#I just don’t wanna do anything but one shots rn bc brain hurts and I forgot some of my own lore so I have to reread my fics LMAO
dontcallmeeds · 2 years
I’m behind on all my WIPs and how very ao3 fanfic writer notes of me to be like “sorry but my best friend DIED and my older parents both have Covid and I might get evicted but here’s a one shot I spent 3 hours on instead, read it and cope”
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quinloki · 8 months
QUIN I'm so sorry to hear about your shoulder!! Shoulders/knees/wrists are always the worst you don't realize how much you move them until they're hurting.
I just woke up a bit ago so this might be a little rambley but maybe that's perfect for a distraction
FIRSTLY omg those headcanons cracked me up bc Ace/Sabo would def just be so distracted. Like Ace walking into a mast bc you took your shirt off while working bc it was hot and now he's just passed out on the ground (with Marco in the bg just laughing and shaking his head) Omg and Marco turning into a bird. That would be HILAROUS. Baby Marco was so cute and silly I can just see the tiny little bird he'd turn into. Omg you give him a hug randomly to thank him for something and bam, bird.
OKAY SO I was reading Marco stuffs last night trying to slowly push Sabo out a LITTLE bc my god was he taking up a lot of brain space and now they're just both in there UGH.
I'd say rn in my brain it's Law/Marco/Sabo/Ace and I was thinking last night it's interesting bc while Law doesn't really have anything with the other 3, there's perfect little things in an AU where he could just interact with any of the other 3 and idk man why have one when you can have more than one >> I have expanded in my brain poly with law/marco, or marco/sabo, or tbh sometimes law/marco/ace but my brain is currently considering law/sabo and I'm like hm. That is an interesting dynamic and idk how much it makes sense but I will continue to think about it.... I can't think of a good basis for them to be around eachother in an AU. Like Law/Marco tbh I read a fic on them as doctors so that got me and then the whole brother thing with Sabo/Marco but uh... hm. I will continue to think about Law/Sabo.
One more random thought that I thought while reading fanfic last night: I wanna bite Marco That man is too composed I can just see it throwing him off guard even if it doesn't leave a mark and even if he punishes the heck out afterwords (bc doing it in the middle of the ship would be the funniest, and not at all a bet with ace/izou/thatch, noooo)
Hopefully my waking up rambles can distract you from your shoulder for a bit >o< make sure to take it easy as much as possible!!
Answering this in reverse order - it was MONTHS ago but the idea of tickling/biting Marco on the deck and getting him to *Yelp* is an idea someone kicked around with me on anon. I still have the ask in my inbox because I want to sit and do a solid one-shot for it xD
So yes. Yes to all of that and especially the payback afterward >.>
Sabo/Law… I’ve seen that pairing (thank you Dressrosa for causing their paths to cross canonically)
They could be college classmates - there’s general courses overlap between degrees, and Sabo is a Lawyer in modern AUs in my mind.
(Oh gods could you see this cheesy blonde bastard straddling Law and pulling off his shirt. “Don’t worry, I have a PhD in Law, you’ll enjoy what I do to you.”
Poor Law is like I need you to fuck me until I forget you made that awful joke.)
Maybe it’s a meet cute deal if we’re talking threesome with the reader. They all frequent the same cafe.
Sabo’s already working in a firm finishing up his degree. Law’s in a similar boat with his doctorate, or already established since he’s a little older. The reader could work at the cafe, or own it, or she’s a professional dom and just likes the cafe on its own merits.
They don’t interact at the cafe but they’re aware of one another as regulars.
The club the reader works at is run by Ivankov, and Ivan’s friends with Dragon - the main name in the legal firm Sabo works at. Sabo drops by the club for legal reasons and recognizes the reader, they chat a bit.
Law’s friends end up getting him a pass for the club and he gets his world rocked by the reader in ways he wasn’t expecting. (There are promises to keep distance at the cafe.)
Sabo doesn’t have those promises and chats with her when they’re in there together (law totally gets a little jealous and doesn’t know why.)
Then an accident or wreck or something has the reader dragging Sabo into a hospital and Lo and behold who does she run into?
Law saves Sabo, and in updating the reader realizes what their status is and that’s the beginning of the three of them becoming friends and then more.
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delicatejisung · 4 years
aaaaa i hope this reached your expectation bc my brain is literally just fried rn shdhdhd
“i think i need something sweet, my head kinda hurts and i’m getting dizzy.” yanna mumbled, walking towards where renjun was inside the practice room before holding unto the mirrored wall and leaning on her arm a bit.
to make the long story short, yanna’s started to prepare for something big coming up. and as part of the preparation, sm has instructed her to go on a diet to tone her arms and thighs aside from the neverending practices. the girl, not wanting to mess it up, has been very obedient about it. ignoring how it’s worrying the people around her, specially her boyfriend.
“maybe you need rest and actual food, not something sweet.” the boy mumbled right back, making yanna look at him a little bit before pushing herself off the wall.
“i’m fine! look, i can even jump high.” she said smugly, jumping up and down a bunch of times before turning her back on him to grab his phone and ask their manager to bring her some candy.
“great, he said he’ll bring it in a few.” the girl happily mumbled, giving renjun her phone before walking towards the center again to rehearse. after a few minutes of going over the steps, she pulled renjun with her to help her with the other parts of the choreography involving a partner. as yanna spinned around one time, renjun definitely felt how she held on to him tighter for a second and closed her eyes.
“stop straining yourself.” he said in a hard and serious tone, making the girl stop dancing before nodding a bit. she inhaled a couple of times, looking around as she felt a bit restless.
“here’s your candy, kid.” one of their managers said, arriving and making his way towards yanna who was now leaning her back against the wall once again.
“why aren’t you practicing? do you really wanna embarrass yourself in front of the heads?” their manager said a bit harshly, making renjun’s blood boil a bit. he understood, he really did. but also, he can only understand so much when it involves risking yanna’s health. he has spoken up so much about it and yet no one listened to him considering yanna’s still able to rehearse everyday while also almost eating nothing at the dorms.
“stop pressuring her, she’s been practicing all day.” he reasoned out for the girl, noticing how she looked a bit spaced out. he slowly walked over to the girl, alarmed.
“you’re aware they can cancel this anytime, right? do you really want all of this to go to waste just because your girlfriend’s being-“ he immediately stopped, noticing yanna falling and renjun running up quickly to catch her. their eyes widened at the sight of yanna in the boy’s arms.
“I TOLD YOU NOT TO PRESSURE HER.” he raised his voice, enough to pour out his frustration at the whole situation.
as the girl woke up inside the van, on the way to the hospital, she was utterly confused. even more so, seeing renjun’s face in a frown.
“sure, drive slower and deprive her of iv shots too.” he mumbled a bit loud, enough for their manager to hear. yanna could only reach out her hand a bit to his face but was stopped by the boy who grabbed it and moved it away.
“why am i getting iv shots?” she asked, still confused.
“because you fucking fainted.” he replied in an angry tone, making yanna widen her eyes.
“you’re mad at me because i fainted?” she carefully asked, making renjun look at her but still with a frown on his face.
“i’m mad at you, because you don’t listen to me. you could’ve hurt your head because of that stupid diet forcing you to eat less and less and those non-stop practicing you’ve been doing. what do you think you getting hurt would’ve done to me?” he said in all seriousness, making the girl look down. renjun sighed, feeling a bit bad about scolding the girl when she was probably already stressed out.
“i’m sorry, just... listen to me about this. i’m just trying to take care of you.” he mumbled a bit, kissing yanna’s forehead as she nodded.
“she’s not gonna listen to you because she has to get back as soon as we leave the hospital.” the manager said, making yanna close her eyes instead. already feeling lightheaded hearing she still has to practice.
“no, i won’t let her.” renjun bravely said, annoyed once again.
“that’s not a choice for you to make.” the manager replied, making the boy scoff.
“i don’t care, she’s not stepping foot in that room again today nor tomorrow.” he insisted, making yanna a bit alarmed yet unsure if she should talk. she could only close her eyes once again, still feeling a bit weak (like my writing smh this sucked).
bonus fluff:
renjun carried yanna, bridal style, to make sure she wouldn’t tire herself out walking.
“stop enjoying this so much. you could be overfatigued, you know.” the boy mumbled, making yanna smiled a bit before hiding it.
“i’m not enjoying this, who said i was?” she said while also clinging to the boy’s neck further.
“you really don’t understand emergency rooms.” the boy mumbled as yanna could only snort tiredly.
“can’t really focus, your hand’s sort of on my bu—“
“yanna!” he scolded the girl, making her smile before the boy placed her on one of the hospital beds inside the emergency room.
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clowngore · 7 years
thank you for tagging me ?? @fucktional-slytherpuff idk you but wow great Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people. 1. What is your nickname? nizh probably 2. What is your zodiac sign? sagittarius 3. What is your favorite book series? i can't read 4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? hell ya 5. Who is your favorite author? i can't read 6. What is your current favorite song? tbh the first youtube result for kashmir metal cover because kashmir is the song gwendoline thinks of when she's in character as phasma so it's like, her theme song, but the metal cover fits her more y'know 7. What is your favorite word? fuck 8. What was the last song you listened to? haunted mansion theme song 9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? game of thrones bc i'm stereotypical 10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? idfk but airplane and tombstone are always things i'll watch 11. Do you play video games? (sims music playing) (minecraft grass blocks breaking) (star wars lego theme song) yeah i'm a gamer B) 12. What is your biggest fear? being average 13. What is your best quality, in your opinion? every single thing i love myself 14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my ability to get overwhelmed after being alive for .5 seconds 15. What is your favorite season? autumn? or winter but i just really love halloween 16. Are you in a relationship? nah 17. What is something you miss from your childhood? cali-fucking-fornia 18. Who is your best friend? yumi n izzy n felix are the best friend trio 19. What is your eye color? l ight br o wn ?? ? 20. What is your hair color? rn it's purple but naturally it's dark brown almost black 21. Who is someone you love? the goddess of the universe who saved all of our souls simply by existing, gwendoline christie, 22. Who is someone you trust? the friend trio 23. Who is someone you think about often? ....................gwen 24. Are you currently excited about/for something? death 25. What is your biggest obsession? star wars or game of thrones idk 26. What was your favorite TV show as a child? spongebob hell yea 27. Do you have any unusual phobias? cherophobia 28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? both 29. What is your favorite hobby? crying 30. What was the last book you read? i can't read 31. What was the last movie you watched? my cousin vinny i think 32. What musical instruments do you play, if any? sort of guitar but i'm shit 33. What is your favorite animal? bears bears bears bears bears 34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? literally blog that consistently posts abt gwendoline 35. What superpower do you wish you had? shapeshifting 36. When and where do you feel most at peace? in my room, at night, aaaaaaaa and also the haunted mansion and pirates of the caribbean (the disneyland rides) lmao my childhood 37. What makes you smile? gwendoline. captain phasma. brienne of tarth. people complimenting me. cool clothing. me, when i look good. 38. What sports do you play, if any? is suffering a sport 39. What is your favorite drink? i fucking love matcha frappuccino with two shots of espresso 40. Are you afraid of heights? more like "don't push (person) off don't push them off don't push don't push them do not push them off don't do it i swear to god if you push them, which you will not, i will kill you do not push them" 41. What is your biggest pet peeve? gender roles and biases 42. Have you ever been to a concert? (laughs for an uncomfortably long time) (wipes tear) yeah 43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? an actor or a singer or a president and damn nizh 2/3 44. What fictional world would you like to live in? star wars fuckin duh 45. What is something you worry about? currently school and This Person 46. Are you scared of the dark? nah 47. Do you like to sing? FUCK YEah 48. Have you ever skipped school? refer to 42 49. What is your favorite place on the planet? my room or disneyland 50. Where would you like to live? kerry co ireland or outside of sapporo japan 51. Do you have any pets? ya i got a cat n a dog 52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl 53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? i like when the sun is on the opposite side of the world 54. Do you know how to drive? ): 55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones kill me 56. Have you ever had braces? yeah it's hell 57. What is your favorite genre of music? is rock too vague 58. Who is your hero? i can't answer these questions with anything other than gwendoline dhjsfjkdjs 59. Do you read comic books? i wish i would get around to it 60. What makes you the most angry? refer to 41 61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? i like real books but i'm so lazy that i'm more likely to read digital 62. What is your favorite subject in school? leaving 63. Do you have any siblings? unfortunately i have two 64. What was the last thing you bought? that implies that i have money to spend (probably clothes) 65. How tall are you? 5'0 or 5'1 idk 66. Can you cook? can i use my brain ever 67. What are three things that you love? gwendoline, my ego, sleeping 68. What are three things that you hate? refer to 42, homophobes/transphobes, overwhelming things 69. What is your sexual orientation? bi???? idk but i love girls and in between and boys are kinda iffy i'm not sure if i like them i don't think so but it's Confusing 70. Where do you currently live? unfortunately the united states of prejudice 71. Who was the last person you texted? yumi 72. When was the last time you cried? idk last night prolly 73. Who is your favorite YouTuber? no one ? 74. Do you like to take selfies? ya way too much but it's justified bc i'm great 75. What is your favorite app? tumblr idk 76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? it's fine 77. What is your favorite foreign accent? gwen's 78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? idfk i'm too tired for this 79. What is your favorite number? 13 because i like to be edgy 80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? space, the ocean is confining 81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? idk i do what i want to 82. Are you allergic to anything? chocolate. dairy. idk 83. Can you wiggle your ears? i don't think so? 84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? i'm never wrong 85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? hhhhhhhhhhhhh idk??????? 86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? nobody has given me advice but, everything gwen says is rly good and basically what i can say is: do things that you want if they, logically, make sense and are reasonable and don't hurt anyone. rules that are based on nothing and are just rules to be rules don't need to be followed. judge whether people need to be respected, only respect authority that deserves respect. society is wrong most of the time. if people don't like you it's not your problem and they can cry about it, you're still great and just because some ugly loser is wrong about you doesn't mean that you're automatically worse. 87. Are you a good liar? i'm an actor so 88. What is your Hogwarts House? idk 89. Do you talk to yourself? mhm 90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert 91. Do you keep a journal/diary? i don't even keep my thoughts consistently 92. Do you believe in second chances? depends 93. Do you believe that people are capable of change? yeah but i don't wanna be the one to do it 94. Are you ticklish? literally nowhere 95. Have you ever been on a plane? ya a shitload 96. Do you have any piercings? my ears twice but i want more 97. What fictional character do you wish was real? literally take a fuckin guess (phasma) 98. Do you have any tattoos? god i wish 99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? refer to 86. the decision to not care and to judge things for myself def makes me feel better about myself and the world because the pressures of society need to fuck off 100. Do you believe in karma? sorta 101. Do you wear glasses or contacts? no 102. Do you want children? adopt older (10+) children when i'm older 103. Who is the smartest person you know? lmao me (idk) 104. What is your most embarrassing memory? when i was in kindergarten this girl said her favorite color was either pink or purple and i really aggressively raised my hand pointing 1 finger and said "black!!" and everyone stared at me and my life has never been that bad 105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? way too many times 106. What color are most of you clothes? black 107. Do you like adventures? idk i don't do shit 108. Have you ever been on TV? god i wish 109. How old are you? no 110. What is your favorite quote? "i became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity" and it's not because of the emo reason you think it actually makes sense if i explain it 111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? idk 112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you? side-eyes That Person 113. What is your favorite scent? cold 114. Random fact you know? every penny made before 1982 is actually almost fully copper, and if melted down is worth 2 cents 115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships? hard. just, really hard. not sure if it's worth it 
Tagging: @yumikoflare @one-bad-apple @boxer-pup @erosiian @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell and if anyone else wants to do them you should message me so i know to tag you in the future LOL
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ios-amsterdam · 6 years
Ep 6. “Oploop for Cullan”
The final twelve castaways are merged and are now members of the Coven tribe.
It feels like Randy is relying on me for a majority of the social game. I totally get that it's hard to integrate yourself into a new group of people - but I don't want to have to carry him in this game. As far as I know, I'm the one who's making the other connections, and he's been asking me to do the talking when it comes to forming the alliances (which is something I really don't want to risk). Hopefully he's not just using me as a shield if we lose, I want him to be able to do something for himself, yk? It's his game too, and I want him to actually do well. And idk if laying low will really do anything for him right now. 
HOLY FUCK I MADE MERGE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's bittersweet bc now I have to scramble on behalf of Randy and myself BUT ITS OKAY BECAUSE WE'RE MERGED I'm so proud of myself. My current goal now that we're merged is to just check in with the old Wolfskers - specifically Keaton. I think of all the people from our old tribe, he's the biggest wildcard? Especially since now Chrissa is gone with the unanimous vote, I really just want to know why, yk? JONES:
I pitched an alliance to Keaton and he's down!! this is what I've been like,,terrified of doing the whole time? Idk if it's my dumb bitch juice or I'm getting too cocky or anything, but I'm finally like, making moves!! I'm pleased!! Ahhhhh!!!! hopefully they don't kick me in the ass or anything lol MO:
I made iT IT TO MERGE FUCKERS I DID IT. ME. I WIN. I’m getting to know everyone in this merged tribe and it’s so nice, it feels like a campfire. As for the reward challenge, I doubt I’m winning that shit, I don’t know anyone that well but it’s ok im ok we’re fine. Also, when i drink caffeine my brain becomes moldable to irrational thoughts that wouldn’t usually affect me but they amplify on caffeine. this isn’t game related i just needed to share. JONES:
So...I found myself in a weird situation. I'm not saying I'm the new Tyler Crispen or anything, but apparently I have ties with most people? Not only do I have my "Alliance" with Randy/Keaton/Jayden/Nick (since we haven't solidified anything yet), but now I have this alliance with Saxon and Madison. I'm glad that I have options, but I'm just worried that somehow it's going to bite me in the ass. Half of the time I didn't even do anything - Nick and Jayden literally were like "you're cool I wanna work with you" and like???? Shit here I am lmao. But yeah, it's bittersweet. I'll figure this out though if I can, I have more wiggle room now Y'all asked for tea! I'm thinking about the current dynamics of the game rn, and it's the Wolfskers 5 v 7 other people right? SO Wolfskers think they're in control of the game - and I want to keep it that way for this coming vote and maybe get someone that's inactive out like Jacob or Autumn? BUT then it'll be 5 v 6, I can maybe talk with Oploop for Cullan and the rest of the guys outside of Wolfskers about a blindside?? Idk!! I kind of love the idea. We can't expect to make it to the end with all of Wolfskers there, we have to turn on each other eventually - plus It's finally not a unanimous vote and it'll be a game changer yk?? I guess I want to see my og tribe mates squirm a bit. I've felt like I've been carrying some people on my social game so I'd like to see them try and save themselves. I came to play, not just sit around and coast the whole time.
Okay soooooo it's merge now, which means I can finally be with all my boys (Keaton/Nick/Kage). And last night, Jones, Saxon, and I made an alliance, so that's like half the tribe right now (math?) so I feel confident that I'm in a good position right now, but I also worry about Keaton being too comfortable as well. As proud as I would be to see him win, I need to try and make sure that doesn't happen because I know for a fact he wouldn't hesitate to backstab me (relationship goals) so I need to make sure that I take the first shot at some point. I don't know what it is, but I just feel really chill at this point right now. ALYSSA:
S/o to me juggling one-on-one alliances with four people LOL let’s see how long I can keep this up ~~~ RANDY:
I promised Saxon that I'd try to keep him safe for the next two tribals since he won't be there, and I also want to call Madison and Saxon to hear my "plans"?? I want to see what'll happen. It'll probs bite me in the ass if my paranoid bitch juice plans fail, but I'd rather go out of the game on a high note pulling off moves than doing nothing yk? I'm totally happy to help people with this immunity only because Idk if I want to win it? In my mind I keep asking myself if it'll make me a threat to win? It would be nice to win something, but I don't really need to unless I have to yk? ALYSSA:
Madison be coming for my allies and I’m like... first boot? Hehe JONES:
Alright so, Madison has said maybe 3 entire words since merge. Like Im not gonna force myself on you, ill just send you to ponderosa 🤷‍♀️ JONES:
I love how both my alliances are targeting each other :) :) :)  MO:
I hate the first tribal after merge. Because usually merge at the beginning it’s like a huge party because it’s a checkpoint for everyone and unless you go into merge with previous beef between you and someone else there’s not much to go off of when it comes to who to vote for. So now everyone’s just kinda sitting, looking around at eachother trying to find if there’s a reason they should be eliminated. Even if you wanna play strategic there’s a 50/50 chance of it working because you either get people to agree with you, or your target finds out and turns everyone against you. Slightly off topic, I’m not gonna lie I know I shouldn’t of been offended at the reward challenge but the person I gave a big bowl of spaghetti gave me a rotten banana. JONES:
The plan right now is to get rid of Kage and honestly I'm fine with it?? Like YEAH I keep saying that I want to see Wolfskers squirm - but there's no possible way that all of Wolfskers can make it to the end and we have to pick ourselves off eventually, and I don't want to be the one who has to get picked off because of it. Plus they're being kind of cocky about having the votes like - you're literally 4 of 12 people that already blew their cover to their target within 3 hours of the immunity challenge ending. MO:
So the vote tonight was originally going to be Madison but all of a sudden we hear about Kage being in an alliance with Keaton and Jayden so everyone’s going to vote Kage. But then I thought about it, I asked who told me about the Kage vote and they said that Saxon told them that Kage was in an alliance in the first place and from my knowledge, Saxon and Madison are pretty close. But I’m fine with voting out Kage. MADISON:
In this game Kage is a piece of hot garbage and he really hurt my feelings by coming for me for literally no reason. I never would've done that to him and it's just not a smart move on his part. And the fact that Keaton was in on it makes me so angry. I don't know why people in games always hate me so much, if knew I would change it but idk what I'm doing wrong. NICK:
So the vote is either Madison or Kage and my job is really to convince people to keep Madison because she is loyal.... well mainly loyal to me :D JONES:
WE HAVE MAJORITY TO GET KAGE and if I’m right then after this vote, Keaton will think that Randy flipped and will go after him, if not then I guess I’ll die! Sorry you had to succumb to the perjury gods, Kage. You were just too quick to throw one of my closest allies under the bus and I wasn’t okay with that. I kind of want to just say - yeah: I might be playing like a snake. I get that. But until this point I’ve been playing to nice and have to start playing for myself. I know I wouldn’t make it to the final 3 if I went with the Wolfskers 5, and now that it’s merge I have to make big moves. I’m sorry if anyone’s offended by what I play, but the game is the game and I hope we can be friends afterward. Thinking back I’m honestly kind of upset that I’m betraying Wolfskers/Kage/Randy, because I feel like I really have made connections with everybody, and now it hurts to vote them out. But game wise I know I have to do it eventually. I hope they won’t be mad after the game ends :( ALYSSA:
Catch me out here trying to find the winning side and work with them lmao everyone is making final deals and I’m like ???? Well apparently Keaton’s in an f4 with Jayden, kage, and randy And apparently Jayden made an f3 alliance with him and autumn??? Even tho he’s been trying to work with me???? And Saxon who was my f2 from the start is getting close with Madison Which makes me nervous but then I can always sneak into that for a potential f3???? But I’m a strong player and I don’t think that many strong players in an alliance will work Or at least like we’re all the same kind of strong player. Saxon and Madison are pretty strong players I’d feel nervous having an f3 with them for fear that one would back out And Saxon told me he and Madison have been on call every night It’s just very confusing Everyone has a fucking final whatever Im most loyal to Autumn tbh cuz idk who else I can really trust  and Autumn is loyal back I think... But then i just heard Jayden made an f3 with him and autumn and I’m like ?????? I trust trust I just wanna make Jury lol And not get called a snake 😂😂 Do I keep secrets? Yes But do I vote out people from my alliances? No (The one with kage doesn’t count) (That hasn’t been active since merge)
This game is silly. Everyone refuses to truly tell me whats going on (probably for better but still) and i have to hope and pray people tell me what the plan is. Today, that was Jones, telling me the majority hit on Kage so I am doing that...until an insane plan hits my mind.  Tell EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHERS IM VOTING KAGE...INCLUDING KAGE. Then, vote Madison. At this point, i have everyone in the world thinking i voted Kage, but instead i voted wrong on purpose, causing chaos in the group hunting for the stray vote. If i can sucessfully pull this off, I can save myself for 2-3 votes while everyone goes on a witch hunt, and the witch goes along with them. AUTUMN:
I have a loooot of tea to cover and like no time to do it cause I gotta grab dinner before live night but whew Kage is probably going home 8-4, the Wolfsker boys are in trouble- which would explain why both Randy and Jayden each hit me up for an alliance- and I love it. PLUS Madison created this vote with Jones' help since she's a mole on Wolfskers and her actual alliance is Nick, Saxon, and Madison. We love getting what we wanted with no blood on our hands 
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 So you know I'm intentionally off the grid right now as they're panicking. Because whoever sticks by Kage and doesn't flip is walking right into the lion's den. All I need is for the vote to not be unanimous cause if it is, there won't be a massive fallout like I need there to be. Right now we have betrayal, 2 core fours about to go into war, and 4 floaters in the middle including me and Alyssa. So unity is not what I need right now. Ok I think I just about covered it? BUT LIKE ARE YOU SCREAMING BECAUSE I AM Alright now I really gotta go/ woo fingers crossed! And things better be how I left them cause if this shit somehow goes 6-6 so help me God
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Fr Fr the sheep came out. Madison is active af and hasnt spoken to me. HMMM. Honestly I may be going home it is what it is. I think I can get Randy Keaton and Jones together to vote with me. Hopefully Autumn and Alyssa still wanna work with me. I feel like thats the only way ima stay.
I'm starting to think that Madison and Saxon are playing emotionally? Like,,,I totally get where they come from, but when I told them Mo was sus of them being together, they were immediately like "I kinda wanna vote him" but that's not (clap emoji) SMART (clap emoji) BECAUSE he's so likeable?? Especially since he's already on to the Oploop for Cullan alliance,,,like,,cmon also we shouldn't be throwing names out now or they'll find out like what happened with Kage?? Idk I'd rather take my time rn bc we have an entire day
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