#I genuinely forgot about the holiday ngl
decembermoonskz · 1 year
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codes-and-stuffs · 1 year
2 and 9 uwu
hi geekord :DD i forgot this was in the queue omgomg okok
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
oh this is a good one actually.. ngl i am like the WORST for this because i'll jump into fics with like a very very vague idea of what i'm going to do and usually figure it out as i go? so like for the holiday exchange last year, i essentially had a rough plan based on the ideas i was given in the request and went from there
but then i got TO the end and i had this specific plot point i'd foreshadowed and then skizz - the character that plot point was about - turns around and pulls a twist on me. like okay no i wrote that, sure, but that wasn't the PLAN the character was just like naw this is what would happen here actually. turns out people liked that bit so ig i should be listening XD
9. in an ideal world where you’re already super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work? why or why not?
dude like could you imagine. how sick would that be to be a successful writer!!! but also i probs would, just for the sake of seeing how people adapt it i think! i've been really fascinated lately by the way stories are changed and which parts of books are kept and left and what's added in tv/movies, and if i could find someone who genuinely likes my work then i'd literally love to work with them and see how they adapt it. i'd hope it's good tho LOL i'd probably insist upon being able to help a bit with the production or writing in some way
THANK U FOR THE ASK!!!! get ready i'm about to shoot u one back hehe <3
fanfic writer ask game!
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blissfullyapillow · 2 years
Hello, darling! I hope I wasn't for the event you're doing. I have been busy during the holidays and I forgot about to make a request. 😭
I would like to make a match up for Genshin and Obey Me, if that is okay?
Personality? I can be shy but can be all over the place when I am with my close friends. Make some jokes (think you know what I'm talking about 😉) and like to make people happy. Yet I have my cloudy days where I want to be left alone and don't want to rain on anyone's parade. I can have blonde moments, then I get teased for it which I don't mind cause I will be laughing with them. 😂
Hobbies? Reading, writing, play video games, singing, baking and cooking, and do any type of art. ^^
Qualities I want in a partner? I want a man who is patient with me, loves me at my worst and will be there for me when I need him. I like him to have the same interests as me but he can have his own tastes as well. Mature, loyal, and funny. A gentleman, for sure.
I hope you're doing okay, love. And be careful during the holidays. I pray that you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🥰💞
Notes: Ngl I struggled with the genshin matchup since I did Kaeya for you already lol, so I hope you like it :) The Obey Me matchup came to me super quick though lol. Tysm!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year as well <3 Stay safe love!
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
I match you with: Diluc Ragnvindr
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
At first he got a bit of whiplash when you finally broke out of your shell. It was a welcome surprise of course, but it took him a bit of adjusting.
When you first make a suggestive joke with him his face gets as red as his hair. The sight was so beautiful you not so subtly took a picture to capture the moment. 
To this day he asks you to delete the picture, but little does he know it’s your home screen on your phone.
Diluc is willing to stay by your side or give you some alone time when you are feeling down. Once you’re feeling better, his arms always open the moment he sees you. It’s kind of a routine now; he’s patient and willing to wait for you as long as he needs, and he welcomes you with open arms that you happily run into. 
One time he was asking you which drink you’d prefer but you started talking about something completely off topic. After a bit of conversation he realized you thought he was discussing a different matter with you. He chuckles to himself before giving your forehead an endearing flick, as his lips follow to soothe the sting they leave behind. but he flicks so lightly it doesn’t even hurt in the slightest
Diluc has his own dark past so he’s not one to judge others when they’re at their worst. He’s supportive and loyal to you, waiting until you are ready to continue moving forward. He may give you a bit of a push if it seems like you need it, but otherwise he’s someone you can always rely on.
Diluc can be funny, but not in the sense you’re thinking. Sometimes he goes on long winded rants about ‘the abyss’ and how ‘their a stain upon this nation’ and it’s genuinely funny when he keeps going even after a semi-sarcastic reply from you.
He’s enthusiastic whenever you bring him something new to try. In turn, whenever he creates a new drink he’ll always ask if you’d like to be the first to taste it. If alcohol isn’t your thing, he has lots of other options as well.
After a long day it brings a smile to your face whenever you enter Diluc’s arms, his fiery passion for things can be seen in your relationship, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
“Oh. This tastes good. What did you put in it?” Diluc asks with interest evident in his voice. He savors the treat you’ve made for him, and as you go into detail he watches your facial expressions with rapt interest.
At some point you slowly stop talking since his eyes are basically staring into your soul. You ask him if there’s something wrong with your face, and to that he abruptly sits up.
He swiftly makes his way around the counter between the two of you, and he wordlessly lifts your chin with his thumb and finger. “No. I was just admiring you.” His simple response catches you a bit off guard. He’s not always this upfront about his feelings, and it causes your hands to get clammy and your heart to pound in your chest.
“Well, the treat I gave you isn’t the only sweet thing I have for you to try.” With that you show him the meaning behind your words with a syrupy kiss against his luscious lips.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
I match you with: Satan
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
One of his favorite things to do with you is read together. Whether it’s sitting beside each other or on opposite ends of the room, he’s content with occupying the same space as you.
There have been times when he bashfully asked you to sing for him, and he’s the best audience you could ask for. He’s the definition of mature so you don’t have to worry about immaturity with him.
He’ll tease you whenever you act shy around him. He’ll be the calm to your chaotic whenever you start acting goofy with him. 
He’s the best person to go to whenever you’re feeling down. It’s almost eerie how he knows exactly what to do each time you go to him for comfort. 
If you want him to fall for you even harder, make him something with cats. Cat shaped cookies, a cupcake with a cat face made out of frosting, do ANYTHING with cats and he’s all for it. 
You turn into a mushy fangirl whenever he acts like a gentleman around you (which is pretty much all the time) and he’s pretty smug about it especially if you start acting like that when Lucifer’s around you two. 
“Y..You made this for me?” Satan’s failing to cover up his red cheeks as he admires the cute cat cookies you’ve made for him. 
When you encourage him to try them, you notice the hesitance on his face. “They’re almost too cute to eat, but since you took the time to make them for me…” He takes a bite and you smile at the way his eyes light up in delight. 
“They’re delicious. Thank you.” Satan compliments you, and his compliment is accompanied by a sweet kiss on your cheek. 
You relish the opportunity to admire him as he savors the purrfect treats you’ve made for him.
Dedicated to,
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thatgirlonstage · 6 years
Podcast Challenge Catch-Up
Quick recap below the cut of the episodes I’ve listened to since I stopped posting! Featuring: The Flop House, Conversations with People Who Hate Me, The Orbiting Human Circus of The Air, My Brother My Brother and Me, Sawbones, My Dad Wrote a P*rno, The Thrilling Adventure Hour, The Bright Sessions, The Adventure Zone, Shmanners, and Critical Role (which is new!!!). No times since I’m not tracking my goal. There will be a normal post tonight with the ones I listened to today!
Podcast: The Adventure Zone
Episode: Amnesty - Episode 9
Commentary: I have... thoughts and questions about the crystal. Many thoughts and questions
Episode: Amnesty - Episode 10
Commentary: The water parks bit was so fucking wild I don’t even know man just. That was the epitome of TAZ insanity.
Episode: Amnesty - Episode 11
Commentary: Kay so that whole simulation was maybe a bit traumatic, Minerva. I’m worried for Duck and what this whole ‘chosen one’ thing actually entails
Podcast: The Bright Sessions
Episode: S4E13: The AM
Commentary: This entire episode was just me clutching my phone and whispering “oh god oh god oh god please let them be all right”
Podcast: Conversations with People Who Hate Me
Episode: Facts and Feelings
Commentary: A lot of my reactions to these episodes are just “Oh BOY is that a lot to unpack”
Podcast: Critical Role
Episode: Episode 1: Arrival at Kraghammer
Commentary: Okay, I sat down and made my whole cheat sheet. I have many many many loooooong episodes to go but I am. Determined.
Episode: Episode 2: Into the Greyspine Mines
Commentary: Coming from TAZ it is so genuinely bizarre to me that they are like... negotiating. And planning. That they had a thing they wanted to do and the person wouldn’t let them inside his house so their reaction was just *shrug* “oh well, guess we can try and come back later” and not someone getting socked in the jaw, charmed, and the house probably blasted with magic missile
Episode: Episode 3: Strange Bedfellows
Commentary: Damn, I really though that pile of rags was going to be the halfling lady they were looking for. Curious to see where this outcast mindflayer person is going though
Episode: Episode 4: Attack on the Duergar Warcamp
Commentary: That was some badass fighting ngl
Podcast: The Flop House
Episode: Movie Minute #28 - Criterion Collection
Commentary: I have never heard of any of those films and I don’t think I want to.
Also what WAS that
Episode: #42 - Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Commentary: This just made me want to go look up that Paul Blart annual watch that the McElroys do tbh. Also I’ve never in my life seen even clips of this movie but at the same time I feel like I have seen it, you know? Like it’s just... such a meme. I’ve seen Space Mall and that’s the most important thing.
Episode: Movie Minute Klassic - Comic Heroes
Commentary: I don’t know who or what Ziggy is. Also he forgot Man vs Self
Episode: #43 - Righteous Kill
Commentary: To be honest I didn’t take a note on this one and I forget what I wanted to say about it, but I think it was something about the fact that putting De Niro and Pacino in a buddy cop movie is one of those things that sounds good for like five seconds and then you think about it and... nooooooo
Podcast: My Brother, My Brother and Me
Episode: 145: Three’s Company High
Commentary: The bit about 5-year high school reunions was some weirdly coincidental timing considering I just passed my own 5-year reunion
Podcast: My Dad Wrote a P*rno
Episode: S1E2 - “The Leather Room”
Commentary: That drinking game is the kind that will give you alcohol poisoning in five minutes
Podcast: The Orbiting Human Circus of the Air
Episode: Season 1, Episode 5
Commentary: GOD Julian deserves none of this they’re so awful to him
Episode: Season 1, Episode 6
Commentary: “The kid thinks I’m Santa Claus! I mean yeah I got the white beard, but I’m a JEW!”
Episode: Season 1, Episode 7
Commentary: “My first boyfriend was a polar bear” Wut
Also YIKES Julian
Episode: Season 1, Episode 8
Commentary: There is nothing about a platypus I can take seriously
Podcast: Sawbones
Episode: Fertility
Commentary: Justin raises an interesting point here – I wonder how much a general perception that medicine is supposed to be bad or uncomfortable or gross influenced what people thought would be effective.
Podcast: Shmanners
Episode: Holiday Special: Saint Patrick’s Day
Commentary: I happened to listen to this on the day of Ireland’s Yes vote, which seemed appropriate :D
Podcast: The Thrilling Adventure Hour
Episode: #98: The full Christmas episode from December 3, 2011!
Commentary: I was advised to listen to this out of order with other episodes to keep the Sparks Nevada story in chronological order - shoutout to the TAH wiki
Episode: #74: Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars, “Hypercattle Overdrive”
Commentary: This intro without Croach. I don’t like it.
Episode: #75: War of Two Worlds, Part 4
Commentary: Okay I’m still not a huge fan of War of Two Worlds but “I’m on a wheatgrass diet” did crack me up
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studylustre · 7 years
Carol I rly wanted to love Jumin Han but I just couldn't get past it! He was the only person I got a bad end with because I didn't put up with everything he tried to put the MC through!! It just seemed really toxic and unhealthy to me and irl if someone did that to me it would just be creepy imo! Can I ask what about him appeals to you? I really want to like him too, but it's just so hard for me to see past the awful beginning. ):
i totally understand where ur coming from bc i also had the same reaction to him before and ngl there were points where i was like ok this is v v unhealthy i made a mistake but i think given the context of the situation and the jumin’s history surrounding his upbringing and his relationships, it made a lot of sense, so i was kinda like ok… i’ll see how it plays out…….. and when i thought about it all i rly just felt quite protective over his character?? and after everything gets resolved (i think it’s around day 9/10) u see him as who he rly is - someone who genuinely loves and cares for mc, and only wants to be loved in return, and that made me like him even more than before. if u want, i’ll talk about the “dodgy” points in his route and counter them to show that he’s actually not a demon dfkgsldkfg but anyway to answer ur question, there’s a lot i like about him: his personality, i think, is v appealing. he’s smart, he’s hard working and he’s clearly loyal to those that are important to him (see: his relationship with v; his father, who he loves and respects more than anyone else despite the strain in their relationship in his route; his relationship with zen, who he goes out of his way to repeatedly offer support to regarding his acting and modelling career etc). i also like his sense of humour, his love for cats (which i completely relate to lmao), and visually speaking he’s my “type”. more than all that though, i love his character development. he goes from a typical business heir who only rly thinks about himself, to a man who wholeheartedly loves u and wants to be the best possible partner for u, and in doing that he becomes a warmer person… not only to u but to everyone else in his life, which i think is wonderful!! he finally starts to acknowledge his emotions in a healthy way and begins to treat others in a more explicitly thankful + respectful way (see: his interactions with jaehee after u come into his life - he acknowledges her hard work, thanks her for it and tells her to take a well deserved holiday etc) and yEAH i could just talk forever about how incredible i think jumin and his route is but this response is getting v v long so i shall save it for another ask if ur still interested!!
edit: uHHH i just remembered another thing i rly love about jumin i can’t believe i forgot to include it in the original post but HIS VOICE??? HOOOOOOOOOOO BOY IM ON MY KNEES
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