#I have a whole FNaF timeline based on just Strong Personal Opinions that I have never posted
kakusu-shipping · 5 months
(Same anon)
hfgjshskfhdjakafk oh my god yes!!! :O please talk about your s/I and Nightmare Fredbear!!!!!! 👀👀
THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR THE AAAAASK!!! Nothing brings me more joy than being asked about my Self Inserts <3
This S/I I've had for a while now sense I finally toughened up and watched Markiplier's playthroughs of FNaF despite my fear of them, I just never talked about it because I don't know how to talk about it, sense it's the very first Kin self insert I've ever had.
Usually when I ~Vibe~ with a character I'll call it Kin, but this was a very different feeling and it took a while to figure it out. Once I did I kinda fell into imposter syndrome about the whole Kin thing sense I'd seen a lot of people take it a lot more seriously than I ever did, so I just.. quietly added the Nightmares to my F/O list and left it at that.
But now I'm finally here to say!!! I am the Crying Child!!
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This Self Ship's funny to me because even in the FNaF Universe the Nightmare animatronics aren't Real so Nightmare Fredbear is still a Fictional Other fkgjfdkg
The entirety of the self ship happens while in a coma after the bite of '83, which you all know as FNaF 4. It's wasn't actually as scary as the game made it out to be... Well I guess at first is was.
The whole thing takes place in my house, but wrong. Like, my room has two doors and they won't latch, and all my toys look weird, and it's always night, and my head hurts all the time, and of course, there's animatronics in the hallways.
For a really long time I was super scared, I thought they were gonna eat me! But I spent a long long time with them and eventually became less scared. And then not scared at all eventually!
Sometimes I'd hear my dad or brother talking, but it'd be echoey and distant. Fredbear told me not worry about it too much. He's my best friend, so I trust him of course.
And, I mean.. That's it. It's not a very interesting self ship, just a child slowing succumbing to his wounds, comforted by the nightmares he had for years and years before.
The Ghost version is the thing that that Haunts the Narrative. It's as real as the Nightmares, and only Micheal and my Dad ever see it. I don't know what it is either, I just know it looks like me to them.
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slooshee · 11 months
Alright time for my honest thoughts on the fnaf movie? Honestly..? I enjoyed it, I think some of the problems I have with a lot of newer fnaf games/media shine through but overall I think it was a solid movie. There’s some things I would’ve done differently personally but it wasn’t bad. I’m okay with it being our fnaf movie. I have a few things as a diehard fnaf fan since the first game that I am a little salty or upset about, but it’s not really the movie’s fault. It’s kinda just how fnaf is nowadays. Some for the better, some for the worst. So some pros (in my opinion. Keep that in mind and if you did really enjoy it that’s great! Like I said it’s a pretty solid movie I just have a frustrations with it or questions about it).
I really liked all the characters I think the writing was pretty strong for the most part! A few parts were a little shaky but for the most part I really liked all the characters we got. I liked the characterization of the animatronics especially. I know a lot of people are complaining about “the pillow fort scene” but I actually liked how they did that. I can understand where are coming from with that (i could admittedly see how for some people it takes away from the horror aspect for later scenes) but I like that they gave the animatronics childlike behavior and made them a little sympathetic. I thought it was really cute. I get where people are coming from with that but tbh I think fnaf fans villainize the dead kids WAY too much. So it was nice to have them acknowledge them being kids and acting like that.
The visuals and set were GORGEOUS!!! This cinematically had some really strong scenes and I could gush about the practical effects for hours. The animatronics looked beautiful and I have almost no complaints visually about it. I also liked some of the YouTube cameos and how they weren’t too in your face. The only one I found kind of immersion breaking was matpat’s to be honest. Just cause his line felt kind of forced but it was a quick cameo so I can forgive that. Truthfully I didn’t even realize it was him till he said that so.
William fucking Afton bro.. Oh my god when I tell you Matthew Lillard absolutely ate this role up.. like my god. I knew he was gonna be good but he was absolutely iconic. He’s probably one of my favorite depictions of William Afton to date. His delivery, his mannerisms. It was (chef’s kiss). The springlock suit (WHICH ILL BE SO FR I DID NOT THINK THEY WERE GOING TO PUT THE SPRINGLOCK SUIT IN THE MOVIE MY JAW DROPPED WHEN THAT HAPPENED) scene is probably one of my favorites in the movie. When Cassidy(?) watches him just like dying and closes the door on him. Chills. I though that whole part was really well done. I wish the springlock sounds were a little louder but regardless I think they found a way to capture the horror of the springlocks while not making it too intense. Some people will find that as a con but I personally think it’s a pro because I would say this movie is a general audience film. There’s some very disturbing or unsettling parts but I think this is actually somewhat of a good gateway to horror film for younger audiences.
As goofy and kinda dumb as the cupcake looked at times I honestly love that he got so much screen time. I love that guy. Cupcake is underrated even if a bit silly.
I lost my shit when the FNAF 1 song played at the credits. I was SO excited. I’m really happy for TLT that his music got up on the big screen too. I cant imagine how cool that is.
Now for in my opinion what the cons are:
My biggest issue with this movie is the plot. And I know a lot of people are going to say “it’s a different timeline!” Or “it’s based on the books”. I would have no problem with that except for the fact that we still know nothing about the Afton family after all these years. I was really hoping (although I was aware it was going to be a different storyline) they would’ve kept Abby, Michael, and Garett Aftons. Because even if I just isolate the movie itself from the games, it just makes more sense. The way William acts when he first reads Mike’s name, The fact William would’ve had to gone out of his way to go to Nebraska and specifically target Garett. The film takes place in Minnesota, the pizzeria is there. Why is William Afton in Nebraska? It doesn’t make sense. Now, the only OTHER explanation I can think of for this is that Michael, Abby, and Garret are Emilys or the movie’s Emily equivalents. Even though I have some problems with this I will say I don’t entirely hate Vanessa being an Afton in this. It’s an interesting idea and the dynamic is alright. Truthfully I wouldn’t have a problem with any of this but this is a problem that I keep having with FNAF as a whole. FNAF keeps actively refusing to acknowledge any Afton that isn’t William (and sometimes Elizabeth in the books). And I don’t understand why? I don’t understand the aversion especially considering Michael was the protagonist for so many of the games. He is SUCH an interesting and important character and I was so deeply disappointed to find out he wasn’t an Afton in this universe because we finally had some kind of characterization of him (that I really loved tbh). I think it’s just frustrating as a longtime fan there are so many questions that go completely unanswered for no reason. Knowing things like the crying child’s name is something that has no real relevance on the plot and yet we still are refused a direct answer. I don’t mind a bit of mystery but when it’s been almost a decade and we still know nothing about half the games’ main protagonist. I have a little bit of an issue with this tbh. I wasn’t actually expecting this movie to have Mike and Abby be Aftons actually, but the way WATCHING the movie led me to start to believe that got me excited. Maybe that’s just a me problem.. Then the reveal happened and I was left kind of scratching my head. I think FNAF does that a lot, to me at least.
I also think having Vanessa be an Afton, although interesting is kind of a disservice to her character. Vanessa is a character I have found really interesting since she was first announced. I don’t have an issue with her being in this movie at all. In fact I really liked her in this movie. If you’re gonna do a different timeline thing then that’s fine. But I think it’s kind of a disservice to her to make her an Afton, I like the idea of there being another fnaf character who stands on her own. I wish in security breach they kept alot of the FNAF:AR stuff cannon that was established. I feel like they did nothing with her character in Security Breach which SUCKED because I think her whole character is so interesting and I would’ve loved to have seen more of a characterization of her in this movie. I hate this idea of making everyone related to Afton it feels lazy. The theories with Vanessa and Gregory being Aftons I really don’t like. They’re fine characters on their own, if you want to focus on Aftons then just focus on the Aftons! There’s so many questions unanswered about them that you easily could still do something with them. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again I have no problem with Security Breach existing EXCEPT that it should be it’s own story with no relation to the old storyline. It could’ve been a really solid Sci-Fi type game especially with the DLC that came out. Afton shouldn’t be there.
I keep talking about this problem with ‘modern day fnaf’ so what is it? What is the problem that affects even this movie? Well I’ll tell you, FNAF constantly changes. Things are things added to the lore making it more confusing and convoluted (which to be fair has been a problem wayyy before SB even with some of my favorite titles in the series), and imo it makes it almost impossible for new fans to join. As an older fan who is fairly active indulging in FNAF I can barely can keep up. I know a lot of people like the convoluted and insane lore and to some extent so do I. But it’s gotten to the point where I feel a little bit of disappointment after each game and a little after the movie. I’m okay with mystery and theorizing, in fact it’s one of my favorite parts about FNAF! But having been here for so long and I still feel like we never get any answers or we’re ALWAYS left with more answers. It gets frustrating. I don’t want everything to be answered but lately every FNAF game and piece of media has left me with more questions than answers. To the point I think it affects the main plot. I also want to say it’s very hard to keep up with everything. I don’t have the money for the books or the time to read all the books and I don’t understand the whole “it’s not canon to the game lore but we’re gonna put it in there anyways!”. I don’t know. To be honest I wouldn’t have AS much as a problem with it if it was actually separate, but even though it’s stated to be it keeps seeping into the game storyline. I don’t necessarily think it’s bad to bring something like the mimic in, but it’s kind of upsetting when I watched the movie and felt there were more references to the books than the games. I was disappointed there was no ‘hello? Hello?’ Or freddy nose honk, or just a few things that are really iconic to the game. I thought the sparky being canon thing was awesome though! That was a real treat. But I do think the silver eyes was a good idea to take inspiration from. But again I also don’t understand why they wouldn’t just make a silver eyes movie? Idk I guess it’s just frustrating having been here so long and if someone asked me to explain FNAF there’s really no way of giving a set summary. Hell, even most of the “lore” explanation videos half of it isn’t even canon or confirmed. It’s just speculation or ‘a theory’. I love this franchise a lot and I guess it’s just kind of upsetting for it to be a struggle now to understand and keep up with everything. Especially when I used to find it really fun to try and do so, and now I just feel like there’s no payoff to it. And that it’s just way too confusing and overwhelming. Maybe there never really was a payoff? Or maybe it always an issue? I mean FNAF has had like 4 different ‘endings’ and then kept going. Idk I think just.. having been waiting for this movie for 8 years and it leaving me with a somewhat similar feeling after I finished security breach, I’m a little disappointed. That being said…
I will say, overall the movie itself was a little better than i expected to be honest. Which I’m very happy about My expectations for this movie were to have a good time and have a fun campy horror flick. I pleasantly surprised in a lot of areas and most of my gripes with it are kind of just my gripes with how fnaf has been as a franchise. All my criticisms of this movie and franchise are out of love and wanting the best for this series. Seriously, this series means the world to me. Most of my really close and best friends I met through FNAF, and some of my fondest memories are FNAF related. Even if the movie and franchise aren’t perfect and I have a lot of frustrations with it, I’m glad after 8 years of hearing about this movie I finally got to see it. Kid me would be absolutely over the moon right now. A part of me is. Despite its flaws I’m really proud to see how much this franchise has grown. FNAF you’re not perfect, not even close, but you mean a lot to me. Im glad you made it to the big screen after all this time :>
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