#I have plenty more ocs from that era but those are probably the most visually interesting?
kiastirling-fanfic · 8 months
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Trying an a drawtober, once again with an OC-tober (from bweird's prompt list) October 3rd prompt: Oldest OC(s)
Fandom: PowerPuff Girls (circa 2002?), Harry Potter (circa 2004? 2005?)
Names (left to right): Nasea Malfoy/Nysa Key, Jade Finnagan, Lighting
Lightning is the oldest of the 3; while not featuring in the first ever thing I wrote that could be considered fanfiction, she and my other primary school friends' powerpuff ocs certainly predated me publishing/knowing that was a thing at all. All I remember is that they were in a DBZ crossover where each of them were tortured in very specific ways and Lightning escaped her torture chamber by going super saiyan. This is the closest I can recall to what she looked like. But I definitely drew her super saiyan a lot and with a saiyan tail so. that aspect of the character was persistent.
Nasea and Jade both featured in Harry Potter fanfiction that I wrote in middle school and published as storyquizzes on quizilla. Jade came first, a vampire attending Hogwarts alongside the Marauders who was a specifically malicious prankster and possibly murderer masquerading as a mary sue. I definitely described her wearing that exact t-shirt though.
Nasea featured in the same series of works as a 7th year transfer student (as was the trend in the 00s). I think she was secretly a mermaid and a seeress and lost her memories when the Death Eaters kidnapped her as a child and the Malfoys adopted her for some reason? Her mermaid form has blue hair. I mostly remember that Jade "pranking" her was kind of the first time we saw that hey actually maybe Jade is fucking evil. idk.
Where can you find them?: Hopefully nowhere? Is Quizilla even a thing anymore? If so hopefully they nuked everything from 20 years ago.
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blackwatchstray · 6 years
Rules for everyone not able to see the actual side, click on the tiny thingies, etc - and for me, if the browser crashes while I edit them to fit the thing
Don't be a scumbag. 
What does that mean? No random witch hunts out of personal vendettas, no starting wars about ships of any kind, no hating on Ocs (duh) or the insulting/hating on the portrayal of other people – simply put, I don't wanna be pulled into a war, especially yours. Your character can be the biggest piece of shit on the world, I really don't mind, go ahead but I really have little to no time to deal with people who make fun of others just to feel better with themselves.
If you want to pick a fight, you won’t have any success here.
No, thank you. However I'm perfectly fine if you decide to write what would happen if the plan of your character succeeded to lengthen your posts. I do that too after all.
As it stands – do not control my character. Unless agreed upon or for scenery changes aka moving from one place to another. For the sake of timeskips, scene skips, etc this is fine.
Don’t just assume a certain relationship to my character. You can always ask me and I’m totally fine if your character knows mine, especially if you're Black – or Overwatch, just don't expect them to be official lovers, friends or family. Everything else? Is fine. I won't forbid you to have a purely visuals based crush on Feral, for example. He has one on a certain Blackwatch member too, so there's that.
Please don't be intimidated by me. I'm as scared of you, as you are of me – probably more even.
On writing
I'd love to write with everyone but my anxious mind and horrible self-perception causes me to turtle and avoid reaching out. Even more so if a try for interaction ends in being ignored. So, if you want to write with me – are interested in Feral, by all means, come at me, send a meme, as random as it may be as long as it isn't romance or smut related I'll figure something out – and likely return to bother you later on. Still, all things combined I can be counted as semi-selective.
Universes/Alternative Universes/Crossovers
Given Feral is already – in one way or another – an AU version of my main RP character I'll limit interactions to the Overwatch universe and/or my AU verses listed under verses. If your character still works in these scenarios – as in for Overwatch a somewhat dystopian futuristic setting that I always feel hesitant to call Cyberpunk, you're more than welcome! Just please don't be upset if Feral might call your Robot character an Omnic.
More on verses
As it is now I operate on the following principle: Each version of Feral has one main verse. What this means? Everything that happens in the Blackwatch Era is in one Universe, everything that happens in the Recall universe is also one universe, and so on.
If I ever happen to get into the situation to RP with duplicates of canon characters, I'll break the former rule and set up multiple verses to the time era. I might then set up Mains though.
Hi, I'm slow and my mental health is giving me hell. Together with my other problems I tend to not get myself motivated to write, so when I say I'm slow, I mean I'm really, really slow. My sense of time is all kinds of fucked up and 90 days can feel like a week to me when it comes to writing. I'm sorry about that. I'm not disinterested, just fucked up.
From one line to paragraphs it really depends, on my mood, the alignment of the moon, how much something triggers Feral basically. Most of my writing is his thoughts because I like exploring those, so if you are one of those 'If I can't hear it anyways it doesn't belong into the RP' kinda people, you won't be happy here. You don't have to match my eventual wall of text anyways – as long as it feels like you put effort into it, that is.
Memes | Starters | and so on
Are free for everyone unless stated otherwise, or if they are smut. But please don't like starter calls if you will ONLY write ONE single reply and ignore the thread from there on. I hate that. Also don't like starter calls if you will never answer on the offered post – or at least tell me you don't know what to do with it. Otherwise you'll only shatter my motivation to write anything.
If you reblog a meme, please send something in or reblog from the source. I can understand if you don't wanna leave an IC meme but if it's just informative asks towards the character? It takes a second to send one random symbol in and save the day of a person.
I like Original Characters, more than canon ones at times. The universe has enough space  for unknown relatives, other former Overwatch members, civilians, random passerbys, superheroes and so on. Ocs give a universe more life and I like that. So you're welcome here.
You are welcome here but I am not responsible for you. If you choose to look at content not suitable for you, it's not my fault. But I'll do my best to make avoiding it easy.
Everything nsfw will be tagged! Innuendos and gross flirting however will not. Everything going beyond that, naked skin, descriptions, getting turned on by danger and or violence will be tagged by my nsfw tag. Everything getting a definitive mature/R-rating gets my tag AND the nsfw tag, just to be sure.
I am of age. Feral is of age. Still, given not a single nsfw thread (smut) of mine has EVER been finished. I'll just resort to accepting the unsaid truth that I just suck at smut rp and I will probably not pursue them any further. Allow me a second of salt here: Thanks past people, I got it now.
Violence, innuendos, invitations for sex will be here plenty. Feral's young version has a very twisted worldview that drives him towards a very promiscuous, risky and unhealthy lifestyle. Whatever it takes to not having to sleep alone.
And that should be enough warning for:
triggering content:
Feral's past is a mess ranging from child abuse, cannibalism, violence, murder, twisted worldviews, mutilation, body horror and other things. His future, aka Recall Feral isn't any better. And both will mention snippets of their life from now and then.
I'll do my best to tag those. Due to my vast uncertainty what might be triggering to people, I'll put a general 'dark places' tag on everything I deem eventually uncomfortable to people.
Shipping with Feral?
Is easier than you might expect – and oh so much harder than it will seem. He crushes easily, if you're after bedding him? Just be nice and he'll offer himself up anyways just to make your character stay. Pursuing romance however is a completely different deal. Your muse will have to work for it. It takes time, understanding and care. At least for the Blackwatch version. And due to the timeline of the blog, he will have lost your character one way or another in the Recall verse. Which is likely rather unlovable.
As a general note? Shipping is only enabled for Blackwatch Feral but I won't deny you the fun of trying to get Recall Feral back if you managed to win over his younger version
multiple partners?!
Feral is polyamorous. So if you're fine with polyamorous ships? Great! He likely won't have a problem with it. If you are not. Your character will have to explain it to him. So unless that conversation has been held, all ships will be in the same verse! Unless with duplicates of course.
How to pursue a ship:
See if the characters work out, just let it flow. Be courageous. If your muse tries to make a move on Feral and he doesn't want to, he will let you know. While it's really nice that people come to me and ask “would ship xyz work?”, I kinda feel like it's betraying the character. I'd rather let Feral have the choice than me.
Other blabla:
Feral's opinions aren't mine. Seperate RP from real life – meaning, if he hates your character, we could still be good friends.
I'm really awkward. I have a hard time talking to people unless they clicked with me or it is about one of my obsessions. Those being shadowrun, megaten, dragon age and some random animes I watched. But even those might not work at times.
English isn't my mother tongue and I suck at grammar. His fucked up accent during dialogue is intended though.
Also, hey, if you feel better with showing you read those, why not Like this?
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pawnshopsouls · 6 years
ooc/PSA! Moving toon!aus to ToonlyBones and keeping canon!bros here
//Okay so this has been on my mind a lot recently and I’ve finally decided to move the ToonBros!AU to my @toonlybones but there are definitely going to be changes. Firstly, any rp done with the Toon!versions of Sal and Bonely will be answered by @toonlybones from now on. More changes and their reasons are listed below!
//Ok so I dunno if this has been happening to anyone else but I’m having a lot of struggles writing my boys in their Toon!Verse and it’s mostly to do with the fact that I’m not having fun anymore.
//See, the whole thing with putting Sal and Bonely in the toon world was because toon shenanigans are FUN. They’re fun to watch, fun to do, and are a general relief from the over bearing angsty events IRL.
//I mean, in Bonely’s original Batim draft, he were bouncy, mischievous and had PLENTY of things that he could utilize his shenanigans on. Visual puns, gags, the whole shebang! And then there was Sal, the pious pied piper of the graveyard who could charm spirits with his songs and discipline unruly critters with his shovel or other things.
//But as I put them into the cuphead fandom, there came with it these kind of unsaid restraints??? Like, a lot of folks had really amazing ocs but as time went on, interacting with the fandom made it feel like cuphead characters & ocs had less actionable toon freedom than toons in Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. I mean, EVEN THERE toons in the real world had the ability to apply toon-logic to the world around them. A perfect example is the whole “Not any time, only when it was funny” gag thing - with the key word being “FUNNY”.
//I think Wally Franks from BATIM put it best when he said “Hello, you’re making cartoons! Your job is to make people laugh!”
//However, as I’ve been looking around in the cuphead community, it's mostly angst, tragedy, and sex. I mean, sure those are trademarks of the Mafia theme & era, but even when mentioned in cartoons it was done in such a way that it was entertaining to the viewers and probably the makers too. (Think “The Mask” but 2D!) But things have gotten so dark and there’s so little humor around anymore that bringing them out has been like bringing a clown to a funeral parlor. It doesn’t work and neither party enjoys the interaction.
//See, my toon boys are not “serious” toons - or rather, they weren’t meant to be. They were meant to be comedy+adventure centric toons (bc oneshot jokes aren’t really my thing) and so need to be involved in comedic adventures to stay happy. But most of the toons around have been very “serious toons” and in trying to play with the various “serious toons”, the Bros become overly serious themselves - to the point that I might as well rp the Canon!Bros since that would give them a bigger ability to interact and play off of the world(s) around them.
//So from now on I’m going play the toon!bros and studio!toons as kind of batim/”who framed rodger rabbit” cross over they originally were. They aren’t going to deal with things like a “serious” toon, where the effects are the same as if they were human. They are going to be toons. Wacky, funny, exuberant toons who enjoy the world as much as they enjoy their own shenanigans. I’m also going to stick with the
//Anyway, thanks for reading this and I hope you guys will stay on board for this big change to these boys. UuU
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