#I imagined this with Brett & Burke in my head
milquetoast27 · 10 months
snow drabble :3
On an early December morning, my joints frigid with cold and my back aching, I came down to breakfast to spot my friend by the glazed and white window.
“Why, it is snowing!” I exclaimed with glee from over his shoulder. Indeed, the street outside had been verily blanketed in a porcelain, crisp layer. I observed the little flakes that were still falling as I more keenly adopted Holmes’s point of view. I could see two children running about, tucked to their chins with woollen layers, and leaving tiny footprints, deeper at the heels, in the sheet of merry precipitation.
Holmes gave some strange, noncommittal hum.
I replied carefully. “You know, most people enjoy seeing the snow.”
“I recall seeing the wonder in it when I was younger. Perhaps it has some uses in detecting crime.”
“Well,” I proposed as nonchalantly as I could. “Why don’t we go out and inspect its properties?”
He looked at me for a taut moment, and I almost thought he might decline. Then, without a word, Holmes went for the door and picked up his coat.
We had a wonderful day.
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bi-octavius · 4 years
🎶 London roads, take me home, to the man who I belong
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basil-touche · 3 years
1, 4 & 7!
1. Favourite adaptation & Why?
It's not hard to tell by looking on my blog that I absolutely adore Granada Holmes. I started watching it immediately after finishing the canon back in April & did nothing but watch it for 10 days straight.
It just does so many of the stories right & a lot of the changes improve stories, The Norwood Builder & The Greek Interpreter are examples I can recall (in the early seasons at least, The Last Vampyre is the worst example).
Jeremy Brett is without a doubt the best Sherlock Holmes I have seen. He understood the assignment & excelled at it. His subtle expressions, eccentricities & hand movements follow the stories while feeling distinct from other portrayals. The Man flipped tables to have this adaptation be as accurate to the Canon as possible & I will always be grateful.
I'm also impressed with how well the change of Watsons was, normally changing the actor of a main character would easily go wrong but both David Burke & Edward Hardwicke give different portrayals that really work with the pre & post Reichenbach parts of the show.
It's a show I find deeply comforting & engaging (also had me howling with laughter at certain points too, the way Mr Wilson says "Architecture" in The Red Headed League and Holmes & Watson's laughter after had me cry-laughing).
What more can I say? (The answer is a lot, but I'd be here till next year) It's one of my favourite TV shows ever.
4. Favourite secondary character?
I would say Mrs Hudson, but that's more based off Rosalie williams' wonderful performance of the character rather than the original Canon, which is sadly rather lacking (it's nice there are pastiches where she is at the centre stage at least including ones with Mary Morstan that I still need to read).
Based off of just the Canon, I would say I quite like Inspector Lestrade. He starts off rather dubious & a little antagonistic to Holmes & Watson, particularly taking pleasure in Holmes being unable to at first solve the apparent Murder at Norwood.
But when Holmes proves him wrong & how if he didn't, Lestrade would have sent an innocent man to the gallows, he changes his view on Holmes. Then at the conclusion of one of my favourite stories, The Six Napoleons, Lestrade says how the whole of Scotland Yard is proud of Holmes & visibly moves him (The Granada version had me on the verge of tears it was so well done).
I was surprised with how likeable Lestrade had become that I kinda got a little disappointed when other inspectors would be in some stories & not him (I still like a lot of them too though)
7. If you had unlimited money & creative freedom, what kind of adaptation/related narrative would you create? Be as vague or specific as you like.
That's a hard one. Definitely more animated adaptations as I feel a lot more could be done as besides The Great Mouse Detective, Sherlock Hound & I guess Sherlock Gnomes what other animated Holmes Media is there? (I don't think Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century is a good example). As an example imagine animated Hound of the Baskerville film with a hound that is actually terrifying!
I would also like to give a shout out by saying I would love an adaptation of The Legacy of Deeds by Nick Kyme. The only pastiche I've read so far & it surprised me with how much I enjoyed it. I still think about the villian & they're final scene which is more than I can say about some books I've read.
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clarkeysbog · 4 years
The Breyer's Little Sister - Chapter 2: Flight or Invisibility
At lunch, Brittani sat with her brothers as she always does since they say she's not allowed to sit with Freddy, or as they put it, the crippled kid.
She overheard Freddy ask Billy, "Flight or invisibility, if you had one superpower. Flight or invisibility what would you pick?"
Brittani Mae Breyer has heard this question so many times, and the explantation as to why everyone chooses flight.
"Everybody chooses flight. Y'know why?" Freddy asks.
"So they can fly away from this conversation?" Billy smirked.
Britt bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.
"Whatcha smirking at Britt?" Brett asked his little sister.
"Pfft I'm not smirking." Brittani rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh at what Billy said.
"No, 'cause heroes fly and who doesn't want people to think they're a hero right? But invisibility no way, spying around on people who don't even know you're there, sneaking around everywhere, it's a total villain power right?!" Freddy shouted loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear.
Then Freddy got up and followed Billy and Brittani couldn't hear the conversation anymore.
At the end of the school day, Brittani was waiting on the sidewalk for her brothers to bring the truck around to the front of the school.
The truck swerved and hit Freddy, knocking him over.
"Of course.." Britt muttered to herself.
"Oh my gosh, Freddy, are you okay?" Mary asked him.
Brett and Burke got out of the truck.
"What the hell, what is wrong with you two?" Mary asked, annoyed with the two of them.
"Woah oh oh, no way that's gonna buff out." Burke said, smirking a little.
"You gonna pay for that Freeman?" Brett asked, smirking too.
"For the dent you made almost hitting me? Yeah, sure, you guys take these?" Freddy asked, laughing and sticking his middle fingers up at them.
Brett shoved Freddy onto the floor and the two started hitting and kicking him.
"Brett! Stop!" Britt shouted at him.
"Stay out of this Brittani!" Brett shouted at his sister, which is something both he and Burke refrain from ever doing.
Burke started hitting Freddy with his crutch.
"Don't touch my brother!" Darla said in a cute little voice.
"What, you need your fake family to stand up for you?" Burke asked Freddy smirking.
"Stand up for yourself, Freeman." Brett smirked.
"Yeah, huh." Burke said, and the two continued hitting and kicking Freddy.
Billy started walking away but stopped when Brett said, "What're you gonna do? Go home and cry to mommy?"
Burke taunted him by saying, "Oh yeah, you don't have a mommy."
Brittani decided to walk home instead, she knew her dad was home because he controls his business from home, so her brothers would be in deep shit.
When she arrived at home, her dad was on a conference call.
"I'll be back on the call soon." Her dad said then put the call on hold, turned to Bianca and said, "there's my little girl."
"Hi daddy." Britt said, smiling, hugging her dad who gave her a kiss on the head.
"Where are your brothers?" Bill Breyer asked his daughter.
"Still at school, beating up Freddy. I knew it would take a while so I walked home."
"And they didn't even think about stopping? Imagine what could've happened to you.." Her dad said, he's been protective of Brittani since her mom died.
"I know, daddy, I know. I could've died or been kidnapped or something. But I'm okay, aren't I?" Britt smiled, then headed upstairs to her room which was directly opposite from Brett and Burke's room.
Her room was a rose gold aesthetic, it had pink curtains, creme walls, couple pictures and canvases here and there, a dressing table, fairy lights, her closet and a couch for her to sit on while watching tv. Quite the opposite to her brothers' room, they had theirs quite dark, blacks and greys.
Her mom loved decorating and so does Bianca, she got that trait from her mom and her looks too. Her dad says she's the spitting image of her mom and from the photos she's seen of her mom, she believes it too because she looks exactly like her mom.
Brittani sat at the bay window in her room and was talking to her 'mom' in the sky.
"I wish you were here right now, mom, you'd be able to see what a beautiful young woman I'm becoming. Brett and Burke have been acting like such assholes lately, probably because the fourteenth anniversary of your death is coming up....and my fourteenth birthday too. Dad says I'm a lot like you, personality-wise and looks too. I really wish I got at least some time with you..." Britt said sighing, yes her mom died when she was born, a couple hours after she was born to be exact. She was born four days before christmas, so she gets a lot of presents.
Little did she know was that her dad and her brothers were listening to her talking to the sky from her window.
Brittani looked in the window and saw the reflection of her dad and her brothers.
"It's my fault mom's dead isn't it?" Britt asked them, sadly.
"No, no, no, never blame yourself, princess, never ever blame yourself. Okay? Your mom had cancer, she was very sick and it was too late to treat it too." Her dad said, entering her room, her brothers following in tow.
"Yeah, dad's right, Bri." Brett told her, "it's almost as if mom's here right now because you're literally a walking image of her."
That made her crack a smile.
Britt decided to text Freddy after dinner.
Freddy Brittani
Hey Fred, I know we didn't talk that much today, I'm just wanting to know if everything's going okay with the new foster brother
Yeah, about that, meet me on tenth street. No questions.
Sure, I'll just sneak past my overprotective brothers and overprotective dad. Like that'll work.
Just sneak out the window, Breyer.
Fine, meet you in 10
Britt sighed, and opened her window, climbing down the ladder and heading to tenth street, where Freddy told her to meet up.
And that was where she saw Freddy and some man in tights and a bodysuit.
"Who's the gymnast?" Brittani asked.
"It's me, it's Billy." The man said, claiming he was the new kid.
"Sure you are, all I have to do is call my dad who's the head of a lawfirm here in Philadelphia and you're gone." Brittani said threateningly.
"I'll prove it, you called me a dickhead today when Freddy said my name and I called you a bitch." The man said, finally proving he was in fact Billy.
"So, you're now an adult gymnast?" Britt asked, still not getting why he was wearing what she would to gymnastics.
"No, he's a superhero." Freddy told her.
"Woah, cool, what are your superpowers?" Brittani asked, interested.
"Superpowers? I don't even know how to pee in this thing, Breyer!" Billy said, suddenly needing to take a piss.
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ebaeschnbliah · 7 years
Some time ago I wrote about the short cases Sherlock investigates at the beginning of TST (Spinning the plates). As it turned out each case seems to be closely connected to Sherlock himself in one way or another. It appears to be the same with characters who have a tattoo. Even as unlikely ones as the torturer in Serbia (TEH) or the unconscious ex-con in CAMs office (HLV)
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In TST a man comes to Baker Street and seeks the help of Sherlock Holmes. His wife left him and he assumes she was having an affair. Sherlock doesn't take that case but throwes the man out instead. This case might have been too boring for Sherlock but the man - Mr. Kingsley - is quite interesting. He has an almost faded tattoo on his forearm. Reason enough to take a closer look at this guy. Could he be a Sherlock mirror as well?
More under the cut .....
His name is KINGSLEY
Which  includes the word KING. While Mycroft is compared to the 'queen' in ASIB, Sherlock is more than once connected to the 'king'.
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'Am I the current king of England?' asks Sherlock in TSOT.
Elvis is called the 'King' as well and in THOB his face overlays Sherlock's while the first accords of 'Hound Dog' can be heard.
In TLD Elvis is mentioned again as a person who can be recognized by one name alone ... like Sherlock.
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Now, you haven’t always been in life insurance, have you?
This is the very first information about Mr. Kingsley. He works in 'life insurance' .... is it too far a stretch connecting 'life insurance' to a form of protection ... of guarding? Sherlock himself (and some of his mirrors) are several times presented as 'guardians'.
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You started out in manual labour. Oh, don’t bother being astonished. Your right hand’s almost an entire size bigger than your left. (“10½” over the right hand and “9½” over the other.) Hard manual work does that.
KINGSLEY: I was a carpenter, uh, like me dad.
A carpenter who is the son of a carpenter?. Is this another Christ reference? Wouldn't be the first time Sherlock is associated with Christ in this story.
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In the New Testament, Jesus is commonly referred to as "Jesus of Nazareth" (e.g., Mark 10:47). Jesus' neighbors in Nazareth refer to him as "the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon" (Mark 6:3), "the carpenter's son" (Matthew 13:55), or "Joseph's son" (Luke 4:22).
And you’re trying to give up smoking, unsuccessfully,
SHERLOCK: Not just e-cigarettes – ten individual e-cigarettes. Now, if you just wanted to smoke indoors, you would have invested in one of those irritating electronic pipe things, but you’re convinced you can give up, so you don’t want to buy a pipe because that means you’re not serious about quitting, so instead you buy individual cigarettes, always sure that each will be your last.
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This speaks for itself, I think. :))))
You once had a Japanese girlfriend that meant a lot to you
But now you feel indifferent about. You’ve got a Japanese tattoo in the crook of your elbow in the name ‘Akako.’ It’s obvious you’ve tried to have it removed. KINGSLEY: But surely that means I wanna forget her, not that I’m indifferent. SHERLOCK: If she’d really hurt your feelings, you would have had the word obliterated, but the first attempt wasn’t successful and you haven’t tried again, so it seems you can live with the slightly blurred memory of Akako, hence the indifference.
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This topic - the 'broken off realationships' of various kinds (parents, friends, lovers) - runs throughout the whole story. Stillborn children, orphans, lost siblings, children, friends, a dog  and romances ending before they even had a chance to properly begin.
And of course the connection to Japan is another reference to the East, the Eastwind, Eurus and memory.
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KINGSLEY: Sorry. I-I thought you’d done something clever. No, no. Ah, but now you’ve explained it, it’s dead simple, innit?
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The whole deduction scene up unto this point is taken - with little changes - from ACDs Story  'The Red-Headed League'. In the original the client's name is Mr. Jabez Wilson. He is a former ship's carapenter who had once travelled to China. Holmes deduces this by a very distinctive fish tattoo on his arm and a coin on the watch chain. Mr. Wilson comes to Baker Street because the company he worked for suddenly 'vanished' without a trace. Turns out the whole organisation was a fake from the start. It's existance had been only created to lure Mr. Wilson away from his house for several hours per day to dig a secret tunnel to a nearby bank ... and the considerable fortune of French gold in its vaults.
The meaning of names
An interesting thing to notice is, that the name chosen for the lady in pink in ASIP is ... Jennifer Wilson. The name Wilson is also related to 'William', which is Sherlock's first name in this story.
William comes ultimately from the given name Wilhelm (cf. Old German Wilhelm and Old Norse Vilhjálmr). That is a compound of two distinct elements :
wil = "will or desire";
helm = Old English helm "helmet, protection"
Protector of desires - what a fitting name for Sherlock in this special adaptation!
Original Sherlock Holmes reacts to Mr. Wilson's rather simplifying interpretation, regarding the explanation of the deductions, quite different.
“I begin to think, Watson,” said Holmes, “that I make a mistake in explaining. ‘Omne ignotum pro magnifico,’ you know, and my poor little reputation, such as it is, will suffer shipwreck if I am so candid."
Omne ignotum pro magnifico .... 'every unknown thing is taken for great'
Or 'everything becomes commonplace by explanation' that's how Dr.Watson translates this statement in the lovely Granada adaptation of the 'Red-Headed League' with Jeremy Brett and David Burke (here).
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Back to Sherlock and Mr. Kingsley
Highly indignant and offended by Mr. Kingsley's dismissive reaction to his explanations, Sherlock launches from nil to a hundred into a real torrent of deductions about poor Mr. Kingsley, who listens dumbfounded.
I’ve withheld this information from you until now ...
... but I think it’s time you knew the truth. Have you ever wondered if your wife was a little bit out of your league? You thought she was having an affair. I’m afraid it’s far worse than that. Your wife is a spy. Her real name is Greta Bengtsdotter. Swedish by birth and probably the most dangerous spy in the world.
WATSON: You’re working for Mycroft? MRS WATSON: He likes to keep an eye on his mad sibling. HOLMES: And he had a spy to hand.  Has it never occurred to you that your wife is excessively skilled for a nurse?
A 'super-agent' with a terrifying skill set? Oh, Mary I hear your tapping.
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She’s been operating deep undercover for the past four years now as your wife for one reason only: to get near the American embassy which is across the road from your flat.
And once again the mention of an embasy - an ambassador. First Rufus Bruhl the US ambassador and his children Max and Claudette. Then the ambassador in Tiblisi who knew the truth about AMO. Three ambassadors in one story? A bit much for just coincidence, I think.
Tomorrow the US president will be at the embassy as part of an official state visit. As the president greets members of staff, Greta Bengtsdotter, disguised as a twenty-two stone cleaner, will inject the president in the back of the neck with a dangerous new drug hidden inside a secret compartment inside her padded armpit.
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Like poor John in TEH? Before he got dumped under the bonfire woodpile? Is John the president?
This drug will then render the president entirely susceptible to the will of their new master, none other than James Moriarty.
Ahhhh .... another dangerous drug.  H.O.U.N.D. is for creating fear. TD12 is to create the bliss of ignorance. And now something to gain full domination over someone else. Fear - loss of memory - loss of power .... how frightening.
Moriarty will then use the president as a pawn to destabilise the United Nations General Assembly which is due to vote on a nuclear non-proliferation treaty, tipping the balance in favour of a first strike policy against Russia. This chain of events will then prove unstoppable, thus precipitating ... World War Three.
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This sounds a lot like  '... Nuclear codes – I could blow up NATO in alphabetical order. In a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is king; and honey, you should see me in a crown.'    Jim Moriarty ... ruler of the whole world!
JOHN: Are you serious?  SHERLOCK: No, of course not.
'... his wife left him because his breath stinks and he likes to wear her lingerie.'
KINGSLEY: I don’t! Just the bras.
Really? Cross dressing like unle Rudi? Like Mycroft as Lady Bracknell? Oh, what a coincidence!  Sometimes the universe seems to be rather lazy.   :)))))
'his breath stinks' ... the simplest translation would be 'not liking what comes out of someones mouth'  and I guess there are a lot of people who are convinced this applies perfectly to some of Sherlock's deductions.
SEBASTIAN: He could look at you and tell you your whole life story. Put the wind up everybody. We hated him.
Assuming Mr. Kingsley is indeed a mirror for Sherlock - created in his own mind - how heartbreakingly sad is this last deduction! Sherlock imagining a life partner who leaves him because of what comes out of his mouth ... and because of what he likes.
JOHN: So. What’s this all about, then? SHERLOCK: Having fun. ..... While I can.
In a nutshell ... Sherlock is annoyed and wants to have fun while he still can and because of that he invents an impromptu story - far-fetched and dramatically charged - about a most dangerous 'super agent' employed by a criminal mastermind to gain world domination.  Sounds familiar ....
Are these kind of stories the ones Sherlock loves most?
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Stories about undercover agents, secret spies, super agents ... like Mr. 'double-0-seven' James Bond? Then he would propably get along very well with another character in this story. A little boy ... with a mop of unruly, curly, dark hair. For he seems to have quite similar interests as Sherlock .... and he is a clever boy as well .... Max Bruhl.
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SHERLOCK: What would he do in the precious few seconds before they came into the room? How would he use them if not to cry out? This little boy; this particular little boy ... who reads all of those spy books. What would he do? JOHN: He’d leave a sign?
The ambassadors son .... Max Bruhl .... abducted and poisoned and left to die together with his sister Claudette.
This reminds me very much of Sherlock - who gets abducted and drugged as well ..... or poisoned?
September, 2017
I leave you too your own deductions  Thanks @callie-ariane for the scripts.
@gosherlocked @loveismyrevolution @sagestreet @sherlockshadow @monikakrasnorada @kateis-cakeis @sarahthecoat @raggedyblue @darlingtonsubstitution @tjlcisthenewsexy
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
Hollywood Job Envy: Entertainment's Most Powerful Reveal Who They'd Trade Places With for a Day
Hollywood Job Envy: Entertainment's Most Powerful Reveal Who They'd Trade Places With for a Day
While multiple members of 2017’s THR 100 said they’d like to switch seats with Bob Iger — “CEO of Happiness,” according to Oprah Winfrey — and The Rock, admired in part for his “great calves,” others are content to stay in their own powerful positions.
They’re the 100 most powerful people in entertainment but that doesn’t mean they don’t dream about trading places with someone else in Hollywood. Asked whose job they would want — just for one day — the execs, creators and stars who made the cut for this year’s THR 100 offered a wide variety of answers, with a few notable repeats.
Bob Iger, himself No. 1 on the THR 100, was the most popular pick, with five of the interviewees wanting to take his job as CEO of Disney for the day; Oprah Winfrey (No. 9) even called him the “CEO of Happiness.” AMC’s Charlie Collier (No. 42) cited Iger’s “breadth of perspective,” with Simon Kinberg (No. 59) and Brian Grazer (No. 95) expressing similar sentiments. Mark Burnett (No. 54) summed it up more simply: “Bob Iger. This needs no explanation.”
Netflix’s Ted Sarandos (No. 2) was named by both Fox’s Dana Walden (No.16) “so that I could see Netflix’s ratings,” she said, and Ava DuVernay (No. 70), who mentioned the chief content officer’s disruptor role in Hollywood and “those deep pockets.” As for Sarandos, he’d switch places for a day with Lorne Michaels (No. 38); same goes for Michaels’ corporate boss, NBCUniversal CEO Steve Burke (No. 3).
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (No. 34) also got a couple of mentions — from Brett Ratner (No. 9), who admires the star’s “great calves,” and Jordan Peele (No. 93). Wonder Woman helmer Patty Jenkins (No. 94) chose Clint Eastwood (No. 63) — “he has such a great and impressive body of work that now he really gets to do what he wants to do,” she said — as did one of her collaborators on the DC summer blockbuster, Warner Bros.’ Jon Berg (No. 64). “Who wouldn’t want to be Clint for one day?” Berg told THR. “I’d just keep giving myself his patented ‘what you looking at’ stare.”
Also receiving multiple mentions were two powerhouses who didn’t appear on THR’s list: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos was chosen by Illumination’s Chris Meledandri (No. 29) and Starz’s Chris Albrecht (No. 60). And Jay-Z was the choice of both UTA’s Jeremy Zimmer and TBS/TNT president Kevin Reilly, who quipped of the hip hop star and mogul, “We’re very similar.”
Read on for the full list of responses.
Ted Sarandos, chief creative officer, Netflix (No. 2) “He is in New York, but I would switch jobs with Lorne Michaels (No. 38) for a day anytime.”
Steve Burke, CEO, NBCUniversal, and senior executive vp, Comcast Corp. (No. 3) “Lorne Michaels (No. 38).”
Leslie Moonves, president and CEO, CBS Corp. (No. 4) “Charlie Rose.”
James Murdoch, CEO, 21st Century Fox (No. 5) “Jason Momoa for the tomahawks and Guinness.”
Lachlan Murdoch, executive chairman, 21st Century Fox (No. 5) “One of our National Geographic photographers or cinematographers, whose work I think is consistently awesome.”
Bob Bakish, president/CEO, Viacom (No. 6) “[Universal Music Group CEO] Lucian Grainge. I always loved music and still do.”
Oprah Winfrey, CEO, OWN (No. 9) “Bob Iger (No. 1), CEO of Happiness.”
Peter Rice, chairman/CEO, Fox Networks Group (No. 10) “A National Geographic photographer — Paul Nicklen”
Emma Watts, vice chairman and president of production, 20th Century Fox Film (No. 12) “Skip Brittenham”
Dana Walden, CEO/chairman, Fox TV Group (No. 16) “Ted Sarandos (No. 2), so that I could see Netflix’s ratings.”
Gary Newman, CEO/chairman, Fox TV Group (No. 16) “I would like to work as an executive producer of one of our series to understand the pressures of that job and see whether studio and network input is helping or hurting.”
John Lasseter, chief creative officer, Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios (No. 17) “I think I have the best job in Hollywood, so I would switch with a ride operator at the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland … which is the best job in the world.”
Jon Feltheimer, CEO, Lionsgate Entertainment (No. 20) “I wouldn’t.”
Bonnie Hammer, chairman, NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment (No. 21) “Maitre d’ at one of the top industry restaurants. Imagine the relationships you’d forge, the stories you’d hear, your control over the pecking order! Talk about power!”
Ben Sherwood, co-chairman, Disney Media Networks and President, Disney/ABC TV Group (No. 22) “Dave Roberts, manager of the Dodgers. Go Blue!”
Richard Plepler, CEO, HBO (No. 23) “Jimmy Iovine. Nobody’s living better than Jimmy.”
John Landgraf, CEO, FX Networks (No. 24) “My present self in this same job 10 years ago — now that I know how easy the job used to be…”
Tony Vinciquerra, chairman/CEO, Sony Pictures Entertainment (No. 26) “I just did that!”
Tom Rothman, Chairman, Motion Picture Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment (No. 26) “Is this a trick question? Hello, Leo (No. 39).”
Robert Greenblatt, chairman, NBC (No. 27) “John Lasseter (No. 17).”
Jennifer Salke, president, NBC (No. 27) “To be working in the writers room on This is Us. I just love it so much and everyone involved.”
Paul Telegdy, alternative & reality, NBC Entertainment (No. 27) “Chris Meledandri (No. 29) — I think I could learn a lot from him in a day.”
Ryan Murphy, writer/producer (No. 28) “The person who does the topiaries on the Fox lot. That’s a great gig, and my kids would be so impressed. They are obsessed with those topiaries. And I used to be a gardening designer.”
Chris Meledandri, CEO, Illumination Entertainment (No. 29) “Jeff Bezos — just to see the world through his eyes.”
David Kramer, managing director, United Talent Agency (No. 33) “Samantha Bee. I’d be brilliant, hilarious, and my teenage daughters would worship me.”
Jeremy Zimmer, CEO, United Talent Agency (No. 33) “Jay-Z. I would enjoy having his perspective and impact on pop culture.”
David Nevins, CEO, Showtime Networks (No. 36) “Terry Gross or Howard Stern. I’d like to ask them questions.”
Jason Blum, founder/CEO, Blumhouse Productions (No. 40) “Richard Plepler (No. 23).”
Josh Sapan, president/CEO, AMC Networks (No. 42) “Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. I would pray that some of their talent and generosity found its way to me.”
Charlie Collier, president/GM, AMC (No. 42) “Bob Iger (No. 1). What breadth of perspective.”
Ellen DeGeneres, talk show host/producer (No. 43) “Whoever has to wake up The Bachelor contestants every morning. I bet that’d be a real sight to see.”
Scott Stuber, vp original film, Netflix (No. 45) “John Williams. I lack musical talent and I would love to be inside the head of someone who has elevated so many films with his brilliance.”
Greg Berlanti, writer/producer (No. 52) “A young staff writer on any show. I loved being a baby writer when all I had to worry about was the script I was working on.”
Mary Parent, vice chair, worldwide productions, Legendary Entertainment (No. 53) “Anything related to reality TV, which I love. Casting director or editor ideally.”
David Zaslav, president/CEO, Discovery Communications (No. 56) “Ron Meyer (No. 11), because I’d know what it feels like to be loved by everyone.”
Gary Barber, chairman/CEO (No. 54) “Sports agent.”
Mark Burnett, president, TV and digital group, MGM (No. 54) “Bob Iger (No. 1). This needs no explanation.”
Kevin Reilly, president, TNT/TBS, and chief creative officer, Turner (No. 58) “Jay-Z (we’re very similar).”
Simon Kinberg, writer/producer (No. 59) “Bob Iger (No. 1). ESPN, Star Wars and Disneyland in a day.”
Mark Pedowitz, president, The CW (No. 60) “I wouldn’t switch jobs with anyone, I have the best job around.”
Chris Albrecht, CEO, Starz (No. 61) “Jeff Bezos.”
Diane Nelson, president, DC Entertainment (No. 64)  “Patty Jenkins (No. 94). To feel demand for your talent, regardless of gender, and knowing you are creating films that are going to leave lifetime imprints.”
Jon Berg, co-president, production and development, Warner Bros. Pictures (No. 64) “Clint Eastwood (No. 63). Who wouldn’t want to be Clint for one day? I’d just keep giving myself his patented ‘what you looking at’ stare.”
Geoff Johns, president/chief creative officer, DC Entertainment (No. 64) “Working on bringing DC’s heroes and villains to the screen is the greatest job I could’ve dreamed of. But if it was one day… I would pull a Freaky Friday with Stephen Spielberg (No. 32) so I could read the new Indiana Jones script, get the new Gremlins movie greenlit and have lunch with Harrison Ford.”
Adam Fogelson, chairman, STXFilms Motion Picture Group (No. 66) “Chris Pratt (No. 89).”
Tyler Perry, actor/producer and CEO, Tyler Perry Studios (No. 67) “Kathy Griffin, on the day she took the photo with Trump’s head so I could have talked her out of it.”
Zack Van Amburg, president, U.S. programming and production, Sony Pictures TV (No. 69) “Ari Emmanuel (No. 13). He says what he means, is fearless, hard-charging, and is a voracious reader. Plus, I’d get to tell agents what to do instead of the other way around!”
Ava DuVernay, director/producer (No. 70) “Ted Sarandos (No. 2). I’d like to know how it feels to be the industry’s biggest disruptor and have those deep pockets too. I’d make it a shopping day.”
Kelly Kahl, entertainment president, CBS (No. 71) “Stephen Colbert or James Corden.”
Thom Sherman, senior executive vp programming, CBS (No. 71) “Jim Nantz.”
Noah Hawley, writer/producer (No. 76) “Wes Anderson. He just looks like he has so much fun. There’s something to the level of playfulness and just really chasing something that’s in his head that seems disconnected from any kind of note process. Plus, doesn’t he live in Paris? It’s like a whole thing.”
Kevin Hart, actor/comedian (No. 80) “If I could take anybody’s job, I’d take my job. I love what I do. I don’t want to do anything else.”
Shawn Levy, director/producer (No. 81) “Literally no one. I love my job.”
Brett Ratner, CEO, RatPac Entertainment (No. 82) “Dwayne Johnson (No. 34). He has great calves.”
Jeff Skoll, founder, Participant Media (No. 83) “The fellow who welcomes people onto the Universal studio lot.”
David Linde, CEO, Participant Media (No. 83) “My assistant.”
Steve Harvey, talk show host/producer (No. 84) “I’d choose Peter Roth (No. 72), the head of Warner Brothers, and then I’d greenlight every show I ever took to him.”
Dan Fogelman, writer/producer (No. 88) “Milo Ventimiglia. It’d be nice to have that ass for a day.”
Jordan Peele, filmmaker/producer/actor (No. 93) “The Rock (No.34).”
Patty Jenkins, director (No. 94) “Clint Eastwood (No. 63). Seems like he has such a great and impressive body of work that now he really gets to do what he wants to do, and is supported in it. What an ultimate dream and goal.”
Brian Grazer, partner, Imagine Entertainment (No. 95) “Bob Iger (No. 1), for sure. I don’t think I’m the guy to do it on a full-time basis, but it would be really really interesting to just see, feel and/or touch all the different businesses that he has expertise on.”
Barry Jenkins, writer/director (No. 97) “My lawyer, Jamie Feldman. He just seems like he’s always having fun.”
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