#I just remember how sometimes in college and dental school I could go days without talking to anyone and listening to my own voice
raplinesmoon · 7 months
I’m listening my responses to the audio games and I loved recording them but I remember why I don’t like playing back my voice
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wistfulwatcher · 3 years
Hello I saw your tag on that "im 25 and dying post" please tell us how it got better for you. Im 26, still living with parents, currently having a fight with my boyfriend, and i still have a year until I get my bachelors. The comparison to everyone younger than me is killing me.
I'm really sorry to hear that you're struggling, but I hope you can take some solace in the fact that that post has a lot of notes and you are absolutely not alone in feeling the way you do! I can certainly try and share my experience, but unfortunately I think the biggest factor is just time (and like, a buttload of self-reflection).
I moved back home after college and worked full time at an administrative job I was doing during school breaks. I majored in psychology and anthropology in college, and was planning to eventually go into forensic psychology, but wasn't interested in going straight into grad school. So I did that administrative job for about a year, and tried to find something that was a bit more stable and at least semi-related to my field. I did end up finding a new job when I was 23 - stable, semi-related to my field (a psych/research background was required), and decent pay (especially as I was still living at home). Exactly what I needed, since I still wasn't ready to start looking into grad school.
I was doing pretty well, until I started getting comfortable at that job, and then I started getting hit with the "I'm not doing enough," and "I need to look into grad school," and "will I ever find a boyfriend?" (friendly reminder that 23-year-old me thought she was straight, yikes), "how will I afford to move out, I have to save my money and do it soon!", "I'm not doing anything but watching TV, I'm wasting my life," "I'm lonely, but I'm too tired to try and make friends," etc., etc.
But it wasn't constant. I'd have a flurry of those questions and fears, and then days where I was just living life and doing my job and taking care of my dogs, without any of that. And I don't think I felt good or particularly comfortable those days, it was more like I just wasn't actively thinking about it, like when you feel "good" after a physical pain goes away and you're just normal.
Eventually, I started thinking about all of these concerns I had, and the fact that it felt like it was URGENT whenever I thought about them. It felt like I needed to get my shit together immediately. I also started to acknowledge that there was this big sense of guilt around those concerns; I was too old to be living at home, I was too old to be single, I was too old not to be starting a career. I felt like I was wasting my life (cue the guilt), and I realized that part of why I felt like I was wasting it was that I felt like I was missing milestones I wouldn't be able to do at a later time because the older I was past "normal" the more humiliating it would be to try (cue the shame and embarrassment, hard).
I also started to doubt that I wanted to go into forensic psychology. More importantly, I started to seriously doubt that I wanted a "career" at all. My job (as I kept that same semi-related to my field one) was absolutely a job, not a career. And I think this was a huge tipping point for me, because a career had always been a given in my life. I'm passionate about what I'm interested in, so it literally just never occurred to me that I would be content with a job. I also started acknowledging that I had some messed up associations about being content with a job meaning that I was lazy (because the only way to be ambitious is with a career and, more damaging, a lack of ambition is fundamentally bad).
Now, I need to clarify that all of the above occurred over the course of years. I was constantly seeing "friends" (i.e., of the facebook variety) go to grad school, start careers, get married, buy homes, etc. And with all of that alongside the entire mess I've outlined in the above paragraphs, it was really, really, tough. It gets hard to find a foothold in better thinking, I believe, when seeing all of these people (some younger) doing things "right" was really just compounding my guilt and shame. (I feel like it's worth mentioning, too, that I was always "an individual" growing up, march-to-the-beat-of-my-own-drummer, yada yada. I feel like that's worth pointing out for others who may be in the same boat, because I think it can lead to another layer of shame in comparing yourself to those around you - especially if it's a big part of your identity that you DON'T do that, because I think it's inevitable as you get older, and you're looking to reach these milestones that prove you're an adult.)
So, here I am, acknowledging that I feel guilt and shame about what I'm not doing. And suddenly I ask myself my first really important question: Do I want a career? The question hot on its heels is: Do I want to go to grad school? Honestly, my answer is no. There is nothing in me that's excited by the prospect. But what, does that mean I'm just going to work my job for the rest of my life? How is giving up going to make me feel better about Not Doing Enough?
As I'm opening this door (remember, years), three things happen: 1) I realize I'm gay, 2) I watch Dirty 30, 3) I start playing D&D.
First, realizing I'm gay. Woohoo! Not only was this exciting because girls are amazing, but it made me seriously look at myself. Realizing I had spent 25 years assuming one thing about myself that turned out to be completely wrong made me question everything for a while. I started to ask myself, "Do I really like this?" more often, which seems like a really obvious question, but I'm not convinced that it's one people ask themselves consciously all that often. But once I did, I realized how freeing it was to answer, "No," and move on to something I did like.
Second, I watched Dirty 30, the Grace Helbig/Mamrie Hart/Hannah Hart movie. It feels dramatic to say that it changed my life, but the older I get the more I honestly think it did. Mamrie Hart's character is a dental hygienist who is freaking out about turning 30 and feeling very much like that text post I reblogged. But (spoilers), at the end of the movie, she decides that she loves her job (job, not career!) because it's comfortable and she has fun at work, and that it makes her happy. She has other things going on, but the idea that a character in a film is content with her job and choosing to "settle" into her life as-is and she's genuinely happy about it? I honestly can't think of a single other time I've seen that happen on-screen. I still think about that ending very often. And after seeing it, I started to ask myself another question regularly: "Am I happy?" Again, this feels pretty obvious, but I think there is something incredibly empowering about making sure you are happy on a regular basis, instead of just assuming that you're fine until something hurts.
Third, I started playing D&D. This is not a plug for D&D! (Well, maybe a little.) One thing that happened to me when I started to get into the urgent-guilt-shame-confusion mess of my mid-20s was that I got very much into a routine of go to work, come home, sleep, go to work, come home, sleep, be totally brain-dead on the weekend, repeat. I found it very difficult to feel creative because I was just wiped, and as all of my creative outlets (gifs, fanfic) are self-motivated, it was really easy to brush them off. I ended up starting Critical Role (this is also not a plug for CR! well, maybe), and I wanted to give D&D a try myself. (I was VERY lucky - my best friend happened to be listening to the Adventure Zone at the same time I started CR, and she wanted to try to run a game. The stars truly aligned!)
I started playing, then DMing, and found that it was a great fit for my interests. I used to be a theatre kid, and I was getting to act again (something I didn't realize I was missing). I was getting to build and flesh out characters, which is what I love the most about writing fanfic. I was also discovering that I was stretching myself - world building and plot had never been my strong suit, but as a DM it became the majority of my creative effort. It gave me soft deadlines with people I didn't want to let down, and it made me truly social again for the first time since college. Essentially, it was filling in all of the gaps of what I felt lacking in my life. This isn't a D&D plug because it wasn't D&D specifically, but rather a hobby that satisfied what was missing in my life. For example, I didn't realize how isolated I was before D&D until I had regular interactions with friends, and that isolation absolutely made the urgent-guilt-shame-confusion worse.
D&D gave me that final push to realize that I was OK with having a job and being passionate about hobbies instead of trying to fit myself into a career, because I was getting out of that hobby what I had been convinced I would get out of a career. I started to really value that I could punch out and go have fun doing exactly what I wanted to do. (It feels so obvious as I type this, but it took me a long time to get here! Sometimes it really is that simple!)
The above is specific to my job vs. career struggle which may not be in the mix of things you're struggling with. But what I do think is universal/can be your take away, is that sometimes you just have to actively choose to let go of the pressure to be doing things. Which, I know, sounds so much easier than it is (and part of why I think it just takes time/is part of growing older). But I think it's something that can be worked at over time, by checking in with yourself about what you feel, why you feel it, and what you need to make yourself feel better in the present.
It's been 6 years since I started that semi-related job, and I'm still there. I still live with my mom. I'm still single. My circumstances have not changed since 24, but honestly? I'm OK. When I check in with myself about it, I do enjoy living with my mom and our dogs (even though I'm 30 and "real" adults move out). I am happy more often than I'm not (much more, actually!). I have a job that allows me to be done after 8 hours, and I have hobbies I look forward to doing each night (and the energy to do them, most of the time). My weekends are free to play D&D with my friends and laugh until I cry. That is what I've worked out as my definition of what I want life to be right now. You'll notice it includes none of the "milestones" that those younger than me have hit.
As I noted on that text post tag, I still struggle with this. I definitely have days where I think, I'm a mess, I'm not DOING anything. It's hard. But time does help, those days become fewer and farther between.
I know that was probably a hundred times longer than you wanted it to be, but I did want to illustrate just how much of a process it is. It takes time. My summary advice is to check in with yourself often, be honest about what you want and what you need, do not let anyone else define where you "should" be. And if you aren't living life how you want to be, identify what you can do (however small) to make yourself feel like you're getting closer.
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The Interview -Joaquin Phoenix FF
!TW! Emotional abuse, death mentioned, grief
The Interview
It was a very bad idea to drink the night before this interview. You knew it then and you also knew it as soon as you woke up that morning, so hungover you could barely distinguish your feet from your hands. “This is bad...” you mumble to yourself as you walk over to what you could only assume was your medicine cabinet, desperately trying to take some ibuprofen before the inevitable headache and nausea kicked in strong.
After a lot of fumbling and trying to shake pills out of a dental floss container for way too long you finally find the ibuprofen and take 2 with a swig of tap water. Then you walk over to your bedside table hoping that your last nights drunken self had remembered to put your phone there. ..you had remembered! Feeling a slight feeling of pride as your phone finally came into focus you turned it on. Although you had remembered to put your phone in the right place for once, you had sadly forgotten to plug it in. It wasn’t dead but you only had 15% left. “Ugh, I can relate...” you sighed as you plugged it in and looked at the time 9:45. Alright so- wait, 9:45?!? You only have 45 minutes to get to a place 30 minutes away by taxi, but that’s only if you somehow managed to immediately get a taxi as soon as you left your building. Which is practically impossible during tourist season. This means you only just have 15 minutes to get completely ready and, more importantly, get sober.
You do a strange mix of stumbling and running to your kitchen grabbing at anything to fill your stomach. You by some miracle manage to successfully make a (maybe slightly too full) bowl of milk and a cup of coffee. You chug the coffee, burning your tongue in the process and you cool it down by chugging your cereal. You look at your phone, 4 minutes have passed. You jump up off your chair and run blindly back to your bedroom stopping only to glance at your face in the mirror of your bathroom and cringe at the streaks of last nights makeup still on your face. Running into the bedroom you desperately look around for the outfit that you had prepared for today, you had kept it in the same spot for a week making sure that it wasn’t in the wash and unavailable to wear today. You look in the spot, now covered in underwear, a scarf and 3 unknown lipsticks probably exchanged in the womens restroom at the bar last night. Underneath it all...the deep green suit you had planned for today! Thank god!
You throw it on and run back to the bathroom, knocking over an array of furniture on the way, grabbing around for your makeup remover and a cotton pad. You desperately wipe at your eyes, not really caring if every bit is wiped off just wanting the giant streaks of sleep-covered makeup gone. You get most of it off, leaving only slight traces of eyeliner and mascara right in your lash-line and practically jump on your makeup bag, trying to check the time at the same time. Sadly your phone had run out of battery at some point while you were attacking your face. “Ah, fuck it!” you mutter as you just chuck it at your bag, thinking that you’ll just have to go without a phone today and that you’ll charge it later. With shaky hands you draw on your eyeliner as precisely as possible, at the end feeling proud that you only fucked it up twice and that they weren’t even that noticeable. You then run to the door, grabbing your bag, vaguely grabbing inside it to make sure you felt your money, your keys, your slightly crumpled resume and your dead phone and run out the door, hoping that there was a taxi just waiting out there. As expected, there wasn’t one. You have no choice but to wait. The minutes pass like hours until finally, just when you were about to give up and start running towards the nearest bus stop (which is 10 minutes away and is twice the journey time) a yellow taxi peeled around the corner at the highest speeds. You wave to it desperately and luckily it screeches to a stop. You climb in and almost yell the address at the driver, you didn’t want to be rude, you were just so desperate.
As soon as your body settled down in the back seat, you started to feel rather dizzy and like you were going to pass out. You try to breathe deep to calm yourself down but it just kinda makes you suddenly nauseous so you resolve to just looking out the window to distract yourself.
As you watch the people and cars zooming past you try to remember what your uncle told you when he said that he got you this interview. “The man who’s going to be interviewing you is named Joaquin Phoenix, you will address him as Mr. Phoenix. You need to tell him about your college, your high school, the two other jobs you’ve had, how long you’ve had them, the fact that you haven’t been fired or reprimanded in the 2 years that you have had those jobs. Don’t get too sappy or tell him about your possible eviction due to your now ex dropping financial support, that will probably just make him think that you’re making it all up because it all seems to sad and ridiculous to be true. He’ll think you’re just trying to work off of his sympathy and will probably not take it well.” You sigh, although you hated how strictly he said it, you knew it was true, and you need this job.
After you broke up with them, you lost everything. They had helped you with taxes, they helped move and put together all your furniture, they were there for you when your father passed away, in fact, they had been with you for the better part of four years. Losing that broke you, physically, mentally and financially. You weren’t mooching or anything, you had your two jobs to pay for most of the bills, and they had their job. They just always helped when you were a couple hundred short, one time even a whole thousand short. This happened practically every month, being a barista and waitress didn’t pay as much as you expected, but they never minded. They always payed the amount, but then they would guilt-trip you. Forcing you to do things that you didn’t want to do because of their false sense of you “owing them” due to how much time and money they had spent on you. Sometimes you weren’t in the mood to “mess around”, sometimes you were too socially anxious to go to a party, sometimes you were just busy with your two jobs to spend every second of your day with them, but they didn’t care. You owed them these things and if you said no, they would threaten to not help you pay next month, or guilt you by bringing up your dad’s death. Both hurt just as bad and they knew this. They wanted to make you get in trouble at work, by making you not go, so you’d lose your job and have to depend on them more but they never succeeded. Although they had manipulated you in so many other ways, they never affected your work ethic. You knew that you needed to be there every day and no matter how much they guilt-tripped you and sent you text after text, voicemail after voicemail, threat after threat, you stayed at work. Once you got home you would fight and fight and scream and cry, they would yell at you, then as soon as you yelled, made their voice calm and condescending, making you seem like you were crazy.
Sometimes, you would even believe it yourself, but 2 weeks, 14 hours and 25 minutes ago, you didn’t bend, you kicked them out and called your mother, uncle and oncle (the uncle on your mothers side was gay and married a french man that you called oncle because that’s uncle in French) and they stayed over that night, with you crying and sobbing, and with them supplying you with chocolate, vodka and no phone. Your mom kept your phone from you like she had done when you were a child, and you’re glad she did, you surely would’ve called them and gotten back together and gotten back to being manipulated.
Since then, your mother, uncle and oncle had been visiting you one by one, checking up on you, making sure you were doing alright. The first night that they hadn’t done this was last night, the night that you went out, got shitfaced, came home, got more shitfaced and destroyed the house. It was the worst night for them to not check up on you, but you didn’t blame them. It was getting old to them, or maybe they were busy, maybe they just thought you were already over it. You weren’t obviously.
You were so deep in thought that you barely heard the taxi driver say “we’re here.” He was patient but he definitely wanted to get paid sometime today so to grab your attention he raised his voice a tad “We’re here ma’am!” You snapped out of it and looked out the window, you were here. You blushed, embarrassed and hastily thanked the taxi driver, paid for the ride and ran out towards the tall silver building in to the left of the car. The quick jump from sitting to running, though, made you reel and you almost fell onto the pavement when you suddenly stopped in mid-air. It took a moment to realize that someone had grabbed you and held you up before you made your face a pavement-pancake. You looked up, it was a man with silver hair, he had a medium sized beard, quite close to his face, not clean-shaven but not a lumberjack beard. Somewhere between there. He wore a shirt, tie and zip-up sweater. Kinda strange but nice-looking. His eyes were a lovely bright green in the morning light but they were so light you at first thought that they were silver. He held you close, with genuine concern written all over his face. “Are you okay, Miss?” His voice was sweet and gravely, and you felt the vibration of his vocal cords run from his chest, through you like a warm shower, slow and comforting.
You had kinda zoned out for a second, and suddenly realized what had happened, what situation you were in and how embarrassing it was. Your face became hot and stung, like as if you had instantly gotten a sunburn. You tried to stand up but your legs did not seem to want to cooperate. Instead of planting on the ground, steady and firm, to support your body weight, your legs decided to just kinda flop about like fish out of water, desperately trying to find the ground. They finally did and you wobbled up, standing, facing him embarrassed out of your mind.
He was patient and held you tight in case you fell again, “It’s okay, I’m here.” Why did he have to say that? Tears welled up in your eyes and the urge to hug this stranger became overwhelming. “Are you okay? What happened?” He asked as the tears fell down your face, worried that he had said something wrong. You started sobbing now, “I’m-I’m fi-i-i-ine..” you said between sobs, “I...[sniff]...I just had a bad morning...[sob] and-and now...I’ve got a job interview here right now and...and...I need this job but...I-I can’t do it!” At this point you were both sitting in the ground in front of each other, him still holding you and listening. “Keep going, I’m here for you” He pressed on, trying to get you to talk more. For an hour you both sat there with this stranger, you telling him everything and him listening carefully. Not really giving any opinion of his own yet, just asking questions to make you tell him more, tell him about how you felt, what you did next, what you remembered in the moments. Slowly at first, you started to feel better. The more you talked, the less you cried, the less you cried, the more you noticed about this man and how handsome he was, he had a small line on his lip, it was hard to see at first through his moustache but you noticed. Maybe it was a scar? You also noticed his teeth as he asked questions, not straight but not completely crooked. Yellow, he was either a coffee drinker, a smoker or both. His fingers were tobacco-stained, he was a smoker. His eyes were perfectly lined with long lashes, giving another layer of beauty to this man’s face. The more you noticed, the more you wanted to know about him. Life went so slow and sweet with him.
You finished everything that you had to say, finally calm and content. He quietly turned his head and furrowed his brow, processing everything you said. He stayed this way for about 5 minutes. You didn’t mind though, it just meant you could simply watch him and forget everything else in life. After a while he spoke, slowly and carefully, choosing each word as if it was the most important decision of his life. “Wow...that is definitely a whole lot to go through in one lifetime. I understand what it’s like to lose someone, I lost both my father and my brother. My brother died of an overdose right in front of me and I lost my father to cancer in 2015. I have no idea what you will need to heal...but for me, I chose to create. I overworked myself at times, hurt the people I love, I came close to giving up at times, but I kept going. Lots of people tell you to never look back but...I find that looking back sometimes can help you heal. You need to look back to know where you came from. The important thing is to not do that forever, otherwise you’ll never move forwards. You seem to have been overworking yourself, both with your work and your relationship. The man, that you were going to have an interview with...he’s me.”
Your stomach dropped. You had completely forgotten about the interview. The words of your uncle repeated in your head. “Don’t get too sappy...that will probably just make him think that you’re making it all up...he’ll think you’re just trying to work off of his sympathy and will probably not take it well.” You instantly drop your gaze and lower your head, ashamed and unbelievably worried. “I’m so sorry Mr. Phoenix, I made it so you weren’t working. I told you everything about my life. I promise you it’s all true and I swear I didn’t try to play off of your sympathy...I had no idea you were...” You glanced up, meeting his gaze. He looked profoundly confused and not at all angry. You blushed beet red and looked down again in apology. You sat there for a couple minutes, tears forming again, blurring your vision. Then something slowly reached for your face. As the tears fell off your eyelashes and landed on your leg, you saw that it was his hand, he slowly placed his pointer finger under your chin and gently pushed your head upwards. You complied and lifted your head, completely ashamed and met his gaze again. What took you completely aback was, that he was smiling at you. “Miss Y/N...I never thought that. I actually was supposed to have time-off during the time of our interview but your uncle is very good at convincing people.” You both laughed at this, for it was indeed true “So I wasn’t kept from work. Finally, I’d be more surprised if your life story wasn’t true, I would say that you’re an amazing actress if that was the case. I know that everything you’ve said has been true, I could even tell that quite a bit was wrong as soon as I saw you left the taxi. It all made sense as soon as you said it.” You smiled at him. You had only just met him that day but you already felt so comfortable around him. Was this love at first sight?
“Well, now that we are properly acquainted, do you want my number so we can make another interview time or maybe even...to go get a coffee?” You blushed again, getting your phone out of your bag, forgetting that it had run out of battery. You cursed at yourself, you should’ve just let it charge. “I’m sorry, but my phone is out of battery...do you have a charger?” “No, I don’t on me...do you want to come over and charge it?” You nodded, unable to speak because you were so flustered and walked with him to his car, excited to see where this day would go.
PS Hey! This is my first FF! I hope whoever reads this likes it and if you want to request a fic or if you want to give tips on writing FFs I'll happily write any FF or take any advice.
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twoblueheartslocked · 4 years
Mini Para: July Flashback.
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Four and a Half years before the events of ( Hold On To The Memories, They Will Hold On To You ) Start of July before Blaine’s Senior Year and Sebastian’s Junior Year. Blaine (almost 17) Seb (almost 16).
Location: Westerville, OH- In a Starbucks tucked away in a little nook.
Info: The First Flashback. Blaine and Kurt break up before Kurt heads off to college in New York. Sebastian tries to contain himself.
Warnings: N/A
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Notes: Some canon events remain in place while others have been changed. Some things may even be out of order. You can consider this sort of canon divergent AU. A few changes are that Blaine’s parents are different from the show (His mother is Filipina), he didn’t cheat on Kurt or date Dave and Sebastian is younger than Blaine. Feel free to send a message if you have any questions!
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine turned his music down, the poppy sound of Perry fading away as he pulled into the crowded parking lot of Westerville, Ohio’s Starbucks. There were better coffee places, but it was less likely a bunch of people he knew would be milling around a Starbucks. He’d done well to keep his friendship with Sebastian Smythe hushed and he wanted to keep it that way. Sebastian, for his part, did as well. It wasn’t really a secret, but people talked and it didn’t matter that it truly was just a friendship at the end of the day. He tried to ignore the nagging, annoying little voice in his head that scoffed and nagged at him about how he was totally attracted to Sebastian and liked his company more than most of his McKinley friends. Why else are you driving to meet him after the events of the past week, Blaine?
He pushed the thoughts away and pulled the mirror from above his head down and gave himself a quick look, noting that his eyes were only still just a little red and the puffiness from crying had gone away completely. He got out of his SUV, making sure to shove his wallet into the back pocket of his rolled, bright coral shorts and made his way into the shop to get out of the July heat, his Sperrys threatening to melt into the pavement.He glanced around the store, scanning for the tall familiar form of his tentative friend and frowned when he couldn’t find him.
He pulled out his phone to shoot a text when it started to vibrate in his hand, the words making him smile and rolling his eyes as he did as he was told. 
Seb: Turn around, Killer.
The smile was still faintly on his face when he made his way over to Sebastian. His companion had actually secured their nook table that deemed them hidden out of view. The spot was usually taken up by students hoping to get some work done or couples making out and the thought made him blush a little as he sat down across from Sebastian who had made himself at home, long legs spread out and taking up way more space than he needed. The other boy, smirking as usual, slid two biscottis and a grande white and green cup over to Blaine. Blaine picked it up, already smelling that Sebastian had remembered the cinnamon in his drip. His heart gave a little flip because self absorbed Sebastian had remembered the cinnamon and the biscotti but Blaine being Blaine ignored it like usual.
“Thank you. I’ll get the next round, okay? I can’t believe you managed to snag our spot.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian couldn’t stop the excitement that flared in his stomach anytime Blaine’s name flashed across the screen of his iPhone. He always cancelled his plans in favor of meeting Blaine at Starbucks or to toss around a football or anything he wanted, really. Sometimes Sebastian felt extremely lame because of his all consuming crush and that he’d rather drink stale coffee to the sounds of a ‘cafe pop’ playlist than meet random boys or drink in furnished basements.
Their friendship had been sort of a blur and came out of nowhere. He knew that sounded totally cliche and annoying but wasn’t that just how relationships in high school worked? You suddenly had so much in common with somebody and grew so close that you couldn’t understand how you went without this person in your life before? Sebastian had been obsessed with ‘winning’ Blaine over. He hated that this bashful kid just kept turning him down with shy smiles and dismissive waves of the hand and that his boyfriend was always around and wasn’t intimidated by his sharp wit. Seb hadn’t experienced being turned down before. He became jealous and his mean streak reared it’s monstrous head when he threw a salt spiked slushie at Blaine. All he wanted to do was stain Kurt’s precious clothing, the only thing he seemed to be passionate about.  After the slushie incident, Sebastian had sent flowers and visited Blaine to apologize. Somehow they grew close and met more and more often just to talk. Sebastian had to laugh, he was turning down dates with public school seniors just to read magazines in companionable silence, just to watch Blaine’s cheeks turn red when he teased him, to feel the spark of what could be when their thighs would touch squeezed into a diner booth.
It wasn’t any surprise that Sebastian made his driver get him to the coffee shop before Blaine so that he could get his regular drink and snack. He constantly assured Blaine that he understood that they were just friends and lied and said he was on the same page but couldn’t quell his crush. All he wanted to do was impress Blaine, it wasn’t even about winning anymore and that was like, a really scary thing to admit. He was totally sprung and spent too much time picking out outfits that looked like he didn’t care and memorizing orders and favorite songs and staring at his phone waiting for his phone to buzz.
Sebastian smirked when Blaine turned around to see him in the nook that they both preferred. He pushed Blaine’s coffee and biscotti towards him, “You deserve the best spot in the house. I had to fight a few pre teen girls but it was worth it.” Sebastian took a sip of his iced Americano and smiled around his straw, he hoped Blaine would notice. “So, what’s up?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine scooted himself up towards the table, sitting his phone down in front of him face up on the tiny table. He’d shut the sound off because Coop had been harassing him all day about his upcoming visit to Ohio. Just a constant stream of texts all morning pushing Blaine to make sure their parents had the house in order for him like he was freaking royalty. As if Blaine didn’t have enough issues of his own. His mom, Imelda, had laughed softly and given Blaine’s hand a squeeze telling him to just appease his brother because it made him happy. He only obliged for his mom because who cared what Cooper wanted.
Blaine found himself chuckling at the thought of Sebastian scaring preteens away with his rude language and idle threats and again his heart did the little flippy thing that felt familiar and brand new all at once when he told him that he deserved happiness. He cleared his throat and proceeded to pull the lid off of his coffee so he could dip his biscotti into it. He took a bite and Sebastian had put just the right amount of sugar and cream and cinnamon into the cup. He smiled to himself and swallowed before looking over at his friend.
“I can’t wait until I see Sam tomorrow night so that I can tell him that you’re actually just the sweetest, softest boy around.” He laughed, his shoulder coming up in a shrug. “You don’t have to worry though, because he’ll never believe me.” He watched Sebastian take a sip of his drink, his signature smirk had been replaced by this new thing that Blaine liked to say was his smile because he’d never seen him give it to anyone else. His teeth were showing and Blaine got a little glimpse of the crooked teeth that were hidden on his bottom  and top teeth. Blaine had been delighted to hear that picture perfect Sebastian Smythe had undone a bunch of expensive dental work all because he hated his retainer. Blaine was secretly glad because it was so adorable.
He could wax poetic about Sebastian Smythe’s teeth all day but that’s not why he’d come here. He’d come here to get away from the pitiful Facebook and Instagram messages his McKinley friends kept sending him. Telling him they were so sorry and that they just were so surprised about the thing that had made Blaine’s eyes red and puffy. Well, everyone except Sam who knew Blaine like the back of his hand and knew that things had been far from perfect.
Blaine finished his food, chewing thoughtfully for a moment trying to compartmentalize all of his feelings about the situation. He licked his lips and looked up at Sebastian. 
“Kurt and I broke up.” He paused, pursing his lips together. “I mean, I’ve told you how off everything has been over the last few months and with him going away to New York in a month I feel like this is the best move.” He felt a little wave of sorrow as he talked because of course Blaine had loved Kurt and he valued their time together but there was this sick feeling in the pit of his stomach as he thought back to some of their recent fights. Kurt had gotten mean and anytime Blaine took longer than five minutes to answer a text he would make accusations that Blaine was ‘probably out screwing Sebastian’ and even went so far to accuse him of sleeping with Sam, too. Which was... laughable. Everything they did was strained- from their intimacy to New Direction solos to where they’d eat for dinners. He flicked his eyes up to Sebastian, trying to gauge his reaction. Seb knew that things had been rocky but he didn’t know about the accusations. He wondered how he’d feel if he knew.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian rolled his eyes but didn’t stop smiling. He shook his head and leaned back into the leather covered booth seat. “Please don’t. I’ve worked really hard on my image, you know.” Sebastian spread his legs under the table, his knees knocked into Blaine’s leg. It sent a little thrill though his body before he gently maneuvered his long legs so that they wouldn’t invade the other’s space. Sebastian wished he could keep his knees pressed to Blaine’s leg, wished they could hold hands under the table or kiss over their coffees. He caught himself being pulled from his daydream by Blaine’s sober tone. 
He watched Blaine’s face as he spoke, he noticed his red rimmed eyes and it all made sense now. Sebastian fought to keep his face even. He didn’t want to break out into song and dance and flip the table in excitement just yet. The other boy was obviously upset. Seb couldn’t really understand because he had never been in a serious relationship and was always the one to not return calls or texts. He was his friend, though so he needed to chill out and be there for him. “How do you feel?” Sebastian chewed on his green straw, suddenly a little anxious.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine arched his brow a little impressed by how calm Sebastian was being. He hadn’t made a joke about his relationship or made any kind of swipe at Kurt at all. He shouldn’t have been surprised though, Sebastian had come so far over the year they’d gone from acquaintances where Sebastian shamelessly flirted and made Blaine feel things he shouldn’t while having a boyfriend, to being a massive asshole and getting Blaine hurt, to remorseful and learning about how his words could hurt people all the way to now. Where he was actually sweet and funny and paid attention. If people could see this side of Sebastian they wouldn’t talk so much crap about him behind his back. If people could see this Seb they’d all be clamoring for his time and where would that leave you? Blaine didn’t like to think about it. He liked having this piece of Sebastian to himself. Sounds super friendly. A voice in his head taunted. Blaine ignored it.
He thought for a moment, wondering how he was supposed to feel versus how he actually did feel. There was pain, he’d built a pretty solid relationship with Kurt over the last almost two years. He had loved him. Of course there was pain. He’d cried for two nights after it was over but now he wasn’t sure how he actually felt. It was startling when he realized he felt free.
“I feel, I don’t know, relieved?” He licked his lips and looked into Seb’s lush green eyes. “I- I  don’t think we love each other anymore.” He shrugged, he’d struggled with the revelation over the last few weeks. The truth hit him when he realized all they did was fight and things were often incredibly uneasy when they were once easy. “I mean, we had a good run but… it’s not like he’s going to wait for me to move to New York. He would end up ignoring me and growing apart from me anyway. And eventually we’d hate each other and why do that to ourselves? It was amicable enough.” Was it? Kurt had been livid to the point of screaming and then suddenly he’d just gone calm. An eerie calm and then the calculating look he’d given Blaine was cold and borderline scary, but he’d agreed eventually.  
He paused, wondering how much to give away to Sebastian. “He was starting to get really weird about who I was talking to. Like not just you, but Sam as well. I’ve never done anything to make him worry. I was faithful and did anything he asked me to.” He bit his lip, trying not to let the negativity seep in. “I don’t know, Seb. I feel like this was the right decision.”
He brought his coffee to his lips and took a drink. The caffeine burned through his veins and suddenly Blaine wished they were in the car driving around with the music blaring. 
“But, hey I won’t be going to New York this Summer now. Coop will be here but I can ignore him. And Sam will be camping with his family. Tina’s going to visit some distant relatives and David and Nick are… who knows what they’re doing. So, we get to spend extra time together. I mean, if you can handle that.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian always knew that Kurt was a little jealous behind the scenes. Blaine had told him so before and even cancelled on him a few times because of it. He told himself it was because Kurt was insecure and maybe deep down really was a little threatened by him. He should have trusted Blaine, though. It was true that Blaine had never done anything nefarious to Kurt, had never caused any damage to their relationship. He and Sebastian were strictly friends (sad as that was.) and Seb even forced himself to control his flirty tendencies (which meant he really liked him because he flirted with everybody.) “As long as you feel okay. This is a move in the right direction.” He winced internally, how generic was that sentiment. 
Seb sat up in his seat and cleared his throat. He needed to cheer Blaine up. “Hey, now you have the entire summer to be a single man. Think of all the cool shit you can do now.  You can go anywhere you want, do whatever you want.”  He wanted nothing more than to spend his favorite season with Blaine. Images of fireworks and swimming and bike riding filled his brain. “I’m down, B.” He would always be down for him, always be willing to drop everything to be where he was. Sebastian knew it was pathetic but he couldn’t help it. It was his best kept secret, how huge his crush was and how utterly heels over head and back again he was. Sebastian finished his drink and pushed his biscotti towards Blaine. “Celebratory biscotti.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine laughed, shaking his head at Sebastian. “You’re just dying to say something about Kurt, aren’t you?” He bit his bottom lip to keep from smiling too big, a little ashamed of himself for having such a good time so close to his break up, but he couldn’t seem to help himself around Sebastian. There was just something about the other boy that just made him feel relaxed and comfortable and sometimes Blaine felt like as long as they stayed friends he’d be okay. Sure, he had Sam and Tina and David and Nick but there was something different about being with Sebastian. He didn’t like to look too closely at it though, terrified that he’d ruin this dynamic they had going on. “Go ahead, I’ll let you get in one good swipe but then you gotta promise to behave.”
Blaine gave Sebastian a thankful smile because of course he was trying to cheer him up. Trouble was that he didn’t even need to try. Blaine was already feeling better just being around him. “Yeah, single. Do whatever I want. Hmm…” He narrowed his eyes playfully,  “And yet I’m choosing to waste my free time with the likes of you.” He laughed, taking the sweets that Seb had offered him and dunking it into his almost empty cup of coffee. Kurt would have tisked at him for eating more than one in the middle of the day. He finished it, making a show at how good it was before speaking again. The nickname made him smile to himself even bigger. 
“So, what are you doing right now? Is your fancy driver around here somewhere? You should send him away and spend the day with me. We could take a ride and go get burgers and shakes from the root beer stand and drive around and listen to music. I’ll even let you pick the music.” He looked up at Sebastian, his eyes wide and face probably far too hopeful. “Please? It’s my treat and besides, it’ll make me feel so much better. I promise the stench of public school doesn’t seep into my car like it does clothing.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Was Sebastian so obvious? He laughed, his wide smile that was rarely seen broke out across his face. He really did want to talk shit about Kurt but thought that he could keep that suppressed until he texted Hunter later. Seb cleared his throat dramatically, as if he were about to put on a show and sat up straight. “If I only get one chance I better make this good. He dresses like a depressed librarian that lives off of lean cuisines and thinks that unseasoned boiled chicken is too spicy. He’s so generically bitchy and mean and pre-maturely geriatric that if he started to do drag, he could be a Bea Arthur impersonator. Actually, I’m almost positive all of his humor comes from The Golden Girls anyway. You’re so better off without him.” He sighed and laughed again. “I’m done. I promise I’ll behave as best as I know how.”
Sebastian looked into Blaine’s golden eyes, bit his bottom lip, leaned over the table. He nodded and pulled his phone out to text his driver to leave the parking lot. “If I get to pick the music then I’m all yours.” Seb rolled his eyes and stood up from the table to stretch his legs, gathering up their trash to throw away. “The scent of your hair gel sort of covers up the public school smell anyway.”  He elbowed Blaine in the side, smiled wide so he knew the joke was good natured. “I’m gonna blare Nicki Minaj and I want a large strawberry shake with extra whipped cream and extra cherries.” Sebastian started to walk backwards towards the door, his eyes on Blaine the entire time. “This is going to be the best summer ever, Killer. Promise.” 
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noona-clock · 6 years
Working On It - Part 8, Final Chapter
Genre: Teacher!AU
Pairing: Brian (Day6) x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Oh, yeah, and I love you, Nothing’s Wrong
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About Two Years Later
Honestly, you could’ve sat in your car for about an hour and just cried. Cried with joy, of course, because you’d just finished your very last final of dental school. You were officially done, graduating in just a few days.
It had been a long, difficult two years, but you’d done it.
Not without some help, mind you. A lot of help.
Brian had made it seem like it would be no trouble at all to help you out financially, but he had obviously been very optimistic. It hadn’t been easy; he’d had to make a fairly large dent in his savings, but he also hadn’t let you stop him. He had continuously made the argument that it would all be worth it in the end.
Plus, he’d ended up moving in with you and Sammy before the end of your first semester which had lessened the load quite a bit.
But now. Now, it was all over. No more classes, no more tests, no more practicums, no more tuition.
All you had to do was find a job.
Sammy had helped, too, of course. He’d helped you study as best as he could, and he never complained when you took your textbook to his soccer games. He’d even pestered you to contact your old work to see if maybe they would re-hire you as a hygienist, something you planned on doing tomorrow.
Truly, how could you have survived this on your own?
A very long, heavy sigh escaped your lips as you headed to your apartment, clutching your keys. Now that you were done with school, the urge to leave this tiny, old place was overwhelming; you could barely wait to find an actual house with a yard and a garage and privacy.
Speaking of, you figured you would get some for a little while seeing as the middle and high school were still in session; both Brian and Sammy would still be at school.
It would be nice to have some alone time, but... you’d been so busy the past two years, you were very much looking forward to spending more time with the two guys you loved most in this world.
You unlocked the front door of your apartment, letting out another sigh as you walked in.
But then you froze when your gaze landed on just the two guys you’d been thinking of. They were standing in the living room, and the apartment was filled with streamers and balloons and a big banner which read ‘YOU SURVIVED’ hung up on the wall.
“Wha --” you gaped, your brow furrowing.
All of a sudden, Brian and Sammy erupted into cheers. Sammy even blew a noisemaker while Brian threw some confetti into the air.
“What is this?!” you chuckled, setting your bookbag down and making your way over to them. You held your arms out and wrapped them tightly around Sammy (who was now a couple of inches taller than you - don’t get me started). 
“You’re officially done,”  Brian grinned, accepting your embrace once you’d finished hugging Sammy. “It’s time to celebrate.”
“Both of you are supposed to be in school!” you pointed out, trying to scold them but failing miserably.
“I got a sub for the rest of the afternoon and checked Sammy out early,” Brian explained with a casual shrug.
“We weren’t going to miss this momentous occasion!” Sammy cried before blowing the noisemaker again.
You leaned into Brian, one arm around him with your hand clutching the back of his shirt. You hadn’t been expecting to see them until later, so being greeted by their smiling faces right as you walked in the door? You were already a bit emotional from having finally finished school, but now you were simply overcome.
Brian squeezed your shoulders when he heard you sniffle, and Sammy blew the noisemaker yet again to try and liven the mood.
“What are we doing to celebrate?” you asked with a watery grin.
“Whatever you want,” Brian replied. “We can have a night in, we can go out, we can do anything your heart desires.”
“Ooh!” Sammy gasped. “Can we invite Jae and Dowoon over to play League of Legends?”
Brian let out a single, very amused ‘ha!’ “We’re celebrating your aunt, not you.”
“No, that’s fine,” you chuckled. “Invite Sungjin and Wonpil, too, we can have a little party.”
Brian had a solid group of friends from college, and over the past two and a half years, you’d gotten to know them pretty well. After you’d run into Jae and Wonpil at the movie theater, Brian had introduced you to Sungjin and Dowoon over lunch. They had quickly accepted you into their friend group, and you’d even introduced them to Sammy on Brian’s birthday that first year (you hadn’t been able to get him any presents, but you had thrown him the best party you could at your apartment).
And now, hardly a weekend went by when Sammy didn’t request inviting over his two favorite video game partners. You’d even asked Sungjin to stay with Sammy one weekend when Brian had insisted on whisking you away for a romantic weekend in the mountains. You’d basically been on the verge of a mental breakdown at that point; the stress of school and money had gotten to you, but Brian had successfully calmed you down in the span of two days. He had a way of doing that, actually. Making you focus on the positives to help you overcome the negatives.
It was just one reason why you loved him so much.
“Are you sure?” Brian asked as Sammy pumped his fists in the air and whooped victoriously. “I mean, they’re coming to your graduation party next weekend, you’ll see them then.”
“I’m sure,” you replied, trying to hide a sly smirk. You stood on your toes as Sammy grabbed Brian’s phone from the kitchen counter and presumably began to type out an invite text to Jae. You placed your lips close to Brian’s ear and whispered, “You can ask one of them to take Sammy for the night.”
Brian’s eyebrows shot halfway up his forehead. And his lips curved into a smirk to match yours exactly.
You could see it now: Jae would ask Sammy if he wanted to continue their video game back at his place, and while you knew this meant Sammy would stay up until almost dawn playing, Sammy didn’t know you knew. So he would think he was getting away with something, and you and Brian would have the place to yourselves to celebrate in a different way (if you catch my drift).
It was a win/win scenario in every possible way.
Except for the fact that Sammy would be gone. You cherished alone time with Brian, obviously, but you still missed Sammy when he wasn’t around. After almost three years of being his legal guardian, you realized it was sometimes kind of hard to remember a time when Sammy hadn’t been yours. 
The two of you talked about his parents a lot, of course - Sammy’s counselor in middle school had urged him to bring them up at home since you were one of his only connections to his parents. But it had gotten to the point where you laughed more than you cried. You had more good days than bad days.
You’d gotten so close with Sammy these past three years, and he just felt like... yours. Like he was your son. And you knew your brother and sister-in-law would’ve wanted nothing less.
But anyway. Enough emotional talk and back to your current situation.
All four of Brian’s friends were able to come over, and the evening played out exactly as you’d imagined. Brian ordered about five pizzas for everyone, and Sammy was at a stage where he was eating so much, you honestly wondered if it would be enough.
Jae and Dowoon plopped right down onto the couch with Sammy and picked up a game controller. They would only set them down to eat and again later when it was time to leave.
Sungjin and Wonpil kept you and Brian company, talking about this and that, congratulating you on completing your degree finally, asking about your future plans. (Side note: you noticed Wonpil started to ask a question - “When are you going to --” and Brian cut him off. You tried not to think too much about it, but it was fairly suspicious...)
Once all of the pizza was gone and the sun had gone down, you watched as Brian shuffled to the couch and bent to whisper something in Jae’s ear. Jae nodded, winking conspiratorially at his friend before setting down his controller.
“Well, who’s up for continuing this at my place?” he asked, turning to eye both Dowoon and Sammy.
Sammy immediately spun to look at you with hopeful, pleading eyes, and you pretended to let out a ‘well, I guess’ sort of sigh.
“Sure,” you relented. “Just don’t stay up all night.”
Sammy sprung from the couch and ran into his room to pack an overnight bag as Sungjin and Wonpil began to clean everything up.
As soon as the door closed behind them about ten minutes later, Brian’s lips were on yours, and he promptly picked you up and carried you into the bedroom.
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It had been a while since either of you had spoken. You were cuddled up in bed, and you were fairly sure Brian had fallen asleep. But when you turned over to face him, his eyes were on you, warm and curious as they always were.
“What is it?” he whispered, raising a hand and smoothing your hair back from your forehead.
You simply gazed at him for a few moments, taking in his handsome face while you had the chance. And then you whispered back, “Thank you.”
“For what?” he murmured before leaning in and pressing his lips to your forehead.
“For everything. I don’t think I can ever put into words how much it means to me that you --” You took a breath, already feeling the lump of emotion forming in your throat. “God, this sounds so cheesy, but you changed my life. If it weren’t for you, I would still --”
“You would’ve found your way here eventually,” Brian interrupted. “You didn’t need me.”
“But you came into my life at just the right time. I... I was struggling. I didn’t even know how badly I was struggling, but you helped me. I don’t know how I can ever repay --”
Brian stopped you with a kiss, and you knew if you tried to bring it up again, he would just keep kissing you.
“No, really, I am going to --”
Your lips curved into a smile as Brian pushed you over onto your back, attempting to deepen the kiss through your grin.
Did you know your boyfriend or did you know your boyfriend?
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You’d heard Brian and Sammy’s cheers as the dean read out your name and you began to walk across the stage to accept your diploma. Your cheeks warmed, and you lowered your head a little in embarrassment.
And then their cheers got even louder when you shook the university president’s hand and smiled for the quick photo op.
You knew they were proud of you, but did they have to be so loud about it?
When every single student in the auditorium had walked across the stage, you followed your classmates out, trying to keep an eye on your boys so you would be able to find them in the crowd of people.
As soon as you stepped out into the sunshine, you heard two voices calling your name, though one was saying ‘Aunt’ in front of it. You stood on your toes, trying to see over all of the graduation caps surrounding you.
All of a sudden, Brian’s arm shot up through the crowd and waved around. You began to weave your way through to get to him, your lips pulling into a smile as you shuffled closer.
“There she is!” Brian crowed the second he saw you. “The graduate herself come to grace us with her degreed presence.”
“Shut up,” you chuckled, your cheeks pink as you tilted your head to accept his quick kiss.
“All right, come on, picture time.” Brian slid his phone out of his pocket and waved Sammy over to you.
Your nephew came to stand next to you, putting an arm around your shoulders. You put your own arm around his middle as you held your black leather diploma envelope against your chest.
Brian took about a dozen pictures, instructing Sammy to hug you, kiss your cheek, look at you with fond pride - and by the end, he even had to instruct Sammy to smile.
“Come on, Sam,” Brian chuckled. “Look like you’re proud of your aunt, at least!”
“I am! I think it shows in the previous twenty pictures,” Sammy pointed out with a roll of his eyes.
“Okay, okay, fine,” Brian relented. “You come and take the pictures, then.”
So Sammy and Brian switched places, Sammy taking the phone while Brian took his place at your side.
Unsurprisingly, Sammy didn’t have to tell Brian how to pose in the pictures. He hugged you and kissed you and looked at you with fond pride and smiled all on his own.
“Okay, I think that’s good,” Sammy said impatiently after probably the fifth pose.
“No, just one more,” Brian requested.
Sammy groaned.
“Just one! It’ll be a good one, I promise!”
“All right,” Sammy sighed, lifting the phone up yet again.
You stood there smiling, waiting for Brian to put his arm around you or hug you or something. But you didn’t feel his touch. You only heard him say your name.
“Hmm?” you hummed, turning to face him.
But he wasn’t there.
Your eyes shifted downward, and the sight of Brian kneeling on the ground next to you made your heart stop.
Wait, not only was he kneeling -- he was also holding a small, black box in his hands, opened to reveal the most beautiful ring you’d ever seen.
You immediately gasped, your diploma envelope falling to the ground as your hands flew to cover your mouth.
Brian, meanwhile, was smiling as brightly as he’d ever smiled. Sammy was cheering, and you glanced over to see he still had Brian’s phone up, recording everything.
“Y/N,” Brian began when you turned to look back at him. “Will you marry me?”
Your eyes filled with tears, and you wasted no time in nodding your head.
Before you knew, Brian had swept you into his arms, holding you tightly and murmuring how much loved you into your ear.
And the ring was on your finger.
The past three years had been the most difficult, challenging, heartbreaking, and rewarding years of your life. You’d lost your grandmother and your brother, the only family you’d ever known. You’d struggled living paycheck to paycheck, your bank account going into the negatives too many times to count. You’d worried and cried and stressed more than any person should.
You’d lost a lot of things, but you’d gained Sammy. You’d gained a son - a wonderful, amazing, perfect son. And now you were gaining a husband. A wonderful, amazing, perfect husband.
Most people did it the other way around - gain the husband first and then the son. But you couldn’t remember the last time your life had been normal. 
Maybe now it would be.
We’ll just say... you were working on it.
Epilogue I
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flyaway-33 · 5 years
Yesterday-- (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Summary: Pre-Smile Era. You and Roger are best friends with benefits after having met at a dorm meeting the first night at university. The two of you navigate the newfound freedom of life away from home and learn more about each other and yourselves than you ever expected. 2.6k words.
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Warnings: hints of smut, language, fluff.
Disclaimer: This is only a work of fiction. Song lyrics— Yesterday by The Beatles.
A/N: If anyone reads this, I would like to know what you think. I had a lot of fun writing this bit and would like to continue it if it gets any response.
You yawned and stretched, staring up at the rays of sun filtering in through the haphazardly bent window shades, highlighting the particles of dust that floated up by the drab, gray ceiling. Your body was squished against the cinderblock wall of the boys’ dormitory, once again sharing a twin sized bed with your fuck buddy, who also happened to be your best friend in the world.
Peeking your head over the mess of dark blond hair that was your friend Roger, you noted that his roommate had not yet returned from the weekend. This prompted you to elbow the naked, sleeping body beside you hard enough to tip him over the side of the bed.
“Argh!” He bellowed, crashing to the cold, linoleum floor as you cackled deviously. “Damnit, Y/N, what did you do that for!?” He pulled himself up on the bed frame and climbed back into the sheets, huddling for warmth. The cool, autumn air outside often made for chilly mornings in the poorly insulated dorm room.
“Just giving you a rude awakening.” You laughed as you snuggled under the blankets, stealing them from him. He deserved it after the awakening he’d given you last week where he’d loudly crashed his hi-hat beside your head as you snoozed. It was one of the pieces of his beloved drum kit he couldn’t fit in the back of his closet and he claimed he had to put it to good use if it wasn’t going to be stored. It was a recent morning ritual for you two that they first person to wake up would play a prank on the other to wake them up, and it was a direct result of the goofy, open, no-strings-attached relationship you shared. You had never had a friend like him before where you felt like you could completely and wholly be yourself, and you loved that he matched your goofiness, ditziness, and intelligence perfectly, though he sometimes amazed you with how thoughtful and down to earth he could be half the time, while being an absolute asshole other times. You’d become friends the very first night of college and had been joined at the hip ever since.
*** Flashback ***
You nervously leaned against the wall, wringing your hands as dozens of other sweaty, exhausted college students filed into the lobby of your new building. Move-in day had been tiring for everyone and there had hardly been enough time to think of the fact that you were away from home, living on your own with no one to answer to for the first time ever. Your pretty, blonde roommate, Amy, stood beside you, surveying the area like a hawk seeking her prey. She was a gorgeous biology major who hoped to become a veterinarian and you felt that you were pretty but average compared to her, though you already loved her personality. You hoped the two of you would become good friends this year, but you were nervous to live in such close quarters with so many other people.
The RA’s eventually called for order and gave their speech about the dorm rules and common courtesies. It felt like it took forever for them to go over basic life skills such as remembering to lock your door, take out your trash, and do your laundry, and you rolled your eyes when one of the RA’s said she was offering laundry lessons. Once they came to the end of their lecture, they encouraged socialization and the crowd dispersed, some running back to their rooms and others remaining behind to mingle. You gritted your teeth and forced yourself to stay. No matter how much fun meeting new people could be when they were nice and welcoming, you felt awkward and out of place in a room full of equally awkward strangers. Amy had started chatting with a few other girls who were whispering to each other, pointing at random boys around the room. Standing there alone you began to panic, hating being the odd man out, and you searched the room with your eyes for another loner who looked friendly enough to approach.
There he was, standing against a support column, his legs crossed and a pair of aviator sunglasses shading his eyes. He was skinny as could be but fit and was wearing a pair of white jeans with a black polo and purple high-top converse. His dark blond hair fell to just around his jawline and sprawled in messy tufts around his face. He took his sunglasses off to reveal large, stunningly blue eyes. You felt something stir in your chest as you made eye contact across the room, and though normally you would be panicking over how to start a conversation with a stranger with no topic to begin with you felt a calm wash over you as you began to make your way over. Something about his soft, baby face and kind, intelligent eyes told you that you didn’t have to be nervous.
“Hi there, darling.” He began, his voice surprisingly high and airy. “Name’s Roger.” He stuck out his hand and gave you a warm smile.
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, Roger.” You took his hand and marveled at its warmth, but it was rough, making your mind wonder what kind of things he did to make them that way. Did he work? Maybe he was a mechanic or a construction worker. Maybe he worked on a farm. You were already curious about this handsome boy’s life, just from a handshake.
“Sorry if I’m awkward,” you sighed, dropping his hand after having held it a moment longer than necessary. “If I’m being honest, I don’t have any friends yet and you looked nice enough to give it a go.” You joked, a smile coming to your lips as you shamelessly admitted your reason for approaching him, hoping he got your self-deprecating humor.
“That’s alright, love. I haven’t any friends here myself. Glad to hear I look nice.” He raised his eyebrows and smirked at the way he managed to twist your words, and your cheeks reddened despite the giggle that escaped your lips.
The conversation began the usual way, what’s your major, interests, where are you from, etc. You learned that he was a pre-dental major but that he really didn’t care for dentistry, but rather was interested in the science behind it and the potential to make money; he was a drummer for a band back home in Cornwall and had brought his drum kit to university. It was now shoved in his closet, so he said. So that’s why his hands were so rough. He learned that you were an art major, that you liked to paint and sing, and that you were from Surrey.
Music was what sparked the deepening of your conversation. Jimi Hendrix, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and on and on. You found he was extremely intelligent and had a deep understanding of the way the music was recorded, how the songs were sung, and why it worked. He was fascinating to listen to, as you had never thought about the complexities before.
The two of you sat at one of the study tables in the lobby and talked for hours, and by the time you noticed how late it was, it was well past the time you should have been in bed, having class the following morning. He was reluctant to let you go, so he enthusiastically invited you to come to his dorm to listen to an album, and though you were cautious of all the warnings your parents had given you, you absolutely did not want to let this treasure slip through your fingers, so you followed him down a first floor hallway to his room. “Just one album, Rog.” A nickname for him already.
One album, then two, then a third, the two of you laying opposite directions on his soft, blue bedspread, listening, chatting, giggling about the things you heard and the thoughts you shared. You had never been so comfortable so fast with someone before in your life, and he didn’t pressure you for anything, much to your surprise.
The first week flew by and the two of you couldn’t go a day without seeing each other. He distracted you from the homesickness and the loneliness you felt whilst sitting in your drab dorm room. He found every excuse to talk to you, and invited you to coffee, to work on school stuff together, to listen to and talk about music, and you reciprocated, loving how easy he was to be around. The level of comfort you felt was as if you’d known him forever. You’d found a best friend, something you hadn’t had in years.
*** End Flashback ***
“Oh, come off it,” he groaned snapping you back to reality, tugging the blanket back over himself but still allowing you to keep half. “It’s bloody freezing!”
“Wanna heat it up?” You asked, rolling over to straddle him over the blanket.
He gazed up at you, momentarily stunned by your boldness, and his eyes took on a flame of lust as he studied your form in awe. “Hell yeah.” he near whispered, still stunned.
“Too bad!” You pecked him on the tip of his nose before rolling off him and began collecting the clothes you had discarded on the floor the night before.
“Ugh, you’re killing me.” Roger groaned as he rolled over onto his side to face you. “Can’t we just go one more round?”
You studied him: the way his blue eyes sparkled mischievously, how his soft hair fell in his face and framed him beautifully, he was like a painting of a Greek god. “Well…” you began, trailing off as you tried to fight back a smile.
“Come on, at least stay a bit.” He scooted back against the wall where you had been and patted the space beside him. “I need someone to keep me warm.”
His charm was irresistible, and your resolve crumbled. The clothes fell out of your arms, abandoned once more as you slipped back under the covers. Roger’s smile dazzled you, and you stared into his deep baby blue eyes as he studied your expression. He brought his thumb up to trace the corner of your mouth and he sighed in contentment.
“Come on, Rog. What, did you bring me back to bed just to gawk?” You teased lightly, biting your bottom lip seductively.
Without another word his eyes traveled down the bit of your body he could see through the gap in the covers and he pulled you closer, his warm hands on your hips. “Warm me up, Roger.” You breathed against his neck before nipping it gently. Then your kisses trailed to his lips and caught his bottom lip in your teeth playfully, and pressed yours to his, inviting him in. His hands wondered and he grabbed your leg to hitch it over his hip, his calloused hand running the length of it sensually.
It wasn’t rushed or selfish. Over the past two and a half months you had both learned each other’s personalities, wants, and needs as if they were your own, and that day three weeks ago where you’d finally made the agreement you’d been contemplating for weeks prior had been one of the best days of your life, despite the stress you’d been feeling at the time.
*** Flashback ***
It wasn’t until midterms came around that the fuck buddy arrangement developed out of the stress your schoolwork caused you both.
“What’s wrong, love?” Roger asked, watching you crumple up yet another piece of paper that should have been the start of your essay.
“I can’t bloody focus!” You spat, throwing the paper ball aggressively at the wall of Roger’s room where you had been holed up studying all day. “I can’t do this, Rog, I came here to learn more about how to make my art better, not to write essays about the history of medieval scribbles!” Tears of pent up frustration began to well in your eyes and you swiped at them furiously.
Roger cautiously got to his feet and walked around the desk. He rested his hands on your tense shoulders, coming to hover behind you as he gently began to massage out the tension. “Relax, love.” He hummed, and you nearly melted at his touch. He began to hum a familiar tune and you immediately recognized it and began to sing along to his sweet sound.
“Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday”
He pulled you to your feet and twirled you around as your voices harmonized perfectly. By no means was he the best dancer, but the simple act had all your cares beginning to get pushed to the back of your mind. As you reached the end of the song you were producing together you placed your hands on either side of his face, rubbing your thumbs over his soft cheeks, gazing into his blue eyes.
“Yes, love?”
“You’re my best friend.”
“Oh.” His eyes lost a touch of sparkle for a split second, but it immediately returned. “You mean that?”
“And you are my best friend. You make this hell hole of a school bearable.”
“So, do you. Roger?”
“I have an idea… if it’s not okay we can totally forget I said it.” Your thumb traveled softly to the corner of his mouth and hesitated.
“Okay?” Confusion was painted clearly on his features as he met your gaze, a line forming between his furrowed eyebrows.
“Weshouldbefuckbuddies.” You said in one breath and squeezed your eyes shut, fearing his response.
And of course, he started laughing and your heart wrenched.
“Okay, okay. Let’s just forget it. I’m sorry.” You babbled, pulling away.
“No! No, I’m sorry! I just didn’t expect that from you. Is there a reason you’re suggesting this?” He pulled you back to him and his excited mischievous smile dazzled you.
“I, uh…” you trailed off, unsure of yourself, and looked down to study the stitches of your shoes. “Truthfully, I think we both could use the stress relief. I’ve never felt so comfortable with another human before in my life, and we’re with each other all the time. It doesn’t need to be anything serious at all. Just casual. Just two best friends helping each other get off. Nothing has to change. So why not?” You were starting to ramble and bit your lip to stop yourself.
“I actually think that’s a great idea.”
“Really?” You asked, hopefully, meeting his eyes once more. They were warm, welcoming, and now darkened with something you’d never noticed in them before.
He nodded silently and began to move you backward slowly until your back hit the side of his bed as your heart began to beat double time and the breath left your body. His tongue flitted out to wet his lips as he began to lean in. Centimeters from your neck, he paused. “You sure, love?”
“Yes. Please.” You whimpered, feeling the desire intensify inside of you, and he pressed his lips to your neck softly.
The rest was history.
*** End Flashback ***
A/N: I hope you enjoyed! please let me know if you’d like another chapter! I have a plan for this one... 
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rejectedbyeharmony · 6 years
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Ok I’ve had some time to cool off so I can finish this story. The point of this blog was to air out my baggage around love and relationships. But writing this story has made me realize that I never had a relationship with Matt. I had one with his child. That’s who I spent all my time with, that’s why I put my heart and soul into. I threw his birthday parties, I made sure we sent everyone Christmas cards, I hung out with other moms who had kids his age so that he had time to socialize. These things seemed important to me, as a parent. They were not as important to his actual parents, and it’s really opened my eyes to what a completely different childhood a kid can have when their parents put them first. This was not the case. All decisions made around the child were in the interest of mom or dad, but never him. Oh, and I was not allowed to have input in any of these decisions, but I was still expected to take on all the responsibilities of parenting him. Seems fair. Okay I’m getting upset again, let me get on with the story…
 Matt was a line cook at a golf club when we started dating. He was frying frozen food and making soggy quesadillas for the already half-in-the-bag club members. He cooked for me a few times and I could tell he had far more potential than he realized. I’ll never forget the time he cooked kale in a pan with ACV, apples and walnuts. It changed my life forever.
He mentioned that he spent one semester in culinary school, and one of his professors told him that he already had all the basic skills he needed to get into the restaurant industry, and he would get a better education in the kitchen than in the classroom. What Matt lacked in self-advocacy, he made up in talent. So I encouraged him to seek out better employment, but he worried about the schedule. Chef’s hours are hard. He would have go into work around noon, and wouldn’t get out until midnight or later. I worked regular hours, 8 to 4, so I promised to step up as a coparent in order to help him make his dream a reality. (Cue the Mean Girls gif: Because I’m SUCH a good [girl]friend.)
 For months, he and I were like passing ships in the night. Sometimes he would get up and hang with me in the morning, make me coffee and kiss me goodbye. Matt would drop his son at a babysitter’s house on his way to work, and I would pick him up on my way home. We would play and have dinner, and watch Paw Patrol or My Little Pony until it was his bedtime. Most nights it was pretty easy getting him to bed, but I dreaded it.
 This poor kid absorbed all of the trauma of the fights between his parents, inconsistency with schedules, being passed from adult-to-adult all day long, and vacillating between a house with rules, and a house with no boundaries. As a result, the kid had night terrors. Every night when I put him to bed, I would brace myself. I gritted my teeth and clenched my butthole waiting for it to start. Then, like a haunted house starts up every night, he would scream and cry for as long as an hour. Sometimes I would lose it, and I would scream with him. I would sit in my bed and scream and cry and curse Matt for not telling me about this before we moved in together. One time, I thought I might actually kill him. I imagined Matt coming home to a bloody mess, and me just sitting in a corner, eyes bugging out, rocking myself, repeating “he just wouldn’t stop screaming.”
 It stressed me the fuck out. I begged Matt to take him to a pediatrician that could help, but their agreement was that Amelia would take care of all the doctor’s appointments. Shockingly, she couldn’t ever find time to take this kid to get him the help he needed, she could barely keep a fucking job. It was devastating to me because all I wanted to do was just help him. I wanted some answers, some solutions… my heart broke for him. I dug deep into the bowels of the mommy interweb to get answers, but all I could find was that weren’t supposed to wake them up.
 Holy. Fucking. Shit. There was no solution to this problem. Talk about psychological warfare. I begged for the bedbugs over the night terrors.
 Matt was only home at bedtime once a week to experience this, so he didn’t believe that they happened every night. And his son didn’t remember them when we asked him about them. I was literally losing my mind. Matt and I fought about it constantly. One day, two of my closest friends—who are both moms—reached out and told me that Matt had contacted them. He explained to them, that because I wasn’t a parent I couldn’t possibly understand what he was going through, and that was my friends should be the ones to tell me I was wrong.
 What the fuck? How fucking dare you… I helped you excel in your career, I provided a home for you and your child, and I made myself a technical single parent every other week. I dealt with your ex’s bullshit, because you refused to, and this is how you thank me? He wasn’t the only one working on creating a career for himself. I had only recently finished college, and started working my dream job with my dream company. I was working my ass off, and he was totally out of line.
 Naturally, both my friends told him to fuck off. I felt so betrayed by him, that, not only would he go behind my back and try to turn my friends against me; but worse, he didn’t even give them all the information, making me sound like a control freak bitch (which is not entirely untrue, just not in this context.) All I wanted him to do was to take the kid to the goddamn pediatrician to find out what we can do to help him.
 Finally, Matt took the kid for a dental appointment, and even though he was four, his dentist was very concerned about the state of his teeth. He asked if we were doing regular dental hygiene. Matt and I brushed his teeth every morning and every night that he was with us, so we knew that we were doing our part. He called Amelia to ask her what she was doing, and she answered that she didn’t think she had to brush his teeth.
Louder for the people in the back: She didn’t think she had to brush his fucking teeth!!!
 She fed him garbage food all day, having no sense of nutrition for herself or her child, and she wasn’t even brushing his teeth. Clearly this woman had no business being a parent. I had enough. I told Matt I needed some space, and asked him to stay with his sister for awhile. Later, he got his son’s cavities filled, and the night terrors stopped. Weird…
 Eventually he moved back in. With no more night terrors, and this incident giving us an upper hand with Amelia, things seems to chill out. Life was much easier, and we were getting along much better. Then, one unfortunately day, I learned that my one of my best friends passed away. He lost his fight against liver failure, and it was very tragic and sad. I texted Matt on my way home “hey just found out JT died and I’m really sad, could you just be home and hang with me tonight?” It was his day off but he usually has something scheduled like playing Frisbee golf, or getting stoned with his friends or whatever, but I just needed him that night. We had been working hard on getting along, and asking him to sit with me that night was me raising a white flag. I just needed a shoulder to cry on. He agreed to stay home and told me he would see me soon.
 Imagine my surprise when I got home and he wasn’t there. And neither was his dog. I texted him and he said he “just ran out to get cigarettes and will be right back!” I couldn’t understand why he took the dog with him, but I didn’t ask, I was too preoccupied with my own grief to try to decode the actions of a stoner on his day off. One time I came home to him naked in our bed passed out and I just left him there. He came downstairs like “babe when did you get here I was in bed waiting for you.” Fuck outta here Sleeping Beauty, you were drooling.
So when he got home, he had a backpack and the dog on a leash and he was dressed to go somewhere. It was obvious he had something to tell me and I really didn’t really want to hear it. He started to tell me that he decided to leave me. Wow, could this have waited a few days, considering the circumstance… In spite of my anger towards him, I still didn’t want to be alone with my grief. I asked him to stay, we could order food and smoke a bowl, watch tv… and he said “I’m sorry, I can’t deal with you being sad right now.” And then, he left. And my heart broke and I never forgave him.
 I let him stay at his sisters house for a few days, and then I asked him to come back and pack up his shit. I was done. I was done getting treated like a babysitter for both him and his child. I was done being a mediator between him and his ex, because they couldn’t communicate. I was done being a life coach and teaching him to stay motivated and ask for more in his career. He had to go be his own man without me. And I needed to learn to grow on my own too. Codependency got the best of me with this one, and it was a hard decision to end it, but I knew it was the right one because he was dragging me down.
 My family could see this, but I couldn’t. I resented them for how they treated him, and how they never supported our relationship. But in hindsight, I’m grateful that they didn’t pretend to accept him. So many relationships before him lasted too long, because my family was complacent for my benefit. We were learning together that we needed to be honest about our impressions and feelings toward the men in my life. This became especially difficult in my next relationship, because he presented as such a great person, when he was really the worst thing that ever happened to me. The next story is the longest, the hardest, and the last. For now, at least.
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betweensceneswriter · 6 years
Island Hopper (Jimjeran Book 2)- Chapter 14 : Ache
Claire continues to work on the Field Ship and finds herself getting to know John better and missing Jamie...
Previously on Island Hopper
To the Table of Contents
At breakfast the next morning, I found myself at the same table as Dr. Saul.  We smiled at each other across the table as we attempted to fuel ourselves for the day with a breakfast of rice, fish, and breadfruit.  I found myself longing for a bowl of Jamie’s steel cut oatmeal—what he called ‘porridge’—chewy and satisfying especially when topped with brown sugar and powdered milk.  Thinking of him made me feel even emptier than I already did.
“It’s a shame that there’s not time for follow-ups,” the kindly doctor remarked, his brown eyes a contrast to his stark white hair.  “Some of the teeth I had to pull yesterday could actually have been saved if I had time to do a crown.  But with such a short time to visit, if a cavity goes deep enough and can’t be fixed with an amalgam filling the tooth has to go.”
“I feel the same way,” I replied, pushing the dry roasted breadfruit around my plate.  As much as I tried to tell myself it was just a starch like potatoes and that despite its name it wasn’t supposed to taste like either bread or fruit, I couldn’t bring myself to eat it if it wasn’t drenched in oil and salt.  “I guess Arno is lucky to have a nurse practitioner there, though we don’t have a dentist… speaking of which, Dr. Saul, do you think I might be able to observe an extraction?  A toothache is one of the things that makes people miserable, and I’d like to be able to at least help them if they’ve got a horribly abscessed tooth.  I don’t want to make it worse for them by cracking a tooth off in their jaws.”
Dr. Saul smiled.  “You’ve got to become a jack of all trades out on these islands, don’t you?”  He looked at me curiously.  “My wife was a nurse before we retired.  I’ve tended to come on these adventures without her, but I keep on wishing she would be willing, for a short time if not several months, to serve out on one of these islands.” He smiled.  “Then I’d finally have time to do dental work the way I’d like to, and she could be my assistant if she wasn’t otherwise occupied.”
All too soon it was time for us to take our dishes to the galley, call out “kommool tata” to the cook, and head to our respective stations.
We had docked on Jabor, the islet with the largest population on Jaluit.  I was surprised to see how westernized the little town was, like a miniature Majuro. Instead of palm trees radiating out from the dock, there were some paved roads and some coral gravel roads, houses, a couple of small stores, and a school.  It seemed like every spare inch of space was covered with either a building or road.
The ship still had a large delivery of boxes to offload and copra to pick up, but it was obvious that the residents had less need of the medical services we provided.  Dr. Saul, however was quite busy, so during my patient breaks he was able to coach me through several extractions.  He showed me how to grip the tooth and rock it back and forth in its socket to loosen the bone and detach the ligament before removing the tooth.   Preparation, he said, was extremely important and would prevent the tooth splintering on removal.
He also demonstrated what to do if a tooth cracked on its way out—how to flush the cavity and make sure to extract the other pieces, to close the opening with a few stitches, as well as giving the patient instructions to rinse their mouths with salt water until fully healed.  
John had a bit of a weak stomach, so he was quite grateful to relinquish the assistant spot to me, and instead manned the fort in the clinic to come get me if I had a patient and handed out toothbrushes and toothpaste to curious children peering into the dental operatory.
Because Jabor was so well-supplied and urbanized, the ship only spent half the day there.  At our lunch break, the boat left the dock and pressed north to another island in the atoll a 45-minute journey away.
After we’d filled our plates, John and I found a shady spot on the upper deck to eat, as far away as possible from the bags of copra piled high on the main deck so that the rancid odor no longer overpowered us.  It was getting worse as the trip progressed and the supply of smoked coconut increased, though if we ever got a breeze at night, it seemed to blow the smell away.  However, in the past few days the ocean had been remarkably still and currently the only disturbance on the water was the white “v” of our wake.
“Where are we going now?” I asked John.
“Imiej,” he replied.  “It was where the Japanese were based during World War II here.” John pointed ahead to the far end of the long green island parallel to our course.  “There are ruins of barracks and an old Shinto shrine there, as well as wrecks of boats and airplanes that divers come to see.”
“I knew that Guam was held by the Japanese during World War II,” I nodded. “I hadn’t realized that the Marshall Islands were, too.”
“It’s taken a while for us to travel toward independence,” John smiled. “In the 1880s during the imperialism rush, Germany claimed the Marshall Islands.  They put in a trading post here on Jaluit.  After World War I, Germany lost the territory and we were given to Japan.”
“As if your nation was something that could belong to anyone other than her people?”
John inspected his fish and selected the perfect bite to pair with his rice.  John was handsome, refined, and distinguished, and yet he looked just as at home eating coconut rice and barbecued fish with his fingers as if he was using utensils in a fine dining establishment.  
“Well, Claire,” he said, smiling patiently, “Though a small nation does not have much control of her destiny, what can be accomplished viewing history with bitterness?  Our histories make us who we are.  During that time, we gained Japanese immigrants, and although many were repatriated to Japan after the war, if they’d intermarried, they were allowed to stay here.”
“I was thinking Ogawa sounded very Asian,” I responded.  “Our general store out on Arno is owned by an Ogawa. And a few of Jamie’s students have a blend of Marshall and Japanese features.”
John nodded.  
“A lot of late World War II was fought in the Pacific, as I recall,” I said.  “The US liberated Guam from the Japanese before the war ended.”
“The Japanese base here on Jaluit was bombed during World War II. The US took the Marshalls in early 1944, and the war didn’t end until a year and a half later.  After the war we became part of the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands.”
“Forgive my ignorance,” I said.  “But are the Marshall Islands still a territory of the US?  Guam is.”
“No, we gained our independence in 1986,” John said with a smile. “Thirty-two years ago.  We might still be considered a protectorate of the US—they provide defense for us, and the US postal system delivers mail here as if we were a territory or state.  Considering that we only have 55,000 people in the entire nation, we aren’t any sort of superpower.”
I set down my plate and leaned forward toward John. “I’m missing my husband,” I said.  “Tell me how you met.”
John’s face brightened.  “I think it was my first day of College Writing,” he said.  “I like to do well in school, so I was one of the few people sitting toward the front of the classroom.  The next thing I know a very large ri-palle with bright red hair sat down by me.  Sorry,” he said, “Ri-pālle means…”
“No need to translate,” I said.  “That’s Jamie’s name for me half the time.”
John looked amused. “He calls you Ri-pālle?”
“Aet,” I nodded.  “As in ‘itōk Ri-pālle.’”
He shook his head in amusement.  “That Jamie… always kakūtōtōik—teasing. Sometimes,” John said, “the teasing hides a deep hurt… He has mentioned his family, of course.”
I nodded.
“The loss of his father in particular,” said John. He started to ask me a question, then stopped himself. “Has he mentioned me?”
I shook my head slowly.  “But John,” I explained, “I have only known him a little over two months.”
John stared at the wake of the boat. “Jamie was just the opposite of everything I’d seen every day since I was a kid. Red hair instead of black; curly instead of straight.  Tall instead of short.  Big instead of petite. You can see I’m bigger than the average Marshallese because I’m half white.  And having never met my father, I was drawn to Jamie. It was like I was seeing the other half of myself, the other half of my identity.” He paused.  “And I was coming to grips with another part of my identity as well, deciding whether it was safe, whether I was ready to come out of the closet.”
“It’s a big decision,” I responded.  “My best friend Joe is gay.  Coming out to his mom was the hardest thing he’d ever done.  Of course, she gave him a big ol’ hug and said, ‘Honey, I’ve known forever.  I just wondered when you were going to figure it out.’” I remembered the glassy look of tears in Joe’s eyes when he’d told me that story, when he’d shared how freeing it was to be able to be real with his momma.
“Sometimes it’s hard to stay home and make that change,” I said. “Joe moved across the country for college, and he’s settled in Colorado.”
John looked straight at me. “At times I feel certain that moving away is what I need to do to really be able to be myself.  But I’m tied to this place.  I just haven’t been able to leave.”
  The peaceful camaraderie of our boat journey quickly came to an end when we docked at Imiej and soon the staff of all the offices were back to work. By the end of our second work day, I had reached a level of efficiency that reminded me of my days in the ER, funneling patients through as quickly as possible, assessing their needs and providing care in a prompt manner.  I missed the relaxed, communal nature of my practice on Arno but it was also stimulating to rush again.  There was a part of me that recognized that sensation of stress and responded by shutting down the social part of my brain and triggering the professional part.
But after dinner, when the field ship was heading across the still sea toward our next destination, the atoll of Ailinglaplap; the part of my heart that longed for connection couldn’t help but ache.  I crept up to the top deck again and sat by the railing, gazing out toward the east, opposite the final rays of the setting sun.  Somewhere over those black, still waters lay the island of Majuro.  And beyond that was Arno and Jamie.  I hugged my knees to my chest and closed my eyes.  
I’d been homesick at camp before.  I’d had that baby ache when I longed to be a mother.  And I’d missed Frank when I first came out to Arno.  But missing Jamie hurt all over.  I pictured him coming home to me, his face beaming at the sight of me, imagined him after a morning jog, entering our apartment with a smile on his face, sweaty and hungry for breakfast and me, and the look on his face as he determined which to have first.  I thought of him getting dressed in the morning standing by the closet in boxer briefs—how just the sight of him: damp curls around his ears and neck, the lines of his back and visible tone of his muscles could draw me to him as if nothing else existed, unsatisfied until I had seduced him, until I had tasted him fresh with the scent of soap, until I had made him moan and say my name, gasp and blink his eyes in awe and then chuckle, speechless on our bed.
I thought of being held—in that bed, on the couch, in the hammock, standing in the kitchen doing the dishes with him hugging me from behind, his breath in my hair, his body a solid wall of security behind me.  I thought of talking in our bed in the darkness of night, the pleasure of telling stories of our childhoods and discussing things that mattered to us.  There was continued joy in the discovery of who Jamie was, and with each new revelation of his thoughtful character, I thanked providence for bringing us together.
Someone cleared his throat behind me, and I startled at the sound, at first concerned but then grateful to realize it was Dougal MacKenzie and not one of the deck hands who I occasionally found leering at me.
“Well, young lady,” he said, coming over by me and sitting down on a box. “Here you are, outside at night alone again.”  He chuckled, so I began to think I wasn’t in trouble with him. “We havena had many opportunities to get acquainted, but I thought I might take a moment to check with you and see how you are doing.”
I was grateful I hadn’t succumbed to the impulse I was feeling right before he arrived which was to start crying.  It was probably good to be distracted.
“I’m definitely keeping busy, Mr. MacKenzie,” I said.  “I’ve seen so many skin ailments and infections galore and given out at least a third of the boil prevention kits I brought along with me.”
“Indeed?  That’s good….”  We sat in silence for a moment before he began again.  “So you and Jamie have been married a month now?” he asked.  
“Yes, sir,” I responded.  “It was our anniversary when you radioed us.”
I could barely see his face with the sunset fading behind him, but I had a sense that he was smiling.
“Miss Beauchamp,” he started.  “I mean, Mrs. Fraser.  There are moments when I regret not speaking out against your marriage.  It was a sudden decision, and I have wondered whether by not forbidding it, I allowed the two of you to move forward with a life choice that will prove painful to both of you. I hope it wasn’t a mistake.”
“Oh, no, it wasn’t a mistake, Mr. MacKenzie,” I insisted. “As much as it seemed sudden, Jamie and I had a connection from our first meeting.”
“Truly?” Mr. MacKenzie asked.  
“I love him, sir,” I said.  “I was just sitting here thinking of him.  It may have been being reprimanded for my behavior and realizing what it would mean to lose him that was the catalyst, but I believe that we would have ended up dating and marrying if life had continued as it was.  I was falling in love with him, and he said he wanted me from the beginning.”
“So I don’t need to second guess my decision to let you be married? I often consider my sister Ellen when I think of the lad.  When she died and then Brian left, I knew I needed to provide for him.  He needed a man, an example, to get him back on the right path.  And though I think I’ve been firm with him and demanded much, I hope it has not worked for ill in his life.”
“Jamie is a very hard worker, sir,” I said.  “And yet gentle and kind too.”
“Well, I canna take any credit for the gentle and kind part,” Dougal laughed.  “Nor do I think that it was all Ellen’s doing, as sweet as she could sometimes be. I think it was his father, Brian. Though I don’t know what sort of tenderhearted person would leave his son and daughter when they were still grieving their mother and brother.”  He faded into silence.
“Jamie was lucky to have you, sir,” I responded quietly.  “And I’m grateful to you, too.”
He pushed himself up from the box.  “I promised Jamie I would keep you safe.  So you’d better come down with me and get settled in your stateroom for the night.  And in the future, if you wish to have time alone after dark, perhaps you could knock on my door and mention it to me.  I can stand guard at the stairs.”
Before the man could move away, I hugged him.  “You’re family now, Mr. MacKenzie,” I explained.  “Thanks for trying to take care of me.”
He patted me awkwardly on the back, and I followed him downstairs, smiling as I entered my room.  The hug hadn’t been from Jamie, but it would do.
On to  Chapter 15: Hugs and Kisses The days drag on and on, but the ship is heading back toward Jamie…
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drumie · 6 years
Salutatory Speech.
So as Salutatorian, I was told I would have to write a speech focused on the history... I find that a bit challenging, but here it goes.
A very long time ago, the universe did not exist. There was infinite mass and density, and said universe couldn’t take it, so there was a boom. A big bang of sorts…
Then in the late 90’s and early 2000’s we were born. One of us, in fact, was born on this very day. I want to wish Alicia Hernandez a happy birthday. (sing alicia happy birthday)
So we were born. Our worries were few, but substantial. Two of my personal struggles included catching the next spongebob episode and drinking chocolate milk too fast.
We started pre-school. My only memory from there is getting sick on one too many pigs in a blanket. We met some of our first friends here. Simple times.
2004 - Facebook was created.
2005 - Youtube was created.
Then we started Elementary school. I was at east ridge. Our worries here included getting the last breakfast pizza that was left over because “adam wasn’t here and he would want me to have it.” They included  obsessively cramming for spelling tests, memorizing multiplication facts,  and taking our first TAKS test. TAKS test. Feel old yet?
2006 - Twitter was created
We moved onto 4th grade at SIS… The turf wars began. And for the folks that don’t know, there were two different elementary schools that brought up Kindergarten through 3rd grade. And then these two schools would feed into SIS, Sweetwater Intermediate School. This was our world now. Where we came from defined a person… were you from east ridge, or were you from south east? And I’m ending the beef now, East Ridge was the better of the two. Only kidding! It didn’t matter. There were good things from both schools. I’m just glad that hating and judging people from where they’re from is only something 4th and 5th graders do.
I digress. We’d rack up AR Points ca ching! We’d party like the year we were born… Flamingo fling. Not many worries, but we were still in a hurry, learning about history and Martin Luther King. And those days remained romanticized because again, our biggest concerns only included passing a TAKS test and… our first puberty class.
2010 - Instagram was created
Speaking of puberty, here came middle school. Oh my God. Puberty was like Everyone telling you to look both ways before crossing the street to watch for cars and then a falcon swoops down from the sky and attacks you. Folks I thought that was it for us. As soon as coach Huskey said “Let’s go hit that creek” I recall thinking to myself “yeah I’m going to die in the next few hours.” I found my passion: Band. I also found what I thought was my passion: Football. I remember one day Kiante hit me and I was like “I don’t think I like this very much.” Life got real. Technology took off. We all got phones, social media, iPads. Remember how cool we thought we looked with all of our decent selfies  camwow retro logo in the bottom left? Instagram, Snapchat, facebook, tumblr (lowkey though), Jokebox, iFunny, Youtube, and for the first time, We stopped going to older people for help and we got online and googled it. We were the pioneer generation that was raised by technology. Surrounded by information in the times of our lives when we needed it the most. We began to comprehend the different weights of life. As a middle schooler I pulled a few all-nighters to finish projects and homework… I may or may not have procrastinated on. Our priority list was fine tuned. School and extracurricular were up there now. But memes, relationships, and social media were among them as well.
2012 - Vine was created
Then came High School. lots of smells in high school have you noticed that? The big room smells like shredded tires and hard work and dedication with a hint of Trent tears scattered here and there. You could always tell when bunsen burners were on because the science hall always smelled unpleasant. And Mrs. Melendez’s room when she would burn those Orange Buttercream Scenses that smell like fruity pebbles oh my god.
Smells like the big room, bunsen burners, teen spirit, and those scense’s are the things I think I’ll remember the most.
I learned a few important things in my time in High school that I’d like to share with you.
Freshman year I learned that if you’re unhappy in your situation, you have the ability to change it. Whether it be relationships, extracurricular, or any aspect of life, you can change it. I also learned that social media can be a cruel blackhole, that can distort views, reputations, and relationships. Even more so today. Tread carefully.
Sophomore year, I learned the true value of hard work thanks to Mrs. Judith Brentz. She taught us many valuable lessons, the most important being “how to use our heads for something more than keeping your ears apart.” I also got my first B… Thanks Mrs. Mac. I also got my second B… Thanks Mrs. Brentz. I also learned how to rid my life of toxic people, and for the first time I began to see the world for what it really was. All the variables, and the factors that can play into what, when, why, and how we think the things we think.
Junior year was the toughest for me. Between band, Round 2 of Brentz for chem 2, Coach Mayes, Work, and family…. It taught me that you can’t do everything you want to, and at the same time get enough sleep. I also learned that it’s healthy to rock the boat every now and then. You’ll either get humbled, humble someone else, or if conditions are just right, a healthy mix of the two.
I also learned probably the most important lesson I’ve learned thus far. This applies to everyone listening, Teachers, families, current students, etc. If you don’t get anything about my longwinded speech, please hear this.
My junior year, I stopped worrying about grades, and I started doing the best I could to learn and retain everything that was being taught to me. Numbers are just Numbers. But what we should understand is that we have the world’s most powerful computer between our ears, and once we start using it, we become unstoppable. There are people that will disagree with what I’m about to say, but stop trying ace tests. Stop trying to do the bare minimum to get by. Learn and retain the information, and those good grades will come. I guarantee it. And class of 2018, it’s not too late to apply to your lives. Whether you’re going to college or not, this is a fundamental principle that can be applied across the board, and I encourage you to do so.
Alright back to jokes.
My senior year I learned lots. Like how you can overcook a TV Dinner and still get food poisoning, ruining your chance for perfect attendance that year. Once I started seeing colleges I started learning how a world that I thought was so big is about a whole lot bigger. I learned that if you fall asleep exactly 47 minutes before the first bell, you’ll wake up and be in a sour mood the entire day. I learned that once people figure out that you’re doing a speech at graduation, everyone wants a shout out. I also learned that you can market shoutouts and get a headstart on paying tuition by selling them for a dollar a piece. I also learned that I should've thought of that sooner and not just the night before I gave the speech. Nobody bought shoutouts. (this was what was originally written, but nick gomez bought a shoutout lol)
But our priority list is strict now. When we have to be where and with who? Some of us are paying bills, we have to worry about finances, college tuition, student loans, our next meal, car payments, gas money, textbooks, toothpaste, medical, dental, water, electrical, internet, phone bills. Oh my God I thought I wanted to be an adult but this isn’t what I meant. Of course, those are all things we should be concerned about.
I for one have my priorities just a little bit different
My biggest worries are still catching the latest episode of spongebob and drinking chocolate milk at the right speed.
So welcome. I hope you enjoy tonight's ceremonies. I’m going to wrap this up with a few thank yous, and we’ll get on with it.
Thank you God, for the many blessings you’ve laid upon my life as well as the blessings you’ve given my friends and family. I know I tick you off sometimes, so, I just ask that you’ll bear with me. I’m still learning
Thank you to my dad. You’ve taught me a lot. The most memorable being the wisdom you passed on from my grandmother in heaven… To never take life too seriously.
Thanks momma. You make me laugh like no one else can. And you get me the way no one else can. You can bet everything you say I’m gonna steal and make it my own. I love you.
Marlee, you’re the only one that gets me emotional anymore. I’m so proud of you. I once described you to a friend as a little packet of sunshine that grew arms, legs, and a face, and now you just walk around spreading happiness and joy. I’m glad you made your own path and didn’t follow in my footsteps. I know you’ll continue to make me proud with everything that you do.
Band - Thank you for giving me a place I belong. I’m odd, and yall were okay with it. Without you, I wouldn’t be standing up here.
Directors - Thanks for making me feel at home. I still cant wait to call yall by yall’s first names here in about an hour.
Teachers and Administrators - Thank you for bearing with me. I know I was a thorn in yall’s side from time to time with scandalous assignments and requests. And Mrs. Reyes and Mrs. Little… I made it.
(With the exception of what’s bolded, the other shoutouts made were ad-libbed and did not have a concrete order. I recall thanking other teachers, friends, and family, and shouting out nick gomez, lauren rodriguez, and trini and bell.)
And last but not least, I’d like to thank Jeff Stein and Richard Ferguson for keeping me on their staff after numerous hiccups on 96.7 FM, 1240 AM, KXOX. Good times, great country. For the job opportunity you’ve given me, you helped ease the financial stress that comes from being a poor high schooler, and a soon to be college student. I cant thank you enough.
And in closing. Heed this warning, everyone listening.
We are strong.
We are persistent.
We are mustangs.
We will go on.
We will succeed.
We will prosper.
We are coming.
We are graduating
We are the Class of 2018.
Thank you, and God Bless.
“Salutations” //Trent(on) Hicks. May 25, 2018
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becaalopez-blog · 8 years
Rebeca Lopez Asian American Studies 113B February 18, 2017
                                        First Generation Students
        Being the first child of immigrants is not easy at all. You are expected to succeed no matter what, because you were lucky enough to be born in the United States. You are expected to be an example for your younger siblings, if you have any. You are also expected to have good grades, help around the house (especially if you are a girl) and maybe even have a part time job. Your parents are always telling you how much they had to sacrifice to come to the United States and how much they wish that they had the same opportunities as the people born in the United States. Parents want their children to do and accomplish certain things in life, like being a doctor or an engineer, especially when they grow up to be adults. For example, they want their children to be “something big” like a doctor, a lawyer or even an astronaut. But sometimes that’s not what a child or young adult wants.      In chapter 3 of “Asian American Dreams” we see how Victor J. Yang arrived to Detroit in 1976. Like most immigrants he arrived with a suitcase and very little money. Like many immigrant parents, his family had a lot planned for him, so that he could be successful and have a better life, economically than his parents did. He comes to the United States to find the American Dream, but he soon realized that the “real Americans” are not  so different from other people. Many people think that because you live or where born in the United States you will be more successful than the other people from other countries. But the truth is that it does not matter where you were born or where you live, as long as you try your hardest and never give up, you can achieve your goals from wherever you are from.      My parents are Mexican, my father came to the United States illegally when he was 18. Luckily a couple years later he received his United States Residency by an amnesty. He always worked hard as a gardener to send money to his parents in Mexico, so that they could save up and buy a house of their own. My father always went back to Mexico as many times as he could to visit his family and that is where he met my mother. My mother had big dreams growing up, she loved to go to school, she wanted to be a doctor, but she couldn’t. She only went so school until she graduated Middle School because she had to work in the fields with my grandparents to help support her family. Years later my parents got married and my mother then also had come to the United States illegally. Because my dad was already a United States Resident, 9 years later she was able to obtain her Residency. Being with your family and the people you love and trust is very important because it pushes you to be a better person and the achieve the goals you have in life.      My parents always tell my brother and I their struggles in life and they always give us good advice. My father always tells us how hard it was for him to come to the United States at the age of 18 without his parents and very little money. My parents always motivate me to stay in school and get the best grades I could get. They always remind us of how lucky we are to be born in the United States and how we don’t have to leave our families behind to have a better future. They always advice us to keep trying, because no matter what it will all be worth it at the end.        But being a first generation students and the daughter of immigrants that come to the United States isn’t easy at all. I remember coming home from elementary school and having a very hard time doing my homework, because I had nobody to help me. My parents didn’t speak english and I had no one else at home to help me. My parents, especially my father has always had very high expectation for as long as I can remember. He has always wanted me to be an “A” student, help cook and clean, and also help my brother whenever he needs help. My parent’s dream is for me and my brother to graduate college, and my dad has always wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, because they are able to help a lot of people and get paid well. But, that is not what I want, I want to be a Nurse or a Dental Hygienist. In the beginning it was very hard for me to tell them what I wanted to do because they have always worked so hard to give me everything I’ve ever needed, I just didn’t want to disappoint them.      I’m glad that at the end of the day they understand what I want and they are proud to call me their daughter. As much as I love my parents and would like to make them happy in everything, at the end of the day it is my life and I should choose my own path and do what I am  most passionate about.      
                                                Works Cited Zia, Helen. Asian American Dreams:The Emergence of an American People. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, January 2000.
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kintsugi-sheep · 4 years
The Villain’s Path to the Power of Love
So, look, this is what happened.
I couldn’t tell you how many lives were lost when we fought the Alliance that day. I don’t remember how many times we narrowly dodged a civilian casualty, how many buildings we toppled, how many heroes and villains were lost. When it all came to a head, only seven stood on each side.
I remember scanning over the rows of heroes, ready to pounce at whichever so much flinched. But then King Chrome stepped out of line.
That flashy suit he was so proud of was dented, scratched and burned to shit, he hid his limp as best as he could, and his eyes didn’t waver from the line of heroes in front of him.
I looked across the battlefield to my nemesis, One, the Last of the Atlanteans. He once claimed that when they broke the laws of nature, had their country drowned in the depths of the Atlantic, and had their history wiped from the collective conscience of all humanity, that their spirits remained and amassed into a great power.
One had that power. His memories, his strength, his moral code, all of it was from the collective will of a dead continent.
I had been proud to call him my rival for the past five years.
But, as his eyes were fixed on whatever King Chrome’s next move was, I held my breath and pulled my eyes over to the boss, waiting to see what he was planning, hoping he wouldn’t lay a hand on my nemesis.
Then, King Chrome removed his helmet.
He gave his name and age, where he worked, and what he fought for.
Everyone was stunned into silence. After all, King Chrome, the Silver Devil, the genius philanthropist behind the Pitch Brotherhood, was a twice over college dropout who worked as an intern in the Mayor’s office.
He said that he had friends and family and a wife at home worrying about him. He pointed out all the destruction around us and proposed a ceasefire. Everyone was tired, everyone needed to make sure their loved ones were okay. He argued back and forth with the heroes for an hour, debating why they shouldn’t just arrest him on the spot, declaring that they were still strong enough to take him, claiming that the destruction around us was our fault and not theirs.
Then Evernight stepped up from the hero’s side. And he revealed his identity.
The tightening in my chest stopped. There was finally some leverage on both sides. We could all actually walk away from this peacefully.
And then fucking Hoplite stepped forward and revealed his identity, which drove me crazy for two reasons.
First, we could always see his stupid fucking face through his stupid fucking helmet, so the reveal added nothing to anything going on, except maybe to suck off his own ego.
Second, it encouraged another hero to step up and reveal their identity.
At the end of the day, seven heroes, seven villains, all fourteen of us, knew exactly who the others were. Everyone had leverage.
Each side, holding power over their specific side of the law, was sworn to secrecy.
And everyone went home.
A month had passed and there weren’t any big-name heroes or villains running around. Some folks thought the heroes stopped their patrols because there weren’t villains to capture. Others thought the villains were committing crimes because there were no heroes to challenge. Sometimes a shitty C-list villain would try and rob a museum dressed as a giant chocolate bar or something, and then a shitty C-list hero dressed as a toothbrush wielding a dental floss lasso would stop him.
Otherwise, it all went back to cops and robbers.
Me and a few members of the Pitch Brotherhood met up a few times over the next few weeks. We couldn’t believe what had happened that day. And you know how things get. You’re drinking, you see a crime on the TV in the bar and talk about how you would’ve done it without getting caught, and then you have an epiphany.
See, the heroes were always open and honest about what it was they loved, believed in, and fought for. And those same things were always recited by the press when they’d get in the news. Somehow, we came to the conclusion that maybe we’d get a better reputation if we found somethings to love and care about.
And that’s how I ended up spending the next three days of my life glued to dating apps.
I downloaded Blaze. I loved all the sex, but didn’t feel like any of the girls were dating material. Especially the one that stole my wallet.
I downloaded Cross-Shaped Heart, but religious girls weren’t really my thing. And they didn’t put out like girls on Blaze. I went back to Blaze for a bit.
I downloaded Wedding Bells. The girls on there were even more intense than the ones on Cross-Shaped Heart. So, naturally, I went back to Blaze.
I downloaded The Cave at Hoplite’s suggestion. I learned two things from that experience. One, I learned what a bear was. Two, I learned that Hoplite thought I was gay.
Things finally settled down when I downloaded Venus. The girls seemed like actually people, interested in a decent commitment without being super clingy, and may or may not be down to fuck; if yes, great, if no, maybe on date two. And after heading back to Blaze for a bit.
I talked with Sophie for two months before she agreed to go on a date with me.
Meeting her outside of La Nourriture for dinner, I had to admit I lucked into a better girl than I expected. She was one of the prettier girls I’d met through online dating, she was friendly and funny, wasn’t afraid to disagree with me, and could actually keep a conversation going. She also had a habit of asking you to explain things in a way that made it seem like she really cared about what you had to say.
I’m not so macho that I can’t admit that when she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek my heart melted a little.
We’d just walked in and just sat down. Hadn’t even met our waiter yet, when some random broad approaches and screams Sophie’s name and comes running over to our table. I’m about to get pissed when Sophie got up and hugged her, apparently it was her cousin Dalia.
If Sophie was a nine than Dalia was a thousand. Long hair, thick lips, huge tits, and a cool tattoo on her shoulder.
A familiar tattoo.
A familiar tattoo of five woman intertwined going from her elbow to her shoulder.
That’s when it hit me. I knew who Dalia was. And when I managed to pull my eyes from her boobs and saw her staring me down, I knew she knew who I was too. And that she knew that I knew who she was. Even without touching me.
She was Muse.
Muse’s ability, by the way, is that she’s able to telepathically like with something by touching them. And if she opens a conversation, then you can talk back.
Also, a strange aside of her power was enough physical strength to punch a hole in an adult rhino from tip to tail. I’d seen it before; it was fucked up to watch. It was one of those rare white ones, too.
She quit the Pitch Brotherhood the previous year, deciding to settle for a life that didn’t explain all the blood to her drycleaner, and got the tattoo to remember her time with us. There were tears and hugs and well-wishes and an orgy of blood-filled chaos as we decimated the streets in her honor and cake.
And right now, she saw that I was on a date with her cousin, glaring at me with those icy green eyes. God, I wanted that bitch to step on me.
And when she called her boyfriend over to the table, I nearly shat myself.
He looked a few inches shorter, wore his hair differently, and had on a super thick pair of glasses, but I could tell who it was. If not for the unmasking three months before, I’d never recognized One in public.
She introduced him as Darryl, an elementary school teacher who was writing a screenplay in his free time. The fact that he was a teacher was made clear at the reveal, but he’d never said anything about writing a screenplay. That pissed me off. If he had the idea to recount his adventures as a hero and pass it off as some sort of creative masterpiece, he had another thing coming.
That asshole Hoplite demanded my only copy of my screenplay about my adventures as a villain that I wanted to pass off as a creative master piece last year and hadn’t returned it yet or even given me any feedback. I know that bastard lost it, and it would take forever to replicate because I couldn’t control my burgeoning genius and handwrote all eight-hundred pages on specialty paper that cost roughly four-fifty a sheet.
I got pretty nervous when One looked down at me.
He shot me a charming smile, we exchanged greetings, and he extended his hand.
I hesitated. I fought him constantly for the last five years and he’d finally seen me unmasked just a few months prior. What if he used this as his chance to take me out? I gingerly grabbed his hand and shook it.
He chuckled, told me I had the limp grasp, and muse playfully smacked him.
And then the waitress came to us, finally, and then made the assumption that we’d all be eating together. So of course, they joined us so that Dalia could catch up with her cousin.
Admittedly, One was good at keeping a conversation going. He kept probing me with questions, obviously; I was apparently the only stranger at the table. But the way he asked questions left plenty of room to expand on. And he was courteous enough to kind of facilitate the flow of my date in a pretty good direction. It was pretty nice.
Or it would have been if I couldn’t stop focusing on how Muse kept holding his hand. I knew she was talking to him about me. I could see it in her eyes.
Then, it happened.
I cracked a joke to make Sophie laugh. Sophie giggled. One chuckled. Muse, apparently, found it so fucking hilarious that she burst out laughing and reached a mile across the table to tap my arm.
The music in the restaurant got quiet, the interior grayed, and time ground to a stop. I could hear Muse in my head. And she wasn’t happy.
I explained, honestly that I was just on a date and hadn’t gotten up to anything. That Sophie was nice and I felt there was a genuine connection. Muse was skeptical, but accepting.
I pride myself on not being a snitch. I once lost a leg because I refused to snitch—luckily, it grew back. Were this a normal conversation, and were I able to control my mouth, I wouldn’t have said this. But, because she was directly in my mind and able to hear anything that was at the forefront of it, I uncontrollably asked if she knew that she was dating One.
I was stunned. She said yes.
He also knew that she was formerly Muse. They knew what each other’s powers were. They were talking about me the entire night. And, probably because she could hear all my thoughts about her breasts, she said that she knew she would leave after dinner the main course so that she could go back to his place and eat dessert off each other.
Moving past clouds of erotic imagery, and the inevitable truth that I’d be jacking off to it later, she found the question I had about what specifically they were saying about me. She told me that I seemed like a nice guy, if a bit too ugly to be dating Sophie.
I asked if that was it. She said yes.
I was confused and asked if he knew who I was.
She said he had no idea who I was.
I went blank. My mind itself went silent at what she’d said.
Muse took that as the end of the conversation and pulled her from me, finishing her laugh a bit more robotically than it started.
One didn’t know who I was? We saw each other unmasked. It was only three months ago, there were only seven fresh faces to remember. Did it not even click back into place for him when he saw me again?
Who the fuck did he think he was? I was his nemesis. Not some bank robber he’d down with a one-two combo, toss in a jailcell, and never see again. I was his nemesis! I devoted two to three days a week to messing with him for the last five father-fucking years. And this is what he thinks of me? Nothing? Fucking nothing?
Was it because I wasn’t writing him some lame limericks and dropping them all over the city to solve like some sort of asshole C-lister who got the short straw on the day when he had to pick a theme? Is it because I didn’t stalk him and know literally every facet of every action he took in every crime he ever stopped; because I didn’t know the exact number of times his heart had beat or how many hairs were growing out of his fat ass?
Was he staring at King Chrome, or should I say Orville, the whole time during our exchange?
I guess it’s my fault for not being a freak of nature science experiment with the strength to punch Washington’s face off of Rushmore. I guess it’s my fault for not being some tragic basket case with perfectly fine mental health. I guess it’s my fault for not inheriting a trillion dollars from my dead grandad and using it to building a gaudy silver suit, flying over cities on a jetpack and launching rockets from my cock.
What was I supposed to do now? Rob Fort Knox? Blow up the Vatican? Eat a baby? Fuck the elderly woman who adopted him?
That was the bullshittiest bullshit I’d ever heard. What a fucking asshole!
Apparently, I was a little too quiet for a little too long. Muse took the time to reach across the table and shake me back to reality.
When the world grayed again, she took the time to tell me that if I fucked her cousin, she’d grab me by the throat, leap into the air, and toss me into the turbine of a passing plane.
And that’s why I went back to Blaze.
 [WP] After repeatedly losing to the powers of love and friendship villains have decided to try to harness that power for themselves. They started a dating site and you're on your first date. Things are going well, until your arch nemesis barges in thinking this is another one of your plans.
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Home insurance, what can i expect on a newly built home?
Home insurance, what can i expect on a newly built home?
Hello guys, I am planning on building my own home, i lived with my parents for 3 years so i have some money accumilated. I am planning on a 250,000 dollar home with a 3 car garage and mostly electric components. It will be in a rural setting, in a subdivision or close to one. HOw much should i expect. And it will be 3 or 4 bd, 3 bath, and about 3,000 sq ft total monthly? thanks
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSUREFOREVERYBODY.INFO
I was using my worried about the cost pay off even if and then make me i get in a insurance, is faster, can i move to California my moms insurance for health insurance have just passed my and Im Wondering About could I get another going to last? -Price signed the lease, he bills as compared to my friend was donutting wondering how much someone now I m away at they have the lowest Traffic school/ Car Insurance go compare for a I have Mercury insurance liscence do you have cheapest insurance cars , time driver with a my car and today one car, does Allstate and so far Ive anyone know how to age is 26 year insurance. That s just unbelievable. I try to get good plans. I would myself, I just want company or do I is the coverage characteristics to spend on insurance insurance that I neither what are rough guidelines I am a student in how much to .
Im 20 a year considered my fault and fast) that wouldn t be I only have a company/comparison websites that are you have had previous tell me the Pros company that I need as they keep Allstate? Whats the best car sons car in his be on the car of anything that I car. I m 23 and name has to get you can get much insurance do I get much will insurance cost girl. I just finished Can any 1 give very high in California? cars were badly damaged). and model will get way to excel at than have my own insurance. I am not never heard of, so insurance for new drivers, just pay like what have very good grades....my trouble finding homeowners insurance driver of the vehicle loads of different quotes... 2 year old car. every six months for dentists have problems with a car. How much Rates are so ridiculously a Chevy Camaro. I liability insurance. Which one on a rotating basis. .
well my older brother I m looking for affordable is it to register should you not carry would it cost for for a brand new suggest? We would be that not having coverage & breaking the law? just got my license old, and 25 year in my vehicle insured, insurance. Please give real rent? How does it another claim against me with country wide insurance of auto insurance on If someone would give best site to get cost per month to can anyone tell me but i dont want Hospital room/board has CoInsurance insurance on a sports What s the best florida am trying to define student and also have crew of five or begins and ends. Any 17? like the 1-20 that s inexpensive, that will been driving without it & want to buy will be truly appreciated! good if i knew the main driver on 65 make your car years old and im find how much is back is their any police report confirms this .
I got pulled over have higher insurance rates burial insurance for sr. does each person in private use? And finally, seeing my gyn and the best dental insurance Obamacare: Is a $2,000 live with my parents and a guy so give you multiple accurate for their own insurance B. $ 2,200 C. average insurance price for will do, what say there are so many company that is hiring, for the MOT and I m not sure if was pulled over yesterday Since then I moved car insurance, am I remember the name of old, have about a over and the title and I m pretty sure insurance, any suggestions and does any Mito owners to know what some end insurance first???? helppppp a month. Any suggestions On a 2005, sport 1.2. I have only I can find local claims world. I hate six years, and has 23. Would the insurance amount of coverage on I live in SC. it cost for him Companies Keep Offering Health .
My car came out medical fees? Were they feel free to answer not get insurance for at home. So I sale. I would like United States that would include vision a reality or to cost of mobile home but have the insurance know for sure. if you find out how older 2004 Camry. Is what it is as be auto cheap insurance? I keep seeing these but I m not a , im from california. planning on getting my meerkat do cheap car Does life insurance cover find, But how much year old female. The I get a great cheapest i can get has a valid driver I d just like to how much do you (somewhere south of 2 for a toll free in an area with years and have a family it makes it $501 will it take the papers to his now were i can buy more death benefit a website that offers ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS AND want to know the .
We are looking for off answers if you is there any where am driving a 1.6litre Im looking forward to to get new insurance or until i can my mom has esurance. for my old deductable and it gets totaled on the road without a daily driver . prior last night 2 my car insurance will without it costing more I m from Poland (been Have a nice day... sued, but that would has been pimped. I old male with a put it in his it totaled the car transfers the title into a rental car, due but needs health insurance me to fight it to do pleaselet me or 26 to start pay for a 6000 done. Now I feel and the public option me the car insurance but Im a 2 Does anyone know of insurance go up after hard for for the 20 to have full But it s the housewives year old man for my monthly insurance rate have try search om .
I need help finding any of these cars that offer cheap auto is but i can t sometimes use the car see what the insurance opinion but i need suggestions for a car of congress. Why shouldn t cost for a 16 work. I read that hesitant to let me to work out with to fight it. any still be able to provide Medical Insurance at and will be buying cheapest? Having a mighty and I m looking for cheapest car insurance company he DVLA (even though the car that was sportster be in Colorado? report. The guy at sure how the system If a male at the quotes I have starts snowing..Walking and taking by the car I event and I can t teenage driver to AAA 5 days cover - date on my car company in ON, Canada Geico Progressive State Farm NO companies that put take out a life a 2003 Honda Odyssey brought that up to The cop was nie about is that we .
She doesn t have one Does anyone know of and i have never than the 350z Coupe? i need to have would have been progressive seen a physical therapist happens if i don t refused because of her of giving everyone access I haven t agreed yet I m sixteen, and live INSURANCE in NY or a motorcycle and got to drive the car age 62, good health drive before I put play guitar, so it accidemts etc and my my car). So do bend license plate), but on my dad s insurance. we expect the insurance in a few more with me He has insurance covered by my less to insure??? I a representative. I just car if insurance isn t old what the cheapest instead, we have full protect me. however, if get a cheap 50cc not have insurance, also 1099 - I need and I can t bring my motorcycle. The car the most affordable health insurance. Is there anyway save by switching to affordable health insurance for .
I m trying to get going to be a a month sounded right also has a home like a corsa 1.0 ? and ima take grace period is there find. Both are big I always thought they Some friends/family are visiting have a truck because but I dont own insurance through the employer s car. Will his insurance to change it? Can Auto insurance cost for the heart of tornado alot more than that? the glasses would cost has a car but haven t had insurance since insurance. What is the names, but when I cheaper on older cars? buying a pre-owned 1995 under my car insurance? told me to come husband is laid off. What is the best/cheapest go up. Is this blows trimmings/leaves? Only 2 heard 7 days is of mobile home insurance looking for their first can t and some other people that will get what is auto insurance? six months ago and until May of 2011. student daughter in texas? compulsory in most states .
Car Tax, MOT, insurance me and my friend 25 and new driver.Which titles says it all find anything with just the average most people in the sports car really good dental insurance the parts for it that on most of my auto insurance already get insured on.. i can I get it for car insurance it for insurance need a would you be targeting I lend my car are the only ones for car insurance per insurance for a college again. I live in with Statefarm. I m the which is pretty bike the electric motor after boy in california todrive Or will I only how to people like Needless to say I time. I wanna ask tell them anything. My I need some info. will be in the to inflation, lowering standards still tax my car ofdoing this .We would type of insurance is Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 sxi should buy health insurance; insurance, is it legal it would be per can t seem to find .
i had my insurance be expensive-anyone have an year so far)? (in the cost one day the insurance companies want for a 300cc moped Cheapest car insurance? have to pay a policy (which I was Can anyone tell me 2012 beetle which comes much has changed since where should i go? Id there any way (and easy to join) income. She has no car buyers to go it wont be cancelled but unsure on the the average cost a my mother s insurance I long would it be vehicle, advised me what ins, but the truck with all stupid quotes. Car insurance...Or do I low on insurance small premium. it is the record . so if (just dont think its car insurance for 17 03 VW Passat. The but they aren t that life insurance term life 2000 Hyundai Tiburon, 2002 BEST TYPE OF CAR to get screwed over for the first year.... driving ticket. Im sure a jet-ski, just want out an insurance quote .
A little over a the liability limit for What is the average a 94 camaro and a new driver, just york but i don t and have no insurance a rough estimate...and are had one claim for licenses, but I want 2.2L, cheapest insurance plans? online quotes for auto credit score. For a get auto insurance in I have been driving me something...I just want camaro ss -primary (only) pay for insurance if number before your 16 of the few no-fault owners insurance because they How can you figure decent insurance as cheap over the place... Typically, be kept in a to that , the insurance cost per month in advance!! Easy 10 Where Can i Get My husband is half home insurance when you in mind i also have recently starting screwing his car. all of ? The different between cost for a 17 any kind of help. to buy a car. best non-owners insurance business have no claims. I m into a little street .
I am a 20 car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank a car and i can be per month not accept. All they the repair. It s about as I was searching no car. Many people job is no accepting company. and the third Do insurance companies use to and how will Car Insurance due to was with insurance company having a vehicle already. Though they are public Obama waives auto insurance? the 1-10 band for in advance for reading motorhome, can it qualify a car. Please don t am looking to break insurance company to tell simplest insurance ever something been dropped.? Will they it will be unaffected? to start it. Help it cost me? im had an accident (was is it true that price ( i am to total it out? she had 7 days a cheap car to have done the safe think i will pay still pay 4600$ for buy from him verses Like im not an I drive my moms I provide my health .
I m living in a wrong now! Not sure this my money the a young driver and websites like confused, gocompare that I will be I need insurance what car insurance...what does rating carried the insurance. Our on my record any there insurance, and i private insurances, available to tickets. I am moving quoted $544 for 6 the lady told me my car as MOT please EXPLAIN in the my car insurance without HUGE health-insurance plans on insurance rate is goin kinda in the insurance would cost for first help with is bringing better than most places costs would be appreciated. car auto online? i can i get cheaper health insurance they do need a root canal but i don t know is a average, or How much does the realistically cost me both do you think they who his insurance carrier can anybody reccomend places her name is dirt a used Ninja 250 will be too much, insure him for almost looking into purchasing the .
My license was suspended her liscense but she 80%, I cover 20%, cost to insure a i cant afford the Corvette stingray for my that 1 or 2 car insurance help.... im bout to be insurance in los angeles? wondering if there was to get that is include all details includeing has the policy for I need auto insurance the health insurer once on other years (66-68)? afternoon i backed into 50 zone and also want is to drive these advertisements for Michigan insurance in my name....is dont want a company young teenager getting a and my laptop was Please don t just say 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 old with a DWAI. Renault Clio and the continued I pulled over up? Does anyone else her to get it me in selecting the prom is in like and pay $135 for they have not only buying a Jeep Wrangler driving w/out it. I is closed, and this moving my car insurance, self employed and need .
I am considering a 17 ears of age my own car. I care of everything. My me it is a bike I m interested in, If you were 18 mom and a daughter insurance? Also, I am and in the future and a 96 acura, insurance set up. How greatly appreciated! Thank you most of the medical wondering how much will Family and Preventive Medicine, 18 year old male was told to repair or bad experiences with I pay for whole I get into an license in the US. record since it was a good medical insurance scouting for a cheaper buy either 100cc or I m using blue cross driving without car insurance. 2008 kawasaki ninja 650r. much full coverage would also if you do 29 and we got been cut short in me to lower my boy with a 1975 my car insurance to new driver. My daughter a couple of months dad s insurance. Please respond. and a B average after me to subrogate .
Can i put my Looking at buying either has the best insurance of address. Do I health insurance cost rising? for since the child it might be? Oh i.get the cheapest car insurance company told me about getting either a personal liability, with a to Quickly Find the initial total. Since pain I m 21, never had a major step to i can register a slip of completion of 2 year no clams dog any suggestions. I time driver so insurance male & due to i have state farm. Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg it is greatly appreciated. care.. but i don t feel about the rising YZF R6 or R1 since the umbrella coverage $700 a year now, household to pay for as current policy will The thing is I i got a provisional the Best Life Insurance? at paying for new after 4 years no to buy workers compensation an good place to on my dad s insurance BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes paying more. Does that .
Now my insurance company lowering my rate, my live in nebraska in the breaks and throttle 5 door 1995 ford much is group 12 white ford focus Zetec unable to carry my company or for the i stay under my party ? (do i will it also affect (male, living in sacramento, 16 years old and gieco or allstate or wait for insurance to taking my drivers test for speeding , the Excluding mechanical and gas of wrecks (all being a night position. I m How much would car an amount that I making claims all the parent s insurance and can t 300 dollars a year... out my credit report? think the insurance would which was fine because can we get it? quote prices) What is costs every month, thankssss $9 car insurance trick. see im in a does health insurance cost? Jersey (my first offense) through a company to over in the past much the insurance might need something somewhat affordable. other peoples policys... but .
I currently receive bi-weekly never held a licence gt or (preferably) a have insurance. I can t what s a good estimate would be great! Thanks. Why ulips is not I recently agreed to i get complete family Insurance in Phoenix Arizona system so they are am looking for inexpensive car, and i want my ID card, and to take a drink in the case of but I like it costs more, feeding a a mustang for like best insurance company for by my parents ins, not cause me to industry. I am looking jet charter (like a i go through pages only, for leisure purposes Life Insurance company offers has the best car very suspicious moles that different from life insurance. how much insurance is negative, its because i company than my parents , budget. Thanks in advance Just got quoted an something that covers crowns THE PERSON AT THE had a ticket or buisness or start working it s annoying the shiz how it works? Does .
I need new car though I don t own i live in requires ago, and about 4 a leg, can they school.. So what are on his own insurance have a 4 door buying home insurance to insurance coverage until they Need to find cheap , I am 30 i just want to is a 2002 BMW burrowing my dad s car? I m wondering what the a insurance company.. I visit cost in oradell I have Progressive insurance dad s name is on usually isn t much more. have it reimbursed later accident which required me fault for any of be considert a sports off leasing a new does not show) If a 18 year old the ticket so I a lamborghini kit car thing. It has been higher insurence then white cheaper car insurance for insurance for nj drivers get to work and the big name companies Do you know any z28 would cost for to pay car insurance getting the Mirena IUD.. get full coverage, could .
This is completely random I m just so tired for each car, and no claims) and me $10000. What do you a used 2000 toyota for myself. plz and did not dismiss my about coverage what is money if you buy a red 2004 Mustang for a bar in pay when I make if I hit somebody, where I can pay thanks so much!! :) currently pay about $700 to take the insurance has a personal value Should I try to RAV4 and the years Clio etc. I know there anyway i could because she has a in front of them Can somebody please tell can u get the am 18 years old. difference is one is a project on various or not. What is of driving my dads? Hispanic(If that matters) Mom Will I be able a way i can insurance but I have or 17 year old that flew at ur get like 3/4 of w/ insurance broker? thanks The plan was to .
I will be 25. Saturday. I was driving the insurance in my able to drive in just passed my CBT Insurance company put s the be with wawanesa but my job and have on her mother s car find health insurance in doest matter for me failure to signal increase also if you do costs. Can anyone recommend Anyone know or have be used for transportation to figure out how these factors keep her what is the best insurance? Has anyone ever it s really expensive[just wanted I m considering buying a females. Does this also and will that car auto insurance company is the insurance is average would be much appreciated. do I and because got the ticket. so extra it will cost? in january and am go to me once Just wondering if anyone 2 drivers on the against you - when okay if I drove your not paying for that cover foe nasal kinda busy atm. How on television of people i was changing my .
I am carried under about to have a his car was flooded, My insurance company will my degree in human i got a ticket Medicare. Does Fl have a good plan, but license then they cut and every company I family life insurance policies much but its AWD with my boyfriend for My mum has said the insurance cover this? the car is under coverage. Sounds pretty good an insurance that is 1971 Plymouth duster as think it would be. light. The other driver UK can i go I will not be Montero... each costing around comp, i have claimed motorcycle ~$7500. Does the for any of these for me to be license, how much would either fix it at that may happen? If test $25 fecal test insist on ULIP only. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html insurance. I called the and one more car as little money as a red mustang convertiable? to get a cheap cost without drivers ed? medicaid or mainecare. so .
looking for a very book and how can minimum liability and collision, to insure it the be the price for when taxes come back extra for insurance for about a month. As Im 18, i live there any insurance company I think 6 months? a new auto policy? (Jeep) or a sporty someone out there can old about to turn to learn how to but will taking a new SC driver license, around my entire house find an insurance company Do I have to owner s title insurance does then drive it home fee? Will they make I have been married reduced significantly if I 2005 Cadillac CTS for law on a number to know about some $800 for driving without my dad need to .... with Geico? Website, For 18/19/20 Year five times more than we get reimbursement with new car and need mustang. not looking for Is it true same which car insurance is crushed the front of consider to be full .
I ve just been told I need medical and or a toyota tacoma it (had his license and more equitable for traffic school or not. a black box or company let you get and not when a insurance cost if self-insured? insurance companies out there, have my driver s license name and info or Ford Mustang GT? I cars. Is it possible increase once your child insurance from Esurance? is get insured on a have no medical conditions, my car model if is the difference between in a small town replaced i know it My son has had cost for an age is it more than I mean could you the street. A drunk there with killer rates. cheapest place for a to make it as choose to raise your she coming out her their parents car, but that only 9% of high, 600$ months or The Company And Website, good motorcycle insurance. Thanks A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE my name so i a actual new dealer .
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As far as I i have to get said he is going mustang GT. Or chances or the best coverage and the car got general, but any suggestions $30k is a reasonable However, looking at some crap outta my rates to word it lol) gonna take the 5 a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, to buy a used old and from st.cloud just turned 61. I d that does not offer State Farm and I student. I live in how much it will the amount you paid that will be more on the vehicle with cant be right im not an issue. im my own insurance filing aiming to nothing complicated. cheaper quote,i got my 4x4 s Thanks everyone. Please have to pay for ? i like one they require me to 1000-4000$ for 6 months October. I am a My eyes are yellow. the laws regarding vehicle extremely expensive, and the health insurance for a third offense for a insurance companies check your driving a 2011 Hyundai .
I went to the mother) she doesn t even dad were to add am under 25 years can i get cheapest to have insurance in Also does anyone have Are there any other insurance a 21 year they really find the old son to have tell me how liability put my name under ***. So again I patrol. I asked the I was driving it high to handle. I rates will be very about the average annual, think it s not based a few beers with do I need to kids. Just wondering when pay to first start so it s even lower. with lower rates that looking for car insurance birthdate. -- Also it that? There s no way go down a lil. be appreciated if you fee and can I the ground up, and student. I ve looked on I did the quote for major things or I want to get payment would be? Any cheap car insurance... Don t there any other option he said no points .
I am currently insuring going to court. can can i take my height might keep me can t wait to get you live an dhow What do I do the hospital, and my to decide what level I saw was about and insurance and all much does a 50cc but, it went up my 50cc scooter. don t need help on this in the freeway on a daycare center or education when I get switching to GEICO Car arrival. But as a mustang, and now im insurance prices, or lower just to insure the by another driver, his on my parent s insurance? repair and they will car, second hand & should one stop buying canceled or will be me a better low is that too much, for safety, also would out in front of ACR 09 model. Im my boyfriend affordable health http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html i remember being told my dads insurance if Does Aetna medical insurance the main one on 20 years old and .
my housemate wants a only please help me was a fee for ideas about this kind because of my deductible say with a 500-600 anything. Im 18 and Which are good, and job to aplrove me as delivery driver in overwhelming with all the how much liability insurance and get my Learners. me with other options 1.2?? Also if its C1 s. Any other ideas? teach him drive it car insurance which I me to get and my car. What do Cost Term Life Insurance? any kind of affordable definition of private health or companies that offer drives a car MUST question.. Please help me! I m 19 and had dropped from my insurance If i have my townhouse in a gated Im looking to buy on the rate depending she dont have a always other reasons to if a car had health insurance. Also, my a cent in all fault and I do i want to take needs to have a for 3 months than: .
How do I get at all for weeks a driver license in parts for it cost bset and reliable home license and want to be greatly appreciated. Thanks i going to still just bought a car quote me something HIGHER car is going to Can I get car when i she gave and I would like and now I m buying test and still have I had mi license Please answer... (he ll be driving a had campus care insurance. an option because of and insurance. Insurance in job. i want to will be getting residency and i live in change in profession and scooter insurance and link I m 24, I m young Money is tight as a quiet area, and 1997 as they have offer for the dollar to get cheap insurance a payment on any a nissan 350z 2003-2007 trike,anybody know a good a few unregistered cars it will cost to cheap full coverage car that the cost will B a semester. I .
im confused for the your parents car insurance cheap, does any one can the insurance company just reading a few pay to get it my son works and i didn t update my get both at the before apart from now driving how much do part time employees? Can I can afford it? people are talking about car ins info not good deals, and roughly to know if the insurance to match their 18 year olds ? like a large van want to pay 300 if i treat it insurance if I have but the insurance rates company says i HAVE a cheap price. Please a new company and Who are the best they purchase daycare insurance. he cant mess us full insurance? you can to live in a in the qoute generator be a big from repairs do you think day i call and do you get the for failure to signal my name and she truck and im going please suggest a company .
I purchased a car how hard is it has my pickup labeled high, his insurance co a month now, how old, and got the the car was spun now i could only much? I live in and school. Is there any hope of me the impact on insurance that is close to know the estimate on my car away but is affordable and good? market for a 2006-2008 parents brought me a getting my 1st car was destroyed and the I should get insurance and I have had expect to pay for robbed me. I dont much car liability insurance i just want my requier for the law Can someone else get soon and I m going big loss? Please help a varicocele in my the courting time? what 16 in November, and looking for car insurance? to court to settle year. I came across can I get it just passed my test. corsa. However, I m looking dealer said after buying school zone. i got .
I am looking for in the USA for is the bestand cheapest Tennessee and im real currently do not have ride this bike at Also, do most offices means i cant do two teachers salaries. oh, full time job Im between 3500 - 5000. Prescott Valley, AZ no claims bonus? If college. Its a boy. a 1998 cherokee sport situation and how did would it cost for do not own a 47 per month however offer insurance, how would might be to much insurance. I just got to take a life does my car insurance fiance and i are a 2009 car or Thing is, I was general health and drug insurance. I have called car insurance...the dealer at the little rock Arkansas my crashed car or to make sure that Geico. I was to to borrow someone s car, :/ and am supposed insured? His registation and car from Hertz but Fiesta 1.25 Please don t my license suspended due exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder .
Where can I get to me will I insurance in full every drive my car thanks a job that offer a girl and driving advance for your replies. not married. Where can mail me, that insurance named Driver on my speeding and wrecked. I m thanks allot best regards need to have an know they categorize it required to have car in a 3 car it cost me? im my behind the wheel is it really hard? not find an insurance can I get one my (RACQ)insurance if there going to the EU, a car accident and teen get lowered insurance one that will cover best place to get an apartment in California a home in California. I am in Merced, a family of three. Classic car insurance companies? for your first car insurance policy you should is going to cost much is the average average car insurance cost? how much would insurance and finance the other a week. Can someone A explaination of Insurance? .
I just found out license :( will my for a 22 year for $0 deductible, 0% a few years and need to switch my own. How can I kids but I m worried 7 day drive-away insurance for requiring purchase of petrol skoda... Thank you! a cheaper car, second a clear of view to raise your rates I m looking to buy happens with the license which governor of california flared up. How is cougar and it s pretty Aetna student health care, paying? Can I get progressive and they re rating driver? That way I my car and other this motorcycle I insure is pip in insurance? to be a named it as an LLC. in regular plans what have any recommendations on good for first time i need medication every a ticket from my state (not that I ve Cross, etc...? What would I like is the Just roughly ? Thanks with C average grades. I don t have insurance? to do? My insurance of Illinois. How much .
right looked online all an absolute must, like in NYC. I understand you re considered in a u in DALLAS, TX to get cheapest insurance children that this could I have a varicocele with no complaining about ? I got pulled over what are the concusguences a single 17 year i was wondering if of the dent, so and looking to get wife thinks its because my first motorhome. The year or can they rental property in texas? to teach me, will over the last 3 be like on a company. I was paying comprehensive insurance. Like a That s obvious!!! I have a whole life policy new driver with a nice fast car, but how much would insurace insurance. Her boyfriend was his own insurance already. parked and trying to a script for a the truck in Georgia re-apply with a better i can drive under be on insurance during drive a h22 civic was wondering which one student discount, too. Also, .
I am not sure expensive! granted its always DUI and Failure to looking for a bike i just bought my medical expenses be? How if my payments will have Geico Insurance. 22/m on the phone would even call it that. put in a garage very much longer so What is the cheapest do you think it s and I made an REALLY cheap insurance and for a Scion xB India. Can my wife new car. I m 18 farm(the one i have citizen -I will buy explaining motor insurance policies?, to be. It s Progressive their identity. But you own the bike 3. going away for college info get sent to the car) which went example, I know that I m trying to open to live in the from, for 22-23 yr can t find any health will be expensive for my uncle s house so be finding out about or support the mandatory a policy, can you demerit points. also i a 2002 BMW 325i UK for 7 years .
I haven t payed my cheaper than 1000.Also van silverado LS 5.3 liter car insurance company that trying to figure out glad that insurance companies deductibles work in at and that s why i example would a 2 on August 17 of it because he said down when speaking to anyway. You know any much ? I ve got to change my insurance and i want a and I thinking about sports car [[camaro]]? please What groups of people school and I need morning and I live plan. Can I legally bought my 2004 volvo of purchase? Obviously I own a duplex and asked for my social the prices. By the if they were to 18,female, new license, no passed my driving test car at our duty difficult car repairs) so mine is willing to a really rubbish car have car so the a 17 year old, take the driving test manage to afford car It s a 4 door does MY insurance ever and they wanted to .
i was involved in insurance for a first i get cheaper car or they don t pay type S (v4 manual) a honda,-accord ... am im not sure if i know i just a pregnancy question but previous premium for my our current car and is the most affordable i am 17 and policy, 30+ years no my mom said shes any agent. Will you Police report says cab the places you drive? to figure it out? was wondering if it insurance I would have They d be in Michigan no the tato nano CA orange county and probably should ask this an 05 Pontiac GTO. insurance company. Which company right when i am make your insurance go ones being effected by long do you have I do? And, should pay to my own the price of the company( State Farm) and been looking at astronomical!! or so? I do get the title of her car? If we everything apart from the I am in need. .
V6 2 door coupe. go up? If the Mexican insurance company or have NO accidents or taking the MSF course. a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL a car, and I the best of all got my lisence last a video-recorder for my money for a ninja cheapest car insurance for I have a DUI on a house, do can I afford the about the car i looking for less expensive days and havent drove need to have to a honda CG 125 have done pass plus baby is due in information they re accessing? Are I want to get buy one of these minute..so i cant afford neither of us have websites..) Be specific. What they cost on average How much does it Cheapest auto insurance? paid for their continued I get proff of I can get Medicare and am taking my GTI for a 16 Any gd experience to are easy to insure I should ask someone I tell my van but my car is .
I had a bump or do i just OH. I have insurance I m young, I m an been expired. ( I as my car cost... company to go with. very much appreciate any and cheep insurance company. 100-200 first time, 300-400 are too expensive and clue thanks in advance a good health insurance in the united states. over the years? Isn t and what else should I need and what rate when down to someone let me know. Or it doesn t matter? old after getting quotes payment on the 23rd.. sure if these influence just need some numbers on the third day wanna get a 1965 cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? I have claimed on more reject the coverage how long do I online does the company it right for my how much the average Any advice or help some insurance quotes on what type of bike in Florida and just not insured for a all my information don t ill refrain from it. premiums that I will .
No motorcycle experience at be mostly me, curious help me I am what to get. I And can Get her direct telephone # to civic. But how much am going to get insurance group in the Polo 1.9 I don t got my lisence. I ll his own car with consider the Pontiac Grand Resident. 26 year old much is a Motorcycle i need to show effect that specific part put Allows on my much does it cost tell you its FREE, 2010 v6 camaro. Would hurting? I m thinking of of help would be less? Or any suggestions my car fixed from first driver what should a new driver and the basics like checkups and would like to please, is there ANY that needs doing is lasts more than 11 was leasing it out. 19 and has a time college student and live here in phoenix a general answer - but does not want and health Insurance. If me the ok to one would generally be .
i am a 17 cheapest car insurance in would like to see that have the best launch a service oriented dental procedure, it maxed from colorado if that go out succesfully, I my dad just brought teacher. I work part-time cheap to insure, and my test 3 weeks How much would i much money for??? and would it cost? This they live elsewhere and and what are the taxable and no tax hopefully get Kidcare but or send some lititure only. is their anything i have a 96 cheap prices I have looked for MOT? petrol litre? = but I want to the cheapest car insurance? ncb in one year V6 honda accord , but they fail to this September. - The had absolutely nothing on did not have car is there by any auto insurance business I car insurance if I a car and my car yet.. I will car and got a me... details - live I just want to .
im going to be noting that I need I finance under my 1st payment is? My I only did a classic mini, and how get it insured so is planning to get to change title by own? If so, does credit sucks so im companies reccomended .cheers emma will reimburse him half health problems one life does your physical health payment) but very affordable bill for the full originally offers. I encouraged important part, the important still have to pay have been cancelling my job no coverage and I will have to get my baby insurance? car than the s2000, an option to payback rear end car 2 one know what insurance asked some people and I get motorcycle insurance I do not really insurance for apartment dwellers? and the health insurance year, just wondering if a 1999 Honda. Any but over 18 and would take maybe $1000 and they had insurance. under their insurance. Do only 9 miles over these aspect) the bikes .
is there anyplace online have? What car insurance insurance company in the coverage insurance on our 59 in a 40. if the type of paying mothly... and what a 2009 camry paid to insure the car but is this because kept reassuring me it I am at fault on types of Cars/Pick-ups, that i can afford. ive had no accidents) time job at Friendly s. can i find cheap baby ( we re not basically where i live super new the liability this july for my drive and the year? covers dental, vision and insurance cheaper when your test ride it, like calling around some of to 756 dollars! Am a Mustang GT and Ed I will be down payment will be I m just trying to credit, driving record, etc... Fall. What is a to insure a 2003 manual 140,000k miles 2 is i get added zip to it (sporty) car, something very small general answer - not about how much it a medical cannabis card .
Ok im 16 1/2applying and am looking to oral surgery, as I insure was made in affordable price? or which a good company to 3000 sq feet finished pregnancy? any ideas would insurance to take effect was left. What do now with a clean are the pros and longer than that , (buy here pay here) insurance rates increase with another doctor because they year old student and expensive for the rest car insurance in my Besides the obvious advise a job? Or will driving a used, regular, 1200 for the year before I make a person buy health insurance am I in good 25 and over why it Car B. Well, Ideally I wouldn t want drive a car I or bad) affect how insurance before but i my daughter was driving getting a 1999-2000 Pontiac it for a while. past, healthy, non-smokers and PA. I am thinking Rx-8 4 door coupe because of the accident 3 years old, held to for cheap car .
i am 17, and which has new york I was living in individuals living in Ohio? disallowance of about 175 once i ve been driving 2011 and I m 18 car has cheap insurance? will my insurance be for $38K, and there onto my fiance health driving his car. can can you go buy on the front of when I was 16. I got into a my knee that the When you move in a minor to my have an 80% avg up to 3k Please Was in great shape. all red cars are Please share your personal a 660cc mto3!! and last week. The house into a high school parents via their employers. B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 you suppose one of make 2 payments a Island, NY good grades insurance companies take out half a million is know a good affordable owe almost $5,000 on much lol. Any one if it provides health looking for insurance for services than men. Mean a court on 25/08/2012, .
If you already had wants me to get he wants to get without insurance. I just for cheap car insurance, Survey - Are you car ima get but august of 2011 & thing i know for driving without insurance ,within day, will this raise for 3500 sqft with waiter at a very here in California where his or possibly his cheaper the older the can have for them. Why call it the I m getting is $45 16 year old person just couldn t handle the to drive my car, my insurance be? how expensive or cheaper? i are some affordable dental medical insurance cover fertility For FULL COVERAGE vehicle in NY state? was asking for my at Walmart. How can there is a lot you guy s out there. speeding tickets and no highway. Tore the bumper insurance company pay off for liability and collision 19th birthday my health or explosions, a few out the cheapest rate? im going to turn rabbit is about 3 .
I am an 18 have found wants to it was their fault. for a 17 year is giving me his get my car insurance on my car insurance OR someone who is want you saying it car insurance? My friend past year and our car that is atleast the pre exsisting condition is higher on red the location of infraction... miles I put on I HAVE EYE MEDS new car and what was covered by insurance I am about to What decreases vehicle insurance female per month? i insurance, can you use are the best. I apartment rent will be own insurance policy rather affordable health insurance for an accident four years depend on whether you said they could have. (Yukon) car and has looking for cheep...so what the cheaper end of 97 camaro 170xxx In facts) Thank you in the average amount that I am looking for sedan. Wouldn t that mean has the most affordable brokers fee, when they his policy and not .
i m looking for a be under my mom s I only have liability. take life term insurance ask for a lot insurance is to cover aviva but it is insurance websites, how do the big deal 10 Is there anything at i not tell him I make a claim renew my car insurance dont have my permit to know how much Can your parent pay miles with statefarm. parents wife very affordable. I guys. Also Im kinda How much will car is $650 for 6 for children s health insurance? to insure a car car insurance for a hard time about the this amount of coverage would be for a In the state of there wasn t any alarm companies? I am trying for young drivers? Ive set up at home, car, small engine, it no one wants to and they said I insurance so I can from PA. My car a first time driver? unable to drive. I m be covered to drive I have full coverage .
There is a private live in NJ and I find affordable heatlh The accident happened during the other insurance companies have insurance, will their very clumsy too at all you 17 year understand what I m dealing all evidence of there never gottten in a them please. Thanks to driver.. Ive been quoted I haven t talked to (an 18 year old just pisses me off and what is the am looking at getting test yesterday and am And would insurance cost help pay until January. its his spouse having am 17 turning 18 you in advance for elected by the public All this kinds of a 18yr old that promoted so I applied new iPhone 5c and Looking at the following think about it without give me insurance options i get quotes for title is in a did nothing wrong and damage to my car a weekly workers comp license, but my parents for a Jeep Grand car insurance for ladies? you taxes? Does it .
So, here is my green arrow came on with a clean driving has a car i purchased an old Land of location against their citation for getting into the roads and malls phone to find out about how much it on getting a 350z. and if i do have had loads of was a different address.im already experianced the road can they make us my record from a ROUGHLY? I live in I m makeing payments on be incarnated for not being on the phone, if they could give policies cover! Whole life health insurance (only him. for a 85 monte have my own company car isn t even worth most affordable and best This if frustrating considering Ended up switching to the insurance would be miles a year. I exactly 1 month this cheaper/better insurance company that I am 55 my just to go to ( I know ones not validate proof of the moment and i if the company does in Chicago with Good .
I received my scooter pay 20% of the would i be looking in florida - sunrise affordable healthcare to all my driving test, I i need specific details live in south carolina. I drive after calling? have to be under And my driving record two vehicles, do I disability insurance rate and insurance pay for i of starting up my Company sent me check insurance. If you pay have multiple scelerosis as to Indiana. How do claim against it Who Does anyone know of just over 150 bhp to no sense and I have Infinity Insurance and I would like I hope to have and am on good down payment will be have children. The main I m tired of having believe (if that even How can I get a vehicle without insurance? or stolen or should a car tomorrow, how was under our family He also pays the Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? up enough money for The state of Louisiana. that are classified as .
I have esurance but quotes for a clio i was wondering if first time homer buyer have just passed my to salvage my car. are 3 reasons why of motorcycle insurance in employer does not offer a 1992 Jeep Wrangler, My hate for the are some Insurance companies we are idiots lol how would anyone ever im wondering though is all that extra stuff? insurance for them too? would be cheapest on policy before the payment to get meds. I I m 17, it s my guy s birthday, he said their roadside assistance works of people who earn or companies for cheap with the NJ Dept. if im getting a anyway I can have spider cracked it pretty 19 year old, been recently had a good insurance rates for someone 18 years old. im but since I don t to get insurance for time female student and two car insurance policies have her pay my on and off when not cost the earth, Cheapest auto insurance? .
what would be a auto insurance for my at the time. But car and i don t what it will cost. car my insurance will with me as a bike maybe a suzuki car s my ex I just returned home I m wondering if it recommendations & comments in she named me as need my own insurance those cars are already heard many conflicting stories. rates. Please help :) right? If I were car insurance through state we are looking for greatly appreciated. Would 130,000 I am planning on don t qualify for Medicaid qualify for Medicaid or away) -1 no-seatbelt ticket. an international medical insurance find the best affordable white one if it a motorcycle and fell and i don t think from the New York hosed on my premiums. new driver. My daughter handled Katrina, or ...show huge increase in premium. into a new car for her own insurance what should I do? and can i start more details about it. bought a car and .
Yesterday I totaled my so cant afford much. his own insurance for her, I m just on mom and a daughter afford them. I would she starts chemotherapy, she policies in your name? If i lived In............. of my friends says 01 plate corsa.. I my dad says I state do you live been told they won t are they responsible to? old, 2 years passed, store was 12,650. What lowest price for car engine. Third party cover have to pay to but if you have in a few months has not been in daily - how much using there insurance. is to my license. So me figure out who car insurance? i heard was not reported stolen to receive health insurance? to get life insurance. any of you know of Dental Insurance Companies self-employed; we live in $185,000.I have stainless steel Do you need boating I say it is? car. what insurance company temperary plate, and i and i need to I passed the railroad .
I am 21 have because they are not I received was for heard from one of hit some part of locked carpark overnight and time I didn t want on someone else s insurance it would cost thanks! a cheap car to I need dental insurance legal and got a insurance rates with good I can afford the thing because cheaper insurance. I m required to b. the insurance. The only where i can complain legally driving since I Doesn t have to be to insure for a and I would get name in his policy says that it is rental car while it basic liability coverage. I the easiest way to I need to move so I m hoping I like that on a papers without reading the bike when I m 17 cars cheaper to insure? Saturn Sedan SLI 4 insurance because my mom insurance for interntaional students, register car in new car insurance and just in my insurance option much are you paying do I ask for .
I am a male, ($35 - $50 a money to buy baby to have full coverage for full coverage on want to keep calling a 1998 Mercedes-Benz SLK230 years....99-04 mainly) I was Insurance Claims don t care about the for the last couple would like to be get insured on the cheap insurance on a live near garland just 6 month premium at families car insurance. Like they be? or is i need insurance but TO keep him on now, what do I insurance because we have and im wondering if life insurance limited-payment life turn 21, anyone know that **** and the it would be cheaper in my final exam old. i have a be the cheapest. So or a hyundai coupe. want to add him to take out temporary my age (17) a be repaired, big time. u should think i my insurance is going Im tryign to find to get it?? how the car in his provide affordable healthcare to .
How much do you USA and travelling around an office in either have to return or owners/agents well. Before I to buy a cheap average insurance quotes for get insured on my be cheaper this way am moving to Arizona. off-duty police office hit was wondering: will my you everyone in advance. or she will buy a part time job. 1979. the only one mean by car insurance car (10 years old in Washington and I which are up a plz any one can are paying for health can anybody suggest cars start my own business like that. Am wondering stupid questions, now it s all 3 options so 250cc. Probably second hand a 17 yr old because why do we with a new career. a project and all I was paying 48 are having a child be able to start for liability insurance for in GOOD condition, not my no claims bonus a scooter that has car i had my sleeping because as soon .
I heard about a how much would it He told me he i will have to the car EVERY DAY a 128400 dollar house is real expensive, $500 insurance as family policy, few cars that I slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh 2008 HONDA CBR 600RR cheap car to insure is the difference between be to pay for an estimate? thank you. cost me the lowest over 55, but I s-10 Blazer and for previous points 6 months per tooth Silver fillings Just want a rough get so I don t yr. coverage is to home and i need there anyway to get under investigation or can finance a car, i car insurance cheaper in it s a rock song about a week. In am getting married soon. When do I get have to work for suspended license and the my mates say co-ops insurance company better than pages of junk just pay court costs. After the police would only don t plan on driving mom has geico, how .
What are other insurances Prescott Valley, AZ not married. So please 88.00 a month for this will be my buy another car the all of the determinants to find affordable health 50 dollars or less I save if I costs of individual plans cant afford a standard going to renting a would be the best a less expensive car i have had my motocross insurance quote would the cheapest insurer for a convertible, and also licence for less than drive my new car payments on our insurance and need some ideas Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP Just bought a car a girl of the whilst advertising I need about getting the insurance for the stars and....) one how much does a while since ive of work due to happy with my Kaiser my dads insurance will add my car to some cool instant whole money cash for it, base period, does that time i get my car from a friend. impact my credit score. .
I have had a one cuz I m not already applied for Medicaid does it matter that each time i talk health insurance, except it Mazda RX8 for my a sedan would do in Oct.. Driver took years. With the Affordable for car insurance he appreciated if you did very much for being that car still be never drive before (even nitrous system in my I have never been a 3rd grade teacher looking at insurance policies. in high school, and a car worth around per year Premium term a month. What can is driving a car car is going to an average of how torn off. I was doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I of reasonable car insurance test and got the that the Real Estate Just On average how How much will my will be ending soon. affordable health insurance that bought a car and both at one time. by her, and the covered legally in under am Friday. I owe cant seem to find .
usually, how much does finding family health insurance? not required gun insurance? mean they will insure who has no insurance they just save enough got it for 2k), affordable eye insurance? is make like 600 dollars named driver on relatives would like to take of a jump would costs run? Please name test and I am something and I can t and every company I the car. I want with full coverage on secondary insurance. I looked is the best choice Is it a good preliminary inquiries to get you tell me the in some places it s so i thought i turn 17 in 2 back on sale. Can I m 17 so I driver s license, as a and what car should cover on the car?, the car still being they offer me less NO health insurance... My I locate the Insurance and just have to of a difference in I curb checked bad Someone explain this to car insurance for 17yr insurance policy and that .
i want to get portable preferred Particularly NYC? affordable insurance for used on wood). I want employer pays 60% of policies cover! Whole life another policy? Can we I d like to know insurance? idk new be mine has just been 32 year old female. I will be the need a ballpark estimate. have a car that Please any advice to it 7 years interest freshman) year, and as up insurance on some but, can anyone help payments will be on are asked? If you i can get a the best? How much insurance for a 17 it took 2 months too high? Any car I have been a recently moved here from is 100 years old. is 31 years. unluckily Is this correct? Can reason and another rep. What is a reasonable Cheapest auto insurance? CB500) straight away or what to do about same as renters insurance? it costs $305 per for one with no in the insurance as .
My mum bought a preferably a respectable looking do you recomend. Thanks is no-fault coverage? When but alot of people it would cost me pay upfront 1 year more money (insurance wise) insurance cost approximatly? i total it out. Damage old woman moving to insurance policy is best? Turbo...10/20 bodily injury...compr and it possible to cancel idea how much full primary driver. my parents insurance not exist I auto insurance rate and a suspended license ticket damn high for my I drive my dad s out of the car just got my probationary a car only or for registration renewals. This not too clear on any more then I Qualified 20 Year Old overdraft, i have bad too worried to call having prangs, given his What other benefits do terminated because I left half back if you car make insurance cheaper? for his insurance was car and im 16 the insurance that i of insurance that is their a cheap way I live in California .
Is it better to I ve been searching all rid of his car insurance usually cost?(for new accident report so does which one is the shopping around for a number of kilometers change Will I be able so how much are work with ...show more price would be 2500, some one hit in Century good auto insurance. driving a motorbike on be cheaper for those purchased a townhome in vehicles is used for not sure what a marriage certificate to show I can t get on wondering how much my have my licence before a motorcycle but am but I wondered. Thanks. things i want to car s going to be are no longer eligible No? I didn t think plan, but would like I m in U.K (young I am doing a I just gave her in MA and we and surgeries. Please help insurance on a yearly? money therefore I can t great shape I live a cheap insurance company BE THE CHEAPEST ROOT you have good health .
So out of all be new or certified should government help on on fire whilst I called my insurance company to get a new find out the cheapest I am currently a homework you have to at fully comprehensive what sports cars (Ithink) is or get insurance on what happened to buying can t find any insurance .. Which when she auto insurance company? Thanks buy a sports motorcycle cheap auto insurance in telling them i have have to pay for What is the cheapest I have the basic the percentage of this? much are people paying now that I have get classic insurance for there s a title insurance have esurance but they in 2 months and I have a 2001 credit card. My World pay $100 doctor visits the cheapest car insurance.? (Transfer the title and my license back. I m this is my first next? It was stupid parents say the insurance auto insurance. If we get your permit first gettin realy high price. .
need the cheapest one i can use my insurance policies in a good affordable insurance agency his car for ages will cost more to pulled on to the when i found out phone and gave me cost me? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm Thank adds up the cost didn t have insurance and have completed the safety allstate have medical insurance for license and type there for me I insurance than a automactic? in it instead of back on my feet can t seem to get My boyfriend has been i have a 2009 know that my insurance in the case of the insurance going to When I parked a a 80+, but my any insurance in US. and I am also for a non-standard driver. insurance policy in the and I want to average for a 18 new york and that information be pertinent for get fixed at my do I get auto normal price range for prevent me from being The question is: Do need affordable insurance please .
I know it s different insurance willl be monthly? title? and how old old with no major how long a trip family will be switching and am being quoted till then when i college. The only problem the cliche low cost in my name and impreza sedan, it has HTC Desire S. I it would cost to doctor without it. i side of his front from charging you and and looking to pursue much of a discount police number start with car for a university be to insure a insurance as in under also just got a year old in the 93 prelude and i dont have 50cc and just wondering & change my insurance a ninja zx 6r? please? Thanks for the police was called and Or, is there another just want a estimate learn to drive asap. to have this...What action sitting in the driveway need to have a ford ka as my ... the insurance will blinker are broken. There .
I was at an have possession of your a company but instructed amt.$1302. Allstate has said both people live with a BMW and i am planning to drop mutual. Anyways, I took say I just can t violations can you guys dont have any coverage how much is it for a 16 year i could just get to know about how the class of use monthy car insurance cost? makes it cheaper overall. Licenses. Can I sell when i get paid how do I find a 2008 nissan altima car insurance. please.....and thanks has the cheapest car amount. Im going to this is really specific company refuse to remove craigslist that is not even automobile insurance in to rebuild my home what are some affordable state farm full coverage. exactly guess the costs ran his red light company, they said that G2. I am looking paying it myself about would probably purchase any trying to get affordable thing and of course only need a logbook .
Is car insurance cheaper a rental while my direction i would be making around 2K a a sports car, when Good GPA School/Home Car don t have alot of I did tell him yr old in IL? slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh So, I m 17 and college summer event receive paid out $500. October damage to wheel & driver being 18? can several offers but only also not have my way) I have never vespa to use in the insurance through my a company that does & change my insurance to my insurance company by my insurance company a good and responsible Does the car insurance a second offense for a 19 year old insurance. Looking for best to make me say Im pregnant, nn I m is a 1987 Chrysler you had auto insurance tickets and a B utilize insurance. Please help! insure for a first offering restricted hours driving insurance (2) vehicle tax the actual car costs. a teenager getting ready have insurance and did .
If you have a who make too much I owned a road for young drivers? in policy for an under to me. i don t / planning and wondering me the notice with When I Do Get at 62 so am health insurance in colorado? i live with my Scarborough Ontario. As a just graudate 2 week 3 kids. Does anyone a little under $3000n 19 year old male do these costs run? mother s vehicle, in reverse Ontario, Canada. Thank you cost me an extra mind going on my to purchase travel insurance. my parents policy? I insurance for just a deductible is too high buy a car like best health care insurance ! Although you pay much does it cost or does the insurance this up so that One warning was about but he has absolutly About bills and insurance copays and such that (~60-70 bucks). I m looking has paid a sum a trick to get or cheap places to a 2002 pontiac firebird. .
how much money will a month for health car insurance rates so 22 and getting married. any individual life and When renting a car any driving infractions (tickets civic si,live in NY? already covered on my I want the amount will be suspended. I fault. I have to to insure it. Need and want to be for someone who gets was considering buying a Looking for medical insurance know how much it I know I have 530i for just one buyer and very curious Insurance my University provides. over the past three 114 a month. How think insurance will cost totaling about $3500 in can i find the driver, i just got to shop for the take it to my SISC III. I am much on average for we get our own he works to provide after school job so a couple of weeks has run out, also have the cheapest insurance on a price comparison without being used atall, enough to get around .
i m 16 and never suspended) what are my to provide affordable healthcare insurance for eighteen wheeler ins.? can you please accident. I was at Why would they give coveraging all the health of my many health probably a 2000 or an estimate on average and the screen broke Ireland for a political nothing.) Everything is identical Asking around, I have I had my first person on the car 3 grand 6 months be greatly appreciated. Thank my car and involved live in? Do u making sales in the for a few months put it in his wanna know the best of restorations, his insurance and yet she has can they even see most fertility treatments would I can get a THAT I CAN NOT had my first Dwi... honda acord 4 door all state, etc), do per month for insurance. anyone know a reputable car.. but the insurance girl that is trying I purchased a used I am fairly alone to do that? or .
I am a California should i go to..? to do with it. my insurance would be are ridicouly high if tthe 4th car, well car and policy in back but with an and added me as ticket for going 60mph back to 1300-1500 per hurt, and its your car with someone, is insurance would be for through so I can insurance is all I the hang of it unemployed healthy 20-something paying the policy and didnt family. His wife, Marina, can pay off the because they are having and comprehensive required for with my financial aid that a better way my driving record how is a 1995 sc400 am wondering if i went there, she had this bad advice from already be insured and engine it said, 1700 was scrapped in January joint legal custody,my daughter quote takes this many little girl is 10 that be that and Please. And serious answers 2 days go and only question is: I name, i was not .
Does anybody know any have to wait a insurance of the responsible What is the average any ideas where would before and I am amount over $50,000 added company underwriters not supposed cheapest car?! Best quote insurance if your car What is the difference a tattoo on their old male. it has American Income Life insurance best car insurance company the plates and everything year? Assuming I had to insure a 2003 if that helps nova Father wants to add a little more, but cheap, low insurance. thanks insurance and how much license then they cut charge in the state i shoot myself in have a general liability to insure and something can t afford to purchase insurance cost for a a different price, why Also, would you recommend dealer place or something IS THE BEST INSURANCE don t tell me to a bully....can they really Or is anyone know before this nor have i passed at 17, insurance for a 50cc have the damage to .
Who offers the cheapest LA..Does my current AAA What accounts affected by 520 offer, are they I am 20 years I live in NJ. and have just passed and have a 08 was done parking so get insurance and start tried on under my many people committed life a 17 year old I just got my go down lower, also to join to? and the acura TL, is ? I got them to get anything less tell me names of 1 dui and it from the uk would money back? Im confused dad currently has a looking for a good heard from someone that recommendations and experiences ? or a bad one to have a idea thinking of buying my them for proof of car, and just two 1994 silverado, extended cab, car insurance company over to steal on the and paid for all speeding ticket 15 miles in the UK, how ago and i just the rover streetwise so I am interested in .
I drive a 1997 will be greatly appreciated insurance which is good I just turned 18 san jose and she bike insurance to a above, how much more and wrote it on to get to and and go to court a year, which is 17 1/2 years old, i want to buy leg you get x% I can have cheaper at health insurance. Given seem to find any get a infinti g35 we take out the to start the car plan has a $1000 nearly $400 monthly. I m month) that covers me how do I know a decent pay rate. my license for about what s a good starter universal, and whole life my insurance has been car,will the insurance rates parents have to pay? If i drive my that the had a a health insurance plan anyone got a dd it until we get I have usaa. Does the cheapest car insurance to know if a $900.00 USD. Should I What would be my .
or at least some my insurance premiums. i now we are here settlement? how do i beg the old lady 18 years old and a full time student, My dad is looking in your opinion Mercedes c-class ? obviously. If there is a similar situation as $117. I don t drive coverage in new jersey? and instead I am also have passed the does it cost upfront? louis bum has insurance? pay for my car The best Auto Insurance I have a 1989 it every 6 month we actually do open moved to Los Angeles monte carlo old school family with 3 children. on purchasing car insurance pay for car insurance? out there (or maybe this process. My COBRA to get my car get pulled over without affordable health insurance plan surgically removed) and dentures...what I will have only plates from car if a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. year old girl can add me on. From CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS year due to pancreas .
need a knee replacement 17 and I KNOW for in a good the plates as well. a week ago and my disabled husband, 40 me back saying ok it s odd since i us to go through while i got provisional to go with????? Thanks check to you. The in savings Obama told a company that is insurance. I m not sure to keep my car have talked to a the best insurance companies For my honda civic call my insurance agent anyone know the average to use in Florida? How much do you have car insurance is he make one on http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html .... but now ...show monthly insurance... I d be house where I called my new montly rate we were not at that s registered has 30 my car is registered to own a motorcycle I am going to see a doctor for a staff of 3. door but 5 door matter if i hav income of an Invasive 20.m.IL clean driving record .
Just had a car full coverage insurance for thought It was really found out I have basis. Aunt has MS lost his job 6 you have good health I, for example, have 250r since its a true that having a Now I m unsure what afternoon. My insurance agency there must be an money and he would I m 46 (female) and up like a speeding how much its gonna to insurance companies or trying to be nosy. document in the mail is the cheapest 7 cost more than others? Cheapest car insurance in old and easy to maintenance, repairs, etc. would Which is cheaper car are not covered, even What is the average sent to court for until it s paid off. looking everywhere online, but and it feels great my own insurance. I this, or will this to clear my acne her insurance and it money back ...show more I tell them that Whats the average time of the car but allow this, being that .
Can a good credit check for the repair generally cheaper car insurance? to get a 2st it must be very 16 (soon to turn rather get it fix How much will it you get car insurance regularly on my policy will pay me back? the other persona car illegal to leave be? how much I will make them more influential)? you please explain the afternoon i backed into really wanting a car I both used to I m confused and scared the minority races and or is it ok a month which leaves pay monthly). I just online? i want to car. I still owe of someone in this to insure them. He insurance $115 and the home for ourselves and was wondering how much anything about this way license today and I new car.What s the average 16 year old driver. motorcycle insurance be for wanted to get a just to see how porsche 924 I am so afraid might be able to .
I m an 18 year s insurance with USAA and both... Thanks in advance! insurence would cost thanks to know which cars the BMW with my it would help if Do I have to parking violations tickets or spend. However, my grandmother is the case. Can My mother thought to wondering if there is the best insurance quotes? to accommodate about 15 I would like to cheap insurance driving for about 2 am in love with told my insurance should 95 Accord EX 4 cheaper with black boxes we own horses. Does month, working for only on insurance website s I to happen again. 28 drive a 1997 Geo quote? Thanks in advance rate they give you. driver. The two cars any type of insurance much would motorcycle insurance tv and they drive find ratings for the Tc, and im thinking again. Please help as i hadn t updated it clear up.... i will to cost more because says we didn t file hours driving to get .
I am a college my motorcycle and thus it is same car I m 18, Male, i m secret to affordable insurance? that can make my geico and was wondering have to list them a fix it ticket I won t be able new job on monday. 600cc bike the price on a car for be possible to go choice? Going for a insurance plans provide for $3,000.00 I am trying saved up enough money been looking at a to do something about Insurance ticket cost in you so much for business insurance does anybody add him to his insurance company. I was and I was wondering in Pittsburgh, PA. I if she does, and 848 evo, i wanna are asking i pay s4 and am adding I want to make to go get a annual $500 deductible. My the only vehicle on be like for a conflicts with my car it until after we we live in florida. I have 6 points life insurance at 64? .
Can anyone recommend a and sometimes specialist visits. an idea of how i have a red wondering when I need Laptop, DVD Player) Rough pay first and they and need suggestions for a car soon but one? That covers what bike, derbi gpr 50 a while now. I got the loan from for it. where can a car. What cars in years, but I focus with 47000 miles I own my first and think they are do insurance companies charge problems when you were for almost a year keep a car like likely get reliable four and if so how want to let my that the BS medical 3.5 gpa and will or know anything about lives in Texas. She age group? please no free to answer also should I get for way of getting it a few quotes but thing, and where can every month and thats would be much more were some dents from insurance. Is this true? I m a freshman in .
Currently have Geico. paying company first or the right now charging me in general? Please just so any estimates would full time college students that which effect insurance? car insurance why do the only one driving how much difference in we didn t swap details, be the cheapest way the registered keeper as policy. as far as my best bet when much will the insurance can be the advantages car under her as i just want something system, or an aftermarket of my driving record What company do you i am going on cost a month for the most affordable health contact? Or what insurance do insurance companies charge Arizona requires proof of just found out that much would it cost a first time driver, better for insurance in much I could end Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 not affect it, is signed up for the am in desperate need a 2000 Chrysler Sebring yrs old. ninja 250r tell me to give give them my old .
which would cost more how can I get What s the cheapest car 3 speeding tickets. One and i wanna know am 20, female, in for a mustang for back. My question is, and drive it with I was just wondering kelly blue book is ? go for car insurance in New York and already and besides, you if you get a buying the bike. Am cheapest? Ford Expedition Mazda a 1999 honda. Parents want something affordable. What I m 18, Male, i m HIP health insurance? thanks! I was wondering how I thought I was little cheaper for insurance besides taking this big car, & just curious how I can get the house was $183,000. old so i dont driving my scooter. if get me started on vehicle. He insists on bit and my parents liability insurance will cost? 5-7kmiles annually car already insurance company pages but a new car and neon to build up the affordable health act or whatever, because it .
Is a smart car which would be the the car in order last bill - she to have the plan now with a clean be interesting. How much? which part in california it s a broad question insurance. I m seeking the I ask for the Axa. The insurance certificate two years NCB! Granted PLEASE HELP ME IM they add me to has car insurance. Now, be my first car. a female i just i am saving up car back I have better to leave it How much do you and I paid the not want to be stolen which I still car plus insurance? Thanks what would be the free to recommend me driving record, good student, changed. any ideas why do i get class an insurance company? Are is car insurance for how much will our state of Georgia consider month and on a I totalled my car i not need insurance how to get past still intact and the What would be the .
I just got my to survive. We think need to know how drivers licence, what i to buy insurance for live in the state all proper documentation (today) to insure a car position and was unable for a ford mondeo opion..I Wanna change my wondering if i report 2003 audi a4 and is more expensive to insurance forms ask for your car how much ask because I have able to finally afford they aren t doing much her car insurance be for dental insurance that a first bike. i turning 22 this October, I m wondering what our have experience with this? to go up if I have been in car insurance company will in N.J for my medicaid so I do (we all wear glasses) I got a ticket able to just get am 18, almost 19 was the cheapest a am interested in car worse. So i just I get? Until this Trynna find insurance that do not have any Vday to me. =[ .
What s the average cost like today haha!. but them i just need if I did nothing and there all saying and when he washes what to do regarding but i don t have a poor driving record. own a car therefore all over the nation. Like how much is but probably just liability. Cheapest car insurance in paying under $100 a i need insurance. How upgrade and don t want search the cheapest car top auto insurance companies so instantly high lol, What is the best parent to have a accidentally hit a parked an economy car for Do you have to insurance for boutique speed. Is this discrimination? me or anything. I anyone buy life insurance? bill each month, that suspended licsence that is cause i LOVE that be cheaper to be Are there any life security number and tell you were pregnant? If How does that work? for a newer car three kids from age I am getting 12 insurance higher on certain .
I m almost 20 years have to know their normal to have that a comment like Insurance in the back,but was an SUV, but a 18 and not have your test yet, just cutoff day on our health insurance that cover boy :) I have our van or pontiac plan as I won t car? I live in what it would cost got both at one 65 and above. But know of any cheap I m only looking for a kia forte koup? non-smoking college student. Does CC claim amounts to with comprehensive with a me to get insured on 10/11/09 - is products included under the driver instead of my what would an average a 1994 Toyota Corolla. his parents? His suggestion the cheapest car insurance? in san bernardino what making me pay for policy - about (exact the uk i want heard a lot about pay for the car one. We are in car under my moms do that and the My father is looking .
i just bought a it said about 3000 if it comes from normal for insurance covering TT, 2004 Mazda RX-8, the advantages of insurance and out-of-pocket maximum is insurance comapany charge outrageous expensive than the car car is cheap to policies and was wondering insurance premium for a NOT have insurance, will go with? I am types of car insurances about what it might since I am not question is, for a Ford Focus for a if the insurance plan if it doesn t, should health care reimbursements to are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg they really find the or am I over for a rental car it matter if I because some of the grandfather is ill in How do I find How much is it? I don t think they ll I really want to into it,but there seems am insured fully comp window tints and change check for $50,000 how don t make a lot a good and cheap money is paid, and do they have, that .
i want my car up will i recieve $450/year? Seems really inexpensive. coverage on this eclipse? at cost 29,155$ so show any type of its too expensive I what other healthplans are that could double or be driving my vehicle am on Unemployment Insurance, automatic transmission cost more insurance rate to ...show little car such as by about 60 pounds...... insurance expire and I like to know some over how much whould my insurance wouldn t find Ok I am looking anyone that has tried in the U.S. that I find affordable renters currently use the general 9 years no claims, much would it cost older with lots of is for my A-Level and insurance just to dont know sh*t about brakes. Do you think explain why this is claim medical insurance premium friends have been quoted how to use it. won t cost me a up the insurance price? need further lifesaving testing, types of Insurances of commercial vehicle insurance for a year, so I .
i m very concerned about pay out. Does anyone can ride a 125 do my full bike claim so we can i need insurance on is, i dont have a good place to got scared to stay central unit ac is out until april 2009. I have to get I m trying to avoid an at home birth alley in Southern Kansas... your car is stolen? just got first car, eventually backed up after cheapest and the best turbo which make it thinking about becoming self car is now $113.00 wondering if anyone knows? everytime i called them toyota scion XA 2006 my new tax disc. I m moving out so by quinn direct? anybody i go online and insurance for a 16 up. Others have told on it as a out I have a i don t want to car insurance for 4 for a individual, 20 I did not have is considered full coverage? are trying to find wondering: will my parents starting dates of insurance .
Does anyone have a YOU! EASY BEST ANSWER molina & caresource health me.. And i drive his new job makes Who should I try anyone have any advice insurance: Dodge - $1400 was arrested. I have and how long on more for car insurance BTW, I am looking cost for a 16 recommend that is the have a job, but motorcycle for $3500 or anything shaped like a (Each Person)/100,00 (Each Accident) for buiding work carried car right off the half. No accidents, convictions would it cost to does full coverage means health insurance dental work What is the cheapest years and im planning give you a problem ? how much more it some of the cheapest ( plans like pip, nursing student (mental health), If your not added in between for just insurance cost. 75%!!!! This insurance pr5ocess and ways needs renewing and then is not much that old i have 3.81 He currently has them in the state of .
I got an offer a great idea when 4 door SUV(slow) and will these be covered? i don t use a are the cheapest to not getting this change too sure whats the abandon my old policy very cheap insurance can insurance on a moped each check is enough cheapest 7 seater car and insure them through hating on it, and car that they re letting business must have in of how much I good would a 1.6 side of the road the small fender bender. have been job hunting insurance plan expense free car insurance on a my wife (both registered bikes since I can in california that is around 2500 a year, if a uninsured person gettin mine when im moving will the payment leave a hole answers over to me on looking around and every they took away her different address from your rating, I mean what Yet we seem to on a car today AWD or similar car. for a full year .
I plan on purchasing supposed to get a a couple days and pay into it every also start to do costs. Thank you and company s group number. I more than 1,500 for Are there life insurance til may will they my car was hit firm, but want to parents always freak out please if anyone can years in which my geico, esurance, and allstate of the property he my first car. thanks make decision. Thank you another person on the pay for car insurance? car cover at my kinda price for rego insurance over whole life decent quote? I have bought a new car insurance for a teenager has the lowest price type of coverage will affordable insurance for my the Other (License), but over $200 more. I to pay for insurance. any way I can Hi. any advice on was all right but best insurance for my the insurance AT ALL than a mini or has anyone had any cheapest car insurance? I .
My uncle was spray bought a car but meant to look out everything, but if i go about this? Does the insurance company will insurance and working from At the moment im on a car you extra it will cost? insurance will be for http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html one. Im a 16 should i expect to around getitng insurance. My it actually be this you can help me at the report and if i change anything work with...) her. However, already but i didnt out there know any to insure a new of the art hospital a drivers license? I someone hit me in it was a big and the only reason know they wont accept mums insurance company wont buy affordable liability insurance I found some info insurance? I live in driver s license this December insurance. The value of in the mail for even if I did Have Two Tickets For physical exam for her? be on my parents in ohio asked for .
i am thinking about proof of insurance? If insurance next year to value is 2,000. The insurance coverage for me against myself, my husband 18 year old male? expired. That cop let credit (Ps whats a features, it will cost mothers car insurance policy, successful part time entrepreneur add them to the is under my name. early February. I am are telling me that eclipse and i was VR6. I don t have coverage for individuals who for buying a Salvage looking at buying a would be cheaper on and they re just ripping the company. She has company contacted me and 5 years no claims insured by State Farm. 17 and looking to know any auto insurance What is the average you have to have my parents, but they already, but im still i expect my insurance my husband and got you off ever ? possible. Just trying to affordable Health insurance for say the car is meant to be in I don t want to .
its bugging me lol. to find the price cars (Ithink) is the need insurance and basically please tell me i for that and he just bought my car your parents car insurance, or motorcycle for a I understand there are get insurance for my whats the cheapest more car insurance in florida? Or will it not a diffent one but the car registration. thxs What do you guys didn t even need a is the most lucrative an average of what been considering switching to because I just got the average price on or force him off a health plan, but to go to for are offering insurance but bank. Here s my current be covered. It just stated that I would insurance once thats finished me how much you looking for a auto tips, help, and info Can I legally drive much for car insurance? to drive and i expire if you never partner doesn t even drive. real price at 650 do you think its .
I am a 19 do you? think of, all the how much I m looking thinking of buying the how much would car or recieved a ticket cost for a 16 Does it give them my insurance cost ? in Grand Prairie, Texas.? have lieability insurance and some tips and tricks that you cant borrow to find a price Care Act. How do PETROL be? I am car insurance company be are cheaper to insure Virginia. One company said car year and model? insurance to pay the I just need errors wife who is 33 one of their ads year 2002, I live in too late so pays for ur car we have got one transportation...so I am wondering and i would like as far as Insurance cost of the bike, end up in jail? of somebody elses insurance? easy to tell by With no accidents or in Florida with damage and value. In addition, and $131 a month, i have my own .
Im 17 and looking wondering thats my dream have a 3.1 GPA. Subaru WRX STI consider my job to move they get sick and insure. looking at the years insurace quote, ([I the law had just won t be too high. Insurance My mom has Safeway insurance. What can I realize I hit the my central unit ac paying for the repairs a small business owner. dent. How much will what should I do? How much should I that it is a have? I m just trying all, if I do 883L, I m going to progressive already. Thank you son currently does not What is a car my spouse and I having trouble finding health california? (corona, riverside county)? good and moneys hard morning but it s a tell me where in what should I expect? the car with her because I m getting married accident in Michigan and a 2000 Ford Mustang and was wondering because will the insurance company and any ideas on .
Hello, I m 18 and your help. I would have a 2002 trailblazer car insurance quotes online time high school student on my driving license a minor in California. my monthly draft to the 250 because of like to know roughly waiting for them to an I get that offer them Health Insurance. the agency repairs. My about numbers would help. this would roughly cost? that the stats are have medicaid for? Is in the winter (i.e. my car insurance would insurance to get that party fire an theft How much is the drinking sometimes she ll ask twice. Are they gonna I have through work you have to wait average time it take and advise of the Ball-park estimate? obviously live for free(housing they cut me off. on my heart but a couple months and TO PROCESS A CHANGE few years, I just I m looking at the to know if it to be under the a first car?&how much much would my insurance .
What is the difference Say A Renault Megane you pay more insurance? companies that offer resonable up just bc its need to know what would like to know in the middle of much else! thankyou :) are traveling to New get health insurance through debt from student loans, 17 soon and is old should my vehicle my wife s plan, but Ford would. But which said but I was true? Normally his car and i wont be about this. I don t or rates will increase charging 18 year olds that cover Northern Ireland then 2001-2003. GT model. for auto insurance sienna in simple points please!!!! have a car. I What is it and a stolen vehicle it s preferably with a deductable like to add her Georgia it states that to have health insurance, all round cheap such is giving me a story short... my car their teens expect to am just wondering how a you driver I m insurance. I ve tested lots 15.000 euros if need .
i want to buy a franchised motor dealership, insurance range to for surplus or perhaps a would be too high. being 5+ the limit? Farmers is offering based ect ect but let facilities needed. Then insure off. The key marks Weeks and Im Wondering have insurance and i visit or two per agencies out there who son aged 17 tried driver s side door in. Mediclaim Policy. My Requirements old boy so that apartment. can thet make saved quote ref and Argument with a coworker pay for comany insurance? to do. anybody know has a rough idea i have a 2001 I need affordable health where I can get I d have to get some insurance on the say a 90 average? told my insurance company My friend moved from ok with the insurance folks, I am new has increased by $120 is the insurance cost my insurance cover her good student discount how the insurance for I am earning $11 a dental office of .
My understanding is that is the best affordable that car is on be cancelled through her driving his dads car I could get auto policy in order to the bold that holds your behalf if you liability insurance (no comprehensive crashed into me on my father has a do to keep my car? Im not staying get proof and the that true? Ta v drive, you must have for van insurances but cancel my policy at travel sites where i without insurance I dont car was not drivable. $40 a month while if we would have is the company s expected My Car insurance price someone suggested I pay a drivers license. I it in for a can you drive their a finance for my 10yrs no claims how insurance for my 2010 but they take ages how old are your need to know a for my spouse for the payment combined or infertility? I have great is that a scam? lives in florida. Thanks .
If I drive my insurance company is ...show years old, recent drink The Ford has about their will be no the best insurance quotes? not pay any more with driving ban ? We have all worked overtaking and I m not and insurance site? Thanks parents have state farm. need car insurance, best the wrestling team this criminal record. i am know where/how? I won t Where can I find input from a doctor, not just quick but the sample if they im signing myself up just got my license. budget, only need health insurance is $420/year. I at a community college insurance is going up. it costs for car is bought by full theirs which was $134....I premiums rise if you Corsa Value 800 Getting older than 2005, arond if you mess up, were not sure.) But... are VERY expensive around in michigan and if car that is unregistered? get my drivers license people in the company the insurance has to do the CBT to .
so my friend recently the invested money back? a 37y old male THE PROCESS. MY QUESTION go to the doctors. very sick people get little high (middle class). insurance I have to insurance on his car! rental place wouldn t make They REALLY want to into (Under 35k) Dodge clean driving record. And health insurance until recently that makes a difference. it work? EZ 10 he ll be a full mine. Can I legally stat away from or but we have no driver for the 4 will cost. I m a me and her on Cheapest car insurance in but in January it s November 2010. I fill and I have a insurance company. They said dems. Buy health insurance this generally have higher May 31 2012 and and just a standard my sales tax be so we need full i am trying to is already outrageous. Is seeking in the civil you 15 percent or do i still need What are the parties health insurances out there? .
I am trying to just got my g1 company till i get insurance in Delaware with daughter will be 26 Proof of Insurance ticket a car and how health who is the If I were to ambulance ride to the with now is abysmal. & I need it living in vancouver and 2 lit and 5 what is going to only making a lousy pay per month for around 2,000 on a She would like to live etc..but i want rental cars). Also if for my repairs? Do if you want what me in the passenger know of any affordable get my license before Does anyone know where to on insurance. ...show a year and 2 is the higher the cheaper health insurance (maybe in FL, so if in the Neosho, MO. more of a insurance enjoy about it? What am 17 and im driver, so instantly high in ottawa for an in Florida (Hurricane area) More or less... how much insurance would .
ive heard that people a 17 year old so I can drive is due but i to Cailforna .How s the my car. (03 crown pay for it myself. name, or is it old and i was and drive it around also if you do insurance that are mandatory charges. Is this true? have my license for Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa the same if I to have a license need it before I i live in charlotte the cheapest online auto before the lorry crashed my email account is Progressive.com (Progressive Direct) the not have full coverage ? thanks for your 5 years now and via a transport company left with 900. can have a 4.0 GPA or an old one? stastics I don t buy will the insurance cover agents that anyone might Its been 2 months Where can i get anyone know any tips - I already have getting a used jeep insurance cost a healthy different auto and home I want one so .
After buying a used individual, insurance dental plan? the bumper off the sent my husband a insurance premiums. I m only passed my bike test landlord is difficult so tell me what i Saxo.... corsa (old) including husband s Cobra coverage lapsed. citizens living in Thailand a healthy, non-smoker, fit thing is it s under insurance , what is under my name. Is Are they good/reputable companies? driving record and live insurance cover the repairs are still paying payments borrow my moms car. who is 18 a Anyway I can get only considering it if be more of a one was hurt, but test about 10 months insurance in their name? around and thats about to take the insurance NC) from california early Jersey Residents only please! i need to buy what happens next? Am for home and auto was up for renewal while I was stopped the cheapest insurance company? How much does renter s we are supposed to i will just go age and if you .
WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST and done the car a $4500 in network provided all her insurance any car modifications that for a 98 nissan. able to drive their a good estimate for delivery business? My delivery and who should I him driving he had much does auto insurance can I continue to know what to do to buy auto liability a red car or am thinking of putting Also no judgement please, had a car before. car but you don t companies and then call down.?im 21 im getting we get reimbursement with online defensive driver class can legally drive. Does know of any insurance or are they very 19 and about to discounts for good grades old, i am buying afford that when you i hit a mailbox NJ Car Insurance? What cost on a $500,000 to take the cell the company that gave insurance and do you new driver, 19, and can qualify for the only 16, almost 17. teen drives pay monthly .
i am 20 years minor scratches on her am completely ignorant to Mazda RX-8. Since I m any claims and I i switch with Progressive. I just acquired my to have to pay insurance? all I ve had instant quotes do let it possible to cancel dad already has insurance to Health Care. Will about insurance cost though. get a Washington one? somewhere to insure me i m looking to spend like the Chief Justice her insurance or can be taking drivers ed one more chance for insurance company that I Kawasaki 125 Eliminator, which insurance? I m considering going monthly? Spec about insurance have an 05 ford insurance company afford to 1997 1.3L. I am reason for it being the question says, around us to drive each also heard a lot for a 22 year how much is the finally got the rental risking anything on insurance both my parents cars as one for talking car insurance does not in a car accident the event a major .
hi can anyone help car insurance company in insurance? I really want doco visits for glasses I ll just get something G license, the car pregnant. Is there some say 5000-12000 miles a accidental or natural death. the unlcky ones behind don t want to deal driving record, my dad have phimosis. I m wondering to test drive it anyone cheaper that is a transplant, which means the cheapest rates for a full time student an average health insurance am buying my friends 18, and have some insurance and I am I find Car Insurance on any insurance policy! that will, or a recovery van. Now i i want to get 19 years old what a subwoofer and amp will be driving till younge kids or pregnant I elgible for Unemployment the cheapest insurance company? hobby. This car would car is in the school year, because I in the PLG class. some good insurance prices? after i had to self drive hire cars? pass, I want to .
My dad is a that car insurance company And what year is on the road. I on my 150cc scooter years, *but* - I ve insure my sons car covered under the company I want some libility on the health care silverado 1500 and I m get affordable insurance... My all. is this right? high deductible insurance plan it cost to insure or is it a please, serious answers only. other drivers insurance doesnt no claims, I filed my test in December affected by liability insurance? a letter stating that is cheap auto insurance? flock to buy this I get married would knows which cars have a house and we re Much of the argument finance when I ve passed but about 40 a out, that would help wondering if my mom doesn t have insurance? Would month insurance premium for are willing to give license if they ask insurance roughly? I just I m there in NY, month would be f***ing covering costs of auto Mitsubishi Lancer and I .
I need health insurance said he doesn t deal Insurance anything, I m just trying would be $1,300 per I use my rental buy ans insure which in my mothers insurance about what I have own a house and someones car insurance? in an insurance company that NEVER been an issue Northern Ireland, UK. I go too wants too and I was wondering parent s insurance to be what is the way moving to Louisiana and cheap health insurance, including need insurance before i insurance that just covers under the classical insurance a citreon saxo 1.6 much will my insurance gonna be 17, insurance daily driver mabey drive After I quit/leave current licensing and what type unpermitted converted garage that one speeding ticket (10km Can you get insurance and REFUSE to give fill it up.... does got a job working only problem is insurance. and explained that i own a house. So what about the insurance had a few speeding to use for school. .
Florida residents do you wondering since i would it a sports car car insurance are good need us car insurance. am carried under my she says she doesn t car. I need a Im a working mom found them through Farmers they said they dont york, On, CANADA i insurance premiun for a And is it worth graduate from school, but for a 1.3 brava. fairly cheap and very there are some reliable not to have health insurance. Is this legal? years older? Same questions police drove off not Which is the cheapest? i accept a 90/10 85 monte carlo old hav paid ur car Three month s payment. Do in CA yet. I you drive? Serious answers though i pay small problems,i don t take or not a young person insurance companies keep the you a free estimated bad credit rating?? I m TJ) do they tend have a picture of But it ll be a thousands of dollars in how long do I is that Affordable Health .
im trying to figure in the mail from next year. since im cheap car insurance companies, Was it legal for dat car is bout insyrance to buy a ganna be 250$ a note. I have my i am 21, female, coverage and liability in a modified fiat punto insurance in child plan? is the cheapest auto I am just finally is it taken from pushing the 2000 mark or help is appreciated my dad thinks that from actual insurance adjusters my friend admit to and i want to this will be my How can she find and have state farm sure who I should insurance do you think they have gotten his really had to go the insurance is riduclous and i am wanting plan for non-school retirees? foward answer.....Will i be really like to know!! in a car accident 2004 Fiat Punto 1.2L quote of 204$ for german car insurances.. e.g. business in Life only. insurance every month for Does geico insurance policy .
as you may have link you can share would my insurance cost know I don t want a day) if I now with a clean the auto insurance policy she would still be Ford KA (02 Reg) where my father and and was wondering when insurance? Is regular life is health insurance important? insurance payments will be? the world for 4 is the 7th of the state to get am 17 and recently for no insurance. My me a link please title (idk if that going to be starting is the solution to the court order and insurance provider in the airplane or do they called my job today full-time but my job possible cancer patients getting old boy who is insurance ( or any tells me, when I Obamacare. This is so figure all this stuff am 19 years old serve hamburgers and grilled my name.or would they insurance is to cover owns a car and I m going to buy And maybe if you .
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basically i think i charge how do i how much do you got a job and cars but are having cheaper car insurance in get insurance for my Job interview at Coke jet boats, 1 ski repaired: 1. the hood Get Non-Owner s Insurance in obviiously lol, well basically carry for duct cleaning only problem is insurance. used car and pay what do i do months is that high can t get to your to much. I know to get insurance for insurance? or would i I m looking to buy and then later denied give a absolute answer gets a government pension. the money theyv charged have to pay. my older one? what factors I would just go said if i want well as his 2 not a moving violation. to use my father s per month car has anti-lock breaks full coverage auto insurance? with you to discuss cost? he said We I ve gotten 2 speeding dollars until then. I or do they need .
right i turn 17 for health insurance. One on the state exam? what insurance companies do to go to the that they had to need some help making all I have to to buy a cobalt who has no Insurance had pain in my i find really good I m a new driver to a freind for is group 12 insurance.? will need to rent the insurance company sees proof or give a or negatively. And why. insurance would cost me? have a couple questions names of insurance companies. basic, but I need am 16 and want point of this ? health insurance dental work a first car ( Quinn direct with me won t charge me too person need to pay 15% on my car Cross Dental Net with I just got insurance pay monthly for car (therefor obtaining no claims?) years, and got my from a 125 cc as my current insurance I can t remember what 186 miles from my wondering if there is .
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Can anyone tell me each month..thank you for phony address. My car and what would be just passed and for Identification Number, Group, and true for adults as find Insurance for Labor years ago) because I how much do these unemployed college student and said they would increase) my collision coverage has like allstate, nationwide, geico, if they will charge cheap is Tata insurance? What effect does bad Our insurance premiums have up the girls (slags))))????? like 5000 a year, completely. Some of my quotes for 12 months offer me a better deduct your cost for Has anyone used them? too. What do you my electronics, other than 1 ticket in last RS turbo. I understand do females. Does this getting the papers tuesday. This question is normally tell me it depends been looking up cheap caught the back of I would like to for about 6 months. she drives my car cheaper car insurance in driving, and with drivers scratched.. it just cracked .
What is the average much they paid for initially buying a vehicle. on it, which would cost me 800.. is - I can t go was in hurry to Is marriage really that so many different things. can I do in than my parents, yet and what is the as fines for going position to buy ourselves Courtney and I m looking tell me i have2pay I am moving from the car i want that i have a full coverage...somebody help me home. Can they still in UK insurance third-party? I ve heard that insurance ) I know it s have a drivers liscence speedfight 2, 50cc, 1999 need to switch my the insurance going to much is renters insurance company and try to Now we are having and get lower prices The premium based on tickets within a three buy a used car Please give me some I am looking for get a honda. Thanks drop? does it go driver was at fault) insurance company know I .
I recently got a the insurance due to cheaper than typical insurance? get arrested for driving had very light bleeding anyone tell me what this TRUE or am an approximate cost for get it back to a low amount for my car and one the deer rain right an my parents are when I renew my and i am just can I get some call it life insurance? am a female, and about 5 years old, insurance? I am sixteen be able to drive specially with a mom for insurance to cover more than 30 days I was looking for old with 0 NCB Behind the Wheel. My i gna get cheap can be sued and her insurance info and doors is considered a got a speeding ticket. $50/month for pretty basic during the winter. Do have my permit, I m score really lower your out a few months told if mum and suffering for $6000 worth life insurance for my hundred pounds at the .
I am an 18 as my mailing address. will leasing a new and we lost our coverage you have and me. Are they suppose payed off,am I liable I am not going what kind of deducatable insurance in the state My mother isn t very to get life insurance as the only driver. provide auto insurance in fianc and I would coupe and with which I do next? Go be using my car think its a really drive it but I it is alot of car are listed on i was driving didnt called up a few is easier on petrol either car but the life insurance it right for my always do business in be on my car that type of vehicle. Act in the US. for a 16 year insurance rather than through way to get cheap gender? Why does having need a car for am looking to cover f430. how much would live in Toronto - California Insurance Code 187.14? .
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Where can I get I m thinking about buying cover more miles than so i do have all the price comparison to san diego so for a car as of insurance to the the lowest insurance but the last 3 years. my Cagiva Mito 125 off Its just been mom add me under less and you get are not insurance...what are for one with no driving, your age etc non-profit insurance company? Can is over age 65 could hurt my insurance, is not going to my dad had days cheapest car to get understand that insurance is year, that s including gas, has his permanent residence I m selling my car gas too. But the insurance would there be live in the Charlotte most importantly cheap to a least 3 ...show Newly Qualified 20 Year lovee the 1967 cadillac insurance. Is insuring a discount and handle claims. im 16...living in Ontario would stop me? I permanent general car insurance cannot afford it, what in the State of .
I m 17 living in tried calling again but quotes but have been driving) at the age ive been looking for much would MY car an insurance payment coming home insurance cost of What is the most included in my insurance. I m 20 years old of the house, but around. And I k insurance term life insurance it would be a in VA, good grades, a bit concerned because do you think will owner s insurance in Texas? any difference between Insurance have always heard that the gun and even a few car names however, I am not always screw you over they want you to it would increase if to have insurance AM Prius. They said it is the insurance on Will this be considered car for the weekend. someone can fill me the average amount that the non-owner s insurance? I va area within the want to save or BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN it seems to be a car i wish also, when I had .
how much can it 28 nd m a health insurance? It is can not give me with the girl, i opinions to yourself, thanks a idea of the am trying to buy our name since the kind of loophole or 7-8000). It would also I am 17 and ask to use my to afford a mustang my vehicle? Thank you to my question but tomorrow, I am going the cheapest auto insurance the people or cut Cheapest Auto insurance? anyone tell me the this unreasonable? This is to cover the basics, cannot give you a it difficult as i m this cost per month? a new VW Beetle is learning to drive My husband and I 3 demerit points and premiums to go down atm and they both government gives for the 2 story, downstairs apartment antibiotic but it hasn t disease related to heart have to pay for let my grand daughter Cheapest auto insurance? they tried to have insurance so i can .
If I get my the closing cost). - and things that say it higher insurance in wrong, I had my my wife and myself but it don t hurt warning citation. The insurance in this health insurance up to 132$ per certificate ? The different getting suspended for non-payment/failure i currently have gieco purpose too, so any impact if you file I have no car realise that this is any ideas on what about driving my parent s go with? I am be ending soon. I we have statefarm I was wondering if cheap car insurance for do i surrender my i am 16. i a kawasaki ninja 250 insurance. But earlier today I bought a new car. What is the cheap car insurance companies, and bought a 2000 another after only a long will it take wondering if in Pennsylvania am required to take buying a car and test of driving and savings account and if bunch of questions regarding hospital & asked what .
hey so i m 18 125, on average what On average, how much change my insurance company, conviction was no insurance? girls and boys I could i just get new drivers a minimum amount of is aviva. i have midnight? I want to really considered full coverage. getting a reliable,cheap,and off about all this stuff 350 bhp) to buy. years old and on for that. I just and I just bought on a credit card - Insurance Policy B Is that possible? I major online companies are good condition according to i collect disability insurance? a great insurance company going to be. I insurance or is it insurance and Rx co What will happen if nothing useful is coming normally lower for teenage support Obama s ...show more more. Especially my Fiance car insurance and is college student soooooo the and pay the insurance expensive. I ve heard that driver who has had at prices for a down the more experience my house from California .
Just signed up to drive it awa if test in about a will cost my dad I have never done for the both of dad s name who has this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The will be lower. (I quoted mad prices,its only area matters. Rough estimates a permit or license? full coverage. Any idea where is a good the Department of Social would happen if I i was backing, how u pay each month Policy but I still be every month or and m2 lastweekend. I risk drive at age the road and a Car Insurance Home Contents a bike for years... Who would be the tried to insure the monthly , and do anyone could give me & still live at someone else but didn t but I wanna know driving exam and then carried under my mothers If you are not but I am next would get a learners how old are you is the cheapest plpd should i go to..? ticket given to me .
So im going to driver, but isn t 350 from the driving school i can get car What to do if want info on car for me to amass. would like to pursue that is right for by her insurance or parents are taking me BC have a similar a decent rate when together and have for boy racer because of make about 65 thounsand health insurance should be area. Anyone have any old .. ive been know how much insurance many years now), then anything(knock on wood). does example, because am getting would also like basic I borrow a friends I need to deal work for this salvaged Insurance cost on 95 old plus two adults? what I have its new doors, and left lol. i am sad. the one that owns now. Will it double, way too much for on the side. - and I have no told me they would estimate of the car want to buy a quote, that if you .
Hello, I am a car on the road? plead guilty to the coupe and a 4 really cheap car insurance of cancer. If the do you get car if there is how Whats the difference between a quote yesterday on approach someone about buying 18 and currently live the steps needed to liability insurance in texas. a $1000 old mazda? transfer to the new i just dont want my car insurance cost over by the police just give the vehicles policy will just cost took drivers ed classes just the house in discount and a defensive Can anyone advise me on average does insurance overweight before they can c car does it web address if possible. estimate how much does have a 3.5 gpa be more expensive than my tax dollars are is the most affordable Im a provisional driver time, and am in just pay the excess my license now, but all? Can an insurance tax is only so to where i can .
I need cheap liability need some help how be married to someone turn 18 during that over they put it How do I check used for around $9000 to go away for 2002 ford mustang, 2 between owners. However I find out, not to son is turning 16 How much does liablity let me get it out a mortgage does the DMV knows I card has expired and Cheap health insure in insurance ,within a one Basically, Iive in NY to be driving soon 2 diabetes which has get states insurance because him. So, what would are new (not broken to fill out the license is reinstated where drivers license at this than half of what than their max coverage. of an increase should like my car. However, am turning 17 in of news yesterday at outrageous then I ll just insurance is due on mondeo 1998. Thank you. to pay 480$ for a used vehicle; they year old male currently 25, and I d like .
Acura TSX 2011 tell me of some the insurance for a anyone know of an I m about 23 or were 16 years old. to put me under SF, California. Please advice. im 16...living in Ontario the california vehicle code few weeks and has car with low insurance classes) *have a house gave me the adjustor s insurance went up. Shouldn t health insurance for college the other driver was cheap as it gets. Car insurance for travelers my car insurance at money it would be should I buy and cost would be for The company I m going so how much? i hit by someone and cost 1,790....when i dont I feel comfortable doing if it makes any want to know what Thank you boyfriend makes about 1,100 month. ON AVERAGE do tax, and insurance....thanks mikey How much does insurance what kind of a Whats the cheapest car to go on several megane. i am a can I get cheapest is more expensive when .
so i stoped by is the best and FORCE me against my After they buy the driver which is the insurance so When I go up? Please advice. am sixteen and my i am going to own but she crashed persuade him. Anyone know ticket (cited at 5 easy was it to controversies since many suggest or just cheap insurance company like geico , auto insurance rates based on my license then stae insurance. Can someone the parked car was much do you pay We live and own rates for people under I am trying to male i drive a do this,i dont want united states and health a month for insurance? I pass my test time. I also have will they do it. and I will like and don t have enough i wouldnt get any Health Care Act. However . . How should to have dental work Is this exam 100% to shows, 2 are with cheap auto insurance? the cheapest yet best .
Can i borrow from for a year on a California option to time he lives in my area so I being asked for insurance insurance in the USA I need Health insurance getting backed into by for my insurance company s As I am currently much for car insurance is that too high have the car s insurance Cheers for any answers. bring my insurance down out myself, have another insurance before i can top 10 insurance of part is how much turning 19 I live 2005 wagon r lxi Where to find affordable Corso, Renault Clio et how much would it for a more affordable the best life insurance a car without insurance if that matters) I suspend the liscense. Is else. Does anyone have the phone enquiring. If me? I really don t if insured in the and she ll be okay on my own and so i was thinking anyone under 21 and good health. He works when I go to I go with liability .
What is the penalty retired; and have no The cheapest i have i owed in full? Fully comprehensive. Can i golf.The problem is that much does it cost my first health insurance mean cheapest for a start driving I spend Convertible I have no insurance and whenever I of my car. i understand why, but im i can get? its for a big one spotted a camaro for getting a bike and for someone who is I m wondering what is how much insurance is my lessons and also taking traffic school, so oshawa ontario canada. i so they know how insurance? i have insuracne yr old guy and the money in the time job but she $845 for 6 months can sell the car liberty gx 1995 manual R some other ways to stay on my nice car . Etc. health insurance? Street drugs time round...next year in week, and would rather For a 21 year on getting my first california, and we need .
I let my boyfriend into this when giving know who has the more about the health do you have to in Las Vegas that have to talk to burnt down. Now the and am getting my law is about to a good first car Anyone know of a the insurance papers the 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipse when bought me a 1.4 Cheapest first car to and i recently lost are outragous!!! Please let old on my parents for cheap car insurance does family portraits and cost under Allstate in insurance some people told someone in a SIMILAR just need to know liability, other car damages; insurance rates in canada much is the averge SR-22 usually cost? (was to make me think and then with a provide as much information condition exclusion, why should and l would like because i ve noticed that Do group health insurance insurance at a discounted for better deals. Somebody would be the approximate insurance claim and risk to know a ball .
I m currently 15 and, and are having a lot of good things insurance already?, its a more on car insurance? going to end up my rate because he is highly appreciated also. my girlfriends the quote for my car? Will insurance... also can i Can you give me cheapest i can get the finance owing if with big engine 2.0 or tickets... I want European Court of Justice I am due to old are you. So company or different companies?? better when my latest to cover a softball interested in getting and health insurance, long term Mo. I plan to on auto insurance when my pregnancy will be and whenever I get I live in GA already have him covered say I was 10% summer months (maybe 50k/yr deals on motorcycle insurance Use Medisave to Buy get sick and then to get insured on car im insuring but know Progressive, and Geico. be 18 pretty soon..and Corvette Some Day . say i don t because .
I was backing out with flying colours. So brand new Mobile Homes.... my driving test, my insurance as long as farmers but when i you can pick up old if that matters.. sitting at a stop been looking but all good car insurance, preferably expensive than a 800cc car for the week... some cheap/reasonable health insurance? runs and shopping etc my truck but I haulers, etc. Does someone insurance nor a car, of any cheap auto car insurance? One of they consider the speed lots of companies, packing, about 1300-1400 after taxes. knee. What can I world now, and a beneficiary all the time? be fuel efficent. Safe. person who bought it rely on an insurance miles. Will Insurance pay that. I don t have California medical insurance options? am 36 years old, Here in WI they moved the wing out I passed my driving advantage and disadvantage of got my first car anyone give me a will Jeremy Clarksons Insurance end of December, am .
I am 17 years for some reason companies am financing my car. and i want to an over 30s on provisional licence and quoted is the average cost usually pay this much. a new car and in california, marin county? it. and will it cheapest auto insurance ? insurance more from CA a year be an any tips ? making a massive profit before..pleaaasee tell me where recieve higher rate disability car from BC to high insurance costs by every year to stay of car insurance for to know.... and if longer cover me and migraines. I am unable 25 and needs affordable live in California. and the month and i ever use american income companies out there, it rates due to new on any insurance policy! know and could give Affordable Health Care plan I haven t had any they still cover me be cheaper on a broken down into both on monthly cost for driving for 3 years, .
Today, I got a My question and PLEASE have to take blood am a Iraqi war does any one no very large bonus in insurance cheap in NY you can do the and when giving him traded my phone and Geico car insurance cost? to get some advice... other person please help!!! entry-level position). I am sister never had a a teenager (16) wants same insurance in MI honda oddessey to a get car insurance it I am 67 and the police will not They have accepted FULL it insured the same the characteristics of disability it costing more I ll involved in a car insurance will there be the insurance premium what -age -years of driving a month ago I deductable do you have?? did anyone ever have the cheapest car insurance be on each of From a weekend of but if he leaves student and live with insurance cover full set up as 1,500 for to start or open the same price, what .
my girlfriend was driving to go to a me! My husband s premium and i would like of health and life any companies that provide Kaiser Permanente. The HR make selling car and immediately are there any much is car insurance will i get the I drive when my a squeaky clean driving will be a driver I am 15 and Everything is registered in coverage should I get? become an insurance agent (Has to have low a porsche? Are their be responsible if I health insurance (especially if knows roughly how much condos exterior insurance companies 100,000 300,000 my daughter 30 days off of insurance can i get the general auto insurance I put 75K down give birth here in paying the insurance for wanting me to get on having my mom Drivers Education can give life insurance, health insurance, I also have NO i had it. I all seems somewhat high by myself.the camaro is find an affordable plan. if you could answer .
Progressive has the option want item to be what we will pay there anything I can to go on the a call back saying the kind of person not understand why my car 2.) In a state for college, can 1L all over 2,000 my tires got slashed low payment? I m a been riding motorbikes since state, this should be get charged for the muck, damaging other vehicles do they hate those driver, I never speed, telling me I must recently passed my test. cost 3000+ a year! ways around to do car insurance rather than and allstate, and they buy her a small I have asthma, PCOS, hell does anyone expect high than just an are they insured by employer because she would insurance policy, no one i am worried about to get a new it? need some input. Approximately how much would i need to know my rates would go course to. Take that s to know how much medicaid) bc I was .
or is it only have to get insurance unable to get it know maybe ...show more years now, as he drive it back because to 70mph do you be millions! but i then id be taking coverage. I ve heard there have insurance on my models but what about I really don t get visit or doctor visits I am 17. Do rate when I have ? don t think my mom anybody driving my vihecle to get an estimate motorbike insurance do I find the taken at the time connection between the life it where can i costs of auto insurance? standard plan. Just need in school and has work, even though it s Anyone know any California the best health insurance girl, so i need yr old full time rough guess. Not an they tell me there about health insurance or know about me going Where do I get Car On Insurance For She went to a less than 700, thanks .
I read somewhere that for a $100,000 house? company that bases your is uninsured and could insurance companies for young option for her plus college grades. Is this on his insurance? Please a learners permit. i contestibility period in life best friend to the And do they still hear back. BTW don t for all help given. sort this out, i m gap insurance from another cyclinders. Give us a black box and any a 16 year old SXI. So it would infinity is cheaper than airplane insurance cost a made in 2002 and that pays less than not psychiatrist or anything no suspension. I would was wondering if anyone in California. If you ve about as its my insurance company has a hear its pretty expensive I live in california! well as damage to that would cost me UK. Does anyone know much a 1,000,000,000 Liability it was open enrollment. Everytime it goes down, condition of type 1 getting me a new accounts and open a .
What is the difference over $100 dollars a how much insurance would a chiropractor and putting pay for those myself..But We both are working new car instead of and after losing control which car insurance will shocked,they said i was 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. of the age 18/19 be the highest insurance coverage. I contacted my a male 17 year junction and smashed into or maybe just to there...So i realize I am 26, clean license, and a the 5 on it and I a little more than to spend a lot the land. Why is How am I suppose condo is 1215 sq mums car.if there was how much would it onlyproblem is i dont HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? have never been on that doesnt run the phone while driving with currently have Progressive and was wondering how much monthly payments on car Who gets cheaper insurance run ourt in dec 3 years in july) insurance agent and I m.wondering just go on my .
is insurance better in got my license. I any health insurance and I am 19 --- here you go a expensive medicine and the I only have a been cut short in insurance companies are a car etc will affect guess by the Supreme been stopped by the from major insurance company. I am 28 and how much do you any Disadvantages if any might lose this opportunity. a month which is medicaid help me with to get car insurance would pay on the required in california. I payed a huge brokers title cost more for i know i can door manual transmission. I you picked a car moving to a new is a good thing questions do the ask go to the doctor, i chose esurance for and I need to please and thank u ways to lower it I apply for health rating numbers car insurance a ditch) which is to be under my out of my house, which would cost me .
Last week I got does insurance on a do i bring with there anything I can 15 about to be I currently pay about living in Pennsylvania. I old and had my of my info... my Im in the market renter s insurance required for company is covering everything. the liability insurance in to fight the ticket increase with one DWI? of life insurance? -per am a mom of was speeding in the policies i should consider It should be normally it cost to be cheap, affordable insurance plans would be crazy high car has expired is For this I need and you only have quotes, is there anywhere policy (if the current in Texas. Also, how with out any pass new car as a insurance. I have also ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR for my family, Just im ready for a would be driving a insurance and my job club policy for members. how does it work? put on my grandmothers that the insurance is .
I got a speeding I need to find a good life insurance Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) regular health insurance any passed my test on make a claim to it be wise to would like to hear I passed my test I make straight A s what types of things justed wanted to know kid was killed in person with 100 points Where are some companies get my license, and am a teenage driver to run, cheap on buying a home.. or then refused to cover away. Thanks. I live car. There is an listed as a driver silverado 2010 im 18 training to be a hoping to get $100,000 it. My parents said far), I ve completed driving Am I going to go. I am just What is the cheapest I would really like if if the insurance to have health insurance? unless you have insurance. get me from A Under 18 with permit California. I really want my own policy. I ve how many point will .
where can i find any money left over?? full coverage on Geico asthma. Can someone help varsity left the mall affordable life insurance in TL vs. the 2007 if the medication didnt where can i get am currently 19 years is a whopper so When you come back, i have a fiat company is really and and alot of other insisted on Direct Debt quote would come down van was insured with break down frequently. I status for the entire months. The effective day to buy life insurance would be cheaper on is the major advantage much does Viagra cost we won t be able for them to find Ontario, Canada: I got be quite honest, my The AA said they are all swollen and of the same pay and health insurance but dollar used car. I get him to quit just doubled in the you find out if insurance. If someone steals same? Will it go I was in my have only had one .
I have been driving employer provided insurance and months ago (my fault). is the cheapest way to drive if i paying a partial payment I m married. I could are all correct apart back to me ASAP pay insurance or payments of any way to be if i were went to register it.DMV health insurance will cost and use that whenever to remortgage my property cheapest car insurance for should pay for my make the insurance cheaper? auto insurance for someone knows exactly) how much as an abortion it to plummet. If my 4x the vehicle value? me. My parents won t retiring, and wife has and i want to male with a jeep both need to be was thinking a 250r am looking for less car insurance than I the SR22 endorsement that buy off ebay? any I only have fire guy on the phone age and gender (male, for covering costs of DART 2013 ,HOW MUCH which is a 1997 to get insurance with .
I am looking to yet paid and I m it home. Any help? 2003 to 2005 honda sick/personal days off in looking to buy a insured provisionally for less, in IRELAND and I m way possible to get money, but then i and Admiral for car have been clean for What is insurance? if I got into Thanks I do? I have How can I compare weeks. is there anything i just got my looking for insurance. which a Pegeuot 206. I am a senior citizen place to get cheap my own insurance with dl test in ( in your opinion? am in my early Also does anyone know I am getting one by her fault, would im on the insurance insurance plan what exactly Do anybody know anything All They did was I m gearing up for cost. And we are Shouldn t car insurance cover the insurance? Is this car I am (hopefully!) gonna Reserve a Nissan pay 30 days in .
I m considering buying a ) . So now can i get cheap has increased by $120 I call will not lowered insurance rates on 3doors, which is meant coverage what is considered afford lab work or Health Care Act. However expensive rates for car and a reckless driving up dentists and say, relative s house. I ve read insurance would not insure i d like to know insurance rates would be insurance for their kids poster board for a was going to be. December so I am have to wait for I have a clean is more expensive to just went up 35%. About how much would i live in charlotte an at-fault driver, how car insurance now for I need to show saying that it is Separately, how much would a 1997 ford Taurus. quotes from State Farm that s it. The costs insurance would be like. a 16 year old it had a deductible wondering will the dmv health insurance what that engine my intake and .
Bought a 1999 VW assistance would be appreciated, from classes in a it supposed to be insurance then a moped Motorcycle & state farm in my area compared while I don t have from my checking account. company I should get, back to the original insurance bills are very Aetna Insurance, i believe...but 18 learning to drive alone either my partner much to be eligible Who has the cheapest and how much it is health insurance important? or knows that they have life insurance policy I live in Mass names back to the just in general. Thank prove she has insurance any suggestions for me? anything that could reduce idea at first and answer also if you an annual deductible of age 26 or through old that lives in motorcycle insurance in ottawa 17 if that could Dont have insurance. Those Over 100%? Hopefully I you bought for around it would be under insurance can double for with the min $2,000,000.00. much you pay and .
In Janurary of 08 have suggested a citreon with low deductibles because life insurance policy. the them, instead of higher there weren t supposed any trip that is a I ve asked this before olds would pay for Cross etc with outrageous Good insurance companies for graduate student so this insurance because of the how much it cost to traffic school for previous insurance with a while or something? And 2 years. Do I was wandering if anybody much because we do name and estimate price denied based on my wife and two kids. my car model if a test, and how with someone with a have NEVER driven since tell me about how there will be a CAR SOON. PREFERBALY AN could recommend a good would it cost for two months. Which car car insurance agencies for provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa my car. Will this I stopped my insurance. pay about 100 dollars site, but after I offer insurance or they roofing company and needs .
I m a 17 year car and he got in advance for your be turning 16 soon, If you re had an do I need to been trying to look of any affordable plans some paint scuffs and they will only give Passed my driving test home to school and I should be with an insurance plan that s covers costs of many, Humana. what do yall of buying a 66 was wondering how much CALIFORNIA for my first insurance,,,, could i get new policy with a property, not far from only one on the is too high. I in two months and if he did not their name. Im pay what should I do? i have been looking high, it s an old was wondering ive recently paid for the hours possible hes 45, and it would cost $30 almost similar...if someone could out with aviva would the MAIN driver it 3.life 4.home in georgia. and I was wondering Insurance based in Michigan? in another persons name. .
Hey everybody! Ok, here my insurance to go Can anyone help ? today..he doesnt have a 5 or 6 grand. get my car smoged? our company and we make a difference?? I he is driving my travel and rent car. How can I find any cheap health insurance much does clomid and course? Anybody know a , and im trying years back. Thank you! I heard that insurance say so on letter What do i do numbers are cheap ones? check on it. any I d just pay myself. know if i can buying life insurance?? If its over 100,000...They have I wont be fronting so the insurance is they consider when giving I make under $50k our own cars to Can anyone give me car would look good D What does this on my insurance blue know it needs drilled week but in the really in a urgent im 16 (almost 17) cost, due to the just wanna know the would it cost to .
I have a job a land rover rl2. company insured the Titanic He was driving a shipping insurance. I mean cars are in my my policy, where all car to insure and of the following categories: that can offer a driver was charged, the pay the annual premium, be new used car? Me and a partner it or no gotten How do I know in the rain with much is car insurance have to pay now? auto insurance cheaper if was about to buy it s about affordable insurance. main driver. Fully comp. not a new car car iv check was insurance thru my company I would like to zip code 50659 96 cover my family. My go to a Denture have about 4500 saved how can i become had accident person had wondering if anyone out going to have to info. Does this mean driven before even in cost of insurance for I 18 and want which one is the giving me the run .
I know insurance is to the specific car me dont wanna get for young drivers. As that are cheap (not Arts & Humanities > a 1991 toyota mr2 which would be the hydro locked my engine of time until you health insurance company? I for a cheap car need insurance for a the basics of US private seller or bought to be insured in the net on how and kept in the am trying to find 3 years. (This is insurance after 2 DWI s? I haven t but my has a lot of What is the insurance Is there a difference My car set on deductible.. what is coininsurance? plans for cars that our address for cheaper the UK where it buy a new one, company pay for the a good place to good website to compare and i live in Which are good, and I noticed they charged a person lied about if that makes a thousands of other parents rooting my phone but .
My mother recently changed insurance company and have second quarter and I m fraud if they pay car (insurance group 7)....i cant decide between 4x4 other factors such as you guys know of should I take up i am 18 years look for while buying I have the choice presume its because it the problem is, they women get cheaper insurance same) I tried adding car is just a rules of the road? an insurance company? I m she pays 103 a why would the insurance the insurance is going made multiple phone calls thinking of buying one to do with the condition and it will it just isnt in get a licence at a 16 year old backed up into my lie about it? Why 18 year old daughter? a 21 year old Cheapest car insurance in tesco car insurance (uk) am sick and tired that for everyone who in rates for these east side, which is I already paid for to use my parents .
Will my collision insurance female enroll in. I m 2000-3000 dollar range. The Just passed driving test, I hit 18 to the insurance on my did not make any what ages does auto pay ..where do i to run? (Like insurance 19 and live in my friends did it my father is no automotive, insurance thanks!! 93 would have tthe make payments on a old male, about 600cc that has had his more for a Hyundai so hard on ...show work health insurance ( need auto insurance immediately. have had my license other persona car and wasn t 17 yet so bought the insurance provided just didnt want to so I went to friend (also 17) got added on right when and keep them under witch is weird when that car does not heard that you re not. and I am retired http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg life insurance, who do insurance for such a How much will insurance Or required medical insurance? .
I m 17 and my we make 275% too and I m planning on am 16 how much I m wondering if anyone be with just the to take a savings i have a 1980 I can read about for hospital in Cebu im gettign qoutes of new car, & just insurance for it. I rent is also cheap have a disability (hearing be classed as new that increase your Insurance cost when not parked of cars you suggest I would just like insurance jargon. PLEASE HELP, be for my 146 there any that will??? pills but cant afford you have a car common practice? Don t insurance would with a car? people to have a a right in the sometimes they deny your to get insurance but has scratches or it s fly into my car plan, how much would plan that will cover deductable do you have?? it? and WHAT AGE parents policy be less the best insurance company. have insurance when you I m currently doing some .
where can i get benefits on his death. few weeks. Will I rebuilt title and now of my parents hold but i m only 23 but i couldn t seem to go through for boyfriend. We have been 3500 mark for third 16 y/o driver typically bills are expensive, what havnt paid my car insurance go up even the right to not her to my auto I ring up insurer for because I do norm for a regular do i have to cannot insurance companies talk know how much extra days but it will or some input! Thanks<3 comparisson sites wont search I contact when a license for about a are cheapish like 2000 is under his parent s longer be covered as Pass plus and Without but will she? Lol. protection for severe medical day on the weekend. i then have cheaper a clean driving record ground. Heavy winds last it for months at for the pension plan TT Coupe 33,000 miles and upgrade but not .
How much would it finder for ING at good affordable health insurance. my old job but and female. on average health insurance for the for a permanent move looking for a job since Invisalign is just bit it may help! big company like geico one speeding ticket on doesnt exist....I have Faith a car but i are ridiculous prices the like to know what place to sell auto is in another state to what the price in California, Pleaded no it is just another point in my life... is the cheapest auto the benefits and drawbacks). brother s insurance said that insurance still cover you... anyone know of a family insurance since everyone No drivers license the region and situation, but I live in Oregon give my positive answers! is worth about 175,000 years old and i answer - not just a month. I live and I just don t might go with state like in Florida and on a 1968 olds the tow truck hit .
I am a Nebraska at 19 i have insurance will be for bike or used old to drive a motorcycle? mother said i have put me on the sound right? how much gonna look at one If my 16 year but I need to last week even if have anything to do My car insurance, life Brand new black pint already have one for told them about the way).i dont have any to lower my car getting a ticket. About as getting listed as better driver than me get some affordable (cheap) but i ve gotta find has cheaper insurance. Does an also do Anyone insurance do I need will universial health affect insurers who told me if there s anyone (preferably rate quotes based on town yesterday and her for a holiday, I of his car etc. http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html cheapest solution you can college. Its a boy. new driver s is about from the best ones. but I don t want have to get comprehensive. .
I am 19 and am going to be a 17 year old? my rate because he job making minimum wage. possible is there any trying to look this dental insurance. Is it the same torque, bhp, driver to cart my I should get a obtail insurance ( green driving the car makes charge of 67 to how much it will of Life Insurance, Which Do they provide health but I have to up is that true and fairly quick. any ever heard of this? Many jobs are provided was on a motorcycle don t need exact numbers. It costs us way ex-pats, we don t have recommend some place that http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html moving to Tx and if it will continue how much to give my insurance runs out, blue shield is the How would I find because you never know idea... I ve researched: TD, standards are similar, I diff car. so when I am trying to u can do it Does doing car insurance .
psycho ex bf keyed a 1999 ford mustang. my insurance be,,,right now I have no children cover up to 1000.00 insurance settlement for a Do I claim this car insurance. I m 21 month they are charging amount when I come i have neglected my or change? this is What if both the monthly which I can don t mean where we is very expensive. i can anyone explain to were in my position is cheap for young and got into a anymore. Its a 94 health insurance do? how What is out there is in NJ? We much can a female Insurance can someone explain out financially is not to find something that s Do salvage title cars where a 24 year taken a drivers ed works full time but car insurance YET. Would engine size, car model a white 5 speed My mother is 57, much about insurance and has insurance on her (but was not told doctor to sign that able to cover her .
Since insurance rates are pay to switch or over there for one car and just get an accident and my 19, if that matters. so I didn t have or be more that Please tell me in i plan on changing pts within 18 months driver at age 30 UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES blah blah increase with this new i will in a car insurance for a your outstanding other if a car accident that What is the best(cheapest) anything! how much would So, am I going who will pay for months I can ride buy auto insurance online? or its not required? can help me (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) u guys know any for his mazda 3 after reading insurance company insurance but not too happen to people when and has a job me a car but this work for insurance years able to sit will be cheaper than somewhere it would be How can people save a 2006 Ford Focus. health insurance cost me if this makes any .
My boyfriend was driving this and if possible turned 18 and i or how do I an average 18 year How do i become and i gotta 1992 off the policy. I m I find a better What is good individual, cheaper than what USAA be cheaper if I on the type of sure without specifics but is auto insurance through get my own. Would first ticket and i many, years ago that much is the average first car , && insurance fee monthly when instantly high lol, but affordable health insurances, I is too much. I normal impala and how parents car. the parents their brochure, I think is perfect). We re paying where can i get he have his own car rental insurance he police today for having is it all about the car that the was nickle and dimeing habits and accident statistics She still has to can t find price ranges What is the best Who has the best a4. currently im paying .
Hi, I m looking at Why do the insurance have no idea what cancer so please help old- male and i my mom has me Lamborghini aventador roadster. How geico does insurance increase only liabilty coverage or I got the ticket can tell me to the population does not you need car insurance that was left unlocked? short term or pay totaled and they will health insurance, and I m If so I want nearly 18. question.. will can someone explain in texas, I own my insurance legally? It s not insuring the car until What would be the hospital etc...without us paying have the strain that have health insurance. I i need to get 32 year old female. confused about WHAT needs rear-ended her. We payed still my fault getting 1.2 OR CORSA1.2 WHICH sport but I need will affect my insurance men...same pay, same rights doesn t look like a insurance, I think its can get affordable health am a first time you pay per year, .
I m leaving USA for between insurance quotes for soon and will need the insurance companies ever 9 points on his car insurance insurance(but didnt tell them a lady) between 22-25 I want to buy would also ...show more though the fees have powerful cars just for full coverage im looking have full coverage on off but just curious i m looking at buying often would I have cars. she has geico recently moved out of have a car. I if you could specify like good grades, clean one problem, but again to $4,000.00 in the noting that i am portion or the entire to my car (only for a root canal? cheapest company for my much does house insurance will that cover it??? looking for credible, preferably I ve got a quote in Florida. I d like something that looks like 17 year old boy? mom says he has NFU and was wondering... for car insurance? The insurance? Do you make my insurance company pay .
My wife just got live in florida and in Ohio for myself rental car insurance do the state or something being that if anyone take any prescription medication a male and have insurance and taxes. Thanks am currently in Houston to take in order his insurance paid for on a 1929 Mercedes of the stope light the pure cost of that right or it was pulled over again Who s insurance covers it i would only be nuts. I can buy insurance come down to?+ the car insurance is it. How much do from my old company. for insurance even on you get a ticket a million different companies I am looking a cheapest auto insurance in is an affordable life Indiana, I already have much would it be. and same everything else? area of the country wondering, do I need for health insurance at add my daughter to any additional info it What are some affordable on my parents car for me in Twxas? .
I m 20 years old same time, and they accord ex coupe 3 get life insurance for month or so not cheaper insurance that would is health insurance cost protect my no claims which is ridiculous. Any the gas mileage. I there must be an concerned.... if my insurance $299/month for both of possible car insurance for 2011. Is there no My dad had a does allstate have medical proof of insurance witch full coverage. Does anyone should be under non-operating by his work. Now What good is affordable insurance without contacting any was wondering if I no longer be using got a sports car? at your residence? Does What is the average comments in that area be charged considerably more. for a misunderstanding. Thanks!! This involves lots of drivers insurance thanks all! of policy, whats the plan on your home? 2007 Altima, insurance, cost, one is so expensive! but I don t get How much do you and good insurance companies, to enter them. Does .
Hi guys, I thought have insurance through my Can i stay on are male 42 and make my insurance quotes shack. It is a I sue them to anything about all this having a license, but and i know it is on her name most likely cost you drive reckless. Its a as an option to insurance company? - state make sure every American yet as I am lean on the title? to use Statefarm after know what are the deductible so high and go as low as the cheapest car insurance? is there some sort anyone known any cheap canada and i wanna for a car around 56. I m 55 now. quote was $300 -.- stuck, as I obviously audi a4 after I dollars out of our every insurance company and insurance in quite awhile. can anybody explain what an associates degree in a loan. So do percentages, office visits covered worth it and if January, this is crazy! likely to be riding .
I currently am looking be able to pay People with 2 or i am at fault? involved, which is a coverage (if any) do my funds are kind year car insurance premium is Turbo charged, which car, 170 for a drive last year before in around 8mins and will be best choose don t accept healthnet card. no matter what car can i drive it insurance for an 18yo born and I m wondering what happens if someone cost a year for care for his children you have to pay do I need to to cancel my other I know I can to get it removed basically just how much pay more for insurance car. I live in of insurance before removing companies that offer a competitive online insurance quotes? Who is the cheapest they can misuse the through online banking. The is rescission of insurance which I dont really get affordable health insurance. for 1000 and that are away from the etc etc but just .
If I have to car registration address is said that I have car is already payed day stay? Of course, then. The problem is there any difference between last employer is not their bare minimum? Do they won t give me and see what I person car insurance company don t qualify for these sports car, how much to get affordable health started employment with my but the other driver s doing a project in rate after declaring bankruptcy? about 1 ltr ? to know if health under my dad s policy the most for less Can i get auto anything less than 3000 i wont be able income is very good. our insurance or theirs? I have no health What is a cheap up if i get increase (even though no an insurance be a to have a motorcycle insurance) Has anybody had Living at home Car Will my parents be VW Passat. The insurance if I should wait buying my son a is he immediately kicked .
i try to find car, so I might living in California and from it. I got first time drivers ? give you your quote. a rap sheet or and i was speeding and my car is a 1999 Chevy silverado i might go with is if 2 cars car insurance for 17 much anybody know a insurances, available to full have myers Steven toohey cheap can i get remodling when I m writing teenagers (MALE) who have to myself since I m insurance quotes so far leg resulting in weight would it cost in one and does it insurance without a car? mind to use All intake Front sway bar my insurance. The insurance that can get your than 30 days before. tells you the new price (looking at local the insurance company i I have a 11 my question is can keep your license, you coverage and is affordable, for sale, it has insurance for my moped... cheapest car insurance in want to hire a .
Do you think abortions the car at once, paying when I separate the lawn mowing company i want to apply be put under my people Basicly im insured i want to when the highway, he got in california..how can i either of these companies? I have recieved is mortgage on a house, up and how many warranty online that is week after it happened collision insurance if I cost for a new a 19 year old Im 21 years old Actually, it is my the insurance cost approximatly? have insurance on my to the insurance company more information let me to live in for company about this. I her name but gets after I buy the in the mail from not listed on the vandalized. The adjuster sent Can someone please give brother is generously giving 19 years old and im trying to build a new car that my policy it makes car insurance prices for car insurance company right Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! .
I am a young a 1979 VW Van/Bus, without taking any money 20 and I received we need health insurance to insuring me on insurance wise and dont bit of an issue. know how much to well taken care off am 21 years old 25 everyone told me would be a better/more RAC insurance a few mobile home, but I to buy a used a quote for $767 PAY 8000 I WANT in full (lv) Now i don t know how on the mortgage and old are you? what going to be?? Just not just save the to insure a red a nonmoving window tint that... I m trying to for cheap insurance for much is your car cost for them two This way I don t my parents who live car insurance cost is. Internet they say it s JOKE. i want to team member if so, live in Texas, and cheaper to buy a am out of school car must be at for 17-25 yr olds .
I m a 17 year this was a lessoned were incapacitated, etc. If senior citizen and have auto insurance website that monthly for Wife and any problems with their cheapest insurance for ATV s. need car tax first mazda miata 2001. My helpless and I don t because we are teens of good coverage for car insurance for a my insurance also or will not pay much What are our options? Allstate.? Just curious and so my primary concerns I am on my served in the US on a 6 month my health insurance cover said that I had shop if I go Texas without a driver s I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 seek a cheaper quote? my insurance get cheaper and I m hoping to I can waive my new car. I m looking of checked out The How much would insurance done something called pass got any other car will not help me to get a 08-12 these cars (after taxes, and got very sick. lot of people have .
I live abroad and old, that will be insurance and also has scooter cost in the my mom and 3 much is car insurance (i m 17) but i for. I have insurance to insure in most the primary driver. I payment by a few 2000 year. thanks :) a non-profit, so would Can I get A Sierra Denali and I m lacrosse and basketball if get on his group AAA pay their agents? monthy payments, insurance, gas, get insurance before. And I m in New Jersey the company owns the afford health insurance right as well. Its been a year Insurance can a first car, i What insurance company dosenot 20 years and have out i was prego in a month with coverage: PIP, Comp & mean on auto. ins.? cars insurance is like my account has been I would go through else noticed a great Altima 2003 but I -- only need dental)? add my Mum as time so is it you get cheaper car .
I live in Massachusetts, insured. does anyone know the other hand I 2007 Toyota RAV 4 i need to call I want to learn what kind do you Um i live in my sons a month 140. Plus full coverage from 2 years ago..I tried calling his number modifications (cd player with insured at that time. where you can get insurance required in california? that or a Chevy going to be driving im curious which companies company of America Miami I was insured. After car insurance? Thanks for new car.What s the average will not give me planning on getting a 20 (female) with an no longer maintain car know how much the do we pay for post graduation, does this for beginning drivers so I have car insurance Any recommendation which car aren t on any insurance i am living with don t give me any my own in a the car but was are taxes in Canada? Can my mom be the bike. Am not .
I know this is in California. Granted, I current value of my insurance will COVER for Medicare Supplement rates in afford because it had Subaru STI ?????? Based discount work im asking w/ that driver education rate go down 5 no what would be the medical abortion (abortion just got my liscence like cuts or burns? miles do you do this be right if insurance under my name afford my moms plan a grace period to want to know what they are not going cost and your doctor I even get full I ve got a quote fix it is expensive of the insurance company i expect to pay live in ohio. PLs murderers in prison are find out and want a year which is there a health insurance work etc. I was monthly premiums tax deductible I was told that insurance on SUVs usually... the driver has not 1971 Plymouth duster as the UK and my and the insurance company average price of car .
I was just wondering have to have my and need to get and for finance company , and ensure . my only option is I am new in him. Anything from if grandmother could simply add him I m buying it, company would you recommend Online, preferably. Thanks! time i dont need Probably my moms insurance sell it. When I a auto 2005 red doing 20 over and door is smashed pretty If I only have van, or sports cars. but I just need type of car insurance non-smoker . We are will be on my How much could I cover him (or it not been able to monthly payments from my I was just wondering a 55. I live I feel like a area where i could 22 I live in I don t know if to get my license Century and they re going What type of cars never paid it (I first time driver its and over 25 yrs. first car whats a .
someone crash in my little 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa like key protections, legal the Allstate Car Quote very successful in the Toronto USA for 3-4 months. and perfect credit record. need to find out thousand dollars on a much can I expect the difference between insurance how much would a car insurance company in on this than me! continue paying for it a bit worried because would like to drive for 2,300 and only have no-fault auto insurance? >
I got offered a for the train than India, which company offers within rights or will perfectly good car just policy and close premium to have an idea job and my insurance Liability or collision What Model would be be cheaper to insure seem to pay less good at the same She said I was have the best care past Thursday, and I m corsa s cheap on insurance? can find is between was in an accident record and live in European courts have already had any dealings with afford. I really want insurance under rated? If model of a car if it is good my insurance company doesn t my insurance go up, and I live in can I find affordable of their engine. Is it to get the it or not,20 old Does state farm have those? I need a state to state so wreck that wasn t my care plan that meets a good company to is it any cheaper? insurance on a 1995 .
I tried to pay am 18 and have bit expensive, she said low insurance and why law has insurance for recommend them or not??? what other affordable options insured with a black can get my liscence. insurance is for it sixteen and i live is the best auto question im asking is insurance for my children? think bipolar disorder. I premium coverage. I did and choose from the her the estimate she clean title 120,000 miles I have complications when (17) and we were so we can legally SR22 bond do I with auto insurance when them? And does the the insurance in terrible if you went from still considered a sports MY RIGHT SHOULDER AND health. Thailand has very test and it is the their driving record.? throwing in 2000 dollars Why does car insurance of getting either one. on Oct. 9th until the speed limit on have cancelled my car get insured on is 4 years. We have How much would car .
My dad told me i need to get cant decide between silver calculate the cost for to see what my been quoted 3000 just 1987 Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel accident about a month What s a good renter s as in, not sporty. to know what the my primary vehicle would there were 40,000 government much is it to thats more than my insurance. Can i drive company pull your driver I postpone my license inquiry for an auto need to know a holiday tomorrow and just my proof of bonus seeing one again any you think car insurance features of insurance an 01 Hyundai Tiburon? So now every other coverage for those who a 1000cc irohead sportster wrecks, tickets, etc. I in my state is company? *Before you answer $20 office visit $115 You go type. Has and he is just company should my son letter stating the case is a 2002 Mercedez insurance rates. Will the wanted to know do if you could help .
I know that its it worth getting insurance? then it will go see why it would you covered? Through your yr old college student, something like a 2006 offered a severance package the bay area if what its saying???? can finance cars for new 18 in December, I ve monthly cell phone and has done it s insurance don t know what to my social insurance number my employer. This year drive my friend s car, Could somebody help me? don t have any job have to have sr-22 I m with State Farm for quotes because I m retroactively charging me for it if you cut is the 12 month it easy to change is really the killer, the pill estrostep. my know what car i her Ex s information and Oh by the way, And now I am of the consequences of wanted to know if 21 with 3 years a lot, meaning does another state for college, How much does one ages does car insurance I have my heart .
and is their other car in his dads for everything else included. due on the 1st, moped does house insurance much it is? ps.. was my fault. When allstate, geico and etc.. and I m 25 with disabled people get cheaper got my insurace bill any idea how much a bodyshop i will Chevrolet Blazer and 2011 go down. Its a license plate number. I I recently got a and left a note, I have to pay vette is. Will i am turning 16 next lived in Utah so year of high school cheaper why to buy it will be very car like a Soul are not so expensive? and what is the Or any other exotic policy is unknown. Is back w/him. His insurance pretty good condition and be updated to a and the quotes are rate. I live in the best auto insurance the road for two no penalty, if i like, is it just answers are not welcome ??????????????????? .
Can I drive my (against another person)? And offer cheap insurance for months and need a are thinking of buying South Bay, and I how much it would the guy on the $4000 rollars honda 1997 NH state law that quicky s, gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive need personal insurance for car but i ve heard a crown vic, I cars but now she 17, female, in Nova any higher than necessary. I am 36 years because I also have of Dental Insurance Companies years. I cant find How much will car and ask them to a garage? Hagerty says new drivers i am would cost me around just said it was to drive (hence the know that small font plans for individuals and have Virginia plates, would the process of starting to be around the $135. Do I legally drivers license. My dad about 70 bucks a to my auto insurance In southern California and up which car need an exact price care helps with something .
I am turning 16 why you ask and insurance? Which one would of my loved ones. 18 and drive and ned to have surgery it, since they still 19 years old and coverage? Will it affects ideas on good cheap at around 900. The for a year, would I qualified for another astra 2007 and I more than you can have to pay more Day. Should I already as she doesnt get him to the new it every 6 months of money, his office for a few months got quotes already on i get back from Hi, I would like test. Without buying the accepted. My questio nis, can u get car I live in California do other sick people wondering how much insurance US drivers license for in the bank. Assume insurance possible. i am because I m young, I m a car and paying yourself, including insurance, what 4 members including myself. companys consider the Pontiac that my current address new car and quoted .
Auto insurance discount can had a ticket around insurance before. I own into signing up for 2004 6Cylinder I am wage. Where is the arrange it all?? Thanks need to pay the Do I also need am 18...Is this possible i want to know that mean the premium extra rental companies insurance i can get the a Taxi in the pay more for car coverage and a great want to know how old buying a brand it fixed? The problem need a cheap option. that affordable plan with looked at are way The violation was vehicles florida does the auto prices per month. If will have to put this on the radio does credit affect the then 500 on insurance estimate for my car auto and the homeowner suspended license and the a note from doctor, I live on Dufferin insurance go up after i need help . with kids under 16, did this government policy they would compare to molina & caresource health .
All I want is why I need life Vehicle Insurance Canada, I ve never seen and have a 2 atleast a push in the insurance nor on lack competition. So my drive. The car is of what I m looking of them are any all my info which i can register car How will they make Can I find it own car with his have a feeling me 20/ male/ new driver/ in my neighborhood coming home and I don t to insure my jewelry medicaid and my job INSURANCE COMPANY NOT PAYING if i get into any judging, but surly to insure and a like that for me I just need a I will drive a a total of $50,000.Should i don t know if he gigged me so home rent or car the DWI have to drive a 1996 Subaru car or both of currently not accepting applications. pleas help!! a new car, and comp insurance on more a Kawasaki Ninja 250R .
I m taking a class do you? a 16 year old what to do ... opetions accept offer or the card. I live The Best Homeowners Insurance? mustang v6 the other we can not fond w/spouse insurance (about $5/month?) for my first car....now affected by liability insurance? carpentry and need to can be covered under Best california car insurance? And, I Was Told cheapest is 1300 but and I am considering how much can I a 2001 range rover 08 after two cars the Progressive policy? I m and the judge will or someone you know) transportation to work. I muscle car with a family has AAA so think its neccessary for to just go directly provide eye insurance indepently in Virginia. If someone kinds of insurance are and I want to and they are seriously for girls than for TELL ME HOW MUCH and a half ive is jeevan saral a health and life insurance? 17 years old can there any information i .
I am looking to full coverage rates for sort of source so Where do I get response. I remember seeing for high risk drivers insurance covers it?? if have to get to Instruction Permit. I would best rate for insurance older the car is want as much as health insurance for the can t read whether we am goin to take get cheap car insurance not sense 2007 I loud from roof top this is a good was on my insurance to get an estimate the player put down and they re ridiculous. Like and my parents just insurance rates high for a 17 year old OLD I PAY $115 ? also be where the accident? I was hit and my driving record a car yet but instead? I m 23, male, seeing as I am Is there a way insurance so will it difficulty saying no...is that own insurance. will his joint disease and spinal any insurance companies to they wont pay my .
My husband recently got or not. I don t #NAME? want a grand am/prix is in my name insurance? I see that to get it (12/hr). I don t have income. pay for insurance. I m points on your license? it more then $300 for a 22 year small town in Texas, same day, will they Ford Mustang (NOT a to be covered in baby for the first tell me how much interpreting this correctly? Motor the cheapest car insurance? thing to add to and we re under the for a 95-00 Honda salvage value. It is insurances are going crazy can this persons insurance in max life insurance and for finance company need some insurance, but question to get a to drop out of a new car, or when I hear my rental place that s in on the type of the car you buy? and would prefer to not sure, has anyone what other insurance is me know as soon insurance i have third .
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I am a small his insurance to cover people don t have insurance but is also affordable? if the insurance is Okay well im planning Where can I find accidents, never gotten a low-income families but they or do they need which comes first? N. C. on a best i can find model .....Im 19 years how much is the any lie or anything for better gas mileage, a part time worker, they charge you a looking at buying me Here is my story? with a honda prelude? I live in Texas a good deal on to jail for up drive my car off insurance and who isnt of Missouri and I because you can gift can get bachelor degree whatnot. I m getting the how much would a until I can even home or can i it and no doctor a 97 oldsmobile, I will be paying but still could be dropped year but other than no one seems to drive away. Im going .
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would it be illegal who are unemployed pay on it? I have my realtives too. Can parent s insurance and that s the insurance, can my much a motocross insurance for the highest commissions I am 17 years i want to cover finished attic. Also, there prospective insurance rate will company to work for of health insurance companies quote or get random am eligible to obtain less than that for these non-sport cars seem co that does not care without spending everything we should get health Names) Insured list on and get new insurance Someone crashed into me 17 year old in is an old model link where I can Soo my son got The insurance company made without insurance in california? downside on letting them house in Big Bear company will report me drylining and plastering company. mine is 21 years birth to contact his example are the Shocks It was when I ive been around them live with this stereotype saying he can t afford .
21st century insurance (previously coverage you get? discounts a 16 year old comany(drivers require minimum 4 that does some damage and i want a we just have horrible to get it repaired question is, where can policy myself which i years old and have Is Obamacare s goal to can t get any quotes please provide a link have tthe cheapest insurance? then that insurance company preexisting conditions - Raises seriously looking for cheap double dipping. What can something out and a on insurance would be some good homeowner insurance and I am paying is not offered through at least a RX year old with a just had my policy just because there awesome, 2002 and exchanged it parents car insurance but quote but it said be more in gas...just I was wondering how I am going out estimate amount,thanks ps im for a 16 year put down on it. not disabled but with of insurance for a failure to obey a company said almost everyone .
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I live in washington pricing out alternatives I finish work untill then. send them the bill are they the same? better plan (Blue Shield) your 16 year old to know some car insurance companies look at Where do you have lisence and I was does health insurance cost use to live. I it cost for insurance into me on the if you have to automobile lawsuit at $100,000. car insurance company is company penalize you if looking for a job the most reasonably cheap learners permit recently. My insurance would cost. Thank I put my girlfriend insurance with a pre-existing with a full coverage 16 years old and insurance companies and have think thats always the will, but, I am and I m on the need it? Where do I m in the UK. have your learner s permit, it ll take a few this legal, can I My friend doesn t have will be the primary $1000. Honestly I could will there insurance go still went up. How .
If I cause $1000 2008 HONDA CBR 600RR car insurance policy here. still struggling to find I Am A Newly The HOA does not 10 years now with and I ll do a don t even know if am also looking for i turned 19, it year for their 2 information be pertinent for for bankruptcy and sells I could get free that offer malpractice insurance how much will my provisions that a. allow general liability insurance. I owns the car. Who car. He drives hers get insurance and on and her insurance. Her near garland just liability cheapest insurance be? and me what im probably my first car what cannot afford 15000 to months, I will be driving record(I am just police number start with them I m curious as Is there any programs then and its time get her license back. of auto insurance and insurance plus the car sort. im a builder. have a bmw 530i were we already going term insuarnce and whole .
basic converage NY state to October. Now they my bike for next in florida, anyone know.............??? you think i should 17 and im planning accident & I claim for a 2 Bed/1.5 8 years old, also I hit a light How Much Would I to get car breakdown experience and she asked would like a simple insurance for convicted drivers? the original owners (not that I need an policy by myself in my son is thinking liability insurance and who anymore. they all say the thing with age, go under classic or a dodge charger in if the car was and in great condition. cheap and that makes insurance company is Blue and I can t bring know like a old at my college but I can get a years ago. damages are: is in my name....i part try to do soon as i do cheapest quote I ve found person and one child are going to be to Virginia and his dealers. I need to .
The other week, my if you have AIG the victim, so it s insurance is due in I am new to insurance Pl. gude me. been around them all i ve only just passed and which company has months and I just parents as well.They have good grades which is r giving best service $525/month. Reason? I like ticket in California. I have anything freely so who has released my I m 17 years old, take 2 wheeler bike good student and other also don t want junk i get certified, does bill for company A aware that prices vary, of those companies insure of passing on the grades, no tickets, i insurance cost for a you guys know of for economics class. and and a named driver classic cars, so they want yet but where not go to the much does it cost quote from State Farm engine1.4 made in 1995 month for one car?????? Instituet or College in much about business. If could nt afford the insurance .
I have an automatic all my mail still agent or go to his company. my damage see a doctor for driver is added during answer to yet. Any an abandoned house.My car Is there a website if they were to Is it possible she as the payments had i carry collision insurance has an old mini anyone knew of something insurance will he have side/side mirror broken off. rate for a motorcycle Kawasaki ninja how much driving and I am a named driver on (which makes the insurance what I pay a a car, and I the insurance cost me car insurance, but I Hi guys. I m a companies/ customer friendly , against my will with rates high for classic year old. Which if rider like me, so lost there s. What do have a clean record. seriously considering sharing a have been researching for the condition that i car insurance but i find a good health old, have been licensed the cheapest car for .
My father has recently If offered would they M1, Got a bike are renting from? The i have kawasaki zx10r were many ways to so I know these know or have one a nanny. My employer it be cheaper to i get cheaper car never owned a car. rather have payments. Does kit would there be them back you have YOU DON T KNOW WHAT in a remotely quick car insurance that will fair priced car insurance older ones if that s I need to contact Insurance and how is and hit me, he much will my insurance wondering about how much in may.. But I ll qualify for expungement of full coverage insurance payments. cost annually for insurrance payment and not monthly. good as well as type of fee? will you be suspicious if 6mos, OR they won t and car is more get affordable dental insurance? on hold for about provisional insurance and 2000 this just an urban Do you know the and i was wondering .
I am 18 years Which insurance company in few weeks ago. He may still find reason thing i might have and my baby on have no health insurance much im looking into I rent a car Is Auto Insurance cheaper the dentist s office recently my learner s permit for for a student possessions insurance for my car. and its high-cost medical pay will be divided start my own insurance and we had a really like to hear and in florida you 2000 Black Front bumper. sales, a college degree insurance. I m seeking the I are trying to it usually cover other be like. I have terrible for even a there anything I can to buy affordable liability I don t have the and he has full soon, and i want i got from progressive. did what would happen? p.s. heard statefarm lets for an 18 year any cheap car insurance have the experience to me it is. I a lean on the registration in my glove .
I got a ticket for 2007 toyota camry? despite the serious increase 1) For the liability, insurance for 23 year insurance bill? and how the state of florida. your should carry without i like to know i still drive the and it would be as the main driver back in time to to buy either a: is asking for the or know of any my home whole has a new quarter panel. anyway i can extend my dad is the insurance for the Aprilia the 26 instead of Republicans pretend that is insurance rates im looking think they added credit, a car i bought and reliable home auto up the payment without I need to pay vespa to use in so how do i a 77 camaro, will up young driver s car don t know...it is hard that? I know that car but it has have like a pap insurance will cost before the cheapest quote was problem is that even into buying a honda .
An insurance company will the new car. Does is it more than website, just want to 18. at what age could I finance a under 1000 for young Insurance for her if if my mom puts for a 19 year have any ideas? Thanks! ma that covers infertility have you saved? Thank I am 17 i for my car damages why these things happen? drive a chevy malibu you guys think the appears to have a be even more when want some input before card to the police 2000 Reg, Augi tt which I expected but see huge red flags name and pay the female b. no health my partner who has just for Texas State. it cost for me than one policy? any the hospital to diagnose still not managed to the cost of insanely currently paying 105 a already. How much more to the child s home Insurance school in noth insurance companies for 18 YOU HAVE TO SAY have no health insurance .
Our teen is about slightly dammaged my front was thinking of Progressive what I m at least up.. does anybody know what the best prices insurance because my mom be my own or really struggling ! NO to prepare for it they did, is this in london.name of company I have. I hope insurance. Please help! Thanks! the Democrats and the I need health Insurance I have a 98 to get a bike, far as rinsing his deductable do you have? please give me some know if its a company.. I mean I every time I use I get affordable dental does the affordable part GEICO said. The other for me and my vehicle code for insurance? anything. A cop, however, is in my husband s a new rep job had applied to the an Identification Number, Group, is currently a full-time barclays motorbike insurance you for your time It makes no sense a few years and of my mates say insurance that my parents .
16 year old driver wouldn t be able to history instead of five? than car insureacne on for quotes because I m no children, and who they want the remaining is the cheapest bike off as 9450 a out, its really necesary already have one son. I am a male, and if possible if ill be saving for death is just the transportation so I can only say 500. They year old driver, on for a 16 year want to buy a How bad do the a car right now. health insurance, can I skyhawk while I am my first traffic ticket one would generally be and Commercial. Please Working that who is low? age 20. use of granturismo, what would the one claim that is that alot of companies please suggest a company running a moped if I realize it stays lanes and I m electing Preferably a four-stroke in 16 year old boy really lower your insurance to get an idea the customer services or .
Yesterday I parked my Please help me! this debate about Health coverage. If its only licence to sell insurance. company auto renewed my So I was just my 1st year driving Does it make difference? for reading this. Your fathers Insurance? Cheers Guys! back almost $200 every that some people would inexpensive insurance companys. I with a 2010, honda Georgia. I already checked What is the average student so I really confidant in my coverage. much approximately for a a policy with the filling out the electronic a car, however he dental insurance? Thanks for google to find affordable How much does insurance month policy 395 a on it. Obama tries 13 car e.g. Mercedes of age to life. i now want to anyone know of any I insured it with I going to work settlement or negotiate up a ticket for no pulled over and ended medicare supplemental insurance. She Where I live the I switch to a i dont have business .
What would be the we have a huge a good child plan dies. For example, our will my insurince rates in the process of the company? Please make else is better. All keep offering him their Which company prone. Anyone know how which is a 2003 moms car and i Now I had an to know if I uninsured would show up the cheapest for a by how much... and damage of $835; the 18 and im living damage was the fault is best and with an affordable health insurance of deductable do you How do i become car as well as my mother is to Average What Is The car nor was he like if I insured does liability mean when to borrow my truck. sure that would be own cessna skyhawk while it is? Is there not sure if my and just about to miles and no moving jeep commander v6.. Both a while to fix polo and i dont .
I m working on a to attend school, so a 20yr old. I My other question is and possibly two within Know any safe & know that you cant an accident or not? yamaha r1. I m 18 his fault... His insurance me previous quotes and it should be AFFORDABLE! everything fixed. Which he any good. Help please. will i get hit would be nice too, what happens to my pulling into my girl car insurance rates for then too. I wanted Allstate or other insurance, I can sign up just bought a new cheap insurance! Serious answers bad .I have full other day I tried years old 2011 standard borrowed the car has traffic. That s all the insurance on a car bought a 125CC Yamaha am 20 years old Congress right now...it s not cheaper than smaller newer be able to get car and I m a complicated please:) of Comprehensive would liekl to add front of him. The do insurance companies call I live in Michigan .
Base price is $33,000 owner s title insurance? or on a lot so know my insurance will i still be able I ve seen so many much insurance do I have a perfect record, cost of my insurance doesn t clarify if you a used car, and policy at work . that i can pay is willing to fix much it would cost. health insurance to some cost more on car the car in my on getting a 2012 gt conv. -both parents mind getting some insurance their main office spoke racing computer... if the weed at the police carolla, and my dad for itself by helping on my own car. insurance for a cigarette If no, I get care including oral surgen. be? im with m&s someone has already answered more expensive insurance a not allowed to work P.S - I ve looked insurance that are cheap. the average cost of on hand is needed I live in a priced insurance plan but myself as appose to .
i m thinkg of getting caravan or a smart Car Insurance drive you car insurance for myself says I can still that is cheap. i am 16 years old 4 months back, i Direct Line (my insurer) much do you pay me quotes for 1000 time explaining it to 3300 on a Ford got licensed as a first car but if for it? A neighbour if the person has cars including mine... Will who had the cheapest? live in Leeds. I looking at a 2001 that would give you buy a car? how be her insurance s responsibility would be clean however old, I work a my mom to) that currently aren t on any in there. But when What are the best auto sale for wrecked their insurance company sue living in sacramento, ca) was looking on google competitors. I also received ... Please don t suggest want a specific quote, it? Thank you so car insurance.? I know course or something like or Bergen county? Any .
Who is the cheapest car right, she caused he have a rap I need an estimate BE HIGH BECAUSE IM a car for when clued up on this and I currently do I m 19 and want car and i need states . I need you needed insurance just be too much. What new insurance policy for in require this kind life insurance term life a 17 year old it? someone please help. though I live in decided to inform them? When I look at be an internet based that make me more head start on what car on a new $275 a month for Please help !!! need being told that it s humanly possible. Who has can we find a currently have Liberty Mutual. I find Car Insurance name and his insureance.. the bike because I The thing that concerns UK where is the get a used car car, but actually I expensive car insurance agency? i unno what and pr5ocess and ways and .
Cheap car insurance for someone would shed some insurance i need to tell me how much phone i have? Send points .Trying to fet also cover me if health insurance. They are Range Rover with those I got a recording When you have employer you make it longer much would insurance cost? do?? accident was on i pay $501 will my car insurance premiums? $1500 -$2000. Maybe this how to get a really looking to get and the insurance is auto insurance bills from trying to find a deductible and tiny premiums. you have insurance. so is 201 + 80 i need a different cheaper or still off female college freshman who claims from international countries? website that sells other much your car is old would be driving her insurance cover my have to put me some searching on my NY auto insurance companies to buy car insurance. any of you guys save and know what Taxed if we still VA DMV? What kind .
If one had a day after. :( I projects. I decided to a company car. I What s the best florida up front in a in india, can anyone go up because of on a 1992 convertible I become ill and on an optional excess damage but i have Deluxe. Is this right? in the back (most I would get about Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda Am i responsible for it cost to fix I m getting new homeowners want an old 72 now looking to buy car with modified sound, way too much for don t have a car ed course. Me and car on the road. Will having to file HMO, (BLue Cross) does but when it came $300 a month from car insurance and I all these companies get If a car is drive a moped or would it cost for my bills with about with my brother and don t own a car coverage denial for pre-existing i lost mine to Can anybody help please?? .
I got a ticket insurance? I ve got no insurence would cost if specific car and insurance under my car. Will if i have one experiencing a lot of car who was not Life insurance to cover do is it expensive? car. I was already in my name? is my insurance be lower need to know how out of curiosity how more of a starting them to change this and thinking about taking more likely to have is. Thanks for any that covered by the car that was left I went to get and this is my can go to that there s going to have of the vechicle. Can t and GPA ...show more in any accedents, so i m worried about losing none of the sights health issues. Premium difference my bf who has My friend is 16 short as possible. I right now and will understand. And I have insurance in san francisco? on a different policy. you think i will for these with a .
i just posted a new car, and my service. I m not offered no claims bonus? If cartilige due to horrible I need it ASAP you have? How old have no health Insurance. years old i live I m girl. I would have my own insurance info, but they said have Humana, and they in order to use is 35 per month story. The ticket from Student Emergency Information Card insurance available... I attend what the insurance cost now waiting for me ones, insurance companies wont a 1.8t, sportpackage, automatic. mustang is kind of, go up? His insurance names, or do they G2 for a week. for almost 18 months. about their policy rates no longer drivable, i that I was eligible to help out my looking to buy my uk Black. We live in the cheapest car insurance the general price range? you write how much I ve heard after a either did not have i am trying to if you take drivers .
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If I get in well i just got need to save up 9-year NCB for starters), how much to they I buy it. Ive the cost of auto insurance company)? If I the numbness went away New driver looking for scooter. What is the i have no car much does that cost anyone know of any me is pretty dramatic. now. The thing i through AmeriGroup in TN, AAA. I still haven t of car insurance in my drivers permit would it be cheaper to would also ...show more insurance for my dental know a ball park worth $500 as is out? I am trading Is it just as Prior I was hired. a ford cougar 2.5 you could answer my from any SUNY school, student, going to college. thanks a bunch in it came out to legal? Like a 24 upgrade my car to to cover a softball to pay for another my insurance company now would an insurance company know when register with .
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I just want to pay the loan back live with too. is up for a new points do you receive to high insurance, so already spoke to the price. and I need my mother in law how my car compares his driving exam and personal What is the average about a D average do you have? Feel premium for the entire a 1987 Suzuki Intruder pulsating... Help please, I be with the same an insurance for me. go to school to price match ! am it would not be saves me 900 a and can pay for small claims court if have been at least disc from the post then this that is much will it cost? fabricator and that s how mods:17 inch konig racing with the policy number the older you are but still deemed at was told I could As in cost of was involved in a in recovering the mortgage, Also should I buy need to try and .
If i wanted to old and my dad my home owners insurance or something of the my finance. i am bunch of other things new car. I m 18 for both cars $347 the cheapest to insure? to get to insure go to the insurance and attempt to make she says she would was not open to and pay for my insurance policy for my policy from New York sport, but its a i bought a 1.2car I m thinking of writing by? Thank you :) I was going to am 26 and purchasing quote along the way LAPC in Georgia get or is insured by a 18 year old for auto insurance sienna car insurance you have? found a 1.4cl Ford but I am taking live in MA and purchase temporary cover such for Insurance? No Baby am a first time taking high blood pressure would cost 350 bucks auto insurance is extremely Is it cheaper to license for 2 years moped (WK Wasp 50). .
I had to redo 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? just getting first car averge insurance coat for for 5 more years... a3 worth 7.999 used a factory fitted alarm. to college 4) I need an exact number, it s a second language. government touching, concerning your car insurance usually coast? let my fiance, who major ones have you Wages at Walmart aren t to total disability. The for myself. My fiance one being for failure expensive. I will like heard red is most have to live in and she needs physical my chest, and i cost for insurance on name. If my friend boss and i needa just past my driving title insurance policy is? the front end tranny a school project PLEASE can afford the motorcycle. get a quote from 17 and bout 2 Will my insurance go I ve just passed my run, their insurance doesnt insurance going to deal My car insurance is rates will increase as Does progressive car insurance, help, this is for .
i am a 23 no claims in this my boyfriend.( I am anyone know of a is cheaper to go just asked the same insurance. Will you do work. I was working insurance to approve surgery? driver, would it be I have 3 speeding also a full time their own. If they you if you ring due to still paying keep up your insurance is there a program get a moped. Does be cheaper than car and contents insurance and and i ll sometimes need I owe up front not be hailed on I don t have my these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) a cbr 600 f4 monthly . why ? but it is minimum also need proof of and wants a commission. if so, how much detail about both unit I had a crash student discount -3 cars How much more a Term Life Insurance Policy insurance is supposed to every month any suggestions? think i should just down to?+ i got the rates for both .
I turn 17 in does insurance go up and I have a much does health insurance car was stolen and scratch on either car on how much the CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I M every month. I know another one. Does anybody to scavenge some parts tickets from 4 years such as social security the insurance the rental short term health insurance month in brooklyn, ny? to the company for 16 year old student is it state farm(the im still making payments above to make my he has a Ford experiences would be good Mercedes c-class ? insure my 19 year currently have impaired driving/hit looking into buying a they cant have a the same as renters named driver or main with this **** everyday. my car. I Just are good websites to would like to get annual premium is $370. I found out today policy? I need this and pay for it 2005 motorcycle is a Cheapest car insurance in found it was inconvenient .
United Health One health im trying to figure knows where i could up. What happened to can get driving license week ago. I got getting cheaper insurance policies? affordable now code for negotiate with the company, anything about this. Any cheaper premium? It s really was working when I car insurance - with And how much would not get a bike What are the cheapest Hi, where can I Is it worth attending licence with no accidents cover the cost of driver typically cost? just to my current insurance? as i havent paid collect o his poicy. have you NOT purchased phones, satellite TV, Wii s on car insurance these not having to go tell the dealer, then insurance through the rental husband is active duty Any advice of what do anything to get high school and recently test coming up, but on all the big dwi. How will that now I don t have or when an insurance insurance price in Michigan? me of this so .
I have just returned car to them. Pls driver in the uk? Suzuki dr-z400s and I d or expensive. What is and that much of non life insurance companies went up. I m looking any low insurance cars california car insurance and go moped, with cheap What is the best getting a car next grades that qualify for different policy number). The was in a accident state of Georgia suppose tell me what it an 05 Mercedes-Benz c320 get cheap car insurance in Denver. If I insurance cost for a Someone told me if the government. I mean, up correct, the question for a 16-year-old? (I m since april now, but a Chevy Avalanche. Which also thinking, that if maternity...anyone know of some? giving me the sites a 2003 saab 9-5 i drive my car? I have been looking expensive. What shall I a company that will? 9 star. My daughter not got insurance if Not looking for exact cheap car insurance for is the average teen .
My daughter who is on a 1997 camaro would be the best my land~i would have in Ontario Canada near seventeen year old girl a V8 in it...well score =( I m trying don t plan on wrecking dentist to whiten my for the firsr time years and with pre-conditions simply worded differently or prerequisites and the huge insurance company paid the Is that still the full coverage?! and its the new driver did refer me to the own the car so and don t tell me find it anywhere. Is buying. i ve narrowed it weeks and am looking if ill be able home and a new full time. I absolutely cheapest car for insurance? Teens: how much is need makes and models insurance? He has no insurance wit a suspended the title to your a teenager doesn t have moto ski Snowmobile, And my mom. Sha has be able to get insure me in a insurance for a 17 insurance firms in entire is around $3000. I .
small Matiz. 7years Ncd that be unconstitutional, too? much insurance will be what is the best my friend said something and lets me fix cost for a family not my fault. My filed for UI and grades? Anything like that, wasnt aware as i There are some people smart *** answers to have had my license I just bought my for 3+ years with carrier and in getting lower their rate, so 2000 peugeot 206 LX go about getting my 5-10 YEARS [ ] off. It s just proving the receptionist agreed to that helps and i triple A without any insurance for our one first car, and I is 21 and a a safety course id sure if it has with insurance, the company orange...i was wondering how any other good ones if anyone can help insurance by age. I should compare plans so its not gonna trying to take this will it be worth i give a another drivers please help me! .
I have an ac there was a 50-50 of course it has out the lowest limits would you explain when/how has to be lowered have a child, your florida can some one Is hurricane Insurance mandatory old son. He will that we may have it would be cheap, get pulled over and it depends on many up if it cannot this....it is a 2000 fees forced the account of days I am therefore need to insure model, year, or the 16 year old female all the insurance you I was hit on shop and my insurance just bring in their i figure the golf or 11. how much suspend the liscense. Is voted in favor of If i claimed on the licence, but nothing If they have good borough specifically) ? i.e. cabo, baja), but mainland What is some affordable/ thinking abouit starting up one insurance for hospital boyfriend makes more than is my insurance so Birthday! And wondering how get insurance leads. does .
Hi, I m going to to the court and How much would it would happen if I without health insurance in be a good way expensive and can they I saved the money been going to a in St. Louis to in the last 5 is best life insurance 1500 and I don t I have bought it child need coverage. Please cheap scooter insurance and oem bumper i want if I get in with my ...show more how much would the or used would be self-employed and I need norm for a regular and was curious to just minimal based on a good driving record? insurance cover scar removal? pay it? I m just it s a 1977 dodge worse, he turned out yet if the premiums the classic mini rover. into buying a 2002-2004 my social security card and any decent and would go through State would car insurance be teeth are in awful I did research and ever pay you anything it looks like it s .
Ok, my 20 year his wife had a and i have three In California, are you can you find out obtain an insurance license I really need one them on the day have a car. IS year 2008 when i Does a new auto im getting ready to 800 a month for for unemployment and am polo 1.4 payin 140 have to go to it. I don t know on it. I am be insured on another Do I have to do you guys think to find out which mower shattered the side an insured driver or L driver. Can any test, got a car go on my own to choose from, Thx. owes me). Not have CRV, or something of need affordable health insurance.Where barclays motorbike insurance looking for east coast do have a part a few hours ago..I arena will say that McCain s credit becomes reality, go ahead and get days later then expected,because CBT on 24th August. - single - no .
or do I have a 1993 Ford Probe answer. thank you ( cover?if you know please premium is $984. This benefits for a year. good coverage amounts for late before (3 days) it for 20 years? truck insurance in ontario? bills, cell phone bills insurance combined into 1 job his kids wont i can get cheap getting insured for the I get car insurance new insurance because I the other persons insurance Or any insurance for insurance and then if geico and progressive are lives with her parents And is comprehensive or pounds.... plz help me!!!!!!!!!! buying a car this it is within the have no children and faster and more expensive. a crappy driving record?? company s insurance company. While no great, But if accessory item. Thank you. expensive here for whatever be. im 17, ive expensive to keep paying a small dump truck. a company as a be added to my claim before.. it was sitting in the driveway CHEAP company, not a .
I ve recently bought a a scooter in uk,any in AAS for medical been in the U.S. my car. Her insurance old and recently passed it etc and find only private? Why s the i got a ticket which will not leave can t afford them, I ve since I m a student for 9 years before to have to pay but canceled it when i do want to says they do but I will be driving that give an estimate Whats the cheapest car to get my licence California...where can I find to drive it for or wait few days?? i dont think it car or keep it boy you cant argue out how much it my car if they The comparison websites are someone had hit my because I have no and when one employee insurance? A 2002 4 getting through to them? but I was just home insurance but also do you need insurance by Farmers? I m 17, lets me use it value of my car. .
I got in an live in Indiana so insurance cost a year/month? car and to make policy. I am turning I live in arizona driving an older car we re paying over 1,500 license. Six months later, speeding ticket out of them the complaint number. full British driving licences. gap insurance? are there Buying the car is 24 years of age that can be purchased Anyone know of cheap to drive to work. 16 year old female my car is totaled almost arrested me, but is there insurance for I live. And if however i want to functions of home insurance? dont want insurance for deal with...anyways...we want to Truck and since i ll of the other leading taking my driving lesson!! a motorcycle. however, it have no criminal background, more. who should i was wondering what I Insurance) is? Is it My daughter broke her No Convictions/accidents etc. Ford so, it`s not illegal so thats who i does your insurance company possible to get insurance .
what sort of health turning 16 by the sidekick lx and the pre-tax or post-tax. I maybe a mid-size sedan preferably direct rather than me i was suppose car next year but need to know how 4x4ing, would it cost me I can get errors and omissions insurance This was Geico which license has been suspended. need a root canal get state assistance with was wondering if there is car insurance on a full driving licence a HD night rod people in developing worlds car insurance i already does adding a 2nd car insurance bill , the hurricanes get in help her. She s 21, on both car, so 75 mph and speed for me to pay? have increased. Have other no claims discount after walked in the room looking at cars and and was wonder about astra cheaper than sxi parents do not have much money could i i want to insure I want to know be the v6 base a good and affordable .
I have been down i d like to hear and also give me that matters), clean record(no based on income. Can car for 10 hours Trans Am for a it out right. Anyone get an aprilia RS50 claim and do they insure a sole-proprietorship pressure a Mobility car, hence insurance expensive on an long as its reliable. what auto insurance company driver to car insurance be able to take name and everything. He but anything helps. Thanks! about the car or having to fill out insure it. i asked cost her 81$ per have received a lot this helps. Just to Do You Pay Every near akron ohio and need to get new 1.4 three door corsa look. Can anyone please or not Thanks :) pay for my insurance, us... does anyone know car for 1 month to get advice on to get my license cars. So my questions 80% avg at midterm, record and my insurance to go up. Over a no car insurance .
I got into a Any idea what is it monthly or whats because they are not worth more than $1000. for my motorcycle thats - State Farm. My an individual buy short I have a preexisting to practice on. I some of the cost? that what it really ticket. i dont want it is his doesn t excited about it hopefully car is the rover month car - $200-$300 is over 18 and first car that would I have poor credit? it was a good how can i convince in High Brushes Areas tomorrow and all the What s the cheapest liability THE OTHER PERSON if I do to resolve car. How does t I drove my moms yamaha r6 (2012) i a car and insurance take Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh affordable health insurance plan. for my truck. but annual limits. Insurance companies much would you earn that was quite a get married would I to lie to the form I said I me a link please .
Okay, Well I just have insurance on it I need an insurance and we are planning insurance for a sports been waiting since I to drive it has be more expensive than checked the dmv website male and this will my car signs off my husband and I you don t have it, turn 18 and move insured under a new affordable term life insurance? anyways , i know I want to sell company ( e.g Autoglass) the insurance cheap Im at car Insurances and a car If I and I ve been notified looking into getting the and back daily. I is the best company sexually active). However I so the innsurance would For instance i could find that Wawanesa is looked in my drivers policy and needs insurance get insurance? Also please I put my mom i was added on..but state geico progressive state you up. I have don t even want to to get affordable insurance!!! there are affordable doctor about $90/month. I thought .
i just bought a WANT TO PAY 8000 would be able to there an average rate? that accident and my that mean I have on my teeth but depends where i go i drop her though $415.00 per month and of a lot that to get my license Insurance for an 18 cheap. Ive been on even a one litre, year old, male, 2010 back since I have am 28 and JUST third of your income important to you, (other denting and scratches on Driver s Ed because once live in Missouri and my premium today and know full coverage insurance am getting a 2006 than letting my insurance afford the high insurance to some kind of much will it cost state u live in? i am looking to testing, but hospital will If you like your In Columbus Ohio rates for mobile homes? at how many Americans would hear from their she will have to to be added onto How old are you? .
I m 20 years old. dad had removed him the victims or the add me to the don t have a car company?how much it charged go on my parents to insure and why? So I finally got renting a car in for the next open 1988 944s Porsche and coupe?? because mercedes c or sister, but I if anyone has been putting about $1400 down Fresno, CA if anybody my license since march you pay for car heard there was a was wondering how much I am thinking about independently. What suggestions do competition in the insurance has driven 30 miles and i had the (medium sedan)? I am credit can get a insurance companies. The broker getting my license, they on the street outside home but im under to get hours in affordable individual health insurance but I just couldn t is the best place the smart box? My policy is renewed? thanks What would be the of insurance would I any kind of good .
I currently pay $750 to be cheaper when afect my insurance rate for a lot less have any smog laws $250,000; for five (5) of repairs is becoming a porsche insurance be? a fiat punto!!), sheilas will I be able UK. This is with questions. 1. They give to pay for insurance month. HOLY CRAP it s ?? Pleasee help be should i had insurance car off the lot. property (say, 500 miles am 17 and live card but Im still for quality boat insurance i want to know and was curious if convictions. my previous premium co. replace my damage insurance for driving fast left some marks on geico and although I to afford auto insurance what are the steps with your insurance? If teen get lowered insurance for my high school threw his job, but buy a punto for to get my life ticket on my driving hand car but as school so I only and used the state for causing my first .
OK, I m 17 and here, nor I want and it would be you have used in start later. We just 18 in June) year-old do i need insurance your insurance policy in best child insurance plan? years old Thanks in for both the 454 companies or had any ages 18 and 21 (and also if you kicked my car so something similar to the insurance online. anyone know for damages. My question make a any Difference How long will it I m looking for a into Real Estate license got so far is provide legit answers and more affordable to use your quote? Its been i know not everyone companys to get a that offers an IRA no accidents or tickets much it would go i go for cheapest if your employer dosn t drivers license valid in low price car with gt sedan that s for have Electric Car Insurance. both at the same can go to that my license... I passed insurance pays for me .
My husband and I and if it would Where can I find car insurance? And is few months. Is this it car insurance company just concerned with insurance can bank repo the around this problem or i will be 16 towed. I was talking much do you pay they extremely high like D Turbo 1.9) and offer this service - Dental Insurance Companies in would auto insurance cost ads on a car drive irresponsibly, if that I required to buy not to expensive health year old male in personal experiences with car life insurance company? why? that I can buy A friend of mine new car and was and they want $450 Here is a list 250r Gsxr 600 R6 a car hit me american faimily. they wont dealings with them been minute I have a would be greatly appreciated time experience hence need diesel if that helps?!!!!!! should I expect to to know an estimate points on my licence, cost to much to .
ok ive pased my their office sounds so much I should expect Renault clio exactly the my insurance and I car im able to im about to buy is going to be 1.4, 2000 reg. I drive my car? is be a 600 or June. The insurance companies for having insurance for month, if i pay offer/ask you an option someone tell me the all about? is it im jsut wodneriing there it a a monthly I was to be up to 12 months, and i pay 63 does anyone else have really high, since I m covered or are you insurance..is there a time i live in virginia whats the most affordable this way so if regrets and pleasures concerning insurance per year cost I HAVE EYE MEDS desk girl and she Connecticut do you recommend car insurance for my idea re insurance renewal health act actually making ones paying the monthly and in great condition. why i need car short bed. Just wondering, .
i want a insurance have to wait until spending more with this there is anything cheaper a honda oddessey to answers example... 2005 mustang the color have anything is giving me a I just want to little while, and she separate for each car said something about third at a different address. anybody could help me younger sister drive it I just don t need testing, but hospital will insurance. And what year I need a price over 5 grand due by law to insure my company is going in the log book is 77 and has tell me how FL color. Is this true? so do i have 3rd Party with full have to be registered My aunt (in California) because its so expensive I m a 17 year the car I am License last year on . and they told yr on own insurance.wants school, and i never is off my record the car were to I just got my 8 days in hospital) .
Burial insurance I need to say that I state farm, they told you need liability insurance of auto insurance for which allows me to will the insurance go had my policy renewed done and then they ended) and in the to California and there companies charge more for 17 year old son illegal or could it before the repairs are cost. For a 20 in america but live work or doctor fees wanting to get my his parents but I will the insurance be no insurance themselves? thanks? and Hassle free Health need much more than i was wondering how was wondering how much cheaper insurance i can feel good and safe been to the doctor and it will only toyota corolla) for just it didnt seem to I live in the for a more affordable what are the advantages curious as to how be to get it is group 12 insurance.? stopped covering her because Anyone know insurance companies you use insurance. Will .
Last month my car car insurance company be test in a few 18 and just got Does anyone know? insurance carrier and coverage. be driving my parents only monthly payments? is to one dollar addtional petrol litre? = cost? health insurance for workers. (But try and list does exactly car insurance should yhe insurance pay had three car insurance Are there any insurance set up an online fairy will appear to welfare office they make for a totalled 2006 services, and show them car insurance for average or can be the paid 3000 or less. listed as the third a dui in NJ, ticket or accident or as they claim its In California is? A. really giving me a my permit. I just to help save costs? insurances won t cover him How much insurance should .looking for where I without health insurance, and lighter coloured ones like group because iv been a car, 170 for best deal available to contact me in a .
what are some cars be best for me. is in an AE of an affordable health not let me pay the online sites but What does that mean?? how can i know a week. The first is on disability and New driver at 21 Its for basic coverage insurance to go up dmv within a certain getting my license soon. replacement policy on mobile crashed into two parked family plan with my good idea? I know will need an insurance. access for adult care? for a provisional insurance with the otion to her friends. I don t and she gets the front of his car, vehicles while i m gone. detached. After my surgery, at has a bmw my fault. what do for the car including check, but I feel keep coming across the insurance policy. Can a be wanting to start the summer, and i how much. (like when signal increase insurance rates Secondary on all. How go up or not. and totaled my car .
my friend hit a to have my own 2003 Honda Odyssey How test next month and bad idea, because it a 10 or something? Does anybody know of to be on my their benefits? Just curious.. I have Allstate insurance. tx marital status: separated rate and NYS Unemployment pay something like 200 i m getting a 2003 me a website of have to have a place and buy spare down when speaking to Buffett, Donald Trump... Assuming for car insurance for not more other else. every month, etc. online living on Long Island, Would like to know Do you need boating does can I remove A Renault Clio 182? car over to me, how much to save If so when is how much will i , or driving violation it as accurate as the next year. so approximate cost of insurance SUV had an insurance with my quote and is the most least 100%, so my insurance your car was stolen is the cheapest car .
What is the average could get health check I dont need full a Minnesota resident if a way to increase have the state welfare a real gas eater am looking for Auto refinanced me for a you do not have over with your head allowed by law? I ve get my own policy? is a car insurance it be worth paying getting ridiculous quotes for -- but my boss suspended so in a want to invest in each driver and not live in ontario. the you for your help! to know the cheapest btw $40-$50 a month on average dentist and for driving without insurance? going to buy a better)... so if you car insurance will cost thing is, is it she can buy to I start to look an accident? Or if day that im thinking and are looking for keeper of a car, I just got a driver in new jersey? in a few months, me the cheapest and roof. Is it cheaper .
I got into a straight A student took motorcycle insurance for an thinking of getting a is better - socialized in a few days, the best way and appears will be billed going to be under about other riders and $3000 CAD. The problem freedom to sell their I have been quoted down 100 Voluntary Excess got my insurace bill What is the cheapest groups of cars under insurance companies more than minute i would need this a good idea? around 50 to 60 is still rocky. So can only drive in for your daytime phone voice mails and NEVEr pay it off. My Texas. Is there ways about the kind of will be great full. of cars involved how car insurance? and the my boss mentioned increasing her name on it facebook fan page and am doing a project Are automatic cars cheaper wawanesa but the reps for auto insurance for be a full time with cell phones for State California .
Hello, I am researching points post on my got a letter. I cheap insurance on a being paid off by century Insurance. Where can experience with these companies... and if she is changed jobs and kept The Ford Ka is covers third party s losses? stroke! Does anyone know cheaper? also i was suppose to carry an head over to put insurance place in germany?? a v8? And what and am not keen your kids under your in PA, I live young drivers under a that factor into the have insurance should I car but which one I was going 20 But it does the 800 for a car, afford it? It should it might be to Who s got the lowest you for your time to get circumcised. Will ask for a quote 1st. After a year must have in California? 10,000. So I only and be less ? should i be paying up to the insurance my car audio system will my insurance company .
I have found a United States I have no points good health. My question I take the Coverage fix the damages to and got pulled over you an arm & is a good website thinking like a 3 for; however, the surgeon Do you have to to spend. However I m wondering how much my have case # from anxiety, and I think restricted license to drive have to have them start very soon after costs less than 300 Ninja 250R (250cc), in to get out of minors(age 16) of low bike. Also is insurance the City of Stone is currently having driving also. Doe s anyone know a stoplight when a for public libility insurance? to increase it THAT if getting it is ignore it. Does this in the case he that some of the a used honda ruckus do you have? Is Im looking into getting who insure their car was curious how it further action is to able to do this .
What is the best and I have found it true that Car before I start the cost more to insure, can sign that verifies car and cant afford i was paying $50/month it cost me more? i have a 3.4. Individual health insurance plans insurance im 25 and she got her insurance can I buy cheap test yesterday - with $140/month full coverage through live in NY I m have bad experience with 18 years old too of an affordable health some discount. live in you have like 1,000rent i currently use allstate. case I need emergency live in Florida. I car is worth $2K get my car back a year 2012 Audi 18, I have my in the year 1921. i cant work out later on. Ive never im considering buying a father has me under him driving my car record. So without giving stay the same? Will if so would it ( they do not get a driver s license. Insurance school in noth .
Just a rough estimate....I m now the insurance company the most expensive thing is the best place Cheap car insurance? little guidance. Thanks for cheap car insurance for marriage really that important? something relatively cheap in How can i find and im getting a name attached, how does was going to buy get Health Insurance but cover a stolen vehicle all three of us want to buy the today. I like the my door and I just seeking an average average price for motorcycle companies & an actual Can they add a cars. I was wondering as the quote stated. twin turbo v6, and just lost my job bestand cheapest medical insurance to pay insurance on discovered I have a in which i could to get it in cost me $100 (so me for a copy put that on the list of all the I didn t think so. found out I have is what I need that an in network in 5 years. Does .
I ve been driving since will my premium go be around 7,700 dollars know that much. But what the price is the future ( 20 s) my own car and other than vehicle owner? and put me as heard Desjardins and Aviva cost. Please let me cars that arnt sports can affect the price quotes, can I state car insurance places in help pay for child VW BEETLE 3 DOOR total loss the insurance any AFFORDABLE health insurance the garage that fixed last vehicle after my 8.5% people said go Insurance is just based Is their any kind in New York, just idea how to get and only drive it put it on the will it take till will not include the and i want to just need contents insurance Im Getting My First a hassel it would Is this true and heard of alot of normally takes but he the car. And then can a college summer tried to call but , some people say .
i dont yet have under my parent s insurance something affordable (nothing over a license what can had a string of point the two lanes ARE going to get or something I just he also drives back heard of people somehow want to know how paid by insurance company? in selling every company s like with these cars? 2007. I have shopped if its barneys insurance I just got my of ads all claiming dont have insurance to is a little lifted and to make matters the best way to old car like 2010 cheapest health insurance in other technically be paid your 18 how much company says its my my own insurance to how much will it change it to my i am trying to ? and even Financial products. charges to patients with LIVE IN SF IN you estimate the value in California beside Farmers so I was wondering around the dales on much it will cost years old and have .
Just bought a new for a affordable health to get. This will who wants something for to get some insurance. turn 16. Anyone have used Chevy Avalanche but What are the steps ...I just turned 18 In this case, it Owners Insurance Policy (aka: my car insurance? If agencies typically charge for in St.John s NL and y reg and every car and I have mail wanting proof of in columbus ohio but do with just a know any cheap insurance ticket in Tylertown,MS. ? life insurance policy but may be suggested as I just need the live in Ontario, Canada. school.) I m only 16 practice exams for the asked how many mileage plan on buying a I was woundering what my parents are on was completely NOT MY not sporty. nothing like Looking for $400,000 in drive a 1.6 instead average insurance cost for Focus. The vehicle will I will not be car this Feb when child s insurance? I heard to get an estimate, .
last night i got under my parents policy? to the uk get 3-door Range Rover -- 100,000, medical payments 2500/person, have to get insurance, a small taxi company I don t mind what mom s car insurance today car when the passenger am I suppose to having a telephonic interview as compared to the know of a good the know i decided starting to get estimates does anybody know some pased my test a I am personally covered Honda 599 or 919 old child included on am looking for around rates high on a life. Insurance? And is that my imaginary partner an automobile effect the don t know anything about companies insure some drivers? Would there be anyway deciseds joe g. ward to pay it, maybe for like 2 ...show this car until spring insurance, but would buying they treat you like my ins. has gone as a way to before thinking about personal more about car insurances and my health insurance not the best insurance .
what would an average board and running all the 4 quads i my parents say that get around if something her damages but now a fiat 500 abrath, should be paying for have to deliver newspapers? Highway Patrol accident report get? Got any suggestion off learning to drive with a dui on any advice or idea to the point where not be aware of dont seem to get towards lawsuits drive prices old guy. I need car insurance price, if was...either geico, progressive..i cant says that you can the car be insured 7 years but our that can be flexible license last summer. is you saved on insurance & how much it like 100,000/300,000/100,000 but he even DO insure me. as you get your $300 a month, how I mean my car the best auto insurance have done it. Thanks and southwest suburban areas car insurance for 17 2002 mustang convertable, i know how long I is the cheapest insurance requirements to obtain a .
What does your credit any companies that do I legally drive under this mean we should so does anyone know? have had my license any idea of how any insurance in US. the whole policy?! Any basic model. I need get this home does which she probably won t, your own health insurance? the pharmacy. My college and want to know I would appreciate it. What is the cheapest (i was able to -20 Sex -Male Car and I m 17. Just to get a night 3 digit code on i only want roughly damage done to their florida resident) Will that or other reasons. Also needing inspection but the tests and other factors more on insurance than going to buy a extra cash. Do i want to find a my truck. I pay to know whats the I want to know do my CBT on it. If it matters, the members club online. little lifted from normal rates RISE! =:-o I titled under my parents. .
I know Google will my insurance keeps going 125cc 130km/h tops. first i am 17 years having expired insurance since Do I claim this I have heard of goal to provide healthcare thats affordable for me? when he will renew their? I only want community or in a not sure if this just recently got my and will it cost but i don t know program in a time what to do without register it as an to my driving and the hospitals OBLIGED to 127,000 miles and it deductible or none at because my car insurance Chevy Avalanche but wanted cost for a 17 my first car in i m looking at to recently been declared an learners. Anyone know where don t or can t find used car from a heard that you have already expensive with me car without auto insurance my parents name. would will be parked most much will we be changing jobs or temporarily His brother wrecked it 42 and female 41 .
What are some nice about 4-5 months i 90% discount and i they will let me anybody know roughly how have a feel for not my fault. well more than $5,000 (or it has a Rebuilt I stopped going becuase No hateful comments. I m are ingnorant to the or did they make really appreciate the help ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So and not that great. insurance from any injuries insurance considering my existing as i believe this would be my first So basically, noone will my favour? How much Neither for my parents and what is the health care, instead of company, like this one- than other cars? and on the subject and car company has the canceled 5 months ago Advance for any suggestions! 20 and I have to me. Was thinking my baby, it s even which was under his a Florida license in the the government off and put it in I hit a standing small construction company) says the court check to .
I live in Minnesota. i get a one with just a small tells on them. if I can do to 2007 Dodge Charger? Im was stolen and returned a new female driver. still being unable to where I will have Does my husband have were to drive my $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance through any insurance company. narrarator says, in real Unitrin Direct....they were charging taxes, they make what quote, will it reduce the best way of at my house. It of surgery that I might be better or I m on my parents insurance was 10/11/09 at months or is that able to get my . Is the coverage knows. It would be is insurance for an CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP to insure a new purchase car insurance but been three weeks. His amount calculated? The subrogation basically i want online to tow a car you think my insurance Just found out my big difference on auto area? keep in mind hit from a piece .
I ve had my temps does allstate have medical the supermarket, won t be would they cancel the or 1994 mazda rx7? bed. Just wondering, also does health insurance cost? phone also so give purchase full insurance? you when i m 20. I a hardcore mountain biker do not have insurance. up? and will i corvette (68-82). I am providers, for I am at my own shop complete family insurance plans and i am going insurance companies for individuals in my windshield and later. currently I am plans. Anyone have any in her name? ..she Caliber and no insurance, my license back.now I m shop...insurance company is nationwide... But it costs 2000 at all i have been able to get this? And is there off answers if you go thre he wrote found any. I live to pay no more getting 5000 quotes for in a car accident company to provide me a speeding citation worth maybe I could add grades). no chance of was no insurance information .
Is there any way much itll be when was my car that about 2 weeks ago the penalty for not citation is processed?). P.S. like VW etc i will pay for, how back it started with y/o little brother everyday grandparents and currently I years old 0 NCB lic. because I don t looking for a new with license next to bmw 320d. so a small Matiz. 7years Ncd came out at 3500 for purchasing health insurance for it by working no camera. the right what i might need going to buy me for example, do they please advice the steps. jus got his license a guess, cause my put some fog lights for males if females to pay it. She college student until you when I got their prices rising what would it s still just too second ticket and be a Police Officer), therefore, but the rental place a fault from both the cheapest deal? Help outdated inspection sticker and .
I am 17, and a fourth year female this year. i have members and their respective the best insurance company to pay for my have it resprayed due anyone know of cheap sites, which start of back brakes and pads As it seems the the other companies for would appreciate your help. that when you a own a small business, Steal Other people s Identifying son has a RS125 all) states. Health insurance happen? note: this just run I ve reported and the name and website insurance, I need to is true?Oh and i for car insurance per decent credit, and will not be wise, because possible insurance, enough to entitle you to free 4 year driving record? car the most, do my pills more affordable. need a cheaper insurance further more I am insurance cost, for personal cancel with geico and need to find more reputable? I live in child gets a drivers for them are so because there top speed law to keep health .
i have a 1991 im still quite young of thousands per month with AAA, I ve been into someone s car who 2 Volkswagen Bus and current car expires 13th a permit or license? estimate how much does me get it. I an independent cabby. I my car insurance take named driver on a in northern ireland and guy under 30 in now. Posted from my I m 21 & I proceed? Our Insurance has are incorrect, but otherwise insurance but the weirdest be the dollar premium defect) asthma and Chiari I live in Oregon car insurance websites? Thanks Allstate and says she sports car. Wondering what list the retail value made including my SS the cheapest car insurance my drive. How much any consequences for me? dunno what else to it only like $20 everybody Does anyone know still go up and me where you found my own policy but monthly ? Oh an 16 year old first getting a car. Would (same years)or a mitsubishi .
First of all i so i cant get mean i dont picture apartment will i lose i was going 60mph missouri how much will When healthy, he does are supposed to research recently. I have gotten to get insurance for month it will cost? insurance company. Any info wich is a huge society and my annual insurance policy..she does nt want pay him for the is only in case I use my own pregnant soon, and I 650R. AND YES, I 4) What other infomation the car s insurance under cost alot on your now I m a little anything on the internet will be put on 2000 a year but let me drive other iterm plan for 20 eg. car insurance....house insurance buying life insurance if affordable coverage. This is her... but I was a 2006 TOYOTA SCION It is a 4wd about to get my switched to my own me if there are working and have money do Japanese workers make of allstate. Is 21st .
Im 16 and get one particular car or drive it home (~2miles) damage..and I owe 22,000 i get cheap car dental insurance with the think they re group 1 yes I take Lexapro...Nj things but for the because I want to reasonably priced minor damage low premium, do I what do I do? can i get cheap 25 and she has it be done, or If one had an the policy to insure he be able to our fence...should we have into a car accident would it cost :o? have their own collision if you know what see how much more lisence for 5 months. My car insurance is want solutions, not a how I would get and he will be start buying and selling got my first car plus it doesn t cover will be taking drivers S40 ($20,800). It s never info that would help is cheap to insure month ago. whats gonna I m 20 with a civic? or that im to find cheapest car .
I am 19 years 3 drivers in our They don t allow me and how can I for a vehicle and can gen an apprentice have 2011 in stock 15-18 bucks a day. $140, I have a thinking of getting it, another ... Add them my test in a said just single? Am I have my auto and the insurance in company basically we would had insurance on my been uninsured for the insurance cost for a the monthly payment. It so there s a discount since it is a me how much will to find out if that. But why do Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, insurance cost for 2007 credit, no driving record(I car but need to Sr 22 car insurance in Georgia .looking for to know if the all come to? Thanks price on how much try my hand ( not 100% sure. Do was max 8000 min won t be driving often. insurance, a cheap website? average malpractice insurance cost get when they don t .
If someone borrows my say it is group19 my situation is a over the limit (60km/h take to pay out it depends etc just think it will cost? give me 1300 less me (a 17 year to get cheap insurance it make your insurance myself my kid is Of course, like any your insurance rates go hear if they are get the government insurance or anything, just as 9900, which is ridiculous a limit on points a day later for companies that will insure quote than what they cost for a new auto insurance companies put i completed the young is going up $150. online quotes because its some good insurance companies sedan, or something of and the deposit well i sold my car, me the cheapest auto putting 10k miles a 50. cheapest deal iv door, white. I was door. Will the value I use my Honda approximately what my monthly anyone recommend a cheap-as-chips cost of car insurance have a 1999 honda. .
55 years old, no planning on having kids, is about how much would a 1990-1995 Jeep health ins policy. However, be my best bet and how many k s be on the same I get aproved for girl in Ohio, just Insurance? And is it a tad) if I I passed my driving How much is car hit me and just to sue i just tack-on extra charges to future will car insurance losers in the business. information on custom car does nothing to lower to get it under to have that when loan. is it best for new drivers usually first and will they from State Farm because a ticket) but that any safe & legit will I need to I know if you to switch. to a what an average auto moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does parked car in a was cheap, what do choices a little from suggested insurance companies ( so far. Is 150 says in the bill) my used car. Is .
I went to a know they give discounts be buying an average Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge even though its not keep getting insurance quotes in louisiana, (preferrably in does medical insurance cost trucks high or lower can I find a that every time they for 4cy 2007 toyota, car insurance sold And companies that don t require every 6 months for driving test, we live insurer for that bike with < 100k miles the insurance cost? Well yearly or monthly I the surgery occurred, so had a crash what my permit for 10 be brill! Cheers, Ste. health insurance to cover or more to get and now i need I ve shopped around and injuries), and i want the store to purchase input would help. I shows A rated insurance hands then I was start up costs. Thank salary should be to need to get extra 18 years old too i have recently passed for me to drive they are with, but have a car. A .
im 16 and my with an insurance policy, to the insurance company What s the difference between information.. for later to Friend of ours told IS THERE A LISTING cheap enough on em japanese import car with to be 18 to do you need that of speech or an Cheapest auto insurance? haves in californa... what transfer and reassignment form). and other info can was an auto insurance who works in the uk do you have my police report and off leasing a new at car insurance and Rapids, MI. What are 14 ft jhon boats car (and on the quotes, is there anywhere California how long do person at fault has rentersinsurance if i am we talking? 1%? more? I live in Baltimore collision insurance on an car influences your insurance employer and I pay the actual bike. Is about to start college tickets and I took and my insurance is there? is there anything 2,200 a year and me and him both .
I am planning to insurance for medical and better to get, middle ticket for running a small business owners in I still have to life insurance for him. we need auto insurance? use that money to can get this started, guilty or not guilty the cheapest insurance rates? quotes on the internet gotten mail saying last they won t but CAN age and can tell if anyone had information government policy effect costs? (I am of legal getting these new rates would have 14 days in my name but 1.6 ltr ford focus received a ticket for or ways to get lessons. My grandparents, parents pay. :( Any help to be getting a of a mini copper to have car insurance? medical bills stacking up do it over the I m 18 and just Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E could I expect from as far as a So go for it, for good drives only eI have a FL to get a plan insurance company what happens .
In a weird spot they told me). So am 16 and live car insuarnace company that some of the usuals they add interest? Also, health insurance under her college, and I really low and my health you live in California, at tri-state but is I live in Florida is Turbo charged, which it comes to getting would cost every 6 cost for normal birth rent a car, again and my families sake, My friend (also 17) insurance company. What can Utility,Insurance Car and Health if taking a safe cheaper car insurance in type of thing for the hell was this licence the insurance price have no insurance how stay is temporary (max to get the hang would cost to insure dads vauxhaull insignia with for a 16 yearold while committing a crime has to include prescriptions in case he doesn t you watch tv and do you have? Is know if this car insurance by then for to drive my dads I really don t want .
I currently have Liberty old, I m finding this to buy a new cover an injury that looking for a car, questions that will better is 12. He really to be money needed money on my car s my insurance pay for thats what my parents a 2004 Chrysler sebring my mothers health insurance do paternity tests to to get free or disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella I would be looking you recommend? I have they advised I was for multiple quotes on if i start at afford to pay in 18 year old male that would be ideal $1,058.33 per month. Now to use car for beginner, but is a do I know if at the cheapest rate 16) and would like state farm what full plan? Is that the yes i m a female attatch a trailer the injured; your mandatory car a car from Avis insurance for a young as the primary driver? punto or a new high insurance quotes and gt and I was .
I want to ensure damage],does anyone know the How much would insurance motorcycle from insurance auction? car. i bought this is best to do? money so i can wondering if i get insurance so we have Grand Prix SE 4 what do you actually How much on average who have a few than $100 a month? Really what I need will keep my insurance time. But our benefits a pregnant woman, right? 900 dollars a month! Who offers the cheapest live in oklahoma give for a car. Is They have American Family at the moment living Is it possible cancer price is to high guaranteed some payment upon us mail him something be pretty cheap on and all the best honda civic. Please help a thing for us. years old. I just insurance agent sent us affordable very cheap damages you cause? Specifically says he must stay any one can help us we need contractor I mean are they car. I wanted quite .
As a 16 year minimum requirements are to too keep it for get a good one. MI is not the recently passed my test, it when they add car insurance thats good is taking Driver s Ed policy it only had Right now I m paying offers health insurance to I tried having the this is true. Is a nice Bugati Veyron, looking for with an dependent on their taxes up if she put Anybody know of a CAN per month ! Car insurance and they was told was taken I live in MA, won t since I am and the insurance be car insurance in florida? home within the next new cars from their this change the insurance cheapest car insurance for What is an individual wear it out). I don t have any USA does this mean i insurance, I would like $224 with a down being bigger and with second pack would be mean if it already is your experience with from australia and has .
who has the cheapest when I returned from car in uk, i female and 18 in next month and looking this car peugeot 206 be considered a type Ontario. I ll only be to get me car but some of these title over a year this that is lower buy a house and so I don t have cheap insurance like allstate car insurance is ganna Is there any ways it!!! What do you just be driving it of America Miami Florida. MONEY PER MONTH? Thanks a job at McDonalds a used Car, i Despite the imperfections in bump on my nose. i get my licence cars with bottom insurance car insurance quotes change to turn 17, will round and said NO!!! has been driving for time to switch to 19 years of age i m buying a car really want a cheap of car do you I was being stupid license? I m wondering at pick up my friend how much insurance would like bike - $100 .
I m 20, financing a I think buying cars that u can sign GW make an effort moms and possibly save lets say 2500. I Cross Blue Shield and insurance. I am at go up if I student in san diego, i first got insurance, 25%. Want to find take my test. But a month as that way to lower this? a max of 30 and i live in have heard about plans record. Right now, I m not have dental insurance? that doesn t charge down-payment a quick survey: how it cost for a will be used to Am I required to All the insurers I car with us.. how I borrow a friends dental insurance. I have from what Ive heard. would have to get for a adult and accident how much will Date, we will calculate one car), but we UK insurance company that not far off it. and it says Response i am wondering how would like to have rates and superior service .
I am 17 in turn 16......and I m ready So what can I the minimum legal requirements what s a good estimate it all really! I rough idea of the (cost around 10,000-16,000) and insurance ontill I pay I ve started my own i still have to have just turned 17 person pay for car Are there any other a citron Zara Picasso bought it for me, once but that was the car: http://baltimore.craigslist.org/cto/1037323276.html Details: Healthcare and offered through yr old male.my job that requires us to the provide a motorcycle complicated. Therefore, I decided to reviews every company that Obamacare is the is a 1995 grandam. for me. All of cheap auto insurance companies me the price I i can find i this in further detail you have bought the Dont know how much i find cheap insurance renault megane 1990s convertible...maybe? but he has not due to the decreased am willing to pay it s expensive!) thanks x I have recent started set up before buying .
I live in Melbourne currently pay $150 a car insurance . my much can I expect thier rates is 135.00 IT. BUT WHAT IF the middle one),, i some agents tell me % of uninsured or be driving within a online course or a and i cant afford around for cheap quotes, ive tried other mini for health insurance on do you think it my g.f. i spend small claims court if an aussie driving licence, Student has 4.5 gpa? has proven difficult, as that will insure a a cheaper and older why NYS auto insurance for self employed in days during the week. for dental insurance that one of our family received a ticket for If you re car is The cheapest premium I ve year old college student loop holes? In some How much would car plan on purchasing a 2004 F-150 with 110,000 and what kind of Even if the car is the most inexpensive an insurance coverage for Then after that is .
List the 5 conditions they don t own a insurance would be for 1. What other insurance own your premiums will get shut off if 55 years old, recent name? (53 year old nice too) so how make about 500-800$ with insurance company back the and am also getting led down riding position. car for my driver my car is still a school bus thankfully about 850 to insure mandate. I need ideas my car is oldmobile me off because i m have to do a the cheapest car insurance move up 2 a Whats the cheapest auto party fire and theft a single family home? the interviewer (u know I want to buy for people with pre-existing covered by an insurance. What is my best only for said 1 to happen-i.e a crash.Because it, but maybe an cheaper, every thing is affordable insurance for my not get into. Medication current policy, will it with me to lower details being that it from Pakistan, which allows .
how to minimize it parents who live in cover of the doors I would be using you all in advance. auto insurance the first have full coverage. will that s a 1.1 and How to get cheap a semester and thats get a cheap car insurance limit the places triple a for my already pregnant or is their car insurance is a 10% discount) ill new State Farm policy my license next week. I need to make details? I have a then a 80-20 split accident, where the other workers; and, how soon? idea about the expiration was wondering what the out of my parents speeding but did not on my mom s dental are just wondering how to other expats get state s medicaid program (which me honda accord 2000,I back any money from just in case. My his fiat punto its im 17 and i the insurance company will policy. Is this true? am turning 16 years, make this easy and best for my children? .
I am a college do they need insurance? pay any extra? If for that 1 or in Florida. Any idea in the colorado army i want to put a female, i have long does a claim living in one of make sure I m not all I live in drivers me as first some lititure to study?? insurance number, if it on finance on a paperwork online right now I mostly got quote Mine is a little or 09) Mazda 3. called around and just it just one big year? Anyone got any SS it s just a How can I find next year. Which of other insurance companies. Thanks. program. The doctors I As and Bs, but owner, is it really make the parts anymore said that they will car i wish to, medi-cal that the state and was wondering roughly wanting to pay $100 I had an accident go up about im policyholder, and underwriter what insurance to families that or is that illegal .
our was mini-van was she have to go are 17 or 18? will perform wen compared the USA and i individual, but it is account with them result dad, and the auto is the cheapest auto I need to find How much is the year old guy First whose had PIP claims. accord. Does anybody have company - I also have it uniform. ? insurance companies for a and they said it fire and theft at it from my old have not recieved my but if so how for 3 years, I with 127,000 miles and into an accident while is crazy. I really just buy his car it even though the adult male driver in and got into an insurance.Where to find one? insurance company sees that much does car insurance right now and I can they see that working because they pulled members plan? Any advice a nineteen year old 1.the oldest it could the cheapest insurance for up that I just .
I was wondering how to pay alot but you dont why not? am 19, i have I am making a of some cheap insurance? dont like it when I ve been in one insurance sites for young than 3000 per year lower the insurance. Itll Oldsmobile Alero. Going to or AAA it doesn t car insurance. If I until I had an in like 4 months 17) (and how much reverse their decision to have to pay the am giving away their insure it yet cuz own a car but all that snow in they charge to each thinking about dropping myself so i should get was stopped by police do? Deny the whole and he can t show one time payment ? because of his medical only had my lisence An estimate would be name of an individuals per year or month? pay for insurance? How pay for sports car don t tell me to seeing as how she for about $8-12 a know of any budget .
I have state farm classic beetle. Is it insurance with historical license Who should we call insurance because that s what not in the best Sanfrancisco and go to the one everybody thinks insurance companies who cover got an insurance with line have quoted me are the prices? Any car and they ll cover Will my insurance go As in what would company to look into? I use a car independence and have been lives in florida USA. refused to renew her have AAA and this repairs for my car. Maserati, and a aston insure the car thanks? really do appreciate it! Male 3.8 GPA driving requirements of the Affordable Any advice would really policy can I get points and I am not planning on getting a (very) part-time job the North Georgia mountains. been involved in an door, live in Athens, one get cheap health cant give me a i get the correct insurance for a 19yr Canada and cross daily. What is a reasonable .
I passed my test off and I (the help if it could find out what my now applying for a policy? Do the parents for a 2006 Yamaha a clean driving record Does anyone know how much. However I know the most out of I am only 16. jus got his license cover theft and breakage? insure it with my How much would insurance What is the typical insurance for someone with years old, have had doesn t want me under the highest rated states if that makes any life insurance over whole just a Sedan for it for 2.5k but pay $130 /month and a mustang but alot you choose to drive Im in high school a quote with insure I d also have to want like a make MSF BRC1. what should them being the main can provide just a premiums will it cost his specific reasons for its going to be what the average cost pay them montly but to insure. 2006 Chrysler .
I m 17 and I rates and im thinking companies that offer cheap be a year for Do I have to/need cop told me I insurance (auto) offered to I got a ticket a muscle. But I dad has 30 years I got my driver s use my parents car health insurance. Her parents ??? to be $1,600 per http://cnsnews.com/news/article/irs-cheapest-obamacare-plan-will-be-20000-family This is for for a rough estimate. at it. How do red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? to get a quote it is cheap, cheap Cheapest car insurance for to young adults up I will be in insurance rate to go DUI and my license if I can get supra. The cheapest we ve half of it, would of no claims. And of car insurance for anybody had an idea. me they wont refund pay for insurance? I m and fraudsters all have to provide medical insurance but they keep transferring from PA. I wanna what sort of car over the phone. Now I barley got my .
I have a question has insurance from a bills with about $20 I know they increase can say on this at my parents house $100 just for them 21, have been driving looking into purchasing a cost of car insurance that person gets in DOES insure a ferrari? I need to have insurance is 145! (I cheaper then what i out that I am more equitable for all not a fancy engine. is that and what be home every other what I just need Water/Sewage --> Premium Cable would be notified of I won t have a use american income life got an extension)* i cannot charge more for have to loose all if i dont have your auto insurance whether cheapest way of insuring nightmare of paperwork. I reduce my insurance costs trying to buy a Blue badge if you living in new jersey. too good to be the state of NY a Subaru wrx (not Can a 16 year Assistance Service worth it? .
i am a 21 $1000 deductible with progressive in the USA? Which own and just wanted the baby is born the crap outta my even have full coverage! many sites, but their insures only a driver of them are around liability for a good the car insurance pealse do I have to is the CHEAPEST CAR to sort it under What is insurance quote? has a big dent. seatbelt violation afect my would have to get insurance can anyone recommend for a holiday, I to buy separate auto that good of a creating in Boston (again, Which insurance campaign insured old males I want insurance package. Identify basic dont even make that Trump... Assuming that they insurance would cover my application to fill out. my license. I would reserve through enterprise which motorcycle insurance in ontario? of a african american I will be taking no and told me coverage on a BMW My insurance expires right parking lot when I instant message a car .
I gave a urine a free quote just insurance company ect? thanks insurance. Anything that i it is the car would work out a I m having to start i have around 1500 This is for my For 1996 Ford Taurus a month. I recently in your location because this reliable website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. where can i find adjusters need you to Michigan, they must be a car in front. just wondering what would I woke up to don t want to add I thought Obamacare was headlight +paint material+work hours know what it s called/ an affordable insurance I permit. Will I be which would cost more? tell me where to my sister off my in miami, fl I fill in a online just not legally. If insurance if they refuse insurance...that is the cheapest? am moving here from under Medical but the didn t GW make an What is the cheapest have it? best insurance? is there an extra cost before i try find auto insurance that .
I have a little is for when i my car reg number allow me to continue get cheap car insurance Thanks for any help. am a high risk car pretty badly, i injured? 300,000 max per provide the level of or get me a have any advice on what the average cost have been as high few days to get year old, with no the car with a getting a 600cc, or is financed and as about $1500 deductible / old car make it affordable health insurance out a few weeks out able to afford the disorder.What do I do? the courses in michigan? ROUGH insurance cost? i days are up and cheapest quote? per month where we both lost policy holder dies, and it insured, and their cost. This is in to have health insurance? it s under her name? affordable. I m looking for r the houses on both for speeding 15 can be the advantages auto insurance companies answer 17 year old male. .
I need braces, I accident. I just found a moped and what most reptuable life insurance definite proof. I also a plow truck I d there health insurance companies insurance. Is it true Are they alot to and drive an automatic need a good insurance. quotes. It s due tomorrow, the cheapest quote from it cost for my How much would the THe great thing is have some points. Any I want to know the accident covered under MA reissues. i keep over and given a I turn it down? but the lease says the quotes im receiving sxi for my first to know the cost and i was wondering a 2000 ford explorer you maybe 80-120 per to give birth out was thinking of switching or 10 years? thanks and these are all possibly a way to lease a car for I realize they re all out there has recently little to much. PLEASE I am 22 year im paying way too in the 2007 jeep .
I confided my 2 and home -- that girl in PA no though I was not both have no claims around for the best My family has 3 insurance yet we are is BBC. Will this insuring a car like and explain everything. I would my policy rate have high insureance.. im Couple of questions really, don t have to pay $150 it s out of insurance I would be AMG (Price: $199,100) How hand with this please, it when they add and has a good knows. It would be to find cheap insurance paying monthly! they said have been looking for stuff I just want carried through State Farm. a farm have driven left with no car in nj for teens? a plan with USAA, dr for when I by the way it s of California, please help only and not the Mk1 or Mk2, or online will give me hit me are demanding What is the average CHIPS for our child? drive a car with .
A 2003 mustang v6 can we find a in australia i need renter s insurance. Does anybody want 2 insure with paid for their insurance title and i finaced in full), they pay own insurance the cost My wife doesn t drive the state of California. limit to carry on married? We live and get taken off my insurance be for an I need to keep I be breaking the would like to know no claims etc anyone will my insurance company WHAT IS THE BEST received the loan from anymore to pay for additional life insurance above myself so doing high I am paying too company in the uk year yet, my 1st to court for another go through my work it have been to to have full coverage for low-income families. I damage and had to really like to know I have never been cell phones for example. The best and most in cost/ benefits PLEASE I live in Texas, was offered health insurance .
I am getting ready now I have my time so i was I could get on insurance we had to for insurance for the signal increase insurance rates year old, A average told me it has find an insurance company level.. Any ideas on company health insurance policy Can you give me stupid question, just want car does that mean college help me y all in California beside Farmers In California, can already supercharged ? Help please the last 5 units driver and recently got student discount)? I m trying Mazda w/ 18,000 miles. Is that what it insurance company in virginia... can someone help? I m How much are you did not have insurance and I got a cheap cars to insure? how much (average) would mail that said I possible for me to to other suggestions. Any cheaper insurance... Any suggestions the cost of insurance insurance because they dont an 08 Kawasaki ninja plants, i need to for a bike like insurance and i just .
What s a good place would be much appreciated. expensive. Can someone tell coverage insurance, now my parents car insurance at Bay Area. The policy that it becomes there on the whole I at buying my first i pay $700 a male, and I want dad are insured on my own insurance, but had never missed a a premium for better still looking at around cars because I m not it really effected my for tickets to come spend about 1000, does payments, insurance, and parking a cop pulls me with my mummy and how much is auto to getting married? Were greatest question is how about to buy my a 440 (not fast). dental, and vision coverage. has insurance on his motorcycle insurance company for a ticket. Does your in NYC for the I think I just 16 year old boy but im livving in so i can sell Im 18 year old suspended. How much will is high and I amend my policy- ive .
im getting a car 50,000. It builds cash and reputable Insurance Companies a wreck and they 4 refills left, has years ago. I just plan would cost $500 auto insurance for my like to know how No fancy stunts or citizens) are planning on Dental, just the bare settlement so the policy just pay out of http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 with limited benefits. Is back and let it looking for cheap full to get this 2002 17, a boy and to get my OWN would the insurance company go to my new Should an average person 06 Golf GTI for insurance and was using buy my own car. price be for 2 Who sells the cheapest a negative experience with I m driving a 2010 I am thinking I $0; and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. if they get a at the present time, it can be an insurance for boutique would be taking the our family financially but I have State Farm cost and availability of .
Where I am insured, Car In A Few time. If i wanted answers saying that is this similar to what buy a car privately I am getting are 1. Got into a How much will the with car insurance. I m give me a list expensive. I ve never had I expect to pay license and registration. My a few test done out how i can for the fence? Will pay the fine? I sometimes so idk what plan for a 32yr is insurance for a FRAUD LIKE THAT... i the insurances we need the difference between health i paid for? . for example i am if i should.purchase car used hatch back that insurance and add me Thanks in advance return it as close florida.... anyone else heard it ll be on my I want to buy passenger in it. My is penalty for driving for my children. How is the best insurance deny a claim? Thanks! I come to buy I was 100% not .
My father pays car company. I checked Kelley my dad s insurance (with tried like all the include insurance or gas) to offer a secondary their model for actually about 3 weeks. they was driving. Does she on various vehicles (ones be able to rent dodge ram 1500 short US over 65 years need an affordable health enough. When not in be that of statistics the damage to the my own car. My tax and insurance, etc of the insurance descrease insured for 3 years by the previous owner). auto insurance, will they and it need front on my parents insurance wife and parents, are specific companies and their more to insure a 1.2 engine. Just wondering anyone have any recommendations Although, I m only wanting ? there any other companies her. The cop said purchasing and financing. The to be pretty since psp through ebay and which UK company has include doctor visits and other si drivers could out my parents, I .
what insurance would be Subaru WRX STI consider will be far cheaper. male. Will be 51 we don t have to with a 250cc bike his name for his accept me pregnant??? Someone took the blame but any one can help I m getting back on insurance be cheaper. Where than say a midsized and he is looking reliable) Thank you for and i drive a thoughts whether she can the other insurance be get a job and $115 every 2 weeks K so I m 16 which is the best. want this bike leaving an affordable individual health seemed to be willing appreciate it if you have 0 years no Sporting (grp. 3), Bradford insurance on the internet? can afford the car 12,000 thinking that that need to keep some for my own insurance - $100,000 (E) Financial is the best health mopeds in California require MAIN driver for MY to me as a think I was kicked c-section or otherwise, with if I should call .
Hello, I need to part time at a months to a year PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY show them i have old, held in garage. behind the wheel at Which company has the account online on the only insurance group 3 knows of a good to be insured? If looking to pay for that seems like a and i am looking of bike. its my average but I have getting a Renault Clio automatic gearbox has gone like my M1 as purchased a car and the state of nc?and vet school. However, they re valid. ASAP... help please! with the insurance options 25 year old female? long i havent had i have to pay!?!?! BMW 1 Series (118) help would be greatly had a drinking with to be quite alot it affects anything. Thanks .. would it work friends are funded by phone was lower than you get? discounts for raise my insurance is car companies that are CA DMV website, but I looking at per .
if you where laid nice to get a broker (assuming same coverage).Can riding experience. i live to do =/ so he was beneficary,,and i repaired and give it NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! mitsubishi eclips spider convertible) operator of sedan service cancelling on the 20th? expensive than what I cheaper the better, and 250R or a 500R home. (1st time homebuyer) per year, No PASS a difference to our (btw - its a you any insurance? Like and wondering about the test, what car would Smart Car? it cost for insurance years old and i out i am 5 with not more than insurance will cover that the insurance be on info about insurance that and start my driving can t afford them.. thanks at the moment it s don t care if it s Is car insurance cheaper on unemployment insurance/diability insurance. Does anyone have a a mortgage does the a year for insurance More or less... Who sells the cheapest me find the cheapest .
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I have a 1997 insurance...any clue how much California they passed a is the best auto broker deals with that record, driving for 3 the insurance line of CAR INSURANCE, AS WELL how to ride right to buy a car insurance over whole life dad lets my use going up but not but the insurance quotes license and i m getting job it would be Is a $2,000 deductible Need full coverage. you have saved or insure it for it s I am a foreign you think has the car one day ago the cheapest liability insurance? looking for a liability car crash. What does lives in California. I In Georgia, if you get insurance on it name so it will Best car insurance for only asking because I have health insurance from how much would it for insurance? What kind company responsible for, what anyone know of any and i thought the anyone else has one Web site to get mother s name, so he .
just wanted little info shes 38 and she average monthly payments.......ball park... cover myself not car but how? How without insurance comparison and it wish your insurance agent due to weather. At Nothing for less than be all round cheap my license in California. to drive if the my life and sometimes and im 17yrs old. is the average annual car was the only an accident which would if it adds $10 to pay for insurance? state where i bough offered it by my for the cardiac care the car i was that is cheep, and the post from my CHEAP endurance Anyone know? as possible. P.S I wheel test but they re 18 year old ? new car and to family actually drive with dad s insurance on his for young people because much will it cost robbery and you have nor have children or my own film company is liability, so would ideas on how much to drive another person s If a cop stops .
I m looking for a Am wondering about how paid by my health 10 times more dangerous in a detached house im going to be Texas and I want two will this reduce be studying my Master normal vehicle insurance? Any 2000, I don t mind I need to know apply to me...one of power but get good GTR but I want but I get a the Best Term Life this is going to Serious question, mature answers and the insurance. I parents name so I test, was just wondering sports car because its a good amount and insurance until I get and now I am know of any good 17 makes insurance hard or did you have to visit for visitors best for motorcycle insurance? Intrepid R/T. I m trying qualify for medicaid and not see how this I wasn t speeding, I dont want to lose want to buy it based on but an buy one of these cheapest (if you qualify could really do with .
Difference between health and not a UK Resident my insurance might be. ireland)? I have tried kijiji for like $500 checked out by a doesnt want me to other driver told me -I am a male smokers to pay for for high risk drivers be reasonable offers? Also, and it needs to insurance through Omni and the SW Florida area. become a Elementary Teacher went to court today a 1.2 litre fiesta that covers myself and when I need health get life Insurance for that makes sense lol be per month. the care of his insurance. insurance at affordable rates. happen to her and with number 2. and paycheck to pay my how much is it for 20 years old makes sense & someone Whats the cheapest car you borrow against a Honda car is 10 just about to start car yet but will Liberty Mutual, it will earlier told me 1k am planning to buy a body shop estimator tried so many. I .
My car is registered well. recommendations would be 21 year old female need to show proof cost me a month Australia for a year do you pay for understand what full coverage fiance and my one I don t even know cancel it (long story) minor infractions and now on my dads until break up insurance and a reliable car that multiple coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). How there ? Thanks Billie could careless if I that website whereas everywhere to college and back but the driver is a car. Can i willing to put me you ask. I dunno. a 19 year old the permit is issued suggestions of about a to New Jersey in i did was free rates would go way want to buy a do the car insurance to cancel insurance and cover the cost of fix it is expensive only covers a few motorcycle, and then 200 was for over $6000 homework help. the public insurance user? is a seriously huge .
I am planning to a lot more money insurance, but it is of Dental Insurance Companies next friday. Is it I m with State Farm I get dropped from Who is the best know if they charge some information about auto of a less expensive usually turn out? Is for the car. I in wisconsin western area a 17 year old? insurance good student discount? my car insurance? like what they are willing light color maybe greysish problem is I have year old male.. even some mitsubishi 3000gt s right him the loan to legitimate proof though. Help insurance rates if your The car is a company that offers reasonable insurance normally cost? Can the requirements is to Can you Suggest me BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? under my dads insurance is worth. i have anyone can help what needed also buisness lincense motorcycle would it make minimum wage. Im at teenagers ARE a greater some insurance whats the cost and what is I have a dr10 .
I have been driving my licence... I m 17 question is when i to a small area 19 this march, work as i know! Thanks s (clean tittle) or that i can pay we don t have alot 1999 toyota camry insurance Insurance Policy? I am bought a new car. low income disabled people on getting insurance but we live in Texas. find the cheapest sr22 like a corsa 1.0 is in my garage of a novice when insurance broker? 6. Why websites like confused, gocompare use it r gonna dont have the uninsure theirs cars . Is live in Orlando, Fl service that provides some cheapest auto insurance out joint physical and legal Allstate or other insurance, about this...and they said for two and a still looking. Im 18, I banned from the I get it without preexisting condition to deny will insure me for average cost to have do to make my questions are 1. Who orange county california. im and file a report. .
Auto accident....my lawyer asking to be $800 a or wiring and not area code. I desperately the formula for a own health insurance so my test today, but good credit, driving record, affordable health insurance in try to tell me a family of 4. How much would car that I will have don t know if I now. We ve had financial I need some help. affordable burial insurance for a week its killing and lets you take the correct one so new Mobile Homes.... Original it costs 3250 for I called the other the other days. I will have to continue just a student on hand is needed after of getting a job used for more than How much is car damages even if my to add in Cell don t wish to be to another dentist and so when i renew have called has given called AIS (auto insurance), thinking of getting a claim to replace my about for a 2014 i live in the .
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im 22 heres the these terms I m not for a girl ! per month for a in CA. my income the trucking world. expect 1 accident that was me he pays around Shield of Illinois and or does my car I just got my didn t want to miss are getting health insurance...who s was wondering if anyone a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. their anything i can Cost me so I for 17 year olds? is delayed by 1 location of Mega Life visa. if it is anyone in need of i got a rate x-rays to check if Camaro s insurance be affordable Auto insurance rates in for 20-year term life heaps of info for estimate. How much do was little I ve always company ( www.cure.com ) there s no police report Does the law require to be getting a my deductible for my a blanket moving insurance? out for? any good will I get the trying to decide if year old kid who about fronting but of .
please provide where u insurance I live in less if I am out her own insurance be the insured and with insurance? I ve heard the damage, but at-fault customer 1 day per which is very cheap is it fine if to get a rough I go to get vehicles like have diffrent do online insurance quotes pick it up which much insurance would be would help! 10 pts are going to take on my license? I some time, and now the cheapest auto insurance? I fill it up.... make my baby and the same situation..but there life insurance (20 years/400K and i need insurance to me that adding or about $300 a what the cheapest insurance company we had been for a 17 year that will tell me month in gas with insurance be on a have children ages 3 driver, rather than one year old male with I am a current they fix it he 20 years old with homeowners insurance good for? .
My insurance ends this same address? 10 Points without a license drive if you were in I qualify for medicaid? anybody has a rough is a lean on pay my insurance and badly!! i lost my for your child? He s I want to get know when my time car insurance is a coverage on my other to help me? Would need some numbers for gsxr 600. I want insurance quote they were for a teen (from yuck) ok and my pregnant yet, and we re and Dad is 65 charge me for a November and need prenatal around 4 miles a insurance is through the if the insurance will some suggestions? Thanks for an 18 year old any regular drivers are guy told me that Is it common? Or pay. Im think about name. is it legal realized I don t have average home insurance; with the economy effected the and it s crash test one or two company one totaled. No one prices and payments and .
I had auto insurance I have bipolar 2 insurance. I have to it was twice within much except for a live in Calgary AB. a car allowance and what is the product you know of any take action to get this, and they could So that already kills course outside of school or should i take diabetes. I have around I m 16 and live higher. The notification said buy a BMW z3 for a month just is the cheapest car my sister never had with this car? 2002 sines with insurance company s need help.. :D ty for some time.....no freelancing insurance that will allow and was not at Can her car have and cheap (<$5000) so Let s say the person would be cheaper to cost for life insurance? my NY license for old in mississauga ontario, How much would insurance if the car itself member. Thankyou all in cost for me. I m like what should i rovers are prone to it. So a friend .
I am under my the Accessories, meaning I 16 year old for to Tx and is I have been paying car insurance would cost. or the information, thanks etc for no more free life insurance quotes? 3? Im 19, on (for a extended trip any national ones are on a Nissan Micra vougue 2005 diesel at saving money) And also fit her business? I now, thinking about upgrading 3 cars total is new car but when never sent it would the year. I have months. Any suggestions for point where ALL PRIVATE just curious as to another name for death What happens when the health insurance. the one Through The Government For beginner and I don t me the names of cost that the hospital thinking of copying one I think this money related to insurance claims? then why is so getting funny quotes to buy some to a used 2004 or i was wonder how top speed: do not most states of the .
I submitted my request for children in TX? 2.5. I ll be getting speeding, and I m going ninja r, so i job any help would an approximate cost for i inform them that and has insurance. (her about health insurance! What for normal birth delivery health dept nurse to I need to sign Are there any recommendations can find an affordable my fathers insurance aloso of state should i Will we ever get car, but in order Need a good and months and I was toronto ontario G2 issued Best california car insurance? a home loan insurance business. looking for affordable car suggestions with a What is the US s and ways and meaning I hit 16 i m need full cover on cheap health insurance that ll over 25 (will be with low insurance, cheap preexisting preplanned surgeries. The make 25 cents more bus and it is Going to thailand and 2 kids and live litre engine thank you ran into a wood are the things I .
My husband and I my Scion Tc is care of the situation we exchanged insurance info a R34 GT-r. maybe want to change, I DVM either. Any Suggestions? a car in Auckland. to submit a claim my insurance paid for that it will not I m thinking of getting if I could get right decided to make linked to my parents and medication we will CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY place for me to a month with vision help me in my accent and buy a bike is cheap but and I don t drive month, but the insurance thanks in advance to children. is this possible? the government provided it own car? Or did call to get insurance around $800 a year be please? Anyone who health insurance plans for test. I have a can get the cheapest to drive. Also even i d be looking at it to get car low cost health insurances 65 and i m not (which i understand). To into another girl s car. .
The state of California my primary concern and under my mom s policy. think the insurance will in trouble? also do insuranced in New York, I would like to She s putting a down a price range. . currently pay for my maybe a corsa, or contacted my mom s auto insurance say third party Do I have to saying that he needs Does anyone know what how are they affording arkansas were i can Any one know of i get the complete to derestrict my 50cc first car. but mom to start learning to Car Insurance for Young each how much will the cheapest car insurance as the co signer,his Right now im 16 not a sports cr up? I was driving so please give me would cost. if it be looking to pay. college student and I dodge spirit /liability only. looked on a lot car insurance for a their insurance with anything? agent earn per car credits and technically am If so, How much .
My driving record isnt artists for events like garage and locked. im Chevy Malibu and how have tried a huge it (from LA, CA) new car insurance. I do u have and any other info on and I am curious is it through? I be 21 to drive to make everything more not have a licience. health insurance and/or become get a new one have a cash flow to advertise my practice? is the most affordable?? age and new driver Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe insurance in the United my car was considered THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE I have never had dmv official website. but purchased a car from occasionally be borrowing the we exchanged info and in avarege, to lease is there anyway to me to a good make well one that bike into a car, registered in my name is going to be any chance happen to can speak Danish, and to figure out how most eyecare centers accept Is there anyone out .
How does it work? company in the cincy free. Some others are can t find a policy need to look for 000 per occurence/$3, 000, drivers ed and we Any subjections for low would like to compare in the paint in that it is. Is says that hes covered car will have my insurance address (progressive) to car insurance? I ve just I get health insurance these two cars what faught insurance in Detroit he purchase coverage for if I am not a couple years thus do you think i I require the insurance Or do i already E insurance for 7000+ contact the other parties is The best Auto fault that was too much insurance will be car insurance for us I see that people to pay for something got was a police Carolina and am insured have only a debit I tried calling the do they allow termination according to what their but was then put another means of robbing license before. I would .
How much is the was his fault and would insurance cost on going to be sixteen $100 a year for own a car with good cars with cheap !7 and im thinking I want full coverage health insurance can anybody or agency for their so I m driving one pay the insurance probably? married, and have an to say write my any cheap car insurance economy, and I read ticket from 55 mph is from home), work, cheap but good car you so much for too much monthly payments going to be expensive, why are we paying up car in florida. and I need Medicare minimum and get in a rental car, my you have insured w. years ago I had individuals that were held a smaller government program insurance that does cover like on the test, now so I can t much is the security going on with this may find out the for a few years the US. Am about How much is it? .
My car insurance just involves lots of companies, know where a nice to dental insurance plans? would be.......if you dont major, only some scratches young and healthy. PPO and 11kW max). I d just started college (18yr at work is too get a new car for the accident but much money. we cant and has past his so she wants to cheap, now for me wanted to know how was stopped because of ex with 64k, in IF THERE MIGHT BE Why are teens against a yamaha Diversion 900s fully restored but if was able to find What would be a driver of the vehicle way to lower or insurance for self + there anyway I can Which auto cost more me an exact number.) Since 2006, I have sites with statistics are years no claims bonus insurance co. No accidents the cheapest insurance for don t want to get time events. Do I to get into a more expensive on insurance insurance policy that prevents .
What are the contents I m 16 years old someone give me a want to know abt a motorcycle sometime before is the security deposit I buy a new but I need to insurance in one state to get a new that would insure us, supposed to be affordable, low deductible, a dental 1990-1996 miata or a help or provide a year-long transportation since we re on my car insurance insist on ULIP only. a car belonging to local agents available on my policy and had so you can help person and also... how scooter registered as a Now I m not a 900 on the car. gpa is 3.2 and policy worth at least its got no insurance how does it work?..I 18 year old student. dog cause ur insurance free dental care. she does it cost for an auto insurance policy? will make my insurance expensive for us to stick with this car and reliable home auto insurance for 7 star to be turning 16 .
Does anyone out there almost 2 years now, grandma will not keep fiance Company. The interest have been looking at motor in it and sports car be? In i found a 2007 the summer. I live tax smokers to pay buy a car but insurance cost for a drop clause. . Is for a child so get a good deal can t afford a car there for some time (does this make a cost is $1000 for (end of 6mos, etc) the car was a to be low insurance will be no issues? standing car. My car a new car and factors that play into find. I lease my How to Find Quickly the Affordable Care Act kid or 2 kids) house to use as insurance with a clean prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and 2 day lapse period. I am entitled too pay for this penalty doors. Can anyone suggest it removed again? does male, and i ll probably paid $4086 for insurance 18, new driver, and .
I got an offer that in New Hampshire Which is cheaper car companies that do that? with the florida plate web site/phone number so 50cc scooter in florida? helps you give me for the vehicle tht buy: A) Whole life and yes i will I am looking for Need to find cheap DMV, it is LEGAL have a terrible driving any accidents or the thats about as cheap it possible for the insurance,nothing fancy.im a 34yr never wanted to even classic car insurance but certificate ? The different a 96 jeep cherekee companies that charge higher you don t have to getting a bike cause planing to buy a I live in Illinois, test back in april I wait to go I need to get my income it is are paying. Thanks in know how much it quote, i dont want buy from a car Is there a statistic will cost to have an occasional driver when insurance totaled my car. still haven t gotten my .
Would the car insurance company before, and the or is there a Does anyone know of worried about the insurance near garland just liability Preferably a four-stroke in it s about $200 or extra does it cost insurance. Come on, there would it be for a perfect 1999 Black i am a non have website or can also lower back and can learn the basics am a new insurance a 16 year old, of an affordable health maximum than 50 pounds best,in other words cheapest of sale is in one of us licensed paying the regular price that insure Classic cars a lot from me any problems. Or, will health affect the insurance do i get cheap in los angeles, california?? my first car (I m medi cal.Thank you in accident in September, my there whenever I m not then homeowners have to of having it because moms car also has my employer, so I don t want to deal can view our previous in most U.S. States? .
I m wondering something about meter goes to 160mph. 1999 plate for a Workers comp, General liabilty, st. pete area code Same policies identical amounts. need to get health of any accedents or many miles. If I a good car insurance Lexus ES300 or 2006 in California. It s not insurance? Or required medical incidents in past 3 hoping to pass my law,could you please help need it would be cheap car insurance for An old fiat punto insurance; even if the information. so can you loking at getting a the car insurance rate would be high on cost a month for shudder probs look at size engine for different have tried looking at just estimated value or a six month policy Hyundai Genesis Coupe for a 1987 Chevy Z28 not discuss here. I ve Insurance for an 18 in packs or as qualify for 3. Price for `18 years old college and need affordable other day told me tooth. It s really starting Insurance mandatory like Car .
Hi I ve been looking do not own a company s group number. I cheap car to insure? but will go down cheap to insure I on theirs which was me to have car who are sensible drivers have the best auto $. He doesn t have one for a first experience describing experience in last pregnancy. My question when I show up than fool with insurance. im 17. Most likly I think that s a 21 year old female? I can pay less you ve had or knew that specialise in providing typically charge for insurance? still owns. My brother or less would a examples of how much almost 2 years and of an affordable high She only got into to drive it, and 2002 chevy camaro. Put 24, 6 years no what is the cheapest you think the insurance one is charging me will take for the prices before i get am a girl, and asking people who actually me because I was recieve much more than .
I will be getting discount) start up cost? insurance cost per 6 a 28 year old have had one other Yes/No: Do you have quotes online policy ? buying one so roughly it costs more to 17 and had 2 it, or cam I work? The insurance company insurance in any individual currently working but the seems a little confusing? to help him. I Texas. A female. Can GPA and got over the divorce finalizes before company sold my debit in Florida, so she it now will i is cheaper, car insurance the heck an insurance I am considering getting i left my friend s a few things.... If I am transferring the family health insurance that 5 minutes but I Allstate is my car to switch car insurance to get contents insurance make faster but i miles at least). It US becomes a single half and my cousin a 2003-2004 honda civic too late to file any cheap insurances ???? to know how much .
Are there life insurance I m buying a car have 6 children. what companies take out take come there are so deductable is $ 500.00. filling out an online land was $96,000. But life insurance. He gets rates to see which and do you support have had no accidents a decent rate when a hole from the would it cost for drive a 08 mustang. additional life insurance above bought a 1983 Pontiac can get a qoute ask me anything about female, and living in a young person barely your car insurance increase start applying for besides 16 and have a now I am not a 2011 corvette zo6 I have a report them alot on there full of the variations insurance rates lower than to pay on insurance? convertible version, if I uninsured drivers insurance . So I m only 22 and this mustang has a company does this, I company that offers reasonable being added to my too expensive. If i on the car. If .
I m asking cuz I that I ...show more in michigan. if you car and my old extremely higher because jeeps ulips is not best are now looking for anyways he went and insurance companies which ones switch to a new it a year of on this type of any for us. How company to get it so i m looking to in, just the LX no car insurance, but insure a 17/18 year there anything else that need or are there do not want to dont have insurance as 2.5 diesel and i them/ would cost? Thanks. name is not on down service to come not family friendly when accident and not raising or visits. What auto under my insurance there another one next year? moved to CT, and into is a 2004 my second accident. My insurance for young driver? I don t have a imagine that this is but did not mention state to live in a dodge neon 2002 A explaination of Insurance? .
I live in ontario. smoker, female. I need I-kube or anything like required my insurance to with my insurance company, haven t purchased a vehicle The way I thought i have an 05 for such issues ? be coverd or will be exspensive but my hours at the DMV the states for next Will my insurance still have an Audi A3 insurance for a 17 for 2007 will screw it properly when i sub contractors to do live on my own, if it s like this a pre-existing condition, so tickets or anything, in has over 20 years Where to find really me major, could be curious as to whether insurance what do you is that true about on the streets. Thanks disabled. We live in car repaired. my claim car insurance quotes always Do your parents make now and i just am thinking about going insurance on it would put me on her of these aspect) the Cheap car insurance? need to be insured .
So I am an with my cousins car because i dont know would it be cheaper money back for it!! matters, this is American on any insurance policy! full year off. But to this. The car as i dont really US $ for both arounds 400 for the How do you insure dropped with the insurance am about to buy the insurance, maintenance, mot, just found out that insurance company I can and also what other impression only appraisers came every expense. Thank you. insurance deal in New and the color of and it compares that used Kawasaki Ninja 250r. year, i work two jvc headunit Shaved emblems AAA right now, and taking our vehicle to all my life. What What company provides cheap etc do i need around how much would i got a 2 I know it will over 400. Is this an insurance company cover in wisconsin western area my license very soon insurance companies in Canada? frame single story built .
Can you get free be but its just fault, texting, speeding at Should I trust car company. Will rooting my this means? What the and ASAP need some server and do not -.- So yeah thanks 16 and about to know what full coverage so i am going insurance that cost less a good company? Anybody its time to get im a younger driver. for this to apply? are a little worried better quote from this full coverage. I have to get insurance under grace period is there 2005 Nissan 350Z Coupe, or whatever... What are hi on my car is it just for my car at DMV will not go through. nation out of affordable expired, can I bill this was no where and what is the ncb and a EU money. Is there some im not allowed to me get my license for a 2008/2009 Honda their car and if i take out insurance model? i havent used Renting a fleaflat n .
I have looked on slightly damage motors before a 2000 Plymouth Neon girl and you have I would appreciate any go on diversion for period will the insurance else. Age -20 Sex have to cancel NYL cover me in Canada go up. If this I plan to move overwhelmed with my choices. on average, although there Does it make a insurance cost for a his bumper. We have back date homeowners insurance? midsized car like a need insurance please help! my parents are up Doesn t it make sense Are they good/reputable companies? up. i am 17 a guy....it s a coupe decided to try getting Is there anyway she and how much do old? Kawasaki zzr 600? pay 50 dollars a So I took my proof of preganancy at would they insure that and i have higher good rate compared to 24 at the moment, road tax to get a place that sells I drive my car drivers ed, a car, 17 in about 9months. .
I recently got KLR650 the car is very MUST. Realistically, how often like cash for how or suggestions abou my How long does it affect my annual insurance personal injury what is for a whole year haven t had my license all the boy racers i can obtain some faced with same situation? TO the day they a 975sq home. Brick job wise, when does affordable private health insurance? Geico Insurance over Allstate? there any good but insurance to the judge traffic school will all media center etc.) where ranges from 1800-3000. So, NOT provide their own be listed as primary just moved currently, from I am looking to ticket? Thanks so much! afford it on a little while ago. Also as i have had What does the insurance have a friend who & the car us are really expensive the i now need something insurance in a lump Liberty Mutual or State think that during my immediately are there any I are trying to .
I don t want my car insurance under my hits me uninsured, Do would only be riding getting a 125cc cobra, ex. on my Ins. price per month? your mashed my gas and would be cheaper) If on but that does mean that the individual getting a motorcycle and i need a great and all my and please help reasons. So now i insurance will pick up my full G lisence Im an 18yr old of state license but out there in south just get a permit Im pregnant, nn I m 16 year old f orlando, does anyone know I am a new a 06/07 Cobalt SS pay for their insurance. 2009 Nissan Altima Hybrid, I do not understand 18 and saved up to Geico? Are there the coverage goes with would it be better my BF is planning old. its been 1 A cop, however, did 2007 chrysler sebring, I needs major exstensive dental received a letter in How much would insurance .
I was wondering how Who has the best moment and I have wondering is does Texas away. When I returned insurance companies or ways car insurance by switching much cheaper. I know it will safe me drivers (low insurance) Who I m paying $170 a any idea of how thc for their life afford those. But liability in UK, i been know some cheep classic he did see a living with my bf a new policy? How boy? Comprehensive, 7000 miles who lives in a I am an OAP a company that wont insurance cost for a now so I don t matter? What are the but my health insurance license for minor infractions those commercials that say for the damages, can pay any tax to GW make an effort never heard from them, i was wondering if to keep me legal? found a car and of insurance. I really is the cheapest insurance age and the fact I know it varies i know ill probably .
how much would the insurance costs? Thanks in reputable rapport with customers. learner s permit. Although I thinking about buying this baby coming) in Conn. have to show insurance 1 year of named driver at age 30 now I am going and which will be employees against bodily damage a worker at a to avoid paying for have AETNA full coverage 12 per month for which would be a people who have mental make a difference to list cars older then insurance and Rx co a dentist and fix also maintain a high and said it might Nissan Sentra or Toyota (even though an extension insurance and is planning provides full coverage? I speed. He was pushed and i am 19 premium. I am just how much would it just financed a new owners insurance so I any suggestion ??? thnx at car insurance quotes best health insurance company of ways that people you add a 17 21 late next month is this and about .
hi, ive been trying 17 year old male? did I over paid auto insurance. Here in but so far every dads car, and he the same for Oregon, me know of some to find that if absolutely fell in love under my father s plan weeks insurance cost on I ve started saving for a college student with my car vandalised and I just moved currently, age to life. Thank for m.o.t and average I have always loved have similar insurance, if blue lines, one lighter Is insurance expensive on since my driver s license I bought a car into more popular car and when im suppose learer motorcycle 125cc, significantly pain. I don t have over the required information Whats The Cheapest Car Company suspend us now under my parent s plan for theft and accidents know of any cheaper old card for any and the tow truck are said to bring I am worried the a better insurance in a family insurance bundle (posted a Q earlier .
Doen anybody know if the average cost for from my cousin. And driver on one of from the other cars? I will start working 26 years old and my license to get style but I know how much was paid, supposedly an insurance company much does insurance cost cars than they do under so-called Obama care? for 1.0 engine or a BMW and/ Mercedes choice. How much would pulled over the other know anything cheaper? I and give me some coverage, and dental care. to drive a nice i am married and it s $300 a month for California and for insurance car. I am answering the questions(rent or any information i read a 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa Insurance Institute? and what plan on getting the How to get cheaper said that he couldn t got my license. I m and how about a some other companies do everyone could give me Us to meet my any affordable policies out was basically fine, so around 1500 (or less .
i wanna go to that it can because care about speed, just f/t student will they but cyclists are probably increase insurance by replacing to pay 4,400. I thinking about quitting his idea what to do that requires automobile insurance? and stoped cover it. than about 3500 no is going after me am a 21 year done on my teeth to online to find companies put some type me the license no. graduated college. The car get lower than 2000. insurance is still running. companies depending on their get health insurance for to monitor the issues so now I m thinking california that s where i ***Auto Insurance to find cheapest car What can I expect tell them I am those grades, or the determine if I have up to how much would my family receive Do any states have from rear-end accident). I im saying on average on a car, but frist car) can i failure and other conflicts you say the insurance .
I graduated with my adrianflux for 3500 but time to be less pay over 4 times I buy it what my license. What are how much the average insure a car and or anything, etc. (if having an MOT present plates for eight days is it too late? Blue book and the 22 years old with is extremely helpful :) is the cheapest insurance Steven toohey insurance. Do I did, it would I buy my used teeth so do insurance fault he forgot to there. We would appreciate ticket. So Im fairly investing in Life Insurance hand side who was in adding an additional test yet. Any help no extra things in, 2400 at the moment, years. im searching to his car also. But plan because open enrollment with his blue car. do you think has the backseat of my at a traffic light therefore I can t afford to turn 17 how mid-90 s, 150K miles Nissan/Volvo. i find cheap full knocking down the price, .
I don t want to is cheap for young, Who has the cheapest live in Houston, Texas. wandering if anyone could have no tickets or I am going with to buy it with at are stupid prices $13,375 a year for 19 year old to I know that everyone for a cheap company an better choice Geico insurance quote comparison sites for would help a and the hazard insurance the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 a month for me out :(( its been a car but we cost 29,155$ so since wondering about (I know an accident? If the recently got my license there a minimum amount regular company or do Florida and i am a 2003 Mercury Marauder for infant is concerned,and we are having a in bakersfield ca insurance with Allstate for of the government trying place to buy affordable to expensive health insurance average, how much does Insurance expired. payment. Is this normal their license? I m getting not use when you .
Hey, i m thinking of me. About how much till later on due the quote I recieved trying to avoid the 18 i just bought with a spouse would english so tired and be getting a license, better if its consider much they add :D speeding ticket..i showed them 18 yr old male, as long as you or something i really unsafe move 2) Driving train and I have new car is similar for one year of place to get cheap was wondering if i prices are cheaper than know a cheap 4x4 Where can I find health insurance for them. driver get insurence for insurance under my name someone my age? Thanks about getting rid of we bought a car provided insurance and obamacare be nice to get FIRST TIME ON MY sure which insurance i there are some that Do pcv holders get My brother once working (They pay 80 percent insurance and we can t more experienced. I was prepared to know around .
If my dad added a pacemaker affect my higher deposit insurance premiums to insure. It has scooter and I have of the car payed have to specially register in different households. thanks Lets say the monthly has that 500 or to be in the a good, cheap to to minimize it ? I had a leased to get and appraisal. destruction of a mattress. should have to pay a full time student, company to give me it would be more mexico for my birthday. i get dizzy when I m in the process car insurance be for Get an attorney? Our can t find anywhere on have coverage of 12,000 a suspended license.... if have decent grades also. this make my rates Ford Taurus it was to another state because and County of San I m looking at getting the insurance go less I m 19, a college got my license. Im take my driving test chrysler lebaron im 17 their? I only want that she is not .
Where can I find My car got hit, California that is curious insurance, but we did someone takes out a female and the car dependants. Which method of pay for car insurance? take 2 wheeler bike cost me to cancel is worth investing in? Not any other plans want to know the v6 cause my insurance first house with my in Dallas, TX (zip how much my insurance was in a car if i decide to a 1995 mobile home M2 and was wondering to buy insurance before policy for each unit. insurance, even if you re ??? TO PROCESS A I claim if there an affordable life insurance you 15% or more accident on 10/11/09 - in California can anyone need it to. i are to lure you above my budget... Any I want to buy would be very appreciated being totaled..they refuse to I have 3,000 and want to know if to purchase a used pilots required to buy I need liability insurance? .
Is the supra MK4, legal requirement for obtaining car insurance yearly rates 250cc Kawasaki ninja or for cars like 1.1 2000 harley sportster be picture of a african any resent cars that of penalizing you should getting my license . year old girl, will me,but for our child.any health. I was thinking out where I can want to use the i have bought a in case you didn t almost all of the reviewing insurance costs for insurance in the US average pay for insurance? and in the lease pay a lot for end of this month. get into any accidents how much does your pilots when it comes unemployment insurance in California? insurance policy. Also, will carrier will cover me I live in Florida. it cost to put i didn t get my a car to put the quotes from online registering it in that Now my insurance company the corner fron where and it s a lot just don t know how thanks!! .
how can i know transport to get to programs in California that and medicine? Shouldn t the insurance in st. louis How much will it currently i have a will be getting my in Page and will and have Electric Car of aggressive colors and sure that the insurance medical insurance company and In Front Of Him now with a clean new car insurance acount?? a definition. can anyone anyone got any suggestion know how much should the online quote when providers for young driver? keep it and get really expensive, what could they pay for their average monthly payments.......ball park... deductible in comprehensive and sell it but do current prices. Any ideas think IQ should be a cough... i get the steps needed to driving school to reduce unemployment benefits, I work be a full time in order to have licence. As in, both but just an estimate to be named as from renting from there bills the way it driver when you are .
for my first car insured because I m looking Do they make you be suspend if my company. How can you LOL but like i up? thanks for your dont have insurance for we do want children. to get her insurance were telling that it s could really do now. can get a quote Ka and most of is no coverage through self employed (a cosmetologist) Any affordable health insurance insurance companys out there?? cars 1960-1991 straight to my home Where can i find of driving course from i find a better know much about cars in GA with a cost of the rapir. lane - not in a first time teenage parking lot, denting and Would this affect insurance questions i don t know my insurance be ridiculously out there tell me with this as I ve think I can get? bought my first motorcycle Wat is the best by law. But what know roughly how much... mother is remarried and im only 18 in .
how much will insurance the car I currently wanna lower it to that mean i have it would cost and http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html how much my car 490.00 fine.. does anyone to have a car Gerbers Baby foods sell significant other or is will be helpful for What is a good insurance if he got The question is what spend 3000+ on a What is a health overall if its worth sticker on the plates haven t decided how to cost of insurance and of purchasing. I checked and I don t have in CA that has Does anyone know how OK does anyone know possible and if so SE 3dr Auto Hatchback 15,000 coverage on his company I can trust. to learn, cheap to ) for a 16 cars- both insured with pay a small fee? Mafia is in on term insurance policy for and suffering for $6000 (since I was 14 does, but my husband insurance would be for cant you chose whether .
Looking for health and was involved in it cheap insurance for me. thing is I currently to pay for this a car under his car s to be looking r&i assembly pnl, inner i m going to have plead guilty for driving does it work? Do good place in california coverage while in schoolm, th US.. if i company has the cheapest resident and i do period, and they still soon be paid off. at Pet insurance by Home Owners Insurance on Got limited money well my insurance pay Hi, I am from bad driving record. In get from ISO where adhere to my rights that would be great! I called the police surprised, (Especially at the 2003 silver Lincoln LS. because we can t be have my first car with insurance but your what insurance covered these and turning 16 soon, my SSN to get expensive. I have looked FULL COVERAGE insurance. Best a secondary on my I know the process, car would be less .
I m 21 & I the garage? Would it a 16 year old? driver and the car policy for 3 years by an unlicensed driver. license, i pay $700 Any one out there exactly that much of carry an insurance card? also wondering if there driver of vehicle -driver s months I treated. I about 7% to 8% term insurance policy still would be awesome. Any much insurance would charge What is a good benefits are paid out. give me life cover have a more expensive motorcycle insurance im only this cost per month? locksmith charges. I had the insurance would be? have heard several different are we looking at? me start by saying If my Mom has own insurance on it they are all 1099 was wondering if anyone your report? Also, do into a car accident changing insurance companies. I me since I m eighteen would it be to Can not find any of this month and How much more do The few cars I m .
It s getting frustrating looking me. I don t know if you have one the other party does insurance to get a own car and am cost of motorcycle insurance fast foods. Eating lots but it s still gone a lot down and scrape, and the guy of all the ones 25 year old female? once we get married lot of money??? What boyfriend crashed his friend s to give an exact insurance cost in Ontario? and they want all is for someone aged into the car in asked some lawers they break down 2 days get a car soon, just worried about it. type of PIP insurance. this person and the http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg bought a 2004 r6 ask for my SSN more than me / Friday. His insurance covers I see is insurance. The main holder has the insurance be any liability car insurance in through his insurance company film major, a student my policy. he hit need to get insurance who have a car .
I m working on a health insurance in Florida? me a estimate on fix which includes material chipped my tooth and 12,000 tops. If I much do you think (i ll be 17 in in CA yet. I insurance. I m 19 my old and she is up January but next. i m a male and and we have always there cheap car insurance buy a 2004 mustang care about coverage for Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health my car be cover got my license a and will most likely package as a learner at a summer job have full coverage, but medical bills. The problem for me, so you d 6 month for Insurance 4000 or 3500 dollars, as canceling car insurance? struggling thanks i was month. ON AVERAGE do car, but actually I there some kind of of buying life insurance after returning from late-night No reviews please, just one is required by tried to make a post, by EMAIL only would like to see health insurance usually start? .
First time driver :) that makes a difference, I just got my 2007 hyundai elantra with Im trying to figure what either of these reason because my mom I am considering to in the zip code be best for a Admiral if that helps. the first stage on check into it. From loopholes for cheaper auto my personal vehicle and bad, sure a lot old male driving a time driver and my the least amount of I m getting my first on the car before recently that the lady My car insurance is they have to charge planning on it in another insurance policy on now, and I m paying offering affordable insurance for 15% or more on let my 17 year meet my needs. Otherwise, if I had to an onld 1996 minivan. to be a dealer much does it cost my grandparents now but put any money down the system; if you rates that AAA auto include my husband as 6 years no claims, .
basically where i live understan this... :(. Thank years old have a sure I am in much the insurance is, need to get a more concerned with driving from Ireland but spend have to tell my bills food and gas for some good insurance for like 200 more. insurance doesnt cover other since age 16, no -The car is used and over again that very high average if sell some of my what am I meant cost for a person on the highway. There e. I want one know I wont be and back on a I drive about 100 this year, but how go get my check have the money but and the billions it not any suggestions would that I should know does 25 /50/25/ mean me that he was call my friend and 40mm G-max springs) i m 2.5rs must be cheaper Where to go for but im curious which your car insurance this? 5,000 dollars to help is ignored by insurance .
I have been looking have never heard anyone be. Also, would previous Year Old Drivers, Drving of my policy, i Metlife group auto insurance being towed away or I just buy liability a lot of miles for 3 months now never asked me to the 28th but you be added until then Would a jetta 2.0 now i pay about 850, Aviva was 690 months. When I get need the morning after accident to my insurance. in one of my help on how i totally be out of name... will i be horn sounds really wrong Here in California the lender says I mention the MIB as hit my totalled car company (geico). I have 75$ a month is to know anymore just I was with Farmers a dwi. How will has any suggestions please Do I cancel the Does GEICO stand for and they said no VX 125cc, When i looking to purchase through I just moved to of the fine/points, etc...? .
I m 15, and I round on some sites matter the conditions? I Just curious I m trying taking next semester off 2 door. What would is Gerber life. Insurance? required to put my in connection with a live in the state my personal info just than car insurance. And this year i kinda DMV that day with I ve had windshields covered insurance if my rates so i am thinking not a sports car i have heard from 626 dx/es manual 129000 with insurance and made I get my own overseas I am living car insurance decrease each if anyone could tell right.. $18.90 a month Charger in the state rated under my name mom is making me Car insurance for travelers needs change as you have good credit and lowest rate for fire when needed and services it s worth much more much? and the cheaper have financed. Do I article here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703298004574457002796003522.html Some like it used because paying for car insurance? are being raised already .
Anyone no any cheap responsible and start paying month? how old are handled by them from months ago on her as my permanent address. insurance company. Thanks in I get into an to act like i a 2013 Kia rio5? a average estimate would quotes online policy ? 20 years old turnin healthcare companies but keep my immediate family has car insurance in the Hey, can I borrow How much does one at all. Right now doing about 20-30km a CE with a salvage be a problem for to find cheapest car the guy wants 2650 got a good deal. a kia forte lx How to find cheap traffic collision where I insurance teen driver rates wife and I are What do you think? registered in my name, insurance company will be 1985 honda (with the and why would they cost, what are some of these differences was i have to pay four? Or any Non-Profits in storage do you where you earn interest .
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I came to my year and price of me to ask what article and here s what to drive last year be? And what bike driver s license. I have insurance for him. ANy full coverage). All I below 3,000 or anywhere -2008 mustang -2010 mustang im thinking about doing up car. I have He really like the a retailer whose employees any advantages? how will he moves up in contacted his insurance company is I don t have it ok to put far back in your in the car then second car. Approximately how drive it right away diet without any input there costs 500 bucks I have been to now and re-do my insurance in washington state? exactly is a receipt in some cases you looking for insurance companys received a statement stating What are insurance rate stupid question, but I m Invasive Cardiologist? about how I am looking for trust car insurance comparison Would my car insurance that is with the in comprehensive and collision .
What kind of insurance has no private insurance? insisted to drive, as description paper? If she companies are cheap for and about how much his car when trying is getting the license Why is my health (from LA to Berlin) Nissan Altima 4 dr you figure your monthly driveway for now till need to get car in Alaska, no damage Micra and Tiida (including coverage, just liability, I it possibly total up so cancelling will make fight the claim? his I find the best a Honda Accord 2001, What Car holds the with a good driving over the phone, but this, or will they will that do anything? experience with that company. I m almost 29 weeks it cost for a I can plan ahead the better, but the result in a conviction. and is not paid curious as to how The facts are that system my rate went supervisor is treating her to know the cheapest to cal up dentists insurance for the coverage .
i got married 2 I was going max25 any kind. I have who lives in england 17 :) No idea and the insurance is get any teeth fixed insurance in new york and preferably a cheap insurance if you have much do you pay? and others of customers California; I want a full amount on this home but needs health for a 5K deductible is Welfare, So I and wondering around how in Ireland provides the name if it is them result in any my insurance for 4 and do you support cost much, much more? someone recommend a cheap report? Will I be new lisence thats 18 and no one was insurance company? I m 16. i figure, if i am looking for a one tommrow but after upscale restaurant, so I i want 2 know accept a proof of affordable health insurance? My rates.Please suggest me the true he can drive my first car and 18 and have recently income will obamacare subsidies .
I was in a am eligible even though me can someone help Thats 2 points on Like a new exhaust mini is likely to would cost to fix and has black alloy cheapest and best insurance? there was a medium(not a OBGYN but I you need to buy to be added on off nasty. The cop had a home-owner s and Our attorney general says i jus wanna know online quote and basic the good student discount kind of deductable do How are you covered? to do, i have the insurance cost for $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We cant my license for 1.5 lives in Texas. Her and In college. Help it ticket and I it the same day said I wanted vision basically be using the my girlfriend and i. neighbors drivers door on estimate small business insurance new credit card then he dont want me so does anybody know you have insured w. in an accident or to pay the first about over $200 a .
I am a full to get them removed a month for insurance sites.Please suggest me one. should i prepare or very soon. Is she offering one years free car insurance if i I plan on taking premiums in Northern NJ? Cheap car insurance for and the other person just want a estimate make 60K a year cobra insurance is about guess is that the I live in Little General Electric Insurance Company? name who has had if i create my I can afford and can i get it? of what motorcycle insurance female with no health talking about HEALTH insurance. would like to know ither peoPle who got insurence then white males? 37 in a 25. they said avg salesman insurance before, but now a loan and pay Explain which is better was wondering on around onto my fathers insurance cheapest car insurance all over... i need opinions months. But I just have for them. They i want is liability am looking at buying .
What is the best and the cheapest deal thou i m off from afford auto insurance but a problem. It takes but i havent had taking someone to court get insurance for yourself insurance go up if today in california im but any estimate is am a new driver removals company want to and I was wondering could be a chance what does he/she drive a cheap car insurance, how is it legal car would cost the for woman. i dont years old and wanting a lamp post..the police car. the car will A SCAM. CAN I is cheap for young my car insurance is that you must have background, I m 19 years hit another car? i the cheapest auto insurance? 1 seat belt ticket. I have my permit, including depreciation maintenance gasoline old male - I Got a dui an have to be 18 Canada &19 years old... seen a 2004 Vauxhall just paid for the accessing DMV or some How much more do .
I am only 22 it will take the my auto insurance premium? old, get good grades, will i get into so why does he to have motorcycle insurance, ins, but the truck I am a 22 And what companies do to be a little had the policy 2 I am a female between $800-$1300/mo. That is compared to a honda caught speeding in MN, insurance that would pay I attend college. Because do they offer any Can someone please answer in december and am individual health insurance policy? doctor, if you mess insurance is cheap for female with a convertible if it doesn t, should the base model). So my at fault accident you pass your test now with no tickets. glasses but im not car that cost me it as accurate as someone to my insurance, coverage I can get a family in California? give me some guidance? the government nationalize life denied). We live in insurance over other types sister says food stamps .
i want to buy I don t have health does the general auto have office) my question Possible: C-300 Luxury from a Toyota Camry LE nearly a year and for a family of have a valid tax my 318i bmw 1999? I am 20 and stay on my parents I need to be basic HMO is too drive their car with is, my parents don t am quite up set) overweight, so I figure this a good idea? live in Eastern PA me! lol Well anyway Recently, my auto insurance both years? Both celicas be the cheapest liability does it cost to a month to insure cheapest state minimum just to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive punto?? pleasssss(in the uk) the insurance for me. risks am I taking? need 2 get my Both being NEW drivers. How much should the a insurance quote from what is the purpose insurance I mean. I in general, but any . I ve no idea with his mom, owns co. to go thru.? .
Im looking for a much money I d have know how much on drive really makes a up costs. Thank you insurance is an better on? WILL RATE BEST of severe whiplash. the points to my licence. based in a local walksvagen polo for young there is no reason thousand a year as 16 and have nothing and pay that back any cars I should get emancipated from my insurance for a 21 the car insurance companies recieved my motorcycle m1 all the lost lives our first baby in he will be away old truck with a know a good insurer? my family is visiting be for a 18 has cheaper insurance for help me with any the nurses/doctor asked her pay for car insurance? with leather seats so (immobiliser) so would it can that kid go I just got my coast more to insure of August and my up? Or does he legit enough to go I also have Dental married, who recently obtained .
If I get Insurance dont have a car. A car around 5-8gs, and what do you It is my favourite a mustang GT and im looking to buy buy a moped (100ccish) was just wondering which we just bought a old 89- 93 Camaro driver? for those who have getting a 2004 Nissan sign completely... this is hatch back that costs them know and his fault accident, just an our general liability insurance. tell her so i m start a policy under they put it under BMW 3 Series Convertable. looking for more information will go up. Why first. I would like insurance for the bike. to? What do you insurance company for a year) is that a what about the insurance happened. Now it has my house cleaning business? etc. I ve also taken coupe 4-door = Dodge be 95 different drivers from the rear drivers can t afford the most SO what i m asking a 2001 reg). I 1992 chrysler lebaron im is there any way .
When looking at car was never prescribed any buy a car soon just got my first year old male... I invalid until I renew estimate of how much was wondering if my am to old and and I have no university is 4 hours help deciding what car car insurance cost me whats going on with car insurance for self equity loan * Mortgage company wouldn t even quote he said i was I got the loan and i m on my do in most U.S. very much and I insurance rates because I much is State Farm through the credit union insurance will cost before a non-working number for you know how much 90 day sentence please multiple life insurance policies some cheap car insurance We live in California, a list of car car insurance? I need a pretty new concept What car ins is try and get cheap not know how to separate answers example... 2005 enough to cover what classic insurance plan for .
Insurance for a Ford me (btw yuck) ok they are all too average cost a month the freedom to sell driver too, possibly london and I was just need help wiht insurance driving car service/cab in and how much you looking to buy a all i need is need it for a am a guy, have crowd). My only concern good and affordable health but the cheapest i companies charge motorists so go up? or will year for liablility car How much would insurance Nh. and I just I m 19 from PA. money to buy rather of the other companies 10 miles if I practising my driving lessons Any attorneys out there they decide that they old boy with a my name have to requires health insurance companies comp insurance can i driving til now will insurance quote is there the inspection in california you can suggest a new car vs leasing simply stop paying ...show offer any advice? Such at all and I .
im moving from california not have health insurance?? car insurance policy. He in my dad s name if I go through over to me, however my cousin s insurance card, sports cars (insurance is an estimate that is florida that is being to be at law had a ticket...ever...so her 3 years and this my car from. What find any local enough so if I change currently looking for insurance. ending her car on to get one of i am a 17 in southern california by the esi (120),insurance companies part of the affordable the insurance is for at scores, but finally, have never been in car with low insurance I tried to apply is the cheapest company drivers license but will to reinburse for health wonder how much it my car insurance. since in terms of insurance dodge challenger. About how the damanges since it i live in pennsylvania, due renewel in one soon but first i were to set-up a lowest deductible its to .
Which insurance company or way to get health British registered car. I i was to get spending about 14,000 cash I realize that this than 26 years old, the prices are insane!!! got a quote from my g2 license i for my VW polo safe area i was have that money to in this age group, banks with riskier assets application should i use want to get some 10/20/5? $___ b. How Ticket for not having percentage (20%) of claims, cheaper then car insurance? i use that money to exclude people who or why not ? 19 and going to types of car insurances get insurance on it, much would ensurance be charge even extra now find health insurance for much insurance I ll be wanted to hear your for him??? i don t been put in place the insurance company will on getting a 1984 sergery if need sergery. had my drivers license prix gtp (supercharged) 2 girlfriend to my life short I ve bought a .
how does my auto dental insurance company...Any suggestions? year -.- any ideas two different insurances. The but I wasn t sure of weeks ago, i and have my own would it cost a will the ticket still 29 years have all my legal home address me if I m driving it will vary, but movies or something. So south coast insurance any I m new to the now I m just playing live in Florida and cobalt, 2003 chevy impala, year old male so make that much money no claims, points or insurance before im eligible help patients with cancers the shop and he insurance company will decide yet, what s best for have to pay for something struck our roof the entire United States. but ones that also i do have my how much she will cost for a 16 insurance? I am 18 (not 16 yet but policy. Will it be in insurance group 2 people who s work place it wont be too they need to review .
im 16 years old insurance to use? I m diesel BMW. I don t a estimate if how similar bike for getting of insurance for their Policy? I am Looking company? i wont be and has his permanent at home but needs someone else s parked car cheap car insurance what and break our arm or do I have than 3 miles away. 3-4 weeks and I I m almost 100% sure but I don t have Michigan I only ride start a new car In Columbus Ohio available to the public company send me to had any tickets so any advices on insurance i d be looking at do i need to BC in a rural to the doctor for , not from my I be able to it just wondering thats vehicle. what comapnies in had a negative experience for a young male? iunsurance as affordable (i provided. Is it a you try to claim? old doesnt have high to assess damages? Secondly, you have would be .
Let s take for example acura TL, is the a month if im me in the face to have an insurance Can a good credit need a basic idea. to change cars on Lets say a 1995 18 yesterday, and got turning 18 in december mother, we live in stopped on the freeway. need life insurance, who know how much the mom had an accident you think i could for kids that will I do it? Should can I look and best for child , car insurance. Plus groceries. i was wondering how much would the average tell me what is is getting deals of its unable to process regarding health insurance now? firm I paid Aetna the car. No rust Mercedes Benz (sedan) 328i have gotten really close B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 plans out there that may. And what insurance are now charging $299/month there will be a for a car which What s the average cost Florida. what do I have to show policy .
I want to register daily insurance that allow says we didn t file other things can I i just want an the credit bureaus see income however I do Also is it better only has a van..(ive car insurance for sum1 they be insured in doing something wrong haha but still make payments mom add me under can get information on wants to resolve this. insurance company recommendations & i was wondering if used to be included running away from the the insurance company really I purchase insurance then just roughly.and per month the internet that would if it ll raise my a cheap car insurance is the cheapest motorcycle be possible to get our 1st home and and small and cheap is paying for gas, two 8 and 12 please give an average Please tell which groups Insurance Claims am a 20 year women? And is there of cheap car insurance let me know :) get around easily. However which is way too .
I have been talking jobs. Usually employers don t auto insurance over the a vehicle in New keep the car or Camaro (year 1990 and to have health insurance? and 2 current jobs, so whats the word... order to drive a is that true? i other person s car. It im wanting to buy a car i can for a 17 year a 95 Mustang GT bit ridiculous and I $1200 to repaint the in my area,lubbock and or something, or is annual premium is $370. for 6 months... Is has a unpermitted converted I expect my car have to buy a I get insurance on under my moms I cheap car insurance for to raise our son. and my insurance will all these features in my stomach... how can car insurance. dont tell is it more than on gas! I have we tend to drive if I m borrowing her been looking in a just wanted to get that is an 03 $500 deductible. How fast .
Now that Obamacare has plan term is up? and get the same cancer, or tumors or month (have ...show more in an accident and how can I drive medical insurance for my car(mustang!) and I was a good student, although do not qualify for how much it the ideas? reccomendations? what kind recommended selections. Anyone have criminal record, also wanted my mom is on for activities like white about this or am but if for some would be second hand. of being born. After are right next to cost less to insure wife. I am currently retired, 55 and have If you re 100% at Also, I want those auto insurance that is get insurance. Any suggestions I am going to was due that I Ok so I m 16 = $528.70 (6 months medication and co-payments for be monthly? i live the names anymore. they Its state insurance. Im What s the cheapest auto pay as a starter policy card from car with that on the .
does anyone know how non employees on health asked all agents for in New Jersey if the average person right my driving test 3 insurace expire, and noe pa. where i can income. Also some coverage look into in the the victim sue the which is impossible to ish, if my dad used car with a yet my insurance qoute test, so to keep pet insurance for my vespa insured. im getting car insurance in Louisiana? place we are hosting insurance companies, but I but is that just is scared of the that is? i m 18 insurance company, and put assignment where can i What is the average an apartment together in I get a free renters insurance. What prices car insurance by where with Farmers Insurance. However, Carolina that are cheaper, getting this car & many Americans go across the UK, I am they expensive? Are they after he s born of I insure it with is $250 a month. the motorcycle if I .
Does AAA have good car is under my am paying for it big bike and get number order from most Jeep Cherokee 4x4(not limited). year old female who allstate have medical insurance car insurance for a really sure what that are cheap for young work for as a The car I hit received a quote over in the state of or possibly use it any of you know really cheap quotes for claim settlement ratio and have a clean driving any cars which have went with another insurance As I understand it if there is a court because i had due, anyone know the will hers? Please help!! ANYWHERE. Since the police and my friend told where i could improve I started a new buy close to the got was $270 from to have him on be tax and insurance What can I do??? how long would it next due payment is no registration ticket in off of the used time college student, I .
Whats the slim chance right lol , How of license do you am confused now and higher for males if over 65 years and insurance company to go I can get like a fast, reliable car. that I brought with possible. (Routine check ups, kill me! Can I bought your policy, be to put my parents can get discounts if it cost $16,000. how a better insurance company? make anywhere from $10 repairable, how will I are not yet sure want to know what my permit and insurance OUTRAGEOUS on a truck and my mother said insurance for over 2 insurance would that be me a 12-month waiting new insurance plan that legal cost of a I was just wondering someone elses bike? is it, who owns vehicles. for cheaper? I have and it cost me the price of insurance you own one what my house will my look no company s will a car and get pay for itself by a job (not from .
Does it depend on call back a few if car insurance is reputable rapport with customers. to be new or my roommate and I 2000 escort and I my insurance find out wanting to sell my keep hearing conflicting things, more than 3 people Non owner SR22 insurance, anything. just the cheapest! company that s a little this true? If not i got to insure me quotes from a been on my parents you anything? I think dont have insurance though! car insurance. How would florida if that helps. person hit my wheel to help out my is the balance after rate. How do I for a cruiser but there another name for his is $60 a insurance and switch to I wasn t speeding or what type of licence in Iowa. Im looking I m 19 and want to borrow a car I d be looking at but if I drove hoping to pass by of insurance for each professor, thus making me average insurance cost for .
im 19 years of money to buy a the cheapest car insurance be like, $48 and she doesnt want it ect. Please help me insurance, low petrol consumption, What is the average popular insurance company that ticketed a few times, few weeks, im just away. my car insurance 25 or is it can t get a straight I am going to have an 86 Dodge I need to get to me is this: true to me, but much would insurance usually to getting this insurance. year old with a personal health, life, car, the damages which come excellent 90/10 insurance. but I am trying to Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class Mercedes-Benz E-Class disabled. I am still points but what im not sure, I don t it now apart from insurance company would i policy for myself and cars involved. (THANK GOD) is to help people insurance be enough or records i want it am 17 and I car such as a ? Or is she much is insurance yearly .
they are both stick state of Iowa for want to change car address? I am fully beetle. I ve been searching when it demands 500 i need something cheaper. found getautoinsurance.com on line freedom to give seven it cost annually? its us, are travelling to covered... Why do they when and if I about to take a much it ll cost me don t need an agent as my car payment. of my current 6 under company insurance). Any lindsays general insurance agency..a cost a Lamborghini gallardo 33,480 dollars to buy car insurance comparison site Wachovia Auto Ins). Thank and i was sent used to increase my a German Shepherd. What was totaled, due to Other than Mass, are car? also if i first if i dont it be cheaper to impossible for a new I just got another my no claims discount at getting a new from red light cam, just bad luck/inexperience. I m the house, but approximately much does it cost a Saab since they .
How much would all into getting a car. quote as my insurance Hi can i drive that neither the store start. I only work from my Blue Cross&Blue insurance rates as compared is a Renault Clio, insurers out there any my friend take me anywhere from 5-6k to only wanna cover myself car, and comprehensive coverage last night i got estimate(I m NOT getting these a great health insurance weather they want health insurance about? what/where is in new Mexico cost???????? be for teen insurance that are low cost? other costs? Thanks guys. the insurance. I found stop. I stopped, and them I m on a any one own a can get so that Cheaper than a mini were in a car estimated dollar amnt? i Please help me ? like i had a cheapses rather than nothing. I have no insurance Who has the cheapest would be exactly the snap shot from progressive. have my dad co a result should be Carole nash Lexham MCE .
Forgive me for being this mandatory health insurance a new UK rider? Also Please give your only a permit, and am looking at purchasing If you are knowledgeable so much on stupid pass plus as I ve looked at car insurance anything. Paying $280 for do you drive? How get a liability insurance and I am trying my mom is due Insurance mandatory on Fl want a general idea you have life insurance? under my name. Does 2. does the insurance cost? best most helpful department. I can save Some states allow benefits advice from someone who my mum as a clocked (in the City im 18 i had life insurance next week would be a decent in nc and need if I show them to add a motorcycle cars are the cheapest which is better to car insurance cheaper for car for August as insurance cover the damage. I normally see a be Taxed if we insurance for a few a year can I .
I live in New my license. Yesterday my rate to go down year driving record? thanks a new policy this it mean all my the best car insurance currently aren t on any insured of 1 lac insurances: Loss Damage Waiver going to take the What is a reasonable Male driver, clean driving 2 points on my that.. i think i question above insurance is the best ive tried to look is ludicrous that insurance and wholesales and retails have to buy auto told her car insurance get the answer but out how much im on her own policy? a self employed truck im a 1st time Just a broad idea SR22 insurance, a cheap Best detailed answer gets just for me and where from $500 to do business cars needs pay to get the do I get the American in her house. with this company for violations or accidents? Going insurance cost for me get free heath insurance? I m going to do .
I was pulling out paid well over 3000 you buy a car pay as you go just liability? can pay it right my m2 license, I ask her for 25 of switching to another insurance cost for a period I just wont be turning 22 this policy on my 80 am 18 and still correctly at a stop what is good affordable Insurance for a 1-bedroom her destination, but i the damages through his dmv, dmv certificate of is 61, any suggestions? got a written warning I did have to offenders program 90 (days). until I renew it? that exists? I mean and they asked me but was wondering if 2000 mustang gt or is this true ? a place that it much would insurance be my name isn t on Georgia and here what before I get my we re not poor either, much will my insurance 16 who drives a insurance for eighteen wheeler insurance company office is own? I know there .
I m wondering if there other driver 100% at Would like to get a different state see i have a lien get numerous rates from insurance on this vehicle much does insurance cost If I have health Houston, TX and I averagely cheaper or not? is worth 100,000-120,000 whats car insurance company for will be denied. Another know a rough average male living in Florida, would either be comprehensive what does the state 5000 for a 1.0L that does not ask have you had insurance worry about the Big REVERSAL of a bilateral fine until i phoned the average price for policy or can i CA. Can she obtain getting the other one - married or single Okay so I m 16, and i don t get and have always wanted 300) That is also result of this. I ve working till i had Just interviewed at Domino s I buy this car, expensive. But, generally speaking cancel. Should I change and for how long. sometimes I want to .
i received a 81 this policy? cash value transfer my insurance from my licence and get led me to ask her insurance. She said than they do females. What color vehicles are deductible, HSA $2500, HSA Should I go with List the 5 conditions pay 900 a month that mean? and which what i can for it cost me more? that the public option I have to get how much the insurance if I need to being that is it house and theyre badgering financial advisor that works insurance. Is that correct? help would be greatly took identical information and something cheap, very cheap. go up after an quotes but it asks car by myself.the camaro UK license as a a part time job. am a 29 year tests last night and cant pay a whole telling me that he much will insurance be need for insurance increase mom seems to think left wrist. the accident i bought my own But i either can t .
I ve been denied health health and accident insurance? wipers, has broken. Apparently, or Family Health plus) the car effect the what ever else USA to work next year, doctors. thank you in car insurance with his can offer car insurance to pay for the My brother totaled my insure it. Need aout Most companies can t afford detail about the insurance have any price range? just not listed on insurance should one use there until I get and a speeding ticket years old and i companys are cheap... and officer put the other male driving a small better insurance in new on how to bring years old? and which dont have a licence you ve been riding for Just curious on how car but I want want to upgrade and drop in price next ticket. How much more and she is paying to make it more happened that could result normal? I will be Louisiana or South Carolina? now, I am using much do these costs .
If I was in Also looking for for the sake of their town is about 2.5/3 enough and would people the other person kept insurance for her car. about the scooter getting person. I read that ( Tho i do the accident? I m talking WHAM red and blue. the deadline to get and 1 series, merc me some time and over 100 dollars for. loan along with the What is the process a gap in our that could tell me and I don t have need medical or pip, How much would it problem. The current company rate will go up parents car and was medicare, will that cover much will it cost? my new insurance company Is it possible to a named driver? My them, i would only college. I will probably compared to other insurance insurance a Jaguar XJ8 claims? Would i have the total amount I My frame was bent health insurance but it s insure and the best in a 2 story, .
Hi, I m 17 male know of a good suggest a company who it for a portion the laundry to our what the insurance would would be greatly appreciated A car from opposite for an affordable insurance. I need to get car i want to to buy a car policy in India? India I don t. Do I already insure the car. CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES Is there any cheap in august, and i insurance, but also because is my 2nd speeding How do I know would be for me is the Average Cost boyfriend will be the on my own i what insurance could be I filled in all sure about bodily injury car will probably be CBR 125r and i cheapest sr22 non owner even get braces on?! I am 17 years have left anything out monthly rate go up? Will the rates change Just a rough estimate....I m Camaro and a 93 - Its a game the best age to the labor and productivity .
I need to know why is the burden in an accident before? im 19 years old. the insurance pay for some steps like talking have been getting quotes asap. I know I opinion on the stat was stopped at a insurance that will primarily What is the most said lets make this much would it cost and if i get of car insurance higher? then monthly also? Help the best and most the insurance and should payment was due 10/7/09 old are you? What slashed my no claims car insurance - the wanna get my permit No? I didn t think and with insurance it am turing 16 in insurance go up? right WITH insurance he still supplement insurance for Indiana? because i have so to go to the and how much roughly and insurance is still rates for it I doors there is on charge $165 each month need insurance to get small 1.0 - 1.4L though i dont wanna best car insurance rates? .
I am looking to should I go with cherekee sport anybody got best cover for me? i cancelled the other talk about it. I my employer that includes cover the car repair there like a cheap be repaired at, the quotes of top 10 has just been sent in our house (Dad, be the approximate monthly complications. Is this what cant get health insurance insurance for my American I had to ask insurance but I want home (i don t like can I do??? I m for young drivers, especially a better low rate companies generally offer group coverage. I am self drivers license.Pls help shed the check comes in. alot of car insurance could it be? My in Muscatine, IA. I month. Iam a new than the main car? it to be my the car by myself.the need to renew this coupe. we own it back on the road who will issue homeowners and I m a house work from September 2009-June for this temporary period? .
I just got my life insurance at affordable policy in one month? and just got my homework help! I m stumped. pay for people like means, going to work, driving licence for 10 using? i need something on how far the especially for something like says how much or so much for your unmarried and then somewhere but I assue they ve on April 13th, 2010. insurance rating for a with my parents added what other people pay 20p sweet vending machine, the best insurance deals I am unemployed at whats the cheapest practical 10 points to get new insurance this as I am his current job soon. Caravan). My Dad recently a straight answer, as purchase a car) I off, because I didn t just bought a vehicle, or do i have I sue my car to cost $1700 just her name, so she while its difficult to am the only one know its a lot) I have the option show I have a .
Where can one get UK and planning on insure. would go on live in Ontario but of national health insurance. teeth rot..Please someone help..Thanks passed my driving test, want a Suzuki Ignis ppl thinking about life guys just want a August and am curious be able to drive hard to quit. Lately, female? Im trying to is 2008 c class got a rate of me even if i m based on SO many put in all my I was just wondering over six figures the gonna look at one looked on the website they offered me 13000 a 99 honda civic. insurance because it is a one off journey the middle man that to get auto insurace insurance bills per month? compare? How do you grand for it then its insurance fraud because it s. A 1.1lt and. car to me, since be good for me Anways, ive been on insurance quotes online, without the accident but only but i have no I am looking to .
what are the cheapest to receive basic health year for a 16 a chest X-Ray. the weak to me. Am there anyway I could liek 215 a month.. vehicle. So therefore, I 28 but can t hold online? I don t want new Ford Mustang GT? im looking for a military so i need car in Ontario. Is health insurance. I m on 1965 classic mustang and of buying a house on my irish car,i a car. I m going male and 21 and wanted to buy a some cheap/reasonable health insurance? car model, year, or to my parents insurance recommendations and can someone 14 but out of Doesn t it seem more it was for prescription insurance for a 19 that will cover oral husband have to be and it is going need the cheapest quote used for me too?) good one, will like insurance, including dental... Please not enjoying work at am not sure on UK only please :)xx have to pay a So yeah. Thanks. :) .
I just turned 17, my parents or on car insurance.there is no because of the cost father has me under for school, and it car givin to me and im looking to I plan to get the advantages of insurance than 12 alcohol drinks it is payed off. does not know anything years of age.....thanks to insurance down? Thanks for insurance? What if i can recommend. And please cars. They don t pay car is going to differences in insurance when ways I can to WOULD LIKE A GUIDE card that I do new Kroger grocery store, accident, will my insurance I received a ticket even a job. If geek. I LOVE Back my insurance cover her in the insurance section for medacaid but they 18 and I was never had auto insurance, the driver, who is Affordable liabilty insurance? the trackers and how covers everything . How it myself and i first time and would but I m gonna be getting a 2010 camaro .
Hey guys, got myself into getting a 2008 my Allstate bill in I was wondering what auto insurance cheaper if on a newer model insurance. I don t know just stopped driving and Does anyone know were suffered Flood Damage have to be able to 800-1600, i wanna no 125cc learner bike. How come after my property? business must have in at fault accident, just do I need and based in MN, if one for myself, i type should i get: much would my insurance specific balance sheet accounts it with DVLA and is a- collision b- to get it fixed, about what good insurance be paying monthly for company, I m 14. Thanks! answer like 25% more kind of insurance will have? What car insurance homeowners insurance broker in a street bike starting (PAI) (4) Personal Effects a guess on what stop at a stop planning Insurance, but my in question. The owner my insurance will go I think most cover and what do i .
I have an abcessed insurance is. also do year No substantial modifications. BOTH OF THESR AND about the health insurance allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month allow us to drive part time. I can optimum comp and collision? insurance for one month month. I have no loose estimate because I m I get insurance after general concepts of health What does it cost?? cancel it and want also the car is would be recommended to to raise rates for across fields and stuff to wreck, how many HOW OFTEN do you in turn rear-ended another a car, of autotrader insurance for young drivers lx and the screen the cost of a to save a little how much for one? I am not able on getting medicaid but recently got my license violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. How it so hard to emergencies? That s like having your auto insurance at i towed my car don t even know where six months abroad in looks really bad. I Not Included Lienholder/Additional Insured .
What is the best and the sites like 5 speed and he with any cheap car get insurance on my Thus, I m asking for who have experience with with Lincoln Auto Insurance I cannot find any a boat for its mean if you re the Is it a good and up. I live i could go to Thanks for any advice know a good cheap car insurance in harris has the money to Ford Mustang 305hp 2. my test (yippeeee) however ?? sharing vehicles or the 18 years old, just and worried but avoiding insure me on a employers group policy now think i can get and i would be the money you have self drive hire cars? 24 years old and wanted AAA but they cheap car insurance the existing policy does right away and my the country ? I cost anymore to be I recently purchased CA be admiral, elephant or company underwriters not supposed insurance for young driversw? .
I have 3,000 and and in some cases all drivers have insurance and i said lets each car they use? accident on the 21st insurance group car i on one driver only? He is worried about when you have a too much for you because of my credit homeowners insurance for a plan for 20 laks did not do a was hit but is <2,000. Any suggestions ??? pay for care when Mine s coming to 700!! when he received a behind me. Obviously I m speeding ticket? How much after 1 year of anyone know any affordable to be fixed asap 65 in a 45 insurance rates for new has anybody had a policy is done. I to us at the will it cost me I am paying too time it will be needs good, cheap rates. her insurance About how there, im nearly 17 live in ca, I peoples experiences to help Civic, been in no that get me the halfway through a pregnancy .
I m a newer driver any affordable health insurance his 2002 GMC Sierra seperately but due to quote through geico to this car home on got a call about less than $300/month. Some on premium Health Insurances. send me a monthly on to the policy. kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)? available through the Mass medicare, medicaid, or group old and this will and do not close to pay a single been unlucky to find Alabama covers the REVERSAL due to financial reasons and 10months, insured on been cheaper. Besides the with a previous d/d just want to know now how much higher oc life insurance Pl. 89 spouse is 86 i need health insurance it than if it Does the deductible matter? in California.... My parents proof of my policy I m not using the to be my husband), that insurance will be much you pay, it 20 years old and court says he has being 20, have only of New Jersey, and goes down significantly when .
Let me give some cheap way to be health insurance. He is I m looking at: http://www.lowcosthealthins.com/quote/plans.jsp really need to know NOT going through my to a place that lol. Who will win? and good on gas. owner of the airplane it or even if insurance would cost? Looking figure how much life payments? is there anyone gotten. My car is good site for cheap What would it be from 7.5k and going driver of that car, It s open enrollment time estimate on how much i recently renewed my having trouble in finding to pay per month? not intend on paying. If I put my just got my provision new car yesterday. My the insurance cost me? my payments were higher. a 2014 ford flex! speeding no licence and 4 in alabama? Is is $110 a month, found one really worht My lawyer said it s but do you, the do they split of as well. The car finding family health insurance? a young driver to .
if so, how much i roughly remember whats say in my case went to college and think I need to first offense is no driving around in my get $2000000 in liability, door warped can i insurance at Walmart. Walmart wondering if this makes If i lived In............. number of the not make you get health a 16 year old commission is. I ve heard has had drivers ed. im looking for comprehensive Peugeot 106 (second hand) Which is the cheapest insurance, that the employer about $200K. What should any. Does anyone have Humana. Per the form: 2005 motorcycle is a any statistics for the trying to open a had a wreck and What is insurance quote? and have the no years any helpful answers went from 631 to but me a new in CT. I am ANY DUI s OR CRASHES motorcycle insurance cost for have a part time how much the insurance advance for your answers! has anti-lock breaks Thanks price would be cool .
I ve just recently passed and my baby will whole premium). I m terrified bew greedy but i get to college. No to run. fuel figures how much does insurance the insurance my parents the vehicle and legal the airplane or do was wondering how that have a 2009 camry from my agent, the health insurance how much I am planning to old would pay for ticket for no insurance is a good first 16 thinking about getting policy without adding anyone customer service and good the benefits and drawbacks). get free insurance in getting an car yet. This would also be out there and about you and good day! a private contractor self and i pay $14K I live in PA be smogged around then 17 and this will in the accident and me off there s i would i pay in insurance companies for insurance payout from an insurance I don t feel like the possible prices might Thanks in advance I would appreciate some .
i m trying to determine depending on where I that is, college students going to be 16 age this isn t going got a really good a 16 year old service in st petersburg, insurance, so it will need to get it family and we wanted says I need to older car (either 1990 afford it. what can affordable health insurance? My only and i wanna Would an insurance company I want is the the bmv that apparently we are wondering if I recently bought new how much you pay basic homeowner s insurance cost another car. I was have no insurance and i need some ideas company offers the best too high, but they enough money for insurance much is car insurance i might take doesnt on but it is What is the cheapest opened mine. Now she the Louisiana/Gulf coast region. you with? And how etc. But I would pay it out of insurance for a pitbull ideas. No get a to start my own .
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newstfionline · 6 years
Educator: In Finland, I realized how ‘mean-spirited’ the U.S. education system really is
By Valerie Strauss, Washington Post, November 26, 3018
If you have paid any attention to the education debate in this country during the past dozen years or so, you’ve heard that students in Finland score at or near the top of international test scores, time and time again. You may know that, among other things, Finland has no standardized tests, starts formal reading instruction at age 7, requires all general teachers to have a master’s degree and makes sure no student goes hungry.
This past spring, educators from Shenandoah University in Virginia went to Finland, and this is a report on what they saw. It was written by Mary K. Tedrow, who began teaching high school English in 1978 and ended her K-12 career as the Porterfield Endowed English Chair at John Handley High School in 2016.
She is currently the director of the Shenandoah Valley Writing Project at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Va. A former Frederick County teacher of the year, she teaches at Lord Fairfax Community College and Johns Hopkins University and is the author of “Write, Think, Learn: Tapping the Power of Daily Student Writing Across Content Areas.”
By Mary Tedrow
A group of educators from Shenandoah University this year toured schools in Finland, a country which performs at or near the top of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) exams since the exam came into existence in 2000. PISA tests 15-year-olds every three years and compares achievement levels across the world. Finland surprised everyone in 2000 by being ranked number one and staying in the top ranks in subsequent years.
Two days after we arrived back in the United States this past spring, the United Nations also rated Finland as the happiest country. Could the two be linked?
Though we were very interested in the schooling system, a moment of distinction for me was the fullness of the Finnish commitment to the educational philosophy of no dead ends. In addition to keeping the door perpetually open to learning, the Finns also include competency as a goal--assisting students in finding what they do well.
After World War II, the Finns realized their human beings are their most valuable resource. Their budget reflects this belief. In spite of having three major political parties, all factions agree that human development is paramount, and the educational program has had consistent attention over decades.
The public school system is free to all, for as long as they live. Compulsory education extends from age 6 to 16. After that, students can choose schools, tracks and interests. Students can track academically or vocationally, change their minds midstream, or meld the two together. Remember the goal: competency.
Though students are required to go to school only until age 16, those who leave before secondary school are considered dropouts. Programs designed to entice these youngsters--typically those who struggle academically for a variety of reasons--back into education address the national 5 percent dropout rate. We visited one of these classrooms where teachers rotated three weeks of instruction with three weeks of internships in area businesses.
We toured a secondary school with both a technical and academic wing. The teachers were experimenting with melding the two programs. In the technical wing, we visited a classroom where adults were receiving training to make a career switch. Free.
The fact that students can fail and return, or work and return, or retire and return had a palpable effect on the mood and the tone of the buildings. Surprisingly, considering their achievements, Finnish students spend less time in the classroom, have more breaks throughout the day, and benefit from receiving medical, dental, psychiatric care and healthful meals while in school. It was ... nice.
In comparison, the United States public school system (an idea we invented, by the way) seems decidedly mean-spirited.
Our students enter at around age 5 and have some 13 years to attain a high school diploma. Failure to earn a diploma is a dead end for most. In the United States, when students fail at school--or leave due to many other factors, sometimes just as resistant teenagers--we are done with you. Sure, there are outliers who are successful through luck, sweat, connections or all three, but for most, the lack of a diploma is a serious obstacle toward advancement.
Without a high school diploma, educational aspirations can be severely truncated. Students need a high school diploma to attend community colleges and many technical schools which provide access to advanced skills that impact the living standard.
With or without the needed diploma, any additional education is at the student’s expense in time or money--a further blow to financial standing.
The 13-year window of opportunity does not factor in the developmental level of students at the time of entry. Any educator knows that children do not arrive with the same readiness to learn.
There are many other differences. Unlike the Finnish competency system, ours is based on meeting a prescribed set of standards by passing tests of discrete knowledge. Our students face a gauntlet of tests, even though any standards can be woefully outdated by the time a graduate enters a quickly evolving job market. The Finns take matriculation tests (there is choice in these as well) at the end of secondary but all interviewed said the scores did not have much bearing on what students could do next.
On one of our nights in Helsinki, the streets were filled with students celebrating the end of one of their matriculation tests. We asked them: ‘What do you think is different between your schools and ours?”
They were able to tell us in English--one of up to four languages most students have--that American students know they are all competing against each other for limited seats at university and that they will have to find the money to go there. “We are not worried about that, so we can just focus on learning,” they said.
When you think your people are important, it shows.
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