeth kicked at her ankles.
"Really?" Percy asked, grinning. He slipped his arm down from around her shoulders, grabbing her hand instead. Her face burned.
"No," she grumbled.
"Kind of," Samarth said. "I think Lydia talks more than her, though."
"What? I'm interested."
There was a beat of awkward silence before Lydia blurted, "How'd you guys meet?"
"Oh, um," Percy said. "We met when we were twelve. Went to the same camp, and we got looped into some of the same, er, camp activities together."
"Arts and crafts?"
Percy was grinning again, and it was infectious. "Something like that."
"Cool," Jay said. "I got shipped off to summer camp a few times, too, but my summers were never quite as exciting as Annabeth's. Any way I can get in?"
Annabeth pursed her lips. "It's one of those you gotta apply at, but it's a little hard to get in. Pretty specific requirements."
Percy laughed. "You're not wrong."
"Guess I'm not going."
Percy shrugged and raised an eyebrow. "Maybe. You never know."
"You're from New York, right?"
"Yeah, but I'm on break, so me and another friend came down for a visit. Then Annabeth said she was having a bad day, so I thought I'd come pick her up to get some food."
Jay poked Samarth. "Why don't you ever do that for me?"
Samarth only squinted back. "You're the one who can drive."
Percy glanced over at Annabeth, and she squeezed his hand.
"Missed you," she said quietly, stepping closer. "It's been weird being here."
"Hey, San Fran's pretty nice."
She looked away. "You know what I mean, Percy. I don't get to see your stupid face around."
He leaned their shoulders together. "Missed you, too."
Percy turned to the rest of the group. "It was nice meeting you guys, but I think we gotta go. Fries don't buy themselves."
There was a chorus of "You, too"s as Percy led Annabeth away.
"Mortals, huh," Percy said. "Cool bunch. Though I'm interested in what you've had to say about me, Wise Girl."
She shoved him. "Come on. Let's get some fries."
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skywailer · 7 years
✉️ wOOP okay so um i'm charlotte my fave animal is either a horse or dolphin (wowie i'm so basic) my fave song is when the day met the night by patd i love the rain and the cold so much it makes me sO happy i don't believe in proper pUncTuAtIon and CaPiTaLizAtIoN when communicating online bc it looks ugly and screw the rULES (so im sorry) idk i say sorry too much but that ain't gonna stop me from apologizing uH and my favorite all time character is fred (pretend i sent this from my sideblog)
you are so cute, I can’t- ok, here you go!  Sorry it’s a bit late; I got wrapped up in writing but ta-da!
Wanna know what your first year at Hogwarts looks like through caffeinated eyes?
how you got your Hogwarts acceptance letter: you’d been hearing from friends that they were getting their letters, yet yours had yet to arrive.  Which was odd, because your magic has a way of rudely interrupting your daily routine- papers floating away from you when you’re flabbergasted about what to write, little rain storms trickling down on you in the middle of the night (you don’t really complain about those).  So what gives?  You weren’t sure what to make of it and, despite the nagging feeling of worry in your gut, you tried not to overthink it.  It was on a particularly cloudy August day that your letter arrived, and you weren’t even at the house to receive it.  Since it was cloudy, you decided to take your dogs out for a walk in hopes of catching a little rain (you wanted to show off your new purple polka-dot umbrella so badly).  It rained, but… uh, not the way you thought it would?  Apparently, there was a misunderstanding at the post about where exactly you lived; your family had moved during the summer, and were traveling.  You were sitting on a bench, watching Max and Daisy play in the dry grass, when something flat and wide slapped you on the nose.  From above.  Before you could really register the small envelope that slid off your face and onto your lap, there was another “plop” at your shoulder, another plop at your feet, your head, and when you looked up there was a small horde of owls dropping pellets of letters on you.  You didn’t even have time to open your cute umbrella.  Your dogs happily helped you clean up the puddle of letters and, for once, you worried about the grumbling clouds above.  Wouldn’t do to have a soggy supply list, right?
head canons about your trip on the Hogwarts Express: despite being positively giddy at the thought of going on this particular train, the second you charged through to platform 9 ¾, you were struck with nerves and remained still at the entrance.  Taking it all in: the heavy steam sticking to your pores like morning mist (except way more polluted, yikes) and the cacophony of kids yelling and parents audibly yanking out their hair trying to maneuver carts without crashing into one another, into other people’s running kids.  With a THWACK, someone’s cart ran into you from behind, and for a moment you wondered if you’d have to go to Hogwarts in a wheelchair.  A bit dramatic, especially since the cart barely hit you.  When a familiar voice heckled you from behind with an “Oi, move your bum!” your nerves melt.  A friend from your neighborhood has arrived and the fear of being alone vanished.  You boarded the train after a quick goodbye to your family, knowing from the herd that seats will be impossible to find, and you wanted to make sure you’re seated with a friend.  Right off the entrance you spotted the one, golden empty cabin.  You caught the eye of another student, tall and ginger, and with impossibly long legs down the corridor, and it was a very rigged race to the cabin.  Somehow, though, you two managed to crash into each other and your friend applauds your ability to get wedged in the doorway with a Pretty Cute Guy.  Unfortunately, Pretty Cute Guy had a family of gingers trampling down the corridor to score the cabin, too.  Since you were wedged in the doorway with him, you actually have a perfect spot to negotiate terms with him.  You ended up sharing the cabin with your friend, and new friends: the Weasleys.  The Pretty Cute Guy told you his name is Fred, but him and his twin brother made sure to trick you about who was who any time they returned to the cabin from food and bathroom runs.  You made sure to take advantage of their tallness to put up your luggage above the seats, and to take it back down at the end of the trip.  They have since made sure to make fun of your shortness.
what happened when you went head-to-head hat with the sorting hat: you come from a house of Hufflepuffs, so you were pretty certain what you were going to get as you approached the holy stool - even if the idea of being a Hufflepuff didn’t really sit well with you.  Something about that toil bit didn’t attract you.  But even though your favorite crew of redheads were Gryffindors, that didn’t seem right either- not for you.  You sat down, smiling, but your brain was pretty petrified: were you going to be revealed as a cunning devil, an enlightened bird, a brave lion or a determined honey-badger?  The hat sat on your head for a while trying to figure things out, because Merlin knows you were still figuring things out.  Eventually, it gave a huff and a puff and called out, “Ravenclaw!”  And while that’s been awesome to be decreed smart, you’re wondering when that’ll kick in homework-wise.  A little Hufflepuff determination would be nice around exam time.
who’s your squad: It’s hard to see you within the clump, since the Weasleys are a stretched out bunch of spaghetti strands, but - whenever someone can’t find you- people know which gingers you’re usually around.  The Twins were and continue to be a completely horrible influence on you, and when the three of you are in the same room together, it’s impossible to find an iota of peace or quiet.  Your first year was spent hanging out with Ron and Hermione (she’s the only one who can pick your butt into doing your homework, but she’s also a little annoying in that she actually reads in her leisure time and you…. well, you’ll get to her recommendations eventually).  You have, on multiple occasions, eyed them suspiciously when they talk to each other because there is something there and it’s fun to tease them.  You also love to keep the company of your fellow Ravenclaw, Luna, who shares your love of all things and who is always up for a small adventure outside to look at the sky, sit in the rain, or something else that …. isn’t exactly academic.
general first-year shenanigans you were up to while Harry was being Harry:
A majority of the points deducted from the Ravenclaw house was thanks to you.  You have a bad habit of talking in Professor Snape’s class, and he was very generous with how many points he’d take when your mouth opened.  He wasn’t the only professor to wish you’d write a little more and talk a little less.  
you’ve gotten at least two detentions for running late to class because you were sleeping in.  At least your house was spared point deductions?
Fred and George always had a way to sneak you out of those detentions anyway.
you’ve made it up to your house on various occasions, due to your creativity in class and ability to come up with answers on the fly.  This also helped loads when you needed to finish homework JUST before class started.
you nearly froze your butt off during the winter, hanging out in the astronomy tower, writing.  
when you accidentally found out that there was a three-headed dog, you refused to believe Ron when he said it was the ugliest thing he’d ever seen, because dogs are the best and you almost tricked him into telling you were it was.  Almost.
at the end of the year, as you got back on the train and Fred loaded your stuff above the seat for you, again, you realized two things:
1: you were crushing hard on that funny beanstalk of a boy and
2: you totally forgot to return the books you’d borrowed from Hermione and Cho.  And you hadn’t even read them.  Again.
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meowsaidmayaanime · 7 years
What I'm Watching June 2016
Here I will post the anime's that I am currently watching or re-watching, of course this does not include simulcasts as they are in a separate category all together. No, this is a list of the (some partially completed) anime that I binge watch. This post is constantly updated, as I tend to go through a single anime in its entirety within a couple of days, so keep your eye out!
6/25 Blood Blockade Battlefront
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Let me get this down now. This anime is visually beautiful, sooooooo much time went into the art and details. Its movie quality beautiful, which is very unusual in a series. So onto the series itself it's about a boy who began living in a post apocalyptic New York after the gates between the human world and the 'monster' world opened. The characters are great, the premise was great, the episodes were great, everything was going wonderfully. Until the anime took an arrow to the knee... Metaphorically of course. So much was left unresolved, and in the last few episodes an obstacle was haphazardly thrown at us. I didn't check the episode count before watching the anime so I was shocked when I found out that there were only 13 (well 12 really) episodes. I get the impression that the studio was initially expecting to do a full 24 ep season considering the pacing of the anime up until episode 10. Evidently this is where the anime diverges quite a bit from the manga itself (my guess is that its unfinished. SOOOOO many anime are left in disappointment because the anime company decides to start a series before the manga has a chance to complete itself leaving the anime with a weird and out of place ending. sigh)
It really is a huge shame that Blood Blockade Battlefront ended the way it did. And its a shame that this recent trend of only creating 'half seasons' has once again resulted in a poor ending. I really liked this anime too, like I said earlier it was amazing. Seriously here's a quote from Toshi Nakamura who wrote a review of the anime itself.
"All in all, Blood Blockade Battlefront was a beautiful jewelry box filled with glittering stones that are individually beautiful, but when you put them on a string to make a necklace, on a whole, they lose a lot of their shine. Plus it feels like some of the most precious gems were left in the box."
My thoughts exactly. Those loose gems left in the box being the other 12 episodes this anime deserved in order to make one complete 24 ep season. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS.
Its so hard trying to recommend an anime when the end is a let down. I want people to see it because the first 9 episodes are fabulous, but I don't want to subject an unsatisfactory anime to anyone. Its not like the ending was bad, for how last minute it was, it was pretty well done, and it did make sense. It just wasn't the ending this anime deserved. If your willing to take this on I highly recommend it to anyone who loves the paranormal genre. Maybe it would just be best to read the manga. Its definitely on my list to read.
6/21 Sankarea Undying Love re-watch
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Last time I watched this anime it was in high school after a friend recommended it to me. So I figured why not watch it again? Its a short 12 episode zombie love story. Haha, yup a zombie slice of life love story. In the world of American media, its a really unusual combination of genres, but in anime its no real surprise. I suppose the only real surprise about the anime is the fact that its relatively good, and not at all a harem like High School of the Dead. Its very cute and I think well done. The main female characters father is a total creep and wack-job but that is one of the reasons why he is the main antagonist. For being a zombie anime, its very laid back and you'll find out why as you watch it. Sankarea is an anime that I would recommend to people if I was aware of what kind of anime they liked. If you like the zombie scene but want to watch something not totally gruesome and hyped up, or if you like unusual/ supernatural/ paranormal/ ect. romances I think this is worth a shot.
6/17 Barakamon
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WOW, this was really good. I initially started watching this because Funimation's YouTube channel posts trailers and promo videos for its anime. I watched the promo trailer for the English dub, recognized a lot of the voice actors in it and decided to give it a try. I'm gonna say this now, it's probably the best slice of life anime I have seen. and I mean full on slice of life, no paranormal or fantasy or anything else, it's pure slice of life. Its well written, the episodes flow, and its got a great story and great characters. The premise is that a young 20-something artist calligrapher Seishu punches a man who criticized his work as being unimaginative. As a result Seishu's father sends him to live on a rural island to 'cool his head'. The anime then follows the life of Seishu as he makes unexpected friendships and discovers who he is as an artist.
I just loved this anime, If you like slice of life, yes DEFINITELY watch this. Same if you like watching characters grow and their struggle to discover themselves, or if you like comedy, or if you like realism, or if you want a well made anime to calm down with after watching an emotionally draining one. Even if your not into the genre I recommend you give the first episode a try at least. I was immensely impressed with it.
Oh, and the full series won't be released in English until August 9, 2016, but Funimation is releasing the first two episodes in English on June 28th. I know I will definitely be re-watching this when the full English dub release comes out!!
6/16 Charlotte (re-watch)
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I LOVED this anime when it came out last year. I remember getting to the last few episodes and going to the public library to finish watching it because the power went out in my house. I just finished re-watching it with one of my friends who had never seen it before. Haha, she was mad at me cause she got so invested in it. It is a doozy. But anyway, it follows high school boy Yuu Otosaka who recently became aware of a supernatural ability of his to be able to control a persons body for 5 seconds at a time. After abusing this power to cheat his way into a good high school, a girl named Tomoe catches him and makes him transfer to a school for people with other abilities. It goes on from there showing their lives, introducing characters and fortifying relationships until the REAL plot reveals itself~
If you like supernatural anime this is a really one, full story in only 13 episodes. It also touches up on quite a few 'heavy' topics, which it actually handles really well. I do recommend this to anyone actually, it was my third favourite 2015 anime of the one I watched that year.
(Bonus: I don't know who wrote this or how far into the anime hey were in, but I agree.)
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6/14 50% Off (re-watch)
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Oh man, I love this show. I just watched their two A-kon panels from a few weeks ago, and it's great. Just watch this show, make sure you watch it. Here's a link to my post on my favourite parody/abridge series where I talk about this show more. You don't have to know the original anime to enjoy it (I didn't watch Free until recently), so get on YouTube type it in and get going!
6/13 Princess Jellyfish (re-watch)
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Alright, So now you guys are up to speed on the anime I watched during my vacation, I just started re-watching Princess Jellyfish. Oh man, I completely forgot about this little gem. I first watched it my freshman year of college (two years ago), and LOVED it. It's basically about a household of otaku young women, and one in particular who is in love with jellyfish, who make friends with their arch enemy, a stylish person! Haha, it is hilarious and a great commentary on stereotypes/social norms in Japanese culture (and really many other first world cultures for that matter.) I am having so much fun re-watching this series, it is slice of life so there is not much of an overarching plot so much as it is just following the exploits of the group after becoming friends with said stylish person I mentioned earlier. Each episode flows naturally into the next creating a constant story with each episode having to do with the next. So despite it being a slice of life, there are no filler episodes that forgotten or have nothing to do with anything. it also consistently references pop-culture and media not just from Japan, but from America too. Really, I can't express how great it is. Watch it, you won't regret it.
6/9 & 6/12
HEY! Sorry for the inactivity, I was on vacation out of state. While I was not able to do anything on this site for the past week, I was able to watch a few anime! AND hey are new ones!
So during my summer vay-cay (haha, thats such a terrible word) I watched:
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
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and Amnesia
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Dusk Maiden of Amnesia was good. It's about a high school boy who makes a friend out of a ghost, Yuuko, who doesn't remember anything from when she was alive. In terms of content, while they do try to figure out how she died and who she is, a good portion is about tellig the story of the two main characters. Doing high school activities, developing relationships, ect. While the anime does frequently talk about the mystery and paranormal throughout these episodes, its not until the end of the series that the mystery of Yuuko ACTUALLY begins being solved, and they find out REAL information of her past. In hindsight, her past and the climax of the series is thrust upon you towards the end. It would have been better in my opinion if the events and info were more evenly dispersed throughout each episode from the beginning. I still really liked this anime, though I'm not sure as to how good it is. If your into the sort of subdued paranormal scene, then you may want to give this a shot. Its short, its sweet, I really liked learning about Yuuko's past when it finally got around to it, and I personally really liked it. But again, if you like the paranormal, you may like this. If your not into paranormal stuff, then I wouldn't recommend it.
Now Amnesia was a whole different box of pillows. By that I mean body pillows, and by that I mean I am sure that there area tons available. Why? Because this short anime was adapted from a dating sim called Amnesia: Memories. I wish I had known that before I started watching it, but no matter. In terms of dating sim adaptations, it's pretty good. In terms of an anime, not so much. The premise for both the anime and the game is that you are a girl who just woke up and knows absolutely nothing about herself, where she is, or who anyone else is. She has, you guessed it, amnesia. Amnesia caused by a fairy 'bumping' into her? which doesn't make too much sense. (but hey at least it wasn't because she performed horrific acts of manslaughter, created a patchwork monster, and played a huge part in nearly destroying humanity all so Alexander could become godlike, am I right?) Anyway, she wakes up and begins jumping alternate worlds in which she is dating different guys, thus the dating sim part comes in. In therms of the anime itself, the plot is a little wobbly waiting until the last 2 or 3 episodes to actually explain her true past and give a substantial story line. Because in the game, the female character and her name/personality is you, the anime version of her is left 'blank' for self insertion. Making a poor main character being pushed to and fro. But I will tell you this the music was REALLY good, the opening, closing and background music were absolutely fantastic. SO, if you have played this game and enjoyed it then I would definitely recommend it. If you have not, and have absolutely no interest in self-insertion romance, then its not worth the watch for the plot. Although I did like it myself. It's a good addition to my, quote-unquote, "trash anime" (watch out for a post in the maybe near future). Basically a list of guilty pleasure anime which are terrible when it comes to plot and characters, but I just can't resist. Its like reading trashy romance novels, but better and worse at the same time.
6/5 Red Data Girl (re-watch)
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Another re-watch, maybe June will be a month of oldies~ (at least for me). RDG is an adorable anime, its a short 12 ep, one season series based off the Japanese novels of the same title. 6 novels (no official translation, but this person on tumblr has been translating them in their spare time), 4 manga novel adaptations, and one anime as mentioned. I'm not familiar with the novels or manga, but I do know that the anime covers most but not all of the novels. One person said it covers the first 5 novels but that's it. Anyway, the anime is super cute, and I really like the premise. My only issue is that the end felt like the completion of a smaller story arch within a larger one. Leaving no REAL ending, you can't even argue that the end is open to interpretation because they didn't leave you wondering what happened, they leave you without ever continuing the main story arch. Without explaining the endless questions that rose with the intention of it being resolved later. Hopefully the manga will give me some solace but with 4 books, i'm not sure if it will... I really like it, and I really wish it would continue.
oh btw, as of right now it's available on netflix, the English voice acting is ok, its not bad, but its also not great. The voice actors are able to but the right voice out, but not give the voice the emotion that the words give. I greatly prefer the Japanese voice acting, but I'm able to live with the English if I'm multi-tasking. (random note: the ending theme is super pretty. Actually, a lot about this anime is pretty)
6/2 Blue Exorcist Movie TOP PICK FOR THIS MONTH (new)
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The movie has nothing to do with the plot of the anime at all, and takes place after the events in the series. Atleast I'm fairly certain it does? There's an important (and spoiler-y) thing that happens at the end of the series, that is never addressed or acknowledged in the movie which I think is really weird..... Either way, the movie itself is simply a completely stand alone story from the series. And it was absolutely stunning! Sooooo much detail went into all of the backgrounds and items. On top of that its very well scripted, and the plot flowed incredibly well together without being convoluted, which is surprising since a number of movie sequels to tv series's tend to go overboard by stuffing too much information into an hour and a half.
It was amazing. Its possible that someone could watch the movie without watching the single season anime, just because of how it was written. However you would not know the relationships or the back story of the main character, which helps to explain a lot of the terminology and setting. Especially the part about demons ect ect.
Either way, I LOVED this movie. I didn't even know that there was a movie at all until just now. I'm going to re-watch it with a friend when she gets back into town and I am soooooo excited because I KNOW she will love it too. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. I RECOMMEND THIS SO HARD.
6/1 Blue Exorcist (re-watch)
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Well I can't sleep, so what better opportunity than this to re-watch Ao no Exorcist in the English dub~ Ah, I love this anime. Its funny, has great main characters, a good story and writing, and I seem to have a week spot for exorcist anime's, haha. Man, I remember watching this when it first came out in high school, I have a distinct memory of watching one of the later episodes before going to one of my friends concerts. There was a movie made about a year later, AAAAAND a series of specials. Oh, man the movie was so amazing. It has nothing to do with the plot of the anime at all, in fact the anime wrapped up everything rather nicely. The Movie itself is simply another story in cinematic format. It was absolutely beautiful, well made, well scripted, and the plot flowed incredibly well together without being convoluted. Would 100% recommend.
Oh, right! The dub isn't that bad, I mean I wish they had a different voice actor for Rin, I just don't feel like this one really lives up to the character. The other voice actors are great though, really fit the characters. The dub is well done, but I think I preferred the Japanese voice actors (they have a better pick than we do.) I just think that someone with a slightly lower, more thug-ish voice would have been better. The English actors voice is a little too high for me, it's even higher than Yukio's voice ._.
6/1 Black Butler (re-watch)
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I decided to re-watch the show (minus the second season) after writing up my post from yesterday about anime whose second season could just go and disappear from existence. I love Sebastian, he is a saint, well a saint among devils. Not only is he one hell of a butler, but one hell of a contractor too, he REALLY get into his jobs, and it is amazing. Even I would enter into a contract if I could have him as a butler~ It's a goon anime, not sure if its recommendation worthy though. I mean yes it's good but it's not something that you HAVE to see, or something you would be missing out on. It's surprisingly fun and while it can and does get intense in certain areas, its not so intense that its going to mess you up.  As long as you never touch the second season, NEVER.
Bonus image, cause why not:
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unextordinary-blog · 7 years
My year in one post: 2017
okay so its starting to get closer to the end of the year lets have a recap of 2017.
january: I don't have a job anymore, I am not going to school at the moment, I am moving for the hundredth time, and I have to give up my dog and cat, then someone loses my cat. ( so its safe to say january was definitely not my month) but bright side this is the month where i start to talk to my "future" husband. well sort of (this will be explained in a later month).
february: so it's a new month. I am jobless with no prospect of going back to school until the next semester. on top of that our landlords are total pieces of literal dog shit (like im not kidding they have about 5000 dogs in their house and it smells like dog shit) anyways life is starting to look up JUST THE TINIEST BIT because ya girl got a date. i am dating. newly dating. and on top of that i still don't know that my future husband is single yet. (he doesn't like the idea of me dating)
march: we have officially moved into my moms boyfriends house and i already hate it. Its awful i have no closet, no space, no job, no pets, and no will to live (except for my future husband). Its safe to say my life lowkey sucks because not only do i have a curfew now? I have to pretend to not hate my life and i actually have to get out of the bedroom im staying in (yea thats right im not allowed to call his guest bedroom "my room") my moms boyfriend is a total dickwad. he gets what he deserves in later months tho. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( WAIT A MINUTE I just got some info that karma was doing her job all along and i completely forgot part of living with my momster and her dickwad was that I had to do all the chores around the house and dickwad left $200 in his pocket when i was doing laundry and i found it. in my defense i tried to tell them about the money but then they got on my ass for talking to them while they were talking or something so i shut up and spent some of the money on a tattoo. it was the best revenge ever. I had been planning on getting one for months and dickwad and momster HATE tattoos and he technically paid for mine and it was great)
April: HOMAGAWD my life is looking up. I got a job, my "future" husband is visiting and the guy I'm kinda sorta "dating" is a good kisser but i swear to y'all if i hadn't already been on like 4 dates with this guy i would have thought he was catfishing me (he ends up ghosting me anyways so whatevesss). My momster and her dickwad of a boyfriend don't like my new job because it doesn't pay a whole lot? ( oh i forgot to mention they want me to pay rent for the "bedrooom" I'm sleeping in; y'all this room is literally a bed, a dresser drawer, and MY TV) ALSO did i mention this guy is total pack rat (THE BEDROOM IM IN HAS ALLLL OF HIS JUNK IN IT) and there's no central heating and I'm sick. I have bronchitis and we barely found out. meanwhile my supposed "mother" thought I was just being annoying with my coughing and her stupid boyfriend literally had the AUDACITY to tell me if I don't get rid of my cough by the end of the week then he was going to "do something about it". (LIKE IM SORRY I HAVE BRONCHITIS IF I COULD WAVE MY MAGIC WAND THAT I JUST RANDOMLY PULLED OUT OF MY ARSE AND MAKE MYSELF BETTER I WOULD SORRY MY ILLNESS IS INCONVENIENCING YOU). this man is weird he has like every book written by trump and is a civil war reenactor and has can goods from before I was even born because he doesn't believe in expiration dates. so I didn't want to find out what he meant by that so I booked the quickest doctors appointment I could get. I had been sick for 3 months by this point. also I paid over half the rent at my old place but I was always making like $1000 a month sooooo I could afford it. anyways my "future" husband and I have an amazing 3 days when he visits it was like no time had passed and it wasn't until he was gone that I realized that I couldn't live without him anymore.
May: ITS OFFICIAL BITCHES my "future" husband is now my boyfriend, it literally took him an hour for me to say he was my boyfriend. twas a struggle. but pretty much since the day he left we hadn't gone a single day without talking via text or calling each other. we thought about waiting until he came back to texas to date, but that would be two years and we weren't having that because we would have ended up waiting for each other instead of dating long distance which is kinda a waste of time. anyways I am no longer sick. at least I don't think and karma is just DOING ITS WORK on my mom and her dickwad boyfriend. My mom was being treated like she deserved by her new job and dickwad had lost his chief position because hes an alcoholic asshole with little man syndrome now he is paying over $10,000 for a DWI lawyer. meanwhile i was thriving I was getting more work I was looking into ways to pay off my school my life still sucked and the only reason im alive is because of my "future" husband.
June: did i ever mention that june is my favorite month of this year. love is in the air bitches. june is the month for marriages and engagements. SPEAKING OF ENGAGEMENTS yea that's right he proposed AND ON TOP OF THAT he surprised me with a visit and i nearly had a heart attack and it was a great few days. then my momster ruined it by being her and by hating me as per usual we weren't asking for permission at this point to get married we were just going to get married whether she agreed or not. and i was moving out and my "future" husband and i had a 101 plans (also i dont like the word fiance its dirty and gross) our 101 plans obviously fell through you can plan all day long and life is just like "LOL gurl you thought" but it all turned out fine in and in our favor in the end. we are very thankful for the people who stuck by our side when things were getting tough and sooo grateful for all their help we wouldn't have been able to do it without them.
JULY: ITS OUR WEDDDDINNNGGG MONNNTTTTHHHHHHH!!!!!! I had never thought "hey you're going to be my husband one day" when I saw my husband for the first time in the 2nd grade. he apparently did, he thought i was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and was happy i had moved to his town. that innocent love obviously turned into something more as we got older and he always knew that something special would happen with us there had to be a reason God had kept us close all those years. we were married july 10th in a court house with our high school friends my momster and her dickwad boyfriend and my new family that consisted of my husbands parents and siblings while my maid of honor watch via facetime (she had work and the ceremony lasted like 20 mins) leading up to our wedding he "proposed" properly on the couch while we were watching a movie and his best friend was so upset that he was not included in the proposal. we promised to include him on our 5 year anniversary at our vow renewal. we were married on the 10th we had our honeymoon that night in galveston. on the 11th we went to our best mans house, watched hoarders all morning, played ping pong, went to go see a movie with our old clique from high school, slept on a too small air mattress with a too small blanket in freezing cold room and woke up early. he dropped me off at my momsters and we said our teary eyed goodbyes and said we'd see each other again in december and I watched him drive away to the air port. I turned 20 the next week and I had 1 good day then on the 18th my mom decided to yell at me and fight me about money (remember how i said i was trying to pay off my college stuff well my mom knew that. it was no secret. well i found a way and i had gotten the money the week i got married and i paid it off and put the rest in savings and refused to touch it) well my mom yelled at me until she was blue in the face because since dickwad fucked up his finances with his DWI they were now strapped for cash and wanted me to pay for everything and I refused. just because we said I'd move in december doesn't mean plans are set in stone and if I would have paid them in advance I would have never seen that money again. the risks were to high for me to pay that much in one sitting. so we argued on the 18th she didn't talk to me for two days then on the 21st she gave me an ultimatum and told me to pay or get out. meanwhile my husband and I were thinking ahead and I was already packing and by the 22nd all i had in the bedroom i slept in was a duffel bag of clothes and hamper full of my bedding I told her i was moving out on the 23rd on a sunday and by the time they got home from church me and everything i had would be gone from that house. remember my husbands best man and best friend and the small air mattress and cold bedroom?
August: they both had a house together and that was the house i stayed in until the second week or two of august i spent almost a week with my dad and his family so i could say my goodbyes. i came back to the guys house for 2 days finished packing said my goodbyes to all my friends and then my dad was there with a jeep for all my stuff and we would start our long trip to VA. the first day we drove from TX to atlanta then the next day atlanta to VA.
I was finally home. there he was my knight in blue digital camo. we'd only been married a month and already our plans were askew. my dad stayed for 2 extra days and helped us get settled into our new apartment then left.
september: we are 2 months into our marriage and our first month living together. these next two months will be the hardest months in our marriage. we're getting used to each other getting to know our homelife quirks it is a difficult transition for both of us I am used to an abusive passive aggressive household where i lock myself in my room and he is used to empty barracks and going out everyday just so he doesn't have to be in the barracks all day. it was hard but we wouldn't want to bicker over mundane things with anyone else.
October: its spoopy time and my husbands birthday is this month we have a tv and new bed for our master bedroom we have a cat but Im pretty sure we got him in september. we're not really fighting as much at least not about stupid things we know what pushes our buttons and we're communicating better. I have to turn down my first job because its too far of a drive. ( we immediately regret it) the hubs 21st birthday rolls around we have the worst mexican food ever and he has the strongest margarita in the world it was really a great night. Halloween we sit on the couch watching movies and just stay in all day.
November: my husbands family have informed us that his little brother will be graduating from boot camp this month and will be going to school on a base in VA and that they were coming for thanksgiving. so we get the house in order for our new guests. we buy everything from a thanksgiving ham to new towels when they arrive his parents are sick with the flu and my husband still has work the next day on thanksgiving. his mom and i spend the entire next day cooking and getting everything ready. when my husband gets home we have dinner and watch a movie or two. the next day is my husbands day off and we all had planned on eating out so we had lunch then went to the beach for his mom and then my husbands base to give a tour for his mom (insert eyeroll here the woman takes pictures of quite literally everything its almost annoying)and then finally we go back home so we can get his little brothers stuff and we can drop him off at his new base. (which is a whole lot more difficult then it should have been.) they end up giving him a weekend pass but by then we're all dead tired and want to go home but no, we go bowling on base until its time to take his little brother back to the barracks. then the next day is even more annoying my husband picks up his little brother and some breakfast and we trudge to a museum of an old ship for about 2 or 3 hours. keep in mind my husbands parents are still sick with the flu and everyone is tired except his little brother and my husband has work at 3am the next day. on top of that his parents need to get on a plane this same day and my husband and i need to drop off his little brother back on base. needless to say it was another long day and we finally had our house back my poor husband had work at 3am and around 9am i hear him come home apparently since he didn't leave early on thanksgiving he got to leave work early that day which meant we got the entire sunday to ourselves. it was a long weekend.
December: its only the 13th and we have been married for 5 months now and it will almost be a year since we started dating. (how time flies) his best man is supposed to visit in january and we are both so excited.
so much little stuff has happened this year that would make this post even longer. we got a motorcycle, my husband is trying to pick out a car for me i thought about doing online college, we both haven't really thought about what we want for christmas and our cat has fleas so its been a very eventful year.
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