#I have no explanation for that one? it doesn't bother me in bathrooms but absolutely does with kitchens/bedrooms/offices/etc
satansdarlin · 1 year
can i request headcanons for the monster trio plus ace with a Fem!reader on her period?
Sure! Some of these are based off of personal experience of what my boyfriend does for me
Period headcanons (monster trio, plus ace)
Warnings: talk of blood (obv), slightly suggestive in ace's part.
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Man does not get it at first. Straight up thought you were dying.
But after some explanation from Robin, you, and Nami beating him, he finally gets it.
Still doesn't understand it in full but gets the most part
This man is now glued to you hip, even going as far as to deny playing games with usopp and chopper.
He kinda treats it like you are recovering from a injury
So obviously you need help with everything in his mind
Taking a bath? Now luffy has to sit in the bathroom and make sure you don't hurt yourself
Hungry? Omg so is he!
You wanna lay in bed all day? He's gonna cuddle you for most of it
Once he discovered the chocolate thing he made sure you had what kind you wanted.
In short luffy is the kind of boyfriend to constantly be beside you during your period if he can help it.
"Y/N can bleed for days and still be able to work! She's so cool right?!"
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Ngl man has been prepared for this day
He knows your cycle better than you do man
Like he is prepared with extra blankets
Red meats to help you recover the iron you loose
Mentally prepared for any mood swings you might have
And has stocked up on a stash of snacks just for you during this time
While he is the most attentive and loving during this he is also the absolute worst in the best way possible
He's just trying to be helpful and you know that
But he is also making you eat liver and kidneys because you need the protein and iron
Also the type to just straight up scream at anyone who bothers you during this
You are his baby. Gotta keep you safe and happy especially when you are aching
"Come on, sugar. Eat the kidneys it's good for you- LUFFY DONT YOU DARE EAT THAT"
"But she doesn't want it"
"Shut up stupid. Come on now honey eat the food I even have some chocolate chip cookies waiting after you finish this"
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Unbothered king
Straight up just doesn't care about bloody sheets or mood swings
He kinda thought you had a wound at first that you had hidden from him and freaked the fuck out
But after some explanation and him examining you just to be sure, he understood.
Makes you drink water the whole time
Does not care if you complain about being bloated. you are drinking those eight glasses a day
Naps with you during your sleepytimes
Will hold his hand on your stomach to apply pressure when you ask
But will also make jokes about you being his ketchup packet
Will go shopping for your tampons, pads, period cups. Doesn't know what any of them are so he asks Nami and robin for help
Comes back with something from every brand he could find and is now deeper in debt to Nami
Also straight up growled at someone when he could see they were annoying you???
He is now your social shield. Will tell someone where they can shove it if they don't fuck off and let you rest.
"607...608...609....610- oh. Nap time already? Alright alright I'm coming woman- did you just call me your cuddle bear? No I'm not blushing shut up"
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Ahem. Ace? More like living heating pad.
More than happy to hold you the whole time
Nice and cozy against those warm man titties 🤌
Anyway. He is absolutely one of the best about things
Completely indifferent if you snap at him. Understands that you are just easily frustrated and also sympathizes with you cause he can't imagine feeling like he wasn't in control of his own emotions
Nap time? Great! He sleeps more than you.. actually he might have a iron deficiency now that I think about it
Warm hands on belly at all times
Will knead at your belly to help soothe out any cramps
None of these men care about blood. It's just the pirate way.
Has his red wings. You know what I mean ;)
"Here, lemme warm you up. Sh sh don't cry, you aren't bothering me at all baby"
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Hey y’all! I have a dilemma. Warning: talking about medical stuff
1. I might be finally getting a diagnosis for the adrenal problems! 2. It’s because I tested low on one thing, but it’s not the thing I thought I’d test low on 3. If I have the thing that being low on cortisol can mean, I not only *finally* have a diagnosis after more than a decade, I get the good meds 4. The good meds (a replacement for a different hormone than the one I’m already on) will almost definitely help literally all my other health problems, and there’s a chance that if I take them long term, I might not have allergies anymore?* 5. the problem: stress raises the levels of cortisol. Testing low on cortisol is how I get a diagnosis. I need to not panic before/during this blood test, and it involves being in a room for an hour and a bit because they have to take samples at different times to see how I react 6. It is very very difficult for me to not panic, knowing that if I *don’t* test low again, I will not get the diagnosis, and without the diagnosis I do not get the good meds (because if you don’t have Addisons, long term steroids are Very Bad for you in several ways, including messing up your immune system)  7. but if I DON’T have Addisons, and I am on the good meds, my immune system will be messed up in the middle of the pandemic 8. so I am stressing about potentially testing low, getting a diagnosis, having it be wrong and increase my covid risk, while also stressing about *not* testing low and being left a medical mystery again after coming so close to finally getting a diagnosis. It’s been twelve years since the first doctor told me I had salt issues, and nearly a decade since they got bad enough to affect my quality of life severely. I really, really want a diagnosis.  9. Either way, I really really need to not stress so that my levels are accurate, whatever they turn out to be So, tl;dr: I am stressing, and, for medical test reasons, it is very important that I not stress out for the next two days (so, until 6/22/22). To help me not stress, I am asking today for fanfic recs, and if y’all can send me like cute animal pictures and/or quilt inspiration on Wednesday morning? I’ll post about the cute animal pictures/quilt inspiration request tomorrow night so I can look at them in the morning *one of the roles of cortisol, as I understand it, is helping your body process histamines. I do not have IgE mediated allergies, I have “excess of histamine” allergies, so if I can process more histamine I might, functionally, be allergy free
#long post#medical mention#the person behind the yarn#I simplified some of this because I tend to go waaaaay into jargon when talking about my health issues#if anyone has any questions I'm happy to clarify I just wanted to de-jargon it as much as possible#Addisons disease is a kind of catch-all term for adrenal insufficiency. I have a family history of Addisons#I also have pretty severe stress reactions to most doctors for reasons I will not get into here#which means...my stress could have been tainting my test results the whole damn time (I have been tested for Addisons several times)#which is not helping my current stress levels lol#the 'good meds' I mentioned a few times are glucocorticoids (it could be one of a few different medications)#I am currently on a mineralocorticoid#both are steroids but are also artificial versions of hormones our bodies usually produce#if you take them and are low on them they have basically no impact on your immune system (as I understand it)#but if you take them and aren't low on them they are immunosuppressants (I am not a doctor though so don't take that as medical advice)#I unfortunately also get stressed out being in rooms with closed doors. Like rooms in doctor offices.#I have no explanation for that one? it doesn't bother me in bathrooms but absolutely does with kitchens/bedrooms/offices/etc#I think I read a lot of the major fandoms except anime ones (no judgment meant I just haven't watched them)#and probably not any based on games? again no judgment I just can't play a lot of games because they make me dizzy
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"Could you do Teruteru, Hifumi, and Ryoma getting drugged by a love potion and falls (even harder) for the reader (who has already fallen for them)?"
100% I can!! :D
Warnings: Mentions of love drug/potion, slight obsession(?), and swearing.
Hifumi Yamada
•Proceeds to rant about how amazing Hifumi is
•Fanfic boy loves you very much!! (Though he did his best to hide it)
•It felt like when a cat loved it owner. Celeste went out the window. This man would get on his hands and knees for you. 🙇🏽‍♂️
•You also loved him very much!! (Literally Taka had to keep Mondo from lunging at you two and screaming "JUST DATE ALREADY!!")
•Oh but what's this? A drink on his desk after a hard day of drawing and writing manga?
•Well of course he drank it!! He chugged that drink and felt quite satisfied after.
•And back to work he goes :›
•He had some music on and his script for his next manga, scribbling out the sketches for his newest manga when he felt the sudden urge to go see you.
•It was nothing too new. Could've been he just wanted to show you the script for his manga!! A beta read!
•So Hifumi happily found you and sat you down, showing you the script for his manga!
•He felt a bit- different.
•He felt like he needed to have you in his arms.
•He needed you closer.
•He needed- you.
•The even more clingy behavior continued for a few days.
•Though you didn't mind, you did find it a bit strange.
•Why was he so clingy?
•You already read this script-
•And read that one too-
•Didnt he have things to do?
•He was going to fall behind in his schedule if he continued like this!!
•So when you saw him walking over to you once again, you pulled him to the side and questioned him.
"Hifumi, you've been acting kinda strange these past few days. Are you okay? Don't get me wrong, I love having you by my side but you're going to fall behind in your schedule."
"Well...I don't really know how to explain it. I feel like I've got to be with you all the time!! A-And I'm getting work done!!"
•He huffed and whined for a while longer as you continued asking him things before he got frustrated with himself and finally blurted it out
"Fine!! Fine. I like you, okay? I have for a while a-and I just didn't know how to tell you-...I found this drink on my desk one day and now that I think about it, it could've been one of those love potions that I've been hearing about...could've made my feelings stronger.."
•He started muttering towards the end but you could understand the gist of it.
•You reassured him it was fine and that you accepted his feelings.
•Which was returned with a loud,
•*Once again has to calm fanfic boy down*
•After calming him down (again) you went over your own feelings.
•He had the brightest smile on his face I swear
•He just couldn't hold back!
•So he picked you up and held you close, hugging you sweetly
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"
Teruteru Hanamura
•Love Potion exists?
•He probably bought it.
•This boy is already so head over heels for you it's absolutely adorable.
•He 100% cooks for you.
•Breakfast? In bed.
•Lunch? Made your favorite food.
•Dinner? You can eat with him! :D
•And his food is just 😩 to die for
•He does his best to tone down the sexual comments a bit, though he can't help if one or two slip out!
•Compliments you every 5 minutes no lie.
•Though he does turn cherry red if you compliment him
•If you allow petnames, he WILL call you darlin' and sugar the most.
•Now for the fun part
•He was most likey cooking and was working with the oven.
•Ovens hot. His clothes are pretty hot.
•So he stripped got something to drink out the fridge
•He blindly took a glass out the fridge and drank it.
•Drank the damn love potion-
•He knew he accidentally drank it. He read the label he had put on the glass right after he drank it.
•Unlike Hifumi, he tried staying away from you
•Poor boy doesn't know how to show such strong feelings :(
•He still does cook for you though
•And leaves you little snacks
•Did yelp when you came into the kitchen once without him knowing (it's true I was the dust on the oven window)
•Alot more fiddly and nervous when he has to go ask you something
•His gaze is towards the floor and he's playing with the ends of his scarf as that adorable accent decorates his speech
•Hes so nervous oh poor baby
•You found him scurrying everywhere once trying to find his hat when you had to point out it was on his head-
•He was so embarrassed-
•He apologized and walked back towards the kitchen
•He cooks his feelings away
•That is alot of food-
•Once he disappeared into the kitchen you went after him
•You had been wondering why he ran away from you every time you saw him
•You were worried :(
•As he went back into the kitchen, he paused hearing someone else's footsteps.
•He turned around and jumped slightly when he saw you
•Begin the anxious southern rambling and questions.
"O-Oh! S/o! What brings you to the...the kitchen??"
"Teru, what's going on? You keep ignoring me."
"W-Well I don' mean to cher' I-Its just I' been kinda stressed lately a-an' I don' wanna bother you with tha'-"
•Oh sweet boy almost cried just talking to you
•He wanted to confess so badly!!
•He just wanted to hug you and bury his face into your neck!!
•But he was so scared :(
•After a good talk, the confession just slipped out of him mid-sentence
"I already apologized cher'..."
"C'mon Teru, what's been REALLY happening with you?"
"W-Well...the truth is I accidentally drank a love potion and since I love you so damn much it strengthened my feelings...I-I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable so I stayed away in case I-"
"Did you just say you love me?"
"I-I did..?"
•Oh certainly he did. And when he realized, he apologized 10x more.
•You had to shut him up by squishing his face
•After a good explanation about you loving him too, he clung onto you with a laugh.
•He sat in your lap (and after some consent) kissed your face all over, muttering a soft 'I love you' after each kiss
•You two sat together like that for quite a bit, just laying in each other's presence
"Thank you so much....you don't know how much that means to me...how much YOU mean to me..."
Ryoma Hoshi
•Ah yes. Tiny, edgy, ex-tennis, cat loving, deep voiced boy
•Where do I start?
•Lets start with
•He's absolute shit at feelings.
•Like really.
•He refused to believe he fell for you.
•His heart was racing? No it wasn't. It's probably because he was out of breath.
•He's flustered and blushing? Kinda hot in the room y'know.
•You get the point.
•He hates the fact he fell for you. He doesn't know what to do.
•He lost almost everyone he ever loved before. Why would this be any different? He didn't want to put you in danger.
•Ryoma hanged around with you though. He was a bit quiet but he went basically everywhere you went
•No one really messed with you when little man was with you.
•This was okay. He could hide his feelings. You wouldn't be in danger and he wouldn't ruin his relationship with you.
•Then the world announced a love potion was now available!!
•Ah shit.
•That damn Kokichi.
•All he wanted was some water and that little panta-loving gremlin switched it out with the new potion.
•He had already chugged around half the bottle before he realized it wasn't his juice.
•Ryoma would've just left it at 'Oh I just poured the wrong drink in' if it wasn't for Kokichi coming up to him about an hour later.
"Nishishishi....how's the love potion working Ryoma?"
"The what."
"You little-"
•Kokichi went to the nurse with a bump on his head from Ryoma hitting him with a tennis ball.
•You thought Teruteru hiding away was bad?
•Ryoma refused to leave his dorm.
•He came out at around lunch time to get food, go to the bathroom, and then back to his dorm.
•No one was allowed in.
•He could feel the effects of the potion working.
•He wanted to get out and cling to you so badly. It almost physically hurt
•Fucking hell-
•Him. Ryoma Hoshi. The guy who basically gave up on life, wanted to run into your arms like a little kid.
•He almost cried.
•Of course you were worried!! He locked himself in his dorm without warning!!
•And he refused to talk to you!!
•You came to his dorm door almost daily, trying to pry open the damn door.
•With no avail.
•It wasn't until a few weeks later which he made a plan.
•He'd confess and leave right after.
•If you said no, that would be the end of it.
•If you said yes, ...well he didn't really plan that far.
•Ryoma met up with you at the back of the building, looking down at the ground as he heard your footsteps.
•It took a minute of small talk before he started speaking
"Listen, Kokichi switched my drink out a few weeks ago for that new love potion they're selling. I already had really strong feelings for you but with the potion they increased. I know you probably don't feel the same way but I wanted to tell you because it was starting to get too out of hand for me."
•He rambled on a little about how you would never like him and that he apologized for having such feelings and-
•You yanked his beanie down to his face, letting out a small huff.
"Ryoma Hoshi you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to confess. You're an amazing guy Ryoma, and I really do wish you confessed sooner since I feel the same way. Now shut it with all the sad shit and come here."
•You told him, tugging him closer by the sleeve as you engulfed him in your arms
•Ryoma felt like his face was on fire. Butterflies in his stomach and a giddy, tingly feeling throughout his body
•He let out a low chuckle, hugging you back and sighing softly
•This was nice. He felt....loved.
•He liked this feeling quite a bit....he had missed this feeling quite a bit.
"Maybe I should've confessed sooner."
I absolutely adore these three.
If you want me to add or fix anything just say the word!!
I had a great time writing this!!
Thanks for requesting!!!
-Vex ∆
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pretty-setter-bois · 4 years
elephant in the banquet hall
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request; please do a continuation of this!! i love it!! 😭
summary; the long-awaited prequel to elephant in the room — how a small interaction in hong kong led to an awkward tension, which might even lead to something more.
word count; 3343™
warnings; none, just a bit suggestive, an almost-car accident.
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     “I’M BACK NOW.” haru announces, subconsciously tugging at his collar. 
“welcome back.” kamei greets, barely looking up from his screen.
“welcome back! how was hong kong? you ate a lot of yummy food, right?” saeki interrogates. 
he pauses for a second, blushing a little. “n-not so much...” he hands over a bag of mooncakes. “here's a gift for you guys.”
“wow! these mooncakes look so tasty! let's all have some!” saeki beams, taking them out of the bag. “huh? it's already open.
“sorry, i ate one as my share.” he apologizes, his tone anything but.
“you're so greedy. you ate a ton of delicious food, and on top of that you snacked on our gift?” kamei looks up to glare at him.
“i'm telling you, i didn't get to eat any good food.” haru sighs.
“but wasn't there a party at some fancy hotel after the symposium?”
“yeah, there was a party, but...”
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     KATO WALKS UP to you and daisuke, a plate in his hands. “i'm starving... i finally managed to get two slices of the roast beef... i usually don't get to eat expensive cuts like this.” he eyes his food, earning a small chuckle from you as you eye your own plate. “huh? aren't you going to eat?” he turns to daisuke.
“no.” daisuke deadpans.
“what's wrong with you? here, i'll give you a slice. i waited in line for 10 minutes for this, so eat it with care.” he puts a piece on daisuke’s plate.
the black-haired man is reluctant, but takes a bite nonetheless. he immediately places his fork down, patting his mouth down with a napkin.
“this is so tough it's inedible. the quality of the meat is bad, and it's overcooked.” he begins to complain.
“what? stop complaining and eat.” haru furrows his eyebrows, something he did a lot around the millionaire. “someday, you're going to get what you deserve.”
“i'm heading over to a different restaurant now. do you want to come?” he asks, standing up.
“i’m fine, thank you.” you smile.
“this is plenty good for me, see you later.” haru says, cutting his food.
he walks off, leaving you and haru alone.
“sheesh, he's such a jerk... how do you raise someone to be such a picky eater?” haru rambles, and you laugh again.
“don’t get mad at him. why didn’t you go with him, anyway?” you ask.
he turns his head towards you, taking in your appearance. you look stunning — not that you usually don’t — and he forgets that you’ve asked him a question.
“kato?” you ask again.
“oh, uh, i didn’t want this food to go to waste.”
i want to stay with you.
you finish your food, drying your hands on the warm towels the banquet had gifted you with and popping the peppermints they gave you in your mouth. you excuse yourself to the bathroom.
on the other hand, haru is stopped by a man on his way out. “hello? are you from japan?”
“huh? oh...” kato switches languages. “i'm japanese.”
“i would like to ask about the police box system in japan.” the man states.
“in japan...?” haru tilts his head, confused.
"yes, about the police box system.”
"s-sorry...” the taupe-haired man apologizes, unable to comprehend ‘police box system’.
he hears a voice behind him, turning his head to find you.
“oh, the police box system?” you answer in flawless english. “it’s a box-like phone-station, created so that we’re able to reach the police at anytime.”
“ah, really?” answers the man. “i’m from the united states, here’s my card.” he hands you a card. “i’m here on business to research ways to better the police system in america.” (as he should).
“any more questions?” you ask, looking down at his card.
“oh, no. i just wanted to get a vague idea of what they did. thank you.” he grins, and you could’ve sworn he winked, “don’t worry, the number is international.”
“alright, goodbye.” you wave with a smile.
“actually, i do have one question-” the man begins.
“sorry, we have to go.” haru tries to get to the point with the little english he knew.
the man nods warily, leaving to find someone else to speak to. “see you around.”
haru turns around to you, his face solemn. “come on, we have to go.”
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     “SO THAT’S WHY i didn't get a chance to eat.” haru explains, leaving out the last part.
“i can see why that happened. after all, it was an after party for an international symposium.” saeki nods.
“my english score was like 70 points out of 200 back when i took the national center test for university admissions.” he continues.
“how were you able to even join the metropolitan police department?” kamei squints. “anyways, you're like the most japanese person i know. you’re lucky (L/N) was there to save you.”
“oh yeah!” saeki says. “where is (L/N)-chan anyways?”
“ah...” haru’s mind trails to last night, and he shakes his head. “she called in sick today, said she caught a cold out of nowhere.”
“hm, strange...” kamei places his chin in his hand. “(L/N) usually doesn’t call in sick, even if she does have a cold.”
“maybe she’d really sick, we shouldn’t bother her.” haru tries to redirect the conversation.
“what could get (L/N)-san so sick to the point where she’d have to call in sick?” saeki ponders, and haru coughs to avoid gulping.
“so, did you end up missing your chance to eat?” kamei finally changes the topic.
“no, i didn't have a choice, so i tagged along with kambe to go eat.” haru exhales a sigh of relief.
“oh, so you were able to eat something delicious after all.” kamei nods.
“actually, that’s not really the case...”
“wait, i'm not sure if i understand. you got to eat, or you didn't?”
“i guess you can say i ate something...” he thinks of the mooncake, then trailing off to the thought of you. he lightly shakes his head again.
"the fact that you went to eat with kambe means that you went to a super high-end restaurant, right? how much was it? how was the meal?”
“500,000 yen.”
“you're kidding me!” saeki exclaims. “500,000?! that's way more than my monthly salary!”
“it's more than my salary, too. but... expensive doesn't necessarily mean good...” haru rubs the back of his neck.
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     THE THREE OF you arrive at a high-end restaurant, one which daisuke seems to be familiar with. you and haru awe at the place, thinking of how expensive it must be.
"what's up with this place... it's so extravagant... but it's empty.” haru notes.
“i reserved the entire restaurant. i eat here often when i'm in hong kong.” daisuke explains.
“i see...” haru nods.
"menu, please.” the waiter greats in cantonese.
although you were better than haru at english, you were considerably clueless when it came to cantonese. he seems to pick up on this.
"thank you.” he thanks the waiter.
he turns to you, giving a brief explanation of the items on the menu and letting you pick.
“i'm starving... i missed out on that roast beef, so i'm craving meat...” he mutters.
“and i missed out on my desert because of you.” you tease jokingly, receiving a sheepish smile from the taupe-haired man.
“there's so many different kinds... meat... meat... meat... here it is. this must be where the meat section starts... let's see... 'pear, piece, with, steam, fruit, small, raccoon dog'... what is this?” he reads the menu aloud to you.
"pear slices with steamed civet.” daisuke answers.
“i can accept the pears... but civets? aren't they similar to raccoon dogs?”
"raccoon dogs are canines, civets are part of the viverridae family. they are completely different species.”
"you're missing the point.” haru says. “fine, i'll pick something else... have you decided, (L/N)?”
“no... i’ve never heard of these food before.” you admit.
"what's this? 'steamed, camel, peak'...” haru reads.
"that's steamed camel hump.” daisuke says.
"pass. let's see... 'boar, brain, temporary, leopard, fetus...”
"that one? you might think that it's stewed leopard fetus, but it's actually pig brains...”
“what the hell do these rich people eat...” you mutter.
"hey! isn't there any normal food here?!” haru yells, seeming to have read your thoughts.
"you sure complain a lot.” daisuke says nonchalantly.
“i'm not complaining! i just want to eat some normal chinese food!”
"this is normal chinese food for me. what do you mean by normal?”
"that would be...” he pauses to think. “for instance, fried rice, potstickers, or congee, you know? like stuff they sell at street food stalls. you don't have to be eating civets or camel humps to have good food!”
daisuke pauses. “a street food stall... i've never been to one...”
“then let's get some street food. the food stalls are cheap and rowdy, and you can always get a taste of the local culture.” haru looks around the restaurant. “what about you, (L/N)?”
“only if you pick what i eat.” you chuckle, earning an eager grin.
“HEUSC, find the best food stall we can get to in one hour.” daisuke presses on his earring.
"understood. balance: unlimited.” HEUSC answers.
the sounds of a helicopter approaching can be heard, waiting for the three detectives to get in. 
“so, where are we?” haru asks.
"a food stall.” deadpans daisuke.
"i know that! you just shoved us on to a chopper and took us to an unknown place, so i'm asking you where the hell we are!”
“this is macau. according to HEUSC, the best food stall within an hour's travel was this one located in sam chan dang, macau-”
"so we came to hong kong for nothing!”
"you sure complain a lot.”
haru sighs, cradling his head in his hands. “why can't we just have an ordinary meal...”
you pat his back reassuringly, a bit excited to see what daisuke has in store for the three of you.
“here you go. sorry to make you wait.” the man says in cantonese, serving you your food.
“well... it does look really tasty...” haru admits.
“yeah.” daisuke nods.
"well, we might as well dig in. i'm absolutely starving.” haru picks up his chopsticks.
“hold on!” daisuke interrupts.
“what now?”
“HEUSC mentioned the possibility of a food safety issue at this stall.”
“don't worry about details like that. this is a food stall, so not everything's gonna be perfect-”
"i can't allow that. HEUSC checked the surrounding radius of 10 meters, and found 7 rats and 48 cockroaches-”
"hey! i just lost my appetite!”
“can we go home?” you ask, already tired.
“oh no...” daisuke says, disregarding what you said.
"hey... what is it this time?” haru sighs.
"we're going back to hong kong.” he states
"huh? why?” you ask.
"the store that i was planning to buy souvenirs at closes in 30 minutes.” daisuke says.
"souvenirs? just buy something from a store that's open!” haru states.
"i can't do that.”
“actually, kambe, me and kato won’t bother you. we’ll look for a food stand, and you get your souvenirs. we’ll tell you when find one.”
haru’s a bit surprised by your words, but would rather spend time with you than hopping restaurants with daisuke.
daisuke nods, waving goodbye and hopping in his helicopter. you wave back, deciding to begin your search for a place to eat, haru close behind, of course.
“look! that place looks good!” you point, light on your feet.
you’re so excited that you don’t notice the truck driving on the road until the horn is almost by your ear.
haru grabs you back by the arm, holding you close as your mind tries to register what happened.
“i’m not letting you out of my sight.” he says, just loud enough for you to hear, bur firm.
you nod, quiet. what if haru hadn’t been there? what would’ve happened then?
a soft squeeze to the hand he’s been holding is all you need for reassurance. you wonder when he began to hold it.
he leads the two of you across to the restaurant that you saw, and you reread the sign.
“motel.” you squint. you take a quick glance of the stores open around you, and this one seems to be the only one. “i think everything else is closed. let’s check if they have food.”
the bell by the door jingles at your entrance, and the secretary at the desk turns to face you.
“hello, we were wondering if there was anywhere we could eat?” you ask.
“the buffet is open for about an hour, but only for the people who have rooms registered.” she answers.
you nod, and watch haru look down at his phone.
“kambe isn’t gonna be here for a while.” he informs you.
“we’ll get a room.” you nod.
she turns around to get the paperwork ready, and haru’s eyes widen.
“what do you mean? we have to leave tomorrow!” he whispers.
“don’t worry,” you assure him. “we’ll sign out early in the morning.”
the secretary turns around and hands you a piece of paper to fill out, to which you finish quickly and hand back to her.
“here’s your bill.” she states.
you’re relieved that it isn’t expensive, as you haven’t brought much money with you in the first place.
“um, excuse me?” you call.
“yeah?” she answers.
“this says single, we asked for a double.” you point to the paper.
haru has to gulp to avoid showing his embarrassment.
“sorry, but we only have one-bed rooms available.” she explains. “it doesn’t seem to be a problem between the two of you, though.”
your faces get red, and you quickly pay. the two of you awkwardly scurry off to the buffet, which you have previously been told is free.
you eat your meals in silence, ‘itadkimasu’ and occasional questions with one-word answers asked, but nothing else.
a ringing phone is what finally snaps the two of you out of it, and you look up to see that it’s haru’s.
“huh?! what do you mean you followed him home?! you don’t have enough space for us?! another flight?!” haru almost yells into his phone, before the other line beeps. “ugh.”
“what happened?” you ask.
“ah...” he nervously rubs at his neck. “daisuke bought too many souvenirs, and there was no place for us to fit.”
“the flight is supposed to be...” you look down at your watch. “right now!”
“yeah, he got us another.”
you nod, realizing that you would actually need to stay at the motel.
“it’s a good thing we made early reservations then...”
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     THE TWO OF you enter the reserved room, deciding to might as well get comfortable.
“hey, kato?” you ask. “i’m going to shower, can you look for a futon or something like that?”
he nods, leaving you to the bathroom and him to his thoughts.
the bathroom didn’t have any shampoo or conditioner, just a soap dispenser that serves as a reminder as to why you don’t like hotels.
you dry yourself off, placing on your previous clothes and cursing your past self for wearing something to uncomfortable.
you step out of the bathroom, a towel around your neck as you dry your hair. he notices you and instantly gets up, looking at you in worry.
“i... couldn’t find a futon...”
“it’s fine.” you sigh, placing the towel on a rack. “we’re adults, right?”
he nods, trying to make his gulp unnoticeable.
both your shoes had been placed by the door, and your jacket hung by his on a chair. his tie was on the bedside table, and only then had you noticed that the first few buttons of his shirt were open.
your backs were against each other, trying to get comfortable on the bed with a small pillow in-between you as a divider.
“hey, kato?” you call out. “sorry for getting you into this mess. we could’ve stuck with daisuke instead, but...”
“it’s fine.” he answers. “though, i don’t think i’ll be able to get any sleep tonight.”
“me either.”
the two of you turn to face each other, moving the pillow out of the way. you haven’t noticed the close proximity between you until his hot breath meets yours.
until you look at how his eyes darken, how good his hair looks messy, and confirm that his top buttons are indeed open.
it starts with a small kiss, really. are his lips as soft as they look? that’s all you want to confirm, and confirm you do.
you don’t remember how his shirt ends up on the floor, or how your dress is unzipped. what you do remember, is that it is the best night’s sleep you’ve gotten in a long time.
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     YOU WOKE UP the next morning with a headache and a few hours of sleep, his phone buzzing on the table beside you.
he reaches to grab it, answering the call with a deep tone. “yeah, we’ll be there.” the call ends soon after. “it’s time to go.”
“i want to sleep.” you mumble.
“you can sleep on the plane.” he helps you up. “come on.”
the two of you get ready for your flight back to japan, and sign out at the front desk of the motel. you make sure to zip up your jacket all the way.
you arrive at the airport, and shortly board the plane after. you try to fall asleep, but the turbulence and noise make it hard to do so.
your headache has gotten worse, and you make a mental note to never shower before bed again.
daisuke greets you both in japan, dropping you off at haru’s home after one look at your condition. you’re far too tired to argue, and head to bed the moment you make it there.
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   “THE FACT THAT we have mooncakes here means that he really made the chef make some...” saeki notes.
"yeah, he got ahold of the chef just as he got home. apparently, he made the chef return to the shop immediately to make some mooncakes right in front of his eyes.” haru explains.
“what do you mean? weren’t you there?” kamei asks.
“ah, i went to grab... dinner with (L/N).” haru sweats.
“that must have annoyed the chef,” kamei thinks. “bringing him back to the restaurant to cook, i mean.”
"but actually... you can't quite say that.”
"why? no matter how you look at it, what he did was out of line.”
“kambe bought the mooncakes for 5 million yen per box.”
"how many boxes did he buy?” saeki questions.
"this one, and the one box for his grandmother.” kato sighs.
“in other words, 10 million yen for two boxes of mooncakes... let's see, so there's 10 pieces in each box. so each piece is 500,000 yen...” kamei concludes.
"oh! so that means your dinner last night was...” saeki thinks.
"besides the food i ate with (L/N), it was this mooncake. i ate one on the flight back.” haru stands up. “i have to get her her mooncake, i was just stopping by to make sure everyone had one.”
“give her our best wishes!” waves saeki.
haru nods, wrapping your mooncake in a cloth and leaving the building. he is tired, but the fatigue he was feeling was nothing compared to yours.
he remembers that daisuke had dropped you off at his home, since neither knew your address and the black-haired man needed to get to work.
he opens the door to his apartment, hanging his jacket by the door and placing the mooncake on the table. he brings it to your sleeping form with a few headache tablets and a glass of water, leaving it on the bedside table.
he grabs a few of his clothes and heads in the the shower, drying off and deciding to take a short nap on the couch afterwards.
he falls asleep shortly, forgetting about the elephant in the room which waited to greet the two of you once you’ve woken up.
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NOTES ♕❣⁂ღ
long awaited part two! i thought a prequel would be the best way to write a second part, and they can be read in any order :)
this story also takes place betweem episode two and episode four, during the flight to hong kong.
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xoxo-bunnydumpling · 2 years
We've been fighting over how I don't need him to carry me the toilet, or dress me, or feed me, and how I'm not on death's door when I absolutely do need him to help me into the bath. It annoys the fuck out of me that I don't even have to ask him for help, he's ready, he's been standing in the hotel bathroom waiting to help me in and out from the moment I started running the water. Infuriates me that he was sitting on the counter by the sink until I turned and pulled my hip...my yelp of pain had him up and kneeling next to the tub so fast I'm surprised we don't both get whiplash.
He has his arm propped up on the edge of the tub and is definitely staring at my stomach while I simmer in a vanilla mint hell broth to curb some serious fibro flare-age. It's so hot it's steaming a little still and it really makes me wonder if this is what it's like to be a potato, or maybe a carrot, or maybe a pissed off parsnip.
He looks up but doesn't really smile. "What do you think she'll be like?"
I can't stop calling the baby "they", despite what we've seen in the ultrasound in the emergency department. 12 weeks is pretty early to tell but they seemed confident. I guess we'll see when we get home and give it a few more weeks. Eli is just going for it though...he wants to know everything he can about this baby right now and connect however he can.
"They'll be very cute." I have to reach out and touch his face, even if it gets him wet. Because I shouldn't talk to him the way I have been all day, I shouldn't shut him out. "And they'll wonder why their papa is frowning like that."
He has been having a hard time today, and not just because I've been a bitch. My trip to the hospital really wrung him out and he does not have the little smile at one corner of his mouth like he usually does...like something is always a little funny, like he always just talked to someone he likes a whole bunch.
"I'm fine. Just worried about you."
"Well I'm fine and just worried about YOU. So it seems we're at an impasse."
He takes my hand, and kisses it. "I don't like those." He halfway gets up and I think he's going to leave to go take a nap, eat something, any of the number of self care things he's been neglecting but instead...he gets into the bath with me. Clothes and all, he rolls himself into the bathtub, taking great care not to smash my tummy...hissing the whole way.
"Why are you cooking my daughter?! Holy shit, hot hot hot."
"She's a little sweet potato and she'll be nice a soft and squishy when she comes out now."
He arranges himself until he can hang his legs over the side of the tub, flamingo socks dripping water onto the floor. His hands fly up and he's off talking.
"I just...feel so MUCH. And my feelings are very BIG right now and they're so big they don't even fit inside ME." This is the most inelegant explanation he's ever given for anything but it is remarkably effective in letting me know where he's at. Bless him, I forget how much of shock a baby can be for a newbie. How the terrifying and joyful can collide and how purely fucking confusing it can be to your heart.
"If they don't fit, where do they go?"
"Fuck if I know. That's a good question, though."
I can play therapist. This is fine.
"So you're here in your socks..."
"I am."
"What's your next step?"
He thinks for a moment. "Well...they're soggy and bothering me so I will probably either take them off or get out. Then...we should eat and I will probably feel completely differently about my situation after that."
After dinner, he apologizes to me.
"I don't want you to think I think you can't handle yourself."
With my cane in my hand I think it's the perfect, most fitting time to be completely honest with him.
"Sometimes I can't. I shouldn't pretend that I can." It frustrates me, how much less I can do than I could before. How much stronger and able he is than I am and I try so hard not to hold it against him. "I think I get annoyed with you when you help because I don't want to have to need help. It's not you."
The side of his mouth ticks up just slightly, along with the eyebrow on the opposite side. "Oh, were you annoyed with me? I had no idea. I was pretty focused on watching you take a bath." He pulls me closer, we're in the same side of the booth when we don't have to be again, and thinks he's whispering but isn't. "It's disrespectful how into your little belly I am. I get ideas and fully half of them involve my tongue in your bellybutton."
Someone behind us drops their silverware and I have to lean back and breathe or I'll piss myself laughing.
"It's going to get bigger. I might not even HAVE a bellybutton."
"Please...I pride myself on never having jizzed in my pants at Chili's before, don't break my streak."
We get glared at by two old ladies on their way past us, headed towards the door. Eli smiles sweetly at them and one softens up and smiles back a little. Can't take him anywhere, but I'm still gonna.
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