#I have so many feels about them after lantern rite hahaha
mahachi · 1 year
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“you caught me, blockhead!”
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would LOVE to learn more about lamia... 2 9 and 14 mayhaps? 👀👀
!!! I am more than happy to oblige, friend, thank you so much!!
(question source: "ask game: self-insert lore" by inserthaven)
2. when in canon does your self-insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance? - Lamia can technically show up at any time because she's a playable character freely available from wishes, but in terms of the actual story, she appears alongide Enjou when the Traveller first goes down to Enkanomiya! She is introduced as his assistant, but decides to stop working with him (or more specifically, for the Abyss Order) and make her way out to the surface instead after hearing about Teyvat and its people from the Traveller and Paimon. There’s a reason her title is “Abyssal Curiosity”, after all - she finds people interesting.
At the moment, I have it so that Lamia doesn't make any indication of her true identity to the Traveller even after Enjou reveals his, but maybe there's like one camera angle right at the end focusing on the back of her neck (where you can see her scaled spine) to kind of clue the player in. Maybe once Enjou transforms and sheds his disguise, Paimon can be like "uhhh did you know about this?! he lied to us!!” and maybe Lamia just says "What do you think? ^-^" and walks away and that's where that quest ends, hahaha. I’d like to integrate her more into the Inazuma arc of the storyline, possibly by moving the first entrance into Enkanomiya to during the second act so that she can be in Inazuma for the third?, but this is all I have for the moment~
9. who are your self-insert's closest friends? - Lamia tries to be friendly with a lot of the people she meets! It's her way of trying to fit in with others and so hopefully be accepted amongst them more easily. However, she's naturally quite enigmatic, so I wouldn't say she's actually close with a lot of people other than Yoimiya, since not many people actually know much information about her (it’s one of those dynamics where people think of course they must know a lot given how often and well they interact with her, but if you asked them lots of questions about her, they wouldn’t actually know any answers).
However, I have established that she and Sayu are quite close, since Sayu feels she can confide in Lamia and Lamia can always see through Sayu's disguises. I don’t really know what Kuki Shinobu is like yet since I’ve yet to meet her in-game, but I could see her and Lamia also being friends based on what I do know, perhaps inexplicably. Additionally, she was close with Enjou and looked up to him and his skills a lot, hence why she pestered him to teach her how to disguise as a human (though she didn’t quite get the magic as accurate as he did) - she hasn’t exactly seen him for a while though, so she hopes he doesn’t bear any grudge against her for abandoning their mission..
14. what hobbies does your self-insert have? - Lamia doesn't particularly enjoy combat, but she does like using her powers a fair bit, just to play around with them. She also uses them to help Yoimiya correct and test things like firework trajectories, changing their courses by either using her air powers or making very tiny and short-lived portals to send them through. Lamia is also naturally very curious, and loves learning new things about the world around her - for example, she wanted to go to Liyue when Yoimiya went for the Lantern Rite so that she could experience a different nation of Teyvat and see how things were different there (as well as to help Yoimiya with the fireworks and festivities, of course!). She isn’t overly academic and studious, but she does enjoy reading, as well as collecting flowers that she likes.
I hope that all of these answers are alright!! Thank you so so much again for this question, friend, it was very fun to write out the answers to ^-^
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iiasha-archived · 3 years
genshin anon! LOL yeah the violetgrass is an ascension material for xinyan! i would know... i spent forever hunting for it all the time :/ you can buy 5 from... the pharmacy in liyue harbor i think? you can buy 5 somewhere. also i saw you say you have her c5 lol. she's pretty good! her shield is pretty nice. got a long cooldown though, so i have her use the sacrificial claymore. lol yes plz put everyone back in i missed all the fun characters and i want to (try to) get them! (1/5)
(2/5) ah okay haha. i always have the english voices on for when i space out i still know what's going on lol. albedo's though.. so nice. want to replay his story mission just so i can listen to him ): yeah, they do say like chapter 1 or whatever so that really makes it seem like there will be more. oo bennett is nice. he's pretty versatile. you can have him just be a healer or set him up more to fight, which is nice. i tried using him a bit as a healer but idk it just wasn't meshing well for me
(3/5) ahh congrats on the lvl 10 friendship with chongyun lol. yeah im excited to get xiao there but like.. it'll be so disappointing haha. yayyy ill have his namecard woooo... and yeah so many of the new things look super cool! yeah i didnt watch the full video but i watch other people cover it oops lol. did you enjoy the theater mechanics thing from the lantern rite? it was kind of fun. it was fun when i played with my sister, but by myself was a bit boring lol.
(4/5) YES. there's never an incentive to pull on the weapons banner. i dont want to waste my primos on something im probably not going to get. like i'd love to try to get staff of homa for hu tao but i dont want to just keep getting crappy catalysts instead :/ itll take too long to hit pity and im not wasting that many wishes on that. i feel like standard banner could be free wish a day, and maybe weapon/character, one a week? or something. just anything to help a bit. its not like 1 wish
(5/5) is going to hurt anything. yeah it does force them to come on daily. the higher level things need SO MUCH stuff, it can take a few days to get everything. but yeah it does keep people coming back everyday to get things done. yeah having good artifacts is a big thing. ive been trying to work on my artifacts for my mains. its fun doing those with people in coop haha. and ooh nice! im almost at 45! rip world lvl going up soon.
god all the more reason i like........ don’t wanna level xinyan up even if i have her at c5 LMAOOO yeah i think i used her for a little bit but i’m not a big fan of long cooldowns :(
this conversation actually convinced me to put on other voice languages so i can get used to the other voices lmaooo so i have it on chinese now just to get a feel also it feels more authentic in a way i guess since the original is chinese and all voicelines/translations basically stem from that lmao. albedo’s is so nice to listen to i feel like i could fall asleep to it its like a damn lullaby lmao. 
yeah it’s crazy how for the overall story we’re STILL on chapter 1 like.... it’s been ages lmao. yeah i hear a LOT of praise for bennet, as soon as jean gets to 10 friendship (since she’s almost there) i’m probably gonna use him as a healer/attack booster for xiao unless i miraculously pull qiqi or something.
lmaoo whoo namecards... it’s not a particular trophy either unless you actually use it either like nobody knows unless you tell them or use it as your namecard.
for1.4 i actually just watched the brief trailer which (hopefully this isn’t spoilers or anything??? BE WARNED RIGHT NOW) but omgggg when it’s hinted that that big water boss is like lumine/your other twin BROOOO ARE WE ACTUALLY GONNA GET STORY DEVELOPMENT like. HOW long have we been searching for our sibling at this point ajkfslajd and ahhh at first i wasn’t that excited about rosaria but the trailer also made her look extra cool hehe
personally i didn’t really like it although i did play completely by myself. it was just boring to sit through lmao i think i only did a couple levels so i couldn’t buy all the things in the xiao market or whatever but i was like sitting through all this is NOT worth it for me lmao. it looks like there are some more mini games coming up in 1.4 hopefully they’ll be more fun
EXACTLY. i kinda wanted the jade spear for xiao because it fits his aesthetic so nicely but i wasn’t gonna waste primogems just for that lmao. yeah, something like that would definitely be nice to have lmaooo @ any mihoyo employees reading through my blog right now... *wink wink*
the higher level things are impossible i’m not even gonna bother trying to get things to level 90 lmao i’m treating the level 80 as the 100% at this point with leveling up fjdlakfds. after my embarrassing time in my last co-op i’m probably gonna start looking at more artifacts which is just like... sigh another thing to worry about lmao. i’m having enough trouble with the talents jafkldjda
at first i didn’t like the world level up bc i was worried i wouldn’t be able to keep up with it but honestly it’s been okay. especially once you get a 5 star on your team or a really developed 4 star its like. fine lmao. and it definitely helps maintain the game’s difficulty bc it would be no fun if things were too easy hahaha and then also + incentive to level everything up again
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