#I hope the commentary was fine!
creation-help · 2 years
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[trigger warning for passing mentions of murder... does that count as heavy content?]
could you review the design of my ace attorney ocs?
valerie n. toine used to be a rather successful defense attorney (look on the left with the sweater vest), but after losing a case while trying to defend her fiance who goes on to die in prison, she grows cold and bitter. she becomes a prosecutor (look on the right) and plots her revenge against the man who she deems responsible, which of course in the ace attorney universe means trying to murder someone and falsifying evidence while prosecuting the case. i really wanted her to look sort of romantic and lovecore-y overall, as love is a pretty big part of her story, but obviously she has to look well-put-together and somewhat imposing as well. and i wanted her younger self to look, well, younger and more sweet/care-free.
the second one is a bit of a self insert (and doesnt have a proper reference yet), his name is jack tryles, hes a law student who acts as phoenix wrights co-counsel for a while and who val ends up stabbing in an alleyway lol. he survives though, dont worry. being a self insert his design is kind of whatever i think looks cool than anything too based on his character/story, so id appreciate critique on more of a purely visual standpoint for him.
[Again mentioning that I'm not able to comment on anything regarding the Canon text here, as I'm not familiar with the ace attorney games beyond a pretty surface level]
Valerie N. Toine:
Lemme just say I'm very much enjoying the outfit design here, having her be lovecore aesthetically while her main conflict focuses on, ykno, love, is very cool! The fact that she has an engagement(?)/wedding ring in the Before version, while in the After version it's some other nondescript ring? Mwah. Also I just wanna say, the heart shaped buttons on the jacket, in the After version, wonderful detail. Though this all did make me wonder, what if the After version was more themed around like, heartbreak and grim lovecore instead of the positive kind? Not a criticism by any means, just my suggestion for if you wanted to make the change more dramatic (maybe like adding more black, deep red and wine colors, stuff like that). Depends on if you want a more artistic or realistic impression I think! However the After outfit (hair included!) is very good as is :] also I love how, in the small headshot, her hair is in a heart shaped bun.. Mwah. Again.
In my opinion the design has a good balance with not being too simple and not too complex, and despite what I said about the color scheme earlier I think you did great with darkening the colors on the After outfit, while still keeping energy from the first one. The lessening of white is a nice subtle touch, also, great color planning on your part for making the boots (2nd vers) the same color as her bell bottoms (1st vers)! Just a very cohesive well coordinated color scheme across both iterations. The glasses and the bow staying despite everything keeps a good bit of consistency.
I think you succeeded in having her look like someone to not be taken lightly (2nd vers. Obviously), she definitely looks very formal compared to the first version. More.. Angular, ykno? Mostly thanks to the clothes. I feel like maybe I'd also add something to her Person as well, to signify the change? Due to the art style ofc I can't know if you intended her younger self to look physically younger and springier (this is a reference drawing so I'm not judging that at all), but if not I highly encourage that!
Well put together - absolutely!
Imposing - hmm? I'm not saying she doesn't necessarily look imposing - she very well could depending on how she'd be portrayed visually but mostly, from comparing the two versions I moreso get a sense of "Professionalism vs. Chill and casual", and Mature vs. Carefree, ykno? The sharp shapes in her hair do well to further the more serious and imposing image but I feel like there could be a slight bit more, if you want her to look more intimidating. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I can quite put my finger on it. My overall opinion is that the design is Good, it works, it's cohesive, and I really can't reasonably come up with anything I'd seriously think should be changed. For a very subjective personal take, in my taste, I'd probably make it even more - dramatic, cartoony? Exaggerated?? But, that is all up to how you want to portray her. I personally like to get super into designing something unless I'm intending them to look plain or "normal" (human terms), however take this from someone who primarily does surreal or fantasy (and nonhuman) designs, haha. Really, I think this is great, skilled visual design and honestly I wouldn't say I'm extremely good at outfit design myself so, while adjustments or flavor details could be added - she totally doesn't need them! I honestly could've gone on more about the small details that change between the two versions but I'll just cap this off with saying Great work!
Jack Tryles (Can I just say that last name is so tasty in my mouth. Also is it a.. Pun? Like "trials"??)
Definitely a bit more visually busy, and although it could give off a more messy or chaotic impression I kinda like it. If we compare him to Valerie, she really does come off as very put together and composed. Not that he doesn't, though! Just by comparison.
The fullbody outfit has a fun combination of shapes that give it a good amount of visual variance. There is slight asymmetry with the positioning of the pins and other accessories but he still keeps a fairly professional image - just one that's lots more personalised and customised than Valerie.
I would say, maybe the jacket could also have pinstripes like the pants? I find it a small bit inconsistent with only one of them being pure black. It's not a huge deal to me though, and I'm moreso tilting my head at it than finding it a downside. Just makes it seem that the pants and jacket aren't a part of the same set, if you get me? Though that could also work to establish personality more, like many of the other personalized touches. I think for this design, he has just the right amount of accessories! Not too many not too little. I also love that the soles of the shoes are green! The color scheme is minimal, definitely more reserved, but imo it works for what it's trying to be - which is, I assume, a work outfit.
For me personally I think I might wanna break up the large areas of black, it's just on the cusp of being a bit too much of the same color next to each other but you can again take this as a personal comment. It's just what I think would make it more visually appealing, though I do like black! Maybe you could add a lighter tone of green somewhere?
Still, it works, it's interesting enough to look at, can't find much I'd complain about. Although I think the color planning on Valerie is a bit more engaging since there's more variety of different looking things (like with patterns for example) that still fit together. Still, no complaints as I said. I'm also not sure how much I'd feel appropriate commenting on him considering - self insert, which is meant to moreso reflect on you. I will say, they do look like they fit well into the same story so, good work all around in designing them both together :]
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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Honestly, I can not WAIT for the inevitable introduction of Wario and Waluigi in the cinematic Mario universe. I can not WAIT for Mario and Luigi to attempt to wrap their heads around these two hypercompetitive scammers declaring themselves their rivals.
I can not WAIT for the “two brothers with hearts of gold who understand each other better than anyone” v.s “two partners in crime who are bonded by being the only people in the world who can stand each other” dynamic. You feel me? Do you see my vision here?
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goldensunset · 11 days
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Good news, people agree with ur opinion btw..
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scionshtola · 8 months
from the touch prompts: 12. on a scar; or 18. because you are dying :>
ty azia!! this one really sent me on a spiral this week adkfd
the pain of perception
pairing: Corisande Ymir/Y'shtola Rhul word count: 1292 | read on ao3 notes: i went with 18. because you are dying. 5.0 spoilers!
Y’shtola has always found Corisande difficult to look away from, some inexorable pull between them perpetually drawing her gaze. She turned toward them as a blossom sought the sun, unfurling in their light and basking in the warmth of it. Even when Y’shtola lost her sight and the world lost its color, Corisande’s familiar aether was more than enough to draw her in, their countenance so dear to her that it hardly took any effort at all to pick out their features.
In the grand entrance hall of Emet-Selch’s recreated Capitol building, the light Corisande emanates is not the kind Y’shtola wants to bask in. They are a beacon of aether, so bright they blur the forms of the other Scions gathered around them. So bright the light lingers even when she closes her eyes, a ghostly blur haunting the back of her eyelids.
She watches them as they take their leave of the others and turn toward her, seeking her out as surely as she sought them. They cross the hall, the soft click of their boots growing louder as they approach. 
“The others are nearly ready. Ryne only wants to charge a few more cartridges for Thancred before we start on our way,” Corisande says, gesturing at the others over her shoulder, gathered by the door that leads deeper into the building. She lifts her hand, starting to reach for Y’shtola, but stops herself halfway, arm falling stiffly to her side. ‘Tis difficult to make out, but Y’shtola thinks she might be clenching her fist. “I came to see how you fared.” 
Y’shtola holds back a sigh, her jaw clenched against the sharp pain in her chest at the aborted gesture. In the three years she’d spent without them on the First, she had so missed the easy physical affection between them. A reassuring squeeze of her wrist, a gentle hand on the small of her back, a soft brush of their thumb across her cheek. Touches she had at times wished Corisande would not make, if only to spare Y’shtola the misery of her endlessly growing feelings. 
But she’d been wrong to think it would spare her any pain. Since their reunion—that near disastrous moment when Y’shtola had mistaken them for a sin eater—Corisande has, for the most part, kept a careful physical distance between them. Every deliberate step back, every halted reach for her hand, left her far more hurt and confused than any touch that had ever led her to hope for more. 
That they keep their distance even now, when losing themself to the light is becoming less a potential threat and more a rapidly approaching reality with every passing moment, is more than she can bear. She reaches for their hand in their stead, pressing their cool palm to hers. “l have no preparations to make. I will be ready when you are.”
Corisande tips their chin, head tilting down in the direction of their joined hands. Y’shtola holds fast, hope swooping through her stomach, her breath caught in her chest as she waits. But rather than pull away, they squeeze her hand, and the ache in Y’shtola’s chest is eased as she finally exhales. 
Corisande lifts her head in Y’shtola’s direction, her familiar features—the heart shape of her lips, the curve of her nose, her downturned eyes—just as obfuscated by the light as the rest of her body. There was a time that Y’shtola could have known what Corisande was thinking just by a simple shared glance. Now, though she could make her best guess, she could never be sure what was written in their expression. What Y’shtola might give to see the curve of Corisande’s gentle smile once more, before they venture toward a battle that could change her forever. 
Y’shtola glances down at their hands, still pressed palm to palm between them. Corisande had not shied from one touch—perhaps she would not shy from another. 
Do as your heart decrees, Y’shtola had told them, only moments ago. Without hesitation or regret. 
Y’shtola raises her free hand to Corisande’s cheek, heartbeat a loud, steady rhythm as she moves. They lean down ever so slightly to meet her, their hair falling over her arm, the ends of it brushing lightly against her sleeve. She stills when their fingers wrap gently around her wrist, thinking they mean to tug her hand away, but they simply hold on.
“Is it difficult? To look at me? To—” Corisande’s grip on her wrist tightens. Their voice is soft, almost fragile to Y’shtola’s ears. “I know the toll a surfeit of aether takes on you. It must be exhausting just to have me near.”
“‘Tis not easy,” Y’shtola admits, though it pains her to say it. Corisande knows the truth already—the abundance of their aether is difficult for Y’shtola to process with her aether-fueled sight—and Y’shtola would not lie to her besides. 
Worse than the harsh glare of their aether, though, is the damage the light has wrought on their soul, battered and bruised as it struggles to contain the light. For all the distance that Corisande has kept between them these past few weeks, they could not hide the depth of the wound from Y’shtola. While she knew Corisande would prefer it, Y’shtola saw no kindness in pretending otherwise—she would not turn from them when they were in pain, no matter how much it hurt to see. 
Y’shtola sweeps her thumb across the swell of Corisande’s cheek, and hopes she’s looking her in the eye when she speaks again. “But I would no sooner look away than I would leave you to face what lies ahead alone.”
Corisande’s smile blooms under Y’shtola’s palm—cheek curving upward, the quirk in the corner of their lips where they’ve turned into her touch, the crinkle of skin around their eyes—and she answers with a warm smile of her own. Corisande sweeps a finger across the inside of her wrist, and after weeks—years—of so little contact between them, the deliberate touch feels monumental, as much a relief to the longing inside her as it is a catalyst for a desperate desire for more. 
“Shtola,” they say, the newly restored warmth in their voice reigniting that flame of hope in her. The one that made her long for Corisande’s soft touches, that made her think Corisande has always felt about her the way she feels about them, the one that never quite went out. “I—”
They cut off with a soft whimper of pain, lurching forward with a grimace. Their grip clamps down sharply where they hold Y’shtola, fingers digging into her wrist and the back of her hand, and she feels the hold as if it were a vice around her heart, pressed under the weight of their pain. The light inside them surges, brightening and straining against their soul as Corisande struggles to stay on their feet, and then it fades.
“Are you all right?” Y’shtola asks, keeping her tone neutral though she feels anything but, unable to even blink away the image of the surging light. Corisande straightens, her expression smoothing beneath Y’shtola’s hand. 
“Well enough,” she answers between breaths, her voice thin. She squeezes Y’shtola’s wrist, then gently tugs her hand away from her face, though she does not completely release her. “Perhaps we had better be on our way.”
“Of course.” Y’shtola expects Corisande to drop her hands, but they hold on to one as they pivot, placing themself at her side. 
The door that will lead them to Emet-Selch looms before them, the others still gathered in front of it. Whatever they face beyond it, whatever Corisande’s heart decrees, Y’shtola would not turn her gaze. They would face it together—perhaps not hand in hand, but side by side.
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spherekuriboh · 10 months
the difference between the triumph in 'i found you!' and the shame in 'you've found me.' is proof enough!!!
#distext#i feel strongly enough abt this one to tag it#the silt verses#youve found me and the god i unwittingly fed-- it was never yours but it was mine and you stayed because you found me.#blah blah the narrative twists to incorporate the listener's hopes and desires for a happy ending blah blah#but the god is not capable of denying the rapture in the journey. it is in fact all it has to offer.#sebastian being unhappy *now* doesn't mean that the god is unfed. of course not. the journey is eternal.#but the lingering doubt would not have been centered upon his lifelong traveling companion. because that *spoils it!*#there is no journey in staying here. staying here is an ending. and the other narrative can't bloom with such a shadow hanging over it.#hope exists. of course it does. it must. but it isn't like. saccharine and revisionist.#not the decision to stay in the place of potential and never see and ending through.#dev calls him sebastian. whether it's an attention check (are you listening?) or a slipup back to formality it is a fuckup.#in much the same socially inept way that 'let's stay here' was such a desirable idea for your lover this morning you dont even consider NOW#elephant. elephant is what i meant.#anyway. meta fodder for the listener (i dont have the commentary but ive seen the phrase 'coin-flip') vs. watsonian social interactions.#........ frankly i dont think that sebastian gave enough of a fuck to pick a winner between hayward and carpenter either but that is just m#i think there's probably something smart to say about how moving forward this season involves nothing but uncertainty#where even following the cairn maiden to an assured ending leaves the pulsing question of when#but man im just upset. gay sex saved the day solved the mystery and now we're going back to get shotgun married to dodge the draft#if you dont have your own insurance plan your spouse's is fine.#sorry. what was i talking about?#right. there isn't a joy in this. there is no definite moment where the hurt- this trauma. the fog.- would pass and settle into comfort.#and among all of the promises and threats. it would only hurt for a moment.#nope! congrats. scarred for life you have to keep on living and difficult conversations you have to keep on having and continued awkwardnes#can't catch me suicide metaphor i'm gay as fuck. anyways#podcast tag#tsv spoilers
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arsenicflame · 2 years
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bookwormcosplays · 11 months
I haven't gotten a chance to see the reaction here on Tumblr, but I know a lot of people are heated on Instagram about the finale, but I just have to say... Guys, we had to have seen it coming. HBO Max is an unstable network, there were budget cuts, and let's be real the pacing was off for these episodes. They were ready to wrap things up. I know there was a huge rally to renew as a crew, but I definitely saw how this was going to go down on week two of the episode releases.
I'm trying to keep it as vague as possible for those who haven't seen it and come across the post, but I know some people are unhappy with a certain event. I actually think if that didn't happen there would be a disconnect of where they actually belonged. As much as I was sobbing, I don't think it was out of place or a bad choice. As I said, they were just trying to wrap things up in an attempted neat bow. I think it's better to cut it now semi rushed than to attempt a continuation with a network that lacks stability.
If we're still unsettled just remember that any other deviation from the canon ending, we can find in fan fiction which I'll be going straight to after writing this and I will be ignoring the ending.
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fagoutboy · 3 months
the more ive sat and thought about it the more dissatisfied i am with that doctor who finale
#spoilers in tags#but like. what was all that for then.#like on paper im not against how things turned out and what happened in empire of death etc#but it all feels so like... disconnected from everything else we got#on paper i have no issue with rubys mom being normal. but then why did you do all of that#being like 'har har ppl expect women to be extraordinary' when YOU DID THAT like thatd be fine commentary if you didnt do. all of that#like ppl werent expecting her to be super powerful and special Because Shes A Woman its bc YOU DID ALL OF THATTTT#anyway that said i liked the scenes w her birth mom and as an at-birth adoptee it felt very realistic. love you ruby#but im still so bothered by like.... everything else. I know its very run of the mill shitty deus ex machina rtd finale but like#hes done it better before. ?? hes done season-long mysteries that actually had weight and built to do something. what did this build to?#all of the mysteries meant genuinely nothing except for susan twist which i did enjoy her ending#i dunnooooo. im just baffled i guess. ive been trying to forgive the stilted weird dialogue and writing choices this season#thinking itd all amount to SOMETHING later on so itd be worth it. but uh. it has not really been worth it.....?#finale eps are easily among the worst of this (minuscule) season. ncuti is literally the only thing carrying this shit#anyway. good lord. i hope it gets better from here. and also the seasons get longer this was really rough.#txt
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errantgoat · 5 months
535 hours across 5 complete playthroughs, dear BG3 you are going on the shelf until I can look at you again. xDD
the last run was super fun, the tactician difficulty definitely made me more involved/finally got me using scrolls and various potions and elixirs instead of hoarding them till (and past) the very end
i even managed to accomplish the most difficult thing in the whole game and saved all the gondians (if you know, you know)
maybe I'll attempt an honor run one day, but this is not the day
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elirium · 6 months
Okas, i am rereading the rgb arc and just texting all my thoughts to my friend is not enough. I need to tell the void.
(silly commentary under the cut)
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Still live the transparent pokeballs. Also poli so little in there.
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Blue watching disapprovingly.
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I think this panel is cool. (also with knowledge about that will happen later, i have some thoughts to what blue is saying, i just can't quite formulate them yet)
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So adorable
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Why would you imprison him. 🥺
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On the other hand, he is just waiting to commit new crimes.
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#This post is NOT about anyone following me.#I am quickly hurtling toward#'I'm wary of those super into Kingsley who exclusively refer to him as King the way I am wary of Caduceus stans who call him only Caddy'#Like. The nickname is TOTALLY fine actually! And I think most people who use it are normal.#But then I'm quickly noticing a trend—and this existed ever since the finale when Kingsley was introduced and is NOT new but is growing—#where a very specific sort of stan with a VERY specific type of super weird interpretation#tends to refer to him (Kingsley; Caduceus; either) EXCLUSIVELY using the nickname in a way that has a very specific vibe.#And it's hard to explain bc it isn't ONLY using the shortening of the name. There's like a VIBE about it.#Anyway this specific type of stan (again only a small minority of stans) tend to think everything should revolve around that character.#I've seen a lot of commentary from these kinds of stans that think Caduceus NEEDED to be in this two-shot to solve Fjord's problem#and during C2 also often went 'let Caddy punch Uk'otoa for Fjord!' and would be weird about people going Fjord should solve Fjord's problem#And I'm currently seeing a developing handful of similar (again MASSIVE minority of overall stans) for Kingsley#who hope for things from part 2 that refocuses the entire episode around Kingsley (and they do acknowledge this and want that to happen).#Honestly. It's often also super like shipping oriented this subset of fans as well in a way where EVERYTHING is reframed into the ship.#But like. Off limited observation in the fandom and just anecdotal evidence.#It feels there's correlation between these specific type of weird stan and a tendency to use exclusively a nickname that's otherwise fun#and a nickname that is otherwise even sometimes used by the characters.#Like. Again. Not talking about anyone reading this post.#And it's got an additional sort of VIBE to it yanno? Like it's exclusively using the nickname + sort of energy.#I can't explain it. But like it's not JUST using the nickname. An energy. An aura. A je ne sais quoi.#There's using it in a Vibe™ that turns out 98% of the time? OP thinks even other character's narratives should be about this character.#It's like. I promise you that Caleb's entire arc is not about Kingsley (or Molly) and Fjord's arc is not about Caduceus.#And it feels like people who make me MOST often think that to myself seem to use ONLY 'King' or 'Caddy' in a specific vibe. Anecdotally.#Critical Role things#CR
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scareqrowbranwen · 1 year
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"Have you guys seen Tai? He can bench press 3 of me. Of course I would sleep with him."
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archaictold · 1 year
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hey maybe lets relax with the insults????
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crunchycrystals · 1 year
i just finished we are okay and ive been crying for 40 minutes straight
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kh2prologue · 2 years
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hey, i’m not going anywhere!
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fatesown · 2 days
tag drop -> dash commentary
#— ❛❛ // ZIPHRANE ¦ the sensitive suffer more; love more; dream more ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // ZELDA ¦ perfectly poised and charming ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // ZARAE ¦ a pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // Y'SHTOLA ¦ i wasn't born to be soft and quiet ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // VELVET ¦ not a god's chosen; a god's cursed ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // SIONED ¦ poised; but wrathful when provoked ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // SCHALA ¦ i feel small; but so are stars from a distance ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // PHYLA - VELL ¦ if i can still breathe i'm fine ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // OCEANUS ¦ the voice of the sea speaks to the soul ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // MASHA ¦ bringing light to everyone around her ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // MARTEL ¦ memento mori; memento vivere ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // JANET ¦ she's got such a good heart; it's just been broken ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // ISOBEL ¦ if the moon loves you; why worry about the stars? ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // HOPE ¦ curiosity killed all the cats; it won't be so kind to you ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // GAILA ¦ don't ever talk to me or my rubber ducky ever again ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // DHAVIHAL ¦ pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // CAROL ¦ gets turned on by danger ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // BUCKY ¦ wings for ears ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // BALTHIER ¦ it's only illegal if i get caught ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // ALUSTRIEL ¦ a wild spirit; a soft heart; a sweet soul ・ 「 dash commentary 」#— ❛❛ // AAYLA ¦ be enough for yourself first ・ 「 dash commentary 」
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