#I hope you're doing fantastic!
rist-ix · 3 months
Poking my head out of the adhd hole to wish resident edit-wizard @bloomvalyria a belated happy birthday and throw this at her
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Discarded version under the cut
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hihopelessromantics · 2 months
Fantasy Tails
Messing around with magical biology with some rough sketches and lore :) Tagging some who might be interested :3
@librathefangirl @zorria @7-ratsinatrenchcoat @theprinceofliones @stvrlightthearts
Another take on the traditional (?) demon tail! The heart on the end protects the demon's retractable, venomous (or just very pointy) barb.
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Tails, venomous and nonvenomous, are used for balance, especially while the demon is maneuvering in mid-air. whether they are jumping or flying. flight. They're deceptively strong even though their mechanisms seem delicate and the fluff covering them doesn't appear as tough as the rest of the demon's skin. A younger demon’s tail reaches full size before they reach their adult height. Coloration depends on the demon’s primary colors, including features like hair, eyes, teeth, skin, and tongue.
Tail venom develops during late adolescence- an evolutionary process that serves two purposes. One, that the baby and toddler cannot injure its parents, itself, or its other potential packmates with a potent and uncontrolled poison. Second, that the toxin may adapt to whatever might suit the demon best as it grows. Environmental conditions are thought to play a direct role. High-level demon venom has no ‘antidote’ because it, structurally, is one-of-a-kind; antivenom would require an (albeit slightly) different formula even between identical twins. There are three official categories this venom can fall into: defensive, offensive, and constructive. Some demons will inject their venom into themselves or other demons on a circumstantial basis to help, not harm! A few toxins specifically adapt to treat a temporary condition their demon frequently suffers from- for instance, to treat extreme insomnia or muscle cramps, to dissolve abscesses from the inside, or to reset one of the body’s natural cycles. Level of toxicity can fluctuate throughout the demon’s lifetime.
Goddesses’ legs are built for flight - not just for landing - they are very strong! 
Feathers all along the tail can fan out and adjust individually, though, of course, the tail end has the most maneuverability. For potion recipies requiring the physical essence of a goddess feather, it is not usually specified whether it need be a tail or wing feather. Instead, the recipe will reference a specific altitude or bloodline. The wings and tails of goddesses contain special adaptations per their homeland and family line. A feather separated from the body of some goddess species becomes serrated and sharp like a blade, for instance, and these contain a potent defensive energy. Coloration also depends on place of origin and closely resembles that of the wings. 
While aiming for the wings is considered a legitimate battle tactic, aiming for the tail is considered an extreme insult and foul play, a sentiment largely reciprocated and respected by the Demon Clan. 
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The creatures known as fairies / fae / faerie display immense biological and magical diversity and that's fascinating to work with, so I added them to the list for funsies.
A fairy’s tail begins as a simple prehensile limb and grows into a symbol of the fairy’s power as they mature. In their base form, tails are most often used in dancing and in daily nonverbal communication. Fully awakened fairies’ tails transform in the likeness of their wings, sprouting insect-like appendages which greatly increase the speed and maneuverability of the fairy’s flight. For those of the highest ability, it becomes near-impossible to disorient them or to knock them from the air.
Some examples I thought up!
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pushing500 · 7 days
Hey! I am new to Rimworld, and I absolutely love the looks of your blog!
Would you happen to have any mod recommendations for people jumping in? I don't even know where to start on Nexus! If you take the time to answer this question, thank you!
Aw, I'm so happy you like my blog, and so happy you're getting into RimWorld! It's such a good game. I'm sure you're going to adore it <3
As for recommended mods... that's a tough one! Usually, I'd say stuff like Wall Lights or Colour-Coded Mood Bar, but that was all added with the 1.5 patch, so they're not essential anymore. I think they still do stuff, though, if you want to use them.
If you're playing with Biotech, I have to say that the 'Toddlers' mod is one of my "can't-play-without" mods. I don't like using the growth vats (though I suppose Mechi probably will if he ever chances upon a baby by some stroke of tragic misfortune) because I like watching the kids grow up. They take aaages to grow from baby to child, though, so I like having the toddler stage as a cute in-between.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
what about Error but with vitiligo?
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right away boss >;Dc <333
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protectoroffaeries · 2 months
y'know for someone who vocally is not a lesbian, people sure do like to call me a lesbian
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jjongho · 2 years
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happy birthday @suuho ♡
wooyoung & jongho loving on each other in their own special way ♡
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breadmp3 · 28 days
omg i’ve barely been on tumblr recently I CANT BELIEVE I MISSED UR BIRTHDAY i hope you had the absolute loveliest day!!!!! may your year ahead be filled with joys big and small 🫶🏼
omg theo!!!! hiiii beloved!!! ❣️❣️ it's okayyy dont worry about it!! i had a lovely dayyy thank u so muchh!!😽❣️❣️
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hacked-by-jake · 1 year
Hey hbj, how are u? I imagine in the new game, the MC entering a new investigation with Eric, having possibility to get into a relationship but Jake don't let mc forget him (Yes, I like a drama) he is in every space, MC thought, In the heart, I can associate Jake in this part of the song Reminder - The weeknd that is going viral on tiktok:
"You know me
Every time you try to forget who I am
I'll be right there to remind you again
You know me"
Jake can't show himself but he's always watching everything MC does and reminds her of everything they've been through, including their feelings.
Anon! You are fantastic! A true genius. I LOVE that thought.
This is exactly how I imagine Jake, our mysterious government wanted hacker, who knows pretty well what he’s capable of.
And tbh, if that were to happen, Jake wouldn’t have to worry about anyone else being interesting for us. If it comes differently, I will definitely still use it in stories etc because that is just too good. My dark romance heart is racing. 🤭
I can see many Nymos eyes suddenly appearing on our screen.
Imagine we are calling with Eric, it’s a video call. And because we can finally shape our profile more, our profile picture is shown in the corner below while we see Eric, but our camera is obviously not activated. And then, during the call, where our pfp is, suddenly a few times the Nymos eye appears. And Eric is like "What the hell was that??" And MC "No, not what, but who." And Eric would be sooo confused. I would love it so much. 😩
Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to listen to the song yet but I will definitely catch up later. But the lyrics you sent fit very well. I thank you a million times for sharing this thought, I think I will sleep very well next night. :D And I'm sure some other people will love it as well. *-*
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aceghosts · 29 days
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OC Moodboard: Lilith Addams
for @fourlittleseedlings
[If we’re mutuals, send 🎂 and I’ll make you a treat]
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marblecarved · 2 months
Hello, dear friends! 💕
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mobius-m-mobius · 3 months
I'm not sure if it's true. But I heard mobius is gonna be in deadpool 3.
Your guess is as good as mine anon, I've actually heard the opposite but at this point am just along for the ride wherever it happens to be going 😅😂
Honestly completely fine either way because if Owen's filmed a cameo then I'd never turn down the chance for Mobius, but at the same time it's hard to sort of reconcile where he was and very likely still is after the finale with anything along the lines of the tone of Deadpool 3?? Not to mention I also don't want him turned primarily into the inevitable comic relief that seems to await a majority of characters in the MCU so it's hard to look towards the film verse when continuing the TV series would be such a perfect format to expand on instead, season 3 rescuing Loki from the tree followed by case solving through time and space when please 🙃
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madamescarlette · 9 months
Hello Eden!!! I love you!!! I hope you're doing better!!! Love that we're both in our there it goes girl autumns it's literally such a powerful place to be I can't believe I didn't like that song when it first came out!!!! Ok love you loads bye 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
HI GRACIE MY GIRL I LOVE YOU!!! It truly is a beautiful September to come into our own and keep our lights burning like a small glow in our chests, I just know it. There It Goes is truly like a little prayer of hope and protection and warmth to me I don't know what it is! I constantly find myself whispering the bridge to myself towards the end of the day, it's like...an avenue she's given me that I can always look down and know that everything will be. okay.
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queenofbaws · 1 year
Hey Queenie, hope you're doing well :) May I ask for some more LauraMax for this Six-Sentence Saturday/Sunday again? Maybe some what-if scenario, like what if they had been able to spend the summer at camp? Or whatever else you can come up with... Just have fun and have a lovely weekend!💕
Boy oh boy was Laura glad that all of her campers had been sound asleep by the time that first pebble rattled the window...not because any of them were troublemakers or scaredy cats or anything like that really, but because it meant she prooobably wouldn't have to worry about any of them calling her out on why she was allowed to go outside after lights-out and they weren't.
And go outside she did (to the cabin's stoop, anyway), leaning her elbows against the guardrail and cupping her hands to her mouth so her whispered, "Butts in beds after lights-out!" would carry the couple of feet down to the ground.
Repeating Mr. H's dorky warning only served to make Max smile more, though, and while he quickly glanced one way then the other and feigned a look of sheepish surprise at being reprimanded, Laura saw through him like polished glass - she always did. "You know, that sounds familiar," he whispered back, not bothering to cup his hands to his mouth like she had, "but I mean, what if I was hurt or something, wouldn't that mean you'd have to get up and see me since you're the nurse's assistant and all?"
"Are you hurt?" she asked, laying her cheek against her hand and feeling more than a little like she was starring in a very peculiar version of Romeo & Juliet...one where the mosquitos left bites the size of dinner plates and all the fair citizens of Verona were kids with boogers hanging perpetually out of one or both nostrils.
Again Max glanced over his shoulder, then narrowed his eyes like he was working through an especially complex math problem; "I mean, if that's what it takes to take a secret, romantic, totally prohibited nighttime stroll with my girlfriend, I guess I could go find a bee's nest to poke or something," he offered, his grin widening when Laura slipped her way through the gaps of the cabin's rails and dropped onto her feet beside him.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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kaitosdex · 8 months
Apologies for the radio silence, I've been unable to draw anything for the past week, and it'll take some time for me to get back home and draw more, so there'll be one week and a half of radio silence.
But I think of the pokémon every day, fret not.
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searidings · 1 year
how do you decide what books to read?
oh! i have many devious methods. i get recs from friends/family/mutuals, i plough through the entire works of authors who have written one book i've liked, i check rec lists e.g. on library websites or goodreads, and awards lists e.g. the man booker prize, but my fave way is to go and browse in a bookstore for 7 hours, scope out the books i'd like to read, write them down, then go home and borrow them from my local library (for free!!! support your local libraries kids!!!!) and THEN only if they're great will i keep a lookout for them in second hand stores and eventually get myself a copy
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hydrachea · 1 year
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Alhaitham is threatening my funds but I will prevail. I will resist. I will make it through three weeks of an unimaginably tempting banner for my girl. It'll be hard but on god I will do it.
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