#kato x reader
bellamer · 2 years
Millionaire Detective is just if Bruce Wayne was 10% more toddler and if he didn't do the Batman shit, he just joined the police force and used his money for everything and if Gotham was like 50% more like Metropolis or any other normal ish series.
Imagine if it was 2004 The Batman Bruce Wayne and Ethan Benett were in this situation. Bruce is a rich bitch who does whatever he wants and Ethan is the normal guy who's just dragged around for the ride.
It'd be funny.
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edenshiba · 1 year
Could you do a Jealous Ice x Reader? Reader is close to the Daruma especially Kato and Ice doesn’t like it
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Jealousy, Jealousy
Character: Jealous! Ice x Reader x Daruma Ikka
Note: Anonymous san, thanks for the request. You asked, I deliver. Please enjoy!
“Diddy where’s Ice?” You asked the male.
Diddy almost choke on his noodles after hearing your sudden voice in the kitchen. You are wearing Ice's white t-shirt and black shorts.
You and him were supposed to eat lunch together since it has been a long time since both of you spend time together. He promised you yesterday on the phone before both of you going to sleep. Now you are going to cook for him.
“ Brother got work. He can’t come home today.” Diddy said while looking at his cellphone.
You halted your movements. With a dissatisfied groan, you put back the frozen chicken into the fridge before heading back to your room. Diddy was confused by your actions before he realised something.
You close the door before laying on your shared bed. A heavy sigh left your mouth before you turn to your right and take your phone.
It’s always like this. Why do you even care?
Pick me up
Well, there is no use to dwell in sadness. You quickly put on jeans shorts and brush your hair lightly before taking your boyfriend’s extra jacket.
His clothes are the comfiest.
Within a minute you finally done with the clothes and you put on some light make up before going downstairs. Diddy’s watching the TV by the time you arrives downstairs. He look at you, confused.
“Where are you going?”
“ I’ll be back before midnight. Don’t miss me Di!” You said before giving the male a wink.
You put on your sneakers before running towards the gate. You push it with all your strength before finally getting out from the house. You ran down the street to the nearest coffee shop, the usual place for your friend to pick you up.
After waiting for several minutes, a red Cadillac appears in front of you. The driver took off his sunglasses before giving you a wink. Both of you laugh at the gesture.
“Ready for our fun date?” Kato said.
You quickly opens the car door before sitting next to him. You gave him a quick kiss on his left cheek.
“I miss you already. How’s Daruma nowadays?” You asked him after the vehicle moves.
“Well, lively than ever. Hyuga just open a new casino and shit's getting better from there.” He said.
You smiled at the male. Kato is your high school's best friend. Both of you are know for being mischievous and loves to cause trouble to others. After graduating, you went to University and Kato stayed and didn’t went to Uni with you.
Both off you still contact each other and he used to drive you to your Uni but since you dated Ice, both of you rarely meet. Yes, once or twice a month you will call him to meet up or you just went to the Daruma Ikka territory just to hang out with him and the rest of the Daruma.
But now since your boyfriend love his job and his friends more than you, so why not spend your day with Kato and the rest of Daruma Ikka? Well, they are fun and they handle all of the festival in their territory. You also got to learn how to gamble and cheat in games.
“Tell me, did your boyfriend upset you so much that you crawl back to me?” He raises his eyebrows, trying to railed you.
“Nah life’s great with him. I’m bored and he’s not home.” Your answer didn’t convinced him.
“Well I guess you better get wasted today. We just open a new casino and need to celebrate.” He said while smirking.
You ruffled his red hair and smile. Ah you miss this. Both of you used to do a lot of car trip to every city and district. By all means, camping, going to the beach and going to the bar even though both of you still in high school.
You arrived at the casino when the sun almost set. You jump out from the car and stood next to Kato. The casino is already open and you can hear lots of rowdy voices from outside.
By the time you get inside, both of you were welcomed by the Oirans. Two of them went straight to Kato but he just brush it off.
“Sorry ladies, I’m occupied.” He said with his infamous smirk.
You rolled your eyes playfully. There he is, the biggest heartbreaker. He then grabbed you by your shoulder before going deeper into the place. You can see numerous people there, mainly those with Daruma’s jacket but normal people also came here to release their stress.
There are myriads of reasons why this place is call the Sea of Red. In here Daruma’s gang member can easily be found walking on the street with their jacket without being caught by the police. Sakyo and Ukyo normally handle that, that’s why they never really get caught.
Oh the unspoken rules here, no cops allowed in the premises or Hyuga’s territory.
“Oii you here again. Did you get kicked out from your house?!” The shout caught your attention.
There, the famous Daruma’s twin is having a drink with their leader, Hyuga.
“Nice cast. Did someone break your arms?” You jokingly said which cause the grey haired male to laugh before puffing another smoke.
His twins snickered at your words before patting his side’s, signalling you to sit next to him. He gave you a hug in which you return it back.
“Finally moving here?” Ukyo asked. He gave you the cigarette but you turned it down.
“Nah just bored. Do you miss me that much Ukyo?” You said while pouting your lips, trying to act cute.
The guy just laugh it off and ruffled your hair making you grunt. You push his hand aside.
“ Hyuga, you didn’t miss me?” You said to the man. He look at you with his red eyes, probably high.
“ I thought you’re dead.” His answer's making Sakyo and Ukyo laughing.
And again, you miss this.
“ You’re cheating!”
You laugh at the male. Well, you’ve been winning all four rounds and of course they will think that you cheated.
“Suck it up old man. You suck!” You said before taking all the money.
The old man couldn’t do anything about it since Kato is right next to you. Everyone in Daruma Ikka's territory knows that they’re good as dead if they ever touch you. With Kato, one of Hyuga's best fighter is here with you, they will not see any sunlight again.
You and Kato has been playing side by side since 8 pm. You wondered what time now since all people already drunk and some has been going home already.
Well, you didn’t always get to spend time with your best friend.
“Oii, your phone has been ringing.” Sakyo said.
You turned your head to the older male, he’s holding your phone and you squint your eyes to see it.
It’s Ice.
Heh, you just shrugged your shoulders before continues to play. If he can forget about his promise then you can forget about having a boyfriend for one night.
It’s not a big deal.
After hours and hours of gambling at Hyuga’s casino, Kato decided to bring you out on a late night car ride. Well, both of you are drunk but sober enough to drive or counting the money that you’ve won.
“We should go to the old ramen place. I bet the old man still remember us.” You said excitingly to the red head.
“Hell no, the last time we went there he kick us out remember? You kept eating getting drunk.” He barked.
Yes, you remember the night vividly but it doesn’t stop you to pester him even more. You miss that old man’s ramen so much.
Your boyfriend doesn’t like ramen very much so you rarely got to eat it.
After eating, Kato decided that it’s time to send you home. It’s 5 am and tomorrow he got some errands to run.
“I told you, you can’t stay with me. I live with my sister and she hates you.” He snarled.
You really didn’t want to go home. Ice never like it if you went out this late without him. But do you care? No. But Diddy texted you saying that Ice is pissed.
“And I tell you again Toto, I don’t want to face my boyfriend.” You barked back.
Kato cringed at the nickname. You always call him that in the past whenever something didn’t get in your way. He hates that name so he would always get you what you want.
But not this time.
“ See, we already arrive. Good night my friend.” He said while opening the door for you from the inside, and push your shoulder in not so gentle manner.
“I’ll kill you for this bastard!” You yelled before closing the door loudly.
“Bitch this is Hyuga’s car!” He yelled.
You raise up your left hand before showing the middle finger to him. By the time you hear he cursed you, you ran up hills while laughing.
Ice always told you to not let anyone know where you live since it’s a secret.
You greet the guards before opening the gate and went inside. The lights is still on meaning they didn’t sleep yet. Well, you don’t care.
Did you get home safe?
It was from Hyuga. Your heart melted after reading it.
Awh, he cares about you.
You open the door without taking your eyes off the gadget. The loud conversation turned silent by the time you arrived at the living room. Your head perks up, all of them are there.
On the table, lots of gold bar and cash stacked nicely on the table. Well, if they successfully rob someone today than why Ice is pissed?
“Good morning.” Ryu said.
You look at the man, shocked. Both of you never really said anything to each other except of occasional 'Where's Ice' related questions.
“Where’s Diddy?”
“He went somewhere. Ice is waiting for you upstairs.” Sarah’s voice brings you back to reality.
Oh, you forget about THAT part.
Your boyfriend.
“Thanks.” You replied.
Sarah is nice, you like her. She’s pretty and you were there when Ice saved her. She’s a tough nut to crack but eventually she opens up to you and Ice.
Well, that was a year ago. Honestly all of the like sometimes turned into jealousy and hatred depending on Ice’s. He often bring her and the rest of the Mighty Warrior to their hunt and left you.
Usually he would bring you but since Sarah’s here, he decided that you would be better to stay at home.
He said and you quote,
'I love you so just use all the money that I earn and don’t lift any finger.’
That’s why your degree went to waste. He didn’t let you work
Before you get to open the door, Ice’s face appears. Both of you were shocked but you hide it. You push the door before getting into the room. Ice is leaning against the wall.
You could feel his eyes on you wherever you move. You quickly change your shirt and get into the shower. The water felt cold.
Finish showering, you went out and put on your night gown, getting ready for bed.
Ice is sitting on the couch next to the small bookshelf by the time you finish getting ready. You could see his curious face with the help of the moonlight.
“Where did you go baby?” His hoarse voice sending chills down your spine.
He walked up to you, not wearing anything other than his shorts. Instead of getting scared, your eyes stared at his muscular body. You didn’t see him four a week and his body is getting better.
He better not be walking around in the big mansion looking like that, or else you will kick him out.
“With my friend. Why?” He scoffed.
“That weakling?” His words making you mad.
You hit his shoulder hard before going to do your night care routine.
You stared at him from the mirror. The man is still sitting at the sofa.
“That weakling is better than my own BOYFRIEND. Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m still with you. You don’t even care about me anymore.” You emphasis on the word boyfriend. Ice rolled his eyes.
“You don’t mean that baby.” He didn’t believe you.
“Yes I am.” You wipe the excess lotion from your legs.
Ice stand behind you, before holding your shoulders and tried to turned you to face him.
“I don’t want you to see him anymore.” The eight words almost turn you into a mad woman.
You face him, with a serious face. The man ignored the look before walking and sits on your shared bed.
“Did you forget your place Ice? No ring on the finger so you can’t tell me what to do.” You said before continues to apply the moisturiser.
Ice clenched his jaws. You could see how his jawline perfectly formed from your place. Oh how you wish to kiss it.
“Are you kidding me right now?”
“Are you jealous of Kato right now?”
Ice lost it. He walk up to you and grabbed your chin and tilted it so you can face him.
“Listen here, you are mine and not this whoever your friend is. If I heard about him again I’ll find him and kill him. Do you hear me?”
He’s jealous.
Ice rarely shows any jealousy when he’s with you. This is the first time in five years of your dating history that he acted like this.
You like this side of him, possessive when it comes to you. Ice always got his own style of protecting you.
You quickly push his hand away and stands up. He is taller than you so you had to look up. You grabbed his jaws before pulling him into a deep kiss.
He pushed you against the wall while grabbing your butt. Both of you were fighting for dominance until you bit his lips, making him jerked away from you.
“The next time you broke your promise, will be the last time you got to kiss me like this, understand?” You walk away from him and sit on the same sofa next to the small bookshelf.
Ice touches his bloody lip. Feeling of excitement enters his body after listening to your threats, making him smirked at you.
“So you will stay away from him?” He asked.
“Jealousy doesn’t suit you so stop, he’s just my friend. Just like you and Sarah.” By the time you mentioned her name, Ice’s brows furrowed.
By your body language he can tell that something is wrong. That was until he managed to put the pieces together
“Are you jealous of her babe? Come on, she’s part of our group.” He laughed at your expression by the time he questioned you.
“That’s depends on you. Honestly if it wasn’t because of Diddy trying to convince me that you actually love me and not Sarah, I would leave you now.” Your cold voice is something that he never heard off.
He never knows that you felt this way. Suddenly the waves of guilt hit him. He walk up to you before getting on his knees and hold both of your hands. He kissed both knuckle before facing your sour face.
“ It’s like I’m dating Diddy instead of you. Maybe I should date your brother since both of us has been spending so much time for the past month.” You pouted your lips while looking away.
“Okay, okay I promise that we will spend time together again okay? Don’t say that baby.” Ice assured you.
You silently smile. He can’t see you sad.
Moreover, he’s the main cause.
You got him head over heels for you, even Ice himself can’t deny it. Many people thought that he’s the man in the relationship, but the truth is whatever you said he will follow.
Even when it comes to something he hates wholeheartedly.
“Promise me?” You said while showing your pinky finger.
“Yes, pinky swear baby.” Both of your pinky finger interwinds together, as you seal the promise.
You capture his lips with your kiss, pulling up so he can be on top of you. He returned it with one of his hand on your butt and the other wrapped around your neck.
He can’t get enough of you. The rose’s scents making him crazy over you. Before he get to go further, you push his head a bit before stared deep into his eyes.
“You will cancel all your plan starting tomorrow until the next Tuesday, understand?” He nodded while still staring at your (e/c) orbs.
“You will stay away from the Daruma kid?” His question making you smile.
“ Jealousy doesn’t suit you Ice. I’m all yours.” With that, the male finally felt peace in his heart.
Both of you smile at each other before you getting up and went to the bed. The clock’s showing 6.45 am and you are tired.
“Now let’s sleep.”
He followed you, like a lost puppy.
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ballistashoot · 2 years
Baki characters as shitty pick up lines
This is my first post so sorry if it's not too good, I'll try to get better <3
🌺 Baki:
I'm not so good at holding conversations… is it OK if I hold your hand instead?
What's that amazing perfume you're wearing? Oh! That's just you? I can't get enough.
Do you have any Neosporin? I just scraped my knee falling for you.
🌺 Retsu:
I would've said "God bless you" after that sneeze, but it looks like he already has.
If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?
I don't consider myself a hoarder but I really would like to keep you forever.
🌺 Katsumi:
I'd like to take you to the movies, but they don't let you bring in your own snacks.
Hey, you're pretty and I'm cute. Together we'd be Pretty Cute.
Go ahead, feel my shirt. It's made of boyfriend material!
🌺 Hanayama:
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past you again?
Your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic Ocean, and I don't mind being lost at sea.
Remember me? Oh, that's right, I've only met you in my dreams.
🌺 Katou:
I'm no mathematician, but I'm pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it.
Are your parents bakers? Because you're a cutie pie!
Did you just come out of the oven? Because you're hot.
🌺 Kureha:
Aside from being drop dead gorgeous, what do you do for a living?
You must be exhausted because you've been running through my mind all day.
Can you take me to the hospital? I just broke my leg falling for you.
That's all, I hope you like it!!
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certified-boyliker · 2 years
De-Stress For Me
Actor: Haru Kato
MPAA: General Audiences (GN!Reader)
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"Ughh.... such a long day..."
Haru sat down on his couch, sighing softly. He sniffed the air lightly and smiled at softly. He loved it when you cooked.
"How was your day, darling?"
You walked out of the kitchen and went over to kiss his cheek. He smiled and his cheeks reddened slightly.
"Hah...!" He giggled. "Oh, I'm doing- ah-!"
His shoulder popped, and he reached up to grab it, sighing softly. "I've been better."
You chuckled lightly and walked around him to rub his shoulders. "I can see— or rather hear —that."
He sighed softly and leaned into your touch.
"Oh, God, thank you... fuck, Daisuke is so annoying sometimes... he's gotten slightly more bearable, but- ah- still acts so fucking high and mighty... the bastard..."
You chuckled again, and rubbed the back of his neck. "I wonder... maybe I should replace him. I'm sure you would have a much better time~"
"Heh, don't do that... I don't... want you to deal... with everyone..." He yawned. "in that office..." His head slumped down.
You looked at him and saw he was dozing off. You kissed his cheek and walked back to the kitchen.
After a few minutes, you set the table for the both of you and went to gently shake Haru awake. He yawned and stretched out, looking up at you.
"Come on, dinner's ready."
He smiled softly and stood up, shuffling over to the table. He scarfed down your food, making you laugh.
"Sorry, whenever you come over, I can't resist your cooking..."
You leaned over to pat his head, and he blushed again, looking away before swatting your hand away.
"I'm sorry, that's just really cute."
"It's really not..."
You two finished up eating, and you pulled him up to bring him into the bathroom.
"Come on, let's shower together."
His blush burned brighter as he saw you strip down, and began to strip himself, and you turned on the shower. You both let the warm water run down, and you started to wash his hair.
"Just relax, my darling. You deserve to de-stress."
He let you wash and condition his hair, and kiss his cheek in between, before you both were sitting in the bath. You continued to rub his shoulders, and you guys left before he fell asleep again.
"Ah... this has been perfect..."
You turned on his favorite TV show, and you both watched it, until you felt him slump on your shoulder. You looked and heard him lightly snoring, smiling before pulling him up to lie him in bed. You lied next to him and kissed his cheek again.
"I love you, Haru."
"I love you too..."
Haru strolled into the office, a smile on his face, humming quietly. Kamei looked up and cocked his eyebrow.
"Huh? What's got you so cheery? You went home yesterday, pissed at Daisuke."
"Eh, I'm just feelin' good. Nothing can bring me down!" He smiled brightly. "Cause I have the best partner in the world."
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please do not steal, repost, or copy, this belongs to certified-boyliker, 2023
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linkemon · 2 months
Negotiations (Kambe Daisuke x Reader x Katō Haru)
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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ᴋᴀᴍʙᴇ ᴀꜱᴋꜱ [ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] ꜰᴏʀ ʜᴇʟᴘ ɪɴ ᴘᴏʟɪᴄᴇ ɴᴇɢᴏᴛɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏᴍᴀɴ ᴅᴏᴇꜱɴ'ᴛ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛ ʜᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴇɴᴅ…
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴠᴇʀꜱɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʀɴᴀᴍᴇ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ: ᴋᴀɴʙᴇ (ʀᴏᴍᴀɴɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ) ᴀɴᴅ ᴋᴀᴍʙᴇ (ᴇɴɢʟɪꜱʜ ᴠᴇʀꜱɪᴏɴ). ɪ ᴄʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪ ꜱᴛɪᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀʟʟ ᴍʏ ꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ.
— Kanbe-san, would you like it? — [Reader] held out a colourful box towards him.
— What's that? — he asked, glancing towards the bento.
— Nothing big. I made an extra portion. — The woman looked away. — Some rice and vegetables.
She didn't want to admit to her co-worker that she spent an entire hour making second breakfast. It almost made her late for work. However, she knew that Daisuke didn't eat just anything and she was afraid to offer him any food.
— Ooo, [Reader]-san did you make it yourself? — Katō looked over her shoulder.
He had slightly windblown hair. It was easy to guess that he had just entered the office because he still hadn't taken off his jacket.
— Don't waste your time on him — he continued. — Plebeian — he drew quotation marks in the air — food is not up to his standards. But I'll be happy to taste it.
— As it happens, I'd love to try…
— Too late! — Haru snatched the box and that's all they saw.
— Sorry, maybe next time you'll get it. — The woman smiled slightly.
— That's okay. — Kanbe glanced towards his lost breakfast. — We need to talk. I have a proposition for you.
Daisuke discreetly pressed the earring again. Unfortunately, to no avail. HEUSC did not respond in any way. The characteristic quiet beeping was not heard. Someone must have disabled the system in the residence. The man could not inform Suzue about the situation and asked the services to stay away. It was a hopeless situation.
A man named Ichiban Takata stood in front of him. Cornered on the roof of a skyscraper, he began threatening that the group would not get out alive if they did not meet his demands. The gun was aimed directly at him and Haru.
The attacker's hand was shaking slightly and beads of sweat were beading on his forehead. It was clear in his eyes that he didn't really know what he was doing. It occurred to Kanbe that maybe someone else was behind this and he was just a pawn. However, this hypothesis had to wait.
— I want a helicopter! — the thief shouted. — One police pilot inside!
He visibly swallowed, choosing his next words.
— You — he pointed to [Reader] — come over, take the phone and contact those downstairs. I give them ten minutes.
— They won't be able to do it in such a short time...— she muttered.
The woman felt heat washing over her. She never took part in the negotiations. Daisuke asked her to take on this new role. Unfortunately, the original plan failed when someone cut off communication with the crew under the building.
— If they won't make it, I'll kill him! — He pointed the gun at Haru. — Next one in another ten minutes!
The thief dropped the phone and then kicked it lightly towards her.
— Turn on speakerphone.
She approached slowly. She picked up the phone with a trembling hand. She knew Hoshino's number by heart and yet she made a mistake twice.
— [Reader], is it over? — She heard the voice of a friend from the First Division on the phone.
— Send a helicopter within ten minutes. — She looked at Ichiban with concern.
— What are you talking about? We won't be able to do it a time like this. Let Kanbe-san arrange his private one for you.
His voice clearly showed his annoyance.
— It must be police one. Only one pilot — she added, seeing the barrel heading towards Daisuke.
— Listen, I'm not a miracle worker. Twenty-five must be enough for you...
Wildness flared in the thief's eyes the moment he heard this.
— You don't take me seriously. — The attacker laughed, tilting his head back. — I'll damage you a little and you'll start trying harder!
He pulled the trigger.
[Reader] instinctively jumped as if she were practicing. She grabbed Takata's wrist, pointing the gun in a different direction. The man was so strong that he pulled her down. They fell onto the hard concrete roof. They rolled almost to the edge. The struggle was accompanied by the sounds of gunshots.
Someone was shouting from downstairs. Apparently the police had already realized that the plan had failed.
Kanbe was the first to reach the two fighting and pulled out his gun. Haru pulled Ichiban down with all his strength, pinning him to the ground.
— Do not move! — the detective aimed.
He pushed the bag of money away. He suspected there might have been something else there. He preferred not to take risks.
— [Reader]!
The woman was lying in a rapidly growing pool of blood. She pressed her stomach, breathing heavily. Eyelids drooped involuntarily.
— She doesn't answer!
Haru ran towards the mansion. He regretted that he had allowed himself to be detained by the police for so long.
The light of the lamps illuminated the omnipresent darkness. It was already after midnight when he reached the long white corridor. It seemed to him that the entire journey from the place of the accident had no end.
Everything around looked sterile and quiet.
Every automatic door let him through without any problem. Apparently HEUSC was told he was coming here.
Only at the huge glass window did he meet the first living soul — a nurse carrying a bloody sheet. Kanbe was standing right behind her, staring blankly at what was happening on the operating table.
[Reader] lay limp, hooked up to the machines keeping her alive. Katō watched as the doctors performed the surgery. He felt powerless. He was always ready to act and now he couldn't do anything. He placed his hand against the cool glass as if it would help him get to the other side.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the detective's stoic expression. It's been a long time since he felt such open anger and hatred towards anyone. When he thought about it more, he was sure it had never happened to him. This case was an exception.
Everything he did and said was the exact opposite of what the man had believed all his life. He presented the opposite image of a real policeman.
Haru had held back his outbursts after their first stormy encounter. But now the situation has taken its toll.
— It's all your fault! — Blinded by anger, he grabbed him by the collar and pushed him towards the wall.
Daisuke didn't react. He was still staring intently at the operating room.
It was hard for the millionaire to describe what he was feeling right now. He believed in [Reader]. He wanted her to become part of his team and work with him. When she agreed to take part in the action, he was secretly glad that he would spend more time with her.
Now the defeat hit him painfully. Its bitter taste danced in the recesses of his mind.
He didn't predict everything. No amount of banknotes from the family fortune could help him guess how the woman would behave.
— Calm down. It won't help her in any way...
— Do you think that since you arranged transport and the best doctors, everything is fine?
The blow came quickly. He knew boxing well. He trained for years, and yet despite his knowledge, he could not defend himself against this attack. As blood dripped onto his previously pristine suit, he realized he needed a physical hit. He wanted to receive it because it was a punishment for his own negligence and greed. The one and only time he really wanted something so bad, it ruined everything.
He held an embroidered handkerchief to his bleeding nose.
The anger in his opponent's eyes was replaced by terror. Only after a while did he realize what was happening behind the glass.
— Damn it! We're losing her. Defibrillator! Step aside! Three, two, one...
The voices blended into one as he stood shoulder to shoulder with his enemy, watching what was happening. Only her name escaped his lips. In a voice so quiet that no one heard it.
The cold chilled him from head to toe. He wouldn't let himself move.
— She's stabilizing. Heart rate is normal.
— We continue.
He released the breath he had been holding for a long time.
Haru knocked gently on the white door.
— Come in. — A slightly sleepy but familiar voice answered him.
He pressed the door handle. Outside the doorway, he almost bumped into a basket of flowers. To his surprise, the entire hospital room was full of them. Various colours and species together created a picturesque composition.
— What is all of this? — he asked.
— Daisuke sent them to me. He even attached a letter of apology and...— [Reader] did not finish.
She had a nasty cough. Katō felt his heart tighten at the sight.
— It's a bit old-fashioned. Adorable, isn't it? — she added.
He didn't like the way the millionaire solved everything. He himself came to meet the woman face to face. Meanwhile, Kanbe was unable to do even that. It made him feel a little better, even if he was consumed with guilt.
— You should drink a lot, so I brought you something extra. — He pulled the bag from behind his back.
— My favourite. — She looked thirsty at the tea. — Thanks.
Haru also pulled out a chocolate cake.
— I am not allowed. My parents left a moment before you. The doctor told them that I would get over it but he strictly forbade sweets — she moaned.
— Don't worry. When you get out of here, we'll go to the pastry shop. — He winked.
There was an awkward silence. Haru tried to gather words but his mind was a black hole. Only his face showed how much he was fighting with himself.
The woman rose to a sitting position.
— I know what you want to say. — She sighed.
— You shouldn't jump then. — He clenched his fist firmly.
— It was my decision!
— We could've handle it! You didn't  have to! — The man got up from the chair.
— You are a policeman. How can you say that?
— I can say that because...
— What are those screams? — Kanbe entered the room.
— Everything's all right. I was just explaining the situation to Katō-san. — She touched her head with her hand and a sharp pain shot through it.
She knew it was nerves. She was forbidden to get angry. Just like a lot of other things from the list titled: 'You've had surgery and you mustn't...'.
The millionaire nodded, sitting on the other side of the bed.
— I called Hoshino. He said they recreated the situation. There was an 87% chance one of you would have been hit dead, so I'm going to be glad I got attacked. We're all here in one piece and that's what counts.
— You almost died! — Haru pointed an accusing finger at her. — And you — he turned his head towards Daisuke — how can you be so calm?
— Kanbe-san explained everything he wanted to say in the letter. Trust me, he cares as much as you do. — She smiled slightly.
— I still stand by what I wrote. Do you already have your answer? — the previously silent man chimed in.
The senior policeman didn't miss the way [Reader] blushed after being asked the question.
— What do you two are up to again?
The woman glanced at the millionaire. He nodded. He made it clear that she could say it.
— I was asked out on a date — she whispered embarrassed.
— By whom? — Haru's voice rose by an octave.
It took him a moment to realize that he had asked a question with an obvious answer.
— Him? — He looked in disbelief. — But you haven't given him an answer yet?
[Reader] nodded.
— Then please think about it. I know I can't provide you with as much comfort as he does but I promise I will take care of you, protect you, cook you dinner, take care of you when you are sick, and try to make you happy. I will put all my strength into it because you are worth it. — He bowed.
He knew he couldn't pour all the feelings behind it into this confession. However, he didn't have time and he didn't want to miss his chance.
He didn't have a fortune but he knew he didn't need it. He had a number of other advantages and hard work.
Daisuke looked at him. He knew they had always been rivals in this matter. They just never came out about it until now.
— Let me repeat what I wrote in the letter again. [Reader], you are unique, you have a number of virtues and if you just give me time, I will list them all. Thanks to you I strive to become a better person, so I promise that I will try and learn every day. This accident made me realize how much I care about you, so give me a chance. I will do my best to be worthy of you — he concluded.
The woman looked at both men. She knew a lot about them but still not everything. But it didn't change her feelings. After all, she had known for a long time...
— I don't need time — she said confidently. — Yesterday I sorted everything out in my head. You are both close to me but only one of you I have been thinking about for a long time and it's...
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He lives alone?! {Haru Kato}
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Pairings: Haru Kato x reader
A/n: I happened to rewatch Balance Unlimited and I found myself looking for Haru short drabbles and shit like that but there were not a lot so I took it upon myself to provide you with some new ones so this one is inspired by Kotaro lives alone. I know this sucks but it's 5:25 am rn and I should be asleep so yes but I am more than happy to write more balance unlimited based stuff so feel free to request
Warnings: well...it is kind sad tbh but not much
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Saturday, the first day of the weekend. Haru had been enthralled because last week in the Modern Crimes Department had been exhausting. So when the doorbell rang, waking both of you up, to say that he was angry would be an underestimation.
“Stay there, I'll get it.” He sighed and left the bed. He didn't even know what time it was but it didn't matter, when it's weekend every hour during the morning can be considered early for waking someone up.
“Hello, dear neighbour, I am Kotaro and I live in the apartment next door.”
Haru took his time observing the little kid in front of him, reaching his hands out to him while holding a tissue box, he couldn't be older than 5. Finally, a smile broke in Haru's face and he kneeled in front of the little kid before accepting the box.
“Thank you little man.” He peeked outside, looking left and right. “Are your parents here?”
“I occupy the apartment next door by myself. I must away.” The little boy said and ran away. (if you've seen the anime you know how Kotaro speaks so cut me some slack)
Puzzled, Haru closed the door behind him and returned to your bed, still holding the tissue box.
“You heard that too right?” He asked you, setting the box aside.
“A little boy renting the next door apartment alone? Is that even legal?”
“I am pretty sure it's not.” Haru said concerned.
“Come on, we'll deal with this later, let's go to bed.”
You were just as concerned as he was, Haru knew this. He also knew that you wanted to sleep it off purely because you would end up overthinking about it and so he agreed. He got comfortable with you almost on top of him and closed his eyes but he couldn't fall back asleep. The same went for you. So it is needless to say you both stayed like that not knowing that the other was awake.
“I'll look into it.” Haru mumbled to himself. You were both in the bathroom brushing your teeth.
“I'll help.” He nodded in response.
You both thought of calling Daisuke to help as well but the truth was that Haru was too tired to deal with him.
And so the investigation began.
After meeting up with the rest of the residents of the apartments in the flat you figured that the concern about Kotaro was mutual. Obviously you couldn't ask Kotaro anything because at the end of the day he was just a five year old kid so you all mutually agreed to take care of him.
But to Haru that wasn't enough. He wanted to know more about this child's past, what led him to live alone.
“Our neighbour said he is taking care of him, stop stressing so much.” You hugged him from behind. “Also the rice is ready.”
If you hadn't hugged him, Haru would have most probably forgotten about the fact that he was cooking at that time. His gaze followed your figure and he watched as you were putting the rice into two bowls.
“You're worried too.”
“I am but he is safe here with us. Everyone cares about him too. Our next door neighbour whose name I always forget...”
“Same.” Haru admitted.
“He accompanies Kotaro to and from kindergarten and the supermarket and practically everywhere. Plus the boy is always active and although he is shy, he asks for help when he needs it.” Both of you sat down and started eating with the TV on, working as a background music.
Whether Haru had found anything about the child's past, you didn't know but during the next few days he appeared to have calmed himself down. You didn't know if it was because of what you had said or because he had found something but no matter the case you were happy since him being calm meant that you could also finally relax.
About a week later, everything seemed to have become clearer. You and Haru would both go to work in the mornings and in the afternoons you would pick up Kotaro from kindergarten and occasionally dine with him. Everyone in the building was taking turns taking care of him.
“I can get used to this.” You heard Haru mumbling next to you. Your head was on his chest and his hands were lazily wrapped around you as you watched TV. “It's a bit...relaxing.”
“Yeah, I will agree.” You snuggled closer. You were more than sure Haru had found something but you didn't ask. Since everything was okay now and Kotaro was safe, you didn't want to know since at the end of the day all that mattered was the kid's safety and happiness.
“I do think however, that you would be a great mom.”
“And you would be a great dad but we're not having any children right now.”
“Couldn't agree more.”
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aza-writes · 1 year
Finnick Odair
Revenge or Revolution
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sappy-seresin · 2 years
Fawn (B. Bradshaw)
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x female!reader
Warning: hints at domestic abuse, hints at toxic relations, mentions of injury, angst, light cursing.
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw is enamored by the Hard Deck's newest waitress. Taking notice of a shift in your demeanor, he finds himself wanting to get to the bottom of your newfound skittishness.
Series Theme Song: I’ll Be Around by Garrett Kato
Word Count: 5.8k
A/n: MY WORK IS NOT TO BE POSTED ELSEWHERE, especially without consent. Do not steal the work of other writers, thank you.
Gif creds: @mads-weasley
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You've always carried yourself with elegant poise, your shoulders high with delicate confidence as you strut your way through life. That’s the first thing Bradley noticed about you, and he’s continued appreciating further the more your presence sealed itself into his life. You’ve been working at the Hard Deck for nearly six months now, and subsequently have earned yourself a space in the Dagger Squad friend group, without being a naval officer. Your space in their lives is a lot like Penny’s, other than the fact that you’re a few years younger than all of them. That fact has had all of them feeling protective over you in their own merit. Each of them have done their fair share of looking out for you, always stepping in when someone was heckling you at the bar or pulling you into the groups antics when you seemed overwhelmed on a busy night. Penny always watches from afar, glad to see you smiling among her favorite squadron.
Admittedly, Bradley loves how easily you melted into the group, and appreciates that everyone seems to care about you nearly as much as he does. He’d never admit it out loud, but you’re the first person he looks for when he enters the Hard Deck. His eyes automatically manage to plant themselves wherever you are when he walks in, an elegant smile taking over his face at the simplest sight of you. You always return the gesture, making a point to pour his drink before he even has the chance to order.
Recently though, your poise has dimmed. Your smiles never quite reaching your eyes when you cater to the aviators beck and call. Bradley attributed the change as stress, at first. The summer months are some of the busiest at the bar and it's your first time experiencing this level of rush. The moment he started picking up on your newfound skittishness, he couldn't shake the feeling that there's more going on than being overworked.
Your confidence is now sporadic, fleeting as you jump at loud noises and sudden movements, always playing it off with a lighthearted joke when any of them question it. He notices the way your smiles falter as soon as the groups focus shifts elsewhere, the facade slipping away when you're sure no one's watching. Yet, Bradley always is, unbeknownst to you, watching your every move. He catches every time you gulp to gain composure and the way your knuckles flash white with how hard you grip your tray after being jostled by a passing customer.
Tonight's no different as Bradley's kept his eyes trained on you from the moment he walked in. He watches you slip through the room in a fawn-like state, doe-eyes jumping around the room as you fade in and out of the shadows. Unlike your old, confident self that always managed to light up the typically muggy space.
“What’s got you lost in thought, Rooster?” Natasha’s voice cuts through his staring, pulling his attention from where you’re delivering drinks across the bar. He glances at her and Bob, who’re both staring back at him curiously.
“Does she seem off to you?” He asks simply, letting his eyes trickle back to you. Natasha’s eyebrows knit together before she follows his gaze, realization filling her immediately.
“Y/n?” She thinks out loud, accepting Bradley’s curt nod as a yes. “I mean, sure. I've noticed she’s been a little more skittish and accident prone than usual lately. What about it?"
Bradley shrugs, sipping his drink, not wanting to overshare a story that isn't his. Though, his mind flashes to the last time you'd spoken, affirming that he'd been right about foul play behind the scenes. Even after you forced another lie to keep yourself from admitting the truth to him in the bar just days ago. "I just feel like something isn't right." They fall into silence, Bob and Natasha accompanying Bradley in watching you. Each searching for any signs of foul play, or make any observation that could give insight on what's going on. The truth is, Bradley knows something isn't right. You confirmed his suspicions three days ago, though you refused to vocalize that he's right.
With his eyes trained on you, Bradley recounts the times you've proven to be 'accident prone' the past several weeks. Wonder fills his brain at memories of you brushing off seemingly small injuries as if they were normal, though you'd barely gotten a scratch in the previous months he'd known you. Bradley's mind flashes to the first time he questioned an injury, his eyes fixated on the soft wrap adorning your wrist as you wiped the counter nearly a month and a half ago. His hand clenches around his drink as he's now able to pinpoint your cover stories, though he has yet to figure out the culprit behind you fabricating those stories.
“What happened there?” Bradley asked, gesturing towards your bandaged hand. His eyes raking over you while you blinked at him for a second, letting a sheepish grin meet your lips.
“Oh this?” You joked, raising your hand absentmindedly. “It’s nothing really. I slipped during a game of one on one and caught myself weird. It looks worse than it is, doc says I need to be in the brace for a few weeks so it’ll heal.” Your voice was light and bubbly, but something in your eyes had Bradley unconvinced that your story was factual.
He took a swig of his beer, clearing his throat as he met your eyes again. Opting not to question you, he smiled. “I guess you need to work on your game.” The gentle laugh you released sent shivers down his spine as he watched you.
“I guess I do,” you agreed, topping him off with another beer before leaving to serve another customer without looking back.
He recounts the second time now. He caught you wincing when you bent down to grab a fresh case of beer you were moving to the back. your tight intake of breath had Bradley feeling uneasy.
“You alright, Darlin’,” his voice showcased the concern he’d been feeling. You grimaced at him, gladly accepting the hand he offered to help you up.
“Yeah,” you breathed, discomfort evident when the case slid against your rib cage. “I tweaked a muscle at the gym last night. Just a bit sore is all.” Your cheeks tinted pink at the twinkle in his eye with all his attention solely focused on you. He pushed himself from his position at the bar, inserting himself behind the counter before lifting the case from your grasp with ease. Your sheepishness grew when he leaned to brush past you, grab the last case before glancing over his shoulder at you.
“Where do you need this?” You gaped at him for a moment, not expecting him to do the work for you, but collected yourself quickly. Leading him to the back instead of responding.
“Here’s perfect,” you told him, gesturing where the other cases were already stacked. He obliged, putting the cases in their designated spot, shooting you a content smile. “Thanks for doing that.”
“Not a problem, darlin’,” he waved off, knowing fully well he’d move a thousand more cases if you needed him to. You blushed again, the gesture melting his heart in the same way it does every time it graces your cheeks.
“Well, I appreciate it,” you reached out to squeeze his arm, the movement making the sleeve of your t-shirt slide up in the slightest. Bradley swears he saw a finger-shaped bruise peeking out just below the worn fabric. He eyes flickering back to your face quickly to keep you from noticing he’d seen anything. “My tweaked muscles do too.”
His mouth felt dry as he studied you, mind reeling about what's hiding behind the inconspicuous lie. Your hand dropped when his grin faltered, suddenly worried that you'd made him uncomfortable.
“I guess you need to work on your form,” he knew he was wearing his emotions on his face, though his tone remained intentionally light. Though he wanted to inspect the blemishes hiding under your sleeve, he knew it wasn’t his place. Mentally though, he pulled you against his chest and gently assured you that he’ll protect you from whoever gave you those bruises.
Your face dropped at his words, hands fidgeting against the fabric of your jeans. “I guess I do,” you agreed, deja’vu hitting you after repeating the words you'd spoken to him weeks prior. You hesitated, realizing that his subtle repetition means that, to a certain degree, he knows your explanations don’t match the truth. The thought of him not believing you made the room shrink around you, blurring Bradley’s figure with the anxiety of him finding out. “I should get back to the bar.” Though you were talking to him, the statement seemed to be whispered to no one before you brushed past him with a forced smile.
The last time he questioned you was just three days ago, and the memory of the sight of you has his hand strangling his glass, his blood boiling when he catches sight of your split lip from across the bar.
He'd been dismayed by the fact that you were, not so subtly, ignoring everyone in the squad that night. He noticed how you always kept your back towards them, sending another server to their table whenever they tried flagging you down. He lost sight of you for awhile, though his eyes never stopped scanning the room, hoping to pinpoint your figure assisting customers somewhere in the crowded room. He thought you left after ten minutes of gruel searching. The belief had his shoulders feeling heavy, his mind reeling with questions as to why you'd been silently swerving everyone all night.
His attempts to find you were forgotten as he came to terms with the fact that you didn't want to be found. Until he excused himself to go to the bathroom, needing a moment to collect himself to escape the thoughts of you.
The plan averted the second he gripped the bathroom door handle, the thick wood flung open before he'd even had a chance to pull. A string of apologies left your lips before you froze, realizing that Bradley was the one you'd nearly taken out with the door.
"Y/n, what-" His words caught in his throat after getting a good look at your face. You gaped at him like a deer caught in headlights, showcasing a bruised cheek and split lip that had him prepared to blow a gasket. His expression tightened as he scanned over the rest of you for anymore blemishes, though there wasn't anything else out of the ordinary. You let the door close with a soft 'smack' unable to cover your stunned demeanor. "What happened to your face?" He cut straight to the point, itching to find the "someone" that hurt you.
You opened your mouth to speak but he waved his hand to stop you.
"Another basketball game or a mishap in the gym?" A gentle sarcasm graced his voice, his eyes indicating that you can't get out of this one without telling the truth. His reference back to your past excuses made your hands shake anxiously.
You blinked at him, pointing a pleading look in his direction. Knowing he wasn't going to drop it, your shoulders deflated, though you weren't ready to accept defeat just yet. Lifting your head high, you wiped the shock from your face and replaced it with tenacity.
"Nasty spill while surfing yesterday," you quipped, no evidence of hesitation in your tone as you blatantly lied through your teeth. You hoped he would respond in the same way he had the last two times you found yourself in these subtle moments of confrontation. Wanting him to crack a lighthearted joke about working on your drop-in's, but you knew he wouldn't so you continued. "My board smacked me right in the face before I could stop it."
He sighed in frustration, ripping at his neat curls before dropping his hand again. You flinched in surprise, unknowingly giving him more belief that his suspicions were right. "Now you're just blatantly lying to me," he sighed, relaxing his face so you could see the sadness in his eyes. "Y/n, if someone's hurting you, I need you to tell me. You don't have to manage this on your own, and honestly, I hate that you don't feel like you can trust me. Let me help you."
"There's nothing for you to help with," you immediately insisted, though your teary eyes told him a different narrative. "I'm just clumsy is all." There was deep conviction weaved in your weak explanation, paired with an unwillingness to shed light on the truth. Which was that your boyfriend, Tanner has a short temper. His latest outburst being the cause of your battered surface and spirit.
"Y/n," Bradley pleaded, stepping closer to you, but you shuffled a step back.
"I have to get back," you rejected his advancement, brushing past him without another glance. He'd been frozen in defeat for the minutes following the chance encounter, staring in the direction you'd retreated with a heavy heart. Shaking himself off, he entered the bathroom to splash cold water on his face, hoping it was enough to rid his face of the worry lines wrinkling his forehead after speaking to you. Though he wanted to find you when he made his way back to the table, he forced himself to sit down, knowing you wouldn't speak to him about the topic and further.
The rest of the squad is seated at the table by the time Bradley's able to pull himself out of his head. Mickey tips his head at Bradley upon noticing he'd tuned back into the conversation for the first time since Mickey had sat down. Bradley musters a wink in Mickey's direction, bringing his cup to his lips to soothe the dryness of his throat, though his eyes subconsciously trickle over to you, mind reeling on how to get you to tell him the truth.
A loud crash sounds from across the bar awhile later, interrupting everyone’s attention away from the story Coyote was telling. Bradley had managed to distract himself from his thoughts enough to actually enjoy the night with the squad, periodically laughing as everyone spouts off ridiculous stories.
Bradley’s eyes flit over the room, expecting to find an old drunk struggling to pull themself off the ground, or maybe even the beginning stages of a brawl. What he doesn’t expect to find is you, standing frozen in place with your face resembling a ghosts. The second you squat down to begin picking glass up off the floor, Bradley’s moving to break the space to help you, eyes caught on the man towering over you with an infuriated expression.
“Where the hell have you been?” The man’s voice rings in Bradley’s ears once he’s close enough to hear. “I’ve been calling for four days, why haven’t you answered?”
“You broke my phone,” you snip. Your annoyed tone contradicts the trembling of your hands as they clumsily gather jagged shards into your hands. “I haven’t had the time to get a new one.”
“Everything okay, Y/n,” Bradley cuts in, sizing up the guy in front of him as you look at him for the first time in days. The man's got a few inches on Bradley, but he’s far from intimidating. The stranger clenches his jaw at the sight of him, his lips curving into an arrogant sneer as he puffs out his chest in Bradley's direction.
“Y/n’s fine,” he answers for you, balling his hands into tight fists. “Right, baby?” The nickname makes Bradley’s skin feel like it’s on fire due to the way it drips off the man’s tongue in a sickly sweet manner. Bradley's known you have a boyfriend for awhile. He was disappointed to find out after Hangman had jokingly tried his chances with you. Your admission of being taken was the sole hold up on him outing his feelings for you, but the sight of the guy shooting daggers at you makes his skin crawl. No man should look at his girl in the way this guy's looking at you.
Bradley watches your hesitant nod, your eyes barely ghosting over him as Penny slides a broom into your hand, helping you off the floor. You quietly thank her, gently assuring her that you’re okay, before returning your attention to cleaning the mess. Clearly wanting nothing more than for your boyfriend to be anywhere but here causing a scene. Penny observes the three of you, mentally weighing whether or not to respect your assurances that you have the situation under control. One nod from Bradley is enough for her to return to her spot behind the bar, assisting the few customers that aren't watching the altercation unfold.
Growing more irate with your lack of attention, the man takes a step toward you. "You want to look at me while I'm talking to you?" Bradley's blood boils at the malice directed at you, his instincts forcing him to step closer to you as well, ready to jump in if he tries to lay as much as a finger on you.
"Tanner, you need to leave. You can't just come in here, guns a-blazing, while I'm working and expect the conversation to go well while you're causing a scene," there's a waver to your voice when you say his name, your attempt to remain composed is only half effective when your eyes jump back to the floor after catching Tanner's icy appearance.
"Where the hell else am I supposed to find you when you're obviously doing everything in your power to avoid me," Tanner snaps, his face glowing red with anger. "I tried your apartment four times and you were never home. So, where the hell have you been?" You instinctively flinch when he raises his hand, shocking Bradley into registering that Tanner's the culprit to blame for your split lip and bruised cheek. Your reaction to him walking into the bar, and now flinching at his sudden movements, is enough affirmation of what Bradley previously suspected.
"Alright man, she told you to leave, so it's time for you to go," Bradley's speaking on autopilot now, stepping forward enough to place his hand on Tanner's chest to keep him from advancing any closer to you.
Tanner sneers at Bradley, his gaze falling to the hand planted on his chest. "I suggest you get your hands off me, before I make you," he snarls, shooting Bradley his best intimidating glare before contorting his face in understanding. "So that's what you've been doing the last few days." He backs out of Bradley's grasp, looking at you with a fake humored expression.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Bradley's eyes follow your voice, noticing the way your eyebrows furrow together in confusion.
"You've been screwing him, haven't you," Tanner accuses pointing a finger at Bradley. "I've been looking all over town for you and you've been fooling around with this prick. Dude, you're wasting your time. She's not even worth it."
Bradley interrupts before you can discount Tanner's words, refusing to let this piece of garbage tarnish your character. "She's worth more than you can comprehend, clearly. I can assure you that she's not fooling around with me, or anyone else for that matter. I know her well enough to know that she wouldn't cheat, even if it's warranted for a guy like you."
"A guy like me," Tanner replays those words, emphasizing them while he gestures toward himself, feigning surprise. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean," Bradley quips, narrowing his brows. He's surprised when Tanner raises his eyebrows, urging him to voice his thoughts. "A guy that's dumb enough to lay a hand on a woman." You suck in a breath at the declaration, your eyes flying to watch Tanner's ego take a hit at the fact that he's been caught. You shudder, knowing full well that Tanner being caught means that your lies are out in the open now.
"My girl, my business," Tanner shrugs, "You're way out of line buddy, and I suggest you-"
“Do we have a problem here,” Bradley’s glad to hear Jake’s voice for once, some of the tension in his own chest alleviating at his colleagues authoritative tone. Jake stands tall as he positions himself in front of your shaken figure, his pointed gaze fixed solely on Tanner. He makes a point to flash his toned biceps by crossing his arms over his chest to add to his hard exterior, letting his eyes do plenty more talking while he sizes Tanner up.
“That’s up to him,” Bradley responds, nodding his head towards Tanner, who looks seconds away from throwing a punch.
“This is so like you, Y/n,” Tanner laughs bitterly, shaking his head. “Letting your friends save you from your own battles instead of handling them yourself like an adult. You get off on being the damsel in distress, don't you?” He's glaring at you over Jake's shoulder, seemingly unfazed by the aviator acting as a human shield.
"Y/n's more than capable of handling herself," Jake assures Tanner, tightening his expression. "But here at the Hard Deck, we have a strict "no harassing women" policy, and you're disrupting the peace." Jake's eyes fall on Reuben and Javy who are now on standby behind Tanner, prepared to restrain him if necessary. Reuben gives him a curt nod, winking at you for a little extra encouragement. They've got you covered. "Now, you have two options. You can either walk yourself out of the bar, and leave my friend Y/n here alone. Or, I'll drag you out and let Rooster have his way with you." Jake pauses again to give Tanner a second to process what he said. "I can assure you that only the former is going to end well for you."
"Now you're threatening me? You seriously think I'm afraid of a few boys in pansy ass navy uniforms?" Tanner's expression grows more manic with his incredulous words, unable to keep himself from chuckling in disbelief.
The response is enough to make Jake snap, his arms falling to his sides as he swiftly nods at Javy and Reuben as a cue for them to move. "Alright, parties over buddy." Tanner thrashes the second the men intercept him, easily dragging him towards the door.
"You bitch," Tanner shouts, eyes locked on you while he lamely tries freeing himself from their grasp. He has a clear shot of you now that Jake's not planted in front of you. Instead, he's trailing behind the three of them as a form of damage control if a last line of defense if necessary. "You'll pay for this."
Bradley shifts to dart in Tanner's direction, his slow burning anger transforming into full-blown rage at the mans threat toward you. Though, his movements freeze when a hand grasps his forearm, his fiery eyes meeting your tearful ones as the ruckus in the room fades from his ears. The room around him spirals out of focus with you being all that he sees as he struggles to refrain from ripping away from you to beat Tanner until he forgets your name.
Your touch is feathery while you blear at him. He swears he's going to light on fire until you utter the only request that could possibly cool him down. "Please, stay with me." Bradley immediately returns to a grounded state, the thoughts of giving Tanner a piece of his mind dimming while you wordlessly beg him not to leave you alone. "Please, Bradley." Those words are all it takes for him to break the space, shamelessly pulling you against his chest to shield you from anymore hurt. You fall against him in exhaustion, your hands fisting the soft Hawaiian button up he's wearing to give yourself more assurance that he's there.
"I'm not going anywhere," he murmurs into your hair after a few moments of holding you. You're sniffling into his chest while the atmosphere of the bar returns to normal, the onlookers suddenly feeling wrong about watching you break in Bradley's embrace.
Bradley easily flags Penny down with an urgent look, grateful that she stops what she's doing to assist him. "I need to get her out of here," he informs her in a hushed voice once she's close enough to hear. She wordlessly nods in understanding, sadness crossing her features at the sight of you practically rattling in his arms. "The glass is all in one place and just needs to be thrown away."
"I've got it covered, go," she encourages him, noticing that the three who'd taken Tanner outside have yet to return. "I'll have Pete pull your truck around back so you don't have to worry about any confrontations."
"Thanks Penny," Bradley hums, making sure not to jostle you too much while passing his keys to her. You lift your head to thank her as well, mustering a delicate smile as she carefully squeezes your arm in reassurance.
"Take care of my girl, Rooster," she commands lightheartedly, but he picks up on the weight behind her statement.
"Of course," he breathes, running his hand up your back to get your attention. "Ready to go, darlin'?" You bob your head in response, itching to get out of the sticky bar after having far too much attention on you. The interaction with Tanner replays in the back of your mind while Bradley guides you toward the back door with his hand rested on the small of your back.
Pete already has the Bronco parked by the back door when you guys reach the exit. He pulls the door open just before Bradley's able to reach it, stepping aside to let you two pass before bowing his head at Bradley.
"Appreciate the help, Mav," Bradley affirms, which Pete just shrugs off as a silent way of telling Bradley it's the least he could do. Pete makes sure you're both in the car before walking back inside, sympathy overtaking him at the image of you deflating in your seat.
The car ride is comfortably silent outside of natural road noise. The fact that Bradley has no idea where you live dawned on you about ten minutes into the drive, but you don't bring yourself to ask where he's taking you. Preferring not to be anywhere that Tanner can find you.
Your friendship hasn't gone much farther than hanging out when he visits the bar, other than the few times Natasha invited you to meet everyone at her place when you got off. Oh, and the movie night everyone had at Bob's when you offered to be their DD when they'd still been around by last call. Yet, you trust Bradley enough to feel at ease as he navigates the nearly vacant streets of San Diego.
"We're here," Bradley announces, putting the Bronco in park after pulling into his driveway. He glances at you with a comforting smile, rushing to hop out so he can open your door for you. You gracefully accept the hand he offers you, climbing out of the truck timidly. His hand finds a home on the small of your back again, acting as a guide while he leads you to the front door and lets you both in.
"Your place?" You think out loud, as he unlocks the door, gesturing for you to enter before him. He grins, suddenly feeling sheepish as he drops his keys on the small table next to the door.
"Yeah," he nods, scratching his neck. "I figured you shouldn't go home. Is this okay? I can take you somewhere else if you want."
"This is perfect," he blows the air out of his cheeks at your assurance, making a point to lock the door before guiding you to the living room. He gestures to the couch, which you gladly plop down on, relishing in the plush comfort of the cushions while Bradley watches you.
"Can I get you anything? There's water, tea, and probably even a few beers left from the last time the guys came over," Bradley curses himself for sounding so soft, though you don't seem to mind.
"Water would be great," your supportive smile is the first Bradley's seen all night, sending his stomach twisting in knots as he retreats to the kitchen. While he's gone, you take time to study the living room, your smile widening at the old family photos with his parents along with various pictures of the squad scattered across the shelves. The room is tidy and smells subtly of cologne, it's coziness urging you to melt further into the couch.
Bradley freezes in the doorway, secretly admiring how cozy you look in the safety of his house. I'm screwed, he thinks to himself, shaking his head to rid himself of being awestruck by you. You glance in his direction at the sound of his feet shuffling across the floor, graciously accepting the glass he slides in your hand.
"Thank you," you whisper, clearing your throat after taking a sip of the cool water before placing the glass on the coffee table in front of you. Your body stretches back into the couch as Bradley fills the space next to you, making a point to leave enough room so that you don't feel claustrophobic.
A thick silence falls over the room, neither of you knowing what to say now that you're alone. The impending conversation weighs on both of your shoulders while the two of you look everywhere other than at each other. Bradley speaks after several moments of grueling silence, unable to bare the elephant in the room.
"I'm so sorry for not vocalizing my suspicions sooner," the apology surprises you, not having anticipated the softness of his response. Part of you assumed he was going to be angry with you for not fessing up and asking for help when you had the chance. "I mean, I know you don't play basketball, and then I saw those bruises on your arm, but I didn't feel like it was my place to pry. I should've just said something before he had more chances to hurt you." He frowns at the newest blemish on your lip, scabbed but still fresh with only being a few days old. The bruise on your cheek has faded into a dull yellowish green, time giving it enough time to kickstart the healing process.
"It's my own fault. I was dumb to ever get involved with him," you croak, downcast eyes trained on the floor. "My friends told me he was a walking red flag and I didn't listen. I willingly fell into his trap on my own accord. So please, don't apologize for not saying anything sooner because it's been my fault all along. Your questions were all I allowed you to do."
"Hey," Bradley whispers, wordlessly asking for consent to cup your jaw in his hand, his thumb gently swiping the tear gliding down your blemished cheek after you nod in approval. "None of what he did to you is your fault. You hear me? I don't want to hear you blaming yourself for a man that didn't know the first thing about treating you right." Bradley's voice is gentle as he addresses you, not leaving any room for you to feel insecure in being with him. He never wants you to feel small again, and you won't as long as he has anything to do with it. "He had no business laying his hands on you in a way that misconstrued love as violence. The blame is solely for him to carry, not you. Okay?" His eyes plea that you absorb everything he's telling you. He needs you to understand that Tanner is the perpetrator at fault, not you. The tears flooding your cheeks are indication that you're grasping what he's telling you, but he has to be sure.
"I need to know that you're hearing me Darlin'," the statement is more of a request as he wipes at more of your tears, his heart quenching at the subdued sob that forces its way out of you. All you can do is nod, not trusting your voice. "I need to hear you say it."
"I'm hearing you, Bradley," you sniffle, stammering over the knot in your throat. "The blame isn't mine." With that, more choked sobs erupt from your body, encouraging Bradley to pull you into his lap without caring whether it's the appropriate move or not. Your lack of opposition assures him that you're okay with him holding you while you come unglued in his embrace for the second time.
Countless encouragements that he's got you and that you're going to be okay quietly float from his lips while you melt into him. The innocent closeness brings you a small sense of the relief you're craving. His softness allows you to feel safe enough to simply let yourself accept the truth and feel all of the emotions you've been numbing as a form of self preservation for the last few months. For the first time in months, the breaths filing your lungs aren't clouded by heaviness because an inescapable weight has lifted from your chest. You bask in the weightlessness of your breathing, the sensation bringing a fresh round of relieved tears. Your sobs transition into meek sniffles as Bradley patiently comforts you, his own tension releasing when he senses that you're going to be okay.
"Thanks for rescuing me," you murmur after a few moments of quiet, thankfully allowing him to rid your cheeks of the final evidence of tears. Bradley loses his own breath when his eyes fixate on you again. Though your eyes are bloodshot and glazed from crying, cheeks flushed with a delicate pink tint, Bradley swears you've never looked more beautiful.
His hand tenderly cups your cheek again, his eyes the softest they've been all night as he drinks the sight of you in. The rational side of him wants to curse himself for being so enthralled by you at such an unfortunate time. You just experienced one of the most humiliating nights of your life, and spent the last twenty minutes broken in his arms for God's sake. But all rationality escapes him as he soaks you in, completely defenseless against the relentless adoration beating against his ribcage.
"I'll rescue you any time it's needed Darlin'," he promises, and you know he means it. You bask in the comfort of his arms for the rest of the night, enjoying the lighthearted conversation and the way he seems comforted by your presence. In the dim light of the room, with a TV show softly playing quietly in the background, you eventually lull to sleep, Bradley's steady heart beat being the last thing you remember before succumbing to the delicate darkness.
A/N: That's it!! My first TGM fic is on the books!! I've got various works in the making, but this one flowed so naturally as I was writing and I'm ecstatic to share it.
There's a part two dancing in the back of my mind, but I'll let feedback and continued inspiration decide whether or not the story continues or ends here.
Tagging some moots/pages that I enjoy. Feel free to request whether or not you'd like to continue being tagged in future fics <3
Tags: @glen-powells @bradleybeachbabe @writingshae @happilycameron @rosiahills22 @roosterforme @avaleineandafryingpan @fandomxpreferences @fanboygarcia
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
Helloo! I read your written about isao shinomiya and it was amazing!
Can you write another one about him like if he get jealous :) ?
Yes I can, and here it is below!! Thanks for your patience and for your support!! I’m so happy you like my work and I’m always glad to help bring your ideas to life so I appreciate you choosing me for the task!! Much love and I hope you enjoy🥰❤️🫶
Director Jealous- I Mean, General
Isao Shinomiya x gn!reader
Warnings: none
A/n: I made up the Platoon Leader character, just fyi :)
You sighed, setting your lunch tray down with a bit more force than intended, the loud clunk of plastic hitting tabletop reverberating through the dining hall. It was another fine day at the Ariake Maritime Base but you were so exhausted that you decided to take your second meal break early. Being Chief of Staff was certainly no joke—you always had meetings to attend, battle plans to write out, training to keep your body in top shape. You loved your job, though, because it made you feel like you were truly making a difference in the Defense Force. It certainly didn’t hurt that rising up the ranks allowed you to spend more time with Director General Shinomiya, who you considered a coworker, and was the man you’d been hopelessly in love with for an embarrassingly long time. You didn’t mind pining from afar since the prospect of approaching him with a topic of anything but anti Kaiju tactics was much too scary. You also weren’t worried that someone else would confess romantic intentions to him before you ever could because his gruff demeanor and no nonsense attitude certainly weren’t causing people to fight for his affections.
Not that people were lining down the block to steal your heart, either.
You sighed again, this time taking some food to your mouth in an attempt to enjoy your meal. The saying is correct that it’s lonely at the top: you’d worked so hard in your career that you had no time for a significant other and you rarely saw your family due to other obligations. Even friends were slim pickings here at headquarters since most people in First Division wouldn’t chance talking to a superior like yourself in such a casual way and the rest of your peers were either gone on business trips or holed away in their own offices nonstop.
“L/n, right? Chief of Staff?”
You turned your head to face the person standing next to you. You recognized the smiling man as a First Division Platoon Leader. You nodded, allowing him to continue.
“Wow, I never see you high rankers out here! Can I sit?”
He motioned to the seat next to you and again, you nodded. He was right that the higher ups weren’t in the dining hall too often. You usually chose to eat in your office, trying to get as much work done as possible at all times. Today was a rarity for you in that you really needed a break. You also really needed a friend, so you let him talk your ear off as you munched away.
“I’m Kiyoshi Kato, Platoon Leader. Of course, you probably already knew that. Anyway, I’ve been working on this idea for a smoother evacuation plan…”
Kiyoshi then delved deep into his well thought out plan. You wanted to be frustrated that you couldn’t escape work in the one place that no one ever gets work done, but you had to admit, his idea was genuinely smart. You saw where improvements could be made, but overall, it was pretty solid.
“I’m impressed, Kato,” you said, giving him a hearty pat on the back, “you made some really good points in that idea of yours. Why don’t you type up a proposal and run it by my office later?”
You had never seen someone’s eyes light up quicker than his did in that moment.
No one had ever seen a man’s eyes darken as quickly as Isao Shinomiya’s did when he saw you speaking with and smiling at a subordinate. As he stood in the doorway of the dining hall, an unfamiliar squeeze of his heart was harshly felt. He had come by your office earlier, hoping to catch a glance of you and exchange pleasantries, but when you weren’t there, he frowned deeply. Where could you be? You were always in your office. In fact, he walked by there so often he inadvertently learned your schedule. It was only 11:30am; you usually didn’t leave for lunch until 11:47am. Lo and behold, he found you at the dining hall, much too early and off schedule for Isao’s liking. He wanted to walk forward and break up whatever moment you two were sharing, but he found himself unable to move, his gaze frozen on the scene in front of him. You had been smiling that wonderful smile of yours, but something was horribly wrong—your hand was resting on the back of another man. Isao’s own hand was clenched in a fist by the time you moved away from the mystery man, and his boots hit the ground with a heavy thud of each step as he finally reached your table.
“L/n. When you’re finished with your meal, I need to speak with you.”
The words left his mouth before he could convince himself it was a bad idea to approach you. What he was going to speak to you about was yet to be determined, but he knew he couldn’t stand seeing you with this other man for another minute.
“D-director General, sir! I was just leaving, sir!” the man saluted nervously, turning to you and saluting you as well before clearing his tray in a hurry. Isao wanted you to have friends, but you deserved to be around someone who actually understood you, someone who was of a higher caliber and rank.
Someone like him.
“I think you scared off poor Platoon Leader Kato,” you joked, letting out a laugh that rivaled the lightness of a feather.
“Hm. If he’s that scared of me, he shouldn’t have that job,” Isao said, his harsh tone holding more disdain than usual, but you didn’t seem to notice.
“I’ll be on my way. Enjoy your meal,” he told you, quickly turning on his heel and all but running out of the dining hall. He needed answers, quick.
“Narumi! What do you know of a platoon leader named Kato?”
The Director General found himself in the middle of the disheveled room of the man who knew almost everything about everybody in the First Division—Gen Narumi. That is, if this Kato guy was powerful, anyway—if he was a weakling, Narumi wouldn’t have the slightest clue as to who he was. Isao didn’t know whether he preferred the guy to be strong or a bumbling fool.
“Huh? Why are you being so loud so early?” Gen questioned, emerging from a pile of blankets with his handheld gaming system.
“I don’t have time for your games, Narumi, this is important.”
“Fine, fine,” he groaned. “Kato, huh? Name rings a bell. He’s smart but his strength could use some work. Why, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Isao snapped, way too fast to avoid suspicion by the dark and light haired man.
“Oh, really?” Gen asked, a sly smile working its way on his lips, “‘cuz I think you’re lying.”
“I’m leaving,” Isao said, walking away, but Gen spoke up once more.
“This is about y/n, isn’t it?”
Isao stopped dead in his tracks. “Don’t use our Chief of Staff’s first name. I won’t tolerate that kind of blatant disrespect.”
Gen raised his hands in surrender. “Alright, sorry. This is about L/n, isn’t it?”
Isao’s silence was all Gen needed to know his assumption was correct.
“He didn’t try asking them out, did he?” Gen wondered, his eyes wide.
“He better not have,” answered Isao, his blood pressure steadily rising. “Did he mention doing such a thing?”
“No, it was just the first thought that came to mind.” Gen was furiously slamming the buttons on his gaming console. “Now that I can see you’re clearly jealous for whatever reason, would you care to tell me why?”
Shinomiya wanted to be surprised that Gen guessed correctly, but he figured that he was being much too obvious about his interest in you that even the man who never took his eyes off the screen in front of him could see right through the lovesick director.
“I’m not talking about this with you, Narumi,” Isao grumbled. “I actually have to get back to work. Unlike someone.”
“Whatever you say, Director Jealous,” teased Gen, wearing a knowing grin. Isao so desperately wanted to chew him out for being so, well, Gen, but he had to get back to his office before you got there. Without a second glance, Isao exited the room with a slight slam of the door. Walking down the halls, he pondered Gen’s words. Was he actually… jealous? The Director General, jealous of a platoon leader who dared to speak with someone Isao was fond of, but never declared himself to be? He scoffed internally.
I’m like a child with a schoolyard crush.
He checked his watch and cursed. You’d be arriving at his office any moment and he was still pretty far from his destination. He doubled down on his speed, eventually throwing himself in his desk chair, acting as nonchalant as possible with 30 seconds to spare.
“Director General? You wanted to speak with me?” you asked, knocking on the door.
“You may enter.”
Isao tried to calm his beating heart. It was from all the fast walking, of course, not from the prospect of seeing your lovely face sat across from him.
No, not that at all.
“How may I help?” you chirped happily, taking up a spot in the chair in front of the Director’s desk.
“What did Kato want from you at lunch?” he inquired, not wasting another moment to get to the bottom of this. The real question was, how would Isao react if Gen’s first thought was right—if Kato tried asking you on a date? He felt murderous intent slowly creep up inside him and he tried to shove it down while he waited for your answer.
“Oh, that! He had a fantastic idea regarding evacuation routes,” you answered. “I told him to prepare a proposal and we’d look it over when he was finished. Nice man. Very intelligent.”
“I’m sure he is,” Isao said, clasping his hands and resting them near the bridge of his nose. “He didn’t… ask anything personal, correct?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
You looked very confused. That was a good thing, meaning Kato hadn’t approached you with romantic intentions, but Isao didn’t know how he’d explain such an odd question. Was now the right time to tell you the truth?
“L/n, listen. I…” He stopped. You were looking at him with such kind eyes that he didn’t how to form a sentence. It had been many years since he fell for somebody, and now that a person has finally stolen his heart once more, he couldn’t remember how to act accordingly.
“I didn’t like how he encroached on your free time with talk of business,” he said, a half truth coming from his mouth.
“I promise he didn’t bother me, Director. I took lunch early anyway. He probably tried to find me in my office first.”
“No he didn’t,” Isao mumbled, but you caught what he said.
“How do you know?”
Uh oh.
“I know because… I was looking for you at that same time,” he admitted, trying desperately to suppress the blush that threatened to overtake his cheeks. He was a grown man, for heaven’s sakes, he shouldn’t become a bumbling mess when talking to a person he found attractive.
“Oh? You must really enjoy talking to me, then, if you were searching me out prior to my impromptu meeting with Kato,” you gently joked.
“I do enjoy spending my time with you, yes.”
You didn’t falter. “Well, I’m pretty fond of you as well, Shinomiya.”
“I didn’t like how friendly Kato was with you,” he finally blurted out, the silly confession making him wish he was anywhere but within those four walls of his office.
“Am I wrong to assume that you’d wish that was you taking my up time at lunch instead of him?”
Isao’s eyes widened slightly in shock. “How did you…?”
“I had a hunch, that’s all,” you said, wearing a coy smile. “Shall we discuss your jealous tendencies over a coffee sometime? Maybe, say, 11:30 tomorrow morning?”
Isao was never the type to be taken aback so easily, but it felt like his world was being flipped completely upside down right now. It was like being on a rollercoaster, but he didn’t think he ever wanted to get off the ride—not if you were there next to him.
“I’d like that, L/n,” he answered, his softened eyes betraying his normal stone-like expression.
“Good, I’m looking forward to it. If you’ll excuse me, I have to text Narumi a thank you.”
Isao resisted the urge to growl out profanities. He was gonna kill that meddling kid!
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eileenslibrary · 7 months
can I request a modern time zhongli x reader age gap trope where in the reader is 22 and zhongli is 31, it's like a CEO x secretary scenerio almost like a sugar daddy kind of relationship but a wholesome one, it could be suggestive but not smut
Rainy Day Curry
A/N: This is a long one, and you can tell where I got hungry and very invested and lonely, I also struggled with the sugar daddy part but I did add a little bit to introduce the dynamic because I don't work with it a lot but I hope this answers your ask Iand that this fills you with warmth reading it the way it did writing it.
Modern! CEO Zhongli x Modern Assistant F! Reader
(Facial features, body shape, and skin color are not mentioned and any readers who may align with her/her or she/they are welcome to this work of Fanfiction)
Warnings: Rain a lot of rain, OOC Zhongli (For like two seconds), Cats, Cheesy movies (The Princess Bride), spoilers (The Princess Bride), falling in love, Tumblr being toxic and gaslighting me about character limits, Good food that will make you hungry, Pure fluff, Sharing a bed.
Song recs: (It's been a) Long Long Time by Kitty Kallen, Come Away With Me by Norah Jones, Sunrise by Norah Jones, La Foule by Edith Piaf, Bygone Days by Joe Hisaishi, The Time Of Cherries by Tokiko Kato 
What kind of chocolate would Zhongli be? Dark chocolate with caramel filling and sea salt on top of course.
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Cold fall rain pours on the tall buildings. Cars driving down the wet streets, you type out a document on your monitor the light illuminating the barely lit room, only a few lamps that cast a warm orange glow across the room keeping the atmosphere from being uncanny, you sip hot tea from the mug its calming aroma wafting through your senses providing warmth through your bones. Your boss works on the other side of a big burnt umber door with gold embellishments. He is currently meeting with Ningguang CEO of Jade Chamber Bank or JCB for short, you put the mug down and stretch your arms above your head looking over at the time 2:57 PM, eighteen minutes until the meeting is over then you can go home.
You sigh and finish your tea, standing from your chair letting your legs stretch and wake up for a moment, then walking towards the kitchen to wash your cup placing it on the drying rack. You hear Zhongli’s voice as he opens the door for Ningguang “When should we meet again for the finalizing?” She inquires “I would discuss that with my secretary she knows when I have a free day.” He hums peeking his head out the door to see if you’re there “Very well then, It was pleasant seeing you again Mr. Zhongli” You walk back into the room as Ningguang goes to leave “It was nice meeting you Ma’am have a good afternoon” you say nodding your head towards her, she sends you a smile “Nice meeting you as well secretary” she waves her hand back at you her gold heels clicking on the marble floors towards the door and walking into the hallway. You smile at the woman her confidence radiating wherever she goes, you go to head back to your desk but Zhongli’s silky voice stops you “Can you come in here for a moment?” “Yes sir” You Respond walking towards his office he holds the door open for you, and you walk over only for you to plop down in one of the comfy seats in front of his desk. He sits in his office chair his amber eyes focusing on you as he laces his fingers together and his elbows on his desk “I have a proposal for you” he hums “Oh? And that is?” You ask genuinely curious. “I need a companion of sorts” he looks away from you ‘Is he embarrassed?’ you wonder “What kind of companion?” tilting your head to the side and slightly raising a brow he takes in a deep breath “I need you to be my girlfriend” he admits his eyes meeting yours, you feel your face heat “Mr. Zhongli t-that's widely unprofessional” you look down at your palms “Wait before you assume” he puts a hand up “I simply need you to help me out for a few weeks, I need to stop relieve some stress” his voice remains steady “It’ll come with pay” his eyes making you nervous as you look at him “Can I have time to mull it over?” you ask looking at the clock on the wall 3:15 PM “Yes, please give me your answer as soon as possible so I can have time to prepare” he sighs. You agree and quickly slip out of his office pressing against the cold wood of the door. 
You sit back down at your desk, the rain pattering the only thing making noise. You try to get as much work done as possible but your mind is swimming, but you come up with your answer. You stand up and walk to his office door knocking on the wood “Come in” his smooth voice resonates, you step in and your ears perk up at the soft jazz he plays from his small speaker “I have made my decision.” “Oh?” He looks up his eyes gaze curiously at you “I have agreed.”
He grabs your hand his wide gloved palm and slender fingers warming your cold hand, he shifts the umbrella so it covers you more “Mr- I mean dear there is no reason to do that” his shoulder getting the blunt of water “It is quite fine love” His warm eyes stare at you “I- we can just go to my apartment it’s only two blocks away” You invite as Zhongli tightens his hold “Fine if you think that is best” you were originally going to dinner for publicity but it began pouring and you refuse to get sick any less Zhongli. You bring him to your apartment building, close the red umbrella, and walk into the elevator clicking your floor. The tan walls and black rails give Zhongli nostalgia like staying in a nice hotel out in Fontaine, he watches as you dig into your purse for your keys pulling them out of some hidden pocket “I wish they would just give us some damn pockets on our pants” he hears you groan making him chuckle under his breath, you send a playful glare his way zipping your purse back up. You stand in silence as the elevator finally approaches your floor opening the doors, “Ladies first” he hums placing his hand on your lower back noticing the reddening of your cheeks.
You stride into the hallway and find your door unlocking the door, and stepping in. Zhongli closes the door behind him taking off his shoes and placing his wallet and keys in the basket where you put yours “I’ll go find you a sweater, feel free to make yourself at home” you call as you walk further into your apartment, He looks around at the pictures hung on the wall, the nice but cluttered kitchen, the small dining table pushed up against the big window next to the balcony door, the living room with a few plants in the windows. You come back holding a black and beige sweater and a pair of black pants, you also now wear a fluffy hoodie with white pet hair on it and a pair of shorts also covered in pet hair  “Here this should fit you, oh let me hang that up to dry for you” You trade off the clothes and you disappear into your bathroom hanging it up in the closet where you dried your clothes and kept your towels “Alright bathroom is yours” you hum walking into the living room “Thank you” Zhongli walks past you as you pick up the clutter from the coffee table, he closes the door and undoes his tie and his undershirt hanging it up on a hanger next to his coat as well, he unfolds the sweater and pulls it on doing the same with the pants. He takes off his gloves and his hair tie and puts it in his coat pocket combing through his hair, he hears you turn off the weather channel to see when it’ll stop. He walks out “How is the weather looking?” he asks stepping up beside you and noticing a small white cat on your lap “It won’t stop raining until later tonight, I can drive you home if you’d like” you offer looking up at him, blushing slightly as you admire his long hair now free from that tight ponytail “Do you want me to go home?” he questions “No of course not, it’s just well, I- to be honest I hate being alone on rainy nights” you pet your cat as she purrs louder, Zhongli tilts your chin to look at him “Then I’ll stay” you nod “Well I don’t have much in my fridge, and we haven’t eaten yet. How about we order something?” You offer, and pick up your phone much to your cat's dislike “Sure, since our plans have been foiled, what do you suggest?” He hums “Pfft, you make this sound like we are plotting villains or something” You chuckle “But I do know this good Sumeru curry place that does take out” You pat the seat next to you for him to come sit. He smiles and does so, your cat surprising him by stretching and finding a place in his lap “What’s her name?” he asks scratching under her chin “Lettie it’s a character from Howl’s Moving Castle” you sigh stroking her long soft fur, he feels you lean against his arm “Here are the options you can get” Zhongli feels a warmth spread through his chest at the simple act he watches as you scroll through the menu recommending your favorites “How about this one?” He points to one that looks very good “I was thinking of that one too” you hum leaning your head on his shoulder, you call the restaurant and place your order with some butter and garlic naan on the side. 
You grab the remote “What should we watch?” you inquire “You pick, dear” he looks at your expression watching as your face pinkens at the nickname “Are you all right with Princess Bride?” Zhongli surprises himself as he lets out a laugh “I never thought you’d be into that kind of movie” he exhales in contentment Lettie’s tail moving in disruption you chuckle with him “I am gonna go grab a blanket I’ll be back” you stand up and go into your bedroom coming back with a fluffy weighted blanket you turn down the lights and turn on a lamp that casts a comfy orange light setting a warm and romantic atmosphere, Zhongli lifts the cat so you can slip some of the blanket on his lap you switch on the movie.
There's a knock on the door “Let me get it” Zhongli whispers “Okay, let me pause the movie” You sit up from his chest and grab the remote pushing pause. Zhongli slips off of the couch and to the door grabbing his wallet and handing the man a ten-dollar tip “Thanks man, stay warm” the guy says “You as well” Zhongli hums closing the door, bag of food in his hands he walks into the kitchen and sees your already there with two bowls, a plate, and silverware all waiting “Would you like some water or anything?” you question grabbing two mugss from a cupboard “Do you have tea?” “Mhmm, I have Green, Jasmine, or Earl Grey” You look through your lazy susan “Green, please” You put the bag on the counter, filling up your kettle with water and putting it on its stand so it can heat. Zhongli washes his hands the aroma of lemon and mint resting on his hands, he walks over and puts the curry into the bowls and the naan and rice on the plate, he hears the kettle beep, and as you start steeping the tea. He looks back over his shoulder letting the gentleness of it all fill his heart with warmth, he walks over to you “Can I hold you?” he whispers into your ear “If you want to” he quickly wraps his arms around you and nuzzles his face into your neck your hair ticking his ears “Are you alright?” you inquire “I realized it’s been so long since I’ve held someone like this” even if it was for pretend he can pretend with you. His hot breath warms the cold spot on your neck your heart swells at the sweetness of the moment, like sitting by the heater on a snowy day reading with hot chocolate and cookies. You lean into him “I could get used to this” you mumble focusing on the tea, you hear your cat run down the hallway the little jingling bell on her collar announcing when she is nearby, and her little “Mrow?” and trills when she can’t find you or feels left out. You snort as she runs into the kitchen weaving between both of your kegs “Is it dinner time Lettie?” you tease your wide smile making your speech slur a little, Zhongli presses a kiss behind your ear unwrapping himself from you “Thanks I needed that” he clears his throat “Any time” you hum “Do you want me to feed her?” he asks picking up her food bowl “If you would that would be great, it’s in the fridge second shelf purple can.”
You both sit back down on the couch and resume your movie, shoveling the hot food in your mouths scratching that persistent itch as the curry fulfills your cravings.
In the end, Westly gets Buttercup, Inigo, and Fezzik are close friends, everyone lives happily, and the boy has a wonderful memory with his grandpa.
"Let's head to bed" you yawn "Where am I sleeping?" he yawns himself "Don't be silly, there's enough room in my bed for the both of us." "That woul-" he tries to interject "It's my job" He sighs but smiles and follows you.
And now two people and a cat cuddling under soft blankets as cold fall rain patters against the glass.
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awritersstuff · 9 months
I saw that their wishes were clear and a wonderful wish came to my mind. If the sword leaders' girlfriends were found strange by people and called her crazy, because theire girlfriends are someone who dresses strangely and colorfully, and in a city like Sword, people find her strange because she is always positive and calm :) (For example, the, such as the reader wearing headphones and dancing in the streets This is the kind of thing that Japanese people would find strange)
Thanks for the request!
She is crazy but she is mine ❤
Cobra -
He wants to protect your happiness because if we think about mugen cobra he was the same always happy and positive. He loves your happy personality the way you bring colors into his day without even realizing. You are for sure the only person who can make him smile like an idiot. On your wedding day he confessed to you " thank you , for bringing meaning to my life "
You are his emotional support system and he treats you like his baby doll . You deserve all the happiness in this world and when someone says something rude to you about it , rocky will take no time in finding that person address and barging into there house to beat the shit out of them .
If he is with you no way In hell you are dancing on the streets alone , he is dancing with you . You both are moonlight x sunshine, both are bright but you are sunshine because you are full of hope . If someone tries to bully you or even try to be mean to you I believe that person must pray for there life's.
At first he thought that you were kinda weird because how could someone be soo hopeful In This hopeless world. But he later understood that maybe we need hope to survive and yes you are his hope . One thing I can confirm you that daruma ikka loves you specially daruma babies and Kato. If someone tries to be mean to you then before hyuga daruma ikka will reach them . Don't even think about leaving him he NEEDS you , you are his oxygen.
Sunshine x Sunshine protector I said what I said . He literally thrives off your energy and hope . He is nither too energetic nor too tired he is just neutral but sometimes he is really tired so just let this boy cuddle close to you. Let's be honest everyone is a little weird in nameless town so you are no different. You x p x yuu , troublemakers of the group . Smoky tries to ignore fights as much he can but not when someone hurted his loved once he will very disrespectful beat the shit out of them , will not take rude boys with him because it is his personal matter.
That's it , thanks for reading and I hope you like it , love you 💜💜 byee
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stanathanxoox · 2 months
Did You Make This?
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gif not mine
Prompt by @me-writes-prompts
^^ “Did you make this?” “Yes…is it not good? I’m sorry.” “No, no. It’s good, heck, it’s great!” - Adrian Raines x reader
You had been busy in the kitchen since finishing work, Adrian was stuck in a meeting that didn’t require you to be there so you had ended up back down in the penthouse cooking up a storm. It was only a couple of weeks since the two of you had officially become a couple so you wanted to impress him with your cooking skills, in a way that you had tried countless times to do with the numerous dates that had failed before even meeting the man of your dreams. You’d just finished putting the cheesecake in the fridge to set whilst the vegetables simmered and the meat for your main course cooked when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“What have we here?” you hear him whisper in your ear
“Oh, hi Adrian. I thought your meeting would be for a little while longer so I was cooking for you” you say nervously turning in his arms to look up and see warmth in his blue gaze.
“You cooked for me?” he asks a little bit stunned and you nod
“I hope that’s okay, I know we normally order take out after a meeting or you cook for me but I wanted to surprise you” you say and he smiles placing a kiss on your lips to silence you
“It’s okay Y/N, my sweet. I can’t wait to try it” he says, before letting you go and heading towards the bedroom to change into something a little more comfortable.
When Adrian returns to the kitchen less than five minutes later your platting up the main meal. He smells it and smiles
“That smells delicious” he says and you smile a little hesitantly
“Well I hope it tastes delicious too” you say as you put the plate down in front of him and he takes the first bite of meat and vegetables together, your on your way back to the table with your own plate of food when he asks
“Did you make this?” 
“Yes…is it not good? I’m sorry.” you say, looking down at the plate in your hands ashamed that again you seemed to have failed to impress anyone with your cooking “No, no. It’s good, heck, it’s great!” he says as he gets to his feet and takes your plate out of your hands, placing it on the table so that he can wrap his arms around you
“My sweet, who had you doubting yourself so much?” he asks and you look away from his gaze, not wanting to answer his question, embarrassed by the answer. 
“What is it?” he asks
“Its embarrassing” you say, feeling vulnerable all of a sudden, like the impossible age gap between you is finally rearing its head. He tilts your head up and says
“I don’t care whether its embarrassing Y/N, it apparently has effected you and your self-esteem. So why are you doubting yourself so much?” 
“My exes, guys I used to date and try to impress, I would try to cook for them and they would tell me that my cooking is sh*t” you say admitting to him of your failure.
“Don’t ever doubt yourself again my sweet, okay. What you’ve just cooked is incredible and I have years of experience of what good food tastes like okay. Please, come and join me at the table? And enjoy this delicious meal you made” he says and you can’t help but swoon at the words that leave his mouth. Your doubt hadn’t completely disappeared but it was no longer screaming at you as you sat across from your boyfriend.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
Tag List for Pixelberry fics: @cordoniaqueensworld​, @aworldoffandoms​, @desiree—1986​
Tag List for Open Heart: @melissagoodwill​, @lady-kato​, @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​, @cxld-play​
Tag List for Adrian Raines: @krishu213​, @adrianrainesworld
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violetsaffron5 · 2 years
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| Ao3 | Discord 18+ | Series Masterlist | Taglist | Chapter 14 |
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13 | Lure
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Pairing: Gojo Satoru x f!Reader
Pretending to be married to infiltrate a golf club due to suspicious curse user activity is all fun and games until you discover a few interesting secrets kept behind closed doors
words: 4069
an: lots of dialogue this chapter, sorry!
Check out the masterlist for my next Gojo series: Life of the Party
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“Look at all of this beautiful land and I supervise every inch of this little slice of heaven,” Masuda states while dramatically opening the French doors that lead out onto the terrace of the Golf Club you’re currently at.
The view you’re met with is outstanding. Clean cut grass with pristine gardens, with more flowers than you could ever hope to recognize, surrounding a large pool just below that members are swimming in. Several of them lounge around on inflatable beds while others hold glasses of wine letting their legs dangle into the cool, clear water of the pool. Groundskeepers can be seen in the distance ensuring everything about the lawn is to perfection.
“Let’s go chat in my office.”
Your heartbeat quickens as Satoru grabs your hand, lacing his fingers in with yours, leading you inside. He turns and gives a soft smile as if he felt your heart skip a beat too.
After the night over Tokyo the two of you started dating, and  when you broke the news to Shoko, Utahime and Nanami, not a single soul was surprised. You could have sworn even Ijichi mumbled a “finally” under his breath before becoming disinterested in Satoru’s rambling about the nights after, to your mortification.
Suguru was also disinterested and not at all surprised. Satoru invited him to have dinner with the two of you a few nights ago, but he declined, stating he would let the two of you have your time together. You weren’t totally shocked he didn’t want to be near you, but Satoru had said not to take it personally, that Suguru was just bummed to be “officially” losing his wingman.
You have a nagging suspicion there’s more to it than that.
Right now, you find yourself on a mission with Satoru at one of the most elite Golf Clubs Tokyo has to offer. There’s been a string of curse user activity in the area and Satoru was the one assigned to come and investigate. Shoko still hasn’t signed off on you returning to work, even after healing completely, but that didn't stop Satoru from insisting you join him.
“Wow, Harvard and Yale? This is great stuff,” Masuda says, turning back to both of you, looking at the files you had provided on yourselves, filled with fake information.
It was decided you’d be going in, posed as humans with normal careers, and best to keep Satoru’s surname from being used, since his clan is so prominent. Of course, anyone related to Jujutsu in any way would recognize Satoru, so you’re using that to your advantage to try and scope out reactions to seeing him.
There wasn’t a lot of information from Ijichi on who, if anyone, is a curse user at the facility. It could be the man sitting in front of you, or it could be one of the waitresses.
And either the man in front of you isn’t a curse user or he’s a damn good actor.
“Kato-san, do you have trouble keeping up with your wife’s employment?” He looks at Satoru as he sits at a chair on the opposite of his desk.
As Satoru takes a seat, he easily answers, “not at all. It’s easy enough when you’re C-level. Though, I imagine any other man would have issues keeping up with her.” You don’t miss the way he flashes his eyebrows and gives a sly smirk to the man across from him, as the man across from him clears his throat.
“And how long have you been with the UN, Kato-san?” Your cheeks heat at the use of the same last name used for you.
Satoru thought it would be best to meet at his apartment and leave from there, since his penthouse is much closer to the Club than your apartment or even the school.
Exiting the elevator to the corridor his apartment door is on, you hear some commotion from inside. Stopping at the door, with eyebrows knitted together you reach out to grab the knob as it opens to your surprise.
“You’re annoying,” a kid with spiky black hair resembling a sea urchin stands in the entryway, looking up to you with the most disinterested face you’ve ever seen a kid make.
“Bye, Gojo,” a girl with soft brown hair and a pink dress says, “come on Megumi, we’re going to be late.”
She looks up to you and gives a radiant smile before grabbing the younger boy's hand and shuffling him out into the hall, down to the elevator.
“You forgot your- oh hey,” when Satoru sees you, he smiles, setting the bookbag in his hand down on the kitchen counter.
He’s already dressed and ready to leave for the club in black slacks and a button up shirt matching the color of the dress you picked out for today’s endeavors. He looks you up and down, looking at the way the dress cinches at your waist and hugs your curves in the most alluring way he’s sure he’s ever seen.
Crossing the space between the stairs and entry way he makes his way over to you, pushing you back against the door, his lips on yours in a heated kiss as his hands work their way up your thighs to the hem of your dress.
“Mm, Satoru, you’re going to rip my dress.”
“I’ll buy you another,” he moves to kiss below your ear and down your neck as you place your hands on his chest and push away slightly.
“And we’re going to be late if you don’t stop.”
Pulling away, he pouts slightly before digging around in one of his pockets and pulling out a ring. Grabbing your left hand, he easily slides it onto your ring finger while you look up to him in confusion.
“It’ll be easier to pretend if we both have rings. Less questions,” he whispers as he kisses your lips again.
The ring is absolutely gorgeous, but you know the school didn’t provide this as a prop, so he had to have made this purchase on his own. It’s a double halo white gold wedding ring, with a diamond set in the middle.
“Wow... this is stunning,” you say, looking up at him with wide eyes. He smiles back at you.
“Good. I’m glad you like it. It suits you.” He says, as he puts a simple silver wedding band on his left ring finger.
“Were those your kids?” You ask, making your way into his kitchen where Satoru grabs little square glasses to go with today's outfit, rather than the usual round ones he sports.
“Yeah. And I want you to meet them soon too.”
“Three years, one in Belgium and two in Japan,” you smile at Satoru and notice he’s holding his left hand up to his lips, playing with the wedding band he’s wearing. “Working in human rights is so rewarding.”
“Mhm. I bet you get to rub shoulders with some very powerful men. Those UN parties must be something, huh?” He states with a tone you can’t quite place, but it makes Satoru look up from what he was doing and feather his jaw.
You laugh and smile awkwardly, waving off the man in front of you.
“Satoru finds them tedious, so I’m always looking for a more enthusiastic plus one.” You have a flirtatious tone in your voice as you place a hand on Satoru’s thigh, he meets it with his own, leering at Masuda.
“Uh….” He starts, seeing Satoru’s gaze, “I don’t think we’re going to have a problem green lighting your application. You should hear back from the board in about a month.”
“We were actually hoping to join the club as soon as possible.” You scoot closer, placing one hand on top of Masuda’s, letting energy flow into him.
He looks up at you with puppy dog eyes, “would today work better for you?”
“So much better,” you whisper back.
“Well, one probationary membership for the week, coming right up!”
“Two,” Satoru interrupts, a forced smile plastered across his face.
“Ah, right. Two it is!” Masuda corrects himself.
You giggle, more for Masuda’s benefit than anything, “how did we get so lucky to have you help us today?” You ask, smiling at him.
“You know,” he leans forward, “I would be more than happy to give you a personal private orientation tour,” he licks his lips, resting his head on his hand looking you up and down.
“We don’t want to take you away from your busy work.” Satoru cuts in, voice cold, crystalline eyes behind his glasses fixated on Masuda, flaring his nostrils.
“Thank you for your time and help today,” you stand, giving him one last grin as Satoru grabs your hand and you walk out of the office together.
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The club provided the two of you matching white polos and shorts to wear as you explore the vicinity today. When you walk out onto the lawn, several members greet you with nice smiles and small waves, but none introducing themselves and none seeming to have a visceral reaction to seeing Satoru.
Looking around the pool, nothing of interest catches your eye but you see Satoru staring off at the tennis courts and decide to poke around over there.
“Nice backhand,” Satoru compliments one of the members, a woman wearing a similar outfit as yourselves along with a visor as he hits the ball against the cage of the courts.
“Thanks. My ex thought so too,” she responds, hitting the ball back once it makes its way over towards her again.
“Oh, that’s… nice.” You furrow your brows as she laughs, clarifying she was messing with you, since you’re obviously new. You purse your lips and nod in response.
“We’ve been traveling so much recently, I’m a little rusty,” Satoru says after introducing the two of you. There’s really no reason why you should be surprised at this point to find out Satoru can play tennis, after all, the man can do just about anything and be good at it on his first try.
“A big stiff one usually loosens me right up,” she comments, watching as Satoru throws the green felt ball into the air, hitting it gently against the cage. Each time it makes contact, the metal wiring rattles before bouncing back to him again.
“Excuse me?” You ask, instantly annoyed with the way she’s ogling his backside.
“A drink,” she says before winking, picking up a glass from next to her leg and chugging it. By the color, you’re guessing it’s straight whiskey.
Clicking your tongue, you nod your head, remembering you’re here for a mission and if she’s talking with the two of you, maybe she’d be willing to provide some information on other members, “I would love to get the scoop on this place from an insider. Do you have lunch plans?”
“Well, aren’t you just adorable,” she gives a wide smile before nodding her head back to the tables that line the cement next to the pool, where waiters and waitresses are taking orders for lunch. Satoru hits a few more balls against the cage before diligently following behind, taking a seat next to you.
“You met Masuda? He and his wife are part of an exclusive clique here in the club,” she rolls her eyes in annoyance before grabbing the glass of sparkling water one of the waiters poured.
“Who’s his wife?” You ask, looking over to Satoru, you notice he’s staring out into the garden, focused intently at whatever he’s looking at.
“Hina. She’s a real bitch”. You can tell, despite the water she’s drinking, she’s starting to slur her words. you and Satoru look in the direction she’s looking, trying to stifle a giggle, spotting a tall brunette, in white shorts talking to one of the waitresses who scurries off quickly. "I’m so curious what they do behind closed doors,” the woman mutters absentmindedly.
“What doors would those be?” Satoru asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Every month, they have an invite only wine tasting here. I’ve never been invited.” She scoffs.
“Sounds juicy. When is the next one?” You ask before hearing commotion behind you. Turning around you see a waitress had dropped a drink on Hina, who is now standing, rage in her eyes yelling at the poor girl.
“I think I heard it’s tonight.”
“That’s convenient.” Satoru turns back around, taking a drink of his own water.
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“We are so grateful you were able to let us join tonight,” your arm is hooked onto Masuda’s elbow as you walk through the halls of the clubhouse, heels clicking with every step on the marble flooring. Satoru has a frown on his face as Masuda places his hand on Satoru’s shoulder, it’s clear to you that he’s trying to hide his dislike for the man. You’re sure he even has a small layer of his infinity up to prevent the man from actually touching him. “After today, we could just really tell you guys are our type of people.”
The rest of the day at the clubhouse went by smoothly, neither you or Satoru finding any information that seemed of use and not finding any traces of residual cursed energy either. After going back to Satoru’s penthouse in the afternoon, the two of you decided it was best to try and work your way into the gathering happening tonight to see what you’re able to find out.
“We normally don’t let newcomers join our little soirees,” he says, looking back at you, “but, I think everyone will like you quite a bit. You’re just so eager.” Satoru snaps his head to Masuda as he says this. You look at him with wide eyes, shaking your head slightly to stop him from making a snide comment.
Masuda moves away from the two of you, so you let your hand fall and find Satoru’s, lacing your fingers in with his. “Just one thing before we go out, this isn’t your typical wine tasting,” he turns back around and opens double French doors that lead to the pool.
There’s music that’s playing loud enough that when the doors open, your ears are assaulted by the bass and the vibrations running through your body, starting from the soles of your heels to the top of your head. When you were here earlier, there’s no way you would have guessed the doors kept out that much sound.
Several of the members are running around, giggling and chasing one another, some in swimsuits, some naked. In the pool, people are drinking and laughing, some making out. You swear one couple is having sex, while a few others move closer with lust filled eyes, their intention to join them.
“Hey, you two!” You hear someone call. Looking over, you find Hina waving you over, “come on over, waters perfect!” She’s in a hot tub large enough to fit at least ten people, rubbing another woman’s back, Hina leaning over their shoulder letting her lips ghost the woman’s neck.
“Oh boy,” you take a deep breath at the sight before you, squeezing Satoru’s hand as you try to quell the restlessness forming deep in your stomach. No matter how hard you try, no matter the fact that you fed from Satoru before coming here - nothing could have prepared you for this.
Satoru moves in closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “if you can’t handle this, we can leave,” he whispers, his hot breath tickling the shell of your ear.
Clearing your throat, you look up at him and take another deep breath. “I’m okay,” you smile to the best of your abilities, “we have a job to do and I need to expect the unexpected. Just- stay close.”
You’re without a swimsuit, not having expected to need one, the two of you exchange looks before shrugging, stripping down to your bra and panties, Satoru to his boxers. When you get into the hot tub, Satoru pulls you onto his lap, keeping you close to him. 
“Oh my, your ring is to die for! Tell me, how did he propose?” Hina elates, watching you two with a grin when you place a gentle kiss to Satoru’s cheek.
“Oh, um…” you hadn’t prepared to answer this question, so you think quickly, “we took a vacation to Okinawa Island, we were walking along the beach one night. As the sun was setting, he started telling me all the reasons he loves me and that he couldn’t wait any longer. Then he got down on one knee. It was very romantic,” you babble before turning to him, pressing your lips into a line, and shrugging.
“That sounds very special. You two are clearly still very in love,” she says, smiling at you and Satoru.
“We are,” he says, surprising you, tucking some hair behind your ear, and causing your cheeks to flush.
You move off Satoru’s lap to sit next to him in the hot tub, “so, not all members are invited to these soirees of yours?” You ask as Masuda walks over in a red silk robe, the emblem of the Club etched into the lapel.
“They are all valued members but not everyone is a… team player.” he answers, grabbing some food off a tray that was brought over by one of the waitresses.
Satoru leans over, pulling you close as Masuda and his wife are busy picking hors d'oeuvres off the platter, “I don’t think Masuda and his wife are hiding anything.”
Just as Satoru says this, Masuda unwraps his robe, revealing his dark blue speedo, hopping into the hot tub next to his wife.
“Yeah, well, I wish he would hide some things,” you have a look of disgust on your face as Satoru chuckles.
“Also, I think I saw someone I know here earlier during lunch, but I can’t place from where,” he whispers before kissing your neck, nibbling on your ear. Closing your eyes, you feel your body responding to him, a jolt of electricity straight to your core before taking a deep breath, remembering your surroundings.
“Can you stop? I’m already having a really hard time; this isn’t making it any easier.”
“Sorry…” he says, shuffling away slightly but moving a hand to your thigh under the water to your annoyance.
“What are you two whispering about?” Masuda leans in close to you as he asks, breath smelling of onions and garlic from the food he just ate, causing you to scoot back, closer into Satoru.
“Oh nothing, just our plans for tomorrow.” Looking over, you see Hina with her head cocked towards Satoru, eyes roaming over his exposed shoulders and chest, he looks at her and smiles, quickly flashing his eyebrows.
“Why don’t you take the glasses off, it’s nighttime after all,” she tries to move closer and remove them, but he instinctively leans back.
“No, I’ll keep them on.” He responds, causing her to jut out her lower lip in a dramatic pout.
After a few moments and a few other members coming over and introducing themselves, you decide to get out of the hot tub and walk around the pool, checking out the rest of the party. Masuda was able to get red silky robes that match his for you and Satoru to dry off and walk around in.
“This place is filled with positive energy, it’s part of the reason I love it so much,” Hina says, Masuda’s arm wrapped around her waist, “you can just feel the energy flowing between us.”
“And don’t worry, we’re very discreet.” Masuda chimes in, almost a whisper with a wink.
There are men and women lounging about on lawn chairs, some cuddled into one another kissing, others watching, biting their lip waiting for the right moment to ask to join.
“We, um, didn’t realize, before we came here tonight.” You mutter watching two women next to you take off their robes, pulling each other in for a passionate kiss as their hands roam around each other's skin.
“Oh, I did. In our interview, coming onto me with your husband watching. I knew you’d be a perfect fit.” Masuda says, giving a creepy grin.
“Or showing up tonight without invitation,” Hina grabs the belt of the robe around your waist and slowly pulls it while biting her bottom lip.
“You’re both just so-”
“Unfortunately,” Satoru interrupts, grabbing Hina’s wrist, a little too hard judging by the way she winces slightly, stopping her, “we have an early morning planned. Maybe next time.”
“Right, a-another time.” You take a deep breath before clearing your throat, trying to resist the urge to take off your clothes and really liven up the party.
Satoru grabs your hand, leading you back into the club house, in the small room you were provided earlier in the evening to change in. While he’s busy putting his slacks back on and buttoning up his shirt, you sit on one of the wingback chairs biting your thumb nail.
“Hey. You okay?” Satoru asks, placing two fingers under your chin so you’ll look up at him.
“Yeah, I’m alright. This was just a lot.” He nods but waits patiently for you to finish changing before heading back to his place.
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The next day, you two find yourselves at the club again, hoping today will be the day you actually find a lead about the supposed curse user activity going on, but your hopes aren’t high.
When you arrive, the same woman from yesterday flags Satoru down, so you tell him to go play tennis and chat with her to see what else he’s able to find out about the members while you look around the grounds to see if you can spot anything out of the ordinary. 
You’re not really too keen on seeing anyone who was at the party last night, and could use some time alone today.
Taking your time, you head over to the gardens and look at the bushes and flowers, taking in the open space. It reminds you of the school in some ways, open, freeing, with a gentle, cool breeze blowing.
You place your hands on the flowers and bushes, letting your energy flow into them, like how you did when you were first showing Satoru your techniques, so many months ago. The flowers are already gorgeous, but with a little help they bloom a little wider, color a little brighter.
Satisfied with how they look, you move on to search around the wooded area of the acreage, not really finding anything out of the ordinary.
“Hey!” You hear a voice call from behind you. It’s a voice you’ve heard before, matching a face you know you’ve seen before, but you can’t quite place from where.
“Uh, hey… you,” you smile at the man with short dark hair and beautiful green eyes.
“It’s me, Aoyama Kenji, from the nightclub a few months ago. Your boyfriend interrupted us.”
“Oh, right.” Something feels off, but you can’t place what it is, but there’s something different about the man in front of you now, compared to the last time you had seen him. “What are you doing here?”
“I work here,” he states matter-of-factly, but you don’t believe him, because why would he wait until you were alone in the woods to say something to you.
“How long have you worked here?”
“Just a few weeks.” Nodding, you reach your hand into your pocket to grab your phone, the uneasy feeling settingling in your stomach when the realization dawns on you that the curse user activity that was reported started a little over a month ago.
But you don’t sense any cursed energy from him, not in the slightest. And sure, you’re not as great about sensing that as Satoru, or even Nanami, but you should have been able to pick up on it at least a little.
Unless he’s totally human.
You pause for a moment, thinking that possibility through, but unfortunately it’s all the time that’s needed for another hand to come from behind you, holding a cloth to your face.
“I know you’re wondering. My technique allows me to mask the cursed energy of not only myself, but of those around me,” Aoyama’s voice is hazy as your vision starts to blur, a wave of nauseousness washing over your body before the dizziness sets in.
“Seriously? Not again.” You manage to mutter before passing out.
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taglist: @q-the-rockaholic @greenlovers @naorizenin @a1hina @plants-w0rld @patat-boi @rlvslouis @littledemoness15@thisbicc @nothisispatrick300 @km7474 @missyasma @hecatesflames @arisucat @creolequeen11210 @imperatorkhaleesi @xiaosie @the-loneliest-girl @violetsapplejuice
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rainisawriter · 1 year
Ikuzo Temera!
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Well, I wasn't planning on taking requests on this account because it was supposed to be just for original fiction, but High&Low runs my life so here we are (ॢ˃͈ 𖥦 ˂͈ ೀ)
All information listed here is subject to change at any time, so please give it a once over before each request, thank you!
If you want to see a list of all my current WIPs and ideas, please click here. If the link doesn't work, PLEASE let me know!
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The following characters can be requested for romance or friendship!
From Sannoh Rengokai: Cobra.
From White Rascals: Lassie, Heidi, Koo.
From Oya Koukou: Nakaoka, Nakagoshi, Tsukasa, Fujio, Murayama, Yasushi, Shibaman, Tsuji.
From Rude Boys: Smoky, P, Takeshi.
From Daruma Ikka: Futa, Agyo, Kato.
From Mighty Warriors: Bernie.
From Senomon: Suzaki.
From Ebara: Shoji.
From Housen: Yuken, Sachio.
From Suzuran: Rao, Itou.
Everyone else can only be requested for friendship or family fics as I don't feel comfortable enough to write them with romance.
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Below is a list of things you cannot request from me:
Death of a main character/reader.
Character x Character.
NSFW (if you're looking for some great 18+ fics for H&L, @star2fishmeg and @straysugzhpe has you covered!)
Attempted suicide (I might consider self-harm if it's not too graphic.)
Rape/Attempted sexual assault (mentioning it as a past event is okay.)
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To get the best possible result, please include the following in your request:
The character you want.
The overall theme/genre.
A general plot point (just saying something fluffy with x is not enough. I need something to build off of, please!)
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I write reader insert or first-person fics while trying to avoid using names or Y/N. Though I try to keep them gender-neutral, there will be mentions of her, she, etc.
These will also be posted on my fanfiction blog and eventually on my old Tumblr blog.
I reserve the right to deny any request that makes me feel uncomfortable or if I feel like I can’t properly capture what’s being asked of me. Thank you for your understanding!
~ Rain
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alias-sam · 7 months
Pierced by a Golden Soul
Chapter 39. (Don't Fear) the Reaper Part 1
Platonic Jojo's x Reader
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
Word Count: 2,967
(Crosspost from Wattpad, full fic is already posted there.)
"Umi! We're here!" Vita called as he led you inside his home.
"Sommar?" A woman wearing a hijab stepped out into the entryway to intercept a hug from Vita. She was young, but her face was unjustly aged by stress and exhaustion. The smile that crossed her face upon seeing her son was genuine and warm.
"Sommar....?" You murmured to yourself in quiet confusion.
You were caught off guard at first when you came upon the large three-story house. Noticing your surprise as you walked up the driveway, Vita explained his father owned a rather successful oyster and fishing business. Before that moment you never really stopped to wander about what Vita's home life was like.
Apparently, he was loaded.
Now you were standing in the entryway of the fanciest home you had ever seen as Vita hugged his mother. When the two eventually separated, Vita's mother turned your way.
"You must be Sommar's friend." Her voice was gentile, and fairly quiet.
"Yes ma'am. Y/n Jones." You nodded and politely shook the woman's hand.
"Wonderful to meet you." She pat her son on the shoulder. "Dinner isn't quite ready yet. You two go ahead and do what you need to do. I'll let you know when it's done." Vita ushered you through the large house to a staircase.
"So.... Sommar?" You asked as you followed Vita to the second floor. It had occurred to you that Vita exclusively used his last name at school.
"Right." He sighed, ducking his head for a moment. "Guess I never told you my first name."
"Why don't you use it?"
"I just don't like it I guess." Vita shrugged. "It's the name my birth father gave me." He suddenly stopped on the steps in front of you and turned around. "I'd prefer if you kept calling me Vita."
"Sure, no problem." You smiled. Vita nodded appreciatively before bringing you down a long hallway to his bedroom. He opened the door and you followed from behind. "Oh... wow." The walls were plastered with a unique assortment of movie posters and anatomical sketches of various insects. Your attention was drawn to one poster in particular. "Tsukumojuku Kato?" You mumbled, reading the jumble of letters at the bottom of the movie poster. There was a picture of a boy, looking whimsically off into the distance while holding a magnifying glass. The stereotypical image of a Sherlock Holmes-esque detective came to mind just looking at the character.
"He's the main character in a book series, 'The Locked Room Mysteries'." Vita commented, coming to stand next to you. "Not many people like the movies, but they're my absolute favorite."
"What's the series about?"
"You wouldn't believe me." Vita giggled. You looked at him unimpressed. Vita sighed. "A lot of people don't like the story because it's completely insane. I enjoyed reading it because of the insanity. Sometimes something can be critically bad but ironically good." You still didn't look impressed, in fact you had only grown more skeptical. "I'll tell you this:" Vita relented. "One minor turning point in the mystery involves an invisible polar bear. I won't say anything else because I don't want to spoil anything."
"What about these?" You asked, shifting your gaze to your friend's bookshelf. It held a collection of numbered books that were lined up so that the design on the spines formed the image of a boy wearing a pink suit and a weird hat.
"Pink Dark Boy. It's my favorite manga series."
"I can see that." You laughed looking at the bookshelf filled with only the manga series and it's merchandise. Before you knew it you were curiously flipping through a random volume. "You told me about these before." You stopped when you found yourself unable to read the words. "Are these in Japanese?"
"Yep. There isn't an official English translation of it, but I learned the language."
"Impressive." You flipped through a few more pages, admiring the artwork. "These are some great drawings. A little gory..." You mentioned as you came across a rather detailed image of a disemboweled spider. "But intriguing."
"Rohan Kishibe is the best!" Vita assured you excitedly. You could almost see little stars appear in his eyes as he gushed about the artist. "If you'd like, I could translate the first few volumes so you can read them."
"I'd appreciate that." You said, closing the book and putting it back in its rightful place. "Maybe you could teach me a thing or two in Japanese." You turned to your friend, only to find Vita staring off into space at the wall. "V?"
"Right!" Vita's head suddenly snapped to the other side of the room where a few shelves with glass cases were situated. He removed the tops from two of the glass boxes and retched a hand in both. Soon, Vita returned to your side with a beetle gently cradled in each hand. "These are Harvey and Rodger!" Vita held up the creatures so that you could get a good look at them. "Harvey here is a Rosenbergi beetle I bought while my family was visiting Indonesia." You took a slight step back as the gold-colored beetle tried crawling out of Vita's outstretched hand. "Rodger is a Dorcus Palawanicus my mom bought me when she was visiting the Philippines."
"Lovely..." You smiled wearily at your friend. As you watched the creepy crawlies roam around on Vita's hands your memory flashed back to a comment Tim had made.
This wasn't necessarily a red flag, just a quirk. You hoped so at least.
"There's also Jacques, Enzo, and Johana." Vita pointed back at other glass cases scattered around the room. There were so many beetles, all from different parts of the world. You kept a fair distance as Vita returned his pets to their glass enclosures. As he was tending to that, you noticed a TV and game console tucked away on the other side of the room.
"I didn't know you like video games." You said, curiously picking up a game cartridge. "37 Cars on Mars?"
"I don't think I could explain that one even if I tried."
After you initial exploration of Vita's room and subsequent introduction to the beetles he called his friends, you and Vita got to work on your project. It was a long arduous process, but with each other's company it wasn't so bad. Every once in awhile if Vita noticed you losing focus, he'd make a comment or joke to keep you engaged. When Vita looked like he was dosing off you would ask a question about his beetles. Despite his quirks and obvious social ineptitude, he was a very passionate about his interests, as well as a hard worker. Two hours later you and Vita finally decided to take a break. Due to your combined efforts, the project had progressed faster than expected. At this point, you were practically finished. You leaned back, stretching out your back. Vita wobbled over to his bed and collapsed onto it face first.
"Tired?" You asked sarcastically. Vita rolled over to face you.
"Yes." He groaned. "But I guess it's not so bad." Vita smiled. "You've been fun to work with."
"You too. I wouldn't mind doing this again." You replied, standing to once again look over Vita's extensive Pink Dark Boy collection. As you were flipping through what looked like a special New Years addition you heard a loud car's engine. Vita's eyes widened before he suddenly bolted up and ran to the window.
"You have got to be kidding me." He groaned. Confused, you followed your friend. You looked outside where a red car rolling up the driveway. The monster of a vehicle shut off and a man stepped out.
"Who is that?" You asked. He was an older man, his hair and beard were already a mixed gray and white. You got a good look at his scowling face as he stomped towards the house's front door.
"My stepdad." Vita sighed. "He wasn't supposed to be back for another few hours." Your friend glared down at his front yard before heading towards the door.
"He doesn't look very happy." You observed before turning to Vita. "You don't seem all that happy either." There was an obvious shift in Vita's demeanor that you just couldn't ignore. His expression had darkened, similar to how he looked when you met up with him earlier.
"Dinner's ready." Vita's mother called from downstairs just as he was reaching for the doorknob.
"Would be rude to keep them waiting." Vita grimaced before turning to your concerned face. "This should be interesting." With that, Vita led you out into the hallway. The light in Vita's eyes had exhausted. It was worrying how dull his demeanor became. He didn't say a word as he led you through his house. As the two of you were passing by an adjacent hallway you saw a silhouette out of the corner of your eye. Intrigued and confused you stopped in your tracks and took two steps back to peer down the darkened corridor. A pair of bright yellow eyes stared back. You jumped back immediately from shock. Vita stopped and looked at your panicked expression.
"W-who?" You stuttered, pointing down the pitch-black hallway at the approaching figure.
"What are you talking about?" Vita went to your side and followed where you were pointing. "Oh, hi Mannesh." Vita waved as a younger boy stepped into the light where you could see him. "Jojo, this is my brother Mannesh." Vita happily introduced you.
The younger boy looked like a slightly shorter version of Vita. Both boys shared a sepia, reddish-brown complexion. Their hair was the same dark brown, but Vita's hair was more wavy in comparison to his brother's loose curls. You noticed the most striking difference between the two was their eye color. Mannesh's eyes were a distinct shining yellow, while Vita's were a deep red-orange.
"Nice to meet you..." You held out an awkward hand to the boy who'd just jump-scared you.  It was a bit pitiful that you were shaking at the sight of a nine-year-old, but in your defense it seemed the brothers shared an innate ability to be intimidating without trying. Mannesh glanced at your hand before sidestepping you and heading downstairs.
"Don't take it personally." Vita chimed upon noticing your expression. "He's... not all that social."
"It's fine." You assured.
"Mannesh has his quirks. One of those misunderstood kid geniuses, ya'know? He'll be nicer if he doesn't see you as a stranger."
You and Vita came downstair just in time to watch Vita's stepfather stomp through the living room. He glared at Vita's mother before shoving the door to an adjacent room open and slamming it closed behind him. Vita's mother smiled nervously upon realizing you Vita and Mannesh saw the interaction.
You did your best to ignore the awkward atmosphere created by Vita's stepfather. Though, it was hard not to notice the tired and depressed expressions around the quiet dinner table. The koshari was delicious, but the mood spoiled it. There was enough tension you could cut it with a knife.
It wasn't until twenty minutes later when Vita's stepfather finally reappeared. He padded into the kitchen and upon coming back to the dining room with an open beer in hand. Vita's stepfather stopped in the doorway to look at you strangely. You stared back upon noticing him.
"Hi..." You greeted cautiously. He was intimidating, the stereotypical image of an old sailor, white hair, beard, and a face squinted into a permanent scowl. He seemed a fair bit older than Vita's mother.
"Who the hell are you?"
"A friend?" You answered, highly confused.
"Sommar who the hell is this?"
"A friend." Vita responded curtly, not looking up from his plate. The man growled and turned back to you.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Visiting your son?" You answered, still confused by the sudden interrogation.
"Get the hell out of my house."
"Um-" You glanced around the table before looking back at the man. "Why?"
"Why?" The man mocked your voice. "You did not get my permission to be here." You once again looked around the table for some kind of cue or help from Vita or his mother, but their eyes were both downcast.
"Are you being serious?" You were oddly tempted to laugh given the situation.
"Deathly." The man seethed. Vita tensed and looked like he was about to protest, but you decided not to escalate the situation any further. You had no idea of what was going on, and didn't want to cause any trouble.
"Alright then." You stood up from the table, looking over to Vita's mother. "Ma'am thank you for the meal. It was lovely."
With that, you simply left the house. It was around time for you to be heading home, and you were done with your work anyway. You looked down the empty street as shadows crept across the ground from the shifting storm clouds above.
"Y/n wait!" You turned about to find Vita running after you. The front door of the house flew open.
"Sommar!" Vita's stepfather yelled. "You better get back in here!"
"I'll be back in a minute!" Vita snapped, surprising both you and the old man. Your friend waited until his father closed the door to speak again. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, you could also sense a hint of embarrassment. "I'm really sorry about all of that. I should have warned you."
"It's fine." You tried reassuring the boy. After facing a gaggle of guys who you knew literally wanted to kill you, this was nothing. "Some people just have bad days. I get that."
"Everyday is a bad day with him." Vita looked down guiltily. "He...doesn't like having people over, he's paranoid about things getting stolen."
"You don't need to worry about it. I for one can handle a grumpy middle aged man-" You stopped mid-sentence as you noticed Vita wobbling, and his face turning a shade lighter. "Are you okay? You don't look so good..."
"Y-yeah-" Vita responded airily. "But maybe I should sit down." The guy looked like he was about to fall over, so you weren't going to argue. You helped him down to sit on the concrete driveway. "Sorry, I just got dizzy for a second."
"No need to apologize." You insisted while making yourself comfortable sitting next to him.
"Believe it or not this is what a good day looks like for me." Vita laughed humorlessly.
"Severe anemia, weak immune system, and a constant vitamin deficiency no matter how many supplements I take. That's just listing a few." Vita coughed dryly. You had seen Vita's eyes light up, darken, flare with anger, but right now, he looked empty compared to the creepily cheery character you knew. "I'm a whole cocktail of broken parts." Vita did his best to hide it, but you noticed the shine of tears welling up in his eyes. "But it's fine. I still lead as normal a life as I know how. I'm a bad fever away from a coffin anyway, might as well live as best I can."
"Vita..." You trailed off, caught completely off guard from the sudden confession. He seemed really out of it. His head was bobbing slowly in every direction as if it was too heavy for him to keep up. You noticed his skin still looked sickly, and lighter than normal. Ultimately, you decided to let him talk. Vita obviously had some things he needed to say. The least you could do was listen.
"It's kinda sad really." Vita continued, letting a single tear roll down his face. "I spent my whole childhood in and out of hospitals to the point my only friend growing up was my own mother." His shoulders shook as he held back a sob. "She left behind her life and family in Cairo to marry an asshole and move to America-" Vita's voice cracked and he took a moment to steady himself. "All for me...I guess that's one reason I never quite got along with classmates. I wasn't healthy enough to attend in person until middle school. I went in with no knowledge of social cues whatsoever." Vita shook his head and wiped away a few stray tears. "I don't really care what other people think, I never have. But that doesn't make it less lonely." He paused and looked up at you with reddened eyes. "Maybe that's why I like you so much Y/n. You're weird, like me."
"We both have terrible dads, that's for sure." You muttered offhandedly. "I guess we don't particularly take a shine to normal social activities either." You didn't understand how that made you 'weird' like him, but you decided to roll with it.
"Indeed." Vita breathed, expression finally lightening. "I'm really glad that fate or whatever brought us together for this project. I know you were really intimidated by me that first time we talked, but you were nice enough to never spread rumors or spit in my face." Vita looked away sadly. "Or call me a freak."
"Those are some low standards buddy." You noted sarcastically. That made him laugh. You couldn't help but smile at the fact you cheered him up a little, the moment was spoiled for you however when you realized a light rain was sprinkling across your back.
"All jokes aside..." Vita sighed. "The first time we really talked... I got this weird feeling. This strange pulling sensation." His hand slowly went to his shoulder. "I don't know how to explain it."
"I think it's about time you head inside." You said, barely paying attention to what the boy was saying now that the rain was getting heavier. "Sitting out in the rain can't be good for your condition."
"It's not." Vita groaned. "Oh!" He said reaching behind himself. "I think this is yours." He had your umbrella. You had left in such a rush earlier you forgot to grab it.
"Thanks." You said, taking the item back gratefully. "See you tomorrow?"
"Not if I see you first." Vita responded with a smile and awkward head tilt.
There was the usual creepiness you were missing.
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lexiriouse · 1 year
I'm new here oh god I'm nervous
Heya I'm Moukato!! call me mou, kato or anything you like.
I use he/him and I take requests for genshin characters! But I only do male characters x m!reader, yk how female reader already have alot and I'm only comfy with male..
Updates will be slow. and I mean VERY sloww.. I rarely have the time to check tumblr, let alone my own askbox..
Since I'm only 19, I don't do NSFW requests, whether suggestive or direct. It's not that I can't, I'm just horrible at writing it.
I might take some time to learn how to do things on here. i came all the way from wattpad as a roleplayer ykyk. (please also roleplay with me I'm begging please)
I'm looking foward to my askbox being filled with requests! see ya soon~
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