#I got soooo lazy with the background
rusty-gloinks · 2 years
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Done! :D I hope this works!!
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xlocalkatzx · 1 month
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I got SOOOO lazy while doing this.. I love these guys, but next time I have to do a fulling rendered drawing of them I am SHOOTING MYSELF
please ignore the Gacha life background in the background. When I said i got lazy…. I meant it
All of the pieces separately under the cut!
Swap belongs to the fandom
Dream belongs to jokublog
Ink belongs to comyet
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I don’t know why but fulling editing that Gacha life background made me giggle a little too much xd
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random1d10t · 1 month
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Sooo this was very much inspired by the rp accounts mainly Enderian, Isla and my own (perix)
This took me dayyysssss!!!!!
I'm soooo proud!!!!!
Ignore the background I got lazy XD
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hiro-doodlez · 1 year
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Ignore that i forgot blueberrors… errors..
Also… reblogs much appreciated KSCNSH
Whenever i would see a DTIYS, i always wanted to give the artist a lot more freedom. Like extra wiggle room for the artist to just have fun. SOOOO for this one…
So lets say you didnt feel like drawing blueberror, and think it would be more fun to draw error there instead, then just. DO! DO IT!!! Maybe you want it to be Swap and Blueberror, YOU have the freedom! Or maybe you want to even switch it out for a character in a COMPLETELY different fandom! DO IT OOO IM MIND POWER BEAM BOOOM..ALSO! Redesigns dont count as a seperate character. (DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE??)
Keep at least one character the same, just so i know its for this competition!
Tag me and #HIROS400DTIYS for any submissions!
The deadline is October 14th! But thats just for the prizes!! If you wanna make something afterward, go ahead!!
You can change the background! I honestly just got lazy
No tracing! PLEASE!
Try to keep similar poses, but you may change it as much as you want!
1st place: 1 fullbody, fully shaded and colored!
2nd: Halfbody, fully shaded and colored!
Out of all of the submissions, i will put EVERYONE who submits into a raffle type thing, choose a 1 or 2 random people, and they get a icon or halfbody!! MUHAHAHAHA
(Secret) hints
The more colorful and crazy it is makes me like it more.. YOU DIDNT HEAR THAT!!!
Heres a less crazy ver:
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elementic-symphony · 1 year
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I think this may be the most complicated background piece I’ve done in a while. I got too lazy to add in any shading soooo.
We love a good piglin anarchist.
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
when b just stays over at kook's without sex
🪩 WORDCOUNT | 930 🪩 NOTE FROM HOLLY | There's a handful of instances within bd already and we're also getting more v soon soooo instead i'll tell you what their typical evenings at his look like, bullet point style!!
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you will knock. always. you'll never invite yourself in, even though you've known the code for months now, and jungkook always tells you to. there's a formality that comes with front doors, and you enjoy the novelty of it. enjoy waiting as footsteps approach. the anticipation. the idea of him checking himself over in the mirror and tweaking his hair with a soft smile, before welcoming you in.
you're always greeted with a flippant remark - here again? / you're late / did you bring food? / you're so obsessed with me - but you're also always greeted with a smile so large it's a miracle he doesn't pull a muscle in his cheek.
shoes off by the door, your bag is tossed along with it. don't care to keep it with you- all you're really interested in is him.
the reasons for your visits will always be vague - bored / taes round our place / wanted to check you were still alive - and always bullshit.
in reality, you're just there to hang out because you enjoy his company, even when you're doing absolutely nothing.
these days, now that he's done with exams, you're often the one doing work - prepping for gallery showings. will set up camp on his bed, while jungkook is at his desk. he's got no need to be there, but the routine has been established.
it'll last for about half an hour - forty-five minutes if you're lucky - until jungkook gets restless.
it's his restlessness that makes way for his need to fuck around with you. he'll annoy you. throw things at you (gently). whine and whinge about the lack of attention he's getting.
play with your dollies instead / i told you already, they're sculptures! / dolls / sculptures / dolls.
one thing will lead to another and he'll be impossible to ignore. will insist you play a game, or cook with him, or at least be present while he's cooking.
you'll sit up by the kitchen island, glass of wine (that you brought along with you, 'cause all they have in their fridge is Cass and some half-finished soju) in hand, and mindlessly natter with him. together, you cook far more than you order take out. often you bring the ingredients, and tell jungkook to 'do something' with them - and he always manages to surprise you.
netflix will go on, and you'll binge your way through a series you both already watched, just not together. you'll argue about the characters, and when jimin gets home, he'll join in.
(jungkook always cooks enough to feed a football team (mainly because he can EAT (but also because he knows jimin'll help him polish it off, even when you don't)))
jimin'll head to bed earlier than you both (9-5 life
he'll put netflix on his desktop, or some music just so that there's something going on in the background.
you'll laze on his bed looking up at the birds, while he'll sit on the floor, or top and tail with you instead. conversations will go on and on, endlessly.
it'll hit midnight, and neither of you will notice. it won't be until he's laughing about a hypothetical situation you've posed that he'll glance to the clock on his desk. 2 am.
he'll say, we should sleep, b.
you'll say you'll sleep when you're dead - and then you'll end up discussing dumb ways to die for another hour or so.
morning will be breaking by the time you decide sleep is calling you. by this point you'll both be mumbling. lethargic. too lazy to set up a separate bed on the floor. decide to just use his, instead.
he'll take off his shirt, and throw it at your face. tell you not to be a perv. you'll tell him to fuck off and strip down to your underwear, and linger for a moment just so you can raise a brow and say, dont be a perv, jungkook.
the shirt thrown at you will become your nightdress, and jungkook will pretend like it doesn't drive him insane.
sleep will come quickly, for you're both exhausted. in the morning, you'll regret staying up so late - in all reality, it was an unspoken ploy from you both to get into bed with each other in the most innocent of ways.
you'll kick him when you wake up, and he'll kick you right back. footsies, for lack of a better term. you'll both be a little too aggressive, and then you'll be playfighting, as if that's not just another excuse for physical contact.
jungkook will be winning, because jungkook is jungkook.
one moment you'll be under the covers, then next you'll be half-hanging off the bed with him threatening to throw you off completely. you'll both be giggling, and you'll both refuse to give in cause neither of you will want it to end.
you'll call a truce. beg not to be dropped. as soon as he pulls you back, you'll be fighting with him again, until he ends up between your legs. you on top, maybe, or him. it doesn't matter. what matters is that you'll both know you should stop. both look at each other in such a way that friends shouldn't look at one another. chest heaving, lips ajar. eyes starry.
but then he'll clear his throat. avert his gaze. you'll nod. say, i should get going.
he'll agree, but then insist you stay for breakfast, too.
and you will.
because, again, neither of you will ever want this to end.
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ex-textura · 6 months
oh boy! Thank you @miradelletarot for the tag! This is going to be fun (once i decide who to do it with sdfasklfhjs)
I'm unsure who has done this one and who hasn't soooo.... if you see this, and want to, this is me tagging you!
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Full name: Ilztaufein (formerly of house Melarn, though he dropped that when he changed his name)
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bi, but he's got some...hangups about women.
Background: Noble
Class: Divination Wizard
Birthplace: Ched Nasad
Profession: Information broker for Bregan D'aerthe
Phobias: Not really a phobia, but he has a hate for spiders.
Guilty pleasures: Does it count if he's not guilty about anything ever? He loves gossip and is really bad for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He also loves really bad smutty fiction.
Hobbies: Reading, studying, gossiping.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins: ahahahahaha. All of them!? ▫ He's prideful (he knows he's gorgeous and he knows he's powerful, even if maybe he thinks he's hotter shit than he actually is) ▫ He's greedy (power, people, fame, money. Whatever it is, he wants it) ▫ He's not the most wrathful but WHEN HE GETS HIS HANDS ON MYSTRA ISTG (also he's a big bitch about it) ▫ He's envious of the gods, for hoarding all their power. He's envious of drow women and their power over the underdark. He's envious of Mystra for still having literally ANY of Gale's attention EVER. ▫ Lust. I mean. The fantasies of Gale alone would be damning but when he finally gets his hands on his powerful little human oh my god. He's not terribly gluttonous or slothful but that's mostly on account of all the vanity.
Virtues: All that said, he's not evil. He helps people who need it, he works for the greater good at the end of the day. He gives freely of his time and knowledge (even if okay sometimes he bitches a little about having to go out of his way he's working on it okay?). He works hard, he studies and practices and hones his skills daily, he's fastidiously clean, he's absolutely loyal to a fault and he loves fully.
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Ilztaufein/Gale (gotta come up with ship names)
Acceptable Ships: He's desperately loyal to Gale. He worships the ground he walks on. That said, he has slept with Astarion.
OT3: n/a
Brotp: Izzy and Astarion and two peas in a pod, even if Ilztaufein gives him so much shit for his red eyes and white hair ("Little faerie thinks he's a mighty drow how quaint~!").
Notp: Absolutely not Mystra, nor any followers of lolth.
Ilztaufein was born in Ched Nasad and spent the first half century of his life there before it fell to ruin. There he studied to be a wizard and took to divination magic like a fish to water. It was during his studies that he got a vision of the destruction of Ched Nasad, and so to save his own skin he quietly ran before he could be caught in the crossfire. He spent some time travelling the underdark, changing his name and hiding from settlements for fear of being found out and killed for his cowardice, until he came upon and was recruited into Bregan D'aerthe. Shortly after joining the mercenary group he ventured to the surface for the first time and was absolutely blown away by the different peoples and cultures he found there. He tentatively began to learn about Eilistraee, and though he never became a true devout follower it helped him come to terms with his animosity toward more lolth-leaning drow. He learned more surface languages, started enjoying their food and music, and eventually got himself a more permanent position gathering and trading information to and from the surface. That's when he was captured by the illithid; on the surface, haggling with a food vendor on the side of the road just outside Waterdeep.
At first, the abduction was a horrible inconvenience. He had work to do and no interest in making friends with a bunch of (scary powerful) women, a goody-two-shoes hero and some fop of a surface elf. At least there was the wizard, a kindred spirit who understood the importance of a strong mind and lively debate. And ambition.
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crabbunch · 1 year
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wheeeeheheh info under cut
so yukari is like. in her late 40s and she has been workin at ye old Property Ownership and Zoning Commission Bureau tm for her entire ninja career. her parents died before she ever knew em so she lived with her uncle who coincidentally worked at ye old Property Ownership and Zoning Commission Bureau tm up until he died of silicosis on account of all the dusty air in the dusty buildings. yukari used her ppe tho so she doesnt have silicosis she just has normal ninja problems and the moral compass of a zoning commissions guidebook. when she was but a wee child she dreamed up settling land disputes and like. ok. when people would ask the five year old at the ninja school why she wanted to be a ninja she would go like "i want the home ownership benefits :)" instead of something normal like "to protect my friends" or "to acquire absurd amounts of power and commit state-sanctioned war crimes" or "to make my family proud". weirdo. she was built for the role of paperwork and she runs the bureau with an iron fist and she loves it. yes. shes aware of everything thats ever happened in the village ever probably but also she Doesnt Care so!!! life could be a dream
katsuya is the most Just Some Guy to ever live hes LICHERALLY the most background character coded guy ever. hes soooo boring i love him so bad. he made chunin at 17 and hes a tall and lanky boi who can run so sos o so fast so mostly he did like transport missions where he carried scrolls from one place to another so so so so fast. until one day he was "attacked by missingnin(tripped on a rock) and so he did some desk duty until he had recovered enough to go back to bein speedy. or that was the plan. he ended up assigned to da Property Ownership and Zoning Commission Bureau and having the time of his life so when he was all healed up he just requested a transfer and started living the rest of his epic ninja life as a paperwork guy. hes a no thoughts head empty kindof guy and hes sooo tall hes like a snappable twig. he does not know anything but he cares so badly hes just. not aware of things. guy <3 hes part of the nohara-kind-of-a-clan-not-legally-techincally-a-clan but yaknow. they're basically a clan. hes lobbying to get them some compound land that way they can get that shiny shiny legal admission of clanhood. theyve got da big family theyve got da culture theyve even got some private family jutsus!!!!! hes very passionate about it. he'll make em an official thing yet.
anya is 15 and a fresh faced chunin and she juust got assigned to the Property Ownership and Zoning Commission Bureau because she didnt wanna do normal chunin stuff. on account of shes lazy and she thought paperwork would be easy. shes WRONG though she has to do so much more than occasionally grab ninja coffee or whatever. SAD! shes a nara and she is unfortunately invested in the zoning code shenanigans. shes been watching the chaos go down and like that thing where people go "oh NO im in LOVE" except its with. architecture. shes hanging around and all she does is complain but then one day katsuya is like "why dont you just transfer to like marrige and unions division. lol" and she realizes that shes passionate about buildings. this is the worst thing that ever happens to her and she sits in her room for five days and cries about it and then she comes back to the office and tells them that shes signed up to get an architects degree and they're all very proud.
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sobeksewerrat · 5 months
So. Some vague character stuff since I am plotting things out
Olive: gonna go through a negative arc then she'll get a happy ending. Like she'll start as this genuinely sweet and kind girl who only wants to be a good friend to Nathaniel until he drains her mental health and she starts falling into bad habits and becomes closed off and shit (actually it's gonna be a bit darker than this. I feel like this is actually gonna be one of my angstier stories). Dw though she gets a wife <333
Nathaniel: he is an asshole.
-> they are all orphans but like- in different ways I guess? Lu and Lola's mom died after getting really ill and I am still planning what happened to their dad. No clue what happened to Hayley's family yet.
Lucinda and Lysander basically alienated themselves from their family, and good 4 them honestly they may be grown ass adults now but genuinely their family sucked. Like I wanna draw this part but their dad literally permanently disabled Lucinda when she was FIVE. They are both in their 50s in the story btw, they r the oldest people in the crew.
Sail...well nobody has any clue what happened to them but Hayley, Lu n Lola first found them trying to find food soooo needless to say they probably didn't have a good family or background
Marino got banished from his merfolk tribe because his may or may not have bitten off part of the leader's son's hand because he was a dick.
Oh BTW these are their height differences. Couldn't include Marino, and got too lazy to change Lucinda's silhouette thingy
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bobbybutterfly · 1 year
Chapter 3 of my fanfic is out!
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His Reflection Gazes Back at Me (6769 words) by AliceButterfly Chapters: 3/4 Fandom: Stardew Valley (Video Game) Rating: Mature
I can't believe it! It's a new chapter of my Stardew Valley fanfic! I got to work on my work ethic. I don't think I will be like a new Casandra Clare or Yoba forbid El James and make a living from my fanfics. But it will be a good practice for me because I'm hoping to one day make a living off my art.
About the art. It's supposed to be like a self portrait of Leah. I got lazy with the background. I didn't go hunting for a photo to use as a refrence on Pintrest so I kinda flunked it.
I still don't have a picture finished for the 4th chapter. I plan on painting all 3 characters (Elliott, Flinch and Leah). It's going to be quite a lot of work. Plus all the rewrites I have to do.
But I'm doing all of this to be able to start working on the sequel that will also work as a stand alone. You can think of this fic I'm working on as a pilot.
The sequel/stand alone is going to be a romance exploring Elliott's Gotorian heritage. Also Elliott's personality is going to be a bit more cannon compliant. I married Elliott in my game and HE'S SOOOO CUTE!!!!
And there's going to be a new character.
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luthienblacks · 11 months
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My first try on this 6 Favorite OCs challenge took me months to finish!! But still I had lots of fun with it!! Well, since I can't choose favorites amongst my OCs and FCs I decided to throw their names in a wheel of names and I let it randomly choose them for me lol
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The first character chosen was ma earth boi Emerald ���, from my original story "Dragoria". It's one of those stories that exists only in my head and I do need to write it down before my genetically inherited Alzheimer's hit me for good. May I find strenght to do it asap, probably to do so I might give you guys a proper introduction of my Dragoria OCs...
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The second character chosen was my dear Judy Watzit, my Lazy Town FC! I was soooo happy to draw her again 'cause I love her so so so sooooooooo much! 💙🍎💙
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The third character is my pinky dinky Nikki! She's my beloved Doug FC that I treasure so much! I was so happy the wheel of names picked her as well! I decided to make her in the OG Doug style and doing so brought me many fond memories of fun Doug drawings I made back in my dA days... 🥰🥰🥰
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For the fourth OC, the chosen one was my goth babe Agatha, a.k.a. Lady Darkness, from my original wrestling story (that's in the same place as Dragoria, only in my head lol) I was glad that the wheel picked some characters I haven't drawn in a while. I missed my goth girl.🖤
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I also loved that Lester popped up on the wheel, I miss drawing my Monster High FCs sooo much 😭💕 I tried to pull out the MH style here, I think I did ok... I got lazy with the background this time, just copy/pasted a MH generic background from Google... And of course I HAD to add Sir Lucky Cloverleaf to this 'cause he's so cute and here his fur is extra golden 😂
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And the last chosen OC of mine is Candy, my The Urbz OC! I never made a digital art of her before, so it was a lovely opportunity to do so! And tbh I missed drawing big tiddies 🤭💕 TBH all my Sims characters tend to be a little slutty, so that's why she looks so naked lol ‼️❌ PLEASE DO NOT TRACE/COPY/DOWNLOAD/REPOST THIS ARTWORK WITHOUT PERMISSION! ❌‼️
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envys-corner · 2 years
TW! Gore, eyeball, blood and probably meat like background
I'm currently working on some other projects soooo...
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Have some of my boy, Vigor, from one of my stories that I will never finish because I got to lazy
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ask-azurearts · 2 years
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Space Threat
came right after the prior piece, object heads are always a treat to draw and I need to do more of them digitally.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
request: an MC thats very good w playing games or like,,, is proficiently skilled in all game categories or smrhn
alsp hi xander i love ur writing
and can i giv u a kith? if so: mwah 😚
Well I hate to tell ya, sweetie, but I’m not Xander. I’m Jazzy. Hello! I can see why you’d want something written by Xander, though. He’s mad talented (better at this than I am quite frankly) and he’s on the list of people I wish I could write as well as. I guess we can both take a moment to be sad that I’m not Xander… *sigh*... to be Xander… 😔
Oh well, I am who I am and I don’t begrudge that fact. Meanwhile, I’ve wanted to do more shout-outs so everybody go read @sevendeadlymorons! If you’re not… I mean… why not? He’s more than worth your time. In the meantime, I hope I can entertain you despite my not-Xanderness.
Brothers React to an MC Who’s Good at Games and Stuff 
Honestly couldn’t care less about the MC’s game proficiency in most cases. So they’re good at games? Good for them, he’s sure they’re happy.
But when they’re playing against him on the other hand…
Well, Lucifer may or may not be skilled at whatever game you set him on (he’s a very quick learner so never underestimate him), but he’s whole new levels of competitive when he wants to be. ESPECIALLY if he already thinks he’s hot shit at something.
Video games? Not his forte. Table top games? One word for you: Chess.
Lucifer believes that he can and will whip pretty much anyone’s ass in chess. That includes Satan, Solomon, Levi, and even Diavolo. He is at grandmaster level.
So imagine his shock, no, his disdain to have lost a game of chess to the MC… The moment they said "Checkmate" he stared at the board in front of them for a solid five minutes trying to work out where he went wrong…
And he wasn’t having that.
He and the MC now have regular chess matches in which he wins some and loses some so the tally stays pretty evenly tied. Really it’s all good fun... (but if they think he’s going to let them go home when he’s on a losing count, they’re Dead. Wrong. He’ll drag them back to down just to play chess with him until the score is right again. He DOES NOT lose, you hear? 🤨).
Guess who’s found his gambling buddy?? 
No, really. He and the MC can make a KILLING at a Poker or Blackjack table! He’s never seen anyone better at poker than they are!! They have nerves of steel and give nothing away, so he’s lost more than a few hands to them before...
Even past the casinos, they’re perfect for making bets on! He once arranged a Devil Cart competition between the MC and Levi and took bets around RAD for who’d win...
Naturally, everybody assumed the Devildom’s resident Super-Otaku would win hands down, but the MC had this insane last minute save with a blue shell and pulled ahead in the last lap!!
He was like, the only person that bet on the MC and he got soooo much money that MC found HIM crying and hugging a bag of Grimm after the match…
Any time they win a game that gets him money, he’ll treat them like royalty for the next week. Man knows not to bite the hand that feeds him!... and creditors at bay... 😬
It may get slightly annoying that Mammon won't stop telling them about gaming competitions where they can get him more prize money, but hey, at least he's supportive, I guess.
Oh they are either his best friend or mortal enemy… Sometimes both in the same day.
Our boy hates losing, can't stand it any better than Lucifer, you KNOW the second he knows there's someone out there who even has a chance of beating him, he gets serious. This is not a "friendly rivalry," MC.
When they’re playing any game against each other, he'll call them by their gamertag/online persona to keep himself focused (yes, even if they’re playing Monopoly). They can't be his MC right now, they gotta be the person he's going to beat...
He's NOT opposed to dirty tactics to win, either. Saying things that will get them mad or flustered mid-match? Check. Using his tail to distract or tease them? Check. Just being a general nuisance/annoyance in game for the hell of it? Guilty as charged!
He's both a sore winner AND a sore loser, so unfortunately MC, you really can't win here... He'll be obnoxious regardless of the outcome.
However… when they’re on the same team, it's really something special. They don't just destroy the competition, they bulldoze over them like an armored tank barreling through rush hour traffic!
These two are legends in the online gaming community and have even started a streaming channel on the side. Sometimes your worst enemies also make the best allies... Who knew? 🤷‍♀️
Is surprisingly impressed by their gaming prowess. Are they just supremely skilled or incredibly lucky, you think…?
That being said, he's not the biggest gaming man on the planet so he's not too competitive with them one way or the other.
When Satan plays a video game, he usually goes for story-based, single-person experiences anyway so it's not like he could compete with them even if he wanted to.
That being said, they do share an informal challenge of sorts when it comes to puzzle/detective games (a not so guilty pleasure of his). He likes to try and beat the levels first, so when they start playing a new one they'll both compare time spent and scores.
He even enjoys playing those Devildom-style AR murder mystery games with them! It’s pretty cute to watch Satan get into it, he dips into his inner Levi and cosplays as some of his favorite TV drama detectives for the occasion and insists they dress as his co-star (best just go along with him. It’s not a bad time, even if they have to carry around an old tobacco pipe for a few hours).
Good at games? That sounds dangerously like they're another Levi… 🙄 What about party games? Oh oh, or drinking games??
Actually scratch that. How about ANY game while drunk? That sounds pretty fun doesn’t it??
Like Drunk Truth or Dare!! Oh that's a favorite of his… 🤭
To be fair to the MC, the booze does diminish their skills somewhat (because that's kind of what it does in general) but not by all that much… It's pretty impressive.
He once challenged them to a game of Drunk Twister figuring that they'd be too unsteady to actually win for once, but no. If anything, the alcohol must have numbed the stretching pains because they bent over him like a pretzel!
Not that he was complaining or anything… 😏
He likes to take the MC to parties where he knows a game or two will be played just to show off to the crowd and brag that they’re HIS lovely, talented human! You go, MC, beat that competition to a pulp! 😌
Sports count as games too, right? Well, they aren't half bad at those either.
Beel found it surprising that he found a human who could actually keep up with him. His brothers rarely want to play practice games with him anyway so it’s pretty exciting to have a sports partner at home!
He likes to ask the MC to help him train with practice matches or to go over certain moves or maneuvers he’s having trouble with. It’s not uncommon for the brothers to come home and find the two of them tossing a ball around in the front yard or something.
And the both of them on the same team? Forget it. It takes the dream team of Lucifer and Mammon (who aren’t just arguing with each other for once) to even come close to a challenge for them.
He also enjoys playing the occasional video game with them, though he treats it a lot like playing with Levi and just assumes he’ll never win unless he gets lucky - which does happen from time to time.
He doesn’t mind losing that much as long as he’s having fun, and if nothing else he can always win against them in an eating contest… He’s got those on lockdown. Come at’em MC, he’ll pack away an entire fridge before you’re done with your first plate. Try him.
So Belphie enjoys a good game or two - video-based or otherwise - it comes with the lazy-bastard territory. He may not be as skilled as Levi, but he can hold his own in some genres.
But he’s given up on beating the MC looong ago.
Do you know how much practice it would take? How many hours that he would have to use?? The hours where he could be napping instead???  Yeah, no thanks. They can continue to be the reigning Super Smash Devils champion for all he cares.
Buuuut even he has to admit, it’s pretty relaxing to watch the MC play something in the background... There’s a certain sort of satisfaction to watching someone who’s good at a game just play it straight through.
If they’re set up in Levi’s room or the Common area then Belphie may come over, set his pillow up on the floor, and watch them play. He may even throw in a comment or two like, “You missed a health pack,” or “Better save now,” but other than that he likes to just let them do their thing.
The MC has had many an all-nighter with Belphie spectating until about 4am or so. Then he’s dead to the world and they have to work out how to get his not-exactly-light demon ass onto a couch…
Or they can just leave him faceplanted and snoring on the floor. Up to them, really cause he did it to himself. 🤷‍♀️
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Jaemin Would Include
Requested by anon: Hi! Can you do a 'Dating Jaemin includes' please? Tysm❣️
A/N: So I did it a little differently than how I traditionally did it with Got7 but I hope you still enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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Crushing stages:
He’s friendly and would first approach you with ease. He’s literally just being friendly, no ulterior motives, but something about you would catch his eye.
I mentioned here how I thought that Jaemin would play hard to get and I stand by it. He likes the chase and would get bored easily without it.
Whenever he talks to you, he always touches you in some way. Anything from brushing away your hair, to poking you on the shoulder.
100% compares hand sizes with you
He’d like playing the game too much that you’d have to be straight up and ask him, “So what are we doing? Are we dating or what?” He’d be soooooo taken aback but respect you so much for it.
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Play fighting,, this is the only thing he wants to win
He likes bothering you at all costs
Not the most competitive when it comes to little contests like arm wrestling or playing video games. He will put up the smallest fight so you don’t accuse him for not trying, and he’ll usually let you win
Letting you borrow his clothes but he insists he looks better in them
Out of the Dreamies, I think he'd be the most affectionate
Getting peppered in kisses. He can never do just one. Like at this point, it's an attack
Talking in baby voices would start off as a joke with each other but then you won’t know how to turn it off when other people are around
Having very lazy days where neither of you leave the bed even once
Sitting on YOUR lap
Playing with your hair and giving you scalp massages
He has a habit of winking,, especially winking at you when he lies to other people
Slapping your ass repeatedly and he’s like “what are you gonna do about it?” with the most innocent face
Prides himself in knowing what you order and goes out of his way to order for you
Always shares his food with you
and will try to feed you
He's a fan of taking pictures of you when you're caught off guard
Like so much so that his phone background and contact pic for you are the most random thing
But it's endearing
And trust him when he says "sit down here" so he can snap a picture,, it will look good
Tries so hard to get into the things you like too
Telling you to go to sleep when he sees that you've texted him very late
Like sir.... you're awake too
Gives you pep talks when you're feeling down but at the end is like "who cares what's going to happen in the future? global warming will knock us all out anyways" like um we were having a nice moment
Can sense when you're acting different and will call you out on it
Holds your hand whenever he gets the chance
Lowkey sometimes convinces you to do bad things LMAO but only SOMETIMES
Facetimes you at the most random times so say he misses you and then goes on a tangent about something weird that happened
Hypes you up soooo much when you look good
like most of the time the compliment is the most hyperbolic intricate nonsense but you know he means well
Only comments "sexy" on your insta pics and nothing more
Tries to make you laugh when you're mad at him ((lowkey highkey frustrating))
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Reminds you of embarrassing moments you had
but then you'll bring up when he accidentally introduced himself as "Jeno" at a concert and now there's crickets....
You being sad ruins his entire day,, like he'll do anything to make your pain go away
Doesn't even say "are you busy next week?" instead says "I got reservations for us on Saturday at 8pm"
Occasionally tries to make you jealous
But when he looks at you, there's no doubt in the world that you're one of the best things that've ever happened to him
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loversdelusions · 3 years
Soooo I heard you were bored so here came my annoying ass to ask! >w<
I have an oc (well a punch of them) that I would like to match a yandere with if you don't mind
So she is shoto's twin, studies in the support course along with hastume so you know where this is going. She doesn't hate endeavor (more like trying to convince him that she is worth something although she is quirkless). She is loud, cheery, energetic, and rearily gets angry, but (here is a twist) when I tell you she got relations, I don't mean cousins, I mean small street gangs who cause troubles (let's just say delinquents) and yea Idk where to take this anymore OwO
if you don't feel like it or you don't take those types of asks just ignore this message! Stay safe~
OOH I love this! So you're telling me an OC with some pretty heavy daddy issues and quirk insecurities? Plus that loud, outgoing personality and a cunning background?
Okay because I was thinking of matching her with someone like Yan! Shinsou, or like Yan! Deku because that dude will go crazy for her.
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Shinsou: He really needs a hug, and she just happens to be the one to give it to him. Big mistake.
Shinsou would definitely notice her during the sports festival when she’d approached him to trade off some encouraging words. Afterward, he kept tabs on her during their school years, keeping minimum engagement and exchanging glances and simple conversations throughout.
He didn't like how Endeavor treated her. He didn't like how Shoto didn't seem to notice.
It made his blood boil when she felt insecure about herself because of them. He would surely make them regret that. Maybe she was right, after all, he wasn't a villain. No, he wasn't a villain, and it didn't matter what he was, as long as he was her personal hero.
Then, of course, he saw definitely didn't stalk her not at all what are you even talking about her speaking with a well-known gangster, her lovely voice and the cute little hop in her step only to wrap her arms around that man in a hug. He was horrified.
Did she… love him? How did she even know him? He was a danger! Shinsou had to do something. He had to help the only person who actually understood him. He had to show her how special she was without all of this. She didn't need all these filthy criminals with her, she only really needed him.
He needed to show her that.
And what would be simpler, than using his… heroic quirk to cause a little accident. He was a shadow hero, after all. It’s not like the shadows could extinguish a torch as bright as Endeavor, no, but of course, a random lowly criminal would definitely at least attempt to… douse him, and swiftly rid himself of his sins, and himself off his darling.
And also let's not pretend that Shinsou can't cure anyone's daddy issues it's frightening. Some deep Aizawa energy here.
Of course, once he finally gets her in his arms, he wouldn't be harsh to her. He didn't need to do anything really. He would only have to trick her cute little bubbly ass into responding with her little jokes and he would make her stand in the corner and stare into the wall as long as he needed. Or have her climb and snuggle up to him, even use her quirk to cure his laziness.
It really was a match made in heaven. Her wonderful little contacts were perfect for his shadow work. His top officers were surely impressed by his sudden intel.
And he could only come home to find her cute grin, loving arms waiting for him.
even if she had been cautious of him in the beginning. She wouldn't have lasted long with his hold on her. He... didn't think it was necessary she knew what became of her father. His little darling was sweet, too sweet for her family. and if her brother wanted to come sniffing around, he had no reason to see why Shoto couldn't stumble into his death one day.
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Deku: He'd fall in love with her bubbly self so quick.
Okay but she has no chance.
The moment he saw her struggling to enter through the exams, almost as nervous as him, he really gravitated towards her. Her smile, her eyes and the way they shone, her positive attitude about all of the things she saw… She was just something else.
He didn't deserve her. So he tried to be the man she deserved.
It started small at first, as it always does with his obsessions. Little notes about her, things he couldn't stop thinking about, her quirk and the way it works, how amazing it was, how amazing she was. Then it just happened that he accidentally took a different route one day.
He definitely didn't mean to end up at her house. Though now that he was here, he surely should write about her schedule and the route, who lived there, and their dynamics… All of that… basic things he needs to protect her the way she deserves.
He happened over her little argument with her dad.
Red was a colour he hadn't gotten used to invading his vision. And now, that it was teetering at the edges, blurring his senses and thoughts; It was horrifying to him just how much it affected him. OFA was burning through his nerves, sizzling underneath his skin and against his pulsating muscles as it wished to burn out its energy straight into endeavours flesh.
No, no. He always had such thoughts, violence was something he was used to, I mean he was friends with Kacchan, he should have expected some sort of effect on his personality from that.
Or so he thought.
Suddenly it was too much for him. Seeing her talk to others that he could see were infatuated with her. He had to prove he was the only one for her! Not only her classmates, upperclassmen, people she helped on the street like the amazing person she was, and he felt his blood boil in anger, in the ugly emotion that it was. He finally realized what he had to do.
He had to protect her, she was helpless!
She was a strong person, a quirk that is so interesting and strong that it could rival anyone on the heroes list. But he knew she was too naĩve, too adorably sweet, too much like a bubbly little bunny to really protect herself.
It was really only when he saw her talking to a man he recognized as a pretty giant in the Yakuza that he really registered how much protection she really needed. She didn't understand how much danger she was in just being near that man! He had to keep her safe.
So he did the only thing he could think of when everyone separated for their jobs as pro heroes. The minute his house was ready, she was the perfect little addition to it.
He promised Endeavour he would save her, and promised Shoto he would make sure she was safe.
And he made sure she was. Perfectly so in his strong arms.
He wouldn't leave a pause for fear in her. He would spend nights reassuring her that she was safe, that he was only here to protect her. That he was her hero, she would never be in danger when she was with him.
And she shouldn't try to test that.
He provided everything she needed after all. He was sweet, and compassionate to her. He knew everything about her, after all. He memorized every single inch of her skin, every movement of her body, every thing she loved, everything she enjoyed to do. He knew everything that hurt her, as well.
It really was only one rule.
“Don't test me, darling. You are perfect, and I would love everything about you forever. Every blemish and every scar. Especially Even if I was the one to add them.”
If she behaves, he wouldn't have to punish her after all. It would only be for her benefit, he was teaching her how to be happy with him. He was sure within a few weeks, within a few punishments specially made for her, she would be perfectly his, and he would be perfectly hers.
They were perfect for eachother, afterall.
He made sure of that.
Hope you like it! I tried my best with the info I've got! this would be such an interesting dynamic, really. I'd love to know if she'd be scared, or still be loving despite the ya know.. crazy.
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