#I got carried away explaining hehe
teeth-farie · 2 years
LETS GOO! pocket pussy housewife in training, I’m so proud of him,,,
What do you think his favorite thing to cook is once he figures it out? Can robots like him eat?
So! This ask actually inspired me to draw up a small diagram of him!
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So Adam’s build does have an esophagus and stomach of sorts, but only to collect any fluids that are “swallowed” during activities (I say fluids because he’s a sex doll/robot) and it’s encouraged to empty that collection tank after every use, which can be accessed by the seam of his fake skin under his pectorals- which peels back so you can open him up. Technically he CAN eat in some manner, but he can’t really taste anything, and whatever he swallows will have to be removed from his tank (solids are discouraged as they can get stuck down the tube so he can only swallow liquids)
He also has what I have lovingly nicknamed the “cum compartment”. It’s a refillable pouch that can simulate ejaculation (if you’ve allowed him to in the settings). You can put it in and take it out from where the genitals attach, giving you a fist sized opening in the groin. The pouch has another tube that screws in to the back of the genital attachment so it can properly pump out
But as for his favorite thing to cook- even if he can’t taste it if he eats- is soups and stews! He likes the motion of chopping things for it and he likes to stir the pot. His favorite to make is a classic chicken noodle soup!
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 3 months
When They're Drunk|Hyungline
Warnings: Mentioning of alcohol, Complete and utter shanagigans and tomfoolery
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“Hehe.” You snapped your head back, looking for the owner of the noise that just blessed your ears. When you couldn’t find the perpetrator you turned back to cutting up vegetables for the soup you were making.
You turn around again. Surely you couldn’t have imagined that. You sighed, shaking your head. Am I going crazy?
Not even a minute passed and you heard it once more.
“Hehe.” This time when you turned you felt your foot hit something soft and squishy.
Chris just side eyed the foot that just kicked his dimpled cheeks and then trailed those same beautiful brown eyes up to you.
“Christopher Bahng get up from the floor, that's nasty!” 
“Hehehehehe.” He continuously giggled as you stared down at him, not even trying to help him get up because you were confident in your inability to do so.
Instead you set aside the knife for your vegetables and slouched down on the floor as well.
“Whats so funny?”
You deadpanned at the Aussie in front of you and it sparked another fit of uncontrollable “hehe”’’s.
“Love, what on earth is so funny about carrots?”
His lips shot out into a kissy face as he shook his head. “You don- hehhehe - undertan-heheheh-the- jo-hehehe.”
You sighed as you watched him try- but fail in explaining what he thought was so funny about the crunchy orange vegetable.
“Chris, I think tonight is the last time you should ever drink alcohol, baby.”
Your boyfriend - fiance - looked at you, his dimples showing even more as the giggles kept coming out of him.
“But I had to celebrate!” He pulled your hand from off the ground and put it close to his face. He outlined the ring he had given you. “See? This is a cause for celebration.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as you watched the man in front you look at your ring as if he was staring at his laptop screen - with complete 100% undivided attention.
“Chris, you knew I was going to say yes to marrying you, baby. Who in their right mind wouldn’t say yes?”
“Mmmm…a lot of people. Hehe.” 
You got up from the ground, this time Chris coming up with you.
At this point, anyone would have been annoyed with this amount of giggling from a drunk person. But his giggle was so heartbreakingly adorable you couldn’t help but turn around and kiss the lips it was escaping from.
His eyes widened and he cocked his head. “Why…”
“Why did I kiss you?”
“Y-hehe.” He started laughing, his giggles becoming nearly uncontrollable to the point he started coughing- then gagging - then straight up heaving onto the kitchen counter.
Onto the vegetables you had been cutting up for dinner.
You let out an exasperated breath, all while keeping a smile on you face as Chris stared at you wide eyed.
“I didn’t mean to!” He whined, a small hiccup accompanying the sad gesture.
“I know you didn't, baby. You just giggled too much.” You said as you took a damp cloth and began wiping at his face - taking the opportunity to poke his dimple.
“I’m sorry…” His lip poked out in a pout.
“Don’t be. It mighttttt have been one of the reasons I fell for you so hard in the first place.
He smiled and looked out you lovingly as you continued to wipe his face.
This time you were the one to let out the giggle.
Minho was extremely drunk. You didn’t know how he got so carried away with his drinks. He usually was very careful with the amount of alcohol he ingested, just in case things were to potentially get out of hand and get leaked to the press. 
But even if it did get leaked- you know nothing bad would come of it. Because Minho was not an extreme drunk.
Unless he was extremely caring.
“Baby, you have to put a jacket on or else you’ll get cold.” Minho said as he stripped himself of his jacket and placed it over your shoulders. You chuckled as you took off the jacket, because you were sitting in the guys' dorms, and it was rather warm in there. 
Minho huffed and put his jacket over you again.
“Yah! Baby. You need to put my jacket on or else you’ll be cold.” He said his voice turned more stern in the slightest.
“Its hot in here though…”
“Thats just all the alc…ac..al…acl- thats because you drank too much, love.” His head was shaking as he gave a few tsk tsk sounds. “You had too much fun.”
You sure it was me who had too much fun?
When he turned away to walk to the kitchen you slipped off your cardigan so you’d be slightly less warm, and to make Minho happy by wearing his cologne stained jacket. You inhaled as you always did. His scent bringing every single thought of him to mind.
You smiled as Minho walked back into the living room on wobbly feet with Advil and water. 
“Baby take these. It will help when you’re hungover tomorrow.”
“I’m completely sober, love.” You say, laughter coating your voice. 
Minho groaned and hit his head like a frustrated toddler. “YA! Baby! You’ll be hungover tomorrow if you don’t take your medicine! Here. Here.” He said pushing the medicine into your hands. You tried handing them back but he just groaned. “You’re so stubborn when you’re drunk. I’m never letting you eat again” 
“Drink I mean drink.” He said, looking up as if he was thinking. “Yeah, drink.” He poured out a few more advil but then the entire bottle fell and the medicine scattered across the floor.
“I can’t have my baby’s head hurt.” He said, shaking his own. He picked up a few medicine tablets of the ground and blew on them. Then he pat your head and shot up onto wobbly feet once more, making a beeline for the fridge to get you a snack, forgetting to hand you the medicine he intended to give you.
He came back with a tub of icecream and a spoon. “Here!” He pushed the tub into your hands, the warmth of his own contrasting with the frigid feel of the container.
As Minho placed both his hands on his knees as he knelt down in front of you, making sure you eat and take your advil, you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of love for your husband..
“Minho, can you take it first?” You stuck out your lip and gave your best pleading face. “I don’t like it but if you take it first I promise I will.” You said raising your hand.
Without question he swallowed a couple of pills, downing a good bit of the water.
“Anything for my babyyyyy.” He laid his chin in your lap and opened his mouth, waiting for you to spoon feed him. 
His lips wrapped around the spoon in a small “O” but pulled back with a big smile.
“Baby.” He said poking your leg. “And baby.” He said poking your tummy.
“And baby.” You said poking his nose. 
He gave a quick nod and opened his mouth again, as you pet his hair. Except this time he pulled back with a frown.
“Baby! Why are you drinking so much! YA YOU’RE PREGNANT YOU CAN’T DRINK.” He pulled his head off of your lap and was about to scold you again, but instead rushed up to get to the bathroom but made it as far as the kitchen sink before he let out the contents of his celebratory night.
He looked up after giving a long sigh, the exhaustion for the night hitting him almost immediately.
He whimpered and went to go hug you, putting his head on your shoulder. 
“I think I’m drunk…” He whined.
“And I think I’m pregnant.”
“YAH!! WHY ARE YOU LOOOKING AT MY PARTNER?!” You had to hold Binnie back as he kicked his tiny little legs trying to get to the poor guy who had only glanced in your general direction.
The angry little gym rat turned to you and pouted. “He looked at you.”
“Be so for real Bin.”
“I am. His eyes landed on you.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as Changbin deadpanned at you, and the guy quickly scurried away.
“Changbin you won’t bite, but you’ll sure as hell bark.”
“I will bite.”
“Really, now?”
Changbin nodded with determination. “Watch and learn.” He waddled up to his hyung and latched his teeth onto Christopher’s shoulder.
“HOLY SHIT-” Chris pulled away quickly and Changbin smiled a you. “I told you I bite!” He said as he mimicked the nerd and finger emoji combination.
Seungmin and Minho were laughing their asses off as Chris looked at your boyfriend horrified. The at you with a look of utter betrayal.
“Y/N… how could you even suggest that.” He said his eyes wide.
“I didn’t think he’d actually bite to be honest…”
Changbin waddled back over to you and latched his arm by your side. Looking around intently.
“What are you looking for baby?”
“Enemies. If another dares to look at my preciou- hnnnghh - Y/N I’ll rip their - hnnnghgh - face off.”
You all paused in the middle of the street, allowing Changbin a few minutes of fresh air and even breathing until his nausea passed.
“He gets really feisty when drunk, huh?” Felix asked as you guys all sat on the sidewalk, Minho patting the younger’s back while he bent over closer to the ground - even though with his height he was basically at the ground. 
“Yeah haha… I knew he was possessive but I didn’t expect him to be this possessive.”
Changbin looked up to a see a woman and her child walking and he yelled out again. “ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY PRECIOUS Y/N-IE???”
The woman looked at Changbin as if he was a psycho and ushered herself and her child off quickly.
Felix began to laugh which sparked a fit of laughter from all of the people. 
“He really does want to pick a fight with every single person that walks by.” Hyunjin commented as he shot a look towards a group of young kids walking towards you guys.
They saw a drunk man bent over and like the smart kids they were crossed the street.
“He’s a handful.” You groan as you lay back on the sidewalk. Not even considering the amount of germs on it. “But he’s my handful.”
“Quite literally too. Because he is about as small as Bangchan is old,  and Hyunjin is dramatic.” Seungmin commented without so much as a smile. You couldn’t help but laugh at how serious he was.
“YAH SEUNGMINNNNNNN!! WHY ARE YOU MAKING Y- HNNHNDKFH-” Before he could finish his sentence Changbin was throwing up and you got up to go help him.
“Y/N…I don’t feel good.” 
“I know baby, I know.” You said. 
“Why do people keep looking at you? I only want to look at you.” He said as you guys all continued that last final stretch to the dorm.
“I don’t know. Maybe because I’m pretty?”
“No. You’re beautiful theres a difference.”
You smiled and opened your mouth to ask what exactly about you was beautiful, but Changbin ripped himself from your arms and started rushing towards a middle aged man who was stepping out of a restaurant with his wife.
You groaned and rushed after your little angry toddler - vowing to never let him get this drunk again.
Hyunjin sat across from you at the sports bar you guys were at. Seungmin had dragged you all along to watch the world series with him; and since you guys were in America you thought the Kids thought it would be a fun experience to experience an American sports bar.
Hyunjin had long since drunk his fair share of alcohol.
“Its not like in Korea…” He had said before he went down the rabbit hole of different beverages.
Chan had been glancing over in concern, but relaxed a little when he noticed how well you were taking care of your boyfriend.
You popped an onion ring in your mouth and Hyunjin was staring at the basket of fried goodness in front of you.“Do you like onions? Would you like one?”
Hyunjin shook his head- yet proceeded to grab one and place it on your ring finger, then placing one on his.
“See Jagiya? We’re married now.” He mumbled, his cheeks flushed, a beautiful but slightly concerning pink.
“Baby, I think its time we get you back to the hotel.” You informed Chris that you would be taking Hyunjin back.
“Are you sure thats safe? I can send another one of the guys with you-” You shook your head. “Okay. Just call me if you need anything?” 
“Of course Christopher. And don’t worry. I grew up in this city so I know my way around.” You say giving a friendly wink and helping Hyunjin up from his chair.
The night breeze was cool, and you figured it would help Hyunjin sober up slightly.
Which you were correct about, since about ¾ of the way back to the hotel he was coherent enough to make normal conversation - albeit his response time was somewhat slow and his answers slightly slurred.
You noticed a small group of girls lock eyes with you and widen them simultaneously.
“Jinnie. I think you have some fans.” You said, a smile appearing on your face as they slowly made their way over. You helped them get over their hesitation as you waved them over.
“We won’t bite!” You giggled.
They came up to you and seemed to struck to speak.
“I-Is that…you and Hyunjin?”
You chuckled. “Yeah we were going to go public soon, but they were trying to figure out how to break the news that Hyunjin was dating a staff member…but I assume a lot of you have peeped something out. Especially since we’ve been together over a year now. The only reason why we’ve decided to disclose at all is because you guys are so intuitive. Stay should the new FBI.” You joked. The girls immediately eased up and Hyunjin bowed to them, giving a slightly sloppy smile. 
“Can we get a picture?” One of the girls asked, you looked at Hyunjin but the girl corrected herself. “We meant like..with… both of you? You guys are adorable together!” You felt your heart almost burst at your first supporting fans of you and Jinnie’s relationship.
“Baby are you good to take a picture?”
He nodded- in a seeming state of almost complete soberness and posed happily for a few pictures with you and the stays.
“Are we allowed to post this?” One of them asked meekly.
“I would wait until JYP releases an official announcement of our relationship. But after that of course.” You dig in your purse and pull out a few photocards. “Here…I think Chris and…Seungmin signed these ones. And this one is… Binnie!” You said handing them the cards. “Baby…can you sign the cards too?”
Hyunjin nodded and signed the cards, and you heard one of the girls gasp in surprise.
Hyunjin still had the onion ring on his finger.
“Jinnie! Why the fuck-frick do you still have the onion ring on your finger?!” You asked in complete shock, correcting yourself in front of the girls.
“Because we’re married? Duh.” He said in complete seriousness. He bowed to the girls politely and then came up with force. “Remember when you post to caption Y/N as my wife. I’ll even let you take a picture with the rings too.” He nudged your shoulder, provoking you to stick out your hand as well, and the girls looking at each other with slight giggles as they all snapped pictures of your and Hyunjin’s hands.
Once they were finished they waved goodbye they scurried off in the opposite direction.
You let out a big guffaw. “I really hope you remember this Jinnie.”
“Y/N? Why is there a picture of my hand with an onion ring going viral on social media?”
`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha @iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric @panbish-1209
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chiscaralight · 2 months
warnings: afab!reader x fratboy!zhongli except he doesn’t behave like one, drunk sex, lotsss of pussy eating, face riding,(as usual), dom!zhongli, he uses pet names here and there, 69, funny number hehe, probably missed a few tags but enjoy i tried my best
word count: 1.7k
zhongli. you’ve heard that name so many times around campus. Whether it was gushing over how attractive he was or trying to wiggle their way into the frat house for their latest party, the name was sure to come up in many conversations. granted, he is the leader of the fraternity so everything would have to pass through him first. but plagues your thoughts for … a different reason.
you'll never forget that day in class. your teacher was running late for whatever reason, and your eyes, much like the result of the class were glued on zhongli and one of the other frat members; scara.
your eyes were trained on the brown-haired man's profile before the words of some girl behind you grabbed your attention.
“-know right? i heard they made him head of the frat because he loves gettin' his dick sucked!”
the gasps and giggles that left her group of friends slowly dimmed out of your mind as your face flushed and your thighs began to press together. you suck your lower lip between your teeth as you close your eyes and imagine how good fucking him would feel. the slamming of the lecture hall doors is what draws you out of your shameful daydream as the lecturer walks in. Another student is trailing behind, carrying something presumably for the teacher. you move your eyes back towards him and you’re so sure you see his eyes lock onto yours. you’re even more taken aback when you catch the corners of his lips turning up into a polite smile before he faces the front of the class once again.
now here you are, stumbling towards the frat house with two of your friends on either side of you. pregaming in your apartment didn’t sound like a bad idea at first, mixing drinks and dancing as you got ready. now you’re starting to regret it as you can barely walk a straight line in your kitten heels, heat from the alcohol in your system barely helping you to keep warm from the cold breeze that blew against your exposed arms.
you sigh in relief as you hear the loud music coming from the house, motioning to your friends to go in first. the heat from the packed, sweaty bodies dancing around the living room hitting you once. you can’t decide whether you’re in the mood to dance or not, so you tap your friend and point to the kitchen, silently explaining you want another drink. she nods and turns back to your other friend to continue dancing.
the kitchen is less populated. you breathe out a sigh of relief and make your way toward the cooler filled with what you presume to be a party mix. you say a quick prayer before scooping the concoction into a clean cup and taking a sip. it doesn't taste half as bad as you would expect it to, but the flavor of the spirits still finds its way through and makes you wince.
you lean against the kitchen island and sip from your cup occasionally. your mind is everywhere but the party, and a deep, smooth voice draws you out of your haze.
“you really seem to like that drink.” you whip your head around fast and begin to cough quite violently as you register his voice. zhongli's large, hand pats your back firmly. it’s not the soothing action that stops the coughing though, it’s the way your name drips from his lips after he asks if you’re okay.
“you…you know my name?”
“of course i do. we’re in the same major.”
what a shit excuse.
“there’s a lot of people in your poli sci. if someone drags up three randoms on the street and tells you they’re in our class you’d probably agree with them,”
he pauses for a moment. “well that’s beside the point. you’ve been here alone for a while so i was wondering if you wanted to take a walk out back? i want to get away from the noise and i have a feeling you’ll enjoy it a little more than standing in the kitchen till the party’s over.”
you huff and nod, so he’s scooping up another cup of the mix for himself before guiding you out towards the locked door. he pulls a key from his pocket and quickly unlocks it. once you step out, you realize the whole back of the house, albeit how big it is, is fenced off. you’re starting to feel the liquor kick once again, the familiar buzz has you feeling hot all over as you cling to the taller man for balance. he glances down at you and you keep your eyes trained on the floor. it’s silent for a while, the two of you standing on the steps as the wind nips at your skin.
“hey,” he calls.
“i have an idea.”
you imagined yourself doing quite a few things tonight, but making out half-naked in the pool with the man who had been the object of your affection since the semester started was far from the top of the list. he’s pushing you against the wall, body pressing into yours to keep you from sliding down.
you’re pulling away to catch your breath and he’s chasing your lips again in a hungry kiss.
“please zhongli i-“
you’re gasping as he moves to kiss the skin of your neck.
“i need you. need you so bad.”
Your underwear is still pretty soaked for multiple reasons under your dress but it’s the least of your concerns as zhongli is pushing you into his room. the party is still going raging downstairs, bass reverbing through the walls as he’s yanking the dress off you again.
“you know why they made me the head of the frat?”
you nod. he pulls the strap of your panties, letting them snap back. you yelp.
“tell me.”
“because you like..getting head?”
you don't sound confident as he’s sliding them off.
“are you sure?”
“that’s just what i heard-”
“no.” he’s dragging you closer to the end of the bed.
“it’s because i love..”
he’s getting down on his knees in front of you.
“giving it.”
you can barely hear the blaring music anymore over your loud moans and the sinister sounds coming from between your legs. the back of your thighs are firmly pressed against his strong shoulders with his hands as he hungrily laps at your dripping cunt. you’re clenching around his tongue as it prods into you so violently and you can feel your orgasm starting to build fast. he only hums against you in response and the vibrations coax it out of you painfully slow. freezing up against him, your vision turns white, and your body trembles. you’re coming down, but he only gives you a minute before he’s back onto you again.
he’s pushing your back flat and shifting you higher into the bed, pressing quick kisses all over your belly. your breath is erratic, but he pays no mind to that as his lips find your clit. he’s sucking and nibbling on the sensitive bud and sliding a thick finger into your warmth. the new sensation causes you to cry out, back arching off the bed. he uses his free hand to push you back down, and you can barely get the words out of your mouth to tell him how good it feels. it’s almost understandable through your incoherent babbling. you can feel the ghost of a smirk grace his lips as he adds another finger in. he’s scissoring his long fingers into you and you’re rolling your hips as you can feel another orgasm approaching.
you can’t even tell how long it’s been before you open your eyes again. you look down to warn him, but he’s already looking at you through hooded eyes. his cheeks are flushed and his hair is pushed back, still wet from the pool. a certain curl of his fingers has you breaking away from his gaze first, eyes rolling back as the pleasure washes over you once again. you’re shaking this time, gasping for air as he pulls away from your cunt. you can barely hear his voice as he tells you how good you’re doing for him while he caresses your face.
you’re finally able to breathe calmly before his words cause your eyes to widen in disbelief.
"you think you can give me one more, beautiful?"
hands splayed across his chest, you’re trying your best to hold your body weight up to prevent suffocating him. obviously, he didn’t care about his oxygen flow as much as you so because he's dragging you down onto his tongue. you’re insanely overstimulated, but the way he’s rubbing against your slit with that mouth of his just hurt so good. you’re grinding against his face when you notice how hard he’s straining against the fabric of his boxers. you grip the band of his undergarments and he lifts his hips for you to drag them down and your mouth hangs agape at how big he is. his tip is blush red and leaking precum, so you waste no time in gathering spit in your mouth before lowering your mouth onto him.
the way he moans into your pussy is so vile as you slowly work your way up and down his length. you’re sporadic in the way you bob your head up and down, the vibrations from his throat sending shocks up your spine. you can barely keep still, but his arms and you’re sheer determination to cum for him one more time keep you grounded-well, seated on his face. you can feel him start to stutter against your clit. the heat from his breath sends you reeling as his cum starts to fill your mouth. you pull off of him to let out one final cry before you’re released onto him. it’s all too much for you, and the black spots in your vision begin to grow until you’re fading out of consciousness.
when you come back to, a wave of fatigue washes over your body. you stir under the thick blanket as you try to regain feeling in your legs. a warm hand draws up your side from behind you and the warmth from the kiss pressed to the back side of your neck has you relaxing back into the sheets.
“are you awake?”
you violently shake your head no, drawing a laugh from the man beside you. his arm draws you back into him and you lean into his body as he mumbles a quick goodnight to you.
a/n: took me a couple of days to write omg😭 he’s deffo a crazy pussy eater and this was kinda self indulgent! i’m for sure gna write a part 2 of this where he absolutely massacres readers cunt lol but thanks for reading :D likes, reblogs, comments and follows are reallyyyy appreciated
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haechaninmyheart · 3 months
feel it
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the image does not belong to me. credits to the original owner.
summary - during an afternoon spent in a practice room, you learn more than just the dance routine from jeno.
pairing - idol!jeno x afab!reader.
genre - smut, idol!au.
word count - 1.7k.
warnings - accidentally feeling jeno’s boner?, blowjob, a lil bit of facefucking, kinda pinning reader against wall, nipple play, creampie. 
author’s note - bonjours! have some jeno smut hehe >:) also i do apologise for any errors but I don’t have the brain cells to proof read :< hope u enjoy this shawties luv camisole. 
18+ content ahead, minors don’t interact!!!
. . .
Jeno’s body is moving sharply as music blasts from the speakers within the practice room. He’s learning the choreography to the latest song you two have been working on. It's not due to be released until next Saturday, but both of you have been perfecting the choreography for it. The teaser had already received a lot of love and support from fans so you don’t want to fall below their high expectations. 
He continues to carry on as you stroll into the room, the squeaking of his trainers against the floor sounding unpleasant to your ears and making you grimace for a moment but you know you’ll soon be able to ignore the awful noise. 
Setting your bag down in one corner of the room and leaning against the wall with a water bottle in your hand, you watch Jeno complete the last steps of the choreography. The steps he was planning on teaching you today. 
As the room falls quiet, Jeno saunters over to where you’re standing, mirroring your body against the wall as he soon slides down to the floor. The sweat beads on his forehead glisten under the lighting of the practice room, suggesting that he’s been here for a while. 
“You’re better than me.” You chuckle, leaning down to pass him the bottle of water. You’re referring to the earlier parts of the dance routine you’d already learned. 
Jeno chugs it down in one go before responding with a thank you and bounces back on his feet soon after. Squishing the plastic bottle in his hands with ease, before dropping it on the floor. His strength always amazed you and made you wonder what he would be like in bed?
“Right!” You chirp and pace to the middle of the practice room, feeling ashamed as if Jeno could hear your thoughts from how close he was squatting next to you. “Teach me the choreography.”
. . .
It’s 2:35pm when you finally master the whole choreography from start to finish. Your legs are beginning to feel a little weak and you nearly want to fall to the floor when Jeno says- 
“Now, from the beginning.”
You face scrunches into a frown and you want to complain about how you are tired but you understand that your performance was quite soon. Any time spent practising for it was going to help you give a better show to your fans. 
The song starts and before you know it, your body starts moving to the music blaring from the speakers. You even catch yourself mouthing the lyrics as you study your moves in the mirror, your eyes occasionally wandering to Jeno’s figure when he got close. 
You’re more than halfway through the song when you feel a slight pain in your calf and mess up your step. 
Jeno’s awfully fast to notice.
“We were so close!” He cries out, raising both his arms, dramatically flailing them as he falls to his knees. 
You blurt out a long string of apologies but before you can explain that the discomfort in your leg is what led you to mess up, Jeno’s behind you. He begins to guide you through that specific step, his body dangerously close to yours. 
You feel as if you even moved back an inch, you’d be pressed right against him and that’s the only thing that occupies your mind as he directs you with his hands. It’s not until they move to your hips to instruct you that you nearly throw yourself away from him. 
“Jeno!” Your tone sounds panicked when you blurt out his name but you try to hide it with a light laugh. “Not, not too close… ” Your face feels hot.
“Why?” Jeno questions you, innocence and sweat painting his face. 
“Because, uh, because,” You pretend to fan your face, “it’s too hot in here, wow.”
“You can take off your sweatshirt, you know.” 
You pause. 
If there was another level of embarrassment that one could feel, you were surely feeling it at this moment. 
“Uh, I, I can’t...” Nervousness laced in between your words, “I’m not wearing anything underneath.” 
The song stops, for a moment but it feels too long with how Jeno is staring at you, your confession repeating in his hand. He watches you roll up your sleeves and then the music begins again, automatically. 
You go straight performing the dance routine as if this interaction never took place but underneath your terrible poker face, you want the ground to open up and swallow you whole.  
Jeno doesn’t join you in the choreography this time, instead his eyes remain focused on your figure in the mirror. He’s giving you the same look you were giving him as he crushed the bottle.  
Soon the song reaches the part where you messed up a couple minutes ago and with his full attention on you, he can see your body tense up. He guides you once again but this time there’s a few more inches of space between the two of you. 
However, it doesn’t stay this way for long. With an unfocused mind, you find yourself tripping over your own feet and falling backwards- How unprofessional- but the cherry on top? You bring Jeno down with you and in doing so, his boner presses against you and you feel it right against your ass. 
Jeno tries to hide it, adjusting his t-shirt and moving onto his feet before asking if you were alright. 
“Oh my god, you’re hard.” 
Jeno’s cheeks begin to go pink. 
“Are you?” 
He can’t believe you’re actually asking him that after nearly taking a seat on his lap as if it were free real estate but gives the slightest nod down. 
“Is this… just from watching me dance?” You harshly whisper, covering your mouth. Unsure if to apologise to him or thank yourself for being clumsy. 
Another subtle nod. 
“I’ll be right back.” You watch Jeno stand up, the shape of his cock visible from underneath his top and he begins to pace towards the door. 
“Wait!” Your voice causes him to stop mid step and he turns around. “I can help.” 
Jeno turns around and your eyes go straight down to the bulge in his joggers. 
“If you plan on jerking off in the toilets… I can give you something better.” 
Jeno doesn’t even think twice when you offer, not even questioning what you may have on your mind. Right now, anything you could give would be better than his own hands. 
Soon you have the man against the wall with you kneeling by his feet and his cock in your mouth. He’s packing more than you had thought but you weren’t an amaetur to blowjobs. Deep throating his length as you looked up at him. 
Jeno could just cum from the way you were looking up at him, your glistening pretty eyes and his cock stuffed into your mouth. Your pretty lips wrapped around his dick made Jeno want to facefuck you until his climax. 
Whilst one hand holds up his t-shirt, the other plants itself in the roots of your hair. Jeno’s tugging at the strands gently but when he feels his orgasm creeping up on him, his grip tightens and you move back. 
“Take your sweatshirt off.”
You pull it over your head with caution, trying to avoid getting the mixture of precum and saliva on your lips and chin, on your clothes. You’re down to your bra and leggings. 
Jeno gives you a hand, pulling you up before pushing you against the wall. It feels cold against your back as Jeno tugs down the straps of your bra before he begins to kiss and suck your boobs. Whilst his lips were on one, he massages the other, a few times tugging at the nipple but not too harshly. He didn’t know what your pain tolerance was but still he enjoyed being mean in the sheets. 
One of his hands trails down to your core and his palm massages you over your leggings, leaving a wet spot from your arousal. Jeno hears you let out a moan, the sound like a melody to his ears and his dick twitches against your thigh. With one swift movement he flips you around, your face against the cold surface and your ass against his cock. 
Something in you makes you want to push your ass back against his length, so you do and earn a warning from his. 
“Don’t.” For the first time in a while you’re intimidated by Jeno. 
He yanks down your leggings with such force, it’s got you wondering if he’s mad at you and more importantly, if he plans on showing you an mercy as he fucks you. 
The answer was no to both.
The mix of precum and saliva of his cock acted like lube, but it’s not like you needed any with how damp that one spot on your leggings was. 
When Jeno pushes himself inside of you, you let out an even louder moan and he urges you to keep it down. You two were still in the practice room and the song wasn’t repeating to drown out your lewd noises. Your moaning, his grunting and groaning, you two hoped that these noises went unnoticed by anyone walking in the hallway. 
Since you wanted to push your ass back, Jeno would gladly have you doing that with his hand on your hip yet again and the other on your wrist. Your left arm lays flat against the wall and your other hand is down, massaging your own clit. 
“Oh god, this feels so, so fucking good.” Jeno groans as you pant, you pussy squeezing his cock so nicely. 
“Yeah, yeah, so good…” You gasp, “Jeno, Jeno, I’ll cum… soon, Jeno please.”
“Cum, cum, wherever you want.” Jeno tries to maintain the steady pace of his thrusting but he could feel himself nearing his own orgasm. He tries to delay it, but with the force of your squeezing he could only put it off for so long. 
Even after climaxing Jeno doesn’t stop fucking you. His hand moves from your hip to your clit in such a subtle manner, you don’t notice until you feel him push your hand away. The way his fingers circle your most sensitive spot, have you going numb with pleasure against the wall. 
His cum drips out onto your leggings and the practice room floor and finally, he’s got you to cum as you chant his name like a mantra.
As you lean against the wall, Jeno’s own body pressed against your back, you think that this may be a regular occurrence if you keep messing up the choreography. 
You can feel it.
© haechaninmyheart — all rights reserved. reposting or modifying of any work posted on this blog is not allowed (including translations).
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shayasay · 6 months
How they kiss you!
Tbhk males! Ft. Hanako, Kou and Mitsuba!
Note: all characters are aged up (which means 18+!) don’t worry and I’m not gonna tell minors to not read because let’s be honest, it doesn’t stop them. So enjoy!
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- Hanako is a perv let’s be honest.
- If Hanako wants a kiss but you guys are in public he’ll drag you somewhere and make out with you
- Hanako likes puts both his hands on your waist while kissing you for some reason
- He also likes when you two have a steamy make out session with tongue, especially when there’s a string of saliva that connects your tongues together
- Will smile after he kisses you watching you as your hands are on his chest and tears pearl in the corner of your eyes from the lack of air during the kiss
- If you’re the shy kind of get flustered easily he’ll tease you for it
“Hm? You look so cute when you blush darling!~”
- Sometimes he’ll try kissing you in front of the others to try and make you flustered
- If you’re eating something sweet like candy for example, he’ll kiss you and move the candy inside his mouth instead!
- Sometimes he’ll just play with the candy in your mouth for a bit n put it back inside your mouth leaving you a blushing squirming mess
“Hehe! You’re so cute darling! Come here I want a kiss!~”
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- Loves to kiss with tongue as well but also likes to bite your bottom lip with his teeth
- Loves making out with you in private
- If you two do it in public or in front of his brother, he’ll be a flustered, nervous reck
- Kou loves to have his hands on your cheeks while kissing you
- Kou loves when you kiss him after a battle, it makes him happy to know you’re still alive even if you’re both sweaty
- Sometimes you guys cook together in his home and get carried away making out
- You guys got caught by Teru who just stared at you shocked before walking away leaving both of you flustered with Kou running behind him to explain while you check up on the food
“U-Um-… W-Wait it’s not what it l-looks like T-Teru!-“
“But it was though….”
“Babe I love you but you’re not helping the situation. *sigh*”
- If Kou wants a kiss he’ll ask you and if you say yes YIPPEE! But if you say no he’ll pout till you give in and give him one
“Please Babyyyy I want a kisssss~” *he whines*
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- The first time you tried kissing him he called you a pervert but soon kissed you back
- Mitsuba loves making out with you but if you two get caught he’ll become flustered and say you started it
- He loves when you put your hands on his chest while his are on your waist and cheek
- If you drag him off to somewhere private he’ll joke around and say something like “what are you gonna do to a cute ghost like me you pervert!”
- When he wants a kiss he’ll say things like “I wish someone would kiss me..”
- He’ll stare at you as you stare back confused and he’s like
“I’m talking about you dumbass! Come kiss me already!”
- Even tho Mitsuba might call you every name under the sun he loves you sm
- If you’re the sensitive type and get hurt by what he says, he’ll kiss you and tell you he doesn’t mean anything that he says
“W-Wait I didn’t mean that-… I was just k-kidding! C-Come here…”
- loves when you sit on his lap to make out with him, this is when he’ll deepen the kiss by adding tongue and holding your hips
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As mentioned above all characters are 18+ so don’t attack me ty and don’t be afraid to request a character from a fandom! I’ll write it as long as Ik it! Like for example from me to you, mob psycho 100 etc!
Mwah! <3
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binsito · 9 months
Kitty, what're your thots on pervy stepbro!skz? Cause just thinking about it has me going woozi (hehe)
AHHHHHHHHH (those are my thots)
cw: stepcest!!!!!!! dni if uncomfortable, i warned you. proceed with caution,
slight voyeurism/exhibitionism (or mentions of it), mentions of drinking, masturbation, dirty fantasies involving the reader, sex and oral sex (or suggestive scenarios involving it), slightttt noncon situations due to pervertedness, mentions of assplay, cum, all characters are adults who's parents got married later on in their lives (thought i'd clarify just in case). i think i hit the major ones, pls lmk if i missed anything super important
okay bye
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bangchan: he is soo sweet. he's incredibly helpful around the house, always offering to clean the dishes after dinner. your mom absolutely loves him. he's perfect, minus his one dirty little habit of asking you to help with the chores. it's not like he needs the help, he just gets a little excited when he sees you bend down to pick something up or go through the laundry because he gets a peek of your pretty thong.
'two of us get things done quicker' he usually says, and of course you don't mind helping him, he's fun to talk to and you also have to carry some of your own weight if you're going to keep living with your mom while attending college.
'i'll treat you for helpin' out' but what he really wants to say is he'll fuck you up against the laundry room's door. couldn't you get the hint? his cock was always rock hard around you, it was painfully obvious. couldn't you hear him through the walls fisting himself while you were both home alone? he didn't care to be quiet at all and he knew you were just choosing to be oblivious.
he was so good! why couldn't you just reward him? he mows the lawn, cooks if he has to, throws out the trash. the least you could do was give your sweet stepbrother your mouth to use around his cock after a long day of hardwork around the house!
and he hates the way you're licking the ice cream he got you for helping. hates the way you look at him and giggle because he knows you know what you're doing to him.
minho: he was bored out of his mind at the wedding reception for your parents. at least his dad was happy for once.
he glanced over and watched you order a drink from the bar, sipping it as you looked towards him. he quickly looked away and chuckled to himself, hoping you didn't notice how his eyes trailed down as he checked you out in your pretty dress. would it be disrespectful to put moves on his new stepsister?
he could ask you to dance, right?
he made his way over to you and leaned against the bar, smiling towards you.
"could i have the pleasure of dancing with you?"
you giggled at him and waved him off, explaining to him that you were to shy to dance.
"well then let's go somewhere private where no one can see us?"
the implications of his words made you flustered. this was your step brother now. did he mean his words in that sense or were you reading into it too much?
(he definitely meant his words suggestively.)
his eyes basically undressing you as you swallowed thickly. he could take you to the family restroom and no one would even know the two of you were missing.
he could easily slip past the huge blend of both families and fuck you outside behind all the cars.
he could make you hold his cum the whole night until your parents went their separate way to their honeymoon together. you could have the whole house to yourselves, fuck on every surface imaginable and no one would ever have a clue.
changbin: he's normally shy, very respectful. very gym oriented - going as far as setting up all his equipment in the garage with your dad's permission. you were interested in his work out routine, asking him if you could join him one day.
he didn't know why that made him so flustered, sputtering while he talked to you and letting you know it was perfectly fine that you used his stuff and joined him. you were surprised how disciplined he was, how heavy he could lift. he was trying hard to keep his composure, trying hard to push down the thoughts he was having of you spotting him.
the idea of you basically straddling his head while he benched was making him see stars. or what if he had you bench press? what if he was the one straddling your head, having you look up at him and see how his cock protruded from his gym shorts, the obvious outline giving away how hard he was.
what if he had you do russian deadlifts, coming up behind you to help with your form, cock brushing up against your ass while he tried explaining how to position yourself properly.
all changbin wanted to do was hold you open over him while he laid on the bench, licking at your cunt eagerly. all he wanted was to take you from behind while you tried to finish doing cable tricep pushdowns.
keyword on tried because he wanted to make sure he'd leave you dumb enough to even forget what number set you were even on.
hyunjin: hyunjin started to catch feelings well after your parents got married, you two just clicked, friendship quickly burning into something so much more.
but he knew you probably wouldn't feel the same, would probably be grossed out by him if he told you he loved you. he didn't want to ruin the family dynamic so he kept his feelings harbored deep within himself.
but his heart absolutely shattered when you brought another boy home, begging him to not tell your mom because you weren't sure if she'd approve of him.
all his hope of maybe one day confessing to you was thrown out the window. did he read you wrong? he could've sworn that maybe there was something there..
and he couldn't sleep that night, tossing and turning as he heard you through the walls, giggling with that other guy and hushing him. warning him that although your parents weren't home - hyunjin was.
but the hushes and scolding did nothing because hyunjin could still hear everything clearly. how you kissed him sloppily, how the bed shifted when he climbed on top of you, how you gasped out when he pressed his cock inside of you.
hyunjin closed his eyes tightly and to save himself from his misery, he pretended it was him between your legs, his hand reaching down to touch himself as he listened in on the both of you. he pretended it was his name that you were chanting. he took note of the pitches of your moans, how they got higher when you were about to cum, how breathy and incoherent you became.
he would do anything to see how your face twisted with pleasure.
at least he could pretend to be the one to bring you to your peak whenever he heard you through the walls.
jisung: living with jisung was definitely something to get used to. unfortunately with the sudden growth of your new family, there was not enough space for both of you to get your own room. you'd be sharing a space until your parents found an adequate place.
jisung didn't mind but you clearly did. having to share the en suite bathroom in the mornings was a challenge.
why did he have to take so long in the damn bathroom?
"jisung! c'mon i'm gonna be late, can't you please hurry up!?"
he always managed to beat you to the bathroon, always waking up early to start his day.
what you didn't know is he was taking care of his aching cock in the shower, fisting himself to the image of you sleeping soundly. he had gotten bold lately, picking the sheets carefully off your body to get a peek at your body, tugging your sleeping shorts to the side to reveal your panties, moving them aside to finally be met with your cunt.
how was it so wet?
could he give it a lick?
he didn't want to be caught.
rubbing himself through his shorts until he couldn't take it anymore, rushing to the bathroom to chase his release.
felix: he knew he shouldn't but he just couldn't help it.
watching you from his bedroom window inconspicuously as you tanned by the pool in your backyard. you looked so pretty, so unaware that he was jerking himself to the sight of you in a skimpy bathing suit. that dumb bikini top leaving little to the imagination, it wasn't your fault you didn't want annoying tan lines. he watched intently as you turned face down in the lounge chair, reaching behind you to untie the straps of your bikini top so they wouldn't leave a pesky mark. you were basically naked, your tits were basically on display for him, couldn't you just sit up and show him? flash him really quickly so he could finish in his hand?
it was torture - having to watch you from afar when he wanted to be down there with you. would you quickly cover up if he were to go join you? or would you barely acknowledge him and continue to enjoy the sun? would you ask him to reapply sunscreen on you? would you let his hands wander, trailing down to your ass to massage them? would you protest if he pulled your thong down or would you let him play with your ass a little?
he wanted you bad.
spurting cum all over himself and making a mess as he let out a loud groan, it must've been loud enough for you to hear and look up from your spot, making eye contact with him through his blinds.
seungmin: your mom wouldn't let you go out to that dumb frat party unless seungmin tagged along and drove you there.
you agreed because you didn't want to lose the opportunity to go talk to that football player you had the hots for.
seungmin thought it was funny, watching you fix your makeup one last time in his car's mirror. there was nothing to fix, you looked perfect in his humble opinion.
he knew you wanted to go to this party because of that guy, he wasn't fond of him at all. you were too good for him and in all honesty, seungmin wanted you for himself.
he wanted you to be his but it was complicated given the fact that your mom was married to his dad.
his advances didn't go unnoticed when he laid his hand on your inner thigh as he drove. impulse thoughts racing through his mind - what if he just turned around right now and took you in his backseat? he wanted to make you forget about that stupid jock.
"minnie?" snapping him out of his thoughts at a red light.
"you're quiet." you choose to say instead of bringing attention to the obvious hand on your thigh
"sorry, just thinking about the one hundred ways i could fuck you and how it would be so much better than that guy you're pining after." he speaks up, driving towards a turn lane to make a u-turn.
jeongin: he always thought you were pretty.
he had seen you around campus but was always too shy to approach you. how would he even start a conversation with you. when his mom told him she had found someone new, he was excited for her but the last thing he ever expected was for the 'someone' to be your father.
you, the girl he so helplessly daydreamed of was soon to be part of his family.
he didn't know if this was a blessing or a curse.
could he push down all the thoughts he's had of you or would he fail miserably. how was he ever supposed to tell you he liked you now?
when your families decided to spend the holidays together, he knew he was going to struggle. cock hard in his slacks as he watched you reapply some lip gloss that had gotten wiped as you drank wine and talked to people.
he felt hopeless.
he decided that socializing would be too much for him in this state of mind so he snuck upstairs, finding his way into your room.
there was a picture of you on your vanity, a pretty bow adorning your hair as you smiled widely. jeongin wanted to make you smile like that, wanted to tell you how gorgeous he thought you were but soon his thoughts became dirty, imagining how he wanted you to smear your lip gloss all over his shaft, peppering his cock with delicate kisses.
he shoved a hand into his pants and pulled his cock out, stroking it gently as he grabbed the photo with his free hand.
fuck, you were perfect to him.. the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
his brain became foggy, only thinking about you and you only as he pumped himself-
"jeongin?" you stood at your door, he nearly jumps out of skin, pathetically cumming all over your photo, face burning hot as he looks over at you.
oh fuck, how was he ever going to live this down? how would he even explain this predicament?
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please refrain from reposting, modifying, translating, copying or stealing my work. - © binsito
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billskeis · 10 months
hi hi hi!
can you do a tom kaulitz being veryyyyyy veryyyyy clingy and jealous of the female reade talking to bill?
ᡣ𐭩 tom who is clingy and jealous
“ahhh so that’s how you do it!” bill exclaims, you were explaining to the spunky haired boy on how you photographed pictures from one of their first tours. fiddling with the camera, the two of you shared laughed at how clumsy bill is with the device.
someone however was not too keen on this.
“yo, you okay tom?” georg asks, he taps tom’s shoulder who then gets out of his daze from staring at his twin brother and girlfriend too hard, “huh? oh—oh yeah i’m fine.. completely and totally fine.” he clenches his jaw as he spoke.
georg and gustav look at tom and then at each other, he’s so not fine.
“okay, and then you adjust the exposure here, to make the photo look like this..” you explain to bill getting extremely close to one another, leaning yourself to bill so he can get a clearer view of the settings: your bodies are now basically touching.
that does it.
tom gets off the couch he once sat on and walked towards you and bill, he stands behind you and grabs one of your hands, “lowering this one—not now tom,” you say swatting his hand away leaving him to pout. you continue to explain ignoring your boyfriend, and he clearly is not fond of this.
he grabs one of your hands and you let him, not an inch of your attention averting from your conversation with bill. bill takes note of this.
he wants to tease his older brother.
bill leans his face closer to yours and you can almost feel his breath, thinking nothing of this you just kinda stand there still. tom however, his mouth was agape and in utter shock.
this little shit, tom thought.
tom looks at bill who was once looking at you and now exchanges eye contact with his brother, smirking. again, you’re too focused to even notice any of this being as passionate as you are to explain the wonders of photography.
suddenly you feel your body being pulled away into the opposite direction of bill, putting a gap between the two of you and a pair of arms wrap around your waist. tom then goes to rest his head on your shoulder, “tom, please,” he doesn’t speak so you just scoff and continue to talk to bill.
“and then you—“ step. “use this—“ step. “button to—.” “hello!? i’m talking to your bro— big ass step. after each set of words tom steps further and further away from bill while holding you close to him. silence fills the room as you’re all in shock at what he’s doing
he just cannot seem to leave you alone.
tom then lifts you off your feet and runs away from the rest of the band to go to a different room “HEY—sorry bill!!” you apologize but he’s laughing and waving you a goodbye with a big smile plastered on his face, you can see in the corner that gustav and georg are mocking tom. gustav pretending to be tom and georg pretending to be you carried out the room.
“what has gotten into you today tom? is something wrong?” you ask, sitting on the armrest of the couch while he sits a little below you on the actual seat. he shakes his head and just leans his head on your lap. you pat the top of your head. you begin playing with his dreads pondering as to why he’s being so needy today.
oh, now you get it.
“hehe,” you laugh while still touching his hair, “what’s so funny schatz?” he stares looking up at your face while you look down at him.
“you got jealous,” “whattt—pfttt, no wayyy why would i get jealous of that nimwad,” you stare at him, not saying a word.
fuck, there’s no point in hiding it now.
“okay i was just a teeny tiny bit jealous but LET A MAN BE! you’re my girlfriend and you should pay attention to me the most.” you lean down to plant a kiss on his lips and grabbing his hands to intertwine your fingers together.
“okay princess, whatever you say..” as you attempt to bring yourself back up to a sitting position he holds your head down to give you even more kisses. eventually letting you position yourself back to how you once were.
he then gets his head up from you to sit and he pats his leg, signalling for you to sit on his leg. you oblige getting up from the armrest and sit on his lap. he brings his arm to hug your body and you just sit there cuddling on the couch, kissing his cheek as he holds you tightly.
“i’m your only princess, right?” “yes, yes you are tom.”
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sansaorgana · 6 months
Hi! It's anon from the period thoughts hehe! I think you're spot on with all of that! Thank you :) Any chance you can do a fic with it?
Gale w/a girlfriend or wife that's having awful period cramps/day?
hiii 😘 guess who started her period today? ME 🤣 when I realised this request is next in the line to be written I laughed 😛 because it's something I'm going through at the moment, I got a bit carried away and it's quite long for a cute little fic like that haha 🥰
I have about 10 MOTA requests to write in my inbox 😅 so please, go easy with them for a while 👉🏻👈🏻 especially that requests for Feyd are open now, too 🤩
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You were laying on the couch under a blanket, mindlessly watching the TV with your eyes hazy from the painkiller you had taken. Unfortunately, it wasn’t working for the pain but it was making you feel even more dazed out.
When you heard the front door opening, you sensed the feeling of guilt forming a knot in your stomach. Buck was coming back home after work and not only his house hadn’t been cleaned but also there was no dinner waiting for him on the table. You hoped he’d survive on the sandwiches but you felt bad for him.
“I’m back!” He announced his arrival but you didn’t move. You simply couldn’t.
You heard him undressing and taking his shoes off before peeking into the living room and looking at the TV.
“You’re watching this?” He asked surprised. Well, the program was stupid as hell and you were aware of it.
“I don’t want to but I can’t move to turn it off,” you admitted in a raspy, tired voice.
“Are you okay?” Buck furrowed his brows and approached the TV. He crouched down and turned it off.
“Thank you, it was starting to give me a migraine,” you admitted with a sigh.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He turned around to face you. 
“I’m sorry, I have those days,” you explained.
“What days, love?”
“Ugh…” You winced at one of the cramps. “Code red, Gale. Those days,” you specified.
“Oh,” he straightened himself and put his hands on his hips, getting visibly awkward. “What can I do for you? Does it hurt a lot?”
“Yes, it does. Just leave me here alone…” You mumbled. “And don’t get angry at me because I haven’t done anything around the house. Haven’t cooked anything either,” you lowered your voice, a little scared of his reaction.
You didn’t expect your husband to be angry about such a thing. He was not like most men. But he still could get a little frustrated and irritated. You wouldn’t blame him for that but it would still feel awful to disappoint him like that.
“Hey, you don’t feel good, it’s fine,” Buck only said. “I can make myself sandwiches,” he shrugged his arms. “Have you eaten anything?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Not really, no,” you answered. “I took a painkiller but it’s not helping. It made me hazy, though.”
Buck stood there in silence for a while, looking as if he was thinking intensely about something.
“I have an idea,” he said finally. “Are you allowed to take baths in your state?” He asked and you laughed at him.
“Jesus, Gale, can you imagine not being allowed to take a bath when you’re bleeding for a few days straight?” You asked and he blushed adorably. It was quite cute how he was feeling uncomfortable with the subject of periods and how little he did know about them… yet, he still tried to help.
“Let’s run you a bath then,” he nodded.
“Gale, please…” You sighed. “Baby, you’re tired after work. Just make yourself sandwiches and get some rest, too,” you tried to stop him.
“I’m fine,” he assured you. “Come,” he approached you and picked you up bridal style with the blanket still around you. You squeezed it in your fist so it wouldn’t fall down and let him carry you to the bathroom upstairs.
Buck sat you carefully on the closed toilet seat and turned the faucet on to fill the bathtub with the warm water. He opened one of the drawers of your bathroom cabinet and hummed to himself.
“What kind of bath do you want?” He asked, unsurely.
“What do you mean by that?” You leaned back, resting your head on the cold bathroom tiles.
“You have all sorts of things here… Rose, lavender, vanilla…” He read the words on the bottles of your bath oils.
“Lavender helps,” you told him and Buck nodded his head.
He took the bottle out and you watched him carefully tilting it above the bathtub… only to pour half of it inside the water. You gasped.
“What?” He turned his head around, startled by the sound leaving your mouth.
“You’re supposed to add a few drops…” You sighed, too tired to get annoyed. Also, getting annoyed when he was trying so hard to help you would be simply unfair.
“I’m sorry… Should I run another bath now?” He asked.
“Don’t be crazy. You’ve no idea how much money you’ve just poured down there,” you let out a tired chuckle.
“I’ll buy you a new one,” Buck closed the lid and put the bottle back in the drawer. “But is it safe to bathe in it now?”
“Only one way to find out, is it?” You shrugged your arms.
Buck approached you to help you stand up but you shook your head.
“No, no,” you stood up by yourself on shaky legs. “I don’t… I don’t want you to see…” You explained shyly.
“It’s just some blood, I can handle it, baby,” he assured you but he was blushing again.
“Please, just leave me here and go downstairs to eat something,” you told him. “I’ll be fine.”
“Actually, I’ll go to the store,” he stated. “I’ll buy us some proper dinner and I’ll be back in twenty minutes. You won’t drown in the meantime, will you?”
“Don’t be daft, I’m not a baby,” you smiled at him and he nodded.
Buck left the bathroom and when you were left alone there, you allowed the blanket to fall down on the floor. Then you got rid of the rest of the clothes and went inside the bathtub, sighing out of relief at the feeling of the warm water.
You were sitting there for so long that the water turned cold, however you felt too comfortable to leave. It was Buck’s soft knocking upon the door that made you finally move.
“I’m back. Are you alive there?” He asked through the door.
“Yes, I’m about to leave now,” you answered.
“Alright. I have chicken,” he told you. “Do you want tea?”
“Yes, please.”
You heard his footsteps going downstairs as you watched the water go down the drain before you stood up, grabbed a towel and dried yourself before putting dark underwear, a black nightgown and a robe that you had in the bathroom cabinet. You put the dress and underwear you had been wearing earlier to the laundry bin and picked up the blanket to fold it and take it with you downstairs to put it back in the living room.
You felt so much better after your bath, you had to admit it. Your hair was wet but you didn’t bother with drying it. It was around six in the evening and you already looked like you were about to go to sleep but you knew that Buck wouldn’t mind that at all.
And indeed, when you walked inside the kitchen, he didn’t even ask about it nor furrowed his brows at your nighttime attire. There was a chicken with mashed potatoes and a salad on the table already, alongside the tea he had made for you.
“I bought more of that lavender oil so you don’t run out of it,” Buck pointed at the unpacked groceries on the kitchen counter. “And something sweet for you,” he added. “The lady at the store was nosy, she asked me why I was buying chicken for dinner and was my wife sick so I told her the truth and she told me women like sweets when they have… those days,” his cheeks turned pink as he moved the chair for you and you sat down with a smile.
“She was right,” you told him. 
“Oh, good, for a while I was scared she just wanted to swindle me to spend more money,” Buck chuckled and took a seat in front of you. “So, after all, she was helpful.”
“Yeah, I know what nosy lady you’re talking about,” you nodded at him. “She’s annoying but she’s also sweet. Hard to explain,” you giggled.
“And how do you feel now?”
“I feel much better, thank you,” you nodded and reached your hand out to caress his and give it a light squeeze before you both started to eat the chicken.
Buck was telling you about his day at work and you were listening with a slight smile. You would usually comment and ask questions or gasp at some things, demanding to know more gossip. But today you were just nodding your head and smiling, still listening but less attentively.
“I’m sorry, perhaps you’d rather eat in silence. You’ve mentioned getting a migraine before,” Buck shut his mouth suddenly.
“I would have told you if I wanted you to be quiet, baby. It’s fine,” you assured him. “And the migraine is gone now. The bath really helped me.”
“Well… I think I’ve already said everything anyway,” he laughed and stood up to get the empty plates from the table to put them in the sink. “I will wash them and you go upstairs and lay in bed. I’ll bring you the dessert when I’m done.”
“You’re absolutely the sweetest, you know that?” You asked him. 
“I’m only taking care of you, darling. Like husbands do. You take care of me, too. Every day,” he looked like he didn’t understand why you were so grateful and it was making him even more special.
And he didn’t even know.
You wondered if his heart was truly so pure that he had no idea how other men could treat their wives. Whenever someone would mention some dreadful story of this sort, Buck would always widen his eyes as if he found it hard to believe. Perhaps he was truly that innocent and oblivious. Or he just couldn’t imagine being so cruel. Either way, he was a gem.
“I just love you so much,” you whispered, getting emotional. Most likely from the hormones.
“I love you, too,” he answered, a bit surprised. “Go upstairs, baby. Do you want me to carry you?”
“No, I will manage,” you stood up and kissed his cheek before leaving the kitchen.
In fact, you’d love him to carry you. But you didn’t want to bother him too much. So you just went to the bedroom and then you sighed at the sight of the freshly put white sheets. You had changed them in the morning, stupidly forgetting about your period coming soon.
With a grunt, you started to take them off. Your moves were slow and when Buck joined you upstairs, you were almost done.
“What are you doing?” He widened his eyes and put the tray he had been holding in his hands down on the vanity table.
“I put them on this morning but I have to change them now. I don’t want to stain them with blood,” you explained.
“You should have waited for me, I’ll do that,” Buck approached you and took the sheets from your hands. “Give that to me.”
“Buck, you’re a sweetheart, but I’m not dying or sick. I can do that, really,” you tried to assure him. “It’s not like it’s my first time having those days,” you explained, carefully avoiding the word period around him because you could only imagine how uncomfortable it would make him feel.
“You can help,” he agreed. “Give me the sheets you want me to put on,” he pointed to the wardrobe with his chin and you rolled your eyes before opening it and handing him the dark navy blue sheets. He gave you back the white ones and you folded them before putting them back.
When the bed was made, you sat under the cover and rested on the pillow. Your husband placed the tray in front of you and you smiled at the sight of a cake and some ice cream.
“Is it alright?” Buck asked.
“Yes, yes, it is,” you nodded with a smile and started to eat.
“By the way, I’m totally getting you a dishwasher,” he sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed and caressed your wet hair.
“Are you crazy? They're expensive!” You protested.
“But it’s going to make your life easier,” Buck pinched your cheek playfully. “You can’t say no, by the way, I’ve already made my decision.”
You didn’t say anything then and just finished eating as he watched you with admiration in his eyes. You offered him a few bites and he agreed to take them but most of the dessert was yours to eat on your own. When you were finished, you laid down, ready to take a nap. Buck took the tray from the bed and leaned in to place a kiss upon your forehead.
“Sweet dreams, baby,” he whispered softly.
“Well, then, my dreams better be of you,” you smiled at him lovingly, “if you want them to be sweet.”
Buck winked at you and went back downstairs to take the tray down. You were starting to fall asleep by the time he was back to lay down next to you and hold you close, making you feel loved and taken care of.
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thegettingbyp2 · 5 months
Hello! New to your account but i love your spencer reid x reader!!! 💕
Saw ur requests are open so im grabbing this opportunity to request a jealous spencer reid hehe something like they’ve been friends and then something happened, jealous!spencer appears lmao idk how to explain things lol
Thank you tho! Love lots!
The Way I Love You
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Spencer Reid wasn’t someone who inherently hated anybody. But he hated your boyfriend. At first, he thought that it was because the two of you had been best friends for so long, he was the only person you fully confided in, and then you met James and, all of a sudden, everything changed. You’d spend more time with him and then you’d go and see a film that Spencer thought the two of you were going to see together. However, it really clicked for him the first time he saw you kiss him.
Spencer Reid was in love with you. And he hated that James plucked up the courage to ask you out first.
However, the longer you were with James, the more Spencer could see just how one-sided your relationship with him was. More and more, you’d come into work disheartened because he’d cancelled yet another date night and then whenever you’d bring him to the infamous dinners at Rossi’s, you’d be the one trying to sit with him only for him to find an excuse to wander away. It broke Spencer’s heart to see you quickly shake off the feeling of disappointment to follow him, and how you’d be glowing with happiness as soon as he showed you the slightest bit of affection.
It was when you came into the office for the fifth day in a row, with your eyes red-rimmed, that he felt all of the anger and jealousy he’d been feeling for the entirety of yours and James’ relationship bubble over the top.
‘He cancelled again, didn’t he?’ Spencer asked when you sat at your desk next to him, not really needing an answer.
‘Just drop it, Spence,’ you replied, sounding exhausted.
‘What was his excuse this time? Couldn’t be bothered? Too tired?’
‘Spence, please.’
‘When are you going to see that he’s only around when he wants to be, (Y/N)? That he only wants you, uses you when he wants to get his dick wet!’ Spencer’s voice had risen as he spoke and the volume of his voice paired with what he said caused your eyes to widen and to be thankful that the two of you were the only ones in the office at the moment. You’d been friends with Spencer for 7 years and not once had you heard him speak like that.
Not knowing how to respond, all you could think to do was to get up and leave the room. You heard Spencer call out your name as he got up from his own seat to follow you but you refused to turn around. The only thing that stopped you was Spencer’s fingers wrapping around your wrist, pulling you to a halt. ‘How could you say that?’ you asked, your voice a barely there whisper as tears filled your eyes when you looked up at Spencer. His eyes softened and he tugged you into him slightly closer.
‘(Y/N), I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. I just hate seeing you accept the way he treats you. You don’t deserve to be with someone who loves you like he does. His love’s like a disease, (Y/N), and if you let it carry on for much longer then you won’t be able to step back and you’ll be stuck with him.’
‘Yeah? If he doesn’t love me the right way, what is the right way someone should love me?’ you asked, lowering your eyes, not wanting to get your hopes up.
‘You should be loved by someone who loves you the way I love you,’ he blurted out and your head shot up to look at him. ‘You should be loved by someone who knows how lucky they are to be loved by you. Someone who would bring you flowers just because he saw them and thought of you. Someone who wants to be around you all the time, even if it’s just to sit in the living room together and watch TV and - ’
Spencer’s words were cut off when you stepped closer to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face into his shoulder as you felt a few stray tears fall from your eyes. As he had been speaking, you’d realised that not only did you want a love like that, you wanted a love like that with Spencer and you felt yourself relax when his arms wrapped back around you like a vice.
‘Ask me,’ you said, your voice muffled by the fabric of his cardigan.
‘What?’ Spencer asked, wanting to be sure of what you were asking of him in order to avoid making a fool of himself.
‘Ask me what you want to ask me?’ you repeated, pulling back slightly to look at him, a small smile playing on your lips.
‘Leave him? Go on a date with me?’ Spencer asked shyly, knowing that what he was asking of you was a lot.
In response, you reached up on your toes and pressed your lips gently to his. ‘Consider him left,’ you said against his lips, making him sigh happily against you as he deepened the kiss.
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torialefay · 9 months
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🪐 The Night He Took You 🦂
A part 2 to Venus in Scorpio (requested)
bangchan as your boyfriend series!!! 🔞 (astrology based)
✨bangchan x reader (f); SMUT SMUT SMUT
✨request: “Would you possibly do some more for you n channie going further ? I feel like with his need to be in you, any way he can, he would absolutely cum in you....”
✨wc: 5.3k (i got so carried away lol)
✨***if you haven’t read part one, PLEASE do so before reading this! it sets the scene and explains from the astrology aspect. this is only a follow up and will not contain any more natal chart readings. head to my masterlist here to read!!!
✨i promise the rest of the series won’t be entirelyyyy smut. but it’ll definitely be there (hehe sorry, but also not really. we’re all sluts over here reading it anyways.)
✨ warning: this turned into the absolute sluttiest, smuttiest thing i've ever written. minors DNI!! cursing.
• You looked up longingly at your boyfriend who was situated just over top of you. You were laid on your bed, back down, with him using your lower body as support and his arms extended to hover himself above you. You reached your hand up to caress his cheek and pull his face down closer to yours. You needed his kiss just as much as any other part of him.
• Chan rutted his hips into yours, giving some much needed pressure to his hardening dick which was still fully clothed. It had been almost 6 months. 6 months of knowing you. 5 months of pining over you. 4 months of doing everything in his power not to give up his own self to obsess over you. 3 months of chasing after you. 2 months of dates. And finally 1 month of getting to call himself your boyfriend. And soulmate too, he was sure of it.
• And here he was, 6 months later, with his dream girl underneath him. 'Fuck' he thought, 'how did I ever make it here?' He stared at your lips. How beautiful and pink they were, slightly parted for him. Your big eyes, full of innocence and pure wonder, looking at him with so much conviction.
• So many nights he spent fighting off his instinct to rip into you. He was just a man after all. But he knew he needed to do it another way. He knew he needed to wait for the right time. You were the right girl, so it only made sense. Tonight would be the night that he finally would pledge himself to you. All of himself. It wasn't so much that he was excited about it as it was that he NEEDED it. He couldn't stand his body living in 1 inch of separation from yours. He was ready to throw himself all into you. To devote his heart and soul to you forever. With every breath he had, with every ounce of his being, he needed to adhere himself to you. He needed to live inside of you, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He needed to know that wherever he was, you would be there as a part of him. No matter how far away. And vice versa. Tonight, with his mind dipped in the thought of you becoming only his… tonight, he would finally take you.
• Still towering over you, he leaned down into your kiss. His mind went blank, focusing only on the movement of your mouth. How right it felt over top of his. He wanted to take his time with you. He wanted to take it slow. But God, you made it hard.
• Slowly, he worked one hand up your body and neck, around to the side of your head. He ran his fingers into your hair, resting his thumb at the very edge of your jaw. Now having full control of your head, he turned it to the side, allowing himself access to push his mouth deeper into the kiss. He licked at the split between your lips slowly, silently begging you to open them for him. He smiled into the kiss when he was met with no resistance. His tongue quickly found its way to yours, sliding across, up and down, however you would allow it. He went deeper and deeper until he was sure he would fall in. Falling into you surely wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. ‘In fact’, he thought, ‘I couldn’t ask for anything better.’ Getting completely, hopelessly, entirely lost in you is all he could ever want. To become one with his baby.
• Chan was ready to throw himself fully into you. “Can I?” he asked, tugging at the hem of your shirt. You didn’t respond, just put your hand over his and slowly had him pull up on the top until it was over and off your head. His heart melted at you guiding him to what you wanted. You never let go of the contact, wanting as much heat of his skin as you could get. You lead his hand slowly back down, dragging along your face and down to your neck, before slowly resting over top of one breast. You moved your hand around over top of his to signal for him to begin.
• ‘Fucking hell,’ Chan thought, feeling how soft your were under his touch. He felt the contrast of your skin to the hard raise of your nipple. He couldn’t believe that he had done that to you. That all of your beauty was exclusively for him. He did that to you. He’d be the last one to ever do that to you. ‘My perfect baby.”
• He slowly began to trace small circles around one nipple, closely examining your reaction. He had to be perfect for you. Seeing you smile and let out a breath, his ego built a little. He slowly ducked his head down towards your other breast. Mimicking what he’d done with the other, he wondered how you would respond to his tongue. He held eye contact with you, waiting for any sign of hesitancy. Instead, he was met with your hand tousling into his curls, lightly stroking along his crown. Chan almost exploded at the feeling of you touching him so gently, with so much love and care. He refused to believe that all of this was his. This was his life now, and it was utterly perfect.
• His tongue drew small circles around one nipple while his hand gently worked around the other one. He made sure to go lightly, not to tease you but to make sure you weren’t overwhelmed and wanted to stop. Holding onto your gaze, he watched as you slowly writhed under the tiny strokes he was making on you. You squirmed as the pressure started to build, making you throb below and grow wetter and wetter.
• Chan couldn’t contain himself at the sight. Something almost animalistic came over him. What it was, he didn’t know. All he knew was that he wanted to completely demolish you. ‘Mine. ALL fucking mine,’ he thought. At that, he bit down hard on your nipple, sending a shock of pleasure and pain that you’d never felt before. He started to flick his tongue quickly around it, and you felt a warm sensation come over you. You looked down at Chan to see that he was still staring at your face waiting to see your reaction. Waiting to see what he did to you. You gripped onto his hair tighter, pushing him down onto you. You needed to feel him as close as possible. He got the hint and latched on, biting down with everything he had. For the first time, he felt like he was consuming you. Actually consuming you. He felt his dick harden as he thought about your body giving in totally to him. How good you took him and let him do whatever he pleased. It was almost as if your body was his own, so he could do whatever he wanted. And fuck did that make him want more.
• He moved to the other breast, continuing his rounds. He was determined to mark your whole body. To bite into you every chance he got. He would mark you until you couldn’t look at one single part of your body without remembering whose you were. His tongue flicked back and forth aggressively, like he was starved and would take whatever you could give him.
• “Chrisss,” you moaned out, becoming almost unbearably aware of the wetness heightening between your legs. You were on fire for his touch anywhere you could get it, yes. But you needed so much more. “Chris please,” you writhed underneath him.
• His name. Fuck, why did you have to say his name. “Baby,” he breathed out, his hot breath again your nipple, making you shiver. “Fuck, say it again,” he growled. You’d never seen this side of him. “Please God, fucking say it again,” almost an anger was in in voice.
• “Chris, baby, please. I need more of you. I need all of you.”
• That’s all it took. He was ballistic now. In one pulse, he was pulled up to your eye level. He looked at your face for a fleeting moment, admiring how beautiful you looked for him. Only fleeting though. He roughly took your face in his hands, almost smothering. “You’re going to look at me with those pretty eyes for the rest of the night, understand? You are mine, y/n. All fucking mine. Tonight, I will be the only thing on your mind. Focus on me. You got it?” he huffily snarled out.
• “Yes, Chris. Make me yours. Now. Please. I’m yours, I’m all yours.” You strained, trying to get the last part out. You could hardly breathe, blood rushing to your head. Your eyes almost rolled back. Chan picked up on how you responded to his new-found rage, he wondered how much further he could take you. He didn’t mean to feel that way- rage. It just washed over him. Not because he was upset with you, but because he was upset with the situation. He was overtaken with a type of mania because it was so fucking unfair that whatever he did, he could never get close to you. He could lay on top of you, have his dick inside of you, connect his tongue to yours, consume you from the inside out and it still wouldn’t be enough. You were his in this life, and that was good. But he needed you to be his in the next life, and the one after. He needed to own your soul.
• He quickly looked down at you, lustful as he’d ever been. His hands moved quickly from your jaw down to your throat. He squeezed down. Hard. Harder. Hardest. You turned red, then pale. This was the most beautiful he’s ever seen you. He hovered his face over yours in a smirk, watching as you gasped for air. He released one hand slightly, alleviating only a tiny amount of pressure before pressing right back in. Your head had fallen backwards, so he moved his own to be directly looking into you. “Breathe out. Breathe into me,” he instructed.
• A look of power came over his face as he couldn’t stop smiling at you. The way that you were choked up for him. The way that he needed you to give the last of your breath to him. “Open and give me a breath,” he whispered.
• You pursed your lips slightly and puffed out everything you could. You turned blue and felt the lack of oxygen in your brain. Your vision went blurry. The last thing you saw was Chan’s mouth hovering just over yours, taking a deep inhale through his mouth, like he had been craving it this whole time. He closed his mouth as to not let any of the air back out and took a deep swallow.
• His grip quickly loosened, and you leaned up off the bed gasping for air. “My perfect girl,” he whispered into your ear, nipping at it softly while you caught your breath. The sudden rush of air into your lungs mixing with the 180 of Chan’s actions sent you spiraling.
• He took your neck in his hands again, not squeezing this time but gaining control of your head. He tilted it back slightly and leaned down so he was only an inch from your face. “Open up baby. You’ve got to breathe me in too.” You parted your mouth, as instructed, not able to open up all the way. “Just like that,” he purred, satisfied. “You’re gonna have a part of my soul too now, okay?”
• You nodded in response, keeping your mouth parted open for him. “In through your mouth,” he instructed. His lips parted slightly, blowing a cool breath into your lips. His breath turned hot once he had strained to get out all he could. He watched as you took in all you could, gulping when you knew you’d reached the end. He sealed your mouth with a kiss so full of passion you hoped it would never stop. “You and I until the very end, yeah?”
• “And beyond,” you smiled up at him, batting your eyes slowly opened and closed. He reciprocated the smile, eyes now full of love instead of lust.
• He whispered quietly, almost as if he didn’t know if he wanted you to hear it or not. “You're the heart of my heart and the breath of my breath. You're the spirit of my spirit. I could never love anything more than you in this moment.”
• He moved down on your body, trailing kisses until he reached your underwear line. He took his time pulling your bottoms and underwear off, continuing his trail of kisses down your legs. Slowly he kissed, as if each touch to your skin was the first time. Once he reached the end of your leg, he removed the clothes completely. He quickly pulled his top off revealing his beautiful, toned torso and chest. You could see his traps sticking up from behind his back. That was your favorite part of him. Those broad shoulders always took your breath away.
• “You are so perfect, Channie,” you muttered just loud enough for him to hear. A blush spread across his face as he looked down. He got so shy every time you complimented him. He always insisted you didn’t, but you knew he secretly loved it.
• He continued his path to taking off his clothes, quickly pulling his boxers and shorts off while still on his knees in between you. Once they were off, he looked down to you, admiring every last inch. Your face had to have gone red, you thought, when you saw him look down at the area he had set out to discover, biting his lip and grabbing hard onto your inner thighs. He gripped tightly and massaged them back and forth, back and forth, looking intently the entire time. His hands let loose and he slowly dragged them up your thighs and around the sides and top of your vagina- ever so slowly.
• ‘Jesus Christ this girl of mine,’ Chan thought. He felt saliva build up in his mouth. ‘This is all yours Chris. Fuck, this is all yours,” he massaged you. He was determined to give you the most perfect, most beautiful, soul-bonding night of your life. Was it for him too? Of course. But now, you were a part of him. Pleasing you was pleasing himself.
• Once he was satisfied with rubbing his hands into you, he slowly lowered himself to put half of his body onto you. One leg to the side of your thigh and one arm resting to the side of your torso. His heart swelled as he saw you bring your hand up to hold it on his chest right above his heart.
• Chan leaned down to give you a soft kiss. “Wanted to be closer to you,” he sheepishly smiled. You smiled back.
• “Love you, Channie,” you smiled up at him, pushing your hand harder into his chest to feel his heartbeat.
• “I love you too.” He leaned his head to the side to open his mouth and plant sloppy kisses against your neck. He bit down just enough to leave a mark, and he knew it. “Let me show you how much I love you,” he mumbled into your hair.
• In one swift motion, he snaked his hand back down your body until he was just covering the top of your cunt. Finally, he started to rub, leisurely taking his time. He was so tauntingly slow, you wiggled underneath him yet again. You removed your hand from his chest and pushed it down to rest on top of his. You pushed on his hand, agging him on to go faster.
• “No, princess. Let me take my time,” he whispered into your ear with a hot breath. He was driving you fucking crazy. The way he felt slowly made you feel warm and fuzzy. It also made you feel like you were going to explode any second if you didn’t get more. You started reflexively bucking your hips up into his hand. You didn’t even realize you were doing it.
• ‘Holy shit,’ Chan thought, smiling into your hair. Feeling you rut into his hand made all of the blood in his body rush to his dick. He slipped two fingers into the middle of you, covering his them to get them lubricated. ‘So fucking wet, Jesus Christ,’ he almost threw his head back thinking about how he was the one who made you get so worked up. His fingers started to trace around your clit slowly. He felt your breathing stop, and he lifted himself slightly to get a good look at your face. You had your head leaned back, eyes closed tight, mouth dropped open. ‘This is just the fucking start baby, just you wait,’ he thought to himself, smiling down at you. ‘I’m gonna take you so fucking good.’ He sped his fingers up, gaging how you would react. Your breathing got heavier and heavier. Your hands balled up into fists around the bed sheets. ‘Look at you,’ he thought. ‘So good for me so easily.’
• The faster he went, the harder it was for you to keep control. Your head started spinning and you felt a throbbing throughout your whole body. You threw yourself into Chan’s chest, trying to bury yourself away. It felt too good. Chan instinctively pushed his chest down into you, pushing you deep into the bed and shielding you from the outside word. From inside the cage he made for you with his body, all you could hear was his heart beat continuing to quicken, and all you could feel was his quick fingers working you to your breaking point.
• “Channie… Channie… Please baby, GOD!” you yelled out, screaming into his chest.
• He let out a deep growl. “Mmmmm,” he grunted out. “Do you want to come baby?”
• “Yes, yes! Oh God yes. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop!” He kept the pace up with his fingers, about to send you over the edge. His face ducked down to nuzzle into your neck, planting kisses and bites on top of the ones he’d already left.
• You were getting so close. Each flick of his fingers felt like it would be the one to push you over the edge. You felt the familiar feeling of your legs starting to curl up. “FUCK. Fuck, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” you kept repeating to him.
• “Yeah baby?” Chan brought his forehead to yours, one hand around your neck, now starting to press down. “I want to hear you fucking scream for me y/n. Scream for me. Scream into me. You’re not doing anything else without me anymore, do you understand? You better fucking give it all to me right fucking now. Scream for me!!!”
• Your whole body let go like fireworks were exploding inside of you. “CHRIS. CHRIS. Holy fuck. CHRIS,” you started to cry out. The whole time, Chan’s face was pressed up right next to yours, lips open yet again, like he was trying to devour every last word you screamed out.
• “Aaaahh,” he growled at you, going harder at your clit. You body went catatonic, shaking and unable to move. He just held you down in that position and swatted at your hands from trying to stop him.
• “Chris I can’t do it anymore!” you screamed out to him. Tears were streaming from your eyes.
• “You can and you will. You are going to cum for me again, do you hear me? You are going to give me the last fucking drop of energy in your body. You are MINE, y/n. Start acting like it and give yourself up.”
• Your entire face was covered in tears at this point. It felt so good, but it was just all so much. His touch was unrelenting, and every thrash of your body was met with Chan’s own pinning you down. He wasn’t going to let off one bit until you had another orgasm for him.
• You felt it slowly creeping up again in your stomach. This time even warmer than before. From the look on Chan’s face, he knew it too.
• “That’s right pretty girl, give it to me. It’s okay, you can let it out. Cry if you have to, but let it out for me,” he coached you. He wasn’t lying. You were a fucking mess, drool everywhere, hands red from pulling at anything you could, and laying in a puddle of your own tears.
• You felt it again. There it goes, a shockwave starting in your clit. It shocked down to your toes and suddenly climbed it’s way up each leg. Chan let out a small chuckle when he felt your body convulse underneath his. You lost all control of your body. Not a single thought was left in your mind. You didn’t know anything anymore. You couldn’t utter a single word, only hold your breath and ride it out. It felt too fucking good. You cried and cried and cried until your body finally relaxed.
• Finally being able to catch your breath, you couldn’t stop your tears from coming out. One after another, they kept tumbling off your face. You were too overstimulated and too exposed to do anything else. You felt like a part of you had been released out of your body.
• “Shhhh, baby, shhhh,” Chan pet your head as he held it in place with one hand, kissing your forehead. “I’m here, I’m here. It’s okay,” he cooed. He continued kissing your forehead and petting your head, but the tears didn’t stop.
• Normally Chan would be concerned. But this time, it only agged him on. His baby was crying for him. His dick grew harder and harder at the sight of how beautiful you looked crying. The most raw emotions on total display for him to watch. He was in awe. This is what it was like to have a love. To have someone that you would give everything to. And he did mean everything.
• You were trying to compose yourself. Trying to contain your cries. “Channie, I- I love you,” you finally got out in a quiet tone.
• “I love you too baby. That’s why I have to do this.” You looked into his eyes as he slowly lined himself up at your entrance and started pushing into you. He went so slowly, it was like he was waiting for you to give him a sign. This new feeling wasn’t like the last- no. With him on your clit, it felt like love in its most lustful form. But this, this feeling of him being inside of you was way more than lust. It had to be in its own category. ‘This’, you thought, ‘is love in its most unadulterated, most lavish, and most whole form.’
• Chan couldn’t believe that he was finally fucking you. Scratch that, he wasn’t fucking you. He was making love to you in its most pure structure. He felt how tight you were as he slowly pulled himself in and out of you. He studied your face for any change in expression. You still had a few tears coming out, yes, but the look on your face seemed to have changed. Were you smiling?
• “Feels good, yeah princess?” He whispered against your neck while pushing himself deeper and deeper with each stroke.
• “Yes Channie. You feel so good. I feel so… full,” you breathed out, a big smile on your face with the occasional tear streaming down. These weren’t tears of overstimulation anymore, Chan realized. They were tears of love. And that got him more than anything this entire night.
• Chan put his whole body on top of you, squeezing you down into the mattress and resting his head right on top of yours, nose to nose and mouth lingering just above yours.
• “I want you to look at me baby,” he started, eyes full of passion. “I want you to look at me until we’re done, okay? Keep those big, beautiful eyes on me. I fucking love you more than anything in this world, y/n. You’re all mine now. No one else’s. I will love you and I will be with you in your very core until the day you die, don’t ever forget that.” His words grew harsher as he started thrusting into you harder.
• “My beautiful girl, why are you crying?” He wiped at a tear and kissed over your cheek, never letting up on his speed.
• “I just- I really fucking love you Channie. I fucking love you and I love the way you feel and I love you in your body, mind, and spirit. And god, I just fucking love adore you,” you cried out with a sense of defeat in your voice.
• A nerve struck Chan with that one. He could feel his whole body start to turn hot as he began to thrust even harder. “I fucking love you too baby. With everything in me. I’m gonna show it to you. I’m gonna cum inside you, yeah?” He picked up the pace even more- faster, harder. You remained with your eyes on his the whole time.
• “You’re gonna be good for me and let me use you? Let me breed you however the fuck I want? Let me go again and again until I put a baby inside you?” He clasped his hands into a fist above your head, holding his forearms tight around the sides of your head to anchor you in place below him. He was going as hard as he possibly could. You’d never seen him in this state before. His eyes were staring into you, hungry for more than just your body, but for your entire being. He was going to absolutely wreck you before it was over with, but God it felt so good. You felt so full, and you started to get hit in just the right spot inside. Over and over, he kept hitting it. So deep, you thought you were going to scream.
• “Yes, yes. Breed me. Do whatever you want. I will be a good girl for you. I will give you everything you want,” you roughly replied. You started to move your hips up with every thrust he gave, as if he could get even the slightest bit deeper inside you. You felt it though, and he did too.
• “You ARE a good girl for me, aren’t you baby? Because you were MADE for me. Say it. Say you were made for me,” he yelled, still piercing straight into you.
• “I was made for you, Channie!” you panted, about to lose your shit. If he kept this up, you were going to cum again. He felt too good. Every inch made you lose your breath.
• You watched as Chan put his mouth right on top of yours, not for a kiss, but just as a resting point. You thought you felt a tear drop down onto your face. You pulled your head back just the slightest to get a better look at him. Sure enough, he was crying. Silently albeit, but crying nonetheless. You felt him lock his strong arms around your head even tighter, gripping onto your hair now to stabilize himself as he reached his peak of hard, sloppy thrusts. He was all but throwing himself into you.
• “Who do you belong to?!” He cried out. “WHO DO YOU BELONG TO?”
• “You!” was all you could muster back.
• “And who do I belong to?”
• “Me!! You’re mine, you’re all fucking mine, Christopher. Fucking give it to me as hard as you can goddamn it!” By this point, the tears were there to stay. This was your man in his simplest form. Just a beautifully aching soul who wanted to have someone to belong to.
• “This is what I’ve finally waited for.” Chan slammed into you, tears now streaming in waves down his face. You rolled your hips into his at an even faster pace, needing to explode all over him. And needing him to explode inside of you. “I waited for you for so fucking long.” He almost choked on his own words, crying out while saying them. “And finally I got my prize. You, my beautiful girl.” Deeper thrust. “We will never be alone again.” Deeper thrust and an even deeper cry. “Together forever okay? Until my last breath I will fucking love you.” Deeper thrust, sobs coming uncontrollably. He continued to pound into you as you cried out.
• “I’m cumming, baby, I’m cumming!” you screamed, pulling his face to latch his lips onto yours. You heard him scream into your mouth as you twitched all around him. You suddenly felt full up to the top of your head. This is the only thing you would ever need again. You wrapped your legs tightly around his torso, pulling him closer and rubbing yourself up and down on him to ride out your high.
• “Wrap your legs tight baby, I’m going to cum in you right fucking now. You better- FUCK,” he screamed into you as he felt you squeeze down onto him with your walls and with your legs. “You better take all of this fucking cum and hold it in there. You are going to HOLD IT IN. Looking so fucking pretty with my baby in you. Take it baby, FUCKING TAKE IT,” he yelled with a loud moan. He thrust as hard as he possible could, and yelled out all kinda of profanities when you felt him twitch inside of you, letting every last drop of cum out. You stayed flush against him with your legs wrapped around, writhing to ride him up and down to make sure he could ride out his high.
• “Fuck baby, fuck!” He screamed, trying to pull away from you, but you had him locked in. You kept going and going until he got his payback. Now HE was overstimulated. Crying again, you couldn’t help but have a grin on your face. Crying all for you. What a fucking beautiful man.
• Once his tears stopped and his breathing calmed a bit, you slowly stopped your moving up and down. You decided to keep him inside though, your legs still dangling around his sides.
• “Let’s stay like this for a minute, yeah?” Chan panted into your hair.
• You just smiled up into him, head smothered up to the side of his neck. Your heart was swollen to 10x its normal size.
• “You are so good for me,” he said after a few moments, finally looking down to kiss your forehead. “You know what this means?” He giggled down at you with the cheesiest grin on his face.
• “What’s that?” you looked up to his eyes. They were the prettiest shade of brown you had ever seen. You still felt so warm, so full, with his cock still living inside of you.
• “We are tied together forever now. Which means I get to haunt the shit out of you in every lifetime after this,” he laughed, squeaking a little at how funny he thought he was. There was your goofy boyfriend again. ‘Yeah, I could be content with this life,’ you thought.
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livesworthlivingau · 3 months
Lives Worth Living Chapter 19
Spoilers for ISAT/Two Hats, you know the drill. CW: Descriptive lightly gore-y depictions.
(You slowly lift your heavy eyelid open as you lie in bed. Breathing hurts, everything hurts really. Your body is still incredibly sore, your throat is raw and ravaged, your feet blistered and throbbing. The only comfort is feeling your head against a familiar, warm surface, hearing that gentle heartbeat that's soothed you so much over the years...)
"Isa..." (You mumble softly, weakly looking up towards his face. He was absolutely passed out, snoring softly, mouth wide open with drool oozing down in his sat up position. You give a soft smile of comfort at this, just remaining in his slumbering embrace as long as you can.)
"Is Frin gonna be okay?"
"I-I think so! I don't know what happened but the healing seemed to help. Th-They'll just need a lot of rest after everything he's been through."
=You sip your breakfast tea as Mirabelle explains Siffrin's condition. Flashes of that shade flowing in your mind as you ponder what the gems could have caused such a thing.=
"How long is that gonna take?..." =Boniface asks, looking both worried for Siffrin's sake and disappointed it will take longer to seek out the bright star they saw in the sky.=
"I-I'm not sure Bonnie, probably at least a few days..." =Boniface doesn't respond, just looking down with a sad expression.=
"We can check on Siffrin when he wakes up, if you'd like. He seems to be doing better so I'm sure he'd want to see you too, Boniface." =They respond with only a slight nod, staying quiet. You wish Isabeau wasn't preoccupied, he was always better with the emotional stuff. It was getting as exhausting as the hike was.=
"Nnghh... Sif?... You awake?" (Isa mumbled softly in his tired state. You flutter your eye open and glance up at him tiredly, giving as big of a smile as you could muster. He tiredly wraps his arms around you carefully, pulling you into a close hug but not wanting to hurt your already abused form.)
"Isa..." (You rasp out through your thrashed throat, savoring the hug before you hear a sniffle and feel some wet drops falling to your head.)
"I'm so glad you're okay Sif... I-I..." (He stammers through his sobbing... You can't remember ever seeing him like this, in your whole 30 years with him he was always able to hold his emotions well even in extreme moments. Sure he'd cry at really cute things or watching a really sad play but... never quite like this.)
"I-I'm sorry..." (You feel his grip tighten some around you, taking a couple deep breaths to try and calm himself.)
"D-Don't be... Thank you Sif, for continuing to fight. I love you so much." (He lifts you gently, kissing your forehead as you smile again, weakly squeezing him back. He keeps you in this close embrace for a while before finally loosening his grip, pulling an arm away so he could wipe his tears.)
"S-So... Are you ready to see everyone? I'm sure they'd love to know you're doing better!" (He says, back to his usual chipper self after a couple deep breaths. You give a light nod, slowly sitting up and climbing to the edge of the bed. Before you can manage to climb off on your own, you let out a surprised little squeak when Isa lifts you up, carrying you bonded style. Your face burns darkly at this, but you just lay your head against his chest, not putting up any protest.)
"Hehe, sorry Sif, I still think you should take it real easy, so no walking for you~! Doctor Isa's orders!"
"Did someone order a Sif? Sorry, they got a little banged up in transit." =Isabeau joked, causing Mirabelle and Boniface to giggle as you just roll your eyes with the lightest smirk. Siffrin desperately wants to hide their blushing face but can't without their cloak. He does look more emotionally stable though, so that's a good sign.=
"Siffrin! How are you feeling? D-Do you need anymore healing?"
"N-No, I think you got all you could." =His voice was so soft you could barely hear it from the other side of the table. You still aren't sure what caused that episode earlier. Why was that color back? Why was he hacking it up? There's too many factors at play and he seems in no state for long winded answers. It seems those questions must remain unanswered for now.=
"F-Frin? Are you okay?" =Boniface asks as they get up, walking closer. They look up at him worriedly, but his soft smile and holding out a hand for them to take helps put them at ease.=
"I'm better... I'll be okay soon, I promise."
"Super duper promise?..." =He smiles a bit brighter and holds up his pinkie. Whatever this gesture means, their face lights up, bringing their own pinkie to it and curling it around his.=
"OH! You must be starving!! What do you want to eat Frin?!" =They shout, quickly looking in the cabinets and bags for whatever ingredients they had.=
"Whatever it is, please make sure it's soft Bonnie, Sif's throat is still pretty thrashed."
"Got it, Za!" =Without hesitation they got to work on some extravagant meal, putting in the extra effort for the sake of the situation.=
"A-Are you sure you're okay enough to eat?" =Siffrin nodded, his stomach sounding out as if for emphasis.=
"He can't get much better without eating, it's been nearly 3 days since you've had a meal..." =Isabeau remarked worriedly, giving Siffrin a nervous stare. To help reassure their large companion, they laid their head on his shoulder before speaking.=
"I'm okay... I promise, just need some rest and food." =His voice is still practically a whisper. You sigh to yourself as you have very little to add to this conversation, all you have is more questions, more theories, none of which can be answered right now... A meal and rest would have to do for now, but you would need to get some answers soon.=
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nmakii · 6 months
Hi!! I saw that you’re taking Hazbin requests and was wondering if I could request one!😊 I’d love to request an Angel Dust x gn!reader oneshot where Angel doesn’t have anyone to watch Fat Nuggets for him while he’s at work, but reader feels bad and offers to help him out? This is set before they’re dating, like reader really likes Angel (pretty much crushing on him) but doesn’t feel like Angel notices them much, so in an effort to put themselves out there, they volunteer to help, especially since they know how much Fat Nuggets means to Angel. Angel is a bit hesitant at first, not knowing how qualified they really are to take care of his baby, but he sees how sincere they are in taking on this responsibility, so to put them to the test, he agrees. Of course, Nuggs is a little mischievous at first, but instantly warms up to reader☺️
Later on, Angel comes back and sees how well reader and Nuggs are getting along and he’s just all soft and mushy at how adorable they are😍 Angel’s known about reader’s crush on him for a while and would always playfully tease them about it, thinking that it was just because they were a fan, but seeing this, he can’t help but notice how caring and sweet reader really is😍 and if Nuggs likes them enough, then that says a lot. In the end, Angel thanks them and in true Angel Dust fashion, suggests that they should get to have their own “play date” next time😏😉 in which reader is all flustered and is thinking “fuck… I didn’t expect to get this far”😳 but Angel laughs, eating up their reaction, saying that he’s just teasing and would genuinely like to get to know reader more. And then they share a really cute, fluffy moment (with Angel giving a little cheek kiss😘) in the end💕💕💕
I’m so sorry this is insanely long!! My brain got carried away and went off but if you’re willing to write this request, I would absolutely appreciate it! If not, no worries!! Thank you love!!🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
— falling in love can make you do silly things. especially when it’s angel dust you’re falling for.
— i get it Y/N. i did the exact same thing (i j bought him cup noodles and i gotta chill out) happy birthday to me and angel hehe!
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“fuck me..” angel groaned out. “isn’t that what’s about to happen..?” husk raised his eyebrow at angel. “hah!” angel rolled his eyes at husk’s joke. “val wants me to head to the studio… something about dick fight island or whatever…” he scrunched his face at the corny plots valentino wrote. “hey, whiskers! can ‘ya take care ‘a fat nuggets till i’m back?” angel asked, keeping fat nuggets close to his body.
“ah… angel, ‘ya mind if i take care of him?” you asked, heart racing as you did. “i…i mean husk is kinda busy with manning the bar… ‘n i don’t have much to do, so i could take care of him!” you explained, hands fidgeting as you nervously looked angel in the eye.
“eh…” angel thought for a second. your explanation was logical, but you and him were not as close as say, angel and husk. “shit, fine. why the hell not? i trust ‘ya.” he shrugged.
he looked down at fat nuggets, wondering what might happen when he’s gone, before hesitantly handing him over. fat nuggets squeals a bit under your care, feistily wiggling around in your arms.
angel laughed as he watched you struggle to keep fat nuggets still. “haha! hope you can deal with him. anyways, i gotta head out now.” he frowned before pinching you on the nose and leaving.
in all honesty, fat nuggets was not much of a problem. he was affectionate and not at all messy. all you had you do was feed and tend to his grooming.
when angel returned, he found you and fat nuggets fast asleep on the couch of the leisure room. your arms cradle him as fat nuggets’ hooves rest on your shoulders, all while having a blanket over you.
the two of you looked so sweet, as if a parent with their child. angel almost didn’t want to wake you up. almost.
you forget that this is angel dust.
angel reached a claw under your jaw and started tickling you until you woke up. “mornin’, sleeping beauty!” angel grinned as fat nuggets climbed his way into angel’s arms.
“aww… did’ya miss me, nuggs?” angel smiled, petting fat nuggets. he looked up to see you blushing from you and angel’s close proximity to each other. angel only grins. “what’s up? never got close enough before?”
“no! it’s nothing.” you said, moving your eyes to anywhere but angel’s. he shrugs it off. “thanks a lot again, i appreciate it.” he smiled, his eyes showing a moment of genuine gratitude. “ya’know… next time, i could leave nuggs with good ‘ol whiskers, then you and i could have… a playdate of our own?” he smirked, pushing his forehead against yours while placing his lower set of hands on your waist.
you froze under angel’s touch, brain trying to think of a response. angel simply laughs, eating up your reaction to his advances. “i’m just teasin’! it’ll be a long time before i let ‘ya touch me anywhere. chill, will ‘ya?” he grinned.
“but, if you’re interested…” he starts. “i wouldn’t mind a dinner tomorrow.” he grinned, winking as if to tempt you even further.
you thought to yourself before speaking “ah, sure..! what you say dinner at 7? i’ll meet you down here.” you said. “‘ya betcha. i’ll see you tomorrow then, babycakes.” angel smiled, peppering your face with kisses before he returned to his room, fat nuggets in hand.
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moni-logues · 11 months
A Dream Come True
Pairing: Jin x reader (afab)
Genre: roommates-to-lovers, smut/pwp
Content: masturbation (reader), use of a vibrator, protected sex
Word count: 3k
Summary: You've been fantasising about your roommate (and making it obvious) for weeks; Jin has been a little slow on the uptake, desperate to avoid awkwardness and embarrassment. It's only when he's tired and worn down from work that he finds himself able to skip over his self-consciousness and you get to find out what happens when dreams come true.
A/N: hehe, it's another repost! I feel like I haven't reposted anything for a bit. This one has had a pretty reasonable facelift but is not unrecognisable haha. The smut has (i hope) been improved significantly but that's really where most of the editing went (shocking, in a pwp, huh). It's not been read over or edited since the editing, so I might nip back and check it over tomorrow when I'm better rested haha. anyway, hope you enjoy! Missing Jin hours are always open!
* * *
It’s been a long day. You’re tired. You’re frustrated. You feel all this pent-up aggression inside you that won’t go away. You’ve been to the gym; you’ve hit that punching bag a thousand times, but you’re still too tightly-wound to sleep. You look at your phone. It’s late. You pick it up and unlock it, then pause. You were about to message a particular ‘friend’ of yours, but you think better of it. You’re not sure when Seokjin will get back and you don’t want him overhearing – not because you’re embarrassed; you just don’t want him to think you’re unavailable. You need it to be clear to him that there’s nothing standing in his way… if he wants to go there, that is. 
Truth be told, you’re not sure he does want that. You feel as if you’ve been obvious enough recently; you live together, for god’s sake, so there’s plenty of opportunity! But he hasn’t taken the bait. You can’t decide whether this is because he’s not noticed (possible) or he has noticed but is pretending not to so he doesn’t have to out-and-out reject you (also possible, but you hope not the case). You feel reasonably confident, knowing him as well as you do, that he would do the right thing and tell you if you were barking up the wrong tree. But that doesn’t explain why he hasn’t given any indication that he’s picked up on your feelings. Short of walking around naked or grabbing and kissing him on a random Thursday night, there’s not a lot you haven’t done to make it clear. Or that’s what you think anyway; you’ve never had to work quite this hard before. Sometimes it makes it difficult to hope. Other times (like right now), it makes you frustrated. 
You were already frustrated and this has not helped. you shake your head and blow out a a deep breath; there’s no point getting annoyed about it and there’s no point making any sort of decision or taking any kind of action now: it’s late and brains do not work well at night. No good decisions are made after 9pm. You know this. 
You finish brushing your hair and slide into bed, taking some slow, calming breaths. You close your eyes and continue thinking about Jin but in slightly different terms. You fantasise about what you would do if you were together; when he comes in from work, so late, so over-worked, and you kiss him gently and take off his clothes. He wraps his long arms around you and sucks at your neck. He’s tired, but never too tired for you. As if your lips were electricity, each kiss makes him feel more alive. He lifts you and carries you over to the bed where you straddle him and grind your hips, his cock already hard, already straining against the thin fabric of his underwear. 
You imagine wrapping your fingers around him then your lips. You don’t just imagine your hand running down your body and slipping into your own underwear. You’re wet and aching for him. Naturally.  
“Fuck,” you whisper to yourself; you have got it bad. Big time.  
A thought passes fleetingly into your head: god, what would happen if he came in right now? if he knew what I was thinking? A tremor of excitement runs through your body like an electric shock. 
What if he liked it? 
You know, somewhere in your Smart Brain, that if he came in right now, things would not unfold in the way you are fantasising, that it would likely be awkward and embarrassing and could ruin things between you forever. But your Smart Brain is so not in control anymore. So you let your mind continue to roam around his body—his body and yours, tangled, entwined, hot, sticky, hearts racing, blood rushing. You bite your lip, trying to be quiet and then remember that he’s not even home, so you let yourself be loud. It’s not the real deal but this is as close as you can get and besides, who knows your body better than you do? 
*  *  * 
It’s been a long day. Jin is tired. He looks at the clock and can’t believe he’s not even left the building yet. They had been promised that they’d get off at a reasonable hour today; it was assured. Then things just kept coming up and now it’s almost 11pm and he’s still at work. He rubs a hand across his eyes and sighs, blinking hard. His contacts are bothering him but he doesn’t have his glasses – it was supposed to be a short day after all. It’s giving him a headache and he can’t concentrate. What is even the point of their being there? No one makes good decisions so late at night. 
He stands suddenly and announces that he’s off home. He tells the others to do the same; they can get back to work tomorrow but, right now, they all need their rest. 
He had cycled in this morning, but there’s no way he’s going to ride his bike all the way back home. He takes a taxi and almost nods off in the backseat. He trudges into the building, leaning heavily against the lift wall as it takes him to his floor. He has to heave himself off it when the doors open, moving so slowly that they almost shut before he makes it out.  
When he gets into the apartment, he sighs with relief: finally home. Like a weight instantly lifted, he feels lighter, more comfortable, even just standing in the hallway.  
He walks to the kitchen and grabs a glass of water, drinking it at the sink, wondering if you’re still awake. He feels grumpy and frustrated and would really like to hang out for a bit, chill and unwind, but he doesn’t want to disturb you. 
He’s felt things change between you recently and he’s not sure what to do about it. Initially flustered by your sudden flirting, he feels like he has missed his window to respond appropriately and has just made things awkward. It’s not that he’s not interested, not at all, but it’s different when you live with someone. You can’t go home from a date when you live with the person you’re dating; it’s like living on a date and who wants that? It’s complicated- well, it would be complicated if anything happened between you. He’s thought about it; he really has. A lot, actually. Come to think of it now, he looks towards your bedroom door – slightly ajar – and, in the silence of the apartment, his ears focused, he hears you. 
*  *  * 
One hand tightly grips the sheets whilst the other holds your favourite vibrator against you. You rut against it, trying to let go and give in, but frustration lingers. It’s not the same. All you can think about is Jin, the mysteries of his long, lean body, his unknown face as he comes, the unheard sounds of pleasure escaping his lips. 
Jin stands just outside your room, and he’s about to knock but something stops him. He knows this could be a disastrous move. Awful. Could ruin everything. But he’s tired and not necessarily thinking straight and he also knows that this could be the very thing to get the two of you over this hump. 
He opens your door and walks in. With your eyes shut, you don’t see him enter but you notice his presence and your eyes fly open as he shuts the door with a click. Your eyes meet and his expression is unreadable. You aren’t sure what to do; this could be the very thing you’ve just been fantasising about or it could be the most excruciatingly embarrassing moment you’ve ever shared. 
“Are you thinking about me?” Jin asks, not breaking eye contact.  
He starts to unbutton his shirt and it’s discarded on the floor before you’ve even processed his question. 
Your heart is beating even faster now as adrenalin floods your system. You feel your mouth suddenly go dry as you take in his bare chest, his fingers unbuckling his belt, pushing his trousers to the floor. You must be dreaming. Literally. You’ve fallen asleep and this is a dream because there’s no way Jin just walked into your room, no way he’s standing over you looking at you with thinly veiled desire in his eyes, no way he’s palming at his cock, stiffening quickly under his touch, straining against the fabric of his underwear. 
“Yes,” you whisper in response, your voice taken by your breathlessness. You nod for good measure. 
He nods. 
“I’ve been thinking about you, too.” 
Then he hooks his thumbs in the waistband of his boxers and drags them down his legs, stepping out of them, coming closer, kneeling over you. Your mouth opens and closes, trying to catch a word, a sound, something but there’s nothing, nothing until he slips two fingers inside you and you can’t stop the whine that leaves your mouth. Nor can you stop the tilt of your hips, the clench of your walls. He smirks, withdraws, and puts those two fingers at your mouth. Still eye-to-eye, you close your lips around his fingers and suck. His eyelids flutter briefly and you see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. You’re transfixed just looking at him. 
Having licked his fingers clean, he pulls them back from your mouth and the world seems to stop spinning for a moment. Time holds its breath as you and Seokjin look at each other, pausing for a fraction of a second... 
Then it passes and, instantly, you’re in each other’s arms. You bite at his bee-stung lips and he sweeps your hair aside to kiss your jaw and your neck and your shoulder. Your bodies press so closely together, you can feel his heart thumping in his chest; you run your hands through his hair, across his shoulders, down his arms. You can feel him pressed against your thigh and your walls clench in anticipation. It’s quick and frantic and a blur of lips and limbs and breathless words barely uttered, barely heard. It really is like a dream, everything moving simultaneously too fast and too slow, everything a blur and everything in hyper-focus; real and fantastical and you feel so fully in your body as he touches you whilst also feeling disembodied, like you’re floating above yourself watching this happen. Your skin is alight, everywhere, burning where he presses his lips, tingling where he lays his hands. They wander down your body and spread goosebumps all over, a spark shivering down your spine. It’s already almost overwhelming. And you had been so, so close before he interrupted.  
You’re suddenly impatient. As much as you are enjoying this part, you can’t wait any longer. Turning quickly, you grab a condom from your bedside table and make quick work of its application. You grab Jin’s shoulders and pull him around, pushing him back against the headboard. Without wasting another second, you take his hot, heavy cock and lower yourself onto it, sighing as you take him all the way to the hilt. Then you pause. 
You stay like that for a beat. It feels so fucking good to be so fucking full of him but there’s a stretch to accommodate all of him and you give yourself a second to adjust. A second in which his hands squeeze hard at your glutes, in which his lips press lightly at your jaw and his teeth graze at the delicate skin of your neck. There’s a shudder as he bites down and you keen, clenching against him until he groans.  
You start to roll your hips and it somehow isn’t anything at all like you imagined. Reality has obliterated your fantasies and you can’t even remember what you had been thinking about minutes prior. He’s hotter and leaner and bigger and smoother and stronger. As you stare into his dark, dark eyes, you still can’t bring yourself to believe that this is real, but you can‘t believe it is a dream either because you couldn’t have imagined the exact way the head of his cock hits your g-spot just right with each stroke; you couldn’t have imagined the sounds he’s making or the words he’s saying. He fills your vision, the rest of the room – the rest of the world – a blur to you now.  
You lean your head on his shoulder to catch your breath for a moment and Jin wraps his arms around you, rolling and then lowering you onto your back. He kisses you deeply and guides himself back into you, thrusting slowly at first, then picking up the pace. His eyebrows are brought together in a light frown, his mouth pouty and slack; you look at him, making a study of his face, this face that you’ve imagined a thousand times but never seen before. You think he is a work of art.  
You tip your head back and he kisses your chest, sucking on your nipple as his fingers rub teasingly at your clit. You feel full and tight, your entire body stretched to its limits, ready to burst, ready to pop. You’re back at the cliff’s edge again, teetering over it, and then Jin’s fingers press harder, move faster and your rhythm stumbles. Every muscle in your body goes tense, your teeth catching flesh between them, your nails digging into his shoulders as you come. You hear him pant, vocal little ‘ah’s as your cunt clutches him in spasm. Then all the tension and frustration leaves your body at once.  
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” you whisper in his ear, hands wandering to any part of his body you can reach. “I’ve imagined this so many times.” 
He kisses your cheek and his hair tickles your face. So many times you’ve thought about this happening and so many details you’ve missed: the smell of his shampoo, the long dip in his back where his spine sits, the flush in his cheeks, the way his fingers wrap all the way around your wrist. 
“And is it like you imagined?” he asks, his voice breathy and strained. 
He stutters and looks at you, surprised, confused. 
“It’s so much better,” you purr. 
He laughs and shakes his head. You tilt your hips and bring your legs up, allowing him to get even deeper, and he thrusts harder in response, gripping your thigh tightly. It hits you, this post-orgasm clarity, the reality of this situation. It is happening. Really, truly for real. A thousand and one of your fantasies coming true at once. A shiver ripples through you and you can feel the pressure building inside you again.  
Jin is fucking you. Jin, with one hand tangled in your hair. Jin with those big, brown eyes looking, right at you, right now. Jin whose stupid laugh wakes you up when he’s gaming at 3am. Jin who will watch whatever you put on the telly, no matter how much he claims to hate it. Jin who cooks for you. Jin who tells his mother when you’re ill so she will make her home remedies to make you better. Jin who is kind and sweet and funny and (not so) secretly sensitive and wise and-… that Jin. That Jin. Your Jin. Your friend. Your roommate. That Jin is fucking you. That Jin is kissing you and praising you and putting one hand between your flushed, hot bodies to find your clit.  
“Fuck,” you whimper, your toes starting to curl. 
He starts moving faster and the wave of pleasure hits you again. Submerged in a sea of ecstasy, you pull him under with you and feel his muscles twitch as he comes with a grunt, with a gasp, with you. He presses his forehead against yours and you pull his face closer, kissing him so hard you can’t breathe. He kisses your lips and your cheeks, your ear and jaw and neck. He lies heavily on top of you, breathing deeply. 
There’s not a breath of space between you and the moment hangs suspended, like a sword of Damocles. This probably shouldn’t have happened like this. One of you is going to have to say something, shine the light on this now that you’re both sated and spent. You’re going to have to talk about this, properly. But, right at this moment, neither of you is thinking about that. Neither of you is thinking much at all. Just feeling: your hot skin pressed together, the tiny breeze of his breath against your neck, the pounding of your heart in your chest; you’ve never been more fully in your body than you are now.  
Jin groans as he lifts himself up and off you, crossing the room to throw away the condom. You see his eyes glance down at his discarded clothes, but you don’t want him to put them on. It’s cold in the space that he’s left in your bed and you want him back there. You beckon him and he obeys, crawling in next to you and curling into your side.  
“You were back late,” you say after a minutes or two’s silence, mostly just for something to say, because it feels like one of you has to. 
Jin grunts in response and you aren’t even sure if he’s still conscious, his eyelashes fluttering against his cheeks.  
“Work,” he mumbles eventually. “I’m going to call in sick tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, you should, too.”  
“Why’s that?” 
“We’ve come down with something terrible,” he explains, tightening his grip on you. “We can’t even make it out of bed.” 
You can feel his lips stretch against your skin as he grins and you roll your eyes, but you’re smiling, too.  
“Is that right?” 
He nods. 
“Yeah, I think it’ll be at least 24 hours until we’re better.”  
“I was thinking 48.” 
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oqwomyo · 4 months
Ammon's Birthday Card 2024 Translation.
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Part 1.
Now is the time when it is getting warmer and the flowers in the garden are starting to bloom beautifully. Tomorrow will be Ammon's birthday. Birthdays this year... I've already decided what I'll give to the butlers. A ring that can be worn on the pinky. Wearing this ring... They say that the meaning of it is to “prevent happiness from leaving.” Having learned this meaning, I immediately went to Ammon, preparing a small rose quartz ring. Wanting to prepare a special atmosphere for presenting a gift, I wrote a letter to Ammon. 
"Let's have dinner together on your birthday." 
After the butlers fell asleep... I left a letter under the door to the butlers' room on the second floor. 
Looking forward to Ammon's reaction to the letter, I fell asleep that day...
*Knock Knock* 
Ammon: Master. Can i come in?
You: Of course.
Come in. 
Ammon: Good morning, master. 
You: Good morning, Ammon. 
Ammon: A love letter from master. I got it right ♪
You: Lo-love letter?
Ammon took my letter out of his pocket.
Ammon: According to the letter, master wants to have dinner with me...
Ammon: What you meant is... That you're going on a date with me today, right?
You: Um...
I explained the situation to him. Today is Ammon's day... I want us to go somewhere together and enjoy the atmosphere of this day to the fullest. At the end I would like to enjoy dinner together... And at dinner we will decide where to go next. I told him that since it is his birthday, I want him to enjoy the day without any hesitation. 
Ammon: Hehe. It's not a date after all~
Ammon: I'm very glad that the master loves me so much ♪
You: "Love you", you say...
Glad you liked it. 
Ammon: Nooo~ Anyway, I'm glad we cleared up this misunderstanding. 
Ammon: After reading this letter... I was so carried away that I thought about a date with the master. 
You: Have you thought about a date?
Ammon: And I still think about it. 
Ammon: Although, it’s probably better not to get too carried away.
Ammon: Having received such a letter from master... I am sure that there is no one who wouldn't be worried. 
You: Fufu, right?
Ammon: Of course. 
You: Have you already decided where you want to go?
Ammon: I have. 
Ammon: Wherever master wants, I will go there too. What would you like to do?
You: I will go wherever Ammon wants. 
Ammon: Hehe. I understand, master. 
Ammon: Master, who prepared such an important day for me... I'll definitely have fun today ♪
Ammon: Then, rely on me today. 
Ammon: Now that we've decided on today's schedule...
Ammon: I still have unfinished business. I'll come pick you up as soon as I'm ready. 
And so... We decided to split up and get ready for the walk. 
*Knock Knock*
Ammon: Master, I'm ready. 
Ammon: Can I come in?
You: Yes. 
Come in. 
Ammon: Excuse me, Master. 
Ammon came into my room again, only in a different suit. 
You: This suit...
Ammon: Hehe. Does it suit me?
Ammon: This suit... I think it suits me. 
Ammon: From master's point of view... Does it?
You: That's a nice suit.  
It suits you. 
Ammon: I'm glad. Fleure made this suit for me. 
Ammon: The way I look in this suit... I'll definitely make sure you don't forget ♪
Ammon: Well, then... Let's go. 
Ammon: There's a carriage waiting outside. 
You: Understood.
And so... We got into the carriage that Ammon had prepared. 
After a few minutes of rocking in the carriage... We were in front of a cafe in Espoir. 
Ammon: So, master. Come in. 
Ammon: This is the cafe for today. 
Ammon: By the way, this is my favorite cafe. 
Ammon: The owner of this cafe is a rare person who treats devil butlers well... I'm sure we'll have a good time. 
You: Right. 
Owner: I was waiting for you. I will now take you to your table. 
It looks like Ammon had reserved a table in advance... As soon as we entered the cafe... The owner took us to a place where we would be hard to notice. 
Ammon: Master...
Ammon: Since we have a date today... Is it okay if I sit with you?
You: Certainly. 
Ammon: Thank you, master. 
Ammon: Then, excuse me. 
Ammon pulled out a chair for me to sit... After that he sat down on the opposite side from me.
Ammon: Master, is it okay if I choose our lunch...? I have one recommendation. 
Ammon: I'm sure, master will like it too. 
You: Then please. 
Ammon: Got it. 
Then Ammon called the owner... Soon they brought us lunch. 
Ammon and I were quite pleased with our lunch. After this we enjoyed tea. 
Ammon: Well, I think now is the time...
Ammon called the owner over and whispered something in his ear. 
You: What did you say?
Ammon: Eh? Nothing. 
Ammon: Well, master... How about a dessert?
Ammon: The desserts in this cafe are very tasty. I hope the master will like it too. 
You: Fine. 
Ammon: Hehe... Got it. 
Ammon: Then.... Mhm?
Suddenly Ammon... As if he realized something, his face became serious. 
You: What happened, Ammon?
When I looked in the direction where Ammon was looking... I saw several well-built men approaching me.
You: These people..?
Ammon: Uh. I do not know either. 
Ammon: But they give off a strange aura. 
Ammon: If they talk to you, I will answer... So please don't go anywhere. 
Man A: ...You two. The devil butler and his master. 
Ammon: Right... Who are you?
Man A: By order of Finlay-sama... We were sent by the Grobaner family. 
Man A: Master of the Devil Butlers... We will take you to the Grobaner Mansion. 
You: Eh? Me?
Man A: Also note that no chaperone is required. The order is that only master is needed. 
Ammon: Are you saying... Only master is called to the Grobaner mansion?
Ammon: This is bad...
Ammon: I can’t just entrust a precious master to strangers like that. 
Ammon: If you take the master, I'm going with you. This is the final decision. 
You: Ammon...
And for some time the men shouted that they would only take me... But in the end, they allowed Ammon to accompany me. 
Ammon: Master... I'm really sorry we're wasting our time on this. 
You: It's okay.
Don't worry.
Ammon: Let's quickly deal with these people... And then we will continue our date. 
Ammon and I followed the men's instructions and left the cafe... We got into the prepared carriage.
Part 2.
Besides me and Ammon, there were other men in the carriage... Tension was in the air. 
Ammon: (This... This is not the road to the Grobaner mansion. At the end of this road... There is a forest and... An unused warehouse. If I remember correctly, this warehouse, according to the latest rumors, is used for kidnappings. You can't believe the rumors, but this is definitely an unsafe place. But I still can’t say that the Grobaner family has nothing to do with these men. Let’s wait a little longer and see how things turn out.)
Ammon: (Besides... If these guys were kidnappers... If it was for money, they would have immediately attacked... As long as there is no danger to master, I will collect information.)
Considering the atmosphere in the carriage and the serious expression on Ammon's face, I became increasingly agitated. 
You: (Is everything really okay...)
Ammon then noticed my condition and whispered to me. 
Ammon: Master, everything is fine. While I'm here, don't worry about anything. 
Ammon: No matter what happens, I will definitely protect master. 
Ammon: However, if you are still worried... Would you like to hold my hand?
Ammon: Here you are, master. 
The previous expression disappeared from Ammon's face as he extended his hand to me. Ammon looked like he was having fun waiting for me to take his hand. Feeling that he was the same as always, I felt relieved. I took his hand and smiled back. 
You: Thank you, Ammon. 
Ammon: Hehe. My pleasure. 
Ammon: I would be happy if master could rely on me. 
Ammon: .....U~m. And yes, master...
Ammon: Since when is your face so red?
Ammon: Maybe... Are you impressed by my cool speeches?
You: D-Don't tease me in this situation. 
Ammon: Hehe. Cute ♪
Ammon: I'm glad I made master's heart flutter. 
Ammon: Our date may have been interrupted... But my plan will now be even more successful ♪
You: Yeah...
Looking at Ammon's contented face... I feel safe. I waited patiently for the carriage to stop...
You: Oh, has the carriage arrived?
Ammon: Oh, looks like we've arrived at our destination. 
Ammon: Judging by the distance, we are not that far from the city...
Ammon: ...This... There is no doubt that this is the same warehouse....
You: Eh? Warehouse?
Ammon: Ah~ No, no. These are just rumors. 
At the same time... The man who was traveling with us forcefully opened the carriage door. 
Man A: Well, we've arrived. Come out. 
You: Eh?
Man A: Didn't you hear? Come out quickly!
The arrival point was not Grobaner Mansion... I was surprised to hear the man's harsh words... I suddenly lost the ability to move. 
Man A: Tch. Don't you understand?
The man got angry... He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the carriage. I get up in a hurry, but the man's pull causes me to lose my balance on the stairs. 
You: Whoa..!
( I'm falling...!)
Ammon: Master..!
At that moment, Ammon grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. 
Ammon: Ha... That was dangerous. I was scared for a moment. 
Ammon's hand hugged my waist tightly... He supports me so that I don't fall. His hands were much more masculine than I imagined. 
You: T-thank you, Ammon. 
Ammon: Sorry for catching you so late. I was surprised you were captured so suddenly. 
Ammon: Are you okay?
You: Yes, thanks to Ammon. 
Ammon: I'm really glad...
Ammon: And by the way... Guys, you've had enough...
Man A: Hee...!
Ammon stares at the man who grabbed my arm earlier. The man got scared and took a step back. 
Ammon: Master, let's go out. 
You: Mm. 
As Ammon carefully led me out of the carriage... He took out his whip. 
Ammon: So...
Ammon: It takes a lot of courage to be so cruel to my master.
Ammon: First of all... Who said you can touch master?
Ammon: No one, except me, can touch master without permission.
Unlike the relaxed voice before... Ammon's voice was now filled with anger.
Man A: Hee...!
Man B: Don't be afraid..!
Man B: Even if it's the devil's butler... We have a numerical advantage..!
Man B: This will be an easy win..!
Men: Ooh!
Ammon: .....
You: Ammon...
Ammon: Master, please watch carefully.
Ammon: Bad people, frightening master... I will punish them all ♪
And hearing these lines of Ammon... The enraged people immediately rushed to attack.
Ammon: Master, don't look away from me.
Ammon: Master's passionate gaze... I want you to look only at me.
Ammon: Everything cool that is in me... Don't miss a second!
At this moment everything looked like it was on the stage of a play. Ammon successfully defeated the enemies with his whip. Every time he moved his hand... I heard the sound of the wind and the screams of the kidnappers.
Men: Gha!
Ammon: Hey hey, what's wrong~?
Ammon: Such slow attacks... No matter how hard you try, you cannot defeat me.
It seems that the place where we stopped was an enemy shelter. Enemies appeared one after another. But they immediately fall to the ground.
Ammon: It doesn't matter how many of you there are. I trained hard to protect my master.
Ammon: Today is my birthday... I will do you a special favor.
Ammon: I will make you feel the full force of my whip.
As if to confirm this... His whip never stopped swinging at his enemies.
Ammon: Even if you give up now, it's too late...!
Before we knew it, all the kidnappers had disappeared. Sometimes we could hear groans... It seems that now it is very difficult for them to move.
Ammon: So, this is the end.
Ammon: Hehe. Wasn't it a little overwhelming~?
Ammon: But maybe... The Master will understand how reliable I am.
Ammon: Master, don't you think I was cool?
You: Very cool.
Ammon: Hehe. Thank you.
Ammon: ... By the way... I was with you the whole time, so I think everything is fine, but...
Ammon: Master, are you not injured?
You: I'm fine.
Everything is fine.
Ammon: Yes? That's good...
Ammon: However... When we were riding in the carriage, you were roughly grabbed by the arm...
Ammon: Can I have a look?
You: Fine.
I extended my right hand to Ammon. He looked closely and finally smiled softly, feeling relieved.
Ammon: Okay... It's really okay.
Ammon: From the moment the master was pulled by the hand...
Ammon: I was a little worried that master might have hurt themselves or damaged their arm.
You: I'm sorry to trouble you.
Thank you for worrying about me.
You: Yes.
Ammon: Ha... Anyway, I'm glad you're okay.
Ammon: So, when everything is calm... Let's take a rest, and then go back to that cafe.
Ammon: There is still a carriage left here...
Ammon: But right now I want to take a walk with master.
You: Fine.
Ammon: The cafe is not far from here...
Ammon: Maybe master would also like to go for a walk?
Let's go.
Ammon: Thank you ♪
Ammon: Then...
Ammon: Take my hand, master.
You: Thank you.
Ammon is kind and accompanies me. I remember the feeling of his hand when he held me earlier... The feeling of his strong, courageous hands returned.
Having reported the location of the kidnappers, we returned to the cafe. 
Ammon: So, master. A lot has happened...
Ammon: The walk made me hungry. 
You: That's for sure. 
Ammon: Would you like to try the dessert I was talking about earlier?
You: Yes. 
Ammon: Hehe. 
Ammon: Then, get ready...
Ammon turned to the owner, who was observing the situation, and gave him a signal with his fingers. 
You: Ammon, what is it?
Ammon: This... There will be dessert soon. 
You: Eh? But you haven't ordered anything yet. 
Ammon: It's okay~
Hearing footsteps, I saw a smiling waitress carrying a large plate. There is a magnificent cake on the plate. The red and pink cream decorations are so cute. 
You: In-incredible...
Ammon: Hehe... Are you amazed by this cake?
You: Yes. 
Ammon: Actually, this is the first time I've seen this cake up close. He is as beautiful as a bouquet of flowers. 
You: Why this particular cake?
Ammon: Because... It was baked by my request. 
Ammon: Because only a few cakes are baked per day. I'm glad I managed to order it. 
Ammon: Thanks to the master’s letter yesterday, I managed to place my order on time. 
You: Is that so?
Several cakes a day... Ammon must have placed the order early in the morning. He ordered this cake after reading my letter... I felt happy, knowing that Ammon was trying to please me.
You: Thank you, Ammon. 
Ammon: Hehe. My pleasure. 
Ammon: To tell the truth, I was so excited to see the letter that I couldn't even sit still. 
Ammon: What would we do with master? What kind of master would I see?
Ammon: I've thought about this a lot. 
Ammon: I wanted to see master’s beloved smile. 
Ammon: That's why... I prepared such a surprise. 
You: Right...?
I'm so embarrassed...
Ammon: Well~ Some troubles happened, so I was wondering what would happen next.... But I'm glad that everything turned out okay. 
Ammon: Master, thank you for inviting me today. 
You: Thank you. 
Ammon: I was able to see master's smile... I'm really happy. 
And then we ate cake together. Ammon's look was so kind... And the cake, and Ammon's look... It was all so sweet. 
After drinking tea and relaxing...We left the cafe. 
And during sunset... We visited a luxurious restaurant to have dinner. 
Ammon booked a remote location. We were able to enjoy our dinner without worrying about our surroundings. 
Ammon: Phew~ It was very tasty. 
You: It was delicious. 
Ammon: Hehe. I'm glad master is happy. 
Ammon: Master... Today was a busy day..
Ammon: At least for a moment... Did your heart flutter?
You: Yes. 
It was trembling. 
Ammon: Hehe, right?
Ammon: Well, I shouldn't ask that...
Ammon: Master was so happy with me... I immediately understood everything. 
You: Wha-What?
Ammon: Watching master... I understood everything. 
Ammon: Master had it all written all over their face. 
Ammon: After all, I can watch master all day and not get tired. 
You: .....Ugh.
Ammon: But, master, is it possible to stay like this?
You: Eh? What do you mean?
Ammon: If this continues... I will begin to disturb the master's heart again. 
Ammon: Are you alright with me constantly flattering you?
Ammon: Hey hey. Next time, make my heart flutter. 
Ammon looks at me with a provoking look. Today he made my heart beat faster... In the end, I want to repay him with the same coin. I got a present for his birthday. 
You: Ammon, take this. 
In that small box that I took out... Of course, there was a small ring in it. 
Ammon: Eh? This..
You: A birthday gift. 
Ammon: Ahaha... Exactly. 
Ammon: I knew master would prepare something... But I didn't think you would hand it to me right now. 
You: Open it. 
Ammon: Right. 
Hearing my words, Ammon carefully opened the box. Inside, rose quartz emitted a gentle and gentle light. And I told Ammon everything. As a birthday present for Ammon, I decided to make a small ring... It meant: “I want Ammon to always be happy.” Therefore, I chose a ring with rose quartz. Rose quartz is considered a talisman in love. Looking at this pink pebble... It reminded me of Ammon, who makes my heart beat faster with his words. Having said this, I carefully placed the ring on Ammon's little finger. 
Ammon: Thank you, master...
Ammon: I have long been familiar with the meaning of rose quartz...
Ammon: But I never expected to receive something like this from master. This is really unexpected. 
Ammon: Suddenly my heart beats faster. 
You: Is it true?
I'm glad. 
Ammon: Making my heart flutter like that... As expected of master. 
Ammon: Hehe... By the way...
Ammon: I can't believe master is expressing their love with rose quartz on my birthday...
Ammon: In other words... Does this mean that the master looks at me in a special way?
You: Um...
In a special way...
Ammon: Oh, no need to be embarrassed. I know how the master feelings.
Ammon: In other words... It's true, right?
Ammon: Hehe. I'm the master's butler, so I won't say anything more...
Ammon: What kind of relationship does master want to have with me? I understand everything perfectly ♪
You: A-Ammon...
Ammon: Teasing master at such moments... It feels a little different. 
Ammon: Master... I always try to make your heart flutter...
Ammon: But feeling how your heart is pounding...
Ammon: My heart also beats for master. 
Ammon: It's not cool to say this, but...
Ammon: Even now... My heart is beating rapidly. 
Ammon: Hehe. I wonder why I said something like this...
Ammon: Now I'm feeling like I'm flying. 
Ammon: But today is my birthday. It's okay if I'm more frank.
Ammon looks at the ring with sincere joy. 
Ammon: Thank you very much. This gift exceeds all my expectations. 
Ammon: Master... I feel like master is taking care of me...
Ammon: No... Besides...
Ammon: I'm also excited talking about my master. 
Ammon: Of course, as a butler...
Ammon: And as a man. 
Ammon: When the master’s heart trembles... Mine trembles too...
Ammon: I'm not alone. 
Ammon: Such possessiveness... Maybe it's not like me...
Ammon: I always want to be with my master and be special to them. 
You: Ammon...
Ammon always acts like a little devil. But only today he made me bashful even more. But even though it touches my heart so much... I can't say that I don't like it. Rather... These conservations with him are somewhat comforting... Today I felt my heart beating faster so often... From the bottom of my heart I was glad that I could spend time with him like this.
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Dessert Paradise: Bitter-Step and Sugar
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{After accompanying Pilot Cookie and Whipped Cream Cookie on their adventure to the fabled: Dessert Paradise. Along with the return of Sugar Swan Cookie, things seem well... Yet something is amiss.}
[CROB SLIGHT Various / Reader]
Relaxing beside Pilot Cookie, you smile a bit as the older cookie re-counts the trip the three of you had been on.
"-AND SO... The
Nudging Whipped Cream Cookie slightly, you whisper: "I'm a bit suprised you could could carry me back to the plane. You didn't need too." You say, watching the dancer smile fondly at the memory.
"Ah, yes. Well, I couldn't help myself, I didn't want to loose you." He said softly, petting Black Sugar Ducks head kindly. The little fluff-ball squaking at him unhappily, yet she still nuzzled into his arms.
"O-oh.. Hehe." You take a deep breath, hoping your dough wouldn't become hotter. "Thanks, bud'." You turn away, giving your attention back to Pilot Cookie.
The ballerino pauses his petting, slowly reaching a hand out to your shoulder...
"Hey!" Black Sugar Duck quacked at him.
"O-oh, sorry.." The ballet dancers touch soothed her dark feathers. Glancing at his longing expression at you. Envious of him that he got to be so close to you. Much less carry you! Unfair!
"Hmph! You're a coward!" She stated, head raised high as she looked at him. "If I was like you, I could carry them whenever they wish." The small duck huffs at him, feathers ruffling up.
"What's this now?" You turn your attention to Black Sugar Duck and Whipped Cream Cookie, confused.
"O-oh, um..." His pink frosted eyes locked with your own. Words trailing off, not sure what to say.
The duckling sighs, giving her pity to him.
Stomping her flippers, she calls to you. "(Y/N) Cookie, I wanna' carry you too!"
You blink, a small giggle slips out as you gaze down at the bird. "Uh-.. Well, how about I hold you in my lap instead?" You give a look to Whipped Cream Cookie, to see if he was fine with it. The male merely smiles, nodding.
"... I'll consider it." She relents. Waddling over to your lap as she shuffles and gets comfortable. You in turn, lean your head on Whipped Cream Cookies shoulder, still watching Pilot Cookie. "After everything. We made it. I mean- I know we would. B-because of my.. Intuition?"
You play off your blunder. Not sure how to explain you knew the next events in "Peril in Paradise" story arc. Frowning at the thought as you pet Black Suagr Duck.
"Me too.." Whipped Cream Cookie rests his head beside your frosted locks. Gazing at the delightful scene in front of him. "Truly, I couldn't agree more." He mumbles softly.
Knowing the events after, you sigh at the sight of the Paradise. The air becoming cold, jellies and fruit becoming rotten. It was much creepier in person- or in the dough? You ignore your thoughts. Hoping to find Wind Archer Cookie and the Cookiemals.
Clothes in a bit of disarray and mud, you head forward. Stumbling upon the once shimmering sugar castle. Now shrouded in dark colors a dim lights.
If (Y/N) Cookie had a costume based on the event. I think it would/n't be on Swan Lake.
I'd like to think It could just be a ballet outfit, but also. It wouldn't make too much sense since Black Suagr Swan and Whip already have one.
But maybe? Maybe based on Odette? Or One of the Swans in lake?
Or! Maybe, based on Paradise outfits, a guardian outfit would look cute!
Blue Slushy Cookie excitedly chirps as she flails around your form. You smile bashfully, adjusting the outfit. "Don't they look cool? Red Panna Cotta Cookie, Wind Archer Cookie!" The smaller guardian chirps.
"They.. Ahem, look decent." Red Panna Cotta coughs in his feathers, glancing away. Wind Archer nods to you, bowing. "It fits you."
Now for Black Sugar Swan and Whip... Different story.
"Hm! Now, even you, (Y/N) Cookie. Can bask in my brilliant's radience! Oho!" Black Sugar Swan coos sweetly, eyeing you from where you stood.
"Black Sugar Du-!"
She shrieks, "I.. I will not be reminded of such a feeble bird."
You outstretch your hand, "I.. I'm sorry, but please listen-"
Feeling a hand tug you back, your dough lands on someone else's chest. Blinking, you look at the new presence.
"Whipped Cream Cookie..."
[Thanks for reading, comments, art, reblogs or hearts are super welcomed! I've been wanting to post this since the update! I love Whips costume, the wholw prince vibe is amazing!]
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kannymaei · 11 months
Beyond All-Knowing (EWTG - Special Chapter 1) Jing Yuan x Reader
Author's Note: This has been in my drafts for like idk 5(?) months or 6 months (Teya if you're reading this, pls dont read this bc this is def someone else's personality smh ASOINDJADKANDAK :crocodile: :pensive:) I'm just happy this is alrd posten I aint doing this again jk jk
Synopsis: When you and Jing Yuan were sent to a mission to attempt testing some experimental medicine to mara-struck soldiers but it seemed to have a different side effect.
WC: 3.4k
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"S-s-so! Miss Y/N would you like to…" One of the physician's assistants was about to ask you something when Jing Yuan interrupted. 
"Would she like to what?" Jing Yuan rested his back at the wall and caught your attention. 
"Oh! Jing Yuan, you're here!" You happily replied, the assistant looked like he was upset because of the sudden appearance of the honored one. 
"Y/N why won't you finish getting the herbs so I can finish my share of work." Jing Yuan sighed annoyingly and walked away. 
A few hours later.
“Jing Yuan! I got the herbs you need, as ordered by Sifu… Although I found some weird new herbs growing too and I plucked them out.” You said opening the door to his bedroom-slash-laboratory like, carrying a basket full of herbs and other berries that can be eaten for snacks.
“I’m so frustrated about making herbal medicine, shouldn’t we just pass this responsibility to the physicians?” Jing Yuan rants as he faces the bane of his existence, making herbal tea.
“Well, you are, in fact, a candidate to be the successor of Sifu, you must be all-knowing Jing Yuan.” You sighed and explained to him.
“Let me just give you these herbs…” You added and quickly left the room since Jing Yuan doesn't like to be bothered that much especially when he's studying herbs and medicines.
After roughly 3 hours and a half, Jing Yuan has finally finished making 20 identical vials of very concentrated experimental cure against mara. 
You and Jing Yuan were assigned to a mission where you'd fight against mara stuck soldiers and force them to drink the vial after being revived in battle. It was hard but Jing Liu knew that there's no pair in Xiaozhou Luofu that can execute this mission with no flaws, she knew her students better than anyone.
You and Jing Yuan took your leave and headed to cloudford. 
"Don't you find it odd Jing Yuan, there's no soldiers around here." You said and sighed as your eyes wandered above and beneath every box in the area and not a single mara struck cloud knight was to be found.
"Yeah, it is weird. I wouldn't be even surprised if we were to be ambushed right now by the enemy." He said and laughed as if the two of you would get defeated by a rookie assassin. 
"Say, Jing Yuan, I'm quite curious if you're fancying someone… Perhaps I want to know what kind of ladies you are into. I think it's a privilege to know the future general, the successor of Jing Liu, what's their type, hehe." You said and laughed as you jumped box after box, playing around the area and stopped after you spotted something. 
Jing Yuan was quick to follow you and sneaked behind you. 
"I'm more curious what made you ask that question suddenly… Hmmm, let's see. I would probably love someone that's a carbon copy or someone who shares the same discipline and characteristics of Sifu." He held his chin with his hand and then wrapped them around your waist and pulled you closer and whispered something to your ear. 
"You see, that's the enemy." Jing Yuan pointed out a mara struck soldier sitting in the middle, it appears to have an abnormal behavior compared to other cursed soldiers. 
You and Jing Yuan disappeared in a second to ambush the cursed soldiers quickly to force their revival and attempt to use the vials Jing Yuan had created earlier.
Except everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. 
You and Jing Yuan were completely unaware that the cursed soldiers' abilities had mutated, therefore they wouldn't act the same as the others. 
Instead of being revived, the mara struck soldier has self-destructed in front of you and Jing Yuan and a flash of light has appeared between your eyes. 
Little did you know that, that flash of light was just to blind you temporarily and is something that you should not worry about. 
"Jing Yuan!" You shouted. 
"Y/N, there's a chance that we may have been inflicted with the curse-" Jing Yuan didn't hesitate to drink one vial of the experimental cure that he made because he knew that it's better to be safe than sorry. At that moment, he was quite confident about his knowledge on herbs but he was wrong in one thing. 
As a matter of fact, Jing Yuan did not create a cure at all. It was something different.
You were too slow to stop him from doing so and before you could dash towards him, he had swallowed the entire vial already. 
"Don't worry about me Y/N, let's just… stay here for a moment." He said and sat on a nearby corner, you thought that he sounded like he was tired and assumed that it was probably because of the flash of light that appeared. 
"Then I should also take this vial-" You said but Jing Yuan stopped you from doing so.
"No, if anything goes wrong with me because of the medicine. You would be the one to carry me back in the city and therefore a proper diagnosis can be made. 
Jing Yuan's body temperature began to rise a little and he has sweat profusely. As a response, you took one of your clothing that covers your front and used it to wipe Jing Yuan's sweat which made him have a good view of the cleavage of your lovely soft breasts. 
Jing Yuan has realized that he may have created an aphrodisiac instead of the cure earlier. He was too vulnerable to speak right now because of his blood rushing somewhere else in the bottom of his body because of the beautiful sight that he is currently blessed with right now. 
"Is the vial not working?! D-damn, Maybe you need more. I'll get them for you Jing Yuan." You attempted to find the vials but his manly arms had captivated your entire body, preventing you from finding the vials. 
Due to Jing Yuan's weakened state, you managed to break free and grabbed as many vials as you could gather. You thought that if he doesn't want to drink more of it, he might be still under the control of the curse. 
So you opened 9 vials and poured them in your mouth and kissed Jing Yuan to force him to swallow the vial. 
You wrapped your tongue around his as you were exploring every bit of his mouth when you felt his arms wrapped around your body with one hand traveling its way slowly to your head, pulling you closer to him. 
The two of you shared a passionate kiss together with saliva mixed with the vials stringing out from both of your mouths. 
Your cheek heated up after the kiss, somehow you still have no idea what the vial contains and felt aroused. 
Jing Yuan gently cupped your left breast and you let out a gasp and moaned a little because of his actions. He squished it a little and tried to feel your hardened nipple.
You kissed him again and said in a very seductive tone.
"Let's do this somewhere private like your bedroom or your office~" 
"Does my office sound good to you, hm? Darling?" 
You nodded and kissed him again and he carried you in a bridal way back to the city. 
"What happened to Y/N? Is she injured?" The physicians asked when Jing Yuan walked towards his office.
"She's not, just tired. I'll take good care of her." Jing Yuan said as he held you tightly and pulled you closer to him. You realized how huge of a man Jing Yuan is and you're about to be dominated by him. 
He enters his office with you and locks the door as he places you in his bed. Jing Yuan started to remove his clothes leaving his pants, making him half naked. You blushed, admiring seeing his toned body and you knew that you are also the only person seeing Jing Yuan like this. You imagined your hands going on his six-pack abs while kissing him. 
"Like what you see?" He joked about it.
"No, I love it." You smirked and replied.
He joins you in bed and kisses you. 
"Should we continue where we left off?" He said in a seductive manner and you just turned yourself on top of him and pushed him down in bed to just kiss him.
His hands traveled on your thighs, grasping it and pulled your tight skirt up, exposing your soaking wet panties. 
You got up from your kiss and were about to remove your clothes but Jing Yuan stopped you from doing so.
"Allow me to strip you naked, love~" He said in a very deep tone, it felt like he was begging you to make him see every inch of your skin. 
He got up and trailed his hands from your breasts to your waist, down to your ass. 
He kissed your cleavage hardly enough to leave a hickey in the middle and smelled your body. He kept on kissing your breasts as he began to unbutton your clothes. 
Jing Yuan was a few moments away from seeing your lovely soft breasts, his tongue has been aching to lick and play with your hard nipples. 
He looked at you for a moment before pulling away the cloth covering your precious pearls and he was stunned and astonished by how delicate your breasts are. 
He kissed both of your nipples and played with it. You sat on his hardened crotch and began to grind against it. 
Jing Yuan whimpered from your sudden movement. 
"Hngh~ I want to be inside of you-!" He said in your ear. 
You grabbed one of the vials again, the faintly sweet aphrodisiac that brought the two of you into this and poured it down your breasts to lure Jing Yuan. 
He was shocked and immediately grabbed your boob and sucked and licked on every drop of the vial that has been boosting up his sex drive while you continued to grind your soaking pussy against his hard bulge. 
Jing Yuan grabbed the tiny piece of clothing that's covering the last of the remains of your dignity and broke it leaving you completely naked against him. 
He pulled his pants down and whispered "You ready love? This might hurt a little~" He smiled and kissed you. 
You nodded because you haven't had a glimpse of how huge his penis is until you did. 
"W-wait!" You said but you felt a sharp pain as his thick cock slowly made its way inside you. 
"F-fuck, you're so tight love-" Jing Yuan, whimpered as he tried not to move a lot in order not to hurt you. 
"The thought of S-sifu might actually knock on your door right and o-or even little Yangqing coming over, asking if you could p-play with him- The thought of us getting caught in a position like this makes me so h-horny!" You said and moved up and down to adjust yourself but it still hurts a little. 
"You're so beautiful, love" Jing Yuan placed his head on your neck and began to kiss and bite it while he had one of his hands on your back and the other one was playing with your boob. 
"Should I unlock the door?" Jing Yuan jokingly reached out on the door of his bedroom but you struggled to reach for his arm and attempted to stop him from doing so and you felt like his penis as thrusted inside-out of you within those seconds except it no longer hurts. 
You wanted to confirm that something felt really good and you bounced once again and felt the tip of his penis hit your upper walls that helps stimulate your clit. 
You rode his penis slowly and created small moans. 
"I love to hear you create louder sounds like that, princess." Jing Yuan said and began to fuck you. 
"Oh gosh~ Jing Yuan, you're so good~ You're hitting a spot, you're making me feel good-! Gosh! You're going to make me cum!" You said as he held on your thighs tightly and fucked you good, he admired your round breasts bouncing up and down. 
He carried you with his cock inside and went outside his bedroom.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked but he said nothing. He began to wall you on his office door and pound you hard leaving these sounds across the walls of the room. 
"Y-you're going to create suspicions with the workers!" You said. 
"Exactly, moan my name loud or I'll stop fucking you" He ordered and you just began to moan his name out loud. 
"Jing Yuan! You're so good! It's so hard, big, and strong~ Do it harder!" You moaned out loudly and he kept on pounding you harder, enough to make the walls shake. 
On the other side of the wall, Yukong was the first to notice what on heaven's sake was happening in Jing Yuan's office. The other workers had taken notice of it but they just blushed and remained quiet because they have high respect for you and Jing Yuan and should never speak anything bad towards the two of you. 
"Knowing Jing Yuan, I think he wants to show off his ownership against the people fancying Miss Y/N. I'm pretty sure you're well aware that Miss Y/N is a very beautiful lady and being under Jing Liu just makes her one of the most respected women in this place." Yukong stated to some of her workers. 
"Kindly avoid passing through the hallways of Jing Yuan's office or get your salary deducted" She added and the workers nodded. 
Some of the workers that had a crush on you were even jealous and were very curious to see your womanly face in bed. 
But they can't do anything even courting you because as they speak, you are being marked as a part of Jing Yuan's territory that no man has the courage to step foot on.
"God darling! You're so good! Can I plant my seed for you?" Jing Yuan asked as he attempted to catch his breath because he's been pounding you non-stop and a knot is beginning to form in his lower abdomen. 
"Yes! Give it all to me! Plant your seed for me!" You moaned out and kissed him. 
"I'm going to give you my children Y/N! I want you to stop training under Sifu and be my wife. I'll swear to protect my wife until the end of time and carry my duties as a husband whilst being the general." He said and began whimpering.
"So the woman that you've been fancying for so long~ was me?" You said and he just kissed you hard with his tongue exploring every bit of your mouth. 
"Y-yeah!" He continued to whimper while thrusting his cock inside and outside. 
"Y-you almost slipped away from my fingers! The assistant of the physician was about to ask you out- I've been wanting you for so long but I never had the courage to do so!" Jing Yuan added as he hardly pushes his big and long cock, destroying you, stirring up your insides. 
"I'm going to make you mine" Were the last words that he said before finishing inside of you.
Jing Yuan doesn't pull out as he wraps his arms around you and spoons you in bed in front of him. You could still feel his pulsating member throbbing inside of you while he brushes your hair and you curl up in front of his toned chest getting ahold of his manly smell. 
"It's gonna be so embarrassing when I come out of your office later" You said and buried your face more onto him, cheeks heating up.
"Who said you'll come out here? You're not going to come out of here until my cock calms down. Let's just… take a rest for now." He said hugging you to sleep. 
"Jing Yuan, you aren't slacking off with my task aren't you?" A familiar voice was heard behind the doors. 
Jing Yuan's eyes immediately opened and he stood up naked, trying to find a robe he could cover himself with temporarily.
It's Jing Liu, he could never mistake her voice. 
"Hey-" Jing Yuan opened the door a little but Jing Liu grabbed the handle and opened the door widely. 
"You're… quite different." She said, 
"I was really tired yesterday and the task you gave me took everything outside of myself" Jing Yuan firmly stated as his words hold double meanings. 
"Go prepare yourself… I'll get Y/N in her room" Jing Liu took a deep breath and began walking away when Jing Yuan grabbed her arm. 
"I… I'll get Y/N, err… we were having bets yesterday and had a little fun with the task you gave me." Jing Yuan lied which Jing Liu obviously knew and decided to play it off and have it his way. 
"Whatever." She says. 
"Y-Y/N! S-sifu's waiting for us-" Jing Yuan frantically tapped your cheeks in an attempt to wake you up. Your body was wrapped in his blankets due to the mess you made last night. 
Your drowsy eyelids open a little and you see the majestic form of Jing Yuan on top of you. 
"Jing Yuan, I'm too sore to even stand up- Gosh, you're so handsome" You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
"Y-Y/N, now's not the time for this-" Jing Yuan pulled away as the blanket began to unravel. 
"You had it your way last night!" You said and pinned Jing Yuan in bed. 
Jing Yuan looked away as you began to remove the blanket leaving you completely naked and used it to tie his hands at his back. 
"Look at me, I only want you to look at me" You said as if you were a witch manipulating him, he immediately obliged and looked at your heavenly body. 
As if a few moments ago he was panicking within the presence of Jing Liu, he was immediately focused on you.
You positioned yourself on his pulsating member and caressed his chest slowly with your soft fingers. 
"Y-Y/N, l-let me touch you" Jing Yuan begged as his hands were struggling to be free.
"I guess you need to ask for it" You said as you slid your glistening folds up and down on his cock, enjoying the whimpers that Jing Yuan was creating. 
"Y-Y/N, please let me be inside of you! Slide it gently and slowly-" Jing Yuan said followed by a loud moan when you inserted his member inside of you faster and roughly. 
You gasped.
"That feels good~" You said in his ears before kissing his neck as you indulge in his hard member. 
Jing Yuan takes this opportunity to attempt unraveling the knot that you made on him, making sure that you won't notice a bit. 
You stared at the ceiling with your mouth open wide and tongue out near Jing Yuan's mouth, your breath has become short and it becomes faster as each thrust goes by.
He felt so special that you consented into offering yourself to him.
And at last, he finally untied himself. 
Jing Yuan stared at you enjoying yourself on top of him, he loved how your hands were traveling and your fingers tracing his body.
"I'm about to cum-" You said as you bounced your hips a little faster until you felt your hands on your back. 
"You're having the fun all by yourself" He smirked and grabbed your waist and fucked you rough and faster on that moment. 
You uncontrollably moaned as you felt like your cum was induced and wanted to feel it again to make sure that you weren't rushed into doing it.
"Cream me" You whispered to his ear. 
"I know." He replied back and hugged him tightly, nails burying at his back as he continues to fuck you rough in bed and make sure that you're filled of his cum until you're full and leaking.
"Where are your students?" Yukong asked Jing Liu. 
"I supposed they're training somewhere together, they do not wish for me to be involved" Jing Liu sighs as she knew exactly what the two of you were doing. 
A month after, Jing Yuan immediately asked for your hand in marriage which you happily agreed to. He couldn't wait any longer to make you his wife. 
He wanted to make sure that everyone sees you as his wife and you get the treatment you deserve. 
Then one day you don't know how to break the news to your husband that there's going to be a new family member that's currently residing in your womb <3
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