#ahhhhh I’ve never done that before guys
rosicheeks · 2 years
Please smother/sit on my face as much as you’d like 🥴
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oh-look-another · 4 months
whoops my hand slipped so now instead of starting on my lit project due tomorrow i have to analyse the circe saga <3
okay side note: this might go from a full-on analysis to incoherent rambling so heads up. uh also not in any order, especially not chronological. anyway let’s get this party started!! 
okay first one. wasn’t too sold on this one at first (not like the other ones *cough* wouldn’t you like *cough*) but like?? wow
circe’s voice!!
‘a woman’ ‘what’ 
ody just. brushing eurylochus away he sounds so donelike not done just. tired of life. if yk what i mean. like he doesn’t have beef with eurylochus specifically but like he’s just irritated with the world
the soldiers!! like if i were one of them i would have willingly get turned into a pig by circe (but like, i’m not a guy so idk)
the sounds of waves im not sure if it was actually there or just my imagination but still.
the start of the song echoes the melody of the first part of full speed ahead?? like i was singing it in my head before the words of puppeteer actually sunk in
it sounds so party-ish like i can imagine the vibes no wait i can feel the vibes it’s party vibes. i can imagine the soldiers getting drunk on the wine and lust. i can smell the wine. i can hear the music blasting from the shitty speakers hidden in the corners of the too-crowded room. i’ve never been to a party before. you can probably tell.
what was the thing that eurylochus wanted to say tho?? i’m curious. ppl who read the odyssey, was this interaction mentioned or made-up, and if it did happen, is it relevant to the plot? do we find out what he wanted to tell ody?
why is ody’s voice so deep
very gentle waves-esque music at the start. lulls us into a false sense of security. makes us think the island is safe. it isn’t. we’ve all been fooled by circe’s tricks.
‘there’s only so much more we can endure’ my poor boy this isn’t half of it
alternative take: they are traumatised babies we must protect them with our lives
alternative alternative take: and whose fault was that, ody? hmm? was it perhaps, the fault of a reckless captain who decided to fucking reveal his name-
oh my gods the way he just starts straight-up rapping-
‘we have to go save them’ ‘no we don’t’ well damn eurylochus who hurt you like this that was real quick
ody’s ‘damn’ like sir i know you’re contemplating running to said woman in question he sounds seduced already and he hasn’t even met the witch yet
eurylochus’ ‘okay’ sounds really dejected this probably doesn’t mean anything but that’s the point of an analysis so- 
hey hey hey don’t greet the mysterious voice why are you doing that i thought you guys learnt your mistake(s)!!
oh oh oh her voice is so pretty it’s so good!!
she’s so bold and confident she’s amazing ahhhhh
her revealing her name! this says something like yk ‘names have power’ i can’t remember if it was pjo universe or actual facts but the fact that circe’s so sure of her ability to defend herself and her nymphs she gives away her name to ppl freely
oh so that’s how you pronounce circe (i just assumed it had a silent e)
you’re the only one who stayed outside?? hmm? eurylochus? well at least you learnt something
haha the soldiers sound so happy to be there
i don’t blame them tho they’re super tired they just want and need a safe place to rest 
yeah that’s right don’t fucking underestimate women
uhm circe i don’t thing getting turned into pigs is gonna be the best part of these soldiers lives i think the best part passed before troy
no no no do not trust ppl who offer food did you not learn from the lotus eaters are you complacent who has the brain cell eurylochus give it back to the soldiers they need it more
awww thanks for the support circe <3
i would gladly let circe puppeteer me esp mythological!circe she’s so 
‘and it wasn’t quick’ oh. 
uh is this an inappropriate time to make a joke about furries bc pigs don’t have fur and the soldiers are dying-
‘the world does not tend to forgive’ ok lesson imparted from all-powerful being check
eurylochus hi yes you should have learnt not to abandon your friends uh but i don’t blame him tho poor guy just wants to get home (he never will)
‘but i can hardly sleep now knowing what we have done’ haha ody you’re not gonna like what comes next :3
‘i can still hear her still’ ooooh he’s Traumatised he has ptsd :))
‘i can only hope you’ll do the same’ ody go easy on him
oh circe is really protective of her nymphs
as she rightfully should
oh i’m done
wouldn’t you like
whoo my favourite 
like no offense to the others but hermes!!
his voice is so gravelly wow
his laugh sounds so mischievous fit for a trickster god
‘i must say what a brilliant speech u gave’ this implies that hermes was watching them, or more specifically, odysseus, for at least long enough to hear the conversation. which means that there’s a solid chance that hermes was in it for the gossip and stayed for the drama
there’s a betting pool up on olympus. probably. definitely.
‘you’ll need the blessing of a certain god’ when this gets an adaptation, hermes will probably do like a hair flip or something. it’s in character for him to do that, right? right?
he has an accent but what accent does he have
oh my gods hermes that was such an awful pun i had to laugh
‘hermes?’ okay hear me out ody sounds like a mystified child who can’t believe his eyes (or in this case ears)
the laugh 
he sounds more amused than anything else (he doesn’t really care, not right now, it’ll just be another fun tale to tell at parties)
was that a roar i heard?? a roar?? like the chimera?? 
oh oh oh when he’s describing circe he sounds so fascinated by her (probably me to my irl friends) like he doesn’t care? about the fate of the ppl he’s describing? he’s just? like ‘wow circe can do that isn’t that cool anyway-‘
like idk how to describe it
the emphasis he places on certain words it’s so cool to listen to (i’m running out of synonyms for amazing help)
oooooh the electric/techy feel to the song like ik it was explained in one of the videos that the gods have more electronic feel to their songs but it’s so!! cool!!
‘you can be hurt or you can beat her’ the play on words!! wow!! it’s just-
‘all you need’s imagination’ wow uh. this seems important. but uh.
‘and i call this root: holy moly’ hermes. i hate your puns. i hate them so much.
i am now compelled to explain the pun. damnit.
so basically only the gods can acquire the root. was it blessed by the gods? if it was, add a second layer to the meaning of this and ignore the question :)) and it rhymes!! holy and moly rhyme!! whoo
ody’s ‘ah’ he sounds so done
wait but hermes when he says ‘and i call this root: holy moly’ he sounds so proud of himself oh my gods like no that is not something to be proud of that is so awful ugh
‘hermes. thank you.’ oh? he appreciates his help? like he sounds so grateful wow
‘dont thank me friend you may very well die :))’ this further proves my theory that hermes is only in this for the drama?? okay yeah drama
‘good luck’ see it’s an afterthought. but he thought of ody. huh.
two more to go!!
done for
also was very very excited for this
did not disappoint
the intro is basically *epic fight music*
okay ody sounds like he’s smiling but not like a forced smile it might be genuine? like why would it be genuine? okay yeah it might be because he is confident he’s gonna win the fight. he has a god on his sight. it’s failproof. he has the flower. he doesn’t have to be scared. is this hubris?
‘through the years we seldom get a warm welcome’ okay ody. you were fighting a war. then you intruded into a cyclops’ cave. then you angered poseidon. of course you don’t get a warm welcome what were you expecting?
‘who me? all i did was reveal their true form :))’ u turned them into pigs :/‘ ‘huh.’ their banter wow.
*more epic fight music*
see the nymphs again!! she’s very very protective of them!!
‘i don’t mean to tip your scale’ ody stop lying. you did mean to tip her scale.
‘hermes gave it to you didn’t he’ ‘okay well yes fine but regardless-‘ i love love love the friendly banter between them idk but i think that in another lifetime under better circumstances they would have been really good friends
also implied that hermes has done this before so haha
‘friends i can’t neglect’ see i think this whole verse is the similarities between them see they could have been friends i know it i can feel it in my bones
*even more fight music*
the sword sound skjskjskjskjs
‘you’ve lost’ okay uh i think that was albeit too fast don;t you think so, ody? ody?
‘my nymphs are like my daughters i protect them at all costs’ yes see this is what i’ve been trying to say thanks circe
but the rhythm for this verse is so good it’s so ethereal wow
‘but everyone’s true colours are revealed in acts of lust’ circe. circe no. bad circe. stay away from ody he’s a married man
‘i’m not sure i follow’ oh ody. you poor, innocent child.
okay but his voice was so gravelly tho-
idk i don’t think circe was doing this to feed her own lust. like i don’t think she has feelings for ody or anything like i feel that she was doing exactly what she said and trying to find out what his true colours were so she could decide if she wanted to help him
last one!! not gonna like it a lot ‘cause seduction but hey greet the world with open arms am i right?
there are other ways
oh. this one.
i’m not really comfortable with this because there isn’t any point in seduction why does it exist ew
‘there are other ways of persuasion’ oh really? then show me your chimera i bet it’s cooler than whatever you’re gonna do to ody
‘there are other means of deceit’ this shows that circe is gonna convince ody to cheat on his wife but [spoiler alert] he doesn’t (for now) (i think) like deceit as in he’s deceiting his wife
okay i love the repetition here like ‘there are other…’ blah blah blah like wow. i like it. i don’t get it, but i like it.
‘want to save your men from the fire? show that you’re willing to burn’ woah. vfd core. so like this implies that she and her nymphs were planning on cooking the men-turned-into-pigs?? and also it’s a metaphor!! whoo my lit teacher would be proud of me (but less proud for not doing the project which is actual school work)
‘but there’s no puppet here’ okay so this shows that circe views ody as more powerful and resistant to her (and also her magic bc of the holy moly thingy) and less likely to fall prey to her charms (i would) 
ody doesn’t know if he can manipulate his way out of this problem hah
okay dont kill me for this but i think that the ‘just a man’ references in the song feel a bit forced bc they’re like,,, they don’t fit 
but. i think that like it’s ody trying to break out of the spell? that circe put on him to seduce him or smth like before that he was in sync then he tried to fight off the thingy by like going against the rhythm if yk what i mean
the transition from ‘forgive meeeee’ to ‘i can’t’ is so good aghhh
‘and she’s all my power’ ah this here is a clear piece of evidence that ody is the bottom in the relationship 
‘and let us puppets leave’ oh? he’s like sympathizing with her and like trying to see from her perspective so he can leave more easily
‘poseidon, eh?’ haha mood
oh they’re kinda friends whoo :)
‘i know of a brilliant prophet, problem is this prophet is dead’ *music stops momentarily, transitions to very underworld-y music* 
haha wait that was so funny
who was the prophet tho?
‘wait you’re helping us?’ he sounds so shocked
‘maybe one day the world will need a puppeteer no more’ this could imply that circe is suicidal?? whoops am i projecting
no but the genius lyrics said that the last few lyrics were sung by the soldiers they sound like theyre under a spell oh my gods imagine pigs singing this haha i think this is just like circe undoing the spell on them tho
whoo done!!
hi remember i’m just a random teen on the internet! no obligation to listen to me and my 10.37 pm rants! 
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tmnt-reticent · 10 months
I didnt draw at all yesterday (INSANE I know dhskdhjed I draw like every day) so have some not so old art that I just didn’t post chejcnkdc)
Tumblr media
I’ve never done eyestrain before recently but I LOVE @olibensstuff ‘S ART SM THAT I HAD TO TRY IT AHHHHH ILYSM BENNY MWAH MWAH/P‼️‼️‼️‼️💖💖💖💖💖🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Adding silly tinted round glasses to the outfit combo I like to draw the most (t-shirt, shorts, letterman jacket, knitted socks and now silly tinted round glasses CBDKNKFJF)
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yutaholic · 2 years
Thank you so much! This means the world to me! Okay so I’ve got a lot of asks that have spoilers in them (totally understandable given the ending lol) and I am going to respond to them beneath the cut here. If you have not read the final part of Smashing the Six, do NOT read the rest of this post! 😅
It means the dragon aint dead, it’s just sleeping. 😈
@mangomotif asked: omg i knew it had something to do w the members of blackpink
I knew I wanted the admins to be at least 2 that you could suspect and then 1 that had never been encountered during the whole story because that just showed how well she had everyone fooled. And I’ve been listening to lots of Blackpink and aespa lately so lol
anonymous asked: i was on ur page an hr ago and was excited for the last chapter and came back not long after and yay it’s up!!!!! omg the ending!!!! What a wild ride, I looked forward to each chapter so much. thanks for writing such a captivating series!!!!
Thank you for joining me on this ride! 😊
anonymous asked: im the anon from the other day that guessed rosé was apart of neonet because of how she handed the reader yuta and… I KNEW IT! but that ending? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN WAS I RIGHT ABOUT DOYOUNG TOO? honestly I feel like it was too good to be true like was it really that easy? all that aside, this series has been a rollercoaster and i’m forever grateful you took the time to make it. like it will seriously always have a place in my heart. i was anxiously reading the whole time
You were right about Doyoung. He’s the real leader. It’s been such a fun rollercoaster!
Did he send it to her? Or Jisoo? Or maybe even Ten? 🙃
anonymous asked: Please tell me there’s gonna be another part you can’t just leave it there!!! GIVE US A SEASON 2 !!!!!!!
There will not be a season 2 sadly lol neonet will go underground for a few years and come back maybe in a different form and with all knew admins for a whole new generation of students. Who knows? 😉
@specialagentchoso asked: Please, why does the last part of smashing the six have me tearing up!!! I swear I've never been so emotionally invested in a story before! You did the damn thing with this series, I can't wait to see what you do next!!
Thank you for being invested in it! It was so bittersweet finally finishing it I’ve had a blast with you guys. It’s the end of an era. Now on to Euphoria era 🤧
@cnvs-defs asked: Tha last chapter was so freaking good, it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time!!!! Wtf Thank you for writing such amazing story, you're an incredible writer!! I voted for Winter in the pole and I'm happy I was (partially) right lol. She gave me weird vibes throughout the whole series.
I love suspense lol I hope I made her redeemable as well. She was a complex character in this story. Thank you for reading! 😘
anonymous asked: just finished reading the final chapter of smashing the six i just. i cant even begin to explain how incredible of a series this was. you are so amazingly talented, i wish i could express it better but wow. you have left me speechless, thank you for this, i loved it so much. it was truly incredible, every singe one of them and the whole series/story itself. you're amazing wow
I want to cry thank you so much! I was really nervous yall wouldn’t be happy with the ending and I’m honestly so relieved 😭
anonymous asked: AHHHHH i just read the final part, now that i was stalking or anything 🤭 but the final (and the series in fact) was sooooo good!!! the final final reveal was soooo perfect! A+ writing mwah 😽
You can stalk my stories anytime 😁
anonymous asked: LUNA YOU HAVE DONE IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! I accidentally stayed up til 4am and realised final chapter must be posted by now so naturally I read it as slow as possible for the suspense and the REVEAL!!! I’m so pleased that I was kind of right on at least one person haha. That ending?? I reread it like five times just whispering wtf wtf wtf oh and that yuta scene was so heartwarming 🥺 alternate ending with yuta x mc WHEN? That was so good I’ve rlly loved being a part of this from first chap to now
I feel so bad about time zones! I was really happy with her final scene with Yuta. It was a good and happy moment. In an alternate universe they ride off into the sunset together lol
anonymous asked: HUHHH THE ENDING OH MY GOD
hehehehe my beta reader called me and didn’t even say hello she just said BITCH WHAT lol
anonymous asked: Ran out of space in my last ask but - it has been SUCH an experience reading this alongside everyone from the first chapter, seeing everyone’s theories and creating my own, changing them after every chapter, becoming a part of yuta hive (love you mark but lonely boy yuta 🥺💖), the suspense from the uploads and everything has been SO fun. I seriously pity the people who read it later bc whilst they get to read it in one go, they won’t have the same STRESS we went through lol
Seriously half the fun of this story was reading yalls theories because I think I already mentioned this I wrote the first chapter and the ending on the same day. It was so hard not to spoil everything along the way because I was so excited for the big reveal! 😂
anonymous asked: I tried to keep spoilers out of my last 2asks so that they’re publishable so I’ll put here. I LOVED the part where mc went to hand the boys back the photos, they were so close to danger and they didn’t even know, but that’s such a good thing of her. And the thing with HC ab doing better was so sweet bc she got so consumed it was nice to see her out of it. And when the pieces added up I was SHOCKED but it all fell into place, now to reread for clues! ALSO WTF DOYOUNG WDYM ITS BEEN FUN? JAWDROP
Her giving them back the photos was my favorite and also something I wrote at the very beginning. I love character development and when things fall into place 😭
anonymous asked: DOYOUNG????????????
Yall were right all along but nobody told me what it was that made yall so suspicious of him. What gave him away from the very beginning?? 🤣
anonymous asked: holy fuckballs. the end of smashing the six was elite. it’s great how you started a series and the series did SO GOOD. you bagged the title as my favorite writer on tumblr. the final chapter was a rollercoaster. my heart was beating out of my chest as yn and haechan connected all the dots. i felt victorious as yn was in the library with jisoo (yes! blackpink *is* the villain here). lastly, i felt sappy as yn approached the six, even more when it came mark’s turn. AND THEN. oh god i love open endings. I KNEW DOYOUNG WAS IN ON THIS. the school paper has no place for exposes and HE. HE TOLERATED THAT SHIT SO IT MADE SENSE THAT HE WAS CONMECTED. he was shaping yn into *perfect* shape for her future position in neonet. the series was wonderful and i’m so very proud of you. i simply cannot put into words how pleased i am with how well you wrote Smashing the Six. i wish you well in your future writing endeavors. — guia (an anon who posts every other day on your page but today i’ve given myself a name) 
I’m cracking up at ‘holy fuckballs’ lol but also ‘you bagged the title as my favorite writer on tumblr’ like excuse me I need to do my happy dance real quick! It’s ironic Doyoung is one of the people most suspected of being neonet but there isn’t a shred of evidence against him. Thank you for interacting with me often it means a lot! ❤️
@yutiddies asked: I unconditionally support the 6 and Doyoung in smashing the six. I especially unconditionally support Yuta and want to be the one he makes happy some day 😭
You and me need to talk about our attraction to villains because the next series after Euphoria will be Beast Mode and I’ve decided it’s going to be a villain au with a domestic twist. (Like the boys are villains trying to live everyday lives. I’ve already started working on Jeno’s chapter and whew I may have to start handing out holy water) 🔥
anonymous asked: No. Honestly, I'm just soooo glad I came across your blog. You are an amazing writer, and it has been an immense pleasure reading your work. It's gotten me through tough days. What a treat to be able to escape to the worlds you create. I hope you continue to write for as long as it brings you joy. Thank you for taking the time to share with us! That last chapter of Smashing the Six was just great. Amazing series!!! Looking forward to your next work! Thank you again 💚
I’m so glad you found me too! My writing getting someone through a tough time is the only reason I keep posting tbh that is everything to me. Take care dear ❤️
One of my fave parts 😍
He’s neonet. He has all the dirt. 😈
anonymous asked: Literally in tears right now huhu I am so happy with how everything ended up for everyone in Smashing The Six 😭😭😭 YUTA PLS 😭😭😭 Also, THAT LAST LINE THO I STILL THINK DOYOUNG SUS hahaha jk. I would've commented on every part of the story that I like but then that would take me forever to finish because I ATE UP EVERY PIECE OF THAT STORY IT'S SO GOOD IT IS JUST WHAT I NEEDED TO GET MY WEEK STARTED. Thank you so much for this amazing series. Wonderful stories from you as always 🥺 I will always look forward to your works, you are my favorite writer here in Tumblr and probably the only reason I am not yet deleting this sht of an app 🤭 I am excited for your new Johnny and Doyoung one shots and the Euphoria and Dreamies series!! I hope you're sleeping well right now and when you wake up you'll be greeted with all the comments on how smashing your story is (see what I did there *wink wink*)- Dyochi Anon
And yall are the reason I haven’t deleted this obnoxious app either lol and with all their constant ads to buy their ugly ass t-shirts and chasing off gif makers with their stupid changes I keep coming REAL close. Hopping online after work and reading all these comments has made my entire month. I hope you know your kind and supportive words always go a long way. There have been times I’ve wanted to quit writing because I just don’t feel good enough but knowing there are sweet people like you reading and enjoying my stuff keeps me writing. Thank you 😊
anonymous asked: DOYOUNG???? HELLO!!?
Doyoung can’t come to the phone right now. He’s gotta find someone else to take over neonet. 😜
anonymous asked: Every time I read something you write I'm in awe!! What an amazing writer you are, truly!! I don't even realize how long some fics are because I'm so immersed in the story, you really know how to keep us hooked! Thank you so much for this series, the twists, the friendships, betrayals, and omg!! that ending! I knew it! fucking Doyoung dude, being the leader from the shadows and sending the girls to do the nasty job.... but who was he texting?.... once again, amazing work, thank you!
Thank you so much!! Yep. The three girls answered to him. They are busted (as they should be) but he gets away clean. At the end, it is open to interpretation who he was texting (which I did on purpose).
@natattack1997 asked: wait so if y/n had accepted the editor in chief position she would’ve been the ACTUAL head of neonet?!?! 🤯 that was absolutely wild.
Yes. In the very first chapter you get a tiny glimpse into Doyoung’s thoughts and he already decided to name her the next editor in chief, but he was really on the hunt for who would replace him as the head of neonet.
anoymous asked: wait... so Doyoung was sending mc the anonymous texts? what about Ten - who sent him? also,, do the girls know doyoung is the real leader?
The texts were from Jisoo (notice she kept texting during their meeting.) Ten has been hooking up with Lisa (confirmed in chapter 5) and Lisa is close with Jisoo and Rose for obvious reasons and that’s how Ten knew about them. Lisa said reader exposed her for hooking up with a teacher. Not neonet. That kinda gave away that they were lenient with her. Ten does their bidding because they have dirt on him.
Doyoung is the spider weaving the web. The girls are the admins and run the site. Doyoung is the boss (which is why Jisoo was panicking when reader didn’t fall in line because she knew she failed to recruit her and Doyoung will not be pleased.) The girls were in charge of blackmail and Doyoung was in charge of the girls and manipulating everyone from a distance.
They do NOT know that it’s Doyoung. He does everything anonymously that way no one can ever roll on him. The real alpha of neonet has to survive or the site dies. He will have to find a replacement, but he said NCTU deserves some peace so he’s not mad about the site going underground for a while. They’ll come back with a vengeance with a new ruler and admins, but reader and her boys will be long gone by then.
anonymous asked: rosè breaking major cybercrime laws by filming LMFAOOOOO why are you proud? anyways, i know how you introduced a new character instead of making you-know-who neonet (even if he is technically) you should have added jinyoung so it’s a jinjido reunion - guia
Blackmail is also very illegal. But they’ve got rich daddies. They’ll get a slap on the wrist because that’s how our criminal justice system works. The more money you have, the less punishment you get. But they will be effectively ostracized from NCTU. They will take the fall for now. 😅
Yes, he is the true head of neonet. OMG when I got your first message about confessing to your crush I was with my bff and read it to her because I was DYING! I was like oh no this anon is right and will have to confess to their crush!! 🤣
anonymous asked: THE ENDING PARRTTTT IDK WHY I WAS SHOCKED BC I LITERALLY VOTED DOYOUNG😭😭 this series was definitely a ride but i’m glad and definitely satisfied with the ending u did amazing
I’m so glad you’re satisfied with the ending. That was my main goal. 😘
anonymous asked: HAECHAN’S CHARACTER IN SMASHING THE SIX😭😭😭😭 so precious i want to smash my head into a wall
I love him so much!  😍
Yep. In chapter one he had already picked her to be editor in chief (but didn’t tell her yet) so everything after that was a test to see if she could run neonet. Someone asked me if neonet was run by a person or a group and I said both. The 3 girls were the admins, but Doyoung was running it. Neonet survives because they will take all the heat but no one caught him.
anonymous asked: Hiiii I just wanted to say that I finished reading smashing the six and every step along the way was incredible!! The ending was so mind blowing and I had GOOSEBUMPS from your writing…. It’s been long since I felt that way from a great story & I’m so excited for your new fics to come! Thank you for blessing us with such a well thought out masterpiece 🥺
Thank you so much for this message! I’m glad you enjoyed it! 🙏
anonymous asked: THE PLOT TWIST?! i was smiling the whole entire time (when she discovered neonet and making peace) that rly caught me off guard. oh my god now idk what to do😭😭 i rly have no words I NEED THIS TO BE A MOVIE better a series😩 omg now i cant wait for euphoria
Thank you! I need a movie too for science and for the Yuta shower scene lol jk 😂
anonymous asked: the layers to this story and how human reader was I am in awe I rly was skeptical how she would be able to beat neonet but you nailed it
Thank you! She won because neonet underestimated her. She was never hungry for power, she was trying to mend a broken heart. The boys inadvertently helped her do that and with her finally allowing herself to heal and move on, lust for power had no more sway over her. She was never ruthless enough to rule neonet. 😁
anonymous asked: how in the fuck did you pull this off? you gave me closure but also suspense with that ending? you cant do that its not possible!!
I worked very hard to do exactly that! 😂
@the-borahae-jj asked: OKOKOK SO FIRST OF ALL I LOVE YOU LAMO SECOND OF ALL THAT WAS SUCH A GREAT RIDE THANK YOU SO MUCH I was looking forward to every single chapter and I absolutly loved the plot and your writing and I could go on and on. I MUST SAY THO I HAD sooo many THEORIES AND I WORKED IT OUTTTTT EVEN Doyoung. Girl I knew, like I knew, and it made it so much more fun for me. Also give me Haechan; you were right about us loving him. I need him now. And YOU KNOW I FIGURED OUT WINTER YOUR RESPONSE GAVE IT AWAY LMAOOO, I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did and I’m ready to figure out anything else/more you create cuz let's be real. it's amazing. Loved interacting with you like this too. Seriously. You brought so much joy. As always have a great day/night <3 (2/2) NO BUT REALLY I FIGURED IT OUT HAHA <3 I really want to hug you now haha fr you did such amazing job and I'm so glad I could look forward to your writing  ok imma dip now MWAH
Thank you so much! I love that some of you figured it out but I was still able to surprise you. I left hints for yall to find and I always smiled so hard when you found them! Bring it in for a long distance digital hug! 🤗
anonymous asked: i love that she walked away. i love that she won. i love that she protected the boys. i love who she ended up with. i love the ending. I LOVE YOU.
I love you too and I love this story. I just saw that the story masterpost got 3k+ notes holy shit! Thank you all for reading and enjoying this fic! ❤️
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moonjxsung · 2 months
hi baby! how are you?
i’m also super glad and thankful that my professor was super nice about it. it really felt good to get that off my chest too and i hope that made her understand that im committed to the program and everything despite my ✨anxiety✨. and your professor was so nice too☹️ i love when professors are actually understanding and don’t use the power dynamic card! thank you bb ily🫶🏻
mofongo is really freaking awesome! i love it so much it’s one of my faves. i hope someday you can eat some authentically good mofongo (our first date??🫡)
ateez prices are INSANE. i didn’t think they’d come so soon either, so imma skip this comeback😪 vip tickets are insane too. this’ll be you:
btww, in similar terms to vip, have you ever done it before? or had like fancalls with idols? bc im so curious about how it all works (i could never do one tho bc im terrified of human interaction).
im actually getting two small ones 👀 im so excited! i just saw your tattoos in a reply and they’re so cute😭 i love the BB lily of the valley!! i really want a flower tattoo next✨ i absolutely love flowers but most of them are so toxic to cats that im super scared of having any in my house.
frfr tho, dreaming about idols or celeb crushes is the worst!! i always feel so empty. it’s been a while since ive had any good skz dreams. i miss my bb minho </3
not allowed felix fic is super cute!! it’s not my fav from you (lost in translation ftw). but i thought it was such a nice breath of fresh air, f2l felix would be a super cute (and kinda realistic imo) trope.
on a happier note! my kitties are both injury free! we took them to get rechecked today and they said no more rechecks! (yay! great! we love that!)
ily bb!! i hope you have the best weekend. i drank another frozen coffee today, i can’t stop!! take care🫶🏻
HIIIII BABYYYY I am so good how are you!!!!!
We love supportive professors who actually WANT you to pass the class and acknowledge when you make a simple mistake instead of practically pushing you to fail or not care about the course 🫶💓 I hope the rest of the course goes smoothly for you and I’m always here if you need to vent about anything course related!! ILYYYYY
Also adding mofongo to our date checklist ASAPPPPP 📝📝📝
PLEASE…… why are the Ateez tickets like 4x the price 😭 I knew they were getting big but DAMN,,…..,,.💔 tickets go on sale next week and my sister and I are either trying for Oakland & LA or just VIP for Oakland if we can even get tickets LMAO 😭 ALSO THE HONGJOONG REEL PLEEASSEMRMCKCMDKD
I’ve never done VIP before!! Closest I’ve ever gotten was silver floor soundcheck tickets for BTS in Vegas but I’ve never done anything where you’re so close to an idol (although Jungkook & Namjoon stood right in front of us at some point and good LORDDDDD THEY ARE SO FINE…….) so crossing my fingers Ateez will be my first time !! I’ve never done a fancall either but I will be trying for next skz comeback bc I need to talk to Jisung so badly guys 😔 I have so much I need to say 😔 please 😔 I’ll keep you guys posted if I ever try for a fancall and what happens w Ateez!!!!!! I’m preemptively so nervous for Ateez if I don’t get tickets I will simply die 💔💔💔💔
AHHHH IM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOUR TATTOOS I AM SCREAMINGGGGG also thank youuuu I desperately need more tattoos!!! I too LOVE flowers but we never have any in the household bc momo chews everything and I know it’d get her in trouble lol
I haven’t had any skz dreams in a hot minute 😔 someone put Jisung in my dreams permanently please and thank u
PLEASE lost in translation Minho will likely remain everybody’s favorite and I am fully okay with that I love him so much. I’m so partial to WTRS Minho but Minho in general is so much fun to write for 💔
IM SO GLAD YOUR KITTIES ARE HEALTHY AHHHHH THAT’S THE BESTTTT NEWS 🫶🫶🫶🫶 I hope you have the best weekend my love!!!!! I brought out Jilix and got some cheesecake in your honor 🫶💘💖💕💗💓💞 ily bby !!!!
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jarofstyles · 3 years
Another installment of mafia!h 😎
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“Come here. You can sit in my lap until I’m done working.”
Y/N never would have imagined that being in the mafia required so much…. Paperwork. But it did. And she didn’t usually mind, no, she was a good girl for Harry in all levels.
But she was horny. They had an amazing sex life, Y/N couldn’t ever complain, but he had been so busy lately that she was feeling a bit needier than usual. This was something that she didn’t know how to go about, because she wasn’t the most forthcoming when it came to sex. Harry was the one to push and tease and loved to make her shy and blushy.
So to initiate, she climbed into his lap and kissed his neck. At first it had just been a peck. But then it continued, Y/N shifting in his lap a few times until Harry was broken out of his work mode and realizing just what was going on.
“Wha’s the matter?” He spoke softly. “‘It feels nice, pet, but… what’s going on with you? Just feeling extra lovey?” He stroked her thigh, making her sigh and shyly spread her legs open. He stroked the bare skin there, getting a shiver from her and a bit wider of a spread.
“Mhm.” She buried her face in his neck, hugging him close as he stroked her skin, trying to go back to his emails.
That only lasted about 2 minutes before he felt his hand slowly being moved. Y/N took his wrist and guided it up, up, until his hand was cupping over her bare cunt. The bare, wet cunt that had his breathing hitch and body stopping for a moment before heat filled his stomach.
“Ahhhhh… so that’s what’s the matter.” He hummed. “My baby girl is horny.” She whined at the accusation but ultimately nodded into his neck, rubbing herself against the hand pressed up against her. Smearing her arousal all over his fingers and the top of his hand, she let out a weak moan.
It was a rarity for her to be so bold and give him such clear signals. He usually did it and didn’t mind. But this was an extra special day for him, because she truly couldn’t wait for it. She had wanted him so badly that she had brought his hand there and began to use it on herself, which made the man incredibly turned on.
“That’s my girl…” he whispered. “That’s what I like to see. Poor baby… was so horny, couldn’t even wait for me to bend you over the kitchen counter, could you?” He ran a finger over the folds and she jerked slightly, shifting so he had better access. All she wanted was pleasure from him, and Harry wouldn’t ever deny his girl.
“Never can say no to my precious little princess. Cant let such filthy words like ‘daddy, can you play with my pussy’ unless I’ve already got you fucked out. So you’re gonna sit there and just take it like that?” He chuckled. “I love it. Love my shy girl.” He kissed her temple, fingers slowly finding her clit and placing some pressure on it.
“Drippy pussy with a swollen clit. Y’need to make yourself cum on my fingers so badly, yeah?” He held them to her as she rubbed herself up and down, lifting her hips and holding on to his shoulder. A shaky moan and a nod into his shirt was the confirmation he had asked for, her hand holding his wrist right where she wanted it.
“Go ahead, darling. Make yourself feel good on my fingers. Use me to get off. I love this. Always want you to feel good. Never gonna complain about you cumming.” He praised. “I’ve got to make this call. But keep on doing that, sweet thing. When you’re gonna cum, jus’ go ahead. Don’t need to ask me this time.” His free hand reached for the phone and brought it to his ear.
She knew he was doing this to make her cum harder. He didn’t have to take the call now. But it got her off. His attitude, the way he carried himself, the way he didn’t give a single fuck. Plenty of times people had walked in with her sucking at his cock under the desk, and she managed to soak through a pair of shorts that way.
She breathed heavily into his neck as he answered the phone, talking lowly and in his more firm and authoritative voice. His fingers angled perfectly on her clit, she had found the perfect rhythm and she humped against them. He was thoroughly enjoying it, with his fingers drenched and her slick dripping down to his wrist, he didn’t care at all about the mess.
In fact, he welcomed it.
“I don’t really give a fuck who’s fault it is. Fix it.” His voice dropped, and maybe he made it a bit meaner than he had to but he got the desired effect when her hips sped up, tiny whines into his skin. For a girl as sweet as candy, she sure as fuck loved when Harry was a dick. She loved when he yelled at people who interrupted. It got her dripping wet, got her needy and wanting.
She was fucked up, just like him. She just didn’t show it on the outside.
“Fuck, are you all idiots?” He growled, pressing his fingers harder against her. She whimpered a little ‘yes, yes’ into his shirt as she moved harder. It only made him continue. Poor guy on the other end, but his baby had to cum.
“If I hav’ta come down there to fix it, there won’t be anything left of all of you to find. D’ya understand? I’ll have y’idiots offed before you can ruin yet another shipment because you can’t follow directions. D’ya even know who the fuck I am? Who you’re working for?” He hissed, eyes moving to his soaked hand as Y/N sloppily moved against it. She was close.
“That’s what I fucking thought. Now it better be fixed. Don’t call me back. I’m gonna be fuckin’ my girl.” His blunt nature wasn’t a surprise, but it was another thing that turned her on.
The call ended, and Harry could feel her hips get sloppier in its movements. “C’mon. Cum for me. Know you like what daddy’s an ass. Makes you so wet for me.” He cooed. “C’mon. Theres my dirty girl. Pussy is pulsin’ n’ waiting for my cock. Y’want to be filled, right?” He teased, free hand moving her hair to the other side of her neck.
“Yes, yes I do. Please….” She sulked, thighs shaking and slightly tired from the effort. The fuzzy feeling was in her belly, so close to the band snapping.
“Good. The. Let go f’me, baby. Cum all over my fingers so I can fill your dirty pussy up with my cum. Make y’walk out with it dripping between your thighs.” He urged. Taking one hand, he lifted it up and brought it down on her ass got a spanking- and she was a goner.
Babbling lottle sobs of nonsense left her lips as she came, body shaking as she clung to him. His fingers staying right where they were until she was too sensitive, sniffling slightly at the overwhelming feeling.
“There we go.” He soothed, pulling his fingers up to their faces. “Clean up your mess, n’then I want you bent over the desk. Need to cum inside that cunt.”
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sk8 headcanons because i am Bored
autistic langa likes frozen fruit a lot—strawberries are his favorite—because he likes the cool texture
reki has lip freckles that really stand out after he’s been in the sun a lot ! there’s like four or five of them :)
just thinking about “all those friday nights / under the lights / under the bleachers together / you and i were meant to be something more than a faded memory / till you and i / something divided us” but matchablossom,,,
“but i’ve already lost it once / what i already won / i’ve lost too much now to care / but i know that something’s still there” ,,, matchablossom,,, ahhhhh
miya and shadow being besties,,, shadow being miya’s parental figure and miya being his adopted nb child,,,
shadow being the first person miya comes out as nonbinary to,,,
adam going to jail,,,
reki having a stuffed animal collection and letting miya name some and then realizing that miya never had a stuffed animal growing up so reki gives miya one of his older ones that he loved as a child and then buys them a new one too… and miya asks reki to name it for them because sentiments,,,
after seeing the girl he had a crush on kiss someone else, shadow takes out his feelings on the only thing he knows how to—skating at s but he’s not in a good mind and he feels sick because he thought he thought he thought he had a chance and he doesn’t pay close enough attention and gets hurt and miya calls him an idiot and patches him up and shadow feels like a kid again but it’s kind of nice to have someone else actually help with his wounds instead of just attempting to wash them and then cover them with makeup by himself,,,
joe and shadow bonding over hating the feeling of loneliness so they make up for it the only way they know how which is being loud and being extra because they don’t feel as lonely if they’re loud
reki, miya, and cherry = adhd club
cherry and reki drawing together… and reki teaching cherry how to be more loose and carefree when he draws and cherry teaching reki how to add more structure to his art,,,
langa stealing and wearing reki’s headbands,,,
langa with glasses
reki’s sisters doing cherry and joe’s hair,,, or even reki, langa, and miya doing their hair and shadow just watches and takes pictures and reki puts cherry’s hair in fishtails because he had practice with his sisters and cherry secretly likes it (and so does joe) and miya and langa just. completely messing up joe’s hair and putting hair clips in it and langa attempts a ponytail kind of like how cherry does his hair at s (and no cherry did Not find it very attractive shut up)
shadow being a scrapbooker and having like ten scrapbooks from his life,,,
shadow not being as good of an artist as cherry or reki but he does it because he enjoys it and when cherry and reki find out they invite him to draw with them
the crew / sk8 fam all going to shadow’s house and doing a couple scrapbook pages together and it’s a mess but it’s them and it’s one of shadow’s favorite pages because he’s never scrapbooked with anyone before
langa is just naturally beautiful and photogenic so the art squad always asks him to model for them if they want to draw people
joe has depression because i want him to
and shadow has anxiety
because i do Not want any of them to be neurotypical
yeah so joe has depression, shadow has anxiety, cherry has add and anxiety, miya had adhd and separation anxiety, langa is autistic, reki has tourette’s and adhd and depression ✌🏻
when miya gets old enough, shadow gets them a part time job at the flower shop
miya likes a lot of pillows
langa sleeps with no pillows (unless reki is partially his pillow)
thinking about after reki’s second beef with adam,,, joe after he tells adam off and they’re away from the crowd, he passes out because let’s be real—there is absolutely no way he didn’t get injured and the worse one is probably a broken nose and a huge gash at the back of his head with like skin peeling and stuff like need stitches so the gang all goes to cherry’s and they help patch reki up
somewhere in that time the love hotel gets brought up and by extension getting hit by the car and getting beat up and joe and shadow are on the verge of slamming their heads against the wall at reki’s nonchalantness
and reki’s p injured so he’s laying in the couch with his head resting in langa’s lap,,,
joe tells everyone embarrassing cherry stories from school like all the time (but joe was a foolish child so cherry gets revenge)
miya likes crime documentaries
joe unironically watched supernatural and that’s part of the reason why he and cherry broke up
(maybe joe just thought dean was attractive—sue him!)
lol wait what if cherry sued adam to pay for reki’s medical bills since they inevitably had to take him to the hospital
cherry constantly tells joe that he will sue him
joe may unironically watched spn, but cherry unironically watched glee
langa wrote destiel fanfiction once upon a time
langa wrote cas bakes dean a pie--
miya is carla’s favorite (after cherry)
cherry and langa with weighted blankets also
sometimes reki steals langa’s but only if he stays the night or langa brings it over and usually if he “steals” it, it’s them sharing it or reki needs the comfort of the weight if he’s not having a good time mentally lol
joe with depression,,, i just think about that a lot sometimes,,, sometimes cooking feels meaningless and, like langa, he only feels something when he skates but it’s only this temporary feeling of joy and life,,,
and shadow with anxiety,,, over-compensating his anxiety by being shadow at night and being over the top and sometimes mean because internalized ableism,,, and if he pretends he doesn’t have anxiety then maybe he won’t feel it late at night or when everything seems to go wrong during a shift at work and he keeps dropping flowers because his hands are shaking and girls don’t like guys with anxiety, right ??? so shadow thinks that he CAN’T have anxiety :/// poor dude
miya with separation anxiety pushing people away before they get attached because if they push them away before they become friends, then they wouldn’t be able to leave them,,,
langa always bouncing his foot in class and all the time because it’s his main form of stimming (look at that boy and try to tell me he doesn’t bounce his legs like there’s no tomorrow i dare you) and sometimes it makes his legs sore and cherry and joe once recommended using a heating pad if it got really sore and langa does sometimes and it makes him happy
reki with ts having anxiety when he has to speak in front of the class / do presentations because he’s hyper-aware of his tics,,, so he always meets langa’s eyes and watches langa the whole time and langa sometimes mimes taking deep breaths which really helps but honestly just seeing langa makes reki feel like he can do anything (because he would do anything for langa)
cherry doodling to stim as a child and always getting in trouble for it because teachers used to like get pissed when students doodled (or maybe they still do and it’s just always been pissy teachers and not specifically teachers when our parents were kids) and eventually cherry got fed up with getting points docked for doodling so he started writing lists and stuff and been realized he had impeccable handwriting (also joe let cherry doodle on his hand during classes they had together so cherry wouldn’t get in trouble)
cherry once had a dream that he was rachel berry and joe was finn uhh *insert last name here* from glee and joe had a beautiful voice when they sang duets in his dream so he managed to convince joe to sing in reality and turns out joe cannot sing and cherry’s glee dreams were never the same (look i am tired lol)
joe likes being the strong one in the group and he enjoys being able to mess around / show off by just casually picking people up (he also does it as an expression of love because they’re basically hugs depending on how he holds you) and one day cherry is like… done with it ??? and just strolls up to joe and just throws him over his shoulder or something and joe combusts because he did Not know cherry can do that and no his face isn’t red shut up he doesn’t find this attractive what’re you talking about
miya wants a sword and keeps trying to convince everyone to get them one for their birthday but no one will agree because ‘they’ll hurt themselves and everyone else it does not matter that all your favorite characters have swords that does not mean You should have one’
langa is the kind of person that puts peanut butter on a cheeseburger
reki’s love language is a mix of gift giving and acts of service, but he tends to lean more towards giving gifts. his receiving love language is words of affirmation but he does Not know that yet (langa does—hence his constant “you’re amazing, reki”—and eventually so does the rest of their gang lol)
shadow likes theatre
miya has internet friends,,, so does cherry,,,
joe posts those affirmations on his story all the time
reki’s texts are sometime hard to read because a) his hands get injured a lot and b) tourette’s but langa (and soon the others) learn how to read reki texts
langa sleeps with a fan on for white noise
shadow was worried (and feeling a little left out but if he doesn’t acknowledge it, then that emotion is not real… that’s how that works, right???) since he was in the hospital when reki skated against adam the second time, so when they all went back to cherry’s to tend to reki’s numerous wounds and also celebrate friendship, miya kept shadow on a face time call the entire evening
langa has an android phone
reki is super comfortable with periods because he lives with five girls—he also usually has a couple of pads and tampons on him at all times because he’s the older sibling lol
langa wears socks with sandals,,, so does shadow,,,
shadow’s feet get cold easily so he wears fluffy socks a lot
cherry keeps his fingernails at the perfect length to dramatically tap them against the table (also to freak people out by doing that)
miya is Not a morning person
miya also likes having the windows to shadow’s car rolled up because their hair gets in their face otherwise but shadow likes them down so it’s this constant struggle
i still stand by cherry suing ad*m and using the money he won to pay for reki’s medical bills (… and shadow’s… and langa’s if he needs any)
i just feel like many people have reason to sue ad*m
ponytail langa rights
joe had really bad acne as a child and teen and cherry helped him feel less self-conscious about it and helped him embrace having acne and that’s one reason why he exposes so much skin as joe because it’s a reminder of personal growth <3
also joe has acne scars on his chin and cheeks
joe has cherry’s calligraphy all over his walls
ik i already said so in reki with ts headcanons but he doodles pictures for everyone in the sk8 fam and they all keep each and every one and shadow even puts them in his scrapbook
let langa punch adam 2k21
let reki punch adam 2k21
actually they All deserve to punch adam 2k21
miya’s favorite movie is coraline
langa can’t snap his fingers
joe and cherry always argue over whether even numbers or odd numbers are best
miya does esports
joe was in marching band and was in drumline
cherry stays up late to look at the stars and he had those plastic stars taped to his ceiling as a child
reki eats tomatoes like apples and it makes joe want to cry
okay if the atla & and the sk8 characters became internet friends… these are who i think they’d be internet friends with…
cherry: katara
joe: suki
langa: sokka
miya: aang
reki: zuko
shadow: toph
note: suki, joe, miya, and aang are all actually besties. aang is the kind of person that would usually annoy miya but they just can’t dislike aang no matter how much he may want to and they somehow find themselves attached
but suki and miya would also get along really well because I know they would and aang and joe would just have fun and like it’s what they deserve so they are interchangeable / all besties
also sk8 characters if they were benders...
cherry: fire or waterbender,,, cannot decide
joe: earthbender
langa: waterbender
miya: firebender
reki: resident nonbender
shadow: earthbender
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simplysummers · 3 years
Hannah and Bea watch Star Wars
A few weeks ago, my bestie @floatyteabag (Hannah) and I (Bea) watched Star Wars: Attack of the Clones together. I, being a lifelong Star Wars nerd and a lover of all things Obi-Wan, somehow managed to rope this awesome human into watching the second sequel with me, keeping in mind she had never seen them before.
This is some of our live commentary, lacking in any context, which I felt needed to be shared with you all. I’m also leaving absolutely no indication as to who said what, to make it even funnier.
“R2 rolling about, he don’t give a fuck.”
“The face of a man who was WRONG.”
“Imagine R2 but as a hoover/vacuum. Perfection”
“‘He wouldn’t assassinate anyone’ 0-0 bro anyone named Count Dooku ain’t a good bro, bro”
“I don’t trust this man.” “I won’t spoil anything but you really shouldn’t lmao.”
“Captain Tofu?”
“Ooo someone’s in trouble. It’s me, idk why I said that”
“It’s better than my croissant attempt.”
“‘She’s a politician and they’re not to be trusted’ THAT IS THE BEST QUOTE”
“Ew look at the centipedes”
“How is she asleep like that. I would’ve had cramp in my wrist after 5 minutes.”
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“Anakin is me driving.” “Obi-Wan is me in your passenger seat.”
“We’d be a menace to society but that’s their problem, not ours.”
“He fully skydived out of the car.”
“Obi-Wan is so chill. He’s just ‘>_> hate it when he does that’ like he’s done this before??? Aight”
“‘I want to go home and rethink my life’ same babes.”
“Omg Bea that is legit us, me being Anakin, the underage loser.”
“Bestie we ARE Anakin and Obi-Wan.”
“ITS BOBA FETT. No it’s not. YES IT IS. Hmmm.”
“Boba Fettacini.”
“Yoda floating around on the wii fit board.”
“Padme who let you lead a country.”
“Rocking up to space McDonalds” “I’d order a milkshake.”
“I stg if I become attached to this Cody dude.” “I’m VERY attached to the clones and it never ends well in Star Wars, so I’m dragging you down with me.”
“Look at the Pixar lamps!”
“He VIOLATED him for no reason!”
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“All I see are some cotton earbuds”
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“So there’s like 50 clones of the same person running around?” “…..much more than 50.”
“Anakin, many things are smooth on that planet and you are NOT one of them.”
“Padme was over it before it had even begun.”
“Absolute kings. They deserve their own show….wait they have their own show….they deserve MORE Then.”
“🎵 the hiiiiiiilllss are aliiiiiiiive 🎵”
“Anakin’s a communist confirmed-“
“Yes. Step on Anakin”
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“Calm down Harry Potter with your floating Pear.”
“Anakin thinks he’s Shakespeare.”
“An extract from The Prelude: by Anakin Skywalker 🌺”
“I want a jet pack.”
“Ohh kick him!”
“Love how Boba, who is like ten, is just *shooty mcshooty*”
“‘Oh not good’ BABES LET GO”
“Hmmm yes ship is flying away *activates glowstick*” “it’s for the aesthetic.”
“Hey Ani, uh I kinda sold your Mom to some rando but hey we’re still cool right??”
“Boba: hehehehehe 😄”
“‘Get him dad, get him, FIRE’ this isn’t CALL OF DUTY, BOBA.”
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“Mothman wannabe.”
“Obi-Wan: I’m an international…superspy. SUPERSPYYYYYY.”
“Why is Tom Jones there?”
“she can’t die! I’m actually crying…..never mind I started laughing at Anakin’s face.”
“Lmao I love how Obi-Wan was talking for a straight minute and R2 was like ‘I’m busy sir, the audacity.’”
“‘It’s all Obi-Wan’s fault!’ Babes Obi-Wan isnt with you.” “Anakin take a chill pill!”
“‘R2 what are you doing here’ that’s fucking rude. Let him be.”
“Poor Jar Jar he just wants to make friends.”
“Don’t speak of Qui-Gon you HOE.”
“Count Dooku, turning on his voice chair: I want you on my team, Obi-Wan.”
“Parliament would be so much better if they floated in those pods.”
“Padme: maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this.’ Anakin: *grabs glowstick*”
“‘Obtuse’ 3PO HOW DARE YOU.”
“Someone put Padme on total wipeout.”
“‘I want to go home’ ‘what did I do to deserve this’ 3PO is too relatable.”
“Padme chose the wrong day to wear white.”
“‘Obi-Wan’s gonna kill me’ priorities dude”
“‘Good job’ sass king.”
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“Obi-Wan- the king of puns.”
“How is Padme not crying.” “Legit. I bang my hip on the bed frame and it’s like almost waterworks.”
“Ahhhhh my kings they are coming.”
“Oooo a purple wand.”
“Jango doing the spiny gun thing. Show off.”
“I know he did NOT just decapitate jango.” “And his son was just 0-0 off to the side.”
“‘I am beside myself.’ I WISH I WAS THIS QUICK.”
“I care too much about the clones I swear to god.”
“Ooooo hamster wheels.”
“Anakin you pleb.”
“If he has a red glowstick you know he’s a bad guy.”
“That clone just wanted an excuse to go home”
“He just straight up lost an arm. Hope he’s not right handed.”
“Bet Yoda’s glowstick is green……BAM.”
“‘Without the clones it wouldn’t have been a victory’ too fucking right. My boys deserve recognition.”
“The clones carried this.” “The clones carry everything these losers do.”
“It’s like a Vegas wedding. ✨ spontaneous ✨”
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This was genuinely the most fun I’ve had watching a Star Wars movie with anyone. Han’ is hilarious and together we destroyed the movie while ironically loving it. We’ve watched ROTS, up next is Solo. And I actually cannot wait for that trainwreck.
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taki118 · 4 years
Go Watch the Venture Brothers
So just heard the complete and utter Bullshit news that Adult Swim has cancelled one of (if not the best shows) they have the Venture Bros. This series is one of those shows that for WHATEVER reason never got to the level of fandom Rick and Morty has even though they’ve been at the genre parody game longer and in my opinion better. 
The series is about Rusty Venture former boy adventurer and failing super scientist who in an attempt to keep his head above water in debt goes around with his two boys Hank and Dean, and bodyguard Brock on misadventues while various legal archnemisis go after him, such as the Monarch. 
So if you never watched or never heard of this 7 season series let me give you a break down on why you should, 
1) Art Style & Animation
Venture bros is one of those rare Adult aimed animated series that that really truly tries to utilize their medium to the best of their abilities. Season 1 had like such a small budget and corners had to be cut so it can be a little hard to watch at times. 
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But with each passing season they get a little better, a little more fluid, go just a little harder and it truly feels rewarding to watch. Like seeing an artist you follow online improve over the years. Like they COULD have stayed with the choppy and stiff animation from season 1 it fit right in with its fellow adult animated shows but it didn’t. They strove for quality to have something that matched the story they were telling.
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2) The Writing 
Venture Bros has some of the tightest and consistently great writing of ANY serialized show I’ve seen, adult, animated or other wise. Wanna know why? Cause it’s all done by TWO people (save for like one ep each season where one other person is allowed to touch their baby). Yeah TWO people and they work their asses off every season to interject, humor, refrences, parody, plot and character development in equal measure. 
3) Character Development
Um yes in case you were wondering that’s right an adult animated show has CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT  that holds as the series goes on. Not to give spoilers but characters will go through changes in alignment, relationships will develop and change, some characters will go through negative arcs where they are straight up unbareable for a season before coming out the other side even better than they were before. There is no end of epsiode or even end of season reset. Characters, settings, and dynamics all change over the course of the show and it feels just so god damn good.
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4) Story Development 
Just like the characters the story of the Venture Bros grows and changes each season. Things that are set up even as early as season one are paid off as the series goes on. Like not to be that bitch but you know how RIck and Morty teases an overarching plot ALL THE TIME but like will often just spit in the face of fans hoping for more than like one episode a season addressing it? Yeahhhhhhh that doesnt happen here, fans are consistently rewarded for putting the time in to rewatch and really think about what happened in the series. Characters that are seen in the background or are just referenced by other characters will be brought in to be recurring characters, things that start off as a small detail or gag will be given larger relevance and each time they do this you get that “OH I remember that from last season! So thats what it was!” The writers WANT you to rewatch, they WANT you to analyze and they WANT you to theorize, and they give you a show that gives back the time you put in.
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5) Parody & Reference 
This series does a great thing with parody. They make real characters  who are just as enjoyable as the characters they parody, they make story lines that both poke fun at the absurdity of the media but shows the writers love for it. So often parody and references are just used to mock the thing but with Venture Bros you feel the love and care so when you know the thing being parodied you can laugh but feel good about laughing cause they are never laughing at a thing maybe you cared for in your youth but rather laughing with it.
And it’s never just one thing. When they parody a thing its often layered with other things to make it even more unique. Scooby-Doo is overlayed with famous criminals, Laura Croft is mixed Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, GI Joe is given the look of the Village People and so on. They never go for the easy joke or reference. Hell theres an episode that starts with them reciting the lyrics to David Bowies Space Oddity for really no reason other than they could. They weave these things in naturally with their setting and characters so nothing feels out of place. Like if you dont catch a reference or parody you dont feel like “I think this isa reference to something?” like a LOT of things do not just adult animated shows. You arent taken out of the moment cause it all feels so natural. 
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6) The Characters 
God damn these characters, I could go on for hours about these characters. From main to one off these are some of the most likeable characters you can find. I mean it when I say I can’t think of a single character I wish they had cut cause they are all so well created. Even the ones I hate i have fun hating cause they were made to be that way. I’ll be good though I’ll only talk about my absolute top faves.
- The Monarchs
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You ever sit and wish villain couples could have functional  healthy relationships? Well look no further than Malcom Fitzcarraldo aka The Monarch and Dr. Shelia Girlfriend (yes that is her last name). The Monarch is a high strung impulsive saturday morning cartoon villain whos tendency to over react is only matched by his unspecified hatred of Dr. Venture. And Dr. G is his nonsense partner in crime who will cut a bitch if they don’t play by their admittedly weird rules. Both characters are great on their own but are better together. Though that doesnt mean they always get along. Like a real couple they have their ups and downs they fight, break up, make-up and grow stronger in their relationship with each season. 
- Shore Leave
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Ok ok so I want you to imagine James Bond, mixed with GI Joe simmering in a cocktail of the most flamboyant gay men you have ever seen and you have one of my favorite gay characters/characters in general. Shore Leave is a member of OSI (the shows SHEILD/GI Joe parody organization) he’s loud, brash, flippant, sassy and highly competent at his job loving every second of getting to beat bad guys down within an inch of their life. I love seeing him play off the stoic Brock and the two have this great brotherly dynamic that’s never called into question. He also gets to have a very cute romance with Al the Alchemist (who is also great). I could talk about this man all day.
- Dr. Rusty Venture
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They did such a good job with this man. He’s a self serving, sexist, perverted, whinny, self important asshole and yet you feel pity and genuine sympathy for him and want him to succeed. You can see how Dr. V was given a raw deal by his father who seemed to care more about his adventures than his sons well being and how this molded him into the bitter man he is today, but on the flip side you can see where he chose to use that as a crutch for his worst behaviors and impulses. Seeing him slowly grow and change and be an actual good father to his boys while all the while still be a giant dick is actually really great. 
- Dr. Byron Orpheus 
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Ahhhhh Dr. Orpheus part Dr. Strange Parody part busybody stay at home dad, he’s just such a delight. Dr. Orpheus is a divorcee, with an unfulfilling job of maintaining order to the cosmos (which isnt as hard as one might think), and uses his magical ablities in ways most of us would (ie menial tasks and home chores). Overly dramatic and affectionate Dr. O is a delight whenever he appears, but he’s at his best around his daughter and old friends The Order of the Triad. 
Again I can go on but all these characters ranging from main to recurring are crafted with the utmost care for you to want to see them succeed or fail, to see them again even if you know it’ll never happen, and want them to cross paths with other characters. 
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The Venture Bros is one of those series that I will ALWAYS recommend even to the pickiest of humor tastes. But if you don’t believe its as good as I said or don’t think the concept is to your tastes I’ll recommend a few eps that I think best show off the base idea of the series without giving much away. In terms of plot and spoilers, though somethings wont make a lot of sense. 
- S1 ep10 "Tag Sale – You're It!" - Dr. V is having a yard sale so of course all manner of costumed weirdos show up.  - S2 ep5 "Twenty Years to Midnight" - basically a fetch quest around the world to save the planet with daddy issues - S3 ep2 "The Doctor Is Sin" - Again daddy issues but with one of the best recurring characters and a great showcase of the series deeper emotional plots - S4 ep6 "Self-Medication" - Really embraces the parody as Rusty goes to a former boy adventurer support group.  Anyway the show is 7 seasons with 80 episodes, please go watch it. I will never forgive @adultswim​ for cancelling what was to be their final season. And in closing GO TEAM VENTURE!
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another-cancer · 3 years
Day 12, July 20th Dare
“I dare you to ask him out.”
Fuck. She couldn’t turn down a dare.
Tim and Mari moments.
“Achoo!” Marinette sneezed, “Fucking hell.”
“I told you you would get a cold,” Tim said as he handed her a bowl of soup.
“Fuck of Timmy I was trying to stop your brother from murdering someone.”
“That doesn’t stop you from wearing a jacket.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at Tim as she started sneezing again.
“When was the last time you slept?” Marinette asked Tim.
“Um, it’s been almost two days I think? I can keep going, I just need some coffee,” Tim said before passing out into Marinette’s arms.
She dragged him into his bedroom tucking him in. She then wrapped herself up with her blanket to warm herself.
Tim woke up to find Marinette passed out in a very uncomfortable position. He tucked her in and made his way to the kitchen, searching for the coffee he knew Marinette had.
“How are you so good at this game?”
“My parents loved it, we played it constantly. I even played in a couple of tournaments. One of my old classmates is now part of the developer teams for the new one coming out in a couple of months. I even got to playtest it,” Marinette smirked.
“Fuck you’re going to kick my ass in that when it comes out too.”
“We should invite Damian over,” Marinette said out of the blue.
“Out of all my siblings, you want to invite him? To do what spar? That’s all he’ll really want to do anyway.”
“I’m just kinda bored, Damian always manages to make things interesting.”
“Yeah. That’s one way to put it,” Tim said.
“So you and Jason-”
“Stop,” Marinette interrupted.
The two were sitting on the sofa drinking coffee.
“But you guys both like each other so why not go for it?”
“Don’t lie, he doesn’t like me.”
“But you admit you like him?” Tim smirked.
“Shut up,” she said, staring into the cup of coffee.
“I’m pretty sure he likes you too.”
“Can we just drop it?”
“Fine, but I still think-”
Dick was in the apartment hovering over the bed.
“AHHHHH,” Marinette screamed, “How the fuck did you get in?”
“I have a key,” Dick replied.
Next to her a disoriented Tim woke up, “What’s going on?”
“This is where you have been this whole time?” Dick asked.
“Huh?” Tim was confused.
“I’ve been texting you these last couple of days asking where you are.”
“I texted you the first day,” Tim said, reaching for his phone, “Oh I never sent it. Sorry”
Tim flopped back into the bed hiding from the light, while Marinette got up to greet her guest properly.
Once out of the room Dick asked, “How did you get him to sleep?”
She shrugged, “He said he likes the mattress.”
Dick was washing the dishes.
“Why is he doing that?” Tim questioned.
“I’m not really sure,” Marinette replied.
She had been watching the whole time with a confused expression across her face.
“I’m doing this because apparently none of you two have done the dishes in days. There are a million coffee cups in this sink. Jeez, the fact that either of you has been able to sleep is amazing.”
“But we did the dishes yesterday morning. We always do them when both of us are up,” Marinette explained.
“You’re saying these mugs are just from yesterday?” Dick exclaimed.
“Yeah, looks about right,” Tim answered.
Dick had taken their coffee.
“I hate shopping,” Marinette complained.
“Is this even the right brand?”
“Let me see,” Tim said, taking the container from her hands, “yeah it is.”
“Fuck they raised the price again.”
Marinette was about to put the coffee back when Tim stopped her.
“God, I need to give you a raise. Maybe I’ll talk to Bruce about giving everyone a raise, again,” Tim suggested.
“No, I just need to go home and revise the monthly budget a bit.”
“Fine, but I’m still paying for the coffee.”
“I fucking hate budgets.”
“I need to re-budget the household plan and then submit a new budget plan to the board. But fuck with the amount of money offered to actually pay my department well that would be 65% of the budget. Which obviously, I’ll end up going with but that means supplies are going to be cut. And with the household budget, I need to take fewer small commissions in order to save on fabric to be able to afford the good coffee and keep donating the same amount to charities. Maybe I can ask Jason to take up a few more odd jobs,” Marinette ranted.
Meanwhile, Tim made a list of one item, Tell board to give JTodd a bigger budget.
“Why don’t you-”
“I swear to god if this is about Jason again I will throw you out the window.”
“I dare you to ask him out.”
Fuck. She couldn’t turn down a dare.
“Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne, get your ass in here!” Marinette called from the bedroom.
Tim sprinted in fear, “Yes Mari.”
“Did you mess up the pillow wall?”
His eyes went wide as he was frozen.
“No,” Tim weakly denied.
Jason was home. Opening his apartment door he found a mess. Making his way to the bedroom was even worse. It was completely destroyed with Tim asleep on one side of the pillow wall and Pixie on the other.
Jason was exhausted. And with as little room there was in the bed he climbed in right next to Mari who managed to sense his arrival.
“Hey Jay,” she whispered.
“Hey Pixie, I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
So I have no clue when the next chapter will be out, because unless I write it today there is a strong possibility there won't be another for a week or so.
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ultimatetornshipper · 3 years
To bee or not to bee - a Jasonette fic
@moonlitceleste I almost let this die, I honestly really wanted it dead but alas it was clearly meant to bee 
(WARNING: contains puns, angst, crack and fluff. You have been warned)
If you don’t want to read my sarcastic/funny/fangirl commentary, skip the brackets
I have another bee movie au, i didn't plan it ("I don't claim to be proud. But my head won't be hung in shame. I didn't plan it. But the light turned red, and I ran it. And I'm still standing. It's not what I wanted, but now that it's right here. I understand it. A story written by my own hand" as quoted from Waitress), it just happened and i just couldn't resist. I'm not sorry
So what if instead of dying Joker turned Jason into a bee. Because Harley convinced him and told him that people were talking shit about him because he's named the Joker and they don't think he's funny. It surprisingly works. (Obviously Harley was the one who made the plan and did the magic I mean really what do u expect of Joker?)
Ok so now Jason’s a bee right? And he’s like 15 because .~:°*plot*°:~.
They look for him and Jason’s like flying around like, “Guys! Guys I’m right here!” Poor kid. (I mean I would make it funny but like angst)
Obviously they don’t understand him because he’s a fucking bee and Joker cackles madly and Harley laughs too but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes and it's kinda that laugh u do when ur supes overwhelmed and sound maniacal but like soft (I’m a simp for Harley being portrayed as the complex and beautiful character she id leave me be)
Jason is very sad. And also quite pissed
Not knowing what else to do he follows Batman home, he listens to them trying to find him, watches Dick freak out and Alfred wipe a tear the rest of the family doesn’t see.
Jason tries to approach Alfred, hoping he somehow recognizes what happened
He doesn’t, Alfred closes him in a glass and paper and takes him outside.
He sneaks back into the manor and sleeps in one of the flowers (it's a red tulip because aesthetic) next to his bed. He cries himself to sleep. (Can bees cry? Is this possible? Is this like a thing??? I don't need sleep i need answers)
The thing is even tho he's now a bee, he still has the durability of a human, so even stepping on him won’t crush him and he still has a human lifespan
Because Harley isn’t a monster and what Puddin didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. (Simping for Harley Quinn strike 2)
After a while at the manor and following them he decides he can’t stand it anymore. Alfred has thrown him out three times and Dick freaks out each time he sees him as he’s a tad allergic (read: he would die if stung)
Which is how Jason found out that getting hit with a newspaper wouldn’t kill him.
He leaves.
He’s a bee and it’s not like he knows about a way to reverse it.
But there was someone who might.
He goes to Arkham.
Luckily, Harley was still there. (YAY we get to see mah gurl)
He flies into her cell and she just watches him, then she seems to click. She gives him a small smile, “Hi birdie,” (she puns, honestly would make for a better clown of Gotham and I saw an idea for that once where she steals Joker’s title once and I’ve been yearning for it ever since)
She holds out a finger and he lands on it, she laughs but tears come to her eyes,” Hey at least you’re not dead. That was his original plan you know? To kill you with a crowbar. I convinced him this would be a cruller fate. I guess maybe it is, but at least this way... Ugh how the hell did I get here,” (Harley angst, honestly it’s all just self service at this point)
He simply stared at her as she cried, and he felt his heart clench. From here she looked so sad... not crazy, just broken.
She took a deep breath and looked at him seriously, “Look kid, there’s a way to get you back to normal, you just need to find someone, they’re called the Guardian of the Miraculous. They can help, I don’t know who or where they are, just follow your instincts. And come say hi when you get back, yeah? I could do with the... healthier company. And remember, I bee-lieve in you,” (Gasp what a shock, you mean to tell me Miraculous magic is gonna be involved in this Maribat au. Well I never what a shock. Also puns. Oh and she’s so nice to him. We love Harley in this house)
He sat there and studied her for a while more, there was more to her than it seemed. Than what he’d assumed.
But for now, he had his own problems to deal with.
She gave him a small wave as he left. (Adorable)
He left and started considering his options, as a bee, it would probably be safest to stay inside, away from birds and things that would view him as a snack.
Staying in Arkham seemed like his best option, as bad an option as it was.
Most of the prisoners wouldn’t have a second thought about trying to crush him.
A strong scent of flowers and plants suddenly came to his attention.
Of course! Poison Ivy. (Round 2 of me simping for beautiful, complex, badass women. Too bad Catwoman ain’t here.)
He followed the smell to her cell and saw her staring out of her small window. He was still taking a chance, but she loved plants and flowers and bees were important to those, weren’t they?
He flew to the window bars and sat on one. The moment she spotted him she smiled widely, in a soft way he hadn’t seen on her before. (Ahhhhh my darling plant redhead. I love writing the Sirens as soft badasses. Also has anyone noticed how rare brunettes are in superhero worlds? Like both in Marvel and DC but like irl brown is like a pretty damn common)
She held out her finger, “Hey there, little guy. A little far from home, aren’t we?”
She had no idea.
He landed on her fingertip and watched in awe as a flower and a few leaves formed on her hand. She let the flower grow itself around one of her window bars and held her finger next to one of the petals.
“There you go, it’s all I can manage with my power dampers. I haven’t had company in a while,” she said softly as he crawled into the flower. He made himself comfortable.
She laughed to herself and he saw her shaking her head, “Talking to a bee, well, I guess stranger things have happened,” (yeah ur crush is dating a green haired murderous psychopath and you get beat up by a billionaire in a batsuit on like a biweekly basis)
The flower was soft and warm and felt safer than he expected it to. He found that he could move between the petals but decided to curl up in the middle. (It's a pink rose this time because fuck yeah flowers)
He slept better than he had in days.
The next morning he took his leave, stopping only at the manor to say a mental goodbye.
Then he headed off.
Jason flew a lot the first few months, our boy was smart at least, travelling with a cruise ship on its way to Europe.
It was Spring in the Northern Hemisphere so he had until Autumn until it was in his best interest to head south to avoid the snow. He decided to head towards Africa when summer started coming to an end. (I have no reasoning for this, just that I want to)
His first spot would be the United Kingdom. Then he'd go through the rest of Europe following his instincts.
At least it was Spring.
Jason diligently searched through England, Scotland and Ireland but found nothing.
By the time he was done he realized it was time to start heading South. He’d decided to take another cruise to South-Africa, where it would be summer, he searched through the country until April. He would admit that he didn’t feel drawn to anything in any of their 9 provinces so his search wasn’t as diligent as in England. He didn’t feel anymore drawn to the neighbouring countries like Namibia or Botswana either.
(Once again no reasoning for why I picked these countries, I mean the French Hugonotes went there when they were fleeing from the French Catholics who wanted them dead so I guess I could make up some bullshit about Mari having an ancestor in common with someone there or maybe it was just the ship he could easiest get access I don’t know, you make something up)
Which was why he decided to go back to Europe as soon as April hit.
He hitched another ride on a cruise headed for France.
It’s been a year since he got turned into a damn bee.
He was sixteen now and while he’d seen some amazing things all through South-Africa (a place that proves that humans really do have a weirdly obvious way of naming things I mean the Amazon river and Chad Lake are just more examples really) as well as the United Kingdom, all he really wanted was to go back home, to be human again.
When he gets there he diligently makes his way through France, eventually arriving in Paris.
He lands on the tip top of the Eiffel Tower. As in the point of the antenna because why not.
During his year he realized that birds and other animals tended to avoid him, sensing his strangeness so that was at least one positive.
He stared out over the city. Well, the one good thing about this was definitely the views he’s been allowed to see.
That was until a massive explosion hit.
“What the fuck?” he said out loud, searching for the source. No one understood him, human or bee, but talking to himself reminded him of his humanity.
He found the source of the explosion but just as he started flying to its general direction, a blinding white light shone followed by a horde of ladybugs that were fixing everything that was wrong. (Imagine how scary this would lowkey be irl tho? Just a shit ton of Ladybugs descending on Paris my dude)
He decided that he needed a night’s sleep before he could even begin an attempt at deciphering what had just happened. He flew lower, finding a nice little balcony right above a bakery. And it had flowers. (I’ll give u five seconds to guess who this balcony belongs to)
He flew down, exploring.
He turned around when he heard a loud thump from behind him. What appeared to be a super heroine in red spandex with black spots had landed on the balcony.
She detransformed and started to talking to a floating bug- fairy thing. Strange. Though it wasn’t like he could judge, as an ex superhero sidekick who was thought to be dead but was actually a bee.
She disappeared down her trapdoor and he made himself comfortable in one of her flowers.
He slept soundly until somewhere during a night another thump woke him. He looked out of his sleeping spot to see a cat superhero stand on her balcony. He leaned down and knocked on her small trapdoor.
Ah, a teammate of hers, they were probably meeting about something, he thought as he heard her open up.
It didn’t take him long to realize that even though they were teammates, the cat, Chat Noir he later learned, was not aware of this fact.
Oh this was rich.
He couldn’t bee-lieve his eyes. (ok so Jason used self-referential puns but can you really blame him? It’s really just me and my pun problem so don’t blame the kid)
He was going on and on about his feelings for Ladybug, the girl’s hero form, that were clashing with his feelings for another girl he fenced with, while she listened, clearly fed up with it.
He also claimed that he thought that maybe they were one and the same. Which, to Jason, was hilarious as he was literally saying this to the actual Ladybug’s face.
Marinette- he learned from the Cat’s ongoing blabbering, he was a real blab-bee mouth, - was clearly tired, nodding half asleep, probably having heard it all before.
When he finally left Jason went to sleep again, incredibly amused and even more thankful that he was fluent in French. ( u think this is plot convenience? Just u wait mah dude iz about to get worse)
The next morning he decided to follow her to school. Which was how he learned of her huge crush on a boy named Adrien Agreste.
After learning the boy could fence thanks to Marinette’s obsession interest in him, he got suspicious.
Could it really bee? (not a typo)
After seeing the boy transform a month or two later for patrol he laughed like he hadn’t for over a year. It very much was. He'd spent the time staying on Marinette's balcony and decided to stay another week before moving on and continuing his search, after all, he couldn't stop now that he finally felt like he was getting close.
The next day she got home crying, claiming that Adrien had started dating someone else.
Kagami, she called the girl. Probably the fencer if he had to place a bet.
“I’m sorry, Marinette,” Tikki told the girl.
“That boy's an idiot,” he said, speaking his mind, another thing he’d gotten use to being allowed to do without consequence.
Marinette nearly jumped out of her skin, she looked around and he realized that she could hear him. He hadn’t really spoken too much before, at least not when she was around. He was usually content with watching her do whatever she was doing that day.
“Tikki, did you hear that?” she asked, Tikki nodded, her eyes landing on him.
“Oh,” the kwami said softly, flying over to him, “Oh, you poor thing, who did this to you?” (Tikki is the first ever mom friend and u can fight me on this)
He stared up at her, flying so that they were eye level.
Marinette gaped at them, heartbreak seemingly forgotten, “Tik- Tikki, are- who are you talking- are you talking to a – Tikki is that a bee?!” she finally spluttered out.
“No,” Tikki said, studying him, he felt his heart twist in hope and his stomach roll in surprise. Did she know?
“I mean yes, but no. He’s a boy whose been turned into a bee,” Tikki explained, turning back to Marinette.
“Oh,” Marinette said softly, turning to him. She held her hand out and after some hesitation he landed on her finger. She looked at him then back to Tikki.
How did they know? Would he really be that lucky? Was this real?
“Uhm, how?” she said, staring at him in disbelief. He tried shrugging but realized he couldn’t anymore- beecause of his- well if you haven’t caught on to the fact that he’s a bee by now you should really start from the beginning of this story.
“I don’t know, but Joker and Harley Quinn were involved,” he said.
Marinette stared at him in disbelief, blinking a few times. She sat in shock a few moments longer. (Our darling is an awkward lil bean, and while in media awkward is portrayed as cute, irl it isn’t, it’s just well… awkward. And we’re writing a serious and realistic fic about this sidekick of guy who wears a batsuit/billionaire's ward getting turned into a bee and falling in love with a magical girl fighting a butterfly man- none of this unrealistic nonsense)
Tikki flew over and sat on Marinette’s shoulder while her holder processed the information, the kwami stared at him sweetly, “What’s your name?”
He swallowed, he hadn’t said his name in ages, it stirred up something (emotion, it’s called emotion, Jason, you know? The thing Batman can’t process??) in him, “Jason Todd,”
Marinette seemed to finally snap out of her daze, “That sounds American. Are you American? Wait if Joker and Harley are involved then you’re probably from Gotham. Are you? Wait I’ve seen the name Jason Todd somewhere. Weren’t you some rich guy’s ward? It was all over the news last year, Alya wouldn’t stop talking about it for a month, she had a million theories. He was – you were announced dead two months after Robin was taken captive by Joker, everyone thought he was – you were killed. Joker made outrageous claims as they arrested him... saying that they’d never find Robin... that he’d all but disappeared in thin air... that he wouldn’t be the only one wearing stripes... I remember because he put a really weird emphasis on the words be and stripes and...,” her eyes widened and she gasped as she looked at him in what could only be described as pure shock. (Yes this happens, people can talk for this long and since I personally know headcannon that Marinette is ADHD this long ass paragraph is just another Tuesday bud)
He sat there, surprised that she figured it all out so quickly. (yeah bub it’s called plot convenience and it’s because of me, the writer, I don’t wanna focus on secret ID shenanigans, I got other plans for yall, also Mari is smart, don’t underestimate her)
“You’re Robin,” she breathed, “they turned you into a bee. Wait- How the hell did they turn you into a bee?!”
He chuckled, “Bee-lieve me I’ve been asking myself that question for more than a year,”
She bit her lip, seemingly contemplating his words and ignoring his pun, “Tikki do you know anything that could help? Do you think Miraculous magic-,”
He felt his heart stop, he flew up to her face, flying at eye level, “Wait, did you just say Miraculous? Harley said if I could find the Guardian of the miraculous, they could help me, do you know where they are? I’ve been looking for so long,” (‘°;~*.plot convenience.*~;°’)
Marinette blinked at him and Tikki's face dawned with realization.
“I’m the guardian of the miraculous,” Marinette said softly, “Tikki, that means I can help him, right?”
Tikki nodded and he had to dial down the hope in his heart because the look on her face told him there was a Kim Kardashian sized butt on the way.
“We can help him, but we’re gonna have to wait. (don’t look at me like that, do u want them to have time to bond or not?) You’re not trained enough to pull it off yet. If you were to do it now, all three of us would be out of commission for far too long, especially with Hawkmoth on the prowl,” Tikki said.
They must’ve been able to sense his sadness because they were staring at him with an incredible amount of pity. The amount was quite unsettling actually and he suddenly felt a primal like urge to pun. (An extract from my book: “My unhealthy coping mechanisms and how to use them,” specifically Chapter 8: “Humor hides the pain”)
Suddenly Tikki’s face lit up, the whiplash of her expression change throwing any notion of punning out the window.
“Well, there’s one thing we could do,” she said, excitedly, zipping buzzing around “If he wears a miraculous, he'll return back to human form while transformed,”
Marinette perked up at the idea, but confusion soon overtook her features, “But Tikki, most of the miraculous are bigger than he is,”
Tikki waved her away,” It’s fine it’ll work,”
“Ok,” Marinette said after a bit of thought. She stood and he followed while she started climbing down her skylight,” I’m thinking you can try each of them out for different patrols and then we’ll see which one matches you best. This could be fun, having some fun sized company while figuring out how to defeat Hawkmoth,”
He laughed, flying near her ear, “Fun sized, huh? I’ll have you know I’m considered tall in human form, unlike some of us,”
She laughed and rolled her still tear stained eyes, and so, the beginning of a bee-autiful friendship bloomed.
Marinette walked to her closet and Jason took in her room. It was very pink, but in a well-balanced way - it wasn’t completely overbearing. His eye caught on a few pictures of Adrien Agreste on her wall but figured now wouldn’t be a great time to bring it up. (Look he’s already more emotionally aware, #foreshadowing of character development)
She removed a big box from her closet. She opened it and it was filled with what appeared to be a bunch of scrap materials. At the bottom she removed a bigger bundle of black and red fabric and he flew closer.
She put it in her lap and Jason had to do a double take when he realized that her hands were glowing and what the actual fuck- it was a box now -fuck fuck fuck- why was it a box? How? What- Jason was pretty sure he did not sign up for this.
She put the box down in front of her and to his relief she opened her mouth to speak as she lifted the lid, so he’d understand everyth- and its jewellery.
The box contained jewellery. Animal themed jewellery by the looks of things.
He then realized that these were probably the other miraculous.
She looked over each artefact before handing him the yellow and black hairclip.
Out of all of them, she picked the bee miraculous.
“Hilarious,” he replied dryly, giving her a look, he realized too late she wouldn’t be able to register- on account of, well you know… (if u don’t know by now, you don’t get to find out anymore)
She gave him a grin and replied, “I certainly think it is,”
Her teasing expression turned into one of worry, “I mean we could switch it out if it makes you uncomfortable-,” (being a sassy people pleaser with no filters really do be like this tho)
He laughed, “Don’t worry, I’m only teasing. What do I do?”
Marinette opened her mouth to answer before obviously realizing that she didn’t have an answer. She turned to Tikki and the kwami had a fond smile on her face before turning to Jason. (Just Tikki casually mentor- moming Mari because Fu is useless)
“Just step on the miraculous, it’ll sense that you’re human,” the creature replied.
When he stepped onto the bee miraculous, its kwami appeared.
Pollen stared at him for a few seconds before she realized what was happening.
After an explanation about her power set and what exactly he could do in suit, he transformed.
He felt his human body appearing. He was taller and more built than he remembered being. His flying clearly had physical consequences then, not that he was complaining.
His suit included a pair of bee wings. His hair was longer than he remembered it being too.
He had a black leather jacket and combat boots. With it was a pair of practical black leggings and a yellow t-shirt with three thick black stripes. (The three stripes represent each one of his families, the Todds, the Waynes and The Dupain-Chengs, because I can) He also had a pair of black gloves. His boots had yellow laces. On his face was a black and yellow striped domino mask. The top sat on his hip. The bee miraculous sat on the middle of his chest in the form of a broach.
He all but sprinted to the mirror. He stared at his face, his blue eyes and his nose that never healed quite right after breaking it that one time. His black hair was messy and stuck up every which way, his cheekbones were as high as always, and he had a little bit of stubble and it was so familiar and so new all at once.
He touched his face, barely registering the tears flowing down his cheeks and laughed in relief. He was human again. This was real! He could- he was closer to normal than he ever thought he’d get to be.
He turned to Marinette who was staring up at him in shock. He picked her up and spun her around, laughing in joy. And after a moment she joined in. He put her down and put his hands on her shoulders, smiling widely, “Thank you. Thank you so much,”
She smiled up at him, a slightly sad look on her face, “I’m sorry, it’s not permanent,”
“Don’t be sorry. For the first time I have hope. It will be permanent eventually, and till then, I have you with me, right?” he squeezed her shoulder, still high on the feeling of hope and warmth and familiarity.
When he was overcome with the sudden urge to pull her into a hug, he didn’t resist.
He held her close, resting his chin on her head, “Damn, I missed this. Hugging, I mean. I haven’t... it’s been so long,” (not that he got all that many hugs from Bruce “emotionally constipated” Wayne)
She wrapped her arms around him, “I can imagine,”
They stood there a while before the time for patrol came along. She transformed and they made their way to the Eiffel tower, where they met Chat.
The cat themed hero rose his brow questioningly, “I thought we didn’t recruit new heroes unless it was an emergency?”
Ladybug smiled nonchalantly, “It’s Guardian business, he’s gonna be a permanent fixture in our team for at least a few months so we might as well get used to working as a team,”
Chat Noir eyed him wearily and he stepped forward, sticking his hand out, “Hi, I’m Blackback, nice to meet you,”
Chat Noir shook his hand and gave Ladybug a sceptical look, “An American? Really?”
“Please Chat, he's not American, it’s just the glamour hiding his actual accent,” she replied simply, shooting Jason a worried look.
He couldn’t give away his identity, but he was also technically a bee, he didn’t really have an identity to give away. So, her behaviour was strange. Unless she wanted to give him an identity somehow?
He couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of patrol.
When they got home Marinette revealed that she wanted to give him the fox miraculous. If they asked Trixx she would be able to design the costume in a way that allowed him to look like a normal civilian, without the mask.
Trixx's glamour was also stronger than the rest so his true identity as Jason Todd would be protected.
And she could help him fake an accent.
Since Marinette was a year younger than him he could just pick up where he left off school wise.
She convinced her parents that he was an exchange student in desperate need of a place to stay because the person he would’ve stayed with backed out last minute.
They agreed easily and Jason decided to not question it.
It was his third family. His second if you only counted non abusive ones. First if you wanted one with a healthy family dynamic.
They got him a fake birth certificate and name. He went with the alias Thomas Grayson. He thought it was kind of funny, and it paid homage to both Bruce and Dick. It gave him something from home to hold on to. (Jason isn’t really salty about not being avenged in this au, he didn’t die and Talia and the pit madness wasn’t there to egg on his anger. But maybe if I ever get back to this au we could do a thing with it… guess we’ll have to wait and see ;-) no promises tho)
He built himself another home with Marinette and her family. And before he knew it, he was happy again. He felt secure.
Through the weeks, he ingrained himself into Marinette's life. In a blink of an eye, they were best friends, and he couldn’t imagine life without her.
He loved living with her family as she trained to be strong enough to turn him back to normal.
He grew close to Marinette’s friends and was her shoulder to cry on about Adrien. He and Adrien got along pretty well, and he and Marc and Rose traded Literature jokes. Max would join in when it involved Shakespeare.
Then Lila happened. (She’s a staple in Maribat fiction. U can’t have Maribat without Lila. Or well u can but that’s usually a very specific au)
Her lies started out simple enough. Then she started manipulating everyone and he, Marinette, Chloe and Adrien were one scheme away from being ostracized. They sat in the back row.
They ignored her sneers and let her lie to her heart’s content. Then one day she said something that made both Marinette and Jason freeze.
“You know, I was childhood friends with Jason Todd (I know she usually gets the names wrong but like her knowing the name just makes this next bit better) You know, Bruce Wayne’s ward who died a while ago? It was just so sad. He grew up in a nice family but his parents both died in a car accident and Brucie took pity on him. He even let us keep in contact afterwards, since our parents were such good friends. We all miss them dearly of course. We were neighbours the year we lived in Gotham, you know? We'd play every day-,” she started fake crying, “Oh it just gets too much sometimes,”
But to Jason’s shock Alya didn’t move to console Lila, in fact, she was staring at the brunette in shock.
He turned his gaze to Marinette to see the girl wearing the biggest, coldest, most satisfied smirk. She rested her chin on her hands and grinned at Lila in a way that made shivers go down his spine.
He turned back, this ought to be good.
And it was.
Alya absolutely lost it.
She ripped Lila a new one and frankly? Jason was impressed. (Alya has a temper and she’s a fangirl, and we all know how we get when someone gets something wrong about one of our hyperfixations, even if it’s an old one so like yall can imagine how bad Lila had fucked up)
When an akuma flew in towards Lila, Alya grabbed it, staring the girl down with a fury he didn’t know she could possess, “Don’t you dare! Do you think I’m blind? I’ve seen how easily you get akumatized and this time I’m not letting it happen!”
Of course, Alya then got akumatized but hey it beat another version of Lila.
Everyone made up but they weren’t quite as close as before. Their group tended to consist mostly out of him, Marinette, Chloe, Adrien, Kagami and Luka.
Other than that incident and akuma attacks, life was pretty good.
In fact, it was great.
He and Marinette would spend nights on her balcony, laughing and slow dancing. They star gazed and went on patrols. He helped her when she got nightmares and she returned the favour. They went on long walks and spent the holidays together. They crammed for tests and he played model for her designs. They worked in the bakery and hung out with their friends both in and out of suit. They’d joke about his technical bee-ness and he and Chat drove her mad with puns. In retaliation she’d introduce him as her bee friend to people or only give him honey and bee themed things. (ok this sentence sounds weird but I mean like when she brings them sweets from the bakery to snack on while working and stuff.)
And one laugh, memory and fight at a time, he started to fall. (I just want good things for Jason, and really can you blame me?)
Through the months, he kept up to date on the news about Bruce Wayne and Marinette held his hand each time a new kid joined his brood. She reminded him that no child could be replaced and reassured him that of course Bruce would want him back when they figured everything out.
And if he didn’t, she’d kick his ass into space, and he’d stay with her family in Paris- a family she made sure he knew he was a part of.
He helped Sabine in the kitchen and was the only one who came closest to beating Marinette’s Ultimate Mega Strike 3 record. Tom taught him to shave and bake. He was integrated into their family and they treated him as part of the family.
But even if they were giving him everything they were, he missed Bruce. And Dick. And Alfred. And Barbara. And Gotham. He missed them all so much. He missed home.
So, 14 months later, when Marinette told him they had a meeting with the Justice League about the Hawkmoth situation, Jason felt his heart skip a beat.
“What?” he asked softly, his eyes brimming with tears (Marinette taught him how to emotion, you see. So Jason is emotionally stable-ish enough to cry without feeling embarrassed about it), “I get to see him again?”
Marinette nodded and hugged him from behind, “I’m planning on telling him what happened. Is there anything you can tell him to verify who you are?”
Memories from a million years ago entered his mind, “Yes,”
She took his hand and took a step back, “And I think I can fix you before we go, I’m strong enough. But I’d still like your help in the final battle, I mean I know you’re going home but...,”
He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled, “Of course, Pixie. I’ll always be there for you when you need me,”
He pressed a kiss against her forehead, a movement so familiar it was practically a part of him. He pulled her close and cried into her hair.
“What if he doesn’t believe me?” he asked softly, after a while, resting his chin on top of her head.
“He will,” she replied, tightening her grip around his waist.
They both knew she had no guarantee of that. That she had no way of knowing for sure. Neither of them did.  And it scared him more than he wanted to admit.
The next day they do the magic turning back thing. It freaks him out quite a bit but not as much as her revealing the miraculous freaked him out the first time, you get kinda used to the magic shenaniganary. They’re both passed out for an hour afterwards and when they wake up, he holds her, crying, because he was finally, finally back to normal and this was real and permanent, and it was over.
She cried with him and held him, and they then went out and he wore a shirt she made for him, and they got ice cream the next day. They celebrated some more and went to the park with the squad and they had a picnic.
It was better than he ever could've imagined.
While the sun was setting, they stood back on her balcony, where they first spoke all those months ago, slow dancing. He pulled away and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at her as the orange light of the sunset shone on them. (So aesthetic)
“Thank you, Marinette, for everything,” he says as he rubs his thumb across her cheek. His hand holding her face. She puts her hand over his and closes her eyes, savouring the moment.
She opened her eyes again and smiled, “I’d do it again and more, if it meant I’d get to be with you,”
He started leaning down, “If I lost you, I’d fly all over the world just to find you again,”
She raised to her tip toes, faces millimetres from one another, blue bells meeting ice, “So it was all worth it in the end?”
He moves closer, eyes searching hers. “Definitely,” he breathes.
She closes the distance, and he picks her up and spins her around. They break apart and their laughter fills the air.
(now that’s enough fluff, allow me to drown you in angst)
The next day they stood on the Eiffel tower. She took his hand, “Let’s recap. I go in, we have our Hawkmoth meeting, then I ask if I can speak to Batman and Nightwing alone. Then I tell them I found you, then I give them – are you sure it’s necessary for me to give them your blood, hair and a cheek swab? Isn’t that overkill?” (Batman is serious about his no kill rule, but he’s also serious about his there’s no such thing as overkill rule)
He shook his head and she sighed, “Okay. Then I give him means to contact me and I come back. Now remember they might take a while to process and they won’t necessarily call immediately-,”
“What if they never call?” he asked, gripping her hand tightly.
She ran her finger softly through his hair, “Then you have us to help you get through it,”
He nodded, she kissed his cheek and stepped through the portal with Queen Bee, Chat Noir and Viperion. He and Ryuuko stayed behind as backup, he wielded the Fox miraculous these days, but kept the name Blackback, always wearing a black leather jacket no matter the transformation.
He and Ryuko discussed fighting styles, she was kindly trying to distract him, and if it had been anything else he needed distracting from, it would’ve worked.
So passed the slowest forty-five minutes of his life. Chat Noir and Queen Bee exit a portal and so the wait for Marinette and Luka began.
She and Bruce were talking now. Bruce would know he was alive. This was make or break for him. Luka was nearby to act as back up worst-case scenario.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, followed by someone taking and rubbing circles on his back. He looked down to see Ryuuko on his one side and saw Chat Noir on his other.
“We’ve got you,” Chloe said standing in front of him, hand on his unoccupied shoulder.
He swallowed and nodded. She squeezed his upper arm and met his gaze, “Breathe, you’re safe, honey,”
So, 30 more minutes pass. They sit down and somewhere along the line Chat goes and grabs a dozen croissants from the bakery.
In another situation he might’ve laughed. He’d baked this morning’s batch and now he got to eat some of it for free, of course, technically he could get others for free too but-
The portal opened behind them and Ladybug and Viperion stepped out. He noted that she didn’t have the bag of his DNA with her anymore.
She smiled softly at him, “Now we wait,”
And wait they did.
They waited two weeks.
And then the burner phone that's number they'd given Bruce rang.
Jason froze, Marinette jumped up and ran to get it.
He couldn't move as she walked over and put the phone on speaker, she grabbed his hand and he held onto her for dear life.
"We can both hear you now, Nightwing," she said.
There was a beat of silence on the other side of the line, "Can he- If you're- can I speak to him? In- um- private?"
Marinette looked at him, and he nodded. She took the phone off speaker and handed it to him.
He held it up to his ear and squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on the circles Marinette were drawing on his hand with her thumb.
"He- hey Dick," he said. He heard his brother's breathing hitch, followed by a few seconds of silence.
"When did Batman find you?"
"25th May 2017,"
"Who's your favourite author?"
"Mary Shelley tied with Jane Austin,” he replied.
Dick stayed silent for too long and before he could stop himself the words fell from his mouth, desperation clinging to each syllable,” My favourite- my favourite playwright is Shakespeare, and my favourite school subject is English. If I could pick any day job it would be being a writer. My favourite colour is blue. Alfred has a secret fear of dolphins. You have had a ridiculously huge crush on Barbara for years and she had no idea, and I found a picture you drew under your old room's bedside table of you two getting married. I folded the picture up and hid it in a small box of memories I kept in the farthest corner of my closet under clothes I never wore. I have a round scar on the lower left side of my back where Willis Todd burned me with a cigarette when I was 5 that you don’t know I know you know about. My first Christmas at the manor you found me in the rose garden cutting a few off to take to my mother's grave and I was terrified that you would yell at me but instead you drove me to the graveyard and that was the day I decided to give you a real chance. I despise carrots but I eat them when Alfred makes them because I don't want to be a burden. And I-," he choked on a sob- when had he started crying?
He took a shuddering breath, and swallowed some of his tears, trying to make sure the words got out right, "I've missed you guys for every single second that I've been gone,"
His stomach tied itself up in a million knots as the silence stretched on. He could hear Dick moving the phone.
"Can I speak to Ladybug again please?" A female voice he didn't recognize said.
He handed the phone to Marinette and pressed his hand over his mouth to try to contain the sobs. He felt like a knife was twisting his stomach. He couldn't even hear what Marinette was saying. (I’m going through something irl and as a result u guys get to read angst by the bucketloads and I regret nothing)
Dick didn't want to talk to him. He should've just answered the question, he shouldn't have given all the extra information. Now they were never going to believe that it's really him and he would never see them again. Maybe they knew it was him and they just didn't want him-
"Jason, breathe with me," he heard Marinette's voice. His eyes latched onto hers like a lifeline, he became aware of her hands holding his.
She took his face in her hands and rested her forehead against his, in a motion so familiar that it came as easy as breathing. Well as easy as it usually was to breathe, right now excluded.
After he calmed down, she explained to him what they discussed. They would go to Gotham and meet and discuss things from there.
They wanted to meet him, but they still didn’t completely believe that it was him. He knew this for a fact because they had organized for M’gann to be there to confirm what he was saying. (Yassss M'gann my darling girl, I adore out lil Martian)
Marinette had suggested that they meet in the Batcave in an hour. Everyone had agreed. He assumed she had a plan as to why she wanted to wait. And he trusted her, so he waited for her to explain.
“I want to take the team, as backup. If you’re not comfortable with it, I want to at least take Luka. I would suggest just letting one of us wield is miraculous, but his Second Chance Timer limit is an hour so it would be most beneficial,” she said, gesturing with the hand that wasn’t holding his.
He nodded, sitting up straighter, but not releasing his grip on her hand, “We can bring the team, it’s smart to have backup. Besides if things go haywire, we have Luka to stop us.”
“Then let’s go get our team, love,”
(oh, I should probably mention that only he and LB knows everyone’s Identities. Or well rather no one knows like officially. Like everyone lowkey knows everyone's and a few of them have officially revealed themselves to each other, but not everyone is officially revealed to everyone and Mari and Jason are the only ones who aren’t officially revealed to anyone else, it’s kinda like the vibes of knowing your best friend is queer but not saying anything because they haven’t officially come out yet but like you know because they ain’t nearly as subtle as they think. Like that aesthetic.)
Anyway, 50 minutes later, they’re all gathered on the Eiffel Tower. Jason saw Marinette give Luka a nod to reset his timer. Suddenly he was enveloped in a light with a scratch that wasn’t there a few seconds before on his cheek, his expression quite annoyed.
Marinette immediately furrowed her brows, “How many times?”
Viperion shook his head, “Don’t worry, only one so far, but they try to restrain us. We’re gonna have to try plan b this time,” Everyone nodded, they waited two minutes before the agreed upon time and Mari opened a portal, but instead of appearing out in the opened, they hid in the shadowy parts of the cave.
Jason used his illusion to hide them from any observant eyes and they spread out a bit. He and Mari stayed together, Cloe flew to get a higher perspective and hide Viperion on one of the cave’s many ledges while Chat just moved a few feet away to have a slightly different hiding spot. Kagami dropped into her wind form and was flying above them to eavesdrop, she’d go to Luka if she heard anything of importance so he could go restart again.
They’d be one step ahead of the Bats no matter what they pulled, after all, they had all the time in the world.
They watched them all get into position as time neared. Jason didn’t know all the kids but recognized them from the news.
Dick, Bruce and M’gann stood near the bat computer with Barbara – who was in a wheelchair but that was a realization to deal with later- and Alfred.
The minute they were supposed to appear Jason cast another illusion to make it appear as though they had arrived. As expected, weapons and restraints immediately swarmed on them, each kid going for a different miraculous member. Too bad the images turned into orange dust as soon as they touched them.
The tiny one in the Robin uniform was red in the face and immediately started throwing a tantrum, “Father! They’ve tricked us-,”
Before he could get another word out, Chloe mass-venomed the horde of kids that we’re sent to attack them. He counted Black bat, Red Robin, Batgirl, Signal and Robin. They were all frozen in the middle of the room and before the others near the computer could move, Kagami trapped them in a (rather large) ring of fire. They had enough space to move around comfortably but if they tried approaching the edge the flames would grow larger.
Batman growled and his eyes searched through the cave, but he wouldn’t see them, no matter how hard he searched.
Jason stared at them. Dick was also searching the cave, but he seemed to look more hopeful than angry. Alfred seemed his usual calm self and Barbara was glancing around the cave more subtly. He didn’t bother looking at the rest of the batkids because M’gann was staring right at him, staying right where she was despite her ability to fly.
“Hi, Jason,” she softly spoke into his mind, he felt emotion overwhelm him, she’d known him before everything, and she knew it was him and it was a lot.
He knew she wasn’t probing around his brain for information like he was sure Bruce had asked her to, she didn’t have to, she knew it was him.
“Can you please tell me why we’re surrounded by fire?” she asked.
“We have a time traveller,” he replied.
“Ah, not a fan of Bruce’s restrain and question method, then? Can’t say I blame you, though I do think you’ve proven your point,”
“You really think it’s a good idea to release all of them?” he asked sceptically.
“… Good point. Maybe leave the brood in the middle in whatever frozen state they’re in and just let us in the fire out. They really just think it’s too good to be true… Jason, I won’t let them hurt you,”
“Okay,” he agreed softly. He turned to Marinette and gave her a slight nod. She returned with one of her own.
They walked over to Kagami’s ring of fire and he held their illusion until they were right in front of it. He held on to it for a bit to make sure everyone else would be able to stay in position. Chloe would keep the cavalry venomized and Chat and Viperion would stick to the shadows, unless necessary.
Jason dropped the illusion and watched four heads snap to him. M'gann simply gave him a soft smile and a nod of encouragement.
Kagami moved herself to stand next to Marinette and turned back into her human form, glaring at them with a silent warning.
Their attention was elsewhere, though. For a long time they just stood there and stared at one another in silence. They studied every part of one another they could see.
His eyes caught on Barbara’s wheelchair and he felt ready to destroy whatever put her there. She met his eyes and he held her gaze. She must’ve seen something there because she gave a small smile as she allowed a few tears to escape her eyes.
“Miss Martian?” Batman broke the silence like a cheap dinner plate, shattering it in a matter of seconds.
“It’s him,” M’gann answered without a hint of hesitation.
It was Alfred that moved first. He took a few hesitant steps towards him and before Jason knew it the man was in front of him. Alfred reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, desperately studying him for a moment before pulling him into a hug only Alfred could give.
It took Jason a moment to respond but when he did he returned it wholeheartedly.
After a few minutes they pulled apart and it took him a moment to realize that they’d both started crying. When he looked up Dick was only a few feet away. The moment Alfred stepped away Dick pulled him close.
“I thought you were dead, kid. I thought I’d never see you again, I thought I lost even more family. You were too young, too innocent. Fuck Jason,” Dick whispered, tightening his grip, “I’m so glad you’re alive,”
Jason held on to his brother and that night they cried about terrible endings and broken beginnings. They cried about lost time and found family.
It wasn’t the end yet, Hawkmoth was still terrorizing Paris and he had no idea what Bruce thought yet. There were all his other kids, his brothers and sisters. There were his teammates and the incredible story of how he’d been turned into a bee of all things.
They had a lot of catching up to do.
But just for a moment, a strand of a singular moment, he had his brother in his arms again and he was back home. His first real home.
Things weren’t perfect, as things rarely are but it didn’t matter. Because part of the beauty of life is how it builds and breaks us in a cycle of love and loss.
And that night they laughed with a lightness and joy none of them had fully been able to hold onto in years.
 I hope you guys enjoyed!
This is lowkey totally gonna be the au I go to when I don’t know what to write lol, maybe write a bit of what happens afterwards or a part of everything during the year he lived with Mari them or just y’know shenanigans
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
IwaOi fanfic recs: my top 10
Okay so I have like so many wips that I keep looking at and then I like don’t? do? them? It’s fine :’))))) But instead of me finishing those, here’s my top 10 picks for IwaOi! This will probably become a series for the ships I like, but we’ll see LOL. Usually when I rec fics, it’s just any that I’ve read and enjoyed, but these are the ones I keep coming back to! Also I made this cause the IwaOi ship has SO many fics and if I had to do a WHOLE fic rec list, I would never finish (ie. the sakuatsu draft ahahaha).
Let’s get this party started :D
As always, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for fics before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
Ignore the fact that some of these are from my other posts OKAY :(
1. The Loyalty of a Traitor by DeathBelle (E) 76.9k /cp/ ok so does me liking this fic make me basic cause I feel basic LOL. I really love mafia fics, and the way the story line developed was SO good, like IN LOVE with this story. This is a fic where you should read WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARY before diving in, but if the length scares you, don’t be. It’s so easy to fall in and get lost in the writing!
2. Conquering the Great King by SuggestiveScribe (E) 105.6k /cp/ I LOVE THIS SERIES AHHHHHHHHH. Honestly I know the 105.6k word count is SCARY I UNDERSTAND BUT it is SO worth it. This is the first fic of the series and it's mainly IWAOI, but there are other ships too so if IWAOI isn't your thing, check for the other ships :) Also if you don't mind smut (cause it is explicit for a reason LOL) then please I beg of you to read the whole series!!!!!!! I love love love this one and it really got me invested in the whole fanfic thing LOL.
3. Shiver by Yuu_chi (T) 16.7k // THIS UGH. I’ve BEEN in LOVE with this fic for like five-ever omg. It’s SO good and the character portrayal and plot progression in this is AMAZING. Whenever I come across it, I always reread it cause it’s just so worth it! (Also that paragraph about Iwa trash talking himself made me laugh OMG.)
4. the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu (chanyeol) (T) 66.3k /cp/ again, basic? Probably LOL but it’s good so I have no shame ;) Again, pls don’t let the word count scare you (cause it scared me LOL), you get really into it after like 2 paragraphs, so just make sure you have enough time to finish hehe.
5. dyspnea/arrhythmia by carafin (T) 10.8k // I adore medical fics and I also love Iwa being good with kids,,,, (I think it’s very fitting okay? And the pokemon cameo was great) This was such a great fic and Iwa + Suga being friends is SO CUTE (crying into his orange juice, I want to be). I REALLY loved this fic, and the ending was *chef’s kiss*!!!! (STAN PAEDS IWA)
6. Build A Temple In Me by Authoress (T) 39.7k // God Oikawa and idgaf Iwa is such a good combination. UGH. I loved the plot of this fic and the conflict was done SO WELL. I also loved how Iwa kept coming back and HIS GRANDMA IS THE BEST <33333 But also their friendship was SO CUTE (THE SONG GUYS THE SONG) and poor Kyoutani :( (There’s also a spicy second fic you should read hehe!)
7. i'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you by baekuugo (insxouts) (M) 22.5k // UGH SINGLE DAD IWA? Yes please!!! I really love the plot in this one and sassy Kageyama + Hinata + Yachi is such a cute friendship! Also a proud stan of the IwaOi + SugaDai friendship agenda,,,, I love them. (Beware some spice is included aka smut LOL)
8. to be first, to be best by kittebasu (chanyeol) (T) 26.4k /cp/ okay I think I've read this fic like 3 times already (4 now cause I reread it for this list and I remember why I love this fic AGAIN LOL OOPS), but the plot never sticks with me LOL. Not cause it's a bad fic, but because I have a crap memory. Regardless, I know it's a good fic because like I said I managed to re-read on 2 3 separate occasions so yea. (it’s a really cute fic and I really enjoyed the ending, esp the extra! Also stupid, oblivious iwa is bae)
9. silver tongue by ohhotlamb (E) 10.3k // OKAY THIS WAS FUNNY. Like the betrayal and such made me laugh and it was embarrassing. All the emotions in one LMFAO. And like everyone in this fic and the secret operation? OMG. Anyway, there’s a second fic and ITS PRETTY MUCH GOLD AS WELL so like go read them both (RIP pizza party) :D (SMUT ALERT AHAHA)
10. love me like you do by crossbelladonna (T) 100.5k // this fic was SUCH a rollercoaster omg. First, the concept itself was great and the execution was flawless and Ushiwaka was ajfnlajsdnf. AND THE ENDING!!!! THE ending omg. And Lev being a car made me laugh LMFAO. And we love f ups AHHHHH. If this made no sense, you’re right,,, it didn’t,,, so you should go read it so it does HAHAHA.
In hindsight, this 10 limit made me cry because I had like 20 of them and I had to sift through them but even then the 20 was from a larger pile which was in a larger pile.... TLDR: I wanted to put more fics :’))))) But honestly, the ranking of these are pretty loose and like when I say that I mean you could literally just randomize the numbers and I would accept it LOL. The way I might just end up making a pt 2 of IwaOi cause as I was making this list, I kept rereading all the fics (which is why it took so long to come out hahahahahahha) and I fell back in love with IwaOi (like I was ever not lost in IwaOi hell)...... But yea these are my “top 10″ theoretically (misinterpret that as you will as I cry over the fics I couldn’t/didn’t include).
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moonjxsung · 2 months
hi hi angel🫶🏻
how are you doing? i’ve been shifting between bedrotting and university😪 bedrotting is my only hobby these days.
i’m so glad momo is doing better!! my kitties also love laying on warm clothes and it’s just so cute.
and i feel you soooo hard on not leaving my cats alone for a day, i’ve never done it bc if im not there either my mom or someone is. people think cats are all that independent but they’re literally just babies😭 i love them so much.
kpop buying ban is tough af! it’s been a while since i’ve bought new kpop things so i feel you. i don’t have any kpop stores near me which makes me online shop soooo much. i got my eyes set on purchasing a leebit soon.
i love nct too!! jaehyun & ten 🛐 but ive just gotten around to stan them, i used to just listen to their music but not be too deep bc my wallet just cannot handle it. but here we are😂
the diversity in the groups you stan is just awesome. and ahhhh rosé is also my wifey i love her so much!!! i also have theee biggest soft spot for yeosang, i just love him, he’s the biggest pookie. and i didn’t even know you liked seventeen🥹 my biases are wonwoo bc ofc the cat guy (even before i knew he was the cat guy) and vernon bc i just love his sense of humor. hueningkai is also my bias along with yeonjun (but tbh my txt bias changes way too much😭 im a whore i can’t commit).
and i did see that mark and haechan couldn’t make it to taeyong’s enlistment, that was so devastating. top 15 worst kpop heartbreaks.i think something similar happened to mingyu when jk enlisted but i don’t remember well😭 anyways that so sad, idol military enlistments are always so devastating. so i just think about minho tiddies and jiddies post military😪
frrrr, ive been working on self compassion strategies bc my self esteem is just so fucked up all the time (esp lately). i adore talking skincare though so pls do!!
pc of the day is so cute😭🩵 right in the feels. idk if i told you but i love that holder! i used to have a plush of bedtimebear🥹
ily bb!! i hope this week treats you well💜 take care of yourself 🫶🏻
Hi baby!!!!!!!! I too have been bedrotting all week when I’m not working and I’m so TIRED oh my gosh my sleep schedule’s been so fucked up lately but I can’t bring myself to fix it and then I’m tired all day at work and it’s just a vicious cycle 😭😭
Momo is doing so good!! She was SO clingy in the morning so I had to play with her for a good 30 minutes before any of my meetings because she was bouncing off the walls and it was so funny 😭 sometimes I’m reminded that she’s fr my best friend like…….. momo my beloved
PLEASE….. kpop buying ban is already going awful 🫶 I’m going to the kpop store one last time this weekend bc I need to pick something up that I preordered but that’s ITTTTT FOR THE NEXT FEW MONTHS. If anyone sees me post kpop stuff on here pls scold me
I have been listening to nct ALLLL WEEK like there’s no way I’m just sitting around crying to Superhuman 😭 Taeyong come home my beloved ☹️ also soooo sad I never got to see Dojaejung when they came to California last year for comic con RAHHHH I should’ve just bit the bullet and gone 💔💔 Ten is SOOOO FINE and he’s an insane dancer oh my god and Jaehyun 😭😭 I am always fucking spamming my Instagram with Jaehyun memes he makes me laugh so hard and he’s SO fine
Cried sooooo hard at Mark and Haechan missing the send off ahhhhh I hope 127 can get together sometime soon and visit Ty ☹️💔💔💔💔 darn you nct dream schedules. ALSO MINHO AND JIDDIES KAKSKDMDAKS THATS SO FUCKINF REAL IM CRYINGGMGMGNGNFMDM
I love you bby I hope you’re having the best week!!!!! 👼💘💖💕💞💗💓 I did not drag a pc with me anywhere today but coffee run tomorrow for sure so I will update you on tomorrow’s pcotd hehehe
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saltymiraculer · 4 years
Ceremonial Kisses (Part 2 of 3)
Ahhhhh, thank you for all the support I’ve gotten on this fic! It is with great pleasure I present to you *trumpet noise* Part 2 of Ceremonial Kisses!
I apologize for the huge wait, and I’m really sorry about my update schedule in general. 
Also, you might notice that around the middle of this chapter, the writing gets a little bit choppy, and I’m super sorry about that! My apartment just decided to evict anyone with a cat, and I’m under a lot of stress right now. Thankfully, it gets smoother towards the end!
Happy reading!
Part 1 | Part 3
After ten minutes of gorging themselves on the Chinese equivalents of Kit-Kats and Lays chips, they pulled up to a hotel.
“Whaf, wewen’t we goih to da cashale?“ Nino asked, his mouth stuffed with cookies. Marinette shot him a disgusted look. He swallowed and took a swig of soda. “Wait, weren’t we going to the castle?“
Marinette had been thinking the same thing. This couldn’t be an ancient Chinese palace–it looked like a hotel!
“My instructions have changed. I was informed you would be staying at the Overseas Suites instead.“ The driver (she still didn’t know his name) said, pulling up to the front of the hotel.
As soon as they stepped out, they remembered that time zones existed.
It was 5:00 PM there.
They were going to be up all night.
The driver handed Marinette a gold-embossed business card with a phone number written on it.
“Call me whenever you need a lift, miss Marinette.“ He stepped back into the car and drove off.
Marinette shrugged and stuffed the card in her pocket. “Well, that was weird. Let’s go inside now, it’s freezing.” 
As soon as they walked inside, Bustier scurried up to them.
“Where were you? You had me worried sick!“
Before anyone could say anything, the chauffeur from earlier appeared.
“I am Marinette’s uncle, ma’am. I heard she was going to be staying in China for a week and I just had to see her. The school was informed that I would be picking her and her friends up.“
“Oh–well–you still should have told me where you were going!“
“But shouldn’t you have already known?“ Marinette asked sweetly. “I mean, you were informed of it, weren’t you?“
Ha. She had her there!
“W-well, yes, technically, I was…but it’s time to go to your rooms! Off you go, everybody!“
“Oh, wait, I’m sharing a room with Marinette, right?“ Alya asked.
“Yeah, I think so.“
“Shit. Guys, I’ve got to share a room with Adrien. Say your prayers, ‘cause I don’t know if I’ll make it out alive.“
Oh, right. I guess it’s time to explain.
Adrien had stayed with his “high road” approach, but not in the way that she had expected. He started treating Lila to lunch, buying her jewelry, asking her to school dances, the whole shebang.
But it was all so forced that nobody believed any of it, and one day, all the ‘affection’ had just stopped.
Lila milked it for all it was worth, blaming Marinette and Nino and Alya, and the president of some far-off African country, and Adrien...
Something changed.
His face was more gaunt and his cheeks were more hollow, and he barely ever talked to anyone, just shrugged them off and turned away.
He was, to put it frankly, terrifying.
Which was not good for Nino at all.
“Oh, I’m sorry, class, but Ivan will be sharing a room with Nino. Adrien and Nathaniel will be roommates.“
All three of them heaved a sigh.
“Okay, so I’m sleeping tonight, that’s a plus.“ Nino joked. “What are we doing for dinner?“
“Um, I think Bustier said there was food already in the rooms. There are kitchenettes and, like, boxes of pasta and stuff. The trip was sponsored by–“ Marinette suddenly froze. She was contemplating how to finish her sentence when Alya finished it for her.
“–By your family, right?“
“Yeah. It feels so weird to say that, like–me? A princess? I’d probably trip over my own dress.“
“I know what you mean, girl. Now, let’s go get some food.“
After scurrying back up to their respective rooms and scarfing down some fettuccine, they fell asleep almost immediately, despite it being only about 3:00 in Paris.
Which, in hindsight, was probably why they woke up at two in the morning and started eating Cheerios with chocolate milk.
“Marinette, it’s so early!“ Alya said, stretching her arms towards the ceiling. “What should we do until it’s time for the first tour?“
“Wanna play Uno?“
And play Uno they did, a six-round monstrosity that lasted five hours and many draw-four cards.
There was a knock on the door and they both whipped around. “Girls, are you awake yet?“ a muffled voice asked. “You have to be down in the lobby in ten minutes!”
Alya and Marinette looked at each other. “Shit!” they yelled, jumping up and grabbing clothes out of drawers. They took the elevator down to the lobby after getting dressed, only to face something that made them wish they hadn’t.
“And since the princess was so touched by what I did for her, she told me that she’d grant me any favor!“
“So…what was the favor?“ Mylene asked, inching closer.
“I asked her to bring our class on this trip, of course! Because I love my friends–unlike some people.“ She tilted her head in Marinette and Alya’s direction.
“When did you get here? Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?“ Kim shouted.
A few of them turned pink and tried to turn away.
“No, but I’m sure we’ll hear plenty of other horrible things about ourselves from you guys on this trip.“ Marinette said.
“Oh, get over yourselves! Lila’s the one who got us here, and she can kick you out just as easily. Right, Lila?“
“Of course! Marinette, I really want to be friends, but after the way you’ve treated everyone, it’s only fair I had to do what I did!“
“Oh? And what exactly did you do?“ Alya challenged, putting her hands on her hips. Alix smirked and nudged Kim with her elbow.
“Let’s just say…some of the tours might not be for you.“ Sabrina interjected, swiping something on a familiar white tablet. Marinette’s eyes widened. “Did you steal Bustier’s tablet just so you could take us off the tours? You risked suspension for that?!”
“Well, Mari-nette, you should be surprised to know that some people are willing to take risks for their friends.“ Kim snapped over his shoulder, earning many a nod from Lila’s entourage.
“Kids!“ Bustier yelled, startling them all. “What are you doing with my tablet?“
“Um–uh_Marinette stole it and threw it to us!“ Lila replied nervously.
Everyone turned to Marinette. “Marinette, I expect better from you! You just earned yourself a week of detention when we get back to Paris.“ She whisked the tablet out of Sabrina’s arms before Marinette could protest, and turned around, taking a deep breath.
When she faced the class again, she had a smile back on her face.
“Okay! Today, we will be touring a replica of one of the ancient Chinese palaces. Please behave yourselves.“
She started walking out, and the class followed her, Alya and Marinette tagging behind. Nino joined them soon after.
“So, that was weird.“
“No kidding.“
Once they had stepped off the bus in front of the palace, everyone stopped. Of course, they had all done a bit of googling about the places they would visit, but seeing everything live and in person was taking it to a whole new level.
“Whoa,“ they whispered. Even Lila, who wanted nothing more than to break something, was dumbfounded by this wonder of architectural beauty.
Miss Bustier was the one to break the silence. Clearing her throat, she said “Well, shall we head inside?”
As they shuffled inside, Marinette secretly wished she had about eight more eyes so she could take in everything she was seeing. But she had to be on high alert, Lila and her crew were sure to pull something nasty.
“Ah, and this,“ Bustier gasped. “This is one of the things I was looking most forward to seeing.
“As you all know, the princess will be coronated soon, and this is exactly why I wanted to take you here. This is a replica of an ancient Chinese coronation hall, isn’t it breathtaking?“
Lila snapped out of her trance and elbowed Kim, whispering something in her ear that made both of them snicker. 
“Hey, Marinette!“ he yelled, running up to her. “What are you doing?“ Marinette watched in horror as he pushed a porcelain vase off of a pedestal, backing away immediately so she was the only one in the area.
Everything seemed to go in slow-motion after that.
Everyone in the room turning to them.
Lila’s grin turning up towards her ears in an almost Grinch-like fashion.
Marinette diving to catch the delicate artifact and balancing it in one hand just before it smashed on the floor.
Security appearing to lecture them.
“Now, miss, what you did was punishable by law,“ one of them said. “And by nature I’ll have to ask you and your whole gang to leave, if you don’t want the royal family to press charges.“
“The-the royal family?“ Lila squeaked. Marinette sighed and stood up.
“I’m sorry, sir,“ she said, hanging her head.
“Wait just a second!“ Someone in the crowd yelled. “That guy in the red hoodie pushed it–I saw it with my own two eyes! The girl saved the vase!“
“Yeah, why don’t you go check the security cameras? I’m sure the girl was the one who stopped it from breaking!“
“No, no, I’m quite sure I saw Marinette push the vase.“ Bustier interrupted. “She’s quite the troublemaker, and it wouldn’t be inconceivable for that to happen.“
“I’m terribly sorry, miss, but only once we review the security footage can we make a decision.“
They left with a promise to return as soon as they were done, and everyone started at Marinette.
Nino was the first to speak.
“Alright, who’s gonna fess up? Marinette didn’t do it, I didn’t do it, Alya didn’t do it. So who did?“
Marinette saw the look on Lila’s face. There was no wriggling out of this one.
“Kim did it! I saw…he tried to warn Marinette about a huge bug, but she had this evil look on her face and moved out of the way…and Kim accidentally pushed the vase.“
“What?! That never happened.“ Nino said, crossing his arms.
“Yeah, I was there the whole time, and there weren’t any bugs.“ Alya said, leaning against a wall. “Give it up, Lila. The security guys’ll be back in a minute.“
“Actually, we’re already here.“ said a deep voice. “The boy’ll need to come with us.“
“Oh, please don’t!“ Bustier cried. “He’s only a kid, he didn’t know any better!“
“I’m sorry, miss, but the security footage suggests otherwise. Though, if you pay a fine, all charges will be dropped.“
“What’s the amount?“ She asked nervously, pulling out her checkbook and hoping euros would translate into whatever the Chinese currency was. 
“794.71 yuan.”
“Do you take euros?“ Caline asked weakly. Nino glared at her, and several of her students looked dumbfounded.
“You didn’t bring Chinese money…on a trip to China?! Even Kim brought some!“
Kim suddenly looked scared. “I don’t have to give up my money, do I?”
She sighed. “No, you don’t. If anything, Marinette should be the one paying. How much is that in euros?“
“100, I believe. We do take euros, if you’ll follow me.“ She sighed and shrugged. 
“Kids, please don’t push anything else over. I’ll be right back.“
As soon as Bustier hurried away after leading them outside, everyone glared at Marinette except Alya and Nino. Lila still didn’t understand why they had left her, Alya had just stormed up to her one day and yelled, but that was besides the point.
“Marinette, how could you blame this all on Kim? Now Miss Bustier has to pay eight hundred euros!“ Lila cried, earning Marinette a few glares.
She smirked inwardly. Now, if only she could have gotten Marinette arrested…
“Eight hundred yuan, Lila. It’s only a hundred euros, and besides, it would have cost much more if Marinette hadn’t caught the vase.“ Nino said, crossing his arms.
“Yeah, but she’s gonna call my mom. Do you know how long she’s gonna ground me for? Thirty years!“
“Marinette, what is wrong with you?“ Alix accused. “You seriously need an attitude adjustment. And I think I know just what we need to adjust.“ She whispered something into Lila’s ear and smirked.
“But hey, all disagreements aside, do you want a drink?“ Lila asked, shoving Marinette backwards. She stumbled a bit, and Nino and Alya tried to stop her, but she fell back into a large fountain and emerged a second later, sopping wet.
Her hair had come out of the bun, her makeup was running, and her clothes were soaked through.
Everything was going according to plan. “Oh, Marinette, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…I was only trying to squish a mosquito!”
“Mosquito?“ Marinette seethed through gritted teeth. Her expression was terrifying. 
Lila backed away, as did most of the class. “This was one-of-a-kind, Lila. You ruined it. Chloé should know!“
Everyone turned to Chloé for an answer to the nonexistent question. “I didn’t get her that shirt on purpose! My mom did!” She yelled, ducking into a bathroom. Lila shrugged.
“Marinette!“ Bustier screamed, appearing at just the right time. “What are you doing?!”
Lila interrupted Marinette before she could even speak. “Marinette was trying to push me into the fountain, but I dodged.“ She glanced to the side, where Nino was helping Marinette dry off with handfuls of paper towels. She frowned, then looked over at Alya.
Bad idea.
“Miss Bustier, I have a question. Why would Marinette, one of the most non-violent people we know, try to push Lila into a fountain? Especially after she was just proven innocent? Do you really think that she would compromise her innocence like that?“
Miss Bustier looked alarmed. Lila gritted her teeth–she would have to lay low for a while if she wanted anyone to believe that Marinette would do anything wrong.
They're such idiots, she thought to herself. I’ve got practically the whole class under my thumb.
“Lila? Are you coming? We’re going back to the hotel so nothing else gets damaged.“ She shot a pointed look at Marinette, who was dripping all over the floor.
“O-of course, Miss!“
They caught a bus back to their resort, and Lila was delighted to see that Nino’s efforts had come to no avail trying to distance Marinette from the older men who approached her from behind.
“Marinette, I can’t believe that little liar.“ Alya said, seething. “She must be getting cocky. Like a game of ‘catch me if you can.’ She’ll have to lay off you for a few days if she wants anything to be believable, though.“
Marinette was toweling off her hair, deep in thought.
“This isn’t like her. Normally, she would stop after the vase and lay off for the rest of the day, maybe badmouth me a little at dinner, but know when to quit.“
“Well, I think you should just bop her in the head with your yo-yo.“ Alya added.
“Agreed!“ Trixx squeaked.
“I don’t normally condone using the Miraculous for selfish purposes, but I’ll let this one slide. You know what to do, Marinette! Get those spots on!“
“Guys,“ Marinette sighed, tossing the towel onto her bed. “That’s not the point. I just want a peaceful few days before I have to deal with her again. Is that too much to ask?“
“Not at all, Marinette!“ Tikki said, nuzzling her cheek. “Just know that I’m always here if you need me!“
“Thanks,“ she whispered.
                            Two Glorious, Lila-free days later...
“So, Marinette, it’s your free day!” Tikki chirped, patting Marinette’s face. “What do you want to do?”
“Sleep,“ she grumbled.
“No, silly! I mean after you visit your family!“
Marinette bolted upright. “What?!”
“You didn’t remember? You’re supposed to meet your biological parents today for brunch at 10.“
“And what time is it now?“ She asked, jumping out of bed to see if Alya was awake.
“So I only have four hours to get ready?! That’s not nearly enough!“
“Marinette...? Why are you up so early...?“ Alya mumbled sleepily.
“I’m meeting my family!“ she squawked.
Alya sat up and put on her glasses. “Oh. Want me to help you get ready?“ she asked, walking over to the kitchenette for a glass of water.
“That would be great. Now, can you hurry up!?“
Alya took a long sip. “Calm down, Marinette. Do you want them to think you’re nervous all the time? You don’t want that in a princess. Take a deep breath.“ Marinette glared. Taking a deep breath, she focused on how tranquil she would be.
Her mom would probably be there. Wait–mom–not really her mom, but who she...used to think her mom was? Agh, now she was nervous again!
“So, Marinette, what do you want to wear? Something more traditional, or something that’s a little more...you?“ Alya asked, setting her empty cup down on the counter.
“I don’t want to offend them by just wearing, like, a nice blouse and jeans...but I don’t want to overdress. What do I do?“
Alya munched on a bagel thoughtfully. “Do you still have that qipao dress from a few months ago? The pretty pink one with cherry blossoms on it?“
Marinette nodded and pulled a blur of pink fabric out of her suitcase. She shut the bathroom door, and when she came out a second later, she thought that maybe she actually had a chance to make a good first impression.
On her mom.
Hoo boy.
When Marinette stepped out of the bathroom, Alya immediately started squealing. “Marinette, you look perfect!”
The outfit was simple, no more than a short-sleeved, a-line dress if not for the neckline, which resembled a traditional qipao, adorned with tiny embroidered flowers.
Marinette twirled around. “You like it? I was thinking of wearing those light pink heels. What do you think?”
“Do it.“
                         🌸 at brunch because op sucks 🌸
“Good morning, miss. Where are you headed today?“
Marinette glanced down at the little card in her hands. “The east dining room, please.”
The man at the desk raised his eyebrows so high they were in danger of disappearing into his curly grey hair. “Right this way, your Royal Highness.” he said, pointing her towards an entryway with a significantly fancier arch than the rest.
She walked down a seemingly endless hallway, wondering when she would get to eat, when the narrow room exploded into a dining room larger than her house.
“Ah, hello…Marinette.“ a peaceful voice greeted her. “I’ve been waiting for you!“
“Hi.“ was all she managed to squeak out. The lady in front of her was stunningly beautiful, with black hair that fell in a curtain down to her waist, wearing nearly the same dress as her, but in what looked like red silk.
“Sit, please!“ she said eagerly. “I’d love to get to know you.“
Marinette awkwardly positioned herself in ont of the high-backed chairs.“Okay.“
The lady sat on the chair opposite from her. “My name is Fei. I’m so sorry to have just...left you with my cousin for years, but I really do hope you can forgive me. This is all a bit hectic–trust me, I know–but I believe that if we can get along, this will go smoothly. What do you say?”
Fei had a warm smile, but there was a nervous undertone to her words. She had felt that way before, and a new feeling coursed through her body. Marinette moved forwards forwards and hugged her. “I’d like that.”
She seemed surprised at first, but hugged her back immediately but then let go almost as fast. “Look, I’m just ecsatic, about this, but if it’s uncomfortable calling me ‘mom’, or anything else, I need you to know that it’s okay. You can call me Fei, you can call me mom, you can call me māmā, anything you want. Okay?”
“Thank you.“ Marinette said, looking down. “It’s nice to know I have you. I think it’ll take a while for me to…adjust, but I’m so happy to know that you’re okay with that. Now, can we stop being so serious and eat?“
She beamed. “That sounds great, Marinette!”
After a few minutes of slightly awkward eating, Marinette cleared her throat. “So, other than the whole coronation thing, are there any other princess-y things I’ll have to do while I’m here?”
Fei choked on her water. “Actually…” she coughed. “I’m glad you asked. See, this is only day three of your 10-day trip. We need to get outfits, jewelry, speeches, everything prepared, and I don’t know if we’ll be able to do it all in time.”
Marinette was soeechless. This was unexpected.
“But that’s not all. I have to intruduce you to my mother, my husband, the whole royal family. “ She was sounding increasingly stressed with each sentence. “Everything has to be taken into account.“
“Hey, it’ll be okay!“ Marinette assured. “Things happen. They’ll sort themselves out. I promise.“
“I know. I have to be calm and levelheaded, or else my mom will take over. If that happens, you’ll end up naked at your coronation, or worse, if my husband takes responsibility, he’ll give it to my mom three days later. Do you know what I mean?“
Marinette nodded. “I know, but sometimes things will just happen. But other times, you have to work for them, you know? As long as you don’t give up on it, it will work out. I promise.”
“Hah–usually I’m the one giving the pep talks. Thank you, Marinette, I-I really needed that. How about you go and…meet up with some of your friends? No use in talking to a boring old lady any longer. Go on!“ she said, motioning towards the door.
Marinette turned back and smiled. “Um...bye, I guess!” she murmured, waving.
“So, Alya, when’s Mari getting back from breakfast with her peeps?” Nino asked as they walked down the street.
“I don’t know. I’ll text. If she replies, she’s free. If she doesn’t, she’s still the–“
“Hey guys, what’d I miss?“ Marinette asked, appearing in front of them. he screamed. “Where did you come from?“
“Marinette? You’re already done? We were about to go check out some of the tourist shops.“ Alya remarked, scrolling through something on her phone. Nino rolled his eyes.
“We were going to text you, but since you’re already here, what do you want to do?“ he questioned. Marinette fidgeted with her dress.
“Actually, that sounds fun. Which ones were you thinking?“
“Um, there’s actually one right there.“ Nino said, pointing around her to a shop with neon signs covering the whole window. “It looks fun.“
“So let’s go!“
They walked into the shop, the door jingling cheerfully behind them, and immediately things started catching their eyes. “Oh. My. God. Nino, are you seeing these?” Alya blurted. “They have Carapace merch. We’re world famous!”
Marinette was examining a bracelet with plastic rhinestones on it. “This looks like the bracelet from yesterday’s museum. Isn’t it pretty?” She dug through the bin. “Oh, they have other replicas, too? Awesome.”
Nino walked around, perusing the shelves, not really finding anything that sparked his interest. He picked up a trinket here and there, maybe checked a price tag, but wasn’t very interested. But then he saw it.
“An authentic OctoInk ‘I ain’t callin’ you a truther’ t-shirt? The printing block had an extra line, and only 47 of these were made!“
“Dude.“ Alya and Marinette whispered simultaneously.
“Um, how much is this shirt?“ Nino asked innocently, showing it to the girl at the register. She looked up uninterestedly, blowing a bubble with her gum.
“8 yuan.“ She scoffed. “Like that thing would sell for any more.“
“Hey, this is a nearly one-of-a-kind piece that–mmph!“
“Don’t tell her it’s supposed to be expensive!“ Alya hissed in his ear. “That’s the opposite of what you do!“
Wayzz poked him from his pocket. “She is not wrong, Nino. Purchase the shirt for eight yuan, if it makes you so happy.”
“I’ll take it.“ he said. Marinette put her bracelet on the register with an ‘eh, what the heck?‘ sort of expression. Alya placed a tiny glass turtle on the counter, and Nino felt a flush spreading over his face.
Alya smiled.
“So, Marinette, why did you get that bracelet?“ Alya asked once they had left the shop. “It looks pretty real, but you have way nicer jewelry at home. Like the necklace you wore this morning?“
“Yeah, but this one looks like the one from the museum. I know it seems silly, but it feels special.“ she said, twisting it around her wrist.
“Nah, I get it. And speaking of special, here comes a special little liar.“
Marinette’s head straightened immediately. “Aw, shit. And here I was thinking this would be a nice day.“
“Oh, hello, Marinette!“ Lila purred, snaking into the space between Nino and her. “I love your bracelet. It looks expensive…“ and with that, she sauntered away, all other interactive possibilities completely wasted.
“Well, that went better than I’d hoped.“ Nino chuckled.
“Ooh, Nino, there’s an art gallery! Want to check it out?“
“Sure thing, babe!“ He turned to Marinette. “Wanna come?“
“You can go without me, I’m going to get a bite to eat.“
“But–didn’t you just get back from–never mind.“ They walked into the gallery, chatting about who-knows-what.
Marinette spun around, and immediately someone on a blue bike yelled a split second before they knocked her over.
“Aaaack, my bike!” A male voice yelled. Marinette tried to open her eyes and stood up. A pale boy with bangs that hung over his eyes stared at her. “Sorry, I guess…”
Marinette stared back. “Okay?” she whispered. Maybe it wasn’t going to be a free day after all.
Just as she was about to ask for his name, her stomach growled like an angry Godzilla.
He chuckled.
“You wanna grab a bite? I know a place.“
“Sure. What’s your name?“
He opened the door to a little sandwich restaurant and walked in, but let it swing shut behind him in Marinette’s face. Rude. Once they were seated and Marinette was starting to get a little annoyed at him–it was like he didn’t even notice her–he decided it was time to order.
Jianyu snapped at one of the waitresses to get her attention and whistled to get her to come over. She walked over with a pained expression on her face, then plastered on a smile.
“How may I help you today?“
“I’ll have pork dumplings and a Pepsi, the lady’ll have the chicken salad.“
“Actually, I was going to get–“ Marinette started.
“Sorry, sweetheart.“ he said, shoving the waitress away and turning back to her. “But why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself while she’s gone?“
I know that when I’m crowned princess, I’ll kick your scrawny ass, she thought. But she didn’t say that–in fact, she didn’t say anything, just got up from her chair and knocked Jianyu’s water glass down his front.
She swept out of the store before she could hear his cursing.
Yeah, that date was over.
And–being Marinette–as soon as she stormed out of the restaurant, she slammed into a cute girl with her wavy black hair in a ponytail, wearing leggings and a red hoodie.
“Oh, no, are you alright?“ she gasped, checking Marinette over for injuries.
“I’m fine.“ Marinette grumbled. She wasn’t in the mood to meet anyone else she bumped into, not if they were going to be like him.
“You don’t sound fine. I’m Chuntao.“
“Oh–um, I’m Marinette. Little tip, don’t go in there unless you like being catcalled.“
Chuntao frowned. “Hm. I think my brother told me he was going there for lunch–I wouldn’t put it past him to do that.“ She walked in and came out a second later, dragging Jianyu out by the ear.
“What do you have to say for yourself?“
“Marinette!“ he shouted. “I didn’t do anything! Back me up!“
“You called me ‘sweetheart’.“
“Mom’s gonna kick your ass,“ Chuntao growled, letting go of Jianyu’s ear. He scampered away, and she turned back to Marinette, rubbing her temples.
“I’m so sorry for him, but you seem like a really cool person. Can I get your number?“
“Y-yeah, totally!“ Marinette swapped phones with Chuntao, slightly dazed. She handed her phone back and waved.
“Thanks, Marinette! Text me later!“ She yelled, jogging away.
“See you…”
“So, who was that?“ Alya asked, appearing at her shoulder.
“Waugh! Alya! You know…maybe we should sit down first.“
“So…what if I’m gay?“
Alya and Nino simultaneously choked on their drinks.
Alya dabbed at her face with a napkin. “Marinette, darling, may I know the circumstances that have led you to entertain this line of inquiry? Because what the fuck?”
“Tell me all about her.” Nino said, resting his chin in his hands.
“Well, she saved me from a really sucky dude,“
“Hm. So she’s already a nice person.“ Alya remarked.
“And she’s super pretty,“
“So are you, honestly. But that’s off-topic.“
“And I haven’t had a real crush on a boy, like, ever,“
“And you went out with Kagami a few months ago, too. That settles it, Marinette! You are most definitely likely probably gay!“ Nino announced, raising his virgin Piña Colada in a toast.
Alya clinked her Shirley Temple against Marinette’s glass. “So, Marinette, it’s your free day. Only 48 hours until the coronation. How are you feeling?”
“Honestly, I d–“
“Hands in the air!“ an amplified voice screamed. “You’re under arrest!“
Tags: @professionalfangirl1738 @kuroko26 @k-poplunardreams @smolplantmum @heaven428 @briareris @dnsakina @purplesundaze @bloodydragon000 @mimika-28 @strawberrycheesecakebar @k-laconia-bug1@kristycocopop @abrx2002 @wannajointhecrabcult @mochegato @lozzybowe @ozwaltwashere @flufflepuffle296 @fandom-trapped-03 @nanakeid @hetalia-lover-is-here @futursworld @pale-lady-dreamer @susiej1118 @lostinthewrongfandom @fantasyfandommaiden @aestheticnpoetic @feliciakainzofspades @schrodingers25 @echpr
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aurorawest · 3 years
This is like one of my favorite random head canons (I mean obvs he can speak any language because of Allspeak but the fact that they had him actually speak Latin in the show is killllllling meeeee). Check it out:
The Real Asgardians of the Galaxy:
When Strange had gotten wind of this, he’d said, “Learning new things—definitely your MO.” When Loki had looked at him questioningly—because his Allspeak had failed him on that, Strange had said. “Modus operandi? Latin?” But Loki had shrugged. Strange had disappeared for a few minutes without a word, which was unusual for him.
When he reappeared in the study, he dropped several books on the end table next to Loki. “Latin,” he’d repeated. “I learned it for pre-med. Enjoy.”
“Yeah,” Strange said. “That’s when you enjoy someone’s company. You also care about their wellbeing. Ergo—”
“Latin,” Loki murmured.
A grin flickered over Strange’s face. “Ergo, I genuinely want to help you. If you decide to come back to Earth.”
There was a frustrated look on Strange’s face. “You’re the one with the spaceship. I hate to tell you this, but the New York DMV doesn’t cover spaceships in driver’s ed—and anyway, my license is expired. You maybe want to explain what the big deal is? A few minutes ago you were telling me about all these great things I’ve done for you, and now you’re cursing me out in Asgardian.”
“English, Latin, Kree, and Xandarian, as well, if you must know,” Loki shot back.
Life on Earth:
With a grin, Strange said, “Just luck, Odinson.” Luck. Right. Loki rolled his eyes. “Also,” Strange added, “I hate to ruin the mystique, but we happen to have run into each other in two major cities that are also home to Sanctums.”
“Shouldn’t that be Sanc-ta?” Loki asked.
Looking like he was trying not to laugh, Strange said, “Guess you haven’t forgotten that Latin yet.”
It was impossible to keep a smile from twitching at his own mouth. Loki didn’t deny his affinity for languages.
The General Mess and Imprecision of Feeling:
“Mm,” Loki said distractedly, paging through the book, his eyes scanning the words. It was a field guide to the native flowers of Asgard. The sort of thing he never would have touched before Ragnarok, but which now seemed more precious than all the gold in all the Realms.
“That’s the best one,” Strange said. There was a note in his voice that Loki couldn’t quite read. “But there are a couple more that look like they came from Asgard—one about Alfheim, and a few from Earth that I just thought might pique your interest. Oh, and Catullus. So you can practice your Latin.”
And a mention of it in a ‘deleted scene’ from Sleight of Hand:
There’s another person in the universe who understands dying more than once and improbably surviving. He’s 6’2, from another planet, generally considered to be a Norse god, and is currently sitting in the Sanctum’s kitchen with a cup of tea and a book. It’s Wheelock’s Latin; Stephen can identify it even from a distance, and Loki Odinson, God of Mischief, is reading it, his nose wrinkled delicately, his eyes flicking back and forth, his lips occasionally parting to mouth a word or a phrase. One lock of his hair loose and falling over his face, his long fingers marking his spot on the page, his tunic loose enough that the neckline gaps in the front so that Stephen can see the graceful line of his bare shoulder and chest before it fades into the shadows under his clothing.
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reddeadreference · 2 years
Blog Progress Update (Low-Honor Travel Blog 😈 #3)
Drafts: 75 - Queue: 66
New thing I’m working on:
I’ve started working on recording cutscenes and I’m going to transcribe them all and make each mission it’s own post with a video and the typed out transcript. There’s different lines some cutscenes have depending on your honor level so I’m going to get those as well. This idea is definitely a long way away from getting posts up because right now I’m focused on locations, story missions, Points of Interest, and Newspapers.
Queue as of 4/23/22
(before posts for the 23rd are up)
Missions: 33 
POI: 7
Locations: 12
Stranger Missions: 3
Journal (Chapters): 3
Newspapers: 10
Other: 1
😈 Low Honor Blogging! 😈
In this “entry” I get through chapter 4, 5, and almost all of 6.
Okay so the thunder accompanying Dutch’s speech at Jack’s party IS scripted…
I’m making Kieran uncomfortable because I’m following him around camp (after standing next to him all night while he slept) because I need photos of him doing ANYTHING at Shady Belle and if I take my eyes off him he might despawn.
There’s a letter for me? HOW? I didn’t help Mary, there shouldn’t be a letter right??? Damn you Mary…
Following Kieran around camp … BOI! Where the hell are you going?! It’s no wonder they snatched you, you keep going to the edges of camp! Eats and drinks coffee at the edge, brushes the furthest horse, the scout fire is also on the edge… jeez..
Alright so I went into Saint Denis… I’m cracking up, I insulted a guy “Why would you say that?!” and now Mary won’t let me do her mission due to my “recent crimes” … okay I may have also killed the eugenics supporter but hey the cop saw and didn’t stop me or arrest me so I don’t see it as a crime. 
Mary, I can see you up there! Don’t ignore me! Come down here so I can say I won’t help you!
… I realized I could greet/antagonize her… I insulted her so much she called the cops on me… WORTH IT. 
So I remembered I can climb the bank… to get to the roof of the hotel… but she despawned. Well.. had to do a test run of the bank roof chase ^^”
I DIDN”T REALIZE JACK RUNS TO JOHN. I thought Jack was in the way and John brought him to safety but Jack RAN OUT TO JOHN. OMFG hearing Abigail “Jack no!” broke my fucking heart AHHHHH I’m not okay. Okay I also didn’t know that if you don’t immediately go to leave the balcony Dutch pushes you inside. O-o
Apparently you fall down dead if “you [don’t] retreat inside Shady Belle” well I’m sorry I was shooting people..
Why… why did I never realize the journal entries are different for low honor???? I mean they’re the same written down but the scenes where Arthur reads them aloud are different. The one after Horsemen, Apocalypse was (I’m sure the one after a short walk was too. I just don’t remember anything besides the images being darker) because in high honor Arthur says the line about Kieran saving him but he couldn’t save Kieran. Low honor he says the… gruesome bit. 
I’m gonna have to make a post for ALL low honor journal entry cutscene lines and All High honor and point out what changes … oh boy… that and I need to put down opposite choices (I fixed/added pages to the journal posts that are already up but the page is still down cause I need to do the other chapters still.)
Uhhhh Sadie is just casually still covered in blood…
This game is so hard to do quickly because I wanna see certain cutscenes. I mean I love it cause the game is huge but also I hate it cause I need to get certain posts done DX
I’m going to make a second post for each mission with the cutscenes from those missions along with the transcripts of dialogue (way more work but I wanna get as much stuff up for people as possible.) It’s really just me recording the cutscenes and typing the subtitles while occasionally typing actions/settings. Which means I’m going to get certain recordings done now and others during a THIRD playthrough for this blog. Cause I do need both versions of dialogue for the scenes and when you do certain missions before others there’s more dialogue about those missions in other missions
But anyway now I’m in Guarma so I can do the opposite mission order than last time, get Javier first, and see where he is in the “camp” for this chapter. Plus I’ll hear the low honor version of the Gloria scene. Not a big difference but enough.
WOLF SCENE =D neat. I’m so used to the deer it’s weird to see the other version.
Jeez the captor guy is like the WORST interrogator he doesn't give him a chance to say anything.
Whatever instrument plays during the fight after saving the three men… immediately makes me think of Austin Powers… idk what the instrument is.. But it’s the same noise… doo-doo-doleedo
Alright time for a musical horse ride to bring in emotions…
NO IDEA if it’s because I’m low honor or If i took too long upstairs trying to record Arthur calling out for people at Shady Belle but the Pinkertons showed up early before I even got the letter and I HAD to take them out. Like the game told me to. Curious. I’ll double check on my next high honor run.
Okay yeah so both Javi and Micah got here before me then Dutch then Bill then the Pinkertons >.>
I’ve noticed that when things are REALLY bad in camp like low morale in Colter when we’re worrying about freezing and starving, in Guarma, and in Lakay that Arthur only ever Greets he can’t antagonize. It’s like the game is saying Okay even Arthur isn’t so heartless as to antagonize right now.
Well it’s a good thing I haven’t done outfits for chapters 5 and 6 cause Grimshaw suddenly has one I haven’t seen before.
Jack is breakin’ my heart “I’m scare uncle Arthur” DX
Let’s see if I can shave before getting heart breaking news.
“Is there any blood?” DOC Do you SEE my face… T_T 
Doc tells us we have TB then proceeds to light a PIPE and blow smoke at us… wtf XD
Wolf was smaller than I thought it would be
“Delicate flower” 
Sadie: *Spits*
When the alarms kick off John is the only prisoner to LAY on the ground, the rest just kneel.
Ah shoot… forgot since I’m recording the scenes now… I gotta watch Molly die (hurts extra cause I just wrote a scene for my fic with her with my OC helping her UGHH)
Ya know.. I think she DID tell them about the bank BUT after it happened and while she was drunk. I don’t think she lied about talking to them cause they mentioned trying to get info from her. 
Alright back in chapter 6.. WOLF long wolf scene… chills O__O OOF.
Hey! The song during visiting hours  when we row there and the ride back to camp is the song that plays for the PS4 menu theme.
Got ambushed by the Broods and I got one and one goes “He got Droopy!” … so now I’m just imagining they all have similar names that are just 7-dwarf-type adjectives. 
I’m finish this run tonight and get the other things I need for the POI posts I have left. 
The noise I made when he DIDN’T say “be loyal to what matters” to John…
I think the train cart is glitched XD 4 times before I could do it XD normally it takes one fail
I’m excited to make the posts with the difference in honor lines
It’s weird to have Rains Fall explain who Monroe is…
OH YEAH I forgot we see Swanson instead of the Sister if we don’t meet her. Swanson got me tearing up….hoo boy… Q-Q 
I’m helping her I.. I can’t not help her…omfg… “You, me, and John” instead of “John, Abigail, and Jack” OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG I can’t handle low honor Arthur…
I love how subtle the dialogue changes are for low honor level and I love how many there are
Okay, I thought I’d be able to get this run done tonight but it’s nearing 4am and I’m getting tired. I only have King’s Son and on to do so I’m almost done with chapter 6.
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