#I guess I’m past the point of no return 😬
thelocaldetective · 9 months
Proof that Tanami works out better than the other candidates
Personality traits:
• Unemotional
• Quick-witted
• Concerned
• Family oriented
• Law-biding
• Insightful
• Loving (romantically)
• Skeptical
Nanami = Men in general
Yagami = Work related (even when it’s not 😂)
• Work
• Drinking
• Drones
• Justice (🤭)
Common denominators:
• Traumatic experiences
• Mystery
• Turn their jobs into hobbies
• Age
<> Even though Yagami is 6 years older than Nanami it’s still better in comparison to him and Sana (who’s 19 years old 😬)
• Philosophy of love (optional)
• Similar pronunciation at the end of their given names:
<> Nanami (first name)
<> Yagami (surname)
• Sex-positive 😈 (implied)
I guess I love these two so much not just because of how much they have in common but also because I can’t stop thinking about how Nanami had bad past experiences that involved men and being cynical for so long she refuses to acknowledge that there can be nice guys like Yagami (if you go down the “Tanami” path)
What I love even more about this is that I, myself, can actually relate to Nanami — minus the crazy psychos like Takeda 😂 — but everything else I’ve felt before; the cheating of the ex, having to feel the hurt, being cynical about men about everything, possibly rejecting (seen when she blew Yagami off for their date nights) potential partners to protect myself from the hurt it could come with, and yeah, if I was working right now I’d probably be a workaholic too
Further more I would have loved it if they had made it to Judgement 3 (if it had been given the green light) and to just watch these two explore their new relationship. As much as I would love the idea of Yagami and Mafuyu being a canon couple I think that story is kinda finished the minute he quit being a lawyer (that’s the implication I get) and there’s almost a “no point of return” on his part at least, for her; she’d jump at the opportunity if it was given to her.
To be honest I’d more likely be on “Team Tacitus” if Nanami had was one of the girls — that you can choose to date — who had nothing in common with Yagami as I’m all for second chances but this kinda passes the bar (a little law joke for you 😜) and blows it out of the water entirely even their ship name is cute, you can’t say you don’t enjoy saying “Tanami” occasionally
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floral-hex · 2 years
Welllll… I guess I’m getting a hearing aid next week 🤷🏻‍♂️
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