#I guess we’ll see OuO
aidensm8 · 4 years
Uhh you have a fantasy au? Can you tell more about it or draw / doodle some more of it? I’m very intrigued!
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I took so long to answer this but here we go: Another random roceit fantasy AU (this is going to be long)
Basically, Rogue!Roman, Prince!Janus, King!Logan, Prince!Patton, Knight!Virgil, Bard!Remus, King!Emile, Barkeeper!Remy (I kinda also have a doodle for Blacksmith!King Creativity but I’m a bit shy on sharing the design ouo;;). Anyways, storyline below because I suck at writing but I try
Logan and Janus are siblings, Logan is the older one so he gets to be king while Janus is betrothed to Patton
Janus doesn’t like how he’s 2nd-in-line and has to be betrothed (wants freedom and to be heard and all that angsty overshadowed younger sibling-ness)
Patton doesn’t want to be betrothed either cause he’d rather be with Virgil
King Creativity is a blacksmith whose twin sons, Roman and Remus, came out to be a rogue and bard
King and Logan are good friends but the twins don’t interact with the royals much since they have their own thing
Emile is Patton’s father.
Before a royal festival is to come, someone (idk I’m kinda hesitant to use the Orange Side for this) tries to proposition Roman to assassinate Janus, but knowing the relationship between his father and the royals, he declines
Propositioner then leaves, angry but Roman is now concerned for the safety of the royals and decides to attend the festival to protect them
So during the festival, Janus separates from Logan and he gets the feeling of being watched so he decides to try to confirm his suspicions by taking a small dagger and heading into a less populated area
Roman is the one following Janus, but doesn’t actually go closer, just watching. Janus takes notice of this and is about to confront Roman when he notices Roman has a crossbow pointed at his direction
Janus panics as he hears a shot being fired and is surprised when he hears a thump behind him
So basically Roman killed the assassin sent after Janus. He is about to leave when Janus decides to run after Roman and is like “How did you know about that, random stalker” and Roman just says he’s a rogue and caught wind of it
Janus then has an idea to ask Ro to take him far away from the kingdom as he doesn’t want to be betrothed and all that
Roman is shocked but agrees
As they are leaving, a guard notices them and is like “Where are you going, your majesty” and Janus lies about wanting to buy his fine new buddy some good food or something
The guard is another assassin. They move to try to stab Janus but Roman counters this and kills the assassin
People notice this and Roman, in a panic, carries Janus off as he runs to a safe place (since he did accept Janus’s job/request)
Now Logan is notified that his brother has been taken and is in full panic. He vents to King about this
King then has the idea to try to ask Roman to find him but discovers Roman was also missing. Being a rogue, King just assumes Ro is at another job
He still has the problem of how he can help Logan find his missing brother so he asks Remus to go around town to search for Janus since Remus has a knack for finding people (usually accidentally/by coincidence)
Back to the roceit: Janus is learning more about casual interaction
While they’re at the outskirts of town, they run into Remy who asks Roman how King is
Janus is like “King? Logan and him are very good friends. How do you know King?”
And Remy is like “Well he is Ro’s father” and Janus is now just standing there feeling betrayed that he didn’t realize this and kinda is disappointed in himself for not seeing how similar Roman and King looked
So that night, they have a fight but it calms down when Roman tells him that “Even so, I gave you my word to escort you safely out of this place, I would never turn you back in” and Janus is still angry so he says “This job is over. Leave me alone”
Roman leaves and Janus is now there in the inn to regret what he said, knowing how loyal Roman had been in their journey thus far
There’s a knock on the door and it’s the guards. Apparently the neighbours were concerned about the yelling and so the guards decided to investigate
They immediately recognize Janus, who refuses to let them take him back so he jumps out the window and runs, leaving behind his royal tunic, which the guards immediately report to Logan
Logan is relieved to know Janus is alive but now worried on why he would run away so he decides to try to go to the town himself to find his brother
Emile offers to assist Logan and Logan is like “No, I need to speak to my brother alone”
So instead, Emile sends Virgil to try to help escort Logan while they try to find Janus. Patton is worried for Virgil but Emile assures him Virgil will be alright
This is when Patton reveals he doesn’t want to be betrothed cause he loves Virgil and Emile is like “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I didn’t want to let you down” and we get supportive fatherly Emile assuring Patton that it’s fine because it turns out Logan was the one who asked to stop the betrothal after Janus went missing
Logan was also afraid of repercussions for the cancellation and Emile was understandably disappointed but not upset. They agree to a treaty to unify their kingdoms. So now Patton was free to be with Virgil
Back to the drama, Janus is on the run and he bumps into who he thinks is Roman. He drags him to an alley and is all apologetic until ‘Roman’ angrily asks “What did you do to Roman?”
He notices the person looked like Roman but with a bard attire and a mustache and is now panicking like “shit wrong person”
Remus, after hearing someone say his brother’s name, is in protective mode. He knows he’s ‘found’ the missing prince Janus but hey, ‘loyalty before royalty’
Remus is about to interrogate Janus about Roman when he hears his name called from behind
It’s Roman. Janus is relieved and runs to Roman, kissing him in relief, before blushing and now in tsundere mode, is all “Ok so you have a twin???? Is there anything else I need to know???”
Remus connects the dots that Roman was most likely the reason why Janus went missing and is all “Dude, why did you kidnap a prince? Dad’s gonna kill you when he hears about this”
Before they can explain, Logan and Virgil find them in the alley
Logan calls out to Janus but now not wanting to go back, Janus tells Logan that he no longer wishes to be a prince
Janus tries to leave, holding on to Roman’s hand but then King arrives at the other side of the alley and says “Prince Janus, you’re safe! You found him, sons! Guess that’s the power of my creativitwins”
Janus is now in panic mode, he wants to leave but can’t, so Roman apologizes under his breath before picking up Janus and escaping the alley by climbing up to the rooftops
Now everyone is panicking (King and Remus by Roman’s actions, while Logan and Virgil by Janus being taken again)
King begs Logan to forgive Roman’s actions, not knowing what was happening, but Logan is like “He took my brother, we’ll figure what to do with your son after we find them”
Now the kingdom, as well as Emile’s kingdom (in case they decide to flee there), are searching for Roman and Janus
And that’s part 1. I’d add more but now I’m kinda worried I rambled too much, sorry about the long ramble ouo;;
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chocochar · 5 years
Um, Valentine’s for Dabi? You don’t have to!!! Maybe his crush or s/o doesn’t have a good memory of vday and he tries his luck? Thank u!!!! I’m dying for fluff!!!!
(AN: I hope you like it! This one was fun to write~ ouo )
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        "Hey, (nickname), what's the matter with you lately?" Dabi asks sitting beside his fellow teammate against a wall and glancing at them. Their knees are pulled up to their chest, chin resting on it while they stare at their phone mindlessly. Normally Dabi isn't one to care how others are doing or feeling, he's only here for what he's after, after all; (F/n) is different, somehow they wiggled into his cold heart and lit a fire inside... As cheesy as that sounds. 
        When they don't respond he sighs, rubbing his neck. They're down about something, it's... Valentine's day, right? 
        "What? Don't have a Valentine's date or something?" He asks almost teasingly, trying in his own way to cheer them up. Nothing, in fact they look like they flinched the moment he made mention of the (silly) holiday. He cocks a brow and asks,"You don't like Valentine's day?"
        He gets a reaction, even if it's just them shaking their head and burying their face in their knees. Normally they aren't so down, in fact even if he has a liking to them he has told them to quiet down at times when they get too upbeat or the like. It's bothering him, a lot more than he's letting on, and taking their phone they look up surprised and reach for it.
        "Dabi, give it back!" they plead, the scarred man holding it out of their grasp which has them nearly falling into his lap. They blush lightly at how close the two are.
        "Tell me what's wrong, maybe I will," he nonchalantly tells them, his aloof gaze hard to read as always. They furrow their brows, pulling back and sighing. Their gaze averts with their face luckily cooling but they clearly don't want to admit to the villain why today has them so upset. But, then again, maybe venting to him won't hurt. Dabi is surprisingly a good listener... If he likes you. (F/n) is one of the only ones by chance to gain his good graces.
        "Okay, well, only cause it's you," they start, scratching their cheek. "... It's not I don't like this day, in fact I enjoyed it before I became who I am today, but... Well, the last one I could celebrate normally... I was dating this guy, we'd been together for months by that point, but I, um... I happened to catch him, cheating, they were in our apartment and I walked in and..." Their face scrunches a bit, the image still fresh given it was only about a year ago. The pain is still there, and the man can see it on their face.
        He gives them their phone back, rubbing his neck as he tries to find a response. 
        "That's some shitty luck," he mumbles, his cerulean orbs landing on the sad villain; the wounds are fresh, he knows how that is, and sighing loudly and frustratedly he stands. He gives no warning as he pulls them to their feet and starts tugging them out of the hideout. They're visibly confused, as are any teammates they pass.
        "Dabi, what're you-"
        He lets them go and faces them, only saying,"Go put on a disguise, meet me outside in the alley next to building."
        With that he leaves to presumably put on his own, (F/n) standing there confused. Hearing a giggle and feeling a poke they jump looking at Toga with Twice behind her, both holding their hands over their mouths with excited expressions.
        "Dabi's takin' you out on a daaate~" Toga practically chirps, Twice adding,"Make sure to look nice! Something sexy!" (F/n) cheeks light up and they are even more lost. This can't be it right? Dabi taking them on a date? That's crazy!... Right?
        In the disguise (F/n) does as told and heads out, finding the ravenette leaning against the brick wall of their hideout wearing a hoodie pulled up, a mask, and sunglasses as well as stuffing his hands into the hood pocket. He stands straight and faces them, Toga's words still ringing in the villain's head. 'It's definitely not a date, definitely not!! Dabi isn't that type of guy, we'll probably just go get a drink or two and that's it.'
        "So, why'd you pull me out here?" The (brunette, blonde, etc) looks around, noting the sun is setting so it's getting darker and darker with every minute that ticks by. Which will make their disguises that much more useful.
        "Are you hungry?" He asks, (F/n) shrugging.
        "Kind of," they respond. 
        "C'mon, where do you want to eat?" he asks, the other villain still so confused.
        "Wait, we can't just go buy food, disguised or not we could still get caught," they try to talk some sense into him, which seems to kind of work as he goes silent. Looking around the ravenette hums, noting a stand selling crepes for this special day. Gesturing to it he asks,"What about that? You like sweets right?" (F/n) looks to see what he's talking about, slowly nodding.
        "Sure, crepes are really good, but Dabi, why are we-"
        They're cut off when their teammate suddenly starts approaching the stand, the (brunette, blonde, etc) quick to chase him. How does he walk so fast?? When they reach the stand Dabi asks,"What do you want? I'm not looking to get one so just tell the guy and I'll pay."
        "But why-"
        The look they can see behind his sunglasses makes them close their mouth and look at the man in charge of the stand, who looks slightly suspicious but he says nothing. Looking over the menu, (F/n) immediately sees what they'd really like, and telling the man he gets to work. 
        The streets are bustling with couples and teenagers going out, (F/n) eating their crepe quietly while the fiery villain beside them stays completely silent. They glance at him and catch him looking away, cocking their own brow while glancing at the food in hand. Holding it up to him they ask,"Want some?"
        He shakes his head, saying,"No, don't like sweets." Silence falls again, and (F/n) wishes he'd just break it and tell them why they're out here.
        "Da- I mean... Why did you bring me out?"
        "What do you mean?"
        "Like what is the purpose? First you seemed kinda worried about me earlier, then once I told you you brought me out. Hell even Toga and Twice were under the assumption you were planning this as a date or something. I mean, obviously they're nuts, but I really want to know why were out walking around, why you got me this, and where we're going."
        "... Is it that weird to go on a date with me?" He asks after a few moments of no response.
        "Well, no, but I..." they go quiet, realizing what he'd asked. Stopping they look up at him surprised, Dabi now staring at them and even being unable to see his eyes they can feel his intense gaze. They're shocked, so this is a date?? But... "Why? If this is a date, why me?"
        "Why ask?"
        "Cause it's you, you are pretty open about how you feel about people, for the most part," they retort, tilting their head. Then a thought comes to mind. "Are you saying... You like me?"
        He doesn't say anything, shrugging and rubbing his neck. But his vocal response makes them blush,"... And if I do? You're the only one I can stand in our team most of the time, plus... Somehow you managed to always be on my mind, so I guess I do." 
        (F/n) blinks taken back, speechless with no clue what to say. Swallowing they lower their head, their face heating up. It's no secret they've had a small crush on the fire quirk user, but given their situation as well as who he is, they did their very best to keep it from coming to light. But now... Now they can't. Lifting their head ready to hug him or kiss him or something the other villain freezes when lips meet theirs; his lower lip is scarred and rough, but the kiss is deep and in some way passionate. He's not a bad kisser, by any means, and as he pulls back (F/n) pulls him right back in before he can pull his mask back up, gripping his hoodie front and pressing their lips back together. With closed eyes the two deepen the lip lock, Dabi pressing them against a nearby wall and (F/n) paying no mind to the crepe on the sidewalk. With one arm around his neck and the other brushing through his raven locks the bigger man's arms loop around them pulling them close to him; the kiss becomes heated, their tongues brushing while their mouths move in a perfect sync.
        It only lasts a few minutes surprisingly, but as they pull away (F/n) pecks his lips one more time, smiling and lifting his glasses to meet his gaze.
        "Why don't we finish our date?~"
        Letting each other go they fix their disguises before going off to find something to do, his hand finding theirs and the two grasping the other's tightly.
        The date surprisingly goes off without a hitch; the two visit a small festival and get masks, they go get some drinks, and soon enough they're sitting on the roof of their hideout. Laying down they stare up at the sky, sunglasses and masks off with Dabi's arm under (F/n)'s head. 
        It's pretty quiet, the only sound being (F/n) finding a shape in the vast amount of twinkling lights in the sky and pointing them out.
        "That doesn't look like a cat to me," Dabi comments, (F/n) shaking their head and using their finger to 'draw' the outline.
        "No, no, you're just not seeing it! See, there's the tail, there's it's ears, the eyes-"
        "And you're a nerd," he interrupts teasingly, his date looking up at him with fake shock and gasping.
        "How rude! Well, you're..."
        He watches them expectantly, waiting for their best insult.
        "... A burnt piece of bacon."
        He actually scoffs, replying,"That the best you got? That was weak."
        "Well I'm sorry, you're just soooo handsome I couldn't think of a good one, but I'll keep trying," they sigh, smiling at him before leaning up and kissing his scarred cheek. He actually shows a shadow of a grin, turning his head just as they go for it so their lips meet, (F/n) freezing a moment before pressing into it.
        Things start to get heated again, when they immediately stop and look to the left where they hear footsteps running off, and Twice saying,"Run Toga! We got the picture! We're gonna die! Dabi's gonna kill us!"
        They both share the same glance before Dabi sighs, mumbling,"Idiots..." He pulls (F/n) close again though, rolling them over so he's on top and kisses them again, (F/n) planning to have them send them that picture in private before Dabi makes them delete it, but first enjoying the sweet kiss their date gives them as they spend almost the rest of the night on the roof.
(AN: I hope this was okay! It was fun to write. Hope you liked it!)
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squidy-scribbler · 6 years
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Since it is November 1st (or at least November 1st in central america which right now it’s like 8am. (WHICH MEANS I CAN FINALLY POST THIS, I GOT UP EARLY AS FUCK JUST FOR THIS. I left my laptop in sleep mode just so that I could easily post this and not ruin Toby’s request ouo) believe it’s time to talk about this theory I have. 
I believe Delta Rune takes place in the timeline where “Chara” and Asriel succeed in getting the monsters above ground or in a timeline where Asgore succeeded in getting 7 human souls much earlier then in Undertale. Which can be validated by the fact that him and Toriel seem to be divorced by this point and that he keeps colored flower’s under glass in his room which could be memorials to the fallen children that he took. I however am going to go with the first part of this..mainly because of the title of the game it’s self Delta Rune as in the same Delta Rune that held the prophecy about going up to the surface which I think that Asriel and Chara both fulfilled. And that the red locked door by it’s lonesome is the exit from the underground to the surface.
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So let me explain my findings~
First we are introduced to Kris who is Toriel and Asgore’s “child” along with Asriel who is at college right now. Kris is definitely in Chara’s outfit and is taller then both Chara and Frisk so they’re older. and from the ending…..it’s safe to assume that Chara and Kris are the same person. Chara has never been explicitly called Chara in the game undertale..their name has always been the player’s name and the fandom labeled them as Chara due to data mined sprites labeling them as such. I can hear it now though..“but then why is it when you type in “Chara” for your name it calls the game calls it “the true name”? cuz it’s literally short for character..the true name of any person in a game is that they are a character in that game..and without our influence as a player I think that “Chara” could have easily been given the name Kris.
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There’s also the fact that Bratty/Catty are enemies and Alphys/Undyne do not know each other. The second of those two options being much more interesting since it implies that Alphys was never the royal scientist and never spent much time in the dump to help those two develop that friendship and also therefore never met Undyne in waterfall or royal guard. Supporting this fact is that by knocking on Napstablook’s house can get the voice of someone calling you darling and Beautiful along with saying that they are a nobody. Assuming this is Mettaton they definitely would be a nobody had Alphys not made them a robotic body.There are also two graves found in the graveyard by the church that are for the ice bird’s mom and for the dog’s pack leader which both had died but had been brought back as amalgamates via Alphys’s experimenting so that never occurred.
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So when did they leave the underground exactly? Well as much as I would like to find a more exact time based off of these character deaths the problem of how monster’s decompose is an issue. They turn to dust..so who’s to say that the monster families didn’t just keep the dust in a jar and bury it in those spots at a later date? Another issue with this logic would be that they could have died on the surface. So until further details I can’t base the timeline on that.
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However I can base it on how Toriel and Asgore act along with Alphys non royal scientistness that I discussed earlier. Asgore and Toriel are divorced in DeltaRune from what I can tell since it seems like Asgore lives in his flower shop which means that by this point he has probably killed a couple kids one way or another. This along with the fact that Alphys is not the royal scientist can mean only one thing. They had to have left the underground when WD Gaster was presumed to be the royal scientist…and judging by the fact that we have yet to see him it’s safe to assume everyone left the underground shortly after he disappeared.
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Another thing to note is that Sans can be talked with as Kris is returning home and he says that he’s new in town. How is it that they were much later then everyone else in getting to the surface? One of the main fan theories is that Sans and Papyrus are fairly new to the underground and were made much later in Undertale’s timeline so by this logic they would have been born or made shortly before or after Alphys was named royal scientist which means this would hold true in the DeltaRune timeline. Meaning that right now the DeltaRune timeline is taking place right around when the skeleton brothers first came to Snowdin in the Undertale timeline. Side note this is nice to know since it could also tell us how old Asriel and Chara/Kris would be if they were alive when Frisk would have gone to the underground in Undertale, of course adding a few years to let the skeleton brothers settle in. Though there is one thing that could throw a wrench into this line of thinking and that is Gerson’s grave.
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Gerson is definitely alive and well in Undertale well past when Sans and Papyrus first moved into Snowdin so why does that no longer hold true in the DeltaRune timeline? It may just be an assumption but i’m going to say that the reason for them leaving the underground so soon may have resulted in Gerson’s death. Otherwise this new timeline would have a lot of explaining to do about Sans and Papyrus. Which frankly we need a lot more of already but for now we’re trying to stick to the order of events as Undertale portrays them to be and would most likely happen across all other timelines as well. 
With all this in mind what could cause such a need to get out of the underground so quickly? Why would Chara and Asriel succeed this time and not the time they tried in Undertale? and why is Gerson dead? My answer…of course involves our mysterious friend Gaster. Now we have yet to see any inkling that Gaster is alive or dead in this timeline and given that he’s definitely connected to the skeleton brothers i’m going to assume if he had survived that he would be with them. Since he’s not mentioned by Sans (or frankly anyone) as of yet i’m going to say that the event that made Gaster into what he is was in Undertale happened in a different way this time around and somehow Gerson was involved. I’m supporting this with the fact that two of his followers are now normal in this timeline and the fact that Undyne still has her eye. It has been said in Undertale that her and Gerson were close so his involvement allowed for the followers to keep their non Gaster filled lives along with making sure that Undyne never got injured in the eye.
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Since Gerson was once a warrior and knows a lot about monster history I would think that having his involvement would mean that the event that made Gaster in Undertale probably was much more of an emergency in the DeltaRune timeline and required the aid of an experienced human monster war veteran. There are also a lot of strong theories that Gaster turning into what he is involved the core so i’m going to guess that since the monsters got out early, this time the event that made or caused Gaster to change resulted in a core meltdown. This would make it easier for Asriel to attack the humans of the surface rather then take their blows since otherwise all monsters would be doomed to die if the core was going to erupt, die, meltdown, etc. This could also explain Kris since Chara’s spirit could latch onto Frisk..so who’s to say Chara didn’t attach to Kris after they separated from Asriel? Or Kris is one of the human’s Asgore killed and Asriel infused Chara into Kris’s dead body before they left the underground? Hell Chara might not have even died this time and their real name could've been Kris all along in both timelines and Chara’s just kinda a place holder name (like Character) as they may have forgotten their real name after dying. But that's all just wild speculation with no evidence. We’ll hopefully find out more later. (Going off from the beginning say Asgore did get 7 human souls early.This could also explain why he did it so soon. He took Toriel’s advice of just using a human soul to pass through the barrier and then come back with 6 more since everyone would die otherwise. Which would explain the divorce but again I still like to think that the Delta Rune prophecy still came true some how).
In conclusion I looked way too much into this and I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts and opinions going forward. This is just how I interpreted all of these elements of DeltaRune and hopefully we’ll know the full story soon enough :D for now I await this chapter 2 and hopefully it’ll bring more answers.
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archer-adi · 6 years
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Y'all remember this blog!? I sure do! Gosh, I think it’s been quite a while now... I’m hoping to revive this long-dead blog and actually, you know, use it for art. Guess we’ll see!
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Dec 24 Dancitron Movie Night - Gotham s2 e4-6
Primus showed up and made things snow. There was general consternation. Primus assured them that the snow wasn’t acidic.
Prowl only vaguely liked that the new police chief in the show was fighting corruption, but he was doing it so badly and introducing so many new bad aspects to the police that he couldn’t really support them.
Soundwave finally let Prowl help clean after the show.
Today NoodlesAtNight 7:31 pm ((A note - I don't know how many will be around tonight, we'll see what's what by 8)) SCProwl 7:31 pm ((k SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:32 pm ((tbh I'm not sure how long I'll be around either)) ((it's kinda up in the air rn- the Family Obligations might call me away) NoodlesAtNight 7:32 pm ((perfectly understandable)) NoodlesAtNight 7:34 pm *For the moment, Soundwave will be poking around arranging things. He's got the usual array of snacks and drinks out, and is draped across his couch. That's right, he's doing all of this by feeler.* SCProwl 7:43 pm *arrives early for a change* NoodlesAtNight 7:43 pm [[Nothing to do at the police station?]] Angorumoa 7:44 pm [*bleps at the group then goes to let the doggo out*] NoodlesAtNight 7:44 pm ((blep! hi doggo)) SCProwl 7:45 pm I was able to finish my datawork a little earlier. We've finally gotten our system up and running. Angorumoa 7:46 pm [Oh geeze. SNOW OUTSIDE. Okay I may need to shovel it off the porch before I figure out who joins. A good two inches have built up. Maybe three.] Boomtank 7:46 pm ((HAH SCProwl 7:46 pm ((nice NoodlesAtNight 7:46 pm ((snooooow i'm so jealous. good luck))
*Soundwave tilts his helm.* [[Bevel making herself useful, is she?]] Angorumoa 7:47 pm [And YOU, aubade, wee need to see Bumblebee some monday] Boomtank 7:47 pm ((Like when I'm not recovering from mushing my car? Angorumoa 7:47 pm [Yes. THE ONE TIME YOU DON'T HAVE CAFFINE] Boomtank 7:47 pm ((yeah, that was....embarrassing Boomtank 7:48 pm ((hopefully it's still in theaters by the time I get my car fixed verdigrisprowl 7:48 pm *arrives* SCProwl 7:48 pm Well, she's prone to listening to music in at least one audial but she organizes data more efficiently than any police filing clerk I've ever seen. verdigrisprowl 7:49 pm *efficient data organization?* Who are we talking about? Boomtank 7:49 pm -And Blaster is just...going to drop into a seat- SCProwl 7:49 pm Bevel. NoodlesAtNight 7:49 pm [[You say that as though you disapprove.]] *He, obviously, does not.*
[[Ah. And your alternate has arrived.]] *Pings Prowl hello and nods to Blaster. Good evening, there.* verdigrisprowl 7:49 pm Ah. Really? Huh. Boomtank 7:50 pm -tired wave back. Hello.- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:50 pm *the dragon shows up- her cast is /finally/ off, praise the goddess! she's brought snacks for Soundwave, and she can put them where they belong!* Hello, Soundwave, everyone! NoodlesAtNight 7:50 pm [[Greetings, dragon. Ah - no medical equipment? Healed at last?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:52 pm All bones are back to where they belong! *the dragon extends her wing out fully to show off* I should try and be careful with it, but I'm cleared to fly short distances and everything! verdigrisprowl 7:52 pm *... where were the bones last time* NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm *Soundwave dutifully admires the healed wing while fetching a hot drink for Blaster with a feeler. Poor mech always looks like he's about to perish on the spot.* Boomtank 7:53 pm -he's dealing with stubborn neutrals that think they know more than they actually do- NoodlesAtNight 7:54 pm *That's a good question. Somewhere else in the wing he supposes.* verdigrisprowl 7:54 pm *ain't that just how neutrals are.* Angorumoa 7:55 pm [doggo in and snow shovelled] NoodlesAtNight 7:56 pm ((yay! wb)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:56 pm *they were broken in half, so trying to escape out the membrane. aka, not where they needed to be.* Boomtank 7:56 pm -Yep. If it would not be bad form, he'd call them out on it- Angorumoa 7:56 pm [Half tempted to go HEY LET IT SNOW ON CYBERTRON] Boomtank 7:56 pm -well, more than he already did today- ((SNOW)) verdigrisprowl 7:56 pm ((that'd be awful for the natural landscape)) Angorumoa 7:57 pm [shhhh it'd be fine SCProwl 7:57 pm *nods to alternate and finds her seat while she thinks how to word a reply to Soundwave's comment* I don't disapprove. It doesn't distract her from what she's doing and I also perform a number of tasks simultaneously. Mine just don't tend to result in outbursts of singing. NoodlesAtNight 7:57 pm ((soundwave will huddled indoors under 20 tarps and hiss at the windows)) Boomtank 7:58 pm -still going to take the drink and give Soundwave a tired smile- Thanks. Angorumoa 7:58 pm [He'll have to wear an ugly sweater] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:58 pm ((the dragon will show up with her rebreather and roll around outside the windows)) verdigrisprowl 7:58 pm ((oh no)) ((poor soundwave)) ((i guess)) ((he'll just)) Angorumoa 7:58 pm [Prowl gets one too] verdigrisprowl 7:58 pm ((have to cuddle with prowl)) ((for warmth)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:58 pm ((ohohohoho)) Angorumoa 7:58 pm [Everyone gets ugly sweaters NoodlesAtNight 7:58 pm ((oh no how terrible. how will he ever stop laughing at the ugly sweater)) SCProwl 7:59 pm ((Prowl wouldn't mind a very mild acidic snowfall as she'd totally collect some to add to her acid collection Boomtank 7:59 pm ((Primus, don't do that. Angorumoa 7:59 pm [ouo [*going to do it* NoodlesAtNight 7:59 pm ((prowl just gobbling snow "thanks for the weaponry refill god" )) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:59 pm ((...oh, right. cybertronian precipitation is acidic)) Boomtank 7:59 pm ((do not SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:00 pm ((the dragon maybe... should not roll in that.)) Angorumoa 8:00 pm [*GUNNA DO IT* SCProwl 8:00 pm ((yeah that'd be bad Boomtank 8:00 pm ((and yes, unless we want dragon soup SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:00 pm ((no dragon soop for you)) Boomtank 8:00 pm ((BAD PRIMUS NoodlesAtNight 8:00 pm ((OKAY there is actually enough of a crowd tonight for us to progress thru s2 so i don't need to switch to an xmas cartoon. thankfully, because i have already watched so many aha)) Angorumoa 8:00 pm [christmassss] Boomtank 8:01 pm ((oh right, feck, that's tomorrow Angorumoa 8:01 pm *Totally debatable snow outside and ugly sweaters for everyone. Totally debatable whether reality or not.* SCProwl 8:01 pm ((tho explaining it ic would be funny "uh, it's the only signal I could get from earth aside from some very annoying speech by a very orange man Boomtank 8:01 pm ((HAH ((yes SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:02 pm ((boo, no orange man)) ((he's bad)) Boomtank 8:02 pm (('humans can come in that color?' NoodlesAtNight 8:02 pm ((we won't have the orange man here tonight. or any night. all right, warnings: GOTHAM S2 4-6 // Violence, blood, death, police militarization (trust me, it won't work out), poor depictions of mental illnesses, foul language. Alfred being a dick to Selina, Nice Guy Nygma, Butch's brainwashing, 'family' abuse, a loose eye, severed limbs, charred humans, prison comments I thhhink are in bad taste.)) ((but also more tabitha so like it evens out.)) verdigrisprowl 8:03 pm ((i choose to believe that all transformers continuities take place in universes where someone mildly more tolerable was elected SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:03 pm ((it's what we deserve)) Boomtank 8:03 pm ((yes Angorumoa 8:03 pm [I know noooothing about Gotham, so ey, all the confusion on my end. Also it may or may not be snowing outside with suddenly ugly sweaters on robots] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:03 pm ((does the dragon get a sweater)) Angorumoa 8:03 pm [of course] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:04 pm ((fuck yeah)) Boomtank 8:04 pm ((GDI PRIMUS Angorumoa 8:04 pm [with proper wing openings] SCProwl 8:04 pm ((TF timelines are the good timeline? verdigrisprowl 8:04 pm ((well, depending on the timeline, the decepticons MIGHT kill billions of people, so, yknow)) ((*weighing scales gesture*)) SCProwl 8:04 pm ((fair point SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:05 pm ((yeah but megatron does a hit and run on the orange man and kills him instantly so)) ((also soundwave steals all of jeff bezos' assets)) NoodlesAtNight 8:05 pm ((basically what you need to know is: bruce is a baby, he's trying to find out who killed his parents, penguin's a boss, and a new arrival in town is trying to get revenge for his family's erasure in history by installing himself in a position of power. nygma's slowly sliding into riddler land and there's something shady going down at wayne enterprises. there you go!)) SCProwl 8:05 pm ((that's why Soundwave's so rich Angorumoa 8:06 pm [Stuff! I may debatable mute and watch my= dog wtf are you doing out there] SCProwl 8:06 pm Oh, we're watching this again? Boomtank 8:06 pm ((ooooi NoodlesAtNight 8:06 pm ((soundwave just sells his rations of rare metals he doesn't like and makes his money that way)) [[Yes. The story continues.]] SCProwl 8:07 pm May I have a visual? Angorumoa 8:07 pm *distant nooting outside* verdigrisprowl 8:07 pm *pings video* NoodlesAtNight 8:07 pm [[Of course. One mom-- those blasted flobsters are back.]] verdigrisprowl 8:07 pm Got it. NoodlesAtNight 8:07 pm [[Ravage! Ravage, if you please.]] =On it.=- SCProwl 8:07 pm *accepts with a grateful ping* NoodlesAtNight 8:07 pm [[Ah, thank you.]] verdigrisprowl 8:08 pm *... leans on soundwave* Boomtank 8:08 pm -tucking legs under him at nooting- NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm *Lean! Good. Comfortable.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:08 pm *the dragon clambers up onto the arm of the couch to hang out with Soundwave, if that's okay. she'd hunt flobsters, but...* SCProwl 8:08 pm I suppose that's one way to get attention. NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm *She is absolutely welcome up there.* [[Do not worry. We will not allow any flobsters inside. Nobody will be electrocuted tonight.]] verdigrisprowl 8:08 pm *...... caaaaasually laces hands around Soundwave's arm.* NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm *Caaaaaasually settles a hand on those hands. Ahh.* Angorumoa 8:09 pm *Ravage can get a nice lobster snack outdoors. And possibly get a ride on back inside cause Primus just strolls in like a god does.* NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm [[He hopes someone doesn't have to pay for that chair.]] Boomtank 8:09 pm I'd appreciate them remaining outside verdigrisprowl 8:09 pm Taxpayers. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:09 pm If they sneak in, I'll fight them. *flobsters would probably be quite a fight for a fox-sized dragon.* NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm *Ravage will 100% ride on Primus. He likes to feel tall.* [[Oh, he likes this one.]] SCProwl 8:10 pm Agreed. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:11 pm *Ravage is supremely valid* verdigrisprowl 8:12 pm ... I'm... skeptical of the long-term efficacy of this approach. Angorumoa 8:13 pm *Ravage can chill out up on his shoulders then. And get a scritch if he's feeling it while Primus may need to duck to actually get inside. For reasons he's a tad taller than usual. And just way late on, like, /everything/ else.* NoodlesAtNight 8:13 pm ((frick is it skipping/blanking)) verdigrisprowl 8:13 pm It's the correct thing to do but I don't think that's the correct way to achieve it. verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm ((it's fine here)) NoodlesAtNight 8:14 pm [[What are the flaws in his approach?]] *Curious.* verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm And I'm a /little/ bit skeptical of anyone who talks about bringing back respect for law and order. NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm [[Elaborate?]] *That is not something he expected a cop to say. He'd like to know why - not that he disagrees.* verdigrisprowl 8:16 pm For one thing, he only fired a small fraction of the corrupt cops. The rest are now on their toes and ready to team up against someone who threatens their way of life. NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm [[Covering for one another, or harming him? Both?]] verdigrisprowl 8:18 pm Both. Boomtank 8:18 pm -just going to curl up in the seat now, listening more to the room than the show- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:18 pm And once again, Penguin showing off his weakness comes to bite him. NoodlesAtNight 8:19 pm [[He really should have sent her somewhere safe.]] verdigrisprowl 8:19 pm And in my experience, when I've met enforcers who talk about making the civilians respect them, they're USUALLY not talking about becoming more respectable. Oh look, he's already talking about murdering suspects. What a surprise. SCProwl 8:19 pm I changed my mind. NoodlesAtNight 8:19 pm [[And he no longer likes this human.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:19 pm I'm not sure if safe is "far away" or "at his side at all times," really. Neither one seems to appeal. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:20 pm *bares fangs* Bite his throat out. NoodlesAtNight 8:20 pm [[Far away. She can't be hurt if no one can locate her.]] [[For Primus' sake. War does not make a fantastic police officer.]] Angorumoa 8:21 pm *Primus put a warm blanket around Blaster's shoulders. Give him something to hold onto while he listened to the few mechs, and one dragon, gathered on the eve.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:21 pm War makes horrors and nightmares. NoodlesAtNight 8:22 pm [[...He apologizes for cursing.]] *To Primus.* [[Agreed, dragon.]] verdigrisprowl 8:22 pm His hard stance against corruption is the only thing going for him. Boomtank 8:22 pm -ooooh, blanket, don't mind as he hides in it now- Thanks SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:22 pm *the dragon looks over, sees Primus, and just about jumps out of her fur* ... verdigrisprowl 8:22 pm Wh—? *glances for who Soundwave's apologizing to.* Oh. Hi. verdigrisprowl 8:23 pm So. All angry, half of them out for revenge. Angorumoa 8:23 pm *Casual shrug to Soundwave. By far not the worse he's heard. Gives Blaster a little rub on the helm then looks over at the others.* Amusing that only now you realize I'm here. SCProwl 8:23 pm They should be addressing the rampant poverty in this city, not preparing a military squad to murder criminals. verdigrisprowl 8:24 pm You don't— Newbs don't join strike forces! NoodlesAtNight 8:24 pm [[He dreams himself a warlord. Hmph.]]
[[And he knew you were here. Ravage informed him. Thank you for your presence.]] SCProwl 8:24 pm Your officers. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:24 pm *the dragon sniffs the air curiously. smells like Primus.* ...Hi. verdigrisprowl 8:24 pm "What do we have to l—"?! You have LIVES to lose! Theirs AND those of the people they're going to be pointing guns at! Angorumoa 8:25 pm Hello. You know it is snowing? NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm [[It -- /what?/ ]] SCProwl 8:25 pm It's--what? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:25 pm *that gets the dragon's interest* Snow?! SCProwl 8:25 pm No! Boomtank 8:25 pm -hums and settles- You tend to do that thing where you....what SCProwl 8:25 pm Do not go outside. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:25 pm Is it acid snow? Can I play in it? NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm *Twists to look through the doors.* [[...He'll pencil in a repaint.]] Angorumoa 8:25 pm No. Yes. NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm [[No! Do not play in it!]] verdigrisprowl 8:25 pm *glances at the door before remembering his alternate and turning back to the screen.* Boomtank 8:26 pm Primus. Primus why? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:26 pm *wait. Primus said yes. Soundwave said no. confusion.* NoodlesAtNight 8:26 pm *Already inching closer to Prowl.*
[[He's going to have to replace the doors again too.]] *Long-suffering vent. Oh well. At least Buzzsaw makes good use of the glass scraps.* Angorumoa 8:27 pm *Shrugs.* I had a bit... excess power that needed an outlet. It is only limited to about... thirty feet in a circle outside. Boomtank 8:27 pm Primus that was a bad idea. verdigrisprowl 8:27 pm Did it have to be a circle that's populated? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:28 pm ...Docent! Don't hit a hatchling! verdigrisprowl 8:28 pm She murdered someone. NoodlesAtNight 8:28 pm [[Who was going to have them murdered first.]] SCProwl 8:28 pm *Prowl's vents stutter at the mention of Primus* Angorumoa 8:29 pm No one was around other than a flobster that Ravage ate. Not going to do any harm to the area. verdigrisprowl 8:29 pm ... She /murdered/ someone. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:29 pm So he's going to sock a hatchling in the face? That doesn't teach her anything but not to trust him. verdigrisprowl 8:30 pm I don't think a punch is too harsh for a murderer. Angorumoa 8:30 pm [we lost a noodle] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:30 pm ((oh shit soundwave's gone)) ((ANARCHY)) ((set the chat on fire)) NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm ((trying to make my screen stop dying sorry)) Boomtank 8:30 pm Primus, what about this area? We're kinda in it? Aren't we? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:30 pm ((valid)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:31 pm *guh. the riddling human disappoints her.* verdigrisprowl 8:31 pm And why spend that energy on snow instead of... making more energon? Angorumoa 8:31 pm I said thirty /feet/, not miles. It isn't a massive area. The dragon go roll around in the snow if she wishes to. Not going to cause harm to her nor the landscape. NoodlesAtNight 8:32 pm [[...If it isn't acidic, then very well.]] verdigrisprowl 8:32 pm That's gonna rust. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:32 pm *excuse the dragon as she /zooms/ out the door. SNOW TIME.* NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm [[We will scrub it in the morning. The dragon has been injured for weeks. He would see her enjoy herself.]] Angorumoa 8:33 pm You know energon in most cases is my /blood/? And no it wont. It is on a self recycling loop. Not actually touching the ground. verdigrisprowl 8:33 pm You know that energon is ALL our blood? NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm ((i'm gonna restart computer, brb - scp has remote)) SCProwl 8:34 pm I'm going outside. If you don't mind, I'll keep the video connection, Captain? verdigrisprowl 8:34 pm Go ahead. It won't be disorienting? Boomtank 8:35 pm -finishes drink and kinda hides under the blanket now- SCProwl 8:35 pm Better than-- *remembers the last time she didn't fall into everyone's deluded belief that this person is Primus* --i'll be fine. I need air. verdigrisprowl 8:35 pm Very well. Angorumoa 8:35 pm *Chin stroke.* I do, Prowl. I also remember the time I was shedding energon as a naga... Those were very early and interesting days when the Grays were more active. SCProwl 8:36 pm *stands up and leaves* Angorumoa 8:36 pm [Those were very weird but fun days. M!A everywhere.] verdigrisprowl 8:37 pm A "naga"? SCProwl 8:38 pm *ducks out into the snow and immediately starts scanning what's already fallen for acidity* Angorumoa 8:38 pm A naga is a hybrid of a snake and a human, somewhat. From the chest up is the humanoid and the bottom is a long snake of varying description. [Unrelated: STUPIDCRICKETSINMYEARS] SCProwl 8:38 pm ((Zsasz~~~ SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm *the dragon is rolling around and kicking snow into the air* Angorumoa 8:38 pm [Tinnitus I think is goddamn horrible] verdigrisprowl 8:39 pm Sorry, snake and a "human"? You mean, from the chest up, it looks like, uh...... /us/? Boomtank 8:39 pm Grayfaces got to you too? Angorumoa 8:40 pm *The snow outside was just that, snow. 'Fluffy' frozen water that melted when it warmed. It melted faster while the dragon rolled about in it.*
Ah, yes. Sorry. It was one of the many hybrid designs that were going around. Less popular than the mer. verdigrisprowl 8:40 pm Well, there's one new rookie down. verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm *gives him a quick funny look for comparing the anatomy to aliens instead of, like, themselves; but then back to the movie.* SCProwl 8:41 pm *low acidity, then. so her paint won't get ruined then, that's fine. uses her hand to guide her to a good place to lean against the wall* You're missing the show. Angorumoa 8:42 pm *Shrug. They shared the bipedal shape with humans and certain other species that were like that. It was a common design that was semi-efficient. Having free front forelimbs was a very good thing for a species.* NoodlesAtNight 8:42 pm *Soundwave startles back to awareness. Had to reassure the minicon complex that the snow was expected and not dangerous.* Boomtank 8:42 pm -don't mind as he gets up to trot outside to see the snow, blanket trailing behind him- SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:43 pm *the dragon mrrps, looking over at Not-VerdigrisProwl Prowl* It's nice to see snow here. There's plenty of it at home, but... verdigrisprowl 8:43 pm She shouldn't be there. He's a mass of stitched-together red flags. NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm [[No, she shouldn't. She should have left when she got up.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:44 pm *Somewhat worried now.* SCProwl 8:45 pm Is it acidic on your planet as well? *tenses slightly at Blaster walking back out, recognizing him by the sounds he's making* It's low-acidity, Blaster. Angorumoa 8:45 pm *Might end up transforming the snow into a proper resource at the end of the night since he had been putting his energy into it. It wouldn't just be a 'pretty' waste.* Boomtank 8:45 pm Oh. Nice. Hi. Sorry if I startled you. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:46 pm It's not as acidic as normal Cybertronian rain. It's more or less the typical pH of pure water. verdigrisprowl 8:46 pm ... He could at least tell Gym why he's doing it. Maybe not who's got the hostage, but. SCProwl 8:46 pm It's fine. Water can be quite acidic to some species actually. NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm *Notices most everyone has gone outside.*
*.........Settles up right proper against Prowl. Maybe a tiny shoulder nip. Not like anyone but Primus is watching anyway* verdigrisprowl 8:48 pm *if he weren't on camera duty, he'd return it as a kiss.* NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm *The thought is appreciated*
[[...He can understand the Penguin's rage, in a way. He does not have a mother, but - well. He has others.]] Boomtank 8:49 pm -flops more than sits on ground- I mean, the dragon isn't in pain, so... Angorumoa 8:49 pm *Even then is only half paying attention. Prowl and Soundwave were cute. A good pair they made for helping each other and more. Don't mind his grin. Thinking to himself while keeping track of the outside conversation.* NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm [[And Theo plays a dangerous game. Penguin /did/ erase all the competition in a year.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:50 pm Right, it can be. I forget, sometimes. verdigrisprowl 8:51 pm *taps Soundwave's arm* Just so you're forewarned, if someone ever takes you hostage, I'm continuing with business as usual and taking it on faith that you can extract yourself. SCProwl 8:51 pm What's your planet like? It's organic, yes? SCProwl 8:52 pm *would appreciate alternate not kissing Soundwave if she knew about it* NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm *Glances over.* [[He accepts this warning and the inherent compliment. Though he does hope that you will mind any messages he sends if - for some rare reason - he cannot get out on his own.]] *Pause.* [[Would you like him to react similarly, or...?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:53 pm Yes, it is. It's rather different, really. It was very weird to see stars for the first time- I come from a pocket dimension, as they're called, so there's been only the one solar system for my entire life. It's a cold planet, so more snow than rain. But we make it work. We got to the moon! And built a space elevator and satellites to facilitate transit. SCProwl 8:55 pm A pocket dimension. Your universe has a reachable stopping point? Is that how you were able to access other universes? verdigrisprowl 8:55 pm Depends on what I have to do to get you out. I'm not interested in being blackmailed. NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm [[Why would he blackmail you?]] verdigrisprowl 8:56 pm No, whoever has you hostage. Presumably, if you're being kept hostage and I'm being told and you can't get out, it's because they're trying to use you to get something out of me. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:56 pm Ah... I mean, technically, it might? I haven't found it yet. What happened was that an alternate of the Soundwave hosting us was accidentally sent to my dimension- which was a very cruel thing to do, because there were defense systems emplaced that could well have killed him, and there's no energon there. SCProwl 8:56 pm *huffs in annoyance at Galavan's acting* Boomtank 8:57 pm -curious blink at the other Prowl- Something happen? NoodlesAtNight 8:57 pm [[Ah. Well, you needn't kill anyone. Should it come to that, his deployers would take care of that part.]] [[Preferably his captor.]] *Huff.* SCProwl 8:57 pm Galavan asked for Gordon to support his campaign for mayor. verdigrisprowl 8:58 pm Preferably. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:58 pm Galvan is going to reap what he sows. Boomtank 8:58 pm ....huh? Oh, the show. Yeah, that's kinda ranging in on stupid Angorumoa 8:59 pm *Small grin.* Guess I should stay hands off if something serious were to happen to either of you? Let you work out your own fates. *Shh. Small butting in.* NoodlesAtNight 8:59 pm *Glance over.* [[Well. He wouldn't say no to divine interference. He'd be a fool if he did.]] verdigrisprowl 9:00 pm Oh, well, if you're offering. Angorumoa 9:00 pm *Laughs.* SCProwl 9:00 pm It's interesting that so many of the universes that have found their way to others has been by accident or space bridge malfunctions. NoodlesAtNight 9:01 pm [[What can he say? We are on the pragmatic side.]] SCProwl 9:01 pm Blaster, how did you find your way into another universe the first time? NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm [[Hm. Frenzy would like that one.]] Boomtank 9:02 pm ...stupidity. SCProwl 9:02 pm Intentional stupidity or accidental? verdigrisprowl 9:02 pm Mm. They kicked her friend. Serena's gonna kill them. Boomtank 9:02 pm Accidental Angorumoa 9:03 pm Even with the excuse of 'divine intervention,' not many would believe it. *Chuckles.* Casually nudging things to go the right way rather than just uplifting from danger. NoodlesAtNight 9:03 pm [[The napalm one, mind. Not the kicker.]]
[[And he would not complain if she did.]] Boomtank 9:04 pm I stumbled through a rift, and luckily found my way home...and then....had help developing a way to do so safely NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm [[Many things are drastically changed by a casual nudge. He would not -- where does he find a warehouse like /that/?]] verdigrisprowl 9:04 pm Believe, shmelieve. Anyone who wants to improve the odds is welcome to. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:04 pm Ah, I said accidentally. He was intended to be bridged to a dead universe. My universe isn't dead. verdigrisprowl 9:04 pm ((this looks like it could be a location in borderlands.)) SCProwl 9:04 pm *Prowl knows where one used to be* NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm ((i had so hoped you would think so too)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:04 pm It was an attempted murder, I should have said. NoodlesAtNight 9:05 pm *Minor startle* verdigrisprowl 9:05 pm ((friendly home depot style supermarket with friendly speaker announcements full of weapons and explosives)) *snorts at the explosion.* NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm *Lips draw back.* [[What are they /eating./ ]] verdigrisprowl 9:06 pm They called it fun dew. Angorumoa 9:06 pm *Grins then shakes his helm.* I am a god of favoritism, but such happens. Can't be there every moment for everyone. *Troublesome. Very much so. Anyway!
Rolls his shoulders.* Hmm. NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm [[It doesn't look fun. It looks... melted.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:07 pm [[Which is why he so appreciates all the moments you have been. Thank you.]] NoodlesAtNight quietly hugs brigit)) 9:08 pm verdigrisprowl 9:08 pm Some melted things are good. Have you tried warm gallium? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:08 pm ((d'aw)) Angorumoa 9:09 pm *Dips his helm.* Things that feel so small, but had such a big impact to where we are now. Such as you being my temporary vassal of transference. SCProwl 9:09 pm I've never been told how Soundwave and Ratchet stumbled onto another universe. It happened while they were on Earth during the war. verdigrisprowl 9:10 pm Being what a what now? NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm [[Not in a long time. Is it that good? The gallium.]]
*Soundwave looks over to Primus.* [[Whenever it is needed, sir. He will not mind.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:10 pm But they all got out okay, yes? The one I met... It would have been very bad if he hadn't been able to get help. Even though he only had the one deployer, his fuel supplies started low. I'm glad I could help him build the bridge, but I wish I knew what happened to him. He scrambled everything after he left, and I've never found him. NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm *And because Soundwave can hear things through the bugs outside:* @SCP: [[Shockwave's fault. Another space bridge incident.]] SCProwl 9:11 pm *eugh eye* verdigrisprowl 9:12 pm I like it. Better in mixes, but I'll take it by itself in shots too. Angorumoa 9:12 pm Preferably I won't need to call on you for something so extreme again. SCProwl 9:12 pm *not even surprised Soundwave can hear the conversation outside* @SW: [[Of course it was.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm *Considers this.* [[He thinks there is some behind the bar. He will try it tonight after the others have left?]]
[[And preferably not - he'd like to think he does a better job of protecting you than that - but should it be necessary.]] [[Hm. At least she still cares about her own health. That will help her survive their mistreatement until she can get assistance.]] Angorumoa 9:14 pm And I may of used the wrong word, but, it was close. *Looks at Prowl beside Soundwave.* It isn't exactly a story many know of. It is... quite old. A reason Soundwave has, well... *Glances at the slender mech. Prowl does know about the shard?* NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm [[...Though not as much as if she stopped burning things.]] *Soundwave nods. Yes he does.* verdigrisprowl 9:15 pm *without looking, reaches over to point toward Soundwave's chest questioningly.* NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm ((i love edwige's hair)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:16 pm ((it's so floofy)) Angorumoa 9:18 pm *Nods.* The short of the story, since there is no one beyond us listening, is that I owe Soundwave much. He acted as the conduit, close enough, for me to temporarily reside in all my essence and power into a globe of Cybertron. I was... nearly dead at that time. As you can see, I am very much alive with my power contained in a proper body.
*Chuckles.* Why I do believe Soundwave thought he was a /thief/ for a long while because a piece was left behind. Angorumoa 9:19 pm [story years old that my lazy ass never completed but is canon fhskdjf] verdigrisprowl 9:19 pm He certainly told ME he was a thief. SCProwl 9:19 pm The multiverse does have its benefits. Boomtank 9:20 pm -snorts- Benefits. Right. Angorumoa 9:20 pm *Looks at Soundwave in amusement.* Better to be thought of as a thief, hrm~? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:20 pm I like being able to see stars. They were terrifying at first... But I like them, now. verdigrisprowl 9:20 pm I'm beginning to get the impression he blames himself for a great many sins he never committed. NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm *Vents. They're ganging up on him now.* SCProwl 9:21 pm When Bevel returned to Cybertron she brought everything she learned about other universes. Millions of different universes. Finding the Soundwave you helped would not be an easy task. NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm [[He has committed enough of them.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:22 pm Goddess, no, I know that. And I'm not sure he intended to be found. If that's the case, I never will. verdigrisprowl 9:23 pm *clutches a little tighter to Soundwave* Angorumoa 9:23 pm *Walks over and around. Grinning, he leaned carefully on the back of it. Leans his helm down to give Soundwave a gentle connection. You know he teases out of love.* verdigrisprowl 9:23 pm *it's hard enough when Butch is on the screen when they AREN'T actively forcing him to do things he doesn't want to.* *or talking about his conditioning.* NoodlesAtNight 9:24 pm *Holds tight. It's all right. You're here and nobody will touch you.* @P: [[Ravage tells him things will get better soon.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm *Soundwave lifts a feeler to gently pat Primus on the helm. He knows. If he didn't know, he would have a very different reaction.* [[Don't stand there, put him out.]] verdigrisprowl 9:25 pm @S «Appreciated.» SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:26 pm ((dying on fire does not a great cop make)) Angorumoa 9:26 pm *Hums. The air around them warming gently in an appreciative, safe, air.* Boomtank 9:27 pm ((ah fuck SCProwl 9:28 pm *yeah, that'll end well for Gordon* verdigrisprowl 9:29 pm I feel like there are probably less unpleasant ways to prove that the knife is sharp. NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm [[Slice a paper. A cloth. Anything else.]] SCProwl 9:30 pm *shifts slightly to run one pede through the snow building up round her* Boomtank 9:30 pm -should maybe head inside? Or not? Hmn...- verdigrisprowl 9:32 pm ... Is... *squints at the back* Is he just. Strangling back there. SCProwl 9:32 pm *not the worst idea for a removed limb* NoodlesAtNight 9:32 pm [[He is.]] [[Or trying not to.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm [[That's an innovative way to go about it. Ratbat never mentioned it.]] verdigrisprowl 9:34 pm I also feel like there are easier ways to get councilmen's support that don't leave them able to say later on when they're feeling slightly safer that they were put on a stool with a noose. Gym's completely out of line. He SHOULD be reported and his strike team is right to call him out and report him. NoodlesAtNight 9:35 pm [[Oh, there are. A potential slip, he hopes.]]
[[And he hopes they do report him.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:36 pm *Bristle. He's pretty sure he knows what this is supposed to be. Does not approve.* [[Do not bother waiting. Burn the lot.]] verdigrisprowl 9:37 pm Don't burn the lot. There are imprisoned slaves inside the lot. NoodlesAtNight 9:37 pm [[Burn the lot after freeing them.]] verdigrisprowl 9:38 pm Maybe they shouldn't be showing their faces. NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[Stop showing off and aim it lower-- oh, for Primus' sake. Wasted opportunity.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm ((capn barnes is so mad he broke netflix)) Boomtank 9:39 pm ((yup SCProwl 9:39 pm *well at least she can agree with Barnes about some things* verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm All right, the captain gets a point. Gym definitely deserves that note in his file. NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm [[IT IS NOT WAR.]] verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm And immediately loses it for calling this a war. verdigrisprowl 9:40 pm There ARE gray areas. That doesn't make it acceptable to wander into the shadows just because you're mad and feel like taking it out on someone's chassis. NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm *Hmm. A good move. Soundwave huffs at Bruce's tactic. He used to like that one himself.* Angorumoa 9:41 pm [*dying* mind if I drop an image here I think all of you could appreciate? or would it mess up the log, puff?] Boomtank 9:41 pm ..... -okay, inside he goes- verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm ((wouldn't mess up my log, just put the link in parentheses so that it actually saves.)) NoodlesAtNight 9:42 pm ((i'm interested in seeing)) [[Welcome back, Blaster. Enjoy the horrible, cold, wet, sticking snow?]] verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm ((parentheses or whatever else)) Angorumoa 9:42 pm [lesse if it works] [ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/413443912884158464/526939670857252874/fa8.png?width=417&height=468 ] NoodlesAtNight snorts)) 9:42 pm Boomtank 9:43 pm ((hehe verdigrisprowl 9:43 pm ((yeup)) Boomtank 9:43 pm -shakes out blanket- Kinda? It was new, so there's that SCProwl 9:43 pm *admirable defense tactics from the newbuild* NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm [[You've never encountered it before?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:43 pm *the dragon is going to roll in this snow for as long as it lasts* NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm *He can see Harvey doesn't like the Strike Force either. Sensible human.* [[/Run./]] SCProwl 9:44 pm *will remain out here until the being claiming to be Primus leaves or the show is over, whichever happens first* verdigrisprowl 9:44 pm *at least they obey the rules.* NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm [[Oh, what a move - impressive, that.]] Boomtank 9:45 pm Not really...I've never been to Earth long enough. NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm [[Perhaps you should go sneak about a while. He is told this is a good time of year for horrific mounds of snow in different parts of the planet.]] SCProwl 9:45 pm *almost sorry to hear Blaster go back inside, but it's fine* NoodlesAtNight 9:45 pm [[It will also be a good time in another six months, but we are not six months from now.]] Angorumoa 9:46 pm *The snow will last until the movie night ends. Then it'll be turned into something else. Maybe mercury or another liquid for energy. Except if Prowl wants to take some. It'll keep snowing in a jar. /not-magic/* Boomtank 9:46 pm I'd...rather not. Boomtank 9:47 pm Snow is...new, yes, but I'd rather not deal with it again SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:47 pm ((okay, I've got to sneak off. dragon is having snow party time. night all!)) Angorumoa 9:48 pm [night, have a good christmas!] NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm ((fun fact: the character bridgit is, is traditionally a guy in the comics. recently they took her from the show and put her in as them. *wiggles* )) SCProwl 9:48 pm *she might take a small sample, it's rare the precipitation on Cybertron has so little acidity* Boomtank 9:48 pm ((g'night! NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm ((night dragon!!)) [[Pity he didn't blow his hand off.]] SCProwl 9:48 pm ((Bridgit <3 verdigrisprowl 9:49 pm (("put her in as them"? what, like, changed the original dude's pronouns to they/them, or took out the dude and put in the girl instead, or?)) NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm ((like she made her own appearance as that particular villain - there have been multiple with the name and she's the latest)) [[Not undeserved.]] verdigrisprowl 9:50 pm ((ah)) Boomtank 9:51 pm ............... -hiding in the blanket- NoodlesAtNight 9:51 pm *Carefully pulls it up higher over Blaster's head.* Angorumoa 9:51 pm [GOOD GOING] Boomtank 9:52 pm -muffled 'Thank you' from under it- Angorumoa 9:52 pm [*coughcough* speaking of bbq, boom, you did eat today right? NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm ((oh my god)) verdigrisprowl 9:52 pm ((hey cro did YOU eat today)) NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm ((i did! twice)) verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm ((good)) Boomtank 9:53 pm ((leftovers ((but yes I had at least one meal Angorumoa 9:53 pm [we're 50/50 or 30/70 adults capable verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm *squeezes a little tighter. are they going to help him? undo the brainwashing?* Boomtank 9:53 pm ((yup! NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm *Pets the hand and nods.* verdigrisprowl 9:54 pm *is fine with him getting attacked strangled as long as it's going to set him free.* NoodlesAtNight 9:55 pm [[Fool. If he doesn't keep it, you will be out a valuable source of information. Learn to bend when it is important.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm [[Besides - imagine all she knows about the other jobs they pulled. She could give closure to many cases and identify many who hired them.]] Angorumoa 9:56 pm [Aaaaaaaaaaah! I don't visit my email or facebook vert often, but my friend, my "twin" as we joked in school, just got engaged.] NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm ((congrats to them!!)) verdigrisprowl 9:58 pm ... That's a hell of a thing to say to an orphan. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm [[Yes. Rather insensitive.]] verdigrisprowl 9:58 pm ((look at bruce.)) ((he's six.)) NoodlesAtNight 9:59 pm [[...He wouldn't.]] verdigrisprowl 9:59 pm ... He might. Boomtank 10:00 pm -still hiding, and not thinking of changing it any time soon- SCProwl 10:00 pm *this is going to end badly and Prowl isn't looking forward to it* NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm [[Oh, good, she went back.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm [[She does their jobs for them and they arrest her. Hmph.]] verdigrisprowl 10:02 pm She HAS committed several murders at this point. NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm [[The world is better off for her having done so.]] *Pause.* [[...But he realizes that is illegal. Still. She did not deserve that.]] Boomtank 10:03 pm -very glad he's hiding, he heard that- verdigrisprowl 10:05 pm Mm? The world has several more murders in it. It's good that they were stopped. But. Boomtank 10:06 pm That's not going to help.... NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[There, you see. You've lost her.]] verdigrisprowl 10:07 pm To be fair, she... pretty unambiguously set herself on fire. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm [[There were other ways to go to her.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:08 pm [[And she roasted the vehicle. The rest was an a-- oh no.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:09 pm *...Personally, he would be thankful to someone who saved him from a partner like that. But he can see how someone else would be disturbed by it.* verdigrisprowl 10:10 pm He's got a hand around her neck. I'd say he's exactly the man she thinks he is. NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm *Shakes his head. Poor Kristen.* verdigrisprowl 10:11 pm Do CPR, you idiot. NoodlesAtNight 10:11 pm [[Will that help her? He thought it was for humans who had drowned.]] verdigrisprowl 10:11 pm You had her neck for, what, about ten seconds? It takes about, oh, thirty to actually kill one. It's not too late for CPR. It gets air moving again when the air's stopped. Works for drowning, strangulation, suffocation... NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm [[Then he has killed her twice. She deserved better.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm [[...Hm.]] Boomtank 10:14 pm -is it over?- NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm *It is indeed over. Soundwave gently taps Blaster on the arm through the blanket.* Boomtank 10:15 pm -peers out at Soundwave-....I really don't like fire... NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[Oh? He did not know that. Would you prefer to be informed of large fires in the future?]] Boomtank 10:15 pm If that's not too much trouble... NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[It is not.]] SCProwl 10:16 pm *ah it's over. pings Soundwave, Blaster, and her alternate goodnight and ends the video feed* Boomtank 10:16 pm Then, yes please. verdigrisprowl 10:16 pm *returns ping* Angorumoa 10:16 pm [*made self sad*] [*but happy for them* SCProwl 10:16 pm ((ngl but she sounds like she wants to fuck the grinch verdigrisprowl 10:17 pm ((she does)) Boomtank 10:17 pm -returns the ping- NoodlesAtNight 10:17 pm *Bobs head at SCProwl. Goodnight. Do not fall into any drifts on the way out.* Boomtank 10:17 pm ((juuuuust a lil verdigrisprowl 10:17 pm ((you're a mean one mr grinch as sung by that one lady in the jim carrey version)) verdigrisprowl 10:18 pm *ah, his eyes are his own again* SCProwl 10:18 pm ((accurate, puff NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm ((why are you sad??? @primus-mun)) Angorumoa 10:18 pm [Cause I decided to stay on Facebook to remove some people, mostly ponies, and saw my old boyfriend.] Boomtank 10:19 pm ((ouch NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm ((oof)) SCProwl 10:19 pm *definitely won't, though her tires do skid a little before she gets them fully beneath her and takes off back to Praxus* Angorumoa 10:19 pm [Yeah, I'm the one who broke it off too btw. So long ago... And seems he is now happily married. With by seeming to check on other things, appeas to have a babbeh Boomtank 10:19 pm ((holy shit Angorumoa 10:20 pm [I knew him, like, so flipping long ago. He looks exactly the same.] NoodlesAtNight 10:20 pm *Soundwave closes his optics and lets himself float off to the music. The dancing is nice, but he wants to picture something other than fleshlings dancing to that.* verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm *checks to ensure that no one is looking specifically in his direction at this exact moment in time.* Boomtank 10:21 pm -still, he got a blanket out of this, so he's good- verdigrisprowl 10:21 pm *coast clear for .5 seconds? smooch.* Angorumoa 10:21 pm [I'm happy for him to be a happy. He's a great guy. I just couldn't move onto things he wanted, so... whee I'm gunna faceplant on discord now] NoodlesAtNight 10:22 pm *Startle! ... Quick smooch back. Maybe a little biolight pulse.*
((i'm so sorry. i hope this sadness passes for you and that your year to come brings you things you want)) Angorumoa 10:22 pm *You know he's right there?* verdigrisprowl 10:23 pm *yeah but he wasn't looking AT them at that precise moment in time.* Angorumoa 10:23 pm [Sad pang, but as I said, I'm happy that he's happy with a wifu.] Boomtank 10:23 pm -going to dump the blanket over Primus' helm- NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm *Please. Prowl accused you of being his dom once. That overrides any possible awkwardness over a small smooch.* verdigrisprowl 10:23 pm *it was a /metaphor/* *and a /good/ metaphor* Angorumoa 10:23 pm *Internal cackle. Has a blanket now. How dare.* Boomtank 10:25 pm -and then just...kinda drape on him.- Home now? NoodlesAtNight 10:25 pm @P: [[Been sitting on that?]] verdigrisprowl 10:25 pm @S «Since you bit my shoulder.» Angorumoa 10:25 pm Yeah, you have to get back home safely, Blaster. NoodlesAtNight 10:25 pm *Turn to stare.* [[Your patience is legendary.]]
*Glance to the others.* [[He can arrange a bridge, if safety is a concern.]] Boomtank 10:26 pm Hey. I'm not that bad.... verdigrisprowl 10:26 pm @S «It wasn't that long.» Angorumoa 10:26 pm *Chuckle.* Boomtank 10:27 pm It malfunctioned /once/ NoodlesAtNight 10:27 pm @P: [[You say that, and yet he remembers you staring at the ceiling like it had done something terrible to you and waiting to run upstairs with him the night he needed to speak to Primus. Tonight, he had no idea.]] Boomtank 10:28 pm ...okay, so that time nearly got me killed, but it was only once. verdigrisprowl 10:28 pm *AHEM* @S «... That delay was unanticipated.» Angorumoa 10:28 pm These are things you don't want your guard to know, Blaster. Boomtank 10:28 pm ................... Boomtank 10:29 pm please don't tell him Angorumoa 10:29 pm [nazis in the nutcracker] NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm *Softy huffing.* ((wha?)) Angorumoa 10:29 pm [XD the nostalgiacritic reviewed a nutcracker, the most hated version with nazis in it Boomtank 10:30 pm ((ooooh Angorumoa 10:30 pm Go home in the safe bridge, Blaster. I'll avoid telling Har what you said. NoodlesAtNight 10:30 pm ((well i won't have that shown here and i don't care to think about such things tonight)) verdigrisprowl 10:30 pm ((agreed)) Angorumoa 10:30 pm [that whole movie was a big NOPEWTF] Boomtank 10:31 pm Fine, fine, I'm going. Angorumoa 10:31 pm [on good news, it is STILL SNOWING] Boomtank 10:31 pm ((FUCK NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm ((god, good luck)) Boomtank 10:31 pm ((gonna need it Angorumoa 10:31 pm [put a noodle in a parka and THROW to enjoy the snow for a few seconds] NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm ((last one and then public stream closes off)) NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm @P: [[And what would you do if he found an excuse to delay tonight? Out of curiosity.]] verdigrisprowl 10:32 pm @S «I got my kiss in.» Boomtank 10:32 pm ((g'night and thanks for the stream! NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm ((night! and thank you for comin)) NoodlesAtNight 10:33 pm @P: [[And that is all you want? Well. If you insist, but he confesses he /is/ disappointed.]] verdigrisprowl 10:34 pm @S «It's all I was waiting on. Anything else is a pleasant bonus.» NoodlesAtNight 10:35 pm @P: [[Ah. Fortunately for you, he is feeling generous.]] *Gonna take one of those hands around his arm, lift it up, and nibble the knuckles. What can he say? He's been in a biting mood since he thought about it earlier.* [[Do you know, it is rather convenient staying with this half mask. He thinks he'll keep it that way.]] verdigrisprowl 10:36 pm @S «Do I still get your optics to myself?» NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm @P: [[Without question.]]
*Soundwave stretches.* [[But for the moment he should clean up.]] verdigrisprowl 10:37 pm Can I help? NoodlesAtNight 10:38 pm *.......Considers this. Prowl asks so often. And he's pretty sure he can trust Prowl's definition of clean more than the twins'.*
*Oh, why not.*
[[Yes, thank you. He would like that.]] verdigrisprowl 10:39 pm *a milestone! he gets to help clean.* Angorumoa 10:39 pm *Aren't they cute. Don't mind him, he was still there grinning like a bit of a youthful mech, as he pulls back. Dislodges the Ravage who may or may not of been there still.
There is thirty feet of constant snow he must see to and remove outside. Shift it into... something. Maybe a few barrels of mercury or another metal. Soundwave can figure out what it can be used for once Primus has cleaned up his own mess.* NoodlesAtNight 10:40 pm *Ravage was blissfully napping, as it happens. Emphasis on was, as he is now jolting awake with a confused /brrrm?/ and vacating Primus' shoulder. Some mattresses, honestly.* NoodlesAtNight 10:41 pm *Primus wouldn't happen to consider making it gallium, would he? Just a thought.* verdigrisprowl 10:41 pm *Too Much Gallium* NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm *Rubbish. You're going to live at least another few million years. That's plenty spoiling time.* Angorumoa 10:42 pm *Sorry, Ravage. Out of apology, he'll turn a bit of the snow into a toy flobster he can destroy to his spark's content. That or torment the other minis with it. Good?
Gallium? Can do.* NoodlesAtNight 10:43 pm *Mmm, destruction. He'll take it.* Angorumoa 10:44 pm *A pounce-sized flobster toy that'll take time to completely wreck gets tossed in a minute after Primus went outside. It'll last a day or a week depending on Ravage's time spent.
The rest will end up in barrels outside the door. The twins can bring them on in later.* NoodlesAtNight 10:46 pm *Soundwave wobbles some gratitude in Primus' direction. One way or another, they'll make good use of that.*
*For now, he'll keep picking up furniture and moving it back where it goes.*
[[Hm. Perhaps he should enlist your help after business hours as well.]] *Humor ping.* verdigrisprowl 10:47 pm Do I get to stay over those nights if I do? *humor ping* NoodlesAtNight 10:47 pm *Stops mid-lift to look over at Prowl.* [[...Would you want to stay over those nights?]] Angorumoa 10:47 pm [nini you two, have a good christmas and/or general holiday-ness <3] verdigrisprowl 10:48 pm ((gnight)) NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm ((goodnight! have a good day tomorrow and a good new year <3 <3 )) verdigrisprowl 10:50 pm *the snacks that he's seen being put up before, he's putting back where they belong; the rest he doesn't he's organizing neatly on the counter. But he pauses to consider Soundwave's question.* ... I don't dislike the schedule we already have. I—also don't dislike the idea of spending more time over, but—I am—concerned, about the possibility of spending too much time together. And either getting on each other's nerves or sacrificing other relationships. NoodlesAtNight 10:57 pm *Soundwave sets the item where it goes at last and eyes the puddles from the snow tracked in earlier. He'll fetch a mop. It's tiny - meant for one of the deployers to use - but he can hold it in the tendrils and he doesn't feel like going upstairs for the bigger one.*
[[He doesn't dislike the schedule or the idea either, if that is any comfort. And you do not get on his nerves.]] *Mop, mop, mop. Can't have rust inside the club.* [[But he does not wish to get on yours, or to cause you to sacrifice your other relationships either. That is why he asked whether or not you were serious about it.]] *Wrings mop into an empty cube. It's going to get washed and recycled anyway, so.* [[He will not take offense if you say no. Concerns must be controlled and balanced; he understands that.]] verdigrisprowl 11:00 pm And you don't get on mine. Nor do I predict with certainty that you would—but I don't know if that would change if we doubled the amount of social time we spent together. Anyway, it's not a "no"— a list of concerns IS my answer. NoodlesAtNight 11:03 pm ((rabbit what are you DOING tonight)) verdigrisprowl 11:03 pm ((gee prowl, why does rabbit let you have TWO soundwaves?)) NoodlesAtNight 11:03 pm ((LMAO)) NoodlesAtNight 11:08 pm [[He can assure you he would always keep at least two - perhaps three - nights to himself. He does require down time, and the deployers need time and attention of their own. One of the most understanding and cooperative mechs you may be when it comes to them, but he does not think you would care for getting caught up in their habit of piling on him to sleep.]] *More soft laughter.* NoodlesAtNight 11:09 pm [[Although Zori would probably manage to nap in your thigh compartment rather comfortably. He did say it was cozy.]] verdigrisprowl 11:09 pm ... Well, they ARE about a tenth the size of the Constructicons... *humor ping* verdigrisprowl 11:10 pm I'm glad my thigh compartment meets his approval, at any rate. NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm *Pings back.* [[Very well. He'll tell Buzzsaw to come roost on your shoulder at once.]] verdigrisprowl 11:11 pm *huff* NoodlesAtNight 11:13 pm [[Not that you would be expected to spend all of the other nights here, of course. You have things to do with your time as well. He is simply saying that you aren't going to need to worry about being asked to stay every night, if that is any comfort of any kind.]] verdigrisprowl 11:14 pm I didn't expect you would, but I appreciate hearing it. NoodlesAtNight 11:14 pm *Nods.* NoodlesAtNight 11:18 pm *...He doesn't know what else to say so he'll just put the mop and cube away and park himself at the bar for a standing shot of something warm (but not boozy, naturally)*
[[Well. He has run that into the ground. Had you anything else on your mind?]] verdigrisprowl 11:19 pm No, you didn't. *he gets another smooch.* ... Would YOU like me to stay over more nights? verdigrisprowl 11:21 pm *... was the smooch too much. he's overthinking it now. don't mind him silently fretting over here.* NoodlesAtNight 11:25 pm *Soundwave's engines tell Prowl exactly how pleased he is with that there smooch. It's not too much at all.*
[[...He wouldn't mind one more, at least. These movie nights make a fine tradition, and one he is not inclined to change, but he--]] *How to phrase without being selfish? Is that a thing? Isn't everything to do with this sort of thing selfish by nature?* [[He also likes the idea of your being here for the night without first having to sit in and wait on a noisy crowd. It is more... hm. He does not want to say "personal." More focused?]] verdigrisprowl 11:26 pm Private? NoodlesAtNight 11:26 pm [[Ah. Thank you. Yes.]] verdigrisprowl 11:27 pm ... Hm. ... We could try it out and see if we like it? NoodlesAtNight 11:29 pm [[If that is all right with you, he would like that, yes.]] verdigrisprowl 11:31 pm All right. Then, let's try it. NoodlesAtNight 11:32 pm *Tiny bow.* [[Thank you. He appreciates your willingness to test it.]] verdigrisprowl 11:33 pm What nights work for you? NoodlesAtNight 11:35 pm [[The only one he has trouble clearing or scheduling around is Saturday.]] *Shakes the glass in Prowl's direction and sends a humor ping.* [[Do not tell his enemies.]]
[[Besides, that would just be another day for you to wait on his being done with a crowd, and it is even noisier than than these nights.]] verdigrisprowl 11:36 pm I take it you don't actually want me to help clean, then. *humor ping* How about the middle of the week? There tends to be less crime and I have less late nights. NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm [[You can if you like, but we clean Sunday mornings.]] *Toothy smile.* [[Very bright for night time.]]
[[Ah, that will do. ... Why is there less crime?]] [[Have the criminals begun getting organized? He hasn't seen any signs of it--]] verdigrisprowl 11:38 pm People have more free time to get into trouble on weekends. verdigrisprowl 11:39 pm You don't have drunken dance club brawls on the nights dance clubs aren't open. NoodlesAtNight 11:39 pm *Plants Rumble and Frenzy's photos on his visor.* [[You'd think that, wouldn't you.]] verdigrisprowl 11:40 pm Okay, maybe YOU do. General "you." The average public "you." NoodlesAtNight 11:42 pm [[An acceptable point. He understands. The middle of the week is fine, thank you.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[And he will try to keep the local off-season drunken dance club brawls to a minimum.]] verdigrisprowl 11:44 pm It wouldn't be any wilder than my place, I'm sure. NoodlesAtNight 11:45 pm [[Primus forbid. To the Pit with the furniture; he wouldn't have any /walls/ left.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:46 pm [[But all of that will be another night. For now, there is a chain upstairs with your designation on it.]] *Drops the tiny glass in the sink with the cube.* [[Literally, in fact. He borrowed Buzzsaw's engraving pen. It amused him.]] verdigrisprowl 11:46 pm *REV* NoodlesAtNight 11:47 pm *Silent but obvious laughing.* [[Had he known that would be your reaction, he'd have tried it sooner. Well, then - would you like to be led to it, or will you be directing yourself?]] verdigrisprowl 11:49 pm ... Had I known that would be my reaction, I'd have suggested it sooner. *you learn something new every day.* I, uh... think I like the sound of being led. NoodlesAtNight 11:54 pm [[Good. He liked the sound of leading you.]]
*Soundwave is just gonna let a feeler slither out to wrap around Prowl's upper arms and chest. This mech is his now, thank you.*
[[Tight enough?]] verdigrisprowl 11:55 pm *REVVVV.* ... Yes. NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm *Oh, this is going to be a /treat./*
[[Excellent. Step quickly and keep up. He won't be giving any excess slack.]] *Just enough space that neither of them smack into or kick the other while going upstairs. And now, time to head off with his dear amica trailing behind him.* verdigrisprowl 11:59 pm Yes, SIR. *and he shall obediently—and quickly—follow behind.*
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chipsandwaffles · 7 years
Nu Kappa Tau - Love (in texts)
part of my frat series... that fuck knows will never be finished because lol. it’s me let’s be real. either way. this is from the pov of doyoung’s girl, read the matching part HERE.  and enjoy ^^
John John, 11:01 P.M um.
5 Hours Ago…
Baby ouo, 6:03 P.M are you still picking me up for the party y/n?
You, 6:03 P.M of course of course
Child, 6:03 P.M Are you picking me up too y/n? :D
You, 6:03 P.M just because I call you child yuta doesn’t mean you’re my actual one
Child, 6:03 P.M neither is mark =_=
You, 6:03 P.M I birthed mark with my own two hips how dare you
Doyoung <3, 6:04 P.M yeah and I did her with my own two hips ;)
Other Dad, 6:04 P.M DOYOUNG.
John John, 6:04 P.M we’ll ban you from this chat
Doyoung <3, 6:04 P.M I’m president of the fraternity you can’t ban me from my own group chat
Bestie :D, 6:05 P.M can we ban him just to piss him off now?
Doyoung <3, 6:05 P.M I’ll fucking fight you Ten
You, 6:05 P.M babe stop swearing in front of the baby
Baby ouo, 6:05 P.M I’m 18 -_-
Jeffrey =_=, 6:05 P.M baby ouo
Dad, 6:06 P.M it is 6 why am I being woken up by this bullshit
Doyoung <3, 6:06 P.M hansol hyung they’re trying to kick me from the chat TT_TT
Dad, 6:06 P.M good. Maybe then I can get my sleep
You, 6:06 P.M Dad don’t be so mean to dodo
Dad, 6:06 P.M I’ll make them kick you too
Child, 6:07 P.M dad is so angry when he hasn’t slept after work
John John, 6:07 P.M Other dad is worse though you should see him
Other Dad, 6:07 P.M why are we dad and other dad again???
You, 6:07 P.M because hansol is the dad who was here first and then you nag like a dad
Other Dad, 6:07 P.M doyoung also nags a lot though? Why isn’t he dad?
Doyoung <3, 6:07 P.M don’t worry hyung she calls me daddy all the time ;)
You, 6:08 P.M I DO N O T
John John, 6:08 P.M I’m kicking doyoung from the group chat if he makes another remark like that
Child, 6:08 P.M do you seriously call doyoung daddy?
Grandpa, 6:08 P.M I can see it
Bestie :D, 6:08 P.M they are pretty nasty…
Dad, 6:09 P.M I’m going back to sleep and I swear to god if any more of this shit is said
Dad, 6:09 P.M I’m deleting this chat and the frat
Doyoung <3, 6:09 P.M hyung TT_TT
You, 6:09 P.M I hope he deletes it too
Jeffrey =_=, 6:09 P.M hyung wait are you going to the party tonight?
Dad, 6:09 P.M fuck no. I have better things to do than drag yuta’s drunk ass home
Child, 6:09 P.M let’s be real you’ll probably end up doing it anyways ;)
Dad, 6:10 P.M if I wake up before 4 am I’m burning the frat house down
Doyoung <3, 6:10 P.M …sleep well hyung
Jeffrey =_=, 6:10 P.M Sweet dreams!! Mute your phone!!
John John, 6:10 P.M night man
You, 6:10 P.M goodnight dad!!
Dad, 6:10 P.M shut the fuck up goodnight have fun at your party
Baby ouo, 7:19 P.M noona can you come over early and help me with my homework before the party?
You, 7:19 P.M …that’s so cute mark doing homework before a party
Baby ouo, 7:19 P.M Is that a yes or -_-
You, 7:20 P.M no can do marker doyoung is just going to drag me away
Baby ouo, 7:20 P.M he’s out shopping right now though.
Baby ouo, 7:24 P.M noona please I don’t understand any of this and no one is here to help
You, 7:25 P.M wait no one is there?? Like, not even Yuta?
Baby ouo, 7:25 P.M it’s just me
Baby ouo, 7:25 P.M and hansol hyung but he’s zzzz
You, 7:26 P.M should’ve said something earlier mark I’m on my way ^^
Bestie :D, 7:59 P.M why are y/n’s shoes in the doorway?
Jeffrey =_=, 7:59 P.M I thought she wasn’t gonna be here until 9?
Doyoung <3, 7:59 P.M she’s there early???
Doyoung <3, 7:59 P.M where the fuck is taeyong we need to get back now
You, 8:00 P.M I’m not at the frat house
You, 8:00 P.M I left my shoes the last time I was there
Child, 8:00 P.M you haven’t come over for two weeks. Wouldn’t you need your shoes?
You, 8:00 P.M I have other shoes yuta
Child, 8:00 P.M weird though I swear I heard you laughing with mark upstairs
You, 8:00 P.M you must be fucking stupid yuta
Jeffrey =_=, 8:01 P.M guys check snapchat
Bestie :D, 8:02 P.M woah that totally is y/n
Bestie :D, 8:02 P.M the frat house hasn’t seen you in so long
You, 8:02 P.M why are you doing this to ME
Doyoung <3, 8:02 P.M coming back now babe
You, 8:03 P.M N O
Doyoung <3, 8:03 P.M let’s be real you always come for me ;)
John John, 8:03 P.M I just got out of class right in time to kick doyoung from the group chat
You, 8:03 P.M please do johnny
You, 8:03 P.M maybe intercept him too so that mark and I can leave in peace?
Other Dad, 8:04 P.M does anyone else find it weird that y/n doesn’t want to see doyoung?
Other Dad, 8:04 P.M she always says she can’t hang out when doyoung is here
Other Dad, 8:04 P.M wouldn’t she want to see doyoung?
Child, 8:04 P.M you wouldn’t understand taeyong
Bestie :D, 8:04 P.M they’re going through a rough patch right now
Grandpa, 8:05 P.M aren’t you though? You said doyoung told you he loved you and then you ran off
Grandpa, 8:05 P.M and you’ve been avoiding him for two weeks??
You, 8:05 P.M T A E I L
Child, 8:05 P.M O_O
Bestie :D, 8:05 P.M O_O WOAH
Jeffrey =_=, 8:05 P.M I love this group chat
Other Dad, 8:07 P.M okay wait I have questions
Other Dad, 8:07 P.M why are you all O_O ten? Didn’t she tell you?
Bestie :D, 8:07 P.M no she didn’t. we’re best friends how could you TT__TT
You, 8:07 P.M guys please stop
Other Dad, 8:07 P.M okay… why are you avoiding doyoung y/n? don’t you love him?
You, 8:07 P.M STOP. TALKING.
Child, 8:07 P.M oh my god SHE DOESN’T LOVE HIM
John John, 8:09 P.M um.
Bestie :D, 8:09 P.M O_O
Baby ouo, 8:09 P.M guys y/n is crying please stop it
Baby ouo, 8:09 P.M we’re going to leave in a minute we’ll see you at the party later
Doyoung <3, 8:30 P.M If you don’t love me you can say so
Doyoung <3, 8:30 P.M I’ll understand
You, 8:33 P.M I don’t want to talk about this over text
Doyoung <3, 8:33 P.M you don’t want to talk about it at all
You, 8:33 P.M at the party. I told you we’d talk at the party
Doyoung <3, 8:36 P.M do you hate me?
You, 8:36 P.M no I don’t hate you
You, 8:36 P.M doyoung we’ll talk at the party. Please just wait until then.
Doyoung <3, 8:37 P.M you promise?
You, 8:37 P.M yes I promise
You, 8:37 P.M for both things
You, 9:03 P.M we’re at the party mark has had his first drink you guys are missing out
Other Dad, 9:03 P.M YOU LET HIM DRINK???
You, 9:03 P.M as if taeyong. Gave him fruit punch duh
John John, 9:03 P.M we’ll be there soon. Maybe. If yuta and ten can pick out an outfit -_-
Grandpa, 9:03 P.M they’re going to a frat party not an event and yet they’re STILL up there
You, 9:03 P.M they’re trying to get laid guys… duh
Jeffrey =_=, 9:04 P.M what a bunch of losers
John John, 9:04 P.M says the one who keeps fixing his hair every two seconds
You, 9:08 P.M guys mark looks so nervous??
You, 9:08 P.M he keeps looking around
You, 9:08 P.M …oh my god WAIT A SECOND
Other Dad, 9:09 P.M …y/n really is like a mom.
John John, 9:09 P.M we’ll be there by 10 knowing yuta and ten
Child, 9:09 P.M johnny a guy has to look good if he wants to get laid tonight
Bestie :D, 9:09 P.M ESPECIALLY if the person he wants to get laid by is definitely coming ;)
Child, 9:09 P.M she’ll be coming alright ;)
John John, 9:10 P.M why do we even have this group chat if you guys make innuendos 100% of the time??
John John, 9:10 P.M hansol should’ve deleted this chat when he had the chance
Doyoung <3, 9:11 P.M I’m leaving in the next two minutes if you guys aren’t ready I have better shit to do then wait around for you guys
Child, 9:11 P.M what like get dumped by your girlfriend
Bestie :D, 9:11 P.M …dude. Uncool.
Jeffrey =_=, 9:11 P.M so uncool
Doyoung <3, 9:11 P.M go fuck yourself yuta you can get your own ride I’m leaving
John John, 9:11 P.M …you deserve that yuta sorry
Doyoung <3, 9:11 P.M you get ten seconds
Child, 9:13 P.M …you seriously left without me.
Child, 9:13 P.M fuck you too doyoung
Jeffrey =_=, 9:13 P.M doyoung says he’s going to tell your girl that you slept with her best friend and what you did last winter break
Child, 9:13 P.M …don’t you DARE.
Jeffrey =_=, 9:13 P.M he also said “better make it to the party before I tell her”
Child, 9:13 P.M fuck. YOU. DOYOUNG.
You, 9:15 P.M …doyoung please tell her
You, 9:15 P.M also mark and I are in the kitchen he’s your responsibility taeyong when you get here
Other Dad, 9:15 P.M for how long? Fifteen minutes??
You, 9:15 P.M half an hour? Maybe
Other Dad, 9:15 P.M why half an hour??
You, 9:15 P.M because I said so?? Just watch him and then you can drink all you want you somber ass puppy
Other Dad, 9:15 P.M fine
Other Dad, 9:16 P.M I’m not a somber ass puppy though
Sicheng!!, 9:16 P.M he’s a somber dad puppy
Jeffrey =_=, 9:16 P.M woah sicheng!! where have you been all day?
Sicheng!!, 9:16 P.M I have other friends besides you -_-
You, 9:16 P.M Oh oh! Kun from calculus??
Sicheng!!, 9:16 P.M yeah
You, 9:16 P.M are you both coming to the party?
Sicheng!!, 9:16 P.M yep ^^
You, 9:16 P.M yay! Kun is so fun
Other Dad, 9:17 P.M calculus doesn’t sound fun
John John, 9:17 P.M neither does folding laundry every day and yet…
Bestie :D, 9:17 P.M OHHHHHHHH
Child, 9:17 P.M taeyong you might need some water for that burn
Other Dad, 9:17 P.M shut up yuta you have nothing to say when you won’t even get laid tonight
Child, 9:17 P.M guess that makes two of us
You, 9:20 P.M you think if I talk to them they’ll still mistake me as jaehyun’s girlfriend
John John, 9:20 P.M we’re here
John John, 9:20 P.M doyoung says not to talk to them
You, 9:20 P.M …but marker went to go talk to dino and I’m his chaperone…
Doyoung <3, 9:20 P.M we’re heading in now meet me upstairs
You, 9:20 P.M hold on taeyong needs to come get mark first
Other Dad, 9:21 P.M I see you, I see mark, go
You, 9:21 P.M don’t lose track of him okay?
You, 9:21 P.M we don’t want another jaehyun thing happening
Other Dad, 9:21 P.M got it
You, 9:22 P.M AND IF SIGMA MU EPSILON COMES IN TELL ME. I GOTTA MAKE SURE MARK PICKS A NICE GIRL AND NOT A BITCH. I know them and know how to spot the good ones
Other Dad, 9:22 P.M got it
Child, 10:15 P.M I can’t believe doyoung actually managed to tell my girl about that stuff TT_TT
Child, 10:15 P.M when did he have time
Child, 10:15 P.M he’s been upstairs with y/n since they got here TT_TT
Child, 10:15 P.M I need a new girl someone help me
Sicheng!!, 10:15 P.M hyung there’s always the girl from English
Child, 10:15 P.M …holy fuck did she come????
Jeffrey =_=, 10:16 P.M isn’t she a total bookworm? And told yuta she HATED him?
Child, 10:16 P.M shut up Jeffrey sicheng did she come???
Sicheng!!, 10:16 P.M Kun said he saw her by the pool
Child, 10:16 P.M fuck yes fuck doyoung I’m totally getting laid tonight
Other Dad, 10:18 P.M you know what I can’t believe
Other Dad, 10:18 P.M that doyoung and y/n are STILL upstairs
Other Dad, 10:18 P.M I wanna drink TT_TT
John John, 10:18 P.M I’ll trade you a drunk ten for mark
Other Dad, 10:18 P.M deal
Jeffrey =_=, 10:19 P.M …wait are they seriously still upstairs??? It’s almost been an hour
Jeffrey =_=, 10:19 P.M TAEIL HYUNG
Grandpa, 10:19 P.M you do it I’m drinking
Jeffrey =_=, 10:19 P.M but… you’re the other designated driver if doyoung can’t drive
Grandpa, 10:19 P.M not today
Jeffrey =_=, 10:20 P.M JOHNNY
John John, 10:20 P.M if you want to spy go spy
Jeffrey =_=, 10:20 P.M I don’t wanna do it alone though
Jeffrey =_=, 10:20 P.M you know you want to know
John John, 10:20 P.M …mark IS talking to one of the girls from SME…
Jeffrey =_=, 10:20 P.M *O* JOHNNY.
John John, 10:20 P.M coming upstairs now
John John, 10:39 P.M I’m scarred for life
Grandpa, 10:39 P.M they make up?
Jeffrey =_=, 10:39 P.M we don’t know ;;
Jeffrey =_=, 10:39 P.M we went to the wrong room and. Oh god I don’t want to think about it
Grandpa, 10:39 P.M come get a drink guys. You probably need it
John John, 11:01 P.M um.
John John, 11:02 P.M I think youuuu are overreacting
You, 11:02 P.M doyoung and I have searched this house three times and mark isn’t picking up his phone
You, 11:02 P.M therefore baby isn’t here and when I said he was taeyong’s responsibility until I got back I MEANT IT
Jeffrey =_=, 11:04 P.M chill ouuuttt y/n
Jeffrey =_=, 11:04 P.M he’s probably outside or pool
You, 11:04 P.M …which one of you fucks ISN’T drunk
Child, 11:04 P.M mee
Child, 11:04 P.M I’d help but I’m about to get laid ;)
You, 11:05 P.M didn’t fucking want your help anyways you fuck
You, 11:05 P.M I hope she accidentally kicks you in the balls
Sicheng!!, 11:05 P.M kun and I left but we could come back and help if you want
You, 11:05 P.M please.
Doyoung <3, 11:05 P.M babe maybe you should… ask one of the girls from SME
You, 11:05 P.M ……………
You, 11:05 P.M how dare you suggest such a thing
Doyoung <3, 11:06 P.M babe.
You, 11:06 P.M babe.
Doyoung <3, 11:06 P.M Babe. Ask them.
You, 11:06 P.M doyoung they kicked me out of the sorority for a reason you think they’re going to give me answers on one of their girls
Doyoung <3, 11:06 P.M …if you bring taeyong or jaehyun along maybe.
You, 11:06 P.M ugh FINE
You, 11:07 P.M for mark lee
You, 11:07 P.M for… mark lee
Sicheng!!, 11:07 P.M do you still want us to look?
You, 11:07 P.M yes please
Child, 1:07 A.M you guys find mark yet
You, 1:07 A.M …why do you care you’re too busy getting laid
Child, 1:07 A.M …my girl fell asleep on me. Passed out the second her head hit the pillow
Child, 1:09 A.M did you find him or not?
You, 1:09 A.M we did.
Child, 1:09 A.M was he okay?
You, 1:10 A.M yeah. He wasn’t feeling the party and snuck out with one of the freshmen girls from SME. Found them by the lake
Child, 1:10 A.M you take him back to the house?
You, 1:10 A.M yeah
Child, 1:12 A.M ...you and doyoung okay?
You, 1:12 A.M …yeah.
Child, 1:12 A.M good. Is he awake right now?
You, 1:12 A.M no. passed out too
Child, 1:12 A.M the other guys?
You, 1:13 A.M still at the party. I’m picking them up when ten calls
Child, 1:13 A.M okay
Child, 1:13 A.M …if doyoung happens to wake up tell him to text me or something
You, 1:13 A.M sure.
John John, 8:03 A.M who the fuck is banging pots and pans downstairs
John John, 8:03 A.M I’m HUNGOVER STOP IT
Jeffrey =_=, 8:03 A.M please… my head
Jeffrey =_=, 8:04 A.M Seriously stop ten is crying
Other Dad, 8:04 A.M is this death
Grandpa, 8:04 A.M stop the torture
You, 8:06 A.M no can do you fucks rise and shine
Dad, 8:06 A.M the day is just beginning guys! Come on, get up!
Other Dad, 8:06 A.M oh no.
John John, 8:06 A.M …what did we do last night
Baby ouo, 8:07 A.M y/n says if you guys aren’t downstairs in the next five minutes she’s going to start throwing all the food down the garbage disposal
You, 8:07 A.M It’s three minutes now ^^
Dad, 8:07 A.M hurry hurry ^^
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steamberrystudio · 6 years
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Monday update 4/20/2018
Hey guys! Your favorite Esh here. I mean…I'm the only Esh.
So I better be your favorite! >=V
Anyway – sorry for the late update. I had a super busy day. Not just with work but also painting my living room. I don't know who named it PAINting….but it is definitely a *pain.*
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Getting the last line edits done for Elliot so I can start coding his alpha in earnest.
I finished another sprite and am working to get her coded so I can send her and her code over to the person working to do the sprites for William's route.
Guess now has her trusty utility bar. OuO
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Also worked on a quick new BG that will appear in a few shorts scenes.
Started working on lining the last of Ewan's CGs
Marc's beta is finally complete! Woo!
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William's route, as mentioned is being coded for sprites right now while Sprocket sets to work on adding the music and sound effects to Danny's route.
I am holding off on sending William and Danny back out to beta testers until the phone is functioning totally as we want it to. There's no ETA on that yet but it is being worked on as well.
And finally, guys, we've started up a patreon for Steamberry Studio. This is partially to help bolster the final months of coding Changeling with some additional help, but also because patreon funding will go beyond this project and let us hit the ground running for our next.
Please check it out HERE.
And I think that's all for this week! We're just doot dooting along with development so all the things are being worked on and all the things are moving forward!
We'll see you next week – Back to work!
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constantfluxx · 7 years
👻The Spook Cruise👻
Port of Call: MALEC!Itinerary: ghosts! 👻👻👻Captain: @kionem 😘 
[-submit a prompt-]
Alec shifted uncomfortably on the sidewalk, hands shoved into his jacket’s pockets. Anxiously, he glanced up and down the street, keeping an eye out and wincing every time Jace’s struggling summoned a high-pitched rattling from the chain link fence. “Come on, man, this is stupid. Let’s just go home.”
“You kidding me?” Jace grumbled, a final strike at last breaking the fence’s padlock. The gate swung open, and he shot a wide grin over his shoulder, the streetlights giving his golden eyes a wild gleam. “This place is perfect. If anywhere in this dumb town is haunted, it’s here.”
Well, he couldn’t argue with that. The lot had been closed off for about a decade now, the yellow police tape stretched and discolored from years of neglect. It sagged from where it’d been wrapped around the house’s porch entry, hardly posing any kind of barrier to the two teens. Of greater concern was the way the wooden steps and floorboards creaked loudly beneath their careful footsteps, threatening to give way at any moment. The entire house was charred black, and the charcoal smell of flames still tinged the air, as if they were breathing in fresh embers and ash.
Alec shuddered, his hands gripping the camera hanging from around his neck. “It’s also an active crime scene. If we get caught in here—”
“The cops haven’t been here in years,” Jace interrupted, rolling his eyes. “Everyone dead, and any hope of evidence burned to a crisp. It’s a cold case no one cares about anymore.”
Despite everything else, Alec couldn’t help but sigh at the remark. Jace was right, and the reminder made Alec’s heart go out to the mysterious trio. The reported story was there’d been an accident, a gas leak or something, that killed the couple and their young child, but no one in town believed it. If that were the whole story, why was the place still closed off and protected by the city a whole decade after the fact? Most of the townsfolk whispered of foul play, but whether it’d been the mother, the father, the child, or maybe even someone else, no one could say for sure - not even the cops, apparently.
They steadily made their way into the master bedroom, white police tape barely visible upon the floor through layers of caked dust. They outlined two bodies, an adult’s and a child’s. “The dad’s, right?” Jace asked, crouching beside them.
Alec’s eyes shifted warily towards the bed. It was one of those fancy, four-post beds, or had been anyway. The sheer drapes had been eaten through in multiple places first by flames and then by moths, and whatever remained was so dirtied it looked nearly opaque black, much more like cobwebs than veils. “Yeah,” he finally replied, slowly moving from the bed towards a nearby dresser. “They found the mom in—”
His heart skipped a beat, and he whirled. Jace sprung to a stand, camera raised. “What is it?!” he hissed, his heart racing.
A cold sweat had formed on Alec’s skin. He swallowed, gathering his strength before answering, but still his voice shook. “I… I thought… I saw someone,” he managed to reply. “In… In the mirror…”
Jace eyed the mirror mounted above the dresser. It was just as dusty and charred as the rest of the house, only tiny blotches of its metallic backing still intact. He smirked, eyes sliding back to Alec as his pulse returned to normal.
Alec screamed, feeling fingers upon his back. Jace caught his punch in one hand, bursting into laughter at Alec’s terrified expression. “Asshole!!!” Alec yelled, yanking his fist free and shaking off his nerves.
Wiping the tears from his eyes, Jace stepped around him and back out of the room. “Let’s split up. We’ll cover more ground and can get out of here quicker that way.” He paused in the threshold, turning a raised brow at him. “Unless you’d rather spend the night here?”
“Fuck off.”
Jace snorted and took his leave, Alec glaring after him the whole while. Only when his friend was completely out of sight did he finally release his breath, turning back around towards the bed with a groan. “I’m gonna kill him,” he muttered under his breath.
But when he opened his eyes again, he froze, his heart gripped with so much fear he swore it’d stopped beating entirely.
The round face of a small boy stared up at him, quiet and still. His eyes were as dark as his straight, black hair, and his face would have been something like bronze were it not for the pale of its translucency. Alec’s eyes grew wide, and wider still, his entire body shaking. He begged himself to scream, to run, to do something, but no amount of will could break through the horror…
…and, through his wide-eyed staring, he eventually came to notice the slight glistening at the corners of the boy’s eyes. He blinked, his brow slowly furrowing, and he gradually came to realize the boy looked just as scared. Bit by bit, he managed to calm down, and eased himself lower to the ground. “H… H-Hey, there,” his trembling voice whispered, one hand raising before him.
The boy shied into himself, eyeing Alec’s hand. He realized something about his hand appeared to bother the boy, so he quickly lowered it again with a soft, mumbled apology. As he’d guessed, it got the boy to relax again, his face turning back to regard Alec’s.
“Um…” Alec murmured, wracking his brain for what he should do next. This is insane!!! I’m… I’m talking to a ghost??? What the hell?! “M-My… My name’s… Alec…”
The boy didn’t respond, only continued to stare.
Alec closed his eyes, thinking back to all the news stories that’d come out at the time. “Your… Your name is…” He remembered thinking the name sounded peculiar. That, ultimately, is what made it stick out, and he couldn’t keep a triumphant smile from brightening his face as he finally declared, “It’s ‘Magnus,’ right? That’s your name?”
To Alec’s great relief, the boy managed a small smile, then slowly nodded. A moment later, however, an anguish consumed his face, and the glistening at his eyes worsened. He turned around and began staring at the bed, a tiny hand reaching out and slipping its fingers through the mattress’s edge.
Alec followed the boy’s gaze towards the pillows. As it dawned on him what the boy was thinking about, his heart fell, taking his voice with it. “You… miss your mother… ?”
The boy wiped at his eyes, then twisted around to regard his father’s outline upon the floor. His brow narrowed, the pain in his expression worsening.
“Your father killed her?” Alec asked, a strange kind of anxiety swelling within him. He was now the closest anyone had ever gotten to actually uncovering the truth, but though he knew others would want to know the story he loathed the thought of sharing it with anyone. Magnus was telling him, and that made it feel somehow personal and special, like a close-kept secret.
The boy shook his head, then turned to a toppled nightstand. His finger lifted, its point directing Alec’s attention towards a wooden box.
It was decaying and misshapen, its fire-exposed splinters the home of maggots and probably a roach or two. Still, as Alec moved closer and knelt beside it, he could still see with a tilt of his head the box’s once-velveteen interior and its shallow, long indent. He frowned, puzzling out the silhouette, then finally looked back over his shoulder to the boy. “…a dagger?” he asked.
A half-pleased, but half-saddened look touched the boy’s eyes and smile. He looked back to the bed, where his mother’s corpse had been found, and Alec’s heart broke.
“She… took her life,” Alec murmured, raising back to a stand. Why did he feel so helpless? He looked back at Magnus. “I’m sorry.” His eyes drifted to the father’s outline. “…Your dad got upset?”
The boy’s lips pursed, and his hands balled into fists. He was now all but glaring at the outline.
Alec frowned. “Your dad… burned the house down… ?” he asked, but even as he did he doubted that was the right answer - he could see the guy being angry about it, even going so far as blaming his kid, but burning the place and killing them both in the process seemed a bit… much…
Magnus was sad again, but it was a kind of fiery sadness. Hands still fisted, he turned his head, and Alec’s eyes trailed over towards a bronze candle holder, discarded and forgotten where it’d rolled and bounced and came to rest under a fallen standing lamp and armchair. A few feet away was a thin, dark blotch that sported a muted shine in the sparse moonlight piercing the house.
“Wax,” Alec realized in a hushed whisper. “A candle.” His eyes crossed back across the floor, connecting in a fairly straight line the candle holder, the father’s outline, and Magnus’s outline. Magnus himself had come to sit there, face hidden in the wrap of his arms around his raised knees. It took a while, but finally Alec pieced it all together, and hesitantly moved closer to Magnus. “Your mother killed herself… You found her here, and your dad walked in…”
As he sat beside Magnus on the ground, he reached out to lay a hand on the boy’s back, remembering at the last minute he couldn’t. Somehow, it’d become easy to forget he was interacting with a ghost. A ghost. He blinked and shook his head, still marveling the phenomena, but continued. “Your dad got mad at you, and it upset you. You threw the candle you’d been holding at him, and…” He sighed, looking around at the destroyed home.
I guess the story’s truer than people think, even though it’s not the full story.
He glanced back at Magnus. The boy was still hiding his face, but he’d stopped shaking. Alec’s expression softened, and when he spoke again it was filled with sympathy. “Hey… It’s… It’s alright. You were upset, and you made a mistake.”
Slowly, Magnus lifted his head, peering quietly over his arms. His eyes were reddened from crying, but the tears had ceased to flow. Still, he seemed wary, eyeing Alec in a silent anxiety.
Alec considered things for a moment, then offered a smile. “I won’t tell anyone. We can… keep it between us, if you like. And…” He hesitated, then slowly extended his hand between them. This time, rather than holding up to wave, he laid it flat, palm-up, like he was offering something. “…I know I’m nobody, and I certainly don’t hold any significance in your life, but… Well, for what it’s worth, I forgive you, at least.”
For a long while, Magnus stared at Alec’s hand, and Alec grew nervous. Was that the wrong thing to say? Had he upset the boy further? What was he doing, conversing like this with a ghost?! But then, Alec caught the subtle lift of Magnus’s small mouth, until a small, sad smile pinched his cheeks and softened his eyes. At long last, the boy extended his hand, moving his fingers toward’s Alec’s…
Alec started, eyes snapping up to the threshold.
Jace was standing there, a brow peaked. “What… are you doing… ?”
“Uhhh…” Alec looked to his side. The space beside him was completely vacant - not even the dust upon the floor had been disturbed. “…Nothing,” he mumbled, standing up and dusting himself off. “Just, uh… thinking…”
Jace rolled his eyes and turned around. “Let’s get out of here. I didn’t find so much as a shifting curtain, much less any actual ghosts.”
As he followed his friend, Alec glanced over his shoulder to the body tape on the floor. He couldn’t tell if he was relieved or disappointed to find nothing there. “…Yeah, me neither,” he softly lied.
Jace whined and complained the whole way out of the house, declaring the whole thing a “waste of a perfectly good night” and wishing they’d gone for the hospital one town over. Alec droned most of it out, still contemplating his encounter with the little ghost boy and offering little more than the occasional “yeah” and “uh-huh” to appease Jace.
At the gate, Jace gave a final groan, then wove as he departed into the night. “Well, whatever. We still on for karaoke tomorrow?”
Alec glanced up at him as he pulled the gate shut, awkwardly wrapping the chain through its frame to keep it closed. “Uh…” He cast one last look across the overgrown lawn to the crumbling house. There, in the window… He swore he saw a tiny face, and beside it a tiny, waving hand. Alec smiled, nodding at the foggy silhouette, then looked back at his friend with a goofy smile.
“Yeah, Jace. Sure thing.”
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
with internships finished, our hero students now have new challenges to face, and ranpo has a new admirer?!
Magaki: "..." guard: ... Magaki: *stomach growl* guard: *slides a bowl of rice under the door slot* Magaki: <...I was hoping for something else.> guard: <well tough luck...> Magaki: <Do you even know what I eat?> guard:..... Magaki: <...It's not like I want to...> *picks up the rice bowl, starts shoveling it* guard:....*walks away* Magaki: "..." *sniff* -elsewhere- Haumea: "He's been quiet." dahlia: perhaps he is ill? Haumea: "Hmmm..." *opens the door--and it's locked* "???" -elsewhere- Black Star: *sitting...upside down* naho: ~? Black Star: "...Damn it!" *lets himself fall forward* "Thought that'd help me think..." naho: 'bout what? Black Star: "Going back to Japan--again. And just..." *sigh* “We just got home, too..." naho: ah. Black Star: "This mission, and back to Japan, and more questions--" *rubs his hands through his hair* "GAH!" naho: ? Black Star: "Like, I don't even know my old man." naho:...do you want a hug? Black Star: "..." *sighs* *holds out arms* naho: *comforting hug* UvU Black Star: "..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- Lucy: "...A princess?" *starts pulling books off her shelves* atsushi: yeah. she's...chatty. ^^; did you want to meet her? Lucy: *starts opening up book after book* "Yes! I want to see how she compares to these!" *the books contain fairy tale drawings of princesses* atsushi: ...kinda similar, aesthetically. Lucy: *shiny eyes* "Fancy dresses?" atsushi: pretty fancy, i guess. Lucy: *claps* "Yay! ..." *serious face* "Did Dazai do anything stupid?" atsushi:..... define 'dazai doing something stupid.' Lucy: "Steal her crown jewels?" atsushi: i dont think so. Lucy: "Did he ask for a pardon?" -knocks- Lucy: "???" maria: hello~ ^^ Lucy: *shiny eyes* *turns back to Atsushi--and starts pointing* *squee* maria: OvO ~? atsushi: right. lucy, this is princess maria, princess, this is my girlfriend, lucy. .///. Lucy: ^\\\\^ *slight bow* "Greetings, Princess." maria: ^^ glad to meet you, miss lucy. ^^ *glances at her books* Lucy: .\\\\\. *quickly closes one* maria: do you like fairy tales, miss lucy? Lucy: *nod nod* "I like a lot of reading." maria: do you ever dream of meeting your prince charming some day? *shiny eyes* Lucy: o\\\\\\\o atsushi: o////o Lucy: "...I AM HAPPY RIGHT NOW, THANK YOU!" *bows again* maria: hehe~ can i tell you a secret? atsushi: aaand that's my cue to give you two some girl chat time, see ya! *exits* Lucy: "?!!" D:< "Hey!" *turns back to Maria* ^\\\\\^;; "Sorry, he's kind of nervous at times..." maria: is that right? seems he really likes you a lot. ^^ Lucy: o\\\\o "Y-Yea..." maria: you're soooo lucky! i hope i get to meet my prince soon. u////w////u i've had a dream about him. a cool and intelligent man, with striking green eyes~<3 Lucy: "Green is a nice color--" *imagines someone with green eyes...and likes to show off his intelligence--* *RECORD SKIP* o______O maria: ah~ my heart's all a flutter thinking about him~<3 Lucy: .________. *pats Maria's shoulder* maria: OuO~? Lucy: "...Um...Heterochromia can be attractive, too." ^^;;; -elsewhere- ochako: [happy b-day todoroki! *cake emoticon*] Todoroki: "..." *small smile* [thank you. 🙂 ] -morning- Yumi: *pouring coffee* lord death: thaaaanks =3= Yumi: "You're welcome." *cheek smooch* "Sleep well?" lord death: yeah. *hugs from behind* late night... Yumi: =\\\\= "Will you need a nap?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Who will be watching us while you are out?" tsubaki: mahiru said he and kuro will look after you. Sakuya: *sips his orange juice down the wrong way* o_o *slight cough* naho: OuO *vibrating* Belkia: "...Switch to decaf, girl." otogiri: *sweatdrop* Black Star: "Don't get into any fights with Kuro." Higan: "I don't think that's the action we'll have to worry about." Sakuya: *coughing* otogiri: *hard pats to the back* Sakuya: .\\\\\. "Th-*cough*-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Okay, buckled in?" *checking the mirrors* ranpo: yeah. maria: ^^ Tanizaki: "You sure, Princess?" *checking that the doors are locked* maria: *she nods* it'll be sooo cool to see you guys doing your detective work! Tanizaki: "Yeeeeeeah, about that..." *starts the car, backs up into the street* "We need to give you an alias while we're at work." maria: can i be 'mari'? *shiny eyes* ranpo: marioka? Tanizaki: "...Mari is fine." maria: yay! Tanizaki: *drives* "Ranpo, you reviewed the report?" ranpo: yeah. Tanizaki: "The police have cordoned off the area, preserved the evidence...No suspect yet." ranpo: *cracks knuckles* perfect! i'll solve this one in no time at all. maria: really? ranpo: yup, i am a genius detective with the special ability of super deduction after all, ohoho! Tanizaki: "Ranpo is our secret weapon." maria: ooh, sounds fancy! Tanizaki: *pulls up to the crime scene* "Get your ID out..." *pulls out his Agency badge* cop-chan: ...ah, mr minouichi, they've arrived. Minouichi: *spots Ranpo* "..." -_-# ranpo: ayyyy, what's up? Minouichi: "..." *through clenched teeth* "We...wanted your opinion based on the evidence..." ranpo: of course you did. so what's up? Minouichi: "..." *points at Maria* "I don't think the child should see this." ranpo: she's just here for training or something. Minouichi: "...Fine. This is going to be pretty gruesome...and it's hard enough to find any prints." -where the corpse is- ranpo: hmm... Minouichi: "Strangulation?" ranpo: with a belt of all things. Minouichi: "Not rope?" ranpo: look at the marks, there's leather indentations. Minouichi: "Hmm...No other indications for how the victim was killed?" ranpo: *pulls out glasses* -super deduction!- Tanizaki: *watches* maria: !!!.... (green...eyes...) *blush* Tanizaki: "..." ranpo: i think i found your perp. Minouichi: "Of course you did." -_-# "Where are they?" -as it turned out, a corner store employee worked with the victim to pay customers back with counterfeit money, but the victim was going to sell the killer out, resulting in the murder- Minouichi: "...We have been trying to find the counterfeiters for months...How do you know these bills are fakes?" ranpo: hold it up to a light, look on the right side, there's no hidden face. Minouichi: "...Oh..." maria: wow! *shiny eyes* Minouichi: "Yes, 'wow.'" ranpo: not only that, the texture of the counterfeits is different from an actual dollar, and the security tape is oddly missing... Minouichi: *crosses his arms* "We'll have Secret Service investigate." ranpo: till next time. *turns to face maria and tanizaki* now, you made an offer about food? maria: *shiny eyes and blushing* Tanizaki: ._.; "I-I was kidding about the Gleeful Meal--but if you want, okay...You still want the toy?" ranpo: YES. Tanizaki: "It's drive-thru at Abattoir Burger." ranpo: oi, mari, you want some grub? {princely!ranpo: care to join us, my lady?} maria: *heart eyes* of course... ranpo: awesome! Tanizaki: "..." *click click--DING* *light bulb* ._____.;;;; "Oh boy..." -elsewhere- Lucy: .____________. *shudders* atsushi: ? Lucy: "I sense...ships." atsushi: ??? Kyoka: "...I think you were on the Moby-Dick too long." -elsewhere- Patty: "Japan again?" tsubaki: yeah, tying up loose ends and what not. Patty: "Huh...That sounds important." -elsewhere- Bakugo: ("Just a few more days...You can handle this...You can...You can...") "...WHY IS EVERYTHING SO SHINY IN HERE?" best jeanist: that's because it's _clean_. Bakugo: "...Is that glitter?" -elsewhere- Meme: "I got the approval for the mission..." tsugumi: ok. Anya: "How soon?" ao: sometime within the week. Anya: "Better pack when we get home." -elsewhere- Yumi: *setting out missions* "Germany...Japan...Salt Lake City…" teacher: france? teacher 2: who's going to france? Yumi: "What threat level is the mission?" teacher: about a 2 star. Yumi: "I recommend a two- or three-person team." teacher: right. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *reviewing layouts* "Hmmm..." jordan: *whistling* Fitzgerald: "Jordan, hold this." *hands him a layout* jordan: ok, um… Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Not quite to scale..." *hands Jordan papers* "Hold these over your head.” jordan: ._.; Fitzgerald: "Hmm..." *frames with his fingers* *Jordan is holding papers that make him look like a mech* jordan: ._.; erm-... Fitzgerald: "No, it still isn't right..." *grabs Jordan's arm* "We'll need to add a rocket here...I'm sure that arm could be removed." jordan: O-O; -elsewhere- Rin: "How's it goin', Teach?" stocking: good. bit busy. Rin: *nods* "Training?" stocking: yep. Rin: "...Is it Neuhaus?" stocking: i havent checked in with him yet. Rin: "He's been...I mean, he was a dick before, but after his kinda-dead wife, he's been quiet." stocking: i'll add that to my agenda, then. Rin: *nods* "..." *looks around, then whispers* "I also know a vending machine that gives you two soda cans for the price of one!" stocking: where is it? Rin: "East wing, second floor, next to Room 202." stocking: noted. -elsewhere- Gopher: "What are your plans after school?" kirika: might head to the arcade later. Gopher: *nods* "Want to go head-to-head?" kirika: you're so on! Gopher: ^w^ "May the best one win!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *taking a test* atsushi: *taking notes* Akutagawa: *already turned in the test...just staring at the chalkboard* Kyoka: *folding paper* -elsewhere- Joker: "To review: the governmental documents show no other path the Hoods could have taken. The Agency encountered the Hoods and somehow survived." Victor: *nod nod* scarlet: talk about a shitshow. Victor: "The good news is that we can be sure now they aren't in the Nether any more! The fireball created so much structural damage..." Joker: "Hmm..." -elsewhere- Crona: "..." *sets down a vase* mami: looks good. ^^ Crona: "Th-Thanks...I tried to arrange them..." mami: *she smiles* well i appreciate that. *small kiss on the cheek* Crona: .\\\\. "Y-You're welcome?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "How's this one?" *holds up a dress for the Fancy Fire Event* fang-hua: ^-^; Tsukiyo: "And this for you?" fang-hua: sure. Tsukiyo: "Yay!" *pushes her into changing room* fang-hua: ah- -elsewhere- Kid: *standing in front of the fridge...holding one of Shiori's drawings...and trying to find the right spot for it* o~O;;;;; jack: need help? Kid: Q~Q *nod nod* "No spot looks quite right to be symmetrical on the fridge..." jack: ^^; want me to help? Kid: *nod nod* "Make it perfect, please." -after that- Kid: *shiny eyes* "AMAZING!" jack: well, i've got quite a few years’ experience. *smiles* Kid: "It served you well...I-I don't have that experience..." jack: *pats his back* you'll get there. sometimes being a parent means making a few sacrifices here and there. Kid: Q_________________Q "My beautiful symmetry..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *waves at Keek* keek: h-hey. Kyoka: "How is it going?" keek: survivin'. Kyoka: "...That is good to expect." *sits down* "Any research updates?" -elsewhere- yana:......*puts on some classical music and spins around on the office chair* Ivan: *polishing blades* Adam: *standing* mushitaro: *styling his hair just so* ... *bishie sparkle* hmhm~ ^u^ Adam: *staaaaaaaaaaare* "...How do you do that?" mushitaro: mousse, hair spray, and supreme combing techniques. Adam: "..." *moves a finger to touch the hair--* mushitaro: *hard grab + violent expression* do not. Adam: Q~Q yana: he's fussy about his hair. just thought you outta know that. Adam: "...I've learned my lesson. Please let me have my hand back?" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." *picks up a book, reads* mii: ... Mori: "...It's an old book." mii: indeed. Mori: "Was it one you used in your writing, for inspiration?" mii: *examining it* Mori: "Had you read this when you wrote?" -elsewhere- Poe: *humming* lana: im hooome. *plops onto the couch and sighs* so tired.... Poe: "Difficult work?" *moves to the couch* lana: *nod* busy day, today... Poe: *sits with her...supports her* lana: =///= Poe: "You can rest now..." *soft hum* lana: thanks, edgar. Poe: "You're welcome, Lana..." *cheek smooch* lana: ^///^ Poe: ^w^ *hug* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "You all look exhausted." mana: busy day.... mono: TT~TT Shotaro: "??? I haven't done a good deed yet. Anything I can do to help? mana: get us coffee. -elsewhere- zoey: *holding Q and humming* Q: =u= Ivan: *sneer* Adam: "???" Q: !! *snarls at ivan* Ivan: *hiss* Adam: O~O lydia: calm down everyone, what's going on? mushitaro: ivan and the medic are at odds again, typical workplace drama. Ivan: "She started it!" zoey: i was just.....minding my business... Adam: "..." *points at Ivan* "He sneered first." Ivan: <SNITCH!> lydia: *chop to the shoulder* behave. Ivan: "Ow!" -elsewhere- Motojiro: *passes a drink* Chuuya: "Thanks..." naoya: cheers! Chuuya: *clinks glass* Motojiro: -w- *sips* "So, Naoya, what mission you got?" naoya: 'nother recon mission. guess it cant be helped, given my ability. Motojiro: "Chuuya~ One of my new devices is a hat." Chuuya: "..." naoya: if it has a propeller in it- Motojiro: "D'aw, how'd you guess?" >3< Chuuya: -_- naoya:...... *laughs* i was joking! but holy shit! Motojiro: "Well, I was watching 'Inspector Gadget' re-runs on youtube and thought, 'Chuuya likes hats--'" Chuuya: "I appreciate it, but no." ayako: did the claw send you? naoya: how did she- Motojiro: *adjusts his glasses* "Actually, it was 'Dr. Claw.' And I don't think you're old enough to drink." ayako: oi bartender! give me your strongest orange soda you got! Bartender: "Right, a Sailor's Scurvy Special coming up." ayako: AWESOME! -elsewhere- Hyde: "...Echidnas suck." guildenstern: what brought this up? Hyde: "They think they're so cool with their eggs and spines and 'am I a mammal or a bird' bullshit..." *crosses his arm, kicks a video game box* guildernstern:...*sweatdrop* ._.; -elsewhere- Oda: (…) atsushi: ....(you ok?) Oda: ("Just thinking...Keep an eye on Mori.") atsushi:....(noted.) Oda: ("Even without...his ability, he is shrewd, cunning--and lethal...Maybe it wasn't a good idea...") atsushi: (perhaps....but given his current state....i think something inside him broke...) Oda: ("Elise.") atsushi:.... (yeah......have you...) Oda: ("What?") atsushi:... (lost someone?) Oda: ("...Yeah.") atsushi:..... Oda: ("...We do what we can...It doesn't always work.") atsushi: .... Oda: ("Just do your best.") -elsewhere- Patty: "I got this gingerbread house set for cheap after Christmas--and it hasn't expired! Guess what we're building?!" riley: gingerbread mansion with a moat? Patty: "Melted sugar moat? Or maybe a maple syrup moat?" -elsewhere- Kid: *lies down* stocking: *nuzzles* t-thanks, kid... Kid: "You're welcome..." *holds her* "Any time." stocking: *holding onto him whimpering into his chest* i thought i-i'd be over this whole thing by now.... Kid: "..." *rubs her back* "I know...I'm here for you..." stocking: *sniff* t-thanks.... Kid: *offers a tissue* stocking: *blows* *sniff* s-sorry. Kid: *small smile* "Nothing to apologize for..." *holds her hand* stocking: c-can you wash my back? Kid: "Yes, of course." *sits up* stocking: .... Kid: "..." *rests a hand along her shoulder* stocking: *hugs* -floof- -her wings popped out- stocking: .///.; um... Kid: *stares* "...Beautiful..." stocking: guess they needed some air too. ^^; Kid: "I suppose so...You've kept a lot in..." *kisses her shoulder lightly* stocking: u////u *small wing fluttering* Kid: *slight chuckle* "Cute..." stocking: oh shush, you're cuter. =///n///= Kid: "Hee hee...I've learned not to argue with you..." *holds her hand, kisses* stocking: =//////= Kid: *moves his hands to her shoulders, lowering the cloth* -elsewhere- Yohei: "They look happy." chie: they're almost like siblings. ^^ saki: *she smiles* Yohei: "Yeah...Runs in your family." saki: yeah... chie:....*hugging saki* glad you're here... Yohei: ^^ -elsewhere- Poe: *wraps up in a blanket* lana: zzzzz karl: zzzzz Poe: ^w^ *cuddles* lana: u////u Poe: *happy murmur* -elsewhere- Meme: "We'll be traveling up to the Pacific Northwest..." mio: ah. Anya: "That's going to be a few stops." Meme: "Thorough." tsugumi: i've been doing a lot of training too. *lance blade arm* Anya: "Ooooooo..." ao: impressive as always. ^^ Meme: *smiles* "Training paid off, Tsugumi." tsugumi: ^u^ mio: yeah, i still have a ways to go yet. *axe arm* Meme: "It's progress..." *pat pat* -elsewhere- miura: ... Motojiro: "All's well?" miura: as far as it's been going. Motojiro: "Good to hear!" *sets down a glass...of motor oil* miura:... -_-; Motojiro: "...Ha! Just kidding." *puts it away* "You happy with the work you're doing?" miura: *she nods* hirotsu has been doing a good job keeping things together. Motojiro: "He's good like that--age gives him that experience." miura: *she nods* Motojiro: "Imagine what you'll be able to do with that many years..." miura: .... -elsewhere- Izuku: "--and I think I'll be released tomorrow or the day after." inko: *on the phone* im so glad, sweetie. *wipes her eyes* Izuku: "...I'm sorry..." inko: izuku? Izuku: "I didn't mean to worry you..." inko: im fine sweetie. you're still alive, right? im proud of you. -tears are falling down her face- Izuku: QwQ "...Th-Thank you, Mom..." inko: i'll see you soon, then. Izuku: "I'll let you kn-now when I land at the airport..." inko: ok. love you so much. Izuku: "I love you, too." inko: *she hangs up*.....*she's crying* Izuku: "..." *sets the phone down* -elsewhere- Mephisto: *rubs Felisia's back* felisia: =///w///= *tiny wing flutter* Mephisto: "Better?" felisia: *nod nod* Mephisto: *hug* "I'm glad..." felisia: *snuggles* =w=~<3 Mephisto: *forehead smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." tsubaki: *alseep on the plane* Black Star: "..." *tucks the blanket over her before looking out the window* -elsewhere- Joker: *passes the bottle* ivy: thanks. Joker: "Welcome..." *flipping through maps* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Endeavor could not escort me to the airport himself?" intern: something came up. Todoroki: "...Understood." -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: yes. Kid: ^^ *cuddle* stocking: *purrs* Kid: ^\\\w\\\^ *pat pat* -morning- Izuku: *closes his suitcase* gran torino: heading home now? Izuku: *nods* "Classes start up again soon, sir." gran torino: now, dont go forgetting what you learned here *fast forworded blah blah bladdy blah* -find a way to keep those nerves under pressure* Izuku: O____O ("...That was exactly what I was thinking...") *bows* "THANK YOU FOR YOU MENTORSHIP, GUIDANCE, AND PATIENCE WITH ME!" gran torino: yeah yeah... (he really is a lot like you, toshinori...) oi kid. i have one thing to ask.....who're you? Izuku: o_O ("HOW CAN HE STILL NOT--") *All Might shaped light bulb* "Oh!" *bows* "Deku. That is my name, sir." -elsewhere- tsuyu: *on the train home*.....*checks phone* Habuko: [hey gurl!] tsuyu: *smiles* [hey habuko! how's it going? \(^o^)/ ] Habuko: [classes are starting again: >3> what u been doin?] tsuyu: [headng back from an internship. im swamped =3=] Habuko: [oh hey--how did your internship go?] tsuyu: [pretty busy. did you hear about that smuggling incident on the gulf?] Habuko: [yeah?] tsuyu: [i was there. it was scary, but it all worked out ^^ ] Habuko: [OMG ARE YOU OKAY?! D8> ] tsuyu: [yeah. a few bruises, but ok. *thumbs up frog emotion*] Habuko: [THANK GOD. be careful! *hugs* ] tsuyu: [ok.] *small smile* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "Not. One. Word." eijiro + sero: QuQ *trying not to laugh* mina: hey kacchan, nice hair! Bakugo: "THAT'S NOT MY FREAKIN' NAME, RACCOON!" jirou: his hair looks like monoma's. Bakugo: "I DON'T KNOW WHO THAT EVEN IS!" Monoma: *pops out of the shrubs* "LIAR!" jirou:...........................why are there shrubs in a- plant student: can you please get out of there now? jirou:....nevermind. Monoma: "JUST GIVE ME THIS!" plant student: GET OVER IT ALREADY YOU NEED HELP! Bakugo: "YEAH, WHAT PLANT PERSON SAID! STOP STALKING ME!" Monoma: "STOP YELLING IN THE HALLS!" -elsewhere- Iida: "..." momo:....*she hugs him* Iida: "..." *hugs back* momo: i was worried about you, you know. Iida: "I'm sorry...I didn't mean..." momo: just.....be more careful....*sniff* Iida: "I will..." *nods* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *stretches* fuyumi: welcome home, shouto! Todoroki: *smiles* "Glad to be home..." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Would you stop pouting." tomura: *groans and scratches at his neck* Kurogiri: "And stop scratching yourself--it's leaving marks." -elsewhere- Aizawa: *grunts* yuuji: mmhmm....*nomming on snack bar* Aizawa: "...That enough for you?" yuuji: yeah... Aizawa: "Hmm...At least drink some water. That stuff will dehydrate you." yuuji:....yeah... Aizawa: "...Don't let the Quirk anger get to you." yuuji: ?... oh....right..... Aizawa: "...You hungry?" yuuji:....not really..... Aizawa: "Okay. You need a real meal. Dinner later. No excuses." yuuji: ...... Aizawa: "I'm picking you up after course prep. Now, take care of yourself." yuuji:...yeah, yeah... Aizawa: "..." *back pat* "Okay." -elsewhere- Izuku: *walks up to the apartment* ???: "Greetings." Izuku: "!!!!" *turns* "A-All--" All Might: "Shhhh!" Izuku: !!! *covers his mouth, looks around* S-Sir? what brings you here? All Might: "I got a call from Gran Torino that you had returned..." izuku: yeah..*looks at his hand* All Might: "And you're limping..." izuku:....s-sorr- All Might: "...It's time you learned. About One for All." izuku: ?! -elsewhere- jirou: *playing DDR* Aoyama: *trying to catch up* ochako: so how were your internships, guys? Aoyama: "Magnifique! I--" mina: AOYAMA, THE GAME! Aoyama: "!!!" *trips* "Oh, no! I missed a step!" Mineta: *hiding behind a trash can, shivering* Q_Q denki: what's up with him? sato: ah, im sure he's fine. Mineta: *can only hear sounds of Mount Lady's cackling* Q_________Q sato:...just fine. ^^ Ojiro: ^^;;; "I thought the internship was pretty basic. Lots of paperwork...Tail was helpful for stacking files..." hagakure: sounds nice. sero: are you sure you're gonna be ok? Ojiro: "..." hagakure: y-yeah! i'll be back to normal in no time at all! Ojiro: "..." *pat pat* hagakure: t-thanks. Ojiro: *sad smile* Kouda: (ono) sero: just be glad you didnt run into that hero killer guy. Shoji: "Yeah, that Hosu battle caused a lot of damage. Lucky those three didn't get caught up." sato: to think he's connected to the league, too....scary. denki: yeah, but still pretty tenacious with his goal, it's kinda cool. mina: waugh, dont say scary stuff like that, denki! >A<' Mineta: *pops up* "But he was ranting about being a real hero! Why join with villains?! Unless there are heroes who are actually villains!" *LOUD INCOHERENT SCREAMING* "SHE'S GOING TO STEP ON ME!" Ojiro: *ignoring Mineta* "Denki, wow." denki: !! s-shit, i didnt mean- -LOUD WHISTLE- denki: OW! momo: ok, everyone, settle down. Iida: "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR INCOHERENT SCREAMING AND PRAISING VILLAINS WHO ARE DEVOTED TO FUNDAMENTALIST IDEOLOGIES!" *random hand motions...with his good arm* Mineta: *covering his mouth to stop incoherently screaming* Shoji: "..." denki:...*looking down at his feet* ... Iida: "Now let us prepare for our return to classes to apply all we learned with our successfully concluded internships and become the heroes this world deserves!" mina: right! hagakure: right. -elsewhere- izuku: ... All Might: "...And that's what I wanted you to know. What you inherited...It may make you a target if All for One knew." izuku:....... All Might: "And...there's..." izuku: ?? -no...not now...- All Might: "...You're going to need to take what Gran Torino taught you. Trust his word...Okay?" izuku:...right. i will. All Might: "...Sorry to keep you." izuku: ok. have a nice day. *heading back home* All Might: *waves* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *stare* nea:....do you need something, kid? Shotaro: "Can we get Emine cake?" nea: let's see what we can do, then~ ^^ Shotaro: *claps* "Yay! We'll toss in ice cream, too." nea: heck yeah! *shiny eyes* setsuna: ^^; Shotaro: *pulls out a cook book* "I got the ingredients. Just need help mixing and keeping cool..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "We're back..." mrs nakatsukasa: *hugs them both* Black Star: .\\\. tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "So...I guess we should rest up first?" mrs nakatsukasa: that would work. Black Star: "Then... *yawn * ...head to the jail..." -elsewhere- Kuro: "..." Sakuya: "..." lavender: who's up for a movie? Higan: "Sounds good. Any genre?" -elsewhere- Hiro: *opens the door* "I'm home." mrs kenshimono: welcome back, sweetie. ^^ hime: hey. Hiro: ^^ "Sorry I didn't get back earlier..." *looks in the dining room* -hime's friends from school are there studying- Hiro: "Study group?" hime: yeah. Hiro: "Got it...I'll just eat elsewhere then..." -elsewhere- Mifune: "..." yuma: what's up? Mifune: "Oh, sorry...Was just thinking..." *sets down his tea* yuma: hmmm... -meanwhile, somewhere in japan...- ???: "..." *small growl* -the forest is silent- ???: "..." *sniffs the air* ???: "..." *his stomach growls* *looks...* -there's a small village not far off...- ???: "..." *stays low to the ground, careful with his steps over fallen leaves until he nears the village* elderly man: ... *He follows the Elderly Man...* elderly man: *going to a storage area* ???: "..." *looks at the storage area for exits, windows...* elderly man: *filling his sack with the food he needs for tonight's dinner* ???: *sniff sniff* "..." *approaches a window* elderly man: ?? <oh?> ???: "..." *gets closer* elderly man: <excuse me? i dont think i've seen your face around these parts.> ???: "..." *growls--both in his throat and in his stomach* elderly man: <are you a vagrant?> ???: <I...Hungry...> elderly man:...<why dont you come with me to our home? we're making udon tonight.> ???: "..." *stomach growl* "..." *follows* -elsewhere- Crona: *shudders* mami: are you alright? Crona: "J-Just felt...something." *rubs their arms* "Maybe a memory..." mami:...*hugs* Crona: "..." *small weeping noise* mami: im here. Crona: *nod nod* "I-I'm sorry..." mami: you're ok, chrona. Crona: "O-Okay..." *holds onto Mami* -elsewhere- Jordan: *sniff* *crying into his beer* "--and then they cancelled my favorite show, and Mr. Fitzgerald made me dress like a robot, and I don't--" *sobbing noises* daisy: *pap pap* eckleburg: that's rough, buddy. Jordan: "A-At least I can torrent the re-runs...Eckleburg, do you like working here?" eckleburg: it's nice. Jordan: "Compared to the old boss?" eckleburg: a lot better. Jordan: "I gues so...Probably same for you, too, Daisy?" daisy: ...im more or less indifferent. Jordan: "Hmm." eckleburg:... Jordan: "..." *nudges Eckleburg* eckleburg: ?? Jordan: *whispers* "She's like that--always 'indifferent.'" eckleburg: ??? Jordan: "Maybe you're 'different.'" eckleburg: ???? daisy: oookay, i think that's enough for you, jordan. Jordan: *pushes Eckleburg* "Whoopsie--" eckleburg: ow! daisy: hey! *helping him up* honestly jordan, go home. -_-; eckleburg: .///.; -elsewhere- Karim: "That's some progress you've made: great work." pearl: thank you. Karim: "Well, that'll be it--it's late. Wash up and get to bed." -elsewhere- Giriko: *tossing* arachne: *hugs from behind* mmmn.... Giriko: *calms down, opens his eyes* "...Hey." arachne: hey...*hug* *slight squish* Giriko: =\\\\= "Thanks..." arachne: ^^ Giriko: "..." *holds her hands, drawing them closer to him* arachne: u///u Giriko: *kisses her hand lightly* -morning- Kurogiri: *washing the counter* twice: did you watch that video again, toga? himiko: i watched it like...50 billion times! >u< Dabi: -_-### "...Punk-ass brat." twice: didnt you say 'you like the way this guy thinks'? =3= Dabi: "Just...You had the chance to kill Endeavor, and you didn't do it." twice: oh. Dabi: "Maybe someone else can step up to the plate..." mr compress: without a doubt, we'll be getting new members, soon. Kurogiri: "Should be here soon, so make a good impression..." himiko: okaaaaayyyy... -elsewhere- -a boy with a gasmask and school uniform sits on a bus stop bench with a sign that reads 'going to death city'- gasmask: ... *Bus approaches, its door opens* Driver: "..." gasmask:....*holding up his sign as he gets on* Driver: "Huh. You one o' those Quirkies?" gasmask:....is there a problem with that? Driver: "Nope. Off to get an education there?" gasmask:...yeah... (you could say that....) Driver: "See, I tell my kids 'Go to school.' But one of them wants to be--get this--a circus performer! I even told them there are colleges for that, but they won't listen and--" *talking talking talking* gaskmask:....*looks out the window* Driver: *blah blah blah* *Bus passes hills* -elsewhere- Poe: *opens an envelope--stares at the numbers* O__________o;;;;; lana: what is it? Poe: *shaking* "It-It's not possible! The interest rate should be higher than this! They lowered it on my savings!" lana: what's going on? Poe: *holds up the savings account listing...and it has a lot of zeroes after the number* lana:..... *JAWDROP* Poe: "They're ripping me off! I must have missed the statement that they were adjusting my interest rate--" *notices her* "...Lana, dear? What's wrong?" lana: i-im fine... m-must be the weather. Poe: *drops the papers, holds her hands* "Let's get you something to drink..." lana: t-thank you, edgar. @-@; (you love him for who he is YOU LOVE HIM FOR WHO HE IS, DO NOT FORGET THIS!!) Poe: ^w^; *guides her to the kitchen, retrieving some tea* "Have a seat..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *sitting in his seat, looking pissed (as usual)* itsuka: hey katsuki. ^^ Bakugo: "Oh, thank God!" *hug* itsuka: o///o happy to see me? ^///^; Bakugo: "Out of everyone here, you don't annoy me." [Translation: "I love you."] itsuka: aww. *kiss on the cheek* Bakugo: =\\\\\= *tiger growl* -elsewhere- mushitaro: *doing his morning routine* (teeth brushed, check. pants on, check. binder on, check. shirt on, check. jacket on, check. bow tie on, check.) *styling his hair* *Knock knock* mushitaro: *glaaaaares* WHAT?! ???: "I need the key to the bathroom!" mushitaro: im in the MIDDLE. of my MORNING ROUTINE!! Adam: "But I have to go!" mushitaro: USE THE OTHER BATHROOM THEN! DX< Adam: "Someone's in there! And they only answer in Russian!" -elsewhere- Fyodor: <I just want to request my favorite song~> guard: you seem to be rather fond of the radio... Fyodor: *nods* "It's solace for the soul." guard:.....very well, what is it? Fyodor; " 'Fantasie Impromptu’, please." guard: alright then. Fyodor: *closes his eyes* -underground...- -the radio is playing- Ivan: *blush* zoey:...ah....<3 Ivan: ^\\\\w\\\\^ lydia: <seems they're enjoying themselves.> yana: mmhmm. Ivan: <So pleasant for him...> lydia: <shall we begin with his orders, then?> Ivan: <Yes~> Adam: "???" *has a door smashed over his head* mushitaro: TT^TT *mumbling* Ivan: <I believe Mushitaro may proceed with Master's orders...> mushitaro: .....*grins* Ivan: "Do you have the address?" mushitaro: *he nods* all i need to do is retrieve the item and take care of business~ Ivan: "Yay! Please do all to please Master~" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking through hall* ochako: hey todoroki! *waves* ^^ Todoroki: *waves* "Hello." *smiles* ochako: how're you feeling? Todoroki: "Relieved to be back." ochako: yeah. Todoroki: "How was your internship? Educational?" ochako:....you could say that. *super serious* Todoroki: .____. "...Hard core." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "..." *hug* akaderu: =////= Kepuri: "Better?" akaderu: yeah. thanks babe. Kepuri: *pats his neck* "...It's going to be okay." akaderu:....*hugs* sometimes....i worry i'll wake up...and you'll still be in that computer space.... Kepuri: "And that's not ever going to happen again...I'm going to be here when you wake up tomorrow, and the day after..." akaderu:...*hugs her tightly* ...... Kepuri: =\\\\\= "A bit tight, babe..." akaderu: TT///TT Kepuri: "..." *tip-toe to kiss his cheek* akaderu: t-thanks... -elsewhere- Black Star: "How you want to start?" tsubaki: we should speak with them Black Star: "..." *nods* "The prison?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "I'll call for the ride..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: TT~TT *fox crying* louisa: toby? what's wrong? are you sick? Mr. Tsubaki: *curls up into a ball* *whimpers* louisa: *going to call a vet* Mr. Tsubaki: … {tsubaki: *smiles*} Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q *buries himself under a blanket* -elsewhere- Higan: "Kind of surprised she trusted some kid and his cat to watch us...and they're at school right now, leaving us here." naho: we're gonna drink so many sodas. Higan: "...Guess that's one goal." Belkia: *picking a lock to the cupboard* "Right in here!" -chop- otogiri: behave. -.-; Belkia: >3< "IT WAS NAHO'S IDEA!" naho: tattle-tale! >A<# Sakuya: ^^; "Maybe go light on their punishment until Mahiru gets back, Otogiri?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "How are you feeling?" kirako: a bit nauseous... TT~TT Dazai: "Medicine? Tea?" kirako: yes please. TT3TT Dazai: *shakes out some medicine* "Just need some time to brew the tea..." *sets down a glass of water for her* kirako: thanks, dazai. Dazai: "Of course." *smiles* -elsewhere- sonia: .... Teacher: "--and don't forgot to finish your math homework. Any questions?" sonia: ... Teacher: "If not, you're free to--" *The door kicks open* Tachihara: "Here to pick you up!" Teacher: "?!!!" sonia:...uncle tachi, class isnt over yet. -_-; Tachihara: .w.;;;; "...Sorry." *sits down--in one of the school chairs, which is too big for him* Teacher: "..." Tachihara: *winks at the Teacher* Teacher: "...Sonia. Make your uncle behave." sonia: *facepalms* uncle tachi, stop. -_-# Tachihara: "What? What am I doing?" *the chair breaks under him--but since it's a child's chair, he just falls a short distance* Teacher: -_-# "You're paying for that..." Tachihara: "I could repay you with a date~" Teacher: "...Sonia? GET HIM OUT OF HERE! CLASS DISMISSED!" *headdesk* -in the car- sonia: -___-#; Tachihara: *slap mark on his face, which he's trying to pass off as cool* "So, what's on the agenda, buddy? We gonna get some fast food?" sonia: why are you like this? Tachihara: "Yeeeeeeeeeeears of practice at the School of Coolness." *lowers sunglasses over his eyes...only for one of the lenses to pop out* sonia:.....deep down, you have a lot of insecurities, dont you? Tachihara: "..." *pulls over to the side of the road* "..." *rests his head against the steering wheel* sonia:.....*pap pap* Tachihara: *covers his eyes* "I just want *sniff* what normal people have..." sonia:...do you want a hug? Tachihara: *nod nod* sonia: *hug* Tachihara: Q______Q sonia:....ice cream? Tachihara: "O-Okay...With sprinkles?" sonia: *nod* Tachihara: QwQ "Y-Yay..." *turns back onto the road* -elsewhere- Master: "Mana, I need a favor. See that customer?" mana: *looks* Master: "He hasn't paid his tab in months. Persuade him to pay. You have my permission to use threats." Hyde: *seated at the table where Master pointed* mana: excuse me sir.....pay your fucking tab~<3 Hyde: o_O "...But it's my day off--" mana: *grabs him by the neck* well then you're just gonna have to work it off ^^# Hyde: "!!!!" *grabs his wallet* "TAKE IT! JUST DON'T HURT ME!" *throws the wallet at her face* mana:..... -he got made to wear the dress- -elsewhere- Kuro: *yawns* "We're going back to that house?" mahiru: yeah. Kuro: *stomach growl* "Ramen..." -elsewhere- Rin: *stretches* "What you up for?" madoka: maybe visit the cafe? Rin: "Can we get some cookies?" madoka: sure! ^^ Rin: *shiny eyes* "Yay!" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Do I need to put him into one of those carrying cages to take him to the vet?" louisa: most likely. Fitzgerald: "Could you help me, then?" *holds up his arm--where Mr. Tsubaki is latched onto it* Mr. Tsubaki: >n< louisa: its ok, toby. ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *fox chittering noises* Fitzgerald: "Hold the cage, Miss Alcott--his claws are digging into my skin..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Any plans this weekend?" ochako: not sure. Todoroki: "Homework to catch up on..." ochako: study group? Todoroki: "Sounds good...Anyone to bring in?" -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "...Have you even _piloted_ a boat?" twain: does a paddleboat count? Steinbeck: "Barely..." *defeated sigh* "Still more experience than others have, I'm sure..." twain: ^u^ Steinbeck: "Where the heck is Oscar with the RV..." oscar: im here, lovies~ ^^ ebie: woah. baum: fancy. Steinbeck: ._. oscar: just a little gift from a family benefactor~<3 Hemingway: "Ostentatious." *opens the door* "And roomy!" dorothy: it's like a castle with wheels. Steinbeck: -_-# "I was hoping not to draw attention to ourselves..." oscar: 737;; Hemingway: "Aw, let Wilde have this! We can travel in style! Maybe even stop by some fishing spots..." twain: *laying on a cushy bed* =w= Steinbeck: "Okay, who's driving?" -elsewhere- Tachihara: *scooping up ice cream* TwT sonia: *nom* Tachihara: "So, your teacher seems nice." sonia: ..are you trying to get me to set you up? Tachihara: "Nooooooooo! Never! Not at all...But hypothetically--" sonia: no. -_-; Tachihara: "Worth a shot." *scoops up ice cream* "So, after this, I can show you how to get free tokens at the arcade." sonia: ok. Tachihara: ^w^ "What's your favorite game?" sonia:...not sure. Tachihara: "Ever play whack-a-mole?" sonia: *shrug* Tachihara: "Or a beat-'em-up game? Or a shooting game?" sonia:....i think i might remember how to use a gun. Tachihara: owo;;;;; "...'Kay...Maaaaaaaaaaaybe just skeeball." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and finished!" *turns on a disco ball* ayako: yeeeah! Motojiro: "We're gonna make this one superpower dance hall!" -elsewhere- White Star: *gobble gobble nom nom nom* elderly woman: <my, my, what an appetite.> ^^; White Star: *mouth full of food* o\\\\\o "..." *swallows* <Sorry.> elderly man: <you must have been hungry.> White Star: "..." <Feels like I haven't eaten in years.> elderly man: <well you take all the time you need to.> White Star: "..." *bows* -elsewhere- Yohei: "??? You okay?" chie: exhausted. =_=' Yohei: "...Food? Lie down? Bath?" chie: yes. Yohei: ^^ "Okay...I set out some bubble bath in the bathroom. I'll get your meal ready." -elsewehere- Black Star: "...Ready?" tsubaki:...*she nods* Black Star: *opens the door* Magaki: "..." tsubaki: hello... Magaki: *nods* <I should have seen this coming.> tsubaki: <we arent here to kill you. we just want to talk.> Magaki: "..." <What did you want to talk about?> tsubaki: <what is it you want? why did you do what you did?> Magaki: <...I've been like this as long as I can remember--which isn't that far. I get some memories of maybe...2 years ago? 5 years ago? It's hard to tell.> tsubaki:.....<what's the earliest you can remember?> Magaki: <...Dark water?> tsubaki: *listening* Magaki: <I...think I died.> *holds their chest* <I don't exactly have a heart beat anyway...> tsubaki: .... {????: <please.........my child....please save....} {Priest: <...> *picks up the child* } Magaki: <Priests...Priestess...Red water...?> tsubaki:.... Magaki: <...> *puts their head down, small groan* tsubaki:...*hugs them* Magaki: <...Why?> tsubaki:....<you looked like you needed that...> Magaki: "..." <Thanks?> -elsewhere- Patty: "Need help grading?" liz: *working hard* Patty: "..." *shrugs, looks at school reports* -elsewhere- Neuhaus: *looking at the books* "So why ask me?" nygus: stein figured you and him could compare research notes. Neuhaus: "What's he investigating?" nygus: he just wanted to compare notes on the zombi- Neuhaus: *tenses* nygus:....my apologies... Neuhaus: "...I'll share what I know." *hands her a book* "You're welcome to copy these notes for him, but I'll need them back." nygus: understood. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sips an appletini...through a curly straw* naoya: well? how is it? Akutagawa: "Sweeter. I couldn't taste alcohol." naoya: see, you're getting there. ^^ Akutagawa: "Why do people drink this? Alcohol tastes like poison and makes people act...like Tachihara." naoya: well, life can be stressful, it helps with that sometimes. Akutagawa: "...But in moderation." naoya: yeah. Akutagawa: "...Just afraid of doing something embarrassing. Or violent." naoya:... *pap pap* Akutagawa: "..." *shakes the empty glass* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "What do you think, Doc?" doctor: hmm... Mr. Tsubaki: @~@ doctor: he seems rather dehydrated. seems to be displaying signs of anxiety or depression as well. Fitzgerald: "..." *strokes Mr. Tsubaki's back* Mr. Tsubaki: TT____TT Fitzgerald: "What do you recommend?" doctor: im sure we can prescribe some anti-anxiety medication to calm him down. Fitzgerald: "I see...Are there non-medication options that can also be provided to him?" -elsewhere- Kouyou: "Something the matter?" leo: hm? no, just thinking. Kouyou: "Ah..." *passes a cookie to her* leo:...*tiny nom* Kouyou: ^^ "I think you've been doing well at catering to visitors." leo: thank you very much, ma'am. Kouyou: *nods* "You're welcome." *sets down her tea* "Could you watch the estate tomorrow?" leo: i shall do my best. Kouyou: "Good. I will be out in the morning." -elsewhere- Poe: "Feel better?" lana: yeah =w= Poe: ^\\\w\\\^ *forehead smooch* lana: hehe~ -elsewhere- ranpo: *whistling* maria: ^////^ ~<3 <3 <3 Tanizaki: "...So..." *his hair is sliced along one side--from knives* "Why don't you--" Kyoka: "Why are you into that guy?" Tanizaki: ._. ("So blunt.") maria: hehe, my prince~<3 ranpo: ? Kyoka: "..." *looks at Ranpo* "..." *looks back at Maria* "..." *puts a hand on Maria's shoulder* maria: ~? Kyoka: "..." *serious face* "DO NOT." maria: OuO ~?? ranpo:.....tanizakiiii, im out of ramune. can you drive me to the store? maria: can i come too?? ^///^ Tanizaki: ^^;;;; "Sure?" Kyoka: "...This will end in a way that will require brain bleach." maria: hehe~ naomi: that poor girl. Kyoka: -_- "No kidding. I know they say there is someone for everyone but...This?" naomi: yeah, falling for ranpo is pretty much a lost cause. Kyoka: *sighs* "I need to wash this from my brain..." *pulls up crime reports* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Think they've gotten better?" tsubaki:...i-i think so.... Black Star: "..." *pat pat* "You tried." tsubaki: .... Black Star: "Maybe talk to them tomorrow?" tsubaki:...yeah... -in a small home...- -blood stains the walls and floors....- White Star: "..." *loud sigh* -the elderly man and woman lay motionless, two souls floating above them- White Star: *stares in fascination at one of the souls...he pokes it with a finger* -elsewhere- Chuuya: ._.; "...Big prize you won at the arcade?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Did Tachihara help?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "And did you thank him?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "..." *looks at Tachihara* Tachihara: OwO;;;; Chuuya: "..." *pats Sonia's head* sonia: uncle tachi showed me how to throw a curveball. Tachihara: OwO *nod nod* Chuuya: "...Well, thank you, Tachihara." Tachihara: ^\\\\\^ -elsewhere- Higan: "Better?" lavender: seems it. Higan: "Good...What did Tsubaki write?" -she explains what was in the note- Higan: "...And that...um, 'vampire,' just gave up?" otogiri: seems they were detained....they sound like they were weakened.... Belkia: "So, they could take down Black Star...then got injured enough to be captured? Guess Black Star hit harder than we thought..." Higan: "..." ("Or Tsubaki did...") -elsewhere- Arthur: "...You think the Captain needs a makeover?" tamaki: yeah, it might make him feel better. Relan: "Maybe a hair cut?" Arthur: "A suit of armor." tamaki: we should take nozomi out too. it might help her feel better. Relan: "Oh, good idea!" Victor: .w. iris: yeah. i like that. maki: and i know just the place. *shiny eyes* Relan: "???" -elsewhere- Hyde: *napping on the couch...with a kazoo in his mouth* licht:...im not even going to ask. Kranz: "I thought it was cute! And it makes funny noises--" Hyde: *breathing out in his sleep--* "WOOOOOOP..." romina: *snickering* Guildenstern: -_-;;; -elsewhere- Meme: *asleep at her desk* mio: ... Meme: *groans, sits up* "..." *her eyes are puffy* mio:...meme? Meme: "Y-Yeah?" *she tries to smile* mio:...*hug* Meme: "..." *shudders* mio: ... Meme: *small whimper* -elsewhere- White Star: *huffing, out of breath* {White Star: *cackling, slices at villagers* } {-footsteps are heard-} {White Star: "!!!" *steps back into shadows*} {-a man with a sword is standing there-} {Mifune: "..."} {white*star: ?} {Mifune: "..." *slices into the shadows*} {white*star: *jumps back* oh? what have we here?} {Mifune: "...So many that you killed..."} {white*star: ...} {Mifune: "It stops here--" *swings at White Star's head*} -CAW CAW- White Star: "!!!" *swings his sword* -a flurry of crows flies off- White Star: "..." *sniffs the air* -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *holding his head* mikan: asura?...*holding his hand* Asura: "Nirvana..." mikan: ? *she looks at the logos on the wall of the building* Asura: "What they want...Was this all fated?" mikan:...*rubs his back* Asura: "I-I didn't know who they're leader was...It's all so confusing what to do..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Better?" chie: a lot better now. Yohei: "I'm glad..." *sets down some chocolates* chie: *shiny eyes* Yohei: *picks one up, brings it to her lips* chie: *nom* >u< *smooch* Yohei: ^\\\\^ "Mmm...Tasty." -elsewhere- Kid: *tending to Shiori* "It's okay..." shiori: >~< Kid: "Just a little stomach ache..." *rubs lightly along her back* shiori: mmn.. TT~TT Kid: *holds her, continues to rub her back* "I'm sorry...You'll feel better soon. I promise." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *lying down* "..." Fitzgerald: "...He seems calmer?" mary: did you feel sick today, toby? *pet pet* Mr. Tsubaki: *small grunt, moving his head as if nodding* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "We had to knock down another building." kirei: ah. do you know what will be in its place? Benimaru: "I was hoping for some ideas. So far I've heard 'storage,' but that's boring." kirei: perhaps we could build a shop there? Benimaru: "Hmm...Would boost the local economy. What would you sell?" kirei: eh? hmm. Benimaru: "Maybe clothing, or tools--" Tsukiyo: "SOUVENIRS!" -elsewhere- Poe: *asleep in chair* "Zzz..." lana:.... *puts blanket over him and kisses his forehead* Poe: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Gopher: "Zzz..." kirika: .... Gopher: *turns* *yawns* *opens his eyes* "..." kirika: you ok? Gopher: *nods* "B-Better...I guess I was exhausted." *looks up at the top of her head* kirika:....what? Gopher: "It looks great." kirika: um...thanks? *she has bedhead* Gopher: ^\\\w\\\^ *smooths her hair* kirika: =///n///=; Gopher: "..." *inches closer to nuzzle* kirika: *small growling* =/////=;; Gopher: .____. *leans back* -elsewhere- Kouyou: *lights a candle at a grave, holds her hands* leo: .... Kouyou: "..." *wipes her eyes* leo: lady kouyou? Kouyou: "..." *composes herself* "What is it?" leo:...did you need a moment? Kouyou: "..." *nods* leo: very well. Kouyou: *inhales deeply...tries to steady her breath* leo: ..... *examining the area* *Some buds are already forming on the trees, despite winter* leo:.....*faint smile* Kouyou: "..." *gets up* leo: are you ready to return home, now? Kouyou: "Yes...Let's go." leo:.... -elsewhere- Kid: *collapses in bed* stocking: long day? Kid: *yawns* "Yeah...Shiori had an upset tummy..." stocking: aww. Kid: "She's asleep...Just hope it doesn't last..." stocking: yeah... Kid: *facedown in bed* "..." *holds out his hand* stocking: *kisses his hand* Kid: "Mmm~ Thanks..." stocking: no problem~ Kid: *yawns, turns over, hugs Stocking* stocking: u///u Kid: =w= "Perfect person..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *looking out the window* lavender: waiting for something? Shamrock: "I thought I heard something..." lavender: ? Shamrock: "Like someone stepping around..." lavender: do you think it's an intruder? Shamrock: "...Maybe...Wake up Sakuya..." lavender: *going to do that* Kuro: *yawn...sits up* mahiru: *already has the broom out* Shamrock: "..." *holds up his hand, making military gestures to indicate the plan silently* Belkia: ._. "???" mahiru: ?? Shamrock: x_-;;; "Two of you hide in the grass, the others land the first strikes from up and down." mahiru: oh. Kuro: "Then just say so...It's boring otherwise..." Shamrock: *holds up fingers, counting down...4...3..2...* *throws open the door* naho: *sneaks into a bush* Sakuya: *leaps forward* "RAWR!" Kuro: *bored roar* "Rawr?" Stray Creature: .________. naho: awww. how cute! Stray Creature: *animal chitter* Kuro: =_____=; Shamrock: x\\\\\\o;;;;; lavender: just...what even is that, some kind of squirrel? Belkia: "A capybara?" Stray Creature: *head tilt* "???" naho: are you lost, little buddy? Stray Creature: "..." *slowly approaches* naho: ^^ *holds out a hand* Stray Creature: "..." *small lick* naho: hehe ^^ Stray Creature: ^w^ *licks--then hand chomp* naho:..... QwQ Sakuya: o______O Belkia: "D'aw, it likes you!" otogiri: *already has the medkit out* Stray Creature: *wagging tail* ^w^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *groans* "They just going to keep them locked up?" tsubaki: its possible.... Black Star: "Think they deserve that? I mean, they killed..." tsubaki: ..... Black Star: "..." *pokes her nose* tsubaki: *small chuckle* what? Black Star: "You're thinkin' somethin'..." tsubaki: i guess... Black Star: "...Well, you're better at the planning stuff. What we need to do to convince others to help them out?" tsubaki: i'll see if i can find out more from magaki about their situation. Black Star: *nods* "Maybe I can talk to some witnesses or cops..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *sips wine* gabriella: this is nice. ^^ Hibana: "A well-deserved break." *passes a glass to Gabriella* -morning- Akutagawa: *stares at the calendar* -jan 15- Akutagawa: *shudders* "Just a little more..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "--and she's now gah-gah for him." atsushi: oh wow. sucks to be her. Lucy: "Could be worse in dating choices--but Ranpo is so oblivious that she's going to get hurt--" *pinches Atsushi's cheek* atsushi: >3< ow! Lucy: "--and we should at least minimize the hurt. Wouldn't you agree?" atsushi: y-yeah. that does make sense. Lucy: ^w^ "Good." *lets go* "She seems to like some treats, so she'll probably pig out on those when Ranpo crushes her heart like a brittle seashell in his hands." atsushi: ._.; Lucy: "...I was reading nautical fiction. The word choice got stuck in my head. But seriously, let's give her a night out to minimize the pain." atsushi: sounds good. -elsewhere- Kid: *sets out breakfast* "So many plates to pass out..." lord death: yep. Kid: "...Did you ever think a family would get this big?" lord death: well, life can be full of surprises, even for a family of reapers, haha! Kid: ^^ "I suppose so..." *opens the cupboard--* o_o Patty: *wedged inside, eating out of the cereal box* "..." liz: again? Patty: *mouth full* "Always!" -elsewhere- Ivan: "--and she's vomiting again." lydia: <i feel kind of sorry for her...> Ivan: <In a hilarious way...> ^w^ lydia: ... -_-; mushitaro: jeez, and i thought _i_ was petty. Ivan: <I can afford to be!> mushitaro: 737 Adam: "But she's sick. And someone has to take care of the child--" *holds up Q* Q: =A= put me down! im not that small! Adam: "But you are tinier than I am. And I'm huge." Q: IM 14 YEARS OLD! >3< Adam: "...Really? I thought you were 6." yana:.....huh. Ivan: "..." *steps back* lydia:.... ._. (not how i expected to spend my birthday...) Adam: "Oh!" *picks up a crudely wrapped item and hands it to Lydia* "Glorious Nascent!" lydia:...thank you. *opens it* *Inside is a book--Hawthorne's Bible* lydia:....this is the pastor's. ._.; Adam: "That's how gift-giving works, right?" *smiles* lydia:....um....thank you...adam. (i'll just return this later...) -elsewhere- nozomi:..... Relan: "..." *whispers* "We doing this?" shinra: *nods* it'll do good for her. tamaki: hey nozomin! nozomi:...h-hey. Relan: ^^ "So...We had an idea..." tamaki: we were going to head out to chibuya crossing. there's lots of cute shops there, you want to come with us? nozomi:....i-i suppose. tamaki: great! shinra: hey maki, can you be our driver? Maki: "Sure thing." *grabs the Matchbox keys* iris: commander, we're heading out for a bit! Akitaru: "Oh? Where you heading?" tamaki: chibuya crossing! Akitaru: "Okay, have fun! Have your cell phones!" shinra: we will! -and so- tamaki: ah, chibuya crossing is so stylish, even in winter. nozomi: hm.... iris: ^^ Relan: "And lots of post-Christmas sales..." tamaki: no way! they have valentines stuff out already?! shinra: welcome to the world of retail. Maki: *stares at the candies* O~O nozomi:..... tamaki: ....oh! that store looks cute! hey nozomi, lets go find you some new clothes! nozomi: e-eh? Maki: "I agree! Come on, Iris!" iris: ^^ Relan: "...Um..." shinra: did you want to go with them? Relan: "I don't know...I haven't done shopping trips like this--I don't know whether it's appropriate for a guy to join in." shinra: hey, if you want to, then you go ahead and join in, heck, i'll join in too! Relan: "O-Okay..." *smiles* -inside the store- tamaki: *modeling an outfit* Maki: *claps* "So cute!" iris: *snaps a pic* ok, who's next? shinra: ok, im ready! *he has on a visual kei style outfit* Relan: "Oh, wow..." iris: so cool! shinra: UwU *bishie sparkle* tamaki: *picking out clothes* Relan: "How about you, Maki?" Maki: "I...don't think I could pull that off." ^^; iris: im sure you would look nice, though. Maki: "...Well...I could try..." shinra: that's the spirit! Maki: *picks one* "Only if Relan tries something on..." Relan: ._. shinra: want me to help you out, rel? Relan: "Wh-What should I try on?" -later, it was nozomi's turn- nozomi: h-how does it look? tamaki: you look so cute! you should totally buy it! Maki: *nods* "Right now!" nozomi: oh, um... tamaki: we'll pool our money together! Relan: "Something else for after Christmas!" -elsewhere at chibuya crossing- Shotaro: "How about these?" *puts on silly glasses* mana: ^^ Shotaro: *puts them on Mana* "There--now I barely recognize you!" mana: >3<; mono: we'll need to stop at the bookstore too, the new volume of that 4-panel manga i've been reading is out now. Assi: "??? So it's good?" mono: a-at least i think it is. 737 mana: oh right, you've been reading 'Ringo Aaparu's fruity flavored classroom' right? Shotaro: "??? Is it sweet?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *sits down* "Haven't had ramen in a bit..." fuyumi: want to order take out or head somewhere? Todoroki: "Maybe head out. Could use the walk." fuyumi: alrighty then. ^^ Todoroki: *small smile, as he retrieves his wallet* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *points* "And there's the children's museum, straight ahead." sonia: *looks* Chuuya: "I heard they got dinosaur bones, and an otter tank..." sonia: wow. Chuuya: *smiles* "Want to go in?" sonia: sure. Chuuya: "Yay!" *a little too excited to see the otter tank* sonia: ....*small smile* Chuuya: *hands the admission price to the ticket taker* "One adult and one--" Hyde: "Here." sonia: thanks. Hyde: "...You're welcome." Chuuya: *opens the door for Sonia* -elsewhere- otogiri: well, at least that creature was returned to its owner now. naho: TT~TT my poor hand... Sakuya: *sets down tea* "What kinda creature..." -elsewhere- komori: ........*she takes her face mask off, revealing Glasgow smile scars, and starts eating lunch* Arthur: *walking through a nearby hall* komori: ....*nom* Arthur: *passes where Komori is eating* komori:....!! *tries to cover her mouth* Arthur: "???" *turns around* "Hey..." *picks up a quarter off the floor* "I found money..." komori: [good for you] Arthur: *nods* "How's lunch?" komori: [alright] Arthur: "Not up for the makeover the others were doing shopping?" komori: [too busy] Arthur: "Well, at least no one is too injured here..." komori:... -elsewhere- Relan: *biting into a large pretzel* =w= shinra: so where to next? *checking a chibuya crossing map on his phone* Maki: "I hear a fighting game calling my name." tamaki: you're so on! Relan: "Oh, oh! One of the racing games!" shinra: ^^ *notices somebody* ?? Izuku: "Shinra!" *waves* shinra: izuku hey! *waves* Izuku: *walks over, limping slightly* "Hey...Hi, Relan!" Relan: *meek wave* shinra: we all decided to spend the day off at chibuya crossing. nozomi: ... Izuku: *spots Nozomi* "Oh, new outfit?" nozomi: y-yeah... m-miss tamaki helped pick it out for me. Izuku: "I think it looks great. That was really nice of Tamaki to help." tamaki:..*small smile* Izuku: "What game are you playing?" -elsewhere- Anya: *walking through neighborhoods...looking around corners* maria: *following ranpo on a job* ^///^ ranpo: *whistling* Anya: *spots Maria and--* "...!!!?!" ranpo: hmn? hey, arent you that weird doctor's daughter? maria: hmm? Anya: "...Do I know you?" maria: oh, call me mari! ^^ *holds her hand out* Anya: *looks at her hand* "..." ("...What is it with princesses disguising themselves?") *takes Maria's hand, smiles* "Anya." maria: nice to meet you! Anya: "Likewise." *spots Ranpo* "...Are those Crocs?" ranpo: oh these? they're my water shoes. Anya: "...Aren't you a grown man?" ranpo: your point? maria: hehe, you're so funny~ ^^ Anya: ._.; "...Um...So, what are you two doing?" ranpo: work stuff, solving mysteries, the usual. maria: hehe~ *hugs his arm* Anya: ._________. "...Are you from that cartoon with the hyper-active girl and the boy with the pine tree hat?" maria: owo~? ranpo: saw it, saw the theories, debunked them, same old same old. Anya: "...You have a highly active life on fan community’s sites, don't you?" ranpo: eh, sometimes. -elsewhere- stocking: .... Kid: "..." *cuddle* stocking: t-thanks... Kid: *nods* *rubs her hand lightly* "It's okay." stocking:....*hugs him* Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: i love you so much... Kid: "I love you, too, so much...Always." stocking: *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* stocking: mmm u////u Kid: *holds her close* "..." *small laugh* "I can feel your heartbeat..." stocking: ^///^ Kid: "..." *closes his eys* "And your soul..." stocking: *holds him close to her chest* Kid: =\\\\\= "It's beautiful..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." -...- Magaki: *sips water...grimaces* {???: <please......child......save my child....>} {Baby Magaki: *shudders, panting*} {??? *in tears* <please, save my baby!>} {Elder: "..." *takes the baby*} Magaki: *holds their head, moaning* -elsewhere- Giriko: "Cute sweater." arachne: thank you. ^^ Giriko: "And not to ignore our little cutie's sweater..." anna: ba! ^o^ Giriko: "Hee hee..." *picks her up* anna: *giggle* Giriko: "...She's getting so big..." -elsewhere- marie: we're baaack~! christa: hiyaaaa! Yumi: *holding up a sign at the airport: "Mjolnir"* ^^ christa: hiya auntie! Yumi: "Hi, Christa! Enjoy seeing your family?" christa: yuppy! marie: ^^ Yumi: *hugs Marie* "Good trip?" marie: *she nods* -elsewhere- Maki: *carrying bags* "Think we got enough?" tamaki: yep! nozomi:....hey guys?....thanks for today....i...had fun. *small smile* Maki: "D'aw, that's great!" *smiles* tamaki: any time, nozomi. *smiles* Relan: ^w^ *holding a new mouse wheel for Buttons* shinra: we're home! karin: welcome back, kiddos! Arthur: *waves* maki: we bought some stuff for the others too. they'll be on the couch. Arthur: "???" *looks inside one bag* -it's one of those horse head masks- Arthur: "...I am so blessed." *puts it on* shinra: *laughs* Vulcan: *walks by--* "...Oh, wow..." *walks up to Arthur* "..." *starts stroking his head* Arthur: "...What are you--" Vulcan: "Shhh..." shinra: *about to cry from laughing so hard* Vulcan: *pulls out a carrot, offering it to Arthur* Arthur: "..." *shrugs, lifts the mask, starts eating the carrot* Takehisa: *walks by* "Nice mask, Arthur. It elongates your face." Arthur: "Thank you, sir." Vulcan: =w= Takehisa: "???" *looks inside a bag* "...Oh. Did you all buy these?" maki: yep! iris: 0x0; Takehisa: "..." *looks up* "...Thank you. I shall try this on." iris: ._.;;; Relan: "Oh boy..." Takehisa: *walks away with the bag* tamaki: ^u^ iris: lord forgive us. Maki: >w> "I'm sure it'll be fine..." Vulcan: =w= *still petting Arthur* Arthur: *has the mask off* "???" -elsewhere- Black Star: *yawns* tsubaki: zzzz Black Star: *sleep hug* tsubaki: *small smile* Black Star: "..." *loud snore* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *staring at the otter tank* *shiny eyes* sonia: wow. Chuuya: "They're so tiny but so fast..." sonia: yeah... Chuuya: "!!! That one is holding a ball!" sonia: *small giggle* Chuuya: *snaps a photo of Sonia watching* sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "Want to see the other exhibits?" sonia: ok. -elsewhere- Takehisa: "..." *standing* tamaki: >3< shinra: *chuckles* iris: ._.; Arthur: "..." karin: ._. Takehisa: "Greetings, Doctor. How are you?" *he is oblivious* -his hat reads 'the walrus was paul'- Relan: .w.; Vulcan: "..." *thumbs up to the hat* iris: ^-^; Akitaru: *steps outside, thumbing through papers* "Greetings, everyone. How's everything--" *looks up* "..." Takehisa: "..." Akitaru: "...Captain." Takehisa: "Commander." tamaki: >3< Akitaru: *hands files to Maki* "Captain, a word?" Takehisa: "Okay." *follows* -minutes later- *Loud screaming is coming from Akitaru's office* Takehisa: ( . ) __________ ( . ) Relan: *hiding behind Iris* Vulcan: "...I don't think that's how you conjugate that word..." Victor: *writing notes* shinra: *backing up* Akitaru: "WHO GAVE YOU THOSE CLOTHES?!" Takehisa: "..." *puts his hands behind his back* "I bought them." shinra: .-.; Akitaru: "YOU HAVEN'T LEFT THE FIREHOUSE ALL DAY!" Takehisa: "It was mail order." Akitaru: "THE PRICE TAG IS STILL ON THE SHIRT!" shinra: what a trooper. tamaki: it was shinra's idea! iris: D8< Relan: "LIAR!" Akitaru: *disappointed Dad face* shinra:.... Q____Q Akitaru: "..." *teeny-tiny chop* shinra: .-. Akitaru: "Your punishment will be Takehisa gets to pick your outfit for tomorrow." Takehisa: "???" shinra: TT.TT that's fair. Takehisa: "I suppose I can pick something out that is appropriate." -elsewhere- Ivan: "Do you have everything?" yana: i think so. Ivan: *nods* "We need a bit more information to actualize Master's plan..." yana: yeah. Ivan: "I suggest reconnaissance. Who should explore?" lydia: <i'll go.> Ivan: <Thank you.> *hands her a map* -elsewhere- Yohei: *sips coffee* "Aaaaa..." chie: long day? Yohei: *nods* "But accomplished..." chie: mmhmm. Yohei: "Got paid..." *hands the check* chie: awesome. *kiss on the cheek* Yohei: ^\\\\^ *yawns* -elsewhere- Shima: "Woo woo!" *holds up a DVD* "Sexy film!" -CHOP- izumo: no. -_-# Bon: -_- "Please, tell me someone picked another movie." Rin: *snatches the DVD from Shima* Shima: TT~TT shiemi: got it! Rin: *shiny eyes* "Little Mermaid?!" madoka: ^^ Rin: *squee* *sits down* Shima: T3T "Why you got to be so mean, Izumo? I bet you never even watched these kinds of films growing up..." izumo: ... Shima: "..." Rin: "Wow, really? You haven't! Oh, man, you're in for a treat! See, it's about this girl who lives under the sea--" -elsewhere- Mephisto: T_T "Demons get such a bad rep..." *looking at a cartoon picture of a demon* felisia: *pap pap* ... !! the baby just kicked! Mephisto: QwQ *puts his hand on her belly* "Really?" felisia: ^^ still thinking of a name... Mephisto: "...Mephy Jr?" *joking tone* felisia: *chuckle* Mephisto: "Something sweet...and perfect..." *looks into Felisia's eyes* felisia: *small blush* Mephisto: *holds her hand* "Any name come to mind?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: =w= "Good meal..." fuyumi: good eats. =w= Todoroki: "..." *small laugh* "We should do takeout in the future, too." -elsewhere- Relan: *pat pat* shinra: TT3TT *mumble* stupid jerk, tamaki... Relan: "Just give it time. Her bad luck and karma will catch back up with her..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: TwT mary: feel better, yet? Mr. Tsubaki: *nuzzle, sad moan* mary: *pap pap* Mr. Tsubaki: *yawns* -elsewhere- Hibana: "I think you'd look good in this, sweetie." hanako: ^u^ Hibana: "Try it on! You can even try on one of Mommy's necklaces." hanako: for reals? Hibana: "Really real!" hanako: yay! -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." -two guards are talking- Magaki: *listens* "..." guard: <you dont think....it's, y-you know...do you?> Magaki: (<'You know who'?>) *leans closer to the door* Guard #2: <But they're dead, right?> guard: <that's what i heard, but...what happened in that village...> Guard #1: <Not too different from what happened years ago...> Magaki: "..." guard 2: <still, freaks me out...> Guard #1: <Same. Glad we're not investigating it.> -elsewhere- White Star: *hunched under a tree in a forest, picking something out of his teeth* -a city is in the distance- White Star: "..." *flicks the "food" out from his teeth* "..." *stands, starts moving towards the city* -elsewhere- Kouyou: "Good meal." leo: thank you, miss kouyou. Kouyou: *pours wine* "..." *looks around* "I thought they would have returned by now..." leo: ? -knocks on the door- leo: *goes to check* ah, they're home. Kouyou: "Then let's see what they're up to~" *pulls back her hand--and knocks the door down* sonia: ._.; *holding an otter plushie* Chuuya: *waves* "Hello." leo: welcome home, sir. Chuuya: "Sorry to be a bit behind schedule..." sonia: hi grandma. Kouyou: "Hello, sweetie. What's that plush?" sonia: papa bought this for me. Kouyou: "Cute! Did you give them a name?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *opens a box...finds a small doll* "..." reimi: what's that? Benimaru: "An old gift..." reimi: ah. Benimaru: "...There are parents always happy to have the protection...including for what they could have lost." reimi:.... Benimaru: "..." *sets the doll onto the shelf* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *mutter grumble mutter* karin: still in a sour mood? Akitaru: "In the time I've known Hinawa, he's always been like that. I once had a meeting with the top brass when we were still forming this brigade. You know what he wore?" karin: what? Akitaru: "A tutu." karin: did he really? Akitaru: "With the tiara. I think he's...like, face-blind? Only it's not a face, it's clothing?" karin: *chuckle* i guess he's humoring them. Akitaru: "??? You think he meant to?" karin: probably, nozomi seemed to lighten up a bit. *smiles* Akitaru: "..." *nods* "Guess you're right on that one." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "...So, Ranpo, we have to talk..." ranpo: *sipping on ramune* wassup? Tanizaki: "What you think of the Princess?" ranpo: eh, she's alright, i guess. Tanizaki: "Well, you should be aware that...That is to say...Um...Look, just don't get her hopes up." ranpo: ?? Tanizaki: "I mean, because...you...and her..." ranpo: ??? Tanizaki: "See, when two people get close, then they start to feel things one way or another about...feelings?" ._.; ranpo: what, like sex? Tanizaki: O____o *grabs him by the shoulders, starts shaking* "YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING THAT WITH HER!!!" ranpo: ew, dude no. i mean, i know what sex is, im just not interested, like, at all. Tanizaki: "...Okay." *lets go...smooths out his own hair* "...Look. I think she's crushing on you. Maybe you should talk to her, let her know you're not up for it?" ranpo: i tried that already. i think she lives in her own little world. poor delusional moron. Tanizaki: *chop* "No need to be mean!" ranpo: ow! >3< im just being honest, jeez. Tanizaki: "Learn to phrase things in less mean ways...And you need to just be honest but not so rude with her..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "...That's kind of embarrassing, Mom..." setsuna: what is? Shotaro: *he has a scuff mark on his face* "That whole 'spitting onto a rag to wipe someone's face' thing that parents do..." setsuna: oh. *small chuckle* ^^; Shotaro: ^^; "Yeah..." *rubs his cheek* "Man, Mana punches hard." -morning- Takehisa: "There. We have concluded." shinra: =~=''' Takehisa: "I think this is fashionable? I heard people like bunny slippers." shinra: *presses the cat head, which meows* greeeat. Takehisa: "The sound will be delightful, I think. Like a small cat following you everywhere." shinra: TT-TT; Takehisa: "I even packed you a lunch." *it's in a lunchbox...a princess lunchbox, with glitter stickers* shinra: TT-TT thank you, sir. Takehisa: *nods* "...Wel, goodbye." *turns and leaves--showing a kick-me sign on his back* -at school- Akutagawa: *crosses out a date in his notebook calendar...smiles* marie: *teaching the lesson* Chuuya: *writes a note, then raises his hand* marie: yes? Chuuya: "Will this be on the test?" marie: *she nods* indeed it will. Chuuya: *writes more notes* Akutagawa: "???" *whispers* "I didn't catch that..." -elsewhere- Anya: "--and she seemed infatuated with him." ao: oh my, is that right? Anya: "That creep is going to break her heart--and I don't see her recovering quickly." atsushi: ? Anya: "The guy was nothing to look at either. Creepy cat smile, closed eyes, some Sherlock Holmes get up, and ugly Crocs." atsushi: ._.; Anya: "Should probably report him to someone...Like the fashion police! ...That's a thing, right?" atsushi: >->; Meme: "Maaaaaaaaybe change the topic..." *holds up a tourist map of Salt Lake City* mio: right. Meme: "I suggest we check this shady part of town when we get there. And maybe if we have time, stop by the ice skating rink--" mio: m-maybe. Meme: "??? Not a fan?" mio: im not very good at it. Meme: ^^ "Practice, then..." mio:.... .///.; r-right. -elsewhere- Gin: "It's quiet..." higuchi: yeah. Gin: "...No sign of them." *calls into radio* "Report." naoya: doing recon now. Gin: "Spot the targets?" naoya: yep. 3rd floor. Gin: *nods to Higuchi* "Cover." higuchi: *nods* Gin: *talks into radio* "Troop A, deploy." -a few goons head in- Target #1: Q____Q *runs* "Crud crud crud--" -SMACK- Target #1: "OUCHIE!" naoya: sup, buddy? Target #1: Q_________Q "DON'T KILL ME!" naoya: depends.... !!! *pistol-whips a guy coming up from behind her* Target #2: "AAAAH! FUCK!" Target #1: "..." *puddle forming* naoya: dude, gross. Target #1: "I HAD A LOT OF SODA AND YOU'RE SCARY!" >3< naoya: awww, is dat twue? T3T# Target #1: Q_______Q "Don't kill me..." naoya: alright, just tell us what we want to know, and we wont have miss silver bullet witch put holes in your skull. katya: *maniacal giggling* Target #1: O________o "BEHIND THE PAINTING OF THE DUCKS!" naoya: *nods to pushkin, who looks* pushkin: woah. is this a Maltese falcon? Target #1: *shrug* "Just looked valuable--so we stole it..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "...So...Is this what babies like?" yosano: yep. basically. Dazai: "Well, should have the paint dry in a bit..." -elsewhere- juria: *chewing gum, slouching in her seat* Karim 2: -_-; "At least sit up." juria: um, are you the teacher? if not, shut up. if so, same thing. Karim 2: "Hey! We got to look better than all the other brigades, and I got no time for some back-talk!" juria: ugh, so annoying. selim: *griiiiiins* gwen: .............. Karim 2: *sighs* "Best brigade there is, and stuck with you twits...Yo, Ogun! You're their mentor--deal with them!" -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: *looking at a photo: it is a small child being lifted into the air by Commander Arg* "..." huang: is that you, asako? Asako: *nods* "A long time ago..." Asako: "Before grandfather..." huang: .... maybe he'll be at the event? Asako: *sad smile* "After everything, that would be nice..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *hands cuffed to the table...with some cold tea poured for them* <...Not a fan.> tsubaki: ... Magaki: <It's not even hot. I know they don't trust me with that...> tsubaki: ....<what sort of fruits do you like?> Magaki: <...Peach?> tsubaki: <ok then.> ^^ *she goes to get peach flavoring* Magaki: <...I don't know that I'll taste them as well. This...condition alters what you taste.> tsubaki: hmm... Magaki: <Some people taste different...> tsubaki: <as in the blood type?> Magaki: <Even what they ate...> *grimaces* <Junk food eaters are dreadful.> tsubaki: ^^; Magaki: <...Your partner tastes like meat.> -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How are classes?" stocking: doing good. it's rewarding. Mephisto: "As I should expect~" *offers a cupcake on a tray* stocking: *nom* ^u^ Mephisto: ^w^ "Are you sure you don't need me to talk to any of your supervisors? I can arrange for whatever you need~" stocking: *shakes her head* im good so far. how's mom coming along? Mephisto: "...Well..." >_> stocking: ._.; im scared to ask. -elsewhere- Dazai: "...So Ranpo is her catnip?" mii: =3= naomi: seems like it. Dazai: *pets Mii* "...I think you need to get some protective equipment, because when Ranpo pisses her off, she's going to wreck the place." -elsewhere- Johannes: "How's work going now that you've been here a bit?" medea: it's been alright. Johannes: "Ah. You getting along with the customers?" medea: moderately. Johannes: "??? They been rude to you?" medea: no. Johannes: "Well, let me know if they are. I have ways to keep them quiet." medea: noted. -elsewhere- Mori: *snore* fukuzawa: *reading* Mori: *grumbling in his sleep* "Head...Head..." fukuzawa: ? Mori: "I just...wanted me to go on...Future..." fukuzawa:.... *checks his temperature* Mori: *grabs Fukuzawa's hand* fukuzawa: !!! Mori: *eyes snap open* "...What were you intending?" fukuzawa: im only checking your temperature... Mori: "...Oh..." *lets go* fukuzawa:... *reads the thermometer* Mori: "...Bad?" fukuzawa: running a bit of a fever... Mori: "...Water?" fukuzawa: *goes to get it* -elsewhere- Tachihara: "That's what you all retrieved?" *looks at the statue* "Some bird?" pushkin: a maltese falcon. ^^ hirotsu: hmm... Tachihara: "Like in the movie? If we smash it, will there be a map inside?" katya: i'll get the hammer. hirotsu: -_-; Tachihara: "Yay!" -elsewhere- Relan: ^^;;; "You'll change when you get home..." shinra: yeah, that's one comfort. TTuTT Relan: "...I think you look fine in anything..." shinra: d'aww. ^///^ Relan: ^\\\\^ *hand squeeze* shinra: *smooch* Relan: >///w///< "Hmmm..." shinra: ^////^ Relan: "Maybe take a bath and have a good meal. And pick out your shoes for the dance." -elsewhere- Kid: *pours tea* "Been well, Homura?" homura: *she nods* thank you. Kid: "And your next mission?" homura: there's been a few incidents up north. Kid: "Good progress?" homura: seems like it so far. Kid: "You filed reports? I could take a look..." homura: *she hands him one* Kid: *looks through it* "...Any distinguishing features?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "How'd the meeting go?" tsubaki: i think it went well. Black Star: "...Anything that's going to convince the authorities not to...you know?" tsubaki: hopefully..... Black Star: "...Talk to your dad?" tsubaki: *she nodded* Black Star: "What'd he tell you to do?" tsubaki: ... Black Star: "What'd he tell you to do?" tsubaki: ... Black Star: "...And if you say it, will the cops do it?" tsubaki:...i dont want to kill them. Black Star: "..." *nods* "Idea what to offer?" tsubaki:.....well....maybe we could....and this is going to sound crazy....take them in? Black Star: "..." o_______o "...Do we even have any more room?" tsubaki: hopefully? ^^; Black Star: "..." *sighs, leans against her side* tsubaki: thanks... Black Star: *nods* "Any time...You going to tell them tomorrow?" tsubaki: probably. Black Star: "...Want me to come?" tsubaki: i would like that... Black Star: "Then I'm there." -elsewhere- White Star: "..." *sniff* -it's quiet- White Star: "..." *inches forward* -in town- tsubaki:... !! Black Star: "The heck..." tsubaki: you felt it too? Black Star: "...Kinda? Like...rage?" tsubaki: come on. Black Star: *follows* -outside- tsubaki: *in sword form* Black Star: *moves into shadows* "..." tsubaki: *quietly* see anything? Black Star: "..." *nods to a corner* "Blood." tsubaki: .... Black Star: *inches along a wall towards the blood* "..." tsubaki: ..... *notices someone* !!! White Star: *turns...stares* Black Star: "?!!!! The hell..." tsubaki: !!! White Star: *swings his blade--* Black Star: "!!!" *blocks* tsubaki: !! White Star: *stares at Black Star, slicing away at him* Black Star: "Gonna need some distance..." tsubaki: *nod* Black Star: *leaps back--* -BOOM!- -smoke fills the area- Black Star: *leaps back* ("Okay, then use Tsubaki's ninja star form to slice through this--") *Someone explodes forward through the smoke, until he is face to face with Black Star* White Star: "..." Black Star: "!!!" tsubaki: !!!! White Star: <...That face...> *lifts up his sword, ready to swing it down--* -blade block- Black Star: "...That face..." tsubaki: ?? *notices the star marking* !!!!!!!!!!! White Star: <Imposter!> *stabs at Black Star--* -blade block- Black Star: *flip over--kick to the back of White Star's head* "Too slow, old man!" White Star: *grunt, falling to the ground* tsubaki: black*star.....look..... Black Star: "...No..." White Star: *motionless, collapsed on the street* tsubaki: di-didnt mifune kill him? Black Star: "..." *leans down, grabs White Star's arm--* *STAB* White Star: *eyes open, a kunai thrown into Black Star's forehead* tsubaki: !!!!!!!!!! Black Star: "..." *starts waving his arms wildly* "GAH! WHAT THE HELL?! THIS STUPID FREAKING THING IS STUCK REALY DEEP NOW!" White Star: *passes out* tsubaki: hold still! im amazed you even survived that. Black Star: TT~TT "I've enough forehead damage to last a lifetime..." tsubaki:...what do we do about him? Black Star: "...We even know this is him? What did he call me? 'Sash of sha'?" tsubaki: 'sashosha', it means 'imposter'. (i really need to help him brush up his language skills) Black Star: "...How the heck I'm the imposter? He could be an imposter! Running around impersonating some dead guy who's freaking dead!" *childishly kicks White Star in the side* White Star: "Umph!" *still passed out* tsubaki: regardless, he still did attack us. we should bring him in. -elsewhere- mahiru: *splashing his face with cold water* >///~///<;;;; Kuro: ._. mahiru: cant unsee it... Kuro: "It couldn't have been that bad..." mahiru: i only saw it for a split second.... *shudders* Kuro: "..." *pat pat* "You know what helps with forgetting awful things? Ramen." mahiru: at this point-.... *lightbulb* SAKUYA! Kuro: *protective cat mode* "Whatever you're planning to do with him--" mahiru: hey, sakuya, you can alter memories, right? Sakuya: *yawns* "Yeah? Why?" mahiru: i need you to remove the past 15 minutes from my memory! Sakuya: "...'Kay. But there may be some side effects." mahiru: *tight grip on his shoulders* JUST PLEASE DO THIS FOR ME, OK?! Sakuya: .\\\\. "Okay, okay--I'll do it! Just relax your shoulders so I can put my hands on your head..." mahiru: *lays down* ok. naho: O/////w/////o *steam coming off her head* Sakuya: *leans over him, presses his hands along Mahiru's head* "..." .\\\\\\. "This may hurt a bit..." mahiru: *gulps and closes his eyes* naho: (come on. come oooonnnn) Sakuya: *closes his eyes...energy appears along his hands--* mahiru:......*yawn* ngh? oh crap, did i fall asleep? how long was i out? naho: =3= Sakuya: "...Yeah. Just for a few minutes. Don't you remember?" mahiru: guess i'm pretty tired after today. ^^; Sakuya: "..." (" 'Pretty' alright...") "Well, better get some food cooking..." -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning~ Kid: ^^ "Good morning, Angel." stocking: hehe~ ^^ *nose nuzzle* Kid: ^\\\\\^ "So...*yawns*...cute." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *cuddles* "But alas, a busy day..." *hug* -elsewhere- Meme: "All aboard!" tsugumi: yay! Anya: -3- "I could have driven if I could..." EF: do any of you have a license? ^^; Anya: "...I drove a scooter once." tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "We really should get a license--like for a monster truck!" mio: ._.; Anya: "...Or start smaller. Like a 1924 AJS Model D Combo cycle with a sidecar." -silence- Anya: "...I was trying to expand my interests..." tsugumi: and that's totally ok. Anya: TT\\\\TT mio:....you gonna be ok, meme? Meme: *wipes her eyes, smiles* -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." *looks at his hand* tsuyu: how's your hand doing? Izuku: "Still hurts a bit..." tsuyu: ah. *pat pat* Izuku: =\\\= "Just got to get better..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...Fuck!" naoya: hm? Chuuya: "I was trying to track someone--and I lost them." naoya: let's see... ~perception~ Chuuya: "They were scrawny, fidgety, kind of nervous--and fast. naoya: !!! he's got some girl as a hostage. Chuuya: *grumble* "Shit...Weapon?" naoya: none i can see... Chuuya: "...Griffin Path." naoya: *nods and heads up the fire escape* Target: *not noticing* "I'm losing my patience: where is your car?" girl: ..... Target: "..." *pulls back his hand to slap her--* ???: *ahem* Target: "?!!!" *swings his arm* -something grabs his fist- naoya: well howdy, buddy, pleasant day today, ya? ^u^ Target: "?!!" *lets go of the hostage, swings his other fist at Naoya* naoya: *grabs other fist and kicks him between the legs* girl: !! Target: .______O *collapses* naoya: *looks at the girl* ....hey. girl: *muffled 'hey'* Chuuya: *grabs the Target* "It's done." girl: !!!! ozaki?! Chuuya: "...Oh shit..." girl: d-did you come here to save me? Chuuya: "..." naoya:...*looks at chuuya* Chuuya: "Y-Yeah...Happened to run into someone and told them the emergency..." girl: are you a secret agent? naoya: .___.;;; Chuuya: "...No. Just in the right place..." girl: .///. Chuuya: "...I'll walk you home." *nods to Naoya* "Thank you, random person." naoya: *already absconded* Chuuya: "...Huh." *turns back* "...You live far?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." *pokes the letter with a stick* shinra: -_-; *checks his letter* Letter: "Shinra! Arthur! How are you surviving the Eighth?" shinra: *keeps reading* 'things are pretty hectic here at the 4th as always, what with that oni chick and lava boy selim and all, haha'..... *excalibur face* oh right, those two... Arthur: "??? Oni?" *grabs a sword* -elsewhere- Aizawa: -_-# "...This plan is stupid." yuuji: what is? Aizawa: *sighs* "All Might planned another extracurricular lesson--and he roped in some students from another school." yuuji: oh? Aizawa: "...You remember the last time he wanted to 'make the lesson fun'? He got kicked in the balls." yuuji: ._.; yikes. Aizawa: *sigh* "Attend it. I'm going to need backup." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." -nobuko....rokuzo......that little girl.....minato.....they're all dead....- Kunikida: *mutters* "Like I don't know that..." -who will be the next to die, i wonder.....aya? atsushi? dazai? ranpo?- Kunikida: "Shut up..." -...- Kunikida: "..." *curls up* -elsewhere- Dazai: "...Shit." kirako: ?? Dazai: "...Sorry. Just thinking of Kunikida." kirako: .....i hope that he's ok... ranpo: how about i check on him tomorrow after my shift at the shopping plaza? Dazai: "Yes! That would be--...Wait. You still have to do the plaza thing?" ranpo: ok, it's settled then! i'll see him tomorrow then! Dazai: ._. -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Just...Fuck." tsubaki: *hugs him* Black Star: "..." *pat pat* "...Who gave him a right to show up?" tsubaki: i dont know.... Black Star: "...Is he even normal?" tsubaki: .... Black Star: "He looks like...what they all said I was...A demon." tsubaki:....*rubs his back* Black Star: "..." *sighs* "What am I supposed to do?" tsubaki: you arent your father. the only thing you are is you. Black Star: "...And what do I do with him? Kill him?" tsubaki: .... Black Star: "Is a 'dead man' even on Lord Death's kill list anymore?" tsubaki:.....i dont know... Black Star: "...He wake up?" tsubaki: not yet. Black Star: "...Maybe tie the restraints more." -elsewhere- Adam: *head shoved into the wall* "..." lydia: ._.; Hawthorne: "...He would not be quiet." lydia: was....this kind of punishment needed? Hawthorne: "Ask him." Adam: *muffled voice* "I'm okay!" lydia:.... <oh lord give me the strength...> -_-; Hawthorne: <It's in this book.> *taps it* lydia:....oh right, yana's been teaching you. Hawthorne: *nods* Adam: *muffled* "What you guys talking about?" -elsewhere- Kid: *pours tea* "Another cookie?" stocking: why thank you~ julie: *nods* kirika: *nom* Kid: *passes the plate* "And then the cupcakes will be ready..." *sits down* "How has everyone's day been?" kirika: been alright. had to do a photoshoot for school promotional stuff, but at least i got paid for it. Kid: "Oh? For new students?" kirika: more or less. Kid: "Well, good face to put onto the Academy--" Gopher: *pops up from under the table* "I agree!" kirika: *hands him a cookie* hey. Gopher: =w= *nom* Kid: ._.;;; stocking: she's not even shocked anymore. Kid: "I guess that's lov--" kirika: finish that statement and i'll rip off your balls. *casually drinking tea* Kid: .__________. Gopher: owo;;; -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sits up* *hunger whimper* bram: here you are. *puts down food* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs...nom nom nom* *wags his tail* bram:...*faint smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *lean* bram:.... *small pet* Mr. Tsubaki: ^w^ *fox chitter* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "You okay?" naho: *snuggle* yeah. Sakuya: *hug* "Good..." *forehead smooch* naho: mmm~ Sakuya: "...Did it bother you?" naho: you and mahi? Sakuya: "Yeah." naho: ...you really think i would be bothered by two men getting all close together?! OwO *slight nosebleed* Sakuya: ^\\\^ "I suppose not..." *wipes her nose* "You seemed to have wanted more?" naho: .///w///. Sakuya: "Sorry to have disappointed..." naho: it's alright, i guess. *hug* Sakuya: *pat pat* "Hey...I love you." naho: i love you too, sakkun. Sakuya: *rubs her shoulder lightly* *smiles* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I'm home..." sonia: *hugs his leg* Chuuya: "..." *smiles, hugs her* "I missed you so much..." sonia: did you have a good day at work? Chuuya: "...There were challenging parts of it...I'm just glad to be home." sonia: ... Chuuya: "...You were a good girl for Grandma?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "Good to know...It's getting late, though." sonia: ... mito: *streeeetch* Chuuya: *pets Mito* "Time to brush your teeth..." -elsewhere- Asako: *yawns, removes her glasses* ritsu: zzzz.... Asako: "..." *rubs her eyes, then puts a blanket over Ritsu* ritsu: *tiny smile* Asako: ^w^ *pours tea* -elsewhere- lana: zzzzz.... Poe: "..." *tucks her in* lana: uwu Poe: *forehead smooch* -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." tsubaki: <i spoke with the head of the japan branch...> Magaki: <...Oh.> tsubaki: ... <you'll be coming back with us to the states, but under surveillance.> Magaki: <...If I refuse?> tsubaki:...<then they'll most likely kill you...> Magaki: <...You think that would not be welcomed?> tsubaki: .... Magaki: *smiles...and starts crying* <It's what should happen, right?> tsubaki:.....<in my opinion, no. just because some people have done bad things, it doesnt always mean they're bad people...> Magaki: "..." *tries to cover their face--but their hands are still shackled to the table* "..." tsubaki: ... -elsewhere- White Star: *struggling inside a straight jacket* Black Star: "..." DWMA guard: <mr black*star, there's an old man here to speak with you.> Black Star: "??? How old we talkin'?" DWMA guard: <seems like some old hermit.> Black Star: "..." *looks around the Guard to see the Hermit* hermit: .... *weak smile* Black Star: "..." hermit: <mind if we have a chat, young man?> Black Star: "..." *glances back at the room holding White Star, then at the Hermit* "...'Kay?" hermit: *ahem* perhaps english would be easier for you? Black Star: "Oh, totally. What's up?" hermit: normally, i dont visit the city, but i figured today i would make an exception. not every day that i get the chance to meet my grandson. Black Star: "...Wow! Really?!" *smiles* "...Who's your grandson?" hermit:... about yey high, blue hair, star marking on his shoulder, talking to me right now? Black Star: "..." *looks around* "..." *points at himself* "Me? ...Wait...How can you be...?" hermit: it's a long story... Black Star: "...I got time." hermit: alright. Black Star: "...So, what do I call you?" *sits* hermit: for now, you may call me 'grey*star' -a long time ago, when i was still in my youth, i was the leader of the star clan. back in those days, we were just a group of vagabonds, trying to get through life- Black Star: "...By stealing?" grey*star: we were young and stupid. no offense. -we did some reckless things, but for the most part, we were harmless....keyword 'were'. my son, on the other hand, had different ideas on how our group should be run, he had, dark, malicious intentions. - Black Star: "...He took over?" grey*star: *he nods* i tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldnt listen, and i was cast into exile, losing an eye in the process, and the rest was history from there. i dont know why he chose the path of the demon like he had done. i thought he was too long gone to be saved, so i had an outsider come to finish him off, and we thought he had been successful, however, it seemed fate had different plans... Black Star: ._.;;; "...You hired Mifune to kill your kid?" grey*star: ....it does sound pretty bad when you say it like that, but keep in mind just who we're talking about. Black Star: "Yeah, a guy in a straight jacket who tried to kill us." grey*star:....so you've met mifune, then? how is he these days? Black Star: "Got kids." grey*star: is that right? Black Star: *nods* "He's good at it." -elsewhere- Mifune: *sneezes* yuma: you're not getting a cold, are you? D8> Mifune: *sniffs* "No. Maybe just some dust..." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *adjusting his tie* shinra: *antsy* Victor: "Vulcan, you got to wear a shirt." Vulcan: -_- "Fine..." *buttons up a shirt* lisa: ... *small pout* Vulcan: "??? Lisa? You okay with this?" lisa: y-yeah... Arthur: "The event should be populated..." tamaki: soooo, who's hosting it again? Akitaru: "The Fifth. So it'll be all kinds of fancy." tamaki: cool. Relan: ^^ "Get to catch up with friends..." shinra: yeah. im sure the other members of the other brigades will be there too. Akitaru: "Like the Fourth..." shinra: hey, maybe ogun and the others will be there too. (and commander arg...) Arthur: "??? Ogun is alive? I thought he was eaten by that griffin that keeps mailing letters..." shinra: maybe you'll see those two cheerleaders of yours too, arthur. tamaki: what cheerleaders? am i gonna have to kick someone's ass? Arthur: .\\\\\. "It was a long time ago. We don't talk about it. I can't remember. I have brain damage." shinra: i knew it. iris: *chop* be nice -3- shinra: yes ma'am. o-o; Relan: ._.;; Arthur: >\\\\< -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Everyone ready?" fang-hua: *nod* kirei: i believe so. Konro: *in his formal kimono* *looks around* "...Where's--" Tsukiyo: =w= -elsewhere- lana *holding poe close* sorry you had a nightmare, edgar... Poe: *shivering* lana: *hugs* its ok, im not going anywhere, alright? Poe: Q~Q "P-Promise?" lana: *kiss* of course, always. Poe: "..." *cries quietly* -she'll abandon you eventually, who could love an abhorrent freak like you?- Poe: *sob* "I'm..." lana: *rubs his back* Poe: *sobbing* "I'm a freak..." lana: edgar... Poe: "They said it..." lana:...if i could, i would go into your head and take out that voice that keeps hurting you. Poe: "..." *small chuckle* lana: ? Poe: "I-I would really like that..." lana:...*smiles and kisses his forehead* Poe: TT\\\\w\\\\TT -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Stupid tie..." >-< mikami: ? Kishiri: "Boss said I needed one...But it stifles my style..." ryuuko: how unfortunate. Hibana: "Fuck boi ain't a style, Kishiri." Kishiri: Q_Q "...How long you been--" Hibana: "The entire time." ryuuko: we'll send our best regards to your next of kin. Hibana: *smirks* Kishiri: *stares at Ryuuko* "Rude!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *presses his fingers to his temples* "That's a lot to take in..." grey*star: i could imagine... Black Star: "...What would you suggest doing with him?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *gets into the driver's seat--taps the GPS on his phone* "Everyone ready?" shinra: yep. tamaki: mmhmm. iris: ^^ Relan: *nods* Vulcan: "..." *looks at Lisa* lisa: y-yeah. Vulcan: *holds her hand* Victor: *looks at Nozomi* nozomi: y-yeah... karin: *pats her back* Akitaru: *nods* "Okay, let's head out." Takehisa: *backs out of the garage* -elsewhere- Patty: *shiny eyes* "IT'S SO BIG AND FANCY!" takeru: y-yeah. hito: i heard the 5th commander lives in this building. Honda: "Indeed! She made a lot of money from her work with Haijima!" 3rd acting commander: *pacing, too nervous to go in* o~o;;; hito: isnt that commander tennouji? Honda: "??? COMMANDER!" *spreads out his arms and starts waving both of them wildly* "OVER HERE! HELLO!" tennouji: EEP!! c-c-commander honda, p-p-please dont startle me like that! >~<;; Honda: "...Right. No bear hugs--I remember that! Still nervous about going in? Hibana won't bite your head off or anything! And her daughter is a sweetie! Right, Juggernaut?!" takeru: r-right. tennouji: im not sure if i should be going in at all, im not even an official commander and *mutter mutter mutter* Patty: "??? I like your outfit!" tennouji: oh, um...t-thank you. ._.; -inside- Fulham: -_- "We got here too early, sir." Burns: "It is important to be punctual." Hibana: -_-# "Saaaaaaaaave me from this annoying guy..." pearl: ^^; Burns: "So, Hibana, what did you do with that ankle bracelet after you were exonerated?" Fulham: ._. Hibana: *stare* "...When you lost your eye, how much money did you save on eyedrops?" gabriella: ^-^;;; hibana, please... Fulham: .___.;;; "How about a drink? Or maybe mingle with other people, sir--Oh, look! Kusakabe arrived!" Hibana: "I need two drinks..." shinra: OwO;;; *whispers* tamaki dont do anything too rash. tamaki: sod off, shinra. Relan: "...Don't hiss at Burns, Tamaki." tamaki: i wont!..... *nasty glaaaare* gabriella: (this is going to be a long night... ^^; ) Relan: *innocent whistling* Hibana: "!!! Iris!" *hug* iris: hello sister. ^^; gabriella: *phew* Hibana: "Are you feeling well?" iris: i'm doing alright. -elsewhere- Asako: "That looks amazing, Commander!" huang: thank you. *she wore a pantsuit* Asako: ^^ "I asked the vehicle be pulled up--Is everyone here?" vivian: yep! tao: *nod nod* Asako: "Very good--and wonderful clothes!" -inside- Ogun: "--and then I said to him, 'Kusakabe, that's one way to open a door'!" shinra: ?? !!! *waves* OGUN! HEY! 8D gwen: ..... Ogun: "Speak of the Shinra!" *fist-bump* shinra: it's been ages, man! tamaki: friend of yours? Relan: "???" shinra: arthur, you remember, ogun, right? from school? iris: oh, so this is ogun? it's nice to meet you, sir. ^^ Ogun: "Hello, Sister. Good to meet you, too." shinra: *smiles and looks at relan* Relan: .w.; Ogun: "And you're Relan? Happy to meet you!" Relan: *nod nod* "Th-Thanks..." shinra: ^u^ tamaki:.... 7-7 gwen: ......... Arthur: "Oh. Hello." gwen:.......hi arthur... tamaki:.....*holds his hand* Arthur: "..." *squeezes Tamaki's hand* "This is Tamaki." shinra:.... ? what happened to the other girl? gwen: ......................................................... Arthur: "Where's Morgan?" gwen:....*shaking* Arthur: "...Oh." shinra:......!! s-shit... iris: *small prayer* nozomi: ..... Arthur: "...Was she given last rites?" gwen:...*nods* Arthur: "...I'm sorry." gwen: i couldnt even do anything....im really...really useless, huh? nozomi:....dont say stupid things like that. Arthur: "..." Victor: "???" nozomi: if you just give up now, then...then how will you ever get better?! karin: nozomi... nozomi: my father, he was working on a cure for this, he worked so hard, even though he became an infernal himself....still, i cant just give up like that. even though i've been through a lot recently, learning things i wish i didnt, but it doesnt matter now, because i have to be the one who carries my father's legacy. Victor: "..." *small smile* shinra: *smiles* aw yeah, she's back! nozomi: *smiles* excuse me, i need to go do something, i'll be right back. *heads off* tamaki: ah... Arthur: "???" nozomi: *looking around, until she finds a room. seems to be a dressing room.* .... *she walks over to where the mirror is*........*she takes a pair of scissors and cuts her hair shorter* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *standing by the wall* maki: heyo~ ^^ Takehisa: "Hello." *sips his punch* "...It's starting well enough." maki: yeah....say, let's go dance! Takehisa: ._. "...Okay?" maki: *takes his hand and pulls him onto the dancefloor* karin: oho, seems we got a few lovebirds here~ Akitaru: "??? Oh? They've been friendly for a bit..." karin: but look at the captain's face. Takehisa: =\\\\= Akitaru: "???" karin: he's got it bad. Akitaru: "...Ooooooh...Huh." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...It's not terrible." kirei: ^^ Tsukiyo: *pours some wine* kabuki: ^^; *in a suit* Tsukiyo: "Nice jacket!" kabuki: why thank you. Tsukiyo: *touches the fabric* tao: OwO ~? Tsukiyo: "So soft~" =w= tao: whatcha doooin? kabuki: hmm? fang-hua: ah! Benimaru: "Behave. Now. Or I'll send you home." Tsukiyo: >3< misora: T3T (stupid miko hanging all over beni...) miwa: you ok, misora? misora: OwO; fine! just fine! -elsewhere- Asako: "Hello, Gabriella." gabriella: asako, nice to see you doing well. Asako: *nods* "How is the Commander?" hanako: hi miss. ^^ gabriella: im making sure she behaves tonight. ^^; Asako: "I appreciate that, after the last time she and the Commander--" Hibana: "Commander." -_-# huang: hello hibana. *nods* Asako: .w. *smiles at Hanako* ^^; "Let's let your mother and the Commander talk alone..." Hibana: "Still running the hospital?" huang: indeed. Hibana: "Huh. I see you saved Shinra from dying." huang: *nods* it's been pretty busy for all of us. Hibana: "Yes...which is why it's good to kick back a bit. What will you have to drink?" -elsewhere- Patty: "--and he bought me this shiny necklace!" vivian: how cute! ^u^ Patty: "I love what you did with your hair! Where'd you get it done?" vivian: i had a professional hair stylist from paris fly in to style my hair tonight! Patty: owo "Wooooooow...Kid once had pizza flown in from New York because I kept poking him with a stick!" Kishiri: "--and I'm telling you, the chicks are into tall guys. You feel me?" takeru: you're sure about that? b-but what if i step on them?! Kishiri: owo;;; "...Hey, man, I'm not judging your kinks--but I think you need to get their permission for that kind of thing..." takeru: i guess i should be careful of where i walk, then. ._.; Kishiri: "Yeah, you do that. But, um, I thought you were happy enough with Thompson over there, so you're probably not looking into other people..." takeru: ??? wait, i thought you were talking about baby chickens ._.;; Kishiri: "..." *pours another drink* "I'm gonna need this...Man, your kinks are _really_ messed up, bro." takeru: ?????? *confused* -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." tamaki:...*lean* Arthur: "..." *puts a hand on her shoulder* "Thanks." tamaki: no prob... Arthur: "...A lot has changed." tamaki: i can imagine... Arthur: "..." *looks at Tamaki* "...So have you." tamaki: *blush* Arthur: "..." *pats her hand, holds it* tamaki:...*hugs* Arthur: .\\\\. "..." *shakes a bit* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Fulham: *sipping water* pearl: enjoying yourself? Fulham: *shrug* "A'ight. Fine." pearl: im glad. Fulham: *nods* "You like it?" pearl: it's nice. ^^ Fulham: "Good...You dance?" pearl: sometimes. Fulham: "Interested?" pearl: a-as in right now? Fulham: "...I mean, it can be later?" pearl: r-right. ^^; -elsewhere-
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xilliaspirit · 7 years
8, 14, 24, 39, 58~ for the video game asks
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection?
Hmm… according to the Internet, the game in my collection that would fit that criteria would be… Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, which is understandable since it was before the series’s popularity rise. (I don’t have Path of Radiance nor have I played it. ouo;;;)
14. Favorite game music?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, too many good game tracks and songs to choose! Some are really catchy, some are really meaningful and emotional, some are really invigorating. Well, I guess I can give a random one:
24. First Pokemon game?
Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition! I wanted to play Pokémon since the show and my brother got Red. I still have it and the original save file.(Pokémon for life!)
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?
Of the games I’ve played that lack a (proper) sequel or second game, I would have to say The World Ends with You. I mean, they have that teaser image of a new character but nothing came of it? It could involve a new cast of characters, a new city, a new (Reaper’s) game. And the 3DS is still alive and kicking. But yeah, who knows if we’ll ever see the much asked-for TWEWY sequel. (Honorable mention to Kid Icarus: Uprising, another fun game also unlikely to receive a sequel in the near future.)
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick?
This is hard… to choose only 3 games that could play for the rest of my life. They have to have a lot of replayability. Of the games currently available, assuming the services for the game last for the entire time I play, I would choose… maybe an online multiplayer game like Els, Overwatch, or FFXIV; a single player experience… like DR1+2 Reload, KH1.5+2.5 HD Remix, P5, or a Tales game (not sure which one though); and a Pokémon game… let’s go with Sun or Moon since it has the most Pokémon to catch. (That’s not specifically three chosen, but that’s as close as my indecisive self is going to get.)
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taesthetes · 6 years
(1/?) Travel-anon-hi! Sorry for the late reply, I've been feeling a bit under the weather D: But wow! That's so sweet of you for what you did for your mom! My family's not big on celebrating parent days, but we do go out for dinners - my mom's bday is a couple days before, so we merge the two ;u;~ Thank you! I'll probably come back with a pile of photos, and be super picky which to instagram, haha. Oh! Good idea with the perfume! I normally don't carry any, but this sounds like a good reason to.
(2/?) Aw, you had to give up your internship? I’m sorry D: but on the bright side, vacation? Would you be able to do the internship another time? In terms of expensiveness, I think HK topped it for me. The livelihood there is super high end and overpriced to me :/ And ikr! I wish it were like that here too, but North America’s just too big and spread out for that unless you lived downtown, but that’s expensive D: In December, one Japan night was 24 degrees celsius ouo;; that’s pretty much summer
(3/?) But it does depend where you’re at in Japan! That night I was in Tokyo! It’ll be colder if you’re farther north~ I don’t know if the magikarp promo is still going D: but if it is, you definitely have to try it! I actually like the “crispy sandwich caramel” haagen dazs! I can’t get it where I’m from ;u; so depriveeeed. Your convenience stores sound so much better than mine! All mine have are dollar store things and candy OTL? Usually super grungy looking too. Aw, that’s cute! Do you visit?
(4/?) For the cat, not your sister (well, I guess her too), haha. I don’t remember, did you say you’d try to get a pet in the future for yourself, maybe? Yep! Certain holidays or popular events cause tickets to be more expensive to those countries during those times~ It’s still modern art?! Why isn’t there any traditional ones D:?! I actually prefer modern art, haha; mostly the interactive type ones! I don’t particularly have a favourite artist; I appreciate based on how interesting their-
(5/?) concepts are and how well they executed it. I mean, we did drop a lot of cash on the machines (and won nothing a lot of times), so I’m pretty sure that’s why they took pity on us, haha! I hope you’re lucky enough to either win it yourself, or find someone to help you! I also wish for you to be good at those games ;D! Have you had any more ramen since I last spoke to you? You’re still making me crave for it, and I can’t have any right now ;u; Oo, barely any jet lag can be a good thing!
(6/?) I don’t jet lag much when I travel, but the bits that I do, I accounted for, and used it for long-term traveling within the country! Oo, I hope I get to try a vietnamese hot pot some time then :D! If we ever manage to meet up in another country, let’s hit up vietnamese hot pot, haha. Omg, both of those movies were so good!! Infinity war, I really hope you do get to see it soon D: There’s so many spoilers out already, and it would suck if you got completely ruined to it beforehand!
(7/?) I preordered all 4 albums when they first opened it :D;; If I was only getting 1 of them though, I’d have gotten O! What about you? Did you preorder, or are you going to hit up a store when it’s released where you are? Which is your favourite concept? And, omg, yes. Jimin’s pretty hardcore when it comes to going 0 to 100, so I tend to die fairly often, haha. How do you manage to keep up with Tae?! He’s just as bad, if not worse, than Jimin’s 0-100?! He’s too pretty and amazing as a person!
(8/8) I was going to end this at 7, but well, here’s 8, haha. I follow on yt, and when a notice pops up, I listen and fav the song if it matches my tastes :D NCT is going haaard right now, like wow, almost every other week or two OTL I’ve been into kpop for so long that I like a lot of groups, so it’s hard to recount all of them, haha. What about you? Who else do you listen to? How long have you been into kpop? How was the Tswift concert?! Did you have an amazing time?? How early did you lineup?
hello, m’love!! oh noo, i’m so sorry to hear that ): are you feeling better now? make sure to drink lots of fluids and rest up! and thank you :’) i hope you had a good dinner with your family!! and happy belated birthday to your mom 💕 oh gosh, my instagram is a mess, i just post sporadically and nothing matches. but i think i’ll start trying to make a nicer instagram page though haha. yeah, it’s pretty helpful with the perfume because you can’t bring pepper spray onto planes or anything for travel, so i just pack a small perfume bottle instead!
yeah, i’m excited for the vacation!! i won’t be able to do an internship until next summer then unfortunately. oooh, i heard kong kong is really nice! but i’ll make sure not to go there until i have money lmao. yeah, the only way walking is fine in north america is if i live in one of the big cities, like nyc. oh my god, in december??? it’s going to be even worse since i’m going in the summer D: i think overall it’s going to be very hot in japan because it’s summer when i’ll be there. 
ahhh, even if there’s no magikarp, i’m still excited to eat taiyaki!! omg ok, i’ll make sure to get that ice cream flavor when i’m there :o and that really sucks ): hopefully, you’ll get to come back to japan soon and then you can get the ice cream :D ah yeah, there’s a lot of dollar store items and travel items too and candy. i think most convenience stores are pretty grungy tbh. i visited her last year! but that was before she got a cat sadly ):
and yes!! i want to get a dog and a cat in the future! i suppose there are a few traditional art pieces on display? but i think most people here enjoy modernized art more, like even the buildings and such in the usa are much more modern compared to europe. i guess it’s because the usa hasn’t been a country for as long as european countries, so everything is newer looking. oooh nice!! interactive art is always fun! :D modern art is really beautiful too, but sometimes, i see something like the entire canvas is painted one color with only one stripe down it and i’m like ??? how is this worth 91283472319 dollars???
asdfjkads that’s going to be me. i’m going to spend all my money on the crane machines and win nothing, so let’s hope someone will help me ahah and thank you!! fingers crossed! :’)  and i haven’t had any ramen since ): ramen isn’t the healthiest, so i try not to eat it often. ajsdhfalks but you can’t have any right now? D: did you run out? oooh, and that’s smart! i really hope the jet lag won’t hit so hard because i want to explore everything, but there’s never enough time. and yes!! we’ll definitely get vietnamese hot pot, and then you’ll have to show me all your favorite food places too :D ahhh, i want to see both of them soon! i took my last midterm yesterday, but i still have papers and several projects to do ): and my weekends are packed since i have some things to go to for my friends’ birthdays and i think we might do a road trip for the upcoming memorial weekend since we get monday off.
and omg so lucky!! all four wow :o well, i didn’t preorder it, but i don’t know which album i want either. maybe R or O? because they all look good in denim, but tae had that lip ring.. and unfortunately, they don’t sell kpop merch in stores anywhere near me /: so i’ll have to order it from amazon if i do buy it! honestly all the concepts are pretty though. jimin’s stage presence vs real life is mind blowing with how he can switch so fast. askdlhfjaj i barely keep up with tae, he’s too perfect and he’s such a sweetheart pluS HIS DOGS AND CAT ARE SO CUTE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
asdf,nasd oh my god i love nct so so so much, like nct dream is my ult boy group favorite, and i’m so sad mark is graduating from the dreamies after this year ): did you see their chain mv? who’s your bias? oh my gosh i’m so excited to hear you like nct alskdjfhalew i really, really, really love taeyeon, like she’s my ult bias, but i also love shinee and blackpink (when will they release a new song)!!! i follow up with those three and nct the most. but i also listen to red velvet, gfriend, twice, kard, day6, wanna one, monsta x, infinite, vixx, astro, and f(x) like when are they coming back ): oh and (g)i-dle!!! i pretty much listen to whatever group that currently makes a comeback, so i know the title songs of most of the kpop groups, but i don’t know each of the members’ names. and i’ve been into kpop since early 2014 :’)
ooooh my god, the taylor swift concert marks the best night of my life, likE I LOVE HER SO MUCH I’VE BEEN A FAN SINCE 2006 AND I CAN’T BELIEVE I FINALLY GOT TO GO TO HER CONCERT!!!! but i got there two hours early for the lineup, and when it started, i sang along for every single song, and when she sang a mashup with long live included, i was over the moon, plus before the concert, i was like oh hey what if she sings the best day because it’s mother’s day tomorrow anD SHE ACTUALLY DID AND I CRIED OMG I GOT SO EMO i was shaking like i tried to get good videos on my phone, but my phone also died and the video will show you how shaky i actually was and wow i just– best experience, i will definitely go to her concerts over and over again and i just loved it so much. so yeah i was pretty excited and super happy overall :’) and how is your week going? 💗
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bwicblog · 7 years
EE: Hellooo
EE: ånyone here?
JV: --ok how do we have so many nerds -n th-s group that an h - s t o r - c a l fa-re makes th-s place dead
JV: --sup ee
SA: i am alive.
SA: hello.
AC: Ø Oh, Prisma! Are you all right in the back? Ø
AC: Ø I'm busy out front, but I can get you anything in a few minutes if you want. Ø
EE: Hey JV EE: Seems like most of the people here åre gone somewhere
SA: yes. my neck hurts but otherwise I am fine. Thank you for helping me.
SA: they are at the faire in Cascara.
AC: Ø It's no problem! And yes, many of us are at the historical fair. .u. Ø
AC: Ø It's very busy! Though Emerel and Hadean's fight hasn't happened yet, that's later. Ø
AP: I'm there too.
AC: Ø ouo!!! really, Budino? Ø
AP: I've been selling what I bake.
AC: Ø Where are you? I'd love to come see you! Ø
AP: Last minute booth entry
AC: Ø Um, if you wouldn't mind that Ø
AP: Cobblestreet Alley
AP: I don't mind. I'm giving out samples, too.
AP: Apparently people buy more when they get to taste.
AC: Ø Ooh, that's a bit of a walk, but I'm sure Pheres will let me have a break in a bit. As long as Prisma's all set I'll go visit you! Ø
AC: Ø I'm glad you're getting lots of customers Ø
SA: yes, it's because they know the product isn't secretly bad.
AC: Ø Pffft Ø
SA: this is a logical advertising scheme.
AP: My product's never been bad.
AP: I taste everything myself before I send out the batch.
AC: Ø People in general won't know how delicious it is though. .u. Ø
AP: Point being. AP: Free samples.
SA: I am fine. I could watch the booth while you are gone, AC. Pheres permission or not.
AC: Ø .n. hmmm, maybe, you don't know our products very well, though! Ø
SA: but I don't want to miss Hadean's fight. I have to see who else they destroy today.
AC: Ø Some of the people here are real sticklers about knowledge, too Ø
AC: Ø Haha, I'm sure you won't miss it, it's not until later Ø
SA: I suppose that's true also... I don't know very much about clothes.
AP: Who is Hadean fighting?
AC: Ø Neither do I. .u. I sympathize Ø
AC: Ø Emerel! Or well, he's MN on here Ø
AP: Clothes are for...covering yourself, pretty much. AP: Then again, I never got into the fashion thing.
AP: Oh. Him. AP: Please tell Hadean to give him a punch to the face for me.
AC: Ø .n. but Emerel's my friend Ø
EE: ooohh, whåt do you måke?
AP: It's our thing. AP: He keeps complaining I stole his sign.
AP: I bake. Bread, cakes, pastries, you name it. AP: I have a booth set up here.
AC: Ø .u. but that's not how that works...at least not according to Kit Ø
AP: Someone should tell Emerel that, then.
AC: Ø .n. but I don't pretend to understand it very well. I...I don't want him to be mad at me Ø
AP: Honestly, he doesn't strike me as the type to get mad easy.
AP: Just something about him, you know? It's hard to explain.
AC: Ø .n. I don't want to risk it, he's always been very nice to me Ø
SA: This emerel seems to be an eternal mystery.
AP: I wouldn't call him a mystery.
AC: Ø And Pheres would never forgive me if I upset him Ø
SA: No, but they are some sort of ambiguous figure everyone knows who everyone eitehr wishes to fight or be friends with.
AP: Maidel, why don't you come down here? I've got something for you.
AC: Ø .u. uhhh, give me... Ø
AP: Don't tell him he's a figure of mystery. His head will swell ten times bigger than it is already.
AC: Ø ...five minutes! It's not very busy right now, so Pheres said I can go. Ø
SA: larger than Pheres's?
AP: Larger than Pheres'.
AC: Ø that's just his hair .u. Ø
AC: Ø easy mistake Ø
SA: Perhaps he should invest in a comb.
AC: Ø It's so poofy Ø
SA: and a straightner.
AC: Ø Noooo, his curls are so nice Ø
AC: Ø I wish mine were nice like that Ø
EE: åw, I wish I could håve gone. EE: I love cåke
AP: I'm not particularly worried about his hair. AP: As much as I am the fact that he's hard to get along with.
AC: Ø .n. oh Ø
AP: I have a bakery in Fiendcroft, outside of Hithliene. AP: You're welcome to stop by there sometime.
AC: Ø Budino makes really good bread! Ø
AP: I try.
AP: Thank you.
EE: omg!!!
EE: I'll håve to måke the trip next time I get some leåve time
EE: Fresh breåd is heåven
AP: I agree.
AP: If heaven was real, fresh bread would be where you'd find it.
SA: it's fresh treats.
AP: That is generally what bread is, yes.
SA: No. Bread is the wrong kind of treat.
SA: I mean desserts.
SA: I don't care about bread. It's bread.
AP: I make desserts.
AP: My table has plenty of chocolate on it too.
SA: but do you have tarts.
EE: Breåd cån be dessert
SA: or historically accurate treats.
AP: Apple or strawberry?
SA: neither...
SA: 😦
AP: I don't know much about history, I admit. But I did at least try to do some research.
SA: Maybe I will visit then.
AP: Please feel free.
AP: Hopefully you'll find something to your liking.
SA: Aren't you going to enjoy aything else about the faire?
AP: Probably. AP: When I run out of things to sell.
AP: It's really the only reason I'm here, though. AP: I'm not that interested in anything else at the faire.
EE: Whåt else is there to do?
AP: Socialize. Eat. Buy. That's about it.
AP: Not much point to it. The setting is the only difference to any other faire.
SA: there' so many things to look at, though. Surely they aren't all the same?
SA: We would never have something like this in Provenance.
SA: And everyone is in costumes.
SA: or.
SA: Hadean and Pheres are in costumes.
AP: I suppose I'm not very daring. It just doesn't hold much interest to me, I guess? AP: The music is nice, at least.
SA: I love the sound of greensleeves playing on an endless loop.
AP: The musician is actually very good. I give props to her.
AP: How is the faire on your end?
VV: ♚ ~Evening all~
AP: Hello.
VV: : ♚ ~mmm I'll have to acquire a little contacts book soon. There's always a fresh face or two or more anytime I come into here. How excruciatingly exciting!
AP: If you say so.
VV: : ♚ ~Oh and I do! I do say so. Here let's get the delightful introductions out of the way, darling jade. Perdia Averic, pleased to make your acquaintince, and you....?
AP: Budino.
AP: Don't call me darling, please.
AP: I just met you and that's very personal sounding.
SA: Oh, the little princess is back.
VV: ♚ ~Very well, Budino since you asked so kindly! VV: ♚ ~Ooooh! My favourite mustard hued friend is here. ❤
AP: Mustard hued.
AP: Somehow that just brings up weird mental images.
SA: I don't necessarily appreciate mustard hued. I would like at least a honey, little princess.
SA: It is rather strange.
VV: ♚ ~ Weird images? Dijon is rather high class in terms of condiments but if you prefer honey, then honey it is.......honey mustard
AP: Why not saffron?
AP: It's rare depending on where you are, expensive, and yellow.
AP: It's a much nicer thing than mustard.
SA: What makes me so mustardy...
SA: Yes, but I am less of a saffron. in all honesty, I am more of a chartreuse.
SA: but most chat clients don't accomodate for that. so.
SA: Here am, with the least apalling version of my color.
AP: Sounds fancy.
VV: ♚ ~It does sound appealingly fancy!
VV: : ♚ ~Very well Honeycomb prince, we'll shed your mustardy name then.
VV: ♚ ~ I feel you're smart enough to not lie about your hue so I'll believe it.
SA: I can show you a selfie, if you would prefer that.
SA: My scelera are the same color as my blood, so there is no way to hide them.
SA: 😃
VV: ♚ ~ I would! I've shared photos here before, so we can do a trade even if you desire.
SA has shared SelfiePart2.png
AP: What happened with your eyes?
AP: Psionics that don't turn off or?
SA: No, it is a completely natural cosmetic differentiation.
SA: I have met other trolls with the same thing, but they are oftentimes from the north or east.
SA: Not the south, like I am.
SA: Or the approximate south, I assume.
SA: I prefer honeycomb prince much more, thank you.
VV: ♚ ~Ah! Someone actually deserving of such a title too, I must admit you aren't horrendous to look at quite the opposite really !
VV: Friendly and a charmer, such a rarity 😦
VV: ♚ ~ Budino, since you brought up hue related....alterations, mm there's a better word for that but no matter, since you brought it up, are you perhaps, one of those incredibly pale jades or do you still happen to not glow like a star?
AP: Drinkers don't exist, Perdia.
AP: It's myth.
AP: And you shouldn't believe everything you hear.
SA: 😊
SA: You are very polite yourself, little princess. I am happy to meet someone so composed.
SA: Rainbow drinkers might exist. It is as believable as a psion being able to lift a skyscraper, or change a city.
SA: I think it's a perfectly acceptable notion, if romantic.
AP: No, they don't.
AP: I know my own caste.
AP: The only dead that walk are covered in mushrooms or what have you.
VV: ♚ ~ Mmm I don't believe you.
SA: they are called cordycepus, sometimes.
AP: You say that like I'm trying to lie to you. AP: But whatever.
AP: Don't believe me. I don't really care either way.
VV: : ♚ ~Are you simply being secretive, maybe, Budino?
AP: You don't matter much in the grand course of my life, after all.
VV: ♚ ~I suppose that's true. Just as it may be true there aren't Drinkers, at least...you wouldn't be one I guess. They're lovely with skin like porceline. Something to be jealous of and write amazing romance novels of but, why would anyone write of a jade who's so crude and uncaring?
VV: ♚ ~Let alone read it I guess! Hehe
AP: Trust me, I'd love to be dead. But unfortunately, that's not in the cards yet, apparently. AP: I'd rather they didn't write about me anyway. There's nothing to say.
AP: He made bread and wrangled a barkfiend. Nothing interesting happened. The end.
VV: ♚ ~Something of a sticky note rather than a novel, yes?
AP: More like AP: A napkin
SA: mistake.
VV: ♚ ~What sort of napkin do you think? A diner or, perhaps one of a fast foodery?
AP: Perfect.
SA: many people find the idea of someone being cruel but able to win over to be a romantic notion.
SA: rainbow drinker literature is like that.
SA: they are mystical and vicious and alluring with a predatorial and authoritive quality over most trolls.
SA: but it's boring as a psion. they are inferior.
SA: If you feel your life is such a tale written on a mcdonald's napkin, perhaps you should do something about it instead.
VV: ♚ ~Oh but there's plenty of militaristic novels. I may not partake in such trashy readings but there are others I know that partake in reading Helmsmen romanticized books!
VV: ♚ ~Psion romanticism is just bubbling under the surface waiting to take the market of literature, Honey prince.
AP: Wish fulfillment sells.
SA: If only that were the case, perhaps I would have a quadrant by now
SA: there is an aspect of forbidden love to psions. They are doomed and property.
SA: and yet.
SA: also, what AP said.
SA: What do you read, little princess.
VV: ♚ ~Unfortunatley a busy schedule such as mine doesn't lend much time for such leisure! Primarily messages I guess haha!
VV: ♚ ~ You could always write your own wish fulfillment novel Budino, maybe you'd be promoted from Napkin in the bin, to say....paper liner on a table with crayons.
SA: I think that is a worse fate than the napkin in the bin. getting bulges draw on oneself is not the picture of success.
AP: I wouldn't recommend quandants AP: It never ends well
VV: ♚ ~ Or it ends wonderfully.
AP: No AP: It doesn't
SA: someone is very bitter.
SA: and very bad at hiding it.
VV: ♚ ~Correct. Once can almost find undertones of sour in the bitter .
AP: Well, I could say plenty of things about your undertones, Perdia. AP: But I'm not that rude.
VV: ♚ ~ Obviously you can't say much if after all these sweeps you can't say a damned thing about your own life.
SA: 🐱 🥊 🐱
AP: Fitting face...things.
VV: ♚ ~"things"....
VV: ♚ ~ Pardon me for a moment.
AP: Things.
VV: ♚ ~ I've returned and I hope you've managed to do a simple internet search for what those are called otherwise I'll have to excuse myself again.
AP: Things.
VV: ♚ ~......Budino, how old are you exactly?
AP: I could ask you the same.
SA: the pinnacle of retorts.
SA: are you proud of that one?
SA: you will need more than that to usurp me as the king of snark.
AP: ...The king of snark?
AP: I wasn't aware I was competing for the title.
AP: Do I have to wear neutral colors for this one
SA: You opened your mouth and tried to get clever.
AP: I guess I'm competing for a previously unknown title, then.
AP: Well then.
VV: ♚ ~ I didn't even think you were close to being in the running.
VV: ♚ ~Also it's incredibly rude to ask a lady her age, and the only ones that even do such a thing tend to be.....rather uncouth so actually yes that seems fitting for you.
SA: 😃
AP: And it's also rude to make demands of a stranger.
SA: we're going to go in circles with this. 🙃
AP: Yes.
VV: ♚ ~Oops! I hadn't noticed I'm not paying too much attention actually, hehe
SA: please don't leave me.
VV: ♚ ~Do I entertain you that much? Or is the lack of stimulating conversation from this non-drinker wearing on you?
SA: No, I am just very bored.
SA: And I like company.
AP: I've never been called a non-drinker as an insult before. AP: I don't know how I feel about this.
SA: yes, you are a typical, average troll, with no ability of note or life of interest.
SA: Like almost all of us.
SA: I don't know whose side i'm on anymore.
SA: I enjoy this orange drink, however.
AP: Is it the fizzy one?
SA: yes.
SA: You are the grape one.
AP: The red one is better, honestly.
SA: little princess is the strawberry one.
AP: It tastes more like cherries.
SA: the best.
AP: I hear they're making a lemon fizz, though.
SA: a mistake
AP: Honestly, that sounds like organ disintegration waiting to happen.
AP: You just drink it down and...everything melts.
SA: there is a melon flavored powerade and that's all i need to know that this planet must be destroyed.
AP: Goodbye world
AP: May you never again taint the universe with melon powerade.
VV: ♚ ~Thats....atrocious.
AP: And that is why this planet must be destroyed
VV: ♚ ~I'd agree but I do have some plans before that happens. I've worked rather hard to get some business in order and finished up practice for a show! I'd hate to have the world end and ruin all my hard work....
VV: ♚ ~ We'll have to reschedule the destruction
AP: No
AP: It cannot be rescheduled
AP: Your show is cancelled
SA: it can be rescheduled for little princess.
SA: but only her highness.
AP: But how do we know she's the real princess
AP: And not an imposter
VV: ♚ ~My, my well I'd think a psionic, if anyone, of course would be able to put destruction on hold.
VV: ♚ ~Imposter? You wound me so...And I fear for damage to your skull if you are mistaking someone as lovely but also rosey hued as I to be an heiress.
VV: ♚ ~ For you I truly hope drinkers are real, our time together can't be cut so short Budino 😦
VV: ♚ ~ We haven't even promoted you to soiled linens yet for your life novel!
AP: No, I'm quite fine with our time together being cut short AP: I'm too busy being blinded by your imposter crowns
VV: ♚ ~ They are rather dazzling aren't they...?
VV: ♚ ~ Would you like one?
AP: Anything to fix my pan damage
VV: Very well I'll drop this one just for you, generosity is a hobby one should dabble in occasionally!
AP: I am honored, your highness
VV: ♚ ~Aw so you can be sweet! I knew it was in there somewhere. It simply needs some bribery and a touch of planetary disaster on the horizon. Tell me Budino, are you political at all? You'd be rather good at it I think.
AP: My first political act is to reschedule planetary disaster
SA: is generosity a hobby or a trait...
SA: i think to dabble in it is too easy.
VV: ♚ ~ Is that so, dear honeycomb?
SA: No, I am rescheduling certain disaster.
SA: stop trying to usurp my one responsibility.
SA: I do not appreciate this.
SA: i think the crowns are cute.
AP: Certain disaster is now rescheduled
AP: I'm the royal politician here
VV: ♚ ~ If you play nicely with Budino's new plan to reschedule planetary disaster perhaps you could get one as well.
VV: ♚ ~ There's truly no other way without resorting to some violent means to usurp the royal position yourself after all...
AP: I also schedule SA in such a way that he misses the date of our duel AP: Thereby rendering me the winner by default
VV: ♚ ~ How underhanded! But clever! I'd of course have gone about it differently but the effort and use of your hues new power is nice.
AP: I wear this badge with pride
SA: I will murder you with ease.
AP: Not when you miss the duel you won't
VV: ♚ ~ My fair maiden heart can't handle such intensity ...
SA: your fair maiden heart has already chosen AP as your champion, as you are pleased to see him using dishonest and unhonorable means of winning the duel.
SA: You are no longer my little princess.
SA: Hadean is my new little prince.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah--
VV: ♚ ~ I could almost weep...You would me my prince....
VV: ♚ ~ I hadn't chosen a champion I simply was commending him-- I see you're the jealous type however oh no
SA: You didn't even slap them on the wrist....
SA: yes. Very jealous. My little princess must be mine and mine alone.
SA: clearly.
AP: Well this isn't turning into an unfortunate anime
VV: ♚ ~Very well then it is so! Whisk me away now before the royal Jade's rescheduled planetary destruction occurs! hehe
VV: ♚ ~ I believe you mean highest rating Novella
SA sends kisskissthisisfuckingridiculous.png
AP: AP sent Iseethatandraiseyouthis.png
SA: my princess already said her heart was mine, how dare you.
SA: put your hand down before i slap it.
AP: AP Sent Talktothehand.png
SA: 😡
AP: Hmph
VV: ♚ ~Perhaps you two should schedule another duel, oh goodness.
SA: why, so you can cheat on me again... i think not.
AP: The only weapon allowed is the white glove
SA: oh so it's a sissy fight.
SA: I see.
AP: Hell if I know AP: I just saw some guy hitting another guy with a white glove earlier
SA: if there is no blood it is not a real duel.
VV: ♚ ~ I am not one to cheat I promise you my honeycomb prince. Fret not. I'm a proper lady after all~
VV: ♚ ~So brutish! Yet admirable. 😲
SA: 🤺
VV: ♚ ~ For traditional standards of our species at least
AP: Hold on let me look through this emotional dictionary
SA: it's a fencer.
AP: 🗡
AP: ...That was not what I wanted but I'll take it
SA: 🔫
VV: ♚ ~ !!
SA: put them up.
SA: I will not be trifled with.
SA: 🔫
AP: ☠
SA: victory
AP: 🦈
AP: This is kind of...fun
AP: I'm not used to that
SA: your edge is showing again.
AP: 🐺
AP: 🐹
AP: I can't believe I ignored this dictionary
SA: little princess 💍
SA: emojis are wonderful.
SA: sometimes i can't find words, and they are very useful.
AP: 🌹
VV: ♚ ~ !!! oh my
VV: ♚ ~ My poor delicate heart can't possibly pump so much to such a rouged face! VV: ♚ ~ A virtual glittering stone for me from a prince. What a delightful night of deathly duels.
AP: 💠 I too offer diamonds your highness
VV: ♚ ~ I accept but on different emotional terms from Prisma's as it wouldn't be polite to upset the duel winner.
AP: But does his diamond have a dot inside
VV:♚ ~ Not inside but outside for wearability!
VV: ♚ ~ Which I would bet is rather important as a feature
AP: It looks like I've lost AP: I must resign in shame from my post
AP: I will exile myself to the furthest reachers of the galaxy
AP: Where I may yet locate my ancestor who has become unexpectedly evil
VV: ♚ ~ I'll have to wish you both a good light then with that turn of events! I'd say it's for beauty rest but I'd be silly use rest for such a thing considering how I already am~ VV: ♚ ~ Good light exiled Budino and Honeycomb Prince.
SA: I apologize, I had to free myself from the booth.
SA: good light, little princess.
AP: See you around your highness
AP: Or I won't because I'm in exile
AP: But goodbye in spirit
SA: I need to go find the others, AP. I'm sorry I can't stay.
SA: until next time 🤺
AP: ☘ I tried to use shame but accept this nice leaf instead. Since shame isn't there
AP: See ya
SA: (shamrock)
AP: (It's a very nice leaf)
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
with a new year comes new challenges...
Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzz Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: happy new year~ *kiss* Kid: *smiles* "The best start..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: *snores* tsubaki:.... *forehead kiss* happy birthday. Black Star: =w= *yawns* "Thanks..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." naoya: oooi, akuta. Akutagawa: "H-Huh? Wha?" naoya: happy new year. *hands him a beer can* Akutagawa: "???" *looks at the can* naoya: hey, you're gonna be 21 this year, so why not something early? Akutagawa: "..." *opens the can...sniffs--and scrunches his face* >_< naoya: relax, its not gonna bite, haha. Akutagawa: "Hope it tastes better than it smells..." *sip* "..." naoya: well? Akutagawa: "...I’ve tasted worse." naoya: see? there ya go! *pats his back* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: *opens her eyes* "...New Year." atsushi: yeah. lets make this one a great one! Kyoka: "..." *fist bump* atsushi: *fist bump* ^^ -elsewhere- Burns: "...It won't come off." foien: yeah, it's going to be a while. *cough* -elsewhere- shinra:.....dang, cant believe we'll be in the collage program this year.... Arthur: "Then comes the knight school." shinra: not even going to question it. tamaki: -_-; Relan: *filling in his schedule* iris: *smiles* Relan: "Which classes were you thinking, Iris?" iris: i think taking up a theology class might help. and maybe natural studies. Relan: *nods* "You'll be good in those, especially for botany...I'm still looking at math classes..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Back to the grind..." ochako: yeah.... Todoroki: "...Looking forward to continuing your internship?" ochako: *nods* Todoroki: "...Let's do our best, then." ochako:....hey, todoroki? Todoroki: "Yes?" ochako: why did you chose endeavour's agency? Todoroki: "..." *looks at his left hand* "If I want to learn how to use my Quirk, I thought learning from the person from whom I inherited it, and who used it to rise to Number Two Hero, would be a start..." ochako:...even after he- Todoroki: "...This is something I have to try, at least...I'm not saying I'm giving him a chance...but my mother told me...this is my power..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "...I want to see what I can do with it...I don't know." ochako:...if that's the case. i believe in you! ^^ Todoroki: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *flipping pancakes* sonia: *coloring* Chuuya: "Just about done. Sonia, please set the table." sonia: ok. *doing so* Chuuya: *sets out maple syrup and berries* "Excited for the new year?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "And school?" sonia:...i guess. Chuuya: "Well, you'll get to learn more about drawing, math, reading, science...Can meet some new friends..." sonia: ..... Chuuya: "And I'll be at a school, too, so it'll be like we're both going through it together..." sonia: but papa wont be at the school i'll be at... Chuuya: "...Well, yeah, I know--I just meant, you know, even if we're in different physical locations, we're...still in the same place?" ^^; sonia: .... Chuuya: "...You'll have to go to school at some point. And if there is ever any problem, me, or Granny, or Gin, or someone will be there to pick you up." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *smiles* "You can pick out your own backpack, too." -elsewhere- Meme: *pours milk* mio: *yaaaaawns* Meme: "Good morning!" mio: *hug from behind* happy new year.... =///= Meme: ^\\\\^ "Happy new year to you." *pats Mio's hand* -elsewhere- Joker: *blows a party favor* scarlet: *groans* its too early in the morning for this... Joker: "..." *sets out medicine and coffee* "Maybe we all overdid it." ivy: zzzzzzzzzzzz Joker: "...So, new year's resolution: flush out the Hoods..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *his head is bandaged* prisoner: jeez, you look fucked up. Kunikida: "..." *picks up his chalk, writes again on the wall* -elsewhere- Gin: *dries plate* "Here you go." higuchi: thanks for staying the night *kiss on the cheek* Gin: =\\\\= "Happy to. Did you sleep okay?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Excited to be going back to classes?" izumi: yep. Spirit: "And your course schedule looks good. Just watch out for certain teachers." izumi: noted. Spirit: "Any clubs you're joining?" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." mii: *mreeeow* Mori: "???" mii: are you quite well now? Mori: "I don't know. I keep thinking abouDID YOU JUST TALK?!" mii: hmm, perhaps i should take a form you would be more familiar with? Mori: *curled up in the corner, staring* Q____Q souseki: hmm. still unwell, lad? Mori: "S-Sir? Y-Yes...I want her back." souseki: have you been focusing your ability? Mori: "I-I can't...My mind is clouded with memories..." souseki: hmm... Mori: "..." *holds out a hand...it shakes* *Something shimmers along his hand...* souseki: ?? *Something like...a face seems to pass along the shimmer--then fades into nothing* Mori: "D-Damn..." souseki: hmmm.... Mori: "Sir...I'm forgetting what she looked like." souseki: dont you have a photograph of her? Mori: "A photograph cannot capture every second of her that was burned into my brain, its flames cooled by the passage of time and...and whatever has happened to me." souseki: hmmm... Mori: "...I don't know..." *brushes a hand through his hair* "...I feel sick..." -elsewhere- taoka: .... pixie: so boooored.... Member #1: *filing their nails* lust oni: *whistling* Member #1: "...Maybe play a game?" lust oni: who's up for darts? Member #2: "T-The pointy kind?" lust oni: *holding up a few darts* mmhmm~<3 Member #2: *twitchy smile* "I-I like the p-p-p-pointy ones..." *takes one carefully* pixie: is this a good idea? greed oni: nah, he's gonna be fine....maybe. Member #2: *toss* -15 pts- pixie: not bad! Member #2: "Hee hee...Your turn!" pixie: *toss* -10 pts- =3= boo. Member #2: "Too bad!" *picks up another one...tosses--* -5 pts- greed oni: you were saying? Member #2: "..." *eye twitch* pixie: *sticks her tongue out* ^u^ Member #2: *summons a flaming mantis pincer--aiming for Pixie's tongue* pixie: *jumps up onto the ceiling* tsk-tsk. Member #2: "..." *stares at Pixie...licks their lips* "Just toss your dart..." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." michelle: zzzzz Neuhaus: *sets down the tea...sits by the bed* -a tiny jorogumo is on her head- jorogumo: zzzzz Neuhaus: "!!!" jorogumo: o^o ~? Neuhaus: "..." *whispers* "Why are you here?" jorogumo: ?? Neuhaus: "...Just...please, don't hurt her..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *stares* "...Maybe we should sell this thing?" Agey: D:< medea:....perhaps take it to the curator? Kepuri: "??? Curator?" medea: in the land of nod....it's a shop. chie: oh, didnt we sell that demon teddy to them? Yohei: *bad memories* Q____Q;;; chie: *protective shadow hug* Yohei: =~= Agey: "Now see here!" *pokes his finger into Medea's nose* "My brain contains more knowledge in it than your pinky! I am not some toy you can just trade for playing cards or whatever you children do nowadays!" medea: ....i'll deliver him myself. if it's a way to bring myself redemption.... Agey: D:< "I AM NOT AN OBJECT! I AM A HUMAN BEING!" Kepuri: "...A tanuki-looking human being..." >3> -elsewhere- kim: *sneeze* -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Family jewels, bitches!" mimeca: \(^o^)/ PlushFix: "Damn right!" *holds up the newspaper* "We break in, we take, we rich!" -elsewhere- Alone: "You gonna eat that, Grimoire?" *his eye is bandaged* grimoire:...not hungry. Alone: "..." *shrugs, takes the muffin* "So..." *nom* "When we leaving?" grimoire:...... Alone: "...Tomorrow? Next week?" *wagging his tail* -elsewhere- Haumea: "...Okay. Who did this?" *points at her crown--which has googly eyes glued to it* guruna: OuO *shaking* arrow:....*glances at friz, bee, and jonah* Jonah: *whistles innocently* Friz: "I swear, I have no idea how--" Bee: "Friz did it." Friz: "JUDAS!" arrow: -_-; Haumea: "..." *flicks Bee in the forehead* Bee: *coughs up blood, falls back* "Wh-Why--" Haumea: "Snitching is a sin." guruna: roost in persimmon. Friz: ^w^ "Well, that's--" *BANG* guruna: O-O;;; Haumea: *flicked Friz* Friz: XwX -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." ("Still no text message reply...") inko: waiting for a call? Izuku: "I have been texting Iida, but he hasn't replied..." inko: you two arent fighting, are you? Izuku: "I-I don't think so? I just...wanted to reach out after his brother's injury..." inko: ah. Izuku: "...Mom? Do I give him his space? Do I wait for him to ask for help?" inko: i guess let him talk to you first? Izuku: *nods* "Yeah..." *sets his phone down* -elsewhere- Gopher: *with game controller* "So...Which classes did you pick?" kirika: i think i work well with the thief class. fast and able to steal the enemy's shit. Gopher: "Seems appropriate..." *selects an angel character* "And classes at school this semester?" kirika: infiltration? if thats a thing. Gopher: "I think so. Mr. Sid and Miss Mira teach some...So, you'll be a ninja?" kirika: maybe, sounds pretty badass. Gopher: ^w^ "Yep!--angelic badass ninja thief..." kirika: fuck yeah. -elsewhere- Katai: "Keek, you see this?" *pulls up photos on his laptop* "Anyone look familiar?" keek: *examining* ... Katai: *taps a key--and two photos appear* "These were taken within seconds of each other..." *there's a person missing in the photo on the left* "The older one was altered..." keek: hm... Katai: "...I don't know--this is so confusing..." *puts in eyedrops* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru: *making lunch* Kuro: *sniffs--bolts upright* "What are you making?" mahiru: omelets. Kuro: *already seated at the table with a bib on* "Let's dine." mahiru: ^^; -elsewhere- Giriko: *sets down the sippy cup* "Thirsty, kiddo?" anna: ba! Giriko: "You got it." *offers it* "Drink up." -elsewhere- higuchi: ..... Gin: "Ichiyou?" higuchi: *almost falls out of her chair* O///o Gin: *catches her* "Easy." higuchi: im g-ay!. im been im ok-ood, i mean....*ahem* thanks. Gin: "..." *cheek smooch* higuchi:... ^/////^ Gin: "...Something troubling you?" higuchi: ...*rubs eye* still miss her, i guess.... Gin: *nods* "How long has it been?" higuchi: .....about half a year now.... Gin: "...Rain's child will need more than just mourning for her." higuchi:...*she nods* Gin: "And...have you been looking more into what Mori was doing?" higuchi:...a little bit.... Gin: "Any discoveries?" higuchi: .... i found her head...... Gin: *eyes widen* higuchi: it was so...surreal...like some weird nightmare........the letters....the photos....the journal....*gags slightly* Gin: *rubs her back* *nods* "...I know..." higuchi:....i think i know....at least one of his agendas......he-he was...trying to produce an heir... Gin: "..." *shudders* "Him procreating...minus Sonia, of course, is disgusting." higuchi: h-he's sick....amongst the girl's blood....he was...looking for a potential mo- Gin: "...'Potential'...?" higuchi: *shaking, clutching her stomach* m-moth-.... Gin: *holds her, shushes* "Okay...I understand..." higuchi:...*sniff* Gin: "He's not here...You're safe. Sonia is safe..." higuchi: r-right....d-does hirotsu know about this? Gin: "..." *shakes her head* "I haven't told him...because you're still in charge." higuchi: hmm....he's doing a good job, keeping things together. Gin: *nods* "He's dealt with Mori and Tachihara long enough..." higuchi: *chuckles* Gin: *smiles* "Have some faith in him...And in the rest here. They are containing the situation as best as they can." -elsewhere- Mikuni: "...I'll give you $45." medea: very well. Agey: "WHY DON'T I HAVE A SAY IN THIS--" Mikuni: "Johan, want to play~?" -elsewhere- Iida: *walking to the train* ???: iida! Iida: *looks up* "???" -its ochako and izuku- ochako: so you're heading back to hosu town, huh? Iida: "Yes. I am." ochako: ah. good luck on your internships then! ^^ Iida: "Yes. Thank you." Izuku: "...Iida, we're friends..." Iida: "..." ochako: and we're here for you, 110%! Izuku: "And if you ever need to talk--" Iida: "Thank you. Sincerely." ochako: .... Iida: *smiles* "I will be fine. No need to worry." Todoroki: "..." *watching from a few feet away* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "I have an update on the Nomu..." tomura: oh? Kurogiri: "Three are ready. If we wait a few more weeks--" tomura: ahhhhh im getting tired of waiting...*scratch scratch scratch* Kurogiri: "...Perhaps speak with Sensei." tomura:....*turns on the intercom* Sensei: "Yes?" tomura: what's our next plan? Sensei: "That depends. What did you learn from your lesson with Mr. Stain?" tomura: ...i learned that he's a dick. Sensei: "...That...wasn't quite the lesson I wanted you to take away. Didn't his conviction tell you anything?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *knock knock* gran torino: i dont want what yer selli-... oh, its you. Izuku: "Y-Yes, sir! Izuku Midoriya! UA student! Date of birth July 15--" gran torino: for the love of fuck man, INHALE! Izuku: *deep inhale* "S-S-So, you remember me?" QWQ gran torino: hard not to, kid. yer interning, right? Izuku: "Still am, sir! Just returning from winter break, and I'm excited to pick up our lessons where we left out towards fully embracing my Quirk--" gran torino: you got yer backpack? Izuku: "Right here!" *it's heavy and towers over him* gran torino: good, cause we're goin' on a lil holiday soon to hosu town. Izuku: O_O "...Seriously?" -elsewhere- Endeavor: "And my team of experts have limited sites of the most intense crime to this general area." Todoroki: "...But that is outside of Death City." intern: ._. Endeavor: "And that's where we'll be! My researchers weren't just wiping their noses--they were scouting this city out! Isn't that right, Einstein?!" intern: my name is char- Endeavor: "See? They agree with me. Now pack up--our limo comes in 20 minutes." -elsewhere- Uwabami: "Welcome back, dears~!" momo: *nods* itsuka: *wave* hey. Uwabami: "How were your breaks?" *hands a tablet with her schedule to Momo, and a mirror to Itsuka--as she starts adjusting her hair* -elsewhere- Ojiro: [let me know when you land in chicago] hagakure: [k] .... -elsewhere- Burns: "Finally..." *dries his face* "...Clear my schedule tomorrow." dia: understood... Burns: "...Are you taking another personal day?" dia: *shakes her head* Burns: "Good. Keep everything in order." -elsewhere- Bon: *reading* konekomaru: *taking notes* Shima: *setting his head down on the desk...nodding off* -elsewhere- Medusa: "And does Neian like her snake toy?" *washing her in the sink* neian: *babble* ^o^ Medusa: *small smile* "And snakes are your friends...You'll see all kinds of abilities they have..." *pours water along her back* -elsewhere- Fyodor: *humming* guard: ... Fyodor: "Guard, I had said I wanted a radio..." guard: alright. *hands him a small radio through the food slot* Fyodor: "..." -_- "How am I to turn it on? With my toes?" guard: *shrug* Fyodor: "..." *small grunt, trying to reach the dial with his toes--* -radio static- Fyodor: "..." *tries to turn the dial* -country station- Fyodor: -_-# "No." *turns more* -classical station- Fyodor: "..." *sigh of relief* =w= -elsewhere- Assi: "You like that scarf, huh?" mono: =///n///= Assi: *smiles* "It not only looks fashionable, but it's excellent for staying warm in cold winters--" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, Flowers, how did you find your lackey?" shaula: you mean beatrice? well, its an interesting story. long ago, she was just some wandering killer, murdering all in her path, i beat her in a fight, and she became my maid ever since~ beatrice: 7///7; PlushFix: " 'Beat her'? What, like your slave?" beatrice: i had attacked her and she defeated me in combat. -_-; shaula: what she said. PlushFix: "...So, B, what keeps you around? I mean, why not run away?" beatrice:.... 7///7 loyalty. hina:....she's doing you, aint she? shaula: yyuuuuup. beatrice: -///-; l-lady shaula, please. PlushFix: "...That's hot. Ever need a plushie to curl up with?" -punt out the window- beatrice: =_=# -elsewhere- Kyoka: *shoulder poke* atsushi: IMAWAKE! Kyoka: o_o "...I just wanted to say dinner's ready." atsushi: oh. right. haha ^^; Kyoka: "...Did you not sleep well?" *scoops rice* atsushi: *yaaaawn* long night, i guess.... Kyoka: "Maybe take a bath after dinner and get to bed." atsushi: good call. Kyoka: "Tomorrow will be another study prep meeting." atsushi: right. Kyoka: "Then we're searching for more clues." *passes a bowl of curry* -elsewhere- Yohei: *hug* chie: ^u^ aww. Yohei: *smooch* "To a new year..." chie: indeed. *looks at her reflection* might get my hair cut shorter... Yohei: "That'd look good..." *brushes a hand along her hair* "Better ask Toru, too." -elsewhere- Black Star: =w= tsubaki: *rubbing his head* have a nice birthday? Black Star: *nods* "Gifts were great...Food was even better..." *cuddle* tsubaki: that's good. *smooch* Black Star: =\\\\= "Mmm..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *hiding under a blanket* mary: you ok, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: =3= *wags his tail* mary: do you want the brush? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* mary: *picks him up and sits on the bed with him in her lap as she brushes his fur* brushy brushy~ Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\\= *calms down* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at a newspaper report* miwa so what's new? Akitaru: "...Can I let you in on something?" miwa: sure, whats up? Akitaru: "Burns is wanting to talk to Shinra..." *the newspaper article in front of him is a report of what happened at Shinra's house* miwa: !! Akitaru: "...It's going to be rough, whatever he's going to tell Shinra." miwa: cant even imagine.... Akitaru: "...As he's with the First, Burns knows things we at the Eighth haven't even found yet. And he keeps it to himself..." miwa: maybe we can help? Akitaru: "We'd appreciate it. And with Burns snooping around..." tamaki: *from behind a wall* ....... Akitaru: "Try to keep Tamaki and Nozomi occupied." miwa: can do. tamaki:...*walking away* Victor: *spots Tamaki* "???" tamaki:..... {guruna: we're children of misfortune after all~} tamaki:....... Victor: *waves* "Hello?" tamaki: *snaps back angrily* what?! Victor: .__O *leaps back* "N-Nothing?" tamaki:...im going to bed... Victor: "G-Good night?" *looks around, nervous* -morning- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." -alarm clock going off- Steinbeck: *waves his hand to hit the alarm* -got it- Steinbeck: =_= *yawns* twain: *asleep in his own room, sleeping in a hammock* Steinbeck: "Thank goodness for small miracles..." *gets out of bed, pulls on his shirt before stepping outside* oscar: good morning, johnny boy, up and early today? Steinbeck: "Have to be to keep this organization moving." *preps the coffee machine* "What about you?" oscar: just got up early, i suppose~ *wearing a pink, satin robe with faux fur trim* Steinbeck: "Hmm...How far along is breakfast?" oscar: ernest said he'd make breakfast today. Steinbeck: "...What, he's fishing again?" oscar: *chuckles* oh you silly boy. *pap pap* Steinbeck: -_- *FWOOM* Steinbeck: o_O Ernest: "..." *exits...his shoulder has a small flame on it* "Eggs are done!" baum: .___. my bacon..... Q___Q ebie: Q^Q;;; *holds wilbur close to her* twain: *pokes head in* i smell food. Ernest: "Eh, some yogurt will help that bacon, Baumie." *hard slap on the back* baum: oof- >3< dorothy: M'n'M pancakes please. Steinbeck: -_-# "Check the heat setting, Ernest..." Ernest: "Pancakes, I can do!" *flips one--and it lands on Steinbeck's face* twain:...*eats it* yum! Steinbeck: *still has M&M's stuck on his face* -_-# Ernest: *whistles, returns to work...* ^^;; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sipping his coffee* Mr. Tsubaki: *at his feet, gnawing on a chicken bone* louisa: good morning. Fitzgerald: *smiles* "Morning. We have English biscuits." mary: yay! Fitzgerald: "Granted, they don't hold a candle to American bisc--" bram: i'll just have some tea right now....my stomach isnt agreeing with me today. Mr. Tsubaki: *loud yawn* =n= Fitzgerald: "??? Sorry to hear that, Little Sport." *pours the hot water* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Zzz..." -is that...the smell of coffee?- Shamrock: *yawns* *sits up* "..." *gets up, puts on his robe, heads to the kitchen* -elsewhere- katya: *HURRK* pushkin: *pats her back* you gonna be ok? katya: MY MOUTH TASTES LIKE SADNESS AND BAD DECISIONS! pushkin: *pap pap* Motojiro: *pops up* "Maybe some lemon medicine to settle your tummy?" pushkin: .-. how did you get into our apartme- Motojiro: "Ankle bracelets." pushkin:......what? katya: the fuck? Motojiro: "And I jimmied your lock." *drops the tablet into a glass of water, squeezes a lemon* "Sip slowly." katya: ....... Motojiro: owo "Is it good?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." -phone buzzes- Chuuya: *picks up the phone* naoya: mornin' Chuuya: "Morning...What's up?" naoya: how's everything on your end? Chuuya: "Okay. Trying to get Sonia excited about school." naoya: ah, well akuta's a bit hungover here... Chuuya: "...Why is he hungover, Naoya?" naoya: he maaay have had a bit much from the beer can i gave him ^^; Chuuya: "Naoya. How old is Akutagawa?" naoya: he's gonna be 21 soon! Chuuya: "DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK HE'S READY FOR THAT-- Akutagawa: "Put on the music--I want to sing!" *clutches his head* "Ow..." naoya: ._.; ok ok! i admit, i might have fucked up a bit there. Akutagawa: Q____Q "It all hurts...Rashomon, save me..." Chuuya: "...Do I need to head over?" rashomon: *pap pap* naoya: if you can...but you probably need to spend time with sonia, so i wont force ya. Chuuya: *sigh* "I can ask someone to take her out shopping..." naoya: ...alright. Chuuya: "Okay, bye." *hangs up* "..." *exits his bedroom* mito: o^o Chuuya: *pets* "Hungry, Mito?" mito: *mew* Chuuya: *pulls out a dish and food, sets it down* mito: *nom nom nom* Chuuya: *strokes* "Sonia? You up?" sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *walks to Sonia's room* "Sonia?" sonia: *asleep, cuddling her teddy* Chuuya: *rests a hand on her shoulder* sonia: =u= Chuuya: "Time to wake up, sweetie." sonia: *shifting in bed* mm... Chuuya: "Sonia? You okay?" sonia: *yawns and rubs her eyes* nhuh? Chuuya: "I'm about to make breakfast." sonia: ok....*yaaaawn* Chuuya: "Anything you hungry for?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel okay?" stocking: =~= fuckin' cramps.... Kid: *sets down the ice pack* "Anything else I should bring?" *opens the grocery bag, removes chocolates* stocking: =3= hot water bottle please. Kid: *nods* "I'll fill it up. Just hang in there..." stocking: TT~TT Kid: *heads into the kitchen, heats up water* -elsewhere- Katai: "All set?" aya: yep, this should be everything. Katai: "And here's your lunch." aya: ok. Katai: "And call if there is an emergency. And take this for safety--" *holds up a pillow cushion* aya: .-.; Katai: "Her name is Natalie, and she is not only compact but comfy." ^w^ aya: i....see... ._.; Katai: "Now, let's get going!" *has dressed up...and put his futon in a dress* aya: ^-^; (KUNI PLEASE BE FREED FROM JAIL SOON) -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." *pat pat* nozomi:...t-thanks... tamaki: we'll bring your lesson plans back for you, ok? Arthur: *nods* "Want any food from the grocery?" nozomi: im good... Arthur: "..." *hands her his hilt* nozomi: ?? Arthur: "Take this as your weapon. Even without a flame, Excalibur's hilt packs a mean punch." nozomi:...*small chuckle* i'll....keep that in mind... Arthur: *small smile* "Good." shinra: take care, ok? Relan: "About ready?" shinra: yep. iris: *nods* Relan: *hands Iris her backpack* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sighs* "Now how do I get him to school? What the hell?" naoya: i called him in sick. Chuuya: "Then I better head to school--" Akutagawa: *sobbing* Chuuya: "...Oh, darn." naoya: heeey, you're gonna be ok, akuta. Akutagawa: *whimpers* Chuuya: "...Hang in there, buddy. I'll see you after school." -elsewhere- Meme: *opens her locker--and it's full of--* "Paper cranes?" tsugumi: were you making a wish? Meme: "I didn't make these..." ._.; tsugumi: *examining* Meme: "Is this an omen? Is someone going to send cranes after me?" tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "Well, I better clear these out--" *an envelope falls out of her locker--and inside is a photo* "???" mio: what's that? Meme: *looks at the photo...and trembles* mio: whats wrong? Meme: "Th-That child?" mio: ?? *examines the photo* *The photo shows someone holding a baby that looks like a young Meme* tsugumi: is...is this...? Meme: "Mio...Is that me?" mio: it...it looks like you. Meme: "...I need to know who went into my locker." *fast-walking to front desk* mio: h-hey wait for us! Meme: "Granny!" *rings the desk bell* auntie: hmm? what is it dearie? Meme: "Do you have security cam footage before 7:24 this morning showing my locker?" auntie: i think so, let me just check. Meme: *taps her fingers nervously* auntie: alright, come on in. Meme: *enters* -there is a small meeting room with a TV, showing the camera feed- Meme: *pulls the footage to 7:24* "...Nothing..." *rewinds* mio: .... Meme: "..." *keeps searching back...and back...to 4:17 AM when--* *In the footage, light flashes from inside her locker* Meme: "?!" mio: ?! w-what is- Meme: "Wh-What was that light?" *tries to slow the video down...* tsugumi: ?? Meme: "I still don't see anything...Magic? A prank? What even is this?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "??? Hmm. Quieter here today." atsushi: yeah. Kyoka: "Because Akutagawa is not here." atsushi: i guess. ^^; Chuuya: "..." shinra: hey guys! atsushi: hey, um...kusakabe, right? shinra: yep, that'd be me. Kyoka: *waves* "Hello. You were hospitalized, weren't you?" shinra:...for a while, yeah. Lucy: "??? Where did you--" Kyoka: "I investigate now." Lucy: "...So, what year are you, Kusakabe?" shinra: i think im actually in the university courses now ^^; or at least i will be in spring. atsushi: really? you dont look any older than 17... shinra: yeah *side glance* so i've heard. Lucy: ._.;;;; *looks around* "???" Kyoka: "Have you recovered enough for classes?" shinra: yeah. Lucy: "Well, that's good news. Welcome back!" tamaki: thanks. ^^ Lucy: "...Um..." Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "Big sis." tamaki: um- Kyoka: *hug* tamaki: .///.; Kyoka: "I haven't seen you since the Sports Festival." tamaki: yeah, feels like its been a while since i saw you last. ^^; Kyoka: "How have you been? Did you enjoy Christmas? What did you do for New Year?" *pulls out a notepad* "Have you seen this symbol?" *shows the Rat symbol* tamaki: well, it's been......eventful. shinra: actually, we did see that symbol! at the nether... Kyoka: "??? 'Nether'?" shinra: >->;; shit maybe i said too much... tamaki: no shit, sherlock. Kyoka: *leans close* "Are you a member of the Rats? What do you know about Doppo Kunikida?" *nose to nose* "Where are the Rats?" shinra: i dont know anything about any rats, and i dont know who that is or where they are?? atsushi: kyouka, down. Kyoka: *small kitten growl as Atsushi pulls her back* -elsewhere- Hyde: -_-# "How do I get detention on the first day?" misono: how do you kick a _ceiling_....on _accident_?! licht: -_-; Hyde: "I aim, I move--and then someone kicked me in the keister!" -elsewhere- Child #1: *waves at Sonia* "Hello!" sonia:...*small wave* ._.; Child #1: "Want to play tag?" sonia: um....ok. is there a point system or is it to the death? Child #1: "...Well, 'sudden-death' matches are only when we play dodgeball, I think?" *holds out a hand* "I'm Alex!" sonia:...sonia. Alex: *smiles...then a small smirk* "Well, Sonia..." *soft clap on Sonia's hand* "You're it!" *runs* sonia:...*blinks and stares at her hand* ???? Alex: *behind a tree* "...Um...You're it. That means, you know, you have to run after someone, tag them, then they're it?" sonia:.....*pats the teacher* Teacher: ._.;;;; "???" Alex: *facepalm* "Um, adults don't count. It's a kids' game?" ("She's kinda different.") sonia:.....*pats one child.* Child #2: "D'aw, nuts!" *tries to run after Sonia--* Alex: "No tag-backs, Chris!" Chris (Child #2): >3< *runs after another kid* Alex: *waves at Sonia* "Hide here!" sonia: *hiding* Alex: *whispers* "You never played tag?" sonia: i would hide sometimes, in the other place... Alex: "??? Or, Hide and Seek?" sonia: ....i guess. Alex: "Neat! You like coloring?" sonia: *she nods* -elsewhere- Burns: *walking up to the entrance of the Eighth* miwa:.... !! Burns: "Greetings. I am here to speak with Kusakabe." miwa: he and the other kiddos are at school, sorry. Burns: "I know. I came early." *holds up a book* "I brought reading." -elsewhere- leo: *walking along the ozaki estate* .... Motojiro: *digging in the front yard* "Stupid shovel..." leo: ....!! ah! what are you doing? D8> Motojiro: "??? I wanted to plant a lemon tree." leo: s-shouldnt you ask miss kouyou's permission first? Motojiro: "..." *facepalm* "I knew I forgot to do something! Assistant, go ask Miss Kouyou!" ayako: on it! *runs to do that* Motojiro: "Now, to deposit the lemons..." leo:....^^; -elsewhere- Yohei: "So, none of you have a job--so, you're going to get one, or I'm calling the cops." Assi: D8> Zuno: "???" Shotaro: "...I volunteer." Yohei: "Good enough, Shotaro. You're excused." mana: *sigh* alright. Shotaro: "Yay!" *jumps out the window* akaderu: what a drag. Emine: "...My hobbies keep me busy." -elsewhere- Poe: *sorting books* Jacqueline: *giving a tour to transfer students* "--and we have a variety of reading options." Tour Student #1: "What's the deal with the raccoon?" tour student 2: dude, i saw a kid with a _sloth_. a raccoon aint no big deal. karl: *chitter!* [translation: rude!] -elsewhere- Hiro: Q____Q "Just one more semester...Just one more semester..." EF: hiro? are you ok? Hiro: "Oh, hey." *weak smile* "Just planning this semester to get out of here..." EF: oh... Hiro: "Then...I have to figure out a job. And a mortgage. And retirement. And--and--and--" *empties the brown paper bag of his lunch--and starts breathing into it* EF: Hiro! breathe! Hiro: *wheeze, breathing...calms down* "Th-Thanks..." EF: it'll be ok. *smiles* Hiro: "..." *nods, tries to smile* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...I feel naked without Excalibur." shinra: please never say that again. tamaki:..........*excalibur face* Arthur: "A knight without his weapon might as well be a knight without his armor. How do I defend myself?" *holds up his fists* "...This is not fiery enough." tamaki: hmmm.. iris: ^^; Chuuya: *staring at Atsushi* "..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *texting Marie* [how's the trip?] marie: [busy. marie's already a hit with her cousins!] Yumi: [pics?] -several pics sent- Yumi: [she looks so tiny against your big relatives! ^^ ] marie: [i know! >u<] Yumi: [enjoy! send more pics] -elsewhere- Gopher: *looking through a book in the library* "..." rowena: looking for something, sir? Gopher: "...Do you have anything on the Lunar Ark?" rowena: hm? i think there might be something in the ancient history section. Gopher: *nods* "Thank you..." *holds the book he was looking through close to him as he walks to ancient history...* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "...Is he still out there?" maki: yeah...do we send a warning text to the others? Takehisa: "Yes. Do it." maki: ok. -elsewhere- Meme: "..." mio: meme?....*holds her hand* Meme: "...I don't remember..." mio: ? Meme: "...I forgot a lot of my childhood." mio: ...... tsugumi:....*grips her fist* Anya: "Meme...Do you...I mean..." Meme: *shakes her head* "I don't..." tsugumi:....then we'll just have to find the answers. Meme: "??? Where?" tsugumi: we'll search the whole world if we have to! ao: should we ask mr barrett? Meme: "..." Anya: "Worth a try. I mean, he would have some knowledge after--" tsugumi: *covers her mouth* Meme: "If you could ask him..." -elsewhere- Friz: "--and I heard under her crown, she's got horns instead of eyes!" Bee: "Stop! She'll hear you!" Haumea: -_-; "I'm right behind you twits." Friz: owo;;; guruna: kuruun? Haumea: "Just because my eyes are covered doesn't mean I'm deaf...Guruna, pick a body..." *cracks her knuckles* Bee: Q___Q -elsewhere- Stein: "You going to manage things while I'm out?" valentine: yep. aya drevis: yessir! Stein: *nods* "Thank you. And be sure to torment Spirit periodically." valentine: noted. -elsewhere- Patty: *sets out the last mat* "Okay--nap time, kiddos!" child: zzzzz Patty: "..." ("Well, that was fast.") *sits back, looks at her phone* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." Teacher: "??? A cat?" mahiru: ._.;; -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Any plan after school?" atsushi: maybe check out this 'nether' place? Kyoka: *nods* "Let's do this." Chuuya: *overhearing* "..." -elsewhere- Rin: "So, lessons will be starting up soon. You excited?" shiemi: yeah. konekomaru: *nod nod* Shima: "Zzz..." Bon: -_- Rin: ._.; "...Is he in a coma?" konekomaru: i guess he pulled an all-nighter. ^^; Rin: "...!!!" *smirks...blows at Shima's ear* Shima: =w= "Ladies, please..." Rin: *high-pitched voice* "Oh, Shima..." *deep voice* "That was amazing." Shima: O_O *bolts up awake* shiemi: *trying not to laugh* konekomaru: r-rin.... ._.; izumo: he really is the son of satan... Rin: -_-# "Yo, that's just mean..." izumo: its true though. Shima: .\\\\. "Great--now the ladies in my dreams are going to sound like Satan. Hope you're happy..." Rin: "ENOUGH WITH THE SATAN TALK!" >_< konekomaru: come on guys, the teacher's gonna be here in a few minutes. -the door opens- seiya: good afternoon, everyone. Yukio: "Please take your seats." Rin: ("So many new teachers I lose track...") *opens his book--upside down* -elsewhere- mushitaro:......pastor, please let go of me. =_=# Hawthorne: "I'm so glad you are safe...I have been working to restore your honor..." mushitaro: IM NOT MITCHELL YOU CREEP! D8< WHY IS YOUR GRIP SO FUCKING TIGHT?! yana: um...phrasing? Hawthorne: "...Did you get shorter, though?" mushitaro: D8< Hawthorne: "Let's get you milk and read from Scripture." mushitaro: ivan please help me. Ivan: *holds up--* <Saw or drill?> -elsewhere- Iida: "I finished filing paperwork, sir." manual: good job, iida. *smiles* Iida: *nods* "What may I do next to help? Police radio reports? Patrol?" manual: actually, ever been to the hosu town aquarium? Iida: "No. I had wanted to after my brother recommended--" *grows quiet* manual:....*pats his back* well, that's our next stop. Iida: *nods* "Okay." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...This plane looks...impressive." Endeavor: "Only the best, son." Todoroki: ("Then why are you in it...?") -elsewhere- Arthur: "I left Excalibur with Nozomi, and my cell phone at the castle. Where is my brain today?" shinra: where was it _ever_? Arthur: -_-; Relan: O~O;;; iris:...relan? whats wrong? Relan: "Shinra...Tamaki...Burns is at the 8th." tamaki: ?! shinra: what? Relan: "Captain Hinawa texted. They can't get him to leave." shinra: what could he want? Relan: *shrug* "But if he's being this hardcore..." Arthur: "The Lion is a magnificent beast--but one that can be scared away. Iris, I will need a shield." iris: ..... shinra: i'll see what he wants.... Relan: "You sure?" shinra: *he nods* Relan: "..." *tries to look tough* "R-Right..." iris: *pats his back* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *looks at caution tape* "..." *cuts it* atsushi: this place gives me the creeps..... Lucy: *turns on a flashlight* "Police won't like us entering..." atsushi: im just glad we got a permit from fukuzawa. Dazai: *has night-vision goggles on* atsushi: it should be near the entrance.... Lucy: *shines a light along where the ground and the wall meets* "..." atsushi: !!!! i-is that a body? Lucy: "!!!" D8> Dazai: "Looks vaguely body-shaped..." *nudges Atsushi forward* kenji: looks pretty old. atsushi: ._.; *gulp*..... *examines the pockets* *Inside are some coins...melted* atsushi: these dont look like much use.... *searching other pockets* *A wallet* atsushi: hmm... *examines the wallet* *The person was in their late 30s, seems to be from out of state* atsushi: *examines photos in the wallet* *There are photos of the person in expedition gear, another in their cap and gown at graduation...ones with a partner and kids* Dazai: "..." atsushi: ...... Kyoka: "Bring the wallet. We'll need it to identify them later." *takes the flashlight, shines down the tunnel* "There." atsushi: *spots the logo* Lucy: "So they were here...They may have killed this person." Kyoka: "And just leave their corpse to be found?" atsushi: it doesnt explain the melted coins, though... Kyoka: "They may have burned the corpse...But how did the wallet then survive?" atsushi: maybe heat resistant materials? Lucy: "Or...directed heat...These clothes are synthetic fabric...Maybe it targeted...the skin?" atsushi: its likely. Lucy: *shudders* "It's creepy...A fire targeting only--" Dazai: "Infernals." atsushi: infernals? Dazai: "?!" ^^; "Just something I've heard before...Seems to be what the cool people call Flame Humans." atsushi: like kusakabe? Dazai: "Moooooooooore like Flame Humans who go out of control and attack people mindlessly." atsushi: ._.; sounds scary. Haumea: *appearing over Atsushi's shoulder...hanging upside down* "You have no idea." atsushi: HOLY FUCK! *jumps back* Dazai: "???" Lucy: "!!!" Kyoka: *already has a kunai--which she tosses at Haumea's forehead* Haumea: *catches...and melts it with her fingers* *smiles* "Hello, interlopers. Why are you--" Friz: "FOUND IT! We can go now--Oh." *waves* "Hello!" atsushi: i think we found the people responsible for that body.... Dazai: "No kidding..." *smiles, cracks his knuckles* "Been looking forward to this~" atsushi: lucy, you got anything to defend yourself with? Lucy: *pulls out a can of mace* "..." ._.; "I recommend a strategic exit--" *FWOOSH* *Lucy just barely dodges a flame disc* Lucy: Q___Q atsushi: !!!! ok, you two are going down! *tiger limbs and charges* Dazai: "Always wanted to see whether I could cancel out your abilities!" *rushes at Friz and Haumea* atsushi: !! Kyoka: "We don't have time for this..." *opens her phone--and sees zero bars* "!!! Oh no..." atsushi: .-.; that's not good. Dazai: "AAAH!" *kicks Haumea in the side of the head...* Haumea: "..." *holds up a middle finger...it's on fire* Dazai: ._.; "...Okay, not my smartest--" atsushi: DAZAI! LOOK OUT! Haumea: *flicks Dazai in the head--sending him flying* Dazai: "Crap crap cra--!" *CRASH* atsushi: *nice catch* Dazai: @~@ "...I don't think my ability works on them." atsushi: .... Lucy: *dodging more flame discs--and one slices just the clip of her hair* "Eep! STOP THROWING THOSE THINGS AT ME WHEN I'M--" atsushi: *charges at haumea* i'll take this one, kyouka, handle the other one! lucy, clear the exit! Kyoka: *tackles Lucy before another disc behends her* Lucy: "R-Right!" Kyoka: *holding multiple kunai* "I'll take the childish one." Friz: "?! You're the one who likes like a preschooler!" Kyoka: "You play with flying discs and sound like puberty hasn't come to you yet." Friz: "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" >_< *throws more discs* Haumea: -_-; "I just wanted to get the map, go home. But noooo, couldn't have that..." *blocking Atsushi* atsushi: *punch* Haumea: *her head is knocked back...she spits out blood...something bright pierces from behind her cracked mask, before she covers her face with her hand...* *she turns her head* *...she looks furious* atsushi: ._.; *defensive stance* Haumea: "I have no time for this..." *snaps her fingers* *Atsushi's skin feels like it's getting hotter...* atsushi: *screaming* *Atsushi's entire body is engulfed in flames* Kyoka: "!!!" Dazai: "No!" atsushi: MAKE IT STOP! Lucy: *crying* "Atsushi!" *Thunder is heard--as Anne's Room crashes open behind them* Haumea: "??? What the--That's not Hell! It's too...sugary?" atsushi: *tiger punches haumea in the gut* Lucy: *eyes full of tears* "Atsushi! Fight it!" -full tiger mode- Haumea: *coughs up blood, struggling to still cover her eye* "...Oh, that's enough...I'M GOING TO BURN YOU INTO ASHES!" *She increases the flames--which are burning off his skin* tiger!atsushi: *charges at her* Haumea: *knocked down--as she starts punching his exposed muscles* "BAD TOUCH! BAD! TOUCH!" Dazai: "Atsushi! Retreat! Now!" atsushi: *PUNCH* *coughing blood* Haumea: "AH! ..." *smirks...stares at Atsushi...* atsushi: ?!?! Haumea: "Tiger, tiger...Burning bright..." *she clutches his arm--and explosions leap off his body, leaving only a barely conscious skeleton, muscles attached to it...and Atsushi's dead eyes staring out of the body's skull* Kyoka: *staring in shock* Dazai: "Oh God..." Lucy: *cannot speak...* Friz: "...Fuck. I think you went too far, Boss." -something charges at them- atsushi: *ROARS* Haumea: "WHAT THE HELL?!" Lucy: *her eyes...are glowing...* tiger: you dun fuzzed up now. Haumea: "...What kind of devil are you?!" atsushi: *regenerating* im no devil.....im a beast. Haumea: "...Mere beast? Then I'll just keep lighting you up until you die!" *smashes her fist into his eye* -nope- atsushi: ..... Haumea: "...Oh, biscuits." Friz: "Boss! We're out of here--" *Thunder is heard again...* *Something pops up behind Friz* Friz: o_o;; *slowly turns...and spots...Anne* anne: >83 Friz: Q_____Q "..." *starts to run* anne: *glares at haumea* Haumea: "...Okay, I don't know what girly crap the girl, the midget--" Kyoka: *glare* Haumea: "--and the ugly guy are into--" Dazai: *whispers to the catatonic Lucy* "Why did he call you 'an ugly guy'?" Haumea: "But y'all are some messed up--" -BAM- *Haumea is knocked face first into the wall...obliterating the last of her crown...something bright is shining behind it...and is shaking the grown* Kyoka: "!!! Lucy!" *shakes her* "We're leaving now! Dazai, grab Atsushi!" Lucy: *not moving...* anne: *tosses haumea out* atsushi: *recovering* LUCY! Dazai: *picks up Atsushi* "Ew! You got blood all on you." Lucy: "Kill...Kill Anne..." anne: ... Haumea: "SCREW YOU ALL!" *tossed down the tunnel...then an explosion is heard...sending a fireball down the tunnel at them!* anne: *SHIELDS THEM* Dazai: O~O *let's go of Atsushi, picks up Kyoka, and tosses her into Anne's Room* atsushi: lucy........*hugs her and kisses her* Kyoka: "?!!!" Lucy: "..." *closes her eyes, returns the kiss--* *FWOOOSH* *The fireball passes over them...Anne's room is now sealed shut around them* Kyoka: *upside down, slammed against a Jack in the Box, arms crossed* "...Rude." Dazai: ^^; "Sorry." atsushi:....*pulls back, now fully healed* ok, you have every right to punch me in the face. Lucy: "..." *starts loudly sobbing* atsushi:.....*hugs her tightly* im sorry for scaring you all.... Lucy: *sniffles* "Th-The next time I see that ugly harlot, I'm going to split her in two for calling Anne ugly!" atsushi: *pats her back* Lucy: *hug* "I'm sorry...AND DON'T EVER GET BURNED ALIVE LIKE THAT AGAIN!" atsushi: i'll do my best....how's everyone else? Dazai: "Well, my pride is wounded, so that's tragic." Kyoka: "Fine. Just disoriented." *still upside down* atsushi: ok ken-.... KENJI! kenji: *pops out of a box* job's done!....what i miss? Kyoka: "...We fought flame people. We beat them. I scared away one with kunai. You can be impressed now." Lucy: D:< "I did a lot of work, too!" kenji: great job guys! ^u^ atsushi:...yeah.....*collapses* zzzzzzzz....... Lucy: *catches him...his head resting on her chest* .\\\. "..." *pat pat* kenji: aww, he's all tuckered out. Kyoka: "..." *playful jab in his shoulder* "You need to stop disappearing in the middle of fight…” -elsewhere- Mr. Asui: "???" *sets down his newspaper* "Was that...a thunderstorm? An earthquake?" mrs asui: well, seems it's over now. satsuki: Q-Q scawwy. -elsewhere- Akitaru: -_-# "More tea?" Burns: "No, thank you. I'll take another cookie, though." ???: YO BURNS! Burns: "???" *holding his teacup* "Yes--?" shinra: ..... Burns: "Kusakabe." *sets down his teacup* "I see you were released. How do you feel?" shinra: better, but enough about me, why are you here? if this has to do with tamaki- Burns: "No, it does not." shinra: so then why are you here? Burns: "...Since you're mostly recovered, let's talk. About what happened 17 years ago." shinra: !!!!!! -and so- shinra:...... tamaki: *listening in from behind a wall* ... (what does he want?) Burns: "You aren't cold?" shinra: i have fire abilities, i'll be fine, right? Burns: "...And you know how you got those abilities?" shinra:....i was born with them, i guess? Burns: "Then why didn't they manifest until after the fire burned down your family's home?" shinra: ?? Burns: "...What do you remember 17 years ago?" shinra: ....standing in the wreckage.....you were standing to my right....staring off at something.... Burns: "Where I saw your brother taken away by the White Hoods." shinra: !!!!! *grips his fist and grabs burns' collar* THEN WHY?! WHY DIDNT YOU SAVE HIM BACK THEN?! ISNT THAT YOUR JOB?! TO SAVE PEOPLE?! Burns: "..." *Flames leap off Burns's shoulder* shinra: couldnt you have at least told me sooner?! *tears are streaming* Burns: "...Look at yourself right now. Look at what has happened to you. You almost died. If I told you, 17 years ago, the truth, what could you have done?" shinra: i would have- Burns: "You would have died. You are here, right now, not because you willed it, but because of mere luck." tamaki:.... *grips fist* shinra: ...you have some damn nerve to say that shit.... Burns: "Am I wrong? Prove it." shinra: *charges at him* Burns: *doesn't budge* maki: isnt anyone going to stop them?! dia: ... Akitaru: "...He has to work this out on his own, even if that means making a mistake. Besides...Burns can handle this." shinra: *flame kicks at him* Burns: *kicked in the face...wipes the blood off his face* "Is that the speed of someone who received Divine Protection?" shinra: stop dodging the question and give me the truth! Burns: "...Any brigade does not have time for its individual members indulging their own selfish emotions." *his eyepatch lights up on fire* Akitaru: "!!! Everyone, get back!" iris: !!!! Relan: *pulling Iris back* dia: ..... Burns: *fire blasts off of him, heading right for Shinra's face* shinra: *dodging* ANSWER ME, DAMN YOU! Burns: "..." *opens his fist--and the flame expands, knocking into Shinra's body* shinra: *knocked back* grk- s-shit... *Burns stands, his body engulfed in flames* Burns: "Only the strong survive. Only they are strong enough to handle the truth. If you want to know, show me that your power deserves it.” tamaki:.....*shaking, biting her lip* dia:...... {dia: *13 years old, fighting infernals in a training exercise*} {Burns: "On your left!"} {dia: r-right! *attacking*} {Burns: "Are you strong enough to handle this?"} {dia: ye-!!!!} {infernal: *tackles her, and roars*} {dia: !!!!} {*CRUNCH*} {dia: c-commander!} {Burns: *his fist is through the Infernal's chest* "...Recite their last rites."} {dia: ashes to ashes....} {Burns: "Dust to dust..."} {-the infernal vanishes-} {dia: .....} {Burns: "..." *sighs* "You know I won't always be there to save you, Dia."} {dia: i know...i promise i'll get better, sir...} dia: .... shinra: *charging again* Burns: "Maybe you just aren't strong enough..." ("But that speed...!") {shinra: .........} {Burns: *staring at the destroyed house, holding Shinra's hand*} {shinra:....*smiling a weak smile* *mumbling something*} shinra: *jumping forwards* Burns: *remains standing...the outdoor floor beneath him is starting to crack* shinra: *aims his foot for burns' face* Burns: *blocks with his forearm...* *Something like sizzling is heard* Akitaru: "!!! Duck!" *FWOOSH* *Fire explodes behind Burns* shinra: WOAH! Burns: *the ground under his feet is now shattered* "...Is that all you can do, Candlestick? Your flame is small..." shinra: JUST ANSWER ME ALREADY. Burns: "..." *shakes out his forearm, extinguishing his flames* "It has been a long time since someone's kick managed to send shivers through my arm..." -a wall of fire shoots up between them- shinra: !?!? Burns: "?!" pearl: *her arm outstretched* PLEASE! BOTH OF YOU, STOP THIS! Burns: "??? Fiamma?" pearl: fighting amongst yourselves wont solve anything! cant you just tell him normally? Burns: "..." *looks at Shinra* "Can you handle what you will learn?" shinra: ...i have to know, no matter what. Burns: "..." *looks at Dia and Akitaru* "Please..." Akitaru: "..." *nods* "Come on, folks--give them some room..." dia: alright, everyone inside. tamaki: ...... Burns: "...First, what you know about that event 17 years ago...there is more to it." shinra:...im ready.... {-17 years ago...-} {charon: haumea, do you sense anything?} {Tiny!Haumea: "This is it...Just where the Preacher promised...A new Adora Bust will be born..."} {-in the kusakabe household...-} {Baby Sho: "Zzz..."} {*BLINK*} {Baby Sho: *opens his eyes...*} {mrs kusakabe: mmm... huh? *enters sho's room* sho-... !!!!!!} {*At the top of the ceiling is a fireball, with Sho in the center, looking like he's in a trance*} {Sho: "..."} {mrs kusakabe: SHO!! *tries to put the flame out*} {Sho: *still not moving...the ball's flames seem to snake down the ceiling and walls...towards Mrs. Kusakabe*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!!} {*A flame covers her hand...or is it coming _from_ her hand?*} {mrs kusakabe: *screams*} {shinra: mommy?....mommy, sho, where are you?} {*The flames are along the left side of her face...*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!! shinra! please! run!} {shinra: *too stunned to move*} {-horns form on her head-} {mrs kusakabe: pLEasE...rUn...} {-horns form from out of her eyes as she screams-} {*Shinra can see the flames start to dissipate, as if pulled inward into something...someone...*} {shinra: mommy?! mom-...... !!!!!!} {horned being: *howls*} {shinra: *tries to back away...his feet propelling him backwards into the wall*} {horned being: ... s....h...o......m...y......b....a...b.....y..... {*A figure appears...The room is now white...*} {horned being: *reaching for her baby*} {*The fireball descends...Sho, as if barely conscious, in a trance, is lowered into the Preacher's hands...The Preacher hands the baby to the Horned Being*} -...- shinra: ...................................................................*eyes wide, tears falling* Burns: "..." tamaki:.....*completly stunned* shinra:...ha...hahahaha...ahahahahaha....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *he's shaking badly* Burns: "..." *grabs Shinra by the collar* "Get a hold of yourself." shinra: *he throws up onto the ground* ...... Burns: "..." *sighs* shinra:........................w-what then....? Burns: "...I did not arrive until 15 minutes after we received the report of the fire at your family's house." {officer: we found a survivor, it's a child!} {shinra: *barely breathing*} {Burns: "Put out the flames! What are you all doing?!} {officer 2: w-we cant! they wont go out!} {shinra: m...mommy...s-sho...t-the....d-demon...} {-on the roof-} {charon:...haumea?} {Haumea: *giggling, her fingers moving, like a puppeteer pulling strings* "Hee hee..."} {charon: haume-} {Haumea: "SILENCE!"} {charon:....} {-inside the inferno-} {Burns: *already inside* ("No one was searching for his mother and brother...But even if I find them, there is no way they could survive. Not unless--Urk!" *clutches his eyepatch...and notices it is on fire* "!!!"} {horned being: *holding sho* ....} {Burns: "!!! A demon? No...It's..." *holds out a hand* "Wait!"} {horned being: *leaps to the window*} {Burns: "Don't go!"} {sister: commander! it's going to collapse!} {Burns: "..." *turns back, heading to the exit*} {-outside-} {Burns: "..." *the flames remain under his eyepatch...he removes it* ("A fire that will not go out...A horned being...It is...Adora.")} {shinra: *trying to get in* MOMMY! SHO! I HAVE TO SAVE THEM!} {sister: child, you cannot! it's far to dangerous!} {shinra: LET GO'A ME!} {Burns: "..." ("So why didn't they want him?")} {shinra: *falls to his knees, tears falling*} {Burns: "..." *marches up to Shinra*} {shinra: .....} {Burns: "Listen to me. Your mother is...dead."} {shinra:.....*smiling that sad, demonic smile*} shinra:...*voice cracks slightly* why?....why would you lie to me? -he's shaking, tears falling- Burns: "Those Hoods you faced just now--the ones who almost killed you? They were the ones who took your mother and brother from you. If I told you the truth then, what would you have done? Run into battle? You almost died, Kusakabe: you would've died then, too, if not for your dumb luck." shinra: do you even care what happened to me because of what you said? i was left in my grandmother's care....do you even care that she abused me?! that she would leave me locked in a dark pantry out of spite for what she thought i did?! tamaki:...*silently crying* Burns: "...I didn't want this for you. I didn't...want some child entering this war." shinra:....but im not a child anymore. Burns: "No, you are not. And despite my efforts, fate brought you here. I wanted you to fear the flames...” shinra: .....the same flames i used to get here.......did you...really see it? the adora- Burns: "...Do you know why this eye is blinded?" *removes his eyepatch* shinra:.... !!!!!!!!!! tamaki: !!!!!!!!!!!!! *His eye is blank...but almost...bone-like?* Burns: "If you look into the Sun, you burn. If you look into Hell...Hell occupies your own body. This is my Hell. This is Adora." shinra: *nervous smile, shaking* Burns: "This is the price I paid...Did you see it? Did you see Adora?" shinra:......*remembering soichiro arg's face in his vision*....i..i dont know... Burns: "...Your luck persists, then." *replaces his eyepatch* "The Hoods have been fighting this battle long before you were born. Be careful. You have no idea what they are capable of--" Nurse Arg: *appears behind Shinra* "Pardon me...?" shinra: ?!?! Burns: "??? Arg? What are you doing here?" shinra: wait......arg?! as in the 4th commander? Nurse Arg: "S-Sorry! I was here to check up on Kusakabe, then I saw the explosions and figured, 'Oh, maybe that's where he is!' Then I came here and--" *finally notices Shinra* "Oh! There you are!" shinra: um.... hi? tamaki: =A=; (way to kill the mood.) Nurse Arg: "Hi! I was asked to stop by to do an in-person medical review and--Wait, did you say Fourth Commander?" *looks back and forth* "Is Grandpa here, too?" Burns: "..." shinra: no, just heard the name 'arg' and figured 'hey maybe they know each other?' haha ^^; Nurse Arg: ^^; "Well, 'Arg' doesn't scream 'common household name,' so good guess! He's my grandfather." shinra + tamaki: *trying to place it in their heads*..... (W...T...F?!?!) Nurse Arg: "But I haven't talked to him in some time..." *sad smile* shinra: oh...i see. tamaki:... *heads back inside* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: ._.; "...What happened to you guys?" Dazai: *has a swollen cheek* "Not much...Just went exploring..." Kyoka: *holding ice to her head* "..." Lucy: *wiping her eyes* atsushi: *asleep* kenji: we found a body. Tanizaki: o_________O;;; "Please tell me Kyoka didn't kill someone--" Kyoka: *frowns* "Why do you assume it's _my_ fault?" kenji: he was dead before we go there. Tanizaki: *sighs* "Oh, that's a relief...Well, bring the corpse to the Doctor for examination--" yosano: corpse you say? Lucy: ._.; ("He recovered quickly...What on earth has he seen?!") Kyoka: "Corpse. No way to bring back to life. Also, Atsushi was burned alive. But he got better." yosano: holy shit....so you want me to examine the body. of corpse i will~ Kyoka: "..." *small smile* Lucy: -_-; "No." yosano:.. 737 -elsewhere- Chuuya: *knock knock* naoya: oh, hey chuuya. he's in the guest room. Chuuya: "Thanks...How is he?" naoya: he's recovering. oh goddamn was last night a shitshow.... Chuuya: *looks around the apartment* "...No kidding..." naoya: fortunately no one died, so....good news. -just a few things knocked over, nothing too badly damaged- Chuuya: *sighs* "You know ability users and alcohol can be a dangerous mix." naoya: ok, so i messed up. Chuuya: "..." *rubs the back of his neck* "Like I'm one to talk..." naoya: *stops at the guest room door* he's in there.... Akutagawa: *curled up in bed* Q_Q Chuuya: *knocks* "Hey. It's me. Can I come in?" Akutagawa: "...It's open." Chuuya: *enters* "...So, you had your first hangover." *sits on the bed* "May it be the first of many--" Akutagawa: "I never want to drink that swill again." naoya: that's fair. Chuuya: "Can always try something fruity. Or coffee-y. Maybe a Guinness--" Akutagawa: *shudders* naoya: i take that as a no, then? Akutagawa: "Can we talk about anything but...alcohol right now?" Chuuya: "...I brought your homework and syllabi?" -elsewhere- shinra: *in bed, whimpering* Akitaru: "..." *knocks* shinra: i-its open...*smiles, but tears are still falling* Akitaru: *enters* "...Hey." shinra: *has the blanket wrapped around him* Akitaru: "...Shinra...I'm sorry." shinra: ..... Akitaru: "..." *hug* shinra: *whimpers* m-mom..... Akitaru: "..." *nods, pats his back* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...Hey?" tamaki: ?? Arthur: "How are you?" tamaki:...o-ok... Arthur: "..." *hug* tamaki: !!!.... t-thanks... 7///7; Arthur: *pat pat* "You're welcome." *forehead kiss* -morning- Lucy: "Zzz..." atsushi: ..... Lucy: *turns over--her arm landing across his chest* atsushi: O////O; Lucy: *pulls Atsushi closer* atsushi:.....*hugs her* Lucy: *rubs his back* "...What did it feel like?" atsushi: O///. w-wh-wha? Lucy: "The fire...What does it feel like to almost die?" atsushi:.....it was terrifying....*holds her* im sorry.... Lucy: "I know..." *cheek kiss* "...I'm sorry I didn't...do anything sooner." atsushi: im here...im ok...*strokes her back* Lucy: =\\\\= "R-Right...Don't get killed like that again..." atsushi:...ok.......d-did we...um..d-do anything? .///.; (and cue me getting punched...) Lucy: O\\\\\O "NO!" atsushi: oh, ok. ^^; s-sorry >///<; Lucy: -\\\\\- "What, you think I wouldn't _ask_ you first?" -3- atsushi:....*falls onto his back* O/////////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;; Lucy: D: "DON'T DIE!" atsushi: IM ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA AND IM OK! Lucy: -_-;;;; "...I'm going to make tea. Help me toast the waffles." atsushi: yes ma'am! *salutes* -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: =w=~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: "Stocking..." *cuddles* stocking: hehe~ i love you~ Kid: "I love you, too. Forever..." -elsewhere- Haumea: *her eyes are bandaged...bits of rock are still embedded in her face* -_-# dahlia: you should be more mindful, child. Haumea: "I'm not the one who left something behind. And I don't remember holy texts warning about unkillable tigers." -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *poke poke* tsubaki: *yawn* Black Star: "Morning." tsubaki: morni- ???: AHHHHHH~<3 tsubaki: ._.; naho: gross! Black Star: o_o; "...Who the hell--" naho: lavender and higan are banging at WAY TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING-O-CLOCK! Black Star: .\\\\\. tsubaki: ^^; Higan: *pants* "B-Best part of waking up..." lavender: hehe~ Higan: *kisses down her chest* lavender: ah~ so good~ naho: *gags* Black Star: .\\\\\. *leaves for the bathroom* "Just block out the noise..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Are you liking school?" sonia: it's ok. Chuuya: "Is your teacher helping you get used to things?" sonia: *nods* miss baker's nice. Chuuya: "That's good. You have your homework in your bag?" sonia: *she nods and gets to work* Chuuya: ^^ "Let me know if I can help." sonia: ok... Chuuya: "Maybe Uncle Motojiro can help with the math parts..." sonia: maybe. Chuuya: "..." *picks up plates* {miss baker: she's certainly an interesting girl. she seems to get along better with the other teachers than with the other children...} {Chuuya: "She hasn't had much chance to be around other kids her age. I...had her around adults lately." ^^; } {miss baker: is that so?} {Chuuya: *nods* "She was home-schooled."} {miss baker: i see.} {Chuuya: "Has she had difficulty catching up with any subjects?"} {miss baker: not that i can see. actually, she's quite beyond her grade level.} {Chuuya: "Do you think it's best to leave her in this grade?"} {miss baker: she has potential, but i do think it'd be important for her to have friends of her age group...} {Chuuya: *nods* "Okay...Thanks for your feedback on that."} sonia: ... Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "How are the other students, Sonia?" sonia: they're nice. hard to follow, though. Chuuya: " 'Follow'?" sonia: i dont quite understand them...i try to act like the other kids, but its hard. Chuuya: "...It does take time...Stick with it--I know you can do it." sonia:....ok papa...... Chuuya: "...Thanks." *pats her shoulder* "I want you to feel comfortable in this world. Make friends. Feel safe." sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "!!!" *hug* sonia: do you think...the other kids saw someone die? Chuuya: "...I don't know. That's not something mention to strangers..." *looks at her* "Please don't bring that up to your teachers and the other students." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Thank you." -elsewhere- baum: *humming* Ivan: *tapping his fingers* yana: <whats up?> Ivan: <Could she just pump that parasite out already?> yana: <....allow me to explain to you something...> -elsewhere- Burns: "..." dia:...sir? Burns: "Yes? What is it?" dia: are you alright? Burns: "I'm fine. Just taking a break to...get something to drink." dia:...i see. Burns: "Have you a question about tasks I assigned you?" dia: no sir. Burns: "Are the others doing as I asked?" dia: yes. Burns: "...And Fiamma?" dia: she's doing well. Burns: "Good..." *hands her a paper* "Have her train that ability more." dia: understood. -elsewhere- Emine: *looking at Classified ads* "...I think I could do well as a Candy Striper. I just have to make dying people feel better about their approaching demise?" mana: ._.; Shotaro: "...Let's try something else. How about a secretary? Assi is trying for one of those!" Assi: "I prefer 'office coordinator'?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *rubs his cheek* TT~TT yosano: *hands him an ice pack* Dazai: "Thanks...Couldn't cancel their abilities, can't get healed because of my ability..." yosano: *sigh* Dazai: "All because some stupid bag woman did this to me..." yosano:....what? Dazai: "She was wearing a bag! And she had a dumb crown covering her eyes! And she sounded stupid, too!" yosano:....how hard were you hit? Dazai: "She knocked me clear across the room--with one punch!" ranpo: like one punch man? -elsewhere- Hibana: *clap clap* "Line up--we're going shopping, ladies!" mikami: oh my. ryuuko: this will be an interesting experience. hanako: yay! Hibana: "We are getting you new fashionable outfits before the spring--and likely some product for your hair. Oh, and jewelry. And pretzels." -elsewhere- Mikuni: *looking at the job application--upside down* "...This doesn't look right at all. metsu: *turns it around* -_-; Jeje: -_-;; Mikuni: "Oh! That's better! So, would you say you are organized?" medea: as far as i am able to tell. Mikuni: "What do you know about dolls?" medea: a lot. they are my companions. Mikuni: OWO "Really? Me too!" *sets his dolls out on the table* "See?" medea: i see. Mikuni: "What do you and your dollies talk about?" *pours glasses of soda--* Johannes: Q~Q *staring, as Mikuni is pouring from _his_ bottle of soda* medea: my dolls are vessels for those who have died. Mikuni: "...Like vampires?" Jeje: *snake glare at Mikuni* medea: more like spirits. Mikuni: "Oh! We could use one of those people here! You're hired!" -elsewhere- Poe: *removes books on his shelf--and puts the box there* "..." lenore: *in raven form, staring* Poe: *smiles, turns--and spots Lenore* o_O; lenore: hey, im not saying anything, im just perched here. Poe: "Please don't!" Q_Q lenore: ok ok, chill. i wont tell anyone. Poe: "Thank you." TTWTT "I'll get you your favorite...whatever you eat." lenore: sunflower seeds please. Poe: "The best for you!" -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: *pulling medical files* ritsu: *taking notes* Nurse Arg: "I'm done with this one. Kusakabe can be moved to the outpatient file." ritsu: o-ok! Nurse Arg: "??? Is something wrong?" tao: i think she's just like that. Nurse Arg: *nods* "I-I can understand a bit." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "??? I thought you were going out." ebie: i did. i got some errands done! ^u^ Steinbeck: "Oh. You went shopping?" ebie: *she nods* i went to the farmers market and got a lotta good stuff! Steinbeck: "Any produce?" ebie: lots! Steinbeck: *looking through the bag* "I take it the pig figurine is yours?" ebie: *she nods* a little something for my room. i wanted wilbur to have a friend. *holds the plushie up* Steinbeck: ^^ "That's good." *unpacking the produce--then spots--* "Who's the book for?" ebie: dorothy. Steinbeck: "That's kind of you..." *sets it down, looking at the title* -seems its a coloring book, with a lion, a scarecrow, a tin man, and a young girl- dorothy: oh yay! *takes it and walks off* Steinbeck: ._.; *looks in the bag...pulls out a feather boa* "...For Oscar?" twain: oh nice thanks! Steinbeck: O-o;;; twain: do-do-do-do, gonna deck out my room, doodoodoo. oscar: oh my, how creative, marky~ ^^ Steinbeck: "..." *goes back to searching for other items--pulls out a box of raisins* "..." -elsewhere- Assi: *in waiting room, adjusting his tie, sweating* Zuno: *looking out the window* "It's so high up!" eckleburg: ah, glad yo see you, gentlemen. mr fitzgerald's office is this way. Assi: *nods* *follows Eckleburg--then notices Zuno* "Um...Zuno?" Zuno: "??" *looks back and forth* "...Oh! Am I a gentleman?" Assi: "..." *pats Zuno* "Come on." Fitzgerald: "Jordan! Where are my scissors?!" jordan: right here, sir. Fitzgerald: "Ah, thank you." *slasher smile, as he holds the scissors* Assi: Q_____Q Fitzgerald: "So then..." *SNIP...through the coupon* "There! Now I'll save fifty cents on Death Mart Frozen Pizza!" *looks up* "Oh! Mr. Assi! Or...is that your first name?" Assi: "A-Assi is fine, sir." *holds out his hand* Fitzgerald: "..." *puts a tissue in his hand, then shakes* "A pleasure. Now, then, you and Mr. Zuno worked at Happy Factory, yes?" Assi: *nods* Fitzgerald: *sneers* "Then you are more than qualified..." jordan: >->; Zuno: "???" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: =w= "It's good being home..." fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "Now let's see what's changed while we were out!" *leaps up to the top of a fence* -it looks more or less the same- Tsukiyo: "...Oh, poo." -3- "Was hoping something interesting happened..." fang-hua: anything happen, commander? Benimaru: "No explosions, hardly any fights. But we're still on alert for impersonators, so--" Tsukiyo: "???" Benimaru: *tapes paper to Tsukiyo's forehead* Tsukiyo: "..." -_-; fang-hua: ^^; Benimaru: "...Okay, you're not an impersonator." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *curls up on the couch, staring forward* "..." kirika: oooi, its me. are you dying in here or what? Gopher: *perks up* "N-No? I'm here! It's open!" kirika: *opens the door* *examines the area* nice place you got in here. guess the old sage spoils you, huh? Gopher: ^\\\^; "He's accumulated quite a number of priceless relics in his long life." *pats the sofa seat* kirika: *sits down* good condition, it looks. Gopher: "He also teaches how to take good care of the furniture..." *smiles...his eyes look a little red* kirika:....oi, something's bothering you, isnt it? Gopher: "..." *sighs* "I was reading..." kirika: *listening* Gopher: "...I was trying to determine how someone like...me exists." kirika: .... Gopher: "I don't know much about my mo--...this woman I see in my dreams." kirika:....*pats his back* Gopher: "..." *holds her hand* "I want to find her." kirika: *nods* yeah. Gopher: "So, um, I may be taking some weekends to look..." -elsewhere- Meme: "Nothing..." *pokes the crane origami* "Maybe it's magic." mio: maybe take them to a teacher? Meme: *nods* *scoops a few up* "Who specializes in magic...paper crane...thingies?" mio: not sure... Meme: "...I guess start with Miss Marie--No, she's out of town. Stein?" mio: sounds good. Meme: *walks up to the infirmary, knocks on the door* nygus: its open. Meme: *pokes her head in* "...Hello, ma'am." nygus: what do you need? Meme: "Is Dr. Stein in? I had a question about who tried to break into my locker..." nygus: he's in the teacher's lounge. Meme: *nods* "Thank you..." *walks there, opens the door--* *Smoke escapes out of the lounge* Meme: "?!" mio: *gags and runs to the bathroom* Stein: "???" *puts out his cigarette* "Sorry. Can I help?" Meme: ._.; "..." *holds up a crane in her hand* Stein: "...I don't accept gifts from students--" Meme: "It's not...I just...Can you check this for magic? They put it in my locker." *shoves it in his hand* " 'Kay, thanks!" *runs to Mio* "Hold up!" Stein: "..." *just looks at the crane* nygus: i think i heard a story about this. if you fold 1000 paper cranes, a wish is granted, right? Stein: "Is someone trying to give her a wish...or grant their own?" *sets the crane down* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *lying in bed* "..." guard: *slides his lunch through the door slot* Kunikida: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Hibana: *wearing big sunglasses* gabriella: *also in big sunglasses* ryuuko: ... mikami: ^^; Hibana: "They're fashionable and UV protected!" -elsewhere- Relan: "...Hey?" tamaki: ya? Relan: *sits down* "You feeling okay?" tamaki: i guess. Relan: " 'Cause you've been quiet...and looking sad." tamaki: still shook up i guess.... Relan: *nods* "...You at least knocked down one of the Hoods." tamaki:...yeah..... Relan: "...Thanks for making sure Iris and I didn't die...and helping against that monster going after Sh-Shinra..." tamaki:...*smiles* anytime. Relan: ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sets down the tray of drinks* "So, what're you up to tomorrow?" naho: lets go to the mall! Sakuya: "Sounds good--should still be a few sales going on. Been wanting to upgrade my phone..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *resting under Louisa's desk* louisa: *jotting notes* Mr. Tsubaki: *stretches...steps out from under the desk, leaps to the windowsill* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Stocking, could you hold Shiori?" stocking: ah, sure. shiori: ^u^ Yumi: *washing her hands* "Feel better?" stocking: yeah. Yumi: "...Are you looking forward to your classes?" stocking: i guess. this whole 'student-teacher' thing is tough. Yumi: "Been there." *dries her hands, holds them out to take Shiori* "Want some pointers?" stocking: sure. Yumi: "Reinforce they need to put in the time to practice on whatever they're working on, daily, to make it a habit." stocking: *nods* Yumi: "You'll need to repeat some lessons, so get in that habit, too. I tried starting each day with a mini-exercise on some small detail, like a quiz on a topic, practicing a simple maneuver or stretch..." stocking: right. Yumi: "What were some of the lessons you have the most trouble with in school?" -elsewhere- Hyde: "When your mission?" soul: not sure yet. stein said he'd let me go with him. Hyde: "You been to Germany before?" soul: i think so. licht: i can teach you some phrases. soul: for real? licht: indeed, because i am an angel. Hyde: -_-; "Now say it in German." licht: <because i am an angel, descended from the heavens above> Hyde: "...Loses something in the translation." -KICK- Hyde: *smashed into the ceiling* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *outside, walking slowly* ???: oooi! araragi! Akutagawa: "???" *turns* female student: .//w//. Akutagawa: "...Do I know you?" female student: um...i was wondering...d-did you want to go out some time? Akutagawa: "...'Go out'?" female student: you know, like a date? Akutagawa: "...I don't think--" Tachihara: "Of course he would!" Akutagawa: "?!!!" o_o; female student: >////< Akutagawa: *whispers angrily at Tachihara* "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Tachihara: "I'll just have to help my little bro--give you a ride." *pat pat* Akutagawa: -_-# female student: s-see you this weekend then? >////< Akutagawa: "...Fine. My 'brother'--" *puts an arm around Tachihara's neck* "--will pick you up..." Tachihara: *getting choked by the 'affectionate' hug* X____X female student: oh, ok! Akutagawa: "Just write your address here--" *grabs Tachihara's arm--hard--and shoves it at her* "Just write on his arm." -she does so- Akutagawa: "Friday at 7?" female student: ok! see you then, araragi! *runs off* Tachihara: Q___Q Akutagawa: "...When this is over, I'm killing you." Tachihara: TTWTT "You're just nervous...Maybe a double date will help! Is your sister available?" Akutagawa: "..." *SLICE* *RIP* *FWOOSH* Akutagawa: *wipes his hand* "There. I feel relieved now." Tachihara: *covering himself* child:....weiner! Parent: *covers child's eyes* "Police! Help!" -elsewhere- Victor: *knocks* "Nozomi?" nozomi: its open... Victor: *enters with a basic* "...Hi. I brought mushrooms." nozomi:...*small chuckle* Victor: ^^ "I was digging around and trying to categorize them again..." *holds up--* "I was surprised Grifola frondosa grew here." nozomi: .... Victor: "But it's edible! Just, you know, not with allergies..." *sets it aside* "These are safe, though!" *offers one* -elsewhere- Yohei: *puts Toru in the bouncy chair* toru: ^o^ Yohei: "Who's a happy boy?" toru: *babble* chie: ^^ Yohei: "Where's Mommy at, Toru?" toru: *points* ma! chie: thats right, sweetie! ^^ Yohei: "Good boy." *snaps a pic* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." lydia:...still moping? Hawthorne: "...He had promised..." lydia:....she will recover. it takes some time for the plan to work... Hawthorne: "And with him in jail, how does that change the schedule?" lydia: that is his intention. i dont know the details yet, but all is going to plan... Hawthorne: "Be nice to have more of a clue about all of this..." lydia:..........do you know why i joined the rats? Hawthorne: *shakes his head* lydia: the same reason as you, to save the life of my beloved. Hawthorne: "...When did he approach you?" lydia: ...two years ago. {lydia:.....*staring at her scarred eyes* .....} {natalia: *comatose in the hospital bed*} {lydia:.......<im sorry this had to happen to you....please get better, natya....>} {Fyodor: <Wishing won't be enough.>} {lydia: ?! *jumps back*} {Fyodor: <Don't be alarmed. I'm just rather direct.>} {lydia: *standing in front of natalia's bed, defensive*} {Fyodor: *looks at Lydia, then at Natalia* <Awful, isn't it, what they did...>} {lydia:....*shaking* <i failed her...i wanted to keep her safe.....> *tears falling*} {Fyodor: <You didn't fail her. You just didn't have all that you needed...But you can get it.>} {lydia: ??? <what do you mean?>} {Fyodor: <I have opportunities to provide to take care of Natalia's health and recuperation...and you have skills I need.>} {lydia: ......} {Fyodor: <Will you show me?>} {lydia:....} {-a shadowy hawk is perched onto her shoulder} {Fyodor: <...It suits you. Your strength is in the shadows...That is where we operate.>} {lydia:....<and in return, you will help her?>} {Fyodor: <I will.>} lydia: he gave me this mask to cover my scars. Hawthorne: "..." ("And to hide your identity...?") lydia:....i should go, i've been given my next task. Hawthorne: "Oh?" lydia: *she exits* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Any updates on his condition?" yosano: he's fine. atsushi: hi. Tanizaki: "Oh, hey! Man, that's some healing ability..." atsushi: i've had worse. naomi: ._.; Tanizaki: "Getting burned alive..." ._.; atsushi: no stranger to pain. now if you excuse me, it's naptime. *asleep on the exam table* yosano:.....let him rest for now. Tanizaki: "O-Okay?" *walks away* -elsewhere- Kid: "Nice putt, Father!" lord death: ^^ Kid: *takes his swing, and--* "Yes!" -elsewhere- Katai: "How is school?" aya: it's nice. i got to meet some other kids. Katai: "How are your teachers?" aya: as good as teachers can get, i suppose. Katai: "...We've known better teachers..." ("Kunikida...") aya: ... Katai: "..." *weak smile* "H-How about ice cream?" aya:....*sigh* ok sure. -elsewhere- Shotaro: "How's the job hunt going?" mono: ....... Shotaro: "...That bad, huh?" mono:... =///=; stupid short skirts.... Shotaro: "??? 'Short skirts'? Like, a cafe or something?" mana: yeeep. Shotaro: "Deathbucks?" mana: that's the one. Kepuri: "Man, I worked there...Watch your ass out there. Especially if Assi finds out you work there, Mono--" mono: YOU SHUSH! D///X< Shotaro: "Hey, maybe I should grab my schoolgirl uniform and put it on again! We can compare outfits and undies!" -PUNCH PUNCH KICK- mana: -_-; akaderu: what a pain, lets just skip to the next one before these cliche gags get worse... -elsewhere- Hiro: "??? Arthur? How did you--" Arthur: "The door was open." Hiro: "..." *looks at the door...which has been sliced in two* hime: D8< Arthur: "You're out of jelly." Hiro: -_-; "Mom's gonna make you pay for that door, Arthur." -elsewhere- Joker: "..." *rubs his eye* ivy: ? Joker: "Just exhausted reading this...Ivy, you get any reports?" ivy: heard some interesting folks decided to check out the nether. Joker: "??? Why? It got cleared out." ivy: apparently these guys are detectives. what a joke. Joker: "Did those 'detectives' find anything?" ivy: they had a run in with a few hoods. managed to give them a run for their money. not sure if they're just that strong or just ridiculously lucky. Joker: "...Might be a good deterrent against the Hoods going forward. Any identification?" ivy: i'll see what i can find. Joker: *nods, back to rubbing his unmasked eye* "Man, I need eyedrops..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *holds up a shirt* "What you think, Lilac? Buy it?" lilac: i-i guess so... Sakuya: "It'll be good to try some new outfits before spring..." ._.; "Naho, what the heck?" naho: ouo~? *she has a hello kitty dress* Sakuya: "...Well, it suits you." ^^ -elsewhere- Wes: *napping on the couch* liz: *pats his head and checks her phone* Stein: [hello] liz: [hey. u get the application?] Stein: [i did. we're scheduling interviews. you available tuesday?] liz: [should be] Stein: [okay. appointments are available at 10 AM, 11, 2 PM] -elsewhere- Mifune: *sets down the glasses of apple juice* angela: thanks! *siiiip* ^u^ yuma: *entering through the door, taking her shoes off* im home! Mifune: "Welcome. How was it?" yuma: theres some new kids at school now. i had fun. ^^ Mifune: "That's good. Making friends?" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *yawn* atsushi: zzzzz..... Kyoka: "..." *tucks him in* ("He must've been sleeping forever.") -elsewhere- leo: *checking newspaper, apparently there is an opera showing at the theater tonight...* Motojiro: "Ahem..." leo: !!! ah! mr kajii, you startled me. Motojiro: "Sorry--just excited!" *shows "one" ticket to the opera* leo: oh, will you be attending the show then? i didnt expect you to be someone who finds interest in theater. Motojiro: "A true scientist has to engage with various arts to appreciate the wide range of experiences! Including...magic!" *slides a second ticket from behind the first* leo: ah! will you be inviting miss sakurai with you? ayako: love but cant! got stuff to do! Motojiro: "...I was thinking...you like opera?" leo: well, i did attend with my family when i was younger...y-yes, i suppose. Motojiro: "Glorious! Get on your best clothes!" leo: e-eh? o///o; s-shouldnt i ask permission from miss kouyou- Kouyou: "Permission for what?" leo: m-mr kajii had invited me to a show at the theater. s-should i? Kouyou: "..." *looks around Leo at Motojiro* Motojiro: owo Kouyou: "..." *pats Leo's shoulder* "You can do so much better--" Motojiro: D8> leo: um...*looks awkwardly back at him* Motojiro: Q_Q Kouyou: "But he's harmless." Motojiro: QWQ Kouyou: "Mostly." *takes Leo's hand. Let's get you dressed." leo: ah. a-alright then. Motojiro: *smiling, following* Kouyou: *death glare* "Not. You." -in the dressing room- Kouyou: "So, let's see...Opera, opera..." *picks out three outfits* leo: .... Kouyou: "...Do you want to go?" *holds up an outfit at her* leo: i would feel bad for turning him down.....although....*sad smile* Kouyou: "...Well, you are not in a position where you _have_ to go out with him, and 'I would feel bad for turning him down' isn't necessary...So, what's the _real_ reason?" leo: ........*looking down at the ground*...... Kouyou: "...You still hold a torch for him?" leo:......*shaking a bit* Kouyou: "Hey, none of that..." *hug* leo: ??! Kouyou: "You have a date, no time for feeling sad..." leo: i-im sorry, ma'am...i still miss him, i suppose...its...not an easy sentimentality to let go of. Kouyou: "...The heart wants what the heart wants. But that does not preclude you to enjoy this moment at this time." leo: .....what should i do? Kouyou: *smiles* "Put on your best attire, enjoy the opera, and enjoy whatever you get out of this date." leo:...alright then. *small smile* Kouyou: "And if he tries anything--" *holds up a taser* leo: .-.; Kouyou: "We can't afford to kill him, and we need him to retain both hands and his gustatory and olfactory senses--Hmm...I suppose you could remove a foot." Motojiro: *listening outside* Q______Q leo: ._.; Kouyou: "And pick me up a program." ^^ leo: noted. -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *looking at the streets* intern: whats up? Todoroki: "...What activities have been in this town?" -elsewhere- Iida: "The aquarium looks...serene." patron: ah! the show's starting now! -manual was also taking part in the show- Iida: o_o; "...This was unexpected." -people seem to be enjoying it- Iida: "..." ("Is this...also something heroes do?") intern: sometimes, heros are asked to do promotional work as well. Iida: "I see...And his promotional work is an aquatic performance?" intern: *he nods* his quirk is hydro-kinesis, so it makes quite the spectacle. Iida: "I guess I hadn't thought of him as much of an entertainer. He's seems a bit reserved." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yo, Maki, you got any calendar for the new year?" *setting up a table in the garage* maki:.....7u7 yeeep. Vulcan: "??? Could I borrow one? I'm losing track of days." maki: *hands him one...._that_ one.* Vulcan: ._.;;; "...When was this photographed?" maki: a while ago~ shinra: hey whats-....................................MAKI!!!! D8< maki: *nyoom* Vulcan: *flipping through the pages...holds at horizontal* "...Damn. They accept auditions for this or what?" shinra: *excalibur face* -ELSEWHERE- Asura: "..." *looks up through a grate* "..." ("Nirvana...") -lab workers are taking above the grate- worker: have you ever met the CEO? Asura: *ear twitch* worker 2: i dont think anyone has. Asura: "..." *intense listening* worker 2: oi, vinny, you ever see the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh." [translator’s note; "Nyeh" is Brooklyn for "No."] worker 2: did, you ever, see, the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh, I nyever saw the boss." worker 3: i heard they live at the top of the building, but no one ever goes up there, so hard to tell. Asura: "..." *looks at his scarf...snakes it along a pipe off the ceiling...lifts himself up...then lowers himself down* ("Climbing won't be a problem...") "..." *walks to a grate leading up into the ventilation* "..." *tightens himself up to be thinner--and pulls himself up with his scarves* -in the top room- ???: ...... Asura: *arrives in the duct...silent, just watching* ???: so you finally found this place...kishin? *she looks back at him.* im so happy...to finally meet lady pandora's grandson... -this woman...she's a lunarian- Asura: *stays inside* "...How did you come here?" woman: i arrived to this world like she had, all those 800 years ago... Asura: "...With my grandmother?" woman: *she nods* i long to see her again... Asura: "...Good luck with that." woman:...for now, i must follow her orders...use the clowns, evolve them....share the blessing of madness with this world. Asura: "..." *shudder* "M-Madness?" woman: have you ever wondered, where the clowns originated? Asura: "...I've felt something off of them..." woman: that's because....*smiles* the originals are not of this earth.... Asura: "...They are..." woman: like lady pandora and myself...born from the moon.... Asura: " 'Like you'...But mad..." woman:.....at one point, the lunarian society were people of culture, intelligence...but their thirst for knowledge became their downfall. with the discovery of a certain substance, the black blood, they began experimenting with it...creating those monsters. to ensure survival, they sent 8 children to the earth’s surface. Asura: "And of those eight..." woman: amongst them were myself and lady pandora, along with the scholar enoch and sage, diana. Asura: "...Enoch..." woman:....he and the sage's son sealed her in that damned book.....ah....ahhhh it pisses me off so muuuch.... Asura: "Understandable..." *looks around the room* -its dark...- Asura: "...When did you form this organization?" ("Where are the lights...?") woman: a long time ago...when the studies of science were still young..........your wife and child....*smiles* i look forward to meeting them soon... Asura: "..." ("...I don't trust her to...") -elsewhere- Kid: "--and Father won." stocking: ah. Kid: "How was your day?" *sits down* stocking: it went well. ^^ Kid: "Oh? You thought about your student-teaching?" stocking: yeah. yumi gave me some advice. Kid: "Did it help?" stocking: i think so. Kid: *nods* "Yumi wants to help, and she has a wealth of experience." stocking: *smiles* Kid: "And with your hard work and talent..." *cheek smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Just keep at it..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "--and so I'm stuck on this dumb date next week." naoya: ah. higuchi: sounds like a bummer. Gin: "...You could still back out of it." Akutagawa: "...I don't know. It would make things more complicated." naoya: just tell her you dont swing that way, whats complicated about that? Akutagawa: "...She seemed insistent." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...I wouldn't take the rejection well, if I was her." higuchi: ..... (yeah, based on how he handled the weretiger's rejection....) Gin: "You should at least have someone chaperone--" Akutagawa: "Tachihara offered--" naoya: oh boy. higuchi: oh dear god. Gin: "No." Akutagawa: "Well, how do I turn him down--" Gin: "Ichiyo, stop him." higuchi: already on it....how do i kick him in the balls through the phone? Akutagawa: "???" naoya: comedic physics? Gin: "...If you tell him we invite him to a threesome, I'm sure that would bring him over." higuchi:...........*higuchi.exe has stopped responding* Gin: "...I was kidding. But subterfuge is a good way to undermine him." *dials the number* "Naoya, you want to try?" -elsewhere- Motojiro: *listening to the music, captivated* leo:....(he seems to be enjoying himself...) ... {leo: *6 years old* *shiny eyes* <papa look!>} {Papa: <Yes, dear...> *watches with her*} {leo: OuO} {Papa: <She seems to be enjoying it...>} {mama: <indeed.>} {Papa: <Oh! Listen to that voice...>} {sister 1: <maybe one day, that'll be _you_ up there.>} {leo: <really?>} {sister 3: <yeah!>} {Papa: ^^ <If you put your mind to it...>} leo:...*sad smile* Motojiro: *glances at her* "..." *whispers* "How is it?" leo:...*wipes tear* i-im enjoying it. Motojiro: "..." *offers his handkerchief* *it is decorated with lemons* leo:...*small chuckle and wipes tears* Motojiro: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Done brushing?" sonia: yep. Chuuya: "And washed your face?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "Ready for your bedtime story?" sonia: *nod nod, holding her teddy* Chuuya: *tucks her in* "Once upon time, there was a girl, in a small village..." sonia: *listening, with mito on her lap* Chuuya: "This girl spent much of her time alone, except with her cat..." *pets Mito* mito: *mreow* Chuuya: "And while every home needs a cat, this girl needed something else: she needed a parent to be there, to provide what a parent should." sonia: ... Chuuya: "The child would need a safe home, with food in the cupboards--and for her cat--and the opportunities to learn all that a child has to in order to grow up into a smart, mature adult. One day, a prince was passing through town--where he saw the girl." sonia: was he a nice prince? Chuuya: "Hmmm...I'd say so. He may get a little upset if people made fun of his height...or his excellent choice in headwear..." *adjusts his hat* sonia: *giggles* Chuuya: "Hee hee...And the prince saw the girl--and he recognized her, having heard about this child, and the child's mother..." sonia:........*hug* Chuuya: *hug* "And he wanted to give that child the life her mother...would want." sonia:...thanks, papa. Chuuya: "Thank you, Sonia..." mito: =A=; sonia: sorry, mito. *pet pet* mito: =3= Chuuya: ^^; "Sorry..." *kisses Sonia's forehead* "Now, the princess needs to get her sleep." sonia: ok, papa. Chuuya: "Good night, Sonia." -saturday morning- zoey: happy birthday, kyusaku. Q: *huuuugs* >u< Ivan: -_-; zoey: do you like your gift? Q: *in a new jacket* *NOD NOD* Ivan: <Now he looks like a--> -CHOP- yana: <behave> Ivan: >_<# <Stupid cow, and that parasite with the ugly two-tone hair...> yana: <gonch, im worried for your health, all this salt cant be good for you. where are you getting all this salt, the ocean?> Ivan: <I still say we could get better medical help...> yana *rolls eyes* <i'll send the complaint to management then.> Ivan: *crosses his arms* yana: *pap pap* Ivan: TT_TT mushitaro: here. *hands him one of a box with one of fyodor's spare capes* enjoy. Ivan: QWQ *takes it--and inhales* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *yawn* "..." *checks his phone* -message from kouyou- Chuuya: *pulls it up* kouyou: [sleep ok?] Chuuya: [pretty well. you?] kouyou: [i slept well] Chuuya: [any plans for today?] -elsewhere- leo: ...... Kouyou: "Good morning." leo: good morning, miss kouyou. Kouyou: "Did you get home safely?" leo: yes. *she nods* Kouyou: "Did you have to use the taser?" leo: no, ma'am. Kouyou: "Well, that's good." *sets down tea* "How was the music?" leo:...nostalgic. *faint smile* Kouyou: *nods* "In a comforting way?" leo:...yes. Kouyou: "...I'm glad you went out. It's good to get out now and then." leo: ....mr kajii seemed to enjoy it as well. Kouyou: "Well, he does have surprising interests." leo: ... Kouyou: "He seems to enjoy your company." leo: *she nods* Kouyou: "Do you enjoy his?" leo:...i suppose. Kouyou: "..." *pat pat* "Give whatever you want time." leo: r-right. Kouyou: "Don't feel pressured: do what you want, not what he wants." leo: … Kouyou: "Now, we begin the day--" *opens the door* "..." -_-# "...This is for you." *holds up a gift basket...full of lemons* leo:....^^; Kouyou: "Make some tea with these at least." leo: ok. -elsewhere- Patty: "So you scored the interview?" liz: yep! Patty: "Sweet! Thompson sisters, the best teachers ever!" liz: hell yeah! high five! Kid: ".. Never thought I'd see this when first meeting you two." liz: life's full of surprises, eh? Kid: *smiles* "Yes." Patty: "...You condescending us, Reaper?!" Kid: .-.; liz: ^^; Kid: "N-Not at all! I was just saying it was surprising--" Patty: *noogies Kid* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *folding his clothes* "Think Sham is looking more stressed than usual?" naho: we should throw him a party! Sakuya: "That works...What does a Sham party look like? Fancy cheeses and small talk?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *checking off his list* "Tub scrubbed, ceiling dusted...How's fence repair going?" GET: *thumbs up* Yohei: "Good GET." *drops an apple core in his trash compartment* GET: ^o^ Yohei: "Saki, you finish moving the furniture?" saki: yep. *sets down the couch* Emine: *still seated on that couch* "..." Yohei: "...I told you to do the laundry." Emine: "I did." chie: half of it is pink... Emine: "It needed to be pink. Pink is close enough to blood." chie:.... oh, that reminds me. *pricks her finger* *phew* Yohei: ^^ "Let's get that bandaged up." -elsewhere- Hugh: *reviewing a log book* "Uptick in business thanks to the winter..." tetsu: that's good to know. *cleaning* Hugh: "But when the heat comes in, fewer customers...WE NEED A SALES PITCH FOR THE SPRING!" -elsewhere- Izuku: O_O;;; "This town is...busy." gran torino: it's a big city, kid. not as big as death city, but big none-the-less. Izuku: "I guess it just seems more...um, hipster?" gran torino: that it is, kiddo. Bystander #1: "...Who made your outfit, kid, your mommy?" Izuku: "...Yes. And it is awesome. Thank you." bystander 2: ._. ....ok then. Izuku: ^^ -elsewhere- manual: -so yeah, hosu is a pretty nice town to live in. unfortunately, some other places in the world arent as friendly to those with quirks, like chicago. but there are heroes like valkyria there that act as a beacon of hope. Iida: "I am familiar. It is challenging..." manual: still we shouldnt be discouraged. Iida: *quietly* "Hard not to be..." -elsewhere- Stain: "..." *pulls scarf closer* -a light snowfall covers the area- Stain: *looking down the alley* -silence- Stain: "..." *steps carefully* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Is this wise?" tomura: it has to be done tonight....if not...im gonna scratch all my skin off.... Kurogiri: "..._That_ is not wise." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "I just want you to know something, sir." best jeanist: oh? Bakugo: *holds up his smaller gauntlets* "I sweat. My sweat is explosive. These tiny pansy-ass gauntlets are not going to fucking cut it." -elsewhere- Fourth Kind: "I SAID FILE CHRONOLOGICALLY, NOT ALPHABETICALLY!" eijiro: YESSIR! tetsutetsu: QuQ -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets out a tray of cookies* "Eat up." atsushi: thanks. *nom* Lucy: "...We need to talk." atsushi: Q_Q did i mess up? Lucy: "No. I just wanted to let you know..." *brushes hair over her ear* "Look, I was fine sharing my bed with you..." atsushi:... oh... .///.;;; Lucy: "...Right. I'm just not ready for...that. Not today, anyway." atsushi: y-yeah...... .////.;;;;; same. Lucy: *smiles* "Good. Just...give me time, okay?" atsushi: i will. Lucy: "Good..." *wipes the chocolate off his lips with her finger* atsushi: ^///^ Lucy: "..." .\\\\. *quickly cleans it off with a napkin* -elsewhere- Tachihara: o______O *trying to hide from Higuchi and Gin* hirotsu: what did you do this time? Tachihara: "I roped in Akutagawa into a date." hirotsu: oh? Tachihara: "With a girl." hirotsu: is that right? Tachihara: "And since he's not really into that, and I was so forceful--" Gin: "Then you must die." higuchi: *loading pistol* Tachihara: ._______. "..." *LOUD HIGH-PITCHED SQUEAL* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and I think it went well!" Chuuya: "Well, glad to hear." Motojiro: =w= *sips his tea at the cafe* "How's it going, Sonia?" sonia: pretty good. school's nice. Motojiro: "Need help with chemistry? I can show you how to make a smoke bomb--" Chuuya: *glaaaaaare* sonia: im in 1st grade. Motojiro: "Never too early to try--" Chuuya: *imitating a 'cut it out' slice across his own neck* sonia: no thanks, im good. Chuuya: *decisive parent nod* Motojiro: "Okay...Students aren't giving you trouble, are they?" sonia: if you're asking if im being bullied, no. Motojiro: "Oh, good! I didn't like that as a kid..." sonia: ... Motojiro: "..." *sips his tea* >_> -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Here's your seat, sir." *gets up out of his on the bus* fukuzawa: thank you. *sits down* Shotaro: ^^ "Anything for the elderly." fukuzawa: ... *doesnt have the heart to correct him* Shotaro: "...You a samurai? I know a kappa who wields a sickle, which isn't the same as a sword but pretty awesome!" fukuzawa: do you now? Shotaro: *nod nod* "You ever meet a kappa?" fukuzawa: no, but i have heard stories. Shotaro: "You read a lot, sir?" fukuzawa: *he nods* *cough* Shotaro: "??? You okay?" fukuzawa: fine. -elsewhere- Iida: "..." manual: you ok? Iida: "!!! Yes, sorry. Was thinking about our schedule." manual: ah, good to know. we'll be on a patrol later this evening. Iida: "I look forward to it." *looking at the streets* -evening...- Izuku: "Sir?" gran torino: whu? whazzit? Izuku: "Sorry...I thought you wanted to go on patrol this evening?" gran torino: yeah, that. *hops up* ever take the monorail? Izuku: "Nothing that trendy, I'm afraid. Has Death City ever had one?" gran torino: of course, you just gotta know where to look. -elsewhere tomura: ah.....so this is hosu, huh? Kurogiri: "Yes...It has had a bit of a drop in crime..." tomura: well then, why dont we kick off the new year with a bang? Kurogiri: "..." *sighs, opens another gate* -3 creatures....nomus..appear- tomura: hey staaaain, if you can hear me, we brought the party to your stomping grounds! -on the monorail- Izuku: *looking through his phone* "Still nothing..." gran torino: waiting on a message from a special somebody, kid? Izuku: "Just my friend Iida..." ._. "N-Not like that! Not that there is anything wrong. But I'm seeing someone else--" -CRASH- Izuku: "!!!" lion man: w-what the hell even is that?! blue nomu: *SHRIEEEEEK* Izuku: "Nomu?!" gran torino: stay there, kid! *jumps and tackles the nomu out the hole in the wall* Izuku: "Wait, sir! That's not how--" *looks out the hole* -smoke and fire coming from downtown- Izuku: "No..." worker: everyone, please keep calm, the heroes and authorities have been alerted- Izuku: "..." *leaps out the hole, takes off running* worker: h-hey kid! kid get back here! it's dangerous! -elsewhere- manual: *running* this way! Iida: *follows--then sees down an alley* native: *groan* Stain: *looking to the side at the explosions* "...Who is that flashy fool just blowing stuff up randomly? Whatever. I'll take care of that target next...For now...I have to take care of you..." *pulls a knife aimed at Native* native: urk- (why cant i move? the blood...he-) Stain: "I will allow you to choose your last words. Choose carefully." native:....*glances*....!!! *A blur is approaching Stain--* Stain: "..." *slice* *A helmet goes flying* native: !! Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Who are you, kid?" Iida: "..." *barely able to get up again...hard murderous stare at Stain* Stain: "...Leave, kid. This is no place for rugrats like yo--" Iida: "Red scarf. Blood red. Armed to the teeth...The Hero Killer Stain...I have been hunting you. I did not expect to meet so soon...I am--!" *FLIK* Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Those eyes. Cybernetic, right?" Iida: "..." Stain: "Yet full of revenge...Watch your mouth, because your age and your condition won't save you." Iida: "..." *grabs the blade* Stain: "?!" Iida: *pushes it away, as he stands* "...You fail to see me as a threat. That is your first mistake, criminal. I AM THE YOUNGER BROTHER OF THE HERO YOU ATTACKED! THE HERO AMONG HEROES! AND FOR HIM, I AM BRINGING YOUR CAMPAIGN OF MURDER TO AN END! THE LAST MINUTES YOU HAVE, ALL YOU WILL REMEMBER IS MY NAME!" Stain: "..." Death the Kid: Iida: "I AM INGENIUM! THE HERO WHO WILL TAKE YOU DOWN!" Stain: "..." *stands still* Iida: "AAAAH!" *swings his leg for a super-fast kick--* Stain: *dodges* Iida: "?!!!" Stain: *flipping over Iida* "Ingenium..." *slams his foot down onto Iida's shoulder--the spikes tearing through Iida's armor* Iida: "Gah!" Stain: *lands on Iida's head, slamming his foot down--then his sword into Iida's shoulder* Iida: "ARRRRGH!" Stain: "...You feign heroism...like the fake you are..." Iida: "Silence, evildoer!" Stain: "..." *small chuckle* Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! The damage you did to his spinal cord...My brother will be crippled forever! He can never be a hero again!" Stain: "Then he was never a hero to begin with--" Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! ...He is a great hero! He has saved so many! And what have you done, murderer?!" {Iida: *shiny eyes at dinner*} {Father Iida: "Excellent work, son!"} {tensei: aw, its nothing. ^^; } {Father Iida: "It's certainly no small feat, I'll tell you that! You're this young but already command so many sidekicks..."} {tensei: i wouldnt say that. im not able to do much by myself, and they're all there to support me. i owe them a lot. heroes have to bear the weight of that title, right? then if my job helps at least someone, then im doing good at it.} {Iida: "..." *small smile*} Iida: "My hero...has inspired my dreams! I'll kill you!" Stain: "And what of him?" *points to Native* native: *passed out* Iida: "..." Stain: "Your instinct was to attack me, not to save him? You wield power for yourself. Your greed blinds you...That is the furthest thing for a hero. That is why..." *kicks Iida's head to the side* Iida: "AH!" Stain: *removes the blade from Iida's shoulder...licks...* Iida: "?!" Stain: *holds it over his left eye* "You must die..." Iida: "!!!" ("My body...it's frozen...") Stain: "Be pleased that your offering will improve our society." Iida: "I said...shut up!" {Iida: "I am thoroughly impressed, brother!"} {tensei: you look up to me that much? guess that makes me a great hero or something. *smiles*} Iida: "Regardless what you say--you remain the criminal who hurt my brother!" Stain: *grins...* -something rushes in- Stain: "Huh--" -KAPOW- Iida: "...Midoriya?" izuku: iida! are you ok? Iida: "...Why are you here?" izuku: like the news reports said. 60% of the hero killers victims were found in alleys. i searched all over the back alleys looking for you! Iida: "...Not 'how'...Why?!" izuku: why? because we're friends, right? *smile* Iida: "...Do not interfere." izuku: ?? iida? Iida: "This has nothing to do with you!" izuku: what do you- Stain: *stares at Izuku* "...That's a cute line, kid..." *rubs his cheek* "But these fakes must die. And in a fight between you and me, the weaker will be eliminated..." *intense stare* izuku: *frozen* {All Might: "Villains with agenda...'ideals'...have a different kind of fire burning in their eyes..."} izuku:...*fist clench* Iida: "I said leave, Midoriya! This does not concern you!" izuku: whats a hero supposed to do when you say those kinds of things? its like what allmight said. giving help when its not asked for....thats what makes a true hero! Stain: "...Ahh..." *stands* izuku: *charges forwards* Stain: *swings his blade* izuku: *ducks down* Stain: *swings again* izuku: *jumps up* -5% DETROIT SMASH- Stain: *head knocked down* izuku: *lands* (i did it!) Stain: "..." *licks his blade* izuku: !!!! (w-what?! i-i cant move...did he graze me without feeling it....no...it's the blood!) Stain: "...So many heroes think they need power...Is that what you think, kid?" izuku: ...... Stain: "Obviously not. You wouldn't have relied on only your power, or mentioned All Might...You have something these fakers lack: focus. Observation. You tracked me. You exploited my blind spot. Your movements, your skill...You aren't one of these fools who just talks...You...are worth keeping alive." izuku: ?? Stain: "These others are not..." *lifts his sword, aiming again for Iida's eye* izuku: NO DONT- *FWOOSH* *The alley lights up in flames* Stain: *barely dodges* izuku: !!! ???: "I need more than a GPS coordinate, Izuku." izuku: todoroki! Todoroki: *on fire* "Took me far too long to recognize the coordinates you texted as being this location: you're too organized to send out meaningless numbers." Stain: "..." *runs at Todoroki* Todoroki: *ice foot slam at Stain's steps* Stain: *leaps to the right* Todoroki: *fire-stream at Stain, as his ice picks up Native and Izuku* izuku: woah! native:...nngh....nhuh? *The ice carries Native and Izuku to behind Todoroki* Todoroki: "You will not have them, Killer." Stain: "..." izuku: whatever happens, dont let him ingest your blood, he'll paralyze you! thats how he got us! Todoroki: "..." ("Hence the blades. Just keep my distance--") *SHUK!* izuku: !!! Todoroki: "!!!" *dodges knife thrown at him* Stain: *already in front of Todoroki* Todoroki: "!!!" *spots blood on his own cheek* ("He grazed me!") Stain: *tosses his sword up* Todoroki: "!!!" ("Got to dodge--but--") Stain: *tongue out--* Todoroki: *blasts fire off his shoulder, arm, and leg* Stain: *leaps back* Todoroki: ("He depends on simultaneous attacks...") Iida: "Leave...This is my fight...I inherited my brother's name! I--" Todoroki: *slams ice down to form a wall, blocking Stain*"...'Inherited'? Yeah. I know that. But you, 'Ingenium,' never made those faces...Murderous. Violent. Vengeful. I thought my family had a dark side..." Iida: "Wh-What are you--" izuku:...*finger twitch* !! Todoroki: "Stop obsessing. I know it's not healthy when--" *CRASH* Todoroki: "!!!" Stain: "...Obstruction is rarely good enough. This is poor strategy--" Todoroki: *backs up, charges up his flames* -STAB STAB STAB- Todoroki: *clutching an arm, with three knives now in it* -VREEEEEEN- izuku: *he grabbed him by the scarf* Todoroki: "!!! How did you--" izuku: i think the paralysis has a time limit! native: but he was the last one to get hit, i still cant move. Stain: "..." ("Damn O...") *lands* Todoroki: "Get back, Izuku!" *sends ice at the floor* "Dodge it!" izuku: *dodge* !! Stain: *dodges* Todoroki: "How are you moving, Izuku?" izuku: i managed to break free, but i was the last hit. maybe there is a time limit? or some alternative reason? Todoroki: "Whatever it is, that makes you are best shot..." izuku: right. i'll get his attention while you take up the rear. Todoroki: "We have to delay him until Endeavor and the other Pros arrive. Dodge." izuku: right! Todoroki: "Remember, protect them..." izuku: *he nods* Stain: "Appreciate the plan to go two against one, boys..." Todoroki: "..." {Todoroki: "Mother...I want to know..."} {yuki: ??} {Todoroki: "To control this fire...what should I do?"} {yuki: ...use your flames to protect people. i believe in you...} -...- {ochako: why your dad's agency? after all that he-} {Todoroki: "To learn to control my flames..."} {ochako: ...is that the only reason?} {Todoroki: "...Regardless what he has done, he has the experience of someone long in this profession. There is something I can learn from him."} {ochako: .....} {Todoroki: "I don't like it. But I want to try, to move beyond this hate...I don't want it to consume me."} {ochako:...then you give it your all!} {Todoroki: "..." *nods*} Todoroki: (" 'My power is my own,' right? Then it's time I prove it--by saving Iida and the others first.") Iida: *watching...* "...Stop..." Stain: *on all fours--slicing at Izuku's ankle* izuku: GAH! Iida: "Please, don't...I can't take it..." Todoroki: " 'Can't'? ...THEN STAND UP AND FIGHT! Be the hero you want to become! Remember who you are!"
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
Tanabata Special BSD Ver
me and @soul-dwelling did a tanabata RP. enjoy
rain: *humming* Mori: "Oh, Rain..." rain: GYEH! s-sir! please don't startle me like that! Mori: "My apologies, but I have a request~" rain: I have legitimate reasons to feel highly concerned. Mori: "I swear, this request is on the level." rain: ... *sigh* I don't have much choice in the matter, do I? oh well, what is it? ~meanwhile~ naoya: tanabata festival, eh? sounds like a pretty fun time, haha! Gin: "What will you wear?" higuchi: well, kouyou did mention something about outfits being supplied. Gin: "...Supplied by _whom_?" higuchi:..........*Excalibur face* naoya: ah hell. Gin: "...Nope." higuchi: kouyou said she'd supply as well! Gin: *sighs* "Very well." -elsewhere- Lucy: "So what goes on at this thing?" atsushi: well, you take these slips of paper and write down your wish, then you tie it onto the tree. Lucy: "Huh. Any food?" atsushi: I think there should be food stands on the festival grounds. Kyouka: *pops up* "Let's do this." -meanwhile- Kunikida: "He refuses to join us." aya: aw. *pouts* boo. Katai: T~T "I don't want to leave my futon..." aya:... hey katai, didn't you say that lady with the long hair was gonna be there too? Katai: .\\\\. "...Wh-Who do you mean?" aya: miss yamato somethin'? Katai: "...I mean, yes, I guess..." aya: success! -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: “Amazing! I can feel the breeze against my nethers!” eckleburg: sir please. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *holds up a small potted plant* "Maybe I can bring this." mark: sounds good! I'm gonna do all the shooting games and win a shit ton of prizes! Oscar: ufufu, so energetic ^^ Steinbeck: "And I heard Lovecraft will stop by--" lovecraft: hello. ebie: hiya! -elsewhere- Dazai: "...Too shallow." kenji: were you going to go swimming in the canal? hehe, silly dazai, it's shin deep! Dazai: "I wanted to see whether drowning was possible." Kunikida: "GET OUT OF THAT WATER, BEFORE I KILL YOU!" Dazai: OWO "You promise?" ranpo: ...oi! hey poe family! yosano: nice outfits, very retro. Rowena: thank you. miss ao picked them out for us. Poe: *holding Karl--who is also in an outfit* -elsewhere- rain: sir, I just have one thing to ask... Mori: "And what's that?" rain: *in a rather skimpy kimono* WHY IS MINE THE MOST REVEALING?!?! Mori: "Because it was in your size and had a super design~" rain: I can barely cover myself! >~< Mori: "...I fail to see the problem." rain: YOU WOULD! DX< Akutagawa: "Could you stop yelling? It's hurting my head." Chuuya: .\\\\\\. hirotsu: so uncouth. Mori: D: "Why do you have to be so mean?" elise: it's cause you're a pervert, rintarou. Mori: TT~TT "So mean..." *curls up into a ball* elise: ...rintarooou, I want to play carnival games! Mori: *bounces back up* "Of course, Elise!" ^_^ naoya + hirotsu: he cheered up fast. higuchi:...wait, where are kajii and ayako- *FIREWORKS BOOM* higuchi: found them. Motojiro: *giggling* "Fire the next one!" ayako: FIRE IN THE HOLE! *BOOOM* -she accidently blew up a choco covered banana stand........................and one fell between rain's.....assets.- rain: WHY?! higuchi: ok that was on purpose! Chuuya: "..." *nosebleed, falls back* koyuou: D8> chuuya! rain: wah! mr nakahara I'm sorry! D8> -elsewhere- Lucy: *looking around* atsushi: see anything you want to do first? Lucy: "Want to do the goldfish game?" atsushi: sounds good! -on the hill- yana: remember, the boss told us to have fun. leo: just three of us? yana: lessens suspicion. Ivan: "Maybe the Master would like a souvenir~" yana: sure, knock yourselves out. leo: pushkin and katya aren't joining us then? yana: they said something about it being kupala night, so they were gonna have a bonfire. leo: I see. *sweatdrop* Ivan: "...Them. With fire?" yana: relax, Chekov's watching them. Lydia's watching them too. leo: that's....somewhat more comforting... Ivan: "Hm. Might as well start with food." yana: <sounds good> -elsewhere- Katai: ,~, Naomi: *hugging her stuffed elephant* hehe~ Tanizaki: ^^; kirako: ^^ Dazai: "Want one?" *holds up takoyaki* kirako: oh, thanks. *nom* Dazai: *smiles* "Pretty good outing..." kirako: ^^ atsushi: yeah. have you decided on what you want to write on your papers? Dazai: "Maybe...How many 'x's' in asphix--'" Kunikida: "No." Naomi: It should be obvious~ Tanizaki: "???" naomi: 7w7 atsushi: naomi no. naomi: TnT Lucy: *eyeroll, as she writes down her note* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Feel better?" rain: y-yeah. thank you, mr nakahara. Chuuya: ^\\\^ "Happy to help..." *looks at her* rain: it looks nice. pretty fancy, though. Chuuya: "Then it suits you." rain: eh? really? I-I don't normally wear really fancy things like this. .///.' Chuuya: *small smile* "You should. You take to them well." rain: ./////. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holding a sparkler* "...Yay." naoya: see? look at you, having fun! ^^ Akutagawa: "..." *small smile* "I'm just staring at fire, that's all." naoya: ....but you're still enjoying yourself, right? Akutagawa: "...Yes." naoya: see? ^^ *pats his back* Akutagawa: -\\\- "St-Stop..." -elsewhere- leo: *looking up at the moon* ... Ivan: "Nice view." leo: y-yes. Ivan: "Never get out much..." leo: .........*leans against his shoulder slightly* Ivan: "...??? ..." *pat pat* leo: .... .///////. Ivan: "Cold?" leo: um... w-well.... 7//////7;; Ivan: "How about some tea?" leo: is there a stand for that here? Hyde: "Fresh tea! We got it at our stand!" leo: ._.; that's....rather convenient. Hyde: "That's our motto, ma'am: 'Convenient!' So, what you want?" -elsewhere- rain: hmmm... *putting her paper up on the tree* [please let me have a little more confidence this year - Rain] Chuuya: *attaches his note* [Make my progress move more swiftly - Chuuya] rain: ^^ Chuuya: *smiles at her* Dazai: "My turn!" rain: O_O w-when did he- Dazai: *ties his* [Give me a beautiful end (with a gorgeous woman). -- Dazai] naoya: ..............who the fuck invited him here? Dazai: "I'M. EVERY. WHERE." atsushi: dazai please! you've had too much sake! Dazai: *giggles* "Maybe you haven't had enough--" atsushi: dazai no. Dazai: *pulls a bottle out of his kimono* "Drink-y's all around! Who's got the bowl..." *CHOP* Dazai: *collapsed on the floor* Chuuya: *holding his fist* "And stay down..." rain: ^^; atsushi: ._.; yosano: we'll take him from here. Dazai: X_X rain: ._.; -elsewhere- higuchi: there we go [please keep my sister safe - I.H.] [Protect Ryu. ~ gin] [please let rintarou stop being a creepy perv, also please bring Q home - elise <3] [Make Elise happy--maybe with a new dress~ - Mori] elise: ... Mori: *smiles* elise: *pouts* (thinking: rintarou you dummy, you don't get it at all!) Mori: "??? ...Are you hungry?" -elsewhere [I wish to be free from this curse - Leo] [May every one of Master's wishes be granted~ Ivan] yana: .... Ivan: "...You're going to get your wish?" yana:....heh, I dunno. what can someone like me even wish for? Ivan: "Maybe something small? Just not as small as Kat--" leo: please do not. Ivan: ^^; "In any case, just make dreams become reality. All you can do, right?" yana: I guess so. Ivan: "..." *slight nudge* "That's the spirit." yana: *small chuckle* well, in that case....*smirks* it's a secret~ Ivan: *nods, smiles* -elsewhere- Lucy: *nom nom nom* atsushi: how is it? Lucy: "Not too bad..." *picks off some of the cotton candy, offers it* atsushi: thanks. ^^ *nom* Lucy: ^^ "What else is there to try here? We could walk along the water..." atsushi: sounds great. kenji: kyouka, want to play some of the games? Kyouka: "Okay. What prizes are there?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *lights a sparkler* aya: hehe ^^ Katai: Q~Q *hides under kimono* ???: well well, aint this just a shocking scene. -it's the number's bomber- Katai: "Eep!" Kunikida: "!!!!" boy: relax, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm still on parole, remember? *points to the tracker bracelet* Kunikida: "...Better safe than sorry, as I'm sure you'd understand..." *holding his book* boy: yeah yeah, I hear....who's the munchkin?? aya: my name is aya! boy: cool. 'name's suuji. Kunikida: *stands in front of Aya* suuji: jeez, hostile much?....crap you're taller than I thought. .-.; Kunikida: *looks down* "Harm one hair on their heads, and I'll break you in two." suuji: alright, alright! I hear you, sheesh! i'm on parole, even if I use my ability once, the tracker will alert the cops and i'll get thrown back in jail. I don't want to go back, there, ok?! Kunikida: "..." Katai: Q_Q "...You like games, Suuji?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *collapsed* ranpo: should we take him home? Poe: "I don't know?" *pokes him with a stick* ???: *sigh* allow me. -a wild ango appears- Poe: ._. "..." *offers the stick* Dazai: "Zzz..." ango: he's just asleep.... *sigh* i'll drive him home then. Dazai: =w= *pats Ango's back* ango: =_.=; Dazai: *muttering* "Take me home..." ango: I'm doing that now. -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *blows bubbles* Naomi: hehe ^^ kirako: ^^ Tachihara: "Yo, pretty ladies! And weird guy." Naomi: oh god, this creep again. kirako: 7-7; Tachihara: "What you been up to? Enjoying the sights?" Tanizaki: "..." *rolling up a sleeve* Naomi: ....*grin* Tachihara: "See? That's the smile I'd like to see, pretty girl--" Tanizaki: *elbow dive* Tachihara: "-EEEEEE!" Naomi: rekt. Tachihara: "GET OFF OF ME--" Tanizaki: *slams his head face-first into the dirt* naomi:....*stares* ..... ouo Tachihara: *smacking his hand around, trying to push him off* Tanizaki: *sits on his back* naomi: O///u///O -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking up at the stars* rain: .....*small smile* Chuuya: *his hand bumps into hers* rain: !! o///o Chuuya: "!!!!" *pulls his hand back* >\\\\> rain: ... ./////. *squirms a bit* Chuuya: "...I'm sorry." rain: I-I-it's fine, really. Chuuya: "I'm just, not sure when to, you know..." rain: ?? Chuuya: "...Am I too forward?" rain: eh? I-I don't think so. w-with you, I feel a bit more at ease. Chuuya: "...Would you like to hold hands?" rain:...*holding his hand, lightly* *blushing* Chuuya: .\\\\. *slight squeeze* rain:...*tiny smile* ....*leans in closer* Chuuya: *gulps* *leans in* *The bushes rustle* rain: !!! *falls over* -squish~- Chuuya: O\\\\\\O Gin: "Oh, sorry. I was looking--" *sees* "..." rain: *she's right on top of chuuya* ./////////////////////////. higuchi:....*ahem* Gin: "..." *covers Higuchi's eyes* Chuuya: *muffled voice* rain: *sitting up......* o////////////////////////////////////////////o Chuuya: *holding his breath* .\\\\\\\. rain: .////////////////////////////////////////////////. um.... higuchi: weeee'll just leave you two be Gin: *pulls Higuchi away* "We're so sorry." Chuuya: "..." *soul escaping out of his mouth* rain:... >//////////////< I'm so sorry! Chuuya: "It-It's my fault, probably..." rain: y-you didn't do anything wrong, really! Chuuya: "I-I should've, I don't know, pulled back before I embarrassed you." >\\\\< rain: .....I just wish it could have been more private... Chuuya: "...Me, too." rain:.....*smooch* Chuuya: .\\\\. "..." =\\\\= *smooch* -elsewhere- ango: *driving dazai back to his place*......*sigh* -scarlet sky plays on the car's radio- ango: .....brings back memories, huh? you getting black out drunk, and we'd have to drive you back home. Dazai: *holding his head* "...I don't want to remember." T~T ango: ......odasaku would always give you a piggy back ride. I told him he was babying you, but he insisted... Dazai: *sniff* "He was attentive..." ango: yeah....he sure was. Dazai: "Oh, please--you know he was..." ango:....say, what did you make your wish for? Dazai: "..." *goofy smile* "A speedy end~" ango: *sigh* of course you did Dazai: "...and maybe for a good year for others..." ango: perhaps. Dazai: "What'd you wish for? New glasses?" ango: ...not really. I figured it'd be in my best interest not to wish for the impossible... Dazai: "...Then wish for the possible." ango:....perhaps. Dazai: "Like a new haircut..." ango: *small chuckle* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: ._. "...Quiet." twain: hmmn? whats up? Steinbeck: "I thought we'd find larger crowds..." Oscar: hmm? why is that, johnny boy? Steinbeck: "Festival. Fireworks. Food. Games. Just...Do we have the right address?" ebie: yeppers! Oscar: well it is getting later in the evening now. twain: yeah. *has a backpack full of prizes* Steinbeck: "Hmm...Someone cleaned up at the games." twain: heck yeah I did! sawyer: heck yeah we did! huck: -_-; Steinbeck: "What're you gonna do with it all?" twain: might keep some of it, might auction the rest on ebay. Steinbeck: "Well, do something good with the dollars." twain: got it! Steinbeck: "And where is Lovecraft?" lovecraft: *swimming along the canal* *monotone* wheeeee..... Steinbeck: "...Well, as long as he is happy." ^^ -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...Something is missing." naoya: eh? Akutagawa: "...Rashomon." *hands his wish to it* naoya: is it the weretiger? rashomon: ^u^ *tying the paper on* Akutagawa: "...I asked to get stronger. I leave it to the universe to determine how it wishes to define 'strength.'" naoya: ah. that makes sense. strength of body, strength of mind, strength of heart. Akutagawa: "Sound soul and all that..." naoya: yep. Akutagawa: "..." *sniff* naoya:....hey, you go find your little buddy, ok? Akutagawa: "...'Little buddy'?" naoya: the weretiger. what did you think I meant? Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. "R-Right...Thanks." *walks* naoya: hey, got to get all the gag bases covered for these things, right? haha! Akutagawa: *fast walking--turns a corner* -bump- Akutagawa: "!!!" Alcott: eep! Akutagawa: "Oh. Sorry." alcott: um.... *mumble mumble* Fitzgerald: "And just what are you doing to my assistant, there...?" *evil smiling aura* Akutagawa: .________. Fitzgerald: *pulls out $200* "This should be enough..." *tightens his fist* Akutagawa: "Nope." *Rashomon bounce* bram: what..was that...? Fitzgerald: "Comedy relief? I think I read that is common at these festivals." bram:.....I....see. *sweatdrop* alcott: best not to overthink it. you'll just hurt yourself. -elsewhere- Poe: *holds up Karl* Rowena: *snaps a pic* hehe, cute. ^^ lana: ^^ Poe: ^^ "Just a fun time..." -elsewhere- Lucy: *yawns* atsushi: the fireworks are about to start soon. Lucy: "Yeah, yeah, I'm up, I'm up..." *lean* atsushi: o////////////o *stiff tiger tail* Lucy: =w= "Should be some good fireworks tonight..." *pats his knee* atsushi: O///////////////////////////////////////////////O y-y-y-y-yeah. Lucy: *yawns* "What did you wish for...?" atsushi: its a secret. Lucy: *pouts* "Aw, don't you want to share?" atsushi: well...im not sure what I want to wish for. I could have some ideas, but I don't think they'd be very original. ^^; Lucy: "Like maybe world peace, finding your true love...?" atsushi: ... .///////. *gulp* Lucy: "No pressure, of course." *small smooch* atsushi: o////////////o *smoooooch* >///////////< Lucy: o\\\\o "..." *holds his hand* atsushi: ^////^ -elsewhere- Gin: "You okay?" higuchi: yeah, why wouldn't I be? Gin: "You just seem a little distracted." higuchi: do I? Gin: "Yes. Did you want to have somewhere less crowded?" higuchi: sure. -elsewhere- Mori: ^^ "So cute..." elise: *has a big ol stuffed bear* I will call him sir tibbers. Tachihara: "Yeah, real cute..." *has a black eye and a torn kimono* hirotsu: I'm not even shocked Tachihara: *spits* "Real funny, old man..." *adjusts his kimono* -elsewhere- Kunikida: -_-# suuji: not a bad shot, kiddo. aya: ^u^ Katai: "Quite good..." *aims* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sighs* rain: this is nice. Chuuya: *nods* "Yes..." *cradles her* rain: .... u/////u Chuuya: *smooch* rain: u//////u -elsewhere- Dazai: "Zzz..." ango:....*tucks him in*.....good night. *glances at the photo on his dresser. The one with them and oda* ........................... *exits* Dazai: "Zzzz..." =w= ango:.....*back in his car* .....I shouldn't wish for the impossible.... *looks at his paper and tears it up* [I wish things could go back to they way they were] Dazai: *turns...sniffs...* T_T -elsewhere, at the fireworks show- Akutagawa: *still walking* atsushi: =w=...... !!! Lucy: =w= *cuddles* Akutagawa: "... ... .... ..." *stare* atsushi: *sweats* Lucy: *spots him--* O____O Akutagawa: "..." *approaches--and lies down between them* "..." atsushi:.....um.....hi? Akutagawa: *intense stare* "Hello." atsushi: OuO;;;; Lucy: "...The heck are you doing?" Akutagawa: "You looked comfortable." *takes Atsushi's hand* atsushi: *sweats* Lucy: *fuming--reaches over Akutagawa to grab Atsushi's hand* Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. atsushi: o///o; erm.... Lucy: "Keep your hands off my boyfriend..." *growls* Akutagawa: -_-; *pushes Lucy away, cuddles next to Atsushi* atsushi: um...*gulps and double hug* IPANICKEDOKAY?! Lucy: o\\\\\o Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. "...What is this?" atsushi: I-I don't know, I just got nervous and panicked! >///~///<;;; Lucy: -\\\\-# "....So frustrating." Akutagawa: "..." *shifts so that each of them is on each side of Atsushi...cuddles* =\\\= atsushi: Y///w///Y; Lucy: *sighs* *hugs Atsushi* >\\\\\< Akutagawa: =\\\w\\\= -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "I think that's the last sparkler..." Oscar: *sigh* so fleeting... Steinbeck: "Could be worst. At least our group doesn't have some lunatic who brings a thousand rockets with him--" *BOOM* Steinbeck: o_o;;;; ebie: oooooh. was that a rocket? Motojiro: "A ROCKET?! Ha! That is merely a term the uneducated use for our glorious baby!" ayako: MEHEHEHEHEHEHE! Steinbeck: "...Don't stare at the crazies, Ebie..." ebie: ok. Oscar: oh dear. ^^; Motojiro: "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" -elsewhere- Mori: *yawns* kouyou: my my, exhausted already? Mori: "Just overwhelmed by the cuteness~" kouyou: is. that. so? ^^# Mori: *nods* "Elise looks so precious in her outfit with that new dollie..." elise:... =___=; we are not amused. Mori: "Cutey cutey cute..." kouyou: ugh. -elsewhere- Chuuya: =\\\w\\\= "...I think we should re-join the others?" rain: I-if you want...but you may have to clean off a bit... 7///7; Chuuya: "...!!!" *covers his chest with the kimono, wipes his face* "Is-Is it almost off?" rain: y-yeah. Chuuya: *rubs a bit more--stares at her* "..." .\\\. rain: .////. Chuuya: "..." *reaches for her kimono, adjusting it* rain: t-thanks... Chuuya: ^\\\^ "Can't have you showing off more than you need to...At least, not to anyone but me..." *smooch* rain: r-right... ^///////^; Chuuya: *holds her hand* rain: ^////^ Chuuya: "I...love you." rain: *blushing* I-I love you too. Chuuya: *smiles, walking with her* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Maybe we should be heading home?" Naomi: yeah. *yawns* kenji: zzzzzzzzzz Kyouka: *carrying Kenji* suuji: night. Katai: "Good night..." ^^; Kunikida: *growl* suuji:.....*walking back over to his parole officer* Katai: "..." *nudges* "I think you've been mean to him. Right, Aya?" aya: yeah, he looks kind of sad. Kunikida: "What would you have me do--invite him to tea?" aya: I dunno. Katai: ^^; "Maybe just...wish him a good night?" Kunikida: "..." *sighs* *calls to Suuji* "Good night." suuji:...t-thanks. Kunikida: "..." *nods* "And keep your nose clean." suuji:...*chuckle* will do. Kunikida: "..." *abruptly turns around* suuji:....if this is about her, I wouldn't blame you for being mad at me... Kunikida: "...'Mad' is an understatement." suuji: .....*sigh* I'm trying man. I really am... Kunikida: "...Let me know how that goes." suuji:....thanks. Kunikida: *nods* "You know where I am." suuji:.... -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." higuchi: *carrying him on her back* phew... hirotsu: *carrying naoya on his back* naoya: *passed out drunk* Gin: "Some celebration..." -elsewhere- Lucy: -_-# atsushi: Q_Q did I mess up? I'm really sorry. Q___Q Lucy: "...Why? What did you think that was going to do?" atsushi: I don't know. am I an idiot? Lucy: *sighs* "I don't think that at all...I think you want to please a lot of people..." *hug* atsushi: *sniffles* I-I guess.... Lucy: *strokes his back* "...You made me feel really good for a lot of tonight." atsushi: 7////7 Lucy: "...Could you...let me have you to myself? For a bit?" atsushi: sounds fair. Lucy: "Good." *pats his bottom* atsushi: .///. -elsewhere- Mori: "But I insist on giving you a ride--" rain: it's fine, really! Mori: "But how will I know you'll get home safel--" Chuuya: "Fine, if someone has to make sure she gets home, I'll escort her. Okay? Is that sufficient?" rain: *smiles* Mori: "..." *sighs* "Very well. Good night, Rain." rain: ... Mori: "Good night, Chuuya." Chuuya: *nods* "Sir." *opens his car's door for Rain* rain: *getting in* Chuuya: *once she is seated, closes the door for her* rain: thank you, mr nakahara. Chuuya: *smiles* "Of course." *walks to the driver's side, gets in* rain: *she seems calmer now* Chuuya: *starts the car, smiles at her*
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elliotthezubat · 6 years
WE DID IT! WE MADE IT TO TRIPLE DIGIT! *insert flailing Kermit here*
in this installment, we start the dead apple plot (finally), and shura stuff
once again, thanks to @soul-dwelling for taking part in this long ass story/series and for being super awesome
 Lewin: "Not a bad group of students--really organized. Wish I was that good at that age..."
shura: i guess. so how's your living situash?
Lewin: "Messy! It's, like, as soon as I clean things up, it gets gross again and I can't find stuff."
shura: ^^;
Lewin: "You training that Pheles kid?"
shura: yeah, and i heard bon and rin visited your office again?
Lewin: "Yep, Bon visited." *smiles* "...Wait...Huh. Which one is Rin?"
shura: the one with the tail and the koma sword?
Lewin: "..." *holds up the Koma Sword*
shura: D8 WHERE DID YOU-
*there's a piece of furniture bouncing in the hallway*
shura: ._. um....
Rin: *from inside the furniture* "LET ME OUT OF THIS CURSED THING!"
Lewin: "..." *hands the sword to Shura* "Huh. I forgot one thing...Whoopsie."
shura: *sweatdrop*
Kafka: .\\\\. *staring at the floor, in front of a table at a cafe, with two cups of coffee in front of him* "So..." *mutter mumble mutter*
etta: hmm~ OuO~?
Kafka: "..." *staring down* "...Those shoes look comfortable." ("...IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN SAY?!")
etta: hmm? oh yeah! i got the mail ordered the other day ^^
Kafka: "Ah...It's a good purchase. You always have excellent fashion sense."
etta: *giggle* why thank you, franzy~ ^^
Kafka: "..." *smiles* "Have you thought of any new performances?"
Konro: "So, we're supposed to watch this thug?"
kabuki: i suppose so...
Mantis: -_-; "I liked it better when it was the two girls..."
kabuki: hmm? did you say something? ^^
Mantis: -_-# "I said 'Get me something to drink before my benefactor stops by.'"
*a bus stops, and four girls get off*
Mai: *looking around* "..."
Lina: "Okay...Let's plan.”
mio-chan: *tapping her foot*
Lina: "We are seeking the target. She'll likely go where someone her age can fit in..."
mio-chan: so we check everywhere then!
miyako: *nod*
Lina: "Hang on, Mio! We can prioritize which locations to survey first--"
Mio-chan: but what if she gets away, huh?!
Lina: "She won't, okay?!"
Miyako: O~O "L-Let's not yell, okay?"
mio-chan: *grumbles*
mai: i cant blame her for being angry, after what that bitch did to futaba...
Lina: "I know--and we will stop her. Let's consider first: at this time of day, where would a girl like her go?"
mai: hmmm...
Miyako: "...Somewhere for after school activities? Like a mall or a park?"
mai: that would be a good place to look.
mio-chan: i'll try and find the parks, maybe a cafe too.
Miyako: "O-Okay..." O~O;
Meme: "And this is one of the classrooms..."
*NOTers are milling about*
fani: i see....
Saria: *waves at Mio, Meme, and Fani* "Hello!"
mio: hey um.....sweater girl?
Saria: ^^; "I'm Saria! And you're the weapon Mio?"
mio: yeah, that's me.
Saria: "Neat! I'm a weapon, too!" *looks at Fani, smiles*
fani: !!! 7-7
Meme: "We're giving our, um, visitor a tour!" ^^;
Saria: "Neat! Where are you from?"
fani:.... elsewhere...
Saria: *nods* "My family's from Oregon..."
fani:....that's nice.
Saria: ^^; "Yeah...So, are you touring before enrolling?"
fani: e-eh?! O_O
Meme: "We're...just giving her a tour." ^^;
Rin: *shaking, with scratch and bite marks all over him* Q~Q "D-Damn that dresser..."
kyouko: *patching him up*
Rin: *sniff* "Th-Thank you...I never want to see furniture ever again." *turns his head, looks at credenza* "..." Q______Q
kyouko: *sigh*....
Rin: "H-How has your day b-been?"
kyouko: same old...did you see yukio today?
Rin: *shakes his head* "Nah, he wasn't in class. Something about 'special training.'"
kyouko: ....
Rin: "I guess he'll be starving when he gets home."
Yukio: *standing on a balcony in an abandoned building, looking out at the city*
konekomaru: *working on something*
Shima: *leans...*
-seems to be a tutorial on how to program a smartphone app-
Shima: "That's looks confusing. What's it for?"
konekomaru: i'm trying to make an app to use photo recognition to identify demons and call up their death verses and weaknesses in battle, for those who arent as good at memorization. kind of like a pokedex.
Shima: "??? Can you give it a sexy woman's voice?"
konekomaru: -_-;;;
Bon: "Leave him alone, Shima..." *coming inside from the bathroom, rubbing his face with a towel* "It could be useful..."
konekomaru: ok-.....*double take* O_o ?!?!?!
Shima: "?! Stranger!" *knocks Bon in the head with his staff*
Bon: "OW! WHAT THE FUCK?!!!"
konekomaru: b-b-b-b-bon! y-y-yo-your hair!!!
Bon: -_-# "Yeah, I cut it and dyed it back..."
konekomaru: oh jeez....you startled us.... you even shaved the mustache...
Bon: "Yes, I did."
Shima: "...Good, 'cause you looked like a dirty old man--"
Paku: "??? Izumo? What's wrong?"
izumo: w-whaddaya mean?
Paku: "Well, suddenly you stood up straight, started sweating, and you're red. Do you have a fever?"
izumo: *voice crack* im just fine! im gonna shower good night!
Paku: "...Night? Watch the doors..."
mio-chan: *muttering*
tsukuyo: oh, hello.
mio-chan: who're you?
tsukasa: would you be interested in joining the wings of magius?
mio-chan: never heard of ya.
tsukuyo: we think you'd enjoy it.
mio-chan: i think i'll pass thanks, i have business to do anyway.
tsukasa: oh?
mio-chan: know anyone by the name 'sasa yuuki'?
tsukuyo:.....we may, what of it?
mio-chan: she killed one of my teammates, and we're here to take her out.
tsukuyo:.......i see.....*looks off behind her*
mio-chan: now if you excuse me, i'll just be going-
tsukuyo: we're afraid _you_ wont be going anywhere...
mio-chan: what do you mean by that?
???: "Hello~"
mio-chan: *freezes and looks behind her, eyes wide with fright*
Demongo: *griiiiiiiiiin*
mio-chan: !!!!! *opens her mouth to scream*
-one mio captured-
tsukasa: hmm, i suppose we'll just have to search for her friends then...
Justin: *looking at produce at a fruit stand*
komaki: *staaaaares*
miyuki: um.....why are we here? ^^;
komaki: he's the guy who was with those weird girls from yesterday.
Akira: *tapping something on her phone* "Um, why is he hanging out with girls? That seems...skeevy."
miyuki: you dont know that, maybe he could be one of _those_ kinds of guys? not that there's anything wrong with that, because there isnt...also i need new material for my fanfics-
komaki: guys! focus! he has info on why they're here, i know it!
Akira: -_-# *snaps a pic of Justin, pulls up an online search*
Justin: *looks up* *he's not wearing earbuds* "I can hear you."
komaki: OxO;;;
miyuki: EEP! >x<;;;
Akira: ._.;
Akira's phone: *DING*
Akira: *looks* "...Oh! He's a priest!"
miyuki: WE'RENOTSTALKERS!! >///<;;;
Justin: "...That is DWMA business."
komaki: DWMA, huh? oh yeah, i had my contracted officiated there.
Justin: ^^ "Then I'm surprised you don't get along better with Kirika. After all, you're all magical girls."
miyuki: oh, akira and i arent. ^^;;
Justin: "Oh? Sorry. I didn't mean to assume."
komaki: 7_7;
oriko: oh, there you are. ^^
Justin: *waves*
komaki:....?? (that blonde girl again.....)
oriko: ^^ hmm? oh, you're....um....
komaki: it's komaki.
oriko: right right. my name's oriko.
komaki: ?! wait, oriko? as in, oriko _mikuni_?!
Justin: "???"
Akira: "..." *taps DUN DUN DUN phone button*
oriko: i think that's right? i'm sorry, i've actually lost my memory, you see. but i've been getting better, little by little.
komaki:....is that why you're here? to remember?
oriko:....*she nods*
komaki:....i think i know where your house is...
Justin: "!!!"
oriko: really?
komaki: yeah...
oriko: oh that's wonderful!
Justin: "Which way?"
Akira: *pulling up a map on her phone*
Kanin: *waiting at the bus stop* "..."
amelia: *has a backpack* ......
Kanin: ^^ "Bringing plenty home for studying?"
amelia: mr barrett told me not to sleep in the school.
Kanin: "...Wait...You were...Oh, Amelia..."
amelia: as of right now, i'm pretty much homeless.
Kanin: "..." *shakes his head*
amelia: maybe i can sell the blanket and pillow and rent a hotel room for the night?
Kanin: "No! You can't do that! Not when...Not when..."
amelia: when i'm so young?
Kanin: "Not when...everyone deserves a home..."
{*there's a small wolf pup, shivering in bushes*}
{Pup: *shivers, tries to hide...*}
{Pup: *whimpering, small stomach growl*}
{???: *reaches out hand* it's alright, i wont harm you, little one...}
{-her voice seems like that of an old woman, but she sounds friendly enough-}
{Pup: "..." *sniffs*}
{???: *smiles*}
{Pup: "..." *lick*}
{???: *soft chuckle*}
{Pup: "..." *closes its eyes, lies down...and starts turning into--*}
{???: oh my...}
{*it's a baby, maybe 2 years old*}
{???: ....*picks him up* poor dear, are you alone?}
{Baby: "...M-Mama...gone..."}
{???: hmm....come along now, let's get you back home.}
{Baby: "??? Home?"}
{???: *she smiles* i'll look after you, child.}
{Baby: "..." *holds onto her*}
Kanin: "...You have a home."
Kanin: *pulls out his bus card and some dollar bills as the bus comes* "Come on. We're going home."
amelia: ?? we?
Kanin: *smiles* " 'We.'"
amelia:....*faint smile* ok....
Kanin: *smiles, leads her onto the bus*
jirou: *getting her room set up*
Jirou's Mother: "Hey, anything I'm missing for food and drinks?"
jirou: do we have popcorn?
Jirou's Mother: "Yeah--want it sweet or buttery?"
jirou: do we have movie theater popcorn?
Jirou's Mother: *nods* "On its way...How many you have visiting?"
jirou: just a few people, mostly the usual crew.
Jirou's Mother: "Mina?"
jirou: *nods and smiles*
Jirou' s mother: *smiles back* "Well, I'll get popping..."
*knock knock*
jirou: *goes to the door*
mina: we're heeeere!
momo: hello.
Kaminari: "Let's get things started!"
jirou: sweet ^^
Lina: *looking around* "..."
mai: see anything yet?
Lina: "No...Where is Mio?"
mai: ..... ????
tsukasa: good afternoon, girls. ^^
Lina: "..." *stares*
tsukuyo: so you're magical girls as well, yes?
Lina: "!!!"
tsukasa: have you heard of the wings of magius? they can grant you protection without the need of the DWMA.
mai: *aims her weapon at them* lina, i dont trust these two, they seem suspicious.
Death the Kid: Lina: *frowns, shaking her head slightly* "We have no business with you--go away."
tsukuyo: is that so?.....that's quite a shame.....maybe _this_ will convince you? *snaps fingers*
Demongo: *smiles*
mai: !!????! what the hell?!
Miyako: "M-Mio..."
mio-chan: ........*lunges at them*
Miyako: "?!!!" *blocks* "Mio, stop!"
Lina: "What did you do to our friend?!"
tsukuyo: oh, she's relatively fine. how about we offer you a deal; if you join the wings of magius, we'll release your friend back to normal.
Lina: "..." *takes her baton, shoves it at Tsukuyo*
tsukuyo: !!!
Lina: *electric blast*
tsukuyo: *screams*
tsukasa: TSUKUYO!! *playing her flute, causing music notes to manifest and attack lina*
Lina: *swings her baton, knocking as many away as she can*
tsukasa: *charges, attacking*
Lina: *blocks, taps it against Tsukasa's arm, trying to get away*
tsukasa: hn?
Lina: "Free our friend. NOW!"
tsukasa: if you want her free, then why not join the magius, as we asked of you?
Lina: "Not happening." *swings--a light shines around her, though...*
tsukasa: (her soul gem looks cloudy....and not the normal kind either.....is she perhaps....?)
kirika: .....
Komaki: "...So, what's this all to you, really?"
kirika: a way to help oriko regain her memories....
Komaki: "...That's a pretty close relationship..."
kirika: well, she's kind of my sister....*sigh* guess im gonna have to tell the story again, huh? well here goes. when i was really young, i didnt live with the best of families. my birth mother died giving birth to me, and my birth father was an abusive bastard. i was hit, yelled at, had my things destroyed again and again. i often found myself running away and hiding out in the subways. it was during one of those incidents that i met oriko. she got me some food and we kind of became friends after that. this kept up until i was about 8 or 9. my dad ended up dying in a car accident, and oriko's family took me in.
oriko:.....i think....i kind of remember that....
Komaki: "...Oh."
yuma: ....*pats kirika's shoulder*
kirika: i'm not asking for sympathy here =3= just stating the facts.
yuma: i know, but i can relate. *lifts up her bangs, revealing faded cigarette burns on her forehead* my mother used to abuse me a lot too.
Komaki: "?!!!"
yuma: when i was around 9, a kishin egg killed her and my dad, and i thought i would die too, but mr mifune saved me.
Komaki: (" 'Mifune'...")
yuma: he brought me to child services to locate my grandparents, but by then, they were too old and sickly to look after me, so mifune decided to take me in and i've been living with him ever since.
Komaki: "...Oh..."
kirika:....here it is....
-before them is an abandoned house-
oriko: .....
Lina: *swings*
tsukasa: *dodging* (it's darkening faster and faster....if she really becomes a wraith now, it'll be a problem....)
Lina: "You did this, you did this, YOU DID THIS!" *swing, swing, swing*
tsukasa: (looks like i dont have much choice..... *pulls a small orb from her pocket and smacks lina with it*
Lina: *chokes on her own breath, falling back* "Wh-Wha--"
-some kind of creature has now appeared before lina-
Lina: *fearful* "Wh-Wh..."
mai: ?!?!?! what the hell is that thing?!
tsukasa: *smiles* that, is the power of doppel.
Lina: *shudders* "St-Stop this. Stop this! I didn't--"
tsukasa: oh, this isnt a bad thing. it was either this or become a wraith, miss illegal contractor~
mai: ??!!!! what?! lina is this true?!
Lina: *silent...tears falling*
tsukasa: the power of doppel allows magical girls to weaponize their 'other self', their despair, their wraith
Lina: ...I just...wanted to spare her..."
mai: ??
Lina: "My mother...I didn't want her to remember...my sister Mana's death..."
Lina: "So...I'm this now." *smiles sadly, shivering* "It's not my fault...I did it for Mom...For Mana..."
tsukuyo: if tsukasa didnt use that orb on you, you would have become a wraith. that's the ultimate fate of illegal contractors......but it doesnt have to be.
Lina: "...What do you want..."
tsukuyo: the wings of magius can save illegal contractors and give this power to all magical girls. so, what do you say?
Lina: "..." *shaking* "It's not up to me..." *looks at the others*
mai:.....*looks at miyako*
Miyako: "...Will you release Mio?"
tsukuyo: as per our agreement, yes.
Miyako: "...Okay."
mai:....very well then....
Lina: *nods*
tsukuyo: i see. demongo, if you would please...
Demongo: *sigh* "Very well..." *takes the skull--and crushes it in his hand*
Miyako: "!!! Mio! Mio, calm down!!"
mai: she's fine!.....i think....
mio-chan: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh...... huh? wha? what happened? *looking around* guys?
Miyako: "..." *hugs Mio*
mio-chan: O//O; m-miyako! jeez, i just had the freakiest nightmare of a shadow monster or something...
Demongo: *waves* "Hi~"
mio-chan:.......welp, goodnight. *faints, frothing at the mouth*
tsukasa:.......she's gonna be fine.......maybe......
Miyako: *holding her* O_O;
Demongo: .w.;
Lina: *frowns*
Spirit: "Eat up!"
Asher: "..." *picks at the food*
izumi: *noms* ... ?? you ok?
Asher: "...Yeah. Sorry. It's good." *nom* *looking out the window*
cassidy: thank you for inviting us over.
sachiko: oh, it's no trouble. ^^
Spirit: "The more, the merrier! Need a refill?"
Justin: *watches*
oriko: *looking around* ...... out in the garden....my mother planted such lovely roses...and there was a kennel where father raised rescued greyhounds.....
Justin: "..."
-the rooms of the mansion are dark and covered in a layer of dust and cobwebs....one room, the sitting room, has furniture knocked over-
oriko: and this is where-.....*she starts shaking* the....the yakuza.....
kirika: *fist tightening*
Justin: *sympathetic look, focused on Oriko*
oriko: they....they killed them....and....my head......ah....*she collapses to her knees, everything flashing before her before she breaks down screaming*
kirika: *hugs her*
Justin: "!!!" *hugs her as well*
kirika: im sorry....im sorry....im sorry.....
oriko: *sobbing*
Justin: "..."
kirika: i thought you died too.....and all i did was fucking run away.... please....please forgive me....
oriko: i-it's ok...im not mad at you....
Justin: "...Let's get you a seat..."
yuma: .......
Justin: *holds her hand*
oriko: .....*sniff*
Justin: *offers a tissue*
oriko: t-thank you....
Komaki: "..." *holding her axe*
???: ......so you've come back here after all this time, huh, mikuni?
oriko: !!?? a-aki?
Justin: " 'Aki'?"
oriko: she's the daughter of the yakuza group....
kirika:....*magical girl mode and lunges at aki* you BITCH!!!
aki: !!! *blocking*
Komaki: "Hey! Cut that out!"
aki: please, let me explain-
kirika: what the hell do _you_ have to explain?! because of your actions, you ruined our lives, our family, EVERYTHING! and for what? your own selfish gain!
aki: i understand that you're angry, but i had my reasons, and i can see how you may think im selfish, it was for my family's sake.
Komaki: *grabs Kirika* "Okay. How about you let her talk first?"
kirika: after what she did?! it's because of her that oriko's parents are dead, and that she even went into that coma in the first place!!
Justin: "Kirika, please, this isn't--"
aki: ...maybe if oriko's father didnt embezzle yakuza funds, this could have been avoided.....but i suppose you're right....i only wanted to punish hisaomi mikuni for his actions.....i never thought that oriko would get hurt as well....
kirika: WHY WOULD _YOU_ CARE?!
aki: oriko is....or was....my friend, and my classmate....after she was confirmed comatose, i felt so much guilt for what happened, and i just....i could barely live with myself....
kirika: oh dont go thinking you can go acting all innocent just to get off the damn hook!!
Komaki: "Will you shut up?!"
aki: do you even know _how_ she got out of her coma?!
kirika: ??? what are you trying to say?
aki:....it's the reason i made my wish to become a puella magi. i used my wish to give her a second chance at life. she awoke, but her mind was completely wiped, she couldnt even speak.....i left her in death city to protect her from her uncle.
Komaki: "..."
kirika: *brandishing claws* i'm going to fucking cut you into ribbons and make you feel every bit of pain we felt!
Komaki: *wrap her arms around Kirika*
kirika: h-HEY!! LET GO OF ME!!
kirika: HEY!!
*a bubble encases Kirika, floating up and attaching her to the ceiling*
aki:....i understand she's angry....i would be too in her position.....*hands komaki a small orb...the same kind the amanes had* give this to her later... *turns to leave*
oriko: aki, wait!
aki: .....
oriko: your actions were unfair to us....my parents are dead, i was left in a coma, and then i woke up unable to remember anything, and kirika was left alone....but despite all of that.... *tearful smile* i forgive you.
kirika: ???
aki:........i see......*flees*
Komaki: *sighs*
kirika: .......
yuma: um...miss komaki?
Komaki: "What."
yuma: i-i think you can let miss kirika go now.
Komaki: "...Oka--"
Justin: "On floor level."
Komaki: -_-# *slowly lowers her and releases the bubble*
kirika:.....i dont get it....
oriko: kirika-
kirika: how the hell can you just forgive her like that?! after everything she did?!
oriko:...i know you're angry with my decision, but i think it's better to forgive them if they cant forgive themselves.
kirika: w-what kind of logic is that?! y-you can be real frustrating, y-you know?! *sniffle* i was seriously so....i-i...i....*sniff, hic* *sobbing* YOU STUPID JERK! I-I WAS SO SCARED AND ALONE! *crying*
oriko: *hugs her* shh, it's ok...you can cry if you need to.....
Komaki: "..."
Justin: "..."
kirika: *hic* *awkward chuckle* look at us, faces all covered in tears and snot...hehe...so gross, huh?
oriko: ^^;
yuma: *offers tissues*
Justin: *small smile*
Komaki: >_>;
kirika: so...you really remember everything now?
oriko: *she nods*
Justin: *smiles, holding his hands together*
kirika: well....guess we can go home now....
oriko: *nods* we should probably get back to the hotel, it's getting late.
kirika: oh shit seriously?!
Komaki: "Gee, fun..." >_>;
kirika: you should probably run home so i dont have to use your phone to call your mom to pick you up again—
Komaki: *GLARE*
kirika:.... >->; shit.
Komaki: "Next time you act up like that, I'm knocking some sense into you..."
kirika: how old even are you?!
kirika: you didnt answer the question.
Komaki: >_>; "...15."
kirika: that makes me 4 years your senior.
Komaki: "...Jeez, you're hardly that much more mature--"
kirika: uuugh, you sound just like my brother, he's a major hardass like you. maybe you could be friends?
oriko: ^^;
Komaki: -_-# "How many siblings do you have?"
kirika: well, from my birth family, none, from oriko's family, just oriko, and from my current family, two older brothers and a baby sister.
Komaki: "...Then you better take care of them."
Yukio: *takes a deep breath* "...” *staring out at the city* "..." ("...I'm scared...but not as scared as before, when...Is it true that I'm a demon, too? ...I need to know...") *stands on the edge over the banister*
-looks like a long drop down...-
Yukio: ("...Either I'll die...or it'll happen again. Either way...This ends. I must...") *takes a step forward...* *leaps to his fall*
Yukio: *looks to be unconscious*
*flames start to go out, as Yukio lies on the cement*
Yukio: *groans...* *looks up...it's fuzzy without his glasses, which fell off and cracked*
*he sees the last of the flames*
Yukio: "!!! No!" *slams down a fist*
-his phone rings-
Yukio: "..." *answers* "Hello."
kyouko: yeah, where the heck are you?!
Yukio: "...Running an experiment at the lab."
kyouko: well, at least call us if you're going to be working late, it's just common courtesy!
Yukio: "I'm sorry!"
kyouko: *sigh* just....we worry about you...
Yukio: "...Okay. I'm leaving now."
kyouko: get home safe.
Yukio: *grabs his broken glasses* "I will. Thank you."
amelia: ....
Kanin: *opens the door, revealing a small living room with a couch and a credenza...and a blanket in the corner*
amelia: it's nice....
Kanin: ^^; "I know it's kind of small..." *hangs his keys on a hook next to the door*
*the credenza has photo frame, trophies, and framed certificates*
amelia: *examining*
*they look to be a mix of participation trophies, 1st place awards, and other prizes for spelling bees, basketball, honor roll, science fair...the photos show an older woman with Kanin as a child in both human and wolf form*
Kanin: "...You can take the bed. Let me just change the sheets..." *opens a closet, pulls out sheets and a blanket*
amelia: *sits on the couch with her backpack next to her*
Kanin: *making the bed, calls out from the bedroom* "Need the bathroom? There's new towels, soap, shampoo..."
amelia: where should i unpack?
Kanin: "Um...I guess the bedroom? The bottom drawer is empty."
amelia: ok then.
Kanin: "After that, I can heat up some dinner..."
amelia: ok.
Kanin: *finishes making the bed, walks to the kitchen* "Eggplant?"
amelia: ._.; eggplant?
Kanin: "Eggplant. I could grill it, serve it with some rice..."
Kanin: *smiles* "What do you like to eat?"
amelia: chicken salad.
Kanin: ^^; "I'm afraid I don't have chicken...I could make veggie-chicken salad?"
amelia:...i guess.
Walter: "...He's just been sitting there are an hour."
Tachihara: "Weird..."
higuchi: ?? what's up?
Kafka: *frozen in one spot with a dumb smile on his face*
higuchi: is....is he ok?
Gin: "He may be comatose. We should check..." *pulls out a needle weapon--*
pushkin: *sneaks up.....blows airhorn*
Walter: *covering his ears* >~<
Tachihara: "SHIT!"
Gin: "!"
higuchi: AGH!
Kafka: O_o *collapses, scurrying under the couch*
pushkin: job's done! ^^
Walter: "Hey, he's back to normal!" ^^
shiemi: *humming and watering plants*
Shiemi's Mother: "All set to watch the shop?"
shiemi: *nods*
Shiemi's Mother: *looks at the books* "..."
shiemi: ?? is something up?
Shiemi's Mother: "Shiemi...You aren't really going through with this exam, are you?"
shiemi: eh?
Shiemi's Mother: "It's just...so dangerous..."
shiemi: ....
unagi: .....so, this mission....
Rin: "Just stick with me--I'm an expert at this kind of stuff!"
unagi: *nods* ok.
Rin: "Just something nice and easy to get you started...No plant monsters or something."
kawanaka: ah, so you're the support exwires, eh? nice to meet you
Rin: "..." *staaaaaaaaaaare*
kawanaka: um....c-can i help you?
Rin: *holds up a finger to say 'wait’, as he dials a number on his phone* "...Yo, Old Man? I found your clone!"
Fujimoto: *shouting into the phone* "WAIT, WHAT?!"
kawanaka: um... ._.;;;
Rin: "Yeah, some young guy, called Kawanaka--"
Fujimoto: "..." *nervous laugh* "N-No, just a new exorcist..."
kawanaka: ._.;
unagi: um.....
kawanaka: aaaanyway, there's a house infested with coal tars that needs to be cleaned out.
Rin: "??? Why would the person want to keep something that infested?"
kawanaka: fan of old houses i guess....
Rin: *looks up the street* "...Is that house leaning to the right?"
unagi: ._.;;;
kawanaka: i'd love to stay and help, but duty calls elsewhere, good luck!
Rin: "Huh?! What, they overworking you this much?!"
unagi: ....mr okumura....
Rin: "??? Yeah?"
unagi: i know im not very experienced or strong but... i'll do my best!
Rin: "..." *smiles widely* "That's the spirit!" *holds out his fist*
kirika: *yaaaawn*....*sniffs* ??!!??! *steps out of the room* O^O
oriko: *making pancakes* good morning. ^^
Justin: *waves* "Sleep well?"
kirika: tired as hell, but are those pancakes?! like, the type your mom made?!
oriko: yes. justin and i decided to look around the mansion for anything i wanted, and i found mother's old recipe book. ^^ i'll probably transfer the recipes to a new book when we get back to death city.
kirika: *nom*.... QwQ
Justin: ^^ "Good, yes?"
kirika: some of the best pancakes ever.
Justin: "Oh, good."
yuma: so i guess we're going back home today?
Justin: "As soon as we finish packing."
stocking: *knocks on shura's door* miss shura? i'm here!....
*no answer at the door*
stocking: *knocks louder* miss shura??
*still no answer*
stocking: hmm..... *dials shura's house phone*
*the phone inside is ringing*
stocking: ......
*no other sounds from inside...*
stocking: hmm.... *flies to the other side of the building, where her balcony is* *tries the door*
*it opens*
stocking: *looking around* shura?? you home? it's just me, stocking! sorry for intruding like this!
stocking:....*looking around the rooms* hmmm.....
*looks like something on her printer*
stocking: ?? *examining it*
*it's a plane ticket reservation--destination: Aomori Airport, Japan*
stocking: .....*calling mephisto*
Mephisto: *answers* "Hello, sweetie~"
stocking: hey dad, say, did shura mention anything about going on a trip?                  
Mephisto: "??? No...."
-she explains what she found-
Mephisto: "Well, we can't have that--she didn't even put in for time off!"
stocking: i just hope that she's ok...
Mephisto: "Come back to the school, and let's go over the next steps..."
stocking: right, i'll be right over!
Kanin: *curled up--in wolf form--on the blanket in the living room corner*
amelia: *staring up at the bedroom ceiling*....
Kanin: *dog yawn* *smacks his lips, looks around* "..." *closes back his eyes, reverting to human form...stretches, pulls on a shirt he took off in the night*
amelia: ......*looking at the picture she put on the nightstand; of a younger amelia and a woman, presumably her mother.*
Kanin: *walks into the kitchen, takes out cereal bowls*
amelia:.....*getting changed*
Kanin: *pours some cereal and almond milk, then pours some glasses of orange juice*
amelia: good morning…
Kanin: "Morning! Sleep okay?"
amelia: it was nice.
Kanin: "That's good! I hope cereal's alright."
Chuuya: "Need any help?"
sonia: will you brush my hair, papa?
Chuuya: "Happy to!" *takes the brush* "Have a seat."
sonia: *sitting down*
Chuuya: *carefully brushes* "Excited for today?"
sonia: i guess. is anything happening?
Chuuya: "I heard Kajii mention a new experiment..."
sonia: i see.
Chuuya: "...Did you want to do something special after school?"
sonia: i dont know...
Chuuya: "We could take a walk..."
Chuuya: *sad smile, as he continues brushing*
fani: ......
Lord Death: "So we will be dropping security on you."
fani: ..........
Lord Death: "You'll remain in the overnight room...Anything you want added? Maybe a stereo?"
fani: .......some blankets would be nice.
Lord Death: "Can do! I have some here--" *reaches into his sleeve--pulling out a pink unicorn blanket*
fani: ...............
Meme: ._.; "Um, sir? Maybe Fani also would like some activities to keep her busy?"
Lord Death: "Oh?"
fani: like what?
Meme: "Maybe...classes or clubs?"
fani: you mean...enrolling me as a student?
Meme: *nods*
Lord Death: "Well...Give it some time! Maybe a walk around town would help."
fani:.....do you really trust me? for all _you_ know i could try and break lady liluye out.....
Lord Death: "Yep, you could!"
Meme: -_-; *behind Fani, doing a 'cut it out' gesture at her own neck*
fani: do you have proof that i wouldnt?
Lord Death: "Nope! But in times like these, I go with my gut."
Lord Death: "So, care to see one of our many parks?"
fani: ..........
Meme: "...Fani? I trust you..."
fani:.... 7_7
Lord Death: ^w^ "Yay! Now, you go out, you two..."
fani: .......
mio: um...hi fani?
Meme: ^^; "It's...a start..."
Tsukiyo: *standing guard* -^- "I totally got this..."
fang-hua: .....
Mantis: -_-;;;
Tsukiyo: "..." *small giggle*
fang-hua: ... someone's coming...
Tsukiyo: "R-Really--ha ha ha!" *doubled over, laughing*
Mantis: ._.;
*a sound of a match being struck*
fang-hua: .... *protective stance*
Joker: *somehow inside Mantis's cell* *puffs*
Tsukiyo: *giggling* "He-He got around me! I'm so disapp--HA HA HA!" TwT
fang-hua: tsukiyo? tsukiyo?! are you alright?!
Joker: "Not a problem--it's just what I'm smoking. Sorry for the secondhand..."
Tsukiyo: *shaking with laughter, growing quieter as she passes out...sleep giggling*
fang-hua: !!!!! *covers her mouth and nose*
Joker: "It tends to work on only certain fire people--otherwise Mantis here would be inconsolable."
Mantis: "...I don't know what that means."
fang-hua: ....what do you want?
Joker: "Could you ask Commander Benimaru to meet with us? We'll stay here to keep an eye on your comrade."
True Cross Tech: "If Shura didn't want to be found, she didn't do a good job: her phone's GPS was still on..."
Mephisto: "Hmm..."
seiya: what do we do now?
Mephisto: "What else--track her down."
stocking: .....i volunteer.
Mephisto: *claps* "Wunderbar! My assistant will get your flight booked..."
Amaimon: *hunting-and-pecking on a computer keyboard* "...Wait, I misspelled..."
stocking: *sweatdrop*
Mephisto: "Oh, and assemble a team for backup."
stocking: right.
Rin: *looks a bit worse for wear* ^^;
madoka: sounds like you've had a rough morning! but i'm glad you're alright.
shiemi: *patching him up* ^^;
Rin: "Heh--same! OWIE!"
unagi: im sorry i wasnt much help, mr okumura...
Rin: "??? What're you talking about? If you weren't there, I'd be more injured!"
unagi: .....i could barely lift the tanks myself...and i didnt know what to do....
Rin: "...Hey. Remember when I called the old man earlier?"
unagi: ??
Rin: "That's my dad--and he got injured protecting me."
unagi: !!!!!
madoka:.... *holding rin's hand*
Rin: *small squeeze* "He's...pretty messed up now. Not as fast, not as strong...And I don't want to let other people get hurt trying to protect me." *smiles at Unagi* "So, I think, 'I got to protect others'--because I never want to do that to someone else ever again!" *smiles*
unagi: ......mr okumura?......do you think i made the right choice? becoming an exorcist?
Rin: "..." *shrug* "Beats me. But it's worth trying to see if it works for you, right?"
shiemi: ......
unagi: i guess......but i think the reason i came here was.....because i wanted to be with you and the others again. you were all...my first friends.
Rin: "..." QwQ "D'aw! That's nice! ...But if that's the case, maybe think of your training as something to do to _protect_ friends?"
unagi: ....i guess so?
Rin: ^w^ "Okay, friend! I think you'll be a great exorcist!"
mai: so we're going to kamihama city?
tsukasa: that's right! we have a friend who will get you a place to stay~ ^^
tsukuyo: indeed. she got us our home and takes care of any expenses for us.
mio-chan: lucky you. =_=
Demongo: "What about sus-sus-sustenance?"
mio-chan:... Q_Q *hiding behind lina*
Lina: *her eyes look dead and unfocused* "..."
Miyako: "...This is not what I thought..."
tsukuyo: it'll all work out for the better, in due time.
tsukasa: in due time~! ^^
???: excuse me. you're part of the 'wings of magius' right?
Lina: "..."
tsukasa: why do you ask?
girl: *stands at attention* my name is chihana masumi! my friend, hikari ayano, was murdered by an individual known as 'the ripper', i'll be glad to join your cause if you help me find them!
Miyako: "??? Um...I mean..."
tsukuyo:....very well, we'll have the magius look into it.
Lina: (" 'The Magius'?")
-a girl with silver hair stares out over the city, before silently returning to the shadows-
Justin: *carrying down luggage*
kirika: so, you came to see us off, eh?
Komaki: -_-; "More like make sure you don't make trouble on your way out..."
kirika: *glare*
Justin: ^^; "How nice!" *hands luggage to Komaki* "You can help us load the vehicle*
Komaki: *buckles under the weight* O~O
yuma: ^^;
kirika: *sneer*
Komaki: *muttering*
Erika: "Excited to go home?"
kirika: i guess. feels so surreal, these past few days...
Komaki: *groans, dropping the luggage into the van* "What, your home not exciting enough?"
kirika: its not that, we live in death-freaking-city for crying out loud.
Komaki: -_-# "Surprised you can handle it on your own..."
kirika: >XP
Komaki: "..." *snatches Kirika's phone*
kirika: HEY! D8<
Komaki: *texts something on it to her phone* "Bam. Now you got my number." *tosses the phone back to Kirika*
kirika: ....why?
Komaki: >_>; "Given how I saw you handle things, you'd probably need help from a more capable magical girl..."
kirika: why yes, because i totally need help from a jr high school student.
Komaki: "Yes. Yes, you do."
oriko: oh right, you attend shirome academy, right?
Komaki: *ignoring Kirika* "Yeah, my sister starts there in the fall."
oriko: i was a student there a long time ago... *sad sigh*
kirika: ....
Komaki: "..." *nods* "It's...a good school."
Erika: *looking at Kirika* "..."
kirika: yeah, i lost an eye. the patch aint just for aesthetic...i mean, it _fits_ the aesthetic, but....you guys wanna see it?
Komaki: ._.; "WHY WOULD WE WANT--"
Erika: "I-I'm sorry--I didn't mean to stare..."
kirika: nah, it's all good. erika, im gonna warn you, its kinda freaky.
Erika: "O-Oh?"
kirika: *lifts up eyepatch, revealing the empty socket*
Erika: "...Oh..."
Komaki: "..."
kirika: it doesnt really hurt anymore. hell i hardly feel anything, but it freaks kid out a lot. kid's the name of my brother btw. but it freaks him out for way more skewered reasons.
Komaki: "What other reason would he need? It's freaky enough you're up for sharing this."
kirika: two things; one, he's a symmetry obsessed weirdo. and two, i've developed a numbness to fucked up shit like this over the years.
oriko: kirika....
Erika: "I'm so sorry."
kirika: hey, it's fine.
Komaki: >_>;;;
yuma: we should probably head back now.
kirika: right right... *hugs erika* you take care of yourself, ok?
Erika: .\\\\. "O-Okay?"
Komaki: "!!!"
kirika: and erika, you're a good person, ok? you've made mistakes, but you just got to pick yourself up and keep going. *thumbs up*
Erika: "O-Okay..." ^^
Asher: "Yo."
izumi: morning!
Asher: *sits* *looks at the front of the class* "...Why are there extra chairs down there at the podium?"
hibiki: i guess we're starting the mentorship program.
Zeke: "Sweet!"
Kanin: *walks into the classroom with Amelia*
amelia: good morning.
Duncan: "Oh, aren't you two chummy."
Kanin: "..." *sits next to Amelia*
genny: .....
Sid: *enters with other students, staff, and some non-DWMA members*
lukas: *whispers* who are those other people?
Saria: *whispers* "I don't know...I think that one's a Death Scythe...Not sure about the tall one..."
Black Star: *chatting with Soul and Kilik* "So, kids doing alright?"
Kanin: "..." *sniffs* "...!"
soul: yeah, they're doing good.
kilik: maybe one day i could bring fire and thunder over for a play date?
soul: im sure they'd like that. ^^
Black Star: "Probably better behaved than mine..."
Free: *arms folded, looking around--looking silly sitting in such a small chair*
soul: speaking of, arent those three some of yours?
naho: *in the student crowd, waving* ^^
lilac: ._.;;
Kazue: *suddenly in-between Axel and Zeke* *sign* <Hello.>
Sakuya: "..."
Black Star: ^^; *waves back*
genny: l-lots of people... ._.;;;;
Tezca: *sitting next to Free with Enrique* "So, when do we get paid for this?"
kirara: -_-;
esther: my my, quite a lot of students who signed up for this course. ^^
Patty: "Hello, fresh meat!" *waves* "Who's ready to learn about combat, mayhem, and bloodshed?!"
lukas: ._.;;;
genny: b-b-bloodshed?!
Zeke: *shiny eyes* "Those are the Thompsons, and that's Tezca Tlipoca, and that's--"
axel: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosfhjkalfjlnjk
hibiki: *chop* boys, chill.
Zeke: XwX
Sid: "Okay, let me introduce you to your mentors..."
Tezca: *waves* "Tezca Tlipoca, Death Scythe, awesomeness."
nygus: settle down you two.
Black Star: =_=#
Tezca: "You're lucky I didn't have Enrique throw something at you."
Free: *waves* "Free."
soul: nah, that's his name.
Free: *grunts*
Patty: "I'm Patty! And this is my big sis!"
liz: liz evans, pleased to meet you.
Sakuya: *looks at Kirara and Esther*
kirara: my name is Kirara Zukimura, and this is Esther Mortes.
esther: a pleasure to meet you all, dears ^^
kilik: kilik lunge, and these are thunder and fire.
fire: hel-
thunder: -lo....
Kanin: OwO;
naho: SO CUUUUTE! >w<
Duncan: "Tch. I'm cuter."
lei-lei: *PUNCHES DUNCAN IN THE FACE, not even looking at him*
Duncan: *down* X____X
Asher: *whispers to Izumi* "The Soul guy again..."
soul: .....*awkward wave to izumi*
izumi:... *awkward wave back*
Asher: "..."
Sid: *passes out sheets* "Here are your assigned mentors and groups..."
naho: owo oh genny! we're in a group together!
genny: yaaay. [#3 of things that give genny a heart attack; the concept of working in groups]
Black Star: *stares at his sheet* "..." *folds it up* "...CHANGE!!!"
Sid: -_-# "It's final."
Kazue: <I don't judge, especially when there's so little _to_ judge.>
Black Star: *ANGRISH*
tsubaki: ^^;
Kanin: *looking nervous at the names on his sheet* "..."
amelia: are you alright?
Kanin: "It's...just surprising."
Free: *looking silently at his own sheet* "..."
amelia: oh, seems im with kazue.
Kazue: <Hello.>
amelia: *nods*
Zeke: *vibrating happily*
axel: OwO
hibiki: mind my partners, they're a bit excited.
kilik: i can tell. ^^;
lei-lei: hey genny! genny! im on your team too!
genny: swell. .w.;;;
Saria: OwO;;;;;; "...H-How does he function with that in his head?"
lukas: that....looks painful....
Stein: "You get used to it."
Tezca: "We begin with a group hug!" *holds out his arms--and hugs only Enrique*
genny + naho + lei-lei + kirara: *sweatdrop*
Sid: "Instead of class today and tomorrow, you'll be meeting with your mentors for lessons they've designed, then going on weekend patrol and work with them."
students: yes sir!
Kanin: "..."
Free: "..."
Kanin and Free: "..." *sniff each other's behind*
genny: D8
Kanin: "...So...Which clan are you?"
Free: "Can't remember. You?"
Kanin: "Baileyi. You...kind of smell like the Ligoni?"
genny: ._.
Free: "...Huh....Well, let's go." *picks Duncan over his shoulder*
Duncan: X____X
Kanin: -_-; "I'm so glad Duncan was unconscious for that...So embarrassing..."
Rin: *walks into Mephisto's office* "Sorry I'm late--a house fell on me."
stocking: ._.
Yukio: "Hardly an excuse, Rin."
Mephisto: "Unless you're a witch~"
Rin: -_-#
stocking: *sweatdrop*
Rin: "So, what's up?" *takes a seat*
stocking: shura's gone MIA.
Rin: "?!! The hell?! She's not in town? Maybe at a bar..."
stocking: i found this in her apartment.
Rin: *looks* "Japan? Why'd she fly out there?"
Yukio: "Likely family there."
stocking: i guess, but i didnt see any particular family photos....
Mephisto: "Curious...Well, we can't have that. She didn't fill out her timecard, so, please fly to her location and retrieve her."
stocking: hmm...
Rin: "Sweet! We get to go on a plane again!"
Yukio: "Who is on this team?"
stocking: you two.
Yukio: *looks at Rin* "...Just us?"
Rin: -_-#
???: i'll….come too
Yukio: *turns to look*
gilda: i'd like to......be of some help......
Rin: "Hey, that's great!" *nudges Yukio* "See? Useful people!"
Yukio: -_-;
stocking: wait.........YOU CAN TALK?!?!
Rin: ._.;
gilda: *nods*....i dont.....usually.....have much to say.....
Mephisto: "Still waters run deep~"
gilda: ^^
Mephisto: *holds up tickets* "I made sure to have your flights booked. It includes 1 drink ticket for those who are of age."
stocking: will we need anything at all?
Mephisto: "Summer wear, I'm sure."
Yukio: *reviewing a map of Shura's path* "Good walking shoes..."
stocking: *checking up on aomori in the google search* huh, according to news articles, there's been a mysterious blizzard in the aomori area....weird.
Rin: "At this time of year?"
Mephisto: "Oooooo...So much for the swimsuits. Best find a parka."
Hot Spring Manager: "Welcome! Checking in?"
shura: yeah. surprising weather you've got...
Manager: "Great for business, though! And our accommodations are the best you're going to find! Comfy sheets, hot springs..."
shura: sake?
Manager: *nod* "Vintage ones available, too!"
shura: thank you~ ^^
Joker: *smiles* "Hello~"
Benimaru: "..." *nods to Fang-Hua* "Open the cell."
fang-hua:.....*opening it*
Joker: "Greetings. My subordinate came here to--"
Benimaru: *charges his fist--and slams it at Joker's face*
Joker: OwO;
fang-hua: !!! *picks up tsukiyo to get her to safety*
Tsukiyo: *hanging on in her sleep*
fang-hua: commander!!
*the wall to the jail cell is demolished--and the force of the blast knocks down 5 more walls in multiple buildings*
*the smoke clears, revealing Benimaru standing, his fist on fire...and Mantis curled up in the corner of the cell*
Mantis: Q_Q
Benimaru: "If you hurt my soldiers, I do not hesitate to kill."
*a sound of a lighter striking is behind Benimaru*
Joker: *appearing in the smoke behind Benimaru* *puts a lit cigarette into his mouth* "I knew you had some power--but I didn't expect to face it head-on. Lucky I can move fast..."
Benimaru: *turns, swings his fist again*
Joker: *dodges, doing a back-flip to land atop crates* "And I only seek the most powerful--"
Benimaru: *silent, kicking through the crates, splintering them, before he grabs Joker by the collar and flings him into another building--*
Joker: *lands on his feet against the building's wall, looks up...and sneers widely, before leaping forward to stand next to Benimaru*
Benimaru: "..."
Joker: "..." *holds his empty hands up* "Sorry. I didn't mean to cause damage."
Benimaru: "I'm the only one who caused damage here. My city, my buildings, my destruction."
Joker: "..." *looks behind him at Fang-Hua and Tsukiyo* "Is he always like this?"
fang-hua: ^-^; well....
fang-hua: *sweatdrop*
Benimaru: "All in good time."
Joker: QwQ;
Benimaru: "Why do you rely on crude hallucinogenic tricks and dodging?"
Joker: "Because...that's how a hero should behave."
Benimaru: "...You're no hero. You're that creepy old fart Kusakabe and others informed me about."
Joker: "...Wait, what? They weren't supposed to--"
Benimaru: "They told me. I know who you are. So, no surprises here. Get out." *turns around--*
Joker: O_O; "Th-That's not how this was supposed to go! Someone, convince him to talk with me!"
Mantis: "???" *looks around* "Who went 'ring'?"
-it seems to be coming from joker's phone-
Joker: -_-; "Damn it..." *flips open his phone...It has a Fire Raider superhero charm on it* "Hello."
ivy: i found the commander's residence. i can see his wife sleeping all pretty, how sickening.
Joker: "..." *smiles* "Very good. I'll be sure to tell him."
ivy: why not put me on speaker phone~?
Benimaru: "..." *turns* "What the hell..."
Joker: *taps speaker phone*
ivy: hello mr shinmon, you have a nice house, and quite a cute wife too, kirei, her name was? and rumor has it, you're expecting! oh it wooold be a shame if something were to happen to her~, she's fast asleep, she wouldnt even see it coming~
Tsukiyo: "!!!"
fang-hua: !!!!!!
Joker: "...I know, I know. Not 'heroic.' But, when you have dickwads like Endeavor running around, 'hero' is dragged through the mud, am I right?"
Benimaru: "..."
Tsukiyo: "How dare you--"
Benimaru: "TSUKIYO, NOT NOW!"
Tsukiyo: Q_Q;
fang-hua:.....what do you want?
Joker: "First, some drink, and a chance to talk."
fang-hua: if we hear you out, will you leave kirei alone?
Joker: "If Shinmon hears me out, I'll leave Kirei alone."
fang-hua:.....and that woman on the phone?
ivy:....*rolls eyes* fine fine, i'll leave her be....for now...
Joker: ^^ "See? I'm reasonable...Now, how about that drink, ma'am?" *winks at Tsukiyo*
Tsukiyo: -~- "Gross. Old geezer."
fang-hua: *sweatdrop* (i guess even tsukiyo has standards....)
Benimaru: -_- "Get him a drink. The cheapest we have."
Joker: "Now, let's sit--" *looks at the jail cell* "...You have an actual office? This place seems run-down."
Mantis: "...Can I leave now--"
Tsukiyo: *mallet smash*
Dabi: *looking at a photo board* "...This sucks. This one doesn't even have a person in it." *taps a photo of just a pair of gloves*
himiko: hmmmm, boring, boring, boring, oh she's cute, boring, *sees a picture of mineta*... ew.
Dabi: "No argument there..." *tosses a photo of Todoroki*
banshee: *examining a picture of eijiro* .....
{???: just you wait, sis! i'll be the greatest hero yet!}
banshee:.....*bites her lip*
Dabi: "So stupid...Shigaraki freaks out over All Might, freaks out over his kid or sidekick or whatever, then--Himiko, stop kissing that photo."
himiko: OwO wut?
Spinner: *looking at Banshee* "???"
banshee:... !!! i-i'm alright.
Dabi: -_-; "Sometimes I think I'm the only normal one here..." *rips up a photo of Endeavor...keeps ripping it up even after it's in tiny bits*
banshee: .....
Dabi: "Anyway, we found what he wants at the museum--just need to know when to go for it."
twice: right!.....what did he want again now?
Dabi: -_-; "It's a painting. Behind the painting is a message. It's like a game. So play along and FOCUS."
twice: oooh, cool!
Dabi: "Step 1: distract the guards. Step 2: switch the paintings. Step 3: sneak the painting out. ...Oh, and Step 0: turn off cameras."
Friz: "--and that's why I joined!"
Inka: *snoring*
Bee: ._.;
sasori: ....i.....see....
Friz: "So I have made it my mission to help my friend with...with...Bee, why did you join?"
Bee: "Outfits."
Friz: "Outfits!"
sasori: *sweatdrop* (i guess the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree....)
*in a snowy forest, a snake slithers over the field of whiteness*
kurome: *coloring*
Kurogiri: *cleaning the bar*
kurome: *holds up her picture; it's of them, and a woman...*
Kurogiri: *smiles* "That's...very nice, dear."
kurome: ^^
Kurogiri: "Where shall we place it?"
Asher: *sitting on the bus, looking around* "...This is how you get around too, huh?"
soul: till i get an actual car, yeah.
Asher: "...Same...in, like, 50 years."
izumi: ^^;
Asher: "How old are they?"
soul: one's 10, the other's 8. they lost their parents in a kishin attack, and i took them in...
Asher: " 'Kishin'?"
soul: yeah, one of the things you'll be fighting someday.
Asher: "..." *slight shiver*
izumi: *pats their shoulder*
Asher: "...Thanks." *weak small smile*
soul: here's our stop.
Asher: *stands and follows Soul*
izumi: (a school?)
becky: *waiting outside with damon*
soul: hey kiddos.
Damon: "Hi, Dad!"
soul: ^^ *picks him up*
izumi: um.....hello.
becky: ?? dad? who's that?
soul: oh, this is izumi and asher, the two students im mentoring, remember?
becky: ooooh.
Damon: *hides behind Soul*
Asher: "..." *wave*
izumi: it's ok, we wony hurt you, promise. ^^
Damon: "...Hello." >_>
Saria: ^^; "It's all kind of intimidating..."
Stein: *checking a specimen in a jar*
lukas: Q_Q;;;;;
Saria: "...So, Professor, you were a student here like us, right? What was it like?"
Stein: "A lot of fighting. Tried to vivisect my weapon partner." *looks at Lukas* "...You like vivisection?"
lukas: *shaking* Q______Q;;;;;;
Saria: "N-no, sir--we don't do that kind of thing. We just want to learn how to improve our meister-weapon relationship--"
Stein: "Aside from looking directly into the heart of your partner--"
Saria: .\\\\\.
Stein: "...I mean, the physical heart. Aside from that, meditation helps."
lukas: *gulp*
Saria: "We've done that. In class. With the candles already--although, that was for soul perception, not-"
Stein: -_-; "Fine. I'll wield you."
Saria: ._. "...No offense, sir, but you creep me right the H out."
lukas: (scarydoctorsscarydoctorsscarysoctors)
Stein: "...Well, could you categorize my screws, bolts, and wrenches?"
Black Star: "So...Amelia? Meister or weapon?"
amelia:...meister. i suppose.
Black Star: "Great! Now we'll make you a powerful meister by following my strict regiment--400 PUSHUPS!"
Kazue: <That'll kill most people.>
amelia: i shall do my best.
Black Star: "THAT IS THE SPIRIT!!!!!"
Kazue: <...>
Black Star: "And you too, Harpo!"
Kazue: -_-; *begins*
Patty: "HELL YEAH!"
Yafeu: "HELL YEAH!"
liz: ^^; they're getting along well.
preston: indeed they ahr.
Patty: "Now, let's talk target practice." *hands Yafeu and Preston straws and rolled bits of paper* "Aim for the target, and blow that paper spitball!"
Kid: *tied to a wall, blindfolded* "I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS!"
Free: "Hello, kiddo!"
milia: papa! *HUG*
Free: *picks her up*
Kanin: "..." ("A witch?")
milia: *giggles*
eruka: ^^
Duncan: "What a weird outfit."
eruka: wow rude. =3=
Kanin: "He's...like that."
Duncan: "What are you, some magical girl?"
eruka: i'm a witch, thank you very much.
Duncan: "!!! They let you live here, not kill you?"
eruka: well, there's a long story to that, but yeah, there are a few witches who live here.
Duncan: "After the awful things witches have done, like that Medusa Gorgon, I'm surprised."
Free: >_>;
Kanin: ^^; "Miss Milia, how's school?"
milia: ??
Free: "Well...We're, um, working on that?"
Kanin: "???"
Joker: *sips sake* "...Hm. Not bad..."
Benimaru: "..."
kabuki: ._.;
Joker: "Now, onto business: I sent my man here because I heard the Church of the Holy Sun was giving you lot trouble."
Benimaru: "Hmph. Nothing we cannot handle."
Joker: "You think they'll stop at just sending some meddlesome priests to knock over noodle bowls? I know how they operate--and it's only going to get worse for you."
kabuki: worse how?
Joker: "Have you considered the logical conclusion? A religion, that sees itself as the one true religion...What do you think they _do_ when they have enough power to make sure other religions--smaller religions--are quashed?"
kabuki: .......
Benimaru: "There's not one religion in this city--you're just trying to scare us into helping you."
Joker: "Fundamentalists are nothing to sneeze at--I would know. Especially when they have Lord Death's ear. And they are operating a black ops mission to destroy your shrine."
kabuki: !!!
Benimaru: "You lie."
Joker: *looks* "Have I given you any reason to think I am tricking you? After all, I _was_ Holy Sun black ops."
kabuki: ?!?!
fang-hua: ?!?
Benimaru: "...I need proof."
Joker: *smiles* "Follow me to see it."
fang-hua: ....commander-
Benimaru: "When?"
Chuuya: "..."
sonia: *looking around*
Chuuya: "Not too hot out."
sonia: *nods*
Chuuya: "...Ever see rainbows when water pours out?"
sonia: ...sometimes.
Chuuya: "We could try it when watering the garden..."
sonia: ok. uncle kajii said it was something to do with how light reflects off the water...
Chuuya: "Yes--the water acts like a prism..."
sonia: ah...
Chuuya: "Like when the light comes through the window in different colors--and Mito pats at it on the carpet."
sonia: *small giggle*
Chuuya: *smiles* "Maybe we could make a light prism for the window..."
sonia: that would be nice.
Chuuya: "I'll add it to the shopping list."
Fujimoto: "...So, she finally ran off, huh?"
kyouko: what do you mean?
Fujimoto: *sigh* "I was hoping she would wise up--she was always so stubborn...When she was young, Shura was put into my care for training. But she had a death wish."
kyouko: ??
{A young priest is walking through a mountainous village, bundled up}
{Fujimoto: *shivers, bundled up* "How do you all deal with this cold?"}
{priest: <mr fujimoto, thank you for coming here on such short notice>}
{Fujimoto: *pulls out a cigarette* <Explain this to me again--you think it's a Baba Yaga?>}
{priest: *nods* <it's highly likely, but the villagers are too afraid to investigate further...>}
{Fujimoto: <I see...Well, thanks for letting me know where it strikes. We'll wait here for it to pop up, assuming it comes.>}
{-a figure suddenly appears, cackling-}
{Fujimoto: <I see...I'll handle this.> *from his backpack, pulls out a bazooka, aims--*}
{???: OxO}
{*it was a holy water cannonball*}
{Fujimoto: "...Nuts." <I was hoping they would fall closer. That's going to be a long walk up the mountain...Hope that thing doesn't wake up any time soon...>}
{Fujimoto: "..." *picks up the child he hit with the water cannon with her own scabbard...she's soaking wet*}
{girl: *shivering* <OI OI! LET GO-A-ME!> >3<# }
{Fujimoto: "???" <Japanese? So, not a Baba Yaga...Ugly enough to be Asura--just not sure which Asura, there's like five of them...>}
{Fujimoto: <Not until you return what you stole, brat. I don't-- ...> *looks down* "...Why does my shadow have _four_ heads?"}
{girl: !!!!}
{Fujimoto: *carries the child away* "Damn! What the hell is that thing?"}
{???: <the girl is OURS!>}
{Fujimoto: <Really, now...> *tosses the child away* <Go fetch!>}
{girl: AIIIIEE!!!!}
{Fujimoto: <Sword won't work...Gotta do this low-key...> *aims the bazooka--fires*}
{girl: !!!!!}
{Fujimoto: *fast recitation* <God Ninoyaginayawo, I ask of thee, exorcise, purify--QUEEL THE GOD OF MISFORTUNE!>}
{girl: .....}
{Fujimoto: <...> *rubs his shoulder* "Ow..." <I can't deal with these things--I'll be old before I'm retired...> *glances* <...The hell you looking at, Asura?>}
{Fujimoto: -_-; <I have 2 kids to deal with already--do I look like I'm made of money?>}
{girl: <hachirou, can he teach me how to do that thing?! pleeeeeeeeeeease?!>}
{???: <that weapon....what was that?>}
{Fujimoto: "...'Bazūka.'"}
{???: <strange....it's the first i have heard of this....>}
{Fujimoto: <I could show you again.> *aims*}
{???: .....<child, it seems this human has knowledge beyond ours. learn from him, then come back once you've gathered as much knowledge as you can.>}
{Fujimoto: "?!!! Wait! I didn't agree to this!"}
kyouko: so you kind of adopted her?
Fujimoto: "Yep...So, was raising Rin and Yukio as babies while dealing with a 9- or 10-year-old who was great at the sword but raised like a neanderthal."
kyouko: that sure had to be fun. ^^;
Fujimoto: *nods* "She had little impulse control. Always had seconds, always had snacks and desserts, over-partied, over-drank...over-studied."
kyouko: ....
Fujimoto: "...I'm scared whether she's burning herself out to die young...or whether she's coming back this time."
kyouko: hmm.....
???: "So, that's how it is."
kyouko: !!!
stocking: sorry for the intrusion.
Rin: -_-; "Why don't _I_ remember Shura hanging around here?"
Yukio: "You were little when she moved to the True Cross dorms--and you weren't studying with her."
Fujimoto: "...Well, now you know."
stocking: so, this demon....
Fujimoto: "A hydra named Hachiro, found around the Aomori Prefecture, near Lake Lowada."
stocking: i see. do you think it could have something to do with the weird blizzard?
Fujimoto: *shakes his head* "Hydras like Hachiro regenerate--that's most of their power. He just stands out because he also can generate swords from his body. But weather manipulation? Not his forte."
stocking: hmm, then maybe it's something else? like a yuki onna?
Yukio: "Possibly...I don't know why one would collaborate with a hydra, though."
kyouko: then again, they could be separate incidents altogether.
Rin: ._. "...'Yukio Na'?"
Yukio: *Yuki-Chop with a fieldbook* "Read."
Rin: -3-#
stocking: let's see. 'yuki onna', also known as 'snow lady', are a type of youkai native to japan, but have been spotted in other regions such as canada, the artic, and russia. they typically inhabit cold, frigid areas and are highly active during the winter, but hibernate during the summer.
Rin: "Well, that's helpful for my exams--but what is she, an insomniac?"
kyouko: your guess is as good as mine.
Yukio: "Let's stock up on items we'll need for these classes of demon."
stocking: right.
Justin: *driving*
yuma: *asleep*
Justin: *light smile, looking at the road signs* "Just a little further..."
oriko: *nods*
Justin: "...Is there anywhere we should stop first? I know it's late..."
oriko: maybe some dinner might be nice.
Justin: "Plenty of options...Fast food or something healthier?"
oriko: i think there was a family restaurant on the way back.
Justin: "You got it." *smiles*
oriko:...*slightly resting on his shoulder*
Justin: .\\\\. "..." *slight nod*
Kid: -~-
stocking: im back- ....
Kid: Q_Q "...Hello."
stocking: oh my. ^^; need help, hun?
Kid: *nod nod* "I-I blame target practice..."
stocking: ^^ *helping him out*
Kid: "Th-Thank you...How was your day?"
stocking: well, i got a mission to aomori.
Kid: "??? Oh? When do you leave?"
stocking: first thing tomorrow morning.
Kid: "So soon...Do you need help?"
stocking: a little bit to get the supplies i'll need.... *hug*
Kid: =\\\\= *hug* "Be safe."
Saria: *walking home from Patchwork* Q_Q "...I am traumatized for life..."
lukas: scary doctors.....scary....
Saria: "A-At least we survived it...R-Right?" *holds his hands*
lukas: y-y-yeah.... .///.;;;
Saria: "... ... ..." O\\\\O; "D-Dr Stein sa-said that s-s-s-sometimes meisters and weapons resonate better b-by phy-physical contact...Like handholding?"
lukas: i guess.... .///////.;;;
Saria: "...Is this weird? It's weird. It's weird, isn't it? I'm sorry--I-I just wanted to, and Dr. Stein said, and your hands are soft--"
lukas:.... .////////.
Saria: .\\\\. "...I have to go east to get home..."
lukas: good luck!
Saria: "You too good night--" *walks fast--still holding his hand*
lukas:... ./////.;;;
Kanin: *sets down chicken salad*
amelia: thank you for the food. *nom*
Kanin: *smiles* "Anything we should add to your room?" *nom on eggplant*
amelia: i dont really require much.
Kanin: "You sure? Bathroom, food, anything to charge your phone?"
amelia: ....i thought you meant in terms of decor.
Kanin: "Well, that too. Is there anything missing for your stay?"
Kanin: ^^; "Any music you like?"
Sakuya: "How'd your mentee experience go today?"
naho: pretty interesting i guess.
Sakuya: *nods* "Esther and Kirara had a lot to say about missions...What about you, Lilac?"
lilac: i-it was.....ok....miss esther's kind of.....s-scary....
Sakuya: "??? Really? How so?"
lilac: ... Q__Q;;;;; scary...scary.....*shaking*
naho: do you want your blanket, lila?
lilac: *NODS*
Sakuya: "...Sorry." *hands Lilac the blanket*
lilac *breathing a bit more easily*
fani:....lady liluye? are you there?
Liluye: "Fani? Fani, is that you?"
fani: it's me...
Liluye: "Oh, thank goodness...Did you escape?"
-she explains everything-
fani:....im scared, lady liluye....
Liluye: "Be not afraid...This is not the end of us."
fani: .....these humans....they're trying to get me to trust them, especially that meme girl....i feel....conflicted....
Liluye: "This is how they deceive. You know what they are capable of--and what they can do, especially their weapons."
Liluye: "Just wait. I'll let you know when I'm ready...Until then, please, survive."
Liluye: "..." *reaches her hand out through the barred window*
*footsteps are heard*
fani: !!! *squirrel mode and flees*
Liluye: *hand held out...slow brings it back, closes her fist*
Guard: *shines a flashlight* "..."
Benimaru: "..."
Joker: "..." *presses a hand down on the bed* "Not very comfortable. You let all your prisoners sleep in such shabby conditions?"
Benimaru: "We don't usually take prisoners--we execute them."
fang-hua: ._.
ivy: .x.
Mantis: .~.;;;
Benimaru: "Kabuki, Tsukiyo, stand guard." *exits*
fang-hua: sir, wait up!
Benimaru: *still walking*
fang-hua: *jogging up to him* sir!!
Benimaru: *turns...he looks furious*
fang-hua: !!!
Benimaru: "This cannot stand."
fang-hua: i understand that you're upset, sir.
Benimaru: "You're damn right I'm upset--the Sun Church can't control its priests, some lunatic threatens my family and my home--and where the hell are the other brigades to manage this mess and keep it out of my home?"
fang-hua: .....
Benimaru: "..." *points at the prison* "What kind of person comes here, trying to blackmail me for help? What is their goal?"
fang-hua: ....im not sure, sir....
Benimaru: "..." *sighs* "Neither do I...If we tell the Eighth, then they'll tell the First..."
fang-hua:....then i suppose we'll have to handle this ourselves...
Benimaru: "..." *nods* "Just...keep this between us only."
fang-hua: you have my word, sir.
zhanna: *sitting in the chair in her hotel room* ahhh.... <nice and comfy...> ...... <better review my notes for tomorrow...> *examining files* hmm...... *levitating the newspaper over to her*
*headlines: "Fitzgerald donates $2 million to rebuilding efforts; rumors continue about organized crime connections" " 'Maze of Kirby' on display at Death City Museum"*
zhanna: hmm.
*headline: "Ability user suicides in double digits; newest case in Houston*
zhanna:..... *sigh* (aleksey, please be ok wherever you are...)
pushkin: you sure about this tachi?
Tachihara: "Sure I'm sure! Just hold that giant rubberband!"
Walter: *recording on phone* "Do it for history!"
Motojiro: "Do it for science!"
Q: try not to get killed~ ^^
pushkin: um....i may be having second thoughts-
Tachihara: "RELEASE!" *slams an axe through the rubberband holding the office chair back*
pushkin: oooow, my pancreas... TT~TT
Tachihara: @~@
Walter: "...Wait, I didn't hit record..."
Yumi: *standing outside* "..."
-a car is pulling up now-
Gopher: OwO
kirika: im home.
Gopher: "Yes, you are!" >w<
Yumi: "How are you? How did it go?"
kirika: it went well...
Yumi: "..." *hug*
Yumi: *strokes her back*
Gopher: *hug*
kirika:....im gonna go to bed now....
Yumi: "Okay..."
Gopher: "..."
banshee: *walking*
Guard: *looking at security cameras*
banshee: *walks to front guard* um, excuse me, can you give me directions to this park? *points to a map*
Guard: "???" *looks at the map* "Yeah, you're going the wrong way...You want to head back, then make a right--"
banshee: i see, sorry, im new in town. ^^;
Guard: "Happens to the best of us." *smiles*
banshee: say, do you have any places you'd recommend i'd visit?
Mustard: *pops up at the guard station, out of view of the guard...plugs a USB into the monitor, causing the monitors to blink before they start looping the same past 45 minutes of footage...*
Guard: "Well, the museum is closed, but there is a theater nearby--think they got some classy Shakespeare or something."
Dabi: "Careful--don't drop it."
himiko: i knoooow.
Twice: "Never fear, for I am always careful. OH NO, IT'S SLIPPING!"
himiko: OxO;;
Dabi: *leading the way, not even looking back at this trainwreck* "It's that one, on the wall."
*the painting shows a maze-like structure, with an odd mess of dots along its background*
himiko: ooooooooh.
Dabi: *glances the sides of the glass frame around the painting* "Hmm...Need something to loosen the sides--"
himiko: it looks like pacman! *holds up a screwdriver*
Dabi: "Hang on..." *attaches a device to the wall--which blinks, as infared lights around the glass frame turn off* "Okay, so ahead."
himiko: *prying the sides*
Twice: *holding the painting* "Right, I know what to do! WHY ARE WE HERE?"
Dabi: "Slide the fake through on the right while I pull the original out through the left..."
Twice: "Right! LEFT?"
Dabi: *death glare*
himiko: *thumbs up*
Twice: ._.; *follows instructions*
Dabi: *slides the painting out* "We're done..."
himiko: pshh, that was easy!
Dabi: *looks back as a warp gate appears*
himiko: yay! ^^
Twice: "Onward!" *takes the original painting, moonwalking backwards into the gate*
Dabi: "Himiko, go through--I'm covering..."
himiko: *skips on through*
Dabi: *looks behind* "..." *into an earpiece* "Mission accomplished. Depart." *goes through the gate*
Mustard: *behind the guard, still out of view, gives the signal*
banshee: well, i should be going now, ta-tah~
Guard: "Okay--enjoy your visit to Death City!" *waves*
banshee: ^^ *walking away*
Mustard: *pulls the device before leaving*
Guard: *turns back to the monitors, just missing view of Mustard*
Saria: *hugging a pillow* =_=;
saria's dad: feeling alright, bugbear?
Saria: "Hmm...I had a weird day at school, Dad..."
saria's dad: how so?
Saria: "Well, Lukas and I were assigned to a teacher for a mentor program...He's a little strange."
saria's dad: *listening as he makes some hot cocoa*
Saria: "He seems...kind of crazy? I know that's mean to say..."
saria's dad: who did you get?
Saria: "Dr. Franken Stein..."
saria's dad: oh him. i've heard about him on the news. i hear he's quite brilliant, if a tad eccentric.
Saria: " 'Eccentric' is a screw in the head?"
Mori: "Zzz..." *small whine*
{elise: ......}
{Mori: "...Elise? It's you..." *wiping his eyes*}
{elise:.......come find me.}
{Mori: " 'Find me'? How can I..."}
{elise: come find me, rintarou. i'm in the city.}
{Mori: "City? Death City? I'm already here!"}
{elise: no....im in the city itself}
Mori: *his eyes break open* "..." *he tosses the sheets away* "..." *he looks at the sheets, the door, the chair--* "..."
kirika: *whine*
Yumi: "Are you okay?" *rests a hand on her forehead*
kirika: im sick as shit, how do you think i am? =~= my head's on fireeee......
Yumi: "...Lie down and rest. I'm getting you medicine, a cold cloth, and water--then I'm calling a doctor."
kirika: *grunts and shuffles under the blanket*
Kid: "Stay bundled up--and be well armed: hydras are manipulative but respond well to swords."
stocking: we will. *smooch*
Kid: =\\\\= "Please be safe..."
stocking: always am.
Yukio: "..." *grabs his bag*
Rin: ^^; "Should be fun, though--get to travel!"
gilda: ^^
Fujimoto: "Please...bring Shura back."
Mephisto: "Yes, indeed--she needs to fill out her time card."
stocking: =_= have you no concern for her wellbeing?
Mephisto: "I am concerned--if she's dead, I'm out another teacher."
kyouko: if you guys get hurt, im coming over there and kicking your asses, ya hear?!
Rin: "I'd like to see that..." *fist bumps Kyouko*
kyouko: you're on.
felisia: ^^; anyway, i made scarves for you all that should protect you from the cold. ^^
Rin: "Thank you, ma'am!"
stocking: sweet! thanks mom!
Yukio: "...Thank you."
atsushi: *walking around town* ok, that should be everything now-
*it's a text alert on his phone*
atsushi: ._.; (WHEN DID I GET THAT RINGTONE?!) *opens it*
Lucy: [u needed a better ringtone so you actually HEAR IT FOR ONCE]
atsushi: ^^; [thanks lucy] (i think. ^^; )
Lucy: [you're very welcome <3 ]
atsushi: [no prob, brb kunikida texting] *checks*
atsushi: *sigh* oh boy. -_-;
-and so-
Dazai: *sitting atop a tombstone* "..."
{odasaku: listen. You once said that “If you immerse yourself in a world of violence and blood, perhaps you would be able to find a reason to live on.” …}
{Dazai: “…Yes. But that sort of thing now–”}
{odasaku: you wont find it. You should know this yourself. No matter whether you’re on the side of killing people or saving people, there will never be anything that can surpass your mind. There is no place in this world that can fill your loneliness. You will linger in the darkness forever.}
{Dazai: “…” *holds Odasaku’s hand* “…What should I do?”}
{odasaku: …be on the side that saves people. if both are the same, then be a good person. save those who are weak, protect those who are orphaned. good and evil have no real meaning to you, but doing that would be better. }
{Dazai: “H-How can you know this?”}
{odasaku: I know better than anyone else….*smiles* because i’m your friend, osamu.}
Dazai: "..." *smiles broadly, waves* "Hello~"
atsushi: i figured i'd find you here...so, who's buried here? someone you loved perhaps?
Dazai: "...Let’s say, if it was an attractive lady, I would have committed to a double suicide with her."
atsushi: *sweatdrop* of course you would. -_-;
Dazai: *taps the tombstone* "This is the grave of Odasaku. Thanks to him, I quit the Mafia. If not for him, I would still be killing people for them. Instead, now I'm with the Agency--and, let me guess, Kunikida sent you to find me."
atsushi: yeah, he said there's an important meeting-
Dazai: "PASS."
atsushi: EH?! b-but daza-
Dazai: "I recently discovered a brand new method of suicide--and I'm excited to see where it takes me!"
atsushi: *siiigh* (odasaku, do you think you can possess me and convince him?)
odasaku: sorry, but that's not on my job description.
atsushi: -_-; (some guardian spirit _you_ are.)
odasaku: *shrug*
Ivan: *pushing a breakfast cart through the hall* ^w^
elizaveta: *peeeeek*
Ivan: "Hello~ Care for a muffin?"
elizaveta: *nods* ^^
Ivan: "One chocolate chip muffin!" *sets it on a plate*
elizaveta: *nom* yum! ^^
Ivan: *knocks on Yana's door* <Young Master, yummy breakfast!>
Ivan: ^w^; <Young Master?> *knocks again*
-no reply-
Ivan: "Yana?" *tries the doorknob--*
Ivan: "..."
elizaveta: maybe she's sick?
Ivan: "Perhaps..." *shakes the knob*
-no response-
Ivan: *looking worried* "...With Master out...it's up to me!"
Kunikida: -_-# "...You have to be kidding me..."
atsushi: yeah. *sigh*
Kunikida: "A man expecting a child, with his priorities so out of order, has no business calling himself a man..."
atsushi: *sweatdrop*
yosano: dont we have a meeting to discuss?
Kunikida: "Yes, yes--follow me into the conference room..."
Kyoka: *waves to Sylvia*
sylvia: *following*
Kunikida: "If you have followed the news, you know that there are reports of the sudden deaths of ability users..."
ranpo: *putting his snacks into a safe*
Tanizaki: "..."
naomi: *HUGS* bro dont you dare kill yourself and leave me all alone! >3<
Tanizaki: ^^; "Thank you...I appreciate hearing that..."
Kyoka: *glances at Sylvia*
sylvia: .~.;;;;
atsushi: surely there's got to be some kind of connection, right?
kenji: yeah, there's a fog, right? nankichii mentioned it in the reports that salamander got.
Kunikida: "Correct. Now we need to determine the person connected to that fog and these deaths..." *he advances a slide to the name 'Tatsuhiko Shibusawa' and their photograph*
atsushi: ?! *remembering the strange person on the train before seeing a vision of a large door*
Kyoka: "Atsushi...?"
atsushi: hmm?
Kyoka: "What's wrong?"
atsushi: n-nothing, just...thinking is all. ^^; ... (that weird person from the train....i feel like i've seen them before. but from where?)
Fukuzawa: "If this person is related to these deaths, then we will investigate."
atsushi: *nods*
Kunikida: "Yes, sir."
Tanizaki: "..."
Kyoka: "..."
pushkin: anything good on tv?
*looks to be some morning talk show*
TV Host: "Welcome back to 'Death City Insider'! The paranormal. Bigfoot. Loch Ness. Eldritch creatures. What fascinates us about such urban legends and strange phenomena? Our next guest may have answers. She is the author of this book--"
katya: huh....wait a second....WAIT A FUCKING SECOND!!
pushkin: *spots it* *SPITTAKE*
Tachihara: >~< "WHAT THE HELL?!"
Host: "Zhanna Pushkin!"
Tachihara: *picking Pushkin's masticated oatmeal off his face*
pushkin: ^^;
zhanna: thank you very much for having me today. *smiles*
Host: "What is it about the unknown that interests you so much?"
zhanna: well for me, i suppose it was always the stories my uncle vasily told me and my siblings. they were always so fascinating that i decided to study them myself.
Host: "That fascination has taken you all over the world. How does Death City stack up compared to other cities when it comes to the paranormal?"
Tachihara: "...Why does she look familiar?"
zhanna: to be honest, this is the first time i've been to death city itself.
Tachihara: "...Wait, your last name is 'Pushkin'? I thought it was 'Pull-kin.'"
katya: good one.
Host: "We've had our share of odd occurrences: ice pillars, infernals, ability users, witches. Where's your next project taking you?"
zhanna: well, right now, i've been researching the white eyed witch.
Host: "Oh? What's her story?”
zhanna: the white eyed witch is said to be a young woman with white eyes with the ability to draw things and give them life.
Host: "Must be handy at an art show. Where is she usually found?"
zhanna: it's believed that she travels in a teleporting castle, however, due to a recent discovery that we made in st petersburg, there may be more to the case than meets the eye. *holding up a notebook with a strange symbol on it* from what we learned in this notebook, it seems the witch has ties with the order of dragonia, AKA, the shibusawa clan.
Host: " 'Shibusawa Clan'?"
-in a white colored bedroom, a young girl is drawing-
miyuri: *drawing and humming to herself*
-her drawings include an elephant, a dog, a cat, and a rabbit...the art is squiggly and two-dimensional, it doesn't have much detail, but the outlines are obvious what the animals are-
miyuri: ^^ hehe ^^
-on the page...the elephant's trunk starts to wiggle...-
miyuri: *smiles* today's gonna be the big day! hehe! im so excited!
Elephant: *small trumpet sound*
miyuri: *giggles* *looks at the bunny* you have a big job today lil friend!
Rabbit: *twitches its nose--before leaping off the page*
Doctor: ^w^ "Greetings! Are you..." *checks paper* "'Riki'?"
kirika: kirika. whats it to you? you the scrub mom sent?
Doctor: "Ha ha ha! 'Scrub mom'--good one! No, silly--I'm your doctor! Name's Robin."
kirika: joooy.
Doctor: "So, your mom told me you have a temperature?" *removes thermometer* "You're in school? How is it? Say 'ah'!"
kirika: =_= (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-)
Doctor: "You're about my kid's age--she glowers, too, just like that--only she has--"
kirika: *GLARE*
Dr. Robin: "...I was going to say 'braces.' Hates them so much. I get that--can't have gummies or cold food. Sucks, right?"
Dr. Robin: "Hmm...Yep, that's a temperature. Been traveling?"
Dr. Robin: "Really? Where to?! A summer trip?!"
kirika: none of your business *hides under blanket*
Dr. Robin: "...Oh, dear..." *reaches into her bag* "I'll need to pull out my secret weapon..."
kirika: *groooooan*
???: *mechanical voice* "HEELLLo kiddO! I--" *sounds really robotic, like it's falling apart* "--wanna beeeeeee your fri--"
kirika: *peeeeek* O_____________o
*Dr. Robin holds up a cuddly puppy talking plush...that has seen better days*
Plush: "--eeeeeeeeeeend..."
kirika:....um, yeah, from what level of hell was that retrieved?
Dr. Robin: "Yard sale! You like him? I've used him since med school. His name is Patches!"
Patches: .__________.
izumi: so.....where to first?
Soul: "We had a report about a pick-pocket. We're checking the basketball court..."
izumi: ok.
Asher: *looks* "...Lot of graffiti..."
Soul: "It's been like this since I first came here--" *passes a wall with a giant star on it* -_-;
izumi: isnt this one of mr black*star's?
Soul: "Yeeeeeeeep...He used to put these there after any b-ball game..."
izumi:....that's nice i guess......
Soul: "...Yeah. It was."
Asher: "..." *spots something in the bushes* "Hold up..." *reaches in*
izumi: ??
Asher: *pulls out a basketball* "..." *tosses it to Izumi* "Catch."
izumi: wah!
Soul: "???"
Asher: "Now pass it!"
izumi: ok. *toss*
Black Star: "Okay, Amelia, try picking them up."
amelia: ok. *grabs hold of the weapon*
Kazue: *in wakizashi form* -_-
Black Star: "There--was it that hard for you just to say you're a weapon?"
*a ribbon with a message falls from the wakizashi's handle: <Yes>*
amelia: .....what do i do now?
Black Star: -_-### "Amelia, bend at the knees a bit and hold the sword like a bat..."
amelia: um.....ok....*doing so*
Black Star: "Now, slowly bring the sword down so the tip of the wakizashi just taps the floor--*
Ribbon: <Not too fast--don't break me.>
amelia: like this?
Black Star: "Right, like that! Now, lift your right arm, rotate your right wrist, so the blade is away from you..."
Ribbon: <Huh--he doesn't completely suck at this...>
amelia: *doing so*
tsubaki: she's pretty good at following instructions...
Black Star: *nods* "Helps when the student cooperates--glad we didn't get some stubborn loudmouth."
amelia: .....*sweatdrop*
Sakuya: "So, I got to know--what's up with that guy in the bear mask who hangs out with you?"
kirara: he's a coworker.
esther: are you sure that's all~?
kirara: esther, dont encourage any weird thoughts! -_-
Sakuya: *hands up* "Hey, no judging...Were you also students here?" *opens a yearbook at the library*
kirara: .....later in the year, yes.
esther: we hit it off right away. ^^
Sakuya: *nods* "I started late in the year...Where are you from?"
kirara: a small village from japan.
esther: hmmmm.....i dont really remember~ ^^
Sakuya: "??? What kind of missions did you have? Like how did you learn to use Miss Esther's weapon form?"
kirara: it's....a long story.
oriko: *helping with making lunch*
Justin: "How's the new recipe?"
oriko: it's coming along well.
Justin: "Indeed..." *sniffs* "The thyme was a good choice."
oriko: ^^
Justin: *looks at her* "You are an amazing cook."
oriko: thank you. ^^
Justin: *pours some water, sets the table* "...So...after this trip..."
oriko: it's....a lot to take in...
Justin: *nods* "If you ever want to talk about it..."
Justin: "...I'm sorry. I know it's not the time."
oriko: i-it's alright. *small smile*
Justin: *smiles back, as he takes the gratin to be served* "Let's eat."
Tezca: "So why did you scamps join Dub-Wuma?"
lei-lei: well, i am a weapon, so i thought it would be fun ^^
genny:....my parents said i needed to make more friends.
naho: it's a secret~ ^w^
Tezca: "I hear those same answers all the time--and they're the same I had when I joined! ... Wait, do the meisters and weapons here have partners?"
lei-lei: not yet!
naho: i'm neither!
Tezca: "Well, I can train you--" *points at Naho* "--but Enrique and I need a meister-weapon pair, so, you two are now partnering."
genny: EH?!
lei-lei: YAY!! ^w^ *hugs genny*
Tezca: ^w^ "And with that, we begin your practice--" *summons a mirror on his arm* "I'm going to fire lasers at you."
genny: Q-Q;;;;
Saria: *with a butterfly net* "Bug hunting?"
lukas: i guess so...
Stein: "We will find specimens to observe their behavior. Death City has rare species, given our different climate as well as Lord Death's interest in preserving some species..." *hands each of them a pamphlet* "Document what we find."
lukas: um.... ._.; erm...
Saria: *looks* "Oh, wow! And some of these are cared for at the zoo?"
Stein: *nods* "We have a graduate who works there..." *pushes bushes aside into the forest*
lukas: *peek*
*looks like cicadas are already out*
lukas: *WHAP* >~<;;;
Stein: "Oh, large one...Put it in the cage."
Saria: *holds out the cage* "That's one on the list...What's a 'gorilla beetle'?"
lukas: Q_Q;;;;; (scary creepy crawlies, scary doctor, scary....)
Stein: "Our next target..."
Stein: "..." *looks over his shoulder* "Oh, look..."
lukas: OxO;;;
Saria: O____O;
Gorilla Beetle: *BIG BEETLE, STARING AT THEM* "..."
Stein: "...Well, have fun." *leans back against a tree*
lukas: *SCREAMS AND RUNS....falling down a hill* WAAAAAH!!!
Saria: D: "Lukas!" *runs after him*
Gorilla Beetle: "Kuu?" O_O;
lukas: n-no! s-stay back!
*The Gorilla Beetle is not moving*
Gorilla Beetle: O_O;; "Kuu kuu?"
Saria: "I-I think it's...not charging at us?"
lukas: i didnt mean that! please j-just dont look at me!
Saria: "...O-O-Oh?!"
-lukas is tied up in vines-
lukas: TT///TT;;
Stein: *walks down* "..." *covers Saria's eyes*
Saria: "H-Hey!"
Stein: "I'll let you down..." *tosses a scalpel*
lukas: TT~TT i wasnt made for the outdoors...
Stein: "Few are...Saria, keep your eyes closed..."
Saria: "I-I-I am!" >\\\\<
Stein: *cuts Lukas down* "So, why even come here if you can't handle it?"
Saria: "!!!!"
lukas: ....it's better than being with my parents...
Saria: "..." *turned around, but listening*
Stein: "...Not too different from a lot of us...So, you're running away...But what are you running towards?"
lukas:............may i please go back inside now?
Stein: "...We're not done with this discussion. Grab your items and go back in." *whistles at Gorilla Beetle* "Follow me, beastie..."
Gorilla Beetle: "Kuu..." *follows like a puppy*
Kanin: "How long have you been in Death City?"
eruka: a few years, give or take.
Kanin: *nods* "Your soul has a lot of magic around it."
eruka: ^^
Duncan: "Surprised some weapon hasn't claimed you."
eruka: ._.
Free: *slaps Duncan across the room*
Duncan: X_X
stocking: here we are.
Rin: "Wee! Now to find the cab to--" *falls asleep*
stocking: ._.;
gilda: ^-^;
Yukio: "Maybe get some rest first..."
stocking: sounds like a good plan.
tanizaki: *slight shudder*
Kunikida: "Easy..."
tanizaki:......our informant should be here soon, right?
Kunikida: *checks his watch* "They are late..."
tanizaki:......*looks inside one of the warehouses* ....!!!!!!!!
Kunikida: "???" *takes his gun, approaches carefully...* "...Oh no..."
tanizaki: *checks the man's pulse*.....
Kunikida: "Is he...?"
tanizaki:....he's dead.
Kunikida: "...Damn it!"
tanizaki:....?? kunikida? *points to something; an apple?*
Kunikida: "What the hell? A knife in it..."
tanizaki: i have a bad feeling about this.....
sonia: ......
*she has a copy of 'Alice in Wonderland'*
sonia: *reading the part with the white rabbit's first appearance*
sonia: ?? *glances*
*it's a white rabbit*
Rabbit: *nose wiggle*
sonia: *blinks* *looks around*
Rabbit: "..." *hops away but still visible*
sonia:.....*she finds herself following the rabbit* (what...what am i doing?)
Rabbit: *continues hopping...*
sonia h-hey! wait up!
Rabbit: *continues...until reaching--*
sonia !!!!
*it's a door in the middle of the woods*
sonia: (it's just like in the dream....)......*pinches herself* ow!......(it's not a dream this time....)
Rabbit: "..." *bounces to the door*
sonia:......*gulps and reaches out for the handle....*
*it opens easily*
sonia: *going inside* huh?
*inside is a hall, like a cathedral*
Rabbit: *hops down the hall*
sonia: where....is this place?...ah! *runs after the rabbit, her footsteps echoing*
*the rabbit continues hopping to a door...nuzzles against it*
sonia:.....*opens the door*
miyuri: ?? *turns* ah! you're here!
Rabbit: ^w^
Sonia: "?! Who are you?"
miyuri: *GLOMP* hiiiii! i'm miyuri! whats your name? OwO
Sonia: .\\\.; "...Sonia?"
miyuri: nice to meet you, sana! ^w^ miyuri was looking forward to this for such a long time!! hehe!
Sonia: " 'Looking forward'..." *looks around* "Where are we?"
miyuri: *getting a picture of a sheep out* mommy told me in a dream that you'll help me find the nice person in the outside world!
Sonia: ("A sheep...") "Oh? Your mother speaks to you in dreams? ...I..."
miyuri: you'll help miyuri look for the nice person, right? tacchan says im not supposed to leave this room, but miyuri really really reeeeally wants to thank the nice person! >3<
Sonia: " 'Tacchan'? 'Nice person'? I...I'm really confused. How can I help?"
miyuri: mommy said that you would help me look around in the outside world!
Sonia: "...Okay. I will help."
miyuri: yaaaaay! thanks sana! i can tell we're gonna be best friends! *opens the window*
Sonia: "Um, what are you--"
miyuri: it's the way out, sana! ^^ *offers hand*
Sonia: "...What about Papa?"
miyuri: can we meet your papa outside? OwO
Sonia: "I would imagine?"
miyuri: YAY! today's gonna be the fun-est day EVER! *jumps out with sonia* WEEEEEEEE!!
Sonia: "EEEEEEEK!"
miyuri: *connects one last line on the sheep, summoning it off the paper. it's quite big, and the girls land on it's back safely*
Sonia: "..." *pats the sheep's back* "..." *sits up* "What is this power?"
miyuri: oh! miyuri almost forgot! mommy says i have a title! she said it was 'white eyed witch'. i guess its cause she and miyuri both have white eyes, see? ^^
Sonia: "Oh." *looks around her*
miyuri: *looks out at the city* woooooooah!
Sonia: "...I haven't seen the city like this."
Dazai: *sits alone at Bar Lupin...except for the glass next to him* "So, what shall we toast to today, Odasaku?"
{odasaku: anything on your mind?}
{Dazai: "...Suicide apples."}
{odasaku: hm?}
{Dazai: "Like in fairy tales. A beautiful maiden eats an apple, falls to sleep, is near death..."}
{odasaku: ah, sleeping beauty, right?}
{Dazai: *chuckles* "No, I mean 'Snow White.' Remember? The witch presents her the poisoned apple?"}
{odasaku: oh right. the witch was the queen in disguise, wasnt she?}
{Dazai: "Yes, Snow White's stepmother. Imagine what that apple may represent. Perhaps Snow White actually was trying to kill herself, out of despair that her own mother wanted to poison her."}
{odasaku: hmm....}
{Dazai: "But beyond the symbolism of it, I did hear that there was an ability user who kills with 'apple suicide.'" *smiles* "Wouldn't that be something that should be popular in Death City?"}
{odasaku: you sure have a interesting way of thinking.}
{Dazai: "Not as interesting as you."}
{odasaku: ....ango's late again...}
Dazai: "He's not coming."
*the melting ice in the glass next to him clinks*
Dazai: "You're right, Odasaku. It's wonderful to save people…that is, if I'm even alive to do it...." *opens his hand, revealing between his fingers is a pill, which he places in his mouth* "..." *stands, leaving behind two untouched drinks...and an apple with a knife in it*
??? dazai.
Dazai: "You're late."
ango: ...
Dazai: "Care for a drink?"
ango: sadly im on business right now. according to reports, shibusawa has you listed as a person of interest.
Dazai: "..." *looks behind him* "Evidently..."
-a fog begins to form-
ango: ?!?!
Dazai: "So, you’ve finally decided to show yourself...Very well. I surrender."
shibusawa: *smirks*
ango: dont let them get away!
Chuuya: "Sonia?" *opens the door*
-no one's inside-
Chuuya: "Sonia? Sonia?!" *exits, walking through the hall*
-no sign of her-
Chuuya: "Sonia!" *checking the living room* "Have you seen her?!"
naoya: i thought she was outside?
Chuuya: "I did--she's not there! Where is she?!"
naoya: im sure she's not far!
higuchi: hirotsu! w-we have a situation!
Hirotsu: "What's wrong?"
higuchi: mori's gone!
Hirotsu: "!!!"
Chuuya: "..." *the ground is shaking*
higuchi: c-chuuya?
Chuuya: "He took her!"
higuchi: *her stomach drops*
Akutagawa: *walks in* "I heard yelling and the ground shook. What happened?"
higuchi: ....mori might have kidnapped sonia
Akutagawa: "...Who let him out? How could he escape--"
Chuuya: "Grab others! We're going to find out..."
pushkin: h-huh?!
higuchi: chuuya?
Chuuya: "We need to find Sonia!"
higuchi: i know, but the warrents-
Chuuya: "Fuck the warrants! Sonia needs me! And if I find Mori with her--I'LL KILL HIM!"
higuchi: ...
Akutagawa: "...I had still promised not to kill--"
Akutagawa: "...Very well. Come along..." *grabs Pushkin by the parka...grinning maliciously*
pushkin: OwO;
atsushi: grk-
{Orphanage Headmaster: "What are you doing?!"}
{atsushi: shut up, you're not in my head, so shut up!}
{Orphange Headmaster: "Is that all you can say? Where are you going? What was the point for me to save your life?!"}
{atsushi: .......... ??}
{*behind Atsushi appears a door*}
atsushi: WAH!
sylvia: *opens the closet door* m-mr atsushi-
atsushi: *SHRIEEEEK* *PUNCH*
sylvia: OW!
atsushi: *affected by sylvia's ability* OW! >~<;;
Kyoka: "Atsushi. Sylvia. Outside."
atsushi: ._. im so sorry, i didnt mean it syl, you startled me!
sylvia: im sorry Q_Q;;
Kyoka: "OUT. SIDE."
atsushi: ._.;;; *looks out* ?!?!?!
*a fog is outside, covering the entire street*
Kyoka: "Mapping shows it has spread everywhere in the city..." *pats Sylvia's face with a tissue*
atsushi: no way...
Kyoka: "Given these conditions and the report we saw, we need to meet with others at the office."
atsushi: right. can you call them-
Kyoka: *checks her phone* "...No bars."
atsushi: darn.
sylvia: i-i-i'll stay here....its too scary for me outside.
Kyoka: "...Will you promise to be safe?"
sylvia: i-i'll do my best!
-and so-
atsushi: .....sure is quiet out....
Kyoka: "Even with this fog, you would think someone is out. Stay on your toes...And if it gets rough--" *holds up her taser*
atsushi: right......
Kyoka: "...Wait...Something's wrong..."
atsushi: yeah. not a single person....
Kyoka: "No...Something dangerous."
Kyoka: "...Your phone has service again?"
atsushi: um....that wasnt me....
Kyoka: "...It wasn't my stomach..."
*both look behind them*
atsushi: ?!?!
Kyoka: "!!! Hope this work..." *flips open her phone and--* "...What?!"
*it's a tiger...a white tiger!*
atsushi: *battle stance....nothing happens* ?!?! what the heck?!
Tiger: *ROARS, LEAPS--*
Kyoka: "Move!" *grabs Atsushi's hand, pulling him away*
atsushi: ah- *running with her* what the heck? i couldnt transform...
Kyoka: "And I cannot summon Demon Snow, even though the lack of reception shouldn't have affected her, I don't think..."
atsushi: so then that must mean- WOAH! ow!
Kyoka: "What did you trip ove-- ..."
atsushi: !!! kunikida!
*Kunikida is lying on the street, bleeding from his side*
atsushi: kunikida, are you alright?! well, duh you're bleeding but, can you move?
Kunikida: "Stop yakking...Get me out of here--I know the source of the suicides..."
atsushi: !!! you do? *helping him up*
Kunikida: "They aren't suicides...People's abilities are attacking their possessors..."
atsushi: what?!
Kunikida: "Lone Poet...Shot me..."
atsushi: ...come on, we better get somewhere safe....over there!
Kunikida: "Ah!"
atsushi: *bandaging kunikida with a first aid kit* alright, we need to get to the agency office...but we'll need a way to get there safely.
Kyoka: "On it." *pulls out a screwdriver, opening a panel under the wheel*
Kunikida: "Gah...Th-That's illegal..."
atsushi: i think we have bigger things to worry about right now.
Kunikida: *grumbles* "This fog...These 'suicides'...Abilities disembodied...This madness, it has to be--"
atsushi: ._____. LIKE THAT.
*Demon Snow has broken through*
Demon Snow: *stares at Atsushi and Kunikida*
atsushi: um...kyouka?
atsushi: *grabs kunikida and runs into the car*
Demon Snow: *lifts her sword to bring down onto the car--*
atsushi: FLOOR IT!!!
Kyoka: *slams her foot on the pedal, the car managing to avoid the slice of the sword--but the wind knocking into them as they drive out the entrance*
atsushi: *SCREEEEECH*
miyuri: *looking around* woooow! so cool! so cool! its not as scary this time!
Sonia: "??? When were you here last?"
miyuri: it was a while back, it was a lot scarier then because miyuri never left the castle before. but then- *GASP* oooooh! *presses her face to the window of a bakery*
Sonia: "..." *looks at the door* ("It's listed as 'open,' so why is it empty inside?")
miyuri: *goes inside and begins eating a rollcake* mmm...MMMMM YUM! >w<
Sonia: "Miyuri. You can't eat something you didn't buy."
miyuri: *looks at her*....bai?
Sonia: "With money..." *opens a coin purse* "Papa gave me some for emergencies." *holds up a five-dollar Death Buck bill with Lord Death's face on it* "It's currency traded for items for purchase, and the currency represents buying power backed by the authority of the Treasury of Death City--"
miyuri: munny? what is that? hehe, you know a lot of funny words, sana ^w^
Sonia: "...I'm going to put this paper here, as is custom when going out and taking food that they offer you." *sets the bill on the counter*
miyuri: oooooooooh.
Sonia: "...Is it tasty?"
miyuri: it's super yummy! ^w^ miyuri never had this before! what is it? it smells yummy, and it tastes really sweet!
Sonia: "You've never had cake?"
miyuri: THIS IS CAKE?! miyuri thought cakes were round and had sticks in them like in the picture book!
Sonia: "Like a birthday cake?"
miyuri: birf-day?
Sonia: "The day when you are born."
miyuri: ooooh. cool!
Sonia: "...You haven't had a birthday either?"
miyuri: miyuri doesnt remember, but tacchan says that im 11 and that i was born on march 3rd. miyuri's not sure what march means.
Sonia: "Do you ever look at a calendar?" *takes a piece of the roll cake*
miyuri: what's a ca-lan-dar?
Sonia: "I...don't know how to explain? Maybe I should explain it another way...'March 3' is a day. It's yours. It's when you are celebrated for being alive."
miyuri: wooow, you're so smart, sana! ....oh right! that nice person!
Sonia: "Who?"
miyuri: the nice lady that helped me the first time i was outside!
Kyoka: *opens the ADA office door*
Kunikida: *gasping* "Atsushi, Fukuzawa's office..."
atsushi: (empty...) *opens the door to fukuzawa's office*
Kunikida: "Under the desk..."
atsushi: *looks*
*there's a communicator*
Kunikida: "Turn it on..."
atsushi: um ok.
???:....-s thi-....-ng on?
Kunikida: *grumbles* "Kunikida, reporting. Over."
-the signal stableizes-
ango: yes, good to see you, Armed detective agency. as you can see here, shibusawa has arrived in death city.
Kunikida: "Yes--and coincidentally our abilities attacked us."
ango: so it's started already. good news, we've tracked shibusawa's base to the outskirts of death city. *showing the coordinates* the bad news, dazai's been kidnapped.
atsushi: what?!
Kunikida: "?! The hell do you mean kidnapped?"
ango: .... we tried to secure him, but....
{ango: dont let them get away!}
{-grunts try to approach shibusawa, but are attacked with lightening-}
{ango: what?!}
{???: "My, my, my..."}
{shibusawa: why thank you lux. *putting a cloth over dazai's mouth*}
{Dazai: "URK!"}
{nox: shall i provide the exit?}
{shibusawa: yes nox, please do be so kind.}
{Lux: *charges lightning*}
{nox: understood. *opening a portal*}
{ango: !!! DAZAI!}
{Dazai: "...Od-Oda..."}
ango:.....i could have reached for him...but i failed to save him....but now's not the time for regrets. you must capture shibusawa at all costs.
Kunikida: "Understood...We'll bring in all we can find--AH!" *clutches his side*
Kyoka: "Where _are_ the others?"
kenji: woah!
*a muscular man tosses a car at Kenji...he has...a cow's head?!*
kenji: well this sure is a pickle!
???: fufufu~
Tanizaki: "St-Stay back! I don't know what the hell is going on! I don't know why you took Naomi's face--but stay back!"
-something grabs his neck-
light snow: *a female figure resembling a yuki onna* fufufufufu~<3
Tanizaki: "GRK!" *swinging his arms* "Let go!"
yosano: *swinging her cleaver*
???: "Really?" *it's a woman in an old-fashion nurse's outside, with a butterfly head, dodging* "How uncouth. Still, a butcher is a butcher..." *a butterfly lands on her knuckles* "Broken psyche, dear?"
yosano: *SLASH*
*Butterfly Nurse's arm is sliced off*
Thou Shalt Not Die: *antenna twitches...before the arm breaks apart into multiple butterflies--aiming for Yosano*
yosano: !!!!
all are created equal: *taking the form of a younger fukuzawa* tch- is that the best you've got in you, old man?
Fukuzawa: "..." *smiles* "Hardly. For what I lack in speed and strength at my old age, I have gained much you haven't yet..."
Kunikida: "Let's move...We find our colleagues, find this Shibusawa, then--"
atsushi: ?!?!?
lone poet: *taking the form of a child kunikida* hehehe *takes a page that says 'hand grenade' and throws the grenade at the building*
Kunikida: "Son of a..."
Kyoka: "...Retreat. We can't stop him with that many pages..."
atsushi: crud crud crud what do we do??!!
Kunikida: "Here." *shoves something at Atsushi*
atsushi: um.... .___. is this a g-g-gun?!
Kunikida: "What does it look like?! AAH!" *clutches his side* "Get out! Find Shibusawa. Stop them."
Kyoka: "..." *spots a sword on Fukuzawa's wall* "..." *takes it*
atsushi: ._. but what about you-
katya: *kicking a stone across the street* .....where the fuck is everyone?!
Chuuya: *calling out* "SONIA!"
pushkin: *shivering* chilly.
katya: oi, akutagawa, how's shit on your end?
Chuuya: "Then just move faster."
pushkin: listen, i know you're freaked out, i mean, i would be too if it were one of my siblings-
???: ....A5158, do you read me?
katya: (the fuck?)
Chuuya: "..." *snatches the walkie talkie* "The hell you calling for?"
ango: it's time to repay your debt to professor spectacles.
katya: ????
pushkin: ??????
Chuuya: "...Now...of all times..."
pushkin: um, chuu—
Chuuya: "Where are you?"
ango: the underground base.
Chuuya: "...I'm in the middle of something--"
ango: it can wait, right now, death city is in danger-
pushkin: oXo;;;
ango: what could be so important to you right now?
pushkin: we're trying to find his daughter!
Chuuya: *punches Pushkin's head*
Chuuya: "YOU HELPING ME FIND SONIA OR NOT?! NO? THEN I'LL KILL YOU!" *slams his foot down*
ango: we can help you find sonia, that is if you arent too busy with infighting.
Chuuya: "...And as usual, you want payment..."
ango: yes.
Chuuya: "...I'm on my way."
pushkin: we'll keep looking for sonia.
katya: *grumbling*
Chuuya: "Find her."
pushkin: we will!
futon: fufufu~
-cables are attacking at katai-
Katai: "Yoshiko, stop!" *armed with a spatula*
yoshiko: i wouldnt be holding metal if i were you~
Katai: "Huh?"
-exposed cords try to grab the spatula to shock him-
Katai: "EEEK!" *trying to swing away from the cords*
Katai: "AAAAAH!" *lets go*
Poe: *throwing book after book* "Back, you foul creature!"
black cat: *HISSSS*
Poe: "Begone! Lana!" *running away*
Fitzgerald: *sips his drink*
Fitzgerald: *knocked down* "Ah! Blast it...You made me spill!"
TGF: *fighting stance and grins*
Fitzgerald: "..." *tosses the glass behind himself, letting it shatter* "When I find that insane upstart, I'm going to wring him dry." *old-boxer pose* "Bring it, Old Sport."
Dumas: "Would you two SNAP OUT OF IT!"
marquis: zzzzz
Dumas: "There is no paradise, you goofball! You're suffering from your own hallucinations--"
windmill monster: *ROOOOAR*
Dumas: "See?! It's just your imagination--"
-the windmill then opens its mouth, pulling them in-
Dumas: "...Oh, son of a--" *trying to claw through the air as they're pulled in*
Walter: "Spooky...It's like Scooby Doo, and I have my mom's van, so all we need is a team pet, like a dog, or a cat, or a cockroa--"
Kafka: *GLARE*
Walter: OwO;
leroux: Q.Q;;;;
etta: ^^;
george: *sweatdrop*
Kafka: "We're here to find Sonia, so let's get on with this. George, can't you warp her here and we be done with this?"
george: it doesnt work like that, i dont think. im still getting used to it, and even then, she'd have to be near water.
Kafka: *grumbles* "Perfect..."
Walter: "I could make some duplicates to help find her faster!" *closes his eyes...grunts...clenches...* "..." *opens one eye* "...Where are Walts 1, 2, and 5?"
-something hits the side of the van-
etta: EEK!
george: what the heck?!
Kafka: "Can't you drive properly?!"
Walter: "WE'RE PARKED!"
Kafka: "Bother..." *looks in the rearview mirror--*
Kafka: "...What the hell?!"
leroux: what's going on?!
etta: *being pulled up to the ceiling* AH!
Walter: "Etta!" *reaches up--*
*the door flies off the hinges, as hands drag Walter away*
Walter: "EEEK!"
Kafka: "Walter--!"
leroux: !!!!
george: *runs out to follow them*
???: "Hello, Gaston~"
Kafka: "George! Get back here! We don't--" *follows--then is knocked down by something big and foul*
leroux: *his stomach drops* n-no...
*The ability of Leroux looks like Christine*
"Christine": "Never fear, my love...I won't let you go~"
???: "And neither will I, child..." *tightens the puppet strings around Etta's limbs*
etta: grk- RORO, RUN FOR IT!
leroux: *frozen on the spot in shock*
"Christine": *takes his arms* "Shall we dance?" *spins him out of the van*
leroux: AH! *skids slightly along the road* o-ow...
"Christine": *dances towards him* "Oh, we will have such fun now."
Mori: "..."
???: rintarou....
Mori: "?!" *spins around*
-a female looking figure with long blond hair, covered eyes, and exaggerated feminine features staggers toward him, flashing a grin full of teeth-
Mori: "!!! What-what?!"
-the figure lunges at him, claws out-
Mori: "You-You're not Elise!" *pulls a scalpel out of his sleeve--stabbing*
figure: *SCREEEEEEE*
Mori: "What the hell are you?!"
figure: vita....sexualis....*hissing*
Mori: "...Like hell you are. What have you done with Elise?!"
-it's head twists, now displaying elise' face-
elise?: RiNtArOu~
Mori: *stops himself, frozen* "..."
katya: .....?! *pulls out her pistol* pushkin, you armed?
Pushkin: "Always!" *shows*
-something is thrown at them-
katya: *dodges and shoots at the assailant*
Pushkin: <The hell was that?!>
-a figure is shuffles towards them, it looks emaciated save for a bloated stomach. it seems to have a plague doctor's mask on-
katya: <the fuck?>
-another figure looks to be in a military uniform-
Pushkin: <...Kati? That one...it's ticking?>
katya: nyeh? ......?!?! oi... can you use your ability right now?
Pushkin: "..." *grabs her arm* "...You infected?"
katya: <dont think so, but i cant use my ability for some reason!>
Pushkin: <So that means...>
Soldier: *TICK TICK* *pulls back their gas mask...revealing--*
10 seconds: *their face is clockwork*
katya: well <shit>
Pushkin: >_<# <YOUR MASK LOOKS STUPID, YOU BLOATED JERK!> *picks up Katya, runs*
Dazai: "Hmm..." *groans* *opens his eyes*
-it appears he is in a room, and now wearing a white suit, with his regular clothes folded on the chair next to his bed-
Dazai: “...” *shifts in the clothes* “Comfortable enough. The socks are a little tight, though.”
nox:...this way, please.
Dazai: "..." *smiles* "Well, hello~ I have you to thank for this trip?"
nox: -_- master shibusawa is expecting you.
Dazai: "Lead the way to 'master'..." *follows*
-in a dining room of sorts, shibusawa smiles-
shibusawa: i hope the accommodations are to your liking, mr dazai.
Dazai: "...The socks are tight. Why the new attire?" *sits*
shibusawa: aesthetic, for the most part.
Dazai: "I prefer comfort to aesthetic..." *looks at the symbol on the wall* "And you prefer giant symbols to clarity."
shibusawa: oh this? it's the odal rune. it translates to 'heritage'.
Dazai: "I see...Showboating your family's status?"
shibusawa: perhaps. my father was always quite dramatic. but let's skip the history lesson for now, you want to know what it is i want, yes?
Dazai: "I'm nothing if not eternally curious. So, what is it?"
shibusawa: i would simply like to add the abilities of death city to my collection. i was told by a mutual acquaintance that the ability i've been searching for resides in this city. a city of second chances, a city where anything is possible.
Dazai: "Not sure that answers all of my question: why do you seek abilities?"
shibusawa: quite simply, i'm rather bored. there is hardly anything that surpasses my expectations. and i believe this particular ability will do so.
Dazai: "Hmm...Familiar. Still, sounds quite dull."
shibusawa: indeed.
Dazai: "Perhaps your expectations are not realistic."
shibusawa: you're quite foolish if you think you can read me so easily, mr dazai. it's also foolish to assume that i cant read you.
Dazai: "And we're back to expectations: as expected, you require salvation. The question is, who is here to save you: an angel, or a devil?"
shibusawa: speaking of 'devils'...
Dazai: "...Typical."
Fyodor: "Greetings." *sits* "Let's cut to the chase: I already know your intentions." *looks at Shibusawa*
shibusawa: is that any way to go treating your benefactor, mr dostoyevsky?
Dazai: "Well, out of the three of us, he’s the most likely to turn traitor..."
Fyodor: "Exactly."
shibusawa: *light chuckle* as i said, there is nothing that surpasses my expectations, so i look forwards to working with you both~ ^^
nox: master shibusawa!!
shibusawa: hm?
nox: the girl, s-she's nowhere to be found!
shibusawa:....you and lux go retrieve her then. it will be too dangerous for a child her age to be wandering around unattended.
Dazai: "..."
shibusawa: hmm? is there something you'd like to say, mr dazai?
Dazai: *smiles* "Parenting is challenging, is it not? Not everyone loses a child."
shibusawa: .....that's quite the interesting subject to bring up here of all places.
Dazai: "Did I? I suppose it's on my mind."
shibusawa: oh?
Fyodor: "Because he got some woman pregnant."
shibusawa: is that so?
Dazai: *smiles* "Any different than the woman _you_ impregnated, Dostoyevsky?"
Fyodor: *smiles back* "A coincidence."
Dazai: "Hmm...At least the mother of my child is in her right frame of mind. Not broken by you."
shibusawa: ....
Fyodor: "I suppose you're the paragon of parenting? Do you even have parents?"
Dazai: "I doubt either of us is the authority. Perhaps a third party?"
shibusawa: you're both clearly doomed to fail as parents, so you'll get no sympathy nor advice from me.
Fyodor: "..."
Dazai: "Fair."
katya: i think we lost them for now...
Pushkin: *nods* "Right...Just one thing..." <WHAT THE EVER-LOVING CRAP WAS THAT?!>
katya: <hell if i know!> *grumble* <i'm seriously gonna need a cig after this shit.>
???: aleksey?!
katya: hnn? .__.
Pushkin: O_____O;;;;
zhanna: *HUGS* you're ok! i'ts been too long!
katya: ._______. (t-tall.....)
Pushkin: ^^; "You're looking well. What're you doing here?"
zhanna: well, i was on a TV interview this morning, but now, i dont know where i am, but i was being attacked by a strange being. even odder, im not able to use my ability.
Pushkin: "Hey, same here!"
zhanna: hmm....in any case, it's dangerous to stay out here.
Pushkin: "R-Right...Let's find somewhere. You got wheels?"
zhanna: *she nods*
katya: ._.
Pushkin: "Great! Let's roll! ...Oh, and this is Katya!" ^w^
katya:...nice to...meet you...ma'am.....
zhanna: ?? is she alright?
Pushkin: "My friend is fine--she just noticed we have tall genes!"
katya: im not jealous.....totally not....*shaking* =A=
zhanna: *sweatdrop*
atsushi: ......
Kyoka: *leading him* "This way--no one is here."
atsushi:....*shaking a bit*
Kyoka: "...You have to stay calm. What's wrong?"
atsushi: just feel uneasy......this shibusawa....i feel like i've seen them before, and not just on the train either, no, i think it was before even that, but i dont know where i met them....
Kyoka: "Then perhaps your knowledge about them could help us locate--"
atsushi: !!!!
Demon Snow: *slashes at them, Kyoka just managing to shove Atsushi out of the path*
Kyoka: "!"
Demon Snow: *faces Atsushi*
atsushi: !!!!
Demon Snow: *rushes*
atsushi: *aims the gun*
Demon Snow: *approaching*
atsushi: *tries to shoot* !! oh no, the safety's still on!
Kyoka: "Atsushi!"
Demon Snow: *raises sword--*
atsushi: ??!
Demon Snow: *just stunned--as someone lands in front of Atsushi*
atsushi:..... .___________________. *INTERNAL SCREAMING*
Akutagawa: "...Weretiger. Kyoka."
Kyoka: *nods* "Hello. There's a warrant out for you."
Akutagawa: "I am aware. I also see that your ability is not under control."
atsushi: *SWEATS*
Kyoka: "If you haven't noticed, abilities are attacking others."
Akutagawa: "I know." *thumbs behind him...where Rashomon is rushing at him*
rashomon: *LUNGES*
atsushi: O_O;;;;
Akutagawa: *sighs--grabs Atsushi, leaping away*
Kyoka: *follows, as Demon Snow slices at her*
rashomon: *following suit*
Akutagawa: "Where is your ability, Weretiger? And what are you seeking to risk your lives like this?"
atsushi: its a bit complicated to explain right now!
Akutagawa: "Hmm...I'm seeking Sonia, Chuuya's child. Have you seen her? Also, I still have not killed--"
Kyoka: *slicing at Demon Snow*
atsushi: sorry, i havent, also thanks for the update. -_-;
-tiger growls-
atsushi: OxO
Akutagawa: "..." *small smile* "Well, this is interesting..."
atsushi: *turns and looks* OxO;;;;
rashomon: *attacking the tiger*
Kyoka: "...Universal constant: you two are always at each other's throats."
atsushi: maybe we should run now?
Kyoka: "Agreed."
Akutagawa: "This way..."
atsushi: *following*
Akutagawa: "The Port Mafia maintains bases throughout the city. This way..."
"Christine": "Hee hee..." *swings Leroux around, dancing...twisting his arms*
leroux: *yelps*
"Christine": *dips him* "You're still the handsome man I remember...But...Why didn't you come back for me~?"
leroux: ...
"Christine": "Did you...want me to die?"
leroux: of course i never wanted for that! y-you arent really christine, are you? you're just....wearing her face...
"Christine": "Oh~? That's not all I'm wearing..." *her hand slides down his abs...*
leroux: .////.;
Christine: "Fufufu~ All fired up? How appropriate. How adorable...My doll..."
leroux: ?! *looking down*
leroux: ??
*his hands are...pillowy*
Christine: "My possession..." *holds him, as his body turns into a doll...*
leroux: !!! *jumps back* NO!
*he reverts*
Christine: "You _dare_ scorn _me_?!" *the side of her face is chipping away* "After you let me die?!"
leroux: *panting, shaking* no... you're not her, though i must say, that is quite a dirty trick, phantom.
Christine: "..." *wicked smile* "It took you long enough...Master..." *the facade falls away...*
leroux: ....
Phantom: "What would you have left without me? Without your memories...Without that ability you had gifted to you, what are you worth, anyway?"
leroux: *looks around*
*there's an antique shop...with a sword on display...but it's late and the door is locked...but there is the display window...*
leroux: allow me to show you. *takes a rock and smashes the window, taking the sword* allow me to challenge you to a duel.
leroux: at least, i can give her the peace she deserves.
Kafka: *running as fast as he can, clutching his arm, dislocated from his shoulder* "Goddamn it..."
roach: *following after him, screeching*
Kafka: ("Think--think! Okay--I always have problems in tight spaces...") *ducks into an alley*
roach: *HISSSSS*
Kafka: ("Damn it! Still following!") *studies his surroundings--then spots a back door in an office building* ("Yes! And the entrance is narrow enough to slow it down...") "Right this way, you ugly bastard!"
etta: *running as fast as she can go*
Nutcracker: "Return to me, dearie..." *launches strings...out of its mouth*
Nutcracker: "Etta, dearest lady...You can do still more for me..." *strings latch onto her wrists, as well as around her waist*
etta: *screams*
Nutcracker: "After all, you are my instrument. What would you be without me? A subpar dancer, a flighty little girl who flirts and cajoles to get what she doesn't deserve...A murder, who killed her own father."
etta: *struggling to pull away*
Nutcracker: "Stubborn...I'll have to discipline you yet again...Why can't you just do as you are told?"
etta: *making her way to the elevator* because im not just a doll to be played around with! im...not...property!
Nutcracker: "?!! Stop that! You'll slice your limbs off!"
etta: *reaching for the elevator button*
*ding* *the doors open*
etta: yes!
Phantom: "Isn't this far more preferable? At least this way, you're not alone, love~"
Phantom: "!!!"
leroux: HAH!
*the slash knocks the Phantom into the elevator cables*
Phantom: "!!! Gaston! M-My love...Please! Don't--"
leroux: *STAB*
Phantom: "GRRRK! ...Ga-Gaston..."
-the sword pierces the red gem on the phantom's mask-
*The Phantom starts shaking--as the ability leaks out of her to Leroux...Her convulsions electrify the elevator cables--until they sever...*
Kafka: *leading the roach through the building's halls* ("Just this way...Come on--COME ON! I can't die like this! I...I still have too much to do, like--")
-like what?-
Kafka: "..." ("...Like tell Etta I love her...and fix my mess of a life...")
*the elevator is in front of Etta*
etta: yes!
*SCREECH* *CRUNCH* *the entire elevator car, cut from its cables, drops like a rock*
etta: ..... <son of a BITCH!>
*something is crackling down in the elevator shaft...it's a fire!*
etta: !!!!!!!!
Nutcracker: *wraps strings around her neck* "Let's finish this...once and for all, child!"
etta: no....
Nutcracker: *chokes her*
etta: grk-
*Etta can see someone coming around the corner, running at her*
etta: f-fran-
Kafka: "ETTA! DUCK!"
etta: *gets down*
Nutcracker: "?!" *turns* "What the devil are you?"
roach: *charges* SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Kafka: *growls* "Just a lowly bug..." *collapses--as his space on the floor lets the roach trip over him*
roach: O-o *slams into the nutcracker, sending them both down the shaft*
Nutcracker: "NOOOOOOOoooo..."
*the sound of something like wood splintering and crackling in the fire is heard, along with the horrifying shriek of a dying insect...*
-when they land, the red gems shatter, allowing the two abilities to return to their owners-
etta: *coughing* f-franz!
Kafka: *clutching his side, where the roach triped over him* "Gah..." *looks down at the bruise...it's healing* *looks up* "Etta..." *crawls to her...* "...Your wrists..." *takes her hands, where there are cuts along them*
etta: *winces* o-ow....
Kafka: "I-I'm so sorry..."
etta: i...it was so scary...i...i....uuuu....*she sobs*
Kafka: *holds her, crying as well* "It's okay...Y-You're safe...Thank God."
etta: *hic* *shaking*
Kafka: *holds her close, stroking her head*
etta: *sniff*
-the walkie talkies crackle-
leroux: is everyone alright?
Kafka: "..." *calls in* "We're alive. We have retrieved our abilities. Leroux?"
leroux: oh thank goodness. did you destroy the red crystal then?
etta: red crystal?
Kafka: "...Whatever it was, it likely burned in the fire."
leroux: yes, that's the thing controlling the abilities.
Kafka: "...Then any other ability users who don't know this...Have you been able to contact anyone else? Walter? George? The others?"
leroux: i just contacted them, but walter said he was in the middle of something...
Walter Prime: *staring down Walters 1, 2, and 5* "So...it's come down to this..."
walter 5: indeed.
walter 1: lets do this.
Walter 2: "Right..."
*All four Walters reach into their back pockets, removing...Nintendo 3Ds*
walter 5: i call dibs on meta knight!
Walter 2: "D'aw! Fine! Falco!"
Walter Prime: "What?! How cliche can you get?!"
walter 1: no way. all fox. final destination. no items.
Walter Prime: -_-; "What did I just say about 'cliche'?" *picks Jigglypuff*
atsushi: .......*ahem*....so.....akutagawa....how's it going?
Akutagawa: "Sturm und Drang treats us well. We have locked up Mori for our own protection. I have not killed Pushkin."
Kyoka: =_=
atsushi: i....see......so....been a crazy 6 months, huh?....*SWEATING*
Akutagawa: "Yes. It has. ... ... ..."
Kyoka: "...If I remember the floor layout, our floor is just 8 more below--"
Akutagawa: "When do we go out?"
atsushi: *COUGH COUGH*
Kyoka: "I just said--8 more floors."
Akutagawa: "Right. Thank you."
Akutagawa: "I have communicators for you. Rashom-- ..." *reaches into his coat to remove them himself* "Here."
atsushi: oh, um... thank you. ......
Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "You're welcome." *faces forward* "Underground, the fog won't reach us. But to reclaim our abilities, we have to defeat them."
atsushi: oh?
Akutagawa: "Yes." *taps an earpiece* "I overheard members of Sturm und Drang say so. There is a red crystal on each ability that must be shattered or otherwise destroyed."
atsushi: i see. thanks for the info then.
Akutagawa: "For now, we are allies, only because we have the same goal: to stop Shibusawa."
atsushi: did you get in contact with mr sakaguchi too or...?
Akutagawa: "Chuuya did."
atsushi: ah...did he mention anything about dazai? we heard he was kidnapped...
Akutagawa: "You fool."
atsushi: eh? o.o
Akutagawa: "Dazai _let_ himself be kidnapped, willingly."
atsushi: ....well, m-maybe he has a plan. his plans have worked before in the past, like with cannibalism, and the incident with the guild.
Akutagawa: "You have such faith in him?"
atsushi: i guess so, yeah. I know, he's done some really bad things, but i think he is putting effort into being a better person...
Akutagawa: "...Hmph."
*elevator ding*
Kyoka: *leads them out...*
Dumas: O___o "...This is why I don't smoke that shit anymore..."
-two hands cover his eyes-
???: guess who, alex. ^^
Dumas: "..." *shakes* "M-Mer?"
mercedes: ^^ hehe
Dumas: *surprised laugh* "Hi! H-How did you..."
mercedes: covering your eyes isnt exactly rocket science, you goof. ^^
Dumas: "N-No...How are you _here_?"
mercedes: ?? why wouldnt i be? we live here, remember?
Dumas: "...Cadaqués..."
mercedes: it's beautiful, isnt it? *she smiles and rubs her stomach*
Dumas: "..." *smiles, rests a hand over hers* "Yes...Think there's enough room for the little one?"
mercedes: i think so.
Dumas: "..." *hugs her* "Oh, thank God."
mercedes: !!....*hugs him.....as a shadowy arm emerges behind dumas*
Dumas: "Wh-What's wrong?"
mercedes: just relax....we can stay like this....forever...~
Dumas: "Y-Yes...And we can find a name..." *rests a hand on her stomach...* "Maybe...Miguel? Marcus? ...Wait..."
-the shadow prepares to strike-
Dumas: "...N-No...Where are they? Where--ARG!"
cervantes: dumaaaaaas! you there buddy?
Dumas: (ಠ_ಠ) "...ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"
cervantes: you're alive! thank goodness!
Dumas: *clutches Cervantes by the neck* "YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
cervantes: OwO;;
marquis: *cuddling dumas' side* =///w///=
Dumas: "..." *lets go of Cervantes, buries his face in his hands, small whimper*
cervantes: ...*pap pap*
Dumas: "Wh-What even happened?"
cervantes: long story short, our abilities went coco loco.
Dumas: "...Was that all? So, why aren't they 'loco' now?"
cervantes: *shrug* for now, lets get somewhere safe before they attack us again.
Dumas: -_-# "Where's 'somewhere'? What even caused it?" *looks around*
shibusawa: *leading fyodor and dazai into a room*
-the room they enter is a large, circular room with what seems to be an ornate golden well in the center, and the wall containing several hundreds of red crystals-
shibusawa: welcome to the room of draconia.
Dazai: "Shiny." *looks around* "Impressive collection."
shibusawa: it wouldnt be nearly as impressive without mr dostoyevsky's information. speaking of, how _do_ you get your intel?
Fyodor: *smiles* "Rats tend to be everywhere."
Dazai: 3: *deadpan* "Meow."
shibusawa: and it seems another one has been added to my collection.
Dazai: "So, one wants to acquire abilities...and one wants to kill ability users..."
Fyodor: *smirks*
shibusawa: still, they have no value if i cant find that specific ability.
Dazai: "...Oh, I see. You're lonely and want a friend."
shibusawa: please, to me, human beings are nothing more than walking bags of flesh. their daily actions are always so predictable and simple to understand, but there is one person i dont understand; myself.
Dazai: "Monologuing--always a helpful method for self-understanding. So, is that it? You bring in these abilities to learn more about yourself?"
shibusawa: if i can find that specific ability, then my search will be complete. tell me, *head tilts back to look at him* do you think there is someone who exists that can defeat their own ability?
Dazai: "...I see. When the Ability kills its user, you get that Ability in that crystal...and Fyodor eliminates another 'sinner.'"
shibusawa: precisely. although i wouldnt put it so biblically. i simply wish to see the light beyond the void.
Dazai: " 'Light'? 'Void'? Hmm...Speaking of, where do you think your assistants are?"
miyuri: *skipping along and humming* ^^
Sonia: "What is that song?"
miyuri: something mama used to sing to me. she had a nice singing voice...
Sonia: "..." ("...Had...") *looks around* "It's still empty here..."
miyuri: hmmmm....hmmmmmmm.
???: there you are, lady miyuri!
Sonia: "!!!"
miyuri: oh hi lux! hi nox!
Sonia: "!!!"
miyuri: oh hi lux! hi nox!
nox: lady miyuri, we're here to return you to your room. it's dangerous out here.
miyuri: but i havent thanked the nice person yeeeeet. >3<
Sonia: "Um..."
Lux: "Just come along, my lady..."
nox: ?!?! who-
miyuri: nope! sana and i are gonna look for the nice person first, then miyuri will go home.
Sonia: "..." *inches behind Miyuri* "Who are they?"
miyuri: owo oh, this is lux and nox, they work for tacchan!
Sonia: " 'Tacchan'..."
Lux: "You are coming with us, now!"
miyuri: nuuuuuuuuu! >n<
Lux: "Nox, ready?"
nox: you leave us no choice. *opens a portal*
Sonia: "?!"
nox: *reaches for miyuri*
Sonia: "..." *picks up a rock--and throws it at Nox*
nox: GRK-
Lux: "Nox!" *glares at Sonia* "You little shit!"
Sonia: "...Maybe this was a bad plan--"
Lux: *releases lightning*
miyuri: *grabs sonia's hand and runs*
Sonia: *follows, as Lux aims--* "Damn! I can't risk hitting the young lady..."
nox: urg...*touching their forehead, which is now bleeding* damn, that brat throws surprisingly hard...
Sonia: "What are their abilities?"
miyuri: well, lux can use lightening, and nox can use portals! it was one of nox's portals that miyuri fell into the last time by accident! and _that's_ how miyuri got outside the first time!
Sonia: " 'First time'? Th-This is too much--they're going to kill me at this rate..."
Lux: "Lady Miyuri, this is for your own good..." *aims*
Sonia: ("Think...Lightning rod...Usually made from aluminum--so...") *spots a can* "..." *kicks the can--into Lux's forehead*
Lux: "GAH!" >~<#
miyuri: *runs with sonia*
Sonia: ("Papa...Mr. Kajii...I hope I did the right thing...") "Miyuri, duck into here!"
miyuri: ok!
Akutagawa: "Stop this immediately." *dodges*
rashomon: *GROWLS*
Akutagawa: "I said stop!" *punches*
Weretiger: *ROARS*
atsushi: *shooting*
demon snow: *SLASH SLASH*
Kyoka: *blocking with her blade* ("I need an opening...I need something...")
Kyoka: "?!" *the cord tying the phone to her neck is sliced, causing the phone to fall to the floor*
demon snow: *SWINGS*
Kyoka: *eyes widen* "..."
{man: "Where's Kyoka?"}
{woman: she should be playing outside.}
{Kyoka: *a small child, bouncing a ball outside a traditional Japanese-style house*}
{Mr. Izumi: *smiles* "It was worth coming home early..."}
{???: *a figure rushes in with a knife in hand*}
{???: *collapses with a knife in their throat*}
{Mr. Izumi: "It's best to keep work and home life separate." *had tossed the knife*}
{mrs izumi: fufufu, indeed. ^^}
{Mr. Izumi: *removes the gun from the assassin--and shots into the ceiling*}
{???: *falls down dead*}
{???: ....}
{demon snow: *slashes the grunt behind mrs izumi*}
{Mr. Izumi: *looks around* "..."}
{Mr. Izumi: "???" *taps his cheek*}
{mrs izumi: ?? is everything alright, dear?}
{Mr. Izumi: "...I've been cut..."}
{mrs izumi: oh dear-}
{demon snow: *blade block*}
{mrs izumi: !!!!!!}
{Mr. Izumi: "?! It-It's not me! My body is moving on its own..."}
{-the door opens-}
{mrs izumi: !!!!!!!!!!!! k-kyou-}
{Kyoka: "Papa?"}
{Mr. Izumi: "..." *his body rushes at Kyoka* "STRIKE ME DOWN--NOW!"}
{Mr. Izumi: *collapses...he's not moving*}
{Kyouka: *stunned*}
{mrs izumi:....*feeling the blood on her cheek slide into her ear* ?!?!? *involuntarily picks up a knife* demon snow....please....}
{Kyoka: *stares*}
{mrs izumi:....protect kyouka...}
Kyoka: "..."
{-in a green field...-}
{Kyoka: "..." *looks around*}
{-nothing but clear skies and fields for miles...-}
{Kyoka: "Demon Snow...It is the embodiment of slaughter...Even so..."}
{mrs izumi: even so....you want to use this ability to help people....right, kyouka? *she smiles*}
atsushi: *holding a block which he used to block demon snow's blade* KYOUKA!
Kyoka: "..." *determined look* "I'm sorry." *readies her blade* "Let's finish her."
demon snow: *slashing*
-the red gem on her forehead shines a bit-
Kyoka: "There!"
Weretiger: *ROARS, leaps at Atsushi*
atsushi: GAH!
-he drops the gun-
Kyoka: *slashes at Demon Snow--*
demon snow: *blocking*
Kyoka: *presses further* "You...are mine!"
demon snow: ~i belong to no one!~
Weretiger: *lifts its clawed paw to bring down onto Atsushi--*
atsushi: *shoves the block into it's mouth*
Kyoka: "Do you forget?! What you promised?!"
Weretiger: OxO "ROAR?!"
demon snow: !!!! *stunned*
atsushi: *jumps onto the tiger's back, yanking the crystal off and throwing it to the ground, shattering it*
Kyoka: "What did my mother ask of you?! Will you refuse?"
Weretiger: *ROARS...before collapsing*
demon snow:....
Kyoka: "..." *suddenly has the gun Atsushi dropped, aims--*
Kyoka: "...Return."
demon snow: *reappears* ~...kyouka....please....forgive my behavior...~
Kyoka: "..." *small chop on the head* "Don't let it happen again."
atsushi: *collapses, panting* holy....freaking....dingus....*sigh*
atsushi: *looks up*
rashomon: *blink*
atsushi: *bolts upright* FHIHKJSKJKJFSKUHJBVFLDKSHBV!!!
Akutagawa: *petting Rashomon* *stares at Atsushi*
atsushi: um....hi. again.... ._.;;;;
Akutagawa: "...Well? Are you bringing the tiger forth again or not?"
atsushi: g-give me a sec ok.....*inhales* tiger-formation!..........................go tiger go!............heeeenSHIN!
Kyoka: "..."
Akutagawa: "...You can't summon it, can you?"
atsushi: i said give me a sec, jeez!.... HRNNNNG.....phweh.....*panting* GRAAAH WHY! ISNT! IT! WORKING?!
Akutagawa: "This is ridiculous--it's not working because you're not honest with yourself."
atsushi: what do you mean by that?
Akutagawa: "What are you?"
atsushi: ??
Akutagawa: "An ability user. A tiger. A beast. Until you accept what you are, you cannot utilize your gifts..."
atsushi: ..........i guess im not worth killing then, huh?
Akutagawa: "You insult me?"
atsushi: i-i didnt mean it like that- i mean.....it _has_ been six months since our agreement.......
Akutagawa: "...So, you haven't forgotten."
atsushi: *shakes head*
Akutagawa: "...I lost my home. My base. But you know what I didn't lose?"
atsushi: ??
*Rashomon leaps forward, flicking Atsushi hard on his forehead*
atsushi: >x<
Akutagawa: "An understanding of what I am. Reminders of what I have done, can do, and will do...If you won't stop Shibusawa, I will." *turns* "...And that's 'stop.' Not 'kill.'"
atsushi: .....
Akutagawa: "Have you forgotten what you have done?"
atsushi: i-
Kyoka: "Atsushi is more powerful than you realize. You're one to talk about forgetting the past."
atsushi: .......
Kyoka: "He's stopped you enough times--because he never gives up."
Akutagawa: "...Then why is he still standing there?"
atsushi: ........
Kyoka: "...Atsushi..."
Akutagawa: "Take the step forward or don't. But I will press on."
Kyoka: "...Rest for a bit."
atsushi:....*sitting down, closing his eyes*
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
from internships to entering the nether
Yumi: "...How...How does a _child_ get kidnapped and..." *shudders* lord death: .....*takes a long sip* we as a people have to improve, to keep things like....like _this_ from happening... Yumi: "I know...How much information do we have? Such as, who...killed this child?" -elsewhere- Shima: *reading a book on familiars* "..." *yawns* konekomaru: so, what are you doing for your secret santa? Shima: "Don't know...This gift choice is really hard to figure out." Bon: *grumble grumble* -elsewhere- leo: ....... Gin: *slides a glass of water* "Here." leo:....*small sip* ........... Gin: "How old are you?" leo: ………..25 years old. Gin: "I was told about some of your abilities. Must be useful." leo:.......................................*her expression is solemn* higuchi: ... Gin: "I've seen what you can do out there. I can imagine it hurts. Do you need any medicine?" leo:...........im used to it. higuchi: ..... Gin: "Because you wanted to protect someone." leo:....my new home... Gin: "Yes. You were happy there." leo:.....he....he made me feel like i wasnt alone anymore.... higuchi: dostoyevsky? leo: *she shakes her head* vanya... Gin: "A sibling?" leo:.......n-not exactly. he made me feel welcome when i was taken in by the rats.....he means a lot to me. *soft smile* even if he doesnt love me the same way, he's the most important person to me. higuchi: ...... Gin: "Do you know whether he is safe?" leo:....you said he escaped, right? naoya: long hair, head bandages? leo: yes! naoya: yeah, he escaped. leo:....*sigh* i see.... Gin: "Do you think he'll return?" leo:...i think he will.....he wouldnt ever dare to leave mr dostoyevsky's side....to vanya, fyodor is the most important to him... naoya:...... Gin: "Hmm...And you? Will he return to you?" leo:....i can only hope, right? Gin: "..." *closes the file* "We'll see." *opens the door—and is pushed aside* Tachihara: "I brought snacks!" leo: .... higuchi: -_-; Tachihara: "Who wants--" *shoved by Motojiro* Motojiro: "Who's up for a rousing game of Chutes and Ladders?!" Gin: "..." *pulls out a blade* leo: ._.; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sipping his tea, wearing a shit-eating grin* louisa: sir francis? Fitzgerald: "Yes, Miss Alcott?" louisa: any news? Fitzgerald: *deathly serious* "Yes, there is." louisa: o.o; oh? Fitzgerald: *holds up the guest list* "This 'Plus One' option is increasing the number of guests for our party. I had not considered so many people would have a Plus One! We'll need more plates..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Any update from your 'patient'?" kim: well, he's back home now. Jacqueline: "Think they'll go after him again?" kim:...i dont know.... -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *staring at the sunset* ???: brother.... Tanizaki: "Yeah?" -there is someone standing..........in an elephant suit- naomi: we start our punishment tomorrow. Tanizaki: ._.; "...What the heck are you wearing?" naomi: mascot suit. Tanizaki: .________.;;; "...How bad is mine?" naomi:.....do you really want to know~? Tanizaki: "I mean, better now than later?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *typing* chie: *helping the others decorate the tree* Shotaro: *wrapped in lights* ._.; -elsewhere- Takehisa: *seated in driver's seat* "Okay, I'm going to start it up again. Check the engine." karin: alright! Takehisa: *starts the engine* karin: looking good. Takehisa: *turns over the engine* *Burst of exhaust out the back-pipe* karin: *cough* crap! Takehisa: ._.;;; "...Whoops." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *lights a candle at a shrine* kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: *lowers his head, prays* -elsewhere- Kid: "Hmm..." stocking: comfy~? Kid: *smiles* "Maybe~" stocking: *smiles and kisses his forehead* Kid: ^\\\^ *purrs* stocking: so cute~ Kid: >\\\\< "I can't help it--you're so cute..." stocking: *smoooooooch*~<3 Kid: "Mmm..." -\\\\- *rubs her hand* -elsewhere- Mrs Harue: "Sweetie? Can I get you anything?" keek: ......*shaking a bit* Mrs Harue: "..." *hug* keek:...*sniffle* Mrs Harue: "We'll go out tomorrow to the doctor..." keek: o-ok.... Mrs Harue: *trying to smile* "We can also stop by your favorite game shop?" keek:....s-sure.... -elsewhere- Black Star: *groans* tsubaki: easy now... Black Star: "I-I'm fine...I can leave now--" *tries to sit up--and his burnt hand touches the bed* "Ow!" tsubaki: !!! Black Star: TT~TT "I want a healer..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *giggling* <It's so close...> *looks in the mirror--then sees no reflection* "..." <Not close enough...She smelled like one of them...> -...- Magaki: <Just need a bit more time...> *transforms their arm into the Uncanny Sword* <And someone to wield...> *licks their lips* -elsewhere- Poe: "So, how was it?" ranpo: it did the job well, so good work there! how's your shin? Poe: -~- "It still hurts..." lana: *getting ice for it* here, put your leg up* Poe: "Thank you..." ^^ lana: ^^ -elsewhere- Kishiri: "What you been thinking for Christmas?" vivian: well, papa said he was going to be attending a christmas party at manhasset in hopes of forming some kind of collaboration. Kishiri: "Manhasset? They got some deep pockets, right?" vivian: mmhmm! Kishiri: "Man...Sounds like a fancy shindig. You going?" vivian: of course! since papa's always working in europe, this is one of the few times of the year i actually get to see him. Kishiri: "...Good for you to see him." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "You heading to bed?" yu: yeah. shinra: yeah. i get the feeling things are going to be busy in the coming days.... Relan: "Holidays, too..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *passed out* "Zzz..." gabriella:....*smiles and tucks her in* -morning- Kunikida: "..." aya: .....is he gonna be ok soon? Katai: "...I don't know. He hasn't been keeping to his schedule..." aya: *worried* *light bulb* kunikida! let's go ice fishing! Katai: ._.; Kunikida: "...Where?" aya: i think there's a big pond in the park in the pine acre's district! Kunikida: "...You'll need your coat." aya: ok! Katai: "You'll need poles, too..." -elsewhere- Kyouka: *yawns* "Wake up..." atsushi: *yaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAawn* ugh....so exhausted.... Kyouka: "It was a busy mission. Are you skipping classes today?" atsushi: cant afford to right now. *streeeeetch*...............................................kyouka did i seriously fall asleep on the kitchen table? Kyouka: "...I don't know?" *looks around* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *marks the calendar* "Okay...Just need to learn non-lethal attacks. Should be easy. Set up the first dummy." coke-bottle glasses: right away, sir. Akutagawa: *summons Rashomon* coke-bottle: *timing him* Akutagawa: *wraps Rashomon around his fist--and punches the dummy's chest* -knock back!- coke bottle: excellent work, sir! Akutagawa: "Hmm. Was it lethal?" -elsewhere- Sanjuro: "Until Black Star recovers, will you be investigating alone?" tsubaki:....i suppose so. Sanjuro: "...Without the Uncanny Sword?" tsubaki:....*gulps* Sanjuro: "...It'll be okay. We're going to get...it back." tsubaki:...right. we have to. -elsewhere- Johannes: "I don't see why I have to go with you." >3< metsu: *holding an umbrella* because you are too much trouble to be left on your own. Johannes: "Hmph. You act like no one else has ever done that in a lab...And Jeje will clean it up." metsu: ... Jeje: "IT GOT EVERYWHERE!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *takes books out of his locker* ochako: hey todoroki! *waves* Todoroki: "Oh. Good morning. How are you?" ochako: nervous for the internships. Todoroki: "Oh? But Gunhead sought you out, right?" ochako: yeah. but ive totally got this. *fist pump* Todoroki: "..." *smiles, fist bump* "Yes." ochako: hehe ^^ Todoroki: "...I have finalized my choice." ochako: really? where is it? Todoroki: "...My father's..." ochako: ^u^ ......... OuO.......... O___O WAITWHATNOW!? Todoroki: "I guess I should've given you a warning, such as 'Sit down for this'...Sorry. I just...need to learn how to control my flames..." ochako: what the heckie dude? why not someone like, i dunno, ryukyu? or manuel, or even the wild wild pussycats?? Todoroki: "None of them are the person from whom I inherited my Quirk." ochako: ......are you sure? even after all he- Todoroki: "I won't act like this won't be hard...or even impossible. I...have had to set up some appointments..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "With a-a...therapist..." ochako:......*she hugs him* Todoroki: "..." *pat pat* "Th-Thanks?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *putting books away--spots a student at a desk* "???" rowena: hello. ^^ we're working on setting up a club. we have two members so far. *she holds up a sign that says 'mystery and occult club'* Jacqueline: "Oh...I would imagine you would have more members in no time at this kind of a school..." rowena: *she smiles* Jacqueline: "Wait--who's Member #2?" rowena: annaaaaaa- *seeing poe* miss warren ^^;;;; Jacqueline: "???" Poe: "Rowena? What's this club for?" rowena: it's a club dedicated to the study of mysteries and the occult, as the name implies. ^^ i think it could help me make friends here who share similar interests with me. Poe: ^^; "Just be careful..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Zzz..." marie: miss montgomery? Lucy: *grumbles, looks up* "..." O_O *sits up straight* "S-Sorry, Miss Mjolnir." -elsewhere- higuchi: they're WHAT? naoya: yeah, those two rats are joining us. Tachihara: "AND I AM HYPED!" higuchi: even after they, oh i dont know, TRIED TO KILL ALL OF US?!?! naoya: well, they seemed eager, especially the munchkin. Tachihara: "...That gremlin is still here?" naoya: um, that's who i meant. her and the other guy, sasha i think? higuchi: alexander pushkin. naoya: eh, close enough. Tachihara: D: "What about the cute girl?!" naoya: opted to stay in the cell. Tachihara: -3- -elsewhere- Katai: "...I haven't gotten a bite." aya: how about you, kunikida? Kunikida: "Nothing." aya: hmm... Katai: "I was hoping to catch fish. She seemed to like them..." aya: ?? Katai: "...!!! N-Nothing..." .\\\. "I-I think I'll have a nibble soon." aya: ok then. *shrug* Kunikida: *his line has a tug* "??" aya: quick! you got this! Kunikida: *starts to pull it in* -you caught it!- Kunikida: "Ah. Salmon." *hands it to Katai* "Give it to that woman you like." aya: wait, uncle katai has a girlfriend? Katai: "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Kunikida: "You said she was there when you were recovering--" aya: ?? Katai: "I SAID NOTHING!" -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." -knocks- kirako: dazai? Dazai: "..." *opens the door* "...Hey." kirako: listen, i know yesterday was a bit of a shock for you...it's a shock for me too... Dazai: "...I'm sorry." kirako: ?? Dazai: "I didn't mean for this..." kirako: dazai, it's ok. these things happen. Dazai: "...Getting pregnant is not 'just happens'..." kirako:....im not mad at you, if thats what you're thinking. Dazai: "I'm mad at me..." kirako: ..... Dazai: "...Look. Whatever you want, I'll support. I'll have the money..." kirako:....*pats his back* Dazai: "...I'm not 'father material.'" kirako: no one said you had to be. Dazai: "...I'd have to, or else I'd screw that kid up..." kirako:....*holding him close, stroking his head* .... Dazai: "..." *looks shocked, even as he hugs her* kirako: ....*hums slightly* Dazai: *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *grabs his books* eijiro: eyyyy! ozaki! what's up? Chuuya: "Oh. Helo, Eijiro. How are you?" eijiro: good. been busy? Chuuya: "...Quite. I need to pick up some makeup assignments..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Any plans after school?" atsushi: i might take a nap. im still exhausted... Lucy: *nods* "Let's get you home...I'll cook something and you can get the leftovers from the fridge." atsushi: ok then. *yaaaawn* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki: ...... Black Star: *groans* {Black Star: "..." *looks around* "...Oh, great. Here again."} {???: ....................} {*In his dream, he is at a waterfall...*} {????: ...................} {Black Star: "...Tch. Look, whatever Yoda speech you got, make it fast: I got to wake up and--"} {????: *bearing their teeth and charges*} {Black Star: "!!!" *tries to leap over*} -black star?- Black Star: *tossing in sleep* tsubaki: black*star? Black Star: *swings his arm* tsubaki: black*star wake up! Black Star: *his hand reaches at Tsubaki* "No!" tsubaki: *hugging him* Black Star: "..." *coughs* "I...Sorry." -elsewhere- Katai: *counting the fish* "Is this good?" aya: mmhmm! Katai: ^^ "Yay..." Q~Q "Can we go home now?" -elsewhere- Kid: *thumbing through papers* liz: busy week? Kid: *nods* "I would like to finish some of these tasks before the holiday break. How about you?" liz: yeah. -elsewhere- Gin: "..." higuchi: you ok? Gin: "Just thinking. The idea of including those Rats is not comforting." higuchi: i can see where you're coming from here, especially after what the one tried to do with-....*sigh* Gin: "Yes. I would love to put an explosive around _their_ necks." higuchi: .... Gin: "..." *pulls out her blade* -later- Endeavor: *reclining in front of his fireplace* secretary: sir, you have someone to see you. Endeavor: "??? Who is it?" *sets down his drink* secretary: its your son. Endeavor: "More specifically?" secretary: he says his name is 'shouto'? Endeavor: "!!!" *tosses the chair aside* "SHOOOOOOOOOOOOUTO!" secretary: *falling out of their chair* t-too loud. Todoroki: *standing at the entrance* "...This was a mistake." Endeavor: *running through the hall* "Wait!" secretary: *ducks under the table* Q-Q; Todoroki: "...Endeavor." Endeavor: "Oh, come on, my boy--if you're going to join me at this Agency, can't you call me 'Dad'?" Todoroki: "...That's not the word I was looking for." Endeavor: "...One day, after this training, you will learn to respect me and embrace not only your power but your legacy--" Todoroki: "When are you going out on patrol?" Endeavor: "CLEAR MY SCHEDULE!" secretary: y-yes sir! (thinking: the pay isnt worth this shit Q_Q ) -elsewhere- Gunhead: *looks at clipboard* "Let's see...Yep. That's you." *holds out his hand* "Welcome aboard, kiddo!" ochako: *shaking his hand* i look forwards to lookin- working with you sir! Gunhead: ^^ "D'aw, you're all gungho and ready to power through--awesome!" ochako: ^^ (thinking: he's actually really chill and adorable how the hell even-) -elsewhere- Uwabami: *adjusting the mirror* -knocks- momo: um. h-hello ma'am. itsuka: hey. ^^ Uwabami: "Ah, Yaoyorozu, Kendo! Welcome!" *opens her arms* itsuka: um....*glances* *ahem* momo: *bows* i look forwards to working with you, ma'am! itsuka: ._.; Uwabami: "Oh, please, sweetie--" *hugs* momo: ^///-///^; itsuka: grk- s-strong grip... Uwabami: "I'm so glad you are here!" *hands Momo a mirror* "Hold this." -elsewhere- Izuku: *looking at the address* "So it should be just a few doors--" *looks up* o_o; "--down?" -the place looks completely abandoned- Izuku: ("Maybe...No, this is the right address.") *approaches the door* "Um, excuse me? I'm looking for someone? I'm Izuku--" -an old man is laying on the ground.....red all over.....- Izuku: D: *SCREAMS* "Oh no! Help! Ambulance! Police! This old man is--" -he springs back up- old man: HELP! I'VE FALLEN, AND I _CAN_ GET UP! Izuku: *LOUDER SCREAM* "HE'S ALIVE!" old man:... !! NOOO MY KETCHUP FILLED SAUSAGE LINKS! OH THE HORROR! Izuku: ._.;;;; "...Um, excuse me, sir?" ^^; "I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm here from--" old man: you a telemarketer, sonny? Izuku: .___.; "N-No? I'm a student who was to begin an internship with Gr--" old man: boy. *pats his back* if you're lookin for 'big joe mcgee', that's a block down. but if i were you, i'd just turn back. he'd break you in half in a heartbeat. Izuku: O______O;;;; ("...WHAT THE FUCK?!") old man:....im hungry. Izuku: "...Sir, I am looking for Gran Torino! Is he here or not?!" old man: wha? toshinori, izzat you? Izuku: -_-; "No, I'm Midoriya..." ^^; "Excuse me, sir. I have to make a call..." *sets down his luggage, takes out his phone* old man: *looking through the suitcase* say kiddo. fire an attack on me, would ya? lets see what your one for all can do. Izuku: ._.; "...Gran Torino? Sir?" old man: did i fuckin' stutter? put it on and come at me, bro! Izuku: :X "I-I need a room to change in, sir!" old man: next floor, first door on the left. Izuku: .\\\\. "Th-Thank you!" *grabs his suitcase, runs* gran torino:.... (thinking: let's see how well you picked them out, toshinori...) -elsewhere- Bakugo: "...The heck you staring at?" fan: oh. my. gosh. you're interning for best jeanist?! EEEE! HE'S SO COOL! fan 2: i would totally let him step on me! Bakugo: "...Okay. I already have to deal with one of you masochistic fuckwads in class--I don't need one here. Get to stepping." secretary: mr bakugou? right this way, please. Bakugo: *follows, grumbling* "I wanted a top hero and all, but these fans are obsessive...Just fixated on one person like some weirdo." -elsewhere- Mineta: =\\\\\= "I get to meet a giant lady, I get to meet a giant lady..." old lady: yeah? *takes a drag* whadda you want, brat? Mineta: "I was looking for Mount Lady, and she's all--" *imitates her dimensions* "--and you're not." ???: oh my fucking god, barb, he's the intern! fuck!. hey cutie~ (thinking: oh fuck my life) -yep, it was mt lady, coming home from a grocery run- Mineta: "... ... ... ... ... ..." *SCREAMS* mt lady: what? what?! barb: did his parents drop him off the empire state building as a baby? mt lady: well that explains everything. Mineta: "IT IS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AND WORK WITH YOU, MA'AM! I can't wait to be under your tutelage!" *excited* mt lady: riiiight. sure... ^^# (thinking: i cant wait to punt this runt) -elsewhere- Deathgoro: "Got to keep up the pace when going on patrol, kiddo!" jirou: u-u-understood, sir! -elsewhere- All Might: *shuddering* "He'll be fine, he'll be fine, he'llbefinehellbefine--" -elsewhere- Sanjuro: *marking a map* "And this was the radius where you encountered this thief..." tsubaki: so they couldnt have gotten far, then. Sanjuro: *shakes his head* "And here are the residential areas--" *circles those* -elsewhere- Wes: ._.;;;;;; "...Why is your friend back? We're not done with practice--" licht: long story. Hyde: *waving a flag* "Do it, baby!" licht: *throws the chair at him* Wes: O_O Hyde: *knocked down--the flag drapes him like a coroner's sheet* licht: he will be at peace, for i am a heavenly angel. *pose* -the spotlight shines upon him- Wes: "...JOSEPHINE! The spotlight isn't until later!" maid: i dont know what happened! it just turned on by itself! ghost dog: 8D Wes: -_-; *pets ghost dog* -elsewhere- Lucy: "Huh. They're both fast asleep?" Dazai: "Zzz..." kirako: zzzzz.... atsushi: *puts a blanket over them* mii: *mreow* Lucy: "??? Oh, hello..." *pets Mii* mii: ^u^ Lucy: "I didn't know Kirako had a cat..." atsushi: yep, she does. Lucy: "What a cutie..." *scratches under Mii's chin* mii: ^u^ Lucy: "You hungry, little guy?" ^^ mii: *mreow!* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *setting the plates* nagisa: *helping with stirring* kim: thanks, kiddo. nagisa: hehe! ^^ Jacqueline: *smiles* "We have enough chairs?" kim: i think so. mami and chrona said they'd be over too. Jacqueline: "It'll be good company...I better get dessert out of the oven." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *reading the email* "...How sad." naho: whats up? Shamrock: "!!!! Oh! Um...My favorite tea is being discontinued." X^; naho: .....that stinks. *exits* -elsewhere- Relan: *sneezes* iris: you ok? Relan: "I think so? Just dust..." tamaki: it's like that baby panda video. Relan: ._.; "...I'm not a panda..." shinra:.... TTuTT (thinking: could have fooled me.) -elsewhere- Hibana: =\\\\\\\= *snuggle* hanako: *giggles* Hibana: "Such a cutie-patootie..." -elsewhere- Karim: "Hmm...You been okay?" dia: !! o-of course. just a bit tired is all. foien: ... pearl: we do worry about you, dia. dia: im fine, really... Karim: "Well, how about some soup?" -elsewhere- Iida: "So you are on patrol?" manual: yeah. hosu city's been in a bit of a panic after the incident- s-sorry. Iida: "No, I understand. It would make sense to have superheroes visible to give civilians confidence..." manual: that's right. especially since so many people are around during the holidays. Iida: "Hmm...How approachable are civilians to you?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *stares at the broken microwave "..." *tries opening the door* "...You shouldn't use this, sir. It'll release radiation, and not the 'superhero origin story' kind..." gran torino: im gonna go to the store now. be back soon. clean up while im out see ya! *exits* Izuku: *sighs* "What even is this...I thought I would come here to learn how to control One for All, then I'm told my focus on learning it like All Might would teach it was a shackle...Maybe...if I tried another approach..." *looks at his hand* "...This hand of mind is connected to my arm, which is connected to my shoulder...It's...!!! It's an extension of me!" -elsewhere- best jeanist: to be honest, im not really a fan, mr kacchan. Bakugo: "!!!! Then why the ever-loving crud-apples did you take me on as a protege?!" best jeanist: because i intend to make a good example of you. *sparkle sparkle* Bakugo: "I am already an awesome example! Look at me! I won in the competition (ignoring that my opponent was totally wimping out)--DID YOU JUST CALL ME KACCHAN?!" best jeanist: please, it's all over social media. *shows his phone* also, have you looked in the mirror lately? heros and villains are two sides of the same coin. look at that hard glare of yours. does that look like the face of a hero to you? -night time- Izuku: *drops garbage bag in the alley* -the night is silent- Izuku: *looks up the alley wall* "...Okay...If I try to bounce there, then there..." *nods* "Let's do this..." "Charge up the feet...and the knees...and...BOUNCE!" *leaps* -elsewhere- leo: ............. {RHOD member: <oi, oi, new girl, give us a smile>} {leo: ...} {RHOD member 2: <she's a cute on, the boss sure knows how to pick 'em, eh?>} {*tap tap on Members #1 and #2's shoulders*} {RHOD 2: <nyeh>} {leo: ??} {Ivan: *creepy face* "Master would like you two to leave her alone--or suffer."} {1 + 2: OwO;;;;; *they flee*} {leo: ...... <t-thank you, sir....>} {Ivan: *slight bow*<"Anything for my master...Even though he had not specifically asked me in this instance.> ^^; {leo: .... .///. <w-what exactly will i be doing here? i dont have any particular skills that would be of use->} {Ivan: <I...don't know that. But Master said he was interested in what you could do, and I always trust his word~ Maybe speak with him?>} {leo: <m-maybe....>} {Ivan: <But first--> *hands her a tray*} {leo: ?? *blinks* } {Ivan: <Can you make tea?>} {leo: <well, i've never actually tried to...>} {Ivan: <Then in the name of our master, I will teach you...>} leo: .....*sigh* please be ok, vanya.... -elsewhere- Ivan: *shuddering* fyo-dolly: ... Ivan: *stares* "..." <Is this to your liking, Master?> -no answer- Ivan: Q~Q "H-Have I offended you?" fyo-dolly:.... Ivan: "..." *holds up the doll* *high-pitch voice* "I think you're really obedient, my loyal servant!" *normal voice* "Oh, am I, really~?" ^^ *Fyodor*: "Oh, yes--you are the most perfect servant! Far better than that skanky whore who is only good for filling with my seed--" Ivan: "Oh, stop, master~ You'll embarrass me." =\\\\= *Fyodor*: "It's true! You also know how to tend to me in every way possible..." -elsewhere- pushkin:.................kati? did you feel that? katya: the overwhelming feeling of second hand embarrassment? yes. Gin: "Are you two done talking?" katya: nyeh? pushkin: nothing! OuO; Gin: "Good. Now pay attention..." *holds up a kunai* -elsewhere- Fourth Kind: "And that's it for today. Now get to bed for a bright and early day, you poozers." eijiro: understood! -elsewhere- Izuku: *his face is bruised* TWT gran torino: jeez, you fall down the steps, sonny? Izuku: "Just some...late night jumping practice, sir." gran torino: yeah, every real challenge starts that way. ya'll'd be hard pressed to get that kinda mentality outta all might. he could manage fine from the start, so i had to use different methods. the only thing the kid had going for him was his body... GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER, YOU SICK FUCKS. Izuku: :X "I WASN'T THINKING ANYTHING OF THE KIND, SIR! ...And why did you make that plural?" *looks around* gran torino: dont think about it too much. anyway. we sparred until he was ready to pass out and cry. Izuku: ._.;;; "...Poor All Might...That must've hurt." gran torino: not as much as the emotional pain. he was entrusted to me by a friend of mine who's long gone, god rest her soul. -ding dong- Izuku: "I'll get it, sir..." (" 'Entrusted'? Did he mean...All Might's mentor?") delivery: delivery for a mr...torino? gran torino: aha! it's here! -one microwave installation later- Izuku: "Wow, that is one fast delivery..." gran torino: how about we heat up those taiyaki i bought the other day, huh? im starved! Izuku: owo; "...For breakfast?" -and so- gran torino: *nom* >3< TOO COLD! Izuku: "!!! I-I don't understand! I set the time correctly, I know it..." gran torino: ah! here's your problem! you put them on too big of a plate! if you use too big a plate, it wont spin and only a part of it will get warm! have you never used a darn microwave?! Izuku: "O-Of course! We just don't--My mom and me--We don't have a spinning microwave! Ours is stationary and...And...!!!! I figured it out!" gran torino: ? Izuku: "I am the taiyaki!" gran torino:....did you hit your head harder than you thought you did? are you going senile? Izuku: "I have been trying to concentrate all of my power to one spot, rather than using One for All throughout my body, as an extention of myself..." gran torino: now yer catching on! Izuku: ^^ "I-I only hope so. Now it's about putting it into practice..." -elsewhere- Uwabami: *checking her mail* *sighs* "So annoying...All these invitations..." -one letter from the zoo- -'do your best today! <3 aoi + shiina + everyone'- Uwabami: "..." TTWTT "D'aw..." -elsewhere- Mr. Asui: "What you want to do today, kiddos?" *ribbit* satsuki: did-nee! did-nee! mrs asui: sound like a plan. ^^ -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sets down glasses* "Drink up." shinra: thanks for the meal! *gulps* tamaki: are we ever going to the nether? its been weeks. Takehisa: "If someone would hurry on the map--" Victor: "I'M TRYING! I'M TRYING, DARN IT! STOP PUTTING ME UNDER MORE PRESSURE!!!" karin: o-o; nozomi: D8> Victor: "..." Q___Q "I'm sorry--I'm just really stressed...Knights. Fire people. Mushrooms. Tunnels. Fear of dying. It's all a lot weighing on me..." nozomi: i-it's ok. *hug* karin: *glare* Victor: .\\\\\\\. (*screaming internally* "This is not helping my stress...") -elsewhere- Todoroki: "What's it like working for my father?" secretary:..... Q_Q Todoroki: "...Oh no. He hasn't done...that, has he?" secretary: no! nothing like that! he just piles all the work on me. TT_TT i barely have time to sleep... Todoroki: "...May I help?" -elsewhere- Fyodor: *humming* guard: you seem chipper... Fyodor: *smiles* "I have decided to make the best of my situation~" guard:...creepy.... -elsewhere- ???:...mufufufu~ this should be easy~ -elsewhere- Kid: *playing with Shiori* shiori: ^u^ Kid: *holds up a doll* "And what is this animal?" shiori: moomoo! Kid: "A moo-moo! The cow goes--" *impersonating the sound* "Mooooo!" shiori: *giggles* Kid: *sets down the cow, picks up another one* "And what sound does this little one make?" shiori: meeew! Kid: "A kitty cat!" *sets it down* "And how about this one?" *picks up Shiori* shiori: *baby squeal* Kid: "Shiori goes 'hee hee hee'!" stocking: *smile* Kid: *looks at Stocking...winks at her* stocking: 7///w///7~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ *passes Shiori to Stocking* stocking: hey, shiorin ^^ shiori: stocky! stocky! Kid: *smiles, as he snaps a pic* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Look what a big boy you are..." toru: hehehe! Yohei: "And a happy boy, too." *picks him up* "Umph! And bigger..." chie: ah! haha, yohei im not done washing him yet! ^^; *laughs* Yohei: "Oh--sorry!" *sets Toru down* "I'll mop up." chie: ^^; *washing toru in the sink* aw, did daddy try to get you out of bath time early? toru: ba! chie: hehe, silly daddy! Yohei: ^^; "Sorry...Just been away so long today..." chie: *small smile* ah, did you want to be on ducky duty? Yohei: "...That'd be great." *smiles, kisses her cheek as he takes the rubber ducky* toru: ^o^ Yohei: "QUACK QUACK!" toru: ^u^ -elsewhere- Relan: *pats Shinra's back* "Better?" shinra: y-yeah. iris: *hug* shinra: =///= Relan: "We're here for you..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sighs* "Good meal..." mami: thanks for tonight. ^^ kim: no probs. nagisa: ^u^ Crona: *nods* "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." yosano: still moping because of the baby, huh? Dazai: "It's not 'moping.' It's thinking." yosano: hmm... Dazai: "Money. Broken family. Dad who has problems." yosano: you're scared because you're inexperienced. Dazai: "Is that the _only_ reason? What do I know about raising anyone?" yosano: well, you've been doing well with atsushi and kyouka, right? Dazai: "...I don't have to change their diapers, though..." yosano: hey, you're not the only one raising this kid. Dazai: "...What if she doesn't want me involved?" yosano: you'll just have to ask then, wont you? Dazai: "..." *bolts upright* "Yes, I will." -elsewhere- Sanjuro: "It's getting late...Maybe call it a night?" tsubaki:...perhaps... Sanjuro: "..." *hug* tsubaki:....*hug* Sanjuro: "We'll stop them...and we'll get him--...the sword back." tsubaki:...r-right....*walking home* ......... Sanjuro: "..." *looks up at the sky* -elsewhere- Magaki: *covering their ears* "..." -...- Magaki: "...Stop..." -...?- Magaki: "Stop talking to me...I don't want to hear it..." -...- Magaki: "..." *lowers their hands* "..." *stares at the one that transforms into the Uncanny Sword* "...Go away..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: [how is your internship?] itsuka: [its...an experience. ^^; ] Bakugo: [about the same -_-# ] *texts a photo: his hair and outfit have been changed* itsuka: [who are you and why do you have katsuki's phone?] Bakugo: [HA HA FUCKING HA. i'm gonna kill jeanist for this shit] itsuka: [XD] Bakugo: [ -_-# what's snake woman got you doing? patrols?] itsuka: ... [advertisement.] Bakugo: [??? like, passing out flyers?] itsuka: [it should be on in 8 minutes on channel 22] Bakugo: "???" *flips on Channel 22* ['kay. let's see what this is all about...] -seems the commercial is promoting the oumagadoki zoo- -momo and itsuka are also in explorer themed outfits- Bakugo: "??? The zoo--" *spots Itsuka* "..." .\\\\. -elsewhere- Tokoyami: "...Is this the work to finish?" ojiro: i think so. *phew* a lot to clean up... Tokoyami: "A civil service, I suppose..." *takes out a flashlight* -later- hagakure: [it's so sad. TT^TT i didnt know how bad things were here in chicago...] Ojiro: [a lot of crime?] hagakure: [that's the least of it. when i got to valkyrie's office, some of the graffiti was disheartening to say the least...] Ojiro: "..." [i'm sorry] hagakure: [cant turn back now, though. i came because i wanted to help out the people who were suffering here. so thats what im going to do! *determined emoticon*] Ojiro: [sure you will. good luck! stay safe] hagakure: [i will. ^^] -elsewhere- Free: *laying down a blanket* milia: zzzz Free: *tucks her in, strokes her head* milia: =w= eruka: *small smile* Free: *stands back...* *whispers to Eruka* "When does she start school?" eruka: sometime in the spring. Free: "That's a bit off...Better help her prep..." -elsewhere- Asura: *shudders* mikan: *pet pet* heibito: =w= Asura: *slight whimper before hugging Heibito* mikan: *hums* Asura: "...This is pleasant." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Zzz..." anne: zzz Lucy: *turns over under her blanket* =w= -morning- Wes: *yawns* liz: zzzz Wes: "..." *rubs her back* liz: morning~ *kiss* Wes: "Good morning." *smooch* ^\\\^ "Sleep well?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *shivers* sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: "..." *gets up, goes to the kitchen...takes out the cat dish* mito: *mreow* Chuuya: *pours out a bit of dry cat food and a bowl of milk* "Here you go, Mi--...Mito." mito: *mew!* *nom nom nom* Chuuya: *pets her* "..." *looks at the kitchen table* -...silence- Chuuya: *sighs, opens the cupboard, removes some bowls and cups* sonia: *yawns and gets up* Chuuya: "??? Sonia? You up?" sonia: *nods and goes to brush her teeth* Chuuya: *wipes his eyes* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "So...That zoo commercial." kim: yeah, i could see them setting up. aoi seemed pretty nervous. Jacqueline: "Hmm...They didn't ask you to be in the commercial?" kim: i didnt offer, so nah. -elsewhere- Endeavor: "--and let the people know you mean business. Give them a dirty glare if you have to." intern 1: *muffled reply* Todoroki: "..." -elsewhere- Gin: *washing blood off her hands* katya: *streeeetch* haaaa, that was great. pushkin: hell yeah it was. did you hear the one guy begging for his mommy? katya: nah, i think my gun was too far down his throat. higuchi:.....a long time ago, you both threw your morality out of a car on a busy highway, didnt you? Gin: "We can't have unwanted attention--which is what you brought onto us." katya: nyeh? Gin: "Do I have to discipline you?" pushkin: are you still mad because i almost killed your bro? OwO;;; *STRANGLE* pushkin: grk- O-O UNCLE! UNCLE! higuchi: gin! katya: GET THE FUCK OFFA HIM! *lunges* -hirotsu put them on janitor duty as punishment= Gin: *in janitor's uniform* -_-#### katya:... <fuck> -elsewhere- Spirit: "Have a good day at work." sachiko: *nods and smiles* Spirit: "I'll have dinner ready..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Kyouka: *picks up her books* "Ready?" atsushi: *nods* Lucy: *walking with them* "What's on the agenda?" atsushi: usual school stuff until christmas break. Kyouka: "Any exams for you?" atsushi: im not sure. Akutagawa: "None for me." Lucy: .____. atsushi: i see akuta-.... O-O;; Kyouka: "You're looking well. Been eating better?" Lucy: "DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM." Akutagawa: "I haven't killed in at least a week..." atsushi: that's good. Akutagawa: "Thank you." Lucy: >_> "_Only_ a week...?" -elsewhere- fukuzawa: hmmm..... Tanizaki: "Sir?" fukuzawa: *looking at his phone.... 'when is the best time to host a baby shower?'* Tanizaki: "...Sir. Is there something you want to tell me?" ._. fukuzawa: ? naomi: you didnt hear? *whispers* kenji: *peeek* hehe, silly mr fukuzawa, babies dont take showers. Tanizaki: *listening* "..." O_____O naomi: yeeep. Tanizaki: "...Jeez. Might as well find a deal on diapers..." -elsewhere- Stein: "I'll need volunteers." sayaka: TTuTT (please dont call on me please dont call on me pleeeeease dont call on me!) Stein: "Miss Kaname." madoka: y-yes sir! sayaka: O.O; Stein: "And Sayaka." sayaka: Q-Q -elsewhere- Medusa: *groans, sets her head at the kitchen counter* neian: zzzz Medusa: "..." *drags a book--"Arcania*--over to herself, rests her head on it, watches Neian* "..." -elsewhere- Katai: *checking his phone* keek: [thanks for helping me] Katai: "..." ("I wish I had done more sooner...") [you're welcome. how are u?] keek: [ok. went 2 doctors. will be going 2 therapy] Katai: [oh good--i think that will help] -elsewhere- Kunikida: *opens his book...holds his pen...his hand is shaking* ranpo: still shook up over that kid, huh? Kunikida: "...Do you have to be so blunt?" ranpo: hey, i just have a detective’s understanding. Kunikida: *shuts his book, tosses his pen away* ranpo: ... Kunikida: "...I can't do this..." yosano: .... Kunikida: "...I think I have to leave." fukuzawa: what do you mean? aya: you can't give up, kunikida! Kunikida: "Look at me...Do you not understand the embarrassment I will attach to this Agency by staying here?" fukuzawa: you arent bringing shame to the agency. Kunikida: "I LET A CHILD DIE! I should be punished!" -stunned silence- Kunikida: "..." aya:....*teary eyed* kunikida... Kunikida: *shakes his head* -elsewhere- Intern #1: "Yo, Kacchan! Good luck today!" Bakugo: "Blow it out your ass." -elsewhere- Gunhead: "Oh no--that poor kitten's stuck way up there..." ochako: *gravities on up* its ok, kitty. -she got clawed up, but it was worth it- -elsewhere- emily: alright. and now for the roll call. mr twain? twain: yo! emily: wilde? oscar: here~ emily: white? ebie: *hanging upside down* here! emily: steinbeck? Steinbeck: *calling from upstairs* "Coming!" *walking down, holding a potted vine* emily: ah. baum? man: we're here~! ^^ girl: present. emily: good. let's see. hemingway? Hemingway: "Ay." emily: that should be- oscar: wait. dickenson isnt here. emily: IM RIGHT HERE! D8> oscar: hmm? oh! she's giving role. sorry hun~ ^^; emily: =_=; Steinbeck: "Okay, now that that part is taken care of, onto business--" *pulls out Christmas lights* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "..." *staring at Christmas lights on the tree* mary: *putting a bow on mr tsubaki* hehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *head tilt* mary: hehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nuzzle* -elsewhere- leo: ...... Akutagawa: *enters, carrying a backpack of books* leo: ?? Akutagawa: "...I had to come back to tend to you, as others are not here to do so." leo: ....i....i see.... Akutagawa: "..." *sits down, takes his homework out from his bookbag* "...I go to school now. Did you?" leo: ...i had private tutors when i was much younger. i continued my education with the rats. Akutagawa: "..." *shivers when she says 'Rats'* leo:.... Akutagawa: "...I've gone a week without killing." leo: ? Akutagawa: "I made a promise to someone I want to kill. And that I'm attracted to." leo:.....ah.... Akutagawa: "...I'm conflicted. But not killing has made me...feel things." leo: ....do you love this person? Akutagawa: "...I think so?" leo: ....why? Akutagawa: "...He's powerful." leo:....is that...the only reason? {atsushi: *smiles*} Akutagawa: "...He looks friendly." -elsewhere- Lucy: *opens her lunch* "Jeez...Following us like that." atsushi: yeah…but i think he's been getting kinda better? ish? Lucy: "Yes, I felt much better that he didn't try to kill me this time." -_-; atsushi: i really do think he might get better from this. *smiles and holds her hand* Lucy: =\\\\= "...Tiger instincts, right?" atsushi: *chuckle* -elsewhere- aya: *pounding on katai's door* UNCLE KATAAAAAI WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!!! Katai: "!!!" *wrapped in his futon, bounces to the door--and falls out of it onto the floor* "...Owie." aya: *shaking him* it's kunikida! he's thinking about leaving! we gotta talk him out of it! >A< Katai: O_O;;;; "...I left. It worked out...fine-ish for me." ^^;;;; *...Something is crawling along the floor behind Katai* *...Is that an amoeba?!* aya: O_o *chokehold* TALK HIM OUT OF IT AND CLEAN YOUR HOUSE DARN IT!! Katai: O________o "OKAY, I WILL! ..." *takes his phone, dials Kunikida* "...It's still dialing..." aya: please pick up.... *CLICK* Kunikida: "...What?" aya: please dont leave, kunikida! you cant just give up because of one slip up! that's not the kunikida that we know! Kunikida: "...'Slip up'?" aya: people make mistakes ok? that's normal. all we can do is learn from the past and improve, right?! Kunikida: "...What am I supposed to learn from someone's death? How many will die..." aya: ....*biting her lip* IF YOU DONT STOP BEING A BABY ABOUT THIS THEN MORE PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE! YOU CAN HELP STOP THAT! JUST GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR BUTT ALREADY AND START GOING FOR IT, DAMMIT! Kunikida: *triggered, as he remembers lives he has lost--and those he has saved* "..." *drops the phone* aya: ....kuni?....*shaking* kunikida are you ok? {Kunikida: "Aya...I'm sorry that you were almost--"} {aya: its fine. miss yosano was there, right? ^^} {Kunikida: *sighs* "That is a relief..." *opens his book* "Although this unpredictable nonsense has disrupted my schedule. -^- } Kunikida: "..." *picks up the phone* "Are you safe?" aya: y-yeah, im at uncle katai's right now. Kunikida: "Is Katai okay?" aya: yeah. h-he needs to clean though. big time. Kunikida: "...I will be right there. Go out and buy a sponge." -elsewhere- kirako: hmm? dazai? what brings you over? Dazai: "...I came to offer my services." kirako: oh? Dazai: "...May I help with anything? Chores? Baby clothes?" kirako: ah. well, if i need any extra help, i'll let you know. but for now, i seem to be doing well. ^^; Dazai: "...Have you been to the doctor recently?" kirako: besides yosano? *chuckles* Dazai: "I mean...Do you have an OB-GYN?" kirako: i might schedule an appointment later on... -elsewhere- keek: ... Dr. John: "Let me know whether you feel the pen..." *takes her pen, taps it along the top of leg* keek: i feel it.... Dr. John: "Okay..." *taps closer to the healed stump* keek: yeah... Dr. John: "Okay...That means nerves are still active and haven't died...How is pain in the severed nerves?" keek:....i-its not as bad...p-physically, anyway.... Dr. John: "...We can keep track of pain medications. But when you say 'physically'...is there something you wanted to discuss that wasn't physical?" keek:....*shaking* i have....n-nightmares.....the rats....n-nurse lewis...a-a-and that man....*she's shaking badly* Dr. John: "..." *offers her hand* keek: *whimpering* sachiko: *outside* (lewis? s-she doesnt mean......does she?) -elsewhere- Black Star: *sits up in bed* tsubaki: *asleep* Black Star: "..." *pats her head, his hand more healed* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *scrubbing the floor* aya: *dusting* Katai: D: "B-But don't upset the feng shui!" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." -footsteps can be heard- Mori: "!!!" *tries to hide under the desk* -the door opens- fukuzawa: ...... Mori: *trying to lean up against the back of the desk* fukuzawa: mori? i know you're here......it's alright. i have no intentions of fighting you right now. Mori: "...There is no Mori..." fukuzawa: ?? *looks under the desk* Mori: *huddled, holding papers and crayons* Q~Q fukuzawa:.....?? mori? Mori: *holds up a paper, with a drawing of Elise* fukuzawa: .............she's your ability, isnt she? Mori: "...Yes." fukuzawa: you can summon her again, right? Mori: "...It's so hard..." fukuzawa: ?? Mori: "Summoning her...She won't be how she wants to be..." fukuzawa: what do you mean? Mori: "She...can never age." fukuzawa: .... Mori: "...I don't deserve..." fukuzawa:....what happened to you, mori? Mori: "...The loss of innocence..." *puts a hand through his hair* fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "...You have seen enough death. You survived it." fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "...Rintaro did not." fukuzawa:....rintarou? (come to think of it, that girl always called him that....) Mori: *nods* "He died when he...When I...When we..." fukuzawa: when you what? Mori: "...Killed them..." fukuzawa: ... Mori: "Rintaro's mother..." fukuzawa: !! Mori: "And...father." fukuzawa: ?! Mori: *closes his eyes as tears fall* "I-I guess we're orphans, huh, Rintaro?" fukuzawa: ... Mori: *giggles...which turns into crying* fukuzawa: .....(natsume...what do we do with him like this?) Mori: *shaking, curled up in the fetal position* fukuzawa: .... Mori: *shivering, closing his eyes* fukuzawa:...*sighs* god dammit.....come on. *picks him up* if people knew the boss of the port mafia was hanging around here by himself, you'd be an easy target...especially like this... Mori: "Zzz..." fukuzawa:.... *sighs and begins heading back* Mori: *nuzzles into his chest* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *grabs a box of cereal at the grocery* katya: sup. -she and pushkin have a whole cart full of milk...- hirotsu: put those back. katya: =n=# pushkin: =3= Chuuya: "...What...the...heck?" hirotsu: *sigh* those two are quite the handful... Chuuya: "...Working with them seems like a bad plan. How you hiding this from authorities?" hirotsu: you'd be surprised. we managed to clear you and akutagawa's ledgers so you may attend school, we can clean theirs as well. Chuuya: "That's a fair point...Just keep them away from me." hirotsu: while their attitudes can use _quite_ an improvement, they have proven effective in terms of missions, especially given akutagawa's 'hiatus'. Chuuya: "...Still thinking he won't last another week." -morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning~ Kid: =w= "Good morning..." *smooch* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: *cuddles* "How was your sleep?" stocking: good. -elsewhere- atsushi: *streeeetch*.... *goes out for a quick walk around the apartments* Dazai: *on the roof* atsushi: *sighs and tiger jumps onto the roof* hey dazai, please dont jump. *pulling him back* Dazai: O_O; "...I was just admiring the view!" -phone message- Dazai: *pulls up the message* [emergency mandatory meeting; fukuzawa's apt] Dazai: "??? Okay, let's move..." -in the apartment- ranpo: so what's up? kirako: is everyone here? Kyouka: "Yes." Dazai: "..." Tanizaki: *looking around* *No Kunikida* naomi: mmhmm. kenji: is kuni sick? *Knock knock* kirako: *looks* *Kunikida is outside* yosano: found him! aya: *following him inside* Kunikida: "I'm sorry. I got turned around on the way here." fukuzawa: so then everyone is accounted for. mii: *mreeeeow* Dazai: "Y-Yeah...What is this about?" fukuzawa: on my walk last night, i found something rather...distressing...he was in a bad state and i was forced to bring him back with me to keep him out of harms way. Kunikida: " 'He'?" fukuzawa: *looks in the other room* it's alright, you may come out. they wont hurt you. *shivering is heard...as Mori walks in, wrapped in a blanket* yosano: what... atsushi: ....the.... odasaku: actual fuck.... ranpo: WTF?! kenji: hi! kirako: O_O Kyouka: !!!!!!!!!!! *hides behind Kirako* Kunikida: "!!!" *puts Aya behind him* "Sir, what is the meaning of this?" -he explains what happened- ranpo: he looks...almost kind of cute this way.....i feel sick. yosano: there is so much wrong with this picture. Dazai: "..." *leans forward, stares at Mori in the face* Mori: "..." atsushi: what's he doing? odasaku: ... Dazai: "..." *flicks Mori's nose* Mori: "OW! naomi: um... ._.; Dazai: "Huh...Never thought this would happen. So, what, we switch bodyguarding him?" fukuzawa: for now, until we can figure out what to do with him, we'll be keeping him here so that he doesnt endanger himself or others. Kunikida: "It's the 'others' part that concerns me. What do you propose?" fukuzawa: i will be keeping him in the back room for the time being. Dazai: "So who takes the first shift watching him--" Mori: *stares at Naomi* naomi: not it! aya: not it! yosano: i'll do it. ranpo: really? yosano: well, someone has to. Mori: *stares at Yosano* "...Oh! Long time no see, akiki!" yosano:...what the fuck? ._.' Mori: ^^ "Glad to see you. How's the medical profession treating you?" yosano: fairly well. and it seems i'll be treating you for today. Mori: "Okay. Just don't treat me like that one patient we had your last year--that guy really didn't need a spinal tap that badly..." yosano: ... -_-; this is going to be a long day, isnt it? fukuzawa: it doesnt look hopeful. atsushi: ._.; (so that's where ranpo gets his bluntness from...) Dazai: "Well, we'll leave you to it~" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sets a tray of food down for Leo* leo:....*small nom* Akutagawa: "...You miss him?" leo:....hard not to...im worried.... Akutagawa: "He did try to kill me and my...rival." leo: .....if you're angry with him, you can take it out on me.....i cant die anyway.... Akutagawa: "...Useful." leo: ......on an outside perspective, yes.... Akutagawa: "...Even if you cannot die, I'm not sure I could...That is a bit ambiguous whether it would violate my agreement." leo: ... Akutagawa: "..." *sits down* "...What does love feel like?" leo: eh? well....when you're able to be with that person, it feels....warm. Akutagawa: "And light?" leo:...*small smile* yes. Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "It feels peaceful." -elsewhere- Katai: *walking through the grocery...dragging his futon with him* blair: oh hello~ ^^ Katai: o\\\\w\\\\o "H-H-H-Hell-oooo?" blair: ^^ Katai: owo "...Fish." blair:...nyeh? OwO~? Katai: "I-I went f-fishing...Do you like fish?" -elsewhere- Victor: "So..." *hands out the groceries* "I think the Eighth is about ready." ivy: about fucking time. Joker: "No kidding. After all this, I don't know whose liver was going to hold out longer, mine's or Red's." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *packing the Matchbox* shinra: ..... Akitaru: "...Hey." shinra: !! *salutes* sir! Akitaru: *small laugh, salutes back* "At ease, soldier. Just wanted to see whether you're up for this." shinra: of course! i mean, i-i have to be, right? Akitaru: *smiles* "Right!" *pats his back* "...We'll bring him back." -elsewhere- Hibana: *opening a box* gabriella: a gift for iris? Hibana: *nods* "I thought it was time..." gabriella: *peek* oh! Hibana: "You think she'll accept it?" gabriella: im certain. -elsewhere- Master: *sets down a glass of water--then notices a ripple in it* "???" miranda: looks like another one. Master: "Weird. We had them months ago--and now they're back?" -elsewhere- naomi: ._.; Tanizaki: *facepalm* naomi: why is he clinging to me? .____.;;; Mori: =w= Tanizaki: "..." *removes a switchblade* naomi: um.... *poke poke* Mori: "I feel at peace...You're very kind, ma'am." naomi:...um....thanks? *blinks* Mori: *rests his head on her lap* "You're like a mommy..." Tanizaki: *biting his lips, taking out another switchblade* naomi: .______. *sweats and screams on the inside* -elsewhere- -rumble rumble- Kyouka: *hiding under a table* O~O atsushi: everyone ok? kirako: y-yeah. *rubs her stomach* Dazai: "..." *looks out the window* "...No obvious damage. Just some car alarms..." aya: that's good... Kunikida: "..." *re-sets the table* -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *shivers* stocking: *pats his back* Kid: "N-Not again..." stocking: shhhhh, im here, kid... Kid: *shivers, slight whimper* stocking: *holding him to her chest and strokes his head* Kid: *closes his eyes, trying to steady his breath...* stocking: *humming* Kid: *calms down, starting to sleep* -elsewhere- Katai: owo;;;; "...You okay?" blair: nyeah. just a bit startled is all. ^^ Katai: "Th-That's good..." *he had leapt into her arms* blair: hehe, cozy? *slight squish* Katai: o\\\\w\\\\o "...Incredibly so?" -elsewhere- Poe: *under a pile of books that fell from the shelves* ._.; lana: *helping him up* edgar, are you ok? Poe: *nod nod* "I-I know I like to put my head into a book, but this is ridiculous." ^^; lana:.......*chuckles* Poe: "..." *forehead smooch* lana: ^///////^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: *using his gravity powers to hold items up before they hit the floor...the amount he is holding up is stressing out his body* .______.;;;; "I-Is that everything?" kouyou: *she nods* Chuuya: "..." *lowers the items...then falls back onto the floor with a sigh* "Phew..." -elsewhere- Izuku: "Wow! Are you okay, sir?" gran torino: bwahaha! mother nature cant keep me down! Izuku: o_o; "I suppose not..." *picks up items that fell in the kitchen--including boxes of candy* "...You sure like sweets, sir..." -elsewhere- Bystander: "Isn't that that cat-girl who lost in the Sports Festival?" tamaki: *keeping a straight face, altough she was a bit hurt* nozomi: try not to mind them that much, miss tamaki. ^^; Bystander #2: "I think she lost more than the match--you see her pants fly off?" tamaki: *HISSSSSSSSSSSS* Bystander #2: *falls back* "Oh shit!" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Damn...It cracked the roof." mana: showtaro? you got the supplies? Shotaro: *lifts them up with Bone of the Ox* "Got 'em!" mana: ok! let's do this then. -elsewhere- Victor: *carefully crawls back into the Eighth through the open window* komori: *staaaaaare* Victor: O________O;;;; "...Um...Howdy!" komori: [sneaking out again?] Victor: ^^;;; "Oh, you know--my family is up at weird hours, have to get there when I can. And I don't want the Commander to dock me for personal days or sicks days--I'm saving those up to go to a comic convention next month." *nervous laugh* komori:......*eye glints at him* Victor: O______O;;; *runs--into the wall* -elsewhere- Spirit: "...You okay?" sachiko: yeah...just uneasy.... Spirit: "Something at work?" sachiko:...*sigh* if what that girl said is true, that zoey actually did that to her.....do i get the authorities involved? if i do that, they'll question her, and it might just stress her out more than she already is... Spirit: "Wait, Zoey? ...What girl? She knows something about your coworker who went craz-- ...Who..." -she explains the situation- Spirit: "...Have you talked to this girl?" sachiko: not yet. but please dont tell anyone i told you this, i could get in some real shit for telling you this... Spirit: *zips his lips* "Got it. Not even if Lord Death asked me." sachiko: *smiles* thanks, spirit. *hugs* Spirit: *pats her back, hugs her* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *looks outside* "...Where the devil is he? Why would he leave home? Did he get shot...again?" -knocks- Kunikida: "???" *looks through the peephole* -it's katai!- Kunikida: "!!!" *throws open the door* "Where were you?! I was worried sick..." Katai: .\\\. aya: uncle katai? Katai: "...Hi. I, um...Earthquake." -elsewhere- Karim: *drenched* -_-# pearl: *giving him a towel* ruby: when's dia gonna get back? -elsewhere- dia: ..... Fyodor: *smiles* dia: ....<i held up my end, you hold up yours...> Fyodor: <How shall I begin?> dia: ... Fyodor: <Maybe tell you where she went?> dia: <where is she?> Fyodor: *smiles* <I can't write it out. You'll need a map...> dia: ... Fyodor: <Do you have one? I can dictate the directions to you...> -elsewhere- leo: ... Akutagawa: *nudges Naoya* "Talk to her." naoya: hey there. leo: ...*nod* naoya: *hands her a beer can* thirsty? leo:....im good.... naoya: well, i had a talk with kouyou about finding you some work. leo: ............... Akutagawa: "You may like it. Just listen." naoya: kouyou said she'd offer you a position as a courtesan. she said she'd hate to let you rot away in this dingy-ass cell. 'sides, we let the other two nimrods out, why not let you out too? leo: ........ it wouldnt.....be the first time i was in such a position...... naoya:...... ._.; *feeling like an ass* did you want to talk to her personally? Akutagawa: "...That might be a good idea." leo:.....perhaps...... Akutagawa: "...When would you like? It could be later." leo:....it doesnt really matter when.... -elsewhere- Ivan: *shivers* -silence.... deafening silence....- Ivan: "...Am I going to die like this, Master?" fyo-dolly: ..... Ivan: "..." *strokes the puppet* <I suppose...if it is for you...> -elsewhere- Shinoda: o_o;;; "...What are you doing?" mana: fixing the roof, what does it look like? Shinoda: "But Nea said she likes it like this..." chie: it's going to cause a leak! D8< nea: *pouts* fiiine... Shinoda: ^^; "I'll treat you to ice cream..." -elsewhere- Rin: "Was class that bad?" madoka: i-im alive. QuQ *shaking* sayaka: TTwTT kilik:... *pat pat* sayaka: thank you TTATT Rin: "Jeez..." *hugs Madoka* "That bad, huh?" -elsewhere- Yumi: *cradling Shiori* shiori: zzzzz lord death: *small smile* kirika: ... Yumi: *sets Shiori down into her bed* kirika: ...cute. Yumi: "??? Kirika?" kirika: w-what? lord death: *hug* kirika: !!... 7///7; Yumi: *pat pat* -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." *grimace* -...- Magaki: <The blood is so awful...I never wanted to drink it...> *sets it down* <...No, relax. I got it from the butcher's shop.> -...- Magaki: "..." <What exactly can _you_ do, anyway? Aside from sword-stuff...> -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sitting at the kitchen table, looking at the night sky* soul: cant sleep? Sakuya: "No...Not a new problem." soul: ah.....need something to drink? Sakuya: "...Yep." soul: milk? Sakuya: *nods* "...Maybe cookies?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *tucks her in* sonia: *holding her teddy* Chuuya: *soft sigh* ("Surprised she likes that thing...") sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *small forehead kiss* sonia: =w= Chuuya: *smiles, before he stands up and heads to the door* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." *turns over* kirako: zzzz Dazai: "..." *protective hug* kirako: =///= Dazai: "..." *small cuddle* -elsewhere- fukuzawa: .... Mori: "Zzzz..." ranpo: zzzz fukuzawa: ....*reading* Mori: *turns over* "E-Elise..." fukuzawa: .... Mori: *whimpers* fukuzawa:....*awkward shoulder pat* Mori: TT~TT -elsewhere- Jonah: *giggles, re-designing a Hood's face* hood: OwO guruna: *spinning in a swivel chair* kurururu~ Jonah: "I think you'll enjoy it. It'll be great for infiltration..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Why are you still awake?" dia: sorry sir, busy day.... Burns: "Hmm." *offers a mug* "Have a seat." dia: *sitting down* ... *her hands are a bit shaky* Burns: "...Okay. What's eating at you?" dia:....*sigh* just....this dostoevsky incident... Burns: "??? What about it?" dia: b...bad memories.... -she explains what happened, but leaves out the part about barkova- Burns: "...I had my suspicions you knew him." dia:....i thought....coming here would keep me away from that terrible place.....he's in my head.... Burns: "Only if you let him." dia: ....im sorry, sir. Burns: "Don't apologize. This is a rough spot that you'll get through." dia:...u-understood. Burns: "..." *pats her shoulder* "You're tough. I know you won't let some lunatic get to you." dia:... *she nods* .... -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." Gin: *sets the blanket down, tucks him in* Akutagawa: *breathes more easily* -elsewhere- leo: ...... *A door down the hall sounds like it opens* leo: ?? ???: "...Sleeping?" leo: .....who is this? Kouyou: *approaches* "Someone who has been wanting to speak with you." leo:...oh. Kouyou: "Disappointed?" leo: n-no, just....i dont know about this....i dont want to betray the rats... Kouyou: "And how would this be betrayal?" leo: if your suggestion is for me to work for you.... Kouyou: "Yes, it is. And I think you would do well..." *studies Leo's face* leo: *there is a solemn look on her face, her eyes dull and tired, weary of the world* Kouyou: "...What do you want?" leo: ....an escape from this ability of mine....i want to be able to die....but i cant... Kouyou: "...I'm sorry. I don't know what you have gone through..." leo: .......*silently stares at the wall, tears falling, but her expression doesnt change* Kouyou: "..." *unlocks the door* leo: .... Kouyou: *enters...sits beside her* leo:......?? Kouyou: "..." *pats her hand* leo:.....*shaking a bit* Kouyou: "It's okay...Cry as much as you need to." leo: ........ Kouyou: *pats her back* leo: .... Kouyou: "...Do you like tea?" leo:.... *nod* Kouyou: "Then let's get you some tea." *presses a button on her smartphone* -elsewhere- Katai: =w= "Zzz..." blair: *in cat form, sleeping on his lap* Katai: *turns slightly...looks up* "...??? ..." *pets Blair* -elsewhere- Yukio: *wide awake* "..." momo sakura: *yawn* yuki? Yukio: *sits up* "Momo?" *puts on his glasses* "Can't sleep?" momo sakura: *nod nod* Yukio: "...Want to talk?" -elsewhere- shinra:..... *It's dark...There is hardly any light...* shinra: oh.... this place again... *There is fire, but little, no warmth...A skull is at Shinra's feet* shinra: WARG! *falls over* ???: mr kusakabe? shinra: *blinks* oh, hey mikami. mikami: *awkward wave* shinra: ok, so we're lucid dreaming right now or something? mikami: i think so. shinra: ok. so how about we check this place out and see what we find? mikami: *nods* -the two are walking along, looking for any other potential people- *A pedestal can be seen* mikami: what do you think it is? shinra: not sure... helloooooo? anyone here? *The room grows bright* shinra: *he sees someone* ?? ...... !!! *Someone in a cloak, with odd tips poking from the top appears...Someone stands before them* shinra: s-sho? sho! Sho: *looks up* "...You again." shinra: *reaching for him* grab on! Sho: *stares...holds his sword* -whud- shinra: *lying on the floor* ....ow.... -elsewhere- Sho: *eyes snap open* dahlia: shall we proceed? Sho: "..." *takes up his sword* "I am ready." -elsewhere- Hibana: "?! What's wrong?" mikami: s-sorry, i just had a nightmare. ^^; ryuuko: are you bruised? mikami: i-i dont think so...*brushing her bangs out....showing her blind eye...* Hibana: "...Well, I hope sleep is better. Need something?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Shh...It's okay..." kirika: *peeks into kid's room* ?? Kid: *holding his head* kirika: is he ok? lord death: *pats his back* shhh... Kid: *whimpering* *his skin is burning up* lord death: ellen, call for stein. ellen: right away, sir. Kid: *closing his eyes, getting faint* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." mito: zzzz Chuuya: *yawns...pets Mito* mito: =w= Chuuya: *sighs...looks at the clock* -4 AM- Chuuya: *groans* "Still early..." mito: *streeeetch* Chuuya: "..." *pets along Mito's stretching* mito: =w= Chuuya: *picks up a cat toy, wiggles it* mito: *batting at it* Chuuya: *smiles, moving it up and down to get Mito to leap onto the bed* mito: *leaps* *mreeew* ^w^ Karim: "..." pearl: *doing round and bumps into someone* ah! sorry about that sir- Onyango: "Excuse you." pearl: *ahem* may we help you? dia: ... !! ah, commander onyango! it's been a while. Onyango: "...Dia? Child. You're older now." dia: yes. pearl: s-she's actually a company commander now after rekk- *tenses* f-father hoshimiya's passing... Onyango: "...And that is why I am here, child." *turns back to Dia, ignoring Pearl* "Where is the Commander?" dia: he should be in his office. Onyango: "Still the same place, or has the building been re-built, too?" -elsewhere- *Someone stumbling, bleeding from their stomach* ???: "H-Help..." 'eyebrows': oh! oh goodness! tao: commander! we got someone hurt! Huang: *walking into the alley* "Symptoms? Condition?" tao: they've been cut open! Huang: "Gloves." granny: *handing her the gloves and medkit* Huang: *puts on the gloves, takes out clothes* "Wipe the blood. Sterilize the wound." 'eyebrows': understood! ritsu: y-yes! Huang: *takes out needle and thread...she charges a flame along the needle* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: ._. *sits up* "Did you feel that?" fang-hua: mmmn? Tsukiyo: "The ground just shook..." fang-hua: so they're starting up again? Tsukiyo: "What is causing them? I don't know where the fault lines are..." -early morning- shinra: so then the nether... Victor: "Yep! This is a 'wear dark pants' kind of a mission..." tamaki: TMI! iris: will you really be ok with going, relan? Relan: "I-I've been improving my combat skills--I think? I mean, if Victor, Nozomi, and Vulcan are going, I should be able to, too, right?" ^^;;;;; "..." shinra: *smiles* i believe in you rel! nozomi: *nervous* karin: *she has on a backpack with something in it* dont worry, kiddo. we got you covered! Vulcan: *twirling the keys* "We're all packed. I'll take care of driving us there." -and so- shinra: it's pretty overgrown... tamaki: the snow just makes it creepier! >~< shinra: try not to lose your pants, ok? tamaki: GET BENT! Akitaru: "Hey, settle down! Just be happy the city let us go in here. After what happened with the last venture people made underground...and the one before that..." tamaki:.... Q_Q;;; Takehisa: "...Sir, are you nervous?" Akitaru: "Why would you say that?" *his knees are knocking into each other as he shakes just below the waist* komori: [i will stay by the matchbox] maki: ._.; Vulcan: "I wouldn't worry too much, guys. I did water clean-up work here all the time...Hey, Sister? You got a prayer before we go in?" iris: y-yes! *praying* i ask for the infinite dawn, give light to the impure souls. ratomu. *CREEK* *the doors are opening* tamaki: MREOW! karin: huh. Arthur: "Magic door--MAGIC DOOR!" Akitaru: "Sister, stay back..." iris: *backs up and looks at her hands, stunned* Arthur: "She's a witch--burn her!" -PUNCH- Relan: -_-# maki: *fist steaming* Arthur: X~X Vulcan: "Um, guys?" *he's by a power station* "The electricity still works here. Even the door-opening mechanism is still operational--" shinra: are you trying to give us a collective heart attack?! Vulcan: "What? We're all fine, right?" Akitaru: *facing the open doors* "..." shinra:....*gulps* tamaki: ._.;;;; creepy.... -and so they enter- karin: *turns her headlights on* nozomi: *gulp* is everyone alright? tamaki: Q_Q Arthur: "I don't know what the big deal is." Vulcan: "Yeah. Looks the same as before. Oh, hey, look!" *points* "My tag [graffiti] is still here!" nozomi: ^^; maki: pusupusu, can you give us some extra light? pusupusu: pususu~ 💗 Takehisa: "??? What's this Mickey Mouse looking symbol?" *pushes the dust aside--and there is a skeleton on the ground* "..." tamaki: *SCREAM* iris: !!! Relan: "!!! Eeeek!" shinra: ._.;;; *Groaning is heard* Akitaru: "Calm down! We don't need any of you groaning!" shinra: 0_______0;;;; Takehisa: "...Sir. That wasn't us..." Akitaru: "...Then who was it?" karin: *looks in the direction of the sound* what the? iris: !!!! ???: "Leave...Iris..." iris: SISTER! shinra: hiban- (no...something isnt right here....) "Hibana": *reaching out a hand* "Save...me!" iris: *running towards her* shinra: !!! WAIT IRIS- -a thick mist appears- misora: EEP! tamaki: WHAT THE FUCK shinra: shit! "Hibana": "..." *her smile warps into a gaping mouth, opening wide, as her hand grabs Iris's wrist--and digs nails into her skin* iris: *SCREAMS* tamaki: GET OFF HER! shinra: IRIS!! RELAN! GUYS! Relan: "I can't see! Where are you--AAAAH!" -the fog disperses...- Takehisa: *collapsed on his back, unconscious* -elsewhere- tamaki: *cough cough* iris! relan! you two ok? Relan: *whimpering* iris: i-i think so..relan! are you ok?? Relan: "Th-They already separated us..." tamaki:...ok, just breathe, you're gonna be fine. i'll look after you two....*spots someone* ....w-what the....? iris: is that....another sister? amber?: ....... *standing still, her back facing them* tamaki: a-amber? amber?! amber?:..................................... Relan: "...After what we just saw..." tamaki: amber, it's me tama- *turns her around* -'amber's' face is badly decayed- tamaki: *screams and stumbles back, hitting a fake wall and falling into the darkness, screaming* iris: !!! TAMAKI! Relan: "!!!" *looks at 'Amber'* iris: !!! *A large man, carrying the demeanor of a priest, approaches* iris: *tense* Assault: "...I do not enjoy the prospect of killing children. But if you are in the way of our Preacher, then Assault will kill you." -elsewhere- maki: ugh.... *winces* c-crap... -she's alone in what seems to be an old railway- maki: *whimper* this sucks....but at least it cant get any 'better' right?! QuQ;; ???: it's only some stray child. maki: O-O;;;; *turns and looks* *Numerous White Hoods surround her* maki: awwww biscuits. Flail: "Heh. 'Child'? It's just a woman trembling in the dark..." maki: how cute, im gonna deck you in the shnozz now ^^ white hood: she's gonna what us in the what now? -SLAM- hood: @_@ maki: *demon eyes* -several hood run in terror- Flail: "She is just a puny little girly woman! We can take her, men! GET BACK HERE AND STOP RUNNING LIKE PUSSIES! THIS IS A PERFECTLY GOOD CAUSE TO DIE FOR!" maki: i think your big nose just scared them. -iron owls go- Flail: "MY NOSE IS NOT BIG--" "Disc": "Shut up, sir." *firing flaming disks at Maki* maki: *finger guns and fires them back at them* nah. Bee: O_O;; "I TOLD YOU DISCS WAS A DUMB THEME, FRIZ!" *struggling to duck--and gets his hood shaved off by a disc* Friz: "SHUT UP, BEE!" *gets a disc-shaving up his back* "AAAH!" Flail: *facepalm* "I thought we'd be more effective than this..." maki: ^u^ Flail: "..." *throws off his cloak* maki: aww, does big nose wanna pway? *Flail stands, bare-chested, hairy, with a chain in his hands* Flail: "I'll crush you, tiny girly woman!" maki: *urk* oh god, my eyes burn! hood 4: *runs to vomit* Flail: *summons a fireball along the chain* "ENOUGH WITH THE DUMB JOKES!" maki: alright... come at me, bro. *The fireball grows spikes to become a mace* Flail: "In the name of the Preacher, I bless you with DEATH!" maki: *DODGING* *The mace smashes the ground, walls--and some Hoods* Bee: O_o; "I HATE THIS JOB--" *SQUISHED* hood 5: OW! *he's naked now* FUCK THIS LUCKY LEWD CURSE! TT~TT Flail: "Don't let a little nudity stop you, boys!" *BANG BANG BANG* -IRON OWL PUNCH- Flail: *his face is squished by the sides* maki *PUNCHES HIM IN THE GUT* Flail: "..." *laughs, coughing up blood* "HA! No matter how muscular you are, at the end of this, you are still just a woman!" maki: *glares and chops him into the dirt* yes. a woman who just wrecked your shit. Flail: "BUT I'M STILL STANDING--" -BWAM- Flail: X~X "..." *Meteor Strike then falls onto his lower body, smashing his balls* x.x -elsewhere- Vulcan: "It's like biology, really. People come together, people depart--" Akitaru: -_-# "Don't turn this into science talk." Vulcan: "We get separated, we return. Just like how we'll find Lisa, right, sir?" Akitaru: *sighs* "If we just stand here, we're not going to find anyone--" ???: !!!!! Akitaru: "...Oh, you got to be kidding me--" -SMACK- Akitaru: *knocked down across the floor, into the wall* Giovanni: "Kukuku..." Vulcan: "..." *smiles* "Lisa." lisa: ......... Vulcan: "Got to say, you're looking great. That outfit suits you." lisa: .....*shaking* Vulcan: *trying to hold onto his friendly smile, even as his eyes are wet* lisa: why did you come here, vulcan? Vulcan: "...That's a silly question. To bring you home." lisa:.....*her eyes look dull* Giovanni: "WhaT'S WRonG, Feeler?" lisa: *eyes wide in horror* {Giovanni: "...A stray."} {lisa: *staring up at him*} lisa: *shaking* Giovanni: "I taught you: to control flames, to control humans...to control hIM. I GOt him to adOPT YOU. MAYBe i neeD TO REMind you of yoUR LESSON..." lisa: *trembling* ah- Vulcan: "!!! Get away from her!" Vulcan: *rushes at Giovanni* lisa: *shooting firey tentacles out at them* feeler....i am feeler.....right? Giovanni: "Yes--" Vulcan: "No!" *VULCAN PUNCH--" Giovanni: *catches Vulcan's fist--with a robotic hand* Vulcan: "...What the f--" *tossed* lisa: .... Vulcan: *lying on his back, coughing* Giovanni: "I have his key, I know the rest from his family. Feeler, cremate him." lisa: *attacking* Vulcan: "!!!" *a small ball rolls in between Lisa and Vulcan* lisa: ?? -elsewhere- tamaki: *winces as she gets up* ah....*slams her fist to the floor, yelling* FUCK! FUCKING! DAMMIT! *she's crying* *whimpering* i hate this...i cant do anything...i couldnt keep them safe....am i just...that useless? ???: kurukurukurururu~ tamaki: ?! *looks up* guruna: oh my my~ what have we here~? a lost little kitty? Tamaki: "Nyah?" guruna: kururu~ how cute. what's your name, little kitten? Tamaki: "..." *steps back, assuming a defensive pose, summoning a flame tail* "Back off!" guruna: aw, does kitty want to play a game? kururu~ very well~ *sends a fire tornado at her* Tamaki: "!!!" *pushes with fire-tail and kitten fire paws, trying to get out of the path--* guruna: hmm, your movements are all sloppy-sloppy. it's because you're upset, riiiight~? *Tamaki's tail gets caught in the fire tornado* Tamaki: O_____O "OH SHIT--" BLAM- Tamaki: *face-first into the wall* "..." guruna: kurururu~ aww, did kitty get all hurtsy? you're upset, riiiight~? i think i know whyyyyy~ because you're a child of misfortune... Tamaki: "..." *pulls her face off the wall...she's bleeding...and it's mixed with her tears* "..." guruna: i can understaaaand~ im a child of misfortune as well. when i was just a little girl, my mommy and daddy didnt want me anymore, so one day, they threw me out of the car over a bridge and drove away. i waited for days for them to come back, but they never came back. Y_Y Tamaki: "...Oh my..." *tries to stand up* guruna: one day, the hoods found me. i was so mad and sad that the world had been so mean to me. i wanted to make them hurt. i wanted them to hurt for how they treated me. *crawls over to her* you're mad too, arent you? because the world treats you like a joke *rubs a hand up her stomach and smiles* it's ok, tammykins, we can just...burn this awful world together <3 Tamaki: "...Okay, stop touching me right the fuck now." guruna: kuru? Tamaki: "I'm sorry...about what you went through. That's not fair. But you taking it out on a world, where there are many innocent people is not the answer!" guruna: oh? Tamaki: "So, we can either talk this out..." *Tamaki's tail returns--along with two...three...six...* guruna: kuru? O_o;;;;; Tamaki: *growls...as fire extends along her back, over her head, forming tiger teeth* guruna: OwO;; Tamaki: *roars, as she rushes on all fours with nine-tails coming off of her* guruna: *sending fire tornados at her* Tamaki: *tail whip #1* guruna: *slammed into a wall, revealing a staircase up to the upper levels* Tamaki: "..." *lowers her fangs, smiles* "Lucky." -in the upper levels- iris: *hiding with relan in a room* *looking around* hmm.... Relan: *trying to steady his breath* iris:...*touches her cheek* (if this was long ago, i couldnt even move....but im not the same person anymore. right now, relan needs me. and we need to get out of here.) *spots a fire extinguisher and crowbar*.... *idea* relan? i have a plan. Relan: "Wh-What?" iris: *smiles* think you can handle a crowbar? -outside- Assault: *marching through* "My Lord commands I follow through." -one door opens and iris steps out, holding the extinguisher- Assault: *pulls back his fist* "I'm sorry..." iris:....... Relan: *pulls back with the crowbar* "..." *brings it down--* Assault: *catches* Relan: "!!!" iris: !!!! *sprays him down* Assault: *just stands there, before he tosses Relan back* Relan: "UMPH!" iris: !!! relan! Assault: *grabs Iris by the neck* iris: *grk-* Assault: *summons a fire bullet* "I am sorry. But this is ho--" *CRACK* iris: *falls* *cough* ah! Assault: *his left arm is bruised...but his right arm is still holding a fire bullet* "..." *turns back* Relan: Q~Q *still holding the crowbar* "...G-Get away!" *swings it* Assault: *dodges* "I guess I should have killed you first." *kicks Relan back* Relan: *falls back, still holding the crowbar* iris: *throws the extinguisher at assault's head* Assault: "..." *lifts his foot--and slams it onto Relan's chest* Relan: *screams* iris: get AWAY FROM HIM! *tackles him* Assault: "!!!" *collapses to his knees* "You little welp!" *grabs Iris by her hair* iris: *bites down on his arm* Assault: "AH!" *pulls harder on Iris's hair--tearing some out* iris: *winces, bleeding a bit* Assault: *pulls back his fist--* ???: ururuRURURURUUUUUUU -GURUNA GETS SLAMMED RIGHT INTO HIM, sending them both into the wall- guruna: @u@ uwaaaa, now im really dizzy~ iris: !!... *looks* tamaki!! you're alright! Assault: *his head is smashed into the wall...there is blood* Relan: *turns over, sitting up* tamaki: *panting* you two ok? Relan: *coughing blood* iris: !!! relan! *runs over to him* are you ok??!! Relan: *crying...but smiling* "I'm just...glad you're okay." iris: *hugs him* Relan: *pat pat* tamaki:....come on, we need to find the others....... *Assault is standing over them again...* Relan: "!!!" *takes the crowbar--leaps, and slams it through his teeth* Assault: "GAAAH!" *falls back* Relan: Q______Q "..." guruna: *squished* KU- tamaki:....lets go.... guruna: kuruuu... love hurts... TTuTT -elsewhere- Takehisa: "..." arrow:.... *aiming at him and shooting* .... -elsewhere- shinra: guys? *shaking* where are you?! ???: "I'm over here!" shinra: victor, you ok? nozomi: w-we're fine. karin: just glad to be alive. Victor: "I-I had someone trying to hold a sword at me..." Q_Q karin: but i scared them off, nyoho~ ^^ nozomi: dr itou... ^^; Victor: "Shinra...This is why I said this was a dark-pants day...Have you found your brother?" shinra:...no, not yet. but he's close. big brother instincts. karin:.... ?? are those...gunshots? -elsewhere- arrow: ..... Takehisa: ("It's almost pitch-black--yet their aim is incredible. And I haven't landed a single hit.") -BANG- Takehisa: ("I'm a sitting target...") *spots the abandoned subway car* ("Need cover.") -a light shines through the car- arrow:.... Takehisa: "!!!" *falls back--* -FWOOOOOOOOM- Takehisa: *he has landed back on the floor--and the blast blew away his glasses* arrow: i dont allow...for my prey to escape.... *fires again* Takehisa: *barely dodges, the fire arrow just skimming along his leg* "...Sorry. That 'prey' belongs to us." arrow: this world is always changing.... human feelings are...unneeded.... we will obtain the adora burst....both kusakabe, and kurai's... Takehisa: ("With this fog, and without my glasses, it is difficult...") "Hmm...No feelings? I suppose that makes it easier to organize the world...But it won't convince Shinra or Mikami to join you." toujou?: then why are you fighting? Takehisa: "..." *smiles* "That's hardly going to provoke me, 'Toujou.' Your face just makes me calm." *lowers his duffle, opening and removing pieces* mirage: what is he doing? Jonah: "Are those...shotguns?" -BLAM- mirage: O-O;; Takehisa: *holding a smoking shotgun* "..." mirage: noisy...and that shockwave... -elsewhere- seraphim: ah....so _they_ are here as well, lord sho? Sho: *closes his eyes* "...Yes. I sense them." seraphim: shall i greet them? Sho: "...Leave Kusakabe to me." -elsewhere- arrow: *aiming, even though she is wounded* *BOOM* arrow:..... Takehisa: *trying to steady himself* ("At this rate...I'm going to pass out...") “…” ("In this world, it is spectacular deaths that command attention...Flame combustion...Superheroes...Meisters...I always knew my death could come at any point...I am always prepared to die...") "..." *looks at the 8 on his sleeve* "...Damn it. If I left it to Obi, who would care for our subordinates?" *takes up one last rifle* arrow: *shoots* Takehisa: ("And I...will use my opponent's flame to increase my own...") *His bullet moves faster by sapping the fire from Arrow's arrow* -BOOOOOOOOOM- arrow: *knocked back, screaming* Takehisa: "..." *falls, slumps back against the column* "Now stay down..." mirage: .... Takehisa: "...Two more, huh? Hiding, like cowards." mirage: *holding a knife* Takehisa: "..." *his hand passes along to a stray bullet...which he flicks, sending at a rapid speed* mirage: *doesnt even flinch* -BOOM- Takehisa: "...Illusion." mirage: now die... Takehisa: "..." *smiles* mirage: ?? *Something appears on top of the debris* Jonah: "??? Is that a turnip?" *The debris is knocked aside--as someone emerges* Arthur: "Born from the Earth, I still descend from the Heavens as the Shining Knight!" mirage:....what? Arthur: "The Holy Paladin? That guy that was captured by Hoods? ...Come on! I was missing for a long time!" mirage: .... screw it, im just killing him. -mist appears- Takehisa: "Don't screw this up, Boyle!" -several figures appear, one attacking- Arthur: "...One trick. That's dumb." *doesn't move* -fwsh- mirage: oh? Arthur: "I only move when I feel the weight of body and murderous intent upon me. That is what Konro that and sour commander taught me." -they all attack- Arthur: *doesn't move, closes his eyes* mirage: *lunges, grinning* Arthur: *eyes break open* ("The breath of life--") *removes Excalibur, slices with his blade* -mirage is gone...- Takehisa: OAO;;; Arthur: "..." Takehisa: "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" Arthur: "I sense the breath of life--" *SMACK* Arthur: *collapsed on the floor* mirage: *slumps over* Takehisa: "What kind of an idiot just swings his sword wildly--..." *looks behind* "...Oh. He _was_ there?" Arthur: *bleeding on the floor* "He was going to stab you in the behind. That's craven." -elsewhere- lisa: .... Akitaru: *struggling to speak, but his mouth is covered* Vulcan: *coughing* lisa: .... Vulcan: "Lisa! I said I would bring you home!" lisa:...you shouldnt...have come here... Giovanni: "Kukuku...Those who cannot possess flame abilities are not deserving of life...'Lisa' awakened her ability. You remember that day, yes, Feeler?" lisa: ...my parents perished....i was left alone....the bug.....awoke those flames in me.... Vulcan: "He's lying to you!" Akitaru: *reaching for an orb* "He's...taking advantage of your fears..." *grabs the orbs--and extinguishes her flames* lisa: *backs up* they protect me.... Vulcan: "From what?" lisa: from the flames...from the fears.... Akitaru: "...I don't know anyone who isn't afraid of flames, kid. Even firefighters..." lisa: ... Giovanni: "Tell me...Do you know what attracts insects to flames?" Akitaru: "...I mean, I guess I've wondered--" *Giovanni's cloak blows back--revealing a monstrous mouth emerging out of his chest* Giovanni-Chest-Mouth: "I'M NOT TELLING YOU!" Vulcan: o_o; *The cloak descends--and a small "burp" comes out from under it* Giovanni: "And now, it is time for you to die ignorant of this world--which, really, is not much different than how you were born into it..." Akitaru: "Okay, enough of this..." *takes up a fire extinguisher, blasting Lisa's flames* lisa: why are you doing this? they protect me....from the fear....the sadness.... Akitaru: "If you have to bury yourself in them...are they really protecting you, or are they imprisoning you? Why do you look so insecure?" lisa: *attacks* shut up! Giovanni: "Bringing a fire extinguisher to a battlefield...Fool." Akitaru: "..." *picks up a bigger fire extinguisher* "You know that our role is to protect humans from fire...and as long as I'm alive, that's what I'll do!" Giovanni: "...Kill him." lisa: ... -BLAM- *Akitaru is held back against the wall by Lisa's flame* lisa: protecting lives...yet throwing yours away.... Akitaru: *cough* "Appearances...can be deceiving. I'm not throwing away my life. I'm saving yours..." *a trigger slides out of his sleeve* lisa: ??!! -BOOOOOOOOOM- Giovanni: "!!! When did Obi attach those extinguishing grenades...When she attacked each time?! Feeler...you fool." lisa: *falling* !!!!! (mom....dad....i dont...want to-) *Giovanni stands back, not coming to her rescue...* lisa: *tears falling* *CAUGHT* lisa: !!?? *looks* *Vulcan has caught her* Vulcan: "..." *smiles* lisa: v-.... *tears falling as she cries, holding him tightly* Vulcan: "..." *hug* "It's okay...Even without flames, there are those of us who will protect you." lisa: *hic* *trembling* ???: "You'rE MAKIng a misTAKE..." lisa: ......s....stop it..... 'he gave you a place to live when you had nothing' SHUT UP! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING BRAIN!! Giovanni: "FeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEELer...Who saved you? Who brought you to Vulcan? I. Have you forgotten your debt? RETURN." 'feeler': do as he says. lisa: JUST SHUT UP!! *banging her head* SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!! Vulcan: "!!! Lisa!" *grabs her by her shoulders* lisa: she wont leave....she wont leave my head.... 'you're in _my_ head' SHUT UP! Vulcan: *holds her, hugs her* "I'm sorry..." *Vulcan feels something along Lisa's back* Vulcan: "???" *pulls back, looks--* *There is a rope around Lisa's waist* lisa: *yoinked* AH! Giovanni: *ropes Lisa in, holding her by the waist...the rope is around her neck now* Vulcan: "Lisa!" lisa: *choking* Giovanni: "If either of you move, then my heated rope will decapitate her." *A robo-arm appears from Giovanni's cloak...it tosses something to Vulcan: a handgun* Vulcan: *catching the gun* Giovanni: "If you value her life, do as I say: take that gun...and kill Obi." Akitaru: !!! Vulcan: "...You monster!" Giovanni: "Oh, Feeler...Finally, your life will be worth something." lisa: please...dont do it vul....just let me die... Vulcan: "..." *shaking* Akitaru: "Vulcan...Son...You're going to have to..." *opens his arms* Vulcan: *aims* "...I'm sorry." Akitaru: "Don't be." Giovanni: "Hurry..." *tightens his grip on Lisa* -bang- -akitaru collapses- lisa: !!! Vulcan: *shaking...* Giovanni: "..." *lets go of Lisa* "Amazing...Didn't think of a dog of the brigades had it in him." lisa: *cough cough* vul...y-you shouldnt have- Vulcan: "..." *falls to his knees* Giovanni: "Kukuku...This is such a glorious--" Akitaru: *raises* *intense stare* Giovanni: "!!!" Akitaru: "i KNEW YOU WOULD DO IT, VULCAN--BUT THAT STILL REALLY HURT!" lisa: ??!! w-wha- Giovanni: "WHAT THE F--" Akitaru: *grabs the nearby railroad tracks--and lifts them on his own, knocking down Giovanni* "YOINK!" Giovanni: "UMPH!" *falls back* lisa: but...h-how did he- Akitaru: *thumbs his nose, smiles* "Trade secret of the Brigade, I'm afraid--" Vulcan: *wiping his eyes, small laugh* "I added bullet-proof lining to all of the Eighth's coats!" Akitaru: … Vulcan: "..." ^^;; "Oh. Sorry! Y-You wanted to be a secret, right?" lisa: did you name it 'the turtle shell'? Vulcan: "..." *turns to look at Lisa* "...Oh my God, I love you." lisa:... .//////. Akitaru: "...Um, not to ruin this moment, but...What the hell is that chicken thing?" *Giovanni stands...without his coat...as just a head with legs* lisa: ....what the actual hell. Giovanni: "..." Vulcan: o_o;;; "...Dad used to tell me stories about these kinds of things, but goddamn." Akitaru: "Dude, do you even lift?" Giovanni: "You saccharine fools...Trusting in each other to risk your own lives..." *the legs widen--as the body re-assembles itself--with a ton of guns, missiles, knives, and a spoon* lisa: vul....kick his ass. Vulcan: "...You got it, babe. Initiate: Penguincete!" lisa:... =///=; *Armor assembles over Vulcan's head--producing a rock penguin helmet with fire engines off the temples that blast Vulcan forward* Vulcan: "Let's do a strength test!" Giovanni: "Your silly headgear is no match for my ingenuity!" Vulcan: *his beak slams into Giovanni's chest, obliterating his tech* Giovanni: "GODDAMN IT, YOUR SILLY HEADGEAR WAS TOO MUCH!" -elsewhere- shinra: ugh...i feel sick. nozomi: mr kusakabe? karin: easy kiddo. Victor: "Is it the Adora Link? The Adora Link? Please tell me it's the Adora Link!" shinra: *feeling black skeletal hands reaching up, and a large shinra head over him* *screaming* nozomi: !!!! karin: breathe kid, breathe! shinra: w-what's....what's going on? *A hand touches Shinra's cheek* shinra: *staring at the horned figure* ah- wha-what are.... *The horned figure grins...as their hand pulls back, they have transformed into--* Mrs. Kusakabe: *holding out a hand* "Shinra..." shinra: mom- MOM! *reaching out* Mrs. Kusakabe: *smiles...* "Why did you let me die?" shinra: ah- *FWOOSH* {shinra: *trembling, looks up at burns*} {Burns: *his right eye is on fire*} {shinra: ....*looks in where burns is looking*} {???: "AAAAH!"} shinra: that's.... Arg: *guttural noises...blood swept up into the air from claw marks cut into his face* shinra: *backing away* ???: *sniffles* shinra: !!! *Infant Sho is seated on the ground, crying* shinra: hey lil guy... *picks him up* hehe, it's ok. ^^ Sho: *sniff...giggles* "Hee hee..." *grabs Shinra's nose* shinra: *smiles* ???: ...nra.....shinra?.....shinra! shinra: !!! karin: *putting a cold compress to his head* you ok? shinra: y-yeah... Victor: *holding a notebook* "Tell me everything!" -he explains what he saw- karin: the 4th's commander...? Victor: "Arg? What, was he at your house during the fire?" shinra: i dont know... -ashen foot prints appear down a path- shinra: wha? nozomi: shinra? shinra: i think....he's leading me to him.... ???: not quite yet. Victor: ._.;;; Shinra: "Wha--" karin: ?!?!?! n-no way...that cant be- -fire feathers shoot out- Shinra: "!!!" *tackles Victor and Nozomi* nozomi: EEP! karin: *dodging* ... !!!!!!!!!!!! Shinra: *kicks one feather away* nozomi: what's-..... *her heart drops* seraphim:.... karin: i-....irina!! Victor: "...Wow..." nozomi:.... *her voice shakes* m-mama? Shinra: "...Nozomi?" seraphim: it's been a while. i see you and your aunt have joined the 8th now.... a pity. surrender the adora burst child, and i'll make your deaths painless. karin: what the fuck?? how are you- y-you died! seraphim: ufufu ... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! oh you naive sister of mine... Shinra: *staring at Seraphim...charging his feet* Victor: "..." *steps forward* karin: why are you doing this?! seraphim: im only doing what i wask tasked to do... nozomi: m...mother..... Shinra: "Who 'tasked' you? The Preacher?!" seraphim: *ignoring him* nozomi, it's been a while.....are you still following toshiaki's research? how foolish~ nozomi: ah- seraphim: i should have just let you die like your useless father... nozomi: *she just shatters* ah...... Victor: "!!!" karin: *putting on her fisticuffs and attacks* HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?! SHE'S YOUR CHILD! and toshiaki- HE WORKED HIMSELF TO HIS DEATH TRYING TO FIND A CURE BECAUSE- seraphim: he was only a means to an ends. im so glad you found him for me~ karin: why? the irina i know isnt cruel like this... seraphim: dont you get it? 'irina harada' doesnt exist anymore. karin: *punching at her* Shinra: "..." *charges his feet--and leaps, aiming a kick for Seraphim* Victor: "..." *glancing between Seraphim and Nozomi* seraphim: *knocked back* will you surrender nicely, boy? nozomi: *she cant even move* Shinra: "...Because you're Nozomi's mother, I'm going easy on you. We're taking you, too, along with Sho." karin: licht! get nozomi out of here, and you better not try anything funny! Victor: O_O;;; "R-Right!" *picks up Nozomi* seraphim: oh? what of her? she doesnt have any abilities of her own, she's nothing but dead weight. Shinra: "...Ma'am...You're dead wrong..." *leaps again* seraphim: ~angel bullet~ Shinra: "!!!!" *tries to dodge--* -the feathers graze him slightly- Shinra: "Ah!" *lands on the wall--and leaps again* karin: shinra! try to knock her to the ground! Shinra: *leaps from the ceiling* "Got it!" *opens his arms* seraphim: *attacking* Shinra: *getting grazed, some hitting his arms* "RAWR!" *reaches for Seraphim's neck* seraphim: !! Shinra: *grab--and pulls back his fist to punch* -POW- seraphim: !!! Shinra: *falling...but not as fast as Seraphim is* karin: batter... UP! *PUNCH* seraphim: *sent into the wall* Shinra: *lands next to Karin* "...Is that it?" karin: better not stick around to find out, lets go find your brother. Shinra: "...But she's Nozomi's mother." karin:...after what all she did, she doesnt deserve to be… -elsewhere- dahlia:.....they have arrived.... Sho: "..." *takes his sword* -the door opens- shinra:...hey lil bro... *warm smile* Sho: "Shinra Kusakabe...You've actually appeared." shinra: of course i did, now let's get you home. ^^ Sho: "_This_ is my home. With the Preacher." shinra: .... Sho: "Why do you insist on taking me away from my family?" shinra: sho...i am your family, just try to remember, you, me, our mom........ Sho: "Stop. I have no mother. And the thought of you as my brother makes me want to vomit. Furthermore, I am not of woman born--" shinra: as opposed to what, an incubator? Sho: "...I...don't actually know. But the Preacher does." shinra: ...*opens his arms for a hug* Sho: "..." *smacks his hand away* shinra: ....jeez, not very touchy-feely, are ya? Sho: *swings his scabbard at Shinra's face* shinra: *dodging* Sho: *twirls--swings again, aiming for his feet* -elsewhere- misora: huwaaaa, this sucks. it smells bad and i feel like im gonna throw up! >^< Jonah: "Oh, lookie here!" misora: *grimaces* oh THAT explains it! Jonah: *leans forward* "Lost?" misora:.... *not even looking back and punches him with in the face* Jonah: *knocked back...and his face is squished up where she punched him, his nose now up on his forehead* misora: how gross Jonah: *deep breath* "I don't see many like you who can throw a punch like that...What's your tale, girlie?" misora: cut the BS, you know who i am, you creepy wormy stalker! Jonah: *leans over her, his forehead nose resting over her hair* "Just wanted to get to know you all over again..." *inhales* -SLAM- misora: why dont you hurry up and die at my feet, scrub? Jonah: "I can do many things at your feet~" *his lips are now on his cheek...he taps his cheek onto her shoes* misora: GROSS! IM GONNA VOMIT TILL I DIE! DX< *kick to the face* Jonah: *by this point, his eyes are on the back of his head* ._. *blink blink* ???: "Are you two done yet?" misora: uru? *turns* Haumea: "Hi~" misora: unyeh? soooowwy~ dont mind me, i was just going now~ ^^ Haumea: *rests a hand on Misora's head* misora: eh- *ZAP* misora: OSHARE- *KO* @w@ owowowowowo..... Haumea: *snaps her fingers* "Jonah, bring her along." Jonah: *sits up, his face back to normal...ish* "Can do!" *slings Misora over his shoulder* misora: XAX Haumea: *smiles* "And with Sho and Kusakabe now meeting, it's time..." -elsewhere- shinra: *still dodging* Sho: *has his blade out, attempting to slice at Shinra* shinra: *dodging* sho! please! just hear me out! Sho: *knocks Shinra to the floor* shinra: GAH! Sho: *vapor comes off of his back* "..." shinra: *getting up* Sho: “No matter how fast you are, you’re not going to catch up to me. You and I are in different universes.” shinra: im not going to give up though- *running for him* Sho: *prepares his sword* -fyooooom- Sho: "!!!" -tackle hug- Sho: "?!!! shinra: it's ok, lil bro. *smiles* Sho: *clenches his teeth* "Stop calling me that!" *pulls back his fist*: *his eyes widen* "...Oh no...I've disappointed--" shinra: ?? disappointed? Sho: *pushes Shinra away, leaping to a pedestal* shinra: ... (it's like that dream....) Sho: "..." *bows before a figure in white* shinra: *stares at the horned figure* is that the preacher? Sho: "...You see them? Of course...because of the Adora Link." shinra: .... Sho: "The Preacher is who shares this link with me...lets me access this power." -the vision fades- shinra:... Sho: "Your Adora Burst is not enough. But with the Preacher’s divine protection, I can affect the entire universe..." shinra: my head's hurting from all of this....but enough of that, let's play tag some more. ^^ Sho: "I am not interested in playing games." *holds his sword* "The Preacher said they need you. They did not say they need you conscious." shinra: alright then, you're it! Sho: "No..." *He vanishes* shinra: oh? hide and seek then, eh? -shiv- shinra: !! Sho: *has driven just the tip of his blade into Shinra's shoulder* "You are the 'It.'" shinra: heh... i guess i should show you, you're not supposed to hurt the other player. Sho: "..." *disappears again* shinra: ... *Kick to the back* shinra: oof! Sho: *holds the sword over Shinra's head, his foot pressed down onto his back* shinra: this is pretty pointless then, huh? but i wont give up....the memory of when you were still just a lil tyke, that's enough a reason to keep going, right? Sho: "I have no such memories. Let's assume you and I are related by blood: there is no connection between us. No memories. Nothing." shinra:...then lets make new ones. there's lots of people who are looking forwards to meeting you. *smiles* Sho: "I have no desire to meet those people. We in the Order have only one goal--" shinra: i know, i know...to you, im just some stranger, but to me, you're still my lil bro! so.... thanks for being alive, sho. Sho: "..." *lifts his blade* "I summon...Separated Univ--" -huh? where did shinra go?- Sho: "???" *looks around* ("I'm...alone?") -elsewhere- lisa: nnngh.....vul...? maki: she's waking up! lisa: *cough* ....giovanni....where- tamaki: he fled.... lisa:.... Vulcan: "Lisa...How are you..." lisa:....*she starts laughing....which devolves into sobbing hysterically* Vulcan: "..." *holds onto her* karin: .... tamaki:...c-come on, lets find the others and get out of here already! Vulcan: *carries Lisa* -elsewhere- Haumea: *watching from the balcony* misora: *coming to* uwaaaa.... *yaaaawn* wha? Jonah: owo "Hello~" misora: *PUNCH* EW GROSS! DX< Jonah: *his face spun onto the back of his head* ._. Haumea: "Shh...Your lover's spat is getting in the way of observing..." misora: how dare you! *peeeeeeek* Haumea: *leans over Misora* "Is. There. A problem~?" misora: OxO *blinks* Haumea: *mad grin* "I think you'll do nicely~" misora: OxO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -elsewhere- Sho: "...Where is Shinra Kusakabe...?" -FYOOOOOM- shinra: *crashed into a wall* holy shit! what just happened?? Sho: "??? How...did you appear there?" shinra: not su- *throws up* ugh...vertigo... >~< Sho: "...It is not possible. Without the Preacher's divine intervention, _you_ should not be able to pass through to your own universe..." shinra: my head's spinning, cut me some slack and let's just go home now, sho. Sho: "..." *walks forward* "For the last time...This is my home. And you are going nowhere--" shinra: if i just leave without you, then i cant keep my promise to mom. Sho: "I have no mother. I have no interest in this mother. And I want you...to shut up..." *raises his sword* "About a mother." -zip zoom- Sho: "!!!" shinra: jeez, are you having that moody pre-teen phase? Sho: "You emerge from nowhere, insist you are my brother--" *swings his sword* "AND THIS IS NOT A MOODY PRE-TEEN PHASE!" -zip zoom- Sho: "?!!" {shinra: *crying, locked in the pantry*} Sho: "?!" *looking around him* "Wh-What is this?" -there are more memories...- Sho: "..." *just watching them* "Is this..." {student: its that demon! he killed his own mom and baby brother!} {student 2: get away from us! *throws a rock at shinra*} {shinra:....(it wasnt me...there was...a horned thing there...)} Sho: "...'Horned'? ...Preacher, what is...Why are they throwing things at that boy?" baby sho: baba... shinra: *picks him up* i got you! baby sho: ^o^ Sho: "..." *tears falling* shinra: years ago, it was just you, me, and our mom...then the fire happened... Sho: "Yes..." *The memory of the fire appears...* Horned Monster: *staring at Baby Sho* {Young Haumea: "Hmmm...Sure cries a lot..."} shinra: people were afraid of me, blaming me for what happened, even grandma hated me. she would hit me, lock me in the pantry....but i never gave up... Sho: "I was raised for one purpose: to fulfill the Preacher's goals...I persisted..." *turns to Shinra* "...Our grandmother hit you?" shinra:....but before that happened, we were all a happy family. Sho: "...A family..." {Mrs. Kusakabe: "My boys..."} {shinra: ^^} {baby!sho: mama!} {Mrs. Kusakabe: *hug*} {shinra: i love you, mommy! ^^} {Mrs. Kusakabe: "I love you, Shinra. And I love Sho. I will always love you both..."} Sho: *silently weeping* -...- *Sho stands...His sword is not with him* {shinra: *hero stance* here i am! ah! mom! a newspaper blew in! *he removes it from sho* haha! there you are!} {Mrs. Kusakabe: "What a good brother you are!"} {shinra: ^///^ hehe} {Sho: *sniffles...adjusting to seeing the light again*} shinra: *smiles* Sho: "...Brother?" shinra: come on sho, let's go hom- -shiv- Sho: "!!! I-I didn't...Did I?" shinra: *looks back* ???: "D'aw, what a shame..." Sho: "Haumea?" shinra: wh-what? Haumea: "??? Wait..." *lifts up Shinra's chin* shinra: who...who are....- Haumea: *slap* shinra: *collapses* Sho: "Brother! Haumea, what are you--" Haumea: *squeezes Sho's mouth with her fingers to quiet him* "Tsk tsk...You know that to re-create the Great Fire we _need_ those of us who gained the Adora Burst through the insects--" Jonah: "TMI, Haumea." Haumea: -_-# misora: O^O~? Haumea: "Oh well~ It doesn't matter if I gave out too much info--since it's not like anyone can stop us. Right, Sho?" Sho: "...I didn't...My sword..." *sniff* "Sh-Shinra? Please..." shinra: sho....run.... Sho: "No! Not without you!" Haumea: "Oh, don't worry. You two won't be separate!" *giggles--then deathly serious* "The Preacher wants you both." misora: *stumbles forwards* ..... Jonah: owo~ Sho: "all those years ago! What happened to me?!" Haumea: "..." *leans forward...rests a hand along Sho's face--and zaps his brain* Sho: "!!!!!!!" *passes out* shinra: SHO!! -BANG- Haumea: *dodges--barely* O_O;;; "...The devil?" tamaki: *TAIL WHIP* Takehisa: *holding a smoking gun* "...Get away from them." Haumea: "Eek!" *smacked in the face* "Owie!" *falls back* "...When did _she_ get competent?!" misora: !! *runs behind takehisa* Q_Q THESECREEPYPEOPLEKIDNAPPEDME!! >^< Jonah: D8 "COME BACK TO ME, MY PRECIOUS!" karin:....ew. iris: creepy. Haumea: >_<# "NOW YOU ALL ARE TICKING ME OFF!" *spots the sword through Shinra* "..." *devious smirk...as she kicks the sword harder into him* shinra: AHHHH!!!! iris: !!!! STOP IT! Takehisa: "NO!" *bang bang bang* Haumea: *spins to dodge* "Oh, sorry~ Not today..." *snaps her fingers towards Takehisa* Takehisa: *aims--* "!!!!" *collapses* Haumea: "Huhuhu..." *aims her fingers at Tamaki* tamaki: *bracing* *SLICE* tamaki: huh... ah! Haumea: "..." *the back of her crown is cracked* O_o;;;; *holds the back of her head* "GAH!" Arthur: *behind Haumea* "Okay, weird bag-dress lady: you're defeated by the Shining Knight of the Earth Samurai Cowboy Superhero!" tamaki: THAT'S TOO MANY TITLES! Haumea: Q~Q "My crown..." *growls--and snaps her fingers at Arthur's face* "Take that!" Arthur: "...Take what?" Haumea: ._. "..." *snaps again* Arthur: "...What? You like snapping your fingers?" *snaps his fingers* "Yeah, I can do that, too." Haumea: >_<# *snap snap snap snap* shinra:.....what? Arthur: "..." *takes his sword--and knocks the hilt onto the top of Haumea's head* dahlia: that is enough. Haumea: "...GAH!!!!" *holds her head* "Stupid stupid sword person!" *A column is shaking behind Haumea* Haumea: "Stupid mindless person! And now I got to carry Kusakabe with a sword through him to the Preacher, and this is all so annoying when--" *The column falls towards Haumea* Haumea: "...What is that sound?" Akitaru: *PUUUUUUUUUSH* Haumea: "...Oh motherf--" *SMASH* -rumble rumble- tamaki: !! shit! maki: we got shinra, now let's go! shinra: w-wait, s-sho- Haumea: *bruised* -_-### "Jonah, get Sho." *passes out* Jonah: *picks up Sho* "Come on, Baby..." Sho: "Zzzz..." shinra: urk- -outside-
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