#I hate digital I'm going to murder it
vivitur-moritur · 1 month
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what's this? fanart for @nyoomerr's fic speak your mind (not that much!) ? Again? Yes! I love that fic with all my heart and soul. You should go read it! And leave a kudos & comment because it's amazing and the author deserves everything.
Anyway, this took me around 14 hours total T^T. INSANE. 9 & 1/2 of those hours were on the first page, which is wild to me, because I drew it second & very nearly decided to do just the second page. If I had to guess the culprit, it would be THE HANDS. I HATE DRAWING HANDS. Also, the sketches this started out as under the cut! (Also also, tumblr is MURDERING my vibrancy & resolution what is going onnn)
So I actually drew this on paper, originally, because I was doing it during a series of lectures & didn't have my tablet, and it started out formatted a bit differently.
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The second of these is my planning page, so the sketches there are ROUGH. Also, at the time I was drawing this, I’d literally never done a comic before.
Anyway, after that, I started digitizing the second page, but I decided I didn’t like the arrangement of it. So because it’s easier to sketch layouts on paper, that’s what I did! Twice.
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And so I got that done, and digitized it, and I then started messing around with the first page. You know, the one I completely skipped working on for no apparent reason.
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This is how I planned it out, on the notes app, on my phone, drawing with my finger. (At 1:25 in the morning. Y'know, like a normal person!)
And then I spent forever drawing, a final version and now I'm here! I know this is kinda weirdly long for an art post, sorry about that. I just think it's cool to see the full weird process! Weird because usually my pieces don't go through so many mediums and revisions before the final version.
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doumadono · 11 months
I just wanna know why so many adult mha smut creators say they age up minors as if it justifies their attraction to them. Would you say it's okay to age up Eri too?
Ah, aging-up fictional characters, my favorite controversial topic! ♥ You know, I was low-key anticipating an anon to drop this kind of question, sooner nor later (what a pity you didn't have balls to come off-anon tho!). I've had my fair share of childish anons before, and trust me, those went straight into the digital dumpster. But hey, this time, I've decided to lay it all out on the table, crystal clear 🙅‍
You know, I've done it all – murder, rape, summoned demons, even glorified Satan and had several children killed in my stories. But guess what? Not a single pair of handcuffs in sight! 😎 And don't get me started on the horror section at any bookstore - it's like a buffet of dreadful deeds.
Let's be real, the purity police can take a hike. There's something oddly fishy about the fact that fanfic, mostly crafted by awesome writers, gets the brunt of the criticism or some ridiculous accusations, especially the smutty bits, while the gruesome stuff gets a free pass 🤷
Look, folks, it's all about context. Fiction is a realm where creativity knows no bounds, right? So, if I want to age-up a character for a mature storyline, I'll go for it 🤷 Look, it's all a part of the creative process. Fiction is like a playground where we can swing from the monkey bars of imagination, right? Aging-up fictional characters is a common practice in creative communities, and it's important to remember that these characters exist solely within the realm of fiction - they are not real, so it doesn't hurt them in any single way. It allows creators to explore different scenarios and relationships without crossing any ethical boundaries :) Also! Aging-up characters isn't some sneaky scheme to write "inappropriate" content about youngsters. It's about taking characters you adore or find fascinating and giving them a new lease on life. It's like those college AU fanfics for characters in their late 30s or kidfic for full-grown adults. It's all about exploring different phases of their lives. So, whether it's smutty or not, the essence remains the same 😎 You see, the whole "aging-up" thing in fanfic/fanart is just common sense. We're not into the whole "let's sexualize kids" scene, so we gracefully turn our characters into adults. It's all about creating content featuring responsible, grown-up folks. And let's get real, if reading about something meant you were all in on it, then every mystery novel reader out there would have to be either an undercover detective nor a murderer 😎 So let's dial down the judgment and just enjoy our creative freedom, shall we?
But you know, trying to equate aging-up with things like grooming/pedophilia is like saying eating a banana is the same as piloting a spaceship because they're both hands-on activities. Let's keep our perspective here, folks, and not get too carried away with the terminology 😂
If you don’t want to read those stories (containing aged-up characters/dark content/smut with aged-up characters) - then don’t read them - problem solved!
Oh, how times have changed, my friend! Back in the day, I used to let all those comments and anonymous hate bring me down. But guess what? I've evolved, and I've got news for the critics: I write what I want to write, and nobody's gonna tell me otherwise. I've got this little thing called free will, and I'm not about to hand it over to anyone who thinks they can dictate what I should or shouldn't put on paper. If that means ruffling a few feathers, so be it. I've shed my tear-soaked days and embraced the fact that I couldn't care less about those sensitive souls who can't handle a bit of fiction. So, to all you "snowflakes" out there, if you're trying to stifle my creativity, good luck, because I'm just going to crank up the heat and write even smuttier storylines with aged-up characters! Thanks for the encouragement, dear Nonnie – you've only fueled my fire! 🔥😎 I might even consider writing some very dark-themed fic with aged-up Eri, why not! 😈
Oh, hey Anon! Quick question for you. Have you ever picked up a Stephen King book? You know, the master of horror and suspense? Well, if you have, you might've noticed that he doesn't shy away from some pretty explicit content, and not just with adults. Sometimes he writes about kids too, and they're sometimes off legal age as well! Surprise, surprise. You can stroll into a bookstore, grab a book off the shelf, and guess what? There's a good chance that some of those books contain content that would make a sailor blush! Yet, the world isn't collapsing because of it. The point is, even in mainstream literature, you'll find situations that might make you raise an eyebrow. So, let's not throw stones at age-up fiction creators when the literary giants sometimes walk on the same edge, right? 😏
In the conclusion, if you've got a problem with aging-up fictional characters, dear Nonnie, you might want to take a chill pill and remember that it's all just a bit of fun in the end ♥ Well, you know what would truly make my day? If you took the liberty to hit that "block" button with glee and gracefully vanished from my interactions. And if, by some chance, you decide to stick around, don't hold your breath for a response. I'll be too busy conjuring up some fiery, smutty tales featuring Bakugo or Shoto or any other character I like to bother with your, shall we say, less-than-enlightening queries. But hey, chin up, pal – here's a little nugget of wisdom from your "older and wiser" friend: go get a life. It's an absolute game-changer 😜 I'm tagging some content creators who write dark fics or use aged-up characters and might face similar anons/anon hate: @mrskokushibo @ectologia @kyojurismo @bakubunny
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67: tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin
With GerryMichael because as a fellow tall people I know Michael's hands are unbearably cold from lack of circulation but his face is easy to go red 🥰
Tall people with bad circulation 🤝 office workers working in cold offices
Michael wondered if Gertrude would let him help her kill Elias.
It was only a matter of time. He'd had his eyes wrenched open, no longer blind to reality. He knew who they were working for, and while he didn't necessarily like it, he knew Gertrude hated it. She was not quiet about her criticism, and while he was glad she wasn't keeping him in the dark anymore, it was still quite a thing to listen to his boss openly plot murder.
He didn't care if Elias was dead at her hands- really, the Head of the Institute was just as guilty as the others, and worse. What Michael did resent was the relentless busy work that he was being assigned, probably to keep them busy so they couldn't plot their boss's demise. The amount of incoming statements was so relentless, they nearly didn't have room to put them all. Gertrude was busy with her own plots, so she was no help, of course. And Elias's ever-so-helpful suggestion of "digitizing" the hand-written statements just meant more work for him.
Michael groaned as he flexed his fingers against the keyboard. He was a fast typer, but the statements were usually rambling, and the handwriting nearly illegible. The Eye helped a bit, but that left him with an awful headache at the end of the day, and exhausted beyond belief. He was even beginning to have dreams about the statements, which was incredibly annoying since he couldn't even have a break in his sleep.
The most current annoyance to him, however, were his fingers. He felt like he couldn't warm them up, they were like stiff icicles against the keys, and blowing on them or tucking them against his chest made no difference. Fingerless gloves might help, but he didn't have a pair on hand, and he'd been too tired to knit recently, so he couldn't whip up a pair either. It wasn't enough to slow him down, but it did make his mood worse, and he was more than ready for a break.
"Gerry," Michael sighed, leaning back limply in his chair to watch his boyfriend descend the stairs with a bag of takeout. "My love, the light of my life, the greatest joy, my absolute treasure-"
"That bad, huh?" Gerry grimaced, crossing the distance between them to drop a kiss on top of his head. Michael just groaned, long and whale-like, and spun his chair around so he could bury his face in Gerry's chest. "I'm sorry, love."
"It's awful," Michael moaned, slinging his arms around Gerry's waist. "It's like they don't realize someone's going to actually read what they've written. They don't even try to make it legible."
"Ugh." Gerry leaned over him to peer at the papers next to his computer. "Their handwriting is worse than mine."
"And it's so pointless! It's just busy work." Michael leaned back so he could see Gerry's face. "Next thing you know, that bastard'll have me recording them or something."
"I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job regardless," Gerry assured him, staring down at him with a terribly fond expression. He raised his hands to cup the back of his head, gently rubbing the tension away. "You're too damn good for this place."
"Flatterer," Michael rebutted, helplessly charmed. Gerry just smiled and bent down to kiss him, so soft but full of meaning. Michael kissed him back, feeling all of the tension drain right out of him, leaving him soothed and relaxed. It meant everything to him to have Gerry by his side, sympathetic and caring and exactly what he needed the most. As if Michael couldn't possibly be more in love with him.
And to show his appreciation, he rucked up the back of Gerry's shirt and plastered his hands to the small of his back.
Gerry yelped and jumped away, gaping at Michael incredulously as he fell into giggles. "What the hell?" he gasped, sounding aghast and offended. "Why are your fingers so cold?"
"Because its cold down here!" Michael pointed out. "And my jumper doesn't cover my hands." He wiggled his fingers to prove his point, and Gerry rolled his eyes, coming back to take his hands in his.
"Poor guy," he commiserated, rubbing his hands and bending to breathe warm air over them. "I have some fingerless gloves back ho- back at Pinhole, I'll run over and grab them for you."
"Thank you," Michael murmured, touched that Gerry would step foot back in that place for him. Over the past few months they had been removing Gerry's clothes and personal items and relocating them to his flat, slowly moving him in where he belonged. Michael couldn't help but feel a deep stir of pleasure at the thought, of getting Gerry away from that awful place for good. It's what he deserved.
Gerry knelt next to him, tucking his cold hands under his chin as he smiled at Michael, happy and content. "Can you take a break for lunch? Get out of this basement for a bit?"
"Of course." Without looking, Michael put his computer into sleep mode and guided Gerry back to his feet, pulling him in for a hug. This time, when he cold hands wandered under Gerry's shirt, he didn't pull away.
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c4n1blc4tgrlcxrps · 10 months
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girl what.
i have many thoughts about this, so i'm going to put them all here since i don't want to harrass anyone.
so first, you decided to play a game that is very much known for being a horror game about inc3st, demon summoning, murder, and cannibalism.
you then were completely okay with everything but the inc3st. if i used anti logic, that would mean you would be okay with all those other things.
also i'd like to see exactly where in the game it says to go partake in inc3st in real life.
yeah, i know it doesn't say anywhere not to, but it definitely doesn't say that about the other topics in the game either.
also, the game itsself is about horror. it's a horror game. you're mad about a horror element. a horror element in a horror game.
another thing is that whole "one digital crime is way worse than another" bullshit, which i physically can't understand. it's... not real life??
seriously, it is not real. it's literally fake. they are not real people. and anybody who ships them knows that they aren't real people.
it also doesn't affect the real world. how does me liking a game hurt you? how does me liking a ship hurt you? how does this affect anyone in any way?
"oh well people will go and commit inc3st in real life if-" no. no we literally won't. just because i consume d3ad d0ve content does not mean that i want those things to happen in real life.
and yes, maybe there are some people out there who want those things to happen in real life, but not me. and not most people.
i know the person who said this won't ever come to their senses, because people who are against inc3st were in the comments explaining how gross it is, but how it's not real and shouldn't affect them, and they kept saying stupid shit like "okay so yeah you like inc3st, bye."
i really want to know what can make someone like this. honestly, from what i've personally seen, people who are against proship on main are secretly proshippers on an alt.
honestly, i think antis are so weird. if you don't like something, just get over it?
like seriously, i blocked this person almost immediately, because i didn't want to see an anti on my feed. it's really not that hard to just ignore things.
and even if you still hated people who like the game, then you could make a post that is tagged with being anti and talk about exactly what you think makes it harmful.
but the thing is, this person did not tag this post correctly, and when asked to do so, said "i already did" like no. you didn't. take your anti ass back to the antis tags and grumble and groan about fictional crimes that don't affect you and free speech being so wrong where i don't have to hear you.
you can keep talking about the shit that you want, just do it in a space where i can't hear you.
people like this are honestly so ignorant.
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What do the misogynists who threaten Maria da Penha, the woman after whom Brazil's domestic violence law is named, want?
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It even sounds like a movie plot: a woman, after suffering numerous attacks and two murder attempts by her then husband, becomes paraplegic as a result of the crimes, but does not lower her head. She goes to fight. And her battle for justice is so strong and important that she becomes the name of a law that criminalizes domestic violence against women. And it changes women's rights across the country for the better.
I'm talking about Maria da Penha Maia Fernandes, this incredible activist who gives her name to Brazil's Maria da Penha Law. This woman should be celebrated as the hero she is and today, at 79 years old and still fighting at the head of the institute that bears her name, and should receive only our tributes, honours, and respect.
But no. Last week, the Minister of Women, Cida Gonçalves, confirmed that Maria da Penha would be included in the state of Ceará's Program for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (PPDDH) after receiving online attacks and threats from far-right fanatics, including incels, red pills, and other types of woman haters.
"It is unacceptable that Maria da Penha is going through this process of revictimization even today in Brazil, 18 years after lending her name to one of the most important laws in the world for preventing and combating domestic and family violence against women", stated the minister. And she's right.
Fake news
Attacks don't happen out of nowhere. They follow a very common logic to attacks carried out by digital militias. At the end of last year, Maria da Penha's attacker, Marco Antonio Heredia Viveros, who was sentenced to eight years in prison for trying to kill her and has already served his sentence, filed a request for a review of the case, claiming that he was innocent and victim of a flawed process.
Along with this, there are several theories circulating on social media that Maria da Penha was the victim of a robbery and not a crime committed by Viveros. The Public Ministry of Ceará rejects these statements: "The process took place with all the possibility of contradiction and ample defense, on both sides. Upon analysis of the evidence, the Court determined that Maria da Penha's ex-husband committed a double attempted murder against the victim." I'm talking about serious institutions of law and the rule of law. He was convicted. The Public Prosecutor's Office claims that the trial followed all the rites and was correct. End.
But, in times when the truth is worth so little and hatred is on the rise, websites and channels linked to the extreme right in Brazil have started to raise suspicions about the process. Maria da Penha would be a big liar. And her aggressor, the victim. In the narrative spread throughout the basements of the internet, Maria da Penha became a villain, a horrible woman, who allegedly set up a plot against a "poor man".
This is not a new procedure in times of fake news (and I repeat that I am sticking to court decisions here and not to fanciful stories).
It is also not uncommon for women who are victims of violence and abuse to be "revictimized" in abuse proceedings. From victims, they become evil women who invented things, to crazy women (and many other misogynistic clichés used against women).
The reason for so much hate
The story of Maria da Penha is old. She suffered murder attempts in 1983. But her strength is still enormous. And for that very reason, she is attacked. How dare she fight for justice? Who does she think she is?
Furthermore, there is also, obviously, an attack on the Maria da Penha Law. Calling into question the honesty of the activist who names the law is a clear attempt to discredit the Maria da Penha law.
Other than that, threatening to kill activist Maria da Penha is still a symbolic way of trying to end a law that is so good for women and so bad for its haters.
After all, for those who like to attack women with impunity, this law is quite a problem, isn't it? What do they want? To attack women without paying for their crimes? For women not to have the "privilege" (sic) of defending themselves from their abusive husbands or boyfriends? The return of "in a fight between a husband and wife, no one interferes?" The most radical ones, yes. On X (formerly Twitter) there are several comments to this effect. “F*ck Maria da Penha, I’m going to hit her in the face anyway,” says one guy. Is he talking about the activist or the law? I think both.
In a country where several feminist women are threatened with death, it is not surprising that the same thing happens to Maria da Penha. But how violent is that?
The activist, let's remember, is once again a victim of misogynistic crimes, more than 40 years after surviving two femicide attempts, when she is attacked online (threats and defamation are crimes, although many ignore this fact).
But you can even understand why there is so much hate. Maria da Penha (the activist and the law) mean respect and justice for women. Everything that misogynists hate most and also want to destroy. They won't make it.
Source, translated by the blogger.
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cordeliawhohung · 20 days
I know I’m already getting ahead of myself…but….
chip’s apartment in the summer must be SWELTERING. like you can literally see the haze from the heat in her little apartment. Rows always inviting her over for dinners and early lunches, insists that chip should stay the night because her apartment is just too bloody hot. chip usually tries to make excuses but row will eventually convince her, making her take a step outside and being like “you really want to sleep in that heat?” And don’t even get Simon STARTED. The first time Simon comes over once it starts to get warm out he’s almost passing out the second he steps in the door. “Jesus, sweethar’ whys it so blood hot in ‘ere?” “AC’s out, sorry…” “fuck do you mean it’s out?” “It never really worked in the first place.” That gets Simon’s blood boiling. How can his little chip, his birdy, stay in a place that’s so damn hot—can’t be safe, in fact he knows it’s not safe, because when she tells him all is well, and coaxes him into staying the night, he’s sweating head to toe in her bed, and so is she. Her hair clings to her forehead as she sweats, even as she’s fast asleep. Simon definitely can only sleep when he’s cold, so there’s not sleeping in sight for him that night. So, in an utter act of desperation and exhaustion, he coos at chip to get up, put some clothes on, they’re going to his place for the night. When she acts why in the middle of grabbing a pair of pants and a shirt (she could only sleep in underwear and a bra it was so hot, poor thing!), Simon just gives her a deadpan look. When they get to his place, his apartment/house/whatever is so cool that they both literally sigh when the air hits them, even if chip didn’t want to admit how stinkin hot her place was. “You’re just a baby, getting all overheat—” “don’t act like you weren’t sweatin’ yer damn arse off in that bed too.”
just some food for thought.
Oh. And.
Simon gets acutely more aggravated when he’s hot. “We’re goin to my place.” “What? Why?” “Let’s jus fuckin’ go, alrigh’?” “Oh..okay.” And when she goes all quiet as they leave he’s like “baby, I didn’t mean to get all grouchy. M’sorry, sweets. Just so hot in there.” Gives her a little quick smooch. Not that it makes his little grouchy mood swing any more tolerable, he’s still a big fat grumpy baby in the best.
simon and i are literally the same i get SO grouchy when it's hot. i hate being sweaty. i hate the heat. i hate baking in the sun. it hits 90 outside and i'm pissed off. triple digits make me want to commit murder.
i feel like simon def makes them take a cold-ish shower together when they get to the house. to cool off n stuff. has the fan blowing on them all night long (cuz i don't think ac is really common in England, nor does it really seem to get all that warm in London haha) but at least they've got some reprieve from the heat! and now he can snuggle close to her without there being an ocean's worth of sweat between them lmfao.
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– Finale, Hazbin Hotel
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴅᴏ ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ?
bolded = favorites
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✩ keeper of the lost cities ✩ riordanverse (except kane chronicles) ✩ the inheritance games ✩ heartless ✩ gifted clans series ✩ project hail mary ✩ the martian ✩ the hunger games ✩ the pandava quintet ✩ osemanverse (except for i was born for this) ✩ wings of fire (i haven't read in a while tho) ✩ amari and the night brothers ✩ caraval (only read book 1 so far) ✩ the folk of the air (only read book 1 so far) ✩ harry potter (i don't interact with the fandom much; i hate jkr) ✩ deathcast ✩ the song of achilles
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✩ high class homos ✩ the d!ckheads ✩ our walk home ✩ baby tyrant ✩ heartstopper ✩ don't read this ✩ just pancakes ✩ our corner ✩ live with yourself ✩ homesick ✩ from a knight to a lady ✩ lore olympus ✩ sunflowers and lavender ✩ crow time (not finished reading) ✩ loving reaper ✩ go away romeo ✩ hyperfocus ✩ the recloseted lesbian ✩ meow are you?
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✩ ducktales 2017 ✩ rise of the guardians ✩ luca ✩ bluey ✩ the amazing digital circus (murder drones/tadc sideblog) ✩ murder drones ✩ how to train your dragon ✩ hazbin hotel ✩ hamilton ✩ percy jackson and the olympians ✩ heartstopper ✩ avatar the last airbender (i'm on s1 ep4 lmao) ✩ pokemon (sorta? the only anime i've watched is the indigo league and i haven't even finished watching it lol. i'm more of a game player and even then it's just legends arceus and scarlet) ✩ marvel (not anywhere NEAR done watching) ✩ lackadaisy ✩ inside out ✩ my little pony (fim, mlp: the movie, mlp: a new generation, most of the equestria girls stuff) ✩ the lion guard
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* = watched playthrough but haven't actually played ✩ minecraft ✩ growbot (haven't finished yet) ✩ pokemon (legends arceus and scarlet) ✩ rayman legends ✩ roblox ✩ minecraft dungeons (haven't finished yet) ✩ kinitoPET * ✩ garten of banban (i've kinda played it? i found a remake of the first chapter on roblox and played that but idk if it counts) ✩ suck up! * ✩ phasmophobia * ✩ plants vs zombies battle for neighborville (yes this one specifically) ✩ the longing (haven't finished yet)
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gravityglitch-blog · 5 months
The Amazing Digital Circus, as seen by a Murder Drones fan
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("Candy Carrier Chaos" inspired me to write this. Fair warning, it's a long one. Potential spoilers ahead)
I stumbled into the indie animation scene on YouTube by accident. It was like finding hidden treasure. I have no hate for the big-name studios, but everything I'd been seeing up until then seemed...homogenized...over-processed, somehow? It's hard to describe. Like eating fast food when you want a home cooked meal.
Now here were stories that were all wonderfully different, in subject matter and style. I started with "Lackadaisy", which was so beautiful, it left me stunned.
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(The only reason you don't see more Lackadaisy fanart from me is because it's difficult drawing cats. I'm practicing, though.)
A few more clicks brought me to "Murder Drones", and it was love at first sight.
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I connected to Uzi's character within her first minutes on-screen. Despite the dark tone of the story, I still hold out hope for a good ending.
Then I started seeing teasers for a new series, "The Amazing Digital Circus".
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The art style and bright colors weren't my usual speed, but I decided to check it out anyway.
Personal confession, "Digital Circus" scares me more than "Murder Drones". While "Murder Drones" wears its horror inspirations on its sleeve, to me, it's more the "cool" kind of horror that I would scribble on my notebooks between classes.
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Vampires, monsters, battling the forces of darkness while jamming to nightcore, you get the idea.
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I have legitimately had nightmares that look like the "Digital Circus". Strange worlds of twisted colors and shapes, people I don't know, doors and staircases that lead nowhere.
All that said, I did enjoy the pilot, I found the setup and the characters interesting, and wanted to see more.
Side note, I know the studio sometimes seems to favor "Digital Circus", and it causes some resentment between the fandoms.
For myself, I see our fandoms as siblings. Let us watch our faves (hopefully) triumph over the horrors together.
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This brings me to "Candy Carrier Chaos".
It happened to debut on one of my bad days, when I was feeling down, to put it mildly.
Like I didn't matter. Like no one would notice or remember me if I were gone.
And so that opening scene of Pomni's nightmare hit me like a punch in the gut.
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I won't go into the episode's plot too much, as I'm sure others here have already done that and better than I ever could. The whole reason I'm writing this is because of that ending.
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The members of the Circus take the time and care to remember the friend they lost in the pilot, apparently the latest of many.
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They all feel the pain of loss, of being trapped in this strange world. But they still have each other. For now, at least.
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The look on Pomni's face when she realizes she's not alone. When her vision replays, it has changed.
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Now, there are helping hands to take hold of her. To pull her back up out of the darkness.
I honestly became a little teary-eyed at that scene. It got me thinking, "maybe the bad days are liars. Maybe I would be missed, after all."
The power of storytelling through animation. With all my heart, I hope this medium continues to grow and flourish. To any aspiring animators and artists out there, this random Tumblr person asks, please don't give up the dream. There are people out there that need to hear your stories.
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In the meantime, Pomni remains where she is...and so do I. Thank you so much if you've read this whole thing. I really appreciate it.
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a-doubleh-x · 5 months
A little frustrated lately with the Hazbin fandom
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At the present moment, it's been about 3 months since Hazbin Hotel's first season dropped. It's a lot of story at once, but it's also a proper start ever since the pilot era.
I'm sure most people expected some sort of controversy coming from a show that takes place in Hell, whose main characters include porn stars and murderers, but personally, I didn't expect the biggest ones to come from the fandom itself.
From the start we've heard of all sorts of tone deaf opinions coming from inside the house, included but not limited to:
• The idea that Angel Dust's character and his music video, Poison, glorifies abuse when its artistic intention clearly is to denounce it.
• The vitriol against problematic characters like Valentino, which has lead to the harrassment of cosplayers and fans of said characters.
• Ship wars mixed with hate speech, from SJWs claiming Alastor ships are ace erasure from Vaggie haters attacking Chaggie because it's canon.
I could go into detail on each of these incidents, but I won't go into it today. I'll just say for now I'm *really* disappointed by this fandom. I was really excited about HH because I thought it would bring much needed attention to certain topics, such as the still ongoing demonization of minorities to the crippling self loathing that comes from abusive relationships.
It feels like the people to whom the show's message is made for are the ones who are working the hardest to tear it down, which is not only a disservice to themselves but everyone involved as well. I expected the harshest criticism involving the show would come from the typical rabid christian ultra conservatives, but apparently they don't need to do their job anymore because they already got us to do it, apparently.
Hazbin Hotel became a creative spark for me when I was lost and empty of motivation. I began writing loads of fan fiction from just before season 1 came out, but during the latest weeks I've just gotten tired of it.
As a mutli-shipper, I'm constantly in the middle of ship wars. I'm hearing constantly on this very site of Charlastor shippers who hate Vaggie because she's supposedly terrible and hate her role in the show canon. I'm hearing of Charlastor haters that claim it's ace erasure, even though no shipper I've heard of denies the fact that Alastor is canonically ace. And worst of all, I hate the fact that some people still claim that Charlie is a lesbian and shouldn't be shipped with men when she's canonically bi.
As a biromantic person who recently came out of the closet, it used to be very liberating to write fics where Charlie gets involved with both Vaggie and Alastor. I like both characters and I like the idea of Charlie being romantically involved with both characters. But apparently the one thing that is not still worthy of respect in this day and age is divergence of opinions.
I came to this realization the other day when episode 2 of The Amazing Digital Circus came out. It's a smaller fandom, even though the audience attention is *massive*. I was looking through the community posts and... guess what? Practically little to none inflamatory speech or ship wars.
People there ship Pomni with Jax, Jax with Ragatha, Ragatha with Pomni, even Pomni with *Caine* for some bizarre reason that I can't comprehend and even Gangle and Zooble.
People *get* the intended message, which I must admit it can be largely attributed to the fact that the writing is better (sorry Vivz) and the episodes are more sparce. But the few people who don't get it don't go around attacking anyone with a different opinion or the showrunners themselves.
I apoligize formaking an unfair comparison, since, as I previously mentioned, these two fandoms have very different sizes and their respective shows deal with very different issues, but I'm just expressing my perspective.
I'm still highly disappointed in Hazbin fans. I expected better than you, but if this post reaches the type of fans I'm talking about, I'm sure they're happy that I'm upset. So, congratulations, you won.
Anyways, I'm gonna stop writing Hazbin fics for a while, for how long, who knows and I'm going to start writing TADC fics instead. I already had an idea in mind, so it's little trouble for me.
Thank you to the fans who have been engaging in peaceful discourse and have sated my shipping thirst so far with wonderful art and writing pieces alike. You've pulled me through some hard times, but it's time for me to part.
Sorry as well for the melodramatic tone of this post, but I'm just really sad and general and I need something to obsess with in order to prevent my inner demons from taking over.
In any case, thank you for reading, and I hope to see you all again soon 👋
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mwebber · 1 year
THE DAY THE LOOP ENDS, sebastian vettel steps out of his car having won a formula one grand prix. he walks onto the podium to the sound of resounding boos, and indignant shouts, and the suffocating, unbearable force of mark webber's quiet rage beside him.
it's march 24, 2013. he's in malaysia at the moment. that's an understatement; he's been in malaysia for days, weeks, months, if not years. he's abandoned the paddock more than once, hopped on flights out of the country in business class and spent his days in transit alone. he's talked to the most interesting people he's ever met, brokenly stuttering through languages he doesn't speak. he's fucked more people, spreading his legs for anybody who'll look at him twice. he's tried murder, but only once, and in a fit of nihilism, and desperation, and anger. it was messier than trying to end his own existence. he's woken up every morning at seven on the dot on sunday, march 24, by heikki knocking on his door, even if he never falls asleep.
he's spent the most time with mark, which is surprising, or maybe not surprising in the least. in the race, sometimes mark will come first, and sometimes he'll come second. tyres never degrade the same way. the wind blows too hard in one direction. the mercedes boys have a fractious relationship, moreso than even his and mark's, and they pull crazy stunts. pit stops go well and fail miserably at random.
it feels good to win on track and get a leg up over his rival, if only for a day. on his worst days, it feels better to get his leg up in a different sense. those are the nights he spends staring at the digital clock in mark's hotel room, some loops cuddling, other loops so far apart that it's like they've never touched. and he'll tell mark the same story he tells him every time:
i'm stuck reliving the same day over and over again. i don't know how to get out.
depending on how serious he sounds, or how close they are, mark either believes him or doesn't. he's looked the other man in the eyes and confessed his love, or his hate, or any one of the feelings that curl around his heart like barbed wire. it's not like what he say matters much in the end; the clock strikes 12, and then it's 7 in the morning, and heikki is yelling at him to get off his lazy ass.
he's played chicken with the universe for an eternity, and become the worst person he's ever known.
so it's—it needs to be some cosmic joke, right? that this is how it ends? traitor to the team, unnecessary career-killer, champion fallen from grace? after all the terrible things he's done, the actions that stain him forever are the ones he made today?
"i messed up," seb tries to explain while they wait to enter the post-race press conference. "i didn't mean to, i just messed up."
mark can't even look him in the eye.
"yeah, well." he sniffs. "actions have consequences."
i killed you, seb wants to confess. i crashed into you on purpose just to see what would happen, and i snapped your neck and broke your body into pieces.
he swallows empty air, instead. "yeah."
THE DAY AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, hanna asks him what's wrong.
"nothing," he blinks. after all, he's broken free from the clutches of time itself. he's back home with the woman he's committed the rest of his life to. isn't this his happily ever after?
she gives him an uncertain smile. she doesn't press the issue.
TWO DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb thinks about buying a single plane ticket with money he's just earned and flying back to malaysia, no return ticket. just to see if the days have really passed by, if his belongings are still haphazardly shoved in the corner of a hotel room, if he can still knock on the next door over and see mark.
"hanna," he says to an empty room, apropos of nothing. "hanna?"
she's on the porch reading a book. she's been reading the same book for eternity. seb stares at the pages, the words far too small to make out from his viewpoint halfway out the front door.
with a small hum, she glances up at him. "are you okay?"
his vision is doubled through the glass, in the odd way the light refracts off its surface. when he blinks, the effect doesn't lessen.
THREE DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb wakes up at seven in the morning, and sees the time, and stops breathing with a suddenness that leaves him shaking violently.
off your ass, seb, c'mon. let's g—
"we'll get a lawyer," hanna promises him, darkly, her voice tight and irritated and jesus fucking christ, seb wants to swear. she won't let the axe fall on his neck. why won't she let the axe fall on his neck?
FIVE DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb drives like a madman all the way to the nearest city proper so he can buy a newspaper. he's dressed in old sweatpants and hasn't washed his hair in days (weeks, months, years? no, it was tuesday, it was just tuesday—) and he probably looks like a complete lunatic, shoving too much money at the stranger running the kiosk just to grip the paper with white knuckles and sprint back to his car and breathe so hard in the driver's seat he almost passes out. but there it is: march 29. 2013.
SIX DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, and seb is supposed to be much farther along in his prep for china than he is. red bull has some red bullshit lined up, some PR nonsense that he's contractually obligated to fulfill next week. it's infinitely strange to think about the future.
A WEEK AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb is convinced he's back inside it. it's seven in the morning. somebody is knocking on the door. it's sunday. if he opens his eyes, he will see the popcorn ceiling of the hotel room and—
A WEEK AND A DAY AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb is not sure what to do about mark crashing their place. hanna treats him politely like a houseguest, though her stiff smile belies the anger seb knows she feels.
it's probably not his fault, he could say. that damned manager of his, she gets into his head. sometimes he'll tell me as much after he rips a new hole in my ass with his cock.
"i killed you," he admits, bluntly, finally, like a dull knife that's broken through skin.
he sips at his tea. it burns his tongue.
mark, to his credit, does not flinch. "you'll wish you killed me."
A WEEK AND TWO DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, and they are on a flight to china.
"i've jumped out of a plane before," says seb to mark's sleeping face. "i've punched a man and opened the emergency door and jumped out without a parachute."
"no, you haven't," mark mumbles tiredly, his eyebrows furrowing and a thunderous frown creeping onto the thin line of his mouth. he's right. seb didn't punch a man; he simply opened the rear door when the stewards weren't there and let himself plummet.
"i think i'm stuck again." seb confesses. they're words better reserved for god or some other deity, not his teammate.
this time, mark opens his eyes.
"it's so much worse for me," he murmurs, "if you feel bad."
"i don't feel bad." this is a fundamental misunderstanding. seb doesn't really regret what he did in malaysia; he'd do it again, in any and every time loop.
mark snorts softly, and turns his head to the aisle. "whatever."
A WEEK AND THREE DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb wakes up in a hotel room. it's seven in the morning. heikki and britta are arriving in a couple hours. the ceiling is smooth white paint.
still half-undressed, he pads barefoot to the door, and shuts one eye, and squints out the peephole at the warped hallway. the optical illusion sometimes feels more real than the straight lines and straight lanes that define his schedule.
A WEEK AND FOUR DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb sits alone at a press conference for two and tries not to blink.
"i was racing. i was faster. i passed him." i've imagined the sound of mark webber's spine being ripped from his body vertebra by vertebra. "i won."
A WEEK AND FIVE DAYS AFTER THE LOOP ENDS, seb is back in the car. it's like no time has passed at all.
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angelwhowasfound · 11 months
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What is a queen without a crown? A rebel.
Both exalted and reviled, Rosalyn Morrigan's life has never been simple. She was born both the daughter of an Arch-general of the Empire and a hostage of a conquered nation hated for its ties to a magic that once corrupted the world. Rose joins five other hostages in navigating a dangerous life as an uncrowned sovereign. She acts like the perfect Imperial Court lady by the light of day. In the shadows, she works with an infamous figure called Foxglove and their organization, the Garden, aiming to free the five conquered lands from the Empire of Eladon.
During high-stakes heists, rescue missions, and strange celestial events, Rose and her fellow hostage Antony travel across the Empire. Whispers of magic returning follow at their heels as it is clear that more is happening in the Empire than just political intrigue. Rose must take on the responsibility of her title, Queen Aspirant of Aspara, and the strange power within her that allows her to manipulate time. Juggling the light and the shadows, as well as the past, present, and future, Rose hopes her efforts will be enough to free her mother's ancestral home from the grips of Eladon. What can one hostage do in a world boiling over with political intrigue, murderous cultists, awakening magic, and cryptic gods? Only time will tell.
Available through this link! The current price is 3.99!
AHHHH! I finally published my novel yesterday! I fought back and forth about traditional versus self-publishing for a long time. I resisted self-publishing for vain reasons, but honestly, I am tired of waiting for acknowledgment from gatekeepers when I have a story I want to share. I'm taking a chance, and if nothing comes of it, at least I got the opportunity to share it at all! If you want a little more information about the story, it is an epic fantasy novel with multiple queer folks and a large focus on women within the story. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Thank you for even reading this bit :) AHHHHHHHHH, here I go!!!
*Edit ugh, as much as you can try to look over everything, it is very possible to accidentally use the wrong cover. Well, it has been updated, and thanks to the person who pointed it out! Jeez so embarrassing
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serpentasha · 6 months
"This is- this is- feels great. Really. We make a great pair. That is to say, yeah, I’m great, you look great holding me. But it’s- it’s really great."
"You're screwed now – we're the good guys"
"Where are we going after this? I don't know about you, but I could murder for some sushi right now."
"Hey, what do you say we find a Hyperion constructor and get me out of this gun, huh? I’ll give you... I don’t… have… my wallet… on me… Alright, you know what, let’s just stick with the gun for now. We’ll go- we’ll put a pin in that."
"Bandits all over the universe, huh? Guess I was right."
"You have great taste in weapons, kiddo; I'll give you that."
"Ughh, just frickin’ do something already. Just because I’m digital doesn’t mean I can’t die of boredom."
"I'm having a murder party and you're super invited."
"You know I could just self destruct and kill us both anytime, right? I’m just kidding. It's just- ah, ah, I'm joking. You’re fine. Just- just make to the killing soon, huh."
"Yellow, it’s me, your gun. Super bored. Kill something."
"Man, I’m even a hot piece of ass as a gun! I mean, look at these bevels! Damn!"
"Hey, you know I heard a guy; he hates your favorite band. Are you just gonna take that? The nerve! Or do you want to go shove me into his chest and pull the trigger until he’s nuked? Do ya? Huh? Could be fun."
У нас есть 3 ИИ Джека.
1) убивашка из ТПС, созданная Накаямой на основе короткого интервью Джека.
2) ИИ из ТФТБ, явно улучшенная тем же Накаямой.
3) ИИ в Handsome Jackhammer, который, ну... Я знаю, о чем вы все подумали х) Хотя мне больше нравится фанон, что Рис поселил глаз в кофеварке.
Понятно, что это скорее просто отсылка веселая, но все равно сделано интересно. С пространством для... фантазий)
Everyone thinks they are the hero of their own story.
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А сам ПП просто восторг. В бл3 вообще очень необычные дизайны оружия, такие, несколько громоздкие, с первого взгляда не сообразишь, где что, и очень цветастые.
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Homestuck Reread: The Intermission (p. 1154-1357)
Read the previous post here.
Apologies for the late post. Work has genuinely been kicking my ass. But now it's time to read the Midnight Crew Intermission. You either really love or really hate this section of the story. I've always been a fan, so I'm looking forward to going through it.
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The Intermission is more in-line with the spirit of Problem Sleuth than the rest of Homestuck. Hussie is returning to the old adventure game format and jokes, like this one where interacting with one item transforms it into a completely different item.
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Despite being a bloodthirsty mobster, Slick is quite prone to acts of silliness when dictated by the reader commands.
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I like how the digital clock on Slick's own computer counts as one of the clocks in the Felt's mansion.
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I love the Felt. They're like a lineup of Dick Tracy goons. I also appreciate how this page gives subtle hints about what each of their powers are.
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There are a number of times where a command to switch the POV to one character instead goes to a different character. I'm not sure if there's any logic here, or if Hussie is just being needlessly confusing in an already very elaborate part of the comic. My gut says the latter.
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Doze without a doubt has the worst power out of all the Felt. It's only useful in this specific use case where he's resistant to interrogation, but that wouldn't even be needed if he wasn't getting captured all the time.
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You know, "WARdrobe" was right there. I know Slick's inventory is already called the "War Chest", but is there even a pun there? Why not call it a "Battle Chest" like Battle Chess? They're living chess pieces. Come on.
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Super speed is such a high tier power, yet Itchy is felled with no effort. It's kinda funny how most of the Felt have these incredible powers and could easily trounce the MC if not for the fact that they seem to collectively share one brain cell.
It makes me wonder if the MC and Felt's rivalry had only consisted of harmless cartoon antics up to this point. And it's only after the Felt "knocked over" one of Slick's favorite casinos that MC decided to escalate to murder. I'd compare it to how the '60s Batman TV show was campy slapstick, but modern Batman media has since transitioned to being much grittier and more violent.
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I need a version of this comic page with Clover being shocked about Slick killing his friends.
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Unlike the previous carapacians we've seen (WV, PM, AR), Slick has five fingers instead of four. I think he, Droog, and the Queens are the only ones with five fingers.
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Meanwhile Deuce only has three chunky fingers. I'm not sure what the deal with that is.
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A lot of people like to infantilize Deuce in the same way they do to WV. Here's a reminder that he reads erotic magazines just like the other Crew members.
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See what I mean? He is a grown ass man, people.
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Trace is my favorite Felt member. I like his goofy underbite and the way his coat collar makes it look like he has a shark fin on his head. His power of seeing and interacting with people in the past is also pretty cool, even if it gives him away as soon as he starts messing with them.
It's a nice detail including Deuce in the panel since Droog had alerted him to where Trace will be at this point in the future.
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I love this panel. I believe Hussie just grabbed that image of the cane without realizing what it was until this point.
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It's telling that the only timeline where Slick is dead is one where he died before he was able to rebuild society.
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This might be a contender for the horniest page in all of Homestuck.
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Biscuits has no special powers or anything, he just wants to be included. I love that.
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Fin, despite having the power to see what others do in the future, was unable to react to Droog smacking him with the cue stick and getting pumped with bullets. Again, these guys are all morons.
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Remember when this was the only clue we had about Lord English's appearance and everyone thought he was going to be some tall, rail-thin Tumblr Sexyman? Good times.
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I'm a fan of this detached method of writing how the characters talk to each other. There's a lot of personality being conveyed in what they're saying even though none of it is being presented as dialogue. Unironically it feels more natural to read than the standard dialogue box format.
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Snowman can do whatever the hell she wants and all anyone else can do is just watch. The benefits of having your lifespan inextricably linked to that of the universe.
Also, I don't think it needs to be said, but "Three in the Morning" is a god tier track.
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Nearly every mention of Sawbuck comes with a jab about his weight. Don't come at me with asks saying that it's just Slick being an asshole. We all know whose "voice" this really is. (Hint: It's the guy with all the fat jokes on his Formspring).
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I wonder how many people remember that Slick is a canon zoophile.
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Slick's "rapier wit" strikes again!
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A strong contender for most gruesome death in all of Homestuck.
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So does this mean that it's set to go off a few seconds after the point Biscuits would exit the oven? If the oven behaves normally and Biscuits is just sitting in there until the timer goes off, that must be the case. The wording is very awkward though.
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Cans's ability to punch people into the future might make him the most powerful of all the Felt. No wonder the MC was hoping he wouldn't show up.
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I like that the detail about the shopping trip is included.
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It's noteworthy that this early look at Karkat's room doesn't look anything at all like how it appears when he's properly introduced. Also, this is the sole appearance of Crabsprite, which stings a bit since we don't ever get a proper glimpse of what Karkat's relationship with his lusus is like.
This was a fun little diversion. Not a lot to talk about here other than how much I enjoyed a lot of these gags. I kind of wish that Hussie expanded upon this and made a whole adventure with these guys detached from Homestuck. It would've made for a nice follow-up to Problem Sleuth, something more true to that story's tone and humor.
But that would never come to pass, unfortunately. Now it's back to business as usual. Act 4 awaits.
Read the next post here.
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dapperpuppy · 17 days
Intro post! 🐶
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Hello hi! :D
Even though I've been using tumblr for years now I'm pretty new to posting on here so please be patient with me OmO
I'm a sfw age and pet regressor and this is my safe space so please scroll away if you hate on that stuff. I don't cause harm to anyone 3:
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Some basic info about me:
On this blog I go by N or Niko 🐶
I'm a boy, I use he/him pronouns and I'm on aroace spectrum ^w^
I'm from Poland 🇵🇱
I also speak english and partially russian
My big age is 19, I age regress around 2-6 and I puppy regress along with that :3
I have diagnosed autism, adhd and ocd so please be very patient with me, also tone indicators are super appreciated!
Also I'm a university student so my posts might not be very consistent (if I gain enough confidence to share my work)
My DMs are open so if you want to be friends feel free to message me! :D
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My interests:
I'm an artist, I love to draw both traditionally and digitally, I also write fics (so far I keep them all to myself)
I love programming and creating simple robots/devices. Anything related to robots and messing around with cables was always my passion and a fixation
As for uni, I study forensics so big boy stuff ÒmÓ But it's been quite a weird fixation since I was young so I guess I'm just following one of my dreams :D
I love playing games on my switch so if you're looking for friends to play for example Splatoon, Animal Crossing or Mario Kart with then my friend code is: SW-7089-5111-8038
My comfort shows/media are:
Murder drones (most of my art will be agere/petre content of this series), Bluey, Robotboy, Scott Pilgrim, Lego Monkie Kid, Bear in the Big Blue House etc. (there's a lot of them also feel free to introduce me to your favorite media!) I also play Brawl Stars a lot! I love this game so much and I've been playing since launch ^w^
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Nsfw accounts, kink, fetish, if you sexualize agere or petre, gore (even though it doesn't trigger me because of uni, I'd like to keep this blog fully safe!), if you hate on sfw regressors (just scroll away!!) and other basic dni!
Btw if you know any of my other socials please don't mention it anywhere. This is my secret safe account and I'd prefer if it stayed as that.
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Divider by @kodaswrld
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prfctlmprfct · 3 months
Greetings and salutations!~
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My name is Matthew (I also go by William and Vincent), welcome to my blog
My pronouns are he/him
I'll be posting about my current interests here (mostly art and shitposts)
I'm a minor so please don't be weird
I speak Russian and English
My telegram art channel
DNI: homophobes, transphobes, racists, etc, <13, radfems, people who hate on others' interests
I'd love to make some new friends here :D
My current main interests:
Animal Room
Literally anything Matthew Lillard, Rory Culkin or Costas Mandylor related
Goth subculture
All of my fandoms(I might've forgotten some):
Five Nights At Freddy's, Bendy And The Ink Machine, Bendy And The Dark Revival, Scream, South Park, Murder Drones, Tokyo Ghoul, Doki Doki Literature Club, Yandere Simulator, My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, Vocaloid, DAGames, Get A Snack At 4AM, AFK Arena, AFK Journey, The Amazing Digital Circus, Fundamental Paper Education, Dark Deception, Heathers, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, SLC Punk, Animal Room, Senseless, Dead Man's Curve, Intruders, Jack Goes Home, Saw
Some of my art:
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Hopefully I'll be able to find some awesome mutuals and followers :D
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kittydragondraws · 5 months
well that happened, tadc reaction
stuffs under cut
yipee ads :D sick beats yoo new intro yipee silly pommi silly symbols is it just me or did things get… golder nauseating i think this is a dream, soo sobble oh my god this hurts to watch i don't like thit "i don't wanna play with you anymore" toy story vibes oof collission errors at their finest best girl raggy is it just me or did she get deeper?? man it's so much better watching yt on a laptop then phone "judging by what he's been teasing" FOURTH WALL BREAK canadaland BUBBLE!! local intorvert what's with the block? LARPing :,D he's so me frfr of he's smoking GUNNY ELEPPHANT MY FAVORITE THIIIING shiny manrqquiens kinda nice ngl awww kinger :D it's giving mario movie tbh "GOD" I'M CRYING AHAHAHAHHA ooooh amazing digital yuri she just like me frfr loloo kinda sweet i looove jax ha :D pomni is me jax is so slayful wacky sound effects i'ts only been thrity seconds but i love her already this si adorable WAIT SAD BACKSTORY GUMMIGOO jax has those n genes jesus christ bunny boy i swear i've seen that joke before babootka little arms georg gummigoo is precious jax is actually horrible kuh-nife jax is a masochist lesbian gangle real OH GOD NO RAGGY girly got inverted hot chokky, or diarreah i love colission errors NOO GUMMY COME BACK POOR GUMMY SAAAAVVVEEE HIIIIIIM that's not terrifying at all it's giving n learning he's a clone vibes exstestential horror yippee :D POMMY SAVE THE DINESAW you're in out of bounds dumass POOOR GUUUY NOOOO NAW WAAAAAAA D: data in a computer WAIT THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH THAT REFERENCE wow i hate this, i haaaaaate this jesus fuck my man she wouldn't last a day on copper 9 the keys come back i legit throught that was a nuke oreo wheels he's busy being emo i love his voice NO GUMMIGOO YOU'LL LIVE ON ON TURMBLR oh shit pomni therapy it's giving cabin fever oh i'm sad now YEES POMNI LET HIM COME WITH YOU CAINE WON'T MIND HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH (hyperfixating) his legs are so frucking weird bruh like yourself you worked at C&A i love him yipeeeeee colission glitches are best glitches fudge is nauseating nd i hate him md fans before a new ep: kinger why is your head in a bucket RAGATHA NO IT'S FINE SHE'S JUST IN THE ETHER kinger admin headcanon HE JUST DIED THEY MURDERED A GUY is there like a one vomit per episode requirement or sumting AWWW HE'S BEEEEST YEESSSSS GUMMIGOO GO SAVE YOUR MOMMA are they dancing? are those cahsews on the front? EVERYONE IS DEAD oh… my… god CAINE I HATE YOU CAINE CAINE CAINE I HATE YOU were her teeth clipping? ptsd flashbacks lol RAGATHA FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GOOD PLEASE BE RIGHT oddly wholesome awww don't make me sad NO DIALOGUE? GOOSE YOU COWARD! awwwww wait noooooo this iiiissss sweeeeet I WANNA GUMMIGOOOO PLUSHIE jax looking pretty neat ngl
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