#I hope this is somewhat helpful anon
cerise-on-top · 7 months
hey AleRudy poly anon again!!
your girl is going through it :( So I was wondering if I could request Alejandro and Rudy (together) x a reader who is insecure about their baby face? It’s been hard lately and it doesn’t help with the fact I haven’t had a date before.
thank you!! Your blogs help me so much!!
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I wasn't sure if you wanted your blog to be public since you forgot to go anonymous in the second ask, so I cropped your name out, I hope that's alright with you! Besides, anon, you're drop dead gorgeous! You're adorable to no end and I can assure you one day you'll find someone who will go through quicksand just to be able to go on a date with you! Just give it some more time!
AleRudy with a Babyfaced Reader
If I were you, I’d advise to not voice your discomfort with your baby face to these two men, neither of them take too kindly to you beating yourself up over something that is neither your fault, nor something that you can change just like that. However, if you want to be cheered up a bit, reassured that you’re beautiful, regardless of what may be, then go right ahead, tell them that you aren’t satisfied with the way you look. If anyone ever tells you to your face that you aren’t pretty then you have Alejandro and Rodolfo at your side, willing to defend you and your beauty. While Rodolfo may not be as confrontational normally, usually letting some things slide for the sake of being left alone, he will fight whoever dares to make a mean comment about you. You’re the most beautiful person on this planet along with Alejandro, so naturally he will settle for nothing less than the truth. Alejandro will just straight up challenge anyone who’s mean to you to a fight. He’s a heated sort of person, so it’s not too hard to rile him up. It’s usually Alejandro taking it up with whoever said you weren’t pretty while Rodolfo comforts you in the back. Sometimes the two of you watch a colonel beat up some no one, though. It’s fun, I promise, because Alejandro doesn’t hold back when it comes to you. Even if his knuckles end up bloody, he will fight for you.
If you’re just feeling down about your face in general, then the two of them will comfort you to the best of their abilities. Generally speaking, Alejandro sometimes gets cuteness aggression when you or Rodolfo are being especially adorable. This includes, but is not limited to: The both of you focusing on a video game, smiling at some cute animal videos or just existing in general. If he can, then he will squish your face. Don’t worry, he’s gentle with you, but it might hurt ever so slightly nevertheless if he gets carried away. Squeezes you, squishes you, pulls your face, pinches your cheeks. all the while cooing at you about how adorable you are and how lucky he is to have such a cool and awesome and gorgeous partner. He will pepper your face in kisses as well all the while he’s doing so because he just can’t hold back. Why would or should he? It’s you we’re talking about, and you deserve to feel loved and appreciated.
Rodolfo goes about it in a different way: He’ll have you internalize some compliments whenever you’re feeling down. Or on the daily. Doesn’t matter if you believe them just yet, you will eventually. Even if it’s just a simple “I look really cute today”, it suffices for him. Besides, if you’re ever in need of ideas as to what you could be internalizing for the day, just ask him or Alejandro, they have a lot of good things to say about you. You can also expect a sweet little kiss from him for every self compliment you’ve made. Or maybe a hug. Maybe five minutes of cuddles as well. He wants you to associate being confident and loving yourself with good things, so naturally he’s going to reward you somehow. It might be hard at first, but you’ll get there eventually, you will end up loving yourself in your entirety, that’s his and Alejandro’s mission. And throughout it all, the both of them will support you, no matter what.
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dailyfigures · 8 months
how do you handle dust? mine are so dusty. I dust them off entierely and then hours later it's back, a lot of it :(
they are smaller figures, not scale, so that may have an impact, I don't know. I can't afford like a glass case for them or anything, I just have a shelf
i will keep it real with you anon i don't dust my figures i might blow on them if they're lucky but that's it. you guys should absolutely dust tho since dust can damage your figures if it's left on them for long periods of time! no one do what i do please!
usually i would just advice a clean makeup brush to dust and someone on here has recommended me a hand blow duster (like pictured here) before which looks like it'd work really well too.
it does sound like your figures get dusty very fast tho so maybe your room is just quite dusty in general. i don't mean that in a negative way or anything, my room is the same honestly so i googled what can be done about that and found this article for example. for me it's probably lack of ventilation since i barely open my windows during winter, hopefully you can figure out the cause of your dust too!
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gallusgalluss · 1 year
hii!! i was wondering, when you draw how do you get that splotchy-like effect in your coloring? i hope you know what im talking about, i cant really use an image bc im on anon ^^' but id really like to know!
if ur asking about what brush I use to make my coloring look like that, then I've already answered it here
If you're talking about what I do to make my colors like that, I used clip studio paint's "Color Jitter" feature, where the hue/sat/lum of a brush slightly changes each brushstroke. I'm not sure if other art programs has something similar to this, so sorry if yours doesn't have it.
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I enjoy using this because it gives my art a more painty look
I've also recorded a quick timelapse of my coloring process, if that's more helpful :V it's a bit messy but helps gets the point across
mild flashing warning for the last 2 seconds, it's very short and nothing too bad but just letting y'all know
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boxylocks · 28 days
Was it ever revealed why Arceus is so evil towards his own creations? Or is that still confidential information? Or is he... actually the good god?
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If you want to learn more tidbits directly from their mouth I assure you will get a chance to speak to them on both Ask-North and Ask-Valiant-Victory. Though they will likely be more direct with their intentions on Valiant's blog.
Valiant will also be going into some of their behavior in a reply and ask, however, I should say Valiant might not be able to tell you everything he wants to tell you. Most things that come out of his mouth are extremely filtered.
If you want to know more truthful comments regarding everything Arceus thinks and has done to Valiant and others, Valor is your best bet. He's not going to sugarcoat it.
But, If you wanna hear it straight from my mouth full-on rambling style feel free to keep reading! I will gladly go into it more.
Regarding my most recent doodles, I should say they might be confusing to those who do not know what the deal with Valiant is but this is actually Arceus:
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Their name is actually Temperance! As to why the hell was I addressing Valiant as Arceus: Valiant was partly made to relay messages so I'm sure you can maybe connect the dots >:3c
Onto the questions!
Question: Is Arceus actually a good god?
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They're not a good god at all, everyone is their playtoy, something that can keep them entertained for a while and then toss them out when they become bored.
If you see them being addressed as a good or perfect god, always take it with a grain of salt. Arceus has and will do 'good' things but their intentions are usually self-centered and revolve around them getting some free entertainment.
Some characters you generally see praising Arceus and why:
North (Ask-North) - North was 'saved' by Arceus, so her view of the god is extremely biased and mislead.
Journey (Book-of-Legends) - Journey is a familiar this causes Journey to have a natural desire to admire their god. Journey also just has issues in general that cause them to view Arceus as the perfect being.
Valiant (Ask-Valiant-Victory) - Valiant is a familiar, he has a natural desire to admire his god, but unlike Journey, he is quite literally physically unable to say directly negative things about them. He also is still very much under the impression that Arceus is perfect and always right, its something Valiant genuinely needs to learn.
Question: Why Arceus is so evil towards their own creations?
Many reasons! But I will say, Arceus is typically only directly 'evil' to their followers and children. If you want to know all their creations here they are!
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The only creation of theirs that Arceus is nice to is Valor, mainly because they very much want to get rid of Valiant. Again for their own personal gain.
But WHY? Are they so crude and mean to them? It's simple:
Much like their creations, Arceus doesn't have certain emotions: They cannot feel sympathy or empathy towards other living beings. Unlike Valiant it is not because they were deprived of having them, they just genuinely do not want them nor care for them. Any 'positive' emotions they do show are either stolen from someone else's personality using a type of 'mimic' move or an act to get you to trust and like them.
Arceus is very broken and corrupted... Literally: They have been killed over and over by the other gods thousands of times. Due to the constant 'resets' and 'overwrites' of them, they are uh... broken. Their brains are a little fried.
They really just don't care about their creations: They're just toys to them honestly. Something to keep them entertained.
Now, why is Arceus so mean to Valiant? Many reasons as well!
They hate Valiant and view him as a failed project, especially when Valiant learned to talk and started learning how to disobey them. Instant failure, Valiant's beyond 'broken' in their eyes.
They find Valiant very annoying, and creepy. Valiant talks, he's not supposed to do that it's very weird, plus he craves their attention and love, that's like mega 'EW' to them. Valiant is an object, not a living being to them.
Valiant doesn't listen, why do you think they shoved a collar on him :'D It's because he started learning to disobey, it's very annoying having something that doesn't want to listen to you.
Valiant uh... reminds them a little too much of themself and they hate it. It's like looking in a weird mirror.
And the main reason issss! THEY'RE BORED OF VALIANT. Asking Arceus to have something as long as they've had Valiant is asking WAYYYY too much of them.
I hope that answers your questions!! If not feel free to ask for clarification, I'm more then happy to explain things that may seem confusing! 💖
~ Thank you for the ask!!
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ozlices · 7 months
James Somerton just renamed his channel to 'James of Telos' so it doesn't show up when you search his name anymore.
i find that highly suspect honestly. but im searching him up on google rn and apparently ppl are concerned bc he posted a suicide note????? WHAT is going on anymore man
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pedripics · 9 months
hi! may i ask you something about this Super League? im confused because im new here. and what about that 1 billion euros for? thank you
Hi, of course 🫶🏻
The Super League is a rather complex topic, so I'm gonna give you a short summary and a longer version with the history and stuff under the cut.
In short, the Super League is a proposed football competition for football clubs in Europe that is aimed to rival the UEFA competitions, such as the Champions League, Europa League, and Conference League.
Format (this is the new version they just released):
It would include 64 men’s (spread across three leagues) and 32 women’s teams (spread across two leagues) playing midweek games in a league system across Europe. All clubs would play in groups of 8 – home and away – resulting in a guaranteed minimum of 14 matches per year. At the end of the season, a knockout stage of 8 clubs will be played in each league to determine the league champions. There would also be annual promotion and relegation between the three/ two leagues. The idea is that it would not interfere with domestic leagues.
Proposals of Super Leagues in European football have been around for decades with the earliest ideas dating back to 1968. There were attempts to create a 'Super League' in 1987 and 1990 but they were abandoned after UEFA and FIFA threatened to sanction all involved clubs. In 2009, Florentino Pérez (president of Real Madrid) began planning a 'Super League' because the Champions League, in his words, was too "obsolete and problematic for the quality of the sport and an obstacle preventing clubs from growing their businesses and developing infrastructure." That idea resurfaced in 2020 when big clubs started suffering financially from the Covid-19 pandemic and ongoing debts. That got American investors interested who pledged US $5 billion towards its formation. In January 2021, FIFA and all six football's continental confederations (AFC, CAF, CONCACAF, CONMEBOL, OFC, and UEFA) issued a statement that rejected the formation of any breakaway European Super League and that they would ban any club or player involved from any competitions organised by FIFA and its six confederations.
Current 'European Super League':
In April 2021, Pérez announced the formation of the 'European Super League' (ESL) via a press release signed by twelve clubs that signed up to be involved (Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspurs, Inter Milan, Juventus, AC Milan, Atlético Madrid, FC Barcelona, and Real Madrid). The aim was a new competition that "provides higher-quality matches and additional financial resources for the overall football pyramid, provides significantly greater economic growth and support for European football via a long-term commitment to uncapped solidarity payments, which will grow in line with league revenues, would appeal to a new younger generation of football fans, and also would improve VAR and refereeing." Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, and Juventus were the three leading clubs. There is much more to the financial aspect of it (like solidarity payments, welcome bonuses, participation payments, commercial revenue, etc.), but that's rather complicated and depends on what newspaper you wanna believe.
The announcement led to a joint statement from the governing bodies of the Premier League, La Liga and Serie A condemning the formation, with all governing bodies declaring to prevent the ESL from proceeding any further. Football governing bodies from Germany, France and Russia released similar statements. UEFA reiterated their statements made in January 2021, warning that any clubs involved in the Super League would be banned from all other domestic, European and world football competitions and that players from the clubs involved would also be banned from representing their national teams in international matches. (The Premier League and their governing body FA ruled out barring the six clubs from domestic competitions and preferred to not take legal action.) Numerous politicians expressed their opposition to the proposal of the ESL. Amongst commentators, footballers and managers, the ESL sparked contrasting opinions. Media companies were mostly opposed to the idea (which does not come as a surprise as ESL promises free viewing of all live matches). Many football fans, including the fans of the involved clubs, were not in support of the idea of the ESL. The backlash led to nine clubs (all clubs, except FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, and Juventus) announcing their intention to withdraw from the project in April 2023. However, eight of these nine clubs remained involved as stakeholders. In June 2023, Juventus announced their decision to leave the Super League project after facing a rumoured 5-year ban from all European competitions if they went through with the project. (That only leaves FC Barcelona and Real Madrid)
Legal issues:
In May 2021, the Super League filed a complaint to the Court of Justice of the European Union against UEFA and FIFA for their proposals to stop the competition. UEFA had opened disciplinary proceedings against FC Barcelona, Juventus, and Real Madrid, which were threatened to be excluded from all UEFA competitions, in order to sanction them but these measures were stayed until further notice as a result of the rulings from the Spanish commercial court and Swiss authorities. In June 2021, the Swiss Department of Justice and Police and the Spanish Commercial Court referred the issue to the Court of Justice of the European Union to question whether UEFA and FIFA have violated two articles of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union. Article 101 prohibits cartels and other agreements that could disrupt free competition in the EEA and Article 102 aims to prevent businesses in an industry from abusing their position or taking action to prevent new businesses from gaining a foothold in the industry. On 21 December 2023, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that FIFA and UEFA's rules, which banned clubs from joining rival competitions, such as the Super League, are contrary to EU law. UEFA's and FIFA's rules making new football projects subject to their prior approval are also unlawful.
What does the ECJ's ruling mean:
The ECJ's ruling is binding and not subject to appeal. The ECJ's decision on UEFA's rules does however not rule on whether the Super League should (or is allowed) to exist. UEFA needs to change and clarify its rules now to comply with EU law. Once the regulations are updated, the Super League will still need to acquire authorisation to set the competition up. The ruling basically gives companies like A22 the right to pitch a new football competition and for their application to be judged on criteria which are "transparent, objective, non-discriminatory and proportionate".
Revival of the project:
In December 2023, A22 announced a new, updated proposal (which I already explained under format). However, many clubs have issued statements opposing the idea (including clubs, who were once involved in the ESL). As of right now, Real Madrid, FC Barcelona and SSC Napoli have issued statements in support of the ESL. There are reports about various clubs from Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and other European leagues who are keen on joining (but no official statements from the clubs).
Why could Barça and Real Madrid receive €1 billion?
I believe this has not been confirmed by A22, but it has been reported by various newspapers. They would receive €1 billion as a reward for their loyalty, as they are the only two clubs who remained firm on their decision to take part in the Super League. That would obviously only happen if they find enough teams to set up the ESL.
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graveyard-pansy · 3 months
hey ashton! – do you have any reqs for books on autism? (Pref by an autistic) I've read a bunch but I'm getting really tired of them all praising hans asperger. The last one I read was Neurotribes but it made me soooo mad I felt really infantilized idek how i managed to finish it 😭
oh i despised Neurotribes so i v much feel you! i enjoyed Unmasking Autism by Devon Price (who is autistic!) though it does def focus more on low-support-needs folks. that’s the only nonfiction autism book i’ve read though :(( i have a bunch on my tbr that i’ve heard good things about but don’t want to recommend anything i havent read.
i have a Deep Desire for a radical-politics autistic anthology. maybe someday one will exist 😌
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akito-shinonome-daily · 2 months
hi!! i had a quick question, where do you get all of your content for akito?
➥ primarily the project sekai fandom wiki, specifically the “gallery” tab. while i prefer to use sekaipedia when i can, as fandom wikis are not always the greatest, it has much more complete galleries, so i usually end up there. sekaipedia does make it easier to get transparent images and full-quality card art on mobile!
➥ i also follow a translator on youtube (as i don’t use twitter/x) which is where i get the translated titles for more recent 4komas!
➥ otherwise i take screenshots of the 2DMVs (and some 3DMVs) from the official youtube channel and i’m planning on getting some screenshots from more 3DMVs and some virtual live shows in game
➥ i think due to the nature of the site, linking to translations of the pjsk comic anthology i use would not work, but you should be able to find it easily enough by just googling for it
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prythianpages · 2 months
Hiii 🥹 I just wanted to come and ask how you would deal with no engagement. I feel like the things I write and put out get good like reblogs and likes, but sometimes it feels demoralizing to have no one really comment on my work. Just wonder how you think I could overcome it!
Hi there!
I’ve noticed a decline in engagement overall on here. It’s something I’ve spoken to other writers on here about. And also the disparity between Az fics & all other Acotar males.
This is a lot easier said than done bc even I struggle with this feeling when fics I put so much thought & effort into don’t get recognized as much as the ones I don’t really care for.
But I remind myself of my “why”, like why am I writing fanfiction? My answer to that is yes, I enjoy the engagement but I also enjoy writing. I find it fun & sometimes, you just need to write the fanfic you want to read yourself.
So my suggestion is to keep writing if it makes you happy! The comments and other engagement will come 💗 and don’t feel so discouraged bc I’ve read & commented on fics that deserve so much more love!
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beepboop260 · 1 year
Heya boss- I’m a big fan of how fluffy you make hair look, particularly with all the happy trails- do you have any tips on giving that sorta poofy volume that you do?
oh thank you!
i've always found it interesting how everyone says that I make hair look really fluffy cause i use a lot of straight lines
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i can't really explain when i use a straighter line and when i use a curved one but going off this chart i tend to use straight lines (pink) towards the top of the head to give volume. I then use some curved lines (green) to complement the straight lines.
As for happy trails, I think of it like this
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With the blue being where body hair grows (there are multiple hair growth patterns for people this is just my default one, it mostly affects the chest hair tho from what i've seen, the happy trail area remains the same for most)
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I then just draw a patch of hair in the happy trail area taking into account the direction in which the hair falls (downwards)
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this is generally what happy trails look like when i do them. it's not realistic but like fuck it it's my art i get to make bitches fuzzy down south
The way I do hair is mainly inspired by shounen manga/anime like fullmetal alchemist and also like old 90s anime where they had really poofy hair lol. other than that i think the way i do hair i developed on my own and isn't something from another artist that i was mimicking
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minusboy · 5 months
BPD resources?
hello anon<3
quick disclaimer that i'm not a doctor, i'm just a guy with a whole bunch of stuff i've gathered over the years. so with that out out the way here's a bunch of links: to start with, here's an extremely important FAQ on seeking help.
here are some articles that cover the basics: x x here's a couple more helpful articles: x x x and here's some further reading you can look up from your local library: x *cough* there’s also a whole bunch of these as pdfs on internet archive you can also access for free
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aptericia · 1 year
What the fuck is wrong with you people. Stop treating autism like a quirky character trait you actively want to get. Nobody in their right mind wants autism if they know anyone who actually has it.
Heyyyyy real life anon hate! I feel like I’ve cleared some tumblr rite of passage. Thanks anon!
I won’t assume to know how you feel, but I think some people’s frusteration with this sort of thing comes from media romanticizing autistic traits as “genius” or portraying them as “funny and quirky” and playing them for laughs, rather than acknowledging the real-life struggles that come with them. I agree that this is both insulting and damaging, in the same way that simplifying/exoticizing any marginalized group’s traits are. However, based on conversations about autism with my many autistic friends (some of whom are very close and dear to me), as well as essays/videos autistic people have made on the subject, I think most of these struggles come from social systems that are not designed with autistic experience in mind, not from autism itself. Many, many autistic people are both proud to be autistic AND frusterated by some of their experiences with autism.
On a personal note, I have a lot of traits in common with autistic people, and since I’ve realized that, I’ve felt significantly safer and more secure in those aspects of myself (even though I don’t have a diagnosis nor do I fully identify as autistic).
That’s my reasoning, but I also sincerly apologize to any autistic people who are upset by my blog. I won’t be deleting the post (I think) you’re talking about unless I get further information, but I know every autistic person’s feelings and experiences are different and I don’t mean to cause any harm 🙏
btw just to check, I texted the post to some of my autistic friends and they said they found it hilarious but understand how it could be taken the wrong way
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hi squiggly! I hope it’s ok that I’m asking this, but I’m in a bit of an artistic slump lately. An itch to create, but no ideas. I was just wondering if you had any fun suggestions! No pressure of course, I just figured why not ask. Have a great day! -⚡️
Hey friend! It's not a problem at all you're asking this- though I don't know if I'd be much help in art ideas hehe 😅
Let's see:
Art trends and memes are fun! The color wheel art challenge, The six characters fanart challenge, any one of those draw the squad memes can be really fun and challenging! (and of course there are tons out there to check out!)
Another idea is to try drawing your favorite characters/OCs in different art styles! Like- if you tend to draw more humanesque, why not turn someone into an animal crossing character or super cartoony? Or if you draw more loose and shapely, why not try drawing the opposite of that?
There are also other mediums to try! If you're used to playing around with colored pencils and such, maybe try markers or paints or even digital? You could also do collages of art in your sketchbook too- glueing things in and creating a sort of layered look to whatever artwork you're working on :)
Finally- I'd recommend checking out one of those art prompt lists or generators that give you a word or scenario that you have to expand on. They can be pretty fun to use- and you'd be surprised on what you might make with them!
Those are just a few thoughts; if anyone wants to add their own ideas, please feel free to do so! I hope this helped!
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Would it be alright to ask you advice on curating my fandom experience? Regarding avoiding b///kshippers and the like, unfortunately. I don't know who else to ask, unless you or your followers know of someone? I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.
I guess so, yeah! Would be easier if you're off anon, admittedly, or on discord or the like. I'm not sure what specific info I can give tbh?
I can give some general advice though
Block people if you don't like them, and mute/block terms you don't like. Use filters liberally.
This is the internet, things that should not exist unfortunately do, and we cannot change what others do. It's not worth your time and energy or mental health to try and change other's minds on this, i promise.
Personally, I prefer to block and mute individual people instead of filter tags or block terms. I'd rather catch and block the source, so I can keep certain people from interacting with my blogs or fics. Some people would simply rather not see anything at all, so block and filter anything associated with it. It's genuinely up to each person.
But remember this IS and will always be the internet. The unfortunate truth is that you WILL see stuff you don't want to, sometimes in the least likely of places. Sometimes people won't tag. Sometimes it'll ruin your day. But if you wanna engage with fandoms and media online, you have to know this, and you have to be able to decide when the risk is not worth it.
It sucks, it really sucks that this is how it is, but it is :(
But yeah! Know what works for you! Block people! Block tags! That's genuinely the best thing to do, and at the end of the day almost all you CAN do. At least it's a powerful tool.
Good luck anon! If you need more specific advice you can ask, though it's no guarantee i'll have an answer
(Oh, another thing I suggest is, if it's a fandom like submas that has big presences in other languages, if you cannot speak those languages find the tag for the ship or whatever it is you don't like IN THAT LANGUAGE and block it
In english, if I see ship art I don't want to see, I can easily read the tag and block the artist. In japanese, I cannot read the tags, so blocking the tags helps me not see it because as we all know, sometimes it's hard to recognize what's a ship art piece and what isn't!
It's not foolproof, but it definitely helps me avoid artists I cannot read the tags of, and find artists that don't create stuff like that! because I personally love finding cool art from all over the world, despite not being able to read it.)
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bisexualrapline · 2 years
I’m falling out of love with bts with everyday that goes. Please don’t judge me for this but I’m just so overwhelmed and tired… been like that since early 2022. I think it’s because I found this in late 2020 and binge watched EVERY micro content they ever shared… gone thru the obsession, craziness, sharing it w friends and family, even minor shipping at the very beginning…
But now I feel so empty and I kind of regret the way things played out. I wish I took one thing at a time. But it’s so hard w Bangtan. They can be so addictive.
So now I just feel so empty and like nothing interest me anymore. I haven’t watched anything recently since summer. Even run episodes that I loved so much.
Is this weird? Like ofc I don’t hate this because also some of their stans have rubbed me the wrong way in the past but didn’t fixate on it too much. I’m afraid this is the end of my journey with tannies, even tho they’re so special, made me so much for the short period of time I known them. I’ll never hate them or forget them.
Idk if I should just try to take a LONG break from them and then get back to them again. Because if I continue like this after a while it will feel forced and not genuine. Honestly I’m so lost and idk what to do with these emoticons
hey i don’t judge you!
as a person with adhd i did exactly the same thing when i first got into tannies. it’s overwhelming and emotionally draining but exciting and dopamine releasing at the same time lmao. of course that’s not sustainable and you don’t have to feel guilty or bad because you don’t feel the same level of engagement you once did (hint: it was probably slightly unhealthy!)
for me at least it’s normal to burn out on a hyperfixation every once in a while. i’m not saying you have adhd but i don’t see why the same principle wouldn’t apply. there is an overload of something and then you have to balance your life to rectify it. try some new hobbies! find some new music! read some new books!
for me at least, that got me over my “burnout” period with bangtan pretty quickly. it’s hard to swing down from such an emotional high but feeling like i had balance in my life really made me rethink my relationship with fandom in general and realize how much (or how little) involvement would really make me happy.
now i engage when i feel like it, don’t engage when i don’t feel like it, am happy most of the time, and deeply love bangtan at all times. it’s okay to step back or feel a disconnect as long as you don’t try to “just push through” or force yourself into things that don’t make you happy. your health and happiness should always come first above all. please also realize that it doesn’t diminish your love or make it less worthy in any way if you have to take a step back. i’m not ashamed to admit there’s a ton of old content that i myself haven’t caught up with because of overwhelm and lack of time and honestly it gives me some comfort knowing there’s always something new for me to discover 🤷🏻‍♀️
take care and honestly try not to think too deeply about it. bangtan would want you to be smiling whether you’re watching them actively or not 💗
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
hey read your recent post, and im very new to watching f1 so do you think you could put it in dummy words 😅
Okay I’m going to try my best lmao I hope this helps somewhat😭.
So for a normal race weekend you have free practice 1/2/3 for the teams to do their quali and race runs and test upgrades. In free practice 2/3 teams decide their set up and most of the time they try and balance between quali and race set up (I don’t understand anything about setup tho lmao). Once teams go into quali they change the set up cars are now under Parc ferme which means any changes might result in a penalty.
On a normal sprint weekend we had last season it went free practice and quali on Friday which set the grid for both the sprint and the race and on Friday cars are in parc ferme and then on Saturday we had free practice 2 and the sprint. Points are given to the first 3.
With the new format there is only going to be one practice session on the Friday as normal. We then get the qualifying for the race on Friday evening. Saturday instead of free practice 2 we have sprint qualifying for the sprint race which is in the afternoon with the race on Sunday.
In all honesty we don’t know how this is going to turn out. If they literally leave the set up get decided from one practice session for 2 qualis and races it’s gonna fuck some teams who wanted to bring their upgrades.
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