#I got lazy with the wrighting
lepimobee · 1 year
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Guess who just joined the gang
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ungodlybliss · 3 months
sillies idk
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doctorsiren · 6 months
I have to say I love your defenseworth au. But I gotta say/ask for this.
I gotta see some Phoenix and Franziska bonding. Like mayber over Phoenix teaching her about poker with a secret lesson about how to read people which can be very handy for the job field their going into and just.
I gotta know man, what their relationship like as siblings.
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he’d bring out her immature side that she tries to keep hidden under her prosecutor persona simply due to his own immaturity
This is them bonding I swear
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tunaricebowl · 1 year
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phoenix needs attention
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springtz · 10 months
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doodled an alternate outfit for trucy earlier!
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roastbeasts · 7 months
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hot boy summer
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wrightmourmarriage · 30 days
so many people say "ouuu rick was such a dilf he aged so well" and only show pictures of him from like the late 80s. what about this guy. do you like him.
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floydleart · 1 year
Mb jay (as a human) drowning and tim n brian (as mermaids) savin him?
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this is an adorable bram idea gods bless
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kakdidyoulaythisegg · 26 days
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candle when you put a fire on them:
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nebravsky · 2 years
i like drawing shirtless lawyers
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butterandeggs · 5 months
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guys please he's in my head. hes my little brain eating amoeba
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So I got bored 😃
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cerealbishh · 28 days
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cast and crew appearances on ep.1 of the mr broadway.com vlog(x)
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lovedbz1 · 2 years
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Is this anything?
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willowbee367 · 2 months
Here's the first chapter of Lost memories au.
I don't know how often I'll post chapters sooo yeah. If y'all have any questions or ideas let me know. I didn't know my ask thing was disabled so it's fixed now
Basic info about au
Word count: 1294
Warning: implied Self harm
Memories. The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information. Memories are strange. Some can remember almost everything. Some can't remember what they had for breakfast that day. Some don't even remember who they are. Everything just blurs together making it impossible for someone to remember who they are.
Masked lies. Fight it. Destroy it. Meet me at the ark
A loud alarm went off. Brian jolts awake. He slams his fist down to turn off his alarm. He slowly sat up. He rubbed his eyes. He yawned. That dream again. That stupid dream. What does it even mean? That weird mask. He sees that mask almost nightly. He got out of his bed. He walked to his bathroom. He opened the medicine cabinet. He grabbed a couple bottles of his medication. He looked at his hand with the pills. He sighed heavily.
He pops them into his mouth and swallows. He rubbed his eyes. He closed the cabinet door. He jumps when he saw a masked face in the reflection of the mirror. He quickly turned around and saw nothing. Maybe he's just hallucinating again? He shook his head. Maybe he should up his dose on his medication. Those stupid hallucinations.
He then went to take a shower. Once he got out he dried himself off. He glanced at the mirror written in the steam said "You are broken" ok... That's not freaky. He just shook his head and walked to his bedroom to get dressed. He then flopped onto his bed. He looked at his arms. Those scars. How did he even get those? He can't remember a thing. He barely remembers who he is. He flops his arms down on the bed. He stared at the ceiling. He slowly closed his eyes.
You are broken. You can be fixed
Brian felt a falling sensation. He then landed on the ground. He looks around. The hell? Where was he. Why did it look like some college? He then looked up. He saw a very blurry face. Who was that? He then felt another falling sensation. He grunts in pain as he lands hard on the ground. Now he was in some dark place. He saw a large black pit. He backs up. He then hits something. He looked up and saw a man with smoke coming out from his lower abdomen. He immediately backs the other direction but hits something else. He saw it was a woman with smoke coming from her chest. What the fuck? "You couldn't help us. You failed" voices began to say. Brian quickly stood up. He began to run away. But he kept seeing the people. All had smoke coming from different parts of their body.
He doesn't know who these people are. But for some reason they feel familiar. He turned his head to see if he was being followed. But he ran into something. Or someone. He stumbled back. He looked to see who it was. It was a man in a hoodie with a mask with a red frowny face painted on it. He stared at the figure. Why does that look familiar?
He then began to cough. The figure disappeared. He fell to the ground as he coughed. He coughs up black goo. His eyes widened. He then saw a pair of shoes in front of him. He looked up. It was a different figure. One in a white and black mask. The man handed him a bottle of pills. He reached out to grab them but ended up passing out.
Brian then jolts straight up. He breathes heavily. "What the fuck.." he mumbled. That was a dream he never had before. He coughs. He noticed a pill on his nightstand. Did he put that there? He didn't care. He grabbed it and swallowed it. That was a freaky dream. Maybe he should mention it to his therapist at his next appointment? He sighed heavily. He got up from his head. He puts his shoes on. He grabbed one of his pill bottles and stuffed it into his hoodie pocket. He grabbed his crutch and leashed up his service dog before walking out of the house.
Time skip
Brian walked out of a building after another therapy appointment. He told his therapist about the weird dream he had. His therapist just said something about how those people could be people he once knew or just people he saw before his accident. He didn't know. He wished he knew. He hated how he knew nothing. He sat at a cafe. His leg bounced up and down as he thought back to the weird dream. He heard his dog whine and put her head on his lap. He snapped out of his thoughts. He looked down at his dog. He sighed. He pets his dog.
He grabbed his cup and took a drink from it. He glanced over. He paused. He saw a figure. He rubbed his eyes. The thing he saw was gone. Great, was he hallucinating again? He knew the thing wore a mask. But it wasn't any of the two masks he's seen in his dreams. He rubbed his head. He tried his best to remember. "Brian?" Called a voice. Brian then snapped out of it. He looked to see who it was. It was Tim. He's seen him a couple of times. They didn't talk very much.
"Oh hey. Sorry I was spacing out" he said. "It's alright. Mind if I sit?" Tim asked. Brian shook his head. Tim sat on the chair across from him. "Are you doing ok?" Tim asked. Brian looked at him. Honestly he wasn't sure. He sighed. "Could be better. You?" He asked. Tim just shrugged "Same old same old." He said. Brian looked down at his coffee cup. Something about Tim didn't feel right. He wasn't sure. It was more of a gut feeling.
The day the two met was odd. Tim looked like he saw a ghost and somehow he knew his name. Honestly he didn't think much about it. Something about Tim felt familiar. He wasn't sure why. Actually he had a dream or two with Tim in it. Which was very weird. But at this point he shouldn't question his dreams. "How's your neck and back doing?" Tim then asked, breaking the silence. "Huh? Oh it's getting better. Still having some pains but nothing bad" he said. Tim nodded
Brian looked at Tim. The way Tim looked at him kind of freaks him out. He couldn't explain why. Tim then stood up, which caught Brian's attention. "Well my break is about to be over. I should get going. I'll see you around. Remember to call me if you need anything" Tim said before walking away. Brian just nodded. He remembered Tim had given him his phone number just in case he had an episode. It was a nice offer. He finished his coffee and threw away the cup.
He began to walk back to his house since it wasn't far from where he was at. He looked towards the more wooded part. He stopped dead in his tracks. It was that figure again. He shook his head. He began walking faster. It was like that thing was following him. He soon was able to get to his house. He immediately rushed inside, closing and locking the door. He pants heavily, catching his breath. He began to cough. Which alerted his dog. He quickly grabbed his pill bottle and opened it. He shakes a few pills into his hand and pops them into his mouth. He sat on the floor, leaning against the door as he pets his dog. He took deep breaths, trying to calm down. What even was that thing?
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shortdevil-sans · 1 year
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NaruMitsu Week Day 3: Free Day - Late Afternoon Kisses & Cuddles
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