#I guess. because of jaylen's nose
fastbreakpoints · 2 years
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jaylen brown, game 1 vs nets | tumblr post by kaitrokowski | jayson tatum, game 1 vs nets | marcus smart and jayson tatum, game 7 vs heat | landscape with a blur of conquerors by richard siken | jayson tatum, game 6 vs warriors | fourteen lines from love letters or suicide notes by doc luben | a softer world by e home and j comeau | litany in which certain words are crossed out by richard siken
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Little Wolf - Jerome Valeska FanFiction
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warnings: a little abuse, adult language
word count: 1349 words
Phoenix's P.O.V
I was moving my Sister's stuff into one of the trailers When I accidentally dropped a box full of stuff it didn't sound like anything broke. "Careful with that you ugly bitch!" I heard someone yell from behind me. straight away I knew who it was. I bent down to pick the box up when I was suddenly shoved to the ground. I looked up to see my sister snickering and My brother towering over me with an evil glint in his eyes. I glared at him only to get slapped across the face hard. I heard a growl come from behind me. I turned my head to see Sylvia growling at Jonathan. Jonathan turned and walked away, Evangeline following while snickering. I get up and pick up the box and put it in the trailer.
I finished unloading their stuff and decided to leave my stuff in the car. figured my stuff wouldn't be safe in the trailer with my siblings. I opened the back of the car so the other wolves could get out. To be completely honest I don't know why my parents let me keep the wolves. They aren't usual that kind as to let me have anything that made me happy let alone pets. I think it may have something to do with my aunt Stacy. One night when I snuck out to take care of Sylvia, She must have heard me because she followed me. see I kept Sylvia and Natalia in a barn I hid them from my family in fear they would kill them. My aunt saw them and saw how happy I was around them so somehow, she convinced my parents to let me keep them. after that gradually as we travelled, I found more wolves.
Sylvia has pure black fur and a black nose with a little white on her chin. Sylvia has One blue eye and the other is golden. She and Natalia are the oldest of the group. Sylvia's practically the leader of the group. Sylvia's the responsible and loyal one. she treats the others as though they are her children, her pups. She's very protective as well. (Picture below)
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Natalia - She has black fur with a few White patches and has golden eyes. She loves to play a lot with the other wolves. She can also be very protective over the others. (Picture below)
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Then there is Jace, He's grey with golden eyes. He acts very hyper for his age considering he's the third oldest of the group. he's the most childish and is often clumsy. (Picture below)
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Jaylen - She's also a grey wolf much like Jace. She's often very protective of the other wolves. She rarely lets her guard down that is except when I'm scratching behind her ear. (Picture below)
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Justin is one of the stronger wolves than strong brains. He is probably the most irresponsible out of the entire group and often gets into trouble. (Picture below)
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Ashton is the cuddly one and happens to have a bit of separation anxiety. He's follows me a lot or Sylvia. Ashtons the youngest out of the group. he's like the pup of the group. (Picture below) 
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Kade is often up to mischief he loves to have some fun with scaring my brother. he jumps out at my brother a lot scaring the crap out of him. (Images in the folder)
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I decided to go for a walk around the place. So, I opened the car door and let the other wolves out. They all got out and as soon as Jace got out of the car he sprinted for the open green field. Following him close behind was Kade, Justin and Natalia. They started playing while I started walking across the field to explore the rest of the place. Sylvia walking by my side while Ashton and Jaylen following close behind. We walked up a little hill and I sat down and watched the wolves play. As I sat there I thought about the ginger, the way he looked at me. I shrugged it off and continued watching the wolves.
~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~
We stayed at the field for a few hours. when it got dark, I walked back to the trailer area. When I got their everyone was gone. Then I realised they must be performing. I guessed right when I saw lights going off at the big red circus tent. With that I sighed and went to my sibling's trailer to find some food. My parents' trailer had most of the food in their fridge, but I'm not allowed to even look at that fridge without getting a slap to the face. secretly my aunt would send me money to pay for food for me and the wolves. My parents feed me very little food, or they just forget to feed me. When my aunt found out she started sneaking me money so I could at least get some nutrition. I open the fridge and get out raw meat for the wolves and some cooked chicken for me. I go back out of the trailer and sit down on the ground right by the door. all the wolves came and either sat or laid down. I gave the raw meat to the wolves and ate my chicken.
As I ate my food, I looked around the trailer area, so this is our new home. I heard laughter and people talking around the corner. My brother and sister were walking with a bunch of other kids that worked at the circus no doubt. They were all talking and the started walking past me. "Hey look there's the freak that I'm sadly related too." My brother said while smiling. I just sent him a glare. Sylvia started growling at him. I looked behind My brother to see Kade getting ready to surprise him. I hold back a smile. "You know what that's your new name freak. Yep, it fits" My sister said while laughing. The other kids laughed along with her. Then Kade pounced and ended up pushing my brother forward. My brother screamed like a little girl and started running. of course, Kade started chasing him. I smiled at this and chuckled ever so slightly. The other kids followed my brother and so did my sister.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~
A while later My family came back to the trailer after the show had finished. straight away my father slapped me across the face for no reason. I sat outside for a little longer until I knew they were asleep. I got up and walked toward the huge tent. I noticed the lights were still on, but no one was there so I went into explore the place. Of course, the wolves followed me as well. they started running and playing around in the ring. I was laughing at them as they played. They looked like they were pretending to perform. Then suddenly Jaylen started growling and pounced at something. as she pounced, she landed on someone and that someone hit the ground. Hard. 
Next Chapter ->
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Demonrry: yelling at an incompetent demon over the phone 
Also demonrry at the same time: softly rubbing his thumb over y/ns cheek bone why’s she’s laying in his lap fighting to stay awake
“I’m sorry, I could have sworn I scheduled the meeting into your planner at the right time.”
“You can swear all you fucking want but it’s obvious you didn’t, and now I have to apologize to the board for missing the monthly progress report conference. I picked you out of the class to be my assistant because you seemed to have more brain cells than the typical freshmeat, but I guess I fucked myself over with that assumption, didn’t I?”
“Harry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“If Lucifer chews me out in front of the court, I’ll have you running laps around the training arena until you’re throwing up blood. Do I make myself clear?”
“You realize I could write you off as insubordinate and ruin your chances of becoming a crossroads demon, right? You’d end up scrubbing the lava pits instead.”
“Just give me another chance, I promise I won’t fuck up again and—”
“If you can’t even work an app on a fucking computer, how do you expect me to put you down as a candidate for such a competitive position? You obviously can’t read, so drafting contracts and making deals is practically off the table. At this point, I’d be better off discharging and replacing you with Vince. He seems competent enough to work Google Calendar.”
“No! I can fix this, just give me some time—”
“You made me look like a moron in front of the council. Do I seem like a moron to you, Jaylen?”
“Harry?” Y/N’s sleepy voice cuts through Harry’s violent ranting, her lashes fluttering open as she stirs from her slumber. Her hazy gaze lilts upwards to meet his somber face, her brows furrowing at the grimace etched across his rosy lips. “Y’okay?”
The demon glances down from where he’s clutching his phone to his ear, his chiseled features softening with endearment as he drinks up the image below him of his girlfriend laid out across the couch on her side, reaching a silky palm under his t-shirt to rub at his tummy comfortingly. The fiery anger boiling in his chest melts away, diffused by her drowsy eyes and concerned tone.
His accent weighs in gentle and affectionate— a starch contrast to the ruthless venom he’d been spewing a few seconds prior— as his index finger tucks a rogue strand of hair behind the shell of her ear, his thumb rubbing over her cheekbone tenderly to try stifle her worries. “I’m alright, baby. Just handling some stuff with work.”
Y/N cradles her face deeper into his large palm, shifting her head against his lap to find a more comfortable arrangement. “Y’sure?”
“Mmhm.” He hums quietly as he begins massaging her earlobe delicately, urging her to relax and drift off once more. “Why don’t you go back to sleep, hm? I’ll wake you up after I make dinner.”
“I’m not even that tired anymore.”
The yawn that accompanies her false claim makes him chuckle fondly. He drags the side of his forefinger down the bridge of her nose, tapping the tip sweetly and giving it a jesting pinch. “Stop being so stubborn and go back to bed. I’ll fetch you after I’m finished cooking.”
Despite her inherent impulse to fight his cocky quip, Y/N obliges, allowing her eyelids to droop closed once more as she burrows further against his thick, warm thighs, her breathing mellowing out fairly quickly. Once he’s sure the girl is asleep, Harry turns his attention back to the person— the imbecile, really— on the other end of the line, his expression hardening to stone as he takes a razor to his previously soothing voice, all calmness disintegrating into ash.
“Schedule a new meeting with the board, tell them what you did, and consider yourself lucky I’m not expelling you from the reaping process. I’ve kicked people out for less.”
“On it. Thank you so much, I swear I won’t let you down again.���
“Good, because if you do, I’m turning you into a rat and feeding you to my dogs. Now go, I want this sorted by the time we meet for occult practice tomorrow.“
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dykesforcyclops · 3 years
allijay + 5?
5. where it doesn't hurt
the television plays reruns of some mindless game show that jaylen seems uncannily engaged in. she has refused to lie back, insists on sitting cross-legged on the couch with the popcorn bowl in her lap, her back straight, her shoulder relaxed as allie gently holds the wrapped ice pack against it.
they picked this couch together, he recalls. the chill is beginning to cut through the kitchen towel, numb his fingers, and he carefully rearranges the towel's folds to give himself a less frigid grip. jaylen had thrown herself onto the iklea display, declared this one, and he could never say no when she got that grin - patted the soft orange cushions to call him to her, arms outstretched. he'd let her pull him down, kiss him messily on the display sofa in front of half a dozen customers. she'd let him pull her back up to her feet before an employee caught them.
he draped a blanket over it when she broke things off again and moved back in with mike. dark brown and loosely lace-knit from thick, soft yarn, to let just a bit of the color cut through, but not too much. the orange had been grating on him.
his fingers are frozen again.
"cold," jaylen mumbles. she shifts uncomfortably. she's stripped down to nothing but her sports bra and tight boxer shorts, said she was overheating an hour ago. "cold. cold. allie -"
"oh, is this cold?" there's a hint of a grin spreading across his face. he pulls the towel away, presses the bare ice pack to her collar.
"fuck!" she tenses up comically, springs inward, her face scrunched like she's bit into a lemon, but she's laughing. "hey!"
"sorry, is that cold?" he moves the ice pack to his other hand and shoves his frozen hand into her face, his fingers pressing divots into her cheek, her nose. she shrieks, and pushes him away as best she can with her good arm.
"fuck you!" she gets out through laughter. he's chuckling too. he takes the ice pack back, and gently rubs the flushed red skin at her collar with his hand - not the cold one - to bring some warmth back. "you're the worst," jaylen tells him. "i'm injured."
"whose fault is that?" he says, because he knows if he told her once he must've told her a thousand times not to work herself to hard, not to push herself until she found a limit and then push harder past it - told her a hundred times that a breaking point is a stopping point, and not a fucking challenge.
"fuck off," she answers. even that line of teasing is a little too close to a lecture for her tastes.
he presses a warm kiss to her collar, an apology, and reaches for the knit blanket - pulls it up from the back of the couch and wraps it around her. "there," he murmurs, all playful cruelty gone, all tenderness now. "better?"
"little bit."
"you have to keep the ice on it," he reminds her. "your doctor said."
"i know," she says, and he can tell how badly she wants to complain. he picks the ice pack up from where he'd discarded it on the cushions, goes to work carefully rewrapping it in the kitchen towel.
"you know what it's called?" she asks.
"labral tear," he recites without thinking, though as her tone sinks in he can tell she's setting up a joke.
"a slap tear."
"'cause it'll happen if you slap too many people?" he guesses.
"no, i'm serious." her grin spreads through her voice. "superior labrum anterior to posterior. that's actually what it's called. slap," she finishes, and pops the p, and punctuates the word by smacking the afflicted shoulder.
she regrets the bit immediately, and groans in pain, and falls backwards into the couch cushions. allie is stunned for a moment, and then bursts out laughing - can't help himself - shocked sputtering laughter, and he gets out through it, "why the fuck would you do that?"
"i don't know," she groans, eyes squeezed shut tight. "oww," and it's so pathetic, and so predictable, moronically self inflicted, and even as the obligatory concern for her settles in his chest he can't help the laughter, the adoration on his face.
he pulls the blanket shut around her, and gently places the bundled ice pack against her injured shoulder again, and with his other hand he cups her cheek, leans over her, kisses her as she lies there. "you are so fucking stupid," he mumbles, still half laughing, against her lips.
send me a ship and a number and i'll write a short fic
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theymakemegayer · 4 years
Reputation: Chapter 4
a/n: I was suppose to upload this tomorrow, but  I got excited after I finished writing this 
Reputation Chapter List
It had been a few days now since me and the football team started practicing for our halftime performance on the Kickoff Day. 
 "And... POSE!" I exclaimed as the music stopped and we held our final pose for a few seconds. I examine each of their poses through the mirror in front of me.
 I grinned feeling contented, "Great job guys! Let's take a break first." 
 The boys scrambled into different places as I plopped down on the floor on the side. I rummaged through my bag and gulped down from my water tumbler.  A knock from the door before Zoey's smiling face showed up. 
 "Hey guys! Who wants some pizza?" That got an immediate response from the boys as they crowd Zoey with enthusiastic cheers. 
 A few minutes later, Zoey sat beside me two pizzas in her plate and handed me the other, "You've been working hard Bea. Eat up." She grinned making me smile in return as I look at her.
 "Thanks for the treat Zo. You're officially my dream girl."
 Zoey giggled. "It's just your hunger talking Bea."
 "Don't care, you just know how to take care of me."
 A smirk ghosted on her lips and her eyes gleamed, "What can I do you certainly are my dream girl too. You really are stepping up towards Poppy huh."
 I shrugged my shoulders and swallowed a bite of pizza, "Someone just needs to remind her what it is like to not be on top."
 "Are you starting to see why I hate her?" 
 I drunk a water first before I looked at Zoey, "Hate is a strong word you know, but she does annoys me." Memories of my last encounter with Poppy flashed in my mind. The way we sassed each other out, and how she successfully get through me.
 Zoey chuckled, "She is annoying, but you haven't explained to me this plan of yours," She gestured on the boys and me, "performing with the football team on the halftime show huh." She smirked, "Way to steal the spotlight."
 I smirked too, "Zo she annoyed me too much last time let her have a taste of her own medicine."
 A proud look flashed in Zoey eyes making me feel all warm inside, "I'm glad you understand me Bea." Her smiles turned into something soft.
 "Of course Zoey. You're my best friend."
 "You know at first I thought you'll start to develop a crush on her which will be bad news. That girl has no heart at all." She reached out and held my free hand, "I don't want you to get hurt." 
 I gasped, "Me? Having a crush on her? Fat chance Zo. Besides I rather have a crush on you." I wriggled my eyebrows playfully.
 Zoey withdrew her hand from me and gently pushed me giggling, "Careful with all the jokes I might believe you."
 I smiled at her and looked at her in the eyes, "You don't have to worry about me getting hurt Zo."
 "Can't help not to look out for my best friend, you know."
 "And for that I am lucky to have you."
It was finally the Kickoff Day. I just had an interesting time with Ina a while ago. Helping her out from that Lexi girl was totally unexpected, but I'm glad to had a chance to hang out with her today. It was refreshing compared to the stress I faced when I found out someone sabotaged my throne - that was definitely Poppy's dirty games. It was Zoey who saved me again from trouble. Who would had thought me and the football team would be performing with Jaylen Riaz at the end.
 I threw a kiss on the camera before me and the team strike a pose as the music ended. The crowd gave us a standing ovation and loud cheers erupted from them. Not even a few minutes when Poppy erupted, "No! NO! NOOO!!! Everyone shut uppp! This is all some sick joke!"
 The crowd hushed. Carter walked towards her a wide grin on his face, "Babe have you seen the performance? I worked hard on my dancing--"
 Poppy interrupted him bursting out, "How dare you help her out? Are you really that stupid?! We're officially over."
 Gasps erupted while Carter stumbled with his words, "Wh... huh?"
 I sighed, "Poppy aren't you tired yet?"
 "Bea Hughes! I don't know what tricks you've been playing, but I will ruin you." She hissed before lunging at me, but the entire football team grabbed her. The crowd gasped and started to booed at her. I watched ad Poppy stomped her feet and left the scene still raging. The crowd started chanting my name, but all I can feel was the hole in my chest as my gaze locked on Poppy's retrieving figure. 
 "Hey are you okay?" Zoey's voice brought me back to the noise of people chanting my name. 
 I looked at her and smiled, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
 "That's what I thought too." Zoey grinned. "This calls for a celebration!" She exclaimed.
 I beamed, "We talking pizzas? Sangrias? Oooh, spa trip?"
 "And more. Not to forget watching videos of Poppy's meltdown."
 I tried not to grimaced," Maybe we should get going now to get the celebratory starting."
 "I like that." Zoey smiled linking her arm on mine and dragging me.
 When we got out of the stadium we came face to face to the raging storm, named Poppy. She was surrounded by Alphas and Zetas as she shrieked.
 "Why do you think I keep you Trish? I told you to do everything possible to make sure I beat Bea Hughes."
 "What else should I do? Chloe and Trixie already made sure to sabotaged Bea's throne." Taylor reasoned out.
 "Are you really that stupid? Do you need to be told every single thing before you do something?" Poppy yelled.
 "Woah chill out Poppy." Luis spoke.
 Poppy's eyes found me from the couple of people around us and her face grew a different shade of red. 
 "Right just in time for you Trish! Here's your hero. Why don't you kiss her ass just like what you all been doing today!"
 I calmly look at her, "Poppy calm down. Take a breath. You don't want to do this to your image. Just walk away."
 "Oh here we go again. Playing like a saint and sucking up to the football team."
 "I put on a performance Poppy. You know just like what you did before me." I said as a matter of fact.
 "Do you think I am as stupid as these idiots? You only performed because I did."
 "And? What's the problem with that?"
 "The problem is seeing your cheap face where ever I go."
 I scoffed fighting the smirk that was threatening to spill and the words that wanted to come out from my lips. Is that a problem? Am I starting to live in your mind - rent free- Ms. Min-Sinclair?
 All thoughts left my mind as my eyes momentarily grew wide when Poppy lunged at me, but the boys grabbed her.
 "Yo. It's just a dance Poppy. You're crazy." Erik said and that was the start of the mob throwing insults towards her. 
 I frowned. "Leave her alone. She's already gone through enough."
 She glared at me, "Oh cute. Saint Bea emerges again. Excuse me while I go hurl." She pushes everyone on her way as she left.
 Zoey suddenly whispered, "Hey I think I know what's our next plan will be. That assistant of Poppy is the plan." 
 "Huh? Okay..." I mumbled while I stare at Poppy's retrieving figure. 
 Zoey bumped my shoulders lightly, "Bea are you really okay? You're quite spacing out."
 "Me?" I paused gathering myself together. "Yeah I guess I'm just tired."
 Zoey looked at me worriedly, "Okay should we head back to our dorm?"
 I smiled a little, "I think I'll want to walk around for a while Zo. Take a breather."
 "Okay. Call me when you're about to go home. I'll prepare our mini celebration." She grinned.
 "Thanks Zo. You're the best." I gave her a hug before strolling my way away from people.
 Million thoughts were running on my mind as I stroll around the campus, but it all led to one person in the end, that Poppy. I should be happy. I annoyed her back. In fact i got into her skin so bad she was lashing out, but my emotions were a jumbled mess. 
 I round the corner in the Law building. A place I'm not really familiar with. I think it was my first time rounding up in this area of the school. I can't even spot any student anymore. It felt peaceful and not suffocating after hours of being surrounded by cheers and people. 
 I halted in my step when I arrived at the lobby of the building. Several plastic bench chairs are lined in the center. That was when I noticed the lone figure sitting at the back row. She had a blonde hair and wore a pink jacket. Poppy?
 I tried to ignore the loud thumping of my heart when I mentioned her name on my mind and focus on walking closely towards her. 
 "Poppy?" I spoke once I was standing beside her. 
 Her head was bowed a little, and her hair was hiding her face from my view. She remained silent.
 I decided to speak again, "Is that you?"
 Our surrounding was so quiet that it made me heard her quiet sniffles. I watched her hands flew to her face, probably wiping her face. My eyes grew wide in realization. Was she crying?
 Her eyes were red and puffy when she looked at me and glared, "You're still not finish ruining this day Farmsville?" Her voice sounded hoarse.
 I felt something inside of me break seeing her like this. I clenched my jaw, trying to bury the hundreds of emotions that swarmed my heart.
 "I am not here to fight with you. I just happen to pass by the area." 
 "Right. Just like the last time." She mumbled.
 "May I sit beside you?" 
 She threw me a glare, "As if you'll listen if I say no."
 I gave her a small smile, "I wouldn't bother asking if I'll only do what I want."
 Her gaze never faltered, scrutinizing me, "Fine. Sit."
 I sat on the bench maintaining a safe distance from her. She doesn't talk and so was I, but I was dying to talk to her. To apologize, to ask anything to make her feel better - maybe I can give her a hug? I tried to erase that thought and bury that urge as I started fidgeting with my hands on my lap.
 Poppy's voice cut the silence, "Talk Hughes." 
 I looked at her, my eyes wandering on her side profile. Her brown eyes gleaming with unshed tears, her cheeks slightly wet with tears, her pointed nose, her fair skin, and her lips that were pouting. She wanted me to talk, but I felt like I can’t find my voice. Seeing her, this close - my ears were buzzing with the humming beat of my heart.
 She turned her face and our eyes met. She raised an eyebrow, "What now?" 
 I gulped thickly. You're beautiful. I shook my head, "Sorry. I just didn't know what to say."
 Poppy scoffed. "Stop pitying me."
 I frowned, " I am not."
 She crossed her arms in front of her chest, "Really?"
 "Look, I have my conscience. I feel guilty on how today went for you. I feel like my actions had domino effects and you're the one who caught all the bad stuff."
 "Feelings are a sign of weakness and here you are telling that to me? Your enemy." She held my gaze an unreadable expression flashed her eyes.
 "Enemy?" I raised an eyebrow. "Funny. I don't consider you as something like that."
  "Stop lying. We've been arguing and fighting ever since you came here, and yet I am not your enemy? Are you dumb?"
 I chuckled, "You attacked me for no reason Poppy. That's why I annoyed you for no reason too."
 "Excuse me? You're aiming for my throne and I can't let you have that."
 I sighed, "In reality I don't care about the throne. I am just curious as to why you hung to that number 1 spot like your life depends on it."
 "And what if my life really depends on it?"
 I shook my head, a little sad at how Poppy said those words, "Then that's sad."
 "What?" She asked annoyed.
 "I said what i said. You're not always gonna be number 1 Poppy. That's just how life works."
 "You're wrong Hughes. I am a Min-Sinclair anything below number 1 means I lost, and I don't lose."
 I stared at her my eyes started to wander again on her face, and then I saw something I had never seen before. On the upper left of her forehead there was a small scar. Unconsciously my hand reached out for it. Poppy slapped my hand bringing me back to the present. Ouch that sting. She was glaring at me, a flash of anger in her eyes. I'm used to angry Poppy, but her eyes right now spoke a hundred emotions of anger that made me shiver.
 "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I spoke in a hurry sensing I stepped on a sensitive topic.
 "Don't you ever mention that to anyone." Her voice sounded colder this time.
 "Okay, but where-"
 "And don't you dare ask me about it. Again."
 I nodded, "Alright. I'm sorry again."
 She stood up, her glare not wavering, "My patience had wore off. I'll be leaving Hughes." She didn't wait for my response and started to walk away.
 "Wait Poppy..." My lips worked, words already out of my mouth before I can even think what I was doing. 
 She halted in her steps which I was surprised. Poppy looked back at me, eyebrow raised waiting for what I was going to say. 
 But truth was I don't have anything to say. All I had was jumbled emotions and a struggling phrase that rose into my mind, but I fought back for it not to be said out loud. 
 I want to talk to you more. Instead I said the words, "Never mind."
 Poppy groaned, "You're annoying Hughes." Before she sauntered away from my sight. 
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hopeishappinessff · 6 years
Holding Onto Hope: Chapter 50.1
Life was becoming normal for me. Well… almost. I was still living at home, of course, under the care of my mother. She’d somehow managed to become so much more comfortable with me being home though, and that’s what made things feel normal. My nights were usually spent next door with Hope and if I wasn’t there, there was no question that she was with me at my mom’s house. Not a single night since she’d been home from school had gone by that I didn’t sleep by her side. We’d even been talking more often about the possibility of getting a place together for the sake of our new little family, but I knew that idea was farfetched… and I definitely wasn’t ready to pitch it to my mom.
These days had really been some of the best of my life. My episodes were rare, but I can’t say that they were completely nonexistent. But I was learning to cope with this new diagnosed lifestyle and I felt like I’d finally manned up enough to admit that I had a mental illness, but… that didn’t make me any different than I was before. I would always be Chris and through my own home therapy with my mom, Hope, and every single loved one in my small circle, I was steadily coming to terms with it all. Because… my real therapist was no help to me.
My eyes cut in her direction, because I’d literally been sitting there staring at the clock on the wall for the past five minutes. I honestly forgot the lady was there, and that I was even in her office, and that I was in the middle of a mandatory therapy session. That clock on the wall though, it’d quickly become my favorite piece of décor in her office… I’d have to figure out how to get my hands on one when Hope and I got our first place, because it was really nice…
“Christopher?” The way she said my name was meant to get my attention, but all it really did was annoy me.
“Why are you here today?”
Turning my head so that I was facing her directly, I stared at her blankly while my right foot tapped lightly against the floor “Because I have to be.”
She sighed through her nose, as she always tended to do because I always tended to irritate her.
“But why?”
My brows furrowed and my lips curled into a frown… what the hell type of question was that?
“Because… I have… to be.”
Dr. Stevenson shook her head and pulled her too dark and too thick for her pale face glasses away from her eyes and sighed, again. That was three times in the past minute… I must have been striking a chord today… I smirked at the thought.
“If you are refusing to speak to me, refusing to give me any insight on your life since you’ve been home with your mother and family, refusing to cooperate at all… why are you here?”
I full out chuckled then and it was my turn to shake my head “I’m not even really sure if I’m supposed to answer that.”
“It is a simple question.”
“And it’s a simple solution,” I said, calmly of course, as I continued to frown at her, “Maybe if you ask me real questions, I’ll give you some answers.”
I’d been sitting in the lady’s office for all of fifteen minutes now, but take a wild guess at how many real questions she’d asked me… none. See why despised her? The question of how she managed to become certified in this profession never failed to cross my mind every time I had to face her, and today was no exception. Almost every time I met with her, she’d do the same thing… greet me… because she had to, check my prescription chart to ensure I’d been taking my dosages accordingly… because she had to, and sit there staring at me waiting for the miracle of me sparking a conversation with her to happen… my only assumption for that was because she was dumb.
Her cheeks went rosy after that and I chuckled once more and shook my head. It really didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to have a damn conversation. I wonder how Dr. Yates was doing…
“I’m not even confident that if I ask you questions, you’ll even respond.” Hmm… she sounded, defeated? I stared at her as she slowly slumped back in her chair and used the index finger and thumb of her left hand to massage at her forehead.
“The only way you’ll find out is if you ask… don’t you think?” I think she may have rolled her eyes at that one, but her hand was still halfway covering her face so I wasn’t too sure.
“How is your son?” She asked after a full minute of getting herself together.
“He’s great. Haven’t really been able to see him as much as I’d like, but he’s doing good though.” I said. I swear you could see her body visibly relax… she was tense and wasn’t expecting a response from me. For the first time since I’d been in her office today, she reached for her expensive looking pen beside the blank notepad and began to write.
“Have you been busy lately or… is there a specific reason you haven’t been able to see him?”
“I’m uh… dealing with a few issues with his mother right now.”
“Issues like what, if you don’t mind me asking?”
My eyes wandered back to the clock at the top of the wall to my left… I wished that I hadn’t opened that can of worms for myself. I didn’t know how comfortable I felt speaking on that particular subject with Dr. Stevenson. It was a sensitive one for me because the lack of time I got to spend with Jaylen honestly made me feel like a low life father and I hated that feeling. The last time I’d seen him was on my birthday and that felt like forever ago. In reality it was only a little more than two weeks, but that was far too long for a father to go without seeing his child. A good father anyway, which is what I was trying to be but Gabby just insisted on making that difficult for me.
“I don’t have the best relationship with her.” I mumbled, eyes still glued to the clock.
“But why would that prevent you from seeing your son?”
I sighed. She was really starting to ask too many questions… or maybe I just wasn’t prepared to have to answer questions about this particular topic.
“I don’t know, she’s spiteful I guess…”
I could feel a steady vibration in the left pocket of my jeans and any other time I probably would have ignored it for the sake of not arguing with this lady, but because Hope was getting so close to the end of her pregnancy I made it a point to stay alert at all times.
Dr. Stevenson went on to open a whole new topic about spitefulness and I think she may have said something about communication and me being a part of the problem, which would have pissed me off… had I not seen Destani’s name lit up on my phone screen.
“Hello?” I greeted her, not even bothering to excuse myself from the session.
“Hey Chris, are you busy?” She sounded out of breath and I could tell she was outside somewhere, then I heard a car door close.
“I’m in Annandale right now. Why, what’s up?” I could feel Dr. Stevenson’s stare piercing the side of my face, but she was the least of my concerns. Something had to be wrong for Destani to be calling me and I was too focused on remaining composed enough to get down to the bottom of it.
“Um… I’m heading to the hospital with my mom…” “What happened Destani? Where is Hope? Is she in labor?” The questions were shooting out of my mouth like bullets and I hadn’t even realized I was standing and on my way to the door now and Dr. Stevenson was lingering wearily beside her desk staring at me.
“No, she’s not in labor…” She paused and my heart sank to the soles of my feet, “There was an accident.”
I don’t exactly recall what happened in the following five seconds, but the phone call, Dr. Stevenson, and her entire office were all completely disregarded as I bolted from that room. I could hear her behind me yelling out my name, but my feet wouldn’t allow me to stop or even slow down. Not even long enough to inform my mom that we needed to go. Thank God she’d been just as alert as I during this last half of Hope’s pregnancy, because she didn’t utter a single word but I heard her pattering feet right behind me as I flew like Usain Bolt to the car.
I had the keys in my pocket, but before I could even get the door open my mom snatched them out and pushed me toward the passenger side of the car.
“Let me get us there baby, you need to calm down.” She huffed, plopping down in the driver’s seat and cranking the car all within about a second. I wasn’t gonna argue with her, I knew I didn’t need to drive with the burst of adrenaline coursing through my veins, because I’d more than likely crash this car right into a ditch somewhere.
I didn’t know what to think, what to say, what to do. We were so far away, a whole damn hour and a half, and that left me entirely too much time to think about the what if’s. I hung up on Destani too quick to get a straight answer as to what was wrong, but all I did know was that there had been an accident… but what kind of accident? That could mean anything… shit, shit, shit, shit.
My right leg bounced furiously and my chest started to heave to the point that I was actually becoming breathless. My mom kept chanting that I needed to calm down and she said something about having my pills in her purse, but I was trembling too hard to grab them. I think I was having an anxiety attack, or a panic attack… or shit, maybe a heart attack.
“Fuck!” I yelled, startling my mom I’m sure because she gasped and I felt the car swerve slightly.
“Chris, please…” “What if she lost the baby? Ma, what if Hope lost the baby?” I wheezed, because of course now I was crying. My mind was struggling to get me to calm down, but that’s the exact opposite of what was happening.
“Listen to me Christopher, you’re thinking the worst and you don’t even know what’s going on. You need to stay calm until we get there.” She said, surprisingly calmly.
How the hell was I supposed to stay calm for another hour? How? I stared at the side of my mom’s face and held my breath because I could feel an outburst coming. It felt like the Incredible Hulk was clawing at the inside of my chest trying to get out, so I quickly shut my eyes and turned my head toward my window. My mom didn’t do a damn thing wrong, at all, and there I was about to take every ounce of my wrath out on her because I didn’t know what was going on with Hope.
I managed… somehow… I managed. I put myself on a mental lockdown for the duration of the ride, forced myself to stay still and quiet and I shut my thoughts off completely. My tears had since subsided, because I also kept my eyes closed, but they were brewing and waiting for the perfect opportunity to make their debut. My mom hummed softly to some song on the radio and that helped me maintain my sanity. It reminded me of when I was a kid for some reason and that made me think of life before all this chaos and turmoil. Life was sweet then, I was probably just as fucked up in the head back then, but at least I could pretend like I wasn’t.
Thank God we didn’t cross paths with any cops on the road because my mom did about a hundred the whole way and we got there in record time. I could feel a dull pain in my chest as she pulled into a parking space outside of the ER and turned the car off. I wasn’t even ready to open my eyes and face reality, but I knew I couldn’t run from it either. I didn’t know what to expect once we set foot in that building and for a person like me, I didn’t need to be caught off guard by anything that could potentially trigger me in anyway.
“It’s okay Chris… I promise you, it’s okay.” I didn’t even notice my mom standing right beside me with my door open. I was still sitting in the car with my fists balled up in my lap and my chest heaving again. My eyes were aimed out the front windshield, but I couldn’t even see anything because my thoughts were too all over the place for me to really focus.
“Come on baby, mama’s got you.” I listened to the sound of her voice. I let it lull me out of the car and I quietly trailed along beside her to the front sliding glass doors. I couldn’t bring myself to make eye contact with the lady behind the information desk, but I heard her as she directed my mom to the maternity ward…
Chris told me that he had a therapy session this morning, so I figured today would be the perfect day to pay a visit to the mother of his son. As discussed, Destani came along for the ride and she attempted to hype me up the whole way there, but I insisted that it wasn’t going to be that type of visit and I didn’t let her get to me. I honestly only wanted to speak to Gabby woman to woman and my goal was to keep the conversation as clean as possible.
“Girl, I’m telling you… I don’t know why you won’t let me roll up on that bitch and knock her ass out. I have no problem dropping her ass right there in her mama’s face.” Destani exclaimed, clapping her hands for added dramatics. With a sigh, I shook my head and frowned. I was beginning to regret bringing her along for this trip.
“Dez please, it’s not about that, okay. I have to co-exist with this girl because she’s a part of my boyfriend’s life. I don’t need to go creating unnecessary drama with her.”
“What you mean create unnecessary drama with her? That girl created drama with you the moment she decided to go get knocked up by your nigga.”
“Seriously Destani?”
“Seriously Destani my ass. Look, homegirl has one time to even look like she’s coming at you sideways and I’m laying that ass out. End of story.”
I rolled my eyes and decided at that moment to turn the radio up and let her ramble to herself. The way Destani was trying to go about the entire situation was petty and uncalled for. There was absolutely no way I was going to set foot on this girls property to deliberately cause problems with her and the closer we got to her house, the more I seriously contemplated dropping Destani off at the nearest corner and just coming back for her on my way out.
Following along to the sound of the GPS on my phone, I slowly pulled along the curb outside the house and put the car in park before turning down the radio.
Turning to face Destani, I rolled my eyes yet again and sighed at the sight of her sitting back with her arms crossed and the most aggravated frown on her face.
“Can you please just wait here for me Dez? I promise I won’t be long.”
“Sy, I’m telling you…”
“Destani, please?”
She sighed through her nose, rolled her eyes and turned to glare at me with a squinted stare “Do what you gotta do, I’ll stay in here. But you come out looking even the slightest bit upset, I’m striking.”
I smiled at her, thanked her for her cooperation, and made my way out of the car. I was nearly out of breath by the time I stood on both feet just outside the door of the car, but I gave myself a few seconds to compose myself before shutting the door. I made the short trek around the back of my car and up the driveway, quietly coaxing myself to remain calm. I would never admit it to Destani, but I was perhaps more pissed off than she was and somewhere deep inside I could feel the anticipation for Gabby to open the door so I could slap the living daylights out of her… but I was determined to keep a poker face and stay calm.
It’d been about ten seconds since I’d rang the doorbell and I didn’t want to be rude and ring it again, but my patience was nearly nonexistent now a days. Another ten seconds passed and I huffed an annoyed breath through my nose and rolled my eyes, preparing to ring it again. And just as I raised my hand, I could hear the sound of the locks releasing and finally the intricate wooden door on the other side of the glass screen slid open and I was greeted by the beaming face of Gabby’s mother.
“Oh carino, how are you?” She squealed excitedly as if she were really that thrilled to see me. From what I knew about Mrs. Jimenez, which wasn’t much at all, she was indeed a very kind hearted woman with a genuine soul. I’d encountered the lady less than a handful of times, but she always seemed to wear a constant smile and she exuded happiness that instantly forced anyone around her to smile. So I did just that… I grinned at her and stepped forward into her embrace when she swung the glass door open.
“I’m good Mrs. Jimenez, how are you?” I was overwhelmed by her sweetness and completely taken aback when she gently snatched me by my arm and tugged me into the house behind her.
“I’m wonderful mi hija. Come in, come in… it’s muy caliente and carino, Lord knows you don’t need to be in that sun.”
She was speaking in and out of Spanish and I wasn’t completely sure of half of what she said, but I giggled nonetheless and trailed along behind her into her overly decorated living room. Following her lead, I eased down onto the plush love seat beside her and stilled my face as she invaded my space and leaned close to grab my hands.
“Carino, you are muy bonita. Congratulations to you… I’m so happy for you and Christopher.” She beamed.
“Thank you so much Mrs. Jimenez. I really appreciate that.”
“So, what brings you by today hija? Did you wanna pay Mr. Jaylen a visit? I just put him down for a nap, but it should be no hay problema to get him back down…” The lady literally made a move to rise from her seat, obviously to go retrieve Jaylen and I quickly shook my head with a frown… even if I was coming to visit the baby, why on earth would she purposely wake him from a nap?
“Oh no ma’am, you don’t have to disturb him. I was actually hoping to speak with Gabby, if she’s home.”
In that instant, I could see the hesitation on her face. Her smile faltered and she made a move to sit back down beside me, but she finally sighed and batted her eyes wearily.
“Well, she uh… she was just getting herself ready for work. I’m sure she should have a minute to speak with you.”
As if on cue, I heard shuffling feet coming down the stairs and moments later, I heard the voice of the devil herself and my eyes rolled on their own accord.
“Mama, tango hambre. Estas cocinando o no…” She stopped short, from my presence I was sure, and I slowly turned in my seat to face her. She looked shocked, to say the least, and though I felt triumphant from the expression on her face alone, I maintained my poker face and smiled at her.
“Hi Gabby.” Her eyes darted to her mother’s, inquisitively obviously, and I took a moment to take in her tight sundress and exaggerated makeup that didn’t really look like any work ensemble I’d ever seen… not a regular day job anyway. I was sure, in that moment, that her mother had indeed tried to cover for her crooked daughter, but I couldn’t fault her... she was probably fully aware of just how many enemies the girl had and felt compelled to try to protect her.
“What are you doing here?” She asked.
“Well if you aren’t busy, I was hoping maybe we could talk.” Still smiling sweetly, I stared at her waiting for her to respond… and daring her to say no.
Discreetly, or so she thought, she rolled her eyes and sighed “Well since you’re already here…”
I barely waited for her to complete her sentence… I was already pushing myself up from the too soft cushion of the couch as fast as my belly would allow.
She didn’t expect that, surely she didn’t and that was clear by the look on her face. According to Chris, she’d been informed that I was pregnant but she’d either forgotten or didn’t believe it to be true at all. She didn’t even try to shift her gaze. Her eyes were hot on my belly as I waddled closer to her and not once did she bother to look away. I had an uneasy feeling about her relentless stare, but I shook it off and slowed down the closer I got to her. Barely snapping out of it, she finally turned and shifted off toward the table in what looked to be the nook off in the furthest corner of the kitchen.
“How can I help you Sy’Diyah?” She asked, with a smile… a sarcastic smile that made me cringe.
“Well for starters Gabby, how are you?” As I’d told myself over and over again, this conversation would remain tasteful and classy, so what better way to break the ice than briefly catching up.
She stared at me, well glared really, long and hard then tilted her head slightly and twisted her lips into a half smirk “Let’s be real right now girl, you’re not here to check in on me and you could give a damn less about how I’ve been.” Chortling lightly through my nose, I shook my head and sighed “I’m just trying to keep it cordial here Gabby. I’m not here to start any drama with you… just being polite.”
“Well then what the fuck are you here for?”
Her pot was beginning to boil, if it hadn’t already started, and I was pushing her buttons… I could tell. Seeing as her mother wasn’t too far from us in the other room, I was hoping the girl wouldn’t get too riled up and alert the lady.
“I just want to talk. Woman to woman… that’s it.”
With a scoff, she reached up to shift her hair back out of her face and straightened her posture “I don’t know about that. We can talk… female to female.”
I had no reason to entertain her pettiness, though I wanted so desperately to stretch across the table top and snatch her face right down onto it, again… I maintained my composure, and disregarded her comment altogether.
“Well, Gabby, I’m sure you know that I know about Chris’s recent visit a few weeks ago to see Jaylen. And I know that you found out about my pregnancy and firstly, I wanted to come to you as a woman to let you know face to face that yes… I am pregnant with his daughter.”
Her face was blank and uninterested, but her skin was red… the hue was rising right from her neck. She was mad, but she tried to give a calm and apathetic façade, which I almost laughed at.
“And why would you feel like it was relevant to share that with me, Sy’Diyah?”
“I just thought maybe you’d like to know, seeing as you’re the mother of his first born and we’ll kinda have to interact at some point throughout life. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon, nor am I, and I just wanted us to both have a clear understanding.”
“Okay… I understand. I birthed his first child and I’m not going nowhere anytime soon. Anything else you’d like to discuss?”
The way her attitude oozed so bluntly and disgustingly… I had to shut my eyes briefly and smile. She was making it nearly impossible for me to keep my cool, but I would be out of her hair soon enough so after tilting my head and opening my eyes into deadly slits, I stared at her.
“I’d also like to address the way you treated Chris when he was here.”
Again, she scoffed, and now she suddenly wore a peeved and almost repulsed expression as she glared at me “Oh, did he run back and snitch to you? He must have gotten his feelings hurt… I’m sorry.”
“Gabby, listen…” “No you listen perra, you are not his mother. I don’t need you here in my face addressing me as if he’s some child that you’re speaking on behalf of. If he wants to talk about what the fuck happened, he needs to come address me like a man.”
“Gabby, you need to calm down…”
“No, you don’t get to come to my house, telling me what to do. You came to me right? You calm down azada estúpida … what happens between me and him has nothing to do with you.”
I said I was going to stay calm and classy. I swore I was. I’d convinced myself from the day Chris shared all of this with me until just a few seconds ago that I would maintain a poker face and not lose my cool. But what’d she’d just said… struck the perfect chord…
“No Gabby, you calm the hell down,” I exclaimed, pushing back in my chair to prepare myself to stand up and go head up with this girl if I had to, “There is no fucking business between you and Chris. You share a son… that’s it. I’ll be damned if you think, for one, you have any type of private business with my boyfriend, and two… you can degrade him whenever you feel like it.”
“Oh hell no, who the fuck do you think you’re yelling at puta!” She was on her feet now and though it took me two seconds longer than her, I managed to get up onto my swollen feet almost just as quickly.
“I told you I wasn’t here to start any drama or fight with you, but you will not disrespect my got damn family like that. He is a human fucking being and for you to sit there and speak to him as if he was the scum beneath your feet, and to have the audacity to threaten to keep his son away from him… that’s disgusting Gabby, really fucking disgusting. And I know one thing… the only reason you even thought to speak to him so disrespectfully, is because you’re mad that he’s my man, bitch.”
Before I knew it, the girl was blazing around the edge of the table toward me, but I didn’t back down… I stepped toward her psychotic ass and waited for her to get closer so I could slap her.
“What is going on!” Her mother shrieked, suddenly bursting into the room and moving quickly toward her daughter who’d gotten right in my face.
I lost my focus when I glanced at the lady, which was a huge mistake on my part, because in the next instant I felt my head being snatched hard to the left and I gasped as a simultaneous thread of pain shot through my lower abdomen. Like an intense lightning bolt, the pain jolted from the bottom of my stomach and crept through my entire body, rendering me motionless. I felt like a stone statue, completely frozen in time… unable to release even a scream from the horrific pain surging through every inch of my body.
“Sy’Diyah, sweetheart?” Mrs. Jimenez rushed to my side and grabbed ahold of my arm and her touch alone seemed to reignite me and I suddenly lost the strength in my legs and grew nauseous all at once.
“Oh my God.” I managed to yelp just before the rush of tears came.
“Gabriela, call 911… go, now!”
Her stupid daughter continued to stand there staring wide eyed with her mouth hanging open and if I weren’t simply dying from some random foreign pain, I would have jumped up and knocked her out for snatching my hair the way she had. But that was something to worry about at a later time. Now… now I could only pray that I wasn’t about to go into labor right there on their kitchen floor.
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uberff · 7 years
Chapter 6
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I literally woke up with a big goofy smile on my face. The only thing I could think about was how good Kai made me feel last night. After we were finished at my place, we went back to his. I knew my legs were like noodles so I wasn't even gone attempt to walk.
I managed to take a quick bath since Kai was downstairs doing lord knows what, but I literally was limping. I think the hot bath made my legs better though.
"You finally up?" Kai asked as he came in scratching his head. He had on his durag, boxers, and socks looking like a whole full course meal. Kai didn't even have to try.
"Yea, how long was I sleep?"
"10 hours g.." he shook his head with a smile as my eyes widened. That's honestly a blessing for me. No wonder I woke up feeling refreshed.
"Haven't gotten sleep like that since I was in the womb." I admitted, making Kai laugh. It was true. I've always had trouble staying asleep growing up and I still do. Maybe I need Kai to dick me down every night.
"I made breakfast.. you hungry?" He said as he grabbed a pair of sweats out of his drawer before slipping them on.
"Yes, but you gotta carry me." I smiled as he winked at me before coming to pick me up bridal style.
As he carried me to the kitchen, the mixture of different foods filled my nose and it smelled lovely. When Kai sat me down on one of the high chairs, I gasped at what was in front of me.
"Kaiden! You didn't have to do this, thank you!" I said still in disbelief. I was shocked because I didn't think he could cook and because he made a whole feast. He must've loved our little event from last night because he doesn't even cook for himself.
"Yea I did.. its my way of apologizing from spazzin' last night. I hate fighting wit you, especially over small shit. Plus, you put it on a nigga.. I ain't even gone lie." He grinned at me as he ate a piece of a strawberry. Just when I was about to thank him again, his phone started ringing.
"Hello?" He answered, giving me the hold on signal with his finger.
"Ma, I got comp-" Ma? I know that isn't short for mom, which is short for mother.
"You outside?" I looked down at my attire and mentally cursed to myself.
"Uh baby.. my mom's outside and I'm pretty sure you don't want her seeing you like this so you might wanna go put on some clothes. I mean it don't matter to me but.." he assured me, referring to the red bra and panties I had put on specially for him since it was his favorite color. Scratch that, did he say his mom?
"Kai I know you did not just say your damn mama." He looked at me with a look of sympathy on his face because he knew I wasn't ready to meet her yet. Especially when I just got done riding her son's dick into the sunset. How could he?
He's told me many stories about his mom, and she seems like a sweet lady. I don't really care if anyone doesn't like me, but I WANT his mom to. Meeting her like this just gives me bad vibes. I swear Ima kill Kai when she leaves.
"We ain't got time to discuss this ma, just go throw some shit on." He said as he jogged towards his living room. I swear this nigga probably set this whole thing up.
I ran up the stairs so fast, I almost busted my damn ass in the process.
Shaking my head in slight anger, I snatched off my bandeau and replaced it with a plain T shirt and a pair of biker shorts. That was appropriate enough I guess.
Leaving my hair in its ponytail, I took a deep breath before making my way down the stairs where I heard Kai, his mom, and his brother.
"Baby, who's got you cooking? Every time I try to get you to cook with me, you never want to." I heard her say to him as I chuckled lowly. When I was at the last stair, I hurriedly walked to the kitchen to show my face.
I didn't even step a toe in there yet and they were already looking at me. A smile immediately spread across his mother's face as she walked up closer to me. Wyd?
"Buttercup! Is this the one you've been talking my ear off about?" She looked at Kai as he nodded and smirked at me. Wow, he's been talking to his mom about me? Kai trying to earn some cool points I see.
"My little almond! Come, come!" She said anxiously as she motioned for me to come and hug her. Kai and his brother were too busy laughing at the fact that she nicknamed me her little almond, but I didn't care. I thought it was cute. Her dimples were the cutest.
She was just a gorgeous little petite lady with long black hair. Her black didn't crack at all. She looked like she could be his sister.
"Hi Ms-"
"Honey, you can call me Kaidyn or mama Kai." She assured me as she released me from the hug. She smelled like fruit.
I'm guessing Kai was named after her. I didn't feel comfortable just flat out calling her by her government yet, so Mama Kai it is for now.
"Kai talks about you all the time! You raised him into a great, respectful young man and I want to thank you for that. The way he treats women is incredible." I explained to her as she nodded.
Kai was always saying how didn't disrespect women because he came from one and grew up in a house hold full of them. Plus, he wouldn't want anyone disrespecting his mother.
"Yes, I'm very thankful that he remembers what I taught him. He will not stop calling me every night about you, Ms. Robyn. You're even prettier in person."
"Thank you, you're gorgeous."
"Ma, when we gone eat?"
"Who is we? I made this for my baby and mama." Kai rose an eyebrow at his brother. They were forever being mean to each other. I don't know if that's how they express their love or what.
"You need help Mama Kai?" I asked once I noticed she was setting up the table.
"Oh no baby, thanks for asking though." She gave me a big smile as she started to get out some plates for all of us. I forgot that Kai had told me that she was a chef, so of course she'd enjoy doing this.
"So Mama Kai, I hear you're a chef.."
"Yes ma'am, I have a passion for cooking. Ever since I was little, I'd always be in the kitchen helping my mother cook. Kai obviously does too, but he thinks it's "gay"." She explained, shaking her head at the end of the sentence.
"Kai why? I think it's cute."
"Why you gotta put me on the spot like that, ma?" He said as he looked down at her. Kai was a good 6'5, so he was the tallest in here.
"Boy please, wait til I show her your baby pictures."
"So what about you Robyn?"
"Well, I have a passion for designing clothes. I'm launching my Summer Collection in a few weeks. I've gotten as far as designing hundreds of prom dresses, wardrobe for Met Gala, many award shows, and I'm currently working on a makeup line for my girls of color." I explained confidently, as she nodded with a look that said she was impressed.
"That's great! I wish you nothing but more success in the future. I might have to get you to design my wedding dress." She smirked at me as I nodded. I would love that.
Once she had brought us our plates, no words were said. Everybody was just eating, and the food was so damn good. I honestly haven't had cooking this good since my mom.
Popping a piece of gum in my mouth, I grabbed my purse and carefully walked down the stairs. I had on heels, and I would hate to break my ankles trying to be cute going down the stairs.
When I reached the last stair, I seen Jaylen in the kitchen munching on whatever. Probably a bunch of junk food.
"Where you going wit ya nipples out?" He smirked as he winked at me.
"A place." I stated dryly, trying not to get too carried away in the conversation.
"Damn, what a nigga do now? You being all dry and shit." He got serious and looked down at me. I went into the fridge and grabbed one of my waters before sitting on the couch since Winter wasn't here yet. She was forever taking her sweet ass time.
I didn't want to ignore him I just.. I don't know.
"So you don't hear me? Aight cool." He nodded before leaving and slamming the door in the process. I knew one of his biggest pet peeves was being ignored, so I don't know why I would do that. He'd never do me like that.
"I'm so stupid." I sighed as I put my head in my hands. I was honestly confused. I just wish Jaylen wouldn't have said what he said to Kai, because if he didn't things would be so different. I'm not even gonna put all the blame on Jaylen because it was both of them. Sometimes Kai doesn't know how to let stuff go and he gets mad too fast.
I've been out dragging Kai with me all day to buy new fabric. The way I've been working, I was bound to run out.
Both of us were tired as hell and since my place was closer, I just decided to go there. Hopefully O was in his room.
Jaylen 🤡: wya
I was honestly too lazy to text back so I would have to get to him later. I knew Kai was tired of holding all my damn bags so I hurriedly unlocked the door.
As soon as I waited for Kai to come in, I couldn't believe who I seen on the couch. Jaylen was about to speak until he saw Kai come behind me and kiss my neck. "I'll be in ya room sleep."
"Fuck you doing with this buster ass nigga?" Jaylen stood up, pointing to  Kai. Kai stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to make sure Jaylen wasn't talking to him.
"Fuck you said?"
"I said fuck you d-"
"Jaylen!" I yelled, not wanting this to go further. I swear Jaylen doesn't know how to shut up. I saw Kai come closer so I tried to hold him back but failed miserably.
"Nah watch out, let him repeat that shit." He stood there waiting for him to go on. Jaylen waved him off as if he wasn't here and turned back to me.
"So this why you be some-timing Robyn? Cause you got a nigga now? You stopped fucking with me for this monkey ass nigga?"
"Yea she got a nigga now. Fuck you worried bout my girl for? Wit this damn over processed perm you got." I didn't even get a chance to talk.
"Look here coochie beard, once again I ain't talking to you. Did ya mom not teach you to speak when you spoken to? Damn." He aggravatingly sighed. Jesus..
"You guys ch-" I started to say but was cut off.
"Ion give a fuck if you talking to me or not, the fuck you worried bout my girl for? She good, she don't need to be talking to you." He said, which Jaylen found funny. I really hope he wasn't about to do or say anything stupid.
"Since you know everything and y'all so gucci, was she ya girl when we was just on the phone two nights ago? Was she ya girl when we was just chillin' on Wednesday? Was she ya girl when she was letting me touch all up on her? Was she ya girl when I ate her puss-"
That's all it took for Kai to charge for Jaylen and deck him right in the mouth. Next thing I know, I saw him pull something from the waistband of his jeans and my heart dropped. "Talk that shit now, bitch ass nigga!" Kai yelled aggressively.
"Nigga fuck you!" Jaylen spat.
I knew about his past so I knew him shooting Jaylen would be nothing for him. But this was over something so small and stupid and believe or not, I'd hate to see Jaylen get hurt in any type of way.
"Kai stop!" I pushed him back with all my force. When he saw the look on my face, his eyes softened but he was still breathing hard. He shook his head before tucking the gun back in his jeans and storming out of the condo.
Sighing, I noticed Jaylen holding his jaw on the couch. "You aight?" I questioned as he nodded.
"Damn Jaylen, you need to learn to stop talking to everybody like you're crazy. Why would you say that to him?"
"Fuck outta here, that nigga was coming at me like I'm a bitch." He spat before standing up and grabbing all his things to leave.
*Flashback Over*
I shook my head at the event and realized that Jaylen's art show was tomorrow night.    I had been working on my dress for decades because literally everyone was gonna be there. It was really important to him and I know he would hate me if I missed it.. Fuck.
"Girl what you over there looking like a lil lost puppy for?" I heard Winter's voice, making me smile a bit. I haven't talked to her in forever. She was like a big sister to me.
"No reason-"
"Wassup hoodrat?" I heard Jaylen's voice. Winter's happy mood immediately changed. It was so funny, because she literally could not stand him. Everyone knew that.
"Boy you look like one of Santa's elves with all this damn green on, fuck outta my face." She rolled her eyes as she snatched her keys off the table.
"Come on Robyn, before he make me hurt him." She mugged him as she left out of the door first. I looked back at him and he looked at me, shaking his head.
"Hollywood, yo." He said but I just shrugged it off.
Was I?
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Once my mom left, I felt relieved. I knew she would like Robyn because she got along with everybody. The only way she wouldn't like you is if you were disrespectful to her or family. Other than that, she straight.
I didn't have much cleaning to do since all the food was gone. My mom told every damn body in her phone that I cooked, so a few of my cousins and shit came over. I didn't mind though, cause I didn't want all the food just sitting here.
I had felt bad for yelling at Rob like I did yesterday, so I cooked for her. I would've went out and bought her a new bag or something, but she would've declined so I did something simple.
I wasn't trying to be insecure or nothing, but when you get fucked over so many times, it's hard not to think some fishy shit going on.
I don't give a fuck about Robyn having a nigga as a friend at all. It was just that nigga that I don't like. This nigga sat there and flirted wit my girl in my face like that wasn't disrespectful.  He had the nerve to tell me what went down between them like I wasn't gone do shit. I swear if Rob ain't calm me down, I would've bodied his dumbass. I got heat for niggas like him.
That's why I don't want her fucking with him. I trust her, it's just him that I don't trust. I got the perfect career, and the girl of my dreams. I ain't letting nobody fuck that up, real talk.
It took a lot of shit to get to where I'm at today. Shit used to be dangerous and hectic before I saved up enough money to start my own business. Before I even started, I bought my mom a gigantic, beautiful house and a brand new Snow White Jag. That was one of my biggest goals before anything. She took care of me all my life, so I felt as if I needed to start taking care of her. Whatever she wants, she can get it because she wasn't always rich, but she still made sure we had everything we wanted and needed growing up.
After I realized that I had more than enough to start my own business, I left that dangerous life style behind. Being a hitman wasn't always easy, but it paid hella good. Good enough to where I started expanding my work.
I just pray that this shit doesn't catch up to me because I'm doing great right now. I'm genuinely happy. But you know every time some shit going good, you get slapped in the face with some bullshit. It never fails.
I swear I been feeling like some shit was bout to pop off lately, like I needed to go see a therapist or something. I keep having these paranoid thoughts that I'm either bout to get killed or go to jail. I really didn't want to talk to Robyn about this neither. That's why I needed to see a therapist.
"Babe, you seen my sketch book?" I heard Rob ask from my room. Snatching her book off of the island, I jogged to my room only to see her fat ass in the air searching for something on the floor. She stayed wearing those tiny ass shorts around me. Her ass swallowed them every time.
"Aye, I wanna talk to you about something.." I said in a stern like tone as I sat down on the bed after handing her the sketch book.
"Man Kai don't tell me you got something, I'll kill you." She stressed as I looked at her like she was crazy. What type of nigga would I be to fuck her raw if I knew I had something? I don't get down like that.
"Nah, you got me bent."
"Sorry, spill."
"I love you, aight? Like that first day I saw you, I ain't think you was gone talk to me but I'm glad you did. These months I've known you have by far been the best moments of my life. Swear I can't even go 30 minutes without talking to you. You special Robyn, and I just wanna say that whatever happens to me in the future.. I'm sorry and I love you." I explained to her as she wore a confused look on her face.
I didn't wanna tell her about my thoughts because she would stress about that shit and I know she got enough shit on her case to be stressing about already.
"Kai, where is this coming from? Don't talk like that, I'd lose my shit if something happened to you."
"Just remember what I said, you got me?" She nodded followed with a sigh. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her slightly big forehead.
"What you wanna do today? I'm all yours." She looked up at me as I became deep in my thoughts. I didn't want to sit around, because I knew tomorrow was quickly approaching.
Tomorrow it was going to be 5 years since my baby girl's been gone, and it's a hard time for me every year. If she was still here, she would've been 9. I could've still been walking her to class every morning, tucking her in bed every night.. all that.
I remember cooking for her and she would always be right by my side, watching my every move. She told me that she wanted to be a chef one day because she loved to help me cook. I didn't think cooking was gay, I just said that shit cause I didn't wanna explain the real reason. Ever since my baby passed, I gave that shit up.
I missed her more than anything, and since she's gone I don't even know if I ever wanna have another child.
"Kai?" Robyn sat up and held my face, breaking me out of my thoughts. She didn't know the exact day my baby died, so of course she didn't know what I was thinking about. I didn't want to talk about it either. I need to text Kayla though, to see if she's still coming with me and my moms.
"Yea wassup?"
"What you wanna do today?" She repeated, stroking my beard. It actually felt good.
"Oh, it don't matter babe. We can go have to the park or something it don't gotta be nothing big."
"How about a picnic?" At first I was about to decline until I thought about it. That ain't sound too bad.
"Yea, that sound chill. Go pack some shit and I'll get everything else." I told her as she nodded and made her way to the kitchen. She better not pack no vegetables and shit. I was cool with fruit.
The sound of my phone vibrating had broke me out of my thoughts. It was Kayla.. my assistant.
Assistant🤞🏾: everything's set for the week, thank me later 😊 ungrateful bastard
I huffed at the last part of her message. She was forever complaining about how I don't appreciate her enough. I thanked her  lil annoying ass every second of the day.
Me: you still going wit me & my mama to see baby girl?
Assistant🤞🏾: duh Kai.. don't forget she was my baby too.
Not wanting to argue with her, I left it at that and just went on about my day. Going to the hall closet, I got out two small and old blankets that Robyn and I could use.
Once I was done, I went in the kitchen to see her leaning on the counter scrolling through her phone. Her booty was poking out of her shorts and I had to get her.
"Let's go!" I yelled as I sent a hard slap to her ass causing her to jump up immediately. "Kai! Ouch!" She dramatically whined.
"You'll be aight." I laughed as I rubbed the spot for her, as she led the way out of my house. I noticed that she had caught an attitude so I was literally about to kiss her ass.
Getting on my knees, I wrapped my arms around her waist so she could stop walking. I gently kissed the spot that I hit before standing back up. "Happy now?" I asked as she nodded with a smile.
Shaking my head at her fake attitude, I opened the car door for her as I made sure she got in and put on her seat belt. After getting in myself, I started the car and followed the directions that she had put on my phone.
Cause I Love You by Lenny Williams was softly playing on the radio and I had seen Robyn turn it up. "What you know about that? That's grown folk music." I smiled at her as she waved me off.
"Boy I grew up on this music. This is the jam." She said as I nodded in agreement. Ain't nothing like that good old school music. You could never go wrong with it, it was good for the soul. I liked our generation of music too, but I was more of an old soul.
"I love youuuuuuu." I sang to Robyn as I gripped her thigh while I drove. She covered her ears and shook her head no.
"You sound like a dying lizard." She busted up laughing, as I couldn't help but smile. She was forever talking shit about ya boy.
I looked over at the short shorts she was wearing, but I didn't mind. I felt like since it was her body, I couldn't tell her what to do with it. If she look good in the shit, why would I tell her to take it off? Just know if a nigga look, I'm cutting his eyes out.
Once we reached the park, I shut the car off and grabbed the basket as she grabbed the old blankets. We had walked up to the hill that Robyn told me about and it was as dope as she described. Some serious brainstorming could be done up here.
"Robyn this all you brought?" I asked as I sat everything on top of the blankets she had put down.
"Yes babe, I told you I'm trying to go vegan." She smiled confidently. This girl..
"Why you ain't pack nun' for me then?"
"Cause then I would've asked for some, I'm sorry." She apologized as her face twisted up into a frown.
"You just too cute. You ain't gotta apologize, I guess I'll just be healthy with you." I said as I popped a grape tomato in my mouth. Which was a stupid thing to do by the way, cause I fucking hated tomatoes.
"How you know about this view?"
"My daddy used to take me up here all the time and read me his little poems." She smiled as she looked off into space.
I took that as my time to let her do her and enjoy the view myself. I had to get a picture of this shit though. Just imagine it at night when you can see the stars and shit.
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Putting my phone away, I decided to just admire the sunset and my girl's presence. I tried not to think about the fact that these mosquitoes were tearing a nigga up.
Some Marvin Gaye was playing from her Beats Pill, and I ain't know about her but that shit was making me horny. The way the sun bounced off of her toffee colored, smooth, freshly shaved legs.. the way her ass say gently onto the ground. The way her natural beauty stood out on her bare face. I could go on.
"Why're you staring like I'm not yours?" She smiled, looking over at me. Damn she was beautiful.
Not wanting to reply to that, I grabbed her hand and interlocked my fingers with hers, lightly squeezing her dainty hand. Her hand felt like butter and shit. Her whole body felt like it, to be honest.
She had let go of my hand and grabbed it, which broke me out of my thoughts. I was about to ask what she was doing until she shushed me before smirking.
Her hand slowly guided mines from her small perky breasts down to the band of her shorts.
"I like how you trying to be sexy and shit, but we gotta speed this up before a bear pop out and eat both of our asses up."
I told her as we both busted out laughing but I was lowkey dead ass.
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You seen Robyn? Her ass been ducked off."
"Fuck that hoe." I mumbled only loud enough for myself to hear. It's crazy how people do you.
"Nothing man, I'ma bounce." I said, and with that I dipped. I wasn't in the mood to talk about her fake ass right now.
First of all, she cut me off out of no where and to be honest, that actually hurt the little bit of feelings that I did have left. She ain't say why or nothing.
I'm thinking that maybe her phone was broken or whatever, so I thought she hadn't forgot about my event and was still coming. Boy was I wrong. She had me looking hella stupid.
Everyone was here, but Robyn. She was supposed to be like the first person here, but here we are.. 3 hours later and she a no show. This event was about to be over in a few minutes.
Once I thanked everyone for coming, people were starting to leave so I took that as my time to hit her up again hoping that she had a good excuse. She better have had the bubble guts or got shot or some shit.
Calling her for like the 100th time, her phone had went to voicemail. "You good?" Odell asked as he noticed the frustration on my face. I couldn't tell him that I was pissed because his sister ain't show up. He'd think we fuck with each other.
"Ion wanna talk about it.." I told him as I walked away and sat outside on the steps. I had on a maroon suit and Robyn was supposed to have on the sparkly maroon gown that she made specifically for this night. She wouldn't stop talking about how she couldn't wait for me to see it. A nigga was actually excited to see it, too.
I really couldn't believe this motherfucker.  She could've at least called in advance and let me know. I wouldn't even have been mad, but to stand me up? She got me hella fucked up.
After a while, a car pulled up a few feet away from me making me look up. When the door opened, there appeared a tipsy Robyn wiping her mouth. I then started to put the pieces together when her nigga or whatever was zipping up his pants. Why did she even bring this clown? Now I was really pissed.
I thought they were about to come inside of the building, but they went the opposite way to the hotel next door. So she blew me off to suck some dick? She could've did that earlier. It couldn't wait?
"I swear as soon as bitches get dick that's all they see, think, smell, and breathe." I mumbled to myself as I pulled out my phone to check my messages.
That familiar scent that I loved so much had caught my attention. I looked over and noticed that Robyn had went back to the car to get something. I took that as my que to speak to her.
"So you really stood me up for some dick, Robyn?" I stood behind her as she jumped at the sound of my voice. She slowly turned around and blinked. She sobered up real quick.
"Jaylen, you were constantly touching on me, flirting and all that and you knew I had a boyfriend. You even told him about the little event that we had, which caused him not to like you. If it was the other way around, I would tell him to cut off a girl that's constantly stepping out of the friendship boundaries as well."
"Ok and instead of cutting a nigga off, you could've fucking told me to chill. Its cool though, cause I see that he more important than me. Even though I was here for you before him. I see where your loyalty lies Rob." I chuckled bitterly.
"You ain't even gotta apologize to cause you know you ain't even sorry." And with that, I walked away.
*Flashback Over*
That was the last time I heard from her trifling ass, which was a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, I needed to talk to her just for a second cause I think I left my watch in her room the last time I was there. Now I was wishing that Winter liked me, cause I could just tell her to get it. Oh well, here goes nothing.
Sucking my teeth, I pulled out my phone and dialed her number since it wasn't saved anymore. After a few rings she answered. "Yo," I heard a male voice, which made me think I had the wrong number but it couldn't be.
"Where Robyn at?" I asked blankly. He started to laugh, which confused me.
"I know this ain't who I think it is.."
"Nigga you guessed it. Now put her on the phone, I ain't call to catch up on old times and shit. Time is ticking."
"Nah she occupied wit my dick right now."
"Aight, well can you put it on speaker?" I asked, waiting for him to stop bullshitting. I didn't care about all that extra shit, I just wanted my watch honestly.
Next thing I know, the phone had hung up making me suck my teeth. I guess I would just have to go over to O's place my damn self.
Grabbing a condom or two, I slid them in my wallet before sliding it in my back pocket. Once I stepped into my shoes, I grabbed my car keys and went next door.
It was quiet in here so I was hoping that Robyn wasn't here. That way I could just get my watch and leave. When I walked into Robyn's room, there she was on the bed laid up with Kyle. Cuties.
"Yo-" I cut off his attempt to start ranting. He could never chill, like dude ain't nobody even worried about yo funky ass.
"Nigga chill out ain't nobody checking for yo nut head ass girlfriend, I came to get my rollie." I waved him off as I went to the closet and grabbed the duffle bag I had left over here for decades.
They had went back to ignoring my presence but when I started to walk out, I threw some water onto her bed to where it got on both of them. Her nigga immediately got up and I dashed off, laughing my ass off. You would've thought that I was Jesse Owens.
I knew her nigga stayed strapped, but I just liked fucking with him. He got so mad over shit and it was mad funny. I could tell he really ain't like but I ain't give a fuck.
Once I was back in my crib, I unzipped the duffle bag and my watch was right at the top. I was only going to the store to get more paint but I still needed to look good. You never knew who you were going to see.
Since I only lived on the second floor, it took a few seconds for me to get off of the elevator. When I got to the parking lot, I unlocked my car with the button on my keys and got in. The first thing I did was put on my seatbelt, safety first.
Michael's was literally a 5 minute drive since it was around the corner. With the way my speeding skills were set up, I was there in no time.
As I went to the aisle with paint, I noticed a petite light skin girl trying to reach for something. She had on a shirt with a little girl that read RIP. The girl looked like her too.. damn.
I heard some stuff fall which broke me out of my thoughts. She was struggling over there. "I got it. What you need?" I assured her as I walked over to her. She looked at me confusingly before speaking.
"The lavender paint. I don't know why they put it at the top today. The pastel colors go at the bottom." She said as she started to pick up the things she dropped. I noticed that it looked like she had been crying, but I ain't wanna get all in her business.  
"Here you go.." I handed her the paint as she just stood there staring at me like she was thinking about something. She was looking at me like I was a piece of meat.
"I.. My bad. Thank you." She said lowly as she took the paint from by hand. I chuckled because I could tell that was nervous as fuck.
"Need anything else?"
"I needed that, I haven't had sex in years." She caught her breath as she took her hair out of the ponytail that it was in, letting it flow down her back. I had been pulling on that shit for the longest.
Long story short, she told me that she just wanted to do something to take her mind off of whatever she was sad about. We went back to my place, and y'all know how that go. I ain't think she had it in her.
We talked for a bit, ended up drinking way more than what we was supposed to, then had sex. It's been a minute for me, so I was geeked about that.
She never told me what she was crying about, but I got some pussy instead so I wasn't tripping. "Why is that?" She shrugged. She started to put back on her clothes.
"I'm gonna go though, bye..-" I stopped her then remembered we never exchanged names. I mean it really wasn't important, it's not like I'ma ever see this girl again.
"Kayla." She smiled weakly before leaving out of the room. I heard my front door slam shut, so I took that as my time to get up and get in the shower.
Washing my body and hair for about 30 minutes, I finally stepped out and just threw some shorts and a plain white tee on. I was only going to O's house. I guess that was the spot for tonight.
Lacing up my vans, I made sure everything was turned off before leaving and going next door. When I walked in, I seen O and Winter playing Uno.
"I got a blunt." I called out as I seen Winter smile. Now she was trying to be my friend. Pulling the blunt and lighter out of my pocket, I took a seat at the table where they sat.
Once it was lit, I started to take a few hits before feeling buzzed. Winter had reached her hand out making me laugh. Fuck her, I just remembered all the times she put her hands on me.
"Get Out the way, tranny." I said as I playfully pushed her out the way. I knew she'd curse my ass out, but it was funny every time. I loved fucking wit her. All bullshit aside, she was the homie though.
"Look here Banana bitch, I'm warning you now.. I will fuck you up today." She threatened as I tried my best to hold in my laughter.
"Jay, why you always fucking wit my girl? One day she gone fuck you up and I even ain't gone say nun'." O chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her. She stuck her tongue out at me and I flicked her off. I swear if Winter was my girl, I'd have her in check fuck that attitude shit. He be letting her punk him.
"Here.." I gave the weed to O. Winter scoffed. I knew he couldn't smoke since Football but I was trying to make her mad.
"Why didn't you pass it to m-"
"Cause nobody like y-" I started to say before her hand came in contact with the back of my neck. This hoe.
"I got my own weed from back home anyways fuck that weak ass corn you got." She rolled her eyes as she got up to go in O's room. She always felt the need to let everybody know that she got her weed from Jamaica. She need to take her ass back, don't nobody care.
"Corn? Girl please." I waved her off. Now she was just saying shit just to say it.
"Y'all argue too much."
"That's her, she can't ever take a joke."
"Cause you not fucking funny nigga. You swear you Kat Williams wit your ugly ass." She rolled her eyes. I really tried to hold in my laughter, cause I ain't want her mad ass to explode on me but this shit was funny.
"You know who funny? You are. You funny as shit. HAHAHA." I draped my arm across her shoulder as she quickly pushed it off with a mug on her face.
"I'm going to sleep, you're aggravating." She waved me off as she put her head down on the table, putting her damn stale ass ends on my plate in he process.
"I love you." I teased her, only for her to ignore me. She was really pissed off.
I was about to speak until I seen Robyn come down the stairs with Kangaroo. She really cut me off for this hairy nigga.
"You let her have company?"
"Yea.. I trust her." He shrugged as I sucked my teeth. But if it was me, he wouldn't condone that shit.
I'm guessing her nigga had left, because she came back and started small talk with Odell.
I tried my best to ignore her like she been doing me but she had a nigga beat. I was still putting in effort to ignore her every move and gon' about my business but, shit. She was breath taking, I glanced at her with the quickness and froze when we locked eyes.
She looked away but I pulled some Kanye shit and kept looking to make her feel uncomfortable and I succeeded. Her conversation with O was cut short, she rubbed the back of her neck nervously and headed towards the bathroom, a few steps away from the kitchen where I was. I gave it a few seconds before I headed that way, to make it really seem like I had to piss.
I heard her talking to herself softly before I opened the door, of course Robyn ain't lock the damn door. She jumped and I put my hands up in surrender. "It's only me."
"Jaylen, you scared the shit outta me." she said, holding her heart. Her chest heaving up and down. Damn, I really scared her.
"I hope you flushed." I joked but she ain't catch it. I smiled nervously and she smirked. "Anyway, I ain't know you was still in here. My bad." I tried to guilt trip her into talking to me. Drastic times, drastic measures. I started making my way out and her voice stopped me.
"It's okay." she said softly. She wanted to talk to me but it was something or someone holding her back.
"We grown, we ain't kids. This nigga tell you to stop fuckin' wit' me?" I mumbled with a slight frown.
"Yeah." she mumbled lowly.
"I respect that." I said to her surprise and mine...I meant it though.
"You do?" I nodded. "I woulda respected the situation even more if you woulda hit my line and told me where we stood. I was thinking we was cool during the finals. You up and left a nigga like KD did Westbrook and ain't say shit."
The basketball reference must've confused her because her eyebrows came together.
"You just cut me off like I was dead weight. Like it won't shit for you to leave me alone."
"I do miss us being friends. Kai don't though."
I rolled my eyes. So this nigga the reason why she missed my event? Rob ain't known for breaking promises so I know she ain't do that shit by free will.
"We friends. This nigga won you at an auction or sum'n? You his property? He fuckin' you?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer. Knowing Rob's curious ass, she probably turnt the hell out already.
"Friends don't look at each other the way you look at me and touch me, and talk to me. He felt some type of way."
"Nigga, pineapples. Create a fuckin' safe word, you had me out here lookin' stupid at my event. Where's Rob? You seen Rob?" I imitated my head ass emotions. "I ain't doing shit on purpose, you fine and sometimes I can't-"
"See. Friends don't call each other fine."
"Man, shit. You pretty, far from ugly. Name one nigga who wouldn't tell you that every chance he could."
She couldn't.
"Exactly. Look, I'll stop the flirting. We could be strictly friends, you know I ain't got much other than O and big head ass Winter. I told you some dark shit and you up and left wit' it."
"Sorry, I should've said something." she said. "Sorry, you're right. How was your event?"
"My fleeky bestie wasn't there to match my fly. It was cool though, killed it by myself."
"Happy for you." she said. And then it dawned on me, he told her to stop talking to me but we see who got the upper hand. We having a whole ass conversation in the bathroom. Nigga nowhere to be found.
"Wait. We talking, you gon' make sure thuggish-ruggish bone ass Kenny don't pop the trunk on my bitch ass?" I said in air-quotes, mocking and quoting him from that one altercation. Nigga thought he was tough. My skinny ass could murk him in two licks AND walk away with his bitch.
"I told him we were just friends. I'll make sure he doesn't try shit."
"Shit, I'll make sure he don't try shit. Fuck him." I spat and she shook her head.
"Jealous ass."
"I got a right to be."
"You started it. How I let you eat and you go in for seconds on the same night with a random?"
"She ain't random, we know her very well."
"Nigga...okay, I'm going upstairs."
"I'm playin', Rob. Good talk, though."
"Yeah, cool ass. Let's try this again when you ain't on 10." she smiled cutely and I mirrored it.
"I'ma chill out." I semi-promised. I'ma try to at least so we could be on good terms. She my only real friend.
"Kay. I know you didn't really have to use the bathroom, stalker." I was about to respond and say something childish back, but I remembered that she never showed me the dress cause she didn't show up.
"Ay, you should show me that dress that you never got to wear."
"Oh yea.. I did tell you I'd show you. Come on." She grabbed my hand in excitement and quickly led the way to her room. I missed our friendship and I wasn't letting nobody come in between that shit this time. Kai who?
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philiprolz · 7 years
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CHOOSE YOUR FRANCHISE By Philip Rolz  Nov 7, 2017 
I was lucky enough to go to a couple of Orlando Magic games back in the 90′s and 2000′s and fell in love. But living almost 2,000 miles away from the nearest NBA city made it hard for me to really root for a team, a city, a franchise. But like a drunken, low self esteem college girl with daddy issues I gave myself to the first one that wooed me... a Shaquille O’Neal and Penny Hardaway led expansion team in Florida. I’ve stuck with them ever since. 
But it got me thinking, how do you choose a team? Are some teams more likely to be a fan favorite than others? What’s their fan-ability? Before I make my case I gotta tell you what I took into consideration making this list: how cool or uncool the city is, how good-looking their uniforms are, GM decisions over the years, iconic players, fan base, the culture of the organization, overall success or lack there of, team history. OK, here’s my list:
Atlanta Hawks
You can’t NOT love a place people refer to as “The dirty south”, I mean it sounds fun and rappers made it cool to root for Atlanta based teams (specially the Hawks and Falcons).
Dominique Wilkins and Spud Webb were the first real iconic players that put the Hawks on the map with their amazing athletic abilities. The rivalry with Jordan and the Bulls was real (both in real games and in dunk contests at All-Star Weekends) and people noticed them. They were fun to watch. 
Ever since the “Dominique era” the franchise has been kind of a letdown though. Always underachieving and kinda disappearing in the clutch. 2014-2015 was a clear example of a roster that made a lot of noise but crapped their pants when it got real in the playoffs.  
Currently they’re probably one on the top teams looking to tank this season to get a franchise defining rookie in this apparent “loaded” draft, so the Hawks aren’t really a team you root for this year but they have been fun to watch largely in part of high flying young players like John Collins and Taurean Prince.
Fan-ability: B-
  Boston Celtics
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The Celtics are one of the most successful franchises in sports. Their fan base is extremely loyal, somewhat violent and friggin’ loud. They might be responsible for starting the whole “superteams” trend some seem to hate, but when it comes down to it, it’s just good management and recruiting. Then there’s the legendary Celtic players from oldies Bill Russell and Larry Bird to not so oldies Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce. These guys are deified by the hardcore Boston fans and man have they come through with epic playoff performances and hard nosed triumphs.  Nowadays they seem to expect a LOT from the young roster GM Danny Ainge put together majestically and guess what? They are they fun to watch. Kyrie Irving has the most insane handles in the league and I haven’t seen a small guard finish as efficiently in the paint since Tony Parker’s best days. The Celtics are also very similar to the Spurs when it comes to drafting well which is a big thing for fans looking for franchises to root for when there’s youth and potential. Will Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown be the NBA’s next studs? Will Markelle Fultz be a complete bust? (therefore making the Celtics even smarter)  The Celtics are NBA Elite and that makes them either really loved or really hated.  Fan-ability: B+
Brooklyn Nets
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Brooklyn, New York. Home of everything cool in the world, right? Wrong! The Brooklyn Nets seem to be a forced fed team (notice the cheesy SI cover above) completely divorced with the whole swagger of this New York borough. Nobody wants to be associated with failure, and the Nets have been failures in so many ways during the last years it’s embarrassing. They basically gave away all their draft picks, they over-hyped a Deron Williams that was arguably one of the biggest free agent busts of all time. Their iconic players? Dr J? Jason Kidd? Kerry Kittles (just kidding)? Kinda feels weird picking guys who did play for the Nets, just not the Brooklyn Nets. I feel bad for them though, playing in one of the biggest markets in the country and not being known for enticing big name free agents, not even with Jay-Z helping them out for a little while. I’m pretty certain HOVA wanted out before the stink rubbed off on him.  They haven’t drafted well, they’re not fun to watch, they’ve become synonymous with losing. The only good thing they have going for them is the fact that Brooklyn is a tourist destination and there’s a chance some tourist will buy a Nets ticket before a Knicks ticket.
Fan-ability: D+
Charlotte Hornets
Remember those big flashy Starter Jackets with the Charlotte Hornets logo plastered all over them? Those were the days! The Hornets used to be good and/or fun. An Alonzo Mourning team alongside Larry “Grandmama” Johnson, Muggsy Bogues and Steph Curry’s dad (who apparently could shoot very well, too) was a fun thing to watch.
Several years later it all went straight to hell with the Bobcats. Let’s face it, when you think of the Bobcats you think of a bunch of scrubs and Adam Morrison. Good God!
Now they’re back to being the Hornets, although, they’re still not that fun. They don’t have Zo they have Dwight Howard, one of the least likeable players out there. They don’t have LJ, they have Frank Kaminsky (crickets chirping). They don’t have Muggsy they have Kemba Walker... ok that’s better. And instead of Dell Curry they have a rookie who I’m really rooting for: Malik Monk.
They’re ok. They’re not super exciting but they have some star power. Hopefully this year the young guards can do some damage down the stretch and maybe be a sneaky team in the playoffs.
Fan-ability: B+
Chicago Bulls
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You think Bulls, you think MJ, his Airness, the G.O.A.T.
For younger fans you think D.Rose being drafted by his hometown team and making them a force to be reckoned with in the East and dethroning the King with a 2010-2011 MVP award.
But it’s 2017 now. The face of the franchise is a blonde kid from Finland named Lauri Markkanen and the face of Nikola Mirotic was obliterated by fellow teammate Bobby Portis. Well maybe not obliterated, but I hear it was a heck of a knockout.
It really doesn’t matter how bad GM Gar Foreman and owner Jerry Reinsdorf have been, because what Michael Jordan did for the NBA he did for this NBA franchise as well. Fans crave for the second coming of Michael and until that day comes (I’m pretty sure it’ll never happen) the first thing you’ll think of when you see a red Bulls jersey is #23.
Fan-ability: A-
Cleveland Cavaliers
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I’ve never been to Cleveland. I don’t think I’ll ever go there. Not really a bucket list destination.  But I have to admit, LeBron James made Cleveland relevant since the day he was drafted by his hometown team. He was the chosen one entering the league and did not disappoint. He carried a really weak team to an NBA Finals versus a really strong San Antonio Spurs team (and lost). Took his talents to South Beach making everybody in the league feel sorry for the Cavs. As soon as he ditched Miami to go back to “The Land” they were legit once more. LBJ is no MJ however. Some people seem to dislike his demeanor, question his clutch gene and doubt his leadership. He is a little whiny sometimes. Yet no one has denied that LeBron is still the best player on the planet and has been for the better part of his career. I mean it feel like its been 30 straight NBA Finals for him.  He’s great. He made Cleveland great. Even if he leaves this upcoming season, Cleveland should be forever grateful for everything King James has done. And because people enjoy experiencing greatness the Cavaliers are a fan favorite. (Me personally, not really a fan) Fan-ability: A
Dallas Mavericks
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A lanky slow-ish blonde forward from Würzburg, Germany made the Dallas Mavericks NBA champions against, non other than, the chosen one (or as Skip Bayless likes to call him “the frozen one”). But aside from being lany, kinda slow and uh... blonde, Dirk Nowitzki is one of the top 20 greatest players of all time, one of my personal favorite players and proud owner of one of the sweetest fade away jumpers ever. 2010-2011 was the Mavericks championship season and man was it a well constructed team that no matter if you love or hate outspoken owner Mark Cuban, you gotta hand it to him. Combining veteran leaders like Jason Kidd and Jason Terry with defensive anchor Tyson Chandler and freaks of nature like Shawn Marion was the recipe for success under the brilliant mind of one of the most underrated coaches, Rick Carlisle. You felt glad they were champions. It wasn’t a “super team” but it was really really good and they were underdogs against a Miami team that promised not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, etc. championships. After the ‘chip they remained relevant until maybe last season. Dirk is rapidly aging and this really seems like it’s gonna be his last season. To be honest I’ve stopped watching Mavericks games because this is not the Dirk I want to remember. I do watch a lot of highlights though, mostly because of rookie Dennis Smith, Jr. Holy cow! That kid looks like he was made with the same stuff Russell Westbrook was made from. DSJr is another rookie I’m really rooting for, specially because he’s in great hands with old man Dirk to guide him and Rick Carlisle to coach him and get the best out of him. It’s a winning franchise in a hip warm weather city, with a wild celebrity owner, an iconic international player and champion, with a lot of young talent. Nuff said. Fan-ability: A-
Denver Nuggets
I think the Nuggets’ greatest moment in franchise history was the improbable win against the #1 seeded Sonics in 1994. Big whoop. There were other highlights in franchise history like drafing Melo (who later demanded a trade outta there). They did have Allen Iverson on their team, but then they traded him to Detroit because he wasn’t the 76ers Allen Iverson of old.    And this is the part where I want to talk about Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf. He was a muslim player (duh!) and was unbelievably good. But he was a muslim. Many compare his game to Steph Curry’s. But he was a muslim. He had crazy handles, the highest basketball IQ and one sweet jumpshot. But he was a muslim, and he started the whole Colin Kaepernick thing where he protested during anthems. Oh boy. Can you imagine a guy named Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf protesting in front of thousands of proud americans back in the 90′s? Yeah, that was the end of that. It’s really sad to wonder how good he would’ve been. At least Ice Cube gave him a shot in the BIG3. Anyway, back to the Denver Nuggets franchise comprised of young exciting talent but not a clear cut superstar. Nikola Jokic is really entertaining but is enough to make the Nuggets relevant? Millsap just joined them, but let’s face it he’s a really good boring player. Garry Harris was supposed to have a breakout year and it’s still early but he’s been a little too quiet for my taste. Jamal Murray, Emmanuel Mudiay seem a long way from being relevant and Kenneth Faried hasn’t been traded after 1,864,227 times it’s been rumored. The biggest indicator the Nuggets are in trouble is the fact that their own fans don’t show up as they finished last in attendance last season. Yikes! Fan-ability: F
Detroit Pistons
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Personally I can’t really talk about the Bad Boy Pistons from the 80′s because I didn’t really get into the NBA until a little later. But from what I’ve heard and read, I really dig it. An uber-defensive team that wasn’t scared of anything or anyone. Hard nosed defenders, clutch shooting, trash talking and an iconic coach kinda sound like... hey! The 2004 champion Pistons! The comparison just goes to show that a culture within a franchise can go a long way.  The 2004 Pistons were tough, smart and had the winning mentality that I’m sure legendary coach Larry Brown implemented in the locker room. Big Ben was scary big even though he wasn’t as tall as your traditional center. ‘Sheed was a bad man with a sick jumper and a f*ck you attitude. Rip and Chauncey were the smart and offensively skilled guard combo. Okur, Tayshaun and McDyess played their roles just right. To this day I can’t believe they beat Kobe, Shaq and another “superteam”.  The Pistons of 2017 however lack some of that old school attitude. It’s well coached (shout out to Stan Van G) but no very well managed (sorry Stan Van G). Drummond is a huge piece of human who can block shots, dunk over anyone and has kind of improved the free throw issues of the past. Reggie Jackson seems to be a conflictive dude lacking the leadership of a Chauncey Billups. Tobias Harris who’s good but would’ve been better in a different era. Today’s NBA doesn’t really work for a guy like him. It’s not a roster you can nip and tuck and turn into a legitimate force in the NBA, to me it feels like it’s either this group of guys to maybe get past the first round of the playoffs or blow it all up and tank away to get younger and better. Can we send Avery Bradley to the Celtics, please?  Overall, it’s a city with a lot of heart and a franchise with a lot of history but right now who knows what they are? Fan-ability: B-
Golden State Warriors
My first memory of the Golden State Warriors is Chris Mullin’s hair and short shorts. Tim Hardaway’s crossovers. Latrell Sprewell’s angry two handed dunks (also angry head coach chokings) and an underachieving Chris Webber. But that’s all in the past. Even the good stuff like the Baron Davis and Stephen Jackson Warriors that made a lot of noise in the 2006 playoffs. That’s all irrelevant now because things changed in the bay area. Mark Jackson started coaching a young group of really promising guys and started a style of play that later Steve Kerr, who replaced him as head coach, perfected and made history. I don’t need to talk about how good Steph Curry is and how he revolutionized the game or how good of a shooter/defender/heat check guy Klay is. Or how Draymond is the new villain and best defender in the NBA or how Durant made this team virtually invincible... because everybody knows it. The only thing that worried me was if I would ever get bored of this team; short answer: NO. Again, people like greatness and the bar set by these basketball juggernauts is so high it’s become ridiculous. People call them “bandwagon fans” but it’s really just a matter of wanting to feel part of something as special as this group of future hall of famers... that and they’re totally bandwagon fans. Bandwagon fan-bility: A+
Houston Rockets
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Probably not gonna be on the same page as a lot of people here but I’ve always found Rockets players kind of douchey. Maybe not the championship Rockets Olajuwon, Drexler, Horry or Cassell. More like Steve Francis, the worst version of Dwight Howard, and now James Harden AND Chris Paul. Yes, I said it. James Harden is a douchebag. He gets a lot of points, has become an elite point guard but his game isn’t really that exciting... and he’s a whiny flopper. 
They have a lot of history and a bunch of iconic players but ever since the championship years in the mid 90′s we haven’t gotten a dominant conference shifting team. Today’s roster is a poor man’s Golden State Warriors and they’ll eventually find out (the hard way) that in a 7 game series you won’t outshoot or outscore the Dubs. OK, I’ve really bashed the Rockets here, but don’t get me wrong I have to give credit where credit is due: James Harden is an MVP caliber player and Chris Paul is the point God but nobody likes ‘em. Fan-ability: C
Indiana Pacers
Back in the day the Pacers of Reggie Miller, Mark Jackson, Rik Smits, Derrick McKey and Antonio & Dale Davis were for real. They had shooting, rebounding, star power, coaching ...they had it all! It’s a shame that Michael Jordan and the Kobe/Shaq combo never let Reggie and the Pacers win a championship. A decade later the Pacers found themselves with a very strong group of talented players that made LeBron and the Heatles a little nervous. Paul George the emerging superstar along Lance Stephenson, Roy Hibbert and company were battling LeBron down to the last second but eventually falling short. Paul George broke his leg got better and basically told everyone in Indiana to go screw themselves because he would leave them for his hometown Lakers. Now he’s in OKC as a rental and Indiana has highly motivated Victor Oladipo (fan favorite in Indiana) Arvydas Sabonis’ son and what’s left of Lance Stephenson. They should be tanking this year but they’re not in large part because of phenom Myles Turner and a rejuvenated Thad Young. So, what are they? Good? Mediocre? Bad? At this point, we don’t really know.  It’s a small market team with no real superstar anymore and a lot of young talent that could either shine or implode. Fan-ability: D
L.A. Clippers
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CP3 leaving means the Clippers are now terrible, right? Nope. Point Blake is for real, DeAndre looks like he’s having fun again and all the role players seem engaged. Oh! And this guy with the scruffy beard is their 30 year old rookie point guard who’s soooo fun to watch. What about the history of the franchise? Well, it’s no pretty. The Clippers were synonymous with failure for a long time. They were terrible at attracting free agents, terrible at drafting (i.e. Michael Olowakandi) until they put together what would become Lob City. It was fun but not very successful.  Los Angeles is sexy and cool but you don’t really think Clippers, you think Lakers, even when the Clippers have clearly been the better basketball team for the last 3 or 4 years now. With the Lakers making a comeback it’s becoming more obvious that the the Clippers should just move north and become the beloved Seattle Sonics.  Fan-ability: C+
L.A. Lakers
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Showtime is back in L.A.! Not particularly because of their style of play but because of all the buzz the young players have caused and the circus surrounding Lonzo Ball, who in his first month playing in the NBA looks... different from what Lavar promised. It’s okay, nobody really expected Lonzo to be better than LeBron, Steph and God in his first games. The bottom line is Lonzo not bad and could become really good! Ingram is looking pretty good (just needs an extra 50 lbs) and I’m predicting he could become a Greek Freak type of superstar. But enough about the Baby Lakers, who we know are gonna be alright eventually, let’s talk about the incredibly successful franchise throughout the years. Ugh! Can’t believe I just said something nice about the Lakers. Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Shaquille O’Neal and of course Kobe Bryant are one of the biggest names in the history of the league and they’re all Lakers (shout out to Nick Van Exel, one of my favorite players ever). I was blessed to witness the early 2000′s reign of Shaq and Kobe (even though I kept thinking what would’ve happened if Shaq stayed in Orlando) and their epic battles with the Spurs.  Let’s face it, the Lakers are the Yankees of basketball. People love the city of Los Angeles and they root for what the Lakers were and what they could eventually become once again. Fan-ability: A+
Memphis Grizzlies
They’ve come a long way from those Vancouver days when their best player was Bryant “Big Country” Reeves. They established a culture of hard work reminiscent of the city they play for. They created “Grit and Grind” and should be very proud of it. The history of the franchise is a little iffy since they were really bad for a really long time (normal for an expansion team in small markets).  Marc Gasol, Mike Conley, Tony Allen and Z-Bo put the league on notice and transformed a joke of a franchise to a legitimate contender. The roster has been almost completely revamped but Gasol and Conley are keeping the “Grit and Grind” very much alive. For how long? Only time will tell (hopefully as long as possible). Fan-ability: C+
Miami Heat
Fun fact: Did you know the Miami Heat won a championship without LeBron James? Yup!  Here’s another one for you: Did you know the Miami Heat and the New York Knicks hated each other and had a bunch of epic playoff battles back in the 90′s and early 2000′s? Hell yeah! My point is Miami has had a lot history before the LeBron and Heatles “superteam” nonsense. Pat Riley is largely responsible for all of it. And this post LeBron phase hasn’t been as terrible as you’d expect because this well oiled machine of a franchise keeps drafting, signing and getting all the right pieces to be contenders in a very weak Eastern Conference. They’re still a couple of moves away from being the top dogs so don’t be surprised if they make some moves during this season or once the season is over. The city of Miami is fun and sexy and so are the Heat fans. As long as Pat Riley is there they’re gonna be relevant and in the conversation. Fan-ability: B+
New Orleans Pelicans
As Tony Montana famously once said: “Manny, look at the pelican fly. Come on, pelican!” refering to some flamingos he was watching on TV. I kind of feel that way when I’m watching these guys play... I think I’m watching two of the best big men in the game along with some decent role players but I’m really just watching a franchise with no idea of what they’ll do when they inevitably lose both their big men (AD & Boogie) and return to being bad (worse). My second thing about this franchise: how are we supposed to root for a team called the Pelicans?! Wait... their arena is called the “Smoothie King Center”? OK, I’m done.
Weird to not root for a team that has 2 of the top 15 players in the league. Fan-ability: F 
New York Knicks
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New York IS basketball. When you walk around this magnificent city you breathe basketball. Some of the best street ballers are New Yorkers. Yet, the Knicks haven’t been as great as Knicks fan expect them to be (not in the last 3 or 4 seasons anyway). Owner James Dolan is not exactly a fan favorite, Phil Jackson left without accomplishing what he was hired to accomplish, Charles Oakley has been banned from MSG (yes, the former Knicks legend) and the Melo-drama of last year(s) was quite frankly very annoying. So yeah, it’s been pretty brutal. It’s seems like a very long time because their last championship was in 1973 but there have been some really interesting, talented and semi-successful Knicks teams since Bernard King’s epic finals performance. One of the most sought after rookies landed in MSG and had a really good career (Patrick Ewing) and the aforementioned Charles Oakley along with John Starks, Anthony Mason and Doug Christie among others were talented, feisty, tough and relentless enough to reach the finals against a really loaded Rockets team. Then there’s Van Gundy’s squad with Ewing, Allan Houston, Latrell Sprewell, Larry Johnson and Marcus Camby who played the role of the underdog from day 1 until they reached the finals which they once again lost, this time against a dynastic Spurs. As of today the Knicks, minus Carmelo Anthony, have been quite surprising and own of the most precious assets in basketball: a unicorn. Kristaps Porzingis has won the heart of every single Knicks fan because of the dog in him, something very important to a city that values hard work. His stellar numbers and the potential of becoming a very unique type of player (hence the nickname “unicorn”) might be that x-factor that brings the championship back to the mecca. All they have to do is be patient, avoid the drama (hard to do with the New York media) and draft well... let’s hope Frankie Smokes is the perfect compliment to KP’s amazing talent. Oh, and please pray to the basketball gods... no injuries, please! Fan-ability: A-
Oklahoma City Thunder
You know what helps building a fan base when your not the coolest city in the world? Superstars! Oklahoma City has had some of the biggest names in the NBA play for them: Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook, James Harden and Serge Ibaka. More unbelievable? They played together! Just goes to show what a great GM (Sam Presti) and great scouts will do to a franchise. Even with all these amazing atheletes on their team they really never got to win it all. KD and Russ were an unbelievable duo but many wondered if they didn’t really compliment eachother... maybe KD needed more of a playmaker, maybe Russ needed more of a role player and shine on his own. Well KD left to join the ridiculously talented Dubs (and won the title) and Russ won the MVP averaging a triple double.  Now they have even more star power adding hoodie Melo and Paul George to the mix and hoping this trio will knock down the reign of the all mighty Warriors (highly unlikely).  Superstars aside, OKC really has had an uphill battle developing a fan base in such a small market and have done so beautifully.  Fan-ability: B+
Orlando Magic
Whoa! This is hard for me. I’m probably gonna bash the franchise I first loved (and still do for some strange reason). My best memories as a kid are in Orlando when me and my whole family went to Disney World, Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure, so I’m a little bias. Imagine a kid from Guatemala city going to a basketball game in a jam packed arena where Shaquille O’Neal and Penny Hardaway put on a show. Done deal! I’m a Magic fan for life.  Orlando somehow managed to lose Shaq by lowballing him in an almost  offensive way comparing him to other players in the league and criticizing his rebounding and defense in an attempt to “negotiate” a deal that wouldn’t mean breaking the bank for Shaq. But guess what? For Shaq, you DO break the bank and by not doing so they broke the heart of every Orlando Magic fan. So Shaq left and it took a long time to recover. 13 years later Dwight Howard somehow managed to go to an NBA Finals with a very weird and well coached Magic team that seemed content to just get there, and let’s face it, didn’t really have a shot against the Lakers.  Then, Rob Hennigan happened. Bad draft picks, horrible free agent signings and head scratching trades were the norm under this guy. Even though he’s still no longer with the team the stench of his horrible decisions still linger over the very bizarre roster today’s Magic have assembled. Granted the beginning of this season has been a very pleasant surprise many people feel it’s just a phase in which a lot of “bad teams” started hot and will eventually fall back down to earth. I’m just trying to believe they might snatch the East’s 8th spot and finally be back in the playoff picture, but... why? Shouldn’t they just tank and hope to get ANOTHER draft pick? Who knows? All I know is Aaron Gordon is finally playing some decent basketball and I have really high expectations from rookie Jonathan Isaac and might eventually become a steal in the draft.  Fan-ability: D
Philadelphia 76ers
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Oh God! The Process. The day they win a championship I’ll tolerate the Process. I feel awful for the Philly fans that had to endure such a long run of shameless, utter failure while being the laughing stock of the whole league. Having the commissioner actually getting involved in the team’s plan to continue sucking has got to be embarrassing. But 76ers fans have shown they always trusted the process and are now celebrating as if Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons are the next best thing since sliced bread, but I have to remind every Sixer fan once in a while that they drafted Michael Carter-Williams and traded him for nothing, Nerlens Noel and traded him for nothing and Jahlil Okafor, who’ll be traded for nothing... so let’s not get too excited just yet. We still have to find out what Markelle Fultz becomes. The level of incompetence they endured for so long actually made us all root for them making them the most lovable underdog in history and thus captivating a new fan base of people rooting for the eternal losers to finally get a break. They used to be good though. Real good. Mostly because they had Allen Iverson, the best pound for pound player ever. Those A.I. teams were surrounded by a bunch of scrubs, role players and stiffs that watched “The Answer” in awe as he dismantled every opponent they faced. The team had a superstar and a lot of heart that would eventually take the finals against another almost invincible Lakers team, that for a second, crapped their pants when Allen Iverson tore them apart in Game 1. Eventually L.A. won 4 straight and the series was over. Philadelphia was praised for valiantly battling a star studded team with a minuscule scorer along with a bunch of unknowns (so yeah, they’ve always been the lovable underdogs). In a very “Rocky” way, Philadelphia always seems to be forced against the ropes and fighting back the best way they can.  Fan-ability: B
Phoenix Suns
It’s hard to imagine a time where the Phoenix Suns were a great Western Conference team. They were. My first memories of good Suns teams was the Barkley, KJ and Majerle led team. Then there’s the Nash-Stoudemire era where the battles against their Western Conference nemesis were pretty epic. It’s seems like its been forever since the glory days for the Suns. They had a nice little run not long ago with a trio of guards that are really good (Eric Bledsoe, Goran Dragic and Isaiah Thomas) but seemed like they handled it very poorly only ending the very brief run with some questionable GM decisions. Overall the Suns are franchise that hasn’t really clicked and found a clear path to becoming a fun team to watch. The Suns are very young and do have a great-to-be shooting guard in Devin Booker, but they’re probably 4 years from being competitive again and some young players like Bender, Marquese Chriss and Josh Jackson have to prove their worth in the next upcoming seasons. Trading Bledsoe seems like it could be a fresh start and open up some very important playing time for the younger talent. So brace yourselves, it’s not gonna be pretty. Fan-ability: C-
Portland Trailblazers
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Hispters rejoice! There’s no doubt that rooting for the Blazers is the cool thing to do since nobody really trusts their backcourt defense, bench or bother to give Dame Dolla (a.k.a. Damien Lillard) an All-Star nod.  CJ McCollum and Damien Lillard think they’re the best backcourt in the NBA and it’s a legitimate claim since they score at will against any and every defender. When it comes to clutch shooting... you know it’s Dame Time! I personally find the Blazers a really fun team to watch and when you think about it, it’s been the case for a very long time. Awesome Blazer players throughout the years: Clifford Robinson (headband included), Jerome Kersey, Rod Strickland, Arvydas Sabonis, Rasheed Wallace, Brandon Roy and LaMarcus Aldridge are just some of the names that made this cool-ass city much much cooler. They’ve been relevant but haven’t really won a championship but at least they’ve been to one. Even if they’ve lost more than they’ve won they are definitly a cool team. Fan-ability: B+
Sacramento Kings
Before owner Vivek Ranadivé thought Nik Stauskas was the next best thing, before they drafted every single big while having arguably the best center in the league in Boogie Cousins and confusing everybody with every single poor decision the Kings were exciting.
Can it be argued that Jason “White Chocolate” Williams was the most entertaining point guard of the last 25 years? I certainly think so. He put the Kings on the map along with a very productive Chris Webber, the shooter extraordinaire of Peja Stojakovic and a bunch of really good role players. They kind of underachieved but looking back on that team, they might have been a little too young and flashy. The only time they made the NBA Finals was unfortunately in the movie “How to lose a guy in 10 days”. They lost those fake finals to the Knicks, how about that?
They might be making a comeback, though. The fun team they used to be could once again excite us basketball fans with rookie phenom De'Aaron Fox, second year shooting guard Buddy Hield, big man Willy Cauley-Stein and the rest of the young core. After all the DeMarcus Cousins drama they dealt with I sincerely hope they find their way with this young squad and make the Kings games a must watch. Fan-ability: C
San Antonio Spurs
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You know how some organizations are so good they become kind of annoying and after a while they stop being annoying again because you’re in awe of how well they do everything? That’s the San Antonio Spurs.
Only the Spurs can reach the playoffs a record setting 20 consecutive years (also the longest active playoff streak in any major North American sports league as of 2017) and keep drafting really good under the radar rookies, who eventually turn out to be really good. You can’t talk about the Spurs without talking about Tim Duncan or Gregg Popovich, and even though there have been a lot of other amazing Spurs players (David Robinson, Manu, Tony Parker, Sean Elliott, now Kawhi, etc.) it’s Pop and Timmy’s dynasty. And is it just me or was Gregg Popovich really unlikable back when we didn’t really know him? He seemed like a real a**hole but now people want him to be the next President.
They are an iconic dynasty that will be a trademark of greatness for years and years to come. Watching Timmy retire was hard, I can’t imagine what’ll be like when Pop calls it quits.
Fan-ability: A+
Toronto Raptors
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All Star Weekends aren’t really important. I was always a fan of these long, flashy, ceremonious events, but not really. It’s like it’s supposed to happen and it’s kinda like the mid-season awards in a way but it’s definitely not a big deal. In the year 2000 (shout out to Conan) though, it mattered, mainly because of the Canada’s basketball ambassador unbelievable display of amazingness and athletic dunk display that became, and still is, the single best dunk contest in the history basketball. Vince Carter was “Air Canada” but eventually it became a messy divorce with the franchise and once again became a sub par team. Nowadays they a decent top 3 team in the Leastern Conference, but I don’t expect them to go further than the second round of the playoffs, even though Masai Ujiri managed to assemble a nice roster that inlcudes the Big Medium 3 of: Lowry, DeRozan and Ibaka. The Raptors have always been ok and cool to root for (they are the only non U.S. team in the league, and that might be a plus) and the list of iconic players is actually pretty decent: Vince, T-Mac, Damon “Mighty Mouse” Stoudamire, Marcus Camby and Skip to my Lou (Rafer Alston). The most notable Raptors fan nowadays is Toronto’s rapper Drake (see also: Nav Bhatia) which really boosts popularity for the franchise, even when we know LeBron will have his way with the Raps come playoff time. Fan-ability: B+
Utah Jazz
Ok, first things first... let me just say that the biggest oxymoron is this franchise’s name. Has there ever been actual jazz played in the Mormon state? (shout out to Trey Parker and Matt Stone for the hilarious “Book of Mormon” musical) Now that I got that out of the way, let’s go ahead and analyze the franchise. They’ve been a really well coached team for the most part (Jerry Sloan and now Quin Snyder) and even when they’re lacking star power they seem to be that team you don’t want to face. They’re really good at drafting and developing young talent and that translates into really feisty hard working potential all-stars... that eventually leave via free agency, probably because Utah isn’t the sexiest place in the world. Deron Williams was on his way of becoming the best point guard in the league and almost overnight became an expendable bench player. Gordon Hayward was the big white hope but opted to join forces with his former Butler head coach in Boston and got injured 5 minutes into his Celtic debut... wait is this a “Leave Utah curse” theory? Nah. Hayward will be alright... I hope. The 90′s and 2000′s were different though, Utah was a star studded franchise always representing the west come playoff time mainly because of the one the best duos of all time: Karl Malone and John Stockton. Although they never got to win the championship they’ll always be remembered as a legit force in the league. As for now, let’s just hope Rudy Gobert keeps developing into the best dang Center in the league... he certainly has the potential. Rodney Hood (awesome name by the way) needs to become an offensive force and most importantly be consistent. Dante Exum sadly, hasn’t really lived up to the hype and I believe has reached his ceiling. They are what all Jazz teams are, gritty and tough. Fan-ability: C+
Washington Wizards
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DC’s team is and has always been a conundrum. Wizards teams have been pretty good on paper but none of them, including a Michael Jordan led team, could really make them relevant (granted MJ was getting pretty old and wasn’t in the best shape). It seems the current team is the best the franchise has had in a long time, yet they’re not close to being a Conference favorite. Do the Wizards have big names? Yup, John Wall is in the prime of a stellar career. Bradley Beal has proven he can stay healthy and stay productive. Otto Porter got paid All-Star money and should become one for this team to really go further. Are they well coached? Debatable, but I believe Scott Brooks is a huge improvement over several of the last coaches in Washington. Now the big question is can they actually dethrone Cleveland? The other big question is whether this roster is built for the future like Boston is. Sadly, my answer for both these questions is no. They had their share of bad draft picks (Kwame Brown most notably), players gone bad (Gilbert Arenas, Juwan Howard) iconic players that never really transcended or carried the franchise (MJ, Chris Webber), but the bottom line is they’re a cool franchise to root for (used to be cooler when they were the “Bullets”) in a cool city. Hopefully one day they’ll become a legitimate championship contending team. Maybe if they figure out how to get Boogie Cousins that’ll happend sooner rather than later. Fan-ability: B-
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hopeishappinessff · 6 years
Holding Onto Hope: Chapter 22.2
And so there I stood… staring foolishly at this girl who I’d grown annoyed by all thanks to Chris, who by the way stood off in the corner of the room near Destani with Jaylen cradled in his arms with perhaps the most shocked expression in the room. And of course because she was well aware of exactly who Tawny was thanks to seeing her all around campus, Destani too sat on a loveseat beside her mother looking just as stunned as myself as her eyes darted back and forth between Tawny and I.
Tawny… my sister.
Tawny… the girl that’d become oddly close to my boyfriend, the cheater.
Tawny… the girl who was somehow friends with the one girl, that I knew of, that my boyfriend cheated on me with.
Tawny… my half-sister.
She seemed to be just as caught off guard as I as she sat there staring up at me with her lips slightly parted without even bothering to blink. But no one other than her, Chris, Destani, or I seemed to catch on to the unspoken exchange and I attempted to quickly regain my composure to avoid any looming questions from anyone out of the loop.
“I kind of wanted this to be a surprise for you girls. I purposely didn’t speak a word of it to either of you because I wanted you both here in person for this moment. I hope that I haven’t caught either of you off guard or anything…” My dad rambled while I continued to stand there looking from him to Diana to Tawny.
“Um… uh…” Tawny began to stutter awkwardly, nearly annoying me, but again I regained my composure and smiled warmly at my dad then turned to share that same forced smile with Diana.
“No… you haven’t. This is a… a pleasant surprise.” I said, with my eyes discreetly glued menacingly to Tawny.
“Good, good. I’d like to get with you girls a bit later to, you know… just talk a little. Hopefully sometime before you both head back to school.” He said.
“Oh girls,” Ms. Chipper Diana quickly chimed in before anyone had an opportunity to utter a word in response, “I’m absolutely thrilled to have you both here together finally. I’ve waited years for this very moment.”
From the moment I met Diana, I got a good vibe that she was a pretty dramatic woman and this moment… definitely proved me right. The lady started to cry right on cue and being the overly sympathetic and understanding woman that she is, my aunt almost immediately hopped up from her seat and fell into place consoling her tearless self. With not a word else to say to my dad about the situation, I politely plopped down on the couch beside Tawny and with the happiest face I could possibly conjure, I mistakenly locked eyes with Chris which was very much of a huge mistake because I could feel myself frowning almost instantly. I blamed him entirely in the situation. It was his fault that I’d just found out that I was related to a girl that I wasn’t even sure I liked. If it weren’t for their little newfound “friendship” I wouldn’t even know about Tawny and perhaps I would be some sort of excited about finding out that I had a long lost relative. But no… instead, there I was sulking and no longer looking forward to the remainder of my break because I was stuck in a house with a boyfriend that I was beginning to regret being with and a sister who I somewhat disliked.
Well… how fucking awkward was that? I was seriously starting to regret coming to Hope’s dad’s house to begin with because for one, she didn’t seem to wanna have shit to do with me and not to mention I overheard her telling Destani how she didn’t even know if she wanted to be in a relationship with my ass anymore. How was a nigga supposed to feel after that? And two… Tawny was her damn sister! What… the… fuck! I just knew somebody had to be playing a prank and I was waiting on someone in the room to hop up and yell “punk’d” but of course… that never happened. All the adults in the room burst into the liveliest bits of conversation amongst themselves while me, Dez, Hope, and Tawny all sat there like a bunch of children in timeout. They were just way too excited about the whole prospect of Hope being related to the girl I’d oddly grown so close to in the past few months and I didn’t really know how the hell I felt about that. But I will say one thing… maybe, just maybe, that could explain why I felt such a strong urge to be close to Tawny all the time without actually having the urge to have sex with her. I don’t know… at this point, I was really beginning to believe anything was possible.
Conversations continued to flow for a while until my mom, Ms. Maddie, Ms. Cynthia, and now this new lady Ms. Diana all agreed to go huddle up in the kitchen to join together to make a grocery list for their fun filled journey to the supermarket early tomorrow morning. While everyone moved about in the room, Hope took that as an opportunity to hurdle the fuck outta there, I’m guessing to go hide out in her guest room, and of course Destani went trailing along right behind her. Which left Tawny, James, and myself together in the family room. James’s overly happy go lucky ass stood from his seat with a huge grin and looked from me to Tawny then right back to me.
“Well Chris, let me run to the restroom really quick then I’ll show you to the room I have set up for you and little man. I think you’ll get a kick out of it.” I smiled a tight-lipped smile at him and nodded, watching as he grinned excitedly at his daughter and sauntered off outta the room.
“Well what a way to start our break, huh?” Tawny mumbled from her seat across the room. Some type of noise flooded from my nose, maybe a laugh or something, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to smile and really even look at her for that matter. I was still way too thrown off by the abrupt news of her relation to my girlfriend and I wasn’t really sure how to feel about her at this point.
“And I guess this is what you meant by spending the break at your girlfriend’s dad’s… surprise!” She giggled uneasily.
“Yeah…” I huffed, again, with some odd noise through my nose.
With a sigh, I heard her grunt softly as she pushed herself up off of the couch and from the corner of my eye I could see her slowly making her way in my direction. I nearly held my breath with fear as the girl eased closer to me and I had to force myself to calm the hell down. I was getting entirely too worked up over a situation that ultimately had nothing to do with me and I didn’t wanna let the awkwardness of it all cause me to act any differently toward Tawny because truthfully, she did nothing wrong.
“So this is the little cutie pie from your background screen, huh?” Her voice was soft and gentle as she moved closer to me and kneeled to get a good look at Jaylen’s now sleeping body as I cradled him lovingly in the crook of my left arm.
“Yep. This is my mini… lil Jaylen.” I said with a proud smirk, momentarily forgetting about the whirlwind of issues in my life.
“My God Chris, he’s even more handsome in person. He’s beautiful… just perfect.” She whispered as she lifted her right hand and ever so softly raked the back of her index finger over Jay’s plump little cheek.
“Thank you.” I said, making sure to keep my tone just as low so as to not disturb his slumber.
“You know, maybe me, you, and Sy’Diyah should all get together and talk later.” Tawny said thoughtfully.
“Yeah, doubt that.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I told you Sy wasn’t gonna wanna have anything to do with me anytime soon Tawny. This situation ain’t gone make her wanna talk to me anymore than she didn’t wanna talk to me before.” I explained.
With a sigh, she twisted her lips to one side and dropped her gaze down to the floor. It’s like realistically she knew there was no chance in hell her new sister would want to sit and talk to me let alone the both of us about this sudden revelation her dad dropped on the both of them, but in good old fashioned Tawny nature… she had to at least remain optimistic about it. But I knew she meant no harm and just couldn’t help herself.
“I’m really excited about this Chris.” She said softly a few moments later.
“Excited about what?” “About having a sister… or, having Sy’Diyah as my sister. I really like her, you know. I’m not sure if she feels the same about me, but… I don’t know. I have friends, but there’s no one in my life that’s absolutely real and genuine and there for me when I need them other than my mom and dad… and you.”
I couldn’t help but smirk at her. She was just so cute and sincere and the sudden blush in her cheeks was just a reminder of the innocence that I adored about her.
“Well lil TT, I’m glad I could at least be all that for you. I’m hoping your sister can do the same plus more for you… because I know you deserve it. She’s a really great person and whenever she does open up to you, which I know she will, you’ll get that awesome friend that you deserve… trust me.”
She raised her head and eyed me for a moment before her face contorted with a goofy little smirk and she reached up to nudge me softly in the side of my head.
“You’re such a sap Brown.”
“What the hell!” I chuckled, “How am I a sap because I’m tryna help you get a friend?”
“You’re a sap for Sy! You brag about her in any way you can, don’t you?”
“Oh… well when you word it that way, yes… I’m a big ole, gigantic sap for her ass.”
We both shared a bit of soft laughter for the sake of Jaylen’s napping self and James finally emerged back into the family room after his bathroom break.
“Well Chris, are you ready to see your sleeping quarters for the week man?” He asked cheerfully. Yeah, I could totally understand exactly where the hell Tawny’s over bubbly ass personality derived from.
“Yes sir.” I made a move to stand from the couch, but Jaylen stirred slightly in the crook of my arm which forced me to sit back and quickly pray that he wouldn’t wake up.
“Here, I’ll take him.” Tawny offered the moment she caught the distressed look on my face. I glanced at her briefly as she leaned forward to slip him from the crook of my arm and watched as she maneuvered him with ease until he rested peacefully against the right side of her chest. He shifted a bit, but eventually found himself a nice comfortable spot where he curled into his favorite fetal position against her and clutched at her shirt with his right hand.
“Thanks Tawny.” I whispered with an assured smirk. Finally I stood to my full height, which left me towering over James by a few inches, and did a quick stretch before turning to follow him out of the family room and down a short hall to the right. He led the way to a door just before the kitchen and once he opened it, he walked inside and began to trek down a flight of stairs. I was skeptical, to say the least as I trailed along behind this man. I didn’t wanna have to drop kick Sy’Diyah and Tawny’s dad if he was leading me to a damn dungeon or some shit. Luckily, I was pleasantly surprised when he flipped on a light switch at the bottom of the stairs and revealed a fully finished and furnished basement… that I really wouldn’t even call a damn basement. The space looked like a complete condo! On one half of the room was a huge suede beige sectional sofa with a matching chair and ottoman off to one side of it. The couch and the chair faced the most beautifully, enormous television I’d ever seen and I could see that there was a projector up on the ceiling across from it, making it the perfect space for an in-home movie theater. There were a few regal looking columns in the center of the room to separate the sitting area from the game area and at that point, I really couldn’t figure out which half I would be spending more of my time in!
My kid in a candy store looking ass damn near forgot all about James as I roamed behind the sectional sofa and made my way near the huge ass bar where a beautiful mahogany pool table and an air hockey table sat close by. I tried not to put too much focus on the actual bar, but man was it hard not to at least glance over at the full bottles of every type of liquor you could think of. I mean dark, light, beer, wine, champagne… like what the fuck did this man do for a living to just have this shit like it was normal! Okay, so last but not least over in the corner of the room adjacent to the wall with the magnificent television, was a door that led to the actual bedroom which I quickly made my way into. It was like… the dream bachelor pad and for a moment, I seriously contemplated the idea of paying James to live in this bitch and just commute my ass to school. There was what had to be a California king size bed in the middle of the room underneath a huge six pane window which sat high up on the wall and flowed seamlessly with dark wooden beams that lined the vaulted ceiling. This window was curtainless and faced some sort of exotic brick siding of the house, but it really was a sight for sore eyes. No lie, if I wasn’t in Hope’s dad’s house I would certainly be tryna figure out how to get her down here so I could seduce her with that window. The entire space was so big, there were two different sitting areas in the room and of course there was an en suite bathroom off to one side, but before I could make my nosy ass way in there James finally caught up with me and stopped me dead in my tracks.
“Ah, I see you like it!” He laughed.
“Aw man… I love it sir, this is really nice.” I said just to avoid sounding crazy… because what I really wanted to blurt out was that this got damn basement was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen in my fucking life and that I loved him dearly for letting me stay down here!
“Yeah, well… you know… it’s a lil sum’n sum’n.” He said. He glanced at me and I looked over at him and we both bust out laughing because we both knew damn well this basement was way more than a “lil sum’n sum’n.”
“Since you’re the only other guy here in the house for the week, I wanted to make sure you were especially comfortable. I know how it can get being stuck around the girls all day, so I figured you’d get a kick out of the man cave.” He explained in that same laughter filled tone.
“I mean, I honestly would have appreciated an air mattress in the family room… but this will definitely make due.” We shared a hearty bit of laughter and once that died down, a nice little awkward wave washed over the room and I tucked my hands down in my pockets out of habit as I waited for him to speak up.
“Well son, I have a straightforward and honest question that requires an honest answer.” He blurted with no hesitation. I maintained a poker face as I looked him in the eye awaiting his honest question… but internally I was shitting bricks! I was [b]not[/b] prepared to be interrogated by Hope’s dad, at all, and I just knew this man had buttered me up with this fabulous ass man cave just so he could bulldoze my ass with twenty-one questions. I silently stood there thanking God for the hat that still sat perched on my head… I was sure I’d just broken a sweat right across my hairline and I didn’t need James to see how rattled my nervous were.
“Do you drink?” I was still stuck on how terrified I was to be questioned by him that I totally missed the question and had to do a double take when he grinned at me and shook his head, “It’s alright Chris, I’m not going to grill you about my daughter… yet. I’m just asking if you enjoy a drink now and then?”
“Oh… oh, um… yeah. Yes sir, occasionally.” I stuttered like a fool.
“Well come on out here and share a drink with me.” He said. So I wasn’t exactly sure if he knew how old I was or if I should tell him, but at the same time I didn’t wanna disrespect him by not following his orders, so hell… I followed him out to the bar so we could share a drink! There was no harm in that, right? Once we got back out into the basement, he made his way around behind the bar and reached beneath the bar top to pluck two glass cups then he looked up at me as I claimed a stool seat.
“What’s your preference?” “Um… Hennessy on ice.”
“Aww, good man.” I watched as he turned and went right for a half bottle of Hennessy on one of the several shelves behind him. There must have been a full ice chest back there too because he used a little silver scoop to drop a few pieces of ice into each of the cups just before filling them both just above the ice with the brown liquor. Once he was done, he capped the bottle and put it back in its rightful place on the shelf then slid me my cup.
“We do indeed have quite a bit of catching up to do, you know. I don’t know much about you nor do you know much about me,” He said after a sip from his cup, “But we won’t get into that now. From what I can see and do know about you, I like you… and I know my daughter really cares about you, so that’s all I need to know… for now.”
I nodded and took a sip from my own cup then reached up to adjust the brim of my hat.
“So, what are you currently in school for?” He asked.
“I’m a business major right now sir.”
“Before you go on, please… stop with the sir. You’re aging me here Chris,” He chuckled after taking another sip, “James will do just fine.”
With a smirk and a nod of my head, I licked my lips to rid them of the numbing taste of the alcohol.
“That’s quite a handsome little man you got up there.” He noted with a warm smile that left me smiling broadly my damn self. I never grew tired of hearing anyone compliment my baby boy.
“Thank you. I really appreciate that.” “Sy’Diyah told me he’s about eight months…” “Well he’s nine months now… as of November fourth.”
“Aww, don’t they grow so fast?” He chuckled with a shake of his head, “Well congratulations. He’s a good looking little one, if I do say so myself.”
“Thank you, thank you.”
“You’re pretty young, if I’m not mistaken. How old are you exactly?”
“Um… I’m nineteen.” That uneasy feeling of rattled nerves hit me again and I gave him a hard stare as I waited to see where he was going with this. He only nodded his head though and gulped down a good half of his drink.
“Nineteen. I was around that age when Sy’Diyah’s mother and I had her. Eighteen or nineteen, give or take. I was nothing but a weak and struggling boy at that age though and knew not a damn thing about taking care of a baby. I was young and dumb and reckless,” He paused briefly to shake his head and finish off his beverage then he placed his cup down in the sink below the bar and sighed, “But I see something different with you. That baby is upstairs sleeping. He’s right here in this house with you, which means you didn’t abandon him… which means you understand one of the most vital things that every young black man should know. You understand what it means to be a father… and I admire you for that.”
I’d finished my drink in the midst of his speech and he reached across the bar to retrieve my cup and placed it down in the sink alongside his. Though I was sure I wasn’t ready to embark on a conversation with James about my relationship with his daughter, I also wasn’t quite sure if I was ready to discuss his relationship with her… or lack thereof… either. Maybe it was something he felt better talking about with another guy, or another father… I didn’t really know what prompted him to open the topic for discussion, but I guess I had no choice but to be all ears for him.
“Just, whatever you do, make sure you do everything you can to be there for that child and show him that you are the greatest father he could ever ask for. That’s what every single child on this planet deserves and every time I look at my child, I regret each day that I left her behind and turned my back on her.” Sooooo at this point I was beginning to wonder if maybe he was a lightweight and perhaps he’d mistakenly gotten a little too carried away with his drink and now it was making him get in his feelings. Like, I really didn’t know what was going on because I swear this guy went from zero to a hundred real quick and I was not prepared for that. If it weren’t for the sound of Diana calling for us from the top of the stairs, I really think James would have started crying right there in front of me.
Within the blink of an eye, he was smiling from ear to ear again and he’d straightened his posture and stared at me through bright eyes, which I noted to be the exact same color as Hope’s.
“James… Chris. I know you boys are down there getting carried away in that man hole or whatever you call it. Come on up here and get washed up for dinner. We’re having pizza!”
James eventually made his way around to my side of the bar and he stood his slightly short frame beside me and clamped a hand down on my shoulder “We’ll have plenty of time to really chat. Let’s head on up before these women have our heads on that table for supper.”
Together we laughed and trailed along up the stairs to the first floor of the house, but in the back of my mind I was caught somewhere between horrified by what I’d just witnessed in the basement from this… scorned man. And thrilled because from what I could tell, I’d just scored major points with my girlfriend’s dad!
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