#I have alot of moments in which I wish to be in that limelight again and knowing the formula all too well
mokacheer · 6 months
Do you guys actually enjoy my content and the things I reblog?
Feeling quite “rot away from all responsibilities online and in real life because I’ve been in a constant state of overthinking everything I do and say” lately
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athena-swords · 5 months
🎊 Gifts for our NEW YEAR 🎊
Disclaimer: people I am doing this in all seriousness and all and no it's not for entertainment purposes but ya collective readings so take what resonates
Pile 1. Pile2.
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Pile 3. Pile4.
Pile 1❄️❄️🤍
We keep this love in photographs, so if you wanna buy cameras or just capture moments please go ahead and buy it it will give you lots of joy pile 1 new year could be looking as just any new year coming but you know that things are gonna change and maybe the people you are close with now will have to move and you too to other places so cherish this moments.Are you all joining colleges??or like your graduation is being done anyway congrats wishing you absolutely the best .
Maybe you will take the road less taken which will have its own uncertainty but for sure it's gonna be so worth it ,okay first of all whatever type of exams or test you are planning for they gonna give you your desired or expected results and you could be seeing true faces of your close mates and if you feel that you get easily evil eye or affected by others energies don't worry your guides are there to protect you ,this year you could have on issue in financial matter you are being in open to receive energy I see a energetic shit around you and you actually coming into limelight (attention song being played)you definitely should check your solar return chart could bein fire asc sign ok
And I am seeing or more of sensing lot's of puppy love energy so ya talking stages could happen and you ending up liking someone all over just enjoy your "up in the poppy hills" movie vibe so here comes the end of a eventful year wishing you all the best guys take care 💓
Oracle cards: Give it sometime approx 3 to 4 months,the more you live the less you worry,luck is in your favour,My gurl is the prettiest,Be careful with the people you choose
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Pile 2❤️‍🩹🥀
Some of you could be getting married or just getting your"THE ONE" for you if you wanted to meet your soul tribe and have been manifesting some wholesome human bond well I am pleased to tell you , you're making some lifetime connections this year , lots of self care products buying specifically perfumes and scented products if 2023 has been the pain the upcoming one will heal all those wounds and the word hork you thought no one saw wanna check some parts of pile 1?? I would recommend there could be a message for you there
Look you need to stop procrastinating!!!like if we wand our desires to turn into reality we need to put some action okkk and studyyyyy like when you study just put your focus on it if need then gurl you have to read it again n ugh that's more tiring.being more organised and balance is always a gift for you this year and a quote for you is "sometimes rejection is protection in disguise"so just jio lol even if it's your lala world I just said a paradox bit don't come to me fantasy and reality just need a little balance and we are good with it.
If you love gloomy weather then congrats you could experience it alot this year.I think you tend to underestimate your intuition and when it turns out right you regret so this year all about working on this and believing ourselves more then others 💗💗
Oracle cards: make a priority list,oh lala it's a love story, it's a yes, please zindagi jiyo baba...,study remember it's "you reap what you sow".
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Pile 3📸🦋
My Roman Empire is..... Idk lol.So travels travels and lots of travels in the list 😸 are you planning to fulfill your bucket list or something kya pile 3 anyway you could start talking again with a dear one with whom you could have stopped interacting or cut ties.Having a reunion of some kind being on backpack this could be the highlight of your year sudden plans being made you shifting family dynamics being changed
You again starting to learn alottt like an instrument, occult knowledge,your ancestors, about the world human body and many moreee.Having watermelon with closed ones on a beach or family farm haa such a vibe and keeping your room clean so it does not look like a messy place
Honestly I don't want to touch this past but somewhere along the line if you started feeling that it's hard uk to be happy like genuinely feel so content of life and kinda just at the starting stage of depression well this year is gonna prove your fact so wrong love muah muah have my love ok💓💓
On a side note your Cooking is good please try more
Oracle cards: Are you pretending love,the fingers create magic , living life king size , friends are the bigger enemy.
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Pile 4🪴🦓
Headache ahh you could be having them a bit this year ya but but it's because of all the packed schedule you need to get done with which you will be doing for not overthinking about "this" situation of yours someone from past could come back now it's upto you what you will do with them (it seems romantic connection btw).
Do you put this "I don't care" attitude I see you gotta change this one as there will be things you have to be responsible for alot this year.Emotionally you could be working on yourself listening to podcasts and actually making opinions of yours not just blindly following whatever is being said .you confused about something?? honestly sameee sorry for this just that your biggest gift could be knowing yourself more and handling just how you show yourself to the world
Oracle cards: posh lifestyle,lose yourself a little bit, it's not worth it,it worth trying,you know the answer
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Wishing you all a very happy New year 🧿🧿🤍
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Pls message me my ishman fam i need someone to talk about them 🤌🤌
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Sorry about the wait guys I’ve been so tired since I got off work, but here it is the entire sins of Episode laid out in front of you. There’s a lot of stuff to unpack, but you can read the basics at the end. 
- Sunny
Fair Warning
So, this is a long ass post with lot’s of detail regarding Episode Interactive guidelines and the current reason of the strike currently taking place on instagram. 
AKA: People hate episode and here’s why. 
If that doesn’t intrest you then skip this post. \/(0.0)\/
So what’s exactly happening?
Currently, the strike is taking place do to unfair treatment of the content guidelines set on Episode (Well, there’s a bit more detail than that, but that’s the basics of it). 
The guidelines in question are:
Crossovers between two different authors are no longer allowed.  For example: Bad Boy in Town and Zezzy Montero crossover episode would no longer be allowed. Another example: The Teenage Viligante and Matched would no longer fit the guidelines.
You are only allowed 5 punches per story. (No action genre here!)
Using Episode Assets to create custom content is no longer allowed.
There has also been some internal issues with enforcing these guidelines.
Featured Stories have been known to get away with stuff
Allegedly- INK authors have been recieving harsher enforment of the general episode community guidelines while Limelight authors who produce the same content are given the go. 
Popular Authors have also been known to get away with way more while smaller authors get dinged hard.
Episode Official Stories have broken the rules as well. (literally just wait...)
Pretty much all these issues came to a front when this post  (the original forum post is now deleted) was made in the forums on April 19th, 2019 by Mod Melani:
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In short: this is basically saying crossovers are no longer permitted on episode because it infringes on copyright.
People were up in arms do to this being a massive change in the rules, and it could potentically effect a large population of already published stories. As people started to feel quite pissed with episode, this was posted by a popular Episode artist, @schittwriter on her story.
It basically goes like this:
Her first cover for her story Bad and Badder get’s approved:
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but her second cover for her INK story gets rejected.
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Here’s the kicker:
Schittepisode uploaded two OF THE SAME cover to be reviewed for the exact same story (The same story was made for LL and for INK). The Limelight cover  was approved and the rejected one was in INK. The email she recieved for the rejection of the INK cover stated that:
“Please adjust bra strap so it isn’t falling down her arm. Disrobing underwear in a sexual situation  breaks the Episode guidelines”
I asked her basically what happened and she replied by DM:
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She’s absolutely right that it’s unfair. 
I haven’t seen the covers because she hasn’t released them, but from the way the DM sounds her the cover had two fully clothed people, but the girl was wearing a tank top with a loose bra strap.
It gets pretty laughable because we’ve seen what the romance section looks like. It’s also quite funny (hypocritical) that one of the most read stories on the platform, Chain Reaction by Miss MJ, has a cover that looks like this:
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So, after these two massive bombshells of ‘injustice’ by the episode creators it lead instragram user @bukki.episode  (writer of ‘My Psycho’) to post the infamous ‘strike’ photo.
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Sidenote: Is INK treated differently than LL?
Short Answer: Nah. 
Long answer: This is really an issue of the rules not being clear. Episode has stated before that INK is just old and outdated software that is hard to use. They switched to LL to produce content faster. They are obviously going to promote LL because that’s what they’ve been working on for ages. (not a style that they are never going to update again)
But, that doesn’t mean I can’t still hate LL and all it stands for
Read this for more on INK: https://forums.episodeinteractive.com/t/petition-more-ink/2325/122
More on the Guidelines
Basically, after I read about Schittwriters’ situation, I was actually wondering where in the guidelines state half of these things: Particuarly:
Does it say we can’t have disrobing in the Official Community Guidelines?
What are it’s rules on sexual situations?
Is the 5 punches per story rule real?
Is the crossover rule real?
Is using episode assets to create new backgrounds against the rules?
So, after some digging I realized that alot of these ‘new rules’ just flat out don’t exsist or have been miscontrude a bit. Not only that, but there is some SERIOUS miscommunication in the Episode review staff.
So, there’s two sets of guides we can look at: The one on the creator portal (the rules that are (should) be set in stone by Episode), and the guidelines that have been stated by the mods (Rules that have been stated by the mods in the forums, but not in the offical content guidelines). It’s hard to communicate with a large bunch of people who are running your site. It’s natural that rules will be kinda like a game of telephone, and that certain things will become subjective. So, I’m just gonna preface that because just because one mod makes a comment doesn’t make it automatically FACT. 
But here’s what the offical content guidelines in the portal on sexual situations:
If stories contain objectionable or offensive content, we may not be able to feature or host them on Episode. Stories must always be appropriate for readers ages 13 or older, which means content would be objectionable if it, among other things:
+ portrays adult themes, including pornographic content, nudity, or prostitution;
+  includes excessive use of profanity or sexually explicit phrases;
Censor Bar Use, Nudity, and Sexual Content:
Depiction of sex (or anything suggesting that sex is occurring at that moment) in any form, including but not limited to, gyrating bodies, oral sex, or moaning/groaning is not allowed.
 Explicit details of what is happening or has happened off-screen is also not allowed. 
Any nudity on cover art is strictly not allowed. 
Frontal nudity is allowed in a story if it is not excessive, only used in non-sexual situations, and always accompanied with censor bars or scenery to censor. 
Posterior nudity in a story is only allowed in a tasteful and non-sexual context. 
Reading these rules posted, there’s no rule stating that a bra strap or any sort of underwear can not be shown on a cover. I’m just a bit confused and where the line is because we have certain Episode employees approving some questionable covers like Chain Reaction’s, and covers like Schittwriters’s that are not being approved.
Is The Five Punch Per Story Rule Real?
No it’s not real. There’s no evidence or screenshots stating that this has ever been a rule.
The only source of evidence is a rumour that there was a screenshot of an episode employee telling a creator this rule on their instagram story. I can pretty much tell you that five punch rule is just wild rumour. 
But after further investigation, I found that the actual rule is FIVE PUNCHES PER SCENE. Five punches per scene is a lot different than five punches per story. You could end up with ten action scenes and five punches per scene, so in theory you could have fifty punches in one chapter to stay within guidelines.
Here’s that screenshot of an episode employee (I redacted for privacy) messaging @bukki.episode on her story:
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Using Episode Assets to make Backgrounds / Overlays
This ‘new guideline’ basically states that you can no longer use Episode Official backgrounds or overlays to make new or original backgrounds.
Once again, this is also a rumor that’s not true. In the episode guidelines they say that Episode assets are for non-commercial use only. Now, if an episode user had used episode assets to make backgrounds and sell them- that’s against the rules. This rule is stated in the update on the forums.
“Our Terms of Service indicate that Episode characters, materials and platforms (forum, portal and app) are a free service, and the use of these characters and materials provided are solely for personal and non-commercial use. Selling art or images with Episode assets counts as commercial use. This includes edits of Episode characters, altered renders, and composites. Any art sold must be entirely original artwork and cannot use Episode’s art at all.”
Again, I’ve heard rumours that this rule has been enforced, but I didn’t find a screenshot or any source of this being true.
The Crossover Discourse
Now, this new rule has caused quite a bit of stink do to valid reasons brought up in the forums (I’ll get to that). Now, I’m not gonna post the comments but you can read the thread here if you wish.
The crossover rule basically says that do to copyright laws Episode can no longer allow crossovers because there is no way to prove both parties are consenting to crossovers. Episode makes it very clear that if you publish a story with Episode - you own it. 
“ Who owns my story? In a nutshell, you do! We can't sell the rights to your story to a movie or TV studio, make it into a book, or hire some new writer to write your story for you without your permission. You should review the Terms of Service, however, as we are licensed to promote your story and use it in advertising, among other things. We also own all the animations and art provided by the Episode platform, so you won't be able to take those with you. For more information, please read the Episode Terms of Service. “ 
source - (x)
Since people own the rights to their stories there adds the element copyright to anything people publish. Basically the Episode team is trying to think like this:
How can you prove on Episode that you aren’t stealing someone else’s work?
How can you prove that both parties are consenting to the crossover?
Mod Melani put this concern in her update on the original post:
“What if my friend gives me permission?
Even if your friend gives you permission, Episode has no way of tracking or enforcing this. Because of this, crossovers are not allowed on our platform. This is to ensure that your stories and characters don’t end up being misused! “
source (x)
I’ve heard rumours that there has been issues with stealing ideas, stories, characters from other authors, so this most likely to prevent stuff like that from happening. But, it seems a bit overkill to remove stories because of something that isn’t done with malicious intent. In fact, Episode should only respond to authors that want crossovers taken down, or authors that feel there is possible infringes in their copyright directly. Don’t throw out the whole carton just because there is a couple of bad eggs.
Another issue brought up with the crossover rule is the protection of stories that already have crossovers built into them. Many people brought up the fact that their favourite stories could be taken down because of this rule.
Mod Mel basically posted this:
“There is no deadline to remove stories that feature Episode-centric crossovers.
If authors would prefer to edit or archive these stories on their own schedule, rather than waiting for the possibility that we might ask them to do so in the future, they can do it whenever they want. The only thing that might happen to an author who has written a crossover story is IF we come across it, we may ask you to change or remove it.
We don’t want to “punish” authors who have previously written crossovers.
Authors should be concerned with not writing crossovers moving forward.
I hope this clears things up!”
source (x)
Authors could in theory have their story removed if they did not know about the rule, or Episode could crack down on it before they had a chance to change it. One commenter brought up a good point that creators spend weeks coding crossovers or planning one- only to have it taken down.
Not only that, but these rules are a bit confusing...
We don’t want to punish authors, but we still might take down your story! :)
Episode has been known to take down stories without notice, so this could be a whole new can of worms to unpack.
Using Celebrity or Episode Author likenesses:
This is a really good question. Based on our content guidelines (below), you also should avoid featuring other authors in your story, as they’re real people. The same guidelines I mentioned above for changes apply if you already have a story that features another author, but please keep this in mind going forward!
“In addition, by publishing your story, you agree that it does not include any content that infringes the intellectual property rights or rights of publicity or privacy of any third party. This may include using any of the following without permission:
any works of authorship of other parties, including excerpts or passages taken from literary works, television or film; any trademarks or references to corporate or business names; or any references to real persons or places.”
source (x)
Episode has also started to enforce no longer using celebrity or episode authors likenesses on the platform. 
I think this issue also stems from the issue of concsent. I think the Episode Team is worried about being liable for slander or online bullying, so that’s why author likenesses will be prohibited.
As for the celebrity likenesses, it’s the same issue of slander and consent. Episode can use the Dolon Twins, Demi Lavato, PPL, because they bought the rights and arranged contracts.
However, that basically means stories like Pregnant with James Charles’ Baby will be removed... (oh god, oh god, oh gOd, it’s already been removed....)
Episode gives Special Treatment (what else is new?)
*Without a doubt, Episode does not enforce their guidelines properly.*
I’m usually a pretty fair person, but Episode totally cherry-pick their rules. They have no concrete set rules, and most of the rules that are enforced are subjective. They need to state exactly what is and what isn’t allowed. I’ve seen and heard of small authors getting their stories removed without notice for swearing, but large authors with massive fallowings have never had to change due to the rules. I’ve also seen featured stories and episode official stories stay break they damn rules as well.
For example: 
Sore Loser stayed up for a longer than it needed to (+All of Noob Loop’s story)
Pregnant by My Student is still top 10 of most viewed stories
(If I remember correctly) Toriah had her story removed / repremanded for excessive swearing???
No rules seem to apply to Gang Leader stories
As much as I love her, Kayla Sloan’s ‘War Dogs’ could promote excessive violence & ‘Adrenaline’ by Evil Ebonni & ‘I Despise You’ by Costa could as well, so why aren’t they removed??.. oh yeah they’re popular :/
Sex scenes are legit all over episode and they are the reason this company is still in business
In My Bed?! was an Episode Official story.
The Bad Boy Stole My Bra has so much sexual nonsense I mean c’mon
Faking Death has sexual nonsense in it
Body Tangle 
Off Limits (may I say more...)
Also this:
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^ Literally a direct rule violation!
Episode’s Response
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So that’s basically all there is to it. Hopefully things will become more clear in the next couple of months, but I highly doubt it...
TLDR; Episode published new guidelines stated that crossover episodes are no longer allowed, a rule with only 5 punches per chapter, and background and assets are no longer allowed. People were super up in arms because Episode has been know to remove stories without warning, so crossovers could possible discontinue a whole bunch of stories. Not only that, but a Episode Creator posted screenshots of her cover for her Limelight Story being accepted, but her INK cover being rejected due to a ‘bra strap’. It madeit seem that INK was being unfairly treated agaisnt LL. People started going strike for those reasons. However, the backround issue and 5 punches per chapter issues were just false rumors. Episode responded, but it’s clear that most of their guidelines are bullshit and there is special treatment going on. We’ll see how the guidelines are written these next couple of days.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 5 years
Harry was pushed as front man in response to him getting the biggest response from fans from the very start. The screams were always that bit louder for him. I don't know if he could have sustained and broadened his appeal without the other guys to both bslance and round him out, but they weren't all equally as appealing to the gp, they all had their fans and like with every boyband ever the ones that were less obviously appealing brought out the mothering protective instinct in a more niche but just as passionate group of fans.
Its just a bit of a stretch to think that if you put Louis and Harry in a blind audition to a random group of people that Harry wouldn't emerge the clear winner. There would be those who love Louis' type of singing but they'd be nowhere near as many ad those who love Harry. Ditto for general attractiveness. Young smiley Harry had mass appeal, it wasn't all some nefarious mgt plot. Mgt couldn't just snap their fingers and make anybody into that kind kind of teen sensation again, or they'd just churn them out every three years like clockwork.
He had a unique infectious happy go lucky cheerfulness and charm, the rest of the band all had great personalities but none of them shone like they were born for thethe camera quite like Harry. You'd fall in love with them, pethaps more so, but Harry had that instant pull. I don't think any of 1D would argue with any of that. They all knew it.
He's totally lost that sparkle, his charm. Maybe it was fame, the people he surrounds himself, with greed? But he seems very ordinary now. He's lost that infectious irresistable joy and goodheartednees he used to seem so full of, the kind that would leave you grinning back at him despite you telling yourself that he just a smug git. He was a born on camera natural performer in a way none of the others were, they were all just that little bit less ready to seize the moment and the spotlight.
Thats showbiz in a nutshell but tbh I think there's lots of early moments where he actually sat on himself a bit to let the others have a moment. He didn't always manage it but he sometimes tried. For a brief while I think he cared as much about the band as he did his own fame. Who knows what happened, but he wasn't always the cold callous Kardashian robot we have now, once upon a time he were really quite loverly.
I can see how annoying the media harriedom must have been for four other talented performers who worked best in a group, But those early moments where he tries to pull himself back but certain others still seem somewhat cold or annoyed by him also kind of break my heart. It wasn't an easy thing for him to negotiate either and for awhile at least he seem to wish it were different. Then Jefe got to him I guess and maybe the others reacted with such distrust that Harry thought FU why don't you trust me? Add in tensions over how to handle larry, relentless touring, gossip and voila. 1 broken band.
Fwiw I think the others probably resented the media focus on Harry as much out of fear if how that would inevitably pull the band dynamic apart, as out of any desire to have that kind of spotlight for themselves. I think they saw it had its onerous side too and Harry shouldered alot if shit too. I can see moments however where someone like Dan W, looking on, would just have assumed were pure professional jealousy. Like earlier anons were saying I think his version of the bands story always a grain of truth to them. And since the others all started the xfactor as soloists they wouldn't be human if they didn't find it hard, sometimes to walk out in front of crowds where the only discernable scream was 'Harry, Harry'.
I think that's why Good Years is such a poignant song to me, their young selves could all see the inevitable coming at them, didn't want it to happen to them, but couldn't help following that cliched band story anyway. Louis just too proud to admit it, so he aggressive and contradictory (why not lash out at Z during JHO promo, given the reason he was mad???) and says things like 'ofc we'll be back' which, given Harry, he can't possibly promise. And who'd want them back just to force them to stand on stage tgthr again with OTRA levels of forced, repetitive playacting??? Its not like they can cover up lack of chemistry with choreographed dance routines.
1D was their chemistry, if that's not there, they're just guys randomly wandering round a looking uncomfortable, or waving with sad sort of smiles, as they wait in line for their turn to sing. What would be the point? Anyway I don't think Harry is ever going to turn back the clock to regain his former self. From 2014, from the time he befriended that Guardian journo who shit on the rest of the band, he turned mean and cold. He'll never be what he was. Maybe thats why he's so quiet. He knows what'll jump out if he out if he opens up, and it isn't 'kindness'.
Probably from around mid 2013, when I would say Hollywood had the rushes from TIU, and maybe there was a rush of new people blowing smoke up his ass, but you can see from that time onward how he gradually became more egotistical about hogging the limelight without a care, stealing the others jokes and asides etc. It was a gradual thing but he really started to change from that time imo, until by Jamaica he'd fallen face first for his own hype and become an actual talking penis.
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shoesggdb-blog · 5 years
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