#I forgot about another way to smother a cutie
rosicheeks · 2 years
Please smother/sit on my face as much as you’d like 🥴
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kittyhui · 3 months
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“we should stop” trope with cheol
no smut, just suggestive MDNI
content tags: mutual friends to lovers (???sorta), cheol is a smoker (dont smoke..), reader is introverted, mentioned alcohol use, making out, being a bit freaky outside, cheol is hot
meeting your friends’ friends always had your introverted head reeling. “do i have to go?” you whine to jeonghan, one of your closest friends.
“no but you really should leave the house, y/n” he laughs. he was right. it was only a small get together at joshua’s (your other friend) apartment, it would only be a few other people, “you’ve met most of them anyways. plus you can stay with me and kyeomie as long as you want” he smiles at you as you finally agree to coming along.
surprisingly, it wasn’t as bad as you had thought. even though it was getting tiring dokyeom pulling you to meet all the people you haven’t been introduced to before, it was manageable.
“oh! i almost forgot” dokyeom says, looking at you, “you need to meet, cheol” he grabs your arm again, walking you over to another person youve never seen before. “coupsie!”
you watch as the man dokyeom calls for turns around, red hair looking like fire around his head, arms looking oh so delicious in the black shirt he was wearing, and his lips; god his lips, looking cherry red like he had just bitten them so hard they bled. he looked so intimidating with a scowl on his face, until he looks at kyeom and pouts.
“i told you to stop calling me thatttt” he sulks, lip jutting out. he finally seems to notice your presence, raising his thick brow before speaking again, “is this your friend you were talking about?”
“im sorryyy, the name is so cute, cheol. but yea! this is y/n!” dokyeom introduces, your face heating up with nervousness at the redhead staring down at you.
“hi. nice to me you…” you murmur, extending your hand for a handshake. what you didn’t expect is for him to take it and pull you a little closer to him.
“sorry” he laughs, “what did you say.. its too loud in here” you repeat yourself, stuttering over your words, before he finally pulls away, hearing the complains from dokyeom about cheol ‘teasing his friend’. “I’m seungcheol by the way. most of my friends just call me cheol tho. i prefer that.” you smile again before dokyeom pulls you away again to meet someone else.
the rest of the night went by smoothly, and now you finally had the chance to slip away from all the noise and step outside for a breather after having a bit too much to drink. the summer breeze felt refreshing compared to the heat coming from the apartment you were just in and you could finally take a deep breath in, admiring the night sky.
“too many people in there for your tastes?” you jump at the sudden voice, turning to see the red haired man from earlier, “sorry! i didn’t mean to startle you. it’s too many people in there for me too, if that makes you feel better” he smiles at you, before turning back to face the sky, putting a lit cigarette to his lips and inhaling the smoke.
“you know thats bad for you, right?” you say, backtracking when you see his eyes widen and him beginning to burn it out, “no its fine! i dont mind.. sorry im bad at small talk” you look down at your fingers, playing with them, still feeling his eyes on you.
“you’re cute.” he laughs. he takes another inhale from the cigarette before sitting on the steps of the apartment building. “sit with me” he pats the concrete next to him, signaling you to come.
as you sit close to him, you can smell the mix of smoke and his cologne on his clothes, the scent of them seemingly driving you insane, the alcohol running through your body making you scoot even closer into him, as if to try and smother yourself in the fragrance. “you smell really good” you say without thinking, immediately burning hot in embarrassment at the reality of what you just said. he turns to you, laughing loudly.
“thank you, cutie.” he smiles, looking into your eyes, “and you look very pretty. thought that since dokyeom introduced me to you. was trying to get you alone but hannie was protecting you like a mama bear.” you laugh before his words sink into your brain.
“what- what did you want to do when you got me alone?” you question, eyes looking him up and down. you were beyond close to each other at this point, you had practically one leg draped over his thigh, and you could feel his hand on it, steadying you a bit.
“you know what i wanted to do.” he says, eyes shifting towards your lips before looking back into your own, “i can still do it now.. if you’d like.” you only murmur a faint ‘yea’ and his lips touch yours, hands cradling your head, pressing you closer and closer together.
your mind sobers up a bit, realizing that you were currently outside, in front of your friends house, kissing a guy you met barely an hour ago. “we. should. stop.” you breathe out inbetween kisses. you know you don’t want to stop but your left brain was screaming at you to think logically.
“we- can. stop. if you want” cheol slurs out, lips kissing the corner of yours, a smirk resting on them. the moment you shake your head, he pulls you onto his lap fully, having you straddle his thighs. “you’re so pretty..” he sighs out, lips gliding down your neck, sucking a few times, leaving marks in their wake. your hands rest in his fiery locks, combing your fingers through them every so often as he pulls whines out of your mouth.
“cheolie…” you sigh out, grinding lightly on his thigh, testing the waters. he groans at the sight, pulling you in for another kiss before- ring ring ringgg
“fuck-“ he groans looking down at his phone now long abandoned along with his burnt out cigarette you didnt even realize was gone, “its shua. hold on, pretty. yea. uhhuh? oh. oh okay- okay bye.” you try to listen in but your attempts were futile. he hangs up the calls, lowering his phone and putting his hands on your waist. “‘m sorry, pretty. soonyoung is currently um- puking his guts out in a bedroom.. i’ll spare the details, but i have to help shua clean the mess.” he sighs, looking at you with guilty eyes.
you look at him a bit disappointed but nod, slipping off his lap. “its fine, cheol. go deal with that.” you smile and he smiles back before kissing your lips wetly once again.
“give me your number first. just incase i don’t see you before you leave.” he shyly speaks again, opening his phone again for you to type in your number.
“alright, here” you say, finishing up your contact information. “text me whenever.. now go! there’s vomit for you to clean” you giggle as he stands up and rushes inside again.
finally standing up again yourself, your legs feel like jelly as you walk into the apartment again, spotting jeonghan and dokyeom on the couch. “hey” you say as you sit down next to them.
“oh my lord, we were wondering where you were.” jeonghan say before looking at your state and gasping, “you look a mess? who were you with??” dokyeom laughs as your face heats up again.
“n-no one..” you splutter, biting your lip remembering the man you were just with. they roll their eyes at you, whining at the lack of details you were spilling as a ping comes from your phone.
Unknown Number
Hey. This is Seungcheol.
Want a ride home?
you can hear your friends gasp, obviously reading your messages at the same time.
yea :) would love that <3
you send your response and jeonghan nudges you teasingly, “seriously, choi seungcheol? that loser??” all you do is smile dumbly, excited to see him once more.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
We’ve got a Cake to Bake
Mitsuri Kanroji x They/Them Reader Modern AU
A/N: The whole time I was writing this I had ‘Cake to Bake’ by Aarzemnieki playing on repeat in my brain. Mostly just the, ‘a piece of caaaake’ part. Hope y’all like it! Word Count: ~2,360
“I can’t believe I forgot! I can’t believe I forgot! What an awful friend I am!” Mitsuri was sweating bullets, chest heaving, as she came barreling through the apartment.
“What!? What!?” (Y/n) shot up from their dozing on the couch, looking around the room for a fire or something only to have Mitsuri throw her whole body into theirs like a missile.
“I forgot today was Kyoujirou’s birthday! I’m terrible, (Y/n)! I don’t have anything for him!” Mitsuri wailed, shaking (Y/n) a bit too roughly.
“Mitsuri, slow down, please. You’re going to give me whiplash!” (Y/n) gasped, fumbling to grab Mitsuri’s wrists.
“Ah! Sorry!” She let go, letting them slump backward onto the couch.
“I’m okay,” they rubbed their neck, “what’s this about Kyoujirou?” They made an, ‘oomph!’ sound when Mitsuri’s forehead knocked into their chest rather painfully.
“I forgot his birthday! What am I going to do? He’s having a party tonight! Did you get him something?”
“Yeah, a gift card to his favorite restaurant, a bag of flaming hot Cheetos and a barbecue recipe book. You want me to put your name on it too? I’d have brought it up if I knew it had slipped your mind.”
“You are so sweet, but I can’t. We have a tradition! I always make him a sweet potato cake with rich, vanilla buttercream and toasted marshmallows smothered all over it. It takes a long time to bake, I don’t know if I can finish one in time,” She pouted.
“Hey, I’m here. I’ll help you. Just lead the way.” (Y/n) assured.
Mitsuri instantly perked up, kissing (Y/n) all over their face, “Thank you, thank you, thank you! What are we waiting for, let’s get in the kitchen!” She scrambled off their lap, leaving them thoroughly disheveled.
(Y/n) stood up, smoothed out their clothes and fixed their hair, and left to jog after Mitsuri, already finding her with her arms full of baking supplies.
“Careful, Mitsu,” (Y/n) softly chided, reaching out just in time to catch the bag of brown sugar that slipped from her arms.
“Oops, nice catch! Now,” she spilled the ingredients all over the table, “let’s make this cake!”
“You got it, boss!”
So. Many. Sweet. Potatoes.
“Mitsuri, honey, do we really need to use all of these?” (Y/n) asked as they handed yet another peeled sweet potato for Mitsuri to expertly cut.
“Of course! If it’s gonna be five tiers we have to use all of these!” She said matter-of-factly, sliding the cut sweet potatoes into the a bowl to be mashed like the rest.
“Fuh, five tiers?” (Y/n) wheezed, distracted by the realization of just how much work they had to do, they accidentally nicked their finger. “Ow! Damn!”
“Oh my gosh, babe? Are you okay?” Mitsuri gasped, “Let me see it! Should I call Shinobu?”
“It’s just a little cut Mitsuri, I’m okay. If you made Shinobu come over for something this small, she’d never let me hear the end of it.”
“If your certain…” Mitsuri pouted. “Let me get a bandaid.”
“I can get my own bandaid, Mitsu.” (Y/n) smiled.
“Nope!” She was already bounding to the bathroom and back again within seconds, gesturing for (Y/n) to give her their hand, “Hand, yourself over!”
“Alright, cutie pie. Here,” They held their hand out and Mitsuri carefully washed and bandaged it. (Y/n) was ready to pull away when she finished, but Mitsuri rose their hand to her lips and kissed over the bandaid.
“There! Is that better?” She asked.
“Much better, thank you.” (Y/n) simpered, watching Mitsuri wiggle with barely confined joy. “We better get back to work now, hm? If we’re going to finish this five tier cake before the party.”
“Right! Just let me get a glove for you to wear on your hand!”
Once gloved, the process continued and the mash of sweet potatoes, brown and white sugar, cinnamon, eggs, butter and flour was poured into five baking tins of various size. Unfortunately, the oven wasn’t big enough to fit everything so they had to split the tins. They decided to cook the biggest tin first and began cleaning up the mess they made.
Mitsuri hummed as she washed the bowls and measuring cups. She rinsed the soapy water off and handed them off to (Y/n) to dry.
“You missed a spot.” (Y/n) said, scoping up a stay spot of suds from the rim of the mixing bowl they were just handed.
When Mitsuri swiveled her head to inspect, (Y/n) playfully flicked the soapy water at her. A declaration of war that did not go unnoticed. Mitsuri paid them back ten fold, cupping her hands together under the soapy water to fling it all in (Y/n)’s face.
“Hey!” (Y/n) spluttered, “that was way more than what I—“
Another wave of water, somehow right in the mouth.
“Oh, you will be Kanroji!” (Y/n) coughed.
“Nooo!” Mitsuri giggled and tried to bat away (Y/n)’s now sudsy hands, but her defenses crumbled in a matter of seconds, her skin and shirt becoming damp with every touch that landed. “I’m not giving up!”
Poor (Y/n) never stood a chance, especially when Mitsuri didn’t know her own strength. With one mighty slap at the dish water, (Y/n) was completely drenched. They couldn’t have got more wet in the splash zone of a dolphin show.
“Argh! Mitsu!” (Y/n) coughed and spluttered, rubbing at their eyes, “Am I drowning? I think I’m drowning.”
“Oop!” Mitsuri covered her mouth to hide her smile and handed (Y/n) a dry hand towel with her free hand. “Sorry!”
“I’m sorry,” (Y/n) insisted, “forgive me for ever thinking I could win out against you,” They laughed good naturedly.
“Aww, it’s okay, you tried your best!” Mitsuri said, her smile absolutely shining. She went in for a hug and instantly regretted it. “So wet!”
“Hah ha!” (Y/n) grinned, hugging Mitsuri to their soaked clothes. “Revenge!”
They wiggled and swayed through the kitchen without a care in the world, which would have been fine if the floor wasn’t so wet. One hydroplaning foot later, and they were laying in a heap in the middle of the floor.
“(Y/n)! Are you okay?”
Mitsuri had been lucky enough to be the one to come out on top. She clumsily rose on hands and knees to asses the damage.
“My back…”(Y/n) gasped like an old person, “Holy fuck!”
“I’m calling Shinobu!” Mitsuri panicked, scrambling to her feet.
“No, do not call her! Anyone but her!”
But it was too late, Mitsuri was already heading to the living room to find her phone. (Y/n) tried to get up, but crumpled as soon as something pinched in their back. And then as if things couldn’t get more chaotic, the oven started beeping.
“Mitsuri,” (Y/n) whined, “the oven’s going off!”
“Just a second!” Mitsuri’s muted voice called from the other room, a few moments later she came in a whirlwind of braids and oven mitts to take out the cake and place the tin carefully on the cooling rack. “Shinobu says she’s on her way, baby. Just hold tight!” She informed while she placed the next two tiers in the oven to bake.
“Please, no.” (Y/n) moaned from the floor. “Tell her I’m fine! Call Kanae instead!”
“What could Kanae do that Shinobu can’t?”Mitsuri asked, coming to sit on the floor beside (Y/n).
“She’s nicer.”
“Shinobu’s plenty nice!” Mitsuri refuted, “She’s a very nice girl!”
“To you maybe.” (Y/n) winced.
“Whatever the case, she’s coming and she’s going to take very good care of you.” Mitsuri cooed, stroking (Y/n)’s cheek.
About fifteen minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Mitsuri leapt up to let Shinobu in. They entered the kitchen together and Shinobu immediately scoffed and rolled her eyes upon seeing (Y/n) sprawled out on the floor.
“Hi Shinobu,” (Y/n) tested, trying to be friendly, “how are you?”
“I was enjoying my day off at home until some idiot forgot how to stand upright.” Shinobu tisked, kneeling down to get a better look.
(Y/n) pursed their lips, only to suck in a breath between their teeth as Shinobu turned them over to lay on their stomach. Her hands moved around (Y/n)’s back roughly, feeling around for where the problem area was before humming to herself and turning to address Mitsuri.
“The alignment is off a bit, but one good smack should fix them.” She turned back to (Y/n), “Hold still, dumbass.”
“Wait! NononononoAHHH FUCK!”
Shinobu slammed her elbow into (Y/n)’s back like a UFC fighter and a sickening crack seemed to echo through the kitchen. A couple more sinful prods and Shinobu nodded to herself before standing up.
“They should be good to go now. Need anything else, Mitsuri?” Shinobu asked with a smile.
“Nope, nothing else. Thank you so much! Are you going to Kyoujirou’s birthday later?”
“Wouldn’t miss it! I’ll see you there.”
“Yay, I can’t wait! see you later, Shinobu!” Mitsuri waved.
“See ya.” Shinobu called over her shoulder before closing the front door behind her.
“Devil woman.” (Y/n) hissed, slowly getting to their feet. They hated to admit it, but for as much as that had hurt, their back felt much better all ready.
“How about we watch tv while we wait this time?” Mitsuri suggested, already pulling (Y/n) to the couch.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” They agreed.
The couple assumed a familiar position, (Y/n) laying across the couch on their back, head resting on the armrest, and Mitsuri swooping in to lay on top of them with her head resting comfortably on their chest. Some point halfway through the show, Mitsuri got up to take out the cakes and put in the last two tins. She then came back, easily snuggling back into place and unpausing the tv.
Once all cakes were baked and cooled, both returned to the kitchen to stack them together and smother the sweet smelling cakes under a mountain of buttercream. Once the base frosting covered everything up, Mitsuri piped some more frosting on the edges. It was dyed a bright orange color to really pop out against the white buttercream. Then (Y/n) ripped open a big bag of marshmallows and piled them on thick. They then stood back, giving Mitsuri a wide berth as the woman worked a blow torch to toast the marshmallows. How she got one of those in the first place, (Y/n) didn’t know, but it was such a strange contrast between the giddy smiling woman and the loud, scary fire gun in her hand.
The cake looked immaculate and with the party starting in half an hour, the couple high-fived and went to freshen up before they left. Once they were dressed and ready to head out, Mitsuri picked up the whole cake by herself and (Y/n) opened all the doorways for her and helped her get into the car. The cake just barely cleared the car door and the couple sighed in relief. All they needed to to do now was get to the party and hand the cake off to Rengoku.
(Y/n) made sure to drive extra carefully, exclaiming joyfully when they parked on the curb almost directly in front of Rengoku’s house. They went around the car to open the door for Mitsuri with a bow.
“M’lady,” They greeted, giving Mitsuri as much space to get out as they could.
“So chivalrous, I could melt!” Mitsuri swooned, yet kept a strong control over the tower of a cake in her arms, exiting the car without much effort at all.
They walked up to the door and (Y/n) rang the doorbell. It didn’t take long for Kyoujirou’s younger brother to let them in.
“Hi, Senjurou-kun! Good to see you!” Mitsuri said, managing to peer around the cake to catch a glance of him.
“Hi, Kanroji-san.” The young boy greeted with a shy smile, “come on in you two.”
“Thank you! Happy Birthday, Kyoujirou!” Mitsuri called into the house, a yell that was returned with booming enthusiasm.
“Mitsuri, (Y/n)! Thank you both for coming to celebrate with me!” Rengoku loudly spoke, coming around the corner. When he saw the cake, his eyes lit up. “Is that a sweet potato cake, Mitsuri?”
“It sure is!” She beamed, laughing as Kyoujirou cut the distance between them and lifted Mitsuri and the cake in the air with a triumphant, ‘hah!’.
“Thank you very much! I will cherish every bite!” He boomed.
“Don’t Just thank me, (Y/n) helped too.” Mitsuri revealed.
“Aw, he doesn’t need to—!”
Rengoku put Mitsuri down and picked (Y/n) up instead, “And thank you as well, (Y/n)! I’m glad Mitsuri has someone as wonderful as you to rely on!”
“You’re welcome, and thank you!” (Y/n) said in return. They felt a need to raise their voice to match the energy Rengoku was giving, making Mitsuri giggle.
Feet on the ground again, they set the cake down and enjoyed the party, mixing with all their friends. Eventually when it was time to go home , they said their goodbyes and (Y/n) drove them back home, Mitsuri had fallen asleep on the way and was snoring, her cheek plastered against the car window. So cute.
(Y/n) got out of the car and walked around, opening Mitsuri’s door and propping her up before she could slouch too far. They unbuckled her seatbelt and heaved the sleeping woman into their arms, closing the car door with their hip. The sound jolted Mitsuri awake unfortunately, but she looked like her heart was about to burst out of her chest from the sentiment. It did end up helping that she woke up though, because then she could reach out and turn the doorknob and let them in while (Y/n) held her, using their foot to close the door behind them.
“Hey, (Y/n)?” Mitsuri prompted.
“Can we make another cake?”
“Right now?” (Y/n) asked.
(Y/n) looked at the clock, it was already pretty late, but who could say no to that face?
“Alright, let’s make a cake.”
Mitsuri cheered, kissing (Y/n) and then wiggling out of their arms to sprint to the kitchen, (Y/n) trailing behind her with a smile.
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𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙤𝙮’𝙨 𝙆𝙧𝙮𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙚: 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙏𝙬𝙤
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏.𝟏 𝐤 𝐭𝐰: 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠: 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 - 𝐡𝐮𝐝𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑 | 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒
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 ( 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎!𝙾𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝚃𝚘𝚘𝚛𝚞 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 )
A few days had passed since the absolute disappointment that was your date with Oikawa Tooru. He had been too busy preparing for his upcoming game to bother you, which you definitely counted as a win. You would be at the game of course, but not to support the playboy. The match was in two days. Currently you were heading home alone, reveling in the silence and peace that surrounded you in a warm atmosphere. 
Oikawa felt weird. The boy was on another date, a beautiful girl on his arm, all giggles and smiles. But more than anything, he was worried. Why did he feel this way? He attempted to shove away the strange emotions bubbling in his stomach, plastering his usual smile on his lips. The female next to him cooed at this, poking at his cheek.
Originally, Tooru would’ve found this action endearing, and maybe returned the favor, but right now he was disgusted. Who did this girl think she was? Did she think she was something special because he was taking her on a date? She should know that he takes every one of his fans on dates. 
Ever since you and Oikawa hung out, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Well, that was a bit of a lie. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you for two years. But after the face to face encounter, feelings that he had been able to ignore before were pestering him incessantly.
The male felt beyond grossed out at the thought of another girl besides you touching him. Whenever he got free time, his mind immediately drifted to thoughts of you. Where were you? Were you safe? Have you eaten yet? Was someone bothering you? When the concept of you dating or being with someone else arose, an indescribable rage fell over him. No one was worth your time except him.
Plus, you were his anyways.
His fellow student tugged on his arm, prompting his brown orbs to turn away from the menu they had been trained on. She puckered up, requesting a kiss. Already heavily used to this routine, the volleyball captain bent down with the intention of giving her what she wanted. 
Suddenly, he stopped.
The image of your disappointed expression flashed through his mind; eyebrows furrowed, eyes sad and mouth downturned into a frown. Oikawa’s heart clenched uncomfortably. He quickly pulled away, leaving the girl confused. She looked hurt, and usually such a face would make the boy himself upset, but instead it just annoyed him. The male carefully peeled his arm away from his companion, throwing an apologetic smile her way.
“I’m sorry cutie, I forgot I had to study with Iwa-chan today. We can continue this some other time!”
His statement was a lie, he never had plans with Iwaizumi. But, Tooru really needed help. He couldn’t figure out why he was feeling the way he was, and that fact was irritating him to no end. So, he decided to go to his trusted friend and ask about it. Surely Hajime could help him? Maybe he would even know what was going on.
The boy rang Iwaizumi’s bell impatiently, only waiting a few seconds before ringing it again. He heard his best friend’s gruff voice shout from the other end of the house ‘I’m coming!’, before footsteps resounded. He opened the door unceremoniously and with so much force Oikawa worried it would fly off its hinges.
“What- Oikawa?”
Hajime was more than confused, but Tooru didn’t provide him with an explanation. He instead marched right past him, into his bedroom, and flopped onto the bed. It took a few moments for his friend to follow him, but eventually he walked into his room, sitting down beside Oikawa on the furniture. Everything was silent as the captain tried to figure out a way to start the conversation and explain his feelings.
“What’s going on?”
Iwaizumi beat his friend to the punch, who quickly sat up and began describing his issue.
“I think I’m going crazy, Iwa. There’s this girl and… whenever I’m around her, I feel so weak! Like, I can’t focus on anything around me, my attention is always pulled to her no matter what.”
“She’s like your kryptonite, then?”
Hajime asked with a laugh, his lips curling up into a teasing grin. Tooru’s jaw dropped open, and he nodded quickly.
“Yes! Exactly! And whenever she’s not around, I get so worried and can’t stop thinking about her either. I’m always wondering if she’s safe, or if something happened, or who she’s with… Am I really going insane?”
Iwaizumi couldn’t stop the chuckles bubbling up in his throat as his friend finished. Oikawa seemed offended by his reaction, letting out a large groan as he flopped back onto the bed. It was quiet for a bit while the captain’s best friend processed the information, before letting out an amused hum. 
“No, I don’t think you’re going crazy. I think you’re just in love.”
Love? Was that what this feeling was? He supposed it made sense. In reality, all he wanted to do was hold you close and smother you with affection and every single ounce of attention he could muster up. And in return, he wanted you to only be focused on him. He wanted your beautiful sparkling eyes to only look at him with that admiring gaze, and your sweet voice should be reserved for his ears alone. A smile began to crawl onto the playboy’s lips.
“Love, huh…”
Tooru muttered, slowly lifting his head from the mattress below. The concept was an interesting one, and one that he hadn’t bothered with before. Love didn’t have much of a meaning to the man who was only admired for his looks. Girls fell for him left and right, but not for the real him. They loved Oikawa Tooru, the charming playboy, and once they realized there was more to his story than fangirls and dividing his attention they left.
He didn’t blame them, of course. If that was what they wanted, that was what they would get. But now what he was thinking about it, deep down, he craved love. Not the silly love of children or sparkly-eyed adoration, but real love, raw and passionate and unconditional. However, when wistfully imagining such scenarios, the only face he could picture was yours. 
That must mean something, right? Maybe you two are truly destined to be together! It was like some sort of fanfiction! The uninterested girl teaches the playboy what real love is! But, did you love him yet? Or was your attention still being stolen away by that scumbag who didn’t even deserve to breathe the same air as you? Well, it seems like Oikawa has some research to do.
“Thanks for the help, Iwa.”
𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 :  @kray-dragon , @lagoonsmainacc , @steampunkhell
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yoosungiib · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a hc for the rfa and minor trio where Mc throws a surprise party for their birthday?
RFA + Minor Trio reacting to MC throwing them a surprise birthday party
★ Yoosung ★
Was really hurt at first because he thought you forgot his birthday, but when he came home from work, opened the door and saw all his friends and you holding a banner that says ‘Happy Birthday Yoosunigie!!’, the disappointment he was feeling was totally worth it.
In fact, he gets really excited and starts squealing — sure, he may be a grown adult now that he’s a vet and in his later twenties, but the inner college kid will still come out every once and awhile, and when he’s getting a surprise party, it’s definitely coming out.
Definitely runs to you and almost squeezes the life out of you. “Cutie! Thank you so, so much! I knew you’d never forget my birthday!”
“Of course not, honey! How could I forget your birthday. Especially when you’ve been reminding me about it for the last month,” you say with a wink.
His surprise party is definitely one to have games. You can expect pin the tail on the donkey, bobbing for apples.
Don’t forget a piñata! It would probably be something simple like a colorful ball. And it’s filled with all his favorite candy! Saeran helped you to pack it and pick it out!
You get him a red-velvet cake that is almost as tall as him, and he totally goes on a sugar high later that night because it’s been awhile since he’s had a lot of sweet foods.
Over all he is incredibly grateful for this surprise party and what you’ve done for him. He’s very tired by the end of the day from all the excitement, but he makes sure the next morning to show you just how much he appreciates what you’ve done.
♪ Zen ♪
Zen was incredibly confused when he entered the studio and no one was to be found. He checked his phone, pondering to himself, ‘Did I get the time wrong?’
He made his way to the theatre hall, flicked on the lights, and gasped when he saw the whole cast for his newest show, the RFA, and you in the front gleaming. 
He lets out an astonished laugh before running up on the stage and gathering everyone in for a group hug. But the group hug is short lasted as he shoves everyone away so he can get to you. He practically yanks you to him and lifts you up, spinning you around which causes you to giggle as you cling onto him. He sets you down and backs you into a wall as he gently kisses you. “Jagiya? Did you do all this?”
You snicker, pooping his nose and standing on your tippee toes to kiss his cheek. “Maybe~”
This is Zen’s party, so there are lots of drinks and everyone is drunk by the end of the night. Lots of snacks too, but mostly healthy snacks. There are a few bowls of chips but not many.
There is definitely loud music and a lot of dancing, and there is a DJ mind you. Since you guys are at a theatre, there are stage lights that you say are to replace ‘disco lights’.
There isn’t a cake but there are cupcakes, however, besides Seven and Yoosung, people are more interested in the dancing and partying then really eating. You and Zen laugh as you watch Seven and Yoosung compete with each other on who can eat more.
Everyone is very tired and very drunk by the end of the night, so while Zen is relaxing and talking with some of his cast mates, you are working to make sure everyone gets home safe by calling taxis.
Zen is a little drunk too, not as drunk as others but still drunk, so you drive home considering you didn’t drink a lot, but Zen is very doting the whole ride home.
He’s practically on top of you the whole time getting into the house and he collapses on top of you on the bed, kissing up your neck till he gets to your ear and whispers, “Thanks for such a wonderful night, babe. But who says it’s over yet?”
❀ Jaehee ❀
Parties, if not an RFA one, are not really her scene, or really something she is that bothered about. But a surprise party from you she is definitely down for!
Especially if you do a really good job and manage to hide it from her. She’s no 707 but she is incredibly smart and can usually figure out if you are hiding something from her pretty quick.
It’s a small party – only the RFA and it’s in your shared apartment with Jaehee. Nethertheless, she was very surprised when you removed your hands from her eyes and she saw everyone in the apartment. Not only that, the apartment has balloons and streamers and other party decorations.
She grins, turning to you and pulling you in for a hug. “MC, you shouldn’t have. I told you we didn’t need to do anything for my birthday.”
“Did you seriously think I’d let you not doing anything on your birthday? What kind of girlfriend do you think I am?”
“A wonderful one,” she says kissing you sweetly.
It’s a quiet party, but still all the fun. You’ve put food on the table, a small cake, and some drinks – all chosen specific to the different members likings.
You guys sit on the couch, talk, laugh, share memories. There is a really fun game of charades at one point where Seven, Zen, and Jumin are a team, and you, Yoosung, and Jaehee, and lets just say some people are not very good at the game Jumin which leads to almost everyone on the floor laughing with stomach aches.
When Jaehee wishes everyone goodnight, she joins you on the couch one last time and wraps her arm around you, slowly turning your head to face her with her pointer finger. A smile crosses on her face and she bends down, kissing you gently. “What a wonderful night, honey,” she says letting her finger trail up your jaw. “Allow me to show you just how grateful I am for this great night.” To conclude, the party lasts another hour and a half for you guys as she brings you to the bedroom and draws a close to her birthday.
☂ Jumin ☂
Jumin was happy enough with the breakfast in bed you gave him and the new collection of colorful ties! A surprise party was definitely not something he was expecting, but you never fail to surprise him after all.
In the penthouse is the entire RFA, his father, a few co-workers, and hey! Even some security guards are here ready to celebrate their bosses birthday.
He turns towards you, gently tugging you by the waist against him and bending down slightly so he can kiss your forehead. You laugh softly, wrapping your arms around his neck and saying, “Before you ask, I have four guards watching over Elizabeth so Seven can’t get to her, so don’t worry and enjoy your party, ok?”
Jumin chuckles, kissing your forehead again before guiding you back towards everyone, his arm never entangling from around you. “I didn’t plan to do anything else.”
Lots of wine and lots of funny stories from V about the few car crashes Jumin started and the couple times V has caught Jumin goggling over random pictures of cats instead of working much to Jaehee’s displeasure.
Seven tries to pop open a bottle of wine, even if he doesn’t plan to drink it, and the cap explodes off causing the wine to spurt out of the bottle. Seven being Seven has to of course spray everyone as the wine comes out like a fountain!
After that, Jumin is pretty much done with the party, and Seven and Zen are laughing their assess off being practically dragged by Jaehee and Yoosung out the door.
Jumin thanks the guards who attended, watched Elizabeth, and watched outside the door, thanked the other guests and wished them a goodnight, sending them off.
You were startled by Jumin almost pouncing on you the minute the last guest was out the door. He smothered you with kisses, causing you both to fall back onto the couch almost crushing poor Elizabeth!
“Jumin~ Was the party not enough excitement for one night?”
“Oh, darling, it was quite exciting. But I need to give you a proper thank you; one that cannot wait until tomorrow.”
☺ Seven/Saeyoung ☺
You were worried at first that you wouldn’t be able to keep the surprise party from Seven a secret since he’s so clever and he’d eventually figure it out. But he was so focused on what to do for Saeran he didn’t even realize you and Vanderwood were planning a surprise party.
Originally it was for both him and Saeran, but Saeran actually found out about it, so he decided to help you with the party as his gift to Seven. as well as a cat stuffed animal but he claims it’s because Seven will never let him live it down if he doesn’t get him a gift. We all know it’s because he loves his brother.
Seven is full on bawling when you surprise him. One, his princess 606 planned a surprise party for him, and two, you got frickin barn babies, oh my g o d he’s happy.
“M-MC, I love you so much, and I don’t deserve you. You are so pure and-”
“Ah, honey! Don’t do this, ‘I don’t deserve you’ stuff now, ok? Let’s enjoy your party! Wipe those tears and you can thank me later. Come on, I know you want to see the kittens.”
Oh, he does. You two and Jumin spend about an hour cuddling with the kittens, playing with them and taking selfies. Saeran even comes in at one point, taking a kitten from the bunch and walking off with it.
If there is any party for Seven, there is going to be three things; honey buddha chips, cats, and a food fight.
He is definitely one to shove his face in his cake while everyone is singing ‘Happy Birthday,’ and to be the more extra, he’ll then start chucking food at everyone. Yoosung is the first person to throw back after a piece of cake gets in his eye, and surprisingly Jaehee is next when she’s angered by cake getting in her hair.
Even if the food flying everyone and getting onto everyone’s clothes is annoying and a hassle, it’s a lot of fun for everyone.
Considering Seven is one who can stay up for two days straight, he is pretty tired after the party and collapses on the couch, bits of cake, chips and fur all over him.
Saeran grumbles as he helps you to get Seven to the bedroom, and changed too for that matter.
As you’re about the turn off the lights and go to sleep, you feel Seven roll over and wrap his arms around you, pulling you against his chest. He kisses the back of your neck before gently whispering into your ear, “Thank you, MC. Not just for the party. For everything.”
The next morning he definitely shows you how grateful he was for the party, and uses some of the special toys he got for his birthday~
❆ V ❆
Let’s just say, you and Jumin had the same idea, so the surprise party is planned by the both of you. And if Jumin is involved, it’s going to be a really nice, fancy, expensive party instead of the simple one you wanted to have.
You don’t complain as long as you are the one who is able to get V and bring him to the revenue.
V kinda figured out what you two were planning early on. The constant sneaking around, the weird decorations he catches you shoving and hiding in a storage room.
For your sake, he pretends to be surprised, putting on a look of awe even though in his head he’s saying, ‘I knew it.’
“Do you like it?” you ask nervously, twiddling your fingers and keeping your gaze down. V grins, tilting your head up and bending down to kiss you.
“I don’t like it,” he says and you frown. “I love it.”
Again, Jumin was involved. So there are ice sculptures, a really huge cake, fancy tables and flowers, and of course, Jumin has to make a speech that V is secretly laughing at, only because it’s such a typical thing for Jumin to do.
At one point during the night while everyone is partying (aka watching Seven try to shove cake down his throat), you, V and Jumin go out on the balcony for wine and chit-chatting.
You fall asleep while the two talk for about two hours. You’re a little surprised at first when you wake up in V’s arm since he’s carrying you to the guest room of Jumin’s penthouse, since you two will be staying with him for the night.
V grins, tucking you in and getting in besides you, pulling you into his arms. “Be honest with me Jihyun, you liked it right?”
“I did very much, MC. It was wonderful, even if we both know a huge party like this is not my scene.” You chuckle, nuzzling into V who wraps his arms around you a little tighter. He trailed his fingers up and down your back and you ask him what he’s doing. “Hm? Oh, just thinking about how I’m going to thank you tomorrow. I’m thinking a little more than just breakfast in bed.”
☻ Saeran/Unknown ☻
He’s a little uncomfortable at first – you had first asked him to put on a blindfold, which was a little nerve wrecking to him, then you wouldn’t tell him where you were taking him, and all of a sudden the blindfold is being yanked off and he’s in a room full of people screaming, “Surprise!” at him.
You stand in front of him and cup his face, beaming up at him before you stand on your tippee toes to kiss his cheek.
“Happy birthday, baby!” you say, kissing his nose this time. He slowly wraps his arms your waist and squeezes you.
“I’m confused. What is this?”
“It’s your birthday party!”
“I didn’t know I was having a birthday party.”
You giggle, running your hand through his tangled, red locks, smiling into his neck as you hug him a little tighter. “Well, that’s because it’s a surprise party.”
He really likes it. Well, the party he isn’t that fond of, only because he doesn’t really like being in a crowd and everything is very chaotic, but what he likes is that you put in the time to throw him the surprise party, and that is just enough for him.
Saeran clings to your side the whole night, and is very gracious towards those who are the party – mainly just the RFA members and a few others – thanking everyone who came.
He’s a little flustered by all the gifts, but he’s really grateful.
And he totally pipes up when you bring out the desserts. A big ice cream cake, lots of cupcakes, and tubs of ice cream to go with the ice cream cake. He’s a very happy boy at the end of the day, and he has a wonderful birthday.
Now that everyone is gone, Seven and Yoosung passed out on the couch and Vanderwood having retired to his room, Saeran brings you to the bedroom, a sadistic smirk on his face.
You let out a squeak as he hoists you up and you quickly wrap your legs around is waist, giggling a little as he rubs his nose against yours. “May I unwrap my gift now?” he asks, kissing along your collarbone whilst walking you back to the bed.
“But I already gave you my gift.”
He chuckles, dropping you on the bed and crawling on top of you, bending down to kiss your forehead then lips. “But darling, you’re the best gift I could every ask for.” Saeran shows his thanks to you in the possibly the best way~
✌ Vanderwood ✌
A surprise party? Well, parties in general he’s not fond of considering they always leave such a big mess, it’s crowded, and there is overall chaos,
However, he can’t help but grin when you take your hands off his eyes and he sees the living room to your shared apartment decorated, and Seven and Saeran holding gifts and a cake.
Clearly it is a small party, but you knew that would be enough for Vanderwood since he doesn’t know many other people besides the twins and some RFA members. And you know anymore people in the apartment would near enough give him a heart attack.
“I know, I know you said you didn’t want to do anything for your birthday, but baby you deserve this. You work so hard to provide for you and I, you make my life so much more happier and brighter, even if you’re always frowning, and I love you more than anyone else on this planet. So please, enjoy your party,
And happy birthday!”
Vanderwood has more fun than he will admit must keep his tsundere facade up. Seven, though crazy and has the tendency to annoy him, is the ultimate life of the party bringing a karaoke machine. Seven of course goes first, singing a few songs from BTS and completely butchering Chandelier.
Seven is the main person to use the karaoke machine, but Saeran and Vanderwood do at least one song. Saeran awkwardly sings Beautiful by Christina Aguilera, and it ends with him chucking the remote at Seven who is laughing his head off. You and Vanderwood do a duet, and afterwards you compliment him on his singing voice. He turns a very bright red.
After eating cake, ordering take out and opening his gifts, he sends the Choi Twins off with a warning they better not mention the singing again. Once the twins have left, he immediately struts over to you and throws you over his shoulder, you laughing in the meanwhile as he carries you off to the bedroom.
He plops you down on the bed, following you shortly as he gently kisses you, his hand roaming up and down your body, tugging at your clothes. “What was that you said earlier? You love me more than anyone else on this planet?”
“I did say that.”
“Hmm. What about the part where I’m always frowning? How about I show you a different expression. And I can show my thanks for this nice little party too.”
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